#the game was fun tho even if that aspect of the plot made literally no sense
magical-regical · 8 months
Y'all okay,
I started playing 'What in Hell is Bad', it's basically an 18+ version of 'Obey Me' and yea this game is spicy.
Anyway, big surprise, out of all the sexy demons I've interacted with so far, two of them I've done the sideways tango with, my favorite character is this guy
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Who's not even a demon. He's the childhood best friend character.
But plot wise he takes care of the MC before the whole demon thing, knows how to cook, and I'm pretty sure was ready to search through the entire world to find them when they had to take and extended visit to Hell.
What more could you want in a man? A decent dic— according to MC he has that too so check mate.
More thoughts about the game itself under the cut if you're interested.
I just finished chapter one, and can I just say this game is hard, in every sense of the word.
It's a new game by a smaller developer so it's full of bugs but I've heard the devs do try their best to patch them ASAP so I don't hold that against them. Aside from my boy Satan not hitting water enemies, even though devs said they patched that a few updates ago, it's mostly QoL improvements that can be made to make the game just overall more enjoyable including but not limited to:
A pity system? Maybe? I don't know if this game has pity or not on their gacha machines and if they do I'd like to know how screwed I am because I have no self-control and have been doing single pulls on the hot boy gacha instead of saving up and doing 10-pulls so I wanna know if it's better to do 10-pulls or if it literally makes no difference because I just go until I hit pity like in arknights.
Skipping the cut scene that plays when you gacha because I swear that's one of the main reasons you can't play this game in public no matter how discreet you try to be lmao
Opening multiple chests at once and levelling up multiple times in one go because as far as I know, right now you need to click one by one for both of these.
Maybe a thing where it just takes you to the part of the story you're currently in instead of making you click through chapter select and scrolling to it.
A shortcut button to the gacha screen, secret club, and dark sanctuary (resource grind stages). They're core aspects of the game yet you can't get to them without going through the home screen.
Auto deploy and auto play for the resource grinding stages
Setting an L-rank character (side note, it's really funny that the highest rank of cards is rank 'L') as your homescreen boi is really awkward because it always ends up zoomed in on one part so you can't actually see the full boi.
This last one I feel like is just a personal thing but why is it three red keys per single pull for the hot boy gacha? Three just feels like such a random number lmao. Ig they mostly want you to use the red gems, which are grind-able to some extent, to buy the keys from the store.
Overall tho, I enjoy it. I like the tower defense like combat system and being able to move units around is actually pretty fun. So yea give it a try, see if it's your cup of tea.
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cankersoregirl · 11 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
thank youuu mel @justafriend-ql for tagging me!!! And to @thatgirl4815 for creating it!
I’m so bad at picking favorites so please excuse the fact that I have like two answers per question.. since this is a Thai bl list I’m not listing gls or non Thai series or else I’d probably list like 3+ per question fnskfjfj
Favorite bl: bad buddy or not me (PLEASE DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE). They’re both very different but very important in their own ways. The bad buddy experience is incomparable and the beauty of not me and its basis in reality is historical
Favorite pairing: following suit, patpran & seanwhite. Both series weren’t just plot driven, they were character driven as well (possibly more so). Each are fantastic, though wildly different, romances.
Most underrated actor: my boy chimon! I think generally people know he can act but I wouldn’t be surprised if he gained more recognition after dangerous romance aired. (Also bonus, stealing Mel’s answer cuz sing always needs more attention he can do any and everything!! I’ll eat up any role he plays. I always do)
Favorite character: really hard to choose. maybe Sean (from not me again). I’m ngl I blocked someone once bc they talked a bit of shit abt him. He’s never done anything wrong in his life <3
Favorite side character: yok from not me. I’m gonna keep putting not me here srry but NO ONE will ever be as slutty as yok was. Not even First in only friends. He encapsulated Slut energy in such an immaculate way. (OR heartliming. They stole the show in moonlight chicken for me!)
Favorite scene: the pride flag scene from not me. It’s one of the most impactful scenes I’ve seen in any ql and I love the reason why it exists in the first place!
Favorite line: the build up to patpran’s rooftop kiss. Got me holding my breath screaming crying heart racing you know it. We’ve all been through it. I have it copied into my notes in case I ever need it (or just to. Cry idk)
Most anticipated bl and why: hmmm probably cooking crush literally just cuz of offgun in a romcom bl lmao I luv them. The pics they’ve uploaded lately have had a different vibe from the mock trailer and I’m liking it! Maybe cherry magic too as I’m curious to see how it’ll be adapted to Thailand as a remake
Healthiest relationship in a bl: patpran. Do I even need to say more? They might’ve had a little drama before they got together but you HAVE to have a healthy mf relationship to maintain it while “lying” saying you’ve broken up to your parents & some of ur friends
Most toxic relationship in a bl: vegaspete. See they’re lowkey more toxic in my head than they are on screen. Like yes vegas electrocuted Pete’s balls but he could’ve done worse and I think he should’ve! The toxic aspect was what made it fun (also who would I be if they didn’t make it on a fav Thai bl list at least Once)
Guilty pleasure series: idk what I’d consider a guilty pleasure BUT I thought the first episode of tharntype (which I actually only watched recently lmao) was kinda camp. Like it literally OPENS with Type saying he loves college except for one problem… GAY PEOPLE EXIST 😡🤬 that’s comedy. I burst out laughing. Can’t say I love the show as a whole tho
Most underrated series (mel I love that u added this bc I kno exactly what to say): SECRET CRUSH ON YOU. I NEED TO PROMOTE IT. I think people who dropped it did so bc it was so over the top but that’s exactly why you should keep going??? It’s SO saturated and the emotions are ALWAYS at 100 it’s hilarious but in the moments it gets emotional (episode 13…) it GOES ALL IN!!! The constant secondhand embarrassment made me literally start sweating but in a good way?? Ppl who reduce it to just cringe have missed all the beauty it offers. I regret not watching it live and I feel like I don’t see enough people talking about it… also I am literally toh <3
Surprisingly some of my beloved Thai bls didn’t make it onto this list but it seems that’s cuz I still have bad buddy/not me brain worms forever 🙃 I stand by what I said either way hehe
I’ll tag @joyladagang @loserlesbianongsa @jyuubin @petrichoraline @iliketodecompose <33333
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sage-nebula · 5 years
I beat the main story of Pokémon Sword and I still have no idea just what in the hell Chairman Rose was trying to accomplish.
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trueka · 3 years
Hi! Idk if you’ve answered this already but how did you come up with the concepts for Venus and Juno and your other oc worlds ? Like what were your main inspirations behind it and the worlds around them ? They’re so nostalgic and seem well thought out and planned with so many different components if that makes sense! ❤️
hi sorry for answering so late!!! tysm for thinking that abt my ocs even tho i feel like i barely share anything about them🥲 the different worlds are all kind of like different aspects of myself and my interests combined in various ways. i tried to break it down under the cut but it ended up rambly sorry !! hopefully i answered ur question
tldr: i came up w them based on my interests and background
everything about this concept is super self-indulgent. as i've said before i really enjoyed things like w.i.t.c.h., winx, totally spies, barbies, bratz, dress-up games, ppgz, polly pocket, etc. growing up
when i was in 4th grade i even came up with a whole multiplayer online game where you could customize and play with this cute alien pet thing. and literally the first time i ever used a credit card was to buy a membership for cartoondollemporium so i could get access to the cuter clothes. like i loved pretty things and still do, and indulging in that with venus & juno w/o any restrictions makes me happy, so yea. a lot of this concept is inspired by things i still enjoy from back then combined w everything that i enjoy now as an adult
the fashion aspect is especially self-indulgent. i just wanna draw cute ppl and making everyone in the universe dress like that on the norm gets rid of the need to explain why i put characters in the clothes they wear lmao. like yes the outfit doesn't make sense for the character but it's just how they all dress dont worry abt it
i really love how space (specifically the planets) looks too, and i was always super fascinated by supernatural/mythological stuff so i combined them. they're supernatural/mythological creatures who look like aliens. alien-esque demons. the planet they're on is still earth (or is earth-like) but the colors arent normal and 70s interior design is everywhere cause im obsessed w that era. so it's sorta like hell on earth except pretty. might have nine circles but not sure about that yet
OR aliens are demons and hell is a parallel universe planet. i'll think on that
here's a pinterest board of the setting
i also like michiko & hatchin and the animation sequence in kill bill, and ik i haven't really taken it there yet in my art but from the beginning i always wanted to make the story with vibes like that. something serious. and i literally posted a wip of venus on top of juno with their tits out so. definitely higher-rated, just w fun colors
im sorta approaching this concept thinking it'll be a video game. like the bratz diamondz or barbie fashion show ds games but it's a story-based action-adventure fighting game ...might sound ridiculous but i really want a hyperfeminine video game where i can kill so here's that
so this is my thought process for all of that. idk if i touched on everything but yea!
i grew up in home that was both catholic and buddhist (but mainly the former). as i got older, i was more analytical. my interest in religion grew from a more philosophical standpoint. like i got super obsessed with it. even took a philosophy of religion class. paid for that shit
there's a lot of reasons as to why, but ultimately i really liked exploring the relationship between deity and man. the whole concept of "fear of god," the ultimate reality, what makes a human, all of the moral philosophical debates. i also love the paradox of, because you can think of something, it exists, but it exists because you thought of it. idk if my explanation made sense but it's all really cool to me.
