#the right answer is black pete obviously
Alright everyone, new personality test just dropped pick your fav shitty white guy
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Edit: I have polls now
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watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, time travel, oral sex, rough sex, fang play, size kink, breeding kink and slight blood play. Some talks of suicide..
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use google translate to help…)
Chapter 5- The Skeletons In His Closet..
“Everything needs to be perfect. Erica do you have the ice?”
“I’ve got the ice.” You check that off the list. “Jerry, do you have the paper plates?”
“I got paper plates, and I got napkin.” You check those off the list. “Monica-”
“I have the baked Mac and cheese and I have the hot links.” You check those off of the list and you look at your friends. “As you all know, this is the annual Valentine family reunion. I invited you all because my grandparents adore you. Now, we need to make a signal so if any family member catches us off guard the others can swoop in and save the day. Any suggestions?”
“Oh! We can fake a yawn.” Jerry suggests. But Monica shakes her head. “No can do, we did that last year and Great Aunt Ethel made Erica sit on the bench with her so she could rest it out.”
“Ear tug.” Erica says. “Yes! That’s perfect. Alright let’s get the stuff in the car.” As your friends heads out of the apartment you stay back and call Miguel for the tenth time. It goes to voicemail which doesn’t surprise you. He’s been late to a lot of functions lately.
“This is Miguel leave a message.” It beeps and you pace the apartment. “Baby, we’re leaving the apartment. I was hoping you’d be here so I can prep you but obviously you’re not answering. The cookout is at my grandparents. I’m sure you remember the address. Just please don’t be too late, a lot of my family wants to meet you, okay? Lo-later.” You hang up and tell Milo to be good…
When you park the car, you see balloons all tied up on the front porch. “Remember the plan, we stay for a few hours and if any of us need saving, tug an ear.” You all get out of the car and start to unload the stuff.
Erica pulls you to the side and whispers to you. “Where’s Miguel?” You huff and shrug. “I don’t know, but if he is late he is going to get an earful.” You say as you tie your headscarf tighter.
“Is that little Tommie?” You turn and put on a fake smile as you see your Auntie Vivian. “Hey Auntie.” You lean over and give her a hug. “Girl look at you! Looking like a little African queen. And these hips! Lord have mercy I know these boys go crazy over you.” You feel awkward and clear your throat. “Auntie, you remember my friends right?”
“Of course I do. Hey guys.”
“Hey.” They say in unison. “Auntie where can we put the ice and food?” You ask. “In the kitchen. Now don’t stay in there. If you do they’re gonna make you help with the fish fry. And it’s already hot with all these black folks.” You all laugh and start bringing the stuff inside.
“Hello.” You call out as you walk into the house. “Tommie! Is that you! Come here let me get a good look at you!” Your Auntie Bonnie calls out as she dries her upper lip with a napkin.
“We’ll put this up.” Jerry whispers to you as they walk past. “Baby go and put that ice in the cooler out back.”
You walk over to your Auntie Bonnie and she looks you over. “Girl you look like me back in the day. I swear I had about six boyfriends and three men trying to marry me when I was your age.” You laugh at that and she gives you a hug. “How you feeling?”
“I’m okay. Really.” You lie. “Mhm, if you want to lie, lie to your boss not to me. But I won’t push, now where is this man, Barbra was telling us about.”
“Miguel will be here soon. He’s just running a little late.”
“Tommie, come here and help me with this fish.” Your Auntie Meryl calls out. “Oh! Uncle Pete said he needs help with the grill I’ll be back.” You run outside and see Erica and Monica over by the drinks.
“Where’s Jerry?” You ask sitting down taking a bottle of water from the cooler. “Your cousins snatched him up so he’s playing double Dutch with them.” Monica points across the yard and sure enough Jerry was turning the ropes with one of your little cousins.
“TT!” You feel a pat to your thigh and you turn to see your baby cousin, Oliver. “Hi baby!” You pick him up and give him a great big hug. He holds your face and leans his head on your shoulder.
You sit there with him in your arms and hear his mother calling him. “Oh, I should’ve know you’d be with Tommie. He isn’t causing you any trouble is he?”
“Not at all, right Ollie?” He just sits there holding your face. “Ollie, do you want to show your big cousin your new toy?” Vanessa asks him. He nods and he jumps off of your lap and goes running. “Ollie no running you’ll hurt yourself. That boy is going to keep me young running after him. How y’all been?”
“Good.” You say wondering where Miguel was.
“I’ve been alright, but you know where the harder stuff at?” Monica asks. “Go to Uncle Pete, he got some mikes hard lemonade in his cooler.”
“Say less.” Monica leaves and Erica follows. “You want one?” You shake your head as they walk off. “How’s Ollie been adjusting?” You ask Vanessa. “He’s been doing great. He still doesn’t talk much but he likes his new school.”
“That’s good. Maybe I can see if there are any more grants you can apply to for him.” She nods and Ollie comes running back. “TT!”
“Look at that! It’s a dinosaur! Do you know what sound a dinosaur makes?”
“Roof!” You shake your head. “No that’s a dog. A dinosaur…roars. Like this, ROAR!” You tickle him and he laughs. “TT!” He tugs you along and you follow him. He points to the hula hoop and you pick it up. You show him how to hula hoop but he doesn’t get it. Which was fine because you just wanted him to have fun.
After playing with Oliver for fifteen minutes he was passed out in your arms. You bring him to his mother and she takes him inside to sleep on the bed with the other babies and toddlers.
You decide to make yourself a plate and you get in line. “Tommie, when are you gonna get married?” Your little loud mouth cousin, Tiffany asks. “When you stop minding my business and mind your own.”
“Oop, not too much.” You roll your eyes but laugh together as you make your plate. You get a few things on your plate and you’re about to reach for some chicken when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“Hola, mi amor.” You smile from ear to ear as you turn to Miguel. “Hello to you to-what happened to your eye?” Your boyfriend had a big black eye and you were concerned. “Nothing, it’s just a small bump on my face.”
“Small bump? Miguel it’s looks like some one put their whole fist in your face!” You snap at him. “Geez! What happens to you?” Tiffany asks. You ignore her and grab Miguel’s hand, dragging him into the house.
“It’s nothing really.” He tries to tell you. “Nothing my ass. Sit here and let me get you an ice pack.” You go into the fridge and take out one, then you grab a dish cloth. You wrap the ice pack and you place it on Miguel’s eye. He winces in pain and you cross your arms over your chest.
“I know you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset, concerned yes. I’m curious as well. How is it that my boyfriend came here with a black eye? What happened?”
“Would you believe me if I said it was a door?” He says with a smirk. “Now is not the time to joke, Mr O’Hara!” You glance over and see your Aunties were pretending not to listen. “Come with me.” You drag him to the side porch and close the door behind the two of you.
“Miguel, how?” He sighs and moves the ice pack. “I got into a little fight, it’s no big deal. Honestly the other guy looks worse.” You sigh because there isn’t anything you can do. He is here and that is what you had wanted. “Is that why you’re late?”
“Y..yes. Amor, I am sorry. Let’s go back out there and you can introduce me to your family.” The hesitation in his answer doesn’t go unnoticed but you let it slide for now.
“Right, well I hope you’re hungry because there is a lot of food and there’s a lot of people who want to meet you.” You cup his face in your hands and you kiss his bruised eye. “I promise you Miguel you better had beat them to a bloody pulp for giving you this black eye.”
“You know I did.” He says with a smirk. You lead him back to where your family is and you make him a plate.
After watching Miguel interact with your family for a few hours you felt relaxed. “Baby cakes, come help me with this pan.” You head into the kitchen with your grandmother and she lifts up a pan for you to bring outside.
“No one is gonna take him from you, you don’t have to stare too hard.” Your grandmother teases. “It’s just, he seems so relaxed like he’s met them before.”
“Isn’t that a good thing? Miguel just fits in with the rest of them. And don’t think I haven’t seen the way that man watches you. He stares at you as if you’re his entire universe.” You look back at Miguel and see him playing with Oliver.
“I say by the end of this year you two will be married and expecting.”
“Girl don’t grandma me. There is no way that man is going to settle with being your boyfriend. A man like that ought to be a husband.” You sigh and continue to watch Miguel play with Oliver.
As you watch him you get an odd thought. In the thought you see Miguel getting down on one knee and he’s proposing to you. You look down at your hand and you swear you see a ring. When you blink the ring was gone.
You feel dizzy and you almost trip. But you put the pan down and you catch yourself. “You okay baby cakes?” You nod. “I’m okay, I just need some water.” She gets you some water and you look back outside to see Miguel staring back at you.
What the hell was that?
You were sitting on the back porch with Erica and Jerry watching the older folks dance to old school jams. Monica was playing spades with your aunties and Miguel was playing with the kids. “I think this cookout was perfect.” You announced. “Got that right, my stomach is full all I need is a man to cuddle with.”
“Jerry then why fuck are you looking at me?” Erica says narrowing her eyes at him. “Because with those broad shoulders you look like a man.”
“Oh bitch those are fighting words.” They get up ready to play fight but your grandmother gives them the look. “Behave yourselves.” She calls to them. “Yes Mrs. Valentine.” They say in unison as they walk over to grab some more drinks.
You sit back and look up at the stars, feeling happy. “Is that seat taken?” You look over to see Miguel and you smile at him. “Come.” You motion him over and he sits between your legs. “Did you have fun today, mi Corazón?”
“I did actually. And my family loves you. Especially Ollie. He doesn’t take to strangers well but he warmed up to you just fine.”
“I’m glad they like me. Hopefully next year….” He stops talking and you wait for him to continue but he stands up. “Come dance with me.” You take his hand and Stand by me by Prince Royce plays.
“You trust me?” He asks as he sees you’re nervous. “Yes.” You answer him without hesitation. Miguel then places his hand on your lower back and he tells you to follow his lead but don’t watch his feet.
You two move together and you still feel nervous. “Close your eyes and think of a happy place, amor.” He whispers in your ear. You shut your eyes and think for a moment.
When you have the happy place, you move to the beat of the song and Miguel guides your hips. You open your eyes and he was smiling at you as he sang the song to you. You smile so wide, it’s shocking that your face didn’t split in half.
Miguel spins you around and then dips you. As he pulls you back to him, you can’t help but feel your family watching the two of you. You do a move you didn’t know you could do, but it feels like a reflex.
Miguel lets you go and you dance by yourself, moving your long skirt to the beat of the music. You look at him and move your hips as you go to him. To you Miguel was the only thing that mattered to you in this very moment. When you finally go to him the song ends.
“I love you.” You say without hesitation. You then realized what you said and you start to take it back. “Yo tambien te quiero mi amor.” Miguel says with love in his eyes. You hear your family in the background cheering you two on but that doesn’t matter. You get on your tippy toes and you kiss him. He holds you and kisses you back as your family hoots and hollers at the two of you.
Yes this night was perfect…
After you had dropped Jerry and Monica off at their place, you and Erica were walking back into your apartment, with Miguel following behind you.
“How about I spend the night at your place for a change? It’ll give Erica a break from hearing us.” You say as you lean against the door frame. “I’d like that actually. But before you come over let me just go clear up some stuff.” Miguel kisses your lips several times, which makes you laugh. “Baby, go.” You push him back and he takes a small step back. “I love you, Tommie.”
“I love you too, Miguel.” He walks into his apartment and you walk into yours. You sigh like a love sick school girl and bring your leftover plate to the kitchen. When you enter you see Erica standing there reading something.
“What’s that?” You ask putting your plate in the fridge. She turns to you and pretends she wasn’t reading something. “Huh? Oh nothing.” You give her a look. “E, what is that?” You ask again. She sighs and hands you the paper. You read it and it’s about Miguel.
However there is barely anything on the paper. No mentions of his family. No mentions of his birth place. It mentions an ex or two but they had little to no information on Miguel.
“This is a good thing right? He has a clean record.” You try to be optimistic but Erica gives you a sad look. “T, my cousin is the best on getting dirt on anyone. But from what I read, Miguel is a total stranger. Just who have you been dating for the few months?”
You feel a knot of anxiety at the pit of your stomach as you wonder for yourself. “I’ll be right back.” You march out of your apartment and you knock on Miguel’s door.
He answers it after your third knock. “Amor I was just about to come get-what’s wrong?” You enter his place and you take a deep breathe.
“Miguel, be honest with me.” You say to him. “Of course, amor. I’ll always be honest with you.” You give him the paper and he looks it over. He looks up at you in confusion. “You had someone watching me? Why?”
“Because Miguel, even though we’ve been together for months, I really don’t know who you are. And there’s more. When you got hurt back at the restaurant, you had gotten cut badly and I know you did because your blood was on my hands. But a few hours later you were with me and you didn’t have a scratch on you. When I ask about where you grew up you say in Nueva York but you don’t tell me the location. You haven’t told me how you have those fangs and when I try to ask you about your past you change the subject.”
“Tommie, I promise I’ll tell you when the time is righ-”
“No! Tell me now! You show up late to things I invite you to and all you can do is say I’m sorry! What are you hiding from me!”
“You aren’t ready to know!”
“Fine! If it’s going to be like that then maybe we should take a break.”
“No don’t-don’t leave me.” You hear Miguel speak but you already have your hand in the door knob. You don’t want to leave but you need to know why he is acting this way.
He grabs you from behind and you feel his grip tighten on you. “I don’t want you to leave me, when you find out the truth.” You close your eyes and turn with your face in his chest.
“Please, Miguel. Just tell me the truth.” You open your eyes and see those sad hazel eyes looking down at you.
He lets you go and he takes several steps back.
“I should start from the beginning. You know about my work. How I am a scientist and I dabble in gene splicing.”
You suddenly don’t like where this story is going.
“Well, about three years ago, I was working with someone I thought I could trust. He had made many promises to me and I believed every last one of them. However he was dabbling in pharmaceuticals and had released it to the poor part of the public. He had created this…drug called rapture. If you have too much of it you can become addicted to it. I got wind of this and I didn’t want to be part of his company anymore so I told him that I was leaving. He didn’t like that. And I should’ve been smart enough to know he wasn’t going to let me leave so easily. So he had invited me out for drinks and he kept on giving me drinks. But in those drinks he had laced them with ten times the dosage of rapture and I was instantly addicted to the stuff. He told me that if he couldn’t keep me then he was going to ruin me. But with the knowledge I had with my research. I knew how I could break the addiction. I had done the tests on multiple animals, so why wouldn’t it work on a human subject?”
“Miguel, what did you splice your genes with?” You ask with a shake in your voice. He crouches for a second and in a blink he was on the ceiling, crawling around.
You fall flat on your ass and he taps his smart watch that was on his wrist. With strange technology, you watch as a suit molds to his body. He then lands in front of you and you gasp.
“You’re Spide-there’s not fucking way you’re him!” He taps his watch and his mask recedes from his face. “Amor, I am Spider-man. That’s why I’ve been late to a lot of your get togethers. I’ve been well you know.” You blink several times and just stare at him.
Miguel reaches out to touch you but you flinch from his claws. He jerks his hand back. “I apologize, but just know I would never hurt you.” His claws molds back into his fingertips and you slowly stand up. “I should go.” You blurt out. “Wait, Tommie I can understand that this is a shock to you.”
“No, this is more than a shock and I’m about to have a panic attack. Are the walls closing in?” You feel dizzy and he holds you up. But you move from his touch. “Amor, you don’t look to good.”
You feel like you’re about to throw up but you keep it together. “I need to get out of here.”
“But you said you wouldn’t leave.” You can hear the panic in his tone and you want to understand but the panic attack is stronger than your logical mind.
“Miguel, I’m sorry. I have to go.” You manage to open the door and leave his apartment in a rush. “I love you.” You hear him say after you. Before you knew it you were crying as you slammed your apartment door behind you.
“Tommie! What’s wrong?” Erica yells after you. But you ignore her and run to your room. You dive under the covers and you scream into your pillow.
You felt overwhelmed, anxious, and most of all hurt, because if he could hide something that big from you, then what else could he hiding?
The skeletons in his closet were just too much to handle.
You’ve never done drugs before but if you did, then you’d be having withdrawals. You knew he was watching you because there were traces of him around you. When you were at work, you’d see finger prints on the outside of your window.
When you left your apartment, you could smell his scent by the door.
You’d dream about being in his arms, and this was driving you crazy.
Just go back to him!
Your brain was screaming.
But your body was hesitating. Why?
It was after work and you were staying in for the night. Milo was no where to be found and you were sitting there watching Anastasia. Technically the movie was watching you.
You were staring outside, thinking about Miguel. Wondering if he was okay. “This is stupid, you can just go over there and talk to him, Tommie.” You tell yourself. In your mind, you were already at his apartment, telling him how sorry you were for acting the way you did.
You look at your phone and you see he hasn’t messaged you in the past week.
The phone goes both ways. His words ring in your head and you decide to message him.
I’m sorry for the way I acted, I guess it all just became a lot for me to handle. I guess you were right when you said I wasn’t ready.
You erase that and type again.
I was stupid, will you forgive me?
You erase that message as well.
You roll your eyes and erase that.
As you go to type something better, Miguel’s name pops up on your call screen. You answer it immediately. “Hi…” You breathe into the phone. “Hi, mi corazón. I didn’t think you’d pick up.”
“I didn’t think you’d call. Listen I’m so sorry for the way I acted. You told me something very important and I treated it very childish.”
“No, amor. I should have told you sooner. I apologize.”
