#the way i blushed when i unlocked this scene
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"The people's future will be built on merit, not privilege - and I will wade through an ocean of blood to see it made so!"
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vidavalor · 4 months
Crepes: The 1.01 sex meta thing
Alright, my romantic and horny murder hornet friends...
...come and get your very requested 1.01-scene(s)-that-shows-that-Crowley-and-Aziraphale-are-lovers sex meta thing.
We'll be getting a bit blush-inducing NSFW under the cut so keep that in mind...
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As Fraulein Maria suggests: Let's start at the very beginning... a very good place to start... when you read, you begin with: A, B, C...
...when you speak Ineffable Husbands, the show tells us, you begin with: lunch, alcohol, and crepes...
We're going to do this semi-glossary-style, since those have proven popular and it works well for this. There are some very brief mentions of Satan's attacks on Crowley, for those that would like to know of that ahead of time. Other than that, I don't think any other trigger warnings apply.
"Gentlemen, in your role as the audience, could you, perhaps, give us more to work with?" -- William Shakespeare, 1601, meta-ing for the writers and performers of Good Omens, requesting us to dive a little deeper.
Temptation accomplished.
Secret language. A language spoken by secret agents for the purpose of keeping the full, true meaning of their conversation hidden by those who might be observing them. Comprised of code words and phrases that contain other layers of meaning beneath the more easily understood surface layer. Difficult-- and, at times, impossible-- for those who do not speak the language to understand it without a key that unlocks at least one word of the language, revealing the hidden conversation beneath the surface.
Key. Additional context that reveals hidden meaning in a secret language by providing understanding of other layers of meaning beneath the surface in a conversation between secret agents.
Example: some bleating goats in 2500 B.C. illustrating for Aziraphale via additional information and context the true meaning of Crowley's words in the scene. Most keys in Good Omens are separate scenes; this one is an exception because it's the origins of their secret language in the first place. This is also a partner scene to the "no nightingales" moment in 2.06.
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Partner scene(s). In Good Omens, a scene or scenes which act as keys to other scene or scenes, providing information and context necessary to fully understand the initial scene, which is usually one we saw earlier in the story.
Example: The Bullet Catch scenes in The Blitz, Part 2 in S2 adding layers of context and meaning to both Crowley and Aziraphale with the paintball gun and Crowley giving the office workers miraculous escapes from death at Tadfield Manor in S1.
Crowley and Aziraphale. Supernatural secret agents of sorts, introduced to us that way by our narrator, God, who points out their penchant for meeting alongside human secret agents in St. James Park. They speak in a secret language that we'll call in this meta Ineffable Husbands Speak that only they-- and God-- speak fluently... but for which Good Omens has been slowing giving us enough information to learn how to speak as well.
Code words. Often neutral-sounding and very common words--by design-- in order to keep the hidden meanings of the secret language secret from outside observers by making it sound like everyday conversation. As a result, code words have dual layers of meaning: they refer to a literal thing on the surface level but also have a secondary meaning beneath that within the secret language.
Example, in Ineffable Husbands Speak: "dining at The Ritz."
To "dine at The Ritz" (in Ineffable Husbands Speak). Surface, literal level: to eat a meal at the restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton, London. Hidden level: to take steps towards being less secretive about their relationship and to live more of a life that is theirs together.
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Code phrase/cypher. A phrase that sounds as if it has a single, understood meaning on the surface but is comprised of code words put together to convey a meaning that is hidden from anyone who might hear the phrase but does not speak the secret language. Impossible to understand unless you either created the language or were given instructions on how to speak it... unless you can come into possession of a key that can unlock it.
If spoken to someone who does not have a key to understanding it, they might possibly be able to recognize that you are speaking in a kind of code... but they will not have the understanding of the double meanings of the keywords, nor the context required, to figure out just what the hell you're talking about.
Example: "The clarinet can make beautiful music."
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Good Omens included this scene right near the start of the season in 2.01 in which both Crowley and we the audience have no idea what Agent Fuzuli is *really* saying, even if his sentence makes technical, if not really contextual, sense. We can recognize from his over-the-top obvious spy-speak that he is speaking in code. They did so to highlight the existence of hidden language in the show and how important it is to unlocking more layers of meaning in the story.
Neither we nor Crowley expressly need to decode this particular sentence to understand what's happening in the story of Good Omens because Good Omens is not about the romance of Agent Fuzuli and his new paramour, the Azerbaijani Sector Chief. (Cupid!Crowley really out here matchmaking everyone in sight in S2 lol.) If it were, we would be needing to figure out what this clarinet and its beautiful music are all about. Instead, though, the show is suggesting that hidden language and decoding it is paramount-- but we should focus a bit more on the secret language of our main characters Crowley and Aziraphale instead.
Sexual innuendo/sexual euphemism: A kind of secret language in which something that is not inherently sexual is given a sexual connotation. Relies heavily on suggestive tone and context. Often full of in-jokes. Often done to soften talk of sex-- and, just as often, paradoxically, tends to make things actually a bit sexier. Relies on a sense of humor and so increases a sense of playfulness and fun between partners. Is flirting by way of creating a secret language out of innuendo.
Example: To "mend his shirt" in the (code-named) Mrs. Sandwich's sexually euphemistic speak, as brought on by Aziraphale's 19th century-era magic during The Ball, is to give a blowj-- well, actually, here: Crowley will define the innuendo for us through the use of partner scenes...
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"Fine *stable* of ladies"... the horse statue where Crowley keeps his glasses in the bookshop... mending Aziraphale's shirt in a way evocative of mending Aziraphale's shirt...
Mrs. Sandwich. A "seamstress." Not her real name. A walking, talking intersection of secret language, innuendo and sex in Good Omens, whose name and the content of her scenes help us confirm we're on the right track in decoding Ineffable Husbands Speak.
Sandwiches. Popular, common food that can be eaten anytime during the day but are most commonly associated with lunch.
Lunch. Midday meal. What Aziraphale offers to buy Crowley in thanks for Crowley rescuing him from The Bastille in the Paris, 1793 scene.
Paris, 1793/The Bastille. Partner scene that acts as the key to the 1.01 scene-- and its subsequent scenes-- that shows the nature of Crowley and Aziraphale's relationship through their use of secret language.
Let's Have Lunch. The 1.01 scene that, when unlocked using its partner scene of 1.03's Paris, 1793 scene, reveals that Crowley and Aziraphale are lovers. How so? Read on. :)
Armageddon: Round One. The end of the world and what Crowley and Aziraphale both separately learn is in motion in 2008 in 1.01. They meet the following day to discuss it and the show tells us then, at the start of the story, exactly one bullet point on their shared timeline-- the very first thing we ever learn about the entire 6,004 years that they have been living on Earth together since the last time we saw them together in Eden. Something important enough that it received its own partner scene in the 1.03 Cold Open basically entirely to help decode this scene in 1.01-- and re-contextualize the 2008 minisode (and a lot more) as a result.
What is this single, very important bullet point?
A lunch they had together in Paris in 1793.
As Crowley & Aziraphale head through the park and argue over whether or not to stop Armageddon, they eventually reach the spot on the side street where Crowley has parked The Bentley. This brings them to not just a conversational impasse but a physical one-- there's nowhere left to walk because they're now at the car and this is when Crowley says:
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"Well, let's have lunch, hmm? I still owe you one from..." At this point, we're too busy being charmed by this vintage-y angel and this rock star demon who lunch together on Earth arguing over Armageddon to barely notice the content of this scene and that might be by design. It is sandwiched between two other scenes, both of which understandably get a lot more attention: the "celestial harmonies" conversation on the bench in St. James Park and the kinky lunch at what we'll later learn is The Ritz. ("Lunch" in Ineffable Husbands Speak is not *just* the food kinky lunch, as we'll get into below.)
We also don't yet have the key the first time we watch this scene to decode it because we aren't given that by Good Omens until the 1.03 Cold Open and its Paris, 1793 scene. We can pick up on some vibes in this scene in 1.01 but unless we use the Paris, 1793 scene to fully decode Let's Have Lunch in 1.01, we aren't actually understanding what they are saying and, as Fraulein Greta Kleinschmidt would say, we must know what they are saying... (since we're all not Nazi Zombies, we'll be able to actually figure it out...) :)
...but we do now have the 1.03 Paris, 1793 scene so now, let's check out the moment this scene becomes, um, important-- and that is Aziraphale's response to Crowley's invitation to lunch:
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Oh, what's this now...? Crowley owes you lunch from *when,* Aziraphale? From "Paris, 1793", did you say...?!
You mean from the time that you dragged Crowley to The Bastille to save you from a situation you put yourself in and could get yourself out of the entire time because you have a Neil Gaiman-Ask-confirmed, canonical thing for him rescuing you (and because, as a fun S2 partner scene suggests, rescuing you always does make him so happy) and you were so very grateful for the rescue that you offered *to buy him lunch*?! A lunch that this scene in 2008 will confirm you went and had together? A lunch that we had *an entire, separate scene about* in the middle of the 1.03 Cold Open-- alongside The Arrangement and the 1862 breakup and 1941 and the 1967 holy water scene, in terms of importance to understanding this relationship from the show's perspective? THAT LUNCH?! lol
Paris, 1793. The ONE TIME IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THIS RELATIONSHIP lol that it can be safely said that Crowley absolutely, 150%, *most definitely does not owe Aziraphale lunch*. The time we had a whole extra scene over, just to confirm how much Crowley does not owe Aziraphale lunch from this one time in Paris in 1793...
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Well, well, well... seems we have ourselves a key. :)
Lunch. Code word in Ineffable Husbands Speak. A code word that, when unlocked, helps to unlock additional language, as we will see.
If Aziraphale's reply to Crowley's lunch invitation is to say the one time in history from which we know Crowley doesn't owe Aziraphale lunch, then Aziraphale's reply is really in response to the hidden, second layer of meaning beneath the lunch invitation, which means that Crowley isn't just asking Aziraphale if he wants to go grab the midday meal together and Aziraphale is more than aware of that. As we will see from the dialogue below, this suggestion that they have lunch on the surface level is also, on the hidden language level, a suggestion that they have sex.
So, ok, let's try this 1.01 scene again, now that we've started to factor in the information we have from its 'Paris, 1793' partner scene from 1.03...
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What Aziraphale Is *Not* Saying When He Replies "Paris, 1793" to Crowley's Lunch Invitation in 2008: That he would like to time travel to The French Revolution for lunch; that he would like to go to Paris in the present for lunch; that he wants to go to their favorite creperie; that he wants to go get himself locked up in a maximum security prison so Crowley can come rescue him...
What Aziraphale *Is* Saying When He Replies "Paris, 1793" to Crowley's Lunch Invitation in 2008: That he would like to go to lunch and also that he would like to go to *lunch*-- which is to say that he's in agreement that sex sounds perfect-- and that what he "wants for lunch" is a repeat of how they made love in Paris in 1793.
Let's repeat that because mmhmm lol...
Sitting there in the middle of the second half of Crowley and Aziraphale's second scene in person together, in the middle of the first episode of the show, is Aziraphale recounting sex he and Crowley had over 200 years prior to when this scene is taking place in response to Crowley's suggestion that they shake off the Armageddon blues by sexy lunching their way to spending the night in Aziraphale's bed.
This conversation on the surface is about going to lunch and they are very funny with the literal part of their secret language, as they will actually go to lunch, as we know-- and during that lunch, Crowley will make a joke about the dual layers of meaning of their language when defining the next word in their language for us, which we will get to in a moment. For now, though, let's just go back to the "let's have lunch" scene here and look at the rest of it now that we can understand it on both levels of meaning...
"Well, let's have lunch, hmm? I still owe you one from..." Crowley does not actually owe Aziraphale lunch; this is a way to throw the decisions to him, keeping it sounding like they are just talking about eating lunch-the-midday-meal on the surface when we now know that it's more than that. He trails off and both verbally and non-verbally indicates a whole "you tell me" attitude, having offered up the idea and now giving the choice to Aziraphale. (It's not a magical influence "you tell me" like he did with Sitis, just a verbal ellipsis/non-verbal head shake that hands the conversation over to Aziraphale.) As a result of this and their responses in the rest of the scene, this becomes:
"Well, let's have lunch, hmm? I still owe you one from..." Well, let's have sex, hmm? Let's do our kinky lunch thing. Tell me what you want for later and we'll do that. Whatever you want. Armageddon already fucked up our lunchy dinner that we were supposed to sneak out to have at the fascinating little sushi restaurant where they know you last night-- it can go fuck itself for the afternoon. We're both depressed and tired. Eleven years left. We're almost out of time. I just want to be close to you. Let's have lunch.
"Paris. 1793." I could eat. I never can resist you, you know that. Remember Paris? After The Bastille? I'd like that.
Does Crowley remember The Bastille?
Oh, Crowley remembers The Bastille...
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Someone had a very nice time in Paris in 1793 if that little smile and that look and the little "yessss" are any indication. Crowley is down with revisiting The French Revolution and after this, they're both just heading to The Bentley as they continue talking because lunch is on. But why are we even talking about Paris 1793 when we have all seen this episode and know they aren't about to instantly drive back to the bookshop and get their Bastille on?
Anticipatory kink. When partners arrange to have sex in the short term but not immediately and spend the interim time discussing the sex they plan to have as a way of arousing one another over anticipation of the future lovemaking. A form of psychological edging/delayed pleasure. Fancy way of saying 'teasing the fuck out of each other' lol.
The first part of lunch for Crowley and Aziraphale is deciding what's for lunch-- before they go to have lunch-as-in-some-food-- even if part of lunching is that they aren't going to have sex for hours still to come. In addition to the anticipatory element, it's just fun to talk to your partner about sex and the way they do so also has them euphemistically refer back to past times they made love as a way of turning each other on with the memories of those past encounters-- so, doubly fun.
"Yessss. The Reign of Terror. Was that one of ours or one of yours?" Crowley's response to "Paris, 1793." He says 'The Reign of Terror' a little sarcastically, implying that while that is the historical name for the era, he and Aziraphale were actually pretty happy during it, which goes along with what we saw in The Bastille scene. On the surface, though, Crowley and Aziraphale are still attempting to make it sound like they're talking about The Reign of Terror so, technically, "was that one of ours or one of yours?" is a question that is supposed to be about who (Heaven? Hell?) was responsible for The French Revolution but oh, that Paris, 1793 scene is a good partner scene as we know the answer to this question, too...
The French Revolution. Not Crowley's demonic work. The humans thought it up themselves. Established in the Paris, 1793 scene, to help us better understand this bit of the Let's Have Lunch scene.
"Was that one of ours or one of yours?" Look at the wording of that. By definition, since Crowley is speaking to Aziraphale, the "ours" has to include Aziraphale. It's a subtle but present indicator that this isn't entirely smooth language on the surface here because it's accounting for two layers of meaning at once. If it is just about who is responsible for The French Revolution, the sentence doesn't actually make sense but that's because it's designed to sound like something of a casual reply to the surface question about The French Revolution but this conversation is now happening more on the second, hidden level and there, it really means:
We had all the sex in Paris in 1793, angel. Talk to me more about what's got you all hot for The Bastille. I remember all of it but want to know what's lighting you up here so to keep us talking about it, I'll start throwing out some options from Paris under the guise of pretending I'm talking about who is responsible for The French Revolution. Was that one of ours or one of yours? Meaning: do you want to fuck each other later or am I fucking you? By tossing these both out as options I'm obviously also saying that, if you're up for it, I'm in the mood for "ours". I currently have both the need to be inside you *and* the need to get done into next Thursday right now...
"Can't recall." Aziraphale's response to "one of ours or one of yours?" A blatant lie on every level lol. He remembers that the humans were responsible for The French Revolution and, based on how quickly he reached for it when asked what he wanted for lunch on an especially harrowing day, Aziraphale remembers every damn minute of the two of them in bed in Paris in 1793. He knows as much as Crowley what they got up to. "Can't recall" is a reply designed to sound like he can't remember who is responsible for The French Revolution on the surface level but answers Crowley's question on the hidden language level by using "can't recall" to signal that he doesn't have a preference. It's whatever you would like is fine with me. He's definitely noted the "ours" request, though, as we'll see later on.
But Aziraphale also still needs to answer Crowley's underlying question of what's he's wanting that's got him all hot and he keeps the euphemistic, hidden sex chat going by telling Crowley what he's picturing from Paris exactly that he wants later on:
"We had crepes."
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Did Crowley and Aziraphale go to lunch-the-midday-meal in Paris after Crowley rescued Aziraphale from The Bastille and have crepes-the-food for lunch? They absolutely did. Lunch-the-midday-meal (or, really, *any* food/meal that is probably not breakfast, which they seem to had yet to sort out by S2 because of Crowley not staying the night) is part of lunch. But we know that this conversation in this scene in 2008 is not really about lunch-the-meal so crepes is our next bit of Ineffable Husbands vocabulary. We can tell at this point that this is a sexual euphemism. That The Guardian of the Eastern Gate and The Serpent of Eden use types of food as euphemisms for types of sex because of course they do lol...
Does the show get into what, exactly, "crepes" are in Ineffable Husbands Speak? Oh yeah. They do lol. But it's mostly on the other side of kinky lunch so we're going to come back to it...
Off of Aziraphale's crepes declaration, they get into The Bentley and peel off and the next time we see them, we're at...
The Ritz-Carlton, London. One of the finest restaurants in the world; known for their famed afternoon tea and world-class service. The origins of the word 'ritzy.' Where Crowley and Aziraphale have lunch in 2008, for what we will learn in the subsequent scene between them is the first time. We won't know that this restaurant is The Ritz until the S1 finale, when they return there after specifying that it's where they are going. We won't begin to understand fully what it means to them in their language to do so until then. The first hint happens around midway through S1 in the 1967 scene, when it becomes apparent that they are speaking to one another in a coded way-- even while alone, as they are just used to their own language by this point-- and that Aziraphale's "dine at The Ritz" aspiration was something tied to the idea of them taking some more steps towards being more openly and fully together.
In 2008, Crowley and Aziraphale decided to go to The Ritz while in The Bentley after the "let's have lunch" scene, in a scene we aren't shown, likely because the decision to do so would include directly referencing their relationship in a way the show has avoided doing so far but, as the 2.06 kiss showed us, won't be doing forever. (We also are never shown them past a certain point at night-- the show choosing to leave them in 2008 after the "godfathers" conversation in the bookshop and again in 2019 after we last see them holding hands during the ride back to Crowley's flat in London from Tadfield. This seems likely to change in S3, especially because there is almost certainly a The Blitz, Part 3 and we last left them late at night drinking wine alone in the bookshop making eyes at one another.)
Right, so, back to The Ritz in 2008 and the kinky lunch part of lunch...
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Foreplay. Activities between partners-- physical, psychological, emotional, or all of the above-- that are designed to stimulate sexual arousal, in order to put the mind and the body in the mood for sex.
Kinky lunch is a form of foreplay, as Aziraphale is into the pleasure of being watched by Crowley as he enjoys the pleasure of his food and Crowley is into watching Aziraphale enjoy himself. This is also where the anticipatory kink starts to make even more sense as if they've already decided a bit of what they're going to get up to in bed later on, then they know what each other is thinking about all afternoon-- but especially during kinky lunch.
First date. There's also something of a romantic element to this, which a partner scene in S2 provided, which is that kinky lunch is essentially repeating what first happened thousands of years earlier in Job's cellar in 2500 B.C.. That night was, more or less, Crowley and Aziraphale's first date. Not all the sex they have is tied to lunching but part of lunching is, essentially, weaving their first date into these little sexy dates they're going on throughout different periods in history. Pretty romantic stuff for these two who also literally cannot say the word 'couple' but are basically married.
Biblical "fruits of knowledge." In Good Omens, what happened in The Garden of Eden is canonically known and it's that our Serpent of Eden Crowley tempted Eve into eating an apple from The Tree of Knowledge, which she then shared with Adam. The two of them then followed up the pleasure of eating with exploration into other sensual pleasures, discovered sex, and Eve-- whose biology really is something-- was basically eight months pregnant about two days later when Aziraphale snuck them out of Eden, jumpstarting humanity. Humans, though, have had ongoing debate over Genesis in The Bible as to what, exactly, the "fruits of knowledge" were that Adam and Eve consumed.
One argument is over what kind of food it was that Eve actually ate. In Good Omens, it is the most commonly thought food-- an apple-- but arguments have been made for everything from grapes to different berries to figs to even wheat. While Crowley does eat and different things than this, most of what we've been shown that he's consumed is humorous because it's almost all things related to speculated foods of the Biblical fruits of knowledge (wine-- grapes/berries; whisky-- wheat; an apple-looking tea in the S1 finale at The Ritz, etc..)
The other argument that is made is whether "ate fruit from The Tree of Knowledge" is actually just a metaphor for having sex. In Good Omens, the answer to this question is the opening of its story and it's not an either/or. It's both, with one leading to the other. Crowley and Aziraphale are more than aware of this and of the parallels with Adam and Eve to their own relationship and, like with everything else, they're very dryly funny about it. The two who are responsible for all sensual and sexual pleasure for all of humanity since the literal beginning of time have kinky lunch and a language full of food euphemisms for sex and flirty innuendo mixing the pleasures of eating with the pleasures of sex ("constitution of an ox!") because they're witty and playful like that.
Scrumptious. How Aziraphale describes his dessert at The Ritz. Means both "delicious" and "attractive/sexy enough to eat." Is basically the foremost adjective that describes human, physical beauty in terms of taste. It's kinky lunch-- a mix of the the sensual pleasures of eating food with sexual desire-- in a word.
Scrummy. Shortened version of 'scrumptious.' How Aziraphale describes the grapes he buys at The Globe Theatre in 1601, which he then spends the scene eating in front of Crowley, who flits around him like the horny little murder hornet he is, trying to flirt his way into Aziraphale's bed. 192 years before The Bastille.
Affirmative consent. Verbalized, informed and positive consent to participate in a sexual act. Needs to be direct and clear-- the more explicit and enthusiastic, the better. Good sexual practice is checking in with your partner before and periodically during to ensure that you're both still on the same page and having a positive experience. True of every relationship-- but especially true if one or more partners has had their autonomy violated in any way in the past, as Crowley has (and as Crowley had again the night before in 2008, when attacked by Satan in The Bentley, which was one of his many motivations for wanting to lunch with Aziraphale the next day.)
A cleverly-worded partner check in need not break the mood but is still equally important to do, even if everything seems to be fine. A sense of safety brings about trust and trust is sexy, after all.
"So, what are you in the mood for now?" Aziraphale's pitch-perfect partner check-in after he finishes dessert at The Ritz. He knows Crowley well enough to know that he's alright so this is flirtier than it might have otherwise been had Crowley not been. Still, it's presenting an opportunity to stop and giving Crowley the same sense of control and choice that he gave Aziraphale at the start of their lunch date. It's all done with a practiced ease and a subtle, sexy confidence that highlights that Aziraphale is very good at this and probably undid Crowley even more than watching Aziraphale eat lunch did.
Alcohol. Fermented fruit, wheat/grains or the like. Consumption of alcohol can lower inhibitions and the ability to be fully in control of yourself. To drink with someone then is to let them experience your most vulnerable self and to trust them to keep you safe and unharmed while you're not in a state of full control. It's intimate. It's sex, in food/beverage euphemistic terms, and we already know that Crowley and Aziraphale have a whole food-related sexual vocabulary... which Crowley jokes about in this scene.
When Aziraphale asks Crowley what he's in the mood for now that they've finished their dessert course, the point of the initial shot of the scene comes into focus-- the way the camera swoops a little over the surface of the table before settling back to show us Crowley and Aziraphale. The swooping shot illuminates what's on the table. It shows us that they've already eaten lunch, as Aziraphale is on the last forkful of his dessert. The key bits, though, are the beverages-- the coffee and the wine glasses.
Aziraphale has a larger, cappuccino-sized mug of some form of coffee drink while Crowley's dessert was a dessert coffee, based on the size and shape of the mug he's drinking it from. This is also where it's fun to point out that Mr. Six Shots of Espresso in a Big Cup has drunk half of what would be less than two shots of coffee, in a normal-for-the-drink-sized cup, and that the coffee is light in color, suggesting that it's cut with cream. But while the coffee and its symbolic freedom tied to S2 is fun to look at, the point here is that Crowley's coffee looks to be a dessert coffee, most of which frequently contain alcohol and, even more prominent in the shot, are two, empty wine glasses-- one in front of each of them-- that each have a little hint of red wine stuck in the spot above the stem in each glass, confirming that they both had at least one glass of a red wine with lunch.
The point is that they had wine with lunch and Crowley's likely been sipping an alcoholic coffee with dessert, and they're literally surrounded by bottles of wine behind them, as they're in a restaurant lol-- they're at The Ritz, which is known for their service and isn't exactly rushing them out. They could sit there for hours drinking more alcohol, should they want to... so, when Aziraphale asks Crowley what he's in the mood for now and Crowley-- who has spent this scene looking like he's considering freezing time and throwing Aziraphale over the table-- picks up the spoon from his likely Irish coffee and uses it to ding his wine glass-- that is empty of the alcohol he already drank out of it--to get the check lololol and says he wants "alcohol-- quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol", well...
Alcohol (in Ineffable Husbands Speak). Literal, surface level: Alcohol. Hidden language level: Sex.
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"Alcohol. Quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol." "Sex. Quite extraordinary amounts of sex." Enthusiastic, affirmative consent from Crowley over here. He loves kinky lunch and he's glad you asked, Aziraphale, but he's very, very okay at the moment and wants to go to the bookshop now for more alcohol and, later, for quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol.
"An extremely alcoholic breakfast at The Ritz." A complete sentence in Ineffable Husbands Speak in S2 that Muriel doesn't understand but that we can by this point. Muriel not being able to speak Ineffable Husbands is the point of the moment-- it's to highlight that Muriel is missing information because they don't have the information needed to decode what Crowley is saying or to even realize that there is something to be decoded. It's to point out to us that we have this information and that's why we can understand what Crowley is saying. It, along with "no nightingales", is a moment designed to point out the language and how we can't interpret what we're seeing without being able to understand it. The context of the "us time" scene in S2 helps to reinforce that we have this language correct then also makes it an additional partner scene to the 2008 minisode, as it reinforces this interpretation of the language and the relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale that suggests.
Why does Muriel need to leave the bookshop in 2.06 if Crowley and Aziraphale are going for breakfast at The Ritz? We know it's because breakfast is the latest step they want to take when it comes to dining at The Ritz and alcohol is also sex so the Inspector Constable needs to leave because Crowley is out to have some lunch for breakfast.
Right, so, after kinky lunch at The Ritz back in 2008, we then catch up to Crowley and Aziraphale as they are walking up Whickber Street towards the bookshop.
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Romantic stroll. They seem to like to go for a little walk together as part of lunch, if they can swing it. In 2008, they're caring a little less because they've just dined at The Ritz for the first time and they have 11 years left until the end of the world, so they're taking some moderate more risks. This might not be always typical of lunch but it is in 2008. They did this on their first date in the Land of Uz, sneaking out of the cellar to take a walk under the cover of night after the storm stopped. They also take a little stroll from the park to The Ritz in 2019 at the end of S1. All three of these times are possible exceptions-- it was night in 2500 B.C. on their first date and 2008 and 2019 are examples of not just lunching but dining at The Ritz, in the sense that they are in an era of being a little less guarded, if still cautious enough to maintain a sense of secrecy. There is a practical reason for the walk, though, as well as well as a romantic one, and that's related to:
The Bentley. Parked nowhere near the bookshop. On a side street somewhere, like we see Crowley has been doing ahead of S2 and is doing during S2 (including the night before the season began.) Crowley staying in the bookshop late into the evening is a given since they're lunching and have already planned to have some alcohol after their alcohol. The Bentley cannot be parked for hours in the evening in front of the bookshop without them running the risk of being caught so, even if they are coming back to the bookshop during the daylight of the mid-afternoon, The Bentley is already parked away from the shop because lunching comes with an understanding that Crowley will be staying in the shop well into the night.
