#the sw brainrot is real
fellow-nerd · 16 days
Rewatching the kenobi show...
Damn that first episode is so good
Like I forgot how good it really was.
It sets up perfectly how Obi is beat down, haunted by his past, and fixated on "protecting" Luke. But let's be real, at this point Luke isn't Luke to him, but merely Anakins 2.0. He watches from a distance and sees Luke mimicking flying...just like Anakin always did. I think people tend to forget that Anakin was 9 when Obi Wan started training him, when he says "obi wan is like a father to me" he MEANS it. Obi Wan is watching Luke and thinking of the little boy he not only trained, but raised. He wants to be let into his life and train Luke like he did his father. But Owen knows that would put Luke in danger so he pushes Obi Wan away, making sure Luke stays far away from the call of adventure.
So Obi Wan repeats his daily cycle, work, eat, deal with Jawas, dream of his mistakes, and watch Luke, hoping that he'll see Anakin, hoping that he'll get a second chance to train a Skywalker to bring back balance.
And then there's Leia. (LITTLE LEIA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!) a princess who doesn't fit in, she's adopted and doubts her place, she's smart witted and quick to call people out (padme), she's emotionally intelligent far beyond her years (ok super strong in the force leia). She's has so much potential and her parents love her so much. And then she's kidnapped.
And now Obi Wan has to help, even though it means pulling himself out of his depression and self-cripling cycle. He has to help, he knows it, because she's Anakins just as much as Luke is. And as he journeys with her he gains Hope again.
Obi wan may have been leias only hope, but he was only able to be because she gave him that hope back in the first place.
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“i think you’re letting your skibidi rizz get in the way. because you left him for gyatt at the sigma. i don’t rizz you. i would have left him for gyatt too.”
“we are brain rot maxing”
- me and pookie
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sun-roach · 1 year
He had felt it. The bone crushing agony, the heart aching grief, the nerve wrecking fear and anxiety.
At first Fox didn’t know the roots of these feelings. He was working on his flimsi work in his office when suddenly his chest tightened painfully, with a migraine blooming in his head. The pain caused him to drop the data pad he was holding in his hand and made him gasp.
Panic started to gnaw on his stiff and frozen yet sweaty body.
His first thought was the Chancellor.
Had he done a mistake? Was he punishing him? Was he just going to have his sick fun with him again?
The commander forced himself to breathe, forced his mental shields up.
He had to analyze his surrounding. The chancellor wasn’t there. Although there still was Palpatine's cold darkness looming around, it wasn’t as strong as it had been at his last punishment.
The chancellor wasn’t there. It wasn’t him inflicting the pain. It was someone else. Or rather someone else’s pain. Someone tightly bound to him.
The realization sent a shiver down his spine.
Something had happened to his twin. Something very awful. He had never felt Wolffe so strong trough their bond. Never had the bond effect him physically.
Fox gasped again after trying to reach his brother. There was no response.
No matter how often he had tried to reach his brother, no matter how often he had went to his barracks to meet, he had never gotten a response.
Only the report on Wolffe’s mission, which he received a couple of days later, brought insight to what had happened.
It made his guts twist.
Wolffe had lost his pack. Wolffe, who had always talked and joked so fondly about them. He had lost them.
The day where Fox was finally able to see his twin, was when the older one was about to leave again. He had almost not recognized him since the color of his armor wasn’t red anymore, but instead light blue.
Something about it made him a little upset, but at the same time he understood. Wolffe wanted to honor his lost pack. It was a respectable choice. One he would have chosen himself.
They were only able to exchange a few words, words that didn’t sit well with Fox. Words about the Coruscant Guard, about their easy work and life. Sarcastic, indirect insults. He let it slide, knowing that Wolffe was still grieving, still upset.
Wolffe didn’t know any better. He didn’t know about the true identity of the oh so beloved chancellor. Didn’t know what the Senators were capable of doing with them. Didn’t know how threats and punishments could even take a man like Fox himself on a tight leash.
And Fox wanted him to leave without that knowledge.
The bond was awfully quiet for quite some time. Neither of them tried to reach for one another. Not after their one sided fight.
The recent events on coruscant didn’t help at all, keeping Fox mostly away from his batch. His batch, who started to slip away trough his fingers.
Some part of him told him that it was for the best, but the other part was hurt, frustrated and irritated.
Knowing them alive at least comforted him in his growing darkness.
Fox was going to leave his office, when suddenly pain stroke him down to his knees. His whole body was shivering, his trembling hands moved towards his right eye. Why was it hurting?
The commanders chest was rising heavily, his breath hitching. No sound escaped him. He had learned to be quiet. Had to. For the sake of his vode.
It took him a few minutes of nothing else happening, until he realized that he himself was alright. The chancellor wasn’t there. He was alone in his office. And the pain?
Fox forced his eyes shut, as he tried to focus on his bond. Wolffe’s pain was flooding him. Underneath this pain was fear. A fear the younger twin knew all to well. Fear for his own life. Fear for his vode's lives.
Once he knew the cause of the pain, it was easier for him to breathe. He had to help his twin. Him panicking wouldn’t do that at all.
He sent soothing, reassuring words trough the bond, filling it with warmth.
