#the one i did earlier simply wasn’t crazy enough
sternalwires · 5 months
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tumblr user eridan-amporna // birthright, george abraham // herman melville in a letter to nathaniel hawthorne // work song — hozier // tumblr user boyflesher
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delirious-donna · 7 months
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There’s A Girl In My Tub [Part Two]
story summary: Your best friend lets you crash at her place over the spring break since you have nowhere else to go. Little did you know that it isn't actually her place. Instead, it belongs to a tall (grumpy) hot guy who finds you in his apartment–her brother.
chapter summary: Kento walks in on a woman he doesn't know neck-deep in his bath. What is he meant to do now?
pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader
warnings: reader described as having hair that can be put in a ponytail, SFW
Part One | Series Masterlist | Part Three
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The mistake was clear from the second he lunged inside the bathroom. Where he had presumed to find his younger sister submerged in his tub, sat a woman he did not know splashing and spluttering from both the shock of being jump scared and the bubbles that shot up your nose.
Kento wasn’t sure what his predominant emotion was, whether it be complete mortification for interrupting someone bathing or indignant anger at the complete stranger using his apartment like some kind of luxury hotel.
“Who the fuck are you?” The stranger half yelled, half spluttered.
Realisation dawned on him like icy dread spider walking up his spine. What had meant to be a practical joke was no longer looking so funny.
“You’re not Karin…” He said matter-of-factly.
At this point, he was simply stating the obvious. What he found interesting was the comprehension that he could see illuminated in your eyes. You might not be Karin, but you knew who she was. The connection between the two of you was what he needed to establish next, or well… after he found out your name.
“I’m Nanami Kento, and you’re in my bath. Who are you?”
His eyebrow cocked in a mixture of continued annoyance and the first hint of curiosity. Given that you were familiar with his sister meant you weren’t some crazy intruder, not that he thought that in the first place given your luggage in his room and the fact that you couldn’t have gained access without a keycard and code.
You offered your name in no more than a timid squeak, and he didn’t recognise it. He huffed a tired exhale and turned towards the door to give you a modicum of privacy. His mouth opened to speak, but you beat him to the punch, silencing him effectively with your more confident tone.
“Look, can we not hash this out whilst I am naked in your bath? Give me ten minutes, and I’ll meet you in the living area,” you enthused, hands gesticulating wildly. It sent a flurry of bubbles into the air which Kento watched before giving a curt nod of agreement and stalking out without uttering another word.
He needed a drink in the worst possible way, even if it was only early afternoon. It was going to be entirely necessary to indulge in his top-shelf liquor to help with his current predicament.
Once more, he glanced at the haphazardly packed case open on his bed. This time studying the contents a little more closely. Perhaps he should have considered doing this earlier, as one glance was enough to confirm that even the style of clothing was so unlike his sister, not to mention the stuffed animal, which he guessed resembled a bunny rabbit despite its ragged appearance. Karin hadn’t been one for stuffed toys, preferring dolls and the pretty furniture to fill ornate dollhouses growing up.
Speaking of his dearly beloved sibling, Kento fished his phone from his pocket as he made his way back to the kitchen. He cradled it between his ear and shoulder whilst selecting a crystal tumbler and a bottle of scotch. The ringing went to voicemail. Of course, it did.
“Karin, call me. I don’t appreciate surprises, and you owe me an explanation.” He kept it short and sweet, his specialty. He pushed the phone across the kitchen island and turned to lean his back against the pantry door.
What the hell was going on? He mused silently, swirling the dark amber contents of his glass before bringing it to his lips and swallowing a healthy mouthful. The liquor coated his teeth and burned his throat as it slid into his mostly empty stomach.
Everything had happened in such a rush that he couldn’t even picture your face as he waited. He hadn’t thought to get a good look at you, not when the circumstances were so intimate–vulnerable even. Not for the first time today, his palm scrubbed down his face. What must you think of him? You were this–he floundered for a moment in thinking of how to accurately describe you–young woman, naked and trapped in a room with one exit. An exit that he had blocked with his body.
He groaned, pressing the cool crystal tumbler to his temple and rolling it across his forehead. This was exactly the type of situation you saw in horror movies, except he wasn’t some crazed killer on the hunt for young virgins or any young women for that matter, but he would understand if you were fearful of him. It would only be logical.
As if summoned by thought alone, the soft pad of your socks alerted Kento that you had finished with the bath. He glanced sideways, eyeing the simple black leggings and an oversized sweater emblazoned with the logo of Karin’s college, and some pieces of the puzzle fell neatly into place.
Your hair was mostly dry except for the ends that had been splashed by the unexpected dunking they had received, the strands tied loosely into a ponytail that softened the stern expression plastered across your features.
Standing with the kitchen island between you as if it afforded you some semblance of protection, Kento tried not to smile when you folded your arms across your chest and tilted your chin in his direction. The sleeves of your sweater engulfed your arms so completely that only the tips of your fingers showed. He admired your courage in the face of a stranger, a male one at that, and one that could likely impose his height and weight against you if he so inclined. Sure, he admired it, but it was also incredibly dumb.
“Did you enjoy your soak?” He asked, taking another sip of scotch to hide the quirk of his lips.
Your eyes narrowed. Damn, he hadn’t felt amusement like this in the longest time. Some would claim that he didn’t have a funny bone in his body, but they were wrong. Kento simply didn’t entertain cheap humour, and this situation was far from bargain basement.
“I was. That is until this massive oaf leapt inside screaming like a maniac and scaring the life out of me.”
That was enough to wipe the smile from his face. Kento straightened and set his tumbler down. He ran a hand through his hair and endeavoured to end this charade right here and now. To hell with the fact that you amused him, he didn’t know you from Adam.
“How do you know Karin? And I am not an oaf, for the record,” he added with what sounded even to him as a touch of petulance.
You rolled your eyes. “She’s my friend, maybe even best friend, actually. We go to the same college, different majors though. How do you know her? Are you her dad or something?”
It was Kento’s turn to narrow his eyes. He could see it for what it was, a direct jab at him, but you didn’t truly believe he could possibly be her father, or at least he hoped not!
You picked at your nails whilst the silence lingered on. He debated whether to rise above your petty attempts at riling him, but something stopped him. Kento was the level-headed one, always reasonable, however, something about you crept beneath his skin.
“Can’t be that much of a best friend if you don’t even know that she has a brother… that would be me, by the way. Hi. I’m the brother, and this is my apartment. I do hope this is some kind of elaborate joke.”
Sure enough, his aim was true. Your face crumpled at the truth he laid out so cruelly. Instead of feeling some sense of triumph for gaining the upper hand, he resigned to the guilt settling heavily in his chest. He almost rubbed at his heart but stopped at the last second.
Why did he care? That’s what he really wanted to know. Yes, you were cute. He was a man after all, he could appreciate your soft feminine features, but he was hardly known as a man who sought out the company of the opposite sex often.
Kento pinched the bridge of the nose. It was upsetting to watch you fold in upon yourself like this, your shoulders hunched inward and your head bowed low. He cared, and that was surprising. He wished for that spark of confidence to ignite again, longing to kick himself for being the one to douse it in the first place.
“I’m… I’m sorry. That was cruel of me, but you did call me her dad!” He tried to rationalise his outburst, and he was glad when your head snapped up to scrutinise him. “We’ve started on the wrong foot. Can you blame me for acting a little irrational? I’ve never found an intruder in my home before, let alone a naked one in my bath. Why are you here?”
Without a word, you stretched out a hand for his near-empty glass, swallowing down the remnants in one gulp. You hissed through your teeth, dancing on the spot whilst the potent alcohol slid into your belly to warm you. Kento cocked his eyebrow but chose to remain silent.
He had so many questions. Why you were here in his home was curiously not at the top of the pile, but it seemed inappropriate to be querying your age and probing your interests at this point in the conversation. Not to mention, you were his sister’s friend, nothing more.
Nothing more, Kento.
“Well, your darling sister told me this was her place, and that it was empty right now. Clearly, neither part was true, and I will be taking that up with her as soon as she answers her damn phone!”
“Hm, so Karin is avoiding your calls too. Curious.”
You blew out a long breath, the strands of hair framing your face dancing around and… Kento glanced away, refusing to acknowledge the desire to fix them behind your ear.
“Aren’t you on spring break? Why aren’t you shacked up in some overly loud and raucous resort? I’m certain that’s where Karin will be right about now.” Kento rolled his eyes at even thinking about it. He well remembered his years in college and how he loathed this time of year. It was his idea of hell.
Scrunching your nose in distaste, you walked around the edge of the kitchen island and hopped up to sit yourself closer to him. Again, he cursed your trust. He could be lying to you. He could have nefarious intent. So why did it make him want to protect you all the more?
“No thanks. I’d rather catch up on some classes and prepare for the new semester, but…” You trailed off, eyes lowering to your fingers which continued to fidget incessantly–an annoying habit he noted.
“But what?” Kento got the sense that he wasn’t going to like your answer much. He braced for it, both palms flush on the marble countertop and coaxing you into maintaining his steady eye contact.
“I don’t have anywhere else I can go. My parents are renovating, and I can’t afford to rent a place for two weeks, at least not somewhere actually habitable.”
Kento froze as the weight of your words washed over him. There was a chance that Karin was truly being a good friend since she had been aware of the business trip he was meant to be on right now. It would be so like her to help out a friend in need.
Was he meant to toss you out on your ass? He was within his rights, of course, but could his conscience allow it? It was obvious you weren’t lying or exaggerating to gain his favour, you looked just as uncomfortable telling him the truth as he did hearing it. This whole situation was a mess, and he didn’t see a clear way out of it.
Well, shit…
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weneepie · 1 month
HEYYY !! I have a request 😼what about reader who want to go out late a night to ser her friend having a hatd time without warning jason and suddenly jason come back of patrol more earlier and scold her , but reader is upset about jason reaction , but jason just want to protect her …
worried w/ red hood rules | m.list
note. hiii! thank you sm for your request omg i love jason sm of course i'd do that ; worried jason is adorable, my boy is doing his best <3 feel free to request anything else!
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You were supposed to be here. He left you alone in your apartment before he left for his night patrol. So why weren’t you here anymore? Where were you? Jason thought he was about to go crazy. He was searching everywhere, calling your phone, but you weren’t answering at all.
Yes, he came back earlier than usual, but it wasn't a reason to disappear, was it? What if something bad had happened while he was gone? Jason was making the worst scenarios in his head. Until he heard the sound of the door opening. He turned around and you arrived in the living room, a bit surprised. 
You didn’t have the time to say anything that Jason was standing in front of you, a visible frown across his eyebrows. “Where the hell were you?!” His voice was too loud, too angry ; you didn’t like that at all. You slowly raised an eyebrow at his tone, feeling the slight irritation growing inside of you. 
“My friend needed me, so I left to see her.” You explained but it didn’t calm Jason at all. “You know Gotham’s not safe at night. What if you got attacked, or worse?” He was clearly angry, but it simply made you angry too. You weren’t a child, you didn’t need him to act like he was your own father. 
“Quit yelling at me, would ya?” Your tone was harsh, and it caught him off guard. He wasn’t so used to any reaction like this from you, so he was taken aback. He was about to answer when you pointed at his chest, looking into his eyes. “I don’t need you to protect myself, Jason. I’m a grown adult!” And in those words, you left the living room to get locked up in the bathroom. You really needed a shower. 
Jason stayed alone in here, standing up and a bit lost about what just happened. Did he get too far? He knew you were strong enough to defend yourself ; he loved you for that. But he couldn’t help it ; he was always worried when he knew you were alone in the streets at night. He meant what he said: Gotham wasn’t safe at all, and he knew what he was talking about. 
He saw so many people get hurt without any reason, and he was just so scared to lose you. Anger was his only way to express those feelings, but making you mad was the last thing he ever wanted. So he sat on the couch and waited for you to get out of the bathroom. It took you long minutes, and he was almost falling asleep. Or at least, he would have if he wasn’t thinking so much about what he wanted to tell you. 
When you joined the living room again, your gaze met his figure and you rolled your eyes. You sat next to him in silence, hating this stupid sad look on his face. You hated to see it, but he needed to understand what was wrong. Jason took your hand softly in his. “Look at me, please… I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to react like this.” You turned around, meeting his eyes ; and he knew he wasn’t lying. There was too much sincerity in it for that ; you knew him by heart. 
You stayed silent, waiting for him to keep going for a moment. He breathed out softly, leaving a gentle kiss against your knuckles. “I was just… worried. I’m always so scared when you’re alone out there. I know you’re strong ; but those guys can be crazy.” And how could you blame him? You knew Jason got through hell because of one of them. You finally completely turned to face him, grabbing both his hands between yours. 
“I’m not angry because you’re worried. I am because you yelled at me like I was completely dumb and not careful.” He slowly nodded at your words, understanding that he didn’t react the way he should have. Your hand gently moved to his cheek so you could stroke it with your thumb so slightly. Jason leaned onto your touch, eyes now closed at the feeling. 
You felt like home for him, and he’d rather die than having to lose this feeling once more. He left a soft kiss against the palm of your hand, making you smile lightly. “I’d be careful with my reactions,” he told you, looking back at your eyes. You leaned forward a little, leaving a small peck against his lips. “And I won’t leave without telling you where I am.” 
A silent agreement, so things could work. Jason was making so many efforts for you, all the time ; the less you could do was to do some efforts too. Moreover, Jason was clearly worth it. The boy needed a comfort and safe place to calm his home ; and you were ready to be this for him.
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thank you!!
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intheticklecloset · 20 days
Liar (Bungo Stray Dogs)
One Shot
Summary: At a celebratory tea party, Dazai lets slip that Akutagawa has a favorite spot to be tickled. Of course, his new boyfriend Atsushi simply MUST know what it is!
Word Count: 2233
“Oh, Atsushi~” Dazai sang as he set a plate of cookies on the table between them. “You know your new boyfriend is super ticklish, right?”
Akutagawa promptly choked on his tea. Atsushi laughed.
“Yeah, I know, Dazai,” the weretiger replied through a huge smile as he slapped Akutagawa’s back, trying to help.
Akutagawa, for his part, couldn’t care less if every other word he spoke came out strangled thanks to the droplets of tea still trying to slip down his windpipe. He snapped, “And what exactly was your goal in asking that? If he hadn’t known, you’d have just outed me!”
Dazai plopped down on the cushion across from them both and smiled. “Oh, that was the whole point, Akutagawa. If he didn’t know, I was going to make sure he definitely did by the end of today.”
The mafioso flushed, and Atsushi continued to smile at him.
The three of them were having tea at Dazai’s place; the detective had been so excited that they had finally made it official that he insisted on throwing a small party for them. Though Akutagawa had thought the whole thing ridiculous – and now, perhaps dangerous for him – Atsushi had found it endearing and had insisted they do it.
“Besides,” the brunette continued, “what’s the point of having a boyfriend if you can’t have a little tickle fight once in a while?”
Atsushi finally turned that smile on their host. “Speaking from experience?”
Dazai sighed dramatically. “I wish. Chuuya is cute but he can’t take a hint.”
Chuuya and Dazai had made it official a couple of months earlier, and to be honest, their getting together was what spurred Akutagawa to finally ask Atsushi out. After all, if their bosses could do it, why couldn’t they?
The detective leaned in conspiratorially. “Have you found his fluff spot yet?”
Akutagawa decided not to dare and reach for a cookie after all. He glared at Dazai instead. Atsushi looked intrigued, and that wasn’t good. That was never good.
“Fluff spot?” the weretiger asked, taking a cookie himself with no hesitation. “You mean his worst spot? I think so. It’s his ribs, isn’t it?”
Stop talking about me like I’m not here! Akutagawa wanted to yell, but he pressed his lips together firmly, blushing harder when Dazai shot him a look that told him he was in deep trouble.
“Sure, his ribs are his most ticklish spot, but I’m talking about the spot that he loves having tickled.”
Atsushi spun to his boyfriend. “You have a spot you love getting tickled? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I don’t,” Aku shot back, though a sharp jolt of…something shot through his entire nervous system in response to the way his partner was looking at him now. Anxiety? Excitement? The desire to leap out the window and run far away from here before anyone got any ideas?
Dazai tsked. “Liar.”
That one word made the mafioso shudder in his seat. He knew that tone. How many times had he been tickled near to tears after hearing that tone? He shot his gaze over to Atsushi, who looked like a puppy who’d discovered a new squeaky toy.
“Don’t,” Aku said, throwing his pride out the window. “He’s crazy – how would he know if I had a spot like that? Which I don’t!” He shuffled slightly away from the weretiger. “He’s just trying to get you riled up for nothing. You’re the one who wanted to be here; my tea will get cold, and that would be a waste. And rude.”
Atsushi beamed from ear to ear and leaned over so their noses were nearly touching. “That’s a lot of words, Akutagawa. Are you sure you’re not the one getting riled up?”
“Why would I—?!” Akutagawa cut himself off, deciding to switch tactics. He closed the short distance between them with a long kiss, hoping that would deter Atsushi’s train of thought. It worked well enough at home.
