#the two whole songs I've heard by them are so mellow!
So what song is Crowley listening to while sobbing in the Bentley?
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saintsenara · 11 months
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it's sirius' birthday today, so - naturally - i have decided to depress myself by writing a little story about the the great tragedy of his happy life being snatched away from him at the ripe old age of almost twenty-two.
the title for this pieces comes not from the philip larkin poem of the same name - although it's not not sirius-coded - but from the song live fast, die old by frank turner, which is the most james-and-sirius thing i've ever heard.
September 1979
‘It is a miracle you’re not dead.’
‘I thought I was about to be. You should have seen the way he was brandishing those fire tongs.’
‘I think you might actually be the luckiest bastard alive, Pads. I’m in awe.’
‘Well, I wouldn’t have wanted to die without you being there to witness it. If I’m going to get my head caved in by Mad-Eye Moody for breaking a mug without giving him prior warning and making him think there’s a Death Eater lurking in his kitchen cupboards, then I expect you to enjoy watching it happen.’
‘As, indeed, I would. Pass me that bottle?’
Sirius hands him a bottle in which the last dregs of a very good firewhisky - the mellow, amber colour of late summer - undulates. James swigs from it.
‘You look like a twat doing that.’
‘No I don’t! I look cool!’
‘You look like a fifteen-year-old having his first drink.’
James snorts. ‘Listen, you know I don’t, because you were there when I had my first drink. So you know that -’
‘- the fact you’re not hurling your guts up crying about how you’ll never win the world cup means that this is nothing like that.’
‘Fair enough.’
James passes the bottle back and flops once more on the grass. The golden haze of sunrise slouches over the garden - catching the lime-green leaves of the beech and the dew-drops on the spider’s webs hanging from the door of the shed James never uses - and the whole garden seems to be encased in glass; a terrarium - shimmering and shining - which has been made into their perfect habitat, like the weird moss-filled thing Bertram bloody Aubrey used to have for his toad.
He imagines some benevolent owner lovingly arranging the detritus of their impromptu party - he’d only come round to update James and Lils on his latest meeting with Mad-Eye, Dumbledore’s orders, and that was fifteen hours ago - on the lawn around them and starts laughing.
‘What are you giggling about?’ grins James, his eyes glittering like caramel as it’s poured from a pan. A surefire sign that his mind was turned towards mischief.
‘I don’t even fucking know. Fucking everything, Prongs.’
James starts laughing too. He has a perfect laugh - uproarious and rich, the sort of laugh you wish could be preserved in amber - and it’s perfect for that morning, with its golden dawn and the crisp-apple bite to the air which says that autumn, and its promise of driving Lily to distraction by carving rude things into pumpkins, is on its way. It’s perfect for that perfect morning, when they’re both that brilliant sort of drunk which makes the soft blue of the sky seem all the clearer.
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He lies back, the grass tickling his cheek, and looks up at the heavens, which stretch endlessly before him, revealed bit-by-bit by the new day’s light.
That horrible house - the prison of his childhood - seems so far away that he’s not sure he didn’t dream the whole thing.
It seems like something out of a fairytale - the sort of topsy-turvy formlessness of fantasy - to think that he had once been so miserable that he’d longed to self-destruct, to shatter like a dry bone and be scattered. It seemed absurd to look back at his sixteen-year-old self, rattling around on the Knight Bus as it sped him to James, and to freedom, and realise that he had once been unable to comprehend the idea of being truly happy.
But he is. Life stretches before him unfettered, beckoning to him and James and winking knowingly. You won’t grow old gracefully, it says, with a mischievous glint in its eye. Neither will he
It’s got that right. He and James made a promise within seconds of meeting to still be friends when they were ninety, living next door to each other and scandalising all the village witches and impressing all the village children with the rumours about their dissolute youths. And dissolute middle ages.
‘You’re my best friend,’ says James, because the whisky’s hit him. ‘We’re going to be best friends forever. Even when we’re fucking ancient.’
‘Yep. I know we are.’
‘This was a great party, wasn’t it, Pads?’
‘Party of the year, I’ve heard.’
‘I think I’d like every party I ever have to be like this.’ He’s staring at the sky, squinting behind his glasses, suddenly introspective. The sunlight makes his skin look like honey.
Sirius does the same. ‘I promise that all your parties will start because I have a run-in with Alastor Moody, Lils wants an excuse to open a bottle of cherry brandy, and you want the chance to act like a soft cunt at five in the morning,’ he says, watching a beam of sunlight shimmers behind a cloud, turning its solid white fluffiness into something sheer - gauzy - like a veil.
‘Cheers, mate. Appreciate it.’
The undulating blue-and-gold of morning is so beautiful, clouds rising up like castles from the sea. If Sirius wasn’t so happy it would be painful to see it. As it is…
‘I think sometimes that me and Lils will move by the sea,’ says James. ‘When we’re older. When we have a couple of kids. Yeah, we’ll move by the sea. And have parties in a house all filled with light.’
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lafortis · 4 months
if you have more modern rap suggestions i'd love to hear them! i really dig 90s/00s underground rap but i haven't found a lot of new stuff that scratches that same itch.
Lemme come back to this later because I gotta go light some stuff, but yeah, pretty much that's just kinda how it is. In terms of west coast hip hop, kendrick and earl have been holding down the lyricism department for a good ten years now (side note: absolutely criminal we never got them on the same track, and I think we're well past the point in both their careers where it would even make sense, but they're big fans of each others work lmao). Earls old shit (I'm thinking of Doris mainly, and somewhat I Dont Like Shit I Don't Go Outside) is more grungy and old-school sounding, but also he was young and Odd Future, so there's a lot of misogyny, shock horror ass lyrics with violence against women as a main theme repeatedly (which he's since recanted aggressively and last I saw he mostly makes fun of fans of his earlier music and by extension himself for being like that lmao), his new stuff is more mellow but also less bar heavy (just imo, some people love it even more). Mavi is someone I haven't had the time to get into much but heard recently, and he literally just sounds like 2013 Earl vocally, but with some solid modern bars and production, so that's nice. MIKE is also seemingly pretty earl influenced, but again, haven't got into him myself. They're both east coast tho. Actually calling Earl west coast feels crazy cus he's so heavily DOOM inspired, almost feels like dudes inspired by him being east coast makes more sense lol. Vince Staples is a no-brainer if you haven't heard of him, he's pretty much the exact description of what you're looking for I think. I started with Summertime '06 because that was what he put out when I was getting into hiphop, but his first project Hell Can Wait EP was great too, and he only got better and more artistic from there. I've never been into Jay Rock a ton, but his feature verses on Kendricks shit do a lot for me, and ScHoolboy Q makes mostly just bangers and gang shit but in a fairly old-school kinda way I guess. Not ab soul tho. Everyone on black hippy (the group comprised of those two, Kendrick and him) can get a shoutout except for ab soul. He's ruined too many of my fav songs with wack features lmao.
Freddie Gibbs is another AA rapper that sounds very old school and VERY west coast, but he's actually in the news literally right now about some allegations so maybe fuck him? seems uncertain and also as a fan of old school hip hop you may be less shocked by (especially gang affiliated) rappers being Not Good People, but still, it's 2024 and it'd be nice to bring that energy to hiphop at large.
In east coast terms... Fuck. Who do I even listen to that's east coast lol. Well, Run The Jewels is also a no-brainer, and El-P is NY at least lol. All three of their albums and any of their solo stuff would be great for you. J Cole is to me the epitome of mid, but lots of people who profess an appreciation for the old school seem to like him, so hey. I'd just 2014 Forest Hills Drive as a starting point I think. In the Midwest Chance the Rapper was great, and could be great again. You could start with Acid Rap or 10 Day, move on to Coloring Book, and then just pretend Chance's Big Day doesn't exist like the rest of us. Denzel Curry is solid as hell these days but I've never gotten into a whole project, just singles like Ultimate, RICKY, Walkin, and especially SUMO | ZUMO (iirc I was like "did he just say Zuko lmao" and that's what got me into him). Oh and Your Old Droog is highly spoken of but I haven't gotten into him personally, just no time lol.
