#the line that has been buzzing around my brain for WEEKS is the one where yulie was talking to alvec via A Random-Ass Skeleton
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country girls (wizards) make do (using Mage Hand to simulate the telepathic commands they were able to issue to the Book of All Things, which they lost because they were crushed by an Elder God and subsequently kidnapped and resurrected by the lich sister of their mentor)
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hellfiremunsonn · 3 months
shy/ditsy/golden retriever/inexperienced reader who goes feral for Eddies cock.
AN: idk what this is, it just fell out of my brain so here have this.
You start dating Eddie, and he's patient and slow, and kind with all the things you haven't done, and things you're still unsure about. Eventually when you finally get the chance to get his cock for the first time, you know it's over, and every other person, or man has been ruined for you.
and anytime you see him after that you're always so excited about the fact that you can get fucked by him again.
but you don't know how to go about it without worry that you're making him feel like you're using him but you love him so much and his cock is just a bonus.
Eddie notices, and thinks it's one of the cutest fucking things. That you get so excited at the mere thought of his dick, makes it twitch where it sits tucked in his jeans. 
You come over to hang out, like you usually do, but it's been about a week since you two last saw each other, schedules not lining up how you wanted so your body and soul are aching for him.
You're in some frilly little dress with matching socks and you're so fully of energy Eddie can see it buzzing around you like static.
You've bounced onto your knees next to him on his bed, leaning your chin onto his shoulder to watch him sketch out, pictures and notes for the next DND campaign he's creating. 
Eddie smiles all knowing as he closes his notebook and chucks it onto the floor next to him. He leaned forward, just a little away from you to crack his neck before settling back against the pillows. 
"Come on pretty thing" he says patting his thigh. "I know what you need"
You're quick to shift, swinging one leg over so you're sat firmly on his lap wiggling until you feel the press of his cock through his jeans rub perfectly against you, a satisfied sigh slipping from your lips.
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indecisivemuch · 3 months
Foolish Ones
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Summary: What if...there is a Prom at Camp Half-Blood? Aka, a story where the both of you are just blind fools who finally crossed the line between friends and something more (best friends-to-lovers, angst, fluff, pining, a lot of longing, lowkey jealous luke, HAPPY ENDING I PROMISE!!!)
Note: Not proofread thoroughly. Idk, thought it would be funny if Prom was a thing at Camp Half-Blood. Sorry for the long break, I've been really busy but Easter break is coming soon! Inspired by a couple lines from "Dress" by Taylor Swift.
Word count: 3.8k
Despite the abnormal life of being Demigods, campers still buzz in excitement at the announcement of a prom happening at Camp Half-Blood. Never would they think that that would be a thing. But now that they knew it was an upcoming event, talks, gossip and bets started infiltrating every corner of the camp — who do people think would ask who to prom, who would reject who? After all, they were all still teenagers.
There was one thing that neither you nor Luke knew: the bet with the leading amount of participants was on the two of you. Some theorized he would take up this opportunity to finally confess his feelings and ask you to be his prom date. Some people bet that you would be the one to do the asking. Others claimed they had zero hope because it seemed like you two had been dancing on this line of something and nothing for too long that they could not remember when it started. 
Now, where to even begin on you and Luke. You were his first friend at camp. Despite the fear of opening up after the Thalia incident, it somehow felt so easy when it came to you. Then came your five years of friendship, and somewhere in between, glances turned to looks of longing. It became so evident that if you were to ask any campers about it, they’d have something to say — perhaps theories on when this all began or speculations on when the two of you would finally cross the line. Yet, somehow, the two of you were the only people who did not know of this slow-burn mutual pining.
The announcement of Camp Half-Blood’s Prom was in April, with the date of the event happening mid-May. You have rejected two prom date offers solely due to a pinch of hope that your best friend would ask you. You were hoping all his little actions that you sensed as things beyond the line of friends were true. But as time ticked, your confidence slowly diminished.
It was now the beginning of May, and that slight hope that Luke would ask you has now been reduced to the size of a grain of sand.
“I don’t think it’s gonna happen, Clarisse. Prom is two weeks away,” you sighed, hands on both sides of your face.
“Well, why don’t you ask him instead?”
“I would have…but by now, if he has not asked me, that probably means he is not interested, so I don’t see the point in doing so myself.” Gods, it was slightly exhausting for Clarisse to watch the both of you pine after each other for years only to stop right at the boundary of stepping into something. She watched as you sunk into some kind of self-spiraling moment. It was evident on your face that your brain was trying to convince you that Luke only felt platonic things. Sometimes, she believed you both must be utterly blind to not realize how the other felt.
“Well, I think—” Clarisse stopped when she saw you look behind her, mouth slightly agape with a shocked look. She smirked at this, almost letting out a breath of relief that Luke finally asked you to be his prom date. The girl turned around to face the sight that you were looking at, but she almost jumped upon seeing what was behind her. “Oh…?” The response left Clarisse’s mouth before she could think twice.
There he was, standing with a singular rose in his hand and a nervous look on his face.
“Y/N, will you be my prom date?”
The whole area was silenced. You were convinced other campers could even hear your thoughts in this deafening quiet. Gods, you could even feel their eyes glued onto you like hawks waiting on their prey.
In front of you was a boy from the Hermes cabin. Honestly, you did not even know his name. You just remember seeing him around occasionally. 
No, it was not Luke.
A short laugh left Clarisse’s mouth before she could stop herself, but she quickly did upon seeing you look in her direction. But to Clarisse, it was obvious, especially when you and Luke have had this long history of mutual feelings that everybody could see — Surely, the boy knew better. You have even turned down two others —
“Yes, I’ll go to prom with you.” Murmurs among campers came as soon as you said those words. You swore you heard gasps as well, though you ignored it as you stood up to take the flower from the boy’s hand. You gave him a half smile while deliberately ignoring the confused look Clarisse was sending you.
Somewhere between realizing there were merely two weeks before prom and getting asked out by this Hermes boy, your brain has prompted you to say yes. Your mind finally convinced you no good would come along with crushing on your best friend, not when he was not interested in you, and neither were you planning to be a fool to wait around any longer. Maybe getting asked out by other guys were signs you should move on. 
You could feel your heart aching and screaming at you to take your prom proposal acceptance back, but you ignored it. You have made up your mind. You knew moving on would hurt, especially after liking Luke for such a long time, but you deemed the pain as a necessary part of the process.
Little did you know, in the corner of the same area, stood a frozen figure.
Luke was standing still where he was emerging from with his breath stuck in his throat. His heart sank at the sight of what he had just witnessed. The boy's eyes fluttered as if hoping he could blink away the sight before him. However, as the situation sunk into his bones like claws digging and ripping through his skin, Luke let out a chuckle of dejection. 
“Luke?” Chris called out. Though upon seeing the sheer look of sorrow on Luke’s face, Chris tried to comfort his friend, “Come on, you can—”
“I can what? It’s too late, Chris. I took too long...” The Hermes cabin counselor looked down at his and Chris’s hands. He blankly stared at the poster he had made yesterday, the bouquet of your favorite flower that he had hand-picked for you, a box filled with gifts, balloons and photos of you two. 
If only you knew Luke had spent the last month preparing this prom proposal. He snuck out of camp multiple times to buy the things he needed, including hunting down the items you have always talked about. He wanted it all to be perfect because, to him, you deserve nothing less. Hence, it took him so long to ask you to prom…too long. 
Luke shut his eyes and let out a deep breath. He shook his head before deciding to hand everything to Chris, who was spilling out words of encouragement. However, realizing they were useless, Chris stopped. His eyes widened when Luke muttered at him to just throw away all the stuff that was now in his hand. Before he could object or change Luke’s mind, the Hermes cabin counselor had already vanished to clear his mind. 
Left alone, Chris looked down at all the stuff in his hand and sighed — Oh, you two were blind fools.
For the next two weeks, camp seemed duller from the lack of interactions between the two of you. The bet among campers was nullified since no one had bet that either of you were going with anybody else. They were so sure the two of you were meant to be.
Just like the rest of camp, you have felt off. You haven’t seen Luke since the day that boy asked you to be his prom date. It seemed almost like your best friend had been avoiding you, though you ruled it as his counselor duties filling up his schedule, especially considering prom was tonight, maybe Luke was helping with setting up the event.
You made your way back to your cabin to get ready, though you felt uneasy because of a negative feeling looming over your mood. You remember being so excited for prom when it was first announced, even anticipating it would be the night you had the most fun in your life. Yet, here you were, foot feeling heavy while heart feeling disconnected. You stopped in your step as you spotted a familiar figure, and the feeling that was weighing you down lifted slightly.
“Hey, stranger,” you could not bring yourself to say his name because you knew doing so would make your own heart tug. His name has somehow become part of your vocabulary — a word so endearing that it warmed your heart and brought a smile to your face every time you said it. You knew learning to unlove him would be a hard task, but not having him around felt was also daunting, “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy with counselor duties,” being best friends meant being able to pick up the slightest of signs that something was off, and you could hear the alarms ringing in your head. You started picking your nails but stopped when you saw him eying your hands. Curse his ability of knowing you too well.
Luke’s eyes softened at your nervous habit. He wanted to hug and comfort you over whatever unease you had, but the boy knew that would do more damage to his heart. To be so near you and knowing you didn’t like him that way. After all, you rejected two guys before agreeing to that one specific boy. Surely, that must have meant you thought the guy was cute or something.
“Oh, well…” you paused before quickly blurting out, “I’ll see later, then?” You could hear your brain scowling at your heart. You wondered if you seemed desperate.
Meanwhile, Luke felt his heart soar at the thought of you wanting to see him, yet at the same time, it ached. He felt pathetic, really. But nevertheless, he was willing to take anything you were willing to offer him, even if it was just a small glance his way. 
Luke wanted to mock his own heart sometimes, calling it sadistic because how could it want you so badly that it was willing to hurt itself doing so? Yet, deep down, the boy knew if crushing his own heart into pieces would bring a smile to your face, he would do exactly so. Gods, you were going to be his demise.
“Yeah, see you later, Y/N” he answered, and you quickly waved him goodbye before entering your cabin and going towards your bed. You sat down on your bed, feeling the mattress sink while your heart also did the same slightly. Something has changed between the two of you, and you hated this awkwardness looming around.
Your eyes landed on the dress you bought a month ago. Your eyebrows scrunched whilst trying to ignore how your heart was aching.
It was in Luke’s favorite color. 
Shawn, your prom date was a nice guy. He gave you a flower and said you looked pretty, and you thanked him before complimenting him back. Then, the two of you joined others around the campfire, swaying along to the music while engaging in small talk. You tried your best to ignore the feeling that was weighing down your chest. Though, you could not help but zone out from whatever Shawn was saying.
Luke hated knowing Shawn and knowing he was not at all a bad candidate for you. However, Luke also hated knowing he could be better than Shawn and could offer you so much more if only he had done so sooner. 
You looked ravishing tonight. Luke felt as if he had been bewitched at first sight. You left him stunned and speechless. Every inch of you left him mesmerized. 
Oh, your dress was in his favorite color. His heart leaped at that as his eyes lingered on how the fabric hugged your body. It’s been an hour since you arrived, and Luke’s eyes have not left you at all, as if they were made just to look at you and nothing else. Even with the music and conversations around him, he could only focus on your occasional laughs and murmurs. He sighed in longing at the thought of having you in his arms as the two of you danced the night away, leaving this one night branded in his heart as one that would redefine his life. Instead, here he was, a spectator rather than the lucky one. 
Luke looked away, trying to breathe out the envy that was overfilling every organ in his body. The boy knew he was to be blamed for the anguish he was drowning in, but he still despise the situation. Luke felt his chest was hollow like an empty glass frame with only his crumbled heart hanging up to be displayed, and worst of all, everybody could see it. If he could, he would abandon his Demigod life to go build a time machine. 
Oh, the despair of losing something and someone he never had. Maybe your acceptance of Shawn’s prom proposal was Aphrodite telling Luke to move on. However, that was the last thing he would ever do. He’d much rather love you in the dark forever instead.
You have re-painted his notion of love and rearranged his understanding of it. Now, whenever he even remotely thought of the word, he could only seem to think of you. Luke could not fathom thinking of anybody else ever when thinking of love.
Luke turned back to where you were, hoping to steal one last look before leaving the event. He thought that maybe this was it. Perhaps it was time to forever close the door on the idea of ever letting you know of his feelings. However, his heart quickly hitched when he saw that your eyes were already on him — those eyes that could talk him into doing anything. 
He wanted to turn away, he really did. But how could he be the first to break eye contact? Gods, you were his Achilles heel, and forever would you have him at your disposal, even if your heart does not belong to him.
His mind started rewiring. You hadn’t stopped looking at him, and the expression on your face was enough to spark a speck of hope in him. But like always, anything related to you would spread through his heart, mind, and body like a wildfire that he never had bothered to put out. 
Before Luke could think about it, his foot took him towards you and through the bodies of people dancing. By the time he reached you, he was not sure if it was the campfire or the nerves that were heating up his cheeks. 
“Can I steal Y/N for a second?” Luke spoke as Shawn spotted him. However, the second Shawn saw the look on Luke’s face, something seemed to click in his mind. He turned to you next, and that was when he knew it was time. There was no competition here, at least from Shawn’s point of view. There was a love story, and it was clear as day who you were meant to end up with. Part of him knew of this even before asking you out, yet he wanted to give it a shot anyway. But it was time for him to step away, and Shawn did it without much bitterness. He nodded and patted Luke on the back before walking away.
One of your favorite slow songs started playing, and Luke smiled when your eyes glimmered at that. Luke felt that heavy feeling in his heart lifted for the first time in two weeks. He never realized the extent of it, but just seeing you happy was enough to make him feel the same. You mirrored Luke’s smile, letting out a small sigh of relief when noticing he was no longer distant. Gods, you missed the way both his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and that’s how you knew he meant it. You were elated at the thought that maybe things are returning to normal for you two.
“May I have this dance?” Luke offered a hand to you. There was something so sincere in his voice that caught you slightly off-guard. Though, you brushed it off like always, still convinced that your best friend did not see you that way.
Before you knew it, the two of you were swaying while giggling along with the song. You almost snorted from the jokes Luke was whispering in your ears while Luke would proudly smile at himself when you playfully hit his chest from his cheeky comments and remarks. You both swayed to the music that was slowly fading away. He softly leaned his head on yours, closing his eyes with contentment as he caught the smell of your perfume, which would always linger behind, leaving traces of you every time you departed.
The song finished, but Luke’s feet continued swaying despite the silence between songs. He would dance until his legs deteriorated if that was the only way to keep you near him.
Oh, to have you but not have you. It felt as if somebody had cut Luke’s heart open and sprinkled salt on the wound. It hurt him, but nevertheless, he looked at you like you were the only one that he could imagine himself being with. His eyes lingered on every detail of you, swallowing them whole as if he intended to make you the subject of all his paintings, like an obsessed artist.
Luke closed his eyes briefly as his breath quivered at the sound of his name on your lips. You said his name, and his world just stopped. It has been a good two weeks since he had heard his name from your lips, and it suddenly reminded him how much of a desperate man he was when it came to your words, your touch, your looks, and everything that had to do with you. He was utterly defenseless.
“I don’t want you like a best friend,” Luke breathed out before he could think twice. Realizing what he had just said, he decided right then that he wanted you to know everything. He wanted to let you look into his heart and understand it has always been yours.
“I want you—I want to be yours,” he spoke, tripping over his words as his mind spun around what to say next. There were too many things he wanted to say, and he desperately wanted this moment to be perfect. 
“I really, really like you, Y/N,” he spoke, hoping it would send the exact message he was trying to convey. “Like in a hopeless and irrevocable way… it’s driving me insane.” He added, his voice slightly shaking, though his heart burned when you didn’t reply. 
“Please say something,” he whispered, any bit of courage he had earlier evaporated faster than he could imagine.
Your mouth hung slightly agape at his words. His words has seemingly took all your breath away.
He wanted you. 
You almost laughed at how pathetic it was that both of you had been sulking the whole night over something that could have been avoided if either of you had the guts to speak up. Just an hour ago, you were so determined to get over him. Yet, here you were. This moment felt like having your dreams come true and unsure what to do with it. But deciding enough time has been wasted, you wrapped your arms around his head and pulled him down towards you.
Luke met you in the middle. His breath trembled slightly as your lips met his. He immediately put his hands on both sides of your face, caressing it ever so delicately like he was holding a national treasure in his hand. The boy felt his angst melting away, heart tangled in his throat as the moment rendered him speechless. If he could pick one singular moment to remember in his next life, this moment would be it.
You giggled as Luke unintentionally whined quietly when you pulled away. You mirrored his actions and set your hands on the sides of his face. Your thumb rubbed his face before uttering, “I like you too…” You watched as a grin grew on his face, and you mirrored it, quickly adding, “In fact, I think I like you a little too much.”
“Gods, you don’t understand how much I like you.”
“I’m sure we’ll have time later to find that out,” he grinned at your words.
The sound of someone whistling pulled you both from your little moment. Turning both your heads, you saw Chris with a big folded piece of paper, balloons, flowers, and a rather big box. Luke let out a chuckle in disbelief. He was grateful his friend did not follow his words and threw away the items. 
You watched as Luke left your side for a second to grab the box and muttered something to Chris. The other boy unfolded the paper, and your eyes widened slightly at the sign.
“I was gonna ask you to be my prom date, but Shawn beat me to it,” Luke approached you with your favorite flowers and the box, opening it to let you peer in. When your eyes landed on the things in there, your heart almost melted. Some of it was your favorite treats, a small photo album of the two of you, and gifts you always mindlessly said you wanted to have. Some were hard to find, and the thought of him going out of his way to hunt down these items warmed your heart.
“It’s too late to ask you to be my prom date now…but I do have another question I want to ask,” you looked up at him, and the way he looked at you right at that moment made you realize you were screwed forever because nobody would ever measure.
“Will you be mine instead?” Luke watched as you smiled at his words and took the flower out of his hand.
“How could I ever say no to you?” you pulled him in again, and Luke, once again, sank into the kiss like an addiction he welcomed with open arms. 
Oh, you were the best thing that ever happened to Luke, and he was never intending on letting you go.
join my Luke Castellan taglist
taglist: @nininehaaa @perseus-jackass @tanifsblog @bubbly0 @hinata7346 @justanotherkpopstanlol @mysteris-things @randomgurl2326 @star611 @2hiigh2cry @seriously-slytherin22 @spideytingley @blondervoi @stuffyownswrld @fantasticchaosthing @amortencjja @chunkiwhunki @bookwormlu @crack240 @fandomthings-blog @sh0-ya @milkncookies143 @burdeningbitch @bugcuti3 @alexisishaunted @lilacspider @olivegirl123 @nellyjan-th @kehlanislefttoe @awenthealchemist @intergalactic-padawan @ricciardolover @whorecruxfortom @locknco @vanessa-rafesgirl @achenetype @haley2004 @ahlookatallthelonelypeople @strawberry--bunny @dancing-inasnowglobe @aviddilfenjoyer @jpg3 @ughnayaxoxo @jennapancake @slutt4siriusblack @marlenelyra @llpovi @ambrozjas-alt @catiwinky @wandas-gurlfri3nd @amandareids @kurtcobaingirlie @milkyhrtss @bruiswd @remussbitch @star-flecked-soul @asthmaticism @fairieeee @mehrmonga @siimplyapril @chaos-and-food @itsarajr @worstsimpevertbh @black-redrose @moonintheforest @losraire @fennecswife @lifebutterflyeffect04 @huang-the-geek @zofireads @taelattecookie @needy-much @dark-academia-slut @caramelandvenus @idli-dosa @just--a--random--human--being @niktwazny303 @ramirez03052010 @saffronwritesstuff @just-a-blue-nerd @yomochuu
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forever--darling · 4 months
Hi sweet girl , I want to tell you that your me & the devil fic is one of my favorites and one of the best I'm reading. For me Anakin x reader is perfection 💗.
I don't know if I'm being too ambitious but in blurb ideas I have one for Hayden and one for Anakin. I would like it to be fluffy.
From Hayden it could be something like : How is an outing with him ? ( I love how homey he is ) . Cooking together , watching movies in his living room while cuddling . Him giving that charming smile he has .
And for Anakin I love the idea of how he comforts his girl . Hugs , nicknames , cuddling together .
summary: a night staying in, resulting in getting high, has you unable to focus on the idea of sex when you're too busy laughing & realizing the extent of your feelings
pairings: hayden christenson x young!reader
word count: 1.0k
warnings/notes: age!gap (reader in mid-twenties), mention of weed/getting high, fluff, honeymoon phase af, mentions of sex, mentions of anakin skywalker
p.s. to whoever requested this, I will be doing your second request as well sometime soon.
