#the first stream i watched live was his and i made sure to never miss any of his next ones
berryblu-soda · 1 year
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lex-the-flex · 7 months
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Among the Thorns
Coriolanus Snow x reader
Summary: Armed with the Plinth fortune at his side, Coriolanus Snow will stop at nothing to prove himself to you. Even destroying those who don’t deserve you.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warning(s): HEAVY FLUFF and HEAVY ANGST, friends to lovers, Snow experiencing true love, Snow being a rich boy, moments of jealousy, brief betrayal + heartbreak, slight stalking, and minor character death.
A/N: Snow at the end of TBOSAS lives rent free in my head. If you are uncomfortable with ANY of the warnings, the DNI!! Feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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Flecks of fresh and unfiltered snow begin to descend on the streets of the Capitol. Reflecting off the fountain’s never-ending streams, the faint ray of a rainbow crossed across the strong crowned feminine statue. Focusing on the tinted metallic statue, Coriolanus refused to blink, worried that he might miss the rainbow vanish in a satisfying mist. The water’s echo filled his ears, blocking out the various sounds of the populous city he calls home, freeing his mind from all distractions. 
Closing his eyes to muffle out the noise from the various cars, the world seemed to stop. While the haunting recollections of Lucy Gray Baird finally seemed to fade, they were replaced with thoughts and visions of you. 
How could he have forgotten you? 
To Coriolanus, it was a crime to have the thought of your face wiped from his mind, to have all of your shared memories vanish in the blink of an eye. But now, in this moment, his life was different. And he was sure you were too. 
He just had to find you first.
Walking through the downtown district, the crisp cool air lingered for a while longer as the sun was beginning to set in the distance. Rubbing his hands together, Coriolanus could not seem to focus on anything else. Winning the Plinth Prize, moving Tigris and Grandma’am into the Penthouse apartment, the excitement of starting University, and now you. 
Glancing ahead down the bustling shops and restaurants, Coriolanus began to notice how the Capitol slowly started to heal within the post-war status. The citizens were thriving with the victory of the 10th Hunger Games, which made the young man happy in some way. 
Rounding the corner in the heart of downtown, Coriolanus stopped at the curb, allowing a group of freshman Academy students to keep up with their tour guide. Smirking at their red uniforms, Coriolanus smirks at each of the students, who were eager to start studying within the week. Watching the students continue on, his breath was caught in his throat at the sight of you. 
Glancing at you from afar, you were sitting on one of the various benches, with a book in your hand. Noticing that you were alone, he confidently made his way across the street. Noticing the state of your physique, his heart fluttered in his chest once he got closer; your high quality coat was perfectly draped over your shoulders, covering your best dressed self. With your hair in a low bun, some loose strands hung in front your ears, flowing in the breeze. 
“Y/N, is that you?” Coriolanus asked. 
Gazing up from your sketchbook, your face erupted in delight at the sight of an old friend. 
“Coriolanus Snow, as I live and breathe! Our champion of the 10th Hunger Games!” You exclaim, standing from the bench. 
Pulling you in for an embrace, Coriolanus fully closed his arms around your form, enjoying this moment of reprieve whilst the world allowed you two to be alone. Standing on your toes, the rhythmic pounding of his heartbeat rings in your ear, and the feeling of your fingers gripping his shoulders sends a series of butterflies in his stomach. 
Breaking the embrace, Coriolanus’ hands slide down your arms, and the two of you get a real good look at one another.
good look at one another. 
The infinite gaze of his icy blue eyes stare directly into your soul, causing your knees to tremble. Leaning in closer, Coriolanus carefully caresses your jaw making your breath hitch in your throat. Unfortunately, this feeling of relief doesn’t last long just as the appearance of your classmate, Mattias, crosses your peripheral vision. 
Quickly backing away from Coriolanus, the pressure of your hands still lingers on his arms as you wave to your friend. 
“Sorry I’m late, Y/N. Biology ran late.” Mattias apologizes. 
Silently sneering at Mattias, something about him just doesn’t sit right with Coriolanus. It wasn’t his nerdy, yet kind nature, it was that he was with you. 
“It’s alright. I’m not too keen on going home. The Inventory arrived this afternoon.” You say, looking at Coriolanus. 
“Inventory?” He asks, folding his hands. 
Mattias scrunches his eyebrows at Coriolanus’ sharp demeanor. 
“My aunt can never decide on which gemstone she wants for the season, so she requests to have a private showing in our apartment every. single. year.” You explain, scrunching your temple. 
“Why not just take the train to One? It’s only an hour out.” Coriolanus asks.
“You don’t remember how she is, Coryo? She’s a neat freak, everything has to be perfect. Down to the necklaces she wears at any occasion.” You reply, adjusting your coat. 
“Wait, I thought you going to be apartment hunting?” Mattias asks, crossing his arms.
“I have an appointment tomorrow morning. Then I have to hand in my thesis to Professor Demigloss. You say. 
“Apartment hunting? You’re moving away?” Coriolanus questions with a worried look.
“Just closer to the University. My aunt promised to come but I think she’ll be drowning in jewels when I walk in the front door.” You tease, nudging Mattias’ shoulder. 
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Your classmate replies. 
A yawn escapes your lips as you throw your Academy bag over your shoulder. Desperately needing coffee, the early morning sunlight feels wonderful despite the sleet. Descending the apartment building’s set of stairs, you stop in your tracks to see Coriolanus greeting you with two cups of coffee in his hands. 
“Coryo! What are you doing here?” You ask. 
“Good morning to you too. I thought I’d come along and help you pick an apartment. Besides, there are a few great ones by the University.” He replies.
Taking your cup of coffee from him, you practically melt in the hot liquid’s delight. 
“Then lead the way, Mr. Snow.” You reply.
Following Coriolanus through the heart of downtown, the two of you and the real estate agent tour the first apartment and it was perfect. It was a five minute walk to the University, the place was spacious and recently renovated, so everything was clean and new.
Allowing you to observe the place, you slowly start to wander around through the apartment, studying the dark marble walls in awe with your jaw on the floor. You’d never seen anything so peaceful in your life, even if it was in the middle of the city. Admiring the beautiful snow covered city from the kitchen window, Coriolanus secretly buys the apartment in his name, and puts the brand new set of keys in his coat pocket with a thankful smile. 
Joining you at the window, the real estate agent takes their leave, closing the door behind them. The faint sound of car horns and the bustling sounds barely managed to leak through the window as you felt his gentle hand around your shoulder. 
“What do you think?” He asks. 
“This place is amazing. I know this is the first place and that I shouldn’t fall in love, but I have. Unfortunately, I think the rent is too high.” You reply. 
Looking up at Coriolanus, he silently shares your sympathy, but then he reveals his surprise. 
“What if you didn’t have too? This apartment is yours after all.” He says, planting the keys in your palm. 
“Coryo, I can’t. This is too much.” You rebuttal, trying to hand the keys back. 
“You can and you will. Just as long as we see each other at the University. That’s all the thanks I need, Y/N. I want you back in my life, especially after last year.” Coriolanus explains before checking out the rest of the apartment. 
Over the next few weeks of your winter break, you started to slowly move into your new apartment, and declined offers to hang out with your friends. The entrance exams for the University sit heavily on your shoulders every day. Despite being a mentor in the 10th Hunger Games, you were granted easy access into the University, but you still had to take the exam. 
Once the results came in, your whole world sank the second you found out you failed. There was no way. You were one of the best students at the Academy, so why did you fail the exam? Rumors began to circle around regarding your relationships with Coriolanus and Mattias. So you decided to do some digging, you discovered that Mattias swapped your test scores with a defunct slip. 
If he couldn’t have you, then no one could. Not even Coriolanus. 
After you left the testing room, you decided that Mattias was dead to you right then and there. 
Surrounding yourself with all of your favorite things, reading, sketching and baking your favorite desserts. However, only when you were measuring the ingredients for your beloved cinnamon sugar cookies, you were greeted with a knock on your door. 
Opening the door, Coriolanus embraced you in his strong grasp, letting you finally release your emotions. 
“I’m so sorry, Coryo. I’ve ruined your jacket.” You apologize, trying to wipe the few mascara streaks from his jacket. 
“It’s alright. I just wanted to check up on you. Especially what Mattias did to you. It’s not right, Y/N and you know it.” He says, closing the door. 
“I know. But I don’t care about him anymore. Mattias is dead to me.” You reply. 
Returning to the kitchen, you start to mix the ingredients together, declaring your friendship with Mattias no longer matters. 
“In more ways than one. He was a bad influence on you, Y/N. So you won’t have to worry about him anymore.” Coriolanus says, leaning against the counter. 
Suddenly, your entire body went numb and the echoing noise of your butter knife hitting the floor rings on your ears. Looking up at Coriolanus, you couldn’t believe what he said. 
“What did you do, Coriolanus?!” You frantically ask. 
Calmly taking your chin in his hand, his gentle facade returns as does his love for you. 
“I did what I thought was right. You’re better off without him. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally, Y/N. I can give you that if you let me.” Coriolanus explains. 
Swiftly nodding, the faint scent of his aftershave lingers in your nose, and the sweet scent of peppermint grazes your lips as he kisses you for the first time in a long time. 
snow taglist ~
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judysxnd · 4 months
In the comfort of your arms
summary: Lando plays video games a lot in between races. Y/n doesn’t mind, she even enjoys watching him play.
I’ve read a few fanfictions with the same theme a while back. I hope it’s not too similar 👀
It’s 1:40am here, I wrote this in 30min (it shows). Good night!!!🌙
Still taking Lando requests. Once I have enough I’ll be able to write them and publish them regularly (that’s how I used to do with the requests on Pedro). Thank youuuu 🫶🏼
Lando loves playing video games a lot. When he’s bored, when he’s alone, when he can’t sleep, when he misses you, he plays. Time flies by without noticing as he enjoys himself with his friends. Even when he is away for F1, he plays. His favorite game to play with Max, Bankai and Matt at the moment is Escape from Tarkov. He could (actually is) spend hours on it.
As he has two weeks before the next race, Lando just came back home, to Monaco, to rest a bit before going back to the MTC and later on race again. The first thing he did when he was back was to call you and ask you to stay at his place for the few days he was here. An offer you could never refuse. Texts and FaceTime aren’t enough, so you try to maximize every moment you can have with him.
So you drove to his place immediately after, making yourself at home at his place, like you usually do when he is here. When he is at Monaco you mostly stay at his place, leaving your own for days, even weeks sometimes. If you look at Lando’s place, you can see that you are here a lot. An extra toothbrush in his bathroom. A side of his dressing dedicated to you, some groceries and drinks of your liking in his fridge, it’s your second home.
But, as much as he wants to spend all of his time with you, Lando needs his daily dose of game. You wanted to finish a tv show that you had started a week ago, he wanted to play, it was the perfect opportunity. You were in the same place, but doing your own thing, just like if you were living together.
A few hours passed by and you finally finished your tv show. It was around midnight, you were getting tired but didn’t want to go to bed without him. You always do that, and now that you can have his company in bed, you didn’t want to miss it, even just for one night. From the living room, you silently made your way to where he was playing. Before entering, you carefully analyzed if he was streaming. Once you saw that he wasn’t, you fully entered the room.
Lando was fully focused on his game, trying to kill a raider that he didn’t hear you walk next to him. It’s only when he got killed and slid back a bit that he saw you and jumped a bit. He cut his mic to talk to you for a sec.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you” you said as you tried not to laugh
“It’s okay” he said, turning his chair to look at you. You were wearing one of his shirt, that was a bit oversized for you. You had a few pajamas of yours here, but nothing was as more comfy as his clothes. And he loved it. He loved since you in his clothes. His hands dropped from his chair to your thighs, making you shiver.
“Are you almost done?” You asked, looking at the screen, your arms around his neck as he pulled you closer to him.
“I don’t know, I think I’ll do one or two more runs then I think I’ll be done” his arms made it around your waist now.
“You can go to bed, I’ll join you” you stepped back, looking at him, pouting
“That’s not going to happen” Lando laughed a bit
“I spend most of my nights without you, it’s not to do it again when you’re here”
“Aw” was all Lando was able to answer. He loved this clinginess of yours. He was the same with you, which was quite normal since you were away from each other a lot.
“Can I sit with you for a bit?”
“Sure” he said. You started to walk away, but Lando grabbed your hand. “Where you going?” He asked
“Grab a chair”
“You don’t need one” he said, patting his thigh with his free hand. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s not going to be comfortable for you, how are you going to play?” You joked as he pulled you back to him.
“Don’t worry about that. Come here” Next thing you know, you’re sitting on his lap, your head leaning against his, your left arm resting on his waist.
You planted a kiss on his neck before he was back into the game. You saw him smile.
“Lando are you still there mate?” You heard Max asked him through his headphones.
“Yep, sorry, I’m here” he said calmly. Sometimes he could be very loud while playing, but he could also be very calm. It happens a lot when he plays Tarkov. He talks normally, very slow and calmly. Laughing from time to time. And the noise of the game, so satisfying. It’s such a quality, and same, it’s calmly in a way.
Like a lullaby almost. At least at midnight it is. In Lando’s arms it is. You could hear most of everything through his headphones as you were close to them, and it was at the perfect volume for you. Your eyes following closely what Lando was doing, you felt sleepy. His smell was helping you drift away in the most perfect way. That’s how you fell asleep was he was still playing.
Lando didn’t notice right away that you fell asleep. He was focused in his game. But that’s when he finally stopped that he noticed you weren’t moving at all. He said goodnight to everyone and turned off the computer, before easily getting up and carrying you to his bed. You didn’t even make a sound nor wake up when he moved you. But once he was settled in bed, you made your way to his arms again, instinctively, naturally. You missed him too much.
When you woke the next morning, you were still in the same position from the night. Lando on his side, and you cuddled up in his arms. You don’t know how, but you do remember last night, how comfortable you fell asleep in his arms, and how comfortable you are right now. Home.