This all seems routine for them at this point. As speculated in another post, this is probably how Crowley became friends with Mrs. Sandwich, whose work has her outside a bit in the early morning hours just outside the side door to the bookshop. Either way, the car is away from the bookshop so Crowley can stay most of the night with Aziraphale.
1921. The year in which Aziraphale bought a dozen cases (144 bottles) of Chateauneuf-de-Pape "for special occasions", as he either tells or reminds Crowley on their walk up Whickber Street. Twenty years before The Blitz.
This is an interesting comment for this exact moment here because one of the two pretty large gaps of time in the last few hundred years in their history is 1862-1941, right? We don't know much about what transpired between their whole breakup mess in St. James Park in 1862 and The Blitz. One of the flashbacks that was cut from S2 might have illuminated some of this, as it was the one set during The Gold Rush in America, which means it would have had to have taken place before about 1893. We know about Aziraphale learning to gavotte in The Hundred Guineas Club in Portland Place in the 1880s, we know that Maggie's great-grandmother started The Small Back Room with Aziraphale's help in the 1920s and we know that Crowley bought The Bentley sometime around 1933. In the midst of all of that, though, there's this one reference to 1921 here in the 2008 minisode that is pretty interesting when you consider why Aziraphale might be bringing it up in this moment.
Aziraphale is saying that he made an investment in the idea of them having a future of special occasions to celebrate together-- in whatever way they could manage to do so-- in 1921, which is a year in which, as far as we can tell so far, he might not have had a lot of hope that this would be possible. They do seem relatively incapable of breaking up for very long but it's also evident that they don't really fully start to get beyond 1862 until 1941 from what we've seen so far so it might have been a bit slow to heal. We do know that they were in contact and not just from the deleted America flashback but from the canonical reveal that Aziraphale got his driver's licence in the early 1930s, after Crowley bought The Bentley. But Aziraphale might be trying to say to Crowley that things didn't seem especially hopeful for them in the early 1920s, either, but Aziraphale has always held out hope.
1941. A special occasion, as that is Chateauneuf-de-Pape that they are drinking in The Blitz, Part 2.
2008. Year in which this minisode about lunching is taking place, when Aziraphale says that there "are a few bottles left" of the Chateauneuf-de-Pape he bought 87 years earlier, implying that they've drunk their way through almost 144 bottles worth of *just* "special occasion" wine *alone* in the last just under 90 years.
"For special occasions." Would be a truly insane way to refer to learning that the world was ending so safe to assume that Aziraphale is wanting to bust out the Chateauneuf-de-Pape in 2008 because what we see in 1.01 is the first time they dined at The Ritz. It was maybe not the most ideal way they'd ever wanted to as it was largely reactionary to learning they were almost out of time but they did it so time for the Chateauneuf-de-Pape.
Chateauneuf-de-Pape. Wine with quite the holy history. Translated from French, means "The Pope's New Castle". The Catholic papacy in early 1300s were big fans of the Burgundy wines in the area, spearheaded their popularity, and used the church to help spur the economic growth of the Avignon viticulture in that area. They drank the wine exclusively themselves and the papacy had been relocated to Avignon so, to an extent, Chateauneuf-de-Pape is something of a "holy water", symbolically. Maybe the antithesis of it-- holy water (water blessed through the power of Heaven) can kill Crowley, Chateauneuf-de-Pape (wine made by humans; symbolic of sex and love and a lifetime of special occasions with Aziraphale) is the stuff worth living for.
Wine is alcohol is, therefore, in Ineffable Husbands Speak, sex.
"Not very big on wine in Heaven, are they?" What Crowley says on their walk to the bookshop, in response to Aziraphale's suggestion that they break out the Chateauneuf-de-Pape.
A very funny line made even funnier by this partner scene in S2:
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Well, you'd better pop off and get it then, haven't you, Aziraphale? lol
What, exactly, was going on between these two Influencer Brats of Job and their usual angels-- do we even want to ask? Probably not. The way Keziah says "they haven't brought the wine" with that little emphasis makes it feel like it's possible that their usual angels bring some Heaven-blessed wine as a pretense but that 'bringing the wine' is sexually euphemistic. Ennon hitting on Aziraphale adds to that sense by giving us the feeling that Job being God's favorite human means that, prior to the bet, Heaven was sending angels to see to the needs of the family and the elder two siblings have a pair of usual angels who service their, uh, beverage needs. All of which is, objectively-speaking, against what Heaven says it disapproves of (sex, alcohol/drunkenness, etc.), emphasizing the hypocrisy of the fascist state of Heaven.
The Job minisode then serves to reiterate the wine/alcohol = sex throughout the series and makes even funnier the fact that Crowley then drank the rest of the house's existing wine in revenge for these older kids being such brats and Ennon treating Aziraphale like a whore.
What it shows, though, is that maybe the only consumable beverage that Heaven *is* very big on-- if not on drunkenness-- is wine, like many big religions on Earth, right? As a result, Crowley's "not very big on wine in Heaven" line is then emphasized to really be "not very big on sex in Heaven, are they?"
Ok, back to 2008...
"Not very big on wine in Heaven, are they? Or Chateauneuf-de-Papes... Or single-malt scotch... Or frou frou cocktails with little umbrellas..." Crowley's full response to Aziraphale's Chateauneuf-de-Pape discussion on their walk. Translated from the Ineffable Husbands Speak below.
"Not very big on wine in Heaven, are they? Or Chateauneuf-de-Papes..." Not very big on sex in Heaven, are they? Forget music and food and books and our life here with our human things and our special occasions and spending time together, you are going to spend an eternity trapped in a open-floor-plan office building in the clouds with a bunch of prudish religious zealots. Forever and ever and ever... We have, potentially, eleven years until we'll never make love again. You *love* sex and if we don't stop Armageddon somehow, you're never going to come again...
"...Or single malt scotch..." Scotch is whiskey made in Scotland. Talisker, Crowley's favorite whiskey and recurring drink order, is a single malt scotch. So, this is: Not very big on *me*, either. Not exactly like I can just ride the elevator up for a visit... if I even survive Armageddon. You might have noticed Heaven is not tagging everything on their Tumblr #bildaddy. In case it wasn't obvious that this entire time, I've been listing other things you like about life on Earth while under the surface basically screaming "WE WON'T BE ABLE TO BE TOGETHER, ANGEL..."
"...Or frou frou cocktails with little umbrellas..."
Frou frou. American slang for "fancy", sometimes overly so. The American English sister word/answer word to "ritzy". Spoken by Crowley after they've just left The Ritz and as they walk past what will be the American-themed Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death in S2. Comes from America's longest allies--the French-- where it means the rustling sound made by skirts as they move and is onomatopoeia (words derived from the sound they make, rather than rooted in a language.) To reference Scotland, the United States and France within two sentences while bashing Heaven is very Crowley, who doesn't see Heaven as The British Empire or anything lol.
Cocktails. Mixed drinks. What you get when you combine alcohols. Also ties to the scene in S2 with Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets in The Dirty Donkey, which is now a partner scene to this as well. Crowley's "a sherry for you, a whisky for me." It's another example of alcohol as symbolic of sex as Crowley bringing Aziraphale his preferred drink is their attempt at getting Mr. Brown to get the hint that they are a thing and they like now to keep the alcohol just to the two of them.
A cocktail, though, being a mixed drink, can refer in the context of discussion of Heaven and their relationship to the fact that they are an angel and a demon and Heaven is not very big on that particular cocktail.
Frou frou cocktails with little...
Umbrellas. Canopies.
Canopies. The essential setting component of Crowley's Vavoom in S2, as we heard him talking about (while having a drink) with Aziraphale in S2: "You mean like a sudden rainstorm forces them together beneath a canopy... and they look into each other's eyes and realize they were made for each other."
Vavoom. Alternatively: va-va-voom. Voluptuously sexy. Of or portending to sensual pleasure. How Crowley described his hypothetical-for-Maggie-and-Nina erotic-gazing-into-a-passionate-kiss-while-sheltering-from-rain-together-under-a-canopy thing that is absolutely not Crowley and Aziraphale's first kiss recounted back to Aziraphale by Crowley as his definition of romance. Not at all. Crowley just has a thing about tree canopies and their modern rain-sheltering cousins, umbrellas, ok? We didn't just spot The Vavoom hidden there in 1.01 a bit, too. Absolutely not. ;)
"Or frou frou cocktails with little umbrellas" (in Ineffable Husbands Speak). Heaven is definitely not very big on opulent mixed angel-demon drinks like us and our little romance... We're never going to kiss again, angel. Do you really want to spend *eternity* without ever kissing one another again?
According to S2, the answer to that question is that Aziraphale cannot handle the thought to a point of having a complete breakdown of 'what if you were an angel again so we never had to worry?' desperation, so this is probably why Aziraphale's downward hands of 'argh, not right now-- I can't handle this' show up at this point in 2008, as they finish crossing the street and arrive at the entrance to the bookshop.
This is when Aziraphale starts in on his whole "I'm an angel; you're a demon" stuff again but the tone of it is pretty soft and he adds this bit into it:
"We're hereditary enemies." Something which is hereditary is something which you've inherited through no fault of your own and without your agreement. Often, something foisted upon you that you would not have chosen. Aziraphale's comparing their situation to things like hereditary disease-- they didn't ask for it. It's not their fault. The reality of it, though, is still present. This is a way of reassuring Crowley that, even though Crowley could see through the Yay, Heaven! from the earlier St. James Park scene, that Aziraphale doesn't see him as the enemy and would never have chosen this whole mess. He's not yet agreeing to help Crowley stop Armageddon-- the odds are good that he never was going to while they were outside of the bookshop anyway and Crowley knows that. Everything Crowley has said so far is preamble to his argument for stopping Armageddon later on, when they're inside, sobered up, and Aziraphale is ready to work on a potential plan with him.
After "hereditary enemies"...
"Get thee behind me, foul fiend." Blasphemous Bible-speak delivered flirtatiously as a sexual invitation. Not the only scene in the series with blasphemous innuendo but this one line alone could be its own meta so, in an effort to keep this at under 4 billion words lol, we're just going to look at how this is relevant to lunching.
Foul fiend is just Biblical speak for wicked demon. "Wicked" and "demon" are words in the same vein as "wily", "thwart" and "smitten"--words with dual layers of contradictory meanings that Crowley and Aziraphale love to use in their language. To be "wicked" is to be evil in the sense of in line with Satan, yes, but it's also to be playfully mischievous and is a positive adjective used in place of "excellent" at times. To be a "demon" is to be a familiar of the Devil, yes, but it's also to be extremely skillful and talented at a particular thing.
Aziraphale does the whole "I'm an angel. You're a demon. We're hereditary enemies" thing but then turns around and uses "foul fiend"/"wicked demon" in the non-satanic definitions of it through his fond and suggestive tone. He's not calling Crowley evil-- he's calling Crowley playfully mischievous. He's calling him trouble in a light and fun way. He's not calling him a demon in a derogatory sense but in the skillful sense. The same words that mean "evil ally of Satan" also mean "playful and talented"-- Aziraphale has added context by situation and tone of voice/delivery to essentially turn "foul fiend" into calling Crowley "a demon" in bed, in the "skillful" sense of the word. It becomes fuck me, my very wicked demon by use of a suggestive tone.
But it's the use of "get thee behind me" that is most relevant to 2008 here because remember when I told you we'd come back to crepes?
Crepes. Thin, French pancakes. Can be had almost anytime of the day because they are quite versatile-- savory, sweet, for lunch, for dessert, you name it lol. As sexual euphemism, though, we are really looking at how 'pancakes' have been used traditionally by people using food as euphemisms for sex and that is, unsurprisingly, in relation to how a pancake is cooked. I think we've all probably made actual-pancakes-the-food before or at least have seen it done so it probably will not come as a surprise to you that you have to turn a pancake over to griddle it on both sides for it to be done.
As a result, any sexual euphemism involving pancakes is referring to sex that involves a switch from an initial position to a second position that is literally just the receptive partner turning over. So, in order to fully get Aziraphale's love of his romantic French pancakes here, we'd have to have the starting position of crepes and that is something the show actually gives us because why not at this point lol.
"Get thee behind me" after they've spent the afternoon setting up this 1793-inspired crepe-a-palooza indicates that the starting position of crepes is Aziraphale getting done from behind but he'll turn over because he likes to finish his French pancakes facing Crowley.
Vavavoom Yellow. The color of Crowley's eyes and the actual name of the actual paint the actual people involved with this show painted the actual walls of the bookshop. The color Aziraphale turned The Bentley after making it take off its black and silver sunglasses. Crowley's only out here trying to seduce Aziraphale in every other scene by looking at him over his glasses or taking them off or going on about their tantric eye sex into their first kiss... Seems possible Aziraphale might have a thing for Crowley's eyes, no?
"After you." Aziraphale wants crepes for dessert, though. After "get thee behind me, foul fiend", he gestures Crowley into the bookshop with a very witty "after you", which is both politely letting him go first into the bookshop and insisting he is in bed later as well.
Inviting Crowley inside the bookshop with the "after you" in tandem with inviting him inside with the "get thee behind me" is also then using the fact that Crowley is allowed into the bookshop as sexual metaphor for being allowed inside, well, Aziraphale. This gives it a partner scene in S2, when Aziraphale turns The Bentley into a sexual metaphor and is going for the innuendo gold when he then again uses the bookshop to euphemistically refer to himself with "... just as that bookshop is, technically, my shop... but we both get *plenty* of use out of it, don't we?"
God. The only other character on Good Omens aside from Crowley and Aziraphale themselves who speaks Ineffable Husbands Speak. Character responsible for teaching us one of its most important code words-- "nightingales"-- and who ships it so hard that She had a literal nightingale singing as a joke on their dual-meaning-happy language in the S1 finale. Our narrator in S1.
"...while, in London SoHo, an angel and a demon had been drinking solidly for the last six of them." As we cut away from Crowley & Aziraphale's scenes in 2008 to see The Youngs leave the satanic nunnery with their new baby, God points out-- with a hilarious 'oh my stupid children, scared of a baby' tone-- that "The Antichrist had been on Earth for 24 hours." If we can assume that The Youngs were not sent home from the hospital with a new baby in the middle of the night and that it's closer to the more civilized option of a dinner hour, then that would also go with the fact that Aziraphale was having dinner during all of this the night prior, right? Which means it's dinner time, if we're at 24 hours later. Which means that if, in London SoHo, an angel and a demon have been "drinking solidly" for the last six hours, then God is counting the entire afternoon since Crowley and Aziraphale met up for lunch as "drinking solidly" and that's because "drinking" in Ineffable Husbands Speak isn't just alcohol but sex. Yes, that's God making a sex joke. (She has a few more in S1, too.)
"Baby." Term of endearment for a romantic and/or sexual partner that has been documented as having been in existence since at least around the 1830s but was mainstreamed by American jazz, soul and rock 'n roll music and cinema.
While Crowley and Aziraphale are in the alcohol stage of their alcohol, they get plastered on Chateauneuf-de-Pape and Crowley, in a drunken ramble that we will realize by S2 is inspired by Aziraphale's magic words and their conversation in 1941, is going on about what is going to happen to the creatures of Earth when the world ends. He begins to try to say that the fish will be "turned into bouillabaisse" but that word is too difficult for him to say while drunk. While attempting to, he gets distracted gazing at Aziraphale and calls him "baby" in a low voice and then we get their hilarious very drunk kissy faces. Crowley manages to translate "bouillabaisse" in his mind enough to "fish stew-- anyway!" and they sober up soon afterwards to have an actually semi-coherent conversation and some actual alcohol.
In the context of lunching, this becomes getting drunk and distracted by thoughts of later in the middle of trying to talk-- and we know now thanks to S2 that Crowley is also distracted by thoughts of 1941 here at the same time, as he's going on about bananas, fish, and gorillas. We've never heard him call Aziraphale anything but his name or "angel" with the exception of this scene, when they're alone in the bookshop with alcohol on the brain. Aziraphale is drunk but he also doesn't react like it's unusual-- if he heard it, to be honest, as he seemed a bit devoted to stringing together his thoughts related to The Kraken... that great, bigggg bugger, as Aziraphale described him, not at all thinking about the quite extraordinary amounts of buggery they were going to get up to later on.
But, anyway, there's the scene where Crowley calls Aziraphale "baby" in 2008 and that might suggest that he does if they're alone and there's no risk of anyone overhearing it. (As "angel", at least, is theoretically meant to be calling Aziraphale by what he is in a semi-derogatory way but Crowley's honestly never made that work a day in his life lol.)
Thwarting. See: separate meta on my blog on "wily", "thwart" and "smitten" as examples of words with contradictory, dual meanings that Crowley and Aziraphale like to use in the 'angel-and-demon' sense on the surface but in their 'sexy/romantic' connotations in their hidden language. While talking about a plan to stop Armageddon, Crowley uses "wiles"-- the enticing and feminine-leaning-in-connotation definition of "wily"-- in a dry joke where the surface level is about how it's the role of an angel to stop the Evil One (his demon counterpart) at every turn but is really using "wiles" in its seductive definition. He also uses "thwarting" in a way that is substituting it in a sentence for "fucking" on the hidden language level: "You can't be certain that thwarting me isn't part of The Divine Plan, too."
Indeed, Crowley. Indeed.
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"...at every turn." Ha. Crowley has crepes jokes. Think of all the French pancakes we can have for eternity if we thwart Armageddon, angel...
Godfathers. The 2008 minisode scenes end with them deciding to have a baby. Crowley's like I have a plan to stop the end of the world and it's that we crash this mansion and live together raising a kid like a little family and I've thought of a way you can sell it to Heaven-- whaddya say? And Aziraphale melts into a puddle of sparkly-eyed joy and they have some quippy lines about being damned that feel like foreshadowing for Aziraphale something fierce but this is where we leave 2008. Right here.
After alcohol, but before alcohol, ya dig?
Lunch (in Ineffable Husbands Speak). A recurring date of kinky lunch and spending time together that is pre-determined to end hours later with sex that is at least somewhat decided upon at the start of lunch, often euphemistically through discussion of " lunch food" and/or their romantic encounters in their shared past.
Off of this, let's go look at our partner scene of The Bastille again, now using 2008 to illuminate parts of it.
Paris, 1793. Crowley and Aziraphale playing 'damsel in distress and dashing hero rescuer' in The Bastille. Seven years before Aziraphale opens the bookshop; thirty years before Crowley's dragged to Hell in Edinburgh. They've been getting away with this forever at this point, to a point that while they're still overall cautious and terrified of getting caught, they're starting to think it's possible they never will because they've managed to keep it a secret this long. Aziraphale is dry and arch when referencing the recent "strongly-worded note" he apparently received from Gabriel about doing "frivolous miracles". Even though the note might not exist as this whole scene is, basically, a roleplay game, the attitude there is that they're getting one over on Heaven & Hell and are taking advantage of it.
We all know things like Aziraphale lighting up when Crowley shows up and the "oh, good Lord" while raking his eyes over him-- we're just going to look at some bits here that have more significance in Ineffable Husbands Speak.
As a side note here: the buttons on the black part of Crowley's outfit in Paris also are very similar in style to the jacket he's wearing in the Let's Have Lunch scene in 2008, in a fun bit of visual paralleling between the partner scenes via the costuming. This scene is also a great one for the consistent thing in the series where Aziraphale will casually reference God and Satan ("oh, good Lord"/"luck of the devil" in the Tadfield Manor scene) but Crowley will not ("what the deuce are you doing locked up in The Bastille?").
So, Crowley does his whole haughty and faux-put-upon thing upon arriving and S2 actually makes how he arrives even funnier because he spends the first half of the scene lounging on the floor across the room, which has real Job's cellar vibes. Later in the scene, we get the "well, you're lucky I was in the area" and Aziraphale's reply of "I was", both lines of which are arch as all fuck. They ring with a kind of knowing playfulness that honestly signals the whole thing is not exactly an organic situation. Crowley has come to Aziraphale's rescue out of nowhere before and odds are solid that led to Aziraphale's whole rescue kink awakening here lol but this scene in 1793 is not that. Crowley was absolutely "in the area" with his calendar cleared for whatever sexual hijinks the angel wanted to get up to that afternoon. He's committed to the bit and asks near the start: "what the deuce are you doing locked up in The Bastille?", prompting Aziraphale's response of "I got peckish."
"Peckish", meaning "slightly hungry", but you don't wade through a revolution because you could use a snack so Aziraphale's downplaying it for humor-- he's fucking starving. And not really for food. They have food in England. Aziraphale has intentionally got himself locked up in The Bastille because he's horny, which he's expressing using food terms because of course he is. Ineffable Husbands Speak was created by this dry-humored and self-deprecating duo, one of whom is the Serpent of Eden and the other of whom is a bit of a raging gourmand and, together, they've never met anything consumable that they can't make into sexual innuendo.
To learning that Aziraphale on the surface needed a snack and, in Ineffable Husbands Speak, needs a snack, Crowley has this hilarious response:
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Go on, Crowley, keep pretending like you're offended that this is all just because Aziraphale is horny and like you think it's not specific to you, like you wouldn't let him nibble on you whenever he wants lol.
Tell him he's special, Aziraphale, and not just one of your favorite toys. You dragged him to a prison cell feet away from a guillotine for this.
"Well, if you must know, it was the crepes. And the brioche. Can't get decent ones anywhere outside of Paris." is Aziraphale's quite illuminating reply.
Paris is France and anything Parisian or French is coded as romantic and as related to love to them, even if we know how much they speak around those words. We know what crepes are now from the 2008 scene and we'll look at brioche in a moment but we can already see that this sentence, translated from Ineffable Husbands Speak, is Aziraphale saying that he can fuck his way around the world (and we know it's suggested that he has at times) but he feels that it's never as good for him as it is with Crowley because the crepes and the brioche are better when they're had in Paris-- because sex with Crowley is better for Aziraphale than with anyone else because of how they feel about each other.
Probably also worth mentioning that crepes and brioche both originated in France (many societies around the world have versions of crepes but the crepe itself is French) so this is also really saying it's just always been Crowley for Aziraphale since the start and Aziraphale was alluding to that to Crowley in the Paris, 1793 scene.
Brioche. A bit of a bread, a bit of a cake, it is a bit sweet and rich like a pastry and falls mostly somewhere there on the French deliciousness spectrum between the two and treated by chefs and bakers as a bit of both. As a result, can wind up in many different meals throughout the day, in different ways. Brioche = Crowley, in food form. Can be used to make sandwiches (ha) but is most well-known as the signature bread used to make French toast. French toast is traditionally made the same way as crepes-- involving turning, like pancakes.
Brioche (in Ineffable Husbands Speak). Both Crowley himself, in food form (bread is necessary for sandwiches, after all) and crepes-as-sex reversed between them with Crowley as the receptive partner.
[Crowley is also suggested to be black bread, according to God's narration, in the St. James Park scene, leading me to believe that he's just every kind of bread Aziraphale likes, which is probably most of them.]
Aziraphale invites Crowley to lunch and we know now that lunching was already a thing for them then. True to form, the scene ends with their first step of lunch-- the anticipatory part-- with Crowley asking "what's for lunch?", which we now understand to mean the same thing as "I still owe you one from..." in 2008. He's asking Aziraphale what he would like for lunch and we know already from 2008 that they went out for crepes and had a whole French buffet.
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Armageddon: Round One. 2019. Averted. Afterwards, they meet up in a park and swap bodies back unnoticed because we didn't have enough secret sexual relationship stuff already happening on this show lol so yay metaphor and now there's a full-circle back to the bench at St. James Park in 1.01 but now with them having survived and at least temporarily halted Armageddon. Then, as they start to adjust to the whirlwind being over, it's Crowley with:
"Time to leave The Garden." Crowley likening Aziraphale and himself to Adam and Eve-- and just prior to proposing that he and Aziraphale go get their Garden on with a little lunch. Shows that Crowley and Aziraphale are more than aware of how much they parallel the first humans and reinforces that all of the Eden references and related humor in their romantic relationship that we've seen is not coincidental but intentional.
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To ask Aziraphale if you can "tempt him to a spot of lunchchch" while opening up your hip to spread your thighs and angle yourself to suggest that your body is also on the menu. Complete with the 'wanna go to bed?' head tilt of 1601 and 2008 fame. I mean...
Meanwhile, Aziraphale's barely conscious of the fact that he's rubbing his thighs and looking at Crowley's lips...
To reply "Temptation accomplished." with a cutely dorky little laugh to Crowley's invitation to lunch. To never be one to say no to a spot of lunch and accept the invitation, while joking around about how neither of you ever actually tempt each other, you just find each other tempting, in the 'attractive' sense of the word.
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Anticipatory kink. The first part of lunch.
To say that a table at The Ritz has miraculously come free. To suggest that you have 2008/Eleven Years Ago for lunch, coming full circle back to 1.01 in the S1 finale. 2019 is 2008 is 1793 is...
Champagne tea/high tea. The meal that Crowley and Aziraphale are actually eating when they go to lunch in the S1 finale. Features champagne and macarons, both of which are French, adding to the romance and the ties to 1793. There also appears to be an apple-hued tea on the table, nodding to Eden.
PTSD. What causes Crowley to sometimes go quiet and zone out. In 2008, we came in on the end of their meal at The Ritz and Crowley was in the moment. In 2019, we see the start of their lunch part of lunch and Crowley is not at all present. He's facing ahead and staring into space at nothing, exhausted and not in the moment. Aziraphale's partner check-in is different this time, as he can tell that Crowley is not with him. He draws him back to the now with a bit of romance.
"...if you weren't, at heart, just a little bit of a good person." I love you, you know.
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"And if you weren't just enough of a bastard worth to be worth knowing." I love you, too.
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"A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square." Romantic 1940 song containing the lyric "angels were dining at The Ritz" that formed the basis for Aziraphale creating "dining at The Ritz" as a code phrase meaning a more acknowledged and somewhat more open relationship in the future... which they then celebrate agreeing to try by literally dining at The Ritz, in line with their dual layers of meaning-happy language. We're still awaiting the origins of the song as their song but it is to a point that one of them has the pianist playing an instrumental version of it during this afternoon tea lunch in 2019. We also get Tori Amos' cover playing over the scene because dual layers of everything.
Literal nightingale singing. God showing only us the bird that Crowley and Aziraphale don't know is actually singing is the show acknowledging that our perspective is, like God's, on the outside of the relationship but we are now able to understand it. To see the literal nightingale but know what it means both symbolically and in Ineffable Husbands Speak is to see that there are different levels of meaning beneath the surface of what we've been watching.
Nightingales (in Ineffable Husbands Speak). Romantic love. Specifically, Crowley and Aziraphale's word for their love for one another.
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allthelovehes · 19 days
The Author*
Summary: You just moved into your new apartment and your new neighbour turns out to be the author of the smutty book you're currently reading.
Pairing: Author/Neighbour!Harry x Reader
Word count: 2.8K
Warnings: Smut, basically strangers, it's cute tho.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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The first few weeks of living in your new apartment were, thankfully, relatively uneventful. You had managed to find a new job and keep your finances balanced, and the building you were in seemed to be relatively clean and well-maintained, and you'd never seen anyone who you thought would have a problem with you.
You travel back and forth between work by bus, not really feeling the need to have a car in the big city. Plus it gives you the perfect opportunity to read a good book, something you love but always slips in the cracks of your busy life.
