#the way it makes the black shirts look blue its used to reduce yellow
galaxymagick · 5 months
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rjalker · 2 years
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[ID: A black and white digital drawing, showing a scene from The Murderbot Diaries book series. Murderbot, an androgynoid with very dark skin, wearing a white shirt and light pants, is leaping sideways over the chairs the other characters are sitting on, using one arm on the armrest to swing itself over, with its face hidden, and only the back of its head visible. The other characters are staring up at it in shock, confusion, and amazement: Ratthi, who has dark skin that is slightly lighter than Murderbot's, is below it, throwing one hand out in shock, sending his mug of a dark liquid flying. He is wearing a light, long sleeved shirt and skinny jeans. Pin-Lee, who has light brown skin, is standing at a short table in the background, wearing a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a short skirt. Bharadwaj, who has brown skin, leaning forward over the table to stare, with only her long sleeved shirt visible above the table. Overse, who is white, is sitting in a chair next to Ratthi on the left side of the screen, looking up, with Arada's light brown, bare legs and feet in her lap, with a beaded ankle bracelet. Overse is wearing a long sleeved shirt and leggings, and her own shoes are kicked off on the floor in front of her.
End ID.]
That's the official art of Murderbot from the one scene in "Book 4.5" as I call it, or as it's officially known, by it's annoyingly long name: "Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory". Which you can read for free here. Though do keep in mind--it's set between book 4 and 5, so only read it if you've already read book 4!
And I (in the laziest way possible [with the color brush set to 50% in GIMP]) added colors for fun :)
If it's not clear enough, I did not draw the original art above, I just added colors for fun.
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[ID: The same digital drawing as above, now with colors added. Murderbot's skin is now very dark brown, wearing a light blue shirt with darker blue pants.
Ratthi's shirt is pale yellow, and his pants light purple.
Pin Lee's shirt is light green, and her skirt dark grey.
Bharadwaj's shirt is dark red.
Overse's shirt is red, and her leggings are bubblegum pink.
Arada's ankle bracelet is blue.
The chairs the characters are sitting on have light red frames and darker red cushions.
End ID.]
here's a link to how the actual artist made the art because it's cool and I would never have thought of doing that.
Here's a slightly better video of me adding the colors.
Below the cut is a very pixely gif of how I added the colors. Warning for slight flashing colors below, with the colors being added and the pixels sort of flickering.
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[ID: A gif version of the images above, with the resolution decreased so most of the details are obscured, reduced to large pixels. It starts off black and white, then becomes sepia, then warmer brown. Color first appears on Murderbot's pants, then its shirt, then Pin-Lee's shirt, and continues from right to left, adding the colors above, ending with Arada's blue ankle-bracelet, the pixels that make up the image seeming to flicker in place. End ID.]
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stagefoureddiediaz · 3 years
5x11 Costume meta
Now I’ve had a little time to process here is the 5x11 meta. 
Lets start at the beginning and work our way through!!
May is in yellow and stripes!! - so we are getting communication - and a change of direction - in this instance she is communicating about Eddies change of direction from firefighter to public service officer!
Then we get to the Eddie montage which I wrote about in my sneak peak meta so I’m just gonna post it below to save repeating myself!
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I couldn’t resist topless stretching Eddie 
Eddies colour palette appears to have been reduced down to black, white and  grey - those are the only colour tees we’re seeing him in that clip - there is literally no colour left in his world - other than the blue of his uniform - and when you’ve reduced your world down like that and your job isn’t fulfilling - well we all know how its going to go - on the floor sobbing! They are also slightly over sized - the life he’s now living doesn’t fit him and its sucking the life out of him, the fact that they’re a bit looser on him is designed to show a bit of weight loss - a symbol of depression, but also if al he’s got is a treadmill then he’s going to be getting leaner - loosing the conditioning that he gets from weightlifting as part of his firefighter life - getting that conditioning back will be a bit like the mental journey he’s about to go through!
all of those tees are new tees - symbolic of new era (they haven’t been broken down to make them look lived in as wardrobe would normally do) - they are fresh out the packet crisp (think about the one in 2x07 when he gets dressed after sex with Shannon - stretched out and worn looking!) but them being so new and crisp is also a sign of Eddie trying to re-invent himself as this new ‘safer’ not at risk person.
Sweat - he is working hard at going nowhere - a nice little touch!
but in addition - now we have the full scene we can see the transition from no shirt -singlets - tees all in black white or grey  -the transition from being ‘okay’ with his choice to becoming increasingly worn down and unsatisfied by it - literally covering himself more and more and building up a protective barrier. The other interesting thing is his boots - which are scuffed and not looking particularly smart - again a sign that not all is ok - its the little things that start to slip first - so these boots looking less than perfectly polished is a manifestation of that - Eddie was in the military those boots would in normal circumstances be immaculate and highly polished.
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Then we get to the dinner/kitchen scene!
Eddie’s semi transparent shirt is showing us that he’s more transparent than he thinks - that he’s not doing as good a job as he thinks of hiding the truth - that he wants to be a firefighter again the shirt is a representation of his defences (especially around Buck and Chris)are wearing thin! Chris being in the grey jumper - he is the most wrapped up of those at the table and is therefore the most protected -  the grey is showing that he is neutral and we don’t really get anything from him to contradict this (except when he teams up with Buck to deliver some amazing sass). 
We also have Taylor in a green semi transparent printed shirt - we see her in a fair amount of green and the print is again hinting at confusion - she is clearly trying to figure out what is going on between Buck and Eddie (small aside Taylor saying ‘is that possible’ after Buck stating that Eddie will be back at he firehouse has me ) because they are not subtle!!
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Buck is in navy blue for this scene (we do get  tiny peek at a white vest under the shirt) v Eddie being in white in white - this is very much intentional - it is a reverse parallel of the shooting only the shots being fired are verbal ones and the one left bleeding this time is Buck, while Eddie is left covered in metaphorical blood - which he hasn’t yet realised and the blood is Bucks trauma at not understanding Eddies decision to leave the 118. The gun/bullet in this scenario is Christopher and Eddies own trauma.
The mom and Dad in the car - wearing red and blue - like i’ve spoken about in this post - but we also have the army green of Eddie worn by the father as well!
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 Buck in white at bar - there is obviously the tie in to buck wearing white anti meaning bad things are going to happen and it continues to play out here, but there is also something in the choice of a hoodie for me as well especially because we see him (from Eddies perspective) bathed in light - it is a contrast to everyone else in the scene - they are all in semi darkness and wearing darker tones - they are very much playing into renaissance religious iconography - portraying Buck as an angel - the hood of the hoodie forming a sort of halo (in Eddie’s eyes as we view it from his perspective / but also a bit of Lucifer moment - Eddie feeling betrayed by his most loyal friend but also Buck later on betraying how far he has come as a person and showing how far he is going to fall.
I am very  👀👀👀 the fact that  Lucy is in army green - in the same way that they’ve used this colour to parallel Taylor with Eddie before (and indeed in this very episode!), it feels to me like they are doing it again here with Lucy - we’ll have to see if that continues.
its also interesting to note the difference in the layers they’re wearing - Lucy is much less covered up - more open, whereas Buck is protecting himself by wearing a thick hoodie and a jacket, but those layers to protect himself are also him wearing a mask - hence the return of Buck 1.0 - its easy to slip into something you’re familia with that you’ve used as a form of protection in the past!
Eddie in black and Khaki jacket - the same style he wears when in mourning - the loss of Shannon, his firefam, his job that he loves etc at the bar - he is mourning his friendships and what he has lost/ given up for Christopher - its highlighting his disconnect from everything that is important to him - tying in with the past things that meant the same.
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Keeping Bobby in an LAFD tee and then having Athena in a white jumper - more costume paralleling between Athena and Buddie - especially interesting when you look at the two conversations in those scenes - moving on?!!!
Chris space theme pajamas make a return - and accompanied by striped sleeves - stripe theory for the win - Eddie is changing direction again and the  universe is still screaming at him!
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The grey jacket looks to be the same (or very similar) as the one Eddie wears to therapy later in the season. its paired with a light shirt here - when Eddie is feeling hopeful of his return to firefighting whereas paired with the grey later shows how far Eddie is going to descend in to the murky depths of his trauma - he views this moment as his opportunity to save himself - to be able to shut that storage locker back up and not deal with the things that we’ve seen increasingly running through his mind as the episode has progressed
Bobby in dark red parallel with buck lawsuit. there are a couple of parallels - Bobby in the same role is in the same colour way for both scenes, where as Eddie and Buck, while both in jackets, Eddie is in another semi transparent tee - Bobby has seen that Eddie is not doing well mentally and try to push him in the direction of therapy (fully knowing that he has already filled Eddies job) whereas Buck in his button down shirt in the the one firing the initial shot in 3x06 - it is about the formality of a lawsuit versus the comfort of Eddie thinking he would be able to return to his family.
we also get a look at Eddies Watch in this scene - it pops into view while Bobby is talking about taking the time to carry for your wellbeing 
I’m very interested that we’ve seen Buck start to wear a watch out of work in 5x11 - its not something he’s done a lot before, but in this episode - every scene out of work - he’s been wearing his watch!
he’s also in black and yes - that shirt has a tiny pattern on it - there is definite mirroring of the I love you scene here - Buck doing something he’s not really on board with - confessing love and having Taylor move in - sticking plasters on a fractured relationship.
Taylor wearing a triangle necklace when Buck fails to tell her about kissing Lucy 👀👀
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One last thing to notice about the costuming of Buck and Eddie throughout 5x11 is that both their colour palettes have been matched up - we only see them wear black, white, navy, green or grey - especially in key moments - and always in opposite of each other - when Eddie is in black, Buck is in white such as at the bar or when Eddie is in white then Buck is in dark navy in the kitchen scene. the same is true for those last two scenes we see them in - Eddie trying to return to the 118 is wearing a white shirt, while Buck trying to confess to his girlfriend is in black - these are interesting because we enter those scenes with a hopeful Eddie and a Buck full of dread - the colours reflect this and by the end of those scenes you could say the opposite is true - they’ve reversed - I know that is an overly simplistic way to describe where they are mentally but that its a bigger thing that the two small moments which will add to the mental health pile, but thats not wha these costumes are about.
Hopefully this has been interesting and helpful! any questions - my inbox is open (work has got busy, so it might take me a little while to reply, but I will answer you!) 💜💜💜
tagging for interest @prettyboyandthekid @adamsparirsh @theladyyavilee @oneawkwardcookie @lovecolibri @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @moniquekatie @reallysmartladymariecurie @kitkatpancakestack @yramesoruniverse @outrunningthedark @ktinastrikesback @arrenemris @talespinner230 @mytherapybuddie @fiona-fififi​
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 9
a/n: hehehe this was inspired by that iconic picture in pinterest of akaashi turning into a child
summary: you signed up to take care of grown teenagers who are capable of taking care of themselves-not children
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
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so like,,,, you were at a complete loss
this was literally the last thing youd ever think of and you didnt even think it was possible for this to happen!
but before that
get in losers we’re going on a flashback
it was a wednesday so duh practice was normal after school
but you read on your weather app that it would be thunderstorming so you were worried on how the others would walk home and even texted oikawa if he could cancel the after-practice practice
but since the spring competitions were getting close, he wanted to get as much practice as possible, even sometimes doing monday practices, and the coaches were usually out the door once mandatory practice hours were over, letting the boys do more practice with no worry since you were there to handle it
the boys were in the gym practicing and stuff but you could hear the thunderstorms from the distance, the smell of rain already filling the gym
and you knew none of these boys owned or carried an umbrella with them so you were going to go and buy umbrellas for when they go home
‘you guys, ill be right back. im going to go to the store down the street, okay?’
the look you gave to iwa made him nod, knowing he was the one really in charged, since oikawa wasn’t really capable of handling everyone
‘i want to come’
kyo said but you stopped him, placing a comforting hand on his arm
‘ill be really quick so dont miss me too much’
‘come back soon, y/n-chan!’
‘be safe!’
iwa made sure you were bundled up with a raincoat and had your umbrella on hand before you went on your journey
ugh team moms have my heart
thankfully, the store had more than enough for the boys and you were trying to hurry because it was now raining heavily and you wanted to run back so they wouldnt worry
the cashier rang up your total and you were just giving her your card when a VERY BRIGHT LIGHTNING striked from the sky and a VERY LOUD thunderstorm rang in the distance
your heart thumped and it mightve just been your managerial instincts but you knew something was wrong
oh god oikawa must be freaking out right now since he absolutely hates thunderstorms
your worries were evident on your face so the cashier hurriedly handed you your bag full of umbrellas so you were able to sprint out of the door and too much in a hurry to even open your umbrella
the run to the school felt like it was a 10-mile run and when you finally ran towards the gym doors, you slowed to a speed-walk
but you froze
the lights were off and you could hear the screams of a child
well,,,,, more like, children
you entered the gym and fell on your butt in surprise
in front of you, were 9 toddlers who were thankfully covered by the now too-big clothing
they couldnt be over 3 and a half feet tall and looked like they were around 3 or 4 
you stuttered and reached a hand forward towards the baby with the black spiky hair but he cried louder, clutching on to the brunette baby
‘oh god’
you were finally starting to realize this situation
‘oh my god, what do i do’
you mumbled, standing up and panicked eyes wandering over each child
they were chibis
3 chibis were sleeping and you could tell each boy by their hairstyle
kunimi, yahaba, and mattsun were sleeping on top of the blue shirts and white shorts
kindaichi was hiccuping, seemingly done with his crying, while oikawa was bawling and screaming with iwaizumi holding on to his hand tightly, eyes also teary
makki was bleary-eyed and watari was just sitting there, eyes wide and lips parted but kyo, with hair turned to his original color yet the same sharp yellow eyes, looked on the verge of crying, hands reaching out to you
you immediately grabbed ahold of oikawa and you were thankful that their shirts were still over their tiny body
‘its okay, oikawa-san, its okay’
thunder rumbled again and this time, woke up the others in fright causing them to also start crying then the others started their own crying because everyone else was crying
you kept oikawa on your arms but ran to check on individual player
‘no,no,no! its okay! look! ball!’
you presented the stray volleyball next to iwaizumi and you guessed he was holding it before he transformed into this child form
kindaichi shouted while sobbing and his loud voice startled yahaba even more and got him to cry harder making the others follow suit as well
‘oh no’
you whined and was slowly going crazy by the crying noises
you dont have any siblings so you never got the experience of having to take care of be around a toddler
maybe you should calm each child individually
that would work, right?
you remembered the method you used on oikawa once during training camp and you were hoping that his child self would still use the same calming routine
the speed you had to find your headphones and plug them in to your phone then his ears and playing the ‘big bang theory’ theme song was A S T R O N O M I C A L
you placed him in front of you and wiped the tears that trailed down his chubby cheeks while his little hands held on to your shirt
his cries started to slow down until it was just whimpers and you placed a kiss on his forehead when he finally quieted down
but while you were taking care of their captain, kyo was yelling at yahaba and making him more upset and cry even harder
yahaba shouted and tried to hit kyotani but he hit him back
you pushed both children away and sat them down on their beehinds in front of you
‘no. we dont hit, yahaba-san, and we dont make fun, kyotani-san. time out for you two’
yahaba glared at the floor with tears pricking his eyes but one look from you made him hold it in and bite his lip
iwaizumi looked like he was finally getting ahold of himself as he was calmly sitting down with makki and mattsun by his side
you chortled when mattsun still possessed the same teasing smirk as he did when he was a teenager and his red eyes were now filled with mischief along with makki
iwa looked up at you with bright eyes, as if waiting for a reward or a compliment, and you swallowed your squeal before crouching across him and caressing his cheek
‘good job, iwa-san. iwa-san is a good boy’
he smiled, a smile youve never seen before, then snuggled closer to your palm
the only one really crying was kindaichi while kunimi and watari were also just sitting down
kindaichi’s sobs echoed throughout the gym and as you walked closer, you heard his stomach growl and you instantly knew how to calm him down
the sausage you picked up to feed the strays with kyo later was still in your bag so you peeled the wrapper about halfway and handed it to him
kindaichi stared at it and you had to guide it in his mouth to start eating just to ensure him it was safe and he could eat
the thunder seemed to have died down and all that remained was rain
the boys were starting to shiver from the cold and you were sure the heat in the gym was working before you left but now it wasnt because of the power shutting down
it wouldnt be good if they remained in this cold environemnt and you suddenly remembered that you were still soaked from the rain and was getting colder by the second
maybe it was the panic that shot up your adrenaline and didnt let you realize your own situation
each boy had their jackets thrown to the side but you quickly put it on them so you could bundle them up as best as you can
their shoes were too large for them so you ran to the storage room where there were plastic bags that you used to tie around their feet with their socks
iwa noticed your trembling body and he shakily stood up and ran over to you
you finished tying kindaichi’s bag when you noticed iwa standing there with his arms stretched towards you
he squeaked and you sniffled before wrapping him in your arms and holding him close to you
it seems iwa still possessed his protective instincts from before
by the time all the boys were ready, the rain thankfully reduced to simple sprinkles and you made everyone hold hands
the boys stood on a row in front of you and you seriously talked to them
‘no matter what, never let go of your friend, okay? even you yahaba, kyotani’
the two gave each other a glare but they still clenched each other’s hands
you grasped oikawa and iwa’s hands and the others formed a chain with mattsun holding iwa’s and makki holding oikawa’s and so forth
you figured you could just leave their bags in the gym so you were walking as fast as you could towards home where it would be warm and a safe place to figure out a plan
natsu has seen a lot in his years of living and from being in nekoma in general
but he has been shocked to see this
it was already late and your parents were both at some business trip and he knew you were supposed to be home already but you werent
he was about to call you when the doorbell rang and he figured it was just some person convincing him to be christian
he opened the door, exasperated and irritated
‘listen, im the biggest sinner that has ever-Y/N!’
he shouted in surprise 
there, you stood, shaking and red with a bunch of toddlers
what in the world
‘natsu. m-move’
you stuttered out and he couldnt help but do what you said and he made way for you and the little ducklings
the little boy from the back, the one with yellow eyes, glared at him as he walked past and natsu shook his head in disbelief
you ran to the temp screen button thing bro i dont know what it is but i have something like an echobee thats like that to turn up the temperature in the house
the boys were still excitedly babbling on about some movie and they were singing songs 
poor natsu just stood at the archway by the living room
‘oi, y/n. please tell me you didnt kidnap a bunch of kids’
there was no teasing tone, just pure confusion
you didnt look up from the temp thing and you configured it to rest at 75 degrees fahrenheit fyi
‘something happened. something weird and bad happened. it shouldnt even be possible but it did and im so confused and i dont know what to do’
you rambled and you turned to look at the kids
natsu noticed your frazzled form and he gently grabbed a blanket to drape over you so you could get warm and led you to sit on the couch
‘just tell me, babes. we’ll figure it out’
he reassured and you sighed
‘i-i,,, was g-going to the-the convience store to-uh-get some umbrelllas for the boys but,,, when i was there,, there was a big thunder and boomed and lightining and i knew,,,,i knew there was something wrong and something had happened so i ran back and then bam! i saw them as kids!’
natsu trailed over from your face to the boys and he started to piece together that yes, this was your team
the brunette boy he messed around with and the one with the adorable eyebrows
‘y/n,, babes,, did you dabble with voodoo? bad juju?’
he whispered and you almost cried
‘no! why would i?!’
‘what are we going to tell their parents?!’
‘that their kids turned to babies?!’
‘yea right! might as well tell them the earth is flat!’
you both went silent for a bit before natsu sighed then turned to you
‘babes, go and shower. go and get warm while i take care of the kids. youre soaked and youre freezing and you’ll get sick. besides, they shouldnt be that bad, right?’
not even caring to answer that question and completely not hearing it, you nodded and groggily went to go bath
the boys saw you leave and they looked at natsu with either wide scared eyes or glaring eyes
especially the boy with the yellow eyes
natsu smirked
‘i know you. what was it? dog? crazy dog?’
there was clear offense in kyo’s face and he easily jumped to natsu’s lap and grabbed his hair to tug on it
‘yey! play time!’
oikawa shrieked and everyone shouted in agreement before joining kyo
natsu screamed as they punched his stomach and pulled his hair
you were in the middle of rinsing your hair when you heard the screams and you thought it was the boys but you recognized them as natsu’s
you continued showering
the boys were having fun beating up your cousin and natsu seriously wondered if you were taking your sweet time just to let them have their fun
‘oi! if you dont stop! i wont let you play mario kart!’
the boy with a middle part stopped tugging his hair followed by the one with the spiky turnip looking hair
‘maiyo,,,, kat?’
natsu saw them both stop and he excitedly sat up
‘yea! mario kart! you want to play mario kart?! oh my! its so much more fun than playing with natsu-nii!’
he didnt care what they wanted to do as long as it didnt involve him being getting beaten up so he quickly assembled the console and they all rallied around natsu as he set up the game
‘okay. we can play with 4 players at a time. who’s going first?’
there was a bit of hostility among the children as they turned their former soft gazes to hard and competitive looks
‘i wanna!’
‘stop it kawa-chan!’
