#the strange clockmaker
If yoa had to narrow it down, what are your top 5 villains in any form of media? 👀👀
I told you I'd get around to this!! Let's start the beatdown!!
5. Noximillian the Clockmaker from Wakfu. I love his voice, animation, and design. His story is rich and fits really well into the overall story. Not to mention I WANT HIS GENDER. Nox, my beloved.
4. The Headless Horseman!! Specifically the Tim Burton version. The whole thing with him emerging from the tangle of roots in that massive tree is just so badass. I'm not fond of how witchcraft is represented in that movie but I give credit where it's due for that magnificent and iconic character
Even though really the stepmother is the true villain, really, it's not what the movie is known for.
3. The Riddler. I like the more grounded and gritty 2022 version best. He's a truly twisted, skrunkly little guy. Need I say more? Paul Dano did an excellent job playing that dubious dude. I love his mind games. I even learned his cipher alphabet.
2. Mr. Hyde/Dr. Jekyll. 1800's sci-fi evil doctor with a wretched appearance? Count me in! I do love literature of that era and not once have I been disappointed by an iteration of the character. It has inspired a good number of my stories, you see? And not to mention how many times I read that book as a child. Hundreds of times, probably. Nostalgia factor!
1. The Invisible Man from the 1933 classic. HE. IS. SO. COOL. His story, his voice, the symbolism, NOT TO MENTION HIS APPEARANCE!! I adore him so much. I want his vibe so bad. Did you know that his laugh is what inspired the Joker laugh? Also, his actor Claude Rains is hot. He's hot. The effects for the time were incredible, not gonna lie. Black was a color that could be filmed over again on silver screen rolls, so to achieve the invisible effect, he wore a full black velvet morphsuit of sorts. Can you imagine those people back then, seeing that groundbreaking effect on the cinema screen for the first time? What a riot!
Honorable mentions: Hannibal Lector, Doc Ock, and my very own oc No. 3, that bastard.
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hybbart · 9 months
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The hosts of the games (minus Grian, who hosted 3rd life himself) Each one was hosted by a watcher inspired by the original game to host their own.
lore below
The Boogieman (he/she) loves bloodsports and the drama of betrayal, so she created a game in which curses were bestowed upon players (some more permanent than others) and gave them the ability to gain and lose more hearts in order to encourage violence. He hosted Last Life after seeing how Grian's game ended and wanted more red life drama.
The Spinner (they/them) loves the relationship drama and tragedy of the games, so made a mechanic to pair up the players. Their favourite biome is the Ancient City because of its horror movie (the true romantic genre supposedly) like atmosphere, so they built the arena atop one. They cursed golden apples to break bonds and put them in the game hoping at least one of the pairs would participate int he drama of consuming them, but the planned failed to their annoyance.
The Clockmaker (any) is a control freak who interfered the most forwardly with their games. They wanted the most chances possible for stories and gaming, so created a mechanic to allow for more deaths and strategies. They ended up breaking Limited Life more often than not with their strange mechanics. They wanted a centrepiece to their arena similar in danger to the pillager outpost Double Life incidentally had, but broke it while attempting to make resources more plentiful to minimize time resource gathering.
The Secret Keeper (it/its) wanted to create a more relaxed game with more ridiculous and silly situations, so inserted itself into the game to hand out tasks to do instead of mull around until the players kill each other and mechanics to discourage hurting each other directly. It doesn't care for the drama the others before it loved so much, and didn't both maintaining the curses Boogieman placed leading to some of them breaking.
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The clockmaker, the crow and the mantis
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[contains vulgar language]
SUMMARY: When an infamous assassin breaks into his office, Kaz Brekker is offered a part in a strange scheme. Despite their mutual dislike, the two might yet have a common goal.
(enemies to lovers I guess?)
A feeling of a cold breeze brushing against his clothes makes Kaz stop immediately - he hasn't opened the window in weeks. The barely noticeable gust of wind tugs gently at the paperwork in front of him. Flames dance ever so slightly on their wicks. The darkness pooling in the corners of the room, where the candlelight can’t quite reach, seems deeper, more imposing, as though it wasn't the lack of light creating it but something much more alive, much more sinister.
Something moves out of the corner of his eye, bordering realism and phantasm. He gets up quickly, hand gripping the decorative cane that had seen its fair share of blood. Calculated, careful steps lead him to the centre of the room as Kaz studies the shapeless shadows encircling him like an ominous vignette.
His heart picks up its pace. A muffled sound of chatter and laughter reaches his ears from behind the heavy door. Horse hooves clatter against cobblestone, a wooden carriage quietly creeks as it rolls through the streets somewhere outside the building. But not a sound, except his own laboured breathing, comes from inside his office. The air doesn’t smell differently and even his eyes can’t quite discern between malicious darkness and the shadows he’s so used to being surrounded by.
By all accounts, Kaz is alone in his office that couldn’t have been tainted by an intruder. Despite his senses not earning him any useful information, he knows his privacy has been breached. It’s unclear what to call this sensation but it appears only in certain kinds of people - those who have been tried by particular ways of life. Their consciousness as if expands, almost miraculously sensing long knives in the dead of night.
Kaz swings his cane at a rather formless shadow by his side. Just as he expected, the staff comes into contact with something. Right there, where light meets darkness and safety of visibility becomes an impenetrable abyss, tips of gloved fingers appear, holding his cane mid-air. The grip is strong, textbook as if. Foreseen.
"Maybe listen to me first, you knucklehead,” resounds from the darkness.
He has to take a step back as the stranger emerges from the veil of the night, both of them still tightly gripping either side of the cane. The deep hood covers their eyes, making the lower half of their face easily visible. Kaz immediately notices a characteristic, pinkish scar ending about an inch below their right eye. The first button of their long, dark double-breasted coat is left open, revealing a grey shirt with moth-shaped collar pins. There’s so many pouches and pockets attached to their clothes - he couldn’t count them if he tried. Even more, Kaz can’t even begin to guess what they hide. A golden chain of their pocket watch glistens in the dim candlelight as they move forward, pushing Kaz farther back.
There’s only one wraith haunting Ketterdam that fits this description:
"Mantis,” he spits out.
"You know Krolmeister, the old clockmaker?" she asks calmly. Despite their less-than-friendly meeting, the assassin appears hardly bothered. One can only assume she has, in fact, been greeted in much worse ways and if one was to believe the wild legends people tell about her, even after applying a generous grain of salt, she can compete for the Dirtyhands title with him.
"I don't see how he has anything to do with you breaking into my office."
"He's the direct, well, indirect, reason why I'm here but we'll get to this in a moment. Mister Krolmeister has offered me a contract. A contract for you, to be precise.” She pauses for a moment, no doubt studying his demeanour, the reaction for such news. Her own face, however, remains just as unmoved making it impossible to say what she makes of his behaviour. Kaz clenches his jaw, already preparing for a fight with someone he can never measure up to. Part of him isn’t surprised in the slightest - after all, in what other way could the Bastard of the Barrell possibly pass away? Mantis leans offhandedly close to his face and continues in a voice barely above a whisper: “Now, you and I both have heads with more use than just wearing hats, so you're probably wondering what you had done to poor Bernard Krolmeister for him to have you killed. The short answer is nothing but the long answer is a lot more interesting. Care to listen?"
The woman lets go of the cane, giving Kaz a chance to strike her but he only lowers the staff to lean on it once again. He may be proud but he’s not stupid - if she had indeed come to kill him, he would have already been long dead, before his mind could even compute the final blow.
"Do not waste my time. Speak."
