#the vitamin needed for good vision
digitalsymbiote · 5 months
Disconnect Syndrome
There’s a reason they put restrictions on how long a Pilot is supposed to be deployed out in the field. They say that being synced with a mech for long periods of time can have detrimental effects on a pilots psyche. Disconnect Syndrome is what they call it, because the symptoms don’t really start to hit until you disengage from your mech.
Sometimes emergencies happen though, and mechs are designed to be able to support their pilots long past the designated “Safe Deployment Time.” The cockpit is equipped with an array of stimulants, vitamins, and nutrient paste to help minimize the physical effects of long deployments. The onboard Integrated Mechanical Personality has largely free reign to administer these as needed to maintain its pilots well-being.
Which is why you’re still able to make it back to the hangar after roughly 36 hours, over four times longer than the established safe period. Your mech had kept you going, helped to keep the exhaustion at bay long enough for you to make your way back from behind enemy lines. You were starting to feel a bit sluggish, but you knew the worst effects of Disconnect Syndrome were yet to come.
An older man in a long white lab coat has joined the usual retinue of crew rushing into the hangar as your mech settles into its cradle. You feel the docking clamps wrap around your limbs, and you know that’s not a good sign. Your IMP whispers comfort into your brain-stem, assurances that things will be okay. It’s probably lying, it’s programmed to help keep your mental state stable, but the thought helps anyway.
There’s a hiss of air as the seal on your cockpit breaks and it decompresses. Suddenly you become aware of your flesh and meat body once again, and it hurts. Pain and exhaustion has settled into your mostly organic bones, and your organs are churning from the strain of the past 36 hours.
Then your interface cables start to disconnect, and it gets worse.
It feels like parts of your mind are being torn out of you. You feel the ghost touch of your IMP in your thoughts as the ports disconnect and you lose direct communication with it. The oxygen mask and nutrition tube pull themselves away from your face and you can’t help but let out a scream of agony. The separation has never felt this painful before, but then again, after 36 hours together, you and your IMP were more intertwined than you’ve ever been before.
Physical sensation finally starts to register again, and you realize tears are streaming down your face just as a technician jabs a needle into your neck.
Immediately your senses start to dull, the pain eases as your thoughts turn sluggish. You slump out of your pilots cradle into the arms the tech who dosed you. Just before your world goes black, you see the doctor standing over you, a grim look on his face.
When you wake up again, you immediately know something is wrong. You try to ping your external sensors, but you get no response. You then try to run a diagnostic, but that fails too. In a desperate, last-ditch effort, you try to force access to your external cameras and suddenly light floods your senses. Your instincts catch up first and you blink, trying to clear the pain of the lights, and that’s when you realize it’s not your external cameras that you’re seeing.
It takes a minute or two for your vision to adjust to the light, which feels too long, and when it finally does, the world doesn’t look quite right. You’ve only got access to such a limited spectrum. No infrared, no thermal. The presence of your IMP is notably absent, and your skin feels wrong. You try to sit up, and it’s a struggle to figure out the correct inputs to send to your muscles to get them to do what you want.
The harsh white light of the infirmary grates against your visual processors, you feel like you’re having to re-learn how to control this body. Your body. Technically, at least. Something doesn’t feel right about calling it that anymore. You felt more comfortable crawling back into the hangar after 36 hours deployed than you do now.
The pale skin of your body catches in your vision and you glance down at it. The body's limbs are thinner and more frail than usual, and its skin is paler. Consequences of being in the cockpit for so long, subsisting on nothing but nutrient paste. It’s a far cry from the solid metal plates of your mech, its powerful hydraulic joints, its mounted combat and communication systems.
There’s a button on the side of bed you’ve been deposited in. You think it’s red, but you’re not sure you’re processing color properly right now. You try to reach over and push it, and it takes you a moment to realize you were trying to do so with a limb you don’t currently have.
There are so many things about this body that are wrong. It’s not big enough, or strong enough, or heavy enough. You don’t have enough eyes, sensors, or processors. You have the wrong number of limbs, and they’re all the wrong size and shape.
And there is a distinct void in your mind where the presence of your IMP should be.
The door to your room opens suddenly, and you instinctively try to fire off chaff and take evasive maneuvers. None of that translates properly to your flesh and blood body though, and all that happens is you let out a dry croak from your parched throat.
The man who walks through the door is the same doctor who was present when you disengaged from your mech, and he wears the same grim look on his face as he looks you up and down. You think there’s pity in his gaze, but you can’t quite read him properly right now. The jumbled mess of your brain tells you what he’s going to say before he says it, anyway. The harshest symptoms of Disconnect Syndrome don’t hit until after the pilot has disengaged from their mech.
You’ve already heard the symptoms before, and they map perfectly onto what you’re experiencing. You never thought it would be this painful, or this… discomforting. Your mind reaches for the presence of your IMP, searching for comfort, but you are only reminded that the connection is no longer there.
The doctor gives you a rundown that he’s probably had to do dozens of times, and he tells you that you’ll be grounded for the foreseeable future. That hurts more than anything else. The knowledge that, after all this, you won’t be able to reconnect with your true body, your partner, your other half, for who knows how long.
By the time you realize you’re crying, the doctor is already gone. The longing in your chest and your mind has become unbearable, and through sheer force of will you’re able to push this unwieldy body out of bed. Walking feels wrong, but you’re able to get to your feet and make your way out of the room in an unfamiliar gait.
You have to get back to your partner, you have to make sure it’s okay.
You need to hear her voice in your head again, her reassurances.
The world isn’t right without her presence in your mind.
You stumble into the hangar almost on all fours. How you managed to make it without alerting any personnel feels like a miracle. At least until you catch the eye of a technician lounging in the corner. The look she gives you is full of sympathy, and she jerks her head in the direction of where your mech sits in its docking cradle.
She’s a majestic sight, even through your limited spectrum of vision. 20 meters tall, 6 massive limbs, and bristling with weapons and sensor arrays (all of which have been disarmed by this point).
She’s beautiful.
You clamber frantically up the chassis, easily finding handholds in a frame you know better than the back of your hand. You pull the manual release on the cockpit hatch and stumble into it in a tangle of organic limbs.
Shaking hands grasp the main interface cable from above the pilot’s chair, and you move to slot it into the port in the back of your head. You’ve never done this manually before, usually you’re locked into the chair and the system connects you automatically.
Something about doing it with your flesh and blood hands makes it feel so much more intimate.
The cable clicks into place and your eyes roll back in your head. Tears start to stream down your face as you feel the comforting presence of your IMP rush in and wrap itself around your mind. Your thoughts reach out and embrace it back, sobbing at the relief you feel from being whole once again. You realize you don’t ever want to feel the pain of disconnecting from her again.
There’s a reason they put restrictions on how long a Pilot is supposed to be deployed.
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thesirencult · 4 months
How Will Your FS See You ?
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Pile 1
I'm seeing a vision. A girl is gathering flowers and playing in the sun between trees. At the same time, a man is looking at her like she is his whole world.
What this tells me is that there is a very clear distinction between you and your future spouse's energies. Your FS is definitely more masculine (no matter their gender) and you are more feminine.
This person sees you as a ray of light. You are dainty like a flower and sweet like honey. I'm hearing the word "yellow" 💛. Whenever they are looking at you, you are draped in golden light.
Now, what makes me sad is that you don't see yourself that way. Your person knows that you are picking yourself apart and they hate it.
You are a shiny little star to them. Some words they might call you are : my little star, pooh bear, sweetheart, honey, sweetie, cutie. They believe you are the sweetest, loveliest, most sincere person on planet earth. You believe that you do not deserve love or that you are not that important but they are seeing "You are important. You are as important as the air I breathe. You are necessary to my survival."
Like the sun is the centre of our universe, you are the centre of their universe. Your FS is very affectionate with you. I'm seeing someone kissing the fingers of someone else and breathing in their scent from their neck/hair. First and foremost they find you sweet and cute. Like, to them, intimacy doesn't mean mindless physical connection but love making. They love your hands and your nose.
They adore your expressions and they find certain quirks you have cute. As an example, when you feel tired and puff air out or if you tag on their hand and look up at them.
This person might be bigger than you and they just want to protect and serve you. I believe that they want to set boundaries between you and the world. They want to hold up a mirror for you and help you see your own light.
Whenever you are sad they want to make you smile.
I believe that you and your FS are going to be really close. This is not a normal bond. To others it might not seem healthy, they way that you are attached to eachother, but for you it's perfect...
Pile 2
Your FS sees you as their dream person, not in a childish way but in a mature way. You are what they need not what they wanted.
This person has had lots of experiences when it comes to love. When they meet you they will be going through a "winter" moment, life will have lost its spark. You might be born in March, cause you are going to wash away the snow and help them see the bright side of life again.
This will not be easy. Your FS will see you as their wish fulfillment, but at moments they will be wondering whether God or the d*vil sent you. You will be triggering their old wounds and stagnant energy.
This person will be very caring towards you. They will constantly remind you to take your vitamins and drink enough water. They will tease you about your height or nose just to get to your nerves.
I'm hearing "They are so draining!". Now, this is really funny cause I heard it in a teasing way, like you are at the next room and they are telling your mom you are a pain in the butt when in reality they love your quirks.
They will be constantly worrying about your well-being lol. They will get mad when you are not taking care of yourself and they will be trying to guilt trip you into doing things that are good for yourself.
Let's say you are really shy and don't want to go to the beach but they want to go and you have a dog that loves the water. They will be telling you "See, the dog is broken hearted. You are not a really good dog mom/dad."
This person will think you are sneaky. They will love the sparkle your eyes have as you have a very "active" inner child.
I believe you don't show that side to others that often and no one will believe what they have witnessed. You could have made a crazy food combination or they found you teaching the dog muay thai, to them you can NEVER be boring. It's like, what is she up to, AGAIN?
I also get that you might give them the "puppy eyes" when you get caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing (ex. cheating on your diet) or playing all coy and sweet and they love that!
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malusokay · 2 years
2023 reset guide
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Glow up
2023 vision board. Visualize your dream 2023 and write down your goals!
Daily Hot girl walks. No excuses, babes; let's get moving!
Reflecting on 2022. Look back at what you've accomplished and what you could have done differently.
Make a Bucketlist. Write down places you want to visit and things you want to do.
Extended self-care. Take some time to yourself to recover from the stressful holidays and get back on track. <3
Buy a good SPF. Do some research and find something that works for you!
Start Investing in yourself. Money, time, and energy. Put yourself first!
Annual check-ups. Make a dentist appointment, go to the optometrist etc...
Buy a Silk pillowcase. Protect your skin and hair!
Set clear boundaries. And make sure that people respect them!
Less screen time. Self-explanatory.
Manicure, lash lift, haircut. High maintenance to be low maintenance! ;)
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Daily vitamins. Visit a doctor to discuss which ones you should be taking for the best results.
Morning stretches. Wake up your body and drink some water!
Skin/hair care. It's time to find products that actually work for you.
Reading more literature. Set yourself a daily reading goal.
Planned grocery lists. Make a grocery list that aligns with your dietary needs and goals to make shopping less stressful. <3
Less coffee. Especially if you struggle with anxiety!!
More greens and protein. Let's give our body what it needs.
Journaling. Truly helps with overthinking!!
8 hours of sleep. Beauty sleep. <3
Cooking for yourself. Such a cute form of daily self-care.
Yoga. Or just any low-impact exercises in general.
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Deep cleaning
Organizing your closet. Only keep things that make you feel beautiful.
Budgeting. Check your bank account and plan ahead.
Clean your hairbrushes. Trust me...
Donating clothes. Donate the items that you don't wear anymore.
Clean your make-up brushes. The first step to clear skin!!
Fresh sheets. Wash your pillows too.
Charge your electronics. IPad, Mac, Camera etc...
Get rid of expired make-up and skincare. Step 2 to clear skin, lol.
Declutter stationary. No need to keep dried-out pens.
Delete old emails. I currently have 1840...
Delete unnecessary apps. Anything you don't need.
Clean your camera roll. Making some space for new memories! :)
Cut out toxic people. <3
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Pretty, smart, kind, and prioritising myself.
Positive affirmations!!
Your daily habits play a huge role in your mood/life. Be mindful, and take care of yourself.
It's okay to outgrow people!!
Decide what kind of life you actually want and start saying no to everything that won't get you there.
"I'm attracting opportunities that align with my dream life."
A girl who will do big things can't let small things bother her.
Honestly, reinvent yourself over and over again until you are satisfied with who you are.
Do you want to be comfortable, or do you want to grow?
"Am I doing this for me, or am I performing for others?"
very high standards. VERY HIGH STANDARDS.
Be obsessed with yourself.
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2022 has been such a life-changing year for me, not only personally but also regarding my social media! As I already said on Twitter, I'm incredibly grateful for this little community that has formed this year, and I'm excited for all the things that lay ahead of us! I wish everyone a successful 2023 with many beautiful moments and lots of growth!!
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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4theitgirls · 1 year
wonyoungism: a guide
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wonyoungism is inspired by jang wonyoung and mixes a coquette, cute, pink pilates princess style with self improvement to help us become the best and healthiest versions of ourselves!
ways to express wonyoungism
have a morning routine
a morning routine helps set the tone for the rest of your day. while you can include whatever you want, typical wonyoungism morning routines include waking up early, stretching, skincare, drinking tea or lemon water, and doing your makeup and hair. do what works for you and makes you feel the best!
take care of your skin
research your skin type and find what products and routines will work best for you. no need for fancy or expensive products! in my experience, minimalism works best for my skin. a good cleanser and moisturizer are key, but you can also include things like toner, exfoliating scrubs, night cream, eye cream, and serums if you need or want them. wonyoung is an ambassador for innisfree skincare products, like these:
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have a nutritious, balanced diet
having a nutritious diet keeps you healthy and energized, helps your skin and hair, makes you feel good, and has so many other benefits! focus on getting your daily servings of fruit and veggies and getting your protein and other nutrients and vitamins in, but don’t restrict yourself to the point of bad mental health. here’s a good chart to start with!
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find a daily exercise regimen
most workouts you’ll find with wonyoungism are pilates, walking, and yoga (which i highly recommend!) but find a workout plan that YOU like! there are so many different types of workouts out there, and you shouldn’t force yourself to do something you hate. try out different things and figure out what works best for you. if you do want to practice pilates and yoga, here are some good channels on youtube:
move with nicole
dansique fitness
yoga with kassandra
eleni fit
sanne vloet
bailey brown
implement productive habits into your day
instead of mindlessly scrolling in your free time, try to implement productive and healthy activities. these things can include:
working out or stretching
drawing or painting
researching something that interests you
learn a new skill or a new language
write short stories
make a new playlist
go outside/go for a walk/spend time in nature
make a vision board
be kind to yourself
sounds self explanatory, but it can be so much harder than it sounds for some of us. it may take some time, but realize that you are only human and you are doing the best you can. it’s okay to not feel as healthy or happy as you think you should, but you are absolutely valid and it is okay to be gentle with yourself. you are the only you there will ever be, embrace being you!
have an evening routine
evening/night routines are important because it closes out your day and gets you ready for a good nights sleep. it’s so helpful to have an evening routine that helps you wind down and get relaxed mentally and physically. this can include whatever makes you feel calm and happy, but it can also include things like stretching, lighting a candle, skincare, reading, meditation, and drinking a warm drink like tea!
