#the first spell: the counselor party.
mollymayfair · 8 months
Closed Starter. 
Local: Festa dos Conselheiros. 
Com: @apavorantes
Estava dançando igual uma maluca quando viu sua melhor amiga parada em um canto da festa. Não teve como não ir até ela, pegando a bebida de uma das mesas enquanto chegava lá e já estendendo para oferecer. “— Você tem que se soltar mais, Bibi” falou, então pegando a mão da outra para lhe fazer segurar o copo. “— Vamos lá, você é uma conselheira agora. Vai poder mandar nos outros e ninguém vai poder reclamar disso, não é legal? Eu acho muito legal!” riu, olhando ao redor. “— Se você beber o copo posso te mostrar um feitiço novo que aprendi que é basicamente invocação de sombras. Vai ser divertido!” e então ela mesma desceu a bebida que segurava após falar aquilo.
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slu7formen · 6 months
MDNI. luke x drunk!reader
luke decides to take care of you when he notices how drunk you are a party, you didn’t know how much you needed him until he showed you so.
warnings: drunk!reader, protective!luke, lil violence, use of yn, allusion to s3x
reminder: english’s not my first language so I apologize for any spelling mistakes
The melody from a stolen radio emerged through the humid night air, barely audible over the loud laughter and shouted conversations of the older campers reunited in the woods. The stars offered little illumination, replaced by the flickering glow of a bonfire fueled by firewood. The air was heavy and hot, filled with the scent of chips, spilled beer, and teenage rebellion. This was a rare ocasion for the senior campers, a chance to forget about monstrous threats and drakon training for a night.
Luke nestled in the shadows of a nearby oak tree, holding a way too warm can of beer to drink now, and listened to his friends, trade their usual brand of mischievous gossip. A comfortable camaraderie settled over him, a welcome respite from the weight of responsibility that pressed down on him as a counselor.
"Did you see Lucy practically drooling over Malcolm after Ally dumped him?" Travis snickered, nudging Connor with his elbow.
Connor snorted, barely containing his laughter. "Ouch, sister drama. Ally must be thinking about drowning her in cheap perfume"
Luke chuckled, shaking his head. The Aphrodite cabin drama was always entertaining, even if a little predictable. He glanced around the clearing, his gaze sweeping over the other campers. A group of Ares cabin warriors were engaged in a play-fight, throwing each other to the ground as they groaned and laughed. He spotted Katie Gardner, daughter of Demeter, tending to a small patch of wildflowers. Even at a forbidden party, Katie couldn't resist nurturing something green.
"Hey, Luke" Chris nudged him, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You gonna tell us your big secret yet? We all know there's something going on between you and yn"
Luke's smile faltered slightly. "There's nothing to tell" he replied noncommittally, taking a swig of his warm beer, the taste bitter in his tongue. “We’re just friends”
"Oh, come on" Connor pressed, a sly smirk spreading across his face. "We see the way you look at her. Like she's the only girl alive."
Luke rolled his eyes, but a blush crept up his neck under the teasing of his friends. Suddenly, a melodic laugh cut through the din, a sound that sent a jolt through him. It was your laugh, bright and carefree, a stark contrast to the usual reserved demeanor you displayed around camp. He followed the sound, his gaze landing on you amidst a group of campers near the edge of the clearing. But it wasn't your presence that triggered a tightening in his chest. It was the hulking figure of Ares cabin resident, Mark, who stood far too close to you, his arm draped around your shoulder as he leaned in to whisper something that caused another burst of laughter from you.
A sting of jealousy pierced Luke´s insides. He knew it was silly. He and you were nothing more than friends. But still, that doesn’t mean he’s gonna like it when he sees you with some other guy. He watched as you swayed slightly, the red plastic cup clutched loosely in your hand a clear indication of your intoxicated state. Your usually sharp eyes held a glazed look, a vulnerability that made his protective instincts flare.
He saw you and Mark detach from the group, heading deeper into the shadowy woods. There was a part of him that urged him to let you be, to let you enjoy your night. But another, more primal part couldn't shake the image of you, intoxicated and unaware, disappearing into the woods with someone like Mark.
Sighing, Luke pushed himself off the tree trunk. “I´ll be back in a minute” he says to his friends, leaving his can on Travis´ hand. He weaved through the tight and large group of campers, his purpose hardening with each step. You stumbled on a protruding root, giggling at your own clumsiness. Mark steadied you, his hand lingering on your waist in a way that made Luke’s right eye twitch.
"Hey, yn" Luke's voice cut through the air, catching your attention. You turned, your face splitting into a wide, drunken smile.
"Luuuke!" you slurred, swaying towards him with open arms, nearly knocking him over with the force of your hug. Ignoring the glare Mark shot his way, Luke enveloped you in a hug, his nose crinkling at the distinct scent of fruit punch and something a little stronger.
"Whoa there" he chuckled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He could smell the sugary sweetness of your lip gloss. "Easy, tiger."
You giggled, your head lolling against his shoulder. You mumbled something nonsensical, giggling at a private joke only you seemed to understand. Your mascara, usually neatly applied, had smudged slightly at the corners of your eyes. Despite the obvious effects of the alcohol, you were undeniably beautiful, the firelight casting warm shadows on your face. "M'so happpy you´re here! Dance with me!" you yelled as you lift your arms, your voice thick with intoxication. Luke felt a pang of worry. You were far too drunk to be alone in the woods with a boy you barely knew.
"Seems like you've had a few too many tonight, huh?"
"Just having a little fun, Luke" you pouted, the way you said his name sounded funny. "Don't be a all couns-, counselor"
He glanced over your shoulder towards Mark, whose jaw was clenched tight. "Yeah, well, maybe a little too much fun" Luke countered, his voice gaining a hint of firmness, but as softly as possible. "Maybe it's time for you to head back to your cabin, yeah?”
"But Mark was showing me…" you began, but were cut off by Mark's snide voice.
"Mind your own business, Castellan" He growled. Luke narrowed his eyes at the Ares camper, a dangerous glint flickering within them. “This doesn´t concern you”
"She's clearly not in control of herself" Luke retorted, his voice low and cold. "Someone needs to make sure she gets back safely. And it won't be you."
Mark scoffed, a humorless sound. "Says who? Why don't you worry about yourself, Castellan?"
The barb hit a nerve. Luke wasn't drunk, but the implication stung. He wasn't about to get into a debate about his tolerance with this ridiculously big guy.
"Look," Luke said tightly, trying to keep his voice calm, "I'm not trying to cause any trouble. I just—"
"Just what?" Mark interrupted, stepping forward, his chest puffing out in a show of dominance. "Going to swoop in and save the damsel in distress? You think she needs rescuing?"
He shot a pointed look at you, who seemed to be lost in your own world, giggling at some private joke as you covered your mouth. The sight of it only fueled Luke's simmering anger.
"Whether she needs help or not isn't the point" Luke growled, his voice strained. "The point is, she's clearly intoxicated and shouldn't be alone with someone she barely knows."
"Barely knows?" Mark echoed, a sneer twisting his lips. "We were just getting to know each other, weren't we, yn?"
He turned to you, his voice dripping with false sweetness. You blinked at him owlishly, then shrugged, a nonsensical answer escaping your lips.
The sight of it was too much for Luke. His fists clenched at his sides. He knew Mark was deliberately trying to get a rise out of him, but it was working. The implication that his concern was fueled by jealousy rather than genuine care was infuriating.
“Now if you excuse us…” Mark pointed out, pulling you to him by your hip as he tried to walk away with you.
But Luke´s had enough. That was the last straw. In a blur of motion, Luke lashed out. He lunged forward, his fist connecting with Mark's nose with a satisfying crunch. Mark stumbled back, roaring in pain, a hand flying up to his now-bleeding nose.
You, however, seemed oblivious to the sudden violence. You blinked at the scene in confusion, your brow creased in a frown as you looked at Mark. "What the-…" your words slurred, lost in the midst of your intoxication.
But before you could form a complete sentence, a wave of fury washed over you. You turned around, shoving Luke hard in the chest, sending him stumbling back a step. "What the fuck, Luke!" you shrieked, your voice laced with a venom that startled him. "Why do you always have to be all over me!?"
The words hit Luke like a physical blow. He wasn't angry at you, not truly. You were clearly out of it, the world a dizzy sight because of whatever it is that you drank. But the accusation stung. Here he was, trying to protect you from a situation you couldn't navigate in your current state, and you saw it as him controlling you.
"yn," he started again, trying to choose his words carefully. "I just-"
"Just what?" you shot back, your voice thick with slurred defiance. "Just what gives you the right to decide what I do?"
Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. Luke's heart ached. You were upset, confused, and vulnerable – a dangerous combination amplified by the alcohol coursing through your veins.
You crossed your arms over your chest as you sniffed, walking past him fast, head down and all pouty. “You ruined everything” you mumbled, more to yourself than directly to him, but he still heard. Luke watched you go, a wave of despair washing over him. He'd messed up.
He glanced back at Mark, who was clutching his nose and glaring at him with a mixture of fury and grudging respect. "Look, man" Luke sighed, the fight momentarily draining out of him. "That was a cheap shot, I´m sorry"
Mark grunted, wiping blood from his face with the back of his hand. "Yeah, well, you got a nice fist, I must say."
There was a hint of grudging respect in his voice, perhaps because he couldn't deny that Luke's concern for you seemed genuine, or because if he recieved another punch, he'd need his nose surgically reattached.
"I wasn´t gonna do much either" he tried to defend himself. “She can´t even walk straight” Mark mumbled, ponting at you, then he turned away and disappeard into the shadows.
Luke glanced back at your retreating figure. He knew he needed to fix things with you, but for now, all he could do was hope you wouldn't hold his overprotective actions against him. He took a deep breath and started following you, determined to apologize and explain his actions once you were sober enough to listen.
Your walk was more of a drunken sashay, hips swaying precariously with each wobbly step. Luke watched you stumble away, a knot of frustration tightening in his gut. He knew you weren't thinking straight, the alcohol muddling your judgment and turning his concern into a controlling act in your eyes.
"yn" he called after you, his voice laced with a pleading he rarely used. "Wait a minute, please."
You ignored him, your focus solely on putting distance between you and Luke. He quickened his pace, catching up beside you.
"Seriously, stop it" Luke's voice was closer now. "You're going to fall on your face if you keep walking like that."
You stopped short, whirling around to face him. “Will you stop following me? This is embarrasing enough, Luke”
"Embarrassing?" Luke echoed, his voice rising in exasperation. "You're practically falling over drunk! You can't just walk around like this."
"I can handle myself" you slurred, puffing out your chest in a show of false bravery. You wobbled slightly, proving his point.
Luke sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Look…" he said, trying to keep his voice calm. "I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just worried about you. You're clearly hammered, and it's not safe for you to be alone."
You scoffed. "Safe? I'm not a little girl, Luke. I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, well, right now you can't even take care of your balance!" he retorted, his patience wearing thin. You wobbled again, nearly toppling over before catching yourself on a nearby tree trunk.
"Just stop following me, okay?" you slurred, your voice thick with a pout. "I don't need this from you"
He sighed as your trembling body swayed precariously, threatening to topple over at any moment. Luke knew arguing with you further would be pointless. You were a force of nature in your current state, fueled by both alcohol and indignation. He needed to take a different approach.
