#the physics of it bother me
alienyolk · 6 months
question for black watchers of castlevania nocturne: do y'all like the physics of annette's hair or think it was done well conceptually?
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stiffyck · 4 months
I think I already talked about this and I've seen others mention it but it's been on my mind again:
Is it weird that grian is usually drawn looking like a teenager or just a kid in general while the others look like adults
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comradekatara · 3 months
if sokka had had slightly more faith in jet during their mission to beat up and rob an old man he would’ve derailed their entire plan after jet made it clear that he has no idea what sokka was talking about when he said “it amplifies vibrations.” he would’ve descended into a longass tedious lecture about wave mechanics and jet would’ve returned to the treehouse with a migraine. but thankfully, because sokka already hated jet and thus simply assumed that jet was incapable of learning basic physics, when jet is like “good trick” sokka just rolls his eyes and goes “whatever.”
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aalghul · 2 months
I don’t think it makes sense to assume that Jason was mocking Mia’s past. At all. The thing that got jason painted as violent back in the 80s was his anger against rapists…how does that turn into mocking a victim? and that entire story was written by winick. Do we honestly think winick intended to communicate that? The same writer who made Jason’s first kill a man who was trafficking children? Who had Jason pause in his mission of madness to make sure those kids were found by the right people so they wouldn’t be in further danger?
#let’s knock on our skulls and kick our brains back into gear okay?#you can maintain that it wasn’t well executed or that the role mia played here bothers you#but you can’t say jason was mocking her for that or even seriously trying to hurt her physically#he was bsing like 90% of the story with his constant ‘we should all kill anyone who inconveniences us! speedy and GA should try to kill me#if they want to win’ like we understand that yes?#but that last part of his convo with Mia was the one serious part#he was wrong! of course he was wrong about ollie. but this was also Jason’s first time meeting ollie#it was ridiculous and unnecessary on his end and it put mia thru the emotional wringer for nothing#but that wasn’t the Intention. it was a stupid thing done by someone who never expected anything to come of it but still said what *to him*#was a way of offering advice#and as for the ppl who go ‘stop reaching abt jason being a victim and just read Mia instead’#a) there’s more to Mia’s character than her past. anyone who thinks that fits Jason’s past wouldn’t necessarily like mia bc they’re not the#same character#it’s the same way that if jason was confirmed to have been a victim of SA as a kid then all of Mia’s fans wouldn’t love him like they love#her? this is common sense. anyways stop being assholes online and just recommend characters too ppl nicely#b) more than one character can have experienced a similar form of abuse. also common sense#c) it’s not an unreasonable hc#d) it doesn’t hurt you personally. none of this killed your grandma#once again: hate whoever you like but choosing the interpretation that doesn’t make sense just to make up a#‘valid’ reason is serious loser behaviour
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literalfuckingfreak · 4 months
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slime-crafters · 1 month
Gonna be real, I think Link deserves to have a panic attack. Just a full-blown mental deteriorating, absolute heart-wrenching scene of him absolutely losing his shit. I'm just thinking like... Imagine Link learning about what happened to Zelda in TotK and his response being something like falling to his knees, something to show that he can't Take It anymore
I want this twink to absolutely crumple.
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A karma flower sways gently in the dark~
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jils-things · 2 months
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by the lighthouse.
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rouge-the-bat · 7 months
"shadows a teen! haha, teen angst edgelord" shadow was literally drinking at a bar with rouge in sonic x
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milkstoner · 1 year
the fact malleus and lilia weren’t even there to witness silver’s heroic moment at the fairy gala is actually sickening… what were they so busy doing that they wouldn’t even bother to see their adoptive human put on a show AND a pacifist speech (HE EVEN ALLUDED TO LILIA) that undoubtedly improved fae-human relations. they would be so proud…
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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"do you like it?" "darling, i love it."
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cistematicchaos · 2 days
You want to have a baby? Be my guest. It's not the same as having a prosthetic or being visually impaired. Don't expect everyone to get out of your way just because you didn't use a condom. And that goes for when the kid, after birth, is on a plane or in a restaurant making everyone around them miserable.
Its always the assumptions that get me. Like, not everyone "chooses" to have a baby. Rape and pro-choice bullshit are abundant all over the world. So is the knowledge that condoms are not 100% going to prevent a baby. And so is the fact that "making the people around them miserable" isn't a child only thing, as evidenced by you sending this anon.
But lemme say fuck all that for a second. Its fine for people to have sex and want kids. No, being pregnant isn't the same as being visually impaired (like me!) or having a prosthetic but it doesn't have to be. Not all disabilities are the same.
You're supposing that just because a pregnant person supposedly consented both to sex and having a child that they don't deserve accommodations for things like mobility issues (that range from oh its hard to get anywhere to oh I'm bedridden indefinitely), brain fog, depression, chronic pain, possible dislocations, dizziness, ect, ect, all of which on their own can be disabling. You're supposing that your moral upset over people having sex and your hatred of children should override their understandable need for accommodations.
Well, hate to break it to you, it doesn't. People who get pregnant deserve the accommodations they need not just WHILE they're pregnant, but afterwards as well! And if I have anything to say about it, they will get those accommodations! Go fuck yourself.
(Btw, there are numerous disabling conditions that pregnancy can cause after giving birth which I haven't even mentioned but even without taking them into account, accommodations after pregnancy are still needed.)
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fox-guardian · 20 days
sometimes i am reminded of strange comments i receive on my art and i am still baffled.
