#the harmonies the dancing the staging the hugs the actual smiles
untimelyambition · 5 months
i owe my entire life to whoever filmed erika’s last show. that video is my everything <3 i see stars continues to reduce me to tears with every watch
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kittyball23 · 7 months
Hi kittyball, did you read the trolls band together junior novelization? Does it include deleted scenes from the movie? I heard there was a scene cut with velvet and veneer buying yachts 😆 and another scene with velvet spraying veneer with troll without warning him.
Hi, I sure did! I do remember that there were scenes and/or little details that differentiated from what was seen in the actual movie, and I’d be happy to share them:
John Dory in the beginning was being a little more critical of Clay’s dance moves
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“C’mon, Clay,” John Dory said. “They’re Funderdrawers! Underwear, but seventy-six percent more fun! Now let’s see those dance moves!”
“Fine,” Clay said with a sigh. He did a quick series of dance steps, naming them while executing them perfectly. “Rusty robot into a wiggle worm, and end on caliente puppet.”
“Not bad,” John Dory said, stroking his chin. “But your robot could be rustier. And your worm wigglier.”
Clay looked annoyed. “Don’t you want my puppet caliente-er?”
“I wasn’t going to say it,” John Dory said, “but yeah. Definitely.”
‘Bro-Time’ happened in both the beginning and the end, each brother doing a hands-in-the-middle thing
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“If we can’t hit the Perfect Family Harmony, we aren’t perfect,” John Dory insisted. “And if we aren’t perfect, we’re NOTHING! Being nothing is definitely not an option. So just follow my lead.” He stuck his hand out, palm down. “Let’s do this!”
Each of his brothers piled their hands on top of his. Together, John Dory, Spruce, Clay, Floyd, and Baby Branch shouted, “IT’S BRO TIME!”
Smiling wistfully, Floyd said, “I can’t believe we almost missed out on all this.” It had been a long time.
“We shouldn’t have let our differences break up our family,” Clay put in, joining them.
John Dory walked up. “That’s right. Because we don’t have to be perfect to be in harmony. We just have to be together.”
Branch started to point out that he had told them exactly that, but he changed his mind. “You’re right,” he said. “Good point, bro.”
Standing in a circle, the brothers each put a hand in. “On three,” Branch said. “One… two… three!”
“IT’S BRO TIME!” they all said in unison, lifting their hands.
Baby Branch was supposed to make his entrance suspended on a wire
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“And making his first live appearance, the Baby!” Glitter burst over the stage, revealing Branch suspended on a wire.
“Awwww!” the whole audience said, charmed by the adorable sight.
BroZone rolled right into their first song. Cool, calm, and collected, John Dory danced up a storm. Spruce blew another kiss, and the fans went wild. Clay added a little goofy touches to the dance steps, getting lots of laughs. Floyd shed a single tear as he sang. And Branch flipped down off his wire, sticking the landing perfectly, nailing every move and every note as the five brothers came together.
As the Family Harmony started to happen, glass broke and a lightbulb shattered
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The five brothers hit a chord and held it. Offstage, a water glass broke. KSHHH! Overhead, a light bulb shattered. SHHINK! The brothers looked at each other. It was happening! They were achieving the PERFECT FAMILY HARMONY!
Smead, Gristle’s Aunt, was supposed to be the officiate instead of Miss Maxine for Bridget and Gristle’s wedding
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Gristle’s Aunt Smead, a tall Bergen with goggles and hair that stood straight up, was in charge of leading the happy couple through their wedding vows. She leaned over and joked, “Hey, Bridget, you still have time to run for it!”
Poppy and JD went through with the whole hug, fist-bump, and wave thing she suggested when meeting him
Poppy rushed over and introduced herself to John Dory. “Oh my gosh, I was being so rude! I’ve never met anyone from Branch’s family before. I’m Poppy. Branch’s girlfriend. Should we hug? Fist-bump? Smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?”
“All of the above!” John Dory said, hugging her, bumping her fist with his and waving and smiling.
Crimp was supposed to be shown cleaning up the chair before Velvet and Veneer made their entrance on the Mount Rageous show ‘The Bop on Top’
In a TV studio, the pop duo’s put-upon assistant Crimp swept off a chair, making sure it was immaculate before one of her bosses sat on it. Crimp resembled the head of a straw broom, with green eyes, white glasses, and a purple hair bow scrunching a bun of papery hair on top of her head. She was much shorter than Velvet and Veneer, but was still at least three times the size of the average Troll.
Ignoring their assistant, Velvet launched herself onto the chair, squashing Crimp. FWUNK! “So,” Velvet said to Kid Ritz, “what do you wanna know? I’m an open book.”
You are correct, Velvet did spray Floyd’s essence at Veneer without him expecting it lol
Grabbing the perfume bottle, she squeezed the bulb, giving herself a big spray of Troll talent. SHHFFT! Floyd groaned as the energy was sucked out of him. Velvet tested the results, opening her mouth to sing. She let loose an impressive cascade of notes. Satisfied, she smiled and aimed the bottle’s nozzle at her brother’s mouth. SSSHHFFT! “Your turn, Veneer.”
Veneer coughed. “Ack! You’re supposed to say it before you spray it, remember?”
There’s a quick moment where Floyd sympathizes with Crimp
Rolling her eyes, Velvet said, “Ugh. I’m exhausted by this drama. Do you wanna go buy a yacht?”
“Oh, good idea!” Veneer said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s buy matching yachts!” They left the dressing room without another word.
"Can I come out of the corner yet?” Crimp asked.
Floyd looked at her with pity in his big violet eyes. “Girl, you need a new job. I should be the saddest one in this room.”
A small moment where Bruce and JD hug
Seeing an opportunity, Poppy decided to give Bruce a little encouragement. “Prove it. Prove it,” she started chanting. Bruce’s kids all joined in, balling their fists and pumping their arms in time with the chant. “PROVE IT! PROVE IT!”
Bruce took up the challenge. “Oh, I’ll prove it,” he said confidently. “I’ll prove it right now.” He took a deep breath and let it out. Then he hopped up onto the stage and stood next to John Dory.
“Yes!” John Dory cheered. “Bring it in, brother!” They hugged.
More of Velvet being a jerk
A stage manager popped her head through the dressing room door. “Knock, knock, knock – it’s ‘we’re ready for you’ o’clock!”
Velvet faked a super-sweet manner. “Look at you, making your job fun. Good for you! Just give us five minutes. We’re still working on our routine. Okay, doll?” She closed the door and muttered, “Loser.” Then she picked up Floyd’s bottle, planning to take in another spray of his Troll talent before the day’s singing began.
Veneer making a reference to a meme
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Floyd cried, holding his hands up against the inside of the diamond bottle. “Come on, it’s just dress rehearsal. You don’t need me for a dress rehearsal!”
Ignoring his protests, Velvet grabbed the golden spray bulb between her fingers and pointed the nozzle at her mouth, ready to spritz her vocal cords. Her brother spoke up. “Wait. Maybe he’s got a point. Do we even need a dress rehearsal?”
“Obviously,” Velvet said, making a face. “That’s why we’re getting dressed.”
“I’m just saying he doesn’t look so great,” Veneer pointed out. “He has, like, sad Troll face.”
Velvet shrugged it off. “He’s fine.”
Velvet’s suggestions for how to make Floyd better
But Velvet wasn’t overly concerned about Floyd’s see-through hand and overall paleness. “Oh, he just needs some blush,” she suggested. “Or is there a mini tanning bed we can jam into the bottle with him?”
More back and forth with Velvet and Veneer
Veneer paced the dressing room floor, clutching his head. “What are we going to do? We obviously can’t even rely on the Troll to get us through this dress rehearsal, let alone the Rage Dome show!”
Looking annoyed, Velvet said, “How come I always have to come up with something?”
“Because you’re the mean one!” Veneer told her.
“I’m not mean – I’m ambitious!”
Floyd having been conscious while Velvet was shaking the bottle
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Picking up Floyd’s diamond prison, she said, “Maybe we should just try shaking the bottle.” She shook it. Floyd ricocheted around inside, banging against the hard surface.
“Ow! Ouch! Ooh, my knee! My other knee!” he cried.
Lonely People having been sung later on in the movie, after Floyd makes a ‘philosophical’ statement
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Floyd looked at his body, becoming more see-through by the minute. “Well,” he said philosophically. “I lived, I loved, I lost.”
To the accompaniment of gentle ukulele music, he sang quietly to himself. He looked and saw that it was Crimp who was playing the ukulele.
Bruce’s response to learning about Velvet and Veneer’s song
On an empty road that night, Bruce steered Rhonda, listening to Velvet and Veneer sing one of their pop hits on the radio. “My kids love these guys!” he said. “We’re a total Veneer household.”
“They’re the ones who are holding Floyd prisoner,” John Dory called from the back of the van.
Bruce looked shocked. “Wow, everyone’s getting canceled these days.”
A little more Clay and Viva friendship displayed
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Viva put an arm around Clay’s shoulder. “Yeah, I’m the face of the operation, and Mr. Clay takes care of the boring stuff!”
“Guilty!” Clay admitted. He and Viva tapped elbows and laughed. 
Branch and Poppy having a short exchange after leaving Putt Putt Village
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Heartbroken, Poppy watched as the gate closed. She leaned her scrapbook against it for Viva. Branch ran up behind her. “You were right, Branch,” Poppy said. “Family is… complicated.”
Velvet and Veneer having labeled bottles for the rest of the brothers
In Velvet and Veneer’s Rage Dome dressing room, Floyd’s diamond bottle sat on a shelf next to four empty bottles labeled Heartthrob, Fun Boy, Old One, and Baby. Floyd’s bottle was now labeled Almost Dead One.
Branch’s line about the diaper slightly differing
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They tried singing one of their old songs, but John Dory soon cut them off. “Stop! Stop! Time-out. Let’s take it from the top. Spruce, I want some smolder in those eyes. Clay, you’re being too stiff. We need some sillier robot moves. Branch, maybe a smaller diaper.”
“Or some clothes not from the toddler section,” Branch grumbled.
Clay’s line about his CPA position replaced with this:
Bruce got right in his brother’s face. “This isn’t going to work if you keep being the same old John Dory.”
“Yeah,” Clay agreed. “We’ve all changed. Bruce settled down. Branch is slightly taller with zero glasses. And I’m not the guy who shoots milk out his nose and smiles through the burn!”
“Yup,” Poppy said to herself, remembering past milk blasts through her nose. “Been there.”
Crimp also confronting Velvet and Veneer when Poppy and Branch do on the red carpet
“You’re stealing BroZone’s talent because you have none of your own, you big PHONIES!” Poppy said, pointing her own accusing finger at them.
Crimp popped up out of the van. “They’re MEAN!” she shouted. “And I was their assistant, so I KNOW!”
The fans, listening to this exchange, started whispering to each other. Could what the little Trolls and the papery mop with glasses were saying possibly be true?
An extra line JD said when the talent was being sucked out of the four brothers
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Velvet lowered herself back down through the sunroof and punched a button on the car’s dashboard. The roof folded back, clearing the way for a metal arm to rise out of the car, holding an entire round stage. Velvet and Veneer both hit the buttons on their shoulder pads and inhaled big whiffs of Troll talent. The four brothers winced in pain.
“Floyd, why didn’t you warn us about how uncomfortable that is?” John Dory asked.
Slightly different lines when Poppy, Branch, and Viva arrived at the yacht
When she saw Branch, Poppy, and Viva on the deck of the boat, Velvet wasn’t dismayed. On the contrary, she was delighted! “More Trolls!” she exclaimed happily. “This will last us a lifetime!”
Velvet trying to sing after she and Veneer came out of the river that they had fallen into, and Crimp calling the two out again
The yacht came to a stop, wedged diagonally across a narrow passage in the river. Velvet climbed out of the water, turned the camera on herself, and tried to sing.
She sounded awful.
The crowd gasped. “Hey, what happened to your voice?” a fan shouted.
Veneer decided it was time to come clean. “Okay, fine,” he said. “Listen up, Mount Rageous. We are FRAUDS! And we’ve been literally torturing little Trolls!”
The fans were horrified. One yelled, “My illusion of celebrity has been shattered!”
Crimp stepped in front of the pop duo. “It’s true,” she confirmed. And they’re mean. Not ambitious, but just plain MEAN!”
Veneer having put the handcuffs on Velvet instead of Crimp
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“Oh, give it up, sis,” Veneer told her. He faced the cameras. “We just wanted to be famous. Honestly, my sister wanted to be famous, and truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her.”
Disgusted by her brother’s admission, Velvet said, “It’s like I don’t even know who you are.”
“Yeah, you do,” Veneer said firmly. “And you asked me to change anyway. Which isn’t okay, family or not.” He snapped a pair of handcuffs onto her slender wrists. She held them up, asking, “Veneer, what have you done?” Then she admired the shiny cuffs, saying, “Oooh, are these real silver?”
And the ending scene, in which Kismet is not mentioned, and Branch and Poppy have one last exchange
Over the loudspeaker, Crimp announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, you know ‘em, you love ‘em – give it up for the Trolls Kingdom’s very own… BROZONE!” She opened the curtains revealing the five brothers in sparkling new costumes. The crowd went wild!
In the front row, Poppy cheered along with them. Branch offered her his hand. “Poppy,” he said. “I have a small proposal. Will you – “
“Join the band?” she interrupted, bursting with excitement. “Of COURSE, I will! I thought you’d never ask!”
“You know me too well,” Branch said, grinning. “Now get up here and sing with us!”
“AAAAHH!” she squealed, leaping onto the stage. She extended a hand to her sister in the front row. “Viva! Viva, get up here! We’re in the band!”
“This is my dream life!” Viva cried, joining her and whipping out a pair of castanets.
The seven Trolls joyfully sang and danced together, and the audience absolutely loved it. The concert turned into an epic dance party. Fireworks exploded, lighting up the night sky.
Poppy turned to Branch. “I love you, Branch!”
“And I love you, Poppy!” Branch told her.
“Would it be weird if I fainted?” Poppy said. “Oh, I’m gonna faint right now.”
And she did. But Branch caught her. He would always be there to catch her when she fell, and she would do the same for him, no matter what.
Those were a majority of the main differences I could find in the junior novel. I think most of it stayed true to the movie, but some little details I would’ve liked to have made the final cut (the Cliva friendship stuff, the extra Broppy exchange and, while I understand the purpose of NSYNC’s cameo, I think the movie would’ve worked just fine without it)
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vinziel · 3 months
He's still got it.....I'm not Jealous
John Dory x Male Reader x Hickory
While on the way to vacay island, you couldn't help but overhear Hickory and John Dory's conversation, they were talking like some cute couple....you and John used to be a cute couple...ugh you tried to not think about it, why are you feeling like this. Why? Is it because you still love him?! No! You should hate him....right? He left you! Abandoned you like some trash. Even if, he's got someone else now.
