#the monster is a dragon because I adore dragons <3
puddleslimewrites · 2 years
Inspiration/Prompt from @thepenultimateword
Dentist stood in front of the beast, wringing his hands. The dragon that lay in front of the door was almost twice the size of his office. It couldn't fit through the doorway - which was already enlarged to allow for patients of inhuman stature - and so had settled down outside instead. When Dentist stepped out a mere moment ago it blew a plume of smoke in his face. For a single, terrifying moment, he thought that was his end.
...Then the smoke cleared and he realized that he was perfectly fine (aside from the soot on his coat, that is).
He flinched as a low growl permeated the air. Dentist stepped back, preparing to hurry back inside, grab his assistants, and run. He made it all the way to the welcome mat before a different sound reached his ears. It was more akin to a whine - not threatening in the least. He looked up at the creature, whose head turned so that he could feel the weight of its gaze.
And once again, he fought down the urge to run as it opened its giant maw.
"...Oh." Dentist felt himself relax a little as he understood the dragon's plight.
He'd never seen a cavity so large. It would take most of his supply to fill, but that was more than worth it so long as it remained docile. It had yet to breathe any fire at him, though he was sure he'd been torched earlier. Hopefully it would stay that way long enough for him to fix the issue.
The dragon whined again when he turned his back to go inside. Dentist craned his neck to look into its eye. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll be right back." He wasn't sure if it could understand him, but he hoped it could gather from his tone that he was earnest.
Dentist only had two assistants - one at the front desk and another who helped with procedures. He told them both to drop what they were doing and to fetch one of the bigger carts. Their afternoon was officially booked.
The dragon growled, jaw shuddering, as Dentist set to work. The anesthetic they had was designed to work well with magical beings, but it didn't seem to hold long for their current patient. He had to up the dose and reinject it twice when he noticed it was wearing off too soon.
Despite the pitiful noises, the monster did rather well. Dentist gave it a pat on its nose to let it know that his work was done.
One of his assistants offered him the sticker pad they kept for younger patients. Dentist peeled a sticker off, turned to the dragon, and paused. With some consideration, he decided to put the sticker on its snout. "Er...good job. You're all set now."
He still wasn't sure if it understood him but he got what he hoped was a positive response. A puff of white steam was blown in his face and the dragon stood. In one fluid motion, it spread its wings, flapped once, twice, and took off into the sky.
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spectraltenkai · 5 months
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Song: Primordial Malzeno Full Theme (cover)
One heck of a doozy this one was to make, lemme tell ya, but SO WORTH IT FOR THE ONE AND ONLY PRIMORDIAL MALZENOOOO!
It's funny, I got bad motion sickness from playing MHRise and had to take a long break to improve my health a bit before getting back on. Sure, when I saw the DLC, I found it neat with regular Malzeno. I literally only got the Sunbreak expansion because of Amatsu-- but with my friends saying that I was going to absolutely love the endgame monster for the Elgado outpost plot... they were 100% right, holy crud!!
Let's just say I am extremely impressed with how they managed to mix motifs of strength versus power together to make a terrifyingly strong dragon, one that is actually nicer than you'd think!
This one is definitely going on my 'must draw more of' list because phew, it's fun to draw stuff from the Monster Hunter series, and helps me build up more skill since complicated designs aren't quite my strong point...
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venusmoon · 1 year
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after a LOT of thinking i have finally selected my favorite jellycat plushies! :-)
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
Hun something else I want to ask is if you would do a hybrid dragon Yan..? Forgot to mention it in the last ask because I forget ideas a lot <3
-from the one anon who said to use 3 names you like :)!
P.s I’ll probably refer to myself as this forever now hun
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I'm sorry this took so long!! Here it is:
CW: mild violence, video game logic
Yandere!Dragon x GN!Reader
The winds in the mountains were cold enough to slice open skin and leave blisters.
Traveling up towards the sky was (Reader), a warrior known throughout the lands for their incredible feats, climbing up the snowy pass towards the dark splotch on their map.
The dragon's lair.
Only human in appearance, (Reader) had slaughtered almost every type of monster and fiend in the continent, sending fear through all living beings. They were rumored to be immortal, since they seemed to be capable of recovering from any wound they received, no matter how critical. Whatever life threatening hit they took, and no matter how certain their death seemed to be, (Reader) would only black out, waking a few hours later. A warrior without a past, without a home, who only lived to kill.
Slaying a dragon would be the last creature on the killer's list, having already defeated deities and apocalypse level threats. It wasn't that a dragon would be harder than killing a god; they just hadn't gotten around to it.
In the grand scheme of life, dragon slaying would be a side quest.
(Reader) doubted that the battle would be difficult in any sort of sense; aside from their incredible physical attributes they also had legendary gear such as "the Ring of Absolution" which was forged from the tears of a Golden Warrior. That ring alone made it impossible for enemies to block their attacks or use "break out" to parry.
Upon finding the cave and entering recklessly, (Reader) wished that someone had told them sooner:
That "when you're at the top, the only place to go is down.."
A blast of fire knocked their helmet off their head as the heat pushed them back. Shocked (and a little excited) the warrior raised their vampiric sword. Inside the cave, a giant red and golden dragon sat posed, muscles tense and eyeing the invader with intrigue.
"Who are you, to enter my home?" His deep voice sounded more confused than offended. And when (Reader) pointed their weapon at him in response, he chuckled. "Adorable little human, if you wish to live a long life, leave this cave now, and I shall spare you."
(Reader) shouted, igniting a glowing light around their body, then lunged, slashing at the beast.
To the dragon's surprise it hurt.
"Foul little thing!" He snarled, attempting to blast the human with another bolt of flames (this time not as a warning) but the fighter rolled out of the way, effectively dodging the attack. (Reader) thrust again, angering the dragon when he found that he could not block the sword, the blade passing his harder scales and hitting his soft flesh despite his guarding.
Amidst the rage and frustration a new emotion began forming within the centuries young being; respect.
There were no dragons he wished to associate with, there were no creatures that approached him of their own free will. He was alone. For a very, very long time. For he was not just a dragon..
He was Targov the Malicious.
A dragon of legend, ender of nations, killer of kings..
And his health was slowly being chipped away by the steel of a mortal.
(Reader) did not know who the dragon was, only that this was the closest location for a dragon nest.
"Small human.. I have a proposition for you."
The warrior paused, tilting their head as they waited for the dragon to continue.
"You have impressed me, and you have earned my admiration. So I offer you a chance at life eternal: become my mate, and ascend to a higher state of being.
You shall never want nor need for anything. I will be your willing servant for all of eternity."
It wasn't the first proposal (Reader) had received, yet it was certainly the first from a beast. They stepped back a fraction as though his words caused them to stumble. His request sounded so genuine that it almost killed their blood lust.
Disappointment and betrayal filled the dragon's eyes as (Reader) suddenly threw their sword like a spear, lodging it into Targov's chest, a feather's distance shy of his heart. But even that only further fueled the growing need he had for the mortal. And the obvious solution to the warrior's resistance was to make the choice easier for them.
Targov flew forward, but instead of attacking like (Reader) had predicted, he grappled the human in his talons and continued faster, propelling them both out of the cave and into the sky as he built speed.
The wind jostled the surprised human about like a rag doll as they rose higher into the atmosphere. Their ears popped painfully, but they could still hear the roaring laughter of the dragon.
"HA! Now what do you say, human?! Shall you be mine? Or shall I drop you?!" He held the adventurer loosely by the fabric visible under their armor in an attempt to frighten them. But what he saw next made his heart falter.
His eyes widened as (Reader) smiled triumphantly, raising a dagger while maintaining eye contact, and sliced off the part of their outfit Targov held onto, willingly allowing themselves to fall.
It was just a fall.
Yeah, it would hurt. It would hurt like a son of a bitch, but (Reader) knew they wouldn't die. They never did.
However, their near immortality was something that Targov didn't know about.
Before his emotions could fully form into separate feelings, Targov dove, recatching the little human, now with a more secure grip, and flew back to his home, his heart beating a billion beats per second once it restarted.
(Reader) was thrown to the floor by the dragon seconds before being blinded by a bright flash. The dragon was consumed in a bright white glow that illuminated the cave, morphing into a more human appearance, with deep golden skin and red hair. His horns and claws still remained, but as (Reader) could see clearly from his lack of clothes, was now mostly human. He charged towards (Reader), face twisted in his confusing mix of emotions. Anger, shock, hurt, feelings his adrenaline wouldn't give him time to categorize as he closed in on the confused human.
He hoisted (Reader) up by their neck.
"You'd really rather die than be mine?!" The enraged dragon screamed.
