#the outfit fits her amazingly!
five-bi-five-mind · 11 months
omg when halloween comes we’re gonna need a top!jj smut (ofc) where they dress up and r’s outfit is very revealing
they go trick or treating with henry and the rest of the bau, so jj has to keep her hands to herself. eventually henry goes to bed and jj finally gets her hands on r
you’re the person i can see writing this AMAZINGLY
Cute Costume
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 4k+
Summary: There are not many good costumes to choose from when you need to buy one last minute. Unfortunately for you, you're stuck with a very revealing one. JJ is loving it, though, and even if you have a party to go to, she's finding it hard to keep her hands to herself.
Warnings: fingering (r receiving); oral (r receiving); edging kinda; top!JJ, bottom!r; clit play; nipple play; praise kink; JJ has a thing for costumes I guess?
A/N: This is a little different from the request. I just kind of ditched the trick-or-treating with Henry idea for a costume party... but anyways I hope you enjoy!
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“God, this is ridiculous,” you muttered to yourself as you twisted and turned in front of the mirror. Currently, you were squeezed into a much too short for your liking, Dorothy dress. The way you grimaced at yourself in the mirror as you took in the way the skirt of the dress stopped far too high up your thighs was almost comical. You tried to pull down at the fabric, but it still remained just as short as you suspected. “Oh god,” you groaned again as your eyes made their way to the massive amount of cleavage that was visible with the top of the dress. 
Your eyes turned back to the other pile of outfits still waiting in their packages for you to try on. This was supposed to be the most modest one. Garcia picked out all of them, of course. And there weren’t even a lot to choose from to begin with. Not when Halloween was just a few days away. You hadn’t even planned to dress up, but Garcia decided to throw a last minute costume party and you couldn’t say no. Or, well, more like JJ agreed for you. And even with her party being semi-last minute, your costume planning was even more so. JJ had promised to go with you, but now it’s the day before the party and that still hasn’t happened. Why you thought Penelope would be a good alternative to costume shop with you, you didn’t know. All you did know was that you were seriously regretting that decision now. Apparently, when you said you wanted a cute costume, you two had very different definitions. 
Still in your short, little Dorothy dress, you filed through the other bags of costumes you had yet to try. It seemed like everything else had less fabric— meaning it showed even more skin than you’d like. If you went out to look for more costumes would you even be successful at this point?
“Hey how’s it— oh my gosh!” Penelope peaked her head in the changing room that moment, cutting off her own question the moment she saw you. “That. Is. Adorable!” She opened more of the changing room curtain as she took in your outfit and suddenly you had the urge to cover your whole body.
“Penelope,” you hissed, “all of these costumes show too much skin!”
“Just wait until you have the leggings and the shoes…” she didn’t seem to be listening to your protests. “Oh, and the basket! It’s perfect, you look so cute.”
“No, nope, no.” You shook your head. “This dress is too short. We need to go back out and find something else.” 
“I picked out the best I could find in the time we had,” Penelope pointed out. “So your only option is that one or to try the others.”
You looked back at the other options and thought it over. Part of you wasn’t so sure Penelope really looked for other costumes that fit your one request. There had to be something cuter… but then again the store was really cleared out. If you sent Penelope back out there for a second look she might come back with costumes you hate even more than the untried ones. Do you gamble for something better than this Dorothy costume or do you settle? 
“Did you try the Harley Quinn costume? I think that’s a good one too.” Garcia was now going through all the others she picked for you to try. “Maybe that one is-“ 
“No!” You panicked. That one showed your whole midriff and the shorts seemed shorter than the dress is. Dorothy might be your safest bet after all. “This is fine,” you looked down at your dress and gulped. “I love the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is great. It's very…” you gave Penelope a forced smile, “…cute.” 
“Isn’t it?” Penelope beamed at you, obviously proud of her own choices for your costume. “You look great!”
And that’s how you got saddled with a costume you’d never in a million years guess you’d be wearing. Penelope did set you up with all the rest of the accessories. The stockings, the red shoes, even the basket with a small dog plushie that was supposed to resemble Toto. 
Much like when you were in the store’s dressing room, it was a day later and you were now staring at yourself in the mirror with the same look on your face. The grimace was deep. You couldn’t imagine your wife’s whole team seeing you in this outfit and taking you seriously ever again. But then again, you thought about Penelope’s costume choice and you were a little relieved that you wouldn’t be the only one in an outfit you (and most others probably) would categorize as sexy. At least with Penelope’s sexy bunny outfit, she really knew how to wear it. It was perfect for her and she wore it with confidence. You, on the other hand, looked quite nervous and uncomfortable as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Sexy wasn’t really your vibe… especially in a public setting, but there’s a first for everything, right?
“Hey, are you almost ready?” JJ called from somewhere in the house. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer her, not when you were still stuck staring at yourself. Your mind was running through every possible back up plan you could think of, but there was no plan B for a costume change. The only options were excuses to cancel. Maybe you could say Henry was sick? But they probably knew he was with Will this weekend. What if you said you were sick? That wasn’t going to work and you knew it. JJ wouldn’t lie and she seemed like she really wanted to go to the party either way. Could you fake being sick to JJ? Maybe if you made it convincing… That wouldn’t work either. She would see right through you. You were screwed. 
“Hey, is everything—“ She cut herself off when she came to a skidding halt in the middle of the bedroom. “Holy shit.” 
You spun around so fast and your heart felt like it leapt in your throat. When your eyes landed on her, you froze much in the same way.
You had the same reaction that JJ did when you saw each other in costume. She was dressed as Supergirl and you didn’t think there was anything more fitting. Lucky for JJ, she had this costume ready so she didn’t need to shop. She looked so confident in it too, heroic even. There wasn’t a better costume. And it made her fifty times more attractive to you, if that were even possible.
Meanwhile, as JJ took in your short dress and the cleavage popping out from the top of it just right, her pupils were blown. She was practically salivating over how hot she found you in that outfit. Everything, in her opinion, complimented your body perfectly and all she could think about was getting her hands on you. 
It was really unexpected for her, to see that this was the costume you went with. She really didn’t expect for you to agree to something like this, but she knew it was all Garcia’s doing. Thank god for Garcia, JJ thought as she took in the way the dress made your legs look. 
“Wow,” JJ said with a heavy breath. “Look at you.” She suddenly was taking quick strides to where you were still standing frozen. She stopped right in front of you and her eyes dropped to your legs again before slowly dragging back up your body.
“Wow,” she sighed again. “This costume…”
“Ugh,” you groaned. “I know, it’s not really me.” 
“It’s just very unexpected,” JJ said as she reached out and played with the frill at the end of your dress. “But not bad. Definitely not bad.” Her hands were quickly making their way under your dress. There wasn’t much of your thighs that weren’t exposed by the shortness of the costume, but JJ was making quick work to run her hands up what wasn’t shown. 
“Hey- Stop!” You whined as you swatted JJ’s hand away. “It was all they had, okay?”
“Uh huh,” JJ hummed as her hands moved up the backs of your thighs. “It’s so… short.”
“Yeah, well,” you huffed, your hands bracing against JJ’s shoulders as she kept trying to practically grope you. She didn’t seem to care that you were trying your best to keep her from being all over you. “There’s not many options when you go looking for a costume the Friday before Halloween and you still want to look cute.” 
“Cute,” JJ repeated as her hands kept creeping up your dress. You let out a gasp when her hands reached your ass and she squeezed, effectively pulling you completely into her body. “Cute isn’t exactly the word I would go with…” she trailed off as she leaned forward and kissed down your barely covered chest. You bit your lip and tried your best to pretend like this wasn’t having an effect on you, but the way she was groping at you and pressing her body into yours had you blushing. 
“JJ…” you warned as her hands left your ass, only for one to return between your inner thighs. “JJ we have a party to-“ 
You were cut off with another gasp as you felt JJ boldly push your panties to the side with her fingers and press them to your clit. JJ looks up from where her lips were attached to your breast to see the flushed look on your face and the grin she gave you was nothing short of satisfied with herself for eliciting such a response in you. 
Part of you wanted to roll your eyes, but the way JJ quickly began rubbing circles against your clit only made them flutter closed. Your nails dug into JJ’s shoulder as she pressed more firmly to your clit. “You know,” She whispered against the bare skin of the top of your breasts. “I take it back. You do look cute like this.” 
She was being such an ass, but deep down you fucking loved it. Your hips barely moved against her as she kept playing with your clit, but she noticed and smirked even more at your actions. Your nails were digging harder into JJ now as she kept playing with you and you were sure your face was bright red from the way she was quickly working your body up. The fact that you were already so wet was embarrassing, especially when you had to leave at any minute. 
