#the truffle looks so cute here
chrisevansonly · 7 months
Some Extra Goodies
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charles leclerc x female reader
summary: you are the master at sneaking things into the grocery kart, only this time…someone is watching
warnings: none very fluffy and domestic charles
a/n: thank you all for the cute little ideas i’m gonna work through them, i hope you enjoy these little blurbs!!
Grocery shopping was something you and Charles loved to do together, ever since you moved in together, and even when you both still lived in your respective homes; it was a tradition for you two almost.
Another thing you were good at was sneaking extras into the cart, whether it was your favourite candies or a little package of double chocolate chip cookies, luckily enough for you Charles never seemed to notice.
Until today.
“Chérie, what kind of apples do you want this week?”
You hummed for a second, having just sneakily added a package of cookies to the cart, your eyes then moving up to look at your fiancé who narrowed his stare onto you.
“Oh um let’s just get the honey crisp again! Those were really good last time”
Charles didn’t say anything before grabbing a few apples and placing them into your little fabric fruit bag, the bag you’d started to force him to use to avoid all the plastic use.
“Okay, we just need milk and then we are good to go”
Nodding you hooked your arm through Charles’s and walked towards the dairy section, not before subtly grabbing a pack of gummy bears and trying to hide them under the bushel of banana’s that had just been laid down minutes earlier.
It wasn’t until after you’d gotten the milk and some yogurt that Charles stopped by the cash register, a slight smirk on his face.
“So are we forgetting anything?” he asked softly
“Nope, everything is checked off on the list!”
You raised a brow looking at him and shrugged, showing him the crumpled up grocery list
“Yeah, see I checked it all off…is there something we’re forgetting?”
“Well I just noticed something funny…”
Charles kept his eyes on you, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he pulled out the cookies, gummy bears and the little box of truffles you’d slipped into the cart.
“It’s funny because I didn’t see these on the list…”
“What! Oh well how did they get in there! Must have flown off the shelf!”
Charles couldn’t hold his laugh back at your fake shock, it was something he loved about you, how you’d get so animated and pretend as if you didn’t do something: you both knew you most definitely did.
“So I didn’t see you sneakily place these in the cart over our trip here?”
“Charles! I think you’re seeing things, should we go see a doctor?”
Biting back a smile you tried hard not to crack nor laugh, but as Charles pulled you in for a hug and pressed a kiss to your forehead, you sighed, finally breaking.
“Alright…you caught me…i just wanted some sweets…”
“Well you didn’t have to sneak them mon amour..”
You shrugged
“It’s more fun that way! Plus you never notice!”
At the look on thé Monégasque’s face your mouth dropped open
“You’ve known?!”
“Every year since we started dating…”
Now it was your time to laugh, all of this time you’d thought he’d never noticed your additions to the weekly groceries, when in reality he’d known everytime for the past 5 years.
“Let’s just say don’t become a spy…you’re not very good at hiding things”
Pressing one last kiss to your forehead the two of you made your way to the cash to check out and pack all of your things up to go home. Even if you weren’t a good spy, and Charles did know when you snuck extras in, he’d never say anything, in fact he loved that you did it.
Because half the time, he’d want the same sweets as you, he’d just never admit it….not now at least.
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leoruby-draws · 21 days
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Back to back to back comics, last time I swear lol!
The Batfam and their relationship to money (or more specifically Bruce's money). Or at least a more goofy, parody interpretation of it. Bruce is more lenient (wimpy almost I feel) here, in this au, bit more likely to spoil the kids for comedic effect. His money seems endless and he's never been afraid to spend money to help whoever needs it. Well the kids need it!! For roblox and cool bikes!!
For Dick tho, he tries not to relies on Bruce for money and strives to be independent. I based his attitude on his outsiders appearance, where he got pissed that Bruce was funding his team without his knowledge. I do understand Dick's position on this, since Bruce can be a control freak despite how generous he can be.
Barbara has always been more independent from Bruce, and I think in the new52 she even has her own company to fund herself? (Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't read her new52 book). She has no interest in money from Bruce at all. She's smart and resourceful enough to become a millionaire herself honestly.
Cass being 'raised' outside society, doesn't seem to care whether or not she has money. She'll grab a club sandwich outta a dumpster then eat all of Bruce's most expensive caviar's and truffles. At the same time, no concern whatsoever. Bruce likes to spoil her regardless.
Jason being from a very poor background is absolutely ecstatic to have a billionaire for a dad and will spend to his hearts content. Bruce is happy to make Jason happy, but wishes Jason would stop buying expensive bikes (and crashing them). Interestingly I noticed in the comics, Jason himself likes to hand out money to friends in need as well. Like father like son.
Steph has a better relationship to Bruce than in canon, so here she likes to scam some cash from Bruce whenever she can, cuz why not? Bruce doesn't mind helping her and her mom out, its harmless really. Tim is rich himself, and a bit oblivious to Steph's lower class problems. Perhaps she'll try scamming Tim next lol.
Damian has a rich parents on both sides of the family, both Bruce and Talia have a bit of a competition on spoiling him. Can't blame them, he's just too much of a cutie-pie. Tho they're working on trying not to over do it. Talia likes to spoil Jason as well, they have a pretty friendly relationship in this au.
Didn't have enough room for Duke, so he gets a half-page to himself. The fully functional mini-batmobile is from this drawing from way back. Looks like Duke is learning to get as much outta Bruce as he can, seems Bruce is more generous the younger his sidekicks are. Case in point here:
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Jason and Cass should be older here, as Robin and Batgirl, since Dick is Nightwing here (as per my personal timeline). But this gag works better when they're little and cute. Bruce just can't resist their cuteness here.
That was a lot, hope you like this!
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141wh0re · 3 months
Red Spider Lily- Dead Dove Do Not Eat
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Pairings: Body Guard!Simon Riley x Rich Bitch!Reader (f)
TW: MDNI, DDDNE, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, minor character death, angst, substance abuse and addiction, implied narcissism from readers dad, alcohol consumption, vomiting (not detailed, just mentioned), hyperthermia, brief wlw, NSFW thoughts, soft Simon, grumpy x grumpier trope, fun fact: don't mix MDMA with cocaine lads and lasses (can result in hyperthermia), whump, fluff.
Let me know if I missed anything in the tags <3
Word Count: 2626
Summary: Simon retires from the SAS, taking on a job for a well known real estate tycoon's daughter, serving as her sole protector until her father can find a suitable man to sell marry her off to. Yet, instead of protecting her from outside dangers, he's finding the biggest danger is herself. Simon is determined to help you escape this life that was pre-ordained for you, and cure you of your disease. Addiction.
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After nearly three decades spent in the military, Simon never expected to find himself here. Stuck in a contractual agreement, protecting and ensuring the safety and well-being of a bratty young woman with a wealthy family. It was almost insulting to him, had it not been for the hefty sum of money the woman's father wired to his bank account every week.
There were a few moments he'd almost made the rash decision to quit his job completely, and allow the someone else to look after this bitchy damsel.
But there was something that kept him here, keeping a protective eye on you and a firm hand at the small of your back in crowded rooms.
Beneath all the glitz and glam, partying and binge drinking, and the drugs... Simon saw you for what you were when you were at your lowest points.
A young girl who was forced into a lonely life of luxury. A girl who lost her mother too young and wasn't sure how to cope. A girl who yearned for her father's attention while he consumed himself in work, social gatherings, and public appearances. A girl who closed herself off from the world and kept everyone at arm's length so the venomous bite of abandonment would be less impactful when those people inevitably left her. A young girl who drowned her liver in alcohol while snorting enough blow to potentially kill her every weekend.
Simon knew you needed consistency in your life with substance. He'd watched his younger brother go through this plenty, repeating a vicious cycle of pain and torment for a fleeting moment with the impostor of joy in powder form.
He also knew you resembled that of a caged bird. Lonely, isolated, and detached from the rest of the world while you awaited either your death or an arranged marriage that would benefit your father's company, and potentially cushion his pockets a tad more.
As you emerged from the master suite of the penthouse, Simon heaved a resigned sigh, seeing you dolled up for the night ahead. Luxurious, private parties and public appearances to keep your name relevant in the tabloids and medias.
He leaned against the kitchen island, large arms crossed in his black button down, rich, honey-colored eyes fixated on you, and his signature black, surgical mask in place.
"Eat. You're not going out on an empty stomach." His deep, thick accented voice demanded. He nodded towards the plate on the counter, filled with chicken risotto with truffle sauce.
You scoffed in response to his authoritative tone before obeying anyways and climbing onto the bar stool, realizing it's probably best not to piss off your body guard.
"Where's it from?" You asked in a bland tone.
"Your kitchen." he answered gruffly as he poured an electrolyte packet into a bottle of water and set it beside your plate.
"Didn't know they taught ya to cook up truffle sauce in the military," you teased in that snarky tone he felt deep hatred for. Your metaphorical mask was going up early tonight.
"It's so cute how hard you work to save me from myself every weekend, big guy. Doesn't it get tiring?" You goaded before working at the small, yet filling dish before you.
Simon ignored your attempts to rile him up, knowing good and well you were fishing for a reason to indulge in your vices tonight. If you went out in a bad mood, it was all the more reason for you to fill your nose with booger sugar, and what better way to elevate yourself than starting it in a piss-poor mood, so your high will be that much better?
"Eat." Is all he replied with, leaving no room for questions or arguments.
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As the night progressed, Simon kept a watchful eye on you, taking in your every move, expression, and breath while diligently scanning your surroundings to ensure your safety.
He watched as you finished another glass of champagne that was easily worth three months rent for his studio loft downtown.
You were pleasantly buzzed as you floated about the mansion, like you owned it, being the perfect little socialite you learned to be. Simon's dark, brooding presence loomed behind you, keeping you within at least three arm's lengths at all times.
"Going to the loo," you informed Simon as you spun on the toe of your red bottoms, heels clicking against the marble floor as you sashayed in the direction of the restroom.
You didn't even have to cast a glance over your shoulder to know Simon was already following behind you, keeping his eyes dutifully trained on you and your immediate surroundings.
Once outside the bathroom, Simon knocked on the door before entering and doing a sweep of the room before allowing you to enter.
