#the ink took more than a full day to dry but I really like how they came out :D
yutaan · 2 years
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Papercraft Yuna from FFX! This game came out riiiight when Baby Yutaan was starting to figure out the bare bones of how design worked, and I was absolutely floored by the game’s aesthetic, particularly the character and clothing designs; Yuna was my favorite of the whole cast, and she still has one of my top favorite character designs of all time. I’ve wanted to make a papercraft of her for years, but was never satisfied with my sketches. But finally I feel like I’ve managed to do her justice! 🌸 
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kelyon · 1 year
Dark Mistress 33/33 Epilogue
They live happily ever after.
Read on AO3
Ten years later…
Gideon was up in the branches of an old oak tree when he saw the dust from the wagon. It was coming through the forest, on the road from the town. The road people took to get to the Duke’s castle. As soon as he saw it, he started smiling. His heart began to beat faster. 
“Letty!” he shouted to his sister on the ground. “Letty, they’re coming!”
Even though he was excited, Gideon knew to be careful as he climbed down the big tree. He and his sister had spent the morning in the forest near their farm. They had filled a basket with the hazelnuts and walnuts that were ripe this time of year. Letty was too small to climb the trees--no matter how much she said she wasn’t--so she picked nuts off the ground that Gideon would toss down to her. Mama had also sent them out for the galls that grew on oak trees. She needed to make more ink her dame school.  
Jumping down from the lowest branch, Gideon landed on the dry leaves. It was shady in the forest, with beams of sunlight casting gold from between the tree branches. It was his favorite time of year. All of the leaves were orange and red, but they hadn’t fallen yet. Before Gideon and Letty had gone out this morning, Papa had made them wear their cloaks, but they had both taken them off once they started working. It wasn’t cold. It was never too cold around Gideon’s birthday. 
“We have to go tell everyone they’re on their way,” Gideon said. “You go back to the cottage with the basket, and I’ll find Papa.”
“No!” Letty stamped her foot. “You tell Mama. I wanna tell Papa and the sheep.”
For a minute, Gideon thought about arguing with his sister. He could tell her that she had to listen to him, because he was older and knew more things than she did. Knowing Letty, she would still say no, over and over again, until he got angry enough to shout at her and that would make her cry. Her lower lip was wibbling and she had that furrow in her forehead that she got when she was being stubborn. 
Stubborn as Mama, Papa would say. She looked like Mama too, with curly brown hair and blue eyes and her hands on her hips because she was determined not to budge. When Letty got like this, Papa was the only one who could convince her that she would survive not getting her own way. 
Gideon sighed. 
“Fine,” he said. It wasn’t really something worth fighting over, not on a day when so many good things were already happening. He crouched down so he could look his youngest sister in the eye. “Papa and Croissant are in the pasture with the flock. I know you know the way, but I need you to promise me you’ll hurry. Promise, Colette. And go right there. Don’t get lost again just because you saw a butterfly.” 
“It was a dragonfly!” she insisted. “And I wasn’t lost.”
“If Mama and Papa don’t know where you are, that’s lost,” Gideon said. “Now get going! We have to let everyone know Bae’s coming home!”
He was right to let Letty run to the pasture, Gideon thought as made his way back to the cottage. The full basket was too heavy for someone so little. He had to carry it with two hands. She would have spilled the nuts on the ground and then sat in the middle of the road and cried like the baby she still was. But Gideon was strong enough to carry it. Bae had always told him that he had to look out for people who were smaller than he was, and try to help with their burdens if he could. That was what being a big brother meant. Bae knew everything about being a big brother.
When Gideon got to the cottage, his other little sister Alma was sitting at the table with a quill in her hand. 
“How many s’s are in ‘possible’?”
“Just two,” Mama said from the hearth. She was bent over a stewpot full of pears. They had picked a bushel  yesterday from the tree by the cottage. The fruit would boil down into enough jam for them to eat all winter long.
Alma wrote the word down, then picked up the birch bark. She peered at the letters like she didn’t believe them. “Are you sure it’s two and not three?” 
Mama straightened up slowly, rubbing her back as she did. Her round belly rose up under her skirt, like she was carrying a ball instead of a baby. “Sweetheart, there isn’t a single word in any language in this land that has three s’s all together in row. You have to talk to snakes before you start hearing words like that.”
Alma snorted. “Who talks to snakes?”
“Mostly other snakes, but a few humans.”
“How do you know that?”
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Mama laughed. “Before I was your mother, I was an eldritch abomination for a hundred years. I learned a lot of things.”
Alma snorted and shook her head. None of them believed Mama when she said things like that. They all knew she was just smart because of all the books she read.
Gideon stepped into the cottage. Mama smiled when she saw him. “What’s going on, Gid? Where’s Letty?”
“She’s telling Papa,” he said. “Bae and Morraine are back. I saw the wagon coming up the road from the castle.”
“Really?” Alma pushed herself away from the table. “Let’s go meet them!”
“Now, hold on, young lady.” Mama said. “If your brother just saw them on the road, they could still be an hour away. Maybe longer, if that silly mule is as ornery as she usually is. That’s plenty of time for us to get things ready for them. By the time they get here, they’ll both be tired and dusty and thirsty and hungry--especially Morraine, poor thing.” Hands on her hips, she looked at them both. “Alma, you put away your books and clean off the table so we can all have a meal together when they get here. Gideon, I want you to open up the windows in the new room and then get a bucket of fresh water. We’ll do as much cleaning as we can in there on short notice.” 
Both of them hurried off to do what their mother said. They didn’t always rush to do their chores, but today was special. Today their brother was coming home. 
It was much longer than an hour later when the wagon finally pulled up to the barn. Bae and Morraine had been living at the Duke’s castle ever since the sheering was finished in spring, with only a few visits over the summer. Now their work for the Duke was done and they were back to stay!
Everyone gathered in the yard to meet them. Gideon ran up to the wagon and started unhitching Parsley almost before the silly mule had stopped moving. The sooner Parsley was in the barn with the cows and chickens, the sooner everyone would know that things were back to normal. His family was together again.
The girls squealed and shouted for Bae to pick them up--even Alma, though she was too big to be held like a baby. Bae managed to get Letty on his shoulders and had Alma hang on to his neck while he balanced her on his hip. Papa saw the whole thing and chuckled.
“Well, you certainly look ready to be a father.”
Bae smiled. “I didn’t think we needed more practice, but we got plenty up at the castle. Seven children all under ten years old! I had to paint them each separately and do a group portrait with the Duke and Duchess.”
For some reason, Mama thought that was very funny. “And to think, some fools once thought the Duchess’s womb was cursed.” 
“Did the Duke appreciate your talents?” Papa asked Bae.
“Oh yes.” Bae used the hand that wasn’t holding Alma to pat the fat leather pouch at his new belt. “He was quite grateful. I’m just glad Morraine was with me, or else the whole project would have taken twice as long and been less than half as good.”
Morraine was still sitting on the wagon seat. She was too big with her coming baby to jump down the way Bae had. She shrugged when Bae talked about her.
“What can I say? I know how to herd children and make cheese, and they weren’t paying us to work in the dairy.”
Mama laughed at that. “Do you need help getting down?”
“It’s not that high,” Morraine said. She looked doubtful even as she said it. “I’m just not sure of how I’m going to land.”
“I know all about that,” Mama assured her. “Gideon, get on her other side.”
They each took a hand and together the three of them managed to ease Morraine down to the ground. She held her belly and took a deep breath, but nodded, so everyone knew she was alright.
“You look about ready to burst,” Mama said. She wrapped her arm around Morraine’s and led her into the cottage. “Have you talked to your mother about your lying-in?”
“We stopped there on the way back,” Morraine said. “It was busy at the shop, but Mama says she’ll drop everything to help me when it’s time.”
“Of course she will,” Mama said. “Parents will do anything for their babies.”
While Mama and Morraine went inside, everyone else started unloading the wagon. The girls finally got off of Bae and started making themselves useful. 
“Did you bring us presents?” Letty asked.
“Letty!” Gideon chided her. “You can’t ask people for presents all the time. Just be happy they’re home.”
“Besides, Let,” Bae pulled a small bundle of cloth out of his cloak. “It’s not your birthday.”
He handed the bundle to Gideon. Without asking if it was alright, Gideon pulled away the cloth and took out a leather belt with a pewter clasp.
“Well that looks familiar,” Papa remarked.   
Bae crouched down to talk to Gideon. He had big brown eyes like Papa’s. Like his. His voice was rough and raspy, but he always had the right words.  All his life, whenever Gideon was scared or sad, he always felt better when Bae talked to him. Bae was everything Gideon wanted to be when he grew up.
“Now don’t call me stingy just because I’m giving you a hand-me-down. Papa gave me this belt when I was fifteen. That’s the year you were born. I think you’re as big now as I was then, so I want you to have it.”
Gideon looked down at the leather belt. He’d seen Bae wear it all his life, almost couldn’t imagine him without it. If he had Bae’s belt to wear, it would be like his brother was never apart from him, no matter what else might happen.
“I love it,” Gideon said. He wrapped his arms around Bae’s big shoulders. He held on and didn’t let go. “Thank you.”
Bae squeezed him back. “Happy birthday, Gid.”
Between the five of them, they were able to carry all of Bae and Morraine’s things into the house. Bae and Morraine had their own bedroom in the cottage, with a loft built into the rafters for storage. Mama and Papa called it the new room, but Gideon couldn’t remember the cottage without it. Like Morraine herself and the cheese house she worked in, it had always been a part of his life.   
Right now, Morraine was sitting at the table and Mama was buzzing around her, making sure she was comfortable and had enough to drink.
Papa came up behind Mama. He put his hands on her sides, touching her belly, and spoke softly into her ear. “Why don’t you sit down too, my love? Let us wait on you for a bit.”
Mama looked about to protest, but then she caught a look in Papa’s eye that made her shake her head in defeat. “Alright,” she said. “I’ll sit--after I give Bae a proper hello.”
“I’m right here, Belle.” Bae always called Mama by her name because he used to have a different mother a long time ago. It didn’t make a difference. Everyone knew he loved her--Mama most of all.
“So you are!” Mama spread her arms wide and Bae leaned down for a hug. She kissed him on the cheek.  “There’s the boy who made a mother out of me!”
“I missed you.” Bae gave her a big squeeze and then let go. “We missed all of you.”
“And you’re never gonna go away again, right?” Alma asked.
Bae scratched the back of his head. “At least not until winter is over,” he said. “If the Duke tells other nobles who it was who painted those portraits he likes so much, well, the family might be down a shepherd.”
“Good,” Papa clapped Bae on the back. “Rise up in the world. I’ve always wanted you to have a better life than I could give you.”
“Nah.” Bae made one of his silly faces. He put one hand on Papa’s shoulder as they stood side by side.  “I had a pretty good life, at least once Belle came along.”
Mama snorted, like Bae had said something funny. “Happy to help, son.”
He smiled back at her, and it was like they were sharing a secret. For a moment, Gideon wondered what all this meant, and if he would ever know more about Bae’s life before Mama and Papa got married. Maybe someday they’d tell him. Maybe someday he’d know as much about the world as Bae and Mama and Papa did. 
For now, it was suppertime. It was his birthday. All his family was together. 
Nothing could be better than that.  
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littlewomenunit3 · 7 months
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this was my experimentation with different fabric techniques.
bleach timed
the first and second image was my bleach theory. to start it off I set off a timer for 20 minutes and every 5 minutes I took one of each sample out. after 5 minutes you can see that a clear difference was made between the wet and the dry samples. the dry samples took out about more of the colour we can see this from the corner as the corner of the dry wasn't fully submerged which shows a difference
after another 5 mins I took out the next two making sure to wash the samples thoroughly and then left them to dry. looking at the samples they both have similarities however the dry sample tool out a little more than the wet samples
after another 5 minutes I took the other samples out rinsed them and let them dry once they had fully dried you can see that the dry samples have almost no colour after the 15 minutes while the wet samples are still darker
after the full 20minutes the over all colour change was drastic from the full black dye etc and you can see that the dry samples performed a lot better than the wet samples
bleach dye
the top two were created by using rubber bands, I tend rubber bands ensuring they were tight. I then dipped them both in bleach then took them out and played them to develop for a few minutes and then rinsed them then removed the rubber bands which left this overall really cool and beautiful pattern which could be cool if in future I add brush colour etc.
the bottom image was created by using buttons, I tied buttons using rubber bands then I dipped them in bleach took it out and left it to develop then rinsed. overall I liked how this turned out it reminded me of the an eclipse which is cool and it would be fun to experiment with different shapes and sizes in the future.
the top left in the 3rd image was created by bubble wrap I used a bigger and smaller size bubble wrap, I applied bleach with a brush and stamped it onto the fabric I also did this with the smaller bubble wrap and left it to dry.
the top right one I created by folding the fabric and used the paint brush to apply bleach then left it to dry
the bottom one was created by using a paint brush and bleach I took a midsized brush and used bleach to paint on these paw print like designs. overall I didn't like how these turned out and could have done better.
tea and coffee
these samples were made by tea and coffee I left each on in there for a few minutes then left them to dry over the space of a couple of days the tea had dyed a lot better than the coffee and the coffee only tinted the fabric.
brusho ink
the first brusho ink sample was created by the same technique of tye dye however this used all of my chosen colours i dipped the top in yellow then with a paint brush painted the green, blue then followed by the purple dye. overall i don't like how bold it is it doesn't give a tye dye effect like the other samples do.
the next sample across was created by brusho ink and bubble wrap i painted purple brusho ink onto to a smaller bubble wrap and pressed it onto the fabric i repeated this with the blue however i did this with a larger. i do like the way this turned out and could be an interesting technique going forward.
the next sample was created by using rubber bands. i tied two rubber bands one near the top and one in the middle. i dipped the top of the fabric in green them the middle in purple and then yellow. overall i am happy with how this turned out and with my colour palette it could come in handy when creating something different.
this next sample was created by dip dye, i started off by folding the fabric to make it easier to dip then i dipped it into the purple brusho dye and let it soak for 3-5 seconds then dipped it into the blue brusho dye letting it soak for another 3-5 seconds, overall i liked how this turned out however it didnt fully dry so another sample leaked onto it.
this next sample was created by using buttons and brusho dye i started by using rubber bands to tye around the buttons making ensuring they were tight and secure, then i dipped it into the purple brusho dye, so it wasnt bland i dip dyed blue at the ends to add extra colour, overall i liked how this turned out it had a cool effect in my opinion and loads of these could look better
this last sample was created by using brusho dye i used white cotton and placed rubber bands in the centre ensuring it was tight, i then dipped it into purple dye and created this. overall i was happy with how it turned out, though it wasnt fully dry when i placed it with the other samples and therefore left odd colours which i wasnt a fan of.
little women. (2019). [Film]. United States: Columbia Pictures.
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des-no9 · 10 months
Tell me about the utterly chewable the one who bleeds!
Patient, Voss waits for Orpheus to settle.
Patient, he watches him not as Prince, but mine. Yours.
“Are you quite done?”
Indignant, Orpheus just blinks, exhaling a long breath as he relaxes into the cushions at his back, enjoying the weight of Voss in his lap.
Before needle, quill.
How many of the istik write. Sometimes draw. And with some adjustments, practice, Voss had adapted one so that he could draw temporarily onto skin, so he had an outline to follow.
(sometimes, it scrawled runes of ruin, shame on Orpheus that he couldn’t see, face down for a fuck; mouth full of Voss)
Orpheus watches Voss write the runes on his chest, mouthing it slowly as he does. An elegant, careful, and skilled hand. He wonders if he’s ever just told him so. He must have in all these turns, in the Astral; all these days in the Material, together.
He almost does, now.
“Will you be raiding soon?” he says instead.
“Yes.” Simple, as he pens the last rune, tipping the edge of Orpheus’ clavicle. “You could come.” Puts down the quill. “Should. You’re waning.”
“I’ve never waned once.”
Voss thumbs beneath Orpheus’ eye, a rumble of contempt rippling under his skin. “Not even you can refuse to bend to the Astral Sea’s laws.”
“I bend to nothing,” he leans closer, “no-one.”
“I recall…different.” Close enough and a kiss, Voss smiles as he feels Orpheus bite his lower lip, and pull.
Voss pushes him back in satisfaction. And he’s heavier again in his lap as he picks up the needle, wiping it dry.
Then with ink, with one poke, he starts.
Ahhhhh thank you thank you so much love!! I'm thrilled you enjoyed this one. It's so, so dear to me.
It actually took me way longer than I wanted and expected to write, purely because I had to get down a cohesive timeline of the githyanki's past, and kind of flesh it out a bit more for my understanding, to see how Orpheus fits into it all and the dynamic with his mother, Vlaakith and Zerthimon.
They're quite young here, but I'm writing some where they're even younger. When they first meet, before Orpheus even has any tattoos, maybe even still has hair, hah. And he's fully into his Fresh Prince of Tu'narath era.
But here...it's finally sinking into his bones the responsibility of what he is, has to do, and a lot of it has been because of Voss almost guiding him in the right direction, for even thought he's the Prince, I see Orpheus as looking up to Voss a lot.
I think...Voss is very clever, with the wired mind of a general, even now. I HC that Mother Gith (advised by Vlaakith, who was like her guiding path for so long, until everything, and they, began to unravel too) picked him early as her own personal guard for more than just his prowess in battle. But his strength of mind, intellect, sharp tongue-
And between them, I think they are only one of the few people who completely have each others trust, but I'm not expressions of affection, and as we know it, languages of love to the githyanki are ever really words. It's like a dance around confessions of the tongue. Anything else - Orpheus submitting physically, sexually to his partner, even other words spin around the meaning, here.
Orpheus' small concern at Voss going raiding, with his pang of longing to join him, be reckless and fuck all this.
Voss' larger concern at Orpheus waning. Expected, of course. A githyanki must be in peak shape at all times. Especially the Prince.
Now up to this moment, it's always been Voss (and a few by Orpheus) who has done the tattoos on Orpheus, and they're almost in a way, a written journey of their lives to that point. Either of them look at one, touch one, are asked about one - they can recall exactly when it was done, where - and why, then.
And now, it's like the final page of a chapter. No. I'd say book. Or slate, for them. Before they start something new.
A last rite.
Someone said something to me about this fic that really just hits me for a lot of things I write -
"nothing says I love you more than permanently altering someone's body"
and yeah, that's it.
Thank you so much love for letting me talk your godamn ear off about this and ramble probably (very) incoherently <333
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scrip-doodles · 2 years
Nightmare and his baby gang Chapter 5
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It took a few days for Nightmare to fully adjust to his gang but thanks to those parenting books he was getting better with them. Not that he will admit that he used that kind of book to take care of his gang. Point was that he was doing fine with the kids. Like today! Everything went well, they played hide and seek and they only had broken a vase when the hide and seek transform into a chase.
There were a lot of sharp pieces of glass everywhere and he had to keep them away from the mess so that they didn’t get hurt. Cross wanted to help with it as always, it looked like some things would never change, his ex-soldier always wanted to help with everything. But there was a big difference between an adult Cross helping him to clean a mess like this and a kid Cross. That was too dangerous.
So everything was fine, yes but they couldn’t stay like that forever he had to go to work, and facing the Star’s Sanses alone wasn’t really a piece of cake. Nightmare needed to see how Error was doing with the bugs problem so he waited for his boys to fall asleep before opening a portal into Error’s Anti-Void.
As usual, the place was pretty empty if you didn’t take notice of Error’s stuff. Oh, and the morbid souls which were hanging in the air, seriously the destroyer could really put them somewhere else.
It didn’t take him a lot of time to find the glitch, black on white was pretty easy to notice. The destroyer was sitting in front of nothing and covered in glitches, more than usual, way more. Nightmare noticed that he was covering his ears well the place where they should be if they weren’t skeletons.
It looked like another crisis. Staying in that damn crazy place would have driven anyone crazy even him. Error was saner than he should be considering that he was always staying in this horrible place. On one of Error’s good days, he told him that those crises, like Nightmare, called them, would happen when the voices of the Anti-Void were too much.
Talking to him would be pointless for now, the voices that Error was hearing were too much, and Nightmare’s voice would only make it worse besides the glitch was too afraid to listen to anything. So instead the guardian absorbed all the negative emotions that Error was feeling, if the glitch calmed down it would be easier to make him listen.
Nightmare was feeling way better after taking Error’s emotions, he didn’t think he would have been so hungry but after all, he didn’t go to work for days since the kids took him busy. He turned to his ally to see if he was at least in a better mental state and saw that Error was looking at him with tears in his eyes. Crap.
“N̶̖̋̓̕ỉ̴̘̪̰̊͝g̶̦͈͚̓̍͂h̷̠̯͈̅͜ͅ-̷̡̠͎̮̓ ̸̻̠̣̿̂͜Ń̸̟̟̆̌i̵͙͖͖͆͆̉͆ģ̵͚̯̯̘͑̈̈́̄ḩ̶̭̭̠͍͗͝͝t̸̲̱̫̑m̴͍͍͕̈́͋̔ͅa̵̼̟̪̬͇͌͌̿r̵̮͑̒͐ȅ̷̗̲͝͠?̵͚͂͘ ̵͖͎̠̥̃͝W̵̨̱̌̑̚h̵̞̮͋͆͊̆̚a̵̜͋̓̄͝t̷̺̥̞̮̳̚ ̴͕̲̳̄͠a̵͔͉͎͗̃͐̋ŕ̸̺͓̻͐̏ë̵̗͚͔͕́̑ ̴̢̣̬̇ỳ̵̞̃́o̷̩͝ͅṷ̴͓͖̱̩̊͠ ̴̨͎̳̀͂̕͜͝d̵̬͈̬͚̀͌̅͑ò̶̢͍͍í̴̞̘͍̥̃n̵̠̔̈́͋̚̚g̴͙̦̩͆͂͘͘ ̷̢̰͑͜͜ẖ̴̃̒ḛ̶̠͍̗̊͒̉̐͘ȓ̶̤̭̭̘̔͛ę̴̩̰̖͂́̿…̷̣̯̔͐?̵̝̻̂̀̊̾ “ Asked the glitch drying his tears and trying to look intimidating which was a total failure by the way.
Nightmare looked at him and sighed, he let Error calm down before saying anything, it looked like he clearly needed it. The destroyer was a mess, his clothes were torn in every way possible and his body was full of different kinds of paint. Ink again, the squid was particularly violent when Error and he were fighting him.
Nightmare frowned when he noticed Error's left arm, it leaked a lot of marrow, too much for the guardian's taste. With a tired look, he opened a portal to the infirmary of his mansion and took the first aid kit.
