#the switch between genres is so funny to me idk
batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
I am very much not american so I must admit that my first impulse when seeing all the rap/racism discourse was something like "do I really need to consume more american culture, it's fucking everywhere already". Idk but to me it feels like american/english-speaking culture absolutely dominates a lot of the world, sometimes at the cost of out own cultures and languages, if something is in English it is "good", if it is in own own languages it is "bad". Musicians often start singing in English and more american-like after a while to get bigger. We value American culture and music, they mock our accents (and languages sometimes) and best case scenario see us as funny and silly.
Then I started thinking. Do you think that americans kind of see rap kind of like foreign music still? Like low-brow unexotic foreign music.
I don't know this is a really fresh thought and I'm not sure if I am explaining it very well.
hey first off I just want to say -
you are entirely correct in your reaction that people outside of America/the English-speaking world do not need more American culture thrust upon them! this discussion is extremely centered on Americans, the reception and reaction to rap within America, and excuses that white American use to avoid interacting meaningfully with Black culture, art, and ideas. while anti-Blackness as an issue obviously extends far outside of America, this particular conversation is deeply tied to American culture. I appreciate you pointing that out!
I also think you're point about rap, and by extension other Black artforms, being Othered in American pop culture. certainly in terms of language, African American Vernacular English (AAVE), which is utilized by many rappers, is still heavily disputed in its validity as a "real" language, with many dismissing it as a bastardized version of "proper" English and associating it heavily with those who are lower-class and uneducated. in a similar way to many international artists having to work in English to gain wider recognition and validation, many Black Americans are proficient in "code switching," the practice of switching between AAVE that they likely grew up speaking and an English dialect that is considered more "professional."
similarly, I think your use of the term "low-brow" is very apt. Black music has always been met with distrust and disdain by white audiences. there's a reason that so many people feel the need to bring up sex, drugs, and violence when they talk about rap; to many white cultural gatekeepers that was all rap was. (and, like, we should very much talk about why that is in and of itself a bad thing, when white crime is so often glorified in pop culture. why is the Godfather a classic masterpiece but Black men making art about their own experiences with racism, violence, poverty, and survival don't deserve serious consideration?) and that didn't start with rap! in the early 20th century jazz, also a Black creation, was seen as dangerous for promoting promiscuity among nice white teens. no matter what Black people make, white cultural gatekeepers will find a way to start a moral panic about it.
the reverse also happens as well, with Black people being treated as foreigners even in music genres that they helped pioneer. Black Americans were hugely formative in the early days of country, but are met with hostility in the contemporary country scene. Lil Nas X's Old Town Road was one of the biggest songs of the year it was released and undeniably country but was largely snubbed by country music community, and Beyoncé's new country album, Cowboy Carter, is a direct response to her hostile reception at the Country Music Awards in 2016.
the point being, yes, I don't think it's off-base to say that, to many Americans, rap and Black music and art generally are like... very optional and avoidable parts of pop culture in the way that more white-dominated genres are not, similarly to a lot of international and especially non-English art.
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adventuringblind · 11 months
Hear me out father Toto, daughter gets very angry over a decision he made without her permission and she gets revenge by asking max (secret boyfriend) to kiss her in front of him when he won the race (maybe they hug and max makes direct eye contact with Toto when he kissed her neck) plus angry father Toto is funny 🙃 plus your writing is amazing ❤️
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: idk angst? Fluff? Crack?
Summary: Toto tries to set his daughter up in an arranged marriage… it doesn’t go according to plan.
Warnings: angry Toto, kissing, arranged marriage, Max is all to happy to make out with her in public
Notes: I had way to much fun with this.
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“You what?!” She screams. “You can’t just tell someone I’ll marry them! Have you considered my feeling in all of this.” She unceremoniously rakes a hand through her hair.
Toto simply leans back in his chair. “We need this-“
“No, you need this! Not me!”
She storms out of her fathers office. She can hear him hitting his hand on the desk as she goes. Something passes through her mind that maybe breaking his hand would get him to treat the furniture better.
She storms off past everyone. Nobody stops her as she goes. Her destination? The Redbull garage to see Max, her current boyfriend. The one she’s been with for a couple of years now.
She’s angry and determined to get back at her father for even suggesting such a thing. She slips into Christian's office and shuts the door behind her. He looks startled, but definitely not surprised.
"Finally decide to switch teams?"
She turns her head and runs a frantic hand through her hair. "Yeah... I need to ask a favor of you and Max."
"I'm hoping it's something petty because you look like you're upset, and I love making Toto angry."
The next race weekend goes according to plan. The plan being that Max wins. Which he had once again done flawlessly like so much of the 2023 season.
Christian, as best as he can manage, sneaks her and himself up in front of the Redbull team so Max has a clear line of sight. The Dutch had been the one to come up with this plan, and Christian wanted to be as petty as possible.
Ger original plan was just to hard launch her relationship with Max. Then the Dutch told her this was much better and would definitely get the point across. Which she can't help but agree with.
Max parks the car in the number one spot, then goes and gets weighed, taking his helmet off as he goes. Everyone eyes him skeptically because this was not his order of doing things. Max always, without fail, greeted the team first.
Her and Christian make it to the front, and She makes sure Max can see her. Something in her is giddy and blushing. Like she's a schoolgirl admitting she has a crush.
Max makes a beeline for her. Helmet off. Hair disheveled, cheeks flushed from the heat of the race. It's very attractive. Enough so to make her forget why she's even doing this in the first place.
There is no hesitation. Only love and adoration in his eyes as he approaches. All smiles and love. He cups her cheeks and crashes their lips together.
It's warm and wet and so confidence filled. Like he's claiming her for the world to see. And it's definitely longer then it needs to be.
They get questions about it afterward. That's what the entirety of the press conference is. She gets stopped by far too many reporters.
She runs into the Mercedes hospitality to grab her things before she leaves with Max. Toto stands there waiting for her. He's seething; red in anger. "Do you have any idea what you've done?"
"Kissed my boyfriend of two years?"
"You've cost me a major sponsor!"
"And that sounds like a you problem."
Max jogs into the entrance and looks between the two having a stare off. "Sorry about that, Mr. Wolff. Didn't want you marrying off the love of my life."
Toto slams his hand on the table so hard that it knocks the piece of furniture over. He reals backward and clutches his hand against his chest.
"Serves you right for abusing the furniture!" She slides past Toto and grabs her things before taking Max's hand in her own. "Now if you'll excuse me, I will be going home with Max."
Her and Max spare one last glance at Toto, burning the image of him raging over their partnership before leaving. Maybe being petty is fun sometimes.
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elytrafemme · 1 year
OKAY SO it was where do we go now/wa hala2 la wayn and its this lebanese movie i got assigned 2 watch for cinematography class for the chapter on international cinema and it made me very happy hehe however. i have Thoughts. first off positive ones do you know how nice it was to hear just Genuine Lebanese Arabic in a movie it was SO nice. thats how i talk!! i use those turns of phrases!!! the old ladies remind me of my grandmas!!! the humour is also on Point like it feels very Classic Lebanese humour yk? and theres a great balance between humour and the more serious parts in a way that feels very true to the culture itself? if that makes sense?
less positive points uhhh why did they burst into song out of Nowhere like 3 times its not a musical it felt so. Why Is This Here. the last song where the women are baking is fun though. my biggest gripe with it though is. okay a bit of context so!!! the main plot in the movie is that its about a village thats half muslim half christian and they coexist peacefully and then they start hearing news of skirmishes between the two religions elsewhere and tensions start to rise and each side starts blaming the other for Every Little Thing that goes wrong and it just keeps escalating and escalating. and so the movie focuses on the women of the village devising various schemes to keep the men from fighting each other. its very much denouncing religion wars (which like. Yeah its a thing. my grandpa almost got shot once)
anyways SO all of that to say. the movie ends with the men waking up one morning and all the muslim men find that their wives have taken off their hijab and are praying to the virgin mary while all the christian women are veiled etc. and theyre basically saying well if you want to go fight them for being christian/muslim you'll have to fight me too and it makes them see the error of their ways etc. i. did nawt like this. i feel like theres better ways to get this message accross than basically saying "yeah religion is surface level and you can just violate everything you believe in just to make a point" like its not that they went i Look like them now its straight up they switched yk. like "this is who i am now". idk. left a bad taste in my mouth but maybe thats just me!!
the ending ending scene is the village going to bury a kid that was killed on his way back to the village and . like at the beginning of the movie we see the cemetery and its divided in2 tombstones with crosses and ones without but now the tombstones all look the same. and the title of the movie comes from the men carrying the coffin asking that yk. where do we go now. and i feel like that was a Much better way to get the point accross than the whole switching debacle sobs. anyways yeah!! those are my thoughts . this is so long i am SO sorry
YAY LONG REVIEW TIME!!! omg omg nice! i absolutely adore that, both the language part because that's so important but also the fact that it nails the culture down because? i feel like that's so hard to do with any culture, matching the humor and the specific phrases/customs with the generational trauma / more serious aspects of it. i really want to reconnect with more iraqi media for that reason because i really want to see how a film reflects that kind of thing
God movies where they just do random song and musical segments will never not be funny to me. this is a little different as to my understanding this is more expected in the genre, but watching bollywood movies with my friends was like. okay so there's a dramatic scene going on Oh wait now they're dancing on a shoreline in iceland. for the next eight minutes. this is fine and normal. like its so ABRUPTSDHKFJ
that's honestly a really really really cool concept for the film but i agree in that that's a really weird way to resolve it? i feel like in something like a film talking about religion its important that the religion component isn't entirely lost if that wasn't what the whole point was, does that make sense? like in this context it shouldn't take a person dneoucning their religion when the entire point of the show isn't about losing your faith just about reconciling with other people, it feels irrelevant and like the religion is being centered in the religious wars and not the violence. side note glad your grandpa didn't actually get shot that's a major yikes
man that other ending scene you described though... like imaginably this would be much more impactful if i had the visuals as well and could see this unfold in the film but like. your description even now feels really really emotionally impactful and. yeah. glad it has a good actual ending to it that kind of rounds it out i guess? seems like a good film overall but with some weird quirks and bad parts definitely
ty for the movie review! sorry if my response is scatterbrained im mulittasking rn but this was very cool to read :DDD
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theeeveetamer · 2 years
Ooh I’ve been absent in the fandom for a while (so my everything is rusty), I didn’t realise that ppl would criticise the game cause we don’t know the continent name? In terms of lore I don’t think its that important to develop, instead I want to focus on the lands of Nohr and Hoshido.
For me whenever I read leokumi there’s a focus on strengthening relationships between the two nations, and whilst I love love love that the main focus is Leo and Takumi, I’ve read so many that I want a plot that includes their relationship whilst not glossing over trying to establish the peace between the two nations, especially because they seem to have a history of war (I think). Normally I would just write it but then I realised that there’s so many missing details and so that’s where my idea came from to flesh it out.
I absolutely agree on what you’re saying since establishing random facts like ancestry etc is not what interests me, UNLESS that ancestor idk was responsible for establishing like a mage school which has a knock on effect in the present game (because like the Nohrians are known for their dark mages. I swear I heard there was a school there, and its curious that dark mages aren’t as feared compared to their counterparts in other games and genres. Perhaps another point towards the desperation of Nohr? Or perhaps they are less fearful of the unknown? Or maybe willing to experiment, one could say innovative? [Stuff like this I wanna build on]). Oh plus also the relations with the smaller nations/towns (?) like Nestra, Mokushu etc (I’ve still to research on this part so maybe I’m wrong)
Funny you should mention the concubine wars. I was going through the Fates Drama and like I would love if the concubine wars were mentioned more. Fans seem to know that some of their siblings died during disputes between the concubines but also some were executed, died in battle, taken by Hoshido and I feel like that offers already so many questions to expand on. But also begs the question on really how many children were there in total. A fanfic set where Corrin or Azura has to navigate the court or even Takumi navigating the court would be super interesting.
But yes, deffo that point. One that I struggle on is the establishing of peace between Nohr and Hoshido. I want to know why its difficult. Like ofc we have the villages and ppl affected, but how far does it go back? Realistically there would be resistance groups, perhaps from both sides? Why wasn’t trade the first thought? Or did it start with trade and escalate? How much of it was Garon or was Hoshido being difficult etc.
I didn’t think about the farming techniques but that’s something I want to explore as well. I think during peace times it would make sense for Leo to use Brynhildr to try and heal the land. I want the legendary weapons to be used more if that makes sense. Like the two swords on both sides make sense for defending the country but a magical tome has so much more potential, especially on the agriculture and perhaps terraforming with gravity. Fujin Yumi wise, I’d have to do more research but it would be poetic if the second sons of both nations were in charge of making sure the nations thrived from within whilst the elder brothers defend it.
