#the fairy chronicles
urmomw4ntsme · 3 months
4, 23, 25, 15 for the ask game <3
hiiii lilyyyy <3 ty for the ask
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
ok so it depended on which teacher u asked ig? cus my language teachers adored me (😋 academic validation yes) but my p.t. teacher LITERALLY H A T E D me like from day 1 to day last she LOATHED me i have a suspicion why but forget that but my science teachers also loved me mainly cus i was good at science then 😭
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
okay well we never had to read books for assignments but we had library books that were switched weekly from 5th grade right? and i wud say my fav book that i read out of those was probably 'The Twins at St. Clare's' by Enid Blyton or the Secret Seven series. i love love loveddd these ones i would literally beg around asking for who had the next book in the series so that i could exchange my current book with them next week. another series i literally loved sm was the fairy chronicles by J. H. Sweet. like, r u kidding me? just look at the names of some of the books they SOUND so good
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and they are kind of spiderman-esque? like, i dont remember very clearly because i was literally 10 when i was reading these but i think it was smth like there is a secret fairy society and these girls are fairies but they can't tell their parents or any normal human but they have to save the world whenever there's smth wrong it was SOOO GOODDDD. anyway i'll stop ranting about them now 😭 (also one last thing, i loved the twins at st clare's sm that i actually googled if st clare's is a real school where i can convince my parents to let me go to BECAUSE IT SOUNDED SO AWESOMEEEE AAAA)
23. strange habits?
ok so out of the habits i do know that i have, some strange ones are:
i am one of those people who will crack(?) their bones sm it will either terrify you or piss you off. not kidding. i start with my back, the typical try to bend backwards with some kind of support halfway till your back, and then i twist my upper back all the way to the left and then to the right and it literally sounds like gunshots. (i think theres sm up with that, gonna go to the doc soon) next i crack all my knuckles etc etc etc i do it with my elbows and my knees too its sooo satisfying but it drives my dad crazy aksjks
i touch my nose a lot. this is smth i have noticed recently but i feel like whenever im having a convo with someone and dont know what to say i scratch the bridge of my nose or just touch it or smth and its SO SUSPICIOUS 😭 like i feel like the person's gonna think im hiding something or lying i promise im not suspicious im just nervous or smth 😭
i......sing. like, when you're saying smth but u realise that that sentence is a song lyric too and then why would u say it normally when u cud sing it like an i-deserve-a-grammy-person? yea. that. i do that a lot 😔 do u still think im cool
25. first song you remember hearing?
i donttttt knowww i guess it would be a lullaby or a nursery rhyme? i really dont remember any songs from my childhood 😭 like i guess i remember the theme of this one cartoon i used to watch which was called 'chhoti anandi' (its so cool i still sing it sometimes) but i think i was around 8-9 when i started watching it? pretty sure i listened to more songs at that time and before that too but ig thats one of them so 💪🏽
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THISTLE - The Fairy Chronicles
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The other fairies get mentored by family members or teachers or other adults they know. Thistle meets a talking Robin and that’s this kid’s introduction to the fairy world and she takes it in stride. Also for some reason the detail that when she touches you it prickles (part of her having the Thistle fairy spirit and all) stuck with me after all this time
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the-unforgotten · 6 months
whenever fairies come up I vaguely remember a book series from my childhood
but can never fully recall it and it bothers me soooo much. after trying to find it every now and then when the mood strikes me I think I finally have
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I think this might be the series a wave of recognition hit me when seeing it. the long names and titles the black fairy the more refined art 🤔
edit: so home girl on the front isnt black but its okay because illustrator holly sierra came through
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this image right here
foundational to my love of art
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trollmaiden · 11 months
The duality (Alignment) of the word fairy
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Edit; this has been updated the new Chart is pinned
Please I have learned from my mistakes
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fairy menors pt.2
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petaltexturedskies · 5 months
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C.S. Lewis, from “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”
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glokin · 17 days
Okay new poll!!
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triaelf9 · 2 months
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Dealing with Dragons: Cimorene sketch ^_^
Been re-listening to Dealing with Dragons recently (anyone who knows me knows I will not shut up about how formative this series was for me re: many things but mostly dragons) and so I got the urge to draw Cimorene again (I sketched her like a year or so ago, but can't find it, so I thought a redesign with my new style was perfect!)