If he was trying to appear menacing, he has failed. Mantis casually strolls past him, towards a chair by the desk. She sits down, crosses her legs and only then gives Kaz an explanation: "My expertise on the matter tells me that Krolmesiter is nothing but a proxy, a dummy middle-man to blame if something goes south. Blackmail, probably, but that doesn't matter for now. That scenario suggests that there's someone above him, a puppet master if you will. And that puppet master, whoever they are, has good business in having you gone. Considering those two elements, the proxy and the determination, I'm certain you could accurately guess who's truly behind that contract.”
Kaz can’t help the scowl on his face. Her perplexing audacity, a clear and yet indirect disregard for him, makes the man grip the model crow atop his cane ever tighter. His teeth clatter against one another while Kaz contemplates the nature of a violent act that is bound to take her down a peg. Even after his list reaches double digits in just a few seconds, he knows better than to try anything - not yet, at least.
"You’re just a murder, Mantis, no matter how expensive.” 
His words don’t bother the woman as she continues to play with a paperweight on the desk. Her fingers make him wonder for a moment - even when gloved, they’re clearly thin and long, without a sign of heavy labour on them. They move swiftly and elegantly across the figurine, feeling its dips and rises as though she’s trying to remember them. Those are hands of a pianist or a prestidigitator, someone who’s precision borders on a miracle. 
She’s not even looking at him. Kaz feels his patience running thin. One can still work as an assassin without a finger or two, no? Without a whole hand, perhaps? 
“Why should I believe even a single word of this fairytale built on hypotheticals?" he grits through his teeth.
The gentle movement of her fingers stops abruptly. Finally, Mantis looks away from the brass paperweight. Kaz still can’t see her eyes but he can feel them - there’s something primal about her gaze like a predator studying its prey for any sign of hesitation. Heavy paperweight or not, if he turns his back to her, it might just be the last thing he does. 
“True, I am but a humble murderer.” Mantis mockingly puts a hand on her chest and bows her head. “But I’m really fucking good at it, too. I’m not asking for belief. Just trust my reputation.”
Kaz doesn’t answer for a longer while. His eyes bore into the hooded figure sitting in front of him. Disillusioned, he knows she’s doing exactly the same thing. The observation makes him even angrier but for an entirely different reason - perhaps, they are, after all, similar in some way. The restless urge sitting under his skin gets only more urgent. Kaz needs to hit something. Now.
“Why are you telling me all of this? Want me to pay you for telling me someone wants me dead?”
The man scoffs. It’s no news to him - everyday someone tries to get under his skin. Some figuratively, others literally.
"I need you to play dead for the next two days,” she states candidly. “You're silent, so I'm guessing you're interested. If I'm correct, and there's hardly any possibility I'm not, after I tell Bernard that the mighty Kaz Brekker had been dealt with, he's sure to inform a direct messenger between him and the possible blackmailer. I follow him, learn a thing or two and get back to you. And you'll get half of the reward. How's that?"
In slow limps, Kaz narrows the space between them. Mantis is still sitting, making the man tower over her but he knows it’s not much of an advantage. He leans further on his cane moving his face obscenely close to hers. An aroma of rainwater and grease fills his nostrils as he takes in a ragged breath:
"What do you get out of this deal?"
"Aside from like a hundred thousand Kruge? Peace,” she says with a shrug. Mantis looks away for a moment. She puckers her lips, sighs and turns back to him. “I don't like you, Kaz Brekker.” The way her words pierce the tension between them leaves no doubts about their honesty. “Damn, I'd probably open champagne if your head rolled into the gutter.” A light shake of head before she continues. “But you are, I'm afraid, a necessary evil. Say, if you do die, who will take your place on this throne of filth called the Barrel? You're a shitstain but you're tolerable."
To his own surprise, Kaz is speechless. Out of all the things she could ask in return for the information, Mantis only wants the Barrel to not get more problematic than it already is. As strangely kindhearted as it may sound, he continues to have a hard time tolerating her condescending attitude. Kaz Brekker is the king of this steaming pile of shit and to her, he appears to be nothing beyond an over glorified guard dog. Not even an imposing one, it seems.
"Those are some big words for someone who kills to make a living, don't you think?” He tilts his head in a futile attempt to see more of her face. “I suppose it takes a shitstain to know a shitstain."
"As much as both of us hate to admit it, a day has come when we need each other. Anyway, I won't take any more of your time. Places to go, people to kill, you know how it goes.”
Mantis throws her legs over the armrest of the chair and in swift strides makes her way towards the window. Considering her line of business, doors of any kind were prohibited. In a clearly experienced motion, she places a flat metal bar between the window frame and the windowsill, opening her exit in a smooth act. Before she climbs through his window only to disappear like a dream at the break of dawn, Kaz stops her one last time:
"You should be wary. Birds tend to eat praying mantis."
He watches as her lips curve into a cocky smile. "Only if he can catch her."
And with those words, she dives through the window, dissolving into the black night as though it was his fantasy that brought her to life. Kaz stands alone in his office. Nothing about the room has changed, even the brass paperweight is placed exactly as it was before Mantis put her hand on it. In some way, the assassin was never there. Despite her elusive nature, the smell of grease and rain will linger in his nose for a few more days, haunting him like the wraith of Ketterdam she is.
Jesper knows something is wrong the moment he notices Kaz’s bitter expression. Although his boss appears to wear a grimace most of the time, the wrinkle between his eyebrows seems slightly deeper than it did just a few hours ago. He’s clenching his jaw, looking at the people in his club with a patronizing scowl.
"You alright, boss?" he asks when Kaz reaches the bar counter.
But Brekker isn’t fast to answer. He downs the drink Jesper got for himself. Gripping the edge of the counter like his life depends on it, he begins to explain:
"I'm dead, Jesper."
Kaz isn’t funny. Truth be told, he doesn’t seem to have even a speck of a sense of humour. Despite that, Jesper dismisses the notion that his boss could be serious. It sounds ridiculous.
"You look pretty alive to me,” he says in a slow, reluctant tone. Maybe he missed something obvious?
An accusatory index finger makes Jesper unknowingly lean back slightly. "Tell everyone I'm dead, stabbed in my own office. And do it now."
"Hold on, what?” He shakes his head. “Why would you be dead?"
"Just do it, Jesper.” Kaz lets out a defeated sigh. The smart choice just so happens to be the one he hates.  “You'll know in due time. All we can do now is wait."
Jesper watches Kaz’s back as he walks back up the stairs into his office. A familiar anxiety blooms in his chest - something big is about to happen and he might just have the front-row seat.
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ideas-on-paper · 8 months
The mystery of P's skin
If there's one thing the entire Lies of P community can agree upon, it's probably that Pinocchio looks very, very handsome. Many people - including me - were enamored by his looks from the moment they first saw him in the trailers, by his soft locks, sweet freckles and big blue eyes.
However, even early on, I couldn't help but feel like there was something... odd about his features - more specifically, his skin. For a puppet whose outer shell usually consists of porcelain, wood, or some other artificial material, it looked almost too realistic.
Of course, it could just be very realistic looking faux skin (which, given Lies of P's 19th-century technology, would be kind of impressive), but after some careful observations, I get the feeling there actually might be more to it. And given some of the things I learned in my research about real-life automata, there might be a grisly, sinister secret behind P's innocent face.
[Massive spoilers for Lies of P]
[CW: skinning, violence to children]
The Lies of P character cards
The first time I noticed there was something strange about P's skin was when I was looking at the character cards Neowiz released back in 2022, as promotional material for Gamescom.