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diejager · 7 months
Idk if anyone’s written this yet, but I am craving some professional sex worker!reader. cw: smut, sex work, prostitution, OnlyFans, tell me if I missed any.
Soap just happened to find out your little account, the profile image so salaciously tempting with your big, doe eyes, small smile and lacy lingerie. Seated on your bed, you pushed your chest out, showing how your lacy bra made your tits perk up through the sheer camisole, teasing him with a taste of something he couldn’t get, and spread your legs open, revealing your black, floral panty with a garter belt keeping your pretty stockings up your thighs to the camera. You looked so innocent in that attire, a little angel dressed in black, just as your profile name —Seraphim.
He was hooked on the first second, quickly clicking to see more of you. Your subscription was free, to let him have a taste of what was waiting for him behind the paywall of different memberships with pictures of your covered cunt, breasts pushed outwards, sunbathing under the sun and laying belly up while staring at the camera with a pout. He was painfully hard in his briefs, staring at his phone, he needed to see more, he had to at this point when you sunk your fingers so deeply in his psyche.
Without wasting another second, he quickly tapped on the highest membership you had, deciding to pay you monthly for everything you had, and coincidentally, you were live. He felt his cock jump when he caught sight of you, naked and bouncing on a dildo, thick and veiny that curved enough to hit your cervix. His appearance seemed to get your attention, the soft ping of your computer alerting you of a new viewer. You smiled, sweet and delicious, calling out the username he hastily came up with, never once stopping as you spoke breathily, gasping and mewling to the screen.
“Oh! Hi SexiSoap. I hope you’ll enjoy your first live.”
He almost came in his pants, his cock throbbing painfully, the head leaking copious amount of pre. He couldn’t stop himself from replying to you, watching your eyes gleam with excitement when you saw his shyly written Hi, boonie, hips stuttering and bucking sloppily against the round base on the silicone dick. He wished that was him, he wished he was the one you were riding, his cock that you milked and came over.
Ghostie: Cum, love.
He was so drawn by you that he nearly missed those words from a suspiciously familiar name, he wasn’t sure if it were Ghost, but the love in the end only solidified his suspicion. It drove both you and him wild, you let out a cry as you came, thighs jerking as you slumped forward, back arched and ass up; and Soap with feral jealousy and hunger. He hadn’t even realized he came untouched, a wet spot growing on his pants.
After you waved everyone good night, stream ending and Soap panting hotly, he sluggishly cleaned himself up, changing pants and laying on his bed, mind wandering to your body sprawled in every position.
Knock knock
He jumped at the loud knocks, heavy and quick, impatiently waiting for him to answer the door.
“Aye, aye, A’m coming,” he unlocked the door to a black wall, eyes moving up to see a skull-painted balaclava and brown eyes —it was Ghost. “Hey, LT-”
“SexiSoap, huh?”
Soap froze up, his mind going through all the what ifs scenario and how he’d explain to Ghost how he came to find your account. SO he did the one thing he did best, smile and shoot back:
“Ghostie, yeah? Real original, LT.”
Part 2
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joelmillerisapunk · 4 months
Bfd/dbf catches u showering and/or masterbating please 🤲
you got me thinkin' nonsense
Dbf!Joel Miller x F!reader
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Wordcount: 2,478
Summary: Joel's asked to watch you and your parents' house while they're away, and boy, does he take watching you seriously.
Warnings: 18+, f!oral receiving, unprotected p in v, reader has pullable hair, implied age gap (make it your own) use of darlin, sweetheart, baby, a bit of Joel convincing you.
Notes: my first request! Thank you, thank you, sweet nonnie 🥰 I hope you enjoy. I love a good dbf catching you doing anything. Also about to hit a milestone with followers and I'm hoping to do a lil fun thing for it 🥰 thank you to everyone for being so amazing and kind and lovely and welcoming. My short time here has been so so warm 💚 tysm @saradika-graphics for the dividers
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It had been a long day for Joel Miller. He just finished a grueling shift at the fire station and was looking forward to some much-needed rest and relaxation. But his plans were quickly dashed when he received a call from his best buddy, your dad.
"Hey, Joel. I hate to ask, but I need a favor," Al says, his voice sounds strained.
Joel sits up in his chair, immediately alert. "What's goin’ on?"
"Jen and I are taking a trip to the Bahamas for a week, and we were wondering if you could check up on the house and our daughter while we're gone.”
Joel sighs, running a hand through his greying hair. "Sure. But you know she’s not a little girl anymore, right? She's a grown woman now."
Your dad chuckles. "I know, I know. But she's still my little girl, and I just want to make sure she's okay while we're gone."
Joel smiles, feeling a surge of affection for his friend. "No problem. I'll keep an eye on her."
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A week later Joel finds himself standing outside of his best friend Al's house, the keys jingling in his hand. He takes a deep breath and inserts the key into the lock, turning it until he hears the satisfying click of the door opening. Joel walks into the house, taking in the familiar sights and smells. He feels a pang of nostalgia as he looks around the living room, remembering all the times he and Al hung out here, watching football and drinking beer.
But there's no sight of you. so he makes his way down the hall, peeking into each room until he comes to your door.
But you're not in your room.
He frowns, wondering where you are. It's not like you to wander off without telling anyone. Even as a grown adult, you still always made sure someone knew your whereabouts. He checks his phone, but there are no messages or missed calls. As he turns back to the hall, he hears the faint sound of a voice coming from what sounds like the bathroom. So he decides to check just in case.
As he approaches, he hears the sound of water running and the faint sound of moaning. He pauses, his heart racing as he realises what's happening behind the closed door. He knows he shouldn't, but he can't help it. Without thinking, he reaches out and turns the doorknob, pushing the door open just a crack. He can see you through the foggy glass, your naked body glistening with water.
His eyes widen as he takes in the sight before him. You're standing under the pulsing stream of water, your hand between your legs as you bring yourself to climax. He knows he shouldn't be watching this, but he can't bring himself to look away. He feels a surge of desire course through his veins as he watches you pleasure yourself.
You tilt your head back, letting the water run down your neck and body, and he can't help but stare. His eyes are drawn to the way your hips move as you touch yourself. The way you're grasping the walls to get some leverage. He feels his own body responding, his cock growing painfully hard in his pants.
He reaches down and unzips his jeans, pulling out his thick, ready erection, filling his hand. He starts to stroke himself, his eyes never leaving your body. He can feel his balls tighten as he watches you get closer and closer to your own orgasm.
But just as you're about to come, your eyes widen in shock as you catch sight of Joel standing in the doorway, his jeans unzipped and his thick, hard cock in his hand. You gasp, your body freezing in surprise as you realize that he's been watching you.
"Joel, what the fuck are you doing here?" you demand, trying to cover yourself with your hands.
But Joel doesn't seem to hear you. His eyes are fixed on your body, his hand moving a little faster as he strokes himself.
"Don't stop on my account, sweetheart," he says, his voice low and husky. "You look so fuckin' hot, touchin' yourself like that."
You feel a surge of anger and embarrassment, but there's something else there too – something that makes your heart race and your body tingle. You've always had a bit of a crush on Joel, and now here he is, watching you pleasure yourself.
"Fuck you," you say, trying to sound angry. But your voice comes out breathless and shaky, betraying your arousal.
Joel chuckles, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. "Oh, I fully intend to fuck you, sweetheart," he says, his eyes blazing with desire. Joel advances towards you, his cock still in his hand. You back away, your heart pounding in your chest. You know you should be angry, but all you can feel is a deep, primal desire.
"Joel, this is wrong," you say, but your voice is weak and uncertain.
Joel reaches out and strokes your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Sometimes, wrong can feel so right," he murmurs.
But you don't budge.
Joel's eyes soften as he looks at you. "Hey, hey," he says softly. "I'm not here to cause any trouble. Your dad asked me to check up on you while they're gone, that's all. I didn't mean to intrude." He pauses for a moment, then continues. "But I can't deny what I saw just now. You looked so beautiful, so alive. I'm not saying this is how things have to be, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, in whatever way you need me."
You can feel your heart racing as you look at Joel, your body trembling with a mixture of embarrassment, anger, and desire. You know that what he's suggesting is wrong, that it could ruin your relationship with your dad. But there's something about the way he's looking at you, that makes you want to throw caution to the wind.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. "Joel, I don't w -”
He takes a step back before you finish, putting his hands up like you're playing cops and robbers. You can see the disappointment in his eyes as he puts himself back into his jeans and turns to leave. But just as he reaches for the doorknob, you hear yourself say something unexpected.
"Wait," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I - I do want this, Joel, please. I just, I really don't know -"
Joel's expression darkens as he turns back around and walks up to you. He reaches out to grab a handful of your hair, pulling your head back so that you're looking up at him. "You don't have to know, sweetheart," he growls. "You just have to feel." He leans down to kiss you, his lips crushing against yours as his tongue demands entry into your mouth. You moan softly, your body melting against his as you kiss him back, your hands reaching up to clutch at his shoulders.
When the kiss breaks, you see Joel smile, his eyes burning with desire. "Let's not waste any more time." He takes your hand, pulling you toward the bathtub. "Get on the edge, darlin’," he orders, his voice rough with desire.
You do as he says, your heart pounding in your chest as you watch him move around the bathtub, positioning himself between your legs. He looks at you, his eyes blazing with desire as he reaches out and touches you, his fingers sliding easily between your wet folds.
"You're so wet," he murmurs, his voice thick with lust. "You want this as much as I do dont’cha?” Joel's fingers explore your body, teasing and tantalizing you as he strokes your slick folds. You moan softly, your hips bucking up to meet his touch as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. "Please, Joel," you gasp, your voice desperate with need. "Need more."
Joel smirks, his eyes glinting with mischief. "More, huh? Well, let's see if we can't take care of that for ya, baby." He leans down, his mouth replacing his fingers as he starts to lick and suck at your clit. You cry out, your hands reaching down to clutch at his head as he devours you with an intensity that takes your breath away.
"Fuck, Joel," you gasp, your body trembling with pleasure. "Don't stop, please, don't stop."
Joel chuckles, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine. "I have no intention of stopping, sweetheart," he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin. "I'm going to make you come harder than you ever have before."
True to his word, Joel doesn't stop, his tongue works magic on your clit as his fingers plunge deep inside you, curling up to hit the sweetest spot. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body tensing up as you approach your climax.
"Joel, I'm gonna come," you gasp.
Joel doesn't respond, his mouth and fingers continuing their relentless assault on your body. You can feel yourself spiraling out of control, your climax building up inside of you like a tidal wave.
"Joel, I'm coming!" You scream, your body convulsing with pleasure as you shatter into a thousand pieces. You grip onto Joel as hard as you can but doesn't let up, his tongue continues to lap at your clit as you ride out your orgasm, your body trembling with aftershocks.
When it's over, Joel pulls back, a satisfied smile on his face as he looks up at you. "See? Told you I'd make you come harder than you ever have."
You can't help but smile back, your body still tingling with pleasure. "You definitely did," you admit, your voice soft and dreamy.
Joel stands up, his cock hard and ready again beneath his jeans. "Good, I'm not done with you yet." He takes your hand leading you to your bed, instructing you to sit on the edge while he undresses. He steps closer, his body pressing against yours, you can feel his cock pressing against you too.
Joel's lips find yours, his tongue plunging deep into your mouth as he kisses you with a passion that takes your breath away again. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, and the sensation of his hard cock pressing against you sends a shiver down your spine.
"I want you, Joel," you gasp, your voice hoarse with desire as you break the kiss.
Joel smirks, "Then take me, sweetheart," he growls, his voice rough with lust.
You don't need any more encouragement. You reach down, grabbing his cock and guiding it to your entrance. Joel doesn't wait, his hips thrusting forward as he impales you on his thick, hard length. You cry out as Joel starts to thrust in and out of you, his hips moving with a rhythm that drives you wild. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to another climax, your body tensing up as you get close.
"Fuck, Joel," you gasp. "Harder, please."
Joel doesn't disappoint. His thrusts become more and more intense as he brings you closer. "Come for me, sweetheart," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "Come all over my cock, come on darlin I gotcha."
You can't help but obey, your climax building up inside you as Joel's thrusts become more and more intense. "Joel, m'gonna come again." You get out as your body convulses with pleasure as you shatter into a thousand pieces once again. Joel follows you over the edge, his cock twitching inside you as he comes with a low growl. When it's over, Joel pulls back, his cock slipping out of you with a wet sound. He looks down at you, his eyes softening as he takes in your dreamy state and disheveled hair.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asks, his voice gentle.
You can't help but smile up at him, your heart still racing with pleasure. "I'm more than okay," you admit, your voice soft and dreamy.
Joel chuckles, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'm glad," he murmurs. "Because I have to admit, I've been wanting to do that for a long time."
You can feel your heart racing as you look up at him, your body trembling with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. "You have?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel nods, "I've always had a thing for you, sweetheart. But I never wanted to ruin your relationship with your dad or my friendship with your dad."
You can understand where he's coming from, but you can't deny the way you feel. You've always had a crush on Joel, and now that you've experienced the passion that burns between you, there's no going back.
"I want this, Joel," you say, your voice firm and determined. "I want you."
Joel's expression softens, and he reaches out to stroke your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" he asks, his voice gentle. "I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for."
You nod, your heart racing with excitement and desire. "I'm sure, Joel," you say, your voice firm and determined. "I want you." You stroke his patchy beard, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
Joel's eyes light up, and he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. "I want to spend the rest of the week exploring every inch of your beautiful body."
And he does, taking you to heights of pleasure you never thought possible. By the time your dad and his wife come back from their trip, you and Joel have become inseparable, and you find yourself at his place more than not.
After a week of passion and exploration, you and Joel have grown even closer. You find yourself falling for him hard. You never thought you could feel this way about your dad's best friend, but here you are, head over heels for the man.