“I wanted some news on the bugs problem but I guess you don’t have any, since you must have been fighting that stupid squid instead of working on it. Now give me your arm”
Unwillingly Error gave his arm to the guardian, he was muttering about how he was fine and didn’t need his help, bullshit if you asked Nightmare. The arm wasn’t completely broken but it had been under serious damage.
The guardian let a humming sound out and carefully heal the arm of the destroyer with his magic. He wasn’t as good as his brother for that kind of magic but he could still heal some kinds of injuries.
Error watched Nightmare suspicious of him, he didn’t trust the guardian at all but he had to admit it was nice to have someone caring about his injuries like that. Nightmare seemed really careful with him today he was trying to only touch him with his tentacle and only when he needed to. He even banded his arm after healing it.
“̶̧̂I̴̳͙͌ ̵͉̒̚w̷͙̣̉͊õ̶͉̟̽ṟ̴̄̔k̷̹̉͆ẽ̷̠d̸̝̤̋̒ ̷̺̎ä̶̧̘́͒ ̷͚͙̋̕l̵͇̲̎̈́i̷̡͚̇͊ţ̷̉̆t̵̹̊l̵̰̏e̶̱͘ ̶͔̔ǫ̸͖̒ṋ̵̌͐ ̸̫̈̆t̷̟͝h̵̢̙̚ḛ̵̏̆ ̸̨̄b̶͎̞̀ũ̴̲͖ǧ̶̬͇̀s̴̮̙̋ ̸̡͠b̴̗̂͐u̶̦̾t̷̫͋ ̸̣̏͝Í̶̮͝ͅ ̴̞̠͂t̷͚̓h̷̻̘̏ì̶͉n̷̝̘̊̑k̵̩͌͌ ̵̖̐į̵̢͐t̶̞̃͑’̶͉̜̆̆s̴̲̪͝ ̸̟̖͒͒n̵̤͉͒o̸̒͆͜t̷͇̚͜͝ ̴̛͍͍j̸̤̎͆u̸̼̜͠s̸̯̺͌̕t̴͍́ ̶̥̾̓ó̸̤̦n̶͋̕͜e̴̙͌ ̴̫̝̄͑ị̵̾̏n̸̫̈ ̴̻̯͂̒e̷̹͂ả̸͚͉c̵̠͂̍h̸̪̏ ̴̼̔ŏ̷͕͋f̵͔͈̓ ̵̩̘͌̔t̷̟̀̿h̶͍̆̄ḛ̶͠ͅȉ̴̝r̶̨͘͜ ̵̭̭̐́c̵̲̞̈́ö̸̟̥d̶̬͎͒̆ẻ̴͍.̵̰̪͂ ̸̧̽F̶̢̢̉͛r̸̫̝̉̊ó̶̩m̵̞̦̎ ̷̡̘̈́̈́ŵ̷̪̻́h̶͎͈̏ā̵̳̄t̶̯̫̐ ̴̧͌Ḯ̶̖͇̒ ̶̰͐s̴̻̆ȁ̷̭̕w̵̞͌ ̴̟͎͆̍i̴̹̇t̸̢̥̋’̵̭̜̍̏s̶̝͖̄ ̴̜̋m̶̬͊ǫ̴̆r̸̘̿̈́ë̷͎̙́͠ ̸̙̄̈́l̷̢̑i̷͔̇͆͜k̷̬̻͝e̶̮̓͊ ̶̩̪̿̂a̸̝͛ ̶̠͊͒h̸̾ͅu̶̙̿̌n̴̮͝ͅd̴̰͑ṛ̶̭̓̊ĕ̵͎̇d̵̜̓̆ ̷̣̓ô̵͎͉f̵̝̎̄ ̵̖̻̂͑t̶̫͒h̴̰̼̾ẽ̶̼m̶̗̽͝ ̸̡̟͗r̴̳͍͋e̶̟̻͂ḡ̸̛͉ẻ̷̖̣ń̸͖ë̴̪́r̵̤͙̐a̶̠͑̚͜t̵̯͛i̵͍̓ṉ̴͐g̶̬͋ ̴̲̼͘ḁ̶̧͆f̵̲͈̿̊t̴͎̐e̸͕̍r̷͔͖͋͝ ̴͍́̇I̸̛̘̯͂ ̴̞̩̓͗ḋ̶͉e̴̝̒ś̴̤̗̔t̴͍͎̏ř̷͍̇ǫ̷̓͜ÿ̸̻̈́ë̷͍́d̴͉̟̀̓ ̴͈̭̈t̶͙͚̂h̸͙̑͑ě̵̪m̴̨̛͝.̶̞̩͗͊ ̸̼̲̉̃Ḯ̶͎͜ţ̷̈́͐’̵̝̺̋s̷̗̔ ̶̯͓͝g̴̙̽o̵͇͆͊i̵͖̠̐̂n̵̨̨̍̾g̴͔͍̒̿ ̶̙͚̌t̴͚̏̃o̴̯͌̑ ̷͎͍͆̒t̷̻͑͘a̷̡͗͘k̴͇̎ẽ̷̛̯ ̷͔͕͛̚ả̶̗͜ ̸̊͑ͅl̷̞̊͊ͅǒ̵͖̩t̴͍͌ ̵̤̗̈́ọ̶̀f̶̳͘ ̴̗̺̀͘ṯ̴̼͐ị̷̝̄m̸̥̆e̷̘̔̋ ̸̨͊f̷͙̿͝o̴͕͠r̶̤̈́͜͝ ̸̟̄m̴̩̓̃e̶̮̹͑ ̵͍̞̊t̴͕͙̀͝o̵̬̟͌ ̵̬͒̄f̴̻̈́i̴̝͌̀x̸̬̎́ ̵͕̀͌i̵͎̯͠t̵͚̙̑͝”
Nightmare sighed, he wasn’t really surprised when Error told him that. If the bugs were strong enough to turn his gang into a bunch of kids it wasn’t a problem that was going to be fixed in a short time. He just wanted to know how far was Error in the process.
He finished banding the arm of the destroyer and put an adhesive bandage with stars and a smiling moon on it so everything hold up properly. With a new habit that he unwillingly took with his boys, he gently petted Error's head with one of his tentacles just like he did with them when they got hurt which was happening more than it should. He froze when he noticed what he was doing. Damn, he was becoming so soft it was embarrassing.
Error hissed when he felt that Nightmare was touching him and backed away from the blushing octopus.
“Well if you don’t have better info then I’m going!” Babbled an embarrassed Nightmare who was a blushing mess.
And with that, he left Error alone with his healed arm recently ornated by a kid band-aid and go back to his mansion still a little blushing and muttering about how the glitch was stupid and that this new habit he took was ridiculous. He relaxed a little on one of the couches in the living room but not for long because almost as soon as he sat down a big and loud crash noise could be heard from the kitchen. He let a groan out and got up to check which of his gang member was awake and doing whatever they were doing.
And it was Horror. He should have guessed when he heard a noise from the KITCHEN. When Nightmare moved closer to him Horror got tense and to Nightmare's biggest surprise he raised both of his hands to make them look like claws and let out a growling sound before he meowed.
“I’m not Horror I’m a cat and I’m hungry!” Said the little kid while Nightmare was giggling at the ridiculous situation.
Horror didn’t know what to do since he didn’t expect Nightmare to laugh so much. He was supposed to take him for a cat not laugh! He began to sulk, vexed that the adult in front of him didn’t believe in his imitation. He was a convincing cat!
“Sure sure” Tried to say Nightmare before he burst into a new laugh” So we have a hungry kitten, right?
With the confirmation of Horror, he took a banana and peeled it before he gave it to him. The kid happily ate the fruit and thanked him. Nightmare waited until Horror finished it and silently took him to bed without waking the other up.
He took the gang not only because he couldn’t fight the star’s sanses alone but also because he was feeling lonely and that it was boring to be in that big mansion all alone. Well, he couldn’t say that anymore, dull days were so far away for him now that he knew they wouldn’t be back.
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ephemeronidwrites · 1 year
if you're still doing the OC codex entries. "your OC talking about your favorite quest" for vrenika, please
Oh, those will be open forever, or until I go through them all for all the OC's I have (whichever comes first). Feel free to hit me up whenever / ifever you'd like to see another one.
That goes for every one of my (five) followers, btw, as well as anyone who happens to wander lost into my writeblr and is curious just what the f*** they've stumbled into.
14: Your OC talking about your favorite quest
(I shocked myself—and also made myself a liar—by somehow knocking out this one in, like, an afternoon. So treat the other one as a freebie that no one asked for?)
An unopened letter found in an abandoned, derelict property in Kirkwall’s Hightown, languishing out of sight behind a broken, dust-covered statue in the foyer.
I know you’re busy with your own issues these days, and I apologise for bothering you with something outside of your concerns, but you’re the only person I could think of who could give me advice about something like this.
Now that they’ve gotten some of the cleanup out of the way, it seems they’ve decided to have the funeral for Saemus next week. They’re giving him full Andrastian rites.
You don’t know him, not beyond his name and face. I’m aware of this. To be quite frank, I’m not even sure how well I knew him.
What little I do know about Saemus tells me this: he would not want his body turned into public theatre like this.
I’ve already been to Elth the Grand Cleric about this and she assured me that the Chantry will treat his memory with “the utmost respect” and “all the dignity due his station”, but the thing is… I know that was the very station he absolutely loathed.
And she refused to talk about Petrice. I can’t shake the idea that if it wasn’t for what that Petrice did oh, what’s the use of writing about it here?
I don’t know if you even want to help, given the way you feel about If you don’t, I’ll understand. But I am at my wit’s end about this and I’m grasping at straws here.
If it was just a matter of me taking matters into my own hands, I’m used to that sort of thing. I took over things after my father died. After Mother died. I mean, sure, I fucked it all up in both those cases, but those were my mistakes to own. My family, my people. I can take responsibility for my own mistakes. Or try, anyway.
I can’t take that risk with Saemus because he’s not mine. But I also can’t give up on him because he has no one else. No one knew him better than I did, except his qunari friends. And they’re all dead at my hands. So now it’s fallen to me to remember Saemus as he really was as I think he would have wanted to be remembered and… I don’t know what that all would mean, and I don’t know how to even start going about knowing.
Again, you have no reason to be dragged into any of this. But you’ve spent time among people who are… sort of like the Qunari? I’m not sure what exactly all that involved for you, but I do know you know a whole lot more about their tongue and any rules they might have around this sort of situation than I do.
Please, help if you can.
I would have come to ask you in person but the last… oh, I don’t know, six times I came by the townhouse you weren’t there. If you’re not going to be there, or show up to Wicked Grace, at least smear some slaver blood on my door within the week. Or whatever else is convenient for you. Just some kind of sign to let all of us know you’re still kicking.
(Yes, even Anders, I promise you. He’ll draw fuel from his seething hatred of you. It’s healthy for him. You know how he is.)
Hoping you’re safe, wherever you are,
P.S. I just realized after writing out this whole thing that you might not be able to read it all. But I gave myself hand cramps writing it, and the ink’s just finished drying, and if you come over to tell me (correctly) what a massive idiot I am that’s exactly what I wanted from you anyway, so here goes nothing.
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milascenta · 1 year
June 26th 23:38
I apologise for the late post, I've had a cold all week. Thats why I haven't streamed since sunday lol. My nephew had a party and one of his friends came over, and he walked in like a lil patient 0 all coughy and rubbing his nose on his sleeve haha. I took one look at him and went yeah I'm getting sick. Sunday stream was so great and I'm so glad I could at least take you out of your mind for a lil bit, I will be streaming on Wednesday 9pm (your birthday) and will try to get more consistent with it too.
I'm glad you felt a lil better to write to me though, you don't have to push yourself right now, just focus on you and what your body is telling you. Take time to feel so you can heal. Its ok for your sleep and eating to get disrupted, its completely normal and is really just your body trying to come to terms with everything, and it will pass I promise. Please if anything gets worse, promise you'll seek more appropriate help, I can't help further than what I can you know. Please talk all the nonsense you want, I'll listen. I'm so sorry you have to do everything alone, that really isn't fair, this is meant to be a time for the opposite. I really glad you had your cousin with you at least for a lil bit to collect some things, he sounds like a good dude and the doggy sounds amazing too, I'm glad they give so much love and affection at the right times (dogs seem to really know that kinda stuff)
Its ok to feel like crumbling like that, I'd find it odd if you didn't you know. It really is one of those moments where you truly don't know yourself until you're in it, so I completely understand all of the emotions brought up. Again I'm really glad you had your cousin there with you, I wish I could have been there too, to support you. I'm also glad you got to feel overwhelmed by the emotions and he did too (that might sound weird idk), I'm glad you didn't just bottle them up. It sounds like you picked the exact right thing for him to wear, and I bet he looks badass too. The undertaker sounds good too, very professional and know how to deal with these things. I like that he helped you figure out what to do, I can't imagine how hard it would be to have to figure it all out. I really hope everything worked out with the flowers and the registry. I know they'll be beautiful and fitting, because you picked them. I know it will be hard, I wish I could be there to help you through the little things too.
Of course your hair is beautiful, it suits you so well. It frames your face and of course the colour, need I say anything hehe. Omg the scratchy stage for tattoos SUUCk, I have one on the back of my arm and when it was healing I remember waking up one day and it sticking to the bed sheets and literally leaving an imprint, like full colour and lines just right there, I had to pull myself off haha, didn't hurt though or damage the tattoo must have been a bit of the excess ink drying to the sheet lol. I hope yours is healing more now and out of that annoying stage. Ooo 3 more too thats exciting, I know they'll be good. I love small tattoos too, I know they'll do him justice, and I hope they provide you with a lil peace too. I'm sorry your mother thinks that, thats so stupid lol, you're not ruining anything and the idea that you are is kinda stupid too, more stupid that she seems to care more about your skin/hair then everything else, but I'll restrain myself from talking more about it. Its yours and you can do whatever you want.
We're on a small break from gigging with the band till september, which is good, gives me time to properly assess how its going and focus on other things. I honestly don't really know the direction its going, plateauing or not, but yeah gives me some time to think about it.
Thank you for coming to my stream again, you weren't too chatty at all, in fact that was what helped talk for so long haha. (also its good for the algorithm hehehe) I was just going off you and the game. I'm sorry I haven't been streaming too much though. I really wanted to stream all week but couldn't really. I feel my perfectionism is really holding me back from it too, but I'm glad I've done at least one because that took a lot of the pressure off it. But I will power through it for Wednesday, I'm gonna start a new Cyberpunk playthrough, ready up for Phantom Liberty dlc which looks AMAZING, and I remember you said you got addicted to it during covid too. Then I'll go back to more tentacle god and alternate a bit. Though weird thing with Cyberpunk is hat OBS hates playing it and having my facecam on, so my facecam just turns off randomly, I have no idea why, my only thought is that Cyberpunk hogs my CPU so maybe its not enough for the camera, idk, so no camera while I play Cyberpunk but ESO and other things should be fine.
I'm so glad you got to finally see Chonky and how she acts, its hard to explain her to someone without them seeing so I'm glad you saw her. She looves belly rubs but also looves latching on to arms with her claws at random moments too. I play hardcore and really roll the dice by my putting my face into the floof and giving her raspberries which she finds amusing.
Its not weird reading through these, if it comforts you then do it. I write these for you so they're yours.
Yes Little Hell is one of my all time favourite albums, Silver and Gold, We found each other in the dark, some of my favourite songs. I will say Bring me Your Love is my favourite by him though, What Makes a Man has a hold on my heart and soul forever, and speaks to me on too many levels haha. I just love how he's this hardcore icon in Alexisonfire, covered in tatts and sings some of the most heart-wrenching poetic music, I love it when that happens with people haha.
Don't feel guilty for celebrating, I completely understand why though. But you need to, for you, and for him. He would want you to do what ever makes you happiest and without concern. I know it will be hard. But its normal to feel what you're feeling, it will be a range of emotions. Don't let it stop you from feeling positive as well.
I hope you can get to sleep a bit easier, I hope these messages help you sleep and take you mind off things. Happy birthday soon, I'll write again soon too.
"I fell straight Into your arms Like a drunk Who's been on it All morning"
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messers-moony · 3 years
Moony Wants, Moony Gets | R.L
Paring: Young!Remus Lupin X Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Moony has a natural wanting for his mate making his possessiveness visible the closer it gets to the full moon. 
He was always jealous. Blame it on the wolf in him, if you will, but Remus Lupin was highly possessive. Especially over what’s his - maybe not even what’s his but what he wants. She was gorgeous and his perfect mate—long tuffs of h/c hair and gleaming e/c eyes that glittered in the limelight. There was one problem with her, though—one major flaw in her mess of perfection. 
Y/n L/n, cunning, ambitious, resourceful, and charismatic. 
That was the problem. Y/n was a Slytherin, and Remus was a half-blood Gryffindor. To make matters worse, her closest friend was Regulus Black - Sirius Blacks brother. Remus’ best friend's brother. But Remus couldn’t help it. Her voice was like a siren's call, and her beauty was a rival to Aphrodite, but she had the wisdom of Athena. Y/n was a perfect balance of everything. 
Closer to the full moon, his possessiveness became more of a problem. Sirius was noticing the low growl that would erupt from Remus whenever someone stepped close to Y/n. James saw the lingering glares left on any male within a six feet distance of her. Even Peter observed his green eyes turn a shade darker as if someone mixed black paint into his usually bright eyes. 
Y/n sat at the Slytherin table, a cup of coffee beside her as she spoke intently with Regulus. Meanwhile, a Gryffindor across the Great Hall was glaring daggers at the younger Black brother's head. Sirius nudged him, grabbing his attention. 
“Mate, you’re growling again.” Sirius whispered, and Remus’ cheeks turned pink, “Am not.”
James gave an unconvincing grin, “Mhm, totally.”
“I was not growling.”
“I think you were.” James replied, “Definitely was.” Sirius added. 
Remus sighed, pushing his plate away to lay his head on the table, “What’s got Moony all wound up?” James queried, Remus, deadpanned looking at the laughing girl across the room. 
“I think I know.” Sirius simpered, “Do you now? Don’t be a tosser.” James stated teasingly. 
“Turn around. Slytherin, talking with Reggie.” 
He turned and looked back at Remus with his jaw dropped, “No- fucking- way.”
“She’s the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, you tosser!” 
James snorted, “Yeah, oh.”
“Looks like Moony found his mate.” Sirius winked, and Remus groaned, “Shut up about it, will you?”
It felt weird. James wouldn’t shut up about how brilliant Y/n was, how the Slytherin’s Quidditch team was able to make plays that no one else would’ve even thought about. Sirius wouldn’t stop offering to talk to Regulus to see if maybe he had any intel on her. Strangely enough, Peter was silent but had a guilty look on his face. Guilty sufficient for Remus to comment. 
“Why do you look guilty, Wormtail?” Remus inquired, and Peter's cheeks flushed pink, “She- Y/n isn’t- um….” 
“What do you know that we don’t, Peter?” Sirius queried, his voice harsh, “She isn’t what you think. That’s all I’m saying.” Peter stammered out nervously. 
James tilted his head at the blue-eyed boy, “And you know this how?” 
“She’s my ex-girlfriend.”
“Woah! Hold on a second!” Sirius exclaimed in shock, “When did this happen?!”
“Back in fourth year.” Peter informed, “She seemed nice enough until you start to get serious with her. Y/n’s sharp-tongued and extremely ill-tempered.” 
Sirius sniggered, “Sounds like Moony.”
“So, what does this mean for Remus?” James questioned further, “It doesn’t mean anything. Just be careful. I don’t care if you date her. Means nothing to me.” Peter replied, putting his hands up in innocent. 
Remus stared at Peter with curiosity swirling. How much did he truly know about Y/n? How did he manage to date her? Nonetheless, it didn’t mean anything to Remus because Moony wanted her. What Moony wants is what Moony gets. Later that evening, after prefect patrol, he padded into the library to dismiss any working students. But there were only two students inside. They sat in a secluded corner of the library. Regulus Black and Y/n L/n. 
Was it envy? Was it jealousy? He didn’t have time to ponder. Y/n had her head laid on Regulus’ shoulder and both her arms wrapped around his one arm. Regulus had leaned his head on top of hers, wavy black hair intertwined with her h/c hair. Both their eyes were closed, apparent they were asleep—potion and Transfiguration books placed on top of the wooden table along with an open sketchbook. 
What was he supposed to do in this situation? Wake them up? If it was just Y/n, perhaps he could’ve, but Regulus was with her, and Regulus wasn’t too fond of Remus for being friends with his older brother. Madam Pince had already left for the night, either choosing not to disturb them or didn’t notice them. Remus saw the inkpot beside the Potions book, almost empty. It was Y/n’s inkpot because the ink wasn’t black. It was a deep grape color. 
Remus sighed and grabbed the ink from his bag, charming it the same color. Discretely he took hers and swapped it out with his. Leaving a piece of parchment on top. Remus left the library without another word. Waking them up was a risk he’d rather not take. But now, he laid in his bed wondering how she’d feel about the new ink on the table. 
The sun began to rise, and Y/n’s body felt stiff. Carefully she began to stir awake after noticing a body beside her. Opening her eyes, everything seemed blurry, but after blinking a few times, she recognized the library books and the person's scent beside her. Regulus, her best friend. Y/n yawned and pulled away from him, about to begin packing their belongings, but she noticed a piece of parchment that lay on top of her ink. 
“Noticed you were out. You can have mine.“ 
Y/n hummed appreciatively. She didn’t know who gave her their ink, but she was eternally grateful for them saving her a trip to Hogsmeade. Y/n poked at Regulus’ right side, and he eventually stirred awake. His curls disheveled and his body just as stiff as she was. Regulus opened his eyes and met her e/c ones. 
“Did we fall asleep?” He groaned, and Y/n scoffed, “What do you think, dingus?”
“No need to be mean this early in the morning, Merlin.” 
“Someone saw us last night, though.” Y/n stated, and Regulus noticeably jumped, “Who?”
She shrugged, “Not sure, but they left me a new pot of ink.”
“Lucky you.”
“Lucky me.”
Both best friends cleared their table. Y/n put her Potions books away, and Regulus put his Transfiguration books away. Y/n stared at the writing on the parchment she had received earlier that day. The handwriting was almost unrecognizable. It was messy and sprawled. Whoever this was did not have good handwriting or was in a rush. But the day carried on. In Potions, Y/n sat in the front while the Marauders sat in the back. Remus stared holes in the back of Y/n’s head. 
“She’s gonna notice if you keep staring at her like that.” Sirius muttered. 