Also, my fav book reviewer (I have one of those now?? What??) Just covered the first book of the series, so if you want to check out a great reviewer AND my favorite book of all time, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMaKkwHQQKM
Not me trying to speak into existence an Enchanted Forest Chronicles graphic novel series that I get to adapt, whatttt noooo... ^_-
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Extended Contract Chapter 1
Fae Prince Sun, Fae Prince Moon, Fae King Eclipse x Witch Reader
(You are a witch that fell for the oldest trick in the book by giving your name to the mischievous Fae princes of the Celestial Court. Such an inconvenience on what was supposed to be a typical office night. You are honestly not having it. They, however, do seem quite happy about having you. You decide to make a deal with the Fae King to regain your freedom. The only thing that is functional in the whole situation is your phone signal in the Fae Kingdom.)
Warnings: kidnapping, suggestive themes, gore and the usual Fae tomfoolery
“May I have your name?“
“Of course, it is Y/N.“
“Your precious contribution is very much appreciated.“
It is not every day that one seals their own fate because of a simple misunderstanding of idioms and literal meanings, but there you were, bound to the realm of the Fae Folk and belonging to the royal twins of the Celestial Court. Mondays were known to be unlucky days, but this was just ridiculous.
You weren't really in the mood for getting abducted, thank you very much.
There were so many assignments and drafts due next week and you feared Vanessa's wrath far more than you feared the dark magic of enamoured Fae.
Furthermore, you had the misfortune of being stuck with those mischievous miscreants in the middle of the witching hour. The law firm building was empty, the cranky doorman had left hours ago and the janitor had the habit of never arriving before six in the morning. You could scream, but that would not do much good. The cameras did not pick up sound and technology could not record the presence of the Fae, so the only thing you would accomplish is create evidence of your own insanity.
“Excuse me, I really must protest.“
You were in the process of trying to escape the grip of the regal solar-themed Fae. He seemed rather amused, since you weren't really successful, but he almost seemed to be playfully encouraging you to keep trying. Prince Sun had always been a very supportive person, even if he was the one causing the problem in the first place.
“Go on, beautiful, nobody is stopping you. I think that every once in a while everybody needs to raise objections and such. It is healthy.“
His lunar twin grinned, red eyes glowing with roguish mirth.
“I wholeheartedly agree with you, brother. We fully encourage sincerity and dialogue.“
You told them that you wanted to make an appeal. They happily informed you that such a thing was not possible and that you officially belonged to them. You were certainly not touched by their infectious enthusiasm. After all, being gifted with a human's True Name was an experience akin to a cat falling into a whole box full of catnip for them.
“You will play with us forever."
“The Celestial Court is a wondrous place.“
“Word games galore.“
“But beware, for danger lurks in each syllable, my love.“
“Blades caress the consonants and glide along the vowels.“
“Running is futile, but at least it is a very healthy activity. It is always important to get some cardio for the day.“
By all logic, you should be feeling some form of despair and terror, but you were mostly suffering from a horrible case of injured pride. You had fallen for the oldest trick since the dawn of magic. You were an absolute idiot. True, you were running on two cups of coffee, you had not slept properly in a week and your blood sugar levels were more tragic than Shakespeare's “Hamlet“. In your defense, working for William Afton, attorney at law, was no walk in the bloody park. Especially when you had Vanessa as your immediate taskmaster.
You had grown tired of struggling, giving yourself a few moments of respite. Prince Sun was holding you bridal style, his blue gaze soft, showing a type of adoration one would give to a hidden treasure, a joy one experiences when holding a droplet of water in a desert.
Prince Moon had a personality that was diametrically opposite to that of his brother. Hunger reigned in his eyes. Your essence was intoxicating, calling for him, enticing him. You dared not even imagine what his claws could do to you, nor what he could accomplish with his razor-sharp teeth.
Rowan charms could no longer save you, nor could silver. Leaves of holly had no more power, either. You couldn't bribe the royal twins with cream either, since apparently you were the new dessert in the grand scheme of things.
