#the only way to get rid of the error message is to log out and log back in again
lovelysugawara · 4 years
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**grammatical errors ahead, sorry guys**
plot: you and Kuroo are married, but your husband turns cold over you, because of an incident a year ago. Will he once again love you back???
Part 1-12 
Part 13
*Kuroo’s POV*
I wake up the next morning with a bit of a headache.
But i don’t mind.
The most important thing in my life now is sleeping beside me. 
-My wife.
Hinari is peacefully sleeping and even snoring a little bit. It’s been awhile since I saw her like this.
She felt warm and familiar, I wanted to bury my face in the curve of her neck and never let go. 
I miss her touch, I miss her skin, her lips, her hands on me, I miss her everything. 
Her voice, saying I love you’s, and how much she loves me.
I can’t help but kiss her while she’s sleeping.
I really missed her.
I remember last night after I kissed her, I swear I can taste the next hundred years of my life.
I have to thank the boys for making me drunk.
And of course Kenma, I didn’t know he can pull punches like that.
I also need a serious talk with him too.
But for now, I have to focus my eyes on the precious queen besides me.
I put both my hands and hugged her tight, causing her to wake up.
“Good morning.” I said while smiling at her.
Her eyes slightly adjust to the sunlight from the window.
When the whole night registered to her, she suddenly blushed, and looked away.
“G-good morning, Tetsu,” she said. How cute.
“Did you sleep well?” I asked, and I touched her face with my left hand.
She also touched my hand and closed her eyes to feel my touch.
“Like a log. I didn’t even dream,”
“That’s good. Coz me too.” I said, she smiled at me.
I opened my arms and she knew what it meant, she curled up against me. I held her close and kissed her hair. 
“I want to kiss you, Hina.”
She touched my face, “You don’t have to ask permission. I’m yours.”
And I didn’t waste time, I once again claimed her as mine.
We decided to get up at 9 am.
We cooked breakfast, together. We do things together for the whole morning. I don’t know but I always make sure to hold or touch her whenever I have the chance. We ate breakfast, while we held hands.
“Are you sure you’re not going to work?” she asked worriedly.
“That’s the 4th time you asked me that, do you want me to go to work?” I asked her as we cozily lay on the couch. 
She blushed and looked away. “No, I don’t want to.”
She once again put both her hands at my neck and buried her face at the crook of my neck.
I know we're happy, but I also know we need to talk things out.
Kenma’s right. I have to tell her the truth.
“Hina, we need to talk.” 
We are now sitting and facing each other.
“I wanted to say sorry. For everything.” I said looking straight to her eyes.
I saw her flinched, and I know I’m digging deep into her wounds. The wounds I already inflict to her. And I’m well aware of that.
“Tetsu, I-”
“No, let me finish, Hina.” I stopped her by saying I don’t have to do this, that she already forgives me, because I know how much I hurt her.
“First of all, I’m sorry for invalidating your feelings about our angel. Our baby.” After I said those words, her tears fell. I fight back myself from not hugging her right away. 
I hate seeing her crying face, but this is the price I have to pay for my wrong doings. 
“I ignored you, taking you for granted. I even purposely try to forget loving you. I was wrong, I thought it’s only me who is hurting when we had a miscarriage. When the most hurt one is you, and I failed as a husband to protect and support you in times that you needed me.”
I don’t mind crying in front of her, I don’t mind showing how weak I am, and I don’t mind if I have to bow my head to ask for her forgiveness. 
“I wanted to apologize and beg you for any little chance you can give me. I hurt you big time, and I don’t know if you still love me or the marriage paper is the only thing holding you down. But I can’t imagine my life without you.”
She’s sobbing already, crying her heart out.
And I can’t help myself anymore, I throw myself to her, and hug her. Cry like a baby and we both sobs.
We both cry like our tears are unlimited, I felt her punching me, probably she wanted to release how badly hurt she is.
“I-I a-always question myself if it is still worth it to stay beside you, even if you always push me away. I cried myself to sleep after our baby was gone. And I expected you to hug me tight and remind me that it will be fine soon and I got to hold on. How many times I have to cry because all I can see at night is your cold back and it’s like I’m alone fighting.” she said in a shaky voice, she almost can’t finish those sentences without breaking a sob. she ‘s pushing me away, but I won’t let go.
I kept saying I'm sorry, I kept on saying please forgive me, until she calmed down and went limp on my arms. 
“You messed up so much Tetsu. You messed up big time.” she said in between sobs.
“I’m sorry,” I kissed her head, and I felt her hands hugging me.
I want her back, I want to start over.
But there’s this thing about Mayuri, and Hina needs to know it.
“Hina,” I cup her face, and look into those sapphire eyes the most beautiful color I have ever seen.
“What is it, Tetsu?” she said as she also holds my hands. 
“About Mayuri,” I saw her flinched after mentioning her name.
I know something happened the day Mayuri brought me here months ago, thus the result of her keeping a distance with me. 
“What about her?” she then looked away, and i felt her tremble more.
But I have to see her eyes, I have to see her face.
“No, please baby, look at me.”
I draw her face so that she can see me.
Her tears are already falling as she looks at me.
“Listen, Hina, I’m not having an affair with her. I didn’t like her.”
I said firmly.
And it’s like the time stops, she blankly stares at me without saying a word.
“Hina, did you hear me? I’m not having an affair with her, she’s-!”
I didn’t have the chance to finish what I’m saying after she suddenly kissed me. A kiss of relief, for the both of us.
“Please, love me again, Hinari.” I can’t help it, but my voice trembles.
She smiles gently at me, “I love you, Tetsuro. I love you. I never stop loving you.” she keeps on saying, that makes my heart melt. 
And I know I am the luckiest guy knowing this woman is all mine, forever.
“And I love you too, Hinari. And I promise, your love is forever safe with me. You have all my words, my love.”
I can’t think of any greater happiness knowing she loves me and that she’s mine forever.
“We have to talk.” I said it after I suddenly showed up at Kenma's flat. 
He swiveled his chair to face me, “Gladly, I wanted to settle the score Kuro.” he said as he stood up and went straight to the door. 
And I can’t believe how fearless he is right now. 
And I followed him.
“Look, Kenma I’m not here to fight you know?!”
When he suddenly gave me a glass and poured an expensive red wine.
“Our favorite, Château Lafite 1787. We need to celebrate right?” he smiled at me.
This guy, really.
“You had me there, yeah, we need to celebrate.”
And we both laugh as our antiques already subsided. 
“So you finally make up?” Kenma said as we sat at the bench of his balcony.
“Yeah, I also told her that I’m not having an affair.” I sip a little of the wine that tastes like the old days.
“You have to get rid of her, transfer her somewhere far. I can help you with that.”
“I might take your offer. And yes, I’ll definitely need to transfer her.” I said agreeing to his idea. 
“An obsess woman is the most dangerous one. It’s scary. I can’t believe it’s her. She followed you even at your work.” Kenma’s voice is a bit irritated.
“At first I didn’t recognize her, she changed her name and even her appearance. But It’s definitely her. I guess I’m wrong that I followed her every whims, I’m just afraid she’ll hurt Hinari. I’m such a coward.”
I won’t ever forget how Mayuri threats me to hurt my wife if I don't follow what she wants. 
“We should ask a mental institution for that. Leave it to me. I’ll deal with her.” Kenma said as he started typing on his phone. 
“Thank you, Kenma.”
Few seconds later he puts down his phone, “Done, you don’t have to worry about her.”
“That was fast!” I can’t believe how scary his connections are. But I’m amazed at the same time.
“All for Hinari, of course I’ll do anything to keep her safe.” 
There it is, the gentle and fondness he had for her.
Ahhh, I should have been mad at him, but I also love this guy. He’s the best man ever!
“So are you going to confess to her?”
“Will you let me?”
“I don’t mind.”
“You only say that, because you are so confident she won’t run away with me. Ah! So rude of you Kuro!”
“Hey, as if I will let that happen!”
“I need to think of ways to convince Hina that I’m the better guy for her.”
“Kenma stop, you still have the bruises on your face, I feel sorry if I have to add more.”
“Try me,” Kenma confidently said to me with a sharp eye.
And then, we burst out laughing.
This is so hilarious! I miss laughing with my best friend.
This is the first time in a while that we laugh carelessly, sincerely.
“Ah! I know the two of you are here!” 
We both looked at the door way, and saw Hinari walking towards us.
“Seriously, when can I have my own privacy? I can’t believe I gave my password to the two of you?!” Kenma complained but laughed at his own remarks.
“Too bad, we both have it, right Tetsu?” Hina smiling at me, as she put her hands on both of our shoulders.
“She’s right. Who will also remind you to eat or something if we didn’t know your password?” I added and saw him make face.
Hina just laugh at him and we are all laughing right now.
Kenma suddenly smiled gently, “Don’t ever break up, you two. Or I might be forced to kidnap you two and throw you to an isolated island somewhere. You two are my most precious friends, and I wanted you two to be happy. Always.” 
And that’s the sweetest message he ever said to us, and the best compared to his message at our wedding.
And me and Hina already crying, “K-KYAAAAANMAAAAAAAA~!!!” We both said
We both hugged him tightly.
He’s really the best man ever.
**A/N updates every FRIDAY..**
Heyya guys, I would like to announce that the series will end until part 15. Thank you for supporting this fanfiction, I really enjoyed writing this. And I had the chance meeting you all. 
Stay tuned for last few chapters. Have a great day ahead!
@dekuspet​ @mkkhaikyuu​ @captain-eagle-art​ @rozesarered @kurooloves @elianetsantana @saamsstuff @seijohsangel
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Bound To Happen || Jose "Sad Eyes" Guzman
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: A requested piece! My first requested piece, which I hope lives up to your expectations. Mrs Turner's name will be Lynn. Unsure if it's been mentioned in the show. Also the text exchange has been included in the word count - the lesser amount is if it were not included. Hopefully, that makes sense. Apologises for grammatical errors. Feel free to let me know about any corrections I need to make with the Spanish translations, thanks!. 
Pairing(s): Sad Eyes x Turner!Reader ▪︎ Jamal Turner x Sister!Reader ▪︎ Turner!Family x Turner!Reader 
Requested: By @briannab1234
Summary: Relaxation comes in different forms.
Warnings: fluff, language, mentions of 19th Street incident with DJ's, playlist of songs, slightly smutty?, steamy make out, talks of murder, 
Word Count: 1423 ¤ 1409
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(Y/N) bopped her head along to 3LW's Playas Gon' Play echoing through her portable speaker as she carried it and her phone into the kitchen. Carefully placing the two on the counter she searched through the fridge, trying to find the food she had hidden in a container at the back. As soon as (Y/N) heard the theme song for The Goonies cut through the second verse, she didn't need to see the name on the screen to know who was calling. 
She disconnected her bluetooth, pressed the green button and put it on loud speaker, and answered, "hey."
"A sum of thirty five dollars is owing on your account, please transfer funds effective immediately. Thank you."
At the sound of a beep, (Y/N) stared at her phone for a few seconds before laughing. Her brother was something else. She logged into her (bank) app and made the transfer. Thankfully they were with the same bank. Once it was finalised, she sent a confirmation message. 
Owing balance has been cleared.
She then proceeded to reconnect her phone to the speaker and clicked shuffle on her most recent playlist. She grinned upon hearing Love Like This by Faith Evans playing. Swaying her hips, she grabbed the container and popped it into the microwave for a couple of minutes. 
Feeling a familiar pair of arms wrap across her body, she laughed, "was I away too long?"  
Jose kissed the top of her head, "yes."
"So needy," she giggled and turned to face him, reaching out and pinching his cheeks, "such a needy baby," she puckered her lips, "beso." 
He snickered, but gave into her demand. His hands wandered down her back, deepening the simple kiss. They eventually found their way to her ass, giving it a squeeze. (Y/N) allowed him to take control as her own hands wandered up and down his solid body. The kiss lasted a lot shorter than she anticipated, causing a whine to fall from her lips.
"What's the matter, mi amor?" 
She pouted, "nothing." 
Laughing, he squeezed her hips, "aw, looks like somebody's a needy baby," he moved his hand to tilt her chin up, "who's a needy baby?" 
She huffed, "I'm the needy baby," she was given a peck to the forehead, "but you love me." 
"Always, baby." 
They held each other close, enjoying the calm atmosphere surrounding them. They had the house to themselves and were going to take full advantage of it. (Y/N) only removed herself from the embrace when the microwave beeped and TLC's No Scrubs hit a blimp. 
She glanced over at her phone and pressed her messages. 
Enjoy the rest of your day. 
"Who's on watch?" She asked, popping open the microwave. 
Since the 19th Street attack on her dad and his business, Spooky had Santos members watching the house. The image of her father on that night is something (Y/N) would never forget. She was relieved to know that he, as well as the business, would recover but she was upset at the way 19th Street tried to assert their dominance, now that the Prophet$ were out of the picture. 
The only thing stopping her from beating up a couple of punk ass bitches, was her conscious reminding her that igniting a gang war wouldn't be the answer. The upside to the incident was getting time off from the hospital to take care of her father (she temporarily moved back in) as well as spend time with Jose. When she came clean to her family about him being her boyfriend, Jamal had leapt off the couch in the living room; did his victory dance and practically shoved his hand into their parents faces. 
(Y/N) couldn't believe that they had a betting pool about her and Jose, but they simply shrugged her off and claimed it was bound to happen - she had fallen into the 'best friends who become more' category. But, it was a place she was more than happy to be. 
"Joker," he said, bumping his hip with hers, grabbing a tea towel and placing it on her hands, "quit doin' that shit." 
She had a habit of grabbing things out of the oven or microwave without anything protecting her hands. With an eye roll, she accepted the tea towel, "okay, okay." he watched as she covered her hands and pulled out the container. Before he could grab some plates, she put a fork in his hand. 
"Maldito perezoso."
"Shut up," she replied and shoved a forkful of the stir fry into her mouth, "if you wanna wash more dishes, go ahead." 
