#the power of BEEs have brought them together
cosmerelists · 9 months
Favorite Musicals of Each Order of the Knights Radiant
We’ve already considered their favorite boardgames. But what about when it’s time to go to a musical? Which musical is preferred by each order?
1. Skybreakers: Les Misérables
They think Javert is the protagonist.
Szeth: Is it not strange that the musical continues for so long after the death of the protagonist?
Nale: Ah, but it is only thus that we see the real tragedy.
Nale: As all of the lawbreakers go on living, without punishment, due the the lawman not being willing to fulfill his duty.
Joret: It’s so horrifying.
Cali: Yes, hence the title.
2. Bondsmiths: West Side Story
It’s about two warring gangs being brought together.
Dalinar: Although it is sad, it is nice that it ends with all of the previously estranged people bonding over their loss.
Navani: And it really is through music that two warring sides can be brought together--perhaps even feel love for each other.
Dalinar: Yes. 
Dalinar: Wait, what? 
3. Edgedancers: Little Shop of Horrors
Or at least, it’s Lift’s favorite.
Lift: I dunno why Wyndle doesn’t like it--it’s about a plant!
Lift: A hungry plant too, so it has something in common with both of us!
Wyndle: I--
Wyndle: Never--
Wyndle: That--
Lift: It’s kinda in the title, dude.
4. Stonewards: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
They were surprised at how invested they got.
Badali: It may not be warfare, yet the efforts of these children are so inspiring.
Zu: They truly do fight until there is only one standing.
5. Elsecallers: A Little Night Music
Jasnah just thinks it’s neat.
Jasnah: I have to respect the effort of composing each song in 3/4 time.
6. Lightweavers: Phantom of the Opera
It’s about art, tortured souls, disguises...
Gaz: I gotta feel bad for the Phantom.
Shallan: What, because his love for Christine is doomed?
Vathah: Because it would suck to live in a sewer?
Gaz: Well sure.
Gaz: But also that one-sided mask.
Gaz: He must always feel like there’s something there in the darkness, something just out of his sight.
Shallan: ...
Vathah: ...
Gaz: N-Not that I would know anything about that, ha ha!
7. Truthwatchers: Lion King
They went for the costumes and ended up being  blown away by the story.
Rlain: If Simba had just told the truth about his father’s death, all of that could have been avoided.
Stump: Yeah, well, kids are pretty stupid sometimes.
Renarin: Although by running away, Simba did get to be raised by two awesome gay dads, so that’s nice!
Stump: ...
Renarin: What?
8. Willshapers: Scarlet Pimpernel
It’s about rescuing innocent (?) aristocrats from being imprisoned and guillotined!  
Eshonai: It is truly inspiring to see a group of humans working so hard to free other humans before their unjustified deaths.
Venli: That Madame Guillotine song is really catchy though.
Eshonai: Yeah, you almost can almost understand the killing there.
9. Dustbringers: Wicked
They appreciate the overall message.
Malata: Yeah, there really are two sides to every story!
Ral-na: And just because a power is popularly deemed destructive, that does not mean it is so.
10. Windrunners: Also Wicked
Although their reasoning is...different.
Bridge Four, in their barracks: SO IF YOU CARE TO FIND ME / LOOK TO THE WESTERN SKY
Kaladin (wiping away a tear): It’s just such a good song.
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mimisempai · 5 months
Home is not a place
Walking home, looking around, Aziraphale recalls moments from his past and, above all, realizes that home isn't where you are, but who's there.
I just love the feeling of being home
On Ao3
Rating G -  1080 words
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Aziraphale would never tire of this sight. 
On his way back from some errands, the sight of "A.Z. Fell And Co." had a way of soothing him. It was the sight that told him, "Welcome home."
But not because it was his bookshop.
The sense of belonging that made him think he was home came not from the place, but from the person who was there.
Just knowing that Crowley was there had that kind of power.
Though he hadn't been away long, Aziraphale felt like the sailors who sailed into the storm and saw the light of the lighthouse pointing them to safe harbor. 
No matter how chaotic the outside world was, when the angel saw this, he knew that once the door was closed, once he would be with his demon, the chaos would fade away to make way for the warmth of their home.
His gaze fell on the Dirty Donkey, and inevitably he thought back to the elevator door to their former sides, from which no one had come for several months.
His throat tightened at the thought of how close he'd come to following Metatron there and leaving everything here.
"Anything you need to take with you?"
Metatron's question, which had made him realize that he couldn't leave, echoed in his mind.
He couldn't leave all the things and places that reminded him of Crowley and their history together. He had realized in that moment that it would be like amputating a part of himself. 
Even today, the mere thought of it made him shudder with dread.
Instinctively, he turned his head toward the bookshop, and the sight of Muriel and Crowley chatting instantly brought him peace.
Yes, that was their life today.
There had been so many misunderstandings and unspoken words between him and Crowley.  They were still learning to speak and act openly with each other, and their team of two had been joined by others. Muriel, Nina, Maggie, Mrs. Sandwhich, Justine and even the annoying Mr. Brown. 
He was now only a few feet from the bookshop.
As Crowley escorted Muriel to the door of the bookstore, Aziraphale thought back to their first encounter with the angel.
What a change.
He watched in amusement as Crowley pulled Muriel's woolly hat over their head and couldn't help but smile fondly, knowing that under the guise of teasing the angel, the demon was just making sure they were well covered for the winter cold.
His nice demon pretending not to be nice.
But Crowley could no longer pretend with Aziraphale, not when right now, unaware he was being watched, he was following Muriel with his eyes, an affectionate expression on his face.
"He's quite fond of our little bee, isn't he?"
Aziraphale gasped slightly, lost in his thoughts he hadn't seen Nina leave the coffee-shop and come closer. 
He just nodded and Nina added, "He still thinks no one can see through his game when he's just a piece of marshmallow once he interacts with Muriel."
Aziraphale chuckled before replying, "For your sake, I will not repeat your words to him."
Nina smirked before saying, "Like he'd do anything to me.  Mr. Grumpy, right? He is grumpy in name only now. Anyway, I have to go home, have a good night."
Nina didn't wait for an answer and went on her way, obviously to Maggie.
The coffee-shop owner was right, and it warmed Aziraphale's heart that other people could see beneath Crowley's mocking demeanor and see what a good person he was.
And good he was.
Aziraphale had lost count of how many times he'd been the recipient of the demon's kindness.
"Oh, the books. Oh. I forgot all the books. Oh, they'll all be blown to..."
Aziraphale hadn't even finished his sentence when the demon handed him his satchel of books and said quietly, "Little demonic miracle of my own."
As if the miracle of saving him wasn't enough.
"Lift home?"
Aziraphale watched in amazement as the demon walked past him to the Bentley.
That day he had known, or rather he had stopped lying to himself.
He was hopelessly and irrevocably in love with Crowley.
Even if nothing had happened between them then, the dynamics of their relationship had changed and planted the roots of their current one.
They had both reaffirmed the fragile mutual trust that had germinated millennia ago.
Aziraphale had found in Crowley a listening and understanding ear, and had been able to express his fears and doubts. Crowley had accepted and validated all. He had found in Crowley a partner who complemented him, who allowed him to be himself, far from the expectations of heaven, which had long ago made it clear to him that he would never measure up.
Crowley had helped him rebuild what heaven had fractured inside him.
What a journey...
Watching Crowley greet Justine from a distance, smile, and return to the bookshop, Aziraphale couldn't help but feel the love he had for him all the more. 
Crowley had his back to him and was about to turn to close the door when Aziraphale hurriedly took the last few steps between him and the demon and, placing a hand on his shoulder, said softly, "Good evening, my dear."
The ange3 closed the door behind him as the demon turned and said, "Angel, are you here already? I thought you'd be a little longer. Not that I'm complaining, but..."
The demon couldn't finish his sentence because Aziraphale had cupped his face with his hands and pulled it down to his own, planting a tender kiss on his lips before saying softly, "Thank you."
"Thank you for what?" the demon asked, a little confused.
"For being here. For having stayed."
Aziraphale let one of his hands linger on the demon's cheek and added, "On the way home, I looked around at the street, the people, the bookshop, you inside, and I remembered a lot of things, good and bad, and most of all I realized that it's not the walls of this place that make it my home, but the fact that you're in it."
Crowley took Aziraphale's hand on his cheek and brought it to his lips before saying softly, "It's not because I'm there, Angel. It is because we are there."
"We," the angel repeated, his voice tight with emotion, then he added, smiling softly, "I'm glad to be home."
Crowley, with the same smile on his lips, replied just as gently, "Welcome home, Angel.”
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : (After season 2) 
Part 1 Story 1-99
Part 2 Story 100-?
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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How would you have handled the other miraculous holders?
I would have massively cut them down. The season two lineup was fantastic, though you could get away with two or three more. Eight really is about the max you can hit for a team before you start bloating the characters assuming that you're only dealing with one central group. If you're dealing with lots of side teams, then things get more complex.
There's a concept in writing called "Kill your darlings," which I'm only mentioning so that you have something to Google if you want to know more than what I'm about to tell you. The basic idea is this: to tell a good story, you need to be willing to cut things you like if they're detracting from your overall story.
As a personal example, I really like Juleka and Rose. I think they're cute and I like putting them together as a couple. But narratively speaking? They don't matter. You could cut them from the story and nothing would change because they're just casual friends to Marinette and Marinette really doesn't need more close friends for the stories I want to tell. Add in the fact that Purple Tigress and Pigella have awkward power sets that aren't all that interesting and, yeah, my love for these two does not override the fact that they have no place in the stories I want to tell. So I find ways to mention Juleka and Rose from time to time and I use them in a scene when I can, but most of the time? They're not in my stories because the goal of my stories is usually love square shenanigans and not showing off a cute healthy sapphic couple.
Similarly, the goal of Miraculous is the tales of Ladynette and Chatdrien, so the focus needs to be on them and these extra characters are really not needed. A fact that's super clear because of how underdeveloped the side heroes are. Most of them get a single recruitment episode and that's it. There's no build up to establish them as solid heroes, leading to them eventually being chosen. It's all shoehorned into 20 minutes and then largely ignored after that. I mean, Nino has been Carapace since season 2 and he's in a mere handful of episodes, none of which are all important character moments outside of his initial debut. The only temp heroes with anything interesting going on are Viperion, Queen Bee, and Rena Rouge/Furtive.
If I HAD to include the other holders? Then I would have massively cut back the love square content and come up with ways to power up the butterfly so that the extra heroes felt necessary. I might have even brought in additional forces of evil to battle. I also would have given the various team member clearer roles and given them their miraculous full time because you really do need to make massive changes for the team setup to work.
Team shows are wildly different from dynamic duo setups. Compare Kim Possible to Teen Titans and think about how different the focus is. Kim Possible has two very clear main characters while the supporting cast takes back seats. Teen Titans doesn't have a clear main character. All five Titans are given a chance to shine as the main character shifts from episode to episode and even season to season with each Titan getting a chance to be the center of an ongoing plot. If you want to have a team while keeping Chat Noir and Ladybug at the center of the story, then you need to build that team around them which you really can't do if you have a massive team of 18. A smaller team, though? You can make that work. For example, I still think Chloe's recruitment should have been a chance to give Adrien a character arc around boundaries and trust because it's really hard to jump into parent/child conflicts. Starting with a best friend one with the same vibe is a much easier path.
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"Angel. You feel like… like it's my birthday."
STOP WHAT IF the reader just starts to like, bake her own cake for him everytime on his birthday and the cake would be covered in edible flowers , his favorite flowers, maybe celebrate his little birthday somewhere secluded and they share little kisses after like omgondidbg (and omgonssk little flowers on his hood)
And why do i feel like his favorite color was red, black, anything that reminds him of violence and any color that is a resemblance of his childhood ,because fighting is the only thing that could distract him from his own mental problems and violent fantasies, and after he met her, his favorite colors changed into ones that remind her (and himself) the most, white symbolizes her innocence and the vast difference of how they both perceive the world, and green symbolizes moving on from some things? He may not move on from his violent tendencies, but maybe he doesn't always need to hold on those painful memories alone, maybe he doesn't need to come back to his room alone with his own sick and twisted world, maybe he can share some of it with her.
maybe thats why kö had a slight dislike of her wearing a black dress :p
Gahh what a message! You know I love you, right??