Moon reached out with his claws, searching for your delicate hand. He traced his claw along the sensitive flesh of your inner wrist with all the fervour and ardour of a lover, inspecting the soft skin. Upon giving your name to them, two different markings had manifested on each inner wrist respectively. A crescent moon on the right one and the mark of the sun on the left one.
“Gentlemen, there has obviously been a bit of a miscommunication.“
“Yes, those tend to be very practical in our line of work.“
“I don't have time for this, do you have any idea how many assignments I have due next week?“
“Actually, we do. I must voice our disapproval of you overworking yourself in general. Following orders of such unworthy scoundrels.“
“Well, I am not really in the mood for changing one group of masters for another. I wish to be taken to the Fae King.“
“You will meet him later anyway, he is a bit busy now.“
“No, no, not in that way. I wish to make my complaint.“
“Haven't we closed that topic already?“
“I demand my freedom back. You two said that King Eclipse could grant it to me if I convince him to. Although, I see now that this statement does not exclude you two being capable of the same thing and most likely you are just using the wording to trick me to stop asking you.“
“Can you blame us?“
“Yes. I blame you. And I judge you.“
In spite of it all, you had to admit the celestial princes were quite handsome and their appearance would normally be breathtaking, if you weren't meeting them under such circumstances.
In a resting position, their large wings almost appeared like regal capes. Complementary colours reigned in their respective palettes. Deep royal blues of Prince Moon's wings were speckled with tiny stars, while the rich golden hues of Prince Sun's had swirls of blue interwoven in their texture. In a way, the twins were perfectly symmetrical when it came to the design of their wings. Their attire was similar to that of jesters, but far more elaborate and indicative of their status. Silk and velvet were present, bejeweled buttons, finely tailored doublets.
Both of them were eager, lovestruck and needy. To a degree you almost felt like a lamp attracting a pair of silly mothlings. Which was fitting, considering they too had wings and all.
As Moon was still caressing you along your inner forearm, Sun could not resist nuzzling your hair. You could have sworn that you heard both of them purr. A part of you wondered how on earth did such a scene appear on the cameras, were you simply just floating around and talking to yourself? You internally apologized in advance to any poor security worker that would have to go through the recordings later.
Sun's voice brought you back from your silly reveries, his cheek resting on your head.
“As soft as silk.“
You had been somewhat aware that a pair of Fae had been hunting you for the past several weeks, but it was impossible to decipher their identity. Their glamour and shielding spells had been extremely powerful, their cunning unparalleled and their tricks endless. In many ways, they had been testing you, the purity of your heart and the strength of your soul. They would come to you, disguised either as lost little animals in need of help, or as injured humans in need of assistance. You would always help, no questions asked and always ignoring the warning tingle of enemy magic. Your mind had completely warped to the logic of the normal world and you no longer asked yourself the questions a witch would.
You did not suspect the odd new coworkers that had appeared out of nowhere either, nor did you seem to wonder where they had come from. You had simply accepted that you probably just never noticed them before and that they had always been there. A few pleasantries here, a few kind words there, and that had been all. Of course, all up till tonight when the name trick finally came to rip the veil of denial off.
You huffed, unphased by Sun's compliments regarding your hair.
“Were you the one that has been making those silly fairy-locks I kept waking up with? Those are impossible to untangle!“
“Technically you are not supposed to do that, elsewise you bring misfortune upon yourself. The poor keyboard on your laptop suffered a premature death because of that.“
“I really liked that laptop.“
“I know.“
“It was brand new.“
“May it rest in peace.“
You looked over at the little digital clock on a nearby desk. The witching hour was almost over and the power of the Fae would slightly weaken after four in the morning. If you somehow escaped them, maybe you could distract them enough till the desired hour strikes. Your magical weapons may at least have a fair chance afterwards.
You gasped as Moon leaned closer to you, his hand caressing your cheek, sliding down to your neck, distracting you with pleasurable sensations and making your spine tingle.
“What is going on in that pretty little head of yours, wishing star?“
“Nothing much, honestly.“
Both of them spread their giant wings, showing all of their glory, then draped them over you in what one may interpret as a soothing and protective gesture, but given the circumstances, it was also a demonstration of entrapment.