He gently tapped her cheek, "don't talk with your mouth full," he clicked his tongue, when she opened her mouth wider to show off the chewed up pieces of food, "(Y/N)!" She laughed, but her laughter turned into a coughing fit. Luckily, Jose knew that was bound to happen and held out a glass of water for her. (Y/N) gulped it down, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and grinned happily, "you're the best." 
Shaking his head, he helped himself to some of the stir fry, "and you're something else." 
They continued to eat and chat about different topics; their families, Santos business (they had a non-disclosure agreement), and a few of (Y/N)'s  gossiping coworkers. When they were done, they quickly rinsed their hands off in the sink and wiped them on the tea towel. (Y/N) then dumped the empty container and their forks into the sink. Dip It Low by Christina Milian started to play, which gave her an idea. Her hands trailed up and down his chest, Jose groaned as they wandered lower. She giggled at his reaction and turned around, moving to grind on him. Feeling him getting hard, she continued. 
"Si sigues con esto, ya sabes qué pasará," he groaned, gripping her hips.
(Y/N) turned back around and stared up at him, her eyes innocently peering into his, "is it too soon for round three?"
Without a second thought, he lifted her onto the counter. (Y/N) caressed his head with one hand, while the other switched off the music. He moved to suck on her collarbone, earning a moan of approval. She tugged on his shirt and admired his toned body when the shirt was thrown off. Jose smirked, as he connected his lips with hers, helping her to get rid of the tank top she was wearing. 
He watched as her boobs bounced, before cupping them both. Taking a nipple in his mouth and fondling with the other, sent (Y/N) into a state of bliss. When Jose turned his attention to the other nipple, she clutched the back of his head.
"Baby," she moaned.
The sound of something dropping followed by a shout of, "OH HELL NO!" is what alerted the couple that they weren't alone anymore. (Y/N) pushed Jose off her, throwing on her tank top and hopped off the counter. She hid herself behind him, peering around his arm to see the bewildered expressions on both her parents faces. Although, her dad looked like he wanted to murder Jose.
Like the smartass she was, she blurted, "mum said no cussing in the house." As soon as she said that, she hid herself fully behind Jose. 
"(Y/N) (M/N) Turner, front and centre." Dwayne called out to his daughter, when she followed through he continued, "you're sanitising everything in this kitchen," his eyes trailed over to Jose, "you're helping her, and the next time you're both feeling… frisky - just… you're gonna, you know… you understand me?" 
Lynn stepped in, "we understand the sexual desires -" 
"No, mum, please, don't." 
"I know it's an awkward subject to discuss -" 
(Y/N) cut her off, "especially in front of my boyfriend." 
"And father," Dwayne chimed in. 
"- but, it's completely natural." She continued.
"Okay, mum thanks for that," (Y/N) wanted to crawl underneath a rock, "anyway, we've got some stuff to do," noticing her father's watchful eye, she laughed, "non-sexual stuff, dad." 
Dwayne wasn't convinced.
Lynn pulled her husband towards the hallway, "come on, let's leave them to it." As they walked off, they could hear Dwayne telling his wife that he was right to be suspicious of the skinny kid who offered his daughter a toy car to play with back in the first grade. Once they were out of view, (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Jose's waist. 
"Round three in the shower?" 
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Spanish Translation(s): 
Beso - kiss
Maldito perezoso - lazy ass
Si sigues con esto, ya sabes qué pasará - if you keep this up, you know what's gonna happen.
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
Twisted Wonderland //Yandere! Ignihyde//
I practically sleep typed this whole thing, feel free to call me out on any errors you may find. Please bear in mind that this post may be edited one the official game is released. 
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Idia shroud
Idia is a very shy and reserved person by nature. Thus it shouldn't come as a shock that his yandere traits are well hidden and indistinguishable, if he was to fall into a certain category it would most likely be, a stalker type with an immoderate obsession with how perfect his darling is.
 Idia met you online through one of the many group servers he's a part of. You were new to the chat and eager the start up a conversation with anyone available. That person just so happened to be Idia. He was reluctant at first after all he barely spoke to the people he knew, and you were a total stranger. It was an easy discussion t first simply talking about what had brought you to this server and why you liked it the main point focused so much. This discussion quickly became more personal, other things that you liked, how Idia felt about them. 
Then you did the unthinkable, added him as a friend! His heart pounded deafeningly in his chest, as he slowly slid the cursor to the green "accept" button. Once he'd excepted you, you quickly texted a pink heart emoji followed by a large smelly face. Idia texted back with four consecutive question marks. And through that add beginning, the two of you became close online buds. 
Each morning like clockwork Idia would log on and strike up a random conversation with you. It felt like a steady routine something that would (he hoped) never change. 
Gradually your replies became further and further apart. One worded rushed replies where all you gave, days after he'd sent you a message. It was around this time that Idia decided that he need your full attention. He began scoping you out on the internet, trying to absorb as much information as possible. 
He learned who your friends were, where you lived, your online schedule, when you were online on what days. His plummet into madness began here. 
"You're perfect..."
It took a lot of convincing from Ortho, who had never seen his older brother so infatuated with anyone. But Idia finally began to creep around your house, hiding behind walls and trees, setting up cameras all over the back and front yard. He found ways into your house through unlocked doors and forgotten windows. 
He began setting up mini camera's in your room and living room, two places you where mostly going to be. 
It was better this way, he could keep you safe from afar. 
And so Idia would spend countless hours watching you from his computer. Eyes glancing over your digital photo, fingers caressing the screen with so much love, so much passion. 
And still, he wasn't satisfied, for once in his eternal life a computer screen just wasn't good enough. Watching wasn't enough he wanted to feel. To feel every bump of your skin, hear every breath, have your fingers draw soothing circles on his chest. 
In the mists of a starless night, Idia found himself staring down at your sleeping form, he outstretched his arm to move a few strands of silky hair away from your face. You felt so strange, so new.... you felt alive! something he never knew, everything was always fir and hard metal, sure Ortho's personality could rival the most sprightly humans but his body was still that of a machine's. 
He grasped your shoulder squeezing it ever so slightly, moving his fingers up your neck and to your mouth. His other arm snaked under your legs. He hosted you up with ease carrying you away to his digitally dead kingdom. 
"Perfect and alive"
Idia always dresses you in vivid colored gowns, snowy whites and summer sky blues. Furthering his belief that you are a perfect thing and alive thing. 
He forces you to spend time with Ortho - not that your mind- wanting the only two people he's ever cared about to "love" each other as much as he loves them. 
Idia has a low sex drive, a normally keeps to the things you like. After having kept you for a while he slowly began to explore his likes and dislikes. There are only two things that can turn Idia on, one being a blowjob and the other asphyxiation. When you squeeze his neck between your delicate fingers it gives him the sense that he's somewhat alive, like his life is devoted to you and inform yours to him.
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Ortho shroud
Ortho is so lively and friendly that it can be easy to overlook just how obsessed he can become. He will cling onto you both emotionally and physically. Other than his brother your the only person that truly seems to understand him. 
He'll never kidnap you or force you to return his feelings, never manipulate your or hurt you in any way. He loves you, love means protecting that which you love. Truth is you're going to fall hard for the robot boy, you'll trust him and be willing to give up everything for him. 
You're both so obsessed with each other that everybody else around you beings to fade. Your lives are fairy tales in the realm of the digital and dead. 
"I love you (Y/N)...."
The youngest Shroud brother is extremely sensitive and will take offense to any reason why you don't want to be around him. "Me time" or "alone time" don't make sense to him, why can't you be alone with him close by? Well be super quiet, you won't even know he's there. 
This tie's into why Ortho tries his best to keep all your friends and family away. They're only distractions, obstacles that get in the way of his love. He many have methods for keeping them away, normally they go missing or are found dead with no cause of death being rolled out. 
"....we'll always be together right?"
Ortho doesn't exactly grasp why this is a bad thing, he got rid of an opponent he should be happy! Never the fewer people keep popping up, keep demanding your attention and he keeps having to deal with them. 
Ortho does have a yandere side, it practically unnoticeable, but it there and it keeps getting stronger, his need and want for you keep getting stronger. 
Ortho will take out on cute dates to carnivals and arcades, winning you as many prizes as he can. Impressing you with how well he can beat any game. To him, this is yet another way to show you how well he can protect you.  
He'll plan little "family event" where you try out something new together with Idia such as cooking or binge-watching a new show. The two of you are the only family he's ever had and your perfect. Together all three of you are the perfect family in his algorithm based brain. 
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pkgam · 4 years
What Happened to Twitch?
Twitch used to be a pretty good website. I had really high hopes that it would be a competitor to Youtube. It is a live stream platform that was ahead of Youtube as Youtube took a while to do live stuff. It has videos as well such as of past streams or people streaming videos they made for viewing later, viewer interaction features, solid streamers, no audible magic, good mods/staff, etc... Now the issues with the site are virtually endless. Let me give you a rundown of various things I have experienced and I have heard others experiencing which you may or may not have experienced because it’s as if that issues are not even account-specific.
Lately when logging in, every time, they prompt be to get a 6-digit code from my Email to continue to login because they “don’t recognize” my device. Yeah, you know how on every other website that has verification things like this, it’ll keep track of what devices you logged in from so you don’t have to keep verifying? No matter what, it doesn’t do that for me and a bunch of others. It seems to work fine for others though. So it’s user-specific. I have even tried logging in from one PC, then logging into another off the same internet while STILL being logged in to that PC and it’ll ask me to verify on both. It should at least be able to tell it’s from the same IP, but nope.
Try reporting the glitches and problems to Twitch as well. You’ll get nowhere. A recent experience I had with them was I tried to resolve that 6-digit verification thing for months. I explain it, get what looks like a generic copy/paste or automated response that does not address the issue, I respond back saying that wasn’t it and explain it again, then get NO response back, but do get a response back with a survey on how they did. Needless to say I was not satisfied and explained it in a civil way. No response back from them for that either. They used to handle stuff like that so well way back. Like, I remember when The Speed Gamers migrated from Ustream back to Twitch that they were having layout trouble during one of their charity streams in that what they wanted to incorporate on their page couldn’t be done, so they messaged Twitch staff about it and they tweaked the page so they could. Stuff like that was amazing! I don’t see things like that happen anymore.
When finally being able to log in, I’ve noticed that oftentimes my status is set to “offline” when I always have it set to “online”. Alternately I have seen friend’s statuses going to idle despite them being active on the site. So that status part of the site is entirely borked.  Moving on to other topics...
I think users knew when they implemented Audible Magic (basically Content ID for Twitch, automatically hitting videos) and played it off as a benefit to streamers so they can remove copyrighted music in their videos that it was going to go downhill. Remember that a lot of people went from Youtube to Twitch (Or Justin.tv) BECAUSE they were tired of Youtube’s horrible automated systems. Add automation in the mix and, well... it indeed went downhill.
Twitch is clearly inconsistent in their moderation now too. There was this one girl who frustratedly threw her cat behind her on stream and nothing came of it. But on the other hand, there was a girl who got banned for apparent dog yelps off camera with her being there, stating the ban was for animal abuse. Story: https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/twitch-streamer-furious-over-animal-abuse-ban-amid-alinity-controversy-1296710 Many’ more examples like that out there on various topics.
Also, ever since they implemented automatic moderation of words in chat, there has been a ridiculous amount of people punished for innocent things (you can briefly read what they post before it gets removed from view or use a browser extension to reveal them) because it can’t tell context. At least streamers can turn that off, but it was set to on by default which caused a lot of issues. Still’ does when people have it on as not everyone turned it off.
Streams have been getting very bad audio glitches for me in that they will get more and more distorted until I pause then play the stream. On top of that, the chat will stop scrolling with new messages at times, forcing me to scroll it down manually. With both of these, it’s like having to maintain two fronts while trying to interact. Not fun.
Speaking of trying to interact, ever since they implemented that stream delay of like 20 seconds to cheap on the servers, it has not been the same anyway. They eventually implemented a “low latency” thing which yields faster delivery at the cost of possibly buffering a lot, but it’s still longer than the 2-3 seconds it used to be. Just imagine trying to converse with someone face to face and they respond 20 seconds later first. It’s the most awkward thing to keep track of. (Smashcast doesn’t have that. Just’ saying...) It can be even worse if the stream player itself gets an error and you have to refresh, which does happen fairly often. Making you possibly miss the point the streamer talked to you. Trying to sort it out then just stalls the whole thing because they have to readdress you if you mention it to them which backlogs them responding to others and etc...
For the videos on demand (VOD) themselves, playback is often glitchy as errors happen midway through, they don’t play at all and seeking to a certain part is often very difficult as it doesn’t go where you click. Heck, I heard from others that sometimes you can’t even PAUSE a VOD as that functionality is glitched out. But pausing works fine for me. Why is that? Who knows.
Live streams aren’t much better as they have their own issues. I often get errors and have to refresh the page to get it to run again. Even when not getting an error, I noticed that I’m served a slightly-slower stream than others seem to get. So I have to pause then unpause the video every so often to get it to jump back ahead to the closest point I can see. Part of me wonders if the error and slightly slower stream are related, but don’t hold me to that. I have a good internet connection too.
Twitch streams also get deleted nowadays unless set up to into highlights. Given that many weren’t aware this happened before it was too late (you only had 14 days to save them if not a turbo/prime member and 60 if you are), a TON of content got lost. People argued that it’s to save money because of the hosting costs of video data being large. So rather than streams just being automatically turned into highlights as a precautionary measure, they just let them get wiped because they didn’t care. I’m not entirely sure about that “because” you can save streams to highlights as mentioned. So it’s just going to fill back up again since people now know of it, if not already has filled back up.
Twitch also got rid of PMs so past conversations you might have wanted to look back on or had to catch up on as a backlog were lost. You can do the same sort of thing in whispers if a person allows it in their settings, but what’s the point of getting rid of PMs?... Text is text regardless of where it’s located. This was one of those sorts of changes that I can’t figure out. I “thought” maybe they wanted to unify a private place to talk since both existed at once time, but why not just move the conversation to the other or not have both at the same time to begin with?