This birthday idea is so so sweet 😭💞 I know these two cuckoos would have the sweetest moments together. Can totally see them having a birthday picnic under the spring/summer trees (for some reason I'm convinced König's birthday is in May–June. Probably June, yandere König is a Leo sun & Scorpio rising I just know it lmao)
But look, now that you brought up colors I just have to start rambling again... (I'm sorry I'm a rambler)
I was supposed to share this in an author's note but never did so I'll share it now: the dresses symbolize the reader's mindset and reflect her stages of initiation. So:
Yellow = joy, optimism, curiosity, sunshine
Multi/flowers = femininity, fertility, sexual awakening, birds and bees, seduction
White = innocence, purity, hope, coldness, emptiness
Black = otherworld, power, darkness, grief, rebellion
Red = blood: the color of life, death, aggression and (re)birth. ("Birth is through blood")
And yes, König craves the innocence, purity, the angelic aura of the reader. She's like a drug to him when she's outside, dressed in those summery sweet colors, catching some air and watching the sun & the clouds (all the while he walks "underground", in darkness and in filth, watches the world through a black hood).
She reminds him of memories he doesn't even have (if that makes sense). She also reminds him of a certain memory he does have & which is filled with peace and light: the day he enlisted and celebrated by having a few beers. Apple trees were in full bloom and he was so at peace because he was in control now: he was in charge. He could finally leave his childhood home mainly filled with memories of abuse (I'm guessing not only his abuse but his mother's as well).
The evening was filled with the soft light of an early sunset and he thought those cute white blossoms were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. It was a brief experience of what paradise might look and feel like before the army and fighting and war became his second home. But as you said about the colors red & black: he likes them, they're what he's good at, but it's not very cheerful or soothing!
When he first saw the reader she instantly reminded him of those cute apple blossoms and the paradise he never really got to taste. And even if his angel "fell" in the end, König adores both sides of her (the "blood-red woman" and the "apple blossom girl"). After all, there's two sides to him as well: the lonely boy who wants to protect the innocent... and the vengeful, grown man who wants to drown the world in blood and bury himself inside a woman to get at least some comfort.
And listen, I'm so glad you noticed the "dislike for the black dress" moment... Because it's there for a reason! König absolutely does not want her descending to the blackness he knows so well. His Engel might look good in red, but she doesn't belong in the ultimate darkness. It's kind of bittersweet how König wants to save her from that by taking the blame for her crime in the end (because he already knows he can bear the dark).
I don't know if this sounds gibberish but I just love to add symbols and metaphors in my stories... and I'm so happy you noticed there's a thing with colors going on 💋
& König needs that birthday cake, he needs those flowers and he needs to see her angel in a white dress and they both need to stop fucking around and go touch the grass 🤍💗
"maybe he doesn't need to always hold on those painful memories alone, maybe he doesn't need to come back to his room alone with his own sick and twisted world, maybe he can share some of it with her" -> look, I'm crying... 😭😭😭
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casdeans-pie · 10 months
Part 4 of Flustered Castiel Accidentally Explodes Lightbulbs And Causes Power Outages Especially When Dean's Fingers Are In His Hair
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3.
Happy birthday to me! This is my birthday gift to myself so it's deliciously self indulgent for the final part. I honestly could have just kept going with this forever, I adore flustered!Cas and his angel powers lmao
This part got so big I couldn't put the whole chapter in the tumblr post sorry!
Taglist: @dreampencil , @mymisfitsbabe , @fivefeetfangirl , @kerryweaverlesbian , @give-bucky-his-boyfriend-back , @mooshroomister , @castielsbloodynose , @the-great-pumpkin-67 , @casavanse , @homoangel - thanks all for your interest, hope you like the conclusion!!
-----Read on AO3-----
If stubbornness was a sin, Dean knew he would be going straight to hell when he died. Again.
There were a million reasons that Dean could think of for why Cas had distanced himself (that buzzed around his brain like insistent bees whenever he lay down to sleep at night) but if they didn’t talk about them then none of them were real. The ache in his chest at Cas’s absence, familiar from when he used to leave them for stretches at a time, felt like it dug in deeper and deeper with every passing day – but he still just couldn’t bring himself to talk to him about it.
The biggest surprise became the slow realisation that the saying ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ wasn’t just some made up cliché bullshit that people said to each other, because seeing Cas, even briefly before he scurried away, made Dean’s heart sing like a lovesick teenage girl.
Sam only suffered through so much before he started using his Sad-Sam-Eyes whenever he saw them both, hoping they would finally sort out whatever was going on between them, but he didn’t mention it otherwise. Somehow that made it even worse. If Sam told them to talk to each other, at least that could have been a good excuse. But no.
Dean had to do something on his own.
He had to.
He’d started all of this by being a jerk about Cas’s powers, so it was time to dip into that Dean Winchester Courage, have a real conversation about all of this, and face losing his best friend – the Angel that he loved – head on.
Then they finally had a hunt together. Alone.
Dean’s bloody machete hung in a loose grip by his side as he kicked the toe of his boot at the decapitated body on the ground beside him. The head lay nearby.
“Think we finally got ‘em all,” Dean said with a grin. His clothes were covered in splashes of blood, and he could feel some drying on his cheek that he was itching to scratch off with his nail. “I love a good vamp nest clear-out, but if I’d have known there were gonna be this many, I would’ve brought Sam as extra back-up.” Dean didn’t want to mention that the reason he’d told Sam to stay behind in the first place was because he’d finally stopped being chickenshit scared about sorting this thing out with Cas. “Not that we didn’t handle it.” He gestured towards the headless bodies scattered around them with his machete.
Cas didn’t reply. He’d been quiet in the ride over and had kept his distance for the whole fight.
Okay. Time’s up. Time to do this. Dean took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes. “Cas, listen-”
“Dean!” Cas yelled, slamming into him just as the sound of a gunshot exploded nearby.
Dean went hurtling down as another gunshot rang out. He landed heavily – the floor winded him and disorientated him enough that he couldn’t get straight back up, and he shook his head rapidly to try to clear it.
There were sounds of Cas wrestling with the vampire nearby. Dean watched dazedly as the vampire snarled and bared his fangs as he threw a punch at Cas’s nose, and his fist connected with a thud. But that gave Cas the opportunity to wrench the gun out of the vampire’s weakened grasp, and he tossed it aside, making it skitter harmlessly across the floor into a dark corner of the warehouse.
Red bloomed through the top of Cas’s trench coat on his left shoulder.
“Cas!” Dean warned, finally scrambling to his feet just as the vampire grabbed Cas and threw him down with a hiss onto the dusty, blood-spattered floor.
The vampire loomed over him with an open mouth full of needle-sharp teeth just as Cas sat up with a grunt and threw up his hand with his palm out. Dean recognised the gesture, and he immediately braced himself for the blinding light of Cas’s angelic smitey powers, but only a faint sputtering glow emerged from his hand.
After a moment, where Cas stared at his hand in confusion, the vampire hissed and lunged.
He never got any further.
Dean’s machete swung in a clean shining arc through the vampire’s neck, and he collapsed in a heap like a puppet with cut strings. The spray of blood caught Cas, smattering his face and hair with even more crimson alongside what currently trickled out of his nose and soaked his shoulder.
Dean groaned in relief and threw the machete to the concrete floor with a clang. “Definitely the last one,” he declared with a deep breath. “Damn that got close for a second there. Come on, up you get.” Dean offered out a hand to help Cas, but he pushed himself up with a groan instead, pointedly not looking at the hand as if he hadn’t noticed it.
Dean tried to shrug it off again, just like he had all the other times that Cas refused to touch him recently, but he could feel the hurt burning in his throat and behind his eyes. He clenched his fist so tightly it almost hurt as he returned it to his side.
“You okay?” Dean asked instead with a frown, thinking of the gunshots, and noticing the blood stain on Cas’s shoulder increasing in size.
“Yes. The first bullet got me, but the second bullet missed. I think it went clean through. Didn’t hit anything vital.” Cas touched his shoulder and winced, then observed Dean – his blue eyes raking him up and down from head to foot. “What about you? Are you hurt?”
Dean shook his head, the mixture of hurt and concern and happiness at the closest attention he’d got from Cas in weeks making his words come out harsher than he intended when he snapped, “Nope. My bullet-proof friend pushed me out of the way, and then revealed that he’s not so bullet-proof today.”
Cas smiled ruefully. “Ah. Yes. Looks that way.” He dusted his trench coat off as best he could and lifted an arm to wipe his sleeve across his nose – though he only succeeded in smearing the dust and blood around. He closed his eyes and rubbed again.
Dean pushed down his confusing cocktail of emotions, like he always did, and forced on a smile. “You’re just making it worse, buddy. Why’s killing vamps always such a bloody job?” He reached over without thinking, while Cas was still rubbing at his nose. “Nose doesn’t look broken at least, but your shoulder’s probably gonna need stitches while you’re low on power like this.”
Dean’s fingers had barely even grazed the fabric on Cas’s shoulder before Cas flinched back violently.
The lights in the warehouse groaned and buzzed as they flickered and dimmed, and then just as quickly returned to normal.
Cas’s eyes were wide as he took another step back.
Dean felt all his confusion sharpen into a frustrated stab of white-hot anger. He gestured violently at the ceiling. “Okay. Y’know what. That’s it. Let’s talk. What the hell is going on with you, Cas? Why have you been avoiding me? What’s the deal with the lights?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Nothing you need to know about.”
“Nothing I- are you even hearing yourself right now? You’re really gonna admit to keeping secrets again after everything we’ve been through? And- hey, what’s up with your face? What are you doing?”
Cas had screwed his eyes together so tight that it pinched his whole expression. “Concentrating.”
“On what? This conversation that you’re trying not to be in?”
“On using my Grace to heal my shoulder and clean all of this off, but it’s not…” Cas gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. They glowed faintly. “It’s not working.”
Dean took a deep breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Shit, Cas. You know you’re low on power right now, you really want to use up what little juice you got left before you get chance to recharge? The motel’s only twenty minutes away.” He scowled. “You can even sit in the back. Far away from me, like you want.”
Dean didn’t wait for a response, he turned, reached down for his abandoned machete, and stalked back to Baby.
By the time Cas finally got into the car – in the back – Dean had already texted Sam to tell him that the nest had been cleared out and they would be spending the night at the motel.
They’d be back at the bunker tomorrow, and then Cas could keep avoiding him like before. Or maybe he’d finally just admit that he wanted to leave… and he’d go. The thought made Dean clench the steering wheel with a grip that made his knuckles white.
He couldn’t imagine his life without Cas in it.
The ride to the motel was tense and silent except for Baby’s engine that Dean pushed harder than he should. (The twenty-minute ride only took them ten. Cas didn’t comment on it.)
As soon as they were through the door Dean toed off his shoes, flicked on all the lights, and went to wash his hands in the bathroom. He didn’t look back to see what Cas was doing. It was none of his business. If he didn’t want to talk about it, then what did he care. (He tried to tell himself, even as the ache in his chest pounded and felt cavernous.)
Dean splashed some water on his face and gripped the sides of the grubby sink. Water plinked pink from his chin into the chipped basin, as the vampire blood washed away down the plughole.
After a deep breath Dean grabbed a towel and rubbed it over his face, careful not to inhale at the same time – he’d learned a long time ago that it was best not to know what motel towels smelt like – and reached for the first aid kit he always left in the bathroom when they went on hunts.
Sufficiently calmed down, and feeling less like his heart was caught in the vice grip of a homicidal ghost, Dean turned and emerged back into the main room. He froze mid-step at what he saw: Cas had his head in his hands, perched on the edge of his bed, while the blood stains from his bullet wound were soaking through his coat down his arm. He hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees, and there seemed to be a particularly troubled tenseness to the set of his shoulders. Even more than usual. Despite their strained relationship recently, it cut Dean deeply to see him like that – so clearly suffering and so human.
Dean sat heavily onto his own bed opposite Cas. The old springs creaked loudly and protested at the sudden weight. “Alright. Coat off.”
Cas startled and snapped his head up. The lamp beside his bed flickered weakly. “What?”
Dean’s usual enthusiasm for the phenomenon of the flickering lights wasn’t his priority this time, and he pushed his curiosity aside. “Stitches,” Dean said simply, brandishing the first aid kit.
“I don’t need them,” Cas grumbled, looking away. “Once my Grace has recharged enough it will heal on its own.”
“Oh okay, so you’re just going to wait and see if your mojo recharges faster than you bleed? And you’re, what, expecting me to just sit here while we find out? Because I am not okay with that.”
“Cas. Just let me put some damn stitches in your damn shoulder.”
“No.” The muscles in Cas’s jawline clenched.
