#the kind you eventually end up marrying years after graduation
aliensubstance-011 · 3 days
Fiddlestan AU!!
AU where Ford gets into West Coast Tech, but Stan manages to (somehow) get into Backupsmore and gets roomed with Fiddleford! 
Stan was kicked out after Ford left (because if his brother was ready to leave home, so was Stan). Stan lived in his car & the public libraries he found (all his fake IDs are just fake Library Cards lmao. nerd). Stan also discovered he was queer (did drag for the prize money, then went OH. All these queens are treating me like this because I'm a baby queer. That makes sense. Guess I’m doing guys now.).
I like to think that Stan spent a year or two studying up after Ford left so when he gets in Fiddleford is in his second or third year! This does result in a “I'm your new roommate. You first year?” and Fiddleford going “What in tarnation... I'm THIRD year? How did we end up in the same dorm????”
At first they HATE each other- Fiddleford thinks Stan is reckless, and doesn’t know what he’s doing there, and that he’s kind of stupid, while Stan thinks Fiddleford is some stuck-up hippie who formed an opinion on Stan too quickly (he did). Once they do start talking they have a very quick ‘oh you’re actually not that bad’ moment. Fiddleford leaves before Stan, obviously, but they keep in close contact even after Fiddleford moves in with Emma-Mae. 
Stan and Ford have a huge argument about Ford not needing Stan anymore. Cue: “Of course I need you, you're my brother” “WELL YOU DON'T ACT LIKE IT”, which is another reason that Stan and Fiddleford leave together. Not long after this, around Stan’s graduation,  Fiddleford has a 'I'm gay and don't love my wife' moment, and Stan casually suggests running away, just driving (maybe something a little nostalgic in it, maybe when Stan looks back at his car he feels like he can hear a distant New Jersey shore). The next day Fiddleford shows up with a duffle bag of things, and Stan realises Fiddleford took him seriously. That he’s willing to run away with him, even if it’s not on a boat, that Fiddleford wants to. Stan gets very, very close to realising he’s in love that day. 
They run away after Stan’s graduation and just drive until they get to Gravity Falls! They set up shop there, with Fiddleford doing auto repairs (and making inventions on the side). Fiddleford confesses to Stan when they’re staying in a motel- he thinks Stan is asleep, so he just says that he thinks he’s in love with him, while Stan is laying wide awake in the bed next to him. Stan spends the next few days Freaking The Fuck Out while Fiddleford doesn’t acknowledge what he said. Stan thinks Fiddleford knew he was awake, so when he confesses back he says something along the lines of “I think I’m in love with you, too” and Fiddleford bluescreens.
Just General HCs:
Stan falls first, but doesn't realise until Fiddleford confesses.
Ford is still self centred but doesn't hate Stan. Stan resents Ford for not doing anything when he was kicked out, and a little bit for leaving him. He understands, though, why stay with your good for nothing brother when you have dreams across the country to fulfil? 
Fiddleford is Repressed Gay until he confesses his Awful Secret to Stan who's just like....”okay?”. He does get to the point of marrying Emma-mae, before he confesses to Stan. 
I don't quite know what Stan will be doing, both in Backupsmore and once they move to Gravity Falls. I like a little bit about him either doing Art or Law, but I feel as though he’s not willing nor smart enough (respectively) for either one.
Stan IS smart, don’t get me wrong, he just needs it to be something ‘physical’ that he can interact with. Fiddleford helps a lot with this (having gotten a lot of hands-on work while he was on the farm). 
I think eventually Ford does end up in Gravity Falls too, but by this point he’s distanced himself from everyone not because of Bill, but because of his own hubris. 
Because of Stan and Fiddleford being queer, I don’t think Dipper and Mabel would be allowed to visit them until their parents have no other choice- though they do hear a lot about their Grunkles and see them from time to time. 
If I did include a Bill/main timeline ish plot it’d be Fiddleford who gets tricked- maybe after Ford gets to Gravity Falls, and Bill offers a way to keep Stan happy/repair his relationship with Ford (maybe Fiddleford thinks Stan is going to run away- just without him this time. He knows Stan would never, but he could.) 
I’d probably include a B-plot where Stan thinks Fiddleford will cheat on him with Ford- they click immediately and so much better, Ford is so much smarter, he’s the better twin, because insecure Stan is my favourite thing ever. Just a small detail, but I think that Fiddleford is a lot more confident and stable with Stan, mainly because Stan has encouraged him to step out of his comfort zone so often, and has proved time and time again that all Fiddleford has to do is ask and Stan is right there to catch him.
I'm still not sure what Stan should do, so if anyone has any suggestions, let me know! That and drawing requests god let me draw them PLEASE.
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seiwas · 5 months
every time i think or speak abt hajime the words just flow out in an endless stream 😔
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Tommy POV, wc: 2890, full version on ao3
Tommy Hagan is not jealous of Eddie Munson.
He’s not.
There’s nothing to be jealous of, in his opinion, and Tommy probably wouldn’t be thinking about him at all if Eddie wasn’t the most publicly well known member of his graduating class – well, he hadn’t actually been in his graduating class, Tommy supposes.
They had been seniors at the same time, though.
If Tommy happened to be jealous of anything – and that’s a big if – it would probably have something to do with the famous thing. Everyone has a small part of them that wants to be famous at least in some capacity, he’s pretty sure, even if Eddie isn’t really, truly famous – not like the red carpet celebrities. He’s a writer. Even the most well known writers never get all that much attention, but Munson has his own Wikipedia page, and that’s more than anybody else from Hawkins, Indiana can say. Hawkins itself barely even has a Wikipedia page, and it’s only because of all the atrocities that happened in town in the mid-eighties.
Tommy hadn’t been around for the end of it all – the earthquake-slash-serial killer situation that never made any sense to him. He remembers his mom calling him at his college dorm when the deaths first started. He remembers her asking, “You went to school with that Munson boy, right? Do you think he could do something like this?”
And Tommy had been twenty and a total moron, so he’d said some dumb shit like, “Yeah, he’s into freaky stuff like that. Somebody should’ve put him on a list ages ago,” even though four years of experience told him that Eddie was all bark, no bite. Tommy hadn’t been surprised at all by the statements that later came out clearing Eddie's name, and by then his parents had already high-tailed it out of Hawkins so it all sort of became irrelevant to him.
Tommy never even returned to Hawkins one single time after he left for college (barring his high school reunion, obviously), and twenty years after graduation, he doesn’t really think about those years all that much.
He doesn’t love the person he’d been in high school. He was whiny and immature and had his priorities all messed up. Most of the memories he has of his teenage years, he looks back at and cringes, feels a whole lot of shame and embarrassment, but also some pride at how much he’s grown over the last twenty years. He also knows he’d been kind of a dick in high school, but that he’s less ashamed of. It’s normal, he knows, for kids to be mean, that it’s a standard response to being untreated kindly in other ways. Like, his dad had been an asshole to him as a kid, always on him about his grades and his smart mouth and how he’d no longer been a standout on any of his sports teams after starting high school, and Tommy had coped with that by poking kids beneath him at school. 
It’s just the pecking order of high school. It’s normal.
Even now, when Tommy’s son had dealt with some pricks in the year above him shoving him around, he had come home from school and tormented his little sister for a while – it’s normal, no matter how much his wife had tried to convince him it was something that needed addressing. It’s just kids being kids. They grow out of it eventually, just like Tommy had.
Occasionally he wonders where the kids he’d spent all those years with in the Hawkins public school system had ended up, but these days the internet makes that pretty damn easy to figure out.
He’s learned Tina got married and had kids real young. She still lives in Indiana. Carol, who he’d split up with before heading off to college, lives in Alabama now and she’s got kids and a husband too. Jonathan Byers is a photographer in California – Tommy isn’t into all that art-y crap, so he has no clue if he’s any good, but he definitely recognizes some of the organizations he’s worked for and if that’s any indication, Tommy would wager he’s not too shabby. No wife, though, he noted, so he’d either been right about Byer’s being a queer, or women just found him repulsive (admittedly, Tommy leans more towards the former – he’s a photographer). Tammy Thompson still lives in Tennessee, though it doesn’t seem like she does music anymore (husband, kids, blah blah blah). 
If he’s honest, the only person Tommy is actually interested in tracking down is Steve Harrington, and he’s the one person Tommy can’t find a single trace of online. No MySpace, no Facebook, no weird blog thing, nothing.
Vaguely, he wonders if Steve might be dead. A truly massive proportion of Hawkins had died over just a few short years in the mid-eighties. Maybe Harrington was one of them.
Tommy doubts it. 
He would have known. 
Steve’s parents would have made sure everyone knew if their son had died. Funnily enough, Steve’s mom is actually on Facebook, and pretty actively too, but there’s no sign of Steve anywhere on her page. 
He hadn’t even shown up for their high school reunion in the winter of ‘04, which is odd because Tommy had been certain he would.
He doesn’t obsess over it – he really doesn’t. It’s just a thought that pops into his mind every now and then – where the hell is Steve Harrington?
In the late spring of 2007, he gets his answer.
“Tom,” his wife says, “That guy from your high school is on the cover of this magazine.”
He knows without asking for clarity that it’s Munson – no other person makes sense – and when he eventually gets his hands on the magazine, he finds that he’s correct.
Eddie Munson is on the cover of a magazine because, apparently, he published another book. 
Truthfully, Tommy already knew that. 
It’s his fourth book (which, for the record, Tommy hadn’t known until he knew it because it’s not like he’s keeping tabs on this guy or whatever), and it’s been getting a whole bunch of mainstream attention after a controversial landing on the top of all those book charts Tommy doesn’t follow despite featuring a gay love store amidst all his normal fantasy crap. It sparked a whole debate about banning books and everything (dumb, Tommy knows, because if he learned anything in business school it’s that if you really don’t want something to exist, the best thing you can do is not funnel money and attention into it). 
Tommy does, in fact, watch the news so he’d already caught wind of all this – it’s part of the reason he can’t shake the guy – and it’s why Eddie Munson is on the cover of this magazine (because, seriously, nobody gives a shit about writers until it hits the news).
He allows himself a moment to look at the cover, to look at Eddie, who apparently goes by Ed now. Tommy is loath to admit it, but he looks good. His hair is normal and he’s grown into his frame, not all long and lanky and gangly limbs like Tommy remembers from school. He looks well-fed, confident, happy.
He looks good.
Tommy thumbs through the first few pages of the magazine until he reaches Eddie’s interview, and, again, he allows himself to look over the photo of him that takes up nearly three-quarters of the first page even if he has no intention of actually reading the article itself because, again, Eddie looks good (and maybe there’s something about the scruff of facial hair along his jaw that Tommy's eye gets stuck on). Tommy’s allowed to say that men look good when it’s true – it’s 2007, as his wife likes to remind him whenever it’s convenient for her, and if she’s allowed to say that Angelina Jolie looked good in that CIA movie, then Tommy is allowed to say that Eddie Munson looks good here.
When Tommy flips to the next page, he’s met with a photo that stops him in his tracks, has his feet frozen to the floor because –
Jesus Christ, that’s Steve Harrington.
Fuck, okay, so he’s reading this fucking article.
It takes Tommy a long time to get through it, honestly. Eddie comes out in the article, which might be a big deal, might not (and he doesn't care to be enlightened, thanks). He keeps getting distracted by the pictures scattered throughout it.
The pictures of Steve, mostly.
Because, well, if Eddie Munson looks good, Steve…
Steve looks alive.
Tommy didn’t realize it until this exact moment, but Steve had existed in his head for the last two decades as the eighteen-year-old he’d been the last time they were in the same room together. It hadn’t exactly occurred to him that Steve’s been aging this whole time too, just like Tommy has.
