#the only reason this is a video is because it is IMPERATIVE
colorfulbard · 2 months
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‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿
Summary♥︎ A forced visit to Whole Cake Island takes a turn for the worst when Big Mom is experiencing hunger pangs while Katakuri is away on a mission.
Pairing♥︎ Katakuri x Fem!Reader
warnings♥︎ Reader has kids with Katakuri, angst at the end
a/n♥︎ I've been starving for some more Katakuri fics so I had to take matters into my own hands. I put that warning because I know some people don't like reading fanfic where the reader has kids. Don't worry there will be a part 2!
‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿
People always say, "practice makes perfect". That means, the more you do something, the better you'll be. Like baking, for example. If you practice making the same for over twenty years, you would be considered an expert. You might even be running through the steps on autopilot.
But, no matter how many times you've dealt with this scenario, it never became easier. Honestly, it felt harder to deal with each time.
An easy going saying like, "practice makes perfect", doesn't apply when dealing with a tyrannical emperor with deadly hunger pangs.
The steps taken when it began never changed. All high ranking officials were to report to the surveillance room, turn on the video snails, and give orders to anyone available at the Chateau.
Those down at the Chateau were to remain clear of Big Mom and evacuate any and all innocent citizens.
After many, many years, those steps were done in no time at all. And yet, the sick feeling of fear in your stomach never subsided. Your hands were pinned under your arms to keep from biting your nails. Too bad that didn't stop you from biting your lip instead.
You truly hated traveling to the main island for this reason. You longed for your home, back at Komugi island. The one you shared with your husband, Katakuri, and your fifteen children. Peace and quiet may be impossible to come by, but dealing with a child's temper tantrum was preferable to Big Mom's.
Having to deal with this on your own only made your bitter feelings towards the Whole Cake Chateau grow. The initial plan was to travel together, you and Katakuri. He knew how nervous being alone with his mother made you. But those plans were squandered when Big Mom ordered all ministers gather ingredients for her blasted wedding cake. Then, to make matters worse, he was called away on another mission.
Now, because of that string of unfortunate events, he somehow convinced you to bring your two oldest sons with you, Warabiko and Manju. For some reason, you had said yes. Probably just to ease his mind. In return, your mind was not at ease. It was filled to the brim with anxiety.
You took a slow, deep breath. "And we're sure it's not possible to catch the croquembouche that checked out this morning?" You asked slowly to keep your voice steady.
"It doesn't seem plausible. Either way it'd be a half hour."
You wanted to open your mouth to argue, but it was too difficult. The screams of the terrified homies made it impossible to focus. Those screams were keeping you in a continuous state of unease. You couldn't be selfish and mute the video feed. It was imperative for everyone to hear what was happening.
Big Mom was getting further away from the current video snail. It was time to play the waiting game and see when the feed would switch. You looked down at the floor for a moment of respite from staring at the rampaging Emperor.
You clenched your eyes shut. The screams were distant now, but you could still hear them. Your mind unwillingly imagined it as your sons. You knew they were somewhere safe, away from harm. You made sure of that before you reported to the surveillance room. Even so, as the screams continued, your mind took you the worst possible scenario.
You let your head tilt down to face the floor. At least then, if you somehow managed to open your eyes, you wouldn't be facing the screen.
'Kata... Please, come back to me soon..' Tears began to form behind your eyelids when you thought of him. You needed him to be here.
A hand softly landed on your shoulder in an attempt to not startle you. You took that as a nonverbal sign that the video feed switched. You glanced over your shoulder to see Tamago's hand, but he wasn't looking at you. His eyes were locked onto the screen, his mouth agape.
Your brows furrowed, he always seemed much more coolheaded than you in these scenarios, so, why did he look so spooked? Before checking the footage, you glanced at everyone in the room. Their expression matched Tamago's. The air in the room was tense, as if your anxiety had seeped out of your body and infected everyone else.
You finally looked towards the screen. The scene was the same except Big Mom was getting further away. Homies were still trampled and distant screams could be heard as she trampled over more. But you didn't even notice any of those things.
When you spotted what everyone else was staring at, you froze. Your muscles were locked.
Right there, where Big Mom was stomping through moments ago, stood your eldest son. You couldn't see his face, his back was facing away from the snail. He held onto his sword tightly. It was a gift from you and Katakuri on his eighteenth birthday.
Your hand moved on its own to cover your mouth in shock, the other moved to your stomach. Were you breathing? You couldn't feel anything.
Your head shook from side to side. "No." You whimpered.
Static flickered through the screen and then showed an enraged Big Mom rampaging. You breathing hitched when the sight of your son was gone. The silent scene of your son's determination was replaced by helpless homies getting eaten or stomped on.
Every second that was wasted staring, your son was getting closer to Big Mom. Without wasting anymore time, you pushed Tamago's hand from your shoulder and ran out of the room.
The state of the room remained the same as you left. Everyone stayed silent as they continued watching the footage. Too anxious to see what might happen next.
When Warabiko finally reached Big Mom, he was horrified. All of citizens of Whole Cake were terrified, running for their lives lest they be squashed under her heel. He had never seen this happen. He now understood why his family's trips to Whole Cake never lasted more than a day.
He remembered that whenever a tea party was held for one his newest siblings, you demanded to leave as soon as it was over. No matter how much his siblings whined about being tired and wanting to sleep on land, you put your foot down. This was his first time being here for over a day, much to your chagrin.
When he grew older and more mature, you told him stories of his grandmother's famous hunger pangs. The stories were short and brief. He could tell you didn't like talking about them. He finally understood why as he watched Big Mom rampage with reckless abandon.
Something in his gut told him to turn back now and hide with his brother. He ignored that feeling. He couldn't stand by and do nothing. With his father away on a mission, the duty of evacuating citizens and calming Big Mom fell on his shoulders. He was going to make his father proud.
Fighting her was out of question, but he could try and reason with her. She had to be willing to listen to his first grandchild, right?
Her path of destruction was never-ending as he got closer to her. He had to be careful. It was clear that when she's this hungry, all of her sense was gone. She didn't care who or what was in her way during her search.
It didn't even matter if it was an innocent little girl. She hadn't even tripped over the rubble, she had tripped over her feet trying to keep up with her mother. The mother hadn't even noticed, too terrified to look back.
The girl shakily stood on her feet and rubbed the debris from her knees. Her heard swayed from side to side to try and spot her mother. She had no idea Big Mom's foot was inches away from crushing her.
Warabiko immediately lunged towards Big Mom's feet and grabbed the girl. He landed on his feet and placed the girl on the ground.
The girl looked up and smiled up at her savior. "Thank you so much!" She cheered, "that was fun!"
She acted like she wasn't just moments away from being killed. Warabiko smothered his feeling of shock down and sighed. "Run away from her and find your mother. It's not safe," he instructed.
The girl nodded with a giggle and ran off, far from Big Mom.
Whilst Warabiko had dealt with the girl, Big Mom had busied herself with eating any homie or building in her way. Her anger grew as each thing she shoved down her throat tasted nothing like her craving.
"Where is it?!" She whined, "where is my croquembouche?!" She punched another building. Nothing but croquembouche could placate her.
"Mama, please! You just have to wait! The chefs will be here soon!"
Warabiko recognized the voice as one of his uncle's, Mont-d'Or. Another one of his uncle's and aunt led citizens away in the opposite direction.
Nothing Mont-d'Or said got through her to her. He was too far away for her to care. Warabiko's jaw clenched and he ran to stand in front of her, arms out. "Grandma, please! You have to stop!" He pleaded.
Big Mom paused and locked eyes with the source of the sound. She snarled and clenched her fist, "who's there?" She questioned.
Warabiko's brows furrowed and he could feel himself grow warm. "I-It's me! Grandma, it's Warabiko!" His voice grew higher in pitch, his hands began to shake, "don't you recognize me?" The question was practically a whisper.
Big Mom growled and swung at where he stood. Warabiko was able to dodge, but not without losing his footing. He fell onto scattered rubble and grunted when it dug into his back.
Mont-d'Or's mouth was open wide in shock the moment he saw Warabiko enter the fray. "M-Mama! Wait!" He pleaded, coming closer. "You have to stop! It's Warabiko! Your grandson!"
Big Mom paid Mont-d'Or's pleading no mind. She was still infuriated that her search for croquembouche was interrupted. "Where is my croquembouche boy?!" She demanded. "All I want is my croquembouche!" She swung at the building next to Warabiko and ate the contents she managed to grab.
The remnants of her snack flew all around. Warabiko turned over on his side and cradled his head. He could hear it land all around him.
Mont-d'Or clenched his jaw as he watched Warabiko cradle himself. He couldn't go over there and try to save him, he'd end up dying too. He just hoped Warabiko was a fast runner.
"Warabiko, you have to run! You can't reason with when she's like this!" He yelled.
Warabiko lifted his head and looked towards his uncle. Judging by the way Mont-d'Or stared at him, he was sure his terror was plain as day. He couldn't move thanks to that terror gripping his muscles. It was affecting his brain, not allowing him to choose between fight or flight. Maybe Big Mom wouldn't pay him any mind if he stayed silent.
She was still there, right behind him. Warabiko didn't have to turn his head to know that. He could practically feel her breathing down his neck. The only part of his body that managed to move was his spine as shivers went down it. She wasn't moving away from him. Her gaze was burning into his back.
Big Mom's breathing grew stronger and he could smell the sweets emanating from it.
Warabiko somehow willed his head to move back to look at his grandmother. His next breath was caught in his throat when he locked eyes with her.
Her scowl was gone. In its place was a sickening grin. Her eyes were unrecognizable, they were glazed over and crazed. Drool was dripping down her chin and she stared at him.
She leaned closer to his face. "Life..." She whispered, giggling like a mad woman, "or treat?"
Warabiko couldn't answer even if he wanted to. The words were caught in his throat, choking him. He could only watch as his grandmother raised her first high in the air.
He knew what his grandmother's fruit was capable of, his father had told him. His father had probably hoped he would take it as a warning to stay away. Too bad he didn't listen.
Everything began to slow down. His mother's first was taking minutes to reach him and Mont-d'Or's yelling was indistinguishable. Typically, these were the moments where one's life would flash before their eyes. Oddly enough, that didn't happen. He only saw one thing. It was you. His sweet mother, smiling down at him. Your eyes crinkled as you smiled. They were the same color as his own. That was the only feature you two shared.
From his point of view, he could see his hands attempt to grab your face. They were so small here. He must've been a baby. This was a memory he didn't even realize he had.
You were giggling at his futile attempts. You brushed his cheek with your finger and began to sing.
La la lu
La la lu
Oh, my little star sweeper
Your voice was so soft and sweet. His eyes began to droop as your singing lulled him to sleep. The warmth of your arms was seeping through the soft blanket touching his skin. He recognized the blanket. It was his favorite, handmade by you. Each of siblings had one similar to it, a different color for each one.
He could feel you moving him about the room, swaying him. Through his half lidded eyes, he could see his father standing at the corner of the room. The scarf was gone, and he was smiling.
It was such a nice, warm memory. It was perfect for falling asleep. Warabiko kept forcing his eyes open to stay awake, but your voice was so comforting. It reminded him of the warm donuts you made, fresh out of the oven on a quiet morning.
There was no harm in closing his eyes, he'll see you again when he woke up. His small body went limp in your arms as his eyes began to close without fight.
His body was mere milliseconds away from relaxing into a comfy sleep. Until a sharp jab at his side forced him awake. The warmth of the memory was gone. Whatever it was that hit him launched far from where he previously was.
Warabiko was on high alert now. Big Mom was still angry, still searching for croquembouche. He shakily stood on his feet with a hand on the side where he was jabbed. He glanced back to where he remembered seeing his uncle's and aunt.
Physically, he could see they weren't hurt. But their faces held a different story. They were terrified, all color was drained from their faces. It was odd considering Mont-d'Or and Opera's skin tone.
Warabiko dared follow their gaze and he soon wished he hadn't. His heart stopped and ice filled his veins, making him freeze in place.
He didn't even notice nor hear Big Mom stomp away in the opposite direction, demanding croquembouche. In that moment, in his mind, everything was quiet.
A mirror image of his eyes was staring straight into his own. That familiar color he always saw in the mirror was drained away, and only white remained.
The only movement that was seen wasn't a sign of life. It was just your body falling to the ground. The sound of it reverberated throughout the whole Chateau.
Warabiko would hear that sound in his nightmares.