Dean scowled as he ran a hand through his hair. It was sticky and matted with drying blood, but that was nothing new. “Let me put it this way. You either take off your coat and shirt willingly, or I will tackle you to that bed and remove them myself” – the lamp flickered again – “so help me God, don’t think that I won’t. Your choice.” Dean had his eyes locked on Cas’s narrowed ones. “I will not let you suffer when I can do something about it. Yeah, you might heal it up yourself in an hour or two, but I’m not going to sit here watching you bleeding and in pain, when I can help. Don’t ask me to.”
“Dean… This is just… It’s a bad idea.”
“A bad idea? To stop you from bleeding out? C’mon man, you’re always healing me up after hunts, let me repay the favor for once. Besides, you took the shot meant for me – it should be me sitting there with the bullet hole.”
Cas went suddenly pale, and his eyebrows drew together in a serious line. “If it were, I would use up whatever Grace I had left to heal you.”
Dean blinked in surprise.
Huh. But Cas had been avoiding him so much lately... He’d assumed he didn’t care anymore. “Uh,” Dean faltered, “no, that wouldn’t be okay either. I wouldn’t want that. But maybe I should teach you some basic first aid now that your mojo gets patchy sometimes.” He shook his head. That would require them to be in the same room for more than five minutes. Stupid suggestion. “Look, if you’d want to heal me that badly if we were swapped over here, that’s what I want to do to you right now, get it?”
“I um. I think so.” The line between Cas’s eyebrows grew deeper. “It’s fine now anyway. It barely hurts,” he lied, gripping his shoulder tightly.
“Sure. Okay, Black Knight.”
Cas squinted.
“The Black Knight – ‘‘tis but a flesh wound’? Guess you didn’t get Monty Python in the pop-culture upload. We’ll add it to the list we-” But Dean remembered that they didn’t watch movies together anymore. “Doesn’t matter. Just take your damn coat off, you stubborn son of a bitch.”
That finally cracked a smile onto Cas’s pale face. His lips twitched and the corners of his eyes crinkled endearingly.
Dean felt a strong flare of affection at seeing Cas’s smile, after seeing him looking so defeated before, that it immediately softened all of Dean’s concern-masked-as-irritation and he found himself smiling back. He’d missed this. So damn much.
“I’ll patch you up,” Dean said gently, “then you get dibs on the first shower, since you’re the one covered in the most blood. Winchester tradition.”
“I don’t need-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you can just magic your mess away when your power’s back on, but you’re really just gonna sit here like that until then?”
Cas looked down at himself. “You have a point.”
“Always do. Looks like you’ll just have to enjoy shitty motel water pressure like the rest of us.” Dean wiggled his eyebrows. “And going first means you get the hottest water.”
“Thank you, Dean,” Cas said.
“Then we can both go to sleep so you can recharge your batteries. You can sleep when you’re like this, right? But stitches first. After that there’ll be no touching involved,” Dean added, before he could stop himself. As much as he enjoyed talking to Cas again, it only served as a depressing reminder that they weren’t like this anymore. He gave a sad, weak little laugh, and even he could hear the pain in his voice when he said, “Y’don’t even have to look at me.”
Cas immediately slid off his bed with a rustle, and he was on his knees in front of Dean in the time it took for him to open his mouth to ask what was happening. His eyes shined wetly in the dingy motel room lighting as he gazed up intensely – vulnerable and raw – into Dean’s eyes. “Dean, no. This wasn’t supposed to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you,” Cas said in a voice thick with emotion. “Doing this – distancing myself… It was supposed to make things better, but it… only made everything worse. I hate being apart from you. I hate it. This wasn’t- it’s not- it’s not your fault.” He spoke haltingly, like he was struggling. “It’s my fault. I’m sorry. I- I don’t know how to explain-”
They were closer than they had been in weeks, and yet Dean could still feel the distance. His heart sunk. “This is starting to feel a whole lot like the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech, man.”
Cas scrunched his face up, and Dean knew he was trying to think of a way to say what he meant. He wondered if Angels weren’t very big talkers in their true forms. It was reminiscent of when they first met, and how Cas used to struggle with sarcasm and slang.
Cas already told him once that he’d only started to feel real, strong emotions (Dean called them his Real Boy Feelings) since rescuing him from Hell, so it made sense that he still struggled sometimes. And anyway, Dean had been human his whole life and it wasn’t like he was much better at the whole sharing your feelings crap.
Cas finally looked up through his lashes at him – his expression wary. “Hold out your hand, Dean.”
“Hold out your hand, please. I can show you what’s been going on.”
---- Read the rest on AO3 ----
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late-night-talking · 2 years
Loving You’s the Real Thing
Part 1
a/n: this is set in an a/b/o verse, if you don’t like that kind of thing, no worries, just scroll on! as for the people who do read, I love wolfrry and a/b/o verse so I’m pretty excited for this (mini?) series. if you have any questions about what’s going on or the logistics of a/b/o, don’t hesitate to message and ask! hope you all enjoy and I would love any feedback.
word count: 3k
warnings: a/b/o dynamics
summary: Harry is next in line to be Alpha, ready to let his mother relax after having to take on the responsibilities of the pack following the death of her husband, his step father, but one thing is holding him back. He has yet to find his Luna.
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She had felt off for a few weeks. In and out of daydreaming, which was not like her. She kept thinking about her mate. Where they were, what they were doing, and most importantly, when they would find her. She would experience flashes of them when she closed her eyes, their hands or eyes, and brief whiffs of what she could only call, home, mate. It was driving her mad, mentally and physically.
She thinks it’s just her heat, showing it’s ugly head in warning, but none of her previous heats manifested in such a way. Not that she had many ‘adult’ heats, maybe six after turning 18, when heats started to get more sexual and less… school-girl.
When presenting, Alphas and Omegas would go though less intense ruts and heats that didn’t require or demand a sexual partner, until they turned 18. It was just the way of bodies forming into their secondary gender, and also getting the individual ready for the real thing, when it was near impossible to get through it without another. It was also meant to give time to find your mate, but these days, it was rare to find your mate within your pack. Which left you with finding them in the wild, like people do.
Y/N was trying to focus on her healing class, practicing harnessing her care-taking Omega traits into a stream of healing energy. Only a select few had the capabilities, and it wasn’t without training and hard work.
The alpha below her, if she could call him that, had went off and stupidly sought out a fight in unclaimed territory. An obviously much more powerful Alpha had put him in his place. Unclaimed territory was meant for rogue wolves, outcasted from their packs, not drunk wolves looking for a fight. The territory was policed by the surrounding pack territories, on a rotating schedule, by what Y/N gathered.
As she was removing his make-shift bandages, just his shirt tied tightly around his midsection, an aroma suddenly smacked her in the face, pulling her from her supposed concentration. The luscious smell was definitely not coming from the wolf below her, she had smelled him as soon as he was brought into the infirmary, but almost from his… wounds?
The smell was somewhat familiar, the scent that had been coming to her in her daydreaming, but ten times stronger. She had to excuse herself and immediately find out which pack had been on post last night.
“Hey, Sarah?” Y/N called over to her classmate and friend. “Do you mind taking over? I’m not feeling that well.”
“‘Course not!” Sarah replies with a smile. They had grown up together as best friends. She had already found her mate, Mitch, which of course Y/N was a bit jealous of. “Let me know if you need anything, hope you start to feel better!”
All Y/N could do was give her a meek smile, and scurry out of the infirmary. Shoving the large wooden doors open, she’s met with the wonderful temperate of fall, wind blowing her hair around her face a bit.
All she can think of is finding the source of that wonderful smell. She makes a bee-line to the pack house, navigating the vast halls to the large room that essentially is like a town hall. It has all known records and histories of the surrounding territories, treaties, and most importantly to her, the schedule of the guards.
Y/N hustles to the front desk, where the historian sits. She’s a sweet lady, always willing to help how she can. The woman’s small spectacles sit atop her nose, close to the tip. Y/N waits as patiently as she can for the woman to stop reading and look up at her.
Soon enough, the grey-haired Beta looks up with a small smile, “What can I help you with dearie?”
“Uhm, I was wondering which pack was on guard last night. I work in the infirmary, and had an injured wolf, who went off looking for a fight. I just wanted to be able to check on the Alpha who put him in his place.” Y/N practically word-vomits out, trying to be somewhat inconspicuous.
“Oh, I’m sure they’re quite alright. And if not, they have their own healers at their pack.”, the woman reassuringly states. “But if you must know, the schedule that is agreed on is with the treaties. There should be a binder in that isle labeled as such. It’s looked over and agreed on with all the packs every year, so it should be accurate.” As the woman is talking, she points over to an area of the large library.
“Thanks! I appreciate it.” Y/N states as fast as she can, hurrying towards the isle clearly labeled treaties.
Before she can get too far away, at an increased volume, the woman states, “Hope you can find what you’re looking for!”
All Y/N can do is glance behind her to offer a small smile, but the woman is looking back at her, with a knowing look.
Once she finds the clearly labeled binder, flipping through the pages to get to the current months schedule. Her eyes scan the month quickly, finding who was on patrol last night. Her vivid globes widen a bit at the answer to her question.
The Starlight Pack. They were well known for being a pack full of beautiful creatures, even their Betas. Being one of the strongest packs in the surrounding states, Y/N knew a good bit about them. Their current leader was a single Luna. Her husband had tragically passed, however having no biological children of his own, his stepson was next in line.
Unfortunately for the reigning Luna, her son could not become Alpha until he found a suitable Luna. This was common practice across all packs. The Luna did not need to be the Alpha’s true mate, however that was of course, preferable.
Her mind wandered, thinking of who in the renowned pack could be her mate. Trying to piece them together, from what she gathered from her dreams, awake or asleep.
Catching herself in yet another daydream, Y/N realized she was wasting time. Her next hurdle might be her biggest on her quest to find her mate, getting to their pack.
The Starlight Pack was actually adjoining her pack, connecting in a northwest quadrant. However, the city center, if you could call them cities, are in the middle of their territories, surrounded by vast forests, giving distance between pack lines.
Packing a bag, throwing on a burgundy knit jumper, and leaving a, hopefully, reassuring note for her parents, knowing they wouldn’t let her leave on her own if they had been there instead of their positions. She also text Sarah, just giving her a heads up, not leaving time for her to talk Y/N out of it.Going to the pack garage, she spoke to the clerk there, signing out a car to ‘go into town for feminine products, for my Beta friend’ is all she had to say to avoid more questions from the Beta male.
The pack centers were roughly 40 miles away from each other, taking about an hour of driving to get there. The roads were almost completely empty, no one else being on them besides travelers or hikers. The leaves still hanging onto the trees were red-wine stained and honeyed hues, with some darker purples mixed in. The trees created an arch of sorts over the road, only letting in streaks of sunlight and blue sky.
With the sun falling below the horizon, Y/N pulled up to the gates of the Starlight Pack, her heart sinking into her stomach. She hadn’t quite thought of what she was going to say, it’s not like they were going to let some stranger in. Coming to a slow, she heard the rustle of fallen leaves being thrown behind the car.
She knew she was about to be questioned by a group of Alphas. Who else would be guarding their border? With a deep breath, she swings the car door open, throwing her legs out and stepping onto the ground, leaves crunching under her boots. As expected, two Alphas emerge from the wrought iron gate.
“How can we help you, lil omega? Did ya get lost on yer way home?” One of the men question. He’s not threatening in his tone, trying to be more helpful, rather than harmful, but his status enough is sufficient to make Y/N nervous.
With all her courage she can muster, she answers them in the strongest voice she can summon, “I came in search of my mate. I have reason to believe they’re here.”
Y/N tried hard not to word vomit the entire story, assuming these Alphas didn’t care why she believed such a thing. As the wind moved around them, her shiny hair was carried around her face, and she smelled them. Her mate. The wonderful scent of chamomile, musk, and sandalwood, even stronger than when she caught a whiff earlier in the day. If she could smell them, hopefully they could smell her and would come find her. It made Y/N’s brain fuzzy, and relaxed, not like she was standing in a strange place, with strange alphas who were not her mate.
The blonde one spoke again, “Wha’ makes ya think that, Omega? Maybe we can help?” The way he spoke was the same as last time, non-threatening. He actually seemed interested.
Moving her hands to her elbows, seeking some type of warmth, Y/N finds not having to search for the courage to answer this time, “I uh, was helping a wolf from my pack that was put in his place last night in the unclaimed territory. And, this is crazy, but I smelled it from his wounds. Who ever taught him a lesson is my mate. I did some research, your pack was on patrol last night. So, here I am.”