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Blue pupils stared back at you, up through the dim lighting of the bedside lamp. Slightly blown out, from the weed in his system or you, you weren’t sure. You couldn’t know as this wasn’t something the two of you ever did often, yet the sudden fire beneath your skin and the precious need to press your body close to his was something you craved. Perhaps, it was the way his lips felt along your collarbones, the sides of your neck, or how his warm hands, calluses in all, felt along the bareskin of your sides. Maybe it was just him in general, how much and how quickly you had found yourself wanting him. 
Or maybe it's just the drugs. 
The way they seemed to warp your senses, filling the air with some sort of stamina that left the particles buzzing and your breath astray. The music sounded quieter than it really was, but perhaps it was masked by the soft giggle that poured out freely. 
“What? What is it?” Hayden sighed, almost disappointed, his head lifting up from where his lips had been attached to your collarbone, kissing softly.
A quirk appeared in his brow, a teasing look in his eyes as he took in the way you appeared so perfectly pinned underneath him. His body on top of yours, legs parting yours, his weight light as they pushed you deeper into the mattress. 
Your laughter quit but only for a moment as you tried to explain just what was so funny to you in the first place, something that wouldn’t have been nearly as funny if you hadn’t smoked as much as you had. For not having done it in a while other than the edibles you had at least once a week, you had forgotten how much to inhale. 
“Nothing,” you said, trying to appear as serious as can be, a smile forming in a fine line as you met his stare. 
Your laugh burst out again, though, and your eyes crinkled shut, unable to stop the way the hormones attacked the neurons in your brain. 
“Right,” Hayden replied, narrowing his eyes playfully, the redness in them no doubt matching your own. “Clearly, it’s nothing if it has you laughing as much as you are.” 
You shook your head, hands automatically wrapping around his strong shoulders, fingers carding through the back of his hair almost like they had a mind of their own. The softness of the short curls had your heart bursting if that was even a feeling. 
“Seriously, tell me.” 
“I can’t.” 
“And why not?” he demanded, thumbs rubbing soft circles across your hips. 
You were laughing again, and his head was falling, meeting your chest with ease, a sigh filtering out of his lips. 
“Baby,” he mumbled, lips pressed along your collarbone again, but this time no longer gracing them with the kisses you had come to love so much. Almost too much. 
“Fine, okay,” you gave in, laughter diminishing again to nothing but a soft chuckle, tears pricking your eyes as you tried to get the words out, “I was just thinking…” 
“When you’ve hooked up with girls in the past, have they, ever, you know. Asked you to like dress up in costume?”
A deadpan look appeared on his face as his head lifted, eyes finding yours again, “What do you mean?” 
“Like, have they ever been mid-foreplay and straight out asked you if you can dress up as Anakin or Darth Vader?” 
“Where is this coming from?” he chuckled, too, lips lifting into that smile that somehow had convinced you to leave all the guys your age in the past. 
“Or have they asked you to pull out your lightsaber?” 
“Y/N,” he shook his head, mouth forming in an ‘o’, almost in surprise as you continued to laugh. “I’m trying to initiate sex here, and you’re laughing about if other girls have asked me to make their Star Wars sex fantasies a reality?”
“Well, yeah,” you replied, the tone almost accusatory tone as if it was something you would be asking, especially five hits later from the joint that was now stubbed out in the bathroom. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that,” he laughed then, too, “Why, is that something you want? Do you want to know about my lightsaber?” 
“I mean, yeah, who wouldn’t,” you retorted, laughter falling away to complete seriousness.
 Staring down at him, you felt the silence lull, almost swallowing you whole as the realization appeared again, almost like a car hitting you out of nowhere. The realization that you had fallen for an older man, a man you hadn’t expected to ever want you back, to notice you the way he had. Worse, to love him as you did so quickly, so immensely was too much, too much to understand, to accept. 
Yet there you were, pinned beneath him, heart so full, so well-kept, hoping that it would stay close within his palms for the rest of time. 
That charming smile appeared then on his face, his eyes crinkling slightly, a certain sort of contentment appearing as if he had had a revelation of his own. Words were not enough in that moment, so evidently as he leaned up, connecting his lips with yours, softly, deeply as if he was trying to pour his very own breath into your being. 
You loved this man; that was inevitable. 
After a few seconds, he pulled back, only enough for his lips to depart from yours. That smirk of his still firmly sat along his face. “So, what are you saying? Do you want me to go grab my wardrobe from set? I’m sure you would really have something to laugh at then, wouldn’t you?” 
You loved this man, and you wanted him like this forever.
“Yeah, I would.” 
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devox2564 · 6 months
In Your Heart: Chapter 6
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In Your Heart
Jake Kizka x femreader
Wild by Kelsey Karter and the Heroines
Check out this song/band to get a taste of my vision for Wolfsbane's music.
Chapter 6: Alive
The energy of the arena, even backstage, is electric. Your body buzzes with nervous energy as you sit in front of the dressing room mirror. The lights cast a glow on your face and give off a heat that beats on your already warm skin. Tabitha is in the corner running through her warm up, as Anika and Liz go over the set list one final time. Your eyes are ringed in smoky black and your lips are painted a deep velvety shade of red. The long black jumpsuit you are wearing is cut low in the front and shimmers at the slightest movement. You'd agonized over this outfit for weeks when Tabby had finally broken and chosen something for you. Looking at your reflection, you're thankful to her for having such good taste.
A woman with a headset knocks on the doorframe and says "10 minutes ladies, let's get ready to go."
Your nerves intensify and you stare at yourself in the mirror for a moment longer, only pulling yourself away when Anika grabs you by the elbow and begins to drag you out of the room. "Come on beautiful, we can't do this shit without you."
"I'm so fucking nervous man." you say to her as the four of you exit the room and into the long hallway that leads to the stage.
"Yeah you and me both." Liz says with a laugh.
You can feel the sweat beading on your brow as you tease the strings of your guitar. The crowd roars at the last line of the last song in the set. Your guitar rings out and you throw your head back, tossing your hair behind you and leaning into the final notes. Tabby's voice draws out in one final ghoulish drawl and the lights flourish and go out. She introduces the four of you to loud applause. "Thank you Nashville! We're Wolfsbane, now get fucking ready for Greta Van Fleet!"
You exit the stage to loud shouts and cheers. Your heart pounds like the beat of a hummingbird's wings. Your skin is aflame with white hot energy. You are, to put it simply, exhilarated. The four of you rush into the hall backstage. Breathing hard, the first face you see clearly amongst the commotion is Jake's.
His soft brown eyes are twinkling, set perfectly against his lopsided grin. You break out into a fast run and jump into his arms. He gives you a small spin before setting you back on your feet.
"You guys were fantastic." he beams down at you and even in the harsh light of the fluorescents his gaze takes your breath.
It's been about 6 weeks since the infamous kiss on the couch of your apartment. You were hoping that all the preparation for this leg of the tour would distract you from your growing attraction but it had done the exact opposite. When you weren't together, he lived tucked away in the warmest sweetest corner of your mind. The memory of his lips was almost torture. 'Friends for now'. Yeah right.
In this moment, his arms around your waist combined with the adrenaline of the stage make for a deadly combination of happiness and sexual frustration. You'd orchestrated moments like this before where he'd have the opportunity to kiss you again if he wanted but you hadn't been so lucky. You pull out of his grasp and turn around to find the girls retreating to the calm of the dressing room. Tabby looks at you over her shoulder and gives you a subtle (not subtle at all) wink.
"It's like, really being alive out there. Right?" you half say, half ask him.
"You're exactly right." he replies. "Come on back with me and we'll have a drink before I've got to go on."
You begin to walk ahead of him deeper in to the maze of hallways. Right as you reach the corner, out of sight of the stage staff, his hands grip your waist and gently push you against the wall. His lips are on yours before your brain has had time to process the movement. His lips are firm and moving with an urgency that you are completely unfamiliar with. You push back against him, kissing back with the fervor of the touch starved woman that you are. The fire on your skin travels to the pit of your stomach where butterflies have erupted, fluttering nervously in time with your heart. Time seems to have stopped around the two of you completely as you pull away and look into his eyes. They've lost their soft blurred edges and taken on an intensity that warms the space between your legs. "Do you know how incredibly hot it is to see you perform?" he asks you with his voice low and quiet for only you to hear.
"Do you know how annoying it is that it's taken you 6 weeks to kiss me again?" you fire back playfully, dodging his question.
"We're friends remember?"
"It's been close to 6 months since I've had sex and you expected me to hold firm on that?" you let out a laugh and attempt to pull his lips into another kiss.
"Ah, ah, ah-" he tuts and presses his finger to your lips. "We haven't even been out on a date yet."
"What the fuck does that matter?" your eyes roll. He's doing this on purpose to torture you. Old habits die hard you suppose. Maybe that's a con of being friends with a man before you get involved.
"You've got about..." he checks an imaginary watch "Two months and about 20 shows to go before we can go on our real first date."
"You've got to be kidding me Jacob." you huff.
"Hey, I'm not the one who set that boundary. That would be you my sweet sweet guitar goddess." he's still holding firm to your hips and gloating down at you.
"Get the fuck off of me." you peck his cheek and push him to free yourself.
"I'm being respectful!" he call after you as you walk away.
You throw him a smile over your shoulder and saunter away. When you reach the dressing room, the rest of your bandmates are getting ready to find their seats to watch the show. The guys had made sure that at least for this show, the four of you would have a seat to spectate from. 
You settle into the hard plastic seat sandwiched between Tabby and Liz, with Anika seated directly in front of you. Before you've had time to even try to get comfortable, the three of them are on you. 
"So, what the fuck was that about?" Tabby asks grinning like an idiot. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." You roll your eyes and chuckle a bit, trying extremely hard to play it cool.
"Don't even play like something didn't just happen between you and lover boy." Anika is twisted around and smiling knowingly at you. Like she's lived your exact scenario a hundred times before. 
"Yeah, I've never jumped into the waiting arms of a guy I was 'just friends' with." Liz chimes in elbowing you in the ribs.
"Its none of your business." you're really laughing now, knowing you'll have to tell them something.
"Your lipstick is fucked up." Anika gestures toward your face.
You scramble a bit to get your phone and take a look. 
"Ha! I lied!" she exclaims "But I fucking got you! You guys were totally knocking tonsils back there!" 
"Look, I'm still trying to figure it out myself." you lean your elbows down onto your knees and bury your hands in your hair. "We haven't even been out yet, really."
"Hey, I was with you that night out in Savannah, little Jakey's been down bad for you since then. Maybe even before that." Tabitha is leaning back in her seat, arms stretched to either side, talking casually like its nothing.
"I'll spill the details after the show. Until then. You three. Just. Shut. Up." your face is burning through your makeup.
Watching Jake perform is near pornographic. Especially after your encounter in the hallway. His face is contorted in a sort of music driven ecstacy. Sweat beads on his brow and glistens on his chest in the hot stage lights. Hands moving as quickly as lightning, his fingers teasing the strings in all the right ways, riffing so naturally that it must be an extension of his soul. 
You're only a few yards from the edge of the stage, so close that you can imagine what his cologne might smell like mixed with his perspiration. You lock eyes with him just as the song ends and it's like the two of you are the only people in the world. High on the buzz of the stage, they are heavy lidded. You find that the only thing that lives within them in this particular moment is lust. Even from a distance you can feel him exposing you. 
His gaze shoots through you like lightning and travels straight between your legs. While extremely turned on, you're also extremely annoyed. It's going to be a long, long tour.
Thanks for reading this week! Things are heating up a bit right? 
If you're curious as to what Wolfsbane might sound like as a real band, check out Kelsey Karter and the Heroines. I heard their music and knew the girl band I included in this story would sound like them. I also feel like they would be a cool choice to get a GVF crowd hyped before a show. Give them a listen and let me know if you feel the same way. 
This chapter was a little shorter, so expect something nice and long next week!
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
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for his honey 🍯
ian’s impressed when his husband’s business savvy helps them expand their farm. and he's going to make sure he knows it.
we all know @gallawitchxx is the queen bee of the birthday trope mashup ficlets. but what about her birthday prompt: alternate universe with characters who work together? so here you go, babe. a little something for your bee-day 🐝
rating: [be]e (<- "i was hoping for something a bit spicer". challenge accepted. 🌶) word count: 3.5k
and shoutout to sara @shameless-notashamed for the brilliant beta brain
read below the cut or on ao3 🍯🐝
Mickey’s phone vibrates in his pocket. It takes a moment for him to register the feeling against his leg out here surrounded by the familiar white noise of his bees buzzing away in their hives. He slides the frame back into the box, quickly removes his gloves, sets them beside his well-used smoker, and answers the call.
“He signed the contract!” an excited woman squeals through the speaker. He winces, holding the phone farther away from his ear. “I’ll swing by with a copy for you two to sign tomorrow.”
Mickey’s beaming when he hangs up. Victorious.
“Who was that?” Ian brushes the dirt off his hands and wanders over from where he’d been working in his garden.
It’s curiosity only, an interest in his husband’s life. Not an ounce of distrust or jealousy. They’d long gotten over all that shit. Solid for over a decade.
“Realtor,” Mickey answers.
“Realtor?” Ian repeats, confused.
“We got it.” Mickey doesn’t bother to hide his accomplished smile. Hell of a fight, but he did it.
“We got what?” Ian still hasn’t caught on.
“It. The land. The expansion.”
“Wait, what? I thought—” Mickey watches the realization wash over him. “How?”
“I have my ways.” Mickey smirks.
“‘Course you do.” Ian’s body language softens, excitement morphing into something else. Something notably hotter than even the warm summer air. “You always make shit happen.”
Damn straight he does.
Mickey looks around at all they’ve built. Their respectable plot of land. The couple acres of bee farm. The sizable garden they cleared last year for Ian’s crops. The small country store by the road where they sell their local, organic honey—and more recently, Ian’s produce and quickly-becoming-famous jarred tomato sauce—to tourists passing through on their way to their fancy-ass vacation homes in the mountains. A huge step up from the booth they used to lug around to every farmer’s market in a hundred-mile radius.
Ever since Ian followed his gardening passions to grow their business, he’s been whining about not having enough space to grow all the shit he wants. Nerdy ass motherfucker has all dozen of his beds mapped out in a goddamn spreadsheet trying to squeeze in as many things as possible.
They’d talked about trying to purchase the empty lot behind theirs. Called up a realtor. Paid a fucking appraiser to come out and give them an estimate of the land’s value. Sat down one very long night with the books and crunched the numbers. It was doable. 
Only stumbling block was the prick who currently owned it. Some old, rich, white, republican asshole whose family bought up half the town generations ago. Jackass in a suit with zero intention of ever using the land for anything other than stroking his own ego. 
So they made him an offer in line with said ego. Too generous if you asked Mickey, but Ian was so eager to make it happen that Mickey’d agreed. The response came back the very same day. No. Dickwad had refused to even consider it.
Ian wrote it off as a lost cause and sulked around for a week. But Mickey didn’t plan on letting it go that easily. If this guy thought he could bully them around just because he had a half-decent education and a pile of daddy’s money, he had another thing coming. 
Kind of shit Terry would have pulled if he’d had the power. The thought only pissed Mickey off and made him want to fuck the guy over even more. His fist-fighting days might be over, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still up for a good challenge. Don’t fuck with a man’s honey.
“Can’t believe you kept going after him.” Ian steps into Mickey’s space. Drapes his arms over his shoulders. “Thought we’d given up.” A familiar fire burns in his eyes.
Mickey looks up into Ian’s heated gaze. “My husband’s got eight hundred varieties of tomatoes to grow. Think I’m gonna let some jackass stand in the way of that?” He grins, a mischievous thing, knowing damn well what these kinds of things do to Ian.
In an instant, Ian’s lips are on his, his tongue slipping through Mickey’s smile. 
God, he fucking loves this man. All these years and it never gets old. Still that same rush. That same fluttering in his gut.
Ian’s arms slide down and wrap around Mickey’s back, those huge hands spread possessively across his rib cage. Mickey lets his hands fall from Ian’s waist to his hips where he slips his thumbs into the band of his dirty jeans and tugs. Not enough to pull them off, but enough to convey the message.
Hands drop to Mickey’s hips, pulling them forward and holding him steady as Ian grinds their already half-hard dicks together. Mickey swallows down the low moan breathed into his mouth before Ian pulls back, stepping away in his best effort to restrain himself.
“Not here,” Ian says.
“Jesus Christ. This again?” Mickey complains, wiping sweat from his brow, a combination of heat and arousal.
“I just can’t,” Ian whines. “The endless buzzing. Thousands of tiny eyes. Watching.” He makes a show of visibly shuddering at the thought.
“They’re bees. They aren’t fucking watching. Pretty sure they don’t give a shit to see us bang.”
“What if one stings your dick?”
“Seriously?” Mickey grouches. “Used to fuck behind the hives at the school almost every day. Never used to complain then.” But Mickey starts gathering his bee-keeping supplies into his toolbox anyway.
“Actually, yes. Yes, I did, but I put up with it ‘cause it was the only spot your dad would never come near.” Ian helps him pack up his tools.
There really was something funny about the fact that Terry—the big, tough, drug-running, child-abusing piece of shit—was terrified of some tiny, fuzzy insects. Maybe that’s part of what drew Mickey to bee-keeping. A quiet way to piss on his father.
Mickey hadn’t even known what apiculture was when he’d signed up for the high school’s agriculture program as his junior year elective. But it sounded like an easy class, and maybe he’d pick up some tips to up production from his weed plants. And of course Ian was there, damn hippie with a provider complex, eager to learn how to feed his whole family from a handful of seeds. 
Ended up being the only period Mickey never skipped. Surprisingly, some of the material still managed to sink in even if he did spend every class staring at silky red hair. 
They rush back to the store in record time, teasing each other the whole way. Mickey grabs at Ian’s dick, tickling his balls through his jeans. Ian slaps his ass when Mickey turns to run, a seductive waggle to his strut. Flirty and fun, always bringing out that youthful energy in each other.
Finally, they reach the back door, slamming it open as they bumble their way inside, practically tripping over each other on their quest to get behind the locking door of their office. But of fucking course, the bell chimes, and in walks an elderly couple, probably retired, traveling through in that giant-ass RV Mickey can see through the front windows.
And Mickey’s about to get real bitchy with these cockblocking customers, already sucking in a breath ready to blow, when Ian’s hand lands on his chest. Cool it, tiger. Can’t be scaring off the money makers.
Mickey lets it out, restrains himself just enough, tapping his foot while Ian goes off to greet the couple. He watches Ian show them around the store, offering samples of their most popular varieties of honey. 
It’s a small shop, but it’s nice. Theirs. Mickey ain’t ashamed to admit he’s proud of it.
After what seems like hours to Mickey’s impatiently pulsing dick, Ian finally rings them up. Managed to sweet talk them into three bottles of honey, a jar of his precious tomato sauce, and even one of Franny’s handmade bracelets on display by the register. Mickey’s always impressed by his husband’s salesman skills, but Jesus fuck, can he not be so fucking nice to everyone all the damn time?
Ian flips the sign on the door to “closed”. His eyes land on Mickey, fucking him up and down from across the room. Mickey’s ass clenches in anticipation. Then the tension snaps, the both of them darting toward the office in the same instant.
Mickey makes it there first. By the time he turns around, Ian’s locking the door behind them, shirt already stripped off somewhere along the way. Fucker really hates shirts.
Before Mickey can blink, Ian’s got him shoved up against the wall, his body pinning him hard against the old wood paneling. He smells like dirt and sun and tomato leaves. Up this close, Mickey can see the pollen dusting across his nose, hiding amongst the freckles.
“Now tell me,” Ian growls into the crook of Mickey’s neck, breath hot against his skin, “how you broke that bastard into selling you the land.” Mickey tilts his head back, exposing more flesh to Ian’s busy lips. “Into giving you what you wanted.”
“Told him— fuck.” Ian pulls the collar of Mickey’s shirt open with his teeth, revealing even more skin to be ravaged.
“Tell me,” Ian chides.
Mickey sucks in a shaky breath. “Told him if he didn’t hand over the land, the ABF, USDA, and EPA would be up his ass ‘bout fucking with an endangered species’ natural habitat. Went after the fuckers money. ‘Course he folded.”
Mickey leaves out the part about slipping his brother some cash to “look into the guy” just in case the legal threats didn’t pan out. But if he never had to use the blackmail, Ian didn’t need to know.
“Money’s all that prick’s got in his life.” Mickey hisses as Ian grinds their hips together at just the right angle. “Doesn’t have a hunk of a husband like I do.”
Ian smiles at him like Mickey just came home with the winning lottery ticket. 
“Fuck, I married the sexiest man on the planet.”
Ian reaches under Mickey’s ass and lifts his feet off the floor. Mickey circles his arms around his neck, holding on as their mouths crash together. Knocking teeth. Bruised and bitten lips.
Then Ian’s moving. Stumbling backward. Mickey’s too lost in their fervid kisses to pay much mind, trusting completely in his husband. At Ian’s mercy, always.
The back of his legs hit the edge of the desk, and Ian sets him down. The perfect height to line their mouths up just right. 
