#the pros of cons
sapphicbookoftheday · 2 years
The Pros of Cons by Alison Cherry, Lindsay Ribar, and Michelle Schusterman
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Today's sapphic book of the day is The Pros of Cons by Alison Cherry, Lindsay Ribar, and Michelle Schusterman!
TW for taxidermy
Summary: "Drummer Phoebe Byrd prides herself on being one of the guys, and she's ready to prove it by kicking all their butts in the snare solo competition at the Indoor Percussion Association Convention.
Writer Vanessa Montoya-O'Callaghan has been looking forward to the WTFcon for months. Not just because of the panels and fanfiction readings but because WTFcon is where she'll finally meet Soleil, her internet girlfriend, for the first time.
Taxidermy assistant Callie Buchannan might be good at scooping brains out of deer skulls, but that doesn't mean it's her passion. Since her parents' divorce, her taxidermist father only cares about his work, and assisting him at the World Taxidermy and Fish-Carving Championships is the only way Callie knows to connect with him.
When a crazy mix-up in the hotel lobby brings the three girls together, they form an unlikely friendship against a chaotic background of cosplay, competition, and carcasses!"
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wekillitwithfire · 2 months
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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randalltier · 6 months
You can choose only ONE no in-between answers. Be brave and bold and decisive and elaborate in the tags if you wish
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makowcy · 8 months
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gif from that hit 90s space mining anime that is real and not made by me
au by @kiszoneszczury
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rainbowtransform · 1 month
I want to make something super clear: all of Brennan Lee Mulligan’s battles are to the death. It is kill, or be killed and that extends to the Rat Grinders.
I like them just as much as the next person but I knew they’d die. They’re amazing antagonists and it’s great that we like them but this is their fate. They were doomed the minute they chose Porter, and yes they chose him and to come back.
Lucy didn’t. It was painful but she didn’t.
The others did. They were doomed by the narrative the moment they got the mark on themselves.
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spaceistheplaceart · 20 days
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can't feel it.
(during HL2VRAI, in which the AIs now know that Gordon is the player... but still dislike seeing him hurt)
A grayscale HLVRAI comic. Gordon is crouched down next to Tommy at some point in time, Tommy is holding a medkit and is worried. Gordon has a cut on his knee. Gordon says: "I'm fine! I can't feel anything that happens in the game. Remember?" with a smile. Some time later, Gordon is firing at combine, stalkers, and manhacks in City 17. Bullets fly by him as he yells behind him: "Don't worry about me, I can't feel it! Just run!" Gordon is a little scuffed on his face. Some time later again, Gordon is bruised and bloodied with bullet marks on his HEV suit. He has a black eye and on the opposite cheek there is blood coming from a cut. His hair is messy. He waves his hand dismissively, smiling and saying: "D-don't worry, I can't feel it. Ah-haha!..." Bubby is behind him and looks slightly concerned. Suddenly Dr. Coomer hugs Gordon. Gordon frowns, lip trembling, as he sinks down to his knees while Dr. Coomer holds him. We then see the player in his real life gaming room, on his knees, holding nothing. He says: "I can't feel it..." he's shaking.
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 7 months
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mr grump and his golden ray of sunshine
i just wanted to draw their contrasting outfit choices (all the clothes vs none of the clothes lol) but edward’s a possessive lil bitchh so here we are
lineart and another close up ⬇️
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teleport-warning · 11 months
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the-darkestminds · 1 month
The fact that Mor regards Nesta as basically as evil and despicable as people like Keir is one of the reasons I cannot bring myself to like or respect her. Nesta fought for the humans, risked her own life to help the Fae in the war against Hybern, killed the king herself !! and was willing to die protecting Cassian. And yet because Nesta doesn’t get along with Rhys, because she’s struggling with her trauma and hurts Feyre’s and Cassian’s feelings, she deserves to be left for dead in the human lands? I’m sorry but Mor is the worst and I swear she’s just jealous that Cassian only has eyes for Nesta now. ✋😩
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nelkcats · 10 months
The List
Danny knew he couldn't keep the existence of the ghosts a secret forever. The GIW was a clear example of that, they had managed to disband the organization but there were always traces left behind that made him anxious.
Times had changed, and while Amity was hiding behind his "small town" reputation, the world was changing. New protectors, heroes, as well as new threats were appearing. And as much as the halfa wanted to, he couldn't transport his entire town to the Realms on every occasion of danger, that would definitely be suspicious.
So he made a list. He gathered information on the heroes that had come forward and categorized them according to how easy they were to approach, or how open they would be to the existence of ghosts.
Unfortunately his "safest" choice was John Constantine, someone he wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole, so he decided to settle for the second one: The Flash.
Danny had weighed the pros and cons, but as he walked through Central City he wondered if it had been a mistake. Although it was probably too late to regret it, the speedster had already noticed him.
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thatsbelievable · 2 months
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velveteenbard · 4 months
Biggest casualties of season 1:
“I think this guy might be the Avatar” ~ Secret Tunnel minstrels (about Sokka)
“Do you wanna…do an activity together?” ~ Sokka to Yue
“You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun” ~ Zuko to Katara
“No, no, if it were a choice between kissing you and dying” ~ Aang to Katara
“You’re just a child” ~ Zuko. “Well you’re just a teenager” ~ Aang
“Come back, I wanna eat you!” ~ Sokka to Momo
Sokka in Kyoshi-warrior getup
The off-key and very stoned secret tunnel singing
Aang dressed as Avatar Kyoshi
Aang dressed as an old man
Katara freeing Aang through a feminist rant
Iroh. Just… Iroh
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sea-buns · 4 months
I do really love Brennan's rule of honoring nat 20s. It can be interesting when you get a nat 20 and the gm goes "ok but what's your total?" Y'know cuz it's like "wow this thing was so powerful that a nat 20 wasn't enough"
But also it's really fun to just reward the 20. Even when it fucks with the very minimal amount of setup you prepared. I just can't help but applaud Brennan every time he has to reconcile with a surprise Beardsley nat 20 and fuckin nails it
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renstrapp · 3 months
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god bless the gideon cosplayer with the boob window who walked down lesbian lane and god bless @fawnduu for telling me "eyes up"
(btw I'm posting these kind of sketches and doodle comics to my patreon for $2+)
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kaitethecreature · 1 month
Pros and cons of having a human body (inspired by @/evanpapevan711)
Having opposable thumbs is nice
I can eat foods that my theriotypes can’t eat (like chocolate, grapes, alliums, and citruses)
I can communicate with my family and friends easily
I can read, write, and draw
My stamina is terrible
I’m not very flexible
I have no ear mobility
No tail :(
I have no fluffy fur to keep me warm and express myself
To add, I also have no scales
My teeth aren’t sharp
I have no claws to scratch things
I can’t vocalize properly like my theriotypes
I can’t fly and have no big wings
I can’t climb things very well
My senses are dull compared to my theriotypes
Have to go to school
Have to pay taxes
Have to get a job
Have to deal with capitalism and bigotry
I have boobs :(
Have to deal with body dysphoria
I think you get the point lol
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