With a resigned sigh, he whipped his denim jacket off in one swift motion. Kneeling before you, he draped it around your waist, the familiar scent of him momentarily grounding you. You blinked at him, a flicker of confusion replacing the anger in your eyes.
"What are you—woah!" you yelped before you could finish your question. In a smooth, practiced motion honed from years of wrestling monstrous opponents, Luke scooped you up effortlessly, hoisting you over his broad shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
A surprised shriek erupted from your lips. The world tilted on its axis as you found yourself dangling upside down. The clearing erupted in laughter. A few of the campers who had been watching the whole scene unfold hooted and hollered, their amusement evident. "Careful with that one, Luke!" one of them called out, a wide grin plastered on his face. "Looks like she bites!"
Luke shot him a withering look, his jaw clenched. "Very funny" he muttered, ignoring the whistles and catcalls from the others. His focus was solely on you, the warmth of your body radiating against his back.
“You better put me down!" you shrieked, kicking your legs in the air in a futile attempt to dislodge yourself.
"Not a chance, Short Stuff" Luke called back.
"But I don't want to go back to my cabin yet! The party's just getting started!" You pounded your fists against his back, a feeble attempt at protest. "Seriously, Luke, put me down! I can walk perfectly fine!"
"Uh-huh, you´re right" he said sarcastically, walking down with your full weight on one shoulder as if you were as light as a feather.
You let out a frustrated groan, burying your face on his back. “This so embarrasing!” you cried. You hated that he was right. You were a mess, and the last thing you needed was to stumble around the woods in this state, potentially attracting unwanted attention.
Despite your annoyance, a strange sense of security settled over you as Luke carried you. The rhythmic thud of his footsteps against the earth and the warmth of his hands radiating against your legs as he held you were oddly comforting.
The walk to your cabin, however, was far from peaceful. You continued to mumble incoherent protests, punctuated by occasional swats at his back and what felt like an eternity of "Put me down!"s. But Luke remained undeterred, his jaw set in a determined line.
Finally, after what felt like an hour —but was probably closer to five minutes—, you reached your cabin. Relief washed over Luke as he gently lowered you onto the porch, careful not to jostle you too much.
You glared at Luke, your arms crossed defiantly across your chest. He couldn’t tell if your eyes were truly filled with anger of constantly trying to focus on his face so your world wouldn’t keep spinning.
"Well, aren't you prince charming himself, Mr. Castellan" you huffed, voice thick with a playful slur. "Kidnapping girls and all"
Luke, however, seemed unfazed. He chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent a shiver down your spine despite yourself. "Just get in, sleepyhead" he countered, his eyes gleaming under the moonlight as he opened the unlocked door to your cabin.
You pouted, a childish expression along with the stomping of your feet on the wooden porch. "I could have walked!" you protested weakly, knowing full well it was a lie.
He ignored your protest, stepping past you and gently maneuvering you towards your bed, placing his hand on your lower back as you walked. The cabin was, as expected, empty. Your half-siblings, ever the social butterflies, were undoubtedly wreaking havoc at the party you were now forbidden to attend.
You felt lonely for a second, but it was quickly overshadowed by the warmth that spread through you as Luke helped you onto the bed. You wanted to be furious with him, to unleash the full force of your drunken anger. But the lingering warmth of his touch on your legs and back, the way he so effortlessly hoisted you like a defiant princess, somehow muddled your outrage. The thought was absurd and yet undeniably attractive.
He knelt down in front of you once you sat at the edge of your bed. You could smell the faint scent of woodsmoke and pine needles clinging to his clothes, a comforting aroma that filled your nosestrils instantly.
With a gentle hand, he reached out your calve and started unlacing your boots, his touch surprisingly tender. You watched him in a daze, your head spinning slightly. The world seemed to tilt on its axis again, everything blurring at the edges except for Luke's face. You watched him in fascination as he repeated the process with your other foot.
Suddenly, a wave of nausea washed over you. You squeezed your eyes shut and groaned, a weak sound that escaped your lips.
Luke, sensing your distress, immediately stopped what he was doing. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern as he placed one hand on your knee.
You opened your eyes, blinking slowly. "Yeah, just a little…" you trailed off, searching for the right word. "Woozy" you finally managed.
Then, he stood up and looked around. His gaze landed on a package of makeup wipes on your bedside table. Without a word, he picked them up and returned to stand in front of you.
"You might want to clean some of this off" he said, holding up a wipe and gesturing to the smudged mascara beneath your eye.
You were speechless. No one had ever offered to do something like this for you before. A warmth bloomed in your chest, chasing away the remnants of your anger.
He held the wipe out to you, but you didn't take it. Instead, you found yourself blurting out; "Can you do it for me?"
He didn't hesitate. He fully unfolded the wipe as he lowered to you just a little to continue the process of taking care of you, his touch tender.
He was wiping the makeup from your face with a meticulousness that surprised you. You sat there, mesmerized, feeling strangely vulnerable under his watchful gaze even though you kept your eyes closed. The alcohol, combined with the unexpected intimacy of the moment, had rendered you uncharacteristically quiet.
"You didn't have to punch him, you know" you mumbled, the words tumbling out before you could stop them.
He kept as concentraded in his task as he was before. "Who?" he asked, though you both knew exactly who you were talking about.
"Mark" you clarified.
Luke sighed, going for your other eye. "He was… well, he was clearly taking advantage of your state" he explained patiently.
"How do you know?" you challenged, a sliver of defiance still clinging to your voice.
"Because I know you, yn" he said softly, his gaze locking with yours. "You think I would´ve done what I did if you were sober?"
His words hit you like a wave of realization. Shame washed over you, hot and prickly. You hadn't realized how vulnerable you were, how easily manipulated under the influence of your drink. “There we go” He stopped his movements eyes. “All clean” he announced as he placed the dirty wipes over your bedside table.
"I-, I'm sorry" you mumbled, looking down at your lap, playing with the edges of your miniskirt. "I shouldn't have pushed you like that."
He knelt down again, this time untangling his denim jacket from around your waist. As he spoke, his voice was laced with a quiet understanding. "Listen, I know you might be mad at me for… well, everything. But I wasn't trying to ruin your night. I was just worried about you. You were drunk… you are drunk” he said playfully, reaching out and squeezing your cheek as if you were a little kid. “and that Ares guy –, didn't exactly seem like he wanted to be nice, and I can’t handle that. You can´t go around with people you don´t know, you know better than that" his voice dropped again.
He was right, of course. You were a demigod, trained to be aware of your surroundings and the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Yet, tonight, you'd thrown all caution to the wind, blinded by the effects of vodka and fruit juice and the fleeting attention of a stranger.
A pang of guilt washed over you. You squeezed his hand, a silent apology for your earlier outburst.
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze in return, his lips curving into a small smile. “Besides, we´re friends, right?”
The word felt cold, heavy with unspoken meaning. Friends. You and Luke. The idea was both familiar and exhilarating, a spark igniting somewhere deep within you. You didn´t say anything, but Luke didn´t need you to.
He stood up again and leaned down, surprising you by brushing a light kiss on your forehead. It was a chaste gesture, meant to be comforting, yet it sent a jolt of electricity through you.
"Go get some sleep" he said, his voice a low rumble. "I'll check on you in the morning."
He started to turn away, but before he could take a step, you reached out and grabbed his arm. "Wait" you stammered, your cheeks flushing crimson.
Luke turned back, a questioning eyebrow raised. In that moment, the alcohol-fueled bravado that had propelled you through the night seemed to evaporate. You were left with a newfound shyness, a sudden awareness of the intimate atmosphere that had settled between you.
"Can you..." you began, your voice barely above a whisper, "can you stay a little?"
Luke stared at you for a moment, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He didn't answer immediately. He stood there for a long moment, studying your face, his expression unreadable. The silence stretched between you, thick with unspoken emotions.
Emboldened by a newfound courage, you stood up from the bed. You were still a little unsteady on your feet, the remnants of alcohol making your movements slightly wobbly.
Reaching out, you stopped in front of him, his height suddenly a towering presence. You closed the gap between you two in a second. Now you were standing impossibly close, your body brushing against his.
Looking up at him, you were struck by how tall he seemed, how broad his shoulders were. A wave of dizziness washed over you as you registered the clean scent of his cologne, one that you hadn’t noticed before, a scent that suddenly seemed incredibly appealing.
"Luke" you whispered, your voice barely a breath, your eyes tracing the outline of his lips. "When did you get so tall?"
He chuckled softly, a low rumble that sent a delicious shiver down your spine. "Maybe you just haven't noticed before" he replied, his voice a husky murmur.
The playful banter momentarily broke the tension, but the air between you still crackled as heavy as it could. Your gaze drifted back to his lips, now so close you could almost feel the warmth of his breath on your skin.
They were full, inviting, and in a moment of drunken bravery, you found yourself leaning closer, your lips hovering just a breath away from his. "You smell good" you mumbled, your voice slurred but filled with a newfound confidence.
Luke swallowed hard, trying to find his voice. He was dangerously close to you, the heat radiating from your body a tangible thing in the cool cabin air. His muscles tensed, a battle raging within him between concern and a growing desire.
You reached out and toched his thigh, your fingers brushing against the worn fabric of his jean. Slowly, teasingly, you trailed your hand upward, until you reached his belt, hooking one finger to it, and you pulled him even closer to you. The movement was subtle but undeniably provocative, sending a jolt of electricity through Luke's body.
He stood frozen, mesmerized by the sudden boldness you exuded. This wasn't the girl he knew, the playful friend who teased him mercilessly. This was a stranger cloaked in the familiar, and the effect was intoxicating.
His own breath came out in a ragged sigh. Every rational part of him screamed at him to step away, to put some distance between the two of you. You were clearly inebriated, and taking advantage of that wouldn't be right.
But another part of him, a more primal part, yearned to close the gap between you, just a breath away. He had always found you attractive, drawn to your quick wit and fiery spirit. But the line between friendship and something more had always felt too blurry to cross.
Now, with the inhibitions lowered by alcohol, that line seemed to have vanished entirely.
He leaned in closer, the space between your faces shrinking with each passing moment. The scent of your coconut perfume and something uniquely you filled his senses, further muddling his already clouded judgment.
"yn" he began, his voice husky, a warning more for himself than for you.
"Stay" you whispered, your lips still hovering tantalizingly close to his. The raw need in your eyes mirrored the war raging within him. “Stay and make me yours, Luke. Please”
His hand reached up, cupping your jaw as his gaze locked with yours. You tilted your head into his touch, a silent invitation.
"We can't do this, gorgeous” he murmured, his voice a low rumble against your ear. "You're not sober”
"I don't care" you interrupted, your voice thick with a desperation that surprised even you.
Luke felt his resolve crumble. He wanted this, just as much as you did. The idea of kissing you, of finally exploring the feelings that had simmered beneath the surface for so long, of touching you, feeling you, was undeniably tempting.
But a sliver of sanity remained. He knew that taking advantage of you in this state would be a betrayal of your trust, something he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for.
