#the bodyguard kin
pixlime · 9 days
There should be an option where you just buy Rubin a gun and tell him to handle his damn self
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Silly LMK au where Bai He is Tang's daughter;
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Tang aquires Bai He (adoption, next of kin, or biologically) around the time Pigsy finds MK, causing the two new parents to go "well damn, we're together with kids now I guess. Might as well move in together." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pigsy is convinced that their precious baby girl can do no wrong - Tang is far more wiser about his daughter's tricks - Bai He has her Baba wrapped around her little finger.
Canon is almost identical at first except MK pretty much grows up with a mischievous baby sister that he's uber protective of. And ofc MK openly calls the two men his parents (Baba and Bama/Pama for Pigsy and Tang respectively) cus why not? Probably has a small crisis at the age he realises that he's not Freenoodles bio-kid.
Bai He likes following/tagging along on noodle drives to hang out with her big bro (and play Pokemon Go). She tags along with MK on the fateful delivery that leads to him getting the staff.
Bai He is the type of little kid to look the newly-resurrected Demon Bull King in the eye and loudly proclaim; "HEY! You leave my gēge alone you bully!", causing MK to panic even harder about the situation they're both in. (Though DBK & PIF are struck impressed by the human calf's daring).
When MK gains the Monkey King himself as his mentor - Bai He respectively gains a shadowy bodyguard.
Things after New Years however? Well...
Lets just say that LBD cannot hide from the fury of the Golden Cicada :)
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hidingoutbackstage · 10 months
Resident Evil Tumblr Simulator
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☸️ biohazheard Follow
Friendly reminder that Tricell was found guilty of dealing with bio organic weapons so if you buy from them you’re a piece of shit
💊 raccooncitywasfaked Follow
oh sure it’s all “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism and people who are poorer might sometimes buy from unethical companies in order to stay alive” but the line is drawn when it comes to companies that sell medical supplies i just can’t with this hellsite today
📷 terrasavedd Follow
there are multiple posts going around this site of alternatives to tricell for buying medical supplies but all you wanna do is bitch on other people’s posts i see how it is
📷 terrasavedd Follow
Update: apparently @raccooncitywasfaked is literally a former Tricell employee lmaooo no wonder you’re so butthurt
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👩‍🦰 sarahjp Follow
Girl help why the fuck am I seeing blacklisted posts with the tags “#sex and the city spoilers” AND “#umbrella pharmaceuticals” in the same posts hello???
🍒 carryingbradshaw Follow
The Sex and the City finale aired tonight, and like five minutes later the official ruling of the Umbrella Trials was closed with a guilty conviction
💕 regenblue Follow
only on tumblr would we be finding out about world events like this
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💖 biowesbian Follow
the media is so fake sometimes i swear there’ll be a whole live debate on “should we call them z*mbies or ‘infected individuals’?” bro people are dying this is not the time for semantics
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🐻 don-kinxoite Follow
every time i think “the kinning community isn’t THAT toxic” i get hit over the head by some new out of this world discourse. today it’s people trying to kin actual real world fucking viruses
🐶 stolenface Follow
i’m sorry…REAL VIRUSES??? like ignoring the irl implications of that aside how would you even fucking do that?
🐻 don-kinxiote Follow
yeah real viruses. someone tried to claim they were the t virus and said to someone who tried kinning t veronica that they were copying them. what has this community come to
🌡️ engineered-kinning Follow
y'all are JUST now seeing this discourse? damn. i was mutuals w/ someone who claimed they kinned a (made up) virus that gave them all of the symptoms of alphas in the omegaverse
🐻 don-kinxiote Follow
horrible information, thank you
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💙 grahamscracker Follow
Look ik we're all "fuck the government and the dogs that work for em" but like come onnn look at Ashley Graham's new bodyguard he is fineeee
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🧬 bowliving Follow
important confession
i lied about my BOW status and all aspects of my identity (marital status, science experiment past, family, etc.) on this blog and i truly apologize
☎️ brbabow Follow
a) why is this tagged breaking bad
b) what the fuck is going on
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kingdoms-and-empires · 11 months
Kingdoms and Empires Wiki Drop!
Sup guys, im releasing what i have done in the wiki today! In this post im only going to talk about the Wiki because I dont want to create an even more massive wall of text here than it already is. Please see the entire post on the forums thread!!! I solidified the lore (which means no more massive changes), set the foundations to the story (so i dont end up writing a shit ton and having to fucking rewrite everything anymore), and pretty much rewrote the canon lore until i reached a point where i literally cannot share it because itd be spoilers without the future rewrite (regarding the worldbuilding, all introduced characters and such are still the same, some just had minor tweeks, so nothing crazy like changing our old bodyguard Mary:
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and turning her into our childhood friend lmao So the plan now is current wiki drop. A good amount of it will be hidden since alot of it is spoilers, so you get 39,174 thousand words of unlocked content out of about 50k words in the wiki. And that's without me transferring 90% of the Codex ingame to the wiki, so its ALL (okay like 85%) new words of content and lore! Dont worry, im dropping literally all extra work and focusing purely on playable updates now until i regain your guy's trust in me after being so radio silent.
I also know and recognize that this has gotta be annoying asf since what you guys really want is updates but after what happened with the Total War franchise (my beloved) and their lightning fast content pipeline and lack of upgrading their engine ended up destroying the health of the company and ruining fans trust in em, id rather invest on the long term than short term unlike them (meaning id rather have a set story, narrative line complete, and research resources so that i can use that to run wild in writing).
I made a history of the world as known to them, so much of it is subject to embellishment, lies, and "the victor writes history" trope.
Historia Mundis
If you'd rather just have the list of articles that can be found within the timeline though, here it is: The Great Disturbances, Wars of Unification, and the Longwei Empire
Reign of the Daishu Dynasty
Ecumenical Dominion and the Flight of the Belthean People.