Fox could feel his brother latch onto it, fighting against the pain, fighting to stay conscious.
In vain.
Now three rotations later he stays in a medbay watching his twin sleep. Wolffe’s breath is steady, his heart beating quietly to a rhythm Fox knows very well. A rhythm that always manages to calm him.
He doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t move. He only watches over his brother, like Wolffe had done so protectively back on Kamino.
Despite his exhaustion and tiredness he waits. He was never thankful for Thorn taking over one of his shifts. This time though he is. He will always be in his debt.
<You look like osik, vod'ika.>
Fox looks up. He doesn’t scoff or snort. He keeps quiet while looking at Wolffe’s bandaged eye. The younger commander only dares to raise a brow.
<Cat got your tongue? Stop behaving like a shiny and sit down.>
Fox follows orders. He sits down next to Wolffe, who shuffles a little to the side.
Warmth, concern, apologies. Wolffe shouldn’t be the comforting one right now.
Shaking his head, Fox wraps his arms around his brother’s shoulders and leans his head against Wolffe’s.
<You stole my phrase. I was going to say how osik you look.>
<Even in this condition I am looking better than you.>
<Perhaps in your dreams. The senators and chancellor love me.>
The young commander makes sure to cut the bitter, poisonous tone out of his voice. It wasn’t a lie. Nor the complete truth. Wolffe doesn’t have to know anything of it.
Silence settles between them for a while, silence that Wolffe soon breaks again.
<I am glad that you are here on Coruscant. You are safe here. >
Fox presses his lips together and quietly nods, embracing his brothers mind with warmth.
It’s for the best.
They shouldn’t know.
They can’t know.
<Will you stay for a while? Our vod'ike should be here soon as well.>
<I’m always with you, Wolffe.>
It will be a lie.
Soon the rest of the batch arrives immediately hurrying towards Wolffe, completely ignoring Fox.
He knows he shouldn’t take it personally. They are worried and Wolffe deserves all the love he can get right now. Still he feels left behind, forgotten, alone.
While his batch is surrounded by light, he can hear the darkness whisper and hug him from behind.
Fox closes his eyes before quietly sneaking out. He shouldn’t interrupt them. Shouldn’t disturb them.
All that’s important is them being alive. He doesn’t need more.
It’s the first time he breaks his word to his twin. And it won’t be his last time.
Ni ceta. Ori'vod. Ni ceta.
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starrymush · 1 month
My Bad Batch brainrot is unreal right now, they have been the only thing I’ve thought about this entire year.
Apologies to my irl friends who I’ve been spamming with The Bad Batch memes
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valveposts · 8 months
Once thought about mass shifted (small) Megatron drinking big cubes and just being an inflated/bloated mess. Just the thought of him being all full and groaning because ‘that was kind of a dumb decision’ and now his armor is hurting his rounded tummy.👉👈
If only there was a very hot blue boombox feeder whiling to massage his belly👀👀
-Totally not Chunkytron
i am lookinggg
tiny megs,,,... <3
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journen · 1 year
For any CoD people , anyone have any Ghost & Soap drawing ideas or prompts for me 👀
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percentstardust · 2 years
Leia stares at Obi Wan, not wanting to go with him. She isn't quite sure she should trust this random man who has shown up to rescue her. Why would her father send a lone man to rescue his precious daughter? It doesn't make sense. He would rescue her himself. He always kept a close eye on her. Always. She only slipped away for a moment to explore the forest. She isn't used to the environment of one, mainly being around the lava and volcanic one of Mustafar. That's not to say she is even allowed to wonder outside of her father's castle alone. She has. She's just been brought back immediately after been found out. She just wanted to be in nature. Just once. Her governess had turned away for a moment, giving her the opportunity to slip away. A mistake the woman would pay for with her life.
"My father sent you?" She knows they don't have much time. She was suspicious of him. She was just kidnapped, after all. "Are you....a bounty hunter?" She could probe his mind. She has been practicing that in her training. Her father says she's getting quite good at it. She is growing stronger in the force with each training session they have.
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sovaharbor · 1 year
i would like to apologize formally for the absolute fucking SPIRAL i am going through today re: the sequels trilogy. but also. i am not sorry. at all. i love them. even as shitty as they are.
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josephsaturn · 3 months
Gonna post some SW AU ideas
(Fair warning: most of these are tcw/clones-adjacent because that’s where the brainrot is lmao
Also I am ONLY fully done watch the first 2 prequel movies and season 1 of tcw. I know what’s gonna happen after, but not every detail of it.)
Starting with:
Shmi the Nanny
Ok so.
A few months after Anakin is taken to become a Jedi, Jango goes to Watto’s for help on his ship, so Watto sends Shmi to go work on it while Jango watches. Idk, he’s probably got nothing better to do. While she’s working on fixing the problem, he decides to pass time by telling her about the kid he just got: how he’s the sweetest thing ever, how he looks like an angel, maybe he even stops Shmi’s work to show pictures or something. But, the important thing is this: he knows that Kamino’s no place to raise a child, and he trusts both the nanny-bot and the Kaminoans about as far as he can throw them.
Getting an idea, he then looks at Shmi and asks if she has any experience with kids.
She, obviously, answers yes.
