#the kind of crossover I didn’t know I needed in my life that now I can’t stop thinking about
typicalopposite · 5 months
I’m just over here with my two brain cells (my RWRB hyperfixation and my 911/BuckTommy hyperfixation) crosswiring…
Cause like I’m picturing Henry getting home late from a day with Pez doing things with the shelter and he finds Alex curled up with David on the couch staring wide eyed and mouth agape at the TV. One of his favorite shows just had a long speculated Bi character become canon. Alex spends the rest of the night telling Henry about couch theories and invisible string theories and Henry just listens with that soft fond smile he gets anytime Alex goes on a tangent about something he’s passionate about.
And in another world Buck is knocking on Hens door to chat about something or another and Karen calls out that it’s unlocked. She is on the phone with a friend doing laps around her kitchen happily squeeing about a sequel and Buck’s curiosity gets the better of him and he asks what movie she’s talking about. Karen’s eyes light up and she ends her call to sit Buck down and introduce him to the world of FirstPrince… and by the time Hen gets home Karen has already set up a movie night for herself and Buck so he can watch and become just as obsessed with the characters as she is (which he of course does and now Hen has to hear about it from both of them)
…you know normal fandom brain shit 💕😀
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blackseafoam · 3 months
Marked Part 1
A Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption crossover AU (with illustrations :)
This is my first time writing fanfiction!
“Omega” felt like too sci-fi of a name for this universe so I changed it to “Meggy”. Everyone else is the same.
If you haven’t played RDR2 don’t worry, I’m not counting on every reader having done so. All you need to know is it’s about a gang of outlaws in 1899 running from trouble, chaos everywhere. The world is set in a kind of “fantasy” United States, where the places and cultures are heavily based on real life, but have different names for the most part. There are also some sci-fi elements to the world that I may or may not implement :) This takes place around the first chapter of RDR2 when the Van Der Linde gang is camped out at Horseshoe Overlook.
Word count: 2045
Rating T
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The foothills above Valentine were peaceful, densely forested, and rarely traversed. Above the treetops the snowy peak of Mount Hagen shone like a beacon. Below the hillside the earth plunged into the deep and narrow Dakota River canyon. It was a perfect place to lie low for a while. Plan the next move.
Meggy sat on the back of her brothers’ wagon, the horses had been unhitched and were grazing on the small clearing where they had set up camp. The contentedness of the beasts calmed her. The two massive horses simply snacking away and existing, nothing else on their mind. She wished she could escape worry so easily as the breeze blew her short blonde hair and ruffled her skirt.
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Swimming in her own thoughts, she didn’t hear her brother's voice calling to her until he was beside her. “There you are!” Hunter sighed with relief as he approached. “Are you… alright?” His tone dropped quieter. 
“Yeah, just thinking I guess.” Meggy swung her boots ponderously. She held something in her hands, resting on her lap. 
“What’s this?” Hunter came closer, looking at her hands.
Meggy froze. Frozen like she had rehearsed time and time again at the school. Bracing herself physically and mentally to be in trouble, again. She looked down with shame. 
Hunter parted her hands, revealing a tiny rabbit kit, its unweaned eyes still closed. “Where’d you find this?”
Meggy looked up and was confused to see her brother smiling. This was wrong. She should be in trouble for touching dirty animals. 
“Under the wagon.” She muttered, still not convinced she wasn’t about to be reprimanded, especially now that she had just confessed to a second crime: crawling around under a vehicle. 
“We should find its nest, it needs its mother.” Hunter took a step back. Meggy stared at him, her mind was still not catching up to the fact of what was going on. “Pick him up, let’s go look.” Hunter helped her off the wagon so she could safely cup the tiny creature in both of her equally tiny hands. 
“Look for a hole capped with fur, there might be tracks of bare earth in front of it, and cropped grass.” Hunters eyes scanned the forest floor for rabbitsign, Meggy watched him and then mimicked his movements. 
Hunter noticed that Meggy was uncharacteristically quiet as they searched. Did I do something wrong? Having a kid around had been an ongoing adjustment. In the short time she had been with them Meggy had shown a wide range of emotions, profoundly sensitive and resilient at the same time.. But this was the first time he had seen her freeze up like this. 
The kit began to squeak incessantly. Hunter saw a flit of movement near a Boulder. Meggy followed his gaze. A rabbit doe near her burrow. 
As they neared she scurried back underground, Meggy deposited the kit near the hole and they watched it crawl inside.
“Nice work, kid!” He held his hand out for a high five, Meggy flinched, almost imperceptibly, but Hunter noticed. 
In a moment the worry melted off her face and she grinned, slapping his hand with her new energy. “That was fun! Do you think I can learn to track like you someday?” 
“I think you just had your first lesson.” 
The next few days were a much needed break from action, for the most part. The gang lived on small game, wild edibles, and what was left of their canned goods. Wrecker showed Meggy how to pick the best firewood. Echo lent her a couple of his books, glad to have a third person around who knew how to read. Crosshair kept his distance, but patiently entertained some of her questions as he cleaned his rifle. Then sent her away after warning her to stay away from their munitions crate. 
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Tech finally caved to Meggy’s insistence on riding one of their draft horses. He picked Marauder, the slightly less excitable of the two. The chestnut gelding was certainly not a kid’s horse, but as a retired warhorse, he was desensitized at least. Meggy was surprised at how much thinking went into riding, or maybe that was just because Tech was her teacher. He had a lot to say about riding technique. As he lunged Maurauder with Meggy astride, barely able to straddle the barrel chested beast, he rattled on about gaits, position, neck-reining, posting, side-passing, halting, and so on.
Meggy woke on the fourth morning. A wave of bliss washed over her as she sat up in her bedroll. The last few days had truly been the best ever, living off the land with her brothers who she didn’t even know she had until a couple weeks ago. They chose to risk everything to save her. 
She was still coming to terms with what they had sacrificed for her. Couldn’t help but feel a twitch of guilt every time she could sense them censoring their usual crass demeanor in front of her (even though Wrecker had already willingly taught her a few of his favorite curse words). She didn’t want them to change for her, but also didn’t want to be anywhere else in the whole world. Crosshair seemed especially snide about her presence, always keeping his distance and almost never speaking to her. 
She scanned the camp, the fire was still smoldering, the bedrolls still lined around it like a flower. Two of which were empty, one was neatly made, the other looking like a wild animal had escaped from it. 
She got dressed and walked around the wagon, surprised to see Hunter and Echo tacking up the horses. 
“You’re leaving?” 
Hunter looked up first “You’re up early!” He adjusted Havoc’s bridle. “Just getting some supplies in town, we’ll be right back.”
“Can I come? Please?!”
Echo glanced up at her,, and then looked to Hunter “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” He said before going back to picking Marauder’s hoof, holding it on his thigh between his torso and what was left of his right arm.
There was a long silence. Echo could practically smell Hunter’s guilty look, even with the ass end of a horse between them.
“Of course you can come.”Hunter gave in. Echo rolled his eyes. 
Meggy tried to contain her excited squeal.
“Hunter, there are people looking for her, we can't bring her to town.” Echo spat as he stood up.
“Don’t worry, I have an idea.” Hunter smirked.
The world was so much bigger than she ever could have imagined. The trees flew by as the trio cantered down the wagon trail toward Valentine. Meggy rode with Hunter on Havoc, his black mane nearly whipping her in the face. The speed was terrifying at first, but Meggy’s fear was quickly replaced by excitement as they got closer to town. 
Her skirt had been replaced by a pair of extra trousers lying around, they didn’t have a belt small enough so a length of rope held them up. Finding a hat that didn’t look ridiculous on her was more challenging but a wool cap ended up being the best fit. 
Now hopefully anyone looking for a “girl kidnapped from the Saint Denis Orphanage” wouldn’t think twice if they saw a boy. 
Echo still didn’t think it would work.
The streets were still a sloppy, muddy mess from rain several days ago. Echo frowned as he dismounted and his boots sunk into the filth. They hitched the horses and went about their business, Echo to the gunsmith and Hunter and Meggy to the general store. 
The streets were fairly quiet, an early start to the day meant less eyes around.
Meggy marveled at the abundance of items in the general store as Hunter bartered with the shop owner. She had so many questions, so many items she couldn’t identify, but tried to keep quiet so her boyish illusion would remain uncompromised. Once Hunter had packed the new supplies into his saddlebag they exited the store. 
”G’morning, mister. Got a light?” A tall burly man leaned against the wall just outside the store. Meggy startled a bit, Hunter did not, he heard the lumbering figure approach while they were still inside. 
“Sure.” Hunter fumbled in his pocket for his lighter and handed it to the man. The flame illuminated his face, his eyes rimmed with the cracked tan skin of someone who spent a lot of time outdoors. His battered brown hat and dirty blue jacket bore similar weathering. He took a long drag and handed the lighter back. “Thank you mister.” He blew out the smoke “and little miss.” 
Hunter nodded and began to walk away, then realized what the man had just said… “little miss”. It could be nothing… just a slip of the tongue… there’s no way someone this far out could know who she was. He quickened his pace as they rounded away toward the gunsmith. 
The man took one more drag from his cigarette before putting it out on the ashtray on the windowsill, as he did so he scanned across the street toward another figure sitting in front of the saloon. A shorter, thinner man with black greasy hair and a black hat, two long scars clawed from under his eye to the corners of his jaw. The blue-jacketed man gave a nod just big enough to be seen from the distance between them. 
Inside the gunsmith, Hunter spoke in a low voice from behind Echo “we should go.”  
“I’m not finished yet.” Echo was inspecting the quality of the bullets he was about to purchase. 
“Just get them and let's go.” Hunter murmured.
Echo gave an annoyed look, but reluctantly agreed and they paid the gunsmith. 
As they exited the store Hunter’s paranoia climbed several levels when he saw the stranger was gone, his presence replaced by his still smoldering cigarette. 
The trio hurried to the horses, mounted up, and headed back up the hill into the forest. 
“What the hell was that about?” Echo scolded once they were farther away from town.
“I just got a bad feeling.” Hunter checked over his shoulder for the fifth time in a minute, instinctually resting his hand on his thigh holster. 
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“But we just got here!” Wrecker complained loudly, the only way he knew how to complain. The gang deliberated around their late morning campfire. 
“I agree, moving camp would be unwise.” Tech fiddled with some type of hardware from the wagon on his lap. “Moving around would only draw more attention from more people.”
Crosshair remained silent, dragging on his first cig of the day. “If you really think they were after Meggy, don’t you think that guy would’ve just taken us then and there while we were in town? Instead of now when we’re back with our full party?”Echo wondered.
“If he’s such a good bounty hunter that he found us all the way across three states, surely he could take on one guy, a gimp, and a child.” Crosshair smirked. 
Echo ignored his antagonistic younger brother.
Hunter sighed. 
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault, isn’t it?” Omega sulked in the grass, hugging her knees at her chin. Flowers she had picked drooping in her hands.
“Her situational comprehension is quite high for someone her age.” Tech observed.
“We’ll be fine. We’re far off the trail, hidden by the trees. I did my best to cover our tracks. Let’s just keep the fire small tonight, we’ll be fine.” Hunter reassured them. 
“Four men, two of them are the ones we saw in town earlier.” Arthur focused his binoculars across the canyon. “No wait, five.” 
“What’s the plan?” John shifted. 
“Bounty is for all of them, but the kid is the biggest reward.” 
“And we gotta bring them all back to Saint Denis?”
“Nah, I talked to the sheriff in town, said he can hold them until we can wire someone to collect. For a price.” 
“No way we can take all five of those guys.”
“For once, we agree, Marston.” Arthur noticed one of the taller fellows cleaning his rifle. “Poster said they’re ex-military.”
“What are they doing kidnapping an orphan?”
“I don’t know, but it can't be good." Arthur lowered the binoculars.
Taglist: @dragonrider9905 @omegafett99 @griffedeloup
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world0fmadness · 3 months
max verstappen x pro wrestler! reader
faceclaim: assorted but mainly maki itoh
୨୧ second fanfic / smau… i’m still not super confident in my work but thank you guys so much for your love on my last one <3 i’ve never in my life wrote fanfic / made smau so y’know, it means a whole lot to me and i’ll see if i want to keep making them over time
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motogp: we had a special guest in the paddock today! none other than legendary wrestler yn ln who flew in from japan to drive some laps with marc and other drivers! watch here
ynfuckingln ✔️: had a sweet time! thanx for having me <3
❤️ liked by motogp and marcmarquez
> maxverstappen ✔️: you should come to our paddock next, it’s a lot more fun here
❤️ liked by ynfuckingln and redbullracing
> verstrapon: redbull get ON IT!
> marcmarquez ✔️: 😔
> oldf1lvr: waittt i kind of want that crossover… two constant winners that need to meet
iluvmarc: this is… pretty random no?
> steponmeyn: no! she’s loved motorbikes since forever, she has one herself and has said it’s her preferred form of transportation :)
ynlnsbackhand: she was trying to leave marc in the DUST lmao 😭
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redbullracing: welcome yn ln to the grid! she’ll be doing a hot lap with max verstappen and debating motorcycles vs cars! tune in here
maxverstappenlvr: omg… they know EXACTLY what they’re doing 😭
maxverstappen ✔️: absolutely great meeting you yn ❤️ hope to see you in the paddock again sometime
❤️ liked by ynfuckingln and redbullracing
> ynfuckingln ✔️: lovely meeting you too max! as well as everyone else, i had an awesome time, would love to do it again sometime
❤️ liked by maxverstappen and danielricciardo
> danielricciardo ✔️: great meeting you, i’m sure we’ll be seeing you again soon…
> maxverstrapon: daniel ricciardo WHAT DO YOU KNOW?
landonorris ✔️: please don’t ever let this woman come back, she nearly killed me
> maxverstrapon: lmao what the fuck did she do to lando? 😭
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ynfuckingln: he knows good places to eat and he has cute cats :)
ynlnsbackhand: we know it’s max yn…
❤️ liked by danielricciardo and landonorris
maxverstrapon: jimmy with the shadow plushie, love to see it
landonorris ✔️: who’s that scruffy homeless guy?
> ynfuckingln ✔️: mind your words lando… we don’t need a repeat of what happened at the paddock…
> maxverstappen ✔️: thank you for defending my honour
> landonorris ✔️: sorry yn and max, apology bouquet coming your way
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maxverstappen: she knows good food and she can beat people up :)
maxverstrapon: i think they’re trying to soft launch… do they know we know they’ve had a fat crush on each other since the grid video?
❤️ liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, lewishamilton, oscarpiastri, marcmarquez and redbullracing
danielricciardo ✔️: happy for you mate ❤️
ynfuckingln ✔️: ❤️
❤️ liked by maxverstappen and danielricciardo
iluvmaxverstappen: how long until we see max at a match?
> maxverstrapon: oh my god i’d dieee 💔
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steponmeyn: yn looking at max in the crowd at her latest match and dedicating her win to him 🥹
ynlnsbackhand: max can you fight?
> ynfuckingln ✔️: he cannot, but i can
> maxverstrapon: girl we know, now teach your man to fight so he can fight off the hoard of people that want you
> maxverstappen ✔️: stop telling people i can’t fight…
> ynfuckingln ✔️: sorry but it’s true honey <3
> maxverstappen ✔️: ☹️
ridemeyn: the way the camera panned to max everytime she did some crazy move KILLED ME 😭
> maxverstrapon: his thumbs up and goofy ass smile everytime she looked at him 💔
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ynfuckingln: had my first ever match in australia today! thank you australia for having me, yet another winner belt to take home
danielricciardo ✔️: oi oi, what’s this then? my home land? and you didn’t tell me? i’m crushed yn… australia #1 🦘🇦🇺
❤️ liked by oscarpiastri
> ynfuckingln ✔️: this is why i didn’t tell you… i’d have to hear you saying australia #1 everytime i saw you…
> danielricciardo ✔️: the truth hurts ay?
> ynfuckingln ✔️: here we go…
> oscarpiastri ✔️: he’s not wrong though is he? congrats on the win yn!
ynlnsbackhand: such a good match! congrats mother
ridemeyn: we lost this woman to a man that drives in circles oh my goood 😩 (kidding, i’m happy she’s happy and they’re cute together)
maxverstappen ✔️: incredible match liefde, so proud of you ❤️
> ynfuckingln ✔️: thank you maxi moo ❤️
> landonorris ✔️: how on earth have you got him to let you call him that? what spell have you put on him?
> ynfuckingln ✔️: the spell of love (i threaten to put him in a headlock)
> maxverstappen ✔️: 🙄
maxverstrapon: i wanna see what their trophy / belt room looks like… shit is probably BLINDING 😩
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eternalbuckley · 4 months
Undercover. — evan buckley
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SUMMARY: You are an undercover detective and assigned to a Job with Lucy. Buck tried reaching out to you while you were still undercover because he missed you and after the job was done, you decided to have a talk with him. Which revealed unsaid feelings from Buck.
word count: 3,504
genre: angst and bit of fluff | gn!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
pairing: evan buckley x reader, lucy chen x platonic!reader, 911/the rookie crossover
warnings: talks about drugs, reader got physically hurt (broken rip and a few scratches), mention of a car crash, small descriptio of a physical fight, there is a bartender named marc (in case that's your name), Y/C/N used once (means your undercover characters name), very emotional buck, english is not my first language, slightly proofread — if I forgot something, please let me know!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
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Working as a detective in the LAPD came with its good and bad sides. The stress was not always easy to handle but working undercover came with many more downsides. Things like not being able to be with the people you care about whenever you have an undercover job. It would be too dangerous if anyone in your private life would be a part of the life you created to be undercover and get involved with any case you had. Everyone who was a part of your life knew that, especially your colleagues and your boyfriend Evan Buckley. A firefighter of the LAFD.
You always had to go away for a few days here and there to get done different jobs since you started being friends with him a few years ago. Some years into your friendship, both of you realized that you had feelings for each other and started dating. Now you’ve been with him in a happy relationship for one and a half years. And soon you’d finally move in with each other. Buck knew what he had to deal with, such as not being able to contact you in any imaginable way whenever you were undercover. It would be too risky for you, him, everyone else and the job. You didn’t have to go undercover for the past two months now, as a result of an injury you got from your last job. Since then, Buck got even more protective over you. Naturally, he already was the protective kind of guy but since then it got more.
Buck wasn’t okay with you going undercover again but you had to because it had something to you with one of your old jobs and it was much needed that you would get into it again. And despite Buck being against it, you decided to do it and promised him you‘d be okay and everything would be according to plan.