"But I do" he countered, his voice firm yet gentle. "If I'm doing this with you, I want to do it right. When you're sober and can make a real choice. When you can remember"
A wave of disappointment washed over you, but a tiny voice in the back of your head, untouched by the alcohol's haze, whispered its thanks. He was right. This wasn't the way you wanted things to happen.
So you nodded slowly, a small pout forming on your lips.
"Alright" you mumbled, letting go of his belt loop. “Can you still stay a little longer, though?”
A ghost of a smile played on his lips. He leaned down and brushed a soft kiss to your cheek, the touch feather-light, sending another wave of warmth through you.
"Go to sleep, trouble" he chuckled, the sound warm and familiar.
You walked back onto the bed, a strange mix of disappointment and relief swirling within you. As you drifted off to sleep, Luke pulled a chair beside the bed and settled down, keeping a silent vigil over you.
You immediately fell asleep, your mind could be running as fast as it could, but your body told another story. He watched you sleep for a moment, then left and went back to the party.
On his way back, he couldn’t help it but smirk to himself, a gushing and warm feeling rushing on his chest as he realized how close he had you. How his feeling were not so oblivious to you, and now that he knew, he wouldn’t have to work so hard to have you, or hide any longer.
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taintedges · 4 months
*tiny little polished shoes running across igneous rock* inkblade headcanons perchance?
You can’t just say perchance!
However, I am absolutely honored to be asked. All takes place after junior year.
This one, I thought of after the little epilogue they had. With them hinting that Adaine and Aelwyn will hunt their mother down maybe during summer break, they will probably need a little party of their own to do that.
So the rest of the bad kids are busy. Kristen and her four-god pantheon, Riz trying and failing to de-stress, Fig’s podcast with Sandra Lynn ep. 69, Fabian buffing up to welcome his new sibling, Gorgug probably busy in his new bench with Mary Ann. And going back to the forest of Sylvaire is certainly going to be difficult for just two wizards.
Jawbone trying to both be a helpful parent and school counselor, suggests they bring trg or now high five heroes(?), let's face it they need some practical applications outside school.
Adaine absolutely hates this idea and does not think another wizard would be useful (she strongly emphasizes that Oisin should be excluded)
Aelwyn provides her own sassy remarks but surprisingly becomes the mediator when an argument happens, which is often.. usually when Oisin tries to refine parts of the plan and puts forward his many “better” ideas which, of course, he has.
And even when Adaine admits to herself that his plan makes more sense she doesn’t ever give up an argument. At first, Oisin doesn’t reciprocate but his cattiness comes out and the whole thing just escalates.
During travel when the silence is too awkward, Oisin will start talking about a book he really likes, and Adaine just roasts his taste even though she probably thinks the opposite.
They may have saved each other from dying multiple times in combat and will awkwardly say thank you after.
There are times when the forest gets too dark and Adaine remembers the last time she was there and how scary it was to face her fears alone. She often wonders if it was the same when Oisin died before getting forced with a rage star in him.
Sometimes they stay up talking at night when she can’t trance and finds him the only one still awake.
When they start to become familiar with each other’s magic, they become totally in sync during a battle (the rest of the group pretends not to notice how good they work together).
Sometimes Oisin wonders how Adaine would know something about his magic that he didn’t talk about (in my head, when tbk snooped around Ruben’s house and Adaine was in his wizard’s tower, I think she studied everything she found and probably took some of his stuff too, perhaps his quill and Oisin certainly notice it missing and wonders how it got into Adaine’s backpack. He doesn’t take the quill back after seeing that Adaine likes using it.)
Adaine also would threaten Oisin to teach her how he created the spells inside ping pong balls all while making remarks about what he did.
Oisin carries Boggy around when the familiar doesn’t immediately follow Adaine. Adaine just assumes Boggy always follows her and Oisin secretly likes stealing Boggy, who is just happy to be here because he now has two parents.
I think Oisin’s crush on Adaine dissipates and only comes back 10x harder at the end of their quest when he sees how capable she is.
Here’s a fun one. Coming back after their adventure, a party at Seacaster Manor in anticipation for senior year.
Adaine gets drunk on bad baby milk and insists on playing beer pong with Oisin.
Ivy is teasing because Oisin actually cannot make a shot (for real, not on purpose).
The drunker Adaine gets the more careless she becomes and hurls the ping pong ball at Oisin and boy do they hurt.
Bickering starts and tbk and trg are no help until Ragh intervenes and puts them on time-out upstairs. Bad idea.
Probably for the first time, Adaine admits that she thought he was cute and bluntly asks him if it was all a ruse to undermine her party and WHY HE MESSAGED HER SORRY AT THE CAFETERIA he could have just not said anything and left her alone.
Oisin does admit that he did like her then and he still likes her now, but the rest of senior year is just Oisin groveling.
Adaine has many times placed ping pong balls with spells written in them in his locker so that when he opens it, his things just fly out and he has to clean it up (I rewatched the scene and Adaine’s really disappointed expression tells me she will not let this go). trg finds this absolutely hilarious and are the ones who kept telling her his locker combinations.
Oisin continues therapy sessions with Jawbone and they find each other there after school.
One time Adaine accidentally left Boggy in Jawbone’s office so Oisin comes to her after to return him.
And every single time after that, Adaine just leaves Boggy on purpose. Jawbone notices (because Boggy just stares at him with his big round eyes. Boggy knows what to do even when Adaine doesn't tell him) but doesn’t say a thing.
One time, tbk are outside on one of the benches when Oisin comes to return Boggy, Kristen’s like, "What’s going on are you co-parenting?"
There’s no formal conversation, just a mutual understanding that Adaine isn’t angry anymore and trusts Oisin to always bring Boggy back.
Do they talk during these interactions? Not at first. But after it became a routine, now they hang out in the library, in Mordred Manor, and of course at Basrar’s.
Some days, Adaine doesn’t leave Boggy at all and Oisin just knows to find her at the end of the day.
This might have been too long.
I cannot write romance for the life of me but I try. Perchance these would suffice because this is a crisis and we are in drought!
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nyxvamps · 1 year
CHB has yearly dances. One for the entire camp and then one for campers 16+. they're usually on the same night so that the younger campers don't feel left out and the older campers can have fun without having to dance to kids bop all night.
The weeks leading up, the head counselors will take their cabin on a trip into new york to hit up thrift stores and second hand shops to find dresses, suits, costumes, accessories, whatever they want to wear.
Campers go all out. It's like a little met gala. The entire space surrounding the dining pavilion is decked out in lights and streamers and decorations and someone even managed to find a beat up orange carpet that everyone agreed to call a red carpet for the chance to have everyone walk in, in singles, pairs, or groups to pose and get their pictures taken.
The first dance goes until 10pm then everyone under 16 has to start packing up and heading to their cabins where adult campers have volunteered to babysit for the night while every 16+ stays until the sun starts to come up.
It's always during the summer so that as many campers as possible can attend.
There's karaoke, dance battles, a photo booth, all the cliches of a highschool dance that many of the kids (and now adults) never really got to experience. There's even camp royalty, but instead of just king and queen it's an entire court. One year, everyone voted Clarisse as king and Percy as queen just to make them dance together. it was pure coincidence that their outfits matched.
And you may be wondering "why are 16 year olds partying with 20+ year olds?" because this camp is a safe place and no shady business will be going down. Everyone is partying in their star shaped sunglasses and feather boa's, jamming to ABBA and Meg Thee Stallion. All cups are spelled so that if you are under the age limit or about to get to drunk and try to put alcohol in your glass, it immediately turns into juice. So there are no underage drinkers and no one getting messy drunk. Everyone's to busy dancing till they can't feel their feet to even think about doing anything scandalous.
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hpsaffics · 1 year
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🏳️‍🌈 WLW Wed: Pride 🏳️‍🌈
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
Currently: Pride Previously: Flowers (see list)
🎉 Long (>10k) 🎉
Unwritten by @pcandaa, @fantalfart [Pansy/Ginny, M, 83.2k] WITH ART!
In which Pansy tries to figure out whether she deserves love and forgiveness while dancing around her feelings for a certain red-headed Quidditch player.
Play Me Like A Love Song by @writcraft, @impasse-trash, @owlpostart [Wilhelmina/Minerva, E, 67.7k] WITH ART!
Minerva McGonagall doesn’t believe in love at first sight, which is why her instant attraction to drag king Wilhelmina ("Will") Grubbly-Plank is so unexpected. War tears apart the wizarding world and as one battle ends Minerva and Will must fight once more, this time for the lives of their friends on Little Compton Street. A love story spanning five decades defined by music, laughter and tears, in which love is not always easy, but it’s always worth fighting for.
the girl who lived (again) by @ink-splotch [trans!Harry/Ginny, G, 10.3k]
Molly tried her best. When Harry had told them, Arthur had asked excitedly, "is this a Muggle thing?" Hermione had hurried out a "no!" and a frantic history of gender diversity in the wizarding world. "It's just that I'm a girl," Harry had said...
🎊 Medium (3-10k) 🎊
Rosmerta's Special Brew by @lumosatnight [Rosmerta/Andromeda, T, 6.0k]
This is a story about how Madam Rosmerta, of the Three Broomsticks fame, became the unofficial Queer Crisis Counselor for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft, Wizardry, and Wixenry. Or, 5 times she helped other baby gays + 1 time they helped her.
strawberry hair, porcelain skin by nudestockings [Luna/Ginny, M, 4.6k]
Ginny Weasley-Potter comes into her own after being with Harry Potter for twenty years. She's afraid and she's uncertain, but she knows one thing: she loves Luna Lovegood more than anything else. Ginny only hopes she will love her just as much.
A Kind of Magic Spell by @gracerene [Susan/Hermione, E, 3.4k]
Hermione and Susan nobly volunteer to conduct a sex magic ritual. Oh, the sacrifice.
🥳 Short (<3k) 🥳
Dass du glücklich bist (your happiness) by @eleonorebirk [Minerva/Poppy, T, 2.4k]
When a student comes out to Minerva, it reminds her of coming out to her parents and inspires her to change the present
They Bought A Sports Bar by @fw00shy [Cho/Ginny, T, 2.3k]
Ginny buys a sports bar (run-down biker pub, really) and ropes Cho into helping out. They're just business partners, so why does everyone else think they're more?
If It Isn't Her by space_mermaid [Lavender/Millicent, E, 2.0k]
After breaking up with her on-again/off-again boyfriend for the umpteenth time, Lavender heads to a dyke bar. She runs into some familiar characters.
Fleur Shows Her Colours by @lipzlipzlipz [Fleur/Hermione, T, 614]
Hermione comes home early from work and Fleur has something to show her
An Innocent Question by @sansigma [Andromeda/Molly, G, 500]
“Excuse me, I just… I have to ask. How old are you?” The girl looks so painfully earnest, with large brown eyes and a rainbow flag messily painted on her cheek, that Andromeda has to laugh. A second later Molly joins in, her laughter warm as a Weasley jumper.