Jango walks back in to Watto’s store, stays in there for a few minutes, and when he comes out, he tells her that she’s coming with him to be his kid’s nanny.
I wanna make it clear that Jango DID NOT free Shmi: she’s still got her chip, Jango’s just got her detonator. He’s simply her new owner, and, as Shmi’s gonna learn, a REAL piece of work.
So they go to Kamino, and meet up with whichever Kaminoan is there to greet Jango. He introduces Shmi as Boba’s live-in nanny for when Jango goes on bounties and such, and they take her to the Tipoca apartments to get settled in. While walking there, Shmi notices the tubes carrying the other clones on the weird merry-go-round thing in canon, and gets told that those are the Jedi’s clone army.
The Jedi.
The very same Jedi she allowed Ani to go live with.
Why did the Jedi need an army?
But they make it to the apartments, Shmi gets one right next to the Fetts, and Jango introduces her to little baby boba, only a few months old. She also gets introduced to the Cuy’val Dar, since she’ll be in close quarters with them.
For the first few days, Shmi just walks around, taking in all of the sights Kamino has to offer (like all the WATER, holy kriff), but gets rebuked by whoever’s nearby when she tries to go into the cloning facility.
Finally, Jango harshly wakes her up in the middle of the night and takes her to his apartment, telling her that if anything happens to boba, it’ll be on her. With that, he leaves, and shmi falls asleep on the couch, only to be woken up by boba’s crying.
She ends up taking care of him for a month and a half, Jango nowhere in sight for all of it, only for him to return in the middle of the day and coldly kick Shmi out of the apartment.
The pattern repeats: Jango leaves for at least a month, comes back for just a week or two, then it’s back out again.
Some highlights of this idea:
Shmi bonding with certain members of the Cuy’val dar, with one of them even giving her her own blaster
Shmi officially meets the rest of the clones when Boba turns four, having lost him after turning her back on him for only a minute. Alpha-17 finds him and gets him back to her
Boba gets to listen to some of her stories/eat food from tattooine
Boba in general growing up with a positive influence instead of being a super-duper isolated brat.
Shmi straight up killing Dred priest when news of his fighting ring reaches her
Shmi thinking about how the only people she likes on this miserable planet are just the kids (and yes the men bred to die are kids to her. Sue her she literally watched them grow up) cuz the adults are different shades of asshole
And other stuff
Lemme know what you think!
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devastatinglygreen · 8 days
hmmm, after seeing these rumours (I'm choosing to disregard those rumours about 7&8, they seem a little absurd) about a potential carriage scene pt2, I remembered some filming leaks about a potential stunt double for LN on a horse that was theorized to be his big return in episode 1, but now I'm thinking it might be Colin chasing down Pen's hack for the LW reveal!! Or the stunt guy lied about who he was a double for lol. Or that was a planned sequence that got cut for whatever reason?
idk what's going on anymore, the polin brainrot is real- so I think the responsible thing to do is to simply walk into the ocean until pt 2 drop day o7
i feel like there's been a few cut scenes so it very well could be something they cut but i also feel like i heard luke newton say something about a horse. not being on one or i don't know tbh, they started showing polin kissing and and i let go of all info held in my head before that moment.
gonna put the 7 & 8 stuff under the cut so people can skip if they want:
so, here's the thing about the 7 & 8 nonsense that i know. it looks like a mix of 3-4 different things. none of which have any proof to be what people have assumed.
there was a twitter thread of someone saying they thought this new ambrosia character would be a sex worker, added in with that interview that he would go to a brothel after the fight. they also posted or commented on on reddit when the info was found months ago that they thought she'd be a sw. there's nothing to suggest this so far and the only thing we know is she would be opposite of luke. apparently both luke and the guy who plays will follow her on ig.
here's the reddit thread of spec saying that she was actually part of the reshoots under the director for 7 & 8. also the winking, garden party, probably a brothel scene or both, idk, a lot was reshoot for pod person colin apparently.
add in the girl saying she has seen things through someone (this is hotly debated because obviously, i have no idea if she's given any sort of proof yet but it's just her word at the moment) but she doesn't say he cheats, she said people will be mad at him and it takes half an episode for colin to come around, people will be mad at some other bridgertons, and micheal is a girl (also hotly debated because for fran's story would be extremely changed if that was the case and people have said that the actor they're saying is micheal plays a different character (not sophie tho)). i can't say if they're wrong or right because there's no proof to say anything about any of it. grains of salt are needed.
followed by an interview where one sentence made everyone decide that he must do something. listen, i get why the framing of the sentence sounds off. it could be any number of things, a scene reshot later, added later, something totally unrelated, it was about the first half and it was worded badly, etc.
so you know, i know we're all sensitive to stuff but also let's remember how people flipped out with the brothel stuff and how sensationalized it was. they acted like he was going out every night to take part in a threesome. they literally had context for why he was doing it and still managed to be totally wrong in the scenes themselves.
remember how many theories of red flags came out about colin after that info and he was the literal worst only to be met with "demisexual colin is true actually"?
that's just my take on it anyways.
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fellow-nerd · 22 days
Whose thinking about...