Once you all arrived at vacay island there was Spruce, surfboarding to a restaurant, you all immediately followed him inside, you come to the realization Spruce actually owns this place. John Dory tries to get his attention, but Spruce just throws a menu on his face, not knowing who's calling him "Spruce it's us! You're brothers!" John Dory says, Spruce then gasp, turns around yelling "Woah! Bitty B!" Proceeding to throw Bitty B around, John letting out a faint "What?" Hickory then just lightly patted him on the back.
Spruce says "Wet Willy!" As he gave Branch a wet willy, Branch then stopped Spruce, saying "Stop! I am a grown up!" He says in frustration "Oh sorry a wet william" Spruce jokes, which makes you laugh "It's been a while Spruce!" You say, giving Spruce a hug, which he reciprocated "It's been a while too Y/N!" He then breaks the hug saying "Also it's Bruce now" "Woah a name change. Cool" You answer.
Bruce sees Hickory and Poppy and asks "Who are they?" "Oh he's/she's my partner" Branch and John Dory say in unison, Bruce hums and jokes "Wow Bitty B got some game" nudging Branch, which Branch just sighs frustratingly. John Dory then interrupts the conversation saying "Spruce!" "Bruce" Bruce corrects John Dory
He responds with "Oh right. Well we're actually here to-" "Wait let me introduce you all to the fam!" Bruce says, leading you all to the counter "This is my wife and business partner Brandy!" He says, as Brandy gives him a kiss on the cheeks "Honey these are my brothers! Unexpectedly" "Oh hello! It's nice to finally meet you all!" Brandy says. You were all a bit confused on how their relationship worked but supported none the less
John Dory then takes Bruce closer to the group and says "Bruce it's an emergency, it's Floyd he's been captured!" "What?! We need to call the police!" Bruce says, John responds "No no! We need to hit the family Harmony. It's the only way to break the bottle Floyd's trapped in. The police won't help because these guys that got Floyd are famous! And we don't even have proof!" "Good point" Bruce says, nodding in agreement "So how about we practice!" John Dory says, waving his arms, a big smile on his face.
Hickory chuckles at his boyfriends childish actions "I agree, practicing will do ya good" "I don't know" Bruce says, then one of his kids says "See guys! I told you dad wasn't in a band" Bruce gets offended and responds "I was! Ask your mother" "He was in a band alright" Brandy says, Bruce and John Dory go to the stage, Poppy asks "Aren't you gonna join your brothers?" "what no" Branch answers "Oh ok, it's alright if you can't handle it Branch" Poppy responds "Yup, we don't wanna force you if you're not up to the challenge" You add
"I can handle it! I'm just saving my voice for Floyd" Branch retorts, offended, you and Poppy smirk before chanting with Bruce's kids "Prove it! Prove it! Do it!" "ugh fine" Branch finally gives in. They finally perform and you just watch from the sidelines. Hickory and Poppy got invited to dance as well by John and Branch. You can't help but feel even the tiniest bit of jealousy, and you're not sure why.
Is it because you still love John? Is it because he just abandoned you out of nowhere along with Branch then just appears decades later with someone else? Maybe, you can't help but look in awe as they perform, you remember the days of Brozone, when you would watch their performances in awe, and when you actually started dating the leader, it was unbelievable for you.
You snapped out of it, noticing you've been staring at John and his new boyfriend for a while. You sigh, just trying to focus on something else, just kinda, trying not to think about it. It's hard. Real hard. So you went to the beach, and just sat on the sand, focusing on the ocean, your mind starts to wander as your eyes stare into the waves. You were in a trance-like state.
You didn't even notice how much time had gone by until Branch had to snap you out of it with Poppy "Hm?" You hum, snapping back to reality "Finally, why were you just staring into the ocean?" Branch asks "Oh it's nothing, don't worry too much" You assure Branch "If you say so, come on we're leaving" Branch responds, you three go back inside Rhonda, as John starts driving away.
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okwritingandpain · 8 months
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da: The Beatles x Reader
Chapter 24 (The John Ending)
"Who first?" Paul asked, tapping the book.
Y/N thought for a moment, pondering who she wished to see. There was George and Ringo who had helped her through many tough times. Paul was standing right in front of her, but she hadn't considered John. Her musical friend that she went out with was truly someone she wanted to see. 
"John." She smiled, thinking of the kindness and silliness that he brought. Paul nodded, pointing to a green door that was surrounded by pages of sheet music. That was strange. The Beatles couldn't read sheet music...or at least most of it. Shrugging it off, Y/N walked over to the door and turned the knob. Inside John was sitting with his guitar. Soundboards covered the walls and the notes bounced off the walls as he played. 
"Y/N." He smiled, resting his guitar on the floor. He walked over to her and gripped her in a large hug. He had long hair now and it got in her face, but it only made her laugh. 
"Hey, John." She replied, looking into his eyes. They still held the mischief she always remembered.
"I was wondering when you would come back. I counted the days." He twirled her around. She laughed as he did a little dance for her. 
"Some people never change." Y/N looked around the room. John laughed and pointed to her book. 
"May I see?" He asked as she handed the book to him. He flipped through the pages until he found his section which was titled, "John's Photo Lessons". 
"Photo Lessons?" She asked, wondering what he meant by the saying. John smirked, tapping the page. 
"They're photos of all the instruments I've played. I even put notes on how to play the instruments." He explained, showing a picture of him playing his guitar and a note that was taped next to it. 
"You did all of this for me? I'm surprised you didn't sell this." She laughed, staring at the other instruments. 
"We'll have to continue our guitar lessons." He said, picking up his guitar. "What song my dear?" 
"I actually have a better idea." Y/N replied, "Got a piano?" John pointed to a set of double doors next at the back of the room. Y/N and John ran over and opened the doors, findings a giant grand piano. They pushed and heaved the piano into the main room. John gasped for breath as the piano finally made it into the main room. 
"What's the piano for?" He asked, wiping off his clothes. 
"A song...a good song." She smirked, pulling the bench up to the piano and sitting down. She played a little tune to warm up and John leaned on the piano. 
"You've peaked my interest." He replied, waiting for her to begin playing. She took a deep breath and began to play the familiar tune. John's face changed as he realized what she was playing. 
"Imagine there's no heaven." Y/N sang, "It's easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us, only sky." The room shifted and the place became bare. John's hair retracted to his familiar mop-top. He looked around amazed like he was in a foreign place. 
"Imagine all the people. Living for today!" He continued with a joyous smile. He cheered as the place changed. 
"Ah!" They joined together in harmony as the room finally settled. Y/N continued to play on the piano, smiling and thanking her brain for remembering how to play. Then of course she played a wrong note and she looked worriedly at John. He just smiled at her and nodded for her to continue. She felt so relieved that he didn't care. 
"Imagine there's no countries." He bursted out, owning and commanding the "stage" they had created. 
"It isn't hard to do!" She added, kicking the seat away and playing standing up. John danced around the room, embracing the music that he lived by. He was so lively and young again. 
"Nothing to kill or die for!" He acted dramatically, placing a hand to his temple. He pretended to be in dismay and despair as he sang. It was true that he was milking it. 
"And no religion, too!" Y/N wished she could do that same, but someone had to provide the backing track. Might as well be someone who knew it. 
"Imagine all the people! Living life in peace. Ah!" They smiled and cheered, acting like ten year olds on a playground. It's what they needed after everything that had happened. John had lived an entire lifetime while she had only lived a quarter of that. He hadn't seen her in years while it felt like just yesterday she saw the young spry John singing in her apartment. 
"You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us...and the world will be as one." She continued, thinking about all the time she had spent with John. He was the one she spent the most time with it felt like. They went on a bike ride, danced in a restaurant, went to a museum, and even met John's aunt...even if that was the day Y/N got hit by a car. It all seemed like a lifetime ago...in some ways it was. She stopped playing the piano and turned to John, who was confused. She then ran up and hugged him. "Thanks for everything." She whispered. John blushed, not knowing what to say. He stumbled on his words, trying to form a sentence. 
"Oh...you're welcome and...thank you for everything..." He replied, lip quivering. He hugged her back, squeezing her hard. "I'm pretty sure I missed you more than the others....not trying to brag." She laughed at his remark as the stood in silence. "So how about that guitar lesson?" He strolled over to his guitar and picked it up. he had a large goofy grin on his face and Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes. 
"Okay..." She smirked, running over to join him. They sat on the floor as John taught her more chords. 
"I forgot how good you were." He smiled. Y/N blushed and said, 
"Very funny." She looked at the frets on the guitar, trying to determine the chord progression John had taught her. 
"I'm serious." He replied, pointing to three frets she needed to press. "You're better than a lot of people I know...of course that doesn't include most of the people that you and I both know collectively." 
"Okay, Mr. Know it all." She replied, strumming the chord. "Thanks for the compliment and the insult at the same time." John bit his lip, thinking he said something wrong. Y/N immediately knew she overstepped. "I was joking, John." 
"Good because I thought you were serious! I would never want to insult you! You're amazing and stuff and--" John was cut-off by a kiss from Y/N. He looked at her shocked, but not appalled.
"Took you long enough. I thought you were never going to kiss me!" He remarked, giving her a peck on the lips back. 
"I guess I just wanted to torture you." She replied. 
"I guess it is a well earned reward for such agonizing pain." He replied. She shook her head and the two laughed. 
"A reward for two." She said, staring into his eyes. He smiled at her and set his guitar down so he could lay on his back. Y/N did the same. 
"Only for me and you." He finally said as the two laid in silence, wondering what the future held for the both of them. 
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silentmagi · 9 months
Monday Blues
More musical mayhem from Class 1-A, with special effects provided by some helpful classmates.
Having narrowly spared Momo from a violent riot from the classmates that were upset over the kiss denial, Ochako and Tsuyu stepped onto the stage. The brunette smiled as she leaned in to kiss Tsu on the cheek and smiled hopefully. As the greenette gave her a fond smile, and a nod, Ochako let out a little giggle and hugged her tightly.
“We do not have as much production value as them, kero, but this is a fun song for something we have all gone through,” Tsuyu explained as Ochako went to get the other microphone from behind the curtain where the previous singers hadn’t emerged from, “Yaomomo, could you queue up Monday Blues?”
Whatever response that the hostess of the show was going to make was cut off by a squeak from backstage, and a blushing Ochako emerging from the curtains, microphone in hand. At Tsuyu’s look, she turned even redder, and seemed on the edge of floating away. 
Recognizing the expression, Tsuyu stepped up and hugged her close. Stroking her hair softly, the music began playing, a light and peppy beat underscored with the sound of rain against a metal roof. “Wake up in the mornin’ and I pull the covers over our heads,” she teased, getting a cheer from the audience that she ignored in favor of Ochako’s blush continuing to grow. “Hey- OH!”
The poor frog girl was now floating away while the cheeky gravity manipulator taunted “Week is starting, week is starting.”
“We gotta get it movin’,” she continued pushing off the ceiling to drift towards her girlfriend. “But I’d rather stay here instead.”
“Hey, HEY!” she cheered as Ochako took pity and let her drop down, catching her in her arms as she teased again.
“School is calling, school is calling.”
Once Tsuyu was back on her feet, Ochako seemed to fret over the tied ponytail. “Your hair’s a disaster, don’t know what to do,” there were some chuckles from the audience, remembering the few times that Tsuyu had arrived with a new hairstyle… if you could call it that. “But we need to move faster to make it through. These crazy mornings have got me confused.”
Tsu took up the teasing this time, softly singing as she popped up over Ochako’s shoulders, getting her to look at her back and forth a couple times. “Clock is racing, kero. Time is wasting. Minds in circles, brains are spacing.”
While the music swelled, Ochako gave Tsu a playful peck on the lips before pushing away and dancing around the stage randomly, while Tsuyu raced off stage, the two voices joining harmoniously. “Everywhere that we go, Everything that we do. We can’t shake these Monday blues.”
Tsu returned to the stage with a map in hand, a pith helmet on her head, and a compass in her other hand, while a faint glow came from offstage and another helmet flew towards Ochako, who caught it and placed it on her head. “Cause some days, we can’t find a way out of this haze… Hope we’ll be okay,” the two continued, coming together to clutch to each other and Ochako pointing to a random point on the map.
Ochako pulled away, shaking her head as she clutched the helmet and the music faded slightly to bring up the sound of the rain. “Just can’t seem to get it right, a cloud is hanging over me, HEY!” she cried out as Shoto was recruited to make an actual cloud form over her and the cold rain fell down. “Rain is falling! Rain is falling!”
Putting the helmet back on, she seemed to gaze off into the distance, subtly telling Shoto to knock it off. Thankfully, for his continued existence his partner took the cue. “I wish it was the weekend,” she continued, turning towards Tsu, who seemed to be lost in staring at the wet gravity girl, “Cause you know that’s where I’d rather be… Hey… Hey!”
“Friday’s calling, Friday’s calling,” she chanted while tapping the froggy girl on the nose, seemingly getting her brain to successfully reboot itself.
From the audience there was a cry of “WOO! DATE NIGHT!” but the singers decided to ignore Mina in favor of continuing their song and getting vengeance later. For they knew what was to come.
“I wonder what things won’t go our way,” Tsu sang, her face looking darker as she lowered her head, shadows falling over her eyes. “Or if we’ll make it through the day.”
Sniffing as she looked up to Ochako, tears shimmering in on her cheeks as she let her real feelings echo into the words. “I hope that these feelings won’t lead me astray.
Ochako took her hand, and gently kissed it before singing again. “We’ll get through it, we can do it. With our class, we can pull through it.”
The heartfelt smile shining back between the faces brightened even more as the lights dimmed down, revealing the two of them lifting up off the ground as pinpricks of lights formed as a starfield behind them. “Everywhere that we go, and everything that we do, we can’t shake these Monday blues,” the pair sang, drifting over a pile of pillows that flew out of the backstage at a rapid pace.
“Cause some days, we can’t find a way out of this haze,” the pair sang, gazing into each other’s eyes as if they had forgotten entirely about the audience watching them. “Hope we’ll be okay…”
Ochako released them over the pillows, with Tsuyu scooping her into a bridal carry as they fell down. The gravity girl’s line of “Just when I feel like it might come crashing down,” being very fitting.
However, Tsuyu lifting her chin to look her in the eyes was adorable just before they vanished into the pillow pile. “We can count on our friends to help bring our mood around!”
The pair laughed as they sang, lost in the sea of comfortable cushions, “With our class, we’ll pull through it.”
“Everything that we learn,” the pair continued singing, flinging the pillows into the audience, completely not like they were starting a pillow fight or anything, “And everyone that we save. We’ll say goodbye to the Monday blues. Cause we’ve got our class you see, and heroes are what we’ll be!”