During what felt like a speech, the males look at each other with wide eyes. The brunette turns to speak, his mouth agape for a moment. However before he can say anything, a tall, lean figure is hurdling through the gates behind them, that wonderful scent following him. His eyes are wide, taking in as much as they can, searching. “Where is..”
Before he can finish, the men move aside, and their eyes land on each other. Y/N’s eyes are just as wide now, wind rustling around them, pushing his magnificent scent to her, and hers to him. She stands in awe as the man with umber colored, shoulder length hair, strides towards her quickly. Stopping inches from her chest, he’s a head length taller than her. Quipping her head up to him, her eyes meeting his glassy emerald eyes, their chests heaving, trying to pull each other’s scents in as much as possible.
He is the one to break the silence, “My omega? How’d ya find meh little one?”
Y/N’s heart stutters at her title coming from his lips and the sound of his scruff voice, “Doesn’t matter right now, my Alpha. My name is Y/N. I- I can’t believe I found you.” She’s about to burst, tears welling in her eyes.
The gorgeous man dips down closer to her face, canting to her ear, hand reaching up to push her smooth hair behind it, sparks darting when his fingers danced over her cheek, and just about purring,“‘M Harry, but yeh can call meh Alpha.”
• • • • •
His day started as all others, pulling himself from his lonely bed, wishing he could stay and go back to sleep. There, in his dreams, he was with his Omega. As much as he wanted to go searching for her, it wasn’t quite that desperate yet. His mother and him had decided if he hadn’t found his mate by 25, he could go searching for her. But only for six months, then he would have to settle for an omega that was good enough.
But no one would be good enough for him, besides her. She had only started coming to him in his dreams a few months ago. Before that, he could only think of what she looked or smelled like. When sleeping, he could see her, smell her, touch her. But her face was always fleeting his memory after the first few moments of being awake.
He felt bad he hadn’t completely relieved his mother of her duties. Neither an Alpha or a Luna were meant to rule alone, a perfect balance of each other. The exact reason he had yet to become Alpha, but he couldn’t settle on some omega he knew wasn’t his. Not yet, not until he had to. Though Harry saw the years practically multiplying on his mother since his step-father died. However the light had started coming back to her since she relieved more duties to Harry.
Getting ready for the day, he felt scattered and unfocused. Only one thing on his mind. Mate. He thought it could be his rut announcing itself, he hadn’t had one for maybe five months, when he had one every three usually. Unfortunately for him, he still had duties to attend to for the time being. He couldn’t lay in bed all day dreaming of silken hair and skin, getting himself off.
Leaving his chambers, drifting over to the meeting room, where his mother, himself, and their closest confidants met weekly. He wasn’t much interested in the conversation, as most of it was repeated information from last week. As it comes to a close, he has a feeling he can’t explain.
“Niall, Louis, can ya guys run perimeter guard fo’ the day? With the location of that brainless wolf from last night unknown, I want security tight, yeh? And I’ll take ya’s spot training for the day” The two men nod without question, Harry not even needing his Alpha voice, the men trusting him.
“Harry, I don’t think that wolf will come here, he probably whimpered home.” His mother tries to reason. Anne had been trying to let Harry have more power over the years. He practically ran the pack at this point and she was just a figurehead, but she gave her opinion when she felt he needed guidance.
He felt bad going against what his mother was thinking, but he had taken so much stress off her over the years, he wanted her to trust him. “I just have a feeling mum. Ya’ve put this much confidence in meh so far, yeh? This is un-disruptive and not puttin’ anyone in danger. Just for today.” Harry speaks with finality. Anne knows he’s right. No one will get hurt, and their only other assignment was helping with training possible future guards.
“Right, lads. Yeh know where ta find meh in tha trainin’ grounds, watching’ over those pups.” Harry says, after a moment of silence and acceptance of his previous statement, with a smirk. If those young alphas knew he was referring to them as pups, they would loose their ever-loving mind, and the thought of them wanting to even attempt to grapple with him.
The day was monotonous, besides a few interesting scrimmages between the young wolves learning to fight before him. He wasn’t usually in the training field, so he knew the pups in front of him were trying to show off. The training field was at the corner of the large clearing that contained their pack house, which looked small from the vantage point he had at the moment. With expansive woods behind them, and the tall log fencing on the side, they were close to the entry road. Given, it was a good few thousand feet away, he could still see Niall and Louis open the gate and step out.
That was enough to intrigue him, but not enough for him to wander over. The wind graced his face, as it had numerous times today. Harry closed his eyes, enjoying the moment with the sound of the leaves rustling behind him. Until he was absolutely smacked in the face with the most luscious smell. So much stronger than in his dreams. His only thought was mate.
Without so much as a comment to the other men helping train, he took off sprinting, almost as fast as his wolf would be, his feet taking him closer to what he hoped to be his Omega. Sliding around the corner, out of the gate, all he could see was the backs of his men, but the delicious smell as strong as ever.
He begun to speak, but before barely getting any words out, the men moved aside. Set in front of him was the most beautiful being he had ever laid eyes on. Her opulent hair falling over her shoulders, her crimson jumper contrasting her skin beautifully, and a perfect pout on her full lips. Eyes shining like they were full of stars for him.
He doesn’t remember making the decision to stride up to her, barely a book thickness way from her voluptuous chest. His Omega pitches her head up to him. Harry breaks the silence that seems to go on forever, but was only a few seconds. “My omega? How’d ya find meh little one?”
A beat later, the sweetest sound he’s ever heard, her voice, almost at a whisper, “Doesn’t matter right now, my Alpha. My name is Y/N. I- I can’t believe I found you.”
He keens at the sound of his title coming off her tongue, it never sounded so perfect before. Harry can’t help but lean closer, her scent becoming strong and heavy, and he surely can’t stop himself from lightly running his fingers over her cheek, electricity shooting between them at the softest of touch, and brushing her hair behind her ear with a rumble of, “‘M Harry, but yeh can call meh Alpha.”
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i-like-anything-water · 10 months
chlonette secret admirer au where pollen leaves her gifts to Marinette because
1.) she can't run fast enough so she'd get caught since for some reason Marinette is both clumsy but athletic af
2.) Pollen can go undetected by technology and people in general
3.) She's trying to be better so she won't abuse her powers as Queen Bee and Pollen offered so technically...
Pollen looks at her holder who's pacing in a circle along the carpeted floor. A bouquet of flowers they handpicked this morning lay on the table along with a box of cupcakes Chloe had made (she lent the materials and ingredients needed because she can't bake to save her life) with Alya's mother and a scented card with her message. It was the common apology gift that humans have had since she was brought to this world yet she finds it cute everytime.
"She's going to think someone broke into her house and left some random objects! Oh god, what if she thinks she has a stalker and feels scared instead?!" Pollen couldn't help but buzz in amusement. She was pretty sure her holder's subject of affections wasn't easily deterred by a stalker. Plus, it wasn't stalking! It was just... mysteriously dropping gifts to a person's room. Huh, she really needs to read more regarding this generation's rules on courtship.
"I don't think that will be the case, My Queen," she's sure Tikki would see her anyway. And she's sure Tikki wouldn't snitch on them, yet. "I can safely deposit the gifts without drawing suspicion or ill-will! However, if you feel as if we are taking a step too far forward, I can leave it in her doorstep instead." While she wanted to help her chosen very much regarding her feelings for the ladybug holder, she valued her comfort and decisions above it.
It will take time, and she's frankly not sure if the feelings would be reciprocated. Granted, the previous ladybug and bee holders did end up eventually and happily but she didn't want to bet her holder's love on simply luck. Still, it was worth taking a risk and she's always excited whenever it's a ladybug holder that's gotten her holder's attention.
"I don't know..." Chloe still looked unsure, her eyes darting to the gifts on the table and back to the floating Kwami. "I'm Chloe Bourgeois and I'm panicking, which is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"
Pollen simply looked at her.
Chloe sighed, her shoulders sagging, "but I'm also Chloe Bourgeois and Queen Bee. I'm changing and... Marinette is a good person. If she ever finds out, I at least know she won't make fun of me for it. But god I'd rather wear the same outfit twice than have her find out!"
Pollen smiled as she flew close to the blabbering blonde and laid a paw on her cheek, "We shall find out together, My Queen."
That seemed to ease the hero's nerves, her nervous expression replaced with a confident grin and determination. "Thanks, Pollen. We should get going now. I wouldn't want to miss seeing her!"
"Thank you, Pollen," she smiled warmly at the Kwami, the sun shining through her blonde locks and calm blue eyes. The crown sat snuggly on her head, the gem gleaming like the ocean on a sunny morning. Pollen smiled back, floating to rest atop the blonde's shoulder. "We should get going now. I wouldn't want to miss seeing her!"
Ah, fate. Bees did find ways to see Ladybugs. Pollen wonders how this would turn out this time.
"Pollen, Buzz On!"
The familiar burst of energy flew through the Kwami and she couldn't help the little jump before she was sucked in the comb.
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sun-and-moon-mushroom · 4 months
Day 9: Bees
AO3 link
Shen Qingqiu had never thought he would have to worry about Slumber Stinging Bees. They were one of the more boring creatures that Airplane-Shooting-Towards-the-Sky had invented for the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way — despite living in the Demon Realm and producing a honey with aphrodisiac qualities, they didn’t look that different from a regular swarm of bees. Even if he did run into them, they had adapted to defend themselves from demons, so the venom of their stings had little effect on humans, and none at all on cultivators.
What Shen Qingqiu had not accounted for however, was Luo Binghe. In the novel, Luo Binghe had only run into the demonic insects much later, long after he had unlocked his demonic powers and conquered both realms. With his heavenly demon heritage, he was naturally immune to the effects of the venom, and was able to save wife #224 from a potentially eternal slumber with nothing more than a quick kiss — which quickly turned into a sex scene that Shen Yuan had once hastily skipped over, only mentioning the very unrealistic usage of the honey in his 1500 word comment at the bottom of the page.
That aside — Shen Yuan was now Shen Qingqiu, and had brought some of his most promising disciplines out on a mission to deal with a Lakeside Lumbering Beast (a creature somewhere between a brown bear and a walrus that he had really wanted to see in person to check if some of his theories were correct). Along the way, they had run into the Slumber Stinging Bees, and he hadn’t even realised what they were at first, until Luo Binghe exclaimed in shock as he was stung, before he suddenly collapsed to the ground.
Shen Qingqiu had to act quickly to avoid Luo Binghe’s demonic heritage being revealed too early — he told the other disciples, who had gathered around his limp body with worry, that it was probably an allergic reaction, and he would take Binghe back to the inn they were staying in to recover, while they continued to investigate the forest.
This led to where he was now — sitting on the edge of Luo Binghe’s bed, looking at his peacefully sleeping face. In the novel, Luo Binghe had cured his wife… but this Luo Binghe didn’t have any wives yet, and didn’t seem to have even hit any of the romance milestones with Ning Yingying yet! It wasn’t even an issue of trying to find a girl who liked him either… the curse specifically worked by keeping the victim asleep until someone that they loved gave them a kiss. Someone who loved them giving a kiss wouldn’t do anything, not unless it was reciprocated.
Maybe he could go back to Cang Qiong and ask Mu Qingfang about alternative cures? No, that wouldn’t work— the moment he heard about Binghe’s condition, he’d put the pieces together and realise that his disciple had been affected by a venom that only targeted demons. Would Binghe just end up sleeping forever then? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad… if he was aware enough to dream, couldn’t he interact with the world that way? But still… would Shen Qingqiu never get to taste his food again? Never get to see a smile on his face? Never get to hear that voice call out to him again, not even once?
Before he could even try and stop it, he felt tears start to roll down his face. Leaning over Binghe, he solemnly placed a kiss on his forehead.
“…Shizun?” Luo Binghe asked, bleary eyes looking up at him from a face still slightly wet from where his tears had fallen. Shen Qingqiu pulled himself back, like he’d been slapped in the face, faster than he’d even been when a new chapter of PIDW was released. Rushing out of the room with a quick shout about how lucky it was that Binghe had recovered from his allergic reaction, Shen Qingqiu decided to simply pretend that the last few minutes of his life had simply never happened at all.
Back in his room, Luo Binghe held his hand up to his forehead and smiled.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
Nailing it!
This is an unofficial, spiritual follow up / tribute to @misseviehyde and @amiee-bee’s wonderful 5 part ‘magic nails’ series. Hope everyone (especially Evie and Amiee) like it!
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Heidi stood in the school parking lot, alone after the bell had rang, watching the rest of the students file in. It was hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, her best friend Lara had been standing right next to her, giggling and gossiping about the other girls in their class. But now, Lara was gone. She had been sent to boarding school, leaving Heidi all alone in their small town high school.