It’s undeniable that Steve is older. 
His hair is starting to go gray at his temples (it’s the only thing that’s changed about his hair since he’s still styling it the same as he did in high school – because why mess with a good thing, Tommy supposes) and he’s got just the hint of crow's feet around his eyes when he smiles. He’s smiling in all the photos – every damn one – and it has Tommy struck by how unbelievably happy Steve seems. It’s an effect that somehow both takes years off the age Tommy knows he is and shines a light on just how good those years must have been for him. 
There’s no solo shots of him like there are for Munson – though according to the article, it's actually Harrington now – and only half the photos are in color. The rest of them – the more candid ones – are smaller and left in black-and-white. 
The one that caught Tommy’s eye first – because it was meant to, he’s pretty sure; it takes up half the page – is right in that sweet spot between staged and candid where Steve and Eddie both know that they’re being photographed even though neither of them are actually posing. Eddie is grinning at Steve in a wicked way that still feels familiar to Tommy even two decades since he’d last seen it on him (probably swaggering around the cafeteria like a total jackass – not that Tommy would know anything about that). Steve is grinning right back at him with a smile Tommy doesn’t think he’s ever seen before.
Or maybe he has, but not on this version of his face, not since Steve was as young as his oldest daughter.
Just as the author of the article said, the photos don’t show the faces of Steve’s children, either leaving them artfully out-of-focus or choosing shots where they’re turned away from the camera, but they’re still present, and it makes the whole spread almost feel like a photo album in a way, like it should be private but instead was published for the whole world to see.
Steve has three of them – kids, Tommy means. He didn’t know that Steve was a family kind of guy. It makes sense though, when he thinks about it. Steve’s parents were kind of a nightmare — present in the worst ways, and absent in the worst ways too (though it hadn’t seemed that way when Tommy was a teenager looking for a failsafe party house). He'd always felt kind of bad for the guy. Like, Tommy's dad had been a total piece of work, but they'd at least been around, and he'd stuck around long enough for them to sort out their issues at least most of the way, and these days he's a pretty kickass grandpa to Tommy's children.
Tommy wonders about Steve's parents now, wonders if they maybe came around like his own parents had, but then he remembers Mrs. Harrington's Facebook page and how there's not a damn trace of her son on there, never mind three grandchildren.
Tommy isn't sure he wants to touch that.
Steve is probably a really good dad, Tommy decides. He’d been kind of that way when they were friends — Steve used to say he wasn’t all that bright, but he always had a freaky sixth sense for reading people, for caring about them in exactly the way they needed.
There's one photo where Steve is managing to holding his youngest daughter — a tiny little baby still — and her bottle in one arm (that's a level-three dad hold, Tommy knows). The bottle is angled in a way that obscures her face, and Steve's other hand is being tugged on by another daughter, this one with a mop of curly brown hair remarkably similar to Eddie's when it was still long.
That's another thing Tommy won't let himself think about, (because he knows if did he'd start wondering if any of those kids were half-Steve).
Anyways, Tommy doesn't need glance to see that Steve wears fatherhood like a favorite sweater.
There’s something about this, about seeing these pictures, about the way Tommy is getting an answer to that question he’s had for years about where his childhood best friend has been all these years, that is making him feel like his ribcage is being split open, bones splintering and shattering as everything vulnerable inside his chest in suddenly out for display.
He probably should feel uncomfortable, right? Like, a guy he’d been seriously close to growing up — sleepovers and gym locker rooms and all that shit — had turned out to be gay. If his own son came home from school saying that his best friend came out or whatever as gay…well, again, it’s 2007, and Tommy doesn’t think his wife would allow him to denounce the friendship entirely, but there certainly wouldn’t be any sleepovers anymore. He thinks that’s pretty reasonable.  
What was the likelihood that Steve had been, like, into Tommy?
And that should be an uncomfortable notion too, and in a sense, it kind of is, but not necessarily in the way he would expect. 
He just doesn’t understand why all this feels so much like a loss because he knows that he hasn’t really lost anything – not since he got his hands on the magazine, anyways. Steve Harrington hasn’t played any sort of role in Tommy’s life since their final falling out in 1984, and as far as he’s aware, having a falling out with a close friend is pretty much a guaranteed part of growing up. His wife even experienced something similar when her own grade school best friend suddenly stopped answering calls and stopped reaching out after they’d started college – and his wife is basically the nicest person Tommy has ever known, so…it happens to even the best.
It’s just…Steve had always continued to exist in Tommy’s life in a way, even if he wasn't physically present, and maybe Tommy had figured it could be the same for Steve too, that maybe he sometimes wonders where Tommy is, wonders what he’s up to.
This article and these photos makes it pretty fucking clear that Tommy doesn’t even exist in the same galaxy as the life Steve is living.
And that’s not to mention the Eddie fucking Munson of it all.
Tommy had been kind of ignoring the Eddie of it all until he couldn’t ignore it anymore, because he doesn't care about Eddie Munson.
He'd never cared, but he'd spent years seeing the guy's face and his name everywhere, and now it feels like a sick joke, like he's the piece of Steve left in Tommy's life.
If the article is accurate (and he has no reason to believe it isn’t), Steve and Eddie have been together for longer than Tommy has even known his wife. Steve has been with Eddie for longer than Steve was ever friends with Tommy – not by a lot, but still more. That’s a long fucking time, and it’s clear as day on both of their faces that they’re just as in love with each other fourteen years in as they were on day one.
It’s not just Steve, and it’s not just Eddie, and it’s not one more than the other. It’s both of them.
There’s one photo in particular – a small black-and-white one that keeps pulling Tommy’s attention.
It’s another candid shot, taken from a bit of a distance. In it, Steve has Eddie boxed in against the counter in what has to be their kitchen. Eddie is leaning back against the edge of the granite countertop and looking at Steve with something sappy and fond on his face, and Steve’s hands are this close to grabbing Eddie’s waist as he looks at him the exact same way.
It’s shit out of a fairy tale or something, and sure, maybe someone could argue that they’re laying it on thick just for the sake of the magazine or whatever, but Tommy knows Steve Harrington and that look on his face is more real than Tommy had ever seen in all the years he'd known him.
So maybe Tommy has a reason or two (or three or four) to be jealous of Eddie Munson.
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mrsbarnesxxx · 7 months
Bill Weasley x Malfoy!reader. Met at Hogwarts, dating since graduation. Bill brings reader home and Weasleys hate her/treat her like flour until bill snaps them they get to know her. End with fluff
Warnings: slurs/general unkind words (nothing too serious), fighting, angst, Bill being an absolute sweetheart
It wasn't easy growing up a Malfoy. Everything you did was under scrutiny. Everything was about blood status. Your parents barely spoke to you anymore now that you had "betrayed" them by dating Bill Weasley. You two had met at Hogwarts, you'd had classes together every year, and eventually, the two of you bonded about being the eldest in your family. Eventually, one summer day, Bill had asked you to marry him. Of course, you said yes, however, you were regretting saying yes to spending time with his family. You had gotten to the burrow yesterday afternoon and no one had said a word to you. Maybe they thought you'd be like your family, but they clearly weren't interested in getting to know you. They would look at you and scoff before turning away. You expected a bit of apprehension from them. Bill had told you this was the first time he had brought a girl home and your family didn't exactly help, but you hadn't expected them to be this bad. Over the last day, they had escalated from ignoring you to saying blatantly rude things. They would call you a blood supremacist, a snake, and all sorts of other things.
The second night you were there you had enough at dinner.
All of his brothers had been making subtle comments since dinner started, you'd expected one of his parents to say something, but it seemed they agreed with them.
"J'aimerais y aller, s'il te plaît." I whisper leaning over to Bill after his mother's latest jab.
"What? English is beneath you, princess?" Bill's brother Ron jeers.
"Alright, that's enough," Bill says standing up from the table. "All of you have been nothing but rude to my fiancee since we got here. None of you have bothered to get to know her or even ask her anything about her. You haven't even bothered to make polite conversation that anyone could tell was fake. What is wrong with you? You used to be the most loving people. I get the world is messed up, but that's no excuse for your behavior. Come on, let's go." He says, finally turning to me and extending a hand. I take it, offering a polite smile at his family before we leave the room.
"You have to understand that we never expected you to bring someone like her home." His mother exclaims. That seems to stop Bill in his tracks. He turns around to face his family.
"Someone like what? You don't even know her. You always said that you never cared about blood, but it seems you care about her's." He says. "Let's go."
He turns back to me, taking my hand and leading me upstairs.
"I'm so sorry, darling. I can't believe they acted like that tonight." He says pulling me into a hug.
"Bill, you can't be serious?" I ask pulling away from him. "They've been acting like that since I got here. You haven't heard your brothers' comments about my 'murderous heritage'? Or your sister asking me to pull up my sleeves to check for a snake on my left arm? Or your mother calling me 'one of those people'? The only person who has been remotely kind to me is your father and he just hasn't said anything to me."
"I'm so sorry. I should have paid better attention. I have no idea why they're acting like this." He says softly, caressing my cheek. "We'll go first thing in the morning, okay?"
"We can't go, Bill. We're supposed to be having the wedding here. In the backyard with your parents and the rest of your family." I explain.
"I don't care. If they're treating you this way, then they don't get to come to our wedding."
"Bill, they're your family!"
"And you are too." he says caressing my cheek. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want you to be the mother of my children, and in 16 days, you're going to be my wife, so that makes you the most important person in the world to me, okay?"
"Okay." I smile leaning up to kiss him.
As soon as our lips meet there's a knock on the door. We pull away from each other, Bill running a hand over his face before turning to his mother in the doorway. He doesn't say anything, simply looks at her waiting to see what she has to say.
"We're so sorry, Bill. We never meant to treat her like that...we're just...we're sorry. Please come back downstairs. We can start over." His mum offers.
I smile and take Bill's hand, "Please." I whisper trying to relax him.
"Okay." He nods looking at me.
I smile, interlocking our fingers before we head downstairs.
As we reach the table, anxiety fills my chest at what his family might say or if they never like me, but I know that none of that matters because I have Bill.
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raven-dor · 2 months
can you write a fem reader x James Potter where she like has an anxiety attackat like 3 am bc her parents say she isn't getting good enough grades and that they're gonna pull her out of Hogwarts and so he like calms her down?
drink some water and eat something <3
also can I be :3 anon?
stay with me
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In which james potter comforts his best friends twin sister
PAIRING: james potter x sirius black's twin!reader
WARNINGS: anxiety attack, horrible parenting, mentions of abuse, self-esteem issues, fluff ending
AN: loved writing this!! as someone who craves academic validation, this was kind of healing to put into the world <3
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Her hands shook as she stared at the letter her parents had sent her. It had been the fifth one this month, not that she was counting. And they were all the same: vile insults of her knowledge and constant reminders that her brother was a better student than she would ever be. 
She laughed when they had said it the first time, telling them that “comparing anyone to Regulus, and he’s a better student.” Her mother had smacked her for that. 
This letter had been the worst of them. Her parents knew how to get a rise out of her, stating that if she did not better herself, she’d be pulled from Hogwarts before she could graduate. And even worse, if she was pulled, they would marry her off to Amycus Carrow, the insufferable twat. 
Her head of house had pulled her aside weeks ago, telling her that she was doing poorly in her classes, stating that he knew of multiple tutors who could help her fix them. She ignored his offer; after all, if she had wanted help, she would have asked Remus. 