Omg I’m so sorry I didn’t mean for it to be so long. It’s just really nice to ramble to someone who knows what I’m talking about and that cares ^^’ If AO3 allows such a thing then I might start planning, I’ve already got 2 sheets of notes from the audio Drama :D
Thank you for listening again!
Oh also I just read my ask you answered and by no means did I mean to trash fates. I love the game but I just have issues with the plot. It makes me sad at all the potential lost since I love the game and it's cast. But yeah its not to say that the history and world building we got was bad, I just as a lore nerd crave more. I really hope we can get a remake, maybe on switch but at this rate I think it's copium. I read the wikipedia and apparently one of the writers wrote enough for 2 books worth in terms of plot and just aaa I wonder how they must feel about the game
Oh, let me be clear I didn't think you were trashing Fates with your first ask! Don't worry about that anon. Also, I would DIE if they gave us a switch release of Fates, especially if they re-localized it to make it more accurate. Like honestly I'd be so over the moon. But I'd also accept just a port, I mean it's kind of necessary since I believe Rev is now no longer available on the eshop as of this month and the rest of the eshop is shutting down soon?
Anyway I'm glad we're similarly minded with regard to establishing background facts that don't have much effect on the present, lol. As for the history of conflict, it's been a while since I've played, but IIRC there was always the implication that Anankos's influence was part of what's been driving conflict between the nations? I suppose if you were writing an AU that ignores Valla though (or wanted reasons beyond that) you could really go with anything. I think the game also implies that Hoshido is kind of isolationist and that combined with their bountiful lands kind of leads to Nohrians resenting them? Resources and lack thereof have always been a major driver of conflict historically.
All of the stuff you brought up does sound interesting! I'd especially like to see your take on the Nohr dark mages because you're right, it doesn't really seem all that strange there like it does in other places in the series.
Anyway no problem! Feel free to ramble or ask for opinions any time! I double checked AO3's ToS for you and yeah, I believe something like this would qualify as fannish meta so you should be good to post it there!
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daisywords · 2 years
📖🔮 for the ask game!!!!!!!! :)
📖 - favorite thing about your current wip
hmmm everything I really love having two main characters who both get POV and switching between how they interpret things and how they perceive the other. First of all sometimes it's funny. Second of all it's a fun exercise in character development when you have two characters who disagree with each other and they're both wrong and you're rooting for both of them.
And like yes eventually this becomes a romance but I swear *slaps Lya and Trip* this duo can fit so many different dynamics like we basically have annoyed coworkers except one of them is the employee of the other (and doesn't get paid for it because the one who is the employer can't ever have money) and like also they're obsessed with each other and they can't shut up but also they ignore each other at all costs and also they hate each other but they keep helping each other again and again and then they get so mad that they ruin their own lives just to get away from each other but that lasts like a few hours at most and then they finally communicate and experience sef recognition through the other (derogatory) and then become the keepers of each other's darkest secrets and then have some kind of secret alliance and protect each other against everything else but there's still things driving them apart and they still keep secrets from each other and misunderstand each other but everything's different when they're giving each other the benefit of the doubt this time and they learn humility and forgiveness and everything good because of each other and outside politics are playing them against each other not to mention their own personal commitments but at the end of the day they're in love even if they never come to an understanding and then at the end of it all they forget everything and have to start over and work together to figure out what happened even when they take different paths and have to confusingly come to terms with who they used to be to each other and who they are now and
hahahha i am so normal about them
🔮 - what genre do you enjoy writing
Fantasy babey
(I also like soft scifi and ambiguous contemporary)
Mostly I really like having control over my worlds and social dynamics and I don't want to have to be beholden to irl history/fact or have to do research
Like I want to be in charge of the exact contexts and flavors to get the exact kind of situations and character dynamics that I want (you could say that my worldbuilding approach is very character oriented) So I like to have stories take place in other worlds because it gives me that freedom. This to me is actually a lot more appealing to me than the typical "magic" aspects of fantasy that define the genre. Yes I like a good magic system as much as the next fantasy fan but that's not the main reason I'm here.
(The most extreme example of this is the wip I've been planning for years that takes place in an alternate historical world vaguely inspired by the ancient Near East but like. there isn't any magical elements at all. Is it fantasy? idk. idk what the genre is)
ask game
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ragingstillness · 1 year
Movies I watched on the plane, reviewed:
Idc what anyone says this is one of my new favorite movies. Seriously, this movie is so fucking good. The depth, the writing, the acting, the pacing, the plot, it’s amazing. Hilarious, serious, genre-busting, cliché, unexpected, formulaic, contradictory. I, quite honestly, cannot praise this movie more.
I’ll admit, I saw the ads and thought, this is gonna be dumb. But it wasn’t, it so wasn’t.
Non-spoiler summary: a love story between two gay men that straddles the line between romcom and philosophical meditation on masculinity and queerness
Spoiler summary: a love story for the ages that deals with serious philosophical debates within the queer community like the place of masculinity in gay relationships, the struggle to find a unique queer identity with no template, the similarities and differences between mainstream love and queer love, rainbow capitalism, bisexual erasure, trans-erasure, bigotry, queer children in straight families, the relationship between straight women and queer men, discrimination within the gay community both against masculinity and femininity, the role stereotypically “straight” interests and actions play in queer relationships, passing and code switching, struggle for a community, dangers of an echo chamber, intersectionality, the limitations of labels and their freeing qualities, the definition of intelligence, flaws of the modern dating scene, personal identity, reclaiming slurs, sex vs intimacy, the pressure to act out sexually, the generation of queer people lost to the HIV epidemic, emotional intimacy, the rough road to following your dreams in a capitalist society, and a million other things I’m forgetting.
The romance is beautiful, and organic, and logical. I laughed a lot, cried a little, had a ton to think about.
For those tired of tragic queer romance, don’t worry. This is a happy movie, seriously. If any of the topics discussed alarmed you I promise they were treated respectfully and don’t take over the entire movie. Ex: yes they address HIV and the generation lost, but it’s not a constant cloud hanging over every character.
Cannot recommend this movie more, everyone should watch it.
Ticket to Paradise
Hilarious. The chemistry between George Clooney and Julia Roberts is amazing, and I don’t mean romantic chemistry. Their ability to play off of each other in very quick and potentially improvised sequences is stunning.
Stay for bloopers in the credits. Set design is amazing.
Walks the line of cultural appreciation and ethnocentrism.
Beautiful setting, I hope they filmed on location.
Interesting dichotomy between a belief in love at first sight and an acknowledgement that love is not always enough.
Side characters who are not fleshed out perfectly but also not used as props.
A good movie, fun to watch, leaves you feeling content at the end.
Coming to America
Ok go ahead and slam me for not having seen this until now. Idk why, I just didn’t. Very funny. Romance is mostly good, interesting choice to have many actors play multiple parts. Makeup is excellent, it’s impossible to tell they’re the same actors.
Zamunda has to be based at least partially on Wakanda or the other way around, either way an interesting interpretation of a wealthy African paradise.
Bit exploitative of women for me, surprising amount of nudity (for women of course), pro-black but not necessarily pro-black women. It is an older movie. Not excusing it, or really even explaining it, more of a warning.
Pretty quintessential fish out of water story, interesting class commentary. Ending’s pacing felt wrong to me, but I won’t elaborate for spoiler reasons. Also could be a product of the time the movie was made.
If you can turn off the part of your brain that’s looking for stuff to be mad about or analyze, you’ll enjoy this movie. (That’s not a backhanded insult, that’s legit what I had to do)
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
if kpop stans were in it for the music , they’d all stan fruit basket !
inspired by @blushr !
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tbzloonar · 3 years
PAIRING lee hyunjae x gn!reader. WARNINGS hyunjae kinda breaking in, mention of past fight and reader losing a job opportunity, swearing idk. GENRE angst then kinda fluffy at the end. WC 958 words. A/N idk what this is lol don't ask. just enjoy
permanent taglist: @https-loverboy-com @kimsohn
↳ m.list | tbz m.list
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You jumped slightly at the sudden voice that flew throughout the darkness of the room, hurrying towards the light switch that hung beside the door, you flicked it on with fear. That fear slowly turning into annoyance, anger and hate.
“Hyunjae.” His name left your lips smoothly, making him smugly smirk slightly in enjoyment, you wanted to punch that smile off his face, but you knew you had to remain still, you weren’t going to lose your job over some petty fight. You weren’t going to let your personal life effect your career, no, not again. “Fancy seeing you here, in my own home.”
The words left your mouth bitterly, reminding him of the truth that he created. He invited himself in your home without your own permission, knowing that you two haven’t spoken in three months, not after that fight.
Oh, that fight.
He laughed. That bastard, you thought to yourself, he fucking laughed.
You coughed loudly, and on purpose, just to shut out the noise of his quiet laughter. “Funny you think that is, huh Hyunjae?” You approached him finally, taking in his appearance as he comfortably sits on your favorite chair in your beloved kitchen. He knew that was your favorite seat anyway, that was exactly why he was sitting on it, but you didn’t know that. It was one of the small things he observed about you. You thought it was a small coincidence, causing you to push down your insult back down.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, moving towards the cups you aligned yesterday, finding one missing. You sighed, knowing that the cup in his hand was the one that was missing. You picked up another cup and moved to pour some water in it, and as you poured the water, you listened.
“You know you shouldn’t be this careless.” Hyunjae stated, with his eyes burning on your back, watching your every move. “I must say, it was so easy to break in. Would it even count as a break in? You left the door unlocked, it’s like you were inviting me in. Consider yourself lucky it’s me sitting here, and not anybody else, that could be a potential danger to your safety, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe!” You snapped, throwing the glass across the room, he jumped slightly at your sudden explosion of anger. “We are not together anymore, Hyunjae. Not after what you’ve done to me, to my career, to us. You ruined our relationship!”
“How did I ruin our relationship by taking the risk for the both of us?” He stood up suddenly, raising his voice as he replied to you.
“What risk? You made me almost lose my job! You took that position away from me! We promised each other that non of us would take the offer yet you went behind my back and signed the deal!” Tears hung on your eyes, waiting to start slowly falling down. “And then when I found out and fought back, I almost got fired! All because of you.”
“But you never let me explain!” He moved closer to you, your bodies almost touching with a few centimeters in between.
“What is there to explain, Hyunjae? Tell me! What is there to explain?” You hit his chest multiple times, and he let you, he took each hit with a huff, but he stayed silent. He slowly wrapped his hands around your wrists gently, letting you sob into his chest.
“It’s alright,” he pet your back with soft hands, sliding them up and down slowly. Your sobs quieted down, but you kept your head hidden in his chest.
“I came up with a plan.” He started and slightly paused, waiting for you to say something. Once he saw that you were choosing to stay silent, he continued. “That if I went there and took the offer, I would’ve built my way up from there, then giving you the same offer as well, for my position, but a better one at that. Maybe even 10 times better.”
He stroked your head, his long fingers going through every strand. “But I knew I had to act fast, or they would’ve cancelled the deal. So, the only way was to tell them before I was even able to tell you.”
He pushed away your face and held you with his hands softly, as if you were going to break in any second. “I missed you, Y/N. And I want you back to me, my love. I’ve missed you so much and I cried nights thinking that I’ve lost you completely.”
“Hyunjae.” You spoke up finally, but your voice was weak from all the crying. “I might forgive you, but I’m not sure if things will be the same as they were before.”
“I don’t care about how things were,” he shook his head slightly, “all I care is about you. And I’m going to do anything to get you back to me, you’re all I want.”
“The offer still stands, I’d like to remind you,” he pulled your hair behind your ear. “What do you say?”
You took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as you looked at his eyes staring back at you, you nodded. “Alright.”
He hugged you once again, smiling. You two stayed in the silence of your kitchen, not moving one bit, but enjoying the presence and warmth of one another.
“Hey Hyunjae?”
“I missed you too,” you sighed in relief. “A lot.”
“I think I missed you more,” he retorted.
You chuckled, “yeah. You better. If you mess this up again I swear I’m not going to forgive you like this.”
“Noted!” He kissed the top of your head, “I wouldn’t dream of spending another day without you.”
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mingishoe · 4 years
Jerk | Ateez OT8
Summary: After a long couple of weeks that consisted of nothing but photoshoots and filming, San came up with an idea to help the members loosen up a bit.