"You got hurt the last time you promised me that," he mumbled but you reassured him that you would look out for yourself this time. Especially because you weren’t alone and had one of your colleagues, Lucy Chen, with you. This helped him to calm down at least a little bit. You kissed him as a goodbye and left his apartment, shutting down your private life.
Since then, it had been three weeks and the job was taking longer than expected. It was unbearable for you and Buck but it needed to be like this. You knew you were close to being done with the job but you couldn’t risk anything yet. Lucy and you didn’t have all the evidence you needed to arrest the drug dealers and the whole gang you were infiltrating. She had to brew lots of different drugs and you helped her with that. Collecting all the evidence wasn’t as easy as you hoped it would be but there wasn’t anything else you could do. You had to wait and so did Buck.
Whenever he wasn’t on a call, he sat on the couch of the station and kept looking at his phone whenever it vibrated. He hoped it would be you, letting him know you were back but every time it wasn’t what he was hoping for. It was the first time you had been away for such an amount of time since you got together and he missed you. He needed to see you again. Eddie tried to cheer him up by spending time together with him and Chris but not even that helped Buck. He was thankful for the efforts but the only thing that could cheer him up would be seeing you. He knew he couldn’t but he had and needed to find a way.
So, despite everyone’s concerns and efforts to keep him away from doing what he wanted to do, he drove to a bar. Buck knew from your stories about your undercover jobs that this was the place where you usually hung out with a few drug dealers. It was a normal bar; everyone could enter it without automatically being associated with the gang or any criminal acts but it was a known place for this gang. He sat in his car, thinking about if he should do it. Buck knew it was wrong and the risks that could come with it but in that moment, he was too stubborn and got out of his jeep and walked over to the bar. He entered it and looked around, looking for you. And to his good luck or maybe later his bad luck he found you immediately. Your eyes met each other and for a second you thought your eyes were lying to you but they weren’t. You saw your beloved boyfriend walking over to the bartender and watched him as he ordered himself a drink while sitting down there. His back was turned to you but you knew what his aim was. Internally you cursed him.
"Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend?" Lucy nodded towards Buck and whispered to you. You nodded your head and sighed. He wasn’t supposed to be here.
You were currently sitting with her alone, luckily no one else in the gang you both were infiltrating was with you. Giving you a night just together. It was very unusual but you both took it as a chance to plan your next steps.
"I‘ll go and get us another drink, warn me if anyone gets too close," you told Lucy as you stood up. She hummed and nodded her head.
You walked over to the bartender and stood right next to Buck but kept a distance from him. You didn’t want to cause too much attention in case anyone in the gang was secretly watching you and Lucy.
"The same drinks twice again, Marc," you smiled at him. He nodded and started making your order. He was a few feet away from you now.
You didn’t look at Buck since you weren’t sure if you were being watched by anyone. "What the hell are you doing here?" You mumbled quietly but Buck was still able to hear you.
"I needed to see you," Buck took a sip from his drink, "I miss you." He noticed that you didn’t look at him which hurt him but he knew you couldn’t risk anything. It was already too risky for you to talk with him in the first place but he needed to risk it.
You sighed and looked down for a moment, "I miss you too,” you replied eventually in a soft whisper. “But you should go. You shouldn’t be here, it‘s too dangerous for you or us." You continued as you watched Marc while he made you the drinks. He shared a polite smile with you from the other side of the bar.
Buck nodded his head and finished his drink before he finally looked at you. You looked different. You had another haircut and hair colour, you even had a few fake tattoos on your body. You looked good in his eyes, different but good. But not as good as you usually look like.
"Here are your drinks Y/C/N," Marc gave you the two drinks and went back to serving other customers. You thanked him and took the two glasses.
You turned your body to Buck and gave him a small reassuring smile, "I‘m okay, don’t worry about me." You whispered once again.
Buck nodded his head again, "I love you." He whispered as you turned around to walk back to Lucy.
"I love you too," you replied quietly and eventually returned to Lucy without turning around again. Buck watched you go and gulped. He didn’t want to leave but he had to, and so he did.
As soon as you sat down again you looked out of the window and looked out for any people who possibly could follow him as he drove away but you weren’t able to see anyone following him. With a sigh and worry on your face, you looked back to Lucy, who already had her eyebrows raised. But before she could say anything you told her that you would talk with him about it once the job is done.
"I mean he knows that he shouldn’t do it but… It‘s Buck after all," you chuckled with her. You tried to hide your fear that someone might have followed Buck and that he could be hurt…. or worse.
After an hour Lucy and you decided to call it a night and drove back to your motel. The following days were quieter than usual. The gang you were working for didn’t contact you or Lucy, which was weird for the both of you but you decided to wait longer. After a few more days, three men came to your motel and took you with them. The conclusion was that the leader wanted to test you and Lucy. He wanted to see if he would be able to trust both of you any longer. Luckily you seemed to have passed his test because he involved both of you in the next steps of his plans.
Two weeks later the whole gang got arrested during a drug deal. The last days weren’t the easiest ones because one of the closer gang members started questioning the story about Lucy and you. Which resulted into the gang leader starting to question both of you as well but the deal was still being done. But you didn’t get out of it without any injuries. One of the gang members hit you in the side of your rips before he got arrested but that was everything that happened.
Your sergeant still made sure you‘d get a checkup in the hospital in case your injury caused any bigger inner injuries. You didn’t want to tell Buck anything about it because you knew he‘d be too worried but as soon as you entered the hospital with Lucy you met him. He and the 118 team just arrived there because Bobby got hurt on their latest call. You wished you could curse whoever was in charge of all the happening events because you didn’t want Buck to worry about you as well if he already was worried about his captain. Buck immediately stood up and rushed over to you, his face was slightly bruised.
"That‘s my cue to go," Lucy bit on her lower lip and held up her thumbs as she left you alone.
"Lucy!" You whisper yelled and held your rips because of your quick movements. Maybe it hurt you a bit more than you thought.
Your action didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, "What… What are you doing here?" He asked you, clearly worried about you. He held you by your arms and sat down with you.
"I‘m just here for a checkup, nothing to worry about," you tried to smile but you knew he‘d see right through it.
He nodded and raised his hand to touch your slightly bruised face but his face turned into slight panic or shock for a moment, "W..wait am I," he looked around and stopped in his tracks, "Am I allowed to talk to you? Is your job over or.."
You chuckled but hissed because of the pain, "It‘s over, we got everything we needed." You looked at him and touched his face to check up on him, "What happened to you?"
"Don’t worry about me. It‘s just a few scratches, we‘re here for Bobby," he told you and explained what exactly happened that led his team to be here.
They tried to rescue a couple after a car crash but another car drove into the accident and the team got slightly hurt. Especially Bobby but nothing too serious, he‘ll be out again after the checkups are complete.
Buck smiled but it was quickly replaced with worry again, "I‘m gonna get you a doctor."
You nodded and Buck left you there. Lucy came back with two water bottles and sat down next to you. She let out a relieved sigh and was clearly happy that the job was finally done. She was tired of brewing all these drugs.
"I guess you won’t talk to him tonight, hm?" She asked you as she gave you one bottle.
You took the bottle and opened it, "About the thing that happened at the bar a few weeks ago?" You took a sip and looked over to Buck who was talking to a doctor. You shook your head and looked back to Lucy, "I don’t think so. He already had a rough day. Talking about this can wait."
Lucy nodded and squeezed your arm after she put her hand on it, "Just don’t wait too long. We or especially you cannot risk it again. The next time it might be too late and one of you might die, or even both of you."
"I know," you sighed as you whispered and pinched your nose bridge. You tried to think about different ways how you should approach him with this topic but you still didn’t find the correct one.
As soon as you were off to go, you went home with Buck. He insisted on staying by your side, especially because it was your first night alone back home in your apartment. Originally, he wanted to drive to his apartment but yours was nearer. Buck waited for you as you got checked and the worry on his face was clearly there. You knew he wanted to ask you so many questions but would he get all of them answered? He didn’t think so, nor did he expect it.  But he for sure knew, he would try to get answers out of you about your well-being and how you got hurt.
"Ugh I require so much sleep," you sighed dramatically as soon as you entered your apartment.
You dropped your backpack on the floor and took off your jacket. Buck immediately came over to you to help you. Any big movement hurt you too much, he knew and saw that in your face.
"What happened to you?" He asked you again and reached out to touch your cheek. You didn’t flinch and just looked at him, "I.. I know you can’t tell me explicitly but.. You got hurt. Again."
You took his hand and squeezed it, "I‘m fine, really. It’s just a few scratches and a broken rip." You watched his eyes scanning your face. He furrowed his eyebrows but relaxed them after a few seconds again. He must have been thinking about something but you weren’t sure if he was going to tell you what he had on his mind.
After a few more seconds Buck shook his head and decided that he wanted to know what happened, "Tell me how it happened." He whispered as you turned away from him to get yourself something to drink.
"Buck…" You exhaled after you took a sip from your glass. You didn’t want to tell him everything but you knew he wouldn’t stop asking you about it. That was something you loved about him. That he would never back down from something.
"Please,” he begged desperately, “Tell me everything you can.”
Your eyes found his pleading ones and you slowly nodded your head. "Okay," you sat down with him on your couch.
Buck held your hand the entire time and listened to each of your words. You told him everything you were able to tell him about the past few weeks. From the point where you two met at the bar until almost all the main people from the gang got arrested. You told him about the gang leader starting to question the story about you and Lucy. How everything almost went down and that they were almost outed as detectives but luckily to you, you and Lucy were good enough at convincing most of the gang members. Of course, some didn’t believe you and watched your steps very clearly. Up until early this evening when everyone got arrested. Before your colleagues stormed into the building one gang member confronted you and Lucy. Having evidence that you two were indeed detectives and he threatened you to tell everyone about your lies. Hoping you two would die. Soon you three got into a fight and you got hit by the gang member a few times. In your face and rips mainly. But right after that your colleagues came in and made sure everyone got arrested.
Buck gulped nervously, "You mean… You could have died?"
You slightly nodded your head but immediately squeezed his hands, "But I didn’t, okay? Everything is fine. Everyone got arrested and everything is done." You spoke softly.
"But you still could have died," his voice cracked. His lower lip trembled in fear of the possibility of losing you.
He didn’t want to imagine getting a call about your passing from your boss or any partners. Buck was afraid that you could die in a job. He knew his own job wasn’t the safest either and that you might feel the same way as he did about you and your job. But he couldn’t imagine a life without you, that’s something he was one hundred percent sure of.
"Buck,” you tried to calm him down but it was not possible. You took both of his hands and pulled them to your lips to kiss him on his knuckles. It usually helped him to calm down whenever you did it but this time it didn’t seem to help immediately. “I’m here, okay? Nothing bad happened. I’m-“
"I don’t know how dangerous undercover jobs can exactly be but I don’t want you to die. I can’t lose you,” he shook his head with tears in his eyes.
You didn’t know about his opinion about your job. Both of you haven’t really talked about it before. Sure, you knew he didn’t like your job because he was scared you could badly get hurt again but that he felt this exact way. That was something new. He never was near crying because of it, at least not in front of you.
"You won’t lose me," you reassured him and put one of your hands on his cheek. He leaned his head into your hand but his worries were still present.
You wanted to promise him that he won’t lose you but you didn’t want to make a promise about this. Not, if you weren’t one hundred percent sure if you could keep it. The only way you could keep it was by staying with him because you deeply cared about him and loved him. But regarding to your job, you couldn’t promise him that. Neither could Buck promise you the same thing and both of you knew that.
"But what if there’s a time you can’t help yourself and you get in danger and-," he started rambling but stopped himself to look at you, “I’m worried about you.”
You nodded your head and whispered a few ‘I knows’. "And that’s okay but if I ever get too close to something dangerous, I‘ll get out."
Buck tried to smile at you but it didn’t reach his eyes.
"But…" you started and scooted closer to him. His hand immediately found its way to your thigh. You were thinking about how you could approach another important topic in this whole situation. Because you still needed to talk with him about his appearance at the bar a few weeks ago. But right now, you decided this would be something you should discuss later.
Buck looked at you, waiting for you to continue. He turned his body completely to you and signalled you that he was listening. With your one hand, you wiped away his tears and shook your head. You cuddled into him and wrapped your arms around his torso and so did he.
"There’s something else I need to talk with you about but it can wait for now,” you whispered softly and closed your eyes. “Right now, I just want to sit here with my boyfriend and cuddle with him.”
He nodded his head with a chuckle and squeezed your arms, he tried to make sure he wasn’t accidentally hurting you. He finally had his angel back in his arms. You nuzzled more into his body and hummed, feeling calm and happy. You didn’t want to let go of him and neither did he want to. There was an underlying tension between you regarding you and being an undercover detective but Buck knew he couldn’t change your opinion. You loved being a detective and especially working undercover. After all, it wasn’t just him who was scared every time. Whenever Buck had a shift, you were scared you would get a phone call about his passing or that you’d see anything about it on the news. You deeply cared about each other and were scared for each other but the love between you was stronger than anything else. But little did you know what would come sooner or later.
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geeks-universe · 5 months
Cooper Howard x F!Reader (not to spoil it, but you know I love my crossovers so…)
The Fallen pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Once, when the world was younger and you were still naive enough to believe in fate, you asked your father about love.
He’d laughed then- a deep, cheery kind, that spoke of a wisdom you could never hope to achieve.
“In time,” he’d promised, taking your hands into his, “You’ll learn that love comes in many forms, and the love you choose will always be the greatest.”
Even after everything, after years and years of disappointment, of cruelty and emptiness, you couldn’t forget his words.
So, in an act of rebellion, you chose love.
You chose the love of your brother, the brother who would lose everything, who would fall from Grace, just for defying fate.
You chose the human race, who turned their back on you, who hurt you over and over again.
You chose a better life, that seemed impossible most days- but sometimes, just sometimes, everybody lives.
And you chose wrong.
The world tore itself apart, and just when you wanted to believe it could find itself again, it would fall into the greatest trap in human history: greed.
The love in your soul turned to dust, like the cities you’d once roamed, crumbling until all that remained was an empty space and broken dreams. You’d held onto what you could of yourself, desperate to piece together the fragments into something that resembled the person you’d been, but there was no hope. The spark of hope you’d once kindled and raised to an inferno was doused, nothing but ashes in the ocean of your disappointment.
There were still a few things you couldn’t abide by, however, and Cooper Howard dragging an innocent woman through the desolate Wastelands was one of them.
You’d happened upon the scene by accident, just passing through, but the familiarity of the figure had you lurking longer than what was normally deemed safe.
Your voice was gentle, like the beginning strums of a sweet song. Cooper wasn’t sure how the harshness that had etched itself into your demeanor never invaded your speech, but he would be eternally grateful. It was a goddamn godsend he didn’t believe he ever deserved.
“Well, now,” he drawled, careful to keep the smile that threatened to peek through hidden. “Last I heard, you were headed East.”
You had no such reservations, and even the years of guilt and pain couldn’t wipe away the upturn of your lips. For an action so small, it sure did radiate in a way the sun never could.
“I did, but it didn’t stick,” you shrugged, grabbing the straps of your backpack. Never one for subtlety, you gestured at the vault-dweller, who had been eyeing you with a keen interest.
She had been quiet, obviously, for the sake of herself and how Cooper might react to her asking for help. Now that you’d acknowledged her, though, she started speaking up, much to Cooper’s chagrin.
“I’m Lucy,” she said, tugging harshly at the restraints around her neck. “I’m looking for my father.”
You nodded, and the fluttering in Lucy’s heart slowed, fear mixing with her initial curiosity. You knew the ghoul holding her captive, the chances of you helping her were slim to none, but she tried to remain optimistic. Maybe, just maybe, there was still a good person on the surface.
“Might be hard to do with that,” your eyes flicked from her neck to Cooper, with a pointed raise of one brow.
He let out a low whistle, leaning back with the confidence of a man who’d lived long enough to not be afraid of shit. If it were anyone else, friend or not, he would’ve shot them dead and been done with it. He didn’t need to answer to anyone, but something deep in his chest forced his hands steady.
“She broke my vials,” he explained, cautiously avoiding your gaze. “Seems only fair she gets me more.”
“He used me as bait!” Lucy argued indignantly, trying to take a step towards you only to be tugged back by Cooper. “I had to do something.”
“Your father,” the word is strained, a haunting in your eyes Lucy can’t place, “Where is he?”
Lucy tried, once again, to walk to you. Coop, however, was keeping her on a tight leash, refusing to let her near you. It’s for his benefit, he tells himself, even if some small part of him does it for your protection.
Over the years, he’s run into you many, many times. No matter how hard he’s tried, it’s like fate keeps bringing him back to you. At first, he’d been downright horrible to you, terrified to admit that there was something in your eyes that made him feel human again. Slowly, ever slowly, like a stubborn weed you grew on him, and it’s been impossible for him to deny the way his body reacts to you.
“Coop,” you chide, your voice like velvet, enveloping his skin in a soft warmth. Fuck, he did love it when you used his name.
You gave Lucy a half smile, and the growl that threatened to leave Cooper’s mouth got caught in his throat as he realized you weren’t walking to her, but to him.
“I’ll get you the vials, just let her find her dad.”
He stood a little taller as you approached, planting his hands on his belt as he ran his tongue along his teeth.
“Darlin’, I ain’t doing this for the hell of it,” he replied, and then paused. “Mostly.”
You reached your hands out, carefully enveloping them around where he was grasping the rope. In all his years, he hadn’t recalled a single touch ever stirring his stomach the way yours did. You’d only ever touched him once before, and it was a brief graze of his cheek. This was intentful, and it felt a hell of a lot more intimate than it had any right to be.
“Please,” you breathed, and he could see the despair in your eyes - eyes that were far too old for someone who looked so young. He could never quite piece together how you fit in this world, or how you managed to look as if you’d stepped right out of the past just to have this moment with him.
He sighed, maintaining a scowl for all he was worth. Cooper Howard would not let you see the effect you had on him.
“Thank you, Coop.”
His stubborn heart skipped a beat as he clenched his jaw, his expression emanating annoyance. You weren’t perturbed, however, turning away to free Lucy.
“I’m (Y/N),” you introduced yourself, careful not to irritate the marks on her neck further. Cooper was rough around the edges, you knew that, but you saw the man beneath the armor in the little moments, the times he couldn’t quite hide who he was.
It intrigued you, made you think about yourself and the person you’d become. Perhaps, you had been too hasty in throwing that person away. Maybe, that part of yourself was still alive too, buried underneath layers of armor.
“Thank you,” she was sincere in her gratitude, and that tiny piece of yourself flared, begging to be remembered.