It was late; curfew had passed hours ago, but she still stumbled through the halls, hyperventilating. She’d told herself she needed fresh air, but that hadn’t helped. Then she thought a walk would help; also useless. Now, she was just choking on her tears in the hall, hoping Filch didn’t find her. She was used to it, the constant belittling by her own mother and father. Even her cousins contributed. At first, it hadn’t bothered her; if her family had nothing better to do than insult her, they should feel free. 
Eventually, their insults warped her mind. She became a shell of her former self, no longer cracking jokes or teasing her brothers and friends. She sat in the corner of the library, reading the pages of her textbooks over and over until her mind felt numb. Sirius had tried to cheer her up constantly, one of his attempts resulting in a detention. 
A breeze pulled her down the dark corridor, the night sky visible at the end. Maybe sitting by the Black Lake or lying on the grassy hill would help her calm down. She sniffled, pulling her robe closer to herself. The Quidditch pitch was empty; she was sure of it. The grass there was well-kept, thanks to the gamekeeper. She pushed past the cloth, the great field standing before her. 
She ran to the middle, falling to the ground in a completely undignified manner. If her mother were here, she’d scold her. “That is no way for a lady to sit.” She could hear her, even hundreds of miles away. 
She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the voices that attacked her. Her heart pumped harder, beating against her chest. She gasped, rubbing her hand in circular motions, grounding herself. “You are no daughter of mine.” That is what her mother had said in the letter, the last thing she said before she signed off with her perfect penmanship. “You are no daughter of mine.” 
Y/N laughed. She didn’t want to be her daughter anyway. Sadly, she did not have a choice in that matter; Walburga had pushed her out 17 years ago, and here she was. Sobbing violently in the middle of the night on the grass.
Most likely the best thing Y/N Black would ever do.
She couldn’t get her grades up, no matter how hard she tried; she couldn’t be the perfect daughter, and she couldn’t be normal. A normal person, she told herself, wouldn’t be sobbing over her horrible grades. “You are no normal person, Y/N.” Her father would say. “You are a Black.”  
She brought her hands to her face, shaking her head. She murmured to herself, hiccuping every so often. A hand touched her shoulder, and she jumped, ripping her hands from her face. “Y/N?”
He smiled lightly. “Are you alright, love?” 
She sat up, wiping away the tears that still flowed. “I’m fine, Jamie. Don’t worry about it.” She stood, smiling. “Have fun.” 
He stood in front of her, blocking her escape. “I wouldn’t say you’re fine. You’re crying.” 
She scoffed. “Well, I didn’t ask for your opinion.” She stepped around him, speaking over her shoulder. “Drop it.” 
His hand wrapped around her wrist, holding her in place. “Indulge me.” He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. “Sometimes I forget to breathe, and I do these exercises to help regulate myself.” He smiled. “Can you do it with me? It would really help me if you played along.” 
She knew he was tricking her, but she didn’t really care. “Sure, James.” 
He nodded. “Just breathe in for five, hold for two, exhale for five.” He smirked, nudging her shoulder. “Works wonders.” 
She tried not to roll her eyes, following along. God, she hated it when he was right. He often was, too; that was the horrible thing. James tried to play the dumb jock stereotype, but he was brilliant in Transfiguration, DADA, and Potions. It irked her to no end that James was not only a great quidditch player but an amazing student, friend, and person. 
They sat in silence for a moment before he spoke again. “Do you want to tell me what had you so worked up?” She shook her head. He sighed, holding her hands in his. “Can I guess then?” 
“Be my guest, Potter.” 
“Dear old mum and dad.” He raised his eyebrow, smiling lightly. “Am I right?” 
“Once again.” She nodded. “You know how they are.” 
He nodded back. “I do. But I’ve never seen you this upset over something they’ve done.” He whispered softly. “You don’t have to tell me, but you need to know I hate seeing you like this.” 
“Am I that hideous when I cry?” She laughed. “I’ll try to refrain from violently sobbing next time.” 
“Don’t do that.” He rubbed her cheek, smiling when a blush formed. “You’ve never been hideous a day in your life, Y/N. And you never will be.” 
She scoffed. “You flatter me too much, James.” 
“I only tell the truth.” Their hands swayed in between them. 
“They told me they were going to pull me out of school because my grades were so poor.” She murmured. “Don’t they know I’m trying?” 
“Your parents are unforgiving and cold. They disowned Sirius, for Merlin’s sake.” He pulled her closer, leaning down. “You know they have no logical thoughts.” 
“I know.” 
“I know you’re trying,” James smirked. “And honestly, that’s all that matters.” 
“How could I forget?” Y/N laughed. “The great James Potter, in all his infinite wisdom, strikes again.” 
“Is there…” He sighed. “Is there anything else?” 
“If they pull me out, they’ve already promised Amycus Carrow that we will be married.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “My worst nightmare come to life.” 
James gasped, visibly disgusted. “Merlin, I knew your mother was a horrible person, but to promise you to him-” He shivered. “She really has no love in her heart.” 
“She does.” Y/N corrected. “It’s reserved for Regulus.” 
“Ah.” He sighed. “You know you’re a good student, right?” 
She glared, trying to pull her hands out of her grip. “Don’t be mean.” 
“I’m not, I swear. You are an amazing student. Remember when you helped me with DADA? Last week? I would have completely failed if it wasn’t for you.” 
“Nonsense.” She blushed. “You would have been fine. DADA’s your best subject.” 
He laughed. “Maybe. But because of you, we’ll never know.” He giggled, wiggling his eyebrows. “You’re my hero, Y/N Black.” 
She shoved him away, rolling her eyes affectionately. “Shut it, you.” 
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, walking them out of the Quidditch Pitch. “I could use a hot cocoa. What about you?” 
“Cider sounds better.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Cider it is.” 
The kitchens were luckily not far from the pitch, and with one tickle of the pear, the door opened, not a single house elf in sight. Y/N settled into one of the two large leather seats, staring into the fire. “It’s my fault they don’t love me.” 
“What?” James scoffed, kneeling in front of her. “Why would you say that?” 
“I should have been a better daughter. If I had spent less time-” 
“Living? Y/N, listen to me. You are doing your best. And if they can’t see that, then that’s their problem. You, Sirius, and Regulus are better off without them.” 
“Sirius and Regulus, maybe.” She mumbled. “I don’t deserve it.” 
James shook his head. “Never say that again. If you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for me. You- You deserve everything.” He brought his hands up to her cheeks. “Everything.”
She blushed. “James-” 
“Say it.” He looked at her rather dangerously; her stomach flipped. “Say you deserve everything.” 
“I don’t-” A hand tickled her side, and she gasped. “James!” 
He grinned, tickling her incessantly. “Say it, and I’ll stop!” 
“I- I deserve- I deserve everything!” She cackled, panting from the sudden attack. “I deserve everything.” 
He nodded, looking much too pleased with himself. “Good.” He stood up, grabbing her mug. “My lady.” 
She scoffed. “The least you could do after your violent attack.” 
“Please.” He smirked. “You know you love me.” 
“How exactly did you know I was on the Quidditch Pitch, hm?” She raised her eyebrow. “Were you following me on your little map?” 
He blushed, taking a sip of his cider. She smiled to herself. “That’s what I thought.” 
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pakunod-a · 3 months
Idia Shroud, who..
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...can't fathom how you ever got around to talking to him. He was convinced you were too good for him.
...seems to be a bit more gloomy than usual.
—oh, no, it's not you. He just can't process how such a lovely human being could ever be his friend.
...can't believe it's been so long since you've first DM'ed him. He didn't even have to do anything at all.
...has a hard time believing you wouldn't up and find someone else to befriend. You're.. probably his first genuine friend. Why wouldn't you want to stay good friends with him?
...is your closest online friend. You've met a little short over a year ago, and now he's a little too attached.
...is one of your closest confidants. Despite not being friends with you in person, you trust him with major things, like your game accounts, your Magicord account, your IP address <3
...is your duo on most games. You support him, and oftentimes, he lets you carry.
...doesn't trust you when you say that your "friends" are only with you to hang out. They must have ulterior motives, no?
...is very, very fortunate he installed an app that lets him see through your webcam. You were so ethereal, it was unbelievable.
...thinks you look like a masterpiece crafted by the very hands of a god themselves. This is who he's been talking to all this time? He's breath-taken.
...starts slowly getting insecure every time you try and turn down his offers to game together. His mind starts going to the worst possible places imaginable.
...can't have you getting any ideas of leaving him. You're basically his best friend, dare I say his platonic? lover. You put your Minecraft beds together. You went to the Heart Island on Genshin Impact with him. He does all your dailies for you whenever you aren't available, and vice versa. You're practically married at this point.
...is waiting for the right time to strike. Not now, but soon. You shouldn't suspect it. If he fails, he risks losing his beloved friend.
...monitors you closely. It's just a matter of time, you know. After all, you're playing hard to get. And Idia does love a good challenge.
...watches your every move. You like to sing in the shower, don't you? You sound so talented.. undeserving of someone like him. You enjoy the company of cats? How coincidental.. he does too. You have so much in common already.
...has your room set up next to his. You'll live with him, eventually. When he finds the courage to do it.
Idia Shroud, who will forever be your Player 1. Won't you be his Player 2, too?
long note below here, skip if not interested
A/N: hello :)
it's been a while, how have you all been?
i apologize for being on a hiatus of some sort. and for the rushed and short idia post T-T
it's going to be the start of a busy year for me, i am graduating after all.
i have lots of posts i need to publish and rewrite, but unfortunately my schedule is too packed, and the only times i feel free enough to write are after-school hours, which are 8 pm - 12 am for me.
i might just end up reuploading more fics from my old blog, or writing a bit more for other series i'm into. (hxh, obey me, twst, mlbb, genshin, and hsr <3 perhaps trese if anyone's heard about it? 👀)
but if i ever come back to posting, what kind of content would you guys like to see?
my requests and inbox(?) are always open. please do drop by and say hello, or drop a request you would like to see written by me. i find that requests or ideas from others often get my brian going.
if you wish to find me elsewhere, my tiktok and my discord users are both pakunod.a :)
i would like to come back again with posts for you to read, or a few of my practice drawings for you to see.
perhaps in the future. :)
as always, stay safe, keep yourself healthy, stay hydrated, and always love yourself. <3
- 1, Yuan
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t1oui · 7 months
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penelope clearwater headcanons
she hates quidditch. despises it. this makes being friends with percy, marcus, and oliver all the more difficult.
cho looks up to her like an older sister.
(she sits through all the quidditch talks solely for her sake)
penelope and percy are best friends, despite being in different houses. they just get each other in a way that the others don't.
she's panromantic and demisexual. when it comes to having crushes on people, she has almost no preference as long as they care about schoolwork.
penelope has always been proud of her house, but secretly, when she was younger (and as she grew up), she wanted to be in gryffindor. percy's the only one who knows.
she and marcus act a bit like an old married couple.
she ends up sleeping in percy's bed at least once a week. nobody knows how she gets in, because percy stopped giving her the password in 2nd year.