“Everywhere that we go, with everything that we do,” the pair continued leaning so that their foreheads were lightly touching, and they shared a microphone between them. “The world feels fresh and new. Cause we’ve got our friends with us. And those blues can bite our dust!”
The pair bowed to the audience, getting cheers as the lights came up. After the clapping died down, they noticed that the audience were armed with pillows and smiling evilly. Mina’s voice rose from the middle of the chaos. “We will spare you, if you tell us what you saw backstage.”
The pair seemed to consider their options, holding a quick council before they nodded. Taking a deep breath before lifting up the mic and singing together again. “Izu and Kyo hugging backstage K-I-S-”
The lights and their mics went out on them, as Momo walked out centered in a spotlight. “Wasn’t that a great song from the adorable couple? Tsuyu and Ochako have really kept the momentum of this show going. But we should keep moving! Who would like to go next?”
“Excuse me, Yayorozu,” Shoto asked as he came on stage wearing a blue silk salwar pants that puffed out from his ankles to hips, with a matching bedlah top that revealed his midriff and navel, with the sewn-in off-the-shoulder straps revealing his developing biceps. “I believe it is our turn next. Shall we prepare?
Momo looked at the boy, then the audience, then the boy again. “We will start the next song in a moment, for now, please feel free to use the facilities, or get yourself a drink. Uraraka-san, could I have some assistance from you backstage?”
She didn’t wait for an answer before grabbing the gravity girl by the shirt collar and dragging her behind the curtain, Tsuyu hopping along before pausing at the threshold and waving the audience goodbye.
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melchron · 3 years
VHS Christmas Carol Live Thoughts
They let more people sing different parts of Bah Humbug and omg that's great
We get more harmonies!!
Scrooge, Fredge's nephew
Fred teasing his uncle is so cute!!
Sorry still screaming about people singing different parts
They way I almost forgot the interlude into 3 Spirits. As soon as it started I was smiling so hard (harder than I already was). I forgot how much I loved that and it was so much more epic this time
Scrooge and Marley's interactions are so funny. They are so annoyed with each other. Jacob is questioning why he's even helping this guy
I don't remember every interlude from last year but I believe all (or at least most of them) are new and I'm obsessed. Especially for the ghosts intros
I am OBSESSED what they did with Christmas Past. They added so much to her character through little things. The way she teases Scrooge about being uncomfortable with his past. The way she's so eager to move on after each scene. When she pulls the cigarette showing her working out is mostly for show because pleasure over health. I love her. She's so shady
That Scrooge hits so much harder seeing Scrooge and Belle interact. She loved him and you can see it
When Brian came in for the interlude I absolutely lost it
I was watching with my mom and I kept saying "Here comes the boy!!!"
I'm not really a fan of the wig. LOVING his light up shoes. It's what he deserves. Those shoes are everything I want for him
We got drunk Scrooge good for us
Oh woah we got way more kids than last year
Bob and Emily are so incredibly in love and you can feel it. The way they look at each other 🥺🥺. They deserve everything
When they started encouraging the audience to clap along !!!! Yes being together really is a treasure excuse me while I ball my eyes out
I don't feel so good-
Shout out to that moment in Final Ghost where they had AJ play unnamed Brian character's partner instead of Meredith
Scrooge is vibing so hard that man really is drunk with joy
I believe Fred forgiving Scrooge so much more this time. Last year I got the vibes that Fred only really talked to Scrooge because he's family. This time I got the vibes that he actually really loves and cares for his uncle and has just learned to deal with his grumpiness. I'm happy Scrooge is finally reciprocating that love
Bob and Scrooge's hug 🥺🥺 I am being so normal about this right now
Yes yes starkid I will spread the Christmas electricity. I don't celebrate Christmas but that won't stop me
ALSO the lighting was AMAZING
I thought with it being live it would loose the music video feeling but no. The screen in the back was great
These extra bits of choreo. I need to learn this before my ticket expires. They looks so fun
I loved this so so so much I'm about to rewatch it right now
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junicai · 3 years
Relationship with SuperM
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➣ BAEKHYUN ☾ baekaria
before being thrown into a supergroup together, aria and baekhyun hadn’t really spoken 
they’d seen each other around the building, and aria was an avid supporter of exo so of course she knew who he was but she wasn’t expecting him to know who she was 
so when aria walked into the practice room and was greeted by baekhyun waving her over and calling her name
sue her if she was a little stunned 
their relationship was a little stilted at the beginning
between the age gap, and baekhyun not having a girl member in a group before, it took a few weeks for the two of them to figure out their dynamic and where they fit around each other 
eventually though
they settled into a pretty comfortable situation
baekhyun tries to put her at ease as much as possible 
there is 8 years in the difference, but you’d swear that its less than half 
although he’s playful and generous with the teasing like he is to other members 
he’s careful to avoid certain topics when it comes to aria, just out of respect for her and not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable
this came to fruition after kai unknowingly made a small comment on how aria “must have been hungry”, considering how fast she was eating
baekhyun knew he didn’t mean anything by it, but he watched aria slowly put down her chopsticks and reach for the bottle of water beside her instead
he didn’t see her eat for the rest of the evening
did kai get in trouble? no but he did get hit lightly over the head
when aria does something cool - like a spin or a trick - baekhyun is the first to say “that’s my child. i raised her, look how well i taught her” 
ten: “heY-”
tldr: although they’re not the closest, aria’s slowly grown more comfortable around him, and he’s looking out for her all the time 
200829 Knowing Brothers: when baekhyun brought up the members of superm all showering together to get closer quickly, heechul quickly pounced on aria - the girl slowly moving to put her head in her hands. 
“and where was aria during all of this? don’t tell me you brought her to?”
baekhyun: “well of course we did-” 
*cue baekhyun laughing his ass off*
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➣ TAEMIN ☾ arimin
aria thought she was going to die
there was absolutely no plausible reason that she should be in a group with The Taemin
he was highkey the reason why she had even accepted her position in sm at the very beginning of her training
this man convinced a fifteen year old to give up the sport she’d been doing her entire life 
his impact  (*¯ ³¯*)♡
please stand by while aria tosses herself off a bridge
she was So Formal at the beginning
he honestly was the member she took the longest time to warm up to - because she had idolized him for so long
will still refer to him as taemin-ssi occasionally, but now its less a formality and more of a tease
this boy was shook when he found out how young aria was - mark and lucas he can deal with because at least they’re 1999, but aria....
“2000??? 2000?” 
he said :O
despite their rocky start, they’re quite comfortable around each other, especially after spending a few nights rooming together over the tour
does aria still look for his validation in a lot of her work? yes, but she’s more open about asking for it now then she would have been 
taemin definitely doesn’t have a favourite kid and it’s definitely not aria no why would you think that
aria really out here collecting parents like pokémon 
gotta catch em all~
he looks out for her a lot during their schedules, mainly because he knows what its like to be the youngest in a group and how it can feel a little like you don’t really have a place there
so he always makes sure to include her where possible 
sitting in a circle in a waiting room while mark toy-ed around with the guitar in his lap, aria sat curled in the corner, humming lightly to herself as taemin sang softly along with mark playing “view”.
quietly, she began to sing soft backing harmonies along with taemin, her eyes still attached to her phone in her hands.
when she felt the device being tugged out of her hands and her being pulled upright by another hand on her arm, she looked up to see taemin smiling brightly, still singing 
cue the impromptu concert of a lifetime: with god tier vocals
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➣ KAI ☾ kairia
so, they met
and kai just kinda went: mine.
and that was that really 
its like a puppy refusing to give up its favourite chew toy 
“nooo but its my turn to room with aria :(”
never really did the whole awkward, getting to know each other phase? 
not that aria had any real say in it
but jongin point blank refused to engage in small talk with her
so they ended up spending their nights on the superm tour talking about stuff ranging from why the sky is blue to why aria stopped ice skating
she started crying and he did not handle it well, bless him
although he’s super chill and fun to be around
he’s also the only non-nct member that seriously scolds her 
when he found her in a practice room lying on the ground (she was Resting, thank you very much) at three in the morning, he dragged her out without a word and brought her back to her dorms in silence 
aria knew he was mad at her, but she thought it was because he had to borderline carry her four blocks down to the nct dorms 
“no you idiot, im angry because you thought that instead of coming to one of us for help with the bits you’re struggling with, you figured hey. let’s pass out instead.” 
he’s so affectionate with her
you know how lucas and kai have Intense Brothers Energy
well aria has that, little sister vibe that makes kai want to wrap her in a blanket and carry her everywhere
she’d hate that, if he tried that she’d scream (he did try that, this is coming from past experience)
kai chucking aria like a cannon ball into the pool during the filming of mtopia when she refused his hugs.
“oppa, oppa no im sorry ill give you all the hugs you want, oppa, JONGIN-OPPA NO NO NO NO -”
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➣ TAEYONG ☾ ariyong
taeyong took one look at aria the first time she showed up for group practice and immediately adopted her (not literally but he would if he could)
eomma meets highly protective brother meets life coach type beat?
so so soft for her its sickening 
says he doesn’t have favourites and will then spend an hour cooking for aria because she’s been in the studio the whole day and he knows she hasn’t eaten yet
when aria was given a duet to do for the sm stages, she had to pick another member to do it with and her first choice was taeyong 
she always has said that taeyong is one of the pillars keeping her upright and sane - without him she wasn’t sure if she would have been able to complete her training 
because of all the schedules they share together, if aria isn’t rooming with mark then she’s definitely rooming with taeyong
whenever she does his makeup (more often than you’d think) she point blank refuses to cover his scar, even when he asks her to do so
“please? i don’t like it.” “*gasp* how dare you.”
sleepy aria! snuggling into taeyong’s shoulder when a schedule ran late!
he gets uncomfy when the stylists put her in too revealing clothes, and has spoken to them on numerous occasions about dressing her in age-appropriate attire, no matter how “sexy” the concept might be
he keeps little bags of sugar-dusted strawberry sweets in his bag incase she forgets to eat and feels faint after the last time (they used to be blueberry flavoured but he heard donghyuck throwing out any and all “blueberry-contaminated” food one evening)
taeyong doesn’t tolerate hate towards aria, especially in person, so he always makes sure to sit down the line from her so that he can see when people skip her intentionally 
taeyong had just been awarded the single bedroom on the last night of the mtopia series, and was staring off into the corner looking rather uncomfortable. aria, who was meant to be rooming with baekhyun, looked over and saw his mouth curled downwards slightly. 
“baekhyun-oppa, is it ok if i room with taeyongie-oppa tonight? i ran out of my tablets, and he has some in his bag..”
baekhyun looked down at her with a small smile and agreed, while the edited captions on the video appeared with the words, “a cute maknae asking to room with a younger member..”
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➣ TEN ☾ tenaria
so so gone for her its upsetting actually
yangyang and aria share the position of his baby
except aria willingly accepts the title while yangyang would rather fling himself from a rooftop
ten’s instagram is half his cats, half miyazu aria
he posts her dancing practice on his story a lot, with a variety of captions ranging from “thats my baby  ♡( ◡‿◡ )” to “yah that’s not right…(눈_눈)”
such an enabler for her bad ideas
aria wants to go shopping at 4am? ten agrees, now they’re sitting by han river eating ice cream
pls he’s gonna get her in so much trouble one day
when they walk together, ten likes to take her hand and put it in his pocket
its under the pretense of not wanting her to get lost
he just wants to hold her hand
yes he has lost her in a shopping mall, and NO it wasn’t his fault
ten always complains that they never have schedules together and he misses his baby
“we have superm-” “I NEVER SEE YOUUUU (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ”
if they’re in the same room ten is either watching her out of the corner of his eye, or is actually wrapped around her like a boa constrictor
hugs n kithes all around
only he is allowed make fun of her mistakes in dancing
anyone else gets deaded. he will fight for her honor how dare you insult his baby
sm give these ttwo a dancing duo video pls
the first and only time aria and ten had a duet was during their last concert on superm’s first world tour. during the second half of ten’s solo performance, aria emerged from the left side of the stage, coming to join him in the centre stage. no one had ever seen aria as serious as she was then, both herself and ten becoming completely different people in the moment. midway through, aria spun with her back to ten and leaped backwards into the air - eyes closed - completely trusting ten to be where she needed him to be to catch her.
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➣ LUCAS ☾ arihei
please they’re so cute together - tol child next to tini child she barely comes up to his chest :(
bear hugs
he just swamps her in his arms, and when he doesn’t feel like being bent over he picks her up
complains that she’s too heavy but then immediately after will throw her around like a softball
someone tell this man to be careful with her she’s not a barbie doll
singular braincell energy
don’t get it wrong, they’re both super smart
so it’s just - being smort together, but then nearly dying because neither of them remembered that you couldn’t eat raw cookie dough when there are eggs in it
she adores how he’s so confident in the things that he does - like convincing the entire nct fandom that he was fluent in english? king behaviour
so aria looks up to him (literally) but also because she wants to have that confidence some day
lucas says they’re not close and then aria pouts and he takes it all back
nczennies made a 14 minute compilation titled “lucas melting like a popsicle in australia for aria”
and literally what the title tells you, this man goes :(( when he sees her
lucas was actually the person to convince her to go ahead with the [redacted] proposal - and reminded her that it was too good an opportunity to pass up just because she felt like she was outgrowing the boys
he’s so proud of her
and she’s so proud of him
they’re so proud of each other and it makes nczennies want to cry because they never are seen together
sm stop separating the platonic soulmates first markhyuck and now arihei smh
during a photoshoot, aria was standing off to the side of the boys, dressed in white suit to contrast the boys’ black ones. the photographer was calling out to her to get her to move closer, but she couldn’t hear him from so far away, and so lucas (who was on the end) just walked over to her, gripped her by the biceps and lifted her vertically and to the left a little bit. 
“you had to move :)”
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➣ MARK ☾ mari
½ of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired
mari being confused in foreigner: ???
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?”
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile™
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it”
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc.
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합… 結合….. le chéile…. le… le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”
and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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hephaestuscrew · 3 years
Congrats on 1000 followers! Do you have a Minkowski thought/headcanon/feeling you could share?
Thank you anon! I have so many feelings about Renée Minkowski! But here's a happy post-canon headcanon because happy Minkowski is good for the soul.
Back on Earth, because the crew have been badgering her to do something for herself for once, Minkowski joins an Amateur Dramatic group.
In my mind, she isn't actually a particularly strong singer and her dancing skills aren't the best, especially after years without gravity. So she only gets a part in the chorus, but she's used to that after her days in the background of school productions.
I like to think the musical is something upbeat and a little retro, like Grease or Hairspray. Minkowski gets to wear a fun costume and pretend to be someone completely different, someone whose never been to space or even heard of Goddard Futuristics. When she's singing or dancing, she almost forgets about everything she's been through because she's so focused on the performance.
She's self-conscious about the whole thing at first, but when eventually she settles in, she lets Eiffel and Hera help her practice. They love seeing the joyful smile on Minkowski's face when she belts out her harmonies or masters a bit of choreography.