Another thing they get rid of for no reason is email notifications to streams you follow. They “say” if you don’t watch a stream for a while they’ll turn off email alerts to it. Which makes sense to not fill up someone’s inbox. Imagine for instance they stream 30 days straight and you don’t go to any of them as sort of a break. That’s 30 emails that are useless to you. Except it doesn’t work. Even streams I watched regular like Bob Ross got email alerts disabled. You can tell that they keep track of when you click an Email link to someone’s stream too because in the URL you’ll notice it recognizes you came from the Email. So there’s no excuse. Oh and there’s no way to toggle that automated disabling of alerts to off as far as I’m aware. So you just have to deal with it. At least they do seem to be consistent about telling you when it does turn off email alerts, but get ready to enter that 6-digit login code just to fix the alerts regardless if the person is streaming or not.
After the Amazon buyout, eventually they started pushing Twitch Prime as well, basically another paid subscription thing like Turbo, only with Amazon benefits added on it. But all the things they push as “prime loot” are complete garbage. Stuff like Raid: Shadow Legends which is hardly a “game”. What made them even think a community of gamers would be into that? Well, maybe they did realize that, but did it anyway as a business partnership for the moolah.
I get the feeling that business partnerships are what’s going on with all the Valorant stuff popping up as well. Only with streamers being able to take advantage of it. For example: People found out to try the game, they need to watch any Valorant stream with drops enabled for a for 2 hours. That lead to people going to streams just for that invite. Many people. Artificial-inflation amounts of people that encourage people to stream it for said numbers and Twitch recommending channels playing it like mad to people, lol! So yeah, I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t a business partnership.
You can find many more examples out there of people may or may not having a bug for things, but this should be enough to explain that Twitch is a complete mess. Every single aspect of it. It’s in a state like Youtube where everything is broke and they are ignoring users who message them telling about bugs (which they claim they encourage people to do and they listen to) or maybe are just unwilling to fix any of them even if they know about them. Who knows because they don’t communicate like they used to.
Your thoughts?
Thanks for reading and have a good one!
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Fun fact: Microsoft Outlook has no way of logging out of your email because they just presume you’ll only use it on your own login I guess which is dumb as hell because
Fun fact: I was working with a different department today and they set me up on a laptop in a borrowed office and I had to email a file
Fun fact: in trying to find a way to delete my email account off of Outlook I succeeded in getting rid of my account and also broke the entire program so that it just gives error messages on trying to start up
H a h a. That’s uh. someone else’s problem I guess.
And then tumblr ate this post when I first wrote it. I have the touch of death for technology. It’s truly incredible.
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Easiest Way to Fix YouTube Error
1. Clear the Caches and Cookies
As we have already discussed, the previously used caches and cookies in your browser will be sent bad requests to the internet server. To get rid of them, you will need to clear your browsing data, preferably since you started to use the device for the first time. Here is how to do so in Google chrome:
Also Check: How to reopen closed tab in Browser
Open the browser and go to the customize and control google chrome option. It is the three small dots known as Settings present in a column on the top right corner of the browser interface. Click on the opportunity.
From the list that will appear on your screen, choose History. It will open up a drop-down menu. From the drop-down menu, select history again, on the top of the list. Another way to do so is to press CTRL+H just after opening the browser in the first step.
On the new page, the list of your search history will appear. On the left sidebar of the browser, click on the Clear browsing data. It will bring another page and a pop-up message with two sections: Basic and Advanced.
Choose the Basic category and it will show you three options. Check on the boxes to the left of each option. Also, change the time range to All time so that no cached data or cookies remain.
Click on the Clear Data option on the right bottom corner of the same popped up window.
Restart the browser and check if the error 400 bad request YouTube is solved or not.
Keep in mind that using this method will delete all the information stored in the browser, including the usernames and the passwords of every website that you have previously opened in it. So basically, you will need to enter them once again before logging in.
If doing so seems like a very inconvenient option for you, then you should consider deleting the caches and cookies related to YouTube only. Here is the step by step guide to removing the YouTube caches and cookies from your Google Chrome browser-
Open Settings panel of your browser. Chrome is our interest here.
Scroll down to the bottom of the newly opened page and click on the Advanced option.
On the next page, choose the Privacy and Security on the left sidebar. It will change the main contents of the page.
From the new list of contents, choose the Site Settings. This setting allows you to control the contents that a website can see from you and show you from their side.
Now, click on the Cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data option on the top of the list. A new list of contents will show up.
On the new interface, search for YouTube cookies and cache files by typing YouTube on the search space on the top right corner or it.
You will find the cookies and caches of YouTube stored in your system. Now chyoose the Remove All Shown option on the screen and confirm the deletion by clicking on Clear All on the popped up window.
Restart your browser and check if you have successfully solved YouTube error 400 or not.
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2. Replace the Direct Link of the Video
If you are still have not been able to fix the error, then replace the link of the video with the Video ID. Video ID is the portion of the link which is present after the equal (=) sign.
For example, in this link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqTSeOAhew0, RqTSeOAhew0 is the video ID.
This may sound absurd but many of the YouTube users have reported it as a working fix. Why don’t we try it our, then? Right?
3. Reset Your Browser
Resetting your browser to the default mode is another beneficial technique to overcome YouTube error 400. Follow these simple steps to reset your browser:
Open the browser and click on the three vertical dots (Settings) of the browser.
On the new page, scroll to the bottom and click on the Advanced option.
A new page will open up. Go to the bottom of it, and under the Reset and clean up, choose the first option Reset settings to their original defaults and confirm it. The browser will go to its default mode. This technique should work in almost any situation.
4. Log out and Log in to YouTube
This method of fixing YouTube 400 error Android/iOS is also working for many users. As the heading suggests, you just need to log out from the Google account you are using to surf YouTube videos and log in again. Not sure how to accomplish it? Let’s go.
Open the Gmail app on the device you’re getting the error.
Alternatively, just open the YouTube website on your Chrome browser.
Click on your profile icon from the right top corner.
Select Sign out option from there and restart your device.
Log in to your Gmail account again and try surfing the same video through YouTube.
5. Reinstall Your Browser
Reinstalling your browser will also set it to the default mode. Hence, it can also be used to solve the error of our concern.
The techniques mentioned above are applicable for YouTube error 400 android or mac or any other operating system. We have explained the methods in Google chrome, mainly because it is the most widely used browser. But the same ideas can be applied for all the other browsers. Let us know if you are still holding this error.
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apkvsipa-blog1 · 5 years
Fix Youtube Error
1. Clear the Caches and Cookies
As we have already discussed, the previously used caches and cookies in your browser will be sent bad requests to the internet server. To get rid of them, you will need to clear your browsing data, preferably since you started to use the device for the first time. Here is how to do so in Google chrome:
Also Check: How to reopen closed tab in Browser
Open the browser and go to the customize and control google chrome option. It is the three small dots known as Settings present in a column on the top right corner of the browser interface. Click on the opportunity.
From the list that will appear on your screen, choose History. It will open up a drop-down menu. From the drop-down menu, select history again, on the top of the list. Another way to do so is to press CTRL+H just after opening the browser in the first step.
On the new page, the list of your search history will appear. On the left sidebar of the browser, click on the Clear browsing data. It will bring another page and a pop-up message with two sections: Basic and Advanced.
Choose the Basic category and it will show you three options. Check on the boxes to the left of each option. Also, change the time range to All time so that no cached data or cookies remain.
Click on the Clear Data option on the right bottom corner of the same popped up window.
Restart the browser and check if the error 400 bad request YouTube is solved or not.
Keep in mind that using this method will delete all the information stored in the browser, including the usernames and the passwords of every website that you have previously opened in it. So basically, you will need to enter them once again before logging in.
If doing so seems like a very inconvenient option for you, then you should consider deleting the caches and cookies related to YouTube only. Here is the step by step guide to removing the YouTube caches and cookies from your Google Chrome browser-
Open Settings panel of your browser. Chrome is our interest here.
Scroll down to the bottom of the newly opened page and click on the Advanced option.
On the next page, choose the Privacy and Security on the left sidebar. It will change the main contents of the page.
From the new list of contents, choose the Site Settings. This setting allows you to control the contents that a website can see from you and show you from their side.
Now, click on the Cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data option on the top of the list. A new list of contents will show up.
On the new interface, search for YouTube cookies and cache files by typing YouTube on the search space on the top right corner or it.
You will find the cookies and caches of YouTube stored in your system. Now chyoose the Remove All Shown option on the screen and confirm the deletion by clicking on Clear All on the popped up window.
Restart your browser and check if you have successfully solved YouTube error 400 or not.
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2. Replace the Direct Link of the Video
If you are still have not been able to fix the error, then replace the link of the video with the Video ID. Video ID is the portion of the link which is present after the equal (=) sign.
For example, in this link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqTSeOAhew0, RqTSeOAhew0 is the video ID.
This may sound absurd but many of the YouTube users have reported it as a working fix. Why don’t we try it our, then? Right?
3. Reset Your Browser
Resetting your browser to the default mode is another beneficial technique to overcome YouTube error 400. Follow these simple steps to reset your browser:
Open the browser and click on the three vertical dots (Settings) of the browser.
On the new page, scroll to the bottom and click on the Advanced option.
A new page will open up. Go to the bottom of it, and under the Reset and clean up, choose the first option Reset settings to their original defaults and confirm it. The browser will go to its default mode. This technique should work in almost any situation.
4. Log out and Log in to YouTube
This method of fixing YouTube 400 error Android/iOS is also working for many users. As the heading suggests, you just need to log out from the Google account you are using to surf YouTube videos and log in again. Not sure how to accomplish it? Let’s go.
Open the Gmail app on the device you’re getting the error.
Alternatively, just open the YouTube website on your Chrome browser.
Click on your profile icon from the right top corner.
Select Sign out option from there and restart your device.
Log in to your Gmail account again and try surfing the same video through YouTube.
5. Reinstall Your Browser
Reinstalling your browser will also set it to the default mode. Hence, it can also be used to solve the error of our concern.
The techniques mentioned above are applicable for YouTube error 400 android or mac or any other operating system. We have explained the methods in Google chrome, mainly because it is the most widely used browser. But the same ideas can be applied for all the other browsers. Let us know if you are still holding this error.
                                                                     Share and enjoy!                           More Under:
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Article written by Rachit Mangi
Hey, fellas! This is Rachit Mangi, co-founder and administrator of Tricks N Tech. He is a Computer Engineer by degree and a passionate blogger by heart. He likes to code sometimes. He is fond of watching movies and cricket. He loves to travel to new places.
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kevtastical-blog · 5 years
For more information, you may go to Recover Windows 7 Password! Windows 10 requires a minumum of one user account. Windows 10 is rolled out with a whole lot of login security alternatives. Windows hides a good deal of that complexity. Windows provides the capability to share 1 computer among multiple users, or for a single user to have several accounts for task schedule rvarious purposes. There are quite a lot of strategies to sign-out from the because there are shortcut also which will allow you to log-off in seconds. To log in to some other user, you have to wait around for Window to startup and login. 
When you discuss security, you've got to compromise convenience and speed. You may now enter in the system in an ordinary fashion and alter the password. A correctly done password process is one which's fundamentally not able to mess up even in the event that you try. If you're not great at computer, it is not advised to do it on your own. If your computer appears to be taking what feels to be an eternity to boot up, then there are a few easy things that you can do by yourself to diagnose and remedy the issue. On the flip side, there are a few security software that provides password protection together with the data protection like file locking software, data encryption software, USB security software and a lot more. You may also utilize third party computer maintenance tools for improving the speed and operation of your PC. 
When you click OK, you will be requested to put in your password twice. Resetting your Gmail password is straightforward. In the event you forgot Gmail password, continue reading. 
Passwords should increase security, but they frequently wind up compromising it. Your passwords should have the ability to handle completely arbitrary data. There's a better approach to take out the password entirely, however, so you will never will need to enter it. There are two methods to store a password that I am able to recommend. If you are able to type the incorrect password the exact same way, twice, you are going to see an error message once you reboot. Strong passwords are in reality important, even for your house computer. If you also forgot your associated email password then you must answer some questions regarding your Google account to confirm your gmail account to recoup your password. 
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If you don't remember your password again, you may use the exact same password reset disk. Therefore, if you wish the exact same, you could alter the password by clicking the Change' button below the password section. You can have a very long password, and you're utilizing a PC where only you've got access. 
Your very best choice when you chance to forget Windows password. Following that, you're going to be in a position to unlock Windows 7 password in a moment. In any case, it isn't the difficult for somebody else to remove the Windows password. 
Higher-grade encryption can safeguard your data from just about anyone apart from the NSA. Smart card authentication demands the usage of the Kerberos authentication protocol. If you discover any malicious login of your account, you should reset your Microsoft account password when possible. As soon as you have made a user you will be prepared to create the very first server. Following that, you've got to sign out and pick the other user you wish to log on to. You could (if that's what you're looking for) determine anomalous logins over the whole data collection. 
Click the account that you want to change, and click Change the account type. Instead, if you're employing a Microsoft account, you can get rid of the password entirely, but you have to switch to a neighborhood account. If you understand the account listed, then no more actions want to get taken. The very first account you create will stay an Administrator account, which permits you to manage every element of your PC. If you have many unique accounts configured, pick the one which you'd like to skip the entire login and password option for. 
Click the account you wish to edit. Because almost any email account may also be set up to be a Microsoft account, it is a fantastic notion to make the most of the additional advantages that allows. Scroll down then pay attention to the SID values for the account you would like to change. An administrator account has higher-level permissions than a normal user account, meaning that an administrator account operator can perform tasks on your computer a normal user account operator cannot. Additionally, you can elect for developing a new administrator account to acquire in your computer rather than eliminating the forgotten password.
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yourhero404 · 6 years
Hello, lovely Four! It's-a-me again with another request >:^) So, can I get headcanons for Sero, Todoroki, Kirishima & Kaminari react to a crush that have resently started showing signs of interest & then suddenly texts them one late night like "I really like you, & I hate it". Like, crush doesn't hate THEM, but the 'intoxicating' feelings towards them & the crush can't deal with it & wants to get rid of it. That's the thing I actually did with my crush once. Left them confused. Emotions =-=;
A/N: Hiya love!!Welcome back!! But boy oh boy do I get whatcha mean, emotions s u c k :’) but don’tworry, you aren’t alone, ive done this too many times to even count T^T
-He was so excited toget close to them- it was sort of like those ‘friends-to-lovers’ situations he’sread in manga and he wanted to see it through!
