#the dynamic here is sibling rivalry <3
thechampagnesocialist · 10 months
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VtM AU Carley and Adam be upon ye :)
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sharkylass · 5 months
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Those who don't want to get spoiled about little details about Bonnie's sister (or the game at all for that matter- There's spoilers for Act 3 and 4 in here so YOU'VE BEEN WARNED)
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SAY HELLO TO PETRONILLE!! Or how I am going to call her, Nil. I've seen a few people do their take on her, and I wanted to join in!
@insertdisc5 I am sorry in advance if you have a vision for her, especially if it is WILDLY different to mine-
First thing's first! I tried to figure out what she would look like in the original style. I didn't want to overly detail her with my normal style, and I wanted her to somewhat fit in with the rest. Bonnie was clearly the strongest inspiration , she has their eyes, the black hair, white thing around their head to bring attention to her face- That's also why she has lip piercings! To bring more attention to her face (and due to Bonnie's earring type, I assumed piercings can exist in the world)
Her ear has 3 earrings, that was not intentional, I just thought it was cool. I like to think they perceive those as "regular" earrings, and even if a person wears bonding earrings, they can also wear more normal earrings.
I just had the image of her not really having a short range weapon, so maybe it's time for someone with a semi-long range weapon to join the team! In my head Nil seemed to be the type to like getting dirty with her hands, so a rope seemed fitting somehow.
Also- She is paper type! I liked the idea of her looking like such a rock type, but being paper. I considered making her dual type, but since those are rare, I didn't want to get ahead of myself. Admittedly, that does make the party a little overloaded with paper types, so if she was to be in a game with balancing, I'd probably change her to rock or something. BUT AS A CHARACTER THING- she remains paper.
(EDIT: I was just reminded of the huge hammer she broke a wall with, so that is ABSOLUTELY a valid replacement weapon for her. If she was rock type that would be her weapon for sure. Altho it IS funny to imagine she broke the wall and swore off heavy weapons for life. I like to think thats what happened with my take on Nil)
Mechanically I think she wouldn't be too dissimular to Isabeau, but instead of boosting the party, she debuffs the enemy. Particularly slowing them down, and lowing defense. Alternatively, I can see her being a second healer of sorts, but while Mira is good at healing everyone, Nil is good at healing a single person and giving them a boost (just things she learned to take care of Bon). I do see her attack not being that high tho, probably lower then Mira.
Her dynamics with everyone:
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I like to think Bonnie got their spunky attitude from somewhere. So I like to think Nil is very playful with them, even if she is looking out for them. Bonnie clearly knows the difference between lighthearted serious, and SERIOUS serious. They also seem to revel in compliments, so I like to imagine they are used to receiving them from their sister!
Nil is the most serious around Bonnie tho. As their sole caretaker, she's trying her best to keep them out of trouble while teaching them and letting them grow at a normal pace.
However, when she's with the adults- I described it like- Around Bonnie she can be serious and a voice of reason. When she's with adults tho she herself becomes the Bonnie, so to speak. She's loud and a bit hot-headed.
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I swear I saw Insertdisc mention that Mira and Nil would have a bit of a rivalry going on AND I'M SO HERE FOR IT-
The two of them are those siblings that fight constantly, but the moment someone else gives either of them shit, the other will go for the jugular. They mainly try to compete for Bon's affection and who's the better sister, and they get a bit... blindsighted. Nil usually doesn't go out of her way to spoil Bonnie I don't think, I think she tries to be reasonable with them where she can. However with Mira in the picture it becomes- a little hard... Nil doesn't like the thought that she's being replaced
However, if either of them needs it, the other will be there. Nil provides Mira with a strong shoulder to lean on, and Mira provides an emotional yet reasonable approach to the situation bothering Nil.
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I like to think at first Nil didn't really get along with Odile. Supposedly Nil has a bad relationship with her parents, so I imagine her seeing someone who's a parent aged adult who holds seemingly more authority- It would... Unnerve her for a little while.
Odile will probably give her something to do, and Nil would refuse, because who is Odile to be ordering her around?? You know. Like a child. But with time they get used to the dynamic, Nil grows to respect Odile at the very least, and Odile picks up on the fact Nil seems to respond positively to positive reinforcement from her.
Having someone close, to break that pre build idea in Nil's head with positivity, despite Odile being strict and struggling to show affection- It would do her a lot of good, and Nil will eventually thank her, and apologize for being so rough to her in the beginning.
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Isa and Nil are actually very similar- I did not mean for it, but I hope they don't end up being TOO similar.
They are both loud, love to laugh and take care of those they love. Even their hobbies are a bit more similar then everyone else. Nil likes gardening, and taking care of things, and Isa likes to create clothes. Both of them are in a way creating something. Nil making sure what she's taking care of grows to be big and strong, and Isa is more literal-
Where they differ is in smarts partly. Isa is clearly very book smart. I think Nil would turn to him if she had a general question about something (and later on Odile once she gets used to her). She completely encourages him to show more of what he knows.
They also differ in their buffness slightly. While Isa is still the beefiest on the team, he did it with the intention, he trained. Meanwhile I think Nil just likes the field work so she's constantly outside doing heavy dirty work.
I like to think that after being unfrozen, Nil's clothes were roughed up and she didn't really think to or have the time to fix it. So I imagine Isa saw the roughed up state of her pants and gloves, and made her some himself, Which she treasures but GOD she is not used to receiving anything from anyone, LET ALONE gifts.
They also similarly hide their insecurities under bavado. Isa hides his smarts to be liked, and Nil hides her fears so she can be brave. I'll go more into detail when I get to Nil's own section. (I SWEAR I didn't mean for Isa's section to be so long I PROMISE-)
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These two don't do a lot of talking I'd imagine. While Nil is used to being loud, I think she'd get used to the silence around Sif and simply enjoy the quiet.
A lot of the ideas I had with those two were very touch focused. I assume Nil struggles with touch because of potential childhood related traumas, and not being warned sends her into a fight or flight. While Sif is deeply unused to it but craves it.
I still imagine Nil isn't an inherently NOT touchy person- I mean. Bon's the touchiest little guy out there. So maybe she knows how to warn people of when she's about to touch them, AND she is more used to asking for hugs and affection. So after she learns that Sif struggles asking and being startled, she became the person that would encourage them and tell them how to do it. In every single drawing where they're touching just know that either she warned them or they asked for that touch.
Also Nil is a very grounding reminder for Sif that he's not in the loops anymore. So if they get a particular scare, like they were woken up wrong, they had a rough sleep, smelled a banana, remembered the king- anything involving going back- Nil serves as a reminder that they're here, with everyone, in the present. No going back. So that, combined with their touch therapy, it results in him being particularly physically clingy with her. She squeezes their hand ocassionally. It's a grounding reminder.
Nil is also UNBELIEVABLY THANKFUL for Sif, once she learns about how they lost their eye. The fact Sif went out of their way to protect HER little sibling- It means the world to her, and she wouldn't wish it on Sif one bit. She probably holds guilt that she couldn't take the hit for both of them, Bonnie is her responsibility! They probably end up having a conversation similar to Sif telling Mira "Do you think she was wrong? To save you?" She doesn't know about the end of act 3
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A lot of this is already information I mentioned. Her being a paper type, her liking bugs, being traumatized, startled by touch- But I drew these beforehand, so!
I imagine Nil ran away young, cause Bonnie doesn't remember her running from their parents. What happened in there, I do not know and I don't think I'm capable of imagining. It might not even be as dramatic as I illustrated it. But either way, she grew up being the sole caretaker of Bonnie. I'm sure Vaugardians were kind and that they didn't have to struggle too hard for food or a place, or to get Bonnie into a school- But Nil still wanted to learn how to be self sufficient, how to provide in case something happens. It might be why they live in Bambouche honestly, Nil learned how to grow plants and being close to the sea is good for catching a lot of fish! ...It was also at the edge of Vaugarde. Probably the edges where the King's curse reached slower.
She likes getting her hands dirty and working outside, so I imagine she's a bit sunburnt! If only on her shoulders and cheeks.
Growing up alone, self sufficient- She probably had to grow a bit fast (even if she indulges in childish things with Bonbon). She quickly started repressing all fears, all questions of her decision to run away. I imagine she's actually insecure in her abilities, how Bon deserves more capable people in their life, how she doesn't really know anything and how she literally got frozen and Bonnie had to fend for themselves- After Bon comes back, she's so filled with admiration and adoration for her little sibling. They really went to the ends of the earth and saved the world. What a brave little sibling she has.
The new family kind of... Feels like a threat to her title as sister at the start. All 5 of them saved a country. The people Bonnie met are strong, knowledgeable, been all over the world- She's glad they protect Bonnie. She just wishes she had something to offer. It takes her a little while to realize they are also there for her too.
I was ranting to a friend, and I am pretty sure we know Nil would like to travel after everything. Being able to explore her more child like fantasies, with the safety blanket that is the family- It means a lot to her. She gets to truly indulge in living and letting loose and depending on people for the first time in her life.
Afterwards tho... I like to imagine she would settle down. It takes a while, but she likes having a place to call her own. And so we talked about how she would probably have a ranch of some sort. I like to imagine she'd love having horses. A way for her to remain free spirited, while taking care of creatures and having the security of a place to rest at the end of the day. And if she chooses, she can go wherever she wants with those bad boys!
My friend mentioned they might have goats or sheep or chicken, and I'm all aboard for that too. I'm not settled on the idea of a farm life for her, but I like it.
Also if I dare pull a Dreaming One for a second- Bonnie and Sif are like little siblings to her, Mira is like a twin (or relatively same aged), Isa is like an older brother, and Odile the everlasting grandma.
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Sorry, I started drawing her for fun and just started BRAINROTTING about her out of nowhere.
I still have little doodle ideas but this was already getting so lengthy so I am going to leave it here, and maybe return another day.
I just deeply wanted to establish Nil as her own character who can fit within the group's dynamic and belong in the family. While she very much IS Bonnie's sister and that's such a big part of her, I wanted to expand her a little further.
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wafflesrisa · 4 months
DTS storyline predictions
Now that the teaser for season 6 is out, here’s a few cents on what storylines DTS s6 is likely to go for.
(Health warning that I don’t think these teammate or driver dynamics are necessarily true in real life, I am simply saying that if I wanted to make a bucketload of money as a Netflix producer this is how I’d overly dramatise events)
1. The Matador: Carlos Sainz the hunter, in the shadow of his own teammate, unloved, hungry, determined; his own team dragging him down with a net named strategy; the prey (his teammate) biting back; the hunter chases the bull and emerges victorious.
2. It’s lonely at the top : Caesar is all-powerful, but the council has knives; over 10 minutes of screentime will be spent on George and Max (dickhead!); checo’s early challenge for the crown at Jeddah; Max’s all out crushing of his competitors’ efforts; Max as a polarising figure.
3. The prodigal son/the resurrection of Lazarus: Daniel Ricciardo’s fall, rehabilitation, and triumphant return; Christian Horner dragging Zak Brown; returning “home” to Red Bull but it’s like a den of wolves (perform or die); THE BROKEN HAND (pain suffering hospital); brief victory at Mexico (Daniel did well that race).
4. The Young Guns: Oscar’s meteoric season vs Nyck’s crash out of F1; Logan struggling to keep his seat; cutthroat Marko vs supportive dad Vowles (Qatar will be milked to death for dangerous conditions).
5. The Old Hands: Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton, old rivals, still desperate and hungry like a pair of lions still battling for the top; the inverse fates of Aston Martin falling vs Mercedes rising as the season progresses
6. The Older Sibling and the Prodigy: McLaren’s rollercoaster of a season; Lando’s run of P2 but no wins; Oscar’s sprint race win; jealousy, rivalry, hunger, bitterness.
