#the one holding the book dies her hair brown and her hair right now is blonde with brown tips
kitty-serenade · 10 months
When you summon your demon dad you haven't seen in 14 years for shits and giggles and he actually shows up
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#billdip#brainrot#i know fanchildren oc's aren't rare but this is so embarrassing to post#they have a whole backstory but no name ಥ_ಥ#fun facts about them i guess?#theyre not identical twins#they weren't birthed in the normal human way#they technically materialized literally out of thin air#the one holding the book dies her hair brown and her hair right now is blonde with brown tips#she also has more prominent demonic features#her ears are more pointed#she has fangs and she doesnt have that much human magic#so in this au theres human and demon magic and theyre similar but also very different#you use HM differently from DM#She doesnt have alot of HM but she does have alot of DM#when she was little (toddler age) she couldnt control it and would be on fire 24/7#but she wasnt powerful enough to damage stuff#only made her surroundings warmer#and because she was a toddler her fire is white which is literally invisible in the daytime and in light#dipper found out about the white baby fire when hed tuck the twins jn bed and turned off the light#white fire everywhere#its harmless now but it could be a huge problem later#no wonder the room always felt uncomfortably warm#teaching a basically infant demon how to use DM when youve been a HM user for the majority of your whole life was a challenge#anyways the one holding the cake has poliosis and has no outward physical appearance suggesting his a demon other than his sharp teeth#he also mainly uses HM so he could pass as a human#a dickhead human with an odd sort of energy around him#ignore the mispellings please im not using a computer and its a pain in the ass to retype all of this#if you have name suggestions please do give in asks or comments#o(iДi)o just realized i reached max tag limit hh
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narislvr · 1 month
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one-last-stop au ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ | e.williams x fem!reader
cws? reader wears glasses and is on the bigger side (not mentioned yet but we need more love for chubby readers!!) reader is a college student working at a diner, ellie is a blip in time but reader doesn't know that yet, love at first sight trope but you're both awkward 🧍‍♂️, no use of y/n for reader, this blurb is moreso an intro to the world so not much ellie yet (might be a series if it dies well!!) Spoilers for the book, and will have some direct quotes.
m.list [๋࣭🪻] part 2 [ 🌆 ] palestine-resources & daily click
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"Her eyes are bright and teasing and warm, warm forever-and-ever brown, and august doesn’t know how she could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says." pg 20
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You weren't going to cry.
you weren't going to cry over the shitty smell of pancake batter and honey that wouldn't wash off despite your half hour shower ── the smell bonding to you after working too many late hour shifts at the diner ── and you definitely weren't going to cry over the scorching feeling of the coffee cup leaking small droplets of what you were considering your only energy source onto your hand.
you were already running late for your first morning class of the semester, but if you found your right train on time ── which you've already memorized out of fear of this exact situation ── then you'd still make it before it became too noticeable you were late.
sure, things were already going far worse than you'd hoped for, from having to pick up a late shift the night before at the 24/7 diner you work at, leaving you with four hours to sleep before having to get up and get ready for class, to dealing with a rude barista in the coffee shop above the metro station who couldn't even bother to tighten the lid of your cup.
things were not going great, but you were determined to make things better.
to your dismay however, determination alone wouldn't be enough to turn your luck.
amidst your attempt of carefully closing the lid of your coffee cup, you don't notice the group of teenage kids running your direction until one of them bumped into you with a grunt. the coffee, which had been one source of your annoyance this morning, spills across your top staining the once white fabric of your long-sleeveed shirt an opaque shade of brown, and to add to your already shitty morning, you hear the sound of your phone hit the pavement with a loud crack.
The teenager gives you a quick look up and down, their expression contorting into one of horror as they look at the stain on your top and the state of your phone on the floor behind you. ──if that's the way they look at you, then maybe you shouldn't even try looking at yourself── deciding that you wouldn't fight a fourteen year old, not that you would've anyways, you bend down to pick your phone off the ground, your lips forming a tight frown as you look over at all the various cracks on the screen of the phone you had worked so hard to afford.
despite the feeling of a knot tightening further in the back of your throat, you stayed true to your promise.
You weren't going to cry.
Your train pulls up only a few moments later, and you quickly blink back the tears before stepping aboard. to your luck ──if you even want to risk calling it that── the car wasn't as full as you though it'd be. usually it would be a great thing, not being crowded by people, but right now as you stood holding the handlebar, it really hit you just how disheveled you must look to others. Your hair was frizzy, your eyes were teary, coffee soaked your shirt, and now you smelled like a mixture of coffee, pancakes, and faintly of vanilla body spray.
You were a wreck.
you feel someone move to your side and you cringe slightly, your shoulders stiffening as you kept your gaze on the floor. you hear the unzip of a bag, presumably the person beside you getting something out, and you shift your gaze to sneak a glance at the stranger at your side expecting, but hoping it wasn't, a creep ──it's a subway, you never know what could happen in a 15 minute ride── but to your surprise, you're met with sun bleached black converse and baggy jeans next to your own white converse. Slowly your gaze moves upward, noting the way the person's foot tapped rythmicly the floor beneath it before you get a better look at them.
And fuck do you get a good look at them.
The person who you expected to be some lanky guy, perhaps some skater boy, perhaps a creep ──again, can never be too cautious── was actually... a girl. Round cheeks, with a softly scrunched and freckled nose, a girl so pretty you thought you were hallucinating. Her hair was a dark shade of auburn, half her hair up in a small ponytail while the rest fell a little over her nape. On her head were a pair of old looking headphones connected to a Walkman that stuck out the front pocket of her messenger bag as she searched for something down at the bottom with a small smirk. Did she know you were looking? What was she looking for that had her looking like that?
don't be a creep, you thought to yourself, trying to tear your gaze from her right arm. The sleeves of her faded blue flannel were rolled up just above her elbow, exposing the intricate design of ferns and a ──still in the works── moth on her forearm. don't be a creep, you repeated to yourself in your mind as you look away from the beautiful stranger at your side. Why'd she have to appear exactly when you looked your worst?
"Yikes," She finally says, her smirk still ever present on her face as she looks up to face you now.
The hottest girl you've ever seen just took a look at you and said "Yikes." What the fuck.
You were dumbfounded ──inwardly horrified── and she can't help but chuckle as she finally finds what she was looking for in her bag. It wasn't a mocking chuckle. no. it wasn't something lighthearted, curious, and you swear the temperature had risen in the subway car.
"Here," the girl says, pulling out a burgundy colored scarf and holding it out to you. "You look like you're going somewhere important, so," She gestures vaguely at her neck, "keep it."
You blink once, processing her offer before coming out of your trance and shaking your head, "You─ oh my God, I can't take your scarf."
The girl shrugs. "I'll get another one."
"But it's cold."
"Yeah," She says and her smirk shifts into something unreadable for a split second before your attention is caught by the dimples that had formed on her freckled cheeks. "But I don't go outside much."
You stare for a moment and she does as well.
"Look," She starts, her hands fidgeting slightly with the ends of the scarf, "You can take it, or i can leave it in the seat next to you, and it can get absorbed into the subway ecosystem forever."
She drags out the end of her sentence with a playful lilt, her smirk softening into a grin and in that moment her eyes are bright and teasing and warm. warm forever-and-ever a hazey green, and you don't know how you could possibly do anything but whatever this girl says.
A moment later you give in to her offer and reluctantly take the scarf from her hands. The wool is soft and light in your touch, and when your fingertips brush against the ends where the girl had been fidgeting with it earlier, you feel a pop of electricity. The girl, who had been watching you carefully, laughs under her breath, the sound airy as she reaches out to help you wrap it around your neck in a tender motion. She steps back after a moment, and gives you a look, the same teasing smile as before as she raises a brow at you.
"Anyone ever tell you you smell like pancakes?"
Before you can respond, the train plunges into a tunnel. The car shudders on the tracks, and the girl lets out a small yelp as she almost loses her balance and reaches for the hand rail over your head. It all happened suddenly but the last thing you see of her is an unreadable purse of her lips and the beginning of another tattoo on her left arm as she lifts it before the fluorescent lights flicker out.
The darkness lasted a second, two at most, but when the lights came back on, the girl was gone.
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reidsdimples · 2 months
After Hours
Spencer Reid x Reader
Spencer Reid Smut ‼️ Friends to lovers
You sneak Spence into a public library after hours🫢
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“We can’t be here right now,” Spence whispers as he glances around the dimly lit street.
“Shh,” you shush him.
You grab his forearm and urge him to follow you to a small door at the back of the brick building. You furnish a single key and quietly unlock it.
“Where did you get that?” His pushes.
“I know a guy who knew I guy that worked her,” you grin mischievously. “Come on, you know you want to,” you elbow him and push the door open.
The library has been closed for hours and you’re enjoying making Spencer squirm as he wars with the thrill of getting into a library that’s closed and the moral dilemma of trespassing.
“I am only agreeing to this to see those books they keep in the temperature controlled cases,” he sighs and slinks into the small room behind you.
You and Spencer have been friends for a few years, working closely in the BAU, and bonding over your own interest in law and his knowledge in well… everything.
He pushes some strands of hair from his forehead with long delicate fingers and adjusts his shoulder bag. His hair is shorter than usually but it suits him.
“You do know the penalty for trespassing in Washington, DC is a fine and up to 6 months in jail,” he turns to you.
“I think we’ll be alright,” you grin and tap your badge.
After about an hour of roaming the shelves, he finally becomes more relaxed. He’s crouch on the floor, examining a stack of old documents from a filing cabinet. Books are scattered around him chaotically.
You watch for a moment as his fingers work to trace over the text, his brain working exceptionally quick to intake the information instantaneously. You always find yourself amazed at the way his brain works.
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The small crush you’ve harbored for him has been tucked tightly away. Keeping things professional is essential in the line of work the two of you share and you won’t jeopardize the friendship. Still, you allow yourself moments to admire him in all of his beauty.
His tongue darts out and swipes his bottom lip like it always does when he’s focused, his brow furrows slightly as he reads, and he mouths words here and there. He rocks back on his heels and sits on the carpet next to a bookshelf.
“Okay brainiac, I have a game,” you bounce into the room hold the stack of books. He looks up at you curiously, his brown eyes like honey in the dim light. You swallow.
“A game?” He asks.
“I found the most random and niche books I could, I’m gonna hold them up and you’re going to give me a synopsis. I’m positive I’ve found one that will stump you,” you smile and sit with your criss crossed in front of him.
“I haven’t read every book,” he starts. You raise your eyebrows at him. “Just most of them,” he shrugs.
You hold up a book about gardening and he gives you a run down of it.
“Why did you read this?” You ask.
“I skimmed it in high school,” he appears please with himself. You hold up another;
“Let me save you some time,” he grabs the other six books. “Lovers during World War Two, the rise of buddhism in western culture, lame romance about a cowboy… who dies at the end…” you snatch the book from his hand.
“You are insane!” You laugh. He smiles and holds up another.
“Julie is married to a man but is in love with his brother and noone has a happy ending,” he gives you a cocky grin but continues. “Inside Richard Ramirez’s life and…” he flips the last book over. “Oh, sci-fi about a journey to the Cigar galaxy,” he finishes.
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You snatch it, examine it, and then throw it at his chest.
“What was that for?” He laughs and rubs his hand over the spot you hit.
“You’re too smart for your own good,” you sigh in defeat. He collects the books from around you, his knees knocking into yours.
A spark of heat seems to be exchanged from the touch, his breathing hitching so low that you almost miss it.
He glances up at you for a moment, searching your eyes as a strand of hair falls over his own. You reach out instinctively and push it back.
Your hand lingers in his hair for a moment, your fingertips grazing his scalp. He sucks air between his teeth as though the sensation is shocking to him. You lean forward and push your hand further into his hair, you don’t know why but you feel the need to touch him. He doesn’t protest, he’s staring at your lips.
The two of you gravitate closer, your heart pounding when his hand runs up your arm and entangles your hand further into his hair. He’s urging you to tug, to massage, it feels too good. His hand on yours, laced with your fingers, you oblige and take the control, you push his head closer to yours, overwhelmed by the small noises he’s making in the base of his throat.
His jaw tenses and he’s done with restraint. He drops the books and closes the rest of the space between you, leaning up on his knees to kiss you. You drop your hand from his hair and meet him there, winding your hands into his dark button down shirt, tugging on his loosened tie.
He tastes like mint, like heaven and earth collided, his lips soft and warm. A moan escapes your lips when his hand grips your hip, the other winding into your hair. You can’t believe what’s happening. You don’t want it to stop.
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“Spence,” you whimper and pull away to look into his eyes pleadingly. Your grip still from on his tie. He nodded, understanding what you’re asking.
You push him backward, forcing him down onto the floor, a small laugh escaping him. His eyes are wild, his hair tousled, his lips reddened from the kiss, and he’s lying below you allowing you to take control.
You straddle his hips, papers and books being kicked around beneath you. Both of you are panting with need when you kiss him again.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathes. You pull his shirt open while his hands caress your body, long fingers trailing up and down your spine and hips. It drives you wild, sending heat gathering between your thighs.
That heat builds up so quickly when you begin to kiss his bare chest that you have to grind down onto his growing erection to appease the need.
He tilts his head back, reveling in the feeling of the friction.
“So…” he swallows when you rock your hips again. “So good.”
He pulls your tight sweater up over your head, greedily taking in the view of your breasts in the lace bra. His face is red, he’s burning with need too.
You fumble with his belt and finally pull his cock free, the sight and size mouth watering. You push away the thoughts of Hotch reprimanding the two of you for what you’re about to do. Yet the thought of sinking down onto him is too overwhelming. You don’t care about anything in that moment, but getting him inside of you.
“We’re going to be in so much trouble if someone finds out,” you muse as you tear yourself free of your own pants. He leans up on his elbow and tilts his head as though he hadn’t thought of that yet.
“So no one finds out,” he demands. It takes you off guard when he pushes himself up and takes you to the floor, pinning you beneath him. His eyes darken, his gaze more primal when he leans down to kiss your neck.
His hard cock prods at the entrance of your vagina, your wetness soaking the tip. He slides his cock upward, between the lips teasingly, coating himself in your arousal. Your lips meet and your tongues fight for dominance as he groans. You reach down and grab his cock, stroking it in warning.
“Give it to me Reid,” you bite out.
He smiles but obliges. He pushes himself into you, slowly so that you can stretch around him. You buck your hips up, taking him off guard. He slams his other hand onto the floor to steady himself, the raw pleasure of being seated completely inside of you stealing his breath.
He throws his head back and works himself out slightly before pushing back in.
