#the tolkien spectrum
smoking-old-toby · 1 year
L (legolas)
G (gimli)
B (bilbo, bard)
T (thorin, thranduil)
Q+ (frodo and sam)
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Elves: Feanor and his sons were the most hectic and problamatic of all elves. They were always ready to jump at sm1’s throat, and they never restrain themselves. Nothing has ever come close to the raging inferno that is feanor when he thinks you owe him something.
Feanor’s maternal family: Hold my fucking wine.
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autismmydearwatson · 4 months
Sometimes I'm looking at the Soviet mess of Chiss naming traditions like wow clearly Zahn doesn't give a damn about etymology. And then I remember that Thrawns Moriarty in the 2017 novel is called Nightswan. And his real name is Cygni.
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inahandful-of-dust · 1 year
We really need more russingon "He's my husband, but we are Not Married" kind of fics, because that's the most genuinely hilarious twist to the Tolkien idea of elves getting married by sleeping with each other
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armenelols · 1 year
Aspec Jirt characters include
Bilbo Baggins
Frodo Baggins
Merry Brandybuck
Finrod Felagund
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
Why don't I have lovely hands and no sensory issues so I could wear rings all the time and be over the top horrendously bejeweled all the time in That Exact Way You Know The One TM
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arethinn · 9 months
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Mereth Nuin Giliath by Kai-D-Janik on DeviantArt
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joncronshawauthor · 9 months
The Marvellous Evolution of Magic Systems in Fantasy
Today, we’re going on a trip to the fantastical realm of magic systems in fantasy, the invisible scaffolding supporting the marvellous spectacles in our beloved enchanting tales. As ubiquitous as a unicorn in a fairy tale, these systems are the heart and soul of many a fantastical narrative. What is a Magic System? A magic system is the set of rules that governs the use of magic in a fantasy…
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kaustic · 2 years
I'm reading lotr fics and this one author refers to Tolkien as Mr Tolkien and I'm :(( I don't know why I love it so much :(((
wait omg thats so cute :((((((
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sindar-princeling · 1 year
I truly and deeply love Eowyn because she's angry, bitter and can be genuinely cold when we meet her - and she's only 24! already she's changed by this war, by the loss of her parents, by the long period of her life where she had no parental figure because Theoden was battling his own depression, and by Grima being a creep. Tolkien's young characters go to war and are changed by it, like Pippin, like Sam, who is still quite a young hobbit (he's 39, and they come of age at 33), but not her - she is already deep in grim thoughts about dying for honour, cheerless, cold.
I don't like comparing all Tolkien women to one another because they are quite different from each other and comparing them just because they're women often feels reductive because they serve vastly different roles in the story, but when you're considering how he presents femininity, it's necessary to do so. so far we've met Lobelia, Mrs. Maggot, Goldberry, Arwen, Galadriel and Eowyn (Rosie was only mentioned as far as i remember?). hobbit women we meet while we are still at home, and they fit right into the homey atmosphere of the shire, in which characters are often presented playfully, or have one defining trait (think about the characters we only know from notes attached to bilbo's "gifts"). further from home, we meet goldberry, arwen and galadriel, who are old, fair, good, beautiful. each of them is different (and galadriel especially has a dark, flawed part of her we can see), but with the women meet on the journey, further from home, a pattern starts to emerge - they come from a different time, from a different world, and even with all their fairness and kindness they can at times feel distant, out of reach.
and then!! eowyn comes into the picture, and- she could be you. she could be me. she's not only complex, but also within reach. she's not a gentle or joyful presence, she's not a powerful ancient force, she doesn't come bearing gifts for everyone - she's so full of negative emotions and pain which she needs to heal from, she's so young and already feels like an old, weary soul.
and it's not to say one kind of character is better than the other, or more complex or anything, because that's exactly the reductive way of looking at those women that I don't like seeing in discussions. ultimately, they are all just different people. but the introduction of eowyn broadens the spectrum of femininity shown in LOTR, and while it's still not exactly wide, it's a bit wider than it was before.