It's the last day of work before your weekend, and you're on the bus home deep into a chapter of the book you're reading, everything is going perfectly fine. You're excited for the weekend as you still have a few boxes to unpack and some cleaning and organization that needs to get done.
You've been so into the book you're reading, that when you realize the bus just drove past your usual stop, you're shocked.
“Oh, shit.” You mutter under your breath as you try to think of what to do. You could just walk the few blocks back to your stop, the weather is fine anyway. You press the button, the bus comes to a halt at the next stop and you step off, thanking the driver for the ride. You begin walking, a tote on your shoulder and the book still in hand.
The streets aren't busy, it's not a particularly busy part of the city, and it's a beautiful afternoon. The sun is shining and there is a slight breeze, but not too much. You can hear the birds chirping and see the small kids playing in the nearby park, all in all a nice day.
You reach your building after a few minutes of walking, and the front door is unlocked and ajar, so you let yourself in and start to head towards the stairwell. When you reach the right floor, you spot your neighbour coming out of their apartment, the one you had seen the first night you'd arrived.
He was tall, much taller than you, and wearing a t-shirt that clung to his form nicely, and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal a collection of tattoos that ran all the way down to his hands. His hair was curly and looked incredibly soft and you wanted nothing more than to run your hands through it. His jaw was chiselled, sporting a stubble. He looked good, really good.
“Hey.” He says, his voice deep and smooth, and you can't help but notice the accent he has. “I haven't seen you around before, are you the new neighbour?”
“Yeah, I moved in a couple of weeks ago.” You reply. “My name is Y/N.”
“It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Harry.” He extends a hand and you shake it. You notice the rings on his fingers, they're large, but not tacky, and they suit him. He looks at the book in your other hand and chuckles, “A reader, eh?”
“Yeah, I've always loved reading, and this one is really good, I've been wanting to finish it, so I'm glad I missed my stop, I was so deep into the story I hadn't even noticed.” You chuckle and it's then when Harry notices what book you have in hand, his book.
“Hey, wait a second. You're reading my book!” He points at the cover.
“Oh, you wrote this? Well, now I feel kinda embarrassed.” You say, laughing, trying to hide the embarrassment and your blushing cheeks. The story is based around quite a few explicit sex scenes, and you're hoping he won't bring it up.
“I'm just messing with ya. I'm actually quite flattered.” He chuckles.
You talk for a few more minutes and then go on your way. He is funny and kind, and his smile is one that you know you would kill to see. His eyes are bright, and you love the way his curls move when he laughs.
As you make your way to your apartment, you're smiling to yourself, thinking about how good-looking your new neighbour is. He seems kind and easy-going, and you wonder if you'll ever be able to spend more time with him.
When you get to your apartment, you drop your things, kick off your shoes and throw yourself onto your sofa. You sigh and close your eyes, taking a moment to process the day, and what just happened.
Knowing the man who came up with those incredible sex scenes was living right across the hall from you, is driving you absolutely wild. You're not sure why you're reacting the way you are, you have no business thinking about him like that. But he's just so fucking hot, and his accent, and his body, and the way his arms looked...
You feel your skin begin to heat up, and a tingling between your legs, and before you even realise, your hand is down the front of your jeans. You start touching yourself, and all you can think of is him, and the words he has written. Your breathing becomes heavier and you close your eyes, imagining him doing these things to you, his lips and hands exploring your body.
You're abruptly ripped from your fantasy by a knock on the door, and you jump and scramble to pull your hand from your pants.
“Fuck.” You hiss under your breath, and run your fingers through your hair, trying to get it to look presentable. You look through the peephole in the door and your eyes widen, there stands Harry, and he's holding a bottle of wine. You take a deep breath and open the door, trying to appear as composed as possible.
“Oh, hi.” You say, smiling, but you're nervous. “What can I do for you, Harry?”
“Hey, Y/N, I just came to drop off some wine.” He seems nervous. “I figured since you're new it'd be a nice thing to do.”
“That's very sweet of you, thank you.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy it.” He turns and starts to walk back to his own apartment.
“Harry, wait!” You shout, and he turns back to face you.
“Yes, love?” His British accent thick.
“Do you want to come in? I'll pour us some wine.”
“Yeah, that'd be lovely.” He follows you into the apartment. You take the wine from him and pour two glasses. You hand him the glass and sit down next to him, making sure to keep some distance between you.
You chat for a while, sipping your wine, and you find yourself enjoying his company. He tells you about his writing and how he's working on another book, and that he's glad that you've enjoyed the one he already published. You tell him about yourself, about how much you love to read, and he tells you he'll send you copies of the other books he has published.
The wine is flowing, and so is the conversation. Harry is really nice, and you find yourself wanting to spend more time with him. The bottle is empty and your cheeks are flushed, but not just from the alcohol.
“Well, I should probably head home.” Harry says, and the disappointment is evident on your face.
“No, don't leave yet.” You protest, and his eyes lock with yours. “I'm enjoying your company.”
“Well, alright. I can stay a bit longer.” He says, smiling.
You're not sure why, but you feel compelled to lean forward and kiss him. Maybe it's the wine, or the fact that he's just so fucking hot, or the stories and sex scenes in the book he had written. You're not sure, but something is driving you crazy, and you need him. Your lips crash against his, and it takes a moment for him to register what's happening. But when he kisses back, your heart flutters and your stomach feels like it's doing somersaults.
You pull away and stare at him for a moment, and he looks at you with a mixture of lust and surprise in his eyes.
“Sorry.” You mutter. “I shouldn't have-“
He cuts you off by leaning in and kissing you again, this time deeper, and more passionate. His tongue finds its way into your mouth and your tongues collide, tasting each other. He pulls away and stares into your eyes, his lips slightly swollen and a smirk on his face.
“You're a good kisser.” He whispers.
“So are you.” You reply, a smile spreading across your lips.
He leans back in, kissing you more roughly than before, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek. He begins trailing kisses down your neck and jawline, eliciting small whimpers and moans from you. He makes his way down your collarbones and chest, then moves back up to your ear.
“Y/N.” He whispers. “May I take this off?”
“Please.” You reply, almost begging. He grabs the bottom of your shirt and pulls it over your head, revealing the lacy bra underneath. He stares at your breasts for a moment, drinking them in, before he dives down and sucks at the exposed skin. He moves to your other breast and does the same, and his other hand begins to unbutton his own shirt.
He removes his shirt, revealing his tattoos, and you can't help but stare. He has a slim yet muscular frame, and his arms are toned and strong. You trace the ink on his chest and torso with your fingers, and he watches your reaction with a smirk.
He stands up and grabs your waist, picking you up and setting you on the kitchen island. He leans down and kisses you again, and you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. You can feel his erection through his jeans, and it's big, really big. You can't help but let out a moan at the thought of him fucking you with that monster.
He reaches around and unclasps your bra, pulling it off and exposing your breasts. He leans down and takes a nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling at it, while his hand plays with the other. You throw your head back and moan, grabbing at his curls and tugging slightly. He lets out a groan and grinds his hips against yours, and you can feel his cock harden even more.
“Harry.” You moan. “I want you.”
He removes his mouth from your breast and looks up at you, his eyes dark with lust.
“Are you sure, love?” He asks, his accent sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes, please.” You beg, and he smirks. You're so eager and it's making him impossibly harder. He undoes his belt and his pants fall to the floor. You stare at his cock hiding in his black boxers, and your mouth waters. It's long and thick, and you know that it's going to feel amazing. He pulls off his boxers, and his cock springs free, standing proudly.
He grabs your jeans and tugs them down, revealing the matching pair of lace panties. He groans as he looks at you, and his fingers hook under the fabric, pulling them down your legs.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking beautiful.” He breathes, taking in the sight of you. You're completely naked and exposed in front of him, and he can't help but marvel at how perfect you are. He leans in and kisses you, and you wrap your legs around him, pulling him close. He grinds his hips against yours, his cock rubbing against your wetness. He's teasing you, and it's driving you insane.
“Harry, please.” You whine, and he smirks.
“Please, what?” He teases, continuing his slow grinding.
“Please fuck me.”
He groans and searches for his wallet, finding a condom. He slides it on and lines his cock up with your entrance, pushing in slowly. He fills you up completely, and you cry out, arching your back. He lets you adjust to his size before he starts moving. He sets a slow and steady pace, and you're moaning and whimpering.
“Fuck, Harry.” You gasp. “You're so big.”
“You feel so fucking good, Y/N.” He groans. He thrusts his hips, his cock sliding in and out of you. You reach down and begin rubbing your clit, and the extra stimulation has you seeing stars. No wonder the smut in his books is good, the man himself knows exactly what he's doing.
His pace quickens and his breathing becomes laboured. He leans down and captures your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing the sounds that escape your mouth. He picks you up from the countertop and carries you over to the sofa, never breaking his rhythm. He lays you down and continues pounding into you, and you can feel the pressure building.
“Harry, I'm so close.” You moan, and he reaches down to rub your clit.
“Come for me, baby.” He growls, and that's all it takes for you to come undone. You scream his name and arch your back as the orgasm rips through you. He keeps his pace, thrusting harder and faster, prolonging your pleasure.
When you come down from your high, he pulls out and grabs your legs, flipping you onto your stomach. He positions himself behind you and pushes back in, causing you both to moan. His hands grip your hips and he begins pounding into you, and his grunts fill the room.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking tight.” He groans, his voice thick with lust.
“Oh, god, Harry.” You moan. The sound of skin slapping skin and the scent of sex fills the air. He reaches around and starts rubbing your clit, and the pleasure is almost too much for you to handle. He thrusts his hips, filling you completely.
“Come for me again, love.” He commands.
“Yes, Harry, fuck.” You cry out, your walls tightening around his cock. You know that anyone passing by your apartment would definitely hear the sounds of sex, but you don't care. The only thing that matters is the feeling of him inside you.
You come undone once more, and he fucks you through your orgasm. He moans, his thrusts becoming erratic. You turn him on so much, he never wants to stop fucking you. His cock slides out of you and he pulls you back up, turning you around to face him.
“I want you to ride me, love.” He growls, his voice deep and rough. You straddle him, your wetness coating his cock. He positions himself at your entrance and you slide down, moaning as he fills you again. You start moving, your hips rocking against his.
“Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good.” He moans, and his hands grip your hips, guiding you. Your pace quickens and you can feel yourself getting close again. You look at him and his eyes are filled with lust and desire, and it's the hottest thing you've ever seen.
Harry's lips crash into yours and his hands tangle in your hair. He breaks the kiss and his mouth moves to your neck, sucking and biting at the delicate skin. You let out a string of curses and he groans against your neck. He leaves a trail of kisses down to your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth. He nibbles and sucks on it, and his tongue swirls around it.
“Fuck, Harry.” You moan.
“Do you like that, love?” He asks, looking up at you with dark eyes.
“Yes, fuck, yes.” You reply, your voice wavering.
He continues his assault on your breasts, switching from one to the other. Your breathing is heavy and you can feel the pressure building again.
“Harry, I'm so close.” You breathe.
“Me too, baby. Come for me.” He growls, his fingers rubbing your clit. The combination of his cock filling you his mouth on your nipples and his fingers stroking your clit sends you over the edge, and you scream his name, your nails digging into his shoulders.
Your walls clench around his cock and he loses it, his thrusts become more erratic, and his breathing is laboured. He moans your name, and the sound is like music to your ears. He comes hard, and his cock pulses inside you.
You both collapse, breathing heavily. Your heart is racing and you can't believe what just happened. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You lie there in his arms, trying to catch your breath, the scent of sex and sweat filling the air.
“Fuck, Y/N.” Harry says, breaking the silence. “That was incredible.”
“Mhm, you're far better than your books.”
“Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.” He chuckles. You snuggle into his arms, and he holds you tight. You've never felt so safe and secure in someone's arms, and you know that you're already falling for him.
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
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➪the one where jack's career takes off and you're left alone.
Part 2
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, gaslighting, hehe
Word Count: 3.1k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine <3
You were proud. Beyond proud, even. 
Jack’s career was taking off fast, you barely had a second to let it all sink in. You could only imagine how he was feeling.
The TV was on in the basement of his house, his mom’s cooking making its way down the stairs and emitting a growl from your stomach. Jack, who was sitting next to you, smirked as he took his eyes off his phone. You refused to make eye contact as your face heated up in a blush. “Stop staring at me,” you mumble as you continue to scroll through your Instagram feed. 
Jack laughed as he pocketed his phone. “I told you to eat something before I picked you up,” he shook his head as your thumb continued scrolling, though you were no longer paying any attention to what the posts were displaying. “It’s not my fault you never listen to me.”
“I listen to you all the time,” you say back, deciding to just turn off your phone as you had become distracted by him. “You’re the one who wouldn’t let me go to the store to grab some of those chips I like.”
He laughed again and scoffed slightly. “You have, like, three bags of them at your place,” he pointed out and you turned to face him. 
“But I don’t have any here,” you reply and watch as he shakes his head. 
Just then, the door to the basement opens and his mom calls down that dinner was ready, unknowingly making your shoulders drop in relief. Jack, who turned to call back to his mother, gave you a smile and shrug when he faced you again. “There, problem solved,” he said as he stood up and held his hand out to you.
As soon as you took it, the TV switched programs and began playing the teaser trailer for Avatar: The Way of Water. You were only half way up when you sat back down again and tugged on his hand. “Ooh, look,” 
Jack looked at the screen and felt his heart skip a beat at what was currently playing. “Seriously?” He asked no one in particular, his face heating up in embarrassment. He looked back down at you and his expression softened when he saw your look of excitement. “We’re not watching the whole thing, right? I’m probably not even in this one.”
As soon as he said that, the scene changed to show his character, Spider, in all his glory. You squealed in excitement as you tightened your hold on his hand and pulled yourself up. You wrapped your arms around his neck in a hug as you turned away from the screen. “I’m so proud of you,” you say and pepper his face with kisses. “Look, you’re on TV!”
Jack laughed as he wrapped his arms around your middle, the feeling of contentment washing away any ounce of embarrassment he felt at the fact that damn near every channel on TV had begun showing the trailer for the film. 
If only you had known that this would be one of your last good memories you share with him, maybe then you would have savored the moment a little bit longer. 
Jack <3: I miss you so much. Today has gone by so slowly. 
You smiled down at the text, hiding your phone behind the table as you didn’t want to risk getting kicked out of class. This final year of high school was brutal, and in more ways than one. 
Jack was away filming Scream VI, so the person who provided you with the most comfort was thousands of miles away. You were close to failing one of your classes, one required to get your diploma, and you recently had a fallout with your close friend.
So, yeah, things could definitely be going better. 
Tell me about it. Chemistry is NOT fun. I miss you, too, btw.
You hit send just as your teacher looked up from his desk. Hiding your phone, you give him a tight lipped smile and a thumbs up, something he squints his eyes at before he is back to grading papers. 
Your phone vibrates against your leg and you grab your book, opening it to make it look like you were reading from it, when in reality you were unlocking your phone. 
Jack <3: I still don’t know why you chose that over drama. Acting is fun and easy.
You playfully roll your eyes and glance at the teacher before typing out a response. 
Says the actor. 
Jack <3: Fair enough.
You hold back a sigh as you put your phone in your bag. You couldn’t wait for him to come home. Granted, he just left and would be in Montreal for a couple more months. This was probably the first time you’ve ever wished for a summer to fly by. After spending almost every day with Jack, it was hard to go even a week without him. The thought of spending damn near a whole summer without him had your heart aching. 
Two weeks in and you missed him more than words could describe. Stupid high school. Stupid long distance relationships. 
Even though he texted you every day, or called you on the odd day, it still didn’t soothe your aching heart. You were so young, but that didn’t stop the love between you from growing stronger by the minute. A year and a half is a long time for young love. 
Every time you looked at your phone you were met with his picture as your lock screen. It sent a jolt of pain directly to your heart whenever you looked at his smiling face and you silently cursed yourself for being so in love with him.
 High school ended, as did the summer, and you couldn’t be more content. You couldn’t be happier. 
September was nearly here, meaning the summer without Jack was over. 
That’s who you were with now. 
The TV was once again on, and like last time, neither of you were paying attention to it. Both your phones were turned off and placed on the coffee table a few feet away. 
Your body was trapped between the backrest of the couch and Jack’s chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you and his chin resting on the top of your head. It had been like this for days, with the both of you wrapped up in each other’s arms without any words being said. 
It was like no time at all had passed since you last saw each other, let alone a whole summer. Everything fell back into place and the two of you were reunited once again. You weren’t sure when he’d be called away for his job again, so you were spending every possible second you had with him. You hadn’t seen your own room in days as you’d been staying with him since he came back home, something you both had no problem with. 
If there was one thing Jack hated about his job, and he wouldn’t even go as far as saying he hated it, really, it was the months he’d spend away from you. He hadn’t met you yet when he was filming Avatar, so he only had to worry about missing his family and friends. Then he fell in love with you.
The ache he felt in his heart during the entirety of filming Scream VI was only completely dulled when he returned home and found comfort in your arms. The months that passed were only being fueled by his want to return to you, the one person he felt his happiest with. 
Despite knowing you for only two years, you play a big part in who he is and who he wants to be in his future. You are his future. He was young, damn near too young to be planning things with you this early in his life, but he couldn’t see it happening any other way.
He couldn’t see himself loving anyone else. 
That’s how the rest of the summer went. Actually, that’s how the rest of the year went. 
December came fast and that’s when everything changed. 
Avatar: The Way of Water was officially released. Spider was officially introduced to the world, and Jack had never felt more excited. It had been years since he filmed his scenes for this movie, and to see it all come together was emotional. 
You were his date to the premiere, something he had asked you months beforehand so you would be prepared, and to see Jack on the big screen had you crying half an hour in. The person you saw in front of you was one you didn’t know. You were complete strangers at the time of him filming this, and it was a big contrast to the version of him sitting next to you now, his hand holding yours tightly. 
It was that night when the inevitable happened. 
The movie was a massive hit, and though Spider was a character not many people liked, Jack was definitely a natural newcomer that had stolen the hearts of many fans. 
His Instagram followers grew with each passing day and you were grateful that the posts he had with you on his account were swarmed with kind comments. You knew that his career would take off fast once his movies hit the theaters, so you were prepared when your own comments began filling with fans of his. Mostly on the posts that involved him, mainly the birthday one you had uploaded a few weeks ago. 
Jack was called away for press tours and interviews and promo after promo. 
It was a miracle when he found the time to just sit and facetime you. 
The smile you were met with when you answered the call was enough to make you forget about the feeling of loneliness that had slowly started creeping into your body. 
At the end of the day, he was still yours. 
“Hi,” you say and place your phone on your desk, standing it up so you could go back to applying your makeup. 
“Hi, baby,” he said back and you don’t bother hiding the smile that took over your face at the pet name. “What are you doing?”
You drop the brush you were using back into the container and meet his eyes. “I’m just getting ready to go out,”
Jack nodded before a teasing grin took over his face. “Got a hot date tonight?”
You rolled your eyes. “Depends, are you coming home tonight?”
Your question made his heart skip a beat. Home. God, he missed you. He was sick of staying at these hotels with the rest of the cast. All he wanted was to come home to you. He feared he was beginning to lose touch with how his life was before all of this, and the thought of getting caught up in everything had his heart racing. 
“I wish I was,” he said quietly. 
“Yeah,” you trail off. “Me too.”
A silence took over and you finished applying eyeshadow before you looked back down at your phone.
“I’m just going out with some friends from high school,” you answered his previous question after realizing you never actually told him what your plans were. 
Jack nodded again before he gave you a boyish grin. He watched as you coated your lips in a shiny gloss before he sighed, “You are so pretty,”
Your face heats up and you refuse to meet his eyes as you begin cleaning up the surface of your desk. When you finally look at him, you find him already looking at you, his eyes full of love and longing. “I miss you,” you say as you grab your phone again. You stay seated as you hold the device closer to you, your eyes never leaving your boyfriend’s.
“I miss you, too,” he says back. “You have no idea how much I wish I could’ve taken you with me.”
You look away and chew on your freshly glossed bottom lip. “Can you promise me something?”
You hear the sound of shuffling and glance down to see that Jack had sat up to give you his full attention. “Of course,” he sounded unsure and you were beginning to question if you even had a right to be asking him this. 
“Maybe it’s not my place to ask this, but,” you trail off, unknowingly making Jack’s heart fill with a sense of dread. You continued before he could call you out on it, though. “Just, don’t forget about me, okay? Please.”
You felt pathetic for asking him that, but it was the only way to let him in and allow him to see what the change was doing to you without actually telling him. You were terrified of losing him and it felt as though it was gonna happen sooner or later.
“Y/n,” he said sternly, making you meet his eyes through the screen. “Nothing could ever make me forget you. I love you and I miss you more than you know. I mean, I’m in the middle of doing press tours for the movie I was in and all I can think of is coming back home to you.”
You felt dumb for feeling the way you did. Jack was living his dream and you were worried about him forgetting you when all he ever did was shower you with love and affection. There was nothing to worry about. “I’m sorry,”
“I love you,” he said again and you smiled at him, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes, something he noticed. “We’re gonna be fine. I promise.”
You nodded and continued to listen to him go on about how much fun he was having with the cast before your friend texted you to let you know that she was here to pick you up.
The call ended on a good note. A great one, even.
Things were going well. 
Until they weren’t.
The release of Scream VI hit Jack’s career hard and completely flipped his world around. 
People absolutely adored Ethan and were infatuated with the face who played him. Jack went from a newcomer with a small fanbase to millions of people obsessing over him within the span of a few hours. 
Of course, you were his plus one to the premiere, and you got emotional at the way he played his character, your hand wrapped around his. You thought back to what you were doing when he was filming it, still stuck in high school and thousands of miles away from him. This person on the screen was one you knew, you loved, and belonged to you.
That was something a few people didn’t seem to realize. After gaining over  five hundred thousand followers, some of his fans stumbled across his posts with you. Long story short, your comments were filled with hate and jealousy and envy. You made your account private a couple of days after the film was released. 
That didn’t stop them from filling his comments. 
She’s mid fr.
She needs to get away from my man.
You can do better.
God, people were brutal. 
Jack had no knowledge of the harassment you were receiving, but how could he? He was busier than ever and was once again off doing interviews and press tours. 
You were alone again. 
You knew what would happen to your relationship when he became a big time actor. You were prepared. You would have to share him with the world, and you thought you were prepared for that. 
But, honestly, who were you kidding?
And what made things worse was when he slowly stopped answering your texts. 
He was busy, you got that, but he would go days without talking to you, some of which were his most active days on social media. 
It shouldn’t be like this. 
Just the other day you were scrolling on TikTok and one of his videos came up. You looked through the comments and saw that he answered one that asked if he had a girlfriend. 
The simple ‘yes’ made you feel both annoyed and reassured. You weren’t sure where you stood with him, so knowing that he was still at least somewhat involved in the relationship was comforting. On the other hand, seriously, he can answer a stranger’s comment but not a text from his girlfriend of two years? 
You felt like a burden at this point.
Days go by without a word from him and you were beginning to lose control over your emotions. Your eyes ached from all the crying you did behind closed doors, and your heart felt as if it was decaying each day you were left unanswered. 
What excuse would he have if he ever decided to answer you? He got so busy that he forgot to check his texts? His phone number was leaked and he was bombarded with random messages to the point that yours were so far down? 
That would make you happy, you think.
Anything but the alternative. 
He forgot about you. 
Or he forgot how to be a boyfriend. 
Or how to be a decent fucking human being. 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you got ready for your date with him. It was planned weeks ago, set for the day after he returned home. 
Your texts went unanswered, but you got ready anyway. 
This was a test - one you hoped he passed. 
But, as the day turned into night with no sign of him, you felt the last piece of your heart break. You also felt the last piece of your self control snap.
He failed.
You grab your phone and click on his contact, not bothering to roll your eyes once you were sent to his voicemail. “Hey, it’s me. Um, you failed the test I gave you,” you say and quickly wipe away a tear that slipped down your face. “I don’t know what happened to us or what happened to you, but I’m…I’m done.”
You glance at your nightstand and pause when you see the framed picture of the two of you. If you could turn back time and go back to how things were at the time it was taken, you would in a heartbeat. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you, I really wish I was. You meant everything to me and I wish you kept your promise,” you continued to look at the picture as you thought of what else was left to say. “Good luck with everything. I wish you nothing but the best, and, yeah. I’m done. Goodbye.”
You hang up and toss your phone on your bed, grabbing the picture afterwards. You stare at it for a few more seconds, and slowly your sadness turns to rage. 
Another second goes by before your hand moves and throws the frame across the room. It hits the wall opposite from you and you hear the glass shatter before it hits the ground.
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Snippet - Last Name
How would each of the demon brothers react to MC saying that they’ll give him their last name?
“There aren’t any demons or angels that have last names, right?” MC randomly questioned the demon brother they were spending time with.  “Why is that?”
The demon explained how the beings in the Devildom and Celestial Realm were given one-of-a-kind names to distinguish them from others, unlike how many humans can share the same (first) name.  As such, having a second name was unnecessary.  Titles were more common to further establish their individuality, such as “Morning Star” for Lucifer and “Jewel of the Heavens” for Asmodeus when the two of them were angels.
“Do you wish you had a last name?” MC inquired.
The demon was mostly indifferent on the matter, but he did mention how he particularly liked MC’s last name. 
“In that case, I’ll give you my last name someday,” MC remarked in a casual manner.
He opened his mouth to reply but paused upon realizing what MC might’ve been implying.  A human typically would only share their last name with someone else when they were getting married to that individual.
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Lucifer felt a surge of pride in his chest at the notion that MC intended to offer their last name (and their hand in marriage) to him alone.  Still, from how nonchalantly they had presented the notion, he had to make sure that both of them understood it in the same way. “You’re aware of what that would mean for us, right?” he asked them.  “It’s not something to take lightly, even if I’m not human.”  After watching MC nod their head confidently, a small grin tugged at Lucifer’s lips.  “Good.  Seeing as how you already belong to me, MC, it’s only natural that your last name would become mine, as well.  I look forward to when that day officially comes.”  (Time to start planning a real marriage proposal, Lucifer thought to himself.)
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Mammon managed to choke on his saliva when he pieced together what MC likely was implying, which, on the bright side, provided him with an excuse as to why his cheeks were flushed.  All the money and rare treasures in the Devildom could never compare to the value of having MC’s last name all to himself.  “Th-The Great Mammon accepts your gift!” he declared once he finished coughing.  “If you’re gonna give your last name to anyone, obviously it’s gonna be me.  That means no one else can have it, got it?  No changin’ your mind, either!  A-And...don’t take too long to hand it over to me, ‘cause I’m ready to take it anytime.”  (Well, first, Mammon just needed to narrow down the best ring to give MC from his secret growing collection.)
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Leviathan could've probably rattled off the long title of a human world anime that had a scene similar to this—that is, if he wasn’t currently short-circuiting in front of MC.  “Y-Y-Y-You’d give your l-l-last name to a gross shut-in otaku like m-me?!” he asked incredulously.  “You mean it?!  Are you sure?!”  Once MC reaffirmed their promise, Levi was certain he could die happy (but not right now!).  “Oh man, it feels like I just unlocked the highest ranking class in an RPG!  MC, I’ll wear your last name proudly and do everything I can to make sure you won’t regret choosing me to have it!  ...Uh, when I do get your last name, I mean.”  (Levi started focusing more on anime and game content that included marriage as references for how to be a good husband for MC in the future.)