“How about we both apologize, and you come over because I’m lonely and Milo is hiding.” Miguel gives a husky laugh. “I will come to you in a se-” You hear a loud crash in the background and you sit up. “Miguel! Miguel are you alright? Answer me!”
“I’ll call you right ba-“ The phone goes dead and you quickly turn to the news. So far nothing had popped up. That’s good news right? That means it’s nothing major. You try to tell yourself.
Dread hits your chest when you see a 'this just in' headline across the screen.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, as you can tell there has been a prison outbreak on the upper west side. Some of the inmates have taken over the jail and a few have escaped….huh? He’s here?”
You see in the far background, Miguel was was swinging into the prison and you were at the edge of your seat.
“Miguel, please be safe. Please be sa-” You see what looks like lights flashing in the prison and you think the worse.
“Baby, please be safe. I need you to be safe.” You pray as you continue to watch the footage.
“A source has said that the escaped prisoners have been located. They were encased in webbing. And-” The news reporter goes silent and nods.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to inform you that, Spider-Man has gotten the situation under control. I repeat, Spider-Man has gotten the situation under control. The warden as well as staff are all safe and there are no casualties.”
You let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding and jump when you feel Milo’s little paws on your toes.
“Milo! He did it! My boyfriend did it! Oh my god, I’m dating a super hero! I’m dating Spider-Man! Wait I shouldn’t say that too loud.” You jump up and down with happiness and you give Milo a big kiss on his head then set him back down as you go and take a quick shower before Miguel comes over.
You were freshly showered and wearing a silver night gown as well as a grey headscarf. As you sat in your room with your lap top adding clothes to your cart. You swear you’re going to buy the stuff this time. You then hear a tap to your window.
You look over and you see him, hanging upside down. “Miguel!” You hiss as you run over and open the window down him. He crawls inside and he lands on his feet, towering over you.
His suit recedes off of him and he was your Miguel. “Hola hermosa.” He keeps still and you take a step forward. “Hi, you did good out there.” You say as you place your hands on his chest. He takes them and he kisses them. “That is my other job, amor. I hope you can understand that, if you still want to be together that is who you’ll be with as well.”
You give a sad smile. “I can handle that, though I’ll probably worry about you ten times more than I usually do. And what do you mean if? I still want this to work, you’re not getting rid of me Miguel.” He smiles and he leans down kissing you.
He then rests his head against yours. “Good, because keeping an eye on you has been torture for me. Always being close but never being with you. That hurts me more than getting punched in the face by Vulture.”
“So that’s who punched you? God I heard about him, doesn’t he…eat people?” He nods and he gently moves the lace strap off of your shoulder. “Is this new?” He asks.
“I got this a while ago, I figured you’d like it….” You’ve definitely said that before but when? “I do like it…I’ve missed you. I know it’s only been a week but I’ve missed being this close.” Miguel cups your face and he kisses you deeply.
You’ve missed this as well. His taste, his touch. God you’ve missed this man and your body was finally getting its dose of dopamine.
You break from the kiss first. “Promise me, that you’ll make sure you’re safe out there.” Miguel eyes saddens but you shake your head. “Please promise me.” He sighs and nods. “I promise, amor.” You kiss him and he lifts you up off of the floor bridal style and he places you on the bed.
“Te necesito, I need you so badly it hurts.” Miguel strips off his shirt and tosses it somewhere in your room. You help him with his pants as he kicks off his shoes.
Once he is completely naked, he helps you out of your night gown. You lay back down as Miguel lays on top of you and kisses your neck. “Tell me about your day, amor. I’ve missed your voice.” He whispers against your right breast.
He sucks that breast and you run your fingers through his hair and moan softly. “Today…was tough because I missed you…” You get distracted by the way his tongue rolls over your nipples but you get back into focus in telling him about your day.
“….but I…mmm, I got a lot of work done. I…oh please keep doing that. I checked the calendar and I’m due for a va…vacation, Miguel I can’t keep talking when you lick me like t-” You cut yourself off as watch Miguel crawl back between your legs.
“Fair enough, amor. Then I’ll tell you about my day. But first.” Miguel moves so both of you are laying side by side, but you’re in front of him and he has your leg partly lifted up.
“My day was miserable because I didn’t wake up under you this morning.” Miguel says as he slowly slides inside of you. You arch your back and touch his face as you feel your walls mold around his dick. “Eres tan apretada mi amor. So tight. Mmm, I had saved a woman from being robbed. I made sure…I made sure I kept an eye on you at work, oh shit, make it tighter for me, Tommie. I had lunch on the Statue of Liberty’s crown and I saved a prison from being taken over. But you know what made the day worth it?” He asks as he keeps his slow pace.
“What baby?” You moan as he keeps going in and out of you. “Being here with you. Being with you in this moment…being deep inside of you.” He slows down and he kisses your neck. You lean your head back against him and you feel his fangs gently trace the veins down your throat.
“I love you, I love you so much, Tommie.” He moans as he grips your hips and goes a bit harder with his thrusts but he keeps a slow pace.
“I love you too. I love you too, baby.” You moan out breathlessly. You lift your legs a bit more and feel him go deeper inside of you. You feel him reach down and rub slow circles around your clit and you let out a groan. “Baby, go faster. Please go faster.” You moan out.
“No, no, no, amor. You can take it at this pace. I know you can. I haven’t had this pussy in a week, fuck, I’m going to savor this pretty pussy for a while. But you can take it right? You can take daddy’s dick.” You go stupid for a second and forget how to speak as he keeps the same pace.
The pace he’s going was making a slow and hard build up for you, which made you grip your walls around him. Miguel grips your throat and kisses you deep. “You know exactly what you’re doing with this little pussy. If you keep that up, I’m going to come, amor.” Miguel moans as he starts to pick up the pace. “Please do, please come deep inside of me.” You moan out as he switches positions.
He was now on top of you and he was gripping your headboard as he did deep strokes. You place your hands on his chest and you reach up to pull him close to you. You tug at his bottom lip and your nails finds a way to his back.
Miguel starts to pick up the pace, causing the bed to shake. You start breathing heavy as you feel yourself about to climax. “Ven por mí, princesa. Come for me.” He thrusts harder and you start to stutter out his name. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” You groan as your walls pulse around him. Your nails dig deep into his back and he grabs a hold of you and he does two last stroke before he pumps you full.
You both still as you both come down from the climax high. He stays inside of you and he balances on his elbows. “You are amazing. Tan asombrosa.” You smile and kiss his lips. “You’re the amazing one. You are a super hero. I bet you’ve saved a lot of people.”
That comment made him frown.
He slides out of you causing the both of you to gasp. He then lays beside you and you turn to your side. “What’s wrong?” You ask him as you run a finger over a scar you hadn’t noticed before.
He gently moves your hand from his chest and he holds it. “My job, is just like anyone else’s who has to deal with the public. I have good days and I have bad days. In your eyes I am this amazing person, but amor. There will be days that I will come home to you and I’ll have to have let someone die. This job isn’t full of rewards.”
“Do you want to talk about it? I figured you don’t have anyone to talk to about this.” You offer. “You don’t have to amor. I don’t want to bring you such sadness.”
You sit up and sit criss cross. “Miguel, I have my sad days. Just like you. If there is one thing I can tell you is that, I understand loss. I love my grandparents, I do. But I’ll never have my dad walk me down the aisle. I’ll never have my mom guide me into motherhood. It took a few years of therapy and counseling to tell me that it wasn’t my fault that they passed. Even though I thought it was….” You look down at your fingers and let out a breath you know you’ve been holding since your were thirteen.
“…I was so angry with my parents. Over a missed event, over some play I don’t remember. But I remember that I was angry with them because they told me they wouldn’t be home in time to be with me. I went to bed angry. But when I woke up, my grandparents had told me the news. I felt that because I went to bed angry it was my fault that they were gone. I had so much…anger inside of me. That I had came to hate myself. And you know what they said when you’re an intelligent person. You tend to know how to do dangerous things.”
You look up at Miguel and you close your eyes. “My grandfather found me and I was rushed to the hospital. They had pumped my stomach and I got lectured that my parents wouldn’t have wanted me to take my own life. And I’m not telling you this for sympathy. No, I’m telling you this because I know what it’s like to have bad days, and I was happy later on when I had someone to talk to about it. So, Miguel let me be that person for you. Don’t bottle it up, if you have a bad super hero day then tell me. If you need a hug then my arms are always opened for you.” Miguel sits up and he pulls you into his arms.
“Thank you, Tommie. This helps.” He kisses your temple and you let a yawn escape. “Let’s get some rest.” You nod and grab the sheets and pull it over the two of you.
Miguel pulls you on top of him and you let your head rest on his chest. “Baby, what spider did you splice yourself with?” You ask feeling sleepy.
You feel him stroke a hand against your shoulder and he looks down at you. “If I tell you, you’ll have nightmares. Just know that it isn’t deadly. Well it’s only deadly when threatened.” He gives a soft chuckle and you rub your face into his chest. “Good night.” You whisper as you take a deep breathe and fall asleep in Miguel’s arms…
Previously, Next
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calliopesdiary · 2 months
hi i saw that you were taking requests and idk if this is a good one or too boring (never done this before) but you could always write smth kinda similar to where the reader is james sister and have her be remus or sirius's sister, with sirius you get all that black family drama.
have a nice day and love your writing!!
hi dear! sorry it took me so long to respond i was on vacation! i went with remus but with like a whimsy/luna lovegood esk reader!!
You and Me, Always Forever <3
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synopsis; People have always seen and perceived you as a bit odd, a bit whimsy. and you were alright with that. but when your “friends” comment about you behind your back, you go to Remus and Sirius.
pairings: lupin!reader x bigbrother!remus, (platonic obviously ew 🤮), wolfstar
content: reader gets bullied lightly by her friends, remus is the best, sirius is like your older brother because he’s dating remus
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“She’s just— so odd.” Lucy— your ravenclaw friend stated.
“Lucy, don’t say that. she’s just different.” Gracie scolded softly.
“She’s not wrong, Grace.” Taylor looked up from her nails.
“it’s just a bit weird how she goes around practically spewing nonsense out of her mouth, i’m surprised Remus doesn’t get tired of it.”
“I sure would if i were him, imagine having your sister being a complete loony!” Taylor ridiculed.
“Oh, Sirius! your Aura is oddly red today!” Lucy mocked, causing Gracie and Taylor to giggle along with her.
what they didn’t know was that you had heard all of that, and it wasn’t very funny to you.
but you had a feeling your aura was a bit blue.
you felt hot tears welling up into your eyes as you ran off from your hiding spot near the library.
why would they say those things? were they right? were you a loony? was remus tired of you?
you didn’t really know, but all you did know was that you needed to find Sirius.
before whispering the password into the portrait hole, you stepped carefully into the Gryffindor common room.
taking in your surroundings, you spotted Sirius. manspread across the couch as he perked up when he saw you.
“little star—!… are you alright?” his excitement faded once he saw your tear stained face, you never cried.
“n-no.” you answered truthfully, the nargles hated when people lied.
“what’s the matter, sunshine?”
he opened his arms just for you to fall into his chest, sobbing lightly as he stroked your scalp.
Sirius had always been like a big brother to you, always so sweet and kind ever since he started dating Remus.
it also helped that you were one of Regulus’ best friends, so you already felt a little connection with him.
“can you tell me what’s wrong, little star?” he lifted your head up gently by holding your cheek.
“m-my friends… s-said i was a loony.. and that Remus is tired of me a-and that i’m odd.” you struggled over your words, as he quietly shushed you.
“those aren’t your friends, sunshine. real friends wouldn’t say that to you.”
you knew deep down he was right, but it still hurt.
“and Remus could never be tired of you, nor could i, or Reggie, or.. Junior.” he wasn’t very fond of you being friends with Barty, but he knew that boy would move the heavens for you.
“he must be annoyed a little..” you added.
just as Sirius was about to protest, Remus walked in with a stack of books.
“star?” he asked quietly, setting his books down on the coffee table in front of the couches.
“Sirius, what’s happened?”
“some of her mean old friends called her some mean names, and she thinks your annoyed with her.” Sirius answered bluntly, yet still kind considering you were right there.
“oh.. star, how could i ever be annoyed with you?” he brushed a small strand of hair from your face.
“c-cause i’m a loony.” you looked up at him shamefully.
“but that’s a good thing, star. it means your different, but different is good.” Remus smiled sweetly.
“i’m a bit of a loony too, but so is Siri, and James, and Pete.”
“y-you are?” you asked nasally.
“of course, sunshine.” Sirius smiled, and you were happy to spend the rest of the day just like that. nuzzled happily into your actual brother and your bonus brother.
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irondad-defensesquad · 11 months
edit (december 6th 2023): this has been getting a lot of notes - thank you for the love btw! - so i just wanted you to know that this idea has a full story! it's right here. thanks again!
tony is checking his notes while he works, when he hears the door opening.
"oh peter, is that you?" he says, a little relieved but also annoyed. "care to explain why you haven't replied to any of my messages-?"
when he looks behind him, though, there's nobody in the lab.
... the meow startles him.
tony finds the black cat sitting on his notebook, and doesn't appear to plan on getting off.
"seriously?" tony groans. "friday, why is the little black hole in here?"
"he is boss jr., isn't that correct?" the A.I. replies rather smugly.
the man glares at the ceiling. "very funny." then he turns to the cat. "why are you like this. i thought cats liked to be alone. but i guess you just love bugging me."
the cat doesn't reply. he dares to lie down, refusing to let tony work. before they settle on yet another glaring contest today, the older man's phone vibrates on the desk, much to the cat's curiosity. tony quickly takes it and sees he has new text messages from peter.
peter: sorry mr stark, i can't come over today
peter: i have a decathlon meeting and i can't miss it
tony audibly groans. yeah, of course. obviously.
then peter sends another one.
peter: how is tony jr? is he behaving?
tony aggressively texts back.
tony: that is not his name. and no, he's being a little menace, alright. he ruined my couch, he knocked my favorite mug over, and now he won't let me work.
peter: aww mr stark, he just wants attention!
tony: yeah, but he doesn't have to be such a little shit.
peter: stop being mean to him!!!
tony: he's being mean to me.
tony: so what, i'm gonna be stuck with him for another night?
the teen spends a while writing the next text, which becomes many of them, probably indicating he's anxious.
peter: look mr stark i'm sorry i forced you to look after him
peter: i just couldn't leave him in the cold and aunt may already has a lot in her plate
peter: but i didn't mean to make you mad either
peter: i promise i'll try to come over as soon as i can to take him to the shelter
tony's anger fades. he sighs it out.
tony: kid, it's fine. i get it. you have a good heart and i'm proud of you for that. i just wasn't ready to have a stray cat home.
tony: but this isn't your fault, okay? you did the right thing.
he almost texts more but decides not to.
peter: ok mr stark
peter: i'll try to get him to the shelter by the end of the week
tony: no pressure, kiddo.
when he thinks it's over, peter sends yet another one.
peter: hey mr stark? could you take a pic of him? i miss his little face 🥺
tony rolls his eyes and positions the starkphone in front of the cat. the little feline seems to notice it and looks back. and he tilts his head almost instantly. though tony knows it's not out of confusion - it's like he's posing for the photo.
the hero sends it to peter.
who in turn, replies with several stickers of people exploding with heart emojis.
peter: omg!!!! bby!!!! i would die for him!!!!
tony: please don't.
peter: aww he even posed!
peter: guess he rlly takes after you 😊
tony: he is still not my cat.
peter: still... just be good to him until i get back ok? he just wants some company
you don't get it, pete. i'm irresponsible and i ruin everything i touch.
tony doesn't send that.
instead, tony looks at the cat deep into his golden eyes.
his hand approaches the little void. he expects to get bitten or scratched like he has been all day. but worse...
i ruin everything i touch, and i'm going to kill another innocent creature. i'm going to kill him. i'm going to kill him.
the cat is snuggling against his hand, purring.
then he lets tony pet his whole body and his tail touches his fingers.
indeed... all the cat ever wanted was love and attention. the things he never had in the past.
with a relieved smile on his face, tony finally answers peter.
tony: okay.
just a simple reply. but many promises.
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zeni1098 · 22 days
There’s something I just wanna rant about and it has to do with angst is the TSS fandom. Specifically the dark sides and Logan. Whenever I see angst for them it usually has unsympathetic Sides in them and that just sort of annoys me. It might just be me but I HATE unsympathetic sides.
Usually when it’s Janus or Remus angst the person who’s making it likes to villainize a light side or two *cough* *cough* Patton and Roman *cough* *cough* to make the side they’re making angst of more sympathetic or make their actions more justifiable. And that isn’t the way to do it.
I get that Janus and Remus and Logan are sort of angsty (2/3 of them at least) but you don’t need to put down the other sides that aren’t at fault to make it more appealing. I’d understand if another side CONTRIBUTED to the angst but to make the OOC to the point they’re heartless is insufferable. NONE of the sides are unsympathetic or heartless. Stop trying to over sell or exaggerate how they are to make them more hate able. (Looking at you Roman haters)
I see more unsympathetic roman in Remus angst but you’re acting like Remus is a delicate snowflake “AWWW ROMAN IS BEING MEAN BECAUSE HE DOESN’T LIKE REMUS” like did y’all watch remus’s episodes?? 💀✋. He has a right to dislike Remus, he’s basically hurts Thomas a lot and is very disturbing (i love Remus btw). I assure you is Remus was YOUR sibling you’d get sort of sick of him too tbh. “Oh but Roman was mean to Logan and the others!” Ok and Logan and the others were always such nice and loving and careful people to Roman too. Stop acting like Roman is the only one doing this stuff jeez. “HE MADE FUN OF JANUS’S NAME” ok, I can’t really defend him in that, Janus was comfortable enough in being vulnerable with them for once and Roman shouldn’t have done that. But it was also wrong of Janus to say something HE KNEW Roman was insecure, sensitive and vulnerable about by comparing him to his brother. Stop acting like Janus did absolutely nothing wrong. People sometimes even try to villainise VIRGIL to make Janus more sympathetic and in the right when no one but Thomas knows the proper context of.
