#the last bit was sarcasm
bluerose5 · 1 year
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I think this is my first time going to the Gallows in Act 3 for this playthrough. Then again, that's from what I remember because I took a break from playing, but this is all sooooo normal. Nothing unnerving here. Kirkwall is just an extreme example, of course. The mage-templar conflict is a morally complex one, hardly a black-and-white/cut-and-dry issue. Let's go consult with Elthina again. Maybe her thoughts and prayers will work this time. 🥺
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cdfreak · 3 months
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thats so weird and scary thank god american children are never forced to do the exact same thing in public school
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 months
someone call scams manager and tell them to let it take a break pretty please
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manasurge · 2 months
1/3 of the way done of this last page, then I can finally post it all o|-<
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evilwriter37 · 4 months
Fucked up that my period cramps hurt worse than my spine misalignment. Thanks, endometriosis. Love you too.
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Interested in topping?
I would personally rather top than bottom, for a variety of reasons, but seeing how gays love to base everything off looks – I always fall into that trap and get discouraged from wanting to do it cause I don't feel like anyone looks at me and thinks "TOP" or wants that from me lol. But I also don't leave the house, so no topping or bottoming shall be happening! Celibacy for the win!
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desperatepleasures · 5 months
can i just say? can i just say? i was not prepared for the staggering amount of time that zoro spends just. sleeping. and obviously i feel extremely normal about this and it definitely does not make me even more unhingedly horny about him!
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 5 months
so uh. captain. in light (ha) of recent events, are u going to change ur username or………..
dear magenta-somethings,
please shut your whore mouth. in light ?! I am not like them. I am not one of them. I have been oppressed and enslaved and tortured and imprisoned by them: a fancy sword does not change that.
however I do admit that this is the beginning of a new chapter in my life and thus am willing to take suggestions for a new username.
I'll do a poll either later today or around this time tomorrow (because we all know that alethkar is the land of the free 🦅🦅)
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exonerin · 2 days
What are your ideas and pans for hardeen?
Make them suffer.
First Anakin. Then Obi-Wan. And lastly, as a palette cleanser: Palpatine.
Because there's nothing more amusing to me than Dooku succeeding in kidnapping Palpatine. This leads to our Sith duo then wondering how they're supposed to return Palpating without rousing suspicions. Especially when a crucial vote is coming up in the Senate and Palps can't make it back in time. Too bad, right?
Thank you for the question!
My plan is quite similar to what I did in my Clone Wars 2003 rewrite. So, you can sort of expect the same liberties with the source material.
I'll pick all the events and dialogue from the arc that suit the storyline and fill in the gaps with extremely free interpretations of how they feel. However, there're also some chunks I have discarded or twisted (well, if you read SUBLIMINAL, you know the drill).
Then, we're leaving the Rako Hardeen arc, and I'll get to write my fallout. I'm going with distraught Anakin. After the initial angry outburst, he'll be a very sad, poor, little mew mew. Happy to have Obi-Wan back but oh-so-very-insecure, anxious, clingy, and pitiful.
For Obi-Wan I have other plans. There're different types of guilt. And I'm going for a very specific type. Because I want Obi-Wan to dote on Anakin. But he commits to this whole Rako Hardeen nonsense to prove he's not attached to Anakin or some other nonsense. So, we'll have to get him in the right spot for that to make sense.
Even Windu and Yoda knew this was a bad idea, but Obi-Wan had to prove a point. And I believe Obi-Wan knows this is a mistake, but he won't admit it. There is a lot Obi-Wan is willing to do for the greater good -- because he will do what he must. But when he sacrifices himself, he also kills others.
And I just want to show him the consequences of burying someone.
The consequences of grief.
Because Obi-Wan's resurrection was definitely not a resolution to that arc. It won't stop the nightmares or erase the memories. So, yes, that's the plan.
Then, we slap a happy ever after on it, and I guess we're done. If this sounds like I have a plan, I'm sorry to disappoint.
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that-wizard-oki · 8 months
I think what particularly broke me about Morganthe's Dreams/Memories is that, during her banishment in the second Memory, is that they went out of their way to give her UNIQUE ANIMATION when Merle takes her wand & spell deck from her. Like we SEE them physically ripped out of her hands. Thats insane. Im calling cps
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Honestly, that's a pretty solid HC, but the video games theory killed me FJSJSKDNSLFK
Now I'm curious, though. Duster clearly loves to boss Dabi around, and we love that for him, but would Duster be willing to sub for Davi in the right situation? Again, just curious and you can ignore this if you want! I love your Shigaraki and his powerful vibe gives me live ♡
kahdfkjba to be fair he probably ALSO played some video games when researching subcultures he couldn't find real people to try with.
I think if Dabi and Shig ever tried to switch it would be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and devolve very, very quickly. Like I can only imagine this going down after they have a particularly intense humiliation-focused scene with Dabi subbing as usual but afterwards he's still embarrassed and bitchy and challenges Duster's control. And being a Shit Starter himself, Shigaraki goes 'okay, sure, you can try to dom me' as another power play. And Not Being Able To Back Down, Dabi is like 'okay bring it on' surely he can handle this. He's a switch, he's topped other people before. This will be fine.
(Spoiler, it was not fine)
Cue Dabi struggling to figure out what Duster likes other than having complete control over his partner's pleasure, being desperate for reassurance that he's doing well that he's not getting because Duster's dirty talk is usually equal parts praise and degradation and he's not loud and Shigaraki is trying to be nice and not undermine his attempt for control by keeping his mouth shut. Meanwhile, Shigaraki really doesn't like to give up control, with a quirk like his that he has to be careful with 24/7, trying to let someone else have power over him and let go literally does the opposite, making him more and more uncomfortable and nervous-- and not in the fun way. Until, eventually, they both break down and have to safe word out before Dabi spirals into the feelings of worthlessness and inferiority that he struggles with and Shigaraki is trying to stave off a panic attack for the first time in years.
They very, very quickly learn that switching is just not going to work for them and they are more than okay with that and willing to write this off and never speak of it again.
Thanks for the ask and giving me another opportunity to show that I have spent way too much time thinking about how/why these characters are the way they are in bed in my fics!
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bottomstolove · 8 months
//aaaand ive officially lost my voice :)
at this rate i doubt i'll be able to work on tuesday for my next shift either hahahhhh. im an alarm operator and my voice is, uh...yeah, i cant really do my job without it so lmao
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vyorei · 11 months
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Occupation forces arresting Palestinians in East Jerusalem
Wild that they can just grab and imprison a bunch of random Palestinian civilians and not give them a charge or bring them to court, just keep 'em in a prison.
Almost sounds like keeping people captive to me.
But that would imply they're taking Palestinian hostages, and we all know only Hamas takes hostages and commits crimes in this world.✨
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gloryofnegativity · 30 days
sometimes i see things on here that make me so mad. but i don’t say anything because i’m so nice and sweet and merciful. i’m the only person in the entire world who understands kim carlsson btw
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piplupod · 2 months
everyone pray that i have not given myself food poisoning 🙏🙏🙏
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gemharvest · 1 year
Thinking about this person I saw who had a little dni segment that put "pro-kinkster" on the same level as zo*ph*le. Well-adjusted individual.
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