Not here, though, apparently. Atsushi hummed happily after pulling away, then – still making eye contact with his partner – asked, “Where’s the spot, Dazai?”
Akutagawa’s eyes widened in surprise, and a little bit of panic.
Dazai started to reply, but in a blind frenzy, Akutagawa shouted, “Don’t you dare say another word, Dazai!” And then he latched onto Atsushi’s sides and dug in desperately.
“Aiiieeeee!” Atsushi squealed, bursting into giggles. He tried squirming away but Aku kept up with him easily, tackling him to the floor, tickling all the way.
The detective sighed again, this time in a dreamy way, and propped his hand in his chin as he watched them struggle. “Ah, young love.”
“Ehehehehehehehe! Quihihihihick, tehehehehehell me, Dazai!”
“Not a word!” Aku yelled, switching to his boyfriend’s tummy, a small part of him melting at the sound of his favorite person’s happy giggles while the larger part focused on distracting him however he needed to.
“You know I can’t take sides, children~”
Atsushi threw his head back with laughter and pleaded, “FIHIHIHIHINE, DON’T TEHEHEHEHELL ME!!” And for a moment Akutagawa thought he’d won, but then: “SHOHOHOHOW ME INSTEHEHEHEHEAD!!”
Akutagawa jerked his head over to look at Dazai, who was getting to his feet, and something inside him started to crumble. “No!”
Dazai rounded the table quickly, coming up behind Akutagawa.
“No! Rashomon!”
The jet black tendrils of his coat lashed out at Dazai, and even before they reached him the mafioso knew it was useless. Thinking fast, he leapt to his feet, leaving his giggling boyfriend behind as he sprinted for the aforementioned window, fully intending to actually jump out of it now and make his escape.
But Dazai was fast, and he grabbed onto his former protégé with ease, dragging him back by the collar of his coat, effectively keeping him from using his ability anymore.
Akutagawa’s mind went blank. It wasn’t panic – although he was definitely nervous. It was one thing to have Atsushi tickle him in the privacy of their apartment or for Dazai to do it now and then just for fun, but both of them? At the same time? Working together?
He was screwed.
“Wait,” he cried as he was tossed onto his back on the ground just as Atsushi was getting up to his knees. Dazai pulled his arms above him and pinned his wrists to the floor, winking at him playfully. “No! Don’t touch me!” Atsushi plopped himself comfortably across Aku’s hips. “I swear, weretiger, I will make you pay for this—!”
“Oh, so we’re back to ‘weretiger’ now?” Atsushi teased, cracking his knuckles and wiggling his fingers just above his boyfriend’s torso, smiling when he jumped and let out a tiny noise that was somewhere between a squeak and a whine. Atsushi gave him a knowing smile. “The spot, Dazai?”
Dazai chuckled, settling in as if to watch a good show. “Oh, you’ll know it when you get to it. He can’t hide how much he loves it to save his life.”
Akutagawa was going to murder them both.
Atsushi jabbed two fingers into either side of Aku’s ribs and started walking them upwards in a teasing way, beaming at his boyfriend’s helpless smile, the way he bit his lip to keep from laughing. “How about it, Ryu? Feel like telling me yourself?”
“Never,” Akutagawa spat shakily, his voice wavering as he fought off his mirth. “Do your worst.”
Well, that was a mistake.
“Agh! Shihihihihit, Atsushihihihihihi!” Akutagawa burst into giggles the instant the taunt left his lips, his arms shaking in Dazai’s hold while Atsushi scribbled freely around his ribs and sides.
Dazai chuckled behind him. “Still holding on to the tough guy act, huh? Even though all three of us know you enjoy this?”
“Ahahahahahaha I do nohohohohohohot! Stohohohohop with your lihihihihihies!”
Atsushi clicked his tongue. “Lies? You’re the only liar here, Ryu.” He climbed up to his topmost ribs and vibrated his fingers. “You’ve had a favorite spot all this time and you didn’t tell me? I’m hurt. I could have been focusing on it for you all this time.”
Akutagawa shook his head defiantly. “I dohohohohohohon’t! He’s lyihihihihihihing!”
“You going to tell me you don’t like being tickled, too?”
“I swehehehehehear I dohohohohohohon’t!” Aku bucked his hips when his boyfriend suddenly shot back down to his bottom ribs – the worst ones. “GAHAHAHAHA Ahahahahahatsushi!!”
Atsushi shifted so he was looming above Akutagawa, leaning closer to him with a smirk. “You don’t? Not even when I do this?” He glanced up at Dazai. “Avert your eyes.”
Dazai scoffed playfully. “Please. We’re all adults here.”
Atsushi nestled his face into the crook of Aku’s neck and started nibbling gently, all while continuing to wiggle his fingers into the older man’s ribs.
Akutagawa’s eyes flew wide open. “Ah! Ahahaha, no! Nohohohoho, not that! Atsushi, stahahahahap!” He squirmed and pulled at his trapped wrists and started laughing in earnest, his resolve breaking with every tickle. “Shihihihihihit!”
“Language,” Dazai admonished teasingly, and suddenly Akutagawa felt fingers in his armpits, too, making him snort and begin to really writhe and cackle. It took him a moment to realize that his former boss had joined in on the fun. That he was being tickled by both of his favorite people at the same time.
“Ehehehehehehehe stahahahahahap! Bohohohohohoth of you, cehehehehehease this at ohohohonce!”
Atsushi murmured into his ear, “Gonna tell me now?”
“Okay.” The younger man sat up again, smiling wide with eyes gleaming, clearly enjoying this guessing game. He scooted back so he was kneeling above Akutagawa’s flailing legs and slid his tickling fingers down to his boyfriend’s sides.
Akutagawa’s laughter died down a notch once the focus on one of his hot spots let up, though he still giggled and squirmed and shook his head and spat out demands for them both to cut it out already, to let him go, that he didn’t have a favorite spot, goddammit!
But then Atsushi moved to his waist, and Aku’s breath hitched, and Dazai hummed knowingly. “Getting warmer, Atsushi~”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhut up!” Akutagawa’s voice was more pleading than demanding now, and even though his heart was already racing from all the exercise, he swore he felt it begin to pick up even more speed.
“Oh? Is it here, Ryu?” Atsushi teased, still tickling his waist.
“I’ll nehehehehever tell—” Akutagawa started, cutting himself off as he began to cough, feeling a fit coming on right in the middle of all the play. He shot a worried glance up at his boyfriend, but both he and Dazai had already stopped tickling, allowing him to get it out of his system and catch his breath.
Dammit, Akutagawa thought, taking deep breaths to regain his composure.
It took him a moment to realize Atsushi and Dazai hadn’t restarted their tickle attack yet.
“I’m…I’m okay,” he muttered, shifting a little, feeling embarrassed and silly.
“Do we need to stop?” Atsushi asked, genuine concern in his voice.
Dazai let go of his wrists. “Your health is more important than showing off how much you love being tickled.” He started to get to his feet. “I’ll get you some more tea.”
“Wait!” Akutagawa cried, the word escaping him before he could stop himself.
All movement stopped. The silence in the room was unbearable. Akutagawa battled himself, trying to figure out what to say next.
Atsushi’s fingers brushed his cheek, drawing their eyes together. “What do you want, Ryu?”
And that, right there, was Aku’s undoing. Those eyes – those sweet, gentle, kind eyes that had never looked at him with anything but respect even when they were trying to kill each other. Those eyes and that voice and the quiet, genuine question were what finally broke him.
He squeezed his eyes shut.
“Keep…keep going,” he said, just above a whisper. “Please. Don’t stop now. I want…” Akutagawa used his freed hands to his advantage and covered his face. “I want more.”
Silence. Again.
Then a soft grip around his wrists, pulling them away so he had no choice but to look up at his boyfriend’s smile. “You do have one. A favorite spot.”
“Yes.” Akutagawa was done fighting, done pretending. He glanced over at Dazai, then back at Atsushi, pleading with his eyes. Imploring. Don’t make me beg for it.
Atsushi beamed, tickling his waist again, seeming pleased at the way his partner immediately dissolved into giggles so freely, almost eagerly.
“I was getting warmer, was I?”
“Then…” Atsushi finally latched onto his hips. “Is it here?”
Akutagawa couldn’t even reply. His hands flew down to grab Atsushi’s forearms while his head tipped back and laughter – pure, unfiltered, belly laughter – poured out of him like a dam bursting, his smile wide and his cheeks red and unable to hide how much he loved this feeling. Unable to deny it even if he wanted to.
But he didn’t, he realized. He wanted Atsushi to know he loved this. So he could be tickled here more and more in the future, in tandem with the spots that made him scream and Atsushi smile like the sun.
“You were right, Dazai. I see it now,” Atsushi said over Akutagawa’s laughter.
Dazai’s grin was evident in his voice. “Look at that smile! You love it, don’t you, Akutagawa?”
The mafia part of him wanted to scream, shut up!
But the real part of him – the part of him only these two could see – instead screamed, “YEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!”
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morkleesgirl · 14 days
Title: Teasing Him
Warnings: Smut, jealous dom! Chenle, teasing reader, oblivious members ft. perv! Hyuck
Word Count: 1.7k
Basically you tease Chenle till he snaps
When the boys all stroll in you already know you’re fucked, he’s the last one in, the quietest one, and his eyes stare into yours with a dark hint, and when you get the text from his room about your bra being on his bed, you know your plan is going well. The next part wasn’t even planned but with Jisung plopping on the couch beside you, striking up a conversation, you can’t help but use the clueless maknae to tease his friend. As he talks and you get comfy You swing your legs over his lap and to your surprise, Jisung doesn’t move them, in fact as he continues talking he ends up placing a hand on your calf and rubs his thumb against it. When Chenle walks out of his room to that sight, he almost loses it. But he knew that’s what you wanted, so while his eyes are sending death threats Jisung’s way, his voice sounds completely normal when he sits behind you. “Hey angel” is all you hear before his lips find your cheek, arms wrapping around your waist in his way of asserting just enough possessiveness to remind everyone you’re his without getting teased by the other members now all slowly coming into the room.
Between the first and second movies, you offer to grab more snacks in the kitchen with Mark, making small talk since you hadn’t seen any of the boys in a while. You send him back first with the popcorn and sweets before you decide to grab yourself a drink, but as you try to reach for a glass on the higher shelf the feeling of an all to familiar grip on your hips pushing you down to stand flat as his arm reaches to grab a glass for you, setting it on the counter and spinning you to face him. “Just you wait angel, you’re so fucked after the movie” he warns lips ghosting under your ear, leaving a few open mouthed kisses on your neck and jaw.
His warning was ringing in your ears as our last movie was coming to an end. He had spent most of the movie silently kissing your neck and jaw in the same spots from earlier, but only when nobody was looking. The credits started rolling and you were the first to get up to start cleaning some of the mess, putting the final moves to your master plan into motion. You ended up on the other side of the coffee table, when you ‘coincidentally’ saw the glass from earlier, so bending at the waist, giving an almost perfect view down my shirt to the group of boys, you reached out to get it. Only looking up when you heard Hyuck clear his throat, doing so innocently through your lashes, lacing faux concern in your tone “everything ok Hyuck?” The question sounds so soft, but when you see Chenle’s face as you straighten up and move to ‘check up’ on Hyuck his last strand of patience snaps. You ruffle Hyuck’s hair before placing all that was in your hands on the kitchen island. You don’t even hear Chenle behind you before you’re being scooped up and being carried angrily towards his room.
His face told you all you needed to know, the smirk was painfully stretched on his lips with his jaw clenched tight enough to hurt. His eyes, dark and penetrating, but his tone was eerily calm. “Did you have fun putting on your little show Angel?” It came out softly and low, but you need better than to answer that question, simply sitting at the edge of the bed with my head down. “You know I should have known you’d pull this kind of stunt, I haven’t really fucked you stupid, and you’re dangerous when you get bold.” The words laced with the threat that he’s going to do just that tonight bring a throb to your core, and a blush to your cheeks that he immediately clocks. “That’s what you want though isn’t it Angel” he starts as he grabs your chin and forcefully pulls so your eyes meet his “You just need me to make you my little cock stupid slut don’t you pretty girl” he taunts knowing his words make you crazy. “Open” he commands and you comply before he smirks “that’s my dirty girl” he laughs tauntingly before spitting in my mouth. “Swallow” and you do, reveling in how his eyes retain a glint of pride when you do as he says. “Strip for my baby” he commands, as you lock eyes with him. Slowly pulling his jersey over your head before dropping it, taking the waistband of your sweats and panties and working them slowly down your figure before stepping out of them towards him. Before you can do anything else you’re blindfolded and your hands are tied above your head as he leaned in to whisper in your ear “I’ll be right back Angel, I’ve got to get something, but while I’m gone I want you to think of how hard I’m going to fuck your pretty little cunt” he laughs as you whimper out at his words and then you hear the door open and close.
When he returns you hear what he’s brought in immediately, the ice rattling against the glass is a dead giveaway. You hear him walk around the bed as he slowly discards his clothing, he works diligently but silently, building your anticipation, testing your patience. His cold hands hover over your skin, as he all but traces patterns on your thighs then moves up your body. “Lele please” you whimper only to feel his touch fully pull away before feeling a hard spank to your right thigh. “Did I say you could speak Angel?” you whine “no sir” “then don’t make the mistake again.” Then you feel it. He's holding an ice cube directly on your nipple with one hand and starts pinching the other with his freezing fingers. The feeling makes you writhe and whine only to feel it move away seconds later. Your exhale of relief is cut off by a wanton moan as he takes the frozen bud between his lips and sucks hard. Your core aching for his touch as you clench around nothing because the way he’s playing with you now, tells you exactly how rough he’s going to be.
He continues his ministrations a while longer before finally taking your blindfold off, and the sight is one to behold. He’s there, eyes blown out, cheeks red, lips covered in spit and his cock, his hard cock, ready to split you in half, but he’s not ready to give you that satisfaction. Instead he slowly sinks to his knees in front of you, and the sight makes you tug at the restraints holding your wrists together. He smiles at that “awe angel” he tuts “did you want to touch me?” He asks with a sickly sweet tone, mocking you, and it’s only adding to your pleasure, but he knows that, as his eyes are moving back and forth between your own and your soaked pussy.
“Please Chenle” you whimper, “oh Angel it’s way too late for that” he laughs before licking up your folds, nose pressing against your clit. “fuck, you taste so good” he moans into you, “I’m going to eat until I’ve had my fill” he says looking into your eyes intently “if you move, I’m done with you until tomorrow.” His threat is more than enough motivation, you nod, before feeling him plunge his tongue deep into your folds, licking every bundle of nerves and bringing you to the edge of insanity with how skilled he is with his tongue. You don’t last long but that doesn’t matter to Chenle, he keeps going into your second and third orgasm before you’re crying as your legs are quaking but you refuse to move away. It’s as he finishes you through your third that he looks up to see your tears and you feel him pull away to kiss your lips and cheeks.
“You’re doing so well for me angel, taste so good, look so pretty, you’re so perfect” he accents each statement with a kiss to your cheeks. “Just one more Angel I promise” He whispers softly before getting up to allow your wrists freedom. He moves to line his cock up at your entrance and your hands immediately fly around his shoulders, as he keeps his eyes on yours. “Relax Angel, I’ve got you” He reassures before slowly pushing into your tightness. “fuck Angel you’re so fucking tight” he moans out. His name being the only thing you’re able to think of, leaving your lips in broken whines and moans. It’s then that you have your final tangible thought, ‘this is going to be a very long night.’
If you have any requests leave them for me! And lmk how this is/how I can improve!
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ipegchangbin · 7 months
...your nerd chan inbox answer is fucking *chefs kiss*. let me know if you have anywhere i can send a tip for a pt 2 thanks<3
♡ … part 1
@staysinbloom youre lucky i run this thing for free! i accept tips in the form of love and reblogs. without further ado heres the sequel
🏷️ sub!nerd!chan, dom!gn!reader, edging & overstim, phone sex
chan almost stumbles over on the bed when you finally turn your video on in the call. he’s mesmerized but also desperate at this point.
he could just cum to the sight of you.
his cock is extra angry now, frustrated in every single way — his balls are firm and full of unreleased cum, his curved shaft’s veins keep pulsing, and his tip is the most sensitive it’s ever been in his life. chan could only imagine how much it would hurt if you were just physically there with him to tease him even more.
“oh, look at you. getting so antsy over me,” you smirk, “how about you straighten your body for me?”
chan gets up from his hunched position and shows himself to you, kneeling on the bed.
“wow. what a big boy,” you coo through the phone screen.
he’s red all over with more tears in his eyes. there are drool stains on the sides of his mouth from your previous teasing. he bites his tongue back from begging, pleading, and wailing like he was earlier to just cum.
you wouldn’t want a disobedient boy after all.