You rolled your eyes at his precautious measures as he shut the door behind you. After clicking the lock in place, you promptly relieved yourself before standing at the vanity to wash your hands, reapply your red lipstick, then pull a little pick-me-up from your clutch.
Using the compact mirror, you pulled a tampon case from your clutch, producing a small baggie of white powder from within it, and emptied the contents of the baggie onto the mirrored surface as it sat on the vanity. You shook the small tampon case to receive a small straw, then used one of your many credit cards to neatly align the powder in a straight line.
Holding a finger to your left nostril, you plugged it and inserted the end of the straw into the right nostril, hovering over the powder as you inhaled with a strong pull from your nose and lungs.
The powder irritates your nose momentarily, causing it to scrunch and sniffle as the tingles pulse through your nasal passage. Bitterness coated your taste buds as the powder dripped down the back of your throat, earning a cringe from you as you shook your head, coughing slightly to aid the phlegm in easing down your esophagus.
You promptly cleaned up and did a final once over in the mirror, adamant not to stare too long and avoid your flaws. Clammy palms idly smooth over the material of your dress, trying to ensure you look your best, and avoid the nagging feeling at the back of your mind. Your darker-self trying to rear her ugly head and steal your fleeting moments of joy, and stir up the insufferable concoction of anxiety.
Finally, you emerged from the bathroom to be greeted with the sight of Simon stood with his back to the door, his large palm clasped firmly over his wrist.
He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were doing in the bathroom. Had it only been a quick stop, it would've been three minutes tops. But when you did your pick-me-ups, it took seven minutes.
He shouldn't know that, yet considering you're a relatively well-known public figure, he has to time every second you're not in his line of sight.
Simon stepped to the side, allowing you to exit the bathroom. His dark eyes gave a disapproving look as he surveyed your appearance.
"You've got a bit of sugar on your dress." He informed you, glancing down at the skirt of your black cocktail dress.
Your eyes hurriedly followed his, searching for the spot and swiping your hand over the material, earning an amused glint to flash in his normal unreadable eyes.
You groaned in annoyance once it became apparent he was messing with you, your hand quickly came up to slap his arm in defiance.
"Arse," you muttered under your breath. Simon's stoic demeanor momentarily gave way to show off a glimpse of underlying smugness.
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Simon couldn't deny that you were a good looking woman, and he always found it hard to tear his gaze away from you, especially when you were a magnet for people. You had the natural ability to draw people in, even with your resting-bitch-face. Somehow, someway, everyone gravitated toward you.
It was very much the opposite of himself, all jagged edges, harsh lines with the repellent of a rabid Rottweiler. He found it fascinating on a personal level, but on a professional level, he loathed it.
He hated how people thought they could touch you, or be within three feet of you, or even the way they looked at you.
All he saw was greed, manipulation, and control. He was certain that you saw it too; he could see the faint flicker of disgust in your eyes when someone tried to cozy up to you for their own gain.
A part of Simon's heart ached to see your life full of so many people, yet none of them truly gave a shit about you. But he also knew you did it strategically, much like he had done for most of his life. Although, Simon's was done more coldly, you had a certain finesse about it. You held a sense of attainability, allowing people in just enough to keep control of, but never in deep enough for them to control you.
Behind the rich, spoiled brat, Simon marveled at the true strength and cunning you showed within this materialistic world. He could see the fox within you, calculating and sly as she was, planning her escape.
But the escape plan is what scared him. He heard every conversation you had with yourself, when you thought no one was listening.
You longed for a life without a name. Where you could fly under the radar, only keeping close to you those who truly cared. And as much as he tried to remain detached. He was concerned that one day, you'd find a remedy for that desire.. and take flight for the heavens.
Simon watched vigilantly over you as you remained perched on the outdoor couch with your group of girlfriends. His eyes never left you as your friend slipped a pill between your soft, red lips and did the tactless act of spitting her drink in your mouth to aid you in ingesting the pill.
Fuckin' hell, love. You need better friends.
He sighed inwardly, but heaved a quiet breath as he kept watch, wanting to shake his head in disappointment. But he knew you could feel his disapproving gaze prickling at your muted senses.
Your head dipped back in pleasure as your friend kissed down your neck, across your collarbones and back up to your lips. Half-lidded eyes remained trained on Simon as he stood within your sight, your eyes appreciatively raked over his form, taking in the way his muscles strained against the black fabric of his black button-down, and the way his slacks fit his tree-trunk legs perfectly.
He was a delicious sight and you were feeling ravenous, silently lusting over the man assigned to guard your life. The only man who gave a single shit about you.
Simon internally groaned, his hand clenching into fists behind his back as he watched the scene unfold before him. If he wasn't on duty right now, he'd be fucking you within an inch of your life, and make you pray to a merciless God. Himself.
You pulled yourself up from the couch on slightly unsteady legs, and sauntered over to him, only stopping in front of him once your hands were on his chest.
Simon gazed into your dilated pupils, already noticing the effects of your meeting with your little friend, Molly.
"Wanna go home," you demanded, pouting up at him.
"So soon? You looked like you were having a bit of fun." He replied in a neutral tone, keeping his aloof and disinterested persona in place.
"It's boring here," you whined, "wanna have fun. At home. With you."
"Mm, you wound me, bird. Here I thought you knew not to associate me in the same sentence as fun." He scoffed lightly, trying to keep the inflection of amusement from his tone.
He reached a large, callused hand to rest on the small of your back, acting as a stabilizer for your current state. Tingles ran up your spine as every nerve-ending desperately sought out the rest of his warm touch, igniting hot flames of desire along your spine, and pulsing directly to your rapidly slickening cunt from your heightened state.
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Simon watched you closely once you were back in the safety of your home. He gauged you as you stripped off your dress carelessly, leaving it discarded on the floor, much like you had done with your heels the moment you were off the lift earlier.
He sighed as he watched you prance around the room topless, going about your business in your flimsy g-string.
"It's too bloody hot in this damn house," you whined as you adjusted the thermostat.
Your body swayed on unsteady legs, your skin glistened with intense perspiration. A wave of dizziness struck you, forcing you to lean against the wall momentarily while your heart rate soared, soft, frantic breaths escaped your lips while your vision blurred in a not so fun way.
Simon's eyes narrowed with concern before he immediately recognized your symptoms, having realized what would force this reaction out of you.
"How many lines did you do tonight?" Simon asked in a firm tone, scooping you up in his arms effortlessly, then rushed you into the bathroom.
He helped you kneel before the toilet, gathering your hair in one hand so you wouldn't have to focus on much.
"T-three," you panted out, feeling waves of nausea swell and your stomach to roil.
You retched into the toilet, firmly grasping the edges in a white-knuckle grip.
"And you only took one pill. Molly, right?" he asked with concern, gently rubbing his large palm at the center of your shoulder blades.
"Yeah," you croaked weakly before lowering your head again.
Simon grunted in frustration, yet remained vigilantly at your side, helping you through your sickness.
After a while, the vomiting finally ceased as he gently cleaned you up and propped your back against the bathtub. He quickly grabbed a washcloth and a disposable cup for mouth wash before handing it to you.
"Swish and spit in the cup, bird," he instructed while pressing the cold washcloth to your forehead, then moved it to the nape of your neck, trying to quickly cool your body down from the sudden onslaught of heat exhaustion.
You did as Simon instructed before handing it to him to dispose of. Your eyelids were hardly able to stay open, your body felt weak as if each limb was weighed down by imaginary anchors, and your skin felt like it was on fire.
Simon returned with a thermometer in hand, taking your temperature.
102 degrees.
"Fuckin' hell, bird." he murmured gruffly.
With quick efficiency, Simon collected you in his arms again, carrying you out to the oversized sectional in the living room.
You were already drifting in and out of consciousness, finding new items surrounding you each time you opened your eyes.
Simon worriedly administered an IV, a bin was placed beside the couch, cool washcloths littered across your body.
"What's all this?" you slurred nearly unintelligibly.
"Hyperthermia. Just rest. Let me take care of you," he answered in a softer tone than ever before, and had your body not been fighting for it's life, you might have caught the worry in his eyes and concern and care in his deep voice.
For several hours, Simon remained by your side, using a dropper to dispense electrolytes on your tongue, checking your temperature every hour, and gently running his fingers through your hair while you slept on the couch.
"M' gonna get you fixed up, bird... don't wanna see you like this anymore," he whispered in devotion, and pressed a tender kiss on your forehead.
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clarisinne · 3 months
hellooo i came from your tiktok :) do you use any other mods for your game aside from the ones you mentioned in one of your tiktoks? your comics inspired me to start maybe making some of my own for fun
Hi!! I absolutely encourage you to do that it's so much fun! Anyway here's the mods I currently play with
Sprite mods
Seasonal Outfits - a must for me, they all look so much cuter those are the canon sprites to me lol
Farmer Portraits - it's so cute like tell me that's not the cutest thing
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Seasonal Farmer Potraits - it changes your portrait with seasons and events HOW CUTE IS THATTTT
Dialogue mods
More conversation topics
Farmerjack's dialogue expansion
Canon friendly dialogue expansion
Unique dating responses
Big Harvey dialogue expansion mod
Then there's like one I use to stop time and one for the autograbber to work for truffles and i think that's it?
If anyone has any suggestions do hit my inbox!!
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pascaloverx · 9 months
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Five
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
chapter four chapter six
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"I'll have the chocolate truffle pie with whipped cream." You respond to the waiter who is taking your dessert order.
"I'll have the same as her, but without the cream." Pedro responds by closing the menu and handing it to the waiter.
"I think we have to take pictures of each other. Most of of couples do this and I can set it as my cell phone wallpaper. " You comment while taking a sip of the wine Pedro ordered.
"Any pose for a photo you want to suggest?" Pedro asks, seeming to agree with your idea.
"Just look at me, like you think I'm one of the most beautiful women you've ever seen." You suggest taking your cell phone and watching from the corner of your eye, Pedro takes his cell phone out of his pocket.
"I truly think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen." He speaks subtly as if this sentence won't make an impact on you.