These cards feature high-resolution renders of the main characters, showing a lot of structural details of clothing, hair, and skin.
As for P's render, it looks like this:
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One thing that confused me from the start was just how perfectly normal his skin looks. Most of the other puppets have porcelain skin, which creates a very distinct reflection when light falls onto it, as we can see with Polendina:
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For P, however, we see no such effect, implying that his outer shell is not made of porcelain. Also, seeing how he occasionally squints his eyes on the character screen and how his skin squishes and stretches as a result, I think it most definitely consists of something else - because if I know one thing, it's that porcelain does not physically behave that way.
Instead, a lot of people (particularly fanfic writers) have come up with the headcanon that P has really realistic-looking faux skin. However, if that were the case, I would find it really puzzling just how many small impurities there are on his face. You would probably expect synthetically manufactured skin to look very smooth and clean, but in case of P, if you pay close attention, you can spot tiny irregularities giving the impression of skin pores, and even a bump above his left eye.
In comparison, P's skin actually looks surprisingly similar to that of the human characters from the game. For reference, here are the portraits of Sophia, Venigni and Eugénie:
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See what I mean? There is virtually no distinction between the structure of P's skin and that of the human characters (to be fair, Eugénie's even looks a lot cleaner). Adding to this, these close-ups of P's face during the ending cutscene make it apparent that these small blemishes certainly, most definitely are skin pores.
Considering all of this, I've come up with a somewhat eccentric theory - that P's skin is neither made from porcelain nor some other kind of faux material, but real, actual skin.
Automata with animal skin and Vaucanson's "Flute Player"
Some of you may wonder: "But P is a puppet! How could he possibly have real, human skin?"
Well... this is where the disturbing part begins.
First off, we have to take a quick dive into the history of automata, the real-life clockwork machines providing the basis of Lies of P's lore. Originally, clockwork mechanisms took up an enormous amount of space, being used for huge clock towers in cities and large-scale moving sculptures. Over the centuries, the mechanical components became smaller, enabling clockmakers and artisans to produce more intricate crafts, including miniature reproductions of people and animals.
Clocks and music boxes featuring birds with real feathers were extremely popular, but there were also other automata coated with real animal skin: As early as the 17th century, we have a drumming bear with actual bear fur (located in the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon, Dresden) and a pair of lion table clocks (located in Skokloster Castle, Sweden) coated in the hide of lambs. From the 19th century, we know of a toy mouse by Gustave Vichy as well as a toy rabbit by Nicolas Théroude, both covered in real animal fur. In addition, there were various 19th-century dolls with leather bodies, and the company Jérôme Thibouville-Lamy even produced an miniature ensemble of monkey musicians with heads covered in soft leather, which could could move their lips to show their teeth.
However, we don't have any accounts that skin was used for human automata - except for one extraordinary case from the 18th century.
In 1738, the French inventor Jacques de Vaucanson presented an automaton called "The Flute Player". It was the size of a real-life human, and in contrast to all other automata of the time, it didn't use some kind of sound box to produce its music, but actual air flow. The inner mechanism consisted of a system of nine bellows, divided into sets of three, which were each controlled by a weight to regulate air pressure. Each set was attached to a pipe, three in total, which all joined up into a single one, similar to a trachea. This singular pipe continued up the throat, widening at the top to form the mouth cavity where the air flowed out. To correctly play the flute, the automaton was equipped with lips which could not only open and close, but also move back and forward to cover the holes. To better control the air flow and create pauses between notes, the automaton even possessed a movable, silver tongue.
Despite this virtually perfect imitation of the action of flute playing, Vaucanson had to realize that the automaton's metal fingers weren't pliable enough to cover the holes of the instrument correctly - so, for the automaton to be able to execute its task, Vaucanson had to glove the hands in real, actual skin.
It's speculated it was human skin, although I couldn't find any source decisively confirming this. Either way, despite Vaucanson being a quite controversial figure among his contemporaries, he was a fascinating personality: He was one of the first to construct automata that were not meant to serve as mere toys, but which could do labor, being credited with the invention of what we today would call household androids back in 1727(!), and chances are he was neurodivergent as well (coming from my own observations as a neurodivergent person).
However, as much as I'd love to write an entire essay about Vaucanson right now, let's get back to our actual topic.
The procedure
To put it bluntly, what I think actually happened is this:
Geppetto took the skin of a dead boy, treated it in some way so it wouldn't rot, and then draped the skin over a wooden puppet frame.
I think from a moral standpoint, Geppetto would definitely be able to do this - however, it would require him to have a good deal of experience with human anatomy. As someone who builds humanoid puppets, I think he would at least have a theoretical understanding of it, but still, he's an engineer, not a doctor.
There is, however, one group with excellent medical knowledge who certainly wouldn't shy away from dissecting a human being: the Alchemists. Although Geppetto's dislike of the Alchemists is well known, he himself admitted that "in desperate times, I broke my own rule" after the disaster at the Grand Exhibition, and I assume Carlo's resurrection would be more than good a reason for that as well. Basically, my suspicion is that Geppetto had help from the Alchemists - maybe even from Simon Manus himself. If this was the case, I imagine Simon probably demanded some kind of favor in return - perhaps Geppetto and Simon struck a deal, with the Alchemists giving Geppetto free rein to execute his little experiment with the Puppet Frenzy, while he agreed not to interfere with their own. This would support the Mad Donkey's statement that Geppetto and the Alchemists were "scheming together". (Also, if they were actually working together, I think things already started with the Nameless Puppet, Geppetto's first attempt at resurrecting Carlo. In the cutscene before the fight against the Nameless Puppet, we can see that Geppetto's left hand has been fitted with implants, having the same bluish complexion that is typical of people who have been "enhanced" by the Alchemists.) However, I don't think Geppetto ever really trusted the Alchemists, so he probably planned to betray them at some point - at the same time, I think Simon knew Geppetto was deceiving him (reading thoughts is such an op skill), so he didn't fully rely on him either.
Regardless whether Geppetto had assistance or not, completely skinning a human without damaging the skin requires an immense amount of care. Looking at P's skin (or at least what we can see of it), there are no visible seams anywhere, which would mean Geppetto did his best to keep it intact, probably including the hair as well. (As we all know, P's hair looks very soft and natural, and you can't see any outlines where it was glued on; therefore, I believe it was left rooted in the skin.) Nevertheless, if you want to skin a body, you have to make a cut somewhere. One possible option would be the hole in P's chest (where the P-Organ is inserted), as there would later be an opening anyway; also, given that the Legion Arm would later replace the left one, there would naturally have to be a cut at the left upper arm. However, both of these openings would most likely be too small to completely remove the skin. Due to this, my suspicion is that Geppetto made a third, larger cut down P's back. It would be big enough to take the complete skin off, and it would also be convenient if P had something like a cam storage in his back, similar to the Jaquet-Droz automata. (This has been a headcanon of mine for a long time, since these cam discs act as an analogue storage for a clockwork automaton's movements, which are engraved into the edge. Given that P's combat moves are quite complex, he'd need a lot of space for those; btw, my theory is that the amulets from the game are actually interchangeable cams, because they have "information and memories that are useful for movement" imprinted on them.) I would assume both the openings at the front and at the back are usually covered with skin, with a small seam being visible where the original cut was. Whenever Geppetto needs to do maintenance, the skin would be peeled back to give him free access.