Belthean Migrations
Reign of Emperor Garland
Reign of Emperor Daerin I
Reign of Emperor Valerion
Reign of Emperor Elric I
Reign of Emperor Cenric
Reign of Emperor Saldwin
Reign of Emperor Elric II
Reign of Emperor Daerin II
The Interactive Outdated Map Yeahhh almost as soon as i published the map for the patreons it became outdated lmaoooo Nareth is much bigger than originally imagined, Argent is surrounded by mountain and forest tribes (think Hispania’s Lusitanian Wars or the Germanic Tribes type of vibe). The empire (being Imperial Chinese and Persian Empire inspired) also is surrounded by the these tribes, and the Imperial Province of Lymark is now the “Protectorate of the Western Regions” which basically means theyre the watchdogs of Western Nareth. Its funny because theyre also across the St. Hytera River, which is much like the Danube River, and will inevitably face the same issues Rome did with Dacia when they had a presence that extended the natural borders.
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Master List of Articles
The Evolution of Belthean Civilization
Veldora Duchy I may have gone too far here. I regret nothing and learning about agriculture and stuff was awesome.
Silverhill Duchy Mining is alot more complicated than I thought, though Engineering MC is gonna have equally alot to improve!
Imperial Ranks The ranks will have importance. I know that sounds weird, but I did not spend an afternoon writing this just for the lulz.
Imperial Crown Heir
Imperial Prince and Princess
Imperial Duke/Duchess
Imperial Count/Countess
The Imperial Landed Knight
The Belthean Empire The biggest entry from the ingame Codex that I transferred over and polished. This should give you a hint of how ill do the other kingdoms in the future for their article.
Kin of Arava I experimented here and instead of making an actual article, made it a class lecture of a series of days focusing on the Kin with a racist professor lmao
Zera Arava So i had to do this in intervals as I was writing and plotting out his side stories. Honestly hope i did the homie justice, he's a fav of mine, though i think each of the ROs will be favs as I write more and more about them.
Sacred Dance I assure you the Sacred Dance isnt what you think it is.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patreons, you guys already read the below list. However ive cleaned the articles up and polished them! The Genesis of the Belthean Empire: From Invasion to Unification
Voryn Resdayn I wanted to see how i could make a character entry. It looks awesome, but holy fuck do they take time to create lmaooo, ill make the rest of them in the future.
Kin of Arava
Eastern Kin The descendants of Kin and Beltheans who mixed, that are settled within the empire.
House Resdayn Wanted to see how I could do the houses, still unsure (okay i dont like it) of how it came out. Hence why I started with a minor house that one of the RO's belonged to.
The Astute Emperor and the Imperial Provincial Rule: A Revolutionary Shift in Governance
Master-Scholars of Jelaytha The Jelaythan organization of scholars that Master Feren is from.
Post-Unification Transformations in the Belthean Empire: Trade, Economy, Industry, and Immigration in the Wake of Conquest
Imperial Historians Obviously the imperial faction that wants to get their hands on tutoring you lmao.
Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium The Jelaythan/Imperial organization at the forefront of the intellectual international community.
Tripartite Alliance Read what the empire is teaching their citizens about how they conquered the alliance.
The Satrap System and Imperial Provincial Rule
The Great Racist of the Academy: Imperial Historian Acillus Cinna
The Sword Saint
Master-Scholar Kaleb
The Gleaming Horizon: Silverhill's Maritime Supremacy The book of a writer who we'll meet ingame. Youll decide whether or not to bully him as a 12 year old lmao.
Baniel Worthton The author of above said book. He even wrote about himself. Yes, it's supposed to be an ick.
The Ulrich Cothon The second book of his that'll feature in the game.
So…I guess in basketball or futbol terms… rebuilding phase is over, and i got all the players i need for a championship run!
It was an almost year long rebuilding phase, true, but omg it was so needed.
Plus I also learned alot of fucking coding at the same time lmao. Basically a lot of tweaking around with Choicescript and knowing how to code some actions. Also there's CoG implementing a new checkpoint system so thank fuck for that because this game's gonna be huge and id hate to play it without a save system.
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hinganskies · 7 months
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Nagisa Kagamine ❤️‍🔥
Nagisa works as a bodyguard with a fiery disposition, a sharp tongue and an even sharper blade. She travels in search of knowledge and wisdom and loves a good meal with comrades.
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Onyx 🪻
Onyx is mysterious and has not told anyone about her past or where she came from. Despite being intimidating with her sharp fangs and ability to tower over everyone, she’s a total sweetheart who loves to share sweets with her friends.
Hello my name is Saturn! Feel free to give me a follow if you’re interested in ffxiv related content! ✨❤️ I’m happy to follow back and reblog your ocs!!!
Before you follow, MY BLOG IS NOT SPOILER FREE and I sometimes post mild nsfw content
I do not tolerate bullying, harassment or stalking!
As stated above, if you find yourself blocked and don’t know why, it’s likely you engaged in hurtful behavior to me, a friend/acquaintance, or someone on my dash. Please be kind, we all have a right to be here. Conflict is a normal thing that happens with social interactions, but it is entirely up to you how you choose to engage with conflict. Please have respect for other’s boundaries and privacy. If someone blocks you or tells you to leave them alone, you leave them alone!
Character descriptions below:
Currently Nagisa works as a bodyguard/sellsword for multiple locations including the Namazu and Rads-at-Han. She is training in the art of the Samurai, as well as botany and alchemy. She is also a close friend and ally of Lord Hien as well as Lady Yugiri.
Nagisa’s place of birth is Sui-no-Sato, which lies beneath the Ruby Sea. Despite her kin’s efforts to shun the outside world, Nagisa’s passion and curiosity for the outside led her away from Othard entirely and towards a completely new world for a long time before returning. Her drive to learn about the world around her and to help others is often seen as a beacon of hope for her peers.