Heidi had been a geeky freshman before she met Lara who brought out the mean girl in her. Quite literally. The two had become fast friends due to their love of math and reading and hung out all the time but it was Lara who suggested they go to the salon and get their nails done. Heidi had been apprehensive at first, hating the superficial nature of a salon, but Aimee the owner put her at ease with her almost trance like soothing words.
Unbeknownst to both girls, the salon specialized in magic nails and once Aimee had put on the first nail it had sealed Heidi’s fate of becoming a mean girl. Lara had watched in horror as her best friend transformed before her eyes into a beautiful but heartless bitch.
However after Heidi was done, it was Lara’s turn and Heidi made sure she got it done. Heidi watched with delight as Lara transformed into her bitchy besty. After that day they were unstoppable.
Heidi became the queen bitch of their school, and Lara was her loyal number two. Together, they controlled the school, teasing and tormenting anyone who dared to cross them.
But now, as she sat alone in her empty classroom, Heidi couldn't help but wonder who she was without Lara. She just wasn’t having as much fun bullying or teasing.
“Oh honey that’s because you need a beta.” Aimee said to her one day when Heidi spilled her guts to her over a new manicure session.
“You are meant to rule like a true blue bitch. But you need a beta bitch to laugh at your jokes, compliment you, gossip with. It’s what gives you power. Can’t you bring me a girl to make into a new bitchy bestie for you?” Aimee said but she knew the answer.
“No, you know I can’t even afford these. If I hadn’t got Lara to pay for these in advance I wouldn’t even have these maintenance sessions and I’d be back to being dorky and lame.” Heidi said with a shudder.
“Well you’ll just have to find someone bitchy enough then but good luck finding anyone who can match that creation of mine.” Aimee said thinking back on Lara. She had been a fun corruption to do and a profitable one as well. Lara’s dad was filthy rich and once Lara became a superficial mean bitch she embraced the stereotype of spoilt rich daddy’s girl.
Aimee finished up and said goodbye to Heidi who felt refreshed from her nail top up but also still unsure what her next moves should be. That’s when Evie, the salon receptionist pulled her aside secretly.
“I couldn’t help but over hear your dilemma and I think I can help. I’ve been working on a new set of nails and I need someone to test them on.” Evie said in a hushed tone that made Heidi slightly uneasy.
“Well you must have heard that I can’t afford anything new and besides I don’t like the idea about being your science project.” Heidi said coldly.
“Not for you silly, for your potential new bestie. You bring me a girl and I’ll make you a new BFF. For free. No cost and no risk to you. What do you say?” Evie said.
Heidi’s eyes narrowed as she thought it over. It did sound like it was all upsides so what did she have to lose? Heidi nodded and accepted the plan.
“Then it’s a deal. Find me a blank canvas and I’ll give you a masterpiece. Oh and don’t tell Aimee, it’ll be our little secret.” Evie said with a wink.
As soon as Heidi was in school the next day she got to work on finding a new girl to become her number two, but she quickly realized that most of the other girls were lacking. The problem was that most had already been through years of bullying from herself and Lara. None of them would believe that she wanted to be friends with them now. She could never convince them to come to the nail salon with her, they’d all believe it was a trap. She could force one of them but it was too risky.
That’s when Heidi's gaze settled on Mia, the bookish plain girl in her class who was practically invisible to everyone else. Mia was the perfect candidate, a blank canvas just waiting to be painted. She was smart, but shy and timid, with no real friends to speak of. Best of all, she had just moved there from another school and had no history with Heidi or Lara.
Despite this it wasn't easy at first. Mia was wary of Heidi's advances, and it took some time for Heidi to win her over. Heidi was patient, taking things slow and building a genuine connection with Mia. She listened to Mia's problems and offered advice, and before long, Mia began to open up and trust Heidi. It was the perfect opportunity for Heidi to make her move.
"Come on, Mia, it'll be fun," Heidi said, grinning at her friend. "We'll go to the city and get our nails done and have a girls' day out. What do you say?"
Mia hesitated, fidgeting with the edges of her book. "I don't know, Heidi. I don't really like long nails. They make me feel uncomfortable."
Heidi rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. You're always cooped up in the library, studying. You deserve a little bit of pampering. And besides, the salon I'm talking about is different. They have these special nails. Trust me, you'll love them."
Mia's eyes widened as she looked at her phone. "How come this place doesn’t have any reviews? It also says it’s closed when you want to go. It all sounds a little sketchy."
"It's not sketchy at all," Heidi insisted. "I go all the time and they're amazing. They helped give me the confidence and assertiveness I needed to stand up for myself. You deserve that too, Mia. You deserve to feel powerful and in control. I asked them to open early just for us."
Mia looked uncertain, but Heidi could see the temptation in her eyes. She knew she had Mia hooked.
"Please, Mia," Heidi begged, giving her friend an imploring look. "Just give it a try. I promise you won't regret it. Plus you’re always saying how much your biting your nails, this way it won’t be your actual nails."
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Mia instinctively went to bite her nails out of nervousness and realized Heidi was right. She sighed and nodded. "Okay, fine. But if anything weird happens, I'm blaming you."
Heidi grinned triumphantly. "You won't regret it, I promise. Now come on, let's go get beautiful!"
Heidi and Mia arrived at the salon, a sense of excitement and nervousness in the air.
"Okay, so what do we do?" Mia asked, looking around nervously.
"First, we pick out the colors and styles we want," Heidi said, leading the way to the display of nail polish. "Then we sit down in the chairs and let the professionals take care of the rest."
Mia nodded, still looking uncertain. "And these nails, they're not going to hurt or anything, right?"
"Of course not," Heidi reassured her. "They're completely safe. And trust me, the benefits are worth it."
As they sat down in the chairs, Heidi secretly winked at Evie who was sitting at the station with Mia. Evie smiled back at her and replaced the nails Mia had chosen with a new set she had hidden away.
“Hey what about the set I picked out?” Mia said sounding concerned.
“I need to apply these first, these are what we consider a ‘foundation’ set. Once these have been placed on we can then add your selection.” Evie said with a smile that unnerved Mia slightly.
Mia looked over at Heidi, her hand already at her mouth biting her nails and a worried expression on her face. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Heidi smiled and squeezed Mia's hand. "Don't worry, it'll be fine. Just trust me."
As Evie began to work on their nails, Heidi watched with a sense of satisfaction. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. Soon, Mia would be a mean girl, and together, they would rule the school.
However as the magic nails were applied to Mia's fingers she was disappointed to see no change in Mia’s physical appearance. When Heidi had first put them on her hair grew thick and long, her breasts big and round and her skin smooth and tan. Mia looked the same with nearly all the nails on. Evie sensing Heidi’s disappointment launched into conversation with Mia.
“Ok Mia, we’re almost done with these, do you still want me to put on your choice of nails after this?” Aimee asked and Heidi watched with interest.
“Hmmm? Sorry I was a million miles away. The other nails? Ugh no I don’t know what I was thinking, these are perfect. I want to keep these.” Mia said in a slightly bratty voice putting Heidi’s worries slightly to rest.
“You just need to be patient with this new formula. It’s designed to release her ‘bitchification’ more gradual that yours or Lara’s did but should be more potent in the end. The slow release should also help her accept the change easier, if she figures out what’s happening too soon her body may reject them.” Evie said to Heidi alone as Mia waited outside after her nails were completed.
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Mia couldn’t stop looking at her nails, admiring how they looked, they almost looked foreign on top of her tomboyish body and dress sense.
“Nails like these should have some tight outfits to match, just imagine how good they would look against a sleek and shiny dress wrapped around your curves.” A voice whispered in her mind making her nod in agreement. A change was in order.
“Come on Heidi, I want to go shopping!” Mia shouted from outside in a commanding tone that made Heidi reflectively yell “coming!” back to her.
Heidi watched Mia with curiosity for the rest of the day. Mia seemed more assured of herself as she strolled around the mall and dipped into store after store. She also appeared to have a new fashion sense. She picked out quite the mean girl attire that was certainly an improvement on her baggy hoodies and sweatpants.
“This was great today Heidi, thanks for convincing me to get these hawt nails.” Mia said as Heidi dropped her off at her house after their day of shopping.
“No problem Babe, I knew you’d love them. It’s going to be so good showing you off tomorrow at school. See you then.” Heidi said driving off. Mia felt a surge of excitement for tomorrow. She had always been one to fade into the background at school but now was looking forward to the limelight. In fact it was making her kind of horny. By the time she was up in her room the wicked voice had returned and was whispering in her head once more.
“Wouldn’t it feel so hawt to finger yourself with your new claws? It would be even hotter if you watched yourself do it in the mirror.”
She shoved her hand into her jeans and went straight for her aching pussy. She moaned as she felt the delight of stroking her clit with her new long nails on her. She stared at her reflection, watching herself finger her pussy.
“You’re going to look so fucking good tomorrow, all eyes will be on you.” The voice said making a soft moan escape Mia’s lips as she began picturing the scene of her strolling beside Heidi taking in everyone’s looks.
“Yesss everyone won’t be able to take their eyes off me.” She moaned as she imagined the scene.
As she massaged inside her pussy over and over again the formula of the nails started to react with her wetness, stripping off the coating ever so slightly. She groaned as her body began to react to the direct absorption of the formula.
Her breasts seemed to grow fuller and more pronounced, and her lips became plumper and more sensual. Even her hair seemed to change, lightening to a dyed blonde and took on more body and shine. Mia gasped as she watched her body change before her eyes but far from being afraid of what it meant, she hungered for more.
"Yesss! Don't stop! Keep going!" Mia exclaimed, her eyes glowing with a manic energy as the previous fantasy in her mind changed. She wasn’t strolling beside Heidi, instead Heidi was flanking her like a loyal 2nd. It felt more natural that way in her mind.
“Yesss you’re not a follower, your a leader. You don’t share the spotlight, you own the spotlight!” The voice hissed.
As the transformation continued, Mia's personality began to shift as well. She felt more vain and cold, her once soft and gentle demeanor hardening into something sharp and narcissistic.
"Oh my god, I can't believe how good this feels. I’m so fucking hot," Mia said, her voice dripping with vanity as she climaxed. "I feel so bitchy and bad, I can’t wait to show off myself tomorrow!"
“Why wait? Your hot and horny now! The world deserves to see you. No it NEEDS to see you.” the voice purred in her head and a playful smirk played across Mia’s new pouty lips as she was compelled to agree. She had to get as many eyes on her as possible. She wanted to dance and drink and have a man’s hands all over her body.
As the light caught her nails she knew they were somehow involved with her transformation. It made sense why Heidi was so adamant that they got their nails done and why it was so secretive. What was Heidi’s endgame? Was it something to be worried about? If so why did it feel so good? Questions piled on questions making Mia suddenly anxious and she instinctively went to bite her nails.
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However as soon as they touched her lips and she tasted their coating she felt an immediate calm come over her body. A pleasure rippled across her body. Her posture changed making her stand up straight and push out her new bigger tits confidently.
“Why should I be worried? Look at how hot I am now. So what if I’m feeling meaner, more vain, more superior. Heidi clearly wants me to be like this, maybe everyone else will too.” Mia thought to herself while getting lost in her reflection.
Picking up her phone she called Heidi who answered promptly. “Hey babe what’s up?” Heidi asked with slight concern in her voice. She was in uncharted territories with these nails and so wasn’t sure what to expect.
“Let’s hit the club tonight babe, we’re too hawt to be wasted alone indoors.” Mia said as she looked at her nails with glee.
“Really? Tonight? Are you sure your, eh, ready?” Heidi said trying not to sound lame but also worried this was happening too fast and her body would reject the nails. Didn’t Evie say it would take weeks?
“Ugh fine I’ll go by myself if your going to be so boring.” Mia said snapping at Heidi.
“No! No I’ll come, I just didn’t know if you’d be tired after the day we had.” Heidi said trying not to get on her bad side.
“Cool pick me up in 30 minutes, and dress slutty.” Mia said and hung up the phone without saying goodbye. Mia didn’t need 30 minutes to get ready but bossing Heidi around started to stir up her engine again and she needed another go around with herself. She also had a theory to test out about her nails…
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Heidi arrived early at Mia’s house and texted her to say she was there. Mia texted her back to tell her to come in and have a pre drink as Mia’s parents were out of town. However as she knocked on the door, Heidi was met by a girl she barely recognized.
“Hey slut, about time you showed up, get a drink into you and let’s hit the club, I’m really feeling myself tonight.” Mia said as she primped herself in the mirror.
