#the lore is fucking DEEP
mossiestpiglet · 2 months
...ocs? 👀
I am living in oc world all day every day and tbh if i could Art it would be over for you all because you would be forced to witness them nonstop.
Two of the fandom ocs that are consuming my whole life right now:
Still Unnamed Children of the Red King OC- literally just me isekai-ed into cotrk world from a post a while back but it was so fun i have been obsessed with the idea. They kill the person who summoned them within minutes because he’s such a bitch. The summoning gives them powers to both heal and harm by physical touch, and they have to wear gloves a lot while learning to control it which is sensory hell. Neither good guys or bad guys trust them because they think that dichotomy is bullshit and constantly disregard it to uphold their own ethics. They help Julia have her gay awakening and are in relationships with Paton and Harold. They held Manfred hostage once and have now become the best parent he’s ever had and he hates it. (Shout out to @the-walls-have-many-ears for all our wonderful convos about cotrk that have been so inspiring!!)
Liltanor/Hrávahín (lotr)- I have never spent so much time on the lore for a fandom oc, but he has taken almost two years at this point just to get satisfied with a name. I’ve wrapped them in and around the whole canon like a vine. Her mother is a Vala and her father is an elf (Vanyar), so she’s like Luthien in some ways but also I have made Luthien weirder for consistency. Both of them have shapeshifting abilities that also include ability to change sex characteristics, Luthien however chooses to always be female but Liltanor changes constantly and is gendered fluidly in universe languages (he spends lots of time as various animals too). He leaves Aman well before the Noldor (and also not on good terms) and by the time of LotR has been in Middle Earth longer than any other elf besides Cirdan. (Im skipping like. SO much there is too much lore) They are second cousins once removed with Galadriel (this wasn’t even on purpose) and more distantly related to Elrond & family. He is married to Haldir, which makes them both very happy, and many other people Unhappy because Liltanor hardcore rejects monogamy which is a fundamental aspect of elven culture (this is part of why they left Aman originally). She was lovers with Saruman in the past and would still be if he wasn’t going through his dark lord phase (Saruman is v resentful that Liltanor was so opposed to marriage back in Valinor otherwise he thinks he could have had a chance at marrying them instead and keeping them there. He is wrong). During the events of LotR Liltanor is a member of the Fellowship and forms a very close relationship with Boromir. This has consequences as they end up saving him, but in such a way that he (like them) becomes something Else and he now has to deal with immortality. As a consolation tho they also get married (yay two husbands!)
I also have a few original projects that have full casts of ocs but I’m still deciding if I might make a separate writeblr for those or what. I am also thinking about them all day every day and also making more of them like my life depends on it. My favorite hobby is to think of ways to make their relationships Worse <3
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puppyeared · 6 months
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these two are so interesting to me
characters belong to @canisalbus
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suntails · 10 months
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do you deserve to be loved?
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myuminji · 8 months
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Vampire AU (vw)
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silvers-starrway · 2 months
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Been having a lot of thoughts about ep 7 lately and how that applies to the au. Sonic's body getting contorted and changed into becoming a puppet to the solver... him losing agency as the episode progresses... hrm lots of the thoughts indeed.
Version without a background that I like under the cut :]
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two-sibyls-tall · 1 year
I bullet-point planned out a batfam fanfic aWHILE ago but I am Bad At Writing full-fledged stories so I’m going to just throw it out in the open here in the hopes that ya’ll will appreciate it, and also that mayhaps someone else who is Good At Writing will find it and make it.
So. Here’s my take on a Reverse!Robins Dimensional Travel fic.
Starts off with Robin!Damian seeing a black-robed uniform that’s awfully similar to the League of Assassins gear. Which is. Worrying. to see in Gotham.
Robin!Damian sneaks up on him to figure out wtf he’s doing.
Nightwing!Damian, aka the black-robed figure, calls him out. Possibly even makes an offhanded joke about how R!Damian shouldn’t be wearing bright ass colors if he didn’t want to be seen.
R!Damian catches sight of the Nightwing logo on N!Damian’s chest and proceeds to demand who he is
N!Damian recognizes R!Damin’s pattern of speech and essentially goes “oh fuck”. Reveals himself as Nightwing, aka Damian Wayne.