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
Ghost and Southern California
i'm from California, so a lot of the locations in the Ghost lore are familiar to me! i wanna use this post to show / explain Ghost being set in the Los Angeles area.
though it hadn't been explicitly stated yet then, there are actually hints that Ghost is based in Southern California as early as Chapter 4: The Accident. when Sister Imperator is driving, you can see palm trees on the hills along the road. of course, lots of places have palm trees, but the specific combination of palm trees with the rocky cliffs and sparse vegetation feels distinctly Californian to me.
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the Dance Macabre music video shows Nihil met Sister Imperator at a mansion in LA (as explained by the intro). don't know the exact location, but if i had to guess, i'd place it maybe somewhere in Beverly Hills, which has a lot of mansions like this.
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the Kiss The Go-Goat music video again confirms that they're in Los Angeles. it features the Whisky a Go Go, a real music venue in West Hollywood. the Mary On A Cross animated music video accurately places it on a corner along the Sunset Strip.
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the Mary On A Cross lyric video shows Sister Imperator walking through the Ministry building before leaving to see the show at the Whisky a Go Go. this is another indicator the Ministry building is in the LA area since it's within driving distance of the venue. scenes in the Ministry building are filmed at a real mausoleum northeast of LA, but i'm not going to name the location because the Ministry is supposed to be a fictional building. interestingly, the lyric video also gives us the exact time of the concert.
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after the events of Kiss The Go-Goat, the Mary On A Cross animated music video starts with Sister Imperator driving to her house, which is in the Hollywood Hills neighborhood near the Hollywood Sign. you can see from the road that they're in the hills looking over the city.
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then Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil run from their house to the Hollywood Sign. there are hiking trails that go from the surrounding neighborhoods up to the Hollywood Sign. you can go behind it just like they do in the video.
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Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil cross a body of water that is most likely the Hollywood Reservoir, although the video places the Hollywood Sign west of the lake instead of east, as in real life.
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Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil make out in a cemetery (which i did not attempt to locate) and then end up at a motel. this is not a real motel, though. it's the Bates Motel movie set at Universal Studios Hollywood. i laughed so hard because recognized it instantly in Rite Here Rite now. (i've been on the same tour that the Nameless Ghouls were on.) Universal Studios Hollywood is both a theme park and an actual film studio. there are people filming when Nihil calls Mr. Psaltarian to come pick him up in the The Future Is A Foreign Land music video.
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so to summarize some of the locations in those videos: the Whisky a Go Go, Hollywood Sign, and Universal Studios are highlighted in yellow. the red outline on the map shows the boundary of the Hollywood Hills neighborhood. the Hollywood Reservoir is the body of water in the middle of it.
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The Future Is A Foreign Land music video and Chapter 13: The Beach Life feature Mr. Psaltarian's beach house, which is on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. though there are beach houses all along the SoCal coast, Malibu is closest to LA, and is pretty much the only place where houses are that close to the water without some kind of barrier. it's a real house and i've driven past it. i know the exact location but i'm not sharing it, for obvious reasons.
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here is Malibu on a map relative to Los Angeles:
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as a side note, it appears Cardi now drives Mr. Psaltarian's old car, a 1968 Buick LeSabre convertible. it has California license plates, of course, but the plates must have been replaced at some point, since that California license plate design wasn't in use until 1988.
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lastly, Rite Here Rite Now is set at The Forum (now called KIA Forum), which is in Inglewood near the LAX airport. Inglewood is technically its own city, but it's completely surrounded by LA.
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when Rite Here Rite Now released, TF said in an interview that it's "common knowledge" that Ghost is based in LA. i found it a bit funny because i've read very few Ghost fanfics that are actually set in LA, so i don't know how 'common' that knowledge really is, LOL. but i hope this post helps!
WHAT WAS BEHIND THE DECISION TO SHOOT THE FILM AT THE FORUM IN L.A.? TOBIAS FORGE: [...] There’s this common knowledge that the HQ of the band seems to be in L.A. So the Forum is not only a classic venue, but it’s sort of their home turf. Had we placed the story someplace else, we would’ve had to justify: Why are they there? Why is this show special? Revolver (June 2024)
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animentality · 2 years
Depression and ADHD took away my ability to enjoy novels a long time ago, when I was 18.
I used to be a big reader. Ever since I was a kid, I'd plow through hundreds of books a year, no joke, no hyperbole. I was raised by an older mom, who didn't let me watch TV or use the internet until I was about 12, so books were the thing I loved most, aside from games I could play on the Gameboy Advanced or the SP or the Nintendo DS.
But books I could read under the desk at school. Books I could smuggle more places. I always had a hyperactive imagination. It was like watching a movie or a tv show in my head. I was a child perpetually lost in day dreams and fantasies.
I could read anything at all. Romances, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction, literary.
I snapped up just about any story I could get my hands on.
But then I became a teenager, and then I showed symptoms of depression.
And I still read books, but in lesser numbers.
I read less and less every year.
And then I went to college. And then things just got worse.
I stopped watching movies, which were something I used to adore. I couldn't, literally could not, watch TV shows. I couldn't muster enthusiasm for anything at all.
I played video games, but they didn't make me happy. They didn't stimulate my imagination or give me joy.
They were just something I could use to while away my time in between the agonizing bouts of loneliness and apathy.
If I didn't have them, I would just be lying in my bed, in the utter darkness, staring up at the ceiling, wishing there was something, anything at all, that I cared about.
So I got my BA and master's degree, and all the while, every day, I asked myself why I did anything at all. Why I was not happy.
Why I didn't care about anything.
Just about the only thing I cared about was the books I was writing, and even them, I felt this horrible notion that they were all I had, and yet, that was nothing. They were as empty as I was.
So anyway.
One day, I started researching bridges to throw myself off of.
And uh. Well. Not to go into any gory details, but there was one friend I had, a long distance internet friend, who got concerned and sent some of my more troubling messages to my mom.
Who then took me to a hospital. And anyway, that part actually isn't important. All that matters is that I got medicated.
And the world sort of turned itself over, and I could start over.
And then suddenly the world wasn't brighter, it wasn't happier, but I could feel things again.
I could have interests. I was interested in everything, the way I used to be.
And then I started to love movies again. and then I started to love TV shows again (Cocaine Bear and Severance come to mind first, not sure why, but that's irrelevant, I guess).
And finally, we come back...to novels.
So this year, I have been reading books. Great books. Some bad books.
And some wonderful.
And I just wanted...to talk about The Night Circus.
by Erin Morgenstern.
Because this book...was breathtakingly good. Like.
Like...I have been out of practice.
I have been reading some decent books. Books with great premises, but disappointing follow throw.
Some great books, but with predictable twists or rather tired prose. Books that I liked, but won't think about again.
And then I read Night Circus. And suddenly, I...I knew what it felt like. Again.
For the first time in maybe seven years, I suddenly remembered this feeling I used to have, as a child, hiding behind a bush during recess, and reading Redwall or Animorphs or Goosebumps.
I was almost giddy with the feeling, it was like stepping back in time.
Back to before I started hurting, and even before I started feeling nothing at all, and everything felt so bright. So filled with lively colors.
I was vibrating, I was so emotional, I was so invested.
I literally was about to go to bed at 2 am, a reasonable time, but the Night Circus picked up, and it was suddenly so imperative that I finish it right now. I could NOT tear myself away.
And I am close to tears.
Not just because the book was wonderful and sad.
Honestly, this is hilarious to me, but as much as I loved the book, I still found myself criticizing some of its makeup, specifically slow pacing and some of the meandering. There was also a somewhat anti climatic solution to a problem that I sort of wish had been explained sooner as a possibility.
But honestly, it doesn't matter at all! All that mattered was that it thrilled me! It fascinated me! It spoke to me directly and grabbed a hold of my heart.
It tore me away from what I was planning on doing and dragged me into its world, in its pages, and I was moved by the book!
It's so fucking hard to move me! Especially a novel.
Movies and TV shows can move me much easier, because there's something so very human about needing to see faces, hear voices, experience the raw emotions through a screen that captures it all.
But this novel....Night Circus...oh my god, I had not felt so powerfully fond of a story in a long time.
I finished it, and I thought, this was what it was like, being ten...and yet, at the same time, as familiar as it was, it was also something new.
This was rediscovering something beautiful and lovely and old and new. It was drudging up the past, while creating something worthwhile, in the present.
It was the good kind of hurt.
It'll stay with me forever.
I was so happy. I am so happy.
I never expected to love this book so much.
I honestly don't even care to call this a review. I almost don't even want to talk about the specifics of its plot or its world or anything.
I just wanted to talk about how wonderful it felt to be so immersed in anything again.
To fall into a book and never want to leave its pages, and to be jarred by reality, when you realize it's over.
I am so glad to be happy, after that long dull period where nothing mattered.
I am so happy to be here. I am so happy to be alive.
To watch a good movie, to see a good show, to write novels where good things happen, where love and despair and joy and misery all happen.
To read a spectacular book, late into the night.
If I die tomorrow, I will be most disappointed, but at least, I could experience the best things in life again.
At least, I remembered in the night before my passing, what it felt like to be inspired and shaken by the creation of another person, to be touched by art, that moves you and changes you irreversibly.
I want to read more.
I want to be alive for as long as I possibly can.
I want to see the world change and I want to live every day of my life and I want to watch every good movie and every good tv show, and I want to read hundreds of books again. I want to write thousands of books.
And I don't know how you, in particular, found me or this post, but I hope whoever you are, you're also doing things that you like.
I hope you find that story you need. or make the story you need.
I hope you remember this feeling, and experience this feeling for the first time.
Maybe Night Circus is your book, maybe it's not, but either way, I wish it upon all. Upon everyone.
Read, write, draw, watch, create.
Do it all, and then do none of it, and go the fuck to sleep.
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We Will Go Softly Into the Night
(Papa IV x Female Reader)
After getting super emotional during Respite On The Spitalfields at the ritual I attended over the weekend, I NEEDED to write this. For my own sanity's sake, I needed to do this. It was cathartic, even though I'll probably never be able to listen to Respite ever again without crying.
Also here on AO3
(Under the cut for length)
Sister Imperator had just left Copia's room not five minutes ago when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. Could he not just play his video games in peace for once? 
"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it!"
"Like hell, he didn't!"
Copia frowned, pausing the game. He was not expecting to hear your voice, especially not so agitated. He was about to stand to see what was going on when you flew into the room, tears standing in your eyes, Aether hot on your heels. 
"Amore?" Copia questioned, now very concerned.
"Why is Saltarian pushing an empty glass coffin through the hallways?!" you demanded.
Copia looked down. "Ah. You saw that."
"Everyone is seeing it. He's making a point to parade it around! I know what this means, Copia! How long were you going to hide it?!"
He stood and stepped up to you, sending a look at Aether, who made a hasty retreat.
"I was not hiding anything, tesoro mio," Copia said gently, his hands on your upper arms. "Saltarian is posturing, nothing more."
You did not look convinced and all but glared up at him through your tears. "The coffin was empty. And they only use the glass ones for Papas. I'm not stupid, Copia."
"I am not going anywhere. I promise."
You shook your head. "I know how this goes. You're going to end up just like Primo and Secondo and Terzo… Someday, I'm going to be looking at you in one of those awful boxes, and I—" You broke off, your voice catching with emotion as your tears finally fell.
Copia pulled you into his arms and gently shushed you. "I promise you, cara mia. Nothing is going to happen to me."
"I don't believe you."
He closed his eyes and nuzzled into your hair. You were right; something was going to happen, but how could he tell you that? He knew his time was up. It was not a matter of if anymore, but rather when. He had a good idea, knowing The Clergy would want to make a show out of it, a spectacle. The bastard Papa who usurped the papacy meets his untimely demise in front of thousands. But how was he supposed to tell you, the love of his life, this?
"If anything happened to you…" you began in a small, broken voice that gripped his heart. "I don't think I could stand it."
"What must I do to convince you?" he murmured, his hand touching your cheek to tilt your face toward his.
You gazed up at him, cheeks stained with tears, eyes red, and he could not help but think you were still so beautiful.
"Don't die."
Copia sighed, but before he could respond, you went on.
"Whatever they do to you, they're going to have to do to me, too."
"I mean it!" you sobbed. "I can't do this without you! I won't let them take you from me!"
Copia pulled you back onto his bed and into his lap, cuddling you close. You curled around him, pressing your face to his neck, breathing him in.