Mickey’s hands work their way into Ian’s hair, tugging at the strands and scratching at his scalp. Ian clasps Mickey’s cheeks, his thumbs rubbing soft circles along his jawline, a stark contrast to the way he sucks Mickey’s lips between his teeth and pinches.
They’re both panting when they finally part for air. Ian’s fingers frantically unfasten Mickey’s jeans. Mickey uses his arms wrapped around Ian’s neck to pull him up enough for Ian to slide them off, exposing his bare ass to the polished wood. 
He hears seams popping when Ian yanks Mickey’s shirt over his head. Ian wraps him in his strong arms and moans when their naked chests press together.
“You showed that asshole who’s boss,” Ian says, stepping back and stripping out of his own pants. “Now let me show yours.”
He rounds the desk. In one fluid movement, he swipes everything on its surface to the ground. Pens scatter, papers go flying, but it’s just a mess. They learned long ago not to keep anything fragile on there.
The handle nearly tears off the drawer Ian pulls it open with such force. He grabs the bottle of office lube and slams it on the cleared surface.
He stalks back in front of Mickey. Grabs his chin for one quick but all-consuming kiss before turning him around by the shoulder. A rough shove to Mickey’s upper back and he’s bent over the desk. His exposed asshole clenched, waiting. 
“Fuck,” Ian whispers behind him. Raspy. Reverent. Fingertips trail down his spine. “Gorgeous like this. Still can’t believe I get to have this.”
A swift palm to Mickey’s left cheek has him gasping in surprise. He melts further into the desk, surrendering to the sweet, sweet sting on his skin. 
So that’s how this is going to go. Mickey closes his eyes and curls his bottom lip between his teeth. He mentally runs through the possibility of buying up all the neighboring land if this is the reward.
Ian must have lubed up while Mickey was lost in his thoughts because suddenly he’s being filled, Ian crooking his finger into that perfect spot right off the bat. 
“Ah, fuck. Holy fuck,” Mickey moans, burying his face in his arms. 
His back arches into the pressure, his legs already starting to shake. From one finger. Fuck, his husband owns him. 
One finger quickly turns into two, Ian scissoring them open for that achingly good stretch. He folds himself over Mickey’s body, planting soft kisses on the still-warm flesh of Mickey’s slapped cheek, Ian’s lips buzzing against skin when he moans into it.
He’ll never get over the sounds of his husband getting off to Mickey’s pleasure. From Mickey just being. Just submitting. Riles Ian up just as much as having his dick in Mickey’s mouth. 
Then he adds a third finger to the mix. Fucks them into him good and hard while his other hand snakes around to stroke Mickey’s cock, his lips never leaving Mickey’s skin. Never enough to push him over that edge, just enough to keep him teetering right on it.
And then, fuck, then another. A glorious fourth finger that has Mickey drooling over the desk, his mouth hanging open as frankly inhuman sounds escape his lungs. His hips sway on his shaking legs as he adjusts to the sensation. 
Spread. Stretched. Stuffed. 
By his husband.
“Fuck,” Ian purrs and Mickey can feel him stand up behind him. “Take it so good, baby. Doing such a good job for me.”
Even with his eyes closed, Mickey can picture the look on Ian’s face as he stands back and soaks in the view. Half his hand buried in Mickey’s slick ass bent over the table.
Ian twists his fingers inside Mickey’s pulsing hole and they both groan in unison. Mickey’s not sure which one of them is enjoying this more.
“Love it when you let me use this perfect hole of yours,” Ian goes on, his voice sending shivers up Mickey’s spine. “Let me treat you like the queen you are.”
And Mickey’s preening under Ian’s attention, his body opening up to accept whatever Ian wants to give him.
It took him a while to get used to this, to get comfortable with it—Ian showering him in praise and affection—after a lifetime of hurt and neglect. Never learned how to process such positive words. 
But now he loves it. Has learned to relish in it. Sometimes even beg for it. The assurance of how much his husband loves his body, loves him, all of him, soothing like warm tea and honey. 
Ian keeps up his sensuous torment—fucking his fingers into him, spouting words both sweet and filthy into his ear—until Mickey’s legs can barely hold him up any longer.
Finally, Ian takes mercy on him. Reluctantly removes his digits, leaving Mickey empty, his cheeks clenching down hard in search of something, anything, to get that feeling back.
A strong hand wraps around his waist, stands him up, supporting most of his weight, and lowers both of them to the ground, Mickey coming to settle on his sore ass between Ian’s spread legs. Ian’s twitching cock presses against Mickey’s back, smearing wet slickness across his sweaty skin. 
His tongue licks a heavy stripe up Mickey’s neck ending in sharp nibbles to his ear. “So fucking proud of my man,” whispered so soft Mickey’s not entirely sure he didn’t imagine it. But no, he didn’t. Ian’s just like that.
Then Ian’s flipping them, pinning Mickey on his back on the plush carpet—the first and only thing they’ve remodeled in the place. 
Ian straddles him, hovering painfully close but not close enough over Mickey’s thighs. He stares down at him. Pupils blown. Lost to the sight.
Mickey’s body writhes beneath him, hips bucking sky high in an attempt to find something to grind against. Friction or pressure or fucking something before he implodes under Ian’s gaze.
“You have no idea how sexy you look right now.” Ian has the audacity to smirk at him. Like he isn’t torturing the man in the most beautiful of ways.
“Please. Please, Ian,” Mickey begs, his voice hoarse and shaking. Full of desire and lust and need he’s long since stopped trying to hide.
He loves his husband. Loves the way he makes him feel. There’s no shame in that.
Ian smiles. A devious thing. Victory.
Mickey doesn’t even care. 
Then he dips his head, marking his way up Mickey’s body. A trail of both teeth and suction bruising over his stomach, his chest, even the soft underside of his arm, that ultra-sensitive spot Mickey never knew he loved until Ian explored every inch of him. Ian finishes up his warpath across his neck, leaving hickies Mickey knows he won’t be able to hide.
Mickey thinks briefly of the third graders Ian invited to tour the farm tomorrow. “Come on, Mick. We’ll make it educational. Gotta get the next generation interested if we’re gonna save the bees.” Hopefully, the swarm of eight-year-olds will believe the marks are bee stings. A simple workplace hazard.
Someone sure is a hazard around this workplace, alright.
Finally, Ian’s lips make it all the way to Mickey’s. Tongues tangle in search of that familiar taste. 
Ian’s splayed out against him, the full length of their naked bodies pressed against each other. Mickey squirms, rutting his cock against Ian’s, but it’s not enough. He’s still so achingly empty he’s convinced his body will turn to dust if he doesn’t get his ass filled soon.
“Ian. I need— I need—” His brain is too lost to get the right words to his mouth, but Ian understands.
His husband reaches under Mickey’s weakened legs and helps him wrap them around his waist. He lines them up. Mickey’s nails dig into Ian’s back as he braces himself. 
Then, Ian’s pounding into him in one swift motion. He sinks to the hilt on the first thrust, Mickey’s hole already so stretched and ready for him.
Mickey registers the feeling of the scream leaving his chest but can’t hear it over the blood rushing in his ears. Finally. Filled. Perfectly. By the perfect one.
Ian keeps up the relentless rhythm—good and hard, just the way Mickey likes it—until Mickey’s close. Right back on that edge. He mutters incoherent sounds until Ian gets a hand on his dick and grants him that long-awaited orgasm in three solid strokes.
Fucking ecstasy right here on the office floor. Anywhere Ian is.
Ian drags his come-slick hand up Mickey’s chest, rubbing it into his skin. Mickey hisses, all the sensations too much on the comedown.
Ian slows his thrusts, not ready to separate just yet, but eases up on Mickey’s pleasure-wrecked body.
“God, I fucking love you.” Ian’s eyes lock on Mickey’s, boring through him as he rocks his cock inside his still pulsing hole. “Fucking perfect. No one else I’d want to do this with. All of this.”
And with that, Ian’s face screws up, his eyes slamming shut against his will as he spills inside of him. 
Ian’s arms shudder, his elbows give, and he collapses on top of Mickey’s chest where they stay. It takes a solid minute for the buzzing in Mickey’s ears to fade out. For his vision to clear. The tingling in his fingers and toes to subside.
He swallows. His throat feels raw. Must have been too lost to realize just how loud he’d gotten. One of the perks of being out here in the boonies. Not that neighbors would stop Mickey anyhow. Nothing a shot of homegrown honey won’t soothe.
When they’ve finally recovered, Mickey crawls his way over to the desk and opens the bottom drawer. The one where they keep the financial shit Ian avoids at all costs.
He watches Ian’s face as Mickey pulls out the supplies he’d stashed there days ago when it looked like the deal might actually go through. A picnic blanket. A grocery bag of Pringles and Snickers bars. A couple joints, the good shit from their buddy’s farm. And, even though Mickey thinks it’s disgusting, a bottle of champagne because he knows Ian loves that kind of sappy crap.
Ian’s eyes well up, soft motherfucker, and he smiles.
“For the official celebration,” Mickey says, holding up the bottle.
“You…” Ian trails off, for once at a loss for words.
“Here,” Mickey grabs one last thing from the drawer. A packet of seeds. “Let’s go plant some fucking tomatoes. As many as you want.”
Ian grabs Mickey’s face. Presses their lips together again. But this time they’re soft and slow. An I love you and thank you. 
Sweet as honey.
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hangon-silvergirl · 1 year
What's your favourite thing you've written this year? Can be a whole story, a chapter, a line or piece of dialogue, a turn of phrase - anything!
My favorite thing that I've written this year is the first scene that I wrote for Marigold (it's from chapter two), and writing it was what made me decide to publish the story (and ultimately the buzz as well). I'd been out of fandom for a couple of years at that point, had even deleted my original tumblr, and I was honestly really hesitant to start publishing fanfic again.
This particular idea, however, haunted me for like two weeks before I finally hashed it out, and writing it really made me really want to share it with people. Marigold has had a very clear start, middle, and end for me right from the beginning, and it all took shape around this little section:
Bowie wraps up and Dio starts playing Rainbow in the Dark. Chrissy preens, starts crooning; she loves this song. It might be her favorite, next to Uptown Girl. It’s a song she’d stumbled on, discovered while watching MTV at a house party last fall. She’s not generally into this sort of music--hard and heavy, usually aggressive--but Chrissy believes firmly that every genre has exceptions, songs that are for anybody and everybody, and this song is one of those; a gateway drug for metal music. “Lost my hold to the shadows of the night,” she sings quietly. Chrissy queues up at the til behind the only other customer in the store. She absentmindedly takes in his height and broad shoulders and long curly hair, which is pulled into a loose bun at the nape of his neck. There’s a joint tucked behind his ear, and the well-conditioned, prudish part of Chrissy’s brain thinks well that’s brazen. He’s wearing a worn and faded black t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and jeans made of more holes than denim. He’s wearing a chain, and he’s got a nice butt. There’s a Slim Jim, a package of Twinkies, and two stacked cartons of Pall Malls on the counter in front of him, and he’s drumming his long fingers against the plastic of the lottery ticket display. His fingers are full of rings. Abruptly Chrissy’s brain catches up with what she’s looking at, specifically that she's been casually checking out Eddie Munson. She tenses immediately and her eyes go wide. Shit. Chrissy doesn’t want him to see her. She’s enjoying this however-brief foray into a version of Hawkins where she’s got a little anonymity, where she's not Chrissy Cunningham. She’s not ready for the spell to be broken, to turn into a pumpkin, to hear her mother’s ugly words again (not after just resolving to stamp them out of her subconscious). She wants to eat, actually eat the chili dog in her hand. Chrissy takes a couple of steps backward, glancing frantically around for an escape route, considers ducking behind a shelf and spying on him from behind the bags of corn nuts. It’s too late, though. Eddie starts turning around, and he does so in slow motion. His mouth is twisting into a grin. His fringe and the loose curls around his face bounce. He’s leaning against the gum rack, and one of his legs is bouncing too, fingers still tap-tap-tapping away. “Great song--” he starts to say, but Eddie stops dead in both movement and words the second he and Chrissy make eye contact. Obvious recognition flits across his face. “Oh dang,” she all but whispers. Chrissy would shrink, the way she always does, it’s what she wants to do, make herself so small she just disappears; she wishes she could fold herself into the walk-in fridge with the bags of milk, or climb into the ice machine. Her arms are laden with glorious garbage, though, so she’s stuck. She’s on display like an exhibit in a museum: Unhinged, Spiraling Cheerleader - 1985. Chrissy starts chewing on her bottom lip, heat rising unbidden in her cheeks, because of course it does. (She must look absolutely insane.) Eddie seems to struggle to take in everything--her food, her clothes, her music, her very existence in this 7/11--it looks like he’s trying to mentally solve a very complicated math problem. “Chrissy Cunningham?” he asks, profoundly confused. She nods, mutely. He nods back slowly. “You’re listening to Dio.” This is a statement, not a question. “Um,” she manages. “Yes?” He blinks. “Oh.”
Thanks for the ask, @notquitecogent 🥰
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heartlessfujoshi · 8 months
flufftober day 17 - kurodai 'city of millions'
Title: City of Millions Fandom: Haikyuu!! Chapters: 4 of 6 Pairing: KuroDai (Sawamura Daichi x Kuroo Tetsurou) Rating: Teen (College AU - Banter - Tooth-rotthing Fluff - First Kisses - Love Confessions) WordCount: ~2,620 Prompt: Goal
Read: Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Kuroo looked at the calendar that was hanging up by his fridge, where he saw a big red line going through a full week. That week was now, and it was when Daichi was dealing with midterms. The two of them had been hanging out every weekend, pretty much all weekend long, since Daichi had wandered into his work. This week was difficult, though, because Kuroo was really jonesing to see him, but knew that he had midterms through the weekend, and wouldn’t be able to see him until it was over. On the plus side, they had a date to spend all day Monday together, as Daichi’s school was giving them the week off. 
His phone vibrated. “Two down. Only four more to go. Tell me why I decided this was something I wanted to do? :(” 
He smiled, looking at Daichi’s text. He hadn’t sent him any this week, as he knew Daichi needed to concentrate and study, and sometimes their texts ran super late into the evening. It was easier to talk about things without having to see the person you were talking with face to face, and it was fun. With his work scheduling him late nights, sometimes that was the only time free he had to connect with his boyfriend. “You got this, babe. You’re going to smoke those last four tests. I know you can do it!” He did not, though. He had no idea what Daichi was like in high school. If he was like him, there were certain subjects he excelled at, and others where he was a total loss cause. 
“See, this is why I sent you a text. I told myself not to, because I miss you so much, but I needed to hear your voice tell me that I’m doing okay.” Daichi replied back five minutes later. 
A little stutter to his heart had him sitting up, as he looked at Daichi’s text. “I’ll always cheer you on, Dai. I know how difficult school can be, and midterms suck. Why would it be any different at the college level? Now stop texting me, because we both know I can text for hours with you. :p” 
“Ha hah. Fine. Thank you for your words of encouragement, Tetsurou. I’ll text you again soon. Really looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Is seven in the morning too early for you?” 
Laughing, Kuroo typed a quick reply. “Nope. Seven is perfect. We’ll talk later about it. Go and do well on your midterms.” He struggled to not type an ‘I love you’ at the end, because he sure was feeling it, but didn’t want this to be the time he came out and professed his love to Daichi. One, his boyfriend didn’t need that right now when it was clear he was under immense pressure already. Two, he wanted it to be said in person and not over text. He’d do it on Monday. 
“With you cheering me on, how could I not? :) Thanks, Tetsurou. Talk to you soon.” Kuroo waited for the dots to appear again for a bit longer than probably necessary, but it was fine. It wasn’t harming anyone, especially himself. Hah. No, Daichi was gone, off to study some more for his next round of tests. 
His eyes went back to the calendar, and saw the heart drawn around Monday. Yeah, he for sure was going to tell him how he really felt about him. He wanted Daichi to spend the night. But he didn’t want to make Daichi feel like he was forcing him to do something he wasn’t ready to do. Kuroo was perfectly fine if they slept together on top of the sheets. It didn’t matter to him. He wanted to spend all of his time with Daichi, that was all. 
Five more days until it was Monday. He could do this. 
Sunday night, Kuroo’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He ducked into the storage room and pulled it out to read it, feeling all sorts of elation at what he read there. “Hey, Tetsurou. My brain is officially mush, but it’s over. :) Are you working tonight? If you are, what time are you done?” 
“I’m so glad you survived. I would have been pretty upset if your school did something to you that would necessitate you not being well. And I am working. Should be done with closing around eleven.” He hit send, then waited a few minutes for his reply. His tables could wait a few more minutes. 
Daichi replied a minute later. “Can I come over tonight? I figured since we were gonna meet at 7, why not just spend the night together? Or is that too much?” 
“I’ll text you my address. Be there around 11:30?” Kuroo was having trouble breathing; his heart was racing as he sent the text. He never once thought that Daichi would suggest spending the night first. He figured it would have been him to do so. 
“See you then. :) I’ve really missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too, babe. See you soon.” He finished typing, then shoved his phone back into his pocket and headed back out to work. 
It was impossible to concentrate after getting that text from Daichi. Kuroo was good at his job, though, so the distraction wasn’t detrimental to how he operated while at work. The clock, though, seemed to be moving at a glacial pace, or so it felt like as he really wanted his shift to hurry up and be over. Finally, the last customer was cashed out, and they were able to start the task of cleaning up the restaurant for tomorrow’s first shift. 
He was out the door at ten minutes after eleven, and made his way back home. He got to his apartment two minutes to eleven thirty, and as he approached his door, he saw that someone was already there, waiting for him. 
“Hello, stranger.” He went up to where Daichi was standing, and put his arms around him from behind. He felt Daichi lean back against him, letting him hold him a little closer. “Fancy meeting you here, babe.” 
“You invited me, remember?” A nervous laugh left his boyfriend’s mouth. “I got here like two minutes ago.” 
“I’m glad you weren’t waiting long.” Kuroo left a kiss on Daichi’s cheek before pulling away from him. “Why don’t you come inside?” Pulling his keys from his pocket, he unlocked his front door, and held it open for Daichi to enter first. 
Due to Daichi being busy all week, Kuroo had finally had a chance to thoroughly clean his place up, to the point where he was shocked by how clean it was. “Wow, Tetsurou. Nice place you got here!” Daichi toed off his shoes in the genkan, while he did the same. “From the way you were talking about it, I thought it was going to be awful.” 
“Well, if you had come two weeks ago, it would have been awful.” He scratched the back of his neck, chuckling softly. “I was bored this week, so I cleaned.” 
“Maybe I should ask for time alone more often.” Daichi teased, his stomach somersaulting as he turned around to face him. “I haven’t gotten a proper hello from you yet.” 
Kuroo stepped closer to Daichi, and put his arms around him. “Oya? I guess we should fix that, huh?” Lowering his head, he gave Daichi’s lips a firm kiss, pleased to feel him back in his arms again. “Are you really spending the night?” He asked, his voice a bit breathless after the kiss they shared came to an end. 
“Guess so.” Daichi rested his head on his shoulder, Kuroo quick to accommodate him in his arms. “Are you okay with that?”
“I am.” Kuroo held him close. “We don’t have to do anything, okay? We can sleep. Nothing more.” 
A deep exhale had Daichi sinking against him more. “Thank you.” 
“I know it’s a big step, and I’m not going to be the one to rush anything.” 
Daichi lifted his head, and looked into his eyes. “You really are amazing, Tetsurou. You make me so happy.” 
“Likewise, babe. Now, would you like something to drink? Or are you tired, and want to lay down now?” 
“We can hang out for a bit. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” 
“It’s been almost two weeks.” Kuroo agreed. 
“That’s a long time!” 
“I know!” 
He sat down on his couch with Daichi next to him, and put his arm around his waist, needing to be extra close to him tonight. Kuroo let Daichi talk, telling him all about the last two weeks, and how much his brain still hurt from all the studying he’d been doing in preparation for these midterms. Kuroo was thoroughly impressed by his drive, as it was something he wished he could do himself. But he was never really a good test taker. That was part of the reason why he decided to work instead of go to college - it was easier for him to make a living rather than be at the mercy of an unfair system. 
“How’ve you been?” Daichi asked, after finishing catching Kuroo up on what he’d been up to. “Work? Is Bo in town again?” 
“If he is, he hasn’t contacted me. Again, not that I’d be surprised since I know Akaashi is also on vacation this week.” Kuroo shook his head. “No, it’s just been me. I went and spent some time with Kenma last week - went over to Nekoma to see how the new team was doing.” 
“That must have been a trip.” Daichi was now reaching for his hand, which he gladly gave to him as they sat close to each other on the couch. “Was it weird?” 
“A little.” Kuroo admitted. “Strange to think that only a few months ago, I was still there. And now I’m here, with you.” He smiled. “I told Kenma about us.” 
“How’d he react?” 
