#the gravestone one is sad not only because my guy is dead but also because no one actually gave him a grave
paragal · 2 years
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c!jack sketch page :]
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persy-r-bozo · 3 months
DHMIS- The Yappining! 2/6 - Yellow
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i diddnt know who to fully start with! so i decided yellow was my first victim.
Yellow is a very interesting character. he tends to play into the "Dumb yet sweet" character trope. but the steady reveal that this cannot be farther from the truth is amazing.
I feel him and his reflection could mean alot of things. and i believe it does. a part of me thought it could resemble the two sad sides of neurodivergent Youth. "The gifted" and "The trouble maker" gifted kids tend to be given to much pressure to succeed and troubled ones are ignored or just pushed aside.
i don't think the car killed him, just hurt inside and out. Causing a drift within an already possibly drifting family. (Perhaps this switch disappointed some. or made others go mad.) I think the gravestone and mirror could simply mean that version of him is dead. someone who cant be brought back. He's still the same, just not the way others might have wanted him to be.
The batteries could be a metaphor for meds. or hell he could be a cyborg. I mean his dad made a computer that just spawned bitches so i wouldn't put it past him.
the show or the world their stuck within tried to paint yellow stupidly. However he is quite emotionally intelligent. the world tries to paint him as useless but he isn't. I like the idea that yellow can read people very well. he can understand them in ways that make him super helpful, however he has issues with words and thought, often stumbling over himself.
his kindness and optimism is both a blessing and a curse. it makes him easy to control, but it also makes him a sense of stability and comfort.
he is such an interesting character!. a melancholy character. a sunshine behind a cloud. from a blind and innocent lad within the web series to a more dependable one later on. he has much to overcome, we can only hope he may.
But lets get into the-
Red: Yellow and red are a very interesting pair. i feel as though yellow likes red. but he can read him, probably better than red can even read himself. Yellow can sense he is a ticking time bomb. that despite his quiet, he is breaking. so yellow is distant, keeping himself always a few steps away, just in case. He trusts red, its hard not to feel a little protected with a big fellow around. but yellow can just sense it. that red could snap, and that trust might break too.
Duck: THATS HIS RIDE OR DIE RIGHT THERE!. his ride or die! yellow loves duck, and feels a sense of comfort from him i think. I like to believe that duck might have even been a non related uncle of sorts. the brain fog may persist but you never forget that one guy whose never related to yall but still shows up. They are chaotic and i love them. while yellow can read people very well but cannot speak very well. Duck cannot read people for shit BUT BOY, IS HE LOUD N PROUD. They are two puzzle pieces together. pure chaotic opposites. This may cause big fights between the two but oddly enough i feel there's potential for the two to work really well together too. What im saying is PLEASE PLEASE IF WE GET ANOTHER SEASION I WANT TO SEE DUCK AND YELLOW HAVE THIER OWN ADVENTURE AND ITS CHAOTIC AND MESSY AND FUNNY AS FUCK PLEASE!!-
Roy: Roy is more sad. yellow loves him, yet that love is not mutual. and if it was it wasn't true families love, as it never stayed. Yellow flinches when Roy shows up in family. Yet he still wants to believe he came for him. Maybe yellow will realize this. that even though he loves him, He's not a good puppet person.
Lesley: This is interesting. If we are to believe she is his mother. he surely doesn't remember her. He Seems uncomfortable within her presence and skittish. But he stays and tries to be sweet. Maybe the reason he seems so skittish around her is because she might be the only creature he cant read that well. She's a mystery, her minds a mystery her everything is an enigma. Even to him. I don't think he remembers her at all. But one things for sure, even in the face of the unknown my boy aint rude.
Yellow and clayhill-
Even though clay hill issnt cannon in the slightest and is played as a joke for all the older fans and the creators themselves IM A FREAKAZOID OK? IM INSANE! (i made a small headcannon weird thingy about yellow guy and clayhill to fit clayhill and its "Inexistence" into the series.) BEACUSE IM A MAD MAN OK!!?
I thought of the idea of clayhill being yellows little fanfiction (Babes first fanfiction!! he's following in the footsteps of his eldritch world building parents / guardians!!! <3 ) Yellow used it as a way to vent his little brain foggy daja vu head away.
Ill go though what i remeber clayhills plot line to be. Key thing is remember because I live in the US and i learned off of word of mouth mostly.
Its yellows ideal situation. hes with the other two. they are safe in a town with neighbors and people who love them and see them. Red is calmer, duck is more joyous. its yellows birthday today!. But a mean key comes to life and the mayor is missing.
Duck follows the key and is manipulated and hurt by steave. Yellows venting his frustrations with ducks blind following of the world even though it hurts him. but he understands, its because some of the objects are just so mean. Red runs away, Yellows venting his fears or daja vu like feeling that red will run away. leaving him all alone. He understands it might be for the greater good (finding the mayor) but he is still scared.
Yellow on the other hand, Gets a make over, he outsmarts an object. he finds a way to rescue duck and find red. to save the entire town and have his birthday party at home!. and i believe someone said the age on his badge changed from 38 to 48?
well if it did that might be yellow wishing to be older. Thinking if he was older he could control more things, talk better. Help more often. So in this world. everyday his is birthday, everyday he gets older. everyday he is seen and in control.
But This level of escapism doesn't really work for Lesley/Roy. so whenever they can they remind him that clay hill isn't real. it never was. and it never will be.
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boleynns · 2 years
Do u have fic recommendations?
I'm gonna assume this is for Daemon/Rhaenyra since that has been all I've talked about for months haha. And definitely have plenty of recs! In general I love reading really long fic (like, in really popular pairings I will set my parameters to see 50k+ or 100k+ fics only...), so due to the relative newness of this ship's popularity, most of my recs are incomplete. I also have way more that I am subscribed to that absolutely could be faves eventually, but that are just a little too early in the story to guarantee.
To Ashes (Series) by Emerald_Aphelion (~30k, series incomplete but has 3 complete works so far) -- AU from Daemon's return from the Stepstones, basically where Daemon and Rhaenyra are just a little more thoughtful and forward-thinking within their relationship and with the political situation they're in. Established Relationship Vibes but also slow burn romance at the same time, they make each other smarter and better by working together, Rhaenyra bonds with baby!Aegon AND Rhea, Daemon picks Rhaenyra up and puts her on a table and calls her his queen at one point (hot), and this is the ideal Dance fix-it.
my eyes are aching to see you--126AC by SeveDeChampagne (~2.5k, complete) -- set between Episode 7 and 8, a very spicy First Time Post-Birth one-shot that contains multiple sentences that are some of the most intensely romantic things I've ever read. Considering my love of long fics, it takes a special kind of short fic for me to be so moved and attached.
How to Win Thrones and Ensnare Dragons by Writer_in_the__Dark (~15k, incomplete) -- Time Travel AU (my kink) where Rhaenyra is reborn into her baby-self. Only a few chapters in but I am HOOKED by the writing style and characterization of The Early Years dynamic, and am so looking forward to seeing how this evolves as time moves forward -- but based on the writing so far, I know it will be wonderful.
put down that gravestone by darkgods (~35k, incomplete) -- Post-Episode 4 AU, where Daemon went back to the Vale and Rhea didn't die, and then Rhaenyra gave birth to very Daemon-looking twins (wonder how that happened!), and then 10 years later Rhea has dead and Viserys invites Daemon back to be Hand. This story is so well-written and rich with character detail, I honestly just want to re-read it over and over! It has so beautifully dove into Rhaenyra's psyche, Daemon's personality (from his own perspective and from others), built a very sad and realistic portrait of Jace and Luke's lives as outcasts in court, set up some deliciously hurtful and complicated strings to unravel between Daemon and Rhaenyra due to this inciting situation, and has already indulged my pathological need for some Outside POV content by adding in Luke's (very well-written) perspective on a dinner scene. The fact that the chapter count is currently at 4/36 and we already have 35k words has me so hyped, you guys don't understand how badly I need piles and piles of giant fics.
Significance by AmazingAngie (~21k, incomplete) -- AmazingAngie is amazing because of how quickly she writes such amazing material! This is a Soulmate!AU, and this one in particular is just so insanely lovely so far! I'm a sucker for a "meant to be" setup so I will always love those from the get go, but I especially love the nuance in this story, and the ways that knowing that they are the endgame changes the trajectory of all of these characters lives.
you came/you called by scarlettscribbles (~10k, incomplete) -- basically an Episode 10 AU, kind of, but beyond that I just suggest reading it and going with the flow, because once I was like 80% into this first chapter I finally realized what was happening and it was so exciting. Needless to say I am pumped for the rest of the story.
No joke I have literally NEVER liked Modern!AU's before, except for with 'Merlin' (because even if it wasn't explicitly stated, I could pretend that it was Reincarnation). It has just never appealed to me, until now with Daemon and Rhaenyra -- because they are just that powerful. Also none of my Modern!AU faves are any of that "Oh, actually, Daemon is adopted, or they're third cousins twice removed, or Daemon is only a ~symbolic uncle", like, we all know what we're doing here 😂
Lets Ignite Under the Ember Skies by grandlovescheme (26k, complete) -- So freaking good! The uncertainty, the jealousy, the tension, the ~vibes, the ~sexy ~vibes, it is a tightly-written and very well-characterized modern version of these characters and I love it.
Petrichor by sweetestsorrows (katschako) (~23k, incomplete) -- one of the chapters made me cry for real. Very intense "we are way too close to be appropriate, and it is causing angst, but i wanna be closer..." vibes, and I am so here for it. It really is wonderfully translating their bond to a modern lens, and all the problems and tensions that would come along with that dynamic. It made me go "omg that is so intensely romantic", it made me literally cry, it made me go "ooh ~spicy", its got it all.
the beauty queen in tears by writingwhatidream (~30k, incomplete) -- AHHH I am obsessed with this story (almost as obsessed as Crispin is with Rhaenyra in it...). To try and sum it up, it is a Modern!AU A/B/O Royal Family fic...but that all sounds so much more reductive than it actually reads. For me, it is: delicious Daemon/Rhaenyra "Us Against the World" vibes, where even if they're not physically together they are 100% together, with a healthy (or rather unhealthy, in-context) dose of creepy Outsider POV, and the promise of Alpha/Omega-induced drama, love, possessiveness, and danger to come. It is juicy and beautifully written, and is giving me so many things I want all in one place.
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raining-anonymously · 2 years
playing the sims (4) is wild. i was playing the “new in town” scenario with the premade sim farrah nouvel. throughout the gameplay, farrah broke up the goths and seduced bella, had a wildly successful painting career in which she may have committed several crimes, built an honestly amazing house despite having no money, became excellent friends with santa claus, and finished off the scenario by inviting everyone she knew (including mortimer AND bella, all three sages, and more) to a huge party in her newly upgraded house.
then i noticed farrah had a sad moodlet buried beneath her other ones. apparently someone had died? weird considering everyone she knew was at the party and there wasn’t a fire or anything, and i didn’t think i’d been playing long enough for the elders to die. it was some randomly generated townie who i’d never cared much for, so i finished enough tasks to make the party a success, thereby completing the scenario! yayy! then morgyn ember started looking a little weird, right before they dropped dead on the basement floor. beside them was simeon silversweater’s urn. after farrah failed to seduce the reaper into sparing morgyn, minerva charm died too! what was going on? 
i realized after the fact and much too late to save anyone that it was because of the heatwave. morgyn, simeon, minerva, and random-townie-guy were not wearing weather appropriate clothing, and i forgot to use the thermostat. great. now farrah can’t stop crying, l. faba hasn’t noticed that her two only friends are dead, gemma and darryl charm are orphans, and the grim reaper somehow ended up joining the household. also, there’s four gravestones in the yard.
clearly, there’s only one solution here.
farrah has to journey to the magic realm, learn untamed magic from whoever succeeds morgyn, and cast the dedeathify spell on her dead friends. not random townie though. screw that guy.
after that, maybe i’ll feed the reaper to the cow plant for ruining my party. and killing some of my favorite sims i guess. even though it was my fault for not turning on the thermostat even though i knew there was a heatwave (because farrah wanted to talk about it with santa claus). 
but hey, look on the bright side—after days of no socializing while farrah painted nonstop so i could finish the house, she finally got to talk to another sim about her fears of being controlled—with the grim reaper who had just killed three of her best friends. 
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heliads · 3 years
Breaking Promises
When Julie has to suddenly drop out of a Julie and the Phantoms performance, the role of lead singer falls to her best friend Y/N, as she’s the only other person who can make the boys visible to the world. When Y/N seems betrayed by this, it falls to Luke to figure out why the girl he’s been crushing on seems so hurt.
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Luke is bent over his guitar, fingers mindlessly strumming the strings. He’s supposed to be tuning the instrument, he knows that, but every time he tries to set himself up for some small task he can’t help but start trying to figure out another song. It’s like he can find music in everything, and sometimes, the call to come up with another few chord variations is too hard to ignore. Especially now, when he should have finished tuning his guitar ten minutes ago.
Well, it’s not like he has a whole lot to do anyway. The different members of Julie and the Phantoms (minus Julie herself) are strewn about the studio. Reggie is lying on a couch, staring up at the ceiling. Alex, for some reason, is trying to figure out if he can walk all the way around the room without his feet touching the floor once. His gaze is laser-sharp as he focuses, arms held out for balance as he carefully steps from ottoman to couch cushion.
Luke frowns over at him, attention finally broken from the guitar. “You know, walking on the rug does still count as having your feet touch the ground.” Alex holds up a warning finger. “Actually, the rules are that you can’t touch the floor itself. The rug is not the ground, so I’m fine.” Another voice rings out from across the room. “That’s a lie and you know it. Rugs have never been safe.” Alex folds his arms over his chest. “I’ve been playing The Floor is Lava for decades longer than you, Y/N, so I think I’d know.”
Y/N, however, is undaunted by this. “You can’t pull the age thing on me if you’re wrong. The lava would soak through any rug. It’s an obvious fact.” Alex makes a face at her. “I’m still right about this. Luke, back me up.” Luke shakes his head, unable to hide a grin. “Sorry, Alex. Y/N’s right. Rugs are totally out of bounds.” Alex shoots him a sour look. “Somehow I’m not surprised that you’d pick her side.” Luke’s mouth falls open as Reggie bursts out in laughter. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Y/N’s smiling now as well. “It means that he’s still jealous that we’re right. Pay it no attention.” She turns back towards the notebook in her hands, leaving Alex with the opportunity to look meaningfully between her and Luke. Luke shoots him a glare, which just makes Alex’s grin even broader. Sometimes, Luke wishes he wasn’t in a band with such idiots.
Luke’s irritation begins to fade away when he looks back at Y/N. Her hand is strewn across her lap as she studies her scrawled chemistry notes, fingers tapping out a rhythm on the go. It’s strange- Y/N seems like the perfect person for music. She always knows the beat to a song, and she seems to walk, talk, and breathe melodies just like Luke. Even now, when she’s focusing on her homework, she’s still coming up with drum beats on the fly. It’s astonishing.
Yet every time Luke asks Y/N about music, she always changes the subject. It’s never interested her, she claims, or she has always left that to Julie and Flynn, her two best friends. Those excuses don’t make sense, though- Luke’s been to Y/N’s house before and she’s got piles of sheet music stacked up in the corners, and dusty instrument cases hidden in the attic. Y/N has definitely had a history in music, Luke just can’t figure out why she’s hiding it.
Music isn’t the only mystery lingering around Y/N L/N. She isn’t a ghost, yet she can still see Luke, Alex, and Reggie as if they were all lifers. Luke remembers when they first met- Y/N had been Julie’s best friend, and so she had been inevitably dragged over to the studio to hear the boys perform and prove that Julie wasn’t crazy, just like what happened to Flynn. Unlike Flynn, however, Y/N’s eyes had caught on the boys from the second she walked through the door, even before they had started playing music.
She had greeted them with no problem, and then her easygoing smile had started to fade when she saw the looks of utter confusion on Luke and his friends. A wave of troubled realization crested over her eyes when Julie explained that they were ghosts, as if she knew exactly why she could suddenly see them. Julie had been confused as well, and then she had turned to Y/N with a look of thunderstruck understanding. 
“You can see them because of-” Her voice had cut off and Y/N had nodded quietly. “Yes.” The girls hadn’t said anything more, but Luke can still see the silent sadness that wrapped around both Y/N and Julie before they hurriedly changed conversations. They were clearly hiding something, but Luke doesn’t know what it could possibly be. They haven’t brought it up again, and they seem keen on hiding any possible reasons as to why Y/N has no problems seeing ghosts.
After a couple of minutes, Julie bursts through the door of the studio, out of breath from running to them. She stands in the doorway for a second, looking distinctly panicked. “You guys remember the gig we have planned in a couple of days?” Luke nods, along with the rest of his band. How could he not? It’s a fairly big show, at a premier jazz club. It’s no Orpheum, but it’ll give them some excellent street cred that the band could use to get even bigger.
Julie closes the studio doors behind her, and walks over to the assembled band. “We have a problem.” Y/N’s forehead creases, and she starts to rise out of her chair. “Here, I’ll let you guys talk this over in private.” Yet Julie shakes her head, gesturing for Y/N to sit back down. “Actually, I’m afraid you have to be here for this.” Y/N sits back down, looking troubled. Luke can’t blame her- Julie’s gaze keeps flickering over to her friend with a distinctly guilty expression.