‘iwa-chan ow!’
there was great uproar while natsu sighed in relief and leaned against the back of the couch, watching in amusement
there were punches thrown, some shoves, but they ultimately decided on players
begrudgingly it was kyo, kindaichi, mattsun, and watari
the others stayed behind with a pout on their lips and sulked
but as soon as they started playing, those sad looks disappeared and they scooted closer to watch it with interest
the only one who wasn’t so in to it was the one with the spiky black hair and green eyes
‘hey, kid, what’s wrong?’
natsu asked and he didnt answer but just looked at him before turning to watch the tv silently
he was about to ask again when you appeared and the boys cheered at your arrival before turning back on the game
you were refreshed and you sat on the loveseat next to natsu’s place on the couch
‘they seem to be having fun’
you smiled but natsu crinkled his eyebrows then pointed to a figure behind the rest
‘the kid’s just been sitting there. i dont know if hes just like that or what but hes not really doing anything’
‘oh, thats just iwa-san. hes normally like that. look. iwa-san! can you please come here?’
at the call for his name, the boy perked up and he excitedly clambered over to sit on your lap
he leaned his back against your chest and you ran your fingers through his hair
‘why are you just sitting there, hm? do you not want to play?’
you spoke softly and he shook his head, eyes still on the match
‘friends are happy when playing. i like my friends. im okay’
despite the very child-like voice, there was a sense of maturity in there and you weren’t sure if they still carried the same memories as they had back when they were already teenagers
‘iwa-san, do you know me?’
you asked and he looked up to look at your face
then he shook his head
you blanched
and so did natsu
‘so let me get this straight, kid. you let some random stranger take you to their house?’
iwa shrugged
‘she help me and friends. she nice’
you almost squealed but held back and you tightened your arms around him
‘youre sweet, iwa-san’
‘y/n, you could literally be charged of kidnapping right now’
natsu ruined the moment and you glared at him
‘im just trying out a way to help them. and besides, they couldve screamed and cried and ran out but they didnt so i didnt take them against their will’
natsu rolled his eyes before standing up
‘well, im hungry. and these kids cant exactly have take-out. imma go see if we have any food left’
he left you alone with the kids and you encouraged the others to win by cheering for them and smiling at the way they were laughing
man, no matter what age, you still love them
natsu peaked his head out from the doorway
‘we got dino nugggets’
you nodded
‘those should be good’
natsu returned to his spot on the couch and you stared at him
‘what? im too scared to do anything to the oven. remember when i broke the other one?’
you sighed and shook your head
iwa noticed you needing to get up so he was about to move when you placed him on natsu’s lap
‘iwa-san, natsu-kun will take care of you for now, okay?’
iwa didnt object but he didnt like it either
you were pressing the timer on the oven and you opened it to change the racks when you noticed a small figure and hands and feet trying to climb in
in shock, you dropped the rack and grabbed kunimi’s small body
‘kunimi akira! what were you thinking?!’
the baby’s eyes were half-lidded and he looked really tired and the oven was radiating warmth and he thought he could climb in it and sleep
but you knew that he would literally DIE 
you ran him back to the living room and natsu was shocked to hear of what happened
‘yea. so try and make sure none of them does something dangerous’
you pleaded and he nodded before taking kunimi’s hand and urging the kid to sleep on his lap instead
you were finally cooking the nuggets and while it cooked, you were grabbing any leftovers for you and natsu to eat
there was little bit of rice and some tonkatsu left so you heated that up and continued to cook until everything was finished
‘boys! natsu! dinner!’
at the mention of food, the kids dropped the controllers and raced to go to the kitchen
natsu trailed behind with a half-asleep kunimi in his arms and iwa who held his hand
kindaichi and oikawa shrieked
you gave each boy their own portion of food and you gave natsu his dinner
‘to be honest, i was surprised we had enough nuggets’
natsu was surprised at the nuggets you still had in the freezer
you shrugged
‘at this point, im not even surprised at anything anymore. i think im just in a dream and im controlling it and somehow, the universe is bending itself to help me’
natsu stared at you as if you grew three heads before chuckling and returning to his food
there was no such thing as peaceful dinner with the boys
yahaba was crying that kyo took some of his nuggies
kunimi tried to have one bite of his chicken before toppling over to the side and falling asleep
mattsun was tricking makki by pointing somewhere and when the brownette turns, he would take a nugget
oikawa tried it and iwa almost fell for it but he caught his best friend in time resulting him to hit the choco-hair boy and making tooru cry from the booboo
you sighed, rubbing your temples
‘i swear. my head’
you whined and natsu patted your back before he disappeared somewhere, presumably his room, to get away from the madness
your temper was rising and with how exhausted youve been and the incoming cold you feel is making you irritated
of course they stopped as they got scared by your tone and if they were teenagers, they would have the same reaction because youve never used this tone on them
‘kindaichi, wake up kunimi. kyotani, matsukawa, eat your own nuggets. yahaba, oikawa, stop crying. kyotani apologize to yahaba for eating his nuggets and hug him. you too, iwaizumi apologize to tooru for hitting him and hug him’
the boys started but you shot them a look
they mumbled and they looked at you before going to give the other a hug
iwaizumi mumbled and tooru was about to cry but you scolded iwaizumi again
‘iwa, we don’t call people stupid’
he stared at you then turned away, an obvious pout on his lips and pushed his plate away to sulk
is parenting this hard?
watari calmly ate his food and you smiled
you scooped him in your arms and you held him close
‘come on, everyone. when youre done eating, how about we watch ponyo? hm?’
as if they werent just sulking, they all cheered and abandoned their food to go running to the living room where you put the movie on
halfway through the movie, someone wanted something sweet
you had iwa on your right, mattsun on your left, watari on your lap and oikawa by your feet so you werent exactly at the position to make something
‘nee-chan, i want choco’
makki asked and you sucked in a sharp breath to calm yourself from how cute he was
you gently asked the others to move so you could go but they held on to a part of you
mattsun and iwa with your arms, watari holding your shirt, oikawa holding your leg
‘come on, guys.do you want choco?’
oikawa blubbered
‘please dont go’
mattsun pleaded quietly
‘ill be back! i swear! please?’
begrudgingly, they let go and you stretched out your legs when you stood up then walked to the kitchen
as you opened the door, you were looking through something when you saw a reflection from the glass of a face
you shrieked and looked behind you, expecting some murderer but it was actually a line of the boys
it was like they followed you into the kitchen like ducklings following their mama duck
you wheezed, seeing it was his face that you saw with those beautiful eyes
‘we missed you, nee-chan’
kindaichi whined with a small voice
you noticed that kunimi wasnt with the group so you assumed he was asleep on the couch
‘you scared nee-chan, boys. but it’s okay’
their puppy eyes made you cry inside but you ushered them to go to the dining room so they could wait there for their drinks
you poured chocolate milk for everyone except for tooru as he was lactose intolerant so you gave him chocolate oat milk
they brought the glass to their lips as you drank coffee and they lit up at the delicious taste
they giggled and you chuckled before reaching over to wipe makki’s top lip
‘thank you nee-chan!’
oikawa grinned and they all agreed
‘youre welcome. nee-chan will take care of you when you need it’
by the time midnight struck, you were already in a cuddle pile with the boys
they all fell asleep and you were being laid on by the others
natsu came down for water and saw you being smothered by bodies but he thought it was cute so he took a picture for you to see in the morning
he found the remote and turned off the movie and tv before wishing a whisper of a good night then headed back to his room
the room was filled with snores and you were dead asleep
but you couldnt help but squeeze back the tiny hand that gripped yours
mrs l/n and mr. l/n groggily made their way up to the front door
‘god, its so late. im so tired. i want to sleep’
mrs l/n complained
mr l/n immediately fished out his keys and he turned the door to enter their home
it was very quiet and dark so they figured that both you and natsu already went to bed
they dumped their luggage at the entrance, bothering to unpack tomorrow and were making their way to the kitchen for a water 
mrs l/n was making her way to the bathroom when she heard a groan from the living room
her eyes shot wide open and she thought she was so tired that she was hallucinating
but nope
her eyes transfixed itself on a figure that was standing at the middle of the living room
with a shaking hand, she reached over to flicker the lights on and she shrieked at the sight of a naked man
tooru felt sleep immediately leave him at the sound of the woman’s shriek and his eyes fell on someone by the doorway and she was not staring at his face
down there
he followed her sight and my god
oikawa screamed
a/n: hehehe happy new years!!! well,, belated new years!! but we really starting the new year with a buck naked oikawa and a traumatized mom aren’t we? but i hope everyone had a great holiday and im so excited for the start of the new year and what it has in store for us!!! sending much love!!!
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rattlerinthewheel · 3 years
Beast of Our Behaviors: Scud/OMC
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Scud and a friend hang out like old times.
For a prompt request by @pandoratriestowritestuff: 9) "I don't care how good it feels, you'd better not cum until I tell you to" and 13) "Touch yourself for me", taken from @palettes-and-prompts’ 100 Smut Dialogue Prompts.
Fic title is a song from The Crystal Method.
Chapter title is lyrics from TCM and Bubba Sparxxx’s PHDream, which is what Scud has playing when he meets Whistler.
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"Old man, fuckin’ prick. Ain’t even around yet and he’s pissing me off. 'He’d do this, he’d do that.' Bullshit."
Something about one of his bosses not being around, and they’re looking for him, Marley thinks. He isn’t sure, he’s been zoning in and out, letting Josh vent.
Marley lets his head go ragdoll-limp and flop on the lump of beanbag his weight’s rearranged. Just getting a hazy picture of dark shapes, so he blinks, and then he can make out a pair of pacing red denim legs. They’re baggy and hide the feet, except for the toes of the white socks. The only bright thing in the studio, with the lights off, except the crummy TV playing some DVD the guy on the street said was popular overseas (didn’t tell him it wasn’t in English, the asswipe, so it’s reduced to background noise rather than entertainment).
The pacing halts, blocking half of the yellow-haired chatterbox, and a sigh freshens the earthy reek that was just beginning to fade. He pulls it in, a deep inhale, like he isn’t high enough already. Not like second-hand does much for him.
Any kind of it. Emotions included, which is why he ignores the grumbling and reaches out, fingers wavering because his world’s inverted, to snag the hem of the pants. "Jus’ tell him to fuck off, then."
The denim kicks free. Marley goes for it again, getting a better grip, ignoring the, "Quit bein’ an ass," as the denim kicks again but can’t get loose.
"Point’a you coming over if you’re just gonna bitch?" Marley asks. Something in his neck aches as he lifts his head to look up at the face that owns the denim he’s latched on to. "Thought we were gonna do shit."
"We always do shit," chapped lips huff.
Marley licks his own. Inspired, forgetting about the denim, he fumbles off his bean bag and drops to his haunches in front of his mini fridge. Bristling with anything a stoner could want (well, the shit that doesn’t need to be cold is piled on top) but all he goes for is a soda. He thinks he read something once about it dehydrating more than doing him any good, but he’s pretty sure that’s bullshit. It’s cold going down and wets his lips, how couldn’t a drink hydrate?
Government bullshit.
But when Marley turns around, his seat’s been stolen. He doesn’t mind the view it gets him: Josh, splayed out across the chair, an angry starfish. His joint’s in one hand, sagging in a half-assed pinch between his middle and ring finger, and Marley would worry about the carpet catching if he wasn’t drawn to the point where those sprawled legs lead.
Haven’t done shit yet, might as well, so he takes one big swig of his soda, jams it up on top of the fridge between two bags of chips, and pounces—if crawling over on his hands and knees and pawing at the practically-offered bulge could be considered a pounce. A stoner’s pounce, he decides: lazy and slow.
"Mm, thought you’d never," Josh hums, and Marley scoffs and elbows his thigh.
"Been tryin’," Marley grumbles as he pries away the zipper, then the boxers beneath, to get at the stiffy that’s just beginning to take. It’s easy to pull it out, get the foreskin down, and he gets in three slow pumps on his own before Josh starts to arch into his hand. "So now you wanna."
"Man," Josh pants, somehow going boneless and tense at the same time: his limbs melt while his body goes rigid. It gives Marley something to work against, and the sigh a slower pump earns puffs the hit Josh takes up into the stuffy apartment air.
"Gimme," Marley tells him, thrusts stumbling as he reaches for the joint with his free hand.
The end’s bitten and wet but he gets his lungs filled with earthy smoke anyway, and he forces them to hold it longer than he usually would’ve. When Marley does let it go he’s dizzy, and he wavers on his knees and has to grab one of Josh’s thighs.
The joint sticks out between his fingers, wagging with him, and Josh hisses as it bobs dangerously close to his cock. "Watch it."
Marley giggles as Josh reaches for the joint for another hit. It’s a brief fight, because Marley knows Josh was hogging it way too damn much and Josh doesn’t want to interrupt the hand job. In the end he’s got the joint back in his mouth, and he’s not a starfish anymore, propped up on his elbows so he can watch. Marley doesn’t mind an audience, so he gives Josh a show.
"Fuck," comes on the heels of his thumb swirling around the head, then his palm taking its place so his fingers can drape down and stroke up. That doesn’t get as much of a reaction, so Marley goes back to his first grip. The firm, sluggish stroke down to the base mashes his hand into the blonde curls springing around it.
Josh bucks his hips again, and Marley freezes, near the tip this time. "Behave," he teases.
Blue eyes lock onto brown and Josh growls, "Y’want me to do you after? Keep goin’."
Marley giggles again, a true high giggle, as Josh tugs him forward so he’s close enough to kiss. It’s awkward, the joint getting shoved to the corner of Josh’s mouth, singing their cheeks. But it’s good, because that means Marley gets a mouthful of earthy smoke on top of the sugar of the donuts they scarfed down earlier.
Josh’s cock twitches in his grip when he leans forward enough that his own stiffy, clothed, bumps it. "Uh uh, you ain’t finishing unless I say."
And Josh snorts at that, and Marley can’t keep his composure. He outright laughs and topples onto the stoner under him, kissing him harder, forgetting about the hand job. Josh doesn’t, grinding under him, which reminds Marley that yeah, right, he’s got one too. Funny how weed can make him forget that. It aches, like he’s going to explode right there, now that he remembers.
"Touch yourself," Josh pants as Marley’s rucking up his band shirt. It’s awkward, with how he’s straddling Josh, his legs kind of holding him and kind of not. Too much distance, the bean bag and body puts between the floor and his hips.
Marley’s too busy running his fingers over the scars webbing the exposed belly to pay attention; a pinch to his hip makes him jump, and he’s scrambling for his own fly as Josh watches, smoke fogging his face, but Marley can still see the tongue poking out in the corner that means he’s concentrating.
"Cute," Josh teases as Marley gets his jeans down as much as he can while keeping his position—because right, his zipper’s busted, damn—but pauses to scowl. "What? They are."
Marley scoffs and parts his boxers briefs—ignoring the red, yellow, and green zig zags; so what if they’re stoner colors, they were a gag gift someone got him, they fit, so why not use ‘em?—and groans when he plants one hand on Josh’s shoulder to brace himself and starts to stroke. Easy to ignore, when he wasn’t getting too much stimulation; but now, shit, he’s shaking and greedy and gladly lets Josh paw at him to help.
They get in their scuffles, know how to fight, but it’s not too often they resort to it; not now, either, but the rough pets make Marley shudder, the lack of lube, the tugs that rut his balls against Josh’s pinned shaft under him. They’re both getting off, this way.
"Not till I say so," he hums when he feels it—pre-cum, not his, making a damp spot on the thigh of his boxer briefs.
Josh hisses, holding out. Marley gasps as Josh’s other hand clamps onto the back of his neck, holding him down so Josh can buck his hips up. Josh’s cock slides along his thigh, up onto his hip, and Marley angles them down to trap the rut.
The carpet’s concrete compared to the bean bag as Josh flips them. "What was that about not being a fighter, Fromeyer?"
A scoff pants into his neck as Josh tucks in to nip. "Scud, like stud, dammit. Dunno why you don’t just call me that."
"Because it’s stupid," Marley grunts as Josh picks up the pace.
They’re grinding like horny teens, kissing and pawing, but fuck it—Josh’s got work now, and it’s been a while. Probably will be, again, before they can do this again. Hopefully his hardass bosses don’t drug test.
Josh’s leaving a bigger damp spot on his thigh as he trembles and finishes. Marley’s on his heels, getting that band shirt dirty, he’ll get bitched at for that. But for now, he’s content to just let the other stoner lie on top of him. They’re trapping the mess, getting it over more of them, but fuck it. They’re high, and Marley sighs, and grabs for the joint that’s been left smoldering on the carpet. Landlord’s an asshole, anyway. Can deal with it when his lease is up.
Marley snatches his fingers back as a boot grinds the joint to nothing. He yelps, and Josh fumbles and swears. The unfazed face above them tracks Josh as he gets to his knees, no real shame as he tucks himself away, then to his feet, gesturing at their intruder but not kicking his ass. Knows him, apparently.
"B? The fuck, man?" Josh hisses. Yeah, he knows him.
Marley isn’t as brave, and his high tanks as he blushes and tries to make it look like he doesn’t have white striping his thigh, smearing his hip. He stuffs himself away, at least, in time for the black dude to finally look at him.
"Uh, hi." And because Marley vaguely remembers manners, he points to his fridge: "Pretzels?"
Which feels wrong to ask this guy, somehow. Doesn’t fit with the vibe the room’s got now. He’s still a little high.
B ignores him, and Marley can’t help but frown when he sees Josh is packing up his shit, zipping his bag and jamming his boots on. He’d hoped they’d have a little more time. Not be interrupted, at least.
"You said you were grabbing provisions," B tells Josh flatly.
It doesn’t sit right with Marley. He doesn’t talk... normally. Too formal. But Josh is used to it, doesn’t say anything except, "Yeah, had a detour. Relax, man."
"Oh, I’m a detour," Marley scoffs, poking at the remains of the joint as B steps off to look out the kitchen window. Well, the everything window, since it’s a studio. Joint’s done for, and Marley sighs. His fun’s over, anyway.
"We’re already late."
"Yeah, yeah, I—Jesus." Josh is in front of Marley, then, as he finally clambers to his feet. That catches him off guard. So does the nudge Josh gives him. "Should be back in a few months."
"Months? Shit, what kinda job is this, dude?"
"Classified," comes from the door.
Josh rolls his eyes. "Tell Davey to have more of that good shit grown, yeah?"
"Only if you bring better snacks," Marley negotiates. Chips had been salt and vinegar. Gross, even if he’s too high to care much about flavor.
The quick peck Josh sneaks when he headbutts him surprises Marley, and then Josh is gone, scruffy and flushed and clomping down the stairwell outside the door with his bag. Too soon, too fast, Marley thinks. Would’ve been nice if they could figure out what the DVD was about.
Not as fast as B, lunging back into the room when he looks like he’s going to leave—no, checking to make sure Josh’s gone—and hurling Marley back against his bookshelf. It doesn’t hold a lot of books, more just junk, and an empty turtle shell clatters to the floor.
"Name?" B asks, and his coat twitches, and—holy fucking shit, that’s a big knife, and Marley tells him so. "It’s a sword. Name," B says with the weird patience of someone who doesn’t have time but knows he’s dealing with someone who’s high, and forcing him to hurry won’t do any good.
"Marley." The knife, the sword, taps his shoulder. "Jacobs. Wait, what—"
The hand pinning him goes for his face, his mouth, and Marley winces as his lip’s stretched down. B lets it curl back up just as fast, leaving behind the taste of fake leather, then he’s tilting Marley’s head to the side. Marley wants to tell him to maybe take the shades off first, but then he remembers this guy has a sword. He’s learned a thing or two from buying weed and a little bit of harder stuff. Don’t piss off the guy with the sword isn’t a rule verbatim, but it’s a cousin to don’t get into shit with Stevie, who’s known to carry.
"How do you know Scud?"
Josh, Marley thinks. "Uh, friends. High school, kind of." At B’s head cock, he hurries, "Well, Josh dropped out. We still hung out after."
"Why don’t you call him Scud?"
Jesus, who is this guy? "Not his name," Marley shrugs. "I’unno, I... like it better."
"And you hang out."
Marley says, "Yeah," even though he doesn’t think he’s being asked.
B’s tone suggests he knows what hanging out implies. Marley nods, and B steps off him. For a beat, there’s nothing but the background noise of the TV, what’s a funny pastime for them flat-out embarrassing now. Doesn’t matter that it’s not in English, the yellow-haired boy’s voice is grating, annoying to both the other characters and the audience. Chanting something about a hokage, whatever that is. Soup looks good, though.
The stack of junk over the fridge crinkles as B takes something—a bag of pretzels.
"Hey, what..." Marley trails off, expecting to be ignored as B heads for the door, this time for real, Marley thinks. But he pauses. Waits. "Is Josh okay? He got this job after he got jumped at some festival, I dunno if you knew. But he’s... what kind of job is this?"
Because it clicks. B: this is Josh’s boss. Josh sure bitched about him often enough. Not to mention: provisions, running late, classified.
"Like I said," is all B gives, which, yeah.
But Marley tries anyway. Steps forward, kicks his turtle shell by accident. It skitters further than it ought to, bumps the heel of a clunky boot. "Look, just..." I don’t know what the fuck happened, but is he suicidal? Is this some bullshit he took up to off himself? Is he in too deep with something? Mob? Cartel? "... is he gonna be alright? Is he gonna come back?"
The boots turn. A gloved hand picks up the shell, and then B’s pushing it into Marley’s hands. It’s not gentle, but he think it tries to be. "He’s useful."
That sounds... less than great, but Marley takes it. How many teachers bitched at Josh for goofing off, skipping classes, not being anything but a waste of space?
"Yeah," Marley says, "okay."
- - -
In the morning he wakes up hungover, the TV screen on a purple input screen, the DVD player fried because his soda must’ve fallen off the fridge and spilled. Marley wants to just turn over and go back to sleep on his futon, but blue and red are thrown up on the walls, cops—and Marley’s wide awake and checking that his stashes are hidden like any good stoner.
There’s a body bag being rolled out of the lobby, he sees, with his face pressed up to his window. When he pokes his head out to see if his neighbors know anything, one tells him it was the landlord being carted off. Shot point-blank, and Marley cringes at that. Sure, he was a strict asshole (only available at night, no food in the lobby, no black lights in the apartments) but that’s just... rough.
Well. Hopefully Josh doesn’t have to deal with that kind of violence, wherever his job takes him. Marley entertains the idea that maybe he’s with the CIA. Nah, not Josh, who treated Rage Against the Machine like commandments when they were in high school, who rolled his eyes at army recruiters, who laughed as they got their asses chased by truancy officers.
He’d just as likely be running around with monsters, Marley snorts, and rips off a chunk of stale donut and goes back to bed.
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innuendostyles · 4 years
Your from the UK right??? Not to make u sad but imagine going to Asda with Ben at 2 in the morning (u only went for some milk) and u end up coming out with almost the entire shop in ur trolley 😂😂 Happens to the best of us
“We’re only going for milk.” He quietly mumbled as he aimed the keys at the car and pressed the lock button, hearing the sound of the mechanisms working to ensure the car wouldn’t get stolen from the car park. He held his hand out for you to take before he crossed the zebra crossings, giving a silent nod to a car that’d stopped so the two of you could pass.
It was a gentle reminder but also a jest at himself, considering the last time he’d gone to Asda this late, he’d returned home with a new DVD player for your living room, an abundance of on-sale Easter chocolate, and a DIY friendship bracelets set (it was located in the 6 years and over section, but he wouldn’t tell anyone that part.)