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Azeez/OT8,,, Yunho is still a major sub and subby Wooyoung and Jongho
Word Count: 3.1k
Smut Warning: Jerk circle, high-key a little more than a jerk circle, yeah… definitely way past a jerk circle, obviously MXM, MXM touching, masturbating, mutual masturbation, voyeurism, dirty talk, orgy? Idk they’re not really fucking??? Dick sucking, mouth fucking, kinda ass eating? and Yunho and Wooyoung are pretty cum sluts
@jonghoshoe @cloudyyeonnie @barnesbabee and I forgot the other person who told me to @ them but 😳
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
All the members had been super stressed and tired after a long week of photoshoots and filming, so San had offered to set up a movie night for the members. Unfortunately, Yeosang, Hongjoong, Jongho, and Mingi had made a dinner reservation which left the rest of the members with San.
Regardless, San was happy to pick a nice movie and some snacks to eat. San thought it would be funny to pick a raunchy movie and watch it together. Maybe make one of them a little bit flustered… Flustered was the word he wanted. Horny MiGhT nOt have been the word he was exactly looking for but he’d take what he got.
The four of them were lying across the floor, San lying on Seonghwa’s lap, and Wooyoung and Yunho were underneath a blanket. They were mindlessly eating popcorn while they were half-watching the movie that San had picked out until suddenly everyone’s head snapped up as the room filled with moans.
Originally everyone had thought it had been one of them but then they heard loud female moaning and it obviously couldn’t be them. Their eyes were glued to the TV screen like the horny boys they are, “San?! What kind of movie is this?!?” Seonghwa shifted underneath San.
San laughed and turned to face Seonghwa while still on his lap, “Dunno, I just picked something random.”
Their attention is back on the screen, minus San who keeps his eyes trained on Seonghwa’s face and the subtlest amount of pressure on his crotch.
The camera panned down to show two people in the middle of some pretty intense sex. There was a gasp from one of the boys as it suddenly showed boobs bouncing, “Are you sure this isn’t porn?!” Seonghwa pushed San off of his lap as he adjusted his pants.
“What do you mean Hyung? Is it getting you a little bit… excited?” San’s eyes flicked from his eyes to the obvious boner in his sweats.
Wooyoung snorts and starts to laugh loudly and Yunho elbows him, “Wooyoung don’t act- you have one too.”
There’s a pause. A long pause as the four of them is staring at each other. San has a mischievous glint in his eyes and he exchanges glances with Wooyoung and Seonghwa. Yunho takes the hint and his cheeks immediately get red, “San- Don’t even think about it-”
“Aw come on! Why not? It’ll be fun!” San raised his eyebrows suggestively at Yunho.
Yunho knew he was right… he honestly wanted to but he just needed to make sure San was being serious and not just joking like how he normally is.
“Right Hwa? It’ll be fun, huh?” As San spoke, he kinda pulled on the waistband of his sweats revealing his V line.
Wooyoung and Seonghwa spoke up at the same time, “It’ll be fun.”
Their attention turned to Yunho whose face was still bright red. His fingers were fiddling with his sweats before San spoke back up, “It’s okay Pup. Need some help?”
San takes Yunho’s hand and leads him until he’s in front of the three boys. They each have their hands somewhere on Yunho: San was busy taking his shirt off, Seonghwa was pulling his sweats off, and Wooyoung let his hands trail down Yunho’s stomach down to his leaking red cock.
Yunho was already shaking from the several pairs of hands on him, until suddenly everyone took their hands off of him, “Lay down babe.” Wooyoung’s hands slowly push Yunho down on his back.
The remaining boys circle Yunho as he looks up at them with wide eyes as they all rush to undress.
San moves to straddle Yunho’s lap and takes both his cock and Yunho’s in his hands. He has both hands wrapped around both cocks and he slowly starts to thrust his cock in his hand and against Yunho’s.
Yunho’s hands immediately reach up to grip San’s wrists, “Ah- Wait! Fuck-”
“It’s alright Pup. You can cum as many times as you want. And you’re gonna be our pretty little cum dump.” Yunho’s blush spread to his neck and chest from being called a cum dump but he’d gladly take everything his members gave him. He wants to be their stress reliever.
Yunho nods and lets himself relax as San continues his soft thrusting. Seonghwa takes Yunho’s hand off of San and replaces it with his cock, Wooyoung doing the same.
Yunho feels an overwhelming feeling of pleasure and satisfaction as everyone is using him for their own pleasure. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lip in between his teeth as his eyes switch between the three different cocks, “Moan for us, pretty boy. Let us hear those pretty noises of yours.”
Yunho’s eyes are trained on Seonghwa and his cock until San begins to jerk him just right. Loud whines and groans flow from Yunho’s mouth as he tries to angle his hips away from San’s touch as Yunho’s cock throbs at San’s touch, “S-San! Sansansan! His grip on Wooyoung and Seonghwa’s cocks tighten as he’s on the verge of cumming.
“Go ahead. Make a mess.” The room is filled with moans from the four boys as they’re all pathetically close to cumming after such a short period of time.
Neither of the boys can remember the last time they touched themselves, or each other, with how busy they’ve been and it was all crashing down on them at once.
The first to cum was Yunho. Yunho was always so sensitive and everyone knew exactly how to touch him, so he hardly ever lasted more than 4 or 5 minutes without being edged but Yunho’s lucky he loves being overstimulated because it happens pretty much every time.
Yunho’s hips were grinding into San’s hand alongside his cock as his cum squirts all over his stomach and chest.
Yunho’s soft begs of their names and the movements of his slick, cum covered hands made Wooyoung and Seonghwa cum almost simultaneously all over Yunho.
The two boys sat back for a minute to catch their breath and watched as San continued to rut against Yunho’s cock, “Please Sannie! G-Give it to me! Give me your c- Hnng-” Yunho’s cock started throbbing harshly as he was on the verge of cumming twice in a row, “Cum. C-Cum on me. Please! H-Hurry before I-I cum again!”
San laughed softly as he glanced to Wooyoung who already looked worn out, “It’s alright Pup. We’ll all give you so much more.”
San’s cock made lewd squelching noises as his cum was mixing with Yunho’s. It wasn’t until San looked down at Yunho’s cock and stomach was he about to cum.
San was typically the one who had the most stamina out of the boys, but everyone knew that he had a weak spot for Yunho.
San’s eyes were glued to Yunho’s cock that was still fully hard and red from the overstimulation. His eyes trailed up slightly and loud moans spilled from his lips as he was looking at Yunho’s cum stained abs contract from his incoming orgasm, “G-Gonna give it to you P-Pup.”
With a shaky voice, San let out a couple of drawn-out whines as he gripped onto his cock tightly as he watched Yunho’s facial expressions closely until he came on Yunho.
The cum of the four boys was mixed on Yunho and they all looked down at him with flushed cheeks and heavy breaths.
San removed himself from Yunho’s lap and grabbed onto Wooyoung’s hand to pull him onto Yunho, “Go on Woo.”
Wooyoung lets out a whine as he bends down to take Yunho’s cock in his mouth. Wooyoung eagerly sucks on Yunho’s cock that’s most definitely too big for him, and groans as he tastes Yunho’s and San’s mixed cum.
Yunho whines loudly as Wooyoung sucks on him like it’s what he’s made for, “W-Wooyoung! Ah- fuck! G-Gonna cum!”
Just as Yunho was about to cum, the front door swung open and Wooyoung pulled away from Yunho quickly. Yunho let out a pathetic sob as he started to grind his hips into the air trying to chase Wooyoung’s mouth.
Yunho didn’t even notice the door open or the rest of the members stopping in their tracks as they saw the naked boys in the middle of the room.
It was only until Mingi let out a loud laugh, that he finally looked in their direction, “Need some help there?”
Mingi didn’t hesitate to drop his things at the door to make his way towards his poor friend who had the most desperate look on his face.
As Mingi made his way to Yunho he simultaneously removed himself of his clothing, leaving a trail of clothes, “M-Mingi! Please!”
At this point, Yunho didn’t care who touched him. He was just so desperate to cum. His eyes were practically begging for Mingi to do absolutely anything to him. Since Mingi was significantly bigger than Wooyoung, he was easily able to take most of Yunho down his throat. Yunho immediately gripped Mingi’s hair and his hips thrust into Mingi’s throat with loud moans.
Yunho suddenly forgot about the rest of the boys who had only previously just walked in, and was only focused on Mingi’s mouth.
Jongho had absolutely no words as San looked at him with a lopsided smile that was very innocent compared to the sight in front of them.
Jongho felt himself become flushed and hot as he practically ran to his room. San laughed softly because he knew that Jongho would get over his pride and join the rest of them in 10 minutes max.
Hongjoong and Yeosang were stood in the same spot as they glanced at each other before Yeosang spoke up in a condescending tone, “Are y’all really that desperate?” But in the same breath says, “One of y’all move over.”
Everyone’s attention is drawn back to Yunho as he lets out a choked sob as Mingi sucks him off just like he loves so much, “G-Gonna cum again! Please Mingi! It- ah!”
Yunho’s whines and begs got cut off as his second orgasm ripped through his entire body. His back arched beautifully and his hips were squirming as Mingi continued to take everything Yunho was giving him.
Mingi’s deep groans were vibrating Yunho’s over-sensitive cock and Mingi finally pulled away with a loud pop.
In Jongho's room, he can hear the loud whines and desperate moans coming from Yunho, his leaking cock begging to be touched. His hips ground themselves into his mattress to get some kind of pleasure without actually touching himself because, in all honesty, he was too embarrassed to do so.
“J-Jongho!” Jongho let out a soft whine as he heard his name being called by Yunho.
“Jongho, sweetheart… there’s no need to do it all by yourself.” Jongho looked at the doorway and saw Seonghwa standing there, completely naked and cock hard, as he referred to the way he was rutting himself onto the mattress, “Come let us help you… Yunho will be more than happy, you know.”
Seonghwa holds his hand out for Jongho to take, and finally, Jongho sucks it up and gets up. He lets Seonghwa take him to where the rest of the members were and everyone’s attention was on him.
Yunho sits up and Jongho's eyes are glued to his cum stained figure and his cock twitches. Seonghwa lets his hands run over Jongho to help him relax a little bit before he starts to undress him.
Jongho makes his way to Yunho to sit on his lap. Yunho wraps his arms around him, smearing cum on the younger boy.
Jongho shoves his head in Yunho’s neck as he starts to grind himself on Yunho’s cock. San looks at Yunho in amazement. He can’t believe that Yunho is still as hard as before, his erection never going down.
He turns his attention to Yeosang who is stroking his cock as he’s watching the two boys in the center of the circle they’ve created, “Look at our pretty whores.”
Jongho let out a loud moan at San’s words. He turned to look at them and saw San’s hand making his way down Yeosang’s abs down to grip onto his cock.
Jongho's eyes were shifting to each member as he saw them each with either theirs or another, cock in their hand. Jongho’s body suddenly stiffened as he thrashed harshly as Yunho took hold of his ass and began thrusting along with Jongho.
Mingi who had previously just been with Yunho cocked his head at the sight in front of him. His cock was throbbing and deep moans spilled out his swollen lips as he harshly jerked himself off.
Wooyoung let out pathetic whimpers as his eyes were glued to Mingi who was next to him. His eyes were glossy and his eyes were begging for Mingi to touch him. Wooyoung took hold of Mingi’s hand and almost started crying with relief at the friction.
In turn, Mingi did the same. He grabbed Wooyoung’s hand and wrapped it around his leaking cock. Mingi thrust himself into Wooyoung’s hand and before he knew it, ropes of cum squirted onto Jongho’s ass.
Jongho felt the hot cum squirt on his ass and soon after he felt it once again, and turned to see Wooyoung with tears falling down his red cheeks, “Pleaseplease fuck! M-Mingi fuck! F-Feels so good!”
Jongho suddenly got overwhelmed. Yunho’s touch feels 10x stronger and he cums. Yunho lets out another sob and he can’t stop the tears that begin to spill from his eyes as he cums for the third time.
Jongho and Yunho’s cum mixes together and Jongho lets himself back onto his knees and Hongjoong makes his way in front of Jongho and pushes his head down so he could swiftly push his cock past his pretty lips.
Until now, Hongjoong had stayed mostly quiet, only softly jerking himself as he watched the rest of his members, but Hongjoong became restless.
Jongho gripped Hongjoong’s thigh as he began to thrust into his mouth. Jongho let out choked noises but further tilted his head to take more of Hongjoong’s cock.
From behind him, he felt something slide between his ass, and then he heard Yeosang’s voice, “S‘alright. Not gonna fuck you. At least not today…”
With that, Yeosang started thrusting himself between Jongho's ass in time with Hongjoongs.
Jongho's choked moans and groans were vibrating against Hongjoong’s cock. Jongho had his eyes glued on both Hongjoong and Yeosang who were above them, and he let out a loud sob when Yeosang pulled Hongjoong in for a long kiss.