She starts singing showtunes as she goes about her day, the way she used to before she felt she had to hide those softer parts of herself.
During one rehearsal when the director is ill, Minkowski ends up stepping in. She's so good at it that she gets asked if she'd like to be the director on the next production, but after giving it some thought, she declines. If she was directing, she couldn't be in the show, which is what she really loves. And it's actually nice not to be in charge for once.
She gets stage fright before the first performance and feels a little ridiculous about it - after all, she's faced so many genuinely terrifying things, why is she scared of this? But she feels better when Eiffel comes backstage to give her a bunch of flowers, a hug and a proud smile. In the end, the performance goes brilliantly.
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citizen-l · 3 years
02. Window
Chanyeol never thought he'd be under someone's flat throwing tiny rocks at their window. Never in a million years did he imagine himself to be in this position. Sure he did some crazy things in life, but never something as cringe-inducing as this. In broad daylight too. Jesus. 
"Hey!" someone called him and Chanyeol looked back to find Officer Joey looking at him with narrow eyes and creased brows. "You're the kid from last night, aren't you?"
"Hi, yeah," Chanyeol said awkwardly. 
"Why are you throwing stones?"
"No one's answering the buzzer?"
"Ever heard of calling?"
Yeah well, Joey, I would, but I have their phone with me. And while we're talking, Joey, fuck you. God, Chanyeol wanted to scream at the ridiculousness of it. 
Chanyeol never would have forgotten to return Baekhyun's phone that he pocketed in case of an emergency just that morning before taking him to get stitches. Never would have under normal circumstances. But getting a too sweet goodbye strawberry kiss was not a normal circumstance. Chanyeol could feel his ears getting warm and red, and Joey was still there staring at him. 
"I have something that I desperately need to give Baekhyun," Chanyeol said. Judging by the familiar way Baekhyun had talked to Joey before, maybe Joey would leave him alone if he realized Chanyeol wasn't a threat to Baekhyun. "Calling didn't help, and I'm pretty sure Baekhyun really needs this. So, yeah…"
Honestly, Chanyeol would have just found Sehun and given the phone to him and been done with it. But Sehun was MIA with Junmyeon. And Chanyeol hadn't had a chance until this late in the afternoon to come by and hand over the phone. But he'd be lying if he said he kinda maybe didn't want to check if Baekhyun was alright. Oh God, what if he's lying unconscious on the floor again? 
"At this hour, he's probably at some rehearsal, hop in," Joey gestured towards the passenger side. 
Chanyeol was having a hard time digesting what was happening. How did he end up riding shotgun in a police vehicle? How did Joey know so much about Baekhyun's schedule when even Sehun was of no help? What the hell was going on with Chanyeol's life, good lord?
Joey dropped at one of the smaller auditoriums east side of the campus. Chanyeol had never ventured this way, never had any cause to. 
"Tell him I said hi," Joey smirked before leaving Chanyeol there. He probably got off on how shook Chanyeol was. 
The huge double doors opened up to a lobby. The signs said dressing rooms were to the left, and to the right were the rows of identical doors leading to the actual auditorium. For audiences. Chanyeol decided it was best to check there first since he could hear voices and music coming from one of the half opened doors. 
The only auditorium Chanyeol had ever been to on campus was on the north end, the one where the big seminars are usually held. This one was different, definitely not for academic or corporate lectures. The lights, the stage, even the seating was different. This was made for performing musicals like the one a dozen or so people were rehearsing. 
"Oh woe, to be trapped in this age…" a woman wailed dramatically while lying flat on the stage. 
"Oh, what is this I see! Some faerie-like creature come for me?"
Someone sang, another voice joined with a deep baritone that sounded somewhat like Baekhyun, but Chanyeol had never heard him sing before. 
"Hello hello, fair man," someone said. 
"Ah! My prince has come to save me, joy be!" shouted a guy as large as Chanyeol but lankier.
That was when he realized they were all talking about him. A bunch of theatre kids finding a new person interrupting their rehearsal, of course they would be dramatic about it. What did Chanyeol expect? 
"How can I help you, sir?" a brunette girl asked with a fake British accent. 
Someone started singing about waiting for him all her life as he went down the stairs towards the stage where he could spot a guy with a bandaged hand and hoped it was Baekhyun. He was wearing a hat so Chanyeol couldn't clearly see the cotton candy fluff on his head. 
A guy in suspenders and lipstick stopped him by starting to dance suggestively and singing a Burlesque song. God this bunch was loud. Two others came around him, the brunette and another woman with red and white streaks in her black hair and the three started a whole number with impressive impromptu harmonies and suggestive body rolls. 
"Chanyeol?" he heard Baekhyun's surprised voice from the stage. 
There he was, hat in hand, pink hair almost glowing under the harsh light of the stage, eyes squinting to see Chanyeol awkwardly standing as three people sang some jazz song and moved their pelvis in a way that Chanyeol would rather not witness at the moment. 
"Hey, hi," he used Baekhyun's interruption as his getaway card and moved around the dancing trio. "Sorry for barging in like this, just wanted to return this."
Baekhyun jumped straight down from the stage seeing his phone. Chanyeol was momentarily shocked, and the worry he felt in that instant thinking something bad might happen to Baekhyun jumping down from so high nearly rendered him speechless. 
"Oh my God, thank you! I've been looking everywhere for it. I really thought I lost it during my steakout yesterday."
"Nah I took it with me when I took you to the pharmacy, forgot about it afterwards."
"Well, thank you for bringing it back all the way here."
And then Baekhyun was hugging him, arms around Chanyeol's shoulders, hot breath on the side of his neck, Baekhyun stood on tiptoes and Chanyeol didn't know what to do with his own hands. 
"Why can't I get a man like that?" a girl sighed from one side. 
"Wait, is that the guy? He really carried Baek… I mean I can see he's got…"
"Holy shit, he's real?!"
"Of course he's real, Minseok," Baekhyun said and he let go of Chanyeol. 
"Uh, I should go…" Chanyeol said awkwardly. 
"What? Wait, I haven't done anything to thank you," Baekhyun said. 
But you did, Chanyeol thought. You kissed me. That was a thank you, no? What was the kiss about? Why the fuck did Baekhyun kiss him? God, Chanyeol was going out of his mind trying to figure it out. 
"That's okay, you don't have to…"
"Nonsense, let me just get changed and then I'll treat you to something delicious."
"Hopefully not something too delicious," someone said. 
"Don't forget about the party tonight," someone else said. 
But Chanyeol couldn't focus on all the things everyone was saying. He was finally focused on Baekhyun's outfit. Suspenders, a dirty-white pirate shirt tucked haphazardly into leather pants.
"Be a little more discreet ogling his ass, will you?" The guy with pretty eyes, Minseok whispered near and Chanyeol nearly choked on his spit. 
"Oh leave him be," Another guy, the one who was singing with Baekhyun said, he had a cat-like smile. "He's too whipped anyway, let him enjoy."
Jesus. Chanyeol wanted out of here. It wasn't that these guys were half bad. Quite the opposite, Chanyeol found them sort of endearing with the way they passionately rehearsed their lines, danced and sang even without an instructor guiding them, on a Saturday. But taking jabs at Chanyeol and laughing at his "whipped" nature was unsettling him. He was not whipped for Baekhyun, he was just still stuck on a stupid kiss. 
Chanyeol sighed, he couldn't blame anyone. Not these guys, they were just having fun. If anyone, Chanyeol should blame Sehun. Now that guy was whipped, for Junmyeon. A little too much. If it wasn't for Sehun, Chanyeol wouldn't have been temporarily homeless and had to spend the night at Baekhyun's. 
"Stop teasing him, people. See you later," Baekhyun sang as he came back dressed in a baggy sweater and loose camo pants tucked into his boots. He tugged Chanyeol's shirt sleeve to follow him out. 
"Don't forget to bring dessert," someone shouted. 
"Bring Prince Charming as well, while you're at it!"
"Sorry about that, they tend to be a little rowdy during the weekend," Baekhyun said. 
They sat facing each other in a booth at a quaint little café/bakery just outside of their main campus. Chanyeol had never even noticed it, but Baekhyun said they have the best baked goods he ever had. 
"You don't hate sweets, do you?" Baekhyun asked, a little alarmed. 
Chanyeol looked at him like he was crazy, thinking back on how he was seconds away from sucking the taste of freaking strawberry milk from Baekhyun's tongue. Chanyeol coughed and shook his head. He was fine with sweets. Their coffee and chocolate covered donuts came soon after. Chanyeol had to admit they were good, had the potential to ruin his body and all his hard work, but he could indulge on occasion. 
"How did you find me anyway?" Baekhyun asked while licking chocolate off his fingers. 
"Joey," Chanyeol said and tried not to stare. "I was actually at your apartment, he found me and said you'd be at rehearsal. He even gave me a ride. He said hi."
"Ah, makes sense."
"How are you so close to the officer, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Oh he used to date my mom, didn't work out though. But I like him, we occasionally meet up because he has two dogs and I'm desperately trying to convince him to let me adopt them."
The way he said it made Chanyeol laugh. And that was surprising because Chanyeol doesn't usually feel this comfortable with people so quickly. Well, maybe it had something to do with last night's fiasco. And the kiss. Fuck.
Chanyeol wanted to ask about it, so bad. But it felt weird. And awkward. And Chanyeol wasn't sure he could ask with a straight face. It bothered him. Not in a negative way. More like, he couldn't figure it out and it was irritating. It was like not knowing what that sound was at the back of a well-produced song and obsessing over it for days and even weeks until finally it was clear. 
"What are you doing tonight?" Baekhyun asked. 
"Uh, nothing much, I guess," Chanyeol sipped his coffee. 
"How do you feel about a social gathering? Dinner will be on me."
"The party your friends were talking about?"
"It's not much of a party, really. Just some friends hanging out together."
"Well, I don't think I'd fit in, and I don't wanna be a bother among friends," Chanyeol said. 
"Well, as humble as that sounds, I insist. And you heard Jongin, they want you there. They wouldn't have asked so directly in front of you if they didn't."
Was it worth it? Should Chanyeol give up another night at his apartment to spend time with Baekhyun and his eccentric friends? 
"Wear something white," Baekhyun said. 
"Wait, I haven't decided whether I'd go."
"I've decided for you, it'll be fun. I'll pick you up at 8."
"How's your hand?" Chanyeol decided to change the topic. Maybe he can get away with the party thing later with a better excuse. 
"Hurts a little, but good otherwise. Nearly got plastered under a ladder while rehearsing, but narrowly escaped."
"Does that often happen?" Chanyeol was more alarmed than he probably should have been. 
"Nah, I just got distracted. But anyway, I gotta go make a cake. Oh hey, I should have your number."
Half an hour later, Chanyeol was shifting through his wardrobe looking for white clothes. He had none. He regretted ever agreeing to go to the party, which, by the way, he never explicitly agreed to. 
His phone buzzed with a text from "Kyoong", Baekhyun had insisted, with an impromptu photo of his doing a finger heart, that that be his nickname on Chanyeol's phone. God knows why Chanyeol agreed. 
"Be there in ten." The text read. Great. No way to back out now. 
"I kind of have an issue." Chanyeol texted back. It felt like a weak excuse to get out of going to the party, even though this was a genuine issue. 
And then Baekhyun was calling him and Chanyeol nearly dropped his phone. He finally saw the pout Baekhyun sneakily did which wasn't noticeable with the small icon. Jesus. 
"Hey, sorry, started driving so I couldn't text back. Don't worry, Bluetooth, and I'm almost at your place. What's the issue?"
"I'm going to hang up and we can talk when you get here."
Chanyeol did as he said and waited until Baekhyun was knocking at his door. 
"Okay, glad that you're concerned about me dying on the road but never hang up on me, bothers the hell out of me. So, now, what's the issue?"
"I don't have anything white," Chanyeol said.
"Your roommate? Borrow something of his."
"I don't know if you met Junmyeon or not, but we're sort of not the same size."
"Well, I don't think Sehun owns anything remotely classy either."
That's when Chanyeol finally registered what Baekhyun was wearing. A high collared Victorian shirt with ruffles on the sleeves and neck, a few streaks of shimmering thread on his chest and shoulders. A corset. Loose breeches tucked into knee-high boots. All white. 
"You look beautiful," Chanyeol said before he could stop himself. 
"Why, thank you, dear sir. I spent hours trying to fit this just right. Et voila."
"You made this?"
"Tweaked. I'm no seamstress. But I can use a needle."
Right. Of course. Chanyeol should stop staring at Baekhyun's shiny cheeks that matched the color of his cotton candy pink hair. Get a grip. 
"You said classy outfit, right? I have all-black fits, recital clothes."
"Ah, that would create quite the buzz, but I like the idea. Show me," Baekhyun said. And then he neatly sat down on Chanyeol's bed and crossed his legs, waiting for Chanyeol to appear in his black attire. 
Right. Well, Chanyeol wasn't ready to strip in front of this Victorian ghost boy yet. Yet? Jesus Christ, his mind was well on its way to the gutter. 
"I'll be right back," Chanyeol took the shirt and pants from his drawers and went to the bathroom to change. 
He came back to soft music playing on his speakers. His music. 
"Sorry, I was snooping around and found your disks. You really composed these?"
"Uh, yeah, last term."
"I need to get this on my phone. Later. Well, you look pretty."
Chanyeol felt his ears go red. 
"Are you wearing contacts?"
"You weren't wearing them last night, you wore your glasses. That's why I couldn't recognize you right away. Well. Mind switching now? It'll fit better."
It was ridiculous how Chanyeol just switched from contacts to glasses without protests. 
"And I love this collar," Baekhyun walked up to him and undid the first two buttons from his half-collar. "Hmm, better. You have any accessories?"
"My friends are very serious about weekend parties, you'll be surprised by the amount of effort they put in. They'll appreciate it if you showed you cared too. But no pressure, I mean, don't make yourself uncomfortable or anything. You already look really good so I don't think you need to worry, plus I'm sure everyone would just appreciate you being there…"
Baekhyun was babbling and it was so adorable, Chanyeol was shamelessly just staring without being the least bit discreet about it. 
He ended up wearing the silver necklace his sister got him last year on his birthday. Half a heart, the other half was on Yuna's wrist. 
They arrived at Chen's apartment in town. It was… not what Chanyeol expected, at all. Chen, the one with the catlike smile, wore a Peter Pan outfit, all white, with white antlers on his head instead of the hat. He padded barefoot as he welcomed Baekhyun and Chanyeol inside. Some of the others were familiar faces Chanyeol had seen earlier at the auditorium. A Medusa with white dreadlocks and a white snakeskin-like dress contrasting her brilliant ebony skin. A Lucifer in a white suit and tarred feet. Two Victorian ghosts much like Baekhyun but very differently dressed. A guy dressed as honest-to-God Edgar Allan Poe with a fake moustache, looking ready to attend his own wedding in a three piece embroidered suit. The woman on his side dressed as a bride, probably the cousin. And then there was Minseok serving wine wearing a white fur coat and the crown of a king. 