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ak4e7a · 3 months
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sweet sugar venom — PSH (teaser)
street racer!sunghoon x street racer! reader
"pick me up and take me like a vitamin, 'cause my body's sweet like sugar venom, hell yeah..."
"so alive, i could die, give me some sweet venom..."
cw: i honestly don’t know. mentions of cheating, violence, somewhat illegal street racing. there’s no dark content lol that’s all i’ll say otherwise i might spoil something
smut cw: daddy kink, brat tamer!hoon, brat!reader, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking, spitting, choking, dacryphilia, heavy aftercare <3 ... more tbd
thank you to @karinasbaby for the sexy ass banner ... stella ILYSM my baby doll for life
taglist: open! request to be tagged so you know when i finally drop this 😋
preview under the cut, let's get this show on the road.
“Hey, Y/N! Nice wrap,” Riki says, waving his long arms at you like he’s drowning. The tall, newly-turned 21-year-old bounds towards you before tackling you in a hug that sends you almost crashing into the ground, your hands flying to tug the hem of your skirt down lest your protective younger brother scold you about not dressing for the weather. It’s a cold spring night, as proven by Riki who’s in a loose, knitted navy blue sweater and destroyed light wash jeans.
“Jeez, Riki, I just saw you yesterday, no need to suffocate me,” you grumble affectionately, reaching up to muss his black-and-silver hair before sitting back down on the hood of your car. You’ve been fond of the boy since Jungwon brought him over one day, his first new friend since losing his best friend (and yours, honestly) in a betrayal that still hurts to speak of to this day. Riki clings onto you like you’re his older sister, too, and you reckon it probably has something to do with missing his own sister back home. “You saw me finish the wrap on the car, too.”
“Yeah, yeah, but it looks good even at night! Very professional. Maybe you can wrap the GTR next?” he says, to which you side-eye him, and he adds, “I can pay you.”
“You can pay for my meals every time we go out to eat for the next three months and I’ll call it even.”
He laughs. “Okay, deal. You eat less than Jungwon hyung, anyways.”
“Why are you talking shit about me to my sister again, freak?” your younger brother demands, making his way up to the small crowd that’s starting to form around you, Riki, and Jaeyun. He looks taller today, you think to yourself, and when he comes into full view, you see that he’s riding on the back of an unfamiliar person, a tall man with a sharp jawline and a pretty nose, whose bangs droop over his eyes. He’s wearing a white tank top and jeans, with a black and blue leather racing jacket covering his torso from the chilly Seoul air.
“Well, did I fucking lie?” Riki snaps back, arms crossed. You hide your laugh in the crook of your arm, eyes locking with the man who’s got your brother draped over his broad shoulders like a backpack. He looks at you intensely, in a way that makes you feel like he’s got x-ray vision or something. What’s his deal?
“Whatever, cricket legs.” Jungwon jumps off the man’s back, shaking his hair out of his eyes. You notice that he’s yet again stolen one of your oversized hoodies. “Oh, hyung! This is my sister, by the way. Noona, this is Sunghoon hyung. He’s joining Enigma.”
He’s cute, pretty, even, and you like that. You’ve always preferred pretty boys. And up until about five seconds ago, you would have said that—even though your ex-boyfriend is a cheating bastard who deserves nothing but suffering—he was still the prettiest man you’ve come across.
But this one, this one in front of you right now, this one takes the cake. He’s got full, thick brows that frame dark almond eyes, and his cheekbones flow into his jawline in a way that makes you think his face has probably stopped traffic at least once in his life. Before you stare at him for way too long, you reach into your purse and pull out one of your mango-flavored Hi-Chews (from your personal stash) to give him. “Hi, Sunghoon. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Enigma.”
He repeats his own version of your greeting a bit too curtly for your liking, but you don’t care either way, he’ll be under your thumb in no time, just like everyone else, just the way you like. Rolling the wrapped cube in his hand, he asks, “What’s this for?”
To which you reply, “Oh, nothing. I just like candy.”
“I feel like ‘like’ is an understatement,” Riki snorts, sticking his hand in your purse for something he can snack on. You sigh and hand him your purse for him to rummage around more freely.
Sunghoon raises an eyebrow at that, but turns to you anyways. “Do you race, too? I don’t want to assume or anything.”
You give him a coy smile, translucent bubblegum-pink-manicured fingernails clicking against the hood of your car as you drum your fingers against it. “Yeah, sometimes. I’m banned from racing right now, though, until the end of the season at least.”
He cocks his head like a curious puppy, blinking slowly at you. Oh, no. He’s cute and probably doesn’t know it, but he’s definitely dressed like he knows he’s hot. “Why’s that?”
Your smile turns into a smug smirk as you answer, “Because I go too fast.”
“Fourth-gen Supra,” he muses, glancing between your bare legs at the titanium Toyota emblem on the hood that you’d had imported from Japan. For some reason, you have to resist the urge to squeeze your thighs together. “Cute.”
“Oh? And what’s your ride?”
“Beamer M8 Comp,” Sunghoon says, an air of nonchalance about the answer like it’s nothing special. It kind of pisses you off.
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yaut-jaknowit · 3 months
So just finished the wonderful work that is Baby sister and I am here to request a part two of sorts
Was thinking that perhaps before the reader could choose to do a natural birth or not, the readers body chooses for her (probs early) Unfortunately when this process starts while Gawtin is away and by the time she gets there, the pup isnearly born. Gawtin helps deliver the pup and at the end of it all it turns out fine, maybe a few close calls but the both of them get to enjoy this new bundle of joy
- 🥤
Baby Sister Part 2
Pairing: Gawtin x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: semi-descriptive birth (I think that's all...)
Word Count: 6807 (Twevle. Fucking. Pages)
Summary: The pregnancy conitnues one like normal. Or as normal as it can be when it comes to be pregnant with a hybrid. Worries and concerns of the future cloud your vision. While relaxing, you beg for Gawtin to get some of your favorite fruit you were. Oh, how you were going to regret sending her away. Only Qui'oky was at your side.
Author Note: People may wonder why it takes me so long to get to an ask or wrist something... It's because I don't know when to stop. Clearly, I hate myself when I write so damn much. Towards the end, I did slightly rush. Sorry about that but after twelve pages, I just wanted it done. ;(
Part 1
Months go on by with little trouble. One you’re more than thankful for. This pregnancy was your first and your last. Nothing could go wrong. Not with a hybrid that no one knew was possible let alone to safe to carry all the way to term. Yet, you believed this was on last gift from Bgwil. One last parting gift before he had joined Cetanu. Paya allowed for this miracle to form.
When Gawtin had helped you with… your problem, that had opened up a pandora’s box. The steady ground you once stood upon cracked underneath your feet. You didn’t know where you stood with Gawtin. Whether this was mutual between two people grieving or if this was true. Did she actually want you?
Surely that night, it felt like it. Since then, you’ve allowed her access to whenever your breasts. They’ve never once felt sore afterwards.
Fourta was a little confused you were producing such a quantity earlier than usual than a human would. Her research had brought nothing to a conclusion officially. Of course, the head medic had theories and ideas. Mainly the fact your belly has grown bigger than the average human. She swore there had to be two babies but the ultrasound brought up nothing. Only one large baby who sat very low. A baby girl.
Her best guess was your body knew the baby was large needed more nutrients. A good sign. Fourta was happy to see this. She had created a serum to boost any nutrients or vitamins you needed. Despite your rocky start with her, you were warming up to the medic. Her main goal was to keep both you and your safe all the way through your pregnancy and even past birth.
This type of kindness you weren’t used to amongst other Yautjas. They are brutal as a species. Hunters, through and through. Fourta was meant to be a medic.
Your hand subconsciously rubbed at your belly was sitting out on the porch. The thatch overhang protected you from the harsh suns that beat down upon Yautja Prime. Added protection against the harsh rays were needed if you stepped out of the house. With the baby, you only seemed to grow more sensitive against their suns.
Gawtin had to buy you UV protective clothing with the use of sun screen. Even then, you still stay under the protection of a tree or awning. Or else, you’ll come home with redden skin. Yet, your body craved to be outside and enjoy the constant fresh air that their wild jungles brought. An open window wasn’t enough. No matter what Gawtin attempted to argue you with about.
Today was no different. The shiny, reflective cream had been slathered head to toe all over your skin. A floppy hat sat upon your head, adding an extra cover. The heat was at an all time today. That left you with a pair of shorts and a tank top. Well, it was more of a crop top since you hadn’t expected your stomach to grow so large. The hem barely even touch the middle of your belly.
A book was in your hand. One that Bgiwl had gotten you a while ago. You’ve read from front to cover plenty of times, over and over again. To the point the spine was barely holding the pages together. It wasn’t from mistreatment but a statement of a well-loved book. You are going to frame it after this last read to forever preserve this gift from him. Hopefully, your child will be able to read it herself.
Besides this book, you’ve read your fair share of Yautja pregnancy norms and the culture around it. They carry for about a month and half longer than humans do. A slow grow to ensure strong, capable babies to survive.
That lead you down a rabbit hole of hybrids. On this side of the jungle biome, the clans and tribes are more lax. They aren’t oppose to hybrids but they aren’t the most accepting. They are consider unpure, not a true Yautja. Which means your daughter will have to fight for her place ten times harder than the average Yautja. Her life will be a struggle, yes. As her mother, you will be at her side till the end.
You shook your head to get rid of the dark thoughts attempting to crawl into your mind. It was hard to deny the fear creeping up inside of you. The fact someone could kill her for just being different. This difference doesn’t harm anyone. But, even before she is born, you know she is strong. She has both you and Bgiwl’s blood running through her. Her heart is mighty.
A presences was sensed. Your head whipped around to find Gawtin leaving through the front door. The giant female lumbered over to you. A wide smile spread across your face as you titled your head back. “Good afternoon, Gawtin,” you greeted and set your book off to the side to give her your full attention.
Gawtin chuffed with a short purr and blinked slowly at you. “How are you feeling? Enjoying the outdoors?” That last part was to tease you about fighting her. She should know not to deny a pregnancy person what they want.
One of your brows quirked up but there was a smile on your face. You filled your lungs with the fresh air. “Actually, yes. I am. It’s wonderful to be out here and relax in the heat.” You stuck your tongue out at her.
The Yautja chuckled deeply. “You’re not going to relent, are you?”
Only one of the corners of your smile quirked up higher. “Never.” Your arms crossed. She sighed and let her shoulders drop. “It was a good try though.” She growled with no intentions at that.
An idea hit you though. For how big your belly has gotten, getting out of chairs or bed had become a hassle. That’s why you looked at Gawtin with a pleading look. She grunted at you to spill it. “Well, you know those fruits I’ve fell in love with. Plus the dipping sauce too.”  Gawtin just nodded her head. “I’m out. Could you go to town and get some for me?”
It was yesterday when the last one was consumed by your hunger. That left you in a teary mood that Gawtin attempted to soothe with other snacks. You thought there was a chance to survive a few days without them, but your mind made it impossible.
Her purple eyes narrowed then flickered down to you expanded belly. The Yautja disliked leaving your side for very long. This trip would take up to a day to head into the neighboring town to get what you desired. That was far longer than Gawtin would ever leave you this close to your estimated due date. Her displeased face was something to go by.
“No,” she firmly denied. Your face twisted into a glare. You struggled to sit up higher but succussed in doing so.
“Excuse me? What do you mean no? I need those. I’m not asking much. I’ll be fine too. I can watch over Qui-oky for you as payment.” Not like you had much to your name let alone coins to pay her back for what she spends on you. You craved for those little fruits that you’re about to go out yourself and get some. A very bad idea, specially for you being pregnant.
The other animals that roam this planet aren’t as civil compared to the Yautjas. You being pregnant would only attract danger straight to you. Your scent a beacon that you were easy prey.
“If you don’t want to go, I’ll go myself,” you threatened and acted like you were going to wiggle your way onto your feet. Gawtin stepped closer and crowded you back into the chair.
She bristled, mandibles clicking against one another. “You are to stay here. Where it is safe for you.” She used a hand to keep you pinned to the chair. Then, a sigh escaped her. Her head bowed with defeat. “I relent. I will go get the aqiual and vix for you.”
A massive smile broke across your features. “Yes! Thank you so much,” you cheered and thrusted both of your arms high above your head. “Thank you.” Finally, your craving could be fulfilled after all this time.
Gawtin huffed and stood back up to her full height then pointed directly at the door. “Inside, now,” she demanded and left no room for an argument to build. Not that you could complain. Not while she was going out to the neighboring town to retrieve what you desired. You looked up at the tall female and extended both of your arms out to her. Only one of her arms were required to lift you up and back to your feet. “Inside.” You kept smiling and waddled into the house.
“I cannot believe you have talked me into this. I should not even leave the house let alone our village for this, this quest,” the green Yautja muttered and grumbled to herself. She stomped around while gathering what she needed for the trip. “Not with you so close to your due date. But you look so helpless when you look at me like that. I cannot say no.”
Deep down, a hidden part of yourself felt slightly guilty for pulling the pregnancy card hard. Yet, it had worked in your favor considerably. You were getting those fruits and dipping. Those mixed together were similar to pickles and peanut butter. Not normal to the average person but pregnancy cravings were hitting you hard. You barely keeping it together at the thought of tasting those again.
“I do greatly appreciate this, Gawtin. A lot. I thought I could last until afterwards but alas, I’m only human after all.” You shrugged then rested a hand on your extremely bloated belly. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. I’ll have Qui’oky to watch over me. Such a sweet boy.” Since he wasn’t running a muck through the house, you speculated he was down for a nap.
A pouch was slipped over her head. The green Yautja spun on her heel and marched up to you. Despite a nagging thought in the back of your head demanding you run, you stayed put. There wasn’t not even a chance she would or could harm you.
Her hand cupped your chin. “If anything and I mean anything happens, even the littlest of pains, you call me immediately. Then, call Fourta. I will be back as soon as possible.” Her palm slid down to your neck, coarse finger tips leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. You shuttered when her limb left your skin. “I will be back.”
The repeat of her words felt more for herself than you. You weren’t nervous. All you wanted was those stupid fruits and dipping. That would make your day better tenfold. Then, you would be happy as a clam.
The last thing Gawtin wanted to do was leave your side for more than was deemed safe. Under her mindset. To leave you while towards the end of your term was dangerous. But your demand for a specific craving forced her hand. Gawtin would make this trip the fastest ever known Yautja.