Bariss Offee and Luke skywalker and Ahsoka and Din Djarin, and Padme, and Bail and all the rest of them and how when luke says "there's still good in him I know" he's echoing Padmes dying words and how "take them to an old friend she'll know what to do" is probably Ahsoka and and how Obi Wan sat in exile for years to be taken out of it twice by both of the Skywalker twins at separate times to regain a part of himself but also just kinda shove in his face everything he lost,
Instead of studying for AP Chem.
It's me obviously and I'm gonna need the force to pass that test.
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Hi i don't know if your still continuing your jjk x scarlet witch reader since i just recently found this story and i've been reading this for quite a while and believe me its the best story that i've red so far so i just want to ask if you could make the jjk characters react to teen scarlet witch transforming into real scarlet witch like she got the headpiece, the outfit and so on just like what happen to her while she was fighting agatha harkness i want to see their reaction can you also
scarlet witch! fushiguro! reader turning into the "scarlet witch"
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for wandavision and multiverse of madness, and possible spoilers for jujutsu kaisen
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen x teen! reader (gojo satoru, ieiri shoko, nanami kento, ryomen sukuna, masamichi yaga, tokyo jujutsu tech students)
helloo!! yes i'm still writing for jjk x sw! baby fushiguro! reader :) it's just that im doing more jjk x bsd due to my bsd brainrot, but also because im not writing much since i'm busy w/ school and self-study for college admission ♡
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you've known agatha ever since you were since a child. she taught you many things, like your chaos magic for example, as well as the existence of the multiverse and how special you were, err, about that last part, that kind old lady that you often saw in secret was very keen on it.
you really didn't thought much of it as a child, but things changed when you grew up, especially now that you were a teenager. as you honed your chaos magic and other witch abilities in secret under her mentorship, the kind old lady had changed.
agatha's obsession with you worsened as your powers and abilities significantly improved over time. her calm and collected demeanor began to deteriorate into something impatient and irritable that you couldn't pin down, but it eventually broke a fight between you two.
"why are you acting this way?! you weren't behaving this way before..." you argued, finally taking a stand.
"being like this? the only reason I'm like this is that—before agatha could finish her sentence, you finished it for her."
"you want something from me," you said, your [color] eyes frowning before darkening into a small glare, "isn't this no longer about me losing control or failing to master my abilities?"
for a split second, the old lady stared at you with wide eyes, until a laugh broke through your mask. you took a step away from her, confused, as a smile appeared on her lips.
"you've figured it out already, haven't you?" her voice had turned sinister, her features no longer resembled the sweet old lady you knew, "looks like you're no longer a baby witch, [name]."
before you could say anything else, violet vapor-like hues shrouded her body, and the next thing you knew, her appearance had changed. she no longer resembled a grandmother, but rather a much younger woman with brunette hair and violet glowing eyes. she then walked up to you, floating in mid-air, her feet just a few centimeters above the ground, cupping your face.
"i don't think i've told you this before, have i?" agatha asked, her eyes darkened.
you watched as she flicked her free hand, causing the darkhold, an unearthly grimoire, to appear beside you and her. you stood there watching as the book opened before agatha's violet wisps of magic and promptly stopped at one page.
"did you think the higher-ups of jujutsu tech were afraid of you because you possessed something that wasn't jujutsu?" agatha explained as you furrowed your brows.
"what are you saying?" you asked, giving her an incredulous look.
"you're a being who can travel universes, and at the same time, a being of unfathomable magic; the harbinger of chaos. you're the scarlet witch, [name]." agatha chuckled, removing her hand from your face to place it on her hip as she pointed her free hand at you.
"you even have a whole chapter from the darkhold devoted to you, [name], just like your other variant did," agatha continued talking, "the scarlet witch is not born, she is forged. she has no coven; no need for incantation."
you shifted your gaze to the darkhold page where agatha had stopped and found yourself staring at a drawing of a woman with unholy symbols and the following words.
"why are you telling me this now? so, what if i'm the scarlet witch?" you pursed your lips into a thin line and clenched your fists.
"and here i thought you were finally getting the full picture [name]!" agatha scoffed, "ugh, it doesn't matter anyway. i've already spent too much time pretending to be your kind old grandma of a mentor. i've waited for your chaos magic and power to hone over the years with enough patience, this should be enough now."
you could see her violet psionics appear and surround the area you and she were in from the corner of your eye.
returning your gaze to her, you sighed deeply and hung your head low. you didn't know how to feel about everything, especially how the old lady you looked up to ended up manipulating you, using you all those years, pretending to be a kind mentor to you, all for this.
"i expected better from you.." you remarked sadly, almost devoid of emotions.
"aww, sweetie, i know this might be a lot to take in, but.. i did what i had to do!" agatha laughed madly.