“now do as i say and don’t cum.” your voice alone sends shivers down his spine, abdomen clenching from both need and attraction.
your smirk turns into a gentle, unassuming smile. “fuck your hands for me, channie.”
chan doesn’t question your commands one bit. he immediately ducks his head to look at his raging cock and cups it with both hands.
it hurts, it aches. the moment his hands touch his dick, his whole body trembles and he has to bite his luscious bottom lip to stop the whines from escaping his system. he’s so sensitive, one rub of a thumb on the intersection of his tip and shaft making him want to burst immediately.
when he cums, he knows he’ll cum a lot.
“is it wet enough?”
“real wet, y/n,” chan responds with a worried look on his face.
“hmm, but i want to see it dripping.” the sheets are already drenched in his sweat and precum, but you don’t care.
“spit on it.”
he desperately wants to ask why. it’s likely to tease him and make him feel how much of a mess he’s making — how much he’s already made. chan’s aching to relieve himself though, and he spits right on his cock.
the added wetness along with the feeling of his own spit hitting his dick makes his thighs shiver. he lets out a shaky groan, the lewd sounds resounding like droplets of heaven through the call. he feels humiliated like this — as if he wasn’t already — and the way his leaking cock, spit, and sweat mix together bring him closer and closer to an orgasm.
but he can’t.
“now fuck your hands.” your voice is so stern and you shift out of the bed. he wonders where you’re going before he thrusts by instinct, leaving him closer to cumming.
he keeps going, sounding oh-so pretty like this, bucking his hips into his hands and moaning as if he’d never felt anything like this before. he doesn’t let his rhythm down, accelerating his strokes, going faster and faster, and it doesn’t seem to—
a load of cum shoots out of his cock. surprised, chan stops bucking and groans loudly.
“did i tell you to stop?”
he’s panicked. “n-no, no! y/n! i came!”
disobedience is something chan loathes. he doesn’t know what your punishments are. he doesn’t know if you’ll get as angry as he thinks. the poor boy simply sits on his legs as he kneels with cum all over his fingers, himself, and his sheets.
“i’m sorry! i couldn’t help it, i—”
“i said, did i tell you to stop?”
you sound so strict.
chan ducks his head in…guilt? embarrassment? he isn’t sure what to feel at this point; you’re breaking him past the point of thought. his head is spinning like crazy and he’s still cumming. it feels good, that’s all he knows, and he loves you all the more for getting him like this.
a disgusting thought washes over him and overrides all his senses.
while one hand strokes his cock, the other takes all of the cum dripping out of his hole and slides it down his entire length, including his balls. it makes him shoot out even more, the thick and creamy substance making its way all over chan’s most sensitive parts. he massages it all through.
before fucking his dirty hands, takes a lick of his cum-stained finger. he tastes so savory. his chest blushes along with his ears at the taste of himself, his dirty actions spurring him on even after cumming accidentally. and you didn’t tell him to stop.
thrusting and thrusting, chan fucks his hands again with no intention of letting his rhythm die out, even if he simply doesn’t stop shooting loads. you can see his cum burst out as he goes, laughing through the call at how thoroughly you’ve broken this nerd of a boy.
a voice then speaks up, quietly.
“ch-channie’s…a…g-good boy…” he stutters to himself.
isn’t that so cute. chan repeats himself with no shame left in his system, calming down and praising himself just to keep him going.
“aren’t you such a good boy. good channie,” you praise, watching his priceless reactions through your phone screen.
at this point, you turn your camera off and watch him peacefully. he relishes in your praise, bucking his hips into his creamy hands as if it were a filled asshole. he tightens his grip around himself. his abs flex and relax, repeating your words; “i-i’m so good. i’m a…good boy…good channie, good channie…”
after finishing his orgasm, he only feels the sensitivity rising again, ready for a second orgasm. he feels so broken, his senses mixing up everywhere until his mind is blurry and hazy from all the sensations. even his cute ass clenches, ready for release once again.
that is, until the call ends abruptly.
“y-y/n? y/n? oh god…” chan panics.
he doesn’t know what’s going on. he doesn’t know what to do. he’s made a mess of himself and his sheets. he grabs his glasses and frantically checks his phone for any sign of you.
that is, until the doorbell rings.
“hey, channie!” your voice blares through the halls of his apartment.
“i’m here.” holy shit, you’re there.
chan doesn’t give a shit about his clothes, running for the door naked with an abused cock hanging out. he doesn’t care as long as it’s you, as long as you’re finally there for him.
he answers the door and is greeted with your big, beaming, sinister smile.
“let me help you, channie.”
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seresinhangmanjake · 9 months
That's Definitely a Name
dad!Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader
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Summary: You need to name your newborn son and your daughter helps.
Notes/warnings: this is inspired by an ask about the moments after their son's birth. I wanted to do it with Oh, Baby, too, so I am doing Oh, Baby first, and then Signed Away. Mention of pregnancy, birth, that's it I think.
Words: 835
Part of the Oh, Baby Universe
"He looks like you."
You snort, but it's weak from your exhaustion. "Well it's only fair," you say. "Eve is nearly your clone."
"That's true." Jake chuckles before he presses a kiss to your temple. It’s a long kiss, and soft, and conveys once more what was earlier expressed with words: “I love you, Honey. You’re so amazing. How did you just do this? How have you done this twice?
That last question has also crossed your mind in the twenty minutes since birthing your son. Twice. You’ve done this twice. But this time, your brain isn’t full of a humming fuzziness in the aftermath as it was with Eve. You’re so alert and aware of your daughter waiting outside the room with her grandmother, of Jake wrapped around you, of your new son swaddled in your arms. 
“What do you think we should name this little man?” Jake asks. “We never settled on one.”
During the months of your pregnancy, you’d shuffled through many names for your son, but none of them seemed to fit quite right. For Eve, it was a no-brainer. Without Jake in her life, it was important to you that her name connect to her father in some way, which was achieved by choosing the name of his grandmother. For your son, though, there isn’t someone you can positively name him after without some degree of resulting issue. After your mother’s fit over Jake a few years ago, your father didn’t make the effort to stay involved in your life, and Jake’s is horrid, so they were never added to the list of possibilities. Jake feels that making the little boy a junior will be too confusing, unable to let go of the image of you irritated for some reason and calling out the matching name causing unnecessary anxiety for both he and his son when you are actually only mad at one of them. You tossed around the idea of using a name from your group of friends, but you quickly realized that of the five other men on Jake’s team, four of them would take serious offense if their name wasn’t chosen while the other one would be so sweet as to simply thank you and your husband for even being considered. They didn’t last on the list for more than a day.
“We weren’t given enough time,” you decide as you trace your finger down the line of his tiny nose. “He came too early.”
“I don't think one week before your due date qualifies as too early,” Jake says, snickering. “Let's be real, Honey, we were slacking from indecisiveness.”
“Well, since we can’t figure it out maybe we should just let Eve pick a name.”
You immediately miss the warmth of his arms when Jake pulls back and shifts to the side of the bed to look you in the eye. “Now wait a minute, Honey. Think about what you're saying.” His eyes are wide and his hands gesture wildly with his attempt to snuff out your idea. “I love you and I love our baby girl, but do you really want to risk our son being named something crazy like, I don't know, Meeko? You know she loves that weird raccoon from ‘Pocahontas’,” he says. “And what happens when we don’t take her suggestion because we cannot do that to our son, hmm? This is not a particularly good time for us to be snubbed by our daughter.”
You release a light scoff. “Oh, she wouldn't do that to us, or her brother.”
“She absolutely would,” Jake says with a slight quirk of his lips. His hands fall back to his sides. “Honey, if we truly let her pick, ninety-nine percent chance we have a Disney critter sidekick name for our son.”
You look down at your newborn as you consider Jake’s concern. Meeko Seresin? You internally chuckle. No, that would not do. But your girl is smart and neither you nor Jake have been able to come to a decision on your own. You see no real harm in asking. Not to mention, it would be a prime opportunity to have Eve feel more included now that she’s no longer the only child in her parent’s lives. And if her suggestions are life-ruining bully-targeting disasters, then you’ll deal with her reaction from being denied later. 
“Teddy Bear!” Eve bursts out as she sits tucked between you and the rail of the hospital bed.
A sigh mixed with a barely-there chuckle falls from your husband’s lips.
“Baby girl, you want to name your brother Teddy Bear?” Jake asks, glancing at the amused smile you’re struggling to hold back before returning his eyes to his daughter. 
Taking the question very seriously, Eve’s face loses all expression, her stare unwavering against her father’s. “Yes.”
“After your teddy bear?”
Jake runs a hand through his blond locks. The other rests on his hip. “Wouldn't you like to think about it for another second?”
Teddy “Bear” Jacob Seresin
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(More Bear and Eve) Digital Daggers: Oh, Babies by @mamachasesmayhem
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @sailor-aviator @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @jessicab1991 @rosedurin @averyhotchner @horseshoegirl @novagreen04 @multifandomlover4life @memeorydotcom @ryiamarie @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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your history with love was a little evil, causing you to aid to your own broken heart. when you finally stray away from the dating scenes, popular boy myung jaehyun asks you out. however, you don't know if he's being truly sincere.
PAIRING myung jaehyun x fem!reader WC 3.1k TAGS fluff. angst. popular boy jaehyun. he needs better friends. reader has fear of heights. misunderstandings. OMI NOTE inspired by queen yena but i might've put shame on her name cuz idk if i like this or not. too tired to proofread, and too tired to care.
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love had always been extremely evil. a forbidden force that always ended with you, a broken heart, and multiple wet tissues crumpled up in the trash. you weren’t perfect, but every boy you’ve ever loved taught you a valuable lesson. don’t let the next one fuck you over.
and while your list of lovers wasn’t long, you’d never let it define you; considering many in your grade were already stupid enough to waste their firsts. each boy that seemed to be the one that would sweep you off your feet, left you disappointed and still painfully single.
the never - ending yearning to feel something was simply ignored however, as you decided not to try as hard for your senior year. there wasn’t much of a point on wasting it away on someone you couldn’t guarantee the rest of your life with.
despite this, he made your heart skip a beat, maybe two. it was only last year that he had transferred, and many girls couldn’t keep their gazes off of him.
myung jaehyun, the captain of the sports team, was what could only be described as pretty boy eye candy. talented in multiple departments, and had crazy amounts of energy. most of it sounded too good to be true, but you still admired him a lot. 
envisioning someone like him with somebody like you was a difficult task though. he wasn’t normally in the dating scene, so you gave up on the romantic idea.
school rolled around after a long summer. the trees bloomed fragrant flowers that sometimes fell onto the pavement, only to get ran over by passerbys. mornings like these you always got to school a little earlier than usual. first days always excited you.
when you finally arrived at the familiar building, there were big banners and booths for incoming freshman, making you smile. just a little years back you walked into the gates completely clueless. however now was not a time to reminisce, as you were too distracted to see where you were going.
you tripped over your feet, colliding with the person in front of you in the process. hands quickly flew to your side to stablize you so you wouldn’t fall. as you were back up, you quickly bowed and apologized, earning a chuckle from the victim you accidentally fell on.
“it’s okay, be more careful next time, alright?” he spoke in a voice that you remember distinctly, making you shoot your head up to be met with him.
“ah– myung jaehyun! i’m so sorry.” you felt embarrassed before he pat you on the back. “don’t worry about it. you’re y/n, right?” jaehyun questioned, squinting to analyze you a bit more. the sudden attention made you even more nervous than you already were.
“yes, i’m y/n. how did you– how did you know that exactly?” he read the confused expression on your face before cracking a smile.
“you dated that popular senior last year, didn’t you?”
“wow so everyone remembers me from that? he wasn’t my smartest decision.” you laughed, feeling anxiety bubble up in your stomach.
“maybe not, you dropped on the grade list after you guys went public. i only know that because my friend was dying to beat you all year.” he put his hands into his pocket, looking around to see if he could spot his friend.
“i’ll make my comeback this year, now that i’m in books and not his bedroom watching him play valorant.” you scoffed, feeling slightly more competitive.
“i’m sure my friend will be very happy to hear that then.” he joked a bit, “well um, i guess i’ll see you around, y/n.”
you nodded him off, waving a small goodbye before watching him go towards a sports booth. the interaction left you very confused and a little sheepish. your first interaction with the cute boy and you were falling into him. 
the best thing to do was ignore it for now, and maybe avoid him for the rest of your life to prevent yourself from humiliation. putting your best foot forward (not the one you tripped over), you walked into the school to find your home room.
it wasn’t difficult, considering you knew the school like the back of your hand at that point. there were a few people that littered the desks, wearing identical uniforms as you did. you sat yourself down at an empty seat, fixing your skirt appropriately.
the atmosphere was quiet despite the loudness from outside, it was still quite early so the first bell wouldn’t ring for another hour. to busy yourself, you pulled a book from your backpack. the hardcover made a quiet noise as you placed it on the desk softly, flipping through the worn pages.
you were immersed in the story at hand, barely noticing how quickly time flew by and how crowded the classroom became. quiet laughter and desks moving around became background noise as your eyes scanned the pages. you wished you had taken note of where all this noise came from, before there was a tap on your shoulder.
“hey, y/n, can i ask you something?” it was jaehyun. he never spoke to you until this morning, and suddenly he was coming back for more? his friends laughed behind him in the background, trying to shut eachother up.
“of course.. what’s up?” you asked suspiciously.
“i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime? i know we met kind of rocky but you seem pretty cool.” he rolled back and forth on his heels, awaiting a response of some sort.
“oh– um, you want to go out? when were you thinking?” you asked shyly.
“next weekend? the fair is in town and i think it would be fun to take you and get to know you. if you’re down, you know. it’s sudden but a bunch of people from school are going so we could spend the day together.” 
any form of words felt like they were suddenly stripped from your throat. you mind told you it was a bad idea, and that it was way too soon. but your heart was telling you yes. 
“that sounds nice jaehyun. i’d love to go with you.” you smiled fondly in which he mirrored, handing out his phone for you to input your number. after punching it in, he walked back to the group of his friends to show them your name in his contact lists.
when the school day passed by, you got a moment to properly reflect on what had happened. the myung jaehyun thought your one minute interaction was interesting enough to willingly hang out with you. the same jaehyun that had girls dropping like flies and shoving miscellaneous gifts and letters in his face. 
it felt like a prank, some twisted shit that only immature school boys would pull to mess with poor hearts. yet that wasn’t the reputation that jaehyun put out, so you didn’t give it another thought.
the two weeks came and went, but in between it felt like forever. counting down the days that you get to officially hang out with him. but in this time you got to know him more, so in the end, the wait didn’t even matter.
sometimes during class he’d pull his desk by yours and talk to you forever until the bell rang and he had to scurry back. he’d shoot you glances or funny faces everytime the teacher had their back turned, making you bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
jaehyun made sure to take care of you too, despite not knowing you for long. he had some sort of motherly instinct, asking if you had eaten or if you’ve been sleeping instead of studying all night. and afterwards, he’d use the excuse that he didn’t want you to die from starvation or lack of rest before he had the chance to hang out with you.
moments like those made you blush, swallowing back any doubt that he wasn’t sincere in wanting to be around you. his friends definitely made an impression that they thought you were lame, but he was different.
through all of this you started to like him, picking up on the small things that happened. how he would laugh too hard he had to grip onto your hand to keep himself from falling over; in which he’d forget to let go. or when he gave you big hugs whenever you helped him understand a stupid grammar question.
maybe you liked him a lot, just after you swore off relationships the school year. after all, your heart moved quicker than your brain.
these thoughts buried your head as you got ready to leave your house, using your phone camera to make any further adjustments to your appearance. you wore pretty jewelery that complimented the outfit you were wearing. overall, you felt confident that this night would go good. it was almost impossible for him to awkward.
it didn’t take long for a text notification to pop up on your screen, jaehyun telling you he was outside. after one final look you tied your shoes and left to his car parked in front of your house. your proximity grew closer and he waved at you from an open window.
“hey, y/n! you look good.” he unlocked the doors, allowing you in.
“thank you.. you look good too!” you complimented back trying to seem casual.
“i’m flattered, but that’s all you. i hope you’re excited.” he brushed it off, starting down the road.
“haha yeah um– i’ve never really been to a fair before so this is my first time.”
“oh shit really? we have to go on the ferris wheel the view is really nice from up there!” he suggests.
“ferris wheel? is now a good time to tell you that i’m deathly afraid of heights? last time i went on one i almost passed out!” the mere thought made you shiver.
“come on, what if i hold your hand or something? i won’t let you fall off i promise.” his offer made you blush.
“maybe i’ll think about it.” you mutter while sinking down into your seat. 
the two of you maintained a steady conversation on the short car to the fair. fun lights crowded your vision the closer you got, blurring together to create one big mush of colors in the night. people walked around with popcorn, cotton candy, and numerous prizes. 
the scents filled your nose as you got out of the car. jaeyhun walked alongside you, pointing out all of the best rides.
“only crazy people go on that ride, it’s totally insane! looks sketchy too.” he shook his head, “the more tame ones are the few roller coasters, gravity ride, and of course, the ferris wheel.”