Now Logan, yes Logan is ignored and that it bad for Thomas and for Logan’s health (he’s interpreted as a person to Thomas so he’s a person get over it) but he needs to learn to talk about it so he can get help. But talking about problems isn’t easy especially when you say you’re emotionless and don’t like emotions. But let’s be real, he sort of ignores everyone too. Obviously it’s not his intention (vice versa) but he still does. Thomas listens to his heart more and strives to be better but in doing so ignores logic.
Now onto Patton, let’s get one thing clear. HE DOES NOT HAVE A BLACK AND WHITE PERSPECTIVE! Did you guys even watch Virgil’s arc? Patton was nice to him FULLY knowing he was a dark side then (I think). Most unsympathetic Patton is Patton being mean to the darks sides or trying to push them away from Thomas which is almost the OPPOSITE of what he does in the series. He doesn’t necessarily WANT them around all the time but he’s certainly not pushing them away. He wants Thomas to be a good person but the doesn’t have all the solution, answers or idea on how to do that or what’s the right choice. HE TURNED INTO A FRICKIN AMPHIBIAN UNDER THE STRESS FOR PETE’S SAKE!!
What I want to discuss is the fandom’s interpretation of Remus and Patton rn. I’m sorry, but what part of the lore did I miss did Patton show ANY sort of bias to Remus? (Other than Remus’s debut?) Ever since Remus’s debut Patton has done nothing but try to get along with him! He’s not abusing him whatsoever?? (Remus wouldn’t let him let’s be real 💀) Patton isn’t responsible for anything of Remus’s behaviour or anything like that (as far we know) so stop trying to make Remus seem more vulnerable and sensitive by villainising Patton so OOC.
Patton didn’t separate Remus and Roman, roman and Remus grew apart on their own. Patton doesn’t have any power over them other than being morality. Stop making Patton seem like a dictator when he’s basically the opposite. (I may add to this another time broskis)
Anywho thanks for coming to my ted talk broskis!!! 💙💙
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Would you consider writing something about izzy being turned on, but also VERY self conscious, about the age gap between himself and reader? (Both are obviously adults)
You Shoot Your Shot with First Mate Hands (semi-NSFW):
Of course, during their shore leave, Bonnet’s crew had chosen to infest the one tavern in this port that Izzy could stand. So, he was forced to visit the same establishment as them.
As expected, the crew had left him to himself, which he was at least grateful for. He was able to take his preferred seat in a quiet corner with a drink and just observe the other patrons while the rest of the crew busied themselves with drinking their wages worth of booze. He could just ignore them for the most part…at least, he would be able to if you weren’t there.
No matter how hard he tried, his attention was always dragged back to you. Watching you speaking with the rest of the crew, laughing joyfully at their jokes, leaning over the table with a bright smile to take the drink being served to you. A part of him admired the way you weaved through the other patrons with ease, finding an easy closeness with your crewmates. It was an ease that Izzy felt came with being of a younger age, when having fun on shore leave was more important than worrying about the ship.
What Izzy always seemed to miss in his observations, though, was that you were watching him too. Even as Frenchie chatted to you, a conversation you were genuinely invested in, you couldn’t help but steal glances at the isolated first mate. Sat in the back of the room, drink in hand. He certainly gave off the vibe that he didn’t want anyone bothering him, that he was here for a stiff drink before getting on with his night.
Over the brim of your tankard, you watched Izzy. Surely, the rest of the crew knew who had your attention. The two of you had been dancing around each other for a while now. You hadn’t missed the looks he sent in your direction, the way he reacted when you were close by, the way he flushed when you decided to flirt from time to time.
It had never felt like the right time to try for anything more but maybe shore leave would put some separation between the two of you and your positions aboard the Revenge.
Tonight, you were going to make your move.
Once the crew was distracted with a story that Black Pete was telling, you slipped away from the group. They would probably notice you were missing at some point but know not to interrupt when they saw you with Izzy, you had not been secretive about your interest in him. If nothing else, Lucius would support you in your goals and make sure nobody ruined your chances.
Izzy quickly noticed you approaching, watching you as you walked up to his table. You just smiled at him as you perched yourself on the bench with him, close enough to seem familiar, but not close enough to make him uncomfortable. 
“What are you doing sitting all on your lonesome over here?” you tried to keep your tone as neutral as possible, while hoping he didn’t miss the underlying suggestiveness. 
“That's the best pick up line you’ve got?” Izzy scoffed. He sounded unimpressed but you saw the way he shifted in his seat, put on edge by your presence. 
“Do you want me to be picking you up?” you smirked, elbow resting on the table as you lent towards him. 
“Fuck off,” he turned his face away from you. 
“Tell me to fuck off again and I will, I’m not an asshole. So, no saying it unless you really mean it,” your voice turned serious, verging on stern, and that caused Izzy to look at you again. 
He assessed you. You had backed up ever so slightly, allowing him some space, and your expression was serious. He couldn’t tell what you were thinking, but maybe that was the point.
“Who says I don’t really mean it?” Izzy huffed. 
“You really want me to answer that honestly, Iz?” you asked, tilting your head to the side. 
“Fuck you,” Izzy looked away from you again but the change felt purposeful, and that put the smile back on your face. 
Leaning towards him again, you peered into his tankard. It looked like rum but you couldn’t be sure. “What’cha drinking? Can I get you another one?” you asked. 
“Still got plenty left,” Izzy shrugged. 
“Really making me work for it here,” you joked, not letting it deter you. If he didn’t want your company at all, Izzy would definitely let you know. “On a serious note though, why aren’t you mingling with the crew?” 
Izzy lifted his tankard up to his face, not managing to mask his scowl. “I couldn’t think of anything worse.” He took a drink. 
“Oh c’mon, I think you’d have fun. I think Ivan and Fang would appreciate it and I’m sure the crew would like to get to know you better.” You would love him to get along with the crew a little more, to join them during times of recreation, but a selfish part of you liked having him all to yourself.
Izzy looked at you again. And you definitely didn’t preen under the way he looked you up and down. “I’m talking to you, right?” 
“Sure,” you nodded. 
“There. I’m mingling with the crew,” Izzy shrugged, fiddling with the handle of his tankard as he placed it down on the table again. 
“Baby steps,” you agreed, amused and pleased. You lent towards him some more, still not touching him but pressing into his space. “Care to do a little more mingling?” you asked, voice lowering a little.
Izzy wasn’t stupid, your attempts at flirting were blatant. Admittedly it had been a long time since he had actively attempted to flirt with anyone or anyone had been forward about their attempts at flirting, but he still recognised it. 
You were young and carefree, something he both envied and resented. 
He had never been very carefree but he had been more so than he was now when he was younger. Edward and Jack had always been far more careless than him, having confidence that Izzy could never even hope to achieve. You reminded him of them, a little. Bright eyes and smiles, charming and alluring. 
Now you were looking at him, smiling brilliantly at him, like he had put the stars in the sky.  
“Do you think you’re being subtle?” Izzy asked, genuinely curious. Was this your idea of subtlety or were you really just that unashamed about it? 
“I hope not!” you almost looked offended that he would dare accuse you of subtlety. “Think my motives here are pretty obvious. Sliding up to a man all alone in some tavern of ill repute,” you hummed, brushing your fingertips over the tabletop, nearly touching his arm. 
“It’s not-it’s just a normal tavern,” Izzy grumbled, cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.
“Have some imagination, Iz,” you tease. Maybe he wasn’t one for roleplay, maybe this just wasn’t the time. “I’m not just some crewmember of yours, I’m an exciting stranger in the establishment you’re visiting. An exciting stranger who took an interest in the handsome pirate sitting in the corner, the handsome pirate who I definitely happen to share some tension with.” 
“Fucking hell,” Izzy definitely wasn’t going to play along with that fantasy but he seem somewhat amused by it, and that was enough for you. “Think I’d rather you just be yourself,” he confessed with a mutter. 
You couldn’t help but smile, expression softening a little. “Aw, Iz. That’s actually pretty sweet.” 
That had the blush on his face deepening. “I didn’t…fuck it, whatever,” turning his face again once again didn’t hide his blush, you could still see the warm colour creeping up his neck. 
You bit down on your lip to hold back a giggle. 
You both knew perfectly well why you came over here, where this would hopefully be going. Izzy clearly wasn’t an enjoyer of small talk, and he really wasn’t giving you much to work with, so you decided to just get right to the point. 
“Can I kiss you?” Perhaps with somebody else you would have let things happen a little more naturally but you didn’t feel like being stabbed for assuming and trying to kiss him without asking explicitly. 
“What the fuck?” Izzy breathed out, head snapping to face you again, but there was no bite to his words. 
“Can I kiss you?”  you repeated, clear and soft. Not a hint of teasing or joke. 
“No, I heard you,” he muttered, taking another short drink from his tankard. 
“I want to kiss you, Iz, have for a while now. And I think you want to kiss me too.”
“That’s presumptuous.” 
You couldn’t help but smile, even as he spoke into his tankard his flush turned more red. “So you don’t want me? You just stare at me because…you like my fashion sense and you’re looking for ideas? When you’re watching my mouth when I talk, you’re just reading my lips, right? Yeah, Iz, I see you,” you felt a little bad when he started to look honestly embarrassed, but you weren’t mocking him, so you continued. “I see you because I watch you too, love the way you can’t look away from my mouth when we’re talking, the way I can feel your eyes on me, feel my knees going weak when you’re pissed off and get all up in my face.”  
“You don’t have to make fun,” Izzy grimaced down at his emptying cup, his grip on the handle tense and tight.
“Izzy, I’m not…I mean it.” It was the softness and sincerity of your tone that gave Izzy the ability to actually meet your gaze. 
He still looked cautious as he assessed you, as if he may be walking into some sort of trap. “You don’t mind?” he questioned.
It took you a second to realise just what he was asking. Asking if you didn’t mind the way he looked at you, the interest he took in you. “Why would I mind?” 
“Your first mate, a man 20 or 30 years your senior, leering at you.” He was glaring but not at you, you had a feeling it was directed more at himself. 
Ah, now you were seeing what was bothering him. You gave him a small smile. He tensed when you placed your hand on his knee but relaxed a little when it just stayed there, like a grounding weight. “I don’t feel like you’re leering, just watching. You’re not some creepy old man, Izzy. You’re the smoking hot first mate,” you assured him, balancing the right amount of sincerity with flirty. 
“Fucking hell.” There was an element of disbelief to his breathy curse.
“You like me, I like you. That’s that,” you shrugged, as if it were that simple. And, of course, it was that simple if Izzy could get out of his own head. You let your words sink in for a moment, let him process them in whatever way he needed, before giving his knee a small squeeze. “So…about kissing you?” 
Izzy released his hold on his tankard and sat back slightly. He looked down at your hand against his knee, still unmoving, before meeting your gaze again. “How much have you had to drink?” Izzy asked. 
A part of you felt frustrated that he felt you could only hit on him when you were drunk, but another part of you felt fond that he would worry about it. “I’m not drunk,” you assured him. 
“How much?” Izzy repeated sternly. You hadn’t actually answered his question. 
“Like three? Enough for a bit of a buzz but I promise I am in the right mind to make these sorts of decisions. Want me to walk in a straight line to prove it?” you asked, only a little teasingly. 
“No, fucking hell,” Izzy huffed, rolling his eyes. 
“And what about you?” you asked. You had come over here to finally make a move, certainly not to take advantage. 
“I was on my first drink when you came over,” he told you, nodding towards the tankard that only had the dregs of his drink left.
“So…now can I kiss you?”
The question lingered for a moment, Izzy only watching you. You were sitting close, though the hand against his knee was the only way you were touching him, it was nearly respectful. You were watching him with shimmering eyes, all hopeful but honest.
“Suppose so,” he had aimed to sound unaffected, almost disinterested, but instead it came out a little shaky and quiet. He would have cursed himself for it if you gave him a change.
Feeling almost overwhelmed with fondness for Izzy’s little oddities, you lifted your hand from his knee and cupped his cheek. Then, your mouth was on his, warm but hesitant. You were light and cautious, lips brushing his before pressing a little closer.
Overcoming the initial pause your kiss had caused him, Izzy timidly returned your kiss. Feeling his reciprocation, you smiled into the kiss and pressed a little closer, sliding along the bench until your thigh was pressed against his.
You sighed contently into his mouth before running your tongue over his bottom lip, and just like that, the tavern fell away around you both. Suddenly, Izzy couldn’t hear the shouting and clatter of the tavern, couldn’t even bring himself to think about the other patrons or the crew that really wasn’t all that far away.
Just then, it was only the two of you. You were the only thing Izzy could pay any mind too. He found himself lifting his hands from his lap, a hand curling around the back of your neck and his other resting against your waist. His lips parting, allowing you in.
Feeling the change in his demeanour, you found yourself helplessly climbing into his lap. It was a little awkward with the table in the way but you positioned yourself in his lap, a knee on either side of his hips, a hand on the underside of his jaw and the other buried in his hair.
Izzy tilted his chin up, ensuring you didn’t break the kiss as you moved. The hand on the back of your neck remained, holding you close enough that he couldn’t lose your mouth, while his other arm slipped instinctively around your waist to keep you steady in his lap. 
His mouth was hot and searching, inhibitions fading quick. You pressed yourself closer, the kiss becoming more desperate as your body pressed against his. Izzy gasped as you rolled your hips down and against his, already feeling him growing hard beneath you. 
That seemed to snap Izzy back to reality, reminding him of where the two of you were. He pulled back, breaking the kiss. The two of you breathing hard, faces flushed and lips kiss bitten. 
“People will see,” Izzy warned breathlessly. 
“Let them see, I don’t care,” you shrugged, hands on his shoulders. 
Izzy’s breath hitched as you settled comfortably down against his crotch, thumbs rubbing small circles into his shoulders. 
“The crew…” you could practically hear his arguments growing weaker. 
“Don’t care about the crew seeing,” you admitted, dipping your head down to press a kiss to his jaw. “Let them see that I have the attention of Israel Hands.” He could feel you smirking against his neck as you planted a few more kisses. 
“Fuck,” Izzy groaned, taking hold of the nape of your neck. You didn’t protest, let him lift your head and bring you back in for another kiss. All of a sudden, he felt like he needed to kiss you like he needed to breathe. 
You nipped at his bottom lip before pulling back again. “But if it’s bothering you, I have a room upstairs,” you informed him, innocently playing with the collar of his shirt. 
Izzy looked up at you, eyes turning even darker, pupils blown out. You assumed that was a silent acceptance of your offer. 
“Wanna come up to my room, Mister Hands?” you asked, as sultry as you could, batting your lashes at him. Laying it on thick, just to see that blush of his deepen. 
“Do you want me too?” Izzy asked, hands settled on your hips. 
“More than anything,” you couldn’t possibly sound more sincere and Izzy’s mouth went dry. 
You weren’t going to lie to him, though, or downplay your own desires. You had been pining for him for too long, dreaming of this opportunity for too long, you definitely weren’t going to ruin it by playing coy or hard to get. 
“Alright then,” Izzy nodded, voice only cracking a little.
You smiled brightly, kissing him once more before slipping off of his lap and from the table. Izzy cleared his throat and straightened out his clothing that you had ruffled, suddenly cursing his leather pants for failing to hide anything, before standing with you. 
With another smile, this one fond and sweet, as you took his hand in yours and led him towards the stairs. Instinctively, Izzy looked over at where the crew was gathered, to see if they had noticed, to see how they were reacting. 
They apparently hadn’t noticed your absence and hadn’t noticed the two of you holed up in the corner, or just didn’t care. They hadn’t noticed the two of you, too caught up in their own conversations and drunkenness to see how the two of you slipped through the tavern and disappeared up the stairs. The lack of audience helped Izzy relax some more.
Izzy followed you to your rented room, you only let go of his hand to unlock the door. You stepped inside, letting him follow you in, before closing the door again.
As soon as the door was shut, you wrapped your hand around the collar of Izzy’s waistcoat and pulled him towards you. You braced your weight back against the door as Izzy’s body collided with yours, one arm wrapping around his neck as you pulled him into a kiss. 
He gripped your waist, steadying himself from your sudden manoeuvre, meeting your kiss with fervour. He couldn’t think about anything other than how you touched him, how you clung to him, like you just couldn’t get close enough. Your fingers threaded through his hair, a tug making him moan quietly. 
You had pressed yourself between the door and your first mate, completely purposeful, and there was nowhere else you would rather be. The hand that wasn’t in his hair clutched at his shirt to pull him impossibly closer. 
Your hips involuntarily rolled forward in the search for friction. Izzy’s hand slipped from your waist to your hip, his grip strong as he anchored you back against the door. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, as if you hadn’t already been more than clear about what you wanted. 
“Completely,” you nodded, close to whining about him being too far away when the reality was that he just wasn’t kissing you anymore. 
“With…me?” Izzy asked again, more carefully this time. As if you had somehow misunderstood him the first time, like you forgot who you were standing in a room with. 