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Satan was left dumbfounded for a moment as he processed what MC was telling him.  “So then, you’re saying...you want to marry me at some point, correct?” he bluntly questioned them.  MC confirmed his suspicion, which brought a light blush to his face coupled with a pleased smile.  Although there was no record of a demon and human ever marrying each other, he couldn’t deny that he also wanted this with MC.  “All right.  I’ll make your dream a reality, and in return, you’ll share your last name with me.  This means we’ll spend the rest of your days together, too.  Let’s build a love so strong it’ll be the envy of all romance novels and poetry.”  (Afterward, while he was researching human marriage customs, he suddenly wondered if the cats he wanted to adopt with MC would also acquire their last name.)
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Asmodeus squealed and bounced cheerfully in place before wrapping his arms around MC in a tight embrace.  Normally the concept of being permanently tied to someone would be unappealing to Asmo, but those qualms became nonexistent when it involved MC.  “I love you so much, MC!  I’ll make you the happiest human in all the three realms as Asmodeus [Last Name]!  Oh wow, my name was already gorgeous by itself, but with your last name added to it, it’s even better!  Come on, let’s get a pre-engagement photo together.  I can’t wait to brag to everyone on Devilgram about this.”  (Since MC already offered him their last name, Asmo decided that he’d be the one to get them an engagement ring.  But if MC buys him one, too, he certainly won’t complain.)
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Beelzebub’s eyes twinkled with pure joy at MC’s promise.  “Really?  I’d like that a lot, MC,” he told them.  His words may have been a bit of an understatement, considering MC’s declaration filled him with so much glee that it was enough to satisfy the seemingly endless void in his stomach.  He couldn’t hold back his wide grin as he took their hands in his own and continued, “When I have your last name, we can finally be our own family.  We’ll wake up together, make breakfast together, go out for lunch together, eat dinner together...  Oh, yeah, I guess we mostly do that already, but it’ll be even more special than it is now.  Hehe, I can’t wait.”  (Despite the frequent distractions of thinking about wedding cake, Beel did take active steps to ensure that he’d be able to actually receive their last name.)
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Belphegor perked up in surprise from MC’s words, the constant nagging urge to sleep vanishing in an instant.  He feared he may have accidentally dozed off mid-conversation and only dreamed of MC wanting him to have their last name.  Fortunately, the look on their face assured him that he had been awake, so his expression softened into genuine delight as he replied, “Okay, I like the sound of that.”  Rather than ending it there, his mischief (and inner excitement) got the better of him, causing him to add, “Although, if you’re planning to give your last name to me, then that also means I can take it anytime I want, right?  Even if it’s sooner than you expect?  Because I might just do that.”  (Belphie now had an unusually high level of motivation to take the next step in his relationship with MC.)
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jojomiwbvb6 · 3 months
Author's note: I thought this blurb up tonight and knew you guys will eat it up bc bitch, me too. (Yes the title is inspired by INK, but it fits)
The Shower Scene
Warnings: this is a work of fiction. NSFW, MDNI. Smut (18+) Swearing, voyeurism, descriptive, masturbation
Part 2 / Part 3
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You had a long day on tour. Load-in was exhausting. Every time you turned around, at least one mechanism had a glitch or a cable went haywire. At least 2 malfunctions during the concert that they spent 10 minutes fixing. By the time load-out commenced, you were flat on your face and crawling to the bus.
The Bad Omens bus was as homey and fun as they could make it on the road. Tomorrow they had a day off in Denver, Colorado, and decided to venture the city for the day. As the bus pulled up to their nightly hotel, the crew, including you, and the band gathered their bags and got ready to depart the bus.
"Dude, I'm so ready to lay in that goddamn bed, I'm so fuckin' tired," Ruffilo commented.
"Fuck yeah, Albuquerque fucked me up." Folio responded.
"I'm gonna take the hottest fucking shower. The devil himself wouldn't be able to take the heat." You said.
This earned a chuckle from a few of the guys around you.
Noah walked up behind his bandmates. His face was calm, devoid of having any idea of what he could be thinking. He briefly ran his eyes over you, quickly looking away into the shadows.
Noah was always so cool, calm, and collected. He was so talented and funny and so, so fine. Of course you would never tell him how much you would say yes to him bending you over if he asked for it.
Holding your key in hand, you walk down the stale smelling hallway until you reach your door. You slide the key card into the slot, the door clicks, and you let yourself in.
You're looking at the floor before observing the room, rolling your suitcase into the door. You notice the light is already on and-- "oh my fucking god dude, you scared the shit out of me!"
Noah smirks and gives you a laugh. "Good,"
You blush, and quickly look for something else to look at.
"I know that normally we wouldn't room together," he paused, maybe noticing I was holding my breath. But he continued, "But the hotel was short a room, and we got stuck together last minute." He stopped again.
You nodded, trying to act like you normally do.
"If you're uncomfortable..." He began to say, unsure.
"No, Noah. Not at all. We bunk in the same bus. It's not like we're sleeping together."
There was a small silence that carried on slightly too long.
"Mmm. So, Imma take a shower," you said, ending the conversation with the man you were desperately trying not to want for the sake of your job.
You enter the bathroom, stepping out of your clothes. The door locked behind you, you stare at it and begin to overthink. The tension in your stomach gets you hot when you get the idea. You slowly unlock the door, slowly and silently turning the door handle and leaving the door cracked just a little.
The hot water hits your skin, steam rising into the air. You look at the door, there's nothing there. You shrug. It wouldn't work anyway, there's no way he's even gonna notice.
Noah looks down at his phone.
Hey, come get a drink downstairs, we at the bar.
The text from Davis lights up his phone. He texted back,
Yup be down in a minute dude.
Noah gets up from his bed and makes his way to the door, approaching the bathroom. He slows his tracks. Noticing that you had accidentally left the door cracked, Noah reaches out and goes to close the door. He looks up and just by accident, he gets a glimpse of the whole side of you.
You're closing your eyes, caressing yourself with the soap running down your breasts and to your hips. Everything all on display.
He knows that he should look away from you, but my God, the way your hands rub at your skin, his breath hitches and he's glued to his position.
After a few minutes of showering, you'd given up the small ounce of hope you had that your nasty fantasy faded and you began to really take a shower.
You applied the soap to your chest and stomach, rubbing the loofah against your skin. You scrubbed at your legs, and then when you glanced up, you almost didn't catch the tall silhouette in the shadow of the hotel room behind him. You did a double take, to make sure he was what you were seeing, and he was.
Your breath picked up. Smirking, you bit your lip and turned away from him. He didn't need to speak, and neither did you. He didn't have to know that you saw him, if he couldn't tell you did. No one in the band or crew needed to know he was in that door frame looking at your wet, naked body. And it's what you wanted.
You began to make every movement you made sexually charged. Pulling your hands over your breasts, you tugged on your nipples. Your fingers caressed and played with your breasts, rubbing the soap into them.
Dragging your fingers down to your navel, you squirmed. How much of a show did you want to give Noah? You decided you wanted him to remember just how hot you got with him standing there.
Not yet looking at him, you turn your back to the door. Rubbing your hands into your ass cheeks, gripping and spreading them only slightly. You bent over as you did this, sure to give him a little sneak peak of what you want him to see very soon.
You see his silhouette shift in the door over your shoulder, just knowing you have him right where you want him.
You turn around, finally letting your hand slide further down, and leaning against the back shower wall, you raise your leg to the ledge of the bath. You finally allow him your gaze and look at him completely as you spread your legs and sink your fingers into yourself, letting a small moan fall from your mouth.
You hear a quiet "Fuck," from the doorway and see his long, tatted fingers grip the door frame, revealing his presence from the shadows.
"Mm. I knew you were there," you said very quietly. He gave no response. You didn't look at him, continuing your movements into your pussy and letting Noah drink in every stroke and buck into your hand.
You continued to fuck onto your hand, gaining confidence under his silent watch. You turned your back to him again, bending over and putting your entire pussy on display for his viewing pleasure. Reaching underneath you, you begin rubbing yourself at a fast pace, small moans falling out of your mouth. You buck back on your hand again when you sink two fingers into yourself. You see Noah's fingers gripping the trim and more of his hand appears from the dark.
You gave him another treat by moaning "fuckkkk," and crying out. You swear you hear a growl from the doorway. The hand falls, palming a desperate hard on, but there's no way he wants what he is seeing to stop.
This was way too hot.
You took your fingers from your heat and placed them in your mouth, looking directly at the doorway. Dragging your hand over your pussy again, you finally lock eyes with his dangerous glinting eyes in the dark.
You insert a finger. "Oh, fuck," you smirk and tease as you talk. You look away, and pretending Noah isn't even there, you put in another finger. "Mmm..." And one more finger, you're brave enough to sigh, "Noahhh..."
At that, he storms into the bathroom. It's no longer a "secret" that he was standing there. His eyes are wicked and wild with a starving desire and he doesn't even hide the hard rise in his sweats. You're so hot and wet already, but it makes you tremble that he's here and has his eyes on your spread heat.
"Fuck..." You trail, gasping through your self assault that you didn't even stop when he surprised you with his barging in. You gasp, a moan coming out through your sentence. "Don't speak. Don't do anything. Just watch me, Noah. Fucking watch me... Please."
He does as you ask. He latches and locks the bathroom door, leaning back on the sink. Noah doesn't say a word. He doesn't touch himself, but his eyes feast on every single inch of you that's available to him.
You continue to touch and tease your body. Your fingers move faster and your heat is wetter with his presence in the room. Your moans are quiet but just loud enough for his ears. You see him run his eyes down your body with a slow lick of his lips.
Under his gaze, your fingers begin to move faster and your gasps come quicker. You're curling your fingers against that spot inside you, arching your back and giving him the best show possible.
"Ah, ah, ah," you chant, "Noah, fuck," you give to him, earning a small and satisfactory "mm." From Noah.
Your eyes roll back. Your hands are making your head spin and your stomach clench under his eyes as you rub your clit and bite your lip. His eyes never give way and stay locked on you. Sparks shoot through your body and your gasps never end. You see stars, your juices flowing down your legs. You're crumpled against the wall and panting.
Noah doesn't speak. He gives you one last burning, hot look, soaking the whole sight and everything that just happened into his mind.
He smirks at you, unlocks the door, and without saying a single word to you, he leaves the bathroom.
Noah. Dude. Thought you were coming down?
Text from Davis again.
Sorry man, I accidentally passed out for a minute. Be right there.
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quokkawritesarchive · 2 months
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pairing: seungmin x reader(afab) x minho genre: smut, NSFW warnings: sub!minho, hard sub!seungmin, dom!reader, established relationship (seungmin x reader), bondage (rope), slapping, slight choking, collar, oral (f. and m. receiving), threesome, a bit of praising and degrading, cum swallowing, seungmin and minho are pain sluts, mxm, a lot of pussy eating, use of “kitten�� and “baby boy” a/n: it’s part of my valentine’s collab! please pretend i uploaded it on the 13th…
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the kisses were sloppy and greedy, but that’s how you both liked it. you flew through the dorm door with your tongues in each other's mouths, breaking away from each other only to unlock seungmin’s door.
today was february 14th, meaning that you've been waiting all day for the moment you could finally be alone. the date went great, but the hunger for each other didn't go away, even though you had sex almost every day.
you threw seungmin onto the bed, covering his neck with a mixture of kisses and bites. his shirt flew to the floor, as did his pants and your blouse with a bra and skirt.
“rope or handcuffs?” you asked quickly, reaching for the bedside table.
it all depended on seungmin’s mood and his desire to feel pain. the rope felt more painful on the hands, and left more marks. but the handcuffs were more comfortable, but also restrained movement, as he liked.
“rope.” he answered smugly, already blushing.
kinky boy.
when his hands were tied above his head, and you straddled his face, he full-out moaned. your perfect, dripping pussy was on display - still covered by panties, just to tease him more. seugmin licked his lips, letting out a needy little whimper. you held yourself just inches above, still out of reach for seugmin’s wanting tongue. he whined in desperation, feeling the urge to touch you with his own hands.
“hm- do you want it, baby boy?” you asked, gyrating your hips in such a tempting and sexy way. your thick thighs and lacy panties were still on… fuck, it was all so sexy, so unbelievably sexy.
“yes- please, ma’am.” seugmin breathed out, his boxers suddenly feeling that much tighter.
finally your hips lowered, allowing his tongue to flick out immediately - rolling the sensitive bud of your clit through the fabric. you loved when he had his tongue on you, he was very skilled with it. the way it traced your slit, sliding along the folds with eagerness to please… it was perfect. seugmin’s moans vibrated against you as you rode his face, grinding down and moving your hips greedily — using his mouth for your pleasure only.
“oh, you are such a good boy today.“ you moaned deeply, hands braced on his abdomen as leverage - thrusting against that eager tongue. your tits started to bounce as you began riding his face. your cheeks flushed, mouth hanging open as lewd sounds escaped, filling the room. thankfully, the dorm was empty for the night.
seugmin’s hands fisted harder, feeling the burn of the ropes. his face lit up red and cock twitched where it sat neglected in his boxers.
“you can cum only when you finish me off, baby boy.” you reprimanded his desperate thrusts into the air, giving a harsh slap to his inner thigh.
but it seemed to only make him needier, moaning harder against your dripping cunt. you weren’t sure you’d ever felt that tongue work to eagerly. something was in the air today, for sure.
“that’s it- lick it.” you cried out, back arching as you almost gave in to the glorious swell of pleasure.
the sudden sound of an opening door made you stop your movements on seugmin’s face.
“can you stop being so fucking lou-“ minho froze in the doorway, looking at the scene in front of his eyes.
you dominating seungmin was definitely not what he expected, when he decided to interrupt you both. he surely figured out that you two were having sex (the noises were way too loud), but he didn’t expect to find seungmin in such submissive position.
having gone from the shock, you quickly got off seungmin only to find minho shamelessly inspecting your body.
“stop staring, jesus.” you covered your breasts and minho turned away with a smirk.
“it’s hard not to look, you know.” he said, biting his lip, not only to hide his smirk, but also to stop the urge of saying the most ridiculous thing on his mind right now.
“why are you even here?! we thought no one is at the dorm.” you scoffed, searching for your bra. you were still in your panties, wet and incredibly turned on.
“my date ended earlier than expected.” minho sighed. “and you guys were loud, so i wanted to let you know that you’re not alone before it got too late.”
“thank you.” you said with a coldest tone you could make, hinting minho that it’s probably time for him to leave. “why are you still here?”
“do you want me to go?” he said in a playful tone and turned around, immediately starting to scan your body again.
“dude, no offense, but can you leave for real?” seungmin finally spoke, after finishing battling with his erection for the past minutes.
“looks like our subby boy has some balls to speak?” minho smirked.
“you have a problem with that?!” seungmin quickly got up from the bed, standing in front of his friend. he looked quite silly with his hands still tied, but his face was fuming.
if you didn’t step in now, it was going to end in a fight. you knew all too well how short-tempered seungmin was.
“hey-hey!” you stepped in between them, separating them with your hands like roosters before a fight. “calm down both of you. minho, please leave. you already ruined our private time.”
minho scoffed, taking one step back. there were so many thoughts spinning in his head that he couldn't convert into a normal sentence in any way. he didn't want to act like an asshole, but he just couldn't gather his thoughts, or didn't have enough confidence to offer himself as a sex partner.
“guys, listen-“ he raised his hands in surrender. “i’m just gonna say the craziest thing ever, and you can decide if you still wanna kick me out or not, ‘kay?”
you exchanged irritated glances with seungmin. this asshole just ruined your valentine’s evening and still couldn’t get out of your room?
“aghm! so...” minho closed his eyes for a second to collect his thoughts. “i never thought i’d say this, but... after I saw... and heard... what you were doing to seungmin… i realized... that i want it too. if you both agree, of course."
the reactions that you and seugmin had were completely opposite. while seugmin annoyingly said “gosh” and rolled his eyes, you came up closer to minho, wrapping hands around his neck.
“is that so, kitten? i can hardly believe a big, strong man like you just asked me to get fucking destroyed.” you smirked, sounding quite amused and teasing.
the sudden nickname you gave him caused a major reaction from him. a shudder ran through his body, and he froze for a second, until you pushed him on the bed.
“i’m not big and strong.” minho scoffed - as if he wasn’t already aroused at your words.
yours lips curled into a smirk as you sat on his lap.
“of course you aren’t, kitten, of course.” the sweet tone of your voice was ridiculous. you surely weren’t surprised by his offer - it was obvious he had a thing for you. and the way his eyes still couldn’t leave your tits made you only more desperate to dominate him.
you touched his shoulder muscles before taking off his t-shirt. his body was so gorgeous - it was breathtaking. the toned chest with already hard nipples, a nice pack of abs and a v-line that made you want to pull his pants off immediately.
minho’s hands then captured your breasts, and you let him do it for now. after all, he had been staring at them for too long. his fingers pinched both of your nipples and he then started sucking on them, lapping his wet tongue over and over. the attention to your breasts was already beginning to push you closer to the orgasm.
while you were preoccupied with minho, seungmin kept standing where you left him - next to the bed, not daring to do anything until he was told to. vividly annoyed, he cleared his throat to try to get your attention but you were too preoccupied with your new toy. you ran your fingers up minho’s hip to his ribcage, making him shutter at the sensation, and leaned in to kiss him. minho’s kisses were so gentle, but so desperate; it made you tremble. the lewd noises filled the room as you traced your hand to minho’s groin, making him moan against your lips.
you broke the kiss only to look up at your impatient boyfriend, and minho moaned in displeasure at the sudden loss of attention on him.
your eyes roamed seugmin’s body - his neck, his chest and finally his hips. his dick was so hard in his underwear, it was painful to look at it. seugmin looked away, embarrassed.
“hurry up.” he hissed.
“what are you? a vampire? do I need to personally invite you every time?” you chuckled and minho let out a small laugh underneath you.
“i don’t want to get punished-“ seungmin barely finished the sentence, still looking away.
“it’s okay, baby boy. come sit here.” you patted on a place next to you.
seugmin rolled his eyes, but tried to climb onto the bed, which wasn't easy to do with bound hands. even though you really didn’t want to, you left minho’s lap to sit next to your neglected boyfriend. you had to give him some love too, unless he’d become bratty later on.
you pushed seugmin onto his back and he obeyed without any signs of protest.
“ready to be a good boy?” you smiled.
he nodded, panting heavily. “yes, ma’am.”
“that’s my good obedient boyfriend.” you ran your fingers gently through his hair and pulled him into a quick kiss. “baby, i want you to suck minho off while i ride his face, okay?”
seugmin nodded slowly, still dissatisfied with the turn of events, but slightly aroused at the thought of a dick in his mouth. you have always been the most enthusiastic out of the two of you; far less shy and more willing to try more daring acts - acts that seungmin probably wouldn't dare to ask had you not suggested them. this was to seungmin’s liking; you were direct, and always enjoyed whenever you two tried something different. seungmin had to admit that he wasn't the most talented lover out there, but he sure tried his best to please you as best he could, and so far, he hadn't heard any complaints.
you got rid of last pieces of fabric covering your body and slowly made your way back to minho, tracing your hands teasingly along his muscles. grabbing him by the hair, you leaned down to whisper in his ear, still loud enough for seungmin to hear from where he laid already naked and painfully erect. 
“would you like to wear something for me, kitten?”
a pink kitten collar appeared in your hands, making minho gulp in excitement and nod slowly.
“good kitten.” you smiled and nibbled minho’s ear and neck, playfully tying the collar. you hot breath sent chills down his spine and a pulsing sensation appeared under his pants.
minho buried his face in your neck, filling his lungs with your perfume. new smells and sensations were making him overwhelmed; but he couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
as you unbuckled his belt, you pulled his pants down together with his underwear, just enough so you could hold his erection in your hand. your strokes started painfully slow, and minho whined at the sensation. he furrowed his brows once he could feel a knot starting to form in his lower abdomen.
you dove in to kiss him again; his soft and sweet lips were too addicting. you moved eagerly yet gently, and minho melted into a kiss. if he could, he'd probably kiss you all day. but right now, he practically whined when you pulled apart from him; it made you giggle.
“now, minho, eat my pussy like a good kitten and i’ll let seugmin join us as well. show him how good you can please me.”
minho let out a breathless, “yes” and added a choked out “ma’am” as you settled your soft thighs on either side of his head. he was a quick learner.
as you lowered yourself completely, a relaxed sigh escaped your lips. minho’s tongue immediately began running over your already dripping slit and eating you out like a starved man with slow yet firm strokes. minho gripped on your thighs to hold you in place as he sucked on your clit.
the room was filled with your sweet moans while you grinded on top of minho. you couldn't help but be ecstatic over the fact that such a handsome man was pleasing you. he was so good for you.
with one finger, you beckoned seugmin over.
“i want you to suck minho off so he cums with me. think you can do that, baby boy?”
seugmin growled, but obeyed, settling between minho’s thick thighs. the sight of his friends thick cock straining and leaking onto his stomach made his mouth watery.
the rope was still wrapping his wrists, making it hard for him to guide a dick into his mouth. but after a bit struggle and a little help from your side, he managed to take minho’s cock in one fluid motion.
you’ve never thought the sight of your boyfriend with his mouth full of cock would cause such a reaction from your body. seungmin ran his tongue over the length, drool slipping past his lips and down the throbbing cock. it was so messy. mostly because seugmin couldn’t properly hold the dick with his tied hands, but partly because he enjoyed it being like that. minho’s cock twitched in his mouth as he took him deeper, stopping before he hit the back of his throat.
unable to look away, you began to work your way faster on minho’s face.
“i’m close, baby boy. if he doesn’t cum with me, you don't get to cum at all.” you panted, throwing your head back.
you pressed down harder, squeezing your thighs hard enough together to slightly choke minho and elicit a pained whine from him.
“you’re such a slut for pain, kitten. disgraceful.”
little did you know that minho was a slut for being talked down to, as well. he seemed to only start working harder between your thighs, treating your cunt eagerly with rough laps and flicks. your pussy dripped on his chin as he licked and sucked on your clit.
“go lower, baby.” you ordered seungmin.
he nodded, taking more of minho’s cock, circling his tongue around the shaft. the grip of minho’s hands on your skin tightened. he was getting so close, but he held himself together, hoping to prolong this blissful moment as long as he possibly could to cum together with you.
at this point, he was grunting and moaning more than pleasuring you, so you had to give him a harsh slap on his thigh.
“focus, kitten.” you said, and minho continued working his mouth on you.
you could feel yourself clench around minho’s tongue, that slid in and out of you firmly. you rode his face frantically, feeling an approaching orgasm. you let out a gasp and your thighs trembled as you came, grinding out slowly the aftershock against minho’s tongue.
your pussy clenching on his face and seungmin frantically sucking him off, made minho cum just moments after you. minho bucked his hips into seungmin almost desperately, hands grabbing onto seungmin’s hair while he bobbed his head up and down. minho let out a loud cry, his body twitching as he finally came.
satisfied with the result, you sighed and dropped next to minho, utterly defeated in pleasure, giving yourself a few minutes to restore breathing. seungmin, being a good boy he is, swallowed everything, licking his lips off afterwards. minho looked at him in awe, still not over the fact that his friend just gave him an astounding blowjob.
even though you were laying out of breath, boys froze in place, waiting for your next command. something lit up inside you, making you almost lose your mind with the amount of control you had. two gorgeous men were obeying you silently, desperate to please you and make you feel good.
“now kiss. two of you. i want to see it.“ you tried to stiffen your tone in hope that it was not obvious how desperate you were at the thought of them kissing.
in the snap of a finger, minho reached for seungmin's lips, covering them with his own. there was still the bitterness of cum on seungmin's tongue, and minho's entire chin was smeared with your juices. but they didn’t care. to your delight, their kiss got hotter and more passionate with each second.
you felt such a thrill of… something as you watched the two men kiss. their tongues were moving along each other in a slow sensual way, twining and running different tastes between their mouths.
slowly, minho’s hand slid down seungmin's thigh, stopping at his cock. without interrupting the kiss, he wrapped his hand around the head and began to jerk off his friend. seungmin's hips bucked up, trying to get as much pleasure as possible. he has been hard for too long. it was amazing how he hasn't cum yet.
minho only needed a couple of hand movements to bring seungmin close to orgasm.
“slap me…” seungmin suddenly broke the kiss and looked at minho with puppy eyes.
“what-“ minho was so surprised by these words that he stopped moving his hand, interrupting the approaching orgasm.
"slap me. i need it- please...” seugmin choked out at his own words. who would have thought that tonight would end with such confessions.
minho didn't need to be told twice. continuing the movements with his fist, he swung his other hand and hit seungmin's cheek with all his force. his palm was at least twice as big as yours, hence the impact area was larger than usual. but seungmin only moaned louder from the sensations. you felt yourself getting wet again.
another slap, seemingly stronger than the first one, sent seungmin to his long-awaited orgasm. he came right into minho's hand, without holding back any moans. the hot liquid spilled all over minho’s arm and their legs. it looked so pornographic.
you were so stunned by their actions and emancipation that you forgot who should give the commands.
"have you become so confident in yourself that you are already deciding what to do without me?" your voice was harsh, making goosebumps run down minho's spine.
he instantly pulled away from seungmin - lips plump, slick, and the eyes wide open in panic. “s-sorry, ma’am. i'm so sorry.”
“you have two seconds to get between my legs. or you'll sit tied to a chair and watch me fuck seungmin."
and it didn't take a second for minho to get into position. warm breath tickled the skin of your inner thighs.
“you need a special invitation, baby boy?” you looked over at seugmin, who was still not over his orgasm.
“sorry, ma’am.” he crawled closer to you and laid down right next to minho. you finally noticed how badly the skin on his wrists was torn.
“oh, baby. do you want me to take this off? does it hurt too much?” you cooed, reaching out to your boyfriend.
“n-no… it’s fine. i like it like that-“ seungmin shuttered.
“does the presence of your friend make you shy, baby boy?” you cupped his cheek. “don’t be shy. you made each other cum already.”
now both of them were lying with crimson cheeks, afraid to look into each other's eyes. you laughed.
“fine, i’ll stop teasing.” you laid comfortably on the back, spreading your legs widely. “now lick.”
the guys exchanged glances. “which one of us?”
“both.” you answered with a note of annoyance. "am I not making myself clear?"
they nodded slowly in response, mind occupied with eyeing up your delicious pussy that was already dripping wet again. for them you were like a goddess, laying there with your soft breasts and hard nipples, slowly wiggling your hips in anticipation.
seugmin started first, giving a big lick along your folds. you were still a bit sensitive, but it felt so good, especially when minho joined, running circles on your clit.
you’ve never tried something like that. two tongues, running up and down your folds, fighting for who will take more of you. occasional moans and whimpers started to leave their mouths. they were enjoying it too much as well.
it was a magical sight. both of them between your legs, their tongues on your pussy, both faces twisted with lust. seungmin had his eyes closed in pleasure, while minho was looking at your pussy intently, as if calculating where to swipe his tongue next.
the pleasure kept building up with each movement of the tongues. they really were like kittens - licking every inch of you and alternating licks between each other, gradually increasing their speed. your back buckled from the approaching orgasm and you let out a series of plaintive moans. it was so damn nice. you wished they could always lie like that between your legs like obedient boys.
the orgasm tore through your body with a force you had never felt before. you cried out incoherently as you reached your release - the wave after wave of pure pleasure rolling in.
“good boys…” you whispered, and looked at them to gauge their reaction.
seungmin flushed pink and smiled, before looking away. minho bit his lip once more and peered directly into your eyes.
both reactions sent a thrill of pleasure down your body. you could see their erections pressed against the sheets, and suddenly you felt the need of both dick inside of you more than anything you ever wanted in your life. this night was going to be so good.