That being said, Nagisa has some very interesting characteristics about her including her viridescent skin dotted with ivory freckles and plentiful horns that protrude from her skull. These can be attributed to her being Au Ra Raen/Kojin. Growing up she knew she looked different from her peers and it was difficult for her to fit in a lot of the time. But she embraces her unique beauty and continues to pursue her dreams ❤️‍🔥
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demonmoonsupreme · 2 months
This morning I was thinking about Merlin, because of course I was. But then I was also thinking about Love Between Fairy and Devil, because of course I was. And I was thinking about Shang Que, he’s Dongfang Qingcang’s manservant/henchmen/bodyguard/best friend thing. He’s also a dragon. And I was thinking about this epic battle that Dongfang Qingcang basically died in before coming back to life 30,000 years later to immediately summon his dragon henchman dude.
And then I’m thinking about Merlin, who’s Arthur Pendragon’s manservant/henchmen/bodyguard/best friend thing. And he’s a dragonlord/dragon kin. (And in fanon this often means he can turn into a dragon). And obviously Arthur dies in this epic battle but is promised to rise again centuries later.
What if Merlin could turn into a dragon? What if that was a form he could casually assume? What if Arthur knew Merlin was a dragonlord? What if when Arthur rises 1500+ years after his death he summons Merlin to him? What if I wrote a fic about this? (Jk, i have too many wips atm)
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
GHOULS! what are they?
i'm glad you asked! (keep in mind, none of this is official... i just like worldbuilding and hoarding headcanons)
GHOULS are a species of demon, summoned from hell by the church for many different reasons. a lot of the time they're used for grunt work due to their immense natural strength in comparison to humans, but on occasion they are 'hired' (for lack of a better word) as personal servants (ie, butlers lol), bodyguards, and to help with press if the papas are too exhausted/hungover/busy.
there are also many different subtypes of ghouls! as we know, each ghoul is assigned an element - air, water, earth, fire, and quintessence (and special... we'll get into him as well, don't worry!).
unlike what most people think, hell is not all fire, lava and pits of death. it's actually very geographically diverse, with ghouls sprinkled throughout all of the different climates.
because of this, many ghouls traits are different from one another on account of living in different environments which call for anatomical differences.
these traits exist in ALL GHOULS, no matter the type:
horns, of course! well, as far as we know - a ghoul born without horns has yet to be discovered...
claws and digital pads on both their hands and feet.
sharp teeth and forked tongues.
magic! this varies depending on their element (i'll probably make a separate post about their magic)
i'll be getting into specifics under the cut cause this post is gonna be LONG !!
the two major differences in air ghouls compared to the rest of them are the fact that they have feathers, and wings.
most people wouldn't notice the feathers at first glance because they are minuscule, almost like a light coat of fur. they're sleek, range from grey to black and are occasionally patterned (though this is uncommon). they stop growing up to the hands and feet.
with some ghouls, the feathers become more noticeable around their neck and hips. they tend to be thicker/longer and fluffier!
onto the wings - air ghouls are the only ghoul to have wings, since most of the other types are land-bound and as such, wings tend to be a hindrance. they can be made of all feather, but typically are a combination between the leathery, demon-esque wings and bird wings.
some ghouls only have a coat of feathers on the outside of their wings while the inside is skin, other ghouls have a thick coat of feathers that gradually morphs into the bat-like wings. it all depends on genetics baby!
they usually live in places with higher elevations. in fact, a lot of air ghouls who are summoned to earth have experienced sickness due to the sudden altitude differences.
air ghouls tend to be on the speedier side, rather than the tough and beefy side. their social dynamics are also quite different than the other ghouls, as they are more conflict avoidant than anything. a lot of air ghouls do not have many close relationships with their kin, as that's just the way they are raised.
compared to some other types of ghouls, you'll know a water ghoul when you see them!
they are usually dappled in scales across their skin, but some water ghouls have been known to be completely covered in them. along with that, they have gills on the side of their neck and torso. they do still have lungs, thankfully, but they much prefer to spend their time in the water.
in most cases, they've got swimmers builds - lanky, but lean. long torsos and arms with short legs. but of course this is not the end all be all, water ghouls come in many shapes in sizes just like the rest of the ghouls!
somehow, whether they've been in water that day or not, they always feel moist. hydrated, slick, almost like frog's skin. many humans find this offputting. (copia being one of those humans)
they tend to have beefy tails, built for controlling their swimming pattern.
they live in marshes in hell, and socially are probably the nicest out of all ghouls. they are the kindest to each other and tend to be shockingly pacifistic when it comes to demonkind. familial bonds are incredibly important in water clans.
BIG. BIG BIG GUYS. this is all you need to know about them.
i joke, of course. earth ghouls are probably the most normal looking of all ghouls. they're just gigantic, usually over the 6' mark (not even counting how large their horns can get!). they also have huge ass heavy ass tails. like, imagine the weight of an anaconda in tail form.
these ghouls are the ones typically hired for grunt work and bodyguard roles. they're incredibly diligent and stubborn and will put all their effort into their assigned jobs. they're also very strong and could knock a bitch out if need be.
all ghouls are omnivorous, but usually the lean to the more carnivorous side. this is not the case for earth ghouls. they are fantastic foragers and have the most balanced diet of all the ghouls. because of this, their teeth tend to be the most similar to humans! it's not easy to eat berries with a mouth full of canines, so they evolved to have flatter teeth.
an interesting fact about them is that they grow a winter coat of fur. in the environments they live in (forests and mountains), it can get incredibly cold, and unlike fire ghouls they don't have a heater inside their bodies at all time. along with the winter coats, they also hibernate for the winter, huddling together in a closed off space to keep warmth in.
many earth ghouls do not know another ghoul outside of their (typically large) families, especially the ones who live in mountains. they are not particularly social, similarly to air ghouls, but they are incredibly close with their families, similarly to water ghouls. that's part of the reason earth ghouls are seen as stoic at times - friendship does not come naturally to them.
definitely the most rambunctious and prevalent of ghouls. if shit's getting fucked up in the clergy, you can bet your ass it's the fault of a fire ghoul.