Struggling to breathe, the warrior grabbed one of his scaly hands while trying to smack his face with their dominant hand.
The glint of their ring caught Targov's attention, who recognized it instantly. He had been alive for a very long time, and killed many a god during his rebellious years. Sharp teeth sunk into (Reader's) fingers, the dragon biting their hand lightly, suddenly, earning a shocked cry from the struggling human. Targov dropped (Reader), pulling the ring off their finger with his fangs as he did so.
The warrior didn't notice their missing ring until they regained their composure and attempted to attack the humanoid dragon, who blocked their attack perfectly fine.
Targov wore the ring on his smallest claw.
"I see I was right about you.." His deep voice chuckled, but (Reader) couldn't tell if it was out of amusement or fury. "A fellow God killer.. who better suited to be my mate?"
He grabbed (Reader's) wrist, and despite it's low speed, the ring prevented (Reader) from dodging.
"Welcome home, my mate."
"Even if I have to break you, I will have you. And you will learn to love me."
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
hallo Hallo! I would like to make an request of female reader and Syzoth c:
So,I’ve seen and read many fanfic where the reader is clueless thus doesn’t understand the nature of the Zatteran. Which pisses me off. Let’s change that,Shall we? :3
An female who has bearded dragon pet thus *completely* understands the Zatteran’s nature. In what he eats,how he behaves,the shedding,mating season and such. Syzoth’s greatful for finding someone who gets him and they’re one perfect power couple >:D 💪🏻 I would like mostly be fluff. But if you wanna slip in some smut of mating season,Go ahead. ;3
Small reminder; you’re amazing and don’t forget to drink water to stay hydrated! <3
How to Care for a Zatteran
Yip notes: No YOU’RE AMAZING. You are speaking my language. I’d be happy to give my man what he needs.
Pairing: Syzoth x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: NSFW, biting, you get two for the price of one ayyyyyyy (what do you think I mean?)
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Syzoth believed being in Earthrealm would be difficult for him. It is not a realm that has large lizards walking around. According to Johnny and Kenshi, if people did see a large lizard walking around there would be an uproar of conspiracy theories. The government might hunt him down thinking he was an alien that escaped Area 51.
No wonder Syzoth wasn’t too keen on getting to know other humans…except for you. You are like the sun to him. You are needed in his life. If you are not with him then what is left in his life? You get him on so many levels.
You have a great understanding of reptile behavior. You grew up with a love for all kinds of reptiles from colorful geckos to strong snakes and even tortoises that had to wear balloons to allow you to keep an eye on them. You sure know your stuff. You knew what was best for them when it came to environment and diet. That means you knew what was best for Syzoth.
If Johnny didn’t ask you to bring him crickets for Syzoth when he invited him to his mansion you wouldn’t have met your reptilian boyfriend. Because Syzoth couldn’t stand human food the only other option that Johnny could think of was bugs. He knew you had an abundance of bugs to feed your pet bearded dragon, Blondi. And boy was Syzoth happy to see you come towards him with a handful of dead crickets. His tail came out and curled up as his split tongue scooped up the crickets. You were amazed by his tail, not a hint of fear in your voice as you squealed about how cool it was. He was so excited by your enthusiasm that he presented his true form. The rest was history.
You adored him in both forms. He was a handsome human and a cute-faced giant lizard. He was glad to find someone who didn’t see him as a monster or even a freak for who he truly was. Though your bearded dragon was not a big fan of him. The first time Syzoth walked into your home, Blondi was tapping on the glass trying to pick a fight with him. He was bobbing his head like a rockstar, trying to tell your boyfriend that this was his territory. He didn’t back down when Syzoth went into his natural form. Your little guy was ready to put up a fight for you. Or he was ready to fight for his food. He can sense Syzoth is just as hungry as he is.
You did have delicious bugs in your home at all times. Crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers, hornworms, and more. You made him feel better about eating bugs in front of you once you told him that humans also eat bugs. He didn’t believe you at first since everyone he has come across has given him weird looks but you reassured him that it was true. Many cultures eat bugs and there are even some candies that have bugs inside of them. You brought out a bag of chapulines that were coated in lemon juice, chili, and garlic. He watched as you took some from the bag and popped them into your mouth. He got curious and wanted to try some for himself. It was fine for him to try since he isn’t a regular bearded dragon and he has a stomach full of corrosive acid. The chili would not end his existence.
He loved the chapulines so much that you started putting them in the salads you would make him. Syzoth wasn’t used to eating greens that often but seeing how Blondi ate it up he thought it would be good for him. After taking his first bite of that fresh mixture of cabbage, kale, zucchini, and bell peppers he was eating it up quickly. He startled Blondi who was trying to eat his mixture of bugs and vegetables on the same table. Geez and you thought Blondi was a messy eater. Syzoth was messier but at least he licked up his mess.
“Are you sure you don’t want to use a fork?” You asked as you scooted a fork closer to him.
His head popped up from the bowl with his tongue still wrapped around a bunch of cabbage and kale. His eyes looked between the fork and the bowl. His hand slowly crept towards the fork and swiped it off the table before diving his head back into the bowl. The loud sound of crunching continued until he was finished.
The love went beyond a good diet. You made shedding season easier on him.
Shedding in his natural form is never pleasant. It’s unpleasant for every reptile. So you did your best to ease his discomfort and complete the process faster. You went out and bought a kiddie pool that was just big enough to fit his giant lizard self. You bought a bunch of bottles of shedding aid to hydrate his skin and get the old skin off. A nice spray of mist from your garden hose and he was in heaven. The old skin didn’t feel so tight on him anymore. Syzoth was grateful for everything you did for him. You must have spent a lot on the shedding aid to ensure it would work on him.
It was all worth it once you saw how he relaxed. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly opened, showing off his sharp teeth. He was able to rid himself of old skin before deciding to eat it. What? He doesn’t want to leave a mess for you to clean up.
The only issue Syzoth has is with Blondi. He tried being nice and showing that he meant no harm. He waved so many times yet Blondi kept bobbing his head and tapping against his glass enclosure. He did not like sharing you with Syzoth. It would result in Blondi running towards Syzoth to give him a good fight. You would have to swoop him up and go into another room so you could peacefully handle your little guy.
Once you were done with one lizard you had to go to the other. Syzoth needed handling too even though he was larger than you. He liked resting his body against yours, using your chest as a pillow for him. Sometimes he would be in his human form and others he would be in his natural form. You preferred the human form just because it didn’t feel like he was crushing you. You took it like a champ in the end. You would run your hand from his neck and down his back. He wouldn’t let you go even when you begged him to.
Now that’s all fun and stuff, having basically another pet lizard who is also a person who you could talk to. Syzoth is loyal to you and adores you. The fact that you understood what he needed as a Zatteran brought him closer to you. You’re the only one who understands him. You understood him better than his own people did.
Tell me, lizard girl, what do you think happens when a man gets really invested in a woman? That’s right! He wants to mate!
You saw this coming from a mile away you can’t lie. It didn’t matter if his habits were more human or lizard he was still getting riled up by you. What man wouldn’t want a kind and caring woman who feeds him well and shows him unconditional love? It was only natural that Syzoth wanted to show you his love. He wanted to give you his children and protect you till his very last breath. But he understands that humans don’t work the same way. Your “mating rituals” are more complex while his could be seen as too animalistic even for you.
Is that gonna stop his natural instincts from kicking in? Fuck no. Nature is an unstoppable force and when it’s go time, it’s freaking go time.
You noticed the change in Syzoth. He was putting in a lot of effort to let you know he was attracted to you even though you knew that beforehand. The pheromones he produced in his natural form would not work on you so you had to go off of visual clues. While in his human form, he bobbed his head a lot and stomped the ground, causing things to shake. It caught your attention and you would stare at him while wondering if that was necessary. His green eyes would stare at you, waiting to see if you would run away or move into a certain position.
“It’s mating season already? Gosh, I should check on Blondi.” You teased Syzoth, acting like you wouldn’t help him before you got up from the couch.
Because you walked away, he took that as you playing hard to get. He gave chase. You were barely down the hallway before you felt his arm wrap around your waist. He put all his weight against your body, causing you to go down. He wasn’t forcing you down on the ground but he was aware that he was using his size to his advantage. You didn’t think he could hold this primal aggression inside of him.
Your chest was pressed against the floor as you felt him grind against you. He whined before saying,
“Now…now…I want you now.”
Syzoth sounded so desperate you wondered if it’s been a long time since he last mated with a woman. That might be why he was more aggressive than you imagined.