“Izzy,” you sighed softly, bringing both of your hands to his face, stroking your thumbs over his cheeks and making sure he didn’t look away from you. “Of course with you. If I didn’t want you, I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t have come to sit with you. If I wanted somebody else, I’d be talking to them,” you told him, like it was obvious. He was your first choice, the person you wanted to spend your time with tonight. “I want you, I’ve wanted you, will want you after tonight as well,” you promised, tenderly caressing his cheek before asking, “you want this, Iz?” 
“Yes. Fuck yes,” Izzy sighed, pressing his forehead against yours. “Just don’t want you to…regret-”
“You listen here, Izzy Hands,” you tutted, not even letting him finish the thought. “I won’t regret this. I won’t regret you. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that.”
More than anything, you wanted Izzy to be able to see what you see. A feared pirate, a dedicated first mate, an insanely attractive man. 
“I can, as long as you don’t give me a reason to regret it,” you insisted. 
“I will,” Izzy sounded so certain, so sure that he would do something that would change your mind about him. 
Maybe he would. Maybe he’d run off before the sun rose, maybe he would chastise and degrade you once you returned to the ship just so you didn’t think he was getting too soft on you, to remind you of where you both stood. You couldn’t predict how he would react, couldn’t predict how things would progress in the future, but that was just life. 
“And I’ll forgive you.” Once again, you spoke as if things could be that simple.
“Why?” Izzy’s voice sounded strained. 
“Because I like you and I think you’re worth it,” you smiled, running your fingers through his hair. 
“Don’t know what’s wrong with you,” Izzy muttered but you would swear that you heard fondness in his voice. 
“Plenty, probably. But that has nothing to do with this,” you joked, managing to pull a small smile from Izzy. “So…?” you started to play with the buttons of his waistcoat, waiting for him to give you the go ahead. Letting him decide whether he wanted you to continue or if he wanted to stop.
Izzy assessed you one more time before being hit with the realisation that you were perfectly capable of making these decisions, perfectly capable of knowing what you want and taking it. 
It was only him getting in his own head about it, viewing himself as he leering older crewmates from the first ship he was on. That wasn’t the same as this, he never once put any pressure on you, you came to him, you wanted him. He could see that now. 
You had invited him up to your room, had practically thrown yourself at him. He needed to fucking relax and let himself enjoy something good.
This time, it was Izzy that kissed you. A hand steadying your jaw as his lips met yours. You smiled into the kiss, wasting no time in getting your hands on him properly again. This time, Izzy took an active part in pressing you up against the door, letting himself give as good as he got.
You have his chest a small shove and the two of you clumsily made your way across the room. Deft hands worked on your clothes. You may not be as skilled at tying knots as Izzy, but you undid his ties downright expertly.
By the time the back of Izzy’s legs hit the bed, the two of you were down to your smalls. When Izzy sat on the edge of the bed, you followed fluidly, straddling his lap.
His hands stroked up your back, a little fascinated by the smooth skin. Skin yet to obtain the plethora of scars that came with a lifetime of piracy. Even more fascinated by the way you writhed and preened under his touch and attention, squirming shameless in his lap.
In a tangle of bed sheets, your hands endlessly explored Izzy’s skin. Kissing and nipping over his chest and stomach, licking over his silvery scars. Unfazed by the lifetime behind them, treating each of them as if they were precious.
One moment Izzy’s body was pressing you down against the mattress, the next your body was draped over his. Hands always roaming, mouths always busy, whether it be with kisses or rambled praise. 
It couldn’t have been long after sunrise when Izzy woke up, a warm light soaking into the curtains. He woke up to an unfamiliar weight against his chest, and an even more unfamiliar warmth surrounding him. 
Blinking himself awake properly, Izzy remembered where he was. In a room above the tavern the crew had been visiting the previous evening. He glanced down at the weight, finding you curled up against his body with your head pillowed on his chest.
You hummed in your sleep, nuzzling closer to him. Izzy was overcome with one inane thought, this was nice. It was warm and comfortable. 
Slowly, as to not wake you, Izzy extracted himself from your embrace. Using only the slight light coming in through the window, he dressed and slipped out of the room, clicking the door shut behind him.
When you woke up, you stretched your body out and instinctively sought out the source of the warmth beside you. Much to your disappointment, you found no warm body beside you, just the empty space it once occupied. Still a little warm, but not at all what you actually wanted.
With a small frown, you glanced around the room to see that all of Izzy’s clothes were gone as well. So, he wasn’t just visiting the bathroom.
You flopped back down onto the mattress, sighing into the pillow. You weren’t too surprised that Izzy had run off for whatever reason he had come up with but it was still disappointing.
Burrowing into the pillows and blanket, you decided that you might as well make use of the room even if you didn’t have the first mate to share it with. Just as you were about to drop back off to sleep, the door creaked open. 
You shot up in the bed, surprised by the intrusion, ready to face the intruder. But you quickly relaxed when you saw Izzy entering the room with a tray in his hands. 
You just blinked at him, unsure of what to say. He didn’t speak either, just closed the door and gave you an awkward nod as he approached and placed the tray down on the bedside table. You eyed the tray of food and drink. Two mugs of coffee, and some bread and cheese. It was nothing fancy but certainly appreciated. 
“Thought you ran off,” you confessed, watching him fuss over the tray. 
“You paid for the room, thought I’d pay for breakfast,” he shrugged, silently pleading that you didn’t make a whole thing out of it. 
“Holy shit, you’re a real gentleman, Iz,” you grinned. He supposed that was too bad, he still kept his attention on the tray in the hopes you didn’t catch his blush. You definitely did, though. “Okay, not get naked and back in bed,” you ordered lighty, patting the empty space beside you.
Izzy looked at you then, more confused than anything. You just chuckled at his expression before explaining, “you’re going to get undressed again so that I’m not underdressed for this date. Then you’re going to get back in here and we’re going to have breakfast in bed.”
Obviously, duh, how else would you spend the morning? 
Izzy cleared his throat, deciding against thinking too much about how you called this a ‘date’. “Alright,” he nodded.
You at least had the decency not to watch him as he undressed, despite having seen it all already. Once he was down to his smalls, he climbed into the bed. 
He placed the tray in front of you both and you helped yourself to one of the mugs. “I love cheap coffee in the morning,” you sighed happily into your mug before taking a sip. 
“Does the job. Wakes you up,” Izzy took a generous drink of his own coffee. 
“With a fucking jolt,” you laughed, nibbling on some bread and cheese. Izzy smiled into his mug. 
The two of you ate and drank in a comfortable silence until your mugs were empty and all that was left was crumbs. 
“How long until our shore leave is over?” you asked, placing your mug down and letting Izzy move the tray. 
“Have until noon. Would’ve been better to leave in the morning but the captains didn’t want an early start,” Izzy informed you as he placed the tray back on the bedside table. You smiled a little, amused by his irritation with the captains. 
“So, we have a couple of hours before having to get back to the ship?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, squinting at you slightly. You sounded like you were up to something. 
“Brilliant,” you smiled happily and easily as you fell back down onto the bed, making yourself comfy. 
Izzy admired the freeness in your movements, the way you stretched out like a cat in the sun. While he just sits beside you awkwardly. 
“Lay with me, Iz. It’s our shore leave, we’re supposed to be relaxing,” you guided sweetly, still smiling but now looking at him.
Izzy sighed, feigning effort, but happily lay with you. And he didn’t complain when you snuggled up to him, arm draped over his waist and head resting on his chest. Just like the way he had woken up.
“This okay?” you asked quietly.
“Yeah,” Izzy relaxed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, holding you against him. 
You hummed approvingly as you nuzzled your face into his neck, leaving little kisses against his skin. “This is nice,” you commented. 
“Yeah…yeah, it is…” Izzy whispered up at the wooden board of the ceiling, letting his hand stroke up and down your side.
Maybe Izzy could allow himself to be a little selfish, to let himself enjoy whatever you’re willing to give him until you realise he didn’t deserve it.
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starlesscitiess · 11 months
hello my dear <33 for the questions ask game:
3, 7, 15, 16 (I know you do but what hehe), 27, 30, 31, 32, 46, and 50: what's on your mind?
I love you <33
3. What was the last song you listened to? 
calm before the storm, fall out boy. i’m comparing the two versions of it so i have both on loop lol
7. What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
just my duvet! anything more feels suffocating tbh
15. What’s your favorite season? 
the transition between summer and autumn. not really a season but i love both so much, and that golden bit in the middle is just perfect
16. Want any tattoos? What of? 
i have described it before as ‘i need to look like pete wentz’s livejournal entries exploded on me’. just so many fall out boy lyrics. but specifically - i’m a stitch away from making it/and a scar away from falling apart (the (after) life of the party) on my left forearm (do you get it) and one themed around stars & black holes, based on alpha dog & 27 on my shoulder
27- What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
tgcf hehe but you knew that. i need to reread those all in order again tbh. other than that i keep coming back to the six of crows duology
30- What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
meeting up with youuuuuuu obviously <3333 also going to italy for christmas!
31- What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
i don’t know about ‘distant’ but i supposed i’d like to try art commissions? at some point? so maybe that, if i can get it going
32- If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
godddd back to my fob show. i want to live there forever. cheesy answer - into your arms <3 (god im cringe)
46- What do you need when you’re sad? 
a hug, my headphones, some kind words. maybe a distraction
50 (wild card): what's on your mind?
bachelor daniil dankovsky as always. i cannot stop thinking about him he lives in there forever now
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Thoughts on my sweet baby darling (Oluwande)
favorite thing about them: i love how he’s such a level-headed guy like 99% of the time but he got into a verbal argument with black pete in e2. like he was right, but the """mature""" thing in that situation isn’t bickering so loudly you get trapped by the indigenous residents of the island you’re stuck on. the fact that the show doesn’t make him “be the bigger person” 24/7 honestly makes his maturity and emotional intelligence that much stronger because like, yknow what? fuck being the bigger person sometimes. he deserves to bitch at this annoying tryhard who wont stop lying about working for blackbeard.
least favorite thing about them: my least favorite thing about olu is that there’s not enough of him. olu should be in every scene
favorite line: “Coming, nana! I’m coming for some cake~” because OBVIOUSLY
brOTP: i’m picking two bc i’m greedy lol.
first off: olu and stede. their vibes are SO different and i think they’d probably have a hard time like, picking a casual activity to do together, but i feel like they have a lot of core similarities when it comes to who they are as people and caring abt others. also whenever i think about the two of them being sad and lonely in stede’s cabin in e7 i want to laugh! these poor heartbroken boys!!!
number two: olu and frenchie bc they worked together SO well to pull off their scam and i want to see them just hanging out. it kinda feels like olu has more common sense whereas frenchie has more life experience and i think the two of them together can get up to some CRAZY shit but also they'd be able to do those casual activities together that olu and stede would not be able to agree on. frenchie should play songs and olu should sing to them and also i am picturing olu helping frenchie get over his fear of cats and my heart is so full of love rn
OTP: uhhh jim, obviously
nOTP: izzy. also obviously
random headcanon: he grew up in a huge family that was almost entirely women. his only siblings are sisters and his dad passed when he was young, so the only men in his family are like two or three uncles and a handful of cousins, all of whom are either way older or way younger than him.
unpopular opinion: idk if this is unpopular but i think olu should get to top jim sometimes. i always see jim topping and while i have ZERO complaints abt that i think maybe sometimes they should switch? pretty sure that for a lot of fans it's like a dysphoria thing they're projecting onto jim which is super valid. but i personally would like to see art of olu topping.
song i associate with them: ugh so like i said in this post, i don't really get Blorbo Song Associations the way a lot of fans do unless something about the show itself makes me think abt songs differently. so i don't have a fun answer it's just under the sea from the little mermaid bc of the bts vid of samson singing it
favorite picture of them: sunshine boy <3
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
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Paring: Remus Lupin x fem!reader Warning: NSFW! MDNI 18+ unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of oral sex. If I’ve forgotten anything let me know! Summary: Remus finds the reader so annoyingly distracting.  A/N: for the anon that wanted a mix of enemies to lovers and Remus losing control near the full moon. I hope I did it justice.  Requests are open!
tag list: if your name is crossed out i couldn’t tag you :( @theweasleyslut @anxiousblanketqueen @midnightgremlin @babyjordy @widowdays @inglourious-imagines @garbdump @star-sunshine-sage @weelittleweasley @starlightkell @omghufflepuff @weasleysprincess @harrysboo28 @j-amespotter @woodxweasley @gryffindorgirl @siriusbarnesslut @joytce397 @thegirllostinthelibrary @layaaaa @nuttytani @horrormoviebitch @j-weasley-lupin  @sunflowerdarlingx @touchdeprivedwh0re​ @melonoptimist @iamnibbsi  @thebiggestsimponearth​ @impulse-anchor​ @lilytheally​ @familydisappointed @alinor-padfoot
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Remus Lupin isn’t one to hate people, sure there is only a select few people that he actually likes spending time with and considers his good friends but that doesn’t mean that he dislikes everyone else, he just doesn’t have time for a lot of people, especially annoying people. And some people are just more annoying than others and most times those people don’t even realise they’re acting as such. Except for the girl who is basically in every one of his classes, you. Remus is certain you know how infuriating you are, especially when you shoot your hand up to beat Remus to answering a question or how a smile will stretch across your pretty lips when you finds out you scored higher than Remus on a test or how you always seems to giggle a little louder when you knows Remus is nearby. Remus finds it irritating how you seems to know exactly how to get on his nerves, you know precisely how to make his cheeks heat up in anger and make his blood boil and his cock hard, okay maybe you don’t realise you’re doing the last one but still. But the thing that annoys Remus the most is you don’t seem to care.
Being friends with James Potter and Sirius Black, Remus has learnt to obtain the patience of a saint. He finds no trouble in zoning out their constant chatter and ignoring their mindless bickering. However, as it gets closer to a full moon, Remus’ tolerance wears thin and the marauders quickly learnt to simmer down and be wary of Remus around a full moon, unless either one of them wanted a smack to the back of the head. As it gets closer to his transformations Remus’ senses are heightened tenfold, it’s as if he can hear every sound, smell every scent and everything he tastes is 10 times more intense.
His joints were aching more than usual last night so that combined with Peters constant snoring ensured minimal sleep which resulted in Remus being extra irritable today which would have been manageable if he didn’t have a class first thing with you. Beautiful, cute, annoying you.
Remus thought if he could just spend the lesson concentrating hard enough on the professors dull voice that you sitting in the same room as him wouldn’t be an issue, it wasn’t like he sat next to you anyway, James or Sirius always occupied the desk next to him eager to ‘share’ his notes. Expect this day was different, because Remus got little sleep last night he slept through his alarm and somehow even slept through the booming voices of the Marauders when they were getting ready this morning. Remus started off the day jumping out of bed and rushing to get ready, having no time for breakfast (which added to his already foul mood) and practically falling through the classroom door only to find his usual seat was pre-occupied by some girl Sirius was trying to woo and James was sitting next to Pete.
“Ah, Mr. Lupin. How fantastic to see you have finally decided to join us. Please find a seat so I can continue on with my lesson,” the Professor states before continuing his lifeless lesson.
Remus quickly scans the room for a free chair to rush to, he spots one in the far corner of the room but falters in his step when he notices who is seated next to the free space, you. Remus groans when he realises this was the only free chair and very obviously drags his feet before plopping down beside you, he can only hope you decided to not be annoyingly distracting today.
“How scandalous that Mr. prefect is late to class,” you whisper, chuckling when you see Remus roll his eyes, a usual reaction of his.
Remus comes to the conclusion that the best point of action is to just pretend you don’t exist, which goes according to plan until 3 quarters of the way through the lesson. The thing is, Remus hasn’t sat in such close proximity to you this close to a full moon before and he’s struggling to keep his focus on the jumble of words in front of him and not on the way you’re obnoxiously twirling your hair between your fingers. Whatever perfume you sprayed on yourself is suffocating Remus’ nostrils and he can’t get enough. Within no time Remus thoughts are straying away from his textbook to more filthy thoughts surrounding you. The main image that is burning a hole in his brain is the thought of burying his face in your neck and inhaling your scent and sinking his teeth into your perfect skin, he has to bite his lip to stop himself from groaning.
Remus manages to write 2 more messy sentences down before glancing in your direction and noticing the way your lip is pulled between your teeth and he can’t help but fantasise about biting your annoyingly pretty lips himself.
“Stop doing that,” Remus grits through his teeth as he speaks.
You meet his gaze confused, “stop doing what?”
“That!” Remus whisper yells, pointing at your lips as you once again pull your bottom lip in between your lip. “It’s distracting.”
You mumble an apology and go back to writing your notes. You’re so engrossed in reading the selected chapter you don’t even notice you’re bouncing your leg up and down rapidly until a rough hand stills your movements. You’re expecting Remus to remove his large hand once your movements stop, however to your surprise he keeps his hand resting firmly against your bare knee. Mouth agape and staring down at where Remus is touching you, the way his thumb is stroking at your skin seems innocent enough, so why is your stomach in knots?
Remus leans dangerously close to your ear, which thankfully goes unnoticed by the rest of the class given the fact the two of you are seated at the back of the room. “You are being very distracting right now bunny, it’s making me angry.”
A visible shudder runs through your body, feeling Remus’ hot breath fanning the side of your face makes your mouth dry. Remus’ low teasing voice makes you whimper immediately a heat rushes up your cheeks because even though your whimper was quiet Remus is so very close to you right now, you know he heard.
“Come with me,” Remus squeezes your knee and moves to rise from his seat.