-Made a mentalchecklist about what he should be looking for in their actions, you know, tosee if they felt the same way that he did. Luckily, he was able to check offquite a few of the signs off his list.
-So when he rolledover in the middle of the night to read some books online, he was absolutelyecstatic to see that they texted him! However, his heart skipped a beat in thewrong way once he read their text.
-“You hate that you like me?” he texted back. He was confused- so,did they not /want/ to like him? Was it something about him? Maybe he was tooplain for their taste-
-“I hate it ‘cause I didn’t know how to tell you… or show you” they textedback. His heart calmed a little bit as a smile spread across his face. He didn’tknow how to tell them either so he had kept it to himself for the time being,but now that they got their feelings out in the open, it was time for him to dothe same.
-“Well, you can show me by going on a date with me. Does Saturday workfor you?”
-Definitely not goodat emotions or taking any sort of hint… at all. So he doesn’t even realize thatthey’re as close as they are in the beginning
-Once he did start tonotice, however, he kept it quiet. He only noticed his own feelings, after all,how was he supposed to be able to tell what theirs is? He doesn’t understandsocial cues and he’ll fully admit it
-His phone doesn’tnormally go off in the middle of the night, so he doesn’t think to turn theringtone off. When it alerted him to a message, he was still pretty drunk withsleep when he read the message from them
-“You texted me in the middle of the night to tell me you hate me?”he replied. He couldn’t understand the reasoning behind their actions, but itdid kind of hurt to know his feelings weren’t reciprocated- until his phonecontinuously went off in his hand once again
-“What, no” “That isn’t what Isaid” “I don’t hate you!! I likeyou!!” “I like you a lot” “and I hate it” “’Cause I don’t know how to deal with these feelings” “Sorry, I’m spamming your phone” “You were probably asleep” “Sorry”
-After their flurry ofmessages, he took a moment to wake himself up and read them clearly. Once heunderstood the situation, he smiled a bit to himself and texted them backbefore rolling back over to sleep once again.
-“I haven’t felt this way before either. Let’s figure it out together.”
-He’d been on thereceiving end of hundreds of bone-crushing hugs from them for a while now, andhe couldn’t be more happy about it.
-Being able to holdthem felt great! Hanging out with them felt great! Being close and staying upall night talking or texting until the morning- great! Asking them out- wack!
-He was way toonervous to do anything like that. He knew it was unmanly of him to rely on them(hopefully) confessing first or showing an absolutely clear sign of interest inhim, but he didn’t want to risk their friendship for a misinterperetedsituation.
-It was another one ofthose nights where the two of them were up late, texting back and forth aboutthese hero conspiracy theories. He was all smiles the entire time, justanticipating seeing their name on his phone gave his heart a thrill- but whenthey took longer than usual to answer, it dropped a bit, dropping even furtherwhen he read their text.
-He had to read itover two, three, four times and stare at his ceiling to process what they hadsaid. It hit him like a truck- they said they liked him! They probably hated itbecause they were afraid of losing their friendship, like he was, but god hehad been waiting for this chance for so long
-“Well I promise, I can show you how to like liking me. Like liking me?You know what I mean”
-Late night video gamebuddies? Hell yeah. He loves playing video games in all hours of the night withthem, it actually brought them a lot closer
-He also doesn’t tryto hide how much he likes them when they’re together in person. Constantlyflirting, showing off, and standing close to them- he figured they’d realizewithout much needing to be said
-And when theyeffortlessly flirt back? Beautiful. He loves it. It’s almost as if sparklesshow up around his heart. But he hasn’t found the right way to take the leapand ask them out
-But when they log inlate one night and don’t answer a few of his messages, he gets sort ofconcerned. Maybe they’re just AFK! Maybe their internet was just being wonky,but their message made him jump out of his skin
-“You hate me? Why? Was it the flirting- do you want me to stop? Should Ileave you alone?” He was thinking 100 miles per minute, he was so close toshort circuiting himself when another message popped up on his screen
-“Chill sparky. I said I like you, I just hate that I do. I’ve onlyplayed dating sims, I dunno how to actually date a person so what if I messup??”
-He took a moment toscreech into a nearby pillow, beyond happy at the confession. His hands shookwith excitement as he struggled to text back, message full of errors that hedidn’t bother to fix- he just needed to get his message to them as fast aspossible
-“I like you tpo, we can try datea from thosr games!! It’ll be great!!”
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ryankhan · 2 years
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5 analogical
#5: Can we just pretend like we’re normal for once? Pairing: AnalogicalWord Count: 1060Warnings: Cursing, Depression, Anxiety, mental health problems, near panic attack, mentions of bad parentingSummary: Humman! Au analogical getting together. 
Logan and Virgil were not a normal couple. One was a child protegee, everyone was always so invested in his academic accomplishments, he never had the chance to truly be a child and really be emotionally and mentally healthy. He had to grow up much too fast, so more often than not he simply chooses to ignore all of his emotions, this has earned him many unflattering titles throughout the years. Simply because he’s not empathetic, prefers to work out issues using logic rather than tact, and at times doesn’t yawn when somebody in his immediate vicinity does, does not mean that he’s a psychopath, thank you very much. The other partner was a depressed, anxious child, one whose parents neglected his mental health, and told him to simply get over it. This caused his mental problems to get bigger, and bigger, until he finally got a therapist, Dr. Picani, when he moved out.
 The two men were both emotionally and mentally vulnerable. They needed to find solitude from their problems, and they found that in each other. They met in their sophomore year of College in the library, Logan was perusing a thick book that was nearly the size of his head, writing down notes every once in a while, and Virgil was a few tables over, nearly edged into a panic attack.
Logan had noticed the other man’s erratic breathing, abandoned his task, and helped ground Virgil. He asked if he had permission to touch Virgil, and upon receiving an affirmative, he began to slowly rub circles into the anxious man’s back, directing him to use breathing exercises and to look around for five things he can see, four things he can hear, three things he can feel, and so forth. After getting Virgil down from his near attack, Logan introduced himself. Virgil was drained from the high emotional state he was in, so his mental floodgates could hold less of his thoughts in, so he mumbled “I’m Virge, and you’re kind of pretty.” at that time, many other patrons of the library could have attested to have hearing the human equivalent of the Windows Error Noise coming out of Logan’s mouth. Eventually, he helped Virgil back to his dorm. The encounter was a little awkward for Logan, but he felt that it was the right thing to do, awkwardness aside.
Second semester came along, and with it came some new classes. It just so happened that Logan and Virgil had a class together. Near the end of the first day, Virgil approached Logan somewhat awkwardly and apologized for his actions in the library all that time ago. Logan brushed it off. He didn’t need an apology for something so small in the grand scheme of things. Logan honestly tried to shake off Virgil after that, he had never needed a friend before, and he wasn’t going to start needing one now. Logan had logged into his tumblr after the fiasco of a class and began vaguing about college life, and then posted a few lines of poetry to clear his head before going to his next class. He checked the social media after class and was a little surprised when he saw that someone had messaged him. @panic!ateverywhere…? Was that a reference to something?
Logan opened up the message, and it was a fellow college student. they somehow related to Logan’s position. Apparently they had approached someone in class today, and they had simply brushed them off. How curious, that situation was nearly an exact parallel to Logan’s own. He offered a few objective words of advice to the student to speak to the fellow classmate… if he had only known that the man, Virgil, would use those exact strategies that Logan had suggested to the online user just a few days earlier. Logan raised an eyebrow at that, and then remembered a post that he had saw a while back, saying that you should comment on one’s shoelaces to see if they are also from tumblr, because apparently asking somebody if they are on that specific social network isn’t a “thing to do”.
Logan asked the question, and Virgil looked at him in confusion for a few moments before it dawns on him. He mumbled back “Thanks. I stole them from the president.” Logan nodded once. “Am I to infer that you are @Panic!ateverywhere?” Virgil nodded dumbly. “Yeah, that’s me. Does that mean you’re @LogicallyInfered?” Logan held back a smirk as he copied Virgil’s prior action. “That would be correct.” “Oh… cool.. So, would you- like mind my company… or? Ugh- nevermind.” Logan rested a hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “I would not object being friends with you.”
After a while, everyone on campus knew that Logan and Virgil were the dynamic duo. Virgil became more open and snarky the longer he was around Logan. Logan became more emotionally open, going so far as to yell “falSEHOOD!” on more than one occasion, and shocking the entire room. The two were inseparable, and it wasn’t really a surprise to anybody when they began dating about a year after meeting one another. Their relationship really didn’t change all that much except now there was a title, a little more cuddling, and kissing… thing is, even with all of this progress that they’ve made throughout the years, they were still damaged.   Day of graduation, Virgil was combing his hands through Logan’s hair, trying to get rid of his nervous energy. “Lo, I don’t know if I can go through with this. I’m too fucked up for actual society, society won’t let me live off of tumblr commissions and existential crises. I can’t be normal like everyone wants me to be, I just can’t! Logan, they won’t understand… they can’t!” Logan turned around, stopping Virgil from playing with his hair. He grabbed Virgil’s hands gently and pressed a kiss to the back of one of them, his favourite way to show affection. “My dearest, we can act normal for just one day. After today, we can be as odd as we want, I shall help you make your living off of tumblr, and possibly even your many crises. That one British man did it via YouTube.” “Dan Howell?” “Affirmative. We shall figure something out for you, my love.” The two were undoubtedly still damaged, but they had each other.
(A/N) I know I changed the prompt a little bit, but supportive Logan is my lifeblood. I got really into this one. goodness, I love my boys.  If you want to send me a prompt, click here! 
Taglist taken from the Editable Taglist Spreadsheet under the cut.@sanders-sides-thuri@logically-asexual @trivia-goddess@vivimarius@storytellerofuntoldlegends@strangerthings-and-phan@watch-me-introvert@tree4life25@sarcastic-anxious @emokittenlikesgore@paxtonlovestea@neko-ereri@happypappypatton@confinesofpersonalknowledge@urtrashhq@thegirlwiththedragonheart@fandergecko@too-random-for-me@hissesssss@deathbyvenusftw@ill-interested@johnnyboylaurens@the-prince-and-the-emo@inkyroo@staticsanders@allthemetalsoftherainbow@depressed-alone@icbatocomeupwithausername@walking-encyclopedia@magicmapleleaf @pieces-of-annedrew@saphirestrike@asalwayss@anxiousoddish@romanssippycup@virgils-anxiety@redundant-statements-for-400@skylagamingfea@clueingforblogs@rainbow-beaniegirl@vampyrsarah@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@hghrules@migraine-marathon@alextheodd@sandersfanders @pansexual-cat@hanramz-the-fander@darude-sanderstorm@kurna-kovite@royallyanxious@thestoryofme13@silentwhistlingwind@madelynna@a-blog-just-for-sanders@galacticallynonbinary@trashfireiplier@the-optimism-of-the-ostriches@sanderssides-deathangel@lacandra@starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer@digitally-analog@shygirl4991@sides-of-a-sunset@strangerthings-and-phan@musicphanpie-b@superintrovertfangirl@silversunshine2012@makemeaplant@out-of-existence@koalaaquabear@deep-ocean-blues @catsandrandomness@rose-gold-roman@aliferous-ly@musicsavedmefromdeath@devastate-my-space@heythereprincey@yourhappypappypatton@dudlebuggs@sanders-trash-4ever@on-lock-like-attica@siriuswhiskers@thenerdycube@pinkeasteregg@an_anxious_gay_mess@multi-fandom-trash-x9000@kirsten-the-freak@thepusheenqueen@artistictaurean@funsizedgremlin@pal-im-not-clever @logan-exe@thecrimsoncodex@unknownsandersfan @dementeddracon@ive-given-up-on-it@blazeimagines101@sanders-fam-ily@trashypansexual@toujours-fidele@grey-lysander@sehtah@sugarblob0@do-rey-me@septifanderplier@hottopicvirge@rptheturk@urte1108@ffsas-side-account@shadow-walker-1201@milomeepit@fricksonsticks@baileystarsketches@yurai-brokeit@voices-and-stardust@deadinsidebutliving@acechirou@ocotopushugs@lynisnotamused@datonerougecookeh@lana–22@kentato-kenart@robanilla@anxie-teaa @logically-sided@osnapitzbc@areyousirius-noheisdead@ruuworld@aikogumi@kickthecel@theworldismysupernova@jughead-is-canonically-aroace@purplesatankittycat@mercythemermaid@etherealweekes@pearls-of-patton@ahoardofsides@memesanddreamsinc@jade-dragon226-fan@mollycassmith@nightmarejasmine @ace-v-p-d @pandagirl0730@acrobaticcatfeline@thomas-must-get-to-sleep@sesame-icecream@dreamerhowelll@nyxwordsmith@roman-is-a-gay@reba-andthesides@thesilentbluesparrow@angered-turtle@fanatic564
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storydevs · 6 years
Logging Breakdown
It’s almost certain that any code you write will have a bug in it. There’s a lot things that can help with finding them and one of those things is logging to the console. Most programming languages have a function called something like “print” or “log” to output data and messages while the program is running.
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The way logging works on StoryDevs is a little more complicated. For brevity I’m just going to describe how logging works in the browser and skip how it’s done on the server.
Simple Logging
In JavaScript we use the console object which has a few different ways to log things. For example if you have a script with a line of code that reads:
console.log(“Hi there!”);
If you open up Chrome’s dev tools (shortcut is F12) and go to the “Console” tab you’ll see this:
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Note how it says “script.js:2342” on the far right. This tells us where the line of code that logged this information is. It can be useful when you’re trying to figure out where an error is coming from, especially if you have thousands of lines of code. The “script.js” part refers to the file name and “2342” is a line in that file.
