#the beauty in an AU is seeing how canon events play out
alchely · 2 months
My Top Gallavich fics
So, under the advice of the lovely @iangallagherisadeadman I've decided to compile a favorites Gallavich fic list along with a brief rec of each, this won't be a strict top 10 cause I'm not gonna torture myself into excluding some of these stories on some made-up self imposed arbitrary rules.
A bunch of disclaimers: most of these fics are long fics, going from 30k words up, I'm not purposefully excluding shorter fics, I have read plenty of them, but they do have a harder time sticking in my head months after reading.
Most of these fics will be explicit, just read the tags on the fic itself if you want to find out more.
Some of these fics don't have links because the authors chose to lock them and as such make them unlinkable, in order to read them you will need to go through the author's page while you're logged in your AO3 account.
This ended up ballooning out of control and is A LOT longer than ten fics, I apologize in advance :p.
YOU'LL NEVER SEE US AGAIN – spoonfulstar - 231k words
Mickey and Ian have been students at Marceline boarding school their whole lives, as their time at the institute draws toward the end they will start to discover many things, about themselves, about each other and about the world they live in.
THIS FIC! I CRIED! The number of fanfiction that are able to make me cry can be counted on a singular hand, the emotional stakes get higher and higher as the story goes on, leading to a beautiful and bittersweet climax.
This story will make you think and feel deeply about topics you'd never think a shameless fic would delve into.
I am obsessed with Mickey in this fic, he and Ian grow up in an environment that could not be more removed from South Side Chicago and yet his personality is still so recognizably and distinctly Mickey.
The story goes very dark at times, and the fic itself could be considered lengthy, but I assure you the author has made sure to not make you feel it. Those 200k words flowed so well the story did not feel long at all.
HELP ME (TEAR DOWN MY REASON) – wehangout - 34k words
Mickey is a detective and Ian becomes a suspect in an investigation except Mickey already knows him because he's his favorite dancer.
This fic falls under the umbrella of fics where “Mickey is so in love with Ian he does something unbelievably crazy”.
Oooh boy, this fic, it's written in second person (yes you've read that right), tbh out of all fics I've read from this author I think this one was the easiest to adjust mentally to the change in perspective.
I loved Mickey’s “love” in this, just… This raw connection to Ian, the perfect cocktail of feelings, I could read that all day long.
IN ANOTHER WORLD – Roryonic - 249k words
Mickey does not get sent to prison at the end of S5, what happens after and how his presence influences future events (mostly Ian, but also every other Gallagher as well as his own family).
As far as I'm concerned this fic is the closest to a perfect S6 and beyond fix-it. The dialogue writing in this story is so close to canon Shameless that I could picture entire scenes in my head with the actors playing the characters, with their body and personality quirks.
Sometimes I find myself describing this fic like it's the actual show's deleted scenes, “Look, Mickey has his own storyline! And Mandy is here! And the existence of Yevgeni does not become a plot hole!”
There are some Mickey lines in this fic that to me are as canon as if they'd been in the show. Absolutely iconic writing.
I love this author so here's a rec of some of their other longfics, however I highly suggest a lot of their other much shorter stuff as well:
BATTLESHIPS AND LOVE BOATS: Ian and Mickey start their “no strings attached” kind of sex relationship a little later than canon but their attraction and love is just as strong. This is a sort of High School AU that turns into a Prison AU that turns into something else and every shift is just as lovely as the next.
YOU SMELL LIKE LOVE: Ian and Mickey are childhood friends, to the point that the rest of the Gallaghers might as well consider Mickey a seventh brother, mmmh, I sure wonder how things will start to change. Look, I never thought I'd love a childhood friends AU for Gallavich yet here I am, if it's good it's good.
ME AND THE DEVIL: Mickey unconsciously calls for a vengeance demon and Ian Gallagher shows up at his door, because Mickey is a stubborn dumbass they fall in love instead. This story has a lot of twists and turns and the premise is only the very beginning of the story. I LOVED it!
Ian is a dancer in a club, he accidentally gets involved in the affair of a dangerous mafia don, but the true danger is the attraction he and the mafioso’s right hand Mickey feel for each other as soon as they meet.
What. A. Classic. Truly, an unforgettable story, and I don't mean this in hyperbole, I read this story around… 2016/2017 during my second round in the Shameless fandom, then I read countless other fics in a lot of other fandom and yet this story was the only one that my mind retained from back then, to the point that I could still remember some of the finer details as well as the final plot twists when I came back to reread it.
The plot is constructed beautifully and the original characters (part of the Shamelessquestions fanfiction universe, as they come back time and time again in every one of their AU to fulfill their role in the story) are just as vibrant.
What a story, truly.
Favorite original character in this AU: Sal, his downfall is so satisfying and yet so pitiful to read.
Ian finds something scary and calls Mickey for help, even though they had only reconnected that very day after two years of not seeing each other. Together, they get sucked into a situation they weren't at all prepared for. Can they even admit that they're in over their head?
The very beginning of this fic is SO cinematic it grabbed my interest from the very first scene and didn't let go until the end, DO NOT search for spoilers.
The only warning I'll give is that it does deal with a bit of gore and what I'm personally gonna define as slight psychological horror. That's it. Enjoy!
BROKE STRAIGHT BOYS – dancermk - 66k words
Mickey becomes a porn actor for a site where he has to pretend he's straight and not enjoying the copious amount of gay sex he's having on camera, enter Ian, another actor under the same agency and their off the chart physical chemistry.
This story has, needless to say, some really, really good smut. I especially loved their first time together, but every sex scene in this story is seared in my mind.
ETHERIZED AGAINST THE SKY – Snarfle - 213k words
So, I debated whether I should add this fic or not, but I think if there is one fic that will stay in my mind long after this Shameless binge of the past couple of months it's this one, and it should absolutely become one of those fic that everyone in the fandom should read.
After Mickey gets shot by Kash his life takes a completely different direction and he ends up in a group home where, through many difficult times, he turns his life around.
So many iconic moments in this fic, some funny as fuck, some sad, some so absurd that I'm surprised they weren't lifted straight from Shameless, one so gruesome in the very first chapter that I was surprised to have such a visceral feeling from just words on a screen. Yeah, this story will stay with me for a long time.
OLD RULES FOR NEW SIDE PIECES – Shamelessquestions - 217k words
Ian is a Fed and he spots Mickey looking suspicious in an art museum, the mutual attraction is overwhelming, Mickey is not what he seems and Ian is already with someone else, but that's not gonna stop him from pursuing what he and Mickey have.
Putting it as bluntly as I can, this fic made me face the realization that I love cheating fics (if the cheating happens to someone else to bring together the endgame couple). I have already reread this fic twice and I could probably go for another one and not get tired of it, it's that good, and out of all this author's fics it's probably my favorite.
Favorite original characters in this AU: It's a three way tie between Dre, Ivan and Carrie, they're all very captivating in this story.
Other fic from this author I'd recommend cause I really love their style:
LOST IN TRANSLATION: Ian meets a very attractive man while he's in Ukraine who doesn't speak English, a mere language barrier won't stop him from flirting for hours. (adorable)
YOU MAKE ME FEEL HUMAN – Dragona - 66k words
Ian is an assassin, he meets Mickey and thus begins a very sick love story.
To say I'm obsessed with this fic is an understatement, I suggest to everyone to just go read the original author’s own description of the fic, it sets the tone of the story magnificently.
This is an Ian Gallagher that almost resembles Jerome (also played by Cameron in Gotham) but like… a slightly more subdued and saner S1/S2 version of him. I love the layers that get peeled right in front of my eyes, the madness that creeps in a bit more every chapter. I LOVE this story.
DRIED INK - 87k words
This fic combines my two favorite Gallavich-specific tropes, one being ‘Mickey comes back from prison after s6, Ian is with someone else’ and ‘Ian cheats on that someone else for Mickey’
I love the Gallaghers in this and how unsurprised they are at Ian going back to Mickey right away. It's a little jewel of a fic.
Mickey tries SO hard to stop himself and Ian in this but their love is too magnetic, they're irresistible to each other.
THE QUESTION OF NORMAL – blue_newman - 92k words
Ian is a prison counselor, Mickey is in prison, they fall in love and it's beautiful and Ian is incredibly devoted to Mickey in this fic and I fell in love with them both in this.
KINDA RAW – catgrassplantdad - 6k
Quite simply this is my favorite short pwp fic.
Illustrating those “five times” in one night that Mickey references in 11x01.
This fic is so hot, I love it <3
QUATERVOIS – DodgerBear - 51k words
Soldier Mickey gets stationed in the middle of nowhere and meets a farmer called Ian who makes him question everything.
Falling under the same umbrella of “Mickey does something crazy for Ian” fics and this is why it stuck in my mind even if it's been a while since I've read it.
I LOVE this story, their dialogues and everything that happens in it. The setting is lovely and you will fall in love with the description of Ian’s farm.
Other fic by the same author that I also loved:
BURDEN OF PROOF: Cop Mickey gets caught in a legal battle between the two oldest Gallagher brothers, something doesn't feel right though…
THE WORDS HE DOESN'T SAY: Mickey is released before Ian in s10 and has to meet a court-mandated therapist. The story is from the therapist POV and goes AU from the beginning of s10 in that Mickey gets involved back into Yev and Svetlana’s life, the dialogue is, quite obviously, the main attraction of the story and it's really well done. (Also, written in first person).
THE MENAGERIE – CrossMyDNA - 147k words
Ian decides to re-explore his bdsm preferences at The Menagerie where he meets sub extraordinaire Mickey on his very first visit.
Shameless is undoubtedly the fandom that opened my eyes to what bdsm could be back in… approx 2016? When that other popular bdsm fic was still around *ahem*.
So it definitely feels like a sign that coming back into the fandom this fic now exists and is SO GOOD.
Obviously it's very explicit, the smut in this fic is one of the best I've ever read.
The chemistry between Ian and Mickey sizzles off the screen and can absolutely be felt even in moments not of the nsfw variety, absolutely recommended!
MICKEY MILKOVICH’S GUIDE TO FLIRTING – whatwouldmickeydo - 40k words
An s2 “missing moments” between Gallavich, completely canon compliant, all under the pretense that Mickey is following a step by step guide to flirting.
I wish this fic was describing canon moments, not kidding a single bit, I wish I could somehow magically manifest these scenes into existence they're that good and fit that well into canon.
M8TE – gallawitch - 53k words
Omegaverse fic where Ian and Mickey both start using an app and end up matching with each other, even though a connection is made almost instinctively, coming to terms with it with a sound mind will take a bit longer…
Hey,had to have at least one of these on here lol
I love omegaverse and this was everything I wanted from it, couldn't have asked for anything better really <3.
SHACKLED – MyRelapse - 19k words
Ian has a change of heart and he decides that Mickey IS the one he wants, even if he's still in prison, so he keeps in contact and goes through every hoop imaginable to have him back as soon as possible.
Reading this made me so happy like I could burst, love it.
WAITING ON MY OWN TOO LONG – Ride4812 - 266k words
This rec more than any other on this list is what I'm gonna consider self indulgent because it covers the trope I always craved to read in such a satisfying way: Canon AU where Mickey comes back from prison after 8 years, Ian has found someone else but the moment the two meet again they fall back into each other right away.
The series is made up of 4 smaller fics:
One more night
Something more this time
No more lonely nights
Ain't this life so sweet
(I will point out here and nowhere else that the last installment of this series has some segment that probably needed to be re-read a couple more times, but by that point I was too invested, and the quality fluctuates a lot only in certain parts)
The writing style is very direct and to the point, which I love, the smut is very present and written beautifully and most importantly never boring.
Ian is a MESS in this fic and had me Stressed™, mostly cause for some reason I can't handle too much casual depiction of drug abuse and addiction (I know, ironic considering the fandom).