“Alright…we can do it now. Do you want to go-“
You were going to ask if he wanted to move this to your bedroom but he was already tearing off your clothes. He didn’t need all of them off he just needed yours and his pants off. He was back to pressing his body against you and you could feel his cock…cocks? Well, guess that answers that question you’ve had in the back of your mind.
One of his cocks pressed against your wet folds while the other rubbed against your clit. Your anatomies aren’t correct but he will make this work. He began pushing his cock inside of you, stretching you out with its thick size. You let out a gasp as your nails clawed at the hardwood floors. Syzoth saw your reaction and thought you might pull away. He decided to pull your shirt to the side and bite down on your shoulder to prevent you from running away. You let out a pained moan as you felt his teeth sink into your flesh. It wasn’t enough to break your skin but it would keep you in place.
His rhythm was constant yet primal. He never took a moment to cool down or take a breather. He kept going in and out as his other cock rubbed your clit. Precum dripped from the tip which landed on the floor. His saliva dripped down your shoulder as his hot breath heated your skin. He let out grunts and groans as he continued fucking you. You were so glad you didn’t have neighbors nearby because you could not handle the noise you were producing.
You knew Syzoth was no regular man but he still managed to blow your mind…and your back out. You didn’t realize that you were drooling and continuously scratching the floor. Your brain was mush from how good Syzoth was making you feel. You could never receive this love from any ordinary man. The only one who could make you a drooling mess and get your full permission to breed you is Syzoth.
His breath grew hotter and quicker. His thrusts grew sloppier. You knew he was close and so were you. You decided to give him a helping hand, literally, and used one of your hands to stroke his other cock. You felt him twitch and groan more before he started going rougher. He was fucking into you while also fucking your hand. He made you cum with him when his last thrust hit your g-spot and you both came. This hot wave ripped through you as your shoulder burned with pain. Syzoth tightened his hold on your waist to keep you in place as he came inside of you. It sure was a lot of cum based on the fact that your hand was covered in it. It still managed to make a mess of the floor.
You both were panting and sweating like you just finished a fight. Syzoth finally let go of your shoulder and licked the teeth marks to soothe your pain.
“You just couldn’t wait, could you?” You teased him.
“You knew what would happen once you walked away. You know me so well, I would think you would be smart enough to not play hard to get.” He teased back.
“I was messing with you, but it seems like that charade didn't last long.”
You both laughed before you tried to get up. Syzoth didn’t allow that. He kept all his weight on you while his arms were still wrapped around your waist. He didn’t pull out.
“Uh…I thought you were supposed to let me go right after we finished.”
“My love, I am more than just an animal. I still need attention. We will stay in this position for a long time.” He snuggled up to you with a satisfied smile on his face.
“Could we at least move this cuddle session to my bedroom?”
“No! Blondi shouldn’t know about this.”
Syzoth, what the fuck is the little lizard gonna do? The lizard doesn’t even understand the concept of dating.
Yap notes: I'm losing motivation again. I'm puffin.
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Here's the idea what if bastardreader just straight up decided yeah I'm dipping because of this!
It's like her birthday right? And the thing is though she just wants a simple birthday but of course her family goes all out and she feels overwhelmed and the thing is though the thing that breaks the camel's back is the fact that one of the noble ladies has spread of rumor about her being well let's just say w and she did not take that kindly and she decided yeah I'm going to be nice kidding I'm not going to be nice so she just grabs a glass of wine and just straight up dumped it on her I'm just exposes her right there and she just leaves the room because she's just so done!.
So basically how I imagine it though is that she basically gets dressed in a nice black dress and the dress though has like big yet small pearls on her chest like I don't know how to describe it but like it's almost like one of those chest accessories and she wears this nice black shoes such as boots to make it easier for her and basically just at the final touch of pearl the thingy or whatever
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And yeah also those are like the gloves for the reader's dress and by the way the reader just decided to just take cannibal and they both just rolled off in the night to go chill together and plus she went to go to her comfort place because it's better than being there so yeah how do you think it would play out and how do you think they react though oh yeah by the way the reader returns basically just walking back to her room and trying to take off the stuff that she got don't worry she ate and she fine and she also has very nice pearl earrings yeah
Daemon was about to do it himself (perhaps nick a bit off the top of her hair, if you catch my drift), but before he can, you take matters into your own hands and he's so proud <3
He's unfazed as he watches the noblewoman shriek and shudder as wine soaks her ornate hair and dress, sputtering and glaring around, hopeful to see the royal family act upon this disgraceful behaviour. (Rhaenyra is pointedly staring at the woman in anger, and Daemon is calmly sipping his wine).
Rhaenyra would probably go after you to comfort you, as Daemon attends to the rude guest who insulted his daughter. Now unlike Daemon, who would've forbidden you going out alone, Rhaenyra is sympathetic. She knows what it's like feeling suffocated, and atop she's feeling a little deflated for overwhelming you. She just wanted everyone to know how adored you are.
Before you can attempt to plead for her to let you leave, she helps clasp your dress up and fix your hair. Speaking softly over your shoulder to not stay out too late, and to take caution with straying too far, all with a softened and anxious smile. Her hands grasp at your arms and stray there for a lingering moment, like she's fighting herself to not let you go- but she does, eventually.
Cannibal is more than happy when he spots you approaching, awakening him from his slumber as you call his name. He lumbers over and lets you clamber on, taking to the skies and the stars, and wherever you see fit for some quiet time. (Cannibal loves quiet time).
Your siblings would be anxious once your mother discreetly announces that you've left, Jace especially is eager to follow and make sure you're under his watchful eye- but his mother forbids him with a single hard look and sympathetic squeeze upon his bicep. As if to tell him to stay put. You'll be back, and much more content.
Daemon and Alicent are the most reactive when you arrive.
Alicent is pale and shaken, smoothing over your wind tussled hair and searching for any injuries or wounds, like a worrisome hen over her chick. Don't do that again, she'll stress, breathing in relief once you're back in the castle safe and in one piece. You may trust your dragon, but she does not. The whole time you were gone she couldn't help but configure all the horrible things that could happen to you out there alone on that monster of a dragon. What if you fell? Into the ocean to drown, or pummeled towards the ground like a stone? She hates that you ride without a saddle on that wild beast. She'll want to see you to bed herself, just to make sure you're alright.
Daemon is... Disappointed. A concerned and stern dad who's just caught his daughter sneaking back into the house at 3am after partying, basically lol
You could have very well found peace in your room. Where you could be kept under watch and protection. Not lumbering off on that old wild dragon of yours. Who's to say you won't try to make a run for it? Then he'll have to go through the hassle of getting you back. It's unlikely he'll sleep at all until you get back, even if you attempt to slither back into the castle at 3-4 in the morning, you'll find waiting by the entrance with crossed arms and a firm look on his face. He may scold you, his voice even and calm and his gaze cold and calculated, but he was worried.
Rhaenyra had to talk him down from trying to follow after you with Caraxes. He would not stop pacing for hours until your return.
As you casually walk back to your room, fixing your wind tussled hair and jewellery, you'll probably get followed back by Jace and Luke (Jace is scolding you whilst Luke tries to hug you)
Whilst Rhaenyra and Alicent trail behind. Both eager to see you to bed, tolerating one another's presence for just a little longer. (The tension would be crazy)
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starless-nightz · 3 months
The nature at the camping trip I went to replenished my imagination. The monster fucker was back again.
(Small spoilers) So, Jinhsi because she absorbed Jué’s powers, that technically makes her somewhat part of a dragon.
So I present you, Dragoness! wife for Jinhsi ☝️
So, imagine one night, she was just taking a stroll when she was kidnapped and brought to a hidden den deep within Mt. Firmament, that turns out to be the resting place dragon people, but because of the time distortion, it felt like they haven’t mated in years.
And Jinhsi here, she’s the first female “dragon” they’ve met other than Jué. So of course, they are already in chaos when they caught a whiff of her but as tradition, those who want to “bed” her for the night must fight. When the fight is over, Jinhsi gets to choose who she wants to share the bed with for tonight.
Jinhsi was against the whole “breeding” thing at first but when (reader) entered the arena, all tall, skin fragmented with scales that shows a friction of her dragon (draken) form, tail thumping and nearly dragging against the ground as she stares down to one of the males dragons with disinterest…
To say the least, Jinhsi stayed for a little longer. Longer, then another longer before coming into terms and dragging (reader) out of the den. Now turning her isolated dragoness in a mountain to wife <3
Ahem, yes, Dragoness wife (reader) has the le deck
Btw in this AU the dragon ppl are both male and female and they have both male and female genitals, but female born dragons are very rare and they often refuse to mate with the males, instead mating with other females, so often the males mate with other males.
warnings -> kidnapping.
content includes -> hcs, fighting, Jinhsi is turned on by dragoness! reader.