But you know that this is a secret that can never come out. You and Joel have talked about it at length, and you both know that the consequences would be disastrous. You're both aware of the potential fallout, and you're both committed to keeping your relationship a secret.
It's not easy to keep your relationship a secret from the world. But every time you're together, every time Joel touches you, every time he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, you know that it's all worth it.
You know that this was never meant to be, forged in the most unlikely of circumstances. But you also know that this is real and true and strong. And you're willing to do whatever it takes to protect it.
So you continue to see each other in secret, stealing moments of passion whenever you can. It's not perfect, but it's something. And for now, that's enough.
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charmercharm3r · 9 months
Make Love, Not Porn
Masterlist, Story Masterlist
18+ content — minors, do not interact
wc: 6.7k
Synopsis: You crave a life of normalcy, he craves you. And he'd do anything to keep you, even if you're for the world to see.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, subby/service top!hyunjin, softdom!camgirl reader, dry humping, oral (m, f), piv, camming, consensual recording, can't immediately think of anything else, let me know if I missed something!
Past Broadcasts : Hi, My Name Is
Live : Sunday
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Hyunjin didn’t realize how much he liked being filmed, and photography in general. He seems to have picked up a knack for the hobby once the two of you started to get more comfortable. After the first night the two of you had sex, he began to be more conscious of all the recordable moments, from your puffy morning face to the cum dripping from the corner of your mouth.
You didn’t mind it at all, he was cute about it. Hyunjin had you send him the video you took together after you edited out the extra time at the end when the two of you had long forgotten about it. Never in a million years would he admit to anyone that he watches it more frequently than someone ever should watch their own amateur porn videos, for some reason it’s a comfort video of sorts. He likes hearing the way you laugh after the both of you cum, he likes seeing the way you handle him so carefully and how supple your skin looks because he knows it is.
Even though you’re still doing your streams, you still make time for him. Usually that time happens to be right after you’re done, Hyunjin on the bed watching as you pleasure yourself. The heat of his stare hasn’t dulled in the slightest. In fact, it’s brought your on-camera orgasms back. It’s all the more exhilarating knowing that none of your viewers can see his stupidly handsome face ogling you with a hand around his cock, hard only for you.
That routine had set itself in stone after a month went by, which is why you were comfortable when he asked if he could use your computer to look up a recipe to print.
“Why can’t you use your phone? It has bluetooth,” you suggested initially.
“Y’know the preview screen? I like to read it to make sure that all the information is on there. I can’t do that on my phone,” Hyunjin replied.
It made sense at the time, that’s why you agreed to let him use the computer in your showroom, the same one you use for your livestreams. Never in a million years did you think you’d catch him sitting in your chair with his pants around his ankles jerking off to the same video that sparked his interest in filming.
The first thing you checked was that the light near the computer camera was off and that he wasn’t accidentally live, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth seeing the light off. There was a fat grin across his face, sweaty and more than relaxed in your chair. On the monitor was the image of you on your knees just as he tensed up and from what you could tell, orgasmed. The look of surprise on your face as you caught him had him cumming into his palm, as if he wasn’t in your house, sitting in your chair, using your computer. It didn’t even seem like he cared that he got caught– spoiler, he really didn’t care.
Hyunjin was incomparably comfortable around you and in your little bubble. There wasn’t anything he didn’t think he could talk to you about. All of the little things and kinks he thought were strange, you accepted with open arms. Getting caught jacking off to a video of you giving him head was probably one of the least strange things on that small list.
You had gotten down on your knees again and sucked him through to a second orgasm, not an entirely uncommon occurrence now that he was a semi-permanent resident in your heart and apartment. He had hunched over you, one hand on the back of your head keeping you in place as you deepthroated his cock, the other, from what you could tell, slammed onto the desk above you and gripping onto it for dear life. It was your big pretty eyes and the small hum onto his cock that made him cum again, another one so hard that he didn’t notice his hand sliding across the desk roughly and hitting your keyboard, which then slammed into the mouse. Of course you couldn’t hear the sound of the cam site’s whooshing as the same video that played in the background was also being uploaded onto your page.
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Creatures of habit, the both of you were, sharing a shower and eating dinner together still wrapped in your bath robes with towels wrapping your sopping hair. Neither of you had checked your phone in maybe two hours when you finally realized there was an incessant pinging noise coming from your showroom. It had reminded Hyunjin that his phone was nearby and reached to check it before you finally stood to go find out what was happening.
“When did you post a new video?” He asked, shaking the towel into his hair. You shrugged without looking back, on to find the source of the annoying notifications.
Your computer was still on, red flag number one.
Red flag number two, your keyboard and mouse were askew all over your desk. Your first instinct was that someone broke into your apartment while you were showering and they were hacking your account– it does, afterall, have your bank account info so that the tips can go directly into it.
But as you sat down to look at what was going on, you would rather have been robbed. Mouth dropped and heart thumping out of your chest, replaying on your cam page was the video of you between Hyunjin’s knees and head bobbing up and down with his quiet moans echoing in the computer speakers.
Just as you realized what had happened, your partner in said video fumbled into the door way and held up his phone. You couldn’t see the screen from that far, but you knew exactly what he was referring to.
“I didn’t–”
“You wouldn’t–”
“I don’t know what happened–”
“When the fuck did it get uploaded?” Hyunjin strode by your side and leaned over your desk to check the timestamp. You watched his face and prepared for any kind of anger, readying for the worst, bracing for impact that he was going to fight to take the video down then grab his shit and hyperdrive right out of your life. Instead, his eyebrows relaxed and a kind of smug half smirk took over his expression. “Oh, my bad, hahaha.”
You raised a brow at him, nothing but dumbfounded. “What?”
“Well,” he rubbed the towel into his hair again. “You were under the desk, so you couldn’t really see.”
“You posted it when your dick was in my mouth?”
“Not on purpose!” Hyunjin wrapped his arms around your neck in a headlock to smother his cheek against yours. “I can’t really focus when your mouth is so warm, wet, sloppy, delicious–”
“Ew, I get it!” Giggling, he pecked your lips then gestured for you to stand up so he could take your seat, patting his thighs to sit in his lap. A light pout on your lips, you took the offer and slung an arm over his shoulder.
You didn’t want to admit it, but you were slightly embarrassed at how easy it was for you to get caught like this. Nothing has ever happened in all your time of camming that would have made you feel so exposed. It was a private moment that you assured him was for your eyes only. Embarrassed was a nice way of putting it, you were ashamed, guilty, remorseful even.
“I have to take it down,” you shook your head and reached for the mouse, but Hyunjin stopped you by intertwining your fingers together. “What? You didn’t agree to this. I promised it was just for us. I’m so sorry.” There was a lump in your throat, having to swallow it down while fighting the tears wanting to roll.
Hyunjin seemed unphased, maybe even… enjoying it? He was smiling into your shoulder. “Why are you making that face? I’m crying and you look like you just got away with murder.”
He took a second to respond, laughing softly into the bathrobe you wore. “Stop it! I need to take it down!” He fought you harder as you struggled in his grasp to even reach the mouse, arms slithering around and restricting you entirely with hardly any force as he was just that much stronger.
When you finally calmed down enough for him to lightly nose at your cheek again, you huffed. “I dunno, babe. Is it really so bad if we keep it up?”
You stopped fighting him back, “you wanna keep it up?” Hyunjin shrugged shyly.
“A little. Look, other people like it, too.” He reached around you to scroll through the comments.
Reading your comment section was usually a highlight that you saved for some down days. The ones under your video with him was even more ego-boosting than usual. There were keyboard smashes, people asking when they can have a turn with you cus he looked like he was thoroughly enjoying himself, even legit offers in your inbox for higher level filming services. Hyunjin would scroll, point to one, and you’d giggle in his lap.
— sexy wuts his @?
— sounds so good with her mouth stuffed
— i want him?? i want her?? u guys need a third??
“Look at this one, ‘I’d pay for a silicone mold of sweetheart’s mouth.’”
Hyunjin grabbed your chin and made you twist to face him, opening your mouth to look inside as you wiggled your tongue. “Yup. Could definitely make money selling a pocket if it was shaped like this wonderful, glorious, gummy—“
“You’re disgusting! I don’t even think that’s possible.”
“Yeah, you’d swallow the molding, you’re too good at that.” 
The light smack you sent to his shoulder made him smile and cheekily kiss you. It was like he was starved for kisses with how intensely he moved, far from the truth as possible. Hand slipping to cup your cheek and the other slyly moving the robe to expose your thigh enough that it made you pull away and raise and eyebrow. “You really don’t wanna take the video down?”
Hyunjin scrunched his nose, “hell no. It kinda makes me wanna… Should I make my own account?”
Your face lit up, “really?” Another shrug. “I mean, you’ve already got a few fans and they’re asking for more. But babe, it could be a lot. Are you sure?”
“Maybe? I haven’t really thought about it. It wasn’t even an idea in my head until I saw the comments. But I do like taking videos and pictures. I’m not totally sure I could do the live stream stuff like you. Gotta leave you sooome business.”
“I don’t think you should jump right into it, maybe dip your toes in first before hopping in the deep end. Would you wanna try guesting on my stream first?”
“Like, actually be on your live?!”
You forgot how the two of you met in the first place, that he recognized you because he was a fan of your cams. Not for a second did you stop to think that it might’ve been weird because everything with him happened so naturally. Well, he did make it weird at first, and truly had you anxious to even go to the grocery store– but that was because you were too in your head about being recognized in the first place. When you actually spoke to him, you realized that’s just him and his awkward way of showing his emotions. You didn’t doubt for a second that even if he didn’t recognize you, he would’ve found a way to wriggle into your life at some point in time. Part of you mentally slapped yourself for not going to his coffee shop sooner.
“Why not? Then you don’t have to start alone,” you wriggled free to wrap an arm around his neck again. “For me, I contemplated it for months. I can’t remember when I started, it was so long ago–”
“I think it’s been, like, almost a year and a half.”
You lightly slapped the back of his neck, “don’t interrupt me, I’m trying to be sincere.” A peck on your cheek as an apology. “But it was scary at first. Remember what I said about intimacy  the first time I brought you back here?”
“You can speak now.”
“How could I forget? That’s permanent spank bank material. Stored in the mental vault for when you’re not with me.” Charming as ever.
You rolled your eyes. “It feels like that. Instead of one person watching, it’s a whole audience.” If the twitch beneath your thighs was anything to go by, you’d say the look on his face was a nearly identical giveaway. “The offer stands if you wan–”
“I want to.”
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After a long, detailed discussion, you finally agreed your next livestream would be the night, and you got him naked. Or— you finally let him get naked. Hyunjin was still in his underwear, but it was enough for him.
You moved things around so that the camera faced the bed, adjusting the tripod to a lower angle so that no faces could show. For this special occasion, you put on dainty white sheets that made the bed feel bigger on this end of the camera. Hyunjin adjusted the lighting for a warmer feeling, inviting. That alone made you want to skip the broadcast and fuck him right then and there.
Hyunjin was shaking in his skin with excitement. You told him to lay back and try to relax as you set everything up. Seeing you walking around in pretty little lingerie was getting him antsier as the seconds passed, wanting nothing more than to reach out, grab you, and kiss you silly.
He was leaning back on his palms and swinging his feet back and forth as you finished, last touch being turning the computer so if you wanted, you could watch yourselves. 
You were bent over and reading the comments of the people in the live stream waiting room, “live soon, hardcandysweetheart: sunday.” The stare burning holes into your ass made you giddy and smile.
“Everyone in the comments is confused since I don’t usually go live today,” you giggle, straightening up and facing the boy in your bed. He looked extra handsome, for some reason, more than usual. Maybe it was the hormones or the anticipation, probably your insatiable need to have him all the fucking time. Even if today didn’t go as planned and you don’t have sex, you’d be content with just laying beside him and getting to look at his pretty face. 
“I would be, too. Can I have a kiss now?”
“Impatient.” You gave him one anyway, slotted between his spread knees to lean down and plant a soft, velvety kiss to his lips. Hyunjin slid a beneath your butt to hold you close, the other gripped onto your hip restraining from doing more before the camera was finally turned on. He wanted to go further as his tongue licked at your bottom lip in asking for entrance, a whine emitting when you pulled away to deny the request. 
“You can always back out. At any time. You don’t have to say anything, just get up and leave.”
Hyunjin wasn’t listening to anything you were saying, you could tell by the glossy-eyed look he had as you brushed his hair from his face. His eagerness was contagious, you were on the verge of leaning in to kiss him again because of your own selfish needs, however the pinging of your computer’s five minute warning made you glance back before continuing.
“I’m serious, Hyune. We don’t have to do this. Tell me now and I’ll cancel the live.”
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” He teased, tugging you tighter.
“I do this for a living, I’m fine. I just don’t want you to regret any—“
Within a quick second, he pulled you to fall into his lap to be taken in with a deeper, hotter kiss that made you forget that there was a timer counting down his showcase. “Okay, I’ll shut up now.”
A minute and thirty seconds, you straightened yourself out and settled into a more comfortable position for the introduction. That was going to be the hardest part, explaining the video that was accidentally posted and now, this brand new guest that wasn’t even another streamer. Hyunjin was an unknown— either the reaction was going to be through the roof, or astronomically terrible.
Fourth five seconds, you anxiously changed positions again and had him scoot a little further back on the bed to sit between his legs. Instinctively Hyunjin leaned his chest onto your back, draping an arm around your waist. “Relax, we’ll be okay.”
3, 2, 1. hardcandysweetheart, you are now live!
“Hey there, did you see my little surprise?”
There was another twitch in his pants against your lower back, you silenced your own panting lungs, the small action more than enough to soothe the worries you had.
“I think you liked it, so much that I just had to invite him back for more.” Your body moved slightly to the side and made room for Hyunjin to wave. As he did, you leaned in to quietly place a reassuring kiss to his cheek, to which he returned happily. 