Conflicts and resolutions are never clean cut, they don't necessarily resolve quickly or definitely or the way you probably imagine they should and I find this level of realism very satisfying.
Taking a bit of space here at the end to also rec a couple other Ride4812 fics that I also loved:
COUP DE FOUDRE - A model/photographer AU where Ian and Mickey fall in love the instant they meet and do some crazy things because of that.
HOPE HE MIGHT - A lawyer AU where Ian and Mickey are on opposing sides for the same client, an interesting murder mystery steeped in a religious cult.
Generally I feel like this author is really good at depicting just how unapproachable Mickey can be to anyone that isn't called Ian Gallagher and I eat it up every time.
WHAT THE NIGHT DOES TO THE DAY – andchaos - 9k words
A Gallavich childhood friends AU with a quite original arrangement for the story and the various segments of their lives. Very satisfying read.
RANSOM – BeckyHarvey29 - 112k words
Terry sends his sons to kidnap a Gallagher child to force Frank into paying back the money he owes, unfortunately for him Mickey and his brothers kidnap Ian, and a whole other kind of story unfolds.
Mickey and Ian falling in love in this fic is such a good read. I don't wanna spoil anything of how that or the kidnapping plot goes, since the two are so intertwined. Just know that it will be worth it.
UNDER LOCK AND KEY – Suzy_Queue - 106k words
Ian is assigned the night shift at his new job where he provides spare keys to his fellow college students stuck outside their dorm rooms. To make matters worse his shift coworker is the oh so infamous Mickey Milkovich.
I am magnetized by the way this author writes their pining for each other, their attraction and obsession, how it blooms and unfolds. This fic in particular had me develop a very bad case of tunnel vision, couldn't really turn away until I finished reading it all.
I still haven't read everything this author has to offer, but so far I also loved:
INHUMAN: A mysterious force starts attacking people close to Mickey and it all seems to lead to a mysterious redhead Mickey is oh so coincidentally obsessed with. Very cool paranormal story.
THESE FOOLISH GAMES: Mickey takes over as the boss of the local branch of a trampoline park, where Ian is one of the employees, they annoy each other to no end but what they don't know is that they're secretly texting each other.
IS THERE SOMEWHERE – andchaos - 48k words
Mickey is born with no words on his skin, convinced he's going to live a life of misery cause no one will ever say the words he's destined to hear, he's not a very happy guy. Here comes mute boy Ian who crashes into his life and won't let go.
A classic Soulmate AU, I love that like in a lot of other Gallavich fics their physical connection and compatibility usually comes before their emotional one, it is one aspect that I feel distinguishes their relationship to many other fandom’s ships.
LAST NIGHT AT THE VERONA GRAND HOTEL – the_rat_wins - 27k words
Mickey starts working at an ancient hotel who's supposedly haunted. Mickey doesn't believe in ghost stories, he is much more interested in this one guest he meets at night during his shift.
What a cinematic experience this fic is! Absolutely recommended, the length of it makes it so you can read it in the same time it would take to watch the same story in movie format.
Other fics by the same authors that have impressed me:
FADE THIS ONE TO BLACK: Ian dies of overdose in a pile of snow outside the club, when Mickey finds him there he vows to do anything to get him back.
I don't know why but this fic in particular gives off the vibes of being a pilot for a ya urban fantasy TV series, except we gotta imagine everything that comes after the first episode lol
NO LIE: Ian and Mickey are Soulmates and as such they can't lie to each other. This series is short and sweet and full of feelings, perfect
PARAGRAPHS – pink_ink - 100k words
Ian becomes a reading tutor for ex-convicts, Mickey is among them and Ian starts paying him more and more attention.
This is a story where they meet under very different circumstances and where they've lived slightly different lives compared to canon and yet they're still able to find each other in the end.
Also, sign me up for every fic where Ian has to work just as hard to help Mickey and care for him as the opposite, where Ian's brand of stubbornness is the only way to get through to Mickey.
I'm also adding a couple of ongoing fics, just two to not overwhelm too much.
NONE THE WISER – Loftec - ~218k words
Ian starts visiting Mickey’s diner, it takes a while and yet no time at all to warm up to each other.
I'm captivated by the author's writing style. I love Ian's and Mickey’s relationship. I love how they sort of take their time and yet pine helplessly for each other.
I'm obsessed with the fact that the whole point of the fic doesn't appear until two thirds of the way in cause the diner scenes were just too good to pass up on lol (and I 100% agree with them).
INTRO TO QUANTUM DATING – spoonfulstar - ~563k words
Canon Mickey and Ian meet in University. A college slice of life but drenched in the casual (and not so casual) darkness of canon shameless.
The dark humor in this is fenomenal and left me gasping laughing so many times.
Unexpectedly Ian in this fic is pursuing a linguistics oriented degree, which was what I studied when I tried university, the topics are explained in such an accurate way I have to assume the author studied them themselves and that this story is somewhat a reimagining of their own college experience because if not this would be an absurd amount of accurate research to make.
Reading this fic feels like living through the American college experience from the comfort of my home lol.
As I said before, this author's way of writing does not weight you down even with its length, the story flows perfectly from one scene to the next and before you realize it you've reached the end and you have to accept that 500k words weren't even enough.
Let's end this list with some quick recommendations
Mickey is volunteered to organize someone's else's wedding after he managed to salvage his own so well, he'll do it, but his own Southside way.
THIS IS THE ROAD TO RUIN - bricoleur10
Ian and Mickey never go to rob Ned, the story unfolds differently from there. A fix-it with a lot of Gallavich longing , very good smut and some really good dialogue.
Mickey talks about his crush with Iggy and accidentally pronoun-slips. Short, to the point, funny af and I just really love it. Takes place after their fight at Kash’n Grab in s2.
AGAINST GLASS - AllThatMatters
Ian gets traded from one club to another as a dancer (and more) and ends up in the Milkovich family's club. This is a Mafia!Mickey story with some pretty tight sub-plots, I love his brothers in this.
ONE OF A KIND - fckyeahgallavich
Mickey breaks his finger and it has to be set in the hospital, chaos - of the homophobic kind - ensues. Protective!Ian, I wanna hug Mickey in this.
Ian is haunting an apartment and Mickey starts living in it, Ian is maybe starting to have a crush on him. This isn't angsty!
BLOOD IN, BLEED OUT - brewrosemilk, Whatsastory
Historical AU. Perfectly innocent bystander Ian Gallagher is thrown into the affairs of the Ukrainian Mafia back in 1954, his relationship with Mickey will span decades and he won't remain innocent for long, the mafia can corrupt anyone.
Ian comes to live and finish high school with his half siblings on the South Side, he's immediately captivated by a boy sitting under the bleachers, maybe his North Side naivety will catch his attention too.
GARDEN SONG - melwrtiesthings
A glimpse into their lives in their West Side apartment, a lot of initial angst due to a manic episode and then a lot of recovery and healing and learning more about themselves.
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months
bacon!!! 🩷🩷🩷 could we maybe see prompts 5 and 10 with yuji, and they're in college?
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event here.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, creampies, college AU!, canon divergent, AGEDUP!COLLEGEAGE!Yuji, oral sex(fem receiving), virginity loss, Yuji isn't Sukuna's vessel in this one. word count: 1.2k(got a lil carried away with this one) pairings: Agedup!Yuji Itadori x Fem!Reader prompts: Person B and Person A as friends in school before they’re together. They awkwardly use each other to learn how to/practice kissing and end up making out passionately until their mouths are sore. Person A and Person B's first time.
Yuji easily became your friend when you got into college. He was the boy with the sunniest smile in all your classes, and soon you found yourself drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He was so easy to get along with, and you discovered pretty quickly that you two had so much in common. Spending your days with your new best friend was the highlight of your time here in college. The only thing that was a bit off was the fact that you were desperate to get laid and lose your virginity. And you weren’t about to force Yuji into something so stupid when you were very sure that he had already had sex already.
But what you didn’t know was that Yuji was trying to save himself for someone very special. And Yuji happened to think you were that someone special.
One night, after classes, you invited him back over to your dorm room for a study session/movie night. You had planned for this to be so laid back, and Yuji shows up in his sweatpants and hoodie. There’s a big smile on his face as he shows you the snacks he’s brought for the movie. 
“I didn't know which ones you preferred, so I got them all!” he says, a nervous laughter ringing out. He shows you every chocolate bar and all the flavors of chips. 
He sits on your bed, the big bag of snacks dumped onto the duvet. You sit right next to him, turning on the movie you picked and you two begin snacking and lightly studying. You ask him a question and for everyone he gets right, you throw a skittle into his mouth. He does the same thing with you, but instead he throws a M&M into yours. This becomes a very fun game for the both of you, making you both giggling like crazy.
Eventually, Yuji leaned back on your bed. You can’t help but check him out, noticing just how much you enjoy seeing him like this. He looks up from his phone and smiles shyly. He’s so smitten by you, but he really doesn’t know how to tell you. He wants it to come naturally, but it’s hard when he feels his heart beating like crazy and his palms get sweaty whenever he only just thinks about confessing.
You sit up on the bed, approaching him. He looks up again, that same cute smile on his face. You realize how you could make this work in your favor. Maybe if he agrees to your little game, you’ll be able to finesse the rest of this to work out.
“Hey Yuji,” you start. “Wanna play a little game?”
Yuji laughs, “alright!”
You explain to him that you’re going to play a kissing game. This makes you both blush, but he doesn’t back out. You explain that the rules are simple; kiss each other as best as you can. Make the other person completely breathless and flustered. Then once you’re done, if you manage to make the other person breathless and flustered, you win the best candy bar from the bag.
“Alright, you’re on!” Yuji shouts, his tone full of gusto and determination.
It takes a little time for both of you to stop giggling, but eventually, Yuji cups your cheeks and pulls you closer. You look into his beautiful eyes and you know you’ll never feel the same way for anyone else. You swear your heart stops when his lips press against yours. It’s all so beautiful like this. You’ve thought of this moment a million times, but still it’s way better than you ever could imagine.
When he pulls away, you’re both a little flustered. You decide to just continue the game, kissing his lips. Yuji feels butterflies erupting in his tummy. He’s always felt this way about you, but this was something new. A new territory for both of you to explore together.
Your little game goes on for a bit, both of you foregoing the game to really just have an excuse to make out. Eventually, you both pull away to breathe and you’re both giggling nervously. Your lips almost hurt from the amount of kissing you’ve been doing with your best friend. That’s when Yuji looks over at you and he presses you down onto the bed. He has you playfully pinned underneath him.
“Hey honey…” he murmurs softly before kissing you. “I want you to know that I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I first met you. I have been waiting to have sex for the first time with someone I love.”
There’s a ringing in your ears and your heart skips a beat as you come to terms with what he’s just said. You return the sentiment, confessing that you’re also a virgin and you had wanted to find the right person as well.
“Then, I think this is the perfect moment…”
He cups your cheeks and kisses you so sensually. As your tongues dance together, Yuji makes quick work of removing your clothing. You do the same thing to him, your hands splaying against the beautiful muscular parts of his body. Once he’s got you completely naked, he takes his time kissing all over your body. He finds all your erogenous zones, taking advantage of having found such sensitive spots of your body.
By the time he’s between your thighs, your heart is racing and you’re completely aroused. You watch as he spreads your thighs and presses a sweet kiss to your mound. You buck up as his tongue presses against your wet folds, lapping at you like you’re his final meal. The way Yuji works your body towards such a sticky climax is heavenly.
You’re shuddering and twitching as you come down from that high, but Yuji barely gives you any time to recover. He’s sliding into you, making sure to go slow as he stretches you out for the first time. When he’s bottomed out, you’re both looking down at where you’re connected. It’s such a beautiful moment. He leans in and kisses you.