Heidi looked at Mia dumbfounded. She was staring at a blonde bombshell, one that looked like Mia’s hotter older sister rather than Mia herself. Her posture was no longer slumped and diminutive but instead she held herself with bitchy confidence. Mia seeing Heidi’s look on her face rolled her eyes.
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“You can drop the act now dummy, I know my transformation was all your doing, or rather due to these beauties.” Mia said lovingly showing off her nails which too looked like they had changed too.
“You’re not mad?” Heidi said preparing for the worst.
“Mad? I’m ecstatic! Look at the beautiful bitch I am now! I feel so mean and hawt, I love it! I can’t wait to get out there and show the world what I can do now that I’m not some loser dork anymore.” Mia purred with a glint of mania in her eyes.
Heidi beamed at her. She was certainly more sexy and confident than Lara ever was. Maybe she was ready for the world to see her.
At the club Mia was a sight to behold. She strutted into it like she owned the place. She basked in the lingering looks from all the men and women in the club. Pulling Heidi onto the dance floor she played coy with everyone, only focusing on Heidi.
Heidi for her part was captivated by Mia. It was amazing to see what a transformation she had undergone in such a short amount of time. Heidi knew the nails were amazing but something about this transformation felt different. Mia had a different energy. Heidi also knew that a new force had arrived and couldn’t wait until tomorrow for when they would have the real fun at school.
Mia spotted a group of staring men sitting nearby and broke off from Heidi to go talk to them. Well that’s what Heidi thought until Mia started to rub up against one of them. It was like watching a private lap dance at a strip club. The man was clearly enjoying it and tried to talk but with a wink to Heidi, Mia put a finger up to his lips and cheekily slipped it into his mouth. For a second Heidi could have sworn that she saw the man twitch for a moment before eagerly sucking her finger which turned into kisses down her arm and onto her neck.
Heidi watched as Mia straddled the man and kissed him deeply while the other guys watched and hooted. Mia broke off from the kiss to whisper something into the man’s ear, all the while having an evil grin on her perfect lips. The man nodded and gently slid Mia into the seat beside him before standing up and suddenly jumping on top of his friends, pummelling any of them within arms reach.
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Heidi and everyone else watched in shock at the explosive scene. Everyone that was except Mia who was watching the fight with joy playing across her face. Mia watched it unfold getting steadily hornier and hornier, stroking her tits with her nails. Grabbing a nearby guy she kissed him deeply while digging her nails into his neck. He recoiled just for a moment before being dragged willingly out of the club by Mia. Heidi tried to follow them out but by the time she got outside they were gone.
Heidi went home soon after that, mainly because the ruckus in the club made it hard to get back in. She texted Mia to see if she was ok but didn’t get a reply until the morning.
“Where the fuck are you?” The message from Mia read Heidi was about to leave for school when the message came in. Heidi panicking called Mia.
“Mia are you ok? Where are you?” Heidi asked worried.
“Where am I? Where the fuck are you? You’re suppose to be picking me up this morning.” Mia snapped back at her.
“Oh sorry I just thought because you left with some guy last night that-” Heidi began before Mia cut her off.
“Your not suppose to think! That’s my job. You’re just suppose to do! Understand? Whatever. Just get over here in 5 minutes or find a new friend to hang out with.” Mia said, her voice oozing with contempt and hanging up.
Heidi felt kind of pissed at Mia but still sped over as fast as she could and waited for Mia who, despite demanding Heidi get over quickly, took 20 minutes before emerging from her house. Heidi couldn’t believe it but she looked different again. She looked blonder, meaner, and hotter.
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“About time. Is that what you’re wearing to school?” Mia said getting into the car and looking at Heidi with mild disgust.
“Yeah? Is something wrong with it?” Heidi asked slightly nervous.
“Just don’t stand so close to me when we are in school.” Mia said touching up her makeup in the passenger mirror.
“Cute earrings though. Give them to me.” Mia said with a hand outstretched.
“W-what?” Heidi asked confused.
“Did I stutter? Give me your earrings. They’ll look better on me.” Mia said glaring at Heidi who felt her face flush. She awkwardly took off her earrings as she drove and gave them to Mia who put them on.
“They look great on you babe.” Heidi said trying to break the tension. She didn’t understand why Mia was acting so cruel to her. Lara never did this and yet Heidi was desperate for Mia’s approval for some reason.
“No duh. I feel great today too. After my night last night how could I not.” Mia said with a smirk to herself remembering the fun she had last night. She had figured out that her nails didn’t just effect her but had the ability to effect (or more accurately infect) others. Every time she used them she felt more cruel and evil as a result which only turned her on more.
At school everyone made whispers about who this new girl was, showing just how invisible Mia once was. Mia strutted down the crowded hallway of the high school, her designer heels clicking against the linoleum floor. She scanned the sea of students, searching for a target.
Finally, her gaze landed on a group of girls huddled around their locker. Mia smirked and approached them, Heidi following close behind.
"Hey losers," Mia sneered, leaning against the locker next to them. "What are you even wearing? Did you raid a thrift store or something?"
The girls looked down at their outfits, shame and embarrassment written all over their faces. Mia cackled with laughter as she sauntered away, leaving the girls feeling small and belittled.
Mia reveled in the power she held over her classmates now, enjoying the feeling of superiority it gave her. She didn't care who she hurt or what she said, as long as she was getting attention and causing chaos.
Heidi loved watching Mia at work but was starting to feel more and more on the receiving end of her wrath. She was feeling left out of the fun Heidi was having. Mia bossed Heidi around like she was some lackey but worse still was Heidi followed her commands obediently. Heidi didn’t want to get on the bad side of the girl who was clearly running the show now. That was until Mia started to make new friends.
It started small with a girl called Daphne, a shy, unassuming girl who Mia took an interest in one day. Heidi watched as Mia belittled Daphne like she had done to a dozen other girls that week but when Daphne failed to scurry away like the rest Mia smirked at Daphne and told her to come with her to the bathroom. Heidi naturally followed but Mia told her to wait outside.
They were in the bathroom for 10 minutes before re-emerging and when they did Daphne looked different. Mia had clearly shared her makeup and clothes with her but Daphne also had a mean glint in her eye that Heidi recognized from Mia. Daphne whispered something in Mia’s ear upon seeing Heidi waiting for them and Mia laughed deeply. The two girls walked off with locked arms like Heidi and Lara used to do.
And so it went for the next week where Mia would start collecting what she called ‘discarded girls’ and would bring them into the bathroom where they would emerge minutes later bitchier and hotter than when they went in. Mia now had a clique of sycophants praising her endlessly and laughing at her jokes. Mia roamed the halls with them flanking her at all times. Heidi was now bringing up the rear, sidelined in the school she once ran, constantly being belittled by the new queen she helped create. When one day Mia gave her a particular dressing down in front of her clique in the locker room, Heidi finally snapped.
“Who they hell do you think you are talking to bitch? Know your place!” Heidi said full of rage. Mia simply giggled at her, seemingly unfazed by her outburst.
“My place? I’m the queen of this god damn school and you’re barely even a blip anymore.” Mia said with a laugh that caused her gang of girls to follow suit.
“We’ll enjoy it while it lasts because those nails have a shelf life and you’ll be hitting your expiration date soon enough. I’ve seen your house and know you can’t afford another session, you can’t even afford a car to get you to school every day.” Heidi said with venom behind every syllable. For the first time in awhile Heidi saw the smirk be wiped from Mia’s face. Rather than feeling triumphant though, Heidi felt her blood run cold as Mia stared at her intensely.
Mia snapped her fingers and her clique rushed Heidi pinning her down on the locker room floor. Mia click clacked slowly over to her, savouring the moment.
“I’ve seen how you live too and it begs the question how do you afford to stay as powerful as you do but you’re going to tell me all of your secrets.” Mia said bending down close to Heidi.
“Like hell I am.” Heidi said still defiant but feeling like she had lost.
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“Oh dear you don’t really have a choice.” Mia said with a wink as she ran her hand up Heidi’s thigh, across her stomach and up to her neck where she dug her nails in suddenly. Heidi wanted to scream out but found herself unable to do so. She heard Mia’s voice in her head telling her to do things she would never do but was feeling strangely compelled to do so.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Aimee said on the other end of the phone not really believing what she was hearing.
“Oh yes Aimee. I’m moving away and it’s only right that someone gets my lifetime of nails. I can’t think of anyone more suited than Mia. You’ll love her.” Heidi said as Mia watched on approvingly. Heidi loved that Mia was making her give up her power. Heidi knew now that she didn’t deserve them. Not like Mia who did. She deserved everything.
“Ok if you insist. I look forward to meeting her.” Aimee said scratching Heidi out of her client book and replacing her with Mia.
“Just one other thing. She has requested that Evie do her nails. Is that ok?” Heidi asked.
“Well Evie doesn’t do nails anymore after an… incident we had but if your friend really wants her I guess we can make an exception this one time.” Aimee said while looking over at a bored Evie working reception. Maybe it was time to bring her back into the fold.
“Great. Thanks for everything Aimee!” Heidi said before hanging up.
“Was that to your liking Mistress?” Heidi asked eager to please Mia now. Mia for her part looked satisfied if a little diminished. Turning Heidi against herself proved to be very draining for Mia and she would need a nail session very soon. But she knew she still had a little time and figured the best way to spend it would be watching Heidi willingly remove her own magic nails.
“These are gorgeous, I feel refreshed. Thanks Evie.” Mia said as Evie finished putting on a fresh set of nails for her. They looked even stronger and bitchier than before, Mia couldn’t wait to try them out.
“Don’t get into too much trouble now.” Evie said with a smirk to Mia who returned the smile.
“You ready girls?” Mia said to her friends who had just finished getting their nails done too. Of course Mia’s set was unique to her but she made sure her girls got some cheaper beta nails to save her having to infect them every time her power was warring off.
“What about her over there, she hasn’t had her turn yet.” Evie said pointing to the corner when a somewhat homely girl stood holding everyone’s bags.
“Who? Hedy? No she won’t be getting any. She won’t until she’s learned her lesson isn’t that right Hedy?” Mia called out to the girl once known as Heidi.
“That’s right mistress.” Hedy replied cheerily. One by one Aimee watch the transformed girls take their bags from Hedy and leave the store. Of course she was happy for the business but something wasn’t sitting right with her about Mia and her friends and something was so familiar about Hedy.
Mia left the salon her head held high and her chest sticking out as her friends waited for her orders. She loved being the queen and no one was taking that away from her now. How could they when she was nailing it?
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
And here they are, [S]FINISH IT’s hidden details
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the siluetes that apear in front of the kids before the battle represent who the condesce see when she sees them Alternia’s rebels, Earth’s rebels, Alies who brought demise upon themselves, All her heirs and heiresses she has had (and most killed)
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The tall silluete you can see in the background among the fuccias, is the previous empress
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Equius’s injuries are only in his arms and hands because that’s all he uses to fight and just moments ago he was catching falling buildings on Derse
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It takes a moment for the condesce to react here, because Sollux looks just like the Psiionic, whom she was in love with and haven seen in centuries
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This scene is a callback to [S]Cascade
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the colors behind the breath playes are yellow, the secondary breath color, Bronce, Tavros’s original blood color and green, John’s signature color
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Even tho he said he wouldn’t, Tavros used his breath super power again in unison with the other players (which left him pretty exausted)
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The Heart powers glowing to the beat here are suposed to resemble a heartbeat 
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The Condesce went straigth after Nanna because  she stills considers her  a heiress and still sees this battle as a deathmach (also to her she is the biggest threat)
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It took 2 time players to hold the condesce in place, when Davepeta tried to do it alone, they failed
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Davepeta didn’t switched into their heart god tier to help the other heart players because rose told them to. They wouldn’t have been able to switch in time and save hal otherwise
Also you can faintly see Davepeta has one human eye and one troll eye like some cats that have heterocromia
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Karkat wouldn’t heve been as fulled by anger if if wasn’t Terezi specifically who gave him the isnstructions, because he has a strong conection to her and she knew exactly what to tell him
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Here Rose is the onlyone smiling because she actually knows what is going on and it means they are about to win, while the other kids have no idea what Karkat is doing
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Karkat’s eyes here are a callback to Gamzee’s fit of rage (to me is like, tho he is still on the fridge, he is still simbolically in the battle)
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“We make our own luck“ is a callback to what Terezi tells John right before she dies on the doomed timeline. Like i said in another post: it represents how this timeline doesn't rely on luck but on will. It's an alsolved timeline because it's too resilient to be doomed, it's resurceful, it twists and changes constantly all to avoid getting doomed. There's no need to throw a coin to choose the Condesce's fate, because the kids have already sealed her fate by their own hands. They left nothing to luck and thus don't need it.