"no, i'm not talking about that," you shook your head, calmly approaching her, perplexing her, "it's just that... i think you forgot that i was astral projecting myself to you the whole time."
agatha's face was filled with horror and surprise as you vanished from her sight in the blink of an eye. at the thought of being defeated by you, she screamed and violet vapor-like hues scattered throughout her surroundings. her magic's turbulence caused the place to crumble.
as the witch thrashed the place, she only set one thing in mind. she absolutely must have you. the unique scarlet witch variant capable of traveling across universes
when you returned your soul to your physical form, you immediately exorcised the curse that had been assigned to you. you picked up your legs as your mind wandered to your family figures and you felt your soul return to you. agatha desires your magic, and given her desperation, she will most likely go after your family.
you're almost out of time.
it was only a matter of time before she arrives.
you had warped to jujutsu tech using your red psionics and found megumi and his classmates, yuuji, nobara, maki, panda, and inumaki, as well as gojo and nanami.
when yuuji noticed you running towards them, he yelled enthusiastically, "[name]-chan! oi!"
"huh, looks like [name]-chan finished her mission early," nobara exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips.
"welcome back, kikufuku!" exclaimed gojo, raising a hand in his hair to high-five you when he and everyone else noticed your frantic expression, "kikufuku?" he inquired, puzzled.
before you could reach them, you let out a pained cry as an abnormally large blast of violet struck you from behind, resulting in a massive debris and smoke explosion. the jujutsu sorcerers rushed into action, including principal yaga and your auntie shoko, who felt the tremor of such power and ran to where you were.
as soot filled the atmosphere, you painfully pushed yourself up and turned around to see agatha herself in her dark robes, floating in mid-air, surrounded by her own violet psionics.
"[name]! are you okay, [name]?!" gojo panicked, grabbing you as he and the others looked up, and upon looking up, your adoptive father pulled down his blindfold to reveal his wide eyes, which instantly revealed everything about her, "you.. you're.."
"i'm the one who told you about your daughter," agatha finished gojo's sentence with a dark grin.
"what do you want from her?" gojo hardened his crystalline blue six eyes into a glare as he protectively held your form close to his chest as you used chaos magic to patch yourself up while the other jujutsu sorcerers all narrowed their eyes at the other witch who was cackling.
"you have no idea how much i longed for her power. her power exceeds that of the sorcerer supreme, and the fact that she can travel the universe makes her a supernatural being!" agatha declared with a sinister smile before unleashing a large blast of violet magic, "my variant might have failed to have the scarlet witch, but not with this one! she's mine!"
you vanished into a red mist from gojo's hold once you were fully patched up. you had flown upwards and used your own magic to deflect hers.
"hands off my family," you growled, your [color] eyes turning a menacing and glowing crimson red color.
they watched in awe and horror as you and agatha traded magical blasts in the sky until you began to incorporate the lessons you had learned from gojo himself, as well as yuuji's and maki's. you appeared and vanished stealthily before securing blasts and a couple physical hits of jabs and hooks at agatha that were imbued with your red psionics.
you had vanished once more just before agatha could hit you back, but this time you had completely hidden your presence. you were imperceptible, even to agatha, who is sensitive to energies similar to yours.
you had made yourself known as agatha scanned her surroundings for you. you'd appeared behind her, your eyes dangerously glowing red. you whispered in her ear as red vapor-like hues emerged from your twitching fingers, and just like that, you'd gotten into her head, but your power was so immense that you'd brought every single jujutsu sorcerer into the illusion of agatha's fear with you.
the jujutsu sorcerers looked around. they found themselves in an eerie dark coven, surrounded by corpses, with you and agatha. as they watched you stand before agatha, who was bound to a wooden stake, they found themselves swallowing hard.
the sight of this illusion reminded gojo, megumi, yuuji, and nobara of the time when your chaos magic had gone haywire by accident. you'd gotten inside everyone's heads and shown them their worst nightmares.
"some things just never change," megumi said, his sweat dropping as he remembered how terrifyingly real the illusion you had put him under felt.
"you know, the other scarlet witch did this too when she was facing my variant," agatha said, a smug expression crossing her features, indicating how unfazed she was by the creepy and dark surroundings, "and she failed."
with that, all of the hooded corpses' heads snapped towards you in unison. You found yourself flinching and gasping in terror as each of them approached you, whispering chants of your name and a prophecy.
"[name]!" screamed gojo as he pushed through the corpses with nanami, megumi and the others, trying to shield you as fear overtook you.
"scarlet witch!"
a hooded corpse exclaimed with the others, pointing a bony finger at you, causing you to back away and press your back against the stake where agatha had previously been.
"it is written.. it is foretold.. the scarlet witch.." they all murmured endlessly at you, "it is your destiny to destroy the world.."
more limbs and corpses of the dead rose from the ground and seized you, binding you to the stake instead as they blocked gojo and the other jujutsu sorcerers attempting to reach you. their techniques were rendered powerless as a result of being placed under your illusion.
the choruses of corpses saying the same thing over and over again filled your head to the point where you felt overwhelmed and nauseous.
they all sound like a broken record.
"power isn't your problem, dear. it's knowledge," agatha spat out as she grinned wickedly, calmly levitating towards you, her expression softening for a brief moment, "think about it, [name]. once i receive your power, you won't have to carry the burden anymore. you'll be a normal girl. i won't let you be alone, and you'll never be something they all fear again."
agatha's words mesmerized you, like the snake beckoning eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the garden of eden. god, her words took you back to those sleepless nights when you wondered what it would be like to be just like the other kids.
possessing your gift had never been easy for you in your entire life. your blessing, as ironic as it was, was also your curse. despite the fact that you had gojo and megumi, as well as your other family-figures like your uncle nanami, to love and protect you from higher-ups and danger, it had always been lonely for you.
apart from them, you had no other friends. children your age were terrified of you. even when you enrolled in a non-jujutsu school as a teenager in the hopes of fitting in, it was just the same struggle.
you were human, but you lived in a completely different world than they did.
with a shakey sigh, you found yourself lowering your head as a red tiara appeared on your head, delicately framing your features, mesmerizing the jujutsu sorcerers and agatha as it glowed amidst the dark forest and dimly lit torches,
heavy is the head that wears the crown.