Remus sighed and continued to write his notes. If he tried hard enough, he could make out her elegant purple ink from here. It always baffled him why she chose purple over traditional black - suppose it wasn’t really any of his business, but he couldn’t help but wonder. The familiar sketchbook sat on top of the desk as well; he could see doodles in the same deep purple color. Occasionally Regulus - who sat beside her - would nudge her to pay attention, gaining an annoyed groan. 
Potions class always smelt weird. It was a mixture of glue, seaweed, and salt. It was also constantly humid. It brought shivers down Remus’ spine. He noticed it doing the same to the Slytherin girl at the front. Remus craved nothing more than to wrap his robe around her, but he was too late. Regulus was already doing the action, which earned him one of her jaw-dropping smiles. Unconsciously he began growling again. This time, James smacked his arm. 
Dinner was even worse. Y/n had yet to remove Regulus’ robes leaving him in a button-down white shirt and the usual uniform. Sirius was surprised at his younger brother's chivalry but didn’t speak much. The full moon was that night, and as dinner progressed, Remus only gained more possessive. James and Sirius gave up on trying to scold him. It was apparent Moony wanted - no - needed her. Slytherin captain be damned, Y/n was going to be Moonys. 
A dry winter night. As usual, Remus walked to the Whomping Willow with his three friends following him. Tonight was normal in the sense of his friends turning into their animagus,’ but the odd thing was letting him out of the shack. The werewolf and the dog ran around the forest together. The rat and stag lagging behind, allowing the two animals to play together. But a stick-breaking brought the attention of the werewolves to the new person. 
He could smell them. Hear their blood running through their veins. Their heart pounding at a standard rate. The dogs barking could be heard, trying to distract the werewolf. The scent was female, and she wasn’t scared. Instead, the girl approached with confidence sticking out her hand to the wolf. Padfoot barked loudly. Prongs backed down, looking nervous. Wormtail squeaked loudly. But she came with confidence and assurance. 
Moony growled, “Shh, shh, it’s okay.” She cooed, “You’re safe with me.”
The h/c haired girl knelt on the grass, “No need to be scared, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Moony hesitantly put his snout in the girl's palm, making her grin. His fur was soft to the touch, and his eyes turned soft. Her smile was beautiful, and Moony nuzzled his hand into her soft palm. She chuckled and patted him more. Padfoot barked excitedly and ran to her, but the werewolf started to bare his teeth again. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m yours.” 
The wolf seemed to calm down at her words allowing Padfoot to approach her. Smiling brightly, she pet both animals, “It’s okay, love.”
“My name’s Y/n. I didn’t know that there was a werewolf here.” Y/n greeted as Moony curled up beside her, his head on her thigh, Padfoot doing the same on the other side.
She caught sight of the other two animals and whistled for their attention, “C’mere.”
Prongs and Wormtail approached nervously, but Moony gave no sense of protectiveness. Y/n’s words resonated in his head over and over again, “I’m yours.” The wolf fell asleep beside her, Padfoot doing the same. Prongs approached, and Y/n patted the top of his head. Wormtail sat in front of her knee. They seemed at peace. It was the first time Moony ever felt at ease. They’d be lying if it didn’t make them happy. 
Y/n stayed up all night with the animals. Despite the animals not knowing, Y/n knew that the stag, rat, and dog were animagus’. The werewolf was unknown to her. The following morning when the stag turning into James, rat into Peter, dog into Sirius. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to find out who the werewolf was. When he turned back into a human with his clothes tattered. Y/n continued to run her fingers through his hair as he slept. 
“Morning, Marauders,” Y/n commented. 
“You’re- you-“ James stuttered.
She laughed, “Apparently, your moony really likes me.”
“Would you mind petting me again?” Sirius teased, “Maybe.” Y/n retorted, winking. 
Sirius laid down on her other thigh that Remus wasn’t laying on, smiling; she ran her fingers through their hair, “You’re a godsend, lemme tell you.”
James and Peter sat in front of Y/n, “What made you want to take a walk in the forbidden forest last night?”
“Just wanted some air.” Y/n answered. 
Remus groaned and began pushing his head onto Y/n’s hand, “Morning, Remus.”
The Marauders and Y/n had never seen him jump up that fast, “What- you- I- uh-“
“Didn’t know you were a werewolf.”
“I- uh…”
“Sirius, for the love of God, get off her lap.” James interject, slapping the boy on the head playfully, “But it feels so good.” Sirius drawled. 
James grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the grass. In the process, Sirius got a mouthful of dirt and grass, “You wanker.”
“Did I- erm- hurt you?” Remus questioned shyly, “Nope, I'm completely unscathed.” Y/n smiled reassuringly. 
Remus turned to his friends, “Nope! Y/n saved us all.”
“Are you hurt?” Y/n inquired to Remus, who took a quick look at himself, “I- I don’t believe so….”
Sirius blew a raspberry, “Thank Merlin! Dragging you to the hospital wing is bloody exhausting.”
Silence filled the forest until Sirius smirked, “You know, mate when you were talking about Moony wanting her. I thought you were joking. Turns out you weren’t.”
“Oh, Merlin…”
Y/n chuckled, “Well, Moony is rather cute if I’m honest.”
Remus’ cheeks blasted with pink, and Sirius laughed. James shook his head with a big grin, and Peter looked amused with Y/n’s confession. Without hesitation, Y/n leaned over to kiss Remus’ cheek, making him hide his face flustered. She stood up and ruffled Sirius’ hand, gently rubbing her nails across his scalp, making Sirius try to lean into her palm. They all stared at her except for Remus, who was equally embarrassed and flustered. 
“If you’re looking for a fifth Marauder, I know the Slytherin common room password.” Y/n winked as she walked to the castle. 
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Church (Choi San) Rated
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Pairing: Choi San × Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, College AU, Friends to Enemies(?), Enemies to Lovers (?)
Summary: He used to be her best friend until he abandoned not only his childhood beliefs, but her in the process. One night, he decides to show her a glimpse of what she's been missing out on. Inspired by Chase Atlantic's Church .
Word Count: 6.3+K
Warnings: Mentions of religious beliefs, brazen college parties, allusions to alcohol/nicotine intake, body insecurity (reader has small breasts), oral (female receiving), fingering, nipple play, body worship/praise, slight cumplay, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (always use protection), slight corruption kink, inexperienced reader, experienced San. (Probably forgot something)
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @yunhoiseyecandy @yunhofingers @galaxteez @brie02 @deja-vux @a-soft-hornytiny @multidreams-and-desires @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie
The infamous rebel let out a pernicious snicker when he saw the serene and usually proper former acquaintance walk in his direction.
"Are my eyes deceiving me or is that really the pastor's prissy little daughter out past her bedtime in a college party?" He found the situation much too amusing that he just had to point it out.
"I have a name you know." The female he was referring to halted in her steps to turn her head and give him an unkind and unfriendly look.
"You have several, actually. There's goody two shoes, priss, prude, prig-"
"Oh shut the fuck up Choi San." She scoffed as she began walking away from him, already feeling annoyed by his presence.
The man trailed after her, his face donning a shocked expression as he flailed his arms around in a dramatic way.
"Guys it's happening! The apocalypse is really here if L/N Y/N has not only attended a wild party full of debauchery, but her mouth has actually uttered out cursed words!" He shouted out, the other attendants either joining in laughing at her or ignoring him in favor of the bottles or sticks in their fingers.
"I'm surprised you even know what that word means." She turned to look at him with a mocking smile, arms crossed over her chest.
"Please, I know a lot more than you have ever pretended to know." He clicked his tongue, elbow coming up to rest on the wall next to him.
"Is that why you turnt corrupt and abandoned everything you believe in?" She couldn't help but spat back at him.
"Hey at least I was honest and didn't hide it like you people who lead double lives. Preaching one thing but living the total opposite. You're all nothing but a bunch of hypocrites." The venom in his voice was unmistakable, nose scrunching up in disgust as he remembered gross sins he had more often than not had witnessed from people who claimed to be pure and holy.
"I do not lead a double life." She remarked.
"Oh really? Then why the hell are you here in a college party? Full of alcohol, drugs and walking STDs? Riddle me that princess." His foot tapped against the floor, patiently awaiting an answer from her.
Y/N swallowed the non existent lump in her throat and turned her gaze to the floor in embarrassment.
"I just wanted to see what it was like. Just once." She admitted begrudgingly, the man in front of her chuckling lowly.
"Well you sure are going to have a lot to confess on Sunday to your dad. Silly girl, walking into the lion's pit like this." He jeered at her.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because I came here doesn't mean I've done anything morally wrong." She counteracted his words to which he only snorted.
Tired of his overly obnoxious attitude, Y/N spun on her heel to get away from him, but she spun so carelessly and fast that she ended up bumping into another classmate who unfortunately was holding a full cup of beer that ended up being doused all over her white blouse.
"Oops! Sorry, my bad." He excused himself, looking completely unapologetic about the situation.
Meanwhile Y/N looked absolutely horrified as she took in the drenched state of her shirt that now had the stench of alcohol on it. The fact San was bursting out in giggles only served to make her even more mad.
"Now tell me how do you plan on explaining that to dear old-"
"Can it San or I swear I'll gauge your eyes out." She threatened him as she stormed out the building, not caring that she bumped into a few figures on her way out.
Feeling just a bit of empathy for his old friend, San sighed softly before following after her. Upon catching up to her, he took hold of her wrist and started dragging her in the opposite direction.
"Hey! Get your filthy hands off me! I will not hesitate to scream!" She tried tugging her arm away.
"Calm down I'm not planning on kidnapping or anything like that sweetheart. I'm taking you back to my car."
She let out a dry laugh at that.
"But that's not kidnapping?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"I have a spare shirt in the backseat that you can change into. Unless you wanna go home smelling like PBR." He looked back to see the mess one more time, lips curling up into a smirk.
Against her better judgment, she allowed him to take her all the way where his car was parked, standing there quietly as San rummaged through the backseat before taking out a clean plain white tshirt and held it out to her.
"Here. Put it on."
She looked at him with a face that asked if he was stupid.
"Well what?" He asked.
"Oh yes..I'm totally going to strip in a middle of the street and let anyone passing by see." She rolled her eyes at him.
"Oh for fuck's sake, there's nobody here, nobody is going to see and frankly I don't think anyone cares about seeing your non existent boobs." He scorned at her as he gestured to her chest.
"Ok rude and uncalled for." She felt slightly hurt by his comment, having always been somewhat insecure about the size of her chest.
"Don't look." She warned him.
"Not like I want to." He jeered at her as he turned away to not only give her privacy, but to also serve as a lookout for anyone that might accidentally show up and see the scene. He could hear her behind him tearing off her clothes and then slipping it back on.
"Ok there. I'm done." Y/N announced as she stuffed the soiled shirt into her bag.
"Not even a thank you?" San pouted slightly, to which Y/N gave a feigned smile.
With that said and done, she brushed past him and started walking away, absolutely done with the night.
"Careful not to get caught sneaking back inside your house." She heard San say from behind.
"For your information I'm not living with them anymore. I moved into the dorms 2 months ago." She stated in a matter of factly, a proud look on her face.
"Well in that case....want to ride back with me?" He offered.
"Yeah no, I'd rather take my chances at being kidnapped and then butchered up. Besides, I wouldn't want to cut your wild night short." She declined the offer.
"Stop being so negative Nancy and accept my generosity. Geez."
Running over to her, he quickly snatched her up and threw her over his shoulder, ignoring her shocked exclaims and protests.
"Now this is really kidnapping!" She declared.
"Yeah I know, now shut up before I duct tape that bratty mouth of yours." San grinned mischievously as he tossed her into the backseat and shut the door before striding over to get on the driver's seat.
"Oh come on. Stop looking at me like I'm a criminal. Just because I indulge in a few sins every now and then, doesn't make me into a bad person." He stated when he saw the dirty look she gave him.
"Whatever." She muttered as she locked in her seatbelt.
San opted for just driving back to the dorms and get Y/N tucked in her bed since it was clear to him she needed it.
"You're lucky my roommate is on vacation, otherwise I would have left your ass back there." Y/N spewed out as she threw her keys onto her dresser.
"Thanks Y/N, I always said you were the nicest and most giving person in the planet." San complimented her as he felt he should given she was letting him stay the night in her dorm after a little tiny incident with his keys dropping inside one of the manholes surrounding the university. And the administration office wouldn't be open til the morning, meaning he was screwed unless his roommate showed up to let him in, but that was a definite no since San knew Seonghwa would definitely end up in someone else's bed and come back til the next day, hickeys plastered all over his neck and chest.
"No, you always said I was the most stuck up-"
San shushed her by pressing a hand over her mouth.
"You dwell so much on the present image of me you drew up in your head that you completely erased the friend you had all those years ago." He slid his hand off her mouth, shoulders slumping down as he turned away from her to crouch on the floor.
"That friend doesn't exist anymore, that is if he even existed in the first place. If I recall, my friend wasn't into parties, booze, vaping, tattoos, piercings and fucking around with every whore in the school."
San didn't say anything as he heard her ramble, he just let her talk away as she started pulling out spare blankets and pillows for him to use.
"My Sannie was sweet, cute, adorable, always ready to lend people help and respectful to others." She reminisced with a sad look. Pulling her expression straight, she laid out the blankets and started arranging them neatly on the floor.
"I still am."
San's voice was so quiet that she barely registered that he even opened his mouth in the first place, but she heard him.
"Maybe if you weren't so puffed up with pride and didn't cut me off after I cut ties with the church, you'd see that I'm still the way I was. You think I changed completely because of ink and metal on my body? Because I wanted to try certain substances and yes, satisfy some perfectly normal and humane needs?"
Y/N averted her gaze from him and continued the task she was in. San let out a despondent scoff.
"Of course you do. And yet didn't I just demonstrate to you back there that I haven't changed? Giving you my shirt, giving you a ride, yeah I know, it's not much and no big deal, but wasn't those the types of things I'd do even back then?"
Y/N's tongue poked against her cheek as she knew she couldn't deny that was San said was absolutely true. He did nothing different back at the party as he used to do years ago. Helping old ladies with grocery bags, giving away some of his clothes to less fortunate kids, he was always known as being such a giving and kind person.....
No wonder so many were devastated when it was announced he had resigned as a member of the church. Y/N herself was hurt and even indignated by his decision. And after that she adamantly refused to see him or talk to him, and of course San respected her decision and avoided contacting her so as to not make her uncomfortable. He understood that their friendship was broken and he wasn't going to overstep boundaries just to try and fix it when the other party didn't want it. So he just decided to live his life as he thought was right without his conscience bothering him. And he was much happier now, he felt free, something that he had never felt before. Perhaps he was so chained down by formality, discipline, strict regulations and even fear that he didn't realize that he was miserable all that time until his eyes were fully open and he found he didn't like what he saw, especially after seeing the dark and ugly side of what was supposed to be a safe and pure sanctuary. He was let down severely and he suffered in the process. But now that was behind him and he had no regrets......
Except Y/N. He truly missed her and her company. As he laid on the makeshift bed on the floor, he found himself unable to sleep as he recalled all those fond times spent with her. The trips to the lake, hiking, first day of school, their first accident after he had gotten his driver's license. He let out an involuntary smile at that memory. Unbeknownst to him, the girl on her bed was equally reminiscing on the old days filled with her best friend. She had been so alone ever since she distanced herself from him, the world now feeling empty and cold without him. Shifting around in her bed, she whined into her pillow as she desperate tried to sleep.
"What's the worst thing you've ever done?" Her question startled San momentarily.
"Are you that sleep deprived that you're suddenly asking me to confess my worst sins?" He chuckled amusedly.
"Maybe it'll help me get actual sleep, I don't know. And.... I'm just curious." She clutched one of her plushies and started messing around with it.
"Curiosity killed the cat and I don't think your virgin mind will be able to handle my confession." He asserted confidently.
"I'm not a virgin, but oh well. Just tell me, what's the worst?" Her casual response made San flip out. He sat upright and kneeled at the front of her bed with an incredulous look.
"What do you mean you're not a virgin? When did you-?" He was so flabbergasted he wouldn't even finish his sentence.
Rolling over to where he was, Y/N smirked at him.
"Uh uh. I asked you a question first and you have to answer it before I can answer any you want."
Knowing he had no alternative, San placed his chin on the top of her mattress.
"Had a threesome with 2 of our professors." He laughed when he saw how shocked Y/N looked.
"What?! No way!" She refused to believe him.
"It's true. I won't tell you who they were since you won't be able to look at them the same way if I did...... I'll just dish this: they both got really huge tits and it's a shame they're married." He admitted with a smug expression.
"I can't believe you." She fanned her face which she was sure was now a deep crimson color.
"Ok now your turn. When did this happen? Who was it with?"
Y/N didn't even mind that San got up and crawled into her bed to lay down next to her. His face was rested on his hands as he looked at her with intense inquisitiveness. Knowing she'd have to talk about it sooner or later, she thought it would be best if San was the one to know since he would never tell anyone else and he'd understand since he was tainted as well.
"Remember when that group of missionaries came to stay over at our city for a while back in high school?"
San nodded, vividly remembering everything. Y/N blushed and smiled shyly.
"Do you remember that there was a family with a son our age? Chase?"
San widened his eyes and flopped over on his back as his hands came to hide his face.
"Oh dear lord, please don't tell me it was that Canadian boy." He groaned in pain.
"Yeah....yeah it was."
San couldn't stop cringing at the thought of his friend doing such a thing.
"How even did that happen?" He was so lost.
"I don't know! It just did ok? It happened while we were out in that camping trip. Somewhere there, we were left alone and we started talking about everything and nothing til it spiraled into talking about sex and us being virgins decided to see what was the big deal....." She bit her lower lip as the memory flashed in her mind. Looking over at San, she knew he was judging her as she expected. A tiny snort escaped his lips.
"That must have been the worst 45 seconds of your life." He joked, earning him a slap on his chest by Y/N's hand.
"It was not 45 seconds!............. it was 2 minutes."
San only laughed harder at that, nearly crying from how funny it was to him. He composed himself though when he saw how embarrassed Y/N looked about it. Feeling bad for laughing at her expense, he cleared his throat and patted her head.
"It's ok. First times are always awkward and uncomfortable. The problem was you weren't prepared and you were both inexperienced. He just didn't know how to please you."
Y/N couldn't help herself as she asked:
"And I suppose you can?"
Flipping onto his stomach, San cupped her chin with his hand and ran his thumb across her lower lip.
"Don't tread on dangerous territory little angel lest you want an evil demon to corrupt you." He warned her, and although he wouldn't actually follow through on it, he did want to tease her a little. But he wasn't expecting for Y/N to play along to his teasing, only she was not joking at all as she brought her face closer to his.
"Maybe I want you to corrupt me, show me what I've been missing out on." She brushed her lips against his, tongue daring to poke out and press on his slit briefly, leaving him stunned.
"You have no idea what you're asking for princess." San mused as he held himself back from touching her.
"I know what I'm asking for Choi San and what I'm asking for....is you." She responded with confidence.
Escaping from underneath the blanket that covered her, Y/N reclined back on the mattress, her head laying on her soft pillow as she gestured for San to come over to her, which he promptly did. Parting her legs so he could fit his body between them, he smirked softly down at her eagerness, fingers brushing against the soft skin on her thighs.
"You're serious about this?" He wanted to make sure it wouldn't be something she'd regret.
"I already messed up once, what's one more time gonna do?" She pulled him down against her, not caring when he lost balance and accidentally crushed her under him with his muscular body.
"Besides...." Wanting to further entice him, Y/N brushed her lips against his ear.
"Look at me and tell me you don't want to fuck me. That you don't want to stuff that hard cock of yours into my tight and inexperienced pussy. Bet you're itching to tear into me until I'm crying under you. Don't you want that?"
San let out a moan at hearing such filthy and depraved talk from her. It only fueled his appetite and hunger for indulging in carnal desires.
"Yes... I want that.... I want you."
Closing space between them, San molded his lips over hers, encasing them in a sloppy and wet kiss. Y/N could faintly make out the leftover scent of alcohol and nicotine as she let him taste her mouth, but she didn't mind or felt grossed out by it. She just kept her lips parted and allowed him to move his tongue freely inside her. Cupping her cheeks, San continued to roll his tongue over hers, massaging it gently with both deep yet gentle strokes. When he pulled away, he made sure to tuck her bottom lip between his teeth, pulling it towards him as Y/N let out a moan that was like music to his ears. Pausing briefly, their lips were barely touching as they breathed in each other's air. San was the first one to break into a smile, the one that had Y/N melting since it displayed his dimples to the fullest.
"Never thought I'd hear that sound come out of your pretty mouth." He teased her.
"S-shut up." She frowned, hand reaching up to smack his chest.
"It's not a bad thing. I like it. Now let's see if I can make sure you keep them up."
Stuffing his face into her neck, San ghosted his lips across her skin, tongue subtly poking out solely to hear her breath hitch slightly. Dipping his tongue into her collarbone, his lips opened up so they could firmly latch and spread wet kisses across her neck. Y/N gasped when she felt teeth sink down, head tilting back to give San more room which he took advantage of. Focusing on particular spots that he knew she was sensitive in, he sucked her skin into his mouth. Each time he pulled away, he reveled when he saw the finished mark that was now painted on her skin.
"I would love to see your parent's reaction to my love bites." He brushed a fingers across the newest spot he just embedded in her body, hand then reaching up to suddenly clasp around her neck. Y/N shuddered when his grip got tighter, her oxygen intake getting cut and making her feel hazy, but it was nonetheless enjoyable. Snaking a hand under her shirt, or more like his shirt, San swiped his tongue over his bottom lip as he started to pull the material up.
"How about I make some matching ones all across your pretty chest?"
Before he could lift the shirt any further, Y/N's hand clasped around his wrist, preventing him from moving any further.
"Don't." She begged him.
San retracted his hands away from her, fearing he made her uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry." He immediately apologized and began to move away from her, but Y/N's hands raked against his thighs to keep him in place.
"No, it's not you. It's just..... if we're going to do this, can I keep the shirt on? I don't...." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she admitted an insecurity of hers.
"I don't like my chest. My boobs are too small, it's unflattering and I'd rather you not see them." She slowly opened her eyes to see his reaction. San had a sad look on his face, bottom lip poking out as his fingers came up to brush against her cheek. Remembering what he had previously said back in the parking loyal, he felt terrible for saying that ill intended joke about her body. He probably hurt her and he didn't realize it.
"Y/N don't say that. Your chest size doesn't matter. You're beautiful the way you are and I bet underneath that layer is clothing there is the cutest and most adorable set of boobs in the world." She let out an involuntary giggle at his words, letting him run his hand down her clothed sternum.