R!Damian immediately thinks of the Heretic. He calls for backup in code via comm link.
N!Damian is on the same comm channel, so he hears the responses to the code even if he doesn’t recognize the code itself. He’s semi-annoyed and starts running
R!Damian is IN PURSUIT.
N!Damian gets yoinked back to hid own dimension
R!Damian meets up with Nightwing!Dick and says something along the lines of “the assailant disappeared but who tf was that.”
It’s a couple days later now.
Red Robin!Tim has already started working on a multiverse-type theory and let Red Hood!Jason know, so honestly RH!Jason isn’t terribly surprised when he comes across a vaguely familiar vigilante beating the shit out of a criminal in Crime Alley.
New vigilante introduces himself as Redbird
RH!Jason goes across comms to ask Tim how tf he should be handling this shit?
Redbird visibly freezes up when RR! does the classic “no names in the field” chastise
RH!Jason straight up asks Redbird if he can hear the comms bc who needs to be subtle.
When Redbird confirms, he just sorta sighs and gives a code to O. There’s a bit of yelling while the team processes the possibility of compromised comms.
It calms down again, and RR!Tim is like “okay the evidence is pretty clear here if you ask me,, Redbird I think you’re from another dimension. Do you recognize any of us?”
Redbird is like “well I’ve only actually caught one of your guys’s names so far, but yes I. Know. a Tim. He doesnt sound like you anymore, though”
RH!Jason is like ‘hmm we’re gonna put a pin in that one for now’
Meanwhile RR!Tim is talking to Redbird about going to the batcave and also maybe running some tests to figure out where they’re coming from and what’s going on here
Redbird shrugs and mentions that this whole situation sorta seems like what his brother was talking about a few seconds before he jumped dimensions.
“Is your brother Damian Wayne, aka Nightwing?”
“Fuck. Yeah, that’s him.”
At this point RH!Jason connects the dots an goes “ah shit, you’re me aren’t you.”
Redbird!Jason gives the most dramatic eye-roll possible and is like “bro we went from Redbird to Red Hood? That’s so lame. Why’d we even change it.”
RH!Jason just looks at him. “No dude we went from Robin to Red Hood. because we died.”
They've been heading to the batcave during this conversation
They walk in and RR!Tim's already there and he's like "Jason stop freaking out mini you this is clearly a different universe he might not even die."
Redbird!Jason is completely frozen staring at (unmasked) Tim and just kinda whispers "Tim?" And then he gets yoinked back to his universe.
Tim and Jason look at each other and Jason's like "so that's definitely not a good sign for what happened to you in their universe, right?"
Nightwing!Dick is in the Batcave w/ most of the family discussing the dimension travel shit when he suddenly feels like he's being watched
He puts the meeting on pause and the feeling increases and he just looks straight up and sees golden eyes staring at him from the rafters
The other Batfamily members in attendance also look up and go what !! the fuck !!
NW!Dick knows about the whole 'Haly's circus being a theoretical breeding ground for the Court of Owls' thing bc I said so, so he already feels like he knows whats goin on
before anyone can say anything he just clears his throat and says "Gray Son?"
Batfamily freezes in shock and the small child w/ gold eyes just tilts his head in recognition and then jumps down from the rafters w/ no hesitation
He lands right next to NW!Dick and stands at attention, and Dick kinda feels sick bc Talon!Dick is like 8 years old
NW!Dick looks at the batfamily and makes some joke of like "haha looks like it’s my turn for the alternate dimension encounter"
RR!Tim is already taking notes
Bruce's put it all together and he's like "fuck. Little you is a Talon."
Cue the batfamily losing their shit again
Talon!DIck is looking between all of them confused, and he notices Damian just deadlock staring at him, and he's like Oh!! I know this one !!! so he stares back
RR!Tim is like "okay fantastic, well between Talon and Nightwing!Damian I think I can confidently guess by now that their dimension is one where all of our ages are reversed. Hey Talon do u wanna confirm that."
Talon is Very Helpful and nods, and Nightwing!Dick is like "alright buddy do you wanna tell us about ur dimension"
Except Talon doesnt really talk but !! he does sign!! his big sister cass has been teaching him sign !!