Flying Lotus's rap alter ego Captain Murphy is great, I've never listened to one of his full projects tho. Really backpacker ass Kendrick fans have always recommended Ka, specifically Honor Killed the Samurai, to me, but personally I just bounce off it every time. Might be of interest tho. And finally, if you're interested in some more experimental shit, first you should go ask Brett afloweroutofstone (not tagging him but that's literally his brand), but second I'd say CLPPNG by clipping. is a good experimental album with great bars. Also Daveed Diggs was in Hamilton but we just don't talk about that.
Anyway I gotta go do my job but hope this helps!
Edit: rereading this and I realize I absolutely do not have to come back to this lmao. That's pretty much all my good recommendations
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theghostpinesmusic · 4 months
I'm taking a few days off from writing for work/research/etc., so it's time for some more jam write-ups! I really like doing these, but it starts to feel like work when I've already been downstairs in the office staring at a screen for 6-8 hours on a given day.
Fortunately, I've been out hiking for the last two days and don't plan on getting back to the grind again until Tuesday, so for right now it sounds super-fun to get exceedingly caffeinated and write about Goose!
I've got some posts in the queue about their recent Capitol Theater run (in April) as well as one follow-up on Phish's Sphere run, and then a few "throwback" posts, as lately I've been watching video of a bunch of Goose shows I attended in person in 2022 in Colorado and Ohio.
I'm gonna start with this "Drive" from 4/7, though.
I'm not sure if I've ever covered a "Drive" before, but it's been a consistently huge jam vehicle for the band since before I started listening to them in fall of '19. Like a lot of Goose tunes that I have covered before, though, "Drive" has gone through a few compositional changes over the years.
In my admittedly human and flawed memory, there have been a few different ways the song has been played since 2019. First was the "two part" version, that features most of the composed portion of the song, then a jam, then a short instrumental/vocal bridge, and then a "second jam" (not unlike "Mike's Song"). The quintessential version of this arrangement is probably the Buffalo '19 version, in case you're interested. Somewhere in the last 2-3 years, the bridge and the second jam went away, replaced by a single jam that started from the funk-styled ending of what had once been the "first" part of the song. Even more recently, the song still only has one "part," but it usually ends with a swerve into a minor key, that kicks off the improvisation.
This particular version came three songs into the band's four-night run at the Capitol Theatre in April, a surprise run of shows announced and played as a prelude to summer tour and as an introduction to Cotter Ellis, the new drummer. 4/7 was his first show in front of an audience with the band, and I was able to watch it live from home, as the band streamed the whole run for free over YouTube. The first two songs of the night, "Flodown" and "Rockdale," were both solid takes on those songs, but stayed inside the box, as they usually do. So I was excited when the band launched into "Drive" next, hoping to see Cotter go deep with Goose live for the first time. The result was this 31-minute monster, which is probably my favorite jam from the whole run, despite there being many, many other highlights from the rest of 4/7 and the following three nights.
The first thing you'll notice is that two-guitar Goose is objectively better than one-guitar Goose. I love when Peter comes out from inside his Keyboard Cave to play with Rick, like the camera captures here at 2:45.
As is typical for this arrangement, Rick takes a regular solo at 4:40 or so, setting up the transition from the song to the jam proper at around 6:20. There isn't a key change here initially, but the tempo slows down a little and things get generally more mellow. Peter (I think?) switches to a tone that sounds a ton to me like the one Trey uses on "A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing" and the lights kick into We're Going To Weird Town mode. I really like the way the two guitars are playing off of each other here, instead of the usual, where one takes over playing rhythm and the other guy solos.
Trevor in particular seems to have leveled up through playing with Cotter, and to my ears he's the one holding things down melodically here, while Rick and Peter both play around him.
One thing I've noticed pretty much immediately (see Ted Tapes 2024) is that Cotter's playing seems to have made the rest of the band more patient than before when it comes to exploring these mellow, downtempo spaces. And that's for better and worse: as I'm sure I'll talk about more at some point, I do find myself missing the kinds of balls-out, rockfest jams and sets it often felt like Ben's metronomic, power playing drove them to. At the same time, the first few minutes of this jam seems to be the vibe of a lot of New Goose's improvisation. And, yeah, I love it too.
The pace starts to pick up a bit around 9:30, coinciding with a camera shot of Trevor rocking out. Pete starts chording more and Rick starts layering melody playing over top of that. Then, Cotter switches up the beat at 11:00, which definitely gives this "Drive" more...drive.
The trilling/wah pedal combo that Peter busts out right before 12:00 is a brilliant addition to the proceedings, and Rick matches it shortly with some trilling of his own. The crystal-clear tone and the distorted tone together here sound incredible. This is the kind of jamming where Cotter's jazzy, light(er) touch really adds a lot.
I loved the light setup for this run while watching over the streams, finding it to be a neat, scaled-down version of the setup for December's Goosemas (probably on purpose?), it really shines in particular during this part of this jam. I'm selfishly hoping they keep it (or replace it with something even better) until September so I can see it in person.
I can't overstate how great and essential to the feel of this jam Peter's chording/wah combination is from, like, 14:00 until 16:00. It's a thing he does a lot during two-guitar jams, but it feels way more powerful and central to the sound of the band here than usual.
To me, the entire jam to this point, from 6:20 on, is a slow, patient build on a particular theme and sound, and it works wonderfully. And then, without significantly changing the feel or the direction of the jam, Rick caps things off at 16:12 by suddenly ripping into this perfect riff that feels like it must have been composed ahead of time. It's ridiculous. Trevor is absolutely crushing the bass here and Cotter's cymbals are perfectly accentuating what Rick is playing and it's fucking nuts.
This is literally the first jam the band has played this year and, watching it live, I put a note in my setlist that said, unironically, "Jam of the Year 2024?"
Then, just as things are winding down naturally around 17:40, Cotter changes the beat up again to something faster, as if to say "Hell no, we aren't even close to done yet!"
Trevor continues being an absolute monster as we switch to Heavily Distorted Funk Mode. Peter's strumming goes from chunky to downright evil. Then he turns his guitar into a 1980s computer because why not? I'm not sure what effect he uses here, but it reminds me of the lightly-distorted Robot Tone that Trey used a bunch with Phish in summer '21. Whatever it is, it prompts Rick to jump down and start playing his looper, which in turn prompts Peter to move from guitar to the xylophone patch on his keyboard. Again, things get weird.
They stay in this groove-driven, loopy space for a few minutes and we get to hear Trevor go to town again in the meantime (seriously, he's my favorite player in the band lately). Then, around 22:30, Rick turns off the looper and starts quietly soloing over the groove. I really love his otherwise clean, reverb-y tone here.
Around 25:10, Rick starts to play variations on a really blissful, major-key melody and it starts to feel like the jam is building to a big finish. It feels even more that way when Peter switches to a clean piano sound, moving us into classic Goose Peak Jam territory, and at 28:45 Rick takes to the finish line with a huge high note. From there, we get a little complimentary shredding, and then the intensity builds and builds until it's almost comical (the lights turning to smiley faces at 30:30 really puts it over the top in the best way), and then we get a big ol' rock-and-roll ending without a return to "Drive" at all.
And that's the story of how New Goose obliterated my brain twenty minutes into their first-ever show together!
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hexenmond · 4 months
gushing about Friday's Engin concert
So I was on the fence about going to this concert for weeks, but long story short, I'm SO GLAD I WENT! 😍
Engin are a German-Turkish band hailing from Mannheim, which isn't very far from where I live, and on Friday they were playing in Reutlingen, which REALLY isn't far. And they were freakin' fantastic! This video snippet is the solo part of "Stillgelegte Tränen" (roughly translatable as "discontinued tears"), and I hope it shows at least a little just what a wonderful live act they are.
So yeah, I came home from that experience with the clear intention to really go out to concerts more (and maybe the theatre) from now on. I hadn't been in ages, and that's a mistake! It was so lovely to spend some two hours dancing and swaying, watching and listening to three fabulous musicians really rock it, and also I was super proud whenever I caught a Turkish word I understood.
Something that struck me at the beginning when the drums started playing – I don't think I've ever heard a drumset sound so, hm, musical. I mean drums usually file as percussion, and their sound to me is closer in range to "noise" than to "melody". But the sound of these drums sure had a sort of full-bodied, richly tonal quality that I found amazing.