from here i thought exploring religion from a horror lens would be super fun, and then came the main plot of the story (which has been reworked like 5 times now; more times to come lol). ofc i didn't wanna deal with like. actual religions tho so i came up w fake gods and then decided to just throw in supernatural stuff cause it's fun, so that's how that aspect of the world came about
i was also taking a psychology class at the time this concept was first being thought up, so there's some psychological concepts about deja vu and dreams in there too just bc i experience deja vu a lot (like i'd dream of something and then it'd happen years later irl. i'd get deja vu and then remember i dreamt of it). thought it'd be cool to have that as a major component of the concept so yea
and im super into the aesthetics of baz luhrmann's romeo + juliet and thought it'd be cool to combine it with the small town horror/suburban gothic feel so that's where i plan on taking it aesthetically. kinda like a beachy horror town. like on a super hot day u feel like the sun's trying to kill you but what if it really was... that was a stupid example but u get what i mean
also was into those horror puzzle youtube videos coming up with this. forgot what they're called but yea those were inspirations too
i say all this but im rly not smart enough to make it good so 💀it will j be staying in my mind
again... fascination with gods. this time i approached it from a more eastern angle with the whole balance and nature thing. set in a southeast asian-like area because i'm vietnamese, time era uncertain. inspired by samurai champloo, atla, mushishi. if it were animated it'd be animated like flcl and episodes would be set up like nge. this one's the least developed, so there's not much to say about it yet
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tuesday again 4/20/21
listening got some money, by bill wurtz. hello it’s a tuesday show
reading fallow week, bc i don’t have anything more interesting to say than “hey here’s another six-issue comic book limited series with a cool concept but atrocious execution and an author/artist combo who have never interacted with a real human woman before”
watching Steel Dawn (1987, dir Hool, free on tubi rn) movies that are under two hours my beloved. this is the exact sort of schlocky eighties post-apoc movie my brain needed right now. utter nonsense. loved it. big cowboy-western water baron vibes on this one (literally just 1953′s Shane but post-apoc), with added bonus of lots of fucking around with scrap metal and machinery. mwah. catnip to me, personally.
don’t know that it’s a good film or achieves all its plot beats in a coherent manner but it was fun to turn my brain off for a little bit. the dialogue is. whoo boy. the dialogue is your typical eighties b-movie dialogue.
can’t find that article right now about how hugh jackman’s wolverine is the best example of the start of a profoundly unhealthy and unachieveable male body type in film, but action movie dudes pre-whenever the first wolverine came out distress me less- mr swayze in this film is a large buff man, but he doesn’t look dehydrated he just looks like a regular dude who does physical labor for a living. i just think it’s nice when dudes have a healthy cushioning layer of fat to protect their abdominal muscles and internal organs
the okay: it’s not rapey! the female lead, a widow, has her husband’s old army friend working her farm as her right hand man but he’s not weird and overprotective about it, the other dudes on the farm are respectful, everyone’s drinking their respect women juice. even the villain is angrier about her plans for water sharing more than the fact she’s a woman.  also there are CARCASSES of SAILING SHIPS in the DESERT. because i am the person i am this made me raise my glass of gatorade above my head and hoot like a fuckin tusken raider
the weird: there’s a brief scene with some prostitutes who are getting ready for the night (i know) but they way they are chatting says they’re independent and respected which is cool. really wish we didn’t get that full frontal nudity weird voyeuristic scene tho
the bad: there is a japanese swordmaster (unsure how i feel about this trope in this context i need to do some more reading) anyway he’s the one cool non-white person with more than two speaking lines and dies in the first five minutes of the film. as with most post-apoc, this is a white settler colonialist fantasy about reclaiming the savage wasteland. the baddies’ gang is...i’m hesitant to say middle-eastern coded, bc their headdresses aren’t quite like a shemagh or a keffiyeh, but i am. concerned. 
playing my post-work routine is now dinnerdishescallsibling and then collapse and play stardew valley while listening to podcasts. we’re now in winter 2 and i am mildly cranky bc i have not Perfectly Optimized this fun game for funsies and i can’t finish the community center until summer (depending on if the cart and/or krobus are randomly selling the correct three fish and one fiddlehead fern and also three apples) bc again i do not feel like the fishing minigame is the most enjoyable aspect of the game for me. HOWEVER. i am building a stable. stay tuned
making did not take a better pic before i sent it off, but here’s one of the patches in the trio i’m making for my sister’s birthday. i have got to figure out a easier way to make patches that also looks nice but idk if it’s possible without buying a serger, which i do not have room for in this apartment. maybe if i get iron-on backing that’ll stabilize the edges enough? the issue is that coarsely woven aida cloth doesn’t really want to cooperate even when drenched in fraychek, the duct tape of the sewing world.
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denndrawings · 3 years
Hi and welcome to Misha Mixes Unrelated Things. Todays episode is called: The Grishaverse Is A DnD Campaign That Got (VERY) Out Of Hand And Here’s Why
(There are going to be spoilers of. Pretty much everything. Except for King of Scars because I’m only like 3 chapters in so. No spoilers from KoS)
Let’s begin with the SOC duology because that’s the first thing I read and also I feel like it has a more “conventional” dnd-esque narrative (probably because of the multiple POVs and stuff idk).
So, first things first: characters. While I think all of the crows are equally important to the plot of the book I also think that not all of them are players’ characters. I don’t think Kaz is, for instance, and probably Wylan isn’t either. But let me explain the rest first and then I’ll elaborate on this.
Inej is a classic rogue with her amazing skills and tragic backstory and everything. I think the person that plays her would probably be a beginner because Inej’s backstory is so intertwined with the plot and so well fitted to the city where the story begins and she has such a clear role and stuff that it can only be because the DM had a say on this. From my experience at least and I’ve been DMing for like 5 years now so maybe I know a thing or two. I may be wrong tho.
Matthias is an oathbreaker paladin. The drüskelle sounds like the kind of half military/half religious organization able to provide paladins in a dnd game. They would be Oath of Devotion paladins. Or like a twisted version of those but yes. Oath of Devotion to Djel or whatever I don’t really like fjerdans let me be. I also think Matthias’ player and Nina’s knew each other/had player with each other before and that’s why they made a backstory together and made sure their characters were… a thing from the beginning. I think they wouldn’t be as committed to the DM as Inej’s character so they probably chose a far off place to set their backstory so they didn’t have to learn all of the kerch politics and stuff and join gangs and shit (even thought Nina’s player kind of ended up doing it but I think I remember it was Kaz who found her and not the other way around so).
Nina is a cleric but like. Either a Death or a War Domain cleric. Not a cleric suited for healing but for killing. Cool shit, I personally love clerics. I think the player would have the curse of being the only “““healer””” of the group without even being a real healer. It happens to the best of us ;_; (not to me tho I never play I’m a forever DM XDD)
I think Jesper is a fighter. I have considered making him an artificer but yeah, no because he didn’t build his guns or anything he’s just really fucking good at shooting stuff. That’s a fighter to me. And he later double-classes and stuff when they arrive to the Ice Court to be able to do his thing. I think this player is this type of player the DM invites to the table because they have played together before and they are fun as shit and they kinda help them direct the party where they need to go. I personally love that kind of player but I mean, who wouldn’t?
So yes, now on why Kaz and Wylan aren’t players’ characters. Maybe this is gut feeling of mine and I’m wrong but they are like. Too well intertwined with the plot like. Wylan is definitely this npc the DM brought randomly to like maybe kill him at some point and make Loving Father Van Eck want to mess with the Crows and then the party just fell in love with him and so the DM couldn’t kill him and made an incredibly tragic backstory for him instead where Bad Guy Van Eck became the man we know and he just was a terrible man stupid enough to mess with them.
And Kaz… he is just /too/ in control to not be an npc. Literally nobody but the DM would know so much about the city and the npcs and everything. That’s just Not A Thing. It would almost be meta-rol. For me it makes sense that at the beginning Kaz was only going to be like the Crows’ hirer like, the contact between Van Eck and the players’ characters. And this time I don’t think it was the players’ idea that he stayed, it was probably the DM’s. Having a character that knows pretty much everything is just So Useful to a DM. And then the DM fell in love with him, gave him an amazing backstory and issues and everything. And the final miracle of bringing Inej’s parents to Ketterdam is something only a DM can do like. The man is a disaster but I think he totally has the signature of the DM of a chaotic AF party that realized that their party needed a compass to remind them all the time what their mission was.
About the plot per se…man I don’t know what to say. That looks like the DM pitching a simple robbery and everybody getting nat20s in super weird situations and getting away with stuff. But I mean, that’s DnD in a nutshell so.
My headcanon for Matthias’ ending is that the player had to leave the group for some reason. They probably had this super cool redemption arc planned for him that he totally deserved (listen I Don’t Like Matthias like. At all. But the man worked for it ok? I think I could have get to maybe like him if he had a little more time to grow but whatever) but then they had to leave and the group didn’t want to like get rid of him right away or for him to become an npc so the DM and Nina’s player took turns playing him until well. The thing. You know. It was kind of a sudden death like, players’ characters usually have death saves and stuff and they don’t get killed that easily and that’s why I think Matthias wasn’t a player character anymore even though he began the campaign as one.
And because y’all have been good and have read my bullshit until this point, here you have my headcanon for the trilogy:
The Grisha trilogy is an overly complicated off-roading some of the players made up during the campaign like imagine the discord server where they usually play. Well in most DnD discord servers there is a channel where you can roleplay through text as your character. I think the Grisha trilogy was born there from the DM telling kind of the backstory of the world and Sankta Alina and the war and stuff and the players made up characters or maybe just took side characters from that story and made them into Proper Characters to roleplay following that but also kind of ended up developing more aspects about it (I imagine the DM probably had a few details on that, like an outline or something and the players just kinda took it to a whole new level. Players often do that kind of magic). And they were all hyped AF when their DnD characters met their Other Dnd Characters, obviously.
I don’t know which player would play each character, though. Maybe Jesper’s was Nikolai just because they both are /like that/ and Nina’s was Zoya and maybe Inej’s was Genya. Or the other way around, idk. I feel like the whole monologue Nina has at some point of Zoya Is To The Drüskelle Like Jarl Brun Is To The Grisha sounds like Nina’s player is also Zoya’s player but idk.