if earth ghouls weren't so damn big, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them visually. but the second you walk up to them you immediately notice the heat emanating off the smaller one and go, yeah, that's a fire ghoul for sure. if incredibly stressed or agitated, their body temperature can go up to 160° fahrenheit! (but usually it's at 90°)
fire ghouls are the most 'battle-hardened' of all the ghouls. their clans run on physicality and strength, and they fight for their spots in their homes. they have many scars (and stories that go with them), missing teeth, and some are even missing a horn, due to clashing together to fight for dominance. runts, such as dewdrop, are seen as outcasts and not considered useful to the clan, and unfortunately most times they are either exiled or worse - killed.
as mentioned before, fire ghouls are the most prevalent type of ghoul in all of hell. i said that the biomes were diverse and that's true, they are! but there is also a lot of fire and pits of death and volcanos and that's where fire ghouls live. or they live in arizona, which they have affectionately dubbed hell on earth.
because there's so many of them, there's also a lot of them in the clergy, ranging from big to small! while ghouls are typically summoned, many fire ghouls who have been exiled come to earth by themselves. it's easier to fit in here when no one's trying to kill you, y'know?
not much is actually known about quintessence ghouls. they're incredibly sparse, but also incredibly powerful.
quintessence as we know it is (rather ironically) defined as 'a substance thought to compose the heavenly bodies'. unfortunately, medieval alchemists were half-wrong in this theory - it makes up demons, too.
these ghouls are strange, to put it simply. they don't have any societal standards the likes of their fellow ghouls... they're actually much more 'human', per say. they get along well with humans incredibly easily and even enjoy their company.
they aren't much different from earth and fire ghouls in their physical presence, other than what looks to be glowing freckles scattered all across their skin. some people have said they look to be constellations at closer examination.
though they may seem silly and friendly, it is partially a front. quintessence ghouls know a lot more than they tell us. possibly more than humans could even comprehend...
it is rumored if a quintessence ghoul is angered so deeply to the point where something in their essence cracks, they become a being of pure fury, lost in the ether. supposedly, their physical form becomes nothing but a concept, but no human has come into contact with a quintessence ghoul at their most emotionally disturbed (at least, they haven't lived to tell the tale).
there is one thing that's certain about quintessence ghouls, however:
they do love bananas.
no one knows what the hell he is or where he even came from. a lot of people in the clergy aren't even sure he's a ghoul.
he's oddly mysterious and aloof, which makes people question how much power he actually has. but he's also... incredibly happy to help with the press??? he loves a good joke and thinks humans are particularly endearing. he especially enjoys the music they create (he has a thing for ABBA).
most people know that he's a shapeshifter. he's never used it for anything in malice, mostly to pull pranks on the other ghouls or papa. it's all in good fun!
the weird thing about it though is that no other ghoul in history has been known to have shapeshifting abilities. even the other ghouls are baffled by this at first. when asked about it, he just shrugs and changes the topic.
the ghouls have theorized that he's like, the ruler of all ghouls. or perhaps he's lucifer himself.
it's a mystery that special will not let be solved.
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oldworldghost · 1 year
2B and hugs! ☆
↳ A/n: I haven't written anything in a while, so have these 2B hcs to warm up
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➸ 2B gives reserved and awkward, yet affectionate hugs.
➸ Hugging 2B is actually really nice, just not at first. It’s no secret that she doesn’t really do attachment [or, it would be more accurate to say she likes to thinks she doesn’t], and while there’s a lot of reasons for that and ways it manifests one of the main ways it shows is through not knowing how to either give or receive affection. There’ll be a lot of moments early on in your relationship where she goes in to hug you or kiss and just suddenly stops and stiffly falls back into place. It’s as endearing as it is painful to watch.
➸ So a majority of hugs will have to be initiated by you at first, just make sure to ask before you go in for one!
➸ These hugs are mainly from you. 2B just kind of stands there, arms floating around you because she doesn’t really know where to put her hands. Or where to look either, for that matter. Her love for you is giddy and shy, almost like a teenager with a crush, so having you so close has her gears whirling and mind blanking.
➸ Side note when you’re pressed against her chest you can actually hear her inner mechanisms working. It's kind of fascinating that they react to you.
➸ As 2B grows more used to affection, and more comfortable with it, hugs get more frequent. They’re not her favourite show of affection, that would be hand holding, but they’re still nice. Hugs get sweet, and though they always remain a tad awkward they’re a lot more comfortable. Still a private affair, though. Public hugs have her flustered and pushing you away.
➸ 2Bs’ the type to sway when she hugs you, and if you’re shorter than her she rests her cheek on your head. Talks sometimes, about her day and whatnot, but mainly she’s quiet. The type to just soak it in, you know?
➸ If you breath in, 2B doesn’t have a particularly strong smell. There’s a slight metallic scent, mixed with something floral, but it’s faint. Hard to pick up but once you do you never don’t notice it.
➸ There are also a fair bit of protective hugs with her too. There is a tightness to them, a security in her embrace. Arms tight around your torso, one hand firmly on your back and the other on your shoulder. These types of hugs are kept for when she hasn’t seen you for a while or you’ve almost gotten hurt, a silent promise between you two that she will always return and protect you.
➸ 2B has never gotten fully used to having to kill her own kin, the detachment is never the stronger than her care. And even though you're human and she's basically your bodyguard there is a constant fear that she'll have to kill you one day, too. Hugs help ground her, and remind her that if that day comes she has to make the most of what she has.
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©oldworldghost - All works are mine, reposting and plagiarism is not allowed
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Thanks for the ask! Also I don't know what wolfwood is so I just left that part out.
Tanjiro, Inosuke and Maka x shy half-demon reader
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★ Endless loop of apologies. You could say sorry for bumping into him and he would tell you it's okay and not to be sorry. Resulting in you saying "oh okay, sorry!" Before running away because "ohmygodIshouldn'thaveapologizedohno-"
★ He doesn't care about you being half demon, but he is intrigued by the idea of a demon and human having a kin together.