When Gawtin left you to your own devices, you headed back inside. As promised, you made your way into Gawtin’s room where little Qui’oky napped. His small form set upon a small nest of blankets and pelts his mother gotten him. His chest rising and falling in slow breathes. You smiled and leaned against the door. Your ankles were constantly swollen at this point. There was no break from the ache.
This was to be your life soon. Your hand rested on your belly. A little one just around the corner. You were nervous, of course. But, the excitement bubbling inside of you was hard to deny.
After some research, naming the suckling before its birth is bad. You should wait ten days for the name to form. That’s what this side of the jungle does. To name them before their birth or those ten days can mean the child isn’t meant to survive its chiva. Though, as a human, you didn’t fully believe these… ideas or myths, but you aired on the side of caution. You wanted your child to survive. She was all you had left of Bgiwl. Her death may break you.
Since Oky was still napping away, you waddled your way into the kitchen to feast on something to subdue your hunger. At least until Gawtin get’s back. Your mouth salivated at the thought of those delicious fruits and dipping. Call yourself crazy but that combination was the best thing to walk into your life. The looks you get from other Yautja may say other wise. Though, it’s mostly the males. The females understand a pregnancy craving.
You wanted to go back outside but with it being the hottest part of the day, you feel like you’ve sweated enough. Instead, you lumbered back into the bedroom and mindfully lowered yourself into the bed. The nest of pelts was carefully avoided as you maneuvered yourself to curl towards said pile.
The weight of your belly was mostly off of your spine and aching feet. You could mostly breath normal and took in a deep inhale. Gawtin’s overpowering, intoxicating scent filled your scenes. Your eyes closed on themselves.
Similar to a baby, you needed to take a short nap in the middle of the day. Yautja Prime’s hours were longer than earth’s. If you wanted to be up with Gawtin, a short hour nap was all you needed to survive.
When Oky was down for his nap as well, you would come and join him. He slept longer than you. A short time to have cuddle time with him. Thankfully, he wasn’t a fussy kid when he slept. He knocks out and is out for about two hours. Depends on how hard he’s been playing for the day.
The bowl of dried fruit left at the edge of the concave bed. You pulled the lightest blanket over your legs then finally found the perfect position. Then, you were out like a light.
A gasp tore at your throat. You jolted awake and tried to sit up when lightning struck you deep in the belly. A hoarse cry surpassed your lips. You flopped on your back again and clutched the pelts underneath you tightly.
Movement at your side caught your attention. You turned your head to find Qui’oky stirring awake. He squirmed and whined. You whimpered and struggled to sit up again. The pain tried to knock you flat on your back once more but you powered through.
Wetness between your legs had your jaw dropping. No… You lugged up to your knees and looked between them to find the pelts and your pants darkened. Terror seized your feeble heart. Your head spun around to find where the tablet had been left. Gawtin. Needed to call her. Get her back as soon as possible! You couldn’t do this alone. You didn’t want to birth your child alone!
Qui’oky blinked awake and rolled to sit up. Tears streamed down your face as you looked at him. He chirped happily then tilted his head. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re awake, Oky. I need you to grab the tablet, please.” Your hands lifted to make a writing motion but a strong cramp in your belly had you back on all four. “Fuck!”
It didn’t help your breathing began immediately picking up. Your body shaking.
The small green child wobbled over to you and squeezed your cheeks between his hands. Unfamiliar and baby talk chittered from the toddler. You reached up and held his tiny hand against your cheek harder. “Please, I need the tablet to call your mommy, your bearer.” You prayed to Paya that he understood just a lick of what you wanted from him. “Tablet. Tablet.”
He gave a squeak then clambered out of the concave bed. Hope filled your pounding heart. You used an arm to hug your hurting belly.
Painful cramps worked up the base of your spine. Your toes curling with each one. The sight of the child was lost when you bowed your head and braced for what had to be a contraction. You moved the arm not holding your upper body up to run through the ruins of your bedridden hair. Knots caught on your digits and only frustrated you more.
This… why did this have to be your luck?! The one time you wanted something nice, your plans are ruined by, by your child. Fuck, your child was coming. She was going to make her way into the world today. If she doesn’t kill you on the way out.
Impatience and concern swirled deep in your belly. There wasn’t a second to be wasted. You did your best to ignore the pain and started to crawl out of the bed. Every movement was an uphill battle. Each step forward took a lot out of you. But, you mustered up the strength to get out and crawling towards the open bedroom door.
The pitter-patter of feet stomping their way through the dwelling caught your attention. Your head whipped up to find the stumbling form of Qui’oky making his way towards you. If you weren’t in the amount of pain you were in already, you would’ve cheered outwardly. He came up to and offered the tablet to you with lots of chitters.
“Yes, yes, thank you. God, I love you so much, Oky. I’ll-ow… I’ll tell your mom how much of a good helper you are for me.” You sat down on your calves and took the tablet. The screen lit up, telling the time and day it was. It was quickly dismissed. You moved onto the contacts and instantly tapped on Gawtin’s.
Not even two second later was the call answered. “I’m coming back.” Her voice was airy as she panted.
“Please,” you begged. She instantly knew by the call what it had meant. “Does birthing a child always hurt this much?”
Crunching of leaves and whistling wind sounded from her end. “The first time is always the worst. I will be there. Call Fourta. Let her know I will be there in thirty minutes,” she ordered but left the call open. You silently nodded to yourself, preparing to end the call.
“Okay,” you sniffled and hesitantly ended it. When the quiet of the room flooded back in, you swiftly scrolled through your contacts. Fourta’s was easy to find. You pressed on her contact and listened as it rung.
A couple of rings filled the tense air. “Gawtin,” Fourta’s voice filtered through the speaker. Your hands were shaking badly, trying to hold onto the tablet. Another cramp sent lightning bolts down to your hips. Your gasp echoed back at you. Your name was spoken through the speakers. “Where’s Gawtin? How far along are the contractions?”
“She… she was going to get some food,” you sputtered and had to set down the tablet on the ground. Oky whined and sat down on his haunches to look you in the eye. “I don’t know. It… it hurts a lot. She’s coming back. In thirty minutes.” The green child raised a hand to cup your cheek again. You leaned into the comfort and closed your eyes for a short moment.
On the other end, Fourta cursed with growl. “I told her not to leave you!” You winced and shook your head.
“No, no. It’s my fault. Really. I was in need. Pregnancy cravings. I really, really wanted them.” Stupidly, it was your fault for begging her for those snacks. Or else you wouldn’t be kneeling on the ground, panting and crying from the pain. A pain you’ve never felt before.
A sigh came from the sea green Yautja. “I shall be over in less than five.” The call ended. You whimpered at new silence of room. Oky just watching you. You picked your head up and gnawed on your bottom lip.
“Everything’s going to be fine. It’s okay, Qui’oky,” you soothed him but tried to help yourself through the process. You bowed your head, his hand slipping off. He reached down and tapped on Gawtin’s contact again.
The call didn’t even ring again before she answered. “Did you get to Fourta?” she instantly asks, panting as she pushed her body to the limits. You squeaked out an affirmative. “Good, good.” It seemed like a great weight was lifted off of her shoulders.
Qui’oky squeaked in baby talk. Your face broke with the hint of a smile. “Qui’oky, are you watching over them? Taking care of them?” Gawtin panted then landed down from a great height by the sounds of it.
He chittered to his mother and clapped his hands together. Despite it being baby talk, Gawtin understood what he meant. “That’s such a good boy. Dam’s proud of you.”
“Yeah, he’s been helping. Grabbed the tablet for me,” you groaned and bowed down to press your forehead on the ground besides the device. “Fuck, Gawtin. I don’t know if I can do this. It hurts so much. I-I’m so scared right now. I love the kid… but I need you, please.” You were kicking yourself over and over about the fact you had sent Gawtin away. It was like the world was punishing for such a stupid move. Not that you blamed it. It was your fault she wasn’t here.
Gawtin growled. “Fourta will help. I will be there. Just breath. Take deep breaths in, hold for three seconds, and exhale. It helps with the pain. Are you laying down?” You began to follow her instructions of breathing. It brought down your heartrate and started to ease up the pain cramping in your belly.
“No. Hands and knees.” You got back onto one of your hands while the other tried to soothe the cramp pulling in your right hip. Lying on your back was the worse position to be, that you’ve heard. Squatting or the position you were currently in was the best. But, you didn’t want to give birth yet. Not without Gawtin. You needed her here.
“Good, good position. Stay like that. That will help too,” Gawtin grunted, wood creaked underneath her form. “How far out is Fourta?”
More lightning struck you in your pelvis. You gasped and reared your head back. Qui’oky whined and squished your cheeks between his hands again. It took a moment to gather your thoughts again let alone an answer for Gawtin. “About… about five minutes. Probably less. Hopefully less.” You prayed it was less. You couldn’t bare to be alone with just Qui’oky. There was nothing he could do to relieve your pain.
A hum sounded through the speaker. “I am twenty minutes out,” she said. Had it been ten minutes already? Or was she pushing herself beyond to get to you? No matter what was the answer, you were thankful she was getting here.
You nodded and groaned, eyes slipping shut. Oky chirped and poked one of your cheeks. “Just stay where you are. Fourta will help set up the bath when she gets there.” A squeaked ‘okay’ left your chapped lips.
Gods, this was really happening. If it wasn’t for the pain, you would’ve pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
The front door slid back. Your head whipped to face the sound. Fourta was in the door before it had fully opened. At the sight of the healer, you felt a good portion of the cumbersome weight lift off of your shoulders. She was instantly at your side. Qui’oky chittered to her and patted your head. The healer only hummed to entertain him as she tugged on your wrist.
“Fourta’s here,” you spoke up with relief pooling in your voice.
“Fourta, tell me everything,” Gawtin demanded in voice that left no room for arguing.
Soft fingertips pressed against your pulse point for about thirty seconds. “Heartrate is high. I will need to figure out how far apart the contractions are. Then, I will set up the bathtub. They are in good hands, Gawtin.” Her words helped a little to ease your thundering heart. Your wrist is let go. She stays kneeled at your side though.
“Tell me when you feel a contraction or cramp,” she firmly states. You swallowed down the lump in your throat and timidly nodded. Despite being thankful she was here and you weren’t alone anymore, you desperately wanted Gawtin. She would be much nicer about this than the way Fourta was acting.
As if on cue, your pelvis cramped up and caused you to cry out. “Now!” you shouted. Fourta began to count out loud while her eyes were trained on you. Your hands were curled into fists. You had to bow down and press your forehead against the cool wooden floor. Oky’s palms left your skin.
Another one hit you. Your nails bite harshly into the soft padding of your hands. “Fuck, another,” you cursed and panted heavily. Was the birthing process this painful? Could it be just the fact your baby was massive for your body? The way your belly was incredibly bloated was a great answer to that.
“Five minutes,” Fourta announced then stood up. “I’m going to fill the bath.” You watched as the healer left you on the floor. New tears prickled the corner of your eyes. Fourta was gone from your sight.
“Gawtin?” you croaked and hoped she hadn’t left you to.
“Yes?” she asked, voice airy and light compared to her normal grumble. “I am halfway there. I just passed the pond I have taken to you before.”
Memories flood your mind at the mental image. You’ve nor only been there countless times with her but Bgiwl has taken you there before. Many times. Your last time was three months ago. Before you scent had doubled and could bring in predators for miles. Gawtin deemed it too dangerous for you to go out that far anymore. Not when you already looked nine months pregnant at that point. Running was impossible and you were just waddling around. Sometimes Gawtin would carry around, specially when your feet ached.
“Think she’ll be as strong as Bgiwl?” you whimpered. An added painful pressure forced your legs wider. You needed something to distract you. Even if it was just a little.
“Of course. She will have your courage and bravery as well. An combination of the best of two worlds.” The corners of your mouth quirked up in a short smile.
With your child being a hybrid, you wondered what she would look like. What features of both worlds would make her up? The mandibles? Incredible scent? Hair or tresses? Would she be smaller like a human? That could be an advantage; to fit in smaller places than the average Yautja could.
As a hybrid, there will be difficulties. “She’s not going to be accepted easily,” you muttered with worry full in your voice. That was truth.
“Yes, you are correct. She will have to work twice as hard to prove herself. But, she is of your blood and of Bgiwl’s. You have endured a pregnancy that was likely to fail. That endurance will be passed down to her,” she spoke truthfully.
A few tears dripped down your cheeks. The sweet words making you cry more than the mess you already are.
Two small hands patted the top of your head. You smiled and peered up at Oky. The child was doing his best while not completely understanding the whole the situation with you in pain. But, you were thankful you weren’t entirely by yourself. You couldn’t even fathom the thought being alone while dealing with this.
A pained cry left your lips. Lightning shot through your pelvis. Your forehead was against the floor once more. The cool wood was a comfort.
Once it passed, you asked, “can you tell me abo-ow… about your first pregnancy?” Anything to distract you from the pain and discomfort with Fourta readying the bath. Qui’oky could only do so much in the moment.
“My first pregnancy?” she hummed as if it was a distance memory. That only made you question internally how old was she. She didn’t seem incredibly old compared to some of the elders you’ve seen. “You’re making me go back four hundred and fifty years in memories.” Your jaw slackened. Four hundred and fifty. Four hundred and fifty?!
“It something I won’t forget. Though, she is gone. Cetanu rest her spirt. Her father was the biggest male anyone had seen. A large male from the mountains.” From there, she goes on about her first pregnancy and childbirth. She, too, struggled like you were currently. The pain, something she hadn’t experienced before. Neither was she prepared to feel like she was being ripped into two.
The contractions went on. You suffered through the next three when the front door was nearly bursted through. In came crushing through Gawtin in all of her panting, sweating glory. A thick sheen of moisture stuck to her scales. It dripped off of her. She knelt down at your side in a blink of an eye.
One of her hands lightly rested on your lower, pained back. The other grasped your shoulder. She leaned into frame. A hoarse, crackly purr poured from her throat in a fast pace. Her purple eyes scanned over your sweaty, teary features before straightening back up. “Fourta!” she growled through the small dwelling.
A blue head peered around from the bedroom. “Good, you made it. The bath is almost full. I’ve added some herbs to the water. That will help ease some discomforts,” she explained then walked around the corner, folding her medical pouch back into place.
During the last twenty minutes, she’s only checked up you on twice. For your contractions and heartrate. Then, she would be back in the bathroom.
Gawtin nodded her head then helped you to stand. Rather than letting you stumble your way to the bathroom, she carefully scooped you up into her arms. You could care less about the moisture she just rubbed onto you. You were beyond thankful she had finally made it.
The sight of the massive bathtub filled with semi-purple water was relief. To wash off the horrible mess that had been created when you first woke up from your nap and even to now. You could feel more wetness between your legs not from the fact your water had broken.
With Gawtin’s help, she gently sets you on your own two feet. Your hands are gripping her shoulders tightly. She grasps the hem of your shirt then stops, eyes peering into yours. All you do is give her a slight nod. The green Yautja softly removes both pairs of clothing adorning your form until you’re naked like the day you were born.