So yes I can probably elaborate on everything if someone’s interested but this is what I have so far.
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swordmaid · 4 years
what’s ur show brienne essay 👀
a.) they never understood her character and it shows b.) they got her wrong from the START— but I’m talking about season 3 brienne bc I don’t remember much of the show now (thank GOD) —especially with that line post jaime maiming when they made her say ‘you sound like a bloody woman’ when brienne was NOT like that at all in the books. they’ve erased the fundemental thing about brienne which is despite all that shitty stuff she went through, she’s still NICE. she’s a good person with a kind heart and yeah you can argue that show brienne is older and more hardened than book brienne, but wouldn’t she still be kind hearted? a fundemental thing about brienne is that she has that duality. she IS BOTH the lady and the knight like oh my god her fucking sigil is pink and blue, sun and moon. her island has two castle: morne and evenfall which is day and night, she’s literally about duality and they erased that aspect of her and LITRALLY shove her in the tough female character box just to show that look omg a woman that CAN fight hand she’s ALSO one of the boys!! she’s not like other women!! and of course adaptation doesn’t always mean it’s going to stay true to it’s origins I can accept if there’s like, slight changes but it’s the fact that she kind of feels like a whole new character imo. not to mention her treatment of pod for the majority of their time was like, shit, and she didn’t even need to treat him like shit but she DID (the only time I’m pretty sure was she started treating him less like this was in s7/more in s8) while book brienne was nothing but kind to podrick.
and besides all THAT, her story is gone lol. they’ve erased LSH arc from the show which is supposed to be—and going to be (I’m pretty damn sure it WILL be lol) about brienne’s honor and it was gonna be her big jaime moment, instead, they had her wait for a candle for an entire season which was like, super fucking dumb. they’ve also erased her significance in the road trip by taking out the weirwood dream or the I dreamed of you. like she STILL has a role there and I’m not denying that they didn’t form that relationship or whatever, but that scene was hella important to Jaime’s character especially bc it lays the fucking ground work to his narrative arc but considering that he didn’t even HAVE one in the show (when they sacrificed LSH they sacrificed HIS character as well + the many more changes they did but I won’t talk about that here) I guess it wasn’t that important? LOL. ALSO, the stannis execution and rescuing sansa was so dumb I’m sorry it really was how did she have time to behead stannis then go for sansa as well IN MY OPINION the scene should’ve gone that she decides to go for stannis, but she sees pod in danger so she has to choose between killing this guy who she has like, 3 seasons worth of grudge that you kinda forgot about OR go save this innocent man and uphold the knightly vows that she’s been following. That would give more depth to her character and ALSO strengthen her dynamic with pod. stannis can maybe die somewhere if they stopped needing him idk he’s not important here but WHAT IS IMPORTANT is that show brienne ACTUALLY has a plot line going on and making choices that can lead to consequences instead of that thing they did where they kinda made her go through that checklist that was like: 1.) kill stannis ✔️ 2.) rescue sansa ✔️ 3.) take sansa back to winterfell ✔️ 4.) become sansa’s bodyguard ✔️ like what about arya tho the vow she made to catelyn is BOTH to her daughters and not just sansa why did she stop looking for her when she personally knows that she’s still alive. and like after that kerfuffle what is her story??
at that point in the game I’m not expecting her to follow book brienne’s story anymore because she’s such a different character but I’m ALSO expecting her to have her own story of some sorts but she literally,,,, she literally does not. she doesn’t have one. she becomes sansa’s errand runner, she –once again– has to remind jaime about honor and doing the right thing because he’s somehow incapable of doing that when she’s not around (book jaime CANT RELATE), look at her roll her eyes and be visibly uncomfortable about tormund’s leering that is peak comedy guise, here let’s put her in the kingsguard where you throw away all your life to become YET another bodyguard for this person you’ve literally NOT shared a scene with nor had no signifant connection with, let’s make fun of her virginity even though her name is the MAID of tarth and she’s a highborn lady with no husband so it was expected of her to be a virgin, let’s just bask in gwendoline christie’s amazing presence because that’s what WE deserve however she did NOT deserve that. she deserved a character that had a purpose! she deserved no chance and no choice! you can tell that she tries to emulate book brienne in her scenes but the script really says different and it’s SO frustrating because we could’ve had a really good thing going but we didn’t. UGH.
and am i getting flayed for this?? maybe and it’s what I deserve, but I honestly don’t like how she’s supposed to act like, the paragon of good for jaime and she has to keep telling him to do the right thing over and over like he’s not an adult man that’s incapable of making his own decisions—once again book jaime CAN’T relate. this one is minor maybe nit picking but we’re here now SO i don’t like how she’s the one that named oathkeeper because it was important for jaime to name it HIMSELF because HE’S the one who decided that he’ll keep the vow he made for catelyn and it’s important for US to know that but they changed the scene around and it became more like brienne charged him to keep the vow (harrenhal scene), brienne naming the sword oathkeeer bc he decided to go through with it.
like mind you I was predominantly a show watcher, and brienne was my favorite character before—and she still is now don’t get me wrong LOL—but like watching the show then going into the books, the changes are SO drastic and honestly it’s really sad how they threw a lot of the aspects that made her special away to compartilize her in this one box just because they couldn’t be fucked to read her chapters.
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excorcismic · 4 years
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uhm . . . cheesed to meet you ?? - HI GANG !! what’s up , i’m hylia and i . . . love . misa and death note with my entire heart . I KNOW FOR A FACT i will probably pick up more characters along the way but i couldn’t have picked a better one to start out with !! i have experience writing both misa & light - i actually am more experienced writing light than misa , but i still have a lot of experience with her under my belt !! i’m currently writing him in another group and when i saw duality i just HAD to write her here - i’m so excited to plot w/ y’all !! so lemme tell you the basic facts & some connections and ideas i have under the cut c: ( this got long i’m so sorry )
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ooooooooooooo you wanna plot with misa so bad oooooooo - AHEM . so . 
IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH DEATH NOTE / MISA : death note is a manga / anime revolving around a smart young man ( light yagami ) who discovers a supernatural notebook who can take the life of any human as long as the writer knows their name & face . light uses this book to essentially try and purge the world of evil , earning the alias ‘kira’ ( who gains a following ) , and misa , who acquires a death note of her own , seeks him out as the second kira . she possesses things that he doesn’t , so essentially she becomes his partner in crime - she , falling in love with him ( or more so the idea of him she created for herself ) , and he , entertaining her fantasies in exchange for her abilities and assistance . it’s . . . way more complicated in detail and honestly pretty sad but that’s the getgo . she’s a pretty girl with a very powerful notebook and she likes a guy with a powerful notebook that sees her more as a tool he can use to further his plans . OH OH OH and also she has a protective monster lady who’s in love with her and looking after her and threatening to clap light if he hurts misa in any way . 
death note . . . is a story about how people who were good can become awful towards other people and themselves if you give them a bit of power . 
BUT ANYWAY . misa actually has a much happier life here than in death note !! it’s . . . still kinda eh in some places but overall much better since that godforsaken notebook doesn’t exist and isn't here to screw anyone's lives up .
she's a former child actor, now a musician in a pop punk band called 'your friends & the skeletons!!' but as of rn with her taking a break from big performances and touring she's just a streamer operatin' out of alucard and trying to entertain herself since sometimes the world gets a little too big for her and she needs to take a step back.
it’s a pretty cute life & that’s the rundown !! of course , it’ll be more detailed and developed in my intro for her , but that being said - CONNECTIONS .
okay so obviously some band mates !! YF&TS i imagine is a four-piece with misa on rhythm guitar & vocals , then lead guitar , bass , and drums . i imagine they’re all friends with misa , but maybe one person has been friends with misa since like . . . forever . and has seen her go through literally everything .
so , misa lives alone . maybe i’ll have her look for a roommate along the way but as for right now , even though she lives by herself ( and honestly is a lil lonely ) , i really like the idea that maybe she’s the helper neighbor that wants to befriend everyone that lives on her floor , runs to get groceries , always visits and checks in on people , etc . !! so neighbor friends pretty please !!
obviously if u wanna make ppl be fans of misa & her band that is a-okay with me just pls keep in mind they’re kinda big but not . . . big big . like they’ve got some dedicated fans but not full on stans y’know
SO  . . . folds hands . i kinda like the idea that misa hasn’t been through that many serious relationships ( always gets her heart broken through them ) but maybe there was that one serious ex-partner she had and they broke it off for whatever reason . it’d have to be when she was 18-20 and they’d be together for maybe about two or three years before her career takes off and stuff and yeah it’d be the saaaad relationship that fizzled out even tho it was serious for a bit
also some not so serious/long relationships where misa got her heart broken !! fun times !! misa throws her full heart into things way too easily so this could’ve happened in many different ways . flings ?? check . short-term relationships ?? check . she wrote a letter for someone on a starbucks napkin asking them out and they rejected so whenever she comes into said starbucks she feels shy & awkward ordering something ?? check . ( we can have fun with this basically it’s ‘ misa tried it with y/m and it didn’t work out and she’s still lonely ’ )
friends please !! friends that misa’s made in alucard !! also friends with benefits maybe !! idk !! misa is a very friendly person she will be your friend if you say ‘hi’ in a positive tone towards her !!
oh i think it’d b rly funny if there was one person misa kept trying to befriend and they’re just rly stubborn abt it for some reason bc idk maybe they find misa annoying or something anyway give me sb who misa wants to be friendly with n they’re just No abt it for whatever reason
she’s also a gaming streamer so imagine she gets into a fight with sb behind a screen on a game and/or stream and then finds them in alucard like ‘oh fuck’ aka cyber enemies
also the exact opposite scenario with cyber friends aka misa makes a friend on a game and they meet each other irl and it’s cute !!
misa . . . is not a huge party girl but i imagine she has ppl that regularly invite her to parties and stuff so there’s that . but like . she only knows these people in context of partying - they’re her party friends and that’s it and her relationships with them are just kinda shallow .
i’d ALSO like a friend she makes that’s maybe a little more sheltered & naive to the world than she is so she just takes them to cool places and stuff !! shows them what it’s like to live on the ‘ wild side ’ !! whether it’s driving to a 24 hr gas station for candy and snacks in the middle of the night and staying out until sunrise just on the road or just sitting at misa’s apartment and watching true crime documentaries in their jammies . just sb misa’s gonna take like ‘ hey we’re gonna show u what LIVING is like ’
actual shipping . . . i would love to explore at a point but i wanna explore other things first so that’ll just be smth that comes up in development maybe !! i want misa to get a chance to experience what actual love is and explore the relationship aspect of it so i’m open to it but also i just wanna develop it n let it come naturally . filled !