Jongho watched with droopy eyes as Hongjoong shoved his tongue into Yeosang’s throat. As their make out got more intense, so did both of their thrusts. Jongho's eyes were watering and he was gagging as Hongjoong’s cock continuously slammed against the back of his throat.
An accidental swallow around Hongjoong’s cock was the final trigger and his cum shot down Jongho's throat. As he came down from his high he pulled away from Yeosang and slowly pulled out of Jongho's mouth, with a string of saliva connecting the two.
Yeosang turns around when he hears a chorus of groans and sees Wooyoung attaching his lips to Yunho.
Yeosang is watching with a flushed expression as Wooyoung is licking and sucking all the cum off of Yunho’s cock, thighs, stomach, and chest.
Wooyoung let’s out content hums as he makes his way up Yunho’s body, making sure not to miss a drop of cum on the way,
“Such a cum slut.” San laughs condescendingly at Wooyoung, “then, when Yeosang is finished, why don’t you go and help clean Jongho up?”
Wooyoung eagerly nodded and turned his attention to Yeosang, “H-Hyung, please! Cum. Please cum! I-I’ll be a good boy and clean it all up for you!”
Yeosang lets out a shaky laugh, “Y-Yeah? You’ll clean up Jongho like a good boy? Like a good little cum slut?”
“Yeah- y-yours. Your cum slut.” Yeosang let out a deep groan at Wooyoung’s words and he finally let himself cum. He smirked slightly in between his deep moans and grunts as he made sure to cover Jongho‘s ass, and even slightly lower to his balls, with cum.
As soon as Wooyoung could tell Yeosang was done, he pushed him to the side and immediately made contact with his ass.
At first Jongho was fine. It was only on his cheeks that Wooyoung had been so eagerly licking the cum off, but then he pulled away and before he knew it, he took the entirety of Jongho‘s cock in his mouth, taking the last bit of cum off of it.
Jongho squeezed his eyes shut and his entire body spasmed as Wooyoung spread Jongho open and licked and sucked around his rim, “Woo! Ah- fuck!” And without any warning, Jongho came for the second time.
Wooyoung’s eyes widened and he somehow managed to place Jongho‘s cock in his mouth to catch the rest of his cum.
Jongho was completely exhausted. He was leaning most of his weight on Wooyoung who held onto him tightly.
Yunho was spaced out with heavy breaths as Mingi carefully played with his hair.
Seonghwa and Hongjoong had gotten up to get washcloths and bottles of water to help clean the rest of the members up.
Seonghwa passed a washcloth to a couple different members so they could help each other. Mingi gently ran the washcloth over Yunho’s face to wipe his rosey tear stained cheeks then over his stomach and thighs to clean him up as much as possible.
Wooyoung was ever so gently cleaning Jongho because of how worn out and sensitive he was, and San and Yeosang were both lying across the sofas with a dreamlike gaze on their face.
“Thank you San. It was fun…” Yunho mumbled as him and Mingi walked off to his room to take probably the best sleep he’d get in weeks.
“Maybe next time we’ll have even more fun… what do you say, Jongho?” Wooyoung ran his fingers through his hair as Jongho laughed softly as he nodded.
San was already most definitely thinking about the next time something like this could happen… he was just dying to absolutely ruin one of his pretty friends.
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your--isgayrights · 2 years
Have you read svsss bc the hilarious take of “I’m not gay this man is simply the most beautiful this is an objective fact” seems present in both kdj and sy. To me. Idk these are my current obsessions and I can’t stop drawing connections between them and trying to get other ppl to like them. Like how I want an orv/Hades game xover based purely on vibes and the fact that I consumed them at the same time
HOW DID YOU KNOW? I, like, never talk about it but I am definitely like low-key obsessed with scum villain. Like I have the first volume in print and read fic about it allllllll the time I've read SO much fic by SO many authors it's kind of concerning. The AO3 scene is so talented and diverse... And exactly as you said I love the comedy a lot. I read it after ORV so if you read my fic and see the way I do KDJ that's me pre-reading scum villain going like "wow it would be funny if there was a book fixating on this aspect of KDJ where he is desperately loving and in love with this guy he thinks is objectively the best person in the world but he will never ever let him know on pain of death" and then some time in the interim of 4.2 and 4.3 when I was kind of switched from creating mode to consuming mode I read sv and was like 😲 hello???
I really like how sv and ORV both are really analytically subversive of the tropes of their particular genres while still ultimately fulfilling the promises they make to the reader. Of course I do think that ORV fulfills more of those promises and is very purposeful about that, but that's why I like reading SV fic more, bc I like to see what issues people had with it and what they took away from it and what they would want to change... Like SV is sooo messy and funny but obvi it's got a lot of stuff that makes you go "... Ummm?????" so seeing other people have those same reactions is comforting.
It's totally the opposite for me when it comes to ORV fic I have to admit tho! I usually only read ORV fic by my friends nowadays bc I just don't have a lot of fun in the Ao3 tag. It's one of those media properties that I have a lot of specific, positive interpretations of, so I'm not as generous in my readings of fic about it I think 😅. I was pretty much just looking for stuff that was basically letting me reread the original work, so when I felt like the author changed some idea or character motivation I would always think 😤😤😤 that isn't right!!! They don't know them like I do! What about such and such scene or such and such character motivation from such and such chapter of ORV, don't they remember??? Which totally isn't fair to the authors bc obvi they're just playing with ORV and fixating on specific tropes and themes just like I am... That's just what's the sign to me to "start writing fic" instead of just "keep reading more fic."
Anyway that's why I don't talk about SV a lot, but I'm actually really into xianxia as a genre right now because of it. I've been hyperfixating on traditional Chinese medicine for a while now (in the vein of reading research articles about neuroscience behind acupuncture theory and translations of resuscitation methods from the six dynasties period) so that interest has ultimately culminated in me working on an original comic project that might never see the light of day. Basically just one where a guy gets put into a female xianxia protagonist's body in a het romance novel so he has to Speedrun being trans lol. He's like a neuroscientist tho so his main thing becomes trying to prove the germ theory of disease while the plot happens around him. Bc the only thing I'm constantly thinking to myself while reading xianxia is "... How would that work? Like. Scientifically." Which shows how lame I am lol... THIS guy wants soft magic rules to be HARD magic rules... Also like there are a lot of problems faced in modern NS research that being able to manipulate qi would really help with on like a microscopic cellular level... Problem is that cultivators & microscopes don't coexist...
OK I shouldn't describe more of that unless it's over DM (☉_☉.)
Anyway thanks a lot for your question! The other thing you mention- that xover sounds really funny, especially with the pre-existing OT3 dynamics I think it'd be good for Yoo-Han-Kim. The funny thing would be reconciling ORV's cannon portrayal of Hades and Persephone as like fun adoptive parents with Hades the game's stellar "they are divorced and estranged and their son has to die a lot fixing them" take. Honestly it's not really a dynamic I'm super attached to from ORV cannon because while I totally understand its place as like wish fulfillment for KDJ'S self insert (himself) I just find it less compelling than other relationships, especially the one he has with his mom. Would Love YJH God of Death or HSY Fury moment like yeah sounds good to me... Who would be HSY's sisters then? Maybe other versions of herself lol... JHW would make a good fury hmmm.... What about the Olympians would they just be regular? Obvi the main themes would be KDJ relationship w/ parents and how YHK helps him with that which honestly could have Vibes but you'd have to shape all the character placements around that.
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honeytae · 4 years
Bublé would be so offended right now.
hi my loves! so this is a christmas piece since the holiday is only a few days away and, idk, i guess i just felt like doing something christmas-y while i could. it’s basically just some very soft joonie content, wrapping presents and singing and...yeah. a dream. anyways, merry christmas to all of you who celebrate!!
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy
genre: fluff
word count: 1.8k
“Babe, where’d you put the tape?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, sitting up on your knees and placing your hands on the soft carpet, slowly crawling in search of the roll.
“Huh?” Namjoon poked his head out the doorway of the kitchen, a bottle of wine in one hand and a glass clutched in the other. 
You smiled at the man’s appearance, bare skin glowing and comfortably dressed in his favorite pajama set as he lifted his forearm to his forehead to swipe strands of dark hair away from his eyes.
“I can’t find the tape.” You repeated, Namjoon frowning in confusion before trading the glass off to tuck underneath his opposite arm, hand patting his pocket and slipping in to produce the small item with a triumphant smile.
“I don’t even know.” He cut you off with a small grin, both of you giggling as you stood to walk toward his outstretched arm, hand reached toward your approaching frame. 
Slipping the piece of plastic between your fingers, he brushed his appendages against your own, making you smile at the subtle action as your hand went up to cup his face.
His golden skin was glowing underneath the lights from your Christmas tree, his dark eyes sparkling down at you as he shyly watched you fawn over him.
His cheeks were a soft hue of pink, the hot skin evident of the alcohol he’d consumed while sitting by the fire with you for the last few hours. 
“Your cheeks are all flushed. You’re so cute.” You cooed at him, Namjoon’s cheeks darkening even more at your words as a bashful smile curled his lips up, hand coming up to hide it while he tried to recover from your compliment.
“I don’t know how you’re not used to me calling you cute by now. I do it every day, baby.” You chuckled, Namjoon scoffing as he leaned his forehead against yours. 
“You still give me all the butterflies.” He mumbled against your lips with a soft grin, connecting your lips in a swift kiss before wrinkling his nose against the tip of your own.
“Good. That’s my job.” You ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead and smiling at the soft satisfied sigh coming from him at the action. 
“Are we almost done wrapping?” He inquired softly, you humming positively as you slightly turned back to glance at the large stack of wrapped presents for your combined families. 
“We’re getting there. It’s getting late, though, so we can take a break and do the rest tomorrow if you’re getting tired.” You proposed, Namjoon briefly pondering the idea before shaking his head. 
“We only have a couple left, may as well get it done tonight. I was on my way to pour more wine, anyway.” He gestured to the glass he’d shifted back to his hand, you nodding and meeting his plump bottom lip with a soft peck before backing away to return to the work in the living room once again. 
Watching you walk away in an oversized sweatshirt and one of his many pairs of gray sweatpants, the apples of his cheeks strained with his happy smile, reluctantly dragging his eyes away from you to turn back into the kitchen to retrieve the wine glass you'd been sipping from earlier. 
“Do you want more, babe?” He called out, his eyes focused on the ceiling as he waited for an answer from you. 
“Is that even a question?” You responded, smiling at the sound of your boyfriend laughing from behind you as you retreated to the living room.
Noticing that the fire had dimmed, you cursed as you stumbled over the roll of wrapping paper you’d conveniently placed in the middle of the carpet, luckily catching yourself before you fell flat on your face. 
Quickly recovering, you approached the fireplace, grabbing ahold of the iron poker previously leaned against the wall to adjust the burning logs, nodding in satisfaction when you successfully reignited the flame.
“Oh, bub, I could’ve done that.” Namjoon pouted from behind you, already feeling guilty about you taking over the present wrapping duties as he had made all his presents resemble lumpy sacks of coal earlier in the afternoon from his lack of experience. 
“You think I’d trust you with fire?” You asked incredulously, proud of the reaction you got as he let out a “hmph” of disapproval. 
“Ouch.” He put his hand over his heart, a small smirk on his face as he shook his head at your teasing. 
“Only kidding, baby. But, my mission is to keep this house standing.” You shrugged, Namjoon pursing his lips with an eventual nod as he bent his knees to land on the ground, groaning in the process.
“Mission successful, then.” He sat down beside you, crossing his legs underneath him as he handed a glass over to you with a sigh. 
“I like our tree this year.” Namjoon observed as his eyes focused on the garland looped around the tall pine, his eyes sparkling with the reflection of the lights lining the branches.
“Hm. Me, too.” You glanced back over at him, lifting your wine glass to your lips and swallowing the tart liquid as Namjoon hummed in thought. 
“It was so much fun.” He grinned, looking back at you as you scooted closer to him so that your shoulders nudged against each other.
You both smiled at the memory of Namjoon lifting you onto his shoulders so that you could better reach the top of the tree, adamant that you be the one to put the star on despite him having the height to easily do so himself. 
It was the first time in years that both of your lives were slow enough to be together through all the festivities of the holidays, and it felt amazing to finally be able to take in all of the moments of it together instead of only a few before one of you had to take off for a work commitment.
Doing even the simplest things with Namjoon throughout the traditions in the month made your heart happy; something that made you even more aware of just how much the man meant to you.
Spreading your legs out in front of you as you set your wine glass down onto the floor, careful to place it out of the way so that it couldn’t get kicked over onto the rug, you pulled a package between your legs, grabbing a roll of wrapping paper to continue hiding the presents from view.