JJ, on the other hand, was enjoying this. The way everything about that costume just made it so easy for her to get hands on you was just another bonus in her mind. She kissed your lips and you immediately melted into her. You could feel her smirking against your lips as you kissed her back, but didn’t even care with how she kept touching you. When she pulled back from the kiss, all too soon, her lips fell yet again to what was exposed of your chest and she trailed them down with kisses and bites that were almost rough enough to leave marks behind. 
“What if we had a quickie before the party?” JJ’s voice was muffled by the way she had her head buried in your chest again. “I want to fuck you in that dress.” 
“JJ!” You finally had the sense to stop her from all that she was doing. “We don’t have time for this!” You pushed at her shoulders now and her fingers stopped. 
“So?” She said, looking up at you with the biggest pout.
“You know how I feel about being late.” You took a step back on shaky legs, trying to regain composure and pretend like the ache between your legs wasn’t tempting you. 
“Come on,” JJ whined. “You can’t tell me you’re good to go to the party now after—“ 
“Yes, we’re going now.” You didn’t want her to finish that sentence. She was going to break your resolve so fast if she kept looking at you like that. And you really did hate being late.
For someone who had such a serious life or death job like JJ, she really could be such a child. The way she sat next to you in the car, pouting the whole way, was ridiculous. You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes every time you looked over at her. She was also sure to let out very loud huffs any time her hand slid up your exposed thighs while you sat and you managed to swat it away. 
You had hoped that once you got to the party, JJ would be distracted enough by other people to stop being fixated on your costume. You were so wrong. If you were talking to someone across the room, you could still feel her eyes on you. Or more specifically, on your legs. Even if she was in a conversation with someone else, she was still frequently trying to check you out. 
When you were near her, she somehow was able to sneak subtle touches or just flat out grab your ass when no one was looking. It had you blushing like crazy, but no one seemed to notice. Lucky for you, you thought. 
All of JJ’s grabbiness did annoy you, but not because she was doing it necessarily. If you told her to completely keep her hands off she absolutely would. No, it was annoying you because it was reminding you of that unsolved ache between your legs that you chose to leave with. The more she touched your thighs, the more you squirmed and then that reaction just fueled JJ even more. It got to the point where you tried your best to stay on one side of the party with other friends while she stayed on the other. But that only worked for a while, as she kept trying to gravitate towards you. 
At one point, she wasn’t paying attention to the path in which she “naturally” tried to move towards you. She took a few steps backwards in your direction, hoping to land next to you, as she kept up the conversation. Only with this attempt, she took too far of a step back and bumped her back into yours. 
“Oh shit!” She exclaimed and you turned quickly to see that her actions had led her to spill her drink all over the front part of her costume. Part of you wanted to say that that was what she got for teasing you so much in public, but you held back. When she looked down at her wet clothes and back up at you she was wearing this helpless puppy kind of expression and you knew what she was going to ask before she even said. 
“Will you help me get cleaned up?” Her eyes didn’t show any ulterior motive. You looked at her for a moment before sighing. 
“Okay,” you gave in. “Come on.” You pulled her to Penelope’s bathroom, effectively missing the victorious grin that JJ had as she followed. 
In the bathroom, you immediately knew where Penelope kept some towels so you went shuffling in the right cabinet for them. Bent down and sifting through your towel options, you were completely unaware of JJ creeping up behind you. That is, until two hands again grabbed your ass. 
“Oh my god!” You jumped up and spun around. “We’re in Penelope’s bathroom!”
“So?” JJ gave you a guilt grin. “You just look so good in that outfit.” She took a few steps closer until there was barely any room between the two of you.
“There’s people outside.” You poked a finger in her chest, trying to talk some sense into her. 
“We can be quick and quiet.”
“You’re all wet,” you pointed out. “You’re going to get me all wet too.”
“That’s the plan,” JJ beamed and you just rolled your eyes at that. 
“You’re insufferable.” You swatted at JJ again, but she didn’t seem deterred. Her eyes were back to being glued to your breasts and the way the corset of the dress pressed them together just right. 
“I need to touch you.” Her voice was low this time and the way she said that wasn’t cocky or whiny or anything other than just hungry. You gulped at this shift and your eyes met JJ’s again. Her pupils were yet again blown and you watched as her eyes dragged from your chest down to your legs. She took another step closer, one of her hands trailing down your body until it reached your legs. Her nails slowly dragged up the exposed skin of your thighs until they reached your dress, but that didn’t stop her. Her nails kept dragging up with the fabric of the dress coming up with them. 
“Let’s get out of here,” you said breathlessly, not really processing that you said it at all. 
“Absolutely,” JJ agreed eagerly, her hand already tugging you out of the bathroom.
If you thought the drive to the party was bad, this was way worse. JJ’s hand stayed high up on your thigh the whole time you drove and she didn’t miss the way you squirmed under it. Her eyes were also locked on you. The way she looked at you had your heart rate increasing too and, if you were being honest, just this alone was making you wet.
You fully expected JJ to drag you into the house and throw you onto the bed, but to your surprise she walked rather calmly to the door. It was when the door shut behind you that she did finally pounce. “Oh my god!” You yelped as JJ pushed your back against the front door and immediately fell to her knees. Her arms were hooked around your thighs in no time and her face immediately buried between your legs. Before you could even process it, her lips, tongue, and teeth were on your inner thighs and you were scrambling to grasp at something for support. 
You settled for the edges of the door frame as one of JJ’s hands snakes up your thigh and pulled down your panties. Immediately after that you felt her tongue take one long lick of your folds. Your nails dug into the woodwork of the door and you whimpered the second she repeated her actions.
Good thing Henry was at Will’s, you thought as a full blown moan left your lips the second JJ’s tongue met your clit. 
“Fuck,” JJ mumbled against your pussy. “I’ve been dying to taste you all night.” 
“M-mhm,” you mumbled as your eyes fell closed. The way she was lapping at your clit already had caused your thighs to tremble slightly. She was wasting no time in working you up the way you were before leaving for the party. But this time you weren’t going to tell her to stop.
Except, after another minute she did just that. You huffed and looked down, only to see JJ give you yet another smug grin as she peaked her head out from under your dress. 
“Not yet,” she taunted before getting up. Her hand immediately reached for yours and pulled you to the bedroom. You reluctantly followed on shaking legs. When you reached the bedroom, she pushed you down onto the mattress with surprising force. 
You looked back up at her to protest only to stop when you realized she was stripping in front of you. No matter how many times you saw JJ, it never got old and you immediately blushed when she caught you staring.
“You look so fucking hot in that little dress,” JJ praised as she fully undressed. “But I’m going to want to rip it off you now.” She stalked towards the bed until she reached the foot of it. Slowly, almost like a predator hunting its prey, she crawled onto it and over to you. Her hands grabbed at the ends of the dress, pulling it up slowly. Blue eyes never left yours as she pulled the whole dress off you and you let her. With your panties already off and somewhere in the hallway, you were left completely bare now.
JJ tossed the dress somewhere in the room and immediately fell onto you with her lips attaching to yours. “It’s so fucking hard,” she said between kisses, “to keep my hands off you when you look so good.” Her lips pressed harder and harder to yours and soon you had parted your lips for her tongue to invade your mouth.
Arms wrapped around her waist so that you could pull both your bare bodies together. The way she slightly rocked herself into you had a small whine fall from your lips. Her tongue was busy running along your own as her nails yet again dragged down your body until they got to your thighs. She slowly parted your legs even more under her before circling your clit.
This time she only did that for a few seconds before moving her fingers further down to circle your entrance. Her lips left yours and moved back to your chest, only to leave actual marks this time across your breasts. When her teeth clamped down onto one of your nipples and pulled slightly, you hissed. But that hiss quickly turned into a loud gasp as, without warning, JJ entered you with two fingers up to her knuckles. 
“Oh god,” you cried as her fingers didn’t even take a second to set a fast pace. She was putting her whole body behind the way she pulled her fingers out almost completely only to slam them back in. 
“That’s it,” JJ cooed after releasing your nipple. “That’s my good girl.”
“Fuckkkk,” you groaned as she fucked her fingers up into you. She wasn’t wasting any time and it felt like both a blessing and a curse. The rough way she was fucking you wasn’t something you expected or prepared for, but god did it feel so fucking good.
With your arms around her waist, you held her impossibly tighter as both of you practically shook the bed with how hard she was fucking you. You tried to keep up, fucking yourself on her fingers with each time she pumped them back up into you. With the way she had been teasing you all night and how she had played with your clit off and on, you were already getting close.