"You haven't lost me yet," he whispered. "And I promise you, amore mio, that if they do try something, I will fight tooth and nail against it. I swear to you, you will not lose me. You have me forever."
You sniffed. "What about nothing ever lasts forever?"
"My time as Papa will not last forever, but my love for you will. And because of that love, I will always be with you."
"Copia," you cried, clutching to him tighter.
"You have given me so many reasons to live. I will not let them take me away from you so easily."
You lifted your head and touched his cheek. "Promise me again."
He caught your hand and kissed your palm. "I promise. Whatever happens, you will not lose me. Not entirely."
That was not quite what you wanted to hear, he knew, but before you could respond, he kissed you. He kissed you so thoroughly and passionately, hoping to make you forget about this for a while.
And later, when you both lay naked under his covers, spent and panting, clinging to each other for dear life, Copia would promise you again. He would not stop until you believed him.
Copia swiftly made his way through the maze of hallways backstage, hurrying to get to where you were waiting for him. He had to do this quickly. If there was anything to be done now, it was this.
He found you in the wings where you were waiting for the ritual to begin. He grabbed your hand, startling you, and pulled you into a more secluded area, away from any prying eyes and listening ears.
He swept you up into a kiss, pouring his love into it as best he could, knowing he was about to irreparably hurt you and break his promise. When he broke the kiss, there were tears in your eyes. You knew. You knew what was coming.
"No matter what happens," he began, his tone serious, "no matter what you see tonight, promise me something, amore mio." 
"What? What do you mean? What's going to happen? You're scaring me, Copia!" 
"Promise me!" he demanded, perhaps a bit too forcefully.
"I-I promise." 
Copia nodded and pressed a note into your hands. "Promise me that no matter what occurs tonight, you will do exactly as this note says." You began to open it, but Copia quickly stopped you. "No, not now. Wait until you are alone." 
"Copia, please, don't—" 
He gently shushed you, taking your face in his hands and kissing you sweetly, his thumbs catching the tears that fell. "Now, now… None of that, amore. You'll be strong for me, sì?" You blinked, more tears falling, but you nodded. Copia smiled warmly at you, though it was tinged with sadness. "Bene. Now, I must go. And remember the note! Please, cara mia, it is important you do not forget." 
"I won't."
He hesitated for a moment longer, gazing at you, memorizing your face. "I love you."
Your bottom lip trembled. "I love you, too, Copia."
He felt tears sting his eyes, absolutely hating to do this to you. He pulled you in for another kiss, trying not to think about how final it felt. The last time before it's over….
With great effort, Copia pulled away and walked backward away from you, keeping you in his sight for as long as he could before he finally had to turn and hurry away, carefully brushing his tears away lest he ruin his paint.
"Did you say goodbye?" 
Copia stopped, not looking at her, his shoulders tense and his eyes downcast. Sister Imperator being here only confirmed everything. She had to make sure everything went according to plan. 
"How did she take it?" 
He shot a glare at his mother. "How do you think? If your intent is to devastate her, this will do it. And do not be surprised if she—" His voice caught as the reality of what he was about to say hit him like a ton of bricks. "Do not be surprised if she wants to follow me." 
"Oh, I'll be keeping an eye on her, don't you worry, C. From now on, she'll hardly be leaving my sight." 
Copia frowned. Did she know? How could she? Unless… He looked up and saw his ghouls gathered ahead of him, waiting and watching. Surely not. 
"The masses are waiting for you, C," the Sister continued. "Don't keep them waiting too long. After all, the show must go on." 
Copia refused to look at her and stalked toward the ghouls. They said nothing, only stared at him, waiting for their cue to head out on stage. 
"Let us get this over with," he growled to them, determined to give the masses the best damned show ever.
You waited a few moments after Copia left to collect yourself as best you could. But no matter how many deep breaths you took, you still felt like you were on the verge of a breakdown. No matter what he said, you knew this was it. He would not be able to stop it. Copia was only one man against The Clergy. And no one went against The Clergy and won.
With shaky hands, you unfolded the note, already feeling your heart seize upon seeing Copia’s all too familiar handwriting.
Amore mio, 
Whatever you see tonight, for your safety and the safety of the little life growing inside you, you must not ask any questions. There is nothing else to be done. What happens must happen. It is the order of things. But there is one other thing I beg of you to do, cara mia. At the end of the ritual, go to the exit on the farthest side of the venue and make sure you are not followed. Perhaps it is a selfish request, but you will understand when the time comes. For me, amore mio. Do this one last thing for me because where I am going, you cannot follow. And please know that everything I am doing is to keep you safe. 
I love you. Never forget that.
Eternally yours,
That only confirmed everything. This was well and truly the end. Tonight, you would witness your love’s death, and you could do nothing about it.
You watched the man you loved pour his heart and soul into his performance as only he could, the crowd going absolutely wild with each song played. You had been to every one of Copia’s rituals, but this was hands down the best one ever. He and the ghouls were so in sync. It was glorious to see, and it nearly made you forget about what was about to happen. Nearly, but not completely.
You had no idea how it would happen, so after his speech about not mourning something you will lose, enjoy it while it’s here, and launching into Respite On The Spitalfields, the dread set in full force. You were tense, hardly even paying attention to Copia, looking around to try to figure out how it was going to be done.
It all ended up happening so fast that you barely comprehended it. Between the ghouls suddenly moving, cutting the song short, and the screams of the audience, all you could see beyond the fog machines was a blur of movement. Panic gripped you, and your instinct was to run out to help Copia, but fear kept your feet firmly in place. Because you were so close to the stage, you could hear the vicious snarling from the ghouls but never a sound out of Copia. Dewdrop emerged first, stumbling back to reveal his blood-covered hands. That was when the screaming turned into actual terrified ones. 
The stage crew rushed out, trying to stop the ghouls, but it was too late. The fog cleared away, and there laid Copia’s body, his clothes shredded and stained with blood. Perhaps mercifully, you could not see his face from your vantage point, but it did not matter. Hot tears streaked down your face as you took in the sight before you. It felt like your heart was being ripped from your chest.
You began to collapse, a heartbroken wail tearing past your lips as you felt your world crumble, but two strong hands caught you before you could hit the ground. You began to be moved, pulled, and you fought against it with everything you had in you, desperate to get to Copia, begging them not to take you away from him. 
“Can’t do that, Mama. Besides, Papa told you to leave.”
Aether was the one pulling you along, taking you away from the macabre scene. Part of you cursed him. If Aether had been there, none of this would have happened. He would not have let it. He could have stopped them. Is that why Sister Imperator had him replaced?
Aether led you around the perimeter of the venue, taking his time to make sure no one saw you, and out to a secluded driveway. A black car was parked a little ways away, and a man stood nearby, his back to you. He was speaking to a ghoul who had a hood over his head, shrouding his face in shadow, so you had no idea who he was. The ghoul seemed to take notice of you and alerted the man.
As soon as he turned, you felt your knees start to give out, and a body-wracking sob left you. Aether grabbed you so you did not fall.
There before you stood Copia, his face completely free of paint and dressed casually in jeans and a black button-up, making him totally inconspicuous, like just another ritual attendee. And he was totally fine. There was no blood anywhere, no signs of anything that had occurred on stage. He was alive and well before you and hurrying to your side as fast as he could.
"Oh, amore," he breathed, pulling you into his arms.
You could not control your sobs, torn between disbelief and relief. He held fast to you with one arm around your waist while his other hand cradled the back of your head. You clung to him so tightly that you were likely leaving bruises.
"I-I don't understand," you cried. "I saw you! I-I saw—"
Copia shook his head and leaned back enough to pepper your face with kisses. "You saw what needed to be seen. What Sister Imperator expected. My death. My mother had her plans, but I had mine as well." You still did not understand. Copia took your face in his hands. "She wanted me dead, and so I am dead. As far as anyone within the ministry is concerned, I was murdered on stage. She tasked my ghouls with this, but what she does not know is that they are entirely loyal to me."
"So it was all fake?" you asked, your brain struggling to keep up.
"Sì. I am so sorry, amore mio. Everyone had to believe I was dead —even you. But I am selfish. I needed to see you one last time before I left." He caressed your cheek, and you turned into the warmth of his hand, basking in it. "I could not hurt you that way, thinking you had watched me die. But now, I must leave. I must go far away from here."
"Take me with you!" you cried. "Don't leave me— us here alone!"
Copia dropped a hand to your abdomen. “You will be much safer at the Abbey, I assure you. If anyone finds out I am still alive, they will come after me to make sure the job is properly done. You being with me will only put you in danger.”
“I don’t care! I want to go with you! You promised.”
He hung his head, his expression greatly troubled. "I suppose I did. Amore, I cannot stomach the thought of putting you in danger."
"I'm making this decision, Copia," you said firmly, though your voice shook, and clutched the front of his shirt. "I'm going with you."
"You'd better let her come with us, Papa," Aether said.
You glanced at him. "Both of you?"
Copia nodded. "With his involvement in helping me escape, Aether is not safe either. Therefore, he must leave, too." He then sighed. "And so are you, cara mia."
You stared up at him. "You mean it?"
He wrapped his arms around you securely, a look of determination crossing his face. "I do. Absolutely. I want you forever at my side."
More tears filled your eyes. "That's the only place I've ever wanted to be. But where will we go?”
“There is a little place in Italy. I have… friends there.”
You were dubious. “You trust these friends?”
Copia smirked a bit. "With my life."
"Then let's go! Together. The way it should be."
"Sì, amore, the way it should be."
He led her to the car and got in the back with her while Aether got in the front with the other ghoul. You still had no idea who they were, but it did not matter. The only thing that did was the man beside you that let you cuddle up to his side so he could hold you close. Copia repeatedly pressed tender kisses to your face, catching the occasional tear with his lips. When your hand was not resting over his heart to feel its steady beat, your fingers traced over his face, memorizing each line and curve, basking in how alive he was.
“What will they think happened to me?” you asked quietly after a long while.
Copia shrugged. “The truth. You followed me.”
You swallowed hard. “You mean… they’ll all think I’m dead, too.”
Copia obviously did not like this, but he nodded. “Sì. It must be this way. So long as I am alive, I am a threat to them. You carry my heir, cara mia. The Clergy would not let you go so easily if they knew. You would be protected, sì, if you stayed, but if you leave… I worry what they might try to do. A child with claims to the papacy they had no hand in raising…”
You sat up suddenly, your hand pressed to his chest. "I have to go back to the Abbey. Just to grab some things."
"What? No, cara, it is too dangerous!" Copia exclaimed.
"Please, Cope!"
"I can get her in and out without being seen," Aether said from the passenger seat.
Copia looked between him and you, debating. "Fine. If we go now, perhaps we will beat everyone back. But please, amore, do not dally there. If you are caught, you must stay, and I must go on."
You nodded and kissed him briefly. "I understand. Thank you."
He kissed your forehead as you settled against him again. "Do not thank me yet."
"I was more so thanking you for letting me go with you." You pressed closer to him. "I would have followed had I known you were alive. I wouldn't have stopped until I found you."
Copia sighed. “I know. As you say, we will go together, amore mio, softly into the night.” 
It was evening the next day when you pulled up to a secluded entrance to the Abbey you did not even know existed. But, perhaps that was by design. Either way, Aether led you through the Abbey, taking paths to avoid anyone and doubling back if he heard anything suspicious ahead.
You were just about to head up the stairs to the papal suites when Aether stopped short and threw an arm out to stop you.
There on the steps stood Dew.
Aether stepped in front of you, blocking you just in case the fire ghoul tried anything. But all Dew did was stare back for a long moment. 
“You’re lucky I saw you,” he finally said. “This way, before Sister Imperator comes back.” 
Aether glanced back at you, giving you a warning look. Stay behind me. You were not going to go anywhere else, anyway. 
Dew led you the rest of the way to the suite and let you inside. There were only a few things you needed to grab. Perhaps it was stupid and selfish to come back for these, but these were mementos from your past, both from your family and from your time with Copia. You hated the thought of losing them forever.
As you grabbed a suitcase to put them in, you looked back toward the door just in time to see Aether grab the front of Dew’s shirt and slam him up against the wall. You continued gathering your things as you listened to them.
“You better not be setting us up,” Aether growled.
“Do you really think I’d hurt her?” Dew asked, nodding toward you. “Or you? Or Papa? None of us would! The plan went perfectly!”
"You sure seemed to relish what you did on stage."
"It had to be believable! Everyone had to believe we killed Papa."