NW!Dick is like “thats great!! I know sign!!” and he starts relaying info to RR!Tim so he can take notes while Talon talks
Talon tells him that Tim From His Universe (and Dick isnt going to unpack yet why Tim’s namesign is a T drawn in the shape of a smile) has also put together that they’re going to a different universe
He says there was a case that the 4 nightshift batboys were on (girls were working a different case, Batman is offworld) w Oracle leading ofc that was selling alien technology
he says the 4 nightshift batboys were hit w a beam that didnt seem to do anything, but Tim of His Universe thinks that beam just had a slower affect and is what’s causing this
He says his big brother damian was the first to just randomly disappear mid mission and it gave Talon a scare bc they were together at the time, so he just froze and waited for damian to come back
and when Damian did, he immediately relayed what happened over comms, and a couple seconds later Redbird wasnt responding either
at this point RR!Tim interrupts and is like “are u saying urs all happened the same day? bc its been like a couple weeks since NW!Damian came here and several days since Redbird”
Talon just kinda shrugs and is like “well keep an eye out for Tim Of My Universe next bc he was hit too”
At this point NW!Tim is like “hey bud. why u. Why u using that name sign for Tim?”
Talon’s is about to respond when he gets yoinked back to his universe as well
Tim gives a mildly hysterical laugh and is like “well that’s not foreboding at all!!!”
RR!Tim doesnt actually notice when JJ!Tim comes in this universe, bc at this point JJ!Tim has figured it out as well and is like “alright well the kid hasnt been jokerized so why traumatize him if I dont have to”
but unfortunately JJ!Tim IS spotted by a random passerby who mistakes him for the Joker so the whole batfamily’s out soon anyway looking for him
Hood finds JJ!Tim first and is like “alright i got eyes on him and im in pursuit,, hes kinda dressed weird tho wtf”
JJ!Tim hears this over comms and is like ‘welp now or never’ so he talks over the comms too (while running from Hood) and is like “hey I might be in the wrong universe, any way I could talk to one Tim Drake”
RR!Tim is like “Fuck dude really. rn? with a joker breakout? this is a bad time”
JJ!Tim responds w like “ur telling me, dude, Im the one being chased by a homicidal maniac w a red bucket on his head”
JJ!Tim does NOT take this news well and he stops running, Hood catches up but doesnt engage bc ur telling me this is Tim?? this is RR?? tf happened?? but he does relay over comms that JJ is laughing and it is freaking him tf out bc he sounds EXACTLY like the Joker so SOMEONE get over here before Jason goes full Pit Rage
RR!Tim does arrive and immediately recognizes his own features despite the green hair and green eyes and bleached skin and Absolutely Terrifying Smile what the FUCK happened
JJ calms down just enough to be like “Oh I get it. This universe is age reversal so it also changed who the Joker got, too”
Hood looks like hes about to be sick, Tim’s not far behind
JJ’s like “great! well I’m Joker Junior, occasionally known as Tim Drake, and in my universe I was brainwashed by the Joker, then killed him and myself!! but apaprently the universe wasnt a fan of that because then I woke up in an UNMARKED GRAVE and wandered around for awhile, got dunked in a lazarus pit, and am overall having a terrible time”
At this point NW!Dick and Robin!Damian are here too and they’re like jfc dude
JJ looks down at his wrist like theres a watch there (there’s not) and is like “alright well according to my calculations, I shouldnt be here much longer, since most of my time was spent hiding & then running from ya’ll in order to NOT have this confrontation but look how well that worked out. Anyway u guys should kill the joker,, who knows if he might get inspiration from my universe and torture little timmy over there,, anyway ta ta” and then he fuckin disappears
Red Hood is like “yep ok im gonna go murder a clown” and no one really moves to go stop him
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townslore · 1 year
people that hate overanalyzing? do you hate fun? ueueue "its not that deep" oh woe is me! cry me a river. overanalyzing something shows how passionate you are for said thing. yes, it IS that deep, because i said so. leave me alone
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sageofthestarz · 1 month
Some sad kinda fucked Ifrit thoughts because I woke up and they came
Cw; Substance Abuse, Sex as a coping mechanism, and just kinda general sads.
Nothing graphic said but still putting those ^
Big, Strong, oh so stupid Ifrit.