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[ID: Tags reading "your alice looks like shes adicted to heroin and I love that" end ID]
like. no, people who are addicted to drugs shouldn't feel shame over their appearances, ofc. but also Why Would You Say This To Me.
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letters-of-libertas · 6 months
I'm bi and yeah your note on women not having solidarity seems sadly true. Apart from not dating men would there be anything you would suggest to improve ones life apart from stating away from those women if possible?
I love this question because this is how to start thinking: being practical.
What it takes to "improve ones life" is subjective so with that said firstly define what a better life(style) for yourself away from moids would look like. Temporarily mentally remove xy terrorist existence. What would your habits/routine be? What would you work towards & pour your energy into? What would you want to be? What would you center your life around? Take your time with these questions or anymore that come up. Have a general idea then be more specific and start breaking your life down into sectors/sections/areas, then look at where you want to be in those areas and work towards it.
For example; I divide my life into 6-7 aspects:
Physical Strength - Not just about muscle but knowing how to fight, where to hit and when to fight. Being stronger makes it easier to defend yourself in altercations (especially with other women). Some mfs will try you & you cant always rely on others coming to your rescue. Also work on building stamina to help endurance, and keeping as healthy as possible.
Emotional Strength - If you cant control your emotions they will control you. In a world of chaos being emotionally strong will let you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Building emotional strength is not easy but it's worth it. Being able to rise above immediate reactions and pace yourself will allow you to assess situations more rationally & make more beneficial choices.
Finances - Get your bag up. Having money to gain resources is imperative to quality of life. I dont care what anyone says having a certain amount of money in life WILL make you happier as you're able to meet your needs better. Having more money/resources also makes it easier to support other women should you choose to do so, it also allows you to be more influential and have more control over your life. However, dont become a slave to getting money tho because that's how you get scammed.
Network - The type of people you hang around can make or break who you are as a person. Aim to connect with likeminded women who will encourage & inspire you as you go on this journey. Hang around people that value & will be honest with you while giving you grace. Not all women you engage with have to be single & childfree but beware the moid crazy ones because they will bring danger to you in their quest for maIe validation. Life isn't perfect but you cant go wrong having the right people around you, valuable relationships are hard to find but it goes a long way even if it's just online. However, no company > bad company.
Spirituality/Guide - Having something bigger than yourself to guide you through the chaos in this world can offer guidance/purpose that keeps you grounded & focused. For many people generally this is religion/god. Not everyone needs or ascribes to religion/spirituality though, but at least consider sets of morals/beliefs to follow. However even that isn't for everyone. So if you feel better off without spirituality or a 'higher' guide at least be clear on it & your reasons why (for yourself).
Hobbies & Interests - As turbulent as the world is, find things to enjoy amidst the chaos. Constant work, doom, and gloom will not change anything you will only hurt yourself. Take time to indulge in things that make you happy to recharge & relax. Engage in hobbies that serve you, share your passion with other women & hear theirs out too. It goes a long way in terms of mental health.
Security - It takes privilege to decide to not get married or have children as a woman & live it out. Everyone's situation is different so what I'll generally suggest is to constantly look into how you can protect yourself, have backup methods, and stay in the loop of xy predation. Dont drown in it but moids are predators & being completely blind to them is being blind to danger. Elaborated on point 10 here.
Sounds like a lot? Great, it'll keep you busy because this isn't a vacation or destination but a lifestyle. And to be honest, some of y'all can do with the busyness as it'll let you focus on what actually matters. This not to say to overwhelm yourself in things for the sake of it but to prioritise your energy on effective things for your life. As you focus on building you'll find that you have less energy to care about insignificant stuff or stuff out of your control anyways. For example, Instead of getting wound up about user somerandomadjectivefem stirring discourse calling you an extremist or whining about how impossible it is for her & other women to live without romantic love n' whatnot (or even women irl pulling this crap), you either ignore or quickly shut down the conversation & swiftly move on.
Everything I've mentioned are just examples, you may feel differently do whatever you feel best applies. Also remember to enjoy the process along the way as you are living through it afterall :3
Long story short: Work on building resources & other aspects of your life up for yourself.
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cyarikryze · 1 year
idk, i feel like it can’t be overstated that satine kryze /would/ be so proud of bo-katan especially right now. she’s unifying the people, she’s gaining respect and loyalty beyond that which lies with the darksaber, and she’s doing everything in her power to keep her people safe and well.
she even gave up and surrendered everything, taking huge risks to ensure the safety of her people, and while it backfired her intent was so good and pure. she’s come so incredibly far from when she was in death watch, she’s living with kindness instead of hate, and i think that’s everything satine would have wanted for her.
i see people say that satine would blame bo-katan for what became of mandalore but i couldn’t disagree more. satine knew how hard ruling mandalore was. she’d never hold it against bo now, especially with everything bo did to save it, and with everything she’s doing now to get it back.
satine would be so incredibly proud of her and i won’t hear any different.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 3 months
I now have all the tools to make my own DVDs and I'm pacing around trying to figure out what to actually put on them because I want to make them !!!!! I want to learn them !!!! But I don't wanna waste the blank discs !!!!!! I don't actually have many files of things to put on them you know !!!!!
I will probably make a DVD of my favorite mechs liveshows.... WAUFFIDJD I'm fixating on adding a new Skill to my arsenal of Things I NEED TO MAKE MECHS DVD !!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
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