You halt his movements by grabbing onto his bicep, “we can’t just leave, we’re in the middle of class.” Your eyes dart to the front of the room to see if your professor has witnessed Remus’ half standing and planning his escape.
“What’s life without a bit of risk bunny, now c’mon.” his tone demanding and firm. Without even a second glance Remus walks out of class, making you wonder if he’s done this before. The odds are high, given that he’s one fourth of the infamous marauders clan.
You look away from the door Remus just so carelessly walked out of and to the front of the class at your professor, he’s sitting at his desk reading over papers and very obviously trying to stay awake. The chances of him catching you are slim but that isn’t what you’re nervous about. You’re nervous about what will happen if you do make it out of the classroom unnoticed, you’re nervous about what Remus will do to you. The endless possibilities are both thrilling and exciting. There’s no way you could stay seated not when there’s a wetness pooling in your panties just from Remus’ hand on your knee.
Carefully you slip out from your seat and rush to the door, breathing a sigh of relief when you successfully make it out into the corridor. Looking around you notice the corridor is empty and there’s no sign of Remus, you begin walking down the hallway in search of the boy.
“Remus?” you’re met with nothing but silence. Just as you’re about to turn and head back to class you feel a strong arm grip yours and tug your harshly into a tiny room.
“Ooft,” your body slamming into someone’s hard chest; if only there was a light source in this closet? yes it’s definitely a closet, if only it wasn’t so dark in here you would be able to figure out who decided it a good idea to scare the shit out of you by pulling you in here with them.
“Took your fucking time,” the other person grunts, Remus you thought, you knew that voice.
“Remus, what the hell? Care to explain why your dragged me out of class and into this dark broom closet?” Although there is no light in the tiny closet you can vaguely see Remus’ outline towering over you, you gulp realising how close the both of you are standing to each other. Remus’ hot breath fans your face and you’re very aware that if you were to angle your head further upwards and stand on your tiptoes you could connects your lips. The thought itself has you shuddering.
“Couldn’t wait.” Remus replies, stepping closer, invading your personal space even more, not that you minded.
“Couldn’t wait for what?”
“Merlin you’re dumber than I thought if you don’t know.”
You scoff defensively, “I am not dumb, do I have to remind you I bet you on the last Charms essay? and on the transfigurations one so-”
The words die in your throat, Remus cutting you off by connecting your lips in a needy and desperate kiss. Immediately you wrap your arms around his neck and tug him closer by the hair. Remus rests his hands on your waist pulling your hips flush against his, you whimper feeling his hard cock pressing against your stomach.
Remus breaks away from your mouth and starts sucking and licking down your jaw and neck while his hands move to grope at your breasts over the top of your school shirt. “We don’t have much time before class ends.” Remus mumbles into your skin, his mouth is salivating when he breathes in deep, his nostrils filling with the sweet scent of you, it’s so intoxicating and immediately images of you are accompanying his mind, some more sinful than others. Remus wastes no time in sinking his teeth into the fleshy part of your shoulder, his cock twitching at the sound you make.
“Then you better hurry up and fuck me Remus,” you smirk, loving the way Remus groans and narrows his eyes at you. His pupils have seemingly expanded and darkened, his eyes are scanning over every inch of your face leaving you feeling vulnerable.
Your pussy has been throbbing since Remus firmly rested his hand on your leg back in the classroom and you know your panties are soaked by now with the way Remus is rutting his hips against yours but it’s not enough. It won’t be enough, not until you know what it’s like to have Remus’ skin against yours and his cock inside you but even then, you think you will always be wanting more of him.
Your hands are fumbling at Remus’ pants trying to get them unbuckled as quickly as possible, Remus understands the rush and helps you, skilfully undoing his pants and pushing them along with his boxers down his legs with only one hand, the other creeps under your shirt and rests delicately on the small of your back. Just the feeling of Remus’ skin on your back makes you melt further into him, your desire to have him fuck you hard and fast is becoming unbearable. Remus’ cock is sitting hard and angrily between your bodies, desperate for any sort of attention and Remus wishes you had more time because he would love to push you down to your knees and finally force you to shut up by pushing his cock into your sweet mouth and make you gag and choke around his length until you’re crying. But time isn’t on his side right now so instead Remus wraps his strong arms around your arse, silently signally you to jump which you do with no hesitation and lock your legs around his waist.
Remus reaches his hand down to flip your skirt up, he be damned if he couldn’t see the cunt he’s spent way to much time thinking about. Remus pull your panties to the side groaning when his fingers graze your wet dripping core, another thing he wishes he could do is to taste you. He just knows you taste sugary and sweet just like the sounds you’re making as he teases your entrance. He wants to bury his face deep in your cunt inhaling your scent while he licks and sucks until you’re screaming his name, maybe another time.
“You gotta be quiet for me kay bunny? Think you can do that?” Remus’ voice is thick with lust and a condescending tone is laced throughout it.
“You think that highly of yourself?” you retort trying to rile Remus up like you normally do, it seems to be working judging by the way Remus pinches the flesh of your arse.
Without breaking eye contact Remus lines up his cock and drags your hips down until he’s deep inside you, his balls pressed flush against your skin.
Remus isn’t sure if it’s because it’s close to the full moon but he hasn’t even started moving yet and the way the soft velvet walls of your cunt is gripping and hugging at his cock feels so intense and heavenly, he thinks he might cum right there.
Along with a lack of patience around this time of the month Remus also struggles to control himself and his urges. It takes every ounce of self-discipline in him to hold you against the rough wall of the broom closet and slowly rock his hips into yours, feeling the need to control the situation. Remus is very conscious of not gripping your hips too hard and not slamming his hips up into yours too roughly, he doesn’t want to let go mentally and hurt you.
You can tell Remus is holding back, the authoritative tone used in the classroom is vastly different to his actions right now. He’s supposed to be fucking you hard and fast and making you scream, not this.
Although the pleasure from Remus’ rocking into your cunt is great you know he can do better, can fuck you better. “Remus,” you whine, pulling his face away from your neck, forcing him to look you in the eyes. There’s clearly an internal struggle behind his eyes. “Remus, I need you to fuck me properly. I can take it, you won’t break me, promise.”
Remus does pick up the speed slightly, but you can clearly tell there’s still some hesitance on his behalf and you asking nicely didn’t seem break that. You’re desperate for Remus to let go. A smirk breaks out onto your face, an idea forming. Based on your previous interactions you know exactly how to get under Remus’ skin, what to say and do that would have him clenching his jaw in annoyance, after all it was a hobby of yours, annoying Remus Lupin. “Guess we don’t have to worry about me being quiet if you fuck like this. Pity, was kinda hoping you’d have me screaming.”
Something deep and primal in him snaps, blame it on the full moon or how you’re silently challenging him, he doesn’t care, all he cares about right now is proving you wrong, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had you trembling and shaking.
His grip on your hips tighten, nails threatening to break skin as Remus pushes your further into the wall behind you so hard for a second you think you might go tumbling right through it. You’re grateful for the material of your school top slightly soften the rough texture of the wall behind you. With no warning Remus starts slamming his hips harder and faster into yours, clearly set on making you squirm against him. Each thrust is harder than the last and his cock is poking your g-spot repeatedly. The sounds you were making were positively indecent and only fuelled Remus on. Neither of you cared that anyone walking by the broom closet could possibly hear the sound of skin slapping together or yours and Remus’ moans. None of that mattered, not when the two of you felt this good.
The vigour of Remus’ pace was unmatched and all you could do was hold on tight to Remus’ shoulders and take every powerful thrust. You were hypnotised with the feeling of Remus’ cock inside of you, you couldn’t help but wonder what other parts of his body like his fingers or tongue, would feel like when fucking you.
“Fuck Remus, so good. I-I” you weren’t even sure what you were trying to say, all your thoughts were jumbled and bouncing around in your brain, all you knew is you never wanted Remus to stop.
“You feel amazing,” Remus’ body was on fire, every inch of him alight and burning, his annoyance of how his day started was far from his mind. All he could think of was you and how you were clenching around him. He chokes out a strained sob when he hears you chanting his name in time with each rough snap of his hips, you sound both angelic and sinful at the same time, Remus’ wishes he had one of those muggle voice recording devices so he could record your whines and listen to them when he’s alone in his dorm room.
Using his free hand Remus reaches down to rub tight circles on your clit edging you closer and closer to your release. Your orgasm is fast approaching much like a freight train heading straight for you, sirens blaring but you can’t move, the pleasure is too intense and too powerful to do anything except take it.
Remus’ face is pressed back against your neck and he quickly decides it’s his favourite place to be, if someone offered him 1,000 Galleons to never bury his face in your neck, he wouldn’t take it. Remus can hear the squelching sounds of your soppy cunt as it helplessly takes his fat cock. He’s leaving sloppy kisses and hickeys wherever he can get his mouth. It’s right when Remus’ digs his teeth into your neck and bites down hard do you fall apart, your pussy clenching and spasming around him, right in this moment you’re thankful for Remus holding you up against the wall, your legs are shaking and tensing and you know if you were standing the intensity of the orgasm would have brought you to your knees. Remus’ name is the only word you seem capable of saying as the coil inside your stomach snaps and rapidly unravels as you come undone.
“Remus, Remus, Remus!”
You connect your lips with Remus’ in a lame attempt to shut yourself up, the kiss is rushed and your teeth clash together but you don’t give a fuck. Remus’ name is still spilling from your lips and into Remus’ mouth as your body begins to come down from the high.
The boy holding you up hasn’t faltered in his movements at all, determined to fuck you through your orgasm. There’s beads of sweat dripping from Remus’ forehead, his mind is whirling and thoughts of you are spiralling around his brain, he thinks he might pass out and he’s certain he does for a second when you whisper and bite his earlobe.
“Want you to cum inside me Remus, fill me up,” half a thrust later and Remus’ hips stutter and he’s spilling into your cunt groaning your name as he does so. His vision blurs around the edges before he closes his eyes and he lets out a moan so deep, primal and loud. Remus continues to rock his hips milking his own orgasm until the last drop is squeezed from his soften cock. He stills his movements but doesn’t dare pull out just yet, relishing in the warmth of your pussy and the way your hand is brushing the sweaty hair off his forehead. You rest your forehead against Remus’ sweaty one, pecking his lips, once, twice then three times.
“That was…” you drift off unable to find the right words to describe what just happened.
“Intense?” Remus offers breathlessly.
You nod, “in the best way.”
It wasn’t until you hear the sounds of students outside signalling the end of class do either of you move, Remus helping you clean yourself up. And it wasn’t until the two of you were certain the coast was clear did you exit the closet with the promise of doing that again very soon.
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clintbartonswife · 3 years
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader Summary: Peter tries his best, but sometimes there’s just no saving someone. @whumptober-archive​​ no.1: all trussed up and still nowhere to go. Notes: whumptober’s back babyyyyy. prompt: ‘you have to let go’. warnings: character death, injury, angst with no comfort masterlist
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The last thing you remembered was the building crumbling around you, desperately reaching for Peter before the world went black.
“y/n - y/n please -”
“Peter?” Your voice came out harsh and painful, eyes slowly blinking back to awareness.
“y/n thank god” he breathed, sounding strained, “I didn't know if you were gonna wake up.”
As your eyes focused to your surroundings, the thumping pain in your head became more apparent, the back of your neck sticky with drying blood. You squinted up at Peter, hardly being able to make out his silhouette in the dusty darkness. He looked hunched, standing over you like a shield.
Fear crept into your tone as you spoke again, “Peter?”
He tried to smile, though, like his voice, it appeared strained. “I’m okay, y/n. We’re - we’re gonna be okay.”
You attempted to sit up, groaning as the movement made your head throb harder. You could see now that Peter was holding up a large chunk of roof, the segment resting heavily on his hands and back.
“No, no, don't try and move” he said, “You got hit really bad - they say you shouldn't move too much after head trauma, right? I think that’s what they say anyway - I don’t - I really don’t know what to do -”
“You’re rambling” 
“Don’t be sorry.” You looked around for a break in the wreckage, spotting an opening right behind Peter, “I’ve found our way out, behind you there’s wiggle room. That’s where the light's coming from”
He grunted in acknowledgement, readjusting his grip as his legs began to wobble slightly, “Can you crawl out?”
You attempted to move again, swearing as you felt resistance as you moved your leg. Staring down at your feet, you saw that the whole left leg was submerged under the wreckage. You swore quietly under your breath, recalling all the medical knowledge you had accumulated during your time binge watching Chicago Med.
“What? What is it?”
“Pete, you’re gonna have to go through first”
“What? No! If I let go this’ll crush you.”
You released a shaky breath, looking up at him, “My leg’s stuck.”
“So unstick it!” He shouted, wincing as the weight of the roof weighed him down further.
“Even if I can, the leg’s numb. I cant feel below my hip on that side -”
“You could still -”
“And I’m not a doctor but I’ve seen enough shows to know that’s not good, compartment syndrome I’m pretty sure -”
“You’re going to be fine” Peter hissed, “You just need to try, goddamn it”
“You’re hurting yourself -”
“y/n just TRY”
You let out a controlled breath and attempted once more to move your leg. A sudden burning pain spread across your skin, causing you to cry out in pain.
Peter shuffled above you, obviously wanting to console you but unable to move.
“You need-” your sentence broke off as you struggled to draw a breath, “Peter you have to let go”
“I’ll kill you.”
“And if you stay, we’ll both die.”
“I can’t. I can’t leave you to die.”
You fought the oncoming tears, looking up at him with a pained smile, “Pete you gotta go.”
“y/n -”
“Even if I get my leg free, I wont be able to crawl out of that gap.”
“I’ll think of a way! Just - just give me time!”
As if answering him, another deep rumble from above warned of more falling chunks of roof. 
This time, your smile was sad, “There’s no time.”
“It’s ok, Pete. This isn’t your fault” You said, extending your arm to cup his cheek, the action leaving a smear of your blood across his face, “We had a good run.”
“No -”
“I need you to let go, okay? Just let go, launch yourself backwards and you’ll be out.”
He shook his head desperately, though his legs began to wobble with more urgency, “y/n, please. I love you”
“I love you too, webs.” You finally let your tears fall, hand dropping from his face and instead resting on his chest, “Give them hell for me.”
Before he could speak, you used all your leftover strength to push him backwards, his hands slipping from their place and letting the roof fall to the ground as he fell into the light of the outside.
@geeksareunique   @bangtan-serendipity   @scarletsoldierrr​   
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ptergwen · 3 years
Hi val! Got a request, it's okay if you don't wanna write it, but can you write about peter telling the reader he's going on a huge mission and he's excited about it but the reader is so worried they end up arguing? But when peter gets back from mission all bruised, the reader is still upset but dresses his wound anyway and it ends up with fluff??
abort mission
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w/c: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, and angst
a/n: woah woah woah i ended up writing way more than i expected but i loved this request so much :,) i hope you do too
“we’re staying in this, like, super fancy castle while we’re there. it’s gonna be awesome,” peter rambles to you. he takes all the clean shirts in his drawer and throws them into a suitcase.
he’s packing for a mission in europe with the avengers, and you’re here to say goodbye. you’ve been pretty quiet while peter gives you as many details as he’s allowed to. it’s always an honor when the team invites him on. he gets so stoked about it. you’re happy he’s happy and gets to pursue his passion, but you’ve noticed a pattern.
every time peter leaves the country with earth’s mightiest heroes, he comes back in worse condition than the last. it seems like they protect everyone except peter. he’s oblivious to the fact that the end result is always his suffering. he’s just glad to be there. really, he gets nothing in return except scars that never heal, not even a permanent spot on the team. 
so, you’re not thrilled he agreed to go.
“plus, i get to miss two weeks of school.” peter beams, getting onto his knees to zip the suitcase. “feels like a vacation almost.” “you like school, though,” you remind him. you’re sat at the edge of his bed while you watch, rather than help. he hops up again with a shrug. “i like vacations more.” “it’s not a vacation,” you mutter to yourself, then speak up.
“how are you gonna catch up? that’s a lot of missing assignments.” with that same innocent smile, peter walks over to you. he grabs both your hands and laces your fingers together. “i’m a fast learner. besides, ned said he’d help me.” you sigh, looking down at the floor so you don’t have to look at peter. “or, you could. make it into a little study date when i get back,” he suggests while playing with your fingers.
“i don’t even want you to go,” you finally admit and meet his sparkling eyes. nothing could ever dull them. “why not? you’re gonna miss me?” peter teases, pressing a couple of kisses to your palm. “you don’t have to. i’m pretty sure france has wifi.” he wiggles his eyebrows. “oui oui, mademoiselle, eh?” despite yourself, you giggle at his french accent and tug on his hands. he sits down next to you with a chuckle.
“nat has been giving me lessons,” peter explains, you quirking an eyebrow. “she speaks french?” “she speaks a lot of languages, actually. she’s so cool.” peter scoots closer to you and sets his hands on your waist, his voice dropping. “you’d love her.” your face twists up in confusion at the idea.
you don’t have anything against the avengers, obviously. they’re good people. you’re just not the biggest fan of them at the moment, considering the circumstances they’ve put peter under.