“I thought he hadn’t heard me. And then he said ‘cool’. That was it.” Kuroo shrugged, remembering how Kenma really wasn’t phased either way. It could have been because he was playing a video game when he mentioned it to him, but Kuroo wasn’t about to tell that to Daichi. 
“Glad I’ve got his approval?” Daichi chuckled. “He’s a good kid.” 
“He really is.” 
Conversation started to lull, but it didn’t bug Kuroo. Daichi had had a long, difficult week, and now was finally able to decompress. And he was here with him to do that. He was as happy as all could be with Daichi in his apartment. 
They had slowly moved on the couch, from sitting side by side, to now the two of them were somehow laying horizontal on the couch, with Daichi resting mostly on top of his chest, with his back pressed against the back cushions of Kuroo’s couch, his arms around Daichi’s back. Kuroo was more comfortable than he had been on this couch. It might be because he really liked having Daichi in his arms, but he wasn’t about to say that out loud. 
“Can we go lay down?” Daichi asked, breaking the comfortable silence five minutes later. 
“We can.” 
Kuroo carefully untangled himself from Daichi, and slowly stood up off the couch. He gave Daichi his hand, helping him up. Their fingers locked as Kuroo led him to his bedroom, which was to the left of where they’d been spending time in his living room. His room was dark - not pitch black, but close. There was some light coming in from the street, shining off the wall of the building next to his, which helped to illuminate his bedroom in a soft glow. 
Daichi sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m nervous.” 
“I know.” Kuroo kneeled down in front of him. “You don’t have to be, Daichi. It’s just a bed. It isn’t a commitment.” 
“I love you.” 
His eyebrows rose up as he stared at his boyfriend. “Did you just…?” 
“I love you.” Daichi repeated, nodding his head. “I wanted to tell you last week, but I was too chicken. I’m scared now too, but I’m here. I’m not running away.” 
Reaching for his hands, he got between Daichi’s knees and raised himself up to be closer to him. “Dai, I wanted to tell you first.” He brought his forehead to his, his heart pounding hard in his chest. “I love you too. I’m really in love with you.” 
“I don’t want you to think I’m saying it so we sleep together.” 
“So you don’t want to sleep together?” He was a little confused. 
“No, I mean, have sex.” 
Ah, yes. That made more sense. “We don’t have to have sex, babe. I’m okay with how things are going right now. No pressure from me.” 
“I’ve never had it before.” 
“I know.” Kuroo knew all about Daichi, and his lack of any sort of intimate relationship. “It’s not a big deal. You’re putting more pressure on it than I am. I promise, when it happens, it’ll be when you want it to. Not because I want to.” 
Daichi hugged him tight. “I love you.” He repeated, hugging Kuroo to him. 
“I love you too.” He chuckled, happy that Daichi seemed to be doing a little better. “Let’s keep our clothes on tonight.” 
“Do you sleep naked?” 
Smirking, he moved away from Daichi, and laid down on the bed, closest to the wall. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
“I sleep in my boxers. Is that okay?” 
“Totally.” Kuroo nodded. “I can strip down to my underwear too, if that’ll make you feel better.” 
“It would.” 
“Consider it done.” 
They took off their shirts and pants, leaving only their underwear on as they got under the covers. Kuroo pulled Daichi into his arms, much like they’d been laying together on the couch. Sure, they had less clothing on now, but it was still a comfortable position. “I love you, babe.” He murmured into Daichi’s ear, pleased when he heard him release a little happy noise. “I’m glad you wanted to spend the night tonight.” 
“Me too. Here’s hoping I can sleep.” Another nervous laugh left Daichi’s mouth. 
“You will. That’s a promise.” 
It took awhile, but soon, he heard Daichi starting to snore softly. Kuroo wasn’t tired. And it wasn’t because he wanted to do something more with Daichi. No, he was floating on cloud nine because his boyfriend had stolen his love profession from him. It was fine. He would get him back somehow, someway. Hearing Daichi say those three words in the darkness of his bedroom - that was a scenario he never had pictured. It was almost relieving in a way, as it took away all the pressure he’d been putting on himself with wanting to tell Daichi he was in love with him as well. They really were good together because of that. 
He closed his eyes, and listened to Daichi breathe, trying to match his own breathing to his. His arms stayed around his body, keeping him close. Kuroo never wanted to let go, and had no intention of ever doing so. Daichi was in love with him. He hoped that when they woke up in the morning, that his boyfriend wasn’t about to have a crisis about confessing to him. If he did, Kuroo would handle it. He loved Daichi too much to let him fret over something silly like a love confession. He slowly drifted to sleep with a smile on his face, as he replayed Daichi’s confession to him over and over in his head, the last thought on his mind being how much he loved his boyfriend. 
Cross-posted to AO3
0 notes
stabthecode · 8 months
I am placed in front of a laptop. My laptop. The assailant forces me into my chair. Their voice is stern, demanding. I place my hands on the keyboard. The empty page glows bright, the blink of the cursor a death knell.
I try to do what they have said.
There is light bouncing off of the floor from the open window. It lands in the corner of my eye. I focus on the screen. I cannot stop myself from glancing over towards the edge of my vision. I type a few sentences, glance over to the light every time I have to move my eyes away from the screen. I readjust. I stand up, sit back down on my chair, turn away from the light.
I shake my leg. The sound of the wind outside my room is quiet and constant. The buzz of a distant plane cuts through the constant ebb and flow of air. I stop typing to listen to it. The light glares along the edge of my glasses. I try to get my brain to stop focussing on it.
Another assailant keeps pointing out the cars moving on the highway. I cannot see them. I need to stay focused. I need to get this done. The first one again tells me to write, as I had stopped. A notification rings out in the room. I push my glasses up my face after typing a few more lines. I lean forwards a little, trying to do anything to make the light go away. It shines determined into my eyes further and I pull back. Another plane goes past.
I reached out for help again today, sending out another desperate message. It’s the third message I’ve sent in 15 days. Intermediary steps have been taken but no relief has been sent. I’m starting to think that my assailants are being paid by the very people I’m asking for help from. I take a sip of coffee. My assailants may be cruel but they aren’t heartless.
Some people are playing lacrosse in the field outside the window. I try to ignore the other assailant’s comments. I accidentally kick the printer that lives under the desk I’m stationed at. My eyes hurt. I glance over at the light again. Type a few letters, glance at the light. Type a few letters, glance at the light.
I check the time. It’s been an hour. Barely half a page has been filled. A motorcycle goes past on the highway. I just want to sleep. It’s so warm and I’m so tired and 
A door slams down the hall. There’s knocking from a room somewhere below me. I try to type, my foot itching where I’ve caught it in the crook of my leg because it’s the closest thing I’ve found to a comfortable position.
Motorcycle. Light. Motorcycle. Light. The popping of an engine. Wind. Footsteps all around me.
I want to cry. I cried earlier, knowing that the brief reprieve they were giving me was still under direct watch. I know that tears will earn me no sympathy and simply wear me out more. Another plane. The light is still there in the corner of my fucking eye. I push my chair back, tangle my limbs into a different orientation, scratch at my hair, eyes closed, just wishing that things would be easier.
Motorcycle. I. Footsteps. I’m. Something is set down in the room next door. I’m ju– The wind picks up a bit, the sounds of traffic echoing off the buildings nearby. Another plane goes by.
I have other things I need to do. Other things I want to do. I need to escape but I can’t do that alone. Another plane. The sounds of my swallowing, someone putting a bottle on a table. I have homework that needs to be done. I have online classes that I haven’t watched the lectures for. Another fucking plane.
I close my eyes. The light is too much. A lawn mower or leaf blower. I can’t tell which and my assailants don’t bother to tell me. I rock back and forth, typing out word after word.
I feel alone. Another plane. The light keeps shining in.
I don’t get what is taking so long. It shouldn’t take 2 fucking weeks to be released from this utter hell.
Plane. Lower than the others have been so far.
It’s as simple as sending over some papers and negotiating an agreement. They give excuses. “Our fax machine doesn’t always work.” “You’ll have to put in another request.”
The rocking makes me sleepy but I feel a bit better while doing it. I close my eyes, relying on my touch typing ability for a while. I end up pressing space 3 times and have to rewrite half of a word because of how clustered my fingers got.
Motorcycle. Dog barking. Airplane. The sound of my breath. Light. A door closing and footsteps. I miss the period key five times while looking at the screen.
I want to stop. I want to stop. I want to stop.
Motorcycle. A person putting things down in their room. Traffic. Plane. Light.
Please just let me fucking go. Please
Plane. Light.
I have been taken hostage. I have received no help despite putting out multiple requests. I can’t fucking escape.
Please help.
Someone for the love of god please help.
0 notes
sara-joseph · 1 year
Day count blog 3!!!
22 June, 2023, and i just finished counting how many hours left till they are back. i was reading through the older day count blogs, and guess what, that shit was so comforting. I may have changed a tad bit, but I'm still the same. Festa 2023 was a huge success, and i loved every second of it. 893 days more, we'll wait.
27th June, 2023. This is amazing, I almost started crying when I heard the maknae line was at yoongi's Seoul concert. And there's an encore, obvi. Wow. But I just keep telling myself, let's sacrifice everything this year, so I can make it in 2025. Like everything, the concert screenings, the book, the merch, the late night talks, EVERYTHING. anywaysss, 888 days more, we'll wait.
2nd July,2023. JJK1 is cominggggg. Ahhhhhhh csushs8anahausnsbsb. I swear to god- this man dropped the schedule plan, and his abs are already out. He came live to promote his solo single, and he promoted everything except Seven, like the beautiful wall(um iykyk) his new lip piercing and all. Hobis more turned one and his put up a story. 883 days more, we'll wait.
7th july, 2023 WHAT THE FUCK. concept pics+short clip for seven is out, the abs are out, my brain's not working, my mouth wont close, and my eyes have fallen out. all i need to know right now is, which jackassed dumbfucked mf said that Seven is a summer song? like honestly though. there is an explicit version ffs- also, my bitch of a sister has snitched abut the "guy" contacts saved, and the phone is goneee. 878 days more, we'll wait.
13th July 2023. SEVEN COMES OUT TOMORROW. Han So Hee and Jk are playing a coupe who are like arguing in the MV teaser! its my godfather's 50th birthday tomorrow, and we're skipping school for a one day resort trip. alsooo, it was army day on 9th, and beyond the story is out. 872 days more, we'll wait.
23rd july, 2023. seven is outttt. and dude fr reated an explicit version only for one line, but it changes the whole meaning, i swear. i had my last sports day at shs, and ended up crying for atleast 30 mins. future me, always remember, team chandu forever. idk what this is but, g, the cl is kinda attractive. tae is cartiers ambassador, and the one pic they posted, the one necklace of 22 lakhs was sold out, and the website crashed. slept at 4:30am last night, talking tea about others with rp. 862 days more, we'll wait.
2nd august, 2023. if i haven't mentioned before, i've decided to move on from this childish grudge against Sc. yea, im immature. Rr and Sr, Tkb, Ynb are probably gonna come around nov, idkk. tae's album is announced. jk breaaking more records, his personal tiktok s out, after he posted the seven challenge with kim mingyu from svt, it was initialy named "Ian" which was on the draft list for his stage names before debut, he quickly changed it to "letjungcook" after getting embarrassed that we'll tease him. even his tiktok account broke the record for the most number of followers within an hour or something, which was actually held by bts.852 days more, we'll wait.
7th aug, 2023. its funny how much emotions have changeed. the past 3 days were the encore concerts of D-DAY, min yoongi. kook was the guest for the first day, performing Max's part from burn, then after yoongi left, he performed seven. we finally got rapper jimin tony montana after 7 years of trending hashtags and begging. the, on the last day rm came and performed an unreleased song as a gift and rocked a buzz cut, to which all of us thought he was gonna enlist soon. highllight of day 3, YOONGI'S 7 TATTOO IS FUCKING OUT!!!!! its on his left shoulder, right where he was injured. and bam, another shocker, Jin AND jhope attended the concert. FUCK MY LIFE. all that even caused panic in the subway in sk, apparently. and right when everyone was soaring with this joy, today yoongi has announced his enlistment. WOW. 847 days more, we'll wait.
22nd August, 2023. Wow, it's been days since I updated this. It's been a hectic time, the past 2 weeks, future me, if you're reading this, and if you've finished boards 23-24 , please remember that this was a shit load of fucking bullcrap. And yea, I'm here, at 2:37am, swooning over the leads having their first kiss in ep 3 after 5 almost kisses, and a sex dream. Anyways, 832 days more, we'll wait.
24th August, 2023. Yea, bout the drama, they ended up hooking up atleast 50 times after, then cutting it off, then back together. Yup, nevertheless. I finished that, and stayed up doing my 2 months overdue geography project, and watched red, white and royal blue till 4:20 am, slept soon after and woke up 10 mins later to turn off my first alarm for the morning. 97 liners meet up again, tae is giving out mv's like it's free air, and we are lovin this shit. 830 days more, we'll wait.
4th sep, 2023. My sleep schedule is fucking messed up. Like literally, it 3:12am rn, and I'm still planning on making a whole Spotify playlist before going to sleep. And, my exam starts day after. How much more stupid can i genuinely get. Tae with the fan is soo cuteee. And jk's birthday just got over and I saw jimins "jk birthday post" seconds after it was posted, and had a mental debate with myself if I could call To only to fangirl along and technically walk into exposing my fucking insta, AGAIN. Chikkappa is flying in on 11th nov, and I can't waittt. 819 days more, and we'll fucking wait.
11th sep, 2023. my exam tomorrow jus got cancelled. rm's bday is tomorrow, layoVer is more of a "SLAYoVer". and jk was snapped smoking. the other post- 812 days more, we'll wait.
16th sep, 2023. halfway through mid terms, vmin drought is over. jk posted smoke challenge on tiktok. jin be postin random clipssss 807 days more, we'll wait.
19th sep, 2023. Yoongi's enlistment date is out and he's leaving day after. his last live was so emotional. i think im going through my baby army phase again by watching all the old army edits and compilations on youtube. jk for dazed and vogue korea is the death of me, but it dosen't surpass seven concept photos and CK. i have officially fucked up my half yearly examination. 804 days more, we'll wait.
29th/30th sep? 2023, half an hour into 30th September. Body to body to body to body to body. Jungkook. Wow. He keeps coming out with such hits for real tho. My birthday shopping is doneee. I never thought I would get a fucking strapless dress, but um okay ig, since mom picked it herself. Jimin for Tiffany, and I was just re-watching 2018 bbmas and the host had no clue what BTS's fanbase is. 793 days more, we'll wait.
4th oct, 2023. jk was live an hour ago, v posted with jimin and jk, rm posted. everyone except jin, hobi and yoongi in the military were seen today. jungkook is basically on the ARMY side of tiktok. 4 days to my birthday and JJK1 is coming on nov 3rd. 789 days more, we'll wait.
21st Oct, 2023. My sweet 16 was like okok ig. My life is like genuinely fucked right now. Boards are preponed, pre boards are in 11 weeks, timetable is up, and I've been fighting with mum since yesterday non stop. Also, my family is like completely broken, and I'm definitely the cause for that. Not to remember but it's her birthday today, and ik I'm not obliged to wish her, but don't know why I wished through her sister. Kid Laroi and Shawn Mendes are featured on golden, jimin made a cameo in Vicnic, jimin is havin a fanmeet a while later and Rm is in the UK for some reason. Jk also attended the Ck event at Japan. 772 days more, we'll wait.
12th nov, 2023. Wow- so much has happened. Golden is out, it screams party jk and lovesick jk at the same time. V and jn turning up at jk's house is never not funny. My mom just finished screwing me cause I took pics in a bar that are giving complete gay, and I don't even feel bad tbh. Chikkappa is coming tomorrow morning.750 days more, we'll wait.
4th Dec,2024. It's like 12:06am rn, and i have missed a whole month of this. Life is genuinely fucked up at this point. I have my phone taken away and I'm like actually studying now. We leave for church this week and chikkappa has been here for almost a month now. Jk, jimin, v and rm are going to the military together AND v is joining for some crime special forces. Jk and jimin are going to be trained under jin. I dread the next 3 months of my life, and that is probably going to be the time i do this next. Also, YTC Busan has been out for almost a month and reethu akka has still not made time to watch together.728 days more, we'll wait.
16th dec,2023. Jk and jimin left on 12th and V and RM left on 11th. WE GOT AN OT7 PICTURE!!!! FUCK YES. and all I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey had been topping holiday charts every year on itunes for THE PAST 29 YEARS, and just when it was going to become 30, BTS decided to leave for military, making us all emo sad bitches who will dethrone all I want for Christmas is you and make it on top one with Spring day. Losing my sanity is an understatement for my lufe right now. I'm graduating from this school tomorrow, and emotions are all over. 716 days more, we'll wait.
0 notes
floatingpetals · 3 years
You’re a What Now?
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: nothing. Literally nothing.
Word Count: 1600+
Summary: Sometimes Bucky’s girl is just a little, tiny tiny oblivious and doesn’t realize who she’s talking to. And sometimes she can say the darndest things.
A/N: Lol I don’t even know about this one. This has like little to no plot, just something that popped into my head and my brain went YESSSS WRITE IT. I also got a few wonderful donations from people and that motivated me to get something written. I hope you all enjoy this entirely random story and the special guest star! 
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The bell chimed as Y/N walked through the door, the fresh smell of coffee and sweet cookies hit her nose. The baristas behind the bar greeted her, all three working on what looked like a heavy load of orders set up on the counter. It made sense, the place was jam-packed with people.
Y/N was supposed to meet up with her long-time boyfriend, Bucky here but she was a little worried there wouldn’t be enough chairs for them. Nearly every seat was taken up by someone, whether there were others on dates, few catching up on their reading, or people diligently doing their work on their computers.
She ordered herself a drink and turned around to face the rest of the room, chewing on her lower lip. She caught sight of a table with three chairs tucked towards the back, two empty chairs. The third chair, however, had a man comfortably reclined in the seat with a book in hand. Letting out a nervous breath, Y/N shuffled her way through the crowded coffee shop to the back.
Anxiously shifting in place, she cleared her throat.
“Excuse me.”
The man glanced up a slight smile on his face at the uncertainty on Y/N’s face.
“Yes ma’am?” He greeted her softly, accent a little thick.
“Are these seats taken?” She gestured to the seats next to him. “I’m sorry, I’d usually not intrude on someone’s space but as you can see, it’s a little more crowded than I expected.”
The man smiled wide and shook his head, gesturing for her to take the seat.
“No, please. Have a seat.”
“Thank you!” Y/N sighed in relief and sank into one of the plush chairs. A barista appeared with her coffee and set on the table. The man gave her one last grin before turning back to his book.
Y/N’s phone buzzed in her purse and she dug it out as she sipped on her coffee.
Sweets 🧁💕 – Gonna be a little late. Steve and Tony are getting in an argument about movies again. 
Y/N giggled at the text, picturing the argument the two grown men had about Jurassic Park last week, and sent him a quick ‘k!’. Pulling out her book from her bag, Y/N snuggled into the cushions to wait for her boyfriend.
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Bucky grumbled under his breath, making his way through the crowd as he exited the subway station. He was supposed to be in Brooklyn thirty minutes ago, but Steve and Tony HAD to get into an in-depth discussion about Inception that Bucky just had to resolve. Luckily, Sam wandered in completely oblivious to what was happening in the kitchen and Bucky quickly tapped him in.
It wasn’t every day Bucky got the chance to see his girlfriend outside of the tower, she wasn’t an Avenger so their schedules didn’t line up nearly as often as he would have liked. By the grace of God, Y/N was completely understanding of his occasional missed dates because of a mission and the few days where there’d be nothing but radio silence from him. The amount of patience this woman had when it came to him and his mess of a job was endless. Even when it was because his teammates picked the weirdest fights with each other. He adored her completely for it.
He made it to their little coffee shop and was mildly surprised it wasn’t nearly as busy as he’d think it would have been. There were a few empty tables, but still enough people that it gave it a homey feel. He spotted Y/N towards the back, speaking animatedly with someone at a table. Bucky frowned, squinting at the strangely familiar back of a man’s head. He bypassed the checkout, curious to know who she was talking so excitedly with.
She caught sight of him coming up behind the man and beamed up at him.
“Hey, Buck!” She welcomed him warmly.
“Hey baby,” Bucky mumbled softly, eyes on the man.
The man twisted in his seat, a wide smirk on his face accompanied by a twinkle in his eye that made Bucky’s stomach drop. Oh no.
“Sargent Barnes.” The man- T’challa greeted. “It’s good of you to finally join us.”
Y/N blinked, surprised the man she had been chatting with for the past half hour knew her boyfriend. Well, if the annoyed and exasperated look on Bucky’s face meant anything.
“Wait… You two know each other?” She blinked.
Bucky let out a heavy sigh but T’challa was quick to interject.