JJ knew it too and she started to whisper praises in your ear as she curled her fingers inside you. “You’re taking my fingers so well,” she purred. “I need to feel you cum on them, baby.” She pumped her fingers even harder into you and you couldn’t stop yourself from crying out. 
“Cum for me,” JJ continued. “Cum all over my fingers.” And you did with a pathetic whine. JJ helped you ride out your orgasm, slowly as you came down from it. 
After a moment, JJ’s body relaxed on top of you and you felt a gentle kiss to your lips. 
“Holy fuck.” You let out a breathless chuckle. “All that for some silly costume?”
“You looked really hot in it,” JJ said, grinning down at you. You just rolled your eyes and started to lift your hand to swat at JJ’s shoulder. Only, JJ caught it mid air and pinned it back to the mattress with impressive speed and force. “But we’re not done yet.”
And she really meant that. At some point in the multiple hours of JJ enjoying your body, you had missed a text from Penelope. It seemed you had totally forgotten to say goodbye when you two hurried out of the party. But from her text it seemed like she had a feeling this was how it would go. You just knew you weren’t going to hear the end of it the next time you saw her…
Tags: @geekyandgay98 @desperate-gay @high--power @finleyfray @natashamaximoff69 @inlovewithemilyprentiss @storiesofsvu @demonicbaby666 @lovelyy-moonlight @jareguiromanoff @dj-bynum3718 @kalixxh
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His Butler, Playing
Yapping under the cut
Hello all, I'm back with another obscure black butler piece. I love love love the theatrics of demonology and the funny ways we humans like to represent them in art and I LOOOOVE the art and aesthetics of 14th century Europe and my Pinterest is chock full of those weird illustrations you find in books of hours (medieval European prayer books). I found one in particular that I fell in love with.
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She has an amazingly devious expression on her face. It feels like she's playing to distract from her monstrous lower half hidden under her skirt. She's grinning like she's tricked the audience, blind to her ~ true nature ~. It's such a playfully demonic drawing in essence and it felt so fitting for my favourite demon Sebastian, hiding amongst society in the 14th century and servicing humans with his distracting song as he hunts. I've been itching to draw 1) monsters 2) medieval style art 3) Sebastian as a classic goatish demon so marrying those together was so fun.
It is incredibly freeing to draw in this style because NOTHING is anatomically correct and there's no pressure for it to look "perfect". I don't have an established style myself so it's nice to be given a rule book that doesn't require too much accuracy of form because that would dampen the whimsy and aesthetic! No shade to the original illustrator of this piece, I hope they know I adore their artwork (they are long dead but still). The hardest bit was simulating the dirty textures of the crumby old paper and ink and I think I did a good job! He looks like he's embedded in the page rather than staged on top of it which I'm very happy with, especially for how sanitary digital art can look. Seb's "shadow goo" is so difficult, Yana has such a specific catalogue of shapes she uses to draw with that do not come naturally lol. Finally, Seb's lovely outfit is ripped from his silly shakespearean theatre costume in that one OVA episode where they perform Hamlet. That fucking episode is everything to me, as you can imagine. Sebastian is such an evil bastard in it, too...
Also I thought this over the top colouring looked cool 💀🤧
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angelismmm · 1 year
mmmm i can only think of hsr men dancing with me in masquerade ball a.u
twirling and dancing about and then w take a break and sip some wine ARGHH
╭╯ ❝ 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞? ❞ ✦
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┊𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱﹕ an anonymous man asks you for your hand at a masquerade ball that your friend hosted. originally you never liked going to parties, hell why even attend a ball when you can take a rest at home?! but, you know, 1 ball isn't that bad.
╰ ꒱﹒ 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞﹕ no warnings, just masquerade ball shenanigans :3
一 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬﹕ i've been pondering, and pondering, and pondering when to write on this account istg.. anyways im back and school was great?!?! also YES NEW LAYOUT WOOO
一 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧﹕ luocha, welt, blade x gn!reader (seperate)
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luocha 一
he really knows his way around the dance floor, whether or not it's his first time, in his free time definitely learned how to dance! so graceful with it too. amazing hand placement 100%
he knows very well on where to step, on where to place his hands on you, makes sure you're comfortable with what he's doing as well!
genuinely loves to twirl you around when you dance with him, like he finds it so amazingly satisfying for some reason, so expect quite the smug smile whenever he does twirl you
as for his outfit, the classic all white suit decorated with gold on his jacket and tie. and doesn't wanna be so anonymous, but probably lets his hair in a low ponytail and a mask that only covers his green eyes. the mask is white and like gold on the very edge of the mask, ykwim?? like the brims of the mask are with yellow, gold, all that good stuff
will make sure you both have very often breaks, he knows how tiring dancing can get, whether your forehead is covered with your mask or not, by the end of the night, it'll be kissed <3
and for the matter that you both stop for wine, he controls his alcohol very well! considering he is a doctor, he knows the amount he can handle.
probably the type of guy to hug you from behind every chance he gets.
originally tells you, you should go with your friend who got an invite that mentions they could bring a plus one, just for him to end up going and steal you away to show everyone what a true star you are, and how bright you can really be.
a blonde-haired man, his hair was in a low ponytail, walked up to you. disguised with a beautiful mask, approaches you from behind, and whispers into your ear, "may i have this dance?"
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welt 一
same as luocha, he knows how to dance, and to add onto that, he dances very well. probably the one who invited you to the ball with him, helped you decide on what you'd wear since he wanted, or atleast hinted he wanted to match with you
matching masks as well>>> it's a need to him!!
literal blushing mess as soon as he sees you wear what he suggested for you to wear to the ball, he's genuinely a blushing mess, like his legs lowkey tremble
i like to hc that he writes a ton too
so like he'd write about the moment you stepped out of your room
he's giddy about the idea
literally in love with you all over again
would definitely have you in his arms, as in his arms around your waist, his head on your shoulder hugging you from behind, while it's just the two of you out in the balcony of the place where the ball was held ahh <3
literally just wants to show you off to everyone.. nicely. like he'll sway you all around the dance floor and everyone else attending the ball is watching how graceful you both are, and he's just smirking, all smug n shit behind his mask.
easily calms himself down, and knows the way to truly embrace you and your beauty as you glide on the dance floor, would probably carry you by the end of the dance, and kiss you on the nose, and lastly hug you close.
himeko took pictures of that exact moment, nonstop teasing from her as well.
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blade 一
lowkey shy, but confident at the same time, acts like he doesn't know who you are, but at the same time, he knows what colors fit you, and colors you prefer on your clothing
if you took his suggestion on what to where to the ball when you asked him, will lowkey blush too一 really subtle, but since his mask would only cover his eyes, you could see a subtle blush on his face. you might not see it, but its there.
of course, kafka probably helped hum pick stuff out for his outfit, even though he knows what he clearly would like on his suit. probably waa flashier than expected because kafka is so cool
recognizes you instantly, but like i said, he'll act like he doesn't know, just asking a random person onto the dance floor, very well aware that he's dancing with you.
so i headcannon him to be a man with spectacular taste in fashion, knows exactly what fits a person, probably only the closest of his friends or loved ones knows this.
fast forward to the next day; you are talking to your close friend, blade, about going to a ginarmous masquerade ball last night, he'd just nod and be an active listener to your story, amazing listener to all your stories actually.
while you ramble about the man you danced with at the ball, saying how well he swayed along the smooth, and shiny tiles of the ground, and probably was the best dancer in the room. to your shock, he mentions he attended the ball as well as his business genius friend; Kafka's assistant, to follow along with her.
kind of just is flushed while you find out he was the one you danced with. will slightly hesitate if you ask him to teach you to dance like him, but will dance with you either way.