"That's what I call getting into character, Mr. Pascal." You say getting ready to take photos of your fake boyfriend. Unfortunately, you can't help but feel embarrassed because you think this is the level of flirting you're going to hear.
"Thanks for the compliment but it wasn't a character line. That was my honest opinion." And then you look at him, like someone who doesn't believe what he's saying but doesn't know how to react even if he be sincere. He then takes your photo while you look at him.
"The photo was supposed to be cute, now I'm going to look like a mess on your screen." You say, taking a careless photo of Pedro in return for him taking one of you.
"I see you're the vindictive type, should I be worried?" He asks softly, seeming to make fun of the situation. You look at him smiling, trying to show that you are satisfied with your action.
"If you don't get up to anything, you don't have to fear anything. In fact the photo turned out better than I thought." You say showing the result of the photo you took of Pedro. It was very natural beautiful. It almost looks like a real boyfriend with the handsome appearance.
"I would like you to explain in detail how you imagined this photo would turn out. Remember that's your boyfriend's face you're talking about." After hearing Pedro saying this, you immediately laugh. Before you react, the waiter brings the desserts. You and Pedro then begin to delicately eat your respective desserts.
"I used to ask the head chef here to make this dessert for me on my birthdays. In total I spent about four birthdays working here. It always seemed magical when I ate it this dessert. I guess I'll have to find another birthday tradition now." You say as you enjoy every piece of your chocolate pie.
"You seem to really like that pie. There's some cream in your mouth. Let me take it out." He says, passing his fingers under my lips and in reflex, I end up licking his fingers. I mean almost licking his fingers.
"I'm so sorry, that was reflexes being quicker than reasoning. I swear I didn't mean to..." You say, apologizing for the light lick. How embarrassing.
"Don't apologize. But it's interesting the types of reflexes you have. Hopefully this will give a sexier tone to our date." He says laughing at your face. He's barely started dating you and he no longer takes you seriously.
"I'm glad you're having fun. But after this I'm ready to go home. If you don't object." You don't know how to continue this dinner after what you did.
"Dear, if you want to go. We will. But there's no need to be embarrassed." Pedro kisses his cheek as he gets up to pull out your chair. He then surprises you by placing a light kiss on your neck just in time for a paparazzi to take a photo of the moment.
"How did you know the paparazzi was going to take this photo?" You ask quietly, avoiding that anyone except for Pedro could hear you.
"I didn't know. Now come on, I have to take you home." He speaks naturally, giving you a peck on your lips. Without any reaction, you spend a few seconds standing still, contemplating the man you are pretending to date. Your heart races as you realize that your fake boyfriend has unimaginable effects on you.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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mintytealfox · 3 months
Do you have any hcs about genderswap nortalice? I feel like female norton can lift male alice if she really wanted to 💝
She would absolutely YEEEEET male!Alice HAHAHAHAHA
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male!Alice: "I wish there was a way up to that window..." -starts pondering to himself and not realized he is being lifted like heavy lance- fem!Norton: "3......2.......................................1" male!Alice: "huh?" fem!Norton: "UP" -male!Alice is absolutely LAUNCHED-
---- Now here's MOAR: (and some of these also apply to their OG genders as well heh but not all of them)
-I like to think that male!Alice is particularly corny and puny and that makes fem!Norton look into the camera like in the office 🤣🤣
-I think fem!norton wasn't overly fond of people before male!Alice comes along. She came from a rough place with rough people and has a rough outlook on everything and everyone because of it. But then here is this guy who is like 'wow truffle cake is brilliant, I'd wager its the best thing in existence' and that making fem!norton like 'HUH???' the absolute state of confusion she would be in that there isn't some ulterior meaning or motive behind such a pure comment.
-and I imagine male!Alice wasn't overly fond of people either before meeting fem!norton, simply cause of how exhausting it all is for him. I can see him enjoying observing people from afar but if he doesn't have any information on who he is talking to or anyone that is in the room, he can be stressed and watching each and every movement, making him naturally overwhelmed and looking ill. An old survival skill that now infects his daily life, unable to relax and just enjoy an outing or conversation for what it is. He wants to relax and just be with people but the stress and lack of control makes being with random people not at all enjoyable.
-I think the way fem!norton eats completely disarmed male!alice lol just staring at her wide eyed 'she is like a chipmunk, a gross chipmunk, adorable~' He thinks she is so odd that he wants to know more than just the mining accident lol
-I can see Male!Alice being completely unable to get drunk no matter how hard he tries (due to the experiments that happened to him). While Fem!Norton can drink A LOT but can get drunk and when she does she can't stop talking lol
-Just imagine fem!norton bridal carrying male!alice aahhhh so cute
I will stop here but THERE IS MORE LOL
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ichinisankaku · 5 months
Backstage Translation - Sharing Out Cuteness (Part 2)
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Sakuya: Muku-kun, have you had this chocolate before? Looks like it's being sold at a nearby supermarket for a limited time next week.
Muku: Ah! That truffle's from a brand that's super popular online. You can't order it, so I thought I wouldn't be able to eat it.
Sakuya: Let's go check it out together, then!
Muku: Yeah!
Homare: Ooh, here you two are!
Sakuya: Homare-san?
Muku: What is it?
Homare: Right. I have a present for you two.
Muku & Sakuya: These tea bags are…!
Homare: They're the rabbit ones you showed me the other day. I happened upon them at a supermarket just earlier.
As you said, Sakuya-kun, there are animals other than rabbits, and so I bought a whole variety of them. I'll give these ones to you.
Sakuya: Thank you very much, I'm so happy!
Muku: Let's drink them right away! I'll boil the water.
Sakuya: I'll prepare the cups, then.
Homare: …
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Homare: Fu fu fu…
Hisoka: …You're in a good mood.
Homare: Ooh, you're here, Hisoka-kun!
You see, Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun were very pleased with the animal tea bags I gifted them.
Their happiness made buying them worth it. I know! I shall give one to you as well, Hisoka-kun!
Hisoka: …Marshmallows'd be better.
Homare: Hmm… for you, perhaps a cat rather than a rabbit? Or maybe a penguin…?
Hisoka: …You're not listening.
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Izumi: …Phew.
(Shouldn't be too long now until these documents are done… wait, it's that late already?)
(Well, I'll keep going until I reach a good stopping point anyway.)
*door opens*
Homare: Oh my, I was wondering who it was. If it isn't Director-kun.
Izumi: Homare-san! So you're still awake.
Homare: Indeed. I was making good progress on my writing, and before I knew it, night had befallen us.
Izumi: It's hard to stop when you're on a roll, isn't it.
Homare: Are you working as well?
Izumi: Yeah. I plan on going for a bit longer.
Homare: Wonderful timing, then. I was about to brew some tea, would you care for some as well?
Izumi: Oh, I'd love some!
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Homare: Thank you for waiting.
Izumi: Wow, cute! It looks like the rabbit's soaking in a bathtub!
Homare: Doesn't it just? Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun told me about them.
Izumi: Seems like the type of thing those two would like. It smells lovely too, just looking at it is soothing.
Homare: I shall gift you some too. They're a good companion for work.
Option 1: I'll take you up on that
Izumi: I'll take you up on that, then.
Homare: For you, maybe a cat, or a dog… no, you should have both of them.
Izumi: I can have two?
Homare: Of course. After all, it was thanks to you that I came upon them at all.
Izumi: It was?
Homare: They were at the supermarket we stopped by during the day.
Izumi: Oh, it was then! I noticed you bought some stuff, but I didn't think they would be this cute.
Option 2: I'd feel bad
Izumi: I'd feel bad, though.
It'd be better to give these to Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun…
Homare: No need to worry about that. They were the first ones I gifted these to. Therefore, you can accept them without restraint.
Izumi: You're sure? In that case… I'll take these.
Izumi: Thank you very much. I'll use them when I want to feel relaxed.
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Sakyo: …
Izumi: Sa-Sakyo-san, do you think it's maybe time to take a break?
Sakyo: …Good call.
Homare: If you're taking a breather, you should try one of these tea bags!
Sakyo: Excuse me?
Homare: For you… I know. This lion one is rather good, isn't it?
Or perhaps your preference lies with this herbal tea penguin?
Itaru: …Homare-san's been handing out a lot of those recently, hasn't he? I got some too.
Hisoka: …He said he went to buy more just to hand them out.
Izumi: Everyone's pleased with them, so I think it's great.
Yuki: Well, it's not like it's an issue to get tea bags.
Tsuzuru: Even so, Arisugawa-san butting in when Furuichi-san looks like THAT is… pretty amazing.
Taichi: When Sakyo-nii's irritated from the numbers not adding up, I can't talk to him! Not at all!
Hisoka: …Alice doesn't know fear.
Part 1
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choism · 2 years
A Picnic In The Woods | w.jh [REUPLOADED]
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Boyfriend!Junhui x AFAB!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: makeout, fingering, oral (m receiving), finger sucking, public sex, other sexy implications, jun being literally the sweetest bf ever
A/N: This fic is reuoloaded from my old account @/Huiranghaes. This work is NOT stolen or plagiarized!
Jun runs towards a small opening off of the forest path and gestures excitedly towards the small clearing in the distance. "Look this is like the perfect place! Barely anyone can see through it." He jogs back towards you and grabs your arm.
"Yeah sure that's such a cute little spot! And we will get some privacy too, good job Junnie." He flashes you his big boxy smile and takes your hand in his, dragging you through the small path.
The short path to the clearing the Jun found was seemingly not an actual path. Your face was being battered by small twigs and branches and the dirt pathway was narrow. Jun had no care, of course.
The two of you had been planning on doing a forest picnic date for a while, but y'all could never find a nice quiet place to do so until now. After searching for nearby places for a while, you found a great forest area with trails on it that you thought would be peaceful, but it was still too public.
The both of you finally arrive at the small clearing and you take in your surroundings.
It's beautiful.
It wasn't a very big space, just enough for you to lay out the picnic blanket, and it was surrounded by gorgeous flowers. Pink and white peonies, daisies, and other pretty flowers you can't name. It was almost ethereal, the feeling you got from taking in your surroundings.
And the fact that you and your boyfriend have this secret spot all to yourselves just amps the feeling. Jun looks at you and you turn to him and smile, knowing that he has the same feeling.