“Yes, he and my sister were known as the terrible duo back home.” He teased, winking up at Bucky. Bucky grumbled and shuffled off to the counter, deciding he needed a cup of coffee to deal with this.
Not that he wasn’t excited about seeing T’challa, the other man was a close friend of his. But he knew that look. That look meant T’challa had dirt on him that he was willing to use against him at some point.
I gotta figure out what those two were talking about before I came in.
“Sister?” Y/N perked up, excited to hear more about him. T’challa grinned and nodded.
“Yes, my sister Shuri. Barnes and her would get into the most ludicrous trouble together. My favorite story is when they dyed half of the goats bright pink.” T’challa chuckled. “The herd was terrified of each other. We had to shave most of them when the baths to get rid of the color didn’t work.”
Y/N snorted and glanced over to Bucky fondly.
“Sounds like something Peter and he would do.”
“You know Parker?” T’challa asked, slightly surprised. Y/N however was equally stunned.
“Yes?” She frowned. Bucky sank into the empty seat beside her, passed her one of the two coffee cakes he bought. “How-Alright, I’ll bite. Just who are you?”
Bucky snorted. “Really babe? You don’t know T’challa?”
T’challa didn’t seem slightly upset she was oblivious to who he was. He found her confusion positively hilarious. He settled further in his seat, smirking wide.
“I-? Am I supposed to?” Y/N asked, gasping softly. “Oh-I’m sorry! That was rude!”
T’challa waved her off, chuckling softly.
“That’s quite alright. I like not being recognized from time to time.” He answered with a shrug and reached for a newspaper sitting on an adjacent table. He passed it off to Y/N, still grinning wide. Gingerly, she took the paper and read of the page he gave her.
“Students Cook and Serve Grandparents?” Y/N read aloud, thoroughly confused. A startled laugh exploded from Bucky, he shaking his head and flipped the paper over. Cheeks burning, Y/N mumbled a soft thank you and read the headline “King of Wakanda, T’challa, and Princess Shuri to speak at United Nations.”
Right below the large font was a picture of the two in question, Shuri standing beside her brother, the same man sitting across from her.
“Y... You’re a…king?” Y/N squeaked, her mind going through the last half-hour discussion.
“I am.”
Bucky, now with his coffee, sipped while watching the slow realization starting to creep across Y/N’s face. She pressed a finger to the bridge of her nose and inhaled deeply.
“Wait. So you have a crown and people you’re in charge of?”
“More or less.” T’challa shrugged, enjoying every second of this.
“And you’re in a coffee shop in the city because….?”
“I enjoy things like any normal person. It helps too that there aren’t many people that know every visiting dignitary currently in the city.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N groaned, dragging her hand down her face. “You’re fucking’ royalty and I spent the past half hour talking about my collection of ‘do not disturb’ signs from hotels and miniature chair collection.”
Bucky huffed, laughing through his nose in amusement. Of course, she’d brag about those collections to anyone that would listen. It was pretty extensive and impressive he might add. He should know, half of the signs came from him. It was a little quirk of hers he adored and if him giving her the signs from the number of hotels he stayed in for a mission made her happy, he’d gladly supply them.
“Yes, you did and I would rather enjoy if you finished the story where Barnes got into an argument with the older lady at the flea market. I believe you were cut off around the part of him throwing his ID card in her face when she tried to play the ‘elders’ card?” T’challa said, his smile stretching across his face. He shot Bucky that look again, like an older sibling that had embarrassing ammo to tease him with. And boy was it.
Startled, Bucky choked on his coffee, coughing up his drink. She told him what now?!
“What?!” It was Bucky's turn to get embarrassed. He turned to Y/N, eyes wide. “Of all the stories to tell a stranger, you pick that one?!”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. It’s a great story, babe.” Y/N shrugged. She turned back to T’challa, embarrassment forgotten in the wake of her story. “So like I was saying-.”
“Nope!” Bucky interjected, standing up abruptly, his face bright red. That day was not his best moment and he did not want to relieve it again. His chair skidded back, the screech echoing in the little coffee shop, causing Y/N to jump. “We gotta go. T’challa. Great seeing you again. Come on babe.”
“Wait but my cake-.” Y/N whined. He didn’t care, nor give her time to take it with her. He grabbed her arm and started to drag her out of the shop.
“It was good to see you too Barnes. And to meet you as well Y/N.” T’challa laughed, entertained at seeing Bucky so flustered at waved as they left. “If you are at the tower later, you can tell me all about the story later.”
Y/N giggled and waved back over her shoulder. Bucky groaned.
“Absolutely not!”
“I’ll even show you the pictures of all signs he picked out for me!”
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rcksmith · 3 years
Lust — Kaz Brekker
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Gif by @kitsyoung
Request: “Hey. I really like your writing and I was wondering if you would consider writing a Kaz piece with the smut prompts 76, 1 & 33. Obviously with your au rules. If it’s too much I completely understand tho”
“7, 17, 36, and 73 from the smut list for Kaz Brekker please? If not, no worries! 💖 Thank you!”
“Holy shit that last kaz brekker smut- AMAZING. Was wondering if you could write another smut with smut prompt #6? Of course if this bothers you just ignore it. Thank you so much 🥰”
Smut prompts:
1. “You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”
6. “Do you think of me when you touch yourself?”
7. “The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
17. “after that little stunt? you’re not getting off that easy”
33. “Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to.”
36. "If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.“
73. “You know, you look real pretty when you cry.”
76. “Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, explicit smut, dirty thoughts, dirty talk, nsfw, jealous, mention of fight.
Word count: 5k
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
Thank you so much for the requests and for all affection 💖 I decided to compile these requests, since they were the same central plot. I added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down. I hope you like it and good reading.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
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There is a theory that always, somewhere, there will be a person capable of making you lose your breath, and your reasoning, whenever he appears on the scene. Someone who robs you of your breath, your heartbeat, your ability to think clearly and your control to keep your hands not shaking.
And Kaz Brekker would always be that person for you.
From the first time you laid eyes on him, it's been a feeling of dying and going to heaven. Except that Heaven was, in reality, a hot, burning hell. Where your greatest punishment was being forced to watch his tall figure, who exuded masculinity by every inch, walking in front of you like a Renaissance painting very superb.
Nothing that Van Gogh, Da Vinci, and Picasso created has bordered on the personification of beauty that he was.
Kaz was beautiful in a very mysterious, dangerous and chilling way. You would describe his aura as the height of midnight in an enigmatic city, his hair the color of the core of sin and his features as lines that the god Ares would have drawn. Everything about him reeked of the fog of suspense stories, with a touch of lust.
All the looks he directed at you were caustic, flickering and intense as a candle flame, reverberating through your veins like angry eels and always make the room feeling charged with electricity, like the ground after the fall of a lightning. Everything between the two of you seemed to be filled with something fiery and arcane. From the gazes, the rubbing of shoulders, the times when the skins touched. Everything was a compilation of sensations that make you catch your breath whenever Kaz Brekker appeared.
He was your kryptonite. In all senses.
And that was exasperating in the extreme, at staggering levels. You felt your center of your sex vibrate whenever he directed you that voice whit baritone intonation and predatory looks, whenever the button-down shirts were tight enough for you to revel in the contours of his body, or sometimes when he wore the cane to signal or stopper something. This was the worst of them. His cane.
Have you lost count of how many times Kaz stopped you as counting money, by putting the tip of the cane over your hands, or stopped you from going somewhere by blocking your path with the cane, lifting the object horizontally in front of your belly. And every time you felt your legs tremble, your breath fade and a very dirty part of your brain whisper that you wanted him to use that object in you in more fun ways.
Your body was so responsive that there were times when you knew, with every fiber of your soul, that Kaz was able to read the paths in which your thoughts wandered. He lowered his gaze to you, in that breathless connection that promised to contain the most nefarious paths of sin, and maliciously curved the left corner of his lips in an arrogant, oblique expression. At such times, you could feel in your soul the words he did not say:
I know the perverted things that you are thinking.
And the truth was, he really knew. Kaz memorized every change in your breathing, every blush on your cheeks, every trembling of your hands, every your trembling look whit a frightened girl who had been caught thinking of something impure. He knew how your body was responsive, needy. And he himself had to control himself not to push you over the desk in his office and fuck you like an aggressive animal, bringing all your perverted thoughts to life.
It wasn't his physical reactions that kept him from taking action, but an even more visseral reaction than the pulsing desire he felt for you. Mine. The primal, determined, burning sensation of possession. That it ran through his veins like hot, bubbling lava. The desire was familiar, but this statement, not. Like the jealousy he felt for you, he quickly recognized the danger he was in.
If Kaz touched you…he knew he would never be able to let you go.
Mine. A statement that resonated spontaneously whenever he saw you, a testament to the reactions the two of you triggered in each other. However, not even the awareness of the dangerous game that was between you was able to dispel the climate of provocative sensuality that pulsed in the places whenever the two of you were together.
It was like playing with a powerful drug. One slip and he would be addicted forever.
On days like this, when Kaz had just come out of an exasperating meeting with Peka, a businessman and mobster who was always looking for ways to try and bring Kaz down, his already bad temper turned to terrible. He felt compelled to break something, drink a whole bottle of the best English whiskey in that club, and punch someone. Kaz felt the anger pulse through his veins, in a pure and perfect way.
He left the office, turning off his cell phone so he wouldn't be disturbed and descending the stairs to the center of his Crow Club, mind buzzing and anger seeping in his blood. He needed to unwind, maybe get into the car and head home. Maybe actually drink that whiskey bottle. Maybe both.
Kaz was about to take another step down, running a gloved hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes, when his gaze met your figure. And that was when the already terrible temper rose to the very badly.
Normally, a vision like that would have just bothered him, a compulsion to do something. But that day, Kaz was at the height of his angriest feelings. And seeing you, bold as a goddess in that little black dress, next to Jesper at the gambling table and flirting with a guy to your left, did things with every last bit of patience and self-control he had.
His eyes never left you as he took another step, running his hand through his hair again to contain the unruly strands. You were laughing, downing another drink and placing a card on the table. You turn back to the man to your left, your eyelashes fluttered gracefully in a promise to allow him to guide your rein tonight.
But there would be no goddamn rein for that fucking guy to guide.
Kaz gripped his cane tightly, descending the other short stairs and advancing toward your with dangerous, determined, and angry steps.
"...in this part of the year, criminal law cases drop a lot." The damn guy was telling you, his boring blond hair falling over his blue eyes in a way Kaz found annoying.
To fucking hell with that blond-haired Dande.
“Y/n, Jesper!” Kaz tapped the end of his cane on the table, stopping the cards under the polished wooden end.
Everyone at the table looked at him startled, their actions frozen. He saw you swallow hard, a soft tremor sigh in your shoulders.
“Shouldn't you be at the door?” Kaz turned to Jesper, his eyes sparks with annoyance.
“Right now, Boss.” He stood up, giving you a strained smile and heading towards the door.
“Kaz…” You started, voice softly intoxicated.
You knew you weren't supposed to be at the gambling table, let alone so late at night and drunk, even if Jesper was by your side. You had the ability to win every play, in any game, and that ended up not only driving the others away, but leaving the men, already drunk and irrational, aggressive and with an extremely bruised ego. And they almost always wanted to retaliate physically. As much as there were security guards and cameras everywhere to keep something bad from happening, Kaz couldn't stand the thought of someone hurting you. Not even blinking insultingly in your direction.
He sent you an icy, sharp, steady look. A clear warning for you to stop there any excuse you were about to give. To be careful with the next words you would say. You swallowed hard, looking away and getting up from the table. Slightly wobbly from the drink, you fished your coat from the chair next to you, giving a strained, apologetic smile to the guy you'd been flirting with so far.
“I better go home and call an uber and…” You started, but Kaz cut your sentence.
“I'll driver you.”
His tone exuded annoyance and impatience, giving no opening to any objections, demonstrating that he was in no mood for games. Much less defiance of his orders. You knew him too well to recognize that that night had pulled his nerves beyond what he could handle, the strain and irritation in his eyes told you something had happened beyond what you knew. His jaw, straight and strong as glass, was clenched tightly, his night-colored hair was disheveled in an overwhelmingly attractive way, and his black robes sinfully marred every line of his body.
You should have become wary of the dangerous energy that he exuded through every pore at that moment. However, to your inebriated and excited brain, Kaz Brekker has never looked so fucking hot! Your underbelly vibrated in response to the personification of sin that Kaz was, your heart racing at alarming levels as you followed him out, walking over to his car.
Like every piece of Brekker's clothing, his car was sleek black, with big black wheels, tinted glass and dark leather seats. Hades' chariot. You felt your breath catch when Kaz opened the passenger door for you, his eyes avoiding yours, his jaw still clenched and dangerous energy exhaling through every fiber of his tall, lean body.
Holy Mother of God, this man was a perdition!
Kaz contained an instinctive desire to go back inside and tell that aspiring Dande that you weren't available. Instead, he closed the door when you got in and turned around in the car, closing his own and squeezing the steering wheel harder than he would have liked.
Midnight height light streamed in through the darkened car windows and gently illuminated the curve of your cheek, highlighting your skin that Kaz might have named the color of the gods. So much attention was too seductive. Emotions and reactions still bubbled through each his vein like scandant water, mingling with months of frustrated desires and burning sexual tension.
At that moment, jealousy laced him. Mine. Amazing and at the same time propelled by dangerous strength, Kaz tried to trap that feeling back into the dungeon of his soul. He controlled his fury, yet he couldn't completely tame. Annoyance turned to anger. Starting driving the car forward, Kaz tried to think of anything but how you looked like the Goddess Aphrodite on that dark bench. Splendid as a heat ray in a winter day.
“Kaz…” You started, that gentle, repentant tone that stirred every spark in his soul.
He hated how his name on your lips sounded so sensual, so right and so delicious. He would give everything he had to hear you moan his name.
“Don't start” he warned, now not because of latent annoyance, but because he didn't know if he could stop himself if he heard your voice.
However, you didn't make things any easier for him.
"You don't have to be so angry." You go "I wasn't even using all my intellect on the game, I wasn't trying to win."
Kaz didn't even know if that was the core of the problem anymore. Was he angry that you went to a table where it was dangerous? Yes. But the waters were much deeper than that, much more dangerous. The way your smile, sweet and sensual, was directed at that guy, reeled in Kaz's mind, impregnated with the plague. He felt the blood burn in his veins just remembering how melted you looked for that man. And as much as he couldn't blame you, because you were free and single, the primal, irrational part of him screamed so much louder now.
“This does not matter anymore.” It was the only thing he managed to say, the very sensations drowning him.
“And it wasn't even that dangerous.” But unlike him, you were obliterating the burning emotions that Kaz exuded. “There were only a few players drunker than a door, and Jesper was on my side, and also James, who was very charming and...”
Kaz almost lost direction, making the car bounce smoothly. He staked his eyes at you, puzzled and bubbling.
“Yeah, the blond guy who…”
"I don't want to know, Y/n." He cut you off "I don't want to hear about the guys you allow to drool around you like mangy dogs."
The distilled rage was impossible to contain, and before Kaz knew it, the words were out. He turned forward again, his hands tighter on the steering wheel.
“Wait…” Your tone was slightly smug, and the way you rubbed one thigh against the other was impossible for Kaz to miss.
The grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“You are jealous?” Your intonation dropped to a low, sensual, provocative level.
Suddenly, Kaz's entire body became very aware of your body inches away. He could feel the heat that you radiated and the lyrical, sweet and sinful scent of your perfume flooded all his senses. The air grew thin, puffy and stuffy, and if it had been December cold outside, Kaz would still feel the height of summer in that car. Flashes of excitement and danger rippled through the car, and the brief silence grew even more charged with sexual tension and lustful anticipation that stirred every fiber of Kaz's being.
He made the mistake of looking at you again, and your softly mischievous smile that promised a lifetime of satisfied desires only served to incite his madness. Kaz had never understood how a man could want a woman so badly that he acted irrationally and carelessly. But now he understood. And when he realized you tried to stifle a sensual sigh from the way he was looking at you, his body won the fight against his mind and Kaz stopped abruptly the car at the red traffic light.
The sexual tension between you had become unbearable. In one moment, Kaz was fighting the series of overwhelming and disturbing emotions that dominated his entire being, and in the next moment, he had taken your mouth with his in a fiery, fierce, animal kiss. Stealing all the air from both of you, his thoughts, and his sanity.
He held your face firmly in his hands, his fingers going down to the strands of hair at the nape of your neck, turning everything into something more caustic and desperate. Yours hands went to his arms, moving up to his shoulders and cupping the sides of his neck, pulling him closer. Kaz's tongue inched into your mouth without waiting for permission, conquering and claiming every fiber of your body, of your soul, in a continued of kisses you couldn't tell where one ended and another began.
The moan of satisfaction you let out gave him a lust and desire unlike anything Brekker had ever felt. Like hot, addictive honey down in his throat. He was still gripped by jealousy, annoyance and possessiveness. With the desire for you pulsing in his body just like his heartbeat.
Kaz pulled back millimetrically, his blue eyes overshadowed by the heat of the moment, his lips red and swollen from the sinful kisses he gave you. At that moment, Kaz Brekker looked like an angry young God, and you've never felt more attracted to someone in your life than you are now.
You looked at him, panting and needy, wishing with all your might that he repeat the same actions. And you knew he realized that. Perfectly. You saw the spark of male satisfaction ignite in his eyes as he absorbed your desire. He was so close... so very close, and you couldn't stand the enormous anxiety for a caress, a kiss, anything.
His cocky smile intensified as you put more pressure in your touch his skin, your fingers trailing down his neck and back to his shoulders, silently pleading for him to do something with you. Anything he wanted.
Kaz lowered his one gloved hand to your jaw, thumb and forefinger squeezing your chin and making you look at him directly, you staring into the deep, shrewd blue of his eyes. He pulled you closer by the grip on your chin, the husky, erotic words hitting your lips like a promise of sin as he said:
“Maybe I should get you a collar so you don't forget who you belong to.”
It was impossible to control the loud, needy sigh that escaped, your center throbbing in despair and wetting the thin cloth of your panties. You wanted he to touch you more, pull your body against his until there was not a single sigh left, claim your soul and your body as his. You had parted your lips to say something, most likely a plea for him to continue, but the traffic light turned green and Kaz took his hands off you, straightening up on the bench and putting the car move.
In the absence of his warmth, his body, you felt cold, empty and frozen. As if Kaz were your sun and you were Icarus. Feeling the compulsion to need to get closer, complete its magnitude and bask in his rays. Every cell in your body begged for him, in needy and submissive requests, telling you to accept anything he told you, that he gave you, as long as it touched you.
“If I knew that to make you kiss me I would have to flirt with someone else, I would have done it a long time ago.” You teased, a satisfied, malicious smile on your lips.
Kaz looked at you in annoyance. In a clear warning that you should never more do that again.
"If you wanted me to kiss you like the brat you are, you just needed to have asked." He countered your game to the full.
"But if I want more than that?" But just as he knew how to play, so did you.
You swiped the tip of your tongue across your lips, kicking off your shoes and pulling your legs over the dashboard of the car, exposing your nearly bare thighs through the thin black fabric of your dress. Your actions instantly caught Kaz's eyes, and his grip on the steering wheel grew stronger and his breathing heavier.
The air inside the car became more ardent, burn, charged with eroticism and lust that left both of you breathless. An electrifying energy coursed through their bodies, as if they had been struck by a bolt of fire. You wanted him in a way you never thought you could want anyone.
Kaz took a deep breath, and looked at you with dangerous predator eyes as he said:
"If I have to pull over, you won't be able to walk for the next week."
The words made your body tremble. But if Kaz was trying to dissuade you, that was the last thing he should have told you. Instead of taming the fire inside you, it threw gasoline into the aggressive fire. You pressed your thighs together, your body sensitive to his words filled with burning promise.
In five minutes of insane courage, you took your feet off the dashboard, leaned toward Kaz, and brushed his neck with your lips. In slow, burning, hot kisses, you traced a path to the pulse in his neck, opening your lips slightly to brush your tongue over that pulse point.
“Please.” You beg.
Kaz's moan was low, but loud enough in your mind. You were being his undoing and you knew it. Suddenly, the car veered to the right and came to an abrupt stop. You would have lost your balance if Kaz's hands hadn't clung to your waist, pulling you in one movement to his left thigh, pressing your soaked core into the black fabric of his pants.
You gasped loudly, or he, or both. And in the next moment, his mouth was on yours again. The kiss was more aggressive, possessive, angry and ardent. Kaz kissed you as if he wanted to decree you his, proclaim his possession. You didn't see when he removed his gloves, but the touch of his skin with on your thighs was all you could think of.
“Kaz…” You moaned into his mouth, and the grip on your thighs moved up to your hip, digging his fingers into your thin dress-covered skin with such force it was sure to leave marks tomorrow. "Please."