Julie steeples her fingers in front of her. “Something came up with my family and I can’t make it to the show. I know the performance is a big deal, but I can’t miss this thing with my family. The only problem is that the jazz club has a strict policy on band cancellations, and we’ve already missed the window for backing out. We have to perform, but there’s no way I can make it in time.” Luke’s gaze falls. How are they supposed to play if they don’t have Julie? Without her, nobody will be able to see them.
Julie squares her shoulders, as if readying herself for a hardship. “We have to have someone performing with the boys so they can be seen and the club won’t think we’re backing out on them. I’m sorry, Y/N, but it has to be you.” Instantly, Y/N’s gaze drops. “What are you talking about?” Julie holds up her hands as if to defend herself from an attack. “I know how it sounds, but hear me out. You have an incredible voice, and you already know the boys better than anybody else.”
Luke looks over at Y/N, and is surprised to see that she looks distinctly unhappy. Angry, even. Reggie, on the other hand, does not seem to have picked this up. He beams over at her. “Y/N, I didn’t know you could sing! This is going to be so good!” Y/N glares over at Julie. “Judging by the fact that the boys don’t know about this, I’m assuming that this was all your idea. You want me to sing in a band in front of a large audience? Why not ask Flynn, or even Carrie? She would be better for this.”
Julie winces. “I know how you feel, but it’s our only option. The boys have to perform with someone who can see them so they can be visible to the audience. It has to be you.” If looks could kill, Julie would be as dead as Luke. Y/N’s voice is slow and cold. “You know what this means to me. You know exactly what this means to me, and you’re still asking me to do this. I can’t believe you.”
Julie starts to speak again, but Y/N holds up a hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it. After all, the future of this band is far more important than any of your friends, isn’t it? I know the songs, I’ll be ready. That’s what you really care about.” Y/N stands up, looking down at Julie with an expression of utter loathing. “When you didn’t want to make music because of your mom, I was there. I understood. But the rules only apply to you, don’t they? I will never forgive you for this.” With that, she walks swiftly out of the study, muttering something about needing to be alone.
Luke looks from the slamming door to Julie. “What was that about?” Julie looks sick to her stomach. “I never should have asked her to do this. She’s right, it was a bad idea.” Alex shakes his head, confused. “I don’t understand. What’s wrong with Y/N having to perform?” Julie just sighs. “It’s personal. If she doesn’t tell you, I don’t think I should either. I’ve already upset her too much.”
Luke gets up slowly. “I’m going to go talk to her.” Before Julie can say a word to stop him, Luke is already poofing out of the studio. He can see Y/N’s figure disappearing around one corner, then two. He follows her slowly, and feels a dull surprise creep over him when he realizes that she is heading towards the cemetery. What could possibly be waiting for her there?
Something in the back of Luke’s head is telling him that this is too personal, and he’s about to witness a scene that was not meant for his own eyes to see. Something else tells him that Luke needs to see this to understand Y/N, and to learn how to fix whatever problem has just split her friendship with Julie down the middle. So, Luke continues to shadow Y/N’s footsteps, always just behind a tree or out of sight when she looks back. He has a feeling that if he is sighted or makes a sound, Y/N will back down from whatever she is about to do.
Eventually Y/N stops moving, and kneels beside a gravestone. It seems fairly recent, not chipped away and eroded like the others. Luke peers closer at the stone and realizes that it’s inscribed with a girl’s name, and the last name is L/N. Also, the death date occurred about a year ago. All of a sudden, Luke realizes who Y/N is visiting. Could this be her sister, a sister that died? Is that why she’s so upset?
Luke’s thoughts stop churning for a second when he realizes that Y/N is speaking quietly to the stone. “Hi. It’s me again. I just had to come here because-” Her voice drops off and she takes a second to collect herself before she begins speaking once more. “I need to apologize. You know that band I’ve talked about before? The one that’s made up of my friends? Well, they have this performance coming up in a few days, and they need me to sing with them because they’re ghosts and I’m one of the only people who can see them. I know how it sounds and everything, but I have no choice-”
Y/N’s eyes widen and she stops speaking. There, standing a few inches in front of her, is a girl. She looks only a couple of years older than Y/N, and even without the inscription on the headstone Luke can tell that this is Y/N’s sister. He can see it in her eyes, the shape of her face. However, unlike Y/N, this girl has a distinctive scowl that never seems to leave her expression, not even for a second. Y/N seems startled at the sight of her sister. “You’re here? I thought-”
Y/N’s sister cuts her off. “What, you thought I wouldn’t be here and so you’d feel okay with pretending everything is fine? We had a promise, don’t you remember? If I have to die and never play music again, you have to uphold the bargain. That’s how it works.” The girl starts walking forward, and Y/N scrambles backwards out of her way. “It wasn’t my choice- I didn’t want to- I have to be there! I tried to argue but there’s no way out of it.” The girl clicks her tongue in disappointment. “I hoped that you would try a little harder. Aren’t you supposed to be keeping my memory? Well, I can think of another way to keep the promise.”
Luke’s head snaps up as he realizes what the girl is about to do. Just before the sister’s arm reaches Y/N, he has poofed into existence in between them, stopping the blow just before it lands. Y/N stares at him. “Luke? Where did you come from?” Luke flashes her an apologetic smile. “I was trying to find you so I could figure out why you were so upset. I think I get it now, though.” Y/N’s sister huffs an irritated sigh. “Look at you, a friend to the rescue. This doesn’t concern you. The promise is between us.”
Luke shakes his head. “You don’t get to hurt her. Not like this, not in the promise. I want you to leave her alone. Only come back when you’re ready to apologize or treat her better.” Y/N’s sister scoffs. “And why would I do that?” Luke’s gaze grows steely. “Because I have friends who can make you. Have you ever heard of Caleb Covington? He knows me, and if I needed something I know he’d show up.” Y/N’s sister’s gaze falters. “You’re in touch with Caleb?” Luke nods. “I take it you know him?”
The girl looks terrified. “Any ghost who’s anybody knows about Caleb.” Her gaze cuts over to Y/N. “I’ll stop, I swear it. Sing with them. I don’t care. Just don’t set Caleb on my trail.” Luke squares his shoulders. “I won’t unless I have to.” Y/N’s sister fixes him with one last look, then poofs out again, leaving Luke and Y/N alone. Luke offers Y/N a hand, which she takes. She’s shaking slightly, which twists Luke’s heart like a knife. She glances over at him, confused.
“Wait, why did you bring up Caleb? I thought he hated you guys. You talked about him like he was a friend.” Luke spread his hands. “She doesn’t have to know that. I mean, all I really said is that Caleb knows who I am, and he does.” Y/N laughs incredulously. “You were bluffing that whole time? Even I believed you.” The two of them walk out of the cemetery, and only after they’re out on the sunlit sidewalk does Luke finally turn to Y/N once more.
“Was your sister the reason you didn’t want to perform with us at the club?” Y/N sighs. “Yes. We were closer than anything, and we had a little gig going as a joint act. We sang and wrote music together. We had plans of being this great band, and then she died one night in an accident.” Y/N stifles a broken laugh. “When I saw her again, I thought I was hallucinating. Then she broke my window and I realized she was actually there, albeit in ghost form. She made me promise that I would never perform again, because it wouldn’t be fair to her memory. Some part of me knew it wasn’t right, but I was afraid of her, I guess.”
Luke sees the doubt beginning to creep back onto Y/N’s face, and he wraps an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “It wasn’t right at all. That promise wasn’t something she could ask of you. That’s not dedication to music, that’s just her controlling her. A real musician would want you to move on and grow. I mean, we all hate Bobby because he stole our songs, not because he kept performing. I mean, I’m proud of him for doing so well, even though he tried to write us out of history. The issue isn’t with you singing, I promise.”
Y/N looks up at him, and Luke feels lost in her gaze. “Thank you for having my back. I know I shouldn’t have blown up at Julie, but I was so upset that she would make me perform that I guess I just lost it.” Luke frowns. “Julie knew about the promise?” Y/N nods. “I dropped out of music class and she wanted to know why. I told her that my sister had died and she didn’t want me to perform anymore, but not about the ghost stuff. Obviously.” A slight smile begins to creep onto her face. “Honestly, I’m excited about performing. I haven’t sung in front of people in a long time.”
Luke returns her smile. “I’m excited to hear you. To be honest, I’ve been hoping to hear you perform for a while.” Y/N’s brow furrows. “You knew I did music?” Luke shrugs. “I knew music was important to you so I took a guess. I know you’ll be amazing.” Y/N laughs. “How do you know that?” Luke leans down to press a kiss to her cheek. “I just have a feeling.”
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life
1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off running towards the gravestones, my dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply read “Here Lies Austin” no name, no date. My brother did not learn to read until he was 6 and this headstone wasn’t even right out visible from where we were, yet he ran right to it
2. We don’t watch firefighter things
my son told me a few months ago he “used to be a firefighter, and we got called to a fire. There wasn’t any family inside the house, so we just put the fire out. Then the fire truck caught on fire and I died”. A few nights later, he elaborated he was taken to a hospital, where he died. We don’t watch firefighter things.
3. Her “other” mother’s name was Sally
I was talking to my four year old when she began to freak me out. She was telling me a story about her “other mother” and that she “died a long time ago on a Thursday.” I tried to brush it off, you know, whatever, shes a kid, they have wild imaginations… but then she started to go further into detail about the death of her “other mother,” whose name was apparently Sally. She has never met anyone named Sally, and I can’t recall any shows on TV she watches where “Sally” is a character. She told me that she was playing with her father’s gun that she found and accidentally shot and killed Sally while she was walking upstairs. It’s pretty weird. There are no guns in this house, I haven’t even really told her what guns are all about and how they can hurt or kill someone, shes only four! I think I am beginning to understand now why when I try to tell her when someone dies, they go away forever, she tells me that, that is not true. “We come back, mommy!” I’m only 23, I had my daughter very young and despite not being prepared, I don’t think I could have ever prepared for a conversation like that!
4. “When she lived before she was born”
My daughter did the same thing at the same age. She told me about her life “when she lived before she was born” and described herself as a woman with long hair who lived in an apartment with a long flight of stairs outside of it. She drove a VW Bug and wore long skirts. She then told me that she fell down the stairs and died. Her stories were startlingly vivid and always consistent. Quite spooky. She is now 19 and doesnt remember it. My advice would be write down everything your daughter tells you on the subject. Everything! Record her stories if you can.
5. Roanoke?
I would tell my older sister about my death. I told her my husband was captured and fire was everywhere. I took my young son and ran. I told her my son couldn’t run fast enough. I knew we would get killed and I had my husbands knife on me, I wanted to leave a clue. I wrote in capitals “CROATOAN” I told her we were caught and how my son was killed before I was killed. I told her how I was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. Then, I went about playing with dolls. I can still picture the scene and my son to this day.
6. “She used to come visit me”
my son says he remember his great grandmother (my grandmother) and can describe her in perfect detail (how she looks, how she acted, even what brand of cigarettes she smoked) , although she died 11 days before he was born. He says that she used to come visit him in his dreams.
7. Conchon
Apparently beginning around the time my friend could form sentences until he was little more than 2, he would go on and on about how he was a Native American named Conchon and that after his wife and son got sick and died, he moved to a mountain to live by himself with his horse. He died of a broken neck when he fell into a ravine.
8. “My real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came.”
when I was 2 or 3 I was talking to my grandmother and told her that my mom and dad weren’t my real mom and dad. My grandmother, knowing this wasn’t true, said they were. I calmly explained that no, my real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came. I had lived because my mom hid me behind a rock. I then went on to describe white men with guns and us “dark” people with long hair. When I was done, I went back to eating my ice cream.
9. Jesus
My cousin, approximately 3 years old and riding in the car with my mum and dad, pointed out a random house that they went past and declared “I died there”.
10. Included because, WHAT?
I did something sort of similar I guess. When I was about 3 my mum and I were driving over a bridge on which there’d recently been a major accident that resulted in a car bursting into flames and the driver dying. Anyway, I asked my mum who the man in the front seat was and when she told me to describe him I said, “Well he’s on fire and he keeps looking back at me.”
11. I drowned
My mother told me about a story I told her when I was 2 or 3. I told her she was the best mommy I ever had, to which she replied, “I’m the only mommy you’ve ever had.” “nu-uh, I had another mommy.” I said that my older sister and I went out to a pond in the woods behind my house. Around the pond, all of the trees were the same type: skinny with white paper-like bark. (I had never seen a poplar tree before in this life.) We put some logs together to make a raft, and put it into the water to play boat captain and climbed aboard. The raft fell apart, and I didn’t know how to swim. I tried to grab a log, but my hand slipped off. I could see my sister freaking out from underwater. I drowned.
12. My war memories
one of 6 hopping out of a helicopter into a field, it’s hot as shit, humid, daytime, two house/buildings smoking and heavily burning straight in front of me (to the side of the chopper), and there’s firing from the woods and field to my right. It’s chaotic a noisy, lots of firing and helicopters, my guys are firing back crouched next to the back building, one guy runs out of the other building with a kid he pushes forward and yells at to run, the kid gets shot from out of nowhere, and drops. I see a few of my guys advancing from another chopper behind me duck down in the grass as their chopper leaves, I crouch in tall grass about 10 feet from my chopper, fire my rifle twice from just above the grass line, and my chopper starts to take off, and is taking fire. I get up to move forward, panicky, and am shot dead – I feel a hard thunk, see part my chest explode, fall forward go black, and zoom out above my body. I also drew this later (still have pics, mom saved them). To me, it’s clear as day, still. Mom said some of my first chatter was about “heavy fire” “zip em boys” (don’t know what that means) and I would ask “Where are the hueys?” I was born in the early 70s, and my family was NOT military (very anti, actually). I err on the side of thinking it’s media (news footage?) I absorbed at some point from the Viet Nam war, but I also wonder if it’s not a past-life dream.
13. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
When my kid was 4, we were watching a docu on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the tv and said, “That’s wrong. The boilers were on the Other side. And I was right here.” And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. “That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.”
14. My family’s farm, burning
When I was younger I would have dreams of living in colonial american. I remember bits very vividly and only when I was older did I realize what they were about and how accurate they were. Most of the dreams consisted of me being in my late teen years and centered around my family’s farm being set on fire during the night. I never dreamed past that night, nothing about the aftermath of the fire, and I haven’t had one in years.
15. “Nobody scroofs me there”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing. My wife and I were catatonic.
16. Nope
“Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so old now. They were ok when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn’t!”
17. “Their screams are keeping me up”
I was in my room on the computer at about 11, which is late for my sister to be awake even now. I was thinking about bed, but then my sister knocks on the door. She was maybe 10 at the time, so not so young that she doesn’t know when she’s dreaming. She wanted to sleep in my room because she was sad and scared. I asked her why, and she said, “I watched your sons burn up in the fire. Their screams are keeping me up.”
18. Role reversal
My three year old said, “Remember when I was the grown-up and you were the little boy?” to his Dad.
19. When he was a grown up
My father used to hate policemen when he was a kid, he used to tell my grandmother that they came to his house and shot him when he was a grown up.
19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life paranormal ghost and hauntings
148 notes
May 26th, 2019
#paranormal #ghost and hauntings
19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off...
19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life
1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off running towards the gravestones, my dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply read “Here Lies Austin” no name, no date. My brother did not learn to read until he was 6 and this headstone wasn’t even right out visible from where we were, yet he ran right to it
2. We don’t watch firefighter things
my son told me a few months ago he “used to be a firefighter, and we got called to a fire. There wasn’t any family inside the house, so we just put the fire out. Then the fire truck caught on fire and I died”. A few nights later, he elaborated he was taken to a hospital, where he died. We don’t watch firefighter things.
3. Her “other” mother’s name was Sally
I was talking to my four year old when she began to freak me out. She was telling me a story about her “other mother” and that she “died a long time ago on a Thursday.” I tried to brush it off, you know, whatever, shes a kid, they have wild imaginations… but then she started to go further into detail about the death of her “other mother,” whose name was apparently Sally. She has never met anyone named Sally, and I can’t recall any shows on TV she watches where “Sally” is a character. She told me that she was playing with her father’s gun that she found and accidentally shot and killed Sally while she was walking upstairs. It’s pretty weird. There are no guns in this house, I haven’t even really told her what guns are all about and how they can hurt or kill someone, shes only four! I think I am beginning to understand now why when I try to tell her when someone dies, they go away forever, she tells me that, that is not true. “We come back, mommy!” I’m only 23, I had my daughter very young and despite not being prepared, I don’t think I could have ever prepared for a conversation like that!
4. “When she lived before she was born”
My daughter did the same thing at the same age. She told me about her life “when she lived before she was born” and described herself as a woman with long hair who lived in an apartment with a long flight of stairs outside of it. She drove a VW Bug and wore long skirts. She then told me that she fell down the stairs and died. Her stories were startlingly vivid and always consistent. Quite spooky. She is now 19 and doesnt remember it. My advice would be write down everything your daughter tells you on the subject. Everything! Record her stories if you can.
