#the well has just been off its meds since the beginning of summer
Yet another personal post about today, which I’m putting under the cut mainly because I’m afraid I’ve been posting too many personal posts and I don’t want to bore followers with another paragraphs-long non-Naritaverse post.
Sorry about the ratio of personal > fandom posts, by the way. Two things worth highlighting from the stuff under the cut:
1) I’m back on my higher dosage ADD meds, which should really help with attention and productivity toward fandom content as much as it will help with everything else in my life. (Basically: on meds = more fandom activity)
2) Baccano! Vol 11 releases tomorrow, and I do intend to have a Release Notes post out too. However, real life events (outing with friends + visiting admin office to try and sort out enrolling confusion) the same day may impede post delivery. Just a heads up.
Edit: I forgot you can’t add read-mores if you’re writing a post in the app (writing this on a tablet). Argh! Apologies! Won’t happen again! Because I just might never post anything from the app again.
It’s about 20 minutes to 5 PM. Today I’ve registered with my municipality (as required in this country) and taken a (thoroughly terrible) photo for a uni card. Three of the women in line for a photo were also in archaeology (!); the two Bachelors students said they tried registering for classes today and found the enrollment system a mess. “No one, including the staff, had any idea what was going on (with it),” I think one of them said.
Which is a bit of a relief, since I’ve been having some unique trouble with the system myself. Whenever I try enrolling and sorting classes by ’academic requirement’, the system shows... well, the outer box is labeled with my degree, but the inner box (within which the classes are grouped) is labeled with a different degree, meaning the displayed classes are following that degree’s prospectus and not...mine???
I know I can manually search for the classes listed under my degree prospectus and enrol in them, but the fact the system thinks these classes are the ones I should be signing up for is...worrying. I went to the student front office (currently still sitting there) and they said to take it to my department’s education administration office. Office only appears to be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a few hours (Tues 2-4 PM) despite the building being open 7/7:30 - 7 PM (depending on which page you visit) so I think I’ll go tomorrow and ask if the enrollment page is showing what it’s supposed to be showing.
Edit: It’s almost 5:30. Maybe I’ll go now just in case...? Even if there’s no one there, I’d at least learn where the building is / one route to getting there, etc.
Two slight hiccups: two friends have invited me to the botanical gardens tomorrow, and Baccano! Volume 11 releases tomorrow (!!! Get hype). At...probably 9 AM my time, since the Yen Press digital releases are typically timed for 12 AM Pacific Time, of which I’m nine hours ahead. The botanical gardens are open from 10-6...admin office from 2-4.......how do.
Essentially I’m writing this up in order to reassure folks that I will one way or another get a volume release notes post out (I’ve already started preparing some notes + wiki edits in advance)...but also to give advance notice (and explanation as to why) the post may be delayed tomorrow or otherwise not finished as soon as it might otherwise be.
(Also, I’m so sorry for the amount of personal posts lately? Specifically (especially) for how I’ve been behind on posting Baccano! / non-personal posts; my activity on a Tumblr definitely took a dive in August, though frankly I have a hazy notion my fandom participation/output has been subpar the whole summer...
(...but hopefully it will be on the up and up soon enough! Especially now that I’m back on my ADD meds—and the more fitting dosage at that. I ran out of them months back and spent the last month on a lower dosage [doctor’s precaution] which was...Unhelpfully Low. I took the new* (not new, just higher) dosage today for the first time since getting the prescription and...yeah. Yeah, the lower dosage just was not what my brain needed.
(So better dosage means better productivity and hopefully better focus for everything, fandom job hobbies included! There’s one fandom thing I really want out before October, so here’s to going full speed ahead on that. Er, sorry that this is a very long personal post at that; maybe I should come up with a more specific tag than #personal so people can blacklist these posts...?)
Now, I just have to remember to actually take the meds every (business) day...
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angelkurenai · 3 years
Oh baby dear - Chris Evans x Reader
Title: Oh baby dear
Pairing: Chris Evans x Surrogate!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: After a trip that gives the chance to Chris to take a long-overdue break from his job, he comes back home with his mind made up to change his life. And even if it weren’t for the trip itself or meeting you, even though he had no idea if he’d ever see you again, he was determined to not wait any longer. Feeling ready to become a father he starts looking for a surrogate mother, only to end up finding you of all people.
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“Son of a guy. You meant it.” brown eyes were wide, and for the first couple seconds no other sound could be heard in the room. It almost felt like the words could echo in the room.
“You're really doing this.” the man's voice was filled with just as much shock as was painted all over his face. At least the woman behind him was more calm, sipping on her drink with an ease that would have been troubling, especially in such a case, if it wasn't known that she had long ago heard the news.
“I wouldn't have brought it up in the first place if I wasn't seriously considering it.” the other man in the room couldn't take his eyes off his friend, trying to gauge his reaction the second it came through. It was bound to be the most honest one, no second thoughts, and he only needed his friends' honest thoughts. Not that, and he was sure of it, the other man would intentionally tell him anything but the truth.
“You- wow.” the shocked expression was still there but there was no mistaking the smile that was slowly but surely appearing on his face “Seems like Evans is finally joining the club, who'd have thought? That's what I call one heck of a year, quickly Scarlett note the date down! It's going to go down in the history books, I tell you. Oh you're in for one hell of a ride, buddy! Wait you knew about this, didn't you?” he turned to the woman but shook his head soon enough “Never mind. You're gonna have to look for a godmother but I do get to be the godfather, right? I really need to start making preparations, nine months are not even remotely enough. I gotta-”
“Take a deep breath and calm down, Robert. That's what you gotta do. Otherwise this kid won't get to meet its one-of-a-kind godfather. And we would never want that to happen, would we?” the woman interrupted his rambling, a teasing smile on her own lips as she noticed Chris himself chuckle.
“Oh goodness forbid that could ever happen.” Chris laughed some more, his chest feeling lighter than it had in the past couple days “And besides that, there has not been a surrogate found just yet. Papers got approved only a day ago, it will take more time than that.”
“You say that as if the second every woman finds out you're on that kind of market, won't volunteer to have your baby. Heck, I know most of them would gladly volunteer to do it the old-fashioned way! You'll see, you will be getting news very soon.” Robert brushed his friend off and got up from his seat, making his way to the mini bar to grab a drink for himself “Which means, I really gotta start preparing everything because a) this is Evans' kid and b) I'm the godfather and it'll get only the best!”
Scarlett couldn't help but laugh, while Chris shook his head with a chuckle, before she added “As you can see, he is going to be more trouble than the kid.” she ignored the look that was shot at her from Robert and kept going “But, speaking of it, I never asked: Did you never really consider adoption?”
“For most of the time that's what I had in mind, yes, but-” he sighed, easing back in his seat “I asked about it and my chances were sadly very low, given my job and everything, not to mention how lengthy of a process it all was. Sebastian was actually the one to suggest it and you know I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. Granted, it is just as hard to find a surrogate who is also willing to be the biological mother but I feel like I have more to hope for this way.”
“You have every reason to be hopeful, I'm sure this will work out just fine. Besides-” she offered her friend a warm smile “There is no other man that I can think of that could be a better father than you. This child will be very lucky.”