7. The Civil War: the infighting at Alpine, childhood friends turned rivals turned bitter enemies; Esteban’s no good very bad penalty day; Esteban’s Monaco podium; Pierre’s Zandvoort podium; their no holds barred infighting on radio; team orders; management chaos (Otmar leaving)
8. Man overboard: Mark my words DTS will spend a whole episode on Guenther ending in his abrupt departure from Haas and he will be sent off with 300% more respect than four time world champion Sebastian Vettel.
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yesimwriting · 3 months
Omg since we're talking about the birthdays on the gravestones, I did not realize that Venetia was the oldest sibling. Throughout the entirety of the film, I figured Felix was the older one, but nope if the graves are to be believed then she was born 10 April 1986. I mean she's not older by much, but wow Elspeth and Sir James were really putting the work in trying to get a son. I find it very fitting that Felix is the baby of the family lol.
omg love this detail!!
i've always thought felix has youngest sibling, golden child, prodigal's son energy lol and venetia is def the older sister that has accepted that her parents will never see her the way they see her little brother to the point where there isn't even a rivalry, it's just how it is and has always been
i've seen so many discussions on different birth orders for them and what that could mean for the family dynamic as a whole and the characters as individuals
there are so many that bring up interesting points about felix being older,, one time i saw a post on here (that i wish i could remember 😭) that analyzed venetia and felix as twins and i thought that was so interesting and felt so fitting bc i feel like elspeth would hate pregnancy/birth bc if you think about it,, pregnancy is the kind of thing that could horrify someone like elspeth
no hate to pregnancy i promise 😭 i just feel like elspeth's character would be kind of disgusted by it--you grow, you're prodded at, you're prone to morning sickness, and your skin and hair can lose their luster (which is part of the reason i love the interpretation of felix and venetia as twins, bc i think it's extremely conceivable that she'd get pregnant once and be like okay that wasn't for me)
maybe that's why felix is so special to her, he brought the relief of never having to be pregnant again
anyways that was a bit of a tangent <3
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seivsite · 1 year
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includes: itoshi brothers x gn!reader x miya twins. crack shit, very unserious & chaotic, my haikyuu debut, mediocre proofread, unedited — wc: 348
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In a world where Blue Lock and Haikyuu coexist in the same timeline, you, my dear reader, find yourself in a perplexing predicament. You thought you could handle these characters, but alas, they are rather stubborn individuals.
The Miya twins and the Itoshi brothers find themselves in a room together, which wasn’t exactly what you were expecting. Sae and Atsumu are locked in a heated rivalry, while Rin and Osamu are... actually engaging in a civil discussion?
You’ve never witnessed such an odd combination before; it’s both intriguing and bizarre. Atsumu and Sae are bickering over who has your love more, while Osamu and Rin are genuinely conversing about their respective sports.
Golly, things couldn’t get any stranger. It appears that Osamu and Rin have noticed your discomfort and have rescued you from the clutches of Sae and Atsumu’s one-sided argument.
The three of you eventually decided to escape the chaos and find refuge in a nearby café. Little did you know, Sae and Atsumu were so engrossed in their argument that it took them a good 30 minutes to realise you had left. After a frantic search using Osamu’s ‘Find My’ location feature, they finally managed to track you down.
And now, here you are, sitting with the siblings duo, sipping your drinks and enjoying their company. It’s quite a surreal experience, almost like having four overprotective brothers or boyfriends—whichever way you want to interpret it. They shower you with attention and keep a watchful eye on you, making sure you’re comfortable and well taken care of.
Every now and then, Sae and Atsumu exchange playful glares, their rivalry still lingering in the air. But thanks to the calming presence of Rin and Osamu, they manage to maintain a level of civility. It’s both amusing and heartwarming to witness their transformation from intense competitors to somewhat friends.
Regardless, you'll still enjoy their company, even if you have to deal with a few arguments here and there. So, my dear reader, brace yourself for what's to come when you hang out with the dynamic siblings duo. Have fun!
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NOTES. i’ve been thinking about this for a while now, hope u like my first haikyuu piece, not sure if ill write haikyuu again but we’ll see!
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
what demigods from each cabin would get along together you think? Like I headcanon that the Hephaestus and Hecate kids get along because they’re always thinking up new things like be it spells or machinery. But I wanna hear your take on compatibility between godly parents? 😀
-Casimir 🔮Cabin 20🔮 Son of Hecate
oh i LOVE the idea of Hecate and Hephaestus kids getting up to mischief. I've thought about this a bit so I'll go through the ones I have strong dynamic ideas off the top of my head, sticking mostly to CHB's main 20 cabins and then a couple of bonuses. Also some bonus "who hates each other." (Under cut for length)
Ever since TLO the Apollo and Ares cabins have had an alliance. Mostly built out of the Ares kids feeling really guilty about arriving late to war and nearly all the Apollo kids dying in the Battle of Manhattan, wondering if there would have been fewer casualties between both cabins if they had gotten over their stubborn pride faster like the Apollo kids had. Ares kids kind of guard the Apollo kids and tolerate them more than other cabins, and the Apollo kids are considered off-limits for bullying.
Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite kids have a very bizarre dynamic, besides the whole canonical love triangle curse nonsense they have going on. They tend to be drawn to each other one way or another. Very common to see them together. The question is just are they besties or are they trying to kill each other.
Big 3 kids either have immense solidarity or totally loathe each other and there's no in-between. Sometimes it's both.
Demeter and Hades kids have a very tenuous alliance. They're a little scared of each other. They would fight to the death over who gets to adopt a Persephone kid as a sibling though.
Besides Hades, Demeter kids either get along great or horribly with Big 3 kids. Again, no in-between, or sometimes both.
Zeus kids and Athena kids tend to get along like a house on fire. Insert School of Athens fresco here. They are Thinking Thoughts and will have the most passionate debates about the wildest topics you have ever heard.
Cabins 5 and 6 have a very strong ongoing rivalry. If it's a friendly rivalry or true rivalry shifts depending on counselors. They LOOOOVE competing with each other though, and have some amount of unwavering respect for each other as the war cabins. Post-TLO the Nike cabin starts getting in on that dynamic too and Cabins 5 and 6 are very excited for some new challenges.
Tyche and Nemesis cabins tend to be buddies
Apollo, Athena, Dionysus, and Iris cabins love being artsy together. 100% lead a lot of the art activities at camp.
Similarly, Athena, Apollo, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Hecate cabins love being nerdy together.
Chthonic solidarity! Hermes, Hades, Hypnos, Hecate, etc. Usually the other chthonic cabins are the only ones brave enough to poke fun at the Hades kids.
Mad scientist gang Athena, Hephaestus, Hecate. Sometimes the Apollo kids join in to help give them ideas and enable them.
Athena, Hecate, Apollo, and Hades meanwhile are Mad Scientist: Biology Edition™. They're dissecting weird stuff and will figure out how to make Frankenstein's monster.
Also, Athena, Apollo, Hebe - medical cabins gang. Vision/eye health, general health, and general health + youthfulness.
Demeter and Dionysus gardening buddies!!!!!! Sometimes they let the Apollo and Iris kids hang out too. Zeus and Poseidon kids are a strong "maybe."
Apollo and Hebe cabins get along super well, also with Zeus cabin. They're totally vibing being all youthful and beautiful together. Sometimes Aphrodite cabin also join them. Pretty cabins gangs.
Apollo, Iris, and Zeus cabins (and Hera cabin if there are actually any kids there for that. hi Jason) - sky deities buddies!
Dionysus cabin has a bizarre comradery with the Hades cabin nobody can figure out but everyone is mildly afraid of (it's Zagreus stuff).
Iris and Hermes kids get along super well. Iris cabin also probably loves hanging out with the Aphrodite and Apollo kids. They're talking about art and color theory.
Bonuses: Philotes + Aphrodite + Erotes kids obviously all get along fantastically. Psyche kids and Aphrodite kids either get along well or clash horribly.
Hebe and Ganymede kids are shaking hands. Cupbearer parents (who are also both youthful and pretty).
Iris and Arke kids are very one-in-the-same except the Arke kids all have So Many Problems. Iris kids tend to be "excuse me they asked for no pickles" on the Arke kids' behalf often.
Thetis kids and Arke kids have beef and it's kind of funny (cause Thetis got Arke's wings as a wedding gift after they were stolen from Arke as punishment for siding with the Titans).
Enyo/Bellona and Ares/Mars kids LOOOOVE each other. Immediate best friends. Same hat, spiderman pointing meme, etc etc. Absolutely built for each other. They just click. And also tend to enable each other a little bit. Do not let the Nike kids around both of them at the same time because they will all begin to enable each other in a feedback loop and get up to mayhem.
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ruija · 9 months
Since Leo is your fav what your opinion on the rest of the boys? If you don’t mind my asking I am just curious I been trying to find blogs that don’t act like Leo raph hate each other because they have differing opinions on stuff. They are siblings siblings be like that like ya know?
Hello! When it comes to 2k3 and Rise, I love all the turts very dearly. I just tend to fixate on my top blorbos, haha. I assume you're specifically asking about the 2k3 turtles, so I'll talk about them! When thinking about Leo and Raph's relationship, this extract from Leo's bio usually comes to my mind.
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(Transcription: While I often disagree with Raphael, he is my brother, and I enjoy the times that we spend goofing off. I just wish that he'd try to see things from some other perspective than his own (something he no doubt says about me as well!)) I think it was originally showcased on some official 2k3 tmnt website. You can read the whole thing here. I'm super fond of this bit, because I think it sums them up very well. It's just very down-to-earth and peaceful sentiment. Leo acknowledges that yes, Raph can frustrate him a lot, but he loves him and spending time with him anyway.
AND the "something he no doubt says about me as well!" Has kind of stuck with me since the first time I saw it. Leo's like; "Yeah, I get it. I can be a pain in the shell too." And I don't think he vocalizes this sentiment, in these kind of terms in the show.
The 1st season sets up a lot of Leo vs Raph rivalry, with Leo being the responsible one and Raph rebelling against that. They have the big clash in 2nd season City at War arc. In SAINW universe they're basically on "It's On Sight(however impaired)" -terms. The 2007 movie with it's Leo&Raph drama often bleeds into 2k3 fanworks. So I get where the fanon interpretation of them hating each other comes from. I just feel like it often gets blown out of proportion. Most of the time those two get along well and rely on each other.
And since you asked how I feel about the other turtles, I'll try to summarize here what I love about them, haha! I adore 2003 Raph, because he's so damn hilarious. The gruffiness, deadpan sass, feral troublemaking, the " oh for FUCK'S SAKE!!" -energy. He has this special flavor of being so done with everything, all the time. It's so funny. And then there's his calmer side. When he's mature and reliable, a fierce protector <3.
2003 Donnie is hands down my favorite Donnie ever. His gentle, soft-spoken nature, patience and kindness are so special. He's such a sweetheart! A silly boy! But he won't let you walk over him! He'll sass and shoot you with a lazergun!
I'm a huge fan of 2003 Mikey's portrayal. Because he's the classic fun-loving imp, who loves to cause trouble and goof around, but he's also very down-to-earth. He's really resilient, competent and mature when the situation calls for it. Despite his own dramatics and his brothers often teasing him, he feels trusted and respected.
Overall I appreciate how well written the turtles are in 2k3. They are very grounded, complex and multidimensional, with a lot of depth to them. And the way you get so many different dynamics with different brother combos, is endlessly fascinating.
Anyway's hope you enjoyed my ramblings. Thanks for the ask!