In contrast, the bass started out more hard and metallic (the bassist was playing with a pick most of the time) – however, both sounds changed during the concert and during later songs the bass was much more mellow (also played without a pick for a bit). I'm not sure how much of that was influenced by the sound technician, but I believe it entirely possible that these three fabulous musicians just have that range of tone.
Oh and the lyrics! Much of Engin's original songs are in German, but they did play a lot of Turkish songs as well, and I don't know how many of those were traditional or covers and how many were their own. I did love all of them and the singer gave a little context for many of the songs which was lovely, and like I said, I was so proud of myself whenever I understood a word. And I should add that I didn't understand half of the lyrics in German either! (too fast, too much music going on, lyrics too out of context to catch it all) Their song lyrics generally lean towards poetry, which I personally love but isn't always easy to understand when you hear it for the first time.
There was one song that was about growing up in between between languages, between cultures, between homes, something I can relate to a bit because of my half English heritage (I had a few teenage years where I was totally out of sorts and wishing I'd grown up on the British isles instead of Germany). It's not entirely the same of course. My ear caught four words – "blond genug für Sympathie" ("blond enough for sympathy"), and I thought, oh wow. White passing privilege and on the flip side, never being fully at home and welcome anywhere, in four simple words.
Anyway! You know, I woke up on Saturday morning at around half past four, my mind racing with the whole experience and I lay awake thinking about what I was going to write until about six, when I fell asleep again 😄 and now it's Sunday evening and my brain has shut up a little. But I'm still writing this because a) I want the world to know about this wonderful band, and b) I want to get back into the practice of writing regularly. I have this five part, long form fanfiction that I WILL finish!
So here's some links for all of you who are interested in super danceable tunes, multicultural music and lyrics, and/or absolutely rocking sound:
Engin's website (in German only, sorry, but you can just click on the videos)
my absolute favourite song in German: Echt ("genuine")
my absolute favourite song in Turkish: Gurbet ("foreign place", very melancholic)
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soufsidesiren · 11 months
blog entry 5: happy solar eclipse
you know how yesterday was remarkably unremarkble. today was exactly the opposite. i feel like i had beautiful experience after beautiful experience all under the energy of both the eclipse and new moon in libra, a sign that i often relate to interpersonal relationships and communication ( a detail that will be important later on).
i started my morning in the garden on the west end. an incredibly abundant space nestled behind an old auto shop that has fed me in so many ways throughout summer. i am always grateful when i can pour my energy back into it. it was my first time back since the seasons began to change. the drive over was mellow and quiet in the way that overcast fall mornings usually are. today was special tho. one of the other volunteers was hosting a dance class to invite more people and new energy into the garden. i had forgotten how much i missed moving with other people until she gave me the opportunity to lead the grooves for a song. i know how good moving and shifting the energy through my body can feel when i dance, and i am always grateful when people entrust themselves and the ceremony of that connection to me wholeheartedly. not to mention the eclipse passing overhead. the clouds of the morning cleared not to long after we started moving making the colors of the garden more potent as the energy of class begins to build. (i've used the word energy so many times so far but i am still working on finding the words to describe the tangible richness of my experiences today). while i couldn't see the eclipse with my eyes, the shadows fell of the concrete, mulch, and plant boxes with an new clarity as morning slid to afternoon. after an incredible exchange of movement, an all black biker clubs rolled up almost 30 deep right around the peak of the eclipse. there was a massive surge of energy as all these new people explored this place that i had been so desperate to share with other for so long. also they were all just so cool. so many new friends, faces, and stories shared as we planted the new fall crops. i cannot wait to witness the harvest of seeds sown today.
after leaving the garden, i headed over to a new coffer shop on the west end. black owned and photography focused. how could i not? i roll up and one of the homies is a new barista there. what are the odds? at this point, i've had so many incredibly enriching conversations with the baristas, bikers, coffee shop regulars, etc. that im like somethings in the air and take a step back to really analyze the energy of this eclipse. while in conversation with the two baristas, in the coffee shop, trying to decipher the lesson in it all we reduce the energy of the day to a single question:
"what old habits/limiting beliefs have you had in your relationships and communication with others that you are trying to release"
this opened a rather long and intimate conversation about belonging and values and character and birth charts that i was honestly so surprised to be having with my two new acquaintances, but the conversation came so easy. it honestly had been that way all day. and i feel like my response to the question was also the reason why.
i feel my feelings often times with my whole body all over. sometimes i have the words. in fact, i oftentimes have the words but not the confidence that they will fall on ears that will understand them. but see that part is not my responsibility. i love to talk and share and learn through conversation and people who are willing to listen will do so, but if i censor or quiet myself for the sake of brevity or being understood. i will never truly be seen or heard be the people i will feel most at home with. lately, i have been gaining the confidence and discernment to decipher the spaces and places that will understand me and accepting the spaces that do not.
rather than viewing things that "should" be done. i have started searching for my own wants and needs to locate my own desires outside of that anonymous voice of should that encourages to mask, appease, and dilute myself because it is what should be done.
after the cafe( i stayed till the close), i ended my afternoon at the gallery for a single-day exhibition "WITNESS" collection of art by black women and non-binary artists who project their vision of the world through their art. not only was the art incredibly inspiring, the installation and curation was incredibly evocative. i love when not only the art but also the space tells stories. and wouldn't fate have it that i met both the curator and spatial designer outside while i was leaving the exhibition. riding the high of a day well spent i stopped by favorite wing spot in the city and watched the clouds roll by in the parking lot as i tore down a ten-piece lemon pepper wet in record time. i find such sweet solace in eating alone in the car. my car ride home a bit sweeter with a full belly and full heart after a day of new connections. the sun and clouds and turning leaves racing me home. until tomorrow.
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atsuwiee · 3 years
slow dancing with enhypen!
heyo so this is some brainrot material i had so i decided to write it wiee woo,, also imma try to not write in bulleted form B)). i hope y'all enjoy this!
also ni-ki's was longer than expected hehe
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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you were alone with heeseung in the empty practice room watching heeseung practice a new choreography he was given. he stopped and turned to you and reached out his hand, you looked at him with a confused expression but took his hand. "dance with me" he says as he places your hands on him as you both slowly sway with him as the soft mellow music played. he then will finish it off with a few kisses here and there– eventually his lips landing on yours.
it was in the middle of the night, and here you were with jay, hanging out in the kitchen– looking for some midnight snacks to ease your boredom. "ah! i know what we can do" he says while he takes your arms and puts it around his neck. "jonseong– i told you i don't dance" you say immediately knowing what he was planning to do. "i know that, sweetie– and i'm willing to teach you" jay says as he taps his phone to let the music play. you then placed your head on his chest like what those old couples in movies do and listened to his heartbeat as you both swayed to the music. "we're going to keep doing this until we're eighty, yeah?" he says with a small chuckle and placing a small kiss on the top of your head.
the sky turned into a gold pretty color as it set, you watched how the skies turned into a pink and gold colors– listening to the sounds of the sea as well. jake then held both of your hands and asked "may i have this dance?" "you really want to dance here?" you asked as he looked around the beach and then nodded. "well, yes" he said with a smile. despite having no music both of you still went through with dancing on the sand. jake was smiling the whole time while he made his own music by singing your favorite song– and once in a while you would steal kisses from him while you both danced.
sunghoon had prepared an outdoor date for you, outside at your garden. with fairy lights hanging outside and a picnic blanket on the grass with the little snack you love. right now, both of you were point at stars and even making your own constellations. he suddenly sat up and started to play some music through his phone. "this date wouldn't be completed without a dance, y/n" he said as you took his hands and stood up. both of you moved to the sound of the music while looking into each others eyes.
finding yourself now in a empty playground– sunoo at the back pushing you on the swing like you were a little kid. you stopped the swing with your heel and suddenly stood up making sunoo surprised. "so uh– we've never done this– but i really wanna dance with you like those cheesy couples in movies" you say, sunoo chuckled a bit at what seemed like a offer you were putting out. "you really want to dance here? what if someone sees us?" he asks. "it's the dead of the night- i bet no one will see us" you say while you feel sunoo's hands were gently placed on your waist and you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. "don't blush too much, it's just the two of us, right?" he says as he placed a kiss on your cheek as you felt it heat up more.
at a small get together with both of your other friends, well it was more like a party than a small get together– people were dancing to the music but they weren't all rowdy and too wild. jungwon was talking to some of his friends while you were at his side. the track suddenly changes into a ballad song and people were slowly in pairs now. "may i have this dance?" you ask jungwon as his cheeks turn into a small shade of pink. "yes, love– but aren't i the one supposed to be asking you?" he says as you feel his hands on your waist. "the tables have turned, i guess" you say and he let's out a little laugh from what you said. even with the dim lighting jungwon could still see you and your smile "you're incredibly beautiful, y/n" he says while stealing a small kiss from you.