Jinhsi knew that there were once human-looking dragon people deep in Mt. Firmament, but she wasn't expecting them to be still alive and kidnap her and take her into their den
At first Jinhsi was against the whole idea of the dragon people fighting for the chance to mate her, she didn’t like the idea of even mating with any of them, so she was planning to escape the moment she could
That was until she saw you when you entered the ring, you were much taller them the rest of the dragon people, scales coversing part of your hands and face, with large horns and a huge tail
Instead of escaping Jinhsi chose to stay, watching as you absolutely destroy all your opponents, wagging your tail when you notice her clapping at youe victorys, she was definitely turned on by you and found you both hot and adorable
Jinhsi already knew who shes going to pick, and she will make sure to bring you back to Jinzhou and make you her wife, after all, you are going to be her mate soon, you are the only one worthy of her
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I am
Wondering if you would be ever so kind,,,
To write the monster au(or the hybrid au) of TF141 and I was like oh,,, Gaz no on list,,, who else,,, Johnny. Request thee Johnny, you could add the others for funsies as well, I don't mind the werewolf Johnny I like hims a lot as ,, but like, imagine, Male!user(I don't know what we call him erm male whatever the fuck his name is idk the WHORE sorry he's not maybe? Maybe he is actually idk it's male reader around those sluts 😠😠/HJ....) who usually kept his hybrid features hidden for god knows what reason because it's him??? He's just?? He's a little silly, but like "omg a human on the team grrr!!!" Is reaction from almost everyone until they warm up to him later and then he's just revealed as a moth hybrid :3 moth man, he squeaks when angry because moths can squeak and that's very interesting to me :3 and he just itty bitty plush like and plush size and shorter than them, but yeah they angry thinking he human, get close to the "human", they wake up early one morning, see the man they thought was human, but is a moth hybrid, standing in the kitchen, deadass staring into the kitchens light for god knows how long he was standing there, antennas just out as he's focused on the light, not even noticing them standing beside him, he's just staring at the light until someone turns that shit off and then he's just back like " ! " "When did you wake up???" Like .
Have a wonderful day yahhhh‼️‼️‼️
RRAAAAHHH MY FIRST ASK!!!! (Omfg tysm u don’t know how happy this makes me :3 )
Lemme get this straight.. a moth hybrid! male reader x Werewolf! Johnny (Soap) Mactavish?? Ill see what i can do!!
(Inspired by the Monster AU by whisperrwarm on X, when I say INSPIRED I mean, not everything is the same!)
John (Soap) Mactavish: A Werewolf
Simon (Ghost) Riley: A Wendigo
Captain John Price: A Dragon
Male Y/N: A Moth
Just a cute wee pudgy lad :3
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Tw: Swearing, suggestive content, Male x Male
Since Anonymous wanted M! Y/N to be pudgy, I imagine that he would have the shape of something like this:
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Moth Dust
(A Johnny (Soap) Mactavish x Male! Reader fic)
You, LN, FN, (last name, first name), who would have thought out of all possibilities of hybrids, you would be a moth. Not that its a bad thing, it was just rather annoying though.. you were picked on constantly because of it, your hight, your looks, and what made you insecure the most, your weight.
Not that you were huge, but you were fun sized, the perfect love handles, and the loveliest thing of all, your thick thighs. Aye, its like they say, ‘Thick Thighs Save Lives!’ You tend to hide your moth features though, fearing that a hybrid with predatoristic features might harm you.
I mean.. c’mon, you were a moth and there were damned stronger mutants out there.. its like the food chain with normal animals, and as embarrassing as it was, many things ate bugs. And what are you a hybrid of? A bug. Well.. a domesticated silk moth to be more specific, but still!
Being a moth you were fluffy and small, and well.. adorable. But you never though of yourself as that short.. until you joined the military that is-
“Bloody fucking christ! How fucking big does a man need to be here?!?” You thought to yourself once you actually saw how large the men in Task Force 141 where. There was one in particular who stood intimidated you from his height, Simon Riley, better known here as Ghost, and he stood a strong 6’2”!!
He could easily fucking squish you like the bug you are if he wanted! You were intimidated by the other men slightly, I mean, c’mon! Your captain is a fuckin Dragon for Christ sake!
But wow… boy were they lookers though- there was one in particular who stood out to you the most, he looked like a dog hybrid, but that didn’t seem right for some reason? What stood out to you the most was those elegant.. enticing.. wonderful blue eyes… wait. What the hell? Were you staring? Oh shit, didn’t anyone see you staring at him?
Your mind was racing at the thought of being caught staring. “Did anyone see that? Shit- did he see that?!” You thought to yourself, more like mentally screamed at yourself, but still..
(Not finished, currently busy, will finish soon!)
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
SO I was inspired by This Reblog and absolutely adore any and all dragon Aus. And was hit with a rapid bit of inspiration.
Danny sighed through his nose, rolling his shoulders as another blob coiled across his arm like a serpent. It was an interesting thing, how they mimicked other forms, though he didn't understand all of it.
Normally they wouldn't mimic him so much, not so strongly at least. But well, the ghosts here were mere whispers, visible to a few and unable to interact much. Which is what really brought him here in the first place.
Apparently something is blocking the access to the Realms here, enough that someone needs to do something about it. And look, he's not the Ghost King (thank fuck, he'd never be able to have Star-Time if he was) but he does sort of have a job to do. As the child of Time and new Ancient of Space to-be.
Not to mention that as said new Ancient-of-Space-to-be the Observants can't complain that much about him entering a world they didn't like.
And oh boy, this world. Yikes. There's some corrupted stuff freaking everywhere (even if not visibly), and monsters. And he does mean monsters, a lot of these things are corrupted as all heck- though thankfully the skeletal undead ones leave him alone no matter what form he takes.
On the other hand? There's this little gremlin child that reminds him of Ellie that runs into him repeatedly. Danny is starting to think it's on purpose actually. Child? Child where are your caretakers, you can't just charge at the lion-horse people- ... Danny despises prophecies. Alright child, he's going to start following you because you haven't even eaten tonight apparently. And your weapon has broken. Twice. And you're apparently surrounded by ghosts, how has he not noticed- alright. OKAY. This is fine.
Link, would like everyone to know, that he is actually having so much fun right now! There's this sort-of Hylian that he found when looking for Koroks whose sort of like a stal-hylian? Or something? But they're nice!
And they have wings! He thought it was some sort of cloak at first, but no, they're full on wings! And he's going to convince them to take him flying. He will.
After he takes care of this itching on his back, because it's getting really distracting...
Yes I used Flight Rising specifically because @fairy-lights-and-blobs mentioned it specifically for Danny's wings.
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A Danny & Link <3 But also feel free to imagine them as mixed with any dragon really.
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alagaesia-headcanons · 7 months
I have a ride or die headcanon that little Murtagh was obsessed with Morzan’s dragon. He absolutely loved him.
Murtagh sees him often enough from a young enough age that he’s never scared of him. So naturally, he’s absolutely enamored with the huge, beautiful, glittery, fire breathing monster that hangs out outside the house. He’s kept at a distance, but he’s still the dragon’s biggest fan. Murtagh’s very upset to learn that he doesn’t have a name which feels very unfair to him, so he musters up all his creativity and dubs him “Red”.
Morzan doesn’t always travel with his dragon when he leaves the estate, depending on what he needs to do. So sometimes the dragon stays and rests while Morzan is gone. During one such time, when Selena is also away on a mission, a freshly 3 year old Murtagh escapes his nurses and goes to Red. He’s careful at first, testing the waters gently, then getting increasingly close and comfortable with him when Red seems utterly unbothered. He’s no more than an ant next to the dragon’s enormous size. Murtagh is immediately in love, clambering all over him and constantly babbling to him, undeterred by the lack of response.
The servants do eventually find him after a frantic search. Morzan’s dragon doesn’t like any of the staff, so despite letting Murtagh nestle into the crook of his foreleg, he snarls and snaps at anyone who tries to get close enough to retrieve him. The servants are stuck in a grim dilemma, because no one’s willing to test the limits of a gargantuan, irascible dragon, and they don’t have anything to bribe Murtagh with that’s cooler than said dragon, so he refuses to budge. They’re absolutely terrified the dragon will kill him, either inadvertently or not.
After three full days of Murtagh glued to Red’s side, remaining miraculously unsquished, Morzan returns. The servants are in a cold sweat, stuttering and shaking like leaves in a storm as they try to explain that his son is fine, there’s no need for alarm, but there may be just a small issue. He goes to his partner and does with insulting ease what the staff have fruitlessly tried for three days, he steps right in and scoops Murtagh up. He looks completely unkempt and ignoble, dirty and scraped from being outside the whole time, giggling unrepentantly and singing Red’s praises.