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sokayisaidiot · 9 months
Siblinghood, Platonic Soulmates, or Romance
Analyzing the Relationship Between Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren
In this post, I will continue from my previous one, having offered a simplified overview but delving into one of the most common criticizing talking points. Please remember that this analysis is from a writing perspective and my own experiences as I am an amateur writer. I welcome comments and reblogs with your thoughts.
For context:
1. Relationships in Star Wars 2. Explanation of These Three Types of Relationships 3. Female Characters in Relationships 4. Ideals and Themes in Star Wars Rebels 5. Ezra and Sabine's Relationship 6. Conclusion
Relationships in Star Wars
Critics sometimes claim that certain types of relationships are overrepresented in Star Wars, but it's essential to remember that the franchise features a variety of relationship dynamics. Here are some well-known examples:
- Luke and Leia (twins) - Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker (no blood) - Garazeb Orrelios and Ezra Bridger (no blood) - The Son and Daughter (literal Force beings) - Sabine and Tristan Wren (blood relatives) - Maul, Savage Opress, and Feral (same planet)
Platonic Soulmates:
- Han and Chewbacca - R2-D2 and C-3PO - Boba Fett & Fennec Shand - Din Djarin & Bo Katan Kryze - Chirrut Imwe & Baze Malbus
- Han Solo & Princess Leia - Anakin Skywalker & Padme Amidala - Obi-Wan Kenobi & Satine Kryze - Kanan Jarrus & Hera Syndulla - Bail & Breha Organa
Each relationship explained and how to write it
Definition A sibling is a term used to describe a brother or sister, which means they share at least one biological or adoptive parent. Siblings are individuals who are part of the same family and are connected through their familial relationships.
Writing points
Individuality: Portray each sibling as a unique individual with distinct traits.
Birth Order: Consider birth order dynamics and how it affects their roles.
Conflict and Love: Explore both rivalry and support in their relationship.
Shared Memories: Use shared childhood memories to deepen their connection.
Complex Emotions: Show a range of emotions, from love to resentment.
Character Development: Use their relationship to drive character growth.
Realistic Dialogue: Make their interactions and dialogues authentic.
Backstory: Develop a backstory with shared and separate experiences.
Conflict Resolution: Show how they handle conflicts within the relationship.
Evolution: Depict how their relationship changes over time.
External Influences: Consider how outside factors impact their dynamic.
Platonic Soulmates
Definition The term "Platonic soulmates" combines two concepts: "Platonic" and "soulmates."
Platonic: In the context of relationships, "Platonic" refers to a non-romantic or non-sexual connection.
Soulmates: It's a belief that there is a special, deep, and sometimes predestined connection between two people that goes beyond ordinary friendship or partnership.
When you combine these concepts, "Platonic soulmates" refers to two individuals who share an exceptionally close, deep, and meaningful non-romantic or non-sexual bond. They may have a connection that feels almost destined, as if their souls are deeply intertwined, but it doesn't involve romantic or sexual attraction.
Writing points
Unique Bond: Highlight the exceptional and non-romantic connection they share.
Common Values: Emphasize shared values, interests, and life goals that deepen their bond.
Unconditional Support: Show their unwavering support, trust, and emotional safety.
Enduring Relationship: Illustrate how their bond withstands time and challenges.
Conflict Resolution: Explore how they handle disagreements with maturity and empathy.
Growth Inspiration: Demonstrate how they inspire personal growth in each other.
Non-Romantic Nature: Clarify that their connection is platonic, not romantic.
Emotional Depth: Dive into their deep emotional connection and comfort.
Shared Moments: Highlight significant life experiences they've shared.
Respectful Boundaries: Show how they respect each other's boundaries.
External Influences: Consider how external factors affect their connection.
Remember that platonic soulmate relationships are diverse and can manifest in various ways. They provide an opportunity to explore deep emotional connections and the profound impact such connections can have on individuals' lives.
Definition In everyday conversation, "romantic" is often used to describe anything related to love, affection, or relationships. It can refer to someone who is inclined towards love and affection or to something that evokes feelings of love and beauty. The exact meaning of "romantic" can vary depending on the context in which it is used.
Romantic Love: Deep emotional affection, attraction, and passion between two individuals, forming the basis for relationships like dating, courtship, and marriage.
Romantic Relationship: A partnership based on romantic love, including dating, committed relationships, or marriage, characterized by emotional closeness and physical affection.
Romantic Gestures: Actions expressing love, affection, and admiration in romantic contexts, such as giving flowers, writing love letters, or planning surprise dates.
Romanticism: A cultural movement originating in the late 18th century, emphasizing emotions, individualism, and the sublime in literature, art, and philosophy, often celebrating nature, imagination, and powerful emotions.
Writing points
Chemistry and Attraction: Establish a strong attraction between the partners.
Character Development: Use the relationship to develop and evolve the characters.
Conflict and Tension: Introduce challenges to make the relationship engaging.
Communication: Show effective communication and miscommunication between partners.
Shared Moments: Highlight meaningful experiences they share.
Individual Lives: Balance their personal lives with the relationship.
Trust and Vulnerability: Explore trust and emotional openness.
Intimacy: Address physical and emotional intimacy.
External Influences: Include the impact of outside factors.
Conflict Resolution: Demonstrate how they handle conflicts.
Long-Term Compatibility: Consider their compatibility for the future.
Realistic Challenges: Create believable obstacles.
Romantic Gestures: Showcase meaningful acts of love.
Character Flaws: Develop imperfections in the characters.
Resolution: Provide a satisfying conclusion to their relationship arc.
Girls in Relationships:
This section explores how certain female characters in Star Wars maintain their own identities while being involved in romantic relationships.
Padmé Amidala
Character: It might be considered a bold choice, but as Dave Filoni is known as the TCW and SWR guru, I genuinely appreciate Padmé's character. She embodies the spirit of self-reliance, often adopting the motto, "I'll handle it myself," when she witnesses suffering. As a compassionate and principled member of the Senate, she values diplomacy over violence, serving as a commendable role model by prioritizing dialogue and care for others. Her character shines brightest in episodes where she grapples with political conflicts.
Romance: Transitioning to the subject of her romantic involvement, Padmé and Anakin's relationship has sparked numerous discussions. Despite the uncertainty and occasional turbulence, there is genuine love between them. She envisions a future with him, refusing to give up on him even in the face of his inner struggles. Padmé recognizes Anakin's mental anguish and does her utmost to support him, though the complexities of their circumstances often double their challenges.
Ahsoka Tano
Character: Ahsoka stands as one of the most well-crafted female characters in Star Wars lore, undergoing significant growth and development throughout The Clone Wars (TCW). She evolves from an overconfident and naive child into a mature, thoughtful, and highly respected adult. Her journey is marked by substantial mistakes and profound realizations.
Romance: While Ahsoka experiences various connections throughout TCW, the most notable is with Lux. However, this romance primarily serves as a vehicle for her character development. Lux provides her with insights into the Separatists' perspective on the war and later the Death Watch. While Ahsoka does express interest in him, it's not in a deeply romantic sense. Instead, she's appreciative of the knowledge and experiences gained from their interactions.
Leia Organa
Character: Leia, our first main character introduction, immediately captivates with her compelling beginning. She's taken captive but never succumbs to fear, displaying strength and resolve. Her resilience shines through as she becomes one of the Rebellion's leaders, commanding respect from all quarters. She remains unyielding in her role, displaying a fiery temperament and quick wit reminiscent of her father, while proving to be even more resolute than her brother, a Jedi.
Romance: The iconic romance between Leia and Han Solo portrays the smuggler and the princess in a refreshing light. Instead of conforming to outdated stereotypes, Leia wears the metaphorical pants in their relationship, with Han providing unwavering support. He respects her position and authority, saving personal matters for their private moments. The dynamic is built on trust and mutual respect, avoiding the cliché of a one-sided romance. Notably, this is evident in Return of the Jedi (ROTJ), where Leia gets shot, and Han's caring demeanor is juxtaposed with his trademark smirk as she reveals her weapon. He's the one to express his love, illustrating the mutual affection and growth of both characters.
Character: Hera serves as the capable captain of the Ghost and its crew, supported by her right-hand man, Kanan, and the astromech droid, Chopper. Despite being a mother, she remains a crucial figure in the New Republic, leading missions and flight teams. Hera defies convention by maintaining her position of power while nurturing a romantic relationship with Kanan.
Romance: In contrast to traditional depictions where women are often portrayed as pining and emotional while men are serious, Hera and Kanan's dynamic reverses these roles. Kanan actively pursues the relationship, while Hera takes on a more serious and authoritative role. This unconventional approach adds depth to their relationship and challenges traditional gender norms.
The Ideals of Rebels' Story and Its Setup Points:
Both the Star Wars Prequels and the Original Trilogy are anchored in the theme of battling oppressive regimes striving for absolute control. The Prequels delve into how this oppression came to be, forming a pivotal narrative standpoint. In contrast, The Clone Wars (TCW) primarily focuses on world-building, offering in-depth explorations of various factions and societies within the galaxy. While TCW provides a comprehensive view of the galaxy during a civil war, it doesn't follow a single large crew's story.
On the other hand, Star Wars Rebels (SWR) places a character-driven focus at its core. Unlike some other Star Wars media, such as movies, series, or shorts, SWR doesn't extensively explore different locations or delve into background storytelling. Instead, it prioritizes character development and episodic narratives.
To clarify my previous statement, SWR serves as a bridge between Episode 3 and Episode 4 of the Star Wars saga. It fills in the gaps, revealing the journey and sacrifices necessary to achieve freedom. The series commences with Ezra, a newly-minted Jedi Padawan, in a galaxy where Jedi are hunted down. He joins the nascent rebellion, which is just beginning to take shape. Ezra represents a glimmer of hope in a desolate world, even as forces of darkness attempt to extinguish that light.
This underscores the significance of SWR. Episode 4 depicted the Rebellion in its full-fledged form, with a substantial crew and support from multiple fronts. However, SWR sheds light on the challenges and sacrifices that made such achievements possible. It demonstrates that what was accomplished required immense personal sacrifice.
The Jedi aspect is exemplified through Kanan, who embodies the essence of a true Jedi. Ezra, too, matures into this role over time. Kanan's journey is unique; he was in the midst of his Padawan training when Order 66 unfolded. He never completed his training in the traditional sense and couldn't fully embrace the Jedi rules and traditions, which often felt restrictive and suffocating. Unbeknownst to him, his love for, attachment to, and bond with his lover, Padawan, and the rest of the crew went against traditional Jedi norms. However, this deviation allowed him to learn things the Jedi should have known centuries ago. Kanan eventually felt the full embrace of the Force, despite his past mistakes and moments of foolishness. He ultimately met his end as a true Jedi Knight.
As for Sabine, her character's growth and journey revolve around taking responsibility for her past mistakes and evolving into a stronger individual. Her journey includes abandoning the Imperial Academy, which produced weapons harmful to her people. This decision placed her family in jeopardy, with the majority of Mandalorians harboring animosity towards her. Despite these challenges, she emerged stronger with the support of those around her and a willingness to confront her past without forgetting or ignoring it.
The relationship between Ezra and Sabine in SWR was intentionally left ambiguous, making it challenging to definitively categorize. While the series provides hints through Ezra's statements, it remains open to interpretation. The internet, as expected, has embraced the ambiguity and given rise to various interpretations, showcasing the power of fan engagement and ship culture.
Ezra and Sabine, Examined from Every Angle:
This section breaks down how each of these interpretations aligns with the characteristics of these relationship types.
Individuality: With Siblings, there come different personalities. One can be chaotic and the other calm. That’s what we see in that case what can be considered normal in a family. You have the artistic child with her younger brother being more traditional and following his father.