“I could help you too, you know,” you offered after a delayed pause, chasing the optimism she held tightly onto.
No matter how hard you tried, your soul fought back, demanded to be whole again.
“Really?” Her surprise morphed to joy, and you found it contagious.
“Now hold on just a damn minute,” Cooper interrupted, not pleased with that development. “Your services are required elsewhere.”
“I’m capable of servicing more than just you.”
His leg twitched at the insinuation, at the way you looked at him from beneath your lashes with an innocence he doubted you possessed.
“But, since you asked so nicely cowboy,” your smile was devious, your tone far too sultry for the sweltering heat of the desert. “You first.”
Lucy’s brows were to her hairline, unsure what to make of the dynamic between the two of you. Her entertainment, however, was cut blissfully short when you threw a canteen towards her, which she caught instinctually.
“Now you’re coddling her, sweetheart?”
You took a moment to wrap the lasso Cooper carried around into a neat loop, your gaze locked with his as you approached once more. Lucy was too preoccupied with her water to notice the two of you sizing one another up.
“Don’t be jealous, Coop,” you grabbed the front of his belt roughly, forcing him a step closer to you.
He fell into the motion, tracing his eyes dangerously slow from where you gripped his belt to the soft curve of your lips.
“You’re still my favorite,” you promised on a breath as you tucked his lasso securely into his waist.
His hands snatched your wrists before you pulled away, and for a brief moment, the intermingling of your breath was all that interrupted the silence. His gaze was a challenge, and yours was far too playful.
It was damn near unfair how you could walk through the apocalypse and still look like you belonged on a fucking billboard. There was an unnatural allure around you, and he wasn’t sure if it was the twinkle in your eyes, or the smoothness of your skin, or the gentle bur of your voice- but holy fuck you looked like an angel that’d accidentally stumbled into hell.
The silence was interrupted by Lucy clearing her throat, an awkward smile as she caught your attention.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but-“
“It’s okay,” you assure her, grazing your fingers along Cooper’s palms as you step from his proximity.
“Vials first, daddy dearest after,” you reminded them, taking the lead.
Lucy was more than happy to walk beside you, while Cooper trailed a small distance behind. Where Lucy was insistent on speaking, keeping up a steady conversation through the long trek, Cooper preferred to observe.
First, he focused on the way your black jumpsuit hugged all the right areas, tight enough it could be considered a damn sin. That train of thought was dangerous though, and left him with an ache he knew he couldn’t satisfy on his own.
So, he instead focused on the way you effortlessly dodged Lucy’s line of questions, and redirected the questions to learn about her. It was curious, that. As much of a tight lipped bastard that Cooper was, you were doubly so. Through the years and the friendly encounters, he’d let some of his life slip in conversation. Nothing substantial, but you certainly knew more tidbits than anyone else.
He, however, didn’t know anything about you. He knew what he observed, but you never told him anything about your past.
It helped pass the time, sifting through your noncommittal answers to make assumptions about the life you lived.
It was difficult though.
Sometimes, you talked about things like you’d witnessed them, even though it would’ve been impossible. He didn’t know your age exactly, but if he had to guess, he’d put you at maybe mid-twenties, and that’s at the oldest. It was damn near a miracle you didn’t have any missing limbs or obvious scarring. You looked as unmarked as a damn vault dweller, and he was starting to think that perhaps you had been one.
“Have you always lived on the surface?”
He never thought he’d be thankful for the damn vault dweller, but it was nice having someone try to pry some answers out of you.
“That’s a harder question to answer than you’d think,” you laughed a little coyly, like there was a joke that only you were privy to.
When it was obvious you weren’t going to continue speaking, and Lucy had far too many manners to push any further on the subject, she asked another question.
“Why’d you help me?“
Your gaze turned toward the setting sun. It had been over half the day since you’d decided to help them both, and the sun was just now slipping below the horizon. The three of you would have to rest soon.
“It’s hard to forget the person I was,” you admitted lowly.
The symphony that was your voice turned decidedly melancholy, unnaturally so. Normally, it sounded more like a romantic string of tunes that captured the essence of life. This, however, was sad, dead.
“Maybe the world needs more people like that,” Lucy provided, and Cooper didn’t miss the flash of guilt that devastated your expression.
Curious, indeed.
“I’d reckon that’s the last place we’ll find ‘fore the sun disappears,” Coop states, pointing to a rickety, old house, somehow still standing against the desert in defiance.
“It’s as good a place as any for the night,” you shrugged, leading the small group to the rest spot.
Where Cooper was cautious, weapon drawn, you were careless, opening the door like you knew nothing was in there that could hurt you. He felt a twinge of annoyance that you would be that reckless, knowing the dangers of the Wasteland. He was many things, but a protector was certainly not one of them.
“Here,” Lucy tried to hand you back the canteen you’d gifted her earlier as you settled yourself down in a corner.
The building was definitely empty, and provided some amount of protection from both the elements and any creatures lurking about, but there wasn’t any intact furniture. You’d found a relatively comfortable pile of sand and laid your pack down, as if it were a pillow.
“Keep it,” you refused to take the offering. You were honestly a bit surprised she had even saved some for you.
“But you haven’t had anything to drink all day.”
It was an oddity that Cooper had noticed too. While both he and the vault-dweller had taken an occasional sip of water or a bite to eat, you hadn’t done either, and the brutal pace you’d set hadn’t reflected that.
“Believe me, “ you said, turning your back to your two traveling companions. “I’m okay.”
Obviously unsatisfied with leaving the conversation, Lucy frowned, but obeyed. Her probing look to the ghoul warranted no answers, and eventually she found her own patch of sand.
The next few days passed along in a similar manner, and the more of you that the two observed, the more confused they became. They didn’t voice their concerns, however, far more focused on the destination you had in mind.
Lucy trailed off, side eyeing you with a questioning look.
“A lab,” you supplied.
“Right, a lab!” She echoed enthusiastically, deciding it best not to point out that it was very much in a state of disrepair and the likelihood of anything surviving the looting prevalent throughout the Wastelands was little to none.
“Sugar, I don’t have the time to be fucking around right now.”
It was the closest tone to anger that Cooper had spoken to you since his first year of knowing you. In the past two days specifically his coughing had grown more severe and more often.
You’d explained a generalized version of what would happen without help to Lucy after the first night, and since then she’d been a bit more apologetic to the ghoul, even if he was a dick.
“Stay out here,” you ordered, not waiting for their inevitable protest as you slipped into the decrepit building with a loud screech of the door.
At the very least, your traveling companions didn’t follow you into the descending hallway, which was more than you expected.
Whatever source had powered the underground facility had died years ago, leaving the bulk of the supplies sealed tight behind an impenetrable door. The bunker was lined with 2 feet of lead, and a door weighing many tons. It was nigh impossible to get in, and if you were anyone else, you would’ve considered it a lost cause.
Instead, you cast a glance back towards the faded light where the entrance was, ensuring that you were not followed while you grabbed hold of the door handle.
You sighed, yanking with a great deal of force until the door made a loud pop, coming unhinged and falling to the ground with a deafening thud. There was a hushed murmur from where Lucy had yelled down to you, but you didn’t bother replying, instead focused on the rows and rows of vials.
Most of the initial testing sites were still secret, a forgotten part of history that, despite their usefulness in the current state of the world, had fallen into the cracks of negligence. Luckily for you, and by extension Cooper, there was enough supply to last him damn near a year if he could ration and store it properly.
Just as you dropped the first vial into your backpack, which was in a convenient metal container, you heard a distinct whooshing noise. You didn’t need to look at the falling object to know who had decided to drop by, and with an exasperated sigh, you tilted your head toward the ceiling of the very dark, very cold bunker.
“Do you think we should check on her?” Lucy was having trouble keeping still, straining her eyes down the dark hallway. “What if she’s hurt?“
“She ain’t hurt,” Cooper shot back, leaning back against the dingy building and crossing his arms over his chest.
“She could be de-“
“Finish that sentence and you might find yourself there, sweetheart,” He threatened, his fingers reaching down toward his holstered gun.
Maybe it’d be better to keep her mouth shut, but after a tense silence, and quite literally nothing better to do, Lucy couldn’t help herself.
“So, you and (Y/N)-“
“Do you like breathin’? ‘Cause I’m getting the distinct feeling that you certainly do not.”
“I couldn’t help but notice you look at her with this-“
“I have no qualms with blasting a hole through your head ‘nd tellin’ her you decided to run off.”
“And then there’s the way she talks to you-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there, sweetheart. If one more word comes out of your mouth, it’ll be the last.”
The two met stare for stare, the threat lingering in the hot breeze between them. Lucy had no doubt she was beginning to grate on the ghoul’s nerves, but she also didn’t really think he’d harm her, not when it was obvious you’d know it was him that did so.
He wouldn’t risk you being upset with him.
And because Lucy really didn’t know when to stop talking, she spoke one more time.
“I know that you think I’m naive, and maybe I am, but I do know that life is unexpected and people die, like, a lot.” She dragged in a breath, envisioning her last, and only, memory with her mother, surprised that Cooper had actually let her speak for this long without interrupting.
“Especially up here, so maybe, just… keep that in mind.”
The silence stretched, and for a long moment, Lucy was sure he was going to shoot her. Or at the very least, not answer.
Ever so quietly, however, in a low grumble she heard him mutter, “I know.”
The air felt significantly less murderous after that, and she left the ghoul to contemplate his complex feelings on the subject. She might not fully understand the extent of your connection, or even why you felt that way towards him, but she could appreciate the raw emotion that sparked in the conversation between you both.
If anything good came out of her coming to the surface, besides bringing her dad home, she hopes it would be them realizing the gift they have. Idly, she thought about the knight she’d met back at Filly. That was the first real connection she’d had with anyone, as silly as it was to think about.
“I’m glad nobody’s shot,” you interrupted the quiet contemplation, the smile on your lips not quite reaching your eyes.
Whatever happened in the mysterious lab couldn’t have been good, but you seemed entirely unscathed outside the haunted, nervous look in your eyes.
“Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Cooper greeted, tipping his hat back a titch so he could inspect your person. If he took a little extra time to appreciate the curves of your body- well, who could blame him?
“It’s cleared out,” you rattled your pack in the air before you, nearly dropping some of the overstuffed vials.
Coop let out a low whistle, and Lucy commented, “That’s enough for a lifetime.”
“Not quite,” you laughed, passing along the top one to Cooper. “But it will certainly last a while.”
While the ghoul tended to his needs, Lucy and you wandered further into the Wasteland, eyeing the pipboy on her wrist with the directions to the head.
“So the head for your dad?”
There it was again. The sourness in your voice at the word “dad”. Lucy wanted to ask without being too terribly intrusive, but let the subject drop.
“Did anything happen in the lab?”
You bummed, shaking your head. It was clearly a lie, further proven by the frown that settled on your lips. There wasn’t a lot of yourself you trusted other people with, especially not when it came to your family, but your soul was burning with the desire to shed your armor.
“My brother’s name is Lucy,” you said suddenly, unprompted. “Well, his nickname.”
Lucy, at the very least knowing where the boundary was, decided not to press her luck. Despite seeming to be such a small piece of information, she could see the effort you put into sharing it nonetheless.
“Lucy?” Cooper echoed, having snuck up at some point to follow you.
You weren’t bothered that he’d overheard though. On more than one occasion you’d wanted to share pieces of yourself with Cooper.
“Lucifer,” you provided his full name, a twinge at the top of your shoulder blade, where your battered, broken wings began, ran down the length of your spine.
“Like the devil?” Lucy inquired cautiously.
A laugh crawled up your throat, and before you could stop it, you were giggling heartily, nodding your head.
“That’d be the one, yeah.”
She didn’t understand the truth you were telling her. You knew she wouldn’t, couldn’t possibly fathom the implications that ensued with that knowledge either.
Lucy casted one quick glance at Cooper, then cleared her throat and claimed she was going off the path to use the bathroom quick.
There was a tense silence that permeated the hot, desert air when she left, a new development that neither occupant knew how to navigate. Finally, Coop broke it.
“Ya know, you’ve never actually talked about… all o’ that.”
Your family.
He didn’t say it in so many words, but you could fill in the unspoken topic without much thought. You hummed, acknowledging your own secrecy regarding your past.
“Sometimes it’s better to leave the past buried.”
Coop breathed out a laugh.
“Don’t I know it.”
The smile you gave him was genuine, albeit small. Hesitantly, you reached out towards his gloved hand, grasping it lightly between your own. You didn’t have anything you really wanted to say, didn’t need to, actually. He could see it in your eyes, the gratefulness shining in your bright gaze, clearing some of the guilt that stayed stagnant on your person.
“The vaultie reminded me today,” he drawled, his voice even lower than normal. If you didn’t know him any better, you’d say he was almost flustered.
“People die.”
You waited for him to continue, and when he didn’t, you raised a brow in question.
Cooper felt his heart jump to his throat. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t bare himself- not now, maybe not ever. The world felt like it started spinning around him, and he pulled his hand from yours, cradling it to your chest.
“Just hope you’re not one of ‘em, darlin’,” he finished lamely.
You swallowed, deciding it was better not to push. Not today.
“You too, Coop.”
Words simmered between you. Dangerous, terrifying words. But Cooper couldn’t get them out, couldn’t get past the panic that played his heart like a damn fiddle.
And you, well you couldn’t let go of your guilt, couldn’t see past the pain of watching the world go to shit and not doing anything to stop it.
So those words stayed unspoke, utterances of the heart, but not of the lips. Maybe, if they were never voiced, they could freeze, and eventually crumble, like time did to all.
Lucy returned then, and the unlikely group continued on as before, leaving the forgotten words to decay away in the dry sand of the Wasteland
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
The Aftershock
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: minor angst
Summary: The after-effects of taking the Mark creep in slowly and you’re not sure if taking it on was the best thing for you. Dean once had it so you go to him in hopes he might have tips on how to manage the anger you know you’ll experience.
Past, Present, and Future Masterlist
Square Filled: "Did you forget who you're talking to?" (crossover bingo) for @fandombingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“What, in your head, told you that taking on something like the Mark of Cain was a good idea? Do you realize what could happen?”
“I know, Stephen, but Dean and Sam needed me. What was I supposed to do? Let them suffer?”
“No, you were supposed to use rational thought.”
“What do you want me to do now? You have magic. Take it off me.”
“It’s not that simple.” Stephen turns and curses under his breath. “Let me figure this out. This is exactly why I didn’t want you going off on your own.”
“I’m not a child, Stephen,” you glare.
“Your action proves otherwise.”
Stephen told you to stay close but there is one place you want to be at, and it’s nowhere near New York. He’s a smart man. He’ll find a way to get you out of this before something bad happens. The Mark is starting to mess with your head so you go to the one person who might understand how to make you feel better.
You don’t knock and sneak inside the same way you did when you first entered the Bunker. There is noise coming from the kitchen where Dean is, and his back is turned to you as he does the dishes. He doesn’t notice you standing there until he turns to grab two dirty dishes off the kitchen island.
“Shit!” he jumps. “What are you doing here? You scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumble and scratch your arm absentmindedly.
“Are you okay? Are we okay? Tell me we didn’t do anything bad.”
“No, everything is okay, still. How is Sam doing?”
“Okay. He doesn’t remember much from his time as a demon albeit it short. He thinks it’s from the stress. I don’t know.”
“That’s good,” you nod, distracted.
“Is everything okay?”
“I need you to be honest with me.” He doesn’t say anything but patiently waits for you to continue. “How was life with the Mark?”
“Honestly? A nightmare. I was angry all the time. I was lashing out at people, and I had the urge to kill anything in sight. The Mark is a curse. It wants you to feed it with power. It never stopped… itching.” Dean looks at your hand scratching the arm your mark is on. “Kind of like what you’re doing now.”
“I feel bad for what I did to you and Sam which is why I took this mark. Now… I’m trying really hard not to let it affect my powers.”
Dean dries his hands and leaves the remaining dirty dishes in the sink before grabbing your hand.
“Come on. I have something that might help you with that.” He takes you down to the shooting range where everything is stocked and ready to use. “Have you ever shot a gun?”
“I have a powerful infinity stone on my wrist. Does it look like I need to shoot a gun?”
“Don’t be rude,” he says. “It’s always a good skill to have and right now, you’re going to learn.”
Dean grabs one of the smaller guns and stands behind you. You’re about to turn to face him when he puts one of his warm hands on your waist. Something blossoms in your stomach like tiny little glitters floating around. He pulls you into his wait and those glitters explode into butterflies. What is this feeling? Why do I like it so much?
Dean wraps his arms around your body and puts the gun in your hands with his on top of yours. He positions you where he needs you and removes his hands from your own but keeps them on your body.
“Focus on the target ahead of you. Aim and follow through. When you’re ready, pull the trigger.”
You aim the gun at your target and much like what you do with your powers, you focus on your target alone. You pull the trigger and shoot the target right between the eyes.
“You’re a natural,” he grins.
He runs his hands down your arms to your waist and settles on your hips. Your breathing picks up slightly and it’s not from the anxiety you feel. You hate this—not Dean this—the Mark this. You were always calm and collected, and you never lost your cool because you knew you were so much higher than mere humans. Call that arrogance but you never had a reason to feel things like anxiety, anger, and lust.
Just another thing this damn mark did you.
You turn in Dean’s arms so you’re less than a foot away from his face. He glances down at your lips before looking into your eyes.
“I don’t think this will work. Do you have something else to try?”
“Yeah, follow me.”
He pauses for two seconds before moving away from you. You see the hesitation in his eyes and you’re not sure if it’s hesitation for you or what you two are about to do next.
He takes you upstairs to the library where his precious mini bar is. After six months in the Bunker, he bought a mini bar on wheels where he keeps his good alcohol. He rolls the bar over to one of the tables and sits down before putting his feet up. You sit across from him and he leisurely pours you two a drink.
“I read alcohol isn’t the best when you have bottled up emotions on the internet.”
“Don’t listen to everything you read online.” He slides you a half-poured whiskey drink without ice. “Sip, don’t chug.” You grab the glass and take a small sip not expecting it to taste like shit. “Yeah, it’s an acquired taste.”
“Oh, God,” you cough.
“Never had alcohol before, huh?”
“I may have been born before time but I’m fairly young. Stephen only made me a person a few years ago.” Dean takes a big sip of his drink and sighs. “So, the Mark was a nightmare?”
“For me, yeah, but you’re not human. You’ll have a different experience than me. If anyone can do it and still stay good, it’s you.”
“You don’t know me.”
“No, I don’t, but we never had powers that are older than time.”