To the servants great luck, Morzan finds this all quite amusing. Carrying Murtagh back to the house, he accuses, “Trying to replace me as the dragon Rider, are you?” and Murtagh cries, “Yes! Take me flying!” Morzan says that he will, but it never happens.
Selena is less thrilled when she learns of this, also afraid that the dragon might kill Murtagh in a moment of annoyance. But Murtagh adores him and she can’t reliably keep him away, so she tries to accept the incongruous match. Red doesn’t show any perceptible warmth to him, and yet he makes the effort to keep tabs on him and stops him from doing anything too dangerous. Of course, since the banishing of the names stunted his mind, the dragon doesn’t have any nuanced opinion of Murtagh, but he can recognize that his little ant feels incapable of malice and he comes to like Murtagh in the way he can. Learning of Red’s death on top of the loss of both his parents utterly devastates Murtagh.
After a little while in Uru’baen, Tornac asks Murtagh which parent he was closer to, and Murtagh tells him Morzan’s dragon. Tornac takes a very long, very strained breath, thinking Oh dear gods help me I have so much fucking work to do.
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
Hello! I read a lot of posts about monster women and I really liked the idea and the presentation itself! But I have never seen Adela, or by chance I missed her, so I wanted to ask, what kind of monster would she be and how would she look after the Explorer?
(and I’d also like to know who you think could be a dragon, damn, I just adore them ;D)
We talked about Adela before! She is a Phantom in this AU and encountered the Researcher when she accidentally stumbled upon the haunted house that Adela used to inhabit <3
As for how she looks after the Researcher, Adela is quite caring and one of the more “responsible” monsters on the expedition team. She helps the Researcher cook, tidy up around the campsite, and also helps her relax after a long day of traveling. Usually in the form of massages and/or lazy fingering
Also, if we were to include a Dragon in the Monster AU…hmm… I’d say that Ignis would be a cute fit for a dragon. Either that or Etti.
Ignis because of her fire powers and also bc I think it’d be cute if she was hyped up to be this extremely powerful beast, only for the expedition team to see that she’s just a small, tsundere dragon. And Etti because well…if you played her event, it’s literally DnD themed, plus she has the horns and can fly.
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craycray-wolf · 21 days
OKAY BUT Y'ALL. I'm genuinely curious. About the Monster Falls au. Fyi this post is going to be me throwing crap at the walls to see what sticks.
When it comes to Monster Falls...why has no one ever suggested a Harpy or Werecat for Mabel?? I feel like these monsters also fit our Mabes. Now the question for Werecat Mabel- is her body like that of a faun or a tuar?
I mostly agree with the main cast's monsters (erm Deer-per is precious??) aside from Mabel even if Merm/Unicorn her is cool
Also Wendy is usually a werefox but I feel that a werewolf also fits (especially considering how hairy werewolves are. Who else is hairy? Oh yeah! The Corduroy men)
According to the GF au wiki Soos is a clay golem. It works! I think we can still get creative with this! He could be a slime or alien (I'm picturing Toy Story lmao. "You saved my life dudes, I'm eternally grateful") or robot or faun or really any monster lol. I suppose he's of Mexican descent and therefore could be a Mexican creature! Maybe HE'S the unicorn because he's pure of heart...🥺 He could also still be a human super hyped that his friends are now monsters. What we think y'all I'm stumped.
Again going by the wiki Pacifica is either a gorgon or unicorn. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE IDEA OF GORGON PACIFICA I just wanted to propose a nymph as an idea. Do I want gorgon or nymph...
"Old Man McGucket is usually a scarecrow, warlock or a demon." - GF AU wiki. Ehh idk about these. Maybe McGucket is the slime? A cow creature or smth? A Kill Billy? Oh, he's a Kill Billy I found it! EUREKA!!
Now that I'm thinking about it Gravity Falls/Journal 3 specific monsters could be included in the ideas. Soos is another Abominable Broman haha.
Gideon is said to be a vampire, which just makes sense (bloodsucker lmao). I purpose an alternative: gnome.
Once again according to GF wiki Candy is a kappa. I say no. It's a cute idea but I'm also iffy about it considering the fact that Candy is of Korean/Chinese descent and a kappa is from Japanese folklore. That's not to say species/monsters can't cross nationality/ethnic boundaries, I'm just saying why not a Korean or Chinese monster? For example a g/kumiho (Korean) or qilin/kirin (Chinese/Korean)!
It also says Melody is a Harpy. Approved. She can apparently also be a ghost which is fine but Harpy Melody is adorable thx. I suppose maybe she's the mermaid of the bunch but now I'm team harpy
Is Tad Strange still a human? Or a piece of bread? IS HE THE SQUARE VERSION PEOPLE THEORIZED ABOUT
Maybe Tyler Cutebiker is half werepuma half werepanther...or a bunny or smth
Okay I'm going to stop now before I list the entire town of Gravity Falls.
General ideas for grabs for anyone: fairies, ghosts, skeletons, nagas/lamias, mummies, angels, demons, nephilim, dragons, ANY MONSTER REALLY.
I haven't had proper progress on my initial GF askblog BUT I'M GONNA MAKE A MONSTER FALLS AU WHY THE HELL NOT. Stay tuned! I'll be adapting an existing but inactive blog of mine for these purposes.
Thanks for coming to my (frankly unhinged) TEd talk it's been lit fam 🤙
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Part 17 Straw Hats and Eri!Reader go to the Sabaody Archipelago!! (You can write what you were planning with this, since I’m so excited and curious about your idea for this arc, but I’m wondering if you’ll add in these ideas that I have, if not then that’s fine with me!! Since this Arc has a LOT happening)
Reader was scared when she saw a man killed by a Celestial Dragon, and when they left she helped heal the man so that he can go back to his family (Not realizing she was seen by a few individuals)
They finally make it to Shakky’s Rip-Off Bar (After fighting off some Bounty Hunters), and meet Shakky who treats Chopper and Reader to some Cotton Candy while telling the Straw Hats about the ‘Worst Generation’ or ‘Supernovas’ with Reader being at the top since she has the highest bounty, with Kidd second and Luffy third)
When they went to look for Rayleigh, they end up at Sabaody Park and decide to play for a bit (Especially after learning this is Reader and Camie’s first time going to a place) trying all the rides, eating cotton candy and winning giant stuffed toys, Reader was sitting next to Camie when all of a sudden, everything went dark
Everyone is horrified when they learn Reader and Camie have been kidnapped! And immediately group up with the help of Duval and the Flying Fish Gang to search and rescue Camie and Readier
When Reader woke up, she’s terrified of the strange scary men smiling sinisterly at her, and started shaking from hearing screams and cries from others as they’re being dragged away (She’s trembling violently as she’s hugging Camie in fear) until they’re being forced next to be sold off
The Auction is giving Reader ‘Special Treatment’ since she’s the ‘Big Star’ of their show (They’re being gentle with her so they don’t bruise her skin as that would make her less ‘valuable’)
The Auctioneers start to coo and fawn over how adorable Reader is only to panic when they learn she’s ‘Devil Child Y/N’ the one who’s so highly wanted by the World Governemt (As they proceed to talk about the rumors that spawned around her being a ‘Monster’, an ‘Offspring of the Devil’ and that her being here will ‘Curse Them’, which just makes her family glare murderously because none of that is true)
However Reader was also bought, but by the Female Celestial Dragon (As she wants her because Reader looks like a ‘Doll’)
Reader was horrified when she saw Hachin shot by a Celestial Dragon (She wasn’t upset when Luffy punched the ‘Bad Man’ that shot Hachin through the room)
When Rayleigh appeared in front of Camie and Reader to help them get their collars off, Reader felt that she could trust him and didn’t even close her eyes when he was taking her collar off (This makes Rayleigh smile and tell Reader that despite her age, she’s incredibly brave)
They escapes with the help of Duval and the Flying Fish from the Marines (Not before they go to Peterman and beat the SNOT out of him)
They make it back to Shakky’s Bar along with Rayleigh and learn about Rayleigh’s past that he was the First Mate of Gol D. Roger, the King of the Pirates (And Reader is told who Shanks is, and she’s in awe as she wants to meet ‘Mr. Shanks’ too!)
Rayleigh becomes another one of Reader Grandpas! (And he tells her she can just call him ‘Grandpa Ray’ since it’s probably easier for her to say, which makes her smile as she repeats it and she’s overjoyed to have another Grandpa!)