“Fuck, Spence,” you moan. His shirt is hanging open but you kiss and suck at his chest while he finds his sweet sinful rhythm.
He pushes your legs up and open wider, slamming deeper into you until you’re crying out into the empty library.
“Shhh baby, you’re taking it so good,” he whispers. He doesn’t stop his hard pounding into you, drawing you closer and closer to the edge.
You tighten around him, a warning of your impending orgasm. He smiles knowingly and gives you long slow strokes to ride it out to. Your nails dig into his back as your legs wrap around his hips, greedily taking all of him while you explode around his cock. You pulse around him, squeezing, and practically begging him to cum too.
“Ah-“ he shutters and slows his pace. He doesn’t want to cum yet. He grunts and grabs a fistful of your hair before pushing himself back into you.
He buries his face in your breasts, abruptly biting hard as his hips wind and work his cock in and out of you. He nips at your nipple, causing you to tighten around him. He grins into the soft skin, breathing hard against you. Your hands are in his hair again, holding on as another organs builds within you.
“Reid…” you moan. But he bites you again, thrusting hard as though he needs it more than life, more than oxygen. “Spencer I’m going to cu-“ you don’t get to finish the words.
His hands wind into your hair, yanking your head upward and back and he drives into you with unrelenting speed.
“Fuck,” you swear he groans under his breath.
Your orgasm comes over you without mercy, ravaging your core, blinding you with pleasure, and causing your legs to shake violently around him. He whimpers as you tighten impossibly tight around him and it consumes him.
His hips sputter as he erupts inside of you, pumping you full of him. He slides in and out of you, rolling his hips a few more sinful times as though to enjoy the sensation. As though to solidify the memory of how it feels to be inside of you.
His kisses you deeply and buries his face in the crook of your neck as you hold each other.
Neither of you want to be pulled from the moment, so you lavish in the afterglow in each other’s arms.
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murderhusbands4life · 8 months
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Hannibal Lecter X Autistic Child Reader
first request!
request: Can u do like austitic child reader with Hannibal 
summary: Hannibal latest patient is a child filled with trauma over their elder brothers death and Hannibal cares for them like his own.
Third person pov...
Mrs L/N and her 7 year old arrive outside Dr Hannibal Lecter's office, Y/Ns new physiatrist. A little over a month ago Y/Ns elder brother died, the 7 year old witnessed it since then the child had been filled with terror and hadn't slept well since.
Said child was grumpily standing next to their Mum staring down at their shoes swaying back and forth. "Do I have too" they pout, this makes Y/Ns mum sigh, she kneels and holds her Childs shoulder making the kid flinch not liking touch.
"Sorry honey, but you know what the school says you have to stick with the same therapist for at least a week before going back to school" explains the kids Mum, the child sighs. "Okayy, lets do it" they say making the women smile at them.
The building itself was beautiful with a sense of historical back ground, it was tall and didn't look like a physiatrists office, nervously Y/N follows their mother inside the building, Mrs L/N had heard from her close friend Jack Crawford about an amazing physiatrist and decided to make an appointment for her child.
Soon they came to a door which was Dr Lecter's office, Mrs L/N knocks on the door, looking down at her nervous child of course the child was nervous, Y/N doesn't like change and this is a huge change for them, then the door opens and man stands there.
He was tall around 6tf, he had ash grey hair, brown eyes, he had sharp cheekbones and an obviously fake smile on his face, to Y/N he looked about 40 maybe mid 40s. he was wearing a dark red pinstripe suit and dark brown shoes.
He looks at the mother and child in front of him wondering who they were. "hello, you must be Dr Lecter, Im Y/M/N L/N and this is Y/N we have an appointment" says the H/C woman, Hannibal eyes widened a fraction before returning to normal. "ah yes my apologies, I had forgotten please come in" he says and stands to the right holding the door open.
He had a slight accent, possibly eastern European, Y/N wracks their brain trying to place it but couldn't think, they shall have to ask the man later.
But Y/Ns mum shakes her head at the invitation. "I'm already late for work, I'll leave Y/N with you" she says before turning her back and kneeling next to her child, Hannibal watches as the child's eyes wonder not looking at their mother.
"Y/N love, I'll be back to pick you up later okay, my shift at the clinic will finish at 5 okay see you then, be good and respectful to Dr Lecter now" she says to the child kissing their forehead and walking away throwing a wave goodbye behind her.
The hallway was filled with silence as the Dr and Child stand. "Please come in Y/N" he says to the silent child. Y/N nervously enters the pristine office, the child gasps at how large the room was, bright E/C eyes marvel at its beauty.
Dr Lecter lips turn up at the emotionless child gasping at his office, he then walks over to the child and begins taking their coat, this makes the child look at him before smiling in thanks. "Thank you, sir," Hannibal hears a mumble.
"of course, now if you would please take a seat we will begin" he says motioning to one of the chairs he uses for his patents, though it had been a while since he had such a young one in his office.
"now then we shall begin, I am Hannibal Lecter and I will be your physiatrist" he says smiling at the small child sitting in the overly large chair, said child was still looking around the room drinking in all the details and books.
"Im Y/N L/N, sir im 7 years old" comes a tiny voice, Hannibal smiles slightly, they were getting somewhere at least he got their name. "hello Y/N do you know why you are here?" he asks the child, Y/N stopped looking around and instead looked at their shoes.
"because I don't sleep and Mummy's worried about me" comes the quiet voice, Hannibal was barely able to hear. He crosses his legs and continues to write in his notebook, brown eyes look over the child sitting opposite him, their movements skittish like a scared bunny.
"And why is that Y/N?" he asks gently coaxing the child to speak more, minutes pass before the child speaks. "Because brother died and I still dream off him though not nice dreams, I miss him" whispers the child tears gathering in the corner of their big E/C eyes.
Already seeing this happening Hannibal hands, the 7 tear old some tissues he keeps on his desk, tiny hand grab the white tissue and wipes their tears and blows their nose. "t-thank y-you s-sir" comes a tearful voice.
Hannibal smiles gently at the child reassuring them. "of course, child" he says as their session moves on.
Over Y/Ns next few appointments with Hannibal they began to get more comfortable with him and always enjoyed coming to his office, once he noticed how their eyes wondered toward his many books on the second level, the expression of surprise will forever make him happy as he told the child they could read his collection.
Said child bounds over to the many books and carefully grabs a couple, he had learnt that Y/N was autistic and had a love for books they loved reading anything, the two become ever closer their sessions became something less formal.
Hannibal had never felt this close to a child before, but he enjoyed their sessions together and was delighted to be able to help such a sweet innocent child go through their trauma.
The end!
Hope you liked this first oneshot for this new book. Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes in this.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1065
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jessiexcorner · 1 year
Heartbreak Highs
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
"I met Ameire when I was five."
A little brown girl with blue overalls and a pink shirt walks over to two girls one blond hair and the other (h/c). The blond draws a crocodile while the (h/c) hands her green crayons as she makes her own painting. “What’s that?” The new girl asks,
“It's a crocodile.” The blond responds.
“It's shit.” The brown girl states. The blond drops her pencil to flip off the new girl, making her smile, while the (h/c) hair girl giggles.
"For a long time, it had just been me and Harper, but with Ameire we were unstoppable."
The three girls run as a teacher chases them through the hall, “Stop it!” The girls giggle and run faster.
"They were my ride or dies. Nobody could come between us. Well, that was until the incest map. Ameire and Harper were super into romance, not that I wasn’t, it's just they tended to watch people.”
(Y/n) takes out her books from her locker clutching onto them as her friends, Amire and Harper giggle holding their books while staring at a couple making out against the lockers. The (h/c) color girl tries to pull them away from the scene but they don't budge.
"In so a creepy way.”
The girls now older, still watch as a couple fights making fun and guessing what the couple could probably be saying. “Oh, I swear to god Jessica you know I'm good for it eh?” Harper makes her voice deeper playing the man.
“If you touch her again I’ll fuckin smash ya, ya cheatin’ dog.” Ameire uses a high pitch.
“No babe, I'm fuckin’—“
“Kiss me!” Both girls make kissing noises. (Y/n) watches the teens quietly shaking her head.
“I don’t exactly know when it started to happen, but somehow I ended up drifting apart from the two,”
Amerie and Harper giggle as they write on the Incest map while (y/n) stands in the corner watching quietly. “You’re obsessed,” Harper comments as Amerie draws a line with a gold marker across her name and dusty.
“Destined,” Amerie says with a smile, (Y/n) looks down playing with the small rock on the floor, kicking it around, bored.
“Harper tried to include me in their activities, Amerie on the other hand seems to forget me more often. Maybe it's because Harper knew me for longer. Eventually, Harper left me behind too. I used to miss them from time to time and the fun we used to have, but now when I look back at those times, I remember they mostly kept me around because their parents trusted me, and if they were around ‘(Y/n) the good kid who gets grades and doesn’t do drugs’, they thought maybe their kids wouldn’t either, which gave harper and Amerie more freedom to actually, go out and do drugs. I completely stopped talking to them after the fight.”
“Ugh, I can't wait for the festival,” Amerie states sitting down on (Y/n)’s floor while eating a bunch of junk candy. Home worksheets thrown on the floor, harper lays on (y/n)’s bed taking some junk food from Amerie.
“I know right, I even got Cash to come and sell us some drugs, we are going to get so wasted.” Harper boasts. (Y/n) sits on her desk trying to finish her homework, ignoring the girls.
“Ah, no way? I can't wait, I got the tickets too! Look,” Amerie says taking out the tickets from her backpack and holding them out for Harper to see. Harper takes the tickets to inspect them noticing something.
“Am, there are only two tickets,” Harper states sitting up now.
“What?” Amerie looks up.
“You only got two tickets, what about (Y/n)?” Harper asks confused.
“Oh, well, she didn't give me the money for it so,” Amerie says glancing at the (h/c) hair-colored girl who sighs.
“I'm not coming.”
“What? Why not?” Harper questions.
“Because I don't want to keep being your guy’s babysitter when you get high or drunk.”
“..well you can just, drink with us,” Amerie states as if it's the easiest solution in the world.
“No, I can't Amerie, because if you knew anything you would know I don't want to.” (Y/n) snaps a little putting her finished homework away.
“..why are you so pissed off? It's just—“ Amerie gets cut off.
“Why am I so pissed off? Amerie. It's like the only time you guys ever hang out with me is because you want something from me or when I have use to you!”
“That's not true.” Harper defends herself and Amerie.
“Yes, it is! You only hang out with me because your parents think that you wouldn't possibly be going out to get drunk with me, and you guys are literally here because you wanted to copy my homework answers. You never hang out with me anymore just doing things like normal, it's always watching the latest hook-up or gossip or getting high and drunk. You never even invite me out anymore.” (Y/n) says angrily shaking a little trying to keep calm. The other two girls are silent and look at each other before collecting their things ready to leave.
“We’ll talk when you've calmed down,” Amerie says picking up her back.
“Oh fuck you, Amerie, just leave, I don't wanna talk to you again.” (Y/n) snaps. The brown girl walks out leaving Harper.
“..I,” Harper starts but then pauses not knowing what to say, muttering an apology while she walks off following Amerie, leaving (Y/n) by herself.
“After that, Harper would occasionally text me, and ask to try to hang out and watch movies like old times, but it wasn't the same. There was always this weird tension. I made new friends though, better friends. Quinni and Darren. Those two are actual ride or dies. They made me feel like I didn't have to pretend or have to get high for them to like me, they treated me right. I had almost forgotten about Harper and Amerie for a while, well that was until that night..”
At school grounds early in the morning, (Y/n) walks up to Quinni and Darren who are talking before someone bumps in between the two, squealing, ‘Dusty spoke to me!’ And giggling. “‘Dusty spoke to me’ what a pick me bitch. Also rude.” Darren mocks the brown girl who bumped them. (Y/n) chuckles lightly, agreeing.
“Maybe she didn't see us,” Quinni says kindly giving Amerie the benefit of the doubt.
“Oh please, Check the material. We are beautiful, exquisite jellyfish.” Darren says linking arms with both girls, brushing Quinni’s hair lightly, “of course they saw us.” They all walk heading to the school building. (Y/n) looks at her phone, sending a quick message to a contact labeled ‘H.’, ‘you coming soon?’ There’s a pause before the person responds with ‘yea see you there.’ The trio walks towards the steps seeing a new face. “Fresh blood,” Darren whispers to the two girls, (Y/n) looks up from her phone noticing a boy in a yellow t-shirt and multi-colored striped pants, asking for directions. As they walk past him to the stairs, the boy makes eye contact with (Y/n) giving a small awkward smile. (Y/n) smiles back and walks with her friends up the stairs, “What was that?” Darren questions,
“Were you trying to flirt with him? Oh, baby (Y/n), growing up so fast.” They say teasing.
“Shut up.” (Y/n) ignores the taller stylish kid. The three are about to head to class when someone shouts gaining everyone’s attention.
“Oi! There’s a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell. It's called the incest map!” The person shouts walking away, everyone intrigued follows, heading to the stairwell. (Y/n) looks over noticing Amerie stood still with a look of panic. Both girls rush to the stairwell, (Y/n) catching up with her friends. She looks over the map noticing it has grown much bigger than the last time she saw it, then again she stopped coming her long before the fight. She notices new names, including those of her friends Quinni and Darren, she looks over and notices her own name, not connected to anyone just having the words ‘Fish.’ In bold written in familiar handwriting. She tries to swallow the lump in her throat. She notices Missy walking away from her girlfriend upset about what she saw on the map.
“Darren jerked you off? Nice bro, you into dudes now?” A kid, Spider, teases their friend Anthony, also named Ant.
“Little cheeky huh?” Dusty comments, making a crude hand gesture.
“Who says I'm a dude?” Darren retaliates.
“Oh! Look (Y/n)’s a fish!” A couple of boys laugh. “Awe, I can change that for you if you want (Y/n)” Spider says making kissy faces at the girl who clenches her jaw. Looking over at Amerie who looks panicked and avoiding the girl’s gaze. Quinni searches the wall for her name before finding it, labelled ‘lazy kebab’
“That’s not true, what’s a lazy kebab? Spider what's a lazy kebab?” Quinni calls the guy who is said to spread the rumor.
The kids are called for a school meeting and they all sit in the hall. “It's mostly kids from our level, it must be someone we know,” Quinni comments her observation to the other two, who sit down.
“It's probably Spider or one of those idiots. Most of its bullshit anyway,” Darren says sitting in the middle comforting the girls. (Y/n) sits quietly beside Darren, glaring at Amerie, and forcing the kid in the seat next to her to move, leaving an empty seat beside her.