Tasking your boyfriend with curling the ribbons on the presents you’d successfully wrapped, the two of you worked in silence other than soft humming from your throats and the crackling of the fire; occasional mishaps with one of the name tags making you both giggle.
“We need to get more in the mood.” Namjoon spoke up, discarding the scissors in his hand with a toss to the ground as he reached over for your phone. 
Swiping up to unlock it, he eagerly navigated to your music library, switching onto a holiday playlist and smiling at you as the first notes of “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” began pouring out through your speakers. 
Having figured out that your boyfriend wasn’t too great at wrapping presents earlier in the evening, (for god sake, the man couldn’t stop ripping the paper), he’d happily let you take over, opting to watch as you properly folded the paper over the various packages bought for your family.
That pattern continued now as you sat with him, his long legs spread on either side of your body, arms locked around your torso as his chin rested on your shoulder, lightly swaying you both to the music. 
His eyes peeked over your shoulder, first to watch what your hands were doing, but gradually shifting to watch your face as you bit your lip in concentration. 
You giggled slightly at the tickle of his breaths puffing out from his nose onto your neck, Namjoon chuckling before leaning back a bit to relieve you of the feeling. 
You felt incredibly at peace as the sound of Michael Buble’s honeyed voice came from the speakers, the man behind you quiet as he mindlessly played with your hair before you heard a dramatic inhale from his chest, causing you to raise your eyebrows in curiosity at the sound.
You snorted as Namjoon began singing horribly off-key to the Christmas tune, covering your mouth with your palm as you leaned forward to double over in your laughter. 
“And the thing that'll make 'em ring is the carol that you sing,” His voice cracked on the last word, making you laugh even harder as you clutched your pained stomach. 
“What? What’s so funny?” He asked, feigning confusion as he lightly laughed along with you. 
“Bublé would be so offended right now.” You sighed as you wiped tears from your cheeks, giggles still escaping as they bubbled up in your throat.
Pushing the remaining unwrapped gifts away from your legs in defeat, you stretched your back out to lay your head down on Namjoon’s thighs as he continued to exaggerate his vocals for your benefit. 
You continued giggling as he held notes longer than necessary, his voice wavering and breath running out as he definitely wasn’t using the right placement to do so. 
As the instrumentals faded out and the next song began, he looked down at you, the smile on your face making his heart flutter.
“What is it, hm? You don’t like my holiday spirit?” He asked teasingly, classic dimpled grin beaming down at you as the paths of tears down your cheeks were illuminated by the firelight glowing over you. 
He gently caressed the wetness of your cheeks with his thumbs, pad of his finger swiping the soft skin underneath your eye as you hummed in reply.
“Mm, maybe you should stick to pouring the wine.” You bit back a smile as Namjoon’s smiling face turned into one of offense, scrunching his nose up to further emphasize his dislike of what you’d just said. 
“Wow, someone’s getting a lump of coal.” He muttered, feigned annoyance on his face breaking with the smile your laugh gave him once again. 
“And someone’s getting mintcho in their stocking.” You returned, Namjoon’s face twisting in a disgusted grimace as you smirked at his never-ending hatred of the chocolate.
“Santa would never do that to me. He loves me.” He smiled, you giggling with a nod as you stared up at the man, eyes tracing his features as he did the same to you. 
”You are very lovable, Joon.” You agreed with a poke of your pointer finger to his dimple, features scrunching at the sudden touch as a small smile graced his face. 
“I love you.” He said softly, brushing your hair back with his fingers and making you hum in appreciation. 
“Oh? Am I lovable, too, then?” You teased him, Joon ducking his head in laughter before lifting it to look at you again.
“The most lovable.” He confirmed with a nod, both of you smiling as you leaned into each other, lips joining in a tender kiss as the fire crackled beside you.
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slightlymore · 4 years
fighting for dominance
pairing: bestfriend!ten x fem reader, dom x dom (or switch x switch lol idk)
genre: smut, crackish, bestfriends being horny au lol, perhaps bestfriends turning lovers?, some fluffy notes bc im a hoe for romance 
warnings: very rough and dirty (oral, penetration, toys, multiple orgasms), don't read if you're into vanilla, alcohol
words: 2.9K
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It was very late, almost morning. 
Tired and high key drunk, you and Ten were sprawled on your unmade bed, looking at the ceiling, laughing about some weird shit you did at the little party you hosted that night. After everyone left, you still had a few shots, continuing the Truth or Drink game by yourselves. 
"Number of partners?" Ten asked you with a wide grin. "Boring. Like 2? Next!" he threw the question card away. "Have you ever swallowed?" he asked instead, eyebrows wiggling.  You laughed. "Ten, it's my turn now!" you tried to get the cards from his hands but he moved away, making you fall on top of him with an amused yelp. "Did you ever try anal?" he asked again, trying hard to keep his head up from the floor to be able to see the writing. You hit him while giggling.  "Did you?" "Maybe?" he replied with a grin. Slightly panting, and still laughing, you both felt too out of it to continue the game. 
You got up from the floor, cards all scattered, half-empty bottles of liquor making the way to the bed look like an obstacle course. You fell into the pillows soon imitated by Ten. 
Listening to each others slowing breaths, interrupted by a light chuckle as one of you randomly remembered something funny, you felt like almost falling asleep. 
"Damn, I am quite horny right now though," Ten commented. 
You snorted turning your head to him. "All that sexy talk got to your head?" 
"You mean," he turned his head to you as well with a smirk, "to my c-" but you groaned. "Gross". 
Lips still curved in little smiles you both resumed your previous positions, eyes closed, hands resting on your chests. 
"I would go down on you, but you insulted my sucking skills in front of all of those people tonight", you said after a minute of silence. 
Ten’s breath hitched for a second and you almost thought you had imagined it when he laughed. "Don't cry. I can teach you". 
You opened your eyes just to roll them at him. 
"I don't need any teaching. I very good a it". Ten was already staring back with a smirk, his feline eyes partially hidden by his dark hair, the dim sultry lights of your room creating intricate shadows on his exposed collarbones. "Yeah, I bet", he commented sarcastically. 
You puffed and suddenly got on your knees, moving closer slowly, trying to stay upright, placing your hands on the sides of his head. 
"I said, I don't need any teaching, baby", you whispered straddling one of his legs lazily. 
Ten smiled widely, unbothered, looking at your face first then at your body. "Oh yeah? Then show me", he dared you. 
And you loved dares.
Getting closer fast, you clashed your lips together messily in a rough, drunk and intense kiss. Ten was quick to respond, biting down on your flesh, letting his hands tightly grab your waist. 
You were about to wrap his throat with your fingers, your mind remembering clearly when he asnwered that his biggest kink was to get choked when he pushed you into the mattress, slamming your body down and getting between your legs instead. 
"Ouch", you gasped feeling the air getting knocked out of your lungs in the process. "I'm not sorry. You need to know your place", Ten spoke with a deeper voice, grabbing the collar of his shirt and taking it off, ruffling his hair. You looked at his silhouette and even though you usually felt like laughing at your best friend’s shenanigans, now you couldn't deny that the feeling between your legs was making you go a little insane. 
"You think you can manhandle me? Me?", you asked bemused while jerking one eyebrow up. 
Ten licked his lower lip before speaking. "Yeah, I can and I will. And this is what you have to deal with", he took your hand and pressed it on his clothed hard cock, like a reminder of what you've just promised to do. 
You let him move your hand up and down, feeling everything on top of his thin shorts. 
"Hm, disappointing," you lied, wrapping his waist with your legs and dragging him down as he whined, pushing him underneath you again and straddling his hips. 
"Ouch", he imitated you and you hit his chest lightly making him chuckle. You had no time to be amused as well though as he swiftly raised his bust, sliding his hands under your t-shirt while his tongue slid inside your mouth. 
Your hummed and wrapped his neck with your arms, then closed your eyes, throwing back your head as he dragged his lips down your neck, freeing you of the piece of clothing. Your bare breasts now full-on display in front of Ten's eyes, made his expression dangerous as you've never seen him before, like a hungry predator. 
And so he attacked. 
You've never imagined that the sounds you started to make would have ever been heard by your best friends' ears, yet there you were, your hard nipples twisted by his teeth. "Ten, how far do you intend to take this?" you mumbled, trying hard to focus as one of his hands caressed your stomach, dying to go even lower. 
It should have been just a joke. There's no way that you would fuck your best friend. 
"All the way", he replied breathless, looking up at you from between the swell of your chest and the view made you lose clarity for a moment. "Why? Are you shy? The little cute subby sub is getting embarrassed?" he mocked you and you huffed, pushing him down into the pillow. "Are you projecting right now? Who's the subby sub here?" you asked, pressing yourself on his cock, making him form a silent "oh" with his reddened lips. And that's exactly where you directed your attention, grabbing his lower lip with your teeth and stretching it out, making him dig his fingers into your ass, slapping it hard when his lip started to hurt. You both moaned doing that, amusement still lingering in your eyes, but also anger and lust, an insane amount of lust. Acting upon that, you ignored Ten's "you little slut" as he licked his almost bruised lip and you ventured on his neck, intending to mark his pretty skin with your teeth as well.  He didn't stay put and grabbed your shorts, tugging at the fabric until it slid between your ass cheeks and wet folds making you jolt at the sensation. But you couldn't stop, not now, so you took his hands in yours and forced his arms around his head. 
"Be a good boy", you warned him. 
Ten looked at you amused and slightly perplexed. 
"You think I'll just keep my arms like this?" he asked, suddenly grabbing your wrists instead and keeping them together in front of you. 
You gasped at his force, sure that tomorrow your skin would be all sore. 
"Wouldn't you look good with a pair of handcuffs right now?" he smiled. Your breath hitched. "Yeah. And with your cock inside my mouth".
Ten's stare wavered at your words and you smacked your lips together satisfied.
"Let me go", you ordered trying to slip your wrists away. Ten shook his head, a dark thought forming inside his devilish mind and he started to move his hips up, rolling them underneath you, teasing you. It was nearly not enough to fully pleasuring you but enough to make your knees weak and head spin. 
"Ten", you whimpered. "Are you going to call my name as I fuck you?", he smiled surprised, lips parted feeling your softness pressed on him as well. He acted mighty but you could see the way his name on your tongue made him feel. 
So you said it again. And again. Rolling your hips on his cock repeatedly until the grip of your wrists got weaker.  You freed your hands quickly when you felt his fingers loosen around you and pressed them on his chest, sliding down on his body until caressing his lower stomach with your breath. You palmed his cock again, outlining its form, listening to Ten's breath stop for a second, and seeing his abs flinch as you dragged his clothes down. 
"Hmm," you smiled at him. "Are you at a loss of words?" 
He returned a shaky smile. "I'm keeping my breath to be able to laugh at you not knowing how to suck a dick". "As if you knew how a good suck feels like. Isn't this the first time you show your teenie peenie to someone?" you mocked him. 
Ten didn't like that and in a second you got slammed into the mattress again. You chuckled but couldn't continue to laugh as your jaw in his hand got directed towards his cock. 
"Open up", he ordered, legs straddling your waist, the other hand pressed into the wall behind your head. 
And you did it with a choked moan, letting him slide it slowly inside until your fingers in his thighs let him know it was too much. "Oh so you can't take it all?" he breathed amused but still letting it out again until it bounced on the tip of your tongue. "I can", you looked up at him, tugging at his hips to go in again, relaxing your throat as he went in and hollowing your cheeks as he went out. Ten closed his eyes, breathing sharply through his teeth, fucking your face slowly until he barely could keep himself under control. The wet sounds of your spit made your legs clench together, rubbing your thighs, aching for release. Then you moaned when he picked up the pace, glossy eyes full of tears looking at Ten, begging him to let you breathe for a second. "Fuck", he cursed, a string of saliva connecting your tongue to Ten's pink tip, and he broke it off, rolling over on his back with closed eyes, as you crawled on his lap. "Are you being all soft right now for me? I thought you'd want to fuck my face even if I cry", you cooed, getting between his legs, pleased that he bought into your little act. Ten didn't seem surprised though and his hand behind your neck made you jerk your head down. You took his cock all in again and listened to Ten's hitching breath before he rasped. "I just wanted to be more comfortable-" but couldn't finish his sentence as you gagged around him making him tighten his grip in your hair. 
You wanted to mock him for the blatant lie, you knew he cared about you and would never hurt you, so he chickened out seeing you choking around his length. But the words couldn't come out as your mouth was that stuffed so you just hummed, and seeing him like that, sweat coating his skin, collapsed on the bed in front of you, completely at your mercy, eyes rolled back and exposed neck, so seductive and sinful, with a final squeeze of your legs you came frantically, quivering with Ten's cock still buried deep in your mouth. 