"What did they threaten you with?" Aether asked in a low voice, letting Dew go. "The Clergy knows how loyal ghouls are to their Papas. What were they going to do with you if you refused?"
"Banish us back to Hell, what else?" Dew shook his head. "And not back to our respective realms."
Aether shook his head. "I wish I understood why they were doing this. Why they wanted to get rid of Papa in the first place.”
"He was becoming too well-liked, loved. With the masses behind him, they worried they were losing their power over him. Out of any of the Papas so far, Copia had the greatest advantage to end them." 
"And he still does! If Copia ever decides to come back…"
Dew nodded. "That will be the end of The Clergy."
Aether was about to respond but quickly turned toward the door. Before either ghoul could react, the door slammed open.
Sister Imperator stood there, looking at both ghouls before cutting her eyes over toward you. "Going somewhere?" she asked calmly.
"I, um…" you began.
She walked up to you, her eyes never leaving you. You stared back, refusing to waver no matter how much she intimidated you. The pair of you simply stared at each other for a long while before she finally spoke.
"Take care of him."
You blinked. She knew? Your confusion must have been extremely obvious.
"He's my son. Do you really think I wanted him dead?" she asked. "But no one crosses The Clergy. Not even me." She looked back at the ghouls and then nodded to your suitcase. "Come. We'll need to hurry. I assume you came in the back way?"
"Yes," Aether replied.
The Sister nodded and led them out. Aether grabbed your bag, and you numbly followed them out. Could you really trust Sister Imperator? If she knew Copia was not dead, what if she happened to let it slip?
As you passed by a frosted window, you heard a squeak. There sat Rigatoni on the windowsill. As you walked by, you held out your hand, letting the rat climb up your arm to settle on your shoulder. Copia would be happy to see him again and to be able to take him along, too.
As you stepped out into the moonlight, the Sister stopped short, staring at the car parked there.
Copia stared out of the car's open window at his mother. She nodded at him, a look of understanding passing between the two. Copia nodded back and rolled up the window.
"Take care of him," she said again to you, her voice trembling ever so slightly, her eyes never leaving the car. "And take care of my grandchild."
"I will, Sister. I promise." 
She looked at you, and you could see tears shining in her eyes. "If there's ever a chance, ever a way…" She sighed. "Some day, I hope to see you again."
You nodded. "Some day."
She swallowed hard and took a step back. "Go. Start your new life. We’ll manage here."
"Goodbye, Sister."
She did not say anymore but stood and watched as you drove off, disappearing into the night.
Copia held your hand the entire car ride to the airport, the entire flight, and the whole car ride out to the Italian countryside. You watched out the windows in awe, having never been to Italy before. Copia had always wanted to take you someday; he just wished now that the circumstances were different.
Your mood improved greatly over the course of the trip, and when you reached the house, Copia watched you with a smitten smile as you 'oohed' and 'ahhed' over your new home. Just wait until you see the inside, amore.
With your hand still clasped firmly in his, he led you through the house and out to the back, where his friends were waiting.
You stopped dead in your tracks, pulling back on Copia's hand. He looked at you, unable to stop the small smile from tugging at his lips as you took in the sight before you.
"Fratellino! Good to see you."
Copia turned to face his raven-haired brother and hugged him. "And you, Terzo."
Terzo grinned and looked past Copia at you. "Something wrong, cara mia? You look as though you've seen a ghost."
You swallowed hard. "Make that three."
Primo and Secondo stood and stepped up to stand behind Terzo.
"We did not realize you were coming along," Primo said, reaching out to take your hand and kiss the back of it. "I am glad to see you again, Sorella."
"Are you sure that was wise?" Secondo asked Copia.
"I didn't give him a choice," you responded before Copia could. You then shook your head. "I don't understand. You're all here. Alive. But… Your bodies are on display at every ritual!"
"That is all they are," Secondo answered. "Bodies. Perfect copies of us. No one would dare desecrate the body of a Papa to find out if those in the coffins are really ours, not even Sister Imperator. Why would she double-check when she was assured that their bodies were perfectly preserved to be put on display?"
"The only thing they needed was the confirmation of no pulse," Terzo added.
Primo nodded. "And thanks to a few home remedies, I was able to simulate that in all of us, long enough for us to get away while our ghouls replaced us with those perfect copies."
“They were exactly as you saw. A body, but only a copy. ”
You looked at Copia. "And you? There's a body back there that looks just like you?"
He nodded. "Sì. And it, too, will be displayed at every ritual."
You shook your head again. "Is there anything else I need to know?"
"Not at the moment," Copia said. "Let us let you get used to this right now."
"If I ever will!" 
The brothers exchanged smiles. Primo stepped up to your side and placed your hand in the crook of his arm. "Come, Sorella. I will show you to your room, let you freshen up before lunch, sì?"
Copia could tell from your expression that you were overwhelmed but happy. He knew this was the last thing you expected to find here. He watched you until you were out of sight.
"It was dangerous bringing her here,” Secondo said, turning to Copia. “If anyone were to find out—”
“No one will find out. I will make sure of that,” Copia vowed.
Secondo shook his head. “I sure hope you know what you are doing, Copia.”
“So do I…”
An hour later, Copia went up to your room, finding you staring out the window. He stepped up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“This is really going to be our life, huh?”
His heart sank. “Regret it already?”
You turned sharply and looked up at him. “Of course not! Never! But it will take some getting used to.”
"I know… And I am sorry it must be this way."
You hugged him tightly. "So long as you're here, alive, I don't care where we are. I just can't stand the thought of losing you."
"Now, you won't have to, amore. I am not going anywhere."
He moved you just enough to kiss you, both of you bathed in the noontime sunlight. For the first time in months, Copia felt content. Perfectly and wholly content with you in his arms, safe, with the prospect of your child arriving just a few months away.
If this is what came from his perceived death, then all of it was worth it.
The two of you, together, eternally bound by your love.
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darkbluekies · 6 months
Hello there lovely, was wondering what an ocean liner was and realized it's a ship! It's actually quite interesting and if you were ever in the mood and time for it, you can tell us! no rushing or forces at all! I'm sure most of us would love to hear more about it, learning new things is a great way to expand your knowledge and ships are really interesting but quite complex, I tend to know the sunken ones a lot, mainly because I wondered what happened and it leaves me a certain type of feel? Perhaps it's grief and curiosity. Nevertheless, have an awesome day! Take care of yourself as always. ♡
do you have an hour?
I can tell you some of my favorite knowledge about ocean liners (THAT I HAVEN'T SEEN DONE BEFORE, so no Violet Jessop or Titanic theories) until a get a story in progress lmao
— (according to Oceanliner Designs' Youtube video) After WW1, when America and Britain lost ships due to german forces, they were given the Imperator class as compensation, but they were so petty as not to give the blueprints for one of the ships (said that they could buy them for 5 million dollars) so a pair of men measured the ENTIRETY of the ship, inside and outside, millimeter for millimeter. It took 2 years.
— When the german liner Imperator was built, they were so persistant on making it longer than the british liner Aquitania that was also being built at the same time, so they installed a big golden eagle at the bow to make it just a few centimeters longer than Aquitania ... only to realize that Aquitania was never supposed to be longer, so they installed the ugly eagle for no reason
— (this is a rumour, i'm not sure that it is true) but during WW2, a certain german leader who got butthurt over not getting into art school (guess who) said that the one that could sink the Queen Mary would get 250 000 dollars, but no one could catch the Grey Ghost (QM's nickname)
— During WW1, a german ship called Cap Trafalgar wanted to infiltrate Britain, so they disguised themselves as the british ship Carmania ... only to meet Carmania on the way to England and get sunk by the ones they disguised themselves as.
— Britannic sank in 55 minutes, Lusitania sank in 18 minutes and Impress of Ireland sank in just 14 minutes
— The man who plays JJ Astor in the Titanic movie was a survivor of the Wilhelm Gustloff disaster, which is the deadliest sinking in the history with over 9000 deaths in one night. He had trouble filming the water scenes in the movie because it reminded him of the WG disaster.
— There was a ship to be named RMMV Oceanic which never got completed because White Star Line went bankrupt, which original designs looked like an addition to the Olympic class, but with a cruise-styled stern. Here you can see the first design vs the second design
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These were some that I could come up with for the moment, but I know that there are so many more! Please let me know if you want to know more lmao
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balkanradfem · 1 year
I was watching a video on purity culture and how it causes trauma to women who end up seeing sexual experiences as tainting and sinful later on; I didn't experience this so I don't have a lot to say on it, but I've thought about why it was implemented as a part of religious experience for women specifically.
Purity culture doesn't touch m*n, they are aware it's okay to get sex anywhere they possibly could and they feel victorious about it, like it's their natural thing to do. Women, however, don't get to give into their instincts and have to follow a set of strict rules, otherwise they're 'non-pure' and 'damaged goods' and whatnot.
I originally believed this was to enable m*n to be the first one to shape and control women's sexuality; if she had no experiences before and has no idea what she likes, she can't judge if he's doing well, she can't tell him what she likes, she has no criticism because she has no reference, he gets the freedom to teach her how sex should be done, and it's going to be the way he likes it; she's just there to fulfill his fantasy, and her experience barely matters. I believe this is also why a lot of m*n are attracted to children; children have no way of criticizing or being demanding or saying no, they're completely at mercy of whoever is violating them, they have zero agency, zero ability to consent to anything. Being in complete control, and even more, being a 'teacher' in those moments seems to be what m*n are aspiring for, because then the entire sexuality is under their authority. It ceases to be a mutual act and turns into one-sided power play.
Now after reading all about the biological imperative of males to impregnate women and to reject or even murder children who are not of their own blood, I'm starting to think that maybe it was the way to ensure that a woman who is entering a marriage is only possibly carrying his children. Because m*n have no way to tell, when a woman carries a child, if it's his or someone else's; so he implements strict rules and regulations that forbid the woman to ever touch anyone else sexually, so he could be sure it's all his blood. So by convincing women they could get 'tainted' or 'become sinners' by sexually interacting with anyone but a husband, they get to control her reproductive capabilities completely, use them only for themselves.
This interferes with women being the natural administrators of life and choosing who gets to continue their line. Since not all women have the chance to choose their husbands, and a lot of them are choosing based on information that is twisted and manipulated in favour of the m*n, they not only cannot exercise the right to pick and choose anytime they want, but someone else gets to do it entirely, the second they're married. Without patriarchy, women chould choose and drop a m*n at a moment's notice, the second he is no longer agreeable as a person to them, they would be able to ditch him forever, and pick someone else, or no-one at all. Patriarchy gives women only one single choice and then hardly any way to go back on it, and they are forced to make this choice on faulty information, without experience, references, and sometimes it's not even their choice at all, but the only thing that will allow them to survive. There's a reason why women are pushed to marry young, with as little experience as possible, and for m*n it doesn't matter.
Our nature is being hacked to the point where we're only living under an illusion of a choice, and under someone else's complete control over what is supposed to be our administrative right, but even that one choice is never something we can easily change our mind about, or quit when we realize it's damaging or dangerous for us. We should get to decide and control all of it. Partners, sexuality, choice of who gets to have their blood in a new generation. No restrictions should be there for women. Nature has given us none.
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puuuders · 12 days
Aaaaah q&a stuff
1. What's your favorite TerzOmega dynamic? (ofthemorningstars)
I love ressurected Terzo, so definitely the relationship after that. I have an entire story in my pea sized brain for that. I imagine copia ressurects all of his brothers after sister imperator dies. Omega loses his mind for a little bit and avoids terzo, but then he gives it a chance and becomes ultra possessive, protective and paranoid. They end up moving out and living together and live happily ever after :3 
2. Do you prefer writing or making art? (Ofthemorningstars) 
I guess it depends. My art is very basic, I do not put a lot of time into my art. I do put a lot of time into writing, but I am not a great writer. I love both, but for big projects I prefer to write, and smaller I prefer to draw. 