Default Logging Is Nice
The default methods for console are nice because you can log things other than just text. You can essentially log anything and it’ll look pretty good in the console. For example let’s say we have the following array:
let a = [“Some string”, 52, true];
And then we log it:
The console will output this:
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Any time you log something like an array or an object you’ll be able to expand it to see what it contains. Again, useful for debugging.
I Log A Lot
So much, in fact, that I find typing “console.log()” kind of annoying. So I made a function called “log” which works exactly the same and just has a different name:
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There’s actually another way to do this which is:
let log = console.log;
Either way you can now write:
log(“My message…”);
And it’ll work. The second way actually avoids a problem I’m about to show you with the first approach but we’re doing it the first way to illustrate a point.
Remember how console.log tells you the file and the line you logged from? Well the problem with creating your own function named “log” and then calling console.log inside it is that it’ll always list the same line: the one that console.log is on.
So let’s say we have the following code:
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This is what the result will be:
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Notice how on the right it says the array was logged from line 3, not line 7 where we actually did our logging. In fact, if you defined the log function in another file it’d even list that file instead of the one you logged from. This isn’t what we want! So why did I do it this way and how do I get around it?
Why I’m Doing It The Hard Way: Part 1
To explain this I need to show you how I work. When I write JavaScript for StoryDevs I try to sort the code into a few broad categories and then make each category its own file. So here’s my JavaScript folder (there’s three other folders inside it but just ignore those):
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Each file does stuff related to its name. For example, columns.js contains all the code related to StoryDevs’ columns. When the site is public I don’t want all the code split up like this.
Firstly, it makes understanding the code a lot easier because the code is logically organised. StoryDevs will skew left (politically speaking) and I don’t want it to be easy to make a “without-the-politics” (i.e., right-leaning in this climate) knock-off of StoryDevs. I want them to have to cobble together disparate code or write it themselves :)
The second reason is that one big file compresses better than several smaller files. The basics of compression is that it finds a repeating pattern in the text and then replaces it with a smaller code. To allow for uncompressing a little dictionary is kept which tells us what pattern each code refers to.
Let’s say we have this file:
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If we zip this it’s smaller than if you have two zipped files with the functions split between them. The larger the files get the more true this is. Combining all my JavaScript files into one big file and then compressing it results in a 10% smaller zip. That’s a decent saving for a file that will be requested a lot.
The third reason is it’s just nicer to only have to link to one script file! I don’t have to remember to include a new JavaScript file if I happen to make a new one.
What Does This Have To Do With Logging!
Remember earlier when we logged something and it showed us the line number and the file name? Well if you combine all your files into one big file before it’s sent that means the logging info will be incorrect. It will log the big file’s name (I simply call it “script.js”) and the line number won’t be the original line number.
So if we have a file, “little_1.js”:
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And we write a helper program that joins it with “little_2.js” (this is basically what I do on the server):
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We’ll get this:
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What was previously line 1 in “little_2.js” is now line 10 in our new automatically generated script. The script itself doesn’t know which parts of it originally belonged to which file. Both these things make debugging harder. So to get around this I add a little extra info at the bottom of my big script file:
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As I build the single script file from the smaller script files I save each file’s name and the number of lines it contains to an object. Then I write this object at the very end of the file. Using this, a bit of math allows us to figure out the appropriate name and number to use when logging.
Why I’m Doing It The Hard Way: Part 2
Okay now I’m actually going explain this! Remember how there’s two ways to create a function called “log”? There was this way:
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And this way:
let log = console.log;
And the first one has a problem in that it will also think the logging is occurring on the line where console.log is rather than from where you’re calling log from. Despite this, I chose to do it that way because I need to do that math to work out the file name and line number anyway before logging.
If you look at the second approach to creating a log function, all it’s doing is saying “‘log’ now means ‘console.log’” — it doesn’t allow us to jam more code into it. Whereas in the first approach you can write as much code as you want before the logging takes place. And boy do I do that:
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Let’s break this down. First I start out by creating an error object. I’m doing this because an error object contains the stack property. Now, in programming there’s something called the “call stack” and this is what stack refers to. It’s a list of all the functions that were called to get to this point in your code.
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Here’s an example of what it looks like if we log err.stack:
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Keep in mind it starts from the most recent function call. If you were to say this in plain English you might say, “There was an error in the ‘log’ function which was called by ‘init_actionables’ which itself was called by ‘dynamic_content_init’ [. . .]” and so on.
The err.stack property of an error is a string, which means you can call string methods on it. For example, we could do err.stack.toLowerCase() which would make all the text it logs lower case. In my case I call split on it:
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First, what’s “\n” mean? That’s an invisible character computers use to mark where a new line begins. It’s inserted every time you hit your enter key. See how when we logged err.stack above it’s on multiple lines? That means the string contains “\n” characters.
When I call the string’s split method and pass in “\n” it means “split this string where the new line characters are”. It results in you getting back an array of strings. So if we log err.stack.split(“\n”) we get this:
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Instead of one long string we now have six strings. Because we divided the original string by its lines, we now have the name of one function per line as well as the file name and line number it was called from. (The exception is the first string that just says “Error.”)
So, err.stack.split(“\n”) results in an array of strings. Because this error was created inside the log function we know the first function will always be log. The one after that (the third element) will always contain a string describing the function that called log.
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So we get the third index of the array (which is 2 because it starts from 0) and then call trim on it. The trim function just gets rid of whitespace padding on the left or right of a string. As you can see above there’s some leading whitespace that we don’t want.
Finally, we assign the result of all these operations to line. So right now line contains the string:
“at init_actionables (http://localhost:8080/js/script.js:2532:5)”
What we want from this string is the function name and the line number. So with the next bit of code we start to extract the line number:
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We’re take the string we assigned to line, call the split method on it (passing it a space character), and then store the result in parts. After this the contents of parts is an array containing separate strings that were previously joined by spaces:
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(Incidentally, this is why I called trim beforehand — there would be four empty strings before “at” because of the four leading spaces. So I got rid of them to make the array easier to think about.)
Okay, let’s speed things up a bit. The next few lines are doing something similar to the previous ones:
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First we grab the last element in the parts array and assign it to source. To get the last element of an array you have to get the arrays length (parts.length) and then subtract one from it. The last index of an array that is 3 elements long is “2” as most programming languages have arrays that count from zero.
That means source now contains the string:
Next, we break source into parts, dividing it anywhere a “:” appears. Note that I name it “source_parts” instead of overwriting parts because I still need parts for something I’ll do later. So source_parts now looks like this:
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Then we grab the fourth element (index 3) and assign it to abs_line (the name stands for “absolute line”). This is the line number of where log was called in the big script we built earlier. Now abs_line contains “2532” as a string value. The next part looks complicated but it’s not too bad.
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First we define some variables source_file, rel_line, and total. I give total a default value of “0” because I’m gonna do math with it. The reason I define these outside the loop is that any variable created inside the loop only exists for that iteration of the loop. I need total (and the other variables) to persist after that.
Next we start the loop. The object script_meta was the thing we defined at the very end of the big script that listed all the names of the JavaScript files and how many lines they contain. It looked like this:
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Each time we loop, the fn variable (which stands for “filename”) is assigned a key from the script_meta object, starting from “column.js” through to “tools.js.” Next we assign the result of subtracting total from abs_line to rel_line (“rel_line” stands for “relative line”). Since abs_line is 2532 and total is 0 we get 2532.
UTTERLY POINTLESS YOU FOOL. Well hey hold on. Next we grab the total line count associated with the current file by indexing script_meta with fn. If this were the first iteration of the loop fn would be “column.js” so script_meta[fn] would result in 526. Then we add this to total, making it 526 as well. Then…
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...we have this little conditional. It says “if the total so far is higher than the absolute line (the line we logged from in the big file) then do this.” Then we say source_file is the current file name and use break, a keyword for ending loops early and continuing with the rest of the code after the loop.
In essence what we’re doing is going through script_meta and adding each file’s line count to total. Then we check if total has become higher than the line number we logged from in the big script file. If it has, we know that it must have originally been in this file because all the scripts were added together in alphabetical order.
The abs_line we logged from was 2532. Let’s visualise what the loop does:
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Here we can see that once we get to “main.js” our total line count jumps to 4121, which is above abs_line’s 2532. That means the line was originally in the file “main.js” before we joined it together with the others. So our conditional tests true and kicks us out of the loop with break.
Now the two variables defined outside the loop (source_file and rel_line) contain the original source file name and the correct line number relative to the original file. That thing we were doing at the beginning of the loop:
rel_line = abs_line - total;
Was to figure out what the original line number was. If you subtract the total line count of the files so far from the line you logged from in the big file you’ll wind up with the original line. It’s telling us what the line number would be if you were logging from that file.
This results in source_file being “main.js” and rel_line being 192:
2532 - (526 + 1690 + 124) = 192
Christ, Can You Break This Up With Another Header Or Something
Yeah, sorry. I honestly didn’t think this wouldn’t take so long. I regret this post and my life as wel , ,
A Nicer Section
Next, a simpler part of the log function:
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Again, we’re defining a variable before using it in the conditionals below so that it still exists outside those blocks. Then we ask if parts is longer than 2. What the hell is parts?! This is the thing we were saving for later. It’s the array we got by pulling out a line from the error’s call stack:
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We’re checking its length because it can either be 2 or 3. In this case the function on this line has a name “init_actionables” but there’s a thing in JavaScript (and other languages) called an “anonymous function.” Basically they’re functions without names. If the function is anonymous parts will have a length of 2.
So if parts has a length of 2 we make the caller’s name “anonymous” otherwise we grab the second item and make that the caller’s name. Either way we now have a name!
Lastly, we have this:
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The console object has methods other than just log. The group and groupEnd methods mark the start and end of a group respectively when logging to the console. Anything you log to the console after calling group will be nested under the heading you give it.
And that means the result of calling log like this:
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Shows up in the console like this:
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Woohoo! We have the correct file name, line number, and even the function name that log was called within. Over to the right you’ll see it says 5234 which is where console.group and console.log are logging from in the script file (which we don’t care about!)
As with the original console.log we can still log complex objects and have them display nicely:
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That’s a lot so let’s recap:
Logging is useful for debugging.
StoryDevs has multiple JavaScript files. Before sending them to the user they’re combined into one big file because it compresses better, among other reasons.
A little bit of metadata that preserves the file names and their line counts is saved at the end of the big file.
When you use console.log the console will show you which file logged the message and from what line.
That file name and line number will be incorrect because we combined all the files into one big file.
Therefore, we need to do a little bit of parsing and math to work out the original file name and line number, using the metadata we saved earlier.
Well that’s it. It should be noted that I wrote this for myself in one afternoon so it’s not intended to be super robust. It’s only been tested in Chrome and I don’t care if it doesn’t work perfectly elsewhere at the moment.
Anyway, I hope someone finds this interesting/useful because my wrists hurt!
StoryDevs is a place for developers of story-focused games and visual novels to find each other and collaborate. The site is under development but handle reservations are open: www.storydevs.com/reserve
Website: www.storydevs.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jakebowkett Twitter: https://twitter.com/storydevs Discord: https://discord.gg/A2jtNqE Email: [email protected]
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october31st1981 · 7 years
Jily AU: Your photos keep showing up on my iPhone, and the internet helped me track you down. Now we’re kind of celebrities, and also I think you’re hot. (Inspired by "I Followed My Stolen iPhone Across The World, Became A Celebrity In China, And Found A Friend For Life" on Buzzfeed)
The article can be found here. I recommend it. It’s a wild ride. Some liberties were taken with the prompt. 
Because James is a fucking idiot, his phone gets stolen.
He knows he’s a rowdy drunk and he knows the three word mantra any university student needs when they go out (‘phone-cash-keys’) but Sirius has bet that he can take more Jägerbombs than James and he’s never been able to back down from a challenge. He doesn’t even think twice about whether his phone is in the pocket of his jeans or his coat, the latter of which he leaves at the table. He swears Peter is sitting there when he leaves, but when he comes back ten minutes later and a whole lot dizzier, the table is empty, coat and all.
He and Sirius find Peter later, crouched over a toilet and heaving with Remus patting his back. James has the decency to wait until his friend is done vomiting to ask, “Pete, d’you have my phone?”
If possible, Peter gets greener. “Sorry,” is all he gets out before shaking his head and clutching his stomach.
Peter ends up feeling worse about the whole thing than James does. James is upset to have lost all his pictures and apps, and he’s livid at the wanker who decided to grab his phone, but ultimately, he can afford a new phone and he can take new pictures, so in a few months he’ll likely get over it. But Peter insists that because James left his phone with him, it’s Peter who owes him a new one.
James attempts to refuse. Peter doesn’t have the kind of money to replace his phone, and James isn’t about to put that on him.
“My friend Dung knows how to get an iPhone for dirt cheap,” Peter claims, and reluctantly, James agrees.
And so it begins.
True to his word, Mundungus Fletcher has an iPhone of the same model as James’s that seems to be in decent condition and that he’s selling for far less than a reasonable price. James doesn’t exactly trust Dung, but he trusts Peter, so he accepts the gift. 
It works out fine for a few months. He’s constantly filling up his camera roll, so it’s not immediately obvious when a few pictures crop up that he can’t remember taking. But one day, he’s scrolling through his phone looking for a selfie to post when he notices several selfies he has never seen before. Namely of a girl who is redheaded, gorgeous, and completely unfamiliar. 
At first, James doesn’t think too much of it. He’s been to his fair share of parties and it doesn’t take much prowess to access a camera from a lock screen. She’s probably just someone who knows one of his mates. He ignores the picture without even bothering to delete it.
But then it happens again. 
The same red-haired girl, standing in what looks like a grove of oranges. There are at least a dozen pictures of her in a place he has definitely never been.
“I think I’m being hacked,” he says, as he shows the boys the newest set of pictures. 
“Why would a hacker put things on your phone?” asks Sirius. “Wouldn’t they just release your dick pics to the internet?”
“I have never taken a dick pic in my life,” says James, scandalized, even though he definitely has. “What do I know about what hackers’ aims are? Maybe it’s some kind of psychological game.”