ANYWAYS . i’m open to rly anything !! enemies ?? friends ?? frenemies ?? friends or enemies with benefits ?? unrequited crushes ?? exes ?? found family ?? party pals ?? streamer pals/enemies ?? LET’S PLOT IT OUT I’M SO EXCITED
sorry this is a long as hell list anyways let’s plot out some relationships even tho i’m bad at plotting and trust me the intro is. probs gonna be even longer. i am so sorry.
- - - - - - - - - - - POST-EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT EDIT : okay so this one is rly specific but , , , i rly would like if maybe misa had sb to go to the cirque du eradicus with ?? probably as a date !! a date that doesn’t have to amount to anything but they’re gonna b the one who witnesses misa go into the hall of mirrors n it’s gonna be kind of like a connection since they’re gonna have been together when that stuff happens and it could be rly fun to work with in the future . just gonna put the age limit for this one at 22 - 26 just bc gaps and all !! i think it could be cute if it goes well or interesting if it doesn’t but . yeah idk they can split off at some point for other threads bt ANYWAYS I JUST THINK IT’D B FUN filled !
also if anyone wants to bring me anyone from death note i will kiss u ESPECIALLY for light , l , rem , or matsuda . pls . maybe these characters can ACTUALLY get a normal fuckin’ life this time around - ( sometimes we just want to live in the yotsuba arc forever where everyone’s runnin around solvin mysteries and not scheming against each other - )
death note hits differently .
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babygirlizz · 4 years
Movies and TV shows of 2019
Okay so a couple or few years ago I did a review of movies that had released that year because I was super into movies that year. I am still into movies, but I have been watching a lot more shows this year. So, I will be reviewing movies and tv shows. Furthermore, I will be including stuff released this year, that I found this year, or that has a new season this year. Basically just anything that I have loved this year. Also, I don’t feel like ranking, so no particular order. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD - if you see a title of something you have not seen, and don’t want spoilers, please feel free to skip that section. Also, some of these I haven’t seen in a hot minute so if I get a detail messed up, we won’t speak on it. And finally, trigger warning - if you have struggled with sexual assault and may have an issue reading about it, either skip this post entirely or skip over the review of “Unbelievable.”
1. After
I have been waiting for this since middle school. I read the after books on wattpad because what teenager in love with harry styles didn’t. Now I will be real with y'all. The acting could use some work in specific scenes, and some of the actors aren't MY favorite picks for certain roles, but I’m not gonna hate on actors. Ok so, Tessa (Josephine Langford) is an incoming freshman in college and is rooming with an upperclassmen, Steph (Khadijha Red Thunder) who has a friend named Hardin (Hero Fiennes-Tiffin). Steph wants Tessa to branch out and do new things, so she invites her to a party, where they play the stereotypical games, and thats when Hardin is kind of dared to make Tessa fall in love with him. ALSO, Tessa has a high school boyfriend named Noah (Dylan Arnold). She starts seeing Hardin, her boyfriend finds out, she falls in love with Hardin, and finds out it was all a dare. Buuuuuuut, pLoT tWiSt he actually loves her.
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2. Avengers: Endgame
Ok listen, Infinity War was heartbreaking bc Bucky duh, but y'all are really gonna take Tony (RDJ) and Steve (Chris Evans) away from me? Shut up. Still, this was a really good movie and I’m not just saying that because I’m a marvel hoe. FRICK Thanos and thats on Ant Man. Thats literally all I have to say.
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3. Annabelle Comes Home
I am a whore for scary movies. I love them so much and this one was *chefs kiss*. I love Mckenna Grace, she's such a good young actress and she fits so well in scary moves. There’s not much to say about the plot in this one, and ya really need to see it. Also, Bob (Michael Cimino) is so heckin cute what the heck.
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4. Let It Snow
Ok this is a lot to unpack so grab ya snacks. Let’s talk about couple number 1 (of 3), Tobin (Mitchell Hope) and Angie (Kiernan Shipka) who are best friends. Tobin is in love with Angie but doesn’t know how to tell her, and gets lots of unwanted encouragement from his best friend Keon (Jacob Batalon) who just wants to throw a heckin good party, is that too much to ask for? So Angie gets invited to a party by some cute guy, JP (M and Tobin is jealous but goes with her anyways and they steal a keg for Keon’s party and run from the scary hosts of the party and end up stranded in a church after his car spins out of control. They finally make it to the party and kiss on the roof with the waffle town sign shining bright behind them. NEXT - we have Julie (Isabela Merced) and Stuart (Shameik Moore). This is kind of really cliche with the whole “he’s-famous-she-doesn’t-care-he-finds-that-attractive-lets-fall-in-love” aspect, but its also hella cute uwu. They meet on a train and the train stops so they go eat at the waffle town and go sledding and do a bunch of cute coupley shit. His manager comes to get him and basically tells her that nothing will ever really happen between them and he leaves. Then, he shows up at the party and they fall in love. NEXT- we have Dorrie (Liv Hewson) who is a lesbian that constantly struggles with the gay panic. Her best friend Addie (Odeya Rush) doesn't help much either because she's having her own relationship problems. Dorrie works at Waffle Town and when she's working the girl she's talking to, Kerry (Anna Akana) comes in with her dance team, and she's not out of the closet. A bunch of shit goes down, but they end up together and Dorrie learns that she’s worth more than she thinks and that’s all that matters. Also, Billy (Miles Robbins) and Tin Foil Woman (Joan Cusack) make wonderful additions to this movie.
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5. The King
First of all - Timothée Chalamet and Robert Pattinson in the same movie? Sign me the HECK up. But they’re also historical, frick yea. Not too much to say about this movie other than it’s good. Super graphic (don’t watch if you don’t like decapitation lol) and super long, but good nonetheless.
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6. Falling Inn Love
This movie is super freaking cute. Gabriela (Christina Milian) decides that she needs a change and enters a contest to win an Inn in New Zealand. She wins the Inn and is shocked when she realizes the Inn needs a LOT of work. She goes around town to get stuff to fix up the Inn and constantly runs into Jake (Adam Demos) and they have this flirty but we don’t like each other relationship, but then ya know, they fall in(n) love. 
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1. The Society
I could talk about this show for hours, literally. I love it so much it’s insane. Ok, so lets start from the beginning. A town called West Ham is being plagued by a disgusting smell. Due to this, the town decides to send busloads of teenagers to the mountains while they try and resolve the smell situation. All of the teenagers fall asleep on the bus and wake up to the announcement that they had to go back home due to road blocks. When they get off the buses, its late and no one is there to pick them up. They think that it may just be a sense of miscommunication, so they head home, only to find that none of their families are there, and they can’t get ahold of any of them over the phone. They finally decide to investigate and find that all exits out of town are completely blocked off. They then decide to find a way to survive without their families. This causes a lot of tension within the town including the death of a main character. This shows also includes gay representation!!!! This is my favorite couple, Sam (Sean Birdy) and Grizz (Jack Mulhern). Sam is deaf and gay and his brother, Campbell (Toby Wallace), makes fun of him for both reasons, and when the whole issue with the town happens, he believes he will never find love because he doesn’t think anyone else is gay, until Grizz comes along, and tries to learn ASL and loves him for him.
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2. Roswell New Mexico
Alright, to be completely honest, I did not want to watch this. I have no idea why I just didn’t. I saw an edit on like instagram or something of the couples in the show and I was like, alright I can give it a chance. And spoiler alert I loved it. The series starts off with Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason) comes back to her hometown of Roswell around the time of her the anniversary of her sister, Rosa’s (Amber Midthunder), death. She gets pulled over on her way in and the officer that pulled her over was Max Evans (Nathan Parsons), who has had a crush on her since they first met, and just so happens to be an alien. After Liz gets shot in her families restaurant, Max uses his healing powers to save her, but leaves behind a hand print on her that makes her suspicious. She continues to investigate until he tells her the truth. She also finds out that her sister was actually murdered, and has the same hand print on her that she did when Max healed her. Turns out, his sister, Isobel (Lily Cowels) killed her, but it was actually another alien possessing her (which they didn’t know was possible when she killed her). When they landed on earth they also landed with their “brother” Michael (Michael Vlamis) who starts off the series with an on and off relationship with Alex (Tyler Blackburn) and I love them together. Alex is the son of one of the guys trying to find and take down the aliens and he also went to war and lost his leg. Anyways, towards the end of the season Alex starts seeing Maria (Heather Hemmens), which is a couple I don’t really like, but also bi representation is good! Anyways I don’t really wanna spoil this one too much I just love it a lot.