3. How does it feel to find love on tumblr? (Ofthemorningstars) 
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Couldn't ask for anything better
4. What has been making you distracted? 🤨 (evereverest2) 
mmmmmh see photo above babygirl (you)
5. What inspires you most to create? (evereverest2) 
 You probably noticed that 90% of my drawings are based on other people's work. I really like making fanart, as I am actually not a creative person. So definitely other people's amazing projects inspires me the most :3 
6. What is your favorite thing to draw? (Evereverest2) 
Semi-realistic portraits. I don't share those much bc idk if you would like that kind of stuff but here's some from my ghost shrine:
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7. Do you have any plans for Pursuit of Something Better? How long will it be, etc. (Evereverest2) 
I have lots of plans for it. Im not sure how long it will be, but I know it will end abruptly. Also there will be a very big terzomega theme to it teehee I can't resist writing about my pookie bears. It will be mostly angst, maybe some smut but I don't know for sure yet. I know y'all hornballs would like that huh? (Me too) 
8. What got you into ghost? (Sp1ll3d1nk) 
Back in my youth (when I was in 9th grade like 2020), I was a brainrot ifunny user. I abandoned ifunny bc it got too political lol. But I was scrolling on ifunny and I came across a video and it had year zero playing in the background. I liked it so I checked the comments and someone said “is that a mother fucking ghost reference?” So I looked it up. This may hurt some of yalls feelings… but I thought ghost sucked at first bc I listened to a song that I shant name to avoid offending y'all lmao. I just didn't like it so I abandoned it. Then, I came across Square Hammer a few months later. Boner alert. Addiction started. So I got into ghost bc of ifunny lmao
9. Idk why but you seem like you were a band kid is that true? (Sp1ll3d1nk) 
LMAO that's a great headcanon. I really wanted to be in band because I really like playing piano, and my school had a few pianos. But for some reason students weren't able to play them in band, and like all of the other instruments were wind instruments and I didn't wanna play a wind instrument
10. What other things do you do besides art? (Anon 1) 
Other than rotting in my room drawing a gay couple, I really like physical activities. I regularly go to playgrounds and trampoline parks lol. I also love rollerskating and fishing
11. Are you and everest actually a couple- I REALLY CAN'T TELL I'M SORRY (anon 2) 
I think this person is anonymous bc they're jealous /j
No, we aren't actually dating... Yet. Teehee
12. What other music do you like besides Ghost (anon 3) 
Ahh I don't mean to sound like a poser /j, but Ghost is really the only metal band I like. I really like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), The Beatles, Queen, Elton John, mostly rock. I suppose Ghost does fall into the rock category too. A pretty obscure band I recently talked about with someone is Steam Powered Giraffe, they are very interesting individuals. 
Anyways that's all thank you pookies mwah time to work on Wounded
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chase-the-music · 2 months
Introducing Cadence Valerio; Ghost's Advocatus Angeli
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I first started developing Cade as an OC about 6 months ago, including my initial sketches for these sheets, so this is how he'd look in early 2024. I will be posting a written piece about how he got his role soon, but I'm also always very happy to answer questions about him!
I've added a massive lore dump for him below if anyone's interested in reading. I would say "full" lore but chances are I will keep adding to this more and more. Tw/cw for mentions of dysphoria, death, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental health issues, sex. There are also Rite Here Rite Now spoilers right at the end(I haven't actually seen it myself yet so any contradictions will be rectified later).
Cade's grandmother, Shirley Gibson, was a huge fan of the original iteration of Ghost as a band in the 60s, and obsessed with Nihil. She was one of the women that he ends up kissing in the Kiss The Go-Goat video, but when he left to find Sister Imperator after the show, she ended up partying with the Ghouls, and sleeping with one of them named Vigor. Shirley only found out she was pregnant upon returning to England, raising Cade's mum Catherine as a single mother with Vigor sending generous monetary support.
Catherine was very visibly different as a child being half-human half-Ghoul, and as a child in England she was very much ostracised for it. She took solace in her best friend, an Italian immigrant named Luciano Valerio, and in their teens, the two fell in love. Unbeknownst to them however, Catherine shared her father's high fertility and a singular slip-up led to the pair concieving when they were only 17. They decided to marry and make it work. Catherine gave birth to twins, Isabelle Violet and [I haven't decided if I'm going to share Cade's deadname yet] Valerio on Friday the 13th of May 1988.
As a child Cadence was outgoing and highly strung whereas his sister was far more shy and reserved. Both were small and slight with frequent health issues which for Cade mostly ended by his adolescence but for Isabelle were more severe and continued into adulthood. Both initially struggled in school but later surpassed their peers. They were intelligent, curious children and were inseparably close.
Cade experienced gender dysphoria for a long time but didn't quite know what it was until finding out about transgender people in his early 20s. His family were fairly accepting, but none more so than Isabelle who was Cade's biggest advocate, helping him get the support he needed. He began socially transitioning in 2011, started testosterone in 2012 and got top surgery in 2014. He was originally on track for bottom surgery in 2015 but this ended up delayed until 2021 for reasons explained below.
Being a quarter Ghoul, Cade has some traits from his grandfather despite appearing fairly human. Vigor is a very lively sun-like (in terms of the elements, Fire/Quintisessence type) Ghoul golden skin and fire-like hair and eyes. Cade's natural hair colour is strawberry blonde despite the fully human members of his family having dark hair, his skin has a slightly golden sheen in sunlight, and his eyes glow slightly in low light, with a candlelight-like effect. He has a higher than average body temperature which may be noteable to others who touch his skin but feels normal to him. That said he feels more comfortable in less clothing and will usually just walk around in his underwear in private, in public it's harder because he prefers not to show too much skin so he often gets a little too hot. His hair and nails grow very rapidly and his skin has a fast cell turnover so it's usually very soft and sensitive, he also has higher than average flexibility. He's presumed to have had high fertility like his mother and grandfather but since he had a hystorectomy as part of his bottom surgery he no longer has to worry about that(unless someone steals the eggs he had frozen)!
Cade studied Law in London and moved to a flatshare outside of the city after graduating, becoming a legal secretary straight after university. His coming out as trans soon after getting the job was a slight setback as a lot of his colleagues were new to the concept, but he was extremely good at his job and was in the process of moving into being a paralegal where he would get to use what he had studied more.
In 2014, Isabelle died suddenly after complications from a congenital heart condition which was one of the health issues that Cade did not share. As well as a heavy dose of survivor's guilt due to the circumstances, Cadence was understandably devastated by the loss and sunk into a deep depression.
He was already recreationally taking cocaine with work friends, but he became much more dangerously addicted, stopped caring about most things, and eventually lost his job, started missing appointments including for his initial bottom surgery, and generally stopped taking care of himself.
His parents helped him get treatment for his addiction as well as bereavement counselling and general mental health support. However once he stabilised he was still left unemployed and rather aimless, so his mum called her father, now retired from the Ministry but still occasionally visiting, and asked him to pull some strings and get his grandson a job so he could have a fresh start. Sister didn't agree with his appointment given his grandmother coming between herself and Nihil when she was pregnant with Copia, but gave him a shot expecting him to leave soon.
Cadence joined in late 2016, at first not having a defined role, just being a standard Clergy member and just seeing where he could be useful. At the time he was still feeling a little lost and still not his usually confident self, so he wasn't sure he belonged for a while. Shortly after the first three Papa's deaths, however, an argument with Sister Imperator over that choice led to him being given the role of "Advocatus Angeli"- an inversion of the original Advocatus Diaboli, or Devil's Advocate in Catholicism- via a phonecall from The Old One himself. He's considered a similar rank to an archbishop where he sits just below the Cardinal, but he's not able to ascend to that rank when Copia becomes Papa because it's considered a different skillset.
Cade's primary role for the first two years as AdvAn was to question and challenge Cardinal Copia and make sure he was worthy of becoming Papa. His criticisms were not sufficient from keeping Copia from the role, much to his chagrin, but he remains an important part of the Ministry, dedicated to making sure all are dedicated to demonic worship.
Cade is curious, observant and has a great memory. He's also very stubborn when he's sure he's right whether that be factually or morally, the latter backed up by his strong sense of justice. Usually his rebellious nature emerges when he comes across what he feels are unfair or unnecessary rules. He's usually very outgoing and talkative, though this took a knock for a while after Isabelle's death, not really returning to his usual self until 2019-20.
He is a hopeless romantic and falls in love far too easily. He's demisexual which I know can play out a bit differently depending on the person, but for Cade it means he doesn't really experience primary attraction, he needs to get to know a person to some extent and then the attraction develops. His actual drive for sex and/or masturbation on the other hand is rather high. When you combine all this with how easily he does end up falling for people, he's prone to setting off with friendly intentions in mind but then ending up with quite intense attractions to and fixations on people.
Cade is quite active; he doesn't have much interest in twam sports but he loves to swim, lift weights and kickbox; once he came out of his shell he started to invite Ghouls to spar with him(often in his office, which Sister is not too happy with).
Cade is a good singer and would love to lead rituals as he also has the charisma. His voice isn't as powerful as the Papas, but it does have a nice tone to it. He also plays piano/keyboard, so he can provide backup vocals or fill in on keyboard when needed for rituals. He likes to serenade his partners in low light, preferably on a real piano, because his soft voice combined with the glow of his eyes can be oddly hypnotic. He likes watching any sort of crime documentary and for films he quite likes psychological thrillers. He's creative and can draw to some extent but not very good with physically making things so often has clothes/accessories/props custom made for him.
Cade's favourite food is ice cream/gelato, especially coffee, hazelnut and pistachio flavours. He also really likes steak and pasta. In terms of animals he quite likes reptiles; he doesn't have any pets at the Ministry but is very tempted to get a snake because a. he's dramatic and b. if Copia pisses him off he can threaten his rats (he wouldn't actually though).
He never got to know Primo or Secondo well, he would perhaps consider them acquantances up until their deaths. Papa Nihil and he have an odd relationship; Nihil actually seems to quite like him but because of Sister Imperator he can't really get to know him well. Sister herself starts off very cold to Cade because of his relation to the woman who wrecked her marriage to Nihil(I hc them married in the eyes of the Ministry, hence why Copia is seen as needing to prove himself; only bastard children are fit to take the Papa title automatically as I've talked about here). It looks like she may warm to him a little until he finds out about Copia being her son shortly after the Papa's deaths and accuses her rather confrontationally as mentioned above, gaining him his role but almost guaranteeing the cold relationship continues.
He got to know Terzo quite a bit as he was Papa when he joined the Ministry, he studied and admired his performance in Rituals and ended up considering him a friend. He was somewhat attracted to him once they became close but he mostly ignored it. Terzo's death therefore hit him harder than the other two, though all three were hard for him as he'd agreed to come to Ghost to get away from death.
Cade initially had no issue with Copia and vice versa, he was just someone he saw around the halls, but after he was assigned to challenge him and judge his worthiness for Papa (despite still being below him in rank), the two begin to frequently butt heads. They maintain a genuine dislike for each other over many years. There is some degree of sexual tension there, but they fucked once only to find they still couldn't stand each other.
When Copia became Papa against much of his advice, Cadence reacted very badly, including going off to find some sort of purpose to everything he was doing. He ended up getting to know and then having a short-term relationship with Lucifer himself. They ended up having to part ways for various reasons but it gave Cade a more solid belief in the purpose of the Ministry, and he soon returned. He still doesn't like Copia and frequently thinks about usurping him but nothing really comes from it.
He has a very up and down relationship with @nocturnal-bishop's OC Bishop Dante. Cade doesn't make friends at the Ministry for a while because he's not his usual confident self, and Dante is his first friend there. As they grow closer, Cadence develops feelings for Dante, but he can tell he's in love with Terzo so while he's not too secretive when it comes to flirting etc, he never makes a definitive move or confession. When the Papas die, Cadence tries to be there to console the Bishop, but when he gets his promotion soon afterwards, Dante becomes suspicious and it takes a while for him to trust Cade again.
From then on, tension grows between the two professionally, as Dante helps prepare Copia for his duties as Papa while Cadence challenges whether he's worthy of the role. Unlike Cade and Copia though, there is a genuine like for each other and want to understand the other at the heart of it. They do sometimes have genuine arguments, but a lot of the time it's far more playful, and over the years I can see genuine affection developing, probably a lot of situations where one has feelings for each other they don't express. Once they can be more open with each other about everything, it would assuage all their doubts about each other and they would build a loving relationship, I don't think it's really been decided when they get together but really any time from 2021-24 I can see working. Me and Dante's writer are both multi-shippers but in my heart I can definitely see them as endgame. Oh and their ship name is Dance. 💜❤
Post-Rite Here Rite Now, I imagine Cadence would be heavily disadvantaged by Copia's appointment as Frater Imperator. He's going to have to hope he can gain some sort of promotion- which is difficult when his role is rather unique- or try his best to make a good impression with the new Papa.