5. Roanoke?
I would tell my older sister about my death. I told her my husband was captured and fire was everywhere. I took my young son and ran. I told her my son couldn’t run fast enough. I knew we would get killed and I had my husbands knife on me, I wanted to leave a clue. I wrote in capitals “CROATOAN” I told her we were caught and how my son was killed before I was killed. I told her how I was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. Then, I went about playing with dolls. I can still picture the scene and my son to this day.
6. “She used to come visit me”
my son says he remember his great grandmother (my grandmother) and can describe her in perfect detail (how she looks, how she acted, even what brand of cigarettes she smoked) , although she died 11 days before he was born. He says that she used to come visit him in his dreams.
7. Conchon
Apparently beginning around the time my friend could form sentences until he was little more than 2, he would go on and on about how he was a Native American named Conchon and that after his wife and son got sick and died, he moved to a mountain to live by himself with his horse. He died of a broken neck when he fell into a ravine.
8. “My real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came.”
when I was 2 or 3 I was talking to my grandmother and told her that my mom and dad weren’t my real mom and dad. My grandmother, knowing this wasn’t true, said they were. I calmly explained that no, my real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came. I had lived because my mom hid me behind a rock. I then went on to describe white men with guns and us “dark” people with long hair. When I was done, I went back to eating my ice cream.
9. Jesus
My cousin, approximately 3 years old and riding in the car with my mum and dad, pointed out a random house that they went past and declared “I died there”.
10. Included because, WHAT?
I did something sort of similar I guess. When I was about 3 my mum and I were driving over a bridge on which there’d recently been a major accident that resulted in a car bursting into flames and the driver dying. Anyway, I asked my mum who the man in the front seat was and when she told me to describe him I said, “Well he’s on fire and he keeps looking back at me.”
11. I drowned
My mother told me about a story I told her when I was 2 or 3. I told her she was the best mommy I ever had, to which she replied, “I’m the only mommy you’ve ever had.” “nu-uh, I had another mommy.” I said that my older sister and I went out to a pond in the woods behind my house. Around the pond, all of the trees were the same type: skinny with white paper-like bark. (I had never seen a poplar tree before in this life.) We put some logs together to make a raft, and put it into the water to play boat captain and climbed aboard. The raft fell apart, and I didn’t know how to swim. I tried to grab a log, but my hand slipped off. I could see my sister freaking out from underwater. I drowned.
12. My war memories
one of 6 hopping out of a helicopter into a field, it’s hot as shit, humid, daytime, two house/buildings smoking and heavily burning straight in front of me (to the side of the chopper), and there’s firing from the woods and field to my right. It’s chaotic a noisy, lots of firing and helicopters, my guys are firing back crouched next to the back building, one guy runs out of the other building with a kid he pushes forward and yells at to run, the kid gets shot from out of nowhere, and drops. I see a few of my guys advancing from another chopper behind me duck down in the grass as their chopper leaves, I crouch in tall grass about 10 feet from my chopper, fire my rifle twice from just above the grass line, and my chopper starts to take off, and is taking fire. I get up to move forward, panicky, and am shot dead – I feel a hard thunk, see part my chest explode, fall forward go black, and zoom out above my body. I also drew this later (still have pics, mom saved them). To me, it’s clear as day, still. Mom said some of my first chatter was about “heavy fire” “zip em boys” (don’t know what that means) and I would ask “Where are the hueys?” I was born in the early 70s, and my family was NOT military (very anti, actually). I err on the side of thinking it’s media (news footage?) I absorbed at some point from the Viet Nam war, but I also wonder if it’s not a past-life dream.
13. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
When my kid was 4, we were watching a docu on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the tv and said, “That’s wrong. The boilers were on the Other side. And I was right here.” And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. “That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.”
14. My family’s farm, burning
When I was younger I would have dreams of living in colonial american. I remember bits very vividly and only when I was older did I realize what they were about and how accurate they were. Most of the dreams consisted of me being in my late teen years and centered around my family’s farm being set on fire during the night. I never dreamed past that night, nothing about the aftermath of the fire, and I haven’t had one in years.
15. “Nobody scroofs me there”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing. My wife and I were catatonic.
16. Nope
“Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so old now. They were ok when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn’t!”
17. “Their screams are keeping me up”
I was in my room on the computer at about 11, which is late for my sister to be awake even now. I was thinking about bed, but then my sister knocks on the door. She was maybe 10 at the time, so not so young that she doesn’t know when she’s dreaming. She wanted to sleep in my room because she was sad and scared. I asked her why, and she said, “I watched your sons burn up in the fire. Their screams are keeping me up.”
18. Role reversal
My three year old said, “Remember when I was the grown-up and you were the little boy?” to his Dad.
19. When he was a grown up
My father used to hate policemen when he was a kid, he used to tell my grandmother that they came to his house and shot him when he was a grown up.
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0gasstationcoffee · 3 years
LWA rewatch episode 9
·      Well here we are, the episode where the red teams ACCIDENTALLY commits the worst crime in the magical world lmao
·      Okay so Akko is a dessert girl. We knew this, I just wanted to write it down
·      HI Ursula!!!! She’s just standing there while Finneran lectures the students about going into town but I love her
·      Lol Holbrooke just coming up to Finneran like LOOK A SHOE I SHALL WEAR IT AS MY HAT. At least she knows Finneran needs to lighten up
·      LMAO Holbrooke says poor unfortunate souls and then Ursula speaks up
·      Aw she put the shoe hat on Ursula and Ursula is just like “oh well”
·      Also it’s probably late in the game to say this but I really love how Ursula’s glasses will completely hide her eyes unless of course it’s important and then you see them
·      And of course I love that Ursula and Akko both have red eyes
·      Amulets must be an item the witch deeply cares about so they can return safely home to them. Lotte has a Nightfall book, Sucy has a mushroom, Holbrooke unknowingly has a piece of the bell from later in the episode. But also some witches held up scissors and a spoon??
·      Love that Lotte was also shocked that Holbrooke just blew the lint out of Akko’s hand. That’s a friend that has your back
·      I like that Sucy is the one who brings up using the Shiny Chariot card and of course Akko is so reluctant
·      And for sure Akko wears her skirt so short because Shiny Chariot did too lmao
·      Akko and Lotte accidentally knocking down two gravestones cuz they’re scared of the graveyard lol
·      Professor Ursula gave Akko a repairing potion and taught her the spell!!! Love that especially because yeah Ursula knew Akko would need that a lot lolol
·      Also damn is it Finneran or Finnelan??? Okay from now on it’s Finn
·      Oh no she dropped the mushroom while trying to repair the graves
·      OH NO a hand just grabbed her foot and they all just stare at before yelling lolol also adorable that Akko tries to run but falls and Lotte tries to drag her away
·      Oh yeah I remember this guy, I liked him. He’s on a mission to hunt some guy down
·      Sucy is me lmao when her teammates run away she just walks after them
·      Oof Akko remembers that resurrection is the worst crime
·      Omg that cute little boy on his tricycle and Akko and Lotte just taking him away from the dead guy
·      Uh oh they’re surrounded by people and Akko just yelled that she resurrected him lol
·      Lotte somehow passes him off as her grandpa, HE’S A SKELETON
·      Do humans just expect this from witches lmao
·      Okay since they’re all calling gramps then I will too
·      Akko almost got hit by a car. I’m gonna go back through my notes and make an Akko near death experience count lol but also like yikes
·      Well that was a very kind and informative shopkeeper
·      Oh hey the shopkeeper is back, the only dude that we really see with any magical experience though I don’t think he’s used magic himself, just handles the items and uses potions?
·      Okay Magic Golden Age: 200 years ago. Took place between the witch hunts and the industrial revolution. Everyone relied on magic
·      Okay so gramps was human who fell in love with a witch and they were Miranda Holbrooke’s parents. The mom died in childbirth
·      So how old is Miranda if the house she grew up in is from the Magic Golden Age
·      This backstory is super sad. Gramps is trying so hard to remember the details of his own life and doesn’t realize that the heartless swine he’s hunting down for abandoning his child is himself
·      Awwwwwww Ursula is packing away the amulets and Holbrooke holds up Akko’s Chariot card “oh how lovely, seeing this brings back some fond memories.” So it can only be assumed that Holbrooke knows exactly who Ursula is, which makes sense. But I really want to know the whole story behind it. I’ve seen a lot of theories about why Ursula, the youngest and newest teacher of the school, has an absolutely massive tower all for herself and it has to be because Holbrooke cares for Chariot/Ursula and knows what happened to her
·      I wonder what Ursula’s amulet is. Maybe the picture she keeps of her and Croix?
·      “Would like to go walking for a bit” Ursula and Holbrooke have a sweet relationship
·      Akko under the bell “There’s nothing in the middle to make it ring” Accidentally bangs head to make it ring
·      Get this girl a helmet she must have head trauma
·      Oop he’s figured it out
·      That’s my girl Akko, putting together who the staff belongs to
·      Okay Akko just bewitched the bell to take them to Luna Nova. That looks like an advanced spell good for you girl
·      Also love that Akko doesn’t care about what it might mean for her if Miranda sees that she committed the worst crime for witches. She just wants to help gramps with his unfinished business
·      Holbrooke just gives no fucks she sees a giant bell coming racing towards her and Ursula with students on it and doesn’t even blink
·      Oh no this father/daughter reunion scene
·      “I’m still younger than you are” lmao
·      Oh jeez he’s at peace with his wife
·      “Fix the broken brooms” BABE THERE ARE A BILLION OF THEM
·      Haha Akko and Sucy yelling “Magic!” “Mushrooms!” over which is better
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starkatana · 4 years
Everything Must Go
Jason Todd x Female Reader // Peter Parker x Female Reader
Yeah, it’s a Marvel cross-over in a DC universe! Because I can.
After deciding to leave Gotham, you need to say one last good-bye.
Warning: Light swearing, death (nothing graphic – just mentions)
Before Reading Background:
You and Jason were dating for four years before Joker ‘killed’ him.
Now you are dating Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Selina is your godmother. You are the child of Selina’s childhood friends. There is no family relationship between you and Jason even though you live in Wayne Manor
You are also a vigilante in the Batfam as Black Cat
Author’s Note:
So, here begins my various one-shots of Jason Todd/Red Hood x Reader//y/n AKA my current obsession. I may compile all of them into chronological order once everything is done. I just really wanted to write and post something. I just have too many WIP’s right now that I need to focus on.
Sorry I didn’t want to put the year of birth and the death year on Jason’s tombstone since I changed all their ages. I’ll deal with it on a different day.
They aren’t exact ages. This is just a world that I made using these characters because I can. In this story, Jason has ‘died’ at 21 and you and peter are visiting his grave a year later. The three of you are 22
This Peter Parker is more based off of the Playstation 4 Spiderman game.
Sorry if it's a little out of character, this is just based on my knowledge that Tumblr has given me.
Also! Thank you for all your likes and reblogs! It really helps my self-esteem in continuing to write and share this story! <3
After you had decided to leave Gotham, you immediately made the preparations to go back home with your mom. You told Selina and Bruce and as much as they’d miss having you around they understood your choice.
“About your suit.” Bruce brought up.
You shake your head no. You hadn’t even thought about taking it with you. “I don’t need it where I’m going.”
He nods. “You will always have a place here,” Bruce reassured.
“I’m going to miss you, KitKat.” Selina hugged you.
Gotham was about three hours away from home by train. You just knew you didn’t want to come back for a long time.
As for the rest of your ‘family,' they had some choice words for you and refused to let you leave. Damian threw a tantrum and ignored you for a few hours before coming to terms and quietly hanging around you, as Damien does. Cass, Steph, and Babs forced a sleepover with you every night. You went out to eat at your must-have locations with Duke and Tim, rotating with the others. Dick went around with you from place to place, to not only keep an eye on you but so you wouldn’t be alone. Occasionally, trading places with Roy when Dick had to go to work. You knew they were babysitting, but enjoyed your time with each of them anyway. Eventually, everyone came to terms with you leaving and reluctantly supported your decision.
Today was your last day in Gotham. Peter came down from New York to help you pack the finishing touches and spend your last day in Gotham. He had the weekend off and was going to go to your hometown with you. You were going to show him around and introduce him to your mom. After packing your belongings and moving the boxes from your room to the main entrance hall, you went through your list to make sure you didn’t forget anything.
“There’s only one thing left.”
“What’s up?”
You pause and fidget with your fingers before you take a deep breath to respond.
“I want to visit Jason’s grave.”
Peter nods. “When do you want to go?”
You shrug. “Today’s the only day I have. I don’t know when I’ll be in Gotham again. I just know I have to go and I don’t think I can go alone…I haven’t been there since…” your voice trails off. “Is that weird? Asking you to go with me to my dead boyfriend’s grave? It’s a little weird. You can say no.”
Peter lets out a light chuckle and gently grabs your arms to stop you from rambling, “No, it’s not weird. I’m more than happy to go with you.”
You place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thanks, Peter.”
You two take a car to the flower shop, buying some of –your favorite flowers-, for Jason’s grave. Next was a train ride to the city suburb, finally following a short walk to the church graveyard. This was where Bruce’s parents are buried, along with Jason. It was all a very somber experience.
The day of Jason’s funeral was not the kind of weather you felt. It was a sunny day in Gotham. Light breeze, mid to lower 80’s, it was good weather. Abnormal for Gotham and abnormal for a funeral.
You hung your head low and cried the entire time at the funeral. Damien held your hand and Cass rested her head on your shoulder. You tried to be strong, but you were shaking. From sadness and anger. It wasn’t fair.
When the funeral ended, you went for a walk through the flower garden and Dick joined you.
When you two were far enough away from any people and crowds. You started bawling like a baby. Dick held you and you cried into his jacket.
“It’s okay.” He reassured.
“No!” you snapped up, “I hate the weather.”
Dick tilts his head slightly confused.
“It’s not fair! It rains any other godforsaken day in Gotham but when it’s Jason’s funeral and I’m sad! And I think the world should be sad! But it’s fucking sunny.” You try wiping away your tears that keep coming. “It’s stupid and it’s not fair!”
Dick nods giving you another hug. “You’re right, it’s not fair.”
“The sun is dumb and this is dumb and Jason should be alive.”
Dick caresses your head as he rocks you back and forth.
“And it’s all my fault!” you sob into Dick’s coat hugging him tightly.
“Y/n.” Dick grabs your shoulders to have you look at him. “It’s not your fault. What happened to Jay is not your fault.”
You hiccup between your sobs. “If I didn’t stop him from being on time, he would’ve been with you.”
Dick pulls you in for another hug. “Shhh.”
You came back from your thoughts at the sound of Peter’s voice. You two stood outside of the graveyard gates. You look at Peter, tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize wiping your tears away. “I’m sad.”
He smiles and squeezes your hand, “That’s okay. You’re allowed to be sad.”
You sniffle, holding your tears back, return his hand squeeze, and take a deep breath.
“How long has it been?”
“Its been a little over a year,” You pause, “I still miss him.” You realize what you said. You look at Peter expecting to see some sort of reaction that you had told him you still miss your dead ex. He didn’t have one. He just watched you lovingly and listened contently. “I’m sorry, that was weird.” You hang your head trying to hide your face.
“Y/n.” He steps in front of you and tilts your face up to look at him. Gently he caresses your cheek. You stare into his brown eyes, the warmest brown that glowed like warm honey on a summer’s day. And with the sun shining in eyes, they glowed even more. So warm and kind it’s been a while since you felt like this and you felt a smile grow on your lips. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“You don’t need to apologize. I’m here to support you. You can miss Jason all you want. I don’t it’s weird. I don’t expect you to just replace him with me either. This is normal. What you’re feeling is normal. You don’t need to apologize for missing someone you love.”
You two share a hug. “Thank you, Peter.”
He places a kiss on the top of your head. “Let's go in.”
You lead him towards the flower field in the graveyard. You stop a few feet away, being able to read his gravestone in the distance.
Jason Peter Todd
Son Brother
“You okay?” Peter asks.
“Yeah.” You two continue forward, stepping up to the gravestone. You crouch down in front of his tombstone wiping off the debris that was collecting on it from the year, but other than that it was in good shape.
“Hi Jaybird.” You greet the grave like an old friend. “Sorry, it’s been so long. This is Peter.” You put the flowers down next to the grave, “He’s the guy I’ve been telling you about. He came out with me because,” You pause to collect your thoughts and find your words. “Because I wasn’t sure I could come out here by myself. I still feel bad and I still feel like this is all my fault.”
Peter puts a hand on your shoulder giving you a small squeeze.
You touch Peter’s hang before continuing. “I’m working through it though. I’ve been seeing a counselor, keeping a journal, talking to family and friends.” You pause and smile at the grave. It felt therapeutic. “I wanted to say good-bye before I left Gotham. I….” You pause feeling Peter’s eyes on you and your mouth gets dry, “miss you.” You turn to face Peter. “This is weird isn’t it?”
“No.” Peter responds crouching next to you, “He was your best friend and first love. Of course, you’d miss him.”
You put on a smile. “I feel like you two would get along in another life. You guys have a lot of the same interests.” You stop again, “Oh, that felt weird.” You cringe.