That's what was thought of him. A muscle head who fucked hard, partied hard, and got fucked up without a care.
An easy fuck and go without connections, without having to stick around after sorta thing
That isn't who he was though.
This was all learned behavior because it's what got him the attention he craved, any sense of being useful, cared about even if it was only because his body was useful
He loved and hated every single second of every single hookup, high, and any other thing that got him out of his head
If he wasn't happy he wasn't useful, if he didn't stay the persona they all knew he wouldn't be liked, if she showed just how broken inside he truly was he'd lose everything and everyone he had, no matter how superficial he needed the attention
It didn't matter if it was a vicious cycle of regrets, and horrible sleepless night, bad highs and.. thoughts he shouldn't have. Couldn't have
It was all he had now
His pack was broken.
His pack hated him after he left.
He never bothered to try and reconnect, why would he.
Aether, Mountain, and Dew stayed with the band, Zephyr never spoke to him, Mist was long gone to be with the lake.
He couldn't bother any of them with this.
With him.
He left the pack, he left the band, that was his choice. He left the only people who cared about him and for what? To go and be whatever he was now?
Even when he knew he could possibly rekindle something he didn't. Shoved those feelings down and shoved more substance down his throat.
He didn't deserve it.
Didn't deserve to have that happiness.
That comfort.
Ifrit used to be the most caring, lovable golden retriever there was.
Always following someone's trail, loving on them, and doing every favor he could
His pack loved him
He loved his pack
Now a days he's nothing more then an old dog owned by a family long since grown.
One that's waiting for the first excuse to be put down despite all the love it has left to give.
He thinks it's what he deserves.
A life of misery, and pain without comfort.
He watches his old pack in longing, the only happiness coming from seeing how happy and healthy they are
He'd do anything for them even now
He's so happy to see them thrive and love each other
Even if it also breaks his heart.
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vamporphyric · 1 month
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little wardin e spurrit doodle for perplexplore. yay
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Hii, I'm here to drop a request~
Okay so, i have a thing for self-distrustive characters. Here's the idea: give me a self-harming hero who is too weak to act on it alone and willingly surrenders themselves to villain assuming (hoping maybe) they would torture them for information. Villain tho reluctant, doesn't hesitate to hurt the hero not too seriously tho. But for our self distrustive hero whatever the villain is doing is not enough to make them feel the relief they're seeking so~ let it slip out. Let them thoughtlessly cry out for more. And then give me a shocked villain. A concerned, regretful and lastly caring enough to treat their wounds villain. Give me an unresponsive to the villain's treatment hero. If you'd like to ass anything feel free <3
Much love to you friend, stay hydrated, we love you ~<33
It wasn’t like it didn’t hurt. 
It just didn’t hurt enough. That’s why the hoarse please had slipped from their tongue. And it was why the weak more followed. Judging from their actions, the villain hadn’t heard it right away but when the hero cried harder, the villain’s hands came to a stop. 
They’d broken three fingers, not to mention the shattered ankle. What had happened to their ankle had felt just but once the villain had moved on to their fingers, the hero had secretly begging them to break harder bones, like their collarbone or maybe even their ulna. It was sick, they knew it in their heart. It was maniacal and disturbing to feel like this.
Heroes were supposed to save people, even if their own well-being came in last. Saving themselves counted too.
The villain let go of their hand, eyes darting between the hero’s.
“What did you just say to me?” The villain’s hands went through the hero’s hair, getting a full grip of them, pulling them up.
The hero thought about their broken ankle. About how they wouldn’t be able to walk for weeks, maybe even a few months…? They always concentrated on the pain, rather than the period it took place in. By the time old pain faded, the hero always managed to get themselves into new trouble.
Letting injuries heal had never been an option. The villain let go of them.
It was hard. It was hard to lie there and accept their defeat, the fact that the villain had found out about their secret and more importantly, that they had stopped bruising the hero.
“Please,” the hero sobbed. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Their nose was running and their tears gathered together, falling down their cheeks like raindrops from the sky. Breathing was hard, their lungs felt frail from these past months and the world came crashing down around them.
When their sobs echoed from the walls, they felt truly defeated, humiliated, and the pain wasn’t enough to forget that. 