If you read all(or any!) of this, I really appreciate it! I'm hoping to work on some art pieces of Cade and hopefully of Vigor soon but I'm not the fastest. I love talking about my little guy so again feel free to drop me an ask or message or whatnot!
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max1461 · 2 years
Let me try this post again. I think there's something to it, but I don't think I communicated it very well. I'm going to come at this from a more personal angle, and I'm also going to be a bit more careful in my wording. There are also, I think, several different ideas being gestured at in that post, and I'm only going to cover one of them here. The others will get their own posts eventually.
I am deeply, deeply in love with the world we live in. I think it is extraordinary beautifully and fascinating. I am continually astounded by the intricacies and strange little details of nature, of human society, of history, and so on. I consider learning about the world to be one of my primary reasons for living. Existing on earth, having nature around to look at and people around to talk to and things to discover is like being in a garden of delights. I can look at a tree! I can learn a language! Moreover, I can read about a tree and then look at that tree, and can see for myself all the things that were in the book, connect the abstract description of some biological fact with my real, direct observation of the physical world around me. The world is a cornucopia of puzzles and mysteries. It is, in a broad structural sense, like my own personal heaven. I cannot overstate the degree to which I love the universe that I am living in.
I think I am, perhaps, an outlier in this regard. Maybe most people don't think this way, at least not as generally as I do. But certainly a lot of people I've met here seem to feel this way. And I think many people, perhaps most, feel this way about some corner of the world even if they don't feel it about the world in general. If you love literature or video games, maybe you feel deeply in love with the works that people have made. If you're passionate about, I don't know, soccer, maybe you're similarly enthralled by the feeling of the game, the experience of practicing and improving, etc. In general, if you like anything... you like that thing! I mean that's a tautology, but like, I hope it conveys what I'm trying to convey.
And I think this experience of passion, this experience of loving the world or some part of the world, is for many people an inherent aspect of a life worth living. Not for everyone, I'm sure—there are people who would be contented without it, and I support those people just as much. But there are likewise people, a lot of people, who would say "without soccer, what's the point? Without trees, what's the point? Without languages to learn, what's the point? If I can't dance, it's not my revolution."
At the same time, it is evident that this world that I'm so in love with is, in many ways, deeply unjust. There is suffering, poverty, disease, loss, grief, and pain. Many of these problems are tractable, and don't interfere with the things that I (or most anyone, I think) loves about the world. Fighting disease and poverty, for instance. These are two great imperatives, and for the most part I think their cost is purely one of human time and energy. We can fix these things if we try hard, if we put in the resources, and so on. These are not efforts that come at the cost of the world I love.
Some forms of injustice are not so obviously orthogonal to human passion. The type case here, I think, is wild animal suffering. There is a huge amount of suffering in nature, of pain and fear and death. Billions upon billions of organisms in pain. And right now, as awful as it may sound, I feel almost thankful that any proposed solutions to this problem remain in the realm of the fantastical. Because, you know, I love nature! Part of the reason I wake up every day is to experience the nature around me! And solving the problem of animal suffering—freeing all those billions of organisms from their constant struggle—would involve irreparably changing nature into something else, something without the organic complexity that makes it what it is.
And, you know, I want to put aside all arguments about the advisability of trying to meddle with ecosystems and all that. I agree, wholeheartedly, that humans trying to jump in and solve the problem of wild animal suffering would almost certainly be immensely stupid. That's not the point! The point is, suppose that we could. With no catastrophic consequences, no great collapse. And ignore any trolley problems, ignore any ethical conundra that might arise, like "how do we weight animal freedom against animal pain?" or "how do we acquire consent to alter aspects of the biosphere from stakeholders who can't communicate?" or whatever. Pretend it all magically works out. Should we do it? I don't know, but I think the answer might be "probably".
But then nature is gone! The intricate complexity of ecosystems is gone! Remember, that complexity relies on cycles of predation, on natural selection! Pain and suffering are built into it! But ending that pain and suffering requires something terrible in its own way. I think there are people who would wake up in that new world, that world where nature per se no longer exists, and say "what am I waking up for anymore? What is the point now? The world I loved is gone."
This description so far also relies on positing, falsely, a separation between humans and nature, or perhaps between passion-feelers and nature. Remember, many of those wild animals are not so different from us. Don't you think a horse feels something similar to passion when it sees a wide sprawling grassland to run across? If you aren't sure that it does, don't you think it at least might? Don't you think lions are passionate about the hunt? I think they might be. Some people are. And lions aren't that far away from us, biologically. But zebras suffer because of the lions' hunt!
So it's not just the fare of privileged outside observers to say "oh no, you ended mass suffering but also took away my pretty garden!". It's not just the slaveholder lamenting the end of slavery. It's that the world itself is an intricate mixture of passions and pains, and each passion is predicated on a pain! The lion wants to keep hunting, the zebra wants to keep grazing, the grass—if it wants, which I don't know that it doesn't—wants to keep photosynthesizing.
We all live in a world where the basic things that make us happy are predicated on the current structure of the world, which involves a great amount of suffering. Maybe some of us would be happy to, as it were, live in a zoo and sustain ourselves on nutrient mush, and would take this as the necessary price for the end of suffering. But I think most of us would find that existence intolerable. Our ability to enjoy life is dependent on being part of this matrix, part of this complex web, and pain is another, inextricable part of it.
Or, at least, that's the fear. I don't know. Maybe there is a way to create a world were suffering is minimal but you and me and lions and zebras all still get to live something approaching "the good life". We all still get to have a worthwhile existence, an existence we feel satisfied by. I'm not sure if this is possible when the whole of the biosphere is taken into account (which is why I chose it as an example), but I think it very well might be possible with regard to human society. And I think we should work tirelessly to find it, because if it is possible then achieving it is an utter imperative. But I fear that it isn't, and that makes me sad, and concerned. But it's still worth trying.
Ok, maybe that wasn't actually any better phrased than the last time. I don't know. I seem incapable of writing about this topic in a disinterested manner, at least at present. But hopefully that's at least a little better, and answers some of the questions people had last time.
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assenavlp · 9 months
AI Sucks.
AI is not punk. AI is a tool of The Man. Of billionaire Tech Bro sociopaths and accelerationists. AI is not subversive. Edgelords and petty contrarians utilizing AI does not make it so. AI is not revolutionary. Sentimental schlock will not save the suffering. AI is lazy. AI is a cheat. AI is plagiarism. AI is slick and facile. AI produces Pablum for the masses, shat out as easily as it's digested, no different than any banal meme of the week.
AI is not art. It can't even be called Digital Art. It isn't art, period. Digital art still has a human component. AI isn't even in the same league as any of the long traditions of collage, assemblage, or found art, or even of electronic music, musique concrète, or music sampling, or of, in writing, the cut-up technique.
If one is going to steal shit, as all artists, musicians, and writers do - "there is nothing new under the sun" - one should at least have the decency to put in one's own work. The blood, the sweat, and the tears, and fucking make it one's own, rather than simply letting a computer algorithm regurgitate vapid, plasticky-looking, fumble-fingered, dilettante-pleasing, scam and hoax-facilitating, uncanny-valley kitsch.
AI does not democratize art. It is designed to take ownership of it. To render it even further into a mere commodity. NFT's anyone? To appeal and pander to the masses, unschooled in the arts. To render true artists, photographers, writers, musicians, and actors, irrelevant, unworthy of making a living, as they cannot compete with the speed and high turnover that, among other things, social media affords this AI kitsch. Anything real, anything tactile, will soon pale in comparison to any of these fantastical images that seem to fool far too many people; undiscerning audiences raised on decades of ridiculously "airbrushed" magazine covers and multi-million dollar CGI popcorn movies that look like video games. And as education becomes less and less of a priority, the quality of the written word will matter less and less, as well.
And AI is absolutely being used to fool people on a daily basis. To distort reality for the sake of a buck. Not only to devalue these various "creatives", of all stripes (painters, cartoonists, sign writers, stained glass artists, ceramicists, blacksmiths, furniture designers, yarn artists, cake artists, fashion designers, and so on), but as yet another way to scam the gullible with impossible products, and separate them from money they don't have to begin with.
To, in fact, devalue the individual, the consumer, the employee, the everyday Joe; losing jobs to AI-powered automation, forced to communicate with soulless chatbots and their frustratingly meaningless automated replies, and everyone's favourite, the indignity of the self-check-out. Of course the youth are so anxiety-ridden, now, by this mess we've all left them, they're welcoming the lack of human interaction. Great.
And, even more worryingly, to further sabotage the already broken political process, with fake images, spread through memes, that not only successfully fool fans and detractors of any leader or candidate, alike, but allow them to also deny reality. To claim that legitimately damning photos, authentic audio or videos have been, in fact, faked, whether they actually believe that to be so or not.
There's a difference between something that's clearly (or should be) satirical, and something that purports to be authentic, even if expressing something in a humorous way. And, unfortunately, that line is becoming hazier and hazier, as people seem to, somehow, be less and less informed, in this, supposedly, the information age. Not to mention the rationalisations: "well, 'they're' doing it". But as we move further into this age of disinformation, it is imperative that the left does not engage in this sort of chicanery. There are enough damning statements and real photographs of various political foes. Just because the (alt) right does it is not a good reason. Of course it was already an issue, to some extent, with Photoshopping, but AI is clearly compounding the problem. Some might say, purposefully. Indeed, all aspects of this malfeasance are being used by grifters, strategists, and propagandists, alike, to full effect.
In sum: Fuck AI.
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 6 - Watch and Learn
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC (kind of)
Chapter Synopsis- Riley shows Bertrand porn for the first time.
Chapter Warnings- language, mentions of sexual acts, masturbation
Rating - Explicit
Word Count- 1,785
A/N- Thanks @angelasscribbles for giving me the idea that ended up being the premise for this entire chapter!
Chapter 6 - Watch and Learn
In a couple days, the Beaumonts would head to Applewood for the next event of the social season. They usually had a week between events to return back to Ramsford to rest. Most of Riley’s “downtime” at the Beaumont estate was spent studying courtly procedures, brushing up on her dance moves, and doing anything else Bertrand deemed imperative knowledge for a future queen.
But when Riley wasn’t learning from Bertrand, she was teaching Bertrand.
Riley stretched out on her bed, while Bertrand sat stiffly across from her in a plush wing chair. “So have you ever seen anyone having sex before? Like on the internet?”
Bertrand humphed and turned his head away. “I’ll have you know that I’ve seen.. things before.”
“Things? You mean like porn?”
“Pornography?! Heavens no!”
Riley turned to him in surprise, “You can’t expect me to believe you’ve never watched porn! Every guy has watched porn at some point in their life!”
“Well you should know that Bertrand Beaumont is not ‘every guy’. I could never watch two strangers having.. Intercourse!”
Riley considered for a moment before a mischievous grin alit her face. “What about watching someone who isn’t a stranger having sex?”
Bertrand’s jaw dropped, “Wha- That may be even worse!”
Riley chuckled and actually looked slightly embarrassed. That was something that Bertrand had never seen from her despite the intimate moments they had shared. “I’m going to tell you something that I haven’t told anyone before... I, uh, may have made a sex tape when I was in college.”
Bertrand swallowed hard. The first thought that popped into his head was that this video needed to be destroyed immediately. If she were to become queen and that video was leaked it would be disastrous! But another thought crossed his mind. 
He.. kinda wanted to see it. Just for educational purposes. He had never seen anyone actually having sex before and out of morbid curiosity, thought that maybe it might be helpful.. Ya, that’s why. For educational purposes. He quickly scolded himself. Who am I kidding? That’s not why! I’m an outright pervert!
Before he could say a word, Riley gave him a nervous smile. “I’ll let you watch it, but you have to promise to never tell anyone about it.”
“Lady Riley.. Do you think there is any chance that I would ever in a million years tell anyone about anything that we have been doing?!”
“I guess not,” she grinned. “So that means you wanna see it?”
He stammered, “I-I uh.. That is.. If you think.. For educational reasons-”
“Read you loud and clear,” she smirked and pulled out her phone. “I saved it on the cloud, so it should be easy to find.”
“It’s saved on your iCloud account?! Oh dear God, anyone could hack into that!”
“Well, I didn’t know where else to save it!”
Bertrand sighed, “Ok, after this I’m going to help you either delete the video entirely, or find a more secure place to store it so that someone doesn’t get their hands on it.”
“Wow, Bert! That’s actually nice of you.”