-> reblog to support me, if you enjoyed reading this and please let me know your thoughts in the comments! ♡
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TAGLIST (OPEN): @lvlnijiro @hanjisung-enjoyer @fun-fanfics @soonie1010 @noellllslut @newhope8 @channiebahngswife @chanscappuccino @vivioluh @rockstrhanji @yoontaethings @katsukis1wife @caitlyn98s @yaorzu-blog @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan
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zorrasucia · 4 months
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Teach Me Tonight - Part 5
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Deleted Scene] [Part 4] Part 5: [Part 6] [Part 7] [Deleted Scene] [Part 8]
Reader x Carmy Berzatto (The Bear FX)
Rating: Explicit (4k)
Tags: Smut, Set sometime after the opening of The Bear, Porn with a little plot, Virgin!Carmy, Fluff, P in V sex, Rough Sex (consensual at reader's request), Facesitting, Both Carmy and Reader have a bit of a praise kink
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It was Friday, a little past nine at night and you were home alone. You had said goodbye to Carmy back at the restaurant, the frantic energy inside the kitchen a clear indicator that you wouldn't see him until the next day. 
You huffed and rolled over on the mattress. You were antsy, and a little horny; thinking about what Carmy would do to you if he was there wasn't helping in the slightest. After a while of being just restless you decided to watch some porn and masturbate to get sleepy.
You started teasing over your underwear, vaguely following the vapid introduction of the video. When the couple began fucking in earnest, you touched yourself following the rhythm of their moans. You were getting wet and squirming between the sheets when you heard the front door unlock and open.
"Shit," you cursed. "Carmy?"
"Hey," he called from the hallway.
"You're back early."
"Uncle Jimmy bought out the restaurant for the evening. Forgot to tell you. We set up everything and he sent us home," he explained, then peeked inside the room. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Why?" 
"Dunno," he got close to the bed, "you look flushed," he placed a hand over your forehead, that little wrinkle between his eyebrows showing up immediately. 
You sighed; you couldn't let him worry over nothing just because you were embarrassed.
"Uh- I was watching porn and touching myself," you confessed. You handed him your phone - the screen showed a man and a woman, tastefully lit, fucking over a bed doggy style.
"Ah," he arched his eyebrows.
"I didn't know you would be home early, or I would have definitely waited for you," you bit your lip. He stayed silent for a little while. "Are you mad?"
It wouldn't be the first time that a guy felt a certain way about you watching porn - the argument was mostly about the fact that they were allowed to do it and you weren't.
"No, it's just-" he sat by you. "You never said you liked this," he gestured vaguely at the position.
"Um, I didn't think you'd be into it. When we fucked the first time you said you liked eye contact. This is sort of the opposite," you shrugged helplessly.
"Yeah, but I also fucked you from behind on the kitchen table that one time and it was fun," he reasoned.
"I thought you were only doing it for me," you realized you sounded a little silly but it was the truth. For all your willingness to try new things it had mostly involved positions where you could face each other. And you liked it. Still some secret part of you wondered what it would be like with Carmy.
"I mean, yeah, it started that way but in the end I enjoyed it too," Carmy said earnestly. "Really. I don't- I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me these things."
You blushed. 
"Okay," you nodded. "Okay. Uh. I like being fucked from behind sometimes. Not always but uh- it feels good, you can get a little rough," your already wet underwear got soaked at the thought of Carmy using those strong arms of his to manhandle you a little. 
Without a word, he untied his shoes and got rid of his shirt. Then, he leant over.
"Tell me what to do."
You shivered. 
"Kiss me," you asked and a second later he was all over you, shoving his tongue in your mouth, getting the idea of 'a little rough' and running with it.
You started unbuttoning his trousers, shoving them and his boxers out of the way and he followed suit, tugging at fabric blindly until you were completely bare. Your hand was touching his cock idly, getting him hard.
"Put me face down on the bed," you said against his lips.
He grabbed you by the waist and maneuvered you into position, a little too gently for your taste but it was a start. You got on all fours while he rummaged the bedside table for a condom. 
"Tease me," you pleaded. 
He obliged. His hard cock traced figures over the lips of your pussy, almost pushing in but not quite. He lined up his cock with your entrance. 
"Slow at first, slow." He took his time to fill you up. "Fuuuuuck," you keened. 
There was a sharp inhale behind you and Carmy ran his fingers down your spine, to your hips and moved the last inch in a hard thrust.
"Shit, just like that," you praised. 
It took him a little bit to get the hang of the position, his thrusts cautious and slow. You focused on the feeling of being full of him. You swayed your hips with his cock buried deep inside you, a challenge of sorts. 
"Jesus," he panted, falling into rhythm.
It was still careful and you thrust back into him, desperate, needy.
"Harder, Carm," you whined. 
He growled, getting a good grip on your waist. You moaned, your jaw dropped at the head of his cock grazing your G spot everytime.
"Right there, right there," you reached back for his thigh, giving him a reassuring squeeze that turned into you leaving scratch marks on his pale flesh.
"Do you- shit-" he stuttered, overcome with pleasure. "Do you like to have your hair pulled?" 
And you would have caressed his face gently and kissed him sweetly in that moment - he had taken a glimpse at the video and he was devoted to making it real for you. 
Except, well, you were on all fours being fucked senseless and absolutely wild with lust. So instead you grinded into his cock and begged:
"Yes, please, fuck, please!"
He gathered your hair in the nape of your neck and gave a tug that electrified you all the way down to your pussy. A breathy laugh escaped your lips. 
"Good?" he asked.
"So fucking good, keep going," you praised and he thrust harder, every movement pushing you over the edge. "It's so good."
He grabbed your hair harder than before, pulling you until you were on your knees, flush against his chest. You moaned in surprise and bliss. His free hand immediately found your clit and teased it mercilessly until your pussy was fluttering on his cock. 
"Keep going, keep going," you pleaded through your orgasm. 
He held you through it, kissing your neck and shoulders with a tenderness that didn't match the wanton moans and gasps that tickled the side of your face. In your daze, you realized he was holding back for you. Carmy was thoughtful and shy and caring, but he could also be angry and mean and explosive. You knew, you had seen glimpses of him in the kitchen at rush hour. 
"Carm... It's okay."
"Hmm?" It was a desperate sound - his grip on your hips was so tight that you suspected you would wake up with bruises. 
"You can go as fast as you want, as hard as you need, baby," you intertwined your fingers with his. "I'll tell you if you hurt me, just-"
He dragged his teeth down the side of your neck, from your ear to your shoulder. 
"You sure?" he exhaled into your skin.
"Pretty fucking sure," you touched his hair and kissed the side of his face blindly. You went back on all fours and looked back at him seductively. "You've been so good, Carmy, you deserve it."
You knew you were overselling it, but you meant it. Carmy chuckled a little, his fingers softened their grip and caressed the curve of your spine, settling back on your waist. 
With barely any warning, he thrust into you, hard, knocking the wind out of you.
"Oh my God," you moaned, squeezing your eyes shut as he made you see stars with every forceful movement. He kept going, his skin clapping on yours, hitting perfectly with each stroke. "Yes, fuck!"
You felt your second orgasm approaching quickly, the punishing pace Carmy set had you gasping for air. You felt your arms give out and suddenly your face was on the comforter, your ass up, and the mattress swaying under the two of you. You squirmed and moaned, and he kept on fucking mercilessly, prolonging your orgasm until it was almost too much to bear, until your pussy was straining from squeezing around his cock. You bit on the comforter to stop yourself from screaming.
Carmy bent over on top of you, his cock still drilling into your pussy. He twisted around to kiss you - it was all teeth and tongue and desperation. Your right hand reached underneath to touch your clit. The pleasure and pain had blurred and you were pretty sure your last orgasm was turning into a third one. 
"So good, so fucking good, Carm," you mumbled into his mouth, squirming, feeling his sweat mix with yours. 
"Fuck, I'm gonna-" he started and you nodded eagerly. 
"Yes, please, come with me," you panted, rolling your eyes when his hips started moving even faster than before. The sounds he uttered would have been enough to have you coming but there was also his hand on your throat, and his cock inside your pussy...
You came at the same time with a series of grunts and a long, high-pitched moan. His hips kept rutting into yours, making you tremble with pleasure for a while longer, not a drop of that delicious electricity gone to waste.
"You okay?" he asked, his breathing labored and his lips kissing your shoulders and spine.
"Yeah," you sighed and chuckled, satisfied. You reached out behind you to caress the nape of his neck, wet with sweat. "You?"
"Yeah." He nodded and, after a quick kiss on your shoulder, he rolled over, leaving your pussy empty and wrecked. He threw the condom to the trash and laid back, looking at you. You whined a little as you untangled from your position, thighs cramping, to lie by his side.
"You sure I wasn't too rough?" he tilted his head, cupping your face. 
"It was amazing, Carm," you gave him a gentle kiss. "I think I got a little carried away, though," you added softly.
"It's fine - I liked it," he covered his face to hide a grin.
You smiled relieved and got closer to him, claiming your place between his arms.
"Thank you," you said against his collarbone. He hummed into your hair, tugging on the comforter to cover you both with it. "Carmy? Do you have one?"
"A fantasy you haven't told me about because you thought I wouldn't be into it?" you asked. 
He stayed silent for a while and you looked up in search of his eyes. 
"I- uh- I've been wanting you to sit on my face for months," he gulped, avoiding your gaze and the shocked face you were doing. "I didn't say anything 'cause you get all nervous and start apologizing when you squeeze me with your thighs..."
"Well, I don't want to hurt you!" you replied defensively.
"I don't mind," he blushed. "I'm kind of into it."
"Shit, Carmy," you giggled, settling back in his embrace. He held you closer. "We're definitely doing it, don't worry."
"Not now though," he said, completely exhausted.
You laughed. "No, not now," you repeated, falling asleep to the beat of his heart.
"Come on, Carmy! Come out!" you urged him from outside the changing room. 
"The pants are too long," he complained. "I look fucking stupid."
He opened the curtain and walked out, wearing the vintage tuxedo you had chosen for him - midnight blue with satin accents.
"You look very handsome," you beamed, straightening the lapels of his blazer. He allowed himself a small smile.
"Just- the pants," he insisted. There were about three inches of extra fabric pooling at his feet. 
"Baby, you do know that clothes can be tailored," it wasn't a question - his slacks and his favorite coat had all been professionally shortened to fit him, you knew.
"Yeah," he said, defeated.
"C'mere," you guided him to stand on a stool. You knelt by him, folding the fabric by his ankles and pinning it carefully. "What's this about?"
"I'm going to fuck it up," he said, looking at the ceiling. "I can't do that to Sydney. Let her down again," his eyes had turned a little glassy.
"Hey," you gave his calf a gentle caress. "It's gonna be okay. You're just introducing her. She's very excited about this."
He cleared his throat. "I know." That's the problem.
"Imagine if a friend had given you your award," you prompted. "Someone you looked up to, someone as excited as you were to get it."
He hummed, biting on his lip nervously.
"The only way you'd let her down would be to not show up," you said softly, then stood up to meet his gaze. "And you are showing up, right?" you cupped his face lovingly. 
He nodded. He was too tall to reach standing on the stool, so you tugged on the lapels of his suit to kiss him.
"Good," you said against his lips. "I don't want to miss it - I already chose a dress for it."
"Can I see?" he asked.
"No. It's a surprise."
"You're going to be the death of me, you know that?" he said in mock annoyance.
You smiled, walking to the counter and returning with two options of bow ties and placing them near his face. 
Just then, Richie walked in. 
"Hi!" you greeted him. "Help us pick."
"Right one," he pointed at the wider tie. 
"I agree," you said.
"Looking like a real boy, cousin!" he teased.
"Fuck you," Carmy replied without bite.
"Chef Sydney asked me to pick up her dress," Richie said. "Ever since she got that James Beard invite thing she's become such a diva."
"She kind of deserves it, though," you said. "Here you go," you handed him the gown, a seventies number with a plunging back, inside a suit bag.
"Is he gonna be ready on time?" Richie asked you.
"Count on it," you reassured him. 
“Alright!” Richie hollered from the door. "See you tonight, kids!"
The drive back to Carmy's apartment had been quiet, with him only breaking the silence to lend you his coat. His hand was on your thigh, and you felt calm and safe.
"So, was it like this when you got your award?" you asked. 
"Dunno, didn't go to the ceremony," he said blankly.
"You know me - talking in public and shit," he shrugged.
"You were scared," you realized.
He hummed, not admitting to it but not denying it either. 
"You were good tonight," you squeezed his hand. "Syd looked very happy."
He smiled. "She did."
Carmy let go of your hand for a minute to park the car, his arm around your headrest.
"You look very hot when you do that," you flirted as he turned off the engine.
"Shut up," he laughed and got out of the car, racing to open the door for you. 
You walked to the apartment hand in hand, enjoying the quiet of the night. You returned his coat once you were inside, helping him turn the lights on.
"You look very pretty," he said.
You leaned into his space and kissed him, the many petticoats of your fifties dress rustling as he brought you closer. 
"Thank you," you whispered against Carmy's lips. You tugged on the ends of his bowtie, undone from hours ago, making him look disheveled and beautiful. You kissed a while longer, his mouth gentle against yours, and his hair going back to that familiar mess. His hands roamed your body, squeezing your waist and lifting your skirt a little.
"Wha- what's this?" he asked, his palm landing on your upper thigh. 
You smiled and turned around instead of responding. "Help me with the zip."
He did. Opening the dress carefully, caressing your sides and shoulders as he helped you get out of it. Under the dress, you were wearing a lacy bra, panties, tights and garters. 
"Holy shit," Carmy said, covering his mouth. 
"They're vintage. You like them?" you asked, your hands brushing over the clasps on the garters, a little self-conscious with how he was staring.
"Do I-? Fuck."
He lunged forward and kissed you hungrily, holding onto the back of your thighs until your legs were around his waist and he could carry you to the bedroom. He placed you on the bed and he cupped your face, a pleading look in his blue eyes. 
"Can I- Can we do it tonight, baby? Will you- Jesus- Will you fuck my face?"
It sounded like a confession, the words getting stuck in his tongue like it was something shameful. You placed your hands over his and nodded, feeling a familiar heat pool in your belly and your chest. 
He beamed. You dragged him by the bowtie to lie on the pillows, while you straddled his hips. After he had told you about his fantasy, you looked for some videos to see what he was talking about, what he wanted and what you'd be willing to do. 
"I don't want to hurt you, Carm," you said gently, caressing his chest and unbuttoning his shirt. "Is it okay- Would it be okay if we don't do it too rough?"
You felt a little guilty, since he had been so open to fuck you hard when you had asked him to. 
"It’s okay. You can do as much as you want," he said, his hands caressing your thighs, tracing the edge of your garters. "I don't want you to, like, break my nose or anything," you laughed together. 
"Good, I like your nose," you said softly. He sat up to kiss you and you helped him get undressed, throwing his clothes somewhere across the room. After a while of making out and grinding on your clothed pussy, he guided you upwards, to the headboard, while he kissed down your body - your chest, your belly, your hip, until he was right underneath you.
"Hi," he said, dissipating some of the tension. You grinned.
Carmy's face between your legs was a sight you couldn't get enough of, and the change of perspective was really doing it for you. His eyes were half-lidded as he kissed the inside of your thighs. His tattooed fingers moved your panties to the side; he had insisted you kept everything on. 
"I'll tap your thigh three times if I want out," he said; his breath on your pussy made you shiver.
"Okay," you swayed your hips a little, already worked up from just thinking about it. "Fuck. I don't know how to do this," you said, holding on to the headboard, your knees by the sides of his face. "Promise you'll tell me if something's wrong," you said, locking eyes with Carmy. 
"Promise," he said. 
He pulled on your hips until your pussy was just over his mouth. He took a deep inhale and started lapping at your wetness, small licks at your clit and long strokes up and down. You rolled your eyes and let out a long moan. As he grew more confident, he held on tighter to your thighs, pulling you downwards, keeping you close. 
He sucked on your entrance, which felt nice, but it would drive you insane if it was on your clit. Gently, you grinded backwards, until his mouth was right where you wanted it. 
"Holy fuck," you mumbled, staying there, back arched, while his hands caressed every inch of your legs, his touch over the tights making you hum with pleasure. "That feels so nice, Carm, so nice."
He kept sucking diligently until you were on the edge of your release and then let go. You sighed, frustrated. 
Carmy went back to licking gently and kissing over your pussy, almost making out with you down there. You ran one of your hands through his hair, caressing, trying to return even a fraction of the pleasure he was giving you. He tugged on one of your garters and let go, spanking your thigh. You chuckled, loving the feeling. He went faster, humming into your pussy. You squirmed and held on tighter to the headboard, still determined to not lose control. Suddenly, he stopped sucking on you, gently biting on your thighs instead. 
"Use me," he said, and then went back to sucking on your entrance. 
When you tilted your hips backwards, he froze, making you grind again and again. A glance behind let you know he was touching his cock and groaning. He liked it. 
You shifted a little, finding a comfortable position and started riding his face in earnest, the tip of his nose grazing your clit and his tongue fully out, caressing every fold and nerve. It was so good.
"Oh, fuck," you let out desperate noises, the beginnings of a delicious orgasm building in your belly. "Caaarmyyy," you dragged the vowels of his name into a high pitched sound.
He hummed again, vibrating into you. You could feel his right arm picking up speed on his cock. 
When he went back to sucking, you grabbed his face with both hands and kept him there, on your clit until you came with a scream, too caught up in ecstasy to worry that you were squeezing the sides of his head with your thighs. Everything was white, hot, and electric.
"Fuck," he mumbled, neglecting his cock to squeeze your ass and hips, licking every drop of arousal you gave him.  
"You okay?" you asked from above, panting heavily.
"Yes, perfect," he replied, his eyes wide with lust. He was still kissing and touching greedily. "Turn around."
You did. His hands guided you back above his mouth, only now your clit was on his chin and you had a clear view of his erection. You leaned forward to touch his cock, give it a couple of pumps. Underneath you, Carmy squirmed with pleasure but pulled you back on his face, away from his cock. You didn't have time to argue - his mouth was devouring you, worshiping you. The wet noises he was making were driving you insane. 
His right hand gave your pussy a gentle caress, taking your arousal to use it as lube to pump on his cock.
"Holy shit, Carm," you gasped - watching him, listening to him, feeling him. It was all too much and before you realized it you were coming again all over his chin. "Fuck."
The orgasm was short, leaving you more frustrated than anything else, especially compared to the one you had before. When Carmy stopped licking, you pleaded:
"One more, can I have one more, please?" 
"Yes," he sighed, warm air hitting your pussy and lighting you up again. 
You leaned forward, bracing on his chest while he made you lose control once more. You used the position to play with his nipples, enjoying the feeling of him moaning into you. He snapped your garters once again in retaliation, and it made you shiver. Your grinding was becoming frantic, the hand on his cock echoed your rhythm. You moved backward until his tongue was right on your clit and his nose poked lightly at your entrance. You were so close to your release it hurt.
"Right th- right there, baby," you said, one of your hands caressing his chest and the other playing with your own breasts, staring at Carmy's weeping cock. 
It built up beautifully - his moans with yours, your nails teasing over lace, his fingers holding tight to the flesh of your hips. And his mouth, fuck, his mouth. 
You came with a scream, thighs shaking around Carmy's head, watching him come too while still feeling the aftershocks yourself, still grinding lightly on his nose and chin.
Slowly, you dismounted, feeling like you were made of jello, weightless and giggly. Once you got face to face with Carmy you found he was smiling too. Gently, you fixed his hair and wiped his face with a tissue. You handed him another for the mess on his stomach and chest.
After, you kissed his chin, his nose and his lips multiple times, getting the tangy taste of your arousal on your tongue too.
"Thank you," you said, feeling giddy and satisfied.
He ran his fingers down your side, until they landed on your tights.
"Thank you," Carmy said, arching an eyebrow that seemed to say 'This was my fantasy, remember?'
You smiled wide and kissed him one last time. 
"Shower?" you proposed. 
He nodded and followed you. 
[Part 6]
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therealdisneyfan2319 · 11 months
To Be Loved | Natasha Romanoff
Summary: You help Natasha open up in your relationship
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut (MINORS DNI), mild language
Word Count: 2.5K
Author's Note: This was a prompt from @wandashoeforlife because I needed Nat prompts and I don't write for her enough so that's gonna change here before too long. Enjoy!
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“I still don’t understand why you think the blindfold is necessary,” Natasha pouted as you led her down the hallway.
“Because I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you.”
“Isn’t dinner enough?”
“No,” you replied, pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand, still leading her carefully down the winding hallway of the compound.  Dinner was only the first part of your plan: the second part was yet to be revealed.  Your girlfriend had no idea what was coming, but you knew she’d be thoroughly surprised.
You hadn’t been dating all that long.  Really a majority of your relationship consisted of post-training hookups.  It was mainly physical, the two of you running off to some odd room or one of your apartments in order to relieve whatever stress you were dealing with.  Soon enough the physical turned into something a little more.  She was the one who caught feelings first.  Natasha, not knowing how to tell you how she really felt, pulled away.  It took Clint and Wanda practically dragging the two of you into a room and making you two talk things out before she reluctantly admitted that she really liked you.  
The first time you really kissed her, it was everything everywhere all at once while simultaneously being the most intimate moment you ever experienced.  Intimacy didn’t come naturally to Nat.  She seemed almost uncomfortable with any sort of romantic display especially when it came to sex.  There was strikingly little difference between your post-mission trysts and evenings spent alone.  She wanted it the way she always wanted it: hard, fast, and rough.  Loud, passionate sex with Natasha was great, but any time you tried to slow it down she pulled you out of it.  Tonight, however, you wanted to give her the quintessential romantic lovemaking session.
“Is it a puppy?” she asked, stumbling over her feet as she blindly followed you.
“Nope,” you chuckled.
“Is it a kitten?”
“Guess again.”
“A parrot?”
“Nat, why on earth would I get you a parrot?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged.  “I have no idea what you got me.”
“Well yeah, that’s kinda the point of a surprise, babe.”  You reached for Natasha’s other hand, carefully guiding her around the corner and down the hall.  
“So why the surprise?  It’s not like it’s my birthday or anything,” she remarked.
“What, am I not allowed to surprise you?”
“Y/N, you don’t have to.”
“Of course I do.  You’re my girlfriend and I’m supposed to spoil you.  It’s in the official boyfriend handbook.”  You watched as Nat’s face blushed a bright pink, accentuated by the black eye mask you pulled over her eyes.  “Alright, and we’re here.”
“Where are we?” she asked.
“You’ll see in a second,” you smirked as you unlocked the door and gently coaxed her inside.  Outstretched arms stopped her before she could wander in too far.  “Okay, you can take off the mask now.”
Pulling down the mask, Natasha took in her surroundings for the first time: it was your room.  Dozens of tiny tea lights illuminated the space, casting dancing shadows on the wall.  Fake rose petals were strewn all over the bed in the most organized fashion you could muster.  Your music playlist was stacked with the most romantic jazz music you could get your hands on.  Her eyes widened in confusion as she saw all the work you’d done for her.
“What’s all this?” she asked, thoroughly confused at the scene in front of her.
“It’s the other part of your surprise.  A romantic evening in, just the two of us,” you explained.  
“I don’t deserve all this.”  Her words were barely audible as her voice dropped to a whisper.  They made your heart break a little as her face sank.
“Of course you do.”
“No I don’t.”  She shook her head as she pulled the mask off her forehead.  
“Nat, come on.  Why would you ever say that?”  You stepped forward to grab her, but she pulled away.
“I’ve never done anything to deserve this.”  Her stalwart facade cracked as she wrapped her arms around herself, shrinking down so much as she tried to disappear from the discomfort of the situation.  “I don’t even think I deserve you.”
“Natasha.  Will you, will you look at me?  Please?”  You coaxed her head up gently with your hand.  She refused to make eye contact with you even as her face tilted up towards you.  It was absolutely heartbreaking to see her like that.  You loved Natasha more than anything in the world.  Why couldn’t she accept that?  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“I’m not a good person, Y/N.  I’ve done things and I’ve hurt people and…I don’t deserve to be treated like this.”
“I don’t even know how to do this, whatever this is,” she admitted, motioning toward the rose-covered bed.
“You do realize none of that matters to me, right?  I don’t care what you’ve done.  I don’t care who you used to be.  For cryin’ out loud I literally just blew up a ship with dozens of people still inside on our last mission.  We’ve both done awful things, but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be loved.  Let me love you tonight, Nat.”
“It’s hard,” she whispered as her eyes glistened in the candlelight.
“I know,” you whispered back, running your hands through her luscious red hair.  “It’s not your fault you’ve been hurt, but if we’re going to make this work then I need you to let me in, Natty.  Can you at least try to let me in?”
Natasha looked up at the ceiling, blinking back the tears that were forming in the corners of her eyes.  “God, why does this have to be so hard?” she asked.
“Beats me,” you chuckled.  “This shit was hard enough before I became a superhero.  But I wanna make us work, so can you let me in just for tonight?  I can get rid of all this if you want, turn the lights back on if you want...”
“No.  Keep them off.  I like candlelight.  But that music has to go.”
“I spent three hours putting that playlist together,” you pouted.  Nat giggled, her hand trailing up to grasp yours that was on her neck.  
“This is why I control the radio in the car.”  You sighed, shaking your head as she teased you.  You brought your free hand up to the other side of her neck, taking a step toward her as you held her.
“Let me love you tonight, Nat.  Please?” you whispered against her lips.  She gulped, swallowing down the lump in her throat as you stared deeply into her emerald eyes.  
“Okay,” she whispered.  
Taking all the care in the world, you gently leaned down and pressed your lips to hers.  She practically melted into you, a deep blush spreading across her entire body.  A certain tenderness bound the two of you together in that moment.  It was like you were the only ones on earth.
Natasha had never allowed herself to feel such softness or tenderness before.  Deep insecurity stemmed from a childhood of abuse and a lifetime of trauma.  How could someone who had done such horrible things be worthy of something so beautiful?  You kissing her with all the love and care in the world was new and different and wonderful.  As your lips brushed against hers, she smiled at the new sensation of being adored.  It made you smile, too.  
Strong hands snaked down Natasha’s toned body, trailing over the curve of her toned ass and giving it a slight squeeze.  She giggled as your noses touched, the subtle taste of peppermint leaving your mouth tingling.  You pulled her close to you.  Her body sat flush against yours as her hands rested on your chest.  Natasha gazed up into your eyes while she nestled herself in your embrace.  As you gazed back down at her, there was a glimmer in her eye.  You couldn’t tell if it was fear or excitement or desire.  Whatever it was, it hadn't been there before you kissed her.
“Can I carry you to bed?” you asked.  Natasha nodded, giggling as you bent down slightly to give yourself enough leverage to lift her up.  
“Don’t fall.” 
“I’ve got you, baby,” you reassured as you gently placed her on the bed.  The weight of her body in the middle of the bed completely messed up your meticulously arranged flower petals.  Neither of you seemed to care all that much as you crawled on top of her.  
A sense of nervous giddiness washed over you as your lips met tentatively.  The improvised dance between your mouth and hers was one that had been done a thousand times before.  This one was different.  This one was a first meeting, the first dance between two souls destined for something much bigger than the two of them could imagine in the present moment.  This slow, hesitant dance soon turned into a familiar exploration of each other’s mouths with your tongues.  Hands soon followed, tugging and pulling at clothes until all of your garments were in a jumbled pile on the floor along with half of the rose petals. 
Natasha’s arms were wrapped around your back, pulling you down into her as you ground your pelvis into hers.  Your erection was throbbing from the stimulation.  She rolled her hips up at the contact, whimpering as wetness pooled between her legs.  You could feel your heart pounding in your throat at the anticipation of pushing yourself inside her.  