“...The part of Robert being the godfather excluded?” Chris added with a smirk, eyeing his friend who narrowed his eyes at him, before both Chris and Scarlett burst into laughter.
“Life isn't perfect, what can you do?” she grinned as she took a sip of her drink.
“I'll try to be the better man, as always, and not comment on any spiteful comments against me. You're just jealous I am going to be the world's best godfather. Anyway, that wasn't what I was going to comment on.” he plopped back on his seat and gave the blue-eyed man a sly smile “Sebastian you say but I'm wondering: was it him or that summer trip to Italy that really prompted you to become a dad? Maybe a certain someone you met there? What was her name...”
“Don't-” it was all he had time to get out, his eyes wide and voice very warning; but there was never any stopping the man when he wanted to speak his mind.
“Ah yes.” Robert grinned widely “(Y/n).”
“What- Who?” Scarlett frowned, tilting her head to the side “How come I haven't heard of her before? I thought you told me everything about Italy.”
“She's nobod-”
“Probably the love of his life. Something like his soulmate. One he talks about a lot in his sleep, hence why I should hold more parties and have you guys over. The info I get is golden. Anyway, think of it as the star-crossed lovers but one where he isn't the Lana Del Rey young and beautiful, you know? Heard she's something like a med or psych graduate or something. So come to think of it all, Italy, soulmates and age difference, this is like another version of Call me by your-”
“And that's it for you. Enough words spoken for one day.” Scarlett said, not hesitating a second to place a hand over the man's mouth who admittedly didn't give up even if his words were only an incoherent mumble after that.
Chris' eyes were wide and there was no mistaking the way he wanted to not talk about it, as if there was some unparalleled sadness that came with the mention of your name, a deep ache and at the same time yearning perhaps because he missed you, just like there was no mistaking the tint of pink that was on his cheeks.
“That's-” he cleared his throat, avoiding looking at his friends in the eyes because he knew how easy it would be to tell that even so many months later the feelings were fresh as much as the day he had to leave, the day he left a part of himself on the airport with you – a part he knew real well he wouldn't get back again, certainly not from any other woman he got to meet. That missing part of him, even if the rest held all the beautiful memories dearly to itself and felt truly blessed, he knew was obvious. It was all on his face that he was missing something, even if he'd gotten so much. And he knew she would see it, it all became so obvious when he thought of you.
He shook his head when he realized he had taken longer than needed to reply “It was way too long ago, I can hardly remember it now. Hell, as if barely anything happened to begin with. She was just-” a lump in his throat, too painful “I made a good friend, a really good friend yes, who helped me see my life in a different way. Helped me make my choice and see the things that really matter. Couldn't keep in contact and yes that's a bit sad but- That's all there is to it, nothing more nothing less.”
Scarlett regarded him for a couple seconds, even as he tried to keep himself busy with getting another drink, before she finally spoke “If you say so.” she nodded her head “At least we now know who we owe this to and who to thank for our family growing, don't we?”
“Then-” Robert's smile was softer, yet also sad, as he raised his glass a bit “Let's drink to that, if not your baby just yet. To (Y/n)?”
“To (Y/n).” Scarlett nodded her head “For helping you make the best decision of your life, wherever she may be now.”
Chris hesitated, the unspoken truth of you not only being the one to help him make the decision but also be part of that decision, part of the family he wanted to build, was ready to break free from his lips but he held it back “Wherever she may be.” he said in a low hoarse voice, raising his glass as well “To (Y/n).”
He had not allowed himself to say your name in a long time and thinking back to it, the effect had been evident not only in his chest, in his heartbeat, but also in his lips, how painfully strange it felt when all he had been doing was think about it for months to no end, down to his throat that closed up with emotion. And he had allowed himself to say it not only so that he would make sure his friends would drop the subject but also because it had been a long time, he felt the need to and he knew that he wouldn't get the chance to do so, not anytime soon for sure.
And yet, only seconds ago, the name had left his lips for the second time in barely a couple days.
His brain could barely keep up with the fact, all the information he had to currently process seemed to make things even harder. Saying your name this time certainly had the same effect, his throat closed up and his heart leaped to his throat, but it felt like it was for an entirely different reason. He blinked several times, trying to make sure that what he was seeing was also true, to make sure that it wasn't wishful thinking and that him holding his breath had not reduced the levels of oxygen to a point where he couldn't even see straight. Truth be told, he felt pretty lightheaded.
“(Y/n) (Y/l/n).” he repeated your name for the third time, the third time in only a couple days his mind nearly screamed at him, but it didn't feel the same this time.
“Yes, I would say she seems like one of the most, if not the most, suitable candidate for you case.” the woman behind the desk gave him a warm smile but his brain was still currently stuck on the word 'candidate'.
“I'm sorry. There seems to be some misunderstanding here and I- I don't know whose part it is on, but-” he licked his lips, trying to swallow over the lump in his throat “When you say- What you're trying to say- I'm sorry.” he shook his head and let a couple seconds to pass in silence; he knew she wouldn't ask before him.
Taking a deep breath he decided to speak, even if his voice was hoarse he hoped she could make out the words “Candidate for what?”
The woman frowned a bit but it was gone faster than it could register, as she spoke in a calm voice “Your case. To be not only the surrogate you are looking for. See, her current, and according to her permanent from now on, residence is in New York City and very close to the residence you have listed as your permanent one. It is important, you understand, if we take into consideration that she will be the biological mother of the child. You might want the child to be able to stay in touch with her, and vice versa, so the close proximity does help. Of course that is always up to you, but in most cases we've seen it hap-”
“When did she sign up for this?” he asked, barely able to keep himself to wait for her to finish her sentence.
“Pardon?” she blinked and only then he realized how he might have sounded.
“You're right. I apologize, that came out as wrong.” he cleared his throat again “What I mean is... does she know who I am? That she- she's signing up to be a surrogate for my child.”
“Every surrogate must be informed, of course, of you as you are informed of her. She too must know whose child she will carry, don't you think it's fitting? But if you are uhm-” she hesitated “Concerned about other children, then, you need not worry. It's not my place to say this but it seems like-” she smiled a bit, almost knowingly “That you have already chosen, so I believe it wouldn't really be against any rule to say this. Consider it an extra bit of information.”
'Seems like you have already chosen.' would be a vast understatement. It was like every cell in his body was screaming 'Yes', chanting it over and over again that he was seriously worried he might have projected it somehow. He could barely control the words that came out of his lips anyway. If anything, the second he had come across the file with your name he had been glued to it, his eyes and all of his attention orbiting around the single file as if he was Earth and you were his Sun. Not far from the truth either.
But it also must have shown- No scratch that. He was sure it had shown because he had done no effort to hide it, too stunned and happy and eager and giddy and blessed and so many other things, to try to hide it. And she had clearly noticed.
“So, no, she has not mothered another child. As a matter of fact, Miss (Y/l/n) is doing this for the first time.” the woman leaned back in her chair “She came to us with the belief that there was too much sadness out there and, amongst other things, she decided to do this little one thing to help someone out. To make someone happy. I believe she didn't really have any further expectations out of this, no further plans, other than wanting to do some good. We only informed her of your case and she said she'd like to help, nothing else.” she shrugged softly “For any further reasons behind her choice you could ask her, I suppose. If you do think she could be the right choice to be the mother of your child, then-”
“She is.” he said, maybe a little too fast, but he didn't care. He didn't find a single part of him that cared for how eager he looked at the prospect of you being the mother of his child. Granted, it wasn't exactly how he'd imagined it but it was so much more than he ever thought he'd get, of what he thought he deserved, when he had told you goodbye that summer.