🌈 Want more Pride fics? 🌈
@hpqueerfest | AO3
@hppridefest2023 | AO3
@careofmagicalshippers Pride Party | AO3
@hp-fanworks-central Out of the Cupboard Fest | AO3 & AO3
@thethreebroomsticksficfest Pride Fest | AO3
Tags on AO3: Queer Themes | Coming Out | Gender Identity
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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iamlittlelostsoul · 2 years
Are asks open? If so, can you write a fluffy epilogue of twst boys x reader x yan ver of them set in 6 months from now to give the reader some time to adjust
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THANK YOUU this is my first time getting requests and I really appreciate it!!
I hope this reaches your expectations although I don't think that I've made it that fluffy but I hope all is good!:D
Just so everyone knows my asks are always open and I'll do my best in answering it all!☺
oh and if you wanna check it out here's my masterlist! ><
Mending Hearts
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 of which is which...
Twst boys x reader x yan!twst boys
It's been 6 months...6 months since the incident. And they barely made much progress...
6 months since the love of their life came back but is in a terrible state and despised and feared them so so much.
3 months since they found a spell to see Mc's memories to find the truth and is horribly haunted by it.
They were so lost...
They wanted to help...but how?
How can they help someone that used to love them so much but now despised them so much that they would rather drop dead than have them close...
If only they could find a way to turn back time to avoid such things happening maybe their life would remain as it was? or become official lovers and all...?
But this won't stop them from trying...
It is a challenge but if it is to get them to trust and befriend them once again or at least...have them not look at them with eyes filled with fear, uncertainty, and so much hate.
it has only been 6 months so it's ok! Even if it would take them years and so to help them. It's ok even if...it means having to return them back to their own world...
So it is not the time for them to dilly dally and lose hope. It's time to pay them back for everything they've given to every single one of them.
In those 6 months, they started with itty-bitty steps...by allowing them to adjust at their own pace and also 'finally' getting a therapist and a counselor for the school.
They've also sought advices and to do's and not to do from people with a wide knowledge of such cases.
They did their best to not to trigger traumatic flashbacks by avoiding sending too many presents, less contact, and trying to be as calm and patient as they could whenever they are nearby to not overwhelm and pressure them.
Instead of forcefully conversing with them in person instead they try by giving encouraging notes/messages or simply encouraging them to let out everything they feel and etc. Or sending them flowers and little trinkets.
"Hello Mc! This is Riddle...I can't really say to you to stop worrying or everything is alright so...instead, I wish you to get better soon! If you are still not comfortable with our presence it's ok take your time! I know you might be thinking I'm doing this to control you and all but all of us are being sincere in proving we are better than our alters.
you should open the little box by your bed. It's ok the queen of hearts never really gave a rule about doing such things...so I hope it could comfort you in some way. P.s it's a hedgehog btw...just so you know." -Riddle Roseheart
" Ace and Deuce hereee. Get better soon!! We don't really know what to tell you but we hope you start healing well. We really missed you...we made you something...it's the same tart we made on our first birthday party...so we would be really happy if you eat but it's fine if not just...just try to not throw it out the window or... just get well soon." -ADeuce
"Hiii! This is Cheka uncle Leona's nepew!! Remeber me? I heard from uncle Leona that you wernt feeling good :( I'm sorwy jus t so u know uncle and I relly like you mama papa tool! Get well sooon! Uncle tld me I canot relly sea yu know witch made me sad but its okay! I maid you this drawing of you and me plus uncle and mama and papa eating cake in the guarden! I hope this comes tru! Get well soon big sister/brother!!!" -Love Cheka!💗
"Human it is I Sebek! Eat your meals, get some rest, stop hurting yourself and love yourself...You deserve to do so, I'm not asking on behalf of my young master, everyone and for myself but for you. I will not force you to do anything you dislike but at least take great care of one's self. Hate us if you wish just care for you so take this Tamagotchi the diasomania dorm bought for you ." -Sebek
They couldn't blame them to start crying and panicking when they were nearby or when receiving their gifts and letters...so it's ok. But of course, they also seek professional help to also avoid another overblot.
Because of it all slowly they start having improvements like them not having panic attacks when passing by and on some occasions, they would even text back.
It was very little but for them it is everything.
It motivates them to do more but notes not to overdo it, to go forward because little by little they are slowly but surely putting down their walls.
They even had the chance to sometimes be able to chat with them in person but behind doors/walls.
Grim could even visit them occasionally in person!
And some of the trinkets and presents they gave them weren't always thrown or burnt.
it was a great improvement which made them so so glad!
although they still try to commit suicide and inflicts self harm it was less worst than before.
So they continue to do as they did and would only do things when they feel comfortable in doing so.
It has already been 2 years already and...
"Hey Mc, Let's sit here!" Ace shouted as he sat at an empty table.
"Mmh...kay" they answered.
"Myehehehe! Look Mc! I passed the test!" Grim proudly said.
"That's nice!" They said with a soft smile as they petted the cat monster's head.
Although their reply tends to be rather dry and empty at times it is fine. They are happy to study, hangout, and spend time alongside them.
The graduates would also often visit them when they have time they too notices the differences but are satisfied to how it is now.
"Ace! Deuce!"
"Shit...heyya Riddle-senpai! Long time no see!" Ace said as he nervously rubs the back of his head.
"Oh you to are wanna be the end of me!!! Just because I'm not always in school means the two of you could just go and break the queen's rules!!!! Hah I shouldn't have entrusted the dorm to the both of you..." Riddle said as he massages the bridge of his nose.
"Ahahhaah....sorry dorm leader." Deuce said sincerely apologetic for the trouble he's been causing.
"Hello-I Riddle calm down...I've brought some newly baked tarts everyone." Trey said upon arrival.
"Epel Flemier!"
"Oh no....Good afternoon Vil-senpai!" Epel said with a 'sweet' smile. "why is he here. He already graduated! JAJSJSJDJ I thought I finally escaped him." He whispered.
"I've heard that! Have you been doing your skin care? Why is your skin so dry and your hair! AJJDDJJDDJC"
"hello Mc and everyone! Seems like everyone's having fun lemme join too!!"
"Kalim-hah there's no stopping him."
"Good day all."
Soon all of them are finally present in the cafeteria causing a lot of the 2nd to 1st year's to admire them although with such childish displays from each and everyone of them Mc can't help but chuckle and feel more at ease.
Hearing Mc laugh at their antics made their hearts swell with pride and joy. They've did well. Although they wouldn't be like the person they were before it makes them so happy to see them feel more comfortable than before since the incident.
Although it was quite a shame they couldn't take their friendship to another level yet...it was still fine. They can't really put all their efforts to waste when they've already reached this far! They just need to be more patient and understanding.
Besides if it weren't for their new found 2nd and 1st year's friends they couldn't have done better.
"Heyya Mc, Acey, and Juice-senpai's!” Kroner a nice and goofy 1st year although he is quite dumb but he makes great food and and...talks to squirrels...
"It's Deuce not Juice, Kroner!!!"
"Oh, Sorry Bruce-senpai"
"Doesn't he remind me so much of you deuce" ace said teasingly.
"Shut it Ace!"
"Ohhh~! There you are Kroner! Hello senpai's" Yza a very power hungry 2nd year (just like Azul lol) that stick to them like an annoying leech! He has the face of a dinosaur and totally shameless!
"Hey there Yza!” Kroner cheerfully said after all he is his henchman.
"Hey there Kroner!" Yza said with the most fakes and plastic smile.
'Plastic annoying dino' is what most of them thought.
'Today isn't so bad. Everyone is having tons of fun and the air felt light and comfy.' Mc thought as they watched them with a very fond smile.
It has been really hard for them to trust, love, and smile once again. Without their friends, they would have long been 6 feet under. It was a really traumatic experience and they truly wish these kinds of moments stays forever and that they would NEVER meet their alters once again.
Their heart may have shattered and was beyond repair, but their friends still gave their all in sharing theirs slowly while slowly but surely building up their broken heart, although the cracks remain they built a foundation to make be like how it used to be yet warmer and filled.
'I really am lucky to have such people by my side. Soon I will be finally spending these moments with less worry and pain.' They thought as they join in the fun.
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AITA for wanting to get back together with my now engaged ex? (AITA Tag Game)
Rules: Write an AITA question and post from the POV of one your OCs
Tagging: @janec23, @kittttycakes, @auroramagpie, @can-of-pringles and anyone else who wants to join in!
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me! This was genuinely a lot of fun!
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I know it sounds bad and it is, probably, really bad, but I need to get this all off my chest. I feel like I’m going insane and could really use a slap in the face right about now. There's nobody else in my life I can talk to about this. Apologizes in advanced for any spelling or other errors, this is my first time using Reddit and not used to the formatting.
Some backstory. I (30M) met my Ex (26F) eight years ago. She had left home for personal reasons I won't get into here and we ended up living together for almost nine months.
I know, you're probably thinking I'm a rake for living with a woman and not immediately proposing marriage, but circumstances made that impossible. Again, I know this sound like I'm making excuses, but for her privacy I won't divulge. Just know that for the majority of that time we lived as old bachelors. It was only in that last month did things change.
I loved her like mad. I still do, that's why I'm in this mess, but I'm getting ahead of myself. The point is, I had fully intended to marry her. I wanted to marry her, but before I could propose a FF (family friend) discovered us and convinced me not to.
I feel like now it's important for me to clarify that I am not a gentleman. My father was a common sailor and my mother was a cook. I made my living in theatre and working any kind of odd jobs I could. Now I do theatre full time, but even then I can barely make rent some days.
She, however, is a gentlewoman. I didn't know this at the time, but when the FF arrived, he made it clear she did have connections. Being with me all but assured the destruction of her reputation.
The FF, however, gave us an out. Either I could marry her and risk her family cutting her off leaving her destitute or I could let her go and pretend it never happened. (The family had a cover story on where she was during our time together.)
I ultimately decided to leave. At the time, I thought I had done the honorable thing. She could move on, find a husband who could make her happy and comfortable and not have to live with a mistake she made when she was eighteen.
Now we come to last week. A business associate invited me to a party and, for the first time in eight years, I saw her again. I didn't even know she was in town. As it turns out her fiance is my associate's brother.
The fiance not a bad man as far as I know. He's a bit of a stiff and doesn't seem to understand theatre or the arts at all, but that can be easily forgiven. His brother clearly loves him, so he must have other qualities that makes up for it.
This is exactly what I wanted for her. She's about to marry a good man and be set for life.
It's just…she doesn't seem happy. I know I'm projecting, but I can't help it. Every time I see her with him there is just no spark between them. It's like their cousins or siblings rather than lovers.
She’s was always so passionate. I can't imagine she's so changed she could content herself with mild affections.
I keep coming back to the question of why now? And the only conclusion I've come to is maybe her heart had been broken as much as mine. Maybe she's only marrying now because she has to. Or maybe it's taken her this long to move on. If she had moved on sooner, surely she would be married by now.
Needless to say, I'm not getting any answers soon. My associate has been bringing her in as a kind of counselor, so I have see her a few times since that first night. She’s treating me rather coldly, but that’s to be expected. As if stands we have to pretend we don’t know each other and it’s killing me.
If I knew for certain she was happy, I could let this go. The only reason I’ve been able to live with myself was the thought that she was living a life I couldn’t give her. My circumstances haven't changed, but I'm having regrets.