"no.. [name]-chan.. that's not.." yuuji muttered, shaking his head and turning to gojo and the others who were staring at you, speechless, "she can't actually be thinking about it."
gojo gazed at you with sympathy and heartbreak. he may not be able to read your mind, but he knew exactly what you were thinking. truth be told, agatha's proposal was something you wanted and would undoubtedly be a dream you'd like to have, so he couldn't really blame you if you were seriously considering it.
"don't listen to her! snap out of it, [name]!" screamed nobara, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice louder, but in doing so, agatha narrowed her eyes and shifted her attention to her and the other sorcerers.
"be quiet!" snarled agatha, reaching out her hands to bobara, violet wisps of magic glowing from her dark fingertips.
"you be quiet! shut up!" you screamed in frustration and closed your eyes.
your red psionics had exploded repulsively, disintegrating every single corpse that was restraining you to the stake, your emotions amplifying your chaos magic. you lunged at agatha, who was caught off guard for a split second by your sudden aggression now that you were free.
you had broken the illusion by tackling agatha while also transporting the jujutsu sorcerers to a much safer location, as agatha's magic had earlier destroyed the grounds and school. as you and agatha flew through the sky, you hurled abnormally large blasts of red psionics at her, your frustrated screams echoing across the dark atmosphere, where dark storm clouds began to form.
"take my power then! i don't want it anymore!" you exclaimed in between screams, surprising gojo and the jujutsu sorcerers.
"[name]! what are you doing?!!" screamed gojo, using his infinity to lift himself higher to reach you but was stopped by a red force field you had set up while simultaneously sending large blasts of chaos magic at agatha, "[name]!"
you ignored your adoptive father and continued to let agatha absorb every ounce of magic you fired at her. you had become so careless and consumed by your emotions that your aim had deteriorated to the point where your red psionics were missing.
"looks like the brat had finally lost it, huh?" scoffed sukuna, the king of curses, as he looked at you from his vessel's cheekbone, "pity."
"shut up!" yuuji yelled, slapping his cheekbone, err, sukuna who appeared on his face as an eye and mouth, "[name] is not... she just... she just..." he trailed off eventually, clearly unsure what to argue at this point.
after squandering your magic on pointless shots, you levitated in mid-air, panting for air as the glow in your eyes faded to a pale red. you were exhausted now, but agatha still wanted more, "release your burden! let me take it all from you, [name]!"
the other witch spread her arms wide open as she absorbed your chaos magic by force, causing you to scream, but despite the pain coursing through your body, you willingly gave it all. the jujutsu sorcerers were mortified as they screamed for you as they watched the scene.
you floated up there with little strength or power, as agatha relentlessly absorbed your chaos magic from your body. your once-healthy features had deteriorated. you appeared to be on the verge of death as your half-lidded eyes began to close—perfect.
"after all those years of pretending, it's all mine. the scarlet witch's power. it's finally mine!" agatha laughed maniacally as her tainted fingertips glowed violet, brimming with power—your power, to be exact, "HAHAHA! MINE!"
as the life in your eyes began to fade, gojo's heart clenched painfully. this cannot be. no.
he can't lose you.
gojo clenched his fists and prepared to use his cursed technique on the witch when he felt it, his six eyes brimming with rage as he screamed. as he failed to use his limitless cursed technique, gojo's eyes widened. He looked down at his hands, then at the others, who all had the same look of realization on their faces.
the glowing violet wisps of agatha's psionics had completely dissipated just as she was about to use her magic on you to finish things once and for all, leaving her perplexed, "w-what what's happening?!"
your form became healthier and returned to its original state as you straightened your posture and lifted your head. you looked at the other witch, who was nervous, blankly before quickly waving your raised hand in the air.
your red psionics engulfed the entire environment whole, just like the veil jujutsu sorcerers put up when they need to hide the existence of curses as they exorcise them, but this right now was your very own domain expansion, or so they like to call it.
"when did you.. but.." agatha found herself stumbling her own words, "these are runes."
"shit.. she planned the whole thing out.." maki's eyes widened in disbelief as she spoke, but a smirk crept across your features, along with inumaki, panda, nobara, and megumi, as yuuji's face lit up with hope.
panda chuckled as his ears twitched happily, "heh, i almost fell for [name]'s acting for a second there."
"salmon!" inumaki said in agreement as he nodded his head.
"that's my daughter right there," gojo exclaimed, his heart swelled with relief and pride at seeing you, and coincidentally, nanami, too had uttered, "that's my niece," at the same time with a smirk on his face.