★ Honestly he's very sweet to you. If you start to panic over something he talks you through it. Sometimes it's nice to say some things out loud and get it off your chest, it definitely helps!
★ When you first met you had to run away from him because he was trying to headbutt you. You ended up climbing a tree and Tanjiro had to pull him away. He was very confused when you later hid from him.
★ He is so dense. Does not get why you apologize so often and honestly doesn't care that much. It's a bit nice because you don't need to explain yourself to him but you could live without him yelling so much.
★ He will yell at anyone who picks on you. He is effectively your gard dog and personal bodyguard. When he learned that you are half demon he demanded to know how. How are you half a demon? Did you eat a demon!?!
★ She tries to keep you calm. At some point she definitely introduced you to Crona, the two of you would get along very well. But besides that she's really good at not making a big deal about it.
★ Very patient with you, if you start stuttering and can't seem to find the right words she'll say something along the lines of "it's okay take your time."
★ As for you being half demon, she doesn't make a big deal about it. C'mon, one of her teachers is dead and she is friends with a actual cat. You think she would draw the line at demons?
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haileyywrites · 1 year
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Summary: Childe knows you're off limits and he would never betray or go against the orders of the Tsaritsa, but he can't help threading the line between the forbidden and safety...
Pairings: Childe/Tartaglia x reader
Notes/Warnings: Gender neutral reader! Poc friendly! Sheltered and innocent reader! Very fluffy! Possibly a teensy tiny bit of angst? Forbidden love? Reader is Tsaritsa's adopted heir! Possibly ooc!
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Childe always loved the thrill of battle and danger, he keot threading the thin line between life and death yet never crossed over it. Anything forbidden he just had to have, that included the most forbidden of all - you. The Tsaritsa's surrogate child was as if not more unobtainable then the Cryo Archon herself.
Due to technically being her kin you were heavily restricted and banned from the outside world. You were rarely if at all allowed outside the protective walls of the palace or outside the watchful eyes of the Fatui. But because it was forbidden it made you want it even more, in that regard you weren't different from Childe in the slightest.
Your unlikely friendship had blossomed after he was assigned as your bodyguard for some time, everyone - including himself thought it was a terrible idea. He was brash and tended to get into trouble often on purpose or over trivial matters. The Archon didn't change her mind though, it was likely that she was actually testing him to see if he was worthy of his title and trust placed in him...
It was quite an eventful time during which he got to know you quite well. He was more casual and friendly than the other Harbingers or basically anyone you had met. He was close to your age too so it was semi easy to bond with him and thus you opened up about your dreams of the outside world. He was more than happy to tell you about any and every nation he had visited.
“I've always wanted to go and see the ocean up close, even by the port would be fine!” You longingly stared into the distance.
“Well that can easily be arranged!” He grinned.
“Oh, um... She wouldn't allow it.” You murmured.
“What she doesn't know can't hurt her, right? C'mon, we'll only be gone for a little while. Everyone's asleep, they won't even notice we're gone!” But you still looked hesitant.
“Life is about taking risks, how about you take your first one? Trust me, you'll regret not giving in.” He held out his hand for you.
You were still hesitant and even a bit scared, but how on Teyvat could you say no to his face? The smile on his face was so pure and real... Something just about nonexistent in the world and people that surrounded you all your life. You weren't naive enough to believe that this side he showed you was the only side to him, but you wanted to believe it was genuine - that he was genuine and true to you.
“Okay, I trust you!” You gently took hold of his gloved hand.
“Then let's go!” He smiled brighter and tugged you along.
You couldn't help but smile as well as you ran through the dark castle hand-in-hand, it was the most thrilling thing to happen in your life! With each step your worries slowly melted away from your thoughts, knowingly going against rules made you feel so incredibly free - more free then you had ever been. It was a dangerous kind of thrill, but it would be only this one time you promised!
Outside running wasn't a possibility as it was heavily guarded and not even the Harbingers were allowed to take you outside of the palace - you yourself weren't allowed to leave without the Tsaritsa or her explicit permission which she would tell the guards of. So sneaking was your only possibility, except you had no experience sneaking or being stealthy at all...
“Childe, I've never snuck out before! I don't know how to not get caught.” You said in a regretful tone.
“Why the sad face? You didn't think I'd already prepared for that?” He laughed lightly.
“What do you mean?” You looked at him in confusion.
He didn't bother explaining, but his wide grin told you to be prepared for absolutely anything to happen... Before you could question him any further he lifted you up into his arms, you yelped in surprise and instantly wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He smirked while shushing you - he definitely did this on purpose! You quietly huffed in annoyance, but quickly let it go as you had other things to focus on.
With Childe carrying you it was easy to sneak past the not so alert guards that were supposed to be guarding the gate and surroundings, but neither of you were complaining. Some distance from the castle he let you down and clutched your hand tightly before running off with you close behind. You couldn't help but relieve the anxiety from a moment ago by giggling loudly which Childe responded to by chuckling as well.
You reached the port in no time with your fast pace and Childe's excellent navigation skills! Though it was barely sunrise people were already moving cargo and preparing to board or leave the ships they arrived on. You were mesmerized by the glowing sunrise in the distant horizon, it reflected against the surprisingly calm sea making it appear even more gorgeous.
“Thank you, Childe.” You said calmly before turning to look at him.
To your surprise he was already looking at you with an expression you had never seen before... His eyes were soft as he gazed at you as was his smile, you never knew he could smile or look at you like that. The expression made your heartbeat faster against your chest, yet you couldn't understand what this meant. Why was he smiling and looking at you like that? Why was your heart suddenly beating so fast? Was it just the remaining excitement from everything?
“No problem.” He casually said before averting his eyes towards the sunrise.