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3. Elite
This is a show that came out in 2018, but they released a second season this year. All I’m saying is please watch the original version, not the dubbed over version. Elite is a spanish show about a few students that get a scholarship to the private school after their school gets demolished. This shows is in the fashion of present and past which includes a lot of flashbacks leading up to the the murder of one of the students. My favorite part of this show is the relationship between Ander (Arón Piper) and Omar (Omar Ayuso). Ander is the son of the head of the school and Omar is the brother of one of the students that got a scholarship. Not only are they of different socioeconomic status’, but Omar is also Muslim, and his family would not approve of him being gay. He finally finds the courage to tell his family, but thats not until season 2. Also, his sister Nadia (Mina El Hammani) falls in love with the “bad boy” of the school, Guzmán (Miguel Bernardeau) and starts going against her parents wishes as well.
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4. The Umbrella Academy 
Y’all mind if I confuse y'all real quick. So, a bunch of women all of the sudden give birth out of nowhere at the same time even tho none of them were pregnant? Yea I know weird. Anyways, so this dude tries to adopt as many of them as possible and ends up adopting like 7. They all have powers and they try and stop the apocalypse. That’s literally all I can tell y'all. 
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5. Unbelievable
I swear I didn’t mean to get y’all upset right now. This show made me angry and sad and so many other feelings all at once. So the show beings with a girl named Marie (Kaitlyn Dever) getting raped in her home. When she reports it, they can’t find any evidence, as he cleaned the apartment and made her shower. This mixed with the fact that she struggles remembering parts of her experience (which is common with sexual assault), the police don’t believe her and force her to retract her statement. This in itself is awful, but they also charge her with false statement, which adds on to the fact that people already believe that she is a liar. Years later, two female detectives, Karen and Grace, piece together rapes in their precincts and once they find the rapist, they find Marie’s picture in with his belongings, proving that she was telling the truth the entire time.
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6. Sailor Moon
I just got into anime and all I have to say is that I love this. That is all.
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angstytieflingbard · 5 years
(Continued from the loz/bnha question) would the triforce specifically play a role in either plot lines? Cause ganon would be a bigger threat than even all for one due to u know, having the power of literal gods, and of magic is still present in the link remembers his incarnations au. Gah u made me so interested I’d love for either to be a full blown fic (tho ur not obligated to!)
A full fic of this sounds really fun! I just started school again, so I don’t know if it’ll come out with any kind of regularity, but it’d be fun to explore! Particularly the version that allows him to go to U.A. I just wanna see him interact with the 1-A kids honestly...
Anyway, theory below the cut! 
So, I think magic would be around in either version, but the plot would go off the rails faster in the version where he remembers his incarnations. 
If Link remembers what his duty and general goals are, then he’s of course gonna be looking for Zelda and Ganon from the start, along with the master sword. In the games, it’s pretty common knowledge that the world map changes almost constantly, often drastically so, so it’s not out of the ballpark for much of hyrule to end up becoming what’s now Japan, though obviously very, very different. I like the idea of certain parts of Hyrule still being preserved underground, possibly magically sealed by what remained of the Sheikah when Hyrule and its peoples eventually disappeared, for whatever reason that may have happened. Link could find these, whether purposely or by accident, depending on the AU. They’d likely be either shrines or dungeons of some sort, maybe a mix between the two, and they’d become a big part of his own storyline, allowing him to find the master sword, and in the case of the version where he doesn’t remember his past lives, could give him some insight into who he is and what he needs to do. 
Another thing I think would be interesting to explore would be what exactly Zelda and Ganon’s places are in this world. I feel like Zelda, through the power of the triforce of wisdom, would absolutely remember regardless of the version of the AU, and she’d do her best to find her way to Link’s side. In the vigilante version I think this would actually make it take longer to find each other, with both of them running around the city with seemingly little rhyme or reason, there’d be a lot of missed connection type incidents, possibly passing each other in the street entirely and not registering how their senses flared at each others presences until later. In the U.A AU, she’d find him almost immediately, both proud and concerned at his choice to be in the spotlight as a hero. She, I think, wouldn’t want to become a hero, at least not a licensed one, recognizing how dangerous it would be for both of them to be so visible to Ganon and his forces. Instead, she’d become a vigilante, avoiding the limelight entirely, and would befriend Link outside of their respective career choices, trying to guide him as she would in any other lifetime. 
Ganon, I actually had to take a good bit to think about. Part of me almost wanted to say he would try for being a hero. The thing about evil in the LOZ series is that it’s a tangible, physical force, referred to as “Malice.” The black and pinkish-purple substance which makes up the blights and traps of BOTW, and many of the enemies in the series (most notably BOTW and Wind Waker). Ganon, being essentially the embodiment of malice, can sense it’s presence in others, and oh boy can he sense it in everyone’s least favorite hero, Endeavor. It tempts him, the idea of being one of the “good guys,” only to inevitably destroy the system, and all of civilization, from the inside. It would be easy, actually, if we take a look at his track record. The man was king of the Gerudo, talked his way straight into Hyrule Castle on multiple occasions, and somehow managed to get Zant, who is practically the king of stubbornness, to be his servant in Twilight Princess. He is ridiculously charismatic, in a way that Endeavor simply isn’t. And if that nasty, slimy man can become the number two hero, where could Ganon get? 
However, Ganon realizes two things before he can try to go down that road:
1. He doesn’t have the patience for that kind of long game
2. His quirk, a manifestation of a particular aspect of his ability, would almost immediately disqualify him from being a hero, only partially due to how unsafe it is for civilians, allies, and enemies alike. 
Ganon’s quirk, I think, would be the ability to manifest constructs out of malice, made to serve his will. The problem with these is that they do have some sort of sentience on their own, and what free will they use that for is generally only to decide to create utter carnage out of whatever situation Ganon attempts to use them in. Personally, he doesn’t mind, but he couldn’t say the same of regular society. 
So instead, he joins up with the League of Villains, and quickly takes over it from AFO. He actually decides he wants to try and wait AFO out, at first, knowing that not even his numerous quirks and advanced medical sciences can preserve his life for much longer, but this, unfortunately for AFO, doesn’t go according to plan. As soon as the villain catches wind of his quirk, and how powerful it is, he immediately attempts to take it for himself, inviting Ganon to a meeting with him only to attempt to rip the quirk from him almost as soon as he arrives, hoping that the force (and a touch of one of his more volatile quirks) will kill Ganon on the spot. Instead, the triforce of power simply rejects it, just as it prevented his execution in Twilight Princess, and instead it rebounds, severely injuring the man. It doesn’t take much longer after that for Ganon to dispose of AFO once and for all, angered by the attempt on his life, and he returns to the League a short while later with the news. 
Shigaraki doesn’t take it well, of course, no one really does, but Ganon makes it clear how he feels about insubordination easily enough, and just like that the League is his. 
So much of the plot would change because of this, particularly around the training camp arc, but I’d be super interested to explore that! In time, because if I write a fic on this I’d absolutely wanna start from the beginning of the show. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, don’t hesitate to tell me what you think! I might start writing the first chapter tomorrow, if I don’t have too much schoolwork to do... Have a good day/night lovelies, and thank you for asking! 
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tumblunni · 5 years
Miscellaneous thoughts for the 'dark pokemon' game
* it could be cool as an actual hack of firered or something, but it seems that would require more coding knowledge than using apps like rpgmaker. Also there's that kit to make pokemon games in rpgmaker but it only worked for the really old rpgmakers and now its got copyright claimed by nintendo so its not really an option. Itd be easier to make this game in the latest rpgmaker cos its not really an outright pokemon fangame but more of a general mons genre thing that could have different gameplay if i wanted it to.
* or would it work better as an actual pokemon prequel thing? Like 'kanto was actually all dark like this back in ye ancient times' and have a bunch of prehistoric/caveman/400AD/whatever time period forms of pokemon or something? But thatd give me less creative freedom with the idea, yeah
* Not sure if your mons should talk or not? One of the initial inspirations i had for this was the underrated gem Swordcraft Story where your four starter monsters are more like a choice of sidekick! They dont actually fight, they just provide a huge different set of dialogue commenting on everythibg that happens, and its fab! But then the game kinda woukdnt have the collectable aspect and i feel that the long journeys between towns would get boring if theres no incentive to battle enemies. And long journeys between towns is kinda a big plot point and thematic aspect of this idea.
* Also i kinda wanna do Cute Pet Game Gameplay as a fun way of stepping away from the pure pokemon formula. And that'd perhaps be a bit weird if your pet can talk? I dunno? Well maybe itd be more like those baby raising games. But i had a separate idea for literally a monster baby raising game so itd be good to not overlap, lol. Wish i knew how to actually do touchscreen petting type stuff in rpgmaker, i mean its on pc so theoretically you should be able to do an equivalent with the mouse? Maybe try and cheat my way into it with my minimal programming knowledge by basically making a "map" where all the tiles are pieces of this one image of a monster, and then you walk over it to select where to pet...? I dunno lol! Anyway bonding with your mons is VITALLY IMPORTANT TO THE EVERYTHING so i need to DEEPLY THINK ABOUT IT. deeply deeply contemplate huggin some babbu
* maybe the game's title could be something like dark walk/journey/stroll/whatever's a good synonym? Cos the whole 'monster tamers are cursed and must walk the earth forever in search of somewhere to belong'
* i'm not sure how to handle the beginning? Cos of the whole aspect of starting off looking like a cliche poke-clone and then slowly revealing the deep dark lore during the tutorial segments. So we'd sorta have to skip/abridge the day of our hero leaving their village, in order to not spoil it. And have a flashback later on at the most dramatic moment! But that means itd be awkward to give you the selection of starter monster? So i dunno maybe do like kingdom hearts and have a surreal dreamworld opening segment? The protagonist is having a nightmare about that day they had to leave their family behind, and everything can be just as vague and confusing as the plot needs it to be. You cpuld be some sort of vague faceless shadow until you decide your gender, and etc? (Protagonist: wait why did i dream i couldnt remember i was a dude)
* oh and maybe you can choose a custom gemstone for your monster summoning pendant thing! Cos if its gonna be one singular thing instead of consumeable pokeballs, itd kinda suck if you had no choice which one thing youre stuck with for the whole game. Or maybe it could change but itd be more like it evolves as well as the monsters? Start off with one design and it has multiple final forms depending on your moral choices during your playthrough. Oh, or if you choose it at the beginning, maybe it somehow affects your starter mon? Like the simplest idea would just be that each starter mon has its own pendant to live in. But what if the pendant choices were elements and then the starter mon is like a vessel to imbue with it? Like you get three designs that are..i dunno, attack defense and speed? And they each have a fire water or grass form, for a total of 9 unique mon options! That way i could keep it limited to three personalities to write, if i go with the idea of the mons being able to talk. But still have a lot more free choice! Oh or maybe its not even 3 elements but 9 elements? Like the three options change depending on the base mon. Attack mon can be fire, electric or darkness but defense mon can be something entirely else. Or maybe have overlap so there's at least two choices for each element but nobody has the same entire three elements? Im bad at math tho so i cant figure outhow to arrange that to make it work...how many elements wpuld i need...?