You take another sip of your drink and scrunch your face up in disgust.
“I’m scared I’m going to hurt people. It was my choice to take but I shouldn’t have done what I did to you and Sam. Before coming to your world, all I saw was a solution to your problem. Put God and Amara away. I did that. I just didn’t think of the consequence it would leave behind.”
“You’ll fight this, Y/N, better than I ever did.”
You tap your fingers on the table rapidly because of your anxiety.
“Do you ever feel like you want to do the right thing and when you do it, it feels like the most wrong thing ever?”
 “Did you forget who you’re talking to?” Dean chuckles. “I didn’t want Sam going through what I went through.”
“I get it,” you nod.
“You are not Sam or me. You’re not going to go through it the same way.”
“I hope not,” you smile sadly. “No offense but this alcohol is making me depressed. Got anything else?”
Dean just smirks. He doesn’t tell you where you’re going, only that you’re going to love it. He takes you to a run-down building in an empty shopping area. It’s nearly closing time but he must have asked the wiener to stay open later just for him.
“Dean, what is this place?”
“A place to channel the rage.” 
After checking in with the owner, he takes you to the back room which is covered with graffiti, spray paint, and broken items everywhere. Dean grabs two baseball bats from the back and tosses one to you.
“What do I do now?”
“Be like the Hulk. Smash absolutely everything.”
Dean takes the first swing at a broken TV and you jump back from the sound. It takes you two seconds before you're swinging your own bat around. Dean jumps back so he doesn’t get hit but he watches you smash things with a smile on his face. You slam the bat into a ceramic vase, and it shatters into a million little pieces.
This is actually kind of fun.
“Check this out!”
You aim your hand at the TV Dean hit and blast it with your powers. You leave a gaping hole in the middle of the TV, and Dean looks at you with a nervous chuckle.
“Why don’t we stick to the bats? I don’t think they’ll appreciate you blowing this place up.”
“Oops,” you giggle.
You and Dean take the entire hour just smashing everything to pieces until there is nothing left to break. You two leave the place with big smiles on your faces despite you still feeling the nagging sensation of the Mark. What Dean did for you helped but now that it’s over, the darkness creeps in slowly.
Dean looks over and sees the look on your face. It’s a look he knows all too well. He opens the passenger door for you but doesn’t let you in the car yet.
“You know what else helps?”
“A nice long drive with the windows down. There’s nothing like the open road, rock music, and the wind in your hair.”
“Okay, lead the way, Winchester,” you grin.
You two pile into the car and Dean takes off toward the back roads. The drive back to the Bunker only takes twenty minutes to get from the rage room but the back roads make the journey stretch to nearly an hour. Dean puts on soft rock and allows that to be the only thing to comfort you two in the car.
The windows are down and your hair is blowing gently, and a wave of calmness washes over you. You don’t think it’s the drive or the music but Dean. Being in Dean’s company is the one thing that’s working for you. You look at him to see him with a smile on his face and singing along to the music. He barely looks at you and does a doubletake when he sees you looking at him.
“Nothing. I just… I think I’m going to be okay.”
Dean reaches over and grabs your hand.
“Yeah, I think you will, too.”
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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theelectronicstranger · 4 months
Ultimate X-Men #3 Discussion
          If you have not read this issue, then please look away now! I’ve been really loving this title so far. I think this issue is worth your time and money, so don’t spoil yourself and maybe come back to this when you’ve read this issue.
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          I really enjoyed learning more about Mei Igarashi/MayStorm this issue and seeing how her powers manifested. We saw a bit of her connection to Storm/Ororo; in the issue, we saw a glimpse of her looking up “Storm” on social media and reading all about her escapades as a freedom fighter in West Africa:
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I already talked about this in my Ultimate Black Panther #1-3 Discussion, but I really appreciated that we get some confirmation on who Storm is and how she is related to Mei in this universe. I also like how this is kind of the first time these books have connected with one another. Unless you count the Tony Stark appearance in Ultimate Spider-Man #1, there hasn’t really been that much crossover in the first 3 Ultimate Universe titles. My only problem with them showing Mei and Storm’s connection is that I wish it was longer. I would love to know more about the extent of Mei’s interest in Storm. I’m hoping we see more of her connection with Storm and maybe see her work with Storm in the future as the stories of this universe progress. Although this little panel suffices, I just wish there was more.
          We also get to see Mei’s family life in this issue, and it is not good. Her parents seem to be fighting all the time because her father seems to be cheating on her mother with another woman. Also, her dad seems pretty checked out with the whole relationship and his family in general because anytime we see him, his expression doesn’t really change. He’s just looking at his paper or looking somewhere else. It feels like he has straight up disdain for the family he has, and Mei has learned to dislike her father because of his actions and inaction within their family. He is also pretty abusive in this issue. When Mei talks back to her in this issue, Mei’s father hits her without any remorse:
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What really gets to me about these pages is the fact that he just did it so nonchalantly. Like he knew this was just something Mei deserved or something he needed to do to punish her daughter. He did it so matter-of-factly that it was really scary and effective in making me hate this guy, which makes what happens next so satisfying:
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This is my favorite panel of the issue. Mei, after being struck by her father, unleashes and awakens her mutant powers. It’s like all this pent-up anger and repressed emotions she feels inside just explodes and makes themselves feel known. I absolutely love Peach Momoko’s art here. I think she drew Mei’s awakening so well, which makes what follows after so heartbreaking:
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Her father doesn’t even flinch, and he doesn’t change his demeanor. He just wants her out of his house. When I first read this, I was speechless because her father was just so cruel. He didn’t even try to understand what happened or understand his daughter at all. All he knew was that her daughter was now a liability and someone he couldn’t control anymore, so he told her to go. This scene just completely deflates that big burst of energy from when Mei awakens her power. It’s as if there’s nothing that she could do to change how her father feels and acts about her. Even her powers manifesting wasn’t enough to get a better reaction from him.
          I’m going to talk a little bit about the Shadow King (This is still not confirmed by the way, but we still don’t have a name for him so I’m just sticking with “the Shadow King” for now). We saw a bit of him this issue. I still maintain my belief that it was too early to reveal that the Shadow King’s identity was an actual physical person and not some spirit or entity because I felt like all of the mystique surrounding his identity and what he is went away when we found out what he looked like. I really would have preferred it more if his identity was kept a secret for at least a year. Yes, there’s still some questions regarding his identity and his motivations that are left to be answered. However, I felt like we could have kept more of the horror aspect of the book if his identity was kept a secret for a little longer. I’m not saying that it’s not there still, but with this issue specifically, it felt like that aspect has been diminished. I understand that Momoko probably wanted to temper people’s expectations of who this person is, so I’m trusting that she knows what she’s doing and I’m just going to enjoy what she has in store for us in the future. I am a little excited to find out more about who this person actually is and what his motivations are, so I hope we get those answers soon.
          This issue also introduces us a bit to Nico Minoru, which was a nice surprise. As far as I know, Nico Minoru was never a mutant unless I’m missing something. If I am, then please let me know. I’m pretty sure she’s a sorceress/witch in the main 616 universe and was never a mutant. I wonder how this version of Nico Minoru’s powers work because is seems to hint that she’s a psychic in this issue; but also, at the end of the issue we see her holding a magnifying glass that oddly looks like the Staff of One:
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I like her design in this issue and I’m wondering if the magnifying glass helps her use her powers at all. Maybe that’s how she knows that Mei and Hisako are mutants. Sidenote: This is the first time in this series that anybody has mentioned the word ‘Mutant”. If that magnifying glass is the Staff of One, then that makes me wonder if certain mutants in this universe need “trinkets” to activate their powers because Hisako in this issue talks about how her Omamori is always with her even when she forgets it:
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When Hisako activated her armor power back in Issue 1, we see her holding her Omamori in her hand:
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The Omamori looks exactly like her armor too. My theory is that maybe certain mutants in this universe are connected to certain items that helps them manifest their powers? We know that this universe has a very interesting history with artifacts and stolen destinies/powers. The Maker took certain items/artifacts that would have turned certain people into superheroes. What if this universe holds value to those artifacts/objects and that is how some mutants use their power in this universe? What do you guys think?
Anyways, I want to go back to the picture of Nico Minoru’s introduction and focus on the little girl on Nico’s right:
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The little girl is wearing bunny ears, and my immediate thought is that it was Molly Hayes of the Runaways. Maybe even the girl with the eyepatch is Gert Yorkes? I don’t really know if that’s Molly or if that’s Gert but I’m excited to find out. Also, I want to point out that Mei Igarashi is technically a runaway right now. She’s not with her parents anymore. It seems that she’s alone right now, so maybe we will see a version of the Runaways in this series? What do you guys think? I personally really like the Runaways team, so seeing them in this book in some form or another will be nice.
          That’s all I have for this issue of Ultimate X-Men. Thank you for reading this! I’d love to know what you guys think of the issue. I didn’t talk much about Hisako this issue because this issue was more about Mei, but there were some panel in the beginning of this book that I want to see where it goes for a bit before I talk about it. Thank you for reading and have a great day.
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billythenightguard · 10 months
Run Away: Detention (2011) & FNAF Movie Crossover - Chapter One
Mentions: weed, running away
Word Count: 781
Warnings: slightly angsty
Older!Clapton/Mike x GN!Reader
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“You have to believe us!” You screeched at the cops, eyes wide, Clapton at your side talking alongside you.
“He might kill more people! Is that what you want?” He asked, his hand holding yours, a way to ground you both so you wouldn’t lose it any further. You didn’t have time to appreciate how his hand perfectly fit yours. How with his chest puffed up in defiance, he seemed truly taller than you by more than just a few inches.
“Look, kids, I don’t know what kind of drugs your on, but stop with this fairytale bullshit, Cinderhella isn’t real.”
“Ugh!!” You cried out, Clapton pulling you back against his chest as you tried to make him let go so you could take a swing at the officer.
“It’s not worth it,” he whispered, “they won’t believe us…” you could tell it was truly bothering him, so you slumped down, nodding to him. Once the cops left, Clapton put you on his skateboard, instructing you when to lean for a turn as he pushed you two forward. He didn’t know how to tell you that he was leaving the lame town of Grizzly Lake, so he took the coward’s way and decided he wouldn’t.
“This is bullshit!” You yelled once you were in his basement, sitting on the couch and crossing your arms. “Sanders is still out there!”
“I know,” he said, digging around and humming triumphantly when he found the little baggie he needed. He wanted to ask you to run away with him, but he couldn’t. You were just 14, hell, your friendship was already a questionable age gap once he turned 18 last October. But you had been neighbors and best friends since you were born as both of your parents liked to say. His parents would say that Clapton would beg to be your babysitter at five years old, how he’d always want to keep you safe. And your parents would say that he was the only person capable of soothing your cries, that you could be throwing a tantrum but the second he ran in, you cheered up. Destined to be best friends for life.
“Come on, little firecracker,” he smiled, sitting beside you and passing you a joint. Making you gasp in excitement, Clapton never let you smoke with him, he said he wanted to keep you as innocent as possible.
“Yes really, now put the filter between your lips before I change my mind.” He chuckled, watching as you eagerly took the blunt to your lips like you’d seen him do numerous times. “Inhale when the tip starts to smoke a little okay?” He instructed, bringing his cheesy gas station lighter up and flicking the flame on, igniting the tip. You inhaled a little too much and too hard, smoke filling your mouth and lungs, making you quickly pull the blunt away as you coughed, Clapton couldn’t help but to laugh as he rubbed your back.
“Sorry, kiddo, I forgot to warn you. Consider it a rite of passage.”
“Asshole-” you gasped out, wheezing for air as you laughed and tried to clear the smoke out of your lungs. He smiled at the nickname, knowing you meant no harm behind it as he plucked the blunt from your fingers and took his hit, leaning back on the couch.
He hated it, you had fallen asleep on his chest, the blunt long gone hours before, his hand resting on your back and his lips on the top of your head as he fought back tears. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, “I’m so sorry, please don’t hate me, please… know that if I could, you’d come with me. I’ll leave a note for your parents, telling them to leave this shitty town. Oh god, I’m gonna miss you so much…” he carefully got himself up, laying you on the couch and putting his flannel shirt over you, and then a blanket on top to really keep you warm. “I’m sorry, I have to go… I’m scared… please be safe, find me again okay? Best friends for life.” He softly kissed your cheek one more time before going upstairs to his room, grabbing his emergency bag and leaving in the night.
“So, I only have the day shift available, but it’s 7 days a week, 5:30AM to 6:30PM, I give a thirty minute shift change for you and the other guard to get your things settled.” Steve Raglan spoke, your career counselor since moving to Louisiana three months ago.
“I’ll take it.” You said simply, dressed in your Sunday best, determined to start a new life. One without Clapton Davis on your mind.
Mike stirred awake as he swore he heard a door open and slam, yawning and rubbing his eyes as he saw the time, 5:30 in the morning. He stood up and stretched, his shirt lifting above his stomach lightly before he heard the security room door open. He whipped around quickly and stared at you, his eyes widening as he recognized you instantly.
“You must be the night shift.” His world shattered at that simple statement, you didn’t recognize him.
“Uh, yeah,” he stammered, almost desperate to use the name he abandoned ten years ago. “Mike, Mike Schmidt.” His heart pounding in his chest as he heard your name, it really was you. Your hair was a touch shorter than he remembered, your eyes seemed to lack their spark, but he felt his eyes linger as he recognized his old red flannel.
“When Will You Come, the Wavves.” Mike stated, hearing the music through your earbuds. Instantly he remembered it as the song he had left playing in the basement that night.
“Oh, yeah,” you chuckled, setting your things into the locker. “My best friend used to love this song.”
“Still do…” he murmured, making sure you didn’t hear him.
“God, I’m supposed to forget him, and I still bring him up.” It was clear you hadn’t meant for him to hear that, he felt his chest tighten as he looked at you.
“Forget him?” He pressed, what did you mean, did you hate him now?
“It’s… it’s silly.” You sighed and shook your head. “He left ten years ago, no warning or anything. I think I should have known something was up when he finally let me smoke with him.” You seemed sad, Mike wanted nothing more than to hug you, to confess everything, but if he confessed, he risked you quitting and moving away. He couldn’t handle that, not when life brought you two back together. So for now, he’d keep quiet, whatever it took to keep you in his life. “I’m sorry for dumping all of that on you, we just met but I don’t know… I feel like I could talk to you all day.”
“Don’t apologize,” he smiled, knowing your subconscious was recognizing him. “We all need someone to lean on, I don’t mind listening to you.”
“Well then, the same goes for you Mike.” You smiled at him, the extra security vest over your clothes and his flannel. “Just tell me if there’s anything I can do to help, I just moved here, so I don’t exactly have friends or anything occupying my time.”
Mike softly groaned as he laid down on his bed, Abby was driven to school, luckily having eaten some cereal with Max. You were back, you were finally back, but you wanted to forget him… you moved to forget him. He let out a frustrated groan into the empty house. He knew he should have texted, or sent letters, or something. But he was scared, cowardly.
Sander had said something to him that day, something Mike never told you. “I’ll find you first, and I’ll make her watch as you die.” He didn’t want that, he didn’t want you to watch him get killed. Truly if he died, then so be it, he supposed. Just as long as you didn’t watch. “I’m sorry, Firecracker, I have to lie to you just a little longer… I’m selfish like that.” He murmured as he rolled over on his stomach, getting comfortable to have some proper sleep.
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Tag List: @na-is-salty @cancelledkaley @thegirlwholoveslivesfanfiction @dessxoxsworld @mad-die45
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imagionationstation · 2 months
Gender swap Donnie is my everything, I love it so much and AHHHDJDBSISBBKSOA
Actively feral as we speak, when reading the stuff about Dona I couldn’t help but think she would sound like Princess Bubblegum (cause you know two genius scientists who are little insane)
I am also wondering how she be like when dealing with Don Visio so and you know trying to kill him at one point. Also how protective are her brothers when it comes to love interests? Like I know you said Casey maybe a love interest but what about other mutants or even aliens flirting with her? How would they react to that? And with the Halloween special, what would Dona’s experience be with being turned into a vampire? Cause in the original Dracula book when it focused on turning women into vampires it was a little … um not good for the gal. So how would she be turned if that changes? Also how would the 1987 turtle crossover react to Dona?
Sorry if this is a lot I just have so many questions and just want to know what you think about this. I really like this au and want to read more about it and your thoughts.
Please don’t feel pressured to answer this and take your time I literally just found your blog and am re-re-re-re-reading as I am writing this. I love this idea and concept so much.
Also can I make art of Dona AU pls?
I am going insane as we speak.
(Not serious (take your time and take care of yourself))
(I always find it funny when people are like: Yk that movie/character/book series- and I’m just no?? Who told you that I did?? Never seen that before in my life.)
And you must be hearing something I don’t because I don’t hear Donnie in Princess Bubblegum. She’s too soft spoken. And I don’t know if she could pull off the Donnie-isms from canon. No, no, if I needed to choose a voice for her- hmmm.
Entrapta from She-Ra would be my first pick, I think. Definitely.
I am also wondering how she be like when dealing with Don Visio so and you know trying to kill him at one point.
Exactly the same! Everything that happens with her in canon when facing him does not change in the slightest. The only difference would be that her brothers would be extremely ticked off in the episode Mutant Gangland. Even so, Leo would still be the voice of reason when talking her down in Heart of Evil.
Also how protective are her brothers when it comes to love interests? Like I know you said Casey maybe a love interest but what about other mutants or even aliens flirting with her? How would they react to that?
If someone begins flirting with Donnie, I think they’d only be protective if Donnie shows discomfort with the situation. I think this would happen a few times, but often, Donnie is completely oblivious and her brothers love watching people struggle. Of course, flirty is one thing. Making active moves on her is another.
Six feet apart, hands to yourself, thank you very much.
Now, if Donnie has a love interest, they’ll let it play out naturally. It’s her relationship and they wouldn’t want her interfering with theirs. They sus out the interest and then they leave it to her because they trust her to handle herself and know that if she ever does have any issues… She’s tell them. They’ll know.
I think if there’s a place for a relationship with Casey to start, it would be during the farmhouse arc. Before that, there was still a fair amount of bickering between them because she was having jelly feelings about April’s friendship with him and Irma.
April didn’t come down to the lair when she was hanging out with them and doing all kinds of human activities that Donnie couldn’t do. Once again, Donnie felt different. Not because she was a girl, but because she was a mutant. And they couldn’t hang out one-on-one when she starts dragging Casey down with her. At least Irma seemed friendly and smart! Casey Jones was so… Brash. Rude. Arrogant.