"But if that's what you want, I'll respect it. Either way, my tshirt looks amazing on you." He acknowledged rather cockily.
Shifting further back, San took hold of the top of her shorts, making sure to look at her.
"Are you ok with these coming off?"
Y/N resisted the temptation to slap the top of his head.
"If you don't take them off, how are you going to fuck me genius?" She retorted.
"You'd be surprised at what I've learned." He uttered, mostly to himself than at her.
Like an expert, he practically tore her shorts down her legs, panties falling to the floor along with them. Y/N let out a soft squeal when he took hold of her thighs and brought her down so his face was at eye level with her most intimate part. San took a few seconds to admire her bare mound, lips parted and threatening to start drooling all over her thighs. Pressing both thumbs against each one is her lips, San pried her folds open, staring intently as he now clearly saw all of her.
"Oh fuck. I'm gonna need to prep you real good. I can tell you're going to be really tight."
She wanted to ask him what he meant by prep, but her words got caught in her throat when she felt his tongue delve into her core. She had never felt someone's mouth anywhere near her folds and she regretted not having experienced it before. Her eyes shut tight as she marveled at the sensation of San's tongue lapping at her bud, his lips making sure to enclose all around the flesh surrounding it before giving it gentle suckles. Shaky breaths blew out from her mouth, her legs wanting to close themselves around San's head but his firm grip on her thighs kept it from happening. He kept her knees pinned to the bed as his mouth continued to ravish at her taste, sloppily consuming her heat fervently. Her mind was so occupied in what he was doing that she didn't register the hand that slowly crept away from her thigh until she felt something poke at her entrance.
"Oh-" She gasped, opening her eyes to see what was going on.
"Relax princess. It's just my finger.....for now." He momentarily pulled off her heat to let her know what was happening before diving back in to continue his task of eating her out.
His finger inside her felt a little weird at first, sliding in slowly before pulling out only to plunge itself back into her. During one of those times where she expected him to slide back in, she was surprised when she felt herself being stretched out as San curled a second finger inside her. Keeping them lodged there, he began scissoring them alternatively so he could further spread her walls apart. During one of those movements, his fingertips brushed along her hood, making her hips slightly jolt up into San's face, who smiled against her folds as he now knew exactly where to angle his hips for later. Using this new knowledge, that was probably unbeknownst to Y/N, he slipped his fingers deeper into her, knuckles deep as he moved his tips rhythmically on the the spot he found. Y/N's mouth fell wide open into an 'O' as whiny gasps and airy moans poured out of it. San's mouth latched to her clit and his fingers working deep in her hole was producing a stirring in the lower pit of her stomach that she couldn't quite make out. But it felt good, especially since it continued to grow more and more, almost as if it was a cord about to snap.
"San- wait. I feel, I feel-" She couldn't finish her sentence as her body trembled slightly, a flood of overwhelming pleasure washing over her that was prolonged by San drinking up the juices that spilled forth out of her body. He didn't pull away until he made sure to swallow every drop she had to give.
"Aren't you grossed out?" She asked him, always having wondered about that.
"Nope. I love licking girl's pussies, especially if they're as sweet as yours." He affirmed while pulling his shirt off his body.
Y/N turned her flustered face away from him, keeping her gaze locked on the wall to her right, which was decorated with several polaroids of her with her family, friends and members of her church, some of them even had San in them, back when they were inseparable. Before she could become nostalgic, a strong set of hands clutched her chin and teared her gaze away from the pictures, forcing her to stare at the now naked man in front of her.
"Forget about that for now. Right now I want your full attention on me and what we're about to do. After we're done, that image of a good girl you have will gone." His words seemed to almost taunt her.
Although she tried not to look, Y/N's eyes fell in between San's legs, filled with astonishment when she glimpsed for the very first time at her former friend's member, fully erect and leaking at the tip as it awaited to be hugged by her warm walls.
"Like it? Maybe later I'll let you play with it." San giggled when her eyes shot up at him in surprise.
Placing himself to hover above her, he hummed lowly as he slowly stuffed himself inside her, working her open until he was fully nestled inside her warmth. Although she felt a light burn scraping against her inner walls, it wasn't unpleasant or painful like her first time. She could tell San knew exactly what he was doing as he began rolling his hips. Perfectly recalling exactly where to aim at, he made sure to angle his thrusts accordingly so each time he pushed back in, he'd hit her pleasure spot.
"Oh God-" Y/N exclaimed when he continued to brushed against the hood of her core.
"Really think it's a good idea to call out the good lord's name when I'm balls deep inside your pussy?" He asked with a malicious smirk plastered across his face.
"No baby. Tonight your only lord is me."
Pinning her wrists above her head, San continued pushing his cock deeper into her. The harsh pounding of his hips against hers was becoming louder, their bodies starting to get heated and producing sweat. Y/N couldn't do anything but whimper and wrap her legs around San's waist, keeping him firmly locked to her body. She closed her eyes once more as she felt the same familiar feeling from before start piling up, only it felt more intense and stronger probably due to the fact that she was getting railed to her bed by her ex best friend, whom she still cared about deeply. She was definitely not planning on making up with him this way, but holy hell, she couldn't deny that he was making her feel so many emotions at once. Pleasure, lust, satisfaction, happiness, euphoria, love? Perhaps that last one was definitely a stretch, but she blamed her confused thoughts on how well his cock was abusing her hole. She felt unable to focus on anything except him.
"Clenching so hard around me babygirl. Are you gonna cum all over my cock?"
Slipping one hand in between their bodies, San pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing it back and forth so it would serve as an extra push to tip her over the edge. Y/N splayed her hands on San's lower back, nails raking against his skin, causing him to hiss.
"Fuck- am I seriously making you feel that good babygirl?" He knew for a fact he was feeling absolutely amazing, her tight warmth gripping along his shaft, making it hard for him to hold back much longer.
"Mmm yeah." She shamelessly moaned.
"Am I better than your first?" Although he already knew the answer, he still wanted to feed his ego and hear her say it.
"So much better! It feels so fucking good." She inhaled sharply when that she began to feel the sensation from before. With even louder cries from before, her body shook underneath San's, blood rushing to her head as an even greater orgasm coursed through her body. She was left speechless, a full on panting mess even after San had pulled out of her after helping her ride out her high.
"Oh geez. Shit." San's voice rasped out as he jerked himself off, his cum painting her thighs white, not stopping until he had finished coating them with everything he had to give.
Looking down at the mess, Y/N couldn't suppress a tiny giggle, one of her hands clasping over her mouth while the other picked up some of his cum and spread it between her fingers.
"Having fun there?" San grinned, finding her fascinated gaze to be completely adorable to him.
"Yeah.." She said as sat up to get a better look at the cum around her thighs.
"Well I was going to clean it off you, but seeing as you're so entertained by it, I'll just leave you with it."
Not forgetting that he was merely a guest, San slid himself off her bed and plopped his tired body onto the blankets on the floor. Closing his eyes, he was thinking he would finally be able to sleep, but he found his plans thwarted when he felt a pair of hands graze across his chest. Looking up, he found Y/N straddling his lap, biting down on her lower lip as she grinded her wet folds along his softened dick which was now becoming hard again thanks to her.
"What in the world are you doing you crazy girl?" He sucked in a breath, not expecting her to suddenly pounce on him.
"I wanna try that again." She pleaded, grinding her hips harder on him.
"Oh my- did I accidentally turn you into a nymphomaniac?" She chuckled at his joke and although he groaned as if he was frustrated, he obliged to her wishes and sat up.
Clasping her waist with his hands, he lifted her up and guided her so she could easily sink herself down on his length. Not letting go, he slowly rolled his hips up, burying himself deep in her body once more. Since they were both still riled up from their previous session, it didn't take long for both of them to start spewing out a clutter of moans and grunts as they once again get lost in a mist of lust that clouded their minds. San drunk up every expression on Y/N's face. Every twitch of her facial muscles, every shuddering breath she exhaled, each time her eyelids shut close, he marveled at seeing her enjoy the experience. He loved seeing her indulge in such an intimate practice with him, more so given how special she was to him, one of the most important people in his life aside from his family. Looking down at her torso, his fingers brushed along the hem of her shirt.
"Please...." His urging caught her attention.
"Please let me see all of you. I want to admire every inch of you and your beautiful body. I promise I won't laugh or judge. I just want to worship you."
Y/N hesitated briefly, still afraid to let him see what was hidden under the shirt.
"It's ok if you don't want to. I won't force you." He shot a kind smile at her as he focused back on making sure to drive his cock up into her.
Feeling safe and knowing she could trust her lifelong friend whom she thought of as a soulmate at one point, Y/N reached for the bottom of her shirt and peeled it off her body. Coming face to face with her bare chest, San groaned in ecstasy as he slid his hands up her body.
"Just as I predicted, you have very cute breasts."
Pulling her chest to his face, he opened his mouth and took one of her nipples in it, swirling his tongue around it before sucking on it. Y/N's fingers raked themselves through his hair, harshly tugging them when she felt his teeth sink themselves into her flesh.
"Aren't they too small?" She inquired.
Letting go of her breast with an audible pop, San cupped her chin.
"No baby, they're absolutely perfect. They're gorgeous, just like every other part of your body. You're gorgeous, absolutely stunning and holy fuck, you're driving me insane honestly." He confessed, his mouth diving into her other breast so it wouldn't feel left out from being tenderly kissed and sucked on.
His words sunk deep in Y/N's heart. He really did found her beautiful, attractive and it spurred something in her. Feeling a newfound passion, Y/N unconsciously began taking over their movements. Pushing against his thrusts, she began to set her own pace, rutting herself on top of his dick. San of course took notice and was happy about it.
"Oh wanna take over now baby? Well go ahead."
Laying back down on the floor, his eyes stared up at her with lust.
"Fuck yourself on me darling."
Encouraged by him, Y/N began bouncing herself on his cock. Finding an angle that she liked, she sunk down on his length over and over, her head thrown back as she used his body to push her down another spiral of immense pleasure. San just relaxed and admired the way she lost herself and gave into her deepest desires. He loved the way she rode his cock, and he loved feeling her walls tighten once more around his shaft.
"Oh shit- Sannie." She cried out his name as she quivered on top of him, her juices spilling out onto his cock once more.
Knowing fully well she was probably aching between her thighs, San gripped her hips and helped her ride out her climax so the feeling she was going through wouldn't go away just yet. He made sure to be gentle, easing her up and down his cock with absolute tenderness. Once he knew she was satisfied, he pulled her of him and set her down on the floor before sitting up above her body. Just like before, he took hold of his cock and began pumping his cum out of his body, plastering it all across her inner thighs and even splattering some on her stomach. Looking up, Y/N had the same giggly expression as before.
"Does my cum really make you burst into a fit of giggles?" He questioned her.
"I can't help it. It's just... I don't know. Maybe it's the fact it's so dirty and wrong, and then to have you spread it all over my body." She explained, which made San chuckle.
"Maybe I should baptize your thighs with my cum more often." Although he was joking, Y/N was more than willing to take him up on that offer.
"Will you?" She looked up at him with puppy eyes.
San studied her for a moment, before a wicked idea popped in his brain.
"How about you let me baptize and stain that pretty face of yours?"
Getting a hint of what he meant, Y/N got up on her knees while San stood up right in front of her, cock in hand as he brought it up to her lips.
"I hope you weren't planning on going to morning services tomorrow because I'm going to keep you up til morning until your knees hurt."
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hello my beloved! ( Can I call you that? And people it's platonic!) I have an idea and this is for pogtopia wilbur and ghostbur! Can you do a reader who loves painting and one morning they find a picture of them with a note about the reader confessing to then but they didn't do it in person because they were really nervous? Thank you!
And please take as much time as you want also could it be a long story? Thank you!
- Your beloved Moosh 🥺
Moosh, darling! Hello! Yes, you have my full permission to call me that, thank you for asking! This is the third time I've written this story because Tumblr just really enjoys screwing me over...
Also. You never clarified whether you wanted fluff or angst, but it's Pogtopia Wilby so I kinda just went with angst? If you want a happy end to this, I'll rewrite this no problem! But it won't be as long because... Well, you'll see. Also also, I didn't exactly know where to throw the Ghosty Bur in, so... Yeaaaah? He's at the end tho!
TW: (Sorry it didn't save the first time) C!Schlatt, bruising, threatened hanging, self doubt
Perfect Picture of Imperfection (Pogtopia!C!Wilbur x GN!Painter!Reader)
Maybe you painted Schlatt's horns the wrong colour? Or his jawline was off? He was furious when you finally showed him your art piece... It was the best you could do with the few hours you were given! Paint physically couldn’t dry as fast as Schlatt wanted it to you… He didn’t seem to care when he threw the wooden frame of the torn canvas at you, giving you a dark bruise right above your eye, or when he started yelling at you and threatening to burn your art studio down to the ground.
Or even when he grabbed you and suggested to Quackity to hang you at the gallows for insulting the emperor of Manberg.
The man you had once been friends with grinned widely and nodded happily, “Yes, sir! Yes, sir!” He said, without a single care that you were a living human being, only giving a cheer as he picked you up so your feet were dangling on the ground, leaving you silent in terror. Tubbo only averted his gaze.
“Aww… You’re like a little fawn, caught in the torchlight of a traveller.” The ram hybrid smiled in a sickly sweet manner, causing the colour to drain from your face, “Come now, darling, I’m not a monster… You’re the only one of Wilbur’s sweet little subjects that he hasn’t gotten back, and here I thought you were his favourite… Or maybe he left you here to act as a sacrifice so they could all be off doing their own thing... Guess he prefers Niki over you…” He whispered as he dropped you, chuckling softly as you scurried out of the building as you quite literally ran for your life.
You called Wilbur when you were safely hidden in your house, gasps and sobs leaving your mouth quicker than tears could pool out of your eyes…
“(Y/n)... You can’t be calling me when-”
“Wil…?” You whispered into the communicator, your voice shaking enough to shut him up immediately, “He… He’s going to…” Hiccuping meekly, you curled in tighter on yourself as you heard Schlatt’s loud and pompous voice come over the speaker system he had hung up all around the once beautiful country, “I think I’m going to die here…”
The dead silence that followed through the line was sickening…
“Is it true…?” You couldn’t help but find yourself wondering aloud, “Is that why I’m the only one left here? Am I a sacrifice so you can live happily elsewhere? ...Is that why you haven’t come to get me?”
“(Y/n), I want you to never utter those words again.” His voice was dark and steely as there was a bit of crashing around that came from the other side as well as faint mumbles which were clearly from Tommy judging by all the swearing, “You are not a sacrifice. Now... Get your Enderchest and Inventory packed up, I’m coming to get you tonight, and then I’ll explain in person…”
The line cut off and you slowly lowered the communicator down from beside your ear. Your heart was sinking one minute, but soaring the next… A terrible feeling really. You were saved! But… He could get caught trying to come to get you… You couldn’t let that happen for sure. With a heavy sigh, you rubbed your eyes free of tears before standing up and beginning to shove any necessary equipment into your Enderchest, including your finished painting of Wilbur that you were going to give to him when he won the election… And finally, confess your feelings…
When midnight hit and the lights of the city finally died down, you climbed up onto your roof and looked around for the president, fear and paranoia flooding through your veins as your mind went wild. What if he got caught? What if he was trying to give you false hope? What if. What if. What if. These sort of questions buzzed around in your mind for an hour as you waited for your saviour to arrive…
Finally, when enough became enough and you decided he wasn’t coming, you stopped pacing and slowly sat down on the roof as the tears began to start again. You could practically hear Schlatt chiding you in the back of your mind, telling you that you were a fool for holding out hope.
“(Y/n)!” A low hiss came from beside you and a hand touched your shoulder. You certainly would’ve screamed bloody murder if another hand hadn’t quickly wrapped around your mouth, “Sh, sh, sh, it’s me… It’s Wilbur.” The voice soothed softly as the hand left your mouth, quickly allowing you to turn your head.
It didn’t feel real… Seeing him after so long… And in an outfit other than his uniform. “Wil...bur?” You repeated, staring at him for a while before giving him a soft smile filled with relief, “You really came…”
“Of course I did!” He almost seemed offended for a moment before his eyes softened as he realized what Schlatt must’ve drilled into your head. Wilbur easily caught you as you flung your self at him, quickly wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your (h/l) (h/c) hair, “I missed my artiste…” He whispered, donning a temporary french accent for the word ‘artist’.
Holding back a sob, you quickly grabbed his extended hand and followed him as he jumped off your roof, safely landing in a bed of hay that you used to feed your old farm animals that Schlatt confiscated before following him out of this damned country.
After that, things seemed to change between you and Wilbur. He always seemed to be at your side, choosing to personally train you rather than letting Techno train you with everyone else, or even running over ideas on how to expand Pogtopia with you rather than with Tommy. His touches always lingered longer or he somehow wound up leaning closer to you than originally necessary, but you never caught yourself complaining. He would watch you paint beautiful designs along the armour he had gifted you, knowing full well it would chip off and was heavily unnecessary, but he only smiled and let you continue doing it as long as it didn’t interfere with enchantments.
Each day with Wilbur became better and better, but your heart physically couldn’t take it any longer, you had to tell him that you felt this way for him… The way that you had to fight back the reddening of your cheeks when his chest pressed against your back as he adjusted your stance in training, or the way you had to struggle to regulate your breathing every time he complimented you on how far you had come…
He was going to be the death of you…
Your already calloused hands were bruised and blistered, but somehow, you were still able to hold a quill, pinched in between the fingers of your dominant hand. Wilbur had come to your Pogtopia home this morning, but upon realizing that he had knocked you to the ground a little too hard yesterday as you were incredibly stiff and sore, he let you have the day off of training.
This was at least a little chance… You had torn a page from your notebook and sat down at your handmade desk with a bitter sigh. Trust me, you wanted to tell him in person, but you were just too scared… Plus, maybe you could play it off as someone pulling a prank on him if it went south.
Biting your lip, your fingers treated the quill as a brush, delicately running the ink dipped tip over the top of the paper, letting your heart control what words you wanted the ink to form.
You don't realize how much you mean to me. Although we've been friends for only a year, I feel as though I've known you my entire life. My connection to you is already so deep, and my love for you is already so strong that I can't remember what my life was like before we met. Even more, I can't imagine my life without you now. I can't imagine the future without you, either.
You have saved my life several times already. You have even saved me from myself several times, too! I am so thankful for your guidance and care. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I know that I can just give you a call. I know I can depend on you and, with your help, everything will turn out well.
I want you to know how I really feel. It's time for you to know that I'm ready to admit how much I care for you, how much you mean to me. I know, this isn’t the best timing in our lives, but I trust it will get better through your leadership. I love you, Wilbur.
Please, don't ever forget how much I love you.
Love, (Y/n) (L/n)
Sighing, you put the quill into the inkpot and put your head in your bandaged hands. ‘This is going to work. It will work. Go on. Have faith in yourself, as Wil said…’ You took a few deep breaths and stood up, picking up the letter once it was dry and reading it over as many times as you physically could before your mind couldn’t handle it any longer.
Walking to the door, you cracked it open to search for any sign of your president, sighing again as you realized he was likely out helping gather resources. “Is… This enough?” You mumbled sadly as you stared down at the simple letter before looking at your Enderchest in thought. Surely you could give him a few emeralds or some gold… Yeah! That’s what you’d do! Smiling in victory, you quickly wandered over to the chest and opened it, digging through it for a few moments.
It was sort of empty…
You groaned as you remembered that you haven’t really been one of the miners or forgers for Pogtopia. Instead, you were one of the warriors, focused on protecting others instead of gathering supplies.
Going to shut the chest, you suddenly paused as you saw something colourful resting at the bottom. Pushing aside your old L’Manberg uniform, you gasped as you found your old painting of Wilbur from a few months ago. It was old, yes, and a little dusty but you were still proud of it even now! Perfect.
Pulling out the painting, you began to lightly brush the dust off of the picture, smiling at the splashes of paint and colour forming a picture. It was your magnum opus.
It was a painting of Wilbur holding up a massive L’Manberg flag against the sunlight with a wide smile and hope in his eyes… This was the day that L’Manberg won independence from DreamSMP…
Standing up again, you quickly hurried out the door and walked to Wilbur’s room, silently creaking open the door and looking around, even though you were well aware that he was gone for the day. You walked over to his desk and gently setting the painting down on top of the countless sheets of work, making sure not to mix up any of the papers, then putting your letter on top where he could see it before hurrying out before you could change your mind.
Thankfully you got out when you did because, by the time you pulled an already baked potato out of the furnace, Wilbur came down the stone stairs, looking extremely exhausted, “(Y/n), my artiste…” He murmured with a smile, “I’m glad to see you’re still up and going… I was worried we would have to make you a healing pot.”
“It’s not too bad… It’s mostly just my hands that hurt.” You chuckled and held up your shaking bandaged hands, “You want me to cook you up some potatoes and carrots? Or I could maybe try and get some steak cooked up before you go to work?”
Wilbur tried to smile a bit, deciding not to question why your hands were shaking so badly, taking everything out of his inventory and placing them in their designated chests. “No, no… It’s alright. I’m going to go get ready for Tubbo’s report… I’ll see you later tonight, okay?”
You gave him a small wave before Wilbur disappeared into his office. Taking a sharp intake of breath, you quickly followed after him and peeked through the tiny crack in the door where he didn’t close it all the way. He stood in his room silently for a moment before throwing his hat off at a wall, screaming into hands, muffling it heavily to the point where you wouldn’t have heard it if you were still near the furnaces. Wilbur threw off his jacket before plopping himself into his chair with his head in his hands for a few moments, then lifting it to stare at the painting that you had placed.
He was still for a long time, then he slowly picked up the note, his eyes softened slightly before his face broke out into a wide and genuinely happy smile before his mouth twitched and the smile began to fall, tears bubbling into his chocolate coloured eyes. Wilbur held the note up to his chest and slouched back against his chair, sobbing into his hand, whispering ‘I’m so sorry’ repeatedly.
Frowning, you realized that he physically couldn’t return your love because of the stress of caring for Pogtopia and trying to win back L’Manberg. With a sad smile, you stood up and walked to your room, putting your head down as you saw water droplets hit the stone below you, “It wasn’t a no…” You tried to tell yourself, ignoring the tears running from your eyes as you shut the door, sliding down to your knees.
The next few weeks after that were hell, the complete opposite of the Utopia that you were blinded by for the past month. Wilbur asked Techno to pick up your training, and he never even spoke to you about it again… It was the Piglin hybrid that awkwardly told you. During dinner, Wilbur would practically eat as little as possible as he ignored you, trying to make any situation where he would be in the same room as you as short as possible.