“So crazy right?” Amerie comments. (Y/n), although sitting a couple of seats away, hears this and scoffs. A girl walks into the hall wearing a grey shirt and red pants and having a shaved head.
“Holy shit is that Harps? Oh my god her hair,” Sasha comments sitting next to Amerie, she throws a paper ball at Harper only to miss. Most kids turn to look at the girl. Harper walks towards (Y/n) and sits next to her in the empty seat quietly. 
Amerie notices and stands calling out, “Harper,” only to be ignored and told to sit down by the principal.
“Fish, really couldn’t think up anything more clever than that?” (Y/n) comments blankly not looking at the girl next to her, Harper turns to glance at (Y/n) and mutters an apology.
“I didn't write it.”
“I know but, you didn’t stop her either.” (Y/n) sighs as she looks over at Harper before turning away and focusing on the principal. Both sit quietly next to each other.
There is complete silence. “I am a woke woman.” The principal starts. “I enjoy sex as much as the next person.” She states, making a couple of kids laugh and snicker. “But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputations and the reputation of our school on the first day back. We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties, shindigs, or gathos.” The students erupt in protest, while Amerie continues to look at Harper and (Y/n), who are sitting quietly. “Hey, hey, unsupervised parties equals alcohol. Alcohol equals poor choices. The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable. Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment.” Darren laughs at this. “But clearly this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this.” Amerie gulps. “Get to class, go, go, go.” Students stand and head to their classes, (Y/n) and Harper stand and walk together while Darren and Quinni follow.
“Harper, (Y/n) oi!” Amerie calls out only to be ignored and stopped by the principal. “Miss Wadia. Come with me.”
Ameire sits in principal Stacy’s office. “Well, I’ve had quite the education this morning, Amerie. “Wristy? Oh, right.” She reads off her phone. “Doughy? Fish?” Her dog, Joan of Bark, whimpers sitting in his bed. “I think I can work out ‘tongue punch in the fart box.’” She sighs and puts her phone down, while Amerie sits smiling. “I know it was you, Amerie. One of our maintenance staff saw you in the stairwell multiple times. Who else was in on it? Your usual accomplice, Harper? Did you also force (Y/n) into it with you two?”
“Nobody else was in on it,” Amerie says confidently no longer smiling.
"Do you know who I just got off the phone with? The Guardian, Amerie. The Guardian."
"Were all of these acts consensual?"
"I guess." Amerie shrugs confused.
"Are your mates using protection?" The principal questions.
"I don't know."
"Well, how can you know that Alyssa scissored Nina, but not know if they're using contraception?" She asks suspiciously.
"I don't think you have to use contraception when you scissor someone, Miss." Amerie sarcastically retorts.
"I'd say that's a very dangerous assumption actually, Amerie. What do we have to do to get through to you? We've done the classes. We've watched the videos. We've had the police consultants in. And yet, here we are with this map." Miss Stacy scolds, "One foot out of line, one late slip, one phone infraction, and I will expel you. Understood?"
"Can I go to class now?"
"Yes, you may."
"Wait! You call this the Incest Map. I'm assuming that's just a play on words and not the actual..."
"Play on words, Miss." She quickly assures the principal.  
"Okay, good. Now, get out of my office before I do expel you, by the count of three. One, two, three!" She sighs.
Pt.2;  https://www.tumblr.com/jessiexcorner/716409910079913984/heartbreak-highs-pt-2?source=share
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kaliemary · 4 months
Niffty the cleaning demon!
I was not expecting to finish her so fast, consedering the fact that Alastor was a pain in the ass.
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Okay for her, I went for a more more brown and red for her pallet and Honestly it look perfect for her, the hair I inspired it by the hairstyles in the 20's/30's (since I changed her death date to the same as Alastor, 1933) but I put a bit of cuteness to it, her side bangs were inspired by the Angel dust redesign by lovesart23.
for her form I went for a bug, not any bug in particular but If she would be a real bug would be 100% a praying mantis.
She is almost like original niffy personality wise but she more "sane" and can think of other things besides murder.
I make niffty height be almost the same as vaggie, she just a little shorter, since I didn't want o maker her extremly childish like, just out of the box.
She have 4 arms for multi-tasking, just like when she was alive, since well she's the only maid for that woundbungus hotel.
because of the way she died, kiling herself eating cleaning product, her abdomen and inside of her tail? is very soft, it has this lava lamp effect (almost like beelzebub from HB) and is her greatest weakness, but luckly she is fast enough to at least come alive from a fight.
also she has a venom in both her saliva and in the end of her tail and that is what is always coming out of her mouth.
the eyes on her tiara are actually eyes attached to it and it hurts when someone take them by force or something happen and they are always drying up so she always carrys a eyedrop.
in her casual wear I tried to make the pallet close to the original withou making it extremely saturaded.
her work uniform is just one of her dark dresses, since I don't see her using black just some color dark enough, the fist part of the appron is to represent the morningstar's symbol, a apple with three seed each one representing charlie, lucifer and lilith.
(SPOILER for the fic ahead) he died when she and Alastor had 39 years and they are twin brothers.
Ok enough about her design, lets go to the exicinting part, her storie.
!!WARNING: GORE, BLOOD (obviously), decpiction of self hatred, manipulation!!
when alive Niffty or better Nora was married to a detective, a hard-working one, she was happy at least even if her husband was always in some kind of trouble or working or both.
but as times goes on she noticed how her friends and neighbours were happy because of their children, she always have the dream of being a mother but unfortunately she coun't get pregnant by any means they tried EVERTHING but it never worked, her husband at one point suggested they adopt but she refuse to belive that she coun't be a mother but everyone could.
she could not accept it, but one day when she was cleaning the dishes as always her twin-brother Alastor, it was not strange since they were basically attached to the hip, but this time her brother was acting a little strange, his sweet smile now a nervous one, his usual casual and calm posture now a little hunched over, he was acting almost like a deer that was ruining from a hunter. and of course she would ask about it:
"Are you okay? you seem a little... err..." she asked while Alastor passed trought the door and inside her home.
Alastor look at the front windows and shut them "Nervous?"
"this would be a understanment" Niffty said with a tick of her tounge at the end.
"I need to ask you something"
Niffty walk closer to him "Of course, anything for my little brother" she gave him a little hug while messing a little with his hair, even if they were the same height and age, she always treated him like a younger brother just to spite him.
sighing a now nervous-wreck Alastor "this is not the right time for your jokes Nora"
Niffty let go of him, holding his shoulders "what do you need?"
and then that when Alastor started explaining to her that he found a voodo book were he could do anything! with it, control people like little puppets, distort his voice and on and on, Niffty of course didn't belive her brother about this book, he always was attraced to this type of thing and sometimes so much that he could spent months talking about a new thing he found about magic, Niffty never belive him but she was always there to support him, but this time she belived that her brother got absolutely isane, just look at his state!
body hunched over, a uneving smile while speak that reminded her of his smile when he speak about this topic but more... afraid almost like at any moment something will show up and-
"Anyway I need you to sabbotage your husband's case"
"why? I mean is not like you killed someone and burried them in your garden!" she laughed, a strained one to try and cheer him up! but he didn't laugh, he just stared at her and a moment passes with neither of them speaking just staring at each other.
"did you?"
he didn't needed to respond for her to understand that her own brother killed someone, her own fucking brother! of all people!
"calm down I won't kill you" Alastor reassured her when noticing her now pinched brows while understanding that him did something so terrible to a person.
"I cou- can make you have a child" Alastor cut her off, licking his lips he continued "with this power I can make everything you and I want to come true, of course this comes with a prize, but either way if you help me you could finally have the family you always wanted."
Niffty rubs her facer with her hands while trying to drink it all up, if she help Alastor she could finally have the perfect family, all her problems would be gone! her friends and neighours coun't gossip about how wortless she was as a wife and her husband would love her even more!
Looking at Alastor she see terror but also hope with his words, even if she didn't belived in magic she coun't lose this precious chance.
"what I need to do?"
Months passed by with a lot of people disapiring, Alastor thing of course, while Niffy's husband is trying to solve this case, he is a mess but it was only temporary, of course making a baby out of magic would be difficult so she only did what was necessary for her husband not discover that the person comitting this crimes was his brother-in-law and ruin their chance of being a family.
because her husband was so ungluffed by this case he ocasonally would bring some documents that said about the case itself, even if the most people Alastor killed was still disappered some of them have at least their bodies or at least part of them, with each time alastor killed and gained more power more and more wreckless he was becoming, with each victim having at best a grossome death, changing the papers with ones that have wrong information, destroying other and telling her husband that he did not bring that document to their house by forgetting at the police station, she always acted how someone would be afraid at being the next victim, since well she is the perfect one.
  but one day her husband, half covered in blood, not sure if his or from another person or both confronted her about the documents, demanding to know why she is doing this when she knows that this a serious case and one that would make them have a better life. While arguing Niffty acidentally spills out that Alastor is the killer and that he just "helping them in a difficult time" her husband is mad because he can't understand that she's only doing this for them! that Alastor is helping them archive their dream of having a family but he didn't understand that.
Her husband just sighs "I know, but I was hoping fucking hoping that MY OWN WIFE woun't help her INSANE BROTHER AND THAT'S WAS JUST MY MIND FUCKING WITH ME!!" he walks closer to her "but no" he laugh in this part "all this time you knew, you just din't knew, you HELPED HER FUCKING MURDERER OF A BROTHER while I was going nuts trying to kept us both SAFE"
at this moment he's pratically extremly closer to her, threatining, scared Niffy picks the knife that she was using to do the dinner and stabs him one time, two time, three, four... at this point she dosen't know, trapped in this cyclic state of stabing her husb- a idiot's dead body, when finally she stops, she goes to the cabinet with her face, dress and kitchen floor full of blood bu she didn't care, she picked all cleaning products and start chungin'it down her throat if she's not gonna have a happy family then she is not supposed to be even alive anymore.
A/n: this is my first time making a fic, so is not the best but I hope it get the point across, for the other character for the re-write I will try and make the same thing, explain their design and after that their backstory, for husk I will not gonna do his life backstory just saying what he did to be in hell and all that but the main thing will be his overlord backstory, in case someone want to see the re-write It's not needed seeing ALL backstory from the characters.
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authortobenamedlater · 4 months
E2 deep dive, once again under a cut to be extra careful of spoilers.
Where is Dr. Halsey, the world wonders?
She’s in an oddly comfortable and well-lit place to hold a war criminal, playing a game with what turns out to be a flash clone. Maybe of herself? Young Halsey had red hair and brown eyes? Well, I always knew that blond hair wasn’t growing out of her head. She keeps asking the flash clone about “the man” but the clone dies before she can answer. One gets the feeling this has happened before.
Riz still has lingering pain from taking a plasma grenade that would have killed a mere mortal. Understandable, even if Spartans heal and recover at lightning speed. Interesting bit of info from Kai that the emotion regulator acts as pain relief, since physical and emotional pain are processed in the same region of the brain. Yet Riz would rather have “a bullet in [her]” than put the pellet back in. She’d rather feel pain than feel nothing, we discover as she struts away in her tank top and leather pants.
Jumping ahead a bit, but since we are talking about Riz, who’s this Louis guy? I don’t remember reading about him in the admittedly very few books I read. He and Riz are tight, though. Maybe a former couple? And who IS that Danilo guy Louis takes Riz to see? A massage therapist? Psychic? What’s with this “your life is yours now” line? Foreshadowing? It’s a little weird.
I know I’ve been beating the “John is a broody introvert” drum for like two years, but WOW is he earning that reputation this season. He keeps talking about Makee, and she’s part of his troubles, but the other part is Cortana. He’s in denial about how not OK he is without her.
Kai, of course, knows something is up as she and John stare at a board showing the status of all Spartan teams. A status board that is not computerized. Well, Fenway Park will probably still have a manually operated scoreboard in 500 years, so I guess FLEETCOM can too.
Back to the matter at hand. Kai knows John is hurting. She tells him “We’re more than just—“ More than just WHAT? Let her finish, John you emotionally stunted dunderhead! Nope, you’re too busy fixating on Cobalt, for whom your concern is endearing if not a little inordinate.
There seems to be some ongoing…I don’t know if tension is the right word, but something between John and Kai over Kai shooting Makee.
About the status board. We see at least five teams: Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Omega, and Sigma. Blue Team is conspicuously absent, but if they got slipped in like this there would be pitchforks and torches outside Paramount HQ. I will use this to feed my headcanon that Blue Team is the Spartans’ SEAL Team Six and officially does not exist.
Maybe this is nothing, but silver, gold, and cobalt are all metals in addition to colors. Does this timeline use metals instead of colors to identify Spartan teams? Doesn’t explain Omega and Sigma, though.
After watching who knows how many flash clones keel over in front of her, Halsey finds out Ackerson is the “nice man” sending them in and he’s the one holding her prisoner in what turns out to be a holodeck of some sort. He doesn’t outright say the clones are of Halsey, but his “any resemblance is purely coincidental” line smells like BS to me. Halsey gets the award for most flash-cloned human in history, probably.
At any rate, Ackerson and Halsey know each other, a departure from First Strike and Ghosts of Onyx, but their rivalry will be even better face to face. Ackerson’s agenda, whatever it is, most intriguingly to me involves keeping Halsey alive. She was sentenced to an Article 72 at the end of S1 and in the last episode she’s seen leaving Reach. So how did she get back here, and into basically the Pentagon with nobody seeing her? Why does Ackerson need her alive?
Laera is not having any of Soren’s crew’s shenanigans and I don’t think this will end well for them. She hasn’t survived however many years married to Soren-066 by being a dummy. Kwan is still hiding out in that cave and running from her indentured servitude. Are we gonna get an explanation of this or…? Again, do Soren and Laera know she’s here and Kessler is going to see her?
I’m SORRY but the John/Kai implications when Ackerson is talking to Kai? “I know how long you’ve been together” “I understand what he sees in you.” WTF, buddy? I know he’s using this to try to get to Kai, but if he didn’t think there was something to it, he wouldn’t bother. Kai doesn’t refute any of it, either.
More evidence of Ackerson’s agenda comes when he talks with Cortana, who in addition to getting a makeover is cloistered in a holotank and stuck running simulations. Presumably about the Covenant hitting Reach. I’ll speculate that Ackerson is purposely keeping her separate from John because together they might dismantle whatever his plan is. He’s kept her from accessing “external systems” even though she says they might improve her simulation’s accuracy. Basically, he needs to keep her contained.
Cortana’s “you won’t visit again, according to the simulations” line. Is she predicting Ackerson will die on Reach? He survives to the Battle of Earth (Halo 2) in game canon. We also see him with Kai in the trailers and I’m presuming they’re on Onyx. Does he die on Onyx? Or is this not related to him dying at all?