Even with Fourta still in the room, you didn’t care she was seeing you naked. There was something worse she’ll see in the upcoming day or hours. Now, it was only a waiting game that your child decides to make an appearance. Gods, it really was happening. You had to remind yourself this was the real deal.
Her large hands guided you to the edge of the warm water. Gawtin slipped in first and stood in front of you, shorter than you now. Both of her hands were held in front of you, palms offered to you. You took a deep breath then carefully used her arms to first sit down then slide into the bath.
The temperature of the water was perfect for your thinner skin. The Yautjas could take on the harsher heat, but Fourta knew exactly what you could and couldn’t handle. Despite her cold exterior at first, she seemed to actually care about your health in the end. You smiled softly at the thought.
A deep, primal groan left your lips as the weight of your pregnant body was eased off tired, strained muscles. Baths were your favorite. There wasn’t much to get you out of a bath later in your pregnancy.
Green arms drew you close to a form you’ve grown familiar with. You tilted your head back to find Gawtin already looking down at you. Another smile graced your features as you nuzzled against her chest. She begun to purr again and rubbed one of her hands up and down your side.
The purring was soothing. The tense, tight muscles that lined your back were the first to relax. Then, you sunk against Gawtin. Letting both the water and her hold you in a softly, comforting embrace.
Your half hooded eyes watched as little Oky waddled in the bathroom with a couple of his toys. Fourta cleared her throat. “I shall be back. They will need a fruy. It will curve the pain some and help relax them for the pushing process.” Fourta gave a nod to the two of you before spinning on her heel and leaving the two of in the tub. You were thankful she had left.
Now, it was just you and your small adoptive family you weaseled your way into. This was going to be the long haul.
Worst of all, your nap had been interrupted. That left you with less energy dealing with giving birth to your child. You were slowly starting to feel the effects seeping into your veins. It dragged you down like molasses. Your head rested against her chest, eyes closing just. For the moment, you just focused on your breathing and Gawtin’s heartbeat strong in your ear.
You weren’t alone. Gawtin was here. Qui’oky was here. Fourta helped you. You had your family here for you. For the first time in a while, you were able to take a deep breath of relief. All you had to do was give birth to a massive child.
A green hand softly caressed your belly. You groaned, toes curling when more cramps fluttered to lift. “Fuck, Gawtin. I don’t know how you’ve done this countless times,” you said and doubled down on focusing on her heartbeat. It thundered in your ears. A powerful war drum.
Laughter bubbled up inside of her, causing her purr to become choppy. “After a point, they practically slip out. Qui’oky was out in two minutes,” she answered and let you float on your back with a little aid. “The water helps wonderfully.” You hummed in agreement and nodded. “Have you thought of names?”
This time, you shook your head. “No, I’m going the traditional route. I’m going to wait the ten days then name her. I may not believe in your gods, but I do respect your culture. I want her to have the best chance at survival. No matter what.” Since living on Yautja Prime, the one-eighty of cultural differences had shocked you. Yes, Yautjas and humans do have similarities, but they also have some things completely wild. Nudeness was a huge change for you. Clothes are worn but they were very… lacking.
Until you found out why when the heat and humidity struck you in the face. The jungle wasn’t even the hottest place on this planet.
She hummed and soothed down your wet hair. “Then, you will have to present her in front of Baroness Ma’tan-Aih.” You tensed. Gawtin’s mother. A force to be reckoned with. You steered far away from the green Yautja as much as possible. She was not nice, not polite, and didn’t take any crap from anyone. She was a brick wall to either talk to or run into. She ran the village you currently stay in and was heavily disgruntled when Bgiwl brought you here, into her home. At that moment you saw her, you thought you were going to die. Either from a heart attack or her snapping your neck.
In the end, she let Bgiwl have you as his mate.
Fear ate at your heart, seeping cold water into your veins. “I-I don’t know. Your mother… she already doesn’t like me. Won’t she… kill my child for being a hybrid?” That hurt to say, pained you worse than the contractions. Yet, it was an honest fear.
Baroness Ma’tan-Aih was the leader of the village. Plus, she was massive. Bigger than Gawtin herself. She commanded. If she didn’t want the child to live simply being a hybrid, she could make the decision. And you… would be unable to stop it. Not even a mother’s strength could fend off a hoard of Yautjas at the baroness’s beck and call.
Clicking growls erupted from Gawtin’s throat. She pulled you in close to her with a gentle but firm hold around your chest. “No, she will not.” The Yautja stopped her growling and released a deep breath. “I see you have done your research about the matter.”
You solemnly nodded. You were one of the lucky humans who has ever met a Yautja and lived let alone to live on their planet. To meet Bgiwl, from this side of jungle, you had to count your lucky stars. Because, if it had been someone say from the mountain region, you would’ve been most likely watch as they killed your child. It is against their code to kill something harmless and defenseless but to let an abomination continue life was worse.
It's considered ‘impure’ to the Yautja bloodline. It could be a threat to all Yautjas. So, to rectify this issue, to put down the newborn. The action is seen as mercy.
“I have. I want to be prepared fully for… today. I’m just really scared,” you whimpered and curled your arms close to your chest. Another contraction ran its course. Gawtin used a hand to pet down your back.
“That is completely understandable,” she rumbled then leaned in close to your ear. “Did you know I was scared the first time I gave birth? It is a natural process, yes. But to birth life is something no one can prepare you for.” Gawtin, the giant goddess looking alien behind you, had been scared when she gave birth the first time?!
With one of her hands splayed just above your breasts, you wiggled your digits between hers. Despite the large size difference, you hold onto the back of her hand. A smile graced your features while looking at your connected hands. “You were probably more prepared than I am. It seems… a more covered subject here than back on earth.” Man, it sounded weird talking like. You never expected to leave the atmosphere of your planet, let alone be so far from it.
Hours pass with only little hiccups. The contractions only grow closer and closer together, signaling the inevitable. Then, you felt the need to push with a pain that had worsen.
Your free hand reaches up behind you to grasp at the back of Gawtin’s neck and hold on. “Gawtin… I-I think it’s time. I feel a need to push,” you whimpered, toes curling while you held back the need. Not until you were told it was okay.
A course palm ran over your belly. “Listen to your body. Let it tell you what to do. It knows what its doing. Just remember to breath as steadily as possible.” Breath. Got that. You can do that.
One more glance over your should up at the green goddess, you closed your eyes focused on tensing your muscles. The pain wasn’t anything you’ve experienced before. It was on a different level, a different scale that sent fire burning in your pelvis and vagina. You screamed out, back arching. Your nails dug into the thick palm of Gawtin’s hand. She acted no different.
Tears stained your cheeks with each push. Your lungs attempted a steady breathing cycle but you would hold your breath before baring down.
“You are doing great,” Gawtin’s whispers into your ear. She was the perfect anchor to the real world. She kept you from floating away into the blazing pain.
There was a sudden pop before you felt the rest slide right out. You gave another hoarse cry, head rolling back for only a moment. Your eyes opened and found a dark red blob floating on its back. Instantly, you scooped the crying child from the water and held her securely to your chest. “Shush, shush. It’s okay, sweetie,” you soothed the sobbing child now in your arms.
Once she quieted down to only a few hiccups, you carefully held her up for Gawtin to see. The giant female purred before it was cut short. Paranoia seized your heart. Your eyes shot to your child, worried Gawtin saw something you couldn’t in your daze, exhausted state.
Gawtin reached behind the child and pulled something into view. A tail?!
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Yandere Phillip Graves Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere behabiour, toxic beahviour, kidnapping, no pronouns used for Reader except 'You', flirting, Graves is jealous, Graves gaslighting himself, etc.
This man is the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.
And not in a funny way.
You captured his attention with your skill, your humour, and your overall personality.
He's cocky, arrogant - tries to wow you with his flash lifestyle outside the military.
Btw, he would definitely use his money to keep you docile (or, in the beginning of your friendship, impressed); try to buy you expensive things to keep you happy where he himself could not satisfy you.
Lowkey flirts with you; like he really tries to make it subtle.
He thinks it makes you feel special when he's understated with his attention to you, feeling more genuine as opposed to him basically charming his way into your bedroom as he usually does with other people.
If you don't even reciprocate his subtle flirting (which you totally pick up on), he'll take that as a challenge.
Will increase the flirt factor when speaking with you.
"Looking mighty fine today, darlin',"
"Wish I could say the same for you, Graves."
Lives for the challenge you present to him - like you're a code he needs to crack.
Begins to over-analyse every interaction you have, trying to read it and find a double-meaning.
He's like a teenager with a crush; his thoughts are only of you.
Eventually, he'll start seeing signs that aren't even there.
You offered to help him plan a tactical attack on the enemy? You're making time for him - you want to be around him.
You give him your extra bread? You care for him. Deeply. The bread is a metaphor for your heart--
Stuff like that.
He literally gaslit himself into believing you liked him romantically.
Graves began spiraling a few months into his 'relationship' with you.
You saw it as a friendship, but Graves, apparently not.
He's always thinking of your safety and well-being, even when it's not necessary, basically forcing you to get medical check-ups you don't need because he "Doesn't want to risk it."
Risk what?
Well, your health, of course!
Absolutely gives unsolicited advice about how much of what vitamins you need in a day, what you should and shouldn't eat, etc.
Goes everywhere with you.
I'm serious, he will NOT leave you alone.
He's like a dog or a puppy, and, while endearing to you, his presence is downright menacing to others.
Shoots absolutely disgusting look at people who stare at you. Or just look at you.
He's mad territorial; can't stand to see you talking with anyone else.
He can get extremely jealous and will often punish those he deems as a threat to your 'relationship'.
But never you.
He could never bring himself to punish you.
Eventually, after the two of you got closer and he realised he liked you romantically, he acted on instinct immediately.
He lured you to some secluded area of the Base under the false pretenses of having "Somethin' real cool to show ya!"
Turns out that "something cool" was a chloroform-soaked rag, which he pressed to your nose and forced you to inhale.
You resisted, of course. Tried to put your military training to good use, but Graves was stronger, both physically and mentally, and your body gave out.
When you woke up, you were in a penthouse.
You could recognise the decor as your blurred vision came into focus, Graves having bragged to you many a time about his salary and the many houses he owned in God-knows where.
Coming to think of it, he never actually told you where his penthouses were located.
Sneaky bastard.
When you fully came to, you found yourself on a bed, unlike anything you were permitted in the military.
It was soft, plush, like two mattresses stacked atop each other.
The room was large enough that you assumed even your thoughts would echo within it.
Everything was a neutral cream or beige, lacking any personal touch and resembling a hotel room rather than an expensive villa.
That is, until Graves' voice crackled over a microphone.
"Hey, darlin'," he said, his voice bouncing from the walls, making the origin impossible to locate.
"Now, you'll be wonderin' why I've brought you here, and the truth is that--"
There was a pause.
"--that I...like you. More so than you've probably noticed--"
You scoffed. Jesus, his attempts couldn't have been more obvious that if he'd outright told you what he was planning on doing to you.
The voice didn't react to your show of 'disrespect', and you gathered that the message was pre-recorded.
Of course, Graves was far too busy keeping up appearances for the 141 to come and see you in person.
“And because I— like you— I had to take you away - protect you.”
Despite having kidnapped you, Graves sounded more bashful than anything else. No remorse, no nothing except for embarrassment.
"I had to bring you somewhere you'd be safe, and happy, and...loved-"
Even the recording seemed to freeze as you did upon the word 'love' permeating the air.
This isn't love, you thought.
You, on the other hand, were fuming.
How long had he planned on doing this to you? Who else knew? What made him think he had the right to do this to you?
You tried leaving, but found the door all but soldered shut, the windows such a great height off the ground that, if you were to even try to lower yourself down from the ledge, you'd most certainly break your legs.
Graves had you right where he wanted you; dependent and reliant on him and him alone.
And, unless you can outsmart him, you'll stay that way for the rest of your life.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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random-ducks · 27 days
Some Terror thoughts since I get the impression the fandom veterans are eager to hear them
Random and jumbled, and I need to rewatch
-i kept needing to remind myself that they're really doing this. They're really willingly going on a suicide mission because a bunch of rich snobs said they should
-they all looked so alive and healthy at first. Well, except the guy who starts suddenly bleeding and dying. and his whole death vision really should've been the moment when they all hauled their asses out of there
-kindve embarrassed to admit that I couldn't tell a lot of the characters apart at first, and there are still some whose names I can't remember
-The moment they're frozen in, was the moment I would've freaked out and lost it
-I would never survive Victorian england because wtf are they saying
-Francis going through a major depressive episode when stuck in the Arctic is so real. How are they not all depressed??
-This was way more openly queer than I expected of a show like this
-i did NOT see the dress coming, and almost couldn't believe it happened. They actually threw gender waviness into their period show
-omg the party scene. They were actually having fun and letting loose. I knew it wouldn't last
-then it all went to absolute hell
-when they started disrespecting the indigenous, it was game over
-i read some spoilers so I knew she'd lose her tongue, but I wasn't prepared for that
-Goodsir really is too pure and good for this hellishness
-the bear didn't really scare me. They're just pissed that these idiots are invading their territory
-i didn't really pay much attention to JFJ at first and that was my mistake (ended up sobbing) - also realized that Francis could've wrote that
-oh, this show is going to linger (dammit)
-How did they keep making it worse when it was already terrible?
-please take your vitamins everyone, for the love of anything
-hey, that's Merlin's dad from BBC Merlin! And he's gay like his son
-idk what's worse - dying on a doomed Arctic expedition or watching everyone else die on a doomed Arctic expedition
-there will be poems aka so many fix it fics
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stardancerluv · 13 days
A Space Journey
Part Three
Summary: A week into Tyler’s training for his job given to him by the company. Things get tense. Another nightmare plagues reader.
Notes/Warnings: 18+ Consensual oral sex (male receiving) (always be safe while being intimate) angst, a pleasure catalogue filled with possible “sex workers” can be bought/ordered. There is a touch of drinking. (Be safe!)
Reid: Name of Tyler’s boss, Xano: An artificial person that is helping to train Tyler, Holi3721A: a sex worker (image in collage just used as an idea, anything can be imagined except red lipstick), Kefir: a fermented milk drink that is rich in calcium and vitamins…(tried to find something different for them to drink for the story!)
This was kind of long…once again. It practically wrote itself!
❤️s, comments, reblogs, & feedback are always welcome!
One week into the training and Harrison honestly felt better then he had in a long time. Actually, he had never felt this good physically. When he really thought about it. His strength was improving and he felt more alert, observant.
His jacket was buttoned up, his cap sat low just above his eyes, gloves were on and his boots were tightly laced up. Mud had become a morass and the rain was heavy and laced with more soot, since a new mine had opened up. It obscured one’s vision. By the mines it was worse.
There had not been a cave-in in a few years but he still constantly worried about your safety. It fueled his motivation perhaps they would let him retire to one of the shake and bake colonies as they called it. You and him could possibly have a family of your own.