You set down your backpack and start unloading all of the essentials, the picnic blanket, the drinks, and most importantly the food.
Before you guys left your apartment, the both of you had made what seemed to be the perfect picnic lunch. Jun made cute little sandwiches that he shaped into hearts and stars and he cooked some little sausages as a snack. You had packed some small bags of chips and made the sweets, just some red velvet truffles and brownies.
You lay down the blanket and Jun sits and starts unloading all of the food from containers, placing them methodically on the blanket so everything looks nice and neat. You take a seat next to him and nudge him to open the mystery container in front of you.
"What's this?" He asks picking up the container. "Open it!" He opens the container and his face lights up. "Lemon candies! When did you make these?" He picks one up and pops it into his mouth.
"I made them last night before you got to my apartment, I thought you'd like them." He pecks you on the mouth and takes your hand in his. "Thank you babe, now let's eat!"
With all of the food laid out in front of you, the both of you start to dig in. Everything tasted amazing, especially the sandwiches Jun made. And you're proud of the every reaction he has when he takes a bite out of the sweets you made.
After a while of goofing around and completely devouring the food you both had made, you started to pack everything up neatly back into your backpack when Jun get's an idea.
"Hey can we just stay here a bit and enjoy the scenery, I don't want to leave quite yet." You look over at him and he is staring off in the distance, presumably at the bed of flowers ahead of you.
"Yeah we can do that, I don't want to leave quite yet either." You place your head gently on his shoulder.
The both of you stay silent for a bit and just enjoy your surroundings. Behind the beautiful beds of flowers were tall strong trees whose branches swayed back and forth with the light breeze. The air surrounding y'all is crisp, nothing could be more of a perfect moment than this.
You can feel Jun start to lean back to lay down so you lift your head off of his shoulder. As he lays down you just stare at him.
Truly, nothing could be more perfect than this right here.
You lean down and place a gentle kiss upon your boyfriend's soft lips. His eyes open in surprise but he melts into the kiss. You try to pull back but he places one of his hands gently behind your neck to stop you.
He shines you a wide grin. "I love you." Your eyes melt into his. "I love you too.
He pulls your head down to meet his lips again, and he kisses you with a bit more passion this time. The kiss is simmering, slowly bubbling into a more urgent, more needy makeout.
He sits up and it gets more and more intense, his hands running all over your body, trying to remember every curve like he'll forget you later. But of course he wouldn't. He loves you too much.
He moves from your mouth to your neck, placing gentle calculated kisses all along your jaw. "Wait Jun... As much as I like this, I don't think we can do this here." You question him, worried someone might see what you are doing.
"I think we will be fine, there were barely any people nearby when we got here and this place is pretty hidden anyway." He continues kissing your collarbones and he takes off your shirt.
"Yeah I guess your right, if we get caught I'm blaming this on you though." You giggle as your shirt comes over your head and Jun tosses it on the other side of the blanket. "Yeah yeah whatever." He chuckles and take off his shirt as well.
He continues to kiss your collarbones and his hands explore your chest, gently squeezing and massaging. His other hands travels further down and he rubs your center through your pants. "Lay down for me baby." He says with a sweet tone.
You lay back on the blanket and he smiles down at your excited expression as he moves his hand to the buttons of your pants. "Lift up your hips a bit." You do as he asks and he removes your pants and underwear, fully exposing you to the forest surrounding.
Jun leans down and places another kiss on your lips as he rubs through your folds, circling back up to your clit every so often to tease. You are suppressing your small moans pretty well until he inserts a finger, curling it upwards to hit your gspot.
"Oh god Jun please....." You try to hide your moans, knowing someone could potentially be walking nearby. He adds another finger and picks up the pace, hitting the same spot over and over relentlessly and you nearly gasp before he covers your mouth with his free hand.
"Shhh baby you need to be quiet, someone could hear us and we don't want that now do we?" His once playful smirk turns mischievous as he rubs your clit with his thumb.
You can feel yourself getting closer, so close to the edge, but he can feel it to so he stops abruptly. You want to whine but the hand covering your mouth muffles your cries. When you stop whining he removes his hand and licks his fingers clean of your arousal. He is about to speak when you abruptly shove him down onto the blanket.
"If you're gonna tease me then I get to tease you, now take off your pants." His eyes widen in shock but soon fill with arousal as he quickly works to get his pants off. You lean over his fully hard cock and dribble your spit onto it.
You move your hand up and down his length slowly, savoring the look on his face before taking his tip into your mouth. "Ah y/n..." Jun groans out quietly. You work your way from his tip to the shaft, making sure to savor him as much as you can while keeping him in check.
You can feel him get close as well, and when his veins start to twitch you take your mouth off of his cock. You look down at him and his expression says it all. His face is red and he's panting, "God you're such a tease." "I could say the same for you." You flash him a quick wink and get on top of him.
"Are you okay with me riding you?"
"Fuck yes."
With those words you slowly sink onto him and lightly groan out in pleasure as he stretches your walls. You hold onto his chest as you bounce yourself up and down lightly, trying to hold back on your moans.
You start to pick up the pace more and more, and as you feel your orgasm rebuilding you feel Jun's hips start to buck upwards into you.
"Fuck Jun your so big....." The pleasure is so overwhelming. You swear your seeing stars from how deep he is hitting you in this position. You didn't think he could go any deeper until he flips you over on your back and fucks into you hard.
He shoves his fingers in your mouth so you'll be quiet which is a great idea because the position change nearly made you scream. The combination of sucking on his fingers and him pounding into you was so brain melting, then Jun rubs his thumb over your clit and you can feel your high reaching unbelievably close.
"y/n I'm so close, I'm gonna cum." He pants and takes his hand out of your mouth and interlocks his hand with one of yours. "Fuck I am too, god Jun please cum inside of me."
With a few more strokes he releases inside of you and you follow soon after. As he slows his pace he places his lips onto yours, kissing you gently as you both ride your highs down.
Jun pulls out of you and uses part of the blanket to clean you up. "Jun not the blanket!" You scold him as he continues to clean you up.
"What would you rather have me do? Eat it out of you?" He questions and you just smirk devilishly at him. He smiles back.
"My pleasure."
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© Choism 2023. do not repost or translate.
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cherriebbyyyy · 1 month
Scent of love
First things first an apology in advance for my mind and what it made me do. Second the tags of what is below the line Nico Rosberg X Jeremy Fragrance fic , their 1K worded meet-cute if you will non explicit. Third here is the ao3 link X Happy Reading xoxo.
Nico was on a much needed vacation as he felt the salt in the air, the dew of the morning sea breeze on his face as he walked down the pavement by the beach in Santa Monica. The feeling of the grainy sand under his shoes that got dragged from the beach a few steps away, the smell of the ocean it was perfect, he had chosen California for this reason and also the fact that F1 wasn’t as big here and he had such a small chance of anyone recognizing him.He bought a mango cup from one of the vendors on the side enjoying the contrasting flavors  of the sweetness of the mango and the tanginess of the lime and salt that was added like the do here. 
“Fuck” Nico said as bumped into him causing some of the mango cup to spill on his white linen shirt, he thanked God he didn’t add chamoy or his shirt would have been stained as well as sticky as he felt the mango juice seep through the shirt and on his skin. He didn’t even get a chance to look and see who bumped into him when he heard “What is that scent?” as he felts a nose inhaling at his pulse point. 
“What the hell get off of me!” 
“You smell really good, what is that?” 
Nico had enough and pushed the sweaty shirtless freak away from him, and it seemed like he didn’t want to go until Nico gripped the gelled hair and pulled the man’s head away from his neck. Finally taking a look and it was a little shocking this guy looked like a long lost brother, a doppelganger. 
“So?” the strange man questioned Nico
Nico looked at the man confused what was wrong with him, what weird scent fetish did this guy have. Why was he sniffing Nico like a truffle pig in the forest desperate to catch the scent and why was he just staring at Nico waiting for an answer like any of this was a normal situation.
“Nothing I’m not wearing anything” Nico spat out.
“No after shave? That’s not Gucci Memoir? It’s a bit musky like it must have been your pheromones calling to me, also sorry by the way about your shirt, but mango does not stain so you should be fine. Are you German by the way?” 
What the hell is Nico’s life, he was getting whiplash and for once it wasn’t from driving.
“Yes I’m German” 
“Ah I could tell the accent, the blue eyes and blonde hair. You are almost as handsome as me. My Name is Jeremy” Jeremy said as he extended his hand. 
“Nico” He responded as he shook Jeremy’s hand 
“Ah, where are my manors? Nico, my compatriot, would you like a new shirt?”
“Are you going to buy me one?” 
“No my home is right there” Jeremy said as he pointed to a pink house on the other side of the pavement a few meters down the pavement. 
‘Fuck it’ Nico thought this day couldn’t get any weirder and a new shirt would beat having to walk 30 mins back to his Air-bnb in a sticky shirt. He’d also be close enough to a public space if this guy tried anything. 
“Amazing, follow me, I was just about to start my jog as well, I usually head towards Venice to work out instead of the pier but fate wanted me to meet you instead” Jemery said as he walked towards his house. 
Everything Nico learned about Jeremy made less sense because now that he took a good look trailing behind him, this guy was way too sweaty for the distance he had jogged and also the man was wearing white skinny jeans and a pair of white trainers that looked to be more for basketball than running. As they entered the house Nico was a bit in shock to look over at the kitchen table and see half of it covered in cologne bottles. This guy did have a scent fetish.
“Quite the collection you have” Nico comments breaking the silence 
“Ah yes, actually review them online it is a passion of mine, I actually go by Jeremy Fragrance, it is funny people often ask me to smell them and guess their scent like I did to you.”
He comes closer to Nico again standing where Nico has to gaze up and meet Jeremy’s eyes as the man is slightly taller than him by a few inches, Nico now close enough to feel his warmth and catch a whiff of this man's cologne which he couldn’t identify if he tried probably a mix of something that is on the table. 
“Nico let me say I am straight and currently looking for a God fearing woman to be my wife, but you are so beautiful and your scent has called me like no one else's not even a man made one---” he pauses to lean into Nico’s neck once more and take a deep breath. 