Well. This was. Something. 
"I should kick you out for not wearing even a thread of white," Minseok said. "But you look good, and you're carrying the cake, so I'll overlook this time."
"Don't mind him, you look perfect," Chen laughed with genuine delight. Everyone else agreed. 
"Help me with the cake," Baekhyun gestured towards the kitchen with his head and Chanyeol followed. 
Baekhyun had made two cakes but decorating them and bringing them over would have been a disaster. So he put everything in containers, the cakes, the fondant, buttercream, chocolate and other decorations, and strapped them to the back seat of his car. This party was no joke. 
Chanyeol set down the containers on the kitchen counter, which was already full of dishes being prepared and ready to be set on the table. 
"I feel like I should have brought something," Chanyeol said to Baekhyun. 
"Well, at least you brought your wits," the tall lanky actor dressed like the ghost of Monte Christo said as he handed a glass of white wine to Chanyeol. 
"You having flashbacks of your initiation, Jongin?" Chen laughed as he stirred some kind of soup in a pot. 
"Jesus, don't remind me," Jongin shuddered and went back to sit with the others. 
Baekhyun layered and put cream on the cake. Then fondant. Then carefully crafted cream flowers, roses and white chocolate feathers. Chanyeol stood there in awe, occasionally handing over whatever Baekhyun asked for and watched the cakes turn into works of art. How? One man. How? 
One man who can sing and act and probably dance too, can bake and decorate cakes, sew and fit his own medieval style clothes, and kiss. 
This party was a bad idea. Chanyeol was glad he didn't miss it. Getting to know Baekhyun's friends and how Baekhyun acted around them was a serious thing. Chanyeol paid attention to every conversation and voiceless interaction. He really should be a bit more careful. He couldn't help looking at Baekhyun every chance he got. 
The internal conflict Chanyeol was having was driving him crazy. 
What was happening? 
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Miraculous escape - Chapter 3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
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Thank you @alittleshycat for the header and wanted posters pic! 💙 Thank you @brickercupmasterx3​ for proofreading! 💙 ___________________________________
I’m not forgetting my multichapter fics, don’t worry! I’m just slow ^^; This is a short chapter. Enjoy!
A/N: This story is Lukanette + Adrigami endgame.
Chapter summary:
The band has its first rehearsal and Marinette has an unexpected talk with 'Lucia'.
Chapter 3: first rehearsal
The next morning, both men had probably been staring too much at the band’s singers while waiting for all the members to get ready for their rehearsal. Everytime they made eye contact with the women, they would look away to chat with each other. The same scene repeated a few times- too many to be considered normal. The men panicked in fear of having been discovered.
"Don't look, but Marinette has been staring at you for a while with fierce eyes", Adrien suddenly warned, agitated.
"Kagami is the same, my friend." Luka answered, equally nervously.
"Do you think they discovered our secret...?"
"I hope not! Shit! She's coming!" Luka jolted, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"Marinette too!" Adrien exclaimed, placing his hands on Luka’s arms.
Just a few steps later, the women were in front of them.
"Hello" Kagami started. "I don't think I caught your name before…?"
"I'm A-! NOIRETTE! I'm Noirette. And she's Lucia" he squeaked while Luka nodded.
Kagami never looked at ‘Lucia’. Her stare was piercing through Adrien's pupils like a sharp-edged fencing sword- directly to his heart. The youngest man gulped.
"How old are you? I don't remember seeing you around. Where have you played before?" Kagami asked.
"I- I've never played in a band before. I was a solo pianist..."
"Really? Because I think I would remember a face as pretty as yours. I'm Kagami Tsurugi. Nice to meet you.” She finished with a wink.
Was she... flirting with Adrien? The boy couldn't help himself but to squeeze his hand on Luka's arm, trying not to jump from happiness. ' The girl I like noticed me!' , he internally screamed. Kagami's eyes narrowed at the familiarity of Adrien's touch to his friend. Sadly for him, Madam Mendeleiev called 'Noirette' to get his piano ready, and the conversation had to abruptly stop. Kagami looked disappointed, but there was nothing she could do about it. She resigned- even if it was only for now.
Meanwhile, Marinette had a killer look on her face that hadn't disappeared since she planted herself in front of Luka. Her eyes studied everything about him. Luka gulped: 'I'm finished. She knows'
"YOU!! Come with me!" she ordered, dragging a stunned Luka to the bathroom. "Undress" she commanded once there.
"What?" Luka blinked, still hypnotized by her beauty and her unexpected authoritative tone, which made him feel even more attracted to her. ' I'm so dead. I knew I could never pass as a woman. I knew I shouldn’t have said yes to that drink yesterday night. Thank you for at least letting me meet this girl before I die. I wish I could have kissed her before dying but thank you anyway for- '
"I can't bear to watch this anymore! Undress" she insisted.
"No! I'm shy!" Luka squeaked, trying to sound as feminine as possible. Marinette’s eyebrows frowned even more as she aggressively pulled his clothes. ' It’s over ', Luka thought while he squeaked again in an octave he wasn’t aware he could reach.
"You're a fashion disaster! We need to change that immediately!"
'What? Fashion…? ' He internally questioned, blinking a few times.  "Oh… is- Is this outfit that bad...? I don't have anything else…" Luka mumbled.
"Oh no! That's terrible! A disaster!” Marinette screamed out loud with her hands on her head. “We're going shopping as soon as possible! We have to fix that!!"
Luka blinked. ' was he safe? And more importantly: had he just been invited to a date? '
"A date…?"
"Shopping! After rehearsal! Understood!?"
“Understood” he gulped, intimidated. Moments later he pinched his cheek to check if he was dreaming. His grin widened at the pain on his skin: ' I have a date! ' he internally fuzzed, while Marinette walked away to rehearse.
The rehearsal took place for hours, always under Juleka’s observant and threatening eyes. Adrien had been the most scolded one in the room- naturally, considering he had been playing classical music most of his life. But the fun of high-paced melodies and tempos was something he had always wished to try out- and he loved it!
Luka was surprised by the high-level of the band members. What surprised him the most, though, was how Madam Mendeleiev was an excellent conductor. He felt like he owed her more respect now, and felt a little bad for having underestimated her just for her grumpy personality. She was a professional.
Playing with 'Miraculous band', whether it was boleros, salsa, international hits, swing or anything, was very enjoyable for the fugitive men, despite its performance difficulty. And when the rhythmic and wind sections could finally play in harmony along with the singers- it was the best feeling they could experience.
Friendly, energetic and talented members, an amazing band conductor… and the two most beautiful singers they had ever met. It was like a dream come true- except, Juleka, with her deadly glare, never failed to remind them it was actually a nightmare in the form of a sweet illusion, bound to end in a few days.
Air seemed to abandon Adrien’s lungs when Kagami practiced for her solo violin sequence- absolutely astonished with her elegance and audacity; and Luka couldn't help but miss a few notes when he saw Marinette playing the tambourine- she was too cute for his bad boy heart.
Whenever they had a five minute break, Adrien would fuzz to Luka over how fun the practice was, and soon the other girls would join them enthusiastically. When practice ended, it was already lunch time. They were exhausted and still had half-way to go- until late evening. After lunch, Marinette approached ‘Lucia’.
"Hey… It seems we won't be able to go shopping today…" she lamented, her eyes finally meeting ‘hers’. "Wait! You're Lucia! From yesterday! Oh, no! Sorry I've been so rude before! Is your nightdress in the laundry? Let me pay for the expenses! As a thank you for yesterday's help and company" Marinette kept rambling. ' She is adorable, ' Luka thought, giving her ' THE FACE '- the one that, according to Juleka, he only displayed when he had a big crush- with a blush and a wide silly smile on his face.
"It's ok, Marinette. I'm a little hurt that you forgot about me, but it's fine. We can have that da- shopping outing" he corrected himself "tomorrow, while they build up the stage. There's plenty of time in the afternoon"
"You’re right. But I- I didn't forget about you! I was too focused on your horrible fashion choices to notice your face… Ah-! Sorry!” her hands hit her face. “I've done it again, haven't I?" Her head sank in low spirits. Luka couldn’t hold his smile.
"It's fine, don’t worry. I'm looking forward to our da- shopping outing" he said, reaching over to her chin and pushing it up to meet her eyes. "Let's have fun tomorrow"
"Yes! Don’t worry, Lucia! I'll make you look the prettiest!" Marinette exclaimed, hugging a puzzled Luka, who was paralyzed under her arms. "See you later!"
The afternoon rehearsal didn't include the singers. They were, in fact, training with Monsieur Damocles, who checked on their vocals. The rest of the members were, mostly, supervised by themselves, as Madam Mendeleiev took individual tests with each one of the bandmates to detect possible flaws in their ways of playing. Once again, Adrien took the biggest blow in corrections, but thanks to that, he progressed considerably in just a few hours. No doubt the rumours about him were true- he was a genius pianist.
Luka didn't escape from being scolded either, mostly for his playing style: perfect for rock, too aggressive for ballads and too chaotic for Madam Mendeleiev's tastes. They were aiming to make people from all ages dance to any kind of music and he felt like he also learned a bunch, too.
When dinner was over, they were so exhausted that Marinette, Kagami and Adrien fell asleep on some coaches in the common room. After carrying Marinette to her room in princess style (and successfully holding his urge to kiss her goodnight), he tried to wake Adrien up, shaking his body as he called his fake name. “Shh. Noirette. Wake up”. Luka wanted to give Adrien the chance to spend some time alone with Kagami, but his plan failed when it was the short-haired woman, the one that opened her eyes instead.
“Where’s Marinette?” Kagami immediately asked.
“Back in your room. you should go back, too. I’ll take care of Noirette”, he said, lifting his body and moving towards the elevator.
“Ok… Good night” Kagami sighed, biting her lip and staring at how ‘Lucia’ carefully carried ‘Noirette’ to their shared hotel room.
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dabis-devil · 4 years
Could you pretty please do Shinso, Dabi, Overhaul, Kirishima, Shiggy, Bakugo and Tamaki with an S/O with is a ballet dancer and looks fragile but can actually kick ass? Sorry for the long ask but I just really adore you’re stuff!!!!!
Pretty Poison
Aw, thank you anon! Okay, I'd just like to apologize for holding off on my asks. I've seen busy and not feeling well lately, but I'm getting to my requests now! Love you all 🖤
Shinsou Hitoshi
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Shinsou is an observational guy
He figured you weren't as innocent as you looked before you proved him right
All of which he figured out with distance.
When set to spar together, he was avoiding all of your agile moves, each one of your attacks
You were pressed to do give it your 100%
With a swing, you attempted to go for his neck with your fist, the purple haired man catching your fist.
He tried to get a blow at your torso, you swatted his fist.
when you tried a strike with the other, he caught that one too.
His leg scooped in the back of your knees, the two of you toppling to the ground.
Toshi is a good boi, he made sure you wouldn't get hurt before he went through with such a calculated move
“ oh kitten- ” he chuckled, tired eyes lock in onto your own. “ nobody expects this of you. . Only fools will underestimate you. ” his tone was eerie
You used your propped up knee to push yourself over. Turning the tables, Toshi on bottom now. “ nice to know. ” you mumbled with a savage smile.
Next thing you know you were helping each other up and leaving the training grounds.
Its when you and Shinsou went on your first date that he learned you were a dancer.
He didn't seem too phased honestly, but he thought it was cool!
“ Can I go to your next recital? ” he asked, thumb brushing against your cheekbone.
You said yes
Before the start of the recital, your eyes wandered endlessly around the stadium.
' where is he? ' your lips curling into a frown.
Maybe he decided he didn't care?
Little did you know, he was in the front row. Just dressed in a suit. . Classy Shinsou is rare
When you leaped across the stage, his large purple orbs followed your angelic form like a puppy eyeing a treat.
He isn't one to pump you up with compliments, but when you finally realized he was staring with a strong force of admiration, that said all.
He would stand and applaud afterward, meeting you in the back room for a bland congratulations and soft hug.
He'll be at every single recital
Every. One.
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Your innocence was cute, don't get him wrong
But his goal was to corrupt you.
He would place wondering hands on your body, expecting you to become a shell of a human and color to drain from your face
Instead your expression turned playful as you prompted him
Sinful things probably followed
And that's how he learned you werent fragile
With that in mind, this man had nO control
You already know a relationship with him entails dirtiness to keep it sPiCy
And I kid you not, your gracefulness drives him over the edge
Your movement was so controlled it's just- *chefs kiss*
The part of the town the compound was in definitely wasn't a good part of town
So you got harrased :((
“ hey pretty lady, ” a drunk man cooed, his large and sweaty hands running down your arm. “ come with me to the back. . ” he smiled and roughly tugged at your arm.
You could have easily shown this man a piece of your mind. The ghastly shrieks that filled the air stopped you though.
Dabi melted his face off, then left with you like nothing happened.
This why people don't mess with you anymore
Again, this is what makes the two of you a good team. He has your back, you have his, but you can both take care of yourselves.
He didn't really care to know you danced
It's just a hobby, when should he care? Do what you want.
If you dragged him off to recitals or anything don't be surprised if you see him playing on his phone or otherwise not paying attention.
Gives 0 fucks.
If for any reason he is watching
Probably because he think you look sexy.
Maybe it's the outfit, maybe it the way your body flows, who knows?
If you come to him bothered that he doesn't like your dancing, he will either
reassure you that he thinks you look incredibly sexy when you dance, and try to pay a little more attention to your routines
No promises^
Brush off your feelings and move on
Really isn't his cup of tea but A for effort
Bonus: he's asked you to dance on/for him
You're a dancer, of course you know how to lap dance. Of CoUrSe.
“ doll, why don't you come show me some of those moves? ” he asks cheekily, already leading you back to the bedroom.
You still did. And you did well. So that's a win on his part-
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Kai could appreciate your dancing, there was some sort of elegance in it.
The way your body moved from one figure to another just had his eyes drawn to you like magnets.
The fact that he kidnapped you for entertainment was besides the point
Well initially
You were given the option to leave, but you didn't.
Same offer does NOT apply now that you made your choice
The reason you were taken is for your doe eyes and soulful smile
You put up a damn good fight
But in the end you were being jumped by a few gang members.
Not to mention your escape attempts?
So thought out, and you came this close to busting out of the secret door each time.
Kai’s eyes burned holes hrough your skull when you were restrained to your bed.
“ love, why would you try to leave me? You know bad things could happen. . ” his tone sent goosebumps down your back
He's just possessive
Other than that, you can pretty much do what you want
So long as you stay in base
He turned a room into a dance studio for you
That's just how he shows affection.
he wants to sit and watch you dance until your knees buckle.