“I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you,” Yuji mumbles as he begins rocking his hips.
“Oh Yuji…I love you too,”
You cling to him as he thrusts deeply into you. He never expected it to feel this good, and he’s burying his face in the crook of your neck to try and ground himself. Already his balls are drawing up as his orgasm becomes imminent. He feels so lost in all of this pleasure, but there is a rational thought that enters his brain. Will you let him cum inside you?
“Baby…” he huffs softly. “Can I…can I please cum inside you? Please can I cum inside you? Please please?”
Your heart flutters as you hear these sweet yet lewd pleas. You know it’s irresponsible to let him do this, but you’re ready to throw caution to the wind. You nod your head and moan out a yes.
“Shit! Fuck, oh fuck! Honey, I’m gonna cum inside you! Is it okay? Tell me you want me to cum inside you!”
You begin begging him to fill you up, and with just a few more thrust of his hips, Yuji is emptying himself into you. His hips stutter and he lets out the cutest little whimpers as the pleasure overtakes him. Shots of sticky, hot cum fill your tight little cunt, making you feel so warm. Slowly, he comes down from his high and slumps on top of you.
“Good study sesh,” Yuji says with a cute little laugh. You can’t help but agree.
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sterekweek-2023 · 10 months
Sterek Week 2023 Kick Off!
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Somehow it's already that time of year again! Join your admins @halinski, @boymeetswerewolf, @justjimedits and @kcfriedchicken as we prepare for Sterek Week 2023.
As always, we have a variety of themes to inspire you, but this year we have added something new! Going along with each theme will be a selection of bonus content to you to enjoy. Some of it will just be extra themes to think about adding into your posts, some of it will be interactive, and some we will need your help putting together!
Stay tuned for more information around the bonus content in the coming weeks, but for now enjoy your first look at this years themes.
Wednesday, October 25th: "Only Just Begun" What better way to kick off Sterek Week then the theme of beginnings. The beginning of what you ask? Well that part is up to you! Whether it be the beginning of their relationship or the beginning of a new adventure, whatever beginning inspires you is the one we want to hear about!
Thursday, October 26th: "Seasons & Holidays" Christmas? Halloween? Summer? Fall? What time of year speaks to you most? Maybe you have a local holiday that is only celebrated in your hometown? That's what this theme is all about! Throw Stiles and Derek into your favorite tradition and see how it plays out for them!
Friday, October 27th: "Worlds Collide" Barbenheimer anyone?! Show us your best opposites attracts situation and watch the chaos unfold. Or maybe you are more interested in a crossover of some sorts. This is your opportunity to really mix up the Teen Wolf universe!
Saturday, October 28th: "Whole of the Moon" We are in luck! The October full moon will happen on October 28th this year, so of course we had to have a moon based theme! Do you want to explore the full moon traditions of the Hale pack? Or maybe you want to add in the concept of outer space? The whole galaxy is yours to explore!
Sunday, October 29th: "Sacrifice" What is Sterek without one of them trying to sacrifice themselves for each other or the greater good. With the events of the Teen Wolf movie or even the events of Season 3, there are plenty of canon sacrifices to choose from. But maybe you want to branch out! Make up your own reason for the boys to try and sacrifice themselves or maybe go the happier route and explore the idea of them sacrifice sleep for fun or other reasons!
Monday, October 30th: "Myths & Legends, Fairytales & Folklore" We want to hear about Stiles and Derek experience all your local legends! Are they traveling the world because Stiles wants to meet every mythical being there is? Maybe it is a Beauty & the Beast AU or retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. This is your chance to explore all of your favorite stories through the lens of Sterek.
Tuesday, October 31st: "Haunted & Bewitched" It wouldn't be Sterek week without our favorite holiday - Halloween! Is the pack throwing a Halloween party? Maybe Stiles and Derek have little ones of their own to take trick or treating? Or maybe you want to go the complete opposite direction and think about the ghosts and ghoulies that come out to play.
We cannot see what you all come up with! And we are so excited to share this years extra content with you!
-KCFriedchicken, Halinski, JustJim & BoyMeetsWerewolf
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nhothicket · 11 days
is it too late for Halloween?
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Some close ups and silly spare thoughts about this half-baked au below the cut ^v^
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Some thoughts:
It's extremely important for this au that Etho is very enthusiastic about his clowning, okay? Nobody's forcing him to do this he is a PROUD CLOWN.
The setting is probably somewhere in the 80s-90s at an amusement park with a carnival vibe. I thought it might be fun to have all the Halloween hermits be canon, but I also see this being a world unaware of the more supernatural goings on, so I'm not sure if that could pan out. Maybe some sort of veil from the supernatural might be in play? Who knows.
Anyway! This is about Ethdubs not those other nerds.
> So, in this amusement part there's an oddities attraction of sorts. There resides Bdubs, he is a haunted heart preserved in a jar, not an actual attraction though just set dressing for the creepy shed vibe. As the story goes this jar has been passed around for decades, but its progressively gotten heavier despite being untampered with. The preservatives have gotten thick and changed colors over time. This is actually just Bdubs' spirit taking its sweet sweet time to manifest, as he slowly materializes around his heart, the preservatives turn to ectoplasm.
Most of the time he's sealed up in the jar, thanks to this mystical veil regular people usually can't hear him grouching about the tight space. The jar itself is part of his haunting, which means its technically part of him and he can't pass through it. So, until Etho realizes the disembodied voice he's been hearing come from the little building is not all in his head, Bdubs was stuck there.
> Bdubs' more human less goopy form is also a bit translucent in that form and he's not at all solid. If Etho were to poke him in the arm his finger would go through with some pressure. A firm hug would be fine at first, but he'd quickly start sinking into the ghost. It takes a lot of energy to be that physical, so Bdubs hardly does it. He's capable of leaving his heart in the jar and being a more traditional wispy ghost in that image, but... he feels left out when he can't touch things, so he'll usually choose being a bit gooey over being a beautiful beautiful man.
His heart is the only part of him that is completely physical. It is a real object in the world still, he's possessing it. It's what allows him to be more physical, so if someone were to reach into his chest and pluck it out he'd turn into a wisp. (He and Etho have both done so repeatedly to make bad jokes about heart stealing). How did Bdubs' heart get in a shady unmarked jar? Who knows. The people who ran the place probably don't even know its a real human heart anymore.
> Bdubs frequently lies about how old he was (recalling and inserting himself into historical events he wasn't even born for), Etho humors it.
> Bdubs died before Etho was born, this is the subject of mockery on both sides. (Etho would've been born maybe a decade or so after Bdubs died, he's in his 30s at present)
> Etho's gimmick is being comically good slight of hand and magic tricks. He's not supernatural, but he's like fantastical in his competence when it comes to looking magical. Etho invents (realistically jmpossible) contraptions to make his magic work.
> Horse drawn buggies would've been on their way out as Bdubs was growing up, so he could be nostalgic for that, I thought it might be cute if Etho took him out on one of those horse drawn tours as a surprise. Don't mind the clowny guy carrying around a jar with a heart in it.
> Another funny thought I had, Bdubs asking for a grand sarcophagus after getting jealous of the attention a new mummy is getting in the attraction. Etho doesn't buy him a sarcophagus, but he does get him a novelty canopic jar from the gift shop of a nearby museum.
Okay, that's all for now. ^v^;
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heiayen · 1 year
love across the stars various x gn!reader
summary: small snippets of you and your lover, but each universe and scenario is different <3
tags: snippets, modern au (yoimiya, kazuha, shenhe, ayaka, albedo) canon divergence (wanderer), this is just many aus where you meet the character, established relationship (ayaka, shenhe, albedo, xiao), pre-relationship (wanderer, kazuha, yoimiya), 100+ words each
notes: *crawls out of the grave* im alive!! not really though!! anyways this is a part of @favonius-library gift exchange event and this is a gift for @soleillunne!! i hope ull enjoy it <3
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Wanderer was plagued with... dreams. He would wake up near a waterfall, in a quiet forest, interrupted only by the gentle playing of a harp. Your harp.
You would always sit next to the water, strumming the strings, but never daring to talk. Wanderer didn't either. Though, he did ask Nahida once about it, after she noticed his thinking face.
"It seems a certain deity took interest in you!"
That was so stupid. A deity? Took interest in him? Why would anyone even do that? And yet, his curiosity piqued, he couldn't help but speak up the next time he saw you.
You stopped playing the harp and looked at him, a small smile gracing your lips. Your beauty sure was the one of a deity.
"Let's have a chat, shall we?"
The flower shop was beautiful, everyone and you thought. But so was the florist working there; Kazuha was his name. You were an often guest there, always asking for flower bouquets to put in your room. You usually had a theme ready, be it a certain color, a certain feel or whatever you thought would fit the week. And Kazuha always gladly created the prettiest bouquets one could think so.
So one day you asked him to make a bouquet that he wanted to. With a charming smile he went to the backroom and some time later, came back with a bouquet even prettier than the previous ones. He gave it to you with a soft smile that made your heart skip a beat.
When you later checked the flowers and its meanings online, it turned out that every flower had some kind of a romantic meaning behind it...
And you couldn't help but wonder if it meant anything more.
Alatus was the name he used online, but Xiao was the name you knew him with. He was a popular streamer, known for his... interesting attitude, but also for how private he was with his life. So it was a big shock when the news came that he was dating someone. Namely, you.
It was so shocking to his viewers to see someone in the background of his camera. You walked up to him and Xiao turned off his mic– or, well so he thought. The conversation between two lovers that was meant to be private, simply, blew up Twitter that day.
From that on, you became an often guest on his streams and everyone completely adored the way his eyes softened every time you walked in.
Albedo had a habit you adored.
He would often take photos of you, be it when you were doing simply nothing, just sitting next to him, or maybe when you were busy watching a movie or reading. When your attention wasn't on him.
Or when you were smiling, pointing at something you noticed, wanting to capture your happiness.
You do look the prettiest when you were happy, he noticed. It was a view so precious to him, he wanted to capture it.
He never asked you to pose, no. He wanted to capture the real you, the one you allowed him to see; not the one you showed to others.
You knew about it, he wasn't especially sneaky with the photos anyway. but you had no complaints about it.
It somehow... made you feel special.
Special in a way only he could make you feel.
It was New Year's Eve when you noticed her, amidst the colorful lights of the fireworks. You didn't know her name or who she even was, seeing her for the first time in your life, in the middle of a park.
Even though it was dark and the only source of light were the fireworks, you swore you could see her beautiful smile. Full of happiness and warmth. You stared at her until your eyes met and, oh.
She really was beautiful.
Her eyes shining brighter than anything else could, brighter than the fireworks in the sky, she waved to you and gestured for you to come. She didn't want anyone to spend this time alone, after all.
You didn't know this stranger's name or anything about her, and yet your heart already made a verdict about her.
"My name is Yoimiya! And what about you?"
On ice, Shenhe looked like a princess. Movement graceful and fluid, as if skating was something natural to her. As if the ice was her second home. You sometimes felt like it was. She looked so pretty, twirling on the ice. There was no music, no spotlight on her, and she was just another skater among the others, but your eyes couldn't just leave her.
After a moment though, she skated to the railing, on which the other side of it you were standing.
She noticed your staring. You smiled.
"Just admiring you."
Her cheeks grew just a bit redder, already blushed from skating, and you couldn't help but smile just a bit wider. She looked at you for a moment before opening her mouth and speaking.
"Would you like to skate with me?"
She was your muse.
So elegant with her moves, everything carefully thought through, she was stealing your breath with her beauty. You lost count of the songs you wrote for her, the words singing a quiet love confession for Ayaka.
You wanted to write her a song she could dance to.
Carefully write the notes down on paper, gently press the piano keys, and with all your heart softly sing the lyrics, and so watch her move, watch her dance to the melodies of your love for her.