* maybe you could choose your rival's gender as well as the protagonist? Thatd be neat if they also looked different in every playthrough. I mean the variety of starters would encourage replays so we wanna have some other stuff that changes too. And if you could choose rival gender then it wouldnt be limited to the "always the opposite gend so thus heterosexuality" sort of thing. Oh and maybe what if other characters had potential smaller changes? Like your family members having similar skin and hair colours, or you have a single parent but whether theyre a mum or a dad depends on what you picked? Or if i cpuld figure out some other more gameplayish things that i could give replay value to? Like maybe you actually have a choice of what town to go to at each point in the story, and you cant revisit the other one without replaying that chapter? And your team options would be wildly different depending on which journey you took, so itd be a nicely large difference! Tho maybe make it so that most mons are still all available on each playthru, its just that some would appear early if you made a certain choice but be at the very end of the game if you chose differently. Oh and maybe the champion would be different depending on your choices!!! Like if you complete certain sidequests you might have just added a new candidate to the potential final boss roster! Itll be whoever's your bestest bestie by the end! Tho i mean with this different setting there isnt really a league or a champion so id just have to think of some other climactic ending thing, lol.
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Well, Sh*t, Diana
I’m not a fan of the DCEU. I think they make capeflicks the wrong way. Sure, i absolutely understand there is artistic merit in he creation process and i do love a different interpretation of a character but there are certain elements that absolutely have to hit in order to make your version of the character, true to the core character. Spider-Man is a geek, Iron Man is an arrogant asshole with a heart of gold, and cap is a roided out boy scout. Unless the character has some nebulous history, like Donna Troy or Captain Marvel, the blue print for creating the characters is right there. Someone needs to be in charge to make sure you follow the plan. someone needs to be the one to reel you in when you stray too far from what’s been established before you go from Batman to Rorschach I know it sounds like i don’t like DC but that’s not true. I love them. Not as much as Marvel but i still dig their stories. Mostly. Hell, The Dark Knight is one of my all-time favorite films. I’m not saying they need to be as good as that but at least give me recognizable version of the characters, especially when there are excellent adaptions like this out there for comparison. Just because you CALL your movie a Superman movie, doesn’t mean it IS a Superman movie, ya dig? With that in mind, here’s hat i thought of Wonder Woman 1984.
The Good
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman hits it out of the ark. This is the best I've ever seen her act in her short career. Look, i know she’s been doing it for a while now, but it's be honest; Wonder Woman is literally the strongest role she’s had to date. The emotional complexity of Diana Prince is easily the most nuanced character Gadot has ever played to this point and it took a while for her to really nail that as a reality. WW84 really demonstrates how Gadot has finally found a happy medium between her acting ability and the strengths of the character. I was a little sus when she was cast originally but immediately got on board when it turned out that she as the best thing about BvS. Since then, shes continued to grow with the character and seeing the ultimate version of her interpretation was a joy to watch.
Chris Pine as Steve Trevor was Chris Pine. Look, he’s great at his job. Dude knows his range and he stays in that lane perfectly. This makes his characters kind of same-t, you’d be hard-pressed to tell me the difference between Trevor and his version of Kirk, but I'm not mad either way. It’s always a delight seeing he show up to steal a few scenes then disappearing before overstaying his welcome.
I legitimately love the chemistry between Gadot and Pine. They are great together onscreen and it really lends a bit of authenticity to their relationship in the film. The way Trevor returns is wonky as f*ck and I'll get into that in a minute, but it was good to see him up there with Diana, for sure.
Pedro Pascal as this version of Maxwell Lord was pretty okay. I generally enjoy Pascal’s work, specifically on The Mandalorian and GoT, and he executes here to that inspired degree. He does an able job being a different kind of foil to Diana’s different kind of hero and it all works. Even if this version of the character does not.
Kristen Wiig’s Barbara Minerva was delightful. Look, i love Wiig, man. She’s great in everything she’s in. There is a charisma to her that only the very best SNL alumni can claim to have and it makes it really difficult not to root for Wiig in her projects. I mean, i paid money to see her version of Ghostbusters! Legit disappointed with that nonsense but i went because i like Wiig and she was the star. I was not disappointed in her performance as Minerva. No, she was exceptional as that character. I was, however, put off by her version of Cheetah but I'll get to that, too...
This movie is gorgeous. I’m an Eighties baby so seeing that whole aesthetic is always fun. Takes me back to when i was young. Part of the reason i love Stranger Things is because of that nostalgia. WW84 doesn’t execute as thoroughly as that show in their Reagan era retro run, but it’s serviceable. Big hair, big shoulders, big colors; It’s all there and it’s fantastic.
The effects are a little hit or miss but, overall, they’re okay. Certain aspects of this film’s super abilities, that fantastical sh*t which makes this a capeflick, could have been visualized better but i get why they weren’t. Most of my gripes with this type of stuff are nitpicks and you get over them pretty quickly. Most, not all.
Patty Jenkins is getting more and more comfortable behind the camera in films like this. The action in WW84 is much more detailed, much better shot, than in it’s predecessor. Free from Snyder’s grimdark influence, we have a relatively bright, relatively light, take on Wondy akin to the old camp from the Seventies show and i kind of dig it. It’ a choice and i commend Jenkins for making it.
The score is great. I mean, it’s Hans Zimmer, man. When does he ever drop the ball on sh*t like this? His score is actually incredibly important to this flick. There’s not a lot of action in it, thing is almost a character study or morality parable dressed up as a capeflick, so you need that extra impact to get you over the expository hump. Simmer delivers this with a delicate and powerful companion soundtrack. One could make the argument that this score is the best thing about Wonder Woman 84. I’m not, but one could.
The Monkey's Paw effect was executed pretty well in this flick. I was surprised by the level of escalation and how it all kind of made sense. I'd say that the writing was great because of that but it really isn't, just this one aspect.
That Lynda Carter cameo, tho.
The Bad
I hate this plot so much, man. The overall narrative is goddamn convoluted and a little inept. The primary conflict seems incredibly forced and the absolute hurdles this thing had to do in order to shoehorn Trevor back into the story is f*cking disappointing. It’s effectively Heaven Can Wait with Amazons, magic wishes, furry nudity, and Eighties excess. This sounds like a dope ass anime but it’s not. It’s a wonky, uneven, adequate time spent with contrived nonsense.
This is easily some of the weakest dialogue I've ever heard in my life. I cannot stress enough that I absolutely understand this is a capeflick so I'm not expecting Shakespeare but at least give me something better than this.
I hate this version of Maxwell Lord. Look, in the book, this dude was evil Batman. He bested the entire Justice league, every last one of them, with his sheer brilliance and terrifying capability. He achieved absolute victory over DC’s heroes prompting Diana to literally break his neck to rob him of his triumph. It’s wild to see. She actually thinks about it. Wonder Woman pauses, contemplates her options, and them murders Lord in cold blood, in front of Superman, and just walks away from dude’s corpse! It was brutal and understand. Maxwell Lord was a f*cking problem and he was only going to get worse. WW84′s version is not a problem and could have been much, much, better.
Full-blown Cheetah is gross looking. The effects for her wholly CG body are f*cking terrible, man. Obviously, they frame this “fight” at night to hide all of that but it’s still really, really, bad. I understand that there’s a budget that you have to hit but, f*ck, you couldn’t give me Rebirth version of Cheetah with two hundred million dollars? Word? I shouldn’t be surprised about this, all of the DCEU CG villains look like sh*t, but how hard is it to execute Cheetah properly? The Mortal Kombat guys did it for a game but you can’t do it for a movie? Really?
This feels like a throwback capeflick and i have a real issue with that. Of course, i like the old versions of superhero movies. Donner’s Superman and Burton’s Batman will always mean a great deal to me but we are beyond that now. We have a better understanding of how to do this now. It’s a legitimate film genre with prestige pieces and everything. Why the f*ck are we looking back instead of forward with this movie? I imagine the cartoonish nature of this movie was a conscious choice by Jenkins but it definitely feels like a miscalculation on her part.
There are a great many plot holes and loose threads left unexplored. Why didn't Barbara lose her powers when Maxwell lost his? That convoy really didn't see them f*cking kids in the road? How and why did she go full Cheetah for that matter? Why does Steve look like himself to Diana when he doesn't even look like himself to himself? How the f*ck did Barbara just walk into the whole ass White House like that? While on the the subject of Barbara, what the f*ck was the cost of her wish? Was the the Cheetah thing? None of that was very clear. Will Stagg get out of prison for the tax fraud thing in the beginning? I get that I shouldn't b e analyzing this movie to the extent that I am but it's so loose with its own internal logic, I can't help it.