“peter, i don’t want you to go,” you repeat more seriously than before. your teeth sink into your lower lip. “and, it’s not because i’ll miss you.” “none taken,” peter jokes, implying there should’ve been a no offense. he then realizes how distressed you look, so he cuts it out. “sorry, sorry. i’m done now. how come?”
you take his hand again and hold it tight. “what if you get hurt?” you ask in the nicest way possible, out of care. “i don’t wanna see you hurting, pete. this mission sounds really... dangerous.” he runs his thumb over the back of your hand, his grin faltering a bit. “it is, but i’m ready for it. i’ll be fine.”
you’re not convinced yet. that line he likes to overuse isn’t enough to do the trick.
his eyes searching for yours, peter brushes a piece of your hair back. “have a little faith in me, babe.” “no, i... i do. i have the most faith in you, peter.” you find yourself frowning as he twirls your locks around his finger. “that’s not the problem.” peter’s voice becomes a whisper. “what is it, then? talk to me.”
you do the opposite because you’re afraid you’ll upset him further, which is the last thing he needs right now. your silence prompts peter to fill it. “would it make you feel better if i say mr. stark is keeping an eye on me?” he’s smiling sheepishly, you scoffing. “oh, like he kept an eye on you in amsterdam?”
the only eye related activity that happened there was peter almost losing one of his. he’d come back with an eyepatch and couldn’t see out of it for over a month. to this day, there’s still a bit of blood in it when you look close enough.
“i already told you, that was my fault,” peter grumbles, turning so he faces forward. “i didn’t listen to him-“ “who gives a shit? he’s the one who put you in that situation!” you blurt out. you’ve been way too patient this whole time, and now you’re reaching your breaking point. “you say that like i didn’t wanna be there.” peter clenches his jaw, still mostly calm.
“either way, mr. stark,” you mock what peter always calls him, “was supposed to keep you safe, and he didn’t. i’m scared it’s gonna happen again.” letting out a noise close to a growl, peter stands up from the bed. “you’re not listening to me, y/n. everything was fine. i just-“ you’re not in the mood to hear him make excuses, so you interrupt.
“do you know any other sixteen year olds who fight literal terrorists on their free time?” you rhetorically ask and get to your own feet. peter tries to walk away from you, only you follow him. “you’re a kid, peter, in case you forgot.” he spins around to give you a nasty look. “do you know any other sixteen year olds who stick to fucking walls?”
your heart starts to race from his sudden outburst. he’s scary when he’s mad, and he almost never gets mad at you. all you can do is blink dumbly. “didn’t think so,” peter spits. “this is what i’m supposed to do, help people. is that so wrong?” his breathing becomes ragged as his anger grows.
“what about you? are you helping yourself?” you speak softly, expecting an answer this time. “you’re not my fucking therapist, y/n,” he deflects the question. “i am your girlfriend, though. i care about you so much, you know that.” eyebrows furrowed in concern, you reach out for peter. he takes a step back. it doesn’t take long for tears to cloud your vision.
“i was excited to share this with you, and i thought you’d be happy for me.” peter balls his hands into fists at his sides. his voice stays low. “instead, you made it all about yourself. you can never let me enjoy team stuff.” you’re speechless, peter nodding as he lets his words sit. “thanks for the support.”
“you’re an asshole,” you laugh out bitterly and wipe under your eyes.
he didn’t mean to make you cry. he was so caught up in himself, he didn’t realize you were.
peter’s whole demeanor changes. “y/n, baby...” he attempts to put a hand on your cheek, but you hit it away. “get off of me. what did i just say?” you sniffle, your tone harsh in contrast. “you’re an asshole, peter.” he changes his mind about feeling bad. you’ve berated him way more than he did you, anyway.
“you should go. i have to be up early,” peter decides, even though he’d said you could stay the night. whatever, you don’t want to anymore. “fine,” you agree shortly. “i’m leaving.” he stands there while you collect your things, shoving them into your bag. you’re going slow enough so he has a chance to stop you. he doesn’t.
you pass by him on your way to his door, sucking in a breath. here’s your official goodbye. “see you later, peter. don’t die.” “mhm, i won’t,” he replies, his tongue poking at his cheek. with one more shared look between you two, you make your grand exit, no doubt informing may of her nephew’s behavior before you’re gone.
peter immediately regrets the way he talked to you, and that you’re leaving things like this. you were only trying to protect him. you’ll never be able to save the city like he does, so this is how you do it. he truly is an asshole for not seeing that.
frustration consuming him, peter kicks over his fully stuffed suitcase, its contents spilling out. he grits his teeth.
you don’t talk to peter the whole two weeks he’s gone except for some are you alive and yes texts. he’d called you quite a few times, and was sent to voicemail for all of them. he gave you the benefit of the doubt because of timezones.
it was actually because you declined, which peter knew deep down was the real reason.
he’s coming home from his mission today. you’re not sure when or if he plans on dropping by. you’re not sure you’d like him to, either. you don’t really get a choice in the end.
there’s a series of knocks at your window, at some ungodly time in the night. you’re all too familiar with this routine. it’s peter.
you slip out from under your covers, a scowl already painting your face as you go to the window. surely enough, peter is perched in front of it, clad in red and black. the suit must be new because you’ve never seen it. you push up the window and step aside so he can get through.
“thanks,” peter mumbles, climbing into your room less gracefully than usual. he’s sort of wobbly when he lands. “yeah,” you dully acknowledge. “how was france?” “uh, good. you know, lots of cheese and all that.” his voice is muffled from his mask, since he hasn’t taken it off yet. that’s odd. “i was talking about the mission, but cool,” you almost laugh back.
“the mission was... fine,” peter clarifies and scratches the back of his neck. he never describes something as simply being ‘fine.’ when the boy talks, he lectures. you’re starting to get worried. “that’s good. at least you didn’t die, right?” you say to lighten the mood. peter awkwardly chuckles. “haha, yeah. thank god for that.”
you hum and walk over to sit on your bed, peter staying where he is. “what time did you get back?” you wonder, a completely harmless question. “um, this morning,” he says in response, raising your suspicions. “why’re you still in the suit, then?” you squint at him. “i like it, by the way.” “thanks, y/n/n. i, uh,” peter trails off, no good explanations coming to mind.
you’re quickly developing a hunch for what what down. you wordlessly get up again, meeting peter by your window. he’s nervous to see what happens next. peter’s shoulders slump when your fingers land on his mask. you carefully lift it, revealing his face to you. his banged up, bloody face.
“surprise.” peter musters up a grin, you tossing the mask at his chest. you’re beyond angry now. it’s not at him, athough it is at his injuries. “please don’t be mad,” he nearly begs, you shaking your head. you go to leave your room for some space. peter’s fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you back. “i should’ve listened to you, okay? i’m sorry,” he genuinely apologizes.
you still don’t say anything while you look over his beaten body. there’s a gash with stitches in it on his chin, a deep slice across the bridge of his nose, cuts littering his cheeks. he’s even got a busted lip for good measure. this might be the worst condition he’s let you see him in.
“you were right, y/n. i think... i think i’m gonna sit the next one out. it’s too much for me, clearly,” peter continues, fingers sliding down to lock with yours. “you should say you told me so.” “how... how did this happen?” you manage to get out instead. “the bad guy fought me,” he says with the hint of a smirk. “i won, though.”
it’s a relief that he’s handling this so well, even earning a laugh from you. that puts you more at ease.
“this is probably a dumb question, but are you okay?” you brush your thumb over peter’s cheekbone gently, avoiding his scratches. “not really. my face hurts a lot, and flash is gonna tease the hell out of me on monday.” his lips form a line, arms looping around your waist. it’s very much welcomed by you.
“you just spent two weeks trying not to die, and you’re worried about flash?” you snicker and draw a heart on his skin. peter shrugs a shoulder. “he’s so mean to me.” he brings you in closer to him. “besides, this is the normal kid stuff i should be focusing on.” you’re glad he finally came to terms with that. you’ve been saying it for the longest time.
you smile wickedly at him. “exactly. so is all that homework you have to make up.” peter lets out a breathy laugh, you laying your head on his chest. “i missed you,” he tells you quietly. “really wish i could kiss you right now.” “i missed you too, pete. so much,” you murmur into him. your hands settle on his biceps. “and, i forgive you.” “thanks, baby,” peter exhales.
“of course. once your lips are healed,” you pull back from his chest, making a kissing noise. “pucker up, lover- oh my god.” you’re looking up at him with wild eyes. peter gets reasonably startled from it. “what? what’s wrong?” “you... you’re bleeding!” you point at his stitches. he winces, touching the spot. there’s blood, alright.
“crap. do you have a bandaid or something?” peter gives you an apologetic smile. “mr. stark said i should cover them when this happens.” maybe, tony isn’t so bad after all. you nod and take him by his hand. “yeah, in the bathroom. come with me.”
peter sits on the edge of your bathtub while you patch up his chin. he tells you more about the fun parts of his mission, you placing the cinderella bandaid over his gash. you have those from a while ago and also regular ones. however, he preferred the princess design.
“you saw the real mona lisa? like, in person? that’s insane.” you grin, smoothing down peter’s bandaid one last time. “yeah, she’s even prettier up close.” peter returns the smile. “thanks for taking care of me, y/n. i swear i don’t deserve you sometimes.” now pouting at him, you crouch down so you’re at his level. “it’s the other way around, peter.”
“let’s just agree to disagree,” he concludes and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “i love you, okay?” “i love you, too.” you press a light kiss to his bandaid, getting a giggle from peter.
yeah, it’s going to be hell finding replacements for his lips.
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uselessheretic · 2 years
ugh if black pete did have some kind of contact with blackbeard previously (altho it'd obvs be limited and not what he hyped it up to be) i feel like that'd make sense and ties his character in better to the rest of the show. i feel like there's enough small but kinda strange things with the interactions around black pete to justify it
the fact that he maybe actually wasn't lying about having smoke for a head. apparently the real life blackbeard would actually put candles in his hair to freak people out. it's possible that it could have been an earlier, less developed version of the fuckery
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when blackbeard crew first came onboard they all took turns hitting black pete. which is easy to brush off as a gag because it is funny but it is a bit out of place in retrospect where we don't see ivan and fang act like that towards any of the other crew members. the way they hit him is also in a way that comes off rather ?? familiar like smacking him in the back of his head. i feel like it's similar to how you casually discipline a child (please don't hit your kids btw)
izzy also wants to make black pete first mate for some reason? i feel like that's one of the odder choices because i'm not sure we ever see izzy even talk to black pete beforehand. also leadership... isn't his strong suit and it seems like ivan or fang would be an obvious first pick for izzy (probably ivan tbh.) both of whom can act a bit funny, but are obviously competent at their job. either way i feel like it's a leap to get to black pete and there doesn't seem to be much logic to it. fang and ivan also have a strong reaction to this, and that can easily be explained away by "well it's black pete" we don't see black pete really?? doing much to warrant that from ep 4 onwards. the only thing we see him do that stands out to the crew really is go get oranges, and say what you will of black pete, he did in fact go get them oranges
fang also calls him brown pete. which again could just be a joke, but it hasn't come up before. it seems in character for pete's previous nickname to be "brown pete" and he changed it to "black pete" instead
when blackbeard first comes onboard pete also asks "did he happen to mention me?" or something to that effect. that's kinda an odd phrasing where i feel like if you just got caught in a lie of never knowing a person who you've been pretending to be besties with your first reaction isn't "i wonder if he'll recognize me" it's setting yourself up for denial and confirming that you weren't even that close. he says it to lucius too, someone he's less likely to lie to. it would make more sense if he had went straight into justifying himself like "oh yeah, we're playing it cool right now. we're so close that we don't even need to say hi to each other. it's good to be back with the bestie." asking if blackbeard mentioned him or not makes it sound like he was actually expecting an answer and was worried for what it would be.
and then there's just? pete's whole obsession with blackbeard in the first place. blackbeard is obviously a famous pirate and everything, but why did pete latch onto this pirate out of all of them. it's funny because the way he talks about blackbeard is very? childish and hero worshiping. usually there's a reason given for why a character is obsessed with something to the point of lying, but that hasn't been addressed yet. (if he's not part of blackbeard's crew prev or some other vague connection then i'd guess it'd be something about hearing stories of blackbeard as a kid or whatever)
anyways, i have some thoughts and theories! on a storytelling perspective:
i feel like we haven't seen a lot of black pete in the show with his positive traits outside of being lucius' boyfriend. in comparison to the other crew members, there's little focus on showing him interacting positively with any of the characters outside of lucius. i'd guess in a s2 we might learn more about black pete's past and get more character development and interactions then
i'm usually a firm believer that things show up on screen for a reason, and even if it's a character lying, there's probably a kernel of truth in there somewhere. opening the episode with black pete talking about blackbeard and receiving his name is a choice, when it could have easily been crew members sharing what legends and rumors they heard of blackbeard to build up the image of fear we as the audience are expected to feel towards him (before later subverting that.) there's better ways of introducing blackbeard the legend than pete telling tall tales, so it's possible that the story isn't there to serve blackbeard's image, but to communicate to us something about pete.
and then some theories i have that can be disproven in s2 but consider:
fang calls him brown pete! i wonder if it's possible that when black pete told the story of blackbeard gifting him his name, if it was actually "lol let's call him the brown dread pete" due to some sort of embarrassing incident. like maybe he didn't save blackbeard's life on a raid, but maybe he did go on a raid with him! and shit himself in the process 😭 it maintains the core aspect of the story, but more realistic to what we'd expect of him and also i can just REALLY imagine that as a backstory/gag
bear with me, but it's kinda sus that izzy doesn't really ever talk to black pete much other than to slutshame his boyfriend. even when he takes his turn smacking pete, it's a light slap on the back of the head opposed to ivan gut punching him. this is out there, but GOD it's be funny as fuck if izzy was pete's like uncle once removed or second cousin or some shit. like idc if it makes sense it'd be sooo funny for izzy's shitty baby cousin to have gotten a job because he owes pete's mom a favor, and ivan and fang fucking hated him for being a horrible nepotism pirate
anyways that's all i got!!!
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epersonae · 2 years
for the ofmd thing.... 4, 7, 10, 15, 16
What’s your favorite inanimate object?
Who had the best response to being interviewed by Chauncey?
I answered this before and I think I said Frenchie claiming not to speak English, but Black Pete saying he didn't know there was piracy happening makes me laugh every time.
What the fuck is Izzy’s problem? Is it/should it be fixable?
I mean, it's toxic masculinity, right? Combined with UST? I feel like this show has such a way that I can imagine that they'll figure it out. As a fic author, this is part of why he's constantly spinning in my head like a goddamn fucking rotisserie chicken: I don't know what to do with him. I don't think there's an easy way out, and I'm not at all sure I'm smart or thoughtful enough to find it on my own. (I'm toying with a kind of out there idea, we'll see if it goes anywhere.) I hesitate to say that it's completely unfixable (my fellow fans of The Adventure Zone may be put somewhat in mind of John the Hunger here) but it's a hell of a puzzle, both as a symbol of larger society and for this guy in particular.
What’s your number one wish for season 2 (besides happening at all or couples being reunited)?
This is kind of abstract, but I want to see some kind of symbolic something something that unites some of the symbolism that already exists, that comes to stand for Ed and Stede together. I want this because I want a tattoo but neither the lighthouse nor the kraken quite calls to me, and I have this weird hunch that there will be a synthesis, and THAT is going to be what I want permanently on my body.
That, and Jermaine Clement as a flirty pirate, and/or Beard Stede. But in generally I trust the team to do amazing things. (OBVIOUSLY Lucius has to be alive, that doesn't even count.)
What’s your favorite gag/joke?
I just watched it, so I'd probably say something different a different time, but "M'NOSES!" is objectively fucking hilarious. Also, every reaction to the cat flag.
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Ask the World to Dance • J.P
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(GIF not mine)
Request: hi! it’s like 1am where I live rn and I had got this idea - so many times when I can’t sleep I put music on and I basically have a party on my own. can you write an imagine or something where the reader can’t sleep and (she’s dating James but isn’t it like dating all of the marauders????) she goes quietly to their dormitory and she sees that they are just chilling, talking so they basically end up dancing etc — anon
Summary: You can’t sleep, so to burn off all your energy, you have a dance party with your boyfriend and your friends in their dorm
Warnings: unable to sleep, mention of a broken nose and kinda mention of a fight? Heavily implied Gryffindor!reader since they sleep in the same dorm as Lily and the girls, underage smoking, Wolfstar (does that need a warning?)
Word Count: 1k
A.N: this is my first piece in a long time!! So it might be.......iffy? I guess I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things. I still like it, don’t worry, it’s not complete trash lmao. Hope you enjoy!
Title: Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself
The alarm clock on your nightstand tells you that it’s midnight, the harsh red numbers blazing in the darkness of your dorm.
But despite the time, you’re wide awake, your body refusing to stay still enough to drift off.
Marlene snores and shuffles underneath the covers to your right while Lily mumbles some incoherent nonsense on your left.
Sighing, you shift around your bed, contorting your limbs every which way in an attempt to get comfortable.
“Oh, fuck this.” You huff in frustration, giving up and sitting up on the mattress.
Obviously, you weren’t going to sleep anytime soon, at least, in your own bed. Maybe James would be able to help you.
You creep across the floorboards, carefully tiptoeing around the loose ones, knowing full well that not only is Dorcas a light sleeper, but also someone who takes her beauty sleep seriously.
You’re able to walk normally up the steps of the boys dormitories, with the amount of chatter echoing through the stone tower only confirming your suspicions that no one was asleep. It seems that this is the place to be on a Wednesday night.
The dark oak door at the very top of the stairs is covered in scorch marks, the words “The Marauders” carved messily across the top. A faint conversation drifts from the cracks.
Smiling, you trace the letters with the tips of your fingers before knocking.
“What’s the password?” Someone shouts from the other side.