John inadvertently crashing the Perez family dinner is great. The grandmother’s “You’re very large” observation is 🤣 The reference to the “Spartan Attack” game gives us a look at the wider universe. We have Call of Duty and other such games, why wouldn’t this world have something similar? I’m also all for Silver Team going around the galaxy picking up honorary Spartans. John doesn’t realize that’s what he’s doing but he is 😂
They gave Carter’s famous “the Covenant’s on Reach” line to John, nice touch.
Lastly, Makee is somehow alive. I like it less than my headcanon of her Halo 5 Cortana gambit, but I’ll allow it. Covenant must have some serious medical tech, which given how advanced they are vs. humans, could track. The Makee reveal doesn’t surprise me. I said right after S1 that she was too good a character to just be gone. It does, however, feel a little cheap to have her walking around like nothing happened. I seem to be one of the few who actually liked her and thought she was a good foil for John (The Scene notwithstanding), so I’m interested in seeing where this ends up.
Still no sight or mention of Miranda, but Olive Gray is listed in the credits. This means we HAVE to see Miranda at some point since there are union rules about this. Once upon a time the rule was anyone appearing in at least 8/22 episodes had to be credited with the main cast (Babylon 5 fans will make the connection that Warren Keffer appeared in exactly eight episodes 😆), but I don’t know what that looks like now. Anyway, I have some theories, but I’ll save that for later in the week because this show makes me chatty.
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lilyoffandoms · 8 months
Crimes Drabble - Trystan x MC
For the lovely @starsarewithinme as part of the @choicesfandomappreciation event. Happy trick or treating, my dear! Hopefully this makes up for the last one 😅
Warnings & A/N: No warnings. Just fluff I imagine happening immediately after book one. Did this is the style I’ve been experimenting writing with this book. Hope ya don’t mind.
Her penthouse apartment is quiet except for the sound of the quiet Drakovian jazz floating from hidden speakers around the place and the rhythmic chopping her her knife. I’m sitting on her polished kitchen counter watching her make dinner.
It doesn’t come as a surprise to me that she’s good in the kitchen. I learned months ago to never underestimate her. Hell, it’s a lesson I should have learned the very first day I met her. Woe to the one that ever makes the tragic mistake of underestimating her.
She’s humming along with the music and I can’t help but watch her out of the corner of my eye as she sways a bit in time with the song. It brings a smile to my face to have this moment of relaxation between us.
These last few months on this case have not allowed us any time to explore this.
This, what could maybe be.
This, possibility.
This, us.
I watch as her smile grows, knowing I’m watching her despite my best efforts to look as if I’m not. I can’t hep but watch her. I smile and shake my head as she looks up briefly and winks at me.
She enjoys my attention way too much. I had offered to help but God knows I’m no good anywhere near the kitchen. I think she knew that about me without even asking and readily shot down my offer. Pouring and handing me a glass of wine as I took my place to watch.
She's saying something, but I’m not listening. I seem to forget all my years as a detective when its just me and her. Too caught up in memorizing her to care about anything else.
It’s the small things.
The way the soft light catches in her deep brown eyes.
The way there are slight little wisps of hair that have forced their way free from the ponytail she’s placed on her head.
The way her delicate hands hold the knife with practiced ease.
The way her lips catch in a smirk at my passing inspection.
"You didn’t hear a word I said, did you, detected?" she interrupts.
She’s set the knife down and turned to me and it’s only then that I realize she’s spoken.
“Hmm?” I ask with a sheepish smile on my face.
“You're not listening are you?" she asks again as she leans in closer to me.
My witty reply dies on my lips as her hand slides onto my knee and slowly travels further up.
"You know, detective, I find your attention rather wonderful,” she smirks as she settles between my legs. “But darling, if this is going to work between us, I’ll need you to engage in some conversation.”
"I’d say I’m sorry,” I smiled into a kiss. “But that would be a lie and we both know it. I’ll try to focus on the conversation too.”
She smiles, kissing me sweet and slow before she pulls away all too soon to resume dinner prep.
"I’ll try not to be too distracting," she smirks with a laugh.
As if knowing just how distracting she is to me, she takes pity on me and remains quiet for a few moments longer allowing me to soak more of her in before asking me to stir a pan.
I begrudgingly agree and slide slowly off the counter, placing a quick kiss to her cheek before making my way to the stove.
It’s not long before her arms slide around me and she tosses the herbs she had been chopping into the pan. Her hand joins mine as we stir the ingredients together and I’ve found I’ve underestimated her again.
“This was your plan all along, wasn’t it?” I chuckle.
“Whatever do you mean?” she questions with kisses placed into the crook of my neck.
I really must stop underestimating her but right now, I find I kind of enjoy the surprise of that lapse brings.
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
I've got a couple more prompts for my favorite Malex author if you like them and have the time. 🙂
1) Michael and Alex go somewhere where Alex finally feels comfortable to wear shorts and someone says something nasty about his leg and Michael goes completely off the rails, totally loses his shit.
Michael groaned. He was going to lose his mind. Alex was wearing shorts in public, revealing his strong, hairy thighs, and Michael was going to lose his mind.
“Stop it,” Alex smiled. He was supposed to be reading his book as they lounged on the beach, the umbrella casting a comforting shade over their heads, but Michael kind of wished the shade would turn dark enough to hide them. There were hardly any people there already . . . he wondered what he could get away with. . . .
“Don’t even think about it.”
Michael looked up at his new husband. His body was tanned, oiled, and his sunglasses were perched on the top of his head. His ankle was hooked over his prosthetic, but his smile indicated he knew exactly what Michael was thinking of.
“I wasn’t thinking of anything,” he lied, turning onto his side and reaching a hand out. “But if you want me to touch you—”
“We’re out in public,” Alex laughed, swatting his hand away. “We’re not going to be one of those couples, I hate those couples.”
“So did I until you came out here half-naked,” Michael moaned, touching Alex’s waist, his fingers slipping down to the waistband of his shorts. “Just let me take a peek.”
Alex grabbed his wrist, stopping him. His face was red even as his smile widened. “You know what’s under there.”
“I forgot.”
“We were in bed two hours ago!”
“Just let me look,” he whined, nuzzling Alex’s jaw. His lips brushed Alex’s neck, his breaths coming out short and ragged. “It’s been forever since I got to touch you.”
Alex hummed in that deep voice that sent shivers down Michael’s spine. “You’re touching me right now.”
“You know what I meaaaan!”
Alex bit his lower lip, his eyes closed, but he finally let go of his book to catch Michael’s other wandering hand that was making its way around to his ass. “Easy, cowboy. We’ve got a whole day here before we head back to the hotel.”
Michael slung a leg over both of Alex’s thighs. “Isn’t the whole point of a honeymoon to have sex?”
Alex raised a brow, amused. “I thought it was about enjoying each other’s company.”
“Isn’t that what I just said?”
Alex giggled, scrunching a shoulder as Michael rubbed his stubbled-jaw against his neck and collarbone. Then his giggle died down and he tensed up, and Michael opened his eyes. He was just about to ask him what was wrong when he looked up and found out. The only other couple that had been walking along the beach was now passing by, and the man was eying Alex’s prosthetic with an undeniable disgusted scowl on his face.
Alex was running a hand through his hair, pretending he didn’t notice, but Michael was already sitting up. “Hey, you want to keep your damn ugly mug to yourself?”
“Guerin,” Alex caught his arm.
“Did you not hear me?” he sat up. “Get the hell away from us!”
The couple jumped and hurried away, their eyes averted.
“Moron,” Michael growled, but Alex turned him firmly towards him and gripped his shoulders.
“Hey,” he said softly, “look at me. Look at me.”
Michael was shaking. Then it turned out it was the ground trembling, making the couple yelp. The woman clutched her boyfriend, but Michael wanted to see the one that had been staring fall to his knees, screaming as he was swallowed by the sand—
Michael blinked out of his thoughts. Alex was holding his face, his eyes brown and hazel, blazing. “Look. At. Me.”
Alex brushed his cheek with his thumb, and the rest of Michael’s sentence fell short. “Look at me, baby. Just me.”
Michael felt the tension melt away from his shoulders, bit by bit. He exhaled shakily. “Just you.”
Alex’s lips curved into a slow, adoring smile. “There’s my husband.”
Michael nodded dumbly, clutching Alex’s waist. “Your husband.” The still-angry part of his mind nagged at him, reminding him to check to see if that couple was still there, but Alex was already shaking his head and hugging Michael’s shoulders.
“Don’t take your eyes off me,” Alex murmured, pressing their foreheads together. “Not for a single second.”
Michael melted against him now, his arms instinctively wrapping around Alex’s waist. “Never.”
Alex nodded, tilting his chin up to catch Michael’s lips. Michael moaned, immediately clutching at Alex’s back, his nails digging in, eager to touch, to feel every inch of him, to have him closer.
They pulled back with a delicious sound of parting lips, and Alex’s eyes fluttered. “You still want sex?”
Michael looked around, but this time it was just to make sure that they were alone. Then he used his powers to lower the umbrella.
“Whoa, Guerin!” he laughed. “I meant back at the hotel! I don’t want to have sex in front of strangers!”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Michael smiled as he moved to hover over Alex. “No one gets to see you but me.”
I hope you like the prompt I chose.
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smurphyse · 1 year
Tomatoes Don't Bite | Eddie Munson
Smurph's Masterlist | Zero to Hero Masterlist
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, shock, terror, arguments, crying
Summary: Eddie meets Screech and Clem... and it doesn't go well.
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I lounge back in my rocking chair as the sun begins to rise over the Haven. I set a filled coffee mug on the table between me and Eddie, but he doesn’t notice. For the last few hours he’s had a hand over his mouth as he stares wide-eyed at the sky.
The small patch of sunlight rests above like a single out of place square of fabric on a ripped quilt. We're surrounded on all sides by the Darkness, nestled in this enclave of trees and paths I've created. To me it's comforting, but to Eddie it seems to be petrifying. 
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I’m on my third cup, listening to 70’s soft rock as the world inside the Haven wakes as I usually do. Eddie’s getting in my way, but I’m trying to remember what it’s like to be a human being again and let him work his way through his shock. What I want to do is shake him and maybe give him a sharp backhand to snap out of it, but from what I recall about being in polite society that isn’t very… polite.
“It’s not so bad, y’know?” I muse aloud. I’ve been musing on and off for the last few hours but have only gotten a few grunts and sighs in reply. “I have a big garden, a pond. There’s a lot of books for you to read while you recover.”
He says nothing, and I can see the red marks on his cheek from how tightly he’s holding his face. I want to force his hands away from his jaw but it would likely upset him. He’s refused to get out of the armchair since I moved it with my powers. I probably scared him.
“You should take a bath. I don’t have a shower.” I sip from my mug to give him the opportunity to reply, but he doesn’t. “I washed your hair as best I could but you’ve got as much as I do so I’ve mostly let it be. It could use a good wash.”
No reply. 
I take another pull off my coffee before deciding I've had enough. The clothes I gave him last night still lay on his lap, so I get to my feet and grab the sweatpants. Eddie lets me maneuver his feet into the leg holes and tug them up over his thighs. I try to keep the blanket in place since he seemed so sheepish before about being naked, but it just makes this harder. Where I came from naked bodies were just bodies, but once I got into the real world I found people didn't think that way if they didn't grow up in a lab. 
I use my powers to lift him up enough to pull them over his hips, and he finally seems to notice me. Eddie drags his hand from his jaw and sets it firmly on the armrest of the chair, watching as I unfold the flannel.
"How long have you been here?" he asks. His voice is small, gravelly from lack of use over the past few weeks. I shrug and take one of his hands, pull it through the sleeve. 
"Eleven years."
"Eleven?" he asks sharply, and when I meet his gaze he's shocked, terrified. "How am I supposed to get home?"
"I can take you home when you've healed more," I reply, shrugging again. "You can't exactly go to a hospital with these injuries. They'll ask too many questions."
"I should have died-," he begins, but I cut him off sharply. I don't like the thought. I don't want to bury him now that I've spoken to him. 
He's real now, not just another victim I've happened upon in the Darkness. He has life and light behind those warm brown eyes. He has people waiting for him in the real world.
"But you didn't. Don't worry about it."
Eddie watches me in confusion as I finish dressing him. I leave the flannel open so I have easier access to his healing wounds, and he makes no move to button it up. He leans in as I'm on my knees in front of him, "You're like the rest of them. From Hawkins lab. You're like Eleven."
Eleven? I think, she's just a little girl. But she's not anymore. If my math is right she's just about fifteen, more powerful than she should be though I haven’t seen her since she was a child. I can feel when she comes here. I can feel how scared Henry is by her presence. Like the rest of us I’m drawn to her, but staying here means I can keep myself far away from her and the truth that comes with her.
I eye him with caution. I don’t want him to see more than I need to give. The more information Eddie Munson knows about me the more danger I’m putting myself in.
“I haven’t seen her in a long time,” I tell him quietly, but my own longing for my sisters surfaces again as it had years ago when Eight escaped the lab herself. My voice threatens to shake as I ask, “Is she okay?”
“I don’t know,” Eddie says softly, apologetically. “I never met her. I only heard stories from my friends.”
Eddie flashes me a lopsided grin that shocks me, a startling change from his statuesque staring at nothing all night. “I hear she’s a total badass, that she’s one cool chick.”
I hum as I think about that. I don’t even know what she looks like anymore. I used to cuddle her on my lap, rubbing my hand over her buzzed head as I rocked her to sleep. She always had nightmares, like me, and I tried to give her good memories that I never had. We shared the same eyes, deep brown and big like a doe. All the kids did with the exception of Henry, no matter how much they looked like their birth mothers. Eleven and I always looked a lot alike.
So maybe she looks like me… I find some comfort in that.
Eddie breaks my thoughts with a hand that covers mine. His fingers are now home to small scars where the bones broke through the skin in some places, but his touch is gentle. He’s warm and for a split second it grounds me before panic sets in. I’m not a human anymore, I shouldn’t be treated like one. 
I will always be the monster that did this to Eddie Munson and the rest of those kids.
“They said she can… I don’t know, find people?” he starts, slow and soft. “Can you do that or do you guys have different powers?”
"That's dangerous, Eddie," I growl, and he leans back. "You go looking for people and they can find you back."
"At least they'll know I'm alive!" he bursts with an energy he shouldn't have. "She'll know you're alive and she can come get us out of here. We can stop Henry and-."