He could see the change in your expression when you looked at him. Perhaps you couldn't understand it, but he had just revealed his true feelings towards you. He was glad you were as dense as you were... It would be terrible for you both if you'd both catch feelings for each other, it was better for him to have them as he understood that no matter what he couldn't have you. He knew that from the beginning and he was fine with it, but he doubted you would be if you were to fall for him.
“As much I'd like to let you stay here until you're finished, we should probably start heading back before someone notices we're gone.” He sadly said.
“You promised no one would notice!” You said in a worried tone.
He pulled you to his chest and lifted you into his arms again, “Then let's make sure they don't!”
You were stunned again, you never knew what to expect from him! He was unpredictable and always caught you by surprise, but perhaps that's what you loved about him. Love, huh? It was a concept you didn't quite understand yet. Sure you loved the Tsaritsa, but it was very different from the kind of love you had only ever read about. Was that what you felt for the 11th Harbinger Tartaglia? Surely not...
You were just happy by his side, you were happy to have him as a friend. He was almost the complete opposite of you or at least how you were taught and raised. He was wild, free and a troublemaker - while you were quiet, well-mannered and often confined inside the castle walls. He could always make you smile no matter how upset you were, he pushed you out of your cage and brought you outside to see the world you were deprived from.
No matter if you loved him or not, you only asked that he remain with you. He treated you like a person, like an actual human. He still recognized the difference in your positions and how he would never be at the same level as you, yet he never let that stop him from treating you like any other person - like how you wanted to be treated. He made your life more lively and colorful, he made you happy...
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A/N: Likes, reblogs and or feedback are appreciated <3
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anon-e-miss · 1 year
More Barbarian AU
“Y’re alright,” Ricochet said, taking Barricade by the arm and guiding him down the hall. “Don’t know what the dumb aft was thinkin’ bringin’ ya here like some kinda prize. If he’d known what was good for ‘m he woulda been on a chip to Kaon.”
“What was that about?” Barricade asked. He was rather calm for a mech that had just watched another get beaten to death; that did not mean he was not likely to be terrified.
“Road Handler, the creep that bought ya betrayed Jazz, betrayed our clan,” Ricochet explained. “He said nothin’ when a mutual friend was bridenapped. A coward ‘n a fool. He outta known Jazz would scrap’m.”
“You didn’t save your friend,” Barricade guessed. “Given his reaction.”
“No,” Ricochet replied. “He died from complications givin’ emergence to my brother’s creations.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Barricade said. Ricochet nodded.
“Y’re brother sold ya?” He asked.
“I didn’t manage to find blackmail on him like the last one,” Barricade replied. “He got rid of me before I could.”
“Blackmail?” Ricochet asked.
“I’m receptive,” Barricade explained. “I’m supposed to be a good little brooder. At my age, I should have had two at least by now but I never fancied that life. My progenitor never found a mech who could handle me and when he died I blackmailed my oldest brother so he would leave me to live how I wanted.”
“What’d ya blackmail ‘m wit?” Ricochet asked.
“He liked getting fragged,” Barricade said. “He had this femme bodyguard and I caught them in berth together with her fragging him and slagtalking him like he was a cheap buymecha. If I’d let that out, his reputation would have been destroyed. He would have had to go into exile for the shame of it.”
“Cause he liked gettin’ spiked?” Ricochet asked, aghast.
“Praxus has rules,” Barricade explained. “Receptives get fragged and contributives frag. Sure lots of mecha switch things up but he was a senator. The scandal would have ruined him.”
“That’s… rough,” Ricochet said.
“Don’t feel sorry for him,” Barricade retorted. “He was a disgusting piece of scrap.”
Ricochet was not sure what to think of the mech walking with him. Blackmailing his brother with his sexuality was pretty horrific, but so was being traded or sold to be a broodcarrier. He thought a bit about what Ori had told him of Jazz’s wet nurse, of the hollowness of his optics from the torture of that life. Barricade was far from hollow; he was full of fire. If his own brother had sold him, there was no sending him back to his kin. That begged the question what to do with the mech? Jazz wanted nothing to do with him and was in no state to be responsible for another mechanism’s life. Given the lengths Barricade had gone through not to end up a broodcarrier, he was not going to be keen to be matched off with some friendly clansmecha. It would not be the same, Polyhexians had far more honour that Praxians and their receptive mechanisms were free to do as they pleased but it would also not be the same, because Barricade was Praxian and no clan would take him along for the sake of it.
“Ori, got some work for ya,” Ricochet called as he walked into the rooms his procreators had claimed, not far from the harem.
“What’ve ya done?” Punch asked, out of side. He turned the corner and saw Ricochet with Barricade. Ricochet held up Barricade’s wrist to show his originator the bangles that had been welded around his wrists. “Now how’d ya come to be in Darkmount?”
“My brother sold me,” Barricade replied. “Some mech designated Road Handler bought me and tried to give me to your Warlord as a present.”
“Rico?” Punch asked.
“Jazz beat’m to a pulp,” Ricochet replied. “Real, real dead that one.”
“Can’t say ‘m sorry,” Punch replied. “After all the time he spent in my camp as a ward, his betrayal hurt the most.”
“His clan might have a snit,” Ricochet said.
“Not if they’re smart,” Punch replied. “Come on o’er. I should have cutters narrow ‘nough to snip those off without nickin’ ya.”
It was quick work, once Ori found the right cutters, and Barricade rubbed his wrists, sighing with relief to have the bangles off. Ori ordered tisane and a tray of fuel, figuring Barricade had not fuelled in a while. Ricochet might have left them to chat but he had said he would see to Barricade and so he kept to his glyph and he fuelled with them as Ori asked his questions and they all got a better understanding on how the Praxian caravans operated. Barricade had worked behind the scenes for his oldest brother and had learned a great deal about the inner workings of the operations, despite never going on one.
“There’s room in the harem,” Punch declared when Ricochet asked where thy ought to put Barricade. “Could be good for Prowl to have another Praxian for company.”