“That’d be more effective if they were using pictures of blood and gore instead of pictures of a good-looking girl,” says Remus thoughtfully.  
Peter inspects the phone, looking through James’s camera settings. “I’ll ask Dung, but I think this is normal. He says cloud errors happen all the time. Probably best to ignore it.”
And James shrugs, because his knowledge of how the internet works is pretty much limited to opening the app and typing in an address. When Peter gets a hold of him, Dung reassures Peter with a few fancy words which James thinks he’s memorized solely for this purpose, but in the end he’s no closer to an answer than before.
It becomes a daily occurrence. James turns it into a game with the boys, making up a story about why the redhead ended up taking a picture of a hot pink motorbike and at least thirty dogs in the same day. There’s text in some of the background of the pictures, but it’s not in a language that he understands.
“You know, I think she might be in China,” Sirius says.
“How d’you figure that?” 
“The lanterns,” he says, scrolling through James’s phone. “Seems like it’s Chinese New Year.”
“Why would a girl in China be showing up on James’s phone?” asks Remus.
“Why did she take fifty-three pictures of fireworks when they all look the same? I’m not God, Remus.” 
When several months have passed and there are hundreds of pictures from this girl’s life flooding his phone, James decides it’s time to say something. He hesitates to take it into the Apple store, because knowing Dung, this phone is probably just a very good knock-off and he doesn’t want to get anyone in trouble. So he does what he does best, and tweets about it.
He takes a screenshot of the girl’s varied adventures and attaches it to his message:
@prongspotter: hey mysterious hacker listen ur very pretty and all but you need to stop taking over my camera roll
To his surprise, the tweet receives over two thousand retweets. His followers seem very amused by his apparent crush on the person who has somehow taken over his phone, and at least three different replies say, “I ship you and your hacker.”
He tries to joke about the situation, but that only brings more responses flooding in over the course of the week. He thinks he may be reaching meme status.
“This is ridiculous,” James says, as someone tweets him a picture of him and the redhead photoshopped together. “I don’t even know this girl.”
“You’ve seen her pictures. That’s about as much info as you get from Tinder,” Sirius offers, holding the phone out of James’s reach as he favourites the image. 
As James dives for Sirius, Peter sheepishly admits, “I think I may know what’s wrong.” 
James pauses mid-twist and Sirius takes the opportunity to send out, “I wonder if my hacker has seen my dick pics,” from James’s Twitter. 
Ignoring this, he turns to Peter. “Did Dung finally give you a real answer?” 
“Well, no… but he said something the other day, that made me think that the phone you bought might’ve been, er, taken.”
“Taken? The same way James’s was taken?” says Remus, raising his eyebrows. Peter ducks his head. 
James gapes in horror. “We replaced my stolen phone… with another stolen phone?” 
“I think so,” Peter replies, flushing in shame. “That’s probably why you’re getting those pictures. Her account is probably still in the phone.”
For the first time since getting this phone, James looks at the iCloud settings, and sure enough, there is an account name there that does not belong to him. He probably should’ve suspected this earlier, but he has a tendency to be overly trusting. Immediately, he logs out. Peter apologizes, but James doesn’t blame him. It’s not his fault that Dung misled him. 
The next day James purchases a new phone, from the store itself. He has an employee help him set up all his account details properly this time. Once he’s finished, all he wants to do is get rid of the other phone. It doesn’t feel right to just give it away since it belongs to someone, but he didn’t really spare a glance at the girl’s name so it’s not like he could look her up anywhere. 
To ease his conscience, he sends out an apology to the general public. 
@prongspotter: it has come to my attention that the hacking is actually kind of my fault. wish i knew how to apologize to you directly. sorry
James probably should’ve known better than to give the internet the opportunity for a quest. His tweet gets more feedback than anything he’s ever said, with many people offering to help track her down. He doesn’t want anyone trying to release this girl’s personal information, so he politely declines. 
An hour later, however, he receives a tweet from @maremacdonald that says, “The girl from those pictures is my friend Lily! I’ll let her know about you.” 
He checks the account, and it doesn’t look like spam. He decides to wait on it. Sure enough, that evening, he gets a direct message from someone named Lily whose avatar is the redheaded girl, but a picture of her that he’s never seen before. 
Hi, I’m Lily. Your “hacker?” 
sorry about that!! i’m james. bought a phone off a friend of a friend and it turns out he probably took it off you. i logged out as soon as I knew
 Seems like I should be blaming the bloke who took it, not you. Needed a temporary mobile anyway. No harm done, besides seeing my face photoshopped onto what I *hope* is your body.
James grins to himself. 
the lads have been guessing where you’re from. my mate Sirius says China but i say Chinatown
Tell Sirius he’s right! I’m from England but I’m doing a year abroad. 
damn. i’d hoped to buy you an apology drink for inadvertently stealing your phone
 Should I be accepting drinks from strangers on the internet?
no more than I should’ve accepted a phone from someone named ‘Dung’ and yet here we are
 I guess bad decisions are catching. All I know about you is your twitter handle. 
google me? actually don’t. i’m not sure what you’ll find. 
Lily seems to take this as a challenge and sends him a screenshot of one of his profile pictures from Year Ten with his hair spiked up. He’s not wearing any glasses, so he’s squinting at what clearly must’ve been a mobile camera. 
that’s not fair ur last name isn’t on ur profile i can’t google you back
In reply, she sends him a screenshot of a status from 2009 which contains the entirety of the lyrics to “Remember the Name.”
James tells the Twitterverse that he rescinds his apology because Lily is The Worst, but that only encourages the following that this phone saga has accumulated. #OTPFlowerPots trends locally. 
It becomes a game between them. For every embarrassing post of James’s that Lily sends to him, she tells him something about herself. He learns that she grew up in a town called Cokeworth, that her ex-best friend joined some kind of anti-immigrant group and the whole thing fucked her up a lot, and that (and she’s not kidding about this, no matter how many times he asks) her sister’s name is Petunia.
is ur sister a 75 year old woman who lives in a shoe??
Do you really want to get into name jokes, Potty? 
you raise a fair point. my dad’s name is fleamont
Oh my GOD.
After they’ve been messaging for a few weeks, James accidentally admits that he misses the daily guessing game of figuring out what her pictures meant. Lily teases him about it, but adds him on Snapchat later that day. His phone starts to fill up with pictures of her again, but this time it’s screenshots of her pulling stupid faces as she faceswaps with a cat.
“I guess my mess-up with Dung wasn’t that bad after all if James got an internet girlfriend out of it,” Peter muses as James sends Lily a picture of him with a flower crown.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” says James, but nobody listens.
Sirius shrugs. “I still think he’s mad to fancy someone he’s never met. Maybe she’s a bit of a loon and wants to set him on fire.”
“There are a lot of people who might want to set James on fire,” Remus interjects with a teasing smile. “That feeling’s not exclusive to people he has feelings for.”
“I don’t fancy her!”
Maybe he’s proving their point, but he cannot resist griping about his friends to her, so as his friends continue to take the mickey, he tweets at Lily. 
@prongspotter: @lilylaughing pls rescue me from my mates they are being v rude 
@lilylaughing: @prongspotter Sorry! Come visit me in China? 
James figures the suggestion is in jest, their followers seem to enjoy the idea. Their replies are flooded with people telling James everything from travel discounts to places to visit while he’s in China. This isn’t the first time he’s been caught off by the overwhelming excitement for their interactions, so he laughs it off. It’s Lily who brings it up when they are messaging that night.
Maybe I shouldn’t have invited you here in front of the whole internet. My phone has been going off all day.
it’s cool i know you were kidding. can’t help that the internet wants us #married 
Wasn’t completely a joke! If you’d like to come, it’d be nice to have a visitor. I’ve asked Mary to come but every pound she has is going directly into saving for a flat.
normally i like to get a girl’s last name before i jump continents for her
And so, James begins planning a trip to China to see Lily Evans, a girl he’s been talking to for a month and only through social media. It takes them three full months to iron out the details, but between him and Sirius they manage to make up the difference to get plane tickets for Remus and Peter as well.
“Well, even if she is hoping to skin James and wear him as a coat at least we’re getting a fun trip out of it,” says Sirius as they board the plane.
James flicks him. “Evans is nice. And you’re going to get us marked off as a flight risk.”
Their journey is a long one, and feels all the longer when Remus falls ill halfway through the flight and the four of them attempt to squeeze into one lavatory to stay with him. The flight attendant gets a bit shirty with them, so they’re forced to take their seats. By the time they land, all four boys are so exhausted, James doesn’t immediately notice Lily standing at the gate near a bunch of photographers. 
He turns, and several cameras flash so he has to blink. When his vision clears, he can’t help but grin. “Lily.” He reaches out to her, but then falters because he’s not sure what the protocol is.
She smiles and steps forward to pull him into a hug. Lily is smaller than he expects, so it’s half into her hair that he mutters, “I’m sorry I accidentally stole your phone and invaded your privacy.”
Lily laughs as she draws back. “You know, I was getting your pictures too, since it’s my account you were logged into. I just deleted them whenever they popped up.”
And James is absolutely fucking horrified not only because he inadvertently stole Lily’s phone and made a spectacle of it on the internet but because he remembers that horrific attempt at sexting that went on with a Tinder match back in March and oh my god this girl has seen at least twenty-eight pictures of his penis.
But Lily is still smiling at him, so clearly she is not as scarred by the memory of his genitals as he is. 
Instead of dwelling on this line of thought, James looks behind her at the flashing cameras pointed in their direction. “Care to explain the crowd? Are you some kind of celebrity?”
It’s her turn to feel awkward. “This is because of our…. fandom?” she offers hesitantly with red cheeks.
James’s eyes widen. “You’re joking.”
“The hashtag ‘Jily’ really took off over here.”
The boys stride up behind them as James and Lily attempt to smile for the pictures. Once most people have got their shot, the crowd dissipates. They’re left with one Chinese girl who looks about their age standing at baggage with a camera. 
The girl says something to Lily in what is presumably Mandarin, and Lily replies in the same language. “I’m Emmeline Vance,” says the photographer girl, extending a hand. “I’m a friend of Lily’s from school and I’d like to do a story on you two to submit to our host school’s newspaper. Would that be okay?”
James has to admit he’s bemused by all this attention. He’s willing to admit his own vanity, but it’s still a little bit surprising for other people to validate it. So it’s with Lily’s encouraging look that he says, “Yeah, alright.”
“This is going to make his head even more inflated than it is,” says Sirius with a laugh. 
“I’m thinking ahead,” says Lily, looping her arm through James’s. “If he’s filled with enough hot air, you’ll save on fare back to England.” 
Sirius grins, but it is Remus who responds, smiling knowingly. “I see it now.”
“See what?” says James, gaze returning to Lily.
“Me too,” says Peter. 
James opens his mouth to repeat his question, but Remus cuts across him with an introduction. “Sorry, we’re so tired from our flight that we forgot to introduce ourselves. Remus Lupin,” he says, extending a hand. 
Lily grasps it with her free one. “Lily Evans. And I know,” she says. “Sorry, is that weird? James talks about you three all the time. So that makes the other two Peter and Sirius. I haven’t actually seen Sirius’s face without the dog filter on it,” Lily adds, tilting her head at him.
James’s lips twitch upward. “Trust me, it’s apt. Oh, I brought something for you!” he exclaims, emptying his pocket. “It’s your old phone. I know you aren’t using it while you’re here, but it’s yours, and you should have it when you come home.”
She accepts the mobile and glances down at it slyly. “Did you leave your number in it?”
His smile is full-blown now. “Maybe.”
James thinks they could maybe stand there staring at one another all day, but after a few moments, Emmeline chuckles and says, “Come on, then, lovebirds, the boys need to check into their hotel.”
As they stroll towards the car, Sirius says, “So, Evans, if you were going to rate James’s dick pics on a scale of one to ten…”
James puts his hands over his ears.
If James thinks that the bizarre celebrity that they seem to have attracted at the airport is the end of it, he’s wrong. 
“Lily’s been making videos teaching people English on Weibo,” Emmeline explains when they are once again met by press when they check-in. “Her followers really liked your story, and your ‘ship’ name trends every time she mentions you.”
He raises his eyebrows at Lily. “Do you mention me a lot?”
Lily makes a rude hand gesture, and he takes that as a yes. 
Apparently, their status gives them some kind of unexpected privileges. They’re given many offers of places to visit and speak, and the hotel manager wrangles a promise out of them to hold some kind of conference in the afternoon. 
The hotel has a set for engagement photos, and the staff makes the mistake of asking them if they’d like to have a shot at it. So they do. James and Remus ride some sort of bedazzled carousel together, and Peter and Sirius somehow manage to lift Lily above their heads in front of a giant heart flower arrangement as Emmeline laughs and takes a photo.
The poses that the group does range from odd to obscene, and it gathers the attention of the surrounding couples. At one point, Sirius borrows a veil from one of the brides to take a picture with James, and while the woman is laughing, her fiance is none-too-pleased. 
After their baggage is dropped off, the group goes to lunch, where the insanity continues. At least three people ask for Lily’s autograph, and someone hands James a baby at some point. 
“Do you have any clue who that child belongs to?” asks Remus as James bounces the kid on his lap.
“Not even a little,” he says. “I think I’m supposed to bless him.”
As he says this, the baby throws up on his shirt. Solemnly, Lily tells him, “Divine intervention.”
Because the universe has decided to make this visit immensely strange, someone supplies him with a t-shirt that bears his and Lily’s faces on it. Lily’s given one to match, and they wear them as they walk back to the hotel for the conference.
Their fingers brush as they walk it occurs to James that this is the first time he’s had a minute alone with Lily since he arrived. 
“All right, Evans?” he asks, smiling down at her. 
Lily laughs. “Shouldn’t I be asking you? You’re the one who hasn’t had a chance to sleep yet.”
“I live purely through people assuaging my vanity,” he tells her pleasantly, “so I’m going to be awake for the next two days.”
She gives him a smile that’s entirely too devious. “I suppose we’ll just have to think of some way to keep you entertained.”