“Zero, come on,” he begs as I stand and snatch my coffee mug from the table. I’ve had enough of his questions, so I wave my hand behind me as I stalk back into the cabin. His armchair screeches across the wood as he twists in it to look at me. “I need to see them. I need to know they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they’re fine,” I grunt in annoyance as I stomp into the kitchen. I pour myself another cup of coffee and lean against the counter. I turn the chair so he stops angling to see me. “Screech and Clem didn’t tell me anyone else was out there.”
“Who’s that?” 
I blanch, and right on cue the front door bursts open. The screen door hits the wall with a clattering BANG, and Eddie jumps in his spot, eyes going wide. Clem comes bounding in, all gurgling barks and growl-like pants, followed by Screech ambling in through the doorway.
“What the FUCK?” Eddie screams. He scrambles against the back of the chair, clawing to get away. Clem jumps up on the edge with her talons, licking out at him as he swats her feebly away. “Help! Oh my god, help!”
I roll my eyes and set the mug on the counter. With a flick of my wrist the armchair pulls back a few feet, and I hurry in front of it before Clem can pounce on Eddie again with her kisses. Holding out my hands, I give her a stern look.
Clem sits down with a plop, her little tail thumping against the wood. Screech stands behind her with his wings tucked behind his back, head cocked down thinking he was in trouble. Eddie pants behind me, a reedy high sound as he tries to steady himself.
“Guys, go outside,” I tell them, pointing back the way they came. They both look out the door and back to me, cocking their heads. I sigh, “I know you want to meet my new friend but he’s not ready. Go outside and I’ll feed you dinner later.”
I can feel their thoughts, how sad they are that I won’t let them hang out with us here. I'd rather talk to them than Mr. Twenty Questions anyway. "Go on, it's okay."
With little brrups, they turn tail and sulk outside and I swing the door shut behind them. 
"Wait!" I call out, and they turn to face me again. I hear Eddie shudder behind me but I ignore it. "Did you see anybody else out there recently? Alive or dead?"
Screech nods, and I hear his yes inside my mind. Eddie groans, "Oh no, no, no."
"Did they die out there?"
No. Screech shakes head and points at Eddie. Just him. The rest escaped from his group. The others were dead when their consciousness was brought here.
"The rest escaped," I reiterate, and Eddie stops his babbling. "They're back in the real world. The gate closed behind them."
"How do you know?" he asks. I turn to look at him and those brown eyes pour over with tears. It twists something inside me and I want to smack him as though that may make it stop.
I jerk my head over my shoulder at Screech, who waves one bony wing, "Screech told me."
"But, but, it's one of them," Eddie blubbers, his eyes flicking between me, Clem and Screech. "It's one of the monsters. They killed Chrissy! They ate my insides like a fucking taco, Zero-!"
Screech whines, Clem covers her face with her paw. Their pain at being compared to those corrupted beings radiates inside me. I shake my head at Eddie. 
"They're my friends. I found them as babies, hiding under a leaf and curled up together."
I smile at the memory, and I point my palm at Eddie to show it to him. His eyes glaze over as my power takes root, and he fights me, but I push gently until I can reach inside his mind and latch on. 
Purple storm clouds flash in a vibrant sea of red violent haze. Goosebumps form on my skin in the warm summer air as the memory of that cold night pours through us both. I'm watching my boots sink into the sticky gray mud in the particle ridden rain. I'm sneaking through the woods back to the Haven, but I trip over a vine and burst into tears as I hit the ground. 
Every day in the cold was getting harder, and I was so weak I could barely walk. I sob into the mud, ready to give up when I hear it. A small screeching caws at me, so loud that I flinch and lay down flat so nothing can find me. I hear it again, but the fluttering of wings that accompanies it is too small for the voice. 
That's when I see them, two small beings that can fit into the palm of my hand. One is a tiny bird with no eyes and red leathery skin. The other is like a chubby tadpole, its mouth shaped like the puckered end of a clementine. 
When I reach out my hand they climb onto my palm and nestle in, and the connection is immediate. We're bonded in that split second of terrifying vulnerability, the same way I felt when I healed Eddie for the first time. 
I let the memory wash away with the rain, and Eddie gasps as his eyes pull back into focus. He struggles to stand and this time I let him, ready to catch him if he falls. 
Eddie clutches the arm of the chair, his body trembling. His voice shakes with his fear, "Why are they different?"
He points at Clem and Screech, who wait patiently for further instructions. The warmth floods back to my skin and I take a shuddering breath as I shrug, "Their mothers were killed. I took care of them. If I hadn't they would have died or been eaten by one of the others."
"Why?" he asks defiantly. My answers aren't good enough. Even I know it, but fuck this guy. I saved his ass so I don't owe him shit. 
"They're predators. It's what they do."
"That's not what I meant."
I look at my friends and smile, and they visibly relax before heading back outside. I coax Eddie back into the chair by pushing at his chest, and since he can't do much else he falls back onto the seat. 
I lean over him until my nose nearly touches his. He gulps, his pupils dilate, a soft sheen of nervous sweat eases its way from his pores. I know he's scared and I'm not helping, but I don't want to talk about this anymore. 
"I didn't want to be alone anymore."
Eddie stays defiant, on my nerves and pissing me off. He sets his jaw and squares his shoulders, "Is that why you brought me here? So you had someone to talk to? Are you that miserable?"
"Maybe I should have left you there to be eaten alive then!"
"Maybe you should have!" he screams back, and I've had enough. I turn on my heel and stomp towards the door, toward the sunshine and away from Eddie Munson. He yells as I walk through the frame, "And stay out of my head!"
"Fine!" I throw over my shoulder, flinging the door shut. It lands with a shattering crack as the frame splinters under the force. 
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Eddie glares around the cabin after Zero storms out. The screen door hangs on a hinge in front of him where she busted it, and he can't believe the stories are true. 
All his friends had said about Eleven… everything he'd seen Henry capable of… his mind was struggling to grasp it all. Zero's power terrified him. He'd felt her seeping into his mind, not using him or taking his control, but spreading around him in a vision that he swore he could touch. What else was she capable of?
He'd felt the creatures, Screech and Clem, climb into his palm…Zero's palm. The rain bit his skin and blanketed his bones in the damp chill. He'd felt the connection of their consciousness… of his own connecting with hers. 
She was so frightened…even now with him. He felt it all. 
Eddie never understood what true psionic telepathy meant… but now? What a whirlwind… What a gift. He can't wait to meet Eleven.
Eddie can hear the gurgling barks of the demadog, the little coos of that bird. She's talking to them softly, apologizing for him. After everything he never thought of those things as animals capable of anything more than death and terror. She saved him, and from the shoddy bits of memory he had, the creatures had too. Dustin told him once that he’d saved a demadog and it became his friend. It ate his cat, but in the end it didn’t hurt him.
That has to count for something, right? 
Deciding it's best to keep the woman who saved his life on his side, Eddie gets shakily to his feet. His muscles shake like jello, but luckily the cabin is small enough that he can hold onto the various shelves and plant stands Zero has set up all over the place. 
Avoiding the splinters in the wood, Eddie opens the screen door and steps back onto the porch. She sits with her back to him in the grass, but he sees her head cock to the side. Screech and Clem are nowhere to be found so he lets the door swing shut behind him as he grips the rail for support. 
He hadn’t noticed before, but there were plants everywhere in this place. They seeped out of the windows of the cabin and around the rails of the porch, long tendrils vines creeping through the grass. They reminded him of the vines in the Upside Down, but these didn’t frighten him. Instead he rather likes the look, a place filled with life in the dark.
"You shouldn't be walking around so much yet."
With a flick of her wrist Eddie's pulled off the porch. His center of gravity lurches as she lifts him with ease, a startled yelp bursting from his chest. His eyes snap shut in fear but then he's plopped down on a pile of dirt beside her. 
"You need to rest," she says as he opens his eyes, watching him out of the corner of hers. "Your muscles are weak from laying in bed for two weeks. Take it slow."
Eddie squints, "Two weeks?"
She nods, her fingers go back to the dirt in front of her. Her eyelids flutter for a moment, and from the ground sprouts a stem. Eddie watches in awe as it grows and hardens until it reaches the top of her head, and two tomatoes bloom from two of the branches. 
Zero plucks one off and hands it to him without a word before sinking her teeth into the other. It's warm in his palm like the sun has soaked it in its rays for weeks. 
She turns to look at him, "It's not gonna bite you."
Eddie waves it at her, marveling at the squishy firm fruit in his hand, "How did you do that?"
"It's basic biology. Turn sunlight into nutrients with the water and soil." She lifts an old tupperware from the ground beside her and shakes it. It sounds like a rainstick. "Just add a seed."
"So you're like a druid, huh?" Eddie smirks. He leans his elbows on his knees and squeezes the tomato lightly just to see it bend and bounce back into shape. "That's awesome."
Zero cocks a brow, "A… druid?"
"Yeah, like in DnD."
"That game with the dice?"
Eddie nods with a smile. She doesn't return it. 
She makes a face. “Eat your tomato.”
Eddie complies, sinking his teeth into the ripe fruit. The acidic-sweet juices flood over his tongue, and before he can stop himself he lets out a humming moan. Zero watches him with a curious smile while he chews and swallows.
“That’s the best fucking tomato I’ve ever had!” 
Zero leans back to rest on her elbows to watch him. Eddie tries to focus on his tomato and not the way her flannel rides up to reveal her black panties and the tops of her tanned thighs. The last thing he needs is a boner in front of this girl he doesn't know. 
"What were you doing out there?" 
When he makes a face she points to where the Upside Down meets the sunshine. His eyes widen. He'd nearly forgotten about that. 
Eddie lets the tomato hang in his hands and sighs, "We were trying to stop Vecna…Henry."
"Well, that was dumb. How the hell were you going to even do that? You're a weakling compared to him, might as well be a mouse against a lion."
The anger from that morning builds in his chest again, and he waves the fruit at her, "Why haven't you stopped him?"
She shrugs. "What happens outside of the Haven isn't any of my business."
"He's killing people, Zero!" Eddie yells, but she just stares at him. "He killed Chrissy and so many others."
She sighs in annoyance and shakes her head, "People die every day, Eddie. It's not my job to save them."
"Yet you went out and saved my ass anyway." He points out. 
"You can thank Screech and Clem for that. They wouldn't leave me alone until I checked out the swarm that was eating your insides."
"Those…those monster things?" Eddie sputters, "Why would they care?"
"They might be predators but they're not monsters," Zero growls. Her dark eyes light with fire as she stares him down, her jaw set tightly. "You don't understand anything about this place. Another reason you and your friends shouldn't be messing with it. You should never have come here."
"He killed Chrissy in front of me," he whispers, his voice cracking with the memory of her violent death. He can still hear the noises… Eddie shakes his head to wash it away. "She was scared and in pain. She didn't deserve that."
Zero softens, but only a bit. Her eyes are calculating, watchful, like she still isn't sure what to make of him. Her voice is gentle as she crosses her legs and leans forward, "He killed your girlfriend?"
Eddie shakes his head, "She wasn't even really my friend…but she was nice to me. Even though she was the most popular girl in school she was always nice. She was just scared and needed help. 
"I tried to help her." Eddie drops the tomato and presses the heels of his hands to his eyes as tears begin to form. His grief for Chrissy was overwhelming when he let himself think too long about her, especially after Max told them what she'd been seeing. "I ran away."
"Of course you did. Anyone would," Zero's voice came from his side, and when he looked up she'd moved next to him. Her hand hung in the air like she thought about putting a comforting palm on his shoulder but thought better of it. 
"She was so scared." And with that Eddie finally burst into tears. He wanted to curl up, but his sore and stiff body wouldn't quite let him. 
His chest shook with the weight of it all, exhausted and terrified and just wanting to go home. Instead of holding him, Zero just moves to sit between his spread legs and lets him cry without her watching him. He was grateful to be away from her sharp gaze, and his hand found its way to lean heavily on her shoulder as he sobbed. 
She didn't seem to mind, and instead focused on growing her tomato plant. Zero didn't even stiffen as he held on to her. She was the only lifeline he had left, and she let him cling to her like a child lost in the woods. 
That's exactly what he is. 
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Smurph's Masterlist | Zero to Hero Masterlist
Notes: I'm always gonna be salty about Chrissy bc I think she and Eddie really could have been good friends <;/3
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ST Taglist: @tlclick73 @theloser007 @sadbitchfangirl @chaoticcancer  @harrys-tittie @assassinsasha23 @spacedoutdaydreamer @legendarytrashcopeclipse @notahappystan
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fadedstarsfms · 10 months
Kesandu Elsayed Intro
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MAGGIE, 21+, CST; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing SEVERED CROSSED FINGERS by ST. VINCENT playing, you have to know KESANDU ELSAYED (SHE/HER; CIS WOMAN) is near by! the 40 year old ROMANCE AUTHOR & PROFESSOR has been in denver for, like, THIRTY YEARS. they’re known to be quite CYNICAL, but being CARING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble WUNMI MOSAKU. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those STARING AT THE BLANK PAGE BEFORE YOU, HOLDING A SECRET, & TRYING TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK ON TRACK vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the CHERRY CREEK DISTRICT long enough!
cheating tw, death tw, car crash tw
★𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣★
Birth Date: March 3, 1983 Zodiac: Pisces Gender: Cis Woman Pronouns: She/Her Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Height: 5′8″ Faceclaim: Wunmi Mosaku Hair color/style: Short, Black Eye color: Brown Tattoos: She has a flower bouquet on her right forearm
Positive Traits: Caring, Hardworking, Organized Neutral Traits: Independent, Honest, Private Negative Traits: Cynical, Confrontational, Stubborn Fears: Abandonment, Humiliation, Not being good enough Goals: Get over her writers block, Travel more, Live her own life Hobbies: Writing, Cooking, Watching shitty tv, Hanging out with her friends and family
Hometown: Denver, Colorado Education: BA in English Fathers: WC on main for adopted fathers!! Siblings: Yazmin Elsayed & Reggie Elsayed
Residence: Cherry Creek District Job: Romance Author & Adjunct Professor at University of Denver Significant Others: No one currently How Long She’s Been Here: Thirty Years
Kesandu grew up with with two very loving adopted fathers along with two younger siblings. They were all a happy family who made sure to travel when the children were young to experience the world, before eventually settling down in Denver. Kesandu had always been interested in writing, making original stories for as long as she remembered, but it wasn't until college that she found that her specialty was writing romance.
Everyone joked that of course it was easy for the romance ideas to come to her, after all her college sweetheart and herself always seemed like the perfect couple. Kesandu fell for them fast and hard and soon after the two of them were married. While Kesandu was supporting her husband's dream of writing the next Great American Novel™️ (yes unfortunately he was also a male author), she was writing her own novels that she never intended to see the light of day. It wasn't until her husband's publicist found some of her writings that she was encouraged to get her work out to the public, and to her surprise it was a hit. Luckily for the world, Kesandu had many ideas already written and just needed to be polished. Soon Kesandu became a well known name within the romance genre and housewives everywhere loved her.