Peter puts a hand on your knee to reassure you, “It’s not weird. I’m flattered. I heard great things about him.” You smile at him, no matter what you did, and said, Peter, is nothing but supportive of you. This is was what you loved about Peter, always so positive. That and so much more. This entire process was hard, but with Peter by your side supporting you, it made you feel less alone.
“I’d like to think that the night on the balcony, when we met, Jason guided you into my life.”
“Is this getting too weird for you yet? Me talking about my dead boyfriend who I’m clearly not over?”
Peter rolls his eyes at you and smiles at you. “Stop it, y/n. No, I don’t think it’s weird. I think it’s normal and I want you to know that I’m here for you through everything. I know you care about me and I know Jason will always have a place in your heart. I don’t want to take his place, I just want to make you happy.” He kisses your forehead. “We both just want you to be happy.”
You lean against Peter with a lighthearted smile.
“Now quit asking me if it’s weird. Cause I think you’re weird.” He playfully bumps into you causing you to lose your balance, but he catches you before you can fall over. “But that’s why I like you.”
You chuckle and lean into him, “I like you too.” You say while he puts his arm around you. “Thank you, Peter, for everything.”
He nods. “Thank you for introducing us.” He faces Jason’s grave, “I promise I’ll take care of her.”
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rocknrollmj · 4 years
Happy Birthday Part 2
A/N: I finally found a way to write this down, I hope that you like it. This isn’t my return to writing per se but I figured that you deserved a part two. Happy season 2 release day.
TW: mentions of death, not super serious.
“Where’s Y/N?” Five asked. That question made the kitchen fall silent. No one dared to speak of their late sibling that they had all loved so much. The silence was deafening but it gave Five his answer.
“Oh, I see.”
Vanya was the one who found him, staring at the portrait of himself that Reginald had requested 1 month after he left.
“Well nice to know that dad didn’t forget me.” He was trying to lighten the mood but it seemed as though it wasn’t possible. The two chatted for a while until they got to the subject of Ben.
“Was it bad?” He asked, Vanya nodded and he sighed. Two of his siblings were dead. Two of the sweetest, most kindhearted people in the universe had died. It wasn’t fair. He always knew that death never was fair, and he had grown to accept that, but not this time.
“Vanya, what happened to Y/N.” It was not a question, it was a statement. A demand for the truth about his siblings demise, there was no way to avoid it this way, she had to answer.
“They were down in the subway station late at night, there were two men fighting, Y/N was always a good mediator but it didn’t work this time.” Vanya’s voice became more and more shaky, she couldn’t look Five in the eye.
“They tried t-to stop them, but the o-o-one guy had a knife and he- he.” The words began to fail her, and they came out in the form of tears. Five was shocked, but he wanted more.
“What happened?” His tone slightly more dangerous.
“After the… after the knife what happened Vanya?” Through a pouring of tears she managed to get through the rest of the story.
“He realized what h-he had done and-and they both bolted, before anyone could catch them. Y/N tried calling for help but it was too late, he stabbed them j-just below their heart. The paramedics found them 15 minutes later, b-but they were gone.”
“We all searched for weeks for answers, leads, evidence, anything that we could find. But even between dad’s resources and Diego’s friends at the precinct, they had disappeared. Diego was so upset that he threw a staple gun at the police chiefs head, he nearly got arrested again.” Vanya’s tears had subsided for now, she gave a little chuckle at the end of her sentence, she knew that it was no laughing matter but she needed Five to know that they had tried to avenge you. That they had tried to find the man who killed you, because she knew that right now Five was angry. That he already had 5 different plans to find your killer and the bystander and make them pay for taking your life away before it had even begun. And she was right.
When she finished recounting the story she felt like she was going to collapse into a puddle. Those few months after your death were some of the hardest the family had gone through. Even though they hadn’t all spoken in years, you were always there for them. Sending them birthday presents or offering a shoulder to cry on.
You were there when Diego decided he wanted to try and get into the police academy, and you were there the first time he was arrested to bail him out. You were there when Luther was freaking out because he was going to the moon and was scared that he might not make it back. You were there when Allison announced her pregnancy to the world, she was so excited to be a mom and secretly planned to make you a godparent.
When Klaus first overdosed you were at the hospital by his side, praying that some part of his powers still worked despite all the drugs he had taken to get into this state in the first place. You were there at Ben’s funeral, you gave the most beautiful eulogy, everyone was focused on you and your words. You were there when Vanya asked you to go to her first therapy session with her, and you were also there when she first released her book.
Five of course didn’t know that any of this had happened, but even when you were kids you were there, whether he needed someone to rant to, read with or laugh with. You were there. And now you were gone. He didn’t even get to say goodbye.
After hearing about what happened to you he climbed the stairs to retire back to his room. He was angry, sad and alone. The last time he felt like this was when he realized he was stuck in the future, he felt stuck all over again. He knew that the apocalypse was coming, you were going to be the first one he told, but you weren’t here.
He opened the door to his childhood bedroom, everything was the same except for a pile of very old wrapped objects. He furrowed his brow, confused and walked into the room, closing his door. He sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed one of the objects, there was a small note on it, it read:
‘Happy Birthday Five! Love, Y/N 2014’
His heart nearly stopped when he read those words. These packages were all his birthday presents for the last 17 years, well 17 years for you. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a very old and very tattered bracelet with a little 5 on it. He had hidden it away in case he had lost it on a mission or worse, The Commission found it and tried to dispose of it. He found the oldest package and began to open the gifts.
17 years of lost memories, gifts that had never been opened and time that he could never get back. But nonetheless he carried on, opening and unwrapping each gift, with care. You had gotten him so many wonderful things and he planned to use (and read) them all.
In 1999 you had gotten him a book on the theory of time travel, in 2003 you had given him an extended copy of each of the Lord of The Rings movies (the note mentioned how they had to binge it together.) In 2010 you had gifted him ‘A Brief History of Time’ by Stephen Hawking, in 2013 he received a book that had a detailed description about Doctor Who for the last 50 years (the note said that “10 and 11 make me laugh the most, but 9 reminds me of you”), he immediately made a mental note to watch all of it after he stopped the apocalypse.
And then he came to the last present. It was a very small box, the wrapping paper had not yet faded as it was only from a year ago. Hands shaking he read the note:
‘Happy Birthday Five! I know that you don’t like stuff like this usually but maybe you’ll wear it for me. Love Y/N”
He slowly tore open the wrapping paper and opened the small black velvet box inside. The box contained a small charm of a book that was on a long chain. He felt his eyes start to water but he refused to let the droplets fall. He took it out and placed it around his neck, tucking it into his shirt. He was never going to take it off.
But he had to do one last thing.
“Where are they buried?” Five asked getting straight to the point. The siblings, who had all gathered in the living room at this point, were shocked for a second. They had all forgotten how blunt he was.
“Where is who buried?” Luther asked.
“Y/N” again the room was silent, until Diego spoke up.
“Just down the road, in that old cemetery, the one with the creepy ass mausoleum.” Allison rolled her eyes.
“Don’t say that Diego, it’s not creepy.”
“Oh yes it is” Klaus said, suddenly looking paler than usual.
“Fair enough, I’ll be back. There’s something that I need to do.” Five started walking towards the door.
“What about dad’s funeral!?!?” Luther yelled at him.
“I’ll be there don’t worry.” Five responded, and the door clicked behind him.
He could’ve just teleported there but he wanted to walk. When he arrived at the cemetery, he found where you were and just stopped. Your name was on the gravestone that was right in front of him. You really were gone.
He went down on one knee in front of the rock that had your name chiseled in it and just started talking.
“Hi, I have a lot of things to say but not a lot of time to say them.” He paused, took a deep breath in and then continued.
“Thank you for all my presents, and your notes, I especially loved the one from 2000 ‘Happy Birthday, the bookshop owners now know my name thanks to you and your gifts.’ It made me laugh.” There was silence, he decided to sit down next to the gravestone, and continued talking.
“The world is ending. And that’s not just a figure of speech, the world is literally ending. I came back here hoping to stop it with you and Vanya and the rest of them, only to find out that… you’re not here. You’re not… here.” He felt tears start to well in his eyes, but he kept going, even though his voice was breaking.
“You were always there for me. For us ALL of us. And now you’re gone and that’s not fair… THAT’S NOT FAIR!” His tears had started to pour down his face and this time he let them.
“I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW! YOU’RE GONE! YOU SAID THAT YOU WOULD ALWAYS BE HERE FOR ME BUT YOU’RE NOT! YOU’RE GONE! YOU LEFT ME!” He got so choked up that he had to take a second to calm down, and when he finally did he went on talking to you.
“Although I guess that I deserve it. I was so stupid, and I left you. I left you and you waited, you waited so patiently. Why couldn’t you have waited just a little longer, I was almost there. I almost found a way out, why couldn't you just stay out of it. Why did you have to be a hero? I guess you always were though.” He began to wipe away his tears and he chuckled a bit.
“You know I think that’s the first time I cried in over 40 years? You always brought out the soft side in me. I hated that about you. But you were always a good listener, so… thanks for listening to me now.” He got up to leave, dusting himself off. But before he left there was one more thing he had to do.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you” he could do this, he needed to do this.
“Happy birthday dear… Y/N… happy birthday to you.”
The Boy said goodbye.
@cheesiey @theambracer88
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suupernovalight · 4 years
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A Lost Knight
Oikawa T. x Reader
Masterlist {} Two
Warnings: implied abuse, mentions of blood
♘ One
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The air felt cold. The tension in-between everyone felt uneasy and uncomfortable. You watched as the casket lowered and how the people around you started to cry more.
However, you didn’t feel the same. No more tears could come out after all the ones you shed before. Everything felt numb.
One by one, the people attending the funeral were starting to leave. The last person standing was you. While staring at the gravestone of your late king, you felt droplets of rain fall onto you.
You didn’t care though. You watched as the rain made your outfit damp and how it made the world darker. In your hands you held a white flower. As time was passing, you had to be quick with your actions or else the queen won’t be to happy.
When you were ready, you threw the flower into the ditch where his casket laid and slowly got out your sword. Out of all the anger you bottled up, you stabbed the ground with it and kneeled before your dead king and the one whom you failed to protect.
“Iwaizumi Hajime... I vow to gain revenge on the people who did this to you... so please, be by my side one last time”
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Immediately upon returning back to the kingdom, you were met with nothing and nobody. Not one person looked happy. Everyone avoided each other’s eyes and would bow their heads.
“Head Knight Y/n!” You heard a voice said.
You sighed and tried to cover your face with the hair you had but it was no use for your childhood friend. He also happened to be a knight just like you.
“Y/n...” Oikawa frowned. “Stop trying to hide your face. We have to report back to the Head Queen or else-“
“I’ll be punished. Same old thing Oikawa.” You mumbled walking past him.
As you avoided talking to Oikawa, he felt very sorry for you. How did it come to this? Why did this have to happen? It all started back a month ago. When he, Iwaizumi Hajime was still alive.
The days felt more open. Besides being in a current war with another kingdom, everything felt calm. Currently, you were standing besides Iwaizumi while he was discussing some stuff with his mom also known as the Head Queen.
“Hajime. You have to meet up with the King of our rival kingdom and talk about the peace treaty you guys set up.” Iwaizumi’s Mom said. Her voice stern and straight to the point.
Iwaizumi sighed and cupped his face into his hands. “I know I know. When I go, what’s going to happen with my knights? My wife and kid?”
You rolled your eyes when you heard him talk about his wife. The kid was cool because he was fun to have around. You never really have any bad intentions with Iwaizumi’s wife, she just really made you suspicious of her.
Back when you, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa were kids, Iwaizumi’s mom always said that Hajime would be destined to be married to a beautiful girl to keep the bloodline going.
To be honest, you never really wanted him to marry someone else other than you. It’s one of those silly little crushes. Yet, yours seemed to be deeper than those fantasies.
As you, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa got older, Iwaizumi’s Mom always insisted on Hajime to go meet the girl that his mom has found. Apparently she was the “perfect match” but you thought otherwise. Besides your one-sided love, you always were there for your King and of course, his family.
During Iwaizumi’s time with his wife, he happened to have a kid with her. Hayate Iwaizumi was born only a year after the marriage of both Hajime and now Yumi Iwaizumi.
“They will be fine. You have your lead knight who can take care of them just fine” the head queen said averting her gaze at you.
You awkwardly tensed up and waited for Iwaizumi to say something.
“Mom. She isn’t a babysitter. Y/n is my lead knight and shouldn’t leave my side.” He said glancing at you.
The head queen drank her tea then stood up. “Fine. But I shall have only you and y/n go to the peace treaty meeting.”
Iwaizumi stood up and took his leave with you trailing behind. “Fine.” He then walked out of the room.
Before you could leave however, you were stopped by the head queen herself.
“Y/n.” The queen said glaring into your eyes.
“Yes my queen.” You said getting into your stance of respect. (Meaning you stand up straight with your hands behind your back)
“Don’t leave my ignorant son’s side or else you will be punished with hell itself” she spoke. Her voice booming into your ears. It was a threat.
You gulped and bowed. “My main purpose in life is to protect your son. I will give up my life if I have to. Good day my queen.” You said leaving.
As you left, you felt your leg being tugged on. When you looked down to see who was tugging on your leg, you saw Hayate looking back up at you. Currently he is 5 years old and counting.
“Hello there prince Hayate, do I need to call someone to accompany you or are you okay?” You asked ruffling his hair.
Despite not really liking his mom, the best thing she could do was to bring Hayate into the world. Hayate is the next person who you would and could die for.
“Nope! I just wanted to see you” he smiled pressing his cheek on your leg.
You smiled and hugged the kid, not knowing that in a week or two you would have to protect and take care of the last traces of Hajime Iwaizumi.
It was the night of when you and Hajime would set out to meet up with the rival kingdom for a simple peace treaty.
As you waited for your king to arrive to the carriage, you started sharpening your swords just in case something went wrong.
“Y/n!” Oikawa yelled in the distance.
You looked up to face him. He was smiling and waving at you.
“Make sure you get back safe” he smiled.
You nodded and waved back. “I won’t let you down Oikawa.”
“Y/n.” You heard Iwaizumi say followed by footsteps. You quickly opened the carriage doors and allowed Hajime to step in first, you followed after.
“My king, Do you need anything?” You asked him.
Iwaizumi nodded his head no and looked out of the carriage window. “I’m sorry for all of this.”
Before you could say anything however, you were cut off by the carriage going past a few bumps on the trail.
When you both arrived to the rival kingdom, you were the first to get off of the carriage. After that, you help Iwaizumi get out.
“My king. You need to be aware that we are still in war and that this treaty could be averted” you whispered.
Iwaizumi titled his head. “I’m sure nothing will go wrong. Trust me on this y/n” he smiled, he then walked into the castle with you trailing behind him.
When you guys met with the king of the rival kingdom, Iwaizumi ordered you to calm down but the setting and eeriness of the whole mood was bugging. All around the castle beyond the kingdom were maroon and white banners hanging around.
“Please King Iwaizumi, take a seat” the rival king said with his hands covering his face.
“Of course” Iwaizumi replied sitting down.
From the moment you saw Iwaizumi tense up at the rival kings voice, you knew something was up.
“So... we are here for the peace treaty are we not?” The rival said looking right at you.
“Yes we are. Our kingdoms have been clashing since forever now. I’m glad we are settling this the right way” Iwaizumi said
As the two kings were talking, you couldn’t help but notice that the rival kings knights were slowly walking into the same room and circling around both you and Iwaizumi.
“So... Hajime.” The rival king said standing up.
Your eyes twitched at how the rival king used his first name all of a sudden.
“We both know that our kingdoms aren’t very good with... acquaintances” he continued slowly reaching for something.
“Right...” Iwaizumi said slightly moving in his chair.
The knights around you started to move in closer. The tension felt more uneasy. Out of habit, you slowly inched your fingers towards your kept sword.
“Hajime...” the rival king said slowing down his words.
After a second, Iwaizumi answered. “Yes?”
After a whole minute, the king decided to answer back. “Our treaty isn’t going to happen.” He then quickly got out a knife and threw it right towards Iwaizumi’s head.
As fast as you could, you got out your sword and hit the knife away.
“King Iwaizumi, get out of here!” you yelled as you attacked the rival kings knights.
“Y/n I can’t leave you here!” Iwaizumi yelled back as you shielded him from harm.
“Just get out of here! I’ll be fine” you yelled as you finished off the rest of the knights.
Iwaizumi nodded and ran out of the room. When he was gone, you quickly killed the rival knights and went after your king.
When you ran out of the room however, he wasn’t to be seen. So you assumed that he was at the carriage waiting for you.
As fast as you could, you bolted to the carriage in hopes to see your king waiting for you. What you saw however was the opposite. Iwaizumi was sitting on the ground while touching what seemed to be a sword wound. The carriage was nowhere to be seen too.
“My King!” You yelled running up to him. “What happened?! Who did this?!”
Iwaizumi coughed and looked up at you. “He... got me.”
“Who did? The rival king? I swear I’ll kill him if I see him” you said getting out your sword and looked around for any traces.