You could faintly make out the comments scrolling by faster than you could attempt to read. “You’re excited, huh? It’s been a while since there’s been someone I wanted to bring on. This one’s special.” His hand massaged into your side, acknowledging the passing words and his heart thumping harder.
Hyunjin almost forgot that you were livestreaming, more than immersed in your voice that he fell into some sort of trance, hearing but not listening, relying purely on what he could see and feel. And that was you. His gaze only on you, unable to look anywhere else as that spell had goosebumps raising along his skin when you did nothing but touch his thigh. 
“Look at that, I think he’s more than ready to go. Practically drooling, aren’t you, baby?”
“Mhm,” he nuzzled his nose into your cheek, trying to hold back from his usual affections so as not to give too much away so quickly, and finding it difficult.
“He’s very obedient,” your voice lowered an octave, reaching back to cup his cheek and trail a finger down his neck to his chest, a red line following the same path. “Like a pet. Just follows me around, wherever I go.” Hyunjin whimpered, just a little, but enough for the audio to pick it up. “Hey now, be good for our guest. No begging.”
He kissed your cheek again, an apology.
Turning your attention back to the comments, “so sorry, lovely. I wanna ask you how your day went, but someone is a little too enthusiastic to get started. I hope you don’t mind, I’m still training him. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” he responded softly.
“His voice is so pretty. I know you’ll enjoy tonight’s stream, maybe even as much as I do.”
Your legs spread, hooking them over his knees and leaning back into his hold. Hyunjin’s hands started roaming everywhere they could, emphasizing his neediness by digging his fingers into the insides of your thighs and pulling them that much wider. Automatically they trickled their way down to your center, gently running the pads of his fingers over the gusset of your underwear. Even you could tell, it was incredibly wet, the aroma of your arousal filling the room. 
Glancing at the monitor, his frame overshadowed yours by what seemed like miles. Hyunjin’s broad shoulders shielded your back and you couldn’t help but relax further into him.
Hardly even there, he pushed into your center, drawing a small gasp from your lips. The small circles he traced sparked the need to buck your hips up and into him.
His mistake for laughing, you slapped his hand away to stand and shove him back onto the bed. The view of your ass covered his face from showing, but if watchers could see, they’d see him teething at his lip to hold back a victorious smile, as if it was his plan all along to get you to bite back. Hyunjin raked his eyes up and down your body before putting his hands behind his head.
Another strike.
“You think you’re gonna get to sit there like a pillow princess? D’you really think I’m gonna do all the work?”
The smile faded faster than it came.
Climbing onto his lap and straddling his hips, the camera got the perfect shot of your soaked crotch and the underside of his raging boner twitching in his underpants even more when you slammed both your hands onto the bed on either side of his head. Hyunjin flinched, but he wasn’t scared. More like turned on beyond belief.
“Little pet,” one finger tipped up his chin to close his awestruck dropped jaw. He could feel the heat of your cunt radiating through the wet material, suffocating in it when your hips softly landed right on top of his cock. Even through both of your underwear, the feeling of you on him was enough to turn the tables and he rut up into you.
The nickname, the finger lightly scratching under his jaw, everything down to the intonation when you spoke to him made Hyunjin forget there was a camera on the both of you. Aside from the very obvious seriousness of the act of sex itself and every other time the two of you had been together, this moment felt intensely more intimate. He couldn’t quite put his finger on as to why that was. The concerns you voiced before echoed in the back of his mind, though there wasn’t a single doubt that he had in wanting to continue.
The small fact that you cared enough to keep asking and keep reassuring that he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want, made his entire body heat up. Sure, the bar was on the floor. But it wasn’t just this one instance, you were persistent in making sure he was comfortable, and Hyunjin was grateful that the sentiment was returned in his efforts to help you learn about your own relationship needs outside of sex. Such a miniscule thing to be in love with, but it was his deal breaker. Call him a simp, but you had his balls tied in a heart shaped knot. 
You sat on top of him with an almost unimpressed look, letting him continue to hump against your warm cunt. Determination clouded the horniness as you tilted your head. The truth was that that alone felt remarkably good, keeping up the facade was one of the hardest things you had to do. To fight the impulse to moan, you steadied yourself and sat up straight, looking down at Hyunjin while his hands iron gripped onto your hips. The strength he held onto you almost was close to toppling you over.
Instead, you gave in just a little and sat fully. Hyunjin’s tongue poked out from the corner of his mouth, adjusting his knees and bumping you up to stabilize himself as the dragging of his covered cock slide against the wet friction of one another’s underwear. Sweat dripped down his temple and soaked his hairline, rolls of his hips took a full bodily effort. His abdomen moved in waves and gave you a preview of what it would look like when the underwear finally came off, delicious enough to rake your fingernails from his collarbone to his waistline, Hyunjin’s eyes rolling back as you did.
“Mmf– please, please,” he whimpered, becoming more erratic as the seconds passed. He dryly humped upwards so rough now that you were just about bouncing.
“Please what?” His hands slipped below the waistband of your panties and drug it half down your ass. “Use your words.”
“Fuck, need you.”
“Need me? Okay, pet.” 
With that, you abruptly stood up– not without a barrage of pleas and whines– and made room for him to hurriedly slide off the bed and kneel on the floor in front of you as you took his spot. If he had a tail, it’d be swinging back and forth.
You checked the camera’s view just in case, but it saw nothing but the back of his head, at the most. As he told you in earlier discussion, he was fine with that. The view of his back muscles made your mouth water that much more as it contrasted with the puppy dog look he was giving you now, waiting.
“So polite, baby.” You had barely moved to slide off your underwear when Hyunjin jumped at the chance, rushing it down your legs and tossing it to expose your dripping core.
If it was even possible, his eyes widened to the point of total blackness, determination now tainted with the lust that had driven him to this point in the first place. He’d never realized this side of him ever existed, this carnal desire and rapacious thirst to be suffocated in every aspect by a single person. He wanted to consume each bit of you down to the bone. Pick you apart just so he could thoroughly examine and ingrain every nerve and fiber that made you whole. This intense feeling, he never wanted it to end.
His hair was soft as you ran your fingers through it, playing with it for the viewers to see how good he was, waiting for permission like a true pet companion. Tongue running along his lips, he palmed at himself again and shifted uncomfortably in his spot.
“Go on. You wanted me, so have me.”
Spreading your legs wider, you didn’t have to work very hard to get him to dive into you head first. He was so overly excited that he moaned at the first taste of your pussy, dragging his tongue uncoordinatedly while shoving himself as close to you as possible.
As soon as his tongue touched your clit, you figured it was time to forgo worrying about how the stream looked and just let yourself fall into the feeling. Hooking your legs over his shoulders let Hyunjin sink his teeth further into you, or, more like his tongue slipping further down to prod at your hole and circle it before entering. Even if it couldn’t reach far in, the wiggling motion had your head falling back and moaning out. Voicing how pleased you were made Hyunjin reciprocate and mumble into your swollen cunt, vibrating every inch. 
Skin sensitive and needier than you wanted to let on, you were torn between satisfying yourself and putting him in his place.
But he was being good, the thought still crossed your mind no matter how well he was performing.
Being on live camera seemed to have sparked an even bigger submissive role Hyunjin wanted to fill, goading you into keeping a hand on the back of his head so that he had little room to breathe. As if he wanted to be put in his place.
Digging your heels into his back to secure him in place between your legs seemed to have given him the feeling he wanted– to be used.
Your hips canted into his mouth, not needing to chase his lips but wanting more of the suction, more of his tongue, more of the feeling. Like a freshly lit fire burning wildly in the center of your body and he was the dry wood and oxygen that kept it alive. Funny how that was when just looking at him takes your breath away.
Hyunjin wrapped his arms under your thighs to grip onto the tops of them, fingernails digging deeply into your skin to which you didn’t mind at all, the pain felt good with the pleasure. As you became louder, he did, too. His soft humming, lips suckling in your clit, tip of his tongue wiggling against it lightly as he did so, cumming was guaranteed as soon as he took your underwear off. And fuck, did it feel extra good.
Eye rolling, muscle tensing, vision blinding, chill inducing, voice numbing, leg twitchingly good.
You slouched over him as you came down, still partially aware of the green light blinking on your computer keeping you on camera. Hyunjin softly kissed your sensitive bundle of nerves to ease the comedown, mumbling what you think was praise when it should be you praising him for what was for sure his best round of head yet.
“I take it back,” you breathed out with a chuckle, and Hyunjin shot his head up to look at you with confusion. “I think I should put in some work for how amazing that just was.”
Hyunjin lopsidedly smirked, the view even cuter because your essence was smeared around his entire lower face.
“I’m so proud of you, baby. Maybe you don’t need as much training as I thought.”
You tapped his shoulder so he could scoot back and make room for you to stand. Hyunjin followed brief instructions to get onto the bed once more, laying down and ready for his underwear to finally come off. You rid yourself of the rest of your lingerie first, tossing the bra at him and laughing, just the littlest bit mocking when he brought it to his mouth to bite on. Stealing it away, you scolded, “nuh uh. I want them to hear you when I fuck you.”
“When you fuck me?”
The way you phrased it intimidated him a little, but also excited him. The prospect of getting fucked by you was something he’d never even thought would come out of your mouth let alone actually happen. He’d always thought that, traditionally, men should be the ones doing the fucking, that it was his job to cross that finishline with him putting in the effort. Hyunjin didn’t even know how this was a possibility, but he was more than ready for whatever you decided to do to him.
“Don’t worry, I’m saving the strap for another day. I don’t wanna scare you off so quickly.” All of that sentence and none of that sentence registered in his brain. “Do you trust me?”
“You know I do.”
Repressing the endeared smile on your face wasn’t an option. It was one of the rawest emotions you’d shown him yet, and being so open about it had Hyunjin’s heart doing somersaults into his belly, all of him fluttering on cloud nine. 
Your body covering his entire body including his face from the camera, you kneeled onto the bed between his legs and hovered over him to finally kiss him. Really kiss him, the way he’d been craving all night. The kind of kiss that murmured the words your lips didn’t know how to, unconditional and safe, hands so delicately open as he placed his entire heart into them.
Amidst his mind being blown with just a kiss, you snaked your hand into the waistline of his underwear and dryly– aside from all the leaking precum– stroked him until he whined to rid them. Condom placed on the edge of the bed for convenience, you were gentle in rolling it on, gentle in maneuvering to toss one leg over his hip, and gentle in taking his left leg into the crook of your arm.
All across the board, Hyunjin was confused. 
What in the hell kind of position was this? He had never seen you do this in any of your previous cams? Was there even a name for the pretzel he felt tied into? That’s an exaggeration, he’s just never been bent like this before. Now he gets how you must feel.
Your right thigh was locked under his to keep the position in something like a scissor looking kind. In his mind, it was odd, for sure. But he happily went with it because he knew you wouldn’t lead him anywhere he wouldn’t want to go.
One more soft, shared kiss, you scooted a bit higher up his body– straining his elevated leg a little because he didn’t think he needed to stretch beforehand– and settled directly over his aching cock. He hadn’t been properly touched since he’d gotten you completely naked and was in dire need of attention. Your hips dropped and he was sinking into you with nothing but slick and very much wanted entrance. Hyunjin felt strange, a wonderful and thrilling kind of strange that came from the new position and new atmosphere surrounding the both of you.
As you came to the hilt, he thought, “dear god, why didn’t you fuck me earlier?”
“Honestly, I didn’t think you would like it this much.”
His eyes widened to realize that he’d spoken his thoughts aloud. Hyunjin also didn’t realize how much time had passed since he had entered you and drool was dripping from the corner of his mouth. You didn’t seem bothered in the slightest.
How could you be? You had an earth shattering orgasm and now got to fuck the most amazing and understanding person you know. And get to repay the favor with an extraordinary orgasm for him? You must have died and gone to heaven.
“Oh god, please keep going.”
An excited smirk, you experimentally moved your hips back and slid yourself off his cock, sinking back onto it as if you were the one penetrating. Hyunjin’s eyes rolled back and he groaned loudly. Music to your ears, you sped up just a little so that the bed rocked.
On your end, this was the ideal position. Every slide up and down his cock rubbed the under and inner part of your clit just the right way that you felt it in your legs. Hyunjin reached out to hold onto you, but couldn’t find the strength to hold on for very long before reaching a hand up to steady himself against the headboard.
You wanted more, needed more. Slinging his leg over your shoulder gave you more room to move freely, fuck him harder, faster until all that could be heard was skin on skin and wetness drowning his cock with every thrust. He loved everything about it and was doing whatever he could to suppress the impending high. Hyunjin wanted to cum, but didn’t want the moment to end even more.
“S– stop, stop,” he stuttered and held a hand out towards where your bodies connected. You cowered back and pulled him out in fear that he had changed his mind. Every negative thought you’d previously had about the situation came flooding back. That was, until he panted out a dreamy sigh, “don’t wanna cum yet. But please, fuck me harder.”
Endearing in every sense of the word.
“Because you said please.”
To give him a second to recuperate, you gently laid his leg back down and kissed his cheek. Then he gave you the okay once again, and changed to lifting both his legs around your waist. Hyunjin anticipatingly chuckled when you guided his cock to point a little more downward as you let him fill you, leaning your weight onto your arms that planted beside his head and letting him wrap his arms beneath the underside of your shoulders.
The steady rolls of your hips was exhilarating, scratching the itch that you didn’t know needed to be scratched, so satisfying that he face palmed himself for not thinking of it earlier.
You rested yourself on top of him so you were chest to chest, selfishly being a bit lazy because you wanted to taste his pretty lips once more. You knew the view for the stream was more than enough, probably too personal for Hyunjin’s first time camming, however he didn’t seem to mind. The camera being on was probably what made his senses skyrocket.
What a funny little attention whore.