I should have asked her to marry me before I left or at least spoken with her on what to do. Now she likely thinks I'm a bastard for leaving without a word, and rightfully so.
Despite all of that, I can't help feeling there's a chance. Sometimes I catch her turning away when I look her direction. Even now and again she seems to slip and allows herself to relax around me before walking away. She even defended me in front of a whole dinner party when she didn't have to.
Am I going mad? I haven't done anything. We haven't had a single moment alone together. But every time I do see her, all I want to do is pull her into my arms and never let go, damn the consequences.
TLDR; After eight years my ex is back in town, engaged to a good man. She doesn't seem happy and every fiber in my being is telling me to get her back. AITA?
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campbitch · 1 year
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below the cut you will find the shadyside high school yearbook, featuring the senior class of 1998.
likes — shopping in the mall her dad owns, gary fresno, giving fabulous parties
remembers — the murder game, the senior table at pete's pizza
dislikes — rich girl jokes, bad karma, overalls
quote — "what you don't know will hurt you."
likes — debra lake, poetry, painting
remembers — trisha's party, the first time he saw debra
dislikes — nicknames, dentists, garlic pizza, tans
quote — "fangs for the memories."
likes — basketball, antique jewelry, cool music
remembers — the doom spell, senior cut day, hanging with trisha and josie
dislikes — the way people are afraid of the fears, pierced eyebrows
quote — "the only thing to fear is fear itself."
likes — cheerleading, expensive clothes, working out
remembers — ice cream and gab fests with dana
dislikes — cheerleading captains, ghosts, sat prep courses
quote — "you get what you pay for."
likes — hanging out by the bleachers, art class, gym
remembers — cruising down division street with the guys,
dislikes — his beat up civic, working after school every day, cops
quote — "don't judge a book by it's cover."
likes — jade feldman, chemistry, latin, baseball
remembers — the first time he beat marla newman in a debate, junior prom with jade
dislikes — nine year olds who like to torture camp counselors, cafeteria food
quote — "look before you leap."
likes — sensitive guys, tennis, clark's poems
remembers — baskeetball games, when clark painted her portrait
dislikes — possessive boyfriends and jealous girlfriends
quote — "i would do anything for you, but i won't do that."
likes — sports, funky hats, shopping
remembers — running laps with mary, stuffing our faces at pete's, mr. morley and rob
dislikes — psycho killers, stealing boyfriends
quote — "college, here i come!"
likes — debra lake, debra lake, debra lake
remembers — hanging out at the old mill, senior camp out, coach's pep talks
dislikes — funeral homes, driving his parents' car, tomato juice
quote — "sometimes you don't realize the truth until it hits you right in the neck."
likes — black clothes, black nail polish, black lipstick, photography
remembers — trish's first senior party, the memorial wall
dislikes — algebra, evil spirits (including marla newman), being compared to her stepbrother josh
quote — "the past isn't always the past — sometimes it's the future."
likes — jamming with the band, partying, hot girls
remembers — swimming in fear lake, the storm, his first gig at the underground
dislikes — dweebs, studying, girls who diet, station wagons
quote — "shadyside high rules!"
likes — writing, cool clothes, being a redhead
remembers — yearbook deadlines, competing with kenny klein, when josie put a spell on me (ha ha)
dislikes — girls who wear all black, guys with long hair, the dark arts
quote — "the power is divided when the circle is not round."
likes — running, ripped jeans, hair spray
remembers — not being invited to trisha's party, rat poison
dislikes — social studies, rich girls, cliques
quote — "just say no."
likes — boys, boys, boys, cheerleading, short skirts
remembers — senior camp out with mickey, homecoming, the back seat
dislikes — private cheerleading performances, fire batons, sharing clothes
quote — "the bad twin always wins."
likes — mysterious guys, sharing clothes, old movies
remembers — the cabin in the fear street woods, sleepovers at jen's
dislikes — being a "good girl", sweat socks
quote — "what you see isn't always what you get."
likes — the turner family, clubbing, playing guitar
remembers — the first time clarissa saw him without his dreads, our booth at pete's
dislikes — lite fm, the clinic, lilacs
quote — "i get knocked down, but i get up again..."
likes — cheerleaders, waitresses, fears, psychics, brains, football
remembers — the graveyard with you know who, kenny klein's lucky shot
dislikes — painting fences, valentine's day
quote — "the more the merrier."
likes — art, music, talking on the phone
remembers — shopping with debra, her first day back to school, eating pizza with will
dislikes — mira block
quote — "real friendship never dies."
likes — computers, video games, star trek
remembers — the murder game (good one, trisha)
dislikes — people who can't take a joke, finding clark's cape with josh
quote — "don't worry, be happy."
likes — cheerleading, gymnastics, big crowds
remembers — that awesome game against waynesbridge, senior trip, tailgate parties
dislikes — when people don't give it their all, liars, vans
quote — "today is the first day of the rest of our lives."
***stacey, will, clarissa, and phoebe are poc, being depicted in their images as black (stacey, will, clarissa) and asian (phoebe).
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brucefromfamilyguy · 1 year
Oh you're a terf too? Every time you post I love you more <3
Clerk of a horror novelty shop in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang"
CPR Teacher in "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire"
A medium in "Petergeist"
A priest in "Boys Do Cry"
A therapist in "Peter's Two Dads"
A lawyer in "Stewie Kills Lois"
A masseuse in "Baby Not On Board"
Bowling alley shoe counterman in "The Splendid Source"
Bartender in "We Love You, Conrad" (DVD exclusive)
Referee in "Baby, You Knock Me Out"
Laser Tag operator in "Forget-Me-Not"
Waste management in "Island Adventure"
Bowling alley desk in "Better Off Meg"
Couples counselor in "Boys & Squirrels"
Bruce is a major recurring character on Family Guy, known for his various jobs.
Bruce rarely appeared at all in the first three seasons of the show, but has become a recurring character since the show returned from cancellation.
He first appeared as the clerk of a horror novelty shop in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang". In "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire", he teaches a CPR course at the Quahog Community Center. His name was first revealed when he appeared as a member of the school board committee of James Woods Regional High School in "No Chris Left Behind". This position was implied when he heard the name change proposal to Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial High School sought by Shauna Parks and Brian Griffin in "Peter's Got Woods".
He appear as a Tetris piece in "Prick Up Your Ears" and as a medium in "Petergeist". He worked for Exotic Entertainment.
In "Untitled Griffin Family History", it is revealed he had an African American slave ancestor named Tobi, who spelled his name with several accents, and is seen being whipped by an English colonist.
In "Road to the Multiverse", he performs "It’s A Wonderful Day for Pie" as a parody of Tinker Bell in the Disney-style universe.
He is Peter Griffin's lawyer for his trial in the accused murder of his wife Lois in "Stewie Kills Lois". He calls Jeffrey about Stewie in "Lois Kills Stewie", and about Peter's mustache in "McStroke".
In "Boys Do Cry", he offers communion wafers with wine. He explicitly warns Stewie not to drink the wine.
In "Baby Not On Board", he is a masseuse.
He appeared at O.J. Simpson's welcome party in "The Juice Is Loose", and joins the mob that chases him out of town.
In "Peter's Two Dads", he is the therapist who helps Peter realize that Francis Griffin is not his biological father.
He debates which groceries to leave behind while in the ten items or less line in "Brian Sings and Swings".
It has been hinted that he may be homosexual throughout the series, such as in "McStroke" when a mustachioed Peter walks by. He has a friend named Jeffrey and in "Road to the North Pole", he declares in "All I Really Want For Christmas" that he wants to marry Jeffrey. Seth MacFarlane confirmed Bruce's homosexuality in an interview with LGBT website The Backlot, citing him as an example of a positive gay character on the show.[1]
In "The Splendid Source", it is revealed that he works at the bowling alley, selling rental shoes. He is one of the people to whom the dirty joke is traced. It s revealed he also has a pet rabbit named Steven.
He plays Greedo in Blue Harvest and Admiral Piett in Something, Something, Something, Dark Side.
In "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing", he seems to be the only one who enjoyed the performance of "Guys & Dolls". He also enjoys ginger ale.
He is the announcer of Lois Griffin's boxing match against Deirdre Jackson in "Baby, You Knock Me Out".
He is an alcoholic, participating in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings Peter attends in "Friends of Peter G".
Bruce can be seen as Stewie rides through town under Brian's car in "Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 2".
The uncensored version of "Ratings Guy" includes a scene of Peter getting a haircut from Bruce, who shaves a misshapen, deformed penis into the back of his head. When Peter questions it, Bruce runs out crying, noting that some people have had an accident.
Bruce is teamed up with Bonnie Swanson in the three-legged race in "He's Bla-ack!".
In the courtroom scene in "The Simpsons Guy", the openly gay Bruce is seated next to the closeted gay Waylon Smithers.
Throughout the series, Mike Henry has given certain anthropomorphic creatures such as Jaws and a Xenomorph the same voice as he's given Bruce.
Bruce is revealed to be 52 in "Underage Peter", having told Jeffrey that he was 39.
In "Married...With Cancer", Bruce officiates Brian's wedding and remarks that it's another wedding he has to watch. He makes his intentions of marriage known to Jeffrey who nervously looks away.
Bruce and the Kool-Aid Man swap bodies in "Switch the Flip". He also has a crowd scene cameo in "No Giggity, No Doubt".
Under pressure from his parents Phil & Candy Straight, Bruce proposes to Meg in "Meg's Wedding". She refuses to acknowledge that he's gay at first, but stops the ceremony and admits she's aware after finding pictures in his phone. He is forced to not only confront his parents, but proposes and marries his long-time boyfriend Jeffery.
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glapplebloom · 11 months
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Oh boy, the worst episode of the season...
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So Fluttershy is in the forest picking plants, even Angel Bunny being sweet. But that’s when they heard a terrible noise. Rushing to the sound thinking it's an animal needing help, Fluttershy finds Pinkie Pie playing an instrument. It's called a yovidaphone and it comes from Yakyakistan. And she is obsessed with it. It's a shame she’s terrible at playing it.
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They hope that she can get better eventually but it's been moons and her playing is disrupting people. Fluttershy lost sleep. Rarity messed up a dress. It interrupted a Wonderbolts Competition and made all the Apple Trees into Apple Sauce. And she’s still bad. Twilight was thinking of lying while she works on a spell to fix the problem but they remind her that this is basically Horse Play from earlier this season. So they decide to be honest with her.
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The problem is their honesty is more blunt than soothing. “...we're afraid you're just not good at the yovidaphone, and none of us want you to waste your time on something you can't do well.” basically means “you suck, stop wasting everyone’s time”. (Coincidentally I'm writing this when Tara Strong is being removed from a Voice Acting Role) What they probably should have said was: “we respect that you enjoy playing it, but please perform in a place that won’t disturb people.” because that’s the real issue about this.
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Pinkie seems to take it well at first, but it is quick to reveal she has gone depressed about not being able to play it. That’s another big issue about this: she just got into this moons ago, how obsessive is she to play with this thing over the things she’s been doing since she got her cutie mark? It really makes no sense. Especially when you see the girls failed attempts at trying to cheer Pinkie up with doing things she did like.