(when percy isn't there, maybe on a walk or already in oliver's room, she gets in adrian pucey's bed instead because he's the only one in that room other than percy who doesn't snore.)
penelope's patronus & animagus forms are both weasels
she becomes senior undersecretary to the minister for magic (aka percy). shenanigans ensue.
she may be nerdier than percy, but she also has way better fashion sense than him, and is probably the best dressed of the friend group.
she thinks romance, all romance, is funny. when percy and oliver get together they get no mercy from her teasing
most younger students are scared of her
when she and oliver found out remus was an alcoholic when he came to teach at hogwarts (even if he was trying to sober up), they broke into his quarters and made him give all his whiskey to the giant squid. surprisingly, it worked.
penelope is not, contrary to popular belief, a skeptic. she used to be, but then she met luna "probably a seer" lovegood and all that went out the window.
loves the hunger games books
breaks a lot more rules than you would expect (she is a member of the golden era's marauders, after all)
her favorite subject is potions
penelope is a genius muggleborn witch, and when she hears people calling hermione "the brightest witch of her age", penelope kind of hates her for it.
she's head girl when percy is head boy
she despises percy's family. where he's like "yeah my family sucks sometimes but i'm over it", she's ready to kill all of them.
on that note, she's a bit unhinged, but she hides it well. only her friends truly know the extent of it
she, percy, oliver, and marcus have meetings in the room of requirement. whenever she calls the meeting, she shows up at least five minutes late, for "dramatic effect" or something.
if she ends up with anyone, it's marcus, and it's not until they're like 28 or something. she kissed him on new years purely because she was annoyed at percy and oliver snogging right next to her
(if they have kids, they name them percival and cedric, which is cute and not confusing in the slightest :))
when they get older, in their 20s or so, penelope starts calling percy "mr. wood" whenever he says something stupid. within a year all of their friends do it. oliver always gets mock offended but actually he thinks it's hilarious
penelope is percy and oliver's oldest daughter, lucy's, godmother. lucy is obsessed with quidditch. penelope does not think this is as funny as percy and oliver seem to.
penelope was the one who walked percy down the aisle. it was the first time anyone (except him) saw her cry
penelope is obsessed with flowers, and she knows all about them. she forces her friends to garden with her. eventually professor sprout gives her some space behind one of the greenhouses to make her own garden.
when sirius is proven innocent or whatever he gets really confused about why there is a newly graduated penelope constantly gatecrashing to hang out with remus (turns out her and oliver forcing him to become their friend during 7th year paid off)
she and percy make like 20 spells together before they even graduate hogwarts, and they eventually co-author a book on magical theory.
penelope, percy, oliver, and marcus are all animagi, and it was penelope's year to try and do that. she didn't like the idea of having to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month, so she just invented a new way of completing the transformation.
(when sirius finds out they first transformed in 4th year and without mandrake leaves, he's pissed.)
penelope goes with percy as his date to the yule ball (while he's helping supervise it) solely because they want to snoop around
during quidditch games, she always cheers for whichever of her friends' teams is playing. if it's a gryffindor v slytherin match, she cheers for the team of whoever annoyed her the least that week.
(if she's been really pissed off at her friends lately, usually because of too much quidditch talk, she will go out on a ravenclaw game day with her face painted blue and bronze and scream her head off just to spite them.)
people are scared of her. she likes it that way.
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nohoney · 1 year
loved loved loved ur absent baby daddy touya! I love asshole! touya stories but him being a sweetheart? it hits me sooo hard plus I am a heavy sucker for pregnancy stories like yes touya who did it all traditional? dating the love of his life, proposing, marriage, going hot and heavy during their honeymoon and then knocking his sweet little wife up? I could die
ugh you and me both nonny (/▽\*)。o○♡
You get one chance to do something on the first try with no mistakes or interruptions. No breaks or time offs, just getting it on the first try and having it be your last.
Touya is your first and last.
He wasn’t exactly a good boy-next-door neighbor crush. Honestly he was kind of a punk, sometimes acting out just because he could. It did land him a brief stint in juvie and he was on probation for a hot minute. But he was always yours the moment he passed you a note during math class in middle school saying he wanted you to be his girlfriend.
Middle school relationships rarely last, especially when you transition into high school. You and Touya stay a strong couple at the end of high school graduation.
He stayed behind at town to work while you went off to university in a farther city. Usually couples that do long distance in college would eventually split right? Not you and Touya. Weekend dates, sexting, video calls, and time off you got from school would be spent back home with him. It only made you antsier to graduate with your degree because at the end of that milestone would be another one.
An engagement ring already waiting for you.
Your father was a little peeved that Touya didn’t ask his permission to marry you, but he also knew his future son-in-law wasn’t the type to do such a thing. So you marry in a small, intimate ceremony with only immediate family and selected close friends to see the union.
The newlyweds return from the honeymoon with the happy glow of husband and wife… along with poorly hidden hickies and bruises as well. When people ask what you and Touya did on the honeymoon, it’s plainly obvious from the lack of stories that you and him aren’t able to give that all you did was just fuck. Not that the two of you weren’t doing that already a long time ago, but it’s amazing that the two of you could stay this horny for one another after all the years have passed.
No one is surprised that you announce that you’re pregnant within a few months into your marriage.
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misstycloud · 11 months
Yandere Riddle, Clark, Sano Yamada, Omega with a reader who loves them more than life itself always being affectionate and smothering them with love and getting all gooey when she's around them, always complimenting them when anyone asks about them and saying that one day will marry them.
He would be so happy all the time. If a meteorite crashed on earth on burned down an entire city, it’s no problem for riddle. He’s just happy his wife loves him so much! Riddle would defiantly show his love back whenever he could, which is like always. He’d take out the trash, cook(even when it doesn’t turn out so well) and do the laundry. Readers affection is like a drug to him. Setting him off on a hundred things and keeping his mood up constantly. Almost nothing could make him mad. All his thought are filled with reader and he’d giggle at the though of her adoration. Pride would also come forward within him. Riddle would look at others in the grocery store and think ‘ha! What losers, they wish they could have someone as wonderful and beautiful as my wife. But that’s it, she’s mine! And I’m her husband!’ Reader would have to be careful so the compliments don’t go to his head. Riddle is the kind of person that would think he’s immortal if his wife told him he was. ‘Haha, I’m indestructible!’
Sano would be over the moon if reader loved him that much. Being someone who’s not considered ‘the same level’ as reader made thing harder for him. If he could be popular, he would. But no one seemed to like him no matter what he did. He was always polite, and helped people when he could, so why did no one like him? This did nothing to his confidence. Having more of a loner personality would make him shy to his darlings affections. Eventually though, as time goes by, Sano would come out of his shell and openly accept his love’s touches more. At first, giving him compliments woudnt seem like a bright idea since he’d refuse them and say they’re not true. But if you continue to build his confidence he’ll gladly accept flattery. If reader started saying she’ll marry him and such, he’d be very susceptible to those ideas. After graduation of course! Despite how much he loves you and being a yandere, Sano is actually agaisnt getting married early. He has seen many shows and heard stories of people getting married young and ended badly. He didn’t want that to happen to his relationship. So he’d be content in just simply being together for a couple years until you’re both mature and ready to take the next step.
This teddy bear wouldn’t be able to handle all the affection. You really want to be his mate? Really!? He knew having a human mate would most likely make things a little more difficult, so he never imagined it going this smoothly. It was such a relief that you weren’t scared of him like others were, instead you accepted and loved him for him. Gosh he was so happy he could die! Now you two could start a life together and live in the domestic bliss he always longed for. Hybrids don’t have marriage in the same sense as humans do. Yes, there is ‘mating’ itself, and it is basically marrige to them. But it’s more of a ‘I found you and really love you so let’s keep on living together forever!’.
So there’s no actual ritual you go through. However, since hybrids are now allowed to be with their human counterparts legally and in the open, they have begun taking part in the so-called ‘human-traditions’ for the sake of their mates. All in the order to make them happy. While a paper and a piece of metal around their finger might not be significant to the hybrids, they’d gladly go through with it for their mate. And that stays the same with Clark, he would do anything for you! That’s why when you started rambling about wishing to get married, the giant was about to instantly rush down to the courthouse and get your licence, carrying you in his arms.
Haha… it had worked. It had WORKED!! Now you were finally his, and only his. He wouldn’t share your other any other lowlife omega that didn’t possess even a quarter of his looks. And all that wealth you had, that was his as well. Not that he wanted to be with you soley because of your money, no, he did love you. The money was just a bonus. And if you happened to go bankrupt, he’d stay with you anyways. He would even sell his stuff to help you out. But, there’s no harm in treating yourself, right? The omega didn’t grow up with the best conditions so it was nice to get to actually have some things now.
And he’d absolutely float in the affection you give. The omega would play shy and pretend he didn’t enjoy your blatant flirting. (Secret; he does)
Of corse he’ll marry you! Why wouldn’t he? It would be a fabulous wedding there no doubt about it. All his former coworkers would be invited to gawk at all the beautiful things they’d never acquire. Oh yes, your former fiancée could come if they want. That would make the whole thing all the more satisfying. They can cry and beg as much as they desire, but you were his and he belonged to you. Heartbreak is sad, isn’t it?
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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august 17, 2021 3:00 p.m. yonsei university
[grant] did your dad apologize for being a dick, though?
[henry] of course. he was a good person and realized he was being a bit weird. he just hated noise. i think he'd have been happy to be born with a set of noise-canceling headphones attached to him.
[grant] except maybe he liked your mom’s noise from that day forward!
[henry] he did, but even if he hated it, he was probably glad to have hers back after a while. almost half the time they dated, they didn’t even live in the same country.
[henry] my mom worked at an art shop somewhere in seoul, and my dad had this sweet gig working at a museum in paris while getting a doctorate and doing some traveling, visiting art museums on every continent. he got the doctorate, but gave up the job to come back and marry my mom.
[henry] and she won out, to be honest. him teaching here was a prestigious position, and his family are pretty well off because they're in banking and all, so she got to quit her job after marriage, have me, and just sculpt for fun.
[grant] that’s the dream, right?
[henry] i think so.
[grant] it’s nice to be genuinely in love but also to support each other’s passions, too, whether that's helping them pursue a job or a hobby. i mean, that’s everything. that's the deepest form of connection. oh yeah, definitely the dream.
[henry] for sure. there wasn’t much for my mom to help with because she was never wealthy and her parents weren’t either, but she was a huge moral support. she was my dad’s biggest fan. sometimes getting a doctorate sucked, and he wanted to quit, but it was hard to quit with her on the sidelines cheering.
[henry] that’s like me and soobin. not much i can do on the money front because i'm not rich and i won't take money from my parents, and i couldn’t help with her medical school because i'm a certifiably terrible student, but i can be and am her cheerleader.
[henry] and i may not have been a photographer without her. being an artist is the worst career choice unless someone else has money to throw at the bills. and i make an okay salary! i have solid clientele booking all year long, but i don't charge what i "should" because i feel wrong asking too much money to do wedding photos and all. that shit's expensive - i'll take a small cut off the going rate so they get all they want for the big day.
[henry] besides, the one thing in life that makes me nervous is clients being unhappy. everything else about a wedding goes away except the photos. if they're unhappy, i'd rather the pricing not be an extra issue, you know? at least let it be a cheap mistake.
[grant] but you would have still pursued this, right? i can’t imagine you not at least trying it out. you have always been set on some kind of photography as a career. even when you were having a crisis around college graduation about whether you should pursue high-brow art or something very human and realistic like you do now, you never questioned if photography was your truth.
[henry] i would have. i've always known it was my goal. i just think the financial stress may have worn me down eventually if she wasn’t willing to shoulder an extra share of the burden. like i said, charging people themselves is a strange thing, and you just never know what can happen. sure, i did end up with a good brand through putting myself out there on social media, but that was no guarantee.
[henry] if that hadn't worked out, i'd have been in trouble. and when you don't have a lot of clients or reach, you have to be conservative and sometimes that hurts you on growth. blah blah blah. point is, i owe soobin a lot, both for financial support and her total faith in me.
[grant] well, teamwork makes the dream work and all that!
[henry] hey, you're part of the team, too. there's no one else i'd rather call at 3AM asking to check the red balance on my pictures because everything looks green to me. and as it turns out, having a friend with a massive family who host many events requiring photography is excellent for clientele building.