You knew what you were begging for, but the moment Kaz forced your waist to move against his thigh, rubbing your pulsing core against his thigh, you forgot even your own name. And Kaz knew it. Then, like dominant man who wanted to see you surrendered to him that he was, his mouth went to your ear as he whispered:
"Do you want me to fuck you?" Kaz wiggled his thigh against you, making your clit roll against the soggy fabric of your panties.
You moaned loudly, your hands tightening on his shirt, your face hiding in his chest as an overwhelming, aching pleasure invaded your system. It felt good, but unbearable for being so little, churning something in your belly that made you despair for more.
"Y-yes." You whimpered, rolling your hips on his thigh.
Kaz's bare hand crept up the slit between your thighs, your dress already balled up at the top of your waist, and dipped his fingers into the juncture of your pussy and his thigh, pulling your panties to the side and making you feel the fabric of his dark pants against your wet, hot flesh. You moaned louder, your grip on his shirt tighter and your hips rocked harder for have any friction.
“Do you want me to fuck you like the little slut you are? Is that what you've wanted all this time?” His words, husky and strong, in that intense, dominant intonation, sent all your self-control to hell.
"Yes." You sobbed. “I-I need you."
But his hand in your panties went up to your chin, and he forced you to look him in the eye once more. The electric intensity of that look turned you on even more, making you gasp as his thigh still rocked against your throbbing clit.
“After that little stunt? you’re not getting off that easy” It was very hard to think with all the stimuli he was giving you, but the thunderous blue eyes warned you to pay attention to his words “Do you think you deserve me to fuck you?”
His gaze invaded you so deep and so warm and intense that you wondered if he was trying to leave a burning imprint on your soul. All over your body, overwhelming desires resonated, and you gave in to the compulsion to roll his thigh further, whimpering from the pressure on your clit.
"I'm s-so sorry." You whimpered, eyes pleading with he "It won't happen again."
"Won't happen what?" He tightened his grip on your chin, not painfully, but firmly to get your attention.
"It won't happen again, Sir."
The reward for your obedience came in an aggressive, hungry kiss, his hand in your chin dropping for your hip and wiggle his thigh at your needy pussy.
"Do you want to cum?" He teased you.
"Yes, S-sir."
"The only way you're getting off is on my thigh."
Then, as if to reiterate his statement, his mouth clutte to yours once more, his thigh swayed with more vigor and his bare hands moved up to the neckline of your dress.
His warm palms and long fingers lowered the straps of your dress and released your braless breasts, your nipples hard with pleasure and your breasts swollen with arousal.
Your moan was muffled by Kaz's, and he just released your mouth to lower his lips to your left breast, capturing the innocent nipple with his mouth and rolling his tongue across your flesh. You moaned louder, your waist twisting desperately against his thigh as your hands tangled in the strands of his black hair.
Kaz delighted in every inch of you, his hands going back to your waist as his mouth attacked your other breast, leaving a trail of hot saliva on his tight, needy nipples. Brekker was consumed by a fierce hunger and need, so overpowering that he pressed his fingers to your skin as if you were his last meal. He'd wanted for so long to do all that, to dive into your body like a starving man, savoring every inch of your warm skin.
Letting out a loud, delighted moan, Kaz increased his thigh movements as he suckled on your nipple, feeling flung to hell heaven as you squealed softly and collapsed onto his thigh, smearing his black fabric with your hot cum. But Kaz couldn't care less about the fucking pants. His cock hard and rigid as a sword hilt throbbed desperately, commanding him to sink into the heat of your slippery walls.
"This is much better than I dreamin." You whimpered softly, your face still buried in his neck, your waist wiggling slyly in his thigh.
"Do you think of me when you touch yourself?" He teased you, taking his hands to your panties away from the center of your pussy and pulling them between your legs, tucking them in his pants pocket.
You nodded, your mouth dipping into his neck in broken kisses as your hands went to his pants belt, trying to get rid of any barrier between the two of you as quickly as possible.
"Please, please." You begged, flustered as Kaz stopped your hip movements with his hands "I need to feel you inside me."
Your plea was sated with an arrogant kiss as Kaz reached for his pants, pulling the fabric of the boxer together and letting pop out his dick throbbing, pulsing and his swollen head, brushing in your pussy with lazy strides.
"S-sir!" You cried, trying to earn more.
"Shh, don’t worry, I’ll take very good care of you."
The strong, long arm wrapped around your waist, pressing your chest against his chest as Kaz guided his dick to the entrance to your pussy, with one hand. He play whit you, pressing his head into your entrance just enough to make you feel the pressure, recoiling when you swayed frantically for more. The painful pleasure sent tears to your eyes, and you sobbed loudly as you were just toy in his hands.
A few hot tears ran down your face as you whimpered, helpless in his arms to get what you wanted.
"You know, you look real pretty when you cry." Kaz pressed his mouth to yours.
In that second, he completely sank his dick into you, swallowing your loud scream as the thickness of it widened you and hit the bottom of the well. The grip of his arm around you tightened, and Kaz lifted you and brought you let down badly, drown his dick even more deeply inside your hot, wet, desperate walls.
"S-sir!" You moaned loudly, his mouth leaving yours, but not pulling away enough and letting you feel his hard breath hit your lips.
You followed his thrusts, bouncing your waist up and down hard and letting his dick beat frantically inside you, robbing you of your breath and your ability to think. Your moans mingled with his, the pornographic sounds of their bodies crashing together were loud and you thanked God the car windows were black and the street was deserted.
"So fucking good slut!" Kaz growled against your lips, one hand leaving your body to snake down to your throat, maintaining a firm, dominant grip.
You moaned his name and his title between loud moans and broken sobs. Yours hands closed around the shirt off his shoulders and the waist shimmied between the thrusts, making sure his dick was completely inside you.
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat!” Kaz tightened his grip on yoir neck, watching you tilt your head back and expose your entire body to the delight of his eyes.
He growled louder, spurred on by that sinful sight, and increased the rhythm that pounded inside you, filling every inch of you and sinking down as anatomically as possible. Kaz felt possessed by a wild beast, insatiable and euphoric, and each thrust he gave you was more force he inflicted on you, marking you as his.
Kaz pulled your neck to him, pressing your mouth to his as he growled against your lips: “Mine.”
You nodded frantically, the apex bursting in a burst of pleasure as his dick came out and sank in hard, desperate, urgent strokes.
You promised, kissing him urgently and swallowing a low cry as his dick shuddered inside you, flooding you with the hot liquid until your walls overflowed, giving you a feeling of being incredibly full. You whimpered into his mouth, exchanging a sloppy kiss as Kaz gave you a few more thrusts, making sure his cum would fill your every inch, not letting you dare waste a drop.
“Mine” he repeated through the kiss.
so, the weather??? HAHAHA, anyway friends, i hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget consult the rules if you want to request for some Kaz smut. Love u. O
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firstbeachgoblin · 3 years
Hey! I hope you’re well, can i request an imagine where reader is Embry’s imprint and they haven’t seen eachother in months because reader has a life she can’t just drop for him but she comes back when the pack is blowing up her phone ? Thank youu and don’t worry if you don’t write it, it’s fine!
Thank you for the request! It took a Long time But It's now complete with a total whopping 5k words!! Any way I hope you enjoy the fic.
I put it under the cut because it's so long but it's my brain baby at the moment lo.
Returning to you.
Embry Call x Reader
5058 words
Most of my life has been spent in the Forks area so getting to travel to Europe for six months to see the art and culture was a dream come true. The past four months I’ve been travelling through Europe, starting in Greece and ending my trip in the Irish countryside.
The old art and architecture filled me with a joy that I could not get anywhere else in the world. The smells, sounds and sights all played their own part into the experience. I got to see the moon rise over Mount Olympus, the David by Michelangelo in the Vatican, tour through the Louvre, drink wine on the beaches of France and so much more. I’ve been living my best life.
It's been a dream to see the world, I've met so many new people and tried so much food. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my trip, but there was a part of me that longed for the beaches of La Push.
That part is Embry. Embry Call. My boyfriend, my pal, my love and my light. To me Embry is my everything and to him I’m his everything. That is one thing that has been made perfectly clear the past four months I’ve been away. Every day he’s told me he misses me and I know he means it, I’ve been told not just by him but also the rest of the pack.
Everyday I’ve woken up to ‘Good morning I miss you.” Sometimes he phones to tell me that he feels like he might die if I’m away for any longer. I always chuckle and tell him he will survive, it’s not like I’m going away forever; but that's what he feels like it is. This usually earns me a long winded whine from the other end of the line.
My phone buzzed against the smooth surface of the bedside table while Embry’s face flashed across my screen signalling that he’s calling. A smile graces my lips as I pick up the phone to be greeted with his loving voice.
“Hi (y/n)!! I miss you so much.” sadness was laced in his usual cheery greeting, it hurt my heart to be away from him but I would never trade this experience for anything. I’ve been planning this for years and I wasn’t going to pass up cheap plane tickets.
He filled me in on the pack's shenanigans, complaining about how they keep teasing him for being glued to his phone awaiting any updates I would send him. The later it got the heavier my eyelids seemed to feel, my speech started to slur with exhaustion of time zones while Embry continued to become more energetic with each passing minute.
“Em. . .” A yawn interrupted me mid sentence, a low whine emanated from the phone as he knew I would want to get to bed to have the energy for the long trip I’ll embark on tomorrow for Ireland, which is my last stop. I’d be spending the remaining two months of my trip in the lush countryside.
“I think I should get to sleep, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.” I mumbled into the phone.
“But (y/n)!” he dragged out. I knew he wanted to talk longer but I physically cannot do it. Even though Embry and I don’t live together officially yet, we’d talk into the early morning till one of us fell asleep.
“But (y/n) what?” I dragged out the ‘a’ matching his whine.
“I miss you and want you to come home.” I could hear him pause over line before he continued.
“Besides, sleeping isn’t the same without you.”
I ran my hand through my hair gently tugging on the roots easing the tension that’s built up over my trip. As much fun as I’ve had, he does have a point. Sleeping just isn’t the same without Em. My nights have been spent restless in beds that aren’t mine without the comforting touch of my boyfriend; but that doesn’t mean I can just drop everything and go back home.
“Em you know I can’t just pack everything and go home. . .” I looked at the painting that hung over the tv that sat opposite of my bed. A puppy-like whimper fell from his lips when he spoke again, his voice cracked like he was going to cry. It broke my heart hearing him upset.
“I-I know I just really miss you.”
“I know Embry I miss you too, but it’s only two more months then I’ll be home.”
We chatted for ten more minutes before I fell asleep on the phone. As much as I missed falling asleep in his warm embrace I can’t just fly back home, not yet at least.
The blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The clock face read 6:02 a.m. taking everything within myself to peel back the blankets that encased me in their warm grip. I patted through the bed sheets to find my phone only to knock it onto the floor in the process.
My lock screen adorned a photo of Embry with icing smudged across his face from his birthday party but a swamp of text messages from the pack covered my favourite photo of him. Five texts from Leah, seven from Jake, nine texts from Paul, 12 texts and two missed calls from Sam and a whole group chat titled ‘(y/n) come home.’
The group chat kept pinging with the members of the pack who were still awake discussing the logistics of flying out to Ireland to take me back home. Was Embry really causing that much strife in the pack for them to create a group chat? Knowing him, it couldn’t be too far from the truth.
Leah and I call once a week to check in and make sure the other is doing okay since I left. It’s one of my favourite parts of the week being able to have a one on one with someone sensible. Every week she fills me in on Embry begrudgingly, she does it because she knows it makes me happy which I appreciate.
Reading through her texts she didn’t say much in regards to Em’s behaviour the only message relating to him was “come get your man child please, he’s getting snot on the floor.”
I listened through Sam’s voice mails which were begging me to come home, he informed me that once Em knew I was asleep he started moping around Emily’s house again for the fourth consecutive night in a row. This was news to me.
The texts entailed that Embry was becoming a pain on patrol and that Paul ‘couldn’t take another minute of the incessant whining.’ I told them the same thing I told Embry; I’m not dropping everything and rushing back home to sooth the wails of a love sick boy. There isn’t much I can do from across the ocean anyway.
I stretched my body and headed towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower before I had to leave for the airport.
I packed the few remaining things I left out to prepare for the flight and headed my way to the lobby to check out. I enjoyed travelling but I wasn’t going to miss sleeping in hotels and hostels.
Two weeks have passed since I touched down in Ireland and to say I’ve been having the time of my life is an understatement; I’ve been having a ball living my best life.
The land was capped in a luscious emerald green sea of grass that waved in the wind, the roads were lined with hand built stone walls that marked the division of farmers fields.
Sheep and cattle grazed in pastures, and old castles dotted the countryside. It was gorgeous. It was a view that I wanted to see again, a view I want to see with Embry.
It felt like time was flying by between sight seeing, trail hiking, museum tours and calls with Embry and Leah. It has already been a month. I had one more month before I was to jet set back to the U.S. and see my Embry.
One more month before I was back in La Push surrounded by the scent of sea water and trees with the looming threat of rain constantly overhead except in the summer. For two months of the year La Push was bright and sunny with the expected summer storms that happened.
I had fallen asleep on the phone with Embry again when I realized my phone was lost in the sea of sheets as it buzzed with an incoming phone call.
I couldn’t find it until the call had gone to voicemail and my phone landed on the ground when I gave up and ripped the blankets off of the bed but whoever called must have felt it was really important. Picking up my phone the most unflattering photo of Jacob was plastered on the screen, his name in white.
“Hello?” I asked groggily into the phone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I looked over at the clock which said in bold red numbers 1 am.
“Hey (y/n)! You sound like you just woke up.” I heard him chortle from the other end.
“That’s because I just woke up Jake, it’s one in the morning.” a yawn escaped my lips, I know I’ll have a rough time getting over jet lag when I go home.
He occupied twenty minutes with idle chatter and borderline interrogation about all the sights I’ve seen before I asked him why he was calling me so early in the morning
“Embry has spent the week at my house, you need to come home there’s nothing we can do anymore to occupy him till you return.” He sighed, Jake knows I want to finish my trip but we made a deal that I would come home early if there were absolutely no options left to keep Embry from sending the pack into hysterics.
I knew he was buttering me up for something.
“Are you sure you can’t figure something out? It’s just another month!”
“Another month of him eating my cereal and getting dirt on me from my dad!”
I snorted with laughter at the fact that Billy was telling Embry every embarrassing detail from his childhood.
“Jake please just let me think about it okay?” I sighed, flopping back into my hollowed cave of blankets and sheets.
“Okay, I’ll let you think about it but don’t think I won’t be telling Sam.” he warned.
We laughed together and he wished me a good night before hanging up the phone, before I slipped back into slumber I sent Jake one more text.
‘You wake me up at one in the morning again and it’s over for you.’ in which he responded with ‘Oh no I’m so scared lol.’
I reached over to the bedside table and plugged my phone in before the sweet embrace of warmth and slumber took over my senses.
The next three days I was bombarded with texts from Paul whining about the wolf mind link and how every patrol shift he had with Embry was spent tuning out his constant thoughts of me.
Standing in the shower with hot water running over my skin soothing my tense muscles I heard my phone buzz against the granite countertop. I rolled my eyes and continued to bask in the endless hotel hot water.
As bad as staying in hotels could be, the hot water made up for the early breakfast and sheets that were tucked in a little too tightly.
I had shampoo in my hair when my phone started buzzing again, this time with a call. I grumbled under the stream of water washing away the soap before it could get in my eyes; whoever's calling can wait.
I moved on to conditioning my hair, letting it sit while I wash the rest of my body with a lightly scented lavender soap.
I refused to use the complimentary soap because it dried out my skin and the lotion just left me feeling sticky instead of moisturized.
Watching the soap run down the drain my phone rang again, I clenched my fists, who could possibly be calling me now? I still refused to get out of my steamy heaven to answer my phone.
My gut told me that whoever was calling wouldn’t let up until I answered. I washed out the conditioner from my hair and wrapped it in a towel.
The mirror was coated in a layer of steam, the tiles were cool against my feet. I wrapped the plush towel around my body, mopping up the droplets of water that remained.
My phone started vibrating with rapid fire text messages from the pack’s group chat they made a month ago. I sighed, picking it up to sift through the messages. I read a message from Jared telling me he’d pay me to return.
The pack always made me laugh, together they’re a walking sitcom. There is never a dull moment with them, someone always had something witty or sarcastic to say.
I checked to see who had called me and it turned out it was Sam, I listened to his voice mails and immediately phoned him back.
As soon as I hit the call button it only rang for half a second before he picked up.
“Thank you for calling back, I thought I’d have to call two more times.” he chuckled.
“Well I was in the middle of a shower, can’t really take a call there.” I moved through the room with my phone pressed between my shoulder and cheek. Stopping at my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear for the day.
“I’m going to be frank with you, I need you to come home. . .” I let out a huff before he continued.
“Embry needs you badly, he’s just a pile of mush on the floor now. It’s a chore to get him up to go on patrol. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll see what I can do Sam, I’ll try to book a flight for the earliest date I can find.” I knew I was giving in but from what they were telling me and the constant texts were getting to be difficult to manage.
“Thank you, when you get back I’ll buy you take out for a month okay?”
“I hate that you know what my weakness is.” I laughed through the phone, a month of free take out? Hell yeah. It made the prospect of going back a little brighter since I wasn’t going to complete the rest of my trip.
I wasn’t losing out on too much though, I had seen and done everything that I wanted. It wouldn’t be too bad to go home early.
We talked for a couple more minutes before parting ways, I threw my phone on the bed and watched it bounce a couple times before turning my attention back to getting dressed. Since I had a flight to book it was okay to spend the rest of the day lounging in pj’s.
The soft fabric of my pj’s brushed against my skin as I jumped into bed with my computer in hand, and now it was time to book a flight back home. Maybe text Paul and tell him he can quit complaining as well.
I woke up the next morning with my flight booked for take off in the afternoon and my daily good morning text from Embry. I felt a little sad to be leaving such a beautiful country but the trees, ocean and Embry all called my name.
Pacing through the room I grabbed the comfiest set of clothes I packed for my return flight back to Seattle, I had enough time to sleep on the plane to be conscious enough for the three and a half hour drive back to La Push.
I was set for a long day ahead of me but it was going to be worth it in the end, seeing the bright and happy face of my boyfriend, getting to hug him and kiss him again.
I made one last check of the room before I gathered my clothes and toiletry kit and made my way into the bathroom to shower before my long flight. As I was stepping into the shower my phone pinged from the counter with a text from Sam.
“Have you booked that flight yet?” it read.
“Yeah I’m due for take off at 1. I should be back in La Push some time tomorrow!”
My fingers brushed the cool surface of the counter top as I put my phone back and got into the shower, hot water immediately running down my back; this time my phone wasn’t being blown up by a desperate wolf pack trying to get my attention.
I can’t sit in the shower for hours on end this time, I have a flight to catch and a boy to surprise. Embry was currently still under the impression that I would be coming home in two weeks. Boy would he be in for a surprise.
The residual steam wafted out of the bathroom while I brushed my teeth revealing my towel wrapped body and hair in the mirror behind the skin. I checked the time and noted that I had two hours to check out, make my way to the airport, and check into my flight back home. Two more hours before I could smell the trees and ocean, two more hours before I could see my friends and hug Embry.
The time managed to move by in a blur by the time I was shutting the trunk of the yellow cab that was going to drop me off at the airport. I got into the back seat and the driver peeled away from the hotel front onto the winding roads.
“Aye where are you headin’?” The driver inquired in a thick Irish accent.
One thing I noticed in my stay here was that the accent changed in every town or village I passed through. It added to the charm
“Well, I’m on my way home after spending six months in Europe.” My eyes scanned over the green hills that rushed past in a blur.
“My favourite places I’ve been have definitely been Ireland and Greece.” I smiled towards him.
The lines around his eyes crinkled with the smile that graced his face at the mention of Ireland.
“Well that’s good to hear innit? Glad you’ve enjoyed your stay. We welcome ya with open arms if you return.”
We held a light conversation until we arrived in front of the drop off area for passengers, thanked him and grabbed my bags before heading into the crowded lobby.
The front of the terminal was metal and glass that reached towards the heavens with automatic doors gaping open like a mouth. Inside was a dull white with light grey floor which my shoes clicked against with each step.
It was packed with people like a can of sardines, I weaved my way through the masses towards the check in desk which thankfully only had a short line to get through.
Under the mix of fluorescents and natural light the desk lady’s bags that donned under her eyes glared with visible exhaustion from the mass amounts of people that swarmed the terminal.
Despite her clear drowsiness she still greeted me with a warm smile and a soft hello.
I grabbed my ticket and thanked her then turned and pushed myself through to the security check, dropped my luggage off and took a seat to wait for the boarding call for my flight.
As I waited grey clouds started to fill the sky blocking out the little sun that was once shining in its place.
My eyes grew heavier by each minute that passed, waiting could be hard, but waiting in an airport where there’s no sense of time is worse. So I distracted myself by people watching.