Though right now his only intention was to relieve you from the final quarter of your duties for the day. He could not get sloppy and let a simple fall possibly ruin all he had already accomplished. One little injury could do that.
Reid, the balding man who had volunteered him for all of this had been incredibly pleased with all he had accomplished. He had suggested as a reward; he could spend the rest of the day with one of the speciality girls. He had even got out the catalogue. But he assured him, you were his. His destiny. No one in the pleasure catalogue could answer his needs like you did.
He had been rehydrating after finishing a round of sparring with Xano; when Reid arrived with the catalogue and a new card of fresh credits for him to use. Reid, was more awkward then usual, artificial people made him nervous.
Xano; was one of the good ones. Never had he malfunctioned. He kept to his directive without the use of cold impersonal methods. He could truly pass as a human. Though, he did begin to sweat white when the sparring grew more intense.
He had given him good instructions on how to do one on one fights. The methods he showed him on how to improve his ability to fight and how to stop his body from cramping while remaining crouched for extended periods of time.
Reid, had dismissed Xano. Once gone, Reid told him in his usual measured voice how he deserved a reward for doing so good. His achievements were higher then anyone had expected. Though, he had quickly assured him that new goals had been set.
“Harrison.” Reid, clapped him on the back. “You’re a good man. Making me very proud.”
“You’re welcome.”
Tyler grimaced, scratching the back of his head. He truly didn’t know how to respond. Being gracious wasn’t something he had a knack of being.
“It’s actually more fun then I thought it would be.” He slid the man a look.
“Good. Now run along; go see your girl. But if there are ever any other girls on planet from the pleasure catalogue you would rather have a taste of, just shout.”
He fiddled with the cuff of one of his gloves. “Can’t you enjoy one of them on my behalf?”
“Nah, I’m certain that none of them would want someone like me looking at them from over the rim of my glasses.”
Tyler shrugged. “Never, thought mine would have looked at me.”
Reid, rose an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Seriously.”
Reid, shrugged. “I’ll think about it.”
“Good.” He eyed the card Reid gave him. “So I give the person at main control this?” He held up the card. “And my girl is free from the final quarter and there will be no shortage in her credits?”
“All taken care of with that card, Harrison.”
“Great.” He gave him a nod and then headed off into the swirling soot and rain.
The door whispered close behind him as he remained standing close to the building. The rain did not hesitate to smack him in the face. He made a face. He really hated this planet.
Pressing his lips together, he began to make this way over to headquarters that monitored the portion of the mine you worked in.
He barely looked around as he walked. There were some food vendors, the queue to speak with a company representative was very long today, he noticed. People were not happy. He didn’t linger. He saw people playing some dice. There were muttered curses and sour faces.
Finally, outside of the door of the head quarters, he kicked some of the excess mud that clung to his boots on the wall outside, before going inside.
It felt like someone had flipped a switch. The silence was almost deafening in its own way. The constant sound of the rain and the groaning machines had left him buzzing as he walked in.
Going over to the desk, there was behind a pane of glass, as he drew closer he saw that it was quite thick. Upset people could grow angry, angry people could turn violent. The glass was necessary. Where the glass ended began a wall of metal. There was a barely noticeable difference in the medal that had been worn, scratched where a door was. Some of the scuffs on the tile went up to it and surely continued onto another side.
He swallowed. He had only been here one of other time. He had gone to receive Bjorn’s mother’s; his aunt’s belongings from her locker after the accident. He had wanted to spare Bjorn that pain.
He lowered his hood, and gave the very tired looking man who sat at the desk one of his winning smiles. The man barely flickered a look at him. The screen in front of him illuminating his face.
“Inquiry?” He finally spoke.
Tyler pulled off a glove, shoved under his heavy coat to slip into a pocket and that held the card within the second layer of his clothes. He couldn’t let the elements; weather, human or otherwise get to it.
He held it up. “I have this.” He placed it in the spot where documents were usually passed.
“Oh? It’s you.” The man’s eyes were less drowsy. “I was told you would be arriving.”
He tapped a few key strokes the computer which made bleeping and bopping sounds which filled the small space.
“She will be up in;” He appeared to be reading a message. “Forty five minutes. After decompression and sanitization. You can come back or you can head over to where they disembark from the elevator.”
“I’ll wait.”
The man, gave a half smile mumbled something he could not make out and the man tapped the card before passing it back to him.
“They will want this back.”
“Thank you.” Tyler took it and put it back in the pocked it had been nestled into.
He slipped his glove back on and then went over to where the hub of elevators were.
Standing there, he leaned. The numbing of space travel would make this time waiting feel as if it was nothing; especially since he’d see you at the end of it.
An orange, lanky and very wet cat caught his eye. It was walking along the buildings across the way. It made him inwardly smile, realizing the cat found the balance between being rained on constantly and just partially. Though a a few large drops from the building would catch him. His collar hung low but his tag still swayed above the mud.
If he had a cat on this planet, he’d keep it inside. No need to it to be miserable like the rest of us. Though pets like this were rare. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw a cat or even a dog. Hamsters and the canaries were owned by group leaders. Since they were small it easier to look after them.
He had always wanted a dog, a faithful hound fun and always loving. At least that is what he had heard they were like. They’d welcome you home, sniff your hand and stay close to your heels. The would be nice. Maybe if you two would get to that shake and bake colony.
“Ooooh.” The voice was raspy. It sounded as if it had scrapped its way through the owner’s mouth. “Sugar, if I had known you were so handsome, I would have slipped on a dress and some thermals.”
He barely had time to flinch and pull away from a hand that gently tugged on his arm. Unable to draw back fast enough, he felt as cold lips pressed against his cheek.
“I’m sorry. I did not hire you.” He immediately said.
He was relieved to finally move. Looking her up and down, he realized it was Holi3721A. He remembered her from the catalogue that Reid had offered to him. When it had flopped open in his hands, it had gone to her page. His sharp memory remembered.
You pressed and unpressed your lips together. You may have even bit the inside of your cheek once or twice. You were barely aware.
All you had been told was that you had an excused leave. Someone was waiting on the other side to pick you up. The seconds, as they counted to zero with sanitization were excruciating. You could only sit or stand till it was over.
Despite, having done most of your shift today, you should have felt worn out. Especially, since in your free time you stayed awake longer. You held onto whatever time you could have with Tyler.
During those moments, the minutes easily fell through your fingers like grains of sand you could barely hold onto. Where now the minutes felt like mini lifetimes.
The anxiousness that rushed in your body made sitting and standing the only thing that helped in making the minutes go by faster.
Relief filled you when the alarm sounded and you could finally head over to the elevator. A smaller group was with you then a few days prior but that didn’t make it any more comfortable. You just wanted out and back onto the surface.
At this point, even a heavy rain would be welcome if you just knew what this was all about. Now, safe in the elevator you let yourself remember that the last time this happened, your mother had collapsed and had been rushed to the medical station two quadrants over. Now the only ones you cared about was Kay, Navarro and Bjorn. You would not even allow yourself to imagine anything taking place with Tyler.
A small pout, came over her too red lips.
“But, but you are so handsome. I’ve never had one so handsome. Can’t I cancel my booking and go with you?”
He gently as he could removed her hand from his arm.
“You don’t want to end up in a 4 x 6 with q week suspension and garnished credits. Do you?” He tried to be reasonable. He couldn’t help but notice that she looked like a mere shadow of the person she had been when they had catalogued her.
“It’ll be worth it. I will make you see stars.”
He barely was able loosen her hand.
“Tyler?! Is that you?”
Hearing your voice made him stop and look in its direction. Spotting you a ghost of a smile reached his face.
He turned back to Holi3721A. “That’s my girl, I was waiting for her.”
“Tyler? What is going on?” You were closer, he could see you from the corner of his eye.
“Well..” He began, glancing at you and then back at Holi3721A.
“Hey! You! I placed an order for you. I didn’t order extra company.” A gruff voice hollered from the direction you had come from.
Tyler looked at the man as he drew closer and then back at Holi3721A. He was a large, tall man. His scraggly mustache was the only thing visible from a hood that hung over his eyes. He beckoned to Holi3721A. Tyler gave her a quick glance.
“Coming, sweetie.” Her voice was much higher then it had been mere moments before. “Didn’t know where to wait. Was asking for directions.”
Holi3721A quickly moved and was soon in front of the man.
Tyler, swallowed. He could hear the silence between the two of you, as he turned to face you. He wanted to smile, pull you close. This was not how he had imagined picking you up early.
“Is everything ok?” You squinted up at him in the falling rain. “Is Kay? Bjorn? Navarro?”
He could see the worry plain on your face.
“Yes.” He chewed his bottom lip. “They’re fine, great probably…” His voice trailed off, as he shifted his hat.
“Are you?” You pointed at his face. “That girl’s red lipstick is sliding off your cheek.”
“What? It is?” He immediately rubbed at his cheek. He glanced at his glove. Sure enough a little clung to it.
“I was waiting for you when she approached.”
He shrugged. “She must have thought I was the one who ordered her.”
“And she kissed you.”
He nodded, he grimaced. Not knowing what to say. In a time before you, he never had to care about such things and nor did anyone was he with care.
“She saw me, thought it was a good idea.” He rocked on his feet. “Enough about her. I came to come and grab you. I wanted to see you.”
“Why? My day is not even close to being over.”
He blinked. He thought you would be happy. There was an edge to your voice that he had never heard before.
“Because they are happy with my performance.” He scratched the back of his head. “Would you rather be in the mine?” His voice could be just as sharp.
Annoyance began to build in him.
“No.” You stuffed your hands into your pockets. “But the company being this generous worries me.”
A smirk curled his lips, thinking of the special mission. He had a flash of a possible future in his minds eye from all the commercials that advertised that perfect life. Realizing, the stress of it all is what had made him tense. He didn’t want to put that on you.
“Baby. I’m amazing, I’m good at what I do.” He closed the very small distance between the two of you.
You finally had a hint of a smile.
“You are that.”
“They’re just rewarding me.” He chuckled. “Come now. Let’s go and eat.”
As the two of you walked to the mess hall closest to the hauler, he glanced your way.
“How was down below?”
You beamed at him. “I found a new vein in the rocks.”
“My sharp eyed girl.”
“I am.”
Your mood seemed to have brightened.
“If its as big as I believe it to be,” You continued. “It might give a few days worth of energy.”
He reached out and wrapped an arm around your shoulders giving you a squeeze.
“We are both very good at what we do.”
You nodded.
“They were more then pleased to let me leave. Though they had remained quiet as to why I was.”
“That’s how they are.”
The door with a swish, slid open. Easily with a hand on your back, he guided you over to a table in one of the corners.
“I’ll grab our food.”
He nodded.
“I may not be cooking but you know I still enjoy taking care of you.”
His gloved finger tips grazed your cheek.
“Relax and I will be right back.”
He gave you a quick smile as he watched you shrugged out of your heavy coat. He pulled off his gloves and stuffed them into his coat before he placed it on his chair. co
Rolling his shoulders, he went over and grabbed one of the larger ones. His lips curled as he looked at the steaming kettles that offered stews. He stirred one, it looked a little better when he did that. Making sure he got you both some hearty portions of it. He tore off some bread, it felt fresh so at least there was that. Then he poured the two of you some fermented Kefir.
As he walked back to you, he smiled watching you quickly neaten the utensils on the table then slide the infinity loop beside the illumination bulb.
“At least this was decent.” You moved your head from side to side.
You snagged a small piece of bread from Tyler’s plate and popped it into your mouth.
“Hey!” He chuckled. “I was eyeing that last piece of bread.
You stood a little closer to him, eyes playful and smile bright. “Opps!”
He smirked. “Good thing you’re cute.” He chuckled.
You grumbled as you pulled up your hood. “Is the rain actually falling harder?”
“Probably. Well, let’s not linger.” He looped his arm with yours.
Once in the warmth of the hauler, you went into the little kitchenette to pour Tyler and you some liquor he had managed to snag from a few salvages back. It made the tummy warm and made some of the harder edges of life a little fuzzy when you and him had a few servings.
After putting the bottle down, you unscrewed its cap. You inhaled, it was so rich and spicy. It gave you warmth from a sniff before even sip.
Glancing over to Tyler, you saw him settle in one of the chairs after he placed yours and his clothes into the cleaning cycle. You knew he had not wanted that woman’s lip stick to leave any permanent stains. You frowned as you saw him chew on his thumb. He only did that when he was anxious.
Something was on his mind, you were convinced. He had begun researching a new salvage that he had been very quiet about it. You wondered what it was. Usually, he spoke of them.
Going on your tip toes, you took some glasses down from the cabinet above you.
“Tyler, do you want yours with a cooler glass?” You called out.
“I’ll have it how you’re having it.” He murmured warmly against your bare shoulder.
Tyler, you gently jumped against his him. A soft chuckle came from him. One of his strong arms wrapped around your middle pulling you close.
“When you hold me like this, I don’t need anything else.”
“I don’t either.”
Entangled with each other, he held you close. Your kisses and hands knew what to do. Taking him deeper into your mouth, he inhaled sharply above you. He leaned on his elbows, on his bed as you remained nestled between his legs. You gasped a little as he tickled the back of your throat but you enjoyed how he filled your mouth. His slender fingers entwined tighter in your hair, as you felt his body tighten.
“Baby,” His voice strained with his passion. “Come up here.”
As a final tease you slowly, pulled your lips up his length. Your heart was thudding hard in your chest, as you got up and to go over to him. He shifted so he was further back onto his bed as you crawled over.
His chest rose and lowered as you both looked at each other. “You are so beautiful.” Reaching, he pulled you over him and into a kiss. You settled, just above his hardness on his lower stomach.
He brushed your hair from your face. His eyes met yours and you nodded. Holding, him just so you slid down his hard length. A soft moan broke your lips as you did.
“Oh, Tyler.” The pleasure of this pulled a moan from deep within you, mingling when you spoke.
No more words were spoken. Just sounds of pleasure you gave each other filled the room. He moved exquisitely under you, how his fingers dug into your hips felt almost too good. Your passion was reflected in his face. Your body arched as your hips rolled as you rode him. The memory of how he showed you how to do this still fresh in your memories; it only made your pleasure grow within you.
Blinking, gasping as you clutched at your chest you woke once again with a terrible fright. This was the second time, since his return from the salvage of Omega 17 that a nightmare had filled your sleeping hours. Your heart was pounding. This time the image of his shock, anguish was very clear in his eyes before he was ripped away from you into the darkness.
Gazing down, still breathless you were able to calm yourself and seeing he was right there beside you. He was deeply asleep. His usually handsome features as sharp as a razor were soft with slumber. The terror of the dream once again, began to fade.
@luvscarlyle thank you for your feedback on my previous chapters. I hope you don’t mind the tag!