10/10, would dance with again fr
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一 took me 1 month to write again, lmao
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ibuki-says · 2 years
gundham celeste and kokichi with a really catlike s/o? Not nekomimi just acts like a cat. As in an obesseion with boxes and a hatred for lasers, and climbing onto places they probably shouldnt go. Yk. Cat stuff.
gundham , celeste , and kokichi with a catlike s/o !!
gundham tanaka
gundham quickly picks up on the more feline behaviors that his s/o exhibits
immediately decides that it must be because that they must have been one in their past life, subsequent lives can retain traits like that, didn't you know?
as the ultimate breeder, he knows exactly how to deal with these behaviors, giving his dear s/o attention when they're snuggled up to him and giving them space when they seem to need it
though this includes some gentle scolding when he finds them napping on top of the counter again. can't reinforce bad behaviors!
head scritches? you got it. often times he'll find himself absentmindedly scratching his lover in the area behind their ears that they like
he'll never admit it, but the sound of their soft purring soothes the dark brooding soul of the supreme overlord of ice
celestia ludenberg
celestia took a bit more time to notice her lover's cat-like behaviors
however, it became glaringly obvious to her once she trusted them enough to introduce them to the second love of her life, grand bois chéri
her dear cat instantly took a liking to her partner, something that caught celeste completely by surprise, considering the cat's tendency to dislike everyone but his beloved mistress
she could leave the two of them alone for five minutes at most and come back to the two of them napping together something she couldn't help but find absolutely adorable
most of the lazy days they spent together consisted of the three laying somewhere together, one of celeste's hands petting her cat, while the other tended to her partner
she also adore dressing her lover up as well, matching outfits between the three of them like a little family?? wait just a moment! she has the perfect outfits that would fit them all amazingly!!
definitely the type to want victorian era-esuqe family portraits of them all everywhere in her dream castle
kokichi ouma
immediately uses his lover's behavior to his advantage
often baits them into taking naps in certain places that would inconvenience others
"hmmmm?? what's that, miu? [s/o] is taking a nap on your workbench so you can't work on your inventions?? that sucks! you wouldn't be so mean as to wake them up or anything...riiiight~?"
sometimes he'll tease them by pretending not to notice when they bump their head against him for attention
however, the ultimate supreme leader's resolve weakens immediately should he turn and actually look at their big, adorable eyes
he also had a field day when he became aware of their disdain for laser pointers, becoming incredibly amused by the way their eyes narrowed as they chased after the small light
he won't tease them with it...too much, and will always give them plenty of snuggles after they get tired out from it
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hrmitena · 1 year
hii can i req mizuki, ena, tsukasa and rui with a gyaru reader?
; gyaru.
a/n ; hellohello !! thank you for requesting, i hope you like this ^_^
them with a gyaru s/o ; tsukasa, rui, ena, and mizuki.
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# tsukasa.
he might not know much about the gyaru style, but tsukasa loves your sense of fashion! he always compliments your outfits, saying how they’re fit for someone as perfect as you <3.
he might even introduce you to saki, he knows she has an adoration for certain clothing styles, so he thinks you two would get along well! (spoiler: you do.)
he often buys things from the mall that reminds him of you whenever he goes, maybe even sneaks in a small star accessory.. and of course, you wear it with pride (which he is over the moon about) <3
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# rui.
he thinks you’re very pretty, and isn’t shy when saying it! like his troupe mate, rui is always complimenting your outfits, even if he himself isn’t educated on the gyaru style.
he considers introducing you to mizuki, since he knows they love fashion and all things surrounding it. if he follows through with this, he isn’t surprised when you two instantly hit it off!
though he isn’t very intelligent on the subject of fashion or what fits your style, he does make little gadgets for you! he made a mini robot-you as a surprise, and had mizuki sew little clothes and accessories for it <3
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# ena.
now we all know ena loves clothes, fashion and more, so she’s absolutely obsessed with your style! she’s looked up gyaru fashion in the past, and thinks you pull it off amazingly!
if you’re already familiar with mizuki, ena will take you on shopping trips with them! it’s absolutely worth it, a shop-till-you-drop type outing! (though, you might have to restrain ena from causing a scene if mizuki teases her.)
absolutely buys you things that reminds her of you! you’ve even heard a complaint or two from akito, saying how it was practically torture standing there while ena picked out a necklace that fit you just right (all in good fun of course).
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# mizuki.
the fashion royalty, mizuki is in love with both you and how you dress! constantly complimenting your outfits and appearance, saying that you’re the prettiest person they’ve ever laid eyes on.
absolutely brags to nightcord about you, saying (mostly directed towards ena) that you’re just so beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous, and might just be the prettiest person on earth! kanade and mafuyu sit there, doing their own thing while ena is threatening to jump through her monitor screen and take them out. (though she doesn’t actually mean it)
instead of buying, mizuki sews things for you! wrapping a beautiful sewed skirt in a pink box with a pretty pink lace, handing it to you the next day with a note that reads; “a gift for you, love you! - m. <3” what they don’t know though, is you keep each note attached to each box or bag they give you. <3
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cerastes · 2 years
What's worse, Big titty Makima, or Fat Ass Platinum?
Makima. I feel very strongly about Makima because she's the one character of her type that I think is done not just not bad, not just good, but rather, amazingly. I adore her, she's a really, really cool and intriguing character, and at least in my opinion, her design has a strong part in carrying her character through that I think shouldn't be divorced from her. The shifty silhouette, wearing oversized clothes, clearly a charlatan, but a charming one, a competent one, one that can get anyone to do anything she wants, and failing that, still can get things done herself, completely unfazed by morality or consequences.
The choice of wearing such large, ill fitting clothes is a deliberate one, she wants to be seen as approachable, and yet, as someone you cannot possibly defy, and yet, as someone you cannot defy because you want to be hers. An oversized suit is legitimately the best possible choice for this molotov cocktail of concepts.
This is where every lesser author has gone for the military outfit, the dominatrix fit, or anything equally as on the nose as it is uninspired, with far inferior execution in every area. CSM, instead, went with the suit: It's what everyone else wears, she wears it in a way that is specific to her, she wears it in a way that means something for her, just like everyone else has their own little take on how they wear their suits (Denji is sloppy, Power has her fresh kicks, Aki is properly sans his still color conforming sneakers, etc). It not only works for her, but it also works in the context of how everyone else is also represented by their suit, or rather, represents themselves through their suit.
Her build is definitely part of this design decision, in my opinion, in what makes her unsettling in part, approachable in part, Makima as a whole. I must stress, this isn't about No Horny Allowed, I just think you take such a cool aspect of the character away with a voluptuous body type that it's just not at all worth it in my eyes.
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erseac · 5 months
Dance Floors and Dragons
Rated E, Kagami/Rose, Juleka/Ivan, Kagami/Mireille, Kagami/Marinette, and background Kagami/almost everyone.
Kagami had never wished she had a stomach bug and was at home throwing up before, but this time it did seem like a compelling alternative. Anything to avoid being here. It was the most frightening spot she had ever been in: A cool party.
Of course she had always known her high-society events, boring but easy to handle as long you memorised all the etiquette. She had also become familiar with the parties Marinette liked to throw, free-flowing things where instead of structure, she could rely on friends. The official Kitty Section album wrap party was neither of these. The special exclusive band-and-friends afterparty even less so.
Kagami knew that it was a big honour to be invited; it was legendary, according to the other people in her university. There were only ever a couple dozen invitees, mostly celebrities and people from the music business. People were only invited if band members allowed it, and they didn’t do so very often. But that didn’t have to mean she’d enjoy it.
It had taken Marinette and her other friends (but mostly Marinette) literally years to convince Kagami to come as Marinette’s plus one. And for a while, Kagami had been looking forward to it. Kagami could do anything with her best friend by her side.
Picking out the outfit earlier today had been particularly fun. Kagami was wearing combat boots, fishnets, a mini-skirt that was just starting to show a hint of butt cheek, a tiny tied crop-top, and just to be cheeky, a crooked red neck tie. Seeing Kagami like that had turned Marinette into a stuttering mess.
Of course Marinette had been even hotter, at least in Kagami’s view, wearing a custom minidress that seemed to be more cut-out than fabric. Marinette had joked that you didn’t need to underwear at this party if you didn’t want to, but looking at her dress, Kagami wasn’t actually sure it was a joke. They were definitely going to turn everyone’s head on the dance floor. And even if not, dancing so close to Marinette… Kagami felt her heart flutter just from the thought.
It had all seemed perfect, right until they had been ready to head out… and Marinette had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Some annoying stomach bug, apparently. Of course Kagami had wanted to stay and care for Marinette, but Marinette had refused to listen to any of it. She had insisted Kagami go out and have fun, and Kagami had been too bewitched by Marinette’s force of personality (and perhaps also her cleavage) to say no.
So now she was at one of the most legendary parties of the year, the one that all her peers dreamed about getting a glimpse of, and she was standing in the corner, very slowly sipping her glass of champagne, wondering when it would be acceptable to go back home.
“Oh, hey, having fun!?”
Kagami turned around to see Rose, chipper as ever, going against the general trend by wearing a frilly pink dress. Rose took one look at her overall demeanour, and drew the appropriate conclusions.
“Standing in the corner like that, you don’t seem very eager to be here, do you?”
Kagami nodded.
“I am not used to this kind of party. I expected Marinette would be here, but, well… On my own, I don’t think I fit here. This may not be my kind of night.”
“Oh yeah, poor Marinette”, said Rose. “But that stuff about not fitting, that’s nonsense. You look great and everybody here likes you. We just need to make it your kind of night! Hey, I know, let’s dance!”
Rose had enough enthusiasm for the two of them, which was just as well, as Kagami was fresh out.