A lady was bouncing her baby, the old man across from me was snoring. A businessman paced back and forth speaking urgently into his phone, a family chatted excitedly for their family trip to the Canary Islands.
I pulled my eyes away from them as the call for my flight rang out over the crowded terminal, grabbing my suitcase and making my way towards the gate.
Excitement filled my every step as the anticipation grew and bubbled inside me. I gave the greeting flight attendant a small smile and made my way to my seat, for being last minute I managed to get a window seat.
We sat on the tarmac for twenty minutes before taking off and before I knew it the seat belt light pinged off and I was fast asleep jet setting my way back to America, back to my home.
I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke up but the clock on the tv screen said 2 a.m. and that we’re due to arrive in an hour. I sat up in my seat and gazed out the window into the starry night sky.
Energy started to course through me as I watched the arrival time tick closer and closer. A light rain misted down over Seattle as I left the Seatac terminal and made my way through the maze of cars in the night that was made darker by the rain.
I spotted my blue Subaru and popped the trunk so my interior and seats wouldn’t get wet. It had been a long six months since I last sat in my driver's seat, the wheel almost felt foreign in my hands as I turned the key and listened to the engine roar to life.
I drove through the winding roads of the city to the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry to take the 45 minute ride into Bainbridge and headed North to get on the 101 then turn onto 110 which would take me back into the heart of La Push.
The closer I got to Forks the brighter the sky became; well as bright as it could be on a gloomy day. The clouds became painted in the glow of purple and pink as the sun rose over the horizon, the rain had let up and left me with an overcast sky for the remainder of the drive back.
Since I slept virtually the entire flight back I didn’t feel the weight of exhaustion at all, but surely when I arrived back in the arms of Embry I knew I’d hit the wall with sleep deprivation.
As I barreled through the corridor of trees I passed the signature ‘welcome to Forks’ sign and turned right onto the 110, twenty minutes to home. I was so close but my soul felt like it was light years away.
The clock on my radio told me that it was currently 6:45, the pinks and purples that coated the sky faded away to the typical grey that fills my senses with delight. Sea salt and washed up kelp started to seep into the air that circulated into my car making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Closer to Beach Drive I got the stronger the smell of the ocean became. The turn signal clicked as I turned onto the road that gave way to Sam and Emily’s house so they could take me over to Embry’s in the off chance that he happened to be awake at this hour.
It’s highly unlikely that he would be up at this hour but it’s not something I could be one hundred percent positive about. I stepped out of my car and turned around to see Emily running as fast as she possibly could towards me with open arms and a huge smile plastered across her face.
Dropping my bags I dashed across their lawn into her embrace.
“Oh (y/n)! I missed you so much, you must be so tired.” She released me from her hug and settled her hands on my shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze.
“I missed you too Emily, I knew I’d be tired but not this tired.” I chuckled while wiping at my under eyes in a feeble attempt to wipe away the exhaustion.
She put her hand on my lower back and led me inside for the awaiting cup of tea while Sam moved my bags into his truck.
The warmth of their home embraced me, the comfort of their kitchen was familiar. The only thing missing was the rowdy group of boys that made up the pack who usually occupied every available seat in the home.
I took a seat at the kitchen table where three cups of tea sat waiting, I should have expected a q and a when I returned. Wrapping my hands around the mug the warmth that radiated from it filled my hands.
Emily took a seat beside me and Sam entered through the door and sat adjacent to both of us.
“So how was the trip?” We sat around their table chatting until our cups were empty and filed out of the house into the early morning air.
“Emily and I will drive your car back to your place after I drop you off at Embry’s, the kid’s been sleeping in my living room more often than I’d appreciate.” Sam’s eyes crinkled with a smile, I knew he was joking but at the same time there was truth to his words; and honestly I couldn’t blame him.
“Thank you for putting up with him while I was gone, I owe you guys one and you owe me take out for a month.” He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair turning into the Call's driveway. Embry’s mom had already left for work leaving him to his own devices; which meant he would sleep in as late as his heart desired.
We got out of Sam’s truck and he dropped my bags on the doorstep. I turned and gave him a quick hug and a thank you before sticking my key into the lock.
The door creaked open and I dragged my suitcases to a stop in their front entry way and shut it behind me.
My shoes landed on the floor with a soft thud and I gingerly walked up the stairs to ensure I wasn’t too noisy while making sure to avoid the one squeaky stair.
I got to the top of the stairs and hung a left down their light beige hallway that gave way to the oak door that guarded Embry’s room. His soft snores filtered through the door, it’s door knob was cool in my hand. Making an audible click with the turn of my wrist.
Dark mahogany brown hair peaked up from beneath the sheet that tucked Embry’s body out of view. One pillow was on the floor while the other was tucked firmly between his cheek and arm, I smiled at the sight of my sleeping boyfriend which filled my every inch with the utmost joy.
My sock covered feet pressed into the carpeted flooring with each step I took towards his bed making sure to step over the piles of dirty clothes that were scattered around the room.
The sun filtered through the gaps in the window blinds casting pools of golden light on the floor and along his walls causing the crystal prism that hung above his closet to sweep dashes of colour across his walls.
I pulled back the grey top sheet to reveal his peaceful face and I swear my heart was going to burst with the amount of love that I feel for him. His hair was tousled in every direction and a cow lick stuck straight up on the left side of his head.
My hands ran over his hair, smoothing it out while I whispered his name. Embry groaned a bit and rolled over, I whispered his name a little bit louder and moved my hands from his hair to his shoulders running them along his arms finally waking him from his slumber.
“Hi Em!” I gushed out as his brown eyes opened and focused on me. His face split with his toothy smile and his arms shot around me, pulling me down into his chest.
“Do you know how much I missed you?” Embry mumbled into my hair.
“I figured a lot with the amount of texts I got from the pack.” I reached up brushing the hair from his face.
“You can never leave me for that long again. . .I didn’t know what to do without you here.” He ran his hands through my hair placing a gentle kiss upon the top of my head.
“I was so worried about you. I couldn’t protect you and make sure you were safe.”
“Well next time I’ll make sure you can come, then you don’t have to worry.” Craning my neck up I placed a kiss upon his lips which were still a bit swollen from slumber.
“The important thing is that I returned safe and in one piece. The other important thing is I get to spoil you with the gifts I brought back!”
His laugh filled the room sending vibrations through my body.
“Hey! That’s my job to spoil you, not the other way around.” He ruffled my hair causing us both to laugh. I peeled off my socks and wiggled my way under his blanket.
“I think it’s time we catch up on six months worth of cuddling.” I poked a finger into his side.
“Yeah I think that’s a good idea, you owe me for being gone so long.”
“What? I came back early!” His hands made their way under my shirt to rest on the bare skin of my back sending waves of heat through my body from being pressed into him. Oh how I missed my heater.
“Yeah, by like what? Two weeks?” his silky voice chuckled out.
“I missed you Embry.” I told him, placing a kiss on his exposed shoulder.
“I missed you too. Now let's go back to sleep, you look tired.” He said to me as he rested his chin atop my head and pulling me closer.
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ushidoux · 3 years
Good Teacher - Sugawara x Reader
Summary: You meet Sugawara on an online dating app expecting something tame, but get more than you expected. (~3.1k words)
Warnings: fem pronouns, fem!reader, some features are described ***, dom/sub dynamics, collaring, daddy kink, breathplay, dacryphilia, spanking, edging, toy use, restraint use, sub drop
A/N: Again, this was a commission so some features are described!! Otherwise, please enjoy my first longer BDSM fic.
Being alone in your bedroom at 9pm on a Friday night may have felt like a loss on any other day, but today, with your phone buzzing non-stop and every neuron in the sexy parts of your brain firing, you could not think of anything else you would rather do.
Well, actually you could think of a few, and most of them involved slipping out of your pajamas and slipping under your new flame.
Sugawara Koushi.
A name like that sounded sweet. Maybe even bland. Safe.
When you’d swiped right on his profile on the tamer of your social media apps, you’d expected someone mild-mannered and easy to speak to. He was an elementary school teacher with soft features, white hair and a cute mole under his left eye. He couldn’t possibly be as forward as the other guys you’d dealt with over the years. A tame, responsible choice.
You’d started texting back and forth quickly, with polite, formal introductions which progressed to cute messages and long phone calls, and you’d even managed a very chaste first date where he’d picked you up at 8pm on the dot and taken you to a fine restaurant on the water.
You normally would have expected to be dicked down that night, and had paired sexy lingerie under your silky mauve dress for exactly that, but you weren’t too surprised when he left you at your doorstep with a peck on the forehead.
The only unsettling thing about the kiss was the way his eyes had lingered on your lips, just as his fingers trailed the curve of your jaw as he tucked your hair behind your ear. It was too practiced, too… dominant.
You suspected he was holding something back.
And he was, because once you’d ventured to call in the middle of the night, a little bit tipsy and yearning for a little bit more than a smile and a gentle touch from him, you’d broken some sort of dam.
He’d called you a needy, desperate, pretty little slut, desperate for Daddy’s cock but needing to prove herself that she was willing to ride with Daddy’s very, very strict set of rules first, and you’d practically cum at the sudden turn of his voice.
Now anything was fair game.
I have… particular taste. Are you sure you can keep up, princess?
The warmth between your legs and the image of full balls and a weighty, rigid cock told you, you would absolutely be ready for anything he had in store for you. 
Yes, daddy. I’m up for anything you want.
You, of course, couldn’t see the wide smile spreading across his face on the other end, as he palmed his cock slowly while reading your texts and admiring your nudes, and texted back:
We’ll need a shit ton of rope.
Sugawara’s hands are much larger than you’d anticipate, and rougher, and you wonder how much of it is due to high school athletics or from the fact that he’s quick to slap or spank you at any chance he gets. Your skin is sometimes red, sometimes bruised, and always marked, and it’s exactly the way you like it.
The first time you have sex, he starts you off as though you are the most shy of virgins even though you claim that you’re not exactly inexperienced.
“I wouldn’t want to break you, pretty girl,” he teases, as his hands worship your body, tracking down your waist to the center of your legs, and patting your cunt softly. Today, he’s promised to focus on your pleasure only because he wants to “break you in.” You wonder how many he’s “broken in,” then you realize you don’t really care. You’re his one and only princess right now, and you intend to be for quite a while. 
The pleasure of being a good dom is that he can choose to serve - he can choose to be doting and he can choose to be harsh with punishment. Since it’s your first day since you’ve entered this contract with him, he’s decided to focus on the catering part of his personality, and familiarize you with his desires.
The rose-gold Turian collar on your neck compliments your skin well, he takes note, as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth and leans you against him while you are seated on the edge of the bed and he’s kneeling just so before you, fingers deep in your cunt.
“You’re gonna keep that pretty little thing around your neck, aren’t you, pretty baby?”
His fingers move so fast that it’s hard for you to speak, and the arm that’s wrapped around your waist and keeping you flush against him is tightening the longer he continues. He’s a lot stronger than he looks, you know from every heavy spank he’s given you.
“I-I will, daddy, every day and every night,” you pant out, your tongue lolling as his fingers curve upwards and his lips leave your nipple with a soft pop and make their way to your quivering mouth.
“Good,” he whispers as he bites your lower lip. “You’re so obedient… I like that in a little one,” he affirms.
He’s kind when he teaches, patient even. 
He’s also generous; he gifts you with your first corset, a dark, lacy and tight thing that almost takes your breath away initially, especially when he tightens it onto you himself. Even if it’s constraining, you feel empowered from the very moment you look in the mirror. Your breasts sit high, and you spin once in a gesture of delight; he kisses down your neck as you admire yourself.
“This is only to get you used to a little bit of restriction,” he reassures, as he pulls you into his lap. “But I can’t deny that you look breathtaking.”
Since you’ve been so bold as to take his breath away, it isn’t too long until he decides he wants to see what you look like when you’re truly struggling for air. After all, the little shiny thing around your neck catches his eye way too often for his comfort, and his pants suddenly feel too tight for a casual grocery store run.
Your safeword is red, like the blood that courses through your veins as his fingers tighten around your throat.
He thumbs your pink, puffy lips, and it would be loving if he wasn’t calling you a stupid little cocktease.
“Pretty little bambi, prancing around like you’re free to be with anyone other than me.”
The breath that tickles your face is a taunt, because you’re slowly getting lightheaded, barely able to focus on the long index finger he’s commanding you to suck. 
The pressure he puts on your neck is varying; for moments you can draw a single staccato breath, which encourages him to press his lips to yours and absorb you in a kiss before he reapplies pressure; his naked body presses against yours, rolling painstakingly slow. He hasn’t even entered you yet.
Breathplay, he calls it.
You gasp as his cock slips into your wet entrance just as fast as his hand leaves your throat, and he too draws a deep breath as he fills you to the hilt. 
He lets out a soft laugh as he caresses the hair that is sticking to your face, and readjusts himself yet again - of course, he’s also better endowed than you’d expect him to be - before he picks up speed and chokes you again.
“I… Kou-”
“Daddy,” he stresses, unphased as he continues to press a small clitoral stimulator to your tender, overworked bud.
“D-Daddy~” you cry out in a soft, drawn out whine, and you shift a little bit because the ties that keep your ankles attached to the legs of the chair, your pussy exposed and vulnerable with your crotch wide open, are starting to dig into your skin. But you can’t move all that much, there’s additional rope around your waist that keeps you against the back of the chair and you think the soft satin that keeps your wrists behind you is probably overkill, even if you have to admit you like the color.
“Yes, sweetheart~” he whispers in a voice accented with assertive sweetness, his eyes still lowered and focused on the heave of your chest as he watches you drip before him.
You scream.
He’d angled the toy upwards, and somehow within the small bundle of nerves he’s targeted an even more precise cluster of endings - there’s a flash of white you see before you cum practically violently, lurching forward so rapidly that he has to keep the chair steady so that you won’t fall over on the pretty little face he adores.
It’s possibly the fourth time he’s had to ground you in the past hour, and it’s an act of mercy because he had been edging you repeatedly, forcing your pussy to clench desperately around nothing but air.
The way you gush and spray so lewdly onto the chair, onto the floor, onto the hand he plays on your sopping wet pussy reminds him he chose very, very well.
It’s nearly silent and it’s dark now, far too dark for you to see. 
Your Koushi has prepared you for this next step lovingly, sometimes not so lovingly over the past couple of weeks to build up to this.
The blindfold that obscures your vision is soft and slightly sweet smelling, as though spritzed with a floral scent about a day ago prior to this. Again your hands are bound, but he’s used lined handcuffs instead of ties, and your wrists are before you, not behind you. 
But you’re lying on your belly, a spreader forcing your thighs apart. He must really love the way your pussy looks staring him in the face.
“You seem to be a glutton for punishment, princess,” he says, accenting his words with a hard slap on your inner thigh. You gasp, but his hands linger tighten, and are then followed by what can only be the press of his tongue against the stinging portion.
“Daddy, I’ll behave, I’m so sorry,” you moan as his hand grips a generous portion of your asscheek.
But you won’t behave, because you’ve learned that Suga likes just a touch of bratty behavior and that gets him quite physical with you. He knows this just as much as you.
He slaps your ass fervently, the slight jiggle drawing a pleased sigh from his lips.
“You’re a silly little slut, though…” he starts, rubbing a hand along the length of your thigh, “how can I trust any of your promises?”
His finger travels to your open center, and when he sees you tense up, he stops.
“You need a firm hand to guide you always…”
His right hand curves again around your cunt and his middle and ring finger finds its way into your slippery hole, while his index taps your clit and his little finger (he’s dexterous like this), taps ever so lightly around your asshole. 
You shudder.
“Arch your back, you little cumslut. Make it easy for daddy.”
As you inch backwards slowly using your elbows and knees to rise up, his right hand continues to move with you, but then his other hand lands heavily on your other asscheek.
It breaks your concentration and you almost fall because it takes quite a lot more energy than you would expect to move this way with your hands bound and your legs spread, but you persevere. 
For him.
Before you can whine once you’ve gotten into position, he withdraws his hand from your cunt.
“No!” You find yourself shrieking before you realize. You can’t have him edge you again, he’s absolutely cruel, you can’t…
“Oh, I thought I called the shots here, princess,” Sugawara reminds you, voice honeyed and cruel. You can feel his fingers weave into your hair and the warm tip of what must be his cock prod at your entrance.
“Sir, please~”
He spreads you open with a hand massaging your ass, again tapping teasingly all around your vagina, but he won’t push in to give you the pleasure of having his cock inside you.
Your heart is pounding with desire.
“Please what?”
“Please fill me up, daddy!”
That statement of desire earns you an inch, an inch that makes you swallow saliva hard and your muscles tense with need and want.
“M-more, more please!”
“You’re so demanding. I would say your eyes are bigger than your pretty little pussy, but you can’t see, can you?”
He laughs, but he pushes in further another inch, than another, moving painstakingly slow, slow enough that you’re biting your lower lip until blood is drawn. The stretch is achingly delicious but it leaves you starved for more.
You’re begging and whining, and soon you’re trying your best to sink onto him further but he’s got you restrained for a reason.
“Greedy little bitch,” he murmurs, but he kisses your neck lovingly as he fills you to the hilt.
The unmistakable noise of flesh hitting flesh and minimal friction fills the room but you care less about sound, only about the slap of his balls against your cunt as he thrusts into you from behind.
More. Deeper. Faster. Harder.
He’s a master at drawing desire out of you, you wonder if you even needed these toys and ties and other accoutrements. You’re already so utterly wrapped for him. 
There’s a movie playing on your screen that you had both been pretending to watch, cuddled together on the couch, your legs resting across his lap. You had barely gotten through the opening credits before he pulled you onto him fully and had you straddle him.
“You want a snack, pretty baby?” He whispers, as though it weren’t just the two of you staring in each other’s eyes.
Your eyelashes bat and you nod.
He doesn’t break eye contact while he reaches for a strawberry, fresh from the farmer’s market you’d strolled through this morning, from a bowl set on the table. 
This one is drizzled in chocolate, and he runs it along the length of your collarbone, eye contact still heavy and unflinching before he dips down to catch it in his mouth.
It hangs out halfway from his teeth and he cues you to take it from him mouth to mouth. You split half of it, letting the sweet tartness permeate your senses.
His arm hooks around your waist and pulls you in close as he presses his lips against yours. You weren’t aware of the glob of strawberry-flavored saliva he’d collected until he draws away, tilts your head back and tells you to open up wide so he can spit directly into your mouth.
Suga’s relentlessly pounding an erect, frustrated and thick cock into your mouth, past your teeth and down your poor throat, and he’s close to his release now, you can tell by the way he’s now pressed your face so far against him that his carefully cropped pubes prick your face.
He’s warning you beforehand, and you’re thankful for the warning because when he cums with a soft, almost angelic moan, his penis jerks inside your mouth ever so slightly, and there’s a gush of hot, slippery liquid that slides down your throat.
You breathe through your nose. He tastes sweet, maybe it’s because of the strawberries from just earlier today, but nevertheless it’s a pleasant liquid you gulp down around his cock.
He loves the way your throat feels when it clamps around him, especially when you initially gag once accepting his cock.
You’re perfect.
“Come up, darling,” he bids you, pulling you up from your position on your knees.
“Are you gonna fill me up, daddy?” You mewl softly as he lifts up and carries you before laying you on your back.
“Yes, pretty baby, but let me taste your juicy little cunt first,” he says before he dives in between your legs.
“You’re so good for me, you know that, don’t you?”
He kisses your neck softly as he holds you close to him while you lay in bed together. It’s close to 1am and he’s focused on aftercare, caressing your arms and waist and the curve of your hip gently. You’re facing away from him, not because you’re upset, but because you’re exhausted.
He’s worried you’re having a sub-drop; after all, he’s spent the last two hours slapping your face and calling you disgusting. He wonders if you forgot to use your safe word.
You’re new to this and he’s put you through a lot in the past few weeks.
“Sweetness,” he whispers, directly into your ear. “Look at me?”
You turn, cheeks still flushed from particularly hard slaps. His heart aches a bit for you, because those sweet lips are pulled downwards into a frown and he’s not sure if those are fresh tears that wet your eyelashes. 
He kisses your eyelids then rests his chin on the top of your head.
“Are you doing okay, my princess?”
You nod and reach for his face with your fingertips. Your dom softens under your touch because you are so precious to him. His fingers close around yours and he kisses your forehead.
“The most important thing is your comfort,” he asserts. He taps the collar around your neck that suggests in some way that you are his and he is yours. “You can take this off at any time.”
You wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face into his chest. It’s been fun and it’s also been freeing to have him take care of you. There’s a soft haze that wafts around your brain lately as you surrender to him. You are in love with him, deeply, in such a short amount of time.
“I would never,” you say, finally. 
His heart skips a beat.
“Unless you want to buy me a nicer one, of course.”
He chuckles. 
“You’re a feisty little one, aren’t you?” He remarks. He’s glad to look down at you and see you smiling again, eyes bright and brown. He reaches for your ass cheek, then raises your leg so that it lies across his hip. 