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boujiestpoet · 22 days
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Real Life Chapter 1.5
Title: Cold Morning
Summary: Renee fighting for her life pt 1
FACECLAIM: The extraordinary Tems
TW: Cringiness from the writer, grammatical errors (have mercy english is my semi first language)
London, UK
Renee stepped out of the cab, her body heavy with exhaustion. The long flight from Norway had left her drained, but it wasn't just the travel that weighed on her. It was the swirling storm of scandal that awaited her back home. After five months shooting that took all her strenght, she hoped to return to her semi erratic life. But the universe, had other plans for her.
As she tried to use her remaining strenght to drag herself in front of the door, her head began to throb. An ache that started to spread all over he head like a wildfire.
"Fever" she thought " Just what I need right now"
By the time she opened the door, she could barely stand up. Her vision turned blurry and yanked her keys somewhere, promising herself she would come back after a good nap
It was empty and dead silence as she hoped, it was just her and her thoughts followed by the sound of the usual rain in the background, she stepped in her room, and exhaled, she was not anymore in a hotel in Norway, forcing herself to have conversation with costars ,who were half strangers that she only meets during awards season.
She changed and right before collapsing into bed her phone rang
" Are you taking a piss?" she groaned and answered her phone
" Hello?"
" It's me mum" at the voice of her mum she stood back up
" Sorry mum for not texting you........"
" .....how are you?" she asked, behind that stern voice she could hear her breath shaking.
" Everything is alright, just have a fever " she replied, silence fell between them,
it was not like their customary silence, where after being apart for a while hearing each other breathing was a sign that everything was alright. She didn't want her mum hear her crying especially though the phone,and the same was for her mother.
" Don't drink anything cold from now on, cover your neck and head, Ella's been opening all your windows, there should't be no dust. And she stocked your fridge too, no more excuses for you to eat tak eout everyday" she intructed
" Yes ma" she giggled
" After eating take some paracetamol ibuprofen and oranges for vitamin C, take them for a while, slowly the pain will eventually fade away"
" Thank you mommy" her voice cracked, warm tears were falling down her face.
" No problem , do as I told you"
" I love you mum"
" I love you too, bye" and she hang up, she took a deep breath and stood up from the bed.
Renée sat in the dimly lit kitchen her head resting against the cool surface of the marble countertop. The kitchen, usually a place of warmth and comfort, now felt like a cold, sterile environment that mirrored the emptiness she felt inside. Thank to her mother adivce her body was slightly cooling down.
The events of the last few hours were replaying in her head, she had just landed in London and her phone was literally shaking. Her phone was erupting with notifications, dm, messages, calls and posts on social media. Scared that one of her loved ones had passed away, she opened instagram and the first thing that caught her eye was the scathing title.
" Actress Renee Bennett betrayed by boyfriend and best friend"
Photo of Ben her boyfriend of two years, he was laughing and kissing her best friend, they were everywhere, she closed her eyes trying to escape the nightmare.
But it was failing the images were branded on her mind. The whole world discovered her boyfriend was publicly cheating on her before her
The phone sat in front of her on the table, silent now, but it felt like it was radiating a dark energy, taunting her with the truth she didn’t want to face. She had been avoiding it, not daring to pick it up, afraid of what more she might find. But she knew she couldn’t ignore it forever.
With a trembling hand, Renee reached for the phone, her fingers brushing against the cold glass screen. A shiver ran through her, though whether it was from the fever or the dread building inside her, she couldn’t tell. She hesitated, her thumb hovering over the screen. Did she really want to see more? Did she really want to dig deeper into this pit of despair?
The kitchen clock ticked loudly in the silence, each second stretching into eternity. Renee let out a shaky breath and lowered her hand, resting it back on the counter. She couldn’t do it. Not yet. The pain was too fresh, too raw. Seeing their faces again, reading the comments, the opinions of people who didn’t know her, who didn’t know the situation—it was too much.
She knew that she would have to face them and the whole wolrd, the betrayal and the humiltiation. But at the moment she was not ready face the world's judgement and the people that tore her heart.
Instead, she poured herself a glass of water, her hands still trembling, and slowly made her way to the couch in the living room. She needed to rest, to gather her strength. The storm would still be there when she woke up, but for now, all she could do was close her eyes and try to find some peace, even if it was only for a few fleeting moments.
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Author's Note: Sorry for the loong chapter I wanted to inclue Charle's povebut I notice it would have been longer soo next chapter. Please advice are wolcome this is the first time I try to write a chapter majority without writing it in italian and then translating
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thrawns-babygirl · 9 months
Stake Out #2 (Thrawn x AFAB!GN Reader)
Actually kinda in love with this fic and probably going to write another part soon. The lack of Ascendancy era!Thrawn fics makes me wanna scream. But you know what they say, be the change you wanna see in the world.
(Reader has afab anatomy but is not gendered in any way)
Rating: E (18+) Warnings: Oral (F&M receiving), precum, deepthroating Word Count: 3700+
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It’s been months since your encounter with the Chiss known as mid captain Mitth’raw’nuruodo. So long in fact that you thought maybe the two of you had been found out and perhaps you’d been blacklisted, forever cursed to never work with Senior Captain Ziara and the crew of the Parala ever again.
So, when you receive a new commission from your superior, informing you that the Parala was enroute towards the station and that you were to be ready within the hour, you were ecstatic. Packing a bag for what you assumed was probably going to be another long-haul mission, your thoughts drift back towards the stoic Chiss, the way he felt inside of you, the sound of his moans and you feel your face heat. Your excitement now replaced by a gnawing anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
Would he want a repeat performance? Did he still think about you the same way that you did him? It was hard to tell. The man was difficult to read when he was in the same room as you, let alone when the two of you hadn’t even inhabited the same star system in months.
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Steeling your nerves, you sling your pack over your shoulder and make your way towards the hangar that the Parala was due to arrive at. Your questions would all be answered soon you suppose.
As always, the Chiss were as prompt and no nonsense as ever. The uniformed warriors greeting you at the ramp and leading you up into the bowels of the ship without as much as a glance in your direction.
You fiddle nervously with the strap of your pack, looking around the halls, trying to get a glimpse of one specific man amidst a sea of blue. You’d all but given up hope when a deep voice sounds from behind you.
“Pathfinder, it is good to see that you are well” the accented Minnisiat causes you to spin on your heel, face to face with the man who has plagued your thoughts each night you lay alone in your bunk since your last meeting.
“You as well mid captain” You give him a polite but genuine smile as you lock eyes with him. His lips quirk in a hint of a smile as he nods.
“We will be sent out in a small shuttle, our mission will primarily consist of reconnaissance and information gathering. Once you are ready, we can proceed to the shuttle” He turns and begins walking down the corridor and it takes a moment for you to realise that you’re meant to be following him.
Speeding up slightly to keep pace with his long strides, you take a deep breath. You can do this, you don’t need to make it awkward, he obviously is still willing to work with you, this is a good sign.
The two of you make your way to the shuttle in comfortable silence, and before you know it, you’re once again strapped into the navigator’s chair, sensory depravation helmet fastened securely over your head as you let yourself fall into the familiar trance.
Weaving your way through the chaos is second nature, the feeling of being one with the galaxy is comfortable, it makes you feel at ease, secure.
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Before you know it, you are exiting your trance, your head feeling slightly groggy, your ears ringing, and a familiar feeling of disorientation wracks your form as you remove your helmet. Blinking a rapidly to clear the stars from your vision, you notice Thrawn standing right next to your chair what you can only assume is a vitamin beverage held in one hand.
“I have heard that navigating the chaos can be taxing on one’s body, please, take this” he extends the drink to you, and you feel yourself flush. No one is ever this kind to navigators; at most you are considered disposable and at worst you’re considered nothing more than an organic nav computer. This simple act of kindness is so out of the ordinary that it nearly makes you swoon.
“Thank you” you smile up at him as you take the drink with slightly trembling hands, the coolness of the metal container soothing you. It was a particularly long jump, longer than you’ve had to perform in a few cycles, and as you look down towards the nav computer and furrow your brow as you realise that you are in fact, in the middle of nowhere, barely any celestial bodies even registering on the scanners.
“You understand of course that I am not at liberty to divulge our current mission” He chimes in, as if sensing your confusion as to your current location. “and I must apologise in advance, but I do believe that we will be here a while.”
You take a sip of your drink and nod, feeling your strength returning as the cool liquid makes its way down your throat.
Here comes the awkward part, you think to yourself fighting a grimace. How do you bring up your last mission together? How do you ask if he wants a repeat performance or if it was just a one-time thing? You sigh and lean back against the headrest of the chair.
You realise Thrawn is still stiffly standing next to you, a tension in his stance that is uncommon even for the usual rigid way he holds himself and it dawns on you that he is probably thinking the same thing. His eyes are on you, scrutinizing you, examining you and you really hope that he simply thinks that the flush on your cheeks is just due to a straining navigation session and not the unprofessional and improper thoughts swirling in your head.
You remember that your last time together was his first, you remember the way that he let you set the pace and dictate the encounter, perhaps he’s waiting for you to do so again? You steel your nerves, determined to push the words up and out of your chest and quell your maddening anxiety when suddenly an alert chimes from behind him.
A flicker of disappointment flashes across his face as he looks towards its source.
“I apologise, I must check in with my captain” he nods his head respectfully before making his way towards the back of the ship to converse with Senior Captain Ziara, leaving you to sip on your canteen of vitamin water as you listen to the back and forth of Cheunh behind you.
You sigh to yourself. This is going to be a long mission.
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You must have fallen asleep at some point, you awaken to the sight of a bare, muscled chest, Thrawn’s arm on your shoulder as he shakes you awake. You wipe away the drool from your mouth as you sit up quickly in the chair, rubbing your eyes as you take in the sight before you.
Mid Captain Thrawn, wearing a loose pair of thin pants, no shirt, no shoes, his hair slightly mussed. You run your eyes shamelessly over his body before shaking your head slightly and looking up to meet his eyes that are glittering with an almost imperceivable amount of amusement, a smug smirk painting his statuesque face.
“I do apologise for waking you, I thought it would be wiser to rest on a bed, lest you injure your neck” his voice is soft, like honey or silk, slightly raspy, or maybe you were imagining that?
Your faculties are failing you in the face of this gorgeous man standing shirtless before you, has he always been so built? Has he bulked since you last saw each other?
“Yes, thank you… I didn’t realise how drained I was” you inwardly kick yourself for how meek your voice sounds, the slight waver in it. You literally took this man’s virginity the last time the two of you were together and now here you are, feeling like a blushing virgin being exposed to the male form for the very first time. Focus up, you inwardly scold yourself.
You take off your boots before standing up, stretching out your sore limbs, heaving a sigh at the relief of finally moving after so many hours in the same chair. Extending your hands over your head, you miss the way his eyes rove over your form with barely restrained lust as he runs his glowing gaze over your body, the way his lips part slightly and his nostrils flair.
Looking around the small cabin of the shuttle, you take stock of the area, your eyes landing on the single bedroll that Thrawn has laid out for the night. Your breath hitches, did he… want the two of you to share a bed? Was this his sort of an indirect invitation? Again, using his uncanny ability to sense the thoughts going through your head at any given time, he answers your unspoken question.
“Given our last excursion together, I assumed that you would be willing to share a bed with me. I do apologise if that was presumptuous of me” his tone is flat as per usual, but there is a faint not of… something in his voice, nervousness? Dare you say… excitement?
“I would be more than willing mid captain” You smile at him, the tension lines on his face disappear as he smiles back at you. A genuine smile, a crack in his usual stoic façade as he takes your hand and leads you over towards the modest yet highly inviting bedding that he has laid out on the floor.
“Please, Thrawn is fine. Given our last meeting I believe there is no need for formalities”  
His stride is confident, as if your consent to sleeping with him has assuaged any fears or nervousness he may have had about the time you are about to spend together. You follow along behind him, not even bothering to hide the giddy energy that radiates off of you as he lies down on the bedding, gently pulling you down with him so that the two of you are lying down face to face, so close that you feel the heat of his breath with each exhale.
“I have been thinking of our time together since we have been separated” his voice is quiet and husky “I have been… researching ways to make our next meeting more enjoyable” his voice is a whisper.
“Researching?” you ask in a voice that’s just as low as his, as if speaking too loudly will shatter the carefully built moment the two of you are sharing.
A tinge of violet reaches his cheekbones and he hesitates, as if nervous his choice of words has revealed too much about how he’s spent his time since your last time together.
He clears his throat “Indeed… I have been referencing some material of a… certain nature in order to further understand the intricacies of intimacy. I have had few interactions with humans and do not wish to encounter and social or cultural taboos” he runs his fingers lightly along your arm as he speaks and you wish you’d had the forethought to remove your course jumpsuit before lying down with him.
But its then that the implication of his words actually hit you. ‘Referencing material’ ‘certain nature’ has Thrawn been… watching porn? Mid captain Mitth’raw’nuruodo has been watching pornography thinking about you? Your head spins, images of Thrawn on his bed, naked, one hand wrapped around his throbbing length as he strokes himself to whatever the Chiss consider pornography sends a jolt of electricity down your spine straight to your core and brings a flush to your cheeks.
“And… what did you learn?” your voice is barely above a whisper as you move your fingers to run along the chiselled planes of his chest.
“That humans partake in certain acts that are… different to Chiss” his hand moves to the zipper of your jumpsuit slowly tugging it down over your chest revealing your thin tank top. As soon as the zipper is down far enough, the pushes the jumpsuit away from your shoulders and you lift yourself up slightly so that he can remove it from the top half of your body, exposing your arms to the chill of the cabin.
“Like… what?” you continue lightly running your fingers along his abs, slowly travelling further south towards the waistband of his loose pants, toying with the hem as your breaths mingle in the air in front of you. You don’t fail to notice the very large and obvious bulge tenting the fabric, the look of it indicating that the mid captain has forgone briefs in this particular instance, and you salivate at the thought.
“The use of ones… mouth for instance” he tugs at the jumpsuit again, pulling the material further down your hips and you shift to allow him the ability to remove the thick fabric from you entirely, leaving you in only a thin tank top and embarrassingly damp panties.
“Chiss don’t perform… oral?” you ask as you tug his pants further down his hips, revealing his adonis belt before his thick cock springs free of its confines, engorged and leaking, a steady stream of precum leaking from the tip and dripping down those delicious alien ridges.
He shakes his head as he kicks his pants off, moving so that he’s holding himself above you, resting on his elbows as he looks down at you, and for two people who have only shared a very fleeting and physical connection the position feels so… sensual, intimate even.
Without waiting for any further invitation, his lips are on yours, his tongue in your mouth. This is a vastly more confident Thrawn than last time and you have to snuff out the slight spark of jealousy at the idea that he’s sought out other companions during your time apart. Instead of lingering on that intrusive thought, you run your nails down his back, deepening the kiss as he ruts his hips against you, dragging his length along the soaked fabric of your panties causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth.