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They figure a Party to show their appreciation of her would do the trick, but they learn from Maud that she decided to move to Yakyakistan to be able to at least hear the yovidaphone. It is there they figured out why she’s depressed and encouraged her to play in Yakyakistan. To everyone’s surprise, the Yaks enjoyed it. That’s because the yovidaphone is an instrument of joy. And if you enjoy playing it, it is always perfect.
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So it ends with Pinkie being happy and us NEVER SEEING THIS THING AGAIN!!! Overall, it is a very odd episode. We’re supposed to think Pinkie Pie is so attached to this thing she would lose all love of the things we know she enjoys and will continue to enjoy? It's a lot to swallow and more annoying to sit through. I had more fun making it fit with the lyrics of Yakety Yak (Don’t Talk Back) last time.
While the original rewrite focused on having it be the same but Yona also enjoying it, I figure this episode would have been better if it was about the Student Six. So I’m going to give it a NEW rewrite. The episode will be about Pinkie Pie holding a talent show. Yona’s idea is to play the yovidaphone for it. The group of friends listen to her play it but it sounds like Pinkie Pie: which is bad. Instead of wasting time, they tell Yona what they think (we think others are going to boo you off stage) and Yona agrees to find something else.
That’s when they begin to notice she’s getting sad. They each try to help her find a new talent but her heart isn’t into it. So they decide to go to the Guidance Counselor to figure out what’s wrong. Starlight couldn’t figure it out, but considering this happened after the yovidaphone to ask Pinkie Pie since she knows about Yakyakistan Culture. They do and it's through her that they learn that the yovidaphone is an instrument for joy.
With this knowledge, they apologize for saying it's bad but they still worry about others booing her. So Yona figured that the best way is to do the best song to come from Yakyakistan. But it needs musical accompaniment to really be perfect. And they decide that they might as well. If one of them is going to be booed they all might as well be. So a montage of them practicing and by the time they perform it's about as well as the Cutie Mark Anthem.
The crowd still cheers because the point of this Talent Show is to have fun. And while they didn’t perform well, they did have fun and it showed. No prize but Pinkie considers everyone passed for having fun. And that’s how I would have changed this episode.
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mollymayfair · 8 months
Closed Starter.
Local: Festa dos Conselheiros. 
Com: @rxckbellz
“— Meu mano Gillyyyyyyy” gritou a garota, correndo na direção do recém-eleito conselheiro. Não perdeu tempo em simplesmente pular em seus braços. “— Você mereceu demais, lindão. Você é lindo e seu cabelo é o mais sedoso de todos!” riu alto, devido ao fato de que já se encontrava mais para lá do que pra cá. Estava bem acostumada a beber, mas havia passado um pouco do limite ali. O lado bom era que ficava sóbria em tempo recorde, então aquilo duraria por no máximo uns vinte minutinhos. “— Você tem que me mostrar uns movimentos legais de conselheiro agora. Faz um backflip, vai. Eu confio em você. Vai, vai, faz um backflip agora mesmo!”
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pianofirepirate · 2 years
even more bad kids and co head canons because why not
fig made them watch lemonade mouth because it reminds her of how they all met
aelwyn and zayn have secret dance partys when Mordreds empty
gorgug always makes breakfast at sleepovers because he likes making food for the people he loves
jawbone had a movie night with adaine, aelwyn and kristen where they watched a bunch of movies they weren't allowed to watch growing up
kristen continues to make crab nachos even after the rest of the bad kids shamed her for it
gorgug has a secret playlist of sappy love songs that remind him of zelda
fabian held a drag night at his house, the rest of the bad boys joined him in drag
ragh looked the best because aelwyn taught him how to do makeup
Fabian stans Dolly Parton
Kristen made the bad kids a group tiktok account that blew up because riz would post unhinged content at 4am
gorgug always wanted a little sister so he always gets excited when he gets to be a big brother to fig while on tour
speaking of siblings, adaine uses scrying on kristens brothers every couple of weeks just to make sure they're safe because kristen has been on edge since fighting daybreak in hell
aelwyns first job was as a bouncer at the black pit, she always let's the seven maidens in for free
zayn and jawbone bond over how goth disco music is
adaine and tracker always make sure that the graves at Mordred are always clean and well kept
fig always leaves "the bad kidz were here" carved/burnt into something when they visit somewhere cool
fabian made sandralynn promise to not tell anyone about him eating glass
adaine made a boggy plush with a sending stone in it to talk to aelwyn when the bad kids go in adventures
she might of let it slip to sklonda
when riz came out as aroace fabians first question was "so like johnny spells?" riz and jawbone then had to explain what asexuality was to him
because so many of the bad kids aren't cis , jawbone and the thistlesprings put together a some leaflets if the bad kids pronouns for them to hand out on adventures to make it easier
the only av club member any of them talk to is shelford
aelwyn wants to become a counselor at hudol primary school because she wants to make sure that no kids have to go through what she and adaine did
when they were living in strong tower luxury apartments, riz, kristen and adaine would regularly go to a 24hr convince store nearby to get chocolate milk and enjoy the night sky
ayda will take fig on flights around town when when fig can't sleep
fabian took his mother to leviathan for a birthday celebration and she got teary eyed when she saw a craving bill left years ago when he confessed his love for her
fig and riz bond over being the only tiefling and one of the two goblins in elmville
fabian holds the high score in ddr at the arcade
they all worked at a summer camp together for the first two weeks of summer break leading into junior year, gorgug was the only one who actually liked working with kids, fabian hated how outdoors it was, fig and riz realised that they don't like kids, kristen was able to get a bit of therapy out of working there and adaine got overwhelmed by the amount of people there
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queenlucythevaliant · 3 years
When I think about how the Pevensies worked together as kings and queens, more often than not I think of them as different parts of a whole:
Susan is the heart of their strange, four-person monarchy. Supplicants come before her throne in droves: the feeble, the displaced, and the wretched. They find it easy to stir Susan’s compassion. She is gracious and gentle, always quick to offer help regardless of what it costs her. It is not uncommon to see Susan stepping down from her throne to embrace her supplicants, to offer them her warm, motherly strength. While her siblings ride out to battle, Susan is lady of mercy to those who remain at home. She marshals dryads to weave spells of protection over land that’s been burnt by passing armies and brings supplies to stubborn dwarves who will not evacuate their homes no matter what orders are issued. The Gentle Queen cares for foreign princes after their mothers die. She brings the orphans of her own land to court, to be educated and provided for. Susan’s is the voice of charity whenever she and her siblings take counsel together.
And Edmund is the mind, the counselor, the strategist. He is great in judgement; he knows Narnia’s laws better than anyone and applies his wisdom aptly to even the toughest of quandaries. Subjects come from the far corners of the kingdom to appeal to Edmund’s wisdom, and rarely do they ever leave court unsatisfied. He is quiet and grave, willing to sit and mull over battle plans or trickly diplomatic situations for hours and days, until a plan presents itself. Often in the background, Edmund devours books, writes speeches for his siblings, and goes over court records with a fine-toothed comb. He devises brilliant economic policy and overhauls Narnia’s infrastructure. The Just King listens more than he speaks, but don’t be fooled: he is always considering, turning problems over in his head until they glisten like polished stones. He is detail-oriented, but more than that he is measured and thoughtful. In counsel with his siblings, Edmund’s is the voice of wisdom.
Peter, High King of Narnia, can only be the hand. When asked, “who is ruler of Narnia?” any child will tell you “King Peter rules, and above him is Aslan alone.” He has a wide reach, this boy king of Narnia; few are fool enough to question it. He is rarely idle, always going out on this expedition or that hunting party, all across the land. The High King has a taste for audacious plans, and before long builds a reputation for snatching narrow victories against all odds. He is a man of action, a finger pointing so that his word may be carried out, a sword-hand waging war against the last of the Witch’s forces, and an arm outstretched across Narnia to prosper its people. They call him the Magnificent King for all his great deeds; words are cheap, but Peter stomped out the Witch’s followers and sailed east to the Lone Islands in the first years of his reign. He wins tourneys and he drapes himself in the standard of the Lion. He always, always leads from the front. His is the voice of action when he takes counsel with his siblings.
And dear Lucy is the soul, always and forever. Lucy sees Aslan the most often and is quickest to speak his name in every situation. She is high priest to her people, although Narnia uses no such title. In midsummer she dances with the dryads, wild and breathless, and at Christmas she leads her people in hymns of praise. Each year, on the anniversary of Aslan’s resurrection, Lucy leads a procession to cover the broken stone table in flowers, hundreds and thousands of them, laid across its cracked surface and woven into garlands that are wrapped around its base. When war comes, the Valiant Queen rides out with the archers, but she does so brightly, grasping hands and whispering courage to those who are afraid. She is a radiant beam of hope on the battlefield; none who fight beside her ever despair. When sorrow or fear grips the land, when war or famine or pestilence comes to Narnia, Lucy speaks truth into dark places. Her speeches are not grand or eloquent, but they kindle the hearts of those who hear them. In counsel with her siblings, Lucy provides the voice of faith.
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midnightsunnyday · 3 years
When With His Father, Diavolo Is A Lot More Stern, The Demon King, On The Other Hand...Part Seven (Final)
A/N: it’s the final conclusion for this series! Thank you all for sticking through it. This has been a fun headcanon to write. I wanted to write the Demon King in my own way, yet would love to see him one day in canon. Either way, I hope you enjoyed this series. Until the next one, stay safe everyone!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
8:10 PM
Diavolo: before we leave, I suppose we should check up on the...oh.
*Mammon, head occupying the inside of a wall*
*Satan, buried under a bookshelf*
*Belphegor, sprawled out near a broken window*
*Solomon and Asmodeus, outside the window, knocked out and covered in glass*
*Leviathan, tangled on the chandelier*
*Beelzebub, torso jammed between a wooden chair*
Barbatos: Young Master, there you are.
Diavolo: let me guess, father threw yet another one of his tantrums after losing to Lucifer?
Barbatos: indeed.
Diavolo, looking around: though if anything, I'd say this party was an absolute success. This isn't half as bad as the damage he did last time.
Barbatos: Young Master, it is my deepest regret for not tending to you sooner. You were in pain, and I completely disregarded it for my majesty's sake. Had I only been more proactive, I could have prevented such a disaster. I am not worthy of being your butler. I will resign immediately.
Diavolo: well, I wouldn't say I was in pain, yet still, absolutely not! I will not allow you to resign!
Barbatos: but--
Diavolo: --you're my family, Barbatos. I couldn't possibly imagine you leaving my side, not now or ever. Without you I'm not sure what I'd do. So please, don't ever speak those words again.
Barbatos, blushing: Young Master I...thank you.
MC: aww.
Diavolo: now then, what to do about all this?
Barbatos: should we tend to everyone?
Diavolo: well, that depends. Father, are you still cognizant?
The Demon King, slumped over the couch: the fuck is a cognizant?
Diavolo: good. What say you, Lucifer?
Lucifer, flat on his back: where’s my MC? MC. MCCCCCC.
MC, sighing: what?
Lucifer: guess what IIIIII won?
MC: ....Me?
Lucifer, stretching out his arms: yaaaay. Now come...come give me a hug.