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cobaltsoulsearcher · 7 months
Poll for my own curiosity
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foone · 6 months
Growing up in a family with a couple autistic hyperfocusers and a bunch of avid readers and one Normal Guy and then a (now-adult) baby sister with a major learning disability has completely ruined my ability to have any idea what "an average person" knows about.
Like, we've got one person who hasn't even seen a single minute of the Lord of the Rings films, and another has a degree in English literature and did an entire semester on the works of Tolkien. Which one of these peoples is more "normal"? I have no idea!
Or that post of classics puns from Twitter:
How many of these jokes does the average person get? Do they understand Icarus and Medusa but not Orpheus and the joke about "Nobody"?
Anyway it's sometimes a problem because I can (and will!) explain anything at the drop of a hat, but I often am unsure about where to stop.
Like I'm trying to explain how you run Doom on Crabs. Do I need to explain how logic gates work? How transistors work? How computers work? Where do I stop talking and leave it unexplained? Because if I don't rein myself in, I will explain the whole stack from top to bottom and we'll be here all day.
And it's one of those cases where there's not an answer, which I feel is a common bind for people on the autism spectrum to be in. So many of these "don't get social cues" type problems are not because we don't know the answer, in the sense of just being ignorant of what it is, it's that the answer is "it depends on the situation".
Like the question of language formality, or swearing. How much should you swear, if any? There isn't an answer, because it depends on the context. How much is acceptable wildly changes from a hangout with friends to a work meeting to a courthouse to a church.
And similarly, "what does the average person know?" cannot be answered singularly. I explain different things more or less depending on if I'm talking on Tumblr or mastodon or a discord server, because of course you would.
I expect Tumblr to know more about trans issues and fandom, and I expect mastodon (at least the corner I hang out in) to know more about x86 assembly and floppy disks.
But even knowing that and having some success at doing it, there's still some tension because it's the kind of question where the answer is something like "I don't know, you'll have to play it by ear and pick up on subtle social clues" and BOY IS THAT NOT A TYPE OF SITUATION I'M GOOD AT!
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thelordofgifs · 29 days
Friday Fic Recs: Long WIP edition
I’ve been thinking a little bit about the (very arduous) process of writing longfic, and how much of a difference support and cheerleading can make on that particular journey; so, although it’s been a while since I’ve made a Friday rec list, I thought I’d put one together celebrating all the incredible in-progress longfics in the Tolkien fandom I’m keeping up with at the moment!
Atandil series by @eilinelsghost. Such a gorgeous graceful moving exploration of Finrod and his relationship with Men, and the slowest and most sensual of slow burns in his romance with Bëor. The amount this series has made me THINK – about love, and hope, and memory, and Taliska grammar – is off the charts, and to top it off it’s written in the loveliest most Tolkienesque prose.
we will make this place our home by @leucisticpuffin. Ohh this AU is just like a warm gentle hug after a long day. The “kidnap fam but make it a classic children’s novel” concept is so so inspired, all the characterisations are so nuanced and moving (Maglor my beloved!!) and the OCs will steal your heart.
And Love Grew by @polutrope. On the other end of the kidnap fam spectrum, this complex and careful examination of the time after the Third Kinslaying is SO brilliant. Incredible characterisations of all the key players, some truly fascinating OCs (Dornil!!) and of course beautiful graceful prose.
tongues of the sky series by @welcomingdisaster. The first fic in this series, seabird, was written for me and I can be SO obnoxious about this :) but also it’s a wonderful moving ultimately hopeful fix-it AU with note-perfect russingon and m&m dynamics. The sequel, sparrowhawk, is currently in progress and soooo good.
ashes, ashes, dust to dust — the devil’s after both of us by @that-angry-noldo. This is SUCH an original and fascinating take on an AU where Maedhros and Maglor take Finarfin captive to bargain for the Silmarils, featuring incredible character dynamics and a terrifyingly eldritch Eönwë.
and all his towers cast down by @actual-bill-potts. What if Finrod survived the events of the Leithian? Well, angst and trauma, to start off with. And also beautiful beautiful writing, impeccable characterisation and a Maglor-Lúthien teamup!! I adore this AU.