The bracelets aforementioned had been tied to your wrists for a month and a half now, yours was a braided black, white and yellow band while his was black, white and red. He somehow matched his outfit, black jogging bottoms, a red Nike hoodie and the best part of all…. socks with sliders. You’d claim that if he wore those out of the house, you’d pretend not to know him, but later decided that it was more endearing than embarrassing. His socks were black with red love hearts printed all over them, some you’d got him for Valentine’s Day as he claimed that “a pair of socks is the best present you could ever buy a man.”
You, on the other hand, wore a pair of black leggings, paired with an extremely worn “Rolling Stones 1979 Tour” acid wash t-shirt. Ben had insisted that you wear one of his jackets, given the fact that your local Asda always seemed to be freezing around this time, so it was topped off with a navy blue Nike Air Max windbreaker. Your fluffy bed socks really pulled the outfit together.
You each had one of Ben’s AirPods in your ear, currently listening to a song by The Lumineers, one that Ben described to you as making him feel as if he was “running down a sandy beach trying to get to you.” His pinky finger slid around your pinky finger as he strayed to the shelter where all the trolleys (shopping carts) were located.
He always pushed the trolley, claiming his driving skills were better than yours, but you knew the only reason he enjoyed pushing them so much was so he could “fly down the aisles”, an act in which he would push the cart extremely fast when there was nobody near you, and lift his feet from the ground, letting the cart take all his weight.
The song ended and changed to a Snoop Dogg song, to which you quirked an eyebrow, asking, “What fucking playlist is this?” with a laugh.
You walked through the sliding doors, Ben already getting distracted by some plants that were on clearance at the front doors, silently placing 2 small plant pots with some sort of pink flower in the middle into the cart.
There was a display as soon as you entered the shop floor, a large green cardboard cut out of the grinch, next to it sitting a handful of Christmas DVD’s, letting all the customers know that they could “Buy 1 Christmas DVD and receive a free 9” pizza”. Ben’s eyes immediately lit up, turning his head towards yours as he exclaimed that Christmas films and food are two of his favourite things ever. You shook your head in disbelief as you picked through the DVD’s, most of them being new and animated films you’d never heard of.
You were looking for one in particular, though you had little faith that it would be in the same pile as these cartoon ones. Ben loved The Nativity, one of the funniest Christmas films in the world, he reckons. He thought Martin Freeman was one of the best actors ever, and that along with Marc Wootton, it had to be the best film ever.
You rifled through the array of cases, finally picking out a white cover that read, “The Nativity!” You placed it in the cart, seeing Ben’s eyes light up as he bounced up and down in excitement, like a child.
“Can we get pepperoni on the pizza? Please!” He whined, earning a “yes” from you, to which he skipped down the aisle and giggled like a schoolboy.
You reached the fridges, Ben picking up 2 pints of milk and putting them in the trolley before giving an accomplished nod.
“Can we ‘ave a look at some vinyls?” He asked, with a pleading pout that he knew always won you over.
“Ooh, yeah actually, Gwil said he wanted the Hamilton vinyl a couple of weeks ago. Might be a good present, yeah?” You suggested, knowing it would result in Ben realising he hadn’t yet bought Christmas presents for any of his friends yet, something you’d been trying to gently remind him of for the last couple of weeks.
You made your way to the music section, getting distracted by anything and everything you could find. Ben was clinging onto a t-shirt with a green dinosaur on it, lit up by Christmas lights with a star on top of its head, the phrase “Tree-Rex” printed underneath it.
He held up the knitted fabric to you, and you both whispered, “Joe.” at the exact same time. It was folded and placed into the cart.
A pack of 250 small Christmas cards was the next thing to grab your attention, Ben telling you that the two of you “had to send the neighbours a card this year, considering the amount of times they’ve had to endure foolish giggles and the  creaky bed really late at night!” You’d simply nodded with a chuckle, though he didn’t put them in straight away. He noticed the box had been busted open at the top and went on a hunt for an unopened box. He reached his arm all the way back into the shelf, jokingly asking you to hold his hand so he didn’t get lost. He finally grabbed a pack, throwing them into the trolley from about a meter away and doing a celebratory dance when they went in.
One of the lights overhead flickered, which caused Ben to turn to you with an over-exaggerated gasp, claiming “Asda is haunted!!!!” and running away from you frantically. You guffawed at his antics, lightly jogging after him while trying to catch your breath from laughing.
After collecting your pizza on the way to the music section, Ben made a quick turn down the homeware section. He browsed the cushion cases, holding up a few colours and patterns that he thought may match your living room sofa, all of which received a horrified glare from you (this was the exact reason you didn’t let him take the lead when you decided to start decorating your flat together… his first suggestion was warm brown walls with a stripy turquoise and black sofa…)
He reached the mirror section, finding an extremely large plain mirror, with no frame, slowly running his finger over the edge of it.
“Might buy us this for Christmas.” He stated.
Your brows raised in confusion, tilting your head to tell him you were unsure why he’d said it.
“One of them naughty mirrors…… when you put it on the ceiling so I’d be able to see everything when you’re ridi-“  your hand quickly shot over his mouth, your eyes widening as you took in what he meant. You could feel his lips sporting a smirk beneath your palm. You shook your head and giggled along with him.
“C'mon babe… know you’d love seeing this juicy cheeks every time I’m on top of you…” you lightly smacked his chest and delivered a sharp, yet humorous, “enough!”.
Once you’d finally made it to the music section, Ben appeared to be in his element. He’d picked up the Hamilton vinyl for Gwilym, as well as a new Ariana Grande record for Lucy. He was eyeing up Taylor Swift’s newest release, hoping you wouldn’t notice when he slipped it into the cart. He groaned when you looked him directly in the eyes and shook your head with a knowing smile on your face.
“I was gonna give you that for Christmas! Now you’ve ruined the surprise!” He whined with a pout.
“You are all I want for Christmas.” You replied, already cringing wondering if anyone else had heard you.
He, too, shook his head, but still gave you a quick kiss on the cheek to show his appreciation for you.
The next aisle was the clearance aisle. This was a dangerous one for Ben. His Mum had always taught him “never to pass up a bargain, cause you’ll see it one day, regret not buying it, go back the next day and it’ll be gone!”.
Within 5 minutes of browsing the shelves, he’d picked up a large Christmas-themed Yankee Candle gift set for his brother, a turkey-shaped dog toy for Frankie (this one you’d suggested) as well as a pack of 3 photo frames and a new flower vase for his mum.
Walking to the checkout was always a dangerous game, as the bakery part of the shop was located right next to all the tills. He’d always claim to be “just looking” while you unloaded the trolley onto the moving belt so the cashier could scan your items, and most times he only came back with a box of flapjacks or at the most, 2 jam donuts and a reduced fat chocolate eclair cake.
What you weren’t expecting today, however, was for your boyfriend to return with a basket he’d picked up from somewhere, filled with pastries and cakes that made your mouth water.
“These’ll be alright til Christmas Eve won’t they? Can watch Nativity with our little pizza ‘n then fill ourselves wi’ these after? Yeah?” You didn’t really get a chance to reply before the food was placed down onto the belt. You’d never seen him so happy with himself, thinking he’d just come up with the best idea in the entire world, even though you’d done basically the same thing for the last 2 years of spending Christmas together.
The cashier gave you your total, a whopping £110, even though you’d originally come in for 2 pints of milk, which should’ve brought your total to around…. £3.
He shook his head with a small smile as he took his card out of his wallet, swiping it over the reader and thanking the lady when she gave him his receipt. He rolled the trolley out onto the car park, you following closely behind telling him to unlock the car so you’d be able to hear the beep it made and find it, considering how dark it was outside. After locating the vehicle, he gently placed all the items in the backseat, taking extra care to make sure the pizza was cushioned by Joe’s new shirt and Frankie’s new toy. He dropped the trolley back off at the shelter before getting into the car, strapping his seatbelt and turning the radio on.
Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” filled the speakers, causing Ben to let out a quiet, “What a fuckin’ banger!”.
You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and give him a peck on the cheek and a ruffle of his hair. You simply were having a wonderful Christmas time.
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jiikyu · 4 years
Taste of Marigolds In Bloom
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Herb of the Sun — Or Marigold was often used during the Middle Ages as a love charm. Carrying one of these brightly colored flowers was thought to bring love. Though be warned for they are also poisonous. Chapter IV. Sitting in the back of a police car was not how you anticipated your night ending — And certainly not with Mirios arms wrapped around you all the while. You’re not sure how you got here. ∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ All characters are 18+ Yandere!Mirio x Fem!Reader(AΩβ) Y/N = Your Name F/N = Your Full Name E/C = Eye Color H/C = Hair Color
Warnings: Yandere / Unhealthy Behavior / Delusions / Angst / Possessiveness / Violence and uh Fluff? First Chapter Here❦ Previous Chapter Here❦ Next Chapter Here ❦
∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ “Oh hey!” Mirios leans his arm against the doors frame. “Isn’t this a lovely surprise.” “Hey, do you wanna come to Nabezos with me?” Your question takes him by surprise and he feels his arm slipping. It’s raining. “Sure, let me grab my jacket.” ∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ The little droplets from above mean the sidewalks are clear of people, it’s not often you practically get the city all to yourself. When Mirio agreed to come with you to the popular restaurant off campus grounds, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. It wasn’t like you to swing by unexpectedly, at least not without some form of prior acknowledgement. Like a text. What’s even stranger was that you wanted to go to Nabezos, in the rain. Maybe it’s nothing to be get riled up over... The conversation flows in it’s usual lighthearted manor with you both throwing in the occasional jab. It’s normal. But if that’s truly the case then — Why won’t his heart stop hammering violently against his ribs? Somethings not right. He just knows it. Mirios pace starts to slow to a crawl, and little by little it all together stops. And you had been so close to making it to Nabezos, maybe two blocks down the sidewalk? Suddenly his appetite is gone. When there’s no respond to your corny joke do you turn to see the blond fallen behind. Everything about it feels so very wrong. Standing like motionless his yellow umbrella rests loosely in his grasp, shoulders slouching forward. But — You catch sight of something that freezes the blood in your veins. Tears threaten to spill from those blue pools. How had this happened? Only a few seconds ago were you chatting like normal. This proves all of your fears and suspicions, that there is something deep troubling Mirio. That’s why you were doing this right? You were going to do your best to gently coax out whatever was bothering him. Had you already messed up? The gap made between you wasn’t large by any means but by gods do you close it fast. Abandoning your umbrella to ground below as shoes splash against the wet pavement, now your standing before him in the rain. “Wait Mirio what’s happening? Why are you crying?” “Y/N...” His voice has been reduced to a rasp whisper, the usual optimism drained and you can see the bottom of the well. “Are you leaving?” Huh? The question confuses you even further. That cannot be the root of the problem, a small idle conversation between you and your friend could not have been the cause of this. “What? Of course not!” As much as you want to stay in Musutafu — Your words are not quite the full truth, are they? “Well I... I don’t actually know yet.” Do not make promises you cannot keep. The way he kneads his lip with his teeth, suffocating any sound from escaping, it does nothing but further shatter your heart into tiny fragments. If this continues you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to put the pieces back together. You’re about to speak again when the blond does the unexpected. Taking a deep breath he exhales, then the corners of his mouth upturn. It is nowhere near as radiant as his signature smile, and you know it’s not real. But now it’s his turn to close the gap. Taking the step forward Mirio dips the yellow umbrella so it no longer hangs over his head but yours. The thrumming of his heart drums against his ears, he’s sure you hear it too. “Y/N, what if I told you I don’t want you to go?” Oh. Wait? Does that mean? Oh. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks. “I —“ The soft pitter-patter of raindrops against the umbrellas canvas matches your own heartbeat. Fast and light, like suddenly you’re floating. You watch the collar of his gray gym shirt start to darken with moisture and droplets catching in that sunshine soaked hair. You swallow down your shame because — You’ve never been more sure of anything in your life. “I would say, I feel the same.” You’ve never seen someone visibly light up the way Mirio does when those words leave your lips. The very words he oh so desperately needed to hear. Was that all it really took? No, he must be dreaming. “Really?” The single word is laced with so much hope it’s palpable, it’s followed by a sniffle as he brings his thumb to wipe away a stray tear. “Of course idiot!” Your own eyes start to blur and you blink them away before it’s too late. “Now stop it, you’re gonna make me cry!” Your fingers grab a hold of the umbrellas metal handle, just above Mirios hand. You push it towards him, so it’s no longer covering only you. “There, now we can both stand under it.” Sure, both of you have a shoulder that’s going to get absolutely drenched, but do you care? No. Mirios eyes go big when you do this and you swear you see literal stars dancing in those pools of blue. You’re so blissfully unaware that everything you’re doing only furthers you both down this spiral. He’s staring at you like you’re his entire world. And he wouldn’t change a single thing about you, for anything. “Aw you’re such a softy Y/N.” “Wha — You were crying first! You started it.” It’s not fair. He really does have the most contagious smile you’ve ever seen. Hand in hand you and Mirio continue to make your way to Nabezos, your own umbrella is left forgotten to the rain. ∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ Dinner had gone so well that you’re left giddy and boy, does it show, your smile never once falters. Not even when the scent of cigarettes and alcohol starts to overflow your senses. Currently you’re leaning against the outside of Nabezos, the buildings bricks now having imprinted into your back. Awning overhang keeps you dry from the rain while your eyes stay trained to the bright screen of your phone. Sun having started its descent the color slowly begins to fade from the sky. But you’re not worried, campus is only a few blocks away.
And you have Mirio.
Now you’re just wait on him, who, being the forgetful man he is forgot his wallet at the table you had eaten at. Never in a million years would you believe someone as breathtaking as Mirio would return your feelings. 
Your happiness leaves you blind to the world.
“Hey are you d-deaf or do you just think it’s cute to ignore someone talking to you?”
Huh? Only when you look up from your phone do you realize there’s a man, who you don’t recognize, staring directly at you. Your mouth is suddenly dry. The stench of booze and smoke is so strong your nose is set ablaze. You can’t help but take shallow breaths. When had he gotten so close? Were you really that oblivious to your surroundings? Your pulse is racing but you don’t move, maybe if you continue to ignore him he’ll leave you be. What a stupid idea. Suddenly your wrist is grabbed, phone slipping from your grasp and it falls to the pavement. And now you’re trying desperately to yank yourself from of his grasp. But his fingers have an iron clad grasp around your limb. “What sort of game are you trying to play?” He’s shouting at you and you have no idea what he’s going on about, you just want to get as far away from him as possible. Your eyes barely catch the flash of yellow that appears over the drunks shoulder and before you know it he’s no longer holding onto your wrist — Or rather he was flung off you by an impact to the gut. The stranger lets out a cry as his back slams against the hard concrete below. You listen to him cough and sputter for air, but you don’t look — Your eyes stay glued to your savior. Mirio. Besides the loud grunting coming from the man who just got his guts rearranged, it’s eerily silent. You cannot see the blonds face, so you can only guess what expression he wears... But something feels off and that scares you. You finally tear your eyes away from Mirio when you hear the other stand. The stranger regained his footing but why isn’t he running away? Isn’t it enough? Mirio hasn’t moved an inch since landing the first strike, standing between you and the man. A shield. Neither move for a while, just staring each other down and you can see the sweat beading down the strangers face. You never would have expected Mirio to be the one to break the stalemate. Basically just straight up breaking into full sprint towards the stranger before banking a quick left. “Oh shit —“ Is all the man manages while raising his right arm, taking shaky aim at the blond, some sort of liquid ejects from his fingertips? Mirio makes it look so incredibly easy to dodge, the inky black substance lands somewhere in the shadows. Forgotten. The man does not get a second shot. An earth shattering blow lands under his chin and you swear you hear an echoing crack of bone against bone. And just like that it’s over — Or at least that’s what you tell yourself. Anyone would be knocked unconscious by the sheer force. But Mirio doesn’t stop. What if I told you I don’t want you to go? Those are the words that come to mind as your E/C eyes follow Mirios fist. Over and over again it connects with the strangers face. Time slows like some form of torture, you watch the man take each crushing blow. As you watch the blonds knuckles begin to turn a dark crimson. And you do nothing but stand frozen, a bystander, a participant. Even the ability to speak is lost to you. Only when the terrible sound of blood starts to bubble up from the man’s throat does Mirio finally release his white-knuckled grip from the shirts collar. Without the Alphas hold the unconscious body rag-dolls to the pavement below. God, does the sickening thud make you shudder in disgust. Now it’s just you — And the man who has only ever showered you with warmth and overbearing kindness. Towering over the bloody pulp of a man he stands with his back towards you, chest heaving as he attempts to recapture his breathing. Your mind is so vary far away right now but somehow, somewhere in your anxiety riddled state are you able to produce a single cohesive repeating thought. It’s something that comes so naturally it almost terrifies you, you might even loath yourself later for it... You cannot help but be frightened, not for the beaten man lying against the cold pavement, no your fears are for Mirios safety. For his sake. When he turns to face you you’re met with the burning blue of the ocean. And within seconds you swear you see the raging sea already starting to simmer. Your feet stay planted as your hero takes the first step towards you. Even if your life depended on it you’re not sure you’d be able to move an inch — Though it’s too late for that now, isn’t it? By the time you notice he’s practically all over you, but there is an invisible wall of tension that keeps him from touching. With the back of your shoulders pressed against the brick wall there is no escape from the cage of muscle surrounding you, thick forearms having rooted themselves on either side of your head. Every instinct screams at you, to run, to submit, to hide, to do anything useful. Maybe you’re broken. Instead, you find yourself entranced, E/C eyes trace along the scars of those very forearms keeping you trapped. The healed skin darkened where deep gashes once bled. Following the perfect blemishes to the meat of his shoulders you accidentally meet deep iris pools, completely and utterly awestruck. The expression Mirio wears is one you’ve never seen before. You want to tell yourself that it’s the shadows casted down by the looming cities walls — Or that’s it’s just the dark clouds raining down on you. But... You’re having a difficult time convincing yourself. “Are you hurt?” A low breathless whisper pulls you from muddy waters, dredged up from the murky depths of your mind. Was that Mirios voice? He’s close, so close, his ragged breathes ghost across the bare skin of your neck. Your eyes fall to the filthy lot concrete, where you’re barely able to make out the motionless mans shape. Why is it so hard to see? You hadn’t even noticed your eyes gloss over, fat tears already rolling down your cheeks. “M-Mirio you —“ The pain in your voice has his chest twisting in agony. Sharp thorns digging into the delicate flesh. Seeing you like this hurts worse than the searing ache in his knuckles. But it’s okay. Because you’re safe. The thin threads holding him back finally fray and snap. Mirios arms abandon the wall behind you, pulling you flush against his broad chest, muscled arms wrapped around your frame. “It’s okay. I’m here now.” His head rests atop your own, you feel his lips move against your locks as he continues to reassure you. “I’ll always be here — I promise.” You won’t ever have to be worry again. Being held only makes the flood tears worse, when your body melts against his so does the last bit pf willpower holding the dam together. Slowly you begin to hiccup into his shirt, your arms shakily wrapping around his neck, falling further into the embrace you feel his arms tighten. And now your balling in a empty public restaurant parking lot with a bloody unconscious body only a few yards away. The dying rain isn’t strong enough to wash away the scent of copper. ∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ Blinding red and blue lights flash across the cities walls. When you speak with the police — Well actually, it’s not so much you speaking with them as it is you listening to Mirio tell them the details of what happened and offering a weak nod when they wanted your input. You haven’t spoken much since exhausting your lungs and draining a lakes worth of tears onto Mirios shirt. His eyes keep darting to meet yours between every couple of words. You watch on as the blond speaks clearly and calmly with the officers, you envy his ability to do so. He’s even able to smile as if nothing happened — You finally tear your eyes away, choosing to look at a lone anthill, inches from your foot. The weight of his jacket keeps you semi-warm as you stand under the overhang of Nabezos, the smell of ocean and sun clings to the leather, you pull the fabric tighter around your shoulders. You had watched as three first responders wheeled the stretcher to the waiting ambulance. As soon as its doors slammed shut the siren blared to life and the vehicle sped away. It was a good sign you tell yourself. A sign that the man was alive. The invisible weight on your shoulder lifts, if only by a hair. “Do you need a ride home?” The question snaps you from staring at the pavement. A male officer, possibly a Beta? It’s hard to tell in the rain, he has kind eyes. There’s no time for you to search for an answer before a firm hand finds itself planted the deputies shoulder. Mirio now stands behind the rather startled man, all smiles of course. Though something about the curve of his lips doesn’t sit well with you.  “That would be great actually, can you give the both of us a ride?” It takes you a second to realize he’s answering for you. “We’re both headed the same direction.” “Of c-course.” The officer shakes away his initial fright by the time he finishes speaking. And you still have yet to process what’s happening. ∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ Sitting in the back of a police car was not how you anticipated your night ending — And certainly not with Mirios arms wrapped around you all the while. You’re not sure how you got here. But what you are sure of is that there isn’t an inch of you that doesn’t smell like the Alpha. He’s been scenting you ever since entering the vehicle, practically pulling you into his lap. It’s not so uncommon amongst friends — Although, you’re no longer just friends, are you? His hand could wrap around your wrist two times over. The blond has a delicate touch as he traces the pad of his thumb over your skin, he holds you as though you’re porcelain. The entire time your eyes are glued to the red busted skin of his knuckles. An uncomfortable clearing of a throat breaks the moment. You had almost forgotten about the police officer who so politely offered the ride home. You blame it on overactive instincts, that this is probably the norm, it’s a lousy excuse and you know it. And a part of you, one that you’re desperately trying to drown under the surface until there is no oxygen left, knows instincts are not the only thing at play here.
∘◦ ✿ ◦∘ When Mirio told you he’d be staying the night at your place you thought it had been an offer. Not a fact. You remind yourself that you know Mirio. Know that he would never hurt you, that he’s only looking out for you. That’s why you agreed. 
So what if your every attempt to convince him you’d be fine staying alone was disregarded. Right? 