As for the rest of the process, I suppose it would be kind of similar to taxidermy. As it happens, the Victorian era (which is around the same time period the game is set in) was actually the golden age of taxidermy, when mounted animals started to become more lifelike - there was even a trend among pet owners to let their deceased pets be stuffed, as a way to "resurrect" them. (Just why do I always manage to stumble upon the most cursed parallels?) Once the skin had been taken off, any remains of fat and muscle tissue would be removed, after which it would be either tanned or treated with preserving chemicals. Following this, the skin would be mounted on a mannequin, in P's case probably a standard puppet frame made from wood and metal. Of course, you need to take precise measurements of the original body beforehand, and since this is about his darling son, I imagine Geppetto would put extra care into the modeling. At the end, all you'd have to do is add glass eyes - and well, there you have it: a perfect, biomechanical imitation of a human being.
However, we do know there were some unexpected changes in P, even physical ones like his hair growing. Presuming that he indeed does have real skin, I wonder if this may be due to the Ergo "recognizing" the organic material in some way, causing these lifelike reactions. I could imagine a puppet with human skin is quite unprecedented, so this would likely be a first time occurrence - in that case, it might potentially give a whole new meaning to Sophia's statement that P is a "special puppet". (I could go into even more detail regarding my theories about Ergo and P's transformation into "another kind of human" here, but frankly, I think this topic deserves its own post.)
I think P is far from Geppetto's first attempt, however: We do know from the description of the Nameless Puppet's Ergo that the Nameless Puppet (which presumably is a Frankenstein version of Carlo) was the first to be equipped with a P-Organ, but after it turned out to be unstable, it was left abandoned and locked away. In that sense, I imagine Romeo was something like a "field test" - I don't think turning Romeo into a puppet was something Geppetto planned from the start, but when he came and asked him, he presented Geppetto with too good of an opportunity to pass up. When the transferring of Romeo into his puppet body, all memories and personality intact, turned out to be a success, Geppetto decided to take the next step with P. I assume he designed multiple versions of P until he was satisfied, which might mean that the broken puppet in the swamp (which also seems to possess a P-Organ and isn't bound to the Grand Covenant) is actually one of P's predecessors.
Still, as interesting and disturbing all of these speculations are, there is one question that remains: If P really does possess real human skin, who was the original owner of it?
The origin of P's skin
The first, most logical assumption would probably be that Geppetto used the skin of Carlo. Back in 2022, when everyone hypothesized Geppetto had a son but no one could confirm it, I also assumed he took the skin of his deceased son.
Now that we know the game's story though, we have a bit more information. First off, it's heavily implied that the Nameless Puppet is actually a Frankenstein version of Carlo, which would mean that the weird organic-looking parts - specifically the upper body, right arm and face - originally belonged to Carlo's body.
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Given that they have the appearance of decaying tissue, it seems like Geppetto did his best to save as much of Carlo's body at first, but ultimately was unsuccessful in bringing him back to life. Considering this, it seems quite unlikely that Geppetto would remove the skin from his son's body if he intended to preserve it. Also, you can actually see a nipple on the right side of the chest, which probably wouldn't be there if the skin was taken off.
There's another thing that doesn't quite fit into this: When looking at Carlo's portrait in the game, he looks strikingly similar to P at the first glance (so much, in fact, that I was afraid my wild fan theory might turn out to be true after all). However, upon closer inspection, one can make out a few subtle differences in Carlo's and P's appearances: Carlo lacks P's trademark freckles, and instead of Carlo's doe-brown eyes, P possesses light blue ones.
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Granted, Carlo could've gotten the freckles later during his life, and the blue eyes might be due to the Ergo's influence (which I also assume to be the reason for Sophia's blue colored hair). However, when Carlo gets revived during the Real Boy ending, the differences are still there, as his outward appearance is not identical to P's:
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If the Arm of God has the ability to restore things to their original state (which is how I interpreted it), that would mean Carlo looked different from P at the point of his death, meaning that P's skin can't be Carlo's.
Of course, if Geppetto did use human skin for P, but not Carlo's, that would make things quite complicated, as it would be extremely difficult to find someone who looks almost exactly like Carlo. Nevertheless, there's one fan theory I'd still like to talk about: Someone on Reddit actually proposed that Carlo might have had a twin brother once, whose soul got transferred into the lamp by Sophia.
I actually had a similar theory about Gemini before the game came out, although I never shared it publicly because I couldn't find any support for it other than Gemini's name and his death in the original book. Basically, the gist of it was that Gemini is the soul of Geppetto's dead son, which got separated from its body and somehow encased in the lamp.
Although this assumption is definitely outdated since we now know that Carlo is Geppetto's son, we do have many left-over questions about Gemini. (Some character development for Gemini is actually one of the things at the top of my wish list for the DLC; as far as characters go, I felt like Gemini was the game's single weak point, and I wish they would've utilized him more.) In fact, it almost seems like there was originally going to be an amnesia subplot for Gemini, judging by some of his comments. For example, we've got the remark about the fairy tale book at the Hotel, but despite remembering there was a person who particularly adored it, Gemini can't recall who it was. Then, we have this very interesting comment down at the Relic of Trismegistus where Gemini remembers that "someone was dragged away from here", but again can't tell precisely who.
Unfortunately, the game never builds upon these comments, and they're pretty much left standing as they are. In fact, I can't help the impression that this might be part of a cut storyline - even Sophia says that Gemini is "unique" and "more than just a guide", and Gemini himself states that he's a friend of Sophia's, and that she "woke him up the last time she was there" - although, once again, he doesn't remember the exact circumstances.
Now, I've noticed that "P is Carlo's twin brother" AUs are quite popular in the fandom, but I'd like to mention there's nothing from the game that hints at Carlo having a twin brother (at least, to my knowledge). Still, it is quite an interesting theory - if the assumption that it was Carlo who particularly loved the fairy tale about the wooden puppet is true (based on Geppetto's comment during the fight with the Nameless Puppet that he should've taken more time to read him from his "favorite book"), it would explain why Gemini, his former twin brother, knows about it. However, if it really was Sophia who transferred Gemini's soul into the lamp, it prompts the question of the exact circumstances of his death. Given that Geppetto was willing to murder an entire city just for Carlo's revival, I wouldn't put it past him to sacrifice his other, perhaps not-so-favorite son for his endeavor - perhaps that's why P looks very similar, but not identical to Carlo.
Still, it's probably best if you take all of this with a grain of salt, as even compared to my original theory that P might have human skin, it's pretty exotic at best. Also, given that Gemini is directly mentioned in a memory scene that presumably takes place at the Monad Charity House makes this even more questionable. At least, I think it's highly unlikely that Gemini is Carlo's twin brother if he accompanied the mysterious Stalker - on the other hand, it seems a bit strange that Gemini would know about Carlo's favorite book if they only knew each other what appears to be such a short amount of time, especially when their relationship didn't start on good terms. Again, nothing is for certain, as we don't see Gemini physically appear in the memory scene - the only thing that seems to be confirmed is that Gemini also was a human once (at least I can't imagine what a cricket lamp is supposed to do against two unruly school boys).
Other possible alternatives
So, let's say Geppetto didn't actually use human skin for Pinocchio (which, to be honest, would be a relief) - why would he decide to make P look slightly different from Carlo?
One reason I can think of is that he designed P as a kind of "idealized" version of Carlo - judging by his comment before the final battle, Geppetto seems to have been discontent with Carlo's "mischievous" behavior, so maybe he used that opportunity to make him the "picture-perfect son" he always wanted.
Then again, given how rarely Geppetto saw him, I wonder if he even knew what Carlo looked like at the point of his graduation. When he retrieved his dead body, perhaps Carlo's face was disfigured beyond recognition, and all Geppetto had to work with were some old pictures/photos and his own memory.