"you want to dance with me? like the romantic kind" riki asked, you were surprised at the sudden question and raised a brow. "did your hyungs teach you to ask me that?" you ask with a small giggle. "well, not really... i've always wanted to dance with you" riki's sudden softness of his voice put you into more shock. "if you don't want to it's alright--" he stopped as he saw you standing up from the couch and putting a playlist on spotify, playing it on the tv. "i'm not much of a dancer, riki, but i'd be happy to dance with you" riki smiled at what you said and nodded. "put your arms here" he said softly placing them gently around his neck. riki started to lead with small steps and you followed. "who would've thought dancing in a living room with you would make my heart flutter so much?" you heard riki say while you give him a peck on his lips.
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cringesideblog · 4 years
here’s my dnf playlist and a complete song by song track-list and why I put them on it.
heatwaves- on here for very obvious reasons. i don’t think I need to explain. but here are some lyrics anyway. “Sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of June.”
Jenny- again this is kinda obvious. “I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead, I don’t know how to say this, cuz you’re really my dearest friend.”
TALK ME DOWN- this one just has the best friends pining for eachother vibe. “I wanna sleep next to you, and that’s all I wanna do right now.”
Dark paradise- kinda has dream smp vibes. but also you could argue heatwaves vibes. “Everytime I close my eyes, it’s like a dark paradise.” “There’s no relief, I see you in my sleep.” “There’s no release, I feel you in my dreams.”
Sweater weather- yeah you know why. you absolutely know why. “All I am is a man, I want the world in my hands. I hate the beach but I stand, in California with my toes in the sand.”
Drop the Guillotine- idk man just vibey. give it a listen you’ll get it. it’ll click. “You sure know how to drop that guillotine on me, though you would never wanna see me bleed.”
Can I call you tonight?- thats on their only for of communication being through the phone huh. (major heatwaves vibe) “powers out and I can’t turn the fan on, so can I call you tonight? trying make up my mind, just how I feel.”-“I hear your voice on the phone, now I’m no longer alone.”
Lemon boy- oh my god this song. geogre do be seeing dream as his lemon boy. “I helped him plant his seeds and we’d mow the lawn in bad weather.”
Yellow- DREAM IS LITERALLY GEORGES YELLOW SHUT UP RIGHT NOW. “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.” “For you I’d bleed myself dry.”
Like you do- first of all I love this song, second, this has dream being a little too attached vibes. The whole song is just them. “Lost in the blue, they don’t love me like you do, those chills that I knew they were nothing without you, and everyone else they don’t matter now. You’re the one I can’t lose, no one loves me like you do.” “Since I met you, all the gloomy days just seem to shine a little more brightly.”
I saw you in a dream- mega heatwaves vibe. “When I’m awake I can’t switch off,” “I saw you in a dream, you came to me. You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision.”
Maybe you’re the reason- did someone say pining best friend who doesn’t know that they’re in love ? this song. this song right here. “I keep looking for something, even though I know that it’s not there. Maybe you’re the reason. And anytime I try to figure it out, you’re the only thing I can think about.”
The king- DREAM SMP VIBE. “You like me, well obviously, so why you tryna leave when you know that I’m the king?” “Other lovers give you no luck, cuz I’m the only one who’s made you fall in love.” “Playing with your heart cuz you gave me the throne.”
Sweet- an adorable song truly that actually fits them so well. “Watching the, video that you sent me- you know that I’m obsessed with your body, but it’s the way you smile that does it for me.” “It’s so sweet, knowing that you love me.”
Apocalypse- um okay here me out, apocalypse au?? yeah i know it’s cute as shit you’re welcome. “Your lips my lips, apocalypse.” “When you’re all alone, I will reach for you, when you’re feeling low, I will be there too.”
Fear of the Water- don’t come for me this ones kinda sad, beautiful song though. “If this was meant for me why does it hurt so much, and if you’re not made for me why did we fall in love?”
Dreaming of you- two words, heat. waves. but also yeah good song for them in general. “Want you all the time, and now I’m dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of you.”
Wires- uhhhhh dream smp vibe, dream villain arc n all . “If he said help me kill the president, id say he needs medicine.” “He said that I should take it in, listen to every word he’s speaking.”
Midnight love- it’s girl in love so, you already know how it issss. “I know I don’t want to, be the one that you run to, when you’ve got nowhere else to go, when you need some love.” “I always give in to give you it all.” “I can’t be your midnight love, when your silver is my gold.”
The beach- SUCH A HEATWAVES SONG JUST LISTEN. “I feel it burning me, I feel it burning you.” “I think I can see the beach, I know what’s underneath. I need you here with me,”
Cherry flavored- the neighborhood just.. they have a dnf vibe. “Cherry flavored conversations with you got me hanging on. Down to earth from all the waiting. Take me somewhere beyond.”
Pretty boy- geogre is a pretty boy. point blank period. “Even if my heart stops beating, you’re the only thing I need with me.” “Pretty boy, you did this with me boy.” “As long as I got you, I’m gonna be alright.”
Bad idea- girl in reddd... but like imagine them casually hooking up and not knowing their in love tho. also I feel like they would definitely think that their relationship is a “bad idea” bc they’re stupid. “It was a bad idea, to think I could stop, was such a bad idea, I can’t get enough.” “Darling your so pretty it hurts.”
Line without a hook- ICONIC!! dream definitely does not think that he deserves george. “You can hold my hand if no ones home.” “All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around” “Oh baby I am a wreck without you.” “She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a boy. She’s a, she’s a lady, and I am just a line without a hook.”
Say you hate me- mega dream smp vibes as of recently. with the whole removing geogre as king. “I guess that your friends where right, from the start when they thought that I was a bad guy.” “Can you just say that you hate me? Or that you will never love me?” “Never meant to make you leave, never meant to make you cry.”
Cherry bomb- reminds me of how dream cheated on fundy with geogre. “I’m too close to crushing, and I’m too close for comfort I’m rushing.” “I ask how shes so mellow, she tells me her shades are in yellow.”
This side of paradise- I mean, like, kinda heatwaves vibes, but also just them. “Ask me why my hearts inside my throat. I’ve never been in love I’ve been alone.” “If you’re lonley come be lonley with me.”
Linger- geogre literally has that boy wrapped around his finger and I can’t not see it in this song. But when you look into it HELLA dream smp vibes, lyrics can be switched for either perspective here. “You know I’m such a fool for you, you got me wrapped around your finger.” “I thought the world of you, I thought nothing could go wrong, but I was wrong,”
august- i don’t know what is but this song is for them. it just is. “To live for the hope of it all. Cancel plans just in case you'd call” “So much for summer love, and saying “Us” Cause you weren't mine to lose”
I was an island- i just love the idea of them being hardasses and not thinking they need anyone until the other comes into their life and rocks their world. kinda dream smp vibes “I was a fighter, and I was so brave, but I lowered my sword when you held me and swore you’d stay.” “I was a wolf, dear, apart from the pac But you answered my cries in the dead of the night and told me that you had my back,”
Golden- k this one feeds into the “you’re literally the sun in my sky I’m not worthy” feel “I know you were way too bright for me I'm hopeless, broken” “I know that you're scared Because hearts get broken” “I can feel you take control Of who I am and all I've ever known Loving you's the antidote”
Strong- ummm okay but the “we’re better together” dynamic is them “I’m sorry if I say I need ya, but I don’t care I’m not scared of love.” “when I’m not with you I’m weaker is that so wrong? Is it so wrong, that you make me strong.”