As she whined in the show, “Now we have TWO RAPHAELS!”
Eventually, though, she realizes that, just like Raph, he can be crude, but he’s also kinda a sweetheart deep down.
And with the Halloween special, what would Dona’s experience be with being turned into a vampire? Cause in the original Dracula book when it focused on turning women into vampires it was a little … um not good for the gal. So how would she be turned if that changes?
Um. Huh? I don’t… I guess I don’t know what that entailed?
Are you asking if the scene would be more sexual? Or if this grown man would be preying on a teenager? Ew, actually, wow, I don’t like that. REVERSE THOUGHT PROCESS REVERT REVERT
I think there’s too much happening to insert anything anyway.
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There would probably be an inappropriate innuendo or two from Mikey about “vampires going after females” since he already makes iffy comments in the canon show. Why not more cringe?
I really don’t know if there’s anything I would change except for that part when April hypnotizes him. I’d make that more “friendship” and less “romance” (if you know what I mean). Otherwise, the episodes should stay the same as in canon.
Donnie simply gets bitten by April and turns into a vampire after helping her brothers and Renet reach a safe room. She tries to attack them but they manage to escape. They tussle later.
Also how would the 1987 turtle crossover react to Dona?
I think any crossovers would have the four brother iterations giving her a double-take. And the 1987 especially have never met a female of any of the brothers so they’d probably make a comment or two.
Heck, in the episode Trans-Dimensional Turtles, since there are no introductions, and they mainly use names versus pronouns through most of the episode, I think that the 1987 would just run off the assumption that she’s male. She doesn’t usually dress or act any differently from her brothers so there aren’t a lot of huge pointers that she’s of another sexuality.
And assuming the timelines they’ve seen and the timeline that they come from, it’s a reasonable assumption.
I think the reveal would probably be during the final episodes during the kitchen scene. It would likely be before they discuss Icecream Kitty and Chompy and 1987Donatello remarks, “Wow, our parallel works really are different.”
One of the brothers casually uses “she” while talking about her and 1987Raphael immediately interrupts with a baffled, “Wait, is your Donnie a girl?” In a tone that triggers Donnie’s sass “So what if I am!?” and, of course, 1987Raphael fires back some snide comment at the attack, and it takes all of her brothers intervening to calm her down and helping to explain in order to defuse the situation.
I don’t think I know them well enough to judge how they’d respond after the fact. I just assume the show continues as normal 🤔
Please don’t feel pressured to answer this and take your time I literally just found your blog and am re-re-re-re-reading as I am writing this. I love this idea and concept so much. Also can I make art of Dona AU pls?
I LOVE to hear that other people are going feral over her! Never apologize for your curiosity and never hesitate to ask!! I will answer all the questions I can when fate allows the time!
Absolutely, you can! Make all the fanart you want!
All I ask is that you tag me so I can see her! 💜
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fairyniceyeah · 7 months
⏳🧸 I want to feeling my life
Title from Better (ATEEZ)
Summary: Jongho is not doing well on ISAC day but he doesn’t want to burden his hyungs. Luckily Stray Kids' Seungmin notices and gets his Lee Know-hyung who helps the ATEEZ maknae. (Stray Kids - Crossover)
CW: emeto, kind of public emeto
Sickie: Jongho Caretakers: Seungmin + Lee Know (+ Hongjoong)
On a normal day, Jongho loved ISAC.
He enjoyed sports after all, he liked living on the high of adrenaline with exhaustion deep in his muscles. Though seeing his idol friends from other groups was definitely the highlight. Often enough their schedules wouldn’t match up for months and they would not see each other besides a short hi backstage at a stressful award show. So he had looked forward to it.
But today was not a normal day.
Jongho had woken up feeling off. At first he had blamed his exhaustion on lack of sleep due to stressful schedules but when he barely managed to choke down breakfast he had to admit to himself something was wrong. His stomach felt unwell; full and rolling. The slight ache had turned to annoying nausea over the day – which … not good. Still, he didn’t dare tell his managers or his hyungs. He didn’t want to cause problems. He wanted his hyungs to have the good time he apparently couldn’t have today. After all he might be the maknae but the moment he had joined the final KQ fellaz lineup he had promised himself he wouldn’t be a burden, he could take care of himself. He wanted to be responsible, in his family he was the hyung. So, he didn’t need to and didn’t know how to ask for help. Yet … his hyungs had broken through his defences a long time ago.
They made sure to help him balance himself out. Jongho was the maknae but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be strong. They all agreed, and he had to admit that getting taken care of by somebody else was nice sometimes.
But he couldn’t afford being sick and especially being taken care of today. He couldn’t make his hyungs miss the event they all had looked forward to. None of his hyungs were really into sports but meeting their friends was special. Also, exposure to Korean media was always good for a small company group.
Still, sitting alone on the racing track while everybody around him seemed to have an amazing time, he couldn’t help but envy his hyungs who were talking carefree with their friends. Jongho had seen Seonghwa and Hongjoong in deep talk with Bang Chan and Felix from Stray Kids and Eric from The Boyz. Yunho was catching up with Juyeon, Q and Sangyeon. Mingi was hanging out with ONEUS and Wooyoung was off somewhere with Changbin. Jongho had lost sight of San and Yeosang some time ago.
And then there he was, sitting alone and feeling more and more sick with every minute. Self-pity was normally not his way but right now it fit his situation.
An unexpected hand on his shoulder had him jumping in surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you”, Seungmin apologized, looking down at him. The older idol was a good friend of his since they had both found common ground in being terrified to work with Eunkwang from BtoB in the vocal unit on Kingdom: Legendary War.
“Ah, it’s fine”, he said quietly. Seungmin seemed to not mind his following silence and plopped down next to him so that their shoulders were touching. Jongho didn’t mind the company of the older man at all, he just hadn’t expected him to approach him when he had so many other options. Surely Seungmin wanted to catch up with him but Jongho didn’t feel up to small talk at all. He swallowed down a wave of nausea again.
After a few seconds, his hyung couldn’t seem to keep quiet. “Are you okay, Jongho-yah?”, he asked carefully, apparently noticing how out of character Jongho was acting. Jongho couldn’t blame him, he would have asked the same question if the roles were reversed. That didn’t mean he wanted to tell Seungmin that he felt like he was about to puke in front of thousands of people.
“Yeah, I’m fine, hyung”, he lied and pulled his knees to his chest. He had vowed to himself he would not disturb his members’ good times with his problems and that had to count for other idols too. Even though he desperately wanted to tell somebody.
Sitting surrounded by other idols, cameras and fans under the heat of the sun beating down at them made everything so much worse. He wished he had a fan but Wooyoung had snatched it from him some time ago. For a moment he felt close to crying, despairing over his situation. He couldn’t just leave without raising suspicion, he couldn’t tell his hyungs and ask for their help and he most certainly didn’t want to be sick in full view.
No. He was strong.
“It’s just normally you are more … lively?”, Seungmin added quietly. “I don’t mean to press but I didn’t want you to be alone.” Seungmin was so kind. Jongho hated him for it but flushed at the same time.
“I’m okay, hyung”, he answered shortly.
Out of a sudden, with no warning his stomach rolled badly, worse than it had all day. Instantly the nausea got worse and he needed to keep swallowing heavily. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. He was not about to throw up.
But the possibility that it was going to happen grew with each second.
Seungmin mustered him with something akin to worry in his eyes and Jongho’s resolves crumbled. Trusting his friend with his fear seemed to be better than trying to handle himself alone.
“I’m sorry, I lied, hyung”, he whispered, “I feel so bad. I’m so nauseous.”
Seungmin’s eyes widened in shock and he frantically looked around.
“Are you going to be sick?”, he asked, trying to calm down his own panic. Surely Seungmin had not expected these words and, while responsible, he was part of the maknae-line of Stray Kids. He was not used to helping out in this kind of way.
“Not quite yet”, Jongho said miserably. “I don’t want to.”
“Let me get one of your hyungs”, Seungmin said nervously.
“No, please”, Jongho pleaded. He didn’t want to inconvenience Seungmin but he really didn’t want his hyungs to drop everything for him. Still, he couldn’t deny the thought of a hyung helping and taking over the situation was nice. The bathrooms were far away after all and probably crowded. There was no way he could get sick there alone, in peace.
So when Seungmin offered the next solution he reluctantly agreed.
His Stray Kids’ hyung left and Jongho did all he could to act like everything was okay. He loved ATINY but he knew they would take apart every small video or photo they would get their hands on. The word “embarrassment” would not be enough to describe a situation where they caught on that he was feeling closer to puking everywhere with every passing minute.
His vision darkened as somebody knelt down in front of him, blocking him from the unrelenting sun. He blinked and looked up at the rather unfamiliar face.
“Hello, Jongho-yah”, Lee Know said gently, “Min-ah said you’re not feeling so good?”
Jongho nodded, looking up with wide eyes at the older idol. He hadn’t interacted much with him before. They had been in different units on Kingdom and while he had heard from Wooyoung, San, Yunho and Yeosang how kind of a hyung he was and the fact that he and Seonghwa were best friends, Jongho himself was very unfamiliar with him. For a second he wished he hadn’t insisted on protecting his hyungs’ fun, terrified by being left alone with a sunbae he didn’t really know while sick.
But he had dealt these cards himself, so trying to be brave, he just nodded. He was too tired and sick to converse. Besides, he trusted his hyungs’ judgement of character. Lee Know seemed awfully nice and he was the one Seungmin chose. He decided to trust him, having no real other option.
“How about we get you out of here, hm?”, Lee Know asked, “no use in sitting here feeling unwell.”
“Yes, sunbaenim”, Jongho said, “thank you.” He was glad Lee Know didn’t ask why he didn’t want his members’ help. And getting to sit in a cool dressing room out of sight seemed heavenly.
“Just act normal, like we are just walking around”, Lee Know advised and helped him to his feet. Without a word he wrapped an arm around Jongho’s waist to steady him. Staytiny would love this interaction. Jongho didn’t love it at all. His legs awfully felt like jelly now that he was upright and the sickness was hitting him hard.
“Where are your managers? Do you know which entrance you took to get out into the arena?”
Jongho shook his head. He had not taken notice of much beside how awful he was feeling all day.
“No matter, I’ll take you to our dressing room, the managers will figure something out.”
Lee Know led him past Seungmin who just smiled at them, probably knowing that Jongho didn’t want a fuss, especially not in public.
“How long have you been feeling sick? Did you throw up before?”, his sunbaenim asked as they walked towards the inside of the stadium where the changing rooms and the bathrooms were located. Some idols looked at them but they weren’t stopped. Apparently they noticed that they were not just strolling around but heading somewhere with a destination. Hopefully, they didn’t guess the right one.
“Since I woke up I felt off. Haven’t thrown up. Yet”, Jongho admitted quietly.
“You know that coming here was very irresponsible, I don’t need to tell you that. But why didn’t you tell your hyungs?”, Lee Know scolded lightly.
In his sick mental state Jongho couldn’t help but shrink into himself. He didn’t want to deal with an angry sunbae while he was sick.
“I’m sorry, Lee Know-ssi”, Jongho said, pulling away slightly and stopping to look at the older man. “I didn’t want to inconvenience my hyungs or you. I’m very sorry.”
But he had never needed to worry.
“Oh, Jongho-yah”, Lee Know replied, his voice calm and soothing, “I should be the one who is sorry, I know I can come off as too harsh. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I was just curious as to why. Your team seems so close, so I was worried.”
“My hyungs are the best”, Jongho agreed, “but I guess, I wanted them to have fun. They’ve been talking for days about how much they were looking forward to seeing so many of their friends again. If I had said I was sick Seonghwa-hyung or Hongjoong-hyung would have stayed with me and I didn’t want them to miss this.”
“I get it, though I don’t agree”, Lee Know offered, “but speaking as a hyung to six dongsaengs: If any of them were sick I would want them to know to come to me if they are unwell and that missing one event in the grand scheme of things is not a tragedy.”
“Thank you, sunbaenim”, Jongho said quietly. He truly was thankful for the reassurance but still the longer he stood, the more his stomach was starting to feel really unsettled. A queasy burp surprised both him and Lee Know. A bitter taste remained in his mouth and Jongho stared at the older idol in shock.
“Call me Minho-hyung”, Lee Know said hurriedly, “let’s get you inside.”
Rushing with a sour stomach was not a recommendable activity, Jongho mused, though puking in front of fans, cameras and other idols was definitely worse. Quickly they reached one of the doors to get inside and as soon as the door closed behind them, Jongho sunk down into a crouch, hands pressed to his mouth. Immediately Minho knelt down next to him, pushing his sweat-soaked hair from his face.
“I’m sorry for the speed”, he mumbled. If Jongho had the ability to answer at the moment he would have protested, knowing the speed was the only thing that had saved (some parts of) his dignity. But he had to focus on taking deep breaths through his nose to keep his stomach where it belonged. He gagged dryly once, but the second time a small amount of water came rushing up his throat and he helplessly spat it on the ground beside him. Tears welled up in his eyes. This was so bad.
Luckily, that seemed to be all that was coming up for now.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, staring helplessly at the clear puddle.
“Don’t worry about it. Can you get to the bathroom?”, Minho asked quietly, rubbing his back. Taking stock of his body Jongho found the nausea still very present but not as overwhelming and threatening as it was a few minutes ago. He nodded and let himself be pulled to his feet for the second time that day.
Standing upright again was a whole different task. He swayed for a second until Minho adjusted the grip on his arm. The bathrooms were further inside the stadium and by the time they found the entrance sign Jongho was sure he would be sick the moment he was in front of a toilet. He just hoped the bathroom was empty.
Luck was not on his side. The bathroom were not only not empty, there was even a line. “Hyung”, Jongho involuntarily whimpered, panicked. Lee Know just squeezed his arm and turned to address the other idols who were watching them.
Jongho’s stomach lurched. There was no time for what Lee Know was planning, no time to wait. Left with the only option beside throwing up on the floor, Jongho lurched towards the sinks where The Boyz’ Jacob was washing his hands.
He had barely made it over a sink beside the one the older idol was using before his stomach send its contents up his throat. He retched and gagged helplessly, staring down in shock at last night’s dinner as he continued to bring up mouthfuls of sick. Jongho was vaguely aware of people exclaiming in shock but his aching stomach and the unpleasantness of the situation made him block out most sounds. He thought he heard Hongjoong’s name but he wasn’t sure. He would give a lot for his hyung’s comforting presence right now.
As the heaves died down and he managed to catch his breath, he felt a steady hand on his back again. This were the worst few moments of his life, throwing up in front of so many sunbaes.
“Hyung”, he gasped and immediately Minho answered: “I’m here, baby, deep breaths.” The older idol wet a tissue under the water, simultaneously washing away most of his shame, and wiped Jongho’s mouth. If he wasn’t so unwell and able to be more embarrassed he would be. But his mental state and the sickness didn’t care about normal Jongho. Right now he wanted comfort.
Minho seemed to sense this and gently wrapped him in his arms. “It’s okay”, he whispered. “I made the others leave, they didn’t mind. Keeho and Leedo are making sure nobody is coming in and Jacob and some others are looking for one of your hyungs.”
Jongho just nodded against his shoulder, pressing his eyes shut, as Minho kept rubbing his back.
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, only pulling apart when the door was opened abruptly. They both turned around to find Hongjoong looking at them with worry and fondness in his eyes.
“Hey, baby”, his captain greeted with a tiny smile and walked over to them, brushing Jongho’s hair out of his face. “Jacob said you are sick? How are you feeling?”
“Sick, hyung, ashamed”, Jongho whispered, unable to meet his eyes. Surely Hongjoong was angry at him beneath his calm smile. After all, be had been pulled from having fun with the news of his maknae’s sickness. Even if he wasn’t he sure was not happy about the fact that Jongho had made such an uproar, inconveniencing so many of their sunbaenims.
“I’m sorry”, Hongjoong said sadly, opening his arms in a rarely initiated hug. “Hyung will help you.”
But Jongho couldn’t make himself take the step closer to his hyung. His hardworking, loving hyung who normally had so few opportunities to enjoy himself freely. His hyung who now had to take care of him on the one day he could have relaxed.
“I’m sorry, hyung. You were having fun”, Jongho said, subconsciously clutching Minho’s sleeve, needing to hold onto some stability. His stomach still ached with nausea and now with shame. He really just wanted to go home but he didn’t want Hongjoong to suffer under his illness too.
“Nothing of this, maknae. You’re sick, you have nothing to be sorry for”, Hongjoong replied, frowning.
Jongho chewed on his lip, not sure if he should give in. But a warm embrace from his hyung seemed like a dream come true, a lifeline during this awful day. Hesitatingly he took a step forward and immediately he was held in strong arms. He laid his head on Hongjoong’s shoulder and just breathed.
“I’ll go find one of your managers to take over”, Lee Know said and squeezed Jongho’s hand, “feel better soon, Jongho-yah.”
“Thank you for taking care of him, hyung”, Hongjoong said gratefully. “Let’s get you home, Jongho-yah.”
Bonus scene:
Hongjoong gently stroked the maknae’s back as he slept. He had managed to put the younger idol to bed only a few minutes ago, hours after they had left the stadium. Jongho’s nausea had gotten much worse during the ride and never before had Hongjoong been so happy that Seonghwa insisted on keeping plastic bags in the company cars. The younger man had thrown up two times on the way and even after they had escaped the moving vehicle, Jongho had stayed glued to the floor in front of the dorm’s toilet until he was empty. There had been nothing but providing water, cold clothes and cuddles that Hongjoong could do to help.
The others were due to arrive in half an hour and Hongjoong was glad for the - albeit short – time alone to reflect on the day.
Hongjoong had just been chatting with Bang Chan and Felix, Seonghwa having abandoned them to keep Yunho and Wooyoung in line, when they were approached by Jacob from ‘The Boyz’. They had all turned their attention to their sunbaenim and Hongjoong couldn’t hide the surprise when Jacob, who had seemed a bit out of breath, had addressed him: “Hongjoong-ssi, do you have a moment?”
Confused, Hongjoong had nodded. He had never really had interacted with the older idol before so the whole situation had seemed weird. They had stepped aside for some privacy and when Jacob had said “I’m really sorry to interrupt you, but I’ve been looking for you. It’s Jongho-ssi” Hongjoong hadn’t been able to stop the pang of fear in his chest.
First he had jumped to conclusions: Had the maknae managed to injure himself? What could have happened in the last ten minutes since he last saw him? Of course Hongjoong had noticed that Jongho had seemed a bit distant all morning but he had just assumed it was nervousness over attending ISAC. The maknae always shut himself off when he was nervous, so he hadn’t thought much of it. But apparently something else was wrong.