“i still don’t know if i wanna go on that one! i promise i’ll try everything else.”
“once you get up there and see the skyline, it’ll be beautiful. trust me.” 
“okay okay i’ll go, only if you’re right next to me.” you sigh.
“good! let’s go meet up with my friends first and see what their plan is, and we can go.” he leads you through the crowd, searching around for his group. it was difficult in such a busy environment, but he called out their names loudly once he spotted them.  they waved the two of you over as you followed behind.
“jaehyun! hey!” his friends called him over.
“whats up guys? me and y/n just got here, we weren’t around for long.” jaehyun grinned, fixing his hair from the slight wind.
you poked out from behind jaehyun and waved. the relationship between you and his friends wasn’t great yet, they didn’t seem to like you at all.
“jaehyun can we talk to you in private for a second? just us dudes you know..” one of them spoke quieter into his ear. “yeah, uh.. y/n you wait here, we’ll be back.” jaehyun knew what they were going to ask him, and he dreaded it.
once the group was out of your vision, one of them spoke up sounding agitated.
“dude when are you break her heart? the dare wasn’t supposed to go this far.”
“i know i’m– i’m going to do it i promise.” jaehyun muttered.
“you better. just ditch her on the ferris wheel or something so we can go hang out without her dragging onto you.”
“i can’t leave her on the ferris wheel, that’s fucked. she’s afraid of heights.” jaehyun tried to argue.
“that’s not our problem. she’s lame and we didn’t even want her around in the first place. it was supposed to be a joke.”
“exactly, just leave her.”
not every popular student could be exactly whole - hearted, and because of this jaehyun wasn’t sure he was with the right crowd. their words stung his heart, knowing he’d have to get rid of you eventually. he was too deep into this stupid friend group that he didn’t want to risk leaving it all.
initially, it was an innocent conversation of who would do the worst dare. but then you became an unknowing victim of their game. get the girls number, make her like you, then shatter her idea of love. it sounded less dramatic at first, but he was too deep into it once he finished the first two steps.
jaehyun didn’t want to hurt anybody, at first he thought that since he barely knew you, it’d be okay right? 
the more time he spent with you, the more he started to genuinely like you. he suppressed the idea of hurting you until it was too late. now he was running back to you with a huge smile on his face. underlying something much more disappointed.
“hey, sorry about that! let’s go on the ferris wheel, yeah?” jaehyun turned your body around swiftly, and leaded you with his hands on your shoulders. the line wasn’t very long, so surely it wouldn’t be awhile until you got up. 
“i can do this, i can do this.” you attempted to hype yourself up as you neared closer to the front.
“it will be fine trust me! i’m just gonna throw away my trash real quick and i’ll run back in line, okay?” he was lying.
“hurry please! theres only a few people left and they’re not letting anyone leave the line.”
“i will!” he crouched under the chain holding together the lines and ran to his group of friends, taking a look back to make sure you weren’t paying attention to him.
jaehyun’s stomach tightened as he watched you enter by yourself, calling out his name frantically. his friends pat his back, laughing at your reaction.
“jaehyun!” your breath quickens as the operator closes the middle bar. “please sir, let me off my friend was supposed to go on with me!” 
“sorry kid, we have to keep everything running.” 
the wheel started going and you panicked, anxiety beginning to run through your veins. you kept calling out for jaehyun, but there was no point. you scooted yourself as far into the back of the seat and blinked back the hot stream of tears running down your face. 
through your hazy vision you barely saw him in the crowd before you got too far up. he was with all of his friends as they watched you freak out in mid air.
feeling betrayed was an understatement. but you couldn’t focus on your anger when you were going to have a panic attack. the higher you got, the heavier you breathed. your hands felt sweaty as you gripped onto the bar that held you in.
maybe the skyline was as beautiful as he said it was, your eyes were wired closed, unable to tell.
you drowned out any other noise, focusing on the creaking of the metal bars as you circled around. once voices became a little more clear, and your feet hit the ground, you opened your eyes and watched the operator lift up your bar and let you out.
your legs felt shaky as you stepped to the side, settling yourself on a bench. jaehyun came running towards you, seeing your tear stained face and balled fists.
“y/n! holy shit i– i’m so sorry i didn’t want to–”
“what the fuck is this, jaehyun? you force me to face my biggest fear just to ditch me for your friends?” you choked out, wiping your face with your sleeve.
“it was a dare, y/n.” “what?”
“i was dared to ask you out.” he admit, staring at the floor.
“so this was just one sick joke? you talked to me for two weeks straight then planned to blow me off the first time we hung out?” your face burned up.
“at first it was but–”
“i should’ve known better. i’m never falling in love ever again.” you cursed, getting up to leave him before he grabs your wrist and yanks you towards him.
“wait y/n!”
“what the hell?!” you yell trying to break away from him, “this isn’t funny jaehyun let me go–”
you couldn’t even process what was happening before his lips were on yours. the kiss enveloped you with a warmth much greater than the one burning in your heart. in that moment you felt your stomach dropping, yet feeling too guilty to indulge in it.
when he pulls away, you stare at him with shock and fresh tears welling in your eyes.
“why would you do that jaehyun.. you already hurt me.” you cry, attempting to get away from him while he held you still.
“because i don’t care about the stupid dare anymore. through all of that bullshit i started to like you a little more than i thought i would. so please, don’t run away.” he confessed, “you can hate me all you want, y/n. i deserve it. just know that there was a point where i stopped pretending.”
“what about your friends i thought–”
“i don’t care about my friends at this point, y/n. they weren’t good influences on me anyways. introduce me to your friends for all i care, i want something real. something like you.”
“you’re not just saying that, right?” you hesitated before he kissed you again, this time you kissed him back.
“do you believe me now?”
“maybe a little bit, but you still hurt my feelings jaehyun!” you pout, relaxing yourself in his grip.
“and i’ll work forever to forgive you. let me take you on an official date, yeah?” he let go of you, letting his hands trail to yours. 
“you’re lucky you make my heart melt, myung jaehyun.”
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hectorthedoggo · 3 months
i made a litte haruka t3 vd based off of an earlier convo w @kani-miso and @chairhahaha that one time (if you guys remember that)
Broken Wings
*The interrogation starts, and Haruka is breathing heavily, shifting around in his seat. It can be interpreted as a panic attack, or some sort of crying.
*The door opens, and the warden doesn’t speak for a bit.
E: Prisoner Number 1. We cannot begin the interrogation when you’re in such a state.
*Haruka’s voice sounds broken, like he’s cried a lot over the past few minutes.
H: Warden… hey, why did you vote Mu guilty? Even though I promised that…
E: You cannot influence our verdict in such a way. We found it fit to deem her guilty, therefore your opinion is invalid.
H: Huh? I don’t… but, i have to, I have to follow through on my promise. I couldn’t do it earlier, because of the guilty restraints.
E: No.
H: Huh? What do you mean?
E: Milgram won’t permit it, I’m sure. Fights between prisoners are prohibited as long as the warden is awake, so you’ve lost your window of opportunity.
H: I don’t… understand.
E: You aren’t allowed to kill yourself, idiot.
H: Hehe… hihihi! Well, you can’t push me around! I have…
*a rustling sound is heard, and the warden gasps
E: Scissors? Where…
H: The supply closet! I can kill myself, you can’t stop me!
E: No! You’re not allowed!
H: I’ll do it now! You’re too weak to stop me.
*Sounds of a struggle, and E keeps making pained noises. Eventually, a clattering noise is heard, and the sound of the barrier rings out.
*They sound physically in pain, speech occasionally interrupted by small gasps of pain.
E: Ow… hah. Haruka. You can’t take the scissors. We have them now. You’re not getting them back. Hm… I wonder if I could ask Milgram to take the supply closet… it’s such a bother.
*H sounds pained.
H: Warden! You have to understand! I made a promise, I have to follow through! Besides…
E: …
H: Besides, the voices tell me that I don’t deserve to live. That I’m too crazy for society, because I killed all of those animals. I was right, earlier. There’s no way that my true self will ever be forgiven.
I'm so tired of this constant talking, they’re right. And… Mahiru didn't deserve to die.. it should've been me.. i should join her, to fulfill my promise.
E: ! Ma…hiru…
* their voice sounds a little surprised, almost like they’ve been struck.
H: It’s hard, without her. She was so nice. I want to join her, and me being here doesn’t help anything. Everyone would be happier if I died.
E: Don’t… don’t…
H: Are you okay? I… I understand!
*A small rustling is heard
*their breathing is heavy
E: Get off… get off of me. Don’t hug me like that, it won’t work. I’m not going to-
H: It’s not for that! Hugs mean to make everything feel better! It’s a goodbye hug. Mahiru always said-
E: Shut up!
*They hit Haruka, but that’s not enough for them. They tackle him, in what is most definitely not a hug, and starts to pathetically beat him up.
H: Ow! Why are you-
E: I hate people like you! First, it was Shidou, now you, stupidly sacrificial, having no regard for the other’s emotions! Don’t you dare insult Mah- no, we’re not… we’re not supposed to… we just hate you. We, the warden, need no justification for beating up rowdy prisoners.
*Haruka makes little noises of pain, matching E’s.
*Suddenly, the door opens.
Kz: Hey! Hey! What’s going on here. Es, get off.
*A little struggle is heard, but Kazui quickly gets them off of their victim.
E: Kazui… why… no, you’re too much of a coward to go into the room yourself. Who sent you?
Kz: I’m not saying. Es, why were you-
E: It was Kotoko, wasn’t it? Guilty verdict wasn’t enough to get her off her high horse? Heh, i wonder why they decided to vote you innocent, if you keep interfering like this.
K: !
E: You stupid prisoners. Always interfering. What we do is not your business.
Haruka: Es…
E: We aren’t Es. K: ! What?!
H: W… what? Then, who are you?
E: The warden. Of MILGRAM. We don’t need a name, Es is simply a label.
K: like… amane-chan… but worse
E: What was that? (rhetorical)
H : He said you’re like Amane, but worse.
E: Shut up, the both of you ! Milgram is much nobler than a group of cartoon characters with a bunch of philosophies attached to them! What Milgram is doing, is fully, absolutely, right. Of course it would be! Otherwise, well…
It would be…
*they lose their spark
I wouldn’t be…
*awkward silence
No, no. what milgram is doing has to be right. Otherwise, I would…
*their voice breaks at the end. they slap themself.
Stop that. No. Anyways, Kazui, please get out of the room. I apologize for my earlier outburst. I will not resort to such violence, again. Haruka. Do not touch me.
K: As long as you promise to not attack Haruka.
E: As long as Haruka doesn’t touch me again.
H: I… I won’t?
E: Alright. Kazui. Leave.
K: If I hear more struggle-
E: Leave.
K: Okay.
* He leaves.
E: Ah… what are we supposed to do with you… 
*The bell rings
H: Are you alright?
E: Shut up… shut up… you all aren’t supposed to… I thought you-
H: ?
E: Shut up!
* They start to breathe heavily.
H: Is it… the…
E: That’s none of your business! I… we don’t have the same problems as you prisoners- ack!
H: … um… Warden?
E: Shut up!
H: Okay…
E: I- I- get it! Okay!
H: Um, sorry. Who are you talking to?
E: That’s… none of your business. Let’s just get this overwith, I- we can’t be doing this right now.
Now, prisoner number one, sing your sins!
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Don't Tell Daddy
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Gif by @harlowgifs 💕
AN: nothing beats spending quality time with the ones you love
Synopsis: The triplets want to surprise Jack with a movie night to relax since he's been on overdrive for the past few weeks and asks for your help
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Babies of Private Garden Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack was currently driving in his Jeep with Urban, Clay, Sunni, and Cope when he looked to his left and saw you speeding down the street music blasting with a car full of kids and Target bags piled high and did a double take. 
"Is that? Is that baby girl who just flew past us?" Sunni asked while also looking in the same direction that Jack was.
"And this is why I hardly ever drive with her. I know yall saw that shit." Urban said while shaking his head and laughing. 
"And I actually taught her how to drive, believe it or not." Jack said as the light turned green.
"I… I wouldn't tell people that." Cope quietly said as everyone continued to laugh.
"She got her license on the first try." Jack responded while shrugging.
"Only people that ride with her are Neelam, Curse, Blanca, and Jessica. No one else is brave enough. My kids don't have a choice."
They were on their way to play soccer at Mockingbird Valley while the triplets came to you this morning and said that they wanted to have movie night with you and Jack.
Axel wanted to surprise him with an entire set up in the backyard and you decided that Target would be the best place to get everything. So you let him plan everything and told Urban to get him out of the house while you got everything together. 
Everyone's schedule had been crazy lately and this was the first time that all five of you would be able to spend quality time together and hopefully not be interrupted.
"Now babies, what's the most important thing when we get home?" You asked them while speeding through Louisville.
"Hide the Target bags from daddy!" All three of them said in unison.
"You got it!"
You cringed when you thought about how much money you had spent because you already knew when it came to your kids and husband that you were going to go above and beyond. Ivy was in charge of the list and making sure you got everything, but she kept warning you when you kept putting things in the cart.
"And make sure you finish your cake pops! We need to hurry up and set up so we can surprise daddy. Now what movie are we watching?"
"WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP!" All three of them collectively said.
“Now are we sure?”
“Yes! Isn’t that daddy’s first movie?” Axel curiously asked and you simply nodded.
“I can show you a clip of it once we get home just in case you three decide to change your minds.”
You heard the door opening signaling your husband was home as you were trying to tell Autumn to hurry up and close the pantry door which had some of the Target bags in it.
“Autumn, baby, that’s daddy! Hurry up and close it!”
“I’m trying mommy! It’s not my fault you went over your limit by 500 dollars!” She said as she was trying to stuff some of the bags in it.
“Don’t tell daddy that either!”
She let out a huff and she moved to the side while putting her hands on her hips and simply looked at you.
“You are 5 going on 35, my goodness.” 
You somewhat got the pantry door closed as Jack came into the kitchen and Autumn immediately ran to him and he picked her up.
“Hi, sweetheart. What did you do all day with mommy?”
Autumn’s eyes went wide and she glanced back at you before looking back at Jack.
“Um, we went to the park and saw your parents.” You said while leaning against the pantry door to keep it closed. Which wasn’t totally a lie, since you did do that first while Jack was sleeping earlier. 
“Oh really?” Jack asked as he came over to lean down and kiss you.
“Mm hmm.”
“So, that wasn’t you who sped past me about an hour ago with a car full of kids blasting music and target bags piled high in the front seat?”
“Nope wasn’t us.”
Just then Axel walks in eating the last of his cake pop and you simply sighed. He went over to Jack and tugged on his shorts wanting attention.
“And you obviously went to Starbucks too.”
“You can’t go out the house without going to Starbucks. I need my matcha, you know this, baby.”
“Daddy we have a surprise for you later and it was my idea.” Axel said while looking up at him.
“It was our idea too!” Autumn piped up.
“But mommy let ME plan it.” Axel shot back and Autumn rolled her eyes.
“Anyway, daddy, you smell like hard work. Put me down please. You can pick me back up after you take a shower.”
“Yes, princess Autumn, as you wish.” Jack said as he let her down and all you did was laugh at your daughter.
Autumn and Axel quickly left the kitchen and you once again kissed Jack.
“Your daughter is right, take a shower and then I can give you all the kisses you want.”
“Only if you join me.”
“So your kids can tear up my house? Not a chance, but I can give you something later.” You said and all Jack did was smirk.
“Oh, working on baby number 4, 5, and 6?” Jack asked as he began to kiss your neck and you immediately pushed him off you.
“I have an IUD now, sir. Try again. Now go so we can finish setting up your surprise.”
“You didn’t need it to begin with.”
“With your fucking super sperm? Yes the hell I did. You got me pregnant with THREE children at ONE time in case you don’t remember.”
“And watch me do three more.”
“Bye, Jackman.” You said and rolled your eyes.
“Just wait until I tear that ass up later.” Just then the pantry door flew open and multiple Target bags fell out. All you and Jack did was look at each other for two minutes before he said anything. 
“I think that’s Ivy calling me now go take your shower.”
“Ivy isn’t calling you!”
“Coming mommy!”
Once everything was set up in the backyard, you sent a text to Jack to tell him to come downstairs.
He finally came outside and you could tell he was surprised by the look on his face.
“Surprise daddy! We know you’ve been working really hard and we wanted to have a movie night with you.” Axel said while coming over to him while already eating popcorn.
“Ax! We weren’t supposed to eat the snacks yet!” Ivy exclaimed while looking at her little brother.
“Mommy made them for us to eat, didn’t she?! I was hungry!”
“Okay, you two, quit it.” Jack said while trying not to laugh.
“We just missed you, so the babies came to me this morning and said they wanted to do this for you.” You said while wrapping your arms around him and he leaned down to kiss you.
“I missed you four too. I just…” You could tell he was about to cry and simply rubbed his back.
“We love you so so much and they see how much you do for them despite them only being five, they see how much daddy works to provide for them.” You said while reaching up to kiss his nose.