Fly out west- the whole, I need to see you, you’re all I think about, stuff gets me. also heatwaves vibe. “Well tell me do you know? You’re all I dream about. Take it from me I’m too dumb to recognize your doubt.”
Cruel summer- them and summer, you dig? “I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you.” “I love you and that the worst thing you ever heard?”
Nothings gonna hurt you baby- I put this one on here because of how protective dream is over geogre “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby, as long as your with me you’ll be just fine. Nothings gonna hurt you baby, nothings gonna take you from my side.”
Cardigan- young love, the kind of lover that makes you feel like you are the most important thing in the world to them “when you are young they assume you know nothing, but I knew you-“ “and when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite.”
Cry baby- them being in that weird stage where they recognize that it might be more than just senseless flirting and they might have feelings but also being paranoid that they’re the only one with feelings uh- “I can taste it my hearts breaking, please don’t say it. That you know, when you know.” “I know I’ll fall in love with you baby, but that’s not what I wanna do baby.”
Speak now- literally the fundy dream wedding. i rest my case. “I hear the preacher say speak no or forever hold your peace.” “Dont say yes runaway now.”
I love you so- this song is cute on the surface but kinda sad once you look into it. it’s kinda about a codependent love that isn’t going well. “I gotta get away and let you go I gotta get over, but I love you so.” “You were cool and I’m a fool so please let me go.”
In conclusion I’d really appreciate if you could check it out :) <3
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Can I send a request for a fic with venti and a gender neutral mc? It's not really meant to be romantic or anything along those lines. I've just been constantly thinking about how the mc was stripped of everything, including their wings when they lost their fight against the unknown god, and how the gliders might have brought them a bit of comfort when trying to get accustomed to Mondstadt.
Something more heartfelt, maybe the mc just talking to venti after a late night out, or just waking up in the middle of the night to take a stroll in peace away from paimon, amber and the rest of the Chaotic knights of favonious.
This is more of a prompt if anything- I dont usually send requests so I dont know how to format them- sorry about that :'0
A/n: first time writing Venti. Oof. Hopes it's alright and anon I hope this is close to what you wanted.
Genre: Angst. Some fluff. (The power of friendship.)
Warning: It gets a bit angsty before it get softer.
Summary: The reality of your circumstances of the trapped traveler get you and Venti offers you some advice and comfort as your friend.
Word count: 1,420
In The Days To Come (How Much Will I Miss You?);
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It was a series of perfect events, little coincidences, Paimon got distracted a while back by the smell of food, fluttering off with 'Delicious. Tasty food! Paimon will be back' before vanishing from your side. The knight of Favonius had no urgent problems to ask for your aid with now that the Dvalin has been saved and Mondstadt and its people can rest easy. You finally had time to yourself, time to feel and think of your new reality. 
It was the gentlest tug, pull of melancholy it crept up slowly, slowly, slowly all day nipping at your heels until you felt it from your toes to your head. Numbness, so empty at first then came sadness buried deep, ignored for days for the sake of saving others, making sure others were happy, living in their home, with their family-- while you were still missing yours. It felt unfair. Resentment and anger reared their ugly heads, howling like starving, ravenous beats. 
What an overwhelming torrent of emotion, waves after wave, lapping at your chin, your mouth, your nose. Sinking. Sinking. Sinking. No. Drowning. 
Until there was nothing but a muffled, muted haze of the world around you. 
If you nodded and 'hm', 'yes', 'sure', 'okay' your way through passing conversations no one noticed. Oh, how kind, brave and stoic the traveler was! Our hero! Maybe you didn't want to be a hero. You just wanted your sibling back. 
Gliding from the highest building in Mondstadt in the dead of night, you could close your eyes, imagine it, see it, your wings, the wind through your hair, the laughter of your best friend, your constant companion, your sibling-- 'I am absolutely certain, I can beat you!', 'Ha! How hilarious. You just try to keep up!' 
Then your feet hit the cobblestone of Mondstadt, your eyes snap open and that dream, that wish, all of it shatters into the most fragile fragments, fading away, slipping out of your mind, no matter how hard you try to grasp onto it, hold it close. Gone. 
You just want to cry. 
Figures it would be Venti who just so happens to find you. In the late hours of the night, every minute passes towards that too late but also too early threshold of time. 
He is whistling, then humming a gentle, soft song. Lyrics and melody unknown to you, deft, nimble fingers strum quiet, easy notes from his lyre. 
Quiet footsteps approaching your seating form, nearly hunched over a ledge outlooking most of Mondstadt from this peak near the cathedral and the statue of your friend, it was still a little odd to think of Venti, the whimsical, chaotic bard as a god but easier to wrap your mind around given the fact you had traveled to many different realms and worlds in the past. 
"How lucky I am to find a lone traveler, perhaps I could provide you with some company?" Venti interrupts his little performance to sit down beside you, cradling his lyre in his hands, you don't really have the energy to even answer or protest his presence even if you wanted. 
"Did you catch a bit of my new tune? I must work on something that will blow away even Master Diluc! Perhaps enough for a night of free drinks in the tavern in exchange for the request of my music!" Venti exclaims rather determinedly as always, especially when it came to getting the best wine possible, for free as well. The lengths he'd be willing to go is almost admirable in a way. 
Your answering silence, no laugh, huff or even a scoff at his expense nor a head shake, roll eyes. Nothing. 
"Ah poor traveler, your gloom could bring down even the brightest flowers bloom, what has doubled your trouble?" Even his joking yet sincere rhyming can't bring much of a reaction to your face and that eats away at Venti. Never one to want his friends to suffer, not if he is there to help in whatever way he can. 
Venti loses his playful, mischievous nature for the moment in favor of being serious. It's then he is more Anemo Archon then Venti the bard. 
"What is wrong, friend?" 
One tear is followed by many others, everything rushes to the surface, you shake, tremble, break under the weight of your own sorrow. Sobbing out to the blinking stars far, far away. 
"What if my sibling is gone forever? What if I never find any clues, signs? What if I spend the rest of my life trapped here, searching and searching?" You sound half hysterical with grief and worry, rambling out every doubt, insecurity you have kept so tightly hidden away. Because everyone else had their own problems and all the problems they wanted you to solve. 
"Years side by side, through every trouble, every battle, every adventure, journey, they were always with me. Now? I am alone. My power, my wings, my sibling taken from me." You sniff and cough, squeezing your eyes shut as the world around your blurs and become a mess of colors. 
"I am tired. I am scared. Why do I always have to be brave? Strong? My whole life has been turned upside down and I have barely had time to adjust! To take all of this in, it feels like every person I meet needs my help for something unrelated to finding my only family!" You can't help the way your words turn exhausted and bitter. 
Venti waits and listens to your venting without interruption. It's only once he is sure you have let it all out that he speaks. 
"There is no shame in your sorrow, your pain. You have been thrown into a situation unfamiliar and unless anything you have experienced before and you are being forced to endure this without your closest friend, your sibling." Venti's tone is slow, decisive as if he is giving every single word meticulous thought. 
"You are incorrect to assume that means you are alone. You have new friends here, people who care about you, your journey and your goal. Paimon, Me, Jean, Lisa, Diluc, Kaeya, Amber, we all care for you. And you will have our support whenever you need it. Without question." The finality and firmness of his statement leaves no room for argument. 
You realize and recognize the truth in his words and Venti stays by your side, in the quiet night as you cry and cry, relieving the tangled knot of everything you had let grow, fester and linger for so long, even before you found Paimon. 
Venti plays a soothing harmony, a mellow, delicate dance of the strings of his lyre and his soft voice, singing; something just for you, for the moment of trust and sharing between two friends. It is a lovely, comforting song as your tears begin to dry and the burden on you is lessened for now. 
It's easy to smile and hum along with Venti as if you've heard this a dozen times.
You have no idea what is awaiting you on the journey, what struggles you will face, what obstacles and hardships that will cause you to stumble and fall but you do have friends who will be there to pick you back up again and again.
"Paimon just enjoyed a juicy, sweet, savory meal! (Name) you should have join- wait a minute!" Paimon takes one look at you and her cheeks puff out in anger, it's too cute to be truly scary but the glares she shoots at Venti is fiercely defensive. 
"What did you do tone-deaf bard?!" 