“-like I said earlier it seems like fate a man like you almost in my image, I think we must explore” Jeremy says with conviction as he stares into Nico’s confused eyes hoping Nico gets his message.
This man is crazy but what a pitch Nico thinks, he also hasn’t kissed a man in months as it is hard to vet someone for something casual, he usually sticks to women as it doesn’t really matter if that gets out as it is something people assume about him anyways. Maybe it is fate he thinks as he looks up to Jeremy and closes the gap between their lips. 
Jeremy is shocked for a moment before he melts into the kiss grinning as pitch had worked on sweet Nico. He slides a hand into Nico’s blonde locks noting that they are softer than his own then dipping Nico to gain control of the kiss as he slips his tongue in. He brings Nico back up and breaks the kiss. 
“Now what we came here for” Jeremey grins as he strips Nico of his shirt. 
For half a second Nico wonders if this was all a ploy but after that kiss he didn’t really care.
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invinciblerodent · 5 months
getting a little bit obsessed with my "cottagecore throuple" here, because the more I think about it, the more disgustingly perfect and idyllic the whole thing is to me.
like... post-game, I like to imagine Shadowheart absolutely thriving. She's a city girl with a deep love for animals, and spotty- to nil memories, most of which are of the worst things to have ever happened in a dank torture-basement: of course a sweet, picturesque forest cottage (so far I like to think that Petyr would call it "The Hovel", even though it's by all means a cozy, nice hunter's lodge) would have her downright giddy, and she deserves every ounce of that happiness ever.
As I imagine it, when not enthusiastically learning all there is to learn about the quasi-self-sustaining life (that she had dropped herself into by shacking up with a literal forest ranger), she spends as much time outside as possible: walks barefoot in the tall grass, stops to smell every flower (and even plants quite a few, just by the vegetables), and lays in the soft underbrush for hours at a time- enjoying the sunlight caressing her face, enjoying a nice novel (and/or a cuddle with Scratch, the cub, or her boyfriend once he sits down for a moment), or just gazing up at the moon and stars in silent worship. She makes friends with every animal that crosses her path, too: SO many potions of animal speaking are consumed, it's absurd. (She's best friends with the chickens. Petyr has to start farming acorn truffles in the basement for her, and that even proves actually very lucrative- in town, that shit sells for like 10-20 gold a pop.)
She'd of course bring home everything that'll let her. Little wildflower bouquets and stuff at first, but also every critter: from juvenile racoons just weaned from their mothers (they look almost like kittens! how cute!), to elderly foxes that just want to curl up in front of the fire and warm their bones somewhere safe for a moment. She's having the time of her goddamn life, she's learning a shitton of life skills she was never taught (finally learning things not meant to make her better at hurting people!), and generally enjoying a life that, while still plagued by remnants of the past (night terrors, perpetrator trauma, loss, grief, pains both suffered and inflicted, all that great stuff), has her feeling actually content with her lot in it.
And with all this, Petyr is... very business as usual, or at least he's trying to pretend that he is. Having someone in what was his space for like 20 years is strange initially, but if there's one thing he's used to, it's adapting. Making things work. (Plus, he's like, happy, or whatever. In love. You know, that sort of rot.)
Then again, he's also used to only having to feed himself with the very little he has, not another (especially another who is inexperienced at this type of thing, and a second another who just... drops by sometimes, always unannounced and unexpected, but never unwelcome), which deep down does have him a bit (a lot) more antsy about not just being the self-appointed guardian of her happiness, but also just... their general survival.
He's keenly aware that winters in the wild are never especially easy, not when you're so far removed from the safety of a community- especially not the way he's used to being alone, without even magic to keep you warm and safe. Usually, he spends most of the year primarily occupied by preparing for winter, and even like that, there have been lean years: years when he got snowed in for tendays, when he did something stupid and all the careful prep went down the shitter, years he had to go hungry and learn to make do with next to nothing.
So he compensates for- (and distracts himself from-) that anxiety by making extra sure that the pantry is stocked to bursting with all the goods there can be, and they often head out into the woods to hunt and forage together- although he's not a great (or even a good) teacher, Shadowheart (usually Shadow, often Heart, lately Jen or Jenny in affection) does make what he used to do out of sheer need, into something also done for fun.
Hunting and foraging are fun now, and soon, the cabinets are overflowing with jars and jars of dry mushrooms, so much homemade deer jerky, jams and jellies and pickles galore... there's mead fermenting, and homemade soap curing before it can be used, firewood stacked to the height of a person... herb bundles, garlic braids, grain corn, and drying peppers are strung up on the rafters like fragrant fairy lights.
Meanwhile, I imagine that Halsin comes and goes as he pleases- not entirely unlike a beloved stray cat. He just shows up one evening as if he had left not tendays, but only a few hours ago, kicks the duff or mud or snow off his boots, and leans his staff into its habitual nook by the door. He sets whatever it is that he brought this time in its appropriate place (be it otherwise unobtainable goods from town, or just a little gift, a treat to enjoy together), and he sinks into the worn-out armchair by the fireplace that was declared his the first time he stayed.
One of the others almost always then strolls by to settle wordlessly on his lap (if not both of them- that poor chair can barely take the combined weight), and just relax as his big, warm fingers slowly work through the knots and ties keeping their hair out of their faces, and, voice rumbling deep in his chest, he tells them all that has happened in Reithwin the past while.
The many smells of dinner and the comforting scent of pipe tobacco mingle with the fragrant herbs and the crackling fire then, and creates something that can only be described as the scent of home.
.............. and then all three just fuck absolute NASTY every day, in every configuration, and on every surface available for the next, oh, month or so.
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I know it’s the wrong time of year but…
Harry and y/n at a Christmas market, long term bf vibes I get, just both of them in cosy clothes hand in hand
the most boyfriend-y thing in the world.
he loves them.
yn loves them.
but she doesn't love them as much as harry.
and as much as the two of them love the christmas markets in the uk - london, winchester, etc - there is something about the ones held in europe that they find so much more beautiful. germany, vienna, poland, france. they all host them so beautifully. so festively.
he'll always take her, every year. without a doubt. making a little weekend out of it where they visit the markets and have some time to themselves now that his tour is over and she's taken a break from work.
he's dresses so cosily.
and yn can't lie when she says it's one of the many reasons she loves attending these markets with him.
because his outfits change drastically. there's no flares, no see-through shirts, no sequins or glitter. it's just him, in his baby-blue denim jeans and the baggiest christmas jumper adorning his body. and even though he's muscular, big and broad in some areas, the jumper looks like it swallows him whole and he looks adorable.
and yn's not far off matching. in her own christmas jumper and her blue jeans and warm shoes with the fluffiest socks on her feet, and a bag over her shoulder that holds everything they need.
"taste the mulled wine, taste it."
he's grinning and he's had a couple of plastic cups too many. given by the state of his lips and the colour of his teeth. but he's cute and he's just being himself now that he can do so, and the lights glisten in his eyes and his cheeks are flushed from the chill in the air. his hand holding a white cup of a warm red liquid that, she had to agree on, tasted delicious.
"it's good, isn't it?"
he finishes the last little bit and throws the cup in the bin and he goes back to holding her hand, the breeze catching in her hair and biting at his cheeks, but the smells were too indulgent to leave.
"we should take back one of those little baskets for my mum. she would love it. all the gingerbread and the homemade truffles."
"we should bring her one year. and her partner. and my parents."
"but- i like it when it's just us two."
and the pout is cute on his lips.
"one year, baby. one year."
and if people recognised them, well, they must had adored from afar because they never get stopped. pictures, of course, float on the internet and stories are shared all over. but there's never a single fan interaction - which he loves, which yn loves, and makes them feel a little more at ease knowing they can just be 'harry and yn' instead of 'harry styles and yn yln'.
the speakers play christmas music and he's singing under his breath. twirling her around every now and then. and they stop to have a small dance together before realising people were watching. blushes flushing their cheeks with a pink hue.
and when they get back to their hotel room, they share a bath. he always makes sure get one with a spectacular view, a beautiful atmosphere and a bathroom that was fit for a queen because they are always found having a bath together. relaxing. feeling close to one another.
"this is my favourite time of year."
"not tour season?"
he shakes his head and holds her close, the water sloshing around them as he buries his face in the back of her shoulder and presses kisses across her damp skin.
"this right here. being in a different country but for anything else but touring. i get to enjoy the city. enjoy my time off. and i get to do it with you."
"just me and you, baby."
"just me and you"
and he grins and she settles back into his arms.
"christmas will always be my favourite holiday. these trips, the cold weather, the markets, no touring, the festive feel. you."
he speaks so softly, legs crossing and enclosing around her to trap her to his body, holding her as close as he could - except, it never felt close enough.
"you're a big softie, h. the biggest softie." x
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niigata-division · 11 months
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Happy Halloween from Valor Guard (+ Yaeka & Sara)
Seiji - Gomez Addams
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“Goddammit, the Rookie scared half the department today with his costume. You’d think a bunch of trained police officers wouldn't find it scary, but I’ll admit the Rookie went all out with it. If I didn't have nerves of steal I’d be creeped out as well. Now then, I promised Yaeka I’d take her trick or treating for the first time, so take this treat and Happy Halloween.”
You received a treat!
Blood Truffles. Milk chocolate truffles filled with an ooey-gooey bloody center that bursts inside your mouth that moment you bite down on it.
Lyall - Boogeyman
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“Boo! Fu fu fu~, you're not afraid of the dark, are you? Awww, look at you being so cute wide-eyed like that. I can sense your fear from here, and it would be quite delicious to feed on, my dear. Just thinking about it is getting me hungry. Hahaha!  Thankfully, for you, you're not the person I want to feed on tonight. There's an adorable little idol putting in a show, and I want to see how scared I can get her. So here, have this.”
You received a treat!
Witch’s Crystals. Sugar crystals that come in several flavors such as grape, strawberry, orange, and black cherry. Eat one for protection against the monster that lies in the shadows. 