“I don’t know how to dance to this music. I think it’s better if I just-“
“Kagami Tsurugi!”, growled Rose, suddenly right up in Kagami’s face and amazingly angry. “This is my party, and I will not allow you to be miserable! You will have a good time here at this party, and you do not get a say in the matter! Are we clear!?”
Read the rest on Ao3
The main inspiration for this was this shipping overview by @adeadmansbliss. Lots of pairings there that nobody has written yet, and it was a lot of fun filling in these slots!
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broodwolf221 · 6 months
happy friday!!! for morrigan/leliana maybe and from the smutfic prompts: heavy eye contact
happy writing!
amazingly this one did not end up in smut territory lmao. love writing them circling each other tho <3 @dadrunkwriting 1054 words cws: none
Leliana thought she was prepared. She knew that Morrigan would be here, at the Winter Palace. She knew that she had to set... old feelings aside, that she could not give herself over to the soft warmth of memories. She knew all of this.
Then she saw her.
Her breath caught and she barely covered the lapse, arching a brow imperiously before remarking to her conversation partner about the magical advisor. The man scoffed and shook his head, muttering something about witches in the imperial court, but Leliana was barely paying attention.
Why was she wearing that dress? It was just as Leliana had once pictured her in, had described to her. Then, the other woman had brushed it off, but now...? Those at the Winter Palace did not just so happen to be dressed a certain way—everything was painstakingly deliberate and planned out, with fittings and precisely tailored outfits that showed off exactly what the wearer wanted shown. Every single dress, every suit, every pair of shoes made a statement, and so did Morrigan’s.
But what game was she playing at? Was she hoping to prey on Leliana’s feelings? To set her off-guard so that she could make her move tonight? She was the spymaster for the Inquisition and had acted as the brutal left hand of the Divine. She was not the wayward young girl she had been when they’d met during the Blight, hopelessly infatuated with the world and with the beautiful, mysterious woman who had been traveling with the Warden.
Was the dress a peace offering or a weapon? Regardless, she could not heedlessly approach—Morrigan remained embroiled in the court, guarded by her position even with the obvious disdain she had netted from certain parties. Even that they were both part of the Warden’s group during the Blight would not give her the clearance to approach, for Halamshiral did not care about the Blight, about the horrors of it, not anymore. That potential disaster had passed and it was forgotten, replaced by the intricacies of courtly intrigues and the civil war. To engage with Morrigan publicly using the Blight as an excuse would only earn them both disdain and would reflect poorly upon the Inquisition.
No, she had to bide her time and make sure the Inquisitor knew what—knew who—they were up against.
She still felt a chill travel down her spine when Morrigan caught her eye, golden eyes sparking and the faintest smile curving her lips. Her expression was difficult to place—haughty, perhaps? Amused? It was enough that even when the other woman looked away she still felt pinned to the spot.
Prey recovering from a predator’s loss of interest.
She had been postponing this. Morrigan had been at Skyhold for several days now, making use of the gardens, and Leliana had thrown herself fully into catching up on correspondences and discussing what they had learned with the Inquisitor and the other advisors. But for the first time she had a free moment.
She could find a practical way to fill it, she knew. Could fine-tune her network that little bit more, could determine if she should have her spy move tomorrow or wait until early next week, see if he wasn’t able to overhear more in his current position, but... ultimately, there was nothing that commanded her immediate attention. And she felt the presence of the other woman like a physical force.
So she rolled her shoulders to try and work out the stubborn kinks and proceeded down to the garden, ignoring the startled looks she received on the way. Few were accustomed to seeing her going anywhere except the war-room or the aviary, but there surprise was not her interest right now. And the only surprise she was interested in was not given to her, Morrigan meeting her eyes with the same faint smile she’d worn at the Winter Palace.
Or was it different? Perhaps a touch more coy, now. Or sardonic. Or—Maker, why was the woman so hard to read? “Leliana,” she was greeted smoothly as she approached, nodding. “Or should I call you spymaster?”
“You may call me whatever you wish,” she said, voice a touch sharper than she’d intended. But Morrigan did not look defeated or off-put. If anything, more intrigued. “I have been meaning to speak with you,” she continued after a beat, and now Morrigan was the one nodding.
“Forgive that I do not feign surprise,” she retorted and Leliana had to bite back a sigh.
“I need to know that you have the Inquisitions interests at heart.”
“I am here, am I not?” Not a response, but not a deflection, either.
“This is not the first time you have allied yourself to a cause,” she pointed out. “Nor would it be the first time you have chosen your own.” Morrigan’s eyes narrowed but she did not look away, instead appearing to assess Leliana.
“You have changed,” she said at last.
“Have you?” She countered, although she was taken aback by Morrigan’s contemplative tone.
“Certainly.” The single-word answer was frank but not defensive or aggressive, which was itself a change. She was a mother now—that alone would have changed her, but Leliana had not been sure how. Time, too, had changed them both, time and myriad experience. “It is the nature of people to change,” she continued after a moment, mirroring Leliana’s thoughts.
“So it is,” she agreed. Not once through this exchange had they looked away from each other, but something shifted in Morrigan’s eyes. Once more she felt the weight of a predator’s gaze. This, too, was a change. “Have you been given a tour of Skyhold?” She asked abruptly, surprising herself. But Morrigan only arched a brow slightly, the hunger in her eyes not abating in the least.
“Not a sufficient one, no.”
“Then may I offer one?”
“Please.” The answer was polite but her tone was anything but, and those golden eyes remained fixed on Leliana’s even as she approached. The witch wove her arm through Leliana’s, the outfit she had worn during the Blight doing as little as ever to disguise her body, although Leliana could not forget the dress she’d worn at the ball.
She began the tour, although they both knew that it would end in Leliana’s room.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Costume Meta 6x07
Welcome to the Buck (with a little Eddie and Athena thrown in) costume meta!! This weeks costumes are more or less all about Buck - everyone else is in uniform the entire episode - Bobby gets 1 grey shirt, Eddie and Athena get two costumes each and Buck is out in front with 5!!! I’ve also included Connor and Kameron (or C&K as I’m now labelling them because typing their names takes me too long 😂) as there weren't actually that many costumes in this episode!
So let’s dive in!
Beige for Kameron - a neutral colour - friendly, welcoming and also bland and boring - it kind of reflects her in this scene - perfectly friendly, but also a little bland - she might be anxious about things, but she is’t hugely pushy nd doesn’t really cross any lines.
Same can’t be said for Connor, who continues to rock the check patterning - it was interesting to have the dominant colour of those check to be red - almost like he was a big red flag (his behaviour certainly was - especially that smirk when he told Buck everyone now knew his secret). I think its very interesting that we keep seeing him in check when we watch him being manipulative towards Buck - the whole ‘really gig favour, probably too big’ line thats very much designed to play on Bucks insecurities - its further proof that Connor understands which buttons to push to bend Buck to his will and the costume is backing it up - all the check doesn’t just play into my check theory for 911, but it also plays into the concept of a character who is cunning, by distracting the viewers attention from what he’s saying - a member of the GA won’t be picking up on what is being said to the same level as normal, the costume is making the eyes do more work (and thus taking up more brain power) because this shirt is brighter and has more contrast than the previous check shirts it becomes more distracting.
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Bobby’s brief appearance out of uniform sees him in a grey marl t-shirt - grey being a neutral colour is perfect for bobby in this scene - where he’s really more there by virtue of being Athena’s husband than he is as Eddies captain - Eddie is there to talk to Athena, not Bobby and so we have a neutral colour which shifts the attention onto Athena and Eddie - who are both in colour.
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Here we have Athena in this deep dusty maroon colour top (which shows off Angelas arms amazingly!) maroon carried the meanings of both brown and red - so we have the energy and passion of red accompanied by the stability and wisdom of brown. I’m really enjoying the way they’re using a lot of vertical ribbed tops on Athena so far this season - the use of this texture is something we’ve seen before, but not with the same regularity - it contrasts nicely with the holey tops we’ve seen her in since season 1 - we’ve seen an increasing number of them as she has settled into her own skin and new life - which I think is a really lovely thing!
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we do of course get to see a traditional Athena outfit - a black knot top with khaki trousers - where would we be if we went more than a couple of episodes without seeing her in this sort of out fit?? 
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The thing we need to talk about most though is the fact that Athena has a new necklace - this one appears (to me at least) to be a bear, facing left. Bears symbolise strength, courage and protection and in an episode entitled cursed - when we see Athena seemingly the only one not really affected by the ‘curse’  This necklace also feels very much like its foreshadowing - We know May has a stalker next week and Athena is going to go into bat for May on that front so it plays into that storyline. I’m going to be interested to see if we continue to see more variety in her necklaces or if we see the same one or two for a longer period of time again! 