Birth Order: This being one of the strongest arguments with this relationship. It’s for many great to see nonblood people considering each other as found family, where in situation where one lost their family or their family was not good, there are still others that are as close as those you share blood with.
Conflict and Love: This is more of a thing that can be seen with the training of the dark saber, in which the one sibling, who is good at something, that they consider their specialty, having to have share it with the other, as they see it being taken away or provoking the other as they think they are better at something.
Shared Memories: Both have abandonment issues over their family, and they share a lot of missions together.
Complex Emotions: Once again going back to the dark saber training, you could interpret that scene where Ezra is saying that Sabine at least still has family, while he has only one family left, that she is not respecting
Character Development: This can be interpretation for the end of rebels
Realistic Dialogue: A lot of people regard them bickering as sibling bickering
Backstory: In the start, it is implied that with Zeb, she is one that takes him under her wing as a older sister role
Conflict Resolution: They talk to each other
Evolution: It can be them growing older and seeing each other as equals
External Influences: within the ghost crew, they consider each other as family. Hera especially, so its easy to take this as it can be seen that every member implies it for themselves.
Platonic Soulmates
Unique Bond: They are not really romantically nor as siblings introduced in season 3 and 4
Common Values: Both want to free their respective people, destroy the empire and find a place in the galaxy.
Unconditional Support: Within the end, Sabine never states to be romantically involved but she does stay on Lothal, keeps his memorable things in check and waits from him to return.
Enduring Relationship: Both are willing to entrust each other to a lot of things and giving each other the chance to make things happen.
Conflict Resolution: They talk.
Growth Inspiration: Within the season 1 and 2 where Ezra constantly flirts openly to Season 3 and 4 where it is not seen as a romantic way.
Non-Romantic Nature: Barely Romantic gestures of touch in the traditional sense or talking about the feeling to each other, but in a respectable comrade way.
Emotional Depth: Their connection through their past and need to make better of their mistakes while helping each other out of those.
Shared Moments: Their missions
Respectful Boundaries: With Ezra stopping the flirting to concentrate and help Sabine
External Influences: The ghost crew being a close family through common goals and connection gives them a more bigger leeway
Chemistry and Attraction: It is clear that Ezra still has an crush on Sabine, with him meeting her for the first time, being enamored with her beauty. Their chemistry is working and expendable. Sabine later is more open for more.
Character Development: From the young kid who has a crush with no real idea to an jedi that keeps it low to fulfill his duty, Ezra evolves within 4 seasons to a more mature way of admiring Sabine while having respect for her. Within the episode where Kanan and Sabine 
Conflict and Tension: From the end of rebels, where Ezra sacrifices himself to keep his loved one self but leaving Sabine alone and confused to Sabine not listening to him when he tells her to or when she does not give him a lot of decision power over her.
Communication: Sabine not being able to trust anyone really to her getting the closest to Ezra for even supporting him on way to dangerous missions and Ezra 
Shared Moments: From the intimate closeness of holding him by his waist to fly to safety, to him keeping her steady on the loath wolves and both refusing to let the other get hurt.
Individual Lives: When it comes to Krownest, Sabine splits up for a little while, when Ezra takes on other missions. They know when they have to do something alone and they have their own bigger problems in the end.
Trust and Vulnerability: Within the later seasons (3 and 4) Sabine opens up to Ezra about her own Demons and gives her full trust to him. Both can depend each other’s live on the other. But when it comes to
Intimacy: Sabine has no problem holding Ezra closer while Ezra still gets flustered a bit(speaking escape Jetpack scene). But other than that they have no problem being closer.
External Influences: Both Chopper and Zeb have been making fun of Ezra and Kanan is aware to some known extend as he has to be the done calming Ezra down, when Sabine is in a Dangerous situation.
Conflict Resolution: On the battlefield its Sabine being the aggressor and Ezra the shield. With other conflicts, it is that Sabine needs time to herself and Ezra worrying but respecting her needs.
Long-Term Compatibility: Sabine cannot imagine a life without Ezra in it and Ezra has stated that he wants to come home to her (as well as the others).
Realistic Challenges: Sabine knowing that 10 years have gone by since Ezra disappeared and still being ever so loyal to him. Ezra, while knowing Sabines competence, still often not wanting her on solo missions.
Romantic Gestures: The Birthday gift from Sabine. The consistent support of Ezra. 
Character Flaws: The way they cannot see other one in pain and taking full front and lying in front of the other.
Resolution: They give each other full trust on the final mission with Sabine on her way towards him.
In summary, this post aims to offer multiple perspectives on the dynamic between Ezra and Sabine, emphasizing that all three interpretations are valid based on the available knowledge.
Please note that this is a complex analysis, and the nature of their relationship remains open to interpretation.
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number oneeee: your art style is so beautiful, it feels so comforting just looking at your art.
number twooo: i’m an absolute sucker for both marlene mckinnon and the marylily ship and your work on them is immaculate. favourite headcanons?
number threeee: i truly hope u have a lovely day night and rest of the week
thank you for all the compliments and i hope you too have a lovely week <3
here are some headcanons!
youngest of three children, by the time she started attending hogwarts her older siblings had already graduated, and were generally making their parents proud with brilliant careers. for this reason, marlene’s parents never seemed to care about her or have any expectations for her, so she also stopped caring about her studies and grew a rebellious personality.
despite her disinterest in studying, since she came from a family of powerful wizards, magic wasn’t hard for her, and she was actually rather talented. however, she didn’t really believe she was a good witch because of the lack of attention from her parents in her childhood.
her witty and rebellious personality matched quite well with remus’, and they became close: they have matching stick n pokes on their ankles (done rigorously while drunk, marlene’s is a poorly drawn guitar and remus’ a wobbly record), and in the summer of 1976 remus brought her to muggle london to get cigarettes to resell at school (i have a couple of drawings about this actually)
her favourite band was the runaways: she could sing the entirety of “dead end justice”, and remus started calling her cherry because of the song “cherry bomb”.
very chill about everything. she actually encouraged people to experiment with expressing themselves, (“do you think wearing make up is for queers?” “david bowie wears make up, sirius. it’s fucking rock n roll”) and she was be a good listener. might encourage chaos tho, always eager to get in fights.
another quidditch nerd. she didn’t enjoy getting up at 5 am for practice, but that’s what you get when james fucking potter is captain. loved discussing strategies tho.
never really thought about being a lesbian. she just was, never felt the pressure of getting in a relationship with a boy.
rivalry with dorcas, both on the pitch and in class. dorcas took it very seriously, marlene saw it as a sort of game between the two of them.
friends to lovers. but not the sweet, “realised-i-love-you-more-than-a-friend” kind of dynamic: both lily and mary were very jealous, when they still weren’t aware of their feelings. lily never liked mary’s boyfriends, and mary seemed to dislike snape even more than marlene. snark remarks and eye-rolls. the good shi.
marlene connected the dots before mary and lily. she wanted to slap both of them for being stupid and blind, but at least she understood the tension.
when they were younger, mary would help lily being less shy: they were both muggleborns, but mary had never been intimidated by snobby purebloods, and lily admired her for it. because she was a girl and a muggle born, she was an easy target for purebloods who made fun of her being “the teachers pet”. (“lily it doesn’t matter who their parents are, you’re much better than them, so even if they call you names, don’t apologise for being smart!”)
lily fell first but sure as hell she didn’t realise it. mary, however, didn’t find out she liked her until they both confessed their feelings during an argument in their room (marlene proceeded to flee to give them some privacy)
the first girl mary ever kissed was emmeline, when she was still trying to figure out wether she liked women or not. lily was fuming when she found out.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Have you seen Extraordinary Attorney Woo? Some of the characters have really great arcs. If you have seen it, who are your favorites, and why?
Yes, I have and I loved it! I liked all the characters to be honest <3 Here are some thoughts on my faves...
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These 3 are my absolute faves both in terms of individual characters and of their dynamic. I will talk about individuals later on, so let's now focus on their sibling dynamic.
They are a well written trio in how they are all different and complement each other. They follow the mind-heart-body pattern. To be more specific:
Young Woo is the mind - she is a genius and the one who knows the law the best. She always comes up with a whale an idea to solve the problem at hand by using intuition and creative thinking.
Su-Yeon is the heart - she is our "spring sunshine angel", after all :P She is a genuinelly sweet and kind person, who looks out for and helps Young Woo. She also challenges Min Woo to follow his heart.
Min Woo is the body - have you noticed how he is constantly shown eating? On a deeper note, though, he is a survivalist, who sees society and adulthood as a battlefield, as kill or be killed. This is a primary physical instinct. The body is also often not as much integrated as mind and heart are, which fits with Min Woo not being as close to the other 2 and joining them only at the very end.
At the same time, Young Woo is our protagonist, while Min Woo and Su-Yeon are used to explore different sides of her. Through this lens, they become:
Min Woo: mind, outside (job/society), challenge, rivalry
Su Yeon: heart, inside (personal relationship), nurture, friendship
In short, they are complementary when it comes to Young Woo's arc, which is why they are also such a good fit together. They reconcile all the series's opposite themes.
Let's focus on their thematic importance on WYW's arc by exploring some cases our protagonist shares with them.
Mind and heart
Wild Card vs Tactician and If I Were a Whale are episodes meant to be foiled. The former has Young Woo work alongside Min Woo, while the latter has her help out Su-Yeon. Both episodes are set up as a conflict between mind and heart.
Wild Card vs Tactician has Young Woo set up as the heart to Min Woo's mind. Their rivalry becomes a way to explore 2 different ways to approach a case. Do you pursue the truth (heart) or do you protect the client's interests (mind)?
If I Were a Whale starts with Attorney Jung asking Young Woo to calm Su-Yeon down. He thinks the young attorney is being too passionate about the client and wants Young Woo to be the mind to Su-Yeon's heart.
What's interesting is that in both episodes the set-up dynamic doesn't play as it is expected to. To be more precise, Young Woo ends up being more "tactical" than Min Woo and more emotional than Su-Yeon. On the one hand she takes a witness, who is clearly lying and gives him instructions on how to be convincing. On the other hand she decides her client should get a lenient sentence because she is a good mother. In other words she doesn't play the heart or mind to the other 2 in a complementary way. Rather, Min Woo and Su-Yeon manage to bring out extreme sides of Young Woo. This also highlights our protagonist's shortcomings.
In Wild Card vs Tactician, Young Woo wins in the sense she isn't overshadowed by Min Woo. However, she still gives in to his mindset and betrays the truth. In the end, the true conflict was never the one with her colleague, but the one within herself. Which kind of attorney does she want to become? An honest one or a competent one?
In If I Were a Whale, Young Woo wins morally in the sense that she manages to convey her feelings to the judge, who finds the way to help YW's client. However, she does so outside of the law and of her role as an attorney. In a sense, she and Su-Yeon fail as attorneys because they miss the very obvious solution to their client's problem. They lose themselves in overly complicated theories without drawing attention to the fact their client has confessed, which in itself shows she is repentant.
Children and Lovers
The Pied Piper and Holding Hands Can Wait can be similarly foiled. The first deals with society, while the second with personal relationships. Min Woo gets focus in the first, while Su-Yeon in the second.
The Pied Piper explores how society warps children by teaching them to "give up on the world". This applies to Min Woo, who is cinical and focused on politics. Surely, he is meant to be read as a victim of the same system criticized in the episode. This is why he is confronted by Attorney Jung and called out on his behavior. For all his claiming to be an adult, he keeps behaving as a child and asks an authority figure for punishments and rewards. At the same time, he clearly shows his most childish side this episode, when he jokes with the kids and is eventually entertained by the client's antics.