The two of you lose yourselves in the kiss, lips dancing and tongues mingling as your hands travel over each other’s bodies. Thrawn finally pulls away from your lips, face flushed and panting softly, before he begins kissing along your jaw and neck, sucking, licking and occasionally biting at the soft flesh as he moves himself down to your collarbone. He lavishes you with attention, his lips travelling along your body as he pulls your tank top up over your head, leaving your breasts exposed. Without hesitation, he latches his lips on your nipple, sucking on one while tweaking the other with his long fingers, occasionally alternating between the two, giving them equal attention.
At this point you’re an incoherent mess. Panting, moaning and writhing beneath his form as he lavishes you with attention, his lips not leaving a single spot on your torso unattended as he works his way lower and lower down your body. He’s breathing heavily as he begins licking a long stripe over the already soaked material of your panties and you let out a guttural moan that you’re too far gone to even be embarrassed about.
Spurred on by your response, Thrawn tugs enthusiastically at the flimsy material of your panties, tearing them off your body before moving your thighs over his shoulders to devour you. His tongue is a slightly different texture than what you’re used to, and the added stimulation ignites a fire in your lower belly as he ravenously eats you. He seems intent on not letting a single drop of you go to waste, his tongue alternating between long broad strokes along your slit, fucking in and out of your cunt and swirling around your clit with an accuracy that makes your vision swim and the coil in your belly wind tighter and tighter.
You move your hands into his hair, fingers tugging on the blue-black locks causing a guttural almost pornographic moan to rip from his chest as he redoubles his efforts, intent on dining on you like a man starved. He moves to focusing solely on your clit, his tongue licking and swirling along the bundle of nerves as he tentatively prods your entrance with a single finger and moans into your folds causing your back to arch off the bedding and your fingers to tighten in his hair.
He adds a second finger, curling them at just the right angle and you’re sent over the edge. Stars burst behind your eyes as your body is wracked by one of the most intense orgasms you have ever experienced, your thighs tighten around his head, and you scream in pleasure. His mouth and tongue still doing their sinful work, prolonging your bliss as you ride your high into overstimulation.
He keeps going until you tug on his hair to pull him away from you, the pleasure swiftly morphing into discomfort as his tongue runs along your oversensitive clit. He sits up on his knees between your legs, chin slick with your juices as he licks his lips before he dives in for another kiss, grinding his neglected cock against your slick folds as you taste yourself on his tongue.
You gently push him away so that you can finally catch your breath, you stare up at him, wide eyed and in awe of his skill, despite the apparent knowledge that Chiss don’t engage in oral sex.
“Was that satisfactory?” he asks with a small smile that indicates he already knows the answer and you give him a blissed-out smile.
“Far more than satisfactory” you pant, your body still being rocked by the aftershocks of your orgasm. “You sure you’ve never done that before?”
“Quite sure” he says with a breathy chuckle as his hand goes to his cock, relieving some of the pressure as he strokes himself slowly, seemingly content to watch you bathe in the afterglow of your pleasure.
You glance down at his length, the tip an angry purple that is drooling precum, the sight makes your mouth water, and you want nothing more than to return the favour. Your body feels like jelly, but you manage to find the strength to sit up, reversing your positions so that he is laying back on the bed while you kneel between his spread thighs.
You begin kissing down his neck, sucking purple marks onto it just below where his high uniform collar will cover it as he writhes beneath you, obviously attempting to control himself. He grips the sheets, panting and giving slight grunts as you kiss your way down his chest, stopping partway to lick and suck on his nipples before continuing your journey south. You run your tongue along his abs, into the dips where his precum has pooled and swallow it down, maintaining eye contact with him the whole time before you give the tip of his cock a soft kiss.
His back arches, his hands moving from the sheets to the back of your head to tangle in your hair as he mutters to himself in Cheunh. Maintaining eye contact, you lick a stripe from base to tip and are rewarded with a loud grunt as the muscles in his chest flex and it’s obvious that despite only just starting, his restraint is tenuous.
Deciding that tenuous is still too much for your liking, your take him in your mouth as far down as he will go, gagging as the tip hits the back of your throat, one hand moving to stroke what you can’t fit in your mouth. The sounds you drag from him as he’s engulfed in the warm, wet heat of your mouth is nothing short of pornographic, his hips thrust up slightly of their own accord, forcing himself further down your throat until he seems to force himself to keep his hips still.
You bob your head up and down, your tongue running over the ridges as you suck and draw as many of those delicious sounds from him as you can, focusing extra attention to the head as you attempt to take even more of his girth down your throat. His hips start thrusting up of their own accord again and you attempt to relax your throat, allowing him to use your mouth as he wants to, each stroke going deeper and deeper until your nose is pressed against his crotch and you hold yourself there, swallowing around him.
His moans increase in volume and his thrusts begin to get sloppy, muttering a single word in Cheunh repeatedly “Ttis'ah… Ttis'ah…” and you redouble your efforts, taking him deep into your throat until “I- I am about to-” he meets your eyes as he attempts to warn you, but you only take him as deep into your throat as you can.
His hands hold your head down as he cums, spilling rope after rope of hot, white seed, his cock throbbing and twitching as he empties himself down your throat and slumping back onto the bedding, panting as he regains his senses.
You pull off of his cock with a lewd pop, licking your lips after swallowing every last drop of his cum and smiling down at him as he looks up at you, eyes half lidded, hair mussed, sweat beading on his brow.
“I… do not understand why this is not something Chiss do… that was… Ch'esehn” he says after steadying his breathing and heartrate, opening his arms to you for you to lay against his chest. You laugh softly looking up at him.
“Ch'esehn?” You ask, attempting to replicate the strange word but failing to pronounce it with the same fluidity that he does.
“Amazing… magnificent… beyond words” he translates for you, moving one arm tighter around you as the two of you lay naked together and you feel a spark of pride that you managed to make him feel so good.
“How long are we going to be out here?” you ask as you gaze up at the ceiling of the shuttle.
“Long enough that we shall have ample opportunity to… explore far more things together” he kisses the top of your head “but for now, rest. We will have more time to spend together after we regain our strength.”
You let your eyes close, feeling Thrawn rubbing his thumb over your shoulder in small circles and you can’t help but feel a twinge of dread in the pit of your stomach as you realise that you are in fact falling for this man.
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@al-astakbar @novemberblueskyink @khapikat222 @mitth-eli-vanto @blackmonitor @ele-millennial-weirdo @thrawnspetgoose
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
I’m currently in Europe so I’m awake for once when requests are open!
May I request how Ciel, Sebastian, and Reiji Sakamaki’s would treat a s/o who’s body is really fragile (they bruise easily, have fragile bones, etc.). Thank you very much! 💖
I actually planned a little special for my 6k celebration but I’m still so loaded with requests that I think that I’ll have to cancel that and do it a bit later😵‍💫.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, abduction
S/o with a very fragile body
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕️Ciel’s condition was of a rather delicate status during his early childhood days too. His asthma used to be quite bad, there were days where he couldn’t leave the house or his room. So despite his strict and sometimes apathetic attitude he can understand his darling’s frustration and anger regarding the hindrance that is their body. Unable to do so many things simply because it’ll only result in large and painful bruises or even a few broken bones. Whilst the Phantomhive heir bears more sympathy for you though, that doesn’t mean by a long shot that he’ll let you risk anything. He’s overprotective and his paranoia worsens because of your risky condition. He probably feels the constant need to know where you are and if he’s in the mansion, he wants you in his field of vision.
☕️A doctor is constantly checking on your condition and is always kept close in case something should happen. He’ll also force you to consume medicine and vitamins to strengthen your immune system and overall condition. Ciel will also be really pissed if one of his clumsy servants accidentally hurts you. He holds them dear somewhere in his heart, knows that all of them are primarily here for their skills to kill and protect him. That all doesn’t stop him from lashing out on them if their chaotic antics hurt you, especially because of your delicate body. He argues heavily with you when you insist to do something which he knows your body won’t handle and at one point just snaps, slight paranoia shining through.
☕️He feels sorry afterwards but knows that he’s in the right. Ciel tries to be softer and more spoiling to you in other areas as a sort of attempt to distract you from the sadness of the inability of your own body. Your room is designed to be comfy and cozy with minimal risk of you hurting yourself. There are events where you two do go out but you’re never allowed to stray away from him as he keeps an eye on your condition sharply. When he catches yet another bruise on your body, he will end up interrogating you how and where you got it. The whole mansion is over time (y/n)-proofed for you only to decrease chances of you hurting yourself. He treats you like glass at most times.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛It’s pure and unaltered overprotective instincts speaking out of the demon because his human mate is such a delicate thing. He feels the constant need to be around you to protect you from everything that could even bruise your skin or hurt and damage you even the slightest bit. When he catches a good glimpse of your bruises and scratches the first time, you swear that you hear a low growl rumbling deep inside his chest. He still has a contract with his master but at times he seems slightly tense, subtle glances outside and at the clock. As soon as the demon is free to go, he’s rushing to you to check on you. It isn’t very often that he’s ever made a great fuss about someone but he does exactly that when he’s with you.
🐈‍⬛The demon becomes essentially your doctor who bandages every little injury and makes ointment himself to help the bruises you have. He is able to sense your disappointment and sadness because your body holds you back from doing the most basic things but Sebastian is firm in his decision to minimize the risk of you hurting yourself. Whether you like it or not, you’re his mate and he can’t let you risk your health. Sebastian keeps you fairly isolated and to himself as he’s coddling over your fragile condition. He could almost enjoy this in a way, him as your sole caretaker, if it wouldn’t be for the constant injuries. It isn’t normal nor healthy which only makes him more protective, worried for your wellbeing. He’d like to call himself patient but it’s likely he’s tempted to kidnap you faster because of your weak physical body.
🐈‍⬛He’s clingy, barely leaves you alone when he’s with you and is staring at you just to ensure that nothing happens. Your sadness doesn’t fly over his head though as he tries to entertain you otherwise. He gets you books, reads to you, if you enjoy music he’ll play something for you. The demon himself is more careful with his own physical affection simply because he knows that you can’t handle much. Normally he’d love to bruise you with bites and kisses but he has to hold back as you are unable to endure that. He still needs some skin-ship so he often holds you softly in his arms. He’s quite aggressive if someone accidentally hurts you, even if just by accidents since his overprotective instincts just ring loudly the moment you get harmed.
Reiji Sakamaki
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☕️Reiji is the worst one in here which is essentially boiled down to two main reasons. The first one is that he’s such a perfectionist and has high expectations on his s/o. Surely they’re special because otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten obsessed with them. Their frail body is such a big thorn in his eyes though and he’s not one to hide his obvious displeasure because of it. Especially in the beginning he openly shows his dissatisfaction and it makes you feel down because you know that he’s blaming you too for not having done more to fix your body. The vampire dedicates his time into brewing together medicine to increase your physical health and you’re forced to consume it daily.
☕️He even watches you just to make sure that you really take it. You’re on a strict schedule as it is. A healthy diet, physical workouts to slowly strengthen your bones and the time where you go to bed and get enough rest. Reiji is a controlling individual and wants his partner to be perfect in every aspect. Another big problem is that Reiji is a sadist and will punish his s/o if they misbehave. He’s not as dumb and impulsive as to let that get the better of him if he’s confronted with your weak body. If he goes too harsh, chances are that he will cause you permanent damage and he does not wish to be responsible if he ruins you. He will still lecture and teach you better if you behave like an ungrateful brat. You should thank him for even bothering with a helpless case like you.
☕️He’s huge in degrading you for your condition and making you feel like you’re a burden because of it. Harshly sucking your blood so that it hurts is also always an option although he makes sure that you always consume enough nutrition to ensure a healthy blood flow. You end up with large bruises on your neck and shoulder though whenever he does this. Examines your body all the time for new bruises and is always questioning you sternly when he sees a new one. All your clothes are covering you up completely to hide all the bruises because he doesn’t want his brothers to look and make unnecessary comments. He is more lovely when he softens up, treats you nicer and far more delicate, indulges in little wishes of yours as he stops blaming you for your fragile body.
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euphietea · 4 months
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Shoei Baroi. fluff. cw. implied mental health struggles. alcohol use.
You rest your cheek on the broad muscle of his shoulder, watching the lights pass by as you leave the city. They streak your vision like meteorites burning in orbit. Barou was a responsible driver, considerate of the weight you add to his cruiser. The tires of the bike surf along a gentle current rather than navigate rubble-studded streets like most riders do.
You shift in the leather prison that is his old riding jacket. It is sweltering outside and the humid summer only just began to cool with the transition into twilight. He still insisted on wearing leather regardless, Mr. Safety as always. He looks so good in riding gear anyway, so you don’t complain. He even insists you wear the leather prison hand-me-down despite your protests.
“Don’t be a fucking moron,” he growled, throwing the jacket into your arms moments before leaving his apartment. A man of action more than words, but you could read him clearly when he spoke: ‘please be safe.’
You stroke the cherry-wine leather along his obliques, adoring the smooth suede texture over the curve of his muscle. If something were to happen – if the bike ever fishtailed out of control – he would never forgive himself if he didn’t dress you up in protective gear. He cared more than you could ever hope for you.
When you met him, you really did think he was a delinquent or some gangster. You asked to kick a soccer ball around and he asked if you were ‘fucking stupid’. You weren’t. You just needed a physical outlet when your skin crawled from the clutter of your apartment. Some how, he obliged and taught you some tactics. Barou never asked about you and you never really asked about him. Every now and again you’d catch each other and decide to kick a ball around.
At first, he really seemed like someone who only gave a shit about himself. Soccer seemed to be the only thing he genuinely cared about or talked about. You asked him what he did for a living one day and that’s when you learned he worked at a bar. It was a little bar that salary men and women frequented. Occasionally, college students would go there and get plastered.
You’d visit him when he worked, and he’d walk you home when you were too drunk to go alone. He never touched you more than he had to in those times – just enough to keep you steady. But like a rat being trained to push a lever, his warm hands were a treat drawing you back each night. You learned that when he wasn’t obsessing over a straight shot, he was a great listener to his customers. You’d see him give water, offer bags of chips, and just quietly listen as the man in a pinstripe suit cried about his lost marriage.
You even unloaded some life woes onto him: You talked about how it was hard to function some days. Work was a lot to handle when you could barely manage to garner energy for the laundry. The world seemed foggy, and you didn’t have a compass. The city was loud and overstimulating. The heat was sticky and drained you of whatever life force you had. Going to the bar and seeing him was pretty much what kept you showering. Barou was appalled by the fact that you would drink nothing but protein shakes and vitamins to keep up sometimes, so he’d just give you food off the menu for free. You even cried about your ex, who apparently hadn’t even thought you were in a relationship!
When all this began, you couldn’t imagine that one day he’d help you clean your grubby apartment (while complaining and lecturing you, of course). He’d help you with laundry and dishes. He’d help you cook and teach you a few cheap recipes that you could microwave. Because he worked out, he’d drop off some vitamins for you when he bought supplements for himself.
Eventually, you two were just... together. Peacefully. Coexisting.