Impish jesters, forever grinning, forever teasing.
It was one thing to be bound and made to serve an ordinary fairy. It was a completely different thing to be serving the royal twins of the Celestial Court. They were dangerous, powerful, their stature surpassed even the tallest of humans, their urges were never satisfied and their desires never at rest. Not to mention that they were the most competent tricksters of the Fae kingdom.
Fairies were incapable of lying. Therefore, they had to resort to literal meanings and multiple interpretations, distortions, tricks. You could imply one thing that was perfectly accepted and understood in human society, but they would purposefully give it an obscure meaning that was still not a falsehood.
Your predicament was ironic in many ways. Embarassing even. To be precise, you came from a long line of magical practitioners that had been known over the centuries as the Cunning Folk. Various terms existed for such people, but in the modern times the closest definition would be light witches. It was an adequate name that differentiated them from warlocks or dark witches.
You, dear Y/N, had done your best in life to keep the madness of magic at bay. Yes, you knew how to ward yourself from curious spirits, you always had your trusted rolled up newspaper at the ready to hit the local boogeyman on the head when he was living rent-free under your bed, and pretty much every imp on the block knew to avoid you if they wanted to keep all their limbs attached.
Fae Folk, however, were a different story. Long ago, it had been a custom for the Fae to connect to members of the Cunning Folk in order to form a soul bond. A familiar and their witch, in a way. It had always been a connection stronger than any spell and a love more intense than any passionate marriage.
All of that had changed when the realm of the Fae had been afflicted by a darkness far more potent than any light spell could heal. The Hopes and Dreams of children had become scarce and all that was once joyful and innocent had become corrupted and ruined. The Fae King had become cruel and wicked, his once cheerful and loving demeanour had transformed into that of a deranged villain. He did have an odd shift of behaviour on certain birthdays, though, and this would usually take everyone aback for a solid twenty-four hours.
In light of all that, the Cunning Folk had gone into hiding and refused any new bonds with the Fae. This was unacceptable, since the Fae had depended immensely on the sweet nectar that human souls could provide, especially when that soul happened to be a magical one. Consequently, over the centuries the Fae had to resort to various tricks, from luring humans into their fairy circles, kidnapping them and taking them to their kingdom, tricking them with various word games and always having them fall in traps when they least expected it. Certain Fae were less malevolent and were simply in dire need and want of being parents to a child, so they would take human babies to raise them as their own, leaving changelings in their place.
And despite all your efforts, you still managed to become a captive. Go figure.
Prince Sun, ruler of the waking dreams, bringer of hope, and Prince Moon, protector of sleeping children and vanquisher of nightmares. All of those titles did sound pretty cute, but both of them were still impish fiends that loved to play pranks on adults. Oh, well, your time was running out, so you had to think of something fast. Or at least try to reach the little dagger with Runes that you had all nicely hidden and tucked away in a secret pocket of your trousers. You never knew when you would need to stab something supernatural. Or open an envelope.
You concocted a little plan and hoped for the best.
Trickery was not limited to the Fae and you lowkey felt proud of your cunning ways as you pulled Moon into a deep kiss, much to his initial shock. He began to eagerly reciprocate, the sweet haze of lust conspiring against him, your softness and loveliness engulfing his mind. Desire was a natural solvent to rational thought and you had no problems with using that against him. Sun, on the other hand, was both shocked, and slightly jealous, but he did know that something was off.
His suspicions were only confirmed when, in the span of several seconds, you pulled out a silver dagger with enough Runic carvings to obliterate a whole magical army, casually stabbed Moon's heart as if the very gesture was the most normal thing in the world, used Sun's surprise to wriggle out of his grasp and you ran away down the corridors like a feral kitten. Well, at least you were productive.
As you ran, your phone began to ring, conveniently giving up your location in the process, but oh well. It was Vanny, so of course you had to pick up.