He cleared his throat again, trying to straighten his back and look as formal as he should in the suit he was wearing. He offered her a small smile “She is the right one. I think I've decided. I-” he paused, glancing at the pile of files and therefore other candidates which he had absolutely not even taken a glimpse at and he hoped she wouldn't comment on it “I've thought things through, yes.” because no man could make such a decision so hastily, he knew, and yet he looked like he just had “I'm glad for all the candidates it means a lot but uhm Miss (Y/l/n) seems to be indeed the right one. I think she will do just fine yes.”
“Wonderful.” she smiled more, nodding her head “If it means anything, she seemed happy when she was presented with your case.” oh if only she knew just how much it really meant to him, ask his wildly-beating heart and everyone would know just how much “Now, you understand that while you seem pretty sure and confident with your choice, you will have to give it some more time, more than anything to get in touch with the surrogate herself and discuss through any specific terms you might have. We will be the ones to set a meeting. Of course there are legal issues that need to be taken care of, but you're a lawyer yourself so you probably know that better than anybody else already.”
“Y-yes uh of course, yes, legal terms. Mr Wilson will represent me on the matter of course. But you said-” he folded his hands over his lap and threaded his fingers and it was either that or let his nerves show “Meeting her? Will I get to meet her in person soon or...?”
“That, Mr Evans, is completely up to you, how ready and sure you are, how much time you need and how fast you want things to progress.” she said as if she'd had this conversation many times over and she probably had “It could be within a week, a month, or, if you have no doubts, within three days the soonest possible. So, do you need time to think over-”
“The soonest possible. I'd like-” he nodded his head, straightening his suit's jacket “I think it would be best if I could meet with her the soonest possible. She's just what I was looking for.”
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purple-dahlias · 3 years
🎈 six
She remembers that one, clearly, even now. The last one her father was there for.
At six Sarah is considerably a lot more perceptive than other children her age. She notices her mother’s pinched expression, the fraught looks that pass between her parents. The way her father walks about in a silent rage and her mother purses her lips, as though trying to stop herself from saying something.
That’s how she ends up sitting quietly, trying her best to pretend she isn’t there, a new copy of The Secret Garden open in her lap, legs carefully crossed at the ankles. She’s trying to lose herself in the words. She imagines herself taken away to somewhere strange, somewhere new, just like Mary was.
It seems to be working for her, that is, until she hears Aunt Louise from across the room.
“Poor soul,” she remarks lowly, but loud enough that Sarah hears, and knows she means her. Looking up, curls half obscuring her face, Sarah is just in time to see Aunt Louise lean across and whisper something to Uncle Henry. Something that she knows is about her parents, who, she is sure are both somewhere at opposite ends of the house being mad at each other. That was always the way now.
And then It’s a few weeks later and suddenly, well, not so, if you thought about it like Sarah did, her father is gone. Not coming back, according to her mother. And maybe, Sarah thinks, maybe if she had been better, he would have stayed and things could have changed. 
🎈 thirteen
A birthday’s not about things. It’s not about presents or decorations or balloons. At least, that’s supposed to be the sentiment. But for Sarah’s mother, it’s a different story. 
Sarah comes home to banners and giant helium balloons, a huge expense, but empty. She knows her mother had no personal hand in the matter. It had just been a call to her assistant and an exchange of money. Empty Gestures, like it always was with her mother. 
A store bought cake, perfectly piped with lettering ‘happy thirteenth Sarah’. It is anything but. Maybe it’s selfish but she wishes for a homemade cake, one like she’d heard her classmates talk about. Complain about, even. What she would give for something like that, something that’s not just empty. That would take time and effort and care. Not just a phone call. Because these are all just things. Not the stuff that makes treasured memories. 
There aren’t even people to share it all with. That would require friends. And middle school was lonely. 
So it’s just Sarah, alone at home, her mother didn’t even have it in her to take the time off work for her only daughter. Instead she sits there, at the table in the spotless kitchen, reading and rereading the typed card left for her, hoping somewhere to discern something more from it. Some hidden feelings in the black and white. But there aren’t. 
Maybe one day, she thinks, though it’s probably wishful thinking. She’s not six anymore, holding onto hope for change.
🎈 fifteen
High school is a little different, a little brighter. She’s changed schools, there are girls who it seems actually like her. Ones she can count as friends. And that’s how she finds herself in the cinema with Harriett and Grace and Marya the evening of her fifteenth birthday. 
She’s sat on the end of the row, beside Grace, sharing her popcorn with her and a fizzy drink that’s just a little too sweet for her liking. But Sarah doesn’t care because Grace holds her hand practically throughout the whole of the film. Sarah doesn’t really think the film is that scary but she’s willing to pretend as Grace holds her hand tightly, leaning close to her in her seat so that Sarah can smell the floral scent of the perfume she’s started wearing, the one that smells of jasmine and bergamot, coincidently two of Sarah’s favourite scents, though she can’t quite remember if she ever told Grace that. 
Grace laughs quietly at something on screen beside her, and Sarah thinks it’s a wonderful sound, like music. She loves knowing when she makes her laugh like that. Wouldn’t mind being able to do that more often. 
But it’s all a little bittersweet, because Grace will be gone by September, by the time the new school term starts. She’s moving with her family to Seattle, so if something ever could have come of them, neither will ever know. 
🎈 nineteen
Sarah feels freer now. She’s in college, out in the world, never mind that her world mainly consists of campus, her dorm, the little cafe down on Elm and the library. 
People are still hard, and her circle of people is ridiculously small, but not for lack of trying. There isn’t much time for friends, anyhow she tells herself. Her goal here is to do well. She has to do well. She is, and that’s her consolation. 
But it’s her birthday and she’s tired and her heart is heavy and she just wants to not feel so alone. So it’s probably a poor decision but it’s summer and she’s alone in her dorm, most other people having left for the holidays; she just can’t stomach going back, and in any case doesn’t think her mum would even miss her presence. There are no calls or messages from the few friends she’d had in high school. Nothing. Which hurts, because she always remembers their birthdays. But maybe they didn’t feel the same way. They’d moved on, probably; she should too. 
It’s just her in her dorm, alone that Monday night.
It’s impulsive, and she’ll regret it later, she knows, but the bottle is right there in her cupboard and even if it’s for a little bit, she just wants to forget, to not think, to lose focus. Even if it’s only temporary. 
The one and only time she allows herself to do this, truly let go of herself like this. And it’s not one of those wild stories to be told later and made light of, it’s not a party or surrounded by friends. It’s just her, alone with the bottle, trying to rid herself of her thoughts. 
🎈 twenty-six 
Sarah is exhausted. Her rotation in the ED is taking its toll on her. The shifts, the long days and nights. But this is everything she had been working towards. What practically everything she had done since she was sixteen had been for. 
So that evening, all she wants to do is to go home, order some takeout from the ramen place she likes and maybe watch a movie. Just something quiet with herself. 