“No.” Iwaizumi said tugging on your leg.
You looked at him with tears in your eyes. You watched as he lost more blood. Swiftly, you ripped out a peace of cloth from his clothes and put pressure on his wound.
“I won’t let you die! I can’t let you” you said with more tears falling down. “Please stay with me my king!”
Iwaizumi watched as you were breaking down in front of him. It even made him tear up as he saw how sad you looked.
“It won’t stop. Where are the rest of the knights! They should be here by now” you said with a hint of strain in your voice.
Iwaizumi slowly lifted his arm and put his hand on your cheek. With his soft touch, he made circle on your cheek, softly caressing it.
“Y/n...” he whispered.
You looked at him with more tears than ever. Everything around you felt numbing and cold.
He smiled and wiped your tears away with his thumb. “Don’t cry... I hate it when you do that.” He whispered.
You watched as his breathing was hitching. He would also cough up blood.
“Iwaizumi...” you whispered. “I love you to much it hurts. Stay with me!” You confessed.
Iwaizumi’s eyes slightly widened. He then smiled and let his arm drop to the ground. “Y/n... from my bottom of my heart... I’m sorry” he then passed out.
“Y/n!” You heard someone say from the distance.
You looked up to see Oikawa along with Hanamaki and Matsukawa on horses. They wore the same silver armor as you and had their swords out.
“Hurry! Get him back to the kingdom before he’s out!” You yelled.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki quickly grabbed Iwaizumi and put him on the horse. While that was happening Oikawa ran up to you and grabbed your hand.
“We gotta get out of here... now!” He yelled propping you up on his horse. He jumped on after.
Your whole mind was spinning. As you went through the forest to get back to the kingdom, you couldn’t help but worry about your fallen king.
It’s been a week since everything. Iwaizumi was in critical condition and barely hanging on to his life. Ever since the news has spread, the citizens in the kingdom have been criticizing you for your efforts in protecting the king and still failing.
Another week passed by and Iwaizumi was still holding on. The village has been gaining hope but you... you felt hopeless for your king.
Just as when you were gonna have your hopes up, one of the maid’s of the Iwaizumi family called you in to see Hajime one last time.
You watched as you saw your king slowly letting go of life. The way his heartbeats stopped and how his family cried.
“Hey... my king...” you whispered. “I thought you’ll be by my side forever... wasn’t that our childhood promise...”
The world felt darker when Iwaizumi passed on. Ever since that day, the head queen has had a burning hatred for you, and so have the citizens of the kingdom. The only people who were there for you were the knights of the whole kingdom.
When you returned back from Iwaizumi’s funeral, you were called in by the head queen to “report back” but you knew damn well you would be getting more than a “report back”.
When you arrived to the head queen’s room, you told Oikawa to leave before you could go in.
“Are you sure y/n?” Oikawa said frowning.
“I’m sure. Thank you” your voice monotone.
When Oikawa left, you slowly walked into the room and closed the door behind you. After that, you walked in the middle of the room to face the head queen on her throne.
You stood up straight with respect but the queen wasn’t satisfied.
“Bow to your queen.” She spat, the volume in her voice made the maids in the room shake.
Nevertheless you did as you were told and waited for her command. As you bowed, you heard her footsteps approaching you. It was until you saw her feet in front of you, you received your punishment.
“I told you to stay by his side” the queen said glaring at you. “Yet you got him killed.” She then kicked your head making you groan in pain.
“Stay bowed or else I’ll do more” she said kicking you again. “You’re dishonorable. You failed to protect my only son!” She then kicked you yet again.
As this was happening, the maids in the room cringed at how the queen treated you. The more kicks the queen did, the more pain you felt.
“This is how my son felt as he died. Now you must feel the same pain!” She kicked harshly kicking you away from her.
When you looked up from the wounds she gave you, you saw her eyes. They had tears in them and looked angry, full of fire.
“You’re a failure to the Iwaizumi family as the lead knight.” She said walking up to you and getting down to your level. “Leave.”
You tried getting up but the kicks she gave you made it hard. When you did, you walked out of the room and closed the door behind you.
Before you could do anything, you looked around for anyone, just in case they saw your beat up face. When there was no one, you walked around like normal.
As you walked down the halls of the castle, you noticed how there were portraits hanging up. On the portraits were the kings before Iwaizumi Hajime himself.
As you followed the portraits, you were met with the final one. The final one was Iwaizumi. His face piercing and releasing a terrifying aura yet, it was calming as well.
You respectfully bowed before the picture and got out your sword. It felt like the old days where you would bow in front of his real self. The only difference was that now, he wouldn’t get mad at you.
Iwaizumi never really liked you bowing in front of him. He always treated you like a real human being unlike his peers.
As you stayed bowed, you started crying again. All the pent up emotion poured out without any warning. You had to use your sword to even keep you up.
“I’m sorry... I’m so sorry my king” you said in-between sobs.
From the distance, a lone knight hid behind a wall and listened. His eyes looked down as he saw your crying form.
“Y/n...” Oikawa whispered.
When night came, you didn’t dare to face the queen again after what she did to you. For the whole day, you’ve been thinking about one thing and that’s revenge.
Before you could do anything though, Oikawa came up to you to have a chat. He took you away to a place where barely anyone goes to.
“What’s the meaning of this Oikawa?” You asked smiling a bit. “Don’t get me wrong this is a wonderful place”
Oikawa sighed and looked around. “Listen... y/n. What actually happened between you and the Queen.”
Your eyes widened as you now noticed that you were being confronted. You just shook it off with a smile. “Nothing at all why?”
Oikawa scoffed. “Stop lying y/n. You suck at it.”
You opened your eyes to see Oikawa actually being serious. You couldn’t lie to your other best friend. “I’m sorry. She just punished me for my doings”
“Did she kick you again?” Oikawa asked putting his hands on your shoulders. “Did she do it? Like all the other times?”
Your happy expression dropped to a sad one. You slightly nodded and looked away. “She told me to leave without another word. Therefore, I’m going to follow her orders.”
“Are you sure that’s what she meant? For you to be gone?” Oikawa asked letting you go. “I can’t let you go”
You got out your sword and looked at your reflection from it. “This is all my idea. I shall leave the village and reach out for avenging our king and to atone for my wrong doing”
“Let me come with you!” Oikawa said blushing a bit. His voice had determination in it.
You sighed and looked at the ground. “I can’t let you do that. You’re after me when it comes to stats. You will stay here and protect the village for the sake of Iwaizumi”
Oikawa watched as you reached into your knight suit and pulled out a cloak with a hood. The colors of it could blend you into the night.
He then watched as you put it on and walked past him. Before you could leave him in the dust however, you turned around. “Please take care of all the kids I teach... especially Hayate because I know how much he cares about me”
Oikawa nodded with a forced smile, his eyes were glossed up from his incoming tears. “I won’t let you down.”
When you got the reassurance you needed, you were gone without another word. Oikawa has no idea what’s going through your mind, though he really wants to know. Only fate will tell.
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kittybellestark · 4 years
It Father’s Day, again. Peter hasn’t slept yet. It’s 8am, and the sun has been out for a few hours now, and New York is still bustling, and kids are preparing breakfast, maybe with their Mom’s, to surprise their Dad’s with breakfast in bed.
And Peter is in the cemetery. Because Peter’s Dad is dead, and Ben is dead. Peter might not remember Richard as his Dad, but he still felt that the man should be honoured. Richard didn’t choose to die over being with his son, it wasn’t Richard’s fault that Peter couldn’t really remember him. And while Peter didn’t remember his Dad, he remembers his Uncle Ben, and he remembers being raised by him and learning with Ben and playing games. Ben did everything a Dad was supposed to do. And Peter had to celebrate with Ben, with his father figure. He deserved to be recognized every Father’s Day.
Peter played with the little robot in his hand. The one he created over five years ago, because Peter has been dead for five years. It was a robot created for Tony. Just a little robot to collect rogue pens and markers and pencils. To scan a person to see if they’re happy or in a bad mood or sad, and if they weren’t happy to draw a smiley face on an empty paper and deliver it to the person. The little robot was created to help bring a smile to Tony’s face.
But Peter has died before getting to gift it to the man for Father’s Day, five years ago. And everything Peter and May owned was packed up and put into storage. And then Peter came back and fought a war and had to adjust to a new world, and a new Tony. A Tony who had a daughter and a wife. A Tony who will prioritize his family first, but always make sure there’s room for Peter. A Tony who laughed and smiled and had story after story of Morgan. A Tony that had moved on. Coming into the new world, Peter forgot about the silly little robot until he unboxed it.
But Tony was in Malibu with his family for Father’s Day. And Peter is in the cemetery.
“I don’t know what to do.” Peter repeated again for what felt like the millionth time since arriving cemetery.
Ben’s gravestone still didn’t speak. The letters and numbers didn’t rearrange themselves to tell Peter anything, the flowers remained unchanged and the robot in hand remained idle.
“I thought things were as difficult as they could have been five years ago. But it’s been five years, and I’m still only turning 17 this year. And these five years only felt like a few months. The world moved on.”
Peter wanted nothing more but for Ben to hug him and say that everything will be okay, that nothing is permanent. But Ben is dead and will never say that.
“I’m just really tired Ben, and I can’t tell May that, because she’s exhausted. I can see that. She’s been trying so hard to make things feel normal, but the harder she tries the less normal it feels. We came back to a world that didn’t have room for us anymore. No one we knew besides Tony survived. And he moved on too.”
Peter placed the robot back into his book bag, choosing to put his hands in the grass instead to pull it all up. Using his shoulder to wipe away any tears.
“Tony could never replace you Ben, or Dad, but I see him as a father-y figure thing, and it sucks. It sucks a lot knowing that he moved on from a world that I lived in, and he has a daughter now, Morgan. I babysit her sometimes. I don’t know, Ben, maybe I was projecting onto Tony. I met him so soon after you died. I’m just the intern who sometimes babysits with a crazy side gig. I don’t know.”
Peter stayed silent. Listening to hushed conversations from outside the cemetery, and the sound of tires on the road. He listened to the leaves in the wind. Peter listened and tried his hardest to hear if Ben would maybe respond. But Ben is dead, like Peter is supposed to be, and he doesn’t respond.
“I don’t know Ben. I know it’s stupid, but sometimes I feel like it’d be a lot better if I just didn’t come back. I won’t do anything, don’t worry, I haven’t even gone on patrol since coming back. I want to live, but I also really want to die. It’s not anyone’s fault, I just don’t think I came back right.”
Peter could pretend that Ben would tell Peter to go and get help. To get back into therapy. To open up to May. Tell Tony, or Ned or anyone. But Peter didn’t want to talk to anyone about this. No one could really understand.
Instead, Peter just sighed, looking at his watch and seeing that it was now nearing 9am. He should probably try and take a nap. Not that it’d do him much good between the nightmares, but Peter hasn’t slept well in a long time, so maybe he’d be lucky and pass out into a dreamless sleep.
“I don’t know, Ben. I should probably try and take a nap. Thank you for listening to me. You don’t have to worry. I’ll get out of your hair now. Happy Father’s Day.”
Peter started to stand up, making sure to straighten out the flowers at both Ben’s and his Dad’s grave. Packing up the blanket he brought, making sure the little robot was safe in his bag.
As Peter started to walk away, Peter heard his name being called. It sounded just like Ben saying his name too. His deep voice was soft and full of care, an obvious smile in the way he said his nephews name. Ben sounded happy.
Peter paused for a moment, feeling a full course of emotions run over him as he turned back to his uncles grave, unsure of what to expect. While Ben wasn’t standing directly behind Peter, Peter found Tony look around the cemetery a few rows behind where Ben lays.
“Tony?” Peter called out, tears in his eyes, not trusting what he sees.
Tony looked up and smiled. His grin was crooked and there were wrinkles around his eyes. Tony’s hands were deep in his jean pockets.
“There you are, kid.” Tony laughed before working is way through the graves with quiet apologies to make his way to Peter.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in Malibu with your family?” Peter asked as Tony pulled him into a hug.
“Crazy story, really,” Tony started pulling away from the hug to check Peter over to make sure he’s okay. “I don’t know if you’ll believe me.”
Peter snorted. “Try me.”
“So we got there, and things just weren’t feeling right. And then last night I wake up in the middle of the night. Dreamt that some guy, I didn’t recognize him, I don’t know who he was, he kept telling me that you needed help. That I had to come check on you. He was very adamant that you weren’t okay and that I needed to come back and check on you. So I woke up middle of the night, stressed that something was wrong, called May, she said you were as okay as to be expected. But I could still hear him trying to tell me to get over here. So I woke up Pepper and Morgan, we packed up and came right back here.”
“You… had a dream that a man you don’t know told you that I wasn’t okay.” Peter shook his head, looking up to the sky to blink away a few tears.
Tony was silent for a moment, and Peter took the time to feel the weight his bag on his shoulders, and the feeling of his socks moving as he wiggles his toes. The feeling of his sweater pinched between his fingers.
“I know it sounds outlandish, but I think the dream guy was right. I don’t- it’s just a Dad thing, I mean Pepper has that sort of thing too with Morgan. It’s really a parent thing.”
A Dad thing. Tony was talking about Peter and said it was a Dad thing. Peter felt his heart clench and twist at those words and al lithe thoughts that immediately came to his head. From the little voice saying ‘he thinks of you as his kid’ to the louder voices saying ‘you’re just an intern, he’s just explaining things in the only way you’d understand.’
“It’s Father’s Day Tony, don’t you want to spend it with your kid? Thought that was why you went to Malibu.”
Tony and Peter started walking towards the enterance that Tony had came from. Probably where the two would part so Tony could get back to his family to celebrate the rest of this day and Peter could walk home and ignore the rest of the world for the day.
“You know you were welcomed to join us in Malibu right, kid?”
“S’not really my place. That’s your family and I’m just-“
“Kid, I swear if you’re about to put yourself down, you’re wrong. You’re family. I wouldn’t have ever invented time travel unless I had a chance of getting you back. You understand that, right?”
The sincerity in Tony’s voice made Peter’s heart hurt. Peter wanted it to be true. Wanted to be apart of Tony’s family even if he will never fit. Wanted for Tony to care as much about him as Peter cared for Tony. Wanted it all to be true.
“What did Dream-Man look like?”
Tony recognized what Peter was doing as deflection. Tony had done it for many, many years and he was able to tell that Peter didn’t really believe him. That Peter didn’t want to answer his question because he didn’t like the answer. But, if Peter wasn’t comfortable Tony wasn’t going to push it today.
“Oh he was taller than me, didn’t really like that. Brown curly hair waits some greeting parts, brown eyes, crooked nose, wore a white shirt under a blue plaid shirt and some jeans with missing on them and work boots. He was pretty large.”
Peter pulled out his phone with a small smile on his face. He went into his pictures, and pulled up a picture of Ben, in that exact outfit, showing it to Tony.
“Did he look like this?”
“Yeah, kid, exactly like that.”
Peter smiled a little brighter, putting his phone back away. Uncle Ben was still listening and he was still looking out for Peter. Ben woke Tony up for Peter and sent him back to New York. Ben might be dead, but he’s still looking after Peter as much as he possibly can.
For the first time in months Peter felt safe. Tony wrapped his one arm around Peter and pulled him in close to his side, the exact same way Ben used to do.
Uncle Ben might of been dead, but he still did everything he could to make sure Peter is okay.
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                         Mirabile Visu
Summary: Sister Agatha Van Helsing discovers she’s in over her head when a competitive game of chess ultimately results in her becoming pregnant with the child of her worst enemy, Count Dracula. Now tied by a bond deeper than blood, the two must learn to coexist and adapt in a world that could be potentially hostile towards their offspring. Parenthood has never looked so batty.
Characters: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Chapter: 14/15 (technically it’s chapter 13/14 since there was a two part chapter, but you get the idea)
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N:   Thank you so much for your support and amazing feedback! It truly means the world! Oh my gosh, guys, we are so close to the end! Next chapter is the final one. The epilogue! I can’t believe it! I’m both excited and sad! Also to clarify, Jack refers to Sorina jokingly as “Van Helsing” because it’s the last name she’s used for nearly all her life--since she grew up with Agatha’s family. Feedback is greatly loved and appreciated! I’d love to know your thoughts! I hope you enjoy! -Jen
                                           Chapter Thirteen
                                        Larpool Lane Cemetery
                                                  Present Time
Dental records. That's how far gone Zoe's body was when the coroner went to finally identify her. She felt horrible for thinking so, but Sorina was glad she didn't have to identify the remains. That would've been a task the halfling might've not been ready for. But they purchased a beautiful urn-purple, Zoe's favorite color-and bought a plot of land in the graveyard. A nice place that looked towards the trees. She would've liked that. And a simple, granite gravestone engraved with her name, date of birth and death, along with the words Beloved Aunt and Niece. Nothing fancy. Nothing that stood out. Simple. Like Zoe.
"I'm not leaving those stupid fabric flowers, Zoe deserves better."