“Can’t even put into words how much all of you mean to me.”
“Trust, we know.”
“COME ON MOMMY AND DADDY WE WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE!” Ivy exclaimed from her spot in between Axel and Autumn who had already grabbed their popcorn, hot dog, and juice box.
“We’re coming, now what are we watching?” Jack asked before sitting down on the blanket and pulling you next to him.
“White Men Can’t Jump!” Autumn excitedly said and all Jack did was laugh.
“They decided it, not me!” You said while holding your hands up in defense and pulling it up on your phone for it to project on the bigger screen. 
“Daddy we watched a few of the trailers earlier and your outfits looked crazy.”
“It’s all for the character I was playing Ivy.”
“Wait a minute, why is it called White Men Can’t Jump? Daddy is a white boy and he can jump just fine.” Autumn curiously asked and the two of you immediately laughed.
“It’ll make more sense once we watch it.”
“Does it also have to do with why mommy always screams ‘go white boy’ when you’re performing?”
“She screams something else too while we’re in the bedroom.” Jack whispered and you immediately hit his shoulder since you heard him.
“What?!” He asked while looking at you and you just shook your head.
“Babies number 4, 5, and 6 later. We’re doing this.” Jack whispered in your ear as the movie started to play.
“You want to risk the chance of having to buy more Birkins for your daughters?”
“Oh…. didn’t think about that.”
“Thought so.”
“You’ll fold sooner or later, just watch.”
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Liked by y/ninsta, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, druski2funny, jessicakelce, blancahood, 2forwoyne, and 2,892,063 others
jackharlow: Wifey and babies surprised me with a movie night. They just didn't tell me it was White Men Can't Jump lol 😂
y/ninsta: jackharlow your babies picked it, not me! lol
blancahood: oohh this set up is cute!!!
y/ninsta: blancahood Target girl!
jackharlow: and y/ninsta tried to hide the bags from me knowing I saw her speeding earlier through Louisville with them piled high in her car
y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm innocent
druski2funny: and no one thought to invite the life partner?
neelamthadhani: jackharlow I know you aren't talking. you and y/ninsta went on Target runs every chance you two got
claybornharlow: did the babies see my cameo?
jackharlow: druski2funny I thought we were on a break
y/ninsta: claybornharlow yes lmao and you wanna know what Autumn screamed? LOOK IT'S LITTLE BABY! jackharlow had a FIT!
jackharlow: y/ninsta you and the babies have me fighting for my life especially the youngest
y/ninsta: jackharlow well she looks like you
jackharlow: y/ninsta and has her mother's tendencies
y/ninsta: jackharlow take it back or buy me a Birkin
jackharlow: y/ninsta WHAT?!
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, neelamthadhani, quiiso, shloob_, yungskylark and 2,291,063 others
y/ninsta: showed the babies this clip and Ivy will not let this man live and keeps making fun of his outfits while Autumn has not stopped calling him "white boy" and "pilgrim" and Axel was like "what's boo boo juice? daddy that looks nasty" and I am HOLLERINGGGGG 😭😭😭😭
saweetie: girl I am SCREAMINGGGGG
urbanwyatt: see? it be your own kids lmaoooooo
jackharlow: I told yall my kids don't want me to be great
jessicakelce: NOT THE PILGRIM!
yungskylark: I AM DONE LMAO
jackharlow: oh and Axel when he saw my scenes with Laura? *sigh*
y/ninsta: jackharlow "DADDY WHO IS THAT? SHE DON'T LOOK LIKE MOMMY!" Axel was ready to kick your ass lmao
urbanwyatt: Lil Urb understood the assignment lmao
neelamthadhani: we all know Axel will go hard for his mom lol jackharlow you better be on your best behavior
jackharlow: neelamthadhani he has absolutely nothing to worry about
druski2funny: well my white boy hasn't learned how to text me back
y/ninsta: druski2funny he's busy
druski2funny: y/ninsta doing WHAT?
jackharlow: druski2funny about to make babies 4, 5, and 6
normani: jackharlow just twins this time! I know my prediction will be right! only four and five!
urbanwyatt: the next two will have my other names
y/ninsta: I'm kicking all yall asses
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thehottiesknoweren · 9 months
Keep that toxic ass love
“If that’s the way you love then i don’t want any of that shit”
Choso x reader
Tw: toxic relationship, breaking in and entering, smut (poorly written sorry), choso breaking shit/destroying stuff and overall needing therapy, mentions of pregnancy ( barely even there dw)
It was a regular Saturday for you.
And fighting with choso.
You sighed as he kept blowing up your phone, he was cursing your out one minute and professing his love the next and honestly it was exhausting,
Last night you went to a party with your friend and posted you having fun on your story, drinking, smoking and just being a vibe.
You and Choso hadn’t been speaking to each other for at least a week, you guys were on a break, Or more like he was on a break and you were just done with his ass completely.
After viewing your story he spammed your phone with a bunch of nonsense which you didn’t reply to and simply just blocked him.
That was a mistake.
Ten minutes later he was at your house slashing your tires, and then he quickly drove away when he was done.
He then messaged you from a different number rambling again which you also blocked but that didn’t stop him.
He just kept getting new numbers and you decided to feed into him a little because why wouldn’t you if he wasn’t going to leave you alone?
Choso: people who love each other don’t go out with other people while they’re just taking a break from the one they love.
Y/n: you used the wrong “they’re” it’s *their* 💀
Y/n: someone who loved you wouldn’t care about that yet I do doesn’t that tell you something goofy?
After sending that message you blocked his number again and put down your phone but who would’ve guessed this man got a new damn number.
“Text now need to take away his damn subscription or some shit damn” you yelled to yourself.
Choso: you don’t love me yet that’s all you could say when you were creaming on my dick huh? Lying ass bitch.
Y/n: never creamed on your dick. The orgasms you gave me were so weak they wouldn’t have been enough to cover the tip. All that dick yet you don’t know how to use that shit…. And how you love me but ima bitch? I see why your mother didn’t want your bipolar ass. Leave me alone don’t you got better things to do?
Y/n: And another thing, yes I don’t love you. That left last month when you thought it was okay to buss out my windows and made me cut up my thighs piece of shit. I wish you were swallowed.
Choso: I paid for the window and kissed every scar I left on your body. I didn’t mean for it to go that far, I just blacked out,
Choso: I know I’m acting crazy but I need you baby, I need my baby give me another chance I’ll get help I’ll make it right,
Y/n: Every time I do you hurt me. Do you know how much shit you’ve done to me? Choso I’ll probably never be with another man and I know that makes you happy but it shouldn’t, you’ve hurt me so bad, physically, emotionally and verbally I can’t even want a relationship. Just stop coming around I don’t need you.
He stopped texting you after this and you went to go lay down in your bedroom, sobbing in the process.
You knew deep down you loved him and wanted to be with him, he’s all you knew.
He’s the first person to explore your body and teach you what feeling good in bed meant, he was the first person to take you on dates, shopping sprees and wouldn’t let you lift a finger when you didn’t feel good, he always took care of you, did you lie earlier to hurt his ego? Yes but you had to.
Because he was also the person who slut shamed you, insulted you, broke into your house, broke everything you owned, just a few weeks ago he cut up most of your clothes that he didn’t like and burnt them, he also never knew when he was wrong and would blow the smallest thing out of proportion when you proved him wrong saying you were ungrateful.
And do you know how he solved all of this?
Sex and shopping spree’s
but to be honest you were pretty sure the sex was for him. He would destroy your health in every possible way and then he would only opt to take you shopping and then after that he would get you into the bedroom and fuck you until you were crying his name and spewing affirmations of love.
And you couldn’t take that anymore. Everyone told you that you deserved more than a man who only offered you sex and money, and although you didn’t really believe them and wanted to be with Choso you noticed that being around him only hurt you
As you were deep in thought you weren’t aware that your breathing was heavy and you were sobbing, you were having a panic attack.
The bed sunk down and a pair of hands wrapped around your stomach, you knew exactly who it was
“it’s okay” he whispered in your ear trying to calm you down.
“Choso I can’t do this with you anymore” you said. Your breathing got a little calmer, “I-I’ve been going to therapy and-“
He cut you off, “you know how I feel about that shit, why would you go?” he was getting mad so you got up out of the bed,
“That’s why. Look at the way you act” you said, also getting a bit mad and confused because he just said he would go to be with you but at last it was probably another meaningless lie spewing from his lips.
“I’m sorry that I act that way but it’s because I love you, I get mad because I love you and don’t want to lose you, it’s like when I see you doing things I don’t like I get angry and black out because I’m scared of losing you but I’m not realizing the things I do are causing me to lose you” he got up and tried to hold your waist but you pulled away.
“If that’s the way you love then i don’t want any of that shit” you looked him dead in the face letting him know you meant what you said, “if your love is you hurting me any time we argue then keep it choso” you broke eye contact because you could feel yourself starting to cry.
You felt him wrap his arms around you but you didn’t stop him, he begin to place kisses on your forehead while holding you in his arms, “I’m sorry baby, please don’t cry my love” you could hear him sniffing and looked into his eyes to see tears there too,
Suddenly he picked you up and laid you on the bed quickly getting on top of you and laying down. He kissed your chin and kept saying how sorry he was while keeping his arms wrapped around your body.
You didn’t respond but you didn’t stop him and after a while you two just laid there in silence, not a word from either of you until he decided to speak again, “I’d do anything for moments like this, moments I get to hold you” he started kissing your neck,
“Choso we can’t keep doing this, if you say you’re gonna change than do it. I can’t wait for you much longer”
He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you with a smile, he knew you were giving him a second chance, “I will baby I promise.” He kissed you passionately amd you couldn’t help but be happy,
His kiss begin to go lower and he slowly made his way back to your neck, he took his time sucking on every area his lips touched,
And his lips kept getting lower and lower until he made it to the end of the bed, he was quick to take off the skimpy satin nightgown you had on, underneath it was just you in panties no bra,
He quickly stood up and started to take off his belt and as soon as he was done he wasted no time taking off your panties and spreading your pretty legs,
He dragged one of his fingers through your folds picking up some of your juices and making you moan and arch your back in the process he put his finger in his mouth. “Just how I like it. Good girl” he said positioning his head in between your legs.
He quickly put his tongue to work and showed your touch deprived pussy just what it missed.
You never touched yourself when you and Choso were arguing, because you knew he would be right back. You felt as though only letting him touch you made you crave him more and although you would never admit it to him you never saw yourself giving up on him and not touching yourself was basically a guarantee that you wouldn’t lose fillings.
Choso on the other hand would touch himself to the thought of you everyday or sometimes just the control he had on you, he would think about how he was the only person to ever have you and only person you ever allowed to touch you. Shit like that turned him on.
Your legs started to shake intensely as he ate you out and just as you were about to cum he stopped,
He got off his knees and stood right in front of you, he put his body in between your legs and aligned his cock with your entrance, “you ready?” He looked at you but you only gave him a moan in response.
As he entered you, he could here the wet sound pussy made and that was music to his ears only making him speed up his pace to hear it more
“Fuck” he said under his breath,
You were a moaning mess for this man
He felt himself get closer to his orgasm so he came closer to your face and placed kisses all over it, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he continued to thrust inside you,
Soon you could feel him leaking inside you making you arch your back, you knew he was trying to hold his orgasm so that you could cum with him because his thrust were sloppy but firm enough so that you could feel good.
As soon as he felt your nails dig into his back he knew you were cumming.
As you painted his cock he painted your insides, “I love you” he kisses you one more time before exiting your pussy,
You could feel him getting off the bed and then you saw him entering the bathroom, you heard running water and was about to doze off but Choso came and picked you up bridal style.
He made sure you peed and cleaned you both up, “you made a mess in the bed now I have to change the sheets” he chuckled while you sat in your vanity chair wrapped in a towel, you watched him change the sheets and take the other ones to the washing machine. You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was so cute.
He came back into the room this time he didn’t have that same cute look though, he seemed mad and as he looked directly at me I couldn’t help but wonder why,
“What the fuck is this?” He held up something pink and white and as I looked closely I saw it was a test.
The test.
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chainofhyrule · 1 year
Under the Starry Night Sky
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“Is there truly anything more relaxing than watching the world go up in flames? Name one thing, I’ll bet you can’t.”
“Being the one to strike the flint.”
Eyes of similar shades of blue and green all turned to look at you as the sound of your blade striking the flint in your hand echoed across the small clearing they’d found for a camp. There’d been an eerie glow to follow after as you set the campfire ablaze, and you met nine mismatched gazes with an innocently deranged glint in your eye. You only smiled, and put the flint back into your bag with a little chuckle.
“Have neither of you heathens heard of tea? Or maybe fishing?” Legend made an interesting gesture of holding a cup, looking at Wild incredulously. “Reading a book, even?”
Wild shared with you a doubtful look, and he cackled, speaking through his laughter.
“We’ll take an energising elixir and shock arrows over tea and a fishing line any day, thanks.”
You caught several members of the group rolling their eyes, some laughing, as you took the cooking pot out of Wild’s Sheikah Slate.
“As far as reading goes, Vet,” you mused, adding fuel to the fire (literally, and metaphorically,) “I’m not even sure Wild would use a book as anything more than a fire starter.”
Said hero only shrugged as a few members of the group, mostly Warriors, as he was currently reading a book, started poking fun. Wild only raised his hands in defence as he began walking over to you to get his slate back to start swiping through inventory.
“I’m just saying, they’re nice and flammable! Who cares about reading when you’re cold and in the wild?”
Time set down a piece of his armour that he’d been cleaning, and sat forward with his elbow on his knee. The whole image screamed ‘tired dad energy.’
“What of your warming potions, or layers?”
“Or those ruby earrings Y/n wears, or the diadem?” Hyrule asked, sitting back against the tree he’d collapsed against earlier. You only shrugged, peeking over at Wild as he handed you a few things to start prepping for dinner.
“I didn’t have them yet,” the hero said simply, looking over at you almost fondly, watching your hands as they worked. “It was early in my journey, anyways. Didn’t even know potions were a thing yet.”
Some of the group nodded in understanding. It was rare for them to hear about a time in Wild’s journey from before he met you, or Wolfie. They thought little of it, though. You, however, were close enough beside him that you noticed a twinge of remembrance in his dulled blue eyes. From the slight twitch in his expression—too small for any to have seen or acknowledged but you—it was something bad.
On your journey together, Wild had told you about everything he’d remember as he recalled it. When it was something good, there’d be a slight smile on his face when he came back from blankly staring into space. When it wasn’t, his eyes would cast themselves down in the dirt. Either way, you were always there for him. Just as you intended to be now.
“I’m lucky I found Y/n when I did, though,” Wild said softly, and his expression turned to that of joy. Everyone looked back up at him to see it. “I doubt I’d even be here if it wasn’t for them.”
Shoving the hero’s shoulder lightly, you couldn't help but groan in annoyance and roll your eyes.
“Yeah, lucky I didn’t kill you before I saw that Hinox!”
Wild barked out a laugh, surprising the others. Some of them laughed along, while others smiled happily. It was rare to see the champion so at ease, and until they’d picked you up from Wild’s Hyrule, they honestly thought such an expression on him was impossible. Whatever the two of you had gone through, at least Wild hadn’t had to go through it alone.
You were just as wild, crazy, and recklessly daring as he was. It was frightening. You were good for him though. That much they knew.
Twilight was your biggest advocate, though.
After a full dinner of prime meat and rice bowls (courtesy of yours and Wild’s superior hunting skills and Warriors’ rupees two towns back,) the group was quick to fall asleep. You offered to take first watch, as you were always more of a night person. Wild agreed to take second, and Twilight third.
So far in the night, the only sounds to keep you company were that of the crickets, the breeze, the crackling fire, and the boys’ snoring. It almost reminded you of your travels before meeting the group, where you’d often been alone under these kinds of stars. Until you heard Warriors grunt in his sleep, and remembered you were practically babysitting nine irresponsible heroes at the moment. Some liked to say that Time was responsible and grown, but you knew the truth. He was just as much a gremlin as Wind and Wild, if you gave him the chance. Which you often did.
It was almost an hour to Wild’s shift when you started to feel your eyes growing heavy, and had to shake your head a couple times to keep yourself awake and (somewhat) alert. However, just after shaking your head for something like the twentieth time, you felt hands grip your shoulders from behind. On a normal occasion you would have jumped or swung, but you recognised the way their fingers pressed into your muscles.
“Trouble staying awake, Y/n?”
Nodding wordlessly, you made room for your partner on the log he’d dragged over to the fire earlier, welcoming his company.
“You’re not supposed to be up for another half hour,” you mumbled, giving in to his arm wrapping around you to pull you in. You soon felt his cloak being wrapped over you, too, and a kiss was pressed to your temple.
“I guess I didn’t want to leave you all alone out here,” he said in a faux suave voice, wriggling his brows as he leaned in to kiss your cheek. You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing out loud.
“That was disgusting,” you teased, and Wild quieted his laughter into your neck. “Did you learn that one from Warriors?”