She’s just home and showered, hair still damp and hanging loose when her phone rings. Unusual. Hardly anyone ever called her. What’s even more unusual is that it’s Natalie from Med calling her, and Sarah wonders what on earth she could want at this time of the evening, especially when neither of them have a night shift that day. 
She picks up, to hear Natalie asking if she could come round and watch Owen because she needed to run out to the grocery store and there was no one else to. 
Sarah sighs inwardly. So much for her quiet night. But she goes. It’s not like she had any real plans tonight. If anything, watching Owen might be a help. She knows sitting in front of the TV, especially tonight, would lead her mind to wander. To places and thoughts she didn’t want it to go. It was probably for the best. So she pulls on jeans and a sweater and goes. 
Natalie answers the door, pulling Sarah inside. “Thank you so much for coming, honestly I don’t know what else I would have done,” she gushes.
“Don’t mention it—“ Sarah begins, but the words die on her lips as Natalie leads her into the kitchen. 
April is there, holding Owen, and Maggie is beside her with Noah and Ethan and Connor and Will and a few of the others. 
“Happy Birthday!” They all call out in unison, smiles on their faces and Owen waving his small fists, not quite understanding, but knowing something good is happening.  
Sarah is completely taken aback. She hadn’t been expecting anything, let alone this. She didn’t even think they all knew when her birthday was. 
“You didn’t think we were gonna leave you all on your one, did you?” Maggie asks, pulling her into a tight embrace. 
This, Sarah thinks, is what a family must feel like. 
🎈 twenty-seven
So much has changed. For one thing, Sarah’s a psych resident now. Something she never thought she would be, but she’s enjoying it. For another, and this is the biggest one, there’s Ava. And that is amazing and terrifying in equal parts all at the same time. 
Ava wouldn’t  tell her where they were going. Only that it required Sarah to dress up. It turned out to be a fancy Italian restaurant, one that apparently Ava had had her eyes on for months for this very occasion. Sarah had never really been one for grand gestures, considering her mother’s track record with them; they’d always felt empty. But with Ava, it is completely, entirely different. The way Ava is excited about it probably more than Sarah, because she loves surprising her, seeing her happy. And that, for Sarah, makes the day. Because it is so genuine and heartfelt. 
Sarah can’t think of a time where she’s felt lighter than she does now. 
But that’s not even everything. They get home, and Ava leads Sarah to the couch, telling her to sit, and disappears off into the kitchen. She’s only gone for a short time, and when she returns, she’s bearing a decadent chocolate cake on a platter, iced with ‘happy birthday Sarah,’ in Ava’s familiar, looping script, candles flickering in the dim light. Ava made this. For her. 
It’s perfect, and she tells her so as Ava sets the platter down on the coffee table in front of her. 
“Blow out the candles,” Ava says softly, and Sarah does, as her girlfriend snaps a photo of her, smiles etched on both their faces. 
“Thank you,” Sarah tells her quietly as Ava comes to sit beside her, placing a kiss to her lips.  
“Happy birthday, my love,” whispers Ava when they break apart. And it is. Completely. 
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hrh-prince-butt · 4 years
the memories are all i have
henry finds an old relic from the past, and it brings back memories of his dad. basically, this is inspired by a headcanon of mine. 
read it on AO3
The book is heavy and covered in dust when Henry picks it up. It was in one of the boxes of things he hasn’t yet decided if he will bring with him to America. When he dusts it off, the title, written in intricate gold letters, becomes visible:
The Complete Collection of Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen.
Henry’s breath catches in his throat as he is filled with recognition. This book… He opens it, to find that the pages have gone stiff and yellow with age. This book must be nearly as old as himself. He can’t remember when he got it, but he must have been really young.
The pages don’t make any sound as he flips through it, stopping nearly halfway through. The title of each story is written in beautiful cursive letters and accompanied by a little illustration. This one is of a swan, floating peacefully on a lake, its head held up in an elegant and prideful manner. It’s beautiful, and he’s seen it a million times before.
“Daddy, will you read to me?”
Henry is just tall enough for his head to poke up behind his dad’s desk. What he’s doing looks important and adult-y and incredibly boring. What he should be doing is reading to Henry. Or playing with Henry. Bea is at a sleepover with her school friends, and the palace seems empty and sad, with nothing fun for him to do.  
His dad smiles apologetically. “Sorry, love,” he says. “I have so much to do. How about later?”
“Pwease?” Henry says. He’s perfectly capable of pronouncing the word correctly, but his experience tells him he’s more likely to get what he wants when adults find him adorable.
It looks like an internal battle is taking place in his dad’s head, and he doesn’t sound as certain when he says: “I’ll read to you before bed like I always do, I promise. But I haven’t got time right now, baby. I’m sorry.”
Henry pouts and looks up at his dad with the biggest puppy eyes he can muster. There’s not much his big blue eyes and full, rosy cheeks can’t accomplish. “But I wanna read now, daddy,” he pleads.
“Oh, how can I say no to you?” His dad sighs, defeated. He chuckles and shakes his head, getting up from his desk chair. “Fine. You pick out a book and I’ll read to you, but just for a bit, okay? Daddy is very busy.”
The book is almost too heavy for Henry to carry, but he manages to get it to the sitting room. He crawls onto his dad’s lap, nestling himself between two big, strong arms.
They flip through the pages together, and Henry stops him at the story of  the ugly duckling. The illustration of the swan is what caught his eye the first time he saw it. But the story itself has gripped him ever since his dad first read it to him. The little duckling who grows up feeling wrong, misplaced... For some reason, it resonates with him. His favourite part is the ending, when the ugly duckling grows into a beautiful swan and finds a place it truly belongs. Henry doesn’t feel like he belongs in this palace. Everything here is too perfect. But right here, in his dad’s arms, he feels at home.
His dad starts reading: “It was so beautiful out in the country, it was summer- the wheat fields were golden, the oats were green, and down among the green meadows the hay was stacked …”
Henry can already picture the scene. The beautiful countryside on a summer day, surely the most peaceful place to be. He closes his eyes and immerses himself in the story, allowing his dad’s voice to carry him far away.
“Will you read to me?”
The typical hospital sounds - machines beeping, hurried footsteps along the hallway, uncomfortable silences - have all faded into the background by now. It’s just the two of them, Henry and his dad.
It’s difficult to look at him, his dad who has always been the strongest and bravest person Henry knows, in a hospital bed looking weak and exhausted. He doesn’t look like himself, Henry thinks. His face is pale and sunken, and he has been rapidly losing weight lately. There doesn’t seem to be much of him left, and it hurts to look at, so Henry picks up the book of fairy tales from his nightstand. He found it on a shelf a few days ago, collecting dust, and he figured maybe his dad would like it if he read aloud to him. It seems like returning a favour, almost.
“Which story do you want me to read?” He asks softly.
“Hmm.” His dad closes his eyes, and is silent for so long Henry thinks he might’ve fallen asleep. He’s about to put the book away when his dad finally answers: “That one you always loved as a child… The ugly duckling, right?”
Henry tries to smile. “Yeah.” He doesn’t need to look in the registry for the page number: Even after all these years, he remembers what page it begins on. He can’t do what his dad used to do; make the stories come to life so it feels like you’re there, so instead, he lets his voice be a warm and comforting presence in the otherwise sterile room.