He bit back a moan. 
"Fuck, Y/N, just--fuck", he thrust up with neat and short movements, cupping your cheeks, until he went limp and shuddered as well, his cum spilling on your tongue in hot waves while you still felt dizzy from your own high. 
You let his cock bounce on his stomach and opened up your mouth with a smirk, letting Ten see his seed, dripping it a little on top of him. 
"What a whore", he exhaled before shoving two fingers inside, forcing you to gulp it all down. You choked again but obeyed then shivered as Ten brought those same wet fingers to lazily caress your pulsing clit. You splayed your hands across his chest and raked your nails into his flesh when he shoved his fingers inside your overly sensitive walls. 
"Ten - I've just come-", you tried to say but Ten ignored you, pumping inside you mercilessly, crushing his lips with yours again, swirling his tongue with yours, sucking on it harshly. 
It wasn't about his pleasure anymore, your foggy mind managed to form. Or, it was, but it meant that his pleasure was making you feel good and that realization somehow made you crave for more, for him moaning your name and call you pet names, and the worst of all, for him to take care of you afterwards. You knew he would and he probably will, but you would not be able to receive that with a clear heart anymore. Only thinking about it made your cheeks burn as if he wasn't your best friend anymore. 
And when he pushed you off of himself, towering over you, lips brushing your ears, teeth tugging at your earlobe, sucking your skin into his mouth and going down until dipping his tongue inside of you, you cried out his name again and again as if he were a lover. 
He languidly hummed back, eyes raised from between your legs, drinking in your desperate expression. With a smack of his lips, he let your clit go and you could see the layer of arousal coating them. 
"Someone's a subby sub right now", he teased you, tongue kitty licking your inner thigh. "Yeah", you breathed out. "Yeah, yeah, I am, please just fuck me", you begged, head empty and dizzy. 
Ten laughed triumphant, his breath tickling your lips before he opened them up again with his fingers and dived into your pussy just like you wanted him to. You gasped, so close to going over the edge again this time on his tongue, just a little bit, a little bit, and so you gripped his hair while your back snapped, waves of pleasure making your whole body shiver for the second time. 
"You're cursing as if you've just hit your toe or something," Ten chuckled, but under your heavy lids, you could see his dark, lusty eyes and those weren't amused. Nor was his raspy voice. Nor his already half-hard cock. You smiled exhausted. "Ten, your true feelings towards me are showing". 
It was a joke. You were sure that your friend had no feelings whatsoever but when Ten raised one eyebrow at you and shoved your panties inside your mouth you started to have a few doubts. 
You tried to speak through the fabric but only mumbles came out making Ten's red ears finally lose their intense colour. 
"Okay, you look ridiculous like this", his white teeth shone through the darkness. You rolled your eyes trying to put the panties away but your hand got intercepted by Ten's fingers, grabbing your wrists, intertwining his fingers with yours and pressing your palms down on the sides of your head. 
"You thought this was over?" he asked, the voice suddenly lower, seeing your confused expression.  Then he slammed your hips together, stroking your abused clit with his cock, forward and backwards, again and again, hands squeezing yours, and when you closed your eyes, humming something unintelligible, he stopped, suddenly pulling away. You blinked staring at the ceiling for a few seconds, confused, then when you heard a familiar sound, a box being dragged from underneath your bed, your whole body snapped and you shoved your panties away to yell embarrassed. 
"Ten!" and the young man got up with the most devilish smile. 
"You thought I didn't know about these?" he asked, hands full of dildos and vibrators. 
Your breath hitched, mind running, wondering what he wanted to do. 
"I refuse to try out anal", you shook your head. Ten's grin became even bigger, wiggling the biggest rubber cock you had as if thinking about it. "I'm joking", he finally put it down and left with the tiny vibrator he knelt on the bed in front of you again, tugging at your thighs until hitting his. 
"I thought you wanted to fuck me with your cock", you whispered, the little buzz already turning you on. 
"Yes," Ten confirmed placing it on your nipples first, then slowly dragging it along your stomach. 
"You've been using this little friend for so many nights while I was there sleeping beside you, listening, instead to use your real friend, me", he murmured, looking at you from underneath his ruffled and damp strands of hair. 
You opened your mouth to speak, suddenly aware of his tone but didn't manage to form a word, only sounds, as his hand finally reached your nub, placing the toy on it. 
"Does it feel good?" he inquired. 
You nodded, breathless, legs tightening around his thighs. 
"Does it feel as good as-- this?" he grunted bottoming out, knocking all the air you had in your lungs with a strangled noise. Then you swallowed hard as his hips started to push into you, his free hand jerking one of your legs up to rest on his shoulder, hitting at the perfect angle, your vibrating clit making him gasp as well. 
“Fuck, this is driving me crazy--”, you panted, never in all of your whole life having tried something like that. 
“Yeah? Should we do this more often then?” 
And maybe it was the overwhelming sensation or the alcohol in your veins that made you eagerly nod and confess that “yes, Ten, please, I’ve always wanted you so bad”, making the young man inhale sharply, his hand unable to keep the vibrator in place anymore, letting it slide to the side, its buzzing music keeping you company as he got closer until reaching your lips, resting his weight on his forearms around your head, hips relentlessly pounding into you, confessing that he felt the same.
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Spooky Scary ideas for the funny soup au
(by ratcandy)
Oh boy! You've allowed me to ramble! Horror soup au time.
A'ight so how is soup boy getting ahold of soul? We know in canon that there's... some way of extracting soul, aside from just killing bugs, but I don't believe we ever see what that machine... is? We see a snail shaman strapped down somewhere, presumably to be Drained(tm), but I can't remember if we actually see a soul-extraction-device of sorts. Considering the only other method we've seen of gathering soul is through attacking/killing bugs, I can only imagine that the soul draining process would be horrifically painful! So much so that he'd likely have to be careful how much is drained at a time... if he's not trying to kill the bug off. Which in of itself opens up the can of worms of him using the same bug over and over again for soul! What if he was in a rush? Would he just drown them in the hot springs (or whatever that liquid is) until they're full on soul again? How does he make sure they don't fight back?
On that note, where's he keeping his victims? You mentioned "When he first started out, he was only using a couple bugs- why raise suspicions by draining a bunch of bugs for soul when you could keep only a couple? But then as his restaurant got more popular, he needed more." He's gonna need a place to be holdin these bugs. Somewhere they can't escape and where they can't be heard. I know there was talk of a basement somewhere?? That COULD work, but it'd have to be soundproofed to some degree. Also, it'd have to be a pretty big basement! Assuming the growth in popularity is enough that he needs a constant supply of soul! Unless the basement is underneath the restaurant. Which is actually an idea I've used for a story before! The "ingredients" are kept deep underneath the feet of all the unknowing customers. They can scream and shout all they want - it'd be worse if they know there's bugs above them that can't hear them - but alas! No saving them now.
Bro hear me OUT What if he obtained his victims by setting up a sort of... yknow. "Now Hiring!" façade? Some poor sod thinks they get to work in the popular five star soup restaurant but oh no! actually you're being used for years of torment. but hey! your blood, sweat and tears is put into every bowl :) you're a vital asset to the team!
I'm also just imagining a whole scene where Lurien finds out about the basement, somehow, but he's not sure what to expect. He sneaks down at some point, maybe in the dead of night when the restaurant's closed, only to be faced with the horror of hundreds of drained bugs, all barely alive, begging to be freed. 
Someone headcanon'd at some point that the Soul Master is straight up chugging raw soul after a long day and. IMAGINE. Throughout the show/story/what have you, his body is just progressively contorting due to the effects of soul. Having "watered-down" soul, as is used in the soups, is fine in small doses, but just... straight up drinking that strong stuff? Oh terrible! By the end of it, he's just a bloated, hardly mobile mess, constantly choking on the soul he's ingested but somehow supremely powerful still. So he can fight back when Lurien shows up to. I dunno. arrest em? kill em? Dunno what the end goal is for Lurien other than proving it to the King, who's been shown to. likely not care! (The King's probably in on it imo)
ON that note, too, what about Mistakes/Follies? I imagine they're all over the basement. Experiments with "how much soul can i put in this soup without is having negative effects on a customer" that went very wrong! 
Does soul behave like a drug here? I mean, it's got healing properties, so anyone that ingests it has gotta be feeling pretty good afterwards. If they realize the correlation between "hey i'm feelin real sweet rn" to "this soup is wiggity wack" then. oop. they just keep coming back for more :)
And just for the sake of yummy gore and unsafe food practices: what if some newly-hired idiot (actually hired, not hired to be drained), that the Soul Master just trusted for some reason, didn't understand it was the soul being used in the soup and thought it actually was bugs themselves? Uh oh sisters! Accidental cannibalism? accidental cannibalism! And soup boy having to HASTILY cover up this mistake somehow when someone realizes there's chitin in their soup. actually. no. you didn't notice anything. please let's discuss this privately :) would you be so kind as to meet me downstairs? 
OKAY time to put a cap on my rambling for now!! It'd probably be a good idea to tag this with. uh. some sort of warning? I dunno hskjh, I tried not to get too graphic here but!! YeeAH,
This has the energy of that one post that’s like “a sitcom that keeps getting progressively darker and when a character dies their scene in the opening theme is just dead silence”
By the time Lurien uncovers the full secret, it’s unlikely there would be any bugs alive- however remember the soul sanctum basement in the game itself? yeah.
If Soul Master overdoses on soul then that would be the series finale or something. when it’s completely switched genres lol. Imagine the mood whiplash from going from season 1 episode 5 to season 5 episode 8.
Idk if PK is in on it since in the game he did try and shut down the soul sanctum (it’s implied at least) but the soul master went and continued behind his back anyway.
now for the machine that drains soul, we only have two references for that. the snail shaman and the place where you get spell twister.
its not that difficult to actually get the bugs for the soup though since he has at least two soul warriors and i hate those guys, one almost killed me in steel soul. i was at one mask.
Wait what if when they first started out, they (soul master and other soul sanctum guys) used their OWN soul just to test it out before they started getting into the whole kidnapping bugs for soul business. just a little bit. so that’s how the machine is not designed to kill on accident.
ooh i just got an idea but i’ll make a separate post.
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dabisangel · 5 years
i have this idea, what about some bakugou x reader where his best friend asks him to teach her how to kiss and he is like brah wtaf idek how to kiss and its fluffy and awkward and idk man i love ur stuff :)))
AH! Hi! Thank you for sending this adorable ask and thank you for liking my stuff 😭. I tried to make it as fluffy and awkward as I could while letting Bakugou still be Bakugou. I feel like even though he has NO idea what he’s doing, he would just pretend that he does and blame any fuck ups on y/n. 😂I hope you enjoy!
ALso! This is my first Bakugou piece so 🤞🏽
“First Kiss”
Pairing: Bakugou X Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Making OUT
Word Count: 1580
“You’ve never kissed anyone?” Mina asked in disbelief 
You shook your head.
“Like never!?” Momo tagged along
The three of you were at a coffee shop in the middle of town, enjoying your weekend off. A conversation that was initially about work suddenly took a sharp turn into talking about boys. Great. 
Mina bragged about a guy she was seeing, and how they planned on going on a trip soon.
Momo filled the two of you in about her latest fling, and how they were probably going to call it off. 
But when it came to your turn, you had absolutely nothing to share.
“I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.” You whispered, nervously tucking your hair behind your ears. 
The two gave each other a look before looking back towards you. 
Momo spoke first “But y/n you’re so pretty. You’re telling me there’s no one that’s tried to kiss you?”
You shook your head and grabbed at your coffee mug. “Nope. Nobody.”
The conversation carried on like that for a while longer, before the two moved the conversation in a different direction.
You pondered the thought as they spoke.
‘Why have I never kissed someone?’
Pushing the thought aside you continued to converse with them, laughing and smiling until it was time to go home.
The three of you said your goodbyes and went your separate ways.
You pulled your phone out of your purse, reading a less than happy text from Bakugou. 
Baku: what the FUCK is taking you so long.
You couldn’t help but laugh before typing back your response 
Y/N: “Not everyone has as much free time as you do.”
His response was quick
Baku: “What the fuck ever. Be here in 10 minutes or don’t bother coming.”
 You smiled and stuffed your phone into your pocket, making your way to Bakugou’s apartment.
Movie night was a weekly occurrence, and you were usually late. 
You made your way up the stairs to Bakugou’s apartment door. Before you could even knock the door swung open, and Bakugou loomed angrily in the doorframe. 
“It took you fuckin’ long enough.” He grumbled before turning away and walking towards the living room. 
You chuckled and closed the door behind you, taking your shoes off before stepping onto the plush carpet. 