“You ready?” you asked.  Natasha nodded, her lower lip in her teeth as her face flushed with arousal.  “Here.”  You reached for her hand, guiding it down to where your cock was nestled between your bodies.  Placing your hand over hers, you gently closed her hand around your length and pushed it down to the heat between her legs.  She stifled a moan as you drew your tip up and down her slit, thoroughly coating it in her juices.  
The two of you let out a simultaneous groan as you slid your penis inside her.  Her hole stretched to accommodate your girth, a tight fit as you filled her to the brim.
“Fuck,” Natasha whimpered as she adjusted to the fullness inside her.  You watched her face contort in pleasure through the candlelight.  The sight of her so overcome with pleasure ignited a carnal desire inside you, but you consciously reminded yourself that this was about more than just sex.  This was about showing your girlfriend how much you loved her.  
As Natasha relaxed around you, you slowly began to rock your hips in and out of her.  Her walls coated you in a sheen of slick with each thrust.  The pace you set was slow and deliberate, pulling your cock almost all the way out before burying yourself to the hilt.  She wrapped her arms and legs around you and pulled you flush against her body.  The two of you were coated in a glistening layer of sweat as you rocked your hips in tandem.  You buried your head in her neck, kissing the exposed skin in a futile effort to stifle your moans.
The room around you was quiet as you continued your lovemaking.  Natasha held you close, whimpering and gasping as her wetness echoed throughout the room.  Her fingers tangled in your hair as you left love bites up and down her neck.  The purple bruises that peppered her sensitive skin were barely visible against the faint glow of the candlelight that flickered against the walls.  You found it harder to stay quiet the longer you pumped yourself inside her.  Nat’s walls fluttered and squeezed around your cock, the tightness keeping you buried in her cunt.  Gripping the sheets with white knuckles, your lips hovered over hers as you slowed your thrusts further, relishing in the feeling of her soft, warm walls squeezing your length.
You watched as the veins in your girlfriend’s neck strained as she arched her head back against the pillow.  Your ungodly slow pace was driving her absolutely insane.  Every subtle movement inside of her sent throbbing waves of pleasure throughout her entire body.  As your head hovered over hers, lips a whisper apart, her face contorted in pleasure as you pulled out and pushed back in.  Natasha’s eyes screwed shut and her mouth gaped open as she gasped.  It took all your determination to not buck your hips wildly into her.  The heat spreading under your skin so quickly meant you didn’t have much time left.  
Resting your forehead against hers, your breath coming in shaky pants, you slowed your pace even further and increased your force, slowly pulling your penis out of her tight grip before forcing it back in.  The sound of slapping flesh joined the quiet gasps and moans echoing off the walls, your hips smacking together while your balls swung wildly behind you, stopping only when they hit Natasha’s red, swollen cunt.  
As the pressure built inside you, Natasha unwrapped one of her arms from your back and reached up over her head in search of your hand that was white knuckling the sheets.  Her fingers interlaced with yours.  The two of you squeezed each other’s hand as your pace quickened ever so slightly, your cock pounding in and out of her tortured hole.  She stared up at you with wide eyes, her mouth agape as her own orgasm grew within her core.  
The coil in your stomach tightened to a precipice.  There was no stopping it.  Your nose bumped hers as short, airy gasps escaped your mouth.  Bearing down with one final hard thrust, you emptied yourself inside of her as your entire body convulsed with overwhelming ecstasy.  The feeling of your seed inside her aching core and the pulsing of your length against her walls drove Natasha to her own orgasm.  She moaned against your lips as her walls clenched rhythmically around you.  You groaned, collapsing into her shoulder as she milked your already sensitive member.  
Your thrusts came to a gentle stop as you finished filling her to the brim.  It was all you could do to lie there and not crush her while you struggled to return your breathing to its normal state.  You felt a hand come up and rest in your hair.
“Are you okay?” Natasha whispered as she gently tugged at your sweaty, matted locks.  
“Yeah,” you mumbled into the crook of her neck.  You turned your head to look at her.  Her lips were swollen and her face was flushed, her long red hair tousled from being flattened against the pillow.  “You?”
“Mmhmm,” she nodded, biting her lower lip.  
“I love you,” you whispered, tilting your head to kiss her softly.  “I love you so much, Nat.  I don’t want you to ever think that I don’t.  Because I do.”  She smiled at your words, fully melting into the sense of safety and love you provided.  For the first time in her life, Natasha felt safe and loved.  It was all you could do but hope that this would be the start of something new, something special, between the two of you.
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nvoirs · 1 year
okay but imagine re4remake switch!reader and dom!leon oneshot that takes place after the mission, in which you had to help leon (as his partner) from the chain mechanism he was held captive in. back home, you both get a little tipsy and you decide to unknowingly tie him up to your bed BECAUSE YOU COULDNT GET THE SCENE OUT OF YOUR MIND??!!!!?? just imagine teasing him, not letting him cum and getting him so fucking worked up that he literally BREAKS the thing you tied him with AND GOES LITERALLY FERAL????????????? HELPDASBJA (THE REST IS GIVEN)
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Never would you have thought this would happen. Having your fellow agent in your home, and a bonus because he was a little tipsy. His normally pale cheeks flushed pink, warmth spread through them. Leon was a silent type of drunk and honestly you didn’t expect anymore, he had his priorities straight.
But really all you could think about was that little scene back in Spain..
You hadn't gotten any intel from Leon for almost half an hour, and honestly you were getting worried. What if Luis had betrayed him? You couldn't really trust the man, he hadn't really proven himself trustworthy yet and you still had to find Ashley Graham.
Trudging through the outside of the castle, the air smelling of dirt and gunpowder made your stomach churn in disgust. You began walking down one of the endless looking corridors into the castle, the ruby coloured carpet stained brown with collected dirt over the years.
Walking past a certain room but reversing your steps, as you caught sight of two bodies trapped in chains a large mechanic hovering above.
“Leon?” You made your way inside hurriedly, grabbing the chain but immediately let go because your intrusive thoughts had broken through.
He had been bickering with Luis, a dead ganando lay near your feet, something glistening in the left pocket.
You grabbed the key and began to make work of the lock on Leon's wrists.
“I bet you've been in situations like this before.” Luis plastered a big grin on his face staring at Leon.
You inaudibly gasped, the key slipping from your fingers. A rosy blush began creeping up your cheeks, as you kept your head down quickly picking the key back up.
“Fuck sorry.” You mumbled, pushing your hair behind your ears and eventually unlocking the lock on Leon's wrists.
“It's alright, are you good? You seemed a bit startled after Luis decided to open his big mouth.” He looked at you concerned, like you were injured like some wounded lamb.
“No honest to God I'm fine Leon, I'm just happy you didn't die on me.” You awkwardly laughed, as he patted your shoulder.
All the while Luis's eyes dragged back and forth between the two of you, wow this senorita totally knew what he meant when he commented on Leon's sex life but of course he was oblivious.
After your mission was a success, and you brought the president's daughter back home safely you invited Leon around to your place for a celebration.
It was the biggest accomplishment you guys had pulled off as agents, and people would look and whisper how did they manage that? Holy shit only two of them?
You knew Leon wasn’t a party person but you reassured him it’ll only be the two of you. When you said those words over the phone your heart soared but you momentarily smacked yourself.
So now here you and Leon were tipsy, even though he definitely said he was going to stay sober, edging his cock to release a cumload for you.
“How does that feel Leon?” You cooed, one hand on your trusty vibrator the other on Leon’s cheek squishing his flesh between your thumb and index finger.
“Wanna ha- cum you bitch.” His breathing intensified, and he whined leaning back into your plush cushions, back plastered against the wall, hands tied to the headboard with the plastic toy handcuffs that you finally got to use.
“No way, bad boys who aren’t good don’t get to cum.” You tutted as you watched in awe as more precum was spilled from his slit before pulling the vibrator completely away knowing he was on edge.
Leon was so pretty. Prettiest you’ve ever seen, and you’d boast it to him if you didn’t have alcohol swimming around in your system. His tip was a natural blushed pink, angry and drooling with precum. Lengthy and curved to the left a little, a throbbing vein ran along one side and a small freckle dotted at the top. His light hair trailed from under his belly button to the base of his cock. You wanted to feel his heavy cock on your tongue but restrained yourself because when will there be another time you see Leon Kennedy this submissive?
“Fine shit- if you won’t let me go then I will.” He began tugging on the cuffs harshly shaking the bed frame, ignoring him and slipping off your top so you were just in your bra advancing closer to Leon.
“If you're a good boy I’ll let you suck me.” Revealing your bare tits and pinching your delicate nipples yourself you moaned in front of Leon making him halt.
“C’mere.” And you listened leaning in closer so Leon could take in the full picture of your ethereal beauty.
His face was practically squished against your boobs now, sticking out his tongue and kitten-licked one of your nipples knocking the breath out of your lungs. That’s when Leon latched his wet, warm mouth straight onto your bud, tweaking and nipping the other. Lost in the loving pleasure Leon was giving your tits you hadn’t realised he’d broken his restraints as he pushed you down back pressed against the mattress.
“Mmph Leon don’t stop.” You watched him unclasping the cuffs flinging them to the side.
“Oh princess, you're in for it now” He surveyed your coy expression.
You should have been scared at those words, but the adrenaline just pumped through your veins making you excited and aroused at his curt words. He grabbed the hem of the short skirt you were wearing and pulled it up so he could take a look at your white cotton panties on full display for his eyes. So innocently cute, but he knew better that you were nothing but. He poked his nose against your clothed cunt breathing in like a pervert that had you whining feeling the pressure of him against your nose.
“You're such a filthy whore y’know that?” You just mewled in return to Leon’s chidings, as he peeled back your underwear watching your glistening cunt in awe.
“Fuck I knew you wanted me.” Placing a finger on your wetness he stroked up and down languidly, watching you for a reaction.
You jerked up when you felt his finger apply pressure to your clit, your moaning intensified “Please Leon, want you to fuck me.” You lazily mumbled drunk of your mind and just let him do as he pleased.
“Don’t think I need to prep you.” His slurred words turned your mind hazy. “You're already practically dripping.”
Inserting a finger inside your heat stretching you out, coming up to your fervent mouth and indulging the taste of you. The relish of booze permeated on both of your tongues tasting it off of each other.
“Shit Leon! Feels mmh good!” Leon liked to tease normally but not right now, he was too drunk of his mind and wanted to be inside of you as soon as possible. You cried when your orgasm washed over you grabbing your bed sheets as hard as possible twisting in Leon’s grasp. His cock was pressed against your folds as he carried on devouring you roughly lips connected like a puzzle piece, a glob of your saliva slipping down your chin and making a mess on your chest.
“M’gonna fuck you stupid I swear.” He said Pumping his cock a few times. “Get on all fours now.”
Obliging straight away, you stuck your ass in the air giving Leon a view. You heard him curse and slap your ass groping your cheeks. Letting out a squeak you turned to watch him slide into your cunt in one swift movement, the pleasure washed over the both of you as you moaned for him to go faster. Listening to your pleas he sped up the pace spreading your ass cheeks wider so he could slip inside deeper inch by inch.
“Shit your tight baby, not been fucked by someone as big as me I can see.” His smug grin said it all, but you didn’t reply you physically couldn’t trying to keep your eyes open as Leon fucked the majority of alcohol out of your system. Your tits smacking against the fabric of your duvet, as you collapsed lower from the delicious fucking happening from the other side of your body.
The smacking of the bed frame was evident in the background, definitely leaving a massive mark on your white wall but at this point you didn’t really care. Your landlord probably would but that was something you could worry about another time, because right now you were getting the best sex of your life by none other than your very hot agent partner. He was so deep in your guts, when you realised you gasped a little from the penetration.
His eager fucking had you tumbling over the edge and before you knew it you were cumming tight around his cock. Your little whines made him slow his pace groaning about your pussy being the best thing he’s fucked, before he pulled out and cummed on the small of your back.
“You did so good, the best pussy I’ve had in a while and I’m still drunk but I was wondering.. do you want to go get dinner with me?”
No response from you had Leon worried, did you believe this was a mistake? You were half drunk after all, but he crawled over to your collapsed posture and could hear your soft breathing, you’d fallen asleep. Relaxing his shoulders Leon smiled, maybe dinner could wait.
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So for the ficlet build your own prompt thing could you maybe do “Should I kiss it better?”, someone who cares, hurt/comfort, and instrument?? (Btw love all your stuff, you’re such a talented writer ❤️)
Aw, that made me blush, thank you so much.
I did a little missing scene thing for your prompt - this would be after Eddie moves in but before these two dumbasses first kiss. Hope you like it. 🥰
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I'm celebrating 1k followers - requests are open!
Maybe some day
Rated: T
Words: 996
Tags: domestic fluff; Steve Harrington needs a hug; Steve Harrington has a crush on Eddie Munson; Steve is Dustin’s dad; single dad Steve; good babysitter Eddie Munson; flirting; sexual tension; pining (oh God, so much pining)
Notes: Bonus scene to Someone who cares
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Dusk is falling as Steve steps out of the elevator. His shoulders are sore from the office chairs, his eyes itching from staring at screens all day, and his head is feeling like someone is digging its way out through his eye socket with a pickaxe. He’s tired and weirdly on edge at the same time.
When he tries to unlock the door, he drops his keys.
“Fuck!” he snaps, then winces. It isn’t like himself, getting this angry at petty inconveniences like that. Then again, it isn’t really the keys he’s angry about. It’s his father and his stupid company and endless board meetings. Himself for being such a fucking pushover, for playing along in this farce.
Taking a deep breath, he wills himself to calm down. His head still wails in protest as he crouches to retrieve the keys.
The foyer is dark and silent, but a keg of light is filtering in from the living room.
Dustin is on the sofa in his pajamas, hands fiddling with something in his lap - Eddie’s guitar. When he hears him approach, he looks up, mouth tugging into an unamused scowl that Steve knows looks a lot like his own.
“Hey, Dad. You’re late.”
“I know,” he grouses, collapsing on the opposite end of the sofa. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
Dustin pouts. “I wanted to stay up. Haven’t seen you all day.”
Steve, who was just drawing a breath to argue, snaps his mouth shut. Because the kid's right. He left before Dustin was awake and he’s only returned now, way past his bedtime.
What kind of dad is he?
The sound of something going twang startles him from his stupor.
“Ow,” Dustin yelps. “Shit!”
“Language,” Steve says, at the same time that another voice floats over from the kitchen.
“Jesus, I step out for five minutes and this is what you do?”
Eddie spares Steve a lazy wave, sliding into the spot next to Dustin to assess the damage. Like it's perfectly natural. Like they belong together. His son. The man he's in love with.
“You'll be fine,” Eddie mutters, voice fond. “No real damage done.”
Dustin scoffs, cradling his finger. “Still hurts.”
“I meant the guitar, dipshit.”
Dustin gapes at him. “You're such an ass. I'm injured here!”
“Aw,” Eddie coos, making grabby hands at the finger. “Should I kiss it better?”
Dustin balks.
“You're gross, I'm going to bed! Night, Dad!”
“Love you, too,” Eddie calls after him. “Remember to brush your teeth. Floss, too.”
He watches Dustin stomp off, dark eyes brimming with affection, and Steve’s heart flutters in his chest. Only to drop right out of his body when those eyes shift over to him.
“Rough day?”
“No,” Steve says automatically. Eddie raises an eyebrow, gaze sweeping over his rumpled form. Steve feels himself flush and rubs at his prickling neck. “Yeah, I guess. Just one of those- ow, fuck.”
His muscles scream at the touch and a jolt of pain zaps all the way from his shoulders to his skull. Eddie’s worried face shifts into a slow grin. He raises his hands, fingers wiggling invitingly.
Steve knows he shouldn’t. He’s promised himself to keep his distance, to not give in to his desires. He’s lucky to have Eddie here at all, and the last thing he wants to do is scare him away by doing something stupid. He’d never forgive himself.
But his self-control is a feeble thing, and it’s wearing thinner with each day.
“Okay,” he breathes, shifting his position and loosening his tie.
There’s a hum from behind him, and a shuffling sound, and then the warmth of another body blankets him from behind and deft fingers find the knots in his shoulders. It’s heaven and hell all at once, the sting of his muscles relaxing under Eddie’s touch, the feeling of having Eddie close. The knowledge that all he’d need to do is turn around and reach out and pull him in. Never let him go again.
“Sorry about the guitar,” he says, more to distract himself. “He needs to learn to be more careful with other peoples’ shiiit.”
“‘s okay,” Eddie murmurs, skillfully ignoring Steve’s pained hiss. “He was pretty grouchy about you being late, it was a welcome distraction.”
The familiar guilt settles heavy in Steve’s abdomen and he lets out an involuntary sigh. “Yeah. Sorry about that, too.”
“Don’t be.” Eddie shrugs, the motion pulling them a little bit closer together. “That kid loves the shit out of you. You’re a fantastic dad.”
Steve huffs weakly. “I’m a tired dad with one hell of a headache, that’s what I am.”
“Hm,” Eddie hums, and leans in. His breath is a warm tickle against the shell of Steve’s ear, lips almost touching skin, but not quite. “Y’know, that offer applies to you, too. I can always kiss it better.”
Steve’s breath hitches in his throat.
“Eddie!” Dustin hollers from the bathroom. “Where’s the stupid floss? I can’t find anything with your stuff in here!”
Steve has shot up from the sofa and is halfway across the room before he even processes it.
“I got it,” he blurts. “You stay put, you’ve done enough.”
“Fine,” Eddie quips, and Steve imagines there’s an ever-so-slight undercurrent of disappointment in his voice. “But after, you’re coming back and we’re putting on that stupid show you like. You need to relax, Stevie.”
There's a whole lot of things he needs to do, Steve thinks. Get a hold of himself. Tell his dad to fuck off. Tackle Eddie into the sofa and kiss him senseless, or at least talk about this thing that's crackling in the air between them like electricity.
Some day, he might.
But not today.
Today, he'll lie on the sofa and watch tv with Eddie’s feet in his lap and be thankful to have this mesmerizing man in his life - warm and close and so, so tempting, but not his.
For today, this'll have to be enough.
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More celebration ficlets
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
Eddie’s Secret Stash
Eddie Munson x Reader (Smut)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: When your laptop goes on the fritz, using your boyfriend's computer leads you to finding his porn collection in an unexpected way.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Author Note: Afab Reader, they/them pronouns (if any). Modern AU. Smutty but not full smut.
CW: Porn watching; description of porn video (ffm threesome, oral [f and m recieving], p n v sex).
Word Count: 1,628
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It all started out with an innocent text to your boyfriend.
Hey babe, my laptop crashed again and I really want to get this story finished. Can I hop on your computer really quick?
Even though Eddie was at work, it didn’t take long for him to text you back.
You don’t ever need to ask me that, sweetheart, feel free to hop on whenever you need to.
Sweet! Thanks baby!
You went to his desk, sat down, and woke up his computer.
After it booted up, you had to text him again.
I kinda need the pin code to unlock it.
Every time you had used his computer before, he was home and it was already unlocked, so you just jumped on and did what you needed to do. Up until now, you didn’t even know he had a pin code on it.
Oh shit! Sorry sweetheart, I forgot. It’s the month and day of your birthday.
That made you melt into a puddle right there at the desk.
Aww, trying to score some brownie points with me?
Maybe…Is it working?
You’ll just have to wait until you get home to find out. ;)
Despite the fact you had been together for a while now, Eddie always acted like a horny teenager whenever you made allusions to having sex with him. And you were just as bad when he did it, even blushing a bit now at his eagerness, so you couldn’t really tease him about it.
You set your phone aside and typed the PIN number into his computer.
As a little turning wheel appeared on the center of the screen to show it was thinking about signing in, you got three texts from Eddie in rapid succession. He only did that when something was urgent or he was excited about something, so you looked at your phone Lock Screen to see what he said.
Don’t sign onto my computer yet!
I need to get home first!
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the computer screen change as it finally signed you in and you glanced up from your phone to it.
And then you took a much longer glance.
On the monitor in front of you, paused in mid scene, was the fairly zoomed in image of a hard cock disappearing into the mouth of a woman wearing dark lipstick.
You blinked a few times and stared at the screen for a moment.
As a frequent purveyor of porn yourself, you weren’t upset by what you saw on your boyfriend’s screen. But surprise porn was like surprise alcohol in a drink when you were expecting soda or surprise weed when you were expecting a hand rolled cigarette. It’s always a bit shocking and it takes a moment to recover from. When you did, the corners of your mouth to curve upward in a playful grin.
Now with your original train of thought gone, you were in a playful mood. Your story could wait awhile. The deadline for it wasn’t until two weeks away anyway, you had just wanted to get the first draft done.
Settling back in Eddie’s computer chair, you clicked the space bar to unpause the video.
In this time period, two more texts came in from Eddie. You glanced at your Lock Screen again without opening them.
Y/N? Baby??
Eddie seemed uncharacteristically worried, which was a little bit confusing. The two of you had talked about watching porn before, so he should know it wouldn’t bother you. You shrugged and set your phone down, distracted by what was going on in the video.
It was a well-done amateur recording of a two girl, one guy threesome. As the one girl was blowing the guy, she was sitting on the other girls face. The scene stayed like this for just long enough to let you take everything in before the guy was pulling his cock from the girls mouth and then pushing her down so the two girls were in a sixty-nine.
You bit your lip, watching with rapt attention as the guy hopped down from where he had been standing on the bed to position himself behind the girl on top. He then grasped the base of his shaft with one hand, angling it so the girl on the bottom could start sucking on the head. It was a messy angle, soon her lips and cheeks were glistening with saliva from his thrusts into her mouth.
A small warmth began pooling between your legs as you watched the guy pull his cock out of her mouth, angle himself upwards and then sink deep into the cunt of the girl on top.
You had to give it to your boyfriend. He had good taste.
Since you had been striking out lately with your usual porn sites, you began to get curious where Eddie usually found his. You paused the video and minimized the window to find out.
Rather than a website, you were greeted by the file browser on the computer system itself, opened to a folder that was filled with porn. And it was by no means a small collection, it looked like he’d been working on this for years. There were dozens of sub folders and sub sub folders dedicated to specific acts and specific porn stars. Most of the videos were unsorted though, the majority of the files just dumped directly into this main porn folder.
Eddie had sent a few more texts by now, which you had ignored in favor of opening a different video that caught your eye. When it was clear those hadn’t gotten your attention, he was soon calling you instead.
“Edward James Munson!” you said when you answered your phone, making your voice sound stern.
“Sweetheart, I promise, it’s not what it looks like!”
“Really?” you said. “Because what it looks like is that you’ve been holding out on me!”
“I honestly wasn- wait, what?” he said, going from pleading to confused in two seconds.
“Seriously!” you said, exaggerating the tone so it was clearly playful. “You have an impressive collection like this and you don’t even think to share?” You clicked your tongue at him in an admonishing way. “I’m hurt. Truly, I’m hurt.”
There was a long pause from Eddie’s end of the phone.
“I’m…sorry?” he said slowly, nerves and hesitation in his voice, like this was an entirely new situation he found himself. “I…didn’t realize…you’d be interested in…it.”
“Seriously?” you dropped the playful act, now confused yourself. “We’ve talked about our favorite porn stars before, in depth discussions even, and you didn’t think I’d be interested?”
“Hey!” Eddie protested. “In my defense, do you know how many people will say they are fine with porn then freak out if they catch you watching it?”
Now that you thought about it, he had a point. Even you had that issue a few times in the past, either because you watched porn in general or because of what kind you watched.
“All right, fair point,” you said, then switched back to that playfully stern voice. “But that still doesn’t make it okay, mister.”
Now that Eddie knew how you really felt about the whole thing, his tone changed to a playfully apologetic one.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” he said, then his tone dropped lower. “Let me make it up to you, sweetheart.”
His voice sent pleasurable tingles down your spine.
“And how do you propose you’ll do that?” you said.
While you weren’t really paying too close of attention to the video you selected, focusing on the timber change of your man’s voice instead, what you did pay attention to had you rubbing your thighs together slightly. This one was definitely right up your ally.
“In any way you want me too, sweetheart,” he said, his voice a soft growl that was nearly a purr. “Anything you want me to do to you, I’ll do it with pleasure.”
Being a metal singer, and a damn good one at that, Eddie could do things with his voice outside of music that you previously wouldn’t have thought possible. While you were already getting quite worked up easily enough on your own, he knew just the right inflection to use on each word to make you clench around nothing.
And it also made all rational thought fly from your brain.
You swiveled your gaze up to the ceiling, distracting yourself just enough to pull your brain back from the haze Eddie’s voice was making your brain slip into.
“Gosh, I just don’t know,” you said, tapping your chin with one finger even though Eddie couldn’t see it. “Oh! I know! I could browse through these videos I found and see if those give me any ideas!”
From the other end of the phone, you heard Eddie clear his throat a couple of times. Clearly the idea of you watching porn on his computer derailed his brain a little bit.
“T-That is a good idea,” he said, and you could tell by his voice that you just made him blush, among other things.
“You’re off in about an hour, right?” you asked, and when he made a sound of confirmation, you continued. “I’m sure I will have something fun in mind by then.”
Since it was clear his brain wouldn’t get back on track if the phone call continued, you quickly let him go so he could finish out his workday.
As you settled back into his chair, watching the video, an evil grin came to your face.
If you knew Eddie as well as you were sure you did, this next hour was going to be the longest hour of his life.
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Eddie Munson Taglist: @eddie-swhore @bmunson86 @tayhar811
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coldfanbou · 8 months
Think About It
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Our story continues as Sana joins in for a threesome and gives Jeongyeon some of her thoughts the next morning. A return is also coming in our next part.
Length 4K
Sana x Mreader x Jeongyeon
Previous Part
Next Part
You were laughing as you drove back to your apartment. Sana would be trying to tell some story about something she did in the past with Jeongyeon, only to have the older woman constantly try to shut her up. Seeing this side of Jeongyeon was cute, and you said as much, pinching Jeongyeon’s cheeks and telling her how cute she was whenever you stopped at a traffic light. Jeongyeon would blush and shy away from you before the whole process repeated when you started driving again. 
Once at your apartment, Sana rushes out of the car, with Jeongyeon following her. “Ya! Stop trying to tell him weird things!” 
“You’ve already had sex with him; this isn’t weird!” Sana yells back as they chase each other around your car. You open the door slowly, and as Jeongyeon swings past, you pull her into you. One hand rests on her waist while the other intertwines with her hand. You kiss her softly before she has a chance to respond; she melts into it, letting go of her anger as she places her free hand on your shoulder. Sana watches the scene unfold in front of her and pauses. She can see a small smile drift onto Jeongyeon’s face. “She must really like him…” Sana walks over to you and smacks your back. “Come on, let’s go inside. You lovebirds are going to become statues with how long you’re kissing.” You pull back from the kiss, and Jeongyeon huffs, trying to catch her breath. You switch hands and pull her along as you head to your apartment with Sana in tow. 
Sana pushes her way inside as you unlock your door. “Hey, you can’t just do that,” Jeongyeon complains. You hold back a laugh and pat her bottom as you push her inside.
“Pretty nice place. Where do you want to do it first, Mister?” Sana says squarely, looking at you. She smirks, lifting one of the straps of her shirt and moving it to the side. Jeongyeon steps in front of Sana, blocking her from your line of sight.
“Hold on! L- Let’s talk a little first. We don’t have to rush this.” Jeongyeon says nervously. She looks at you with panic in her eyes. Sana’s head pokes over her shoulder with a comically devious smile. You watch her hands hover over Jeongyeon’s body.
“You look nervous, Jeongyeon.” You say, keeping her distracted.