If that was the case, it would make sense that P's outer appearance slightly differs from Carlo. Still, Geppetto was confident his plan would work out, that the resemblance would be enough to trigger Carlo's memories - but for whatever reason, it didn't, be that because of physical discrepancies or because Carlo was already gone.
In the end, no matter what Geppetto did, the fact remains that it was an insult - not only to Carlo, but also to P.
From the moment he first opened his eyes, P was forced to live in another person's skin (perhaps even literally), with no other choice being offered to him. His entire existence is essentially a lie, being expected to fill the role of someone he just isn't. Moreover, in trying to revive Carlo, what Geppetto actually did was soiling his memory - the mere notion that a living person can be replaced is beyond disrespectful, and to let innocents die in pursuit of this madness is an atrocity I have no words for. Even if Geppetto did all of this out of regret for having neglected Carlo and not spending more time with him, let me spell out one thing Nick Carraway already said in The Great Gatsby: You can't repeat the past.
However, what was given to you at birth is not everything you have to be, and what others expect from you is not what you have to become. In my own way, I love Pinocchio very dearly, but that love extends far beyond pretty looks. I relate to his struggle, and I would do anything to aid him in becoming his own person. Whatever choice he makes for himself, I will support it, and no matter if human or puppet, I'm going to love him just the way he is.
Anette Beyer's "Faszinierende Welt der Automaten - Uhren, Puppen, Spielereien" ("Fascinating world of automata - clocks, dolls, playthings")
About Jacques de Vaucanson
On clockwork automata in general
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disneydarlin · 1 month
Disney's 2017 Beauty & the Beast —Aesthetic
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Movie Description
An arrogant prince is cursed to live as a beast until he finds true love. Strangely, his chance comes when he captures an unwary clockmaker, whose place is taken by his bold and beautiful daughter. Helped by the Beast's similarly enchanted servants, Belle begins to see the sensitive soul behind the fearsome facade. But as time runs out, Belle's cocky suitor, Gaston, is discovered to be the real beast of this piece.
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"I confess to strange feelings regarding his...self that was the clockmaker," said Unity. "Sometimes, when he smiled, he was normal. I wanted to help him, because he seemed so closed in and sad."
"You don't have to confess to things like that," Susan snapped. "How do you even know the word romantic, anyway?" she added.
"I found some books of poetry." Unity actually looked embarrassed.
"Really? I've never trusted it," said Susan. [...]
"I found it most curious. How can words on a page have a power like that? There is no doubt that being human is incredibly difficult and cannot be mastered in one lifetime," said Unity sadly.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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big-ass-magnet · 4 months
Relatively Speaking, This Will Probably Be Fine (Ch 2)
Fandom: Girl Genius Rating: T Summary: Barry has left Agatha in the care of his mother, Teodora. As far as anyone knows, she is the daughter of a family friend and Teodora's ward, keeping her company while her sons are missing and her husband's illness keeps him on death's doorstep. It is up to Lady Teodora to ensure that no one questions this story.
A prequel to 'Helpful, in a Heterodyne Sort of Way'!
<Last Chapter | Next Chapter>
AO3 link
The important thing, Teodora knew, was to get ahead of any rumors before they could start. Even the possibility of a new Heterodyne would bring the eyes of Europa onto them.
So the day after Barry left, Teodora took Agatha Sannikova with her to the market.
Teodora had made a point not to let her sons’ disappearance or her husband’s illness interrupt her schedule, even after all this time. She hoped it brought a sense of normalcy to the people of Mechanicsburg in a time of such uncertainty. The Heterodynes are out of reach, the Jägers are gone, an outsider rules the town, but it is Wednesday and Lady Teodora is going to the market.
Sometimes she worried it was instead a reminder of a family dead in all but name, the last survivor and the only one they didn’t need.
The moment she set foot outside, she knew she had been right to move quickly. All eyes fixed on the little girl at her side. She saw people drifting together in twos and threes, whispering to each other, a hopeful hunger in their expressions.
“Now, you stay close, Agatha,” Teodora said as they approached the market stalls.
“Yes, Ms Teodora,” Agatha said obediently. Teodora saw that reach the people’s ears, souring hope with the first touch of uncertainty. She prayed this would work. Oh, why couldn't Barry have taken the girl to Punch and Judy? But she had not been able to find the strength to insist. Now that she knew Agatha existed, Teodora wanted her close.
“We’re going to go straight to the grocer’s first, but on our way back, I want you to look around at the stores and pick out two new things for your room. You'll be living with me from now on, and I want the house to feel like a home to you.”
Agatha gave her a strange sort of smile—the indulgent kind an adult might give a child who was being unrealistic.
And sure enough, on the way home, the things Agatha considered were all small trinkets, things that could be easily tucked into a bag or a pocket. Barry had been right—the lack of stability had begun to take its toll.
“How about one of those paintings?” Teodora suggested. “Maybe that one, with the clank in the forest? Your uncle said you like clanks.”
“It is pretty,” Agatha said, softly, longingly. But then she shook her head. “Too big.”
“They’ll bring it to the house if you don’t want to carry it.”
Again that indulgent smile.
“To fit in my bag, Ms Teodora. And too expensive to leave behind.”
“You don’t have to put it in a bag—”
But Agatha’s eyes went wide.
“Look at that!”
She obediently did not release Teodora’s hand, but instead dragged her all the way across the road to a little cart of novelty clocks. All eyes were on Agatha now, and Teodora’s heart began to beat faster. If this didn’t work—if Agatha didn’t—if the people didn’t care about the—
The clockmaker had been keeping his hands busy, and showing off his skill, by assembling a clock right at the stall. Agatha stood on tiptoes to see all the pieces and tools, her eyes shining.
“You like it?” he asked, pleased. He lifted the half-finished clock and turned the back to Agatha so she could see the mechanism. “Go on, push that button there.”
“But it’s not done yet,” Agatha said. “I can see the pieces that are missing.”
The clockmaker’s eyes lit up, and a wave of nausea rolled over Teodora.
“Can you now?” he said, smiling. “Well it can still run, even without all the parts.”
“Sure. Just can’t keep time very well.”
Warily, eyeing the clockmaker as if he might be pulling some trick, Agatha reached out and pushed the button. A tiny counterweight dropped, and cogs began to turn. Agatha watched, eyes alight, fixing her attention on each part of the mechanism one at a time, fascinated by their intricate movements.
“It sounds so much prettier than a pocket watch,” she said.
“That’ll be the pendulum. You can’t put one in a watch, ‘cause it only works properly when it’s stable. As soon as you move it around, physics kicks in and plays hob on the tempo.”
“What if you built it so the pendulum ignored the physics?”
The clockmaker smiled, folded his hands on the table before him, and leaned forward. His manner was casual, but he was eager, and all around Teodora could feel the Mechanicsburg crowd begin to form around them. Moths to the Heterodyne flame. 
“And how do you suggest I do that?”
Agatha gnawed on her lip, eyes flicking over the clockwork.
“Something gyroscopic—no, but that would only be good for keeping it still. Maybe some sort of counterweight! Something that could—”
Suddenly she let out a cry of pain and grabbed her head.
“Ow! Ow, ow ow—”
Teodora wrapped her arm around Agatha’s shoulders as the clockmaker sat back, alarmed.
“I didn’t—”
“It’s alright,” Teodora reassured him. “She gets these headaches sometimes, when she gets...overwhelmed.”
And that did it. The light left his eyes. All around them, Mechanicsburg turned away. The whispers faded, the rumors stillborn.  Whoever this mysterious girl was, she wasn’t the mystery they wanted. Whoever heard of a Heterodyne who got headaches when she thought too hard—and over something as simple as clockwork?