Holding Hands Can Wait delves into romantic relationships and asks important questions. What is love? Is it enough that a person thinks they are in love? Or what others and society think matter as well? And what does it mean for an autistic person? Su-Yeon parallels the protagonist of the case. She looks for a good person, but ends up falling for a crook only interested in her money. This is very similar to Shin's situation. However, Shin has a handicap, while Su-Yeon does not. So, Shin is stripped of her agency, while Su-Yeon has the chance to "fall in love with a bad boy". But then, what is the difference? Or is there even a difference at all?
In both episodes Young Woo finds herself in the same position. She wants to help a person the law can't help. Bang Gu-ppon doesn't want a reduced sentence and Shin doesn't want her bastard boyfriend to go to prison. Both want to be recognized as people by the system, even if it means the law would side against them. This means Young Woo must protect who they are and their agency, if she wants to help them. She succeeds with Bang Gu-ppon, but fails with Shin.
At the same time, both stories focus on a mother misunderstanding their child. Both Bang Gu-ppon and Shin are deep down trying to communicate with their mothers. They want their moms to recognize them and to accept they aren't crazy or strange, but adults in their own rights.
This is just what deep down Young Woo wants:
Young Woo to Tae Su-Mi: "Don't you recognize me?"
Deep down, Young Woo's arc is a coming of age story that has her turn from child to adult. This is true also for the other young attorneys (plus Jun-Ho), who accompany her in this journey.
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Young Woo is great because she is an autistic character whose arc is not (only) about her handicap. Sure, autism is a part of her, as it is her incredible intelligence. However, her story is broader and so it can be universal.
Her arc is about growing up, which means becoming independent from parents, so the mid-climax and the final climax are about Young Woo facing her estranged mother, Tae Su Mi.
In the first climax (A Tale About Sodeok-Dong), Young Woo meets her mother for the first time and enters a conflict with her father. She struggles to become independent only to realize independence is not something that is easy to pintpoint:
Young Woo to Tae Su Mi: "I wanna be a full-out adult, so I was ready to leave my current position at Hanbada and be independent from my dad. But there is not point in leaving my dad in order to join a law firm, where the CEO is my mother."
Changing law firms won't solve her problems and if she really wants to grow, she must learn not to run, but to live her life with all its contradictions.
The 2 episodes-case also sets up Young Woo as the Hackberry Tree:
"Have you ever seen a more beautiful tree, despite not being a national monument?"
Society might not see Young Woo as important, but she is still beautiful and worthy of protection. This idea grows within our protagonist until it blooms in all its beauty in the ending:
Young Woo to Tae Su Mi: "I think my life is unusual, peculiar, but it has value. It's a beautiful life."
This is the moment Young Woo grows and affirms who she is to her mother. Poignantly, their confrontation is not really about Tae Su Mi and Young Woo's mother-daughter's bond. The narrative is very clear about it. Tae Su Mi has not been a mother for Young Woo and this can't be changed. However, she can be a good parent to her son:
Young Woo to Tae Su Mi: "You have not been a good mother to me, but you can still be a good mother to Choi Sang-Hyeon."
Young Woo here does not act as a child asking her parent to love her, but as a big sister who looks out for her little brother. She plays the part of the adult and shows she is strong enough.
The second climax has also Young Woo face a case without Attorney Jung. She finds herself without her mentor, which pushes her to grow even more. Given all this, it fits she gets her contract renewed in the end, which shows her becoming a full-fledged Attorney.
So, the finale has Young Woo affirm her maturity both as a person and as an Attorney. I also find it very nice the title is referenced directly by Attorney Jung:
Attorney Jung: "I'm also curious about what you will do next and that's because you are not an ordinary Attorney."
In the very first episode, Jung calls her extraordinary because of her autism and promptly apologizes. However, in the very last episode he affirms once again she is not ordinary. What's beautiful is that he is not talking about her autism or her intelligence. He means she is extraordinary as a person. He doesn't pity her for the Asperger syndrome, nor admires her because of her genius. He is proud of her because of her heart, which is exactly what catches Jung's attention in their very first case:
Young Woo to Attorney Jung: "The defendand lives on the pension of her husband. The residence from which they collect rent is in her husband's name. Therefore, if the attempted murder is recognized, the defendant will be in a huge financial crisis after her husband passes. She won't be able to receive the pension or to inherit the house. Therefore, I'll try to get her probation for bodily injuries and not for attempted murder."
Young Woo is extraordinary because she manages to bloom in her own person and is always loyal to herself and who she wants to become.
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Min Woo is the character who is challenged to change the most and his development is very thightly written, which is an automatic plus for me. Just like Young Woo, he is a kid, who wants to grow, but mistakenly believes growing up means becoming cinical.
This is why we keep seeing opposite sides of him, that really seems impossible to reconcile. On the one hand he is obnoxious, tactical and unfair. On the other hand he is a decent friend to Su-Yeon and Jun-Ho, he lives in a modest apartment and works hard for his parents' sake. This duality is well conveyed through his looks. At work he puts his hair up, while at home he wears it down in a simpler way. It is because he puts on a persona while working. However, his real self appears here and there through the cracks.
The struggle between Min Woo's 2 sides is explored through 2 different plot-lines:
The work plot-line, where he tries to best and ultimately to sabotage Young Woo. He keeps spiraling by thinking only politics and tactics can make him a successful adult. Ironically, he keeps pushing himself in worse situations and never gets a win.
The romantic plotline with Su-Yeon, which takes flight in Jeju. This is not by chance because Jeju is more than anything a holiday. So, there Min Woo can show a more relaxed and kinder self, who impresses Su-Yeon.
All of this comes together in the last case, where Min Woo has to choose between his mind and his heart, between tactics and love. Not only that, he also has to choose between Attorney Jung and Attorney Jang, aka his 2 mentors.
Attorney Jung is a lawyer, who tries to reconcile the interests of the client with the social good. He doesn't always succeed, but he tries and his performance in Jeju shows what an expert lawyer can do. This is what both Min Woo and Young Woo should learn to do. He is who Min Woo may become if he grows as a lawyer.
Attorney Jang is a lawyer, who has reached his current position through politics and networking. It is implied his talent is mostly in charming others, rather than in being a good lawyer. On paper, he is the mentor Min Woo has wanted for the whole series. He is someone, who is tactical, who can't stand Young Woo and who favors Min Woo over his colleagues. And yet, once Min Woo has to work with him, he can't stand it. Jang is arrogant, incompetent and would push his mentees under a bus to save himself. He is who Min Woo may become if he fails to grow and doesn't change.
Min Woo's finale is to choose between Su-Yeon (heart) and Jang (mind) and he is finally able to follow his heart for once:
Su-Yeon: "Can't you for once act as a fool? For a colleague. For something you think it's right"
He acts as an idiot and by doing so, he is recognized for the first time by an authority figure. The Judge is impressed by Min-Woo's statement and smiles. Min-Woo and Su-Yeon win the case and that is the first case they win as adults.
Similarly, Min Woo eventually refusing Tae-Su Mi's request to have Young Woo leave Hanbada seems to gain him Tae Su Mi's favor much more than his clumsy attempt to blackmail her:
Min Woo: "I'm stopping here" Tae Su Mi: "Why?" Min Woo: "From now on... I think I'll try living as a fool" Both smile.
By the end of the season, Min Woo starts to realize that he must follow his heart and act more like a fool, if he really wants to grow up.
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Su-Yeon is a Queen and deserves the world. Her arc revolves around romantic subplots, but at its heart there is this message:
Seeing isn't everything. There is more.
Su-Yeon's growth lies in discovering there is much hidden under the surface, both when it comes to herself and to others. It is not by chance what sparks her friendship with Young Woo is this moment:
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Here, Su-Yeon simply wants to be humored and to be called cute or a beauty. However, Young Woo gives her a deeper answer and praises Su-Yeon for her heart. It is her heart, which makes Su-Yeon beautiful, rather than her looks.
This theme of discovering the true heart of herself and others is at the centre of her quest to find "a good person". She starts by having a crush on Jun-Ho, who is the man of her dreams, but lets go of him, when she realizes he has feelings for Young Woo. At this point, she dates a bunch of men, she doesn't really like until she finds someone, who is perfect on paper. He is handsome, he treats her gently and is romantic. Little problem, he is actually a fraud, only interested in her money.
Here comes Min-Woo, who forces Su-Yeon to see complexity. If you notice, Su-Yeon and Min-Woo's interactions in Jeju are basically a mix of all her past love experiences.
On the one hand Min-Woo is surprisingly kind. He helps Su-Yeon with her bags, he goes with her to buy drinks and so on. It is important Min-Woo reveals himself as an inversion of Su-Yeon's previous scumbag boyfriend. The latter wears a kind persona to hide his rotten self, while Min-Woo fakes to be cinical, when he is actually quite kind deep down. So, we have the scumbag buying flowers and offering drinks to manipulate Su-Yeon. Min-Woo instead offers Su-Yeon a beer and buys flower with no malice at all.
On the other hand Min-Woo also challenges Su-Yeon by having her look at her privilege. When she goes on blind dates, Su-Yeon is annoyed people keep asking her about money and are impressed by her father. This is fair, but Min-Woo also points to her she doesn't have to be worried about money only because she is rich. Someone like him doesn't really have this luxury and she should be conscious of that.
In general, their relationship has a lot of potential and I am looking forward to see it bloom in a possible 2nd season.
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Attorney's Jung arc is about finding a balance between worklife and personal life. He sacrificed everything to his work and when he discovers himself ill, he starts re-evaluating his choices.
However, his arc is not as simple as... I should give up working to truly live. The point is Attorney Jung loves his work and has grown into a formidable lawyer. He is so formidable he even manages to symbolically solve the ideological conflict between Young-Woo and Min-Woo on which kind of lawyer one should become. Attorney Jung proves to them sometimes it is possible to work for the good of both the law firm and of the people. As Young Woo states:
Young Woo: It's worth working so hard over the years to the poing of getting stomach cancer Attorney Jung: Really? So all this time was really worth it? Young Woo: Yes, I think it was.
It means no matter what Jung's life has value because he has managed to touch many people. First of all, his 3 mentees, who immediately imitate him by helping the noodle restaurant's owner. The scene is meant to be Attorney Jung's climax because he sees how much they have all grown and that they are shaping up to be good attorneys, each in their own way.
Jung's ending is ambiguous. Will he choose Hanbada or his ex wife? Will he choose mind or heart? Society or personal relationships? As you can see, this dychotomy is everywhere throughout the story.
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I like Joon-Ho, but a little bit less than the others. His major conflict is about his relationship with Young Woo. Still, it is interesting because the nature of the conflict evolves with time
Initially, Joon-ho is focused on himself and his own insecurities. He clearly likes Young Woo, but is unsure on how to approach the matter. Once again Su-yeon and Min-woo help him by offering opposite advices. Su-yeon invites Jun-ho to be serious about the relationship, while Min-woo gives him the push to risk it all.
After Joon-ho and Young Woo end up together, he immediately has to face society's opposition to his relationship. This opposition escalates from just a bunch of university friends to Joon-ho's own sister.
Finally, the focus shifts on Young Woo, who challenges him to accept all of her. Not just her positive sides, but also her flaws in all their complexity. The resolution between the 2 is beautiful and it enforces their relationship is true love and not "compassion" or a "lesser degree love", like others say.
Young Woo and Joon-Ho love each other and have discussed their relationship, what they expect to ti and the compromises they are ready to do for it like 2 adults. Hence it is love.
Thank you for the ask!