You laugh, reaching out to take hold of Paimon, you hug her gentle. Paimon squeaks out in surprise but you feel her tiny arms gently squeeze your neck. 
"I have done nothing wrong, this time." Venti had paused his private little song, ensuring it was something meant to be shared between you two just like this night would be a shared memory to look back on. 
Paimon wiggles away from you, floating before you, you watch her stick her tongue out at Venti, blowing and making a hilarious show of her disbelief. "Paimon doesn't believe you! Apologize to them now!" 
In the ensuing 'fight' between Venti and Paimon, you watch Venti reach forward and pinch her cheek and the small girl lunged at him in a failed attempt to choke him, you are sure, Venti holds her back with a hand over her face. 
You laugh. 
Yeah, you had friends and you weren't alone. 
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
A Silver x Reader Oneshot ^v^
Note: for the sake of third person it's a fem!reader, and I'm really sorry about that cuz I made this in like... Idk 2-3 am... So my brain is not functioning properly (꒦ິ⍸꒦ິ) sorry bout that guis, but feel free to replace the pronouns and gender thingy ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
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Mistakes were made under the cut!
A midsummer night with the twinkling stars that adorned the vast night skies. There lies a boy with silver hair under the cool shade of the big oak tree. After a long day of school, exhausted from the activities done, the boy leaned over the tree, relaxing at the comfortable ambiance in the middle of the dark forests illuminated by the stars and moonlight. Drowsy from exhaustion the boy nodded off to sleep as the crickets sing the songs of the night. What a sight to see.... The girl thought to herself.
In a sleepless humid night with the stuffy and dusty air suffocating the halls of the ramshackle dorm, a late night stroll in the forest for a breather seems like a good way to pass time and boredom. She ventures out in the dark forest as the moon watches over her up above.
As she strolls in the forest savoring the cool night's breeze. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she saw a man lying down under the oak tree in the middle of the vast forest. How odd... She thinks to herself. In the dark woods of twisted wonderland, lies a young man deep in slumber, completely out in the open from unknown dangers lurking around. But who was she to judge? There she was venturing out in the forest in God knows what time...The girl stood frozen in her spot as she peered over the young man.
There sat a boy with soft and fluffy silver hair flowing from the cool breeze. With long silver lashes adorning his porcelain face, his chest rising and falling, evident of his state in deep slumber. The girl crouched down mesmerized with the silver haired beauty's stunning visuals.
"Hmmm......? Pfffft!" The girl found herself chucking upon noticing the man frowning in his sleep, his eyebrows knitted together, wrinkling his forehead. What in the world could he be dreaming for him to frown even in his sleep? She asks to herself...
Dazed and confused, the girl subconsciously poked the man's forehead Ahhhhh! I've done it! flustered and shocked from her dumb actions, she tries to get up and leave from embarrassment, only to be interrupted with a big hand that tightly gripped her frail wrists.
The man has awokened from his slumber. "What are you doing?" Exclaims the young man as he furrows his eyebrows while glaring at the girl. The grip tightening at the young maiden's wrist, she said "Wait! Wait! Time out! Time out!". The boy furrowed his eyebrows yet again while he slightly loosens his grip. "Ehehe.... You see.... How do I explain it......" The girl reasoned as the young boy started to tightly grip his hands at her wrist yet again. "Uhmmm! You see I was just having a midnight stroll to take a breather! The ramshackle dorms are pretty iffy and stuffy, so I wanted to get fresh air! But then I saw you sleeping here in the oak tree where I usually go! And then.... Uhm... Oh! And uhm..... I saw you're frowning in your sleep?! so I think I subconciously poked you without me noticing?! I mean who even sleeps in the middle of nowhere frowing right?hehe-....... I mean! I'm so sorryyyy! Please let go of me!!!" The girl started blabbing in panic in front of the boy. "Is that so?......." The boy replied letting go of her wrist.
Thus the akward silence began. The night was silent as the moon shone above the both of them, with crickets singing, as the cool night breeze flew past the two. The night was finally settling in. The ambiance was calming and relaxing. It was the type of akward that is comfortable in it's own way.
"Uhmm..... Have a hard time sleeping too? The night was really stuffy...... I had a really hard time sleeping....." The girl said breaking the ice.
"Is that so?....." The silver haired boy replied. What's with his answers?? I swear if he answers iS thAt sO again I'm disowning grimm.
"Uhm.... My name is (y/n)! A first year from the ramshackle dorms!" she said. "I see you're the first year who made quite the ruckus at the ceremony." He calmly said. "Well.....yeah, there’s that...." (y/n) relpied embarrased and dissapointed.
"Silver" the man said. Hmmm? Silver? The girl thinks to herself. "My name is Silver.... a second year from the Diasomnia dorms." The boy continued whilst sighing."Well.....nice to meet you Silver!" The girl giggles as she beamed a smile to the boy before her.
Little did they knew that this nightly rendezvous marks the start of ever occuring meetings. Encounter after encounter, a morning greeting whilst gazes meet, a warm smile paints their faces. Both of them truly grew fonder and closer with each other as time passed by.
Late night rendezvous became a habit of the two, telling each other tidbits of themselves as they enthusiastically share how their day went with each other, with smiles and laughter that echoed in the forest.
But this innocent friendship between the two of you was soon to be short lived... As silver finally understood what he felt about you. As shocking as it was for him, he felt happy in your precence, but the moment he realized his true inner feelings, he felt his stomach churn from the joy, love, and fear he felt for (y/n). It felt as if all his emotions were stirred up inside him giving him butterflies.
The next following days were a blur. It felt as if viewing a cheesy romance movie with rose tinted glasses. With every smile, every laugh, even the little mannerisms (y/n) did, it never failed to make his heart flutter. Silver felt complete in her precence...
They say humans are naturally greedy creatures....... Silver wanted more he wanted to indulge himself in (y/n)'s light more...... So he did his best to convey his emotions to you.
As much as she'd hate to admit it, the mellow touches silver gives sends butterflies in her stomach. She noticed little bits of the feelings silver conveyed, but she refused to believe the little voice inside her that says maybe, just maybe, silver actually had feelings for you. She was in a state of a blind denial. But she truly appreciated and loved all the small gestures Silver did, she really did found herself a friend she loved.
their innocent friendly relationship could only last for long. The more time passed by, the more sexual tension aroused between the two. With playful fights turning uncomfortable, when they laugh at each other as their gazes suddenly meet.... It was very hard not to notice the tension, leaving both very flustered and bashful with each other. The little nightly tryst the two had felt like a stroll in the clouds. Living life wearing rose tinted glasses was sure a luxury one could have.
A refreshing gush of wind flew past the luscious silver locks of the boy, with his periwinkle orbs fixated unto the book he was holding, a deep sigh escaped his lips as he flips through the pages spaced out, not focusing on the contents at all, as hundreds of thoughts linger on his mind, preoccupying him from reading his book. A thought crossed his mind, no..... This thought was plastered all over his mind when did it go wrong? The cloudy skies above was peaceful, how he wished to have his mind be as peaceful as the clouds above. The boy then put down his book, and succumbs to the drowsiness he's suffering from, due to restless nights of tossing and turning.
As he's nodding off to sleep yet again, the little birds chirp in joy singing the songs of the forest. Along with the songs of the birds, there was a familiar voice who hummed a familiar tune of a melody one has heard before. Yet again, there she stood in front of Silver drowsing off to dreamland. "Hmmmm! Is this deja vu?" (Y/n) sat beside her friend as she put silver's head on her lap. "If you keep sleeping like that, your neck would hurt later you know?"
Time passed by quick with thunders rumbling in the distance, grey clouds enveloped the whole skies threatening for it to pour any moment. Silver then awoke to the sounds that disturbed his peaceful nap. Ah! I've overslept.... what time is it now? but before he could even pull himself together, he was shocked to see himself lying on your lap whilst you slept like a child leaning on the big oak tree.
The lonely nights slowly became brighter and colorful. Without even realizing it, the two started to look forward to the late night meetings under the twinkling stars, basking under the moonlight. These secret little meetings felt like joy to Silver, he felt like time stops whenever he's with (y/n). Mhmmm.... I may have found myself a friend i cherish deeply, huh? Silver thinks to himself smiling whilst looking at (y/n) grinning widely.