He plopped onto the couch and grabbed the remote, quickly switching it to Hulu. 
“What are we gonna watch?” You asked heading for the fridge and grabbing a soda. He didn’t respond as he flicked through the movies, eventually settling on one. 
“You don’t get to help pick. You’re fuckin late.”
You checked your watch and looked up to him in disbelief “oh PLEASE. Kirishima is late too.”
The bickering simmered down after a few minutes and you sat next to him
“What took you so long anyway?”
A sigh left your lips as you grabbed a plush pillow and hugged it gently. “I was getting coffee with Mina and Momo.”
He rolled his eyes and mumbled something about ‘fucking extras’
“Conversation must’ve been enlightening.” He sneered sarcastically 
You thought back to it, zoning out for a moment. 
“Hey, Bakugou?”
“Would you believe me if I said I’d never been kissed.”
He looked over at you, eyebrows furrowed. “What the fuck are you on about now?”
You laughed a little bit. “I was talking to them about it, and they made me feel…” you huffed “Weird about it.”
“Wait. You’ve never been kissed ever?”
Here we go again
You groaned “No.”
The two of you stayed silent 
“Have you?”
Bakugou gave you a look. “Once.”
This took you off guard. You had imagined that Bakugou had a ton of experience with the number of girls that fawn over him. Then again, Bakugou never could quite stand any of them, could he?
“Do you think you could teach me?” You asked, instantly tensing up. Of all people, you figured that someone as close to you as Bakugou would be ideal to ask. But as you looked into his eyes, and the confusion that floated in them you weren’t too sure if it was the best decision. 
His eyes widened slightly. “What.”
You cowered a bit, “You know what forget it I’ll just ask kirishi-“
He cut you off scooting closer, “Kirishima doesn’t know shit.”
Two of you leaned towards each other instinctively and held each other’s gaze. 
“So does this mean yes?” Heat began to spread to your ears as you mumbled your response.
Never in a million years would you guess that you’d be in this situation, nor did you expect Bakugou to actually indulge you.
He rolled his eyes in response before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear gently. 
“Are you stupid or what?” His voice came out angrily, but his facial expression betrayed him. He was just as hyper-focused on your lips as you were in his. 
You attempted to close the gap and make the first move. But to your disdain Bakugou had the same idea, and your noses collided. The two of you pulled back immediately,  and you felt as your ears got hotter. 
Both of you spoke in unison, avoiding each other’s gaze “Sorry.”
After a few silent moments had passed, he shifted uncomfortably before leaning back in. “Keep your head tilted idiot.”
Of course, he would blame you. 
 “Okay.” You tried again, leaning in and letting your lips meet his. It was a glorified peck if anything, seeing that you pulled back so quickly. As the reality of the situation set in you began to feel anxious. You and Bakugou were alone in his apartment, kissing. You truly hoped that this wouldn’t ruin anything between the two of you as friends, but if you were being honest, you didn’t want to stop now. As you began to overthink you twiddled your fingers nervously. 
‘This was a dumb idea’ you thought. 
By now your entire face was hot and your hands were sweating. Neither of you broke eye contact and maintained a few centimeters of distance. The silence between the two of you was deafening, the only sounds filling the room were gentle breaths and the movie playing in the background.
“Was that okay?” You asked softly, over analyzing the last kiss. You stared into his eyes with uncertainty, and then down to his lips. His features were softened, and his brows were relaxed, which was a stark contrast to his usual scowl. He blinked slowly while looking into yours gently. 
“Shut up.”
He placed his hands to your cheeks lightly before closing the space between you again. His lips pressed softly against your own. Your heart began to race as your lips moved together gently. But this time you didn’t pull away. 
At this point, the movie in the background was just an afterthought, no longer worthy of being watched or even listened to. Your mind only focused on how Bakugou weaved his fingers through your hair and worked his soft lips against yours.
In response, you snaked your arms around Bakugou’s neck and shifted so that you were closer to him. One of his hands dropped to your waist and pulled your body even closer and you relished the feeling. Thoughts of whether or not things were going too far had already jumped out the window, and you threw caution to the wind.
Suddenly, you understood why Momo and Mina thought you were missing out.
The two of you continued to make out, soft lips working together. Neither of you seemed to come up for air as you desperately latched onto each other. You felt as he smiled against your lips, and you did the same.
The sound of keys rattling in the doorknob made the two of you jolt, instantly separating. 
“Alright, guys. I brought all kinds of snack-“ he paused in the door frame as he looked over at the two of you. Though you had separated, you were still closer than usual, and your hair was still slightly disheveled; courtesy of Bakugou.
It was painfully obvious that the two of you had just made out. 
Kirishima made his way into the living room, kicking off his shoes, not saying a word. The smirk on his face was enough, as he sat on the couch squeezing between you and Bakugou. His hand reached for the remote as he stifled a laugh.
“What the fuck is so funny,” Bakugou growled. 
Kirishima’s eyes flicked up to Bakugous as he snickered. “Nice lip gloss dude.”
This caused Bakugou’s eyes to widen before he dragged the back of his hand against his lips roughly. He rose from the couch with a huff, making his way into the kitchen.
“Fuck off Kirishima.”
Once he was gone, Kirishima gave you a knowing look, quirking his eyebrows. You stared back towards the TV. Settling into your spot on the plush couch. 
“Alright soooo what do you want to watch?” You questioned awkwardly.
Kirishima laughed as he pointed the remote to the tv. He glanced over towards Bakugou, who was looming in the kitchen awkwardly, and then back to you. 
“I’m already pretty entertained.” He teased before settling on a movie.
You knew Kirishima wouldn’t let this one go. 
Instantly you craned your neck to glance into the kitchen, your eyes landing on Bakugou’s. A mischievous half-smile painted his face, causing you to sink into the couch.
You knew Bakugo wouldn’t let it go either.
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
Okay it’s always been these two idk why my heart was wavering 😩 ☾ + 2 mini shot with BOKUROO okay but I feel like kuroo would be the one to suggest it just like one random movie night??? And bokuto is like omg I’m down 🤸‍♂️ honestly you’d be lying if you didn’t already think about it soooo 🤪🤪 light and happy threesome for the soul pls 🥺💕
prompt: ☾ #2 -> threesomes
roomies: bokuto koutarou and kuroo tetsurou
genre: smut (18+)
warning(s): explicit sexual content, threesome, penetrative sex, oral sex
my note to you: the request that started it all 🤸🏼‍♂️💕 I have no issue with admitting that I've thought about this many times before, as I should tbh. it’s a legendary combo 😌 the fact that you paused to think about kita for a moment tho after our convo tho 😂 glad to see your heart didn’t stray lol ty for this audrey ily queen ❤️
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a roomie threesome with bokuto and kuroo [mini shot]
A long sigh leaves your mouth as the tall figure of one of your roommates passes in front of the television while he does yet another cartwheel. You’ve lost count of what number that is. “Aren’t you getting tired, yet, Kou?” you growl, (e/c) eyes flicking away from the screen so you can narrow them at him.
He shakes his head, golden gaze aglow with enthusiasm. “Nope!”
“I think (f/n) is, though, and wants you to take a seat,” Kuroo suggests, trying to get your point across for you.
Bokuto seems to get the hint this time, since he trots over to the couch and plops down on the other side of you, sandwiching you between the two of them. When you shoot him a questioning look, as if to ask him why he chose the couch clearly made for two over the armchair beside it, he gives a silent answer by pulling the blanket you and Kuroo are sharing over his lap. “I’m so bored,” he groans, flopping his head back against the cushions and staring up at the ceiling.
“Well, we can’t go anywhere because of all the snow, so we have to stay inside for tonight,” you remind him. A dry chuckle escaping from Kuroo’s mouth brings your attention over to him, and you ask, “What’s so funny?”
He shakes his head and avoids your gaze for a moment, as if contemplating whether he should say what’s really on his mind. “This whole situation is, like, the perfect setup for a threesome.”
You nearly choke on the water you’re taking a sip of before slamming the bottom of the cup down on the coaster and regarding your friend with a wide-eyed gaze. “W-What the hell did you just say?” you rasp, your throat suddenly dry.
“A threesome?!” Bokuto chirps with his normal exuberance, “I’m down!”
When their eager gazes fasten on you, the beating of your heart steadily increases, and the reality of the situation becomes more apparent. “Y-You’re being serious?” you breathe softly, gaze darting back and forth between theirs.
With a casual shrug, Kuroo turns sideways to face you and rests his arm along the top of the couch. “I mean, why not? Of course, if you’re not okay with it, we won’t do anything,” he elaborates. That hazel gaze of his is deceptively sweet as it draws you in closer and closer, making you nothing more than to have it scanning over your naked body instead while praises fall from his lips. It’s almost as if he can tell what’s running through your mind, since his hand moves to cup the side of your face, tracing delicate paths along your skin with each of his fingers.
“I’m okay with it,” you find yourself humming in a nearly inaudible tone.
A small smile spreads across his lips before he gently presses them against your own. The hand that’s not cradling your face moves beneath the blanket to your thigh, where you trap it in amongst your warm skin by pressing your legs together with anticipation. Not wanting to be left out, since Kuroo’s already eliciting gentle moans from you with the sensual way his tongue slides into your mouth while his fingers squeeze your supple skin, Bokuto nips at your neck before snaking his hands around your waist. They tug at the hem of your shirt, and you separate from Kuroo long enough to allow him the opportunity to take it off.
“(F/n),” Bokuto whines needily when your lips return to Kuroo’s once more. Wanting to prevent his emo mode from taking hold of him, you pull away from the man in front of you so you can turn around to face Bokuto when he pulls you into his lap and showers your lips with passionate kisses.
Within a matter of minutes, you’re completely undressed, bare body protected from the coolness in the apartment by the heat emanating from both Kuroo and Bokuto’s shirtless torsos pressed against your back and chest, respectively. Since you’re sitting in Bokuto’s lap, you instinctively push his shorts up his leg so you can rut against his muscular thigh, desperate to feel some relief in your painfully throbbing core. “I’ll take good care of you, okay?” he coos in your ear before pressing a kiss against your cheek. With that said, he pushes his pants down enough for his erection to spring free and grabs your hips to align your entrance with the tip of his dick.
A loud moan escapes your mouth as your jaw slackens at the sensation of his thick cock stretching your walls as he sinks deep into your pussy. Bokuto’s half-lidded eyes are intensely focused on watching you take him in, inch by inch, and Kuroo’s lips trailing open-mouthed kisses from the crook of your neck up to your ear help you relax. “You’re doing so well, baby,” he purrs, fingers dancing along the swell of your breasts, “Think you can take me in your mouth at the same time?”
You nod, eyes opening a tad so you can find his face and crane your neck to meet your lips with his. “Such a good girl,” Bokuto hums with approval once he’s bottomed out. Gently, he switches your position so that your hands and knees are pressed into the cushions of the couch while Kuroo stands up beside it, leaning over the armrest so you can suck him off. As Bokuto begins thrusting into you, unable to start slowly as a result of his enthusiasm, Kuroo tangles his fingers in your (h/l) hair to guide your mouth onto his cock.
As you swirl your tongue around the head before allowing it deeper into your mouth, Kuroo lets out a grunt of pleasure and furrows his dark eyebrows for a moment. Meanwhile, behind you, Bokuto speeds up his pace and uses one hand to keep a firm hold on your hips while the other snakes down your stomach so he can trace tight circles around your clit. His actions make you whimper needily as the heat you feel pooling in your stomach becomes more intense. You’re quickly becoming needier with each second that passes, grinding your hips against him in an attempt to strengthen all the sensations he’s filling you with.
Each moan and mewl that echoes from your throat sends pleasant vibrations coursing through Kuroo’s cock that make it challenging for him to control his pacing. Eventually, the feeling of Bokuto hitting the sweet spot inside of you with his dick while his fingers pleasure your sensitive bud pushes you over the edge, and you’re crying out loudly with ecstasy as your orgasm overcomes all your senses. Your walls fluttering lovingly around Bokuto reap a string of strained curse words from his mouth, and he pulls out of you to release onto your back while thrusting into his hand. Kuroo reaches his limit at the sight of your face in combination with the tingles your lewd sounds are sending up his erection, and it’s not long before you feel his hot seed spill into the back of your throat.
After taking a long swallow, you let your body flop onto the couch while Bokuto grabs tissues to clean off your back and Kuroo slides his pants on before sitting beside you. The two of them pick up your discarded clothes, and Bokuto maneuvers your legs so he can slide your panties back on as Kuroo pulls your shirt back over your head.
“You feeling okay?” your dark haired roommate asks when you slowly sit up.