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yanxioustrikas · 21 days
If I can ask abt your oc’s I wanna ask what’s Roland Altivo’s relationship w other characters? :3
hii! thank you sm for the ask! i'll try to answer this to the best of my ability since i haven't really develop roland much (and also i suck at writing and whatnot so bear with me here lmao)
ms (eva) altivo
roland's older sister by three years. the altivo family are a bunch of competitive folks who will do anything to strive to the top! so roland is no exception. this usually results in an ongoing sibling rivalry. it's not extremely hostile or anything, it's just these two love competition, and both have similar goals, executing them in their own way. at least their parents never pitted their children against each other, otherwise eva and roland would have been plotting to murder each other. during high school (eva as a senior and roland as a freshman), when the siblings both made it to the debate team, they were forced to be put in the same group because the supervisor feared that putting them in two different groups would result in the a non-stop intense debate between the altivo siblings.
lena long
roland's colleague when he was working for futbol 360 as one of the news anchors. he decides to be petty by starting beef with everybody at his workplace, but lena does not give a crap about roland's antics. since then until he left futbol 360, roland has been trying to get lena's attention, which his efforts were futile. however, he does respect lena since she is a very successful news reporter. it's not much of a dynamic, because eventually roland grew tired of trying to start beef with lena after he left futbol 360 (no, he did not get fired because of beefing with his colleagues).
sunny hellström* (the weatherman from 'weather or not')
roland's classmate from university and 'frenemy.' these two fools have such an interesting dynamic that it's confusing to say the least. do they both like each other or hate each other?? besides his sister, roland also considers sunny to be his rival (and vice versa), despite them being in two different field in journalism. when roland had sunny on his talk show roll up with roland, he managed to subtly roast sunny (and sunny doing the same).
erasyl mcarthur* (the guy that ms altivo fired in 'live and kicking')
one of roland's writers for his talk show roll up with roland. roland immediately took in erasyl after the poor dude was fired, because he liked the guy, and also because he wanted to get back at his sister as a 'haha f you eva!' moment. the thing is, with erasyl being a part of the mcarthur family (ocs of @abyss-strikas !), roland has to be careful because any wrong move that would have affected erasyl, he's going to have to answer to the mcaurthers, and very likely the entire silver lions club. heck, they might drag eva in this too.
erasyl's full name and sunny's surname are both non-canon
the mcarthurs and the silver lions belong to @abyss-strikas
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enyoalkis · 3 months
Ask game! 20, 22, 30
These answers turned out long 😅 Whoops!
20. Favorite Hetalia relationship dynamic?
Enemies to lovers - Fruk and Rusame
Like an old married couple - Also Fruk.
Girlboss/Malewife - Aushun, nuff said.
Childhood sweethearts - To me, this is Lietbel (my OTP). They also have a knight/lady or princess dynamic, but this even could apply to Lietpol too because... Feliks IS the pretty princess. 🤣
Arranged marriage - Lietpol because of the Union of Krewo and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. But I also can see this in Lietbel in historical Hetalia, as the Principality of Polotsk (considered the first proto-Belarusian state) joined with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to avoid invasions from both the Teutonic Knights and Mongol Empire. It could be a 3-way marriage union... or 4 if you count Ukraine? 😉
22. Top favorite fanfictions?
Oh man, I have a lot! I'm going to list some old fanfics I faved on my old FFNet acc that I used to love in high school though, because I hardly read fanfics anymore.
Nineteen Ninety - VoicesoftheSoul - One of the first fics of my OTP Lietbel I've read.
Belaya Rus: On a Spring Day in 1487 - rev lady mal - Belarus history-centric. This fic first introduced me to learning about the history of Belarus and her long history with Lithuania in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. There are historical inaccuracies and she comes off as OOC, but I appreciate this fic as an attempt to show her history that is not known in the mainstream in Hetalia-style – and not portray her to be a hostile bitch or have a romantic or sexual obsession over Ivan.
Rings, Rejection, and an Unintentional Fiancé - Anonymous Dream Echo - One of my ultimate fave Lietbel fanfics! I still go back to re-read this here and there despite there being some cultural inaccuracies.
Plastic Talks - Mandelene - This fic kinda helped me cope with my teen angst and issues at the time. Still is a so well-written high school AU of Nyo!America.
Raven Tears - Dontmezwitme - Probably one of the most heartwrenching fics about loss and colonization of the Americas I've read. This focuses on the fanon personification of all American Indians/Indigenous Americans and First Nations raising her twin sons that later became known as the U.S. and Canada.
Childs Play - pupeez4eva - It sadly never finished but this was my favorite comedy fic of nations being turned back into their child selves.
A Colony, a Babysitter, and an Old Rivalry - TheFreakZone - A comedy fic on England planning a date with France but is looking for a babysitter for Gibraltar. Spain volunteers because he wants to claim him back. So many good witty liners!
30. BroTP? Headcanons?
When I was in high school, America/Canada was my BroTP (still love em tho!) but now as an adult, they are Poland/Belarus, Poland/Hungary (sometimes, I ship them romantically 😅), and Lithuania/Latvia!
Most of my headcanons for each here below will be referencing real-life history.
Natallia sees Feliks more as an actual brother than her "biological" brother Ivan, as they were around each other often for most of their later childhood and adolescent years during the Polish-Lithuania union and Commonwealth. The Belarusian language is greatly influenced by Polish. I know in canon their relationship comes off as more hostile, but I depict them in my head as having a bickering sibling-like relationship.
Because of their history, Natallia and Feliks can speak a vernacular language/dialect that may be a creole and strange mix of Polish and Belarusian: Tutejšy (or tutejszy). It was commonly spoken by peasants since it was simple speech. I read somewhere (can't remember where) that in Lithuania near the Lithuania-Belarus border, you can find some elderly Lithuanian Poles speaking it, except it may be blended with the Russian language too.
Feliks calls Natallia "Nastka," a Polish diminutive of her name. She calls him "Felek."
They both LOOVE gossiping and spilling to each other pop culture tea! I mean, Natallia knows so much countless trivia, even Paris Hilton's dog name, in canon so I can see her being a bit chronically online googling celeb tea.
They've been besties forever since early childhood, even married at least once before Poland married Lithuania.
Austria definitely has his moments of being jealous of their friendship.
Both are fluent in each others' languages and when they communicate, they speak in a creole language that baffles other countries because it sounds "so strange." Hungarian is not considered an Indo-European language.
Feliks calls Erzsébet "Ela" and "Ellcia," Polish diminutives of her name.
I generally consider them both to be "biological" brothers since they're both Baltic, with Lithuania being the older sibling. Although, sometimes I like toying with the idea they're cousins because Lithuania and Latvia do have diverging cultures/histories.
They love playing basketball together (although, Raivis' true favorite sport is hockey since it's Latvia's most popular sport). And they both act like loud frat boys when watching games, whether in person or on TV.
They both like to pull potato-themed pranks occasionally on Belarus and Ireland, some other countries with high potato consumption and have potato stereotypes.
Raivis has physically aged more since declaring independence in the 90s and his economy growing stronger, so he's now physically 17 – and has grown taller than Tolys!
Both are great singers and dancers, but Raivis is the "better" one.
Unlike Tolys, Raivis does not dislike Gilbert as much, at least not as much as he used to. But Raivis is willing to join in with Tolys in annoying him.
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Netflix Avatar the Last Airbender -- S1E3 Omashu Review [Spoilers]
Episode 3 of the show was noticeably weaker than the first two, unfortunately.
Appa, yip yip! The way Gordon Cormier's face totally lit up when he said this was just pure joy and the embodiment of Aang.
Commander Zhao: I continue to be interested in Zhao's failure in officer training and scheming/conniving. More of this please.
Fire Nation resistance: I appreciated the introduction of the idea of Fire Nation rebels, planting the seed that not all Fire Nation citizens are bad. I also liked that Azula was instrumental in rooting them out and destroying them. Because of course she would be. And of course Ozai would roast them all alive.
Jet/Katara: There was a lot to like about this dynamic. Jet had swagger. He had decent lines. "That's the price of freedom." They also had a good scene where they shared their pain and Jet helped Katara access her feelings for waterbending. But the "innocent people are going to die" line really didn't land with me because, well, no one died in the explosion we saw earlier in the episode. The explosion seemed kind of... small?
It makes no sense that Zuko/Iroh went to Omashu. I like seeing Zuko and Iroh together and seeing their dynamic develop. And they probably needed to get these characters there to set up later developments. But story-wise, in universe, it makes absolutely no sense that they went into an Earth Kingdom stronghold. Like what?
Clunky, terrible dialogue continues: "I just want to help people!" "One person at a time!" Wince.
Teo/Mechanist: Wooden, wooden, wooden. I hated all of their lines. All of them. These characters were flat and less than two-dimensional.
My cabbages: I love the Cabbage Merchant, but he just did not translate here in the live action. "My cabbages" felt totally off and like random pointless fan service, which it was, sadly.
Azula and sibling rivalry...? "He's done the impossible." Not sure whether this will pay off, but they have framed Ozai as playing Azula and Zuko off each other and Azula to be motivated by sibling rivalry. It's a different take and I am interested in seeing where it goes.
Zuko: Dallas Liu is doing an admirable job. I like what the actor is doing with the role. But... character Zuko thus far has not done much to earn cred with the audience. He's threatened to kill both Sokka and Katara in a rage. So far he's fully in villain camp with not much shading. Am willing to let this continue to play out before judging.
Onto the next one...
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hylialeia · 11 months
coming up with good star wars sequel ideas isn't even hard like people were doing that when they were ten years old with nothing but a bit of childhood whimsy. here's like 5 off the top of my head
-actually focusing on Luke's Jedi academy?? like immediately you've got a cast of new characters and countless potential interesting conflicts and dynamics. everybody loves space wizard school, baby. unless they hate it <3
-Skywalkers next generation. three cheers for the overwhelming weight of family legacy resulting in catastrophic and sometimes fatal sibling rivalries. succession but with laser swords
-maybe don't ignore the strong political parallels and their significance to the entire franchise just because people thought the prequel dialogue was clunky or whatever. the First Order should be a terrorist organization leftover from the Empire. also isn't there like, an entire criminal underground, too? maybe we should talk about that. who doesn't want to see Darth Maul still fucking with everyone from beyond the grave
-if you're going to try to make a commentary on people using war/strife/suffering to make a profit maybe we should address what everyone's doing with those very well-known Death Star plans the Empire had. go, cold war arms race allegory, go go go
-more than one of the above. like come on.
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zabberzim · 1 year
Landot: an essay 🪐💥
Contains manga spoilers for the later chapters
Also some head canons and basically how I interpret them
@silvercrane14 here’s the aforementioned ramble
Is a saying which basically means “Red & Blue make the perfect couple, ever since the beginning of time” and it’s true.
In terms of character and colourisation, red and blue typically stand to be opposites of each other, their characters reflect that as well in their personalities. Red and blue characters turn couples tend to also always start off as enemies, or at least some sort of rivalry, before they get to know more about the other and develop the enemies to friends to lovers arc.
Colouration of these traits are usually found in a character’s colour scheme, and is especially obvious in Lance and Dot in MASHLE as both their hair and eye colour are of their respective colours, blue and red.
(I have no idea how Komodo colours his characters, but the blue and red in their respective characters are especially prominent.)
Dot Barrett is hot-headed, a bit too cocky and loud for his own good but still a good kid who stands up for what he thinks is right (suffering from main character syndrome, more on that in another post lol); Lance Crown is cool, a pretty boy character who’s powerful and uses this power to help others as the team mom (values his sister above all else , weird but respectable once you understand how close he was to losing the person who he shares unconditional sibling love with)
Dot hates all pretty boys (Lance) and Lance despises rude boors (Dot), setting the stage for the rivalry between the two early on in the story.