Two and a half hours is a real big ask, man. This flick did not need this run time. You could easily trim thirty to forty minutes off this thing and still have a really compelling watch. As it is, there's too much time for the pacing to get dumb and, boy, does it get dumb.
The Verdict
Wonder Woman 1984 isn’t a Wondy flick. It’s a generic superhero vehicle that happens to have Diana slotted in the pole position. You could have put any character and their main love interest in these roles and it would have worked out fine with little to no tweaking. This sequel feels uninspired in a lot of ways. It’s completely devoid of the emotional weight that first run carried. I can’t say it’s terrible, though, because i know what else is in the catalog to this point. WW84 is still one of the best in the DCEU and that says way more about the franchise than it does this flick. It’s not all bad, however. I did enjoy Gadot as Wondy. She’s come a long way and you can see just how comfortable she is as Diana. Chris Pine is going to Chris Pine. His Steve Trevor is, once again, the best thing about this movie. Rather, his and Gadot’s chemistry is the best thing about this movie. The newcomers are pretty okay as well.
I always enjoy Pedro Pascal and this version of Maxwell Lord ain’t terrible but it is way too different from the core character for me to really get on board Just write a different character, you know? Nothing on the page about this version of Lord, come anywhere near the violent mastermind from the books and i think that’s a very real missed opportunity. I was a little sus of the Kristen Wiig casting for Barbara Minerva but she pulled it off. I really enjoyed her as Cheetah literally until she actually be Cheetah. i was curious why the marketing refused to show her in full-blown Cheetara mode and, when i saw it, i understood. They should have let those effects cook a little longer. That’s the theme of this entire flick, though, wen i think about it; Sh*t should have cooked a little longer.
WW84 is a decent watch, if a little long in the tooth. It;s mad campy, saccharine sweet at points, and is definitely a capeflick envisioned through the eyes of a woman. It’s not bad, mind you, it’s just not that good, either. Everything seems almost but not quite. The villains are almost compelling but not quite. Diana’s entire arc in this seems almost cathartic but not quite. The necessity of Steve Trevor seems justified but not quite. This thing just misses the mark and yet, somehow, it’s still one of the best in the DCEU catalog. hat sh*t just boggles my mind, man. If you know your Amazonian lore like i do, this film can be frustrating at time. If you’re a fan of the DCEU, you’ll probably enjoy this flick. If you’re a fan of this version of the Wondy myths, then 84 is definitely for you. There is enough other stuff here to entertain and distract so it’s an okay time overall. The first one is still the best out of the lot, though.
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simplylove101 · 4 years
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2020 Horror Challenge: [8/?]
↳ “It does not make sense that humans deliberately malfunction.”
“Yeah, that's because your memories are filled with ones and zeros, pal, and our memories are filled with every fuck-up we've ever made.” Upgrade (2018) dir. Leigh Whannell
Plot: Set in the near-future, technology controls nearly all aspects of life. But when the world of Grey, a self-labeled technophobe, is turned upside down, his only hope for revenge is an experimental computer chip implant.
Starring: Logan Marshall-Green, Betty Gabriel & Harrison Gilbertson
Another movie that I have thought about watching for this thing in the past but just never did because of reasons (I think it was partly cuz I was confused if you could consider it horror or just sc-fi), but this year I was like, nope, we’re doing it because I was curious. It sounded cool. And what do you know, directed by the same guy for The Invisible Man! lol Watching this after that was actually kinda incidental since I didn’t even realize that until I was looking up the info for this movie so that was unexpected. I ended up really enjoying this, especially because of how Logan Marshall-Green played it. It’s kinda a shame any time I see him I automatically think of him as Trey on The O.C. cuz he was literally not doing much when he was on there and then you see him in a movie like this where he gets a meatier role and he’s clearly having fun doing it, especially with the fight scenes. It’s quite impressive to me how he was able to really move like he was being controlled as if he was in a video game (tho the camerawork should also be credited for achieving that too at parts) This movie works imo cuz he’s so game the whole time. He really did a great job. Now the ending is tragic, which is sad obviously but I guess at least Grey gets to see his dead wife in an alternate universe?? lol Idk, anyway, the story worked for me. Hype was definitely deserved. I think I enjoyed it more than The Invisible Man tbh so there’s that. It was a journey.
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sternbilder · 7 years
the games i played to completion in 2017, ranked in order of how much i liked them
mostly for my own reference and i’m gonna try to keep this out of the tags but read on if you want to read about me getting super excited about video games i guess
p/ersona 5 - look i know this wasn’t a perfect game like there are Several Large Complaints i would like to file regarding plot and pacing and premise even but this was. still my favorite game of 2017 and just such an enjoyable 120 hours to have spent holy fuck?? like everyone’s always talking about how stylish p5 is and goddamn are they right like it’s such a gorgeous game!! the loving detail they put into every aspect of the UI, the beautiful character sprites, that effortlessly cool contemporary tokyo vibe that oozes into every aspect of the game!! and the gameplay (which i played on normal difficulty, being a series beginner) was both challenging and rewarding and both the dungeons and the school life segments (considering the sheer variety of Shit You Could Do not to mention all the charming-ass characters with compelling sideplots) were just. an absolute treat?? plus the soundtrack to this game was just killer so there’s also that
n/ier: automata - SPEAKING OF GAMES WITH GR8 SOUNDTRACKS. i think this game’s soundtrack probably ranks up there with my favorite video game OSTs of ALL TIME FOREVER like seriously. it is so so good. anyway friends it took me four (4) days to beat this game and another full 24 hours just to process this game like. y’all know i’m always a slut for sad robots and BOY HOWDY did this game have that thing. not only is the game itself gorgeous but i’m pretty much in love with the Entire cast (but especially 9S, who is my special son) and i’m crying,, eternally,, about the c/d/e routes and even though it probably wasn’t the Most impressive and best written game Ever it had a lot of good twists and revelations and a real sense of weight and suspense esp. in the later playthroughs which i am ALL ABOUT. not being much of an action RPG person i never really fell in love w/ the combat but it was fun enough even though it got kind of repetitive and too hack-and-slashy for my taste after a while?? actually fuck the bullet hell hacking minigame tho if i’m gonna be real
f/ire emblem fates (birthright, conquest, and revelation) - listen i know this game was like objectively garbage but i’m still trying to justify having spent a literal 1/3 of my year playing it so bear with me for just 2 hot seconds. first of all hi yes there’s a running theme here bc i dig the shit out of fe14′s OST?? also even though the plot was kind of a mess the characters and supports still grew on me a lot after a while and actually the gameplay was really fun?? maybe it’s bc i played it on hard/classic (as opposed to fea which i played on normal/casual) but i really enjoyed the combat a lot more in these games than fea--actually i do think there’s actually a lot of actual improvements here, especially with all the new classes, the improved dual guard/dual strike rules, and no fucking weapon durability, etc. as well as a lot of the more unusual victory conditions (in conquest and revelation, not so much in birthright) like i feel like there were a lot of highlights and i genuinely enjoyed the battles in fe14 a lot and sure the whole waifu nintendogs concept is creepy as hell and babyrealm is a fucking joke but i still thought this was a Pretty good or at least enjoyable game so you can fight me on that front
d/anganronpa v3 - ok let me me the first to admit that i honestly?? don’t really like dr as a franchise very much and the only real reason i got into it in the first place is to fill the ace attorney-shaped hole in my heart in between releases thereof (as well as superficial similarities to other games i like, like ze) and while i still enjoy the gameplay and investigating and mystery-solving parts of it and those aspects i still find very enjoyable and well-written a lot of the rest of the games really kind of fall flat for me?? like tbh i’m not a huge fan of the art style, the sense of humor and localization don’t really do it for me, the characters are cute but kind of over-the-top and not super relatable to me personally, and honestly the whole ~evil mastermind did it for the lulz~ trope being played super straight disappointed me a lot about the first game especially?? that being said i know this is a bit of a base breaker but i actually really liked the direction that sdr2 took with its ending and it made me hopeful for the sequel, which brings me to drv3 which surprised me in a lot of pleasant ways?? like personally i think it’s the best dr yet and while i can see why people would be disappointed with the ending and feel like it may be a cop-out i think it was still clever enough that i appreciate it for trying?? or maybe it’s just bc i didn’t like the original so much and the departure from that felt like kind of a breath of relief but that’s just me idk
f/inal fantasy x - guess who was late to the party and played her first final fantasy in this year of the lord 2017!!! it’s me!!! honestly i was expecting more from this game overall in terms of plot just because it’s such a Classic and all but fwiw i still liked it?? i didn’t super love any of the main characters and the story was a little predictable and even though i played the remaster it’s still an obviously dated game but NEVERTHELESS it was still just a solid RPG and i genuinely enjoyed playing it!! i should play the sequel sometime but. i’ll get to it after i clear out this massive backlog i have currently as we speak sobs
the witness - i don’t talk about this game enough bc honestly it isn’t the kind of game that can have a real fanbase (no real characters or plot, etc.) but i still enjoyed the fuck out of this, holy hell. i mean it’s i guess kind of an open-world exploration-slash-puzzle concept which sounds kind of boring but the world is gorgeous and the way the game presents these puzzles for you to solve and teaches you the rules in a way that’s entirely self-explanatory and intuitive but still super difficult and ultimately rewarding is just so gratifying and i was just so so impressed at how creative they got with these puzzle designs and the way the world seems to unfold itself the more you unlock its secrets?? anyway i know this is near the bottom bc i do love me a video game story and this particular game doesn’t have that but PLAY THIS GAME IF YOU LIKE PUZZLES IT IS JUST SO COOL AND FUN AND GOOD