“Jongho threw up. He managed to get to the bathroom and Lee Know is with him”, Jacob had explained, grimacing a bit, “but he probably wants his leader right now.”
“Oh, yeah, probably”, Hongjoong had answered, a bit dumbfounded. He definitely had not expected this. Yet he had quickly gathered himself, seeing no use in analysing Jongho’s previous behaviour if he needed his leader now. “Thank you for finding me. Can you show me the way?”
“Come with me.”
Hongjoong sighed as he pulled himself out of his thoughts. He was very glad that other idols looked out for the younger ones, protecting them when they couldn’t do it themselves. In his mind he was already planning on what small but heartfelt gifts he could buy Jacob and Lee Know but that was a problem for a different day.
At last Jongho was safe and sound in his bed. There was no doubt that Jongho would very likely get sick again when he woke, but his youngest was at home. That was enough for Hongjoong.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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sallownights · 1 year
Hi - I absolutely love the Taylor Swift and Hogwarts Legacy crossover you have going on here, it’s right up my alley!
Anyways, I had this idea for a fic based around “The Way I Loved You”; reader and Sebastian aren’t together anymore but she’s missing his antics.
Double points if Ominis is the ‘sensible and endearing’ one 🩷
the way i loved you
Tumblr media
word count: 2.7k
CW: angst, fighting, fluff, mentions of sex
A/N: i don’t know where the fuck i ended up going with this. i feel like i blacked out while writing. this song, SLAPS
pairings: sebastian x f!reader, ominis x f!reader, sebastian x f!reader x ominis
The silence of the Undercroft. No spells. No fire. Nothing. Y/N brings her robes closer to her, trying to trap her warmth against her.
She came down here when she missed him. It didn’t matter if they broke up. It didn’t matter if she had a new boyfriend. She missed him.
It’s not like Ominis isn’t kind to her. If anything he was better for him. He’s sensible, kind, and endearing. There were so many words to describe him. Just thinking about him brought a smile to her lips.
It always comes back to Sebastian though. Sure, they had their fights. Often. They were, by no means, not a toxic couple. He would be jealous whenever Y/N decided to help Garreth with something. When she and Amit would work on Astronomy projects together. When she would stay out late with Poppy.
“I’m not having this conversation. Not again.” Y/N rushes past him, walking towards the castle. She had just returned from a trip with Poppy.
“Of course, you don’t want to talk about this.” Sebastian rolls his eyes. Y/N’s hands ball up into fists.
“Oh come off it Sebastian! I’m not fucking cheating on you. I can have friends.” He scoffs.
“You only spend time with them. I feel like I never see you.” He says. Clouds rush by in the sky, the night was dark. Darker than normal. The moon wasn’t visible. Thunder rolled throughout the clouds as it started to rain.
“I was with you all day yesterday! All day. Does that mean nothing to you?” The rain came down hard. Both of their robes quickly getting soaked.
“That’s not what I’m saying. I just miss you!” Sebastian throws his arms out, exasperated.
“You have a funny way of saying that!” They stand far enough away for there to be awkward tension. They’re both breathing, hard. His eyes stare into hers as best he can, the water pouring into them, making him blink.
They rush over to each other, smashing their lips against each other. Their hands were roaming around the other's body, not knowing where they were exactly. It was just important that their hands were on the other.
The kiss deepens, Sebastian, dipping Y/N, holding her tight. He picks her back up as they pull apart, their foreheads touching.
“This is a stupid fight,” Sebastian, holds her arms and pushes her nose with his.
“I’m sorry,”
“I just need you to trust me, Seb,” He nods, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, and starting to walk her back to the castle.
“We’re gonna get insanely sick,” Y/N giggles.
“I know.”
Y/N smiles at the memory. She remembers them shivering walking back to the common room. He held her close though. She misses it. Misses him.
They never stopped having that fight though. When they decided to break up, it was a bit of a shock to some people. Ominis wasn’t surprised. He knew they were having trouble. Knew that they were constantly bickering.
Sebastian and Y/N’s love was like a hurricane. Mostly stormy with a moment of peace every now and then.
She missed when he would do random things for her. Or surprise her by taking her into the Forbidden Forest for little picnics. It always seemed as if he would do anything for her.
“How much farther?” Y/N walks with one hand stretched, in case she runs into something while the other hand grips Sebastian’s for dear life.
“Darling, you’ve asked me this four times already,” he chuckles. Y/N huffs.
“Well, we’d be there already if you didn’t put a stupid blindfold on me.”
“That ruins the fun of a surprise,” Sebastian takes both her hands, beginning to walk backward. He stops suddenly, causing Y/N to stumble a bit but he keeps her upright. He gets behind her, taking the blindfold off, wrapping his hands around her waist.
When Y/N opens her eyes, she blinks a few times, getting used to the light again. When her eyes focused she sees a hidden waterfall nestled among the trees. The water cascades down a series of rocky ledges, creating a symphony of gentle splashing and bubbling.
But what catches her eye is the water itself. It is so crystal clear that she can see straight through to the bottom. And as the sunlight filters through the thick canopy of trees above, the water seems to glow with an ethereal light, creating an otherworldly ambiance.
The pool at the base of the waterfall is surrounded by smooth, moss-covered rocks, and the water is so invitingly clear that she can't resist dipping her hand in. It's refreshingly cold and seems to rejuvenate her soul with every touch.
As she gazes up at the waterfall, she notices that the rocks around it are covered in lush greenery and wildflowers, and she can hear the sweet chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. It feels like a hidden paradise, untouched by the modern world.
She takes a deep breath and lets the beauty of the place wash over her, feeling grateful for the chance to experience such a magical moment in nature.
“Sebastian, how did you find this place?” Her voice quiet, she turns around to look at him.
“I found it earlier this week, I wanted to show you it. Do you like it?” Y/N nods, hugging Sebastian tightly before giving him a quick kiss.
“It’s beautiful,” She turns around again, watching the water cascade down. She takes a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. Sebastian’s cologne gets mixed into the air when he steps behind her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck.
“Seb,” She says, placing her arms on his.
“Yes, my darling?” He asks before he nips at her neck.
“Did you take me here to fuck me?” She turns around, his eyes dark.
“Maybe,” He smirks before crashing his lips against hers.
Y/N smiles again, it really was a magical day. The waterfall was kind of a perfect place for them, she would still go there sometime, once she had figured out how to get there. It was a place she would go after they fight. More so when she was in the wrong and she didn’t know how to apologize. He would sometimes find her there, just sitting on a moss-covered rock, her eyes unfocused as she thought.
He would sit with her until she was ready to talk. He could be furious with her and just sit with her. Towards the end of the relationship though, he stopped looking for her after fights. The energy to keep going was dwindling quickly.
Now, things were awkward. Sort of. It felt awkward. Ominis was there for both of them after the breakup. Y/N would spend nights crying in his arms in the common room. They started hanging out more and more after. Sebastian would join sometimes. They ignored each other for a while, just speaking to Ominis. After a few projects in Transfiguration, they started speaking again. It was still tense between them but not nearly as much. They respected their old relationship without talking about it.
Y/N wondered if he missed her too. If he spent nights thinking about her. She does feel bad that she started dating his best friend. However, she loved him. Ominis was nothing but kind, he was always so caring. She couldn’t help but miss Sebastian though. He was so fun. He just… couldn’t trust her. She also would go out into the forest for hours at a time without telling anyone. No wonder he didn’t trust her. She promised she would tell him and she never did. But he was jealous of her friends. It was a bad match.
“Love?” Ominis’ voice calls out in the Undercroft.
“Hi,” she calls back, her voice cracking. She brings her hand to her face, realizing tears have been spilling out of her eyes.
“What’s wrong my darling?” Ominis walks over to Y/N, he holds her hands gently. Not wanting to harm her.
“I’m… just sad.” Y/N drops her head, tears falling faster.
“What’s making my dove cry?” He brings a hand to her face, wiping some of her tears away.
“I… I miss Sebastian. I miss how he and I were and that’s so unfair to you. I just… I miss him so much. I know we weren’t good together but it feels like part of me is missing. But you… you fill a different part of me.” She sobs, turning away from Ominis, and cries into her hands.
“Darling,” he places a soft hand on her shoulder. “I know you miss him. It’s okay.”
“No! No, it’s not. I love you so much and I… I shouldn’t be thinking about him.” She sobs into his chest. He runs his hand up and down her back, whispering comforting words into her ear.
“I know, I know, love. You know he still loves you, darling,” He holds her head as she begins to cry harder.
“The problem is I do too!” Ominis shushes her as she sobs, whispering that it’s alright and he knows.
“You know if you want to be with him you can be,” Ominis says calmly.
“I don’t want to leave you though,” Her sobs beginning to subside.
“Darling, you know I have feelings for him as well,” Her head shoots up to look at him. His was was stoic, a slight frown on his face from her crying.
“Y-you do?” True confusion comes across her, she realizes that it makes sense. They had been so close for so long. She’s also almost 99% sure they kissed at a party once.
“Yes, darling,” he chuckles a bit. “Before I loved you, I loved him. I think I still might.” She nods, wrapping her arms around him. They stand there, in silence, Y/N sniffling every now and then.
“So… do we tell him?”
“Would you like to? You would both have to change how you act in a relationship.” Ominis’s voice is calm. It always was. He was good at making her feel so comfortable.
“I think I want to… and I want to be better to him. I put a lot of blame on him but I could've been better too,” Ominis nods and kisses her softly. “So, would we all just… date… each other?” Y/N’s voice is uncertain, she really didn’t know what was happening. Her head was swirling. It was hard to believe that if Sebastian wanted to get back together and wanted to be with Ominis, she could be with her two favorite people.
“Well, let’s go find him. I was just with him in the library, I’m sure he’s still there.” Ominis takes her hand in his and leads her out of the Undercroft. The walk to the library was normally a peaceful and meditative experience. This time, there was an excitement and nervousness as Y/N’s steps fell in with Ominis’. As they make their way through the castle, they could hear the soft sounds of their footsteps echoing in the stone halls, and the occasional rustle of robes as other students pass by.
As they enter Central Hall, Ominis squeezed her hand, entering the library. When you enter the library, it's a quiet atmosphere. Broken only by the occasional rustle of pages or the scratching of quills on parchment.
The space itself is vast, with towering bookshelves stretching up towards the ceiling and long, polished tables scattered throughout the room. Soft lighting illuminates the space, casting a warm glow over the books and creating a sense of tranquility.
They climb the spiraled stairs, stumbling a bit in their haste. When they reach the top, Y/N’s eyes scan for Sebastian, spotting him sitting by himself, writing quickly. She yanks Ominis and they start rushing over to him. Sebastian looks up at the noise, seeing Y/N and Ominis. A few different emotions flash over him. Jealousy at them holding hands. Worry at Y/N’s puffy and red eyes. Confusion by the smiles on their faces.
“Hey, is everything alright?” Sebastian’s voice is quiet, he can’t get kicked out of the library again. He didn’t want to study in the common room. Imelda kept bugging him about Y/N and he couldn’t handle it.
“Yes, can we sit?” Y/N says, clearly excited about something. Sebastian nods. Y/N and Ominis split apart, moving chairs to sit directly next to Sebastian. He looks at both of them, confused. He hadn’t sat this close to Y/N since they’d broken up and Ominis doesn’t sit very close to people unless he likes them.
“What- what’s going on?” Sebastian says, looking between the both of them. Ominis takes one of Sebastian’s hands, Y/N following suit. Sebastian’s heart rate picked up. He could feel it pound against his ribcage.
“Well, Y/N and I had a… talk… about something. We wanted to run it by you.” Sebastian turns and looks at Y/N and she nods.
“O-okay.” Ominis makes a motion for Y/N to talk about what they had discussed earlier.
“Well, I was in the Undercroft earlier… I was thinking about you and how I,” her face heats up, a pink blush dusting her cheeks. “How I miss you.” Sebastian started to blush as well. He had missed her so much. He knew he fucked up. They both did.
“I miss you too, Y/N,” Sebastian looks to Ominis, trying to gauge his reaction, but Ominis is just smiling.
“So, then Ominis and I started talking about you…” Y/N looks to Ominis as he leans down to kiss Sebastian’s hand.
Sebastian’s head was reeling. He was with his best friend since he had arrived at Hogwarts. Ominis showing Sebastian more affection than he ever had. Then, his ex-girlfriend who he was still in love with saying she missed him. He was absolutely certain he had fallen asleep while doing homework. He looked forward at his notes but they were coherent.
“Now, I am aware this may sound… odd…” Y/N continues before Ominis speaks up.
“It’s actually quite common in certain wizarding communities.”
“Oh! Well, I suppose it’s common in some places…” Y/N giggles. “Anyways, we were thinking maybe we… could all be… together? If that’s something you find suitable.” Sebastian’s eyes go wide, confused out of his mind on how this is happening today.
“Like… date both of you?” Ominis and Y/N both nod.
“I’ve liked you for some time, just wasn’t going to tell you. Then, when dove was crying about you, I figured it was time to admit it to someone else.”
“You didn’t have to tell him I was crying, Omi.” Her voice lowers.
“If I can interject, you look like you’ve been crying.” Y/N’s eyes widen and quietly says,
“It’s alright, you still look beautiful,” Sebastian takes his hand from hers and places it on her face. There was an immediate sense of familiarity. Of home.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers, quietly.
“I’m sorry too,” Sebastian and Y/N look at each other before turning their attention to Ominis.
“Well, I do find this ‘arrangement’ suitable. If you both would have me.” Sebastian squeezes Ominis’ hand. Y/N giggles and kisses Sebastian softly. She had missed this. Missed him. He was hers and she was his again. They were both with Ominis too. Y/N could feel her head spinning, her heart feeling full and fuzzy and the men in front of her. Sebastian pulls away and leans in to kiss Ominis, which he gladly accepts. Y/N leans back, happy that she's with the two people she loves dearly.
“This is not what I had planned today,” Sebastian says when he and Ominis pull apart.
“This is the last thing I expected, but it’s certainly not a bad thing.” Ominis smiles and walks over to Y/N giving her a small kiss on the head, playing with her hair.
“So, anything you want to do?” Sebastian asks the two of them.
“Oh! Oh, we should take Ominis to the waterfall. It’s so peaceful there.” Y/N closes her eyes, imagining the cold water and sound of rushing water.
“Oh, is that the waterfall Sebastian and you used to have se-” Ominis says before Y/N covers his mouth.
“Alright, let’s go!”
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espresseo-cafe · 8 months
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.8
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genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 3.1k+
a/n: this has a crossover with @jae-canikeepyou ‘s series serenity in us 🤭 read that if you like, you’d love it 🤗 so now i’m back from hiatus! enjoy your coffee time 💚 note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
“how are you coping?” was one of the last messages johnny had sent you. after your breakdown and asthma attack, he didn’t send you any more, just short ones as he was planning his baby thesis together with kun on psychology. he also had to do his paediatric studies on saturdays.
besides, you guys were entering to your final year very soon.
you decided to give him space, you as well needed to catch up with your own (being at the library at the moment)- even though it was stressful enough to have your parents by the ends of your hair strands most of your life. it was habitual, you guessed.
it was also ironic because even though you dislike shoving your face in books and research papers, you found yourself kind of listening to their orders of studying hard.
but you soon realised you were doing this for yourself, not for them.
somehow you wished you never agreed to meet them that day. you just ended up disappointed and hurt like you always had.
your phone rang when you just quickly put it down, receiving mean glares and shushes from the people around the table. taking your stuff and shoving them in your bag, you ran out of the library and called back the person who conveniently decided to embarass you.
“you just love to distract me, do you, johnny?” placing your phone between your ear and shoulder, fixing the heel of your socks.
a soft chuckle heard from the other line, a voice you kinda want to hear. “because i know you will be. want to go for coffee? i finished my project so i can meet you at the atrium.”
“please, i got homework to finish.” you dramatically told him, turning to your left then walking down the stairs.
“hm, interesting.” he hummed, “if you got homework to finish then why did you change your path down the stairs?”
you halted as you almost set foot to the atrium’s entrance. looking up, he was there by the railings.
“i see i got a stalker.”
“the one and only.” johnny smiled and waved at you from the balcony before going down the stairs to meet you.
placing your phone in your pocket when he stood in front of you, you laughed, “dear me, do i need to call the police?”
he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, “please don’t. besides you owe me coffee, it’s been a week.”
you slapped his chest lightly. what’s with him and coffee? “dude that’s what you’ve been wanting to do? don’t you have cash?”
“i spent it on youngmin’s medicine. little dude can’t keep still, always running around until he caught fever. but he does get regular check-ups.” he sighed, “medicine should be free, especially for kids.”
as you walked to the coffee shop at the next street, you concluded that maybe it was why johnny took paediatrics, to monitor youngmin’s health.
johnny was on his final year of his double degree in psychology and paediatric studies, so his schedules were going to be busy. an idea came up to your mind. “say, why don’t i take him to the clinic for his checkup appointments? so you could focus on your studies.”
johnny’s slightly tired face lit up, “really? you can do that?” you nodded as you both entered the coffee shop, “that’s great, it’ll be a huge help.” looking at the drinks menu, he hummed. “you know what, drinks are on me today, i’m suddenly in a good mood.”
you giggled when he took out a five dollar bill on his hand, “so you can treat me coffee on days i take him for appointments, deal?”
“deal-“ johnny flicked his head to you, “-wait!”his hand got freed of cash when you took the bill and jogged to the counter. he stifled a laugh seeing you already pointing at your desired drink, smiling endearingly at you until you turned to him.
“johnny, come on here and choose yours!” gesturing for him to come closer, “they’ve got an offer of buy one get one free.”
little did you two know, you didn’t notice the presence of both rowoon and seungcheol seated at the very end of the coffee shop. rowoon thought that seungcheol’s little crush on you was too obvious. he wondered why after all this time, the guy never seemed to talk to you.
“for a jock like you, you’re someone who’s actually soft for the girl you like.” he munched on the scone he bought, seungcheol then shaking his thoughts off of his mind.
“so what do you want me to do?” the doe eyed asked, taking a sip from his latte.
rowoon smirked, checking a piece of a paper slip before giving it to seungcheol. “nothing actually. you can stay put for now, but hold onto this.”
“if this gets us into trouble, rowoon, you’ll know what you’ll get.” seungcheol warned him, taking the envelope from him as the boy stood up to leave.
“don’t worry, hyung. we got this.”