James gasps, holding a hand to his heart. If it’s beating a bit faster than it was a minute ago, that’s no one’s business but his own. “You know, I think you might be a corrupting influence in my life, Lily Evans.”
Lily pats him on the bum as they approach the door. “Feeling’s mutual, Potter.”
The rest of the day is more difficult after that, because being this close to Lily has made him realize just how much he likes having her around. Without even realizing it, during their ridiculous press conference, he starts holding her hand as they answer questions. He doesn’t notice until they stand up to take photographs. 
Lily and Emmeline decide to go back to their residence for the night, and when James and Sirius get to their room, James flops down on his bed. “I have a problem,” he mutters into the pillows. 
“Being a Chinese celebrity who isn’t photogenic?” asks Sirius. James aims a kick at him, but he’s not within reach. 
“I think I fancy Lily.”
“I’m shocked,” deadpans Sirius. James feels the bed shift when Sirius sits beside him. “I’d gathered that when you made her your phone background, mate. I’m still offended about being replaced, by the way.”
“What am I supposed to about it?” he says, lifting his head up. 
Sirius pretends to think about it. “Well, James, when two people like each other very much–”
He doesn’t dodge the second kick. 
Because Sirius is having far too much fun at his expense, James turns to the other boys for advice in the morning. “She’s living in China,” groans James, head in his hands.
“We’re in China,” says Peter, blinking. 
His fingers pull at his already messy hair. “Only for a few days.”
Remus pats him on the back and he can’t help but feel condescended upon. “It’s a technological age, mate. I’m sure you could figure it out if you needed to.”
Sighing, James murmurs, “She might not even like me back.”
Peter snorts. “Didn’t I see her spank you yesterday?” 
Rather seriously, James tells him, “That doesn’t mean much. I have a very nice arse.”
Lily has a nice arse too, if the shorts she’s wearing when she meets them is any indication. They plan on visiting a mountain today, and he hopes that she’ll end up walking behind him so he won’t end up ogling her behind. When he says this, Sirius reminds him that the alternative is her getting a look at his behind, and he’s not sure how he feels about that. 
In spite of the butterflies that keep plaguing him every time Lily smiles or laughs at him, he can’t help but appreciate the view as they reach the top of a cliff. 
“Thank you,” James tells her quietly, staring out at the landscape.
Lily doesn’t ask him why. “It’s funny. I thought you’d be stranger to me,” she says, leaning up against the railing.
He turns to stare at her. “I don’t know which part of that I should more offended about,” James says, but he’s grinning. 
She nudges him in the shoulder and stays there, standing close beside him. “Not everyone’s the same over the internet. Meeting you could’ve been very awkward.”
“I for one, am very uncomfortable,” he says, ruffling her hair. 
“So are we,” pipes up Emmeline, as the others join them on them at the peak. “Other people would like to see the view too, Lily.”
Lily sticks her tongue out. “Bugger off and get your own cliff. This is ours. Right, James?”
He nods, and Sirius makes a loud tsk. “Just like the British to come into a foreign nation and claim the land.”
James looks at his own brown hands and then blinks. “We’re all British, Sirius.”
“Sounds just like what the Queen would say.”
Before they leave the mountain’s peak, Emmeline asks them to take a picture together for the article. They decide on the Titanic pose, so James ends up with his arms stuck out while Lily wraps her arms around his rib cage. 
It is then Lily takes the opportunity to tell him, “You know, I’ve seen your penis.”
James chokes.
That evening, they decided to go to a karaoke bar. The lighting in the bar is too dim for the same amount of journalists that have been following them around to be interested in their photographs. It’s a welcome reprieve, and it takes James about five drinks before he forgets to be nervous around Lily. He leans his head on her shoulder as they watch sit and Sirius and Remus belt out a song in completely incorrect Mandarin. “A toast,” he says, raising his cup. “To alcohol.”
“Can you toast something with itself?” asks Lily. 
“Sure you can,” says James. He wags a finger at her. “But the first rule of toasting is not to interrupt. I’m thanking alcohol for bringing us together.”
She leans her head on top of his. “Technically Remus brought us together. He chose the bar.” 
“Not here together. The universe, together,” James replies, gesturing around them. If I hadn’t gone and gotten plastered, I wouldn’t have lost my phone and got yours.” 
“So, really, we’re toasting stupidity,” says Lily, her own cup raised. 
“Not stupidity,” he insists. Her other hand is on his knee, and he covers it with his own as they knock their cups into one another. “S’ kismet.”
Lily hums, taking a drink. “I s’pose I can grow to tolerate destiny bringing you around,” she murmurs. 
“Liar.” James is confident. “I’m irreplaceable in your life now.”
She pokes him in the cheek. “What makes you say that?”
“We know each other.”
She laughs, throwing her head back and jostling him. “That’s all it takes, is it?” she asks, looking at him fondly. The light of the bar is purple, but he thinks his heart is whatever colour her eyes are right then.
“Yeah,” says James quietly. “That’s all it takes.”
James doesn’t drink enough to forget how Lily looked at him in the bar, but he also doesn’t drink enough to forget that he’s leaving the continent in the few days, so in spite of his friends’ curious glances, he tries not to remark on their behaviour the night before.
Lily decides to take him to the grove of oranges that started this whole escapade. It turns out, it wasn’t some place out in the open but a giant indoor greenhouse. It’s possible the others have noticed their pull towards each other, because this time, they’re given their space. 
“Remember,” says Emmeline as James and Lily part ways with the rest of the group. “This is a public greenhouse.”
“There are children inside,” adds Sirius. 
Lily extends a hand out to James. Without needing to say anything, he hands her a tomato from nearest plant. It’s a shame Sirius is so quick to dodge. 
Still, when her hand is free, she does grab a hold of his. She tugs him along by the hand until they reach a tree in the centre of the grove. “I think I took the pictures right about here.”
He looks affectionately at the tree. “This is an historic landmark. The tree that began our friendship. I feel like we should memorialize this spot.”
Lily grins. “How about we just take a selfie?” 
James pulls out his phone. It’s hard for him to get her in shot without aiming directly above and missing the tree entirely, so he leans down a bit while she stands on her tiptoes, using his shoulder to prop her chin up. They press their cheeks together as they smile widely. It feels like they’re pushing some boundary after their strange sense of intimacy last night.
As they step apart, James can’t help but admit, “It’s been weird being so close to you.”
Lily raises an eyebrow at him. “Thanks.”
He pokes her in the shoulder. “You know what I mean. I’ve only ever seen you through a screen before two days ago. I was half-convinced you were somehow made up. Sirius thought you were luring me here for some kind of virgin sacrifice.” 
“Only if you play your cards right.”
“No flirting,” he admonishes, though the warmth in his cheeks belies this. “I’m only here for a few more days and we don’t have time to make good on it.”
“Sorry,” says Lily, edging closer to him. 
He can’t help but mirror her. “Are you?”
“Not even a little bit.”
James can’t say he is either, as he leans down to kiss her. Every bright feeling he got when he received a message from her is in his head and his heart all at once. He’s vaguely aware of his phone dropping out of his hand as he moves to cup her cheeks. 
A flash goes off, and they jump apart. When they turn, they see that Sirius has picked up James’s phone and caught them at it on camera. 
He convinces them to let him tweet it, and he does so, with the caption ‘I blame the internet.’
It’s hard not to spend the better part of the next few days kissing her, and James does so whenever they can sneak a moment alone. Part of him is telling him he should savour this time with her to have the kinds of conversations they can’t have over the phone, but that part of him is quickly silenced when her hands slide under his shirt on his hotel bed.
“We should talk,” says Lily, straddling him.
James forgets every word he knows. “Um.”
“About this,” she prompts, leaning down to kiss him. “You were sort of right about us lacking time.”
“Give me half an hour,” says James, his hands on her hips. She swats at his chest. She raises an eyebrow at him, but he blames her entirely for any idiocy that comes out while she’s on top of him. 
He sits up so he can look at her properly. And, because he can, he moves his hands up and down her sides. “Two months until you’re back,” he says, determined. “That’s all.”
She runs a hand through his hair. “That’s the rest of your summer gone. We might not feel so hot and bothered in England.”
“Good,” he says, laughing. “I’d rather not do what we did in the toilets yesterday somewhere where my mother might run into us. She’s got enough to embarrass me with as is.”
“I’m offering you an out,” she tries again, her hand moving to his cheek. “This doesn’t have to be anything more than it is.”
He kisses her quickly, because he wants to. “Shame,” says James. “Because it’s already quite a bit.”
James nods. “Sorry, Evans. You’re stuck with me unless you ask me to go.”
She straightens his glasses, giving him a dubious look. “You don’t seem like the patient type, Potter. I doubt you’ve had to wait for much.”
“I play football, don’t I?” he counters, pulling her closer. “You know what that teaches you? Endurance. I can endure it, Evans.”
“Alright then,” says Lily, finally smiling. She moves her mouth back to his. “Let’s test your stamina.”
As Lily walks beside him at the airport, the crowd that forms is even larger than before. But at moment, all he is thinking about is another airport, two months from now, when Lily will be back in England and he will be able to do more than just send poop emojis at her to show her how he feels. 
He takes her hand in his, and doesn’t need to feign a grin as a flash goes off. 
“Are you just holding my hand for the internet fame?” Lily asks teasingly, tangling their fingers together. 
“Oh, absolutely.”
Behind them, the boys start to prod them along, knowing that they are trying their best to prolong this walk. When they reach the gate, Sirius, Peter and Remus give Lily their farewells, leaving James alone to say goodbye. 
“Did you have a good time?” Lily asks, her hands at the collar of his coat. 
“Terrible,” he says, before kissing her.
She grins, pulling back. “Liar.” Reluctantly, she releases him. “You’ll let me know when you get back?”
James nods. “And you do the same,” he says, squeezing her hand. An announcement is made, and he knows it’s time to go. Sighing, he begins to walk away.
“Yeah?” he calls back, glancing over his shoulder. 
Lily is holding his former cell phone between her fingers. “Call me.”
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ineedhacker · 3 years
How to Resolve Whatsapp Account Recovery Issues?
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There are many users on Whatsapp and using this chat mobile communication issue. Are you still having problems with your Whatsapp account? then resolve whatsapp account recovery issues. Is it continually taking forever to upload or download new mails? Have you been receiving tons of spam and error messages? There are ways to easily resolve this issue. I am going to show you in this article how to easily resolve the problem. Here is what you need to do:
The first thing you need to do is, to resolve whatsapp account recovery issues, you need to change the password on your account. To do this, go to your account and click on "Settings". Under the General tab, click on Change. You will see a pop up box and a word document. Once you click on Change, you will see a drop down menu.
When the drop down menu appears, click on 'Change' and type in your new password. You will now be required to confirm your new password. You can also choose to replace your current password with a different one. Once you have done so, all you need to do is click on the Save button. It will take you just a few seconds to do so and when it does, it will completely change your password and you will be able to log in.
Another way to resolve complicated whatsapp account issues is by using a hacker. People can easily find and Hire Whatsapp Hacker online. This method involves using an illegal program that can get deep into your system. The hacker usually sends out a mass email to millions of people telling them that their computers are infected and that they need to buy a full version of windows in order to fix it. If you are using windows, this may work. However, there are better ways to do this.
I will begin by showing you how to get a working hacking program. I will not discuss software here, as that is beyond the scope of this article. There are many websites online that sell these programs for a price. I will however, talk about how you can gain access to a working password hacker. If you have been trying to resolve problems I need a Hacker for Whatsapp, then you know how frustrating it can be to get that program to work. It seems that once it's installed, it doesn't work.
What you need to do is change your password. Don't worry, you won't need to change the actual password. You will however, have to change the access code. Access code is what allows Yahoo to see what you did.
You will have to access the settings on your account. Right click on the profile that you created for Yahoo. Select "Change Access Code." Once you have done so, hit "Submit." If everything was able to work, you should now see a green check mark displayed on your screen.
This is good news, but you must know that it is only temporary. Your account will not be password protected forever. I recommend that you change your password. Once you do, you will be able to resolve the problem. When you change your password, you will have to re key your account so that it will match the one you just changed in the Help Menu.
If this does not work, the next thing you can do is to use Ad-Aware or Spybot. These are programs that will search through your entire account looking for any hidden files. If a file is found, it will either show you it will disappear. This way, you will be able to easily locate and delete the files that the hacker put in it.
If none of these methods helped you, the last option you can use is to hire a professional hacker. A hacker can easily break into your Yahoo account and get access to all of your personal information. Hiring a professional hacker can be very expensive, but it is the best option you have. A hacker can not only get access to your personal information, but he can also use that information to try and get you to buy things from his site. He can also use it to do transactions.
The easiest way to avoid getting hacked is to prevent it from happening. The best way to do this is to avoid giving the hackers access to your account. For example, never click on the download or purchase buttons from the Messenger application. Also, if you need to log into your account, you should go through the process by using your key and not typing in the key combinations yourself. By following these steps, you will greatly increase your chances of keeping your account safe.
Find Whatsapp Hacker for Hire Solution
A lot of people have asked this question - Is it safe to get whatsapp hacker for hire? Yes, there are ways to safely access private and confidential text messages on smartphones. However, the way we use our mobiles has also changed. We no longer exchange text messages only with our friends and family.
Nowadays, we want convenience. We want everything on the move with just a few presses on the screen. So if you think that you may get into some serious trouble, it is time to find a Whatsapp hacker for hire provider. In fact, there are many companies who are providing services that will help you hire such services so that you do not need to be worried about your mobile phone privacy at all times.
These days, we all are talking about leakages. Whether it is from the government or corporate, one thing we all know is that mobile phones are leaking information about us to third parties. A hacker can easily obtain your confidential and personal details and hack into your smartphone. With the right tool, he can also make unlimited calls and send texts to others. It may sound so bad but it really happens a lot.
The good news is that we have solutions for all these issues. There are companies that offer mobile security services such as leak detection, data protection and mobile phone hacking. They help you to hire experts and developers that will protect you from hackers. Plus, they also help you to monitor the activity going on your accounts and even prevent further leaks. Thus, it is really important that you hire them to keep you secure.