They’re going to lay low until Rayleigh finishes coating the Sunny (They’ll be able to find Rayleigh with his Vivre Card) and say goodbye to their friends to look for a place to hide for 3 days (Nami beats Luffy black and blue for wanting to go back to the Amusement Park) until they run back into Kuma! And try to fight him off and run away from him, though they’re shocked when a new guy and another Kuma appears! Only for Luffy to say they need to split up and Reader joins Luffy’s Group (Only to face off against Sentomaru who is beating Luffy with ease) though Reader was horrified to see Zoro shot but was relieved to see Grandpa Ray save him
Everyone started to run again when Luffy ordered them to run away because they can’t win as they’re too weak (Reader is running with Luffy)
Reader felt terror when Kuma made Zoro disappear, and started to panic when Kuma started to make the rest of her family disappear one by one with Brook, Usopp, Sanji, Franky, Nami, Chopper and finally Robin (Reader screamed ‘Mama’) leaving Luffy and Reader the last ones left (Both are sobbing uncontrollably over their loss of their Friends and Family, with Reader tightly hugging Luffy when everything suddenly went dark)
I tried to not make this so long, but it’s very difficult with so much information happening in each arc (So I always write down the main events that happen, then I try to shorten it as much as I can)
-The mangroves were enormous- towering high in the sky above you, with large bubbles floating all around, it was almost like a fairy tale for you.
-You were with Luffy, going to a bar owned by someone named Shakky, because the ship coater Hachi recommended was usually found there.
-The bar was rather run down, but Shakky was really nice to you and Chopper, giving you both cotton candy while she told Brook the color of her panties, after he asked, before telling Luffy that Rayleigh wasn’t there and directed him towards the amusement park.
-She then told Luffy about the other Supernovas here on the island, those with bounties over one hundred thousand, with you being in the top seat and Kidd being in second, something Luffy did pout lightly over, but he wasn’t upset at you- as he knew that the government wanted you, and that’s why they were offering so much.
-Your eyes were sparkling as you sat next to Camie as she told you about the amusement park, as you had never been and you turned to Luffy, a shy look on your face, “Can we go big brother?”
-He immediately beamed and for the next two hours you had so much fun, riding rides, sitting with Chopper when neither one of you were tall enough for the big rides, and you got to try so many treats!
-You were with Camie before you saw a man coming over and Camie screamed out as she was grabbed, alongside you. Luffy turned, seeing bounty hunters holding you both and he immediately charged over, “Camie! Y/N!!”
-These were slavers, people who had intentions on selling you both to the auction house, “A mermaid and a brat will surely fetch a nice price!” Camie had tears in her eyes, but she quickly swung out, to at least rescue you, hitting the man who was holding you, knocking him back and you out of his arms and into Luffy’s arms before they ran off with Camie, “We’ll get you back Camie!!”
-You were sniffling, hugging Luffy tightly around his neck, terrified of what had just happened, crying for Camie, but Luffy held you close, giving you the same promise, that they were going to get Camie back.
-Your hat had been knocked off, revealing you to everyone around and Luffy took off running, forgetting the hat and soon the Archipelago was alight with the news that you were there, and the slavers who had attempted to kidnap you were besides themselves! They missed out on a massive payday!!
-The auction hall was no place for a child, but your crew all met there, and they had to keep you safe, as Chopper told them that the slavers knew who you were now, and they couldn’t leave you alone.
-There were other people in the auction house who had looked over, seeing you there, holding Sanji’s hand, knowing exactly who you were, but they weren’t going to make any move on you- not with your crew around you.
-You saw a polar bear and your eyes went sparkly, tugging on Sanji’s hand, “Look- it’s a polar bear! It’s so cute!” Bepo turned, seeing you, and he blushed, looking down, apologizing, to which his crew scolded him for being so weak willed.
-Law, who had ignored you for the most part, other than hearing you call Bepo cute, heard footsteps and turned to see Kidd entering, and he instantly smirked before flipping him off.
-You saw this and you looked down at your free hand, mimicking him, “What does this mean?”
-Kidd and Law turned to see you, a six year old little girl, flipping the bird and instantly Law turned white in shock as Sanji cupped your hand, stopping you as the others were quickly glaring at Law, yelling at him for being a bad influence for teaching you something so bad as Sanji explained it was a rude gesture, not wanting you to get upset.
-Kidd couldn’t help but snicker, smirking down at Law, “Yeah Trafalgar- you are a bad influence on the little shit.”
-You looked back up at Sanji, hearing the new word, “What’s a little shit?” it was Kidd’s turn to turn white in shock as all the anger shifted quickly to him as Law couldn’t help but chuckle as they were both getting yelled at.
-When you saw Camie in a large fishbowl on stage, going to be sold off as a slave, tears welled in your eyes and you saw a man, wearing a funny suit, laughing at Hachi who tried to save Camie, before shooting him.
-You ran to him, “Hachi!” he groaned, managing to shift his body, wrapping his arms around you to shield you.
-The Celestial Dragon’s eyes went wide, “You’re that Y/N that daddy is after!! I’m going to be praised so much when I get home!!” before he approached to snatch you up.
-Hachi held you close as your horn flared up, healing him just a bit, but Luffy charged by and everyone was stunned, seeing him punch out the Celestial Dragon.
-You weren’t sure why it was bad, but everyone else was quickly running out of the building, panicking.
-There was a lady, the sister of the man Luffy just punched, also wearing a bubble suit, who quickly set up a ladder next to Camie, going to shoot her, “I’m going to kill this mermaid since you attacked my dear brother!”
-You were running before you even knew it, easily getting out of Hachi’s arms, and she saw you running towards her and she smiled, seeing that she had a chance to take you, as she knew her father and the others were all looking for you, “Aww look at you- you’re so cute! Like a little doll~ I’ll ask father to keep you once he’s done with you.”
-You then shocked everyone, except for Luffy, as you made it to the stage and you ran for her, pushing the ladder with her on it, pushing it over, sending it to the ground, “You leave Camie alone!!”
-Camie was pressed up against the fishbowl, “Y/N!” you were in tears, looking angry as the Celestial Dragon struggled to her feet, “You little brat! I was going to give you the world because you’re cute! I guess I’ll treat you like every other human- like dirt beneath my feet!”
-As she screamed at you, she swung her hand back to hit you, before a wave of energy rushed through the room, knocking those who remained, out, except for those who were strong willed, the three pirate crews in attendance, Camie, and Hachi.
-You were confused when she suddenly collapsed, looking around before you heard a man speak, “My-my~ you are quite bold little one- and you as well, ‘big brother’.”
-An old man walked out, spinning his collar on his finger before he removed Camie’s with ease, without it exploding, and he grinned, seeing Hachi, injured but not as bad as you had healed him a little bit, before introducing himself as Rayleigh.
-Luffy could tell that this was no mere ship coater, his strength was way too impressive to just be that, but he didn’t have much time to think, as word got out that an admiral was coming, as two Celestial Dragons had been attacked, and you all needed to get off the island.
-Rayleigh picked you up. You weren’t afraid of him, he was comforting, as you held his jacket, “Grandpa what did you do to that lady?”
-Rayleigh beamed brightly at your words, “Grandpa? Ooh I like the sound of that! You can call me Grandpa Rayleigh or Grandpa Ray- and to answer your question, I used Haki, I forced my will out and those with weak wills won’t be able to withstand it, so they get knocked out.”
-It sounded a little confusing as he took you to Luffy while Hachi got Camie and Rayleigh told Luffy that he would coat the ship, and to meet him in another part of the Archipelago, while he escorted Camie and Hachi to the ocean, so they could escape.
-Franky held you in his arms, shielding you as they had to run, after Luffy fought the marines alongside Kidd and Law, proving their strength, but when they got word that Kuma and an admiral, Kizaru, were on the island, you all had to make a run for it.
-Franky had to put you down as Kuma intercepted the Straw Hats, and you hid, watching Kuma easily taking care of everyone and your eyes went wide as he did the same thing he did to that princess, Perona, hitting her and blasting her away.
-One by one they were all blown away, disappearing.
-You and Luffy were screaming out everyone’s name and Robin turned to rush at you as you ran out, “Y/N!” your hands were stretched out to her, tears in her eyes, “Mama!” before she disappeared like everyone else.
-You tripped from the shock, landing hard on your hands and knees, tears immediately welling in your eyes. Your family was gone- they were all gone!
-Your tears snapped Luffy, who was in anguish, hunched over on the ground, out of his shock and he ran for you, seeing that you were still there, “Y/N!” You lifted your head, seeing him running towards you through the tears.
-You sobbed, reaching out to him, “Big brother!” before a dark shadow loomed over you, you turned, your voice caught in your throat as Luffy shouted, “GET AWAY FROM HER!!”