Lance has announced that him and Mash were rivals even earlier on after their fight, but to me, this rivalry is more of a friendly rivalry one sided rivalry than true rivalry, as their rivalry stems from them fighting for the same goal rather than unconditional hatred. Plus, LanDot rivalry seems more mutual, something that needn’t be announced and stems from the soul, appearing solely for the fact that they are incompatible, yet in the end they still find a compromise but that might just be my delusions. Of course, both rivalries have underlying friendship between them, they are a group of friends after all.
Prominent LanDot interactions in the story line would be their first meeting(CH18), baby fight(CH64),training arc(103?) , and Endgame fight (122). But besides these, they’ve been shown fighting in the background sometimes ( dumbasses fight in the ED)
SO lets start with the prominent points first
Chapter 64. Dot, Lance and how babies are made ( sus title but ok)
During the fight with Sitter Baby, who’s basically Alessi’s stand Sethan from JJBA pt.3, Sitter deages Dot into an adorable bb. With limited magic as a baby, Dot reluctantly finds Lance for help, in which was can see that Lance is just fucking pissed at Dot for turning into a baby. Thinking that Dot turned into a baby as a prank at a time of love and war and having the audacity to think that Dot is annoying to look at, we know that the loathing is actually very much mutual. Comparing how he reacts to Dot with how he reacts to Mash, Lemon or Finn when they want his help shows that this dynamic is unique to them. Dot also comes to realise just how powerful Lance actually is.
This establishes the enemy part in enemies to friends to lovers
Chapter 103. The Training Arc
Lance wants to get strong for the endgame fight and for his sister, in which Dot follows because why not.
(I’m not sure if Wahlberg especially assigned them to work together or if Lance just went to find Wahlberg for training and Dot came with)
During the training arc, they train under No.1 Mash Bully, Orter Mádl, who throws our boys into shadow realm with water for basic sustenance, where they are forced to train together despite each other’s dismay. Dot had briefly considered actually working together but Lance being stubborn and self reliant makes it hard, Lance being naturally stronger than Dot , having the whole world on the line of course makes it understandable on why he considers Dot to be dragging him down ( mean, but ok??)
A mini speech from Dot on how he’d die than be a baggage to anyone seems to cause Lance to set aside their differences and actually train together.
Lance still doesn’t trust Dot to not drag him down but their bond has still somewhat strengthened in learning how to fight together, a little bit of the friends to lovers bit but mostly still enemies.
Orter sees himself and his junior in them multiple times throughout, I will expand on this later.
Chapter 114. Entering Endgame
Entering the final arc and deciding who fights who, we get plenty silly interactions and a hint towards who and what caused Anna to lose her magic
Lances fear of ghosts and bugs, and Dot’s bright idea to head but him into a wall.
Lance knowing that one of the brothers may be directly responsible to his sisters illness makes him not want to work with Dot, despite their training together, now with his sister directly on the line he’d risk nothing to get his revenge. 3rd brother, Epidermis the pudding cult leader, is the one behind Annas illness and who they fight against. Dot has tea with Epididmus before it was revealed how hes the one behind this. The boys argue :(
Chapter 122. Ultimate Proof that LanDot is canon
Enemies to friends to lovers speedrun
Lance pushes Dot away more to fully avenge his sister himself, again, his sister is above all else to Lance , hes not risking Dot, the guy that just took a bite of poison pudding so recklessly, to drag him down. He NEEDS to win, NEEDS to beat the fuck out of Epidem.
But to finally be able to confront the person responsible for stealing his only joy of this world from him, he’s overwhelmed with anger and unable to summon his thirds, Nemesis. When the condition of his sister is revealed to both Epipen and Dot , Epithelial builds a fake Anna with reference from the pendant, taunts Lance and Dot cant just stand there anymore despite their previous discourse, rushing up from where he stood to steal the Anna pendant back.
“We’re friends.” And with a slap to Lances face , he stops being stubborn and fights with, then alongside Dot.
Friends,now onto lovers
With Dot having slapped him out of his dumbassery, he summons his thirds in whole, a shit ton of black holes making Epipi intimidated into also summoning his thirds, sailor moon Sisyphus. Having to fight against a machine gun would be hard for most teens, Lance is able to use the black holes to absorb and dodge the bullets but Dot is still a one liner, there’s only so much he can hold off. Casting syphilis to end the weaker one (Dot) off,
Lance jumps in front of the finishing blow to protect
Yes he hates him , despises him even. Loud, crude, Dot is the most annoying person hes ever had the displeasure of meeting.
For some reason his body decided to move on its own,
And its up to Dot now to finish it all…
A foolish choice really, letting the weaker one survive? Why?
Seeing his homie sacrifice himself for his sake, Dot goes sicko mode and swears to kill Epidem hundredfold (my boy is so good at maths)
From machine guns to a whole Arsenal, he really just started blasting before Sissy burns into crisp
Dot goes to check on Lance, an emotional questioning of why hed sacrifice himself before Lance tells him to shut the fuck up and that he has Anna pins to protect him. Some mangas got plot armour, we get sister pin armour.
Now I’m going to ramble about this scene now and why there’s got to be some sort of love
Fellas, is it straight to die for someone you hate?
We’ve see early on how Lance usually thinks of Anna before taking action, even in battle, and obviously the self sacrifice is a heat in the moment decision.
But id like to argue that this means Dot bypassed the Anna protocol. You’d think Anna wouldn’t like Lance fighting someone for no reason and would definitely disapprove of his constant quarrels with Dot, right? Even when he was out fighting bullies when he was young there was a net gain even if Anna gets worried. Lance fighting Dot despite these factors, there’s only a net loss in them fighting yet he still does it , makes Dot an exception to the brain Anna protocol.
And that’s saying a lot with how he puts his sister to such a high calibre .
These fools bring out the worst in each other when they fight( jealousy and stubbornness) but also the best in each other when they fight together (teamwork, motivation and stability)
Lance is finally able to confront the person responsible for stealing his only joy, yet he throws it all away, for… Dot?
Epidem considers killing Dot to get at least the weaker one out of the way, yet Lance jumps in front to prevent his demise. Dot is weaker than Lance, and Lance is so close to avenging his sister, letting Dot die would mean he wouldn’t drag him down anymore and would allow Lance to achieve his goal easier. Lance shielding Dot, preventing him from dying ,essentially throws away all Lance has worked for.
He believes Dot will drag him down before the fight and reluctance to work with Dot shows that he believes Dot is still weaker than him, and that he doesn’t know about Dot’s trump card the Ira Kreuz. (Only Finn and Mash has seen Ira Kreuz Dot in action, lack of trust in Dot’s strength might mean either he doesn’t know it or that he can rely on it)
Which makes it even irrational on Lance’s part.
If Lance, the stronger one, dies, what hope is there for Dot to succeed? For all he knows, success lies solely on his shoulders only, and maybe maybe with Dot too, who’s said he’d rather die than be a burden, so why sacrifice success over some chump you hate, burdening you down from an epic win? Keep in mind the wrath he has on Epidem, if Dot fails, there’s no cure for his sister, the world may continue to lay in chaos, there’s no backup plan like with the waiting-for-Mash-to-wake-up-fight later, even if Dot survives, how long can he survive for? There’s unconditional trust in that sacrifice.
On the off chance that Lance knew of this trump card before hand, I highly doubt that Lance planned this all out to pretend to die in Dot’s arms just to trigger the Ira Kreuz, because that’d be kinda fucked and a bit out of character…
The gay-ass monologue seems to have come from the heart and there’s no way his sister pins actually prevented him from becoming Swiss cheese. If hed taken the sister pins into account, he wouldn’t let Dot get too worried and say something ambiguous like “its up to you now”, some Romeo Juliet shit.
But what about Lances self sacrificing spree later?
Lance later goes on to actively risk his life for Ochoa and Mash, the latter turning him into a clock with the seconds hand piercing through him, its what Anna would’ve wanted him to do, he says.
Through this journey hes learnt the power of friendship and is integrating it into fights. We know hed risk himself for the greater good, but never as extreme as this, so even if you don’t agree with on the love aspect, you’ve gotta agree that something clicked in him in almost seeing Dot die ( and how its reflex to go and save him)
Risking his life for Mash and Ochoa is a conscious decision, I don’t think this is the same for Dot.
I actually think he thinks hes about to die in the Epidem fight
While both the fight with IZ and Epidem is important to Lance, both basically meaning the entire world to him, you’re telling me he can stay conscious with a minute hand pierced through him but cant stay conscious for an attack that didn’t hurt him as much??
I believe that after his gay-ass monologue where he borderline confesses, he actually wanted to die but cant, so he’s taking every opportunity to do it now/j
Parallel between LanDot and the dynamic between Orter and his nameless junior
In the Orter fight chapter, his backstory is reveal in which he also had a spikey teethed zigzaggy mark friend ,junior,that’s also way too hot-blooded for his own good. Which is what triggers normally cold blooded deadpan Orter to soften on the two during training arc, especially Dot.
Strong prideful bastards with their silly spikey companions, you can see how Orter and his junior mirrors Lance and Dot respectively in design, at least Dot with Junior. Of course, their personalities and goals differ but its a similar dynamic, similar enough for Orter to reminiscent about his late junior, who sacrificed himself for the greater good.
In the backstory,Orter, who usually doesn’t care about anything but his needs, unwilling to put in more efforts given the imbalance of quantity return, eventually starts to actually put effort into his job after juniors constant nagging. There’s less fighting going on between them, but the silly one eventually brings out something better in the prideful one.
Amongst the corrupted magic world of Mashle, its rare to see an actual police conduct justice, junior tries his best to conduct justice by the rules but ends up dying in his pursuit of Domina. Becoming a Divine Visionary, Orter takes juniors last words to heart and reinforces everything with law and order (I’m sure killing magicless kids isn’t what junior had in mind though) DVs have great political influence, to use this influence to just follow through on what your bestie believed in shows just how much his passing affected him.
While, unlike Lance, Orter had no other friends besides his junior, not even mentioning his brother once, if Lance had to witness Dot die like how junior did, it’d be devastating to him
Honestly, i just think having a parallel to LanDot supports my statement already.
To me, there’s something inherently special about these two’s relationship, whether it be the enemies to friends to lovers speedrun or dynamic parallel, they complete each other despite constant arguing. There will be many pretty boys and there will be many hot blooded sillies, but the underlying fondness and care they share. As a pair acknowledged by an official double sided pillow , LanDot is my favourite ship in Mashle
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jovieinramshackle · 4 months
Book 3 Chapter 38 "Museum Travelogue"
This is basically me inserting my MC into chapter 38 of book 3, and expanding it. I wrote this in a day to post something special for Azul's birthday <3
Not shipping, Jess and Azul are frenemies with sibling rivalry till the end~
Note: this is my first time writing something and posting it publicly, so feedback is much appreciated 🙏
Hope you enjoy these two's dynamic <3
Words: 2406
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Ramshackle Dorm - Foyer
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A series of loud knocks reverberated through the entry hall of the humble Ramshackle Dorm.  It was none other than the Leech twins who greeted the short prefect and their dire beast companion, their looming presence filling the entry hall.
“Morning, Little Shrimpy, Baby Seal! We're here to get you, it's time to go!” Floyd greeted with enthusiasm as he burst through the door.
 “Erk!” Grim squirmed, annoyed by the appearance of the new guests. “Whenever I see you two, I'm always worried you're schemin' something. Makes my heart skip a beat.” He muttered, his irritation evident.
“Tell me about it...heh.” Jess joked, looking up with a small smile at their new, abnormally tall…friends?
 Jade took the initiative and spoke. “Please. We would never dream of getting rough with those who aren't in breach of contract. The weather's quite clear today— perfect for an outing. On that note…”
“Off we go to the Atlantica Memorial Museum!” Floyd announced excitedly before his brother finished. 