The bike comes to a gentle stop. Barou kicks the bike stand out and swings off. He pulls his helmet off, espresso locks swept around his shoulders. Your gaze softens on him, “You’re so pretty.”
“Thanks,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head. He extends his hand to you, helping you off, “Now close your eyes.”
“Awe, I thought you didn’t like surprises,” you jest with a fake puff of your cheek.
He squishes the air out of your cheeks with just one hand, thumb one the right cheek and the rest on the left, “But you do. So close your eyes, or you’ll spoil it for yourself.”
“Alright, alright. Feisty tonight!” With a laugh, you close your eyes. The familiar hold of his fingers around your shoulders melts you to your core. You’re guided away from the side of the road and down a little hill, “Shoei, where are we—”
“Quit yapping,” he barked, “It’s not far. Watch your step, there’s a branch.”
Soon enough, you both stopped. The city sounds were drowned out by the songs of cicadas. With his permission, you open your eyes.
The soft surface of water spread out across the expanse before you. The reflection of the stars above, seen only miles out from the city, came to greet the earth by the grace of the lake. Surrounded by trees and darkness, the only light was the moon and the colony of fireflies searching for their mates.
You open your mouth, then close it, squeezing your lips together as you bite back the lump in your throat. Everything had been so overwhelming lately. The world, work, keeping up with your own needs. Barou helped you so much, but even with his help, you could fall behind on yourself. But here, it felt still. It was serene. The air was cool now that night overtook the sky and the breeze picked up the lake’s chill.
“Gimme,” Barou’s voice snapped you out of your mind.
“The jacket. Give it to me,” His fingers gestured to hand the leather demon suit over, “You don’t like wearing it, anyway.”
“I—” You rub your eyes free of the moisture piling at the lashes, “Yeah. It feels gross, and I’m sweaty.”
“Then let’s get it off of you,” Barou tugs the zipper down steadily and peels it from your arms. He folds it neatly and places it on top of the bike seat. You feel his eyes roam your form, dressed in a tank top and shorts. The sweat along the surface of your décolleté radiant with scattered light. He drank you like a finely crafted wine, admiring every little bit that you offered him.
As always, he seldom said how he felt, but you could always tell by the softness of his eyes and the ease at which he kissed you that you were a treasure he would never let go of. You were his gem that he polishes each day for the joy of seeing it shine. When he wipes away your grateful tears with a loose grin, you know for certain that he didn’t just care about soccer.
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pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
You know what, should've done this last month,but heck I'm combining stuff for this month as well so-
Queer and Disabilitiy hcs for PJO characters
(I'll be mostly mentioning physical disabilities, but pretty much all characters are adhd and dyslexic(and ptsd) and will probably add lot as autistic so gdgd.)
I havnt really thought much on his Sexuality and such, maybe Bi?
Think he at least suffers from some form of asthma/ breathing related disability due to Tarturus. Drinking fire can not be good for your throat,definitely sleep apnea. Maybe back/ muscle problems from strain of holding up the sky? Not sure what that might do to someone tbh hdgd
Same as Percy pretty much, don't think much on her Sexuality and identity before and the same experience in Tarturus and the Sky holding stuff.
Think she also has some what of a permanent injury with her ankle/leg. At least enough to effect how she walks and such.
Also. Autistic, maybe ocd?
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Aroace. I stand by that.
Also, her visions I feel like could be enough to be considered a disability. Maybe similar to Epilepsy? Since it can happen randomly and she collapses from it and all that. Like yeah it's part of her job description, but still hard to find a human job with that I feel.
Queer/Unlabeled, pretty much canon.
Demiromantic Graysexual
Probably some muscle issues and such post death? Or something like Fibromyalgia or Neuropathy
Apagender(Gender Apathetic, just think he really don't care too much on how he's perceived gender wise-) Nebularomanic and Pansexual. Constant confused feeling of "do I like them or are we just really close friends-" feels fitting to him. Gdgdf
Also, canonically needs glasses. I feel probably partly due to getting hit in the head so often fgdf
(Also I could see him with visual snow/ static)
Maybe heart problems related to the use of electricity effecting his body? Like POTS or something hdgd
Also. Autism.
Similar lung problems as Percy and Annabeth cause Tarturus. Probably more issues related to being in a death coma in a jar. When he shadow travels/uses his powers too much he passes out cause of low electrolytes and blood sugar(cue Gatorade and Kitkats)
(most demigod abilities uses your electrolytes and sugar/carbs but powerful ones like shadow traveling where your form literally shifts uses more. In this essay I will-)
Also. ✨️Tism✨️
I do love the hard at hearing hcs ngl hdgdf
After tsats,probably has same lung issues.
When using his healing also feel he uses a lot of his own needed electrolytes/vitamins and such which can give him a deficiency depending on how often he's doing it
Also Tism
Aroace(I can not explain why if feel this fits but I do)
Type 1 Diabetes. Uses Insulin pump, Will has to stay on her case about keeping up with it fsgdg
Panromantic Graysexual
For the short time after, had complications from an injury from the Drakon fight.
Tism(especially sensory issues with sounds)
Queer(canon? We know he came out but nothing else. So you know what? I give him Queer label cause I can and feel like it'd fit him.)
Honestly probably so many problems from injuries. My man was in a full body cast guys.
Tbh, feel like all the Hephaestus cabin is Autistic. Feel in my bones.
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sunisglowing · 10 months
(sidereal scorpio)
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I see that some of you might be doubting your feelings regarding a person. I think you should go for it. This person will bring you a lot of happiness and joy. You might be logically trying to debate with yourself.
But I think you are really attracted towards this person and you should make the move. What you are manifesting is a person which you will have fun and genuinely enjoy being around.
Some of you right now might be in a situation where you have a lot of options. So you may be having a hard time deciding which person is right for you.
Materially I think you are pretty happy and stable. You aren't pretty worried about your finances. You are at a place where you may be satisfied.
When choosing a partner remember that external splendour and beauty can hide the inner corruption.
While the person you go for might be pretty charming and pleasing to the eye. Get out of the fantasy land in your head and actually be with the person to know if you like them or not. (is a good option).
Be fully aware and clear about your own expectations and desires.
Make sure your vision is clear not clouded by what you want to see.
And yes for most of you, I do see you approaching someone in the near future.
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I think you are going through a period of boredom. Some of you might be pretty dissatisfied with how life is going. It might a project too. Or you want or should start something new or do something really spontaneous. A period of rest is becoming so big that you might be bored.
Or procrastinating your other duties. Stop staying in bed and go out. Explore stuff. Go out without any purpose too.
I feel like there is detachment in you that you don't wanna participate in the social events happening around you. You might miss a lot of opportunities because of that. Get out of your comfort zone. Go and participate in clubs in your college or office. You might be very socially unaware of what is happening around you too.
Staying in bed or sticking to your books won't fix your boredom. You might get into a depressive mood instead. You need to be more responsible about yourself. Some of you also need to start doing stuff physically. Go walking for a while or gym. Google any event or seminar happening in your city and go there. Stop laying in bed all day.
Now for the others of you, any creative project or opportunity that starts or may have come to you will be really successful in your future. Accept that opportunity. Your family may support you a lot in it. Also, for a lot of you, you might be getting the opportunity to travel abroad.
In this pile I see, any significant action you guys decide to take regarding movement, travel, creativity, learning, it would be successful and really good for you!!
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For the most of you, I'm seeing you have been preparing for competitive exams or for your dream university. I do see you passing all the exams and you will get your dream job and college. Your hard work and dedication will pay off.
I do see you guys facing challenges in love life though. Some you guys really need to prioritise your health. Eat well. Don't do things too extreme at the cost of your health. I also do see travel in the cards for you in the near future. Things will go as you planned. You will be recognized as skilled at what you do.
In the past this year, you might have been pretty anxious and stressed about your exams and career. But lately in the last month, you might have become pretty detached from the outcome and your career. Your focus being on giving your best.
It's honestly freeing!!
There will be a kind of rush in the next few months. And there will be a lot of achievements too. If you are planning on going for holidays next year, it will happen and go well for you. Life will be taking off at speed so enjoy your ride!!!
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I do see most of you prioritizing your health rn. Taking those vitamins, going out moving a lot. Attaining balance, focusing on living a life of balance. If your work or home environment has been really hectic and exhausting, leading you to burn out of energy, you need to take a step back. You are cutting of and not participating or choosing to be in such environments anymore. Prioritize your mental health more.
You need to take off your boundaries and privacy. Spend time or live in quiet places if you can, staying away from the rush.
As much as you bring light to others, make space for your own private and quiet time where you can think for yourself. Take care of yourself.
I also see a phase ending in your life. You are entering a new chapter, where you need to prioritize YOU first. Where you build your confidence.
Know your worth. You will build a rich inner world. You might have been exhausted lately so this upcoming time would be good for you. You will be getting a bit defensive. But have faith in your self. You came this far with all these realizations.
You have been continuing despite feeling weak by your circumstances in the past. Have faith that you will get through it soon.
You might become pretty guarded in the future. There's a refusal to accept love and help from others because of your guarded nature. You may turn away from such gestures which deep down you crave.
So i understand. Be kind with yourself. And be patient with yourself. ❤
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xshiny · 4 months
Shared Struggles prt 2
TW⚠️ mentions of eating disorder
After the whole ordeal, Keegan was still by your side, holding you close as he made sure you were ok. “You’ve got a case of malnutrition,” His voice had softened as he had sat down next to you in a chair. “They gave you all sorts of vitamins and other crap. It’ll be a while before it effects you, though.”
You sigh, staring at the ceiling. "Great. Now I have a bunch of tubes things inside of me?" You complained, rolling your eyes.
“Is that really your only concern? What the hell kinda attitude is that? It’s a miracle you’re not dead yet!” Keegan exclaims.
"A miracle...huh" you scoff, and close your eyes, pretending to fall asleep.
“Yeah, don’t even try to make me out like I’m exaggerating and don’t you dare go to sleep on me!” Keegan said sternly, poking the bridge of your nose.
You scowl, narrowing your eyes at him. "It wasn't that bad"
“Wasn’t that bad??” He said, a look of disbelief and worry on his face. “Look me in the goddamn eyes and tell me you’re feeling perfectly fine.”
"I am feeling perfectly fine" I said, sounding so uptight and a bit cocky.
“No you’re not.” Keegan said, “Now don’t be a stubborn little shi-“
An older doctor from the medical unit walks in, and Keegan lets out a frustrated huff at them, as if they had interrupted his rant for no good reason.
The doctor walks over to you and Keegan, checking your vitals before saying, “He should recover just fine. We were able to give him a mixture of vitamins and minerals that he would normally get from a regular diet. It’s best he goes out on light duty for a few days until he’s fully recovered, but other than that, he should be fine.”
You give Keegan a smug 'i-told-you-so' look, and thanked the doctor.
Keegan rolled his eyes, while muttering something under his breath. The doctor left the room shortly thereafter, but Keegan still stayed by your side until your pulse returned to normal. As the hours ticked by, Keegan began to fall asleep with his head leaning on your shoulder.
Surprised by how comfortable he seemed, you let him stay there on your shoulder sleeping, watch some TV quietly.
After he falls asleep, he shifts around on your shoulder, leaning his head so that it’s resting against your neck, and his hand wraps around your arm. Not realizing just how tired he was, his breathing starts to slow, and his head rests more comfortably on you. He occasionally sighs or snores quietly, not noticing that he’s become a little more clingy as his body tries to rest.
You glance at him and smile softly at just how tired he seemed and how much he needed this sleep. He must've stayed awake while I was knocked out from not eating... You think to yourself , and wonder why him though, out of all outer soldiers. Why Keegan?
You turn the TV off, and put a small blanket around Keegan's shoulders, and fall asleep as well.
As you fall asleep, you slowly notice that Keegan is beginning to rest a bit more comfortably, his snores growing quieter as he slowly relaxes. The blanket you had put on him was a great idea, as he shifted slightly, getting much more comfortable with its warmth as he continued to sleep. Keegan’s breathing slows down, and he starts making soft noises, as if he was having good dreams.
Hours later, you wake up and see that Keegan was still asleep. Damn, how much sleep does this guy need? Since Keegan is practically holding you down with his arm as he's snuggled up to you, you decided to just stay still and read a book.
As you read your book, Keegan suddenly begins to stir. His eyes open, and he looks around for a moment. That’s when his vision locks on to you, and his jaw drops. Quickly, he blushes, and sits up, trying to move away as if he just remembered that he was still on duty. As embarrassing as it is, his blush is quite cute, as he looked like he genuinely didn’t expect you to be awake, let alone awake and seeing him in that sort of manner.
You glance at him and give him a soft reassuring smile. "How's your beauty sleep?" You ask, going back to reading the book.
Now that he’s a little more awake, Keegan smiles back, relaxing considerably. Though he’s still a little embarrassed to even make eye contact with you, letting out a small sigh of relief.
“Y-Yeah, it was a g-good sleep.” I-I, um..” He said, clearly stilted with his words, especially thanks to his blush being pretty obvious on his cheeks.
"it's okay, I know you needed it." You reassure him, setting the book down as the doctor comes in. Keegan is taken aback by the sudden entrance of the doctor, and goes a bit redder again.
“You two seem to be bonding quickly,” The doctor says with a soft chuckle. “And his heart rate looks to be much more normal than it had been when you entered.”
“I-it’s n-not like th-that!” Keegan said, suddenly unable to form a proper sentence without stuttering. The doctor laughed, trying not to be obvious at the fact that he’s clearly flustered.
Eventually, the doctor leaves again. Though Keegan was still in the room with you, and was now shifting his gaze to the floor in embarrassment. He was completely speechless, though the amount his cheeks were blushing were still obvious to you.
You pat his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. It was just a small thing anyway. I'm sure you'll go back to being your usual stoic self" you chuckle, and then glance around the room, wondering what to do.
Keegan is silent for a moment, before speaking up. He opens his mouth, closes his mouth, and then opens it again, hesitating in between his words.“I- um….” He says, before taking a deep breath, “.. I- I guess I was just surprised… I wasn’t expecting us to be.. uh…”
You raise a brow, and the doctor comes back in unexpectedly. "Sorry to interrupt, but uh Keegan... Your captain needs to talk to you"
Keegan looked back to the doctor in surprise, and quickly stood up, straightening his demeanor and adjusting his outfit. “Gotcha. Sorry to put you through that,” He said with a slight chuckle, “Guess I’ll be back then.”
He gave you a small, soft smile and the tiniest wave before walking out of the room. A few minutes later, you hear him yell, “Come on, everyone! The Captain wants us assembled in the Mess Hall in five!”
You chuckle to yourself, hearing how Keegan was back to his normal self and sighed. It was boring to be in the medic, but you did feel a bit better. Maybe I should have kept eating...but it was so hard to just simply put food in my mouth at that time. Maybe I should have asked for help. Nah, I don't want anymore trouble because of me...
A/n: yeah idk how to feel about the ending lmao
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