#the double thumbs up
lanadel-heyyy · 5 months
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we are not dealing with a serious person
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isjasz · 10 months
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[Day 26]
Time set after bigbs death probably
Props to anyone that knows where the quote is from >:) (i had this idea in my notes for over a year LMAO)
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silverview · 9 months
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charlie day & mary elizabeth ellis in how it ends (2021)
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
when he's about to start high school, all the batboys have a certain field of advice they give damian:
dick: tells him how important his grades are etc etc. explains how he needs to try his hardest, ask for help, and aim high. lectures him on surrounding himself with the right kinds of people. also tells him not to listen to what jason and tim have to say.
jason: teaches him the importance of beating the shit out of anyone who teases or torments him in the slightest. says the most important thing for his reputation will be to let everyone know why they shouldn't fuck with him first and foremost. tells him not to worry about doing great in school, because he's literally robin, and the son of a billionare.
tim: gives his very honest review on the drug-trade of high school. it's very tim-centric advice. he also leads damian into an existential crisis after telling him that school will rip him to shreds and poorly reassemble him piece by piece. damian doesn't take much else from the speech, except that school is a hellscape. also not to do drugs unless they're gonna make him feel better. (tim cannot give advice to save himself)
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watcher0033 · 3 months
“I've been stabbed in the heart! I've been London Bridged! I’ve been fucked in the face! Dogged on the floor! Et Tu, Brute? How did you do it, Judas? All of you, a conspiracy of snakes-!”
The labrador fucking dog exit stage left-
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lesbomanul-art · 9 months
master of puppets
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joeythefrog · 4 months
feminine twink trans Race is out trans Spot is in
Spot who spends time he should be sleeping doing pullups, pushups anything he can think of to be stronger. Because maybe if he is then the noticeable bump that he gets when he binds will look like muscles, and if they don't then he can knock out whoever points it out.
Spot who teaches all the girlisies about how their bodies work and function more thuroughly then Jack who just said something along the lines of "tits and bleeding but there's like time for bleeding or it's on a schedule or something" and then shuffled off.
He gets awkward if anyone asks how exactly he knows this but usually just says "a leader has to know these things"
Trans Spot who is there for all of his newsies but keeps a closer eye on the girlsies because he knows all too well what they go through compared to the male newsies.
Spot who gets cramps that hit him like a bitch and his reputation for getting in fights gets worsened by the fact that on occasion he isn't paying attention and there's blood smeared over his leg or arm from changing a cloth pad
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natjennie · 11 months
cap doesn't have any specific reaction to sam and clare being lesbians, he makes a little shocked happy face when alison says "that's the other bride" but mostly he's just busy helping with the wedding planning. all of this to say, I really want to come out to him just to see how he reacts. like I think he'd be like "oh! heh, well. ehehwwha- fabulous. it's certainly. ahem. yes, well, of course, you should- I mean. it's simply marvelous that you can, in these days, ahem. by which I mean. yes. jolly good." and then he'd do a little hop and turn and run away.
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mawguai · 1 year
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here are some engage sketchies featuring my favorites and some bonus smiley faces to fill in space
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raichuuzzs · 2 years
repost because grandpa didnt use tags right
migrating from twitter… some reposts of my work
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puddii-ng · 3 months
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(og tumblr pic under the read more)
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teatitty · 9 months
Aizawa and Hizashi have the same type of lower lip pout and I have spent years of my life jumping back and forth on who I think picked it up from whom and honestly the funniest answer is that it's something Hizashi picked up from Aizawa no I won't explain my reasons
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foggydayinspace · 9 months
I know a lot of us often wonder "Hey, which episode was it when Mark/Alex/Tim said [thing]?" So when I found myself in that position recently, I discovered Filmot. Really easy to use and you get timestamps of when a certain word or phrase has been said in any YouTube video.
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Hope that helps! 👍👍
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xiiishadesofgrey · 11 months
You know how sometimes you can just feel an obsession brewing inside you?  Like “uh oh, this is gonna be my personality for a little bit”?  Anyway, the Nimona movie was fucking killer. <3
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eyyymackerana · 8 months
I love it when a small little flutter of a writing idea pops into my head and sends me spiraling into a fit of madness and screaming at my friend
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hwaitham · 3 months
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