Sorina stood over the tombstone, her eyes red as she clutched a bouquet of freshly cut daffodils in her right hand. Somehow, she had refrained from crying, but it was obvious that she was close to doing so. On either side of her, her parents stood. Agatha wore a black dress, something she had pulled from Zoe's closet. She felt a little guilty for wearing something that belonged to her late, great, great niece, but Sorina was fine with it. Dracula seemed rather distant as he stood close to his daughter, almost as if he was trying to listen out for something.
"Leave them, we can always replace them with more if the caretakers remove them."
Jack met Sorina's gaze, his mouth forming a small, encouraging smile. Since Zoe's death, he hadn't really left her side. While Dracula's and Agatha's home was in the remodeling process after The Foundation had damaged it, the four of them had been staying in what was now technically Sorina's home. She hadn't decided whether or not she wanted to sell it. From what any of them could gather, the halfing had yet to step foot into her aunt's room. He wasn't sure how long it would take before she had it in her to do so.
"I know this isn't exactly the ideal funeral." Agatha began, one hand absentmindedly resting on her still flat stomach. "But I'd like to say a few words, if that would be alright with you, Sorina?"
Her daughter nodded, clutching the flowers to her chest.
"I didn't know Zoe for very long. Only a few days, in fact. But I know how important she was to you and how she impacted your life as much as she did. You both had each other since her birth. She grew up around you and you, in a sense, around her. As a mother-your mother, it does my heart good knowing that someone was there to care for you, to love you, while your father and I were gone. I'll never be able to properly thank her for that. I'll still say it. Zoe, I am, and will always be, eternally grateful for everything you've ever done for my daughter. I wish I could have known you better, but I am glad we met. Even though it wasn't for very long."
Agatha took a step back, her eyes lifting from the grave to look at the others. Sorina remained silent, her own gaze still casted down at the slab of stone. It was only when Jack cleared his throat the silence was broken once more.
"I guess I'll go next." He swallowed, his voice already thick with emotion. "I wouldn't be where I am now without Zoe. When we first met, I was just a small fish in a big pond. I'd gotten into graduate school, but I honestly didn't know where to go from there. It wasn't until Dr. Van Helsing came to one of my lectures and spoke...something just clicked and I knew I had to reach out to her."
The young man smiled, shaking his head. "That's when I started working under her and then coincidentally met you." Sorina finally looked up, captured by Jack's attention. "If it hadn't been for Zoe's, I wouldn't have been lucky enough to know you. And I can't even imagine life without that. So thank you, Zoe. Thank you for everything."
A gentle breeze blew, brushing against the yellow flower petals. Sorina still had yet to say anything, her mouth pressed into a thin line. Agatha glanced at her husband, giving him a knowing look. Dracula's lips pursed, clearly not wanting to engage with a speech. Sure, Zoe had cared for his child, but he didn't see the need to make a statement on her behalf. But then again, there was Sorina. If anything, he needed to do it for her.
"Alright," he exhaled, Agatha frowning when he did so. "What to say. Well, as Agatha put it, I appreciate what you did for my Sorina. We had our differences, you and I. After all, you did try to…" His wife's dark glare made him reconsider his words. "You loved her, which is as much as I can ask of someone. Evidently, you provided protection too, seeing as what she is-what we are. And even though you apparently brought him into the picture…" His eyes narrowed at Jack. "I suppose you deserve a round of thanks. So thank you. For being there for my daughter."
Once more silence fell upon the group and Sorina could feel the other three pairs of eyes focus on her. Chewing on her bottom lip, a thumb pressing a small indent into one of the stems, she sucked in a sharp breath. Part of her wanted to turn away. To leave and pretend this wasn't happening. But her feet remained rooted to the ground as if paralyzed by some unseen force.
"I've known you since you were born." The words trembled as she spoke. "You grew up with me. We laughed, fought, and cried. I hated you, but I loved you more. When you had nightmares as a child, I let you sleep with me. I promised you I'd always be there, no matter what. And I tried, Zoe. I really, really did."
Tears began to stream down her cheeks, but no one moved to touch her. She was grateful for that.
"We both knew the end was coming. When you were diagnosed with cancer. I just didn't think…" She paused, trying to recollect herself. "None of us saw that this was going to be the end. But I'm glad I was there when it happened. That you weren't alone…" The halfing gave a wet smile, her cheeks glistening in the sunlight from her tears. "I'll never forget you, Zoe. No matter how many decades, centuries, millenniums I live through, you'll always be in my heart. I love you."
With the utmost care, Sorina bent down and placed the flowers over the gravestone. She stayed there for a moment to take it all in. It didn't register that her mother and Jack had left her side, making their way back to the car when she felt her father's hand on her shoulder. The halfling stood up, meeting her father's eyes.
"She's gone." He said quietly, his daughter caught off guard by his words. "I've been listening and she's no longer here suffering."
"What do you mean?" Sorina questioned, brow furrowed in misunderstanding. "Of course she's dead. We all saw her!"
"I mean, she's not trapped here," the vampire explained. "Sometimes the dead are restless. Stuck here forever in this plane of existence. If you pay attention, you can hear them." His stare remained locked on hers. "Focus, Sorina. Listen."
Though wary of her father's words, Sorina closed her eyes and listened closely. At first, she heard nothing, just the wind in the trees. Then, ever so softly, the moaning began. The calling. Corpses begging for their freedom. Fear struck her in the heart and she pressed against Dracula.
"What...who…" She stumbled, looking around wildly. How she hadn't experienced this before, she was unsure. She'd visited cemeteries throughout the decades. Year after year of losing loved ones. But perhaps she closed herself off to the idea of death and what lay beyond its gates. After all, she'd never experience the end herself. "I don't understand…"
"It's more apparent at night," Dracula responded. "But they can't hurt you. You needn't be afraid."
Sorina did her best not to think about which of her relatives were forced to become the undead, rotting away in their coffins under the surface. Running a hand through her long, thick hair, her shoulders slumped in defeat.
"I'm tired of losing people that I care about," she mumbled. "I want it to stop. To be done with it once and for all." Sorina glanced at her father. "Swear to me that you and Mum will never leave again. No matter what happens, we'll be a family. That if you go, you take me with you. And Jack too."
Of course, as much as he'd like to admit it, he wasn't keen on the idea of taking Jack anywhere. Getting used to the fact still that Sorina was no longer a little girl, but a grown woman was hard enough. Knowing that she was romantically involved with someone was much more difficult. But he knew she needed to hear those words, and knew that deep down he truly meant them.
"No matter what," he swore, pulling his daughter into a tight embrace. "We will always be a family." A promise he intended on keeping this time.
                          Dracula's and Agatha's Home
                                 Six Months Later
"Don't I have any say in on how my child's nursery looks?"
Agatha's lips pursed as she eyed Sorina from her rocking chair, both hands resting on her swelling abdomen. Her daughter had taken to becoming the interior designer of the room, not giving her mother much freedom to add her input. It had been decided that the theme would be the night sky. Sorina, of course, had gone with the idea as the moon and the stars were the very first glimpses she saw of the outside world.
"Trust me, Mum, in the end, you're going to like it." Sorina promised, adding another brush stroke of dark, navy paint to the wall. "And put on your mask. The fumes can't be good for the baby."
Her mother frowned at her bossy tone, but did as she said. It was rather bothersome how overprotective everyone seemed to be over her. Dracula rarely letting her get up off her feet to do anything. Had he forgotten she'd been pregnant once before-and as a human at that? Nevertheless, for her own sanity, she allowed them to wait hand over foot on her. Sometimes she secretly liked it.
"Jack, if you make the slightest nick in my crib, I will make you regret the day you were born."
The screwdriver dropped from the young man's hand as he met the vampire's dark glare. Instead of ordering a pre-designed cradle, Dracula wanted to replicate the same one he'd made for Sorina well over a century ago. It was a nostalgic idea that Agatha really liked. But of course, it would've been a lot better if her husband didn't continually threaten her daughter's poor boyfriend.
"Leave him alone, Dad. He's just trying to help!" Sorina threw a look at her father over her shoulder. "This is supposed to be a bonding exercise."
"Would it be more helpful if I just brought the blankets and things into the room?" Jack suggested, desiring to be anywhere but beside the vampire. "I think there were packages delivered earlier."
"Just mind the walls," Dracula exhaled loudly. "And don't trip, I don't want to spend another several hours at the clinic because you got a concussion."
It'd only happened once, just a few weeks back. Jack had been helping move some things when he tripped over the living room rug. He hit his head pretty hard, scaring Sorina the most. But in the end, after a long visit to the hospital and having to stay awake for twenty four hours, everything had been fine. Though Dracula hadn't exactly forgotten the minor "inconvenience" it caused him.
"I'll come and help you, Jack." Sorina exclaimed, frowning at her father as she set the brush down into the pail. "There can't be that many."
As the two disappeared down the steps, Agatha turned her attention to her husband. "Why must you be so rough with him?" She inquired irritably. "The boy has done absolutely nothing to you."
"He's dating my daughter," Dracula replied with a shrug, focused on the legs of the crib. "I'm allowed to disapprove of my child's significant other. It's nothing personally, really. I just want what's best for her."
"What's best for her is being happy," his spouse commented. "And Jack makes her happy."
"And I want her to be happy," the count agreed. "Just not with Jack." He seemed to pause for a moment as if in deep thought. "Or with anyone really. There is nothing wrong with being single. I was so for centuries."
"But now you have me," Agatha added. "And I'd like to think that perhaps I was the best thing that ever happened to you?"
"Well yes, you and Sorina," he agreed. "But that's different."
"How so?"
It was a good question, he'd give her that. Smirking, he stood up and made his way over to her. Agatha eyed him curiously as he rested his hands on either arm rest of the rocking chair.
"For starters, you are positively attractive, in both appearance and wit. You had the audacity to try to kill me." He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to her's. Agatha chuckled, smirking softly. "And you are quite talented in your bed." His wife snorted, swatting at him. "You know it's true."
"Let Sorina decide what's good for her and what isn't," the former nun replied. "It's her life after all." She smiled fondly and took a hold of his hand, pressing it down where the baby just kicked. "Besides, we have enough on our plate with this little one coming. Our daughter is a smart girl, she'll do the right thing."
Dracula stared at his wife, his thumb gently caressing over the spot where the infant had moved. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew it was the truth. He had to let Sorina make her own decisions-despite it being so hard to watch.
"Fine," he exhaled. "But if he breaks her heart, I won't hesitate to kill him."
"And I'll help you dispose of the body," Agatha added lightheartedly. "Now, can you move that dresser just a tad to the right? It's blocking part of the window." 
Jack noticed the look of concern plastered on Sorina's face as they stared down at the many parcels sitting by the door. He knew that expression all too well-she had misplaced something. Pursing her lips, she mentally counted the boxes to make sure of it. The halfling was certain now. One of them was in fact missing.
"It's the breast pump." Sorina frowned, pinching the brim of her nose. "I specifically ordered that special for her."
"Not that it is any of my concern, but your mum's going to...nurse?" Jack ventured hesitantly. "Isn't she worried about...you know…"
"Fangs?" The halfling chuckled, an amused expression crossing her features. "Exactly why I ordered the damn thing in the first place. Apparently I did a number on her and I don't think she's going to let me forget it anytime soon." Scratching the back of her head, Sorina sighed. "I don't know where it could've gone. I'm sure I put on the correct address."
"Is it possible it's at the house?" And by the way Sorina tensed up, he knew he didn't need to specify further. "I can drive by and see if it was dropped off there. You can just stay here and…"
"No." She cut him off abrupt, waving her hand. "No...I'll go with you. It's been awhile anyway."
"Are you sure?" He asked, making sure her eyes locked onto his. "Sunny, if you are uncomfortable. I can go alone. It's probably sitting out front anyway. It'd just take a second."
She shook her head and forced a smile. "I need to get out of the house anyway. The smell of paint gave me a headache. Some fresh air would do me some good."
He wasn't about to argue with that. Digging around in his pockets, he produced his car keys. His ride was nothing special-a beat up, old yellow buggy he'd gotten used as a graduation present. But it did its job fine. Once Sorina had climbed in on the passenger's side, he started it up and pulled onto the road.
"I was thinking we could go out to that little Italian place you like for dinner." The young doctor suggested, attempting to stir up some conversation. "Maybe go see a movie afterwards?"
Sorina merely stared out the window, the wind blowing through her dark hair. "Only if you let me pay this time." She didn't need to look over to know Jack was frowning. "C'mon, we agreed that we'd share expenses. I don't need you paying for everything. I have money too."
"Why can't you just let me court you like in the good old days." He smiled, Sorina gaping at him in mock astonishment. "When life was simpler. I'd take you for a walk, we'd talk until after dusk, and I'd walk you to your doorstep before giving you a peck on the cheek. No need to rile your parents up about being out late."
Dr. Seward," Sorina gasped. "Are you calling me old?"
"I've always been fond of mature women." He explained, Sorina shoving him playfully. "Well, only when it came to you."
"I'm 123 years young, thank you very much." The halfling declared proudly, straightening up in her seat. "And I'll have you know I'm very selective. I don't just pick out any boy I like. In fact, I fancy just one."
"Should I be jealous?" He inquired, cocking an eye questioningly. "Do I know this man you speak of?"
"Oh, you should be quite envious," Sorina smirked. "He's very kind and charming. And quite handsome at that. I've been seeing him too, you know."
"Miss Van Helsing you scandalous thing." Jack chuckled, leaning over to kiss her. "What am I to do with you?"
"Anything you like." The way she said it made a shiver run down his spine. His stomach fluttering in such excitement he'd be too embarrassed to admit it. "As long as it isn't around my father." And there went the feeling completely.
                                  Zoe Van Helsing's Residence
When they pulled up into the driveway, Sorina fell quiet again. Already from the car, Jack could clearly see the package resting on the porch. As he opened his door to get out, he was taken aback when the halfing did the same. Saying nothing, she made her way up the steps, retrieving a familiar gold key that hid under the rug.
"Sunny…" He began, but the woman had already turned the lock, pushing the door open. "Sunny, wait!"
The interior of the house was dark as the two entered inside. For the sake of not tripping over anything, Jack flipped on the light switch. Everything looked just as they left it. Sorina not bothering much in the few times she'd come over for things. Mostly she moved about between her parents' place and his. Though it was technically her's, Sorina still had yet to call it "home" once more.
"Did you forget something?" He asked, following her as she made her way down the hall. "I thought everything was packed up?"
"I just want to grab something, okay?" She responded, finally stopping in her tracks. "For the baby's room."
Jack's heart skipped a beat when he realized where they were standing. The outside of Zoe's room. A forbidden location that had almost remained untouched since the funeral. He felt as if he should say something. Anything. Maybe advise her against going in. Offer her support. Instead he remained silent, watching as she carefully turned the knob.
It was just as Zoe had left it. Bed well made, stacks of paper by her computer. Even a bottle of medication sat at her desk. But Sorina seemed to ignore all of that. She walked over to a shelf, acting as if nothing else was in the room. Gingerly, she lifted an object up and Jack realized immediately what it was. A picture frame.
Zoe. A much younger, healthier looking Zoe smiled back at him through the glass. She wore her hair down and in her hands she grasped a certificate. A diploma from her years at medical school. By her side, arm wound around her, grinned the brilliant, bright eyed Sorina. They looked so happy together. Happier than he'd ever seen his late mentor look. When Sorina finally turned around, there were tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I think this will look nice in the baby's room." She whispered with sorrowful, and yet hopeful smile.
Jack pulled her in close, kissing the top of her head as he too gazed down at the picture.
"Yeah," he agreed. "It's perfect."
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revengerevisited · 4 years
Maddie rambles about Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road
Let’s just get this outta the way: Xehanort is my least favorite character in Kingdom Hearts. Now there are certainly more boring and underdeveloped characters but as far as evil deeds go, it doesn’t matter how ‘cute’ or ‘relatable’ Nomura tries to make Xehanort. I will never forget that he tore Ven’s heart in half, tortured Vanitas for four years, killed his own best friend, possessed Terra’s body for a decade, possessed Riku’s body as Ansem, unleashed Heartless on the worlds resulting in countless deaths, manipulated Organization XIII for years, and experimented on Kairi as a child and eventually murdered her in front of her best friends. Any attempt to make me sympathize with him just ain’t gonna work.
Also, I’m not taking any of these ‘Character X is secretly Character Y’ theories too seriously until they actually happen. Yes, it can be fun to speculate that Bragi or Odin is secretly Luxu or the Master of Masters, or that Brain is Eraqus’s ancestor, or that Demyx is the MoM, or that Ava or Vor is Kairi’s grandma, or whatever other theories are out there. But until there’s conclusive evidence that’s all they are, speculations and theories.
On that note, I don’t know why Xehanort is having dreams about the KHUX Player’s adventures but I don’t think it’s because Xehanort is the Player’s Nobody or a reincarnation of the Player. Reincarnation has never been a concept present in the KH series, and honestly it just sounds like bad fanfiction. Plus, if Xehanort does turn out to be the Player, then I feel bad for everyone who spent a lot of time creating their own unique character only to have it be replaced by the generic default Player in KHDR’s opening cutscene and then re-replaced by Xehanort of all people. Perhaps Xehanort simply has a unique, unexplained power to see into the past like Namine’s memory manipulation or Terra’s precognition.