All That Glitters Gold Rush AU series by @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush. This one is LONG LONG LONG, but also SO worth it. Ever wanted to see the entire Silmarillion retold as a western, complete with a terribly tragic and complicated Maedhros, Morgoth the terrifying slave-owner, and a beautifully multicultural Doriath? The authors have you covered.
And the Stars Shine the Same series by @runawaymun. OC-centric fic is such a rare delight and this series set in early Third Age Rivendell is just wonderful, tender and complicated and with a truly incredible Elrond.
Retelling the Hobbit comic by @retellingthehobbit. Something a little different, but I binged all of this comic retelling of The Hobbit on a plane recently and GOD it’s so so beautiful. A truly gorgeous art style, and slowly converting me from a Bilbo/Thorin sceptic into an enjoyer!
In Heart by @tanoraqui. An AU where Fëanor takes the Doom of the Noldor as a what-not-to-do manual and ends up making better choices! Featuring incredible worldbuilding and fantastic characterisation.
Please add on the longfics you love in the reblogs! Let’s get some love going for these difficult beasts!
(Couple of incest recs under the cut.)
naught green upon the oak series by @welcomingdisaster. A CoH-inspired Maedhros/Maglor AU in which Maglor winds up with amnesia after his encounter with Glaurung. I’m SO insane about this series that I can’t be coherent but it is fantastic and chilling and devastating with the most beautiful prose aahhh.
Strange Currencies by @jouissants. Maedhros is re-embodied at last only to learn that he is married to Maglor: a touching and painful post-canon fic interleaved with incredible flashbacks to the First Age.
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stvnszlr · 10 months
my favorite thing about the tolkien universe is that i can hc almost any character as aspec and it will always make sense
fili? aromantic asexual. frodo and sam? both ace. boromir? aroace too! aragorn? ABSOLUTELY asexual. thorin? probably on both spectrums somewhere. eomer? ace and arospec. bard? aromantic, duh.
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arethinn · 2 years
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Telperinquar (Celebrimbor) and Artafinde Ingoldo (Finrod) by Airendis on DeviantArt
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@aspecardaweek​ day three ✦ boromir + across the a-spectrum
So time drew on to the War of the Ring, and the sons of Denethor grew to manhood. Boromir, five years the elder, beloved by his father, was like him in face and pride, but in little else. Rather he was a man after the sort of King Eärnur of old, taking no wife and delighting chiefly in arms; fearless and strong, but caring little for lore, save the tales of old battles.
-JRR Tolkien, The Return of the King, “Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers: Eriador, Arnor, and the Heirs of Isildur”
[ID: A moodboard headcanoning Boromir as aroace. It is comprised of nine images in shades of blue and gold, meant to echo the colors of the aroace flag.
1: Prabhas, an Indian actor with wavy dark hair, light brown skin, a beard and mustache, and a troubled or surprised expression. He is wearing leather armor with gold detailing, gold earrings, and has a few cuts and streaks of dirt on his body / 2: Pale yellow text on a dark blue background reading “don’t be so hard on yourself / 3: Someone wearing golden armor and carrying a helmet / 4: Blue, gold, and white stone / 5: A hall with an arching blue ceiling coffered in gold and patterned with stars. A few large windows are visible / 6: A cyanotype of wildflowers / 7: Tree branches against against a blurred yellow background / 7: Dark blue fabric with gold braid / Prabhas, this time wearing a leather helmet and looking to the left with a focused, serious expression. There is a red symbol painted between his eyebrows /End ID]
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