As much as her husband tried to hide his jealousy that Kesandu was becoming more and more famous, it became clear and started to put a strain on their relationship. He eventually started cheating and eventually became less and less worried about covering his tracks. She was about to confront her husband and try to come to a solution with their relationship when she received a call that he had died in a car crash. Not only that, but his partner was in the car with him and passed away as well. She tried her best to keep it out of the press that he was with someone else, after all she didn't want her reputation to be tarnished, but as the years passed she's feeling more and more angry about it.
Now Kesandu has not written a book in years since her husband died, how can she write about a couple being happy when she so clearly had failed in her own relationship? She has since taken up a teaching position at the University of Colorado and has started volunteering her time at the local theater. She wants to write but hasn't gotten over her writer's block.
★𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨★
It Happened To You - This will be a WC sent in the main but this will be the partner of the person her husband was cheating with. This could be so much fun and dramatic just the two of them knowing what really happened.
Close Friends - She's been here for a while so they've probably known each other if you're a local!
Author Friends - Are you an author? Want to be an author? Here's your chance to have a best selling author as a friend!
Students - She's mostly been teaching the last two or three years or so. Maybe she has taught your muse!
Fans - She left her last book on a cliff hanger with no plans to continue it, maybe you have a bone to pick with her because of it! Or in general maybe you like her stuff (even if it's not romance, I'm sure she has other genres out there that haven't been as big of a hit as romance)
Literally anything please !!
Severed Crossed Fingers by St. Vincent
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Night Shift by Lucy Dacus
Not Strong Enough by Boy Genius
I Wish I Were The Moon by Neko Case
The Night We Met by Lord Huron
A Lack of Color by Death Cab for Cutie
Sea of Love by Cat Power
Linger by The Cranberries
Ritual Union by Little Dragon
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twistyprefect · 1 year
Magical Mishaps, Morals, and Mishaps: Badger's Burrow
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"...HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat called, eliciting a cheer from the yellow-clad table. The new Hufflepuff grinned and rushed to the table, their robes now lined in yellow and their uniform changed to yellow and black. They found Sebek, sitting down next to him. Sebek grinned at them from their left, with two unfamiliar students giving them equally large grins. Eventually the cheers died down and the first years entered, the sorting ceremony commencing for real.
After a brief speech from the headmaster, students were allowed to eat. Sebek ate quietly but slowly, a surprising contrast from how he gorged himself with candy on the train. One of the unknown students, a pretty girl with long brown hair in a side braid who seemed to have tied it with her yellow and black uniform tie, introduced herself as Anarel Crewel.
"Oh, as in-" "Yes, that Crewel. And no, he's not disappointed." She said, smiling knowingly. The boy to her right snorted before also introducing himself to the new badger.
"I'm Ruggie Bucchi. If you need to prank anyone, I definitely know where to find what you need. Just don't tell our head of house!"
The student chuckled and nodded, giving him a thumbs up. Sebek seemed like he was going to lecture the older student, but closed his mouth and glared at a student that had walked over. Standing behind Ruggie and Anarel was a white-haired student, the victim of Sebek's seemingly endless glaring.
"Sebek. I just came to meet your new friend, so quit glaring." He said in a tired voice. Turning back to the new student.
"I'm Silver, I'm Sebek's older brother. Welcome to Hufflepuff." He said calmly before heading back to his original seat down the table. Sebek grumbled to himself in annoyance, groaning as he and the new Hufflepuff noticed an excited-looking student rushing over to them.
"Wow, you're an exchange student? So cool. I'm Kalim Al-Asim! Nice to meet you! If you ever need anything, seriously anything, let me know!" He said eagerly, his red eyes shinning in excitement.
The new student gulped and nodded, finally turning back to their meal. At the end of the feast, the Hufflepuffs all followed their prefects down to their common room, right past the kitchens, and settled into their dorm rooms. The new student glanced around at their dorm mates, greeting anyone they hadn't met yet before shuffling off to bed.
In the morning, they rose early in order to meet with Headmaster Crowley. They tugged on their yellow and black uniform and headed to the Headmaster's office. Approaching the gargoyle guarding the office, they quietly repeated the password they'd been told.
"Caldron Cakes."
The gargoyle moved out of the way, revealing a small set of stairs up to the office. They knocked on the door quietly before entering, glancing around in amazement. The walls were lined with portraits of former headmasters, shelves stuffed to the brim with books and tomes. A large desk was positioned in front of a large window overlooking the courtyard, Headmaster Crowley sitting behind the desk.
"Welcome! I hope your housemates have been treating you well. Has Professor Vargas made you feel welcome? Good good. Now I bet you're wondering why you're here!" He said, ignoring any of their potential inputs. The student stared at him before nodding.
"Excellent! Well you see, due to some uh...unforeseen circumstances, your house is down a prefect. Now I know you may not feel ready for the responsibilities, but I believe you would make a fantastic prefect, given your...history and such!" He said, holding a hand out to them. In his palm was a yellow badge, the word 'prefect' embedded in shiny black lettering. The student nervously reached out to take the badge, feeling its weight in their hand.
"Excellent! Well, here is your timetable, make sure you get to tall your lessons on time! Oh, and do be sure to eat! Your fellow Hufflepuff prefects should help you out if you ask. Plus, the head boy this year is a Hufflepuff! Trey Clover is his name, have you met him? Well, if not you will eventually." Crowley said, waving them off and immediately returning to her work. The new-student-turned-prefect sighed and exited the office, looking over their timetable. They slowly made their way to the Great Hall, sitting at the Hufflepuff table near the end by themself. They went over their classes again and pinned the badge on their uniform.
"Oh, do we have a new prefect?"
Looking up, the student came face-to-face with another Hufflepuff student. He was pretty tall, with short green hair and square glasses, the 'Head Boy' badge on his uniform catching their attention.
"Yep." They said before introducing themself.
"Good to meet you. Trey Clover, Head Boy." Trey said, nodding to them.
"There's a prefects' meeting tonight in the common room, right after dinner." He said before sitting across from them. They smiled in thanks and looked over their schedule, the head boy leaving them in peace.. Soon, their housemates joined them, filling out the table.
"I believe we have potions first, but I could be wrong. What does your timetable say?" Sebek asked, sitting next to them and immediately digging into his breakfast.
[What is your first class?]
Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures, with Gryffindor
Muggle Studies, with Slytherin
Potions, with Ravenclaw
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empyrean-thrones · 5 months
Chapter 2
“Bàsgiath War College is the oldest institution of higher learning in Navarre. Since its establishment, the college has survived countless wars and managed to preserve over 10 million books in their original text dating back to 200 years before the country’s unification in the Archives.” — History of Navarre by Colonel Lewis Markham
Ao3 Link
As we gather into the teardrop-shaped clearing, some third years go around passing hand towels and small umbrellas for us. Some of them have a scar or two running down the base of their necks or across their face, but none as visceral as the redhead’s. I take one with a nod of thanks and undo my braid to wipe it down as I head for a corner. I frown at a tiny knot stuck between my fingers, tugging at it a few times before stumbling into someone’s back. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to–” My voice dies in my throat when the stranger whips around to glare at me. He’s taller than most of the cadets here with dark brown skin, a large nose, and thick black hair combed back to one side so it falls over his left shoulder to look like a puffy cloud. The brand mark in the shape of erratic swirls crawling down the base of his right ear tells me everything I need to know about who he is. Xaden Riorson, the son of Fenrir II, glares down at me with nothing but pure malice.
“Sorrengail,” he says in a low poisonous tone, narrowing his eyes. I swallow and hold his gaze. The last thing I want to do is cower before a traitor’s son. He should be dead or working in the most dangerous coal mines like the rest of his comrades. Instead he’s here, proudly wearing the Rider Quadrant’s black leather uniform as though doing so might prove his loyalty to the king. As if it could erase the fact that his father and grandfather had attempted to tear down the walls of Bàsgiath not even thirty years ago. “Watch where you’re going.” It’s a warning I’m more than happy to follow. I lift my hands in surrender and he shoves past me, despite the open area, to a girl with short pink hair, pointed ears, and a similar mark burned into the left side of her neck. I don’t linger around to eavesdrop. The tension in my body only eases when I spot Rhiannon a short while later and hand her my towel to dry off.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she comments, patting her hair down.
“A few of the Tyrrish revolters’ kids are here,” I explain, nodding to the two I just passed as I put my rucksack on the ground. “Can you believe it?” Rhiannon raises a brow at them as I continue, “Their parents tried to overthrow the king and now they’re… I don’t even know what they think they’re doing here.”
“Maybe they want to make up for their parents’ mistakes,” she suggested, leaning against the wall next to me. “I heard surviving members have to take an oath of loyalty and get branded if they want to be considered full citizens again.” I scoff, shaking my head. It’s ludicrous. There’s only a handful of Marked Ones in the clearing but just the sight makes my skin crawl. Who knows what they could be plotting behind our backs?
“None of them can ever atone for the sins they’ve committed. Those bastards killed my brother. They deserve more than just a painful death.” I fold my arms across my chest and let out a huff of air. “It’s fucking bullshit.” Rhiannon doesn’t speak for a minute. Her gaze is locked on the pink haired girl who’s frowning as she listens to something Xaden says. I open my mouth to tell her not to stir up trouble when a familiar voice calls my name from afar. I turn my head as a man with sandy brown hair weaves through the crowd to get to us. “Dain, over here!”
“Violet!” he exclaims once he’s close enough, pulling me into a tight embrace. I quickly notice that he’s gained some more muscle over the past few years. He’s grown a beard which looks… a bit odd on him, I won’t lie. I was kind of liking the stubble he’d had the last time we met. Well, whatever. It works for him, I guess. His warm calloused hands cups my face gently as he checks me over. “Mother Amari, what are you doing here?” Concern laces his voice. “I thought you were supposed to be with the scribes! You have to–”
“I’m fine, don’t worry,” I chuckle, prying his hands from my cheeks. “Mom signed me up a few months ago and I passed all the requirements.” His brows knit together and I see his pupils start to narrow like a cat’s. It’s one of the many offputting quirks being bonded to a dragon brings. Yeah, no. Fuck that. I swiftly spin on my heels to face Rhiannon. “Uh, this is Rhiannon,” I say in a chipper tone. “We met before crossing the bridge.” He blinks, shifting his attention to her. Thankfully, his eyes are normal now. “Rhiannon, this is my friend Dain. He’s Colonel Aetos’ son.”
“Hi,” he says stiffly, shaking her hand. “Can we have a moment, please? We won’t be long.” He steers me away to a separate corner before she can utter a response and folds his arms. “What do you mean your mom ‘signed you up?’” he demands, brows creasing.
“I meant exactly what I said,” I sigh. Gods, I should’ve prepared for this. Dain can be such a mother hen sometimes. “She made me take the test and I passed. Simple as that.” He shakes his head in disbelief.
“No, no. That can’t be right. The Board’s super strict with who gets in and who doesn’t. They’d never let someone like you into the Rider’s Quadrant, let alone Infantry.”
“Well, I’m here now!” I raise my arms to show him I’m perfectly fine. “See? No injuries so far. Nolon and Winnifred can patch me up if something happens–”
“But what if they can’t? What are you going to do if you’re stranded with only your dragon and no one else is there to heal your injuries?” I open my mouth to respond but he cuts me off. “You might survive on the mat during sparring lessons but you certainly won’t last a second in war. It’s hell out there, Vi.”
“I know–”
“No, you don’t! The records in the Archives only scratches the surface about the shit going on at the border. You couldn’t even spend a few days without constantly hurting yourself as a scribe. You’re going to get more than just bruises in here.”
“I’m not some porcelain doll,” I counter. “I already proved myself by crossing the bridge in the middle of a thunderstorm. Have you done that yet?” He doesn’t respond. He just stares at me. “Look, even if you did somehow smuggle me into the Scribe’s Quadrant, Mom would just drag me back.” I let out a frustrated huff of air and jab the toe of my boot into the mud. The rain starts to settle into a drizzle as the last few candidates walk in. They’re all bulky or built well enough to have a good chance in hand-to-hand combat. I almost envy them. Almost. “This place is supposed to make you strong, right?” Dain looks away from me. “Right?” I prompt.
“Sure,” he sighs, voice softening just a bit. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
“Okay, so I get stronger. Then you won’t have to hover over me like an obnoxious fly.”
“I am not –”
“Mom will be happy and I’ll finally be able to follow in Mira’s footsteps.”
“Is that what this is all about?” he asks, raising a brow. I blink, tilting my head slightly as I study him.
“Yeah, why?” He hesitates for a moment before exhaling through his nose.
“Nothing, I just… I thought you liked being a scribe, that’s all.” Oh . Of course I liked it. The Archives is probably my favorite place in the entire college. I love it there but… well, it was never really my passion. Dad always said it was my destiny to be a scribe. There were no ifs, no buts. Just do your book work and one day it’ll all pay off. So, I rose to the top of my class because… well, what else was I supposed to do? Flunk and disappoint my family?
“It was great there,” I tell Dain. “But, you know. I don’t want to be stuck in a dark cave wearing musky old robes for the rest of my life. Someone probably died in those things at least twice.” That gets an amused huff out of him. “You know I’ve always dreamed of flying. This is my life’s goal; I’m gonna achieve it no matter what.”
“The dragons,” he begins, “don’t tolerate weakness.” He nods towards the redhead I met earlier. “See her? That’s Amber Mavis. A scorpiontail did that to her during Threshing and she almost didn’t get a chance to bond because her wounds were so bad. If something like that happens to you…” His expression turns pained. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“I’ve been through more pain this week than she ever will. You, of all people, should know that by now.” I soften my voice just a little and squeeze his hand reassuringly. “I’ll be fine , trust me.” He finally relents, stepping back with a reluctant sigh. Amber approaches but stops a few feet away from us, arms clasped behind her back, and clears her throat to get our — well, Dain’s attention. She locks eyes with him for a moment until he gives her a small nod and heads off towards the dias where a few other riders gather on a slightly lower platform. “So what was that all about?” I ask.
“They’re going to start soon.”
“No, I mean that look Amber gave you.” I narrow my eyes in mock suspicion. “Are you two fucking?” His cheeks instantly flush and I gasp. “Oh my gods, really?”