Ayumu - Tuxedo Mask
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“Sara is finally old enough to go trick or treating, so I took the night off to take her around. This costume doesn't quite cut it out for me. It reminds me too much of the suits I had to wear to galas when I was younger. At least it matches Sara’s costume. Ah, the things you do for your children, right? Before I go take these and be safe! Ah! Sara, please don't run off without me!”
You received a treat!
Choco Roses. Small pieces of chocolate in the shape of roses. They come in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate. However, it's best not to throw these roses at your enemies. 
Bonus! Yaeka - Wednesday Addams
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“Hi! Happy Halloween! Papa promised me he’d take me trick or treating, but he says he has to check my candy first because some people can put nasty tricks instead of treats. Oh, right! Papa said I could give my own treats out!”
You received a treat!
Gummy Spiders. Creepy crawly spider gummies that ooze a dark green liquid when bitten into. It's a treat for those fascinated by the macabre. 
Bonus! Sara - Usagi Tsukino
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“Happy Halloween! Daddy says he’s going to take me trick or treating today! *giggles* I’m even wearing a matching costume with Daddy, too! I’m so excited! We’re even going to see Miss Shisuta, too! Oh! This is for you! Bye-bye!”
You received a treat!
Strawberry Sugar Moons. Soft and chewy candies in the shape of pink crescents and coated in sugar. Perfect for anyone punishing in the name of the moon! 
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Matcha×Truffle or MossyCobweb as i call it a total of never cause no one cares for the ship but me and no one cares for matcha but like 2 ppl [me and some rando] so i wanna ask what would you rate this ship....and how do u rate them?
Hello! Sorry for the super, super late reply. It was my first time running a blog and first time going to college, so I was extremely burnt out about a month ago and just...forgot about the blog. Again, I promise that I will not throw a random hiatus without a warning in the future. Again, I'm sorry.
Funnily, I was looking at Matcha earlier today and I manage to stumble across a comic creator image for Matcha x Truffle. I was literally thinking to myself: huh, what an interesting ship!
If you mean rating them as in giving a numerical rating, I will give them a 5/10 personally. I see why they are shipped: both of them are eccentric (and elderly?), and that's cute. It's just that their aesthetics together does not really match my taste--or maybe more importantly, I can barely see Matcha with anyone romantically. HOWEVER, I do wish the best things for Matcha and Truffle! They both deserve lots of love in-universe because they both feel very isolated from other cookies.
Anyways, if you mean rating them as in giving pros and cons, here they are!
Friendly elderly people hanging out in creepy mansions (v i b e s)
Misunderstood by the outside world; bond together to heal their loneliness!
Potentially super intersting plot where Matcha shows up randomly one day to Truffle's mansion because she was abandoned by DE. Truffle takes her in and realized that Matcha barely talks (canon) and seems naive about common sense (this is just a headcanon), and slowly bonds with her
Matcha likes plants (Herb's relationship chart), so she can decorate Truffle's mansion (cute!)
Honestly all cons are subjective, and I kind of already gave me reasons above
I guess objectively, they are a rarepair? But the fact that I'm running this blog clearly means that I don't consider being a rarepair a bad thing lol
You need lots of imagination to justify how they'd meet (not a bad thing imo! I love imagining headcanons and scenarios)
Yeah, I hope this answers sufficiently! Feel free to DM me to chat more about the ship or send another ask!
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marinecelebrian · 2 years
Akaashi's birthday, or when Bokuto learns the truth about Akaashi in Fukurodani
"Keijiii !!"
Bokuto runs to Akaashi, who's been waiting for him for a few minutes. He observes his boyfriend : wrapped in a big beige coat and a large red scarf, the end of his nose is a bit colored by the cold in Tokyo. Arrived at the same level as him, he kisses discreetly  Akaashi on his forehead. 
“I’m sorry, Keiji, my train was late…
“Don’t worry Koutarou, I’m glad to see you. You wanna go eat something ?”
“Yes, I booked a table, but in an hour. I wanna take a walk, it’s so beautiful here at this time.”
Akaashi nods. It’s December, after all. Tokyo is decorated with a lot of Christmas lights. It’s also Keiji’s birthday, and that’s why Bokuto is in the capitale. Luckily, the athlete managed to get two days off, before coming back to Osaka until the end of the month. And it’s exactly what they need : be only together, quiet, under a multicolored sky. 
They walk, hand in hand, slowly, talking a lot (especially Bokuto, Akaashi is always there to listen to him as much as his boyfriend needs it) until the restaurant. It’s just a little meal, in an Italian restaurant,  that Konoha recommended to the player because the food is excellent. And, to be honest, he was totally right. But even if they have a very good time, they just want to go back outside and walk around Tokyo under the Christmas lights. 
They taste a dish of lasagne for Bokuto, and linguini with truffle for Akaashi, accompanied by a glass of red wine, then respectively tiramisu and profiteroles. The meal is perfect, the atmosphere too. They talk a lot together, about their jobs, their lives. And they stay there for almost two hours, happy to see each other, just the two of them, with no one to disturb them.
Finally, they leave the restaurant. A slight breeze catches them, and Akaashi hides his face in his scarf, while closing their eyes. And Bokuto thinks it’s so cute, sweet, adorable, and a lot of other words he maybe doesn’t know. He can’t help but smile. He takes Akaashi’s hand, and takes him to see the lights. 
And now, they’re wandering in Tokyo again, under the Christmas lights. Akaashi’s hand is in the Bokuto’s pocket, trying to hide their love and, at the same time, wanting to touch each other. They need it. They see each other too rarely, and they want to enjoy their time together.
They arrive at a small square, nicely embellished, like many other squares and streets. But Bokuto, by seeing all the fairy lights everywhere around them, with many stars hung, in the street, can’t help looking at them, a big childish smile on his lips.
“Hey, Keijiii, look at this !”
“I saw, Koutarou, and it’s wonderful.“
“I agree. But I’m sure it’s more important and beautiful for you !”
“Hmm, why ?,” asks Akaashi, doubtful. 
“You love stars, right ?”
“Oh… Yes, I do love them”, said softly Akaashi, with a very discreet smile on his lips.
“I knew it !! I’m the best boyfriend ever !”
“Of course.”
They smile at each other and then, they keep walking for a few minutes until they come to another small place, with a very big Christmas tree and a lot of decorations, fairy lights and baubles. Under the tree, there is a little train that goes around the trunk. 
The couple is still holding hands, and they’re starry-eyed. They love the Christmas season, even if Akaashi doesn’t say it often. To be honest, only Bokuto knows it.  
They sit down on a small bench, watching all the lights, in front of the Christmas tree. They are silent, even Bokuto doesn't speak and Akaashi puts his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.
“You know, Koutarou, you’re right, I love the stars…” 
“Yes, I’m the best !!! But who doesn’t like them ?”
“Please, let me finish. It’s a bit embarrassing…”
“ Oh, why ?”
“ You know, the star I like the most isn’t in the sky. “
“ Don’t be poetic, please, I never understand.”
“ Haha, okay, okay…”
Akaashi straightens up, and sits down properly, while looking Bokuto in the eyes. The latter stares at him, a bit lost. 
“Kou… Do you know why I chose Fukurodani, so many years ago ?” 
“ Because we were the best ?”
“ Yes, of course. But I had 2 recommendations, for 2 different highschools. And I chose Fukurodani.” 
“And ? “
Akaashi catches his breath. He feels a bit nervous. He takes Bokuto’s hand and plays with his fingers.
“That’s because I saw a match.” 
“Of Fukurodani ?” 
“Of course. And… It was when you were in your first year of highschool. And, mh, I saw you in the sky, ready to attack. At this moment, I knew I wanted to play with you, I wanted to do passes for you, I wanted to know you. And, mh, that’s why I went to Fukurodani. Because I fell in love with the way you play and, more importantly, I fell in love with you, at first sight.” 
Bokuto doesn’t react. He doesn't understand what he just heard. He really doesn’t understand. Something is wrong in his mind. Nothing can be true. 
“Do… Did we win the game?”, try to articulate Bokuto. 
“I don’t remember.” 
“So, why do you remember it…”
“Because you were here, in front of me, jumping to the sky to hit the volleyball.” 
“And you…”
“I don’t know if I fell in love with you or the way of playing or both.”
“Koutarou, come back to Earth, please.”
Bokuto stays calm for a few minutes. He seems to think about something, and Akaashi starts to worry. 
“Why did you never tell me you were in love for such a long time ??”
"Maybe because I didn't understand that I was gay, and, more importantly, the team was my priority. I wanted to play a lot of games with you, I wanted to win with you and the others, and to do that we had to be focused on our training. My feelings didn't matter."
“Keiji, why are you so perfect?”
Akaashi can't refute it. Bokuto kisses him full mouth, trying to show him how much he loves his boyfriend. He stops to look at his eyes.
“Not in public, Kou, what the-”
“I don’t care. I don’t know how to react, but I’m so glad to know you have loved me for a long time. Really, I can’t believe it. It’s your birthday, but it’s like it’s mine. Fuck Keiji, you’re perfect.” 
“Being with you is the most important and perfect present, Kou. And you know it. Thank you for everything.” 
Bokuto smiles from ear to ear, before kissing him again. This time, Akaashi doesn't say anything, and enjoys this little moment with the love of his life. They decide to go back to Akaashi's house, to enjoy this end of day as it should be.
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handsomewrites · 1 year
Coparents with Benefits; ch.1
The kids are finally going on one of those weekend-long nature field trips! And I heard Nicky's dads are chaperoning! Wait, dads? Or: Jodie and Glenn play nice for a weekend, and end up bonding. By some definition of bonding, anyway.
new fandom new me... I debated not cross-posting this one but i can't resist another chance to get notes. I'll queue the other chapters for the next few days.
Taglist: T rated; Jodie Foster x Glenn Close; enemies to enemies-with-benefits; season 1 spoilers
read on ao3 here
"Glenn!! Come on in!" Morgan pulled Glenn into the house with a kiss on the cheek, turning to lead him into the living room without missing a beat. His hand came up to touch the spot before following her into the foyer in a bit of a daze. 