Your eyes twinkle with mischief.
“Well, that’s why you picked me to teach, isn’t it?” You raise an eyebrow, and the cheeky grin on your face is enough to make him get absolutely hard again.
Of course, only if you’re up to the task.
Suga bites gently on your lip again, his hand on your thigh. 
“I didn’t expect you to learn so quickly.”
“Maybe you really do have the gift of teaching,” you reply, as you stick your tongue into his mouth.
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fictionfunshop · 3 years
Whore Phase - One Shot (Spencer Reid)
Thanks @moderatelydelusional for the inspo - I hope I did your idea justice.
18+ - Filth and not for children's eyes.
MGG / Spencer Reid are killing my feels
*200 LIKES!!! You've all made me happy. Currently writing more filth for your eyes **
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You weren’t expecting him to text.
He usually called you when he wanted to see you, purring down the line telling you all the filthy things he wanted to do to you, which always made your thighs clench. You decided to have a Friday night in; you already filled your belly with your favourite take-out, had a long hot bath with a new book you picked up earlier in the week. Now you were sitting here catching up on some trashy television you dare not tell anyone you watch, painting your toenails when your phone came alive, making you jump and smudging your baby toe in the process.
Can I come over? – Spencer
No hello, or how are you, which you knew meant he had a bad case and needed you to let off some frustration. You understood and didn’t mind him using you like this, your Friday night instantly looking up and thanking your earlier self for taking your time shaving. You immediately type back your reply.
Course. See you soon.– Y/N
You jumped up from the sofa and go to your bedroom to see what nice underwear you had clean, instantly slipping on a lavender chemise set you picked up a few weeks ago, immediately thinking of him. You were fully aware of the agreement you both had – he told you he didn’t want a girlfriend because of his job, and you were working through a bad breakup and wanted some no-strings fun, so when he was free, he would come over to yours, never his and you would both “chill out” AKA screw each other’s brains out.
You knew the absolute basics about each other. You knew he worked for the FBI, which you thought was an elaborate chat up line until one night he came to you straight from a case, his badge in his pocket, gun on his hip and stacks of paperwork pouring out of his bag. You knew he was an only child and that his mother lived in Vegas, his dad not to be seen. He enjoyed reading, teasing some of the titles on your shelf, and he was bisexual, something which didn’t surprise you in the slightest when he admitted he had been with men before you. Even though he knew next to nothing about you, he never made you feel like a whore, he never slipped out in the middle of the night, and if he was free the following day, breakfast was always his treat at the café around the corner or the near-by diner.
You wandered back into the sitting room, pulling a bottle of wine from the fridge and pouring yourself a glass. You sat back down on your couch, your mind now on high alert that he was coming to see you, thinking of all the ways tonight is going to go down.
He has fucked you senseless in every corner of this place.
From your location on the couch where you straddled him one lazy Sunday morning he was off work, the tiny kitchen table now being held together by prayers after you both came back here drunk from separate nights out, or the shower where two weeks previous he teased you until you were delirious before pinning you against the tiled wall. You didn’t have time to register anything else when your obnoxious buzzer rang throughout the apartment. You buzzed him up and left the front door open. You go to fix him a glass of wine and change the channel to a random news station. You’re still in the kitchen when you hear him drop his bags near the door and take his shoes off before you go to meet him in the sitting room.
He looks sexy but exhausted. The circles under his eyes evident, and you wonder why he came here instead of straight to his place. His hair is sticking in all directions in desperate need of a trim, and his shirt is creased from sitting on the plane. He’s attempting to take off his tie as he wanders over to you, interrupting the process by giving you a quick peck on the lips.
“Here, let me,” you hand him the glass of wine before you slide it from around his neck quickly; you fold it neatly and hand it back to him. He gives you a small smile before stuffing it into his pocket and downing the rest of the glass of wine. He places the glass down on the coffee table before gathering you into his arms and a tight hug.
“You look beautiful as always,” he mumbled in your ear. “This for me?” his fingers rub the strap of the fabric.
“Yeah, I got it a few weeks ago. You like?” he nods his head, his eyes trailing all over your body, his hands following their path. The flimsy material did little to hide anything from him.
“I love your body, “ his hands grip your hips, pushing them into his, feeling him get hard through his slacks, “knowing you were waiting for me, in this…” he gripped the back of your head before clashing your lips together.
His hands wandered around you, cupping your ass, making their way up the back of the thin vest, his fingers running down your spine as you get to work, unbuttoning his shirt, as soon as you could get your hands to feel the flesh underneath you did, your nails digging into his shoulders. He broke the kiss and took your hand in his, and lead you to your bedroom. He sat down on the edge of the bed, and by instinct, you knelt between his thighs, your lips meeting again. This time your hand was rubbing the bulge; his were tangled in your hair. You wasted no time in undoing his trousers and releasing him from his boxers. He sucked in his breath when he felt your lips on his hips and nipping at his thighs as you gripped him, squeezing his base with every fluid motion. His finger tangles back into your hair when he feels your tongue lick the head of his cock, your lips wrap around him, sliding him down your throat with ease. Although he was bigger than other guys you have been with, you had enough practice with him. You look up at him; he was staring back at you.
“Fuck, you’re good at this,” he encourages you, as he grips your hair tighter and you open your mouth wider, signalling him that he’s in control.
Looking at him above you, his hair even messier than before and his lip tucked behind his teeth, you could feel how wet you were getting. You were sure he could see how hard your nipples were through the flimsy material covering you. You couldn’t control yourself; the hand not working on him goes between your legs and dips into your centre to find yourself right before you circled your clit, moaning as you continued to suck him off.
He lifted your head off his cock, spit dripping down your chin.
“Are you touching yourself? Does sucking my cock get you off? “ You nod your head.
“ I want you to show me how you do it..”
This was a new idea from him.
You stand up and take off your chemise and underwear before you crawl onto the bed. As you settle down on the pillow, he stands up too and undresses before settling between your thighs on his knees. You pinch your nipples hard and let out a moan as you feel his fingers lightly trace the outside of your thighs. You move your hand down between your legs before you settle your fingers back into your centre, curling them to reach the spot he does with ease. You crane your head back and let out a sigh as you settle back into a rhythm, occasionally pulling out to circle the bundle of nerves that makes your leg twitch and your hips match your hands. You feel him pin you down to the mattress.
“Look at me, Y/N, “ Your eyes snap open as they meet his, now completely black, the hand not on your hip, slowly stroking himself. “This is better than I imagined. Is this what you do when no one is around to fuck you?”
You nod your head as you let his name sigh from your lips. You can feel how close you are; you’re now dripping between your thighs, a thin sheen of sweat now covering your body, and he knows it too. He bends his head down, his hair lightly tickling your chest, and his mouth finds your hard nipple, his teeth sinking into it lightly before he circles his tongue around it. That’s all you need from him to let go, his mouth moving to yours to capture your screams, and you rode out your orgasm. You open your eyes to see him staring at you, still hard. He lifts the hand between your thighs and licks your two fingers clean as he stares at you. His actions turned you on further as you felt yourself throb.
Nothing else needed to be said between you. He climbs on top of you and settles himself between your thighs. He nips at your neck before he slips in; you can feel yourself grip around his cock, still not used to his size. He pauses for a moment before he slams back into you, hissing in your ear. By instinct, you wrap your legs around his waist, letting him go deeper, hitting your cervix as he bottoms out; It should hurt but it feels like heaven. He settles into a quick rhythm, fucking whatever problems he had out on you, but you don’t care. The feeling is building up in the pit of your stomach quickly as moans slip from your mouth.
“You feel so fucking good,” he rasps, a smirk on his lips.
He knows that you’re in the same delirious state as him. His hair is matted around the base of his neck; you can feel it around your fingers, which have tangled themselves there.
“Come for me, Spence, I’m close…so close…” you beg him.
“Me too, won’t last long…”
One of his hands moves from above your head to the headboard to keep up the rhythm as one of your hand moves between your legs, and you rub your clit, he stares down at the show before kissing you again. You bite his lip and tighten even further around him as your orgasm washes over you, chanting his name as he continues to ram into you. A few more sloppy strokes, and he joins you, swear words fall from his mouth, and his eyes squeeze closed. He pecks your lips again before he collapses next to you. You both lay there for a few moments trying to catch your breath before you get up to clean yourself off in the bathroom. Staring in the mirror, you can see some red marks on your neck from him already appearing. You pop back into your kitchen to grab some water before you head back into your room. He’s put his boxers back on and is sitting up against the headboard.
“Here, I figured you’d want one” you hand over a bottle as he gives you a soft smile.
“Thanks for letting me come over.”
“Well, it wasn’t a hard decision, a hot FBI agent who wants to have sex with me…” he rolls his eyes at your playfulness as he takes a swig.
“Well, this FBI agent is tired now after no sleep for nearly 30 hours, so how about we finish this off in the morning and some pancakes?”
What girl can say no to that?
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emeren · 3 years
Mmm maybe eren walking in on the reader using a vibrator and offering to help her and over stimulating her..
you got it! here it comes :)
red handed - eren jaeger 
pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 2.5k
content warnings: smut, 18+, masturbation, overstimulation, crying
notes: this one was fun to write, it was my first time writing about a vibrator so idk if it’s that good but i hope you all enjoy nevertheless! <3
you sighed to yourself, anxiously glancing at the clock. your roommate had informed you he wouldn’t be back until around nine; the numbers 7:30 blinking back at you expectantly. there was no way he’d be home early; eren was late to nearly everything he did. 
deciding to move into a small, crappy apartment with your childhood best friend had seemed like a good idea at the time. you and eren knew each other forwards and backwards; right side up and upside down. 
what you didn’t know was just how needy eren could be. he hated being bored more than anything in the world. he was always lingering, always pestering you to go do something. he would sometimes just walk into your room and stand there, asking you what you were doing and if you wanted to hangout. 
most of the time you didn’t mind. most of the time. but there were instances where the lack of a lock on both your bedroom and bathroom doors became an issue.
instances where the pent up hormones became too much to bear and you had to relieve yourself, quickly and quietly. 
you thanked your lucky stars that eren had decided to go out with some friends tonight. you’d finally be able to enjoy a moment of bliss for the first time in well over two weeks. 
after double checking that the front door was locked and peaking your head into eren’s room to make extra sure he was gone, you skipped to your own space with an air of giddiness. finally some alone time!
you softly closed the door behind you, turning to look at your beside table. pulling the small drawer open and rifling through various pieces of junk, your eyes landed on the small, inconspicuous piece of plastic. 
you’d come to realize that your hand wasn’t quick enough to combat eren’s nosey nature, and after a few near misses, you invested in your very first vibrator. 
it was a light pink color; just nearly longer than your middle finger. you picked it up carefully before plunking down on your hard mattress. you shifted so your back was pressed against the head board, knees slightly bent. 
you could feel yourself aching in anticipation, cold hand slipping past the hem of your pajama pants to press the plastic device against your clit. your thumb moved to click the on button, halting as you heard a floorboard creak from out in the hall. 
“ugh,” you muttered to yourself, trying to quell your paranoia. “eren’s not gonna be home for at least an hour.” 
you paused for a minute longer, ears straining. when you were met with just the distant sound of sirens, you allowed yourself to continue, clicking the button. the soft vibration buzzed against your nerves, breath hitching involuntarily at the sudden pleasure. 
it was a wonderful feeling; your chest heaving as your lower half embraced the foreign object. you leaned your head back against the wall, shifting to a more comfortable position as you bent your knees for better leverage. 
your mind began to wander, an image of eren popping into your brain. a few years ago, you would’ve cringed and banished the thought away, but you’d come to acknowledge there was no denying just how attractive your best friend was, no matter how guilty it made you feel. 
you pictured his muscular back, leaned over the sink as he washed dishes with a pair of black sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips. you could feel your face heat, closing your eyes as the pressure within the pit of your stomach began to build. 
it was easy to reach your breaking point with the vibrator; breath growing shallow as the image of eren’s muscular arms and defined v-line started to fog your mind. you exhaled out through your nose, the gentle buzzing making your clit twitch with desired release. 
you were so wrapped up, so distracted. it was the single moment of bliss right before your orgasm, face hot and hands clammy. 
you’d never let your mind wander so far before, but you were beginning to imagine eren touching you; letting his hands wander down your skin and caressing your curves, squeezing and- 
“what’re you doing?” a voice startled you from the moment of peace, replaced by an overwhelming embarrassment as your eyes snapped open, focusing on the tall figure leaning against the open doorframe. 
eren’s arms were crossed, face shadowed as he observed you. you quickly sat up, pulling your vibrator from your pants and clicking it off. the pace of your heartbeat was through the roof, eyes wide and chest tight. how fucking embarrassing! 
“i’m- i was-,” you were at a loss for words, standing from your bed. your heart pinged with annoyance, the embarrassment quickly dissipating into anger. “can’t you learn to fucking knock?”
eren didn’t say anything, quirking a brow at your snippy tone. it just aggravated you more, your brain trying to combat the dopamine that never truly reached its full potential. he stood in your doorway, staring you down as you seethed in your place.
“don’t be embarrassed,” he spoke softly. his face had some unknown expression on it, one you’d never seen before. his pupils were dilated, brows furrowed and gaze serious. “it’s a normal thing to do.” 
you huffed, shifting your legs in an attempt to quell the burning between your thighs. “i know that. what’s not normal is you barging into my room without knocking when you weren’t even supposed to be home for another hour.”
“i got bored, so i decided to come home and hangout with you,” he explained. his lip was curved upwards, as if he were trying to suppress a smirk. “s’more fun here anyway.” 
you frowned at his words, your mind flashing that image of his rough hands trailing down your body, squeezing. you swallowed at the thought, the anger quickly being overpowered by your unfinished arousal. “how long were you standing there?”
“long enough to know you didn’t finish,” he commented, holding eye contact as your eyebrows raised in surprise. you opened your mouth to respond, but eren beat you to it. “c’mon, i think i know you pretty well.” 
“not like that,” you muttered demurely, the dull ache nearly too much to bear. you felt like you’d be antsy till you got off, shifting uncomfortably as your eyes fell to the floor. “could you- could you give me some privacy?” 
eren didn’t respond for a moment, the sound of your bedroom door shutting sending a feeling of relief to your brain. you looked up, frown deepening. 
eren was leaning against the closed door, eyes dark and serious. “let me help you.”
his words sent a confused throb to your cunt, face going slack. was this really happening? 
“eren, you don’t mean…” you breathed out, the ache in your center multiplying tenfold at the sight of his tall and muscular figure staring down at you. shit, shit, shit!
“i do,” he responded seriously, taking a step towards you. he was normally tall and formidable, but in the darkness of your bedroom, he seemed infinite. you paused for a moment, your resolve already thin due to the incessant throbbing of your clit. eren seemed to take notice, eyeing you carefully. “who better than your best friend?” 
you held your breath before responding. you’d been thinking of this, dreaming of this. now here he was, standing before you and looking at you as though you were his for the taking. and it excited you. it excited you to no end. “i- okay.” 
eren was quick to smile, stepping up to you. you craned your neck to look at him, heartbeat erratic as his calloused hands ran down your bare arms. he slowly lowered himself to his knees before you, fingers hooking under the waistband of your pajamas. 
his teal eyes glanced up to you, asking for permission. you were afraid your voice wouldn’t work, instead feverishly nodding your head in acceptance. he pulled your pants down tantalizingly slow; like he was unwrapping some sacred gift. 
you bit your lip as your thighs became exposed, the feeling of eren’s hot breath fanning across the newly exposed skin. he leaned forward, eyes still locked with yours as he placed a kiss to the soft flesh, lips slicked with chapstick. it was sinful and he knew it. 
your cotton pants dropped to the floor, standing in nothing but your underwear and a t-shirt. eren’s gaze grew heavy on your panties - the inevitable wet spot showing just how desperate you were for attention. 
“trying to finish before i got home?” he cooed, curling his lip. you felt your face heat, glancing away. 
“yeah,” you responded bashfully, eren motioning his head towards the bed. 
he breathed out a laugh at your answer, giving your thigh that deeply desired squeeze. “that’s so cute. bet you’re so needy for me now, hm?” 
you could feel yourself growing wetter at his words, choosing to sit on the end of the bed in front of him rather than respond. he kissed your leg again, eyes catching on something beside you. 
“what’s this?” he smirked, reaching to grab your vibrator. you were too slow to react, reaching for it in vain as eren inspected it. “tsk, tsk. sit back down.” 
you hadn’t even realized you’d lifted from the mattress, eren’s dark tone making you abide as though you had no free will. 
he gave you a sadistic look, lunging forward to press his tongue flat against your clothed clit. you hissed at the feeling, hands fisting your bed sheets. eren chuckled against you, the vibration making your stomach burn. 
“just that already has you squirming?” he mumbled, lips pressing a kiss. as if this couldn’t get anymore embarrassing. “’s’hot.” 
you breathed out, the sight of eren between your legs in the lowly lit room entirely too attractive. you weren’t surprised he was so bossy and vocal, hand tapping your leg impatiently. 
“off.” he deadpanned, leaning back to watch you as you stood, yanking your underwear down your legs. you tried to quell your excitement; eren’s pupils growing impossibly larger at the sight of your exposed cunt. you sat back down, breath shaky as eren situated himself in front of you. “so wet already.”
eren, just as he always had been, was impatient. you’d just sat down and he was prying your knees apart, tongue hungrily pressing itself against your center. he was sloppy; eating you out with an animalistic hunger that had you nearing your climax much faster than usual. 
“eren,” you whimpered, the feeling of his tongue circling your entrance causing a moan to ripple from your mouth. the sound of his name only made him suck harder. he wasn’t letting up; absolutely determined to bring you to your high as fast as possible. “m’gonna cum, eren.” 
he groaned at your words, arms hooking around your thighs to hold you in place as he focused intently on your clit. the warm, wet feeling was becoming too much; edges of your vision growing dark as you let your release come crashing down, legs twitching as eren released his suction on you. 
he looked at you just long enough for you to notice the sheen on his chin, the sparkle in his eyes, and the grin on his lips. “been waiting so long for this, i’m gonna make the best of it.” 
your chest was heaving, brows pulled down in confusion as eren brought his first two fingers to your entrance, circling it twice before stuffing you with his long digits. 
you were burning, just having come down from your embarrassingly quick release only to have eren fucking you with his fingers. they easily slid in and out, wet with your sheen as he began to gently suck on your inner thigh. your vision was hazy, eren pushing his digits in to the last knuckle and curling slightly. 
the feeling of another release was building in your core; churning and readying you to succumb to eren’s will once more. and you were ready; a breathy moan leaving your lips as he angled his fingers particularly deep. you laid down, hands subconsciously lifting to grope your own chest - searching for an anchor. 
“shit,” eren swore at the sight of you palming your breasts, squirming in his hold as his fingers pumped in and out of you, quickening his pace. you whimpered in response, screwing your eyes shut. 
you felt the cold object press against your clit before he turned it on; eyes widening in surprise as you shot up. eren was grinning at you, thumb clicking it on as an involuntary cry ripped from your chest. 
the vibration was too much as his digits abused your cunt, stuffing into you as far as possible. your clit twitched aggressively, face and neck hot. your brain was growing fuzzy, thoughts clouded as you stared down at eren, mouth hanging open and eyes glossy. he was watching you seriously, pressing the vibrator harder against your clit in order to make you jolt. 
you were burning, abdomen flexing as your eyes began to water. the sensations were too much, legs trying to close but you were blocked by eren’s broad shoulders. 
you’d never been one to scream, but you couldn’t help the strangled sound that escaped your mouth as eren included his tongue in the overstimulating mix. hot, sticky tears slid down your cheeks, eren’s tongue lapping at the spot where his fingers disappeared inside of you. 
his eye contact. oh, his eye contact. it was pervasive and inspective, analyzing every sound and movement you made. 
he pulled his tongue back for just a moment, the vibrator buzzing intensely against you. “cum for me.” 
and you did. it was too much; your legs jerking and stomach cramping, mind turned to mush at the overflow of dopamine. you collapsed back on the bed, eren leaving the vibrator pressed against your clit for a moment longer, the feeling now more uncomfortable than anything. you waved your hand, too exhausted to beg him to take it off. eren only chuckled, pulling his fingers from you but pressing the object against you harder. 
“let me see those tears,” he said sweetly, tapping your thigh. it was a sinister sweetness, the tears pooling down your face as you began to grown numb below your waist. you forced yourself to sit up, eren smiling as he saw your wet face. “good girl.”
he removed the vibrator, tossing it on the bed as he stood. you laid back down, breathing heavy and legs weak. eren hovered above you, leaning down to wipe your cheeks. 
“next time, just ask for my help,” he sneered, your eyes rolling weakly. he had a boyish grin on his face, something teasing about his nature. “i’m way better than some stupid vibrator, anyway.” 
<3 <3 <3 
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