“No!” he says instantly, abandoning his anxiety for once. I stand on my toes to get a better look at her. She moves in purposeful strides that scream elegance and authority; her uniform is mostly dry as she stands next to a woman with short black hair and a rapier strapped to her side. “She’s my superior officer. It would be too awkward between us and… well, she takes her job very seriously. Besides, it’s against the Codex anyway.” I roll my eyes. Typical Dain. Facial features aside, her legs are a work of art even from here. “You should go find your friend. We’ll meet up later.” He gives me a pat on my back before joining a group of cadets near the podium. I can’t help but crack a smile as I head over to Rhiannon who’s still by the wall, polishing her greatsword with a black cloth.
“We’re about to start,” I say, grabbing my bag. We follow the other cadets to the edge of four large squares painted on the grass in black. As the bell clangs overhead, Commandant Panchek strides towards the front of the dias above the platform where the four riders stand. His medals glimmer in the faint early rays as he moves.
“Good morning cadets,” he says in a voice loud enough for all to hear, “and welcome to Bàsgiath War College. Three hundred and one of you stand here today before us and, I must say, that is significantly better than last year’s. Many of you are returning to complete your three year course while others are just starting out on your journey to glory. As the Codex says, your true crucible begins at this very moment!” He grins, bearing his teeth, as he stares down at us with pale blue eyes. “The number of cadets the dragons found worthy of being riders were few last year, but I believe this new batch has what it takes to mount our most powerful assets.” His gaze flickers towards me for a split second before they land on someone else. “In this mighty fortress, you will learn and know what it truly takes to be a dragon rider. Your superiors, teachers, and even fellow peers are all here to guide and mold you into strong, resilient warriors. How well you learn from them is entirely up to you. Discipline falls to your units, and your wingleader is the last word. Should I need to get involved…” He pauses for dramatic effect then chuckles. “Well, let’s pray that day never happens. With that, I leave you to your wingleaders.” One of the four below him, a woman with short brown hair steps forward, summoning a large scroll in her hands as Panchek leaves.
“I am Nyra, the senior wingleader of the quadrant and head of First Wing. For the uninitiated, this Quadrant — Navarre’s aerial force — is divided into four battalions called Wings. These are split into three sections: Claw, Flame, and Tail.” She nods to the three giant squares in the first painted column before her as she continues in her posh Deaconshire accent, “Each section hosts three squadrons; each squad is led by a squad leader who in turn is led by the section leader. As Panchek stated before, the wingleader has the final say in critical matters and punishment regarding faulty squads. Section and Squad Leaders step forward.” I blink in surprise as Dain steps toward Fourth Wing’s Flame section and stops a good distance from a man wielding dual swords. Holy shit, he’s a squad leader? No way he climbed the ranks that fast. I look up to where Amber Mavis stands over him on the podium. Her face is as emotionless as a stone slab. Hell, she doesn’t even look at him. Guess he was right about her taking her job seriously. If that were me, I don’t know if I’d ever be able to take my eyes off my lover if they ended up in Dain’s position. “When we call your names, step forward,” Nyra instructs.
She starts with Claw Section then down to Tail. The squads are lined up into three neat rectangles before the squad leaders who then turn to face the section leader. This goes on until Amber finally steps forward. My eyes widen as a small spot in front of her warps and births a pitch black hole. She doesn’t even hesitate to shove her hand in and pulls out a scroll. “First Squad: Claw Section — Fourth Wing,” she reads aloud. The black hole vanishes as she goes down the list.
“Was that her signet’s blessing?” Rhiannon whispers next to me, raising a brow.
“No, that’s object storing. It’s one of the lesser magical abilities riders get after bonding with a dragon but I’ve never seen it look like that.” Mira’s usually just looks like a deep blue tear with shimmering stars, not… whatever this is. I guess it looks different for everyone.
“Second Squad: Flame Section — Fourth Wing,” Amber calls without a hint of emotion. “Xaden Riorson…” My heart tries to leap out of my throat as he stalks forward to stand in front of Dain. Fourth Wing. That means... Shit. I desperately pray to Zihnal to put me in Tail when Rhiannon is called alongside him. I do not want to be paired with him, not even in death. “Violet Sorrengail.” My gaze immediately snaps to Xaden who visibly stiffens. He looks like he’s trying really hard to set her on fire with his mind.
“I-I’m sorry?” I squeak out.
“Violet Sorrengail, you now belong to Second Squad, Flame Section of Fourth Wing.” Amber lowers the scroll to look at me. “Step forward.”
“Wh- I… he’s–”
“Step. Forward.” My legs obey and I soon find myself standing a few people behind the Tyrrish bastard, hands balled into fists at my sides. Zihnal hates me. There’s no other explanation. Why else would he curse me with this weak ass body and put me in the same squad as Xaden fucking Riorson? I try to scour through my brain for anything I’ve done in the past to warrant such a fate. Was it because I couldn’t remember that prayer on the Bridge? Was this my punishment for not having a perfect memory? I close my eyes, inhaling slowly through my nose. This is the price I have to pay. Fine. I’m not going to push my luck by insulting him. The last thing I need right now is even worse luck. When Amber finishes listing off Tail’s cadets, she drops her scroll into the black hole of hers as if it were nothing more than garbage.
The sound of flapping wings fills air and large shadows momentarily block out the sun. A weyr of eight dragons fly overhead then dip low, tilting their powerful wings as they curve over us like vultures circling a corpse. The wind is so powerful, it almost knocks me back. They hover momentarily before dropping onto the thick outer wall. There are three prickly looking dragons in varying shades of red with scales like a pauldron running down the back of their neck, an upward pointing snout and curved bull horns. Two of them — one navy blue, the other red-orange — have smoother scales and long horns. Judging by the two small horns sprouting from above their eyes, they look like blue-tongued daggertails. The other three are brown and green with the same frills Teine has. My heartbeat quickens as the blue daggertail lowers its head to glare at me with its piercing golden eyes. I focus instead on my new wingleader, feeling my palms start to sweat.
“Congratulations,” she states, “you’re all officially cadets. Look at your squad mates, look at your wing. These are the people you will entrust with your life. These are the ones who will save you from danger should you need it. They are your beating heart and they are the blood coursing through every intricate part of your inner body. You must never fail them, never betray them, under any circumstances.” She gives Xaden a meaningful look that forces him to lower his head slightly in submission. “Navarre is the last bastion of sanctuary in this forsaken world and we are the wall that protects its citizens — not infantry, not the nobles, not the guards patrolling the streets. We are the defenders of the breach, the shelter from the oncoming storm. In this quadrant we are one mind, one body. I expect cooperation and perfect coordination between all squad members by the time you leave these doors as fully graduated riders. Is that understood?”
“Yes, ma’am!” we say in unison.
Nyra steps in to say, “First years, after you eat, you’ll be taken to your dorms to change and report to class. I look forward to seeing your full potential.” The dragons exhale hot blasts of steam from their noses at us before flying off towards the Vale where their dens are. “You’re dismissed.” Gradually, we all flock to the rotunda’s doors that lead to the main hall and dining area. The scent of bacon wafts through the open mahogany doors, causing my stomach to growl.
“I can’t believe we’re paired with Riorson,” I grumble. “It’s like the gods hate me.” I clench my jaw as I watch him weave through the crowd to get ahead. They give him a wide berth as if he’s a leviathan and they’re all minnows. If he wants to atone for his father’s sins, he can do it by bleeding out on the floor.
“I’m pretty sure they’re just trying to test you,” Rhiannon says, shifting her sword from one shoulder to the next. “Gods like to do that all the time. He’ll probably try to make your life hell but he can’t exactly kill you.” No, but we’ll be forced to work together and that’s close enough in my books. The interior of the rotunda is shaped like an oval with five evenly spaced marble pillars carved out to resemble the dragon breeds of Navarre supporting the three stories overhead. Light pools through the stained glass ceiling and the tiled floors are almost as reflective as a mirror. To the left are two massive arched doors leading to the academic wing, echoed by the same on the right, which leads to the dorms. Up ahead between the stairs that climb to the study lounge, lies our destination — two wooden doors that open up to the largest dining hall I’ve ever seen.
 We take a seat close to the edge of one of the long rows of polished tables stationed in the middle of the room. To our left towards the wall sits an extravagant looking table with embroidered purple tablecloth and cushioned armchairs — even the way the napkins are folded on their plates give off an air of luxury. The wingleaders take their seats at the center while section leaders sit at the edge, observing us with curious analytical eyes as they murmur to one another. I wonder if Mira’s ever sat up there. Mother certainly had.
“Hey, look who made it!” a chipper voice says, pulling my attention away from the elites. A boy with rich brown skin and soft brunette curls covering his brows slides in across from us, sporting a giant grin. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon, Ree.”
“So your plan failed, huh?” Amusement flickers in Rhiannon’s eyes as she sits next to me.
“Plan?” I echo, raising a brow at the two of them.
“Ridoc here tried to avoid getting drafted by pretending to have a fever.” That gets a scoff out of me. “Honestly, what were you thinking?”
“It’s nearly impossible to avoid the draft. You’d have to be severely wounded or clinically insane for that to work.”
“Oh, I should’ve tried that,” Ridoc murmured. “Do you think they’ll let me go if I hit my head hard enough?”
“Doubt it. Why do you want to get out of here so soon? It hasn’t even been a day yet.” I’ve seen a few people piss their pants about getting drafted but those were usually poor commoners. These two don’t look anywhere close to poor. Well, their clothes are pretty bland and seem a bit worn at the edges but they don’t seem too malnourished. Ridoc’s grin falters slightly as he shifts a bit in his seat.
“Ah, well, you know how it is.” He waves a hand dismissively as if I should know. A moment passes between us as I wait for someone to explain. “N-never mind, it’s not that important.” He chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck in an embarrassed manner.
“We live near the border,” Rhiannon explains simply. She unfolds the napkin wrapped around her utensils and places it over her lap.
“So you’ve seen gryphon riders before?” I ask. “I heard they’ve been getting more aggressive in their attacks over the past few years.” Most of the news I’ve gotten have been from the reports brought into the Archives; those bastards have tried crossing the border more than once and even raided a few villages close to the Esban mountains despite the Resson trading post being on their land.
“I guess? We’re not that close but we’ve heard a few stories here and there.”
“That should give you all the more reason to fight back though. If it were up to me, I’d burn every gryphon rider to a crisp.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Ridoc responds. “Those things spawn like hydra heads. Kill one and five more show up out of nowhere!”
“That’s why we have dragons. If it weren’t for them, we’d be bird food.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nyra get up from her chair. Several servers in gray outfits station themselves outside the doors to the kitchen next to food carts packed with trays.
“Before we begin, would one of our second years like to offer a prayer to the pantheon?” she asks. When no one responds, her dark eyes lock onto the pink haired girl. “Imogen! How brave of you to volunteer!” She smiles as the Marked One begrudgingly rises from her seat.
“Thank you, Mother Amari, for blessing us with another day and for breathing life into the souls of the animals we’ve bred for slaughter,” Imogen begins once we’ve bowed our heads. “Thank you, Zihnal, for blessing us with a bountiful crop season and fair weather; Dunne, we thank thee for guiding the hunt and providing us with bountiful meat. And lastly, Malek — you’ve given us the power to take the lives of our prey whilst sparing our own kind. Bless the less fortunate and guide our hearts. Amen.”
“Thank you so much, dear.” Imogen offers the wingleader a tight-lipped smile before settling down again with a disgusted look on her face. Nyra remains standing as the servers gradually make their way down the table rows to serve our breakfast. Ridoc is about to dig into his meal before a third year sitting next to us hisses at him to put his fork down. The servers finally retreat back to the kitchen — aside from the muffled clatter of pots and pans being washed and hung up to dry, the dining hall is uncomfortably silent. After a minute of waiting, Nyra clasps her hands together and says, “Begin.” Life floods back to the hall and the tension quickly dissipates like melting snow.
“So where are you from?” Ridoc asks, adjusting his slightly worn shawl before digging into his eggs.
“I was born in Akdus, but since my mom got stationed at the school, I’ve basically been living here my whole life,” I explain. “My dad wanted me to be a scribe so I trained in the quadrant over there for a bit.”
“Oh? What’s that like?” I shrug, tugging my knife from the napkin bundle.
“We had to learn at least three languages by the end of our apprenticeship and memorize every major battle since the unification of Navarre. Most of my time was spent reading so we couldn’t really go outside as much as my other siblings.” I spread some raspberry jam on my slice of toast and take a bite. The bread isn’t too dark or crunchy, like the ones served in the Scribe’s Quadrant. In fact, the food itself is much better here. There’s a savory sweetness to the baked beans, the juicy sausage has a hint of asurra pepper that lightly pricks my taste buds, and the coffee that comes with the meal isn’t as bitter as the ones I’m used to. “You know, the food in the Scribe’s Quadrant is mostly tasteless,” I comment before stuffing a spoonful of pudding into my mouth. “We’re told that flavorless meals are what enhances our minds and give our brains more space to retain information.”
“That’s insane! No wonder they look so pale and miserable all the time. You guys have got to eat better.” I laugh a little.
“Which dragon do you think you’ll bond with?” Rhiannon asks, leaning forward a bit. “I’m hoping to get something big like a clubtail.”
“Well, I want a daggertail. That blue one looked so badass.” I hum in agreement and take another sip of my coffee as I listen to them debate over which breeds are better. Ospon clubtails are pretty well known for their strength and ability to endure even the most deadly attacks but they’re also the slowest fliers. In my opinion, they’re not that impressive — they don’t have the kind of ferocity needed to win this war. The blue-tongued daggertail on the other hand? Those things are born to kill. Whoever bonds one is definitely worthy of joining the wingleader table.
I’m not sure which breed I’d want to bond with. Father always said it wasn’t up to us to choose; the dragons have their own way of determining a human’s worth. He considered the presentation ceremony and Threshing as their way of “sorting the wheat from the chaff.” It’s better not to put too much effort into hoping you get the one you want. There’s always a chance you get one that has an insufferable personality. Everything from getting a dragon to earning a signet blessing relies on pure luck. And if the odds aren’t in your favor then you might as well be scorned by the gods. Given the way my day’s starting, I only pray that I get something that isn’t a clubtail.
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venusfalling · 1 year
Chapter 1: An Antique
summary: Steve visits you after the invasion of New York
warnings: none
notes: Reader is Hispanic and an Avenger with magnetic abilities who teamed up with Steve and the others to stop the alien invasion in New York. This series will follow through most of the MCU. Part 1 is all fluff!!