the n/onary games (999 only) - this is a replay but still worth mentioning i think?? obviously 999 is one of my favorite games of all time and i was super pumped about the remake and while i didn’t quite enjoy it as much as the very first time i played 999 on my DS it was still a good game!! tbh i mostly just played this game for the voice acting which i was pretty impressed with, and also i got to pick up a lot of the bilingual bonuses i obviously missed while playing my localized copy of the original game which was cool!! i wasn’t as impressed with the updated sprites unfortunately, i felt like their quality was inconsistent and some of them looked like kind of a rush job to me but ymmv i guess?? i think overall i still prefer the DS version even with improvements like the flow chart in the newer version, mostly because 1. i actually appreciated having to literally replay parts of the game in the former bc i feel like it’s more in the spirit of the game if you know what i mean, and 2. some details near the ending that they changed, which you definitely know what i mean if you played the game. still, i appreciate that it’s made the game more widely accessible and if you haven’t played the game pls go play this game i’m literally begging u,,
u/mineko (question arcs only) - ok the only reason i have this 8th on this list is just bc i haven’t technically finished it yet and BOY am i the kind of person who lives entirely for that sweet sweet payoff but there really isn’t THAT much i can say?? like thanks to the ps3 patch the art is pretty decent i guess?? i’m liking all the characters so far?? there’s a whole lot of Bullshit that doesn’t make any sense at this point but i’ve been promised metagame and mindfuck in due time so i guess i’ll just have to see?? yeah this is more of a tbd review than anything i don’t really know what to say besides i’m just so eager to play the other half of this game and get the answers to all these gotdamn MYSTERIES already
braid - i mostly just played this bc i knew it was made by the same person?? studio?? as the witness and while i liked braid and i really enjoyed the puzzles it was just too short for it to have really made an impression on me?? like i know that there is a story and a Twist but it didn’t really do much for me with how abstract it was and just in terms of sheer volume of content it doesn’t quite compare to the other games on this list like don’t get me wrong it was still good!! and if you need a way to kill an afternoon i still highly recommend it but it just wasn’t as memorable to me as p5 or nier was unfort
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groundramon · 6 years
I associate you with: Cartoons ( SU & Teen Titans ), Anime ( BHA & Digimon), & any positivity that gets reblogged on your blog cause you're waffle awesome 👍😁
THANK YOU!! tbh heck yeah i love cartoons and anime, I’m not going into animation because…well I can’t animate rip but I love analyzing their structures because I really do want to work with cartoons some day, just not animating them (and I’d say I wanna work with anime but I dont know if I’d be good at dubbing/if there’s even room for non-translators in dubbing and I couldn’t learn Spanish over a lifetime of participating in classes for it, let alone Japanese when I’ve never studied it at all LMAO however I really want to analyze certain aspects of anime’s art style that aren’t as commonly found in western cartoons.  I’ve heard a lot of talk about what makes anime’s fighting scenes so great vs why anime-inspired cartoons in America don’t always hit that greatness, and I think that’s a fascinating area that I really need to look into more.  I’m not planning to be an art director either but it would be awesome to have a western cartoon that pays homage to even the finest details of Japanese anime.  I dont necessarily want all my cartoons to be anime-inspired either though; there’s not a huge reason for most of them to be other than the fact that I enjoy a semi-realistic style, but anime isn’t the only one to achieve that kind of style.  If Oneiromon ever got turned into a show tho, that’d be one that I’d like to be inspired directly by anime, since the entire structure of the story is based on anime - specifically Digimon but xD idk though, like I said I’m not really going to work in the art department of my shows, I’ll just let the artists do their job and consult them when something seems off.)
And aaa thank u!! As salty as I am I like to spread positivity where I can; as much as I hate people like aphobes I find much more value in simply spreading ace positivity and awareness and ignoring toxic people.  Obviously I dont always do that but hey, I just have too much free time on my hands (which is why I laugh when people throw insults like that at me/others, like yes, and so do you? I dont understand the issue here) plus I dont send anon hate so there’s that!  I just think that as a society, if we focus more on building up good/innocent people than tearing down bad people, we’ll be much better off.  Bad people do deserve to be thrown off their perch but not at the expense of making innocent people feel bad (ie people calling out the homophobia in the ace community/critiquing MOGAI identities’ helpfulness to kids who are trying to figure out their identity, translating to making ace and a-spec people - gay/trans and not alike - feel unsafe in the community because people are apparently incapable of critiquing something without grouping the entire group together and then making fun of said group just on the basis of being that group).  I want to reflect that in my shows too, actually; I dont want everything to be just fun and games because my writing style simply isn’t like that and I’m tired of bullying PSAs that dont address the root causes of bullying - and you bet your ass that I’m going to tackle common PSA topics like that from a more realistic angle.  Hollywood is so disconnected when it comes to PSAs about important subjects - drug PSAs that try to shame people out of doing them when the reason people take them is because of shame and sadness, bullying PSAs featuring pretty white kids being called petty names instead of targeting bigotry as the root cause of bullying and?? literally even pretty white kids dont get bullied for shit like that??, and anti-suicide PSAs that portray suicide as attention-grabbing and mental health professionals as incapable morons….I HATE how much harmful misinformation circles around in hollywood even in fiction.  BUT that was a side tangent - I mostly just want to showcase minorities in the roles they should’ve been showcased in all along.  Fuck your black sidekicks and gay friends and your psuedo-progressive female characters - give me muslim lesbian co-protagonists kicking ass as superheroes.  Give me a gay trans boy struggling with the everyday events of highschool.  Give me a black kid in a wheelchair who gets transported back in time to a time where knights existed and is declared the chosen one who has to slain a dragon.  People say it’s progressive pandering but no it’s not - it’s making things interesting!  We’ve seen cishet white people (usually men) fill these roles plenty of times; the combinations I mentioned add something new to the table.  Imagine how many new spins you could put on typical highschool plots if you made the character trans and gay.  Imagine how unique your show would be if you could work religious references into the superpowers of your muslim superheroes.  And don’t even get me started on how many new possibilities there would be from a handicapped kid in a typical fantasy plot like that - from maneuvering during fight scenes to the cultural shock of this updated machinery, there’s so much room to make the story unique.  I guess all of these ideas are rich coming from me given that the main protagonist in Oneiromon is white lol but he’s an old character okay- and there are other iterations/series of Oneiromon and I can’t imagine there’ll be many white protagonists joining him in the future.  I have a lot to learn about other cultures and other details first of course, being my able-bodied white Christian self, but my goal is to portray them as respectfully as possible!  There’s a certain underlying bias that I find in a lot of shows that try to portray minority groups - even when they do it well, you can just tell that they would never make that character the main character - but I want to purposely avoid that feeling, and hopefully I can do that!
Oof that was a lot of side-tangents but thanks for the ask!!
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shutendragoon · 7 years
So I’ve started playing FF15 recently.
Here are thoughts since im essentially done with the game.
TLDR: The game is fun and has a lot of potential but holy shit they dont know what writing a story is in any capacity.
So i’ve already spoiled this game for myself long ago since i didnt even own a PS4 when it came out and i didnt even think i would ever really get one. Well I did get one after a bit and i recently borrowed FF15 from a friend to get my own opinion on the game. Ok well for starters I’ll just start with the positives.
I really love the main crew. There dynamic and interactions even if a bit cheesy feel fairly natural and extremely endearing. Making them all fairly enjoyable. The combat is actually pretty fun a bit too simple at times but still fun. The world is massive and very interesting to travel and explore through. Honestly some of the most fun i had was just going through random areas of the game and discovering random shit it was really cool. The music is fairly strong and really helps make everything feel more lively. The graphics although not perfect look absolutely gorgeous. It still blows my mind how good this game looks sometimes. And i dont know if its just me but I really love the road trip like aspect of this game something about it is very different from most other games i’ve played and it really made the experience memorable.
FUCK THIS GAMES STORY UP ITS OWN ASSHOLE! Seriously who the fuck wrote this. Look I havent looked at any of the side stuff like the movie or anime since i never had any real interest. I’ve seen a clip or 2 but thats it. So the fact that a lot of various plot important things like characters or plot points arent told to you in the game and sometimes are randomly name dropped or actually appear in the game with no real explanation doesnt help me. And I know there is a optional Lore Guide in the game but ummmmm WHY DOESNT THE GAME JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHO OR WHAT THIS SHIT IS IN GAME DURING THE ACTUAL STORY!? Like when Ravus showed up i was so fucking baffled since i had never seen the fucker before. It was literally only when Prompto pretty much asked who the fuck he was that I found out he was Luna’s brother. SPEAKING OF LUNA....
Im sorry but I dont care for her???? Like they did nothing in that game to make me care???? Then they just kill her???? And the sad thing is I wanted to love her character but they pretty much remove her before i get to know anything about her. See the reason I like Noct and the rest of the guys is even tho they arent super fleshed out, I spend most of the game with them. They interact and talk about various facets of themselves. Like I know Noctis hates fucking beans with a passion. Or that Gladio has a Cup Noodle Fetish. With Luna i have nothing but like 2 or 3 flashbacks of when her Noct were kids and that doesnt really give me much on her as a character. And the worse thing is right when I think i can learn more about her. Fucking Evil McFedoratipper shows up out the fuck of nowhere and kills her. 
It sucks knowing there are characters who wont get as much development or time as they deserve because of questionable design/story choices.  Aranea, Cor, Iris. Cindy, Luna hell even Cid doesnt get much time onscreen (From what I’ve played) I would have really liked it if SOME of these characters were permanent additions to the party adding more potential interactions and character development. Like I would like to know more about Cindy other than she likes cars. 
BUt yeah im pretty much done with  this game. Its not bad but for me its not really doing it. I’ll stick to viewing it from  afar and maybe one day it might grab my interest again.
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