“Azul's arranged it so that we'll have the whole museum booked for ourselves. He's already gone ahead and is waiting for us on-site.” Jade continued after his brother as if they were perfectly in sync when they talked.
“Is he now…” The twins noticed Jess’ suspicion creeping in. “Then that picture had better go back where it belongs. And you'd better not have doctored with it, okay?”
“You're takin' this so seriously, Little Shrimpy!” Floyd teased. 
“We haven't. I've taken full responsibility for keeping the photo in safe custody. There's no need for concern.” Jade reassured them.
“Alright then…” For some reason, Jess felt their tensed shoulders relaxing, even though they couldn’t fully trust the pair of brothers just yet.
“C'mon, let's move. Time's a-wastin'~!”  Floyd urged cheerfully, dragging Jess out of the dorm, with a startled Grim running behind them and Jade following along with his usual expressionless smile.
Atlantica Memorial Museum
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As they stepped into the museum, the land-dwellers were awestruck by the underwater wonders on their display.
“Duuude! WILD. So this is what it's like inside.” Ace exclaimed, amazed at the sight of the museum. 
“There's a statue of a legendary Sea King.” Deuce added, pointing towards the imposing figure at the centre of the Museum. The statue depicted a king who ruled the ocean long ago, holding his trident up with pride. “Huh. I guess there are more famous figures around these parts than just the Sea Witch.”
 “Wow. That king's pretty ripped.” Jack remarked, impressed by the king’s muscular physique.
Jess paused, taking in the wonderful interior of the underwater museum. “This place is... breathtaking.” They murmured, their eyes scanning the room in awe. They turned to their small companion. “Don't you think so, Grim?” Grim nodded enthusiastically. “It sure is pretty, alright!” He agreed, eyes wide with wonder.
“Welcome, everyone, to the Atlantica Memorial Museum.” A familiar voice reached Jess' ears, one that stirred up fear inside them once. But now, it merely brought a slight annoyance, as the effects he had on them were long gone. Of course, it was none other than Azul Ashengrotto himself. 
“The Mostro Lounge will be holding a study tour today. Or at least, that's the purpose of our visit on paper. Regardless, I bid you take your time and enjoy yourselves.” He finished with his usual polite, yet forced-feeling smile. 
“There you are, octo-tentacle Azul-!” Grim stopped once he looked at Azul, in his regular school uniform, and with two legs. “Only... you're not. Are you just stayin' in human form?”
“Yes. Betentacled mermen like myself aren't common around these parts.” He started explaining to the confused monster. 
“I wouldn't want to draw any undue attention to myself when our job is to return a photo on the sly.” A small frown appeared on his face thinking of the possible, and even, negative attention his merform would bring. But that’s something Azul would never admit to being his real motive for staying in human form.
“(That's not the real reason, that much is obvious.)” Jess thought, catching onto his excuse. 
“I see no reason to be concerned.”  Jade teased, though a slightly concerned expression appeared on his face, different from his usual unreadable one. “No one would see the cute chubby little merman in the picture and connect that it's you.”
“It wouldn't hurt you any to swim around in your real form on a trip home! Why limit yourself to two legs when you can have eight?” Floyd continued, showing a similar concern as his brother did. Both twins were already in their merforms, unlike Azul.
Azul fixed his glasses, but it looked more like he was trying to hide away his face. “Hmph. Just drop it, please.” The twins looked at each other, as if they were telling something to the other telepathically, and let Azul be. 
“(Seems like both of them noticed too...but no use trying to change his mind if they couldn't.)” If Azul didn’t want to listen to the twins, Jess had no reason to believe he’d listen to them. Talking to him was pointless. And yet…Jess had a nagging feeling.
“I'm going to slip the photo back in its spot. The rest of you, feel free to explore the museum.” And with that, he left the group, swimming towards the wall with the large amount of school pictures originating from multiple visits to the museum. It's where his own school picture belonged.
"Hey, check it out," Floyd exclaimed, pointing at the display. "There's a display for the mermaid princess's silver hair comb.” He pointed at the supposed comb, which looked more like an old, worn-out metal fork. 
Ace glanced at the exhibit, furrowing his brows. "I saw a picture of that in the pamphlet before. That's clearly a fork, not a comb, right? Ace asked, looking rather confused as to why merfolk called this fork a comb.  Jade chuckled, amused.  “Heh heh heh... Maybe that's how it looks to you land-dwellers.” 
Jess took a look at the supposed ‘comb’ and commented “Brushing your hair with a fork...now that's a cultural shock.”Bringing out another amused chuckle from Jade, as the group went to see the next exhibition. 
But Jess didn’t swim along, instead, they looked back at where Azul was heading. “(...I wonder how he's doing...)” They were torn, both curious and concerned for Azul. Despite their uncertainty, a sense of obligation propelled them forward. With a determined nod, Jess swam after Azul.
It’s as if he could sense they were following him, he quickly turned to face them unexpectedly. “You're not joining them?"
Their mind went blank upon his sudden question. Their mind raced to think of a proper response to give him, while his eyes stared right at them behind his glasses, not expecting an actual answer from them. One thing Jess took note of is that his voice now sounded softer, and his eyes didn’t mask any emotions. He felt more…sincere.
"I'm... a little worried about you," Jess admitted, their voice hesitant. "So I'm keeping an eye on you until the photo's back in place." They knew they had no reason, but they wanted to ensure he was okay. 
Azul, on the other hand, couldn’t think that Jess’ motives were genuine. “You're so suspicious. I'll put it back right now.” 
“(That's what he thought I meant? I shouldn't be surprised I guess.)” They stuck with him until he put the photo back on the wall, the exact same place it was when Jess took it. 
Once the picture was back in its place, Azul gazed at it silently, with an expression Jess couldn’t really read— but if they had to guess— based on how his hands were slightly trembling and his eyebrows furrowed in thought, multiple things ran through his head, feeling a plethora of emotions. He really was good at hiding himself, Jess could relate as much. 
“I thought that if I could erase every photo of my past…” He began speaking again, his voice softer and quieter, like he wanted no one to hear him but himself. Except, Jess could hear him, very well too. 
“...I could erase my past itself—my youth spent mocked as a slow, dimwitted octo-twerp. The Sea Witch never hid her past misdeeds….She worked to restore her reputation, and earned the people's respect that way.” Jess said nothing, they noticed his hesitant pauses between sentences. They were unsure if Azul was speaking to himself or to them directly. And if he did, why even tell them this?
Azul paused, his voice trailing off as he stared at the picture on the wall. “I kept saying I wanted to be like her…” He hid his face behind the facade of adjusting his glasses— but his fingers were fidgeting —a gesture Jess had come to recognize as a shield of his. “But in the end, I couldn't accept my own past. I kept rejecting it.”
Jess observed Azul's demeanour, noticing the subtle pauses in his speech and the fleeting vulnerability reflected in his eyes. "(He's rambling...I wonder if he realises he's telling this to me.)" Keeping silent, Jess continued to gaze at the picture, offering Azul the space he needed.
They felt a knot in their stomach. The situation felt surreal.  For the first time, it was as if Azul was vulnerable around them willingly. Like he chose to trust them with these deep and forbidden thoughts of his. Jess kept staring at him, eyes slightly widened. They were still unsure if he was speaking to them or just rambling his feelings loudly. But they didn’t think Azul would ever be careless with his personal feelings, and just let them out like word vomit. 
Or maybe they didn't know him as well as they thought.
Whether it was accidental or not, or if he did it because he wasn’t in the right state of mind, Azul still exposed sensitive parts of himself to them. Parts that put him to their mercy. They were familiar with this behaviour, they’ve had acted like this before. They wondered if that’s why they felt an inherent need to help him at that moment. 
It wouldn’t be right to leave him there, focusing on the picture, allowing all the negative thoughts and horrible experiences from his past to crawl back into his mind.
Whether they hated him or not didn’t matter, he was still human, even with eight legs instead of two.
“Honestly, I think…” They paused, debating if they should go ahead and speak. 
“You're amazing as it is, even without stealing anyone else's power. You've got a far greater one than any magic you could take, you know.”
“What...?” Their words snapped Azul back to reality, turning his head to face them. He appeared nervous, sweat falling down his cheek, his breath quickened, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He realised he had confided in them, and that scared him.
Jess sensed his fear and decided they had to comfort him, to reassure him.
"Your incredible diligence is so rare, it left the headmage at a loss. It's way harder to master than magic, after all!" Jess's words hung in the air, sincere and earnest.
Azul blinked in surprise, his usual composed demeanour momentarily faltering. His shoulders tensed, and his glasses slipped down his nose as he struggled to process Jess' unexpected praise.
"You... You think?" His voice wavered slightly, betraying his uncertainty. He couldn't believe Jess, of all people, had spoken to him in such a positive and genuine matter. It was a bit embarrassing to him, truth be told. 
Jess reached out a hand to touch Azul's shoulder gently, offering a reassuring bright smile. “I know so!”.
A soft chuckle escaped Azul's lips, a glint of amusement in his eyes at Jess's kindness. “You needn't try so hard to butter me up,” he remarked, a shy smile forming his lips. “All I wanted was to get back at the kids who made fun of me.” Despite his appreciation for Jess's words, a nagging thought persisted in his mind, questioning their intentions.
“I’m not, it’s just what I think.” They insisted. They stared directly into his eyes, but instead of feeling nervous, a sense of warmth washed over Azul, though he still fidgeted with his hands anxiously.
“O-Oh...is that so…” Before he could even think of what to say next, a high-pitched voice interrupted their chat.
“Hey, Jess! You wouldn't believe the size of the dinosaur bones they had back there!” Grim exclaimed, swimming up with excitement evident in his voice.
“A dinosaur? Underwater?” Jess, seeing Azul losing his words, decided to turn their attention to Grim and entrained his curiosity, giving Azul a chance to collect himself. However, they had to admit, an underwater dinosaur did confuse them.
“That wasn't a dinosaur. It was a sea dragon— a type of undersea monster.” Jade clarified, joining the conversation. “The Sea Witch's cave entrance was built out of sea dragon bones...or so the tales claim.”  
 Floyd, along with the rest of the group, swam near them as well. “They've got a replica of the Sea Witch's cauldron, too.”
"Really?They have cauldrons under the sea, too?" Deuce asked, his brows furrowing in genuine puzzlement. 
Ace chimed in, mirroring Deuce's confusion. “How do you heat things up in the water, anyway.” 
“Uhhh... Beats me.” Floyd admitted, nudging Azul's shoulder “Hey Azul, you tell 'em!” 
Jess moved closer to Azul, causing him to flinch  “So what do you say? Will you share your knowledge with us, Azul?”  
Azul glanced at Jess and then at the group, taking a moment to process the situation. As Azul cleared his throat, fixed his glasses, and straightened his back, Jess couldn't help but notice the familiar glint in his eye—the spirit of a businessman. 
“Very well. Fair warning, though: I charge a steep price for playing tour guide.” 
Jess stifled a chuckle, happy for the change in his demeanour. Anything was better than seeing him mope around about the past.
"I'll keep it in mind." Jess replied with a grin, their gaze lingering on Azul for a moment, before returning to the group, ready to listen to his tour all the way through.
Jess admired him silently, recognizing there was more to Azul than met the eye. Perhaps they could take the time to learn about him along the way, and maybe, just maybe, he would be willing to fully trust them one day.
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Hi hey if you read until here THANK YOU SMM
I always adored this little interaction MC has with Azul, so expanding it with Jess was extremely fun!
Happy birthday to this cringe octopus <3 (affectionate)
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