“Prowl is not going to want me anywhere near him,” Barricade interjected.
“Why not?” Punch asked.
“Because my older brother is the one that brought his breeding rights,” Barricade replied. “He’s not going to want his rapist’s kin around him or his creations.”
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traceofexistence · 10 months
The Q&A from last night with Sam, put Karlach in a lot of perspective.
age wise, because of what Karlach says about her sex life, Sam prefers to think of her as a young adult during being Gortash bodyguard +10 years in Avernus
so between 28~30+
I have personally estimated a 27~33, but I'm old so I preferred the older options in my headcanons lol
that being said Karlach is played to be a bit immature, especially when it comes to romance. which makes sense, since she was young when she was taken to avernus and there she stayed celibate by choice as she couldn't trust anyone.
we do have lines of her being very sexually frustrated, and burning her tent while masturbating, and getting too excited. Which means she even had to keep her self pleasure toned down, because of the damn engine.
the soul coin analysis is soo damn interesting and well written. it plays on Karlach's morality and character. (consuming soul coins is equal to war crimes, and they are also addictive like crack)
and she has consumed them, even though she knows that she condemns a soul by doing so, and she has a craving for them, and you have to speak her out of it, as tav, and she has to make the choice herself when you play origin.
we know from her back story, in game dialogue etc, she's been around the wrong crowds as a kid(especially after her parents died), and as Sam pointed out, she probably had made some very bad things as Gortash bodyguard, that she justified, as "being loyal" to the person who helped her.
So Karlach as we have seen in the game, she's very loyal, and she despises being tricked and betrayed. but if you show her care she will stay with you forever.
she's not above murdering people as long as she does it to protect herself and those she cares about.
if tav signs the contract with Raphael, she's very angry (understandably so) but she vows to go back to avernus for you, and break the contract for you, because you are worth it, she will go back to the place she hates the most, the place that she choices death over returning to, but she will do it for you, because you have treasured her, kept her as your companion, romanced her, fixed her engine, killed for her, even advocated for her when you barely knew her.
that's why it hurts her so deeply, when you betray her.
I also love how Sam poked on the fact that Karlach has done some very bad things, but when she escapes hell, she is adamant to start anew, and do good by choice
and I think that's the most important aspect of her character, she wants to do good by choice.
I also love Sam's opinion on Lae'zel
she rightfully criticizes the space racism that is going on, but also acknowledges that Lae is very young, and a product of her upbringing, therefore redeemable.
and let's be real here, contrary to some people's believes, Lae, does change dramatically throughout the game, even before she realizes that her whole world was a lie.
I bring up Lae in this Karlach post, because Sam mentioned her, and how Karlach just outright attacked the tieflings (her own kin) to save her, without a second thought, because Lae saved her from the nautiloid.
and back to Karlach
is she best girl?
nothing will change that
does it means she never done anything wrong in her life?
absolutely not.
sadly in recent years, fandoms suffer from what we call "purity politics"
if a character is not 1000% the purest of pures who has never done a wrong ever, then they are bad and we should be ashamed for liking them.
but purity politics is stupid, and do not belong in my reality.
like every companion, Karlach is beautifully flawed, and she's best girl because she sees the positive first, actively chooses to be good, and she finds the join in life, regardless of what fucked up situation she's in.
she's also fucking adorable so what's your argument really against her being defined best girl I dont understand.
remember friends
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fictionkinfessions · 28 days
(whispers in my own ear like im george bushes bodyguard in 2001) another character you kin has been hit with memories that would make people hate you (eyefestation kin memories of sebastian being in a relationship with me)
what in the shark kisser!!! not like im complaining but dear GOD HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN ALMOST EVERY TIME.
heyehedhhdgdj shark kisser
- Eyefestation (Pressure)
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
winter thoughts chapter 14-25
still not enough scarlet. miss marissa meyer why would you do this to me
"she’d also noticed how Thorne stood a little straighter in Kai’s presence, like he wanted the emperor to be impressed by him" back on spreading my bisexual thorne agenda again LMAO
now why do i suspect that cress will end up back with the shells at some point??? it would be interesting to see her since they're like kin to her, especially since she was spared/worse off than them. i'd LOVE to see her perspective
cress' development from pretending to be brave to BEING brave <3 fake it til you make it queen (she's just like me fr)
damn thorne is like actually self conscious
kai is such a dumb bitch WHY WOULD HE LEAVE ALL HIS ANDROIDS BEHIND??? he should have brought a reprogrammed escort droid as a bodyguard for when levana inevitably does something horrible. in fact ALL of the earthen leaders should have escort droid bodyguards
omg does anyone other than scarlet know wolf's name or do they all straight up think that fresh out the womb his parents just named him wolf LOL (given the names of the girls that might just be a regular name. but then that begs the question: is wolf choosing wolf as a wrestling name or whatever the equivalent of a wrestling champion going in as "kyle" and nothing like going in being called skullcrusher???)