You stare into the mirror, letting the sink fill with water. Paying no attention to the temperature you soak a hand towel into the ice cold liquid. Bringing the damp fabric under your eyes you wipe away the last remnants of tears marks. The soft knock on the door startles you from your haze, looking over you notice the shadow of what can only be a pair of feet peeking under the thin frame of wood. “Are you okay?” Mirios voice may be muffled behind the wood but it’s impossible to ignore the worry bled into every syllable. “Yeah.” Your own voice is still raspy from your crying, it reminds you how weak you truly are. “Just give me a few minutes... Okay?” “I’m here.” What you can’t see is the large hand pressed into the creases of door. “When you’re ready.” The outside noise seems to die down with that and you listen to the static of the running water as you strip out of your soaked clothing, peeling the wet material from your skin. The jacket that had kept you warm now hangs off the tubs edge. ... Mirio stands guarding the entrance of the restroom. Like a good boyfriend. Foot tapping nervously against the carpeted floor. This is all so new, usually the hero is in full control of his actions. But now — Every passing second is another nail plunged into his coffin, he might have really screwed up big time... And just when the two of you had finally become official. He doesn’t know what took over. But he does. When saw you cornered by some low life — He only remembers the feel of white hot burning rage coursing his veins and the look of terror in your eyes. He really dropped the ball hadn’t he? He doesn’t regret it. Not even for a second, he’d do it again, for you. His only regret is scaring you. Suddenly his foot stops its anxious drumming. It becomes apparent to him that — With you in the bathroom he has full range of your dorm, unsupervised. Not that he would do anything fishy, of course not! It’s just the first time he’ll get to appreciate your little temporary home. 
A glimpse at the future you’ll share.
Waiting by the door for another minute he takes the first experimental step away from his post, waiting with bated breath. Nothing. The only sound is the continuous running of a faucet. It’s the only sign he needs to continue onwards, down the hallway. By all means it’s not a long journey, in only a few of feet does the blond find himself in front of a cracked door, a dim light streams through the gap. With a featherlight touch he pushes it open to reveal what he’d hoped for. Your bedroom. He’s not disappointed, the room is so very you. It smells like you. Even when Mirio’s absolutely drained he can’t help but admire every little detail, even down to the lone sock lying forgotten in the center of the floor. A tired smile makes its way to his lips as he goes to pick it up, tossing it in the hamper sitting only a few feet away, a smile resting pretty on his features all the while. How forgetful you were. He doesn’t mind this, in fact quite the opposite — He can’t help think it’s quite domestic. Who knew he’d windup such a hopeless romantic? Before the blond knows it he starts to wonder what living together would be like. It really can’t be helped.
Mirio can almost envision you seated at his table waiting while he cooks your favorite meal, it might take him a couple of tries to nail but he’s anything if not persistent — Or perhaps, waking up to morning kisses with your legs tangled in knots. Maybe one day a couple of children that share both your and his qualities pop into the picture. He understands how silly it is all is, that he can’t help but feel as though he’s already been living this life with you. Too bad it doesn’t last. The sweetest of daydreams are cut to shreds when blue eyes catch the unmistakable flash orange and white of a bottle. On your nightstand are your suppressants, sitting carelessly for all to see. After staring for what is probably considered far longer than normal a not so innocent thought just sort of floats its way into his system and... Suddenly Mirio’s being crushed under the weight of something tremendous and hideous. Guilt. He could never. Everything’s falling into place, just the way it’s meant to. But — Some stranger had basically gone and flipped his world upside down in the matter of seconds. That drunk bastard leaning in close you, probably whispering dirty words to you... His fist clenches into a tight ball, knuckles still burn from the impact of skin against skin. God only knows what that creep was gonna do? That filth had tried to take you from him, there is no mistaking. Was it some sort of cruel joke, turning the best day of his life into one of the worst? A bead of sweat breaks along his brow as blue eyes continue to stare down the bottle of white pills. Fear has got Mirio in a chokehold and right now it’s a losing battle. You are someone he wants — No, needs to protect, that’s why he can’t stop but think... What would he do without you? He doesn’t notice his fingers have started moving on their own volition. Mirio cannot picture a world without you.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Theodorus van Gogh x MC Fluff Warnings: none
Requested by: @nad-zeta Prompt: Proposal
Hello, Zeta! I hope you don’t mind, but it’s your b-day, soo... It’s your day, and Theo’s, apparently:3 Have you noticed anything weird happening lately? Hm?
Content Warnings: food
Some would call Theodorus strict, strict in regards to his work ethics and strict to other people, expecting little less than an actual effort and reliability. Some would point out his drive and a keen eye for details – and perhaps some would go as far as to pronounce him a genius of a certain kind, even if hidden behind the scene of the grand world of art. It would not be an understatement to say the opinions and rumours of ‘Theodore’ did seemingly multiply, exceeding by far the probable number of truths and sometimes simply contradicting each other… Yet, in each lie there is a grain of an actual fact, and if there was one factor connecting all of those, it was the statement: Theodore knew how to notice the beautiful things in life. If only he knew how to pick this time around!
Some would call Theodorus strict, strict in regards to his work ethics and strict to other people, expecting little less than an actual effort and reliability. Some would point out his drive and a keen eye for details – and perhaps some would go as far as to pronounce him a genius of a certain kind, even if hidden behind the scene of the grand world of art. It would not be an understatement to say the opinions and rumours of ‘Theodore’ did seemingly multiply, exceeding by far the probable number of truths and sometimes simply contradicting each other… Yet, in each lie there is a grain of an actual fact, and if there was one factor connecting all of those, it was the statement: Theodore knew how to notice the beautiful things in life. If only he knew how to pick this time around!
It had been a rather dreadful journey for Theo, soles of his shoes – and they were fine shoes, as he did not plan to do anything of such importance in a pair long past its days of prime – clacking against the cobblestone streets. He passed from store to store, each display luring him inside with promises of impending success, whispering to him sweet tales of the end of his wanderings. To no avail! It almost felt as if his gift for finding art evaporated from him, wind sweeping it away as soon as he left the mansion… And perhaps he’d even worry of it being the truth, had the malicious talent not worked in his favour during this usual trips to the gallery.
At first he thought, ‘I still have time, I may very well make myself ready for when the mood is right’ (or perhaps some nifty abbreviation of that, few words being omitted here and there as he redirected his attention to more pressing matters). Without much hesitation, he almost dared to try to distract himself with making his appearance presentable – after all, old pants, a hole or two still needing to be darned, would not do, not for an event like that. He was not a slob!  It would suffice to say he picked suitable items while on his hunt – and ah, what a hunt it was. He started off with jeweller’s, but no gem seemed bright enough. Either the cut was off or it all looked the same, neither the colours not the composition speaking to his soul in an inviting way. The earrings were somewhat better, but he abandoned the idea rather early on. He wanted something just for them.
Next was the hatter’s, although he was not particularly interested in bonnets nor headwear in general for that matter, instead turning his eyes towards a small selection of hairpins sold there. Some were fairly nice, he reckoned, so much so that he did consider them for a moment… He had to agree, the golds and silvers would look beautifully in her hair, his fingers hoovering above one adorned by a miniature gypsophilia, bright petals calling out to him. Without much hesitation, Theo paid for the gift and felt almost fulfilled, the dread catching onto him in the middle of his way home. No, this would not suffice, far from it – and so, he returned to his hunt before finishing it properly even once.
The following days he made sure to slither out to continue his search (for lack of any better word, although he was certain he’d shortly have to do just that; she was too bright and for all he knew, she’d catch onto his plans in a matter of minutes if he weren’t careful enough). Flower shops, book stores, crafts folks, seamstresses, bookbinders – he could have sworn he troubled them all, nothing being convincing enough. Theo would not settle on anything less than equally beautiful to her… And that proved to be a nearly impossible task. Increasingly desperate, his lover having started to sniff much to close to the truth for his liking, he began looking through antique stores.
Porcelain, cutlery, family heirlooms, furniture, anything and everything – and yet, nothing, nothing, nothing he could have any use for! This was so unlike him, the Theo he known himself to be having been reduced to walking in circles and mulling over the matter. “Perchance, are you looking for heliotrope? Red tulip? Ivy?” the shopkeeper asked, glancing up from her seat behind the counter. “Huh?” Theo replied absent-mindedly. “I’ve seen my fair share of desperate men. Which is it?” she pressed. “Ivy?” The shopkeeper nodded, lost in thoughts. Seemingly having forgotten he existed, she retreated deeper into her store, only clacking of various objects being moved signifying she was indeed still there. It confused Theo – and after a short inspection, he decided to leave, his hand already resting on the door handle as a voice called after him. “Prechance, a yellow rose instead of ivy? Ehh, no patience, this youth right now, no patience…” she sighed, tossing a little box onto the counter.
He was already there and surely, there was no harm in spending a minute or so more, even if it were to be a waste. Theo turned on his heel and marched back into the store, soon lifting the decorative lid. Inside the box, on a black velvet cushion, sat a pair of identical bracelets. Carefully, he picked one by the blue waxed thread, his gaze instantly gravitating towards the small golden plate, a picture of ivy being engraved into it. “Ivy is good,” the shopkeeper hummed. “Red tulip’s better for the first date.” “I’ll take it.”
The day came. Theo dressed up – and although it wasn’t that different, she couldn’t help noticing the white of his shirt was whiter than usually, and that those few darned holes, although small, seemed to have disappeared completely from his pants. Oddly enough, she could have sworn her Theo seemed somewhat nervous, which she did not expect. After all, what was to fear in a simple coffee date? They’d been to the place numerous times by then, his favourite pancakes (drowned in a little extra sugar, the perks of the regular quests) being served to them. He seemed to attempt to chat just as usual, gusts of their work slipping between topics here and there – and yet, it was odd, getting no better when they finished. They were just about to return home, or so she presumed, Theo taking her hand in his. “Let’s go on a walk first,” he suggested.
They turned left and then right into the first street, comfortable silence setting between them sometime after the tenth step. The wind was nicely warm, lifting her hair up on a whim and playing with it in any way it pleased, hum of the river by their side slowly quieting as they moved away from it. A flower field and a tree – and although it was dark, the confusion inside of her was replaced by livid excitement, her lover being more like his usual self. Heliotropes blooming around, they sat down. “Close your eyes,” Theo spoke. Having raised a quizzical brow, she did as he asked, almost sure the last lights of the day died without her witnessing it. A tug on her hair – and it was over, something keeping the unruly strands back in their place. “They should behave now,” he whispered, causing her to laugh. “I hope they do. Nights and the evenings in the past always seem more beautiful than those in the future. I wouldn’t want to miss a single one,” she hummed, turning her head away to look up at the sky. However, she had little chance to admire it, a candle being lit. Theo set the small jar onto the grass, turning his eyes towards her. He retrieved a small box from a pocket inside of his jacket. “Pupje,” he started, “would – will you b –” He didn’t get a chance to finish, however, his back hitting the grass as she threw her arms around his neck. The candle went out – and had it not been for the newly emerged and plentiful dew, they’d have to put the celebrations off in time. “Candle!” Theo half-barked, half-laughed, pushing himself up with his lover sitting in his lap. “How are you going to see it now? I swear, pupje, I should have bought a collar…” “Only if you were to get a matching one for yourself,” she jabbed back, patting his pockets in search of matches, soon holding a box of those.
Deftly, her fingers lit up a long match, flame slowly eating away at the wood as she waited, hopeful eyes gleaming brightly. Theo opened the lid – she gasped. The light went out again after a moment, few more matches having been burnt through before they managed to get the bracelets on. Their fingers entwined, they gazed at the starry sky, held together by ivy engraved in gold. Purple heliotropes bloomed around.
(Dated: March 12th, 2021)
Language of flowers:
*baby’s breath/gypsophilia – everlasting love *heliotrope – eternal love/devotion *ivy – marriage, fidelity *red tulip – declaration of love *yellow rose - infidelity, decrease in love
Tag List: @cheese-ception​​​ , @kisara-16​, @nad-zeta​ If you want to be tagged for my works, please, do let me know :D Please, specify fandoms as well.
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rosy-cheekx · 4 years
Heat Without Warmth, Light Without Sight
This fic is for the @tma-valentines-exchange and was written for @barnabasbennett (pretty sure, at least!) AO3 link is in the source! Based on the prompt: rewrite episode 159 to feature Tim and Archivist!Sasha.
I’ve been waiting SO LONG to post this! I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Chapter One: Embers
The archives are quiet. So quiet. Sasha can hear the tick of the clock on her desk and the hum of the radiator she had brought in so many months ago, back when her biggest concern was how cold her Archivist office was. Before the idea of heat reminded her of Tim in oh-so-many painful ways.
The Unknowing had been…bad. Daisy had been imprisoned in The Choke, Sasha left unconscious and Basira forever changed. She had seen it, she told Sasha later, the way Tim had stood amidst the rubble of plastic mannequins and brick and mortar, unscathed as smoke billowed into the sky, silhouetted in greys and blacks. It was terrifying, she said, in a completely different way than the Unknowing had been. Basira described Tim as unstoppable in that moment, a train bulleting towards destruction and revenge, a rage in his eyes that only intensified when he saw the unconscious form of Sasha James, bruised and lying in the rubble.
In Sasha’s six-month coma, she had missed a lot. Martin had explained things to her; a sad compassion in his eyes as he stirred sugar into tea. Tim had fallen to the Desolation, The Cult of The Lightless Flame calling him home after they had heard about his sudden resilience to heat and flame. It made sense. Tim had experienced so much loss and destruction in his life, losing Danny and Jon (and, temporarily, Sasha) due to the machinations of The Stranger. His connection to the Desolation had probably been growing when none of them, not even Tim, had noticed. Sasha tried reaching out to him; Tim was still employed by the Magnus Institute after all, but he was sullen at his desk, the air around him smelling faintly of burnt hair and the iced coffees he used to love now simmering slightly in his mug. Sasha didn’t think he could’ve been any more withdrawn than he had been in the ramp up to stopping the Stranger. But here he was, prickly and cold and altogether uninterested in Sasha’s attempts to reconnect with him.
Sasha unfolds the letter, singed at the corners. She must have just missed him. Again. Her heart pounds in her chest as she reads the words, written the slanted, neat print she knew so well.
If nothing else, I will miss you. But that loss is essential, Jude says, to feeding the spark that binds us all. They think Agnes Montague’s spark passed to me when I decided my loss of life was more important than the survival of The Stranger and their ritual. Something about total commitment to pain, self-destruction, etc. There is some satisfaction in knowing how unhappy they are about it, especially Jude. I think she really wanted to be special. You’d hate her. Maybe it’s cliché, but I don’t think I’m coming back from this. It all began, and it all must end. Who knows? Maybe I’ll finally be able to quit.
I    You are truly unforgettable, boss,
Sasha had seen so many of the people she loved fall to the fears of this world in which they find themselves trapped. The loss of Jon had come first, when the thing that Was Certainly Not Jon had stolen him away under their noses. This discovery had come with the loss of the heart of their office: Martin. Realizing he had been in love with a lie had broken something in him, and while Sasha did her best to show him compassion, she couldn’t imagine going through it all in his place. The nature of Gertrude’s death had shocked her; Sasha had known her, had seen such a strong woman she had been. To see (or rather hear) her death reduced to a few cowardly gunshots felt…inadequate. Daisy had become softer after surviving the Buried, kinder to Sasha, but there the Hunt was still there, deep in her. Basira and Melanie were fine, but evasive, suspicious, too eager to wield a knife. And now?
Sasha had no friends, no one she could truly trust, no one left besides Tim. She hadn’t stopped trying to care for him, to make herself available, but she refused to keep her heart open for someone so clearly eager to move away from it all, even if that was motivated by a cult of fire and destruction and pain. But that love she had for Timothy Stoker was still there, the idiot who took her out for drinks and dressed up as her once for April Fool’s and had them all over for Guy Fawkes Day (should she had guessed it then, his eyes illuminated by the pyre, drinking in the light and heat of the flames?) and insisted he cook for everyone whenever he got the chance.
Eyes sweeping over the letter over and over, she read the words, trying to hear each of them in his voice, feeling something in her gut twist as she read her name is his handwriting, in his voice, over and over. Tim had said it so many ways: with mirth, frustration, exhaustion, and warmth. There was still so much left to say. There were so many more ways for him to say her name, and Sasha wanted to hear them all.
This letter? This would not be the last time he said her name. Sasha James, the Archivist, would make damn sure of that.
Sasha is hurrying through the Institute when she almost collides with Elias Bouchard. His hair is unkempt, shaggy from his time in prison, but he is dressed immaculately, black dress shirt rolled to his elbows and a tie that seemed to shimmer yellow-green when it catches the light.
“You-Elias, what the hell?” Sasha takes an involuntary step back, hand ghosting to the letter opener she had instinctively tucked into her waistband.
“Save the effort, Archivist. I’m only here to help, after all. My sources say Tim has left?”
“Sources?” Sasha spits the word, fingers resting against the mottled blue handle of the blade. “Please. There’s no need to hide what you are anymore, Elias.”
“Hmm, very well.” His fingers drum patiently on his jaw, one elbow elegantly balanced on the opposite wrist. He looks too calm, too relaxed for the anxiety and anger thrumming its way through Sasha’s chest. “So, you don’t want to know where he’s gone?” Fuck. Elias’s eyebrow arches expectantly, eyes staring past her as he focused on what she could now recognize as what she called the Knowledge.
“Elias Bouchard, t̶̡̟̲͓̩̜̣͕͇̟̱͉̹̽̋̑̑̅̊͒́̔̂͠ͅe̶̝͍̜̲̘̙̤̰̬̞͒͗l̴̛͕̜̟̟̰͑̿̎̎́͛͌̽̆͆̓̋̾l̴̟̤͚͉͔̼̄̈́̆̌̏̇͝ ̷͖̙̠͕̜̮̬̟̝̰̫͍̆ṁ̶̨̗̮͍̖͍͖̱̟̍̽͜͝e̴̗̩͒̈́͛̊̽́̿ ̷̧̨̡̦̻̙͎̬̪̞͕͙͖̓͂͂͂͂̊̔̊̕̚͜w̴͈̖̦̒̾̀̽͑̓̑̎̂̇͗̂͒ḩ̸̩̺͎̤̳̰̘̱̣̍ę̵̫͚̖́̇͜r̷̢̘͍̣͚̠͚̫̦̭͌ͅͅͅẻ̵͓͖̆̀̒ ̵͇͕̱̬̻̖͔̲͇͇͊̓͊́̽̍̋̓̈́̎̿̆̕͘͝h̷̨̡̧̨̻̝̲̱̬̻͙̻͋́͒̈͆͛͛̒͂̉̈́̎͜e̴̡̪͓̘̳͇͙̪̠̳͈͔̳͕͗̓̉̎ ̵̢̡̟͍̬͖͔͎̹͇̞͗̓́́i̶̲̬̰͙̖̘̮̠̘̜̙̗̍̈́̀̌̔͌̊͋́̍͌̑̚͝s̶̞̱̥͚̽̔̏͠͝.”
Her voice echoes with persuasion, the smooth words rolling off her tongue before she could consider it. Elias sighs, seeming almost tired with her. “He’s in the Desolation.” Elias sighs, seeming almost tired with her. “Honestly, Sasha, I would have told you without you needing to ask like that.”
She tunes him out, her own Knowing searching for Tim and landing her only with a burning inside her skull. She hisses her pain through her teeth and focuses back on Elias, who seems almost amused.
God, what a bastard. “Ȟ̶̡̱͈̖̱̱̱̤̮̖̳̬̆̿͐͛̾́͗͠͝͝ͅͅo̷̡͎̙̓͗̋̂͊̏̏̅̚͘͝ẅ̶̢̨̧̝̖͚̦̱̟̹̼͕͌͌͌̋̒̆͑̈́̓͛͠ ̶̱̩̜̖̫̼̰̐d̴̢͈͍̗̱̀̉̽͋o̷̢̡̫͈̼̺̹̩̥͕͕͘̕ ̵̢̭̦͍̬͖̪̹͍̬̝͝I̶͕̥̱̤̽̿̃̃̂͐̔͒̒̇̆͗̚̕ ̴̛̞̜̘̥͓̙̗̫̰̙̼̝̀͗͋̊́̕ḡ̴͈͈̗̜̦̇͐̏̿̾̅́̆̎̂̊̕͠e̷̡̡̲̘̞̟̤̗͓̺̱̣̘͐̆̈́̔̎̃͋́ṯ̶̨̺̜̪̺̼̼̟̽̽̍̾̊́͊́̒̕͘ ̵̢͔̟͈̘͚̫̩̭͑̃͘ͅt̸̪̊͛̽̀͒h̴̘̫̖̤̜͕̻̺̯̼̦̟͔̋̍̋̈̌̃͐̈́̍̋e̶̢̛͚͉͕͓̪̖̘͖͇͇̫̲͉̐̀̈́̋̄̃̆̽̃̍͊̓ͅr̵̨͍͖̜͕͈̱̤̤̭͈̳̯̜͈̆͒̾̎̓̓̀̐̈̀̂̉̕͠e̴̦̱̺͓̝͕̥͔̮̓͐͛̚?̸̛̝̞̦͈̦̿͐͌̂̌̆͂̆̔̋͗͒̊”
“Honestly, Sasha, you’re wearing yourself out. Timothy and Jude just left. They were in the library; I’m sure you can follow them. Let your mind follow theirs. Find the right string, if the Mother will pardon my analogy, and pull it. I’m sure they left the door open for you.” He winks, as if enjoying a private joke, and turns on a polished leather shoe, striding towards the Archives with purpose.
Sasha redirects her course and hurries to the library. Is this a trap? Almost definitely. But honestly, she doesn’t care. Rosie, head of the institute while Elias had been “previously occupied," had been the last to leave the Institute, Sasha Knew as she ran, clocking out at 18:02. The librarians and assistants were gone. It was just her. Well, she and Elias, certainly. She was already a pawn in this fourteen-way game of chess; she may as well take down some bishops if this was going to be her end. She has never met Jude Perry, but Tim was right about one thing: she certainly already hated her.
In the library, Sasha halts in the doorway, taking in the scene in front of her. The heat is excruciating on her cheeks as she sees a blazed trail of singed books, paper, and manuscripts. The burning in her face and soul is caused not by any fire, but by the sheer anger that someone dared mar her memories of this library, where she had met so many of the people she loves. Loved. No, loves, she decided with certainty. Jon is gone, the true memory of him lost to everything but the errant polaroid, Martin is all but gone, a shell of the warm man they had known, and Tim is just out of reach. But despite all this, maybe in sheer spite of everything they’ve been through, Sasha still present-tense loves each of them.