You nod, though you’re vaguely aware of a dull ache down south. “That was fun,” you comment with a small smile, leaning your head against Bokuto’s shoulder and letting Kuroo place your legs across over his lap so he can massage your aching muscles.
“A lot more fun than doing cartwheels!” Bokuto pipes up, the goofy grin on his lips contagious, since it spreads to both yours and Kuroo’s mouths as well.
With a small chuckle, you mumble, “Oh, Kou…” as he pulls the blanket back over your legs to cover you up and throws his arms around your shoulders to hold you against his chest. It’s not long before you all fall back into a casual conversation while finishing up the movie that you were watching earlier, but, this time, with the three of you sitting in contentment, instead.
⭐︎ fran’s 600 milestone event! (reqs closed, interactions welcome!)
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| tender heart | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: fluff + angst
a/n: i gotta be honest, i had troubles writing a softbf!jae so idk if i wrote this request correctly or if there’s enough angst :// though this is so long overdue but i hope this scenario fits your visualization my dear~ 😉 enjoy! ~j.
the wave of annoyance began to completely wrap you. you pressed the bridge of your nose at the once subtle noise, later blowing up like fireworks at your apartment. the invitation wasn’t your choice, rather your boyfriend’s. he brought them over because they had their weekly boys’ night. it would be alright if they could lower the prolonged cheers over some video game they’ve been playing for an hour now.
finals were approaching and although you wanted to study or get some peace/quiet, your boyfriend’s turntable was consumed into the boys’ voices. you had to pass this exam because you retook it this semester and you were already having it under control, not today. twisting the pen between your fingers, you decided to put yourself to bed for a few short minutes to rest a bit, maybe clear your mind at least.
it hasn’t been a second that you took another soft pillow and covered your whole face to block out the loud screams. the door of your bedroom swung open. jaehyun noticed how tiredly you walked to the kitchen counter to grab a cup of coffee. no matter how messy you looked now; a tangled high bun with some strands meeting the nape of your neck, his t-shirt that reached your mid-thighs and the crooked glasses on your nose— he still loves you like he did when he first met you.
whilst immersed into the game, taeil nudged the rest of them in secret, telling to look what jaehyun was up to. “pst.” he jutted his lips as they pointed to the kitchen. even from a distance, jaehyun’s ears were prominent when they turned red. “he’s all lovey-dovey to her again.”
putting weight on one leg, you waited for the water to boil and rested against the counter. jaehyun’s warm palms sneaked around your waist, wrapping yourself to him for a hug where his chin rested just on your head.
“what are you doing?” he asked with a playful tone in each word.
“hm?” a spoon in mouth, you hummed in response to give him a hint of bitterness for his actions today. once you poured two packets of sugar, you turned to face but he had you in his stretched forearms. only the friction of the stirring sound of your mug was heard.
he stared into your eyes for a while before leaning in to kiss you. seeing his friends giggling at the corners of the living room, you became flustered and stopped him from being sweet. “c’mon baby. you locked yourself in your room all day. let me kiss you.” he whined, going forward to continue where he left off.
“ngmpf,” you placed the spoon in the gap between. “no.”
he let out a breathy chuckle at your response, kissing the spoon instead. “i guess an indirect kiss works just as fine.” jaehyun swooped you up, carrying you in a bridal style before sitting back on the sofa. your whines did nothing on him, he ignored you and went forth with his desires. cheeky grins and snickers grew quickly as you blushed so hard in front of the boys.
you knew this was in his nature; sweet, loving and caring. although you loved that about him to the point he softens your heart, sometimes it had gotten a little too much and you weren’t used to his public display affection especially when he does it all the time. there should be limits, but apparently ‘limits’ was a non-existent word in his dictionary.
his friends anticipated your participation for the next round. to them, your silence went for two ways: one was you’d join them, and two, refuse their offer and just watch.
and you chose the second option.
donghyuck began acting cute with his palms together. this gesture became contagious when mark and the rest of them followed, taking you a back and leaning against jaehyun.
“please y/n? one round only.” jungwoo sang in the tune of dreamgirls’ ‘one night only’.
“we won’t bother you afterward.” mark nodded.
then their eyes trailed to jaehyun who now was admiring you with a hearty look. he had you on his lap, hugging you like a child would do to a stuffed bear. he knew how much his friends like you, so when it came to persuasion, it was his job to make you surrender. “play with one game, baby.” he handed you the controller with a persistent plead, dimples sinking the more he smiled widely.
you held in your squeal and blushed more than before. and you finally gave in with pursed lips. “fine, one game and that’s it.”
yuta was now in the kitchen with johnny and jaehyun. they prepared ingredient toppings for homemade pizza, takoyaki and fruit punch. he saw how you actually didn’t keep your word and went for three more rounds. he propped his chin against the counter, sending you hearts he wished you would notice.
“how are you able to endure it?” johnny asked the guy and jaehyun turned to his direction.
“endure what?” he asked for more emphasis into his question that both of his hyungs shared a look. it wasn’t the first time jaehyun saw their expressions in this manner.
“whenever y/n’s in ‘tsun-tsun’ mode.” yuta noted while mixing the takoyaki batter.
ah yes. tsundere; a nickname that yuta’s been calling you even before you dated jaehyun. two words combined where ‘tsun’ meant ‘blunt’ while ‘dere’ meant ‘lovey-dovey’. in fact, it was his idea to make you both meet as total opposites attract. he felt you were each other’s key to both of your locked-away hearts for relationships. so when he managed to set you both on a date for fun, you and jaehyun did clicked, and fell in love in the process.
of course, this was revealed later than imagined and to his surprise, you weren’t mad or anything.
jaehyun shrugged in complete silence, but a smile still evident and shown on his face. “if it’s y/n, it’s alright for me. she’s probably just not as affectionate or showy whenever there are people around. it’s different when it’s only the both of us alone.”
“how would you know if she cares for you when you’re in public? tsunderes like her are kinda hard to read.” yuta stated and it was definitely true. jaehyun would like it if you could be a little bit true to yourself on the outside, not just masking something you were not.
“it’s hard to explain.. but i know it well if she’s being herself.” he spread the sauce onto the new laid-out dough.
your throat thirsted for a drink after screaming at the younger boys for killing you instantly in three consecutive rounds. so headed to the kitchen to find yuta and johnny smiling with the same grins and snickers.
these two- they’re at it again.
“agh, i’m thirsty.” you fanned yourself and grabbed a cup to pour water into. a sigh escaped from your lips and wondered why you spent time into playing rather than studying for your finals. you weren’t supposed to delay or procrastinate what you scheduled today for, but seeing jaehyun and his friends on their free time had you feeling annoyed again. it wasn’t your time of month yet either so why were you so cranky when you thought you’ve calmed down?
jaehyun immediately switched from being serious to a boy in love. he took a piece of pepperoni and placed half of it into his mouth, leaning closer to yours. his pearly whites shown and he giggled wide before speaking. “eat this.” he said between breaths. your boyfriend looked funny and cute at the same time. you were so close to giving in before realizing the two guys behind him started to tease you with their eyes.
you took the piece with your hands and ate it. much to jaehyun’s dismay, his eyes changed and you didn’t notice it. “ey y/n, you’re supposed to get it with-”
“stop this!” you hissed coldly and covered half of your face from the sudden loud tone. you felt instant regret but your pissed personality had already outweighed that. “tsk you’re too much, can’t you see that yourself?” you walked away, your drink long forgotten.
your boyfriend sighed and pulled you on the arm. “so you’re saying it’s a problem that i’m being too attached?” he asked, his voice slightly higher but man that punched real hard.
“i’m saying you should at least know when and where to act this way! i thought we talked about this!” you managed to break free from his hold, but he wasn’t having any of your childish breakouts.
“shouldn’t you be asking yourself that, y/n?” he placed the glass bowl down with more strength on the counter, gaining the others’ attention and diverting their gaze onto you. “all i ever did was to be your boyfriend and myself but here you are, being someone i thought was slowly changing.”
you gulped and nearly choked on your own saliva at is words. in the months of dating him, never have you faced this side of him before. “changing? the heck i’m not. did you forget that i have finals next week? and if you claim you’re actually ‘being my boyfriend’, why did you invite them here when you have your own place to deal with your quality time?” you crossed your arms.
jaehyun felt the strings of his heart strum in a painful way. was this what yuta and johnny meant by ‘enduring’? well, his answer was incorrect, he couldn’t distinguish his girlfriend’s real self and the masked one right now. “i did tell you but you always put your anger over my feelings that it blinded you from seeing what’s in front! how about you act like my sweet girlfriend for once whenever the guys are here?!”
your heart sank at the realisation of how differently you behaved in comparison with jaehyun and with his friends around. you didn’t want to cry in front of them now that you felt the tears prickling and stinging your eyes. with heavy steps you set your pride down and head back to your room. jaehyun watched you rub your eyes with his tshirt and groaned at how far he went with his words. “oh, crap.” he whispered.
yuta and johnny pursed their lips and clasped their hands simultaneously. “sorry jae. we might have provoked- or make her shy-”
jaehyun shook his head, disagreeing with their claims. “you did nothing wrong. it made me realise how stupid i looked when i’m too affectionate with her. i didn’t even know i’m already making her uncomfortable. love is blind.”
they both had jaehyun between them for a group hug. “you’re still soft even when you’re mad at her. you love her so much haha!” they teased. “aren’t you going to her room? it looked like she was crying.”
“let her be. she’ll come out later.” jaehyun assured them, heading back to continue with the pizza making.
“how do you know that?”
“you’ll see.” he bursted into teasing giggles that his friends found him a little evil, but they understood where he was coming from.
you woke up from crying too hard and your head spun in circles from the pain it had left. there was no point in going out now because your eyes were swollen and puffed up. jaehyun thought you were changing and that hit you the most because you really weren’t.
“stupid jaehyun.” you hugged your pillow and noticed how hideous you looked from the mirror’s reflection.
the aroma of pizza made its way out of the oven and entered your room. you haven’t had a meal since breakfast and it lured you to sneak a peek. however, you were shy to show yourself. there were few knocks onto your door, asking you to take a bite. you couldn’t face jaehyun and you’ve never seen him so crossed. in the end, you knew you had to apologise. he was the best thing you could ever ask for and there was nothing that could replace him.
carefully, you turned the knob without a sound. the guys were still immersed into the game, so walking in stealth mode wouldn’t make them notice your existence. you wore jaehyun’s sweater and put on the hood; soon tied a knot to cover your face. from the gaps of your door, you spotted jaehyun making the second- or third batch of pizza. you had to make sure you stood behind him.
jaehyun hummed a song he always liked to sing. he turned with two plates in his hands to place them in the oven, later realizing you stood before him and wrapped your arms around him. “what’s wrong, y/n?” he passed the plates to johnny and hugged you back. he could feel how you tightened your embrace, like you didn’t want him to escape.
“i’m sorry.” you mumbled into his chest to prevent the tears from falling and from guilt.
he winked at his friends for his accurate prediction and cleared his throat. “what did you say?” he held in his smile.
ah she’s in dere mode.. they thought the same.
“i’m sorry for what i did.” you whined while still hugging him and hopping slightly because you didn’t want to cry in front of his friends.
“i can’t hear you.” jaehyun singsonged and this irked you a bit.
“i said i’m sorr-” you finally looked up, only to be greeted with a kiss the forehead.
the rest of them could see how flustered you were; your arms not knowing what to do nor where to place them, and then they formed sweaterpaws at the sudden action, it looked like you panicked a lot too.
jaehyun let you go and his eyes softened that you began to blush and panic again. “what?”
“just thinking how pretty you are.” he pat your head in assurance that he forgave you.
you inhaled quite a long one before letting it all out at his comment. “y-you. st-stop tha-t.”
“stop what?” he hummed as he bent down to see you properly; red face and swollen eyes. heh, she did cry..
“stop smiling like that. you’re too handsome and it’s killing me.”
“wow, never thought i’d be embarrassed when you compliment me.” he purposely made his voice loud to tease you.
“i’m dissing you!” you butt back, grabbing a pizza slice from the counter.
the others covered their mouths from laughing.
and she’s back to tsun-tsun mode..
jaehyun made you sit on the stool by the counter, where you were levelled with his soft, chocolate brown eyes. “although you’re cute in this version of yourself, you don’t always have to put up a front. you’re with me, so be you. don’t mask who you actually are.”
you pursed your lips at his advice. well he wasn’t wrong. “fine. where should i start?” your cheeks began to turn red again.
whilst rubbing circles around your waist with his thumbs, he pondered for a moment and you saw how he lit up, already knew what to answer.
“try giving a little piece of the y/n who always has a tender heart. that’s the girl i fell for.”
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