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Only the one very brief appearance for Chris this week - and I don’t really ahve a huge amount to say about a rash/sun shirt - other than to note that it has a logo for VAL Surf - which is a famous California surf and skate shop thats been around since 1962. I will make the comment that it is navy blue - almost the same blue (and style as well actually) as the first top we see Buck in - and there has been a little bit of costume mirroring between Chris and Buck so far this season, so it might be a relevant detail to make note of - because if it the mirroring is a deliberate choice to help foreshadow - then I suspect we might be seeing a tsunami parallel with buck and Chris together and in danger (which I would pay money to have happen - especially if it helps push Buck into realising what he as) and we’ve seen the show use Christophers costumes to foreshadow before - the surfers on his shirt at Bucks party in 3x01 is the most perfect example! 
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so there are a few things to note about Eddies costumes from 6x07. Firstly - hello henley 👀😍 its good to have you back!v We’ve only seen Eddie in 1 Henley this season - the grey one from 6x05 and like I said in that meta, we’ve not really seen him in them since season 4. I’m very interested in the fact that its fully buttoned up - normally Eddie wears them with one button open and so to have him in a fully buttoned up henley, when he’s being very open with his family history is pretty telling - its his family, but not directly his story  that he’s telling, but the buttoning up fully is a form of protection - as is the fact that we also have him back in army green - a colour we see him wearing when he’s feeling either defencive or when he feels he needs to ‘go to war’ for some reason - in this case its him trying to prevent someone suffering the same fate as his Abeula (and his wider family ) has at the hands of a con artist. This also parallels him with Athena once again - the two of them are really the only ones we see in this army/khaki green colour way and the fact we see them both in it in this episode - and when we have them so closely teamed up is very loud! I should also point out the lack of watch - I would expect to see his watch there on his right wrist, but we don’t - its always very telling when Eddie isn’t wearing his watch - it means he has time - that he is at a place where there is little external pressure or influence on his story - things are happening at his pace - when he wants them to.  This plays into the narrative from the episode where we don’t see Eddie trying to directly (or in fact indirectly) step into what is going on with Buck - yes he is involved with the Feliza story, but this is also showing us Eddies growth - his recognising that he needs to let Buck come to him on his own terms, and be there for Buck when he needs him - that isn’t to say Eddie won’t step in - more that he’s recognising when is the right time to enter the fray - which battles are the right ones to choose - and thats really powerful - both from an Eddies growth perspective, but also from a future Buddie perspective.
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Then we have Eddie back in the black tank top and just like before - here we have Eddie in an interesting place emotionally - in relation to his Abuela - having to accept that the path she is on is one she will remain on in some form because she’s into deep. There is also the direct reference to the Tsunami that we get in this scene - which will always put Eddie into a vulnerable place emotionally - because the knowledge that he could have lost everything that day but didn’t will always be something he carries with him.
There is also the very loud foreshadowing we got at the end of the scene which gives us another reason for Eddie being in a black tank top - its going to be something that puts him into a new emotionally interesting place - now we just have to wait and see if he will also be in physical danger - along side Christopher!
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Before we get to Buck properly - we have to talk about the fact that he is wearing his watch. In. Every. Single. Scene. 
Unlike Eddie, who has two watches (separation of work from personal life anyone!), Buck only has one watch, and also unlike Eddie, I think he’s had the same watch since season 1. 
We never see him without it - and we get a close up of it! This is unusual for Buck - who wears a watch as often as he doesn’t when out of uniform and its especially loud in when we have Eddie ‘always wearing a watch prominently when he feels he doesn’t have enough time’ Diaz not wearing a watch at all in this episode (except when at work and all the firefam do that - its a part of their uniform!) - Eddie has time - time to figure out what he wants, whats in his future. Buck however doesn’t - further emphasised by his being up against the clock at the end of the episode.
The Buck in blue theme continues in tonights episode - we’re now sitting at 10 blue costumes to 6 non blue costumes - this is unusual to have such a dominance of one colour, especially so early in a season. Sorry the nerd in me is coming out in full force to give you some context! The most occurrences of one colour is10 for an entire season. This isn’t 100% accurate as I only did it roughly (I plan on doing it more fully and for each main when I get a chance to) but if we look at the colour breakdown season by season for Bucks non uniform costumes;
S1 - 14 costumes with 18 different colours S2 - 31 costumes with 33 different colours S3 - 34 costumes with 40 different colours S4 - 29 costumes with 38 different colours S5 - 35 costumes with 45 different colours S6 - 13 costumes with 21 different colours* as of 6x07
The higher number of colours is because when he is wearing jackets etc (and Like I said I only did a quick scan through, so its actually likely to be higher because I know I missed a couple of jackets) more than one colour is present As for individual colours - Buck wore blue 10 times in S5, grey 9 times in both S3 and S5 and 8 times in S2, red 9 times in 4 and black 8 times in S1 and S4. Blue (37) is his second most worn colour after black (39) followed by grey (32).
This probably isn’t that interesting to anyone but me - but if we look at the colours worn and which ones are highest, we can start to build a picture of character traits - I think my little hiatus project is going to be to create full colour plots for each character and I think there might be some graphs/ pie charts in my future 😂🤓😎
Anyway back to Bucks costumes for this episode - Bucks sperm donation attempt outfits were very interesting to me - we see all his failed attempts happen when he’s wearing blue and or white. The first one is a blue long sleeve tee that is remarkably similar to his uniform long sleeve shirt - just minus the logo and a slightly brighter shade of blue - interestingly its pretty much the t-shirt version of the sweater he was wearing in 6x04 for his conversation with Maddie
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Then we have Buck in white - which as we all know is a sign of bad things ahead for Buck, but he is also in a vertically striped jacket (which you can see in the second picture), this jacket is similar to some of the shirts we’ve seen him wearing (4x14, 5x09 and 6x04) this continues to connect into my Buck vertical stripe theory - which I’d spoken about a little in my meta for 6x04, but I also answered an ask about it as well which you can read here if you haven’t seen it. combining the two and in an episode called cursed - very loud and very telling - even the white trainers play into it - white trainers meaning Buck moving forward in his search for love and happiness - which is ultimately where this story arc will lead Buck (even if its going to be a bumpy journey).
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then we get another white tee;
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followed by this knit polo shirt in navy and either white or light grey pin stripes - (I can’t decide which colour it is but I’m leaning toward grey!) All of these costumes are very much in keeping with the costumes we’ve seen on Buck this season 
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Then we have successful Buck - only now he’s in a mint green polo shirt - the first non blue/white top we’ve seen him in this episode. I’ve banged on endlessly about how green is the colour of health, growth and renewal and the choice to Put Buck in it her speaks volumes - because however this sperm donor arc plays out from here, it will lead to growth for Buck - he will learn from this experience and ultimately he will become a healthier person for this journey (he’s gonna break a bit to get there, but we will get healthier Buck out of it - in the same way we got a healthier Eddie out of his break down). Using green at this point in the arc is great - up to this moment it was possible that we could see Buck change his mind, or something could happen that means he never even made it to the point of donating, this in many ways fixes his path - and plays in perfectly to over zealous Buck who is going to really begin to understand the reality of what he’s done now his part in the process is theoretically over (I say theoretically because all those previous shirts and the things Oliver has said in interviews, plus the weird and inappropriate vibes I was getting from C&K suggest they still have a part to play in the story and that its not going to be pretty!)
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And there we have it - fewer costumes to write about this week as they spent a lot of time in uniform, but I’m thinking next week might give me a lot of work so I’m already readying myself!!! I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you as always for your likes, comments and reblogs - I love reading your thoughts etc in the tags - they make my day!
As always tagged people below
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @buckscurls @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @name-code-black-widow @prettyboyandthekid @callanee @calyssmarviss @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes @piningpettyeddie @bi-moonlight @spotsandsocks @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @jordxnhennessy @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @ekstasisandangst-main @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz @gossamerglob @ktinastrikesback @adamrparrrish @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine @ajunerose @wolfybuckley @neon-d0rk  @talespinner230 @pop-kam​ @swiftiebuckleys​ @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx​
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
I love everything Mino has been picking aww she's so good! 👔 for any one of the couple if you feel like doing this💕💕
Larksharius, or, can Mino call them Lark...? She very much wants to truly meet and understand them in every way. Her previous biases against undead in any form have given her preconceptions that are so at odds with Lark as an archlich--their kindness and patience and gentleness has Mino so very confused and wanting to truly meet and understand who Lark is and their story. To that end, Mino would also want Lark to learn about her and her people, so how does a fall evening in Westcrown sound? Dinner, visiting the art museums and talking about the pieces, and then quiet drinks and discussion after? She's so nervous but so very eager!