You bet your ass he will too.
“ where are you going? ” his eye brows knitted. “ I'm not done watching. ” he growled lowly, as you returned to your craft with a pout.
But that's fine,,,,
Even though he's not a huge fan of touching you
He gives the best massages.
(I'm actually so so sorry for this one, I haven't written Kai and oh my gOd I need to fix this characterization)
Eijiro Kirishima
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This beautiful rock man
He thinks you are so adorable.
Literally precious okay, even before romantic ties developed
But when you become a badass out of nowhere, he's kinda stunned
You turned to Mineta and told him off for objectifying you, finishing that confrontation with a kick right to his crotch.
The grape boy wheezed and began to cry, but you walked off unbothered.
Of course Kiri, who had been on his way to save you from his perverted classmate, was like- “ huh?? ”
You being anything but reserved was a new emotion.
He didn't mind of course, he was excited to learn more about you.
And when he learns you're a dancer?
Oh boy.
Eiji supports you. Without a question!
And that's on being manly.
He shows up with roses to every single recital you have, dressed in fine attire, and will be the loudest person in the crowd.
“ WOoOOo!! YOU DID AMAZING Y/N! I LOVE YOUU!! ” He shouted from the top of his lungs.
Actually the first time he said I love you
Lowkey has good moves himself
You'll see that when he's dancing around the dorms to some cheesy music denki or Mina played
If you need help with a move he will put sweat, blood, and tears into perfecting it with you.
He literally won't shut up about you
When he's with his friends?
“ she's so beautiful! You should see her dance too! ” he gushed
“ y/n is so amazing. . (More babbles about you) ”
A wall?
“ I love y/n so much- ”
Just love him back okay
Tomura Shigaraki
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This crusty man has his head in the game and all, but he totally swept you to the side.
He wants things to be blunt and direct
So when you were over there looking like a pure angel he just thought you were
As apart of the liberation front, he expected you to be there for covert missions, and not throw yourself into battle
But when you were over here taking out three heroes simultaneously??
It dawned on him that you were so much more useful.
It had been a late night and Shigs couldn't sleep, so he planned to hang out with you.
Your light shone under the crack of your door, prompting him to ask for your company
He placed a soft knock on your door to which there was no reply.
Instead, the melody of soft classical tunes drifted to his ears. The door creaked open, allowing the blue haired man a peak of insight as to what you were doing.
He saw your figure parading around the room in small leaps, harmonious twirls, and gentle hand movements.
His crimson eyes widened at what he saw. Not only did he realize how beautiful you are, but you were so soothing to watch?
For a little while he will beat around the bush
“ y/n, what were you up to last night? ” he asked, sounding as innocent as a mere child. “ hmm? ” his hands weaved together under his chin, leg swing in under his barstool.
Like when you already know something but you ask somebody anyways just to see what they would say yknow
He would make this one of his favorite things to do, watch you dance.
Over time you caught him staring through your door, and you weren't exactly happy about it
“ tomura! ” you squeaked, catching a glimpse of his florescent red orbs.
You raced over to the door, pausing your music with a fast tap to the pad of your phone.
“ why were you watching me? ” you frowned at your boyfriend, your shoulders building tense.
“ y/n. . ” he mumbled, hand searching for his agitated neck. “ I just couldn't look away. ”
Katsuki Bakugo
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Bakugo did not underestimate your abilities. Ever.
From his experiences, he knows not to judge a person's abilities until you get a taste of what they can do.
He tried so hard to manipulate you into using your quirk, or just not being the peaceful person you came off as.
He faaaaailed
When you got to knew him better, you didn't hesitate to mop the floor with him.
He's impressed by your effort, so points there
He definitely liked your soft persona, on the contrary to his.
He won't tell you that though.
The closer you two got, the more he would step in to defend you and stick by your side.
The one time you snapped on somebody, he was left shaking in his boots.
He hasn't seen you behave like that. . He liked it 😏
Now don't get me wrong-
Baku didn't care for your dancing.
He didn't give a single fuck, okay
But whenever he actually saw your graceful dances on stage???
Consider him your biggest fan
But you wouldn't ever find that out. At least he thoughts so.
“ I have another recital tonig- ” you were cut off by an irritated Baku.
“ if you want me to go, just ask, dumbass! Stop whining. ” he snapped, leaving you blinking and dumbstruck
go off lord explosion murder-
He's in the front row just sitting there like
You already know he'll praise you for your preformance, whether those compliment were backhanded or of pure intent.
And if anybody dare thinks about down talking your dancing? They will be ripped. ..He would tear them apart with him bare hands. no cap.
If you absolutely amaze him, you will get the one in a lifetime chance to watch him stand up and scream your name with a proud grin, something along the lines of-
“ LOOK AT Y/N! (pronoun)'S DOING FUCKING AMAZING, JUST FUCKING LOOK AT MY BABY- ” his hand directed towards you, and you couldn't help but burn a shade of deep rose.
Tamaki Amajiki
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Before you two were in a relationship, you had him fooled.
Like Tamaki, you look like a cinnamon roll, but can murder somebody.
You are commonly underestimated, which gives you the upper hand. A lot.
Tamaki taught you how to use that
Training with him was just so sweet.
He'd be scared to hurt you though
Let's add to the fact that since you like like an easy target, you would probably get messed with.
He would be the first to step in and protect you
Despite the fact his hands are shaking, and he stutters a mess.
“ my suneater. . My hero. ” you planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
Here lies Tamaki Amajiki, Rest In Peace
Don't even get me started on your dancing.
He loves it! Absolutely melts his heart.
When he watches you at recitals, rehearsals, maybe even in the dorms, he feels the depth of your movement.
He becomes a flustered mess in the distance,,,,
“ I can't believe thats my bunny, she's doing so well! ” he quietly cooed from the audience.
He will not miss any of your recitals. Unless it's an emergency.
Even then, get prepared for massive cuddles when he gets back.
He'll feel guilty about not being there, he's more upset than you are.
“ Tama it's fine- ” you chuckled softly, cradling your boyfriend in a hug.
“ are you sure bunny? I'm sure you did amazing, and I missed it! ” he whined, fighting the urge to plant his face onto a wall and never look back.
Other than tons of extra love after a missed performance, he will without a doubt dress fancy and bring you a bouquet and some little gifts.
100/10 will pepper you with compliments
Honestly he's an angel
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vinziel · 4 months
He's still got it
John Dory x Male Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
You four followed Spruce inside the restaurant, while all four of you were following Spruce he suddenly threw a menu at John Dory's face saying "Specials are on the back, don't order the clams don't ask why!" It looks like Spruce is the waiter of this restaurant, he was too busy to even notice, "Spruce!" John Dory yelled, Spruce sighed and said "Look I know you know me from BroZone but could you be quiet about it?" John then responds saying "But Spruce it's us your brothers!" Spruce then turns around "Woah Bitty B!" he says, running past John Dory who says "What?" sounding devastated. Spruce hugs Branch tight saying "Wet willy!" while giving Branch a wet willy, Branch then gets annoyed saying "I am too old for wet willys!" "Oh sorry, a whet william" Spruce answers back laughing, he then notices you "Oh what's up Y/N" both of you fist bumping.
Spruce then introduces all of you to his wife Brandi and their 13 kids, you were all a bit confused on how their relationship worked "How?" John says "Well it's......interesting but hey I don't judge if you're happy then sure" You say, John says "Spruce we need your help-" Spruce interrupts John "Actually it's Bruce now" "Well ok but we need your help Floyd's been kidnapped! And we need to hit the perfect family Harmony!" John says panicked "At my age? I don't think I can, also remember our last show?" Bruce says, one of his kids then says "See guys? I told you dad wasn't in a band" "Oh I was in a band. I was in THE band, ask your mom if I was in a band" "Oh, He was in a band" Brandi says, seemingly daydreaming "We can always practice!" John says enthusiastically "I guess that could work, let's do it!" Bruce says, Both Bruce and John went to the stage but Branch stayed behind "Branch aren't you gonna perform with your brothers?" Poppy says "Yeah Branch" You add "Oh I'm saving it for Floyd" Branch says "Oh I get it, you don't get what it takes, it's fine Branch" Poppy says, you add with "It's definitely fine Branch, your just not up to it. It's cool" "I do get what it takes" Branch retorts, a smile then forms on Poppy's face as she, you and Bruce's children chant "Prove it! Prove it! Prove It!" Which makes Branch finally agree to perform. "Well he was easy to convince" You say, chuckling
While you watched the brothers perform you couldn't help but stare at one particular person, John Dory. Even after all these years he's still great at singing, great at dancing and he's still as handsome, you couldn't lie even with all the resentment you felt towards the troll, you can't help but still feel attracted to him. You see as Branch invites Poppy to dance with him, which she agrees to, you were a bit disappointed when JD didn't ask you to dance with them but it has been 20 years, maybe he still felt awkward around you. You felt a slight blush form on your cheek as you started to daydream about the past, smiling to yourself, as you stared at JD while he performed with his brothers. After the performance ended you still couldn't stop staring at JD, it was like you were in your own world, daydreaming about the past. You get snapped back to reality when Branch snaps his fingers in your face saying "Y/N? Y/N!" "Huh?! What?" You answer, snapping back to reality, Branch looks at what you're staring at and realizes you were watching JD, he then smirks "Still down bad for my brother huh?" He says before chuckling "Don't be ridiculous" You answer back, your blush darkening a bit, it felt like you were a teenager who had a crush right now "Sure, well we're about to leave so come on" Branch says, as you follow him to Rhonda, all of you were driving but don't have a clue to where Clay was
Branch then notices Clay's old Funderdrawers saying "You kept these?" "That's a bit gross" You say a bit disgusted by the thought of how they would be smelling by now, John replies "What? Their memorabilia but I'll be gosh darned if that'll help us find clay" "You sound like a dad right now" You say laughing, John rolls his eyes "Well I'm glad you kept them" Branch says, Opening the case which held Clay's Funderdrawers, it released a not so good smell which may or may not have made you gag, Branch made Rhonda smell it and follow the trace to where Clay is "Welp, Clay here we come" You say.
Author's Note: I now just realized that I forgot to include tiny diamond in the movie. I swear he's one of my favorite characters but he completely slipped my mind when writing this. I'm so sorry. I've only seen the movie once and it was in cinemas. Now I'm just seeing small clips from TikTok. Sorry again if this isn't quite accurate. Also sorry for the slow release. It's exam week so it's hard to release new stuff. Also again this is the first fic I've been fully dedicated to so sorry if my writing is bad, I do accept feedback and any tips on how to make my writing not so messy will be very appreciated
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
The Arachnoids: ROCK BAND AU [Starker] - Chapter 6: HEADSTART HERO
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Find the masterpost with all the chapters linked here!
Taglist: @crystallinecrimsonmoth​​​​ & @staticwhispersinthedark​​​​ (Let me know if you want to be added!)
Chapter 6: Headstart Hero
Peter knows exactly what it feels like to be standing in the crowd, anticipating the start of a show. The strange connection you feel with all these people that you’ve never met, the laughter, the chatter, the excitement coursing through your veins as you wait for the lights to finally dim.  Standing backstage holds the same kind of elation; yet it’s completely different. He too, is waiting for the lights to dim. Every time the lights flicker, every time the crowd makes a little more noise, he feels his heart skip a beat. It can’t be healthy to be so tense. His ribcage feels tight and he swallows. Peter tries to shift his guitar strap a little in the hopes of gaining some breathing space. Not that it helps of course, ‘cause it’s not the strap that restrains him.
Next to him, MJ and Ned are fighting equal battles with themselves. Playing for the New Year’s Eve show had been challenging enough, but somehow, this feels different. Like they’re gonna have to prove their worth. This is their chance to get their name out. To connect with potential fans. It’s overwhelming. Very, very much so.
It shouldn’t be long now, please, please don’t keep him waiting any longer. He-
The lights dim at last, and Peter is hit with the screams emerging from the crowd. Astonished, he knows he should jump to action right now. It’s almost as if someone else takes over his body when a broad smile plasters itself on his face and he runs into the stage lights.  “Welcome!” MJ laughs into her microphone. She looks absolutely stunning. Her aquamarine dress swirls around her loosely as she walks. Venus, for sure. “We are the inner concentric, the outer radial lineament, the spider-like volcano-tectonic structures from Venus. We have come to Earth to give you a hint of the whirling desire that is found on our planet. We are… The Arachnoids!”
Ned kicks off with a fast-paced rhythm, the deep vibrations of the bass drum tingling on Peter’s skin. Everything about this makes him feel so utterly hyped up. He lets his pick rain down on the strings, earlier nerves forgotten. His fingers glide over the notes so easily. The stage lights are blinding, but he knows how big the arena is. He knows exactly how many people are out there- watching him, cheering for him. 
He walks forward, dancing to MJ’s sweet harmony, and slides to his knees to get a break from the lights for a quick second. The group of young adults pressed against the front barrier raise their hands to him and scream. Peter’s eyes widen when he sees one of the girls is wearing a bright-pink tee with ‘The Arachnoids’ written on it with a black marker. He grins widely at her and winks. The girl instantly tears up and brings her hands together in a heart-shaped symbol. “I love you, Peter!” She mouths excitedly.
Peter can’t help the stunned chuckle that rises from his chest and he stands up again, walking over to MJ while quickly waving to the girl in the crowd once.  Then, he turns around and leans against MJ, his head dropping backwards onto her shoulder. MJ plays along. She moves her hand up to ruffle through Peter’s hair as she keeps on singing through the high notes of the chorus. “And now we’re hoooo-hoooooome!”  Peter jumps away from her and bounces on the balls of his feet and moves his head along to the music. He runs towards the other side of the stage, giving the crowd a good show as he keeps playing with his instrument raised high in the air.
Somehow, his glance is pulled towards the small backstage area he can see from there. Tony’s seated on top of the transport cases again, watching the show intently. Peter can’t help feeling surprised at the fact that Tony’s here watching them play. 
Peter swallows when he realizes that his solo is coming up, the exact one Tony had given him the unsolicited advice about earlier today. He presses his lips together and makes the split-second decision to play it Tony’s way. He may not have practiced it yet, but he knows he can do it. He wants to. Why he wants to please Tony so badly is a mystery to him, but he doesn’t have time to think about it. That’s how he takes a few steps closer towards the edge of the stage and takes a deep breath. His fingers find their usual pattern, his pick hitting each snare perfectly- D-string, he reminds himself. Play the F on the D-string. 
And oh, Tony had been right. Peter flies through the solo so much easier than ever before. Endorphins release from his brain and make him feel nice and warm all over. He turns his head to look at Tony again. The man’s eyes are wide as he watches Peter play all the way through the solo with ease, and Peter wonders if the man had expected him to actually listen. Peter most certainly didn’t.