Either way, this past-sight just makes it harder and harder for me to believe that Xehanort wanted to learn about the Keyblade War in BBS, since it seems he already knew all he needs to know. Xemnas knows that Luxord, Marluxia, Demyx, and Larxene are from the past, young Xehanort lives in Scala ad Caelum which was built over the ruins of Daybreak Town complete with a huge machine explaining Daybreak Town’s demise, Eraqus talks about the Book of Prophecies like it’s common knowledge, the list goes on. Also, I don’t like the implication that Xehanort chose Ventus as his vessel and later as material for the X-Blade only because he knows him from the Player’s dreams. Then again, if his dreams of the Keyblade War end before the Player meets Ven and Lauriam, then Xehanort wouldn’t know about them and would instead be more familiar with Skuld and Ephemer.
I will say that one thing I do like is Xehanort comparing himself to a starfish laying on the beach, both for the humorous imagery and also just a bit of that islander backstory flavor. Xehanort being the outsider of his friends group and not telling the whole truth of how he ended up in Scala is also an interesting Kairi parallel, although him being found unconscious in the middle of a city is kinda overused. I do like that the surrounding cities around Scala are all uninhabited, since trying to wrap my mind around these huge mountain-sized cities with potentially millions of people in them was a little too much for my brain to handle.
I do however find it quite bizarre that it’s taken some worlds so long to recover from the Keyblade War. Not only that, but apparently people just appear out of thin air once their world is restored. Like, how? It just feels weird and uncomfortable, almost like these people only exist for the protagonist and audience’s amusement rather than being independent living beings in their own right. I dunno, there’s just something deeply unsettling about those implications. It also makes me wonder how long ago the Keyblade War was, if places like Agrabah still aren’t finished only 75-ish years before KH1. The characters refer to it as a legend, so it must’ve happened a long time ago, right? Some fans think it’s only been 100 years since the Keyblade War, but that would be like the equivalent of calling World War 1 a legend.
The worlds all being on different timescales is also extremely headache-inducing, both as analyst and a fanfic writer trying to keep track of the plot. Couple that with time travel and the whole thing just falls apart. Of course, if each world runs at a different time, then perhaps this is why Xehanort looks so much older than Eraqus, or rather why Eraqus looks so relatively young when he’s supposed to be 80-ish years old. And if that’s the case, then do any of the characters’ ages really matter? I’ve already proven that their ages have been retconned before. Also, this renders timecodes such as ‘75 years later’ and ‘one year later’ from Re:Mind and other parts of the series completely meaningless. The timeline is broken.
Anyway, I’m not sure how much Norse Mythology will play into the story, but all the new characters have Norse names with two that stand out the most. The first is Master Odin, named after a Norse god who sacrificed one of his own eyes for knowledge, which is an interesting parallel to the MoM. The second is Baldr, the as of yet unseen seventh student who has a missing sister, because evidently Nomura likes recycling his previous plots before they’ve even finished. In Norse Mythology, Baldr is the god of light whose death kickstarts the events of Ragnarok. How this’ll be relevant in KHDR remains to be seen, but after seeing those four gravestones in the timeskip/flashforward, I can’t imagine this ending well for anyone not named Eraqus or Xehanort. 
Now, as funny as I find it that the new characters have all been killed off this quickly, I’m not entirely convinced that those are Urd, Hermod, Bragi, and Vor’s graves. They could actually be the graves of the missing upperclassmen, if some of them turn up dead. Speaking of the upperclassmen, I would hope that Yen Sid is one of them, but I have a feeling he won’t be allowed to show up simply because of Disney’s stranglehold on its own IP. It’s pretty sad and ironic seeing as this series used to be all about Disney, but I assume that’s why Nomura is straying further and further from the brand.
About the four new student characters, I don’t have any particular attachment to any of them, beyond Vor’s name being hilariously unfortunate. I find it a bit eye-rolling that fans continuously snub Kairi but will instantly latch onto any new characters like Yozora and these four despite barely knowing anything about them. It doesn’t help that, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems that any of the four who you choose to be in your trio will have the exact same dialogue in cutscenes no matter who you pick, meaning that these new characters don’t even get much of a chance to develop their own personalities because all of their dialogue has to be generic and bland enough to fit all four of them.
Young Eraqus is probably the best character so far, simply because he’s the only one with any personality. Granted his supposed cowardice has yet to be seen, but it’s mentioned so often that I assume it’s gonna be an important plot point later. However, I’m finding it hard to relate young Eraqus with his adult counterpart seeing as their personalities are just so different. I’m aware there’s a 65-ish year gap between this Eraqus and older Eraqus, but there better be some major character development to explain this, especially since even standing in front of his presumed classmate’s graves he still seems fairly chipper.
On that note, as humorous as ‘Tardy Fleetfoot’ is, just like with Xehanort, don’t think I’ve forgotten that this guy caused Terra’s insecurity and self-doubt with his overzealous anti-darkness stance, probably heavily influenced Aqua’s black-and-white anti-darkness keyblade-first-ask-questions-later thinking, was also probably the one who told her to lie to Ventus about always living with them, and attempted to straight up kill Ven and Terra. Eraqus’s actions aren’t as bad as Xehanort’s, but they certainly aren’t acceptable in any capacity.
Something odd I noticed is that Eraqus knows what the Heartless are called, and even the difference between Pureblood and Emblem Heartless-- well, part of the difference; I’m assuming he doesn’t know that future Xehanort created them. But anyway, my point is that Aqua doesn’t know what the Heartless are called until Mickey tells her in BBS 0.2. Before that she simply calls them ‘dwellers of darkness’, and even mistakes one for an Unversed. Does this mean Eraqus never taught his students about the Heartless? Why? Perhaps after his classmates died, he decided to shelter his own students from the worlds, hence why their Mark of Mastery was so simple? I’m just guessing at this point. Of course, there’s still no real explanation as for why the Emblem Heartless are here in the past. My best theory is that someone used the Book of Prophecies to summon them... somehow. It really just seems like an excuse to gloss over the corner Nomura wrote himself into with the whole ‘Emblem Heartless were made by Ansem’ thing, but we’ll see.
Honestly this whole series is just one big endless death-spiral of constant retcons and nonsensical plot twists and at this point I’m just exhausted. My view on KH has become one of mild and morbid curiosity, rather than expecting anything truly great. Is that cynical? Yes, but I’ve watched other once-great series (Star Wars, Voltron) worsen over time to the point that they just fizzle out and die, and I’m afraid it’s the same deal with Kingdom Hearts. I don’t think I’ve truly enjoyed a KH game since BBS, and if the series just continues down the path of introducing bland new characters every time Nomura gets bored rather than developing the already established ones, I don’t know how long I can stay interested. The Dark Seeker Saga is over and he really needs to let Xehanort go.
To end this on a positive note, I am tentatively hopeful about Melody of Memory. The gameplay looks cute and fun and the story looks like it will have more development for Kairi and her backstory, which is something I’ve been wanting for a while now. Focusing on the original cast is definitely a step in the right direction, and I hope this series can keep moving forwards rather than backwards.
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nikatyler · 5 years
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When I finished my exam today, I was really excited and full of energy but now all of that is gone and I’m starting to see how stressful this day has actually been. I’m so incredibly tired! I went to bed at 11 pm yesterday, fell asleep quite quickly, woke up again at midnight. I slept until 4 am and then I kept waking up and falling asleep in what I believe were really short intervals. I don’t know which of these nightmare scenarios I had were actual nightmares and which ones I came up with thanks to overthinking. It was some crazy shit - one of them, probably the craziest one, I actually shared on twitter yesterday. For a little bit, I was worried that I would wake up without the ability to read or write. And even though I know that’s impossible, I was so worried and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Thing is, my anxious perfectionist brain always jumps to “either you do well on this or you die” mindset. Which then leads to me being stressed out days before and doing crazy things because of that. Just to name a few: I unfollowed a lot of blogs because following so many was driving me insane. I muted a bunch of people on twitter and called it self care even though it was probably just petty. Last but not least, I’m generally more mean and insensitive than I usually am these days and I hate that but also, I just can’t help it. (hey please if I was mean to you, don’t give up on me, it’ll get better again I swear) So yeah, fun times. Can’t wait for it to be finally June so all of this is over. 
To quote my favourite musical: hold your breath and count the days, we’re graduating soon, college will be paradise if I’m not dead by June.
Onto those replies now.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “So…I was just casually setting up another scene, posing the sims and...”
This is DESTINY of this generation - trying to die (hard)
Just wait for when I focus on Regan. That girl is...going in her parents’ footsteps. I swear it’s not my fault. Seriously. I would never want for any of my important legacy sims to die.
Okay well, I might have planned to kill off Tyler at one point like year and a half ago but we don’t talk about that. Ever. Not since that dumb “one year with Rose triplets” thing. Don’t worry about it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Unfortunately, it didn’t help. Again, sims logic. Don’t question it....”
Miracles shouldn't die!
How dare you!
When I said "don't return to aliens" I didn't mean "die instead"
pxelblobs replied to your photoset “Unfortunately, it didn’t help. Again, sims logic. Don’t question it....”
Noooo Miracle!
I knew that sims could burn to death if the weather is too hot and everything, but it has never happened to me and I certainly didn’t expect it to happen now. I was freaking out. That was not how I wanted her story to end.
Then I went to twitter and asked people what they want me to do, but before the poll ended, I actually decided that nope, I can’t do this, she has to stay alive. By the way, if I remember correctly, people voted for leaving her dead. Sooo...yeah.
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “WAIT HOLD UP IS MIRACLE LIKE DEAD DEAD”
I guess I wasn't paying too much attention until this ask BUT MIRACLE'S DEAD WTF
Lmao I can see this happening to me. In fact, it has definitely happened to me before - just casually scrolling down my dash, not paying attention to anything (which is why I never go to my dash anymore) at all and then suddenly I realize - wait a minute, when did that sim die?! What did I miss?
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Yeah well, Adam, maybe you could’ve done something when you still had...”
Will Smith voice: It's rewind time
I laughed so hard at this because I literally made the same joke a few posts later. Great minds think alike! *let’s pretend I’m a great mind ok, at least for a few seconds*
treason-and-plot replied to your post “WAIT HOLD UP IS MIRACLE LIKE DEAD DEAD”
This game is so cruel
It couldn’t have happened to like...I don’t know. Esme during the uni storyline. Or Fred during James’s storyline. Guys, do you remember Fred the mustache guy? Good old times.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Adam: “Hmmm, I wonder what I should do?”
*slow clap for sims logic*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “At least she gets a nice gravestone…I guess. Aaand the dog is useless...”
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “At least she gets a nice gravestone…I guess. Aaand the dog is useless...”
I can't believe she died this way! :'(
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Miracle baby oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t want this to happen I’m...”
:( :( :(
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Miracle baby oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t want this to happen I’m...”
������ poor miracle
The only thing I really enjoyed about this is that these posts fell on the weekend before April 1st. I know this isn’t something to be laughed at...but the timing was so perfect. If I had planned this, it wouldn’t have worked.
Then again, let’s be real, I wouldn’t have planned this. This is just cruel.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Worry not, Adam. The Grim Reaper might be cruel but I’m the one who’s...”
Whew I'm glad she's still alive
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “Worry not, Adam. The Grim Reaper might be cruel but I’m the one who’s...”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Worry not, Adam. The Grim Reaper might be cruel but I’m the one who’s...”
I’ve never been more excited to quit without saving
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Lydia: “Sorry I’m late! I didn’t mean to, I promise. Siblings got in...”
"Oh yeah and my mom died in an alternate reality but it's cool, it's cool."
I mean, she’s definitely heard about all the crazy shit that has happened to her family over the years, so maybe it doesn’t seem as a big deal to her anymore.
It’s been a while since I last said Roses are a mess but they really are a huge mess lmao
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “cloudberry-sims: ???: Sorry but you can’t read that book yet! Stone:...”
Zillah will most likely appear after I finish Strangerville!
Yay! You don’t have to rush though, as long as she appears one day, it’s cool. It’s just a little sad when I spend a lot of time working on a sim and then the person who requested them never uses them.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “This girl is no longer on fiyah, fiyaaaaah”
Next time you try to die don't do it, okay?
Oh trust me I’ll keep an eye on her from now on
It’s what Caleb would have wanted
wait did I just make myself cry thinking about this
dreamsongsims replied to your photoset “I’m still not sure why she’s doing martial arts. Like yeah, I wanted...”
That moment when you just can't remember what your plans were for your sim! I have that a lot. LOL
I guess I do kinda remember the purpose for the story, the problem is...I don’t actually understand why I did it that way?
create-a-sim replied to your photo “someday i’ll be famous and you’ll have to admit you were wrong.”
Wow, this looks super cool!
Thank you! I really enjoyed working on this. It’s just one of the many outcomes of my “Tyler gets famous” headcanons, which by the way are one of my favourite things to think about these days.
onemoreordinarysimblr replied to your photo “Am I late to the party?”
Very cute!
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “I had to do another one.”
This is a nice looking room!!
berrysweetboutique replied to your photo “I had to do another one.”
They're too fun and this is way cute ♥
Thank you guys! I really enjoy the idea of this. I’m definitely not done with this trend yet! ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i could recognize...”
Oh it sucks that that person isn't around anymore(( losing friends is always hard
Btw, the edit is really cute!
Yeah...I was going through my old posts yesterday, saw some asks and got sad about this again. I miss talking daily to a person who was so much like me in so many ways. I don’t want to go into details but yeah...never thought I could miss a person I’ve never actually met and here I am.
desira-sims replied to your post “�� ��?”
I feel ya on the bands. My music tastes seems to go from one extreme to the next.
It’s so hard to limit yourself to just one genre! I don’t understand how some people can do this. Well, I don’t actually believe such people exist...everyone has their “guilty pleasure” and no one will change my mind.
desira-sims replied to your post “I associate you with Ross and Caleb :D (i really need to catch up on...”
This is 100% me.
It’s clear, if a sim wants to be the mascot of my blog, they have to be a bisexual disaster.
I mean, when I look at myself, that makes sense. I myself am one big bisexual disaster.
mellowaliens replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good luck hon!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good luck! ❤️ You can do it!
desira-sims replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good luck!!! Sending positive vibes your way.
whysimstho replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
Good Luck!
audrey-rosewadsworth replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
audrey-rosewadsworth replied to your post “Tomorrow, I’m taking my first graduation exam. It’s a writing one, so...”
poisonfireleafs replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Good luck tomorrow :)
*hugs* Thank you so much guys. ♥
desira-sims replied to your post “Good morning guys, I'm still freaking out about the exam. I'm taking...”
Just take deep breath and don’t stress too much. You’ll do great on the exam.   Congrats on your milestone!
I started feeling so much better when I left home. I went out and I was like okay, I can’t do much about this anymore, can I? And then I met up with my friend at the bus stop and we just talked and suddenly I wasn’t scared anymore because I realized we’re all in this together - the two of us, the rest of our class and all the other 80 000 (or something) students in our country who were taking the exam as well.
My biggest problem was that the exam started at 12.30 and ended at like 2.30 pm. If it had been in the morning, I wouldn’t have had so much time to worry about it. Thank the lord that’s the case with the English exam tomorrow, it starts at 8 am which is an okay school time for me - on a normal day, classes start at 7.50.
Also, thank you! ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Yay, congrats!
desira-sims replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Woot woot!
mellowaliens replied to your post “Hey hi hello guess who survived the exam? It went better than I...”
Good luck and congrats!
Now I’ll have to wait for the results...that’s gonna be fuuuuuun.
By the way, people are already making memes based on the topics and I enjoy that. People who didn’t take the exam can’t understand, but it’s really funny, I swear.
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset
awwwwww! ♥ ♥ ♥
They’re definitely among the cutest couples I have in my game right now! ♥
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Courtney: “Uhh…” Regan: “Wait. You…you guys? You’re like…” Felix: “Not...”
Well I kinda shipped themXD
I must admit that I didn’t at first, but then I noticed it could work. Whenever Regan said something bad about Felix, Courtney defended him, and so I thought...what if they went to uni together? Could they fall in love? Turns out they could :D
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life
1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off running towards the gravestones, my dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply read “Here Lies Austin” no name, no date. My brother did not learn to read until he was 6 and this headstone wasn’t even right out visible from where we were, yet he ran right to it
2. We don’t watch firefighter things
my son told me a few months ago he “used to be a firefighter, and we got called to a fire. There wasn’t any family inside the house, so we just put the fire out. Then the fire truck caught on fire and I died”. A few nights later, he elaborated he was taken to a hospital, where he died. We don’t watch firefighter things.
3. Her “other” mother’s name was Sally
I was talking to my four year old when she began to freak me out. She was telling me a story about her “other mother” and that she “died a long time ago on a Thursday.” I tried to brush it off, you know, whatever, shes a kid, they have wild imaginations… but then she started to go further into detail about the death of her “other mother,” whose name was apparently Sally. She has never met anyone named Sally, and I can’t recall any shows on TV she watches where “Sally” is a character. She told me that she was playing with her father’s gun that she found and accidentally shot and killed Sally while she was walking upstairs. It’s pretty weird. There are no guns in this house, I haven’t even really told her what guns are all about and how they can hurt or kill someone, shes only four! I think I am beginning to understand now why when I try to tell her when someone dies, they go away forever, she tells me that, that is not true. “We come back, mommy!” I’m only 23, I had my daughter very young and despite not being prepared, I don’t think I could have ever prepared for a conversation like that!