"in case you forgot, only the witch who casts them, can use her magic in this given space," you said, tilting your head to the side, a gesture you were known for when things were about to get ominously dangerous. the crimson red tiara materialized on your head once again, "i don't need you to tell me who or what i am because i know who or what i exactly am."
agatha was rendered speechless. a miscalculatation. how could she possibly have forgotten? had the darkhold corrupted her to the point where she made a grave error? of course you were aware. in reality, you'd known exactly what to do from the moment you were allegedly bound to the stake in the illusion you'd concocted for agatha. the secret glimpses you had of the other scarlet witch that had done this exactly before revealed the answer to you because of your special multiversal ability.
the tables were turned in an instant. Instead of agatha stealing your magic, you stole it this time. the violet energy from agatha began to turn crimson as you absorbed it, and then a bright red glow began to emanate from you, and it glowed brighter and brighter until the color shifted to white, almost blinding.
as everyone struggled to shield their eyes, they found themselves staring at your silhouette, which was changing into something else, confirming the unearthly grimoire's prophecy.
the scarlet witch is born, she is forged.
she has no coven; no need for incantation.
the atmosphere shifted dramatically. the heavy pressure lingering in the air had become heavier and more intense than before. in fact, it was on a completely different level. as the bright glow that engulfed your body faded, there you were, in all your glory, as the prophesied being who was to destroy and rule the world—the scarlet witch.
"no.. this cannot be.." agatha shook her head as she stared at you, knowing exactly what was going on, "what have you done?!"
you weren't wearing your old customized jujutsu uniform anymore. you were now dressed in the red robes and regalia of the personified legend you had received after defeating and absorbing agatha's magic: a red chestplate with angular faulds extending into an ankle-length skirt, elbow-length red fingerless gloves, black trousers and thigh-high boots, and an intricate red tiara.
with a gentle flick of your wrist, you had broken down the hex, err, domain expansion and ripped a red portal through the horizon as you twitched your fingers to hold her in place using your red psionics, "you will leave this world and never come back again," you said calmly as you levitated towards her trembling form.
"no, no! stop! you can't do this to me, [name]!" agatha struggled at your mercy but was rendered powerless before you, which you softly chuckled at, "listen to me! i mentored you! you wouldn't have become the scarlet witch if it weren't for me!"
"no, that's where you're wrong, agatha," you shook your head at her before reaching out your hand and pushing her straight into the portal to who knows where, your lips curved into a smirk, "i have always been the scarlet witch."
after you had pushed agatha in and closed the red portal, you descended back to the ground, where you were immediately tackled by your one and only adoptive father, gojo satoru, as the other jujutsu sorcerers darted towards you.
"kikufuku!" gojo embraced you tightly before cupping your face in his much larger hands, "you nearly had me worried there!"
"we thought you were really giving up!" exclaimed yuuji, and the others nodded in agreement.
you chuckled softly and held the nape of your neck with a sheepish smile, "sorry about that.."
"that was really impressive though," maki stated with a smirk as she folded her arms across her chest.
"and you've got.. a whole new look now too!" panda motioned over at the red robes and regalia of the scarlet witch you were wearing.
"ah, yes!" you exclaimed, pulling away from your adoptive dad to twirl and show your outfit off to them.
"you look stunning, [name]!" nobara draped an arm over her shoulder as she drew you to her side, causing you to laugh, "ugh, what an absolute girlboss you are."
"your chaos magic energy feels incredibly different too," yaga pointed out.
"i agree with yaga-sensei, your psionics earlier weren't even comparable to a special grade level anymore. in fact, it even feels beyond that." shoko said in addition.
"of course not," everyone's attention was quickly drawn back to the king of curses, who had made himself known yet again, "it's just as that other witch and her undead coven said. it's [name's] destiny to destroy the world. she was meant to rule everything."
"[name] wouldn't do that, sukuna!" yuuji immediately argued, slapping himself in the face to silence the king of curses.
"ohoho~ but it is written and foretold," sukuna then retorted, appearing on the back of Yuuji's hand.
"sukuna's not wrong." a deep sigh escaped your lips as you rubbed your arm with a dark glaze over your [color] eyes for a second.
you remembered the glimpse of what had occurred in the other universe, the one that agatha was talking about, earth-616, knowing exactly what the other scarlet witch had discovered and done upon using the darkhold, as you earned sympathetic looks from them, "i was meant to rule everything. it is my destiny."
"kikufuku..." gojo's sweat dropped for a second.
"but that's not what i want," you said, shaking your head and clenching your fists as you looked straight into their eyes with yours that were filled with determination.
"[name].." megumi's lips twitched into a smile.
"i don't really understand much of this power yet, but.. i will," you lifted your hand, making an incoherent twitching movement with your fingers, using your red psionics to engulf the entire school, fixing everything up after it had been destroyed to bits earlier by agatha's havoc, "and i'll use it to help people and exorcise curses, even if that includes you, sukuna."
sukuna found himself widening his eyes in surprise, then laughing fondly at your audacity as you projected your soul into his very domain, which was slightly transparent with red glowing eyes. you weren't a little witch any longer.
you've grown up, become stronger and more powerful, and the thought amused him. you were no longer the child who forced him to watch baby shark videos and have tea parties with you. you don't call him your "kuna-nii" anymore either.
the king of curses never imagined the day you'd threaten him, but he was proud, and it was an honor to be targeted by the scarlet witch.