You told yourself that you would one day.
Just one day.
There was no need to rush, after all.
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kairiscorner · 10 months
Feeling for some hurt/comfort or bittersweet ending with Spidernoir x Reader , married life AU. They both have a daughter, but Noir is left to take care of her himself because the reader dies pretty early either due to an accident or illness (You decide, their cruel faith is in your hands HAHA).
so Noir tries his best to stay strong for his daughter, but inside he’s a grieving mess especially when his daughter isn’t watching. SOBS 💔
RGHHHHH YOU GOT ME THINKING OF DEAR THEODOSIA FUCKKKKKK SURE I'LL WRITE IT I LOVE PAIN AND I LOVE YOU PLATONICALLY ANON 💖💖💖imma say this was noir's other canon event in a different version of the domestic family au, this isn't gonna happen to our main domestic noir though, i can't live with myself if i give him and his family this ending AAAAAAAA @thecoolerdor will rip me apart if i do that :> SO ANYWAY, I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE THIS
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
like a flame that flickers out to soon... – domestic!spider noir angst
as every day passes, he feels even more scared, he feels even more incomplete. he can never forget the way you feebly held his hand as he gripped yours tightly, wetting your sheets with his tears as your daughter kept singing to you that lullaby you kept crooning to her when she was born. you weakly tried to sing along, correcting her every time she sang a misheard lyric, but coughing that correction out instead. you were growing weaker and weaker the longer your illness took hold of you, you couldn't hang on any longer, and neither could he.
"peter..." you muttered his name, which he immediately perked up at and tended to your call. "yes, love?" he asked you with a soft voice as you gently caressed his cheek and tried bringing the corners of your lips up to crack a smile, even if it hurt. "i love you both... so, so much..." you wheezed out as your breathing became even more labored. peter placed his hand over yours and tried smiling in spite of the tears streaking down his face, in spite of the horrible fate that awaited you, in spite of the promise that tomorrow might not come for you. "we love you, too, dearest..." he muttered as your daughter held your other hand and smiled. "i love you both so, so, so, so, so, so, so much!" she beamed as you both chuckled at her loving demeanor.
"she has your eyes..." you said as you looked at the two of them, turning your head around to look at the two of them, who were both by your sides. peter leaned over to you and kissed your temple, feeling your body getting colder and colder as your movements became gradual and laborious. "and she has... your grit..." he murmured as you glanced at the two of them and sighed, content with how your life had been so far, even during these silent, final moments of your life. you shook your head while a faint smile remained on your face. "i'm so glad... that i married you, peter..." you whispered as your daughter copied her father and kissed your cheek. "and i'm so happy... we had her..." you uttered as a couple of tears streamed down both your cheeks.
"it's enough... for this dying lover... and parent... to this beautiful, beautiful... family..."
and those were the final words you uttered. your breathing was too hard to maintain, and the heat of your body escaped you as you struggled to even blink, to even stay awake. it had happened, your life was extinguished from the world like a candle's flame that went out too soon.
peter couldn't feel his hands, he could only hear a sharp ringing sensation in his ears as he watched your peacefully sleeping body that was confined to an infinite slumber. he couldn't even make out your daughter's voice, trying to wake you up to play princesses and tea time with her. she was so young, she has no idea what kind of nap time you were having...
"honey..." peter uttered as he hunched over and covered his eyes, gripping at the sides of your bed as the ringing in his ears got even louder. your daughter looked over at peter and asked her, "daddy, why are you sad? they're only sleeping, lookie! they always get like that when sleepy, i hope they wake up later, i wanted to show them my new dolls!" "they're... they're..." peter stammered as he tried his hardest to keep his tears in and to get up, to face your fresh corpse and admit the facts straight up: his lover was gone, the parent of his child is dead.
he stumbled as he got up, but walked over to your daughter weakly as she kept talking to your lifeless body. he murmured to your daughter that the doctors will need to see you, and that they shouldn't be there for a little while. "bye-bye!" you daughter bid you a goodbye as peter whimpered softly to himself, trying to keep the tears and sobs in as all that was repeated in his mind was, 'they're gone'.
as the two of them waited outside your hospital room, your daughter's attention was captured by the little playpen the hospital had. peter tried to smile as his daughter begged to be taken there, and he obliged; he brought your daughter there, where she played with the new doll he bought her and had a little tea party with them. he sighed to himself as he walked off to your hospital room and watched as the doctors were about to move your dead body from here to the morgue. the doctors opened the door of your hospital room and rolled your carcass out. peter watched you get carried away on that stretcher, have your file removed from that bed as the nurses and doctors nodded and pat his shoulder and back with condolences and pity in their words and tone.
and it was here that his entire facade crumbled.
his knees buckled and he lost his balance, his eyes teared up relentlessly with tears, his face was red and flushed with sadness and grief that nobody could ever emulate nor understand. he sobbed and cried as he kept thinking, 'why did the universe have to steal from me again?' he whimpered and cried, slamming his clenched up fists into the ground as he screamed, screamed his grief and mourning out. he could never act like this around her, though... and he had to be there for her, all on his own. he breathed heavily and wiped the tears from his eyes as he adjusted his tear-stained glasses back on his face as he heard your daughter call for him.
he cleared his throat and tried to compose himself before coming over to tend to your daughter. "yes, sweetheart...?" he called back out to her as he got on his feet very unsteadily and trudged ahead to take care of your daughter. it would be just the two of them now... he fears he can never get used to it, but he has to at least be strong, be fortified, be unbothered... for her.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @arachnoia @thee-fantastic-mrfox @ophanimgold
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 7 months
RWBY Fanfic Master Post
Seeing as how this has become, primarily, a RWBY blog... and I write a lot of RWBY fanfic... here ya go:
Ongoing Stories
We May Fall (A Dance of Light and Shadow) - Weiss Schnee will do anything to safeguard the secret that she's actually a faunus. But when her long-suppressed heat cycle begins dramatically, all of Team RWBY finds out in one wild night that will bind them together like never before and change the fate of Remnant itself. (Pollination, no Enabler)
On Silver Wings We Soar - Maria died young and got her soul stuck in a weapon that Ruby found 100 years later. So now on top of the fall of Beacon, our heroines have to navigate a love triangle between Ruby, Weiss, and the ghost attached to a harpoon-axe that's also a gun. (Maria + WhiteRose, background Bees, KnightLight, Hellebore, and Renora)
Haven Trail - It's RWBY meets Oregon Trail! Yang leads a group of pioneers across a Grimm-infested wilderness. Blake is torn between Yang and Velvet, whose abusive husband is a threat to everyone, while Ruby and Weiss dance around their feelings for each other and Cinder and Emerald try to dig up ancient technological secrets. Oh yeah, and there's dysentery. (WhiteRose, Bumblebey, Black Velvet, Chaos Emeralds, Arkos, Hellebore)
The Dragon From Mercury - G Witch with Yang in Suletta's role, Blake in Miorine's, featuring Ruby as Aerial. (Bumbleby)
Scattered Petals - a canon-divergent AU focusing on reimagining the story through rarepairs. (Schneekos, Ladybug, Baked Alaska, Crosshares, KnightLight, Rainbow Quartz, Firewall)
Completed Stories
The Monsters Within Us - Fairy tale AU where maiden Blake is pursued by the cruel Baron Taurus, only to stumble into the arms of Yang... who is a half-human, half-serpent lamia. Lots of amazing illustrations, and monsterfucking with plot and feelings! (Bumbleby, background Rainbow Quartz)
Frozen Lemonade - College AU. Rivals Weiss and Yang find their one-time cathartic hate-fuck complicated when Tai and Willow meet at a celebrity therapy event and elope, suddenly tying the two of them together. (Freezerburn, Schneekos, Greek Fire, background Nuts & Dolts)
In Rainbow's Shadow - Ilia & Emerald work as a covert ops wet team, taking on missions requiring stealth and dubious morality. They confront their feelings for each other in the middle of a deep ocean research station performing nightmarish Grimm experiments. (Rainbow Quartz)
Through a Mirror, Brightly - when a mysterious Grimm traps Weiss in a ghostly, sidereal state and erases her from everyone's memory, it falls to the feelings she and Ruby had for each other to bring them back together. Lots of illustrations! (WhiteRose, background Bees)
Let's See the Sunrise Together - modern AU. Weiss's arranged marriage is in jeopardy when the bachelorette party Coco throws her ends up at a strip club where she's enraptured by the beautiful Yang Xiao Long. (Freezerburn, background Crosshares)
A Medical Necessity - Blake goes into heat over the winter holiday break, with only Weiss around to help her. Smut and feels. (Monochrome)
The Curse of the Abominable Snow-Grimm - RWBY goes on a team building mission to a ski resort, where a mysterious Grimm attack will force them to confront Weiss and Blake's past, and their feelings for their new teammates. (WhiteRose, Bumbleby)
Cold Nights, Warm Hearts - in a modern AU, Winter Schnee is very nervous about going to her girlfriend Cinder Fall's winter solstice celebration and meeting her pagan friends. (Temperature Play)
I've also got a bunch of shorts and one-shots if you're interested. Almost everything I write is sapphic, and I do a lot of smut with plot.
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tsukimefuku · 3 months
What if
A vision of a more forgiving world, where you and Nanami Kento never became jujutsu sorcerers.
Tags: Jujutsu Kaisen, f!reader, Nanami x OC/f!reader, fluff.
WC: 680
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU". A sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a fic I'll eventually write (eventually). To see the ever-growing list of one-shots, please visit my masterlist :) 
Disclaimer: they’re NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. This one takes place right before "Lover's Pass" (here). To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
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You were running, and the white sandy shore extended far beyond what you could reach with your eyes. Giggling, you haphazardly escaped the blond haired little girl that was trying to playfully hunt you down, stepping inside the water in order to frustrate her attempts. She bounced, frolicking after you, swirls of honey-colored hair framing her emerald green eyes — eyes just like yours.
"Not fair!" She yelled, as you jumped and slow-motioned yourself inside the water, ivory blue and fresh, turning around to look at her.
You showed her your tongue in defiance, then smiled fondly. "Oh, come on, Sakura! You can try swimming. I promise I'll be here to help you."
She began pouting. "No! Last time you dropped me, and it was awful. Only uncle or dad!"
"Hey, come on, give me some credit!" You complained, starting to make your way back to her, who stood just where the sea and the sand met neatly, with every slushing wave.
It was a beautiful day.
"'Give you some credit?'" You heard, and looked at the direction the deep, smooth voice was coming from. He had a blue linen shirt open halfway through, and wore a set of khaki shorts that were knee-length. His signature blond hair was neatly slicked back, with just a few strands of golden locks giving in to the sea breeze. He was bringing two bottles of cold water, and had a book under his arm.
"Your daughter seems to think that I'll let her drown if I teach her how to swim!" You told him, holding your beach hat with your hand on your head, as you finally made your way out of the water. 
"Is that so?" He inquired, looking down at the girl, smiling.
You approached the two, and your daughter pointed at you, accusingly. "We were playing catch, and she went in the water! She definitely wants me to drown."
You and Kento exchanged looks, his lips pursed to conceal his own urge to let out a chuckle, mirrored in your expression, now mouth-covered with amused eyes. You gazed at each other for a second, relishing in this silly moment of togetherness.
Kento then put both bottles down on the sand, and took the book from under his arm, extending it to you. You took it in your hands, as he swiftly picked your daughter in his arms, gentle gaze on her face. "Your mother loves you. She'd never let you drown."
You giggled, and moved towards them, sandwiching her in between the two of you, nuzzling at her hair with the tip of your nose, hair that, much like yours, also smelled like flowers. Now, Kento had his two flowery girls in his arms.
"But mom, you're so distracted! It would be an accident" Sakura pointed out.