“Wil-...” You reached out to the president but watched as he only gave you the saddest gaze before walking past you as if he never saw you. But he would have no problems talking to Niki, or anyone else! It wasn’t fair!
Time ticked by in a haze of fog and you quickly watched the man you had once fallen in love with becoming a complete shadow of his former self… It was sickening… He… Lost it… His mind was becoming twisted… And all you could do was watch in horror…
You knew something was wrong when he crept away from the festival and the celebration… But you just decided that he was going to take a break from the excitement. He was quite old after all…
Then the ground shook with booming roars as TNT blew craters into the earth, sending debris scattering and people screaming, scattering for their lives. Gasps of terror escaped your lips as you realized the cause of it all… You hopped over gunpowder scented broken stone and batted the smoke away as you saw the final picture to paint the last stroke of horror in your heart.
There was a blond man with massive avian wings holding a diamond sword glimmering with enchantments as the brunet clung to his clothing, slowly sinking to his knees. With a sob of despair, you watched the man you once loved so dearly, get stabbed through the chest by his own father.
“WILBUR!” You shrieked, your ears ringing from the blast as you sunk to your knees, sobs racking your frame violently. Wilbur’s head lazily rolled to look in your direction…
And in his last dying breath… He smiled…
“That painting…” A light airy whisper echoed through the darkened stone halls of your home, “It’s familiar… Yet so foreign...”
You gave a hum as you hung your netherite armour on your stand before turning to stare at the spectral figure floating in your doorway, “Which painting, Ghostbur? There’s many… You have to elaborate.”
“Right! Because you’re an artiste!” The transparent male chirped happily, not seeming to notice your flinch, “I mean the one hanging above the fireplace, of Alivebur.”
“Right…” You nodded, following behind the eager sweater-wearing ghost down the eerie hallways and into the office, "I'm going to take it down... I think it's doing more harm than good..."
Ghostbur didn't seem to understand your reasoning, but he didn't say much, knowing that Alivebur hurt many people... But he didn't think he hurt you, "It's pretty though... But your art style has changed, in a good way though!" He smiled softly as you opened the large dark oak double doors.
You walked past your grand dark oak desk to stare at your former magnum opus, dangling above the unlit fireplace. "Hey, Bur, if you have a flint and steel, could you light the fire please?" You glanced over and watched him nod as he dug through his pockets. In the meantime, you climbed up onto the mantle and began to struggle to pull the canvas off the wall. With a bit of hassle, you managed to pull it down and toss it onto the ground before climbing down, just in time for your ghost friend to light the fire.
"Don't damage it, (N/n)! It's still really good!" Ghostbur scolded you with a pout once you hopped down and picked the canvas up, "And you used to be proud of it!"
"I'm not, don't fret too m-" You paused mid-sentence as you saw a letter tucked into the bottom corner of the back of the painting. Frowning in confusion, you slowly picked it up and turned it over into your hand, only to discover that it was addressed to you in fancy cursive, sealed with a light red and white wax seal, "What's this?"
He looked over at you and tilted his head, seeming almost as genuinely confused as you were. Ghostbur shrugged as you propped the painting up against the wall before sitting at your desk, using your letter opener for its purpose, "Love letter, perhaps?"
"I doubt it..." You mumbled softly as you carefully unfolded the paper, recognizing that it was probably a few years old, "Let's see... Who wrote this..." You hummed before beginning to read.
My darling artiste... I'm sure by the time you read this, I'm either dead or... Well, most likely dead, if all goes to plan...
I am writing this letter to you to let you know that life without you is not the same. Life without you is very sad and lonely. I have realised that it was you who keep me alive and cheerful.
I thought I would get used to your absence from my life, but every day has been harder when I think of all the good times we spent together.
There are so many things which I want to confess. It's killing me because I don't want you to go another day without knowing how I feel about you.
And I'm not able to tell you I'm in love with you.
What an idiot I am.
And for the past few days, I've been trying to figure out, why there aren't some words to describe it. I want to tell you exactly how I feel but there isn't a single goddamned word in the entire dictionary that can describe my love for you.
But I need that word. I need it because I want you to hear me say “I love You". I want to make the sweetest gestures in front of you which make you feel even more loved.
Trust me... I know... I act like an absolute ass towards you. I'm so scared of your life being in more danger than it was... I really did love you, and still do, but I didn't want it to hurt you more when I blow up L'Manberg...
Darling, I could have simply called you on your communicator and took you out on a surprise date but I couldn't have expressed my feelings. You have become an integral part of me. I want to give you all my love throughout my life.
The painting you made me is beautiful and I will cherish it for as long as I'm alive... It's a perfect picture of imperfection...
I Love You, (Y/n), even if by now you'll never love me back.
- Wilbur Soot
"That... That idiot..." You whispered, holding your head in your hands in an attempt to hide the tears from Ghostbur, "He planned blowing up L'Manberg from the beginning... That's why he refused to acknowledge me after I... He wanted me to hate him..."
Ghostbur held a bit of blue in his hands tightly, avoiding your gaze as you murmured to yourself, "Yeah... Most of my happiest memories involve you... That's why I couldn't understand when you said Aliverbur hated you..." He glanced away again as he saw you look at him.
"(Y/n)... Are you ever going to move out of Pogtopia?"
"Probably not for a long time, Ghostbur."
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deluluass · 4 years
Then, the dam breaks.
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Content warnings: rape/noncon; nsfw; dacryphilia; mild infantilization
Kuroo's not a bad person. 
Not even by a long shot. "Bad" is willfully stretching out a leg, hidden like a predator among the bushes; hungry for an unknowing soul who's naively secured with their surroundings and the crack that resounds when face finally meets floor.
Or, murder! Murder is bad, he believes.  
No, Kuroo isn't capable of any of those things. He might seem like he has a mean streak about him. What, with his sharp tongue and that incorrigible self-satisfied smirk (according to Yaku) and his words that may or may not sting like a backhanded slap sometimes. But that's all in good humor. 
Well-deserved, too, when given to the right asshole. And if he does manage to get under the skin of the wrong person, Kuroo's not above offering an apology. 
And he means it. (Occasionally.)
There's no pleasure to be had, if anyone would ask. Because, again , he's not a bad guy. He's sly: he knows that much, though he wouldn't taunt someone into visible pain just for the thrill of it.
There's a method to all this. A purpose. Not a profound one, but a reason all the same. 
So he has to admit he's feeling kinda lost figuring out why, of all people, it just really had to be you. 
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There wasn't much of an option to begin with.
Art clubs had already been full. The other ones, you weren't much interested in. And by the time you realized your homeroom teacher would stop at nothing to remind you that this year was your last chance to do something other than study and prepare for exams, for once— well, it had already been too late to reconsider joining those.
Then a flyer was handed out to you.
"V-volley," the boy trailed off. 
Try as you might but you couldn't recognize him. A feat, that, considering his blond mohawk that you could spot among a crowd of thousands. 
He seemed like he'd caught a nasty spell that prevented him from meeting anyone's eyes, even as you deliberately searched his face for any sign that he'd explain himself to you. Surely, he must have a lot to say after he'd outright ambushed you from entering the cafeteria. 
"You...want me to join?" 
You were on the verge of asking for more details, focusing on the black cat (though it didn't look like it) drawn on the center of the curiously damp paper, only to find out that you'd been conversing with an empty hallway. 
A soft grumble left you. 
"Weird," you concluded, barely a whisper. "Weird, weird, weird ."
You were the volleyball team's manager since then. 
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"She's not much of a talker."
Lev hunched to his knees again, sounding very much like he's running out of breath.
It should've been Kuroo's cue to gently ( gently) tell him off, that Nekoma's ace would handle a minute of catching a ball with their face with much more tenacity than he does, or that Nekoma's ace shouldn't have to catch the ball with their face in the first place, period.
" Zoning out already, Ace? " he'd planned on jeering, but instead he followed the direction of the overgrown 10 year old's gaze. 
Someone was talking to you. 
Apologizing , was more like it, if the other student's incessant bowing until his torso fell from his body was any indication. You were outside of the gym, clipboard tucked under an arm, so it was impossible to catch a word you were saying.
Not that you were saying much. Or anything at all. You only nodded. And nodded again. And after what seemed like the world's loudest "I'm so sorry, senpai!",you immediately went back inside to refill the water bottles lined atop the bench. 
"Hey," Kenma sighed, the ball in his hand aimed for a toss. "Focus."
And the cycle of Lev being an utter disappointment to the blond setter continued. 
Kuroo let out a noncommittal hum, eyes never leaving you, trailing like a lost pup as you handed out water bottles to Nobuyuki and the others. 
"Not a talker, huh," he muttered to himself. 
How long has it been? Two weeks? Three, maybe? Kuroo could scarcely remember for how many days you'd been showing up to this sweaty pit to perform your duties. On the dot. Always. Without fail. 
What he does remember was the first day.
Chin up; head held high. You strutted into their lives as if you were leading an entire militia to battle and had no time to waste.  
He teased you for it when you'd already busied yourself with clean up duty a few minutes after your (short) ( extremely concise) introduction.
("Slow down there, general," he told you with a wry chuckle. He expected any reaction from you, really.)
(He just didn't expect you to actually slow down on your cleaning and pick up on the Coach's remaining paperwork right then and there, going through it like a forest fire.)
It would take him a few more days to realize that that's just how you are. 
Even when you rejected a tongue-tied Yamamoto when he tried to ask you out. For a meal. With the other boys, of course.
Even when you took a hurtling ball to your leg and lost your footing and had the whole team scrambling for a stretcher, only for you to stand on your good leg, tell everyone "I'm okay," and walk to the nurse's office on your own.
(Kuroo doesn't think he's seen someone limp with so much grace before.)
His throat suddenly felt incredibly dry. 
Water . Water was what he needed. 
You didn't see him coming from across the court. You were sitting on the bench and your back was turned, scribbling on that clipboard propped on your lap, yet— like clockwork, your idle hand shot out to give him the last bottle to your left before he could even finish asking for one.
He felt his lips curve as he muttered his thanks around the lid.
"Say," Kuroo began.  
You were reading the things you wrote back to yourself. 
"Mind telling me what was that about?"
You paused. You blinked up at Kuroo. 
The attention hits him like a freight train. 
That clear as summer sky gaze, unclouded and bright. 
It's nuts how unreal it felt. How can something so elusive be now all on him. 
(Just for him.)
"Earlier," he added, licking his lips and feeling silly for the way his chest tightened. "Seemed kinda intense."
"He borrowed my notes," you said. Then back to the clipboard again. 
Kuroo made himself comfortable next to you, elbow propped on his knee as he rested his chin against an open palm.
"Got a test coming up?"
"Cram school. He's in the same class."
Of course .
"Of course," Kuroo grinned. "What happened? Heard the guy apologize to you like you were about to kill him."
Laughter bubbled out of his chest. Unfortunately, you didn't seem to find it as funny as he did. Pity. 
He sighed.
"Nothing too bad, I hope."  
The noise of ballpoint pen scratching against paper halted. 
From way at the back, Lev was prattling Kenma's ear off again. Kuroo guessed they were about to leave, walking away from the court, away from the gym and to god knows where. The whole team, too, for that matter.
Everyone seemed to have gone, diminished in that second. He couldn't hear them anymore, didn't bother to see if they're still there.
He was looking at you, after all. Really looking at you. Your grip on the pen was a tad severe, he thought; fingers determined to squeeze the ink out of the barrel. 
Your face betrayed nothing. Indeed, anyone could spare you a glance and immediately guess that this is just another empty chat between acquainted individuals, conversation just for the sake of it. 
Kuroo wasn't just anyone, though.
Chin up and head held high; as you'd always done. But Kuroo's close enough to see it now, unlike before: the gulps you take in between breaths; the falter in those eyes that only ever looked forward.
Chin up and head held high, but Kuroo sees now that the neck he could easily break with one hand is so tense it's essentially a string pulled too tight that's on the brink of snapping. 
"Oh," Kuroo whispered.
Oh .
"He lost it didn't he?" Kuroo realized. "Your notes."
And it did snap.
"Just..!" You looked down and bunched your pants in your fist. "No. Of course not. It's nothing," you huffed, putting the ball pen's cap back on. 
You were leaving.
Kuroo stood up.
"You look upset, manager-san," he said softly, his larger frame blocking your attempts of escape. "It is bothering you, hm?"
"My notebook got-got ruined, sure," you said. "But juice stains aren't bothering me, Captain ."
There it is. You were meeting his gaze again. 
" Too late for that ," Kuroo thought. There's a stutter to your words when there had been none. 
Your arms are trembling and you look  uncomfortable. He should stop. He knows he should stop , but whatever it is he said is chipping away at that impenetrable wall and he doesn't get what's happening now but damn, damn if that tingle running down his spine doesn't feel so fucking good. 
"My bad," he chuckled. "Sorry."
He raised both his arms in a show of defeat. 
"I'm- it's fine," you said through gritted teeth. "If you would just— excuse me."
Kuroo shrugged a shoulder. 
"Sorry about your notes, still," he said. "Must've been important to you. We all know how much you take your studies very, very seriously." 
Kuroo smirked. "You shouldn't have let him have it then." 
That made you stop in your tracks. 
"What do you mean?" you sought, confusion breaking your voice into what sounds like the smallest it's ever been.
Kuroo felt his breath catch in his throat.
"He needed my help, though," you rushed. "I can't just turn people away." 
"Really?" Kuroo sniggered, eyebrows lifting in fascination. 
"Could've sworn you were good at it," he said; whispered it so lowly, you couldn't have heard it. But you did.
You heard him, all right. Loud and clear.
Because it was just like watching someone take a bullet to the heart. 
First, the disbelief. 
Skin, muscles, and ligaments weren't made to be broken like that. A person wasn't created to bleed to death. And when it happens, well, all one can ask is: how could someone hurt me like this? 
So you stand before him, immobile, disbelief written in those wide eyes, because how could he hurt me like this?
Then, the dam breaks.
Kuroo doesn't think that you know it; that you're gaping at him with tears streaming down your face; that you're falling apart and stripping yourself bare the more you try to temper those quivering lips with that cute little nibbling you do.  
Kuroo doesn't think you know it, too.
That no one has ever been as beautiful as you are, right in that very moment.
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You're not a good person.
Not even by a long shot. "Good" is an open hand, warm and soft and prepared to accept anyone in need of it. It's many things, goodness, but it most certainly isn't a dismissive attitude towards a well-meaning person who only wants to get to know you.
You hadn't gone this far in your uneventful life ignorant of what people say behind your back. "Frigid" is one. "Indifferent" on a good day. "Bitch" when someone feels like being mean. 
It's not like you're mad or anything; not as if you'd built up some sort of resentment within you that now you've settled for being perpetually friendless. You have plans, is all. You just can't afford to be a constant helping hand when you've got so much to do.
So you take it. 
Be a sport about it, was what you've always been told. Stiff upper lip, as they say. You remain silent about it and you endure and maybe you shed a few tears later as you lie in bed and maybe you entertain the possibility that you'll never see the end of this loneliness. 
But that's neither here nor there.
The point is, this time shouldn't have been any different.
(But sometimes even the strongest walls can crumble. All it takes is one crack, then the rest would follow.)
It was a bad day. 
You woke up late. You messed up the tally in the first set of practice games. You forgot the homework you'd stayed up all night to do. 
And the person whom you've lended your notes to for the college entrance exams lost it. 
He lost it. Conveniently just a month before the actual thing. 
"I- It's nowhere to be found, senpai," he explained. "I tried looking for it everywhere but- but I.." (You don't remember the rest.)
It's fine, you told yourself. You're fine. You can do something about a little inconvenience like this. You always have.
But then Kuroo Tetsurou asked. 
He's an amazing captain; even someone like you who only had a rudimentary knowledge at volleyball could understand the level of skill it requires to do what he does on the court while still managing to reign in the polarizing characters in this team together. And like most people, Kuroo Tetsurou has never cared for you. 
That's what you'd always thought, concerning him. Even when there had been times when he'd let slip what he thought about you. ("You're so cold, manager-san," he pouted once after you'd refused to eat with Yamamoto and the others.)
So it blindsided you, to say the least. 
The way he looked at you, as if he's privy to your darkest secrets, like he's seen you at your lowest and somehow knows you more than you did. 
When he'd jabbed and poked at what you'd only later realize was already a festering wound. (" It is bothering you, hm?" he said.) And before you could think about telling him to stop, to please, please let it go, it had already happened.
(" Could've sworn you were good at it ," he said.) 
This isn't news to you. Besides, there have obviously been worse digs. 
But hearing it from people who think you're not listening and being told about it to your face are two vastly different things. 
(Maybe it's because deep inside you'd always hoped that not everyone disliked you. That even though you're not a good person, you're not entirely bad either.)
Right in front of you, swift and without warning, he spoke only the truth.
You just weren't prepared for how deep it could cut. 
"I have to go," you murmured.
It took you a few seconds to realize that you'd been crying. And when you did, you immediately wiped your cheek with the back of your hand, turning away from him and the others still engrossed in their drills.
You let your feet do the thinking, allowing it to take you wherever they wished to go ( not here. not here. anywhere but here ), finding it impossible to do so yourself when your vision is clouded with welling tears. 
You moved forward, never once looked back, until you ended up inside the stark darkness of the gym's forgotten neighbor. 
The shed has long been abandoned and had nothing but dust, a couple of furniture in disrepair, and the occasional bug to keep it company. It was good enough for you. You didn't need much anyway.
Except for silence. 
The breaths that you'd desperately tried to control shook like dried leaves hanging onto frail branches, much like your legs, eventually collapsing at the slightest gust of wind. 
All you needed was silence.
Crouched down, the feeling of bones reduced to jelly was a lot more palpable. And despite the pins and needles that you know would eventually appear like a vengeful mistress, you stubbornly pressed your knees closer to your damp face.
Stuttering inhales and short-lived exhales  soon enough filled the gnawing emptiness of the shed as you count back to the moment you'd started the day to when your classmate told you that he'd lost your notebook to when you'd been told of how much of a shitty person you are and you wonder how you would've changed your decisions and how could it have gotten to this point how could it go wrong like this what did I do what did I do wrong what went —
"There you are."
You clamped your mouth shut, clenched your teeth so hard to stop their chattering. How useless. 
The creaking noise of the door being closed— punctuated by the sound of the latch clicking, rendered that effort futile. 
Kuroo Tetsurou locked the door.   
"C-can you," you panted. "Can you please leave."
"I need some time alone," you said, every beat of your heart like the ticking clock of a time bomb. "Please." 
You waited for him to do as you'd told. Maybe what happened earlier was a mistake, a slip of tongue that hurt more than it should've, and he's here to apologize. Of course. That's it, isn't it? Why else would he be here?
"I- If you want to say something, we can- we can— later." 
It was as if the entire world had gone still. He said nothing; neither could you hear any hint of movement. You turned around.
He was right there. 
Right in front of you, crouched and staring right back at you. His face a hair's breadth away from yours. 
Your legs shot upwards. 
"What are you- ah !" You hissed, feeling every cell in your body being incessantly pricked. Finding it impossible to stand on your own, your hands scrambled to get a hold of something, anything, maybe the almost dilapidated table behind you— only to be caught in between large, strong arms.
"Careful, now," he murmured against your neck. His scalding breath like frostbite, chilling you down to your bones until you were numbed from the pain.
He slithered a hand around your waist. With blood thundering to your ears, you bit back a shriek and pushed him away with all your might. But have you forgotten? Despite that indolent swagger of his, you've witnessed how this boy pushes himself to exertion for each match and beyond. What made you think you could win against him? 
And when you attempted to open your mouth and yell, he effortlessly covered it with a palm while hauling you towards the table. The thing rocked under your weight. It is amusing, what the fear of falling does to you. One moment you're thrashing your way out; the next, you're holding onto your tormentor for dear life.
"No one's gonna come for you." He shushed you like how one would when placating a rabid animal. "You really believe they would bother? With an attitude like that?"
Down, down, his hand sank to your thigh, kneading the aching flesh until all you could do was mewl out a hoarse, "S-stop. I beg y-you."
Because it's all that's left for you. No one's going to save you. Or maybe someone would. But, who? And would they, really? 
(Go on, then. Try. See for yourself.)
"Kuroo-san," you whimpered. " S-stop ."
(Would they even believe you? It's your word against his. Him . Their beloved captain.)
"Tetsurou," he only said, dipping his hand lower, wrapping your freezing legs around him. "Say it."
He's everywhere. Lips tracing your chin, teeth grazing your throat; all the while your weak, pathetic arms stayed on his shoulders, thinking he'd regain his senses because he has to. He has to. He's not a bad person. He wouldn't hurt you, not in that way. 
Even when rough palms are already caressing the sides of your breasts and you feel a bulge rutting against your stomach, hot and rock hard and large, his hands grabbing your ass to bring your crotch closer to his—
"Cap- Tetsurou!" You cried, trembling hands back on his chest as you sobbed and pleaded please, please, let me go, I won't say anything, I-I'll keep quiet .
He did stop. But he didn't let you go. (You're a stupid girl if you think he would). Instead, with a forefinger under your chin and a thumb on your lower lip, he gently tilted your head to meet his gaze. 
And when your murky vision adjusted to the shadows, the heart that wanted to escape from your chest ceased its clamoring, arresting your breath with it.
The afternoon sun peeked through the crevices of the shed's wooden walls. Red-orange light revealed a pair of iris swallowed by blown pupils, only for it to pass and shroud him back into the darkness. 
"Say it again," he whispered, deep voice cracking. " Tetsurou . My name."
You tried to speak and protest once again but only a croaked snivel left you, your babbling becoming less coherent when he began planting soft kisses on both tear-streaked cheeks. 
"You've been all alone, haven't you? Keeping everything to yourself all this time."
He kissed your forehead and it was so tender you wanted to die. 
"My strong, brave girl," he breathed. "I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you. I- I-"
You heard him chuckle as he pressed his forehead to yours, felt it crease on your skin. "I love you."
No. No, no, no . You shook your head and closed your eyes and prayed to anyone who's listening. 
"I love you," he repeated, strongly now, as if he only realized it this time around. 
And then he kissed you. Just a peck. And then he kissed you again, deepening it to probe a wet tongue into your mouth. And the hand sitting lax on your neck felt like a gun to your temple.   
You remained just as you were, like a plaything to do with as he pleased, as you felt calloused fingers creep inside your sweaty shirt.
"Such pretty tits," he grunted as he raised your bra over your breasts to brush your nipples, rolling and pinching and pulling them with his thumbs.
He muffled the noises you made with his own mouth still when he continued fondling you. You soon enough tasted the salt off of his palm when he left your lips to lick and pepper bites on your neck, on the valley and mounds of your breasts, sucking and lapping the stiff peaks until he was satisfied.