You caught your rolling hips turning into harder slams, stronger and stronger with every slap of skin to skin. Hyunjin tightened his legs around your torso and kissed you back sloppier, uncoordinated as his high approached. He used the momentum of your movements to rut up to meet your center in time. Who was fucking who now, neither of you could tell nor care. 
His unfiltered moans of euphoria were too cute to keep for yourself, pulling away from the kiss as he came nearer and nearer to the edge. By the time you’d felt the knot tightening in your belly, Hyunjin was summoning whatever self control he had left to not blow before you.
“‘M gonna cum, ‘m gonna cum,” you whispered, letting your forehead fall into the crook of his neck and bite onto the supple skin. Messy and carelessly you fully weighted slammed your hips onto his as your cunt fluttered with the overflowing pleasure, sealing both your fates when you stopped entirely and let the pulsing within you milk you both for whatever you could collectively release. Hyunjin’s coarse voice filled the air as he fought the urge to say your real name, settling for unintelligible fibs while he filled the condom to the point of bursting. You couldn’t stop the convulsing of your hips that shallowly made you both shudder in overstimulation.
A ringing in your ears and warmth of his arms tightening around your waist, you wanted to shut your eyes and fall asleep just like this. But there was the growing sound of tips pinging to replace the previous adulterous noises and bring you both back to reality.
You kissed his chest before sitting up and kissing his lips, as delicately as possibly pulling away and letting him relax into the bed. The shaking in your legs made it almost impossible to turn and face your body towards the camera once more.
“What’d you think? Wasn’t his voice just to die for? Always so sweet.” Your eyes glazed over the rapidly scrolling comment section, unable to focus long enough to truly read any of them. Hyunjin didn’t even move, probably worn down to the bone. “I think our guest enjoyed himself. I know I surely did, and I hope you did, too, lovely. Let me know what you think, should he join us again some time? Maybe it’s time to wash up. Take care, lovely. Until next time.” You waved your fingers, paused a second, and ended the live with the comments still rolling. Not in the right mind to read them, you put your computer to sleep and crawled into bed beside the dozing man.
Hyunjin fought to keep his eyes open, too exhausted for his own good. You looked him up and down to assess his state– condom still on so you helped take it off him, limbs bent and tired as you assisted in stretching them to lay flat. The last step was taking him into your actual bed. No way were you letting him sleep in this icky, sweaty bed.
“No shower yet, Hyune. Just bed. Can I help you up?” He hazily nodded and allowed you to drape his arm over your shoulder so you could guide him back to your bedroom.
As soon as you had him beneath the covers and his head hit the pillow, he softly mewled and reached his arms out for you to take your rightful place within them. Then, he was out like a light. 
Soft snores and his heartbeat were all you could hear. There was nothing else you deemed worth the effort to think other than, people are only temporary for as long as they choose to be.
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He couldn’t be more excited, the pleaser he is, Hyunjin was shaking in his skin as he watched the timer count down the seconds.
“Relax, baby. I’ll be right here if you need me,” you leaned back into your chair that sat out of sight of the camera, half naked as well to make it less nerve wracking. Phone in hand to monitor all of the comments of the people in the waiting room, this was a highly anticipated event in your extremely small circle. This was everything and anonymously nothing, but thrilling either way. “Have fun.”
Hyunjin weighed his options between the thirty seconds he had left and the need to get one more kiss. He chose the latter, skipping up to you and taking in your lips with unexaggerated passion. “For good luck.”
3, 2, 1. i.scream.sundae, you are now live!
“Oh, hello. Have we met before?”
A/N: unsure of the positions within the story? look here!
and that's it for this mini series! took me so fucking long to finish but ya know life happens. hope it was ehh maybe worth it. thank you for reading!
tags: @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @alexis-reads-fics @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut @straykids5star @like-a-diamondinthesky @karivm
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strawberri-elixir · 7 months
Sleepless nights
╰⇢ 3. Go white boy go
Warnings: like- one swear word?
note: a little longer part but the next part is (hopefully) where things start picking up. but there’s written parts so don’t miss those!
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You switched off your phone just in time to see Yuta running up to you. He tossed you his helmet as he climbed up the ramp, taking the spot beside you.
“Took you long enough.” You roll your eyes, pushing the boy off, leaving him to slide back down the damp concrete.
“It was only a few minutes.” Yuta groans, dusting himself off to climb back up again. His sad attempts at trying to reach the ledge almost made you feel bad for him. Almost.
“Holy shit you suck at this.”
Despite wanting to help him, the better part of you couldn’t help but let out a laugh. What else were you supposed to do? You are best friends after all. Laugh first, help after. That’s the universal rule for all best friends.
After getting your entertainment from watching the poor boy fail again and again to get a good grip on the ledge, you finally offered him a hand (which he reluctantly took).
“Don’t worry, I made sure to get all the good angles.” You flashed your phone at him, swiping to the side to show him all the photos you took of him.
As he takes in the images, Yuta’s faces turn into one of absolute terror. “Delete those right now!” He reaches for the device.
“Never! You look cute in them!” You smack his reaching hand away. “These are going into my folder!”
“There’s more?!” He lets out a horrified gasp.
As Yuta continues to reach for your phone, your phone buzzes. You sneak a glance at it and see a notification from one of your streaming apps.
‘toginu is live now!’
Yuta also sees the notification and stops trying to take your phone, sitting back up and waiting for you to turn on the livestream.
You immediately click on the notification and your brought to the app, the sounds of keys clicking greeting your ears.
The boy continues typing away on his keyboard, occasionally looking at the chat and thousands of messages flood through every second. Looks like you made it in time to watch.
Yuta leaned onto your shoulder, watching your screen. The two of you had an unspoken agreement to watch livestreams together whenever possible.
You turned the volume up and placed the phone next to Yuta before standing up and grabbing your skateboard.
“Keep you updated.” You pushed yourself forward and through the park.
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“Time to go.” Yuta stood up, stretching his limbs.
You let out a disapproving groan, flopping backwards onto the cement and staring up into the sky. The sun was slowly rising in the distance, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.
“Don’t wanna do anything today.” You sigh.
Yuta gathered his things and wandered over to you, joining you on the ground and admiring the view. “We should go before our parents realize we’re gone.”
“Yeah…” You sat up, grabbing all of your belongings and stuffing them back into your bag before following Yuta out of the park.
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It wasn’t long before you reached your house. Yuta pulled into the back as usual for you to easily be able to sneak back into your room via your window.
You gave the boy a quick hug, promising to text him later before running through your backyard towards your room.
“I’ll see you in class!” He called out to you before he sped off in the direction of his own house.
“What class??” You mumble to yourself as you slide your window open.
As soon as you entered your room, your alarm started going off, telling you to get ready for the day. You look at it in confusion. Your alarm only rings on weekdays.
“Time to get up! You got school!” You hear a voice yelling at you from outside the door, accompanied by a loud banging.
“I’m up!” You yell back.
Now you were not only tired, you had to put up with a whole day of classes. You could’ve sworn it was Sunday.
You had a long day ahead of you.
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Masterlist | Next
fun facts:
— you rely heavily on yuta to keep track of the time when you guys go out all night (even though he’s worse at time keeping than you are)
— he always manages to get you home in the morning before your parents notice tho
— you have multiple folders in your photo gallery for silly little pictures and videos for all of your friends (most of them are of yuta)
@sur-i-ki @aespaforlifersyall @camilo-uwu @butterflyqueen234 @shinsukeee @tanchosanke @emii4evr @lees-chaotic-brain @you-always-made-me-blush @jayathelostdragon
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valuunit · 11 months
Mums don’t cry
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Summary: Y/n’s mood changes and sicknesses happen to be more than just that.
lmao i don’t know why i put that tittle, but The Cure rules.
Content: soft husband!harry :DD pregnant afab!reader, use of she/her, mention of food and vomit (pregnancy symptom), la la land spoilers(?) and that’s it ig.
Disclaimer: English is not my first lenguaje so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, i’ll try to correct it.
“No, i’m staying with Y/n, she’s not been feeling good. Enjoy though, oh! And bring some tiramisu.”
“ ’M sorry, H” she said struggling to stand up from the bathroom’s floor.
“No, no, there’s nothing to be sorry ‘bout. Now come here, i’ll help you clean yourself and we can go watch a movie. You said that watching Ryan Gosling everywhere made you want to bing his movies.” Harry kneeled in front of her offering his hand.
“Mhm” Y/n said without any sign of excitement. Her hand reached the toilet’s chain and released her sickness before lean into the sink and wash her mouth a total of four times.
“Think that enough, you’re gonna get sick again if you keep pulling the brush all the way down your throat.” he chuckled taking the brush out of her hand.
“Wait, throw it in the trash, please.” she said before shoving some more water in her mouth.
“But it’s clean.”
“It’s not, but i’ve had it for over 3 months.”
“Okay miss.”
“It’s Missus, Mister.”
“You feeling better, Missus?”
“I think, it was probably all the crap i’ve been eating.”
“The holidays are for something, don’t you think?”
“I guess.” her mood “I’m sorry.”
“I told you, you don’t have to…”
“No, i’m sorry for being so grumpy this past few days, i don’t know what’s happening.” she said as some tears began to accumulate in her eyes and her head goes to her husband’s chest.
“Oh, honey, don’t worry, it was part of our vows, being here through thick and thin, right?” he grabbed her cheek and smiled warmly, with her blurry vision she just saw a charming white downward D but she returned it.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Now you can see me fantasize with Ryan Gosling.”
“No problem, i’ll do the same.”
They giggled like toddlers and went to the kitchen for some snacks.
“Some popcorn will do it?” said Harry grabbing a package of microwave popcorn.
“Yeah, although is there a peanut butter and chocolate? i’ve been craving some of it.”
“Hm, we have a package of truffles but no peanut butter…”
“It’s okay, all perfect.”
“Well, what do you think of you picking the first movie and i’ll be there when these are ready.”
“Okay.” she gave him a peck kiss. “This is like the honeymoon all over again.” and began to walk to the lounge.
“I hope we never leave that stage.” Harry said loudly making sure she heard. She blew him a kiss and sat on the couch.
Y/n grabbed her phone to google in which platform was La La Land on. She didn’t even knew if the villa’s TV had more than 3 streaming services.
“Already picked one?”
“I’m checking where is it.”
“I bring you some water, i like my woman hydrated.”
He let out a little laugh “Thanks, love.”
They snuggled in the middle of the couch and concentrate in enjoying the movie.
Everything went well, they got to the point in the movie that showed what would’ve happened if they had ended up together.
Harry made a pout, watching the montage of the couple having a kid, but beside him Y/n began to sob, but in a concerning way.
“Everything okay, love?”
“Y-yeah, it just...” she went quiet to hear the final notes of song that Sebastian was playing in his bar. And led out another sob. “It’s so sad, because they loved each other, b-but they couldn’t make their dreams come true if the stayed together a-and they will always love each other…”
“It’s okay” Harry couldn’t help but feel a mixture of concern and a little bit, just a bit, of fun, watching her being so invested in a movie that they’ve watched several times. “Sometimes that’s how life goes.”
“What a bullshit life we live in.” He audibly laughed at that, remembering the joker memes, she also laughed “Okay, i heard it.”
And just like that she was laughing like anything happened.
“Wanna see another movie?”
“I don’t know, ‘m tired.”
“Wanna go to bed?”
“Yes please.”
When they were getting up of the couch Y/n felt sick again, she ran to the nearest bathroom and let it all out. That took Harry by surprise, one moment he was folding the blanket they where using and talking about other movies and the other he was grabbing his wife’s hair.
“Don’t know what’s happening to me, H. It feels like something more.” she rested her back into the cold wall opposite to the toilet
She recalled when she was sweaty and exhausted she blamed italy’s sun, when her mood changed drastically she blamed her personality, when she felt disgust out of nowhere and ended up vomiting she blamed the food and spices she was not used to, but everything as a whole was sign of other thing.
“Like what?” Harry said concerned thinking of the worst.
“I-i… i’ve been feeling weird lately and all my symptoms are, you know, hm, signs of pregnancy.”
“… Like what?” he repeated too shocked to say other thing.
“Mood change, um, craving could be described, the constant exhaustion, vomit…”
“Want me to go for a test?”
“What if paps catch you?”
“Who cares about them?” he said excitedly, this could be one of the happiest days of his life, and he couldn’t wait.
“Pr team, probably.” Y/n said tired.
“Well, I think they’ll understand. You’ll be good on your own? O could ask one of the guys to get a test on their way here.”
“I’ll be good, also we aren’t certain if i’m… pregnant, don’t want to alarm anyone and I’m pretty sure they’ll be back ‘till midnight.”
“You’re right. Well, i’ll be right back, honey.”
Harry literally sprinted to the nearest corner store as soon a he closed the villa’s door. Not caring of anything else, he ran through a fairly small business, not more than 5 minutes away, or that what he felt, until he viewed the boxes he was so desperate for, he grabbed three different ones and ran to the cash register, an old man smiled kindly at him. The interaction was short but cute.
When Harry grabbed the tests the man said to him "Buona fortuna." (good luck). With Harry's poor italian he said "Grazie" and ran back to Y/n.
"That was quick" Y/n was waiting by the door when he arrived.
"I always am, hun…” Harry said out of breath.
Y/n laughed and grabbed the bruised boxes from his hands. "I'm nervous"
"There's nothing to be nervous about, love."
"Well, then, there I go." she let a loud shaky breath and entered the bathroom again.
"Love you."
"Love you too." her voice muffled by the door.
Harry was also nervous, but in a good way nervous, what a good timing, he thought, they been wanting to start a family since last year, well, since forever, but actively trying ever since. He remembered the doctor appointments, the times they had sex just because an app told them to, and the disappointment in their faces when the test were negative, over and over again. And now, they were the happiest they've been, he just finished love on tour, Y/n finished her second book and taking a vacation with all their friends and family.
"Har...ry, come in, please." he did so immediately.