However, one thing you need to consider before you hire a hacker for your account is if they are experienced. It would be best if you are going to hire an experienced mobile security system hacker. Hackers will definitely have more advanced tools. That is why it is important that you hire someone who is well versed with mobile hacking and computer security. This way, if there is any kind of a leak, he can easily detect it. Otherwise, he will only cause annoyance to you and your family.
You can hire someone like a computer expert or a system hacker. Whatever you choose, just make sure that you hire someone who is experienced and knows the latest hacking methods. In fact, there are even companies that offer an entire range of services dedicated to ethical hackers. Hire someone with a proven track record.
If you do not know how to stop hackers in his tracks, do not hesitate to hire an expert. You should never rely on what a simple message says. It may say it is an error message, but it could be a hacker's way of getting into your account. Therefore, it is very important to hire someone who knows everything about account hacking.
When it comes to phone hacking ethical hackers are way ahead of the regular guys. That is why they are called ethical hackers. Unlike regular guys, they are much better at their job. Unlike regular guys, they can work even when they are stuck at home. When it comes to the most recent mobile device security threats, mobile penetration testing is one of the best solutions. Thus, if you want to secure your business, hire whatsapp hacker.
There are many ways for you to get the full details about the hacker that is trying to get into your account. You can hire a private investigator (although a lot of private investigators say that they will charge you a lot), or you can buy a PC based program to help you. But in both cases, you will still have to hire a hacker to penetrate your mobile devices.
Hackers have always been there and they are present today. The internet is loaded with examples of hackers that have worked their way into highly secured accounts. So how do you protect your account from these guys? By hiring an experienced hacker to perform mobile PC security testing. Hire someone who can perform tests on different mobile platforms (iphone, windows, Blackberry, etc.)
The test he will do on your system will help you find weak spots in your security testing suite. It will help you fix any bugs so that you can continue to use your mobile app. He will also be able to detect malware so that you can get rid of it. Plus, if there is a hacker that got into your system, he can help you fix it so that you can continue using your app without worrying about your private information getting into the wrong hands.
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fruitsdesign · 4 years
10 tips for interface design
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1. Start by entering data
Start with the simplest element, a text box. It is the most common component of many forms, so once you get it right, you're halfway there.
There are 3 main elements for a form: a text box, a title, and an error message. Whichever design you choose to create them, make sure the user knows what information is required, and if there is a mistake, how to get rid of it.
Headings must be on top
Trends are born and they die. It is now fashionable to place placeholder as a title. Its use, although not wrong, raises some UX (note: "user experience") problems. The point is that when the field is filled, the user does not see the title.
You should always see headings. Therefore, they are placed on top.
Why above and not to the left of the data entry field?
When the heading is to the left of the text box, the items will slide out relative to each other on the phone screen. First, think about how everything will look on your phone screen.
Help the user by providing an example in the placeholder.
Another argument in favor of placing headings above the data entry field is that the user reads the information in a vertical line, as research has shown that this is faster than moving the view from the left column to the right.
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2. Error messages and warnings
The standard text box needs error messages.
Here are 3 tips for decorating them:
The error occurs both from the client and from the server
On the client side, problems are detected when a required field is not filled in, or the email is entered incorrectly:
● The server checks if the given email exists;      
● The user is notified of a client error prior to submitting the form. Errors are necessary to prevent the user from sending incorrect information.      
Clarify error messages
Provide information on which field the error is in. For security reasons, some developers do not indicate an error in the email or password when logging in, and this is absolutely normal. But when a user signs up for a newsletter or enters his address when purchasing, tell him which field is filled in incorrectly and why.
Every time you style the text box, check what the error will look like before and after clicking the submit button.
Use warnings
Inform the user if the field requires certain criteria, for example, if the password must contain a certain number of characters or combine numbers and letters.
Indicate how strong the password is, whether the email is registered on the site, or whether the login is busy.
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3. Use matching shapes
Visually, the form looks more laconic if their combinations are used. Consider how the user will use the form from the phone.
If all fields are text, the user will have to constantly open the keyboard.
For a change, prompt the user to switch from a text field to a dropdown (note: "dropdown lists") or to a radiobutton and vice versa.
Think about how the user is holding the phone and how to eliminate the inconvenience caused by combining the same data entry fields.
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4. Radio Buttons, Dropdowns and Checkboxes
Sometimes there is confusion when choosing radiobutton, dropdown and checkbox.
Radiobutton is great for providing a small number of possible responses. Please select a possible answer in advance or skip this field.
Radiobutton is the best solution when there is only one option to choose from.
When more elements are needed, dropdown is a more appropriate option (in practice - more than 5-6 answers). You can also choose a default item or set a "Select an item" placeholder.
Checkbox is the best choice when you only need to fill in one field (for example, terms and conditions), or if you provide more than one answer. If you want to choose which marketing campaigns to send to the user, the checkbox will allow you to make more than one choice.
Using a checkbox instead of a radiobutton shouldn't limit your UI styling decisions.
As a designer, you have a lot of freedom in choosing how UI (note: "user interface") elements will be displayed on the screen. Even if you want to somehow change the checkbox to make them more interesting, this should not affect the user experience.
Instead of writing text in front of small circles, you can create pictures or icons for selection.
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5. If possible, exclude optional fields.
If the goal of the business is to sell a product, then your goal as a designer is to eliminate as much of the inconvenience between the user and the system as possible.
Removing unnecessary fields will allow the user to make less effort.
When registering, it is important to know the different types of forms of payment and delivery.
If the sales department wants to know the preferences of the customers, they can do so with the confirmation email.
Always look for ways to use the minimum of visible margins.
If you want to optimize your online store, minimize the number of shipping and checkout fields.
If you are designing an interface for booking flights, show the user the least number of fields required to view available flights.
Then you can offer more conditions: the number of bags, etc.
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6. Use autocomplete for large forms
Depending on the name of the street, filling out the address bar can take a long time, especially from a phone. Writing the address correctly can be even more difficult.
Consider using GoogleMapsAPI so that street names are filled in automatically. This means that the user only needs to enter a few characters and select the desired street from the proposed list. It is also possible to auto-complete the postcode based on the street name, but we will discuss this later.
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7. Use conditional logic
Use logic to introduce some information for the user to make his life easier.
● If the user's country is known, the design may contain additional fields ("state" if you are in the US, "county" in Ireland, etc.)      
● Use the zip code to enter the name of a city, state or province      
● If you are calculating the country of the user by IP address, can you insert the country code into the phone input field?      
If you want to fill in some fields for the user, always give him the opportunity to enter the information himself. There is a chance that you will be wrong about something.
For example, you are using GoogleMapsAPI to find a street in Germany. Knowing the name of the street, you can get the area code. However, some streets in Germany are large enough to cover different codes, so the information may be incorrect in the case of border streets. Always provide the user with the option to enter data as needed.
Using conditional logic for all countries in the world will require too much work, so you need to be aware of the meaning of your efforts. Review the countries where orders are most likely to come from and start optimizing those first. If this leads to higher income, do the same with the rest of the countries.
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8. Use Placeholder correctly
Earlier we discussed that placeholder is not always used, as it disappears when information is entered. But we have not considered other ways to use it that can help the user.
Placeholder is a great opportunity to show the user how to enter information. Entering a telephone is a good example. Does the user need to enter the country code? Or area code?
When you need a phone or card number in a certain format, inform the user about this by providing an example of filling in the placeholder. This is a great way to troubleshoot errors by simply specifying what information is needed: country code, etc.
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9. Communicate next steps
If, after filling out, another entry form follows, inform the user about it.
Instead of "Next" or "Pay" you can write "Check order" or "Pay with PayPal".
Add messages indicating the next steps after clicking the button. Will the checkout be completed or will the user have time to check everything? Will he go to checkout?
Always look for ways to bring comfort to the user, especially if it is related to his bank account.
I get annoyed every time I buy on Amazon because I don't get all the information, including shipping costs, right up to the last step. Be honest with your user. Build trust by providing the information you need at every step of filling out, be clear about what to expect in future use.
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10. Keep looking for ways to optimize
Once you've launched a vibrant new shape, keep analyzing it. If you find that many users are leaving the site, find out the reason. Conduct a survey to find out why users are experiencing discomfort, then work on fixing the discomfort. For a designer, a job is never "completely finished."
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Everlasting Party - Mystic Messenger Time Loop AU (pt 36)
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Summary: You’re caught in a time loop during the 11 days leading up to the RFA’s party unless you can do… what, exactly?
13+ Small spoilers for some stuff revealed around Day 7ish on Seven's route :)
Ahhh exciting stuff, guys. I'm really happy to be writing this ^^ Thanks so much for your feedback! Gives me strength to keep writing, hehe~ Thanks as always to Masdevallia on AO3 for beta-ing!
It’s the fourth day, 11:32pm. V logs out of the chatroom and you glance anxiously at the clock again before replying to Seven. As soon as Seven logs out, you’ll be putting your plan into action. The idea is to time it so that the program you’ve written to extract Unknown’s information starts collecting data right as Unknown logs in. Your code should be just about perfect this time – the only reason you hadn’t gotten the log on the last loop was because you’d started your program too late and the log had been cut short before you could finish collecting the data. But this time should be perfect. Then you’ll be the one chasing after Unknown.
 You let out a breath and double-check the program folder where you’d saved the extracted log. You got it, right? The log is sitting in the folder like it should be. It’s a large enough file, so it probably wasn’t cut short like the last several times – not that you’ll know for sure until you finish decrypting it.
You glance again at the messages Unknown left in the chatroom. Who is he talking to? ‘Saeyoung’? Who is Saeyoung? Is that who he’s waited so long to see again?
You slouch in your seat, your back feeling a bit sore from sitting so stiffly in anticipation. This… doesn’t make sense. Every time before this loop, Unknown’s messages were partially illegible. You have the messages memorized because you’d tried to work out what they said before, to no avail. Even after scanning through some of the partial logs you’d gathered before, the data was too corrupted to extract the original text.
It doesn’t make sense. You’ve literally done this exact thing for months on end trying to get the log. Have you done something different enough this loop that prompted a different reaction from Unknown? But what did you do?
You look again at the chatroom log file you’ve collected. Well, you aren’t going to find any answers until you finish decrypting it. You make a few backups, then run the log through a program you’d written beforehand to decipher the RFA’s encryption, then try putting it through the program you use to get rid of Unknown’s encryption.
The latter program crashes and leaves you with a very complicated error message detailing the problems. You sigh and sit up in your seat again, scrolling through some of the error message before opening the log itself to take a look.
You’re stunned into silence. What is this? It doesn’t even remotely look like the partial logs you’d worked on before. Is it because this is the first time you’ve gotten the whole log? That doesn’t really make sense, but what other explanation is there? You scroll further down the log, looking for anything even passably familiar. If you’re lucky, Unknown will have used a similar underlying structure for his encryption and just changed some of the more visible parts.
Good God. You stretch your arms and roll your shoulders a few times. It’s just a little past midnight, now–-
Wait. Midnight? Shit, you should go. What if Unknown shows up at the apartment? Your heart seems to freeze in your throat.
Calm down. There’s time.
Where should you go? The café again? Oh, but… you won’t be able to bring your hacking computer there. You suppose that isn’t the end of the world, but … wait. If you don’t figure out the log by morning and you’re at that café, you’ll be reset. And then you won’t know what’s in the log at all and your effort will be for nothing. Wow, you really haven’t thought this part through. Or, more like you’d just assumed your programs could quickly decode the log with perhaps some minor modifications, but now… Unknown’s encryption changing had never been part of the plan. Goddamn. Maybe you should have been talking to Jumin again and trying to get more days. Should you risk it and stay at the apartment to decrypt the log? You’ve never been caught by Unknown before… but you’re really rather not take any chances.
Decrypt the log… or play it safe…?
Your heart seems to settle back in your chest and you take a deep breath. The log. Something is up here, and you’re going to figure it out. And if Unknown does come…. You glance at the window he usually comes through. Well, you’ll be ready if he comes. If you’re lucky, Seven might even call you and warn you.
You put on a pair of shoes in case you need to make a quick escape and position yourself so you can see both the window and the door to the hallway. Okay. Ready. You swallow and stretch your fingers again, trying to stop your hands from shaking. Now you’ll really get to see if all those loops you’ve spent learning how to hack are worth anything.
You’ve barely begun typing when your phone buzzes with a new notification.
12:18am – Yoosung★ is now online.
Yoo...sung? At 12:18am? That’s a first. Unless he’s logging on really early to give that odd spiel about how the RFA were all robots… but you haven’t seen him say that sort of thing since before the… since before the bomb went off and your first few days got scrambled up. You’ve also seen him log in and talk about LOLOL on the fifth day… hmm. That was such a long time ago. Was that when you’d gotten Jaehee to go to Zen’s house instead of going yourself? It’s been ages since you’ve gone through the sequence of days when Zen hurts his foot.
Assuming it’s not some excessively early variation on loops you’ve been through before, this is the first time Yoosung has been online at this time on the fifth day. Should you log in as well to talk to him?
No, no. You shake your head at yourself. Decrypt the log first. You can always read what he wrote later. If Seven logs in, though, you should probably talk to him in case it has something to do with the hacker.
Your heart seems to be stuttering the whole time and you feel a bit of hope blossoming next to the knot of unease in your chest. Unusual login times usually mean you did something that will earn you a few more days, maybe even up to the party date… but you’ve also been fooled before. And a few days aren’t really anything to get excited over unless they lead to a way out of the loop instead of just a couple extra days before you’re reset like always.
Still, there’s just something about this particular loop…
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Yo low-key the next chapter has a reaaaaaaaaaally long chatroom part. Like, the longest yet. So uh... wish me luck Photoshopping it... haha... guys it's gonna take me like 6+ hours to edit that thing whyyy lmao
I always love hearing what you think, so leave a comment or send me an ask! Here’s a link to the masterpost of all my Mystic Messenger fics. Thank you very much for reading! ♥
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