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The only time we see the condesce pupils is when she realices she is about to die (and of all the people in the multiverse, for a second the condesce was scared of Karkat)
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The condesce’s death was a reference to Kimetsu no yaiba, but beeing the complete oposite, going in the oposite direction, with the original being a demon who wants to die and the decapitation beeing an act of mercy coming from a kind soul, and the condesce’s death being fueled by an intence rage towards someone who refuses to die no matter what 
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Also to me, the most characteristic aspect of the condesce was her infinite amount of hair, i always made it look like it has no end and almost as if it has a life of it’s own, to give her this savage aura. It geting cut in the end at her decapitation is as if she has lost the symbol of her inmense power Also it was a reference at how royalty was decapitated long ago
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The first heiress the condesce killed is also the first one to leave
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The second heiress from her memories can alse be seen leaving
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Among the heirs and heiresses you can find the siluette of Calder from vast error
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Another Heiress you can find is my bestfriend’s Oc Purity, she is the one who got me into homestuck (love u bitch)
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and holding her hand you can see my Oc Neleck, we made them together shortly after she told me about the comic, he is the second fantroll i ever made
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You can find @eldritchdraaks​ my beta reader’s Oc Viiveh, from his own fanventure A viral medium
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And laslty there was a deleted scene where the condesce’s first descendant hugged feferi and fefeta before flying into the void but i decided against it because it was too much
And those are all the deatils and secrets from [S] FINISH IT
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rwbyfan1999 · 7 months
Justice league X RWBY pt 2 thoughts
I know I’m late to the party but I’ve finally got around to watching the second JL X RWBY movie and man did I love it, I loved it so much that after watching it I watched them both back to back and I’m not gonna do a review this time I’m just gonna give you my impressions on what part 2 brought to the table.
There will be spoilers so you’ve been warned in case you didn’t see it.
So time on remnant work’s differently then earth 3 days on earth equals 3 weeks on remnant so the time gap on remnant makes sense especially to get some V8 and V9 stuff thrown in
Great to see Black Canary thrown in I just wish Green Arrow would have appeared he’s mentioned but I would’ve loved seeing these married dorks together again
It was awesome to get a taste of Vacuo even if it’s super brief
Ruby is confident again which is awesome but she was also being insanely reckless while Yang’s protective instincts are not making her fully trusting of her leadership, given everything that happened in the ever after it makes sense for Yang’s character
Dc villains helping the league against a common enemy is pretty awesome
Man I feel sad for Weiss losing Atlas in this movie
Cute seeing Jessica ask about Jaune really wish JNR could’ve gone to earth
Man team RWBY’s super hero costumes look awesome, still weird seeing Blake without her cat ears but i quickly got used to it
Weiss not having powers is interesting and makes her little arc with Batman interesting sense now the roles are reversed
So Watts helped Kilg%re super surprised to see that
Blake gets 5 points for the reference to Dr Merlot and giving us some Grimm Eclipse representation (still love that game)
Love Ruby and Clark’s talk in the training room telling her that it’s ok to honor your family just don’t be in a rush to join them
Weiss and Bruce will alway’s be fun to watch and he helps Weiss realize where her true home was by the end, in his own way of course
Flash’s PTSD from being controlled by Kilg%re in part 1 plays a big part in this movie and Yang steps in to tell him her struggles, without directly talking about Adam or Raven, just to tell him to not let kilg%re consume his thoughts
The idea of the league using the digital world against Kilg%re and Watts was an interesting twist
Ruby and Yangs heart to heart moment is sweet, Ruby just telling Yang that she can’t protect her from everything and that she’s not gonna leave her
Having the end be at the Schnee manor felt full circle for both Weiss’s arc in the movie and the Atlas trilogy in general
Kilg%ore controlled Yang was crazy and Blake new like instantly, god she knows her girlfriend crazy well which is super cute
Trapping Kilg%re and Watts in the digital realm for good was an excellent way to cap the dualogy up
Another bee kiss need I say more?
All in all I’m very satisfied with this one and can see the development done for Ruby, Weiss, and Yang carry over into V10 especially Weiss
Stay awesome
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Pokemon and Hunter x Hunter as decided by my friend @doodle-storm after only seeing Hunter Exam and Zoldyck Family Arcs... Part 2!!! As always friend, add onto this post if there's any reasoning I've missed!
Netero: Medicham (I think the rationale here was that despite looking a little goofy, it's actually quite strong. I think this guy is very appropriate for Netero, for reasons I can't tell my friend yet.)
Hanzo: Greninja (It's a ninja pokemon. However, my friend laments the fact that Greninja is not bald enough, nor does it have "bedazzled eyebrows". She has therefore made an entire team for Hanzo that is purely comprised of bald and bedazzled eyebrow pokemon. She took this very seriously I'll have you know.)
Pokkle: Decidueye (An archer! She hopes Pokkle gets to finish his pokedex.)
Satotz: Omanyte (I honestly can't remember the initial reasoning but they both have mustaches and no visible mouth so that's cool.)
Menchi: Dachsbun (Bread dog. As befitting a Gourmet Hunter.)
Buhara: Snorlax (Probably needs little elaboration.)
Lippo: Rotom (Because of all the cameras in the prison and the fact that he operated from behind screens using electronics.)
Beans: Politoed (She can picture politoed in an identical suit.)
Tonpa: Trubbish (...she does not like Tonpa very much.)
Ponzu: Beedrill (Bee pokemon. She has bees in her hat.)
Bendot: Machoke (He's a fighter pokemon. Also he was going to choke Tonpa so there's that too.)
Sedokan: Litwick (It's a candle. It's also got one eye hidden.)
Majitani: Wishiwashi (We spent a long time trying to find a pokemon that sort of gives that impression of guy trying to look way more intimidating than he is... She decided on Wishiwashi because its school form is powerful but it also reverts back to weaker solo form when wounded.)
Leroute: Salazzle (I did not know there were pokemon people thirsted for and I don't think I needed to know that. Anyways, Salazzle is kind of an exotic creature and she was involved in exotic animal trafficking so. Checks out.)
Johness the Dissector: none. (She tried to think of one but really couldn't. We both kind of agreed that he probably wouldn't have any on account of... probably killing them.)
Geretta: Aromatisse (I don't know lol. I think this was just vibes.)
Agon: Galarian Farfetch'd (He appeared to have been a fencer so I think this was the closest thing. Plus eyebrows.)
Bodoro: Gallade (She was trying to think of an honourable type of pokemon. I don't think she was entirely sold on Gallade, especially since she gave Kurapika one later on, but we moved on.)
Bourbon: Seviper (Viper for the snake charmer.)
Nicholas: Abra (Abra just kind of sleeps, and though Nicholas tried to predict the Hunter Exam, he wasn't prepared for it, so I think that was the rationale here.)
Siper: Inteleon (A sniper pokemon for the sniper. I questioned why she was giving this minor character a pokemon when I'm pretty sure she didn't even have a speaking line, to which she replied, and I quote, "Yeah, but I want her to step on me.")
Sommy: Aipom (Mischievous monkey for the monkey trainer.)
Todo: Hariyama (Sumo pokemon for the sumo guy.)
Amori Brothers: Falinks (Yes, all three of them have the same pokemon. They work together for team attacks and so do the brothers. Do not separate.)
Zeno: Roaring Moon (I brought up Zeno's association with dragons. She liked the vibe of this one for him.)
Silva: Kommo-o (I think she wanted to keep the dragon theming. ...she also refers to Silva as "evil He-Man". Just thought you should know.)
Kikyo: Hatterene (She picked this one because of its elegant look... and the fact that it attacks anyone who is too loud or hostile within its home range.)
Illumi: Ferrothorn (It's absolutely perfect omg. She said it attacks using spikes and thorns, and it also "has the eyes". She also cheerfully informed me it's weak to fire. She does not like Illumi very much.)
Milluki: Forretress (Also has the eyes, and stays in a shell. It shoots things I think. She was trying to pick one that calls to mind Milluki's bombs.)
Kalluto: Kartana (I mentioned Kalluto's association with paper, so she picked this one.)
Gotoh: Meowth (For the coin association. Also she thought it'd be kind of funny if all the butlers had cat or cat-like pokemon.)
Canary: Espeon (Because it evolves based on friendship... augh... also vibes.)
Zebro: Cinccino (Zebro's kind of the janitor, and Cinccino likes to clean, if I'm remembering correctly? Also it's kind of disarmingly cute and harmless looking, which fits Zebro's "taking the key from the hapless guard" shtick.)
Seaquant: Watchog (Vibes, I'm pretty sure. hjdfkbvdshjvh)
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maryholdenofthevalley · 9 months
I don't really think we wouls see Aziraphale in season 3 to think "oh dear, I made a wrong decision", because he was not.
Sure, the way he approach it and break the news to Crowley was all over the place and turned into a real mess, but I can't think of any possibility of Aziraphale turning Metatron's offer down or running away after experience the Archangel position because Heaven is not what he thinks, since he already knows. He doesn't need to hear what they said in Gabriel trial to know this, he already got punched in the stomach by Metatron and pinned against the wall by Uriel threatening him, hearing Metatron said "the point is not to avoid war, but to win it". He knows what Heaven wants, what Metatron wants.
And what kind of angel is Aziraphale to run away from all that? The angel that went directly to God to report bad behavior colleagues? The angel held up a little sword, expect to fight against Sa-fucking-tan? The angel that, despite facing his former boss who kidnapped and tried to kill him and had witness another Archangel brought holy water down to Hell to kill his friend, still choose to hiding him and investigate to prevent the "terrible thing" that would happen to the jerk boss if he let him be.
“The more reason why we should stay away from him when that terrible thing happen! Go off together!”
Crowley always choose to avoid the problem. Aziraphale always choose to face the problem head on. He's not naive. He knew the power Heaven has over the Book of Life at the end of ep 6 and what would happen to them, to Aziraphale, to his Crowley, if they keep running away but would never escape the grasp of one single book in Heaven? What better choice could it be to be personal close to the book, being the first and second on heaven, and no one would dare to touch them, just like how Beelzebub and Gabriel ran off while singing their song together in front of everybody's eyes and no one dare to stop them?
Aziraphale wasn't as naive as thinking he can only fix Heaven. He can fix Heaven AND make sure Crowley is safe beside him, no longer "the foul fiend" that anyone of his own kind can just splash a little bit of holy water and there would be no trace of him left.
Why do you guys think Aziraphale wants to change Crowley? He never pressure Crowley into doing anything good, but always "I know and I saw the good in you". Never "Can you turn back and be the good angel you used to be", but "Look me in the eyes and say you want to kill them". He trust Crowley the Demon. He probably even think he's too good to be a demon, that's why there should be no change in Crowley but his status, a better and safer one.
(There is no disagreement over how wrong they think they understand each other, though. That was very bad. Aziraphale thought Crowley would want security inside the bee hive and Crowley thought Aziraphale would choose the hive over him. I've never dread the Misunderstanding and Miscommunication that bad, please season 3 at least let them talk a little bit. I have been on the wet floor for a month now.)
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beesaysbuzznstuff · 9 months
Time for more of Bee's Rants that Literally No One Asked For 👏👏👏
Today's Topic: VOID Paradox
(DISCLAIMER: Mostly theories towards the end as most information about it has not been confirmed. not trying to come off weird, I just like theorizing, you don't have to agree with anything I say if you think different)
VOID Paradox - Knowing most of the lore from Mystreet, Minecraft Diaries, Mod Mod World, and even Dreams of Estorra, I like to try to piece together the lore for VOID Paradox. People are generally very confused on what is even happening in VOID Paradox and I am too, but I like theorizing. So let's start from the beginning. Mod Mod World was one of the first minecraft rps that J3$$ ever made. Mod Mod World talked about different dimensions, VOID burn, Tommy, and the characters in that world, some of which made their way to Mystreet (Reese, Marsh, McCloud, and Krystal). Anyways, at the end of Mod Mod World, Modzilla made his way back to his original dimension, leaving Tommy behind to stay with Aphmau. Now Dreams of Estorra. In DoE, there are characters known as Evi's or NPC's. It is revealed in the series that Estorra is actually another dimension that users from another, other dimension travel to, and Evi's are actually real people (Estorrans). Keep that in your head. Stay with me here this is a lot. Now, in Minecraft Diaries, way back in the lore we know that Irene can create new dimensions using her relic. And in case anyone didn't know Mystreet is another dimension that Irene basically copy pasted from the diaries dimension so that she can see her friends live happy lives. (copy pasted theory has not been confirmed but is heavily implied). This new dimension is causing a disturbance in the universe, a dimension that was created by an unnatural force. This is what I believe causes the VOID. (Theories here) The VOID wants to reset the universe to how it should be, so the VOID wipes it clean so the universe can start over again without this disturbance. It destroys dimensions one by one, wiping away everything. When it began to reach the Mod Mod World dimension, it wanted to recreate what started this, good vs evil, light vs dark, a hero vs a villain, Irene vs Shad. So it found hero's and brought them to the dying dimensions to fight against a VOID created villain. It brought Laurance from Minecraft Diaries after Garroth knocked him out at Ungrths grave and took the amulet from him (season 1, ep 99). And it brought Jayden, an Estorran and possibly brother to DoE character Asher. The VOID consumes everything in its path to reset and it is causing these weird things to happen in the dimensions it destroys. But hey that's just a theory, a VOID Paradox Theory.