MC: no.
Lucifer, pouting: but I want one.
Diavolo: and what about the rest of you? Still holding on?
Everyone: *groans in pain*
Diavolo: well, I believe that settles it. Everyone's fine.
Leviathan: heeeelp.
Diavolo: just fine.
Barbatos: but Young Master--
Diavolo: --Barb, please. The last thing I need after an extensive therapeutic session is to be burdened with unneeded physical and emotional stress.
Barbatos: I beg your pardon?
MC: *clears throat* hi there, "certified" demonic counselor speaking. For the past 72 hours, Lord Diavolo has suffered through extensive psychological stress. Therefore, it is of my "professional opinion" that he, as we humans tend to say, "Fuck it."
Barbatos: I see. Though I am not certain of your qualifications, I do agree that the Young Master has been under a great deal more stress than usual. Though I must admit, this behavior is completely unlike him. Should I be concerned?
Diavolo: of course not. However, I've done nothing but run myself ragged trying to chase after my father. I think being a bit selfish for once won't harm anything. Besides, I'm sure they'll live, considering they're immortal, after all.
Barbatos: if that is what you wish, then I will oblige.
Diavolo: besides, I could really use something to eat.
MC: we still have some food in the kitchen, though it needs to be cooked.
Barbatos: then I will start immediately.
Diavolo: Barbatos, you truly are one of a kind.
Barbatos: and truly, I am humbled by your words.
MC, smiling: good grief.
*a few days later*
Barbatos: and?
The Demon King: and that such actions are unbecoming of a king and…oh, come now, do I really need to say all this?
Barbatos: I believe you should, yes.
The Demon King: *rolls eyes* and that it is within my birthright to not only set the standard of what is expected of royalty but maintain it at all times. So in other words…sorry.
Barbatos: very good, Your Majesty.
MC: it’s cool. Also, I don’t mind visiting you at the castle. Just don’t put me in a collar, please.
The Demon King, blushing: very well, little human. I’ll try to compose myself from now on. The same goes for you, sorcerer. I hope the gifts my son provided you are to your liking.
Solomon: very much so, Your Highness. Pegasus blood is especially rare to come by and will do absolute wonders for my spell casting.
Diavolo: let's just hope we haven't sealed our fates with such a gift.
Solomon: rest assured you have nothing to worry about *whispers to MC* when my empire is built, you shall be the first spared.
MC: I call dibs on evil ruler.
Solomon: oh MC, that's the only fun kind of ruler there is.
Diavolo: I heard that.
Barbatos: is there anything you would like to add, Lucifer?
Lucifer, folding his arms: not in the slightest.
MC: please?
Lucifer: …I’m sorry for beating Your Highness at a drinking contest.
MC: and?
Lucifer: and for teasing Di—Diavolo…even if it was hilarious.
MC: that’s as good as it’s gonna get, huh?
Lucifer: I’m the Avatar of Pride. Not the Avatar of Apologizing.
Diavolo, sighing: good enough.
*at the House of Lamentation*
Mammon: never again. Not for a million Grimm.
Leviathan: oh, so now you finally have standards.
Satan: crushed under the written word. An ironic fate indeed.
Belphegor: you doing alright there, Beel?
Beelzebub: so many splinters *shivers* I…don’t wanna talk about it.
Asmodeus: I can't believe I was knocked out a window. Thank goodness my perfect skin wasn't scratched or scarred. Poor Solomon, though. A fall like that would've broken every bone in his body...and it did! Good thing he knows magic.
Belphegor: though, isn’t this all technically MC’s fault?
Leviathan: hey, yeah! I can’t believe they just went off with Lord Diavolo and Barbatos and left us like that!
Mammon: I say we torture em’!
Asmodeus: ooh, how about we tie them up in pretty pink ribbons!
Mammon: and make em’ wear a cute, frilly outfit.
Asmodeus: with a tail!
Mammon: and those fluffy cat ears!
Satan: go on.
Belphegor: wait, what do any of those things have to do with torture?
Asmodeus and Mammon: torture what now?
Beelzebub, shaking his head: can we please just get some food and never speak of this moment ever again?
Mammon: and may we also never, ever, ever attend or throw another party for the Demon King.
Belphegor: agreed.
*text notification goes off*
Asmodeus: oh, Lucifer sent a message to the chat. It says, "All of you please make your way towards the castle. The king would like to...throw us an apology party."
Everyone: *groans*
Mammon: welp, spoke too soon. Yet think about it this way, at least we're immortal, right?
Leviathan: Mammon, shut up.
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hansolmates · 4 years
svt masterlist✨
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all m.list sets are made by the wonderful vivi @eerieedits​   
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fluff -  ✨  angst - ☁️  smut - 🍑  completed - ✅  personal favorites - 💕
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one shots / drabbles
-camp clover  ✨☁️ 💕1.7k not everything is green and lucky at camp clover, feat. camp counselor!chan
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one shots / drabbles
-I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you (m) ✨ ☁️  🍑  6.5k feat. fwb!Vernon, flangst, and copious amounts of movie references
-Twilight Moonbeams and Befuddlement Droughts: a Hogwarts!AU ✨ ☁️  6.9k feat. hufflepuff!Vernon and ravenclaw!Reader, and the oh-so-powerful love potion (dun dun dun)
-drunk on youth (m) ✨ ☁️  🍑  8.4k feat. fratboy!Vernon (but a sweet one), seven(teen) minutes in heaven, Jeonghan is the best wingman
-the boy next door (m) ✨ ☁️  🍑 💕 14.7k drabbles: #1, #2, #3 (m?) feat. roommate!Vernon, friends-to-lovers, and some sexy stuff
-you’re my cure  ✨  2k feat. sick!reader, oblivious!Vernon
-lazy morning haze  ✨  1.6k feat. a mutually exhausted couple, Vernon waking up reader
-baby steps (m)   🍑 2.2k feat. thigh riding. that is all. *combusts*
-sweeter than sweet  ✨ 💕 1.8k feat. fluff in an overpriced nightclub, kissing the night away
-miss guided (m) ✨ ☁️  🍑 💕 15.3k genre/warnings: alcohol/lang, fratbois and other west uni cultures, matchmaker missmatching, cliche plots galore!! teeny weeny angst alluding to prior social awkwardness, bucket hats, aaaaand 69 (bottles of bobaaaaa)
-blossomed (m) ✨ ☁️  🍑  12k genre/warnings: flangst, lang, wild generalizations of how tattooing works, gratuitous love for side characters, mild drinking, phineas and ferb references, mild foreplay
-test drive (eventual m) ✨ ☁️  🍑 genre/warnings: flangst, neighbors to friends, friends to lovers, fwb, cheating, unplanned pregnancy, potential toxic relationship 01
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one shots / drabbles
-Late Night Distractions ✨  1.2k feat. university!Jihoon being shy shy shy and some UST
-Vilified: A Hogwarts!AU ✨ ☁️ 4k feat. slytherin!Jihoon on his way to be a potions master, silly spells and soft feelings
-what a cu-tea ✨  1.8k feat. barista!Jihoon who just wants to go home and avoid the cu-tea doing homework in the middle of the café
-zenith ✨ 💕 3.3k feat. robot!jihoon, slice of life w/ roomie!reader
-cherry contact ✨  3.3k fanart from @scoups-ofsuga​  jihoon has access to all versions of you—your credit score, shopping habits, work emails, and even your terrible tinder history.
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one shots / drabbles 
-strawberry bubblegum (m) 🍑 3.6k feat. sex shop worker!Hoshi w/terrible generalizations of college parties, playful interaction, phone sex, slight dom themes, use of penetrative sex toys, squirting
-vowels and veracity (m) ✨ 🍑 5.2k after a blind date that makes you feel like a giddy teenager all over again, you’re forced to grow up and take a chance when you realize that special someone is your daughter’s kindergarten teacher.
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one shots / drabbles
-days in the sun: a disney!au  ✨  ☁️  2.1k feat. beast!wonwoo
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one shots /drabbles
-Fear, of falling in love ✨  ☁️  685 feat. architect student!Mingyu, saying “I love you” for the first time
-Denim and Drive-Ins ✨  541 feat. your classic drive-thru drabble
-Fleeting ice, fleeting touch: A Hogwarts!AU ✨  1.8k feat. hufflepuff!Mingyu, boarding school dances and Quidditch tournaments
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one shots / drabbles
-Good Enough ☁️733 feat. minghao-centric angst
-give me the night ✨ ☁️1.2k feat. exes to lovers au with a pining hao
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one shots / drabbles
-Unnecessary Details ✨  624 feat. future-husband Lee Seokmin
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one shots / drabbles
-afflatus; (n) a divine creative impulse or inspiration ✨  3.5k “I went to museum to get some inspiration and then I saw you staring at one of the paintings in awe and wow you just noticed me drawing you and this is awkward.” AU feat. art student!Jun at the MOMA
-Cayenne ✨  6.8k feat. greasy!duo and some spicy hot chocolate
-Wrapped up in the Moment ✨  2.4k feat. Christmas vibes, UGLAY sweaters and Joshua teaching Jun the spirit of the holidays
-stupid cupid (m) ✨   🍑  ☁️  💕 8.4k After seeing your best friend get paired up through a matchmaking service, you can’t help but wonder about the credibility of this business. Wen Junhui, your resident matchmaker, can’t help but take on the challenge of setting you up with Mr. Right. (Un)fortunately it seems like that person is right in front of you. feat. crack, annoying!Jun, silly jokes, minor dom!Jun and use of penetrative sex toys
-you must be magical, because i’ve fallen under your spell: A Hogwarts!AU ✨  2k there was something about Gryffindors that unsettled him greatly.
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one shots / drabbles
-Once bitter, and twice shy ✨ 1.6k On Christmas day they go on a mission to find the best hot chocolate in Seoul. feat. cocoa adventures and shy!Joshua
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one shots /drabbles 
-Sunset Strip ☁️  1.2k feat. Jeonghan needing some self-discovery, sadness
-everything comes back to you  ✨☁️ 💕  6.7k  After a long-term relationship with Yoon Jeonghan, things get ultimately more painful when he insists that you guys are still suited to stay “best friends”. Nothing’s grand about having your ex constantly coddle you, especially when he has his own terribly perfect life and you think you’re being dropped like a fading blip on his radar. feat. angst with a happy ending!
-touch of terror ✨ 3k   feat. trapped in a haunted house with the boy who you’re simultaneously attracted and terrified of
-chicken run  ✨ 7.3k you accidentally confuse your housemate for a complete stranger, but hey! it’s not your fault, their side profiles look very similar! unfortunately your guilt gets you caught up, and you’re left in a tangle as you and jeonghan get to know each other (flaws and all) in the ultimate goose chase as you two tiptoe around your simultaneous interest and disinterest for each other
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-the ways you said “i love you”  ✨☁️💕 6.2k feat. the thirteen ways seventeen says “i love you”
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rachelkaser · 2 years
Stay Golden Supplement: The Golden Girls as a D&D party
The Golden Girls would make a great Dungeons & Dragons adventuring party. But which classes would they be? Let’s discuss...