It is that love, she thinks, that guides her now, more so than the omniscient Eye that paves her way to the Desolation, the scar on reality widening and opening for her before it swallows her whole, the library crumbling into ash around her.
One way or another, she was going to end this.
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selenophile-1 · 3 years
A Zach Addy fanfic
Chapter One
My feet thud against the tile floor of the Smithsonian, I was running through the building trying to find the medico-legal lab. I was supposed to be here yesterday. as I got to the doors I hunched over and took a couple of deep breaths before pushing open the door.
as I walked in a girl in a blue lab coat walked up to me "Dr.Holmes?" I nodded and she led me to an office.
It smelled of vanilla and peanut butter, as I came into hearing range the women behind a set of computers were saying "..... processes it and then projects it as a three-dimensional holographic image." She was pretty, her hair was tucked into a messy bun, and her face was symmetrical. She was so close to perfection.
There were two other people in the room, tucked away behind the large hologram. The yellow lighting that was making the room almost uncomfortable heat, along with the sweet smells of this office it reminded of spending time with the other rich family's as a child.
I was stood behind the women sitting in the chair observing, as a man, who stood beside the women, who- I assumed was an agent of some kind- nodded and said "okay" he was wearing a cocky belt buckle and colourful socks, but anything other than that was very official. A dark black suit paired with a simple white dress shirt, and simple black shoes.
Doctor Brennan who was glancing around waiting, looked at him "you got that?" she then spotted me standing behind the large man and she smiled "Dr.Holmes!" I smiled back at the slightly older women and walked up beside her. She looked different than when I last saw her, Her hair was short, probably do to some heat and she looked darker-maybe from spending time at a dog site. "You're a day late." She stated giving me a glance over
I laughed, "well my brother needed me for a case" I glanced at the agent who had moved from beside the women to behind Dr.Brennan “I'm so sorry I'm late"
She smiled at me and laughed, at my excuse "Dr. Holmes, you and your brothers are extraordinary! I wouldn’t care if you were a week late.” She looked at everyone else who seemed to be stunned at my presents. "This is Dr.Iris Holmes"
I smiled at everyone around the room, before looking at Dr.Brennan, "I'm very happy I get to work with you, Doctor Brennan and your extraordinary team” 
Dr.Brennan nodded at the women at a set of computers. and she glanced over at me “well let’s begin” she muttered before beginning to type "Brennan reassembled the skull and applied tissue markers. " she said
She, along with the rest of us watch as the hologram began to form "Her skull was badly damaged" Dr.Brennan began to point at the hologram "but racial indicators, cheekbone dimensions, nasal arch, occipital measurements suggest African American."
The woman behind the computer put in the information Dr.Brennan had indicated, "And.... We have our victim" she said and on the hologram was an upper body of a female.
The agent placed his hand into the hologram slowly and wiggling his fingers while whispering " Whoa... Have to admit, that's pretty cool."
Dr.Brennan removed the agent's hand from the hologram with a very annoyed look on her face, before facing the woman then back at the hologram " Ang, rerun the program substituting Caucasian values." the image altered slightly, and my eyes got wide. then Dr.Brennan asked exactly what I was thinking "Does she look familiar to anyone?"
at the same time, I nodded and said "yes" the agent muttered a silent 'No'. I glanced at him then back at the hologram "can you Split the difference, mixed race."
"Lenny Kravitz or Vanessa Williams?"
I looked at the woman who I assumed was Ang. "I'm not sure what that means" she looked back down at the computer and I went back to looking at the hologram slightly embarrassed, the women adjusted the face slightly.
Dr.Brennan continued to look at the hologram for a couple of seconds before saying "Angela, reduce tissue depth over the cheekbones to the jawline." the agent looked from the skull to the hologram. I walked over to the skull and gently touched the grove's and curves.  "does anyone else recognize her"
one of the other guys in the room, his hair was unkempt and longer than the agents, answered Dr. Brennan "not me" but I did and apparently so did Angela.
"Wait, is the who I think it is"
"The girl who had the affair with the Senator?"
the agent sighed and placed his hand against the system "Her name is Cleo Louise Eller... the Only daughter to Ted and Sharon Eller." he looked over at the skull again, as everyone looked at him " Last seen approximately 9 pm, April 6, 2003, leaving the Cardio Deluxe Gym on K Street" he looked back at everyone "she didn't even make it to her car."
"pretty good memory" Dr.Brennan commented, shifting from one foot to the other while crossing her arms.
the agents put his hands in his pockets and said "yeah well it's my job to find her"
The last guy, who was on the shorter side with curly hair that was messy and looked to be tangled in its self, rocked back on his heels and said "Well, in that case, congratulations on your success"
"This isn't exactly the way I wanted it to end."
The group wearing lab coats sat on the steps eating, I was standing with Dr.Brennan and the agent-whos name I learnt was booth-on the landing before the stairs began. Booth continued the conversation with "Cleo Eller is not just some missing girl." He looked all around at each of us.
As Booth's gaze landed on Dr. Hodgins-the man with the curly, tangled hair-He said "Yeah, she's a senate intern who was boinking Senator Allen Bethlehem."
"I was secondary in the investigation to the disappearance of that girl and we couldn't confirm that." Booth looked down at the case file in Dr. Brennan's hand, he looked at me then back to the doctor "how did you two recognize her before she even had her own face?"
Dr.Brennan glanced at me then back to the case file and continued to talk to Booth " I recognized the underlying architecture of her features" she looked up at him "and the rest is just window dressing"
Zach looked at Booth-who had a strange look on his face-, then at Dr.Brennan "I'm not an expert but, shouldn't he be happier?"
" Oh no, believe me, I'm happy."
"You look happy to me"
Booth looked at Angela, Hodgins, And Zach and pointed at them with file "I need this kept quiet."
"Ha! Cover-up" Hodgins yells pointing down at Booth
Booth, followed by Dr.Brennan began walking down the stairs "Paranoid conspiracy theory."
"Is it paranoia that Monica Lewinsky was a KGB trained sex agent mole!"
Brennan and Booth got further away until I could no longer hear what the two were have a conversation about when I turned to the three of them sitting on the stairs "Are the remains clean?" Everyone stopped eating and looked at me, "what?"
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madame-morte-draws · 3 years
Consumed By Flames Chapter 1
Piper sighed softly as she unlocked the back door to her small cafe and went inside, a smile lighting up her face as she turned on the lights to the back room. It wasn't anything extravagant: her cafe was one of those older buildings that were more original to the town's architecture, and because of this the price was slightly reduced for rent as there were exposed bricks and pipelines galore. She found she didn't mind however, even finding it quite charming in fact especially with all of the plants, various décor, and shelves of books around which gave her shop a homey dark academia vibe. Humming a soft tune, the woman moved from the back of the cafe out into the main area, stopping to grab a black apron and put it on as her 'uniform' otherwise she wore whatever she wanted, as it was her shop after all. Smiling softly at the black rib cage embroidered over the torso, Piper ran her hands down it quickly to remove any unseen dust and got to work getting ready for the day. Luckily the floors were mopped and cleaned nightly, so she really just had to take the overturned chairs down from the scant few tables and set them up right, then just light some incense, turn on the lights, and the system for making sales. Piper pulled her cellphone from her pocket and looked at the time. It shouldn't be too early to send a text to Muffet. With that in mind, she began to slowly type out a text message awkwardly with one thumb while getting everything ready.
[Hey Muffet. What time do you think you will be over to drop off the pastries today?]
sent 6:50 AM
Piper finished getting the tables ready and turned to light some incense by the register at a small shrine which was littered with dried flowers, crystals, and a few bones. Taking a moment, Piper whispered a silent prayer under her lips while the smoky scent of lavender filled the small shop. Her phone went off with a little chime just as she finished.
[I'm right around the corner now. Be there in a jiff]
sent 6:57 AM
[Okay I'll unlock the front door for you ]
send 6:57 AM
Moving to unlock the door just as she said, Piper took a moment to look at the near empty streets of town, drifting off for a moment while looking down the street where the Monster District was located. After the Monsters had come down from the mountain, they settled in fairly quickly in the buildings at the base of the mountain, which had caused many humans to move out. But this only made more room for the monsters, as it seemed they preferred to stick close to one another. It seemed like quite the tight knit community from what she had learned talking to Muffet. Her little cafe happened to be located just at the edge of where the Monsters settled, and while she still did get a few humans coming into her cafe like the regulars, and those who weren't racist assholes, it seemed as if Monsters were slowly making up a larger portion of her customer base these days. Humans tended to fear what they didn't understand, and while the government did allow them to move into town and was trying to come up with a way to process all of the Monsters into the citizenship system, there were no laws to protect Monsters currently. Although the barrier had only been broken for a few weeks now, it almost felt like a lifetime at this point. So much happened in so little time. Piper took in a deep breath and ran her fingers over her ever so slightly pointed ears, and ran her long stiletto nails through some of her long hair.
When the barrier broke...something happened to her, and many others from what the news had covered. Those that practiced the Craft...witches. Something dormant awoke within them when the barrier broke, and now every practicer had magic not unlike the magic of Monsters, though more attuned to nature and its elements. The government quickly labeled them as such, Witches, and were still debating on what to do about those who had magic awoken within them. Piper thought back to when she woke up one morning to find that her apartment had grown into a jungle overnight, all the plants within her home overgrowing at an impossible rate. She had been so confused and lost, scared even, until she saw the news. It was quickly addressed that the Monsters and the barrier breaking had something to do with this, but scientists weren't sure what exactly, and until recently magic was only something in fairytales. It was strongly advised for Witches to be considered armed and dangerous until something can be done to 'control' them. She snorted, rolling her eyes before seeing someone waving a lilac coloured hand in her face.
“Oh shit, Muffet!” Piper gasped softly, flinching and placing a hand over her heart before taking a breath.
“You really should pay more attention dear. Here, I brought everything you requested. Where would you like them?”
“O-oh. Thank you Muffet, please come in and just set it on the counter.” Piper let out a small breath and moved to let Muffet inside, helping her with two of the boxes and setting everything on the counter. Muffet had been the first Monster Piper met, and upon hearing the spider Monster knew how to bake, and after trying a few things at a bake sale of hers, had decided to exclusively sell Muffet's pastries in her little cafe. It worked out as this building didn't have a kitchen of its own, and she wasn't patient enough to make pastries anyway.
“You're burning incense again today. Lavender?” Muffet asked while taking a delicate sniff of the air after having set out the boxes. The Monster began placing the pastries into the small display case beside the front counter with ease, and far faster than Piper could either.
“Hey, good sense of smell you got there Muffet, you're right.” Piper smiled at her friend though it was lopsided, given the long scar that ran from the right corner of her lip to at least two inches up her face in a crooked jagged line, and while Muffet put the pastries on display, the Witch went to make a complimentary cup of tea for the spider Monster.
“There, everything is in order Piper.” Muffet stood back from the display case and shut the sliding door before gently collapsing the boxes she had used to transport the pastries. “You changed your hair again, it looks nice. It reminds me of a blue flame.”
“Great. What kind of tea do you want? Rose? Assam? Oolong?” Piper smiled to the Monster expectantly. The Witch grinned at the compliment, running her hand through her long hair which fell in delicate waves to the small of her back in an ombre of bright blue, orange, and finally down to yellow with a small touch of purple at the top of her head mixed with the bright blue. “Thank you. I was tired of the green.”
“Oh, Oolong sounds interesting. Let's have that one.” Muffet tucked the collapsed boxes under one of her arms and waited patiently for Piper to make her cup of tea, watching her intently with her five eyes.
Piper prepared Muffet's cup, pouring some hot water over a strainer of dark leaves which seemed to flare up with a soft emerald essence of magic, and she smiled before adding the cream and sugar as she recalled how the Monster liked her tea. Before handing it over, Piper took a long tea spoon and gently stirred into the tea while staring into it, that same magic from earlier flaring up, and once satisfied, she gently tapped the spoon on the edge of the cup to prevent spilling before placing a lid over the cup and offering it to Muffet.
“You seem to be getting some semblance of control over your magic. It's better than when I first met you and you were having accidental flares all the time.” Muffet smiled softly and accepted the tea, taking a sip of the hot beverage before her smile widened. “An excellent cup as always.”
“Thanks Muffet. I'm still having flare ups of course, but at least now I can sort of keep it under control. My apartment wasn't overgrown when I woke up this morning at least.” Piper chuckled before walking over towards the door. “I infused yours with good fortune and energy today. Oh by the way—I'll send the money later today for the pastries. Time to open shop.”
After seeing Muffet off, Piper turned on the rest of the lights and turned the open sign on, luckily just in time for her first customer to come in. She greeted them warmly and took their order, happily making them tea and infusing it with a bit of her magic. She did this same thing before, though before there was no visible or tangible proof that she was doing anything to the teas, and some customers had even scoffed at her 'powers'. Though they weren't laughing now. Piper hummed softly as she worked and took orders, also occasionally selling books, and becoming excited whenever she saw a new face come in; in truth, she was hopeful that more Monsters may show up as her human customers had quickly dwindled to a small trickle, but who needed racist customers anyway? Certainly not her. Work continued at an easy pace as it was only Monday, giving her enough time to enjoy a simple meal in the back room between filling orders. Piper had thought about hiring an employee, but the shop was small enough she could manage on her own, even at full capacity. The Witch was enjoying said lunch when the bell at the door dinged, signaling a new customer. Taking a moment to gently pat at her mouth with a napkin, Piper stood and went out to the front counter to greet them. She was able to spot two customers in fact, and her eyes widened ever so slightly in interest at the new faces. They were both skeletons from what she could see, but both very different. One was rather tall, probably at least 6 feet and a few inches (thank you tall ceilings) and seemed to be wearing some odd sort of armor? It even had a cape! The other was much shorter in comparison, probably closer to her height of 4'9” but certainly at least 5' as he was taller than her. In contrast to the tall one's outfit, the shorter skeleton wore what appeared to be black gym shorts, a white shirt with a blue fur hood jacket, and...were those pink house slippers? Yeah, they were. The two seemed to look around for a moment, the taller one seeming more excitable and interested than the shorter one, who had a lazy yet easy going smile plastered on his face. He looked at her and his smile became a little tighter.
“Hello, and welcome to The Witch's Brew, what may I do for you?” Piper chuckled internally at the little rhyme she came up with to suite her cafe's name.
“Nice place ya got here..Muffet told us someone was selling her pastries, we thought we would come check it out as she said you made some pretty good stuff.” The skeleton seemed to be staring at her chest, then at her counter, her shelves, and various other places, before his skull seemed to visibly sweat. How did that even work? “Say you don't have a...bone to pick with us do you?”
“OH MY GOSH SANS! IT'S TOO EARLY FOR ONE OF YOUR AWFUL PUNS!” The tall skeleton nearly yelled again, causing Piper, and a few of her current customers to flinch slightly.
“Uhhh..” Piper chuckled awkwardly, before following the shorter skeleton, she assumed to be 'Sans' 's line of sight. Oh...oh stars. She had various animal skulls and bones strewn about the place as décor, and she remembered then that her apron had a ribcage embroidered into it. Was that like...indecent? Nudity for them? Was it like a shop of HORROR walking in here??? Piper scrambled to fix this mess before it started.
“Oh my stars..I didn't think about all of the bones I have as décor and..oh gosh uhm I'm really sorry, you must find it all terribly offensive. I wasn't aware there were skeleton monsters..” Piper reflexively put her hands over her chest to cover the image of the ribcage, and tried to offer a charming smile while also turning pink.
“Nah, we don't find it offensive, right Paps?” Sans turned towards his brother, who seemed to be inspecting a deer skull that was mounted on the wall by a bookshelf.
“Uhh...” Piper glanced over to Sans, who seemed to grin at her wider and offer a wink. The small woman smiled up at Papyrus warmly and offered her hand for the skeleton to shake. “It's so wonderful to finally meet you, Great Papyrus. I'm Piper.” Feeling still a little flustered but relaxed by their assurance, she gestured to the menu once Papyrus released her hand from his enthusiastic handshake. “Now, may I get you two anything today?”
“I guess I'll have a matcha latte.” Sans shrugged softly while still smiling widely at her.
“Wonderful I will have it out momentarily.” Piper collected payment and after it was in the register she moved to make the two skeleton Monsters their respective drinks, humming softly as she did so. Papyrus continued to walk around looking at everything with great enthusiasm which earned chuckles from Sans as well as Piper. She had to admit Papyrus was adorable and very likeable once you got over the near shouting. Sans stayed near the counter, but out of the way in case other customers came into the shop. He watched Piper move about while she made the drinks, the woman seeming to nearly float or dance around the area. It was obvious she loved what she did. Piper was whisking the matcha while the milk frother did its job, bright green sparkles of magic being whisked into the air with her motions when Sans spoke up, his eye lights watching her intently.
“So, you are a Witch then...”His smile seemed to falter ever so slightly, and his eyes flicked to her ears, spotting the point. “Heh, and your shop is even named The Witch's Brew. Should've seen that coming.”
“Y-yeah. My powers align with healing, and I am able to imbue positive traits into the beverages I make...do you...not want me to?” Piper continued to whisk his matcha, though it was a little slower as she waited for his response.
“Nah, you're fine kid. So long as you don't hurt anyone. That and I know Muffet drinks your stuff almost daily; and shes not dust yet.”
“Hmm, thanks for the vote of confidence. Sans was it?” Piper poured the whisked matcha into a cup and then poured foamed milk over top. She topped the drink off with a smooth and generous drizzle of caramel sauce before sliding the cup his way. “Nice to meet you. Already told Papyrus, but I'm Piper.”
“Yeah, nice to matcha too, Piper.” Sans grinned ever so wider as Piper snickered before taking the cup and looking at the contents with some hesitation before taking a sip. “Okay, I'll admit. S'pretty good.”
“Pffft---that was awful. Love it.” Piper beamed happily in a lop-sided way at him and gestured to his cup. “I imbued your drink with extra energy today.”
“Heh. Thanks. So you are pretty close to the Monster District. How did you meet Muffet?”
Turning to pour the tea that had been steeping behind the counter into a cup, that same green magic flared as she stirred in some honey before pouring milk into the hot beverage. “Papyrus, your drink is ready!” Piper winks at Sans and whispered. “I imbued his with a 'sense of calm'.” While waiting for Papyrus to get his cup, she answered Sans' question. “I was actually exploring the Monster District when I came across her bake sale. I tried a few items and I was hooked. They sell out pretty fast, so I think my customers find them pretty good.”
“WOWIE THIS LOOKS GREAT! THANK YOU, HUMAN!” Papyrus came to get his drink and blew on it gently before taking a sip. “THIS IS AMAZING! FAR BETTER THAN THAT SWILL GRILLBY SERVES.”
“Grillby?” Piper tilted her head curiously, looking between the two.
“Yeah he's a Monster like us, he owns a bar called New Grillby's. You should come check it out sometime. Best food in town. And if you're not one for burgers or fries the bartender is pretty...hot.”
“SANS! I AM TRYING TO ENJOY MY TEA! PIPER!!! DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM GRILLBY'S IS NOTHING BUT A GREASE TRAP!!” Papyrus seemed to stick his nose in the air, but it was obvious he was trying to hide a small smile.
Piper chuckled at the two, nodding softly before placing her hands on the counter. “I'd actually love to come. To be honest I've been wanting to try other monster food besides Muffet's pastries.”
“C'mon bro, don't get all...fired up. Paps is just worried that your stuff won't be able to..hold a flame to Grillby's.” Sans grinned wider when Papyrus behind him groaned loudly.
Piper blinked a few times, not sure why he was making so many fire puns, but she still enjoyed them. “Is it very far? I confess I haven't gone very far into the area yet.”
“Tibia honest, its just a few blocks down the street.”
“UGH SANS I AM LEAVING!” Papyrus, while trying to seem un-phased began to move towards the door. “THANK YOU FOR THE LOVELY TEA PIPER!” Papyrus continued to sip his beverage on the way out.
“You're a pretty punny guy, Sans!” Piper couldn't help but joke back and earned a wink and two finger guns from the short skeleton. She chuckled. “Well guess I'll head over and find it one of these days. Might want to go catch up to your brother, he looks miffed.”
“Nah Paps'll be alright. But, guess I should get goin' before he leaves me behind. See ya round, kid.”
“Bye Sans, bye Papyrus! Have a nice day!” Piper exhaled as the two skeleton brothers left the cafe. They were certainly an interesting bunch, and now her cafe seemed all the more quiet without their presence. Smiling to herself she got back to work, as it seemed more customers began to filter in. She hoped she would see the two again, perhaps even make friends! Piper thought about when she could head to New Grillby's as she got back into the rhythm of things, trying to rack her brain on what all those fire puns had meant, as she had a feeling it wasn't about her hair.
Piper sighed softly as she shut off the 'open' sign to her cafe and stretched, her back popping a few times. “Another hard days work..” She set about doing her nightly routine of counting the cash, wiping the tables, mopping the floors, putting back any books people had read and left out, and locking up. After making sure everything was locked up properly and things would be ready for her tomorrow, Piper left through the back door and locked up for the night with a smile on her face. The Witch took a moment to take inventory of her attire. She wore a dark grey crop-tank top, some mid-rise black shorts with garter straps holding up two mismatched thigh high socks:one black and white striped, and one a dark grey like her shirt. She also wore some chunky platform boots and one of those stereotypical 'witchy vibe' black wide brim hats, and the outfit was completed with a black leather metal ringed collar. Was this outfit appropriate for Grillby's? She didn't think to ask what the dress code was, and the place was probably far too new to have a website or any sort of Google reviews to give her any indication. Piper figured it was alright for Grillby's, and if it turned out she was under dressed, she would just show up on an off day when she could wear something more appropriate.  