He huffed, “I can be nice.”
Riley playfully glared at him. “Ya? When you’re yelling at me about my outfit choices or drilling me on names and titles of everyone in court? Is that when you’re nice?”
“Well.. I admit that at times I can be a bit brusque, but it’s all part of preparing you to be-”
She moved forward, quickly inhabiting his personal space with a sly grin. Her tongue slid out to wet her plump lips and she watched his face hungrily. “Maybe you’re only being nice because you want me to kiss you..”
She leaned forward, barely grazing her lips against his, and Bertrand released a shuddering breath. “I..”
She trailed her hand down his chest slowly, slowly making her way down to the growing bulge in his pants. Gently palming him through his slacks she leaned in to whisper in his ear, “Or maybe you’re being nice because you want me to feel you up..”
His breath was coming out in gasps now, but he was still speechless. Riley nibbled his ear, “Did you want me to take hold of your hard cock and jerk you off? Is that why you’re being nice?”
He gasped as she grabbed hold of him beneath his boxers, slowly moving her hand along his shaft. His eyes flew shut as she continued to stroke him. “R-Riley..” She quickly removed her hand and stepped back. Bertrand let out a pathetic whimper before he attempted to regain his composure. “What.. what was that?” 
“That was me seducing you. Did you learn anything?”
“Um.. I may have, uh.. learned.. uh.." Bertrand shook his head, “I apologize, but I’m not sure I can think straight at the moment.”
Riley chuckled, watching him thoughtfully for a brief moment, “So.. ready to watch a sex tape?”
While Bertrand waited for Riley to cast the video to her TV, he took a moment to reflect on his current stage of life. Who was he anymore? He had always done his best to be the respectable person he believed a Duke should be, but now here he was in a woman's bedroom about to watch her having sex with someone! He should be utterly ashamed of himself. 
But he wasn’t. 
“I’m having second thoughts..” Riley said, pausing the video just as it began. She and a young man had just walked in front of the bed and started kissing. “What if it’s too cringy? I don’t know if I can watch it!”
“Have you not seen it before?”
“Not since right after we made it.. That was probably four years ago!”
Bertrand, still eager to see the video, but not wanting her to know, offered a solution. “Well.. I could watch it while you wait on the other side of the room. Would that be easier?”
Riley nodded, dropping the remote next to him on her bed. “But turn it off if it’s horrible. I’ll wait downstairs in the kitchen.”
“The kitchen?”
“Ya, I’m a nervous eater. Thankfully I don’t get nervous very often, but for some reason, the thought of you watching this is making me nervous! Just text me when you’re done.”
“O..kay.” Bertrand picked up the remote and hesitantly pushed play once Riley had vanished through the door. 
Riley sat at the kitchen table, tapping her foot nervously. She had already eaten leftover chicken wings, two oatmeal cream pies, and drank a root beer float.. Any more stress eating and she wouldn’t be able to fit into the clingy, satin dress she and Max had purchased for the Apple Harvest Ball. When she couldn’t stand waiting any longer, Riley decided she would go check on Bertrand to make sure he hadn’t run out of her room in terror at what he had witnessed. She chuckled quietly to herself at the image in her head.
Riley quietly turned the doorknob and saw Bertrand still watching the TV with his back to her. But she quickly had to stifle a gasp when she saw what he was doing. Soft moans fell from his lips while his hand moved rapidly in front of him. Feeling like she was a creep for watching him jerk off, Riley started to back away and leave, but his groans of pleasure kept her rooted in place. She gently cracked the door open a little wider and saw him watching the TV with rapt attention while her past self fucked the man on the video into oblivion. Her ex boyfriend, Devon, who clearly loved having sex on film, because he was currently in the porn industry. Not that she had ever watched his videos or anything.. well, not recently.
Bertrand’s hand motions increased and his breathing was becoming more ragged. He was clearly very close... just from watching her! The thought put a fire in her belly that she couldn’t extinguish. She squeezed her thighs together for some kind of friction against her aching cunt as she watched this normally composed man losing himself into ecstasy while he watched her. Suddenly Bertrand moaned loudly, gasping as he came undone. 
Riley released a soft moan of pleasure watching him, and Bertrand immediately twisted his body to face her. “Oh my God, Lady Riley! This isn’t what it looks like!”
She hurriedly entered and locked the door behind her. “Bert, relax! It’s ok, I promise.”
With one hand still on his dick, he brought the other one up to cover his face. “This is humiliating. I’ve never been so ashamed of myself! I’m such a concupiscent cad!”
To stop him from spiraling, Riley quickly took his hand and slipped it into her panties. “Do you feel that?”
“Holy..” Bertrand gasped loudly.
Riley leaned toward him and smirked, “I didn’t mean to watch you. It was an accident at first, but it turned me on so fucking much. You see what it did to me, right?”
Bertrand was shell shocked. “I- Really?”
“Yes, obviously!” She chuckled and removed his hand. “Now let me help you clean up.”
Bertrand hopped up and rushed into her bathroom. “No, I got it. You shouldn’t have to clean up my mess all the time.”
Riley leaned against the bathroom door frame, watching Bertrand wash his hands. “Why are you always so put off by your semen?”
Bertrand cringed, “Because it’s.. I don't know! It’s sticky! And.. and messy!”
“Well.. just so you know, I’m not put off by it. Quite the opposite, actually.”
His face flushed a deep scarlet. Women weren’t disgusted by that sort of thing? He looked down while he scrubbed his hands harder, his cheeks on fire. 
Riley handed him a hand towel when he was done washing. “So Bert, I was going to suggest that we try oral sex next, but I’m not sure you’re ready for that.”
He gulped loudly and his heart skipped a beat. “O-oral sex? With me?”
“Well ya. That’s usually the next step. But you seem to be put off by fluids, so maybe we should skip it. That is, unless you want to try it?”
“Yes!” Bertrand threw his hand over his mouth in surprise. He hadn’t meant to yell it out. He was such a simpleton around her, and the day had been one humiliating event after another for him.
Riley smiled brightly, “Oh, so you do wanna try it!” She looked way too amused by his witless reaction. 
He ran his hands down his face. “I.. think I do. I mean, I need to learn, right?! For.. Savannah?”
She nodded, reaching out to smooth out his shirt. “Then that will be our next lesson.”
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thinking about the He Is music video and was wondering if I could request a drabble of terzo doing a baptism
Apologies that your order took some extra time! Looks like we're starting with dessert.
What turned out to be quite wholesome Terzo content below the cut. Don't worry, there'll be a spicy entrée (nsfw version) to follow.
The day had finally come. Your official initiation into the Ministry was about to be complete after weeks of putting so much of your time and energy into showing your devotion. It was about to pay off. Attendance at special events and rituals would be your reward for putting on the habit in service of the Dark Lord, which also happened to include some very private parties. Being a Sister of Sin came with plenty of perks, the first of them being a baptism by Papa Emeritus himself.
You’d seen Papa, yes, but you hadn’t personally met him yet. Every Papa has had their own allure, of course, but Emeritus III was the most handsome of the brothers. In your opinion, at least. You weren’t sure what to expect and that fact combined with what you knew about the currently appointed Papa made you even more nervous as the passing hours brought the sun lower in the sky.
It was time to get yourself ready. You pulled the light weight cotton robe over your head and fixed your hair in the mirror, your mind wandering in the silence. Papa III, Terzo as some elder Sisters called him, had a reputation for his unrivaled flirting abilities and coinciding charm. This was of course exciting as well as a bit nerve wracking. You hoped you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself in front of him because you, like many others, quite fancied him.
After flinching slightly at the sound of a knock, you greeted the ghoul at your door and did as they instructed to follow them. It was what they call the golden hour, that time of day just before sunset was due to start when the light was its most beautiful. You were led to the small evergreen encircled lake on the Abbey’s property and even though you didn’t know what to expect, you didn’t think you’d be alone.
There was no one around; no clergy members, no Sister Imperator, no senior Sisters. When your ghoul escort took their leave, you were left alone, standing on the edge of the nearly perfectly still water aside from a warm, slight breeze rippling the surface. Your nerves settled a bit while you looked out over the lake, smiling slightly at the beauty of the view.
“Very nice, isn’t it?”
Your head quickly turned toward the sound of the voice coming from behind you and froze for a moment. You almost didn’t recognize him at first. Papa approached you, his paint the same as always, but he was wearing a pink collared shirt with a bright white vest and matching slacks, aviator sunglasses hanging from his pocket. It was such a stark contrast to his usual black attire.
“I- it- y-yes it is,” you scrambled to answer.
“Sorry to sneak up on you like that, sorella,” he apologized, reaching out to gently take your hand.
You’d never been this close to him before and couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. From a distance they were captivating, but up close, they were mesmerizing.
“It’s, uh, it’s ok!” You blinked and tried to focus somewhere other than on his eyes. “I wasn’t expecting, um, just us.” Your face heated up as soon as the words left your mouth and you scrambled to add, “Not that I mind that!”
His mouth quirked up into a smile and he hummed a small chuckle through his nose before answering, “Va bene, sorella…” He paused to bring your hand to his lips and kissed it, keeping it held in both of his afterwards. “You are the only initiate today. They said to wait until next month when there are more, but I say no, a private baptism it will be. So, I do not mind either.”
Your heart was in your throat by the time he finished speaking, but a wide smile was still stuck on your face. “Thank you… Papa.”
“Vero,” he answered with a wider smile, his eyes on yours. “Are you ready?”
The reason you were out here in the first place came rushing back to you, blinking out of your trance, and you quickly answered with a nod, “I’m ready.”
His eyes, his voice, his cologne, the warmth of his hand; it all overwhelmed your senses and left you feeling like you were floating on air while you followed him to the water’s edge. Papa looked back at you after taking his shoes and socks off to step into the water, offering you his hand. A little shiver ran down your back and you kicked your shoes off to join him, taking his outstretched hand before taking a step into the water.
“Oh! I was expecting it to be cold…”
“Lucky for us, this lake is fed by warm springs. Fire and brimstone. Seems quite fitting, no?”
You both chuckled before he laid his free hand gently on your back, ready to steady you if you slipped. The breeze was soft on your skin while you treaded through the water together, laughing again when Papa almost fell as you reached where the water was waist high.
“You almost took me down with you!” you chuckled after he regained his balance.
“Unintentional, I promise! That is not how this usually works.”
Laughter echoes through the air again before he takes both of your hands in his and guides you to stand in front of him. “Now, this is how this works. Stand with your shoulder to my chest, your arms however they are comfortable, and I will dip you backward into the water, sì?”
You’d spent all day being nervous about meeting Papa and hadn’t even thought about the actual baptism until now. You swallowed thickly and nodded, doing your best to hide some emerging anxiety.
“Don’t worry, cara mia,” he assured you. “I’ve got you.”
His expression was sincere and open, conveying a sense of ease that relaxed you enough to step closer, turning your right side toward him. He brought his arm across your back to gently but securely hold your left shoulder. Whether it was intentional or reflexive, or both, you weren’t sure, but you swiftly grabbed his free hand and held it. Papa smiled and brought your clasped hands up against his chest, pausing there.
“This is not intended to cleanse you or purify you. You do not need to be saved or absolved of anything. It is about trust and connection, something we experience together.”
Your brow lifted and you stared at him while his words sank in. You joined the Ministry in an effort to be more comfortable in yourself and accept yourself as you are. Hearing this from Papa along with everything you’d been a part of so far made you even more sure in your decision.
You nodded and answered softly, “I trust you, Papa.”
His smile grew and he brought his hand up from your shoulder to gently support the back of your neck, the other letting go of yours to hold your waist before he said, “Deep breath for me, cara mia.”
A deep breath pulled into your lungs, and you held it as he steadily tipped you backwards. Contrary to what your instincts would have you do, your body relaxed against his hold. The warmth of the water welcomed you while you plunged into it, still able to feel his hands holding you. A moment after it enveloped you, you were lifted back up above the surface to take a new breath as water dripped down your face.
Your eyes opened to see his soft smile and a laugh bubbled out of you. “We did it! That wasn’t so scary.”
“Yes, you did it!” He laughed with you. “How do you feel?”
You smiled back at him then looked down at your soaked robe clinging to your every curve with a slight chuckle. “Happy, accomplished, and… sexy?”
His deep laugh made your smile grow and he took your hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles, his eyes trained on yours when he replied, “Buona, this is perfect.”
“Trust, connection, and sexiness, huh?” you giggled.