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constelationprize · 2 months
if this about to be like my eva josten/adèle moreau scenario i will cry then ask u to please marry me.
i need this more than i need air. u don’t understand. i love u. ur the freaking best. tell me more.
Yeah that one came to me in a vision.
The thing is that like most of my other niche rarepairings I just cannot resist the allure of Narrative Parallels™. Mostly I just realized how similar Elodie and Robin's stories are (in concept) and that they could actually be around the same age (considering Elodie would be around 15-16yo in 2007 and Robin joins the Foxes in 2009 after Kevin graduates, and assuming Robin didn't get held back due to the Horrors, that would put them at around a 1-2 year age difference).
So the basic concept for the AU is that Elodie survives and is rescued by Stuart during TSC and then brought over to the USA to live with Jean and the Trojans. This goes about as well as you would expect, which is to say not at all – she's heavily traumatized, barely speaks English for the first couple years, and is resistant to any kind of help that would result in her having to leave Jean's side. She also at first does not want anything to do with the other Trojans at all because she sees most of them as adults she can't trust and also resents them for monopolizing Jean's time, and none of these college sports players is anywhere near qualified for unpacking All of That.
Elodie and Jean effectively make each other's recovery worse for a long while because they immediately try and fall back to their childhood dynamic, which can no longer work for multiple reasons. But through Betsy Dobson all things are possible and eventually they get to a point where they aren't actively standing in each other's way anymore, though things are still Not Good.
It gets tough again when Jean graduates and they move out of LA, which just uproots what little stability Elodie had again, and he has developed a need to constantly check on her that cannot be good for his now even busier pro player schedule. Also, Elodie is almost 18, and at a point where she should be graduating high school and thinking about her future, which she very much is not doing because until a couple years ago she didn't even HAVE a future so she doesn't really know what to do with it.
They start floating the possibility of getting her into a community college or something in the state Jean's in, but eventually the possibility of having some strings pulled to get her into PSU is brought up, and Elodie latches onto it immediately, mostly because she both feels stifled by Jean's helicopter parenting AND kind of wants to punish him for not actually spending time with her by moving away. Jean doesn't want to let her, but he also doesn't really have a choice, and PSU might be far but at least he knows Elodie will have people there to reach out to if she needs it.
Joke's on Elodie though because going to college to annoy your brother does mean she just conned herself into taking classes and figuring out what to do with her life now and she has to do it while dodging 20 phone calls per hour. Anyway now that she's on PSU she has to learn how to do human person things like making friends. She ends up joining a roller derby team as a combo meeting people-getting exercise-venting anger deal.
Robin, on the other hand, is going through a similar situation where Andrew just graduated, and Neil is in his last year, so she's about to lose her anchors at PSU. Once Neil graduates, she won't have anyone to night practice with anymore, so she also joins the roller derby team to fill in her nights, in a way of trial-running how to maintain some sense of routine and normalcy and maybe make some friends as well.
And that is how the world's saddest most traumatized girls meet. They have no idea who the other really is at first because Elodie doesn't follow exy out of spite and they also don't tell each other their full names because they are very googlable and the team is for both of them a way to finding who they are outside of what happened to them, so they don't want to invite the past in there.
Neil figures it out pretty fast though, since he's been keeping an eye on Elodie, but he tells no one because he thinks it's going to be funny when Andrew and Jean (who absolutely hate each other) discover they're dating (He's right). The basic idea I have is that everyone kind of finds out at the same time when Andrew and Jean play against each other in a nearby city and both Elodie and Robin come to watch and it's a very spiderman pointing meme moment all around.
Getting to truly know each other then is a blessing and a curse because the similarities between their stories are as important as the differences. Elodie would have given everything to have parents that would want her back home and want to protect her and Robin would kill to have her family understand and relate to her trauma the way Jean does. Elodie genuinely cannot understand Robin's guilt over escaping by dooming another girl because she would have actively killed without remorse to break out. Robin doesn't get why Elodie is bitter over having to be rescued when she used to dream about someone finding and saving her. It's a very "grass is always greener on the other side" situation, and they clash a lot, but eventually they work it out.
I'm also thinking of having Robin being conflicted over whether she wants or even is capable of going pro (since as per the EC she technically wasn't good enough to be recruited if not for Andrew's constant endorsement). I'm not sure what Elodie would be majoring in, but that's fine because neither is Elodie. So that's something else they're both dealing with.
That's mostly what I have so far, I'm hoping some day this fic will grow a plot that can hold my attention so I can actually write it.
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karizard-ao3 · 7 months
Clueless Teens all grown up headcanons
I guess technically as the author I could declare this all fic canon but I think it's more fun to leave it open-ended so people can imagine their own things. Still, this is what I was picturing for them in the future. (Actually, for some of the couples, the kids I imagined for them got recycled over to my single parents au. Not Eremika's kids, but the other ones for the most part.)
Historia and Ymir have one daughter who they spoil the fuck out of. They also plan elaborate vow renewals approximately whenever they feel like it. When I was considering writing a one shot of them all grown up it was going to be everyone gathered at one of Yumihisu's destination vow renewal ceremonies.
Reibert. Oh gosh. They were going to "no homo" their way right to the altar and be very happy together.
Connie. He does not end up with Mina. I was of two minds with him: Either he is trying to find a milf to settle down with, or he is married to Sasha's cousin and they are struggling with fertility so he's the cool uncle with all the dogs and the secret pain of wishing they could have a child. I don't know why this is the case. It's just what I feel. Connie would be pretty much the ideal stepdad, imo.
Nicosasha. Again, I was of two minds! It's not realistic to have this many high school couples end up together in long term relationships/ marriages, but I also don't want to make anyone break up. Still, I can see Sasha and Nico having some kind of separation for a few years. Maybe getting married and then divorced and then marrying each other again ten years later or some shit. Why? I don't know. They are clearly very much in love, but that doesn't always last. Still, out of everyone I can see Sashe remarrying her first husband, with maybe a second husband in between. Greedy.
Aruani. These two go on their little date after Armin graduates and then proceed to not get together for another four years. Like, they still talk all the time and probably hook up when they see each other but they're like, "Meh, let's not do long distance. Let's keep it casual and if we still want to be together after college, we'll move in together immediately." It works for them and they eventually have a little boy, but Eremika are absolutely scandalized because they could never be so hands off.
Eremika. As you know, they have four kids super close in age. Mikasa makes a living streaming (she's the breadwinner. She's got that Azumabito business sense and Ackerman gaming skill) and Eren does civil rights law. So they have a pretty comfortable life and they spend a lot of time with their families. Eren walks around shirtless a lot, which is very popular on Mikasa's streams and he likes to come up and read the chats while she plays. If anyone tries to hit on her or says something sexual, he immediately loses his shit and starts threatening to find them and kick their asses. Mikasa is very pleased when she finally makes enough money to be able offer to fund Armin's dreams of opening a comics and games shop.
Pokkopiku. I think they also are the type to be parents to an only child. I'm thinking a girl. Pieck is very busy with her journalism career and Porco is living the stay at home dad dream. Maybe he becomes an influencer. He definitely keeps taking photos at every opportunity and he's got a bit of an online following. I think he might manage to book some gallery shows. When their daughter gets older he might get back into doing photojournalism again, and eventually they become a journalistic team once more, kind of like when they were in high school except this time with globe-hopping. I could see Pieck deciding to homeschool their kid so the whole family could go on assignments with her. In single parents au, I gave Porco twins, though (he's only in a couple scenes and we never meet his family, but he mentions them), and so I also kind of like the idea of Clueless Teens Pokkopiku having boy/girl twins. The point is, Pieck is willing to delay her career advancement long enough for one pregnancy and no more than that, so if they're going to have more than one kid, it has to be a multiple birth.
Am I forgetting anyone? I feel like I'm leaving someone out. I don't know! It's getting late and I have a few more things I want to work on before I go to be, so let me know who- Jeanmarco.
8. I don't really know if I think Jean and Marco end up together. I don't think they ever admit they have any kind of romantic feelings for each other because Jean is not totally comfortable with admitting to being bi at this juncture in time. I think they stay friends but Marco eventually moves on with a nice guy and Jean meets a nice woman who didn't know what a skeeze he was in high school and settles down with her and then eventually comes out when he's older and it's less taboo. He also does not revert back to being a creep.
Okay, now I think that's everyone. But let me know if I left anyone important to you out!
(Read Clueless Teens here)
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
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Hellcheer Ten Years Later/Recovery AU…
(So this tragic idea is eating away at my brain and distracting me. Thought I’d jot it down here for maybe a future story or inspiration).
tw: mentions of drugs, alcohol, addiction, od, eds and attempted s*icide.
There was never any Vecna or Upside Down, never a drug deal at an abandoned picnic table in the forest behind the school, and Eddie and Chrissy never met again after that fateful Middle School Talent Show. After graduation, Eddie did just what he said and ran like hell out of Hawkins and never looked back.
It’s 1996 and Eddie made a decent career for himself, touring and opening for big names, but always felt this unhappiness inside of him, this void that no amount of sex, drugs and rock and roll could ever fill. In his late twenties the drugs and alcohol spiral out of control to the point he wakes up in the hospital after an accidental OD.
Wayne takes him home and begs him to get help, try to recover, that he doesn't have the strength to bury any more family members. For his uncle's sake, to repay him for taking him in as a kid, Eddie eventually gives in and admits himself into a private recovery center somewhere in the hills of Illinois.
It’s rural and quiet, filled with rich and semi famous addicts. Eddie hates it upon entry… and well the withdrawal, being told what to do on a daily basis, and the group therapy doesn’t warm him up to it.
One morning, feeling weary and miserable, he takes a long walk outside on one of the trails. He stops in his tracks, pretty sure he’s hallucinating when he sees Chrissy Cunningham, the former Queen of Hawkins High and his crush of eight years, reclined on a bench, reading under one of trees... And she’s reading The fucking Hobbit of all things.
Stupefied, he slowly approaches and it’s actually her, thinner than he remembers if that’s possible, those sparkling blue eyes now dull, gray... sad. "Chrissy?" he asks in disbelief, startling her terribly.
“Sorry, sorry... I didn’t mean to scare you.”
She stares up at him with haunted eyes, trembling a little. It unsettles him for a moment, and he thinks he should just walk away, leave her alone... but he stays, tries again. Desperate. “Uh hey, hi…" Very smooth. "You probably don’t remember me; but we went to high school together—"
“Eddie Munson.” she replies softly in astonishment, eyes widening.
And for the first time in he doesn’t know how long, he feels life and warmth inside him again as they talk and reconnect on the bench, beneath the leaves. She’s still so beautiful. Sweet and kind. He makes her laugh and the sound causes his heart to skip a beat in his chest, only for it to sink a moment later when he notices the wedding ring on her finger, but he doesn’t let it show.
She’s Chrissy Carver now. She married Jason right after graduation and studied at IU with him for four years before moving back to Hawkins to be near her parents and start a family. She grows quiet and reserved, her smile disappearing when she mentions her husband. He watches as she recoils back into herself. She tells him that she's been struggling with an ED half her life as well as addiction and depression.
Jason admitted her into rehab after her last failed s*icide attempt earlier that spring. She’s been there for almost four months now.
Eddie listens silently as she slowly opens up to him. It’s awful to think that someone like her ended up in a place like this. Her life seemed so perfect back in school.
He asks if she’s found any healing during her stay.
She shrugs her shoulders saying that she’s away from her mother, so that is healing in and of itself.
They walk and talk together every day after that, sharing their scars and the dark ugly parts of their lives that led them there, finding companionship in one another.