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While doing my general research into all things Golden Girls, I came across a post online claiming that the creators of Dungeons & Dragons based the ideal adventuring party on the Girls. When I first heard this, admittedly I cocked my head to the side in confusion, as those are two intellectual properties I didn’t think to see crossing over any time soon.
The evidence for this was a tweet from Mike Mearls, the creative director for the D&D franchise. I was able to verify that the tweet is real -- and very likely a joke.
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But honestly, it doesn’t have to be. The Girls as a group personify a perfect melding of disparate personalities. They are a closed system -- they play off of each other so well that to remove one is to create imbalance (which is why Golden Palace failed, but that’s a topic for another day).
A party of four is kind of an old trope anyway. The Four Horsemen, the Four Cardinal Virtues, the four Western classical elements, the four humors . . . honestly, humans seem to be drawn to the balance of the number four. So really, even if he’s not joking and the ideal party is based on the Girls, then really they’re just tapping into something much older.
Seeing that tweet gave me an idea. I’m by no means an expert on D&D* -- but I do consider myself something of an expert on The Golden Girls. So, because I felt compelled to write this now rather than wait until the end of Season Three’s Stay Golden Sundays, let’s consider what each one of the Golden Girls would look like as a member of a Dungeons & Dragons party.
*We’ll be using 5th Edition to build this party, because, as mentioned, I am not an expert and I’m sticking to what I know.
Rose as a Cleric
Let’s start with the most obvious first. I can’t be the only one who thinks Rose Nylund-as-healer is a gimme. First of all, her job at the beginning of the series is a grief counselor, so she literally tends to the sick and upset. She also frequently volunteers in hospitals, and is generally just a compassionate and comforting person.
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Rose’s good nature and positive spirit, while occasionally annoying, feels very in-line with the role of the party healer. She’s frequently the voice of emotional reason, even when she delivers her wisdom in an unwanted St. Olaf Story. She’s willing to extend a hand of friendship even to those who rebuff her, and is hit the hardest when bad things happen to those around her despite her best efforts. In other words, while her Intelligence might be low, she’s got way more points in Wisdom than people expect.
As for the divine nature of a Cleric’s powers, I will point out that Rose is the only party member whom we have actually seen converse with a god (albeit a very frustrated one who told her to shut up) in “Bedtime Story.” Something tells me Rose using Channel Divinity is not necessarily a welcome thing to her deity of choice.
Speaking of deities of choice, for Rose’s subclass, I think she’s a Life Domain Cleric. Described by the Player’s Handbook as focused on “the vibrant positive energy . . . that sustains all life,” Life Domain seems tailor-made for Rose’s relentlessly positive spirit. Bless, Cure Wounds, Guardian of Faith and most especially Beacon of Hope are precisely the kinds of spells Rose would have if she were given the option to wield magic.
That said, Rose also shares one characteristic with most clerics I’ve seen: She’s not without her own ways to bring the pain. When someone who’s undeserving of her sympathy crosses her, Rose can put the hurt out and then some. This is why I would love for her to have the Divine Strike and Spiritual Weapon abilities. Rose’s strikes would really knock you for a loop -- because not only will you never see them coming, but you know she’ll be coming at you with nothing but good thoughts on her side.
As an alternate subclass, Rose would also fit as a Nature Domain Cleric. Out of all the Girls, she spends the most time around animals. She grew up on a farm, and honestly I think she wouldn’t even need the help of a god in order to Speak with Animals -- that just sounds like something she’d develop on her own. We even see her using it once or twice in the series, such as when she speaks to the dog in “Joust Between Friends.”
The one reason I wouldn’t go for Nature is that most of its spells seem to be plant-based, and Rose is more an animal person than a plant person (though the people of her hometown do have a holiday celebrating hay). Honestly, were I creating Rose as a character, I would give her either Animal Friendship or Speak with Animals (or both) as a bonus spell related to her character background.
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Dorothy as a Fighter
If one has only a surface-level understanding of Dorothy Zbornak, then one might think that, out of all the warrior-adjacent classes, she’d go Barbarian. And yes, she’s the biggest and strongest character whose frustrations with the quirks of her roommates and the limited intelligence of those around her sometimes manifested as explosive bursts of rage (where she once uprooted a mighty sequoia).
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But I think focusing on that overlooks something more important about her: She’s a teacher. What characteristics does a teacher have? Intelligence and patience, for starters. She’s also cool-headed under fire, and it’s very difficult to get anything over on her. I don’t think she’s quite got the defensive capabilities of a Paladin, but I do think she would make a great Fighter.
When Dorothy lays someone out, it is never undeserved, and it’s almost invariably in defense of another. If you pay attention to what Dorothy does in the series, a lot of her greatest moments are instigated by her protectiveness of those around her. While Dorothy takes hits herself, nothing will piss her off faster than seeing someone she loves made a target.
This is why I would give her the Interception fighting style. Throughout the course of the series, Dorothy:
Verbally rips open Blanche’s abusive boyfriend
Aggressively defends both her own children and Blanche’s daughter Rebecca
Puts an anti-Semite who looks down on Blanche and Rose in her place with three words
Protects Blanche from being arrested for murder by finding the real culprit
Even her greatest takedown in the series -- her blistering diatribe to her dismissive, misogynistic former doctor -- ends with her saying he should learn from this to be more humane towards his future patients. It’s not always a positive trait: Her protectiveness made her a bit of a helicopter parent. But Dorothy will always, always go to the mat for the people she loves and herself.
In case it’s not already obvious, I think Dorothy would make a fantastic Battle Master. Described as a Fighter for whom “combat is an academic field,” the Battle Master’s capabilities fall within Dorothy’s purview. Know Your Enemy is her ability to read and quickly judge those around her, while Relentless is her unerring pursuit of what she believes is a just cause.
As for her Maneuvers, I’d give her, at least at 3rd level, Menacing Attack, Riposte, and Goading Attack. At higher levels, I can see her also gaining Maneuvers like Disarming Attack, Commanding Presence, and Parry. If you need any more evidence that this subclass is perfect for Dorothy, tell me this clip is not an example of a Goading Attack in action:
Sophia as a Rogue
Much like Rose-as-healer is a gimme, Sophia Petrillo-as-sneaky-Rogue is also a gimme. Dorothy’s diminutive Italian mother uses guile, wit, and occasionally less-than-legal means to get her way. While her stealth abilities are not always on display in the show, Sophia gets plenty of opportunity to live up to the Roguish archetype.
Out of all the Girls, Sophia is the only one who might possibly have criminal connections. But even if she doesn’t, she bluffs well enough to fool anyone. In one of her spotlight episodes, “The Days and Nights of Sophia Petrillo,” she uses brilliant verbal Evasion and Cunning Actions to divert the attention of grocery store workers on behalf of a friend, even getting out of having to pay for her own nectarine.
Also, I say she doesn’t get much chance to show her stealth skills, but it does actually come up more than once. I think the best example is when she manages to scare the living daylights out of her roommates (fresh off of a viewing of Psycho) in the middle of the night.
If Sophia uses sneaky abilities, it doesn’t always manifest as physical violence -- for example, in “Sophia’s Choice,” she helps her ailing friend Lillian to escape from her neglectful care home by pushing a man in wheelchair into a hallway, forcing all the workers to chase after him and diverting their attention. She also surprises Blanche’s grandson with a Sneak Attack, in this case a well-timed slap to the face, when he’s getting wound up in “On Golden Girls.”
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As for subclasses, I think her most obvious choice is the classic Thief. Sophia frequently admits to stealing from her daughter, mostly for small change -- even though Dorothy is willing to give her money. She’s got Fast Hands, for sure. In “Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas,” she disarms a gunman before he can react and is able to tell at a glance that his gun is a toy.
Probably her best onscreen demonstrations of this skill are in “The Triangle” and “Ladies of the Evening.” In the former, she steals $40 from Rose while distracting her with a Picture It story, to demonstrate the Rose didn’t absorb her lesson to “Quit being an idiot.” In the latter, she swipes the Burt Reynolds tickets from Blanche’s hand right in front of a police officer without him noticing.
That said, I do think there’s some merit to considering Arcane Trickster. While Sophia doesn’t have much magical ability, she does use the Evil Eye once in the series to curse a neighbor who insults her. Sophia would create utter havoc with access to just one or two well-chosen cantrips, such as Mage Hand or Mind Sliver. I also would enjoy seeing her as a Swashbuckler, but only because she looks good in a pirate’s hat.
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Blanche as a Wizard/Bard/Wizard-Bard multiclass
Blanche Deveraux was, surprisingly, the most difficult to pin out of the bunch. While assigning the other Girls classes was fairly simple, Blanche’s potential role in the party didn’t necessarily dovetail with her personality. The classic D&D lineup is Warrior-Rogue-Cleric-Wizard. Putting the others in their classes leaves Blanche with the task of handling magical DPS.
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And that does, to a certain extent, make sense. Blanche is a haughty, sassy woman who can toss out an insult that hits as hard as any fireball. She’s no hedge wizard -- she’s a well-educated woman who’s not afraid of making a bit of spectacle. I could totally see her walking into any tavern and getting everyone’s attention with a click of her fingers.
But part of Blanche’s whole deal is her charm. She’s got charisma to spare and can appeal to just about anyone. I know it’s a stereotype, but Blanche really reads “bard” to me. If she were to get everyone’s attention in a tavern, it would be to find whomever is lucky enough to be her paramour for the night. And while all of the Girls have storyteller elements about them, Blanche tells stories with the most relish and gusto.
If I were to assume this is 5th Edition, I would say Blanche could make a fantastic Bard/Wizard multiclass. But just for the sake of exploring all of our options, I’ll consider Blanche’s potential in both classes. If anyone would like to picture her as a WiBard, that will be entirely at your own discretion.
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For her subclasses, let’s start with her Wizard school. I put Blanche down as an Enchantment spellcaster -- tell me “Hypnotic Gaze” and “Instinctive Charm” don’t sound like something Blanche can (and would) utilize. She’s definitely the face of the party, being the one who’s most likely to attract attention when she walks into town.
Conversely, Blanche as a Bard would probably fit into the College of Lore. I think Blanche’s passion for art shouldn’t be overlooked by her more obvious charms: She’s just as proficient as storyteller as she is a seductress. Also, Cutting Words is something Blanche has used on-screen more than once. I can’t see Blanche’s Charisma modifier being anything lower than a 5.
As for specific spells, I can see Blanche using things like Silvery Barbs, Charm Person, Enthrall, and maybe even Feeblemind if she really manages to get in a good hit. I can also see her throwing out a Power Word when she needs to put her opponent in the ground -- which, again, she has done on more than one occasion.
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The Golden Girls as a party
Again, this might seem like an odd crossover to you -- it did to me when I first started writing this out. But now that I’ve analyzed it to hell and back, it makes a certain kind of sense to me. The Golden Girls each filled an important role in their group and though they may not have gone on high fantasy adventures, they had as much fun as any other party I’ve seen.
If anyone has any other suggestions for the Girls’ party makeup or how to refine their abilities . . . or hell, even if someone wants to share some Golden Girls/D&D fanart, then please feel free to do so! All suggestions are welcome here!
And don’t forget: Stay Golden!
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