“no way! how come i just heard of this?” yoohyeon told you through the small screen, while you ate on ramyeon bought from the convenient store. she tutted her lips together, “hey y/n, is that all what you’ve been eating since i was gone for almost three weeks?”
“it’s my cheat day.” you slurped, wiping off excess soup from your cheek. “i’ve been studying my brain off, i need to de-stress somehow.”
yoohyeon whined playfully, “i want to de-stress too! the expectations here in paris is as high as the eiffel tower. but anyway, answer my question. so it’s still on the rocks with your parents?”
you hummed, not sure how to answer that just yet. “yeah definitely, can’t believe i’ve been stood up at the dinner.. well it’s not like it never happened to me.”
“well isn’t that great? there’s progress!” she sarcastically said because she knew how your relationship was with your parents. she then squinted her eyes. “then what about you and johnny? any progress in that?”
you coughed on a piece of noodle. “t-that, i don’t know. i heard he had an argument with his ex after youngmin’s party.”
“minji? after so long?” she questioned. “well, i hope she doesn’t give him a hard time. the guy’s moved on, given that his attention is so focused on you.”
you laughed a little, “who’s to say, it’s a little crush i have for him. there’s a fine line between falling in love and having a crush, you know? maybe it’s just admiration on my part. but him to me? i doubt it.” you felt a shuffle on the side as you placed the ramyeon on the table behind you, making yoohyeon tilt her head in question.
“did you get a puppy, y/n?”
“a cute one, actually.” shifting your phone for her to see clearly, youngmin snuggled next to you.
“oh, my, word.” she said dramatically, “you’re a certified mommy candidate for the little one. i’ve never seen him so close to anyone like that. johnny must love you to the point he trusted his son to you.”
“a: he doesn’t love me, and b: i offered to help him, alright? we’re not even gonna go there.” you shook your head, combing youngmin’s hair as he slept.
yoohyeon took a snap of that, sending it to johnny immediately. “oh isn’t it time for you to bring him to his appointment? it’s almost 1pm.”
“yes and you’ll be late for class.” you reminded her, “make me proud, yoohyeon. i helped you with your thesis, don’t put it waste.”
hearing you say that made her laugh so early in the morning. “it’s 6am here but roger that, momma!~” waving a goodbye before signing off.
you turned your phone off, putting your legs off of the sofa. then youngmin woke up and wiped his eyes, “mama i’m warm.”
you flicked your head to the boy, chuckling and patting his cheek. “it’s auntie y/n, youngmin.” he sat up and yawned, asking for a hug and you carried him, soon taking your leave to the clinic. “you’re going to get better.”
the little toddler was tired the whole time, and that worried you. wearing the carrier, you placed him facing you while he slept once more. the cooling patch on his forehead wasn’t doing any good to put his temperature down. he actually cried quite a bit on the way so you put a dummy on him, and thankfully he didn’t cause too much of a scene on the train.
stepping in the clinic, you suddenly saw your long time friend, jungkook. his eye smile never failed to be so contagious. “ah noona! you’re here again?”
“yeah, i need to be here for this little one. my friend’s son.” you ruffled his hair, and jungkook poked his cheek.
“he’s adorable! oh and guess what? i’m assisting the renowned dr. jung yunho tomorrow, i just finished meeting up with him.” his bunny smile showing.
you gave him a high-five, you were really proud of him. “nice on you sophomore, it’s gonna look good on your resume once you do your residency and fellowship.”
jungkook just scratched his head, blushing red. “it’s still a long ways to go, noona.” checking his watch, he gasped at the time. “and i don’t want to be late. catch up soon?”
you nodded and gave him a wave, “sure.”
the reception was close by and you confirmed youngmin’s booking. the nurse had to double check if you were the parent, and you clarified that you were substituting the child’s father, who couldn’t make it in the scheduled appointments and showed her the documents with johnny’s signature.
“i actually thought you were the mother. because mr. suh comes here alone often, other than the grandparents. so i got my hopes up when i recognised youngmin with a young lady. sorry about that.” she noted, giving you an apologetic smile.
“it’s not a problem, i haven’t met the mother as well so i guess we’re on the same page.” you smiled a bit, and took a pen from your bag, signing the check-in sheet.
“oh excuse me miss, you dropped something.” one intern next to the nurse pointed down while you muttered a thank you.
it was the extra coupon you had from all the coffee breaks you had with johnny. maybe i should use this later. so you placed it back again to use it again. slowly standing up, you removed youngmin from the carrier while the nurse took him in for a little check up before the actual appointment with dr. yunho.
“miss y/n!” you heard a little squeal, and it was one that you recognised so well. “long time no see!”
“hi liam!” you bent down to have a short chat. “are you here for a check up with the doctor?”
the kindergartener nodded quickly like he was so proud of it. “yes, i got a scratch on my face and on my leg because i fell.” you told him to be careful and he just pouted, saying that he would. he turned around to lady who called him, saying that they had to leave.
at the same time, you were called in by dr. yunho. you patted his hair and bid him goodbye. standing up, you were faced with a lady, who was around your age. must be liam’s mother.. you thought. but who were you to judge?
liam jumped as he left the hospital, whining that he was hungry. “can we go to mcdonald’s, auntie minji?”
she held his tiny hand, “of course, you did really well at the checkup.”
“then can you carry me there, please?” he pleaded, making puppy eyes to convince her, only for her to disagree.
“no can do, liam.” she poked his little nose and teased him. “you know auntie isn’t that strong like a superhero.”
after youngmin’s checkup, you were thankful that he didn’t need to be confined in the hospital. on the other hand, you were so dazzled by dr. yunho, how could someone be so handsome and smart at the same time? it was funny how he opened up so quickly, even mentioning that he had brothers who went to the same university as you- currently year one and year four. it didn’t feel like an appointment at all because of how he conversed.
youngmin seemed to have gotten used to being at the doctor’s, after the fact johnny told you that he used to cry a lot about it. and speaking of him, you got a call, just in time.
“hey y/n, i’m on my way there with bosco, we’ll drop him off at mom and dad’s first, then i owe you coffee again, is it the third time this month? anyway see you both in five minutes.”
you lit up, “sure, we’ll wait here.”
it took about five minutes for him to arrive. talk about consistency: another box ticked on your checklist. he came out of the car to help carry youngmin, while you got on after.
the nurses who saw this from the clinic had their hearts swooned in various places. johnny was young but the way he handled everything made him so mature.
“daddy material..” the intern’s eyes twinkled while she clasped her hands together.
“get back to work, rookie.” the nurse sighed.
“what? you were staring at him too, hypocrite.” she pouted.
as youngmin rested at his grandparents’ place, you and johnny made your way to the coffee shop. patters of rain drummed the windows and johnny sighed when he looked above. “i swear this is like the worse summer ever, it’s been raining for days.”
“can’t help it though. it was scorching hot as well. besides, fall is on the way, in a few weeks?” you stretched your neck and your back from side to side. the feeling of cracked bones was such a relief that johnny glimpsed at you back and forth and scrunched his face.
“sorry, you must’ve been tired from bringing youngmin to the clinic for three weeks.” he stopped the vehicle at the red light.
“it’s okay, it’s workout for me to carry him.” you snickered. as you said that, the rain gradually grew a bit stronger. so you looked up as well, and you didn’t like how it reminded you of the past.
it used to be about your parents, it still was, besides text messages you hadn’t heard any apologies from them at all. and that upsetted you.
another thing was the accident, you haven’t even came into terms with it. you still remembered the impact, the screeches from its tires, the way you flew, and the way you thought everything gone in a blink. it felt like it was yesterday.
johnny knew at one look that you were still processing everything that happened. it was something he wanted to help you overcome but he also knew it was a long journey and that it doesn’t just disappear overnight.
so an idea came up to him, he hoped you were up for it, and he hoped he was right. you felt the vehicle turn sharply to a corner. johnny turned the engine off, “y/n, let’s go out right now.”
your raised eyebrow made him want to laugh but he knew you would love this. “um, are you crazy? it’s raining cats and dogs outside, johnny.”
he just grinned at you. “i maybe am. but with a little bit of play in the cold of ‘cat and dog’ rain, you might just be crazy with me.” he got off the car and ran into the rain, hollering and spinning around.
your eyes widened, frantically turning your head around to check if people noticed him. reaching for the handle, you stared at the rain once more, hands shaking anxiously. should you go out once again?
“awooo!” johnny continued to shout and laugh. you stared at him deadpan, this was embarrassing.
you sighed, “johnny!” the secondhand embarassment you got from him was unbelievable. you ran towards him and stopped him from whatever he was doing. “what are you doing?”
“oh? the puppy chased me and stopped me.” he laughed and you just blinked your eyes in confusion. “cats.. dogs.. rain..? you and me? don’t you get it?”
“johnny, cats don’t howl.” you crossed your arms, finally getting what he meant. “let’s go, before we get sick.”
he didn’t say anything and pulled your arm, “i know you hate the rain but…” he trailed off, taking two pairs of airpods. putting one pair to your ears before he put another into his, he played one of coldplay’s biggest hits, and the song that calmed you down- a sky full of stars.
“let’s have some fun.”
the piano melody and the vocals filled the intro, johnny’s head started to follow the beat and sang. and naturally you followed, singing as well. the familiar music slowly building up. when it reached to the one minute and eighteenth mark, as if you and johnny shared the same braincells, started to jump in the rain.
he held your hand and twirled you around, then suddenly doing a crumping move on this medium-paced song, made you laugh. you’d say it out loud that johnny was a good dancer. it even showed when the next song- adventure of a lifetime, was next in queue.
that was where you confirmed he was groovy, pulling a little genre of modern swing. not that you knew how to do that certain dance pairing, but the music and johnny’s energy just made you dance with the flow.
his guided his hands to yours, leading you with his twists and turns. and in parts were the music were on a slight drop, he led you to follow him on certain easy steps.
you also had your share in adding steps and iconic movements, putting a little michael jackson moonwalk in it. johnny pointed at you in surprise, even in earphones, you could hear his laugh.
johnny and yourself probably looked like idiots dancing in the rain on the road towards the highway. but to the both of you, it was special, as you were dealing with heartbreaks in different aspects. music was definitely a de-stresser.
johnny looked at you with admiration. as you danced away in the rain, he felt like he was witnessing something beautiful. though the music was playing, he could hear his heart beating. and his eyes widened when the lyrics mirrored what he was feeling:
“now i feel my heart beating, i feel my heart underneath my skin, oh, you make me feel like i’m alive again.”
he smiled endearingly, he knew he was so attracted to you. he knew you had space in his heart, and he’d gladly give it to you.
you turned around, hair flicking slowly, then your eyes met.
and it was when he realised fully,
that he was starting to fall in love with you.
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh @mrkleelvr
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
Portals gone wrong!
(“The 4 servants Au” & “time beats a dead man Au” ((collab w/ @mikey-rottmnt)) Crossover fic!)
tbadm universe, 11:38 am.
“Well, shit. We’re screwed.” Bendy slumped, watching koi pace back and fourth in the tent.
“I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT! I SWEAR I WROTE IT ON MY PHONE!!” Koi panicked, running his hand through his fluffy hair.
“well I mean, shouldn’t you know this kind of stuff? Since ur Mugs boyfri-“
“SHSHSH!!” He put a firm grip on bendys shoulders.
“Keep your voice down, dude!”
“Ok, ok! Jeez! js let go of me, please.”
Koi Immediately retracted his hands away. his face looked strained, as his body shook ever so slightly. He had no idea what to get his partner for his birthday. Which was today.
clearly, he wasn’t great at hiding it either. Because as soon as bendy got a look at him, he knew immediately.
“Look, if you’re so worried on what to get him. Why not ask cup?”
Bendy suggested
“HE’LL JUST LAUGH AT ME! OR GET MAD AT ME!!” Sweat was pouring down his face, making him look like he just got out of a pool.
“Okay, okay!! Fine!! just, chill. I’ll ask him for ya-“ He hopped of the cot, walking out of the tent. As koi watched in horror, he lays on his sleeping bag, getting lost in his thoughts.
As he stared as the ceiling of the tent. He saw an orange spark. Immediately, he blinked. And the spark was gone.
‘I must me imagining things.’
T4S Universe, 11:38 am.
Mikey groans, laying flat on the couch. His whole head pounding with pain.
His mouth throbbed, his teeth hurt, and his tongue was sore. All because of those stupid braces.
he couldn’t even eat anything! That’s how bad his mouth hurt. He still didn’t understand why he needed braces in the first place. His teeth looked okay to him, anyway.
He wanted to just..scream and cry. But his eyes were dry, and his voice was weak. He had no idea how to even feel right now.
“you okay, Angie?” Leo asked, slowly leaning on his baby brother.
..riiiight, his brothers came home early to “comfort him”
“No, my mouth hurts like shit.”
He said, slumping even further in his sweater.
“Leo, ur not making it better.” Donnie commented, smirking ever so slightly at his phone.
Leo gave him an annoyed glare, before turning his attention back to Mikey.
they all go silent, js watching another Jupiter Jim movie. When suddenly..
“Mikey..W-Why’re you glowing?”
Raph jolts up, looking at his lightbulb of a brother.
The twins turn their attention to their little brother. Leo stares at Mikey in disbelief. Sure, it wasn’t an impossible event, but he never expected it from his own brother!!
Suddenly, a glowing orange spark awoken from the floor. Soon getting bigger, and bigger. And within seconds..
The portal had swallowed them whole.
Tbadm universe, 12:30 pm.
ah yes, the sound of a peaceful brunch. The birds chirped, the sun shined. It was almost perfect!!! “GIVE IT BACK!!!”
..almost, perfect. The chipmunks siblings were fighting again. Typical siblings, battling over what seemed to be a rare species of caterpillar? Interesting. But one thing was for sure…
This was giving vins a serious question about her life choices. Are her and cup doing the right thing? should they..not? What would everyone think? As if on que, a thump had hit the ground. Actually, it was Multiple thumps. Repeatedly!! Mugs was the first to react. Well, if u call screaming and jumping to Koi’s arms a reaction…
“ughhhh..” The strange creature groaned, starling nearly everyone.
“WHAT ARE THOSE?!?” Mugs yelped, holding onto koi tightly.
“Excuse you, teakettle!! We are turtles, clearly.” One of the other creatures said. As raph was getting himself up, he was shown down by a tall figure. Taller them him, that’s for sure. “Alright, buddy. Start explainin’, who you, and your little goons are.” Cup demanded, Looking dead serious. (As usual, I guess-)
“Look uh..sir? We don’t want any trouble-“
“YES WE DO!! FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!!” Mikey shouted, raising a fist in the air
The crew awkwardly stare at the littlest one. Bendy snickers ever so slightly. I think these 2 would get along just fine!!..if Boris let him get closer then 18 feet away.
“wait- soo, how’d you all get here?? No one rlly just..comes to the middle of the forest..” koi gently placed his love down, now resting a hand on his hip.
the brothers proceed to look at eachother, then all their eyes fall upon mikey.
“great question, why don’t we ask the damn lightbulb, eh mike?” Leo stood up, crossing his arms in disappointment and blame. Starring daggers at his lil bro.
“OH, SO ITS MY FAULT I MAGICALLY STARTED GLOWING?!” Mikey shouted, making this nearly more awkward for our beloved crew of cartoons. “Ok, how about we all just..calm down, okay?” Vinnie suggested, standing between the 2 turtles.
“whaaaaat is even happening right now??” Donnie whispered, moving ever so slightly to his older bro.
“honestly? I have no idea, don.” He whispered back. This one definitely in top 5 weirdest shit any Of them have ever been in. And ohoho boy, was it just gonna get weirder and weirder from here…
You have no idea how long this took to make..
I was gonna put drawings in here too, but I couldn’t draw one thing and then another, then…I ran out of motivation.
But maybe eventually, I’ll go back and add drawings :]
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sneakyswag · 3 months
Working on a reploid oc whom I love very much. I offer you all some lore if you want 👉👈
Also this is kind of in an au so
This all makes probably zero sense whatsoever but I’m gonna try to put my thoughts into words.
His name is Beta. A robot created in the OVER-1 era. (I know the timeline is non existent apparently. I’ve changed a few things. Instead of rescuing all of these MMX, MMZ, MMBN characters, you rescue the classics instead with OVER-1 ofc).
Beta has incredible combat skills. Not on par with Zero’s or X’s, but incredible for his mental age. Beta was found in a capsule in the jungle. Found by X and Axl who were on a mission. (Perhaps the jungle aka opening stage in X8).
X and Axl, upon finding him, are wary of him. Keep in mind, Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX (I guess)
Beta was created with the blueprints of OVER-1. And hc that OVER-1 was based off of the blueprints for X. Beta was created by Forte, Rock and Roll with the help of Kalinka and Dr Lalinde (holy crossovers, I know 😭).
Beta was created without the knowledge of Dr Light, Wily or Cossack. They never knew of his existence. Rock had wiped his memories of creating Beta completely in fear of Dr Light finding out. Roll sealed the memories away. Bass didn’t. Bass kept the memories because at this point, it’s his son.
Beta was sealed away and Dr Lalinde or Kalinka never spoke of Beta again. Bass would check on him from time to time. Talk to the capsule with Treble by his side. He was proud of his creation. Although Rock, Roll, Lalinde and Kalinka helped, it felt like his. This was his son. Whom will help save the world.
Beta resembles Bass in a huge way. He has white hair (or light blonde I’d have to see), yellow eyes edit: they look better as light blue so, black face marks, same shape as Bass’, although he could always remove them or cover them up. His armor is black with yellow, blue and a hint of white I’d have to work on it. Beta is roughly 5’4 almost 5’5. His primary weapon is actually his hands.
See, his hands can generate an energy orb somehow and he can throw it at people. It’s dangerous, sure, but very powerful. Said orbs can be charged up but will leave Beta with little energy afterwards, making him vulnerable. His secondary weapon is a butterfly knife. He acquired it from the Maverick Hunters when X and Axl found him and took him in. It’s similar to saber technology except obviously, it does what a butterfly knife does.
Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX to help OVER-1 with anything that was happening. Sort of like what Protoman did. Watched from the sidelines and became support for Mega Man. Except, he wasn’t working for Wily or anything you know. But the capsule had sealed him for way longer WAY longer than he needed to.
Beta’s personality is nervous, anxious, kind, caring, intelligent, analytical. Beta isn’t all anxious, though. He knows when it’s okay to be scared and when it’s not, he tries his best to control it. He tries to analyze situations as best as he can. Thinking of many possible scenarios.
One thing. Just because he’s my original character doesn’t make him perfect. He has his flaws. My gosh, quite a few of them, actually.