He’d tried not to tell her about what had happened in the forgotten realms, or the version of history he remembered, but she’d always been able to read him like a book. Apparently, she was a bit like Nick -- she had some fuzzy recollections from both timelines, though not as clear as the memories their son had regained when shit broke loose. So she’d already had an inkling that there was something weird between them, and when she saw Glenn, Nick and Jodie all dancing around something, she easily rooted her way to the truth like a hog digging up truffles.
And, it turns out, she didn’t find it as off-putting as anyone had expected. She still lived with Jodie and Nick, but she treated Glenn like-- like... he didn’t know what. More affectionate than he was prepared to handle. He was slowly getting used to it, but reuniting with the woman you mourned who is now married to someone else isn’t easy, no matter how she acts about it. He sort of got the feeling she would be fine with just having two husbands, if Glenn wasn’t so cagey.
Well, if Glenn wasn’t so cagey, and if the two husbands in question could get along for more than five minutes.
Morgan’s head popped around the corner. "You coming?"
"Uh. Yeah." He closed the door behind him before shuffling down the hall. "Where’s Nick?"
"He should be down in a second," she said with a glance at her watch. "He’s pretty punctual getting ready for school."
That must be one of the things he picked up from his newer dad. Glenn tried very hard to keep the distaste from showing on his face. He wasn’t sure if it was working or not, because true to Morgan's word, Nick came trotting down the steps moments later.
"Hi Glenn!" The bright smile on Nick’s face made all the gross feelings in Glenn’s gut evaporate, and he grinned back, wrapping his son in a hair-ruffling hug.
"Hey kiddo!" It had been a while since he could run his hands through Nick’s hair without demon horns getting in the way. At home, Nick usually defaulted to a sort of half-demonic appearance, which was cool. When he was alone, Glenn tended to let it all hang out, but to each their own. 
"Daaaaaaaaaad," Nick whined, without any real irritation behind it. "I just finished doing my hair..."
Glenn snickered a bit, releasing his hold. "Eh, still looks good. Tousled." Nick rolled his eyes. "You ready for field trippin', man? My bike’s parked outside, got a helmet just for you--"
"Aaaaaactually," Morgan interrupted, one finger raised in the way she used to do when she was about to drop some news that would absolutely harsh the vibe of the day. Glenn frowned, but he couldn’t actually be upset by anything she said, these days. "You’ll probably need to take the car for this one..."
"Huh? Nick’s been on my bike before. It’s totally safe, and the way to the school is like, thirty miles an hour, tops--"
"No, no, it’s not the bike. Well it is the bike, but just-- it doesn’t have enough seats." She was so cute when she was beating around the bush... wait, no, Glenn, focus.
"Dad--er, Jodie also signed up to chaperone this trip," Nick jumped in, saving his mother from the bad-news obligation. "He said it was going to be a surprise, but I hadn’t mentioned you were already chaperoning, because whenever I mention hanging out with you, he makes this face... Kind of like that one you’re making right now, actually."
"...Right." Glenn tried not to grind his teeth together.
"So I said you guys would carpool," Morgan added cheerfully, scooping up a duffel bag from the floor and handing it to Nick. 
"It would probably be better if I just call and cancel," Glenn said with a sigh, pulling his phone from the pocket of his leather jacket. "I wouldn't want to distract Jodie from his important chaperoning duties." 
Plus, it was hard enough to convince people he's Nick’s uncle without Jodie there trying to create as much distance between them as possible. Nick had enough to deal with, without rumors of his weird extended family conflicts circling the PTA. 
...Also, the idea of spending a long weekend with Jodie Foster made his stomach turn.
He heard Nick's genuine "nooooooo" the same time he felt Morgan's hand on his, and he looked between the two, insides feeling wibbly again. "Danielle and her mom already canceled because they got the stomach flu, plus Jake's dad had something come up for work, so if one more chaperone cancels the trip is off!"
Morgan caught his eye, and she gave him a look which managed to convey something along the lines of you have to do this for him, he's been looking forward to it so much. Glenn was just glad he'd skipped breakfast today, lest his turning guts decide to dump their contents on her shoes. "Henry will be there with his boys," she said with her mouth instead of her eyes, and Nick nodded.
Glenn put his phone away with a sigh. "He'll probably be occupied wrangling Lark and Sparrow all day. Let me get my bag off the bike, then..." 
Morgan gave him a quick hug in thanks. He didn't put his arms around her, not wanting to be awkward with how reluctant he would be to let her go.
"Where's the Narc at, anyway? He'd better not make us late." The nickname earned him a small look of reproach, a bit of distance which he was thankful for.
"He's already waiting in the car." Glenn rolled his eyes hard, but Morgan had turned away to hug Nick goodbye.
So much for a fun nature trip with the boys...
"We’re going to be late."  Jodie’s shoulders were hunched up by his ears, his face screwed up in a mix of irritation at the red light in front of him and irritation at his unwelcome passenger.
"We are not," Glenn disagreed from the backseat, his feet kicked up on the center console. "They said we were supposed to be there at nine."
"They said they’re leaving at nine!"
"Uh, yeah? That’s what I said?"
"That’s not--" Jodie cut himself off, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. From the passenger seat, Nick put a calming hand on his elbow as he took a deep breath. After a moment he continued, his voice schooled into an infuriating faux-calmness. "We should have gotten there an hour ago, so we could have parked and helped load everyone onto the bus."
Glenn debated pointing out that he would have been there a lot faster with Nick on his bike. On one hand, it was true, but on the other, it was a bit early in the morning to hear the traffic cop lecture. ‘Motorcycles have to follow the same traffic laws as cars, Glenn.’ ‘Just because you can fit between cars doesn’t mean you can weave through traffic, Glenn.’  ‘Red lights mean stop, not punch it, Glenn.’  Eugh. Just the thought of it threatened to give him a headache.
He studied the back of Jodie’s head, instead. He wasn’t really sure what Morgan saw in him... Close-cropped, almost military style haircut, boring gray polo shirt tucked into khakis over steel-toed cop boots. Almost the inverse of Glenn in every way -- Glenn’s shoulder-length hair held back with a torn bandanna, face overdue for a shave, worn leather jacket and ripped-up jeans almost made them look like they were made to oppose each other. He supposed there was still some level of bad boy underneath all the beige of his cop uniform, but Glenn only got to see the demon side of him when shit went seriously wrong, or he managed to piss him off really badly.
Which was fun, but it tended to upset Morgan and Nick when they went at it in full demon form outside the Infernal Plane, so Glenn did try to keep that to a minimum. Usually.
How did he express that naughty side before he could turn into a demon? Probably by yelling at people he pulled over, waving his taser around. Or his gun? Do traffic cops get guns?
"We're here," Jodie pointed out in the most deadpan monotone imaginable. "Get out of my car."
Glenn took his time doing so, only a little on purpose. He closed the door in time to see Nick catch up with his friends -- Grant and Terry Jr. were there, along with a few other kids in their class whose names Glenn hadn't bothered to memorize.
Lark and Sparrow were also nearby, listening to their father speak with one-half boredom and one-half misguided respect. Henry put a hand on each of their heads to say something-- judging by Sparrow's smile and Lark's eye-roll, something affectionate-- before sending the boys off to join their friends. When he caught Glenn's eye he grinned, waving an arm in greeting with enough enthusiasm to involve his whole body in the gesture. Henry always seemed surprised to see him as a living human; he supposed it was a combination of him usually meeting the guys in demon-form and Henry literally seeing him die once before. Luckily, a long weekend was a short enough time for the demon glamor to hold up, so he’d be in human form with two unscarred eyes for the duration of the trip. As for the other half -- well, death is only permanent if you're a loser. Glenn gave him a nod in return. 
The slam of Jodie's hatchback trunk made him jump. "Well? Care to join us, Mr. Close?"
"Ladies first." Glenn waved his hand for Jodie to go first, earning himself an eyeroll. As they approached the bus, the teachers started loading the kids on, paired up in twos or threes. Nick, Grant and Terry ran up the steps about halfway through the line -- the other boys must have saved a spot for Nick. That was nice of them, but it left Glenn and Jodie bringing up the rear together.
So much for hanging with his boy all weekend. With Jodie around, Glenn couldn’t even sit with one of the single moms on the bus ride...
"Mr. Close, Mr. Foster," the teacher gave them a nod as she checked their names off the list. "Cutting it a bit close on time, aren’t we?"
Jodie glared daggers through the side of Glenn’s head, but he didn’t dignify it. "Fashionably late," Glenn responded, shooting her a pair of finger guns. She didn’t seem amused. "We made it in time, no worries! Would’ve been here faster if we didn’t have such a slow driver," he added, throwing an arm around Jodie’s shoulders.
Jodie stiffened. His teeth were grinding together audibly. "We would’ve been here faster if we could have left when I planned--"
Glenn slapped him on the back a little rougher than necessary, passing in front of him to get onto the bus.
The destination: Catalina Island. It seemed like a fancy-schmancy kind of place for a school field trip, but apparently they were trying to teach the kids about nature and the ecosystem and stuff like that. 
Since it was an island, though, after the two-hour bus ride, they had to load all the kids off the bus and onto a ferry for a two-hour boat ride. They were all beyond antsy, and it took them about a half an hour to get all the kids through the requisite bathroom breaks and on their way. Lark and Sparrow just about launched themselves out of the bus as soon as it stopped. Glenn felt similar, after two hours of tense silence next to Officer Narc.
"Don’t forget to wash your hands!" Henry called after them, watching his boys race into the bathroom. He sighed, shoulders rising and falling with familiar fatigue. 
"Man, those two never stop going, huh?"
Henry startled a little, but brightened when he saw it was Glenn. "Hey Glenn! Yeah, they, uh, they’re very... passionate."
"Passionate, yeah." Glenn scratched inside his ear with his pinky finger, which was easier when he had claws. He scanned the group for Nick, but none of the kids he bothered to remember were around. Must be in the bathroom. Jodie was there, though, interrogating one of the other adults with his stupid chest puffed out.
"So. You and Jodie, huh?"
"Me and Jodie? What, me and Jodie." Did he sound defensive?
"Nothing, nothing." Henry’s hands were up, placating. "I just didn’t expect to see you both here, is all. Usually when they say Nick’s guardian is a chaperone, it’s one or the other."