"Eh?! Excuse me?!" You said, surprised and slightly offended.
"Our daughter does have a point, my dear." Kento answered, as he gazed at you, amused and affectionate. "You forgot to bring the water that was by the door on our way out, and I just had to buy two new bottles if we're not to die because of dehydration."
You sighed before gazing back at him, and smiled, sweetly defeated. "Maybe I'm a little distracted, after all."
He pressed a soft, tender kiss on your lips, as the gentle breeze from the ocean enveloped the three of you under the irradiated warmth from the afternoon sun.
You woke up to the bright and loud ringing sound of your cellphone. Picking it up, you saw Nanami's name lit over the top.
"Hello?" You answered, still coming back to reality.
"Me and Ijichi are already on our way. I figured you might've still been asleep. We'll be there in twenty minutes, then we'll be on our way to our mission."
Yeah. The Lover's Pass curse. Ugh.
"Okay. I'll be ready soon." You replied, ending the call.
You looked around your room, filled with flowers, and stared for a moment at the cherry blossom illustration you hung on your wall the day you moved in. The sakura flowers.
You were a jujutsu sorcerer.
If only you weren't.
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thatmooncake · 7 months
I am on a quest to discover who has the deadliest Moon. So I have some quick questions to ask to determine just how bad he is
Has Moon ever hurt or killed anyone before the virus?
How many people has he hurt or killed after the virus?
Does he have any control when he kills? Is he aware of his actions?
Thank you for your time
A worthy quest if ever there was one
If you’re talking about my Moon in particular, he deals in dreamscapes - lures you into a beautiful dream, hooks you in deep as you chase after your greatest desires, conjures moments from your subconscious you might have never seen before but deep down you realise you always wanted …(for those less passionate about particular things in their own lives, the lure of escapism also does the trick nicely) …and before you know it, there you stay. Still alive, but just barely, your life force draining slowly as you unknowingly become a part of the dreamscape he’ll then use to lure others.
He’s aware and in control of what he’s doing, but it’s complicated in that he essentially thinks he’s giving you sweet dreams, just …permanent. I mean, from his perspective, he’s letting you live the life of your dreams, and he does let you leave - it’s just that the lure of the dreamscape tends to perpetually pull people back into its orbit. And it’s not like he himself doesn’t prefer the lure of a good story over the reality of his own obsolescence as a daycare attendant. Nope, he just lives vicariously through those who dream, and he watches as the dreams flicker and burn out, eventually becoming one with the scenery.
Canon Moon? Hm, I think he has a kill count, if not at least having caused severe injuries to people before. Children or adults - whoever was unfortunate enough to fall in his path first after the virus struck. Don’t think he’s fully in control, I think it’s more like an instinct gone wrong kind of deal where his impulses and directives are screaming at him to put the naughty children to bed so they can rest (like he’s supposed to do) but due to the virus he’s mistakenly labeling everyone and everything as “naughty children” virtually non-discriminately and he won’t rest until he’s fulfilled that need to put them to bed. Whether that means something permanent or not.
Moon’s worldview I think is a little skewed and limited by design. He sees blips of daily events when he’s finally active, and he’s been made redundant in his role, and so he longs to fulfil some sort of purpose. I think the virus causes him no end of stress and pain, isolating him from everybody and everything even more than he ever has been before. The Glamrocks at least hunt together. Moon does no such thing. He’s left to his own devices, and even Sun seems to think the best solution would just be for him to NEVER come out for the longest time (he changes his perspective in Ruin but his attempts to keep Moon away before that can’t have helped their relationship any, I think they both spent the longest time not seeing eye to eye and just badly wanting it to be their turn, to the detriment of their collective wellbeing). Poor guy just wants it to be his turn and really really thinks you should be in bed. Maybe you’d get a shot at talking things through with him if he got stuck in the play tunnels like he tends to do in my game. Just try to avoid the grabby Moon claws. I hear they’re laced with sleepy dust.
(Also got an AU where Moon’s confused pseudo-resentment at being no longer wanted and having had people actually want to delete him and leave only Sun runs kind of deeper than that and he’s trying to keep them both safe from perceived threats while simultaneously feeling like Sun’s shadow and almost living his life vicariously through him until he can’t anymore but that’s quite literally another story for another time)
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7ban-sama · 6 months
Man 2023 was such a crazy year for AmaTsuka... I'm going to make a vague attempt at tabbing through Cataclysmic events in chronological order
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February really kicked off the beginning of the year. First ominously seeing this header Tsukasa and feeling like, no... no... What's this? [brain shriveling up] call girl... phone sex... [REACQUIRES LIQUID] wait, Eros and Anteros?? [camera lens focusing] heart... necklace?
Matching? heart? necklace? hearts weighed on a scale? [crying]
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[the event itself starts happening] [we see Amane's design in full and have to process he's some sort of corseted whore] Excuse me-!! Excuse me, sensei-!!!!! What does it mean! Help me!!
We get further information about how these demon brothers are extracting love from people and turning it into jewelry. (Ominously we receive no explanation on what their particular pieces of heart jewelry mean... LIKELY different in nature from the other hearts around them, but in what way? Not like we'll ever find out I guess.)
Like some sick doujin set-up, they're doing a competition where the loser must do what the other says at the end of this.
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Deplorable... Reprehensible images. The vibes of this game they are playing with one another... The voting feels rigged anyways, because Amane's more capable of presenting himself appealingly, working everyone over.
This sucks I don't want to see what happens next I want to go home. [it persists.] I'm watching Nene-chan be TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF, WHY IS THAT HAPPENING. [it persists] fgwait why is Tsukasa eating chocolates where did he get those. [it persists] FEEEEEEED ? CHOCOLATE? OMINOUS ALLUDING TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN LATER? WHY!!!! but why am I in some sort of doujin. It's happening that way and I can't stop it...
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As always, the twins get along better than you could ever predict. "For now" feed him chocolates. Ok
⬆ while trying to learn to cope from this, we are randomly blasted with this ⬇
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End of February, this is revealed to us to be the inner sleeve of V19... DEVASTATION REIGNS, THIS IS THE SCARIEST IMAGE EVER... A Hanako with severe cock presence. Tsukasa's fair maiden quality ever emphasized by being surrounded by luxurious sakura petals, a special variety even... Fancy and cultivated. Tsukasa-chan...
Of course this is really stimulating when thinking about canon, this is our biggest look into the atmosphere of the deepest sanctum of Hanako's boundary. Perhaps Tsukasa was here suspended, sleeping beauty style... [horny]
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Early March, getting this shikishi. It's more of a personal journey here, but getting an AU where the twins are simply... normal boys, alive, together, visibly, is a lot. Bandage boy Amane even...? Aesthetically, that one-?? Uough... Such a radiant Nene-chan here too... Thank you sensei. I'm grateful this time, not mad at you.
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Advertising for V19, naturally we get to see scenes within it. I appreciate getting to see scenes again in color, at different angles etc. This image amuses me, it's like there are pheromones in the air. hot haze of red and purple... paralytic agents. Amane is dissociating and half-hard, as we like him to be.
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Extra shikishi because of a G-Fantasy anniversary!
Of all AUs to return, never would've guessed this particular one would, from a set of icons/headers from 2022... That idol Tsukasa was already intriguing, but it's cool to see him in full. There's, a mysterious quality to his outfit, seeing it all, it's almost like the 'hakama' part is connected to his top, so. Are you just in a dress, Tsukasa..? I can't help but think you are...
This Amane meanwhile makes me laugh, WOOO he's here to stan, adorning purple in honor of Tsukasa's color. Tsukasa here has the big mic, he's our main singer. It's like a world where the twins figured out a hobby to pursue together, they can be obsessed with each other in this way, and blow off steam dancing whoreishly. Well congrats. Also I loev you yashiro. you look like. a cake topper. come to our dressing room after the show ok.
it's whimsical for asecond. but then sensei is out for blood. because
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this happens. like dropping a big anvil on hundreds of mice. (the innocent fujoshi.)
this image convinces me sensei is evil and wants to hurt the girlies reading this manga. they're not holding back. i saw a deluge of tweets saying things like, Why does this look like a BL / the main characters? these are the main characters? / I can't read the chapter, the illustration won't let me / Why is it AmaTsuka
Everyone felt like they had a group hallucination. Why is it AmaTsuka... (It's always been AmaTsuka) (but still) Why is it this degree of it. Don't understand the deflowering vibes from this. Princess and knight. the torn butterfly wings and the flowers. the like evocative feminine orchids and the obscene wet feeling fruits. Tsukasa's sleeves being flower petals as well, he is the delicate feminine flower here. Hands pulling you close. "Searching for a reason to stand by your side." Why did you say that? Why did you do that? I feel like crying as I type this.
This is basically the most devastating event for the entire year and it happened so early, we spend the rest of the year still looking back and feeling faint. It's hard to be this valid, you all really cannot fathom, what it really means to be 'canon'... It's a pain I carry. Searching for a reasonnnnnnnnnn.....
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Late March / beginning of April, and we are about to embark on our 6-month kitty cat crucible. AmaTsuka is going to become a genuine INTERSPECIES narrative, something I would've guessed blasphemous actually. But I suppose not... in this world, Tsukasa can be a child laborer/animal handler at a circus, and Amane can be his precious black kitten. With a little bell.
Amane runs off with Tsukasa, saving his life... They escape together, and are together still, 50 years later. How romantic. We're at the start, and it's already painful and glorious. Senseiiii!!
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You know who is holding that cat tail. We have fun here, we take turns being the kitty. Tsukasa has a matching collar now, after all. :3
INTERLUDE for the April update, where we get Ch 101. ALIVE BOYS. CLOCK BOYS!! FIRST YEAR MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS. OMEN!!!!!!
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Serenading, beautiful Tsukasa... singing Over the Rainbow... This loving glance.
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It's amazing to get a glimpse into their past, before the rope-burn and injury times. The prelude... Set in such a grim space as this area accessing the clock's inner workings. Captivatingly isolated, enclosed, kinda scary and dank... And we're brushing up against Amane's problem, how he won't say what he wants, won't make a decision. You need to make a decision, Amane...
Back. To the ryokan. Something something, there's a difficult to convey joke in Tsukasa's space, referencing sabi-neko (tortie cats (female cats?)) and also making a pun on 'service'. I get it I get it, Tsukasa is Amane's slave, you don't have to keep telling me...
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Everyone gets along surprisingly well.
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(This was an amazing year for TsuNene too, of course....)
I say all that but we do get revealed, during this cafe event, that. I guess Hanako is predatory and out here definitely seeming like he wants the guests to eat food to make them tastier and then get eaten. And Nene is also has insatiable lust to consume a human, which is like, upsetting, when you consider Tsukasa is a secret harbored human here. I guess Hanako has no issues with conspiring with his hot co-workers about how delectable humans are, while his 'twin brother' (not really?) (fetish RP?) is locked up in the closet or something. And I guess he does that all day and humps Tsukasa later like mmm my precious little dartyy secret boy.
Bonus thing, there was this insidious meta happening as I watched fujoshi repeatedly visiting the cafes and trying to eat as much scattered sushi and Tsukasa's Milk as possible. while the narrative is about entrapping people and fattening them up for slaughter. IG it felt kind of ghoulish that they couldn't resist the bait of the location and presentation of the meals.
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August. Who are they lol? Some more fetish outfits... Amane and his collars, and Tsukasa looking like some little hentai mask girlie. The vibe is like, Amane is a cool super villain, and Tsukasa is there to go kyaaaa ❤
There's some stupid mokke promotional image that informs us these boys have ? horsie tails? so they are like, unicorns? We're having fun with animalish boys lately, I suppose... Thank you sensei (???) I can think about these unicorn boys and a fair maiden now.