(Again close to nothing has been confirmed)
Side thing. VOID Burn. VOID Burn occurs after someone travels to another dimension via unstable means. Prof. Modzilla has VOID Burn from traveling to the Mod Mod World dimension. In Minecraft Diaries, we see VOID Burn twice, the first time was when Aphmau was trying to get Garroth out of the Irene Dimension using her powers, but her burns faded quick. The second time was after Aaron got Garroth and Zane out of the Irene dimension, he was covered in VOID Burns before he died. Even in MyStreet, Aaron was stuck in the VOID and when Irene saved him, he was covered in VOID Burns. (this is canon information)
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bl4cktourmaline · 8 months
hii! how are you? if possible, i would like to order a kazuha fic where he and his s/o make flower crowns?
thank you, have an amazing day!
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♬ yue is typing...
↻hii hii anon!! I never really try making a flower crown so I have to look it up, hopefully it's accurate!! ><
⇄ kaedehara kazuha x gender neutral reader 
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : A Crown Of Flowers For You...
✿﹕ ︵︵✧₊︵︵ꕤ₊˚︵︵˚ೃ ︵︵ ૮꒰˵• ᵜ •˵꒱ა ﹕ɞ
The lush colors and vibrant hues of the blooms coming together, creating a stunning landscape, the smell of the flowers combined with the bright colors has the power to fill one’s heart with joy as the soft breezes pair with the buzzing of bumblebees to create a peaceful and serene environment. 
One can often get lost in a field of flowers, or partake in a peaceful moment of reflection. Sunbeams course through the sprays of petals, while the tinkling of birdsong fills the air. A field of flowers is a sight to nurture the soul and behold with awe.
The vibrant display of flowers covering the ground from bold purple, blue and white  flowers sat right in front of you. If you listen close enough...there was a faint sound of busy bees rushing around to collect their pollen. The sweet smell of blossomed flowers filled the air, the purple petals felt like soft velvet against your skin.
Sitting down on a field of beautifully blooming flowers was you and your beloved, humming a melody happily as your fingers carefully try to pick which flowers to use for your crown. 
"You seem really happy" Kazuha smiled, watching you happily picking your flowers.
"Of course!! You brought all of those flowers for me" Your eyes sparkles, picking an assortment flowers with soft flexible stems then separating them to two types; one are with long stems, the other are with shorter stems.
"Okay, since this is your first time making one, I'll be slow with the instructions" 
"You know how to braid?"
"I fear not"
"Okay, watch me" you grabbed three qingxin flowers with the longer stems, crossing them over each other slowly "Braid them together by taking the stem from the outside right and placing it between the other two"
Taking the stem from the outside left, placing it over the other two, continuing this method until you get the width of the flower head before adding another qingxin flower by laying it, the stem rests on top of the center stem.
You keep on braiding the stems, holding the new flower stem together with the center stem and repeat until you get the desired size of the flower chain. Once you were satisfied, gently placing it above your laps.
"I hope it wasn't too complicated? It's hard to explain it in words, I usually just watch my mom do it for me when I was a kid until I get the hang of it" Turning to look at your lover who was crossing stems after stems, creating a similar chain of flowers.
"Like this?" He hold up a neatly flower braid once he was finished from braiding the flowers which took you by surprise.
"Ohh you're a fast learner!" 
"I only just observe what you did"
"Not that fast though!!"
Kazuha let out a few chuckles as you keeping on giving him praise after praise, clearly impressed by his observation skills "What is next after this?"
"Oh, so you want to grab the end of the chain and braid the remaining ends before tucking them in near the start then ta-dah!" You held up your creation to demonstrated "Your flower crown is done!" 
"Hmm..." He was staring at you with a serious look in his red eyes.
"Kazuha...?" Confused by his stare, you were getting slightly flustered by how intense it is.
"Close your eyes" 
Shutting your eyes closd, darkness greets you as your ears pick up ruffling movements from the platinum blonde samurai.
What was he doing...?
Then you felt it. 
A light weight was placed on top of your head and before you could open your eyes, a soft and warm feeling cause you to freeze up, touching your forehead as a whisper reach your ears "I hope we keep doing this for many years to come...we may be far from each other when I'm traveling but I'll come home to you near the end of a journey..." 
You opened your eyes at this, only to be gifted by the sight of a slightly flustered samurai, chuckling "Oh, Kazuha..." 
Your laughter was the question, he wanted to spend his whole life answering it...
꒷꒦꒷꒦⋆⑅˚₊┈ • ┈ ✿・ʚ ฅ•ﻌ•ฅ ɞ ・✿ ┈ • ┈₊˚⑅⋆꒷꒦꒷꒦
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lifetimeshipper · 3 months
The GrimBee Story
Chapter 3
Grimlock stayed where he was for the rest of the afternoon trying to think of who he could ask. Bumblebee comes looking for him and finds him there, "Grimlock, I've been looking all over for you. Have you been here all afternoon?"
"Yeah, sorry. Did you need something?" Grimlock asked as he transformed back into his bot form.
"No, was just wondering where you were because you were absent all afternoon, just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you."
"I'm okay, thanks for coming to check on me."
"No problem."
"Can I ask you something, 'Bee?" He asked as he followed Bumblebee to the scrapyard.
"Sure, Grim. What is it?"
"Um, have you...?" He felt his cheekplates heat up as he tried to ask his question, "Uh, I mean..."
"What is it, Grim? Just ask."
"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked quickly.
"Wow, that's random. Um, I have a couple of times. Why?"
"Sorry, I was just wondering what it would be like to kiss someone. I've never kissed anyone before," he explained quietly with a blush.
"You haven't?"
"No," he mumbled.
"Do you want to try it?"
"Yeah," he mumbled just as quietly.
"Alright, you can try it with me."
"Y-you're sure?"
"Yeah," Bumblebee replied with a smile.
"O-okay," Grimlock smiled nervously. Bumblebee walks over to him and pulls him down to kiss him. Grimlock bent down to Bumblebee's level and started slowly closing the gap between them. Bumblebee brings their lips together and Grimlock's optics widen for a moment before they slowly close as he starts getting into the kiss. Bumblebee kissed him passionately to show him what it was like. Grimlock carefully placed his servos on Bumblebee's shoulders and slowly kissed the smaller mech back.
After about a minute, Bumblebee pulls back and looks at him, "How was that?"
Grimlock made a small squeak when he felt his face get warm, "I-it was nice," he replied quietly still feeling a little flustered.
Bumblebee smiled at him, "Good."
"I, uh, think we should head back, the others may be looking for us," Grimlock spoke quietly as he headed back to the scrapyard.
"I agree," Bumblebee said as he followed Grimlock. I rather enjoyed that kiss.
Grimlock kept quiet the whole way back, still thinking about the kiss. The sun had already been replaced by the moon when they got back. The others had already gotten ready for bed, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, 'Bee," Grimlock said as he came to a slow stop.
"Yep, see you tomorrow, Grim."
"Good night," Grimlock replied before heading towards his quarters.
"Good night," Bumblebee said before heading to his own quarters.
Grimlock lays in his berth thinking about the kiss, he really liked it. But was it okay to do that? Bumblebee was their leader and a mech. But Optimus and Megatron were together so it should be okay, right? With a sigh, Grimlock held his pillow close to his chest. He could still feel Bumblebee's lips on his, and he smelled really nice. He felt his spark pulsing faster than usual. Why was it doing that? "I'll ask Fixit about it in the morning," he mumbled tiredly to himself as he slowly drifted into recharge.
The alarm sounded causing Grimlock to bolt up and run out towards the Alchemor, "What's going on?"
"We seem to have some 'Con activity," Strongarm replies as she walks over to the Alchemor with Steeljaw.
"We have a slight problem, Lieutenant," Fixit spoke with a hint of fear.
"What is it, Fixit?"
"There have been sightings of a large creature that resembles a Spinosaurus," Fixit brought up a video from a security camera, "Unfortunately, I can't brighten the picture to see who it is. But if you look closely there are four others with him."
"Where is that, Fixit?" Bumblebee asked.
"At a power plant that is under reconstruction."
"OK team looks like we have some dangerous 'Cons on our hands so let's be careful and keep an optic out. Thunderhoof, Metalsound, Grimlock, and Ultra Magnus will go with me," Bumblebee says before he transforms and heads out with Thunderhoof, Metalsound, Grimlock, and Ultra Magnus behind him.
"Good luck everyone!" Emberwing called out to the group.
They headed off and soon got to the power plant, "Keep an optic open guys you never know where they are," Bumblebee warns them.
Metalsound, Thunderhoof, and Ultra Magnus went in one direction while Grimlock and Bumblebee went in another. Metalsound, who was in her beast form, kept looking whenever she thought she heard something move. Her ears perked up as her head snapped towards the back room, she thought she heard something scurry across the floor. 
Suddenly this creature jumped out and attacked her. She let out a snarl when she felt a set of claws dig into her side as she fell to the ground. She snapped her jaws on the creature's skinny arms hearing a pained screech as the creature backed off into the shadows. The creature waited a few minutes before attacking again from another side. With a snarl, she discharged her electricity this time, and bolts of lightning shot off like fireworks in every direction. Keep a look out for this guy, he's fast.
Roger that. Thunderhood said before he saw spikes come flying at him, he ducked out of the way in time. Ultra Magnus managed to get out of the way of missiles that were coming straight for him.
"Shadowrunner, stop fooling around with these weaklings, the boss is going to get upset if you don't take care of their guard dog," a gruff voice spoke from the shadows.
A Raptor came out of the shadows, "Right," he said before he jumped on Metalsound.
Metalsound fell to the ground yelping in pain when she felt his sharp claws raking at her side. Her front paws lit up as she swiped at the Velociraptor's face. The Velociraptor moved back and dodged her paw, he let out a roar as he bit into her back. Metalsound roared as his jaws clamped down on her and she let off another surge of electricity. I could use some help over here.
Ultra Magnus screamed in pain as he collided with one of the power lines. That darn headbutting thing was worse than Thunderhoof in a rage. Falling to his knees he glared at the creature.
I'm a little busy right now. Thunderhoof said as he dodged some more spikes coming at him followed by a tail, he tried to ram the Stegosaurus but with no luck.
I just hope Grimlock and Bumblebee are having better luck.
Bumblebee falls to the floor trying to avoid a tail coming at his helm, he then sees the sharp end of the tail coming down towards his face. Bumblebee rolled out of the way just in time, quickly getting to his feet he glared at the Dinobot. He looked like the Spinosaurus that Fixit had mentioned but he still didn't know who he was.
"I don't know who you think you are but I know one thing. I will see that this place is covered in your Energon, Autobot," a deep voice rumbled from the scarred Dinobot.
"That's what you think, Dinobot."
Pained roars echoed throughout the power plant causing the Dinobot to look in the direction of the roar, "You sure about that? Because it sounds like my boys are winning. Also, I'm sure that Amberblade is having fun with your Dinobot."
Bumblebee looks in the direction of the roar then turns back to him, "You're not gonna win this, 'Con."
"I think I already have," the Dinobot grinned before roaring as he charged at Bumblebee. He jumps out of the way to dodge him and then throws a blow of his own. The Dinobot quickly turned around, swinging his tail into Bumblebee's stomach. It collides sending Bumblebee into a wall, "Boys, we're moving out!" The Spinosaurus roared as he picked up what they had come for. A Sabertooth tiger was right on his tail as were the other three Dinobots.
Once they were gone, Bumblebee got up and went to check on his team.
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