He plays his music for her in exchange for her poems and thoughts. Falling in love in the most unlikely way in the most unlikely of places.
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bragganhyl · 1 month
woe Bertalan aka Berci lore be upon you bc I keep tweaking the damn thing lol
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His full name is Bertalan Atheldon, he's 56 during the events of bee gee three tho tbf I don't have a firm grasp on how half-elf aging works and as such I have no idea if that age fits his looks lol so I might bump it up. Again. He is a beastmaster ranger with an outlander background and he's primarily a "keeper of the veil" - meaning that he favors hunting extraplanar creatures primarily fey.
Berci is the lovechild of a travelling scholar and a farmgirl whose family hosted him for a while. They've dated for a short time and parted on good terms, Berci's human mom then married a human man shortly after so things got awkward when Bertalan was born looking like his elven dad. Berci was never really directly harmed by his human family, but he was never really treated as someone who truly belonged in that family. He wasn't hated but he wasn't loved either. Eventually Berci's mom decided to try and seek out his dad, in the hopes that he might give him a better life.
Luckily she managed to find him, and Berci's dad was more than happy to have his son join him on his escapades. Bertalan spent his adolescent years going from one digsite to the next, and while he never had an affinity to history, he seemed to have some talents for healing. So Berci's dad saved up some money in the hopes of getting him into a decent school where he could learn medicine and eventually become a surgeon. Unfortunately he dies, a few months after Berci begins his studies.
As you might guess, Bertalan takes his father's death rather hard and he drops out shortly before graduating, unable to focus on his studies while dealing with his grief. Still his skills were enough to land a position in a group of monster hunters who needed someone to patch them up (at the time, they're joined by a cleric some time after). One member of the group was a gnome ranger who took him under her wings after she saw him once patch up an injured dire raven (who then decided to stick around). So for the next decade or so Berci was learning the ways of the beastmaster ranger and working as an adventurer for hire. But then, that also ended in a rather ugly way. The group agreed to hunt down a hag who ended up luring them to the Shadow Cursed lands with the use of a mushroom circle. Bertalan was injured pretty much immediately by one of the shadow creatures there and the only reason he (and the group's cleric of Lathander) didn't end up succumbing to the curse with the rest of the team was that their cleric dragged him to the nearby Rosymorn Monastery.
After recovering Berci continued to roam Faerun as a lone ranger hunting malicious fey creatures with no one but Corvus (his raven companion) and Ursa (his mentor's bear companion) for company. By the time of bee gee three, he's no longer capable to function in any other way.
Berci is best characterized as rather blunt and kind of an edgelord. He expects the same kind of bluntness directed at him, he's dismissive of people trying to coddle him. His first instinct is to push away people trying to show him genuine affection as he no longer knows whether being loved or being unloved is worse and he would need time and genuine effort to overcome that instinct. Still he has a curious mind, he's eager to fuck around and always ready to find out. Because of this he comes across as someone quick to trust, though he would probably view himself as someone willing to give one chance to earn his trust. He also might come across as aggressive and intimidating but he's a secret softie with a nurturing and responsible side to him - and he rarely ever let's his anger get the better of him - still he sees no value in heroism as he sees it as inherently self-destructive. He has a strong sense of survival but he prefers stabilizing the environment around him if possible over fighting for individual survival. He sees power as merely a tool that reveals the person wielding it and doesn't believe in the concept of "absolute power" - such a thing is only relative to the current world and nature always finds a way to balance the scales.
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whoahoney · 2 years
Hi! So I ADORE your writing and I was wondering if I could make a smut request? I only ask because I know I can’t do it justice but I NEED it in my life.
So this is kinda based off of Unholy by Sam Smith…
So reader is married (or engaged either one) to a well off guy (in my head, I think Steve) but they’re clearly unhappy and only in it out of obligation. I’m thinking maybe their parents basically planned it and they were basically promised a comfortable life if they went through with it so they said fuck it. They kind of turn a blind eye to each other’s promiscuity, Steve/husband constantly at the strip club to visit a specific dancer that he’s kind of taken on as his mistress and reader finding her way back to her hot and heavy high school love aka Eddie who owns his own auto body shop in town.
So on nights when Steve/husband “works late”, reader finds herself needing a tune up in the dirtiest of ways. And it’s just down right filthy. Both of them. Ever since I heard the song, I could just see both of them simultaneously going behind each other’s backs with their lovers.
And maybe the ending can be like reader finally deciding to leave Steve/husband for her one true love, Eddie or you can leave it open to interpretation 😉
I. am. deceased. This awoke something within me. I definitely added more angst and fluff than necessary, but this fleshed out concept was irresistible.
The DRAMA. This’ll be a multi-parter! Your brain— I love it.
Thank you for sharing this with me 😭 I hope I did her justice 🤞🏼if you need a filthier smut concept you’re more than welcome to request again and again, babe 💖
What They Don’t Know
Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Married!Reader AU
Summary: Reader is in an unfulfilling arranged marriage with a mutual understanding: together for an easy life, not love. It isn’t until after Steve graduates college they come back to Hawkins and Y/n finds comfort in a face from a life long ago…
Content Warnings: fem/AFAB!Reader, mature themes, forced/arranged marriage, making out, angst, smut in later parts, setting up plot, fluff/comfort
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n L/N was a good girl.
She was an only child; her parents making the decision so when the time came, passing down the mining business and their other riches wouldn’t be complicated.
She was molded into the perfect child from the first moment she was in this world, always striving to make her mother and father proud by doing the things they asked of her… But there was now something else she was expected to do to keep the good life close.
At the time, she was a senior in high school, having moved to town the year before. She ran in the same social circle as Steve Harrington, much to the delight of her parents.
The two families soon gravitated towards one another when Y/n’s family, who dealt in the mining industry, met Steve’s, who owned Harrington Jeweler’s in Indianapolis.
Unfortunately, Charles L/N asked for an investment from Richard Harrington that fell through; leaving Y/n’s family with a heavy debt. Not to mention the on again off again superficial argument between the two men over whose name the company would bear once the merge happened.
Eventually Steve’s father decided rebranding wouldn’t be enough. So he decided to strike a deal with Charles L/N; in order for the debt to be paid and the business to keep one family name, it only made sense (on paper) for their children to get married.
“You want us to what?” Steve had said, standing from his seat. Y/n sat at the far end of the long oak dinner table, mouth hanging open in shock and her eyes already fading a thousand miles away.
“Steven, if you’d just listen—“
“No, dad! I don’t wanna listen anymore! You can choose what electives I take, my friends, the sports I play, the college I’ll go to, the business I’ll work in, but you can’t just tell me—“
“Steven! Sit. Down.” Richard Harrington barked.
Steve’s rant ceased immediately, sitting back down in his chair as if his father’s command had taken over his own free will. The shame in himself was no secret as the grimace shown on his face, his stare burning through the fine China plate.
“This is what’s going to happen: you’re going to get married, and you’ll each receive a share of your very own— on top of your trust fund. As long as you stay together, you won’t have to worry about anything, it’s simple!” Richard said before taking out a cigarette to smoke.
“W-What about college? What about Boston?” Y/n asked her parents, unaware of Steve’s concerned gaze on her.
“You won’t need it! You’ll be a housewife! Besides, you’ll go with Steve to Hartford while he’s playing ball at school, that’s close to Boston! You can see it whenever you feel like making the trip.” Her mother urged.
“Welcome to the housewife’s club!” Steve’s mother cheered with a raised glass.
Y/n didn’t dare mention Eddie, though the mere thought of him at this time nearly sent her head spinning. She needed to get out of here before she suffocated or hyperventilated or blew the fuck up spontaneously.
“We’re doing you a favor here, kids, you’re both single, you’re already friends—you’ll grow to love each other, I just know it!” Virginia L/N spoke up, Steve’s mom, Deborah, nodding vehemently in agreement.
For a moment Y/n heard a deafening ringing in her ear. Her dreams of the coast in Boston were no longer in the realm of possibility, let alone a career. “And if we don’t?” Y/n spoke up, her face blank as a brick wall.
“And if you don’t, you’ll quickly see you aren’t cut out for the life of the working class— you can kiss all this goodbye, and I mean everything.” Y/n’s father spoke gravelly while cutting the rest of his steak, his hard eyes on his daughter.
Y/n and Steve exchanged nervous glances from the far ends of the table; Steve rubbing his clenched jaw and Y/n chewing the inside of her lip. Steve shook his head at her once before looking back down at his empty plate, the prongs of his fork pressing down on the pink rose blooming on the face of the dish.
“So no objections?” Richard asked, looking between the two, setting a chuckle free when the two remained quiet. “Well, Charles,” Richard began, pouring the special champagne that sat in an ice bucket for the duration of the meal, “Looks like… we’re going to be an official family business.” Clink.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It would be a long four years before the new Harringtons came back to the empty old family home in Hawkins, Indiana. Boxes scattered throughout the house holding decor that was mostly wedding gifts or handed down from their parents.
The relationship between Steve and Y/n barely changed—if anything they took a step backwards after the news of the engagement. The two were just becoming close within the circle of friends, Y/n having made fast friends with Steve’s friend Robin.
Steve always seemed to be at a distance to Y/n, his eyes hard and vacant when she spoke in the group, though he was never mean. Only uninterested.
He tried, he really did, though he couldn’t get himself to look at her that way, and credited it mostly to his father. He could see Y/n being his type—had he held a choice in the matter. But of course, Richard must come along and ruin what could’ve been. Now part of him couldn’t help but be repulsed by the girl no matter how innocent she was in the matter.
Even if Steve had taken interest in Y/n before the arrangement, there would be another obstacle deterring him from his goal; Eddie Munson.
The minute Y/n was introduced to the group, Eddie was hooked. He loved her strong yet quiet nature and hung on every word she uttered in conversation. Though he quickly learned he needed to stand next to her if he wanted to hear what she had to say.
Y/n was entranced by Eddie’s outgoing and charismatic personality, his striking wit never failing to make her giggle until she couldn’t breathe. He thought she was the best thing ever.
At the time of the engagement, they’d been in the beginnings of their official relationship after spending the better part of a year pining after one another. Even Steve was almost to the point of spelling it out for the two, but they finally got it together and went on two dates before the Harringtons made their deal with the L/Ns.
As soon as the two were excused, they were out of their seats. Steve went upstairs to his room, Robin on his mind and only a call away.
Y/n was out the door and down the road in her new car—a graduation present from her parents that she now saw as a ploy to butter her up.
“Guess she didn’t want to see the ring, yet.” Deborah Harrington sighed, throwing back the last of her drink.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie’s ears perked up at the sound of the smooth purr of the Mercedes pulling up by his window.
He immediately set down his guitar and straightened up his room a bit; fixing his bed and then grabbing all of the dirty cups and paper plates he could hold in his arms.
He rid himself of the filth just in time to hear her timid knock at the door. Eddie flew to it with a smile on his face, excited for the unexpected visit, when he opened the door to find his sweet girl utterly destroyed.
“Eddie…” she whispered through the tears.
“Hey! What’s wrong? Come inside, babe.” He helped her in, his arms engulfing her frame and leading her to his room to sit down like always. “I-I’m so sorry, I know Im not s-supposed to be here tonight—I should’ve called—“
“Those words are no good here—total nonsense, sweetheart. Talk to me. Did your parents say something to you again?” He asked, searching her face for answers. He worried further when her eyes wouldn’t meet his, even going as far as closing them to avoid his gaze as tears rushed down her face.
“Y/n, c’mon. It’s me, you can talk to me.” He urged quietly. Tears prickled at his eyes because deep down he knew things were ending before they even got started.