-Kuma’s hand came down slowly, like he wasn’t going to hit you like he had done the others, and once his paw hit the top of your head, you vanished as well.
-Luffy felt his whole world crumble, seeing you were gone as he tried to attack Kuma, lunging at him- hatred being the only thing fueling him.
-The Warlord easily caught him, holding him up by his neck as Luffy was nearly feral, demanding for his crew brought back, trying to punch and break free.
-Kuma’s voice was low as he spoke to Luffy, “I sent her somewhere safe.” Luffy’s eyes went wide, shocking him, and before he could ask where, Luffy was blown away as well.
-The Straw Hats were separated, scattered all over the Grand Line.
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Mmmmmm more twst x hsr thoughts but this time
Twst mc/yuu getting transported into hsr
Imagine it's after graduation, Crowley after years finally finds the best solution for everyone! You can travel back and forth between your world and twisted wonderland, amazing right? Wrong because the moment you step through the mirror your tumbling face first onto the floor of... A train? Huh? And staring back at you is 5- no 6 very confused faces a tall older man with brow hair that seems to be starting to grey, a beautiful woman with red hair, a cute girl with pink hair- a guy with black hair and another person with grey hair- and of course the most adorable bunny thing you have ever seen
The older man- welt- is immediately asking your business and where you came from- cane and black hole at the ready
You try to quickly explain that you came from the mirror- now mysteriously in the corner of the astral express lobby. And that you were just trying to get to your home world- rather home universe
You are confirmed not a threat and allowed to stay on the astral express, therefore becoming a nameless
When you aren't helping with trailblazing you travel back to twisted wonderland, telling the others about your adventures in this new world (deja vu anyone?)
The shenanigans are crazy, trying to explain that you went from a modern world, to medieval wizard BS, to the future is a harrowing experience already
Even funnier if you end up getting some kind of elemental ability/blessings from a aeon because now you finally have a leg to stand on
Whether or not the blessings work in twst is up to you
Some funny things I can see happening :
Welt being truly horrified at Crowley and his negligence
You/yuu managing to drink himekos coffee because you have suffered lilia's... Everything tbh
Showing March your magic camera (I feel like the camera isn't talked about enough in the twst fandom) and all the pictures you have taken
Grimm being jealous of the cat cakes because every time you come back you smell like them and also have pictures with them
Grim getting jealous of pompom (vise versa)
Being unfazed by the stellaron much to everyone's shock and dismay ("grim would probably try to eat it")
Being unfazed by boss fights and explaining that at least 8 people have tried to kill you and that's being on the low side
Seeing silver-wolf and thinking "ah shit not again" because it reminds you of idia
Being on the loufu and meeting Jin Yuan like "if I had a nickel for every :3 general I met with a sword son I'd have two nickels"
Seeing dang heng in his IL form and immediately blurting out "HORNTON?!" because Obviously
Telling malleus you met two new dragon
This interaction :
Twst!nameless : *completely unfazed by entering the dreamscape, honestly a little on edge*
Sunday : you seem on edge despite also seemingly being unfazed by entering the dreamscape for the first time, is something perhaps bothering you?
Twst! Nameless : well I've been in a dreamscape before- long story with a dragon- and the last time I was in one I fought in a war-
Sunday : WHAT????
Alternatively twst! Nameless being suspicious of Sunday for the entire time and once he reveals everything its just "see! Never trust a traumatised religious man with grey hair!" Rollo flash backs are real
Or twst! Nameless going "the last time I attended a important singing event/competition with a beautiful singer someone turned into a monster and everyone almost got poisoned and died, the whole place was wrecked... Thankfully we had a dragon to help but-" *the entire penacony quest happens* "I spoke to soon and cursed us"
Just another chaos maker on the astral express
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addledmongoose · 24 days
Good Omens Fanfic Friday (30 Aug 2024)
10 Easy Ways To Seduce Your Demon (15K; Rated T) by @waitingtobebroken
Oblivious Crowley is oblivious. After the Notpocalypse, Aziraphale becomes more touchy-feely, uses more endearments, and wants to spend more time with Crowley. What could it possibly mean? By the same author of the marvelous Kidnapping A Supreme Archangel For Fun And Profit series.
what a way to make a living (5K; Rated T) by @areyougonnabe
Aziraphale convinces Crowley he needs something to do, so the demon starts driving for Uber. This is partly told from an outsider POV, and it's really sweet and cute. From the author of the hilarious, dearly departed and it's a new craze.
Our World Will Change (Part 2 of One life, One love) (14K; Rated T) by @thinkinginscripts
Human AU. The sequel to One life, One love, where Aziraphale and Crowley are slaves who fall in love and plan their escape to freedom. I can't really give a plot for this one without spoiling the first story, but if you've read that one, you'll know what the story is about.
And my addiction that started last week, a story I actually considered re-reading immediately after finishing both because of and in spite of the word count.
If He’s Your Cleric, Why Is He Putting Me In His Bag of Holding? (300K; Rated E) by @noodlefrog-omens
Human AU (sorta). That word count could've been twice as long, and I still wouldn't think this book had overstayed its welcome, because I absolutely loved every moment of this D&D-inspired story. Don't worry if you've never played a D&D game in your life; you don't need to know anything about it to follow along. Aziraphale is a cleric for an adventuring party that's been given the quest to go into a dungeon and collect a dragon egg from the deepest level. His party (Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, and Sandalphon) abandons him in the dungeon, leaving him at the mercy of the dungeon's denizens. (By the way, the absolute dumbest thing an adventuring group could ever do is abandon their healer, so you know the level of competence Aziraphale is working with here).
Unknown to Aziraphale, he's being stalked by a hungry mimic named Crowley. When he finds a gorgeous book on a shelf in the dungeon (mimics shapeshift into inanimate objects like treasure to ambush prey), he puts it in his magical bag of holding, unaware the book is a living creature. Aziraphale saves Crowley from suffocation in the nick of time, and the two quickly form a friendship as they go to look for Aziraphale's adventuring group, despite Crowley informing him that they deliberately abandoned him.
Both of these characters are wonderfully realized, and the parts of the story from Crowley's POV as he tries to figure out what he's feeling with Aziraphale are really well done and feel realistic. Crowley doesn't have the words to understand what is actually going on with his feelings toward the humanoid he adores but he knows he feels something, and Aziraphale doesn't think a being like Crowley would ever find a humanoid interesting romantically or sexually.
There are puzzles to solve, traps and monsters to avoid, and enemy adventurers to thwart, and there are two (well, really more than) particular standout side characters: Sister Mary, a nun for a Draconic Order that worships the dragon at the bottom of the dungeon, and a kobold clan that works for the dragon and keeps the dungeon properly stocked in deadly traps. All the kobolds are named Eric.
If you don't want to read any of the monsterfucking/tentacle porn, you can read the entire main plot without encountering anything more salacious than a few cheek kisses. Just stop reading after they leave the dungeon and know they'll go on to live happily ever after. Everything after that is them getting to know each other better without the constant fear of death, showing Crowley the surface world, and figuring out how their relationship is going to work. The porn loosely starts in chapter 31 (of 40) and truly starts in chapter 33.
I don't know if the author has any plans for future adventures with these two, but if he does, I know I'll be there to read them.
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aikoiya · 6 months
Hello there, I love your post and I like your idea about Danny being affected by hamon but now not the time for dp x jjba and i have a long post idea that I would be understanding that it takes you days to research and post your idea.
Danny Phantom (phantom planet not happen in this au idea) x hunter: the parenting and by extension the world of darkness.
A few months before the event of Adorable Family Trip, the D family went to Amity Park for a month to visit one of Big-D ex, Jack Fenton, and while at Amity Park Kitten decided to look into Amity Park folklore. I want to know what 3 folklore that Amity Park has and what Kitten and Big-D thought about it, also bonus point if one of them is not about ghosts.
Also I have fun idea that the D family shenanigans while in Amity Park like Kitten learning about ecto ghost from Maddie ( who has extreme bias), Jack ( who is still learning about ecto ghost), and Big-D ( who usually keeps info until it's relevant), Marckus telling Danny and Dash about his experience with bully and tell them about how Brok Blacklaw eat Marckus book, gross Danny and Dash out, Door and Boy waiting in line at Nasty Burger for the meatiest burger for Boy and telling Jazz about his old 'mining day' unintentionally misled Jazz into thinking he was a miner and not a EOD specialist that he actually is, and Big-D and Jack have a journey and talk about why Big-D broke up with Jack as while Jack is good against ghost, he is not prepared for Big-D reckoning against the various supernatural.