“The basis of my ideology.”
You laughed again while he grinned before the two of you began to make your way back to land, your hand held in his.
“I see you looking at my crotch, sorella!” he feigned incredulousness with a grin as you approached the water’s edge.
“I see you looking at my tits, Papa, so we’re even!”
He snorted a laugh, not even attempting to refute that. Once you reached the shore, he helped you out of the water. His expression changed to a more serious look while he blinked at you in the fading light, causing you to stay still where you were with butterflies in your stomach.
“There is one more thing, cara mia…”
“Yes, Papa?”
His smile returned and he asked, “Are you free same time tomorrow?”
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floating--goblin · 6 months
so since the timeline is kinda muddled with the things nihil says and the things we see in chapters/mv's or hear in interviews, here's my perspective on the story right
Firstly, I think the position of Papa has meant different things over time. It's always been head of the church (not the Ministry as an organization, as it's clear Papas are overseen by higher authorities in the clergy; so think more of a public spokesperson and spiritual leader). But when Nihil came around, it's also started meaning lead of the Ghost project.
He was the first Papa to also front Ghost, but he was not the first Papa. The Ministry's existed for "nigh a millennium" at least, so that's how his father, his father's father, his fa-- etc etc, were also Papas despite the band only existing since the 60s when Nihil's tenure started.
Secondly, in Dance Macabre, while he might just seem uneasy going to the party because it's some random rager with weirdos, I think his anxiety could have actually been because he knew this was a Ministry affair. He might've only had some vague knowledge of it or might've been part of it at some point, either way, he's definitely tied to it and knows that.
Sister Imperator was tasked with tracking down the current Papa's heir and bringing him back to the Ministry, so she set up the party to lure him in. The Doorman changes tune very quickly once he recognizes Nihil, which strengthens my belief that this was all orchestrated; sure, the whole "Come in, we've been expecting you" is a classic horror trope and the whole Dance Macabre video is kinda tongue in cheek, but I think it's at least partially genuine in this case.
They had a whole white suit to change him into for the blood ritual, come on now. This whole affair was intentional.
So in short, what I think Nihil's deal is is that he was the son of the Papa at the time (probably only one of them knowing this family, but for whatever reason he was the only eligible heir), had probably left the church in his youth for some reason or another, and because someone needed to succeed the current Papa, they got Seestor to reel him in and convert him. I imagine the fact that he already had three sons at the time was also a great selling point for the clergy, because that was already three other Papas lined up no problem. He then started Ghost, and the title of Papa became synonymous with the lead of the band as well as the head of the church, because the band became the Ministry's main way of proselytizing.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Also I feel like people are taking the “I want to save that crying boy” statement WAY too fucking literal.
I get just disliking the pathway the author chose for the MC to change gears and decide to save him. I get it. It’s preference. But it’s what we have, and saying that you dislike it is a lot simpler than looking for a million reasons for why Deku is a bad person for changing his mind that way and not deciding to some other way. It was going to happen regardless, this is just how it happened.
Not to mention this line of thinking is a lot closer to the “Tenko and Tomura are different people” crowd. A lot closer to that crowd than any other lol.
Taking personal preference out of the equation and just looking at what is on the pages, is it actually literally a bad thing that Deku only changed his mind because of that vision? Is the manga telling us that he’s shitty for only deciding to save him after the magical vestige vision? Is it telling us to question his decision based off of that vision?
I mean, the manga tells me no. Please tell me if it’s indicates otherwise. But as far as I can see, showing Shigaraki’s child self over and over again tells me that, hey, the crying boy inside of him is pretty fucking imperative to saving him. Again, personal preference taken out—I feel like if we see something over and over again it’s because the story is asking for your attention brought to it. Because it’s important. For some reason.
As far as I can see, making Midoriya change into HIS child self during the proclamation that he’s gonna save him is pretty telling that—no it’s not literally about yanking a 5 year old out of the void. It’s about two people leveling with each other. Otherwise, why make Midoriya 5 years old too? It’s a visual. With a purpose. And I didn’t realize so many people would just read that chapter and panel with their eyes closed.
And on that note—nobody else is seeing him differently or “for who he actually is” either. The League knows him as he is now—Tomura Shigaraki. Sure, a guy who likes video games. But honestly can we stop making that little tidbit so much more impactful on Shigaraki than it actually has been shown to be? On Spinner for sure. It drives his actions. And it’ll impact Shigaraki in the sense that Spinner woke Kurogiri up. Otherwise? Not really. IF any of the other League members (excluding ShiraGiri from this because it’s up in the air how much he knows about Tomura’s past) see Tomura as someone who needs help, they’ll see him as someone who needs saving from AFO. Because that’s literally all they can see, they don’t know anything else.
But honestly you’d have a hard time convincing me anybody besides Spinner and Kurogiri actually pay any mind to the ShigAFO situation at all. I really don’t think Touya actually literally cares right now, and as far as I have seen Toga is too sad and hurt to pay mind to it either. At least until she gets what she wants first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Back to the kid vision and why it’s not some god awful curse on the manga—I mean it’s not like the magical vestige vision of Tenko made Midoriya suddenly ✨poof✨ forget all the horrible things Shigaraki and the League have done? It’s not like he’s literally just on the lookout for an innocent 5 year old who did nothing wrong and hoping to leave Tomura who did a lot wrong behind. Again—that sounds way too close to the “Tenko and Tomura are different people” crowd for my tastes.
Hating the crying kid vision is fine but it’s annoying seeing people jump through hoops to make it into some heinous crime committed by the MC for seeing things that way lmao
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imperatorium · 2 years
Ppffff- I love sister imperator and papa nihil because they are the epitome of the “(evil) divorced parents who still occasionally fuck” and the kids have to constantly deal with it and have to do the most long winded response when people ask them if they’re parents are together or not
See, so, okay. I know it's not uncommon for people to see them as hella divorced but still horny for it and my assumption is that this must make sense for anyone who has come in post-"Kiss The Go-Goat" music video. As someone who came in about a year before that, I had plenty of time to steep in the information we previously had, which was just that a) they're fucking so obviously in love with each other and b) there's some nebulous reason that they aren't formerly together, despite clearly (to me) wanting to be.
I think GoGoat gives nice context as to some shit that's happened between them, but besides that, we have seven other chapters of content and one music video (two, if you're me and headcanon-count "Cirice") showing the hopelessly romantic way they related to one another both in the past and (maybe more importantly) present.
Here's one of my things - despite the Church being a long-lived institution, the events in "Dance Macabre" show that Nihil seems to not have previously had any knowledge or involvement with it. Because I, II, and III are acknowledged as legitimate heirs to the Antipapacy, but Copia, the only one we know has - at least by Clergy standards - been brought in as a third-party is not acknowledged as a legitimate heir, I struggle to imagine that they were children of Nihil's from his previous life outside of the Church. As such, they must have been conceived after his induction into the Antipapacy.
Moreover, Copia is easily seen as the youngest of the Papas, given the other weird canon age/timestamps we've been given - Papa I being in his 70s (I still struggle with this one)/II & III being in their mid-50s circa 2013 and Copia being almost 100% obviously the baby Sister is pregnant with in 1969. So, I, II, & III would have been conceived/born between the events of "Dance Macabre" and GoGoat, but there's also in-character interviews TF has done as Special Ghoul, indicating that each of the other Papas all have different mothers. Maybe you can assume Sister is one of them, but to me that just doesn't track given the way she promotes and dotes on Copia, while putting the others down without much as a second thought.
(Admittedly, I colour a lot of how I see this with an Arthurian tint. Sister is so obviously Morgan Le Fay, Copia is so obviously Mordred to me.)
MY POINT IS, there's something else going on that's kept them apart besides just Nihil falling into rockstar adultery. His moments of rockstar weakness may have been a temporary nail in a coffin, but I have...other (admittedly kind of dark) ideas about how that all folds together. So I do believe there was a bit of a rift between them for a little while, but not an indefinite one.
So, yes. I've always been someone who is drawn to The Main Character's Parents (or Parental Generation) in like 75% of my fandoms, but this one's just like...extra got a hold on me. Over half a century of, at minimum, absolutely longing for each other. The power and legacy she gifted him with. The utter devotion and twitterpation radiating off of him every time they interact. The way she tries so hard to engage him even while she's at her weakest in the hospital. The way his face lights up when her bandages come off. Their little kiss at the NYC tour announcement for Prequelle. The way they look at each other at the end of "Dance Macabre". Her little handgrasp in his direction as she revels (pre-disaster) in watching him perform in "GoGoat". The sheer adoration. Forget Satan, they are each other's religion.
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gofunkee · 1 year
Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?
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What is Blog?
Today's generation does not know what blogging is. Blogging is a method to express something that we are interested in or provide an understanding of what we want to convey to a large audience. In the era of globalization as we see it, blogging nowadays has almost disappeared among the teenagers. Blogging is now used to advance and promote business out there, including giving a review about a business services that is now growing rapidly or slowly.
(Artem Minaev, 2023)
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One of the reasons why blogging is now decreasing among teenagers is because there are 2 applications that are now increasing with the popularity of users reaching hundreds of millions, namely Instagram and Tiktok. Instagram is an application where users can share videos and photos with friends and can comment on each uploaded photo and video reels. The function of Instagram is not very different compared to Facebook and Twitter. Tiktok is also a new application that has the same purpose as the Instagram application. The only difference is the way each application displays the media uploaded by the user. (Verge G. Kopytoff, 2011)
How do we want to maintain blogging in this day and age where it is getting swallowed up by the times? Let's discuss how to keep the blogging community among younger age more competitive with Instagram and Tiktok users.
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Find a community with same interests
Every blogger has his own interests in the field of writing. In this way, able to find a community that has the same interests with each other. In addition, in a community that is able to provide a variety of opinions about the ideology that each blogger wants to convey. A very large community of bloggers can provide benefits to blog readers who want to know something they are looking for. Each writer has his own creativity to attract the interest of the readers by arranging pictures and visuals on the blog page to make it more engaging and visually appealing. Producing a well researched, informative and engaging blog posts will offer a unique value to your audiences.
Promote Blog on social media
Social media is used by most teenagers. You already knew that. Almost everyone does since there have been enough trend stories published about it. You must put forth the effort to promote your material if you want people to find it. You must adapt your promotion strategy to meet people where they are if you want them to find what you're attempting to reach. Social media is what most universities mean by that. Do not simply distribute the content and leave it at that. Pay attention to how people react. You may receive some comments that are not made on your blog but rather on one of your social media channels. The same laws are in effect. React and engage. (kristen Hicks, 2016)
Build a content about current trending among teenagers
If you want to make sure that your blog remains current, it is imperative that you keep up with industry trends. It's critical to keep up with breaking news, new technological developments, and shifting consumer trends. The following are a few methods for following market trends such as follow influencers and industry experts on social media. On sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, follow influencers and industry experts. This will enable you to interact with people in your field and remain up to date on the most recent news and trends.
Overall, there are endless benefits to having students blog in the classroom. Blogging is a great way to encourage students to express their ideas, be creative, develop confidence in writing, to communicate and collaborate with peers and the teacher. Blogging helps students to work on their online presence and become reflective in their learning as well (Fernando, 2023). Sometimes it might be difficult to get kids to start blogging because they may perceive it as being intimidating or quite different from writing on paper. Students, however, tend to feel more at ease and look forward to the experience once you explain the rationale for utilizing blogs, how students will be evaluated, and convince them that it is simply a different way of presenting material that can be done anywhere using their device.
Poth, R. D., Fernando, A., Okoye, R., Karlin, M., Poth, Fernando, Okoye, Karlin, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., & Kimmons, R. (n.d.). Rachelle Dené Poth. Blogging. https://edtechbooks.org/k12handbook/blogging#:~:text=Blogging%20is%20a%20great%20way,in%20their%20learning%20as%20wel
Veal, B. (2023, July 27). Is blogging still relevant? here’s how to promote yourself online in 2023. Creative Boom. https://www.creativeboom.com/tips/is-blogging-still-relevant-in-2023/
team, Aic. (2023, April 24). Keeping your blog relevant: How to stay up-to-date with industry trends and Hot Topics. https://aicontentfy.com/en/blog/keeping-blog-relevant-how-to-stay-up-to-date-with-industry-trends-and-hot-topics
Ogie, S. (2022, November 22). Is blogging dead?? no, it definitely isn’t. Location Rebel. https://www.locationrebel.com/grow-your-blog/
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