You tried counting, one to whatever. And when that did not work, you tried biting your own tongue to rid of the heat you fear would burst in your belly. 
All that went to waste when he reached inside your pants. 
"Not- not there!" you gasped, breaking your silence and wriggling out of his grasp.
He cooed. "You'll feel good. I promise."
After hooking long fingers over the hem of your panties, he briskly parted the hair and lips underneath to pull the thin cotton over the folds, over the throbbing nub trapped in the middle. 
"Your pussy's so wet, sweetheart," he sighed, the tip of his middle finger drawing light circles on your clothed clit. 
It was so lewd and dirty and the fact that your panties were soaked with slick was enough to burn you with shame.
"You like it, hm?" 
Perhaps you whimpered out a meek "no." You couldn't tell anymore, heaving out while he continued to toy with a sore nipple as he rubbed your slippery cunt, preying on your puffed out, swollen clit.  
"Feel what you do to me." He squeezed your wrist and forced your shivering hand on his crotch. "Take out my cock, baby," he whispered, scattering kisses on your neck.
"Tet-Tetsuro…san," you cried. "I can- I can't."
"Yes. Yes, you can ," he said, not halting the ministrations between your legs. "You're a big girl."
As if held by a string, he guided you, wrapped his hand around yours as he— as you stroked him, scorching and thick, up and down, just like that . 
"Good girl. My good little girl," he groaned, parting your panties to the side to tease your dripping hole. 
You wept harder, the inevitable only a few seconds away from you. A single finger, at first. And when he added a second one, you realized you preferred having a hand on your mouth than his lips on yours.
(Because then you wouldn't have to think of an excuse why you're suddenly swirling and brushing your tongue in time with his.) 
For a while there had been nothing but the sound of two wet lips pursing against each other (along with those embarrassing squelching noises). 
He treated you as if you were made of porcelain, your plush walls stroked oh so gently as he circled the sensitive bundle of nerves. Even when he ended the kiss and removed your hand from his cock, spit and pre-cum connecting you to him, he still handled you as if you would break at the drop of a hat.
That's why it snuck up on you, what happened, after he brought his mouth to your ear.
"Don't scream," he whispered. 
Then, he rammed his fingers in your mouth. 
You tasted yourself as he forced you on your back, slamming you down on the dirty table yet still carrying your weight all throughout, never letting go.
The bitter acceptance of it— that what began earlier can only conclude to this , did not prepare you for the feeling when he finally thrust himself into you.
They say it shouldn't hurt at first. If it does then he's doing it wrong. 
You hardly know if it's relief or horror that dawns on you when you realize how he stretched you out so easily, despite his size. Because, by all means, this should be wrong. This is wrong. 
"Gonna ruin you," he panted. "Gonna ruin you and— fuck put you back together myself."
He grinded his cock inside you deep and slow and when he hit that spot you couldn't control yourself from jackknifing so hard he had to hold you down. He does this mercilessly, pace growing more delirious until you're nothing but a choked and sputtering fool around his fingers.
"I won't ever leave you. I’m here," he cooed, stroking your hair and kissing your face as you bawled and shattered in his embrace. "I’m here ."
"So cry all you want."
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startanewdream · 3 years
The road home
Summary: Lily watches Harry and Ginny finding their way back to each other following the end of the war.
Note: For @madhulika18, who asked for more Hinny moments as seen by James and Lily. I could never decide if this is really part of Eyes Glistening (because Harry and Ginny have drama really, and I don't like them having drama), but it works either way, so I hope you enjoy these moments (also, I have a soft spot for Lily and Harry talking, so...)
It’s all about the words that aren’t being said.
Once, a long time ago, Lily lived that with James. But it was different and, though, of course, it didn’t seem like that at the time, it was easier too. Her problems were unknowing her feelings, not understanding why she enjoyed his company and why she craved his smile, his light. She had fancied him for a long time before she understood what it was what she really felt for him — and until then it was only her heart beating faster when they would touch each other without meaning too (a brush of hands, sitting together closer than necessary), enjoying the perfume he’d left on his trace, finding excuses to be with him.
But after she had understood what she felt for him, somehow it had been easy. Awkward, sure, that first date when she was feeling stupid near him — until she remembered this was James, and being with him was good and blissful and then kissing him had felt as natural as breathing —, but there was never a question about how they felt about each other, never doubts that they would be together.
They had fought over many things, until they perfected the art of compromising, of understanding each other’s view, but there was never a breakup, never something that really kept them apart.
They are lucky on this, she knows.
Especially when she sees the look on Harry’s face, the way his eyes can’t help but follow Ginny as she walks around between the tables of the Great Hall, stopping to share words with her friends.
They haven’t talked yet. Lily knows this because Harry was gone with Ron and Hermione after the battle and then he slept for a full day. When he woke up, he called his parents and they talked then — the most difficult conversation Lily had ever had in her life and the one she knew she needed most. She and James. They needed to understand what had happened, why it had cost Harry’s life and what it had meant, but nothing had really prepared her to know her son had died.
Only the thought of it sends shivers through her body.
Harry is fine now, having come down to the Great Hall to lunch; there are fewer people at Hogwarts two days after the Battle, so they manage to find a place for them to sit quietly. It’s almost peaceful.
Except Harry is clearly not at peace.
‘Go talk to her,’ she whispers to him, and Harry turns to her with those eyes that are full of ghosts lately — he has seen and lived and died too much.
‘She doesn’t want me,’ he answers, breathing heavily as if the words are physically hurting him.
‘How do you know?’ James asks, exchanging a confused look with Lily.
‘Because she hasn’t come to talk to me.’
Lily thinks Harry didn’t go to her either, so maybe this is just a case of miscommunication. But she doesn’t say anything, because she believes things have to happen at the right time. And she has been watching Ginny too; every time Harry looks the other way, she glances in his direction, an expression on her face that Lily cannot understand exactly.
It seems to be ablaze.
Later, Lily will define it as a dance where the dancers aren’t supposed to touch each other but still they synchronize their steps perfectly.
It’s unnerving, really, and she doesn’t know how they are really managing it, but if there is a quality she could attribute to both Harry and Ginny is stubbornness.
They can’t ignore each other, not really, not with how much they encounter each other — funerals and homages and dinners over the Burrow and rebuilding Hogwarts —, so instead they adopt a sort of relationship that’s just a shadow of how much they got along together.
Lily saw them before they even dated or had acknowledged their feelings for each other, and Harry and Ginny had shined together with chemistry as if they were two ingredients in a potion that demanded to be together. It was only friendship but there was sparkle and understanding and compassion and brightness. Lily remembers thinking that even if they didn’t develop romantic feelings for each other, they were truly soulmates.
And this is just one of the reasons why their current formal courtesy with each other bothers her so much. If they wanted to be only friends, there wasn’t much she could do. But they are not even friends lately, just two people who had gone through so much and hadn’t been able to share anything with each other despite wanting very much.
That’s the other thing that annoys her. They want more. Both of them.
She knows Harry, of course — he shares the same expressions and he wears his feelings on the same sleeve Lily does, so it’s easy —, and Lily likes to think she knows Ginny too, for the times they met, for all they’ve talked and for the fact that Ginny is usually blatant on her feelings when they are at the edge.
Usually. This time, it seems their stubbornness is getting the better of both of them.
They are alone most of the days of May. Hermione has gone to Australia to find her parents and Ron went with her, and Lily thinks this would be perfect for them to get together again – to have time to talk and to truly live their relationship without the threat of a storm above their heads.
But they don’t go to each other. They stay apart, even though Lily sees the cracks in their stubbornness when Harry breaks a glass after hearing Ginny talking about exchanging letters with an ex-boyfriend, and when Ginny suddenly leaves the room after Harry mentions Kingsley’s proposal to start the Aurors course.
James sees it too. He is always frowning when they are in the same room, and Lily knows no one rooted more for that relationship than James. So she is not surprised that he approaches her one morning when they are cleaning the mess the Death Eaters made in her office.
‘Do you remember when you forbade me from intervening in Harry’s love life?’ he asks in a nonchalant voice, cleaning a stain that looks a lot like blood on the carpet.
Lily nods with her head.
‘Maybe it’s time to change that rule?’ James asks then, now sounding hopeful.
Lily throws him the briefest of the looks, without turning away her attention from the cauldrons she is supposed to check if anything is worth saving.
‘Harry would hate it if we did anything.’
‘Harry would hate it if he knew we were doing anything.’
‘And James Potter can be discreet? How many detentions did you get just because you couldn’t help but flaunt your work?’
He raises his eyebrows challengingly.
‘That Slug Club dinner on my birthday. I was so discreet no one ever found out what we were doing.’
Lily blushes. He was absurdly quiet that night, indeed, despite her attempts otherwise.
‘Fine, you’ve got a point. Go on, but I’m warning you, if Ginny realizes what you are trying to do, she will hex you and I won’t stop.’
‘As long as she hexes me on their wedding day, I won’t complain,’ James says unabashedly, and Lily has to grin.
She is not feeling much confident — James’ love plans took him three years to her agree to date him, after all, and even then she had fallen in love with him when he had given up on any plan at all —, but she can’t deny James is creative and it’s better trying anything than watching Harry sigh all over the place, heartbroken and unhappy.
During the year they were out, their house has been searched over and over; their furniture is broken and there are spots of red ink — or blood — in every room, with curses or slurs written on every wall. They could just easily destroy the house and build a new one, but it feels good to clean the place; it feels like a new beginning.
Maybe this is what James is hoping to give Harry and Ginny because he asks for her help in rebuilding their house. Ginny accepts surprisingly quickly, probably guessing that Harry will still be occupied with the work at Hogwarts.
‘Thanks for the help,’ Lily says after she and Ginny manage to clean the debris away from the stairs, so now the first floor is available for them to start cleaning up the rooms.
‘No problem, it’s good to be out of the house,’ Ginny notes, drying the sweat on her face. ‘Sometimes it feels… too claustrophobic there.’
Lily raises her eyebrows, indicating around the hall, where the number of things still to be organized makes the corridor seem a lot smaller than it is. Ginny gives a small chuckle.
‘It’s just — Mom is trying to compensate, I think. Ron is not here and I am the youngest and she needs to take care of something, after — after everything that happened. So, yeah, I need some time to myself.’
‘Are you sure there is nothing else you would like to do?’ Lily asks, concerned now. Ginny just shrugs.
‘Since I can’t fly, this seems like the best available option,’ she says. ‘And it feels good to be doing something — and there is so much to do here. The Death Eaters made a mess.’
‘That could be said for everywhere.’
‘And everyone,’ Ginny adds softly, and she returns to the cabinet she is trying to fix without saying anything further, but Lily doesn’t think she needs to. She saw Neville’s bruises, she saw Luna’s scars and she has a pretty good idea of how it was at Hogwarts under Voldemort’s regime.
But Ginny keeps her marks quietly, and Lily knows there is only one person she will be able to talk to.
The next day, James comes home earlier from Hogwarts with Harry. There is an awkward moment when Harry and Ginny meet in the kitchen and James mentions that now the main work over Hogwarts is done, Harry volunteered to help get his home back again.
‘Any problem?’ James asks genially, making both Harry and Ginny jump.
‘No,’ they say at the same time, and it doesn’t convince anyone.
Lily never noticed how big their house was until she realizes Harry and Ginny still manage to avoid each other except during mealtimes, so she decides they can get past subtlety. She and James start to ask them for help for the same rooms until they eventually are paired in the same tasks.
She doesn’t hear them talking, but it seems to work, albeit at the slowest pace ever.
‘You won’t believe who asked Sirius for an interview,’ James says one night after they settled for the day and they are having dinner before Ginny returns to her house. ‘Rita Skeeter.’
‘What scoop does she want now?’ Harry asks, rolling his eyes. ‘I am still awaiting her biography about me.’
‘What will be called?’, Ginny asks, and Harry turns to her with his eyes already shining with the joke.
‘Easy. Harry Potter, chosen or undesirable one?’
She laughs – it’s a short tentative laugh, but it’s there, and Harry smiles too. James exchanges a look with Lily, but she shakes her head warningly to him.
‘What Skeeter wanted with Sirius?’ she asks, putting the conversation back into place. It was just a shared joke. There is still a long road ahead.
‘Oh, gossip on you and me, actually, which unfortunately is something Sirius thinks it’s too funny to pass – and also he has a soft spot for Skeeter.’
Harry chokes on his drink.
‘Soft spot?’
‘Oh, please, don’t tell me –‘ Ginny raises her eyebrows, exchanging a bewildered look with Harry. ‘Sirius and Rita Skeeter?’
James chuckles.
‘No, he just likes her because of the animagus stuff. He says he can’t fault her for being one.’
‘Oh, much better,’ Ginny sighs. Then she bits her lip before looking back at Harry. ‘Can you imagine them together? Rita Skeeter as your godmother?’
‘I would have to quit Sirius from his job as godfather,’ Harry says, pretending to gag. ‘He would clearly be underqualified.’
There is another small giggle and that’s it for the night.
They are talking again at least, even if it is still not like it used to be. There are no whispered words during their time together during the day and they don’t seem to be secretly snogging. But they talk sometimes, and once or twice Lily hears a laugh when she passes the room they are in.
But it’s only two weeks later that something seems to happen.
Lily is in her room, finishing to set up the bed so she and James will finally be able to sleep there, when the voices catch her up on her window.
‘You are bleeding.’
‘It’s just a cut, Harry, no big deal.’
‘It was a splinter, there can still be something there.’
‘I told you, I took everything off. I will just press it, it will stop bleeding in a minute.’
‘I can help you, I – I know a lot of healing spells.’
There is a pause.
‘Me too, but I also know that the bleeding will stop. It’s not deep.’
‘How do you –‘
‘Same way you know, Harry.’ There is a note of tension in Ginny’s voice. ‘I had to learn.’
‘Ginny –‘
‘What? Do you think you were the only one who had a hard time?’
And she storms inside, giving him no time to answer.
Harry is subdued that night, even more reserved than natural, and when she passes his room late at night, she sees the light is on. For a second Lily wonders if she should call James, but then she sighs and knocks on his door.
In answer, the door opens quietly. Lily enters his room to see Harry fully clothed on his bed; he is holding something and, with a start, she realizes it’s the Marauder’s Map. That’s a weird thing for Harry to be consulting in the middle of the night.
‘Can’t sleep?’ she asks, sitting on the edge of his bed and running her hand through his hair comfortingly. He shrugs. ‘Anything to do with that fight with Ginny?’
He raises his eyebrows.
‘Hearing behind doors, Mum?’
‘No need, you were talking under my window.’
‘Next fight I will make sure we are far,’ he says with a grimace.
‘There will be a next fight?’
‘I don’t know,’ he admits, and this prospect doesn’t seem to make him better. ‘If I asked you something, would you be honest with me?’
‘Wasn’t I always, Harry?’
He smiles for a second before his expression is grave and uncertain.
‘Do you think I am self-centred?’
Lily blinks.
‘No one would accuse you of being selfish, Harry, I mean –’
She doesn’t know where to begin, considering all the sacrifices she had seen Harry make over the years — he gave his life —, but Harry shakes his head.
‘Not selfish, I mean – the summer after my fourth year, when Voldemort was back, I said plenty of things –’
‘You were under a lot of stress, no one –’
‘I know, but I was complaining about how everything happened to me and now I am thinking that maybe, somehow, I never stopped to think that things happen to other people too.’
Lily squeezes his hand.
‘It is not a suffering competition, Harry.’
‘I don’t know if I see it that way. I mean, when I saw Neville for the first time, with all his bruises and looking so hurt, I still wished it could be me, staying at Hogwarts and fighting because it seemed easier and it never occurred to me that she could – they could – have had a difficult time too. It still seemed… just school.’
He pauses to pick up the Marauder’s Map, opening it even if there is no map showing there.
‘I used to take the Map last year to watch over her,’ he whispers, his face flushing. ‘And I saw her dot and I never thought that she could be in trouble. I knew they were rebelling, but… it didn’t feel like it was something real.’
‘Well, that’s why you should talk to each other. None of you will understand if you keep avoiding each other.’
‘She is mad at me.’
‘Of course she is. You are avoiding her.’
He doesn’t answer.
‘You need to talk, Harry. Go there. Try it.’
He blinks, a hint of a smile on his lips.
‘Are you suggesting that I go visit my ex-girlfriend in the middle of the night?’
‘I’m pretty sure you will just talk if she doesn’t hex you first,’ Lily says brightly. Then she smiles softly. ‘You could wait until tomorrow, Harry, but I have the feeling you both have been waiting too long. And this isn’t any of your styles. You are both people of action.’
Harry grins now, standing up.
‘I will go then. Thanks for the tip, Mum.’
Lily accepts the soft kiss he gives her on the cheek.
‘Just be safe, Harry.’
Harry seems to be in a better mood the next morning, despite the fact that he slept a few hours that night — Lily knows he returned by five, just as the sun was rising.
But she doesn’t say anything, just smiling to herself when Harry’s face lights up when the fireplace erupts into emerald flames and Ginny appears, dusting her clothes. They exchange a look that it’s still not there yet, but it’s soft and promising. James looks in her direction, surprised, and she promises to explain later.
It’s not Summer yet, but the days of May and then June get warmer and then Harry and Ginny are spending more time outside, though there isn’t much to fix there.
At least, not material things.
James keeps an eye on them — he wouldn’t resist not doing so —, telling her that most of the time they just seem to be taking long strolls and talking.
One day they return from their walk holding hands, and Lily has to lock James inside the room so he doesn’t say anything. Harry and Ginny are still not there.
The road home takes time.
On the second weekend of June they have the hottest day yet and they take some time off; James transfigures a pool in the backyard that neither Harry nor Ginny seems to enjoy other than to sit at the edge of the pool and take off their shoes to wet their feet. Instead of helping to ease any tension, the pool seems to create some weight over them, making them more silent than usual, so James suggests they go flying instead.
‘My Firebolt is gone,’ Harry remembers, wincing, and Lily knows it’s not the broomstick he is really missing right now. Harry lost a friend that day.
‘Mine was burnt by the Carrows last year,’ Ginny adds, her voice casual as if it’s nothing important.
They don’t end up doing anything after that.
In the afternoon, James gets a call from Sirius and Lily decides to just stay home, finishing the Wolfsbane Potions she will need to deliver to Remus by the end of the week. She is quietly lost in her favourite potion world when she hears the voices, and it’s just because they are whispering, rather than talking normally, that it draws her attention.
‘Are you sure?’ Ginny is asking, her voice unusually hesitant.
‘Only if you are,’ he whispers, sounding just as unstable.
Lily approaches the window and withdraws the curtains as little as she needs. Harry and Ginny are still by the pool, standing facing each other, and without looking away from Harry, she takes off her shirt, to reveal her bikini under it.
Harry gasps, but Lily knows that what is taking his breath away are the marks on Ginny’s torso — faint scars of cuts and small yellowed bruises that remained from the battle, over a month ago.
Ginny bits her lip, her arms trembling as if she wants to cover herself. Harry finally takes a step in her direction, looking her in the eyes now.
'Thank you for showing me,’ he whispers and then he sighs. 'My turn'.
His hands are shaking as he goes to unbutton his shirt, until Ginny raises her hands.
'May I?'
Harry nods slowly.
Ginny keeps her head high, not looking away from Harry's eyes, until she finishes opening all the buttons from his shirt and taking it off.
Then her eyes fall to his chest and Ginny freezes.
Lily knows what she is seeing, even though Lily can't see it from her angle: Harry's new lightning scar, across his chest, over his heart, where the Killing Curse hit him for the second time in his life.
'Harry,’ Ginny sighs, pain evident in her voice. She raises her hand, looking at him, questioning him silently. Harry nods once more.
Then Ginny takes a step closer to him, touching his chest, and Lily knows that she must be feeling his heart over it.
She lets the curtain fall and returns to her potion.
She is not surprised when they return home holding hands and she only tells James later (so he doesn't say anything during dinner because she knows her husband) that Ginny kissed Harry softly on the lips when she thought no one was seeing them.
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dreamsoflevi · 3 years
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Love Was Not Enough | Part 1
Summary: A titan shifter is working in the Scout Regiment with a plan. Growing up with hate for Paradis takes a complete turn when falling for a certain Captain and developing friendships. Is it too late to make a change?
Word Count: 4.2k
CW: Some fluff, angst, mentions of violence, description of an emotional breakdown, stress.
Author’s Note: My first post on Tumblr! I’m so slow when it comes to using Tumblr lol. Starting off with an angsty story because it's raining and gloomy. It was supposed to be an one-shot but it ended up being super long. There will be 1-2 more parts. Hope you enjoy! ♡
You loved him.
You really did.
You still do.
When you first met him, you were surprised this was the person everyone was referring to when they would mention Humanity's strongest soldier, Captain Levi. His aloof and brash attitude would prove those thoughts drilled in your head about the devils in disguise living amongst the lands as you. He didn't care for anything and he wouldn’t hesitate to remind you of that. “You will become titan shit.” His exact words spat to your face. Who does he think he is?
You were exceptional at what you did, full of intellect and skills landed you on his squad along with a group of newer cadets. The 104th cadets. You were all replacements for his previous squad who were killed by the female titan, your comrade Annie during the 57th expedition. You were trained for this after all. You were prepared and you had a plan along with a few others. Secret glances, nods, and meetings were shared amongst you four any chance you could get.
You ended up befriending a few too. A shy yet wise Armin, an extremely passionate Eren, a wild and resourceful Sasha, and some others. A bunch of children putting their lives on the line for a better tomorrow, a hopeful future. Aren’t you doing the same too?
During expeditions, you would watch Captain Levi swinging through trees on his ODM gear, slicing through the napes of every titan he landed his eyes on. Now you understand why he is humanity’s strongest. Slicing through titans without a struggle and with immense strength and speed.
He'd frantically look around making sure the others were okay. He'd shout the names of his squad and any other names he could remember hoping to get a shout in return. The panicked look on this face when he would hear screams and race to the source of them. Maybe he does care. When returning to the walls, you could see him grimace watching the gates open only for it to quickly change back to his normal neutral expression.
“L/N!” A voice breaking your thoughts as you walk back inside the headquarters after training. You turn around to see Captain Levi standing behind you with a small stack of papers in his hand.
“Yes, Captain?” You wiped the sweat off your forehead with your sleeve.
“Are you doing anything after this?”
You shook your head. “No, sir. Do you need anything?”
“Yes. Deliver this paperwork to Commander Erwin. He should be in his office now.” He handed you the small stack of papers he was holding.