“Nervous? No, no, I’m not nervous.” Jeongyeon replies. Sana moves one of her hands just above Jeongyeon’s breast while the over is above her cunt. You nod slightly and watch Sana give a toothy smile as she presses her hands against Jeongyeon’s body, groping her friend through her clothes. Jeongyeon squirms under Sana’s touch; she throws her head and moans softly. You move in and kiss her neck. Jeongyeon whines as she wraps her arms around you. “Please don’t stop.” Lifting one of Jeongyeon’s legs, you start kissing her while Sana continues to play with her body.
“Hey! What about me? I want a kiss, too.” You move over and kiss Sana; Sana was much hungrier than Jeongyeon. You felt her tongue move across your lips as she pushed her head forward. You match her passion. Sana moves her hand away from Jeongyeon’s cunt. It lets you rub your hardening shaft against Jeongyeon, who continues to moan. Breaking the kiss with Sana, you move back to the older woman. You lift Jeongyeon grinding your cock against her as you walk toward your bedroom. Sana eagerly follows you, throwing her clothes off in the hallway until she’s left in just a pair of pink panties. 
You fall onto the bed with Jeongyeon; her legs wrap around you slowly as you press your lips against hers. You feel their softness and want more. Your hands run across Jeongyeon’s body, sneaking under her clothes and touching her cool skin. “Please…” Jeongyeon moans during the small break between your kisses. You pull at her shirt, helping it go over her head. Her small brown nubs are hard; moving down to them, you take one in your mouth. You gently suckle on her breast, and a few drops of Jeongyeon’s milk hit your tongue. Sana sits beside Jeongyeon, helping get her pants off her. They’re wet; Jeongyeon was ready to continue where you had left off. While Sana helps undress both of you, you pay close attention to Jeongyeon, kissing her body as you move down it. The younger woman reaches your lower body, pulling down your shorts, struggling as they reach your bulge. When she finally moves past it, Sana’s surprised by your size. 
“No wonder you got Jihyo and Jeongyeon wrapped around your finger.” She whispers into your ear as she wraps her smooth hand around your shaft and strokes your cock. Jeongyeon watches Sana tease you; she feels a pang of jealousy hit her. The older woman gets off her back and crawls to the edge of the bed. She kisses the tip of your cock, making you shudder. You look down at Jeongyeon and see the pleading look in her eyes. Sana sees it, too; she releases your cock and pushes you forward. She gets beside Jeongyeon, “I want a taste, too.” She pushes Jeongyeon to the side and licks the side of your shaft while Jeongyeon gets the other. You tilt your head back and moan, feeling their small tongues lap at your cock. Placing your hands on their heads, you start sliding your cock between their mouths. Jeongyeon looks at you, and seeing the pleasure on your face, she smiles. She feels happy that she can make you feel good. Sana takes notice of the satisfaction on Jeongyeon’s face and pushes her away, swallowing your cock. You feel Sana’s tongue swirl around the head of your cock, a euphoric look on her face as she takes more in. Jeongyeon looks a little shocked she’s been pushed to the side. 
Not wanting her to feel let out, you put your hand under her chin and lead Jeongyeon to you, kissing her while you squeeze her breast. You glance down to see Sana eyeing you. She pushes forward, deepthroating you with ease. Her throat is wrapped around you tightly; you moan into your kiss with Jeongyeon. Your hand wanders around Jeongyeno’s body; her smooth skin feels lovely. You squeeze her ass before giving it a light smack. Jeongyeon yelps, smiling at you after. Sana cups your balls, squeezing them gently as she bobs her head.  You feel your orgasm coming and start thrusting your hips. You smack Jeongyeon’s ass again, whispering, “I want you so bad, Jeongyeon.” You snake your hand forward and rub Jeongyeon’s lips. She whimpers and puts her hands on your shoulder. 
“I want you too; I want you to fuck me so much.” Jeongyeon’s lower lips are wet; her thighs are slick with her nectar. You can feel how much she wants you. You tease her cunt, pushing your fingers in just enough to make her gasp. 
Sana feels your cock twitch in her mouth, and as you near your orgasm, she pushes herself to your pelvis. She puts your hand on the back of her head and shakes her head, pushing your cock into the sides of her throat. You buck your hips as you cum; her throat is painted white as you pump cum down Sana’s throat. Sana’s eyes widen as your cum continues to rush down her throat; she looks a little panicked. She’s lucky, though, as your cum slows down, and she can barely keep it inside her mouth. Small bits squeeze through the corners of her mouth. She pulls back slowly, drinking your cum as she goes. She gives the head of your cock a kiss before rolling onto her back and taking a deep breath. Jeongyeon takes your cock in hand and rubs it against Sana’s face, coating the younger woman’s face in saliva. “I don’t want to wait anymore.” 
“You don’t have to, my princess.” Jeongyeon has a wide grin, and her face turns red as you call her your princess.  You help Jeongyeon lay back on the bed and take in every part of her body. Running your fingers along her thick thighs, Jeongyeon shivers in excitement.  You spread her legs slowly and position your cock between her lips. Rubbing your cock between her lips, Jeongyeon whines and raises her hips, trying to get you to slip inside. You smile at her desperation and stop teasing her. 
Slowly pushing yourself in, you both moan, Jeongyeon’s warm welcoming cunt feeling like heaven as you go deeper. Jeongyeon shuts her eyes, reveling in the feeling of your cock splitting her in two.  Once you’re buried inside her, you give Jeongyeon a soft kiss that she reciprocates. Your tongues play with each other as you pull out and thrust back in slowly. Jeongyeon has her legs up, squeezing your sides as you move.  You cup one of her breasts, squeezing it, some milk squirting out and splashing on her stomach. Jeongyeon’s breathy moans grow louder as you play with her body. “Keep going…” She moans. The older woman cups your cheeks as she continues to kiss you. 
Noticing some movement, you spot Sana slowly moving toward Jeongyeon.  Seeing the milk coming out of Jeongyeon, she latches onto her free breast and drinks the rich milk from her friend. Her tongue teases Jeongyeon, circling her nipple before flicking it quickly. You move down to Jeongyeon’s other breast, suckling on it and making Jeongyeon moan. “Ah! Wait, not my tits!” She cries. You remember Jeongyeon saying her breasts were sensitive and lightly bite her breast. You watch the older woman squirm as the influx of pleasure assaults her senses. 
“You’re milk is so good, Jeongie. I want to have it every day.” Sana says before going back to suckling on Jeongyeon’s breast. You feel Jeongyeon’s cunt getting tighter as your thrusts continue. 
You groan from the pleasure and squeeze Jeongyeon’s thighs. Your thrusts speed up instinctively, the feeling of Jeongyeon’s tightening pussy being too good to resist.  “I think I’m going to cum Jeongyeon.” 
“Inside, cum inside.” Jeongyeon moans. She throws her head back as your thrusts pick up the pace. “Kiss me, please. I-” She’s cut off as you immediately follow her command and plant your lips on hers. Her muffled moans grow louder as she nears her orgasm. You feel a tightening in your midsection as you get closer; a few thrusts later, you bury your cock in Jeongyeon and shoot your load into her, flooding her pussy with your cum. Her eyes flutter open, and cupping your cheeks, Jeongyeon holds you with shaky hands. You cup her right cheek, holding her gently as your orgasm ends. You reluctantly pull out, not wanting the moment to end. Jeongyeon looks down the length of her body, feeling your cum pour out of her. Unfortunately, she can’t see much as Sana’s head gets in the way. Sana is on her stomach, smiling at Jeongyeon as her tongue circles the older woman’s nipple in full view. 
“My turn!” She happily yells. Jeongyeon moves back on the bed, allowing Sana to position herself before you. Sana decides on the doggy position, raising her ass like she was offering some sort of treasure. Before you can put your cock in, Sana pulls Jeongyeon forward by her legs and plunges her head between the older woman’s legs. 
“Ah, wait, I just came.” Jeongyeon moans as she tries to push Sana’s head away. Sana fights against Jeongyeon, wrapping her hands around the older woman’s thighs. She pushes her tongue inside Jeongyeon, tasting the mixture of your cum and Jeongyeon’s nectar. Eventually, Jeongyeon gave in the pleasure, writhing around as Sana’s tongue pushed into her cunt and cleaned her. Moving Sana’s panties to the side, you interrupt them slightly as you push into Sana’s cunt. You coo, enjoying the feeling of her cunt cradling your cock as you push in. Sana moans into Jeongyeon’s pussy, your cock pushing her walls apart and stretching her. You rest your hands on her ass, running them on her soft, smooth skin before spanking her. Sana’s moans make it clear how much she enjoys it, and you spank her again. Repeated hits go to Sana’s ass, making it grow red as you thrust into her. You have to hold Sana’s small body to keep it from lurching forward. Sana’s moans become longer as you put more strength into your thrusts. Moving one hand to her pelvis, you press against it, making Sana feel tighter. She moans louder, the slight pressure making her feel good. 
“Fuck, I'm going to cum.” She cries out. She stops eating out Jeongyeon, biting her bottom lip as she nears her orgasm. Her body begins to shake; Jeongyeon takes the opportunity to get her revenge and pushes Sana’s head back to her cunt, forcing the younger woman to continue to eat her out. Sana does her best, pausing every so often as the pleasure overwhelms her. “I’m cumming!” She yells into Jeongyeon’s cunt. You feel her walls clamp down on your cock as you thrust. She’s trying to milk you. You look at the ecstasy on Jeongyeon’s face and know she’s getting close. Sana’s tight cunt is pushing you near your orgasm too. You keep thrusting during Sana’s orgasm; her moans come quicker and become high-pitched as she’s overstimulated. You have to hold Sana’s body up as she struggles to keep herself up. Her walls stay clenched around your cock as you thrust. 
A few thrusts away, you moan out, “I’m so close. Where do you want it, Sana?”
“Outside!” Sana yells.
“I’m cumming!” Jeongyeon yells. Her nectar is quickly swallowed by Sana, whose tongue is buried inside her friend. Sana follows right after, her body shaking as she cums. You pull out just in time and spurt your cum onto Sana’s back and ass. You’re all breathing heavily. You let go of Sana, and she falls onto the bed. Jeongyeon has her arm covering her eyes as she recovers. You lean forward and kiss the back of Sana’s head before moving up to Jeongyeon and kissing her. Her tongue lazily meeting yours. She moves onto her side and puts her hand on your chest. 
“Tired already?” You say to tease her. 
“Just a little. Let me rest here.” She responds. Jeongyeon puts your arm under her head and leans on you, her leg rising to rub against your cock. “I just need a few minutes.”
Sana crawls on the other side of you, doing the same. “That was a lot more tiring than I thought it would be. You found a good one, Jeongie.” You both look at Jeongyeon, who’s already sleeping. 
You reach for some wipes on the nightstand beside Sana and use one to clean her face. Sana doesn’t say a word but is surprised at how gently you’re caressing her face as you clean her. “Let me get your back too.” You grab another wipe and clean up Sana’s backside to the best of your ability. While you’re focused on cleaning her up while not disturbing Jeongyeon’s sleep. Sana stares at you, her eyes full of curiosity. Once you're done, you toss the wipes toward the trash can, barely missing. “Shoot, I’ll have to pick them up later.”
Sana rests her head on you and turns her eyes toward Jeongyeon. Reaching her arm out and rubbing the older woman’s cheek before her eyes get heavy, she ends up falling asleep, too. You stay awake the longest, thinking about how you got so lucky to end up in this situation. You kiss the top of Jeongyeon’s and Sana’s head before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, Jeongyeon is the first to wake up. She sees your sleeping face and smiles to herself before climbing out of bed. She puts on an oversized shirt and heads to the kitchen. A few minutes later, Sana gets up and heads toward the kitchen, closing the door behind her. As she enters the kitchen, she sees Jeongyeon looking through the fridge. “So, how are you going to do this, Jeongyeon.”
Jeongyeon jumps at the sound of Sana’s voice. “Oh, Sana, I didn't hear you come in. What do you mean?” 
“I mean, I saw how you looked at him last night. I don’t think this is just a sex thing.” Sana says as she leans onto the countertop. “I think feelings are involved here. I know I voiced some support earlier, but you need to figure this out.”
“Sana, I-”
“Jeongyeon, I know what you’re going to say. You haven’t been intimate with your husband in a long time. I get that but think about your kid. Would this guy actually take you in with your kid?” Sana’s doubts about you cause Jeongyeon to grow silent. 
“Jeongyeon, I’m not telling you to end it with him. All I’m saying is that you have to keep your feelings out of this. It’s purely sex.” Jeongyeon closes the fridge and looks at the floor like a child who’s been punished. Realizing she’s hurt her friend, Sana takes a step toward Jeongyeon.
“Please leave,” Jeongyeon says quietly, eyes glued to the floor. 
“I said leave. I don’t want you here,” Jeongyeon’s voice is shaky as she speaks, “I know what I’m doing, Sana. You’ve never been through marriage; you haven’t fallen in love with someone, married them, and had a child with them, only to be thrown to the side! Don’t I deserve to be loved too!” Jeongyeon yells; her knuckles are white as she tightens her hands into balls. Tears are rolling down her cheeks as she continues. “I gave up so much, Sana. I had dreams of being a model or a singer, and I put them aside for him! You know why?! Because I thought he was the one! I thought he would always be there for me, that he would support me later! Now he won’t even look at me!” 
Sana takes another step toward Jeongyeon, her hand reaching out for her friend. “Jeongyeon, I didn’t know.”
“Of course, you didn’t! How could you know?!” Sana rushes in and hugs Jeongyeon, who cries into Sana’s chest. Jeongyeon’s anger turns into pain and anguish: “I-I just want to be loved. Why doesn’t he love me anymore?” Sana stays silent, patting Jeongyeon’s back. The two stay like that until Jeongyeon calms down. Sana moves her into the living room and sits her down on the couch while she makes breakfast for her. 
You come in a few minutes later and see a sniffling Jeongyeon. You kneel in front of her. “What’s wrong, Jeongyeon?” You ask, cupping her cheeks. You see her sad expression and rub her cheeks with your thumbs. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She shakes her head, “Not right now.” 
You kiss her forehead, “That’s okay. We can talk about it whenever you want; if you don’t want to, that’s fine, too. Okay?” Jeongyeon nods and wraps her arms around you, holding you tightly as Sana walks back in. “Morning, Sana.” You say, still holding onto Jeongyeon. 
She gives you a simple nod as she places a plate of food on the coffee table. “I’ll be back with more.” She says, leaving the room quickly. 
You pick up the plate and start feeding Jeongyeon. “Do…you still feel like coming into work? I could always tell the office you’re sick, and you can stay home.” 
“It’s fine; I can come in,” Jeongyeon says before taking a bite from the spoon in front of her. 
“Alright,” You reply before moving the food around the plate for a second. “Do…you regret what we did?” Jeongyeon stays quiet for a minute, and you feel like she’s going to say she does regret it.
“I don’t regret it,” She says softly. Jeongyeon looks into your eyes, “I don’t regret it, I’m just…thinking is all.” She kisses you on the forehead. “You’ve made me feel good about myself.” She gives you a weak smile, and you drop the subject. 
You sit in silence until Sana returns with two more plates of food. “Why so quiet?” She says, putting the plates on the table. “You two have to get to work soon, so finish your food quickly.”
You feed Jeongyeon first, making sure she finishes everything before getting started on your food. “What do you do, Sana? For work, I mean.”
“Me? I do a bit of everything.” She says, dodging your question in a way. Seeing you’re a bit unsatisfied with her answer, she continues, “I’ve done some designing, painting, artistic things.” You give a small nod, a little more satisfied with that answer. Jeongyeon remains quiet for the rest of breakfast. 
“Do you have a place you want me to drop you off? You ask Sana. 
“No, I’ll be leaving now. I like to walk in the mornings, so I’ll probably make that my exercise for today. I’m walking home.” Sana collects the plates, putting them in the kitchen before heading out. 
You turn to Jeongyeon now that it’s just you and her. “Let’s get changed.” She nods her head, and you both go to the bedroom to change into work clothes. You stare at Jeongyeon as she gets changed. Her body turns you on; she catches you staring and gives you a soft smile. Jeongyeon still feels happy that you’re giving her this attention despite her mind being heavy with dozens of thoughts. You both head out to the office, walking in together as you get to your desks. 
“Hi, you two!” You hear being yelled out as you take your seat. Dahyun is quickly walking toward your stations with a massive smile on her face. She notices Jeongyeon’s less-than-happy expression and slows her roll. “Jeongyeon, what’s wrong?” 
“It’s nothing, really.” 
“Hmm, well, alright,” Dahyun responds, a little worried about Jeongyeon. Dahyun comes by you and leans forward, showing you her phone. “Hey, look at these pictures I took of Eunsoo!”
“Eunso?” You reply.
“Ah! That’s right, I never told you her name. My little girl’s name is Eunsoo.” Dahyun shows you pictures that she took of her playing with her kid. 
“She’s cute, Dahyun. I like the picture of her sleeping on you. It’s funny.” Dahyun blushes in response.
“I-yeah. She’s pretty cute. She’s growing up so quickly, too. I miss how small she was when she was born.”
“Are you going to want another kid in the future?” You ask.
Dahyun takes the question the wrong way, assuming you meant you wanted to have a baby with her. “I-um, I don’t think I’m ready to have another one yet,” Dahyun says, her face becoming bright red. “I have to go. I’ll see you later.” She walks off in a hurry, pushing her way through others. 
Jeongyeon overhears the conversation and takes the opportunity to ask you something. “Do…do you want children?” 
You consider her question for a second. “Yeah, I want to have a couple of kids at some point. A family would be nice to have.” Jeongyeon nods her head, a small smile creeping on up. She considers asking another question but stops herself, thinking about Sana’s words. The conversation peters out as the workday begins. The day goes by as usual; you have lunch with Dahyun and Jeongyeon before the day eventually comes to a close. Everyone leaves the office one by one. As Jeongyeon is about to leave, you pull her hand and have her sit back down. You look around, making sure no one would see before kissing her. “Till next time?”
Jeongyeon kisses you again; it’s a much softer kiss than any she’s given. “I…I’ll see when we can meet again.” Jeongyeon leaves the office; she considers the two paths ahead of her as she makes her way home. 
You pack your things and head home, stopping at a grocery store to pick up some much-needed food now that Sana had used what you had left. Walking amongst the aisles, basket in hand, you spot a familiar face in Jihyo.
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coolemmasulivan · 1 year
Good Together | 3
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Summary: Reader is a single mom and the new Social Media Executive of the club and Mason falls in love with her at first sign.
Word count: 2891
Read part 1 here and part 2 here
Author's note: English isn't my first language, so I apologise for my mistakes. I actually want to continue this, but instead of part 3, 4, 5, I think I'll do one shots (bonus scenes from the story, like, teling Noah about the relationship, or wedding, or the rest of the team finding out).
I will hold you like I'm supposed to, and kiss you like it's the last time, I need you (...) 'Cause you're the love of my life
When you opened your eyes the next morning, you felt as if you were dying. You were extremely thirsty, your eyes hurt, and it seemed like someone was drumming in your head.
Slowly you sat up at the head of the bed, but with each movement the feeling got worse. You didn't remember the last time you felt this way, or if you ever felt this way, but one thing was for sure, you were never drinking again.
"Jesus Christ!"
Finally you looked at your surroundings and everything from last night hit you like a train.
"Why do they (hands) fit so well?"
"Can you help me with the zipper?"
"Did you make a bet on me too?"
Your mouth opened in shock and you facepalm yourself. "No. Oh my god, no." You groaned. You slid down in the bed, hiding inside the sheets and kicking your feet around. When you felt the need to breathe you pulled out your head from the sheets. "You've got to be kidding me. What have I done?"
You grabbed your phone off the nightstand to check what time it was when you saw a glass of water and an aspirin. You sat up and drank it down quickly. Your throat relaxed as the liquid ran through it.
You unlocked the phone and saw that it was already 2 p.m and you almost choked on the water. Next to the time, you saw a message from Sophia.
Sophia: Are you alive? Is Mason treating you well? You: I'm going to kill you! How could you leave me alone with him? What kind of friend are you anyway? Sophia: The kind of friend who wants you to be happy with the man you're in love with. You: Not when I'm drunk. Bad move, Sophia, bad move. Ps: Where are my house keys?
Since she took her time answering, you decided you couldn't stay in Mason's bed all day, but as you pull the sheets aside and slowly put your feet on the floor, your phone rings with Sophia's name. A video call.
"I shouldn't even be taking your call." You told her.
Sophia laughed. “Don’t be like that.” You stood up very quickly and the pain in your head intensified. "How's your head?"
You took a deep breath. "I feel like I've been hit by a train. How are you doing so well?"
At that moment, Kai appeared beside her on the video. "I made her a special hangover smoothie."
Sophia made a disgusted face. "It tastes and smells awful, but it works wonders."
"I can see that."
Kai frowned as he turned his face to the camera again. "Are you in Mason's bedroom?"
You blushed. "I--It's no--"
"And is that his shirt?" This time it was Sophia. "Oh my god! Did you two sleep together?"
"She was drunk, Soph. I wouldn't take advantage of her." Mason's voice made you jump. He was leaning against the door with his hair unkempt and his hands in the pockets of his grey sweatpants. "I made you breakfast. Come down when you're done." He whispered. "Goodbye, Soph." He called out.
"Byeeeee!" She shouted into the phone. "He's such a nice guy. You have good taste." You told her to be quiet as Kai gave her a slight hit on the shoulder.
"I've to go."
"Yes. Go have breakfast." She emphasised the word breakfast. "Don't choke on it." She and Kai laughed, while you rolled her eyes.
"Goodbye Sophia. Goodbye." You ended the video phone call and after trying to fix your hair in the mirror, you walked out.
It wasn't hard to find the kitchen, you just followed the good smell in the house. Mason had his back to you while flipping pancakes and humming a song to himself. All you wanted to do was hug his muscular body.
"Why don't you?" He asked you, snapping you out of your trance.
He turned off the stove and let the last pancake slide onto the plate. "If you want to hug me, you don't have to ask."
You blushed. "Did I say that out loud?"
"Yes, you did." Mason smiled and set the plate on the kitchen island where there were already two plates and orange juice. "Sit down. You must be hungry."
You slowly sat down on the stool and Mason sat down next to you. You began to eat in silence. The tension was palpable and you didn't know whether to say something or leave it alone.
"I didn't know you could cook." You decide to break the silence.
He looked at you and couldn't help grinning because his clothes looked so good on you. "You never asked." You didn't look at him and kept eating. Mason put his hand under your stool and slowly pulled you towards him. You let out a surprised sound. "Did you sleep well?" You turned your head and Mason's face was closer than you thought.
"Yes." Your nervous voice sounded like a chicken. You cleared your throat. "Yes, I did. Thanks for helping me last night and letting me stay here." You tried to pull away from him, but he quickly pulled you back.
"You can stay here all night and day." He told you, his voice barely a whisper. "And I didn't know you were a drunken seducer." If your legs didn't feel like jelly, you'd have run away and never showed your face in front of him again. "But I like it. It's cute." He whispered in your ear.
You stood up and ran your hands through your hair. "Don't do that, Mason." He looked at you, confused and slightly amused. "Why do you always make me so nervous? It's so frustrating. Every time I see you, I feel like there's a hurricane in my stomach. I even blush when Noah talks about you. And he talks about you every single day. How… How is that possible? Not even my ex-boyfriends made me feel like this."
"Then it's a good thing they're your ex-boyfriends." He stood up as well. His gaze was electrifying, looking at you as if you were his prey.
"Mason, don't do that." You hold your hand in front of you, trying to stop him from coming closer. But even as you try to put some distance between you, Mason quickly caught you and pushed you gently against the white wall.
"Stop running from me." His chest rose and fell quickly. His face was inches from yours and you didn't know how long you could ignore the urge to kiss him. "What I said last night is true. You just need to say the word and I'll be putty in your hands. I like you very much. I--." He took a step back and ran his hands over his head. "I'm in love with you."
You could no longer keep it under control. You clasped his face with both hands and kissed him passionately. Immediately his hands wrapped around your waist and drew you closer together. The kiss became hot and passionate. It felt like time had stopped and you two were the only things that mattered. When it became too much, you broke the kiss to breathe.
"I’m sorry. I shouldn’t–"
"Don’t." His hands gently rested on your - his - shirt, covering your skin. "Don’t say this was a mistake. You have no idea how long I waited and how much I dreamed of feeling your lips." Mason leaned his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. He smiled and you did the same. He kissed your lips again and again, and soon he was making out with you against the wall.
You didn't know how long you kissed. His hair had become messier on your hands and both your lips were swollen. His grip on your hips had tightened and the shirt on your body had lifted.
"You realise I'm not going to let you go now." He kissed your check and hid his face against your neck. You still smelled of alcohol, but he didn't care.
You bit your lip as you felt him kiss your neck. "But I've to. I've to shower and then go to my parents."
"You can shower here. I've hot water."
"I don't have any clothes."
"You can borrow some of mine." He pulled back and looked you up and down. "They look really good on you."
He tried to kiss you again, but you pushed him back. "I really have to go now, Mason."
"Who's to say you won't ignore me again if I let you go. Or what if I let you go and realise this is a dream."
You couldn't blame him. Of course you were scared to get into a relationship with him, but you couldn't ignore your feelings anymore. You were an adult and it had been a long time since you had a serious relationship. You wanted to try it out and you were sure Mason was the one.
You cupped his face and kissed his lips. "This isn't a dream and I swear I won't ignore you." You took a deep breath at the next words. "I'm in love with you too."
After your confession, you saw the biggest smile on his face. Mason sat you down on the couch and the making out continued for a while, but when his mother called him, you used that to your advantage.
You went into his room and got your things. Your mobile, your bag, your black dress and your heels. When you came back out, Mason was finishing his phone call.
"Can you take me home?"
"What about your keys?"
You looked at him. "Kai left them under the door mat this morning when Sophia showed him the keys."
"For fuck's sake, Kai!" He joked, which made you laugh. He grabbed his car keys and led you out.
The ride was a lot of laughing and flirty glances. It had been a long time since you felt so happy. Noah made you happy every day, but Mason made you happy in a different way.
"Are you free Wednesday night?" He asked you as he parked in front of your house.
You took off your seatbelt and looked at him. He had a sweet smile that you found hard to ignore. "I guess so. Why?"
"Will you go on a date with me?"
You smiled. "I have to talk to my parents to see if they can watch Noah. But yes. I can probably go on a date with you." His smile got bigger and the blush on his face appeared. "Have to go! Goodbye, Mason."
Before you could leave, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. He cupped your check and kissed you slowly. "Goodbye Y/a."
Monday and Tuesday had gone by quickly. Mason had trapped you a few times in the hallways and stolen a few kisses, even after you told him it was a bad idea and someone would catch you.
"There's no one here." His hands were on your hips, pressing you against the wall.
You 'tried' to push his hands away, but his grip was firm. "Someone can show up, Mason." You whispered.
He pecked your lips, surprising you. "So let them see." He kissed your lips again. "It's not like this will be a surprise to anyone."
He knew what he was doing. You end up leaning forwards and kissing him. You felt him smiling against the kiss and his hands gripped your waist harder, bringing you closer to him, if that was even possible.
But as soon as you heard voices getting closer, you pushed Mason away. Next thing you know, your father and Noah appeared at the end of the hallway.
"Mason!" Noah shouted and ran toward the footballer. Mason gave him a high five and a hug, as your father gave you a knowing look. You felt your cheeks getting red. "Can we play together after training?"
"Of course." Mason said.
"Uhh, excuse me? What about your homework?" You crossed your arms over your chest and looked at the young boy.
Noah let out a sigh. "Can we play together after Mason’s training and after I finish my homework? Please, mum!"