“Ah. Poor thing.”
Teodora felt relieved.
And she felt like a monster.
“Come along, dear,” she said, soothingly, leading Agatha away. “Let’s get you home and you can lie down.”
“It hurts,” Agatha sobbed.
“It’ll be alright,” Teodora said, every word burning like hellfire in her mouth. “You just need to be sure to take it slow, next time.”
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jade-gemstone · 1 year
Why I think Eden is probably definitely the Mastermind of drdt
Spoilers for everything up to Chapter 2 Episode 11 in DRDT and all of the cannon games (especially V3)
So, I've made quite a few fangan concepts in my time and think I know how to make pretty good mastermind characters. There are a lot of general patterns I've noticed with Eden that make me think that she's a mastermind.
I'm going to start with my weakest evidence and work up to my strongest evidence.
Weakest Evidence (basically just minorly suspicious shit that might have no basis)
She is the first person Teruko meets besides Xander
This one may seem random, but if I recall correctly, in V3, Tsumugi is the first character besides Shuichi that Kaede meets in the prologue. If Eden were to be the Mastermind, it would be an interesting parallel.
Her ultimate is based in proficiency with complex machinery and attention to detail
When building a mastermind character, giving them these traits through their Ultimate makes it easier to explain the construction and maintenance of the monobots and how to game happens without that much going wrong.
The Game and in universe show is called 'Despair Time'
A game called Despair Time with an ultimate clockmaker mastermind just sounds right to me. Also could be clever foreshadowing.
Medium Strength Evidence
Starting drama with Arei in chapter 1
Not 'inviting' Arei to the baking thing in chapter 1, while presented as an accident, also brought out the worst in Arei. It also started the chain of events that led to Arei wanting to be nicer to Eden. This eventually led her to being the victim in chapter 2. As a mastermind, Eden could have planned this in order to keep the game interesting and moving quickly.
Strongest Evidence
She is the ONLY one to actively defend Teruko in the chapter 1 trial
While this could be seen as a demonstration of her kind and naive nature, it is strange that she only brought it up during the trial.
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This line from Hu implies that a full group discussion took place, and that everyone was fully in agreement. Why would Eden only begin voicing her concerns about Teruko's side of the story during the trial? And while she does do the same for Min later on in the trial, this is after much more evidence has been stacked against Min, and is done much less insistently.
A mastermind would want to keep their game going, and the participants voting the wrong culprit in the first trial would completely ruin it. Her defending Teruko is not outside the realm of believability for the persona she puts on, making it not suspicious for her to do so.
The chapter 2 opening
The opening of chapter 2 is literally Eden monologuing to the camera. None of her dialogue is internal, as it is shown through white text, and we are likely seeing this from the canonical audience's point of view. I think it's weird that this is an outward monologue instead of an internal one. Unless you consider that someone needs to open this new segment of the show in context. And who would be best at it and know exactly what to say? The Mastermind.
Possible Detractions
Her emotional arc and heavy involvement in chapter 2
Masterminds are not usually heavily involved in cases or possible culprits, nor are they likely to have emotional arcs. Her involvement in chapter 2 does go against this trend. However, this is simply a trend and not a rule. It's entirely possible that Eden is an exception.
The Entire Literature Girl Insane mv
At this point, David is such an obvious mastermind red herring that I feel kind of sad for people who think he's the Mastermind. No one has their mastermind go batshit before they're revealed as the Mastermind. I do have a different theory about his role in the story that I think is more likely that I might share one day that I believe is supported by the LGI mv.
The Personal Reason I think Eden should be the Mastermind
Autistic Lesbians deserve to be a little bit evil. As a treat.
I am tired of getting all of my insane character representation in characters like David. I want to be able to tell people that I kin Eden and have them completely grasp that I am fun and nice but also a little crazy.
These are just my personal opinion and observations. Watch the Mastermind be like Arturo or something.
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fatherfigurefusion · 11 months
XanVid Miraculous AU
A young high school student by the name of Alexander "Xander" Matthews wants nothing more than to be a rebellion leader fighting against the system. However, he's stuck getting antagonized by the bratty Arturo Giles (the son of the mayor) and his loyal horror-loving lackey Veronika Grebenshikova. At the very least, he has his best friend, the aspiring hybrid clockmaker-journalist and all-around cinnamon roll Eden Tobisa, to support him, and his not-so-secret crush, famous inspirational speaker David Chiem.
After assisting an old man with some errands, Xander ends up finding a mysterious black box that houses a strange polka-dotted, half-black-half-white screen-headed creature, who calls itself MonoTento. Monotento gifted Xander a pair of earrings that'll give him the power to transform into a ladybug-themed superhero that Xander christened Rebeetle ("red beetle" + "rebel"). Armed with a yo-yo and the power of creation, Xander was overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a hero and fighting against evil oppressors.
Eventually, Xander got paired up with a mysterious cat-themed superhero by the name of Chat Etoile (either that or Meowscarade), armed with a staff and the power of destruction.
Their first ever foe they ended up fighting together was a monstrous being by the name of Leadheart, who turned out to be their mutual classmate, the scary-yet-gentle Levi Fontana, who wanted nothing more than to confess his love to the class mom Hu Jing, only to end up scaring her away and getting mocked for this by the jerkish yet cowardly Ace Markey. In this moment of vulnerability, a mysterious person that calls herself "Dark Matter" sent a "Dark Star" to influence Levi and twist him into Leadheart.
This would be far from the last Darkstarred victim they would fight however.
And this is the story of Rebeetle and Chat Etoile.
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pb-dot · 1 year
Spooktober Sunday Special: The Clockwork Monster Part I
Good Spooky Season everybody. This fine October I'm doing a little something for my followers, mutuals, and anyone else who would like to get a load of the spooky proceedings. As you may be aware, I just finished a draft of my novel The Clockwork Boy, and particularly eager readers may also remember that I've toyed with making a horror AU for the story to try out some new ideas. Friends, today the first part of this AU sees the light of day, with the remaining parts being released on Sundays during October.
Some quick notes: I'm experimenting a bit with form here, so I apologize if some of this gets a bit wacky. As one might expect from an AU this isn't canon to The Clockwork Boy, but I may borrow world-building ideas that I come up with for this one later. Probably won't make 13 quite so... like he is in this one, but well, you never know.
Part 1 below the cut:
05.09.552 From the diary of Jake, Clockmaker Apprentice at Barker Automatics. Recovered after the incident.
Another dull gray day filled with moderately gainful employment. Mr Barker showed me how to disassemble a gear walker actuator today, and I got the chance to inspect some gears in the process. Not the most interesting thing, but considering how often the damn things break, at least there’s a living to be made in repair if I can stand the tedium of it.
After his brief bout of pedagogy, Barker set me to oversee the Apprentices. As usual, they’re a rude unruly lot, at least to me. I’m decently sure one or two are gunning for my position as Journeyman, but they’d have to kill me to get me away from this place before I deliver my Masterwork to certification. Some of them are likely to try, but I calm myself with the knowledge that there’d certainly be a fight, and one I'm likely to win at that.
As usual when I’m left herding Novices, it was dark by the time I could close up shop, and I hadn’t even gotten to work on my clockwork limb project. I was disappointed, but not enough to give my wards grief over it. Tomorrow will be a better day I'm sure. On my way home, a strange fright came over me, but I am sure it was merely the stress from dealing with the greenhorns.