As soon as the solo ends, he breaks his gaze with Tony’s and resumes playing chorus’ rhythm, walking over to Ned who’s happily smashing on his drums. The new kit suits him perfectly. Peter has to suppress the urge to look at Tony again and he scoffs quietly to himself. He’s starting to get weirdly attached to the other guitarist. Asshole or not, there’s… something about the man and it’s inherently annoying to Peter. So, that’s why he refuses to look over even once for the rest of the show, and by the end of the set, he’s nearly forgotten that it even happened. 
“You guys were fantastic out there- Woah!” Harley laughs and pulls Peter into a tight hug. Peter chuckles, patting the other boy’s back in return. It’s a little awkward, with his guitar between them, but the intention is what matters most. “Thanks, dude!” Peter sighs happily and pulls back. He only then realizes how much his shirt is sticking onto his skin. “Ugh, I need a change of clothes.” Harley chuckles at that. “One month into this tour and you won’t even notice anymore,” he jokes. “We’ll all walk around smelling like shit- part of the fun, I say!” Peter laughs and shakes his head at that. Harley, in return, looks very pleased with himself.
“Hey, I gotta go switch the stage set-up- eh, tell MJ I’ll talk to her later?” Harley asks, leaning in a little as if he doesn’t want anyone else to hear it. MJ’s standing a couple of feet away from them, talking to Liz, one of the other roadies working on this tour. “Uhh, sure!” Peter answers, noticing the small blush that spreads on Harley’s cheekbones. The blonde grins and glances over at MJ once more before taking a step back. He finger guns at Peter and winks. “You’re a hero!”
Peter snorts, it’s adorable how clearly the boy is trying to get MJ’s attention. Not that he actually has to try very hard. MJ and Harley have been messaging each other every single day since the New Year’s Eve show. Sometimes they even facetime. Peter can tell that MJ is slowly starting to open up to the idea of Harley possibly liking her, but he’ll keep his mouth shut about it. She has to figure it out herself. In her own time. 
“Hero,” Tony scoffs from behind him. Peter has to actively keep himself from rolling his eyes at the remark and he turns around. “That’d be me,” he deadpans. Tony lets out a surprised laugh at that and Peter feels a stupid happy feeling emerging in his chest. No, he reminds himself. Don’t let him get to you. He doesn’t want to befriend the man so quickly. He might be less of a prick today, but that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly a kind presence to be around. He’s very much not that. “Space hero… Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” “I guess.” Peter eyes the man, unsure what he wants from him. Tony licks his lips once and tilts his head.
“So,” Tony starts slowly. “Seems my advice wasn’t that bad after all, mmh?” “I never said it was bad.” “But you didn’t like it.” “I didn’t ask for help, Tony.” Peter narrows his eyes a little, trying to read the man’s face. Tony’s deep brown eyes hold something so… Unexplainable. It’s no fragility, neither is it playful. It’s some weird mixture of every possible emotion out there. It makes it feel both very intense and deep, and closed-off at the same time. There’s so much to see that it’s impossible to know what’s truly going on. Peter sighs. “Unsolicited, but it worked. Yes. Thank you.”
“Ah,” Tony exclaims proudly and Peter instantly wishes he hadn’t said it. It’s irritating and he knows that whatever words Tony will speak next, it’s gonna be something cocky again. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Mmh, never thought it was true. When do we start your classes?” Peter huffs and looks away for a second.  “I’m not taking classes from you. I’m sure you got better things to do than waste your time on beginners like us.” Peter instantly regrets his words when he sees a flash of rejection on Tony’s face. The man straightens his shoulders, eyebrows furrowing together. Peter knows that whatever he said, it triggered the man’s jerkiness full force. “Fine, I’m just trying to be nice. But you’re right, Peter. I got better things to do,” Tony spits out and he stalks off.  “Fuck,” Peter mutters to himself. He messed up. Nice job, Parker. Keep going like this and you’ll find your ass on a plane back to New York first thing in the morning. He wishes he knew what had set Tony off so much, but at the same time, he can feel anger bubbling up inside him. It’s so utterly frustrating that Tony can’t handle anything without stomping his feet and throwing a tantrum. It’s not Peter’s problem. It’s not his issue to solve. “Go fuck yourself,” he mumbles quietly. Feeling annoyed with the fact that the whole, hazy feeling of post-concert bliss has shattered. 
“Hey Pete, we killed it out there!” Ned interrupts his thoughts as the drummer nudges his side. “And those fangirls in the front, can you fucking believe it? We got fans!” Ned’s enthusiasm instantly lightens Peter’s mood a little. Tension leaves his body and he grins widely at Ned. “We’re gonna be huge, Leeds. One day, I’m telling ya!” “Let’s toast to that, boys!” MJ chimes in and hands both of them a small bottle of water. Peter eagerly takes it from her hands and skews the cap off.
“You,” he says as he brings the bottle to his mouth, “-are a lifesaver.” “I know,” she smirks and chugs some water down as well. “Has anyone seen Harley? He said he’d see me after our set,” she then asks, voice wavering slightly. She cranes her neck to try and spot him. “He just hopped by, told me to tell you he’d see you later. Not sure what he was up to, but running ‘round as always,” Peter tells her. MJ seems pleased with the information that Harley told Peter to make sure she wouldn’t feel left behind. “Poor dude,” Ned mumbles. “I’m sure he doesn’t get paid even half of what he deserves.” “He loves the job, though,” MJ smiles. She tilts her head at Peter. “I saw you talking to Tony, by the way! He seemed nice today?”
Peter scoffs. “He sorta was, in his own way. But one wrong word and he turned all bitchy again.” “Ugh, there’s always some issue with him, isn’t there? Do you still wanna watch their set after that?” “Yes,” Peter answers. “They’re a good band. Who knows when we’ll be kicked off the tour, we should enjoy it while it lasts.” He tries to bring it jokingly but knows it sounds petty as fuck. Dammit, Tony sure brings out the worst in him.  “Yeah,” MJ smiles. “I vote we stay.” Peter simply nods and takes another big sip from the water and wipes the small stains of sweat from his forehead using his sleeve. He still feels low-key guilty about the whole encounter with Tony. The least he can do is watch the show and give them their support. He’ll have to try to ignore the nagging thoughts clawing at his mind. He can do that, he hopes.
Read the next chapter >> 7: Ice Cream Ignition
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
One Day - Part 10
A/N: Dear magical tumblr friends, we’ve reached part 10. I’m sorry if it’s not that good. I was really excited to write it, but today I had to do a bunch of things for my graduate applications and it was just hectic. Still, it is Draco Malfoy’s birthday and I didn’t want to let the day pass without uploading a big, nice chapter. I hope you like it either way. 
Also, before we start, I feel the need to express my utter love for Theo Nott and Astoria Greengrass lol. I don’t hate them. In fact, if anyone wants to recommend some Theo Nott fanfiction, I’m all for it.  
Let’s do this! 
Draco x reader (she/her pronouns) Word count: 1921 Summary: One day AU. Post-war. Since The Battle of Hogwarts, Draco and y/n meet one day a year.
3 May, 2009
“What is this?” Draco asked in awe, motioning to (Y/N)’s hair.
“It’s my take on the French bob,” she answered playfully.
Every time he saw her, Draco found (Y/N) more beautiful than before. This time, though, he swore she was actually glowing. She had gotten a haircut and now her locks framed her face differently. She dressed so…French now, which he found adorable and incredibly sexy. And her smile was bigger and brighter than he had seen in years. In general, this version of his best friend made him feel like a teenager again.  
Draco had been postponing this trip for weeks now. They had not addressed the issue yet, (when had they ever?) but everyone knew that the moment one of them reached out for the other, things would finally be settled. Their friends were tired of seeing them clumsily stumble through their feelings. That’s why Astoria took Scorpius to the Nott’s chalet on the Swiss Alps and practically forced him onto a train to Paris.
Astoria and Draco were not exactly the closest friends, but they had a son together and for his sake they maintained a more than civil relationship. She had settled down with Theo Nott, marrying him just after the divorce was finalized. They were happy together and she wanted his son’s father to move on as well. She was not only moved by a sense of guilt; deep down, Astoria had always known that the connection Draco and (Y/N) had was deeper than she would ever comprehend.
Whatever the case, the feeling of elation that washed over him as they held each other at Gare du Nord made him grateful for being alive again. He had butterflies in his stomach and a tingling all around. As if their bodies were connected, (Y/N) could also feel something electrifying. They hugged for the longest time, as if they weren’t in a crowded station with people rushing around.
(Y/N) and Draco walked arm in arm to her apartment in Montmartre. He still had a lot of questions about muggles, so she enjoyed pointing things out for him as they strolled. He had been to Paris countless times in his childhood and even once with Astoria, but this felt different. Walking with (Y/N), listening as she told him about the things she did every day, the places she frequented and the muggle history behind them felt like a dream come true. (Y/N) was very excited about taking him to a bunch of places and she numbered cheerfully all of the activities she had planned for them. Draco wished he could live in this moment forever.
“So, you’ve been consistently on the Prophet’s Best Seller list for almost a year and now you’ve won the Beedle the Bard literary prize. Don’t you dare to forget about your commoner friends, (Y/L/N),” he teased.
“You’re hardly a commoner, Healer Malefoy,” she taunted back, using the French translation of his last name.
Draco rolled his eyes playfully. “But really, you’re conquering the world one book at a time and I cannot be prouder…of myself for still having your original poetry saved somewhere at home.”
(Y/N) snickered. “I guess magical readers like the flavour of muggle literature. ‘That Kafka fellow? An absolute genius’,” as she quoted him playfully, Draco’s heart flipped.
When they reached the apartment, Draco observed everything in astonishment. Each little detail around the house embodied her. From the towers of books that flooded the flat to the position of the sofa by the fireplace, the rickety spiral staircase leading to the second floor, the creamy colours of the walls, the muggle paintings – she would later call them ‘impressionist’ –, the huge windowpanes and the mismatched yet harmonious furniture, it was all her. Draco had never seen a place represent a person so well. Even more surprising was the feeling that invaded him as soon as he set foot inside; he sensed that he had finally arrived home. He was Odysseus returning to his beloved Ithaca and he never wanted to set sail again.
They goofed around for a while, talking nonsense as they drank some very expensive wine. They danced around the room, enjoying the different layers to muggle music. Lately, (Y/N) had got then both hooked on muggle jazz. Draco relished greatly how the music seemed to pierce through them as they swayed around the room.
As the sunset painted the sky with colourful swirls, Draco stood by the window, observing the rooftops, the quaint streets and the Eiffel tower at a distance. (Y/N) took in his form. He looked much better. He stood taller; his shoulders no longer sagged forward in defeat. The bags under his eyes were practically gone. She could tell he was eating more. And he seemed generally happier. It made her smile.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go anywhere tonight?” she asked softly, walking towards him.
He turned to face her and nodded vehemently. He knew what he wanted to do. But it was only about an hour later, when they were cuddling in her bed, that he delved slowly into the much-awaited conversation.
Draco’s head laid on (Y/N)’s stomach. He was facing her way, eyes closed as her fingers worked their magic on his scalp. He was thinking about the right way to say it. And it all started off clumsily.  
“So, Olivier Flamel, huh?”
“Yes,” she sighed.
For a while, (Y/N) had dated Olivier Flamel, a descendant of the one and only Nicholas Flamel, who, not coincidentally at all, was also a big-shot alchemist. It had ended like most of her relationships and flings in the last few years: casually, easily, no real pain for either part involved because they hadn’t been really that involved.  
“Do I have to hex him?” Draco asked seriously.
(Y/N) snorted. “Ron asked me just the same,” she explained when he shot her an amused look, “And of course not, Dray. Olivier is an amazing guy. There was a lot of chemistry between us and we had a very passionate affair. But ultimately, we were just so different.”
Draco was invaded by a horrible feeling of envy when she talked about their amazing chemistry, but he did his best not to show it, to be rational and kind.
“How are you holding up?” he asked, even though he already knew. He needed the confirmation that still didn’t have feelings for him.
“You know it’s fine,” she shrugged, “I guess I’m just shook. For a while there I was half of the ‘it’ couple of the French wizarding jet set. It was a wild ride. Way too much to handle”.
Her cheeky smile then turned into a more concerned gesture. “How are you holding up?”
To say that (Y/N) had been surprised by Draco and Astoria’s divorce was the understatement of the century. The only thing she was certain of was that she didn’t want to see Draco suffer like that ever again. It had made her physically sick, to see him in so broken. She had been there through every stage of his grief. She helped him move back to Malfoy Manor. She took care of Scorpius on the days in which he couldn’t get out of bed. She cried with him. She got drunk with him. She was the big spoon. And through it all, (Y/N) only real target was to help Draco’s heart heal.  
“I’m alright now. In hindsight I guess I am not surprised, you know? Our relationship was doomed since the beginning. The most important thing to me is Scorpius and I believe we’re handling it well, the share custody and all. He’s a happy boy.”
(Y/N) kept caressing Draco’s hair. There was a painfully long silence. The feeling of repressed words and feelings clouded the air. They had kissed a couple of times before. Once they had a very heated make out session that almost leads to them shagging. But they hadn’t talked about it. Every time it happened, they would just ignore it and carry on, as if they were not both elated by it. (Y/N) had spent countless nights telling herself that she wouldn’t kiss him again; she didn’t want to be Draco’s rebound.
“We totally suck at this love thing, don’t we?” (Y/N) finally said.
Draco’s heart was beating hard on his chest. It was now or never. “I don’t think we suck at this ‘love thing’,” he pointed out, raising up to face her, “I think we have ignored the right person to do the love thing with”.
(Y/N) regarded him seriously for a second. This is really not how she thought the infamous conversation would go. She was braising herself for yet another disappointment. And now here he was, saying the things she had wanted for so long. A lot of mixed messages were bouncing in her mind.
“You mean us? Together?” (Y/N) sat up, “Dray, don’t you think that boat sailed about a decade ago?”
Draco’s smile fell. He was certainly not expecting that. All of a sudden, he felt an emptiness in his stomach and an urgent need to cry. “D-do you really think so?”
“The timing is never right,” she breathed out.
“Look at us now, love. The timing is perfect,” he said before kissing both of her cheeks.
(Y/N)’s eyes welled with tears. “I don’t want to be your rebound, Dray,” she softly.
Draco looked at her, his expression softening. “I’ve been in love with you for the longest time, (Y/N). I pushed you away, convinced that I was doing the ultimate sacrifice for you. I wanted to save you from, well, me. You deserved better. You still do”, he heard her scoff, “But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore.”
They looked at each other intently. “Now,” he said dramatically, “I’ve come all this way to confess my undying love for you…”
“Idiot,” she muttered playfully, the widest and most genuine smile plastered on her face. He inched forward and kissed her face again: her forehead, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck. (Y/N) felt like she was floating on a cloud.