Piper lived relatively close to the cafe, so often walked or skated to the cafe, and today had been a skate day. Sitting on a wooden pallet by the door, she switched out her chunky platforms for some inline skates she had in her backpack. Once she was ready, she stood and began rolling down the street, further into the Monster District. The sun had set, but it was still fairly early into the evening, so there were some monsters walking about who greeted her with warm smiles, and she cheerfully waved back. One thing was for sure, Monsters were far more polite and welcoming than humans were. It didn't take Piper long to find the place, especially with the large neon sign that said 'New Grillby's' in warm, bright letters. She took a moment to look into the windows, but they were that type of crinkly frosty style of glass that offered privacy while also looking classy.
“Only one way to find out now..”
Piper exclaimed gently to herself and sat on the curb to change out her skates for shoes again before stuffing the skates into her pack and walking in. Upon entering the bar, a warmth enveloped her that reminded her of being huddled under a blanket in front of a warm fire, and she sighed softly, relishing the feeling. It also made the outside feel comparably colder, so she quickly stepped away from the door and further in. Many of the Monsters looked her way, though they, like the ones outside offered nothing but curious and friendly smiles, waving when she did. So far so good, no one was telling her she wasn't dressed right. In the center of the bar sat a large table and she noted several dog Monsters sitting around it, seemingly concentrating on some sort of card game. She had the deep urge to pet all of them on their fuzzy heads and call them all good bois and girls, but she resisted that temptation, somehow and made her way to the bar. Piper was still looking around at everything when she came to stand at the bar, and slowly slid onto a stool before putting her backpack on one of the hooks conveniently attached under the bar for just that purpose. Feeling eyes suddenly upon her, Piper looked up and flinched slightly, finally seeing why Sans had made so many fire puns.
Before her stood a...well they were a Monster. Let's go with that for now and not assume. The Monster before her was entirely made of flame, though when she looked closely she noticed some hints of a jawline, hot-white eyes behind a pair of glasses, but no nose to hold them there, and no discernible mouth. The Monster wore a fitting old-styled bartender's outfit, and she had to admit, it fit him quite well. Was it a male? A him? Something about their being told her...yes. She could tell that this Monster was looking at her still, she could feel it though he lacked pupils or irises from what she could see.
“....” Though the Monster said nothing, they bowed their head gently, flames dimming slightly. Piper had the feeling he was perhaps..apologizing for startling her? Could he not speak?
“Oh, no no. No need to apologize. You didn't frighten me, just surprised me is all.” She smiled lopsidedly, but with much warmth, offering her hand out. “My name is Piper. It's a pleasure to meet you. A customer of mine told me about this place. I am to assume you are...Grillby?”
Possibly-Grillby looked at her hand for a moment, almost as if hesitating, before taking it and shaking her hand and nodding to her question, confirming they were in fact, Grillby. His flames also seemed to return to a normal brightness before he released her hand and stood back to continue cleaning the glass in his hand. He seemed to be waiting for something.
“O-Oh right. Apologies, may I please have an old fashioned, Grillby?” She watched as he nodded before setting down the glass he had been cleaning and went to make the drink for her. While she waited, Piper hummed along to the jukebox in the corner, watching Grillby make her drink. She was mesmerized by the elegant way in which he seemed to move, every movement was practiced and deliberate, making crafting a simple old fashioned look like an art form as he elegantly poured the liquors into a glass with practiced ease to not spill a single drop. Grillby added the remaining ingredients with care before finally garnishing the drink with an orange peel curl to complete the drink. He set the drink before her on a napkin and bowed gently like a waiter. Piper instantly knew he loved what he did, just like her and her tea.
“Thank you!” She gave another lopsided smile and took a careful sip of the drink, her eyes lighting up and looking at him. He was looking back at her, perhaps expectantly. “Grillby. This is. The. Best. Old Fashioned I've ever had.” It was slightly smokey and sweet and well-balanced and something in it seemed to tingle her tongue. Was that perhaps Monster magic? Muffet's pastries always seemed to have a little 'zing' to them as well. “You truly do make this an art form.”
Grillby's flames seemed to shoot a little higher, and she took that to mean he was happy to hear that. It was sort of..cute? How his emotions were expressed through his flames, if that indeed was what she was noticing. She could still feel his eyes on her, though he also looked around to make sure he wasn't ignoring any customers that may need him. Grillby's head tilted to the side again, in a silent askance.
Piper wasn't sure what he was asking without words, and had opened her mouth to convey such when the whole bar erupted into a cheer of a familiar name.
“SANSY!!” Said the drunk bunny monster, off-que.
Turning around to look towards the door, Piper wiggled her fingers at Sans with a smirk across the way before looking back at Grillby who was, still looking at her for some reason.
“Sans was the customer that I mentioned who told me about this place. I run a small tea shop at the edge of the Monster community called 'The Witch's Brew' and he came with his brother this morning after hearing about it from Muffet.” Grillby seemed to perk up, nodding a few times while cleaning a new glass. Maybe he knew Muffet as well?
“Hey Grillbz. The usual. Hey Piper. I see you've already met Grillby. Didn't I tell you he was hot?”
Grillby seemed unphased by his puns and walked into the back room, presumably the kitchen to get his usual. Piper snickered, bringing a hand to lightly cover her mouth.
“Sans thats awful. Love it. I see now why you made all those puns today.” She took a small sip of her drink as the short skeleton sat down beside her. “Not to talk about Grillby behind his back, but is there something wrong with me being here? Am I dressed down too much? He hasn't said a single word to me.”
“Oh yeah, he doesn't talk much, you get used to it.” Sans did give her a once over now that they weren't separated by a counter anymore. “You look good to me, kid.” Sans even punctuated his sentence with a double raise of his brow bones...say, how the hell did that even work? Magic, she surmised.
'Was, was he flirting with me just now?' Piper thought, squinting at him a moment. She liked to consider herself an intelligent woman, but sometimes things did go over her head. Grillby came back out of the kitchen and set a burger down before Sans along with a bottle of ketchup before turning to her, expectantly.
“Oh, hmmm how about some fries? Please.” Piper gave another lop-sided smile as he nodded and returned back into the kitchen to make her order. Looking over towards Sans she noticed he was...practically drowning his burger in the stuff, and even took a swig from the fucking bottle. She couldn't help the small gag that escaped her. “Oh Sans...you must really like ketchup.”
“Yeah it's pretty good stuff. Goes well with this burger while I...ketchup with my friends.”
Piper giggled, covering her mouth again with one hand before taking a sip of her drink. “Okay, that one was truly terrible. A disaster, really.” She snickered slightly. Piper caught onto something, and perked up. “Wait are you saying we are friends?” She gave the skeleton a hopeful look.
“Yeah kid, you seem pretty alright to me. Paps really likes your tea by the way, so I think you've got yourself a new regular.” He smiled lazily at her in between digging into his burger.
“Oh that's so grand to hear!” Piper exclaimed as Grillby came out with her food and set the plate of steaming hot fries before her. “Thank you, Grillby. It looks absolutely wonderful.”
The fire element's flames once again rose higher in a sense of mirth, and he bowed for her just as he did with the drink. Again, he looked at her expectantly, perhaps asking if she wanted anything else.
“Do you have any malt vinegar?”
Grillby tilted his head slightly, appearing confused, before shaking his head.
“Oh. No worries, I'm sure its delicious even without.” As if to prove her point, Piper began to dig into her fries and offered a silent double thumbs up to Grillby as her mouth was full, now doing a strange little wiggling motion as she ate. “Yup. I was right. Its immaculate.”
The fire Monster seemed to suddenly became..shy? He rubbed the back of his neck, his flames growing brighter at the center of his face before he seemingly calmed down and nodded and moved off to tend to some patrons that had called him. Piper's eyes trailed after him for a moment before looking back to Sans, who was looking at her in a contemplative manner.
“Oh, nothing kid. So how long have you had your place up?” Sans turned to her in his seat, burger finished, though he still clutched a bottle of ketchup in his phalanges. Piper could feel eyes on her again, and could tell Grillby was nearby, perhaps listening.
“About four years now. When I was little I always wanted to play make-believe tea parties and run a little cafe my dad made out of cardboard boxes for me. I decided to turn make-believe into my reality I suppose you could say.”
“You ever had any trouble from being a Witch?” Sans asked carefully, though he seemed genuinely curious, and his eye lights flicked off to the side, perhaps at Grillby.
“Actually not really. When I first opened up, people thought it was just a themed cafe, and it became popular. Once people found out I practiced legitimately, some did leave, but that's okay with me.” She brushed some of her hair behind a pointed ear. “Though ever since the barrier broke a lot more have left...” Piper took a contemplative sip of her drink, finishing it off. “I just wish to make delicious drinks for others, and offer them a nice environment to come in an relax, read, whatever they wish.”
“Seems like you and Grillby are on the same..page on that front.”
“Sans that's horrible. I love it.” Piper chuckled before turning her eyes towards Grillby. He nodded towards her, gesturing towards her empty drink, asking if she wanted another. “Oh, no thank you. I shouldn't drink too much as I have to skate home.” This got a tilt of the fire Monster's head. “I don't live very far from my cafe, so I either walk or skate to work. Today was a skate day.” He seemed to nod, and then return to cleaning glasses, taking the empty one of hers and cleaning it out.
“It must be..wheel convenient to live so close to work.”
“Sans you're going to make me choke.” Piper laughed lightly, covering her mouth again, which earned double finger guns from Sans.
After that the three fell into a companionable silence, Sans and Piper trading puns here and there, or talking more about her work and Grillby listening silently, nodding or shaking his head when he was included in the conversation. After some time, Piper looked at the time on her phone and winced.
“Yeesh, I should get going home. I didn't realize how late it was.” She was mentally groaning, knowing she was going to be tired tomorrow. Luckily it was only Tuesday, so not a very busy day again. Clapping her hands together in a prayer like gesture, Piper bowed her head slightly towards Grillby. “Thank you so much for the delicious food and drink Grillby. I would love to return the favor sometime and make some tea for you.” She looked up to see his flamed diminished slightly, shaking his head. It didn't take her long to realize why.
“Oh! You cannot have tea because it is water based. I am sooo so so sorry, Grillby. That was highly inconsiderate of me.” Piper frowned slightly as he seemed to shake his head again, offering a placating gesture with his hand that she knew meant 'it's alright, no offense taken'. Piper smiled at this before rummaging around her backpack for her wallet. “And how much do I owe you?” Grillby seemed about to try and answer her when Sans spoke up.
“Just put it on my tab, Grillbz.”
“What? Sans no, you already are my customer. I cannot let you also pay for my meal and my drink.” Piper looked to Grillby who seemed to be siding with Sans on this one. “Ugh. Men!” She giggled however, as she stood up and retrieved her backpack. “Fine then bone-boi, but your next two drinks are on the house. No ifs, ands, nor butts.” Sans widened his grin at her, and she swore she saw an ever so slight dusting of blue on his cheeks but, skeletons couldn't blush could they?
“Need someone to wheel you home, Piper?” Sans asked with a lazy smile, hands now in his jacket pockets in a nonchalant manner.
“Nah I'm alright. Thank you though Sans. And thank you again, Grillby, it was an absolute pleasure meeting you and dining in your fine establishment.” She offered a small semi-formal bow to him and when she looked up...oh he was definitely blushing now. A soft crackling of fire resounding in what she thought might be like a chuckle for him, as his shoulders shook slightly and he rubbed the back of his neck again, the center of his face having the barest hint of a blue flame.
“Oh hey let me see your phone for a sec.” Sans interrupted the moment, holding out his hand.
“Oh? Okay..” Piper retrieved it from her pocket and set it in his hand, back side up. Sans chuckled upon seeing her phone case had skeletons doing yoga on it before turning it over and typing in something. He handed it back to her.
“Added my number for ya, since we are friends.” Sans grinned at her.
“Oh thank you Sans. I'll text you so you have my number too.” Piper sent him a quick text, smiling at the little chime that came from Sans jacket pocket, a square lighting up against the fabric. “Okay. I'm off. Grillby, you should come by sometime, even if you can't enjoy the tea. I'm sure I can figure something out.” The fire Monster in question nodded softly, his flames going a little higher for a moment. “Okay, goodnight guys.” Piper made her way out of the bar and sat on the curb to change into her skates. Once she got home, showered, and finally laid down in bed, she was out like a light, only having just remembered to set out clothes for work tomorrow and make sure her alarm was activated. Piper fell asleep with a wide lopsided smile upon her face and a warmth in her heart she hoped to feel again.
“So Grillby. What did you think of Piper?” Sans asked while sitting at the bar, still drinking from a bottle of ketchup.
Grillby's mouth formed into a smile, and he spoke softly with a crackling voice to relay exactly what he thought about the short Witch.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Wallflower: Chapter 11 - The Honeymoon Phase (NSFW)
Raihan x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Note: This is my first Pokemon fanfic. I hope you enjoy it :) Originally posted on Archive of Our Own.
Summary: You’re an unassuming Pokemon breeder who works at the nursery in the Wild Area and he’s Raihan, the fearsome gym leader of Hammerlocke who has more than a million followers. You don’t want anything to do with him but he’s…persistent.
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Lemon, smut, violence, language
Extra Note: Plenty of smut here 
"So, how's things?"
It's been a while since he visited Alola but Looker thinks it's time he paid Nanu a visit. Nanu had always been rather rough around the edges and when it came to dealing with people, he's not exactly described as being a ray of sunshine, but he gets things done and his heart is in the right place, even though people may not realise it. Looker calls in advance of course, and when he arrives, his superior's looking more grizzled than ever but overall, he seems to be fine. He's just slumming it in a dilapidated settlement called Po Town, right next to the hideout of a gang that once roamed around Alola. After some brief catching up, they decide to go through some cold cases from regions ranging from Kanto to Kalos which Nanu has kept in a box under his desk.
"Heard you helped a couple of kids recently," Nanu grunts out, rifling through the documents and examining them. They're so old, the paper is turning yellow and wanes in his hands. "It's always the kids these days, isn't it?"
"It was more of a personal favour." Looker puts down his file, deciding to pour himself and Nanu another cup of hot herbal tea, watching as two Alolan Meowths play with a ball of string. Another Meowth is resting at the foot of the window whilst another stares at Nanu's fish tank which contains several Goldeen and Finneon. That's not all - In fact, there's a lot of Meowth here. Looker counts sixteen, but there could be more. "...Before I left, they told me they found a dead body in the woods of Galar and the Stow-on-Side gym leader said it belonged to a Phantump."
"You gonna investigate that?"
"Not this time."
"Good on you."
Together, they go through some more documents until Looker finds an old photograph of a young couple - the mother is holding a little girl in her arms. Lifting it up, he studies the little girl's face carefully and realises he may have seen this girl before. He turns the glossy print round but there is no further information aside from a date stamp. Looker picks up the file next, flipping it open. The file mentions the little girl went missing and has never been found. "Hey, Nanu." Looker mutters.
"What?" Nanu grunts out.
"You mind if I hold onto this?"
"Nope, it's all yours."
You have a couple of tasks to complete and on your to-do list is to check up on your family. Therefore, early in the morning, you called them and you're glad to see that your mother's doing fine. You tell her you're dating and she's eager to meet Raihan in person so you tell her she will be able to meet him soon should you decide to visit Johto with him in the future. She asks you about work and you tell her everything is well. You chat for a bit longer and her Blissey pops up - you’re not too worried about your mother being left on her own since she has a lot of Pokemon and Blissey is an excellent nurse.
Next, you call Glenn and he's safely made it to Johto, he's in Mahogany Town and he's doing just fine. Everything is just peachy. He will also go visit mum soon as well. Great! You'll check up on them again when you have the time.
Following that, you message Allister and ask him how Phantump is doing. He informs you he's fine and sends you a photo of himself, Phantump and his pokemon. Allister will let you know when they find out more about Phantump and his family, if possible. It’s going to be a while, so you will need to wait. 
Either way, you wonder what will come out of this. You also message Opal, asking how she got on with Chairman Rose and the Glimwood Tangle business. She flagged it to him but Rose merely told her he's dealing with it and Eli would be careful from now on. It sounds like Eli's been left off rather lightly. This is unsurprising, you suppose, since Eli works closely with the Chairman.
You’ve scored off several tasks which were rather easy to complete so onto the next one - you open the door, the bell jingling to indicate your arrival. The nursery worker greets you and quickly disappears inside to retrieve your Pokemon. 
They've refused to stay in their pokeballs, knowing that you're coming - so when you see the large hulking frames of your Haxorus and Salamence stomping through the doorway and into the visitor's area, you hold your arms out and they growl and nicker at you affectionately as they waddle into your embrace. Mindful of their sharp skin, tusks, claws and fangs, your pokemon allow you to pet them and stroke their heads and backs.
"Here you are! Bagon and Axew are in excellent shape!" The nursery member also hands you two pokeballs which you take off her.
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome!"
With the new pokemon, you recall your two dragons, pay the worker and leave the nursery. You can't wait to give them to Raihan; you're sure he will love them and you're excited to see his reaction. You're also wearing one of the lingerie sets you got the other day. It's not the most comfortable and the lacy thong keeps riding up your ass and you’re trying your best to resist from adjusting it every now and then, but your mum once told you beauty has a price, so you're reduced to dawdling around with an awkward gait. 
Hopefully, you'll get used to it soon and it's not like you are going to wear this everyday. Nope, on lazy days you're just going to go back to your mismatched, grubby t-shirt bra and panties. You’ve even done your hair and makeup today too. It’s not a special occasion but you wanted to put in the extra effort and it was really fun to dress up.
There's not a moment to waste - you're supposed to meet Raihan in Hammerlocke stadium as soon as you have finished up. You call the Corviknight taxi which arrives pretty quickly and once you’re at the castle city, you hurriedly make your way towards the venue; you've become rather familiar with the entire place by now but inside, you don't see Raihan anywhere on the pitch at all.
"Hey!" Someone yells from behind, and you turn round, coming face to face with none other than Ball Guy. "Hihi. You're looking for Raihan, right?" His voice is muffled behind the mask but it sounds pretty deep.
"Unfortunately, he got called to the vaults, but he told me to give you this." He lifts his hand up, where you see a pair of keys dangling off his fingers. He presses them into your hand for your taking. "And since you came all the way here, this is from me, your friendly neighbourhood Ball Guy!"
He hands you a Love Ball - a type of capsule which you know is far more common to get in Johto than other regions. "Thanks!"
"No problemo! See you around! And have a wonderful day!"
Gee, Ball Guy's positivity is contagious. You leave the stadium in good spirits when Rotom sounds off. Checking your phone, you see that you've received a message from Raihan:
Doofus: Did you get it?
You: The keys? Yep
Doofus: great
Doofus: Meet me at the house :) I'll be there in 15. You remember the way, right?
You: Yep, sure. See u x
Leaving it at that, you make your way to Raihan's house, your heart pounding and stomach fluttering with butterfrees. Even now he still has that effect on you. You make your way past the main district and into the quiet, residential area with the similar looking houses where you count down the number of houses until you reach the two hundreds. You didn't realise it but this is a decent area and it's very quiet. You pass a few people with their Stoutlands and Yampers scurrying around on leashes and they greet you politely.
Once you're at number two hundred and forty one, you go up the steps, remembering the last time you had been here. Pulling out the keys once you reach the door, you unlock it and step in, closing the door behind you, removing your shoes and leaving them on the shoe rack. Now this would be your second time in Raihan's home and you take the time to look around. His wallpaper is a royal blue which reminds you of the dragon uniform colour.
You hang up your coat on the hooks provided and the stairs are directly in front of you - however, you decide to enter the living room to your left. You hear something rustling from within so you quickly poke your head in to see Torkoal fumbling in the lounge by the fireplace, heating up the room.
"Hey there!" You greet him with a wide smile, squatting down to his level and he lets out a low but gentle bellow as smoke puffs out from his shell. You pat him on the head and from the corner of your eye, behind the leather recliner, you see a little Applin on its back, struggling to roll up properly. You promptly head over and pick him up, returning him back onto its feet and it rubs itself against your arm happily. "Hehe, you're okay."
Returning to stand, you put a hand to your chin, glancing around. A black leather sofa sits against the wall, facing the fireplace. The TV stands opposite the sofa as well albeit closer to the window. In another corner, there's a benchpress and a couple of weights - Raihan's workout station. You smile to yourself as you glance at his bookshelf where you see a few awards standing on the top shelf along with some books. 
There's a few photo frames too and you look at them one by one: there's a photo of himself with Leon, a photo of himself surrounded by his pokemon in front of Hammerlocke stadium along with his proteges and the cheerleaders. Then there's a group photo of the gym leaders and Rose. There's another photo with himself, Leon and Sonia.
Then you see two photos that capture your interest; the first photo shows Raihan, Rose and the blond-haired man known as Eli. They all look happy, and you wonder what happened that drove the wedge between them aside from, well, Raihan getting the position as Hammerlocke gym leader and Eli getting...well, whatever his job actually is. The other photo is a picture of Raihan with his arm around an extremely attractive young woman as they stand in front of a beach resort. Maybe an ex-girlfriend...
You should let Axew and Bagon out, so you quickly release them and they look around their new home for a while; Applin rolls over to Torkoal's side and everyone makes a brief exchange of growls and rumbling noises before they decide to follow you into the kitchen. 
There's bowls left lying around with food and water which Applin and Torkoal head over to at once. Raihan's kitchen looks surprisingly empty but there's a lot of protein powder and nutrition bars in the shelves and his fridge is full of vegetables and meat. 
You think it's best to wait for Raihan to come back to decide on food so you head back to the lounge and into the landing again where you head up the stairs and into Raihan’s bedroom. You two were really absorbed with each other the last time so you didn’t quite look around his room properly. You’re not being nosy or anything, just curious.
It’s a typical guy's room. The bed's in the middle, there's a desk with a Dragonite figurine, there's another bookshelf chock full of Pokemon books and there's posters of the Pokemon League stuck to the wall. That's about it.
Remembering that Raihan will be here soon, you suppose it’s time to get to business and you begin to remove your clothes, leaving them folded over his stool and leaving yourself in your undies. 
You wonder how to do this the right way and quickly check your reflection, making sure your hair and makeup is fine - before you gently move to lie over the bed, propping yourself up with one elbow on the bed and your hand behind your head, leaving your other hand draped over your waist as seductively as possible. 
It's then you catch whiff of his scent from his sheets and you feel your cheeks warming. Holy shit, you've never done this kind of thing before... This is really happening and it feels like something straight out of a movie. Your heart's thumping hard even though he's not here yet. What will he think of this?