He cupped her jaw and leaned his forehead against hers. Her eyes remained closed as tears continued to flow freely. She soft sobs confirming his worries as she shook her head, her teeth still tingling from the heaving breaths she���d taken on the way over. “M-My parents… they’ve—I have to— it’s not my choice, I mean it is, but it’s—my options aren’t good here!” She said exasperatedly.
“Just breathe for a second and-and just let me hold you, yeah?” Eddie quietly suggested. Y/n nodded, putting her head where it fit the nicest in his neck, his natural musk paired with his cologne making her melt and ache for him. He pulled her forward to sit on his lap in an embrace. His cheek rested on her head as tears escaped the corners of his eyes, his body having much practice containing the sobs that were wracking him inside.
“I really like you, Eddie, you make me—they don’t—” She choked out, her voice quaking yet still holding strength, her nervous hands went to work fiddling with his shirt. She felt his chest inhale deeply against her head, the idea making her stomach drop.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You can say it—do what you have to do.” He said with a nod, his voice a strained whisper. She shook her head, a sob escaping her. She leaned back, her eyes staying at his Adams apple.
“I don’t wanna.” She hiccuped.
“Did they find out?” He asked meekly. She shook her head and sobbed. “They want me to get married.”
Eddie stiffened and swallowed hard, “They got someone in mind already?” He nodded as if he were expecting it.
“They have someone, alright.” She confirmed in a flat whisper. Her hands found his, her heart leaping when his fingers instantly intertwined with hers and then sinking when he held onto them firmly, like a life line.
“They told me tonight—that I’m engaged.” She said.
“—Steve? Of course it’s fuckin’ Harrington.” He said through his teeth, his voice breaking. Her eyes involuntarily found his at the sound.
She took him in; his watery eyes a shade of pink she hadn’t seen in them before, his cheeks glistening with the tears that flowed down his face without shame. His lips were worry bitten, red and puffy and wet from where he’d run his tongue over them innumerably.
“You make me so happy, Eddie.” She whispered after a moment.
His eyes gazed deep into hers, his face finally crumpling with hurt as he watched her let him fall apart in her arms, affirming him through her own tears as if her own life hadn’t been hijacked.
“You are kind, and smart, and… wonderful… any girl—“
“Don’t say all that, stop—“ He said, his eyes closing in protest.
“…you make me smile just at the thought of you, and everything makes me think of you, Eds, I’ve never met anyone like you—“ she continued, lacing her fingers in his hair to remember what it feels like. “I-I’ve felt things I’ve never felt before when I’m with you.”
“Y/n, please.”
“I thought it was gonna be you.” She whispered in a sob. Eddie froze, his eyes opening on her chin and drifting up again, reluctantly looking her in the eye and letting loose a few more tears as he blinked. She cupped his face in her free hand and he leaned into her touch immediately nodding.
“Me too, sweetheart... Me too.” He kissed her palm. When he looked back at her she couldn’t help but lean over and press her lips to his with a sob, starting gentle movement against him.
Their tears lingered on their cheeks as their noses pressed into one another, moans slipping out freely. Their hands roamed, paying extra attention to texture and shape.
Eddie clung to her, dragging his hands along the exposed skin of her arms and neck, kissing everywhere he could. Y/n tried to hold back the tears so she could see him clearly but the exchange was blurry. She wanted to desperately to say how she fully felt, look him right in the eye and say ‘I love you, let’s run away together.’ But couldn’t live with the guilt she’d take with her.
It wasn’t until Y/n slid her hand up Eddie’s shirt that things stopped, the boy’s face jumping back from Y/n’s who sat breathless on his lap staring back at him.
“W-we could…” She said quietly.
Eddie thought for a moment, his eyes closed as he leaned his forehead in to rest on hers again while he thought. After a moment his lip quivered as he shook his head ‘no’.
“I-I can’t do that with you just to lose you tomorrow, Y/n. That’s-it’ll kill me.” He managed in a whisper.
She sighed, her breath shaking as she did, though she nodded. More tears escaped as the understanding between them set in.
“S-So when you go away for college—“
“I don’t get to go anymore.”
“What?! Are you fucking joking? They can’t just take away your whole future—all your choices! C’mon, Y/n. You’re just gonna let them do that?” He asked with a scoff, anger bleeding into his sadness when she didn’t answer.
“Why don’t we just run away?” He suggested.
“Eddie, no! You have to finish school, and it’s not that simple anyway, if—“
“How? How is it not? What happens if you say no to all this? What—everything goes away?” He asked, his tears stopping for a moment while he spoke through clenched teeth. “He cuts you off? So it’s either me or daddy’s money?”
“No! No, Eddie it isn’t about you at all.”
“You’re right… you’re damn right it isn’t. It’s about you… and Steve.” He hissed, standing to his feet. “—Doing what every other rich kid would do in your position, either get married to the hot rich kid or lose the trust fund, I mean, what are ya gonna do?” He asked mockingly, going to his desk to stick a joint in his mouth, not bothering to ask her if she cared like he normally would as he lit it.
“It’s more than that Eddie, they owe a debt, they’re my family—“
“And it’s on you to pay that debt?”
“They’re my family, Eddie. What am I supposed to do, huh? Tell me, what would you do, Eddie the Brave?” She asked, her mouth twisted in hurt. “If Wayne owed a few hundred grand, and asked you to marry a decent person that you have no chance loving to get it forgiven— would you do it?” She stood, her eyes piercing through him.
His chest felt heavy with each drag he took, his nostrils flaring as the smoke escaped them like the dragon he could feel raging inside. His eyes softened after a moment, looking back up at her. “You know I would.” He spoke quietly.
She nodded. “I know.”
“He wouldn’t ask me to do that, though... He’d care about my happiness.” He uttered, finally finding the one advantage he had over a rich kid.
He sighed, his chest still for a moment before the sobs hit him again then pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes before he felt her embrace around him.
“W-When do you—“
“—I don’t know, sometime this summer before we leave for Hartford, I think. I didn’t really… stick around to discuss the details.”
“Just couldn’t wait to tell me the news, huh?” He asked, joking weakly as he ran a finger down her cheek, tracing the trail her sadness left.
She nodded. “Then we’re moving for at least four years… He’ll get his degree in business whatever… and I’ll sit inside and… rot? I don’t know...” She shrugged as Eddie tightened his grip, pressing a long kiss to the top of her head.
They stood there in silence for a minute before she need to leave in order to make curfew. “I don’t wanna let you go.” She hiccuped again, her face tense from how many times she’d fallen apart that evening.
“Y-You have to, baby.” He whispered in her ear, taking her arms from around his neck slowly and putting them by her sides. Their chests heaved, the hot tears slipping down their faces on the set tracks laid by the tears before them. She whimpered, a soft ‘no’ tumbling from her lips as he let go of her.
He inhaled sharply, taking her face in his hands and making himself look at her no matter how much it made his heart hurt. Her hands flew up to hold his wrists stroking him lovingly. “No matter what you do or where you go, my… feelings for you will follow, Y/n. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel this kinda stuff again, so… thanks for… for making me feel things—for making me feel so…” his eyes glimmered with tears as he searched for the right word before he shrugged, “good. You make me feel so, so fucking good.” He chuckled bitterly, losing himself in her eyes replaying their time spent together.
“I should’ve—I should’ve asked you out sooner, you know. We could’ve—we should’ve had more time together, but—“
“This would’ve hurt so much more, Eddie.” She whispered, her eyes tracing his Cupid’s bow for her memory to stow away.
He nodded, “I know…”
Y/n hiccuped as he took his hands off her face, gently taking her hands in his and bringing them to his lips for a tender kiss. “I want you to have something to remember me by.” He mentioned.
Y/n nodded earnestly, Eddie immediately looking down to his rings and pulling off one that sat on his right hand and placing it in her palm. “I, uh, always kinda pictured I’d give this to my steady girlfriend, cause it was, uh, what my mom wore of my dads in high school, but uh, I’m seriously… into you, sweetheart, and I think… I think I always will be. And if you’ll keep it for me, I want you to—“
She threw her arms around him in a heated kiss, her tongue coming out to nudge his lips for the first time. Eddie groaned, his arms finding her waist as he opened his mouth, letting her lick into him.
She explored shamelessly, a heavy contrast to their few timid and exploratory make out sessions. Y/n, like Eddie, hadn’t had a real relationship before and felt it was best for them to take things slow, to which Eddie agreed immediately and respected because they both assumed they had more time.
“Please—“ Eddie muttered against her lips, his voice strained as his fingers tightened around her arms. Y/n took this as a green light and hurriedly took her kisses to his neck, working down the column of his throat and leaving love bites like she’d always planned.
“Y/n, please— you have to go, I’m sorry, I can’t.” He said with a firm hand on her, moving himself away from her embrace and avoiding eye contact as they stood in silence. “I can’t taste anymore of what I can’t ever have again, okay? Nothing else. Please.” He practically begged.
She shook her head immediately, “I’m so sorry, Eddie. I—I didn’t think—“
“Don’t apologize, I want it just as badly as you do, Princess.” He said, taking one small step to her, his hand poised to wipe the tears away before stopping himself and sighing.
“How am I supposed to let you walk outta here?” He whispered, more tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of her in his doorway for the last time.
“Just… close your eyes.” She whispered, her gaze unwavering from his. He was hesitant, his brow crinkling at the prospect of the last glimpse of his love before she’s gone from him for good.
“It’ll be okay, baby.” She whispered, nodding at him assuringly. Eddie held back a whimper by taking a deep breath when he scrunched his eyes closed.
Y/n took him in, her heart crumbling at the sight of the boy she fell in love with so broken because of her. She looked down at her jewlery, searching for something to leave him. She took off both of her small silver hoops, and all of her silver rings and left them on his pillow along with a plain silver chain from around her neck that held her first initial.
“I want you to count, okay?” She asked, conjuring her strongest voice for him. Eddie nodded hesitantly but did. “J-just count to… to 50. Okay?” She asked, her mouth now dry and her heart racing.
Eddie’s eyebrows knitted together as he nodded, counting to himself in a slow mumble that quivered. “1… 2… 3… 4…”
She stood, and watched him until he reached 15, taking two steps away before he froze and stopped, seemingly waiting in anticipation. Without opening his eyes, he tilted his head down and stuck his chin out, as if searching for a last kiss.
She seized her opportunity and gently took his face his her hands, placing one last sweet kiss to his lips as the tears rained down profusely. It took them back to the tenderness of their first kiss they shared only a month before.
She pulled away, taking care not to touch him anywhere else as she stepped away. Eddie whimpered as his hand reached out blindly for her as she passed through the doorway.
She turned away from him before he sniffed and resumed counting from 15 with a voice thick with tears and heavy breath as he battled his body’s reaction to heartbreak, hoping to keep it in until he could hear her drive away. He prayed he counted loud enough he wouldn’t hear the screech of the screen door, which Y/n carefully opened and closed after much practice of sneaking in and out from the late movie nights spent here.
“35… 36…37—fuck— 38..”
Y/n ran over to her car, her sobs carelessly falling from her lips with every step she took. She yanked her door open and started the engine, jerking the gearshift into reverse before she could change her mind and tell Eddie to pack a bag.
When he got to 42, Eddie heard the spin of her tires throwing gravel as she sped out of the park, his feet moving before he realized he was yanking the front door open and calling after her from the front yard, his face cold and wet against the early spring chill
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The Harrington wedding came and went in the summer, a fancy wedding at a cathedral in Indianapolis despite neither of the families being catholic, or religious for that matter. Their friends attended, except for Eddie, who sent his well wishes with Dustin in the form of a single white rose.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When the time finally came, Steve Harrington graduated college. Did he have tons of help over the phone and utilize his knowledge thirsty genius friend? Absolutely. But his name was on the diploma, and that meant it was time to go back to Hawkins.