"Everything okay?" his voice was shaky. The tests were all perfectly lined up on a counter all of them facing down.
"Yes, I wanted you to be here." she was crying again, but the smile in her face denoted happiness and anxiety.
"Remember that no matter what the tests say, we'll be fine, and keep trying if you want."
"Thanks." she muttered hugging him.
"Thank you" he hugged her back kissing her hair.
"Can you check one first, please?"
While still hugging her he picked one of the tests and checked. His heart stopped when there was just one line across the screen.
"Uhm, what does one line means?" he asked, wanting to be in the wrong.
Y/n pulled away from the embrace to confirm what Harry was saying.
"It's okay, we got two more left."
"Yeah." Y/n said not really expecting any different result. She grabbed one and Harry the other.
Y/n's test said 'Incinta 2-3 settimane*' And Harry's had two vertical lines.
"Oh god, this one say-"
"My phone! Where is it." Y/n said quickly.
"I need a confirmation."
She opened the translator and typed the test's result, it gave 'Pregnant 2-3 weeks'
"Oh my god! What does yours says?"
"That you're pregnant!"
"This one too!" she jumped into her husband's arms rounding his waist with her legs.
"Two out of three." he said shocked.
"I'll take it. Tomorrow we could go to a doctor."
"I can't wait." he said happily.
"Neither can i."
"Thank you, thank you love." he kissed her nose.
"I couldn't have done anything without your contribution, love, thank you too." she cupped his cheek as he laughed.
"Let's go to bed, tomorrow might be a big day.”
Y/n, attached to him in a koala style, and Harry Styles went to the bedroom full of bliss and expectancy for tomorrow.
“Where were you guys all morning? We waited you for breakfast” Gemma said laying on a sun chair near the villa’s pool, where the radiant couple just arrived.
“Uh, went for some air.” Harry responded.
“Oh, how are you feeling, Y/n?”
“Much better.” Y/n smiled widely to her sister-in-law. “I’m going for some water, want some?”
“I’m good, pumping, thanks.”
“I have some here, thank you, Y/n/n.”
Y/n walked into the kitchen with a happy pace and Harry admired her silhouette in that white dress he loved so much.
“Are you guys high?”
“Why are you smiling so much? it’s creepy.”
“We’re happy.” he said jokingly annoyed. “Also, i have something to tell you.”
“Y/n’s pregnant?” Gemma guessed, siting straight and taking her glasses off.
“How’d you know?”
“I didn’t, but the pregnancy tests in the bathroom gave me an idea. Congratulations!” the siblings hugged tightly.
“Thank you!”
“You’re finally becoming a dad. Ahh!”
“I know, ahh!”
“Why are you screaming like hyenas in cocaine?”
“Y/n, congrats, darling.” Gemma hugged her.
“Oh Gemma, thanks.”
“You’ll be the greatest parents and i’m gonna be the greatest aunt.”
The three laughed. “I’m pretty sure you’ll be, Gem”
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the-one-who-lambs · 4 months
"Propose," for @bamsara
At first, the death waltz is a misstep.
A sickening skeletal crack, a shape of an invisible scythe.
Sincerity is too kind a lie, but His sacrosanct
Protection (you think)
Lets you rise once more.
Death cannot keep you, but you would let Him
If he welcomes you.
You only believe what He thinks you should know.
The flames engulf you after the smoke does,
But your soul has nearly shed its corpse when you see them.
You stand in the vast chain-bound sanctuary and breathe
Fully (your lungs don’t remember being choked).
It is the first of a fitful of
Scorn and surprises and bone fingertips pressed against your skin.
He helps you to your feet.
Your heart should not beat here. In the infiniteness of your bosom it awakens.
The very semblance of the jagged-bare flesh
Encircling your neck is an intimacy in itself.
The blissful torment of the swordsman’s blade
Releases (so close to peril)
And He is already in your periphery.
Call it duty. Call it love.
Choose it as the last decision you’ll ever make.
Fate’s a tarot pull. You draw your card with eyes sealed shut.
You are a disgraced, depraved approximation of a person.
The chill of his embrace is warmer than the hands
That build the bonfire. It is in the name of
Someone (you shan’t say who)
And in the ashes of your grief your reflection
Stares back with three eyes.
The temptation to burn yourself seeps out,
Ichor-like. You don’t die tonight, not yet.
A careful drip of poison. The aftertaste of iron
In your mouth: communion seeping into your own goblet.
A moonshine moment of annihilation, however brief
Before (infectious, echoing, comforting)
You bleed out. You hope you die today.
He hopes you die today. It’s an
Ambrosial veil between you.
You slip beneath it with a sweet hello.
It’s never quite intentional until
The myths surrounding Him fall away.
The secrets you keep are shared, kept safe
Until (your reunion, this time, was not quite an accident)
They are intertwined: you are inescapably
Lonely and in your separate spheres
You vie for dominance. It’s a furious, bloodsoaked rendezvous.
It was always He who waited, but you’ll be patient.
He feels you in every dream. You
Stop time with your voices.
It’s His frustration melting away
With your kisses (you’re not there yet)
And makes Him yours, in freedom,
Dependent on nothing nobody you himself
The fetters are invisible but you hear them
Rattling every time your heart beats.
Your breath need not return anymore so you
Relearn to dodge the aim of an arrow, the pierce of a blade.
Living is foul, a promise half-hidden,
Desperate. (It lingers on your tongue.)
Death bound you together. You know how to die.
You have to remind yourself that heaven lays barren.
It will not hold you
Should Death keep you apart.
Get appreciated idiot /pos /lh
So, this was inspired by this post, which was super wholesome and sweet, but I couldn't write this without infusing it with the urgency and anxiety and sense of danger that looms over The Rehabilitation of Death. Bits and pieces of references to your AU are sprinkled in throughout. I hope you (and my readers and your readers as well) enjoy picking apart the themes here!
I actually wrote this live on stream last night! I made sure none of my friends were streaming before I started because I didn't want to miss anyone if someone was already live, but then you started streaming like 10 minutes later and I was like FUCK now I wanna watch you. But after a couple of hours on my new extra-hard CotL save (OUCH), I switched to writing and just... hoped you wouldn't pop in because I wanted this to be a surprise. For most of the writing part of the stream this poem was titled "IF SARA STOPS STREAMING SEND ME A WARNING."
Anyway, we don't usually get to talk more than a couple times per week because we both have Shit To Do, but you are SO FUN to be around and I am so so glad I met you!! Your friendship is a blessing and your creativity is a gift.
Also posted to AO3 as onethirdofimpossible here!
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mangosrar · 6 months
i haven’t heard from you since.
chris sturniolo x fem reader.
idk if i specified but they’re in a relationship and have been for like 3 years!!
also hey y’all i disappeared for a while but i’m back 😛and i’m currently trying to get through the requests so be ready 😈love y’all. bee ❤️‍🩹
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how had it become like this? it seemed so unbelievable that there was a point in yoir life where you thought you were going to marry him, have children, and grow old together. if someone would have told you three years ago that you would both end up like this you would have laughed in their face. he used to be so sweet, so passionate about you, but now that couldnt be further from the truth.
you werent really sure when the change happened, or why it happened maybe a little after your birthday, maybe before. of course you knew people grow apart but this wasnt growth. this was borderline misery. the constant fighting, the days of ignoring one another, the nights where chris would come home at 2am and not say a word to you after you had been waiting up for him, it was nothing short of torture.
but still every single time, both of you just let it blow over, waiting until the next bomb went off, but the long lasting was lasting a little too long.
"oh please, like you were actually worries" he scoffed, taking his hat off and throwing it on the kitchen table.
"you stormed out on me, you didnt even tell me where you were, youve been gone for 5 hours and you stroll in at almost 3am expecting me to be cool about it? what fucking planet are you living on" you said staring at him.
he didnt even reply he just shook his head, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms, keeping his eyes trained to the floor. a moment of silence passed as you waited for him to say something, anything, and finally he took a deep breath in and pulled his eyes up to meet yours.
"maybe i just dont wanna fucking be around you" his voice was quiet and soft, a stark contrast to the sharpness of his words. his expression was stoic and completely unreadable.
he watched the colour drain from your face, as he did every time he would bark an insult at you. a small part of him felt nothing but pure joy to know that he had the power to completely crush you, like when murderers say they feel no remorse for the people theyve killed, but another small part of him was bleeding, a self-inflicted stinging, like a pain he had never felt before.
"you know what chris, day by day i realize everything i miss about you was never there in the first place, the person i fell in love with was a fucking mirage." your words were dripping with venom. his face faltered for a second, momentarily letting the mask slip, and the pain your words were causing him beginning to slip out.
"you dont mean that" he looked like he was about to burst into tears, and it made your mouth run dry.
you tried so hard to keep it together, but the tears that had gathered in your waterline threatened to spill with every single Shakey breath you took. there was a pregnant pause and the effect of your words hung in the air. chris stared at you intensely and you let your eyes rest anywhere but on him, you couldnt look at him, at the chance of seeing him with watery eyes and a wobbly lip might make you fall at his feet once more.
you took a deep breath before eventually meeting his gaze and beginning to talk.
"i dont know why things changed chris.... but one day i woke up and we no longer spoke the same language, and i havent heard from you since" chris watched every time as he crushed you, but now as he took your place, standing there with his hands by his sides, mouth hanging open, taking rapid breaths, in and out, while trying not to cry, he felt as though you had murdered him.
"that doesnt mean i dont love you y/n, we can work through this, weve done it before, ill be better i promise i will" he spoke with a wobbly voice.
the tears were now full force streaming down your face. he stood there across the kitchen with wide eyes, trying to think of how to come back from this, but there was something about the way you opened your mouth to speak again, that told him there wasnt.
"i cant relax around you chris, if i relaxed my body now, id fall apart. if i relaxed for a fucking second, id never find my way back. why cant you see that?" you paused for a moment and shook your head at him in disbelief. "why cant you see that you are tearing me limb for limb when i have done nothing but love you? why cant you understand that i have poured all of my heart and soul onto you to try and wash away whatever it is thats made you like this and you are throwing it back in my face? i mean when will this fucking end?" you were yelling and you hadnt even realized you had made your way over to him and were now standing less than a foot away.
"y/n please, dont do this. ill get my shit together and ill be better because i love you" he looked at you with pleading eyes as he spoke, reaching out to grab your hand, but when you pulled away before he even got the chance to even feel your skin on his, it was like he had died right there in that second.
"do you?" you whispered, swallowing thickly, desperately trying to stop the floodgates from opening more.
chriss face was wet with tears as he stared down at you sniffling. he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. he was completely gob smacked. he never thought it would get to this point. but as your eyes bored into his, wordlessly begging him to say something that would fix this, he felt as though the earth was crumbling beneath his feet.
his silence gave you all the answers that you needed, so with that you turned around and walked away, and the sound of his broken voice calling your name, spoke volumes.
he knew it was over, he knew that you were about to go upstairs and pack your bags and walk out the door, but he didnt do a thing to try and stop you, he knew he wouldnt be able to fix this even if he tried, so he watched you walk away, and the second you were out of sight, he fell to his knees, clutching his chest like he was dying and letting out sob after sob, like it would mend all damage he had done.
in the next room, you were frantically trying to keep your self control. the urge to walk back in there and wipe his tear-stained cheeks and kiss his broken heart better was paralyzing. the sound of him wailing and weeping was soul crushing, but this had to be done, one of you had to be strong enough to walk away.
you knew he would leave such an imprint on you, he had left such severe claw marks that anyone you even entertained after chris, would have to know him in order to understand you, and that might have been the worst fucking part.
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @soursturniolo @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @recklesssturniolo @delimeats-000 @nickdevora @gwenlore @sturnioloenthusiast
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pinkcherryblossom18 · 7 months
Heavy Kisser
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Jacaerys Velaryon/Twin!Reader, Hinted Aegon ii Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon/Reader
Summary: Jace and his twin end up as all bastards do eventually: In a brothel. 
This is an AU where the Velaryon(Strong) brothers are put to the streets instead of being raised in the Red Keep.
TW:Incest, Smut (Fingering, p in v sex, slight voyuer), mention of homelessness, Jace and reader are raising Luke and Joff as their own.
Word Count: 1.7K
Heavy sighs and deep moans came through the doors of the brothel, not even a step in yet and you could hear them in a weird sort of familiarity that brought an awful kind of comfort. The Madame had taken both you and Jace off of the streets when you were only six namedays old, having you both clean the establishment and provide comfort to those kinds of clients that liked to coo and pet the hair of young children while they gossiped, ignoring that their husbands were currently in the other rooms fucking women who were not them. She made sure that they didn’t touch either of you intimately until it was time, she would make sure of that as well with Luke and Joffrey. 
Passing through the doors, you're greeted by Ivara who wiggles her fingers at you before starting to stroke her client’s cock again. It doesn’t bother you, it hadn’t since you were eight and had first walked in on Cassia with a more violent client and had watched as he was kicked out. 
Cassia had gone missing a few days later but no one went out looking for her. No one really cared to waste time and energy on such lowly matters. Whores come and go all of the time, seeing them dead on the streets was the first thing that the Madame made you and Jace get used to. Being weak was something that she wouldn’t tolerate lightly. 
The door to your room was thicker than the others but that was because of the two others who resided inside. Unlike you, Jace and Luke, Joffrey had known of this life since he was deposited into your arms at only a few moons old. It was a cruel fate for one so young but it was mercy as well, no adjustment was needed for your youngest brother, no shock or fear or any kind of tears that didn’t stream from the normal things that most children cried about. Joffrey wouldn’t experience what you and Jace had experienced and what Luke seldom remembers. 
You walk into the room and smile at the youngest of you four who was already asleep on the bed. Curled up under the covers and clutching a small, ratty stuffed animal that Renese had gifted to him after the second moon of him living at the establishment. Luke was in a similar state, curled like a cat on the end of the bed with a blanket thrown over his body. 