You sit up, pondering to yourself until Rotom sounds off again and you check the screen to see that Raihan has messaged you. He's running late. Your face falls as you tap a reply back. No biggie, he will just be an extra thirty to forty minutes late. 
Lying over the bed, you stare at his ceiling. What should you do to kill time? You actually feel very sleepy all of a sudden - well, it has been a long day, you suppose... but you fight to keep your eyes open. Your eyelids are threatening to droop every second or so and you move to lie on your side, curling up for some warmth. It is so nice and cosy in his bed that you find yourself drifting blissfully off to sleep...
...Then you promptly jerk awake because you feel someone stroking your hair and you open your eyes to discover that it's become dark - you must have dozed off - and you're still in Raihan's bed but this time the owner has returned and you're sitting in his lap.
"Hey..." He grins at you as you blink unsteadily for a few seconds before you look up and around, lifting your head off his chest.
".....Raihan?" You squeak groggily, brushing some hair from your face and tucking it behind your ear as you sit up properly. "You're here."
"Sorry I'm late." He replies; you rub your eyes, glancing around again and stretching slightly before you gasp, throwing your glance to yourself. You're still in your bra and panties and you gawp at yourself whilst his grin widens; he reaches over, fingering the lacy shoulder strap of your bra. "What's all this about then?"
You cringe as he lets go, encircles his arms around your bare waist, pulling you into his chest before his hands slide down to your ass, fingers delving under the flimsy material of your panties. You silently inhale in response, your cheeks evidently growing warm as he busies himself in feeling the fabric of your underwear, skimming his hands over your flesh at the same time. "Oh, um...well, this..." You slip your hands over his shoulders as your faces grow close, your lips millimetres away.
"And there's a Bagon and Axew downstairs too." He murmurs, leaning forwards to bite down on your lower lip teasingly before pulling away gently.
"Yeah, they're yours." You mutter, and you quickly throw your glimpse down to yourself once more and return to meet his gaze; he hasn't taken his eyes off you, not once. "I, uh...I wanted to do something nice for you. But... I feel and look stupid."
Raihan gives you a sweeping look from head to toe before he leans into you again, lips by your ear. "You look beautiful."
Even though you feel ridiculous right now, your heart lurches frantically against your ribs when he pulls away, letting go of you to swiftly remove his t-shirt, lifting it up and pulling it off before he dumps it somewhere to the side; reaching for you, he pulls you into his embrace once more, crushing his lips against yours and as you kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck, enjoying the feel of his muscles relaxing under your grip whilst his large palms caress the curves of your body.
You cautiously slip your hand from his shoulders to his chest and hips, sliding your fingers past the waistband of his shorts and his boxers when you feel the hardening bulge underneath the thin fabric, fingertips gliding over his smooth skin until you find his shaft. He hesitates at once from your touch and you can tell he’s a little surprised by your bold, eager action but then he grins against your mouth and you know he doesn’t mind this at all.
In fact, he leans backwards slightly, allowing you full permission to explore him to your heart’s content. You swallow down inwardly, cheeks going warm as you fondle him. He’s been inside you, and as you slowly grip his shaft, you realise just how big and thick he is. Clamping your fingers around his warm length, you gently run your hand up and down, giving him a few strokes.
His cock is engorged with arousal, hard and stiff under your palm as you sheathe him with your hand, fingers gliding underneath his length. He feels bigger than usual and as you continue to stroke him his breathing becomes laboured; you come in contact with something wet and it's coming out of his hardened tip but you continue, the warm liquid staining your fingers as you pump your fist up and down over his length.
"My turn." He breathes out, pushing you gently to lie over the bed and you retreat your damp hand, licking your fingers dry. You watch as he climbs over you, pinning your wrists to the pillow before his lips claims yours. Closing your eyes, you relish the feel of his mouth over yours. He kisses you passionately and when you part your mouth for air, he slips his tongue inside, mingling with yours and you emit a soft gasp as your tongues press together. He retreats to focus on kissing your neck, trailing his lips up and down your skin as he releases your hands to hold you tightly to him.
You close your eyes, slipping your arms around the back of his neck and entwining your fingers over the sides of his shaved head and into his dreadlocks, moaning quietly as he moves to your chest, pulling down on your bra to reveal your breasts.
Cupping your breasts with his hands, he frees your breasts from the garment so he can suck on your nipples, massaging your chest and running his fingers all over your flesh, forcing you to shudder involuntarily under his touch. He leaves no area of your exposed skin untouched, using his tongue to lap at your nipples and under your breasts. He's determined to take his time with you today and he suckles on each breast at his own leisurely pace.
You sigh gently, lying still as he continues, tilting his head to the side to kiss and lick your breasts from all possible angles. He cups your breasts and massages them again, squeezing down on your mounds before he laps at your nipples hungrily. 
He soon moves between your breasts and down your stomach until he reaches your panties. Hooking his fingers under the thin material, he eases them down your hips and all the way down your legs before yanking them off you entirely, pressing kisses over your skin as he moves further and further and once he's at your slit, he discovers you're drenched for him.
Raihan parts your folds with his fingers before he leans forwards, his lips finding your aroused clit. You moan heavily with unabashed lust as he kisses and sucks, and you clamp your hand over the back of his head, weaving your fingers through his dreadlocks and keeping his face positioned in-between your legs. 
You can feel him grinning against your flesh before he slips his tongue inside and eagerly licks at your clit. You wriggle helplessly as he continues but he holds you firmly down over the bed, one hand fondling and squeezing your breast whilst the other hand keeps your leg pinned down.
When you come, your body grows limp as you sigh and he finally releases you to nudge your knees further apart from him, untying his shorts and removing them. Raihan wipes his chin, grinning as you pant from the extortionate experience, chest heaving. He proceeds to lift your legs up and hike them over his hips - you instinctively settle them around his waist and over his back, keeping him close and locking him in so he can angle and guide himself.
"I'm not wearing a condom." He murmurs.
"It's fine, I'm on the pill. I want you inside right now." You reply breathlessly, and now that you're quite aware that he's going to go in raw, you swallow down when he pushes his tip past your soaking folds and buries himself all the way to the hilt, grunting. You bite down on your lower lip as you feel your walls being stretched to accommodate his size and when he starts to thrust, you clutch onto him.
He sets a moderate pace and you close your eyes, moaning loudly with content as he fucks you. You spread your legs as far apart as you can for him; your body forced to move up and down from the repeated, rhythmic penetrations of his cock. You can't think properly as he leans his weight against you, your legs bending further for him and dangling high in the air as he drills into your wet and tight pussy.
He goes in smooth with slick, deep thrusts because you’re so wet. He strokes your walls intensely and withdraws, then pushes himself back inside once again and you pant and moan heavily. To keep yourself grounded, you hold onto him tightly, snuggling into his shoulder and burying your nose into his nape as you enjoy the build up of pleasure that's settling in your lower regions.
The bed begins to protest loudly from the harsh movements of your joined bodies. Raihan kisses and nuzzles you affectionately, passionately ravishing your skin with his lips; he trails his mouth over the side of your neck and shoulder, biting down on your flesh playfully as he holds you to him, wrapping his arms around your back, your breasts pressed tightly against his chest.
As he rocks his hips back and forth against yours, you follow him so you can meet him thrust for thrust, your walls contracting around him uncontrollably.
You're close to coming and he bucks his hips against yours in one intense motion that has your toes curling; his cock pressing thoroughly inside, his tip hitting your womb and you cry out at the mind-numbing intensity, nails digging into his back. Knowing you thoroughly enjoyed that, he pumps into you rapidly and slams you harder into the bed, working you over the edge and you're starting to feel rather raw and sensitive as he grinds against your walls.
Thrusting into you one final time, you pant and moan as you achieve that peak and he cums inside you, spilling his seed and you shudder all over as he grows still, his cock throbbing inside. 
He stops moving altogether, and you rub his shoulders gently as your frantically beating heart begins to slow down. Grunting, Raihan begins to withdraw out of you and you steal one shy glance to your body as he drops himself beside you on the bed; you’re smothered entirely all over with cum and juice. You wipe your brows free of sweat before you roll over to join him, climbing over his chest, stroking the side of his shaved head before you lean over to nibble the shell of his ear, your lips finding his piercing.
He welcomes you into his embrace, wrapping his arms around you tightly before he runs his fingers down your spine and stops at your ass, giving you a firm squeeze. "Can you stay here for the rest of the night?" He mutters, burying his nose into your hair.
You poke your head out of his neck, smiling. "Okay."
He looks surprised that you've actually agreed, grinning widely before he promptly rolls over the bed, trapping you underneath him as he nudges your legs apart and enters you once more.
Eventually, you both leave bed after the third (or was it the fourth?) round and don't even bother getting properly changed: Raihan merely puts on his boxers and tugs on the string whilst you pull your panties back on along with your bra and the two of you leave the room, hand in hand. Once you reach the stairs, however, and he decides that carrying you is more fun and you climb onto his back with your arms around his neck and his arms tucked underneath your knees. He carries you downstairs and into the lounge where the pokemon including your Rotom phones, stare at you two silently and you both smile sheepishly at them.
Raihan wanders to the kitchen in his flip-flops to switch on the central heating, picking up Applin along the way and holding him under the arm whilst you stay in the lounge to make sure the pokemon are fine. They're okay, just wondering what the racket upstairs was all about, why the two of you were gone for so long and also, when you were going to come back downstairs.
When Raihan returns with Applin and two beers, Torkoal helps heat the room up for the time being so Raihan sprawls over his sofa and you curl up beside him with your head on his shoulder; he throws his arm around you, switching on the TV where a late night scary movie is playing. He hands you a beer and funnily enough, he's become engrossed with the movie in a matter of seconds. As you lean against him, you stroke his bare thigh absent-mindedly before he lifts you up and eases you into his lap, bundling you up in his arms and stroking your thighs and ass.
He also holds your hand, reminding you that you don't need to be afraid of any scary parts because it's just a movie. It's then you remember something similar that crossed your mind a long time ago. You watch him from the corner of your eye as he relaxes and drinks his beer. Despite his tall, lanky lithe figure, his body is sculpted and he's undeniably fit. Again, you wonder to yourself how you managed to land yourself such a fine man.
The ambience is disturbed when Raihan's phone sounds off. "Bzzzt, mezzage from Chairman Rose!"
"Hm?" He puts his beer down as Rotom flies over and Raihan opens the new message on his phone.
"What is it?"
"...Chairman Rose will be holding an exhibition in two weeks and all the gym leaders, including the Champion, are invited. And there's some special announcement from Eli. It says I can bring a plus one." Raihan adds with a grin, turning to you. "How about it?"
"Uh...." It's basically a party and you absolutely abhor parties, but for Raihan, you have to bury those feelings deep inside. Therefore, you find yourself nodding reluctantly. "Sure."
A few days later.
Ever since Raihan confirmed he was dating on his social media account, his page has been inaccessible due to overwhelming traffic and he's been trending for days.
Who is she? Where did they meet and when? How long have they been dating for? No-one knows who she is, why is everything so secretive? Fans were divided at once - some were happy for him whilst others flew off into a rage which subsequently created a storm of online articles about social media influencers and the importance of their privacy. 
Eli puts away his phone, brows furrowed. Honestly, he just thinks this whole thing is annoying and that Raihan is an attention seeker. Why is this guy so popular? What is so lovable about him? Who cares about the fact that he is dating, and who he is dating? He's dated before anyway... Why do people care so much and how could he get so many fans, so many followers? He's nobody special.
He moves off the tree he was leaning on, making his way towards the direction of the pokemon nursery. He stops just a few steps away. It's a disgustingly cheery place - a small cottage, pleasant and cosy, with a thatched roof and one side covered in ivy. 
There's a sign painted in primary colours, along with rainbows and a sun. He scoffs, opening the door to see Raihan's girlfriend inside at the sink, washing dishes. There's a Goomy sitting on her shoulder. She hears the door opening and turns round, a little spooked by his arrival. It's then he also sees a Dreepy sitting in the front pocket of her apron.
"Hey." He greets her, stuffing his hands into his pockets, glancing around.
"...Can I help you?" She asks, a little nervously whilst Dreepy and Goomy gurgle and chirp. He doesn't think Raihan's girlfriend is much to look at, but considering how strong her pokemon is and what kind of pokemon she has, looks certainly are deceiving for her case. He also finds her a little demure and quiet, meek. She's the complete opposite of Raihan. Also, he takes notes of the dragon pokemon - no doubt, she'd raise them into strong battlers for her team in the future.
"No, you can't. Where's the old bag?"
Her eyes widen; she knows he's talking about her boss. "...She went to Hammerlocke to complete some errands."
"So it's just you then?"
She looks uncomfortable. "...You...You can wait over there for her to come back." She stammers slightly, pointing to the sofa for visitors.
He follows the direction of her finger, but doesn't head over. Instead, Eli proceeds to wander over and approach the counter; she inches backwards as he pushes open the small gate and enters the staff area, stepping towards her.
"What are you doing? You can't come in here."
"Don't you know who I am?"
She stays silent as he steps closer and closer to her until she is backed against the wall. She looks left and right, not sure where to go and Goomy and Dreepy emit loud noises in protest but she doesn't command them to attack. It's not like she can, anyway.
"I'm her son. I bet she's never talked about me before, right? Heh. She wanted me to become a pokemon breeder but the idea of looking after other people's pokemon and raising them up instead of my own made me sick." Eli replies, smirking as she gazes up at him, eyes wide. He's not as tall as Raihan but he still towers over her. "You know, I really wonder what Raihan likes about you...you’re nowhere as pretty as his ex-girlfriend and you’re nothing like her. I didn’t think Raihan would like girls like you. Actually, now that I think about it... it’s not even been that long since they broke up. He’s probably not even over it. Maybe he’s just using you.”
Reaching for her, he takes a strand of her hair in his hand and all of a sudden, he sees a change in her persona - she shoves him away, seething. "Don't touch me!" She yells, her face red with anger. Goomy and Dreepy also hiss at him angrily too, protective of their trainer.
Eli merely blinks slowly, and sighs. "....You're no fun."
In fact, they didn't notice that someone else had entered the establishment and as Eli turns, a fist connects with his face. However, before he falls to the floor, he is grabbed by the front of his coat and he comes face to face with the dragon tamer.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Raihan growls. It's weird to see Raihan angry because he's always either smiling, grinning or posing for the camera. Nothing gets to him apparently, except this, which is nice to know. It's kind of exhilarating, knowing that he can get Raihan to rear this side.
"Oh. It's you. We were just talking about you." Eli says, grinning.
"You got a problem with me, you take it out on me. Not her. Leave her alone."
He is unfazed, despite Raihan's threatening tone. "You don't scare me, Raihan. I'd watch myself if I were you."
Raihan releases him and Eli almost stumbles over his own two feet. "Get outta here."
Adjusting his coat, he wipes the blood off his chin, turning round to leave. "See you at the party." Eli says, smirking.
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starletteex · 4 years
Men's Singles Table Tennis Final - Full Match | Rio 2016 Replays
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Court Dimensions:
The tournament in the video is played indoors, with its court dimensions consisting of a table that measures 9 m in length by 5 m in width. In addition, the playing surface is 2.5 cm high and it stretches 6 cm beyond the width of the table. These tables can be made out of a variety of materials, including plywood, concrete, metal, plastic, and fiber-glass.
The equipment that can be found in the video includes a table tennis shirt, shorts, shoes, socks, and paddles. 
Ma Long - In the video, he wore a red shirt with yellow and dark red lines, a white symbol on the right, and a Chinese flag on the left, his name can also be seen in white text on the back. He wore black shorts with a blue design and a white symbol. He had white socks with white shoes, red ties, and design. If you look closely you can see that his socks had a design as well.
Zhang Jike - In the video, he wore a black shirt with yellow lines, a white symbol on the left, and a Chinese flag on the right, his name can also be seen in white text on the back. He was wearing black shorts with a blue design and a white symbol. He also had white socks with white shoes that consist of a blue and yellow design. If you look closely you can see that his socks had a design as well.
In the video, the paddles are red and black on either side, and there's a little bit of blue in it. They also used paddles that are made of hardwood. Paddles made of wood are known to be the best choice for most players, as the blades have a certain elasticity to them. There is also a rubber surface that comes in contact with the ball, they are called rubbers, they affect the amount of friction applied.
The general equipment are the table tennis ball, net, and table 
Table tennis ball-The ball in the video is white-colored and is made out of a plastic-like material called celluloid. There is air trapped inside the ball which would allow it to bounce after hitting a paddle or a table.
Table tennis net-The net is colored black and stretches across the width of the table surrounded by white posts. It is also made of a stretchy nylon material.
Table tennis tables-The table is probably the largest and most expensive equipment needed to play the sport.  Its color is blue-green with a yellow pillar holding it up, it also consists of white lines which mark the area of play and a net in the center that divides the table into two.
Basic Skills:
The basic skills in table tennis include the forehand drive technique, backhand topspin, forehand push and backhand push, forehand flick, backhand flick, backhand loop of the underspin ball, forehand attack of the semi-long ball, forehand fast serve and forehand pendulum serve. I noticed that they both used the forehand drive technique quite well with the help of proper grip, learning the forehand drive is one of the first basic skills that should be taught to the players. It also serves as the basis for advanced strokes, such as the forehand topspin technique. Next is the backhand topspin, which could also be seen redundantly in the video, this skill should be learned as you learn the forehand drive technique because it's a basic skill that every player should master. In addition, the backhand topspin is a very quick move that can give you an advantage if your opponent doesn't pay close attention to the ball. Next are the forehand push and backhand push, both of them had an aggressive push with a quick pace and a powerful hit, which caught their opponent off guard and helped them score points. Next, is the forehand flick, which requires the players to aggressively return the serve, which both of them executed very well. Next is the backhand flick which is kind of similar to the forehand flick except for the way you hold the paddle is different, it is still a must to exert aggressiveness in doing these various skills. Next is the backhand loop which incorporates the lower part of your body, the concept for using your legs for your backhand attack is known as "power from the ground". In the video both the players widely used their lower body parts during the entire game and not just their upper body. Next is the forehand attack which has a ton of advantages, they can either do a short serve which is not risky, a long serve, and a semi-long serve which allows you to hit the ball off the table. If one of the players utilizes this skill then they will either perform a backhand flick or an aggressive forehand flick technique. Next is the forehand fast serve, which focuses on both the speed and power of the players, utilizing this skill has various advantages, such as giving your opponent a surprise, putting the opponent under a lot of pressure, reducing the quality of the server's return of the opponent, opening rallies and counter-rallies, and lastly, you're most likely to have a higher chance of attacking first. Lastly is the forehand pendulum serve which can be seen at the beginning of each round and is the best serve in table tennis. Overall, all the basic skills I've stated can be seen in the video, and both of the players have managed to perform them very well, along with proper footwork and grip of the paddle. However, I observed that both players need to work on their backhand skills because many faults occurred. 
Technical and Tactical Skills:
Teaching technical and tactical skills is important because it helps give the player who uses them an advantage over their opponent, with that being said, the technical and tactical skills at table tennis include playing on your opponent's weakness, playing consistently and not making unforced mistakes, portraying great stance and proper movement, varying strokes, playing using your strengths, and offense or defense strategies.  Playing on your opponent's weakness requires you to know who your opponent is and use his or her weaknesses to your advantage. Playing consistently requires you to keep practicing and keep the ball in play for as long as you can.  It's important to have the right stance as it gives you balance, stability, and range of movement while playing the game, movement also plays a crucial role in table tennis, in the video you can see that they kept on traversing across the table trying to hit the ball in areas where they could potentially score a point. Varying your strokes is important because playing the same stroke over and over again will give your opponent a greater advantage. Play using your strengths is significant because using your best shots can stop your opponent from dictating the match thus, giving you an advantage while playing. Lastly, is the offense/defense strategy, applying these in the game, requires players to take the initiative and act aggressively to enforce errors due to speed, spin, and placement variations. In the video, Ma Long won because he was better at applying the strategies of offense and defense.
Rules of the Game:
It is very important to know the rules and regulations of a sport before playing, as this gives understanding to all the players involved. That being said, there is a myriad of rules and regulations that players must watch out for while playing table tennis.
To start a point, the server must stand at the back of the table and serve either the forehand or the backhand. The ball must be thrown up either equal to or above the height of the net before the ball is struck, and the ball must be thrown from an open palm to stop finger spin.
If the ball hits the net on the serve but continues on the other side, then a 'let' is played.
Players are allowed to hit the ball around the side of the net.
The ball has to bounce on the player's side of the table before they play their shot.
During play, the competitors are not allowed to touch the table with their non-bat hand. If they do, the point will be conceded.
Players must swap ends at the end of the game, and in the final match, players will switch ends after five points.
How to Officiate the Sport:
There are only two officials in table tennis, the referee and the umpire. The referee is required to be present throughout the tournament and is required to uphold the rules. The umpire, on the other hand, uses their judgment in applying the laws and regulations. Overall, the officials in the video did a great job officiating the tournament, as they made sure that the game was played fairly.
Link of the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5H-Eq_Kcxw&t=546s
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stillness-in-green · 4 years
Shigaraki Birthday Week, Day 1: rebirth
I like how everyone writing for this prompt so far is clearly still processing Current Manga Events.  On which note, huge spoilers for chapter 266 below the cut.
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He comes out of the tube blinking and wet, groggy and unfamiliar with the sense of his own mind.  An ache thrums in his bones, a strange fullness, different from the old hollow scratching.  Hurts about the same either way.  And same as when he went under, his League’s there—except there’s a difference in them, too.
He lets his gaze slide over them, cataloging the state of them, the sound of their voices a muffled jumble through the fluid still draining from his ears and the cotton in his brain.
Spinner—hovering closest like he’s still not sure what he wants, even after everything.  Blood on his shirt, old enough to be dried, but not much more.  Jittery. Agitated.  Claws curled around Shigaraki’s prosthetic just like holding hands.
Mister Compress—standing just behind Spinner, drumming fingers falling still on his cane when Shigaraki scans him.  Mask on, shoulders tight.  No coat, and his dress shirt’s wrinkled, patched with sweat stains.  
Dabi—leaning on a wall (cement, fills in the part of Shigaraki trained to always take note of his surroundings, yellowy light—warehouse, underground parking lot?) arms crossed, a fresh slash on his cheek that’s popped a few of his stitches open.  Coat singed, eyes turned to Shigaraki and narrowed like someone right on the edge of starting a fight.  