“I want to be yours, (Y/N). I want you to be mine,” he whispered in her ear, before kissing her on that soft spot he knew made her breathing hitch.
“Draco, I swear if you hurt me, if you use me as a rebound, I swear to Circe I’m going to hex you and never talk to –“
He shook his head. “I will never hurt you, (Y/N/N). I am in love with you.”
“I’ve always been yours, Dray,” she said, softly.
“As I’ve always been yours,” he answered. 
They looked at each other then, eyes full of adoration. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. His eyes quickly set on her lips before meeting her gaze again. (Y/N) pressed her lips to his. It was, by no means, the first time Draco and (Y/N) kissed. It was, though, the best one they had shared to date. It started sweet and loving, but its intensity raised as the minutes went by. Their feelings let loose, pressing themselves unfiltered with each caress.
“I love you, Draco,” she said breathlessly.
He pressed (Y/N) to his chest, kissing the top of her head multiple times.
“Say that you love me again,” he almost pleaded, his voice small and a bit ashamed. Draco couldn’t believe his ears and he wanted every confirmation he could possibly get.
“I love you, Dray,” she said, pecking his lips, “I love you.”
tags: @fandomscombine @okaydraco @naomi02hook @iliketoast23 @winnsmills @oldfashionedlovergirlsblog @happycomb @xtrashmouthxtozierx @animelover09556 @hopplessdreamer
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sirtommyholland · 4 years
lip sync battle || tom holland x female reader
A/N: I didn’t write Tom’s performance in this, so whether he performs Umbrella or something else is entirely left to your imagination. I just thought it would be impossible to win against Umbrella :D
Also this has references to Mamma Mia, but no spoilers I think. It just mentions the Dancing Queen scene, a lot. (I don’t own the GIFs btw.)
Summary: Reader goes up against Tom Holland in Lip Sync Battle performing Dancing Queen by Abba (Mamma Mia movie version). Zendaya is here with her too because she is awesome.
Word Count: 967 (I have been writing for hours how is it barely 1k?!)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRoWiTcO7dk  the performance is a mash up of these videos basically.
   You were in the dressing room getting ready for your second performance in the Lip Sync Battle. Both you and Tom had been practising for a long time for your respective shows, and it was really hard arranging everything and trying to hide it from the other at the same time. 
   Tom had a dancing career under his belt, and was probably going to use it to his full advantage, so you decided to bring in one of his closest friends to even the odds and make the victory even sweeter.
   So you called Zendaya and asked her if she wanted to help you defeat (and humiliate) Tom on TV, and she immediately said yes. She also brought in one of their close friends as well, Deja Carter. Maybe it was an unfair advantage, bringing another celebrity with you, but well, Channing Tatum brought in Beyoncé, so you figured all was fair in love and war.
   You were dressed in the costumes Donna and the Dynamos wore in the movie, they were a bit hard to dance in, but they were definetely flashier than the overalls Donna wore in the actual scene. Zendaya was your Tanya and Deja was Rosie, you all had your wigs and make up on, ready to go on to stage when they called for you. You were taking selfies and silly videos to share later when the show was aired. 
   “Man I’m so excited for this.” you said, as you checked yourself in the mirror for one last time. You adjusted the feather boa around your shoulders, you were gonna give it to Tom in the middle of the dance. “I can’t wait to see the look on Tommy’s face.”
   “We’re so gonna win this.” Deja said. “Look at us, he doesn’t stand a chance.”
   “I can’t wait to see him cry and run off into Harrison’s arms when he loses.” Zendaya said, making you and Deja laugh. 
   Just then, one of the assistants came into the room. “We’re ready for you.” she said, and you all got up to follow her to the stage door.
   There was a black curtain on the stage, hiding you from the audience until the music started (you asked for a rising platform to lift you to the stage but that was too much apparently). You got into position on the stage, Zendaya to your right and Deja to your left, waiting for your name to be announced to start. 
   “Ladies and gentlemen, Y/N L/N!!!!!”
    And with that, the curtain rised and the music started. The audience went mad when they heard the song, and the cheers only got louder when they realized it was Zendaya beside you. You could hear Tom yelling “NOOO” in the background and howling with laughter but you kept your focus on the moves.
    When the ‘anybody could be that guy’ part came on, you made your way to Tom as you were swaying with the music. You draped your feather boa around his shoulders, and you got really close to his face as you sang ‘that guy’. At this point, he was laughing so hard that you feared he was gonna fall of his chair any second.
   You made your way back to the girls as lots of back up dancers came on to the stage, and you started the dance routine at the docks. This part was the hardest to do in those tight costumes, but it was a must-have because it was such an iconic scene. You did the dance in perfect harmony, and you had a lot of fun playing the air guitar and swinging your hair around like Donna Sheridan. 
    And when the final part came up where Donna pushed her friends into the sea, you gave them a gentle shove from the stage, and stage hands who were standing ready in the crowd caught them immediately. You didn’t cannonball dive into the audience obviously, but instead you turned your back and opened your arms, and let yourself fall from the stage, stage hands catching you easily and carrying you over their heads. 
   The three of you were crowd surfing for a few moments, accompanied by the defeaning cheers of the audiance, and you were enjoying every second of it. Finally the stage hands gently put you back on the stage and you held hands with Zendaya and Deja as you gave a bow to the audience, all of you out of breath and laughing, and you hugged each other tightly immediately afterwards. 
   Just as you withdrew from the hug, Tom ran up to you and hugged you tightly. 
   “That was amazing, oh my god!” he was yelling in your ear and laughing at the same time. You hugged him tighter and buried your head into his shoulder as you kept on laughing, you were high on adrenaline and you just weren’t able to stop. 
   Tom broke apart from you as the host praised your performance and announced that Tom was going start his second performance in a few moments. Then there was a small break as the cameras stopped rolling. 
   Tom immediately pulled you into a kiss, seemingly forgetting about the audiance that were still there and could very well be recording this with their phones. 
   “That was amazing.” he said, looking at you with a wide smile, his forehead against yours. But then he pulled back and his happy smile turned into a teasing smirk. “I’d say you might even have a small chance of winning now.”  
   “Oh, we’ll see in a moment, Holland.” you smirked at him, and you made your way to the dressing rooms together with Zendaya and Deja, laughing and talking about your performance. To say the least, it was one of the best nights of your life.
    Some end notes: for those of you who might be confused, Deja is a close friend of Zendaya, and I guess Tom as well. You may have seen this video of them dancing together. 
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   And this was my first (posted) imagine ever, and English isn’t my first language, so if there are things to correct, tell me!
   Stay safe, everyone!
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yourkimjaejin · 3 years
Beyond Live - NCT: Resonace [Global Wave]
This post has been a long time coming but so much happened during this concert!
Sometimes I can’t believe I began to stan NCT just this year when it feels like five years already. I just wanna take the chance to thank the boys for their hard work during the holiday. For me, NCT really brightened up my holiday season so thank you
Now that the sappy stuff is over, Enjoy the post AGzen’s ~ Love, Author Izzy
First off let me say, Moxy and Juno were almost about to box SM’s management for their setlist. SM’s original list for AG had SLAP, WTTJ and Breakout. Moxy and Juno were not having it!!
“I thought we promised fans never before seen stages!! We want to perform more of the B-Sides fans never got to see. Unless you’re suddenly gonna announce that AG will be holding a Beyond Live, We’re gonna need this setlist to change, NOW!” ~ Juno
So the compromise the company came up with was this, Two b-sides chosen by fans and one title track that they girls decide on. 
NCT AG’s twitter put up a post asking AGzen’s for their favorite AG b-sides. From that, AG’s twitter put up another tweet. This time it was a poll. The top four AG b-sides were listed. The two songs with the highest votes would be the songs the girls would perform. 
The fans chose and the songs were Circle Game and Give It Up
The general consensus on why the fans chose those songs was they wanted to see the girls flex their vocal talents. AGzens knew that the had dance and rap in the bag. AG’s b-sides truly revealed how much vocal talent lies in AG 
AG, themselves, decided to perform Breakout as their title track song. The girls adore the song and figured it had been awhile since they last performed it
I’ll reveal more about the new performances when we get to their placement in the show itself but for now, let’s move ahead to showday!! ~ Author Izzy
When Taeyong and SM finally announced that he would take a break to heal, SM let Taeyong pick who would fill in for his parts at the Beyond Live
Moxy arrived with the rest of AG and Jisung. On the way there, Moxy got a text from Shotaro while they were on the way to the venue
Noona, when you get here, You need to check in with Channie....I think he’s freaking out a little...
As soon as they parked, Moxy ran inside to find Doyoung pointing her to an empty dressing room. Sungchan was walking in circles, frown lines looking permanently etched on his face
SC - I don’t think I can do this noona. I can’t take Taeyong’s place. What if the fans hate me for this!
M - *Pulls Sungchan down to sit next to her* Channie....You are not taking Taeyong’s place. You’re covering for him so he can finally get some rest and the fans know that. They are gonna be so proud you because I already am *Kisses his cheek*. And so is Taeyong. You are gonna do great, Channie!!!
Moxy hugs him tight causes a smile to bloom on his face
M - Now lets get in one more practice in before the pre-record. I wanna make sure that second verse is flawless ok?
SC - Ok, Noona.
Moxy watched Sungchan run over Boss choreo with Mark and Juno one last time. Sungchan visibly relaxing and finally starting to have fun. Juno kept an eye on her dongsaeng during the recording
AG had a run through of one of their performances after The Boss unit+ Sungchan finished their pre-record
All of the girls had sparkles in their hair and graphic eyeliner around their eyes for makeup. 
For the 90′s love performance, Hannah was once again rocking her ICONIC black outfit. This time her hair was in a ponytail, certain strands with crimped for volume. AGzens posted a ton of pictures of Hannah’s abs
“How did we not notice Hannah’s abs before!!!”
Aurora was looking every bit of the queen she is during the Work It performance. Her costume was a new short two piece dress with lace on the skirt. Aurora’s hair was down and curled on the ends. 
Aurora rocked her lines as usual. She got real sassy when her rap line came up. 
“Sass master Aurora reporting for duty!!”
During the first mnet, Haechan pointed out that technically this is AG’s first concert and asked Hannah and Aurora how they felt
H: I think we put a a lot of pressure on ourselves to put our best foot forward since this is the first time czennies will see us in a concert setting. 
A: Yeah, I while this is cool we really hope things will open up soon so we can have our own concert
The rest of the members began ‘ooo’ing at Aurora’s comment
Next Stage: Nectar
Hannah was the definition of do it like a dude in this performance. All of her fans were drooling over her.
The next stage was Give It Up by AG. The song has been rearranged to include Hannah. Hannah did a quick change into her costume while Juno, Moxy and Aurora started the stage
They actually performed from the backstage area to the main stage. By the time that got close to the stage doors, Hannah was finished changing. Hannah entered just as her part started. The girls were all wearing skinny jeans, cropped basketball jerseys with black t-shirts underneath and platform vans.
MTM (Musical Theater Moxy) came out to play with her best friend Queen Juno. These two vocals were on another level. 
And don’t sleep on Aurora and Hannah, they held their parts down!
The members of AG were strutting like they were filming their own version of Strut by the Cheetah Girls.
And at the end they nailed their final note, harmonies on point and no loss of breath
“Ok I knew AG had pipes....but DAMN THEY HAVE PIPES!!!!”
“Why is literally everyone a main vocal in AG. It’s truly unfair...”
Once the girls finished, Aurora took off her basketball jersey and handed off to Juno. The three older AG members walked off the stage, leaving Aurora. The Dream members joined her. Jaemin handed off her leather jacket to put on for the Ridin’ performance
Next we have the Make A Wish performance........................WITH MOXY COVERING TAEYONG’S PART!!!!
Taeyong had picked her to cover his parts. SM wanted one of the guys members to do it but Taeyong stopped them
Taeyong: Moxy’s got this! Trust me. (And got this she did)
Moxy’s swag level on stage is normally around a 8 or 9. For this MAW performance she somehow turned it up to 15. Moxy went into this performance wanting to make Taeyong proud but also show him that he had nothing to worry about. That the 22 members of NCT could manage with out him
Moxy literally runs off stage to get ready for the All About You performance. Jaehyun tells the fans that Moxy isn’t doing this Mnet because she is getting ready for the next performance
During the All About You performance, If you were watching Mark or Moxy’s face cam, you would have seen the two of them upstairs on the bed messing with each other (That sentence sounds bad doesn’t it??? I promise it was clean fun ok?). 
At one point, Moxy was kneeling behind a seated mark, dancing and hold her camera out in front of them
After All About You, Moxy runs backstage again to change into her dress for Circle Game
After the Without You performance, Juno walked on the stage behind them towards the door Jaehyun used. When Juno appeared on the other side of the door, AG’s performance of Circle Game started. 
The home stage was lit with somber lighting, The girl were all wearing white dresses and were standing on the bottom level of the set, each in front of a microphone. 
The loud, boisterous voice from their last performance were replaced with soft and somber tones. The melodies and harmonies were beautiful. After the first chorus, the girls move the microphone stands out of the way
Once they get to the bridge the girls do some small choreography that they made up themselves an hour before the show started. 
When the girls finished Circle Game, Juno left through the door again to join Taeil, Renjun and Xiaojun for My Everything. 
After Dream performed Go and Deja Vu. You could see how happy Aurora was to perform with all the members of Dream. She even missed Mark messing with her hair and calling her mean mug. 
From there, AG performed Breakout. The stylists for this concert had to carefully plan the girls costumes. The stylist left the prison costumes a went with a more simple costume. Choosing clothes that still Incorporated the bright orange jumpsuits
Moxy’s costume was particularly soft because after Breakout was a performance of Touch for 127. Fans rejoice at the chance to see soft Moxy on stage again. Next is Hannah in her all denim outfit for Bad Alive. 
Lastly, 127 did a performance of Kick It where Moxy covered Taeyong verse two rap
During the fourth mnet, Aurora almost cried like Sungchan when she got her chance to talk to the fans. 
Aurora: AG has been a group for two years and we haven’t been able to tour or do a concert yet. So to be here, performing for the fan’s in front of us and across the world, words can’t describe to feeling. My mom.......S-she took time off of work.....*she sniffles, Hannah and Mark put an arm around her* to see me and my sisters perform live. Eomma, I hope I made you proud tonight. I love you and I’ll see you soon.
Juno joining in on the clownery of Mark’s beginning line from Resonance
Moxy, once again covered Taeyong’s part during the Maw section of Resonance. 
During the surprise live with the maknae line, Haechan was making fun of Moxy literally running around backstage to change costumes. Moxy made to attack him but Haechan ran off
AG revealing that their favorite stage tonight was Nectar!!(I mean whose favorite stage wasn’t Nectar.)
Juno, Moxy and Hannah all saying hello to Aurora’s mom during the surprise live. 
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