4. “When she lived before she was born”
My daughter did the same thing at the same age. She told me about her life “when she lived before she was born” and described herself as a woman with long hair who lived in an apartment with a long flight of stairs outside of it. She drove a VW Bug and wore long skirts. She then told me that she fell down the stairs and died. Her stories were startlingly vivid and always consistent. Quite spooky. She is now 19 and doesnt remember it. My advice would be write down everything your daughter tells you on the subject. Everything! Record her stories if you can.
5. Roanoke?
I would tell my older sister about my death. I told her my husband was captured and fire was everywhere. I took my young son and ran. I told her my son couldn’t run fast enough. I knew we would get killed and I had my husbands knife on me, I wanted to leave a clue. I wrote in capitals “CROATOAN” I told her we were caught and how my son was killed before I was killed. I told her how I was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. Then, I went about playing with dolls. I can still picture the scene and my son to this day.
6. “She used to come visit me”
my son says he remember his great grandmother (my grandmother) and can describe her in perfect detail (how she looks, how she acted, even what brand of cigarettes she smoked) , although she died 11 days before he was born. He says that she used to come visit him in his dreams.
7. Conchon
Apparently beginning around the time my friend could form sentences until he was little more than 2, he would go on and on about how he was a Native American named Conchon and that after his wife and son got sick and died, he moved to a mountain to live by himself with his horse. He died of a broken neck when he fell into a ravine.
8. “My real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came.”
when I was 2 or 3 I was talking to my grandmother and told her that my mom and dad weren’t my real mom and dad. My grandmother, knowing this wasn’t true, said they were. I calmly explained that no, my real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came. I had lived because my mom hid me behind a rock. I then went on to describe white men with guns and us “dark” people with long hair. When I was done, I went back to eating my ice cream.
9. Jesus
My cousin, approximately 3 years old and riding in the car with my mum and dad, pointed out a random house that they went past and declared “I died there”.
10. Included because, WHAT?
I did something sort of similar I guess. When I was about 3 my mum and I were driving over a bridge on which there’d recently been a major accident that resulted in a car bursting into flames and the driver dying. Anyway, I asked my mum who the man in the front seat was and when she told me to describe him I said, “Well he’s on fire and he keeps looking back at me.”
11. I drowned
My mother told me about a story I told her when I was 2 or 3. I told her she was the best mommy I ever had, to which she replied, “I’m the only mommy you’ve ever had.” “nu-uh, I had another mommy.” I said that my older sister and I went out to a pond in the woods behind my house. Around the pond, all of the trees were the same type: skinny with white paper-like bark. (I had never seen a poplar tree before in this life.) We put some logs together to make a raft, and put it into the water to play boat captain and climbed aboard. The raft fell apart, and I didn’t know how to swim. I tried to grab a log, but my hand slipped off. I could see my sister freaking out from underwater. I drowned.
12. My war memories
one of 6 hopping out of a helicopter into a field, it’s hot as shit, humid, daytime, two house/buildings smoking and heavily burning straight in front of me (to the side of the chopper), and there’s firing from the woods and field to my right. It’s chaotic a noisy, lots of firing and helicopters, my guys are firing back crouched next to the back building, one guy runs out of the other building with a kid he pushes forward and yells at to run, the kid gets shot from out of nowhere, and drops. I see a few of my guys advancing from another chopper behind me duck down in the grass as their chopper leaves, I crouch in tall grass about 10 feet from my chopper, fire my rifle twice from just above the grass line, and my chopper starts to take off, and is taking fire. I get up to move forward, panicky, and am shot dead – I feel a hard thunk, see part my chest explode, fall forward go black, and zoom out above my body. I also drew this later (still have pics, mom saved them). To me, it’s clear as day, still. Mom said some of my first chatter was about “heavy fire” “zip em boys” (don’t know what that means) and I would ask “Where are the hueys?” I was born in the early 70s, and my family was NOT military (very anti, actually). I err on the side of thinking it’s media (news footage?) I absorbed at some point from the Viet Nam war, but I also wonder if it’s not a past-life dream.
13. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
When my kid was 4, we were watching a docu on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the tv and said, “That’s wrong. The boilers were on the Other side. And I was right here.” And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. “That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.”
14. My family’s farm, burning
When I was younger I would have dreams of living in colonial american. I remember bits very vividly and only when I was older did I realize what they were about and how accurate they were. Most of the dreams consisted of me being in my late teen years and centered around my family’s farm being set on fire during the night. I never dreamed past that night, nothing about the aftermath of the fire, and I haven’t had one in years.
15. “Nobody scroofs me there”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing. My wife and I were catatonic.
16. Nope
“Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so old now. They were ok when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn’t!”
17. “Their screams are keeping me up”
I was in my room on the computer at about 11, which is late for my sister to be awake even now. I was thinking about bed, but then my sister knocks on the door. She was maybe 10 at the time, so not so young that she doesn’t know when she’s dreaming. She wanted to sleep in my room because she was sad and scared. I asked her why, and she said, “I watched your sons burn up in the fire. Their screams are keeping me up.”
18. Role reversal
My three year old said, “Remember when I was the grown-up and you were the little boy?” to his Dad.
19. When he was a grown up
My father used to hate policemen when he was a kid, he used to tell my grandmother that they came to his house and shot him when he was a grown up.
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some-rfa-imagines · 6 years
A Big List Of Prompts
i thought ‘why not?’ and made one of these for myself. I wandered around the internet for a while and shoved together a bunch of prompts I thought were interesting. Pick a character and a number (pls specify) and I��ll write you a thing!
Most of these are not mine!!!
hhhhh lets hope i know what i’m doing
“I don’t think this is the biggest mistake you’ve made. It’s probably like… third worst.”
“Shouting at each other across the room doesn’t count as having a proper conversation about your feelings you know. Wouldn’t you rather all of this be private, anyway?”
“No pressure, honest. It’s not like the world is depending on you or anything.”
“But if they think we’re a couple, we'll get the couples discount!”
“Are you always this prone to bad luck and violence? If so, that’s kind of sad.”
“Can I just whoop your ass… like… right now?”
“Rules? Nope, not listening. I’m not following them. Never have, never will.”
“Did operation steal the cat and return the nuclear codes get completed yet?"
“I call it 'the plan that will save the world and also remove minions for good'."
“what the hell are you doing with (other character)'s dog locked in your garden?!"
“Yeah!, heh, I just uh remembered that, uhm- I have- uh.. I have a few places to see and uh *ahem*, people to go- I mEAN- uhm, yeah,,, I-I’ll- I’ll be right back— oh! Uh, completely unrelated to that, uh, ngh, wheres the nearest cliff?”
“Shut up [name], just because you have the grace and social skills of a drunken ferret, does not mean I must.”
“You’re so convinced that I’ll hurt them that you haven’t considered it’s the last thing I’d ever want to do.”
“What have I told you about listening to your gut more? It’s smart. Do it.”
“Pal, I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m a good person, but if you want to keep it. Leave now.”
“I can be sweet. Sometimes. To certain people. It happens!”
“Stop laughing!”
“Call me [blank] - not that that's my name.”
“So I suppose you want to ask me how I pulled it off.”
“Didn’t you know darling? The key to getting away with a crime is making people think you are peaceful.”
"I hope that what I've said hasn't hurt you too much."
"Move away from the door and let me at him."
"You embarrassed me this evening."
"I want to turn back the clock to before..."
"Try focusing more on your life and less on mine!"
"There's something I need to get off my chest."
"I did a pregnancy test."
"If you get me his phone, I might reconsider."
"I knew you wouldn't be able to see it through."
"You were meant to be watching him!"
"How dare you look down your nose at me like that."
“It’s not my fault you’re short.”
“Tell me right now or I swear on my life you’ll regret everything.”
“You’re back!”
“I missed you.”
“I did my best, okay?!”
“Kiss me right this second.”
“Just do it!”
“I believe you’ll come back to us. I just know it.”
“You’re not a bad person… You… You wouldn’t…”
“I can’t trust you… Not anymore.”
“Don’t leave me!”
“You promised we were in this together…”
“Wait a minute, are you flirting with me?”
“You’re even more stunning.”
“As many as the stars in the sky.”
“You’re actually the most insufferable person I’ve ever had the pleasure meeting.”
“I risked everything for you.”
“I… I love you, okay?”
“Who the hell are you and why is my favourite book in a puddle of orange juice.”
“This is a lot harder than it looks and I don’t think you realise that.”
“That’s the lamest pickup line I’ve ever heard of.” “Damn. Well, it was just plan A.” “And what’s plan B…?” “To take you hostage.”
“What the fuck did they do to you in that lab?”
“Ehhh, needles, comas, that deep freeze thing in the first room, shoving these onto my back. Oh also they forced me to eat soggy bread.”
“Love, you underestimate how much food I can shove in my mouth before I need to be stopped.”
“Okay so why did you have to smash that vase again” “I DIDN’T MEAN TO, IT GOT IN THE WAY”
“Welcome to my treasure trove.” “There’s a sword.” “Yeah.” “wHY DO YOU HAVE A SWORD.” “...” “caaaaaan i touch it?”
“Love, I’ve done this before. Every hundred years. For seventeen millenniums.”
“Are… Who are these people? They- They look like me…”
“So, what do you want for dinner?” “I’m thinking Italian. Like, Italian.” “BABE.”
“Oooh, look at the detail on that mirror.”
“Okay now you’re just messing with me and you need to stop.”
“Okay, I know I’m idiotic to get lost in a corn maze but who the fuck are you and why are you apparently as idiotic as I am.”
“I was on my way to buy that soul for Satan, who do you think you are. You can’t do that.”
“I’m sure you know who I am.”
“Huh…? Oh, fuck.”
“I swear to god, my little sister will kill me when I get home.”
“Bit rude to swear to God right now, don’t you think?”
“Fuck. I’m going to die. Damn.”
“You know you can’t bring (them), Your Highness, (they’ll) be used against you.”
“Don’t hold me responsible, I wasn’t even there.” “Yeah, but you gave me the idea.”
“You know what, fuck you.”
“The fuck did you say they put on my gravestone?!”
“Honey, I don’t care if you’re the fucking queen or an uncooperative cat, get off your ass and live your life you trash bag.”
“Hey, calm down, please, oh god okay, calm aura, calm aura, please stop freaking out, calm down, it’s okay, you can do this.”
“So that’s it? We’re done?”
“Please, just… hold me. Just for a moment.”
“I think I’m just gonna sleep outside and let the snow bury me until I die.”
“So… what are we?”
“Don’t you dare take another step out that door!”
“This better be good.”
“That… was the worst excuse I’ve ever heard in my life.”
“I’m saying you don’t have a rulebook.”
“These kinds of things don’t just come with an instruction manual, [name]!”
“Why, that’s absurd!”
“I would never.”
“It makes me so uncomfortable when people ask me, ‘Where do you see yourself in 'x’ years?’ Like… I see myself cold in the ground, my guy, but that’s not the answer you want to hear so this is an awkward predicament we’re in, huh.”
“Listen up fucker.”
“Let me tell you all the reasons why I won’t do that.”
“I am already the family disappointment, what more do you want from me”
“Do you?”
“Get. Out.”
“If people are watching, we might as well make this entertaining!”
“I’ve absolutely never seen you in my entire life so if you’ll just excuse me now, have a good day!”
“Okay, stop going to sleep at 4am, it makes you philosophical and sentimental and that’s weird.”
“Make me.”
The night sky lit up for a second and what followed sounded a lot like the end of the world.
It's not always the case of 'these guys are foolish to only send one guy' sometimes it's 'we should be terrified they only sent one guy.’
Dear reader, I wish I could tell you that you're going to like this story.
Without meaning to, they’d arranged two dates for the same evening.
Everything about [name] was a lie.
They'd only been apart for a week and already he had a new lover hanging off his arm.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.
You guys were taking forever and I was hungry so I baked cookies who wants some?
First Lines:
[Character] had enjoyed ten years of being totally irresponsible.
The pencil had NOT been worth stealing.
[Character] wasn't happy about it, but [pronoun]’d been recalled to life for one reason or another.
If [Character] could change one thing, it would be carrying that gun.
It was enchanting. Either that or [name] was incredibly wasted.
AUs: (many from this blog! Complete credit to them)
Masquerade Ball AU: Person A and Person B can’t recognise each other
Frustrated Customer and Tired Employee AU
Hitman AU: Person A and Person B are hired to take each other out
Assassin AU: After watching B for so long, A has begun to fall for them
Pirate/Mermaid AU
Coffee Shop AU: Why’d you have to smile at me like that, I couldn’t even concentrate on your order oh god I’m blushing why am I so fLUSTERED
Overthrown Royalty AU: Okay so I love you and all, but why the fuck did you have to start a war they’re going to kill you - you’re a dead (queen/king) walking and I hope you know that.
Blood dripped down B’s chin. A knew B was a vampire. A knew they needed blood. But it was a little offensive when B drank from others!Vampire AU
my little sister really looks up to you because she’s going through that phase so she’ll probably kill me again when i get home!Idol AU
Fantasy AU: A is suspicious of the legends. You know, those legends. Everyone knew about them. The ones about the dragons in the hills.
Spy AU: “Fuck, why did you have to be the one to join me on this mission you do realise that it’s dangerous and they don’t care whether we die or not.”
I know my cupcakes are better than your blueberry muffins and that’s what matters and wait holy shit these are actually pretty good!Baking AU
Medieval AU
(Alt) Modern AU
We were both stood up by our dates at this fancy restaurant and they have an ‘at least two to a table’ policy so you need to have dinner with me AU
I know shit all about music theory but I’ve already written and composed hit songs while you’ve been taking lessons for years and struggle with melody please don’t kill me!Musician AU
I answered your weirdly specific craigslist roommate ad as a joke and now we’re living together!Roommates AU
You’re really short and cute and you buy a cup of black coffee every morning but you make weird faces as you sip it and you never finish your drink are you trying to look mature or something!coffee shop AU
reincarnation AU: person A meets their favourite band/singer and realises they were friends in a past life
Hello I’m your boss and you’re the new employee who just saw me shove an entire cupcake into my mouth!Office AU
We’re neighbours and you work at a flower shop and your place is always filled with flowers. I’m too self-conscious to say anything, but I’m allergic af and I look like I’ve been crying every time we meet. Now you probably think I’m in an abusive relationship or something omg
I don’t really know you but we’ve shared a bus stop for years and I just got my first car and I hope this isn’t weird but what I’m trying to say is do you want to carpool with me from now on? Like, to save the environment, I mean.
I can’t give you what you want, why didn’t I leave before we go too emotionally involved AU
I came up to the roof of our apartment building at 2 AM to see this asteroid go by and just as I stepped out you came running at me screaming so naturally I froze and you’re screaming at me so loud I can’t understand what you’re - oh the door locks behind you. Well now we’re both locked out here gdi
someone in the dorms makes amazing cookies and you’re trying to figure it out and walk in on me baking at four in the morning!College AU
I found you duct-taped to a telephone pole thirty feet off the ground
Just to be polite, I held the door open for you but now we’re both insisting that the other go first and we’re seriously about to get into an argument about it and cAN YOU JUST WALK THROUGH THE DOOR P L E A S E
I’m in this museum for a school project, but you are apparently here for fun and good lord you are good looking, so I’m totally going to pretend I know anything at all about the life and works of this random artist…Rembrandt, you say?
IKEA AU: I’m a cashier and when you looked for your wallet about a hundred of our pencils dropped out of your pocket, that’s actually pretty impressive where did you even hide them?
I was rehearsing lines for the romantic lead and I didn’t see you through that window, I had no idea that YOU were playing my romantic interest and now I can’t remember a single line
I tried my hand at this thing called cooking but I ended up making enough to feed a small army. You’re my next door neighbour, so like, are you hungry? You can bring the beer
Looking around, A tried to spot their best friend when they saw it. Their own handwriting, on someone else’s arm.
A sees B in their mirror every night. They’ve never met in real life.
You can see colours but realise that recently, with each passing day, your world of colours is becoming a little duller and you’re panicking because you don’t know what’s going on, or what it means, or if your soulmate is okay.
We’re having our first argument as a married couple: do we explore this island, or do we stay in bed all day
I can’t give you what you want, why didn’t I leave before we go too emotionally involved AU
You’re not sure if the other half of your tattoo should end with this person’s words, or that one’s—wait, I think it might end with the phrase of that other person too. It’s just a very open-ended sentence…
You’re an Angel and I’m a Demon and we met while hiding in human form and I love you
Write an apology letter to the character you hurt the most.
Complete the sentence for [character]: “I think the most important thing in the world is…”
You see someone being hit in the street. What superpower would you like to have in this situation?
Write a scenario where you meet your characters.
Would your characters like you? As a person or as an author?
Have a philosophical conversation with your characters.
I would love if you added your own prompts to this! I’ll probably go back and add more later. in the meantime, i’ll go hunt down all the necessary credits! byee~
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