Hopefully she doesn't pull anything already in Lark's wardrobe!
Top: Flipping through Lark's wardrobe--which leaves Mino quite dazzled and taking notes--she gets an immediate sense of Lark's style. Dark. Classy. Lightly embellished. Splashes of colors. Emphasis on the waist and high-waisted... She can work with that! The first thing she pulls is this black lace top with puffy sleeves and sheer shoulders. The style screams Lark and the exposed shoulder windows might show some of Lark's intriguing tattoos too. It's elegant yet cute, refined and subtle yet interesting.
Bottoms: Naturally, high-waisted pants are a must. These ones with built-in belts and straps are amazingly cute. Mino sees a lot of actual belts in Lark's wardrobe, but is curious about them trying these ones with them part of the look instead! The gold accent is a little different from their usual classic metallic/silver, but she assures them it'll look so nice and fit the Chelaxian style a little closer :)
Shoes:  Mino has no idea if Lark does heels or not or what height, but! These knee-height boots with ribbon laces and a lil 'cravat'-like top are so ridiculously adorable and cool. She will opt to change out the ribbon to a luscious blue instead for a burst of color and to call back to Lark's beloved Rimerock (who Mino would love to meet next btw!). She will keep the gold trim on the ribbon and little accessories attached to it, though. The little splashes of gold throughout the outfit are a must! Also, she can switch out the high heel for a lower one if Lark needs it, don't worry.
Hair/Hat: NO HAT NO HAIR ACCESSORIES! Lark's brown curls are far too cute to be distracted by anything else. We'll focus on accessories elsewhere instead!
Other Accessories: It gets a little chillier than expected on the Wiscrani waterfront at night - please take this asymmetric turtleneck jacket in a lovely blue color! Mino has no idea if Lark gets cold or not (Rimerock is frosty dragon and they are an archlich...) but she is nothing if not a courteous host. The jacket can be worn open too to add another layer to the look if needed, and the blue matches the ribbon she swapped out on the shoes! She also noticed Lark has their nails painted, and oh does she look a good manicure look! These deep blue with gold flecks are flashy yet subtle, and will tie the other gold embellishments elsewhere together nicely.
Last... Mino blushes furiously and pushes these feather earrings Lark's way. She noticed Lark's white feathers and, well, she wondered how they would look with green? Her green? It would match Lark's pretty eyes so well... They're made from her own feathers so she understands if Lark refuses!
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shootingmorningstar · 6 months
Hi!! I saw you also accepted matchups and I would love to request one! I’d love a romantic matchup for Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel (do only one of them if I can o my request one fandom obv)!
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic (I’d prefer a male character, but if you think one of the girls fits me best any gender is fine!). I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also, if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation.
I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
Have a good day!! <3
Your sense of fashion sounds so great, anon .ᐟ As a fellow lover of horror, this matchup was a lot of fun for me.
Anon, I'm matching you with . . .
⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Verosika Mayday .ᐟ
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Lucky you, anon, my absolute favorite Helluva Boss character .ᐟ And the best one.
I know you said male preference, but I just can't help but think you and Verosika would pair amazingly. The best out of the entire Hellaverse. The whole time I was reading your request she just screamed at me as the answer. Seriously, detail by detail I was just convinced more and more. Who would love your dyed hair more than her .ᐣ Not only that, she'd be incredible at helping you re-dye it .ᐟ Verosika is the diva of Hell, she knows everything there is to know about beauty and haircare. She always has to look flawless, after all.
I think the appeal would be the same in regards to your creative fashion sense and makeup abilities .ᐟ She's intrigued on how a style so different from her usual one can look so cute. Please dress her up and do her makeup, she'd love it.
I also think she'd really admire your ambitious attitude. In her line of work, you have to be ambitious or you'll fail, badly. She could use someone optimistic around her, too. Blitzo left her burned and probably with some trust issues, so you'd be wonderful help with that. Verosika's love language is also physical touch, and that's practically canon. Loving horror almost always means a love for the dramatics, which she definitely appreciates. You mentioned having trouble saying no .ᐣ She is definitely the best influence for that. And your adoration of music .ᐣ It writes itself. The two of you may be in Hell, but you're definitely a match made in Heaven.
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speckle-the-crow · 1 year
I was reminded of one of my favorite ideas today- Marionetta characters as cats. Specifically, the ah'kons. small rant + images below
I feel like the ah'kons would be black cats. Seeing as how they're treated and everything, I think it just makes the most sense.
but theres SO many types of black cats omg. Solid fur, patterns on their fur, eye colors, etc. So here's my idea of everyone;
He is DEFINITELY a tortoiseshell. On the smaller slide and often a bit slim, a good mix of black fur with gold.
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These cats just SCREAM Sahed energy.
So what about Rainah?
I kinda want Rainah to match Sahed because Sahed makes a point to keep their outfits matching. So I feel like a Maine Coon fits her best. They're really big and fluffy cats (like her hair). "But Speckle, a black Maine Coon is black- how does that match?"
Look at them in the right lighting!! Their fur has a deep orange-type hue.
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And lastly, I can't forget Jathar.
Jathar really gives me young child-like energy. He's on the smaller side and we don't know too much about how he dresses except he just wants earrings like Sahed.
So I picked a Bombay. Slim black cats with amazingly orange eyes. He can match Sahed and Rainah while having black fur.
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yes I did three images. I LOVE Bombay cats soooo a bit of bias
Honestly, I feel like Sahed's and Rainah's could be swapped. But in the end I went on their size, and Rainah has big hair soooo yeah
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my Marionetta rant
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purpleplaid17 · 5 months
Jess Watches // Sat 20 Apr // Day 206 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Moving (with L) Ep 20 Graduation Day (Finale)
Parents and children fight to protect each other. Will this repeated war ever end?
I adored that we actually got to see the aftermath of all the fighting. That all the mains are alive and thriving and living their lives more peacefully. I think eps 1-7 focusing on the teens should've aired alternatively with 8-14 focusing on the adults (eg. 1, 8, 2, 9) to intertwine both timelines to help maximize the effectiveness of the overall story. But otherwise I really enjoyed this. I'll miss these characters I've become rather fond of <3
Star Trek: Prodigy 1x11 Asylum
At the edge of Federation space, the crew applies for asylum at a comm relay outpost, only for their starship to reveal its shocking true purpose.
Rok sure was one confused lady trying to do all those scientific equations quickly before they got blasted. She did amazingly well under pressure. I know off-screen they gave her the squishiest group hug.
Killing Eve (Remix) [x] 3x08 Shove That in Your Fanny Pack and Eat it
3x07 - Villanelle and Dasha travel to Aberdeen to kill an American businessman at a golf country club. V hits Dasha over the head with a golf club and leaves her for dead. Eve tracks V's credit card and kills Dasha by standing on her chest. As V's train leaves, she looks out the window to see Eve on the platform. She calls Eve.
V with a hoarse Scottish accent (because Jodie had a cold) paired with her Grinch-inspired outfit is still an iconic V look. And Eve being so determined in her pursuit, that single-minded focus on finding V, that release of fully embracing her darkness and killing Dasha. Also, I ended with V going to see Gunn from 406 as it fit nicely here as she was already in Scotland.
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bubblekidaesthetics · 2 years
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Clawdeen finally shows off her clawsome stylings💜
Long time no see huh?
I was a bit silent here 'cause I was preparing for a convention so a lot of ideas and very little time. I also had my thoughts running between work, friends, and other things which make me wanna blush and diary like a socially awkward 5th grader that lacks basic communication skills and fumbles with words🙈
(kinda cringe but we deal with it)
Still, Clawdeen was there in the back of my mind tapping me on the shoulder, going like, hey... Don't you wanna start on my design? And I did, I truly did. I just... Got distracted😅
So by the time, I got around to finally gettin' my ass into gear this gorgeous thing came into my life in the form of... A leak? IDK if it was revealed or leaked but the prom line pictures emerged and Clawdeen's design took my breath away💅
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I mean just look at her!!!
My eyes are out of my eye sockets and rolling on the floor. It's giving generation 1 Monster High realness. I also love the 80s influences in her blazer design and the glittering tinsel in her hair. Very reminiscent of the Why do ghouls fall in Love Clawdeen. Almost an homage to it really💖
So with my design, I wanted to hit closer to her personality. She is quirky, nerdy, and above all, I feel a bit less into the extra girly frow frow stuff you'd expect from Draculaura and Lagoona.