“Yes, sir.” You nodded your head grabbing the papers and walking in the direction of Commander Erwin’s office.
Approaching his office, you knocked on his door. You heard a deep voice respond and turned the knob to enter. Opening the door, you see the distressed Commander sitting at his desk. One hand resting on his forehead and the other scribbling away. He glances up and sees the stack in your hands.
“Ah, thank you (Y/N), I was waiting for these.” Raising his hand in anticipation of the papers.
You walked up to his desk handing it to him. “No problem, Commander.”
You look around his messy desk. Papers spread all around, empty teacups resting on the side, and two ink bottles sitting on his desk. Your eyes take a peek at his face, dark circles under his eyes, and his hair slightly messed up. You couldn’t help but feel bad for him. No. You try shaking those thoughts away. They are the devils and we are paying for their actions.
But you take another look at him. Imagine being in his position. Are you aware of what your ancestors did, Commander? He’s shuffling through the small stack of papers that were just handed to him. You can see the squares and circles in the form of a large triangle. The formations. The lives and the future of thousands rest upon this single man’s shoulders. Of course, he has to spend hours on end meticulously planning the expeditions and making sure the formations are properly formed. A plan for a better tomorrow, a hopeful future. Don’t you want that too?
You internally sigh in defeat. “Um... Commander?” You nervously play with your fingers.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” He looks up at you, hand still holding the quill and the other now resting on the desk.
“Do.. do you need help? I just finished training and If you need help, I…” You bite your lip, your nerves getting the best of you as his eyes remain in contact with yours.
The curves of his mouth turn upwards. “If you can, please.” He gestures to the seat in front of him.
You flash him a smile, nod your head and take a seat. He hands you a stack of papers. “For these, you just need to write today’s date under the line where it says date received. Then organize them alphabetically.”
That’s where you found yourself at least twice a week. Helping the commander out whenever you could, organizing his paperwork, and filling them out whenever he needed you to. Sometimes you would work in complete silence. The sounds of pens scribbling, paper shuffling, and the sips the Commander took of his tea. Sometimes he would tell you a little story about his life and of his childhood. He would speak of his father being a major inspiration in his life and the reason he pushes forward every day. He had a sudden death, though the Commander never told you why, you can imagine it was a traumatic one for him.
A couple of months pass by and you are now sitting in the Captain's office. Coming into Commander’s office one day and seeing his surprisingly organized desk for once and him telling you that he didn’t need any assistance today. However, Captain Levi might need help with the reports from a previous expedition. Nodding your head and giving a quick salute, you made your way to Captain Levi’s office.
Working with Captain Levi was soothing. His office was very neat. Paperwork in his office sitting on his desk in organized piles. You can smell the faint scent of lemon which was refreshing. You visiting his office became a more frequent occurrence since he appreciated the assistance he would receive though he’d never tell you that. He would have a stack ready for you set up on the side table in his office. He was not much of a talker like Commander Erwin nor was he someone who reminisces his life it seems.
However, you would still have conversations here and there. He would ask about how you were feeling with training and if you dared to complain about the exercises he was giving, he would simply tell you to get better with the exercises or get eaten. Then realizing his bluntness and the silence that filled the room after, he would elaborate on his statement.
What he means is, he would say, these exercises help with increasing stamina and balance that will aid us on the battlefield. Outside the walls, anything can happen. Titans pop out of nowhere catching you off guard and little mishaps like getting tangled, being too slow, or even aiming your anchor wrong can lead to a fatal mistake. You could agree with that.
“(L/n), why did you decide to join the scouts?” He asked without looking up from what he was doing.
You stilled for a second and looked up at him. His eyes were still on the paper in front of him. This question always catches you off guard even if you rehearsed it so many times. It makes you nervous and vulnerable as if the person asking can see right through you and your facade.
“Same reason as everyone else, sir.” He glanced at you now and you immediately looked back down at the paper in front of you. You tried to avoid as much eye contact as you can.
He cocked an eyebrow. “Which is?”
“F-freedom.. from the titans.” You heard a scoff.
“Now you sound like Eren.” He was still looking at you. You dared to meet your eyes with his. He still had a stoic look on his face but there was curiosity simmering in his eyes. He was waiting for an answer. You had no choice but to give one. How would you say it though? You don’t want to lie. Captain Levi can be very perceptive and you’re sure he could see through your facade.
You bit your lip. “I… I want a better future for myself, my loved ones, and future generations. All my life, I’ve experienced confinement and.. oppression. But I have been given the power- er, the opportunity I should say to aid in defeating our e-enemies and... and I hope to accomplish that to live a more liberating life.”
He remained in eye contact with you without saying anything. The silence was deafening in the room and you hoped he would say something. Each second of silence was building the temperature in your body as your nerves were starting to get the best of you. Your chest was burning and you could feel a bit of sweat forming on your scalp. Did you say the wrong thing? Or maybe you said too much? Why isn’t he saying anything?
Your lips parted in anticipation to say something. But what else were you going to say? Before you can process what you are going to say, he hummed and looked back down at his work.
“You are right. We all have the same reason, more or less. To break out of these confined and oppressive walls and defeat these shitty titans. Whatever is out there must be better than what we live in now.”
You internally sighed. It’s not better but hopefully, it will get better. I guess we have the same mission, just different targets. You and everyone else here being mine Captain. You felt your throat dry up. Can you imagine killing these people? Watching Captain struggling on his last breath? Commander Erwin? Hange? Connie, Sasha, Jean, Armin? But your ancestors... Now you are suffering because of these devils.
Shaking your head of these thoughts, you try to focus back on the paper in front of you. “Ar-” You cleared your throat. “Armin believes there’s a sea out there.”
He snorted. “That kid and his shitty dream...” You could see a hint of a smile forming on his face. “Who knows, maybe there is.”
You come to realize that he’s not rude, he just doesn’t know how to express himself. His actions speak louder than words and you can’t help but grow a lot of respect for him. But he’s still a devil. But he has a heart and he cares for every single person in this regiment, including you. It doesn’t matter. They caused your people pain and betrayed them.
A perk of being on Captain Levi’s squad is getting to sit on meetings planning the expeditions. Commander Erwin would call these meetings for input on observations made from previous missions. Armin enthusiastically shares what he learns from the missions. Plans are being formed around Eren and his abilities. He’s learning new things about what he can do every day and recently he learned about hardening abilities from Annie. Working with Hange to train how to harden properly to be able to plug walls in the future.
They have no idea though. No idea what is beyond these walls, where these titans come from, where do they go, or anything else. They are risking their lives for the answers, the answers that you already know.
Walking through the dark hallways, you step into the mess hall. There sitting on a table in the dimly lit corner were Reiner and Bertholdt. The ones on the mission with you alongside Annie.
“Where have you been lately?” Reiner asked as you sat down on the bench. You usually had these meetings at least once or twice a week, but since Annie was captured, things have gotten more hectic. In fear of getting caught or being busy with so many tasks, you haven’t had the chance to meet with them as often as you should.
“Sorry.. I’ve just been swamped with training, meetings, and helping the higher-ups with their paperwork.”
Reiner narrows his eyes at you. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with them lately.”
“Yeah but I’ve managed to learn a few things.”
“Like what?”
“Well, Eren is close to figuring out his hardening abilities. Hange had taken the sample from Annie but she didn’t get far with that. Now she and Eren are working together to see how Eren can unlock his own ability.”
Reiner hummed. “If Eren learns how to harden, he could start landing attacks on me. He’d still be no match for Bertholdt though.”
You nodded in response. There was an awkward silence. No one had much to say which was a huge difference from before when you had to plot your next moves and practice your stories together. Usually, Reiner was the one who would come up with the plans and assign tasks to the rest of you three. This was before the fight between Eren and Annie. You didn’t expect Annie to lock herself into the crystal.
You looked at Reiner who seemed to be deep in thought. “What are you thinking?”
He sighed. “I think another attack is coming soon.”
Bertholdt and your eyes widen. “Are you sure? Isn’t it a little too quick, Reiner?” Bertholdt wearily asks. You nod your head in agreement.
“They already have Annie. We need to get Eren and try to get Annie out of there as well.”
“Yes!” Bertholdt interjects. “We do need to save Annie.” Bertholdt always had a soft spot for Annie. You have an inkling he has a crush on her because he gets flustered and avoids the topic every time it’s brought up.
You don’t know if you’re ready for another attack. The last one was devastating. The fight between Eren and Annie destroyed so many homes and lost lives. Children losing their parents, parents losing their children, lovers lost… It is heartbreaking. You don’t know if you can stomach another attack at this point. What are you saying? That is what you’re here for. You need to do this for your people back home. You let out a long exhale and close your eyes.
“It bothers you too, doesn’t it?” You open your eyes to Bertholdt looking at you.
“They are people… just like us.”
You nod your head meekly. “Just like us.” You repeated in a whisper.
Reiner sighs. “And they have no clue what is happening.”
“No clue.” You and Bertholdt breathe simultaneously. You three sit in silence, all three of you lost in your own thoughts. Why did it have to be us?
During training you noticed Captain Levi limping a little more than usual. Since the 57th expedition, his leg has been in bad shape. He still supervises your training and some days, he can walk properly and some days he’s limping. You turn back to your task at hand, slicing through the titan dummies set up.
“(Y/n)! Straighten your back!” He yells from the field and you obey, straightening your back while you and Connie swing to the titan dummy.
“Oi Sasha! You have to aim your anchors a bit higher!”
“Mikasa, don't go too fast!”
The comments usually went like that for the entire training session. Watching all of you train and critique your performances. You’re not going to lie, it was a pain in the ass. But you noticed it does help you outside of the walls. Captain Levi is good at what he does. He’s perceptive and knows exactly what to do and when. He is a natural titan killer. Being able to take down small to abnormal and maybe even ones like you. After you were done, you all were panting and sweating while walking back to the field.
“Phew! That was some training today,” Connie wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
Jean clicked his tongue. “That was nothing! Probably too much for you right Yeager?” He smirked at Eren.
Eren rolled his eyes. “You wish, Jean boy. That’s why you’re drenched in sweat.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
You all groaned as Eren and Jean started arguing for the fifth time today. The first two times Armin tried to interject to try and diffuse the argument but at this point, even he gave up.
“You’re on Yeager. After dinner, we’ll have an arm wrestling match.”
“After dinner,” Eren confirmed. “Don’t horse around Kirstein.”
“Shut up titan freak.”
“Are you ladies done bickering?” Captain Levi glared at them with his arms crossed. Eren clicked his tongue and Jean muttered under his breath. Captain narrowed his eyes at them, a warning to fix their attitudes. They immediately straightened their backs.
“Yes sir!” A few of you silently giggled watching them get scolded by Captain Levi.
Watching them with a smile, you loved the banter between Eren and Jean. Despite the arguments, you know deep down they have respect and admiration for one another. It’s distinctly shown during battle when they are looking out for another. Even during Eren’s fits of rage, Jean is understanding and never attacks Eren for his impulsive decisions. He might get a little bit of teasing though.
They were very friendly with you too. Always giving you a pat on the back or a cheesy grin whenever they see you. Looking back at you when riding through the gates to make sure you’re okay or screaming your name to make sure you are fine when fighting titans. And let’s not forget Jean’s flirty nature. His love for Mikasa is strong but he can’t help it when he sees any walking and breathing female. Just kidding. He’s not that girl crazy.. maybe. It’s too soon to decide that.
I think another attack is coming soon. You heard Reiner’s voice suddenly appeared in your mind. You suddenly started feeling a bit nauseous. Another attack on these people. These people you are considering your friends. You felt the salty taste in the back of your throat. Trying to calm your nerves, you took some deep quiet breaths. It wasn’t helping. It was getting harder to swallow with your throat tightening. You silently walked back hoping no one starts a conversation with you. As soon as you get back, you were planning on taking a very, very cold shower.
Grabbing your clothes, you ran into the showers. Breathing hard and with shaking hands, you turned the shower knob. The cold water hitting you and startling you for the first few seconds. You can’t. You can. You can’t. You have to. But these people, you can’t do that to them now. Not when they are just started to grow on you. They were normal people with normal feelings. They’re not… devils? Yes, they are.
You remember the attack in Trost. The chaos that spread through the walls. These same cadets hopelessly try to fight the titans. You were all newly graduated. Thomas getting eaten by a titan. Screams and cries filled your ears along with the sounds of loud thumps and bone-crunching.
When you were discussing things with Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie, poor Marco being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How devastated Jean was losing his best friend and not knowing ultimately it was you three that led to his death. Not only his but everyone else’s. The way Armin looked when Eren sacrificed himself to save him.
Can you do this again?
A sob escaped from your throat. Tears flew down your cheeks getting mixed in with the water. You are no different than them, aren't you? The blood of these innocent lives on your hands. But they were the reason for all this, no? Except they don’t know. Is it justifiable blaming them for something that happened so many years ago? While you are oppressed by the Marleyeans, they are oppressed by these titans. Aren’t you any different from the Marleyans then? Punishing innocent people for things out of their control?
Leaning your head on the tiled wall, you needed to make a decision. Whose side are you on? No, whose side do you want to be on? Do you want to continue the same treatment you received? Do you want to be the reason a child loses their mother? Their father? You need to make a decision and make it quick. You grabbed the soap bar and cleaned yourself off. You will make a decision. You just need time.
After your shower, you remembered you were going to go to Captain Levi’s office to help him with his paperwork. You also remembered how he was limping badly today. Before going into his office, you decided to make a trip to the infirmary.
Asking the nurses for some balm for Captain Levi’s leg, you grabbed a small jar and made your way to his office. What’s the reason for this? Are you trying to relieve some of the guilt eating away at your conscience?
Entering his office, he offered a small greeting before pointing to the paperwork that needed to be done today. Before getting seated at the table, you walked over to his desk and held out the small jar. With an eyebrow raised, he looked at the jar in your hand.
“It’s for your leg. You were limping today and I thought this might help sir.”
He took the jar from your hand. The curves of his mouth turned upward, not enough to call it a smile since he hardly ever did. “Thank you.”
Thank you. You felt your heart flutter. You barely hear words of acknowledgment from him and you can’t help but feel happy that you were on the receiving end of them. So what? Why do you care? Because you do admire him. After all, he was your Captain and you respect him. And he is looking nicer than usual in his black suit and cravat. What? Are you okay? You’re just acknowledging his looks. It means nothing-
Wait, he said thank you. You need to answer him instead of disputing with your own self.
“It’s no problem.” You smiled at him and walked over to your seat and began working.
That is how things went for a while. You have been avoiding Reiner and Bertholdt any chance you can get because you were unsure of how to explain the inner turmoil you are having with yourself. You are close to walking away from it all, officially dedicating your heart to the Scouts, to Commander Erwin, to Paradis. You are willing to throw it away. Your family, friends, and everyone else back home. They don’t understand what you’re going through. The struggle you are facing. It’s easy to be on the other side of things but when having to see these losses head-on, it’s gut-wrenching.
You managed to get even closer to everyone. Sharing laughs and jokes with your squad during breakfast and dinner, working with Commander Erwin more closely and offering suggestions when he’s planning the formations, engaging in more conversations with Captain Levi, and even spending time in Hange’s office.
“Oh! Hello again (Y/n)! Guess what Eren is doing today!” Hange exclaimed while wrapping her arm around Eren’s neck. Eren holding onto her arm trying to relieve some pressure on his neck.
“What is he doing today?” You gave Eren a little smirk.
“Drinking a lot of water. We’re testing out his pee!” She shoved a large canteen into Eren’s chest.
“Pee? Wait, why?”
“Because Eren, we’re tested your blood but we haven’t received consistent results. So we are going to try your bladder. So drink up! We need at least a liter.”
“A liter?!” Eren squeaked.
Hange cackled. “A liter indeed!”
“(Y/n), do you want to help Eren out?” She flashed a grin at you.
“Sure,” you shrugged. “What do I have to do?”
“Just make sure he drinks this entire canteen of water. And if he doesn’t..” her smile dropped and she grimly looked at you, “Force him.”
Eren managed to drink the canteen of water and he also managed to give a liter of urine samples. Unfortunately, Eren had to run to the bathroom every half hour for the rest of the day. This resulted in a very irritated Captain Levi and a snickering Jean.
“What experiment did four eyes do on the shit head today?” He asked you when you walked into his office.
“She needed urine samples from Eren so she forced him to drink an entire canteen which is a gallon of water in one hour.” You grinned while grabbing your stack of papers.
He cringed. “Poor Eren.”
You snapped your neck to look at him in shock. “Did you just have sympathy for someone, Captain?”
“Oi, shut it. Don’t get mouthy with me.” He teasingly pointed a finger at you.
You snickered, taking your usual seat at the table. “I mean… It’s Hange. I always have sympathy for anyone who works with her. Look at poor Moblit.” He chuckled.
His chuckle rang through your head. He chuckled. You quickly caught your thoughts and felt heat rushing up to your cheeks for getting flustered about him chuckling. Why are you feeling like this?
“Captain, what’s the occasion? I don’t think anyone has ever heard you laugh.” You grinned at him.
“That wasn’t a laugh.” He immediately responded while scribbling on papers.
“Fine. A chuckle.” You rolled your eyes and began shuffling through the papers and organizing them.
“Well feel special I guess. You heard your captain chuckle.” He mockingly repeats the word in your tone.
Special. You smile. I do feel special.
102 notes · View notes
Prompt: I love when Remus is a lot smarter than he lets on, so I’d love a prompt where Logan is overworking himself and not taking care of himself and one tic of the clock away from either passing out or having a full on mental breakdown (not the type you can recover from in a day). Remus notices the little signs Logan shows, and hears the intrusive thoughts Logan has. Remus really becomes concerned when Logan’s intrusive thoughts start to involve taking breaks, going to eat properly rather than inhaling granola bars, and even sleeping. Remus storms in and is like “Logan tf????” Then gets hella soft once he realizes the state Logan is in
Thank you for the prompts, babe! I liked this one the best so I picked it. 
GUYS PLEASE VIEW THIS AS A C H E C K P O I N T if you've been scrolling for a while (and you probably have) pause here! drink water! get food! walk around the room for a little bit! stretch! do something please! you are very important to me and I care about you very deeply!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: discussions of self-harm, nothing explicit, some self-destructive tendencies and behaviors. 
Pairings: focus on intrulogical, background LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic i don’t care
Word Count: 2410
Realignment: to align again.
Realignment: to reorganize or make new groupings of.
* * *
Remus hears a lot of weird shit.
The problem arises when the shit he starts to hear isn't weird at all.
Remus hears a lot of weird shit.
 The more appropriate definition would be ‘fucked up like you wouldn’t fucking believe,’ but one of us has a problem with particularly strong language and shit doesn’t have to be censored in a lot of media anymore. Which is so convenient! For some of us!
 It’s fucking great.
Anyway. Point being. Fucked up shit.
 Intrusive thoughts literally fall under his purview. It’s the fun stuff! The stuff you don’t wanna think about that makes your skin crawl and your eyes pop open at the witching hour and stay awake until the sun rises. That’s Remus’s job.
 And it’s like the whole Mindscape is whack-a-mole that he gets to play with! Buttons here and there, squeeze this part and watch the eyes bug out of this part, bap this one on the head, see which one pokes up next. Who’s gonna have nightmares tonight? Who is having a nightmare tonight?
 It’s fun.
 Point. Right. Right.
 It’s normally pretty easy to tell whose intrusive thoughts are whose. They taste different. Patton’s taste like sugar so sweet it’ll fill your mouth with cavities. Virgil’s taste like spiders, crawling around his mouth. Janus’s taste like salt. So much fucking salt. Dry as hell.
 Roman’s taste like blood. Problem is, Remus’s mouth normally tastes like blood, so…
 Yeah, they gotta work that out.
 Logan’s taste like ink. Which is why it took him so long to figure out that Logan was having them. Not just because the nerdy wolverine was so convinced he couldn’t have them—rationalizing them as philosophy principles, come on—but because Remus isn’t exactly an expert on pens. Writing like normal people. Ugh.
 Normal people.
 What a lie, Janny probably gets a big kick out of those.
 No one is normal and normal is boring.
 Logan. Right.
 Okay, so here’s the thing.
 Logan’s thoughts aren’t really…standard? They are to some extent, you don’t really get a whole lot of variety from him—even when Remus has been so helpful in making his room safe for him to be in during bad days, there’s such a lack of imagination there that he wasn’t sure exactly how to feel—but it’s the recent ones that’ve been getting…weird.
 Remus chews thoughtfully on the kraken tentacle. He swings up to the chandelier and hangs by his ankles, letting the blood run to his head. Makes it easier to think sometimes.
 It hasn’t been very long since they found out…well, since they found out.
 Remus frowns. Why is he censoring himself? It’s not like he can’t fucking say self-harm, it’s not like he can’t describe what it was, it’s not like he can’t close his eyes and see it happening again.
 Then his mind jumps helpfully to the shocked, panicked look on Logan’s face and the soft, furious resignation on Roman’s, and his jaw snaps shut.
 He cares. So he has to be gentle with them.
 He growls, swinging himself up to perch on the chandelier proper. He turns the kraken tentacle over and chews on the rubbery side.
 The others are delicate. Not that they’re more breakable than any other metaphysical humanoid, but their minds are fragile when it comes to Remus’s side of things. Could they handle the full spectrum of his side of thoughts and shit? Probably, they’re stronger than they give themselves credit for. Should they have to? Hell to the fuck no. But it means that Remus can’t just throw them in the deep end and see if the kraken spits them out whole or in chunks. Could they survive? Absolutely. Would they still be…them? Doubtful.
 Remus lets one of his legs go, hanging by one knee as he tips over.
 Plus they’re always a little more fragile when it comes to these thoughts anyway. Poking and prodding too much would hurt. Like, the bad kind of hurt.
 They’re not supposed to get hurt. Not like that.
 So. Gentle it is then.
 Right. The others. He has a point, he’s just gotta get there.
 Roman…fuck he’s missed his brother. They got—they got so much shit to still work out but they’re gonna do it together and fuck he loves his brother so goddamn much. Roman knows that, he knows that, and he’s always there to pull Remus out of his head when he needs it, hit him with a pillow, or tackle him onto something and hold him tight. He’s—his thoughts taste like blood and Remus hasn’t bitten anything since so that he’ll never miss it again.
 But with Logan...
 Logan is…odd. It hasn’t been long since they first found out—or rather, they confronted him about it, and Remus hasn’t tasted ink without it disappearing very quickly or knocking on someone’s door to please go get your fucking nerd, please. But the ink has only written the usual suspects, whispering the theorems in dark corners, muttering about the incompleteness of a set, the need for Logic, not Logan, and how to jump through the little loophole again.