“I already tried to move him,” a voice announces and you look over your shoulder at Jace who stood there at the threshold of the room, wearing nothing but some baggy trousers and shoes that used to belong to Olivier before he was taken by some guards a few weeks ago and never came back. “He won’t budge.”
“Not surprised, he’s as stubborn as you,” you say with a small smirk.
Jace only shakes his head in amusement before making his way over to you. His arms wrap languidly around your waist and if you were anyone else, it would have seemed sweet or soft but it was anything but.
It was protective despite you both being in the small safety of your rooms. Things could still happen, someone could still topple through the burly masses of Eunro and Ashvin. Someone could still get to your small safety and destroy it with a simple touch. That was all it took for those like you and Jace, bastards, whores. 
Half Targaryens. 
Dragonseeds was a better word to use, a word that everyone did use to separate themselves from those who were sired by the great Dragon Riders who lived in the great castle of the Red Keep. 
There were plenty of you, enough to spread around the bloodline and the features. You had only one yourself, the eyes. Those lilac eyes that drew in customers from all over when they couldn’t get one who looked like they were full blooded Valyrian, prim and proper, not dirty and rough. Off looking were those who looked like full Valyrians but it was all too obvious that they weren’t. 
No, if they were true Valyrians they wouldn’t be in the filthy streets of Flea Bottom and in the soiled dregs that made up the Street of Silk along with the mortal vermin that made home in its most disgusting parts. Instead they would be living gloriously in the comforts of high walls and knights who protected instead of taking what they wanted harshly and without any of the honor that they presented falsely in the name of the king. 
Jace’s hands smoothed over your stomach and down your torso and back up. Repeating this ritual until you were slumped against him, eyes closed and muscles relaxed from their usual tense state. His head propped against your shoulder, a small hum coming from his lips as he soothed your body, willing it to compliance. 
He only did that if but for one reason.
“I wasn’t told,” your voice cuts through the air sharply. Annoyance clings to you but Jace doesn’t stop his ministrations nor does he move his head from your shoulder.
A small huff of hot air hits your ear but your brother refuses to let you move away from him when he doesn’t want to let go. From years of maintenance help, building and running errands for the Madame, Jace had built quite some muscle. The clients appreciated it, so did you. 
And so did he. 
“It's better if you aren't,” he whispers to you, placing a kiss on your exposed shoulder. The dress never gave you good coverage which was a pain during the colder seasons and even during the hotter ones when the thin fabric would become drenched in sweat, giving people a show that they didn’t pay for. “You're always tense whenever I tell you that he’s scheduled us.”
Moving your head slightly, you meet his dark brown eyes. They look almost innocent as they stare at you, untouched by the vile and vicious nature that you were both surrounded by. What you both have done to survive. “Can you blame me?” 
Jace's hands move downward, ghosting over the edge of your smallclothes and resting on the top of your thighs. “No I can not but the Madame can.” The hand on your thigh tightens its hold, clutching at you with vigor. Trying to keep you with him like he had before the leather met your skin. “I rather not watch you get whipped again because you hit the bastard.”
There’s a spark in his eyes when he says it, it mimics the same spark that he had when it had happened. “You thought it was funny.”
Jace smiles and a chuckle leaves his lips. “It was.” He presses a kiss against your forehead and then to your lips. “Come on, let's get you ready.”
Taking your hand, Jace leads you to the room opposite from your own. It’s close enough to your younger siblings, close enough to grab them should something happen while either you or Jace were with a client. Nothing has happened yet, the Madame wouldn’t let it. You and Jace were part of her podium, people paid gold to sleep with twins or watch as they fucked each other. 
Jace lays you down on the bed before crawling over you, a cocky smirk is on his face as he leans down, taking your lips for his own. Your breath becomes his as well and so does everything while you tangle your limbs together, your hands twisting in his hair and Jace moves his lips to your throat. Marks weren’t permitted, not even allowed but neither of you really cared for that rule. You both took clients together anyway, it truly didn’t matter if Jace marked what was his. The clients came and went but Jace stayed. Never had he left you to pursue other whores, not even with the propositions handed to him by Elwyn or Thea, even Ivara had opened her dress toward him. 
He never took it. 
Why would he?
Why would you? 
It would make no sense. You nor Jace would fit with anyone else. The movement would be wrong, the breaths and the words would make you sick. 
Your hearts couldn’t handle being apart. Not since birth and definitely not now. 
You jerked as Jaces hand traveled down your body and rucked up your dress, his hands sliding against the skin of your thighs. He was always warm, unexplainably so and you could feel his heat sear through your skin when he placed his hand on your thighs and hips. Your own heat, unexplainable as well, met with his in a delicious and delicate way of burning, bright blue fires that coursed through you both. 
Fingers traced over your cunt and teeth dug into your shoulder. A ragged moan leaves your lips as Jace starts to play with your pussy, dragging his fingers through your folds and nudging his knuckles against your pearl with light touches that make you squirm under him.
Soon enough, his fingers enter you and your hand breeches through the top of his trousers and grips his cock. Jace groans and his head slumps against your shoulder as you stroke him. Your thumb swipes over the head of his cock and uses it as oil to work him to stone. 
“Fuck,” he groans against your lips and heaves himself up. Those brown eyes of his are black with lust and he pulls himself out completely. Your eyes trace his thick cock, it always stretches you out beautifully, never truly getting used to the way he uses you so easily. 
He grabs the back of your knee and turns over, his hands moving to your hips when he situates himself on the pillows below. You grab his cock and bend down, flicking your tongue over the tip. “Don’t tease,” Jace groans and grips your arm, pulling you up and easing into you with a helping hand holding up his cock. 
You slide down him, feeling your walls stretch and pulse against his cock before moving. 
Up, down, up, down. It’s a pace that you both set quickly and adjust every second that you both get closer to finishing. Jace's hands are stern on your hips and grip tightly as his hips start to meet your own, thrusting his cock into you faster. You fall on top of him but Jace doesn’t relent, only wraps his arms around you and goes faster. 
You almost peak when his voice echoes through the room. “I always enjoy when you both give me such a thrilling show.”
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annoyinglandmagazine · 7 months
I’ve been thinking about Miriel and her impact on the House of Feanor on the whole, as you do, and I was thinking what if she haunted the narrative even more? I think it’s pretty well established that she was depressed in some shape or form, that there were mental health problems contributing heavily but there were definitely physical aspects as well, ‘But in the bearing of her son Miriel was consumed in spirit and body; and after his birth she yearned for release from the labour of living.’ And I know that Feanor being Feanor was ascribed as a huge cause of this, that he was just so much stronger than the average elf that his birth was particularly taxing but I’m going to go ahead and assume that even if Feanor had been a perfectly normal baby Miriel would have been impacted. It just feels almost like this infant is being blamed for his mother’s death which, while definitely plausible as something that happened in universe, doesn’t really feel fair to him.
I’m theorising Miriel had underlying conditions from long before she became pregnant that made her prone to things like fainting, exhaustion, chronic pain and that in all honesty her having a child was never going to be a good idea. But they wanted a family together and where could be a safer place to raise one? Everything was perfect and safe, why shouldn’t they be able to overcome this little obstacle to doing what everyone else seemed to be doing without issue? Towards the end she was entirely bedridden, not even strong enough to sit at her loom.
Finwë was relieved beyond measure when Feanor seemed to grow almost exceedingly strong and healthy, as if he’d gotten all the strength Miriel had been missing, and he thought that was the matter laid to rest, Feanor was fine and any children of his would be as well. Except they weren’t. Nerdanel’s pregnancies were always a time of great panic, not for her health really because it wasn’t Feanor’s genes they were worried about it was Miriel’s. And Nerdanel was nothing like Miriel but her children…..
Ñolofinwe watches Feanor pacing the palace in a frenzy while a crowd of healers stream in and out of a room down the hall, some five times the standard amount, and he wants to try and reassure him but knows he, with his perfectly healthy baby boy, delivered with no fuss by one midwife just like his two perfectly healthy sons beforehand, to go home to, is the last person in Arda his brother could stand to converse with right now.
The sons and daughters of Fingolfin and Finarfin grew swiftly, strong and athletic with hearty appetites and bright dispositions. Feanor could not bring himself to hate children so he settled for hating his brothers instead. He does not envy them their children, he loves his more than he could ever have loved anything and that’s the problem right there, he loves his sons and he’s absolutely terrified that he’s going to lose them if he lays them down too long. They’re so small and as soon as they leave his or Nerdanel’s arms they seem to tremble with cold so he sleeps with them against his chest for more of the first years of their lives than was usual. After those many sleepless nights he always finds it hard to sleep without being able to feel the rise and fall of their breathing.
Their cousins often do not understand what the difference between them and the Feanorians is, most of them have vague memories of getting scolded within an inch of their lives for fighting one back when they got into childish arguments. Mostly they just resented it or assumed it was favouritism if it were by Finwe or fear of Feanor’s wrath if by their own parents. Angrod did not think too long on how easily Caranthir crumpled to the ground at an unexpected shove, after all he was the older wasn’t he? Surely the rules about being gentle shouldn’t apply? He was equally puzzled when Fingolfin came running and scooped Caranthir into his arms, pale and panicked as Maedhros assured him he’d make certain Feanor wouldn’t hear about the matter if he was alright.
They train and become agile and skilled with blades and bows if not physically broad and strong in the way of their cousins but no matter how their health improves there are always concerns and during their approaching adulthood it becomes clear their worries are not only in body. There are migraines that leave them in dark rooms unable to bear even the sound of footsteps outside, days where Curufin and Maedhros struggle to allow any food past there lips, days where Caranthir sobs for hours with some inexplicable ache, weeks where Maglor cannot find rest no matter how much exhaustion he feels, little cuts and gashes on Celegorm’s arms that seem too frequent to be fully accidental.
If you were to look at this from a modern perspective it would probably be some genetic tendency to bipolar disorder and major depression but they wouldn’t have that kind of language because in my headcanons about Valinor they have very little experience with mental illness and no idea how to respond to it. I’m citing the whole Miriel incident to back me up there.
And just to make this even more angsty have a Tyelko quote from the fic of this I may or may not write ‘Amme always said we were her miracles, that our survival and strength was a blessing from the Valar. I was lucky to make it to my first winter. I wonder now if things wouldn’t have been better for everyone else if I hadn’t.’
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
Now live! Stream: 1
Genre: smut, camboy au, college au
Pairing: camboy! Beomgyu x gn reader (afab when smut)
Warnings: camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, solo beomgyu, anal
Synopsis: Every Thursday night at 8pm, you tune into your favourite camboy: Angel313. What you don’t know is he even goes to the same uni as you, is in the same class as you and is Choi Beomgyu, the campus fuckboy but will you keep his secret?
Word count: 1.3k ?
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Fucking finally.
You were now snug, comfy, and at home so you could watch your favourite thing every Thursday night, Angel313’s streams.
Some people had a weekly favourite drama, YouTuber, or whatever and you had your favourite camboy you loved to watch.
It started off about more than a year ago, you were horny and the porn you were trying to watch was just not to your liking at all (some of them you can’t believe would be to anyone’s liking), and so you stumbled across a site and that’s where you found Angel. He was much less popular back then and you were one of the very first viewers, you must brag. But ever since then, no matter how busy you are, you’ve always made sure to never miss his streams.
He’s just so good and exactly what you like and he never fails to get you turned on. He’s just so hot even though you’ve never seen his face since he covers it with a mask but his pretty body, his moans, when he cums, the different things he does to jerk himself off every week, it’s so perfect and mesmerising to watch him. You’ve never wanted to fuck someone so badly in your entire life.
But also the cute little conversations he has with his viewers before and after and him rambling about his day and what not. You know it’s really weird but you’re so attracted to him.
And here Angel was today, asking the viewers how their day has been and that he’s got a little surprise for them whilst he waits for more people to join.
When a fair amount of people have joined and he’s done with the initial small chat, he brings out a clear dildo you haven’t seen before, positioning it on the floor.
He’s wearing his pink and white thigh highs that he’s notorious for wearing and you can see his small waist and his stomach where his cute, pink belly button piercing is and then he slowly sinks down on the dildo and ever so slowly begins to fuck himself with it, little moans escaping and he gently begins to bounce on it. God, he’s so pretty.
His hand moves to his nipple and his other hand moves to lazily jerk the tip of his dick which only makes him moan further, brows furrowing and head throwing back as he fucks himself on the dildo at a more fast and steady pace.
You could see the many layers of lube lathered on the dildo as it came in and out of him whilst he moved up and down on it at a relentless speed, the sound it was making clear from even your headphones. Sight and sounds he’s making so lewd and filthy yet he still looks angelic, contrary to his name.
“Gonna come for you…Can I cum?” He looks towards the screen for a second and his inbox floods in with a series of Yes and so he strokes his dick and rides the dildo deeper, letting out one ultimate, gorgeous moan and a yelp before his cock squirts out all white, cum covering his tummy and his piercing and he’s a mess, panting.
Once he’s gotten over his high, he looks at the screen again. “Ooh yayy we made so much today! Thank you so much guys!” He exclaims, still dazed and exhausted.
You quickly type a response in the bar -
@seggsysax: You did so good today, Angel! Thanks for always doing the best streams ever!
He reads your comment aloud saying thank you as well as many other people who had tuned in today. He stays for a little while to chat and to ask what sort of stuff they want to see next time and then ends the stream for the week.
You log out and close you’re laptop, sighing. You’re pretty tired and you have a lecture in the morning.
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You did in fact get some good sleep last night, waking up to the sound of your alarm that will forever be jarring and you get ready for the day, pulling on some clothes and grabbing breakfast.
It’s late autumn and so it’s pouring down with rain, soggy leaves scattering the street from the trees below everywhere, but luckily you have your umbrella and you play your favourite songs through your headphones, romanticising your walk to the uni which made it pretty pleasant.