Halfway through the story, he feels his dad’s hand on his own and looks up. “Do you want me to stop?” He asks.
His dad shakes his head. “No, just… You know I love you, right?”
“Oh.” Henry takes his hand. “I love you too, dad.”
“And, you know, if you ever think that there’s something… some part of you that I would be disappointed in or that would make me love you any less… Just know that’s not the case. I will always love you no matter what, baby.”
Henry feels his stomach drop. Does his dad know? How could he? No one knows, not even Bea. “I, er…” He doesn’t know what to say, so he just gives his dad’s hand a gentle squeeze and continues reading.
He doesn’t get far before his dad is fast asleep. It’s the last time he’s alone with him.
“Henry, sweetheart?”
The voice carries Henry swiftly and mercilessly back to reality. Alex is standing in the doorway. His eyebrows crease in a concerned look when Henry turns to face him.
“What's wrong, baby?” In a few long strides, Alex crosses the room to where Henry is standing, still holding the book.
Henry looks down at the heavy book in his hands, still opened at the page where the ugly duckling begins. He follows the sketched lines of the swan carefully, mostly to avoid looking at Alex. “Nothing,” he mumbles. “I’m fine.”
Alex brings up his hand to stroke Henry’s hair. “It doesn’t look that way,” he says, but when Henry stays quiet, he lets it go. “Found anything worth keeping?” He half gestures to the book in Henry’s hands.
He nods, looking from the book to Alex. His deep brown eyes, looking at Henry with a mix of love and concern. He sighs, lowering his eyes to the book again. “I wish I’d told him,” he says abruptly.
“I wish I’d come out to him.”
Alex brushes a hand along his arm. “Who? Your dad?”
Henry nods. “At the time it didn’t seem relevant, or… Well, I guess part of me was scared of how he would take it. And there was so little time left. I never really mustered up the courage, I guess? But… I don’t know.” He bites his lip, willing the tears back. “In the hospital, when he was really sick… It seemed like he was trying to hint at it. Maybe that’s wishful thinking, or maybe he was just confused and disoriented from all the meds and the pain and… I don’t know. But if I could go back in time and change one thing, I think I would’ve told him.”
Alex seems unsure of what to say. He reaches up to place a soft kiss on Henry’s cheek. “I’m sure he would’ve been proud of where you are today.”
Henry nods, forcing a half-hearted smile. “I hope so,” he says. “And to answer your question, yes, I’m keeping the book.”
He closes it, carefully studying the intricate gold writings on the deep blue cover. The memories it holds are far too important to be lost.
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jonnyparable · 3 years
Cottage Hills : The Red Chamber Part VI
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Won's Promise
"Come closer, my son."
Won sets down the tray of medicine he was holding and sits by his father's bed. The man who had taught him everything he knows about magic, about making poisons, and who raised him, is on his deathbed.
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Won :
"What is it, father? You need to conserve your energy, I've brought you your med-"
Won's Father :
"No. Leave it. My time has come. I can feel my life slipping away even now... But you are still young, still strong. You must never forget our family's shame, what they did to us, why we came here, to Shang Tao..."
Won :
"Yes father. You've been training me all my life to avenge the Moshu name."
Won's Father :
"Promise me, Won. No, swear to me, that you will go back, reclaim the manuscript of our forefathers that they stole and destroy them all. The Goodmans, the Elmsleys and the Rosenbergs... Promise me!"
Won :
"I swear to you father. I will go and avenge us. I will rain suffering upon them like they've never known, and I will claim back what they took, and destroy them all!"
The Black Cup
As the full moon reaches its highest, Won utters a silent prayer to his father, as he remembers the promise he made on his deathbed.
"I promise you father. I will not let you down."
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As if on cue, the moon's light pierces through the cloudy autumn night, and shines through the broken stained glass windows behind him. The rays of moonlight hit the cauldron, and as Won recites the chants written in the manuscript over the potion, the mystical powers of the full moon's light are unleashed. The cauldron begins to bubble.
The Black Cup is finally complete.
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The Next Day...
My Servo is Missing
It's the morning of the mid autumn hotpot, and Wally is choosing a pumpkin to bring to the hot pot when Olkan comes by, asking if Zack came here. Olkan had returned from a particularly rough night out of werewolfing only to find that Zack wasn't waiting for him by the fire, with a hearty meal prepared, like he normally would be. Wally helps Olkan to search, and says that Zack could have simply gone to visit Gray. They later find Gray at Mary's bookshop, helping her prepare some ingredients for the hot pot later that evening.
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"Missing? That's unlike him. Zack's inbuilt compass should be able to help him find his way no matter what."
"We haven't seem him recently. He's not been in town since summer, actually, but come on, we'll help you look for him around town."
They join Olkan in searching for Zack. After looking all afternoon and not finding him anywhere around town, Olkan starts to get worried. It's almost sundown so he can't stay here, and decides to head back to the woods.
"Thank you all for your help, I'm sorry for the trouble. Its getting late, Zack might be home now, perhaps he had just gone to pick some mushrooms and I got overly concerned. I'll head back into the woods to find him."
"Don't be silly, there's nothing to apologise for. We are all worried for Zack too, he's our friend, you both are. Come on, Wally, let's go help Olkan look in the woods."
"I'll go tell the others that Zack is missing, they should be gathered at the town square now for the hot pot, I'll get everyone to help search the woods too. I'll meet you there later!"
Before Olkan can stop them, Gray runs off. But as its getting late, Olkan has no choice but to head back into the woods for now. With a full moon out tonight, Olkan cannot risk transforming anywhere near town.
A Scarecrow in the Mist
Olkan, Wally and Mary scour the woods, looking for Zack. They search the berry patch where Zack often goes but he's not there either. As the sun begins to set however, Olkan starts to get anxious, and desperately tries to get the other two to leave.
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"Look, thank you for helping me search for Zack but please it is now getting dark, and I've held you long enough. I'll never forgive myself if something were to happen to you. Please, let me escort you out of these woods, it is not safe here at night."
"Don't worry Olkan, we aren't going anywhere, let's head back to your place for now, maybe Zack is there. We can wait there with you"
Olkan :
"No!..... Really, I..I insist, you cannot stay here - wait, quiet, someone is coming.."
Olkan motions to them to hide behind a nearby tree. They run behind a large tree and as they watch in disbelief, Scrampy emerges from the mist, walking like a human!
"Look! It's...it's a walking scarecrow!"
"Hey wait, that's the scarecrow that was at the Harvest Fest, Scrampy! What's going on here? "
"Quiet, it'll hear us!"
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Suddenly, Moguai appears right behind them and hisses loudly.
"You three are very loud. They're here behind the tree! Get them!"
With a flick of his wand, the scarecrow entangles them in ropes and magically whisks them out from their hiding place.
"Well! Don't you three know its rude to sneak up on someone, you could have scared me, and I'm supposed to be the scary one! Luckily for you, I'm in a good mood! Alright, come on then, Moguai, we'll take them back and leave our guests with the other one for now. We can deal with them later when we return from town."
"Wait, that voice..."
"The other one? Who are you? Where are you taking us?"
"Questions, questions, questions! So many questions! But we'll have time for all that later..."
Won and Moguai bring them back to their hideout and who should they see there but...