Also for the funny Big-D know Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom when first met and didn't tell his family until on the plane back to Norfolk UK and his reasoning is that "it is obvious".
Holy cow! Honestly, I was confused for a bit. But the further down I got, the more I recognized. Like, Big-D was my first tip off, but it wasn’t until I read Markus, Door, & Boy that it clicked.
Now, I know what we’re talking about. I was afraid this was about Monster Hunter or Hunter x Hunter because I know practically nothing about either of those except dragons & that they are an absolute infestation in Monster Hunter.
You have no idea how lucky you are that my brother got me to watch the animated adaptation on YouTube or I would be completely lost! XD
So, congratulations, I can ramble about this subject!
However, I have only seen the animated adaptation up to Big-D's guide to avoiding arrest & am actually currently watching it as I type because I asked my brother a question about the show & he later said he'd rather watch more of it rather than continue with Lupin III. So, thanks for that. (Jk.)
Brok literally just appeared for the first time. His crew certainly seems to possess quite the motley assortment of very unfortunate faces, don't they?
But, yeah, I haven't seen any of the actual sessions, so my knowledge about how that world works is limited to that.
First off, I love, love, love all the supernatural lore in it. I was literally taking down notes.
Anyway, hmm… Well, I just looked at a list of Michigan cryptids & it talked about Michigan Mermen, though evidently, it's “bad luck to threaten one.” Though, the legend specifically says it's in Lake Superior. At the same time, the 2 lakes are connected by Whitefish Bay, so I wouldn't understand why they wouldn't also appear in Lake Michigan unless it was specifically inhabited by a predator of theirs. There's also apparently the Chicago Mothman, which according to a really cool map someone made from doing a bunch of research (Amity Park Location & Map), is most likely not even a full day's travel from Amity. Then there's the Lake Michigan Sea Serpent, which is, like, right there.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it lived in Lake Eerie. Maybe even just a short walk away from Amity itself.
Though, I do also have something a bit more benign that I made up myself. It's not really a creature. It's just a jukebox that plays creepily accurate music. → The Haunted Jukebox
It's really not much, but I figure that it'd be nice to investigate something that wouldn't try to do unspeakable things to them for once, ya know?
And I do have to say that I very much don't see Jack as the type who'd be into Big-D. In fact, I think the only dude that Jack might have a chance of being into is Vlad, who was never interested & will never be interested. And I don't even know if Jack would be aware of his own interest or if it's ever even crossed his mind.
However, I do have an alternate suggestion. What if Jack & Big-D… were brothers or cousins?
Now, I have a lot of thoughts on not only the Fenton Family’s lineage, but several others too, so here's a link so that I don't have to put it all here. → DP AU - Family Legacy
For that matter, I also hc that Warden Walker is Maddie's dad (but neither are aware). Seriously, go read Grandpappy Walker on Fanfiction.com. It’s an interesting read. However, it never finished. I have other hcs involving her family here, too. → The Walker Family
Now, moving on. This could absolutely work because my theories regarding both the Fenton family & Big-D actually align very well.
Mainly in that I hc that the Fentons are descended from a Lugat, thus making everyone descended from him dhampirs after a fashion.
Now, if we go this route, my suggestion is that Jack was the black sheep of the family… but Big-D was the bedazzled, feral sheep that kept biting everyone. Brilliant & the star of the Fenton family with a brain like a supernatural encyclopedia, but obviously has something very wrong in his head.
In my mind, Jack was never good at learning other languages (which was very important for research) or the apotropaic magics of his family because he could never really wrap his head around the mechanics of how it all worked, so he became frustrated with it all, called it a load of hooey & became determined to prove himself a hunter through the medium he did understand: SCIENCE!!!
And engineering. However, because he'd felt like an outcast due to being unable to understand the magical side of things, he'd begun to reject a lot of the old, tried & true hunter methods, relegating them to the domain of superstition even though a part of him knew that it was all true. He was bitter, okay?
Despite this, he's actually surprisingly honest with himself, considering how full of himself he can be. As such, if he's ever shown concrete evidence that he's wrong, he's actually very quick to adapt & accept that fact.
Then, promptly make amends.
Maddie, however, is ridiculously secular & stubborn. As such, she would be ridiculously difficult to convince regarding subjects involving the supernatural that couldn't be explained using science.
Interestingly, despite being so very different, Big-D was actually one of the only ones in their family who actually heard out Jack’s theories.
At the same time, though Big-D thought that the possibility of this “Ghost Zone” was, indeed, possible, he'd never thought that Jack would not only be able to reach it, consistently of all things, but then prove it!
Personally, I love it when experts of the supernatural are entirely blindsided by something that completely shatters their understanding of the world around them. Like, science is making new discoveries all the time. Why can't the supernatural hunter field also be doing the same?
I'm saying that I think it would be fun if the entirety of Big-D's knowledge of this new plane of existence completely consisted of whatever theories Jack had spoken to him about regarding it.
On the one hand, he's so ridiculously PROUD of Jackie-Boy!!
On the other, Big-D is absolutely shitting his short shorts as it slowly dawns on him the implications of all this.
I mean… this… this is the fucking trans-universal thanatonexus!! Literal proof of alternate & parallel universes!!!
The universe between universes & the moment between times!!!
Big-D needs to sit down before he passes out…
Which, my guy. I have a full freaking masterlist of hcs regarding how the Infinite Realms work, how it interacts with the Living Realms, how ectoplasm is made. As well as hcs about Clockwork & Nocturn. → DP Ghost Zone Masterlist
Clockwork - The Origin of Clockwork - Clockwork Through the Multiverse - Nocturn (My Style)
Peruse at your leisure.
Seriously, I might have a problem…
I mean, if you really think about it, how would Big-D know much of anything about ecto-ghosts? The only people shown to possess portals are the Fentons & Vlad & the only other portals are natural portals which open randomly & very rarely. Like, maybe he's heard stories about powerful beings that could fly & shoot lasers, but I don’t think he’d know anything truly concrete.
But I definitely think he's aware of Danny's time traveling shenanigans, though only from the perspective of having seen imagery of Phantom & Plasmius scattered through time. But not that it’s Danny & the mayor of Amity (at least initially).
Which, I honestly think that they'd legitimately despise each other. D & Vlad, that is.
Which, perhaps Big-D's actual reason for visiting could partially be because of that? Maybe he saw a picture in a supernatural tabloid about a little town in Illinois that was a tourist trap centering around ghosts? And the picture used was of one of Danny & Vlad's fights?
Maybe it was Kitten who was reading it & Big-D was just sort of sipping his drink at breakfast, was chatting with Kitten, & glanced down only to choke on his drink as he recognized the figures from one of the single greatest mysteries in all of hunter history. He gasps & wheezes rather comically as he tries to catch his breath. Kitten is concerned, but the second D caught his breath, he declared that they were headed to Amity Park to visit family.
The terrifying thing is that I actually think that the Fentons of Amity might be the most well-adjusted members of the current Fentons in the family… This realization haunts me…
Holy fudge, I think Jack would end up being the responsible & rational one between him & D…
Like, I can just see Jack looking D dead in the eye & telling him that drugs, psychedelics, alcohol any purer than near beer, & especially sacrifices were not allowed within 5 yards of the perimeter of Fenton Works & neither were D's sexual indiscretions.
If he brings that shit anywhere near his family, no one will find the pieces. And if he gets caught with that sort of thing here, then Jack's never met the man.
Like, the supernatural stuff is fine, whatever.
Typical Fenton clan brouhaha, but Jack raised a couple of wonderful, talented, genius kids.
(Even if Danny was having a rough time keeping his grades up at the moment, he could still reverse engineer any one of their inventions practically on autopilot & sometimes could even surpass Jack himself in terms of guerilla science & ingenuity, but that's not the point!)
His kids were brilliant & they don't do drugs or commit crimes or go out drinking, & he's not about to have one Bignaceous Ditryck T. Fenton walking in & screwing up the 2 (3 if they’ve adopted Ellie) most sane, well-adjusted children born into the Fenton clan in 5 generations just because he couldn't behave like an adult for a week! Like, he loves D, but “Seriously, D, you need serious help.”
Which would probably start a bit of a dismissive handwaving about how, of course, he’d never dream of it! But Jack just narrowed his eyes at the other man’s insane smile before sighing with a slump of his shoulders before letting them in reluctantly.
Anyway, I'd very much appreciate Amethyst Ocean to be a thing here. This is the DP ship that I've been shipping since I first watched the show. And it was made canon.
Of course, in the end, it's your choice. Not mine.
Also, keep in mind that if Phantom Planet isn't canon, then neither is A Glitch In Time. Just something to remember.
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