“Am I that transparent?”
You raised a brow and looked up at him, smiling.
“You want me to be honest?”
Dropping his jaw in feigned offence, he slapped a hand over his chest and looked at you in fake hurt.
“My own partner in crime and life,” he said dramatically, “has hurt me so that I cannot bear to take to heart her offence!”
“Oh my goddess, Link,” you managed between hushed laughter, slapping your own hands over your mouth to lower the risk of waking any of the others.
“If I cannot maintain my unpredictability, then whoever shall I be?”
“Link, for the love of the goddess—”
“Oh, how you have hurt me so, my beloved,” he continued, threatening to crack with every word. “Have I not been faithful to you, my love?” He dramatically stood before you and kneeled to take one of your hands, and you fought the laughter until there were tears in your eyes.
The hero finally broke down, and his face flopped forward into your lap to muffle the sound of his laughter. You fell forward onto his back, trying so hard not to wake the others.
It was nice to feel so carefree, but if yours and his combined laughter woke anyone—goddess forbid Warriors or Time—you’d never hear the end of it. However, you couldn't bring yourself to care much about the risk. If Wild was happy sharing new moments like this with you, then you were ecstatic.
(Tap here to return to Masterlist)
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[Katsuki POV]
“You rolled the dice and that’s what you get, birthday boy~” You purred while regarding me from across the table, a smirk playing upon your lips.
I was too busy clutching the cloth of the restaurant’s table to even hear you. The blood was pounding in my ears so damn loud and the heat under my collar was getting to be too much. “S-shut up, you damn dumbass…”
Sometimes…I hated those dice.
The second I had woken up this morning, you were standing on the side of the bed wearing that big grin and those cursed dice in your hands. I wasn’t even fully awake yet and you pulled that crazy stunt while singing “Happy Birthday”. I still rolled them and fucking hell it had to be “no penetration”, “all day”, and “use anything”. At least you eased me into this stupid as hell tradition of birthday sex dice by simply giving me a reach around while I was showering…albeit at the time I wasn’t too damn happy since I just want to bend you over and—
“And for you, sir?”
I growl lowly at the waiter who had interrupted my train of thought, my red eyes glaring at him. “Garlic Parmesan steak with grilled -not fried- shrimp, red mashed potatoes and collard greens on the side. If the chef knows what’s good for ‘em those spices better be hot.”
My gaze shifts to you as I hear your giggle. Damnit, you look so damn gorgeous tonight. You’re wearing that outfit I love so much…where it hugs your curves so damn perfect, gives me that peek of your breasts, and the skirt so short that if I peeked under the table and you had your legs open I could see—
“And anything to drink, sir?”
My teeth gnash as I stare daggers at the waiter. “Give me the strongest spirit you’ve got in this damn place.”
“Katsuki!” You reprimand, apologetically smiling up at the waiter. “Sorry about his tone. It’s his birthday and it’s been quite a long day for him.”
I knew exactly what you were doing and I wanted to come over there and bend you over the damn table! Your sweet smile doesn’t fool me, damnit! You slipped that on purpose!
“Oh, pardon me, I shall notify the staff immediately!”
The second he walked away, I leaned forward and rested my chin on my own laced fingers, elbows resting on the table as I glared at you. “You sneaky, conniving fox…”
“Oh, Katsuki, you haven’t seen anything yet.”
I swallow thickly when you effortlessly smirk with a comeback.
The wheels in my head start to turn. All day long you’ve been playing by the rules of those cursed dice; sending me pics of yourself while I’m out on patrol, dirty texting/calling, you even stopped by my agency office earlier so we could make the reservations you’d made and gave me a quick hand job while I drove us here!
It’s evening, the end of a torturous day, but it had been spicy in its own sense.
My red eyes narrow at your tone. I knew it very well and whatever was about to come out of that pretty, gloss-lined mouth of yours was going to be trouble. “What?”
“I’m going to powder my face. Keep an eye on my drink, please?
Now I was even more suspicious as I watched you walk away towards the restrooms. What are you scheming? I found out exactly what you had in mind not a minute later when I get a text from you complete with a selfie of your dress unzipped far enough to show me the lingerie set that is brand new from my merch; fiery red and orange lace, dark green corset-like ribbons, black garter and cups that perfectly—
“A complimentary appetizer by courtesy of the restaurant, sir.”
I nearly slam my damn phone down onto the table with one of my explosions when the waiter slips a plate of calamari and various other little morsels. Damnit, you’re driving me insane with your interruptions!, I internally scream at him.
A sudden and unexpected touch suddenly makes me jump but then I’m clutching to the table like it’s me sole anchor in the world as I feel something warm and wet wrap around my cock, my jaw nearly dropping when I feel that tongue of yours lap at my now tight balls.
When the hell did you get down there?!
Shudders start slipping down my spine as I can do little but remain as stoic faced as possible despite the now raging desire in my veins pounding like a damn drug as I peek down and see you smirking from around my length. The tablecloth reached the floor so no one knew you were under there but-
A choked groan catches in my throat when I feel you suckle and lick my swollen tip like it’s a lollipop, my hands on the table wanting nothing more than to grab you by the hair and—
“Refill on your drink, sir?”
“N-none for me!” I manage to huff, every muscle in my body tightening as I feel you slowly slip me into your throat and making my eyes widen and entire body break out into a sweat. “S-son of a…”
I spare another peek down at you and bite my lip when I see you give me clear view of the bulge in your throat that is me, sealing the deal and making me cum right there with a strangled and hoarse cry from behind my hand.
“Y-y-you’re such a f-freak…” I whisper as you clean me up and carefully settle me back within my pants before you move back to your seat.
“But I know you love it.”
The blood in my veins freezes when you wink while licking your lips. Something felt off. But what? My hands reflexively drop to my thighs then slowly feel around my groin. Everything felt normal enough. I raise my gaze back to you. “What did you do?”
Heat erupts into my face when you simply hold up your phone and drag your finger across the screen…resulting in an all too familiar vibrating sensation to start within my pants. Which pair of boxers did I put on today?! Tell me it wasn’t the ones I think they are!
That smirk on your face tells me all I need to know as the patterns and intensity of what I was feeling changed depending upon your finger. Just when I thought I was safe, you pull a stunt like this?! A shaky smile raises my lips.
“G-god, I love you.”
“I know. Now let’s enjoy our dinner then we can go home for your desert, birthday boy.”
“Marry me.” My own smirk appears when you wiggle your left hand, a ring so damn big it would make Todoroki’s wife jealous whenever he got one, flashing brilliantly in the light. “I know. Marry me again.”
“We go through this almost every year, Kats, but I’ll show you how much I really love you when at home.”
I internally curse as the vibrations intensify for a few seconds thanks to your finger on the phone screen before they lower to a dull hum that makes my blood buzz.
@bakubunny @zazter-den
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moonjun-aus · 9 months
Hello! My debut came a little later than expected lol. 2024 barely started and oh, wow, my life is crazy! BUT!! I decided to share this story I wrote based on a dream as to not leave you all empty handed for so long. Hope you all enjoy!
Private Show | 1k words (Junhui x afab!reader, idol x idol, smut, mentions of inexperience)
Summary: Jun loves to put on a show. You love to watch.
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You arrived a little earlier to your planned date with Jun at the dorms, as two idols, you had to enjoy fully the times you could see each other. Most of the guys were out already and the ones who were not— Mingyu, Minghao and Chan— were getting ready to leave for their own stuff.
Going straight for his room door, you knocked a couple of times. Yet, no response came from the other side. So, you simply opened the door and, oh well you were flabbergasted to say the least.
There he was, your boyfriend Jun, laying down on the bed. Shirtless, with his phone in one hand. And the other hand was…
“Oh fuck!” Jun noticed you and jumped up, as you immediately turned away covering your eyes to further push the embarrassment away.
“Sorry, sorry! It was all you could say, “I knocked, and you didn’t answer.”
You hear the bathroom door slamming and turned back. He was in such a hurry he left his phone unlocked. You know you shouldn’t, but you did peak a bit wondering what he was watching and masturbating too. Feeling preemptively a little hurt he’d be watching porn; yet you were pleasantly surprised to see yourself on his screen.
A fancam of your group’s newest sexy comeback. That’s hot, you thought. You and Jun hadn’t been dating for very long, only five months, so you hadn’t been together that way yet. Not only because of the duration of the relationship, but also because of your inexperience. You wanted to take a bit slow.
But you certainly didn’t stop your mind from wandering while watching his fancams or fan edits. And you were immediately turned on he’d do the same. So, taking slow wasn’t exactly very easy at that moment.
You snapped off your thoughts as Jun reappeared, looking like he took a quick shower. Unfortunately for you, he was back at wearing a shirt and keen on acting as nothing had happened.
Knowing that addressing would embarrass both of you unnecessarily, you went on with your movie date. Midway through the movie—that you were barely paying attention to— your mind wandered back to the scene. Usually between the two of you, you were the shyest one when it came to PDA. But you decided: not today, you’re not!
After coming back from drinking some water in the kitchen, you paused the movie and he turned to you, expecting some make out session in the horizon surely.
“Hey, Jun. I want something to ask you.” You gulped, then he did the same. “Do you often masturbate to videos of me?” You said as fast as you could. Scoups would be proud, you chuckled mentally.
“Huh? What did you say?” His eyes gave him away: he already heard you.
“I know you do,” you decided to tease. “But that’s not the point of this.”
“Oh? What is it then?” Jun turned fully to you, taking your hands in his.
“Can… Can I,” your confidence a bit lost as his fingers massaged yours, both of you knowing exactly what he was doing. “Can I watch you?”
“You want to watch me, masturbating?” He whispered. He seemed taken back, perhaps he was expecting another question. You’d never know. “Well, you know I don’t deny putting up a show but… You really want to watch me? Did I turn you on?”
“Well, duh.” You shrugged. “But it’s fine if you don’t want to. I know it’s very personal and…”
“For you, I can do anything you ask, babe.” He interrupted you. “Go sit on the beanbag. Your show will start.”
So that’s you did. You watched as he closed his eyes for a couple of minutes, his brown hair messy, his blue sleeveless shirt and black sweatpants. You were getting so shy, and he hadn’t even started anything. But you were thankful that 10-minute-ago you were brave enough to ask for the scene, because when he started massaging his member, through his pants, you knew you were in for the time of your life. No performance would ever compare. Unless it’s a collab between us, you thought. But that was for another time. Right now, you wanted to simply enjoy that man.
And, oh, he did make a show for you. His strokes started slow, focusing mainly on the head of his semi-erect penis, as he lowered the sweatpants and underwear to reveal it to you. The size of it was surprising, despite you already having your thoughts; the reality was indeed better.
He kept changing his speed, teasing himself for your entertainment. His low grunts almost making up your name. But you knew he would play hard to get a little bit. If you wanted to hear him moan, you’d have to give him more motivation. You stayed in your seat, your thighs closed together, feeling the pool forming up in your panties. You no longer wanted to watch only. You wanted to kiss his beautiful lips, kiss his neck with the veins popping. Lick his dick up and down. Take him in your mouth, as he deserved.
“Babe, come here.” Jun finally said, motioning to you with his left hand. “I need… ugh… inspiration.”
Like the good girlfriend you were, you didn’t waste time getting your cute ass across the room and sat down on the sofa next to him.
“No. Sit here,” he grunted, tapping his thigh. “I want you to hump my thighs. Can you do that for me?”
You nodded. But, to his surprise, you stood up. Not that you wouldn’t do it, but if he needed inspiration, you’d give it to him. You slid your black panties off your legs, without taking your skirt, and only then you straddled his thigh.
“Can I touch you, Junnie?” You asked, as you started to grind very slowly. You were focused on his hard cock so much, that that was enough stimulus for you and didn’t let you focus on grinding on his thigh.
“Y-yes… please,” he answered, already taking your hand in his and guiding to his dick.
He used his own to guide you for a bit, with you keeping your grip rather loose. He was showing you how he liked, and you were being the best student. When he took his hand away, you decided to show off what you learned by watching him. Your grip on his dick tightened only slightly and that was enough to make him sigh. You sped up a little your movements, soon making your boyfriend start to moan like an angel.
When he was about to come, his pleas got desperate, burying his head on your neck, nipping at it. When he came, you were curious to taste him, so you licked your fingers clean of his cum.
“Jun… I have another question for you.” You whispered in his ear, as he took a couple of deep breaths.
He only managed to make a “hmm?” sound, so you continued, while you kissed his sweaty neck.
“Can you fuck me now?”
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writingplotbunnies · 7 months
Best Served Cold (5/?)
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Pairing: Jax Teller x OFC
Summary: Sophie shows up to her first SAMCRO party complete with fighting and a conversation with Gemma.
Word Count: ~4400
Warnings: angst, illegal activity, possessive behavior, sexual content, canon typical violence
A/N: This is my first SOA fic, so let me know what you think. This is a multipart fic, so let me know if you want added to the taglist.
Later, Sophie stood in front of her bed, hands on her hips, glaring down at the rather small pile of clothes scattered across the mattress. She’d never been good at picking an outfit, doing her hair, finding out if her complexion allowed for warm or cool tones in her makeup. That had been Olivia's job. Over the years, she’d simply do whatever it was her sister had told her. Like adding layers to her hair, and texturizing the ends - whatever the hell that meant. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to look good because she did, especially tonight, it was that the Corps didn’t care, and anytime she’d been forced to dress up, well they provided a uniform for that, too. Raking her hands through her hair, Sophie wished she knew someone in this town she could call for help. Jax would likely make some suggestion about not wearing anything, which, while flattering, wouldn’t exactly be a practical solution to her current dilemma. 
“Maybe if I close my eyes and point…” 
She needed a dog. At least then talking to herself wouldn’t make her feel quite as crazy. But, she talked to herself a lot. Wasn’t anything else to do when she was staked out in the middle of nowhere waiting for her target to finally decide to show up. 
Growling in frustration, she snagged a pair of skinny jeans Olivia had given her for Christmas a couple of years ago, and a burgundy racerback tank top with a screen-printed dandelion on it. Once dressed, she slid on her well-worn black, low-heel ankle boots. Glancing at herself in the bathroom mirror, she figured it looked good enough. Never quite the smoky eye her sister always managed to paint on her face with perfection, but she didn’t look like she’d just been sucker punched either, so she took the win. 
Stopping at the couch, Sophie pulled her ankle holster from her duffel before lifting her foot onto the arm of the couch and attaching it. She didn’t want a repeat of earlier if one of the other Sons or whoever else she met at the party hugged the wrong side of her body. Tucking her phone and ID into her back pocket, she grabbed her keys and locked up behind her. 
Sliding into her car, Sophie took a deep breath. She wanted to make a good impression. After Jax had dropped her back at the station, she’d done a lot of thinking. Maybe it wasn’t forever, this thing with Jax, but she wanted to do her part to make it last - see what it could be. Just because she’d never had roots, at least, not as an adult, didn’t mean she didn’t want some. 
Pulling into the TM lot, Sophie took a moment to take in the whole scene. A far cry from the quiet, but busy auto shop, the place had transformed into a veritable den of debauchery. It kinda reminded her of a few mid-deployment parties she and the teams had set up when they needed to blow off some steam. Excitement thrummed through her veins at the prospect of letting off some steam and having a good time. It had been this part of the MC life that she found most surprising when it came to Olivia. They’d done their share of partying together, but her sister had always been the more reserved of the two. Not a wallflower, but not the cannonball into the swimming pool with a Roman candle in her hand type either. Hers had been a quieter chaos. Maybe that’s why Olivia had been drawn to Drifter - the balance. 
Shaking herself from thoughts of the past, she slid from the car, tucked her keys into her front pocket and walked towards the madness. Fire-filled drum barrels were scattered around outside. Women half naked stood, or sat, with a court of men around them. One leggy blonde had her arms wrapped around a young man who seemed content to do nothing more than suck her tits while she ground herself against him. Off to the left, shirtless men threw punches at each other inside a boxing ring while some of the others, beer bottles dangling from their fingers cheered them on from the sidelines. She noticed some money exchanging hands. 
Glancing around, she tried to locate Jax. She spied who she thought were Tig and Chibs sitting over at some picnic tables. Since they were the only other two faces she recognized, she moved towards them, careful to weave through the small packs of bodies. 
“Hiya, love,” Chibs called when he caught sight of her. 
Tig grinned up at her. “Hello, beautiful.” 
Sophie smiled, but looked behind her. “I kept my car parked far away from your perv eyes, Tig. No more flirting with my baby. She’s too young for you.” 
Chibs laughed and knocked his shoulder against Tig’s. “Got you by the balls.” 
“I wish,” Tig mumbled under his breath. 
She sat on the table next to Tig and gave a friendly pat on his shoulder. “Sorry to disappoint you.” 
He gave her a flirty look. “I’m sure you can find a way to make it up to me.” 
Sophie laughed. “Keep dreaming, man.” 
“Aye,” Chibs said, voice a bit sharp as he glanced down at Tig. “You know how this works.” 