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Later in August, V20's inner sleeve images. Simply satisfying to see, thank you... back against back...
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AND DELIGHTFULLY we get Amane-kun and Tsukasa-kun sillytimes too. AMANE BEING JEALOUS!! SHITTY!!! If you spend too much time working on a school festival, your older brother is going to feel abandoned and lonelyyy...
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Starting September a little diabolically. Kitty in lap... This serene expression on Tsukasa... The fujoshi were troubled once more, that it could Be Like This.
Petting you, scritching your chin, going to pick the cattail fluffs out of your fur... Intimate moments like these must happen all the time. Sighhh...
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Advertising V20 later in September. These images are so-- the genders. Amane looks like he is going to beat Tsukasa with that wrench. Scary guy. Tsukasa, a natural vixen, as usual. The framing of him before the big clock... Artful.
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Bonus lil sad guy in late September... A look into the Amane that misses Tsukasa when he went missing. XU !!! I like to think he was truly helpless without Tsukasa there, pining for him.
Fsr between everything, TsuNene is getting buck wild and ramping up, until you get Tsukasa kissing Nene... She gets smallified in the manga and I'm suddenly like wtf canon moments of oniiloli for TsunNene. And Monster Nursery comes back so it really hammers in. IT'S JUST A VERY INTERESTING YEAR PSYCHOLOGICALLY. And VERY fun if you're me, shipping all 3 of them. Woooooo (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Anyways November has our last couple major beats...
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Tsukasa asserting that Amane won't come if he called, never has, alludes to so much. Why were you calling? For what, how long, what convinced you Amane would never? The idea of a Tsukasa that would plead to be saved or helped in any manner is dizzying. Beyond that — does Tsukasa not believe he has implicit value, not something Amane covets...?
(Meanwhile, I have to love that he confides this to Nene, and encourages her to get them out of this situation. Tsukasa had to make his way out of his own entrapment[?] in the past, and he believes Nene can too. They're similar, aren't they? Hehe.)
The pacing of the fall, Tsukasa catching Nene, then the ambiguous line, as if he mouthed Amane's name to himself...
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And he shows up, like your hero, I guess.
'何?' ⬅ ??? ??? ?? Atrocious. Could that truly be your response? With that expression? Moody, hands in pockets, acting cool... You do all that and then you throw Tsukasa's handcuffed arms over your neck. Saving your two captive princesses... It's absurd out here. The fujoshi are dying for a reason.... You get sick of inhaling the toxic fumes of twincest miasma.
I suppose to make me less angry at them, AidaIro present a final birthday offering.
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Naughtyyy shrimpt stealing boy... I can't believe it. Amane! You would steal the shrimps your mom is slaving away at, and hand them to your brother. He's going for more! Tsukasa is innocent and he of course must appreciatively eat your pilfered shrimp... But goodness.
Iet's simple, it's cute, it's a lovely illustration with lovely colors, it depicts another moment from canon we haven't seen (right before photos?) Silly and cute and says a lot about their relationship still! I feel like Tsukasa is often passive like a sweet kitten while Amane is a naughty boy. Wah!
A truly devastating glorious year, I feel so valid, I feel like I'm stuck on my throne, which is also a torture device, I'm strapped to it, there's a horrendous machine stuffing grapes in my mouth, I'm being laughed at, I'm crying. That's what it is like to ship AmaTsuka right now I suppose. HanaNeneTsuka thrums in the background all the while, ominous and foreboding. We get closer and closer to the end goal of all 3....
I'm looking forward to 2024. よろしくお願いします.
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 year
“it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyway” for the prompt thing!! (-patheticgirlsteve)
OKAY SO this prompt is from a prompt list I rb'd in December (wowza!) and I found the writing for this prompt half finished in my WIPs folder today and decided to finish it!
This ficlet is also a look into the in-progress When Harry Met Sally-inspired AU/canon divergence fic. I've been sitting on both that fic and this snippet for far too long and have been itching to share something. So, here's the something!
(something set in the late summer of '98, in a city that doesn't bode well during heat waves)
It’s an unusually hot night in Steve’s apartment. 
It's going to be an unusually hot week in the city, actually.
Steve has gotten used to the temperate San Francisco weather in the 11 years he's been a resident. But after 11 years, he's still surprised at the random bursts of heat that creep in during these last few weeks of August. Just in time for him and his students to sit inside the toaster oven that is his classroom during the first week of school.
Thankfully, it's not a school night. The last week of his summer vacation, and he's spent most of the daylight hours dangling half of his body out of the screen-less street-facing window in his apartment, praying a breeze would whip past him. (It didn't).
After an hour of tossing and turning in bed, in nothing but a pair of boxers, the open window providing no relief, the air stale and hot and a bit sticky, he decided to move to the living room, where he will still be suffering, but at least there's a TV out there.
A movie he remembers seeing with Robin in the theater during their Oakland days is playing as soon as he flicks on the TV, reminding him of how long it's been since they've lived together, let alone in that first apartment in Oakland. Freshly 20 and 21, figuring out how to live on their own, thousands of miles from everyone and everything they knew. Figuring out how to deal with the calmness of it all.
Remembers talking about the movie again in '92, and being annoyed with all of his friends (Eddie and Nancy) who thought that Lloyd and Diane broke up in London. Wonders if they're still as cynical about love today as they were back then.
As he's counting the years back in his head, the phone rings, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Hel-lo?” He answers, remembering that it is 2am in the middle of the word, dragging it into two syllables to make it seem like he's shocked that someone is calling him.
“What the hell are you doing awake at this hour?” Eddie quips, Steve reflexively rolls his eyes, at both the tone of his voice and the question itself.
“How do you know that you didn’t just interrupt my much needed beauty sleep?” He scoffs, flicking his head like he would if Eddie were sitting right here on the couch with him. Eddie must pick up on it, chuckling over the phone, a similar sound to the one he made when he was sitting on this couch hours ago, suffering with Steve in his apartment.
Now there's something twenty-one year old Steve would be shocked to learn. That him and Eddie became friends, at all.
“I can hear the TV.” Steve hums in response, turns the volume down a notch or two. “But, here’s a courtesy ‘I’m sorry’ for the late night call.”  
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” Steve sighs as the slightest breeze rolls through the open window. He's a much better sleeper than twenty-one year old Steve, but due to recent life-changing events and this damn heat-wave, a late-night phone call with Eddie is almost routine at this point
“I miss Evie’s apartment. She had AC.” Eddie says, casually. Steve still doesn't get how he can talk about her so casually. How he can just bring her up like it's nothing. If he even thinks about -
“I still can’t believe you got your heartbroken by a trust fund baby.” He says, cutting off his own thought.
“I’m more heartbroken about that AC unit right now,” still casual, as if he is actually heartbroken about an AC and not a person.
“What’re you watching?” He asks.
“Say Anything.” 
The scene where Lloyd is talking to Diane’s father on the prison yard. It makes him think of Eddie on the other line, sitting in his unintentional bachelor pad a few blocks away from his own. The thought must’ve made Eddie’s ears burn. 
“That’s not what visitation is actually like, ya know?” His voice is soft.
“Oh yeah?” Steve says, wanting to encourage but not pry.
“Yeah. It’s indoors, at tables, cold and gray. Feels dirty and sterile at the same time.” Eddie says.
“I always thought it happened between a plane of glass, with a telephone on either side of the glass.” Steve offers, giving him an out, a chance to change the subject if he wants to bow out.
“That’s what it’s like in county jail. Prison’s different.” Steve hums again, knows there’s no need to respond with anything else. Steve doesn’t need to ask him how he knows all of this. He knows that Eddie doesn’t expect him to ask. That’s the thing, about old friends, about them, about their whole gang. There are certain things they’ll always know about each other. 
His mind drifts to a little Eddie and a younger Wayne, walking into a room just like Eddie had described, going through the motions. It pulls at his chest a little. 
“Do you still think they broke up in London?” Steve tests.
“I don’t think they broke up in London?” Eddie says, a tad defensive. 
“Yes you do, or you did.” He remembers the conversation, he knows Eddie must remember the conversation.
“When did I say that?” 
“In San Diego, we had a whole thing about it, the five of us.” The drunk and loud debate was held stuffed into a diner booth in San Diego. Before you left.
Eddie pauses.
“I did say that, didn’t I?” 
“You sure did.” 
“Well, to answer your question, no. I don't think so. I think that they’re two weirdos who were meant for each other.” Eddie says, Steve sinks further into the couch, holds the phone up with his shoulder.
“That's exactly what I said then.” 
"Well, I think it now."
"Me too." It comes out softer than he expected. Suddenly thankful that this conversation is happening over the phone, so he can scrunch the feeling away from his face, take a deep breath and shake the feeling that just washed over his body.
“I know a thing or two about weirdos who’re meant for each other.” Eddie says playfully, that tone he uses when he's half-joking, but half-serious. Steve feels something bubble in the very depths of his stomach. 
“Oh yeah? Who?” 
“You and Robin.” Pop. He lets out a deep breath.
“Ha ha.” Steve says, toning up the sarcasm.
“Max and Lucas, Joyce and Jim, the entire gang who’s bonded by the terrors of the 80s and government NDA’s.” Steve’s laugh barks out of him, he can’t hide how surprised he is at these words coming out of Eddie’s mouth. 
“What? What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing, it’s just…” He trails off, trying to choose his next words carefully. “Not used to you talking about the past. Hasn’t really been your thing.” His mind drifts momentarily to San Diego again. Watching him hail that cab. Running away. 
“There's a lotta things that I used to do, or not do.” There’s a pause. Either of them could say something, there’s something dangling in the air between them, between their two phone lines, filling the space between their two apartments. Just as Steve opens his mouth to say something, cut the tension, snatch the feeling out of the air, Eddie beats him to it.
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melodramamatic · 2 months
I've got this concept stuck in my head where, on that cliff, the boy who might become ye zun doesn't quite pass out. He coughs and coughs and coughs until he's too weak to move or talk, but he's still conscious, and can just barely hold his eyelids open enough to watch what's going on. Because his gege sounds scared, because they are traveling alone for a reason. And so when that man throws his gege off a cliff, the boy who might become ye zun thinks his brother is dead. He thinks his big brother, his twin, only minutes older, who has always looked after him, has died trying to defend him. And when he gathers the strength to speak, the man has the audacity to lie to him. To claim his gege sold him, left him there. When his brother died trying to stop this man.
We see in canon what ye zun is capable of for revenge. What if that was pointed at the deserving party. What if the 'rebel dixingren' gathered with someone in its heart who doesn't care at all about either cause, only that the man playing warlord and everything he values is going to suffer before they die.
What if a masked spy from within the 'rebels' (and I have opinions about them being called rebels, but this is not the place) meets the Dixing symbol of the alliance. And it's not an instant reunion, because 'ye zun' (probably a self chosen codename either way, because it doesn't make sense as a thing they would have called a slave) thinks his gege is dead and Hei Pao Shi (a mask that took on a life of its own) has had so little hope to hold on to, and has never seen his own masked face in the mirror, to compare it to this spy.
Anyway, my idea is generally a softer AU where everything works out. Kunlun facilitates a reveal, helps the twins end the war, and legends say Hei Pao Shi gained the ability to be in two places at once. The twins get Sleeping Beautied together in a Hallow-facilitated dirt-nap, no one ends up in the pillar, and they end up terrorizing different portions of academia and both governments taking shifts as Hei Pao Shi. Not!Ye Zun (because the name doesn't make sense in this AU) is having the time of his life watching his brother fall over himself for Zhao Yunlan. They probably meet slightly earlier than in canon. That dude with the purple hair can be the main evil villain, with some Regent political assholery.
Also, does anyone else think the most unbelievable part of the drama is the Treaty existing, unedited, for 10,000 years?!