“Y/N, where is that briefing paper that you were supposed to email me literally yesterday?“
“I'm in a bit of a situation, Vanessa.“
“What is it now?“
“Well, apparently I am getting married.“
“Congratulations, I still want that briefing.“
“I will call you back, alright?“
Meanwhile, Prince Moon was having a bit of an existential crisis. He stood there, shocked, dagger protruding from his heart.
Oh, yes, it hurt. It burned, stinged, all of the unpleasant things that one may imagine. However, it was nothing compared to how it could have been. The newly forged bond made him immune to most of your deadly spells and Runes, so at worst he would feel temporary pain and then it would cease.
In a way, his desire and respect for you only increased. A Fae always respected good examples of trickery.
Sun could not stop himself from wheezing, very much entertained with the situation.
“You really walked into that one, Moon.“
“Shut up.“
He would still make you pay for that little insult, nonetheless. The corridors had morphed into the same scenery over and over, the windows were suddenly sealed shut, the nearby doors leading to a dead end or into a void of eternal nothingness. You could no longer trust your senses, for mad whispers kept disrupting reality. Only a few more minutes, you hoped for only a few more minutes till the witching hour ends.
You were honestly an idiot for trusting your own luck.
Moon's voice echoed throughout the corridors, ominous and demonic. A bit spicy, as well.
“You should have saved that fire for the wedding night, wishing star.“
“Goodness gracious.“
It became rather obvious that Vanessa would not be getting that briefing paper anytime soon, nor would our good old William Afton be getting his early morning coffee next week, either. Or any week, for that matter. It was a tragedy beyond description, may he rest in pieces.
You had to stop to catch your breath, panting, perfectly aware of the fact that you were mostly screwed. Well, a part of your mind tried to add some rational remarks and told you that living with the Fae couldn't be that bad and at least you would hopefully be getting some really cute royal garments or something. When in doubt, at least material things never disappointed you.
Ghostly hands rose from the ground, grasping at your ankles, your calves, your thighs. You fell forwards unceremoniously and you would have experienced quite a hit to the ground had the hands not grasped you, shielding you from the hard floor.
“What a perfect way to spend my night, being manhandled seventy percent of the time.“
Wrestling them was useless, but at least there was more dignity in that than just doing nothing and thinking about the meaning of life till your captors arrived.
Prince Sun appeared first, somewhat sympathetic, but also visibly tired from all the shenanigans. He let you have your little moment of heroism, though.
“Take your time, darling one.“
“Oh, sod off.“
Prince Moon arrived soon after, eyes glowing a dangerous shade of crimson, the dagger still embedded in his chest. He pulled the blade out, his gaze following the path of the rivulets of blood, almost enchanted by the pattern they were making as they glided along the expertly made Runic symbols.
“Love the craftsmanship on this one. It would have been a poetic death. Stricken by a wishing star, tearing my heart asunder, red pearls the only gifts I have to offer.“
Sun went over to you, partially teasing, partially serious.
“Someone is a bit violent. Are you alright, darling one? Do you wish to talk about some unresolved issues?“
“You two are literally stealing me away.“
“It's not that bad. We shall be loving and caring consorts to you. After all, our bond is basically an engagement.“
“This is the shoddiest proposal ever. How is this even supposed to work, each of you gets their own day of the week?“
“We'll share equally.“
“Excuse me, I am not a meal.“
“Really? You do seem rather delicious.“
“This isn't fair. Do you have any idea how homesick humans can get in the realm of the Fae?“
“We have many spells designed to bedazzle the mind and encourage you to forget the mortal world. And everyone is nice in their own way once you get to know them.“
“You two had no other member of the Cunning Folk to bother and you just had to stumble upon me?“
The dark spell was lifted and you found yourself free. Well, not for long, since the twins were at your side once more. Sun kissed your hand like a true gentleman, his wings making the faintest flutter of joy.
“We searched for a heart of gold and dreams of hope.“
“And you decided to look in a law firm?“
“Bright light contrasts best against a shadowy background.“
“Can I see the terms and conditions of my service?“
“Oh? Good idea! You can read all of that on our way to the palace! It will be so much fun to explain it to you. Of course, the letters are inverted, so you will need a mirror just to read it.“
He conjured a seemingly reasonable rolled-up piece of paper, before letting it unfold. It reached the ground in a comical fashion and kept on going till the end of the corridor.