He felt his heart melt right then and there...
Was he dreaming, is this a dream? "Wait no, the sky might come pouring down any moment now....." Silver woke up the girl lost in dreamland how cute.....
"AH! I ACCIDENTALLY SLEPT! I was about to wake you up but I bombed it!.... Wait is it going to rain? Oh God....." Cold Raindrops started pouring from the grey skies as the two ran across the forest to seek shelter in the Diasomnia dorms.
The both of you drenched, like little children who had fun playing in the rain, the both of you start laughing at yourselves. Malleus entered the room shocked to see the two of you drenched."Ah! MalMal-Senpai~!" called out (y/n)."Hmm~?.....I see you still call me that nickname huh?" Malleus smiled softly as he offered a dry towel for (y/n).
Silver watched as (y/n)'s face lit up just from simple exchanges from his young master. Ah I see now, this is when everything went wrong huh?..... He thought to himself.
One sleepless night with the humid breeze flowing through the windows, as dusty air covered the rooms of the ramshackle dormitory, (y/n) goes with the usual late night stroll to the forest to find her buddy, Silver. She wanted to talk lots to him about her long day with the troubles that the trio has cooked up yet again. She was so excited just by thinking about it, but she was left dissapointed when she did not find her friend waiting at the usual spot. Silver is probably busy she thought. Ready to go back to the dorms, she stayed a bit longer to linger in the cool night's breeze.
Whilst enjoying the calm ambiance,she felt a presence with her, and to her shock, there was a mysterious man with horns that stood behind her, he seemed oddly familiar to her.... As their eyes locked, the only thing that (y/n) felt was her heart racing out from her chest, a feeling like someone squeezing your heart out making it hard to breathe. "How pretty....." She slipped. "AH I'M SORRY MY THOUGHTS SLIPPED!" (Y/n) admitted to her crimes embarrased.
The man with horns furrowed his eyebrows, but soon after, he chuckled at the young girl's foolish actions. "Hmmmm...really now?... how interesting you are little girl...." The man with horns replied.
(Y/n) was flustered and mesmerised by the man that stood before her. He made her breathless. With the beautiful raven hair that flew past the wind, and the chartreuse eyes that shone in the dark like sparkling emeralds. His porcelain ghostly white skin that almost look transparent......how beautiful.....
"Uhhhmm.... Hello... My name is (y/n)!" Did that sound akward?? She thought. "You're one of the first years that stirred up trouble in the ceremony right?" Says the man with horns.
"Well....ehehe.....yeah, that happend...." She peeked at the man again, only to be caught with his sharp glowing eyes. How embarassing..... "Oh! uhm so you are???" Truth be told, in reality, she already knew the man in front of him, the infamous man who supervises the Diasomnia dorms, the young master of your friend Silver, The Malleus Draconia himself. But it is still courtesy when you introduce yourself to others, they should return the introduction as well. (Y/n) stared at the man anticipating a reply. "Don't you already my name though?" He said. "But it's still respectful to introduce yourself, when someone introduced themselves to you!" (Y/n) whined like a little child, still looking expectant with eyes that shone innocently right back at the dark fae that stood before her. Malleus stared at the small girl, then smirked at her cute behaviour she kept showing. How odd..... how can someone like her not be afraid in my presence?how can she act honestly in front of me? How refreshing.... he thinks to himself. "Hmmm? But you already know my name? What is there for me to introduce?" The man said slightly smirking anticipating the girl's reaction. "Hmmm....is that so?" She replied dissapointed like a puppy with it's ears down. The man smirked again with (y/n)'s honest actions. She wears her heart on her sleeve.....how cute....
"then how about this? Call me whatever you want...." Even Malleus was confused with what he was saying, but he wants to see what her reaction will be, she piqued his interest..... She baffled the fae that stood before her.
"Reeaally??!! You cant take that back!!!" She grinned happily and exitedly as her eyes shone in pure delight. The fae smiles to himself finding the little girl quite odd, I mean, He's Malleus Draconia a poweful man, one of the greatest mages in the world. Yet he's perplex with a young girl approaching him without care in the world, not caring on who he is it warmed his heart to find someone this honest to approach him without being terrified.
"Hmmmm, now what can I call you?......" The girl questions to herself deep in her thoughts as the fae stared at her face, interested eager for the answer she'll come up with. "Pfffft!! I got it!" She says as she peered at the fae's glowing eyes. "Can I call you Malmal?" Her gaze unwavering stared at the man in front of her as she stops herself from breaking down in laughter. "Pfft! Ahahaha!" Malleus was baffled with the nickname (y/n) came up with as he bursts in laughter.... how interesting this girl is.... To have the audacity and bravery to call him that nickname, its starting to appear her bravery is just plain foolishness, but he did not hate it at all.
Silver knew deep inside that (y/n) is slowly falling for his young master. With each encounter with malleus, (y/n)'s eyes lits up like diamonds as she greets malleus with the nickname she came up with.... "Oh! MalMal? Goodmorning! hehe". Silver can't even deny the jealousy that prickled his heart as he saw the person he cherished and loved dearly, falling in another man's arms, worse, she seven fell for the young master that silver truly respected with all his heart. What can he do? He's just your friend, he's just a guard to his young master.....
He felt like his world came down crushing on him, why must this happen? , It felt like a thousand stab wounds pierced his heart... Indulging himself in the light (y/n) gave him was enough for him...... He wanted to do his best to protect your smile and laughter..... That's what he's best at doing..... Right?? He loves (y/n) so much that seeing her happy was enough for him.
Slowly, the nightly rendezvous turned into (y/n) telling silver love songs about Malleus... Even if it hurts, silver sat there listening to (y/n)'s every word, he felt happy to see (y/n) smile ear to ear as she tell about malleus. She never smiled like that before... silver thinks to himself. It left a distinct bittersweet taste in his mouth.
The peace was soon interrupted after muffled sobs rang in the woods, only to see a girl with stains of tears evident in her cheeks and glossy eyes as salty tears trickled in the corners of her eyes.
Meeting after meeting, a tryst under the moonlight as a sweet delightful feeling bloomed in (y/n)'s heart. She fell smitten for the fae with each passing second.
"Silver, what do I do?" She asked the silver haired boy choking on her words. Silver felt his heart drop as (y/n) fell in his arms choking on her sobs. Silver was speechless and was in a state of panic as he tries to console the girl by patting her back, tracing intricate patterns in attempts to calm (y/n) down....
A sunny day as bright clear skies lit the world of twisted wonderland, a chilly breeze flew past the silver haired boy as he woke up from slumber. The birds are chirping melliflous melodies. The once lush leaves that now turned orangefell from the trees as a single leaf stuck unto the boy's hair.
"Hic, he knows...... Malleus knows...... he asked me if I liked him, and I think he doesn't like it.... hic...... He hates me now right?" Reddish eyes gazed at silver as he felt his heart shattering into millions of pieces. "Uhmm..... Don't worry.... No one hates you... You know I like you" he replied with a gentle smile, as he rubbed (y/n)'s back calming her down. "You don't have to say that to make me feel better..... It's fine.... Maybe i'll just make these feelings dissaper? That'll do the trick right? It's better than malleus hating me..." As much as silver wanted to say yes, he wanted to hold (y/n)'s hand, he wanted to kiss her.... He wanted (y/n) to be his..... Seeing (y/n) in pain broke him. "You should just tell him how you feel..." A pained smile painted silver's face...."so can you please cheer up now?" He asked (y/n)..... "You're right...... I should be brave and face my problems...... Thank you silver...... You're the best!" Simple kind words that conveyed innocent feelings felt like a thousand stab wounds...... How stupid have I grown from being with you?...... I guess it's true that love can make someone the most stupid person in the world.....
Springtime is finally over..... Now it's time to stop wearing the rose tinted glasses and continue to live on the life of dull colors..... But that's fine..... The bright hues of the autumn leaves still colored the world of it's dull grey colors.....
"Silver! There you are!" a girl happily called out as she ran in silver's direction. "Sleeping in the middle of the day?.... Haaah...... I can't blame you... Oh! That reminds me! Later this evening, I'll be borrowing malleus hehe~ so you and sebek shouldn't fuss over him later m'kay?~" (y/n) grinned happily smiling ear to ear. "Glad to know you're back to being your usual loud self again...." Silver smiled at the girl. "HEY! LOUD?! Whats that about!" She replied as the both of their laughter echoed in the forest.