Magic aliens? sure I can vibe with that. Ancient war with magic item time loop? Awesome love that. Doctor Who-esque out of order love story? Hell yeah. Bad CGI? I can deal. A treaty being upheld by both parties for ten thousand years? What the fuck are they smoking and can i have some?
for tagging purposes i'm calling this the celestial events AU in my head, because america just lost it's mind about the eclipse, and twins with sun/moon symbolism (light hair v dark hair, powerful abilities that are related but function differently, on opposing sides because of things beyond their control, so powerful they can be compared to forces of nature), and also because they involve a series of events aligning in just the right way, and also because of how there can be years separating occurrences. I can keep BSing but i'm not good at titles and this is as good as its going to get from me.
I may update if I actually translate ideas into words, feel free to do what you want, I like reading more than writing.
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purble-turble · 1 year
Sooooo…. How do you think the camel ridge trio would work out in Demon King Red? 👀👀👀
This is a really interesting idea, because the presence of Demon King Red would definitely change a lot about how those three interact with everyone else.. I did make this post about it previously, but I have some further ideas about them now too.
If they don't play much of a role in the events, and we assume that all of them are not trapped in the memory scroll in this version of things, then they certainly could just be background characters who send him supplies and later show up at DKR's wedding. However, if they were to have a larger role, and if we assume that Peng and Elephant are still trapped in the memory scroll, then things get more interesting. In that case, Azure would probably take the place of Macaque.
First of all, Azure Lion would probably show up to meet a freshly coronated Demon King Red. He would have received word that the Demon Bull family's heir is asking old allies for help and came immediately. Obviously he first offers his deepest condolences for the loss of the Demon Bull King, you know they were sworn brothers, and to learn that he was murdered at the hands of Sun Wukong. You know, he always hoped that Sun Wukong would come around and see the error of his ways and perhaps they could all be friendly again, but seeing what he's done this time... well, he can't be left t ohis own devices anymore, he's ruining too many lives. And he can't be killed, so obviously he needs to be controlled.
He manages to win over Red with sweet words of how he completely understands how he feels over the loss of MK. He shares his own story and uses it to relate to his own pain and says that he knows they can both get what they want. All they have to do is work together.
Now, he convinces DKR that instead of revealing himself and this beautiful court he's built up to the rest of the world (and MK), instead what Azure will do is set a trap using the memory scrolls. All they need to do is release that curse when MK and Sun Wukong are together, and then Azure will handle the rest. Once MK and all his little friends are trapped in the scroll and the curse within it defeated, Azure can pull MK out, but leave behind Sun Wukong and all his little friends.
The whole plot of season 4 plays out pretty precisely from there, and only diverges after MK is freed from the scroll. He does not emerge back in Camel Ridge like he does in canon. Nope. Instead, he finds himself in a gold and red throne room and the fire demon who captured and tortured him for six months, the one he thought he had mercifully seen the last of, is there waiting for him. And Azure just hands him right over.
Obviously MK is devastated by this betrayal and extremely confused and hurt (and maybe even glitching into monkey form at this point if we want to keep that fun bit of canon).. Azure does feel a twinge of guilt at seeing how scared MK looks as he's being embraced by Demon King Red, but he only offers excuses and no help. He's sure that MK will grow to love Red again, just as he has hopes that Wukong will once again return his affection once his grand plan is complete.
With Peng and Elephant now free as well, Azure goes to complete that mission. This time he's also aided by the army that Red has promised him for returning his darling MK to him, so that combined with the now tamed curse of the memory scroll, it's an even easier fight up in Heaven to take down the Jade Emperor.
Honestly, everything seems to be going very well for DKR and Azure in this version of things... but there's just one problem.
Azure took somebody's place in this AU. So what's Macaque up to?
Well... he's also got his eye on Sun Wukong and is looking to win him over. Seeing him trapped in that scroll by Azure (his bitter rival for Wukong's affection) is kind of inconvenient.. Although, with the little successor getting kidnapped by the Demon Bull's brat, there may be an opportunity here. Azure is definitely underestimating how angry Wukong will be once he lets him out of that scroll... if Macaque can get to the kid and free him, then surely Wukong will be grateful.
It's so easy to snatch him away. All he has to do is open a up a teeny little shadow portal under MK the second Red stops hugging him and the kid falls right into his lap.
Now he just needs to explain that he's Monkey King's old friend (no NOT like Azure, kid, that guy sucks) and offer to help him save the Monkey King.
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thecryptidart1st · 2 years
Welcome to the Soldered Wires AU
A FNAF AU Guide of Michael Afton x Sammy Emily
By @thecryptidart1st and @preetkiran1016​​
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AU Introduction & Masterpost [You Are Here]
Character Headcanons [[COMING SOON]]
Timeline of Events
Soldered Wires Fanfics
Soldered Wires Ask Rules (Please Read Before Asking)
(Spoilers for the lore of FNAF, both in games and in other media associated with the franchise are featured throughout this AU)
Why is it called ‘Soldered Wires’?
Much like soldering itself, this AU is an attempt to melt together the canon of the FNAF games, books, theories (all of Game Theory), fan-created media inspired from the franchise (TheLivingTombstone music, Squimpus McGrimpus VHS videos, etc), and personal canon in an attempt to create a cohesive story of the Emily & Afton families throughout the events of FNAF.
Who is Sammy Emily?
Sammy Emily is the twin brother of Charlie Emily and son of Henry Emily in the Silver Eyes trilogy of books. It was implied that he was taken and murdered by William Afton at Fredbear’s Diner when the twins were very young, before it was revealed that it was Charlie herself who was killed. Other than that, we have no other information regarding his personality or current whereabouts in the books’ canon.
Why are you so obsessed with Sammy Emily if he was a minor character in the books?
It’s very evident that the canon of the books, while a separate canon from the games’ own canon, are frequently used to fill gaps in the lore of the games (see any Game Theory video made after Sister Location). Characters mentioned in the books have become canon names in the games. Sammy Emily’s existence in the games’ lore is completely unknown (as far as we know as of August 2022), so this AU is our take on IF he was canon in the games.
Soldered Wires Masterpost:
    These Are Practically FNAF Canon:
        Freddy Fazbear * Charlie Emily * Vintage 1982 Freddy Fazbear Poster * Happy 7th Anniversary * Humanized FNAF Characters * How Scott Created FNAF * The Uno Incident Recreation (lol) * Mike Getting 30 Years of Catharsis Through The Queen * FNAF Ghosts in a Nutshell * Elizabeth’s Namesake *
    Mike is My Blorbo:
        The First FNAF Post * Mike is a Beauty Guru * August 2020 Mike * Mike is 2020′s Gay Icon * 1983 Michael Afton * Mike is Retail Mood * Mike is a Gremlin * Medibang had an Ipad App * Minecraft Mike * Mike is a Grump Mood * Mike & Jeremy (old) * Mike is Poggers * April 2019 Mike * Mike Hates Rabbits (Easter 2021) * Lil’ Michael & Music * Teen Mike & Music * Mike & Sammy hog blankets * Vacation Mike * Sad Mike for a sad post * Mike got a booty and I’m surprised no one called me out for him having William’s color scheme * Mike is Retail Mood 2 * Mike & Gold * Mike Offends Freddy * Pinup Mike * Mike Drawn at Starbucks * Mike is Tired Mood * Tiny Mike, Big Sweater * How Mike Starts 20/20/20/20 Mode * Mike gets pwned by Pokemon characters * Oh right, I have a lecture and a kofi * Mike got asks * It’s a win/win * 2014 Mike vs 2022 Mike * Mike would divorce for coffee * Angsty Mikes * Mike in Color * Tiktok Sexyman Material * Please give me Mike content * Giraffe neck *
    Mike x Sammy (Sammike):
        The First Sammike Post * Sammy’s Introduction * Mike & Sammy spite their dads * The First Sammike Fan * The Second Sammike Fan * Sammy Rests on Mike’s Lap * Quality Content * How Sammy Proposed * Mike & Sammy at a Wedding Dinner * 100 Days of Sammike * The Emily-Aftons Go Grocery Shopping * Mike’s Birthday Gift for Sammy * The Emily-Aftons Still Grocery Shopping * Mike, Sammy & Baby Greg (Traditions) * Mike Being Pinned by Sammy * The Sons * Sick Sammike * Mike & Sammy are the Game Grumps * The Emily-Aftons celebrate Halloween 2021 * Mike & Sammy playing Atari * Sammy can’t believe Mike hasn’t been caught * Boyfriends being cute * Anniversary of the First Post * Sammy’s concern about Mike’s mental health * Sammy’s concern aftermath * The Emily-Aftons celebrate Christmas 2021 * New Year’s Kiss * Their First Meeting * A morning with the family * Boyfriends at the club * Sammike at Target * Sammy is a confimed monsterf*cker * Muppet Sammike * A Romance Novel Cover * Why Sammy is Hot *
    Soldered Wires Lore:
        Sammy & the Puppet * Welcome to the Soldered Wires AU (2021 Pin) * Sammy After Pizza Simulator * The Emily Twins’ Birthday (sad post) * My partner and I hate Game Theory sometimes * The Holy Spirits * A clip of my lore lecture * I lose my shit over a poster * 1000 Note Ask Announcement * Mike in the Noncanon SL Ending * Pizzeria Simulator in a Nutshell * Crying Child & His Family * The only serious cutscene of the lecture preview * There’s something familiar here... * Glamrock Freddy is definitely showing his Glammike * Gregory’s reason * Gregory, your dad has PTSD * I somehow stay true to what my partner wrote down * Once again MatPat foils my plans * The Emily Twins’ Birthday 2022 * Happy Birthday Michael *
    My Other Blorbo Is A Murderer:
        The First William * The Fathers * William in @meemoze’s CMA post * How William Recruited Henry * William’s a Foreshadowing Dick Father * You didn’t read the contract you signed * Peepaw Meme * William William William * William & Henry * William Sketches at Target * Peepaw spends time with his grandson * Peepaw will fight Henry for Gregory * William in Color * William Prepaint Sketch * William in Acrylic * The Twink * Even this bastard was pro-choice *
    Pre-Security Breach Art:
        Gregory’s Introduction * Vanny * Vanny is maybe Mike’s daughter? * Gregory & Vanny are maybe siblings? * Glamrock Freddy & Gregory Try Hacking a Door * I wrote a better Vanny scene than Security Breach actually did :D * Gregory’s First Ask * This was Basically Security Breach * Glamrock Freddy showing his Glammike *
    Post-Security Breach Art:
        Security Breach has arrived * One of you works for Steel Wool, I have suspicions * He Had It Coming * 2K Note Ask Announcement * Two Different Personalities * Roxy says Hello * 4k Note Ask Update * Gregory’s thoughts about the Glamrocks * He’s Just Standing There, MENANCINGLY * Gregory in Color~ * The Crayon Incident * Sundrop & Moondop’s views on social interaction * “Underneath this smile I’m dying” * We don’t talk about Bonnie * 6k Note Ask Update * Gregory chooses an animatronic form * Moondrop threatens our fingers * Roxy’s not crying who put these tears on her pillow * Gregory brought a sweater * There’s something in the shadows * Vanessa’s not paid enough * Bawk, bawk, bitch * Monty has anger issues * Sammy’s on the case * Glamrock Freddy can’t decide who’s his best pal * They’re ourple and related * Which ending are we even in? * A hug from Sundrop * Vanny & Vanessa * V & V’s thoughts about Gregory * Vanny threatens a kidney * The Spoon * Closing the box * Happy Easter 2022 *