Upon arriving in your lecture room, you take a seat, waiting for others to join. There’s a fair amount of people in your class considering it’s an arts based uni and is especially known to be the best place to go for Music. Once everyone’s settled down, your professor begins to teach his lesson about music theory and counterpoints which isn’t that fun.
Once the lesson ends, you pack up your laptop and notes but before you can leave, you hear your professor call out your name, “Y/n and Beomgyu, Could you guys stay behind for a second?”
You knit your brows, thinking of what your professor could possibly say to you. As far as you know, you haven’t been doing anything wrong. Could it be that one time when he set a jazz composition to be for 4 minutes and 30 seconds but yours was only 4 minutes and 25? Or maybe the time when you half-assed that essay on the shift towards the classical and romantic period?
“I have an opportunity for both of you if you’re willing. Since all performing arts do an annual Christmas performance, I selected you both to organise the music department’s for this year. As you know, I don’t just give it to anyone. I choose the best two in the department every year. It would be great experience and look great. You’ll be working together, bring together a bunch of people from music, pick and arrange a few Christmas songs, lighting, stage, sound. You’ll be the two heads. Of course there’ll be many other people organising but you will both be the heads and coordinate meetings with other members. You know the Christmas performances are highly anticipated from all and I expect it will be a fantastic one from you both this year as well, if you guys would like to?
You definitely did not expect that. Your professor chose you? You? To organise the music department’s Christmas performance? You can’t believe it. He always only ever gave it to his best students and to think it was you! How on earth? It was of such high prestige to organise that as well and the extra credit. Plus, it’d look good on your cv. You weren’t going to let your professor down.
“Of course we will!” The guy next to you says before you can. He’s just as ecstatic as you presume you look too.
You in fact know said guy - Choi Beomgyu. And you weren’t particularly fond of him. Whilst you didn’t know much about him, you heard enough to know that he was the campus fuckboy. Extremely cocky and a complete douche. You thought he’d be doing one of the sports based subjects. To find out he was in your music, you were beyond shocked. Even to this day you wonder how the hell he was in your class. He probably thought it would be easy or just doesn’t take it seriously.
And to think you were partnered up with him to organise this! Choi Beomgyu? You hardly doubt you’ll get anywhere with him or that he’d be of much help. Why would your professor pick him? You’re not looking forward to working with Choi Beomgyu at all.
Next Chapter
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Taglist: @pogigyu @denleave1088 @mashimarshmello
A/n: first chap 💪💪 🤔 honestly don’t know what’s gonna happen with this series at all
Comment to be added to the taglist !!
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marksbear · 1 year
Cod Ghost with a bf who is a pornstar?
(Gay porn to be exact)
This just crossed my mind and I was like “hell yeah”
It will be something else if tumblr doesn't flag this one. I'll do it even though there's a 99% chance of that happening lol. It feels like i'm sinning writing this 😭.
Warnings! A lot of NSFW
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-When you told him about your job during yall's first date he was beyond shocked and a little jealous.
-He makes comments about the job since then, but doesn't fully judge you because of it.
-The fact that you're famous for it scares him a little.
-But once you two get more serious and dating long he'll begin to warm up to it. BUT he made rules for you to follow. Like make sure the man is clean from any disease, nothing too romantic/intimate or personal, AND especially the guy can not hurt you in any shape or form or wear protection or at least pull out.
-Feels awkward if hes at the set.
-If hes there while you're working he'll keep a protective distance. Not too close for you and the other workers to be distracted, but close enough to step in if anything happens.
-If anyone in the military making fun of one of your videos he would literally lash out. He'll beat the living shit out of anyone who says anything bad about you.
-Sending him your solo sex videos while he's out serving.
-He watches your videos while he touches himself every time he misses you/ horny.
-He's a little embarrassed to feature in your videos, but he'll do it ONLY if he's faceless. So really under the neck he's comfortable showing. What he didn't expect that the video would go viral on the platform.
-Your fans going crazy about the two of you. They love the energy and connection you two had.
-You convincing him to make more videos with him.
-During the live streams you sat on his lap as you answered questions etc. One of the questions asked "Are you and faceless dude dating?" You gave Simon a quick look before answering. "Uhm yeah! He's my boyfriend everyone!"
-The whole platform broke at the news.
-Him feeling insecure once in a while and thinks that you'll leave him for someone better or than your getting bored of him. And especially while hes in the military.
-So to try and ease him by only making a few videos with different actors or by yourself for your audience while he's out fighting. Buut when he's back you make however videos you want.
-Would never ask you to quit. He'll feel selfish asking it even though he'll probably won't quit his own job if you ask.
-Showing him your old videos before you got famous.
-He isn't ashamed of you.
-He won't hesitate to fight a creepy fan/ actor.
-You started his porn addiction. BUT he only watches your videos don’t worry.
-Making him cum early/fast just from a few teasing/moves.
-Doing things with him he’ll can never imagine doing with a different partner.
-He tries to mind his business with your work life and everything, but once in a while he likes to read the script about a video.
-if you have a specific company he doesn’t like it. I mean he likes how your getting famous and a lot of money, but he doesn’t like the way the company control you.
-You satisfying every thing he likes and what he didn’t even knew he liked until you.
I’m summary hes a keeper. 9.25/10 to have.
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formulapai · 7 months
an Alex Albon fluff scenario 🧡
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scenario: when Alex appears in his famous “best friend” ’s live stream while shirtless, internet breaks, and so does the twitch quartet’s group chat.
warning: curse words, semi-nudity (Alex is shirtless), 18+ jokes
pai’s words: all my love to lily but I just HAD to write this with him..
“NOOOOOOO, why did I do that ?”
Screaming in agony, Y/N and their thousands of viewers watch the character fall while the other players keep on running around. It was a dumb move really, they had to wait for the inclined platform to move closer but they didn’t wait enough and jumped right in the void, effectively losing the game. As much as Fall Guys is fun, especially for the viewers, the young adult is becoming more and more frustrated.
It started as a dumb bet made on twitter(X), as usual. And it’s not going well.
“No, guys, I SWEAR I can finish first, just wait ! Oh, thanks a lot user ynfanacc for the subscription, it means a lot !”
Smiling and talking with their chat, they are waiting for a new game to load so they can prove their worth and finally win. As a pretty popular streamer, they livestream pretty much everything, from random reacts to indie games, while not forgetting formula one related stuffs. This is mainly what makes them as known as they are, the way they can do anything and still make it entertaining and interesting.
Added to that, of course, is their close friendship with Alex, the Williams’ driver. Inseparable since their childhood, the two of them went through everything together and the whole world know this, the lingering questions about the real nature of their relationship hanging in the air. Officially, they are strictly best friends, bullying each other on social medias and celebrating together no matter what. Only themselves know what is happening behind closed doors, or well, that was true only seconds ago.
“Hey, babe, d’you know where my phone is ?”
It all happens in slow motion, Y/N spinning right towards the voice, the chat going wild, a very bare-chested, only-wearing-briefs Alex on full display in their live. The streamer doesn’t know how the pilot didn’t realize they were live, as they had been shouting and very clearly speaking with people for the past hour. Still, it’s now done and they have to react quickly, spinning back towards their computer, they hurriedly logs off without uttering a word while the man behind them curses and apologizes.
“Oh shit, fuck, I didn’t notice you were live, I’m so sorry babe I swear I didn’t know”
Sighing, Y/N stares at their black screen before getting up from their chair and walking towards Alex, slapping his chest slightly before leaning against it.
“-You’re so dumb.
-I know, I know, I’m sorry love, I really am.
-Well, what do we do now ? Jump right inside the storm and announce it or just ignore it and wait ?
-I mean, I’m pretty sure all internet is now aware of what happened so..
-Yeah, I’ll make an insta story. Dumbass.”
The man follows his lover towards their bedroom like a lost puppy, sitting on the bed next to them while they open the app up. In the corner of the room, under one of his shirt laying on the floor, he sees something light up and soon realizes it’s his phone, getting up to snatch it before laying back down next to his partner. As much as he expected his fans, and theirs, to be in shambles, he didn’t expect the 50+ messages from his three friends in their group chat. Snorting, he opens the chat and scroll quickly through what he’s missed before replying.
perceval: talk about a soft launch eh..
landon’t: BRO I KNEW IT!!!!! WTF
georgia: I’m so betrayed rn I don’t even know what to say
perceval: never wanted to see this much of Alex, someone pass me the bleach asap
georgia: you could’ve at least put some pants on, bro
landon’t: boi was busy BUSY 😏😏😏
georgia: ew
perceval: ew
me: ew
georgia: ALEXWTF
perceval: he’s here!! the traitor is here !! the filthy, lying sneak is here !!
me: you guys are just dramatic
me: well… ily guys (ew) but I can’t say I trust your big blabbermouths with secrets like this
georgia: tf
peceval: tf
landon’t: tf
Snickering, the young man lets his phone fall on the bed and turns to his other half, still focused on making the perfect insta story about the situation. That was one of the things he deeply loved about them, while they may seem chaotic, explosive for those who don’t know them, they truly are meticulous and thoughtful, careful with every little things they do, every little things they say. They’re pure and sincere, a kind soul with only good intentions, and that’s everything Alex needs. His friends may act surprised, they all knew that deep down, the two souls were tied from the very beginning, and it was only a matter of time until they realized.
After some minutes, the other huffs and finally turns their phone towards the man laying down, showing him their hard work. If it were up to him, a simple sentence or two with would have been enough, he doesn’t really care about people’s opinion and whatsoever, but he knows they do, so he carefully takes the phone and look at the screen. It’s actually pretty simple considering how long it took, a picture of the two of them and a text. He smiles his usual broad smile at them and nods, taking the opportunity to kiss their cheek, despite their halfhearted complain.
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ruewrote · 2 months
𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑠.
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PAIRING: tdc!gally x fem!reader WARNINGS: gally's death GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: i miss you by adele WORD COUNT: 928 A/N: this was really fast paced but i've had the end part in my mind for weeks now so sorry if its rushed :)
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they could never make you hate him, even after what happened to chuck.
as much as you wanted to, you just couldn’t do it. he had been your best friend, your crush, your rock, your lover. 
it was so good at first, maybe too good to be true, whatever it was it felt right with him. gally was the only thing in the glade keeping you sane, whole.
with thomas grabbing you by your waist, pulling you away from his body. gally giving you a last “it’s okay,” before you were snatched away from him. 
tears streaming down your cheeks as you reached out for him, squirming in thomas’s arms trying to free yourself, as you were both tugged through the exit by someone in full combat gear.
you were finally out of the maze, but at what cost?
after his death, you were distant from the others except newt. he always made sure you were eating and drinking, checking up on you when distanced yourself from the others.
newt was like a brother to you, having him close helped, but then again what could he do for what only felt like heartache. 
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your eyes swollen and puffy as tears rolled down your cheeks, trying to keep your sniffles muffled by the sleeve of your jacket as the other slept.
time heals. well that’s what people used to say, but you think that’s bullshit because how does this ever get better?
everytime you closed your eyes you could see him, his hand shakily holding the gun in thomas’s direction, his eyes filled with tears, the infection spreading across his skin. then bang! jilting yourself out of bed, chest tightening, tears. it was the same cycle every time you slept.
feeling as it was almost selfish to feel this way, you got to live, you got a chance to try to survive, but here you were here mopping. losing winston only added to your heartache. all you could do was pray that you got to minho in time.
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nearing the last city the sound of angered shouts echoed far, definitely too many for the eight of you to take on, so you got closer to figure out what to do next. 
gently pushing through the crowd, trying to get to the front to see what was happening. a hand was placed over your mouth, muffling you crying out for help. the other around your waist as the person who grabbed you lifted you off the ground.
the others were still ahead of you, not noticing what was happening, until it was too late. out of nowhere mini missiles were getting shot at the ground beside you, making the person who had you fumble, almost letting you go.
another person in a gas mask watched this happen, they started to grab your legs and drag you towards a truck, if you were gonna go, you were gonna go kicking and screaming all the way.
“get off of her!” newt yelled, dragging the man who had your feet off of you, but another two came up behind him and got him too.
both of you were soon thrown into a beaten down navy truck, leaving you sat side by side, breathing heavily. a certain are you alright? look shared between the two of you before staring down the three armed, masked people in front of you.
the car ride tense and rocky as the vehicle drifted around corners, making you bump shoulders with newt. 
it soon came to an abrupt stop, the doors being pulled open and the two of you nudged out of it. looking around you, you could see an abandoned car park, thomas & brenda, multiple guys with masks.
the sounds of muffled fighting could be heard in the van beside you, then bursts out jorge punching one of them. 
shouting about where brenda was, but soon found her.
“it’s alright, we’re on the same side,” 
thomas stepping closer, pushing you protectively behind him, “who the hell are you?”
after a long pause the unknown leader takes off his mask, “gally?” you mutter in disbelief, peeking out from behind thomas.
his eyes soften at the sight of you, “hey sweetheart,” giving you that familiar smile that you had missed so much. 
it doesn’t take long for you to bound up to him, throwing your arms around his neck, bringing him into a bone crushing hug. he hugged you back even tighter, lifting you off of the ground with ease.
you moved back just enough to look at his face, a soft smile danced over your lips as tears filled your eyes again, “what the fuck. how is this real?”
“i’ll explain everything inside, c’mon,” he placed you back on the ground, grasping your hand in his own as he signalled the others to follow him.
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you were now cuddled up in bed with gally. your head on his chest, legs intertwined, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist pulling you closer to him.
“i never thought we’d have this again,” speaking softly as you looked up at him, “i really thought i lost you.” 
he gazes down at you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “whether you like it or not, i'm not going to give up on you…on us.”
“that’s what i like to hear,” you joke, playfully elbowing his side with your arm, earning a chuckle from him as you cuddled closer to each other.
for the first time in months you’d finally be able to sleep peacefully with him by your side again.
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© ruewrote.
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