Steve was ready to be back home with his friends, but he entered the county line with a sour taste in his mouth at the thought of seeing Nancy. He knew she had long since moved on, thinking the four years without contact and a new wife would help. But alas, love does not know space or time, and just because you live in close proximity with someone doesn’t mean you’ll fall in love.
Y/n spent most of her evenings since returning to Hawkins unpacking and decorating until she couldn’t stand it anymore. She could only rearrange the furniture so many times before Steve got annoyed, which was more often than not lately.
Steve spent a lot of time in the week staying in Indianapolis like their parents did, though Y/n didn’t mind, his absence wasn’t ever a problem. Steve never woke her coming in late since he had his old room, claiming it’d feel weird to take his parents room.
Even in Hartford the two had separate rooms in the apartment, practically the worlds crappiest roommate situation. Y/n had sank deeper and deeper into the throes of her sadness, each night feeling so small and cold in the large bed. The smell of clean linens brought tears to her eyes many nights while she wished so hard to recall the way Eddie’s pillow smelled.
She knew where Steve spent his time, and it wasn’t like it bothered her in the way it would bother the majority of other wives. She just craved companionship—anyone’s. She’d hoped that at the least the two of them could be friends, maybe have nights with Robin like they did before their parents married them off.
Instead, Steve wished to spend his free evenings at the Dollhouse seeing ‘the most beautiful girl in Texas’, Dallas Rose.
The first time Y/n found Steve at the Dollhouse was a complete accident. She’d called Robin and asked if she’d heard from Steve, since he’d failed to come home for dinner.
Robin informed her that Steve had called her a couple hours earlier and gave her the number to the ‘gentlemen’s club’ he’d be meeting at, not knowing Steve’s true intentions
Y/n was stunned, only because she didn’t peg Steve as the strip club type, but shrugged it off and wrote down the number on the back of her hand. She hung up and dialed the number immediately, a smirk on her face when a chipper voice sounded on the other end.
“Dollhouse! How can I help you?” A woman said.
“Hi! This is Robin Buckley calling for Steve Harrington.”
“One moment, please!”
The line clicked and sultry R&B music played for the hold music. After a moment, the line clicked with the sound of the phone being lifted from the receiver followed by “Hey, Robs, what’s up?”
Y/n scoffed with a smile, “Y’know, I made chicken breast for dinner, Harrington, you didn’t have to go all the way to the club to see some tits.” She laughed into the mouthpiece sounding unimpressed.
“Wha-Y/n?! I-I can ex—“
“Save it, Steve, you and I both know I don’t care. I just assumed you had a girlfriend you were staying with, is all.” She shrugged honestly.
Steve stuttered into the line, running his hand through his hair and rubbing his tired eyes as he tried to make sense of the conversation between them. “A—W-We’re married. I wouldn’t have a girlfriend—“
“Yeah, well if you want some, go get some, you have my blessing. Just don’t keep me in the dark, alright? If you’re gonna be anything to me, I want you to be honest.”
And that was the last secret Steve kept from his wife.
She really didn’t expect anything to change once they got back to Indiana, especially not in the way things did.
Steve would call and check in every couple of days or so, the two feeling some sort of obligation to keep tabs on the other’s wellbeing. “I’m, uh, staying here again tonight, so… you don’t have to make me a plate or anything.” He mumbled into the mouth piece.
“Okay, no worries.” She sighed, the conversations between them always making her head pull her away to somewhere else—anywhere else. Steve related, his ears only half listening as he colored in a few boxes on a spreadsheet he was struggling to keep from going cross eyed over.
The two wanted to be friends. They really did. Whether it was the never ending awkwardness of marrying someone you don’t truly know or love, disregarding the force behind it all, of course, or the fact they both knew they could never belong to each other no matter if they tried or not.
So they did each other favors when they could.
“Y’know, if you’re… feeling up to it, maybe you could, uh, take the car to the body shop in town? I forgot I called up there and made an appointment— wouldn’t wanna stand them up. It’s due for an oil change and I’m tired of seeing that scratch down the side.” Steve mumbled, telling a half truth and hoping the rumor he heard wasn’t just.
“Uh, yeah. I can do that for you. Anything else?” She asked as if it were any other chore he’d request from her.
“Uh, nope. That’s all. Call me later and let me know how it goes.” He said before hanging up, mentally facepalming himself for forgetting to leave a call back number or at least tell her bye.
The abrupt cut of the line made Y/n flinch, her gold jewlery rattling on her wrists. Y/n hung the phone up on the hook, looking at her kitchen that was taking shape. She looked at the corner next to the glass doors that led to the patio, gasping when she remembered the hazy night spent here one late winter evening in 1986.
Steve had thrown a small get together for his friends and a few cliques from school that were deemed worthy enough, like the band, theatre, and art kids Robin insisted on inviting, Y/n being one of them. She’d said maybe two words to Steve all night, eagerly waiting for her date to show up.
In typical Eddie fashion, he was an hour late, Y/n feeling tipsy, high and discouraged when he found her slumped in the corner with shiny eyes. He was breathless as he jogged up to her.
He’d frantically explained how his van wouldn’t start and his back up ride fell through last minute so he ended up running the whole way to Steve’s. Y/n sniffed and chuckled, throwing her arms around him before he could finish his story. The boy was relieved, immediately accepting her embrace and threw his arms around her and gaining control of his breath.
“Thanks for being patient with me, sweetheart, it means the wor—wait, were you crying?” He asked once he took a good look at her face.
Y/n gasped softly and shook her head insistently though the two tear tracks beside her eyes were indicative of her white lie. Eddie tsked as he pushed her hair behind her ear.
“I think it’s really sweet of you to try to preserve my feelings or try to be tough, or whatever, but I simply will not stand by without righting a wrong I’ve made. Especially with you. Did you think I wasn’t gonna—“
She nodded, one more year escaping as she bit back an embarrassed chuckle and wiped her face. “Can I fix it?” He asked, finding her gaze with his eyes by bending down.
She scoffed, “You didn’t do anything, Eddie, I just got nervous.” She shrugged.
She rolled her eyes in embarrassment, her cheeks burning as his hands found hers. “Cause I like you, in case you were unaware…” she said quietly, keeping her eyes on the collar of his shirt as a familiar warmth washed over her, her thoughts quickly wondering what it’d feel like to sink her teeth into the side of his neck before she shook her head at herself for being so crass.
“Well, Princess, in case you were unaware… I’m kinda crazy about you.” He spoke lowly next to her ear. “If there’s anything I can do to make it better…” He said almost suggestively. Y/n giggled, before sipping her drink, which Eddie just noticed reeked of whiskey.
“Y/n!” He gasped quietly with a teasing smile. “I never thought I’d see the day. What would mommy and daddy say?”
“Mommy and daddy aren’t here, besides, it isn’t like they don’t drink gallons of this shit anyway.” She scoffed making Eddie laugh. He loved seeing her relaxed, he knew she had it in her.
“Have you done anything else considered questionable in my absence?” He asked with curiosity twinkling in his eye.
She smiled, her nose wrinkling before she looked down in embarrassment.
“Ope! What’d she do?” He asked quietly, stepping a little closer til her back leaned against the wall as he placed his hand on her waist, bending down closer to smell her hair once more before a light bulb went off in his head, “Oh, sweetheart, did you smoke weed without me?” He looked back up at her with pleasant surprise.
“Seems as though we’re even, now.” She said with a smirk. Eddie shook his head gently.
“No, I don’t think we are.” He said to her lips, his hand drifting up to graze her chin as the world around them faded away. Y/n’s eyes stayed on his perfect full lips, sparks nipping at her chin where his skin brushed hers before taking hold of it a little more firmly.
“Eddie, will you please kiss me?” She whispered right before he closed the gap, their mouths moving in tandem from the start. Eddie hummed a groan of satisfaction against her as his eyes fluttered closed, his body seemingly melting against her. Their arms couldn’t hold the other close enough, but the slow sweet kiss they shared sent them spiraling into bliss.
When the fog lifted, Y/n turned to the counter and grabbed Steve’s keys, rushing out the door before she could look back.
Part 2
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mrslectermoriarty · 10 months
Headcanon Series #12
Here goes some Stranger Things stuff because I finally watched it yes it broke me so here I give you some Eddie centered Headcanons because that guy is 100% me as a fictional character and I died with him in the Upside Down which makes him a huge inspiration :)
Yes I ship Steddie so fuck off if you don't like it
1. Eddie always humming some metal or rock songs, most times without even realising it (that's how Steve learns all the great bands)
2. When Eddie finally graduates, Hellfire throws him a party and honours him with a framed picture of him and "Hail to thee our infantry, still brave eyond the grave"
3. No but seriously, they definetly honoured him post mortem
4. There is this black stray cat in the neighbourhood who keeps scratching at his door so Eddie feeds it and adopts it eventually
5. He names it Ozzy because it once brought him a dead bat as a present and Eddie still a little uncomfortable around bats almost pees his pants because no way his cat just helped him deal a little better with that trauma
6. Ozzy becomes his mental support animal from then
7. That cat is a little sceptical about the kids at first but as soon as Dustin enters, it won't let go of him because let's be honest Dustin is so Eddie's son
8. Eddie is convinced that Ozzy can read his mind
9. Or that Ozzy is from the Upside Down which freaks him out a little but untill now Ozzy hasn't tried to slaughter him in his sleep so he gets comfortable eventually
10. Eddie and Steve move together in a cute little house
11. Corroded Coffin goes on tour one day and of course Eddie takes Steve with him but the kids (who are no longer kids but it doesn't matter) won't let both of their parents "leave them alone to rot in the town" so they all join and Steve has a little breakdown because ge will end up being a babysitter again and he's not okay with that
12. Of course he is, he loves his children
13. Ozzy can't be left behind and in the end the tour bus is stuffed with people
14. The kids are Corroded Coffin's biggest fans and love to brag about how they know all members personally
15. Eddie doesn't throw his guitar pick during concerts, he hands out dices - just for the flavor
16. He will happily sign anything for you with "The Munson Killer" if you ask him about the homicides during autograph session
17. Yes, his name was cleared by the government pretty fast after the earthquake but people are still a little uncomfortable around him - he takes it with humour
18. Since its the 90s where you can only be subtly gay, Steve and Eddie get pseudo married in Mike and El's yard in autumn after the tour ends - Argyle comes down to Hawkins to be their wedding officiant (they don't regret a single moment during the ceremony, it was hilarious) Robin ist Steve's Maid of Honour and Eddie asks Nancy because honestly, Nancy may have had eyes for Steve for a while when Jonathan was back but she saw the looks Eddie and him exchanged when they thought the other one wasn't watching and that tension so she eventually sat Eddie down and told him to ask Steve out and they kind of bonded over the years after that because in the end there is an understanding among those who love Steve Harrington
19. Steve gifts Eddie Metallica cards as their 'honeymoon' - Eddie cries for half an hour
20. He pays Steve back by slamming adoption papers on the kitchen table on their anniversary in 2006 with the words "You got me everything I could dream of back then. My turn. Bam."
22. Eddie and Steve got properly married in 2014 when same-sex marriage became legal again, surrounded by their three kids and their kids with their own children - "Why do I feel so old, Eddie?" "Because you are old. Now smile for the pictures, Grandpa!"
24. And yes, of course they had very exhausting negotiations about the number of kids they'd have
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