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catohphm · 5 months
I'm up when I should be asleep, but star wars brainrot calling! My Clone Wars era Jedi Master OC may work in the SW equivalent of the Merchant Marine after Order 66. He likely would have to adopt an alias, change his appearance, create a cover story and get a fake ID. However it's all gonna help him stay under the radar of the Empire and bounty hunters. I have zero idea currently on what the OC's real name and fake name would be, but he's there now at least 😂
Tagging @lanabenikosdoormat for her dear support and encouragement of my ideas, tysm!<3
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andorshitdaily · 6 months
Hiii I finished watching Andor yesterday and all I can say is that the Cassian brainrot is real, can I get the invite to the discord server? I'm not the most active person tbh, but I'd like to be in a group of people to talk about this beautiful series (and SW as a whole)
Check your DMs!
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catgirlmagneto · 2 years
hello bestie. sticks leg up. do u maybe have more aus planned for the gays..... Perhaps....
ohohho hello beloved and esteemed mutual joshriku in fact i DO.
so here's the thing. the SW au brainrot is so real. and i am in so deep now like I literally have two (albeit much shorter) fics planned for after the current one, maybe more. this is totally not what you asked but i need to talk about it anyway or i will become crazy. the next one's gonna be cute and domestic (also probably sad because idk how to write things with a plot that aren't a little angsty) but it'll be basically them relearning how to be in a relationship and cute shit like that. and perhaps.... marriage??? ;) and then i want to do one where i can introduce a certain character as well as tie up the loose ends from the darksaber plot i set up in the original multichapter fic. chekovs gun... sadbigchungus on ao3's darksaber....
also I am very much a hoe for the idea of rogue in the star wars universe. rogue as a force-sensitive, rogue in some cool star wars outfit. and her bounty hunter/pirate/all around cool guy boyfriend, gambit. so maybe i'll do a quick oneshot to incorporate them into the universe as well. like i said, the brain rot is real.
i've had this idea floating around (no outline or anything yet) BUT. basically it pisses me off that in every 'dancer/stripper/ that sort of genre of AU, it's always a very slutty charles and then erik who is all buttoned up. hellO. did we.... do we know the same character. erik magnus dramatic ass bitch lehnsherr we have all seen his outfits and tall gogo boots and how much of an attention whore he is and STILL. no one is letting him fuck it up on the pole!!
male stripper/dancer erik, tweedy professor charles who accidentally meets him at someone's bachelorette party as a joke, then next runs into him as keynote speaker on a pretty small mutant rights protest on campus bc it turns out his day job (not rly a job my man doesn't get paid it's ok tho) is being involved in the radical mutant movement.
and in my head he's also got all the kiddos, the twins and lorna at least and maybe an older teenage anya as well. taken care of when dad's at work at night by cool neighbor and basically nocturnal fashion designer emma frost, who keeps an eye (and a telepathic eye) out for any trouble so erik doesn't need a sitter bc he can't afford one. in exchange he helps her with any metal parts in her designs since she uses diamonds and rocks and stuff so she needs things to set them in.
anyway the au isn't really baked in my head in terms of an actual plot, but I've got a few disconnected scenes floating around in my little noggin. charles is definitely in his wheelchair because i am also kind of mad at all the fics where it's a modern au but people are too cowardly to let him be disabled. anyway rapid fire! charles is like 'god why is he so hot but also so politically opposed to me i cannot stand it' but he CAN stand it because sparks fly! charles is a bitch and loves arguing! erik brings him coffee at work and is starstruck by his gay little wire frame glasses and has to excuse himself so he doesn't become a hot mess. charles comes over for dinner or smth and meets the kids. idk.
so that's what i might write next. anyways i hope u liked my ramble peace n love
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theoutlawfaleena · 1 year
obligatory pokémon trainer!könig brainrot because i picked up my switch for the first time in a year
he’d 100% volunteers part time to work at a pokémon daycare- people? not particularly a fan but has a big soft spot for taking care of their companions
ghost trainer- probably had fairy type and grass type pokémon at some point when he was younger but eventually sort of ended up being surrounded by ghost pokémon and just accepted it ( they’re just like him for real )
would have a team of bannette, aegislash, trevenant, hisuian zoroark, dusknoir, and mimikyu
names ALL of his pokémon, they all have names he gave them each on a whim when he first saw them
raised all of his team excluding bannette from their base forms, which he found creeping in an alley by an apartment complex and spent months earning the trust of by checking in on and eventually taking in as his own
sewing skills!!! more a general headcanon for him I have but he’s had to tailor so many of his clothes when he saw his mimikyu down over a tear in its disguise he swooped in to fix it on sight, he’s also made accessories for his other pokémon
you know how there’s leather jackets, gloves, turtlenecks, and boots in pokémon sw/sh character customization?? yeah he rocks those
okok I’m good for now that’s my word vomit ahaaaaah
OOOOOOO I LOVE THIS 🥺 I KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING ABOUT POKÉMON BUT I LOVE SEEING YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT IT ANON !! this all sounds so cute especially the sewing eeeee i'm gonna look all this up <33
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