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Olkan, Wally and Mary:
"Zack!? What are you doing here!!?"
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kriscynical · 3 years
I have finally thrown in the towel and gone back on Welbutrin.
If you're considering the need to go back on your meds, take this as a sign from the universe that yes, you do indeed need to and you have nothing to prove to anybody.
This turned into mental health word vomit nobody is going to care about so I'm putting it under a cut to save your dashes.
After having the health crisis in 2009 that left me with the permanent nerve damage I'm still dealing with followed by one of my best friends throwing me under a bus and gaslighting me about it, I started struggling with my mental health. When my middle sister passed away from breast cancer in January 2010 I destroyed myself trying to be The Strong One for my parents, letting my cup run so dry it cracked and broke.
I spent the next 7 years at the bottom of a hole, the last four or so on Welbutrin that helped quite a bit but not completely. My personal art output was absolute zero. I lost my 20's to it, basically.
I finally pulled myself out of it when I renovated the room across from my bedroom into my studio and got into Yuri on Ice in late 2016 because I had something to focus on, get excited about, and be inspired by. I pumped out 40 new pieces of art in 2017 because of it, I was getting regular interaction with people, my blog was growing again, and it was fantastic. I was an art machine. I came off of the Welbutrin in Spring 2016. I was happy for the first time in years.
Anybody still in the YoI fandom knows that well has been bone dry for a few years now; most of our crops withered if not died completely, and fandom policing bullshit made creating fanart for it far less desirable for me. I started slipping.
Then 2018 happened. My oldest sister passed away in February from liver failure. The day after we buried her ashes next to my middle sister in the family plot, we found out our dog, Sushi, had late stage lymphoma at only 9 years old. Her face had barely even begun to get a dusting of white. We lost her that July. I slipped some more. I came out of that year holding on to the edge of that hole by the tips of my fingers, but I was proud that I hadn't fallen back in completely.
Then 2020 happened. On March 13 my life upended and my sole focus became keeping my high risk parents safe from Covid, becoming their caregiver and doing absolutely everything for them that involved interacting with people or going out in public. In the last 14 months I've only gone to the pharmacy and chiropractor. That's it. We've been having our groceries delivered via a wonderful woman named Katelyn through Dumpling. Quarantine has aged me by at least five years at this point if the lines on my face are any indication.
Then my uncle was diagnosed with stage IV esophageal cancer over the summer and the traumatizing hell of trying to care for him here at our house -- on top of the added stress of having a CONSTANT parade of nurses, hospice people, and chaplains coming through the house because of it in the middle of a pandemic I was working so hard to protect my parents from -- was a body blow that included a dissociative episode. He passed away in October 2020.
I was finally able to get myself and my parents vaccinated through the county health department at the end of March 2021, which was a Thing all unto itself because of their system fucking things up.We got our second dose toward the end of April and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, but the damage was already done.
My personal art output has been zero for almost two years at this point. The last piece of fan work I actually finished that wasn't for a client, zine, or gift was in October 2019, it didn't even get 200 notes, nobody seemed to care or even notice that I had been basically MIA online in the last two years (save for maybe three people), so I lost the sliver of motivation I still had left. Let me repeat that:
I haven't finished any personal artwork that wasn't for a client, zine, or gift since October 2019. It's now May 2021.
At the beginning of April I finally said fuck it, I give up, and emailed my doctor asking for a new script for Welbutrin. While I'm not as godawful miserable emotionally as I was back when I started taking it originally (although it's on its way down that road), I am back to being completely unmotivated to do much of anything let alone produce new art. I have ideas. I just don't have the motivation to sit down and execute them.
As I've said several times before, I have to create in order to feel worthwhile. Interaction with people online when I post my work helps me stay in a good place mentally because I'm human and humans need positive interaction and just a sense that we're seen and matter. It's a nasty spiral because once it started seeming that hardly anybody cared about my work anymore or even noticed when I disappeared, that finished the job of killing my motivation. I know art should be made for yourself but like I said, I'm human and I'm just being honest here instead of trying to bullshit anybody. What's the point of posting if it's seemingly just going into the void?
I'm tired of being in that rut of a mindset and languishing in that bad headspace, so I'm trying to help myself out of it before I hit the bottom of that hole again. I never want to go back there, but I'm damn close at this point.
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At least the Welbutrin is making me lose weight because it's killed my appetite.
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hello! I saw that someone was asking you rowaelin as ts songs and I wonder if you could do cruel summer?
So. Many. References!! I hope you like this, because I can certainly picture this scene perfectly. I have a few TS rowaelin prompts, so I might do a whole masterlist just for it separated by albums..... Anyways, enjoy!!
Cruel Summer
Aelin was already used to the smell of beer and loud music by now.
When she and Lysandra had just finished freshman year of college, both decided to ditch the dorms and look for an apartment off campus. Everything was either extremely expensive, too far away from campus or both. They were about to give up and just spend another year in the university’s dorms when they found an apartment.
Well, it was more like a shoe box, but it worked just fine. There were two small bedrooms, one bathroom and a living room with a kitchen. Aelin and Lys had almost no money for furniture, so a lot of the space in the apartment was filled with bean bag chairs and thick rugs instead of actual chairs and tables. The painting was fading, the constant need to call a handyman was exhausting but Aelin found it somewhat… comfy.
The rent wasn’t expensive at all and Aelin discovered why the day she moved. The apartment was right above a dive bar, and the thing was kept open 24/7 from Friday to Sunday, opening every day of the week and closing around three in the morning. The music was so loud all the time that sometimes the floor shook. Whenever they opened their windows, the suffocating smell of alcohol would impregnate the apartment.
That was fucking torture during the first days.
Two years later, Aelin found the loud sound and constant smell of beer reassuring, steadying. She and Lys had lived so much shit in that apartment that it stopped being an ugly shoe box and became a home. An ugly home, but a home nonetheless.
Around two months after moving upstairs, Rolfe, the bar owner, offered them jobs at the Sea Dragon. They lived right above it, he said, and so he could alleviate them from a part of their rent and pay a normal salary at the same time. Always in the need of money, both Lys and Aelin accepted.
The dive bar wasn’t shabby, at least not for the neighborhood it was in. It was a hole-in-the-wall, red stools near the bar and a few dark wooden tables around the room. With some pool tables, an old jukebox and an almost never working vending machine, the place looked like it had been left in the 50s. The uniforms were all black, but the shirts were tight button downs and the skirts were pleated.
Aelin fucking loved that place.
She worked there the double amount of hours than Lys did, and she enjoyed herself immensely. She loved choosing the next song and flirting with some customers. She adored teasing old patrons when they were losing at a pool game, and she discovered that she was great making drinks.
The Sea Dragon was Aelin’s little heaven. She worked there the whole weekend, never missing a day. Sometimes during the summer she would work there every day.
And that’s when she met him.
The first time Aelin had seen Rowan Whitethorn during the summer before junior year, she almost dropped the drinks she was holding.
He was standing by the vending machine, the faint blue glow making his silver hair shine. He had a frown on his face, but not even that managed to make him look any less attractive. Dark green eyes, a straight nose and hard features, Aelin wanted him from the second her eyes fell upon his figure.
She gave the drinks to Lysandra, murmuring what table they were supposed to go before walking up to him.