Since he likes analyzing situations and practically every possible scenario, he’s slow. He’s slow in realizing something might be charging at him or trying to strike him. He lacks confidence. So much that he fails to strike his enemies when he finally gets confident enough to hit them. His design was also very outdated so he got modified with the X8 era armors.
Beta tends to panic easy. When he figured out that there has been multiple wars going on and seeing that he was in 21XX obviously scared the life out of him. What’s worse is that OVER-1 wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere to be found. It was his purpose. To help OVER-1, I mean. And now that he’s not there, it struck something in him.
X and Axl helped calm him down but man. This dude was a mess.
On a more positive note, aside from incredible combat skills and powers I suppose, he’s easy to talk to and get along with. He tries to see the good in everyone. Similar to how a child would. Because, well, mentally, he’s still developing. Yeah, he’s been in a capsule for years, but he needs to develop outside of it. Cuz the world isn’t perfect like the simulation in his capsule he did to make good choices. Beta has an interest in music. He likes any instrument and knows how to play, but he absolutely loves the piano. It’s his go to. It helps him relax.
Beta likes comics and cheesy romance movies. All he wants is to help people out. So what better way than to be a hunter? He’s not a pacifist per se but he’ll try to negotiate with the enemy first rather than just attacking. It’s what [who?] would’ve wanted.
The boy has many issues. Figuring out his past, who he is, all he has is a name. OVER-1. That’s it. It’s who he was supposed to help. But couldn’t. He was too late. He slept in the capsule for far too long. Beta has many dreams. He always sees four people. Three women and two men. They’re working on him. He can never see their faces clearly. He wakes up before he can. He’s frustrated. He manages to befriend Axl and realize that they have so much in common.
This is just a rough little thing. If you read it all ily <333
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misscongeniality18 · 1 year
Hi! I'm the anon of "Still Falling For You" and I just want to say thank you. Yo do such an amazing job and I really loved the part 1..BTW I'm so glad that you liked the idea and can't wait for the next part!
It is my pleasure, dear anon! I didn't expect that I would love this idea so much, so I had to limit myself to making this a two-part fic.
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Still Falling For You, Part Two - Peter Sutherland
Synopsis ! Peter meets another agent assigned to protect Rose, and to his surprise, it's his high school sweetheart--you. (Time skip to the fight on the beach.) Pairing ! Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Genres ! Friends-to-lovers, (sort of) enemies-to-lovers Warnings ! Angst, fluff, language, violence, innuendos, kissing, no use of y/n Disclaimers ! Everything I know about the FBI is from TV shows, so this might be an unintentional crossover with Criminal Minds? Idk, it just happened Word Count - 1857
" It took us a while Because we were young and unsure With love on the line What if we both would need more But all your flaws and scars are mine Still falling for you " - Still Falling For You, Ellie Goulding
Masterlist Request Guide Part One
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The car ride to the hotel had created a frostiness between you and Peter. In fact, you weren’t sure how this ‘partnership’ would work with the amount of tension brought up. But once you’d gotten to the hotel, you both went into FBI autopilot when you saw that the Secret Service agents that were supposed to be in the lobby were gone.
Your introduction to Rose was brief, but once you’d managed to actually take a breather and talk to her, Peter’s suspicion turned out to be true. You and Rose became fast friends, and yes, the two of you would become huge pains in his ass, which would spark up heated arguments and playful banter between you and Peter.
But even through all of that friction you had fallen into the easy rhythm you’d once had with Peter years and years ago. The feelings you had thought you’d pushed deep within you had been stirred up like dust on a bookshelf, and the novel you’d picked up was one you were revisiting. Was it because it was familiar and comfortable, or because it was one that you’d never gotten over and still continued to love? Or maybe, just maybe, that story wasn’t finished yet.
Perhaps it was all of the above.
Peter had changed over the years, not just physically but mentally. He was no longer the goofy boy gazing at you with puppy dog-heart eyes. He had grown up and was a full-blown golden retriever, protective and loyal to a fault. You knew his past with his father, and you’d also heard about the accusations against him for the metro bombing one year ago. You didn’t purposefully keep yourself aware of what was going on in Peter’s life, but a supposed terrorist attack in DC made the news—with Peter in the headlines. You’d heard the rumors of his involvement, but you didn’t believe them. The Peter you knew would never do such a thing. The Peter before you now wouldn’t either, no matter what he’d gone through.
His perseverance was what you had always admired most about him growing up; Peter had never let the negative affect him. His first year of high school, he didn’t make the basketball team, so for the next year, he worked even harder to improve his skills. You had even helped him, not that you were much competition.
Then Peter’s father was arrested, and his whole world turned upside down. It was a new kind of negative, one that Peter didn’t know how to handle. It had taken him down a dark path, but he emerged into the light as an FBI agent, hoping to do some good for his country.
If you were being honest, discovering how much Peter had accomplished in his life had wounded your pride. It might be petty, but it had hurt to know that he hadn’t needed you to support him and cheer him on during the ups and downs of his life. You had thought that you would always be there for each other. You thought that because he didn’t need you, you didn’t need him either.
So you worked endlessly to become a lawyer, and then you switched career paths and joined the BAU in Quantico. It was the FBI like Peter, but at least you wouldn’t have to interact with him.
Until there was a request from the White House for an agent who specialized in behavioral analysis, and your boss recommended you.
You had never thought you’d run into Peter, and when you did, you deflected and tried to keep things professional and distant between you.
But spending time with him again—even through the absolute shit show going on—you could see that the Peter you’d known, your Peter, was still there, and it hit you like a pile of bricks.
You discovered this when he left you and Rose at the Georgetown library. When Rose mentioned that she didn’t get into Stanford, Peter brought up the fact that you had, and then he’d begun to tease you about “knowing absolutely everything because you went to fancy-ass Stanford.”
That had been it for you. That was the moment you realized that your love for him had never faded, and you were desperate to tell him.
You wanted to tell him that you had never loved anyone as much as you loved him, that there had been nights where you would dream of him and remember how he had made you quiver beneath him, that he could still make your knees go weak just by smiling at you.
You wanted to tell him everything.
Then Peter had to go talk to Diane Farr, so he dropped you and Rose off at his friend Cisco’s place. You didn’t get the chance to talk to him in private. When he got back, you promised yourself, you would tell him.
But of course, everything had turned to shit again.
Peter had discovered that Farr was in on everything, so he told Cisco to drive you and Rose to the pier, but the maniacs out to kill Rose were following you. You thought you had ditched them, so Cisco dropped Rose you and off so you could get away.
When Peter finally made it to the beach and killed the man who’d shot at your group of three in the hotel ballroom, he realized that you weren’t there. Rose told him that when Cisco dropped the two of you off, the hitman had found you, so you split up to try to lure him away. Your training and experience at the BAU led you to believe that the hitman wouldn’t stray from trying to kill his target, so you told Rose to run as you started firing your gun at the hitman. You led him down a different path than the one Rose had taken, and the last thing Rose had heard was several more rounds of gunshots before the hitman had found her again.
Clutching the knife wound in his side, Peter tried to stand and Rose had to help him up. He was frantic, calling your burner until his own went dead, and then he couldn’t breathe, his words coming out in stutters and pants.
“I have to find her, Rose. I—I can’t lose her again, I have to—“
Your voice broke through the darkness of Peter’s mind and the night surrounding him, and when you ran out from the tree line onto the rocky shore, it was as if everything was clear again.
You were a bit disheveled, a bloody gash on your forehead, and you were limping from graze from a bullet on your leg, but nothing was broken or seriously injured. Rose helped the two of you to a vehicle and drove to where Peter’s godfather kept his boat.
It was after Rose helped you and Peter clean your wounds when the three of you heard on the radio that Cisco had been killed and Peter was being framed for kidnapping the Vice President’s daughter. For years, Peter had worked so hard to make a name for himself that didn’t connect him to his father and his supposed crimes. And with a single message to the public, Peter was back at square one.
You and Rose had left Peter to himself on the deck of the boat as you sailed out over the water, but after a while, you decided to join him to see if you could bring him some comfort.
Peter had thrown Kevin into the water, and you sat next to him, the two of you dangling your legs over the edge of the boat.
“I’m so sorry, Peter,” you hummed, “For everything.”
Peter sighed. “The world is so fucked up right now.”
You nodded, hesitant to continue where you wanted to go. “It is, but I’m also sorry about what happened between us…back then.”
“Oh,” he said, turning to you from looking out upon the water. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
You shook your head. “Yes, there is. I was still holding something back, and I guess I wanted to prove something to myself, that I didn’t need you, because you managed to make something of yourself and I wasn’t there to witness it, I—“
You let out a groan, frustrated with how your words were coming out wrong and not making sense.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed. “I’m not blaming you. It’s me and how I’m stubborn and defiant, and I always try to prove people wrong even though they have nothing against me. My boss says that’s why I act before I think, like running headfirst into danger without a second thought.”
Surprisingly, Peter chuckled at that. “I can get that. You trying to distract that maniac at the park? It was completely reckless. I wanted to throttle you, you made me so worried.”
 “Damn, Sutherland, I didn’t think you’d be so worried about me,” you joked, nudging him with your shoulder.
You watched the expression in his eyes turn from light and playful to serious and passionate.
“Fuck,” Peter swore, muttering your name under his breath as he pulled away and began to pace despite his side bleeding. “Of course I was worried. I will always worry for you. I didn’t know what had happened, and when Rose told me that you’d split up, I was about to search every inch of the park in order to find you. I wouldn’t rest until I got you back.”
You took in the intensity of his eyes, and you knew he was serious. “Peter, you were hurt. There’s no way you would’ve—“
“It wouldn’t have mattered!” He interrupted, his voice now close to breaking. It shocked you, how concerned and emotional he was.
“Peter, what are you—“
“Damn it,” Peter cursed, turning to face you and cradling your face in his hands. “I could be missing all four of my limbs and I would still find a way to get to you.”
You closed your eyes, your skin remembering the way his touch felt. It was like cool water quenching your thirst, and nothing had ever felt so good. “God, Peter, you still know how to make me fall for you.”
When you opened your eyes, Peter’s face was so close to yours, you could make out every freckle on his skin. You glanced down at his lips, then back to his eyes, a brown as rich and delectable as chocolate.
Peter kissed you then, and it was as if the world was suddenly set right from being upside down and misaligned for so long. The way his mouth moved against yours sent tingles down your spine, and he still tasted sweet and fresh, like taking a bite out of a ripe, red apple.
It made you crave more.
You ran your hands over his shoulders, and he gripped your waist tightly, lifting you to move and straddle his lap. Peter held you close as the boat rocked with the waves, kissing you until you were breathless, and you knew that the two of you would never let each other go again.
The way I could've written an entire book with this idea, my God. Omg, should I?
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4ce-of-2pades-inkwell · 10 months
I’ve been watching/listening to those SCP videos on YouTube while I draw Cuphead stuff, so it was only a matter of time before I came up with a crossover AU:
Dr. Manuel Animi is a young but talented scientist rising up through the SCP Foundation. He has a particular interest, fascination, obsession even, with SCPs that break the laws of reality, or that are beyond comprehension. Merely out of scientific curiosity, of course, nothing more... He spent many years working with eldritch beings such as… well, I can’t remember any off the top of my head, but things along the lines of what Cthulhu was expected to be, not his SCP reality. Dr. Animi had a better capacity than most for withstanding the dangerously incomprehensible, a mental tolerance for things that would drive an average person to insanity, but he was still human, and many times was affected to the degree of needing prolonged therapy or even intense medical treatment to recover. He would always return to his work with a passion as soon as possible, but eventually he was banned from working with any SCP classified as a significant mental hazard. His superiors claimed he had reached the lifetime exposure limit that was protocol (similarly to scientists working with radiation), and they cited his hair, which had changed from red to pure white as a result of the horrors he had seen, as proof he had been at this long enough to be at risk of permanent mental damage. They claimed his relocation to other SCPs was for his own safety, and that they did not want to lose such a bright scientist, but this was a lie. In truth, Dr. Animi’s obsession with these eldritch beings and mind-breaking ideas concerned them. They saw a high probability that Dr. Animi would not stay content with his permitted research, and would attempt to use the anomalies for his own purposes, becoming a threat. In short, he liked his work too much. If he had refused the ban on his area of study, he would have been deemed too far under its thrall, and would have been terminated. So Dr. Animi now works with other anomalies, though is not satisfied with his current work, and is biding his time for an opportunity to reenter his preferred field.
Chase Animi is a gambler. Addicted to it. This has caused him to go deep into debt, and in and out of prison. Any attempt to keep a job or build any kind of stable life is sabotaged by this addiction. He’s miserable, but he can’t stop. He falls in with shady crowds trying to pay back the money he owes, starts conning people for their cash, gets caught and put in jail again. He is not having a great time. One night, a bar fight gets a little too heated, and results in three men dead by Chase’s hand. If this isn’t enough of a crime to earn a death penalty, then he somehow does something else to earn his sentence. He ends up a D-class at the SCP Foundation. He is given cleaning duty for The Sculpture for several months, and as all goes to plan during that time, he survives without incident. Soon though, he is sent in to observe an SCP that affects a person’s mind—though he doesn’t know that yet. This is where he first interacts with Dr. Animi, who has just convinced the higher-ups that he should be allowed to study mind-altering SCPs again, if only ones of significantly less power and danger to himself. Chase doesn’t recognize the scientist that happens to share his name. But Dr. Animi recognizes him.
They’re twin brothers.
The two had parted ways years ago after an argument. Manuel had just joined the SCP Foundation as a scientist, and tried to convince Chase to apply as well, so they could stick together. Chase was furious with Manuel for wanting to retreat from society into a group of crazy all-powerful scientists, and for not telling him sooner that he was planning this. Chase wanted nothing to do with the Foundation or any organization like it. Manuel warned Chase that if he didn’t join the Foundation in some way, he would have to be given amnestics to forget its existence. Chase said that was fine by him, and that if Manuel wanted to leave him so badly, then he would be more than happy to forget his brother entirely. So Manuel, also caught up in anger, did exactly as he asked, erasing any trace of himself from Chase’s mind and leaving his brother for good, devoting his life entirely to the Foundation. Chase’s life, meanwhile, fell into disarray. It is possible that the careful amputation of such a constant presence in every single one of Chase’s memories negatively altered his mind in such a way that predisposed him to his addiction. With the sudden lack of something he had depended on all his life, he needed to depend on something else…
Dr. Animi recalled Chase from his current assignment before its effects could take a stronger hold, and through application of his recent research, was able to produce a near-total recovery. Dr. Animi then told Chase that they were brothers, and explained what had happened to cause his amnesia about their shared past. Chase was furious with Dr. Animi for destroying his memories of him, and disgusted that he would not only commit unethical experimentation, but do it to his own brother. Chase refused to speak to Dr. Animi further, but Dr. Animi still wanted to help Chase. He knew there were a few rare cases of D-class not only surviving their ordeals, but being allowed to reenter society and live ordinary lives. Only a handful of cases, out of innumerable casualties, but if Dr. Animi played his cards right, he could save Chase.
There was an SCP that had been discovered earlier that year (let’s say this takes place in 1973 I guess), SCP-666. That one that tempts people with addictions. Very few D-class had been tested with it so far, and all had died as a result of succumbing to their addictions, but Dr. Animi had a theory about the nature of SCP-666, and he was going to bet his brother’s life on it. He contacted the team studying SCP-666 and recommended Chase as a test subject, highlighting the strong gambling addiction that had been the root cause of every crime Chase had ever committed. The team had tested subjects with substance addictions, but had yet to try addictions of any other nature. They accepted Chase as their next subject.
Dr. Animi insisted on being the one to deliver the D-class to his destination. Chase refused to speak to him, but Dr. Animi whispered that he was doing everything he could to save Chase’s life. This was his best chance at not only survival, but escape. If Dr. Animi was right, SCP-666 was not a death sentence, but a test. Any D-class subjected to it who was not already an addict had seen no ill effects—666 did not compel a person to act against their will, at behaviors that were not their own, but merely encouraged existing addiction until it reached the point of death. If Chase could resist 666’s temptations, he may be released alive, and in order to study the long-term effects on his addiction, Chase would need to be introduced back into the wider world, where he could be monitored in his natural environment with its usual available temptations. Dr. Animi would convince the Foundation, somehow, that Chase could not be exposed to any other SCP without destroying a valuable research subject. All Chase needed to do was not die from SCP-666. An even more difficult task, as there was not much opportunity to gamble in containment, and Chase was feeling withdrawal. Dr. Animi had a theory, but the facts (which Chase was not supposed to be told) said that everyone who had faced this SCP had died. So why not live it up one last time before he went? What did he have to lose? What did he have to go back to? And yet, this addiction had destroyed his entire life. If he was going to meet his end… what if he could win, just once, over that all-consuming force? Win something not through luck, but through skill, through willpower?
Well, he’s going to try. He doesn’t anticipate an outcome where he survives. He’s not doing this because he believes he’ll be freed, in any sense of the word. He’s doing this to spit in the face of 666-1, and prove to himself that he has control in his life, even if that life is about to end.
Also, there’s one last thing you should know about Chase. See, that mind-altering SCP he did a brief stint with? Well, I looked pretty unassuming. Just a plain white cup sitting on a table. Chase didn’t know what he was supposed to be looking for. And he certainly didn’t realize when he started talking about me in the first person. My effects can end pretty badly for those exposed. Usually, they end up drowning themselves, often with tea. But Dr. Animi caught Chase’s symptoms early, and managed to talk him out of being a danger to himself. He was unable to be convinced that he was not, in fact, a cup like me, but Dr. Animi twisted this belief into something safer. Chase had arms and legs, right? And eyes and a nose and a mouth? He repeated this often, making Chase locate these attributes on himself, until he finally believed it to be true. He was a person, who had different needs than a cup. But he was also a cup, there was no talking him out of that. Dr. Animi could only do so much. Instead, he worked with Chase to develop a persona that became his new self-image, a persona that was, of course, still a cup, but functioned a lot more like a human. Chase once again understood himself to need sleep and food and air, and to be susceptible to death under many conditions that an average non-person cup would thrive in. And despite an insistence that his hair be constantly damp with tea or milk or coffee, Chase was deemed able to live normally again, thanks to a little outside-the-box thinking on Dr. Animi’s part. After all, Dr. Animi understood that you don’t necessarily have to see the world in a way that makes sense to anyone else to live a good life. You don’t have to be one hundred percent “sane.” Sometimes your life can even be better if you let yourself go a little crazy…
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