excited for winter to meet kai. these royal kids are interesting
okay after the bleeding walls winter/jacin scene i understand why one would be a fan of the hurt/comfort trope. that was very tender and sweet
got it, marissa meyer!! huge age gaps are only bad when it's a character we don't like. seriously i'm trying to figure out the range where meyer goes okay this is creepy af. because 4 years between cresswell is fine by her standard, but 10 years between levana and evret is not. i'm not too sure about the gap between winter and aimery but i'm assuming that aimery's gotta be more than 4 years older than her as according to these arbitrary rules. yikes (this isn't anti marissa meyer because she CLEARLY decides to be better judging by renegades which didn't have any weird age gaps from what i can remember)
it's okay kai we're all captivated by winter
WINTER WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT. SO completely icky that levana is marrying someone her own stepdaughter's age. but now i think it would be hilarious for kai and levana to get married, just so that i can call him a dilf
i hope that it takes them a while to clear up that jacin is actually on the rampion's side. just because i like drama. would like to see someone punch him in the face ~as a treat~ (this makes it sound bad but i SWEAR i don't hate him, it's just like i said for kai i like a man that's battered and bruised)
thank GOODNESS levana is searching the ship. i would not have had respect for her as an antagonist if she would be this easily fooled by a group of teenagers. i can't wait to see how they get out of this pickle
i love to see cinder as confident in her identity as a cyborg <3
damn thorne took all that "be the man cress wants you to be" shit seriously. self sacrificing bastard. hopefully he gets thrown in with scarlet
nevermind thorne is back lol
i LOVE how winter uses the fact that people underestimate her to her advantage. i honestly thought she was gonna have cress turned into another pet. this was nice as well. she must have quickly realised that cress was a shell and that was the only form of protection that she could afford her
because wolf's home has flowers planted outside it, one or both of his parents are gonna die to be all symbolic of how he can't reclaim his past and needs to move on with his future
was gonna make a "marissa meyer stop holding scarlet hostage i need another appearance of her immediately" and realised oh wait scarlet essentially IS being held hostage LMAO. if i don't get a scarlet pov chapter soon i'm gonna make like thorne when the soap got replaced and RIOT
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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inconmess · 2 years
Also... There's just so much potential in the Orym and Ashton interactions if they really dig deeply into Ashton's backstory and he has undiscovered ties to the Ashari. Because after all Ashton is used to seeing people as inherently selfish. Everything is about the barter system in his eyes. They've always thought that they need a few favors in their back pocket for trade to assure Orym will be willing to help them?
But Orym once he realizes? Is not going to care about favors in the slightest. This i his eyes is likely to be a KIN THING.... Debts no longer apply.
And that will serious mess with Ashton's HEAD.
(And I need all of this!)
Oh yes, indeed! Here's how I see it going down... It will start from the conversation between the two on Ashton's heritage (after a long push from Laudna's part because of course Ashton is hesitant to bother Orym right now as he is grieving)
And like you've mentioned (as have others), Orym just clings to the chance of helping Ashton, trying to be respectfully distant enough that he doesn't make Ashton uncomfortable (still does make them uncomfortable cuz they arent used to people helping them without consequences)
They stumble onto more information about the past and bam! Orym fucking latches onto it like the nerd he is while listening to Ashton trying to piece their life together until the dots join and he's kinda hesitant to tell Ashton about the Ashari thing initially because he thinks Ash would leave after knowing, given previous conversations but then the father pops up (at least my HC is that they have a common father) and that shit will mess with Orym's head even harder because he is already bodyguard overprotective of Ashton now he will be double feral.
Ashton will be so confused as to why Orym cares so much about his past and wants to get this involved in his life when they can give Orym nothing in return and Orym is asking for nothing in return.
And the dad part just... make him realise Orym's behaviour and doubly make him also OP of Orym and they both annoy the shit out of the overprotective behaviours and-
Sorry went off on a tangent. Ashton still expects this to be a favour exchange and is so put off when Orym declares they are family and there's no favours involved because they are used to family owing favours... Barter is still wrestling with familial love, causing Ashton to be at dissonance because the two people they travel with, don't barter for SHIT. And they are annoyed about that.
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Minicons in my Neon Road au!
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Though the minicons still follow some similar rules in the regular Transformers robots in disguise, I did make some changes to some of the minicons.
They still need to form a mutual contract with their host I mean partners! Yes partners!!
Just like the original there's:
Unaligned factory made minicons (UFMMs)
Each of these minicons hailed from some part of Cybertron:
Activators are from Nova Cronum, the ability to power boost their partners with tremendous energy. They have a high intellect and constantly search for a partner equal to their taste and IQ. But when war struck, they proved to be quite helpful (though they are still very picky).
Buzzsaws are one of the most commonly used minicons ever, they mostly stick around in Iacon city. They are the ideal little companions/bodyguards. But they seem to have inferiority complexes around other minicons, in the minicon world, they are considered average. In the war, their cuts are very useful in battle of course.
Cyclones origin homes are unknown, they could be found almost everywhere in Cybertron, from the wild to the cities, they are considered an enigma. They only seem to transform into wrecking balls and bash everything in their wake. They are "possibly" the least smart out of all the minicons (but that doesn't mean they can't learn like normal minicons, they're like earth children with neuro divergency, they need extra attention). When it comes to the war, they simply jump into the action for the thrills.
Torpedoes are from one of the Cybertron seas, possibly the Argon sea. Due to their recent migration to the cities, they are quite skittish or uninterested in other bots, simply trying to live a peaceful life. In the war, their damages were devastating, from the sea to the air above.
Weaponizers are a bit complicated with their origins, during the war, many minicons from all over Cybertron were modified into weaponizers to aid either the Autobots or the Decepticons. Their alt-modes vary from swords, spears, blasters, etc. They don't seem too happy about their place in the war...
Factory made minicons are well made from factories that are close to Tagan Heights. They only simply follow protocols and orders from superiors, but in some places they would be given personalities to liven up the workplace. They transform into various tools, but special ones could be given with built in weapons compact inside of them. During the war they seemed to be split, on one half, they were actively used, but the other, some locations of these minicons were so isolated and untouched, they weren't aware of the destruction on the planet.
The minicons relations...
It appears that they seem to be mostly on unfriendly terms, that doesn't mean it's on every minicon.
There are some cases of mixed minicons (commonly called Mixicons) for example Activators/Buzzsaws, Buzzsaws/Torpedoes, Cyclones/Weaponizers, etc. this shows a lot of interesting designs on their newly formed kin, though how they do this is unknown. Factory made minicons are incompatible with these minicons.
The only documented list of these Mixicons:
Though some bots do claim these rare Mixicons exist, there appears to be little to no sightings of them ever, they are called the Landmine Mixicon and the Warhead Mixicon. This claim is so absurd, let's pray that these minicons never exist, EVER.
That is all the minicon info I could provide in this world, more updates will come in the future.
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