“Any problems?” She said as a way of greeting. The man was staring at the vending machine as if it had personally offended him.
“Aye. It ate two dollars of mine and I didn’t get those disgusting candies you Americans like.” He said, not turning away from the vending machine. Aelin bit her lip, both at his very hot and strong Scottish accent and to hold her laughter in because of the expression on his face.
“You’ll have to be more specific, sir. I can name twenty disgusting American candies from the top of my mind in ten seconds.” She was smiling, her voice tone soft. At that, he turned his head to her, eyes widening slightly. Aelin’s smile grew at that. “Unfortunately this vending machine has a mind of its own. Maybe if you ask gently or smack it violently, it will spew your candy.”
He laughed, scratching the back of his head. “You work here? Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m Rowan.”
“Nah, don’t worry.” She gestured with her hand. “This vending machine is a bitch. You can try punching if you’d like.”
“Your asking me to vandalize your work place?”
She shrugged, turning her head to the bar and shouting. “Rolfe! Can he punch your useless vending machine?”
Rolfe turned to her, staring at both of them and the vending machine before shrugging too. “It’s not like that thing can break. It’s probably older than you by now, blondie.”
Aelin turned back to Rowan. He was looking at her with awe and slight fear. “Go ahead and punch it.”
“I won’t punch your vending machine.”
“Rolfe’s vending machine.”
Aelin merely shrugged, walking back to the bar. “Your loss, Rowan.”
“I didn’t catch your name!” He shouted at her, but didn’t move in her direction. She smiled, his accent sounding like music to her ears.
“Because I didn’t tell you!” She shouted back.
After that, for the rest of the summer, Rowan had been to the bar every weekend. Sometimes he would bring in some friends, sometimes he would just sit there and talk to Aelin whenever she had some free time. He was there to do his last two years of college in Boston, his small group of friends joining him. Rowan liked to talk about Scotland and hear about the States whenever Aelin had free time to talk to him, and after a few weeks she would bribe Lysandra into taking more shifts so she could spend more time with Rowan.
When Friday arrived, Aelin would wait excitedly for his and his friend’s arrival. They were a lively group, all five of them, joking and drinking all the time. Aelin would constantly pass by their tables just to hear their lovely accent laced with alcohol and laughter.
It was obvious that Rowan was interested in her, just as it was obvious that Aelin was interested in him, too. Rowan was an extremely nice and hot guy, and Aelin found herself always at ease and laughing around him. There was no pressure, no expectations. Aelin had left clear since the beginning that she wasn’t interested in a relationship. Ever.
 She didn’t mention that it was because of her last one, and Rowan had said that it was the same for him. He had broken up with his five years girlfriend the year before moving, and Aelin got goosebumps just from thinking about dating someone again.
The whole relationship was about… fun.
They slept together during the whole summer, becoming friends while doing it. When classes started again, they remained friends who eventually fucked, both agreeing that the other one could end it the moment they felt like it. Both agreeing that there were no romantic ties, no deep and hidden feelings. It was cool, a new sort of heaven with no rules.
Until there was. Until there were ties and feelings and that perfect heaven seemed very breakable.
Until Aelin became a part of Rowan’s routine, and until Aelin found herself too at ease around him. It had been a natural shift, one that Lysandra had said it was bound to happen. Both were on pre-med together, both spent most of their free time together too. They were great friends, slept together and were single. According to her best friend, it was only a matter of time until their friendship became something more.
It had taken a whole year. Things were normal-ish until spring came. With spring break around, Rowan and Aelin spent every hour of the week together, usually at her apartment of at the bar. Rowan had gone so many times to the Sea Dragon, that Rolfe said he was considering buying him as a piece of decoration or as some sort of bar scarecrow to avoid fights. With his black clothes and serious face, Rowan looked like one bad boy from one of the cheap romance books Aelin always read, Rolfe told him while Aelin’s cheeks heated. Rowan had laughed at that, turning to Aelin with humorous smile, and she simply flipped him off.
It had been Aelin’s best week in a very, very long time. But the aftermath just made her freak out.
After Chaol, Aelin had absolutely no interest in getting into another relationship. Her six months with him had been enough to make her hate the prospect of sharing her life romantically with someone again. She didn’t need to find a new guy to open up just to have him throw all her insecurities and fears on her face again. No, Aelin was perfectly fine single.
She kept telling herself that, but every time Rowan was around the hesitation and fear would disappear from her mind. Every time he laughed with her, Aelin would feel her heart beating faster. She could barely contain her own smile when Rowan looked at her. She wanted to touch him all the time, wanted to be around him all the time.
Rowan didn’t seem nearly as hesitant of his romantic feelings towards Aelin, but that probably was due to the fact that he didn’t have a shitty ex haunting his thoughts all the time. Actually, Lyria was a lovely woman who had come to visit during winter and said more than once that Aelin should make a definitive move on Rowan. The girl had given Aelin her number and every now and then the two would talk. 
If Rowan had spent five years with someone nice and lovely as Lyria, an actual relationship with Aelin wouldn’t last two weeks. And Aelin would get hurt again. He had obviously hinted many times that he wanted a relationship, but Aelin had just played dumb every time.
She analyzed all her fears, all her emotions and how Rowan made her feel.
She was fucking terrified of all of it.
So she ditched.
By the end of spring, Aelin simply stopped talking to him after saying that she didn’t want a serious relationship at all. Classes were over, and whenever Rowan and his friends came to the bar the next weeks, Aelin would go upstairs and Lys would cover for her. Sometimes, Aelin would look out of her window during the night, hoping to see Rowan under it. It was a way of her seeing his face again but avoiding him seeing her.
It was absolutely miserable.
This time last year was when she had met Rowan, and if she stopped to think, she had been a completely different person. Lately, Aelin didn’t flirt with the customers anymore, instead she would be constantly thinking about flirting with Rowan. She couldn’t look at that stupid vending machine’s blue glow without remembering when she first met Ro. Everything in the Sea Dragon reminded her of him, and she hated it. She hated how he had invaded her space, her little heaven, her life, and messed everything up. She hated the hours he spent in her apartment because now he was also a concept of her home.
She hated how much she wanted him.
“Summer is a cruel bitch.” Aelin complained.
“You love summer.”
“I loved summer. Now it just feels like a knife going down straight to the bone.”
“Just go fucking talk to him, you stubborn prick.” Lysandra said and Aelin simply groaned.
“I could be bleeding out right now and he would be the last one to know.”
“You’re so dramatic, gods. You should be trying but you’re just screwing it up.” Lys frowned.
It was the first Friday in two years that Aelin wasn’t working on the Sea Dragon. Instead, she and Lys decided to have a game night and play some old game board they found in the Sea Dragon’s storage.
“I don’t want to get hurt.” Aelin mumbled, rolling the dice. Lysandra rolled her eyes at her best friend.
“You look hurt right now.”
“I’m happy right now.” Aelin lied, taking the dice and giving to Lysandra.
When Lys put them down, Aelin simply scowled. She didn’t want to have this conversation again. It was summertime again and she was supposed to be having fun, not moping around for a guy that wasn’t even her boyfriend.