06.09.552 From the diary of Jake, Clockmaker Apprentice at Barker Automatics. Recovered after the incident. Try as I might, I can’t shake the feeling that someone is watching me. I have no idea who it’d be. The novices wouldn’t mind catching me slipping up I’m sure, but I find it hard to imagine any of them have enough energy left after a long day of work to stalk me from the shadows. I know I didn’t back in the day.
To back up a step, the strange fright from last night subsided as I came home, yes, but it didn't go away. Instead, I found myself strangely paranoid as I left for work the following morning. In retrospect, I am reasonably certain I didn't stand out from the crowd, and fairly sure I wasn't followed by a tail of whispers and rumors through the crowd of commuting workers, but at the time it sure felt like it.
The feeling didn’t subside as I went to get some lunch from a corner cart, if anything it expanded. I no longer feared the people around me, which was a mercy I suppose, but the fear had, again, not disappeared. Someone out there was watching me, no, that's not quite it. Watching feels too passive, too neutral in tone. If anything, I'm sure I'm being Observed. Usually, there’s nothing that’ll tear my mind away from the taste of fresh-off-the-grill corncakes with spice paste, but the persistent cold weight of ill intent sure did it.
I’m not too proud to say I all but ran back to the workshop as soon as I had finished my meal. My phantom pursuer did not strike, but neither did its presence fade in any way as I hurried my way through the throngs of sweaty workshoppers and harried couriers. This, I surmised, could mean one of two things. Either, my pursuer is a subtle beast, able to keep pace with me through a crowd, or, more worryingly, he is so phantom as to be immaterial.
As much as this pains me, I’m going to have to go to the Enforcers with my concerns. They’ll probably listen to me because Mr. Baker’s boss is in The Spire, but odds are good they’ll just brutalize some street rat over it and call it a day. Still, getting some eyes and some truncheons on the situation must surely discourage my stalker, whoever they may be.
Tomorrow morning I’ll seek out the Enforcer Liaison Office and submit my concern. Mr. Barker won’t be thrilled about me calling in his clout to deal with this, but I figure he owes me for all the overtime I've been doing.
10.09.552? Recovered from Site A after the Incident. I have no idea what date it is. He keeps me somewhere underground. No daylight.
No idea if he'll notice me hiding this document under my blanket, but I have to risk it. I have to believe I’ll make it out of here, but even if I don’t, I have to make sure someone, anyone knows. He’s incredible. Terrible? Yes, but incredible.
My time draws short. He will be here soon. More tomorrow, if the fates will.
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nem0-nee · 2 years
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𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮.
There was once a clockmaker who was the master of his craft. He had completed his magnum opus; an astronomical clock. It was like no other, as it aired such a breathtaking magnificence. To keep such a creation unique, his previous commissioners burned his eyes, confiscating his sight and skill. The clockmaker was now unable to create anything at all.
His helplessness and overall inability drove him mad, causing him to throw himself into the gears of his creation. With this, his death cursed the clock, dooming anyone who dares to repair it.
Everyone has their breaking points, and Mayuu had already broken past that for the nth time. Yet, the blot just can't stop flowing.
Isn't it only fair to strike back? It was this damn bastard who caused all this, the one who claimed to help her; her so-called fairy godmother.
The thought angers her. Snatching away this being's pinky finger, she takes back their "promise."
She views such a strange act as one of vengeance. Though, deep down she knows this changes nothing.
But, who cares?
It's all over anyway.
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cabbojage · 1 year
Please tell me about hot time is currency in your wip.
Sooo I'll start with some exposition: the setting of my wip, CLOCKED OUT, is the city of Klairva, which floats in the middle of the sky like a minecraft skywars island. Legend says that Klairva, along with a handful of other known cities, was pulled from the crust of the Earth by the hands of gods—in Klairva's case, this god is known as the Clockmaker, who dictates the passage of time. However, the Clockmaker has been dead for centuries, and left in his wake are the Cardinals: strange "magicians" who are half-human, half-monster and can warp time to their liking. Klairva has since fallen into an aristocracy where the wealthy Cardinals rule with an iron fist—controlling the masses with their only advantage, time itself.
Now for the actual currency part...
Upon birth, every citizen is issued a pocket watch. This watch constantly ticks, moving counterclockwise from the 1 o'clock position toward 12 o'clock. The position of the clock hands depends on the time in the user's bank; for instance, someone with a wealthy amount of time (100+ years) will see the time of their pocket watch as 1 o'clock—the farthest it can be from 12. Someone with a poor amount of time (<1 year) might see their watch as reading 12:15 or 12:10. Watches that strike 12:00 (when all 3 hands meet at 12) essentially represent someone who has run out of time, or in other words, someone who is "clocked out."
(note that most watches don't start ticking until 12 years after birth. from then on, the child must find their own source of income or receive support (e.g. parents transferring their own time to their children) to prevent being clocked out. the watches, as godly magical artifacts, are indestructible, and will always reappear within someone's general vicinity if they have been lost/discarded. in addition, the exact value of time one has left is printed on the watch's clock face—counting down in year/month/day/hour/minute/second form.)
The watch, which serves as a "bank," is also the medium of transactions. With no physical currency, transaction and business in Klairva works similarly to credit/debit cards of the modern age—an amount is willed forth, the two watches make contact, and the exchange is done.
But wait, you might be wondering, if you're a multi-millionaire in this world, couldn't you technically achieve immortality and NEVER run out of time?
Well... no. The thing is, the amount reading on the watch doesn't represent how long until you die; it's how long until you clock out. People can still die from disease, violence, etc. despite having centuries left on the watch, just like perfectly healthy people can clock out if the watch strikes 12. So it's quite common for the desperate to hold people at gunpoint and demand a year or two. Most rich would rather hand over the time than get a bullet through the skull.
So what happens to those who clock out? Basically no one knows. They just disappear. Known as the timeless or the twelve-struck in urban legends, the general consensus is that the Cardinals whisk them off to eternal hell, a realm with no happiness and constant torture, a fate worse than death. But of course, the actual fate of the timeless will be uncovered by my lovely characters throughout the course of the story ;)
I think I covered pretty much everything sfkslfslfkwkfl that was a lot! Honestly I'm very scared as to how I'm going to explain all of this in the actual novel without info-dumping like hell, but fuck it I'm just gonna try my best and worry about editing it later LMAO. thank u for reading this far if you did <3
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Ah, wonderful choice, Little Wanderer! Browse the stories, take your time. If there is something else you would like to read, just come back to me. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, make a request to the librarian.
>>Grishaverse-inspired playlist&lt;<
1. Kaz Brekker
➳ "Old dog, new tricks" -> Looking for someone to give you a quote on a stolen painting, you run into an old friend who's less than happy with your way of life.
➳ "The clockmaker, the crow and the mantis" -> Kaz becomes part of an assassin's conspiracy to uncover who paid to have him killed.
➳ "Return to sender" -> When an old admirer continues to bother you with his letters, Kaz makes it his priority to put the fiasco to a stop.
➳ "Apple tree" -> Kaz sometimes hums a melody no one can recognize. The one who sang it to him has bewitched him as much as the tune.
➳ "Agnus Dei" -> You're a Grisha hiding from the Black General. When you reveal your power to save the Crows, Kaz must make a decision: your life or theirs? ➳ "O Rubor Sanguinis" -> Facing the Black General, you must choose whether to do the smart thing or the one you truly crave. Kaz shows affection, just not with words.