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      Graduation. After all that happened in New York, you had almost forgotten, and, though the world was forever changed, colleges in Boston were not. Finals continued as scheduled. Despite not having had a chance to study between waves of alien attacks, you managed, finishing with a high enough GPA to graduate with honors. Now, all you had to do was figure out what came next.       “I thought you had a job offer,” your sister asks.       “Maria, I nearly died and aliens came to earth from a portal in the sky! Things have changed,” you explain. She is helping you pack, handing you folded clothes to stick in a box or in the donation bin. The room around you slowly becomes more bare: photos and artwork unpinned from the wall, books removed from their shelf, and a nearly empty closet. All the color you had put into the dorm room was replaced by unlabeled brown boxes, the last of which sat atop the empty bed, waiting to be closed.       “I still can’t believe you went to New York without me, before finals no less. That’s not like the big sister I know and love,” she teases. She holds one of your favorite shirts in her hands, measuring it up against herself, and you quickly snatch it away.       “What? Don’t you know that your sister is a cocky genius? I knew finals were going to be a breeze.” The lie comes easily, just as the ones you had told your family before.
      What are you doing in New York, mija? They had asked. Are you okay?       It was a spontaneous trip, mama, with friends. I’m fine, I promise.       You didn’t try to get involved did you? You know I don’t like you fighting with your… condition.       No, mama. I promise.
      “That’s true, you are cocky. Still, next time you want to take a trip to the big city, take me with you. Please?” she begs with puppy dog eyes and a pout that stopped being cute when she stopped being six.       “I will, Mia,” you agree with a roll of your eyes, “Though, there’s not much of a city left.”       “Well Brooklyn is still standing, if you ever want a tour,” comes a voice from behind you. Maria whips around. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he says, extending his hand for her to take. “My name is Steve, I’m, uh-”       “He’s a friend,” you quickly say. A little too quickly, but Maria’s smirk tells you that she’s gotten the wrong impression and hasn’t quite caught your lie. Nor has she realized that she is shaking Captain America’s hand.       Steve let’s go of her hand and sticks it in his pocket. His face gives away the lie entirely as he catches up to it. He takes in a quick breath, eyes wide in realization before he says, “Right, friends. We’re friends.”       “Okaaaaay,” Maria says, and, after a moment of you glaring at her, she adds, “I guess I’ll just go outside then.” She steps around the boxes and passes by Steve in the doorway. “It was nice to meet you, Steve.” Before she closes the dorm suite door, you hear her mumble, “If I had known guys at college would be this hot, I’d have tried harder on my SATs.”       You stifle a laugh and Steve looks down, shaking his head with a smile. When the two of you look up at each other, there is only silence. In the light streaming in from your window, he looks beautiful: a sharp jaw and cheekbones, blond hair reflecting the sun, and his blue eyes shining. You blush and look away quickly when you realize you’ve been staring too long, but you think, he was staring too.       “Do you need any help?” he asks, stepping further into your old room. “I can start carrying boxes down.”       “No, that’s okay,” you reply and go back to folding and packing your last box. “I’ve got an army of cousins, and aunts, and uncles coming to help load everything up in the truck.”       “Moving back home?” He asks.       “Not exactly,” you say with a breathy laugh. “I’m moving to D.C. I took a risk, signed a lease. I don’t have a job yet, but I’m hoping one of the many federal agencies will look past my psych records and hire me.”       “They’d be idiots not to,” he says. You look back at him, this time, you successfully avoid completely staring at him. He smiles at you, and you notice for the first time that he’s hiding something behind his back. You give him a quizzical look, and he moves his right hand into view. In it is a small gold box with a red bow on top. “I got you something. A graduation gift.”       He hands you the box, the lid slides off easily when you pull on it. The thin piece of metal shines in the light of the afternoon sun streaming through your window.       “This is- wow- this is beautiful, Steve,” you stutter out. “Thank you. Would you mind…?” You hold out your left hand and the box so that Steve can grab the gold chain and hook it around your wrist. He steps even closer to you, his whole presence taking up all of your senses and you wonder if he can hear your heart beat as it picks up its pace.       He looks down at you once he’s finished clipping the antique bracelet onto you, but he doesn’t let your arm go, and you don’t move away. For a moment that feels much longer than the few seconds that it is, the two of you stand there, looking into each other’s eyes with your hand in his.       Then Maria rushes back in and the two of you jump apart.       “Sorry to interrupt,” she says, and she looks genuinely sorry. “Just thought you’d like to know that the whole family is downstairs waiting.”       “Right,” you say, remembering where you were and what you were doing. “Thanks, Maria.”       “I should get going,” Steve says, and turns to walk out the door.       “Thank you, again, for coming by and for the gift,” you call out after him.       He gives a simple nod, then says, “When you get to D.C., look me up in the yellow pages.” He gives you one more smile, says goodbye to your sister, then he’s out the door.       “You’ve been holding out on all of the details,” Maria immediately begins to pester you, but you ignore her, opting instead to fiddle with your new bracelet. —       Maria Hill makes an appearance soon after your move to D.C. You’d gone to your third interview for another agency that was just as unsuccessful as the last and were nursing a drink at the nearest bar, when Agent Hill sits down next to you.       She speaks before you can even ask why she’s there.       “You will report to the Triskelion, 33rd floor, on Monday at 8am,” she says, sliding a Shield ID badge across the bar. “Your paperwork is already in your apartment. Don’t be late.”       Maria Hill is out the door before you can thank her. Your first call is Steve.
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batstorm93672 · 1 year
"I'm so glad to have my son back"
Damian looked at the woman, he recognizes her profile. Case file #398, Mariam Anderson, in her madness she killed her son and had went missing. It seems she's been wanting to relive her family, Damian was wearing different clothes most likely her son's own clothes. A red stripped shirt and brown shorts, not exactly his style.
"You're sick"
"I will not tolerate disrespect. You either do as I say or face the consequences"
"Good boy. Now show me that smile of yours"
Damian swallowed all self-respect as he faked a grin, he can't escape this. Mariam basically glowed and folded her hands in joy. "Oh my dear. How skinny you've become, here eat up" Scrambled eggs, in comparison Alfred would destroy this abomination. Alfred's not here, his family is not here. It's only him and this woman.
Damian forced the food down and Mariam seemed pleased. "Good, now time for you to go to sleep"
Damian nodded and followed her as she led him to a dirty bed. It was completely swarmed in dust and filth. "Sleep tight little one, do know that I have you on surveillance so try not to do anything that may get you in trouble"
Mariam smiled and kissed him on the forehead, it took everything in Damian to not recoil from the feeling.
Terrifying to wake up to feel metal around your neck and beeping. "W-what are you doing?" "Just a little precaution, it's so you know that you shouldn't misbehave" Damian subdued the shiver in his spine. "P-Please let me go, this isn't right and I'm sure you know it. My father is looking for m-" A rippling shock stopped Damian from his next words. Mariam looked pissed and trembled "Your father is gone! He died from Gotham's streets and filth. That's why I need to protect you forever, I can't lose you. And now you won't ever escape my love. Together forever, the filth of Gotham will never breach it's claws into you... ahem-" Mariam smoothed her hair back "-you look so dirty, let me draw you a bath and then you can eat and then you can have some time to read! Doesn't that sound fun?" Damian nodded "Your manners are lacking my dear, say "yes mom"" "...Yes mom"
Damian was stripped and by God did he want to bury himself into a hole and set it ablaze. "Come on my dear, step in, it's warm and waiting. I also got you your favorite bubble soap!" "Thank you mom"
She scrubbed his back, the sponge felt like stone against his back. "Where did you get all these scars?" "Um, the filth of Gotham I suppose..." "Oh my dear, luckily I'm here to save you" "I'm grateful for your help..." Mariam hugged him from behind, Damian wanted to crawl out of his skin and wither away.
She dressed him back up and served pancakes with bacon (God he missed Pennyworth's cooking with all of his heart) Damian gobbled the pancakes down and slightly nudged the bacon aside. "Son, eat your bacon" "I'm a vegetarian" "Nonsense, eat you need the food" Damian stabbed into the bacon and shoved it down. So badly did he want to throw it back up. "I brought you a book, it's your favorite" Damian grabbed the book and opened it, he missed the library in which he ended up reading with his animals curled up or with his siblings around.
Damian finished the book and shut it "Mariam, this isn't healthy. Please let me go, you can get help-" A harsh sting went across his face and Mariam's hand was pinkish-red. "You are out of line! Go on time-out now!" Damian's eyes were wide as walked to where she pointed, a chair in which he sat down and she wrapped leather to hold him in place. "M-Mom... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" "Then that means next time you'll be better behaved" The collar beeped and Damian flinched as soon as the electricity went through his body. Screaming he heaved as he fought against the leather. "P-Please I'm sorry mom! I'm so sorry!" "...very well, I'm glad you learned your lesson"
It's been three days and Damian was just about willing to die again if it meant he doesn't have to he here.
Mariam got more violent, oddly some resemblance to Talia is all Damian saw, apparently his last attempt to appease to her senses was it.
"Mom... please let me go, I want to go out. I don't want to be trapped, I don't want to be held forever like this" Mariam stabbed the knife into the cutting board and turned around. "That... is exactly what he said too. I'm disappointed, I thought you'd be better, but just like him, heh, just like him... it seems I'll have to start over" In a blink of an eye, Damian was on the ground and Mariam was on top. Hands wrapped around his throat he began to lose air quickly. "M-M-Mom, stop you're hurting me! It hurts mom" "SHUT UP! YOU'RE NOT MY SON NOW, YOU FAILED ME" Damian saw a chance, the button in her pocket. Reaching and pressing it, the electric shock hurting them both, due to her and training it barely messed with him, Mariam however is a different story. Damian let go as some air was back through his throat and then a loud bang echoed, Mariam was shoved off.
Nightwing was in view "Damian! Oh God, Red Robin you got something to get this off?!" "Stay back" Red Robin touched the collar and in a few seconds it clicked off. Damian sprung up and felt at his neck, the collar was probably marked now. Mariam struggled against Red Hood who had pinned her down and made eye contact with Damian, she smiled and looked completely insane. "My son! Help me, this is what I was saving you from! Gotham's filth will stain you!" "M-mom..." Damian shut his eyes and turned around, throwing up all the bile he was forced to eat.
Red Hood grabbed a gun and used the back of it to knock her cold "That's enough out of you"
"Take me home... please take me home"
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annyankers · 2 years
A excerpt from a rough snippet (really basically a thought holder thing) for book 4 of nobody’s daughter bc it’ll be YEARS BEFORE WE GET THERE but it’s of Spike and Beck!!!!!!! in the initiative cells!!!!! and their escape!!!!!
also quietly using this as a reference for other places like dangerous and savvy and how they meet there.
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Across from him in another stark white cell was a young woman almost as white as the walls with long dark ill kept hair. He stared at her for a bit, for lack of anything else to do really once he’d given it all a once over, and couldn’t help but notice a vague sense of deja vu around her. The way she moved— or didn’t, and just sat there all bunched up in this case— the vacant but intense look in her brown eyes, the overall air of ominous fragility— it reminded him strongly of Dru. Which would either end up being a blessing or a curse when he finally figured out how to get out of here.
As if sensing his train of thought she seemed to come back to the present and looked up at him, noticing finally it seemed that his cell was now occupied. What do they have the chit on? He wondered vaguely as she finally seemed to boot up again completely.
“Who’re you?” Her voice was medium ranged but croaky from disuse.
“Spike. You?” 
“Beck. You the vampire Spike? Guy that was here two years ago with your girlfriend?”
He couldn’t help a bit of a smirk that his name is had something to it even now. “Yeah. That’s me, same vamp.”
She nodded slowly, as if working to take that in and file it while formulating her next thought. He waited, curious to see how long it’d take her. Blessedly he didn’t have to wait too long.
“Any chance she might stage a rescue?”
His mirth died and turned sour in his mouth. “Broke up.”
“Sorry to hear it. Would’ve been too lucky anyway.”
Beck seemed to lapse back into silent contemplation as her head rested back on the wall, her eyes drifting away to some spot to his left. Spike however wasn’t interested in letting his only entertainment slip away.
“You look fairly human, figure this place is for beasties, you got something in you?”
“Yeah, got something in me alright.”
“Anything useful?”
She turned her attention back to him and made a vague hand gesture that could have been fire or an explosion, either way it didn’t matter, it was useful and he could work with it. 
“Gotcha.” The gears in his head creaking into life as he let her drift off again for the moment as he fell out himself. Fuck he wished he had a cigarette.
The holding cells exploded into chaos and Spike roared with feral glee, over it all he could see Beck throwing herself against the walls of her cell and screaming, working herself into a state, with the stolen card he quickly unlocked her cell. She clawed out before the door was even a third open and nearly toppled into him looking utterly wild-eyed. He paid her little mind as he went back to craving a path out of there for them, redirecting a syringe meant for her into an orderly his only acknowledgement she was there past noting her closeness and erratic breathing. 
He needed to go now — they needed to—He could here the sound of more jackboots coming and he didn’t like the odds of making it out of here in one piece if they got here. He was regretting picking her for the little she was help she was at the moment, cursing the mental link he’d made to Drusilla for making it impossible to overlook a loony bint in peril. On the other hand he knew that Dru could be just as lethal as she was mad, sometimes she just needed the right push to get going. Beck he reckoned, thinking on how she’d been throwing herself about, was similar. 
Beck grabbed him and pulled them through the last bit of the cellblock and to the left in the adjoining hall, they weren’t very far in when the jackboots arrived and Spike cursed loudly. Ready to toss her to them and try to make a break for it without her when she yelled.
He did without hesitation clocking her square on the jaw, hard enough to ring her but ideally not enough to stun her for more than a moment assuming she was as he suspected, a half demon or similar. The assumption was correct as after a beat she whipped around to face the soldiers and screamed violently. Suddenly flames sprouted up on all of them and in seconds every one of their captors in sight and some still in the cell hall he judged from the screams were engulfed in flames.
“Holy shit.”
He stood surprised at the sheer force of the carnage for only a moment before he put a hand on her shoulder with much more consideration than before. She was shaking, her expression strange enough to incite him to use the other to turn her face from the burning men and make her look at him. Instinctively he put on a tone he’d used while trying to calm Drusilla down when she was in her fits. 
“Time to go pet, there are still more bad men here, we need to get out while we can. C’mon.”
She was still wild but seemed to be using him as a focus point now, he could work with it. Urgently he pulled her along, the screams dying out at last as they finally escaped.
He took her back to his lair for lack of anywhere better to take her, didn’t know why he’d even bothered with her after they’d escaped— no that was bollocks he knew exactly why. She was in a bad state, she needed him and he wasn’t one to abandon women like her when they needed him, wasn’t built that way. 
“Can we get milkshakes?”
“Yeah pet, we can get milkshakes.”
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