I gave her the amazingly curly hair she sports in the show which the doll lacks much to my disappointment. As for the outfit, I thought of giving her an elegant vest tucked inside a fitted corset, paired with this gnarly green shirt with shoulder pads meant to be a nod to the crescent moon. No true dad shirt would be complete without a funky print, so lil crescent moons for the win. The shoes were really fun to come up with, pulling inspiration from the design style of one of my favorite shoewear brands "Irregular Choice".
A lot of effort went into this one but I loved every single minute of working on it. I am very proud of how she turned out, as this style better fits her personality, but man do I love the official look for this one!!!!
I am probably gonna snatch it the moment it comes out😏
I will go on holiday for a bit, so I might not be able to draw there, but until then, please don't get your bandages in a twist. She is one ghoul known to make people wait anyway😉
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batboyblog · 2 years
Earth 2 refugees
I grew up carrying around a copy of Crisis on Infinite Earths, I still have it, water damaged and with the cover taped on. as I said I love Crisis on Infinite Earths as such we do not recognize Infinite Crisis in this house in any way since it took a bunch of selfless heroes from Crisis on Infinite Earths and shat on them. So I had a few ideas of how to nod to pre-Crisis Earth 2 and it's heroes without having to have a whole other plant or derailing the mainstream DCU
One of the characters I really loved was Earth 2 Dick Grayson, I don't know why he doesn't do very much in the story. Maybe it's his amazingly ugly outfit,
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(ooh boy those Yellow tights are... a choice)
maybe I liked the idea of 1940s Robin all grown up and not giving up Robin. Whatever the case in Crisis he died, but importantly he died after the Earth's merged and he died on Earth Prime/1/whatever. In my mind he's brought back, think Dick Grayson has played by Burt Ward but now in his 50s. Touch of gray in the hair, sweater vests and jackets. He's in his mid to late 50s but acts much older because he grew up in the 1930s and 40s so acts like a 90something year old. Now he's from an Earth that does not exist and never did, from a timeline that moved on to allow Bruce and Dick etc to not be old so he's had to make a new life for himself. With the help of the Batfam he's posing as Dick's "Uncle Richard". Together Dick and Richard have opened a small legal firm (very Nelson and Murdock energy) Grayson & Grayson (don't ask which Grayson is first). Richard is kinda the more stuffy and on-time one, Dick is a little more loose always running late papers spilling everywhere . Officially Richard is retired as Robin and superheroing ("I'm too old for that game") but from time to time reports of an adult in a Robin outfit (and ugly yellow tights) pop up and Richard denies any knowledge of these stories.
I'd love Earth-2 Superman and Lois (Kent) to be living in retirement in a recreation of the Earth-2 1930s Kent farm house inside the Fortress of Solitude, much like Superman in the start of Kingdom Come. In their mid to late 70s, hair a lot more gray and white than black, Clark is enjoying working on the farm and raising animals and might actually need those glasses (at least for reading) now. Lois Kent is working on a complete history of Earth-2's hero age from 1938 till the Crisis in the mid-1980s using boxes of news paper clippings written by her and Clark over their 40-ish years at the Daily Starr. Clark is also enjoying dusting off his mother, grandmother and great-grandmother's cook books to put the eggs and wheat raised on the farm to good use. Earth Prime's Clark and Lois (and any of the kids they can wrangle) are regular Sunday night dinner guests as are the old guard of the JSA, Power Girl, Queen Hippolyta (the WWII Wonder Woman) and Ma and Pa Kent. Clark Comments how odd it is to have come back around to be his own parent's older brother in effect (he's about 8-10 years older than this Earth's Ma and Pa Kent) Clark has hung up his costume (though he still has it and it fits) because this world has more than enough Supermen and Clark and Lois rarely leave their farm. Though whenever Lois and Clark can't make (saving the world) one of Jon's baseball games mysteriously "Great-uncle" Clark and "Aunt" Lois seem to always just know and show up to cheer from the stands.
@paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @spider-jaysart (sorry I decided to break up my canon ideas rather than one huge post)
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
Ranking the 2012 main 6 designs from favorite to least favorite
1. Raph
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I love this design. From the neon green eyes to the dark red mask to the jade green skin to the chipped shell to his more lean, blocky body type and the fact he’s smol. 10/10. Wouldn’t change a thing.
2. Donnie
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Another 10/10. I love his reddish brown eyes that contrast his lilac mask. The gap tooth is a must for Donnie’s to me now. I love how his light forest green skin makes him look pale to signify how he doesn’t go out of his lab that much. They really found the perfect mix of skinny and round with him and his egg head.
3. Mikey
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10/10. He was made to be adorable and it worked amazingly. I love that his colors have a calm sunny tone with his light orange mask and yellow green skin. The baby blue eyes are such a nice contrast with this but also fit perfectly with their calm tone. I love his mask tails so much and the freckles are so cute and a must for Mikey designs to me now. I love the detail in the artbook that his shell is more loose because he still needs to grow into it.
4. Leo
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Imma go with 8/10 for 2 reasons. One. His eye color. I know Leo’s kind of supposed to have a basic design and it fits his character but it bugs me to no end that his eyes are the same shade of blue as his mask. This could’ve easily been fixed by giving him dark brown eyes. Brown eyes are super common, it’s a nice contrast to his mask and it’s a subtle parallel to saki. Second. His lack of scars after the season 2 finale. I get they’d probably have to make a new model but it would’ve been such amazing visual storytelling if we could see scars on his knee and throat and actually see his cracked shell that Mikey mentioned. It would’ve shown how, despite “healing” from those injuries, that day will always affect him.
5. Casey
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This is probably a shocker to anyone who knows how much I love Casey, but I would rate his design at a 6/10. I was originally gonna put him higher than Leo but I put him here for one big reason: his design creeps me out. I love this boy. His clothes, his color scheme, his freckles, his face shape and nose are all really great and creative design choices. So what bugs me about him? His teeth, his hair and his stature. Casey is amazing, but he is a victim of the uncanny valley. I think the missing teeth was a great touch, but the teeth we DO see are way too realistic and not at the same time. To the point I have to look away if I see a picture of him where his teeth are visible. Why didn’t they give him the Barbie teeth the others have? Why? Second. His hair. I know. He’s the type of guy who would think axe body spray can substitute a shower, so it’s realistic that his hair is flat with grease, but, and this is a personal opinion, it doesn’t vibe with his character. Casey is a very wild person. To me, it makes more sense if his hair was more floofy and all over the place. That’s probably just me, though. Last but not least; his stature. Yeah. Him being super super skinny is funny, but it feels like he’s from a different show. Other than certain girl characters, I don’t remember any humans in 2012 having such and exaggerated body type. Please. Keep him skinny. It works for the character, but add a little lean so he doesn’t look like pearl from Steven universe. Again. This is probably just me cause the people I’ve talked to about it seem to like how skinny he is.
6. April
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Aprillll. My gurl. I’m so sorry 😭. You’re such an interesting character, you don’t deserve this 4/10 design. Where do I start? Let’s go with her outfit cause everyone roasts it. It’s bad. It’s baaaaaaddddd.
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They had so many cute outfits for her in the concept art why was THIS the final choice??
I know everyone complains about the outfit so imma summarize. Real clothes like hers don’t wrap around your body like a skinsuit. I know layers were popular at the time but there’s a trick to it. Casey knows how to do it well. April does not. Also I hate the uggs.
Moving on to….
Her hair and eye color
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Hoo boy
I’m not gonna complain too much about how her hair is animated cause, I get it. 2012 tv cgi animation. Not that great for hair.
I AM gonna complain about her hair color though. It is WAY too orange to be natural, and yet it is. April being a redhead is iconic but that vibrant of an orange doesn’t fit her character. If anything, they should’ve given it a pinker tone to tie to her kraang origins.
Next Is her eye color. I know some people say her eyes are too big, but I like it along with her round face and freckles. One problem. Combine those with her insanely orange hair and baby blue eyes and she looks too much like Mikey. Again. They should’ve made her eyes mutagen green blue or kraang to subtly tie to her kraang origins which leads me to my last complaint;
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If she is half kraang, her design should tie to that. You don’t have to give her kraang tentacles and full fangs from the get go, but something as simple as a color scheme change would’ve done her so much good.
Just like Irma saying she’s allergic to gluten doesn’t seem like it means anything until after the twist is revealed, april having pinkish red hair and green eyes wouldn’t be thought about until after the twist. Then, because the show stopped caring about april having a double life between being a normal girl and a kunoichi, you could have the crystal arc give her pinkish skin and kraang tentacles.
Aprils not a bad character, but dear lord does she need a redesign.
Alrighty! Now. How would y’all rank the main 6s designs from your fav to least fav and why?
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