 It’s not exactly hard for the others to tell.
 Lolo hasn’t been looking great. Sure, he’s all pressed and dressed, glasses perfectly in place, tie done up just so, walking around like everything’s just totally and completely fine, but it’s in his face. Object impermanence aside, normally when Remus bugs him, he reacts in some way.
 Sass is an emotional response and you won’t convince him otherwise.
 Whether it be a wry comment, effortlessly fixing whatever Remus has done to him this time, or even just a look, Lolo does something.
 Not anymore.
 Now he’ll just kind of…sigh and move on? He’ll fix whatever it is only if it’s directly interfering with what he’s trying to do, or when Patton or Virgil come round the corner and freak the fuck out because you’re bleeding! Then he’ll fix it.
 Remus wouldn’t say he’s bored, but he’s worried.
 Mainly because the intrusive thoughts…aren’t what he’d consider intrusive anymore.
 Take a shower.
 Eat something that isn’t just a granola bar.
 Go to sleep.
 Ask someone for help.
 If those are Lolo’s intrusive thoughts, then what the fuck is normally going on in his head?
 Remus waits. Waits. Keeps waiting.
 The instant his mouth tastes like ink again, with a question of whether or not Logan should take a break, he sinks straight into his shower. He washes his hair thoroughly, gets every single bit of grime off him he can, and puts on the softest pajamas he has—thank you, Roman—and drops himself outside of Logan’s door.
 He strains, mouth still full of ink, to hear anything other than the soft click, click, click of Logan’s keyboard.
 He can’t.
 He knocks.
 “One moment, please.”
 Indeed, a few seconds later, the door opens to reveal Logan, looking as annoyingly pristine as he always does, surprised to see him.
 “Remus? Did you need something? Why…” he trails off as he takes in what Remus is wearing. “What’s wrong?”
 “Can I come in?”
 “Of—of course,” Logan stammers, moving aside to let him in, “are you alright?”
 “Should be asking you that, Lolo.”
 “Remus, you’ve just knocked, first of all, on my door and asked to come inside.” Logan adjusts his glasses as he sits at his desk. “This is extremely out of character for you.”
 “Uh-huh.” Remus flops onto the bed. “You know what else is out of character?”
 “Not wearing your costume?”
 “Not hearing intrusive thoughts.”
 Logan’s eyes widen. “Has—is there something wrong? Are you not hearing any? Do I need to get Roman?”
 Remus frowns. “Why’s it so easy for you to do that?”
 “Do what?”
 “Care. Try and take care of me.”
 Logan blinks. “Because you deserve to be taken care of, Remus. Your needs are important.”
 Remus idly toys with a loose thread on one sleeve. “Why?”
 “Why? Why are you important?” Remus nods. “Because you’re—you’re an important part of Thomas, you’re important to us, and we care about you.”
 “So it’s easy for you to care for me because…you do?”
 “As simple as that sounds,” Logan says with all the softness that should be directed at himself, “yes.”
 Remus nods. “I’m not having problems with hearing intrusive thoughts.”
 “You’re—you’re not?” Logan sighs, relaxing a little back into his chair. “Then why did you say you were?”
 “Because the thoughts that I am hearing aren’t really what I’d consider intrusive.”
 Logan frowns. “Like what?”
 Glad you fucking asked.
 “‘Take a shower,’” Remus says, his eyes fixed firmly on Logan’s face, “'eat something,’ ‘take a break,’ ‘go to sleep.’”
 He watches Logan’s face tense.
 “Sound familiar, Lolo?”
 “You—I—my apologies,” Logan manages after a moment, adjusting his tie, “I did not mean to be an inconvenience. You are correct, those are not intrusive thoughts, I’m not sure why you’re hearing them.”
 He turns to his desk and begins to fish around for a notebook.
 “That is quite intriguing, I wonder what the possibilities for hearing other types of thoughts are, considering—“
 Logan pauses, turning back. “Yes?”
 Remus fixes him with a look, getting up and walking toward him. “They are intrusive thoughts, Logan. The issue is that your intrusive thoughts are about you taking care of yourself.”
 Logan freezes.
 “W-well, I’m sure that it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
 “So either you can admit that was a lie or Janny’s about to get summoned.”
 “Remus,” Logan sighs, “it’s fine. As you said, these aren’t what are traditionally considered intrusive thoughts, it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
 “No, Lolo, it is,” Remus argues, “because it means that the thought of you taking care of yourself is so foreign, so fucking out of the ordinary that not only does it happen to cross your mind—“ he takes Logan’s chair and spins it around— “but you try to force it out.”
 Logan looks anywhere other than Remus’s face and tries to stand. Only to wobble and crash back down.
 “Easy,” Remus says quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder, “you haven’t eaten in a while.”
 “But I have work.”
 “But you need food.”
 At Logan’s honest-to-fuck pout, he sighs, dragging the poor nerd up and out the chair and sitting him on the bed.
 “Why do you think you don’t deserve to be taken care of?”
 “I didn’t say that—hey!” Logan blinks up at him, scandalized and covering his stomach. “Why did you poke me?”
 “’S what I do when Janny won’t tell me the truth.”
 “I wasn’t—okay, okay!” Logan covers his stomach protectively as Remus readies another poke. “I just…I’ve already asked for help for this before. I shouldn’t have to again.”
 Remus sighs and lightly flicks the side of his head.
 “Virgil tries that too.” He stares hard at Logan. “Come on, Lolo, you can do better.”
 “It’s not your jobs to take care of me.”
 For fuck’s sake…
 Remus reaches out and tugs gently on Logan’s tie.
 “Remus, what—“
 “You taking more books outta Patton’s library now?” Remus tilts his head. “You don’t have to beat around the bush, Lolo, just be honest.”
 “I am being honest!”
 “You’re not lying, but you’re not being honest.” At the poor nerd’s confusion, he sighs and fixes his glasses on that cute nose. “Just talk to me, Lolo.”
 “I—“ Logan sighs and oh fuck why does he look so tired?
 Well, because he hasn’t been sleeping.
 Or eating.
 Or taking care of himself.
 Unbidden, part of his conversation with Roman flashes into his head.
 “Self-harm can be self-denial too.”
 “It’s bad enough that I’ve made you all worry about me,” Logan says finally, “I would hate to be a burden.”
 Oh, Lolo. “You and Roman, huh?”
 Logan looks up warily. “What do you do with Roman?”
 “You know what I do.”
 Logan sighs. “May at least take my glasses off first?”
 “You might wanna change too, I’m not letting you up for a while.”
 Logan stretches to place his glasses on the nightstand and poofs himself into a t-shirt and boxers. He sighs and opens his arms.
 Remus takes two running steps and tackles the poor nerd onto his bed.
 “Am I hurting you?”
 “No, no, just—just a little startled.”
 “Mm.” Remus snuggles closer into Logan, his arms wrapped tightly around him. “So. Wanna try one more time?”
 Logan sighs, deflating them both to the bed. His head lolls to his left, eyes on his open computer screen. Remus follows it, barely suppressing a growl as he stretches his arm out to save whatever’s on screen and shut it.
 “I know what I’m supposed to be doing,” Logan whispers, “I understand the process, I am aware that healing is not a linear concept, I know it’s going to take time, I—I understand.”
 Remus looks down, giving him an encouraging squeeze. “But?”
 “It’s hard,” comes the soft confession.
 Oh, Lolo.
 “I know,” he murmurs, leaning down to hug him properly, “I know, Lolo, I know it’s hard. But you can’t try and do it all yourself, you’ve gotta remember that we’re here for you, we care about you.”
 “But why?”
 Remus smiles and cuddles him tighter. “You said it yourself, Lolo. We care because we do.”
 “O-oh.” He feels Logan’s throat work as he swallows. “Thank you, Remus.”
 “Of course, Lolo. I’m guessing that sinking us to the living room so everyone else can spoil you is a bad idea, right?”
 “Yes.” Finally, finally, he feels Logan shyly tighten his grip on him. “Can we just…stay like this?”
 “Do I have your permission to hold you hostage until you fall asleep?”
 “Then go to sleep, Lolo,” Remus murmurs, “I’m not going anywhere.”
 General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne  @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated  @annytheseal  @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Hi! Hope everything is great with you! ❤️ are you taking requests now? I have an idea for a Draco x reader fic. If you want to write. It’s ok if you’re not feeling it or if you’re not taking request ☺️
I was thinking about plot with something like that the reader and Draco are always on each other and fighting, but secretly like each other. They fight to make the other to notice them or to interact. One day the reader borrows a book at the library and made some notes in it (even if she’s not supposed to, just a bad habit that she has). She just writes some thoughts or comments regarding the book or life in general. And then Draco borrows the same book after the reader and sees that there are notes in the book but don’t know who made it. He likes the notes and decided to write his own notes in the book. The reader borrows the book again and see the notes that Draco wrote. So maybe they go back and forth writing notes in the book or even change to another book. Then I don’t know about the plot only that they end up together and it is a fluff ending ❤️
Oh. God. This request was e v e r y t h i n g, i loved it so much, thank you lovely anon!🤧
Wouldn't You Like To Know
↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: draco and reader hate each other but a common interest might change everything.
Warning: none :)
Word Count: 1207
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Nothing could make you angrier than that slytherin prick, Draco Malfoy, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to loathe him. There was something just so intriguing, so intoxicating about the boy that made you forget about how much of a haughty twat he actually was.
He seemed to be always picking on you, always having to comment on your choice of clothing of the day or stating how 'immensely insufferable' you were. You obviously never backed down, taking every chance you got to talk with the slytherin, even if it was just to insult his incredibly unnatural, yet entrancing hair or his arrogant ways.
You hated the boy, but you couldn't ignore him. Even though you very much wanted to on certain occasions.
It was saturday, a moment to finally be able to relax a bit and forget about lessons for a while, but someone decided to importune you. It was way too early to engage in a full battle, so you saved your efforts, leaving him in the hallway with his clique and a snarky reply. He had a rather surprised look on his face at the lack of interaction, but you couldn't notice it.
You made your way to the library; it seemed to be the only place you could find solace in. Reading had always been a way to unwind for you, therefore it was no surprise that the library was exactly where you were headed.
You skimmed through the long shelves of books, stopping your finger on a very old-looking volume. You took it out carefully and found yourself a cozy spot in the library, near a window so that you could see the lovely morning unfolding.
It was a copy of your favourite book of all time and you could swear the vintage-like look of the tome was due only to your continuous readings. You loved that book, every time you read it feeling like the first time and successfully taking your mind off of whatever you were worried about.
You started reading it for the hundredth time, taking your time while doing so, and without even realizing it you were starting to underline certain sentences. The quill and ink in front of you on the desk seemed to be begging you to use them and that you did. You highlighted all of those phrases that struck something you, you wrote tiny notes near the words you found the most interesting and you realized that when it was too late. The damage had been done, so why stopping?
You kept reading for a long time, the sky visible through the windows changing vastly beside you until it was already past lunch-time. You closed the book lovingly and put it back where you found it, sure to be able to return later, and took off towards the great hall.
Unbeknownst to you, that was also someone else's favourite book because when you came back, more notes had been added. Tiny messages in the most elegant calligraphy you had ever seen were adorning the pages you had previously stained. What really surprised you was that most of those short lines were actually replies or simple comments to your own.
'This is my favourite line.'
'I'd argue that the best line is actually at the next page.'
'This passage, i will never get tired of reading it.'
'How could one get tired when it's the best piece of literature ever written?'
You were completely shocked but somehow your heart warmed at the gesture: a stranger liked your same exact book and took the time to reply to the silly comments of some heedless student, it sounded almost romantic.
You immediately took a quill with the intention to add more comments but froze as you dipped it in the ink. What were you going to write?
You stopped to think for a moment and the most obvious question came to mind, so you retrieved the quill from the inkwell and wrote onto the last page, the only blank one.
'Who are you?'
You let the ink dry and placed the book back in its place, planning to come back the next day and find an answer.
It was silly really, to be so excited just because a couple words exchanged with a stranger. It had no meaning either: said stranger might have had the same habit as you, writing in all the books they read, or maybe said stranger only found your comments funny and wanted to add their own.
Nevertheless you returned to the library the next morning, very early given the fact you hadn't really slept the previous night, excitement flowing freely in your veins and keeping you awake. You hurried to the chosen section and grasped the book, clutching it in your hands as you brought it with you towards your usual spot.
You opened the book and quickly browsed through the pages until the last one. A reply was there, but not the one you were expecting.
'Wouldn't you like to know...'
What now? You couldn't just keep writing there, you couldn't just change book and keep on writing on every single volume in the library...
Defeated, you stood up, book opened in your hands as you walked through the library you knew by heart, trying to decipher who your mysterious correspondent could be.
"You?!" your eyes shot up from the book to meet his grey ones, Draco Malfoy.
"What? Can't even visit the library now?" you replied, eyebrows raised. You noticed he was oddly eyeing your book and slowly closed it.
"Why do you have that book?" he asked again, almost ignoring you with his eyes still set on the tome.
"I was reading it? That's what i usually do with books, you know."
"Are you sure? Because i have a feeling you write in them." your displeased frown soon turned into one of stupor.
"You?!" he nodded, smirking; for the first time you noticed a tinge of genuineness in his smug grin and the thought that maybe, just maybe Draco Malfoy wasn't the bully everyone thought passed through your mind.
You didn't know what to say and apparently neither did he for you both remained still and silent, staring in each other's eyes. It wasn't awkward: you looked into his grey orbs with longing, as if you had always known he could have been what you wanted and finally were able to see this side of him, the side of him you were in love with even if you didn't know it existed.
He cleared his throat then, making you focus back on reality.
"Although i enjoy the library, i think we should find a different place to talk about... this." he motioned to the book and your dreams completely shattered. He was probably not pleased with the discovery, one of the students he hated most exchanging notes with him. "Maybe at hogsmeade, tomorrow, at 8?"
"You don't hate me?" as relief washed over you, surprise did too.
"Not really, i actually quite like you, but i thought you hated me so i played along." you smiled at the unexpected confession and he furrowed his brows. "So, is that a yes? Because i can go back to hating you if not and forget everything."
You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know, Malfoy..."
Taglist <3
@turn-to-page-394-please @gwlvr @dracosaccount @astoria-malfcy @dracomalfoys-wh0re @eunoniaa @cherie-draco @oeuryale @wh0re4blaise @90smalfoy @sanctimoniousslytherpuff @maybesandohnos @dracoswhore007 @macheregrace @paulina1998 @bungunz @malfoysbiitch @dreamy-clousds @malfoyxxdraco23 @saayanaaa @xlauren-malfoyx @riddleswh0r3crux
[if your name is crossed out, check your privacy settings!]
269 notes · View notes
ryosmne · 3 years
Safe Place.
Yakuza! Nanami Kento x gn Reader
Hello everyone, this fic is in collaboration with my dear friend @sunfloweroranges you can read their fic here :D
I kind of changed my writing style for this one, I'm trying out different things so let me know how it goes, feedback is always welcome, that's all from me hope you have a good time reading 💜
Summary: You're clueless
Warnings: mentions of blood, mature themes, mentions of murder and head chopping, language, yandare Nanami if you squint.
Grocery shopping is never fun when you're alone, especially making your way back home in the cold winter months, it gets dark so early.
A slight twist of your gut had made you walk back home in a faster pace. Turning your head every couple of steps, you never saw anything, yet this feeling never left even when you got through the main entrance of your apartment complex.
The elevator was broken once more, and you were already out of breath from rushing back, as you took the first steps up, your next door neighbor, who looked way too scary for your own liking bumped your shoulder on his way down.
Jeez he's in a hurry today.
Mumbling a quick apology, even though he was the one that was at fault, you quickly found the strength to run up the stairs and lock yourself in. Some short of commotion was coming from outside the complex that you didn't really care to hear.
That pink haired guy, your neighbor, who was build like a damn door, always got himself in some short of trouble, hearing him yell profanities or even throwing punches was a far too often occurance.
Why did he have to live right next door?
It's safe to say you did the best to keep the hell away from him, not that he seemed to bother with you, neitherless he was fucking scary.
Kento was ten minutes late, he was never late, except for the days that he had to clean up someone's mess, the days someone underestimated the power he held or the days someone dared speak your name. He wouldn't even tell them 'dont you dare speak their name' or anything along those lines. There was no warning when it came to mentioning yo,u only taking immediate action.
Naturally you were in the dark about all of that, Kento -or Ken as you would often referred to him as- kept you far far away from the darkness of his world. That was his way of keeping you safe and at the same time having you as his personal way out of his work and in his defence he didn't completely lie about his employment. He was an investor, just a bit of a different stock market than what you had in mind.
As far as you knew, Nanami Kento was an extremely successful business man, he chalked up his tattoo covered body as just his preferred style, since he is this good at what he does, he likes to say that his work place doesn't give a damn about his ink covered skin and the expensive gifts that he always pressures you to accept are just another benefit of his high profile job.
"Darling, I hope you didn't start without me." Wrapping your arms around your extremely sweet boyfriend you left a small kiss on his lips watching as the corners tagged upwards in an equally sweet smile the moment your lips left his.
"Of course not Ken, it's Friday remember?" Fridays are the established date nights in, you and Kento cook and dine together. More often than not you end up slow dancing to some jazz, or with you laying on his chest Infront of the fireplace, listening to his heartbeat, talking about life while he strokes your hair until the dawn.
Tossing him an apron, after he -like the gentleman he is- tied yours, you got to work on today's dish: Chorizo carbonara.
"You're never late on Fridays, bad day at work?"
You spoke while slicing some papers.
"Yeah, the stocks are all over the place and it's getting me stressed, but it's our night darling, anything else isn't of importance."
Kento always found a way of distracting you when it came to talking about his day, he is always quite vague and when his palm rested on the small of your back gazing down at you with those adoring eyes, it's hard to keep focused on anything other than him.
"Why don't you tell me about your day love?"
He always asked you that, Kento is in awful need of the calm that the mundane life you live carries. He craves to feel that, he still loves the power he holds over people, the way the mare mention of his name makes others tremble in fear of what the man will do to them shall they not comply to his requests -more accurately orders-
"Thankfully work was pretty good today, I finished grocery shopping so we could cook, I got us that wine you really loved too. The neighbor is being weird again but that's not new, maybe moving out isn't a bad idea."
Everything was like music to Kento's ears untill that last sentence. You had mentioned moving out before, but Kento always found a way to convince you not to. The rent was good, this house is close to your work, he would always reason with you until you changed your mind. He never pushed too hard fearing that you'd suspect something, but you only smiled and ended up agreeing with him.
You see, unbeknownst to you, your weird neighbor is Nanami's most trusted man, he's protecting you twenty four hours a day, even as you walked up the stairs today he dealt with another threat that was headed right your way. No, you cannot move before you know everything, but Nanami can't bring himself to break your bubble, he loves you and you love him, the real him, he would never scare you by letting you take a peek at his point of view. Maybe he should run away with you afterall.
"He doesn't look that bad, love. I'm sure he wouldn't hurt a fly."
Nanami knew he was capable of a lot more than that but it was true, your neighbor was an ally and although he would hurt lots of people, you were on the list of people to be protected and Sukuna took his bosses orders very seriously.
"Besides, my love, anyone would have to get through me first before attempting to lay a finger on you."
With the way his lips moulded on yours and his velvety tone, how could you not believe every single word that just came out of his mouth. Kento would die before letting anything happen to you, that little statement helped bring you comfort.
"You must really love my house Ken, can you pass me the butter?"
The moment your back was turned, Kento let out a breath of relief. That little voice in his head he always pushed away yelled at him to tell you everything, he burried it in the back of his mind once more.
"Can you believe that? I swear she drives me insane- Ken are you listening to me?"
That was weird, Kento always gave you his full attention. Perhaps he was tired today.
"Yes darling, you were talking about that Satoru guy, the one who annoys you at work."
Yeah you were, but that was while you were still eating, about twenty minutes ago.
"Babe, you're tired, let's go to bed, we can pick up where we left off another time, you need to rest."
The habit of staying up all night on Fridays had really stuck, but sleeping when your partner clearly needed to, is very much on schedule although it rarely ever happened.
Getting up from the sofa, tagging at Kento's arm to follow you to the bedroom had Kento irritated at how concerned you grew for him. He still feels you're too good at times, all the time to be exact.
You only heard him sigh before he pulled you back on the sofa, having lost your balance in his sudden move, you landed on top of him.
"Stay with me a little longer my love, I'm sorry I spaced out, I'm all ears for you now."
Another invitation for you to just talk to him, he didn't care about what. Kento loved the tone of your voice, how it changed pitch depending on what emotion you held or what you were talking about. His voice was quite monotone, like everyone else's around him. He had to grow thick skin and throw away all short of feelings, but everything he locked away years ago came rushing back the moment he spilled coffee on you six months ago. You hadn't even complained about the burning sensation on your skin as he helped clean you up, you just gave Kento a smile telling him that everything was fine and these things happen.
In his world they don't, someone can breathe the wrong way and lose their head, all it took was your damn smile and that statement to get him to need something different than what he had. Kento never thought he missed a thing, he found out how wrong he was that very day.
Sometimes he wished he never took the time to help you out back then, but that was only because he didn't know that he'd put you through all this.
"So I'm just sat there in a staring contest over the last price of cake, I won but my eyes still feel a bit dry."
You laughed, Kento stared down at you with a fond smile, your head on his lap and your hands tangled in his, brushing his knuckles and examining every bit of his skin with such care, God you were beautiful all over.
While Kento's hands were very interesting a small detail in the cuff of his shirt got your stomach to drop.
"Ken, is that blood?"
He swore he cleaned up, he always cleaned up before coming back to you, he never missed a single splatter. Maybe rushing home after not one, but two people tried to harm you today put him on edge.
He had missed a single drop. He was absolutely disgusted that even that tiny part of someone who dared to say the name y/n out loud infront of him and even threatened your existence was anywhere near you.
"Sweetheart that's probably tomato sauce from cooking, thanks for pointing it out, you know I hate staining my clothes, I'll go change."
Your meal didn't contain tomato sauce.
Why was your gut telling you that something was off?
Kento seemed a bit tense tonight, was it just a bad day at work?
He never really conversed on his profession. The huge dragon that started from the back of his thigh, ended on his left shoulder covering his entire back was just his 'style'. You swore you heard him talk to the pink haired man who lived next door but he told you he was on the phone. Everything little bit of suspicious behaviour you had previously payed no mind to, came to you. On top of that what was his reason to lie about a drop of blood on his sleeve? He could've said it was a paper cut or something, Why did he lie?
Behind the bathroom door Kento only cursed at him self.
Why didn't he lie better?
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