On one sleepless night, as silver sat under the oak tree savoring the fresh air of the night. He felt solitude in the peace and quiet surrounding him.
A cold wind blew the autumn leaves as Silver ventured in the woods in a chilly night to pass time of boredom. He leaned in the oak tree that once was green and lush, now with its leaves slowly falling in the ground. Staring at the big oak tree where everything started, his lips curved up to form a weak smile It's time to let her go now huh?. He looks up at the dark skies as tiny shards of light twinkled in the nothingness, he smiled to himself again for the last time, as he goes back to his dorm. But to his surprise he heard faint giggling in the distance as two couple held hands basking under the serene glow of the moonlight on a midnight tryst.
For a brief moment, the girl caught Silver's gaze as a soft mellow smile forms on her face only to be broken when the fae started talking and the girl got her focus back on her lover. His heart throbbed even with just a stare.... When did i become this stupid? but soon enough, a pained smile graced his face, accepting his circumstances, accepting his defeat.
"I lost..... Yet I still care for you.... Now when I look into your eyes, all I see is a stranger who knows all my secrets...... I guess... A soulmate who wasn't meant to be?......now it's finally time to say goodbye..." The autumn leaves flew as the chilly breeze blew past the young boy with silver hair........
• The End •
Y'all if you thought this was fluff.... I'm sorry.... I'm so much very sorry for that..... Pls stone me gently.... ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
The story became Silver x Reader x Malleus real quick huh? 👁️👄👁️
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Also i keep writing fics based on songs i play the song that inspired me here is called: "A soulmate who wasn't meant to be" by Jessica benko ^~^ 
Solstice: either of the two times in the year, the summer solstice and the winter solstice, when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marked by the longest and shortest days.
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elaizzzzzswift · 5 years
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👢👢👢👢👢 until Lover! #lovercountdown
Yesterday I have posted for the debut album in line with the #appreciateTaylorsongwritingProject and today it will be for the Fearless album of 2008. Let me tell you how I started listening to Tay's song. During the start of this era, I was just about 11 and my older sister shared the song "Love Story", then that was when my swiftie history started :)
👢Fearless - this song is about being fearless in love when you are with the right person. It is about a feeling that makes two persons feel so magical and comfortable with each other despite of the problems or "storms" in their way. It is about being brave, it's about being fearless.
👢Fifteen - a story telling us to take our time, to not rush things especially in falling in love. This tells us to not be hasty in investing our feelings and time to a person who may not be the right one for us. It's about focusing on other things that life has to offer particularly when we're still so young. This is like my go to song particularly when I started my college freshman year, my internship training, amd just previously my first job. Haha. This is my "first day of things" song.
👢Love Story - this is my FIRST SWIFTIE SONG. The first song and music video that made me fall for Taylor Swift! This song started the growth of the swiftie roots in me :) my older sister was the one who started it all, she shared the MV and I was stunned, then the rest is history. Going over, this is about two young lovers who were not supposed to be together because of their differences in life or maybe even because other people told them so. It is like the story of Romeo and Juliet but Taylor gave it a happier ending ❤ It is making two stars or planets aligned for love. It is making a lovely couple, two lines, to intersect and coincide even if other people tells them to just be parallel lines and not to end up being together. I really love this song and it is one of the most memorable one for me. It is about beating the odds and making them all in favor of you. Once again, this is what started the spark in my swiftie life!
👢Hey, Stephen - it is like when there are a lot of girls who admire your crush like you. Deep inside you know that you're the one that stands out even if they may be prettier or more attractive than you see yourself because you can write a song for him. I take the line 'write a song for you' as a metaphor to spending all your effort and time getting to know one person, finding out his story that makes up his song.
👢 White Horse - this a realization song where one person learns that not all love stories end up beautifully. It is about accepting that the story that ended may not be the best one for you yet. This is also about hoping you'll find the right love after all the breakups and heartaches.
👢You Belong with Me - this is also one of my faves! This song makes you want to sing your heart out when singing the chorus and bridge and it is just wonderful. Thanks to Tay because YBWM happened and most of us can relate to it. This song lets you scream how much you want that person to turn to you because you are the one who has been there for him all along, you're the one who knows him and understands him best, and you are the person to whom he belongs to. Haha. Cheesy but sweet.
👢Breathe - this is a sad song about two friends who drifted apart. I recall relating to it when my friend and I's friendship seemed to be falling apart and it is one of the worst feelings out there. Losing a friend is also like losing a part of you that you've known for so long, it is also painful to watch the everyday friendship routines turn into just memories that are just there but cannot be revived again. But it tells us to breathe and move on simply because we have to...
👢Tell Me Why - this is confronting a person who had been mean and rude about you, your talent, etc. This is Taylor asking why is that person trying to hurt her in everyone that he can. This is a person wanting valid reasons because when it comes to bullying, there is none. No one deserved to be bullied, disrespected, and treated differently just because your principles, tastes and beliefs are not the same. In short, be kind to everyone because that makes us human.
👢You're Not Sorry - this is having that tiny bit of hope or patience dry out in a person because she or he had been repeatedly neglected, cheated, and hurt. This is not accepting the supposedly apologies by the person who is just making alibis and just showing off. This is a person being brave enough to stand up and walk out of a relationship or situation to save everything that's left in her or him. This is a person who learned when and how to stop when it is no longer right anymore.
👢The Way I Loved You - this is a song on all the ways how one person started to love another. I think this is all in the past tense because it is like a memory of the things that made that person close to your heart. It is telling that you missed this and that but that was all just for the sake of feeling how it used to be before. It is also about being amazed by your own capability of loving one person even if it didn't last forever but yoy still wanted to love again.
👢Forever & Always - this has two versions. For the original version, I think it is a mixture of anger and sadness because of the pain brought about by the broken promise of forever and always. It is like screaming out all the pain because it really hurts and you wanted a way to make your chest feel lighter. For the acoustic version, I will always feel sadness only in this arrangement, no anger. This is the sadness due to pain, disappointment, and longingness to a promise that never should have been made.
👢The Best Day - this is a song that Taylor wrote and perform for her mom, Mrs. Andrea Swift, and performed for ber on Mother's Day. This song is not just for mothers, this song is for the whole family :) She tells about her excellent and strong father, her lovable brother, and most of all her supportive and pretty mother. This is Taylor opening up her whole Swift family to the whole Swiftie family and it is so nice of her to do this because she trusts us.
👢Change - this is a song that shouts out, "We will be successful!" despite of starting out small. I think this is like how one's career and dreams started but it will be successful with a sense of achievement because you never gave up. This tells us tk never give up just like Taylor in the music industry.
Additional songs in the Platinum Version
👢Jump then Fall - this is a song that is about a love that is willing to stay through the good and bad times. It tells us that we must not be afraid to jump then fall to the right person who is capable of seeing the good and lovable things in us. 💛
👢Untouchable - this song is Taylor giving Luna Halo's song a different touch. The original version is a rock genre but Taylor made it into a soft, mellow, more dramatic song in her own version of this song.
👢Come In with the Rain - this is one sad song again from Taylor. This is expressing how you had become exhausted in one relationship but still have that tiny bit of hope that that person will come back to you and fix things up. This is you not trying to catch that person again but you still leave your window open just in case that person comes back for you, for love.
👢Superstar - well, I relate to this song in a way that Taylor is this super star whom I've been longing to meet ever since I've heard her song. On the other hand, this is about a girl who is lovestrucked by a person who she thinks is out of her league.
👢The Other Side of the Door - this is a song about a couple who just had a fight. This is a song which gives us the picture of a person who is really trying to do everything just to make his/her lover go away but deep inside wanting her/him to stay at the other side. This is telling that you hate a person because they hurt you but then wanting them to stay because you need and love them.
I don't know if anyone will read it up to this point ahha. I've enjoyed doing this. It turned out to be so long. Thank you for checking out and even trying to read some parts of it. I hope you enjoyed it :) if you have time, please tell me what you think about the things I've said.
Long Live!🤴👸🎆
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