‘M not lying on cement, Shigaraki’s body takes the time to tell him, and he feels the presence even as he cranes his head up to see Machia’s craggy chin and the whites of his eyes glowing pale against the mass of his silhouette.  He doesn’t move, not one of the massive, curled knuckles wrapped around Shigaraki’s back and legs so much as twitching at the attention, but his pinprick black pupils swim slowly into focus.  
Movement.  Shigaraki turns his head back down as Toga stands up from a street thug squat well away from the others and starts towards him.  No smile, lips drawn lemon-sour tight.  Yellow eyes fixed on his, eyebrows knotted tight. Killing intent as sharp as the knife she’s clutching, white knuckles and bare steel.  
No lab.  No Doc.  No Destro cronies.  
No Twice.  He doesn’t bother to sweep the room again as the absence sinks in its claws and Toga closes the gap.  Just brings his good hand up when Machia shifts like a continent. Just turns up his palm and folds his fingers, all but one, around the black mask Toga presses hard into his hand. Up close, the grimy light overhead shows the tear tracks cutting through the grime on her cheeks.  
“I found some more things I want since you went to sleep, Tomura-kun,” she says in a voice like a wild animal’s growl.
“We’ll get ‘em,” he rasps, and lets her pull him, wobbling, to his feet.  Pain and resolve flare in Spinner’s eyes—he makes up his mind on the spot and fetches up against Shigaraki’s other side, tucking an arm around his waist for support.
“It’s not just us,” Spinner says, holding on as Shigaraki tests his weight.  “Re-Destro and some of the Liberation Front’s—”  
“Later,” Shigaraki says, then looks down at Toga.  “Who?”
“Ask Dabi,” she spits.  
Dabi’s shoulders go even tenser, but for once he doesn’t argue, though licks of blue flame curl between his fingers when Shigaraki looks his way.  
“Hawks,” Shigaraki says, and Mister Compress straightens his posture to drop one somber nod.  
“I reminded little Toga of what you and I did to the last person who crossed the League this way,” he says, voice smooth and tight as a drumhead.  “It’s our hope, dear leader, that you can come up with something as appropriate now as then.”
Magne.  And now Twice.  Kurogiri, too, and Sensei, and none of the memories sit in his head quite the same, but they all burn alike in his gut, twisting and clenching like he’s back on the Doc’s table, every part of him peeled apart and bursting open, drugs etching magnesium-bright patterns through his veins, a mad howl ringing in his ears that’s made of every loss and every hurt he’s ever felt tangling and snarling and fusing into one huge red mass of intent, throbbing a bruise-pain, heartbeat rhythm.
The cement under his still-bare feet cracks once, twice—Twice—then hits three through five times all at once. Toga swallows a gasp and dances back, the thunderstorm-fury finally clearing from her face; Spinner hisses and clutches him close, scrambling up onto Machia’s still-open palms.  
“Stop flailing,” Shigaraki grunts and flexes his maimed hand experimentally.  His old itch seems to hover outside his body, materialized in that spiderweb of cracks, and he remembers—there’s never been a time I didn’t know—how to scratch.  
He tips his head onto Spinner’s shoulder, running his eyes across their surroundings until he spots a line of cars sitting at the other end of the garage.  The cracking line of stone passes directly beneath the tires of car one and car two, the rolling sound of metal shifting and resettling as the ground beneath them fragments.  Decay races up the tires of car number three, a sporty little red thing, and reduces it in seconds to scattering ash between the lines of the parking space.
“You’re—controlling it?” Spinner breathes as the League turns to follow the path of destruction.
“Yeah,” Shigaraki answers, and Gigantomachia rumbles satisfaction underfoot like foreshocks.  “Call it a New Game Plus power.”
Dabi snorts despite himself, turning a white, wry grin onto him, eyes gone glassy-bright with resentful grief.  “What’d we even pull you out of the tube for, if we’ve still gotta put up with your shit gaming metaphors, Boss?”
Toga skips back over the cracks like a girl playing hopscotch, bouncing back up to Shigaraki’s side and retaking his hand.  “Don’t let us down,” she tells him, and though her voice shakes, she grins at him, spite dripping from the expression like freshly-drunk blood off her fangs, Twice’s mask held tangled between their fingers.  
His family’s one smaller, shrunk while he was under, and he knows better than anyone that there’s no bringing back the dead.  But he’s back.  Back like a curse rebounding, like a cancer out of remission.  He is here, the world is one big itch, and he’s ready to claw and claw until he feels the whole thing crack open, raw and running blood beneath his hands. 
He nods.
-----------      -----------      -----------      -----------
(In my head, Skeptic and/or Trumpet sacrificed their shot at a getaway to pack ReDestro onto the Gigantomachia Bullet Train headed Due Hospital, because like hell were they going to see their movement lose its leader a second time.  Geten also hitched a ride at the last minute.  So while I didn’t have the room to say so in the fic, please feel free to imagine the two of them waiting around awkwardly outside, or one level up or down from the League.)
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gunsxroses · 4 years
Introduction to my Ruby | This should have been the day
Wide silver eyes stared at the empty boarding platform.
They looked back and forth, trying to find any sign of life.
They trailed over to the flight schedule and nearly bulged out of her head.
With movement so fast that only your veteran hunter could track her, she appeared in front of the schedule, grasping it with shaky hands.
"I missed the flight to Beacon!"
It had all been going so smoothly for the young huntress. First she stopped that dastardly Torchwick from stealing dust. Okay, maybe stopped was a strong word. All he did was dance around her and then taunt her before peacing out. But that didn't mean she wasn't successful in stopping his goons! Yeah. She did a good job there. And then that Huntress showed up to help her and she got in trouble. Then came the interrogation and Professor Ozpin eating cookies in front of her. He never even offered her one. The monster. She could see him twirling his imaginary mustache right now. So evil.
And then she got invited to Beacon. She was super excited about it too! She told her Dad, her Uncle and especially her Sister, who was super stoked about it. Maybe even more than she was herself.
But as the nonexistent bullhead may point out, things didn't go her way.
She pulled her red hood over her face, wanting to hide her flushed face. She was completely and utterly embarrassed.  She had made such a big deal about this and then ended up so excited that she couldn't sleep, which resulted in her sleeping in and missing the damn flight!
She punched a nearby concrete wall. "It's not fair!" She yelled before yelping in pain, the wall being far harder than she had expected. She grabbed her wrist and blew on her now throbbing hand.
"I even made sure to wear my combat skirt." She muttered, though her black and red outfit was obscured by her long red cloak. A cloak that she went nowhere without. Her father had made it for her, in honor of her late mother. Same design, just red.
This wasn't the first time that Ruby had been hit with misfortune. While she was a talented youth who worked really hard to get where she was currently, she was far from perfect. She was awkward around new people and hated crowds. Not to mention she had only ever managed to make a few friends in Signal, with the rest of her peers labeling her a Teacher's Pet and a weapon's weirdo.
See. Ruby loved weapons more than anyone. Because she could talk to them without being judged. She could put her heart and soul into tinkering with them because they were always there for her. They never looked at her with those judgmental eyes. Those envious eyes. They were a comfort to her, as unhealthy as she knew that was. It didn't matter.
Especially when it came to her beloved Crescent Rose. It was a scythe and rifle combination. But its ability to transform wasn’t what made it special to her. No. It was the fact that the metal used in it was recycled from her mother’s old weapon. Which her Uncle had brought back to them, after a failed attempt to locate her mother after she went missing.
It was as close to closure as they could get and it only served to further prove how unforgiving the world really was. If someone as strong as her mother could be killed (?). What chance did she have? At least, that’s what she thought at the time.
But she soon became resolved to surpass her mother. To make her proud. She couldn't fail!
And yet, here she was. Clearly failing. All because she slept in.
"Dammit." She muttered, frustrated at herself more than anything. "I got into Beacon early." She said in a whiny voice, mocking her earlier self. "I totally proved that I'm great. Blah, blah, blah. Now I'm going to make a horrible first impression by arriving late and everyone is going to judge me. Again."
"I dunno about that. People can only judge you if you let them."
That voice. It caught her off guard. In fact, it was so unexpected that she actually physically jumped with an audible 'eep!' but she quickly recomposed herself and turned toward its source.
Sitting on a bench not far from her was a man with wavy white hair. He had red eyes, not unlike that of a dead fish. His outfit was rather unorthodox, to say the least. Resembling something from Mistral. A blue and white kimono. A black and red uniform was situated underneath it. By his side was a wooden sword.
He looked up at her.
And she looked at him.
She wasn't sure what to say. She had been certain she'd been alone here. But if she wasn't, does that mean he had heard her earlier outburst?! How embarrassing!
But still. She had to reply. She couldn't let him have the last word. At least new people were easier to talk to when there was just one of them.
"That's easy for you to say. You don't live my life." She replied back, hiding her gaze with her hood once more.
He looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. "You're right. I don't. So forget I said anything."
He went back to staring into the distance, as he had been doing before she looked at him. It was like . . . he was fighting a battle she couldn't see. With how serious those eyes of his were.
She bit her lip.
"Thank you, though. I feel a little lighter knowing that someone was listening."
If he acknowledged her, he didn't show it.
But she had said her peace and was content. Now the important thing was finding a way to Beacon.
She just hoped that her sister wasn't too worried about her.
"And that's why I'm here. So please, I'm begging you! You're the only one who I can count on!"
She was bowing in front of a man. A man who worked as a blacksmith. He was a tall man. Much taller than even her dad. He had unkempt neck-length black hair and piercing yellow eyes. He wore a blacksmith's apron with a black t-shirt and dark gray pants on underneath. Finishing up his general appearance was a pair of black boots and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
"You know as well as I do." He replied to her in a gruff voice. "That I'm in the middle of a shift right now."
She bolted upright and glared at him. "I know, but this is important to me! I'll even work here for free if that makes up for it!"
His gaze softened. "Well. You aren't normally someone to impose on others. So I guess I can let you off with reduced pay."
Ruby's eyes lit up. "You mean you're going to take me?"
"Yeah, yeah. Consider it a favor to your old man. Him bragging about the weapon I made him is the only reason people come to this damn place."
She jumped in joy, about to yell out in a triumphant nature before his tired gaze caused her to stop. She didn't want to push anymore boundaries. Not after all he had done for her.
This guy was Vulcan. He was the blacksmith who forged her father's weapon and a man she saw as her honorary Uncle. Not only did he allow her to work part-time for him starting at the age of 12, he was also the one who taught her everything she knew about metalworking. He was her idol, more or less. At least when it came to weapon crafting.
That didn't mean he was a pushover though. He had a Pro Huntsman license. That was the main reason her father felt so safe sending her to work with him, knowing that she'd be protected.
She climbed into his car which they'd be taking to a Bullhead he had managed to set up ahead of time.
"Seatbelt." He grunted.
Ruby nodded and put hers on. It was funny. Yang never made her wear one. Was that irresponsible of her? Probably. But Yang never was one to follow the rules of the road. If all those tickets she had were any indication.
She let her head clunk against the window next to her, her cheek smooshed against it as she looked at the scenery that was passing by. This wasn't exactly how she thought she'd be spending her first day at Beacon, but at least she had a way there now.
"I hope you're going to clean that window when you're done smudging it up."
She rolled her eyes. He was such a dad without being one.
Hell, in some ways, he was more of a dad than her actual dad. Since he was far more responsible and mature. When she broke her arm, her father insisted that he could mend it with his patented home remedies. But Vulcan took her to the hospital and even stayed in the waiting room all night while she got her cast put on.
"Hey." She said softly. "Do you think I'm ready for Beacon?"
There was no response for a long time, but finally, he spoke up.
"No one is ready for anything, Ruby. Not you, not me, not your peers. No one knows what life is going to throw at them. So don't worry about that. Just focus on being the best person that you can be."
"Ahhh." She replied, a soft smile appearing on her face. His company always was soothing to her. Forget him having dad energy. If he was a bit older, he'd be perfect Grandfather material.
They rode in mostly silence after that, neither of them having much to say. That is until the grizzled blacksmith pulled up to the parked Bullhead.
"The pilot will take you the rest of the way. I have to get back to the shop." He said to her as she slowly climbed out of the car. "And Ruby?"
She looked back at him. "Yeah?"
"Here." He tossed her a knife. "That was my weapon back in Beacon. It's yours now."
Her eyes widened at the weapon that now rest in her hands. "Are you sure? What if I lose it-"
She was silenced by his steely gaze.
"Your family aren't the only ones who believe in you. I believe in you as well. I taught you everything I know. And that is why I'm entrusting you with that blade. Make this old bastard proud."
Ruby could feel her eyes watering up. People had always called her a prodigy. Called her lucky. Called her amazing. But it never felt genuine. But his words . . . they were the first in a long time that felt so warm. He truly . . . believed in her.
Just like mom.
Before she knew it, she had jumped back into the car and hugged him with all her strength.
"Thank you! I'll do my best!"
He grunted in approval before pushing her away. "Easy. I'm not one for hugging you know."
She blushed as she quickly jumped back. "R-Right. Sorry. I-I'll be on my way."
She walked toward the Bullhead before stopping and looking back one time.
This time, her nervous features were replaced with a beautiful smile.
"You know. If I ever get married. I want you to be the one who walks me down the aisle." She said before turning away and heading into the ship.
She wouldn't be there to see it, but those words brought tears to the eyes of a man who had been convinced that he had cried his last tears long ago.
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darksaiyangoku · 5 years
Lancaster Week Day 2: Queen of the Vampires
Jaune Arc was terrified. He, son of the House of Arc, valiant knight of Vale, was reduced to a mere plaything. He looked both ways to his left and right, discovering that his hands had been chained to the sides of a lavish bed. The sheets were soft and comforting, red like roses. Jaune struggled to free himself, shaking violently from side to side. It was no use. Dazed, he thought back to the moment that led him here and the promise he made to his friend.
7 hours earlier...
Jaune Arc polished his father’s old Crusader armour until it shone like the sun. Feeling giddy, he decided to put on the armour and he smiled proudly. A week ago, he was finally knighted by the King of Vale and he swore that he would bring honour to his name and kingdom. Jaune looked in the mirror and pondered for a moment. He stroked his golden blonde hair as he tried to remember what he was looking for.
“Oh that’s right, my father’s sword!” He shouted. Frantically, he rushed out of his bedroom and headed downstairs to the family armoury. It was filled to the brim with all kinds of weapons; axes, maces, knives, daggers staves and canes. But the greatest of all weapons stood at the center; his father’s sword and shield. The shield was a beautiful pure white with the golden Arc Creat engraved on it. Hidden behind it was Crocea Mors, the legendary blade that ended the life of the Great Demon Caesar. Jaune walked forwards to claim his birthright, slowly drawing Crocea Mors from the shield. The blade was a beautiful silver, with a golden cross guard and pommel and thick hilt wrapped in blue cloth. Closing his eyes, he recited his oath on the day he was knighted;
“I, Jaune of the House of Arc, pledge my loyalty to kingdom. I vow to bring honour and glory to Vale, to protect its people from the darkness and to show no mercy to my enemies.”
With his vow complete, he sheathed his sword and hung the shield on his back. Suddenly, he heard loud knocking coming from castle’s door. Quickly, he left the armoury and approached the entrance hall, opening the door to find his friend, Neptune Vasilias, standing in front of him. Neptune was a noble man, with bright blue hair, a fashionably red tunic and cream shirt, with black trousers and brown boots. However, something was wrong. His normally tan skin was pale as a ghost. Jaune Arc stared in disbelief.
“Neptune, what’s wrong?” He asked frantically.
“I-I fear that the Queen of the Vampires is going to attack.”
Jaune Arc gulped hard. The Queen of the Vampires was one of the most feared creature in all of Vale. Her power knew no bounds. When night fell, she would summon her minions of darkness and they would lay waste to Vale. Even the king feared her.
“H-How do you know this?”
Neptune pointed to the sky, and Jaune saw several black creatures, flying over the village.
“They won’t attack now,” Neptune warned. “But they’ll keep flying over until nightfall. Then they’ll attack.”
Jaune’s fist clenched tightly. “What can we do? We can’t take on an entire hoarde of vampires but ourselves.”
“You’re right. But if you can kill the Queen, the attacks will stop.”
Jaune’s eyes widened in shock. “WHAT?!”
“I know it’s a long shot and a completely stupid idea, but it’s the only one that might work. Without a Queen, these vampires will be helpless.”
“How do you know this?”
Neptune sighed. “I don’t. But it’s the only chance we’ve got. I even have something that will aid you.” He reached into his satchel and took out a small bottle with the symbol of Holy Cross. “This will give you an edge over her. It’s blessed by the church.”
Jaune felt conflicted. He didn’t know for certain that killing the Queen would stop the attacks, hell he didn’t even believe it was possible to even kill her. But if there was a chance to save the lives of the innocent, he had to take it.
“Alright,” he sighed. “I’ll do it.”
Neptune bowed. “Thank you, my friend. My life is in your debt.”
Putting the Holy Water in a small bag that hung from his waist, Jaune set out on his quest. There was no turning back now, it was time to slay the Queen of the Vampires. Hours had passed and the trek to the castle nearly killed him, but by some miracle, he found himself outside the castle of the Vampire Queen. He looked up to that her minions were flying in the direction of the kingdom. Jaune drew his sword and shield and kicked down the door. Entering the castle, he saw nothing but black walls and a red carpet hanging from the center staircase.
“Queen of the Vampires!” He shouted. “Show yourself! You have committed crimes against the Kingdom of Vale, and for that, you shall pay with your life!” Suddenly, an ominous laughter could be heard throughout the castle.
“Oh, will I?” A silky, soft and sultry voice echoed throughout. “I’m sorry, brave knight. But this is where you say goodbye to your precious kingdom.” Jaune began to feel faint, his vision was blurry and his legs were beginning to weaken. He started coughing and spluttering until he collapsed to the ground. The last thing he saw were the hideous faces of the vampires. Then, everything went black.
Jaune wasn’t going to be beaten like this. He had to escape and slay the monstress. Unfortunately, he found that he was stripped of his armour and weapons, leaving himself exposed.
“Great.” He muttered. “So this is how I’m gonna die; chained up, naked, to vampire’s bed.”
As if on que, the Queen made her entrance. Jaune’s face twisted in anger as he faced his enemy. However, that changed when she got close to him. Standing in front of him was a beautiful woman. She wore a dark red dress that was cut in the middle, exposing her ample chest. There was slits above the thighs, which exposed her smooth, long legs. Her hands had black fingernails as they gently carrassed his cheek. Her most prominent features, however, were her bright red hair, gleaming silver eyes and small fangs. She smiled at him.
“Y-Y-You’re the Queen of the Vampires?” He stuttered in disbelief.
“Yes I am.” She simply said, still caressing the knight’s cheek.
“You’re so beautiful.”
She laughed quietly. “You’re not so bad yourself, for a human.”
Jaune couldn’t believe what was happening. He was finally in the presence of the Vampire Queen. He knew he had a duty to fulfil, but he was so enamoured by her beauty, he didn’t think he could do it.
“So what’s your name, my dear?” She asked in a sultry voice.
Jaune couldn’t help but blush and he gulped hard. “Jaune Arc, of the House of Arc. Knight of Vale.”
Suddenly, the Queen began to straddle him and his blush became even redder. “I am Ruby Rose,” she introduced herself. “You know me as the Queen of the Vampires.”
Trying to maintain his composure, Jaune hissed. “So are you going to kill me then?”
Ruby giggled mischievously. “Kill you? No. I want you to be my husband.”
“Wait, what?!” Jaune’s mouth gaped wide open. “What do you mean you want me to be your husband?”
“I mean exactly that. You’re a brave and honourable knight. You have courage that other men can only dream of possessing. Not even the king could approach me. But you? You didn’t hesitate.”
Jaune couldn’t help but feel flattered. He had no idea that the Vampire Queen could think so highly of him. But he had to be strong. He couldn’t give into temptation.
“Listen,” He began. “You’re ravishing, but I have to fulfil my duty as a knight. I.... I have to kill you.” For some reason, saying that brought a lump in his throat.
Ruby scowled. She thought her beauty and kind words would be enough to sway him, but it seemed he was stronger than she thought. “If you must, then I won’t stop you,” She whispered. “But before you do, let me give a taste.”
Before Jaune could protest, Ruby cupped his cheeks and kissed him. Jaune immediately melted. It was intoxicating. She tasted like sweet roses and chocolates. He couldn’t tell if she was placing him under a spell, but he didn’t want this to stop. He wanted her. He needed her. Right now. Finally, the kiss was broken and Jaune stared right into her eyes.
“I-I-I,” He stuttered.
“If you want to have me, I’m afraid you’ll have to say goodbye as a human.”
Ruby grabbed her forearm and bit into it, causing blood to spill out.
“Drink from me,” she said. “With my blood, you’ll be stronger than you’ve ever been.”
“B-But I-”
“Don’t worry, my darling knight. This is not a curse, but a gift. And with this gift, you shall be by my side forever. You will have me and I will have you. Together, we can rule over the night.”
Jaune pondered for a moment, he was about to undergo a new life. Today he was a knight, tomorrow he would be a vampire. He would be powerful, ruthless and feared by many. But the prospect of being with Ruby made it seem worth it.
“Give it to me.” He demanded. “Make me yours.”
The Vampire Queen smiled wickedly. “As you wish.” She put her arm to Jaune’s lips and he swallowed her blood. The taste was revolting and he wanted to gag, but he kept going. Ruby suddenly let go, staring at Jaune’s blood covered mouth. His blue eyes turned a ghastly yellow, the transformation was complete. Proud at the result, Ruby unchained her new mate.
“Well then, how to do you feel?” She asked. Suddenly, she found herself pinned down under him. Jaune stared into her eyes once more, grinning with lust. He grabbed her dress and tore it off her body, leaving her naked. Her skin was smooth as marble. She smiled at him and he smiled back.
“I am yours, my queen.” He rasped.
“Take me, my king.” Jaune captures her lips with a burning kiss as their hands caressed over each others’ bodies. Their tongues explored one another as they lost each other to their love. Jaune Arc was reborn. He was now the King of the Vampires.
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