➳ "Amendmends" -> Two of your thugs get into a fight at the Crow's club, so you go apologize in person to ensure there won't be any retaliation. Kaz seems suspiciously happy at having the infamous Golden Panther indebted to him. ➳ "Amendments II: The Panther and the Duckling" -> The day comes when you can repay Kaz Brekker with the help of the mysterious "Duckling". Kaz claims you're infuriating but there might be more to his confusing feelings than he realises.
➳ "Espionage" -> You and Kaz pretend to be engaged so you can get him into a banquet and from there - to a safe.
➳ "Four Crow Investigation" -> After Nina notices Kaz's heartbeat quicken when you're around, she recruits three friends to investigate your relationship. ➳ "Four Crow Investigation II: Lovebirds' Outfox" -> Aware of your friends' nosiness, you and Kaz ensure they have hardly believable gossip to share.
➳ "Could you ever fall in love with me?" / "I can’t even fall asleep." -> angst blurb
➳ "Embroidery" -> When his glove gets torn, you're more than happy to sew it back together and add a little detail of your own.
2. Nikolai Lantsov
➳ "Little Sun" -> Return to the sanctuary means a reunion with his beloved Солныщко. Kisses and slaps are exchanged.
➳ "Sparring" -> You face him in an army sparring match. Despite his noble title, Nikolai can't stop himself from sharing suggestive remarks.
➳ "Man of Faith" -> Nikolai's interest in the Sun Summoner makes you jealous but being the sweetheart he is, he's quick to reassure you about his devotion.
➳ "Femme fatale" -> When you reveal how you won the suspiciously heavy bag of coins, Nikolai is overwhelmed with anger at the thought of you being intimate with another man.
➳ "The King and the Swallow" -> Unexpected reunion with his childhood friend and the sworn protector of the royal family takes a dramatic turn when Nikolai inquires about her uncharacteristic, cold demeanour. Confessions are shared - the good ones and the bad ones alike.
➳ "Cinderella" -> Nikolai is a party person, you're not. But he's also a fool in love, so when you quietly disappear, he wastes no time finding you.
➳ "In Emerald Hearts, Emerald Minds" -> When Vasily asks you to forget his half-brother and marry him instead, you escape the Little Palace along Alina. Nikolai realizes something strange is going on when Kaz mentions seeing a similar emerald ring on the woman that came with the Sun Summoner. With how much you and Nikolai have been running in circles to find each other, the reunion aboard Volkvolny feels almost fated.
➳ "Sea shanties" -> Alina witnesses Sturmhond's love for his boatswain. Hurting yourself while fixing the net leads to singing sea shanties and Sturmhond almost kissing the love of his life.
➳ "Who am I to complain?" -> When your parents come to visit, Nikolai finally understands why you've never been keen to talk about them. Being the King and your husband, he isn't afraid to defy them.
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damelucyjo · 1 year
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Another masterlist update!!
I know, another one! I've just added another bunch of stuff I'd randomly been saving to my YouTube likes as they popped up. Here's a list of what has been added this time; (I think this is how I'll post updates from now on, so it's easier to see what's new)
Hannah Waddingham & Emma Moore - These Dreams of Ours Hannah Waddingham and The Fabulous Lounge Swingers sing Madonna's 'Hung up" Ben Forster & Hannah Waddingham - Tonight (West Side story) - Friday Night Is Music Night, 31-5-19 Ben Forster & Hannah Waddingham - City Of Stars (La La Land) - Friday Night is Music Night 31/5/19 The Clockmaker's Daughter - A Modest Modiste The Clockmaker's Daughter - Fear & Whispers Hannah Waddingham at Dress Circle Benefit Great In Britain: The Movie (clips & the song Strange Shapes) SodaStream Ad; The Mountain & Septa Unella Hannah Waddingham Interview: The Wickedest Witch in the West... End Ben Forster & Hannah Waddingham - backstage interview, Friday Night is Music Night, 31-5-19 Ted Lasso to MLS?! Hannah Waddingham says YES! Game of Thrones episodes.
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owlcryptid · 7 months
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Latest book buys + some thoughts and short reviews under the cut??
Cursed pirate girl (vol 2) by Jeremy Bastian
I bought the first volume last year, and I really can’t get enough of the gorgeous art in this. Look at this!!! The minutious etching, the paneling, the way the speech bubbles play and change shapes on the pages….
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The story is a pirate girl looking for her legendary father in a mysterious world with a sea full of pirates and strange creatures. I’m a sucker for this kind of medieval inspired aesthetic and I am having a fantastic time. The look is so wonderful and weird, including in its narration, it’s definitely a unique one. A solid recommendation on my part!
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I also managed to get it signed hehe
Millenium Darling (Sennen Darling) vol 1-2 by Iwasawa Midori
In the 80s, a jock with a big heart is saved from a strange robot attack by a young clockmaker who turns him into an overpowered cyborg (as you naturally would!) that he names Millenium Darling. Then follows the battle against a series of mysterious robotic cyborg monsters powered by magic magatma stones.
Look, I shouldn’t even be surprised that I’m eating this shit up. It was tailor made for Me specifically. I mean, LOOK at this synopsis. The dynamic between the main duo feels good to read, the artstyle is full on 80s goodness despite it being a modern work, it’s fun, it’s kitschy, it’s queer, and I can’t wait for the next volume. I don’t think this one is available un english, though. But keep an eye out for this one!
Red riding hood’s wolf Apprentice - Final testament to the stars (vol 1) by Sayaka Mogi
This one caught my eye at the FIBD So I brought it home. It’s a coming of age story of two little werewolf twins. I don’t have much to say except that it’s pretty cute. I will try to get the next one to see where this is headed though.
#DRCL Midnight Children (vol 1) by Shin’ichi Sakamoto
The new manga by the master Shin’ichi Sakamoto, I cannot overstate how much I like his previous work Innocent and Innocent rouge… This one is a retelling of Dracula.As usual the art is gorgeous and detailed, the ambience is mysterious and even feels unreal at times in a way that he really knows how to nail. I’ve heard that he’s made a lot of changes from the original novel, but since I haven’t read it (…yet) I am going in completely blind on that part, but so far I am really liking it!
I saw his masterclass in Angouleme where he talked about his influences for this work. A world where beauty is slowly fading away, the advent of the modern world, the changing status of women in society at that time… Also Dracula looks like Michael Jackson and he likes to come in dancing. What can I say. It works and it’s so fucking good.
That’s it for this batch! I don’t have the ambition to make full fledged reviews so this is more like a stream of thought, but if you read it all, thank you! And I hope you saw something that interests you.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
Absent Friends
Earth. The late 20th century. Across the world, the mobile phone is gaining popularity as more and more people decide to join the digital age. But for the residents of a sleepy English town sitting in the shade of a new transmission mast, that ubiquity has a troubling cost.
When the TARDIS veers off-course, the Doctor and his companions find themselves in the middle of a mystery. Sometimes the past comes back to haunt you. And sometimes the future does as well.
It's won awards and is so well regarded for a reason. John Dorney really knocked it out of the park with how beautiful and emotional this audio is. All the actors do a brilliant job and it really lets the companions shine. (anonymous)
The Eighth Piece
15th century Prague: in the castle dungeons, a prisoner raves about the end of the world. Outside, Liv Chenka seeks out the workshop of a strange Clockmaker to see what he is creating.
England, 1538: Lord Thomas Cromwell finds his duties interrupted by otherworldly forces – clockwork soldiers, an unusual nun, and a mysterious scholar calling himself "the Doctor". Perhaps the truth can be extracted in the torture chamber of London's Bloody Tower?
Rome, 2016: Helen Sinclair has an appointment with an enigmatic Professor, whose greatest work is almost complete. Only the Eighth Piece is missing...
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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