For a moment, nothing happened. Neither of them said anything. All that was left in the room were the villain’s questions and the quiet sobs the hero made. Feeling overwhelmed by the horribleness of it all, the hero rolled themselves into a little ball, crying into their torn sleeve. They were ready for everything. Ready to die, ready to be bled, to be beaten, anything.
“Hey, easy there.” Once again, the villain combed their fingers through the hero’s hair but this time it was much more gentle and softer, leaving the hero with the taste of bile on their tongue. They braced themselves for new pain, impatiently waiting for the lashing out and the violent actions but nothing of that sort came. Quite the opposite: the villain scratched their scalp softly. 
“Darling, what happened to you?” Their nails scraped across the hero’s skin, taking their time. It was oddly comfortable. Even though their muscles ached, they looked up at the villain crouching above them. 
“Please,” the hero begged again. “Please hurt me.”
The villain was silent, biting their inner cheek as if they were considering it. But when they answered with a tender “no,” all hopes the hero had were crushed. 
“You’re a mess. Hurting you seems to be what you want. I don’t want to give you what you want,” they explained. They wiped away a tear.  “Don’t mistake this for compassion. This is me controlling your desires. This is me taunting you.” 
They pulled the hero who had exhausted themselves and was completely defenceless into their arms. 
“And this is me wanting information. Why did you say that?” They held them close and embarrassingly enough, it dawned on the hero how touch-starved they were.
“I am so alone,” they whispered. They mumbled the words, not even believing their own mouth for saying it. No one was supposed to hear this.  “I am so alone.”
They started sobbing again. It was hopeless. The villain was the only comfort they had — even now that they weren’t hurting them.
“You will never be alone with me,” the villain said carefully. “I’ll make sure of that. Now, come on. Let’s treat your wounds.”
In all honesty, the hero had never done that. They weren’t sure if there were rules to it.
“If this is you taunting me,” the hero said, “then why do you want to treat my wounds?”
The villain gave them a grim look that didn’t leave room for protest.
“I’m asking the questions, not you.”
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flamestar126 · 7 months
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(click for better quality)
Minor spoilers below for those who haven't watched it yet
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Tell me this isn't how it went rn/j
Dying in the theaters when Floyd's attempt for sympathy/persuasion immediately backfired on him. I wanted his reaction to it so bad
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limonjarritos · 6 months
no im still so unwell over this??? vince scribbled out the criticism of rody in the review of the bistro. help
Nooooo but literally. How he immediately discredits any bad word against Rody! It defo made me more convinced that the reason the party ended was because Rody's ex classmate made fun of Rody (and it is mentioned by one of the guests that Vincent can hear Rody very clearly from over there, there's no way he didn't notice that whole scene). I do wonder exactly what was said, since he's not afraid to be brutal to anyone that's not Rody.
If a customer ever treated Rody like shit in the typical way customers act towards service workers I don't think Vince would be too happy lmao. POV: you treated your waiter like shit and now some white french man who smells like an ash tray starts glaring daggers at you.
Come look at my smiling deranged blorbo!
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larytello · 5 months
I'm just saying, someone should put Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog) and Ryder (Paw Patrol) together in a lab.
You may throw Rocky (also Paw Patrol) in there too. That would be quite the sight. Someone needs to feed them bc they'll totally forget to eat so busy they'll be working together.
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months
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i keep thinking about making digitaltime content but .. i don't know what to do ... :[
anyway that one text post made me think of my colin birthday art so yk . whatever . i am okay with that .
★ [ original text post under cut ]
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ganondoodle · 1 year
in all honesty, im feeling a bit burned out on totk, the more i think about it the more i dislike its story and lore, i dont know what to make of it it being so loved by everyone else makes me feel like theres something wrong about me :/ gonna try and take a step back from it all
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jahiera · 9 months
sniffling and crying downloading 10 pdfs of dnd lore books so I can read about the universe so I can accurately write about it. start crying even more when I have a lore question and the reddit conversation reads like "you fucking idiot this was contradicted 15 years ago!" "idk ask your DM you can do what you want" "ACTUALLY you cannot do what you want. read THIS book--" "okay well larian plays fast and loose with the lore anyways." "kill yourself." "okay."
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