“Sun, that list is longer than the border of Ancient Rome.“
“Indeed! I had it shortened to make it easier for you.“
“Dear god.“
“I also must say that I wrote it myself. I do my fair share of corporate business and contracts with humans are my specialty, but I do prefer to engage in theater. I may have given a certain playwright a few tips on writing his special little Midsummer work.“
“Old Will? For real?“
“Wonderful chap to have a pint with at the pub. I am certain he would have had an aneurysm had he lived to see what his reputation had become nowadays. A cheerful knave being the main topic for school and homework? Scandalous. He was a most charming actor and a talented wizard of words. Had many a verbal battle with him, and I never managed to snag his soul. I fully respect him for that.“
“Good to know. Regardless, I still wish to talk to your brother about this whole affair. It is my right, considering the fact that I am not a normal human and I do have certain perks. I am certain that King Eclipse will have more respect for old customs than you two.“
Sun and Moon gave each other a look, before giggling at you, as if charmed by how silly your request was.
“King Eclipse? Darling one, do beware.“
“The knave stole the moonlight fair.“
“Neither fools nor traitors breathe for long in his lair.“
“Be our guest, challenge him, if you dare.“
You raised an eyebrow at their improvised little poetic endeavour, tilting your head, curious.
“Did you two just come up with that?“
“Well, we did think of incorporating a iambic pentameter somewhere in there, but we simply decided to free verse it.“
Needless to say that the whole charade continued even after they had conjured a portal to their world, taking you with them. You were playing a dangerous game, but realistically you had nothing to lose. Well, except your dignity and maybe your life, but nothing lasts forever anyway, so might as well.
Your case was one type of extreme. On the other end of the city, two members of the Fae species were in the process of “adopting“ a few bundles of joy. The bear Fae and the wolf Fae were aware that two children were very unhappy in their orphanage and oftentimes they would hear the little girl, Cassie, vocalize her wish to be taken away by magical creatures. The boy, Gregory, had nothing against any of that, as long as there was proper acommodation involved. He hated the hard old bed he had in the orphanage and the food was positively awful.
Of course, there had to be an equivalent exchange, so the two Fae had to bring some friends along. One of them was not too thrilled.
“Why are we doing this? I don't want to stay in the human world.“
“You only need to stay till the next full Moon, Bonnie, and then you will be free of the obligation. Monty will keep you company.“
“Monty is insane.“
“Don't be rude.“
“He pushed me off the stairs, Roxy.“
Montgomery was far too busy exploring the wonders of a music player to really care where he was, honestly. A few broken orphanage windows and one angry half-blind nun later, the wolf Fae and the bear Fae had become proud new adoptive parents. Bonnie and Monty would have to serve as changeling replacements for a bit, but that is what happens when you lose fairy chess. You owe favours.
By the time Roxy and Freddy had returned home, Gregory had partially woken up, while Cassie was all snuggled in the soft pillows of her new bed. They boy looked around his new house, nonchalant and trying to read what was happening from the clues given.
“Have I been kidnapped?“
“Some may call it that.“
“By fairies? Like, a changeling type of situation?“
“Yes, but I assure you we are using all of the safety protocols that are necessary.“
“Well, I'll be damned.“
“We do wish to make the best effort and become your new family, Gregory. For you and Cassie.“
“Is that food over there? Cupcakes?“
“Oh, indeed, with buttercream and cherries.“
Gregory observed the treats for a good few moments, thought a bit, weighed all his options and of course made the best possible decision for himself in that type of situation. Fairy food was usually a forbidden thing, but he was already stolen anyway.
“I am a simple lad, I see free food and I cannot complain.“
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ritz-regrezzez · 2 months
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25 days of moodboards day twelve! (nostalgia)
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lillylunala · 3 months
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Wrong kind of hook-up
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MARIGOLD/BETH PARISH - The Fairy Chronicles
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transtheophage · 9 months
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Chronicles propaganda
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romancemedia · 5 months
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Anime Dances
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ourfanthings · 3 months
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Arthur Spiderwick's field guide to the fantastical world around you
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