Chaperone. Glenn hated that word. "Believe me, man, I didn’t either."
"What did you tell the teachers about your, uh. Unique situation?"
"Not a damn thing." He shoved his hands in his pockets, wishing he was better at changing the subject. "As far as they know, Jodie and I are brothers. Anything else is none of their damn business."
"Right. Sorry." At least Henry had the decency to feel awkward about it. "Nick looks like he’s doing good with everything, though."
Glenn relaxed a bit, letting out a breath he hadn’t known he had taken. "Yeah, he’s a strong kid. He’s not so different from how he was before..."
"Yeah, yeah." Henry nodded. "I see a lot of you in him, you know."
"Really?" These days, he wasn’t too sure about that. He tried to size up if Henry was lying or not, but insight wasn’t always his strongest skill.
"Yeah, dude, totally!" Henry’s voice cracked a little, which made it sound a little less true, but Glenn opted to believe him anyway.
"Thanks, man. That means a lot."
Glenn didn’t get to talk to Henry any more once the ferry started its journey; the weedy little man turned green almost immediately upon setting foot on the rocking deck of the boat. He threw up once over the side before the staff ushered him into a little bathroom near the center of the boat, where the rocking was minimal and he could sit by the head in peace.
Since it was a Friday during school hours, there weren’t too many other people on the boat. A few of the kids stayed inside on the lower level, sitting by the little tables chatting about whatever teenagers chat about, but most of them sat up top to watch the waves. 
Glenn was planning on finding a spot near the back to kick his feet up and enjoy the salty air, but in the spot he would have picked, Nick was already sitting. The other kids didn’t seem to be around.
"Hey, Kiddo." Nick looked up as he approached, smiling. "Where’s the crew?"
Nick shrugged. "Lark and Sparrow had some kind of plan they wanted help with, while their dad’s not around. I figured I would leave them to it."
"Probably smart. Mind if I...?"
"Go for it." Nick made a little gesture for Glenn to sit, so he flopped into the seat next to his son.
"Sorry if I made you late for your trip." He still didn’t think he made them late, but if he’d known Nick had wanted to be there early, he would’ve tried to get there with a bit more haste.
Nick waved a hand. "No worries. I didn’t think we were that late. He’s just a little..."
"Yeah. A little." Glenn kicked his feet forward, crossing his ankles over one another. "Are things good at home, with him and your mom?"
"Huh? Yeah, it’s-- it’s fine, it’s good." Nick looked away, though Glenn couldn’t tell if it was to hide his face or to look out over the water. He directed his gaze over the water too. "It’s not too different to how it was before. Or, you know, in... one version of before."
"Right." He wondered if this was a smoking or non-smoking area. It was open air... "You been practicing your guitar lately?"
"Yeah!" Nick perked up a bit, glad to not be talking about home life any more. "I’ve been trying to convince Grant to learn the drums. I think he’d like it, and we could start a band!"
"Oh shit, dude, that would be rad as fuck!"
Nick nodded. "Right?"
"If you ever need a place to practice, there’s no curfew or decibel limit at Casa de Close."
"Da--Jodie doesn’t actually mind if I get kinda loud. He joins in with his bass sometimes. I dunno how much louder we’ll be with drums and a lead guitar, though..."
Right. Glenn’s Nick played lead guitar, but Jodie’s Nick took after the bassist in him with rhythm guitar instead. At least it was still a guitar.
"You have someone in mind for lead?"
"Well, uh..." Nick broke eye contact, scratching at his hairline where his horns usually interrupted it. His cheeks were turning a little red, but not demon-red. "There’s... this girl at school."
Glenn grinned. "A girl? Nick!!" He tossed an arm over Nick’s shoulders, hand coming around to muss his hair again. 
"Shhhh, don’t--"
"You’re growing up so fast!" 
"Daaaaaad!" He made a whining noise from the back of his throat, and Glenn laughed. "She’s just a friend! Like, a really cool friend who plays lead guitar and sings..."
Releasing his son, he leaned back again, keeping an arm around the back of Nick’s chair. "Right, of course, of course. Just for the band."
"Yeah, for the band." He was still blushing, but he was smiling too. He turned back towards the water, fiddling his hair between his fingers. It was getting long, which a part of Glenn was very happy to see.
He found his mind wandering, as a comfortable silence settled over them. He wondered what Jodie’s version of before was. Should he ask about Morgan, or would that be weird? He definitely had questions he could ask. He stared out over the water, hand behind Nick fidgeting and digging his nails against each other. He was still debating when he saw the water splash funny out in the distance. 
After a second of squinting and a few more splashes, he reached across Nick’s front to point. "Dude, is that a dolphin?"
The majority of the ferry ride was really, surprisingly nice. Nick and Glenn sat together, pointing out dolphins and jellyfish, talking about school and music and the newest show on TV. They didn’t talk about Jodie, or Morgan, or the Forgotten Realms, or Hell.
Everything was perfect, until the last fifteen minutes, when the teacher called everyone’s attention to pass out cabin assignments. The kids were in groups of six of the same gender, three bunk-beds to a cabin. They had been allowed to submit who they wanted to room with to the teacher, and she incorporated those requests into the assignments, so most of the kids had at least one friend in their room.
The adults’ cabins were smaller, three beds to a cabin. Glenn had almost pumped a fist in joy when he heard he was sharing a cabin with Marley Winters, but then the teacher added that their third was Jodie Foster. Then, to make it worse, when he asked Nick about Marley, what did he say?
That’s Danielle’s mom. The one who couldn’t make it.
So he had a cabin to himself, with Jodie Foster.
"Would you quit moping and move?" 
Glenn suddenly realized he had been staring at the empty third bed for... a while. Jodie stood behind him, holding his duffel bag half-open. He’d taken his stupid polo shirt off so he just had on a stupid wifebeater undershirt, tucked into his stupid pants with his stupid belt. His phone was clipped to his belt. What a loser. God. 
"Glenn. Can you please have your crisis once I’ve left to go to the showers? I’d like to get ready for bed." 
Instead of answering, Glenn flopped onto the bed that was designated as his, groaning into the pillow. He could practically hear the eyeroll in Jodie’s voice when he muttered "yeah, me too, buddy," on his way out the door.
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fairyysoup · 1 year
(copied and pasted from my notes app ksdhgfkj)
He cracks a lopsided smile, one that he uses to charm people, you know- you’ve seen him use it on teachers and cute girls alike. “I’m always late to the party. But I get there, eventually.”
>> the things I’d do !!!!! to see that smile !!!!!
He’s wearing a uniform gray P.E. shirt and gym shorts that don’t leave a lot to the imagination, and you fixate on his thighs more than you should. He has sweat dripping down his neck, wetting his hair on the sides of his face and the seam of his shirt. It shouldn’t be attractive. He shouldn’t be attractive. With his face a mess. And his hair limp, and looking bedraggled. Truly, you make a priceless pair, being the only two people in the hallway.
>> rose I’m not normal about him oh my god
But something in the back of your mind says that the maneuver was too purposeful, immediately after he laid eyes on you. 
>> what if I died. right now.
You can’t help the smile that springs onto your face. It’s incredulous, of course, but he can’t know that. Keep trying, baby. You’ll get there, eventually.
>> he’s this big 🤏 he’s pookie 
“Why, what’d he do?” Steve sounds perturbed. You look up to find him scowling already.
>> i want to squeeze him like bubble wrap you don’t understand
Steve’s gaze lingers on your face for a moment, and then he says, “You’re so beautiful.”
>> screams sobs throws up
He’s even prettier up close, his rosy cheeks framed by sunkissed, wavy hair. When he sees you he stalls, going a bit wide-eyed and then seeming to realize he’s supposed to do his job.
>> he’s so babygirl
“I said, ‘the king of cream,’” he groans, digging his knuckles into his eye sockets. “Kill me, Robin. Load me into the freezer. Bury me at the fairground.”
>> he’s so dramatic I adore him
His hair’s a little longer, his eyes a little darker as they rake over you, in return.
>> i’m literally munching on him
Slamming open the door, he nearly shouts, “Do you have a doubloon?!”
>> babygirl <3
If only you knew how hard it actually is, to act like he’s not just fucking melting right in front of you. When he hangs on every word you say, and every other thought he has is about how badly he wants to tell Robin to get lost and take you in the back room.
>> dude the things do to suck his dick omg
 “Welcome to Sur La Table. I’m Steven, I’ll be serving you this evening. Before we begin, are there any questions about the menu?”
>> steven !!!!
If there was any doubt in his mind that you are who he thought, it’s gone now. “Interesting. We’re the same age.”
>> rose I want to crack open his skull and slurp it up like a smoothie you don’t fucking understand
You don’t have a neapolitan truffle- you have a single golden chocolate coin.
>> I’m unwell. I’m not okay. I want to eat him
What would you do, baby, if you only knew? That I can see you throw your jacket on the floor, I can see you make me want you even more…
>> off topic but I read this is as this part came on in the song (bcos I put it on loop when I started reading this LMAO) and it was so delicious omg <3 
Steve tilts his head to eye you meaningfully, and he smirks. “Always have been, honey.” His thumb rubs a little circle on your thigh that has you squirming in your seat.
>> HONEY!!!!!
Steve takes a break just long enough to grin evilly up at you, because he’s been waiting for five years to tell you to, “Breathe, sweetheart.”
>> I love him and I hate him I’m so confused what the fuck
Steve quirks an eyebrow. “Y’gonna bite me about it?”
>> I want to consume him 
Your teeth latch onto his shoulder and you bite, probably harder than you should, but you just can’t refuse the urge to mark him the way that he’s left his mark on you.
>> I just want to gnaw on him. Just a little.
KSJHG all in all this was a 10/10 experience 5 stars would recommend to a friend <3
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^^ that is how i feel right now okay i love u xoxo <3
— @inkluvs (pretend this is on anon the picture wouldn't let me 😔)
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I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT BESTIE truthfully i am so happy you put the song on repeat while you read bc i think it makes the experience like 10x better but maybe i'm biased
you pointed out all my favorite parts!!! esp the part about him waiting by the fountain bc that was 100% inspired by a real thing that happened to me in high school lol but it was way more mortifying 💕
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