    Pre Security Breach DLC Art:
        A Possible Theory * Further elaboration on Theory * Jeremy Teaser * 
    My Self Doodle Answers Your FNAF/Soldered Wires Questions:
        The First Ask (no pic) * I encourage ship asks * Come watch me make these two kiss * Make all the fanfiction * Mike & Sammy’s singing voices * I really liked ooftroop’s video * I clarify which video confused us * I can’t believe they brought peepaw back * Me explaining how I make the Emilys related * I was glued to my phone a whole weekend * I threw you guys a hint to how this all works * FNAF addiction * I verify that there is indeed fanfiction about this AU * Debating if the Janitor is Soldered Wires canon * I’m a fraud of a FNAF fan * My thoughts on Security Breach * I react to a good FNAF fanfic * I’m still reeling over a good FNAF fic * Thoughts on JR’s * I like JR’s Mangle * I have a spending problem * The Hot Topic FNAF Shirt Saga * I curse another to the animation struggle * The Hot Topic FNAF Shirt Saga Part 2 * My opinion on Youtooz’ Ignited Freddy *
    Soldered Wires But… :
        Mike is an Essential Retail Worker * Mike Snaps (Willy’s Wonderland News) * Snapped! Mike Attacks * Mike worked on Willy’s Wonderland * Sammy is the Puppet * They’re Omegaverse * Mike & Sammy meet Book Charlie * Mike is a Fae Child * Prince! Sammy & Fae! Mike * Harry Potter! Sammike * Alive AU (with Scott response) * It’s Freddy x Foxy * It’s Golden Freddy x Puppet * It’s Springtrap and Mike’s Schmidt’s Son? * Alive AU! Mike, Sammy & Charlie eat pizza * Alive AU! Mike, Sammy & Charlie full view * Alive AU! Middle Aged Mike * Steven Universe Gem! Sammike * Toy Freddy Stares Into Your Soul * The Aftons live in Yellowstone * It’s Unfinished Art * It’s Unfinished Art (but with Spoilers) * It’s Based in Someone Else’s Fanfic * Gregory is a Glamrock with Mike * I yell about Aftonbuilt * I reallllly yell about Aftonbuilt * Popstar/Rockstar! AU * They’re cats * More cats * I refuse to accept the canon design of Mike on the poster and decide its CC * Afton Brothers in the Switched Roles AU hanging out *
    The Graveyard Shift (and their related fandoms):
        The Janitor * Janitor & Mike (First Ask With Picture) * Dead Meme * Bierce * Mike Doesn’t Trust Poppy (Chapter 1) * You can see the Graveyard Shift forming in this one * Janitor is OP in Security Breach * The Concept Post * Mike & Janitor are friends * Ethan is a baby * Macabre Mart Hiring (2nd Blog Announcement) * Working out heights and shapes * We quit retail * Mike points out Doug & Will are white guys in 1985 * Doug and Bierce ripoff the Little Mermaid * Mike Doesn’t Trust Poppy (Chapter 2) * I had to censor this ask * He’s straight, it’s great~ * Mike is absolutely livid the Mechanic dragged his father’s burning butt out of Fazbear Frights *
    TikToks, Animations & Gifs:
        Freddy’s Stay Calm Animatic * Mike’s Portrait GIF * Mike’s Portrait Stills * Mike Procreate Animation Test * Mike & William F is for Family Rough Animatic * Mike is Bored Animation * Mike says “Wow” Animation * William is my first TikTok * Mike & Greg find out about the MJ musical * FOR TIL COLLEGE * I have a spending problem, but animated * 
    This Ain’t Mine, But It’s Got Soldered Wires Vibes:
        @meemoze’s Snapped! Mike * @awkwardbutchkid’s Mike * @lesserartdump’s Sammike * @meemoze’s Sammy * @meemoze’s Sammy & Mike * @aromaseraphy-lavender​ drew my Mike * @carogdraws drew my Mike *
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boinin · 10 months
for @marcsnuffy and that one anon
Pride, Prejudice & Penalties
Blue Lock x Austen AU
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single football player in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a rival.
Causing immediate excitement among Ego Jinpaichi and his five young wards, Kunigami Rensuke, a wealthy young football player, has rented a nearby stadium in their locality. He arrives in town accompanied by his fashionable teammate Alexis Ness and their good friend, Michael Kaiser. While Kunigami is well-received in the sporting community, Kaiser begins his acquaintance with smug condescension and proud distaste for all the unsigned players.
Kunigami and Chigiri Hyouma begin to grow close despite Jinpaichi’s embarrassing interference and the opposition of Ness, who considers Chigiri athletically inferior.
Isagi Yoichi is stung by Kaiser’s haughty rejection at a local game and decides to match his coldness with his own wit.
Cast list and rambling thoughts under the cut.
I'll reiterate this was a 2am brainrot kind-of idea and I have no scope to actually write this, unfortunately. So if anyone feels like making their own version, go ahead! I claim no ownership haha.
Here's how I provisionally cast the different P&P roles:
1. Mr. Bennet: Noel Noa
2. Mrs. Bennet: Ego Jinpachi
3. Miss Jane Bennet: Chigiri Hyouma
4. Miss Elizabeth Bennet: Isagi Yoichi
5. Miss Mary Bennet: Igarashi Gurimu
6. Miss Catherine Bennet (Kitty): Raichi Jingo
7. Miss Lydia Bennet: Bachira Meguru
8. Mr. Charles Bingley: Kunigami Rensuke
9. Miss Caroline Bingley: Alexis Ness
10. Miss Charlotte Lucas: Nagi Seishiro
11. Rt. Hon. Lady Catherine de Bourgh: Barou Shoei
12. Miss Anne de Bourgh: Sendou Shuto
13. Colonel Fitzwilliam: Oliver Aiku
14. Rev. William Collins: Mikage Reo
15. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Michael Kaiser
16. Miss Georgiana Darcy: Hiori Yo
17. Mr. George Wickham: Itoshi Rin
On reflection, I agree Nagi and Reo are more fitting as Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth... if you want to go down the romance route. Nagi is that guy who means well but has no filter and doesn't express himself well. Reo has the spirited attitude of Lizzie and the cleverness/conviction to confront an asshole like Darcy. It definitely helps that Reo's canonically written to resemble a maiden in love 💜
But I envisioned this as a satire regarding rivalry, loosely following the events of P&P. There's no better rivals than Kaisagi IMO. Another good option would be Rin and Isagi as Darcy/Lizzie. Then you could make Sae a reeeeally shady Georgiana and Shidou Wickham. Igaguri can be Lydia lololol
Kunigami as Bingley and Chigiri as Jane is my bias showing - but Chigiri fits well as Jane, the beautiful lovesick sibling who yearns for a rival that has seemingly rejected them (hello, Wild Card Kunigami).
The other castings were fitting characters I personally enjoy to leftover roles. They're not particularly well thought-out. I loooove Barou as Lady Catherine though, especially where Isagi is Lizzie. He has a similar condescending vibe in Blue Lock and again, through the lens of rivalry, their confrontation would be hilarious. Otherwise, Noa or Ego would be fitting as Lady Catherine, playing on the difference in age and footballer status.
Kaiser as Catherine and Ness as Mr. Collins would also work beautifully.
I have Bachira and Rin as Lydia/Wickham because I enjoy their ship, but appreciate they don't fit the characters perfectly. But I can see Bachira running off to become Rin's rival, as well as Rin trying to convince Isagi to be his.
Ego and Noa raising football orphans with very different methodologies? Of course ✨ Isagi being closer to Noa is a nice nod to BLLK canon.
Here's my writing notes, on approaching this:
Take text of certain scenes and moments from P&P and flip them to read as if from Isagi’s perspective. Instead of marriage, it's rivalries, and they're seeking club offers rather than rival offers.
The dialogue should be similar but irreverent. Characters like Sendou and Nagi are present for a gag, rather than any actual serious reason.
So, lift the text from the original, make the dialogue contemporary with high degrees of snark, done!
I won't get scope to do this basically ever, but it's a fun concept. Would love to hear people's thoughts!
The Shakespeare AU I likely will write, when I finish my current WIPs. It'll be A Midsummer Night's Dream, but set in high school, in the same vein as Clueless and Ten Things I Hate About You. I'm excited to get stuck into that, as it'll be multi-ship and heavy on the crack.
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I’ve never done my own fic rec post before but I’m feeling inspired seeing more and more people do this. Also, I’m so slow and usually weeks behind what everyone else is reading but I’ve read some new stuff recently so let’s go!
We Still Bloom Complete, 18k, Rated T by @artsyunderstudy
I am a sucker for Hanahaki fics (the angst! The pain! The perceived unrequited love! The ticking clock!) and this one does not disappoint. Set within those awful doubting weeks of WS/AWTWB and sprinkled with plenty of past memories and present action, this author really lets you sit with that sorrow and uncertainty. Plus FANTASTIC art! What more could you want?
The Beautiful Game WIP, currently 8k, Rated T by @fatalfangirl
This fic is composed of anecdotes of Simon and Baz playing football over the years but football is merely a lens to view the progression of their relationship. It’s canon compliant and fits so seamlessly with the events surrounding it. The WS chapter, for example, packs a punch in a few hundred words. It will have you sobbing, squealing, sighing and laughing as the chapters take you through the best (and worst) of their relationship. But through it all they have football. Need I say more?
This Is Your Place, Complete, 19k, Rated M by @cutestkilla This fic was written for @carryonprompts fest (along with the two above!) and answered the question: how would things have differed if Baz came back to his room after the Open sesame incident to find Simon, tits out, bloody and without his cross? This author took the prompt in a a sexy but also tender and angsty direction. A lovely get together written by a very talented writer.
Speaking of, I’m gonna jump back to @cutestkilla’s first fic because she just posted this great meta about what informed her version of the Humdrum from canon, which got me thinking about how What’s Left is still one of my favorite fics of all time so if you haven’t read this fic about what if Simon really died in the White Chapel and the Humdrum (Sid, my beloved) was left, how might he and Baz take on the Mage? It’s so creative, funny, sweet and heartfelt and (despite the way the premise sounds) will leave you fulfilled in a way you never knew you needed to be.
Ready or Not WIP, currently 5k, Rated E by @bookish-bogwitch
Another Carry On Prompts Fest fic that I am OBSESSED with. It’s a Watford era magickal mishap (my fave, it should be a proper tag!) in which Simon accidentally spells Baz to spontaneously orgasm without warning several times a day. This story is both hilarious and so sexy and the end of chapter 1 leaves us with a delightful twist. I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Stress Management WIP currently 22k, rated M by @whogaveyoupermission
Normal AU, later in life get together in which social worker!Simon tried to manage his stress by attending a barre class taught by none other than his former classmate Baz. This fic is so sweet and sexy you will be screeching for them to get together by the end of the first chapter. And yet this author is building their mutual pining so, so well. Bonus content includes Baz in all sorts of sexy barre instructor outfits that you won’t want to miss!
Phew! If your like me, and have a to be read list a mile long and you don’t know what to start with, do yourself a favor and check out any of these gems that sound interesting. I promise, they will not disappoint! Thank you for the tags today @martsonmars @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @larkral @bookish-bogwitch @nightimedreamersworld @whogaveyoupermission @johnwgrey @confused-bi-queer @artsyunderstudy @palimpsessed @moodandmist @creepyspice @ivelovedhimthroughworse y’all are working on some fantastic stuff!
Tagging a few more people in case you want to spread the word on these awesome fics or share some words (or recs!) of your own @whatevertheweather @captain-aralias @takitalks @toonysart @messofthejess @ionlydrinkhotwater @aristocratic-otter @prettylightsbigcity @castawaypitch @yeonjunenby @erzbethluna @hushed-chorus @stardustasincocaine @frjsti @toonysart @forabeatofadrum @raenestee @yellobb @bazzybelle @gekkoinapeartree @ic3-que3n @tea-brigade
Also, if you’ve read this far and want to check out chapter 4 of Depth of Reason, it’s out now, with more lovely art by @toonysart
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