You rolled your eyes and nodded. "The sooner you start your homework the sooner you can play." Noah thanked you and quickly ran toward your office, with his blue backpack on his back. "Thank you for dropping him off, dad."
"You’re welcome, darling."
"Ahmm. Let me introduce you. Dad, this is Mason. Mason, this is Y/d/n, my dad." They shook hands. You could see the nervousness on Mason’s face.
"Nice meeting you, Mr. Y/d/l/n."
"You too, Mason. You too!" He smiled. "You have something on your lips, boy."
Mason cleaned his lips with the back of his hands, seeing your lipstick on it. He blushed and you closed your eyes in embarrassment. You told him someone would catch you. 
You opened the door when the doorbell rang. Like always your parents were delighted to stay with Noah. Noah, on the other hand, was questioning himself why was he going to stay his grandparents again.
"Hi, sweetheart!" Your mum greeted you.
You greeted her back. "Come in."
Noah got up from the sofa and ran toward his grandmother. "Hi, Grandma!"
Your mum hugged him back. "Hello, my sweet boy." She kissed him on the head. "Are you ready to go? Grandpa is going to make you your favourite for dinner."
Noah's face lights up. "YES! Can mum come too?"
You uncrossed your arms and smiled at him. "No, sweety. I've dinner with a friend, remember? That's why you're going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa."
"Oh, yes." Noah grabbed his backpack from the sofa. You helped him put it on and kissed him on the cheek. "Mummmm!"
"Be good! I'll pick you up tomorrow after school."
You said your goodbyes and when you closed the door, you started getting nervous all over again. It was really happening, after trying to push Mason away so many times, you were finally going on a date with him.
You walked into your bedroom. There were clothes all over the place. On the bed, on the floor, even on top of the TV you had in front of your bed.
"Oh my god. What am I going to wear?"
At Mason's house, he was agitated, walking from one side to another in front of the TV his niece was trying to see.
His sister was watching him and was becoming light-headed. "Mason, can you stop, please? Why are you so nervous? It's not your first date."
Mason stopped and sat down on the sofa, his leg shaking up and down. "But it's my first date with Y/a."
His sister smiled at him. "You really like her!"
"I do. I think about her every second of every day." An image of you came to his mind and he immediately smiled. "She's so pretty. She's an amazing person and she's an awesome mother. She's a quiet person but when she speaks everyone stops to listen to her and her smile, is the best thing ever."
Even his niece that didn't understand what was going on and what he was saying, watched his uncle stunned.
"So you found the one!"
Mason stopped for a second and looked at his sister. She was right, he had found the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
It was you.
The door banged on the wall with so much force, that Mason had to stretch his hand so it wouldn't hit you in the back. You entered the house, lips still locked. He closed the door and pushed you back against the wall tightly.
His lips trailed down your jaw, finding that sweet spot on your neck. You pulled off his jacket, dropping it on the floor at his feet. While still kissing your neck, he did the same with your coat.
You cupped his face, bringing him back so you could kiss him again. You pushed him backwards, enough to guide him toward the living room.
The house was dark, but you knew the way to your bedroom by the back of your hand. Or so you thought.
You pushed Mason against the back of the sofa and his hands instantly pull you between his legs. The kiss was hot and sensual. The tension could be felt in the air.
One of his hands pull the strap of your dress from your shoulder, and yours pulled up his shirt over his head. Your hands immediately feeling up his abs.
"You're so beautiful." His voice sounded deeper.
"Look who's talking."
His hands grabbed your bum and lifted you up. You instantly locked your legs around him. You told him where to go while kissing his neck and running your hand through his hair.
Mason was so lost in your touch, that he didn't notice the floor ahead of him full of Noah's toys. He stepped into them and lost his balance. You let out a surprised cry as you felt him falling backwards with you in his arms.
"Holy shit!" He said, scratching his head that had hit the floor. 
"Are you okay?" You sat up and took your weight off of him.
"Shit. Next time I'll let you go first." When you realised he was fine and hadn’t hurt himself, you burst out laughing. "Why are you laughing?" You leaned against the wall of the hallway, laughing uncontrollably. Mason sat up and leaned against the wall in front of you and smiled at your laughter. "If we're going to continue this, give me a minute."
"I'm so sorry. I should have cleaned up Noah's mess." You crawled towards him and leaned your head against his shoulder. "Welcome to my world. You still have time to jump out of the boat."
"No thanks. I like this boat." He kissed your head and grabbed your hand. "Your son doesn’t even know we’re together and he's already cockblocking me. This is going to be fun!"
"You know," You cleared your throat. "Noah never actually met my ex-boyfriends. I mean, he did meet them, but as friends. I never introduced them, and they never stayed long enough for Noah to get to know them as anything more serious." You looked at Mason. He was looking at you, his warm hand still intertwined with yours. His passion and pleasure were clear in his eyes, even in the dark room. "What I'm saying is that I can be a bit difficult to be in a relationship with, but Noah is the most important person in my life and I can't–"
Mason cupped your face and kissed you passionately, interrupting your words. "I like you and I like Noah. I know he comes first for you, always will, and you'll do anything to protect him. I can only promise you that I'll do my best to be his best friend and protect him as much as you do. I know what I got myself into when I was chasing after you for the last few months. Believe me, this will work."
"How can you be so sure?"
"We’re good together!"
@marialikescherries @ricsaigaslec @alwaysclassyeagle @insssanemind @faatxma
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Eddie fingering horny reader in the back of Steve's car (only the adult gang, ofc!) and Steve asking "what the hell is that on my leather seats?" when they arrive :D
Ok I know you just sent this in and I have other drabbles to write, but I just had to do this one.
Warnings: this is all smut. If you look up “smut” in the dictionary, this fic will be there (18+ only minors DNI), language, public sex, handjob, fingering, slight degradation
WC: 1.1k
"So, what did you guys think of Top Gun?" Steve asks you and Robin as you walk from the movie theater to his BMW.
"It was great!" Robin says, slurping down the last of her soda. "My favorite part was...every scene with Kelly McGillis."
Steve laughs and unlocks the car. "Can't say I blame you." He opens the door, turning to you and Eddie. "And what about you two lovebirds?"
"Oh!" you jump, caught off-guard. "Um, I thought it was all really good." Eddie just nods in agreement.
"Ooookay," Robin says, and you feel yourself blush. In actuality, you hadn't been paying attention to the movie at all. About 20 minutes in, Eddie took your hand and placed it over the crotch of his pants. You could feel that he was already half-hard.
"Please, princess," he'd whispered in your ear. "I need you to make me feel good."
You’d unbuttoned his jeans and waited for a loud part of the movie to lower his zipper. Steve and Robin were completely engrossed in the movie--or rather, in Kelly McGillis--which worked to your advantage. 
You put your hand to his mouth. “Spit,” you order him quietly, and he does as he’s told.
You took his length in your hand, wrapping your fingers around his shaft and pumping slowly, torturing him. He took a sharp breath in.
“Faster,” he hissed through his teeth, but you shook your head and laughed softly.
“Don’t rush me, baby,” you cooed, knowing that he would get you back for this later.
What you didn’t know was that “later” would be right now, in the back seat of Steve Harrington’s car.
You feel his ringed fingers make their way up your bare thigh, pushing under your skirt. 
“Here?” you squeak out, grateful for the music blasting through the car speakers.
“Princess,” Eddie sneers, “did you think I’d let you off easy after you took your sweet time teasing me?”
You clamped your legs shut, trapping his hand between your thighs. “We can’t do this in Steve’s car.”
“We can if you stay quiet,” Eddie leans over and bites your earlobe, sending a shiver down your spine. “I feel how wet you are f’me.”
He wasn’t wrong. You’d gotten turned on when you were jerking him off in the movie theater. Robin was on your left and Eddie was on your right, and there was something so undeniably hot about the prospect of getting caught.
“Okay,” you say now, releasing the tension in your legs. “Make me feel good now, Eds.”
“As you wish,” Eddie growls, sucking a bruise into your neck. He pushes your soaked panties aside, running a finger along your folds. He quickly finds your clit and rubs excruciatingly slow, deliberate circles over it.
“Eddie,” you whine, “I-I need...”
“Let me guess,” he taunts, “you need me to go faster, don’t you, princess?”
“Mhm,” you manage, taking a long breath.
“Well, isn’t that just too bad,” he snarls. “Poor baby doesn’t want a taste of her own medicine.”
“‘M sorry, just--fuck--please go faster.”
“Nuh-uh.” He pulls away from your clit and brings his forefinger and middle finger to his mouth, coating them with his spit before slipping them into your cunt. He curls them, thrusting harder and farther, but the pace remains agonizingly slow.
“I can feel how tight you are,” he says. “Can feel all of you. Wish it was my cock, though, don’t you?”
“Y-yeah, wish it was your cock, Eds,” you moan. He laughs as you squirm in your seat.
“You guys okay back there?” Steve call out over the music, keeping his eyes trained on the road.
“I’m good,” Eddie replies, then turns to you. “What about you, babe?”
“G-good. I’m good, too.” You glare at him while you choke out the words, but he only plunges his fingers in deeper.
“We’ll--mm--be back at Steve’s place in less than 5 minutes,” you whisper to your boyfriend, who is clearly enjoying you ache with need. “Are you gonna let me cum before then?”
“Maybe,” he goads, and you whimper in protest. “If you earn it.” 
“W-what can I do?” you plead, biting your lower lip to suppress the groan threatening to escape your lips.
“Beg for it,” he orders. “Tell me how you’re just a slut begging to be finger-fucked in the back of her friend’s car.” He flashes a mischievous smile as you lean back against the headrest. 
“Eddie, I need you to make me cum,” you cry out. “I’m your little slut, and I have no self-control around you. I'm so needy for you.”
“So whose turn is it to pick the movie next week?” Robin pipes up from the passenger seat.
No. No no NO.
Eddie has that twinkle in his eye, and you know exactly what he’s going to do. “I think it’s Y/N. You have any ideas, babe?”
It’s at that moment that he quickens his pace, fingers pumping in and out of you. You feel your slick drip down your thigh as you search for an answer.
“Um, n-not yet,” you mumble, barely audible.
Eddie leans in and whispers as he scissors his fingers inside of you. “Not a single thought in that pretty little head of yours, huh?”
You shake your head. “Only thinking about cumming for you. All over y-your fingers. Making a mess in St-Steve’s car because of you.” You feel yourself teetering over the edge, nearing your orgasm. “’M so close, Eds.”
Steve turns on to his block. You can see his house in the distance.
“Cum for me, baby. What’re you waiting for?” His mock innocence does it for you and you moan as you climax. Neither Steve nor Robin seem to notice, and your heart beats faster as you realize you got away with it.
As Steve throws the car in park, Eddie brings his slick-covered fingers to your lips. “Can’t go into Harrington’s house like this, princess. Go on. Taste how sweet you are.” You take his fingers in your mouth and suck them clean, releasing them with a soft pop just as Steve flicks off the radio and kills the engine.
You fling open your door, smoothing down your skirt and making a beeline for the house. You and Eddie share a smile. You pulled it off. 
But the excitement is short-lived when you hear Steve call out exasperatedly, “What the hell is that on my leather seats?” He looks at you and Eddie. “Really, guys? In my car?”
Eddie just gives him a sheepish look. “Sorry, man,” he shrugs, “it’s not easy having such a needy girlfriend.” He slings an arm around you and kisses your beet-red face. “Isn’t that right, princess?”
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
A/N: This wasn't supposed to be so long or so angsty, and yet, here we are. . . 🤷‍♀️
What if they accidentally kissed during the Big Boy scene? Aka Eddie's bisexual awakening. . .
Eddie grinned at Steve, Robin peering over his shoulder, but he wasn't looking at her.
"Oh, I'm not going to be the one driving this thing. Harrington's got her, don't ya, big boy?" Eddie smirked.
Big boy? Where the hell did that come from? He hurriedly invaded his space like he does when he feels awkward, and of course, they were already pretty close. Steve just had to move his head. Fuck. Their lips brushed against each other. They froze for a moment before they pulled away. Eddie didn't have any time to think about what just happened because Steve pulled him up, and suddenly, they were peeling out of the trailer park. They were on their way to the War Zone, and Eddie was sitting behind Steve, listening to him talk about his dreams. It gave him plenty of time to think about what the hell just happened.
Holy shit! His first kiss and it was with Steve Harrington. It was an accident, though. It didn't mean anything to him, did it? No, it definitely meant something to him. He wanted to do it again. As he thought about it, his mind began to wonder. More kissing, in the heat of victory. Vecna was dead, vanquished, and Eddie was cleared of any wrongdoing. Steve was grinning as he pulled Eddie into his arms, dipped him, and kissed him like he was a nurse on V-J day. Fast forward years later, and they had a house together. Eddie and Steve were chasing their kids around the house. The sound of their little feet and their giggles filled the home they built together. Wooah, getting a little ahead of yourself there, Munson? Suddenly, a pair of fingers were snapping in front of his face. His eyes came into focus.
"Jesus, what the hell? I thought you were. . .what were you thinking about?" Robin asked with a smirk.
"Sorry, you have to be a higher level to unlock that information, Buckley," Eddie said.
"Damn, is saving your ass not enough?" She laughed. "Anyways, we're going in. Can you babysit Dustin, Lucas, and Steve?"
"I don't need babysitting," Steve scowled.
"The tables have turned, Steve-o. Deal with it," Robin scoffed. "I'm laying my Dingus in your hands. Don't fail me, Munson. Steve, we'll get you clothes and shoes, along with proper bandages."
She followed the others out of the RV after she whispered something to Steve. Eddie was pretty sure she asked if he wanted Eddie to be his nurse. Steve plopped down next to him, his cheeks red. It looked like Dustin was going to join them, but Steve held up a hand to stop him. He twirled his finger, indicating that he wanted Dustin and Lucas to turn around. They rolled their eyes and did it, anyway.
"So. . .are we going to talk about what happened back there?" Steve asked.
"Oh, yeah," Eddie said sheepishly. "I hope I didn't freak anyone out. I was just lost in thought."
"Oh. . .I was actually talking about our lips, you know, connecting. . .but should we talk about that, too?" Steve asked.
"Oh, that. . .I mean, it was an accident, right?" Eddie asked, blushing.
"I mean, it was. . .," Steve trailed off.
"Even if you were into guys, why in the hell would you be interested in me?" Eddie asked.
"You're making assumptions again," Steve said in amusement.
"What other assumptions are you referring to?" Eddie asked.
"Well, you assumed that Nancy and I were still into each other. . .hmm, very wrong about that. Now, you're open to the possibility that I might be into guys, but I definitely wouldn't be into you. You are extremely wrong about the fact that I wouldn't be into you. I was going to say that it was a happy accident," Steve said.
Eddie completely forgot that anyone else was still there when he surged forward to capture his lips. Steve laughed, and Eddie could feel it vibrate against his mouth. Eddie blushed and pulled away.
"Shit, sorry, I forgot we weren't alone," Eddie whispered.
"Don't worry, it looks like they've forgotten too," Steve whispered.
Dustin and Lucas were talking animatedly with one another, their backs facing them. Eddie smiled and went back to kissing him.
[Meanwhile. . .
"So, we're just going to ignore the fact that they're making out behind us?" Lucas whispered to Dustin.
"Yes," Dustin whispered. "We know about Steve, but we don't know about Eddie, so yes, we're going to ignore them until Eddie is ready."]
A moment later, everyone came running in, and Steve quickly pulled away from Eddie before anyone could see them. He jumped into the driver's seat and drove them away to an open field. Erica threw a bag at Steve and Eddie.
"I got you a belt I thought you might like. Steve, I got you some clothes and a jacket that's gonna make you look cool for once. You better wear it. We got you some supplies, and you better tend to those wounds properly because no way in hell is my favorite brother going to die from a dumbass infection," Erica said.
"Excuse me! I'm right here!" Lucas exclaimed.
"I know," Erica said, staring him down before exiting the vehicle.
"This isn't a real suggestion, but if she did face Vecna, she wouldn't even need a weapon, right?" Eddie asked.
"No fucking kidding," Steve said.
"Everyone's out. . .so I'm going to go and let you have some privacy," Eddie blushed.
"Wait, I'm going to need help with my back. . .if you don't mind," Steve said.
"If you wanted me to feel you up, all you had to do was ask," Eddie winked, and Steve scoffed.
Eddie helped him peel off his vest and slung it across the table. He locked the door and turned to face Steve, his cheeks red at the sight of Steve shirtless again. The first time it happened, on that damned boat, and Steve just slung his sweater at him. . .God, there was this jolt of something that awoke in Eddie. He had no clue what it was. . .no, he knew what it was. He just didn't want to admit to it, didn't want to accept it, which is crazy considering how much of everything else about himself he manages to accept. Maybe because it would go against his doctrine again. There was a stirring with Chrissy that he felt. He didn't want to admit that he had a type. No, him liking guys was something he could accept. Steve and Chrissy? No, no way. Chrissy. . .and like a punch to the gut, he was suddenly reminded that nothing was going to happen, not anything because she was dead. He was never going to get to know her, to see her standing in the crowd at one of his shows, or to find out if she would have even been his friend. . .if she would have returned the feelings, or. . . Would she have accepted that he also had feelings for Steve? Shit, he didn't even know what her favorite color was. Oh, she carried around that little pink backpack. Was it pink? Shit. He did not want to build her up in his head, but he knew what kind of person she was in that moment. . . At that picnic table. Will he ever go back to that table and not think of her? It was the loss of knowing her, that he never would, that broke the dam. Suddenly, Steve was cupping his face.
"Eddie?" Steve asked and he burst into tears.
"She's dead, Steve," Eddie sobbed, and Steve's eyes were full of understanding. "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be helping you and I'm fucking falling apart here."
"It was bound to happen at some point. I'm surprised you managed to keep it together this long," Steve replied.
He pulled Eddie against him and let him cry into his shoulder. Eddie let out a deep, aching sob as he grieved for the girl he never got to know. He whimpered and pulled back.
"I feel like I don't deserve to feel this, but I think I was starting to develop something for her, you know?" Eddie said, sniffling. "Is that okay?"
"Of course, more than okay," Steve said softly.
He leaned against the table and pulled Eddie in between his legs. He rubbed his arms gently before taking his hands in his. Eddie slipped his fingers through Steve’s, interlocking their fingers together.
"After this," Eddie whispered, leaning his forehead against Steve’s. "I'm not going to waste a single moment. I'm going to cherish every single one with you. Ugh! I sound like a sap. Steve Harrington, what the hell are you doing to me?"
"I'm just that irresistible," Steve said with a grin. "You're a cute sap though."
"We only just started getting to know each other," Eddie said. "It seems like all of this is happening so quickly. I fucking ran at lightning speed through my sexuality crisis."
"Yeah, trauma bonding will do that to you. Robin didn't like me at first," Steve said. "But now she's my platonic soulmate, and I can't imagine life without her."
"I just wish it hadn't started like this," Eddie said.
"Look at this way," Steve said, wrapping his arms around his waist. "We would have gotten together no matter what because of Dustin."
"That little shit was determined to get us to hang out," Eddie said.
"And we both would have caved eventually," Steve said, shrugging his shoulders. "That's what I like about you. I don't think there is anything that you wouldn't do for that kid. Neither would I."
"Annoying, isn't it? How he manages to claw his way into collecting older brothers like they're trading cards," Eddie snorted.
"See? We definitely would have bonded over him," Steve said.
"We still can," Eddie said and began to work on Steve’s bandages. "What's your favorite color?"
"Yellow, why?" Steve asked.
"Just curious. Mine's red," Eddie said as he began to disinfect his wounds. "Um. . .boxers or briefs?"
"Seriously?" Steve laughed.
"Just trying to get to know you," Eddie said.
"Both," Steve said as he turned around so Eddie could tend to the wounds on his back.
Eddie paused for a moment before giggling.
"Me too," Eddie replied and they both laughed.
As they prepared for war, Eddie couldn't help but think about the times he would get up early and watch the sunrise on the roof of his trailer. Sometimes, Max would join him on the roof, and they would just sit there quietly.
"You listen to the same music Billy did," Max said the first time.
"I am nothing -," Eddie started to say.
"I know," she said quickly. "Billy never would have taken in Mike, Dustin, and Lucas the way that you did. I wish - "
Max started to say, but she choked up and went quiet. Eddie sometimes wished that he had pushed her to say more, but he knew what it was like at that age to be an angry, stricken with grief kid who didn't want to talk. So, he did what Wayne did and let her sit there with him to watch the rise of a new day. He remembered the rays of light coming through, the twinkle of the stars disappearing into the light, and right now, he couldn't help but compare them to the freckles on Steve’s face. He was the sun, a bigger star surrounded by slightly smaller ones. They were protecting him as much as he was protecting them. Does the sun die a little when one of their smaller stars goes out, or does it burn a little brighter? He'd have to look that up.
But what he couldn't help but ponder on was the rays of light coming through during a sunrise. The colors were a multitude of red, yellow, and pink. He couldn't help but think about what that meant, how it oddly made him think of Chrissy and Steve. His type wasn't preppy people, but people made of pure starlight, both lights hidden safely by the sunlight but seen so clearly standing with the darkness, shining brighter and stronger than before. They were all made of stardust, he thought. Some were just more obvious than the others. He thought about that more on the way back to the Creel House. You're trying too hard to be poetic, Munson, he thought to himself. As Max walked by him, Eddie squeezed her hand and pleaded with his eyes. Come back. She squeezed his hand and did the same.
"Steve. . .," Eddie called out.
They were in the Upside Down now. The other three were off to face Vecna while Eddie and Dustin were set to be the distractions for the bats. Promises had been made. Don't be cute. Don't be heroes. Steve whirled around, and Eddie was nearly thrown back by the soft look in Steve's eyes. God, he wanted to. . .just one more time.
"Make him pay," he said.
What if they died? Fuck it. Eddie threw caution to the wind and closed the gap between them, crashing his lips to Steve’s in a harsh kiss. He can worry about the consequences later. Steve gripped his hips as he kissed him back eagerly, his hands holding on tightly to the bullet belt. Eddie smirked. He definitely liked the belt. He broke the kiss.
"I just wanted you to know that I really think that you look hot in your new jacket," Eddie said, breathing heavily.
"Yeah, I'll wear it more often, as long as you promise to wear that belt when we, uh, start hanging out," Steve said.
"Hmm, the belt and nothing else?" Eddie asked.
"S-shit," Steve stuttered, his cheeks turning red as the image broke his brain.
"Seriously?!" Robin scowled and pulled her best friend away. "You said what you needed to say. Let's go! Do not get my best friend all excited in the middle of a mission!"
"I prefer the term 'quest'," Eddie replied, and she rolled her eyes, flipping him off as she dragged Steve away.
He giggled when Robin slapped Steve out of it. Eddie turned around to find Dustin looking up at the sky.
"I didn't see or hear anything unless you wanted me to," Dustin said, his eyes closed. "Although, I really hope that you didn't want me to hear that last part."
"Relax, Henderson, I have nothing to hide from you. I trust you with my life," Eddie replied, causing Dustin to smile before punching him in the arm.
"NEVER put that image into my head again," Dustin said, and Eddie let out a cackle.
It all happened so fast. The most metal concert occurred, and then the next thing he knew, he was rushing to buy them more time. For Steve. For Chrissy. Suddenly, Eddie was lying on the ground as the bats tore into his flesh, and then Dustin was screaming, crying over him. Man, he wanted it so badly to be his year. As his vision grew dark, he thought he heard Steve screaming his name, and then he was floating. Is this what death was like?
Eddie opened his eyes and blinked at the white lights. Wait. . .what the fuck? Was he in Heaven? What idiot allowed him into Heaven? Wait. . .it was real? Well, if hell was real, then Heaven could be real, too. Okay, there wouldn't be an annoying beeping sound in Heaven. . .unless. . .this was hell, and the annoying beeping sound was his punishment. Oh, fuck, was it too late to turn his life around? His vision became clearer, and suddenly, his uncle's face came into view.
"I'm alive?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, Eds, you're alive," Wayne said tearfully.
"Eddie?" A voice asked.
Eddie looked over and saw Steve on his other side. Eddie grinned.
"Hey, sunshine," he croaked.
"Hey, glad you're awake," Steve said, trying to hold back his emotions. "Everyone is alright. Max has a broken arm, and Lucas's face is busted up, but we have everything all cleared up. You're a free man."
"Holy shit," Eddie muttered.
"You should know that Steve here hasn't left your side, neither has Eddie junior out there for that matter," Wayne said and gave him a soft look.
Wayne was a man of few words, so over the years, Eddie has learned to read his looks. He knew what that one meant. His eyes were full of knowing.
"You know?" Eddie asked with wide eyes. "How the fuck do you know when I didn't even know until everything happened?!"
"Boy, watch your damn language in front of your gentleman caller," Wayne replied. "And you're a terrible liar, especially when you're lying to yourself. I figured you'd tell me when you were ready to accept it."
"Gentleman caller? Wayne, have you been reading romance novels again?" Eddie asked with an exasperated sigh. "I just want to point out that you fucking swore."
"Maybe I have been reading them. So what?" Wayne asked. "And I just want to point out that he's not my gentleman caller. I'm gonna let you two have a minute. Let EJ know what you're awake, and I just remembered I have the perfect hat for him."
"EJ?" Eddie asked as Wayne left the room.
"It's what he's been calling Dustin," Steve said with a smirk.
"Eddie Junior. . .," Eddie muttered. "So, uh, what would have happened if we hadn't accidentally kissed?"
"Oh, you probably would have spent months pining after me, and I probably would have eventually put you out of your misery by asking you out. Maybe," Steve smirked.
"Oh, you would have been the one to pine after me, big boy, so fuck you," Eddie said.
"I hope that's one of your goals," Steve replied with a smirk.
"You really like me?" Eddie asked with a dreamy sigh.
"I really like you, baby," Steve replied and pushed hair out of his eyes.
Even though he was in a lot of pain, Eddie felt absolutely giddy at the nickname.
"You know, before all of this, I really thought that I, uh, hated you, but I think it was always a crush," Eddie blushed.
"I'm glad we were both wrong about each other," Steve said softly as he brushed hair out of his eyes. "You better hurry up and get better because I don't know how long I can wait to take you on a date."
"Uh, Steve, as lovely as that would be, I don't know if going on a date in public after everything that happened would be a good idea," Eddie said.
"No," Steve said, rolling his eyes. "But I was thinking a nice picnic on Mount Weathertop would be very nice and private."
"You're taking me on a date to Middle Earth!? Yeah, I think that's private enough!" Eddie said cheekily and then dropped his smile. "Wait, there isn't a gate that will take us there. . .is there?"
"Sorry to disappoint you. It's a hill overlooking Hawkins," Steve replied.
"Sounds romantic," Eddie replied.
Before Eddie could say anything else, the door burst open, and his room started to fill up. Dustin was at the front of the group, followed by Mike and the rest of Hellfire. Eddie had been surprised to find that Jim Hopper, the same one who used to arrest him and the same who supposedly died last year. Eddie wasn't sure why anything surprised him anymore. Everyone seemed to be talking all at once, but he wasn't paying attention to them. The only thing that he could focus on was the star sitting in the corner of the room.
Eventually, Eddie left the hospital room and healed up enough to trudge up the path to Mount Weathertop with his boyfriend. Now, Eddie was sitting on the blanket with Steve’s head in his lap as he read the Hobbit to him. His voice grew tired, and he tossed it onto the blanket so he could run his fingers through Steve’s hair. They watched as the sun began to set, and as the sky grew dark, Eddie could almost picture Chrissy's smile in the stars that were appearing. He could almost hear her voice telling him that it was okay, that she was free now. Eddie smiled and exhaled.
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