Tig nodded. “Yeah, man. I got it.” 
Chibs shook his head before necking his beer and taking a long swallow. “Not me you’ve gotta be worrying about now is it?” 
Clearly looking for a way to change the mood, Tig looked at a young blond man sitting near them. “Prospect, get the lady a drink and be quick about it.” 
The blond looked at her shyly and offered her a smile. “What’s your poison?” 
“Rum and coke, or a beer.” 
“Go on,” Chibs called as the prospect stood from the table. “Be quick about it.” 
She laughed as he scurried into the clubhouse. “I’d say be nice to the poor boy, but something tells me he’s used to a little hazing around here.” 
“It’s good for them.” 
They all turned to watch the fight, and the kid brought her a drink more quickly than she expected. Taking a sip, she nearly coughed. Sophie had expected a strong drink, but it was like they’d filled the Dixie cup with rum and walked a can of Coke next to it. Rum with an essence of Coke. Now that she knew, she took a smaller sip from her cup as she continued to watch the two in the ring duke it out. The bald one had decent form. He had a wildness in his eyes that commanded her attention. 
Sophie slid from the table, and wandered through the crowd to get a closer look at the fight. She’d always enjoyed the boxing matches the Navy boys engaged in during cruising days. For a few moments, she stood among the other spectators sipping her rum with a splash of Coke and watching the exchange of punches. Both men had grins on their faces. 
“Hey, sexy,” a voice slurred in her ear. His hand wrapped around her waist, fingers inching up her torso, just shy of her breast. “Run inside and get me another beer.” 
Ignoring him, Sophie moved out of his grip, figuring he’d wander off to easier, more willing entertainment. She continued to watch the fight. Not taking the hint, the drunk guy behind her reached out, grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. 
“Listen, bitch, go get me another beer or get lost.” 
Looking him over, she noticed the kutte, but there weren’t any patches on it. He had dark hair and a stupid-looking face, or maybe that was just the expression on it. The kutte looked the same as the one the blond guy, the prospect, who’d been sent off to get her a drink wore. Seemed prospects were lower in the chain than guys like Chibs and Tig. Not that it would make any difference for her personally, but she wanted to avoid making Jax’s life more difficult if it could be avoided. 
Shaking his grip loose, she moved through the crowd back towards the table. Just as it came within view, the majority of the crowd behind them, the idiot grabbed Sophie’s ass.
“Don’t walk away from me, sweetheart. I wanna have a good time tonight.” 
Eyes at her hairline, Sophie spun around to face him. “The fuck did you just say to me, asshole?” 
“You heard me. Croweaters do as they’re fucking told around here.” 
Sophie rolled her shoulders. “Look, go find someone willing. No isn’t exactly a complicated word - means no.” 
When he reached forward again, Sophie’s patience was shot. She landed a right hook across his cheek, feeling her knuckle split on one of his teeth. Sucking a breath in through her teeth, she cursed. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but seeing the way the idiot’s face snapped to the side made it worth it.
“Go find Jax,” she heard Chibs tell someone. 
Her moment of distraction cost her. The guy backhanded her with enough force for her head to whip to the side. 
Sophie spat on the ground. What kind of an idiot slapped someone in the middle of a fistfight?
Before she could return the favor, arms wrapped around her torso, pulling her back. Across from her, a lumberjack-looking guy with a beanie on his head had his arms wrapped around the idiot who thought no meant please touch me more. 
“Alright, lass, leave him be.” 
Thrashing in his hold, Sophie wanted nothing more than to cover her hands in his blood. “Let me go. Bastard needs to be taught a fucking lesson about respecting boundaries.” 
“Aye,” Chibs agreed. “That he does, but not by you. You got your shot.” 
She stopped struggling only to whirl around and poke her finger into his chest.
“That love tap I gave him?” 
Sophie knew she was screaming, knew she was likely making a scene, but she couldn’t stop herself. 
“Bastard grabbed my arm, then my ass, and took a grab at my breast all without my permission. He’s lucky I haven’t ripped his fucking balls off and shoved them up his ass.” 
She watched Chibs’ face darken the more she spoke, but before either of them could say anything else Jax, closely followed by Tig, came jogging up to the group.
“What the fuck?” Jax asked, eyes moving between Sophie and the guy. 
“Don’t know exactly what happened, man,” the lumberjack-looking man spoke. “But, your girl landed one hell of a punch on Shepard’s face before he backhanded her.” 
She watched Jax’s jaw work as he closed in on the guy who’d slapped her. “That right? You do that to her face?” 
“Never seen her around here before. Wanted a new piece of ass tonight.” 
Sophie started struggling in Chib’s arms again, and managed to slip his grip. Faster than Jax could stop her, she’d lunged forward and punched Shepard in the face and then the kidney. 
“Sophie!” Jax pulled her back. “Come on, stop.” 
He pulled her a few feet from the group, pressed her back against the wall and glared at her. 
“I’m not apologizing for beating the shit out of that fucking creep.” 
Jax shook his head, small grin on his face. “No one’s asking you to.” 
Sophie opened her mouth, but closed it. It hadn’t been the response she expected. 
Jax grabbed her chin and tilted her head to the side, noting the red mark on her cheek. 
“He do that to your face?” 
She nodded. “Asshole didn’t even have the decency to punch me. Little bitch slaps like a fucking girl.” 
Jax pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. 
Sophie released a deep breath. “Look, I know there are rules or whatever for the girls at these things, and I tried to get him to stop. If he’d just been drunk and handsy and left when I said no, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. But he followed me. I moved away, walked back to where Chibs and Tig were sitting, but he kept following me. No one touches me without my permission, Jax. No one.” 
He nodded. “No one should be touching you. I’m gonna go deal with that, and you’re going to stay with Chibs and Opie while I deal with it.” 
“Jax - ”
He narrowed his eyes. “I’m gonna deal with it, Sophie.” 
Searching his face, she saw the tension in his shoulders, the way his jaw ticked. She nodded. “Make him bleed.” 
With a smile, Jax pulled back from where he’d crowded Sophie into the wall. “As you wish, darlin’.” 
Taking her hand, Jax led them back over to the table. By now, the boxers in the ring had stopped, and a large crowd gathered to where Opie still had Shepard restrained. 
“Jax?” Tig asked, a hopeful expression on his face.
Jax pulled Sophie closer to him, arm wrapped around her in a clearly possessive gesture. 
“He’s gonna pay for that bruise on my girl’s face.” 
“You’re choosing some croweater over me?” Shepard asked, voice incredulous. 
Jax tightened his grip on Sophie in warning. She forced herself to relax knowing he needed to handle this himself. Later, she’d have him explain the hierarchy of this whole thing to her. 
“She look like a croweater to you?” Tig asked, sounding actually curious. “Does she act like one? Use your brain, man.” 
Shaking his head, Jax glanced up at Opie. “Tape him up.” Turning to Tig, he grinned. “Take bets, boys.” 
Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Tig placed a hand on his chest. “Love you, man.” 
Chibs handed Sophie a roll of tape. “Get him ready, lass.” 
Nodding, she turned to Jax and pointed to the picnic table. “Sit.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
She swatted at his arm. “I’m not an officer, but I might let you salute me later.” 
As Jax tugged his shirt over his head, she swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. He caught her watching and winked. 
“What the hell’s going on?”
Glancing over her shoulder, she saw an older man with a gray beard and a cigar in his mouth walking over to them. “I’m teaching the prospect a lesson about touching things that don’t belong to him.”  
Sophie wanted to snort because honestly, who the fuck said shit like that? Still, she enjoyed the way Jax’s voice went low and deep. She focused on wrapping his hands, making sure the tape would do its job to protect his hands. 
“Clay, this is Sophie, Sophie, this is Clay.” 
She smiled over her shoulder at him. “I’d shake your hand, but they’re a bit busy at the moment, but it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
She heard Clay’s deep chuckle behind her. “Likewise.” 
“What’s going on?”
Sophie recognized Gemma’s voice. 
“Jax is gonna teach the prospects a little bit of a lesson tonight.” 
Even with her back to the woman, Sophie could feel the deep frown on Gemma’s face. Sophie finished wrapping Jax’s hands. Pulling back a bit she motioned for him to hold his hands out. 
“Test it.” 
She watched the way his hands moved as he flexed his hands. Nodding, she smoothed her fingers across the edges of the tape. 
“Looks good.” 
“You’ve done this before.” 
Sophie winked. “Once or twice.” 
Standing from the table, he walked over to the ring, Sophie on his heels. Before entering the ring, he turned and wrapped Sophie into his arms and kissed her like it was his dying wish. When he released her, she staggered back a couple of steps before she felt a gentle hand against her back. 
Glazing over her shoulder she smiled at Opie as he steadied her. 
“He likes you.” 
Sophie nodded. “You got that impression, too?”
“Yeah, it’s good to see him happy.”
The bald guy who’d been fighting earlier in the night entered the ring and gestured for both fighters to approach. 
“Let the ass-kicking begin.” 
He’d barely moved out of the way before Jax lunged at Shepard. She wanted to wince at the sound his fist made against the man’s face, but she couldn’t muster enough sympathy for it. Jax fought like a man possessed. Unlike the earlier fight, this was clearly not for entertainment. Seemed as though Jax decided to work out a few of his demons on Shepard. After a brutal combination of hits, Shepard managed to knock Jax back with a lucky southpaw. Sophie saw the grin on Jax’s face. Watched the sweat slide down his torso, noted the small cut on his eyebrow. Most of Shepard’s face was littered with bruising, and small cuts. Both men had blood on the tape on their hands. When Jax had Shepard on the mats, she grew concerned. He’d clearly won the fight, but if he kept going - 
“He’s gonna kill him.” 
“Happy won’t let that happen,” Opie responded. 
Sophie startled, not realizing she’d spoken out loud. Instead, she nodded dumbly, eyes fixed on the fight. It wasn’t that she held Shepard’s life as sacred or anything, but she didn't want Jax to commit murder in front of this many witnesses. Just when she was going to step in and put an end to it, she saw Happy pull Jax off the now unmoving body beneath him. She couldn't make out what he said, but he whispered something in Jax’s ear that had him relaxing. 
Around her, the crowd went wild with cheers, and many slapped Jax on the back as he left the ring, swagger in his step. She grinned as he closed in on her. 
“Hey, champ.” 
He smiled at her before turning to Clay, face serious. “He’s out. I’ll never vote that piece of shit into my club.” 
Clay took a puff from the cigar in his mouth before nodding, a pleased sort of pride in his eyes as he looked at Jax. “Whatever you say, VP.” 
Jax nodded. 
Clay looked at Sophie, something unreadable in his eyes. “Get him cleaned up.” 
Sophie nodded, knowing something important had just transpired, but without understanding the rules, she didn’t know exactly what. Whatever it was, she thought it was good. Jax swung his arm across Sophie’s shoulders and led them into the clubhouse. They maneuvered around couples in various states of sex before moving down a hallway in the back. He led her into a room that smelled like him, and looked as though no one had ever taught him how to clean. 
“You like giving me orders.” 
Sophie grinned. “Occupational habit.” 
She walked into the adjoining bathroom and soaked a washcloth in warm water before coming back into the room. As she’d asked, Jax sat on the bed, eyes hooded as he watched her move towards him. He spread his knees in invitation. Grinning, she moved to stand in front of him, and he brought his hands to rest on her hips. Letting him enjoy the feel of her body beneath his hands, she began to wipe the blood from his face. He hissed when she pressed against the cut at his eyebrow, but didn’t make a move to stop her. Quickly clearing the rest of the blood and the sweat from his face, she threw the towel to the ground before sinking her hands into his hair and tilting his head back. Unsure who moved first, their lips crashed together as his hands moved to lift her onto his lap. 
Sophie moaned into his mouth, loving the way his arms felt wrapped around her. Again, she thought this was all too fast, but when his fingers snuck under the hem of her shirt and began to lift it from her body, she quickly pushed the thought from her mind. Even if it was too fast, too soon - it was also too late. Might as well enjoy it before the other shoe dropped. Breaking apart so Jax could pull her shirt over her head, Sophie looked down at him, loved knowing she’d put that look on his face - the one that told her she was the only thing in the world that mattered to him in that moment. Before he could pull her bra off, she took his hands in hers. 
Kissing his tape-covered knuckles, she met his eyes. “Let me.” 
He nodded. Keeping her eyes on his, she slid from the bed onto the floor to kneel in front of him. She saw the way Jax’s throat worked as he swallowed, eyes dark with desire. Carefully, Sophie began to unwind the tape from his left hand. When it was free of tape, Jax moved to touch her, but she held a hand out, mock frown on her face. He pouted but offered her his right hand. She removed the tape more quickly this time. 
“You should ice them. Tape did a good job, but you really went to town on his face. Nothing’s gonna keep you from swelling and being sore tomorrow.” 
“Jax - ”
He hauled her up onto the bed and moved them towards the headboard, settling her against his body. Jax’s fingers teased up the exposed skin of her spine.
“Not packing?”
Sophie chuckled. “Always. Ankle holster. I was kinda hoping this blonde biker would want to wrap his arms around me. Didn’t want anything getting in the way.” 
Jax kissed her. She reveled in the feel of his skin against hers. The sweat on his torso cool between their bodies as she writhed on top of him. As his fingers once more reached for the clasp on her bra, a knock at the door drew them apart. 
“Zip it up,” Opie called through the door. “Bobby’s here. Clay wants you outside.” 
She felt Jax’s sigh as he threw his head back against the pillow. She muffled a laugh against his chest before pressing a kiss to his skin. 
“Gotta do what the boss says.” 
“Clay can fuck off.” 
Sophie laughed. “Come on. You and I both know they’ll just send someone else, and Tig doesn’t seem like the knock politely type.” 
Jax groaned. “Picked up on that?” 
Sophie slanted him a look. “Yeah, he’s real subtle.” 
Figuring he’d not get up on his own, she rolled from the bed and looked around for her shirt. Glancing over at Jax, he stood from the bed and ran a hand through his hair as he walked into the bathroom. She realized he didn’t have a shirt with him. 
“You keep spare clothes here?” 
“Yeah. Should be a clean shirt in the dresser.” 
She opened the drawers until she found the right one; she pulled out a white shirt with SAMCRO screen printed on it. Pulling it to her nose, she sniffed it just to be sure. It smelled like him, and, thankfully, it also smelled clean. When he came out, she tossed it at him and ignored how domestic the whole moment felt. Too much. Too soon. Too easy. 
“You coming?” Jax asked as he stood at the door. 
Sophie picked up her shirt. “I’ll meet you out there.” She paused and pointed at him. “Someone got blood on my shirt.” 
“Just grab one of mine, babe.” 
“Thanks. I’m still gonna see if I can get the blood out of this one. Go on. I’ll be fine.” 
Jax nodded. He stepped to her and kissed her gently before leaving the room. Sophie sighed and shook her head. Had Olivia felt like this? In the early days with Michael, had she been this overwhelmed? They’d met while Sophie had been deployed, and when she made it home, they were already pretty established. Even though Michael understood Olivia had been holding back, waiting for Sophie to meet him. He’d joked about being more nervous meeting her than he had been their parents. She’d just grinned because while her parents could be intimidating, Sophie could’ve killed him and he’d never have heard the bullet. 
Making her way into the bathroom, she glanced down at the shirt. It was a lost cause, and she hated washing blood out of things. Better just to burn it and move on, but she also hated shopping for clothes - especially without Olivia here to go with her, or more specifically to make her go at all. 
“Fuck it.” 
Sophie tossed the shirt in the trash can she saw under the sink before walking back to the dresser. She pulled another one of Jax’s shirts from the drawer. This one was dark blue with SONS screen printed across the front. Sliding it over her head, she sucked in a deep breath, loving the way the shirt smelled. After all the posturing outside, she should feel something she thought. Some sort of feminist bullshit about belonging to a man, but she didn’t because the feeling didn’t suck. 
Closing the door behind her, she walked down the hallway towards the main room of the clubhouse. She saw Gemma at the bar. Sophie watched her eyes widen ever so slightly before her lips pursed into a thin line. Maybe wearing Jax’s shirt wasn’t such a good idea. It wouldn't have been the first time she’d wandered around with someone else’s blood staining her clothes.
“Still haven’t worked out what you’re doing here,” Gemma began as she pulled the tops off of two beers. 
Sophie took the hint and moved to the counter. Taking the offered beer, she saluted with the neck before taking a swallow. 
“You’re clearly not one of them - ” Gemma gestured to the various women scattered around the room having what appeared to be a good time with the available men. “Even without his crow you act like his Old Lady and you don’t even know it.” 
Setting the beer down, Sophie met Gemma’s gaze. “I’m not gonna sit here and insult you by pretending I understood the details of what you just told me, but I know a hierarchy when I see one. Regardless of what position I do or don’t hold on it - no one has a free pass to my body unless I want them to. That’s not what I came here for.”
“Seemed just fine with my son having a free pass to your body.” 
Sophie smirked. “He’s got good hands.” 