Rolling your eyes, you try to think up a witty response. Coming up with nothing particularly hilarious, you settle with the first thing that comes to mind.
“Sirius Black sucks serious arse!” You call back, snickering.
Laughter erupts from behind the door from all of the boys except Sirius, who complains about your answer.
The door swings open and you step inside, revealing three boys lounging lazily near the one window.
Sirius’ dark hair pools across his boyfriend’s lap, the two of them passing a lit cigarette to each other. James sits on the other side of the window, placing his signature golden snitch on his bed before turning to beam at you.
His glasses lay crooked across the bridge of his nose and his curls poke up from his head in every which way, but he perks up at the sight of you.
“What brings you here, darling?” He asks, getting up from his seat. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, of course.”
You place a hand on his neck, just under his ear.
“Not tired.” You shrug, lips grazing over his own.
Gags sound off from the window.
“Oh, piss off.” James snorts, pulling away and leading you to his seat.
Your boyfriend throws his arm over your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. While the whole room smells of cigarette smoke, you can smell the distinct combination of freshly cut grass and broom oil on his white shirt.
“Wait a second,” You glance around at your makeshift circle. “is Pete still in the Hospital Wing?”
“Poor bastard got his nose smashed in with a cauldron.” Remus snorts, smoke leaving his lips in dark clouds. “Poppy needed him to stay the night to regrow some of the bones that got absolutely shattered.”
You cringe, remembering the loud crack that bounced off the walls of the Dungeons only just hours earlier. Poor kid almost couldn’t keep it together, not that you blame him.
The conversation lulls slightly, Sirius mostly dominating it with his insane plans to buy a Muggle motorcycle over the summer holiday without the Potters knowing. You snuggle closer to James, still wide awake.
“Still not tired?” He asks, lips gently placed on the top of your head.
“It feels like I’ll never fall asleep again.” You groan, the heel of your foot tapping against the floor serving as evidence to your predicament.
“Well there’s your problem.” Sirius exclaims, languidly pointing the cigarette between his painted fingers at your foot. “You’ve got too much energy.”
“Which is completely mental considering we had Potions and History of Magic today.” James continues. “The second Binns opens his mouth, I’m down for the count.”
“And that’s why you ask me and Remus for the notes—“
“Darling, when the hell am I going to use the story of Emeric the Evil in the real world?” James chuckles, raising one of his eyebrows at you.
“That’s not the point, Jamie—“ You argue.
“When did we get on a such a boring topic?” Sirius pretends to yawn. “I thought we were going to devise a plan to get rid of (Y/n)’s obscene amount of energy.”
“I guess we’ll just have to tire you out.” James teases, poking your side.
“Some music might do the trick.” Remus offers, snubbing out his cigarette in a nearby ashtray before striding towards the record player on the other side of the room.
“Yes!” James grins. “Play something we can dance to!”
You don’t know what Remus ends up putting on, but whatever it is, it certainly works.
As guitars and drums pound throughout the room, James takes your hands into his own and pulls you to the center.
You giggle and he spins you, socks gliding on top of the hardwood, making it easier to dance. Remus and Sirius mirror your movements closer to the window.
Hair flies in front of your faces and boisterous laughter bubbles out of each of you. Connected hands flail around, as you and James twist haphazardly.
One song turns into two, turns into a dozen more, but eventually you’re sprawled out on James’ Gryffindor blanket, forehead dotted with sweat and eyelids drooping uncontrollably.
You don’t bother looking at the clock next to you as James lays down on top of the covers with you.
The record player scratches to a halt and Sirius trots his way over to Remus, sleeping peacefully in his own bed.
“I guess it worked.” James whispers, pressing his chest against your back.
“It seems so, love.” You yawn into his plush pillow.
Your boyfriend presses his lips to the back of your neck, before you find yourself drifting off, dreams of dancing with him whirling in your mind.
All Character Taglist: @sexysirius @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
James Potter Taglist: @natasharomanovf
253 notes · View notes
bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Fool’s Rush In
Chapter 18
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Pairing: Liam x Riley
Book: TRR AU
Warnings: Language, crude talk, and the usual bad writing.
I had planned from the beginning to end this series after the next chapter and an epilogue, but call me crazy, I love it too much. So while this part of the story will end, I still plan to update with one-shots or stories from time to time. If you’re just done with it, let me know.
Also, this chapter felt a little off to me, so I apologize if it's terrible, but I think I ended on a good note.
Thanks @burnsoslow for prereading.and usage of your girl, who finally got to make her debut.
"Damn it, Riley! Pick up!" Liam grumbled as he lowered the cell phone from his ear and tossed it in the seat beside him. The royal jet had been in the air for a little over four hours already, and he'd grown frustrated at getting her voice mail each time. Surely, she was home by now. 
Even though it was the middle of the night in Las Vegas, it was worth interrupting her. He had tried unsuccessfully to contact Riley since he packed his bags earlier and hastily headed for the airstrip. By this point, there must have been a dozen or so messages left on her phone without so much as a hint she'd gotten them. 
While time wasn't an issue -- he'd get to Las Vegas one way or the other -- it was the desperation to hear from his new wife and tell her he knew precisely why she left. 
And that he loved her.
Tilting his head back against the headrest, he swiveled side-to-side in his luxury chair while tightly clutching his freshly poured scotch. The security footage he watched earlier that morning replayed in his mind again. There were no doubts about what it showed: Madeleine confronted Riley outside their quarters just minutes after leaving the ball. Without sound, however, no one could ascertain specifically what was said among the two women. It was clear though,  Riley was not a willing participant in that conversation. When they saw the disk held up in the Countess' hands, and the look of sheer horror on his pussycat's face, that told Liam all he needed to know. This was a blackmail situation, plain and simple, that included assault; those flowers he found scattered on the ground when he returned to his quarters last night all made sense now. This act was deliberate and treasonous, and Liam would ensure his ex-fiancee paid handsomely for it. 
After they viewed the footage several more times, the Royal Guard was immediately summoned to Krona to find Madeleine and take her into custody. Liam knew it was a long shot whether his guards could pull that sting off, but he was working with what he had at the moment.
Despite whatever happened next, there was one thing the King was confident of: He was prepared to give up his entire Kingdom to get his girl back. Returning to Cordonia without her was not an option.
Shaking his tumbler of partially melted ice cubes, Liam leaned forward and steadily poured another bottle of scotch into his glass. As soon as he sat back and raised the fresh beverage to his lips, he was startled by the ringing of his cell phone. In a rush to answer, he hastily set the drink aside and snatched his phone up from where he tossed it earlier. 
"Hello! Love?" He answered, hopeful it was her.
"Hey, little brother. Love you too ... Say, do you know if the palace has a Spanish tickler or a breast ripper? Asking for a friend."
Liam furrowed his brows in confusion before rising from his seat, plopping a knee down on its cushioned bottom, and glancing to the back of the plane. "Leo? Why are you calling me? We're on the same damn plane. I'm looking right at you."
"Nevermind that. Listen, I figured out a way to take care of Madeleine once and for all. Behold ..." Leo held up a leather-bound book and waved it over his head while Liam squinted from the front of the plane to get a better look. "... The King Constantine Guide To Fucking Torture In The 21st Century; Father gave it to me after my investiture ceremony. The way I see it, there really is no other option here than to tie her to a tree in front of the palace, invite the public to watch for a modest fee, and do some cool shit with iron rods and spikes. I got dibs on the knee-splitter, though."
"Leo ..." Liam began to warn his brother how ridiculous that plan was before stopping himself and staring off into the distance for a moment in thought. "Wait ... is there anything about flaying in that book?"
"Hell yeah there is! And if you're interested in thumbscrews, my buddy, Pete, has a trunk full of them. He uses them for ass play, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting us borrow them to split Maddie's thumbs in half." Leo let out a maniacal laugh.
Liam chuckled, despite the peculiarity of the conversation. "I'm not going to lie and tell you I'm not interested -- to the contrary, actually. And while I appreciate your help in seeing that Madeleine is brought to justice, I think we better stick to more lawful means."
"Boo, you whore!" The line went dead with a click. 
Liam held the phone away from his ear, watching Leo sink down into his chair in a huff. "Really?" He called back in agitation. Met with the silent treatment and a middle finger from his disgruntled brother, Liam rolled his eyes, then slumped back down into his seat. Maybe he'd try to call Riley again.
The phone on Riley's nightstand buzzed again. She knew it was another call from Liam, and while she felt remorseful for ignoring all of his calls and texts, she couldn't bring herself to look at or answer them quite yet. The sooner all ties between them were broken, she believed, the quicker he could forget all about her and the mess she made of everything. 
But even her willpower was slipping. Riley slid her hand out from under the pillow and reached over to pick up her phone. Holding it to her chest, she contemplated for a second just reading his texts and returning his calls, but Madeleine had warned to end all contact with him. Obviously, she was curious about what he had to say, but it was too risky. I'm so sorry, Liam. 
Hitting the power button on her cell, the light on the device faded to black before she tossed it in the nightstand drawer.
Early the next morning, Riley's eyes flickered open to the sound of a banging on her front door, followed by the incessant ringing of her doorbell. Feeling exhausted from a lack of sleep, mainly because of crying and unable to think about anything other than how she hurt Liam, Riley decided to ignore it. She just wanted to be left alone, and eventually, they'd give up and leave, right?
Except they didn't.
Annoyed, she let out a sigh and then eased herself up out of bed; the pain in her back was still a problem. Tossing a robe over her body, she slowly made her way down the stairs of her townhome -- each step excruciating -- until she finally made it to the door.
Twisting the lock, she opened the entry door, before letting out a sudden gasp at the tearful person standing on the other side. 
"Oh my God, Riley! Y-You're alive! You're really alive!"
"Alyssa?" Riley's best friend from New York pulled her into a relieved hug, nearly sobbing at that point. "What're you doing here?"
"I thought something terrible happened to you, but now that I can see you're still among the living ..." she sniffled before pulling back and narrowing her blazing blue eyes at her friend. "Where have you been? I've been trying to get ahold of you ever since you texted me that you were boarding a plane in Cordonia, and that something serious happened involving Tyler. You promised me you'd call as soon as you landed--"
"I know. I'm so sorry. It was late ..."
 " -- and you didn't. Then I worried, even more, when you didn't answer any of my calls back. I had to book the first red-eye flight here to make sure you were all right." Finished with her rant, a huffing Alyssa's jaw immediately clenched. "Now, what did that shithead ex of yours do? I'll kill him if he hurt you, Ri. I might be small, but I'm scrappy like an alleycat. You know I'll claw his eyes out."
Riley let out a light chuckle; Alyssa was always overprotective of her and had a clever way with words, but quickly, that chuckle faded into a teary frown. "Oh, Lyss," she whimpered as her face fell into her hands.
Alyssa quickly wrapped her arms around Riley and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Aww, Riley. Sweetie, it's going to be okay," she soothed. 
Stepping inside, Alyssa kicked the door shut and led them both over to the sofa. Sensing Riley was in pain -- and not just emotional -- she helped lower her troubled best friend onto the couch. "I want you to start from the beginning and tell me everything that happened."
The best friends had remained in contact over the last several weeks. It was Alyssa's frantic morning phone call over a month ago that alerted Riley to the news coverage of her impromptu marriage to Liam, having saw it on the news. 
And while Alyssa was aware of everything about Cordonia and Liam, and how Riley fit into all that from their prior conversations, she listened intently while it was revealed to her the details of the incident with Madeleine and the video her ex-husband gave to the Countess.  
Grabbing a tissue from the end table, Alyssa handed it to Riley. "So this cow confronted you with that disgusting video and basically blackmailed you into leaving, or she would release it to the press?" Riley nodded somberly.."Ugh, I want this treasonous bitch thrown in the dungeon, subjected to live-streamed daily anal fistings with giant Hulk gloves ... And Tyler, I want to break every bone in his rotten body, one at a time. And I want to leave him there afterwards, dripping just enough water on his lips, so he doesn't die of dehydration, screaming in agony for the weeks it will take to die of starvation."
 Riley's face scrunched up. "God, Alyssa."
Alyssa shrugged. "What? I don't care; it's what they deserve for hurting you. Did you at least tell Liam what happened?"
This time, Riley shook her head. "No. Madeleine warned me if I told him, she would release the video, and then the council would likely force him to step down. I won't allow him to lose everything for someone like me." 
Irritated, Alyssa pressed a palm to her forehead. "Why are you like this?"
"Like, what?" Riley asked in exasperation.
"That whole, 'someone like me,' part. He wanted to stay married to you. He made you the queen of his country. You've said he couldn't keep his goddamn hands off you for two seconds. And more importantly, you told me you have never felt more loved in your life, than you do when you're with him. The fact that you still question your worthiness to him blows my mind." 
Alyssa reached for Riley's shaky hand, able to tell by the tears sliding down her cheeks and the soft whimpers that she'd touched on something. "You're his pussycat, Riley. Liam already lost everything when you left him. Tell me you know that."
Riley wiped at her face., her voice stifled, "I just wanted to protect him."
"I know." Alyssa smiled softly. "But you needed to give him the chance to decide what he wanted. You made it for him because you know he'd choose you, regardless if he lost everything else; that's how much he loves you, Ri. You can't protect someone who loves you by hurting them. Besides, he's the King; he can simply execute the council if he wants to -- Liam’s not going anywhere."
"You just HAD to add that last part in, didn't you?" Riley laughed, feeling a sense of ease as her mood lightened. It felt good to talk to someone who could help her make sense of everything and realize she hadn’t exactly made the best call by leaving and not telling Liam what happened. "But what do I do about this video? What if Madeleine releases it to the public?"
"Yeah, a video of a married woman having sex with her husband -- Oh, the shame!" she retorted. "Look, you'll be famous on Pornhub for a few weeks, and it'll fizzle out. I know that doesn't make it all better, but you have a lot of people who love you ... we'll be there for you if that happens. Besides, it's Gonzo Dick; I doubt anyone will wanna watch anyway."
Riley snorted out at the nickname she gave her ex-husband. "Stop making me laugh." 
Alyssa cracked a grin. "Nah. If I can make you laugh at that asshole's expense and his crooked dick, then it's worth it."
"Well,” she breathed, “ I suppose I should get dressed and call Liam. Tell him what happened, and hopefully, he'll … forgive .." her voice trailed off at tasting an increasing collection of bile in her throat and a familiar rumble in her stomach. 
“What’s wrong?”
Riley frowned. "Damn it, why do I keep getting sick?"  
After rushing to the bathroom with Alyssa's help, Riley came out moments later, flushed and perspiring. Alyssa, who waited outside the door to make sure she was all right, eyed her friend with grave concern. "Ri, are you sure you don't have a concussion? You said that Madeleine caused you to fall, and you complained you’ve been getting sick a lot. Is there any chance you hit your head too?"
Riley considered for a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think so. I mean, it all happened so fast I don't really remember, but my head doesn't hurt."
"OH NO! You have memory loss too, on top of the vomiting and a hurt back? Riley, you need to go to the hospital now. This is serious."
"Alyssa, I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital," Riley dismissed and hobbled past her friend toward the kitchen. "You always worry too much."
Alyssa followed behind her, brows bumped together in a scowl. "Because you're a stubborn ass who never listens, that's why. You need to get checked out," she insisted. Riley paid no attention as made her way to the fridge; that reaction only served to piss Alyssa off. "You can ignore me all you want, but you know as well as I do, I'll just keep annoying the hell out of you until you do it … I'll sing every Dave Matthews song ever written -- On repeat." 
Riley shut the fridge door and turned at the threat, giving her a dismayed glare. "You wouldn't." 
Alyssa tilted her chin. "You know damn well I would. I have... so much to say, so much to say, so much --"
"Please stop! I'm going."
At Valley Hospital and Medical Center, Drake sat slumped down in the waiting room of the E.R;  a thawed ice pack covered his crotch. His increasingly irritated self caught sight of a nurse escorting yet another patient back for examination. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
Tired of waiting, he cast the ice pack aside and marched straddle-legged to the triage desk where a beefy nurse with a scowl sat filing her nails. "How much longer is this gonna take?" He demanded bitterly.
The nurse remained focused on her nails and answered in a careless fashion. "You'll get called back when it's your turn, Mr. Walker."
"My turn? MY TURN? I've been here for 15 fucking hours waiting for my turn. I've watched one person after the next walk right in, get treated, and leave. Whose ass do I actually have to lick to get treatment around here?"
Unimpressed with his theatrics, she folded her arms on the desk and looked up at Drake with a glower. "Look. You got kicked in the wang by a hooker. Shit happens. It's not the end of the world. Go home, have a beer, and a good laugh. You'll live." She resumed her filing.
Drake ran both hands through his rumpled hair, letting out a sardonic laugh. "I cannot fucking believe you just said that to me. I suffer trauma on my transplanted dick, and the greatest healthcare minds in the world tell me to have a beer and laugh about it?" his voice shrieked.
The nurse blew on her nails. "That's what I said."
That snarky remark sent him even further over the edge. A red-faced Drake pounded two white-knuckled fists on the desk and leaned down into her space. "Now you listen here, lady. I demand to be seen right now, or so help me, I'll tear this whole goddamn place apart brick-by-fucking-brick! Do you understand me?"
Having none of that, the nurse, who was several inches taller than a startled Drake expected, sprung for her chair and loomed over him menacingly. Drake flinched when she rammed the nail file at him and threatened, "Now, you listen.You can either sit your ass down, or I will sit you down. Do you understand me?"
He didn't understand. He would never understand.