Gemma smirked. “I think you’ll be just fine, but you might want to avoid punching any more guys in kuttes.”
Sophie held her hands out. “So long as they keep their hands to themselves, we have no problems.” 
“This club,” Gemma said. “It’s Jackson’s life. It’s in his blood.” 
Sophie frowned. “I know. But, it’s been like a week. Don’t be picking out China patterns just yet. What I feel for him it’s intense, but it’s also new.”
Gemma lit a cigarette. “Does it scare you?” 
“Of course it does. Scares the shit out of me,” Sophie answered. “It’s real.”
Part 6
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koko-doodle · 7 months
Demon Vamp AU: Chapter 3
Took me long enough but it is finally done! Now is where the real fun begins! :3
Summary: So you’ve met the vampire who now controls you and everything you do and he wants you to meet someone. But who?
Words: 3,718
Chapter 1: Life’s End
Chapter 2: Life Anew
Chapter 3: The Meeting
Chapter 4: First Impressions
Ao3 Link
There was only one thing the vampire had been right about, and that was the smell. Once you were by yourself you did notice the smell of something horribly burnt lingering on your skin and clothes, but a hot shower got rid of the odor fairly quickly. You got dressed in the dress the vampire had given you, it fit decent enough but you felt like you were back in the 1920s from the style and musty smell of the dress itself. You stare at yourself in the mirror, observing the subtle changes in your appearance that it had gone through overnight. The most notable difference was your hair; it was now a silvery white color that had a strange shimmer to it as you brushed it between your fingers and although it was still wet it felt softer as well. Your skin was several shades lighter than it normally was, a strange pale tone now underlined the natural shade it used to be in an unusual way that eerily made you look less human. You run your tongue gently over the back of your fangs careful to avoid the sharp tips then move closer to the mirror to tap lightly on one. You scoff at yourself, as if touching them was going to change the fact that they were there. Turning your head a little you see pointed ears sticking out slightly between locks of hair and you brush a section aside to get a better look. You rest both hands on the bathroom counter with a deep sigh, staring at the cat like eyes gazing back at you. At least your eyes were still the same color, that’s at least one thing that was sort of the same from your human self. You notice a pained expression on your face, while it may be you looking into the mirror the person staring back at you was someone you didn’t recognize. You look down, close your eyes and take another deep breath before looking again. Although you had hoped to see something different, you still saw the same monster looking human staring back at you. If you were going to wake up from some crazy dream you had hoped it would be soon, but the sinking feeling in your chest felt too real to be just a dream.
A bang on the door startled you out of your thoughts and brought you back to reality. You clenched your jaw at the thought of seeing that vampire again, seething at the thought of hearing his low pitched voice hiss back at you. You wanted nothing more than to drive your glaive straight through his heart but your instincts quickly reminded you of how strict his threat had been earlier. If you wanted to avoid torture you were going to have to comply with his wishes and the thought made you sick to your stomach.
“Admiring your new self in the mirror?” He asks as you open the door. You simply walk past him without saying a word and he smirks, amused. “You don’t look or smell like death anymore, thankfully.”
“Now what.” You state, folding your arms and glaring back at him. If he demanded you do whatever he said, you weren’t going to be nice about it.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” He motions to the red belt sitting on the bed.
“The dress is fine by itself.” You snap back at him.
“True but the belt really completes the look. I insist you wear it.” He says. You stare at him, narrowing your eyes. You glare at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time, neither of you relenting on your impromptu staring contest until he breaks the silence.
“Put it on. Please.” He motions again, the stiffness in his gesture was enough to remind you of when he threw you against the wall. Not wanting a repeat of that scenario you sneer at him before turning to put the belt loosely around your upper waist. 
“That wasn’t so hard now was it?” He says. Before you can snap back a quick remark he is beside you with a hand on your shoulder, ushering you out of the room. “Let’s go, I’m starving.” 
That statement sent a chill down your spine. What does it mean when he says he’s starving…? Your thoughts race a million miles an hour with so many questions as he leads you through the hallway and down a flight of stairs. You pass through an entryway that leads directly into a large common room with chairs and couches. There is a large fireplace at the back wall which all the furniture is centered around in a U shape. The same wood paneling and antique decor surround the room, everything was dimly lit with lamps and only a few lights. The dark curtains were drawn on the windows so you couldn’t tell what time of day it was, or if it even was day time. You were led through a small connecting room which had an elegantly decorated dining table with fancy antique silverware and plates. They all look like they hadn’t been used in several years but they were surprisingly very clean when you passed by, not dusty at all. Figures. Leave it up to an evil vampire to live in a vintage Victorian style house full of dark, gloomy decor and expensive dinnerware. He was easily fitting the classic description of any old horror movie vampire you had watched when you were younger, he was just missing the annoying accent.
You are guided through a door into a medium size kitchen, there was a small table to the left side of the room and on the right was a modern kitchen with appliances and a plethora of cooking utensils lining the counter against the wall. The cabinets were older, matching the style of the rest of the house but the whole room felt brighter and warmer than any other room you had seen or walked through. It was an unexpected surprise, you didn’t think a vampire would need such a nice kitchen. You were so caught up in your observation of the odd room you had managed to breeze over a figure rummaging through the open fridge, they only drew your attention when they spoke.
“About time you got up.” They said, the sound of glass shifting within the fridge. “Maybe if you weren’t up creeping around so late at night you might actually be able to wake up at a decent hour.” Their voice was higher toned than the vampire, light and upbeat, even though you could sense a hint of frustration hidden behind their sarcastic comment.
”It’s not that late” the vampire grumbled next to you, “and besides I wasn’t even sleeping, I’ve been up for several hours.”
”Riiiiight, not like I haven’t heard that one thousands of times before.” The figure states, seemingly unamused by the vampire’s excuse.
“Whatever… Just get your head out of the fridge, I have something to show you.” The vampire barks back.
“Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the coffin.” They chuckle and close the fridge door, the vampire growled under his breath while he walked you forward with him. His comment seemed like an inside joke of some sort.
The monster in front of you looked strangely similar to those classic drawings of a sun. He had the same crescent shaped skin tone on their face as the vampire did but instead of black and white it was two shades of yellow. He had horns surrounding his entire head that looked just like sun rays when combined with his face markings. He wore a dark grey silk shirt with a vest as well as dark red jeans and classy leather boots. He looked a lot less intimidating than the vampire, the only unsettling feature about him was his pure white eyes.
“Oh, dear. I apologize, had I known we had a guest I would have been more prepared with lunch.” He says, adjusting his vest by softly tugging on the bottom. “Who is this lovely human?” He asks, smiling. It was odd for you to see a monster smile so genuinely, it seemed… out of character for a monster to smile.
“Just someone I rescued from some hellhounds last night, I saved her life.” The vampire gloats triumphantly, he was purposefully trying to get you mad. Which worked. The sentence rang in your ears and you have to grit your teeth to restrain yourself from shouting. Saved you?! This is what he calls saving?! You saved Jeremy, you defeated all the hellhounds, you accepted your fate and laid down to die. How did turning you into a hybrid classify as saving you? You want with every fiber of your being to turn and punch him so hard it would break your hand, and with enough luck his face too.
“Hold on, you did something to help someone else? And a human on top of it?” The monster replies surprised, giving a questioning look to the vampire. “Have you been messing around with my elixirs again?”
The vampire gasps dramatically. “How rude! Is it really that hard to believe that I am capable of doing something nice for someone else?”
”Yes, yes it is.” The monster states quickly and begins rubbing his forehead. “Moon, you promised me you wouldn’t interfere with humans on the surface again. I can’t believe you dragged this poor girl down here!”
“Listen, I-“ ”No, I don’t want to hear any more of your lame, ridiculous excuses. I’m tired of always cleaning up after YOUR messes.” The monster scolds. “The humans don’t need any more reasons to hate us than they already do. We are teetering on the edge of another war right now and you aren’t helping the situation by kidnapping teenagers.”
“Kidnapping?! I didn’t kidnap, I rescued! Are you going deaf or something?” The vampire argues back. 
The monster ignores his comment and turns directly to you. “Please forgive him, he’s an idiot with no consideration for the consequences of his actions.” He says with an apologetic smile.
“Hey!” Shouts the vampire beside you.
“I’m sorry you were dragged into this, I’ll make sure you get home safe and sound okay?” The monster says softly, slightly tilting their head to the side. Was… was this monster trying to be nice to you? Why would he care? Was he trying to earn your favor so you would trust him? You know better than to fall for a monster’s tricks.
”Sorry, no can do Sunny. She doesn’t belong up there anymore.” The vampire chimes in.
“You know, you can be really mean sometimes. Just because they were attacked by hellhounds does not mean they don’t belong with other humans. Did you even think about what other monsters might think if they saw you dragging a human along? You may not care about those things but I have a shop to run and a reputation I’d like to keep. You make it awfully hard to have friends around here.” The monster replies irritated. 
“Oh please, you’re too ‘goody-goody’ for anyone to think you have any ill intent towards humans.” The vampire snaps back, clearly getting annoyed. ”You know if you were actually NICE to others then maybe you might have some friends too, instead you feel like you have to act like some rabid animal anytime someone tries to interact with you.” The monster snickers.
”But who is a better friend than my loving brother?” The vampire teases and the monster just sighs.
”Will you please just get the human home safely, her friends and family are probably worried about her.”
“Mmmm….” The vampire pretends to think, tapping a finger on his chin. “Sorry, still not gonna work. She’s here to stay.”
“Enough with whatever game you are trying to play, take the human back to the surface unharmed or I swear I’ll-!”
”Are you sure they are human?” The vampire interrupts, smirking.
“Excuse me?” The monster scoffs, folding his arms. “ I may have been gullible to your tricks when we were kids but I do know what a human looks like. I interact with them more than you do so nice try .”
”Look again dear brother~” The vampire says, pushing you forward firmly towards the monster. You had to stop yourself from tripping forward from the unexpected shove and you whip your head around to glare at him. Agrivatingly, he only smiles sinisterly with a soft chuckle.
“Moon!” The monster shouts with a warning tone as he reaches out to place his hands on your shoulders and steady you. “I am not in the mood for your attitude today!”
”Just LOOK at her Sun.” The vampire argues back.
The monster glares at the vampire over your shoulder, clearly getting more and more agitated by the second, but he only huffs and looks down to you. You could see him looking at you but without any pupils in his eyes you couldn’t tell where his gaze was. As he inspected your face his expression dropped, he leaned over a little and looked like he was checking your ears before lifting a hand off your shoulder.
“Can you open your mouth please?” He asks softly.
You hesitate, staring unsurely at the monster.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I just need to see your teeth.” He reassures you. He was so different from the rough, heartless vampire behind you but it didn’t mean you trusted him. He was still a monster after all and monsters can’t be trusted, no matter how much he seemed to appear to like humans. But what choice did you have, not complying could have consequences you didn’t want to learn about yet. You slowly open your mouth and his thumb gently pushes up your upper lip to reveal your fangs more clearly. His face was difficult to decipher, different emotions seemed to emerge but not one solid one that could show what he was thinking. He simply stood there and stared at your fangs for a long moment before slowly removing his hands from you.
“You didn’t…. Please tell me this is a joke.” He says, almost pleadingly.
“I told you. I did it, it worked. It actually worked! I knew our parents wouldn’t have made up all those stories about hybrids, this just proves that our entire history has been a lie. If the King and Queen did this big of a cover-up then think about what else they could be lying to us about!” The vampire states, almost excited about his ‘discovery.’
”Do you realize what you’ve done? Why are you so dead set on proving hybrids existed? I thought you were over this obsession with hybrids. That was over 500 years ago, it doesn’t matter why the war started or why it ended. It is in the past and nothing you do or say will change that.” The monster says, agitation creeping into his voice. “Why can’t you just drop it, it isn’t necessary.”
“Necessary? You mean to tell me you have never been the slightest bit curious as to why our father had a journal on all the different hybrid types? Their powers, their dangers, weaknesses, limitations. You never once wondered why? Why the journal was hidden? Why our history books state something different than what he recorded? Or why the King blew me off like I was crazy when I confronted him about it? That never bothered you?!” He ranted, visibly frustrated at his brother.
You turn to look back at the vampire. He stood there frozen, his face showing that he was trying to make sense of what this monster had just said. What was he talking about? Was monster-human history that different in human history books versus monster history books? Hybrids don’t exist, it isn’t physically possible, you were taught that from day one. Humans can’t intermingle with monsters, not even as friends. Monsters are always looking to overpower humans, to have the upper hand and enslave them. You get that everyone always has a different perspective on things, but history was still history. What was he implying?
”Sure, I’ve been curious about it in the past but it is not a matter I have let myself get consumed by. What does this solve, huh? Explain to me your logic behind turning a human into a hybrid other than to prove our parents weren’t crazy?” He pauses, waiting for an answer but the vampire didn’t respond. “Figures… Well congratulations brother, you were right. Hybrids do appear to be real, I hope ruining this human’s life was worth it to you.”
“Relax, she was already dying. She was bitten by a hellhound sneaking around where she didn’t belong. She was technically already dead.” The vampire defended, seemingly unfazed by the accusations.
“Right, you just saw an ‘opportunity’ to test your theory. So what happens now genius? You think telling everyone is going to help prevent a war? You know how dangerous some hybrids can be, that wouldn’t be a smart idea. Especially with the Extremist group dying to have an upper hand against humans in any sort of way. And what about her?” The monster motions to you. “Did you even consider how she might feel through all this?” 
Wait… was this monster defending you?
”Who cares! It’s just a human, I did her a favor. She gets to live because of what I did. She should be thanking me.”
”Thanking you?!” You protest, both monsters turning to you surprised at your sudden outburst. “You call this a favor?! I was ready to die, I was going to die doing the job I spent years of my life training for! I became a Knight to protect innocent humans from being targeted by sadistic monsters like you! You didn’t save my life, you ruined my death!” You shout clenching your fists, you could feel your nails digging into your skin but you didn’t care.
“Oh here we go…” The vampire growls. “You Knights and dying a ‘chivalrous’ death.” He makes air quotes with his fingers for emphasis.
“She’s a Knight?! Have you lost your mind?!” The monster asks in shock but neither of you heard him. You were both too busy glaring daggers at each other.
“I can easily fix that for you, you know.” In one swift move he had his claw digging into the soft area under your chin, digging in deep enough to hurt but not enough to bleed. A soft gasp escapes your mouth unintentionally. “ If you want to be dead so bad, I can end your life just as easily as I saved it.” The vampire hisses back, eyes glowing bright red.
“You lay one hand on her and I’ll end your life just as quickly.” The monster snaps, pushing you behind him with one arm protectively. His action shocked you and left you staring up at him in confusion while you gently rubbed your neck. From the look on the vampire’s face, it shocked him as well.
”I will not let you cause any more harm to this poor girl than you already have, you’ve done enough.” He says sternly.
“Come on Sun, it isn’t a big deal.” The vampire says.
”No, it IS a big deal. You can treat me as bad as you want, we’re brothers, I can handle you, but I will NOT let you hurt any monster or human while you live in this house. This isn’t a game Moon, others aren’t just pawns for you to play with however you feel like. Sooner or later you are going to get into some serious trouble for your actions and I don’t want to have to save you from the brink of death again. Do you understand me?”
The vampire looks away, his face shows a slight hint of guilt for a past memory the monster was referring to. You stood there in silence watching the two exchange looks, neither knowing what to say next. It was so quiet you could hear the low hum of the fridge in the corner.
“I don’t want to see you hurt again, or worse…” The monster's tone softened while he trailed off, more silence filled the room. “I promise, if you leave me here alone I’ll put a curse on your soul to force you to stay.” He teases, trying to lighten the mood. “You aren’t allowed to go anywhere if I have anything to say about it. I have to look out for my little brother, it’s my job.”
”You’re only older by 10 minutes, you dork.” The vampire responds with a soft laugh, the tension in the room seemed to vanish just as quickly as it had come.
“Maybe, but you’re still always going to be my baby brother~” The monster tries to go in for a hug but the vampire evades him and whacks the monster’s arms away to avoid the embrace.
“Alright, alright, geez. Don’t get all mushy on me. Gross!” The vampire shares a quick glance at you before walking over to a cabinet to rummage through it. It was hard to tell but you swear you could see a faint smile escape before he turned around. The monster in front of you chuckles to himself, clearly amused at his brother’s reaction. They seemed like typical brothers, angry one minute and teasing each other the next. It was different… yet familiar.
You have always been so focused on other things that you never really took into consideration how monsters interacted with each other. The way these two acted, was pretty similar to how Jeremy and Mike tease each other. The flashes of scenes when they would tackle each other to the ground, getting so dirty and dusty you practically had to peel the two out of the dirt while they laughed. The memory of them reminds you of the deep ache in your chest you had been too distracted to notice. You were never going to see them again, they were the closest people you had to family. They think you died… Then again… The human part of you had died.
“So” the monster in front of you says, turning around to face you with a smile. “Are you hungry?”
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