A security guard who heard the commotion casually approached the agitated pair and placed a firm hold on Drake's elbow. "Do we have a problem here, Betty Lou?"
She shook her head, sizing Drake up. "No, just some whiny-ass Karen griping about his dick."
Several moments later, Alyssa and Riley exited an Uber and wandered into the waiting area, making their way up to the triage line -- or what they thought was a line. It was actually Drake still standing there, continuing to protest his case to anyone who would listen and demanding to speak to someone in charge.
While Riley dug through her purse to retrieve her health insurance card, Alyssa couldn't help but be taken in by the fiery debacle taking place in front of them. She inched a little closer, unable to help herself; it was good drama and sucked her right in. 
Catching a glimpse of Drake’s sour face, she cocked her head introspectively; there was something oddly familiar about the man in the denim shirt going off. Alyssa tapped her chin. Where have I seen him before?  
Before long, the realization set in, and her eyes snapped wide open. She nudged Riley with an elbow and leaned over, whispering, "Hey, isn't that the guy from the news who had the penis transplant? It looks just like him."
Knowing precisely who that was by the description, Riley popped her head up to look. She hadn't known Drake well, only that he was Liam's best friend, and after having spent time together on the plane ride to Cordonia with him, that her maid-of-honor had given him several venereal diseases. "Drake?" she called out.
While Alyssa zoned in on his groin, curious as to what was in there, Drake broke away from the dispute and turned his focus toward the familiar-sounding voice. She was a connection to home and a long-sought-after friendly face. "Riley? Liam's insta-bride, Riley?" 
She let out a light chuckle and nodded. "Yeah, I suppose that's how you would know me ... What are you doing at the hospital? Is your body rejecting the ..." Her embarrassed gaze dropped lower with a gulp. " ... thing?"
"No!" he barked. "I just got attacked by that ... uh, someone."
"You got attacked?" Shocked, Riley placed a hand over her chest. "Why would someone attack you? Are you okay?"
Feeling incensed by the memory, Drake shook his head and muttered. "It's a long story ... What about you? What are you doing here? Thought you were in Cordonia with Liam?"
She inhaled a deep breath through her nostrils and forced a smile. "It's a long story too."
Drake peeked over his shoulder at Nurse Ratchet, giving him a gimlet-eyed stare from behind her computer screen. He groused and turned to face Riley again. "I've got time."
Nearly 12 hours after takeoff, the royal jet touched down in sunny Las Vegas, an hour ahead of schedule. Liam and Leo stepped off the plane and strolled across the tarmac to the awaiting vehicle, where a smiling man held the rear passenger door open.
"Bastien," Liam greeted as he approached. "Good to see you again."
"Your Majesty." He bowed. "Likewise ... I have the rental car you requested, and the Queen's address is already programmed into the GPS. Should take no more than 30 minutes to get there."
"Perfect,” he replied, clapping Bastien’s shoulder.“Thanks for having everything ready to go."
Liam had contacted the head guard -- who was still jailed for non-support -- and gained him a day-long pass to provide security detail. Bastien was also to stay in contact with his guards to oversee the capture and detainment of Madeleine.
Bastien took their bags, and the brothers hopped into the back of the Escalade. Once they pulled away from the airport, the directions led the group west. The head guard glanced briefly in the rearview mirror as he drove on. “I want to thank you for giving me a second chance. It’s nice to be out of that place, even if just for the day.”
Liam smiled back. “Not a problem, good man. I can’t think of anyone else I trust more for the job than you … though I’m not sure why. Anyway, do you have any updates on the Madeleine situation?”
“Yes, sir. I contacted my colleagues again just before you arrived. Countess Madeleine was taken by surprise when our guards arrived at her family estate in Krona. Once in custody, she was immediately transported to Valtoria for detention, exactly as you requested.”
"That's terrific news ... Wait ...Did you say, Valtoria?" Liam asked with puzzlement in his tone. 
"Yes, sir. As you requested." 
"Man, please tell me Mads tried to fight them off, and they had to use the taser on her," Leo insisted as he held his crossed fingers in the air. "A billy club ... a rubber hose ... something."
"There may have been a brief verbal exchange and some threats, but the Countess promised if they permitted access to her computer to send a quick email, she would go with them peacefully and without further protest. There didn't seem to be any harm in doing so, and she followed through with her word. Sorry to break it to you, Prince Leo, but no tasers were harmed in her capture."
"Well, fiddle shit." Leo glanced over at his brother --who was still scratching his head -- in disappointment. "If only I'd been able to get that shock collar on her while I was engaged to her, you wouldn't be in this mess right now. She just squirmed too much. I’m sorry I let you down, little brother."
"It's fine, Leo; it's not the first time,”  Liam said dryly before turning his head away from Leo to face the front again. "Can we get back to Madeleine being taken to Valtoria? I never requested that. An accused of the Crown is always placed in the palace dungeon. There aren't even cells in Valtoria to hold her in. What am I missing here?"
Approaching a stoplight, Bastien lightly pressed the brakes, then met Liam’s gaze in the mirror. “The orders I was given to pass along to the guards from you earlier were clear in your text: Once she’s taken into custody, she is to be sent to Valtoria and placed in the cage with the monkey until further notice. That’s what they --”
“Mongo! They put her in the cage with Mongo?” Liam exploded before pinching the bridge of his nose, knowing there was no point in asking how that message got mixed up. “Goddamn it, Leo! Why are you, you, sometimes?” He ran a swift hand down his face and turned to glare at his brother. “Do you realize they consider that cruel and unusual punishment? Did you ever stop to consider how much shit I'm going to hear over this if this gets out?" He let out a sharp breath and threw his hands in the air."How? How did you do it?"
"It's simple pimple, Liam. When you went to the bathroom, I grabbed your phone," he replied bluntly with a shrug. "And according to page 24 of Father's torture book: It's not considered cruel and unusual punishment, as long as she has food, water, and clean shelter -- which she does. Or ... if she's housed with a member of the royal family -- which she is. Mongo is the heir to the throne, so we've got that covered too. So just relax, little bro; Leo’s got it all taken care of for you."
Liam dropped his chin to his chest, then let out a weary breath. “Bastien, call the guards and have them move her to the palace at once.” 
As Bastien placed the call, Liam shifted in his seat so that he was staring out the window. He put a palm over his mouth to conceal the curved lips that formed a devilish grin, trying to contain the unbearable urge to bust out laughing. Oh, Maddie ... I hope you and Mongo had one hell of a time together.
Back at the hospital, Riley situated herself on the gurney while a nurse prepared to check her vitals and ask general health questions. 
In the next bay over, separated by a thin sliding curtain, Drake was finally attended to after Riley reluctantly, but willfully, played up her celebrity status. Once she threatened to have the hospital shut down -- which she doubted was even possible on her end -- the proverbial red carpet was rolled out for both of them; she was still a queen, afterall. 
Steps were then taken to ensure they both received the royal treatment, so to speak. That wasn’t typically how Riley preferred to handle situations; she hated big fusses over her. But in the end, she did help one of Liam’s oldest friends finally get the medical attention he needed, so it was worth trying. 
The blood pressure cuff on Riley’s arm squeezed tighter just as one of the doctors stepped inside and slid the curtain all the way closed. His cheerful greeting drew Riley's fixed gaze away from the changing numbers on the monitor beside her bed, and she smiled up at him.
The doctor was tall and thin, with thick spectacles perched near the tip of his nose. He gave a brief nod to Alyssa, who was sitting in a chair at Riley’s bedside, rubbing her shoulder. Scanning the patient chart, he spoke without looking up, "Queen Riley, it says here you suffered a fall?"
"I'm just Riley,  please," she requested.
The doctor looked up from the paperwork and nodded with an understanding smile. "Of course." 
After the initial exam concluded, Alyssa remained behind after the doctor ordered x-rays and transport had wheeled Riley down to radiology. 
Bouncing her crossed leg as she scrolled through her phone, Alyssa tried to bide her time until Riley returned. An air conditioning vent overhead that she didn’t realize drowned out so much noise around her, suddenly flipped off. Able to catch the conversation on the other side of the curtain better, she listened with a broken heart as Drake reluctantly described to an attending, the worst days of his life. Alyssa shuddered as he recalled the moment his penis fell off, rolled across the bed, and dropped onto Ethan Ramsey’s leather shoe during an exam. “That poor man. I just want to hug him,” she muttered.
Her little ears perked when the doctor mentioned he was “going to have a look at it.” In her curious mind, there were no doubts that she was too. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a peek at the first transplant of its kind; no way was she going to miss out on that. 
Alyssa slid to the edge of her seat and raised her hand to up to the curtain, easing a tiny portion of it aside. Her blue eyes crinkled with frustration at a nurse who was blocking her view. “Move your ass,” she whispered to herself.
Unable to get a good view, she gave up that spot and eyed the other opening in the curtain at the far end of the room. Sliding off her chair to a crouching position on the floor, Alyssa crab-walked as fast as she could without falling off balance until she made it to the other side. Crooking a stealthy finger along the seam of the curtain, she hoped and prayed Drake’s genital exam wasn’t through yet. What her eyes saw on that gurney when she pulled the fabric aside caused her heart to jolt out of her chest. 
Alyssa cupped a hand over her gaping mouth before stepping back and letting the curtain fall loosely shut again.  Dropping her hand limply at her side, staring blankly at nothing, she mouthed, “Oh. My. God.”
Down in the radiology department, Riley sat patiently in her wheelchair, waiting for the tech to return to take the x-rays. Enjoying the lighter feeling of having an empty bladder again, she let out a contented sigh; she was about to bust earlier. That mandatory urine sample couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. 
Left alone to ruminate in her thoughts, Riley wondered about those phone calls she ignored last night from Liam. The regret she felt over her actions the last 26 hours continued to mount up. And it took a heart-to-heart with her best friend to really put things into perspective. Her decisions weren’t the best course to take, even if they were done with the most loving of intentions. 
There was a lot to make up to Liam, and she only hoped that it wasn’t too late. Could he even forgive her for all of it?
She wished he was there with her right now. If she knew him the way she thought she did, he’d be standing around telling inappropriate jokes to make her laugh or embarrass her with his silly antics. It was like Liam could be two different people sometimes: Kingly and stoic around everyone else, but the second it was just him alone with her, he was such a big kid. Somehow, she could bring out his true self; the one where he felt comfortable enough to be silly and playful. And as much as she tried to play them off, those little pet names he gave her -- she chuckled to herself as they popped into her head -- were funny. What the hell even was a knucklehead mcspazzatron? 
“Miss Brooks” Riley shook herself of her thoughts as the x-ray tech returned and made her way over. “I apologize that took so long.”
Riley smiled up at her. “No need to apologize… Are you ready for me now?”
“Not exactly,” she teased in such a cheery tone, Riley slightly lowered her eyelids, holding her gaze. “You most likely won’t be getting x-rays today, sweetie.” She held a fisted hand out to Riley and opened her palm to reveal the small object inside. “You’re pregnant.”
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turq8 · 2 years
Okay, I’m on my 4th (5th?) rewatch of OFMD, but I tend to get distracted easily and I really wanted to note down all these little details to maybe write some meta, so here are my notes for episodes 2-5 from that
Ep 2:
-Izzy wants the hostages to sell them, but it's probably a bad idea for Stede to do that bc they're witnesses to his crimes. But he already sent someone back to the ship so maybe that ship has sailed (lol)
-when Buttons first meets Izzy, he tells him exactly how many men they have and where they are, but later in ep 8 when Calico Jack is asking about Blackbeard, he's noticeably cagier about answering; did he learn not to tell strangers potentially important info?
-during the hearing, Stede hallucinates Nigel talking about how he might have children that will "never see Papa again" and that's what sets Stede off about how he's killed someone... Shortly after that he says he doesn't feel bad about killing Nigel, and when someone suggests that he's feeling guilty about something else, we see a flashback of him looking in on his children the night he left
-obviously Black Pete talks a big game about working for Blackbeard but I literally don't think we see Ed recognize/acknowledge him once lmao
Ep 3:
-is this (& the bit at the end of ep 2) the extent of what we see of Blackbeard's ship?? Where the fuck IS it for the rest of the season?
-there's just skulls everywhere lmaooo that's so dramatic
-what exactly is the backstory for Olu & Jim? Bc Jackie says Olu is the one who suggested Jim as a server, and that was before Jim killed her husband and then they both ran and joined Stede's crew. Plus in ep 7 Olu says he's known Jim for like a year, and I don't think Stede's been sailing for that long, bc Jim writes that they've been in disguise and on the lam for 28 days in ep 2. What happened in the previous several months??
-"I explicitly told him 'Blackbeard desires his company'" IZZY HANDS YOU FUCKING LIAR, YOU SAID NO SUCH THING
-Jim and Olu are arguing about how he dragged them out before they could get their family dagger back, Lucius brings them said dagger, they say "now THIS. Is a good friend" very pointedly to Olu, kiss Lucius, and then hit Olu with THIS look:
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That's a hell of a message.
-everyone except Lucius screaming while Jim's "nose" is pulled off is always funny
Ep 4:
-the date they use on Stede's gravestone for his birthday is his historical baptism date lol
-Fang HISSES at them before telling them to get back to work
-I've seen a couple posts discussing what a terrible listener Stede is but I don't think anyone's mentioned Mary's "I hate the ocean, I literally said that the other day" when he's already started having the boat built as an example
-I love Ed giggling at all the trinkets as he goes through Stede's cabinet lol
-Izzy pleading with Ed to focus while Ed's distracted by the trinkets. Ed's brain literally never turns off (he noticed the clouds that morning, and then later has Lucius start counting down for 147 minutes- until dusk because he’s been working the plan the whole time) and he never stops moving, he's always fidgeting. His big frustration and source of boredom is that he's not being challenged anymore because being Blackbeard is too easy. That's ADHD babes
-As an addendum, I think the stillest we see him is when he's watching over Stede
-At literally the first possible opportunity to separate himself from "Blackbeard", he introduces himself as Ed
-Gnossiennes No. 5 starts playing just before "Do you fancy a fine fabric" and I have passed away, the musical director(s) were really on their shit because this also plays at "what makes Ed happy" 😭
(also it continues playing until Izzy comes in looking for Ed)
-Ok, so they go into the secret closet. There's the part with the actual closet, but behind them when they come in, we see a wardrobe and possibly more space to the right given how the light is coming in. 
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In Ep. 6 when Ed has his panic attack, he goes through the secret door and then the next time we see him is in the bathtub, but I can't imagine he would have left the secret passage to go there if it was somewhere else on the ship. Ergo, the bathtub is behind the secret door. Where am I going with this? In Ep 2, Jim knows Stede has a bathtub -> Jim knows about the secret passage.  Does the whole crew know about the passages, or just Jim (and Olu presumably)?  Food for thought for season 2.
-I don't see enough discussion about how Ed's fog trick is literally some Sherlock Holmes shit. More master strategist in season 2 please!!
-okay wait, everyone's on about how 1717 wasn't even a leap year, but I think even more importantly is that it's literally been months since the leap day and Ed would have been watching the moon cycle the whole time, so it's weird that he got tripped up on that. also we can literally check what phase the moon was on for September 1 1717, and it was just about 1st quarter which is a full week from full lol (I suspect the sources I'm using are on the Gregorian calendar, but the English colonies used the Julian calendar until 1752, and when they made the switch they added 11 days, so Sept 1 of the Julian calendar is Sept 12 on the Gregorian calendar.  Then again, France and Spain (and their colonies) switched in 1582, so who the fuck knows what calendar Blackbeard would have been using.  Either way though, the moon definitely isn’t full.). I have now officially put more thought into this than the writers did.
-Anyway Ed just builds a lighthouse rig out of a lantern, a mirror, a beam, some rope, and some booze bc he's brilliant??
Ep 5:
-In the flashback to Ed's past, you can see his dad passed out at the table- FORESHADOWING
-Ed wants to go to this fancy party so, so badly and it makes me want to cry a little
-Ed! In purple! With bows in his beard!
-"How do I win this interaction" that line is so telling
-3 different times in the show, people come up to Stede and say "there's a rumor going around about you". First is Nigel in ep 1, about Stede running off to be a pirate; second is in Ep 5, when they ask if he's Sir Godfrey; third is in Ep 10, when his old acquaintances ask again if it was true he became a pirate, but this time it's in awe instead of derision. Not sure exactly what that means but it feels important.
-"Would you be willing to palpitate my wife?"
Stede and Ed, who have no idea what phrenology is: 😳
-This ep is Frenchie at his absolute best
-"I killed a Prussian once" impulsive blurting out, Ed has ADHD example #374
-Ed can play the harpsichord (?), where would he have picked this up?
-Every line of the drawing scene is perfect
-there's been so much written about it already, but the turn when Ed realizes that they're laughing AT him, not WITH him is amazing
-Lucius is so powerful in that scene with Izzy
-Stede is also so powerful in the gossip scene, his pettiness knows no bounds and he completely destroys the reputations of an entire room of people just because they made Ed upset
-the way the scene ends with Ed staring at Stede, and then when it pans out from the ship Ed is STILL staring and you get the sense that he has barely taken his eyes off of Stede
-If I loved the moonlight scene less, I might be able to talk about it more
-Gnossiennes No. 5 again 😭 that's their love theme. It starts the moment Ed looks back up at him and I've seen someone point that out as the *moment* Ed falls (whether or not he actually realized it then)
-God I just want to dissect every second of the little nod to himself, deep breath, step forward, slight lean in and then pulling back and all but running away when Stede doesn't reciprocate because FUCK
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