“Baby.” Lys said, taking Aelin’s hands. “Chaol was a fucking asshole, we know, but Rowan is different. The two of you were friends for a year, acted like a couple for the most part of it, and he never acted like Chaol. What would change if you gave him a chance?”
“What if he hurts me, Lys? I dated Chaol for six months and didn’t even like him the way I like Rowan. And yet he broke my fucking heart.” Aelin sighed, rubbing her eyes with her palms. “Can you imagine how much worse it will be if Rowan does it?”
“No.” Aelin said, getting up. She grabbed her phone, going to the apartment’s door. “I’m not interested. I’ll get over it. It’s just some stupid crush because I spent way too much time with him. I’ll be better off recovering from not having a relationship than I will from recovering from a broken heart. Again.”
“Ace…” Lys said, her face sad.
“I’m gonna go drink something. You coming?” Aelin asked, ignoring her friend’s pity. Lys simply shook her head, and Aelin left, slamming the door behind her.
She went down, entering the bar and pouring herself a drink. None of the baristas stopped her, all knowing her face all too well.
“Tough night, blondie?” Rolfe asked from where he was sitting at the other side of the balcony.
“Tough summer.” Aelin grumbled, taking the whole bottle of whatever she had just poured to herself. She took a swig and Rolfe didn’t even blink at that. After two years, Aelin knew what boundaries she could and couldn’t overstep.
“Your boyfriend was here earlier. Looked like shit, if you’re wondering.”
“I wasn’t. And he’s not my boyfriend.” Aelin drank again, her head already feeling lighter. “Never was.”
“Well he looked like it. For a whole year.” Rolfe looked at her, a small smile playing on his lips. “Is this because of Chaol?”
“Since when do you keep tabs on my love life, Rolfe?” She was too sober to have this conversation again. She took down three gulps, almost coughing at the alcohol burning down her throat.
“You’re my best waitress and you’re always here.” Rolfe laughed. “I probably know more about you than anyone else, blondie.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her lips. Although Rolfe was an asshole most of the times, Aelin had grown to like him a lot. He was like an uncle sometimes— nosy but always there.
“Should I call him?” Aelin asked, drinking once more before she stared at Rolfe. She had been entertaining the idea for a while now, even though she wouldn’t ever admit that to Lysandra.
“I would.” He shrugged, pointing at the half empty bottle on her hand. She looked down. Whiskey apparently. “But I’d drink about two more of those before.”
For the first time in a while, Aelin actually chuckled. “Yeah, I think I’ll let drunk Aelin decide this.”
Rolfe grinned at her. “I’ll call you a cab when you come crying to me later about your silver headed fling.”
“A cab?” She raised an eyebrow.
“If you’re gonna declare your feelings while drunk, do it in style, sweetheart.” Rolfe winked at her. “Make a whole goddamn scene.”
Aelin stared at the vending machine when Rolfe left. She could feel the alcohol loosening her whole body, allowing her to think in a broader way than she would have allowed herself while sober.
She had fallen in love with Rowan, that much was obvious. It had been slow and almost imperceptible, but it had happened. Maybe a part of her had loved him since the first time she heard his heavy accent and saw his handsome face. Maybe she had started falling when he passionately talked about Scotland, or when he gave her his whole attention when she was the one talking about her childhood. Maybe it had been during their classes when Aelin saw how smart he was, and how much he also appreciated her own intelligence.
Maybe it had been a little bit in every single situation, every moment filling her heart a bit more.
She wanted him so bad, but she was also so scared of having her heart broken again.
She kept thinking for the next few hours, listing the pros and cons of trying something with Rowan.
“Better live regretting something you did than live your whole life regretting what you didn’t, right? Better to take years to recover than to spend the rest of your life wondering what it could have been.” Aelin said to herself, her words slurred. She was on her second bottle and the alcohol was certainly impacting her.
“Are you ok?” Ansel, the other barista, was looking at her strange.
“I’m drunk and talking to myself. Go to work, Briarcliff.” Aelin chided.
“You’re insane, Galathynius.” Ansel grinned, turning to another customer.
At that moment, Aelin made her decision. Her sober self would probably think it was insanity, so she needed to do that now. She needed to take action before she chickened out again.
“Rolfe! The cab!” Aelin shouted, hearing Rolfe’s rich laughter across the bar.
Five minutes later, Aelin was in the back of a cab, drunk out of her mind and with tears streaking down her cheeks. She didn’t really know why she was crying like a baby. Maybe a still lucid part of her was terrified to do what she was planning. Maybe some part of her was crying out of fear of rejection. Maybe the tears were due to her burning throat after so much whiskey.
Who the fuck cared?
“You can stop here please.” She pointed to a pretty house.
She had been there before during the last summer, almost every night when she wasn’t at the Sea Dragon. She would recognize that garden gate even if she was stripped away from her senses.
“Your boss already paid.” The driver said, smiling at her. “Good luck.”
Aelin nodded, a pit opening inside her stomach. “Thanks.”
Gods, what the fuck was she doing?
Without further thought, she snuck in through the garden gate, walking to the backyard. She stopped in front of a window on the second floor. The whole house was dark, and Aelin was feeling the hesitation in her despite the adrenaline and the alcohol.
She cupped her hands around her mouth, closing her eyes. “Rowan.”
She stared at the window for a few seconds, waiting for a light before cupping her mouth and screaming again. “Rowan Whitethorn!”
At that, a single light flickered in his bedroom. Aelin’s heart was beating so fast she though she was going to puke it out. Suddenly, this whole thing seemed like a very bad idea. But it was too late, so she just raised her chin and gathered whatever courage had been created by the whiskey.
Rowan pushed back his curtains, opening the window and scanning the backyard until his eyes fell on her. Immediately, his brows furrowed and eyes widened. “Ace? Is everything fine?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said, but then shook her head. “Actually that’s not true.”
Rowan seemed so confused that Aelin almost gave up. “What the fuck happened? You disappear for more than a month and then show up at my backyard at three in the morning?”
“I lied before, ok?” She shouted. “And I don’t want to come up with a stupid excuse for it because I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you. I have nothing against relationships. My ex broke my fucking heart and now I am terrified of them. And then you come around and fuck everything up.”
“That’s your secret? That’s what you lied about? Your ex? You came all the way here to tell me about your ex while drunk?” He crossed his arms, looking both pissed and hurt.
“You dumb fuck.” She replied, running her hands through her hair. This could have gone so much more smoothly. “I lied about what I said the last time we talked, about wanting a relationship. The secret is that I didn’t ditch you because I don’t want a relationship or because of my ex. The secret is that I am so fucking in love with you for months now that I am terrified of dating you because you can break my heart in a million pieces.”
“What did you say?” He said quietly, and if her attention wasn’t solely on him, she would have missed.
“Oh well, shit. We’re already here, aren’t we? For whatever it’s worth, Rowan Whitethorn,” Aelin screamed, opening her arms. “I love you! Ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
Rowan stared her in silence for a few seconds before retreating into the bedroom. He didn’t say a word, and Aelin’s heart sank. She felt her throat constricting, her stomach turning and turning.
She was about to go back home and hide under the covers with a pot of ice cream when one of the lights from the first floor turned on. Aelin stared expectantly at the glass doors that separated the house’s interior and the backyard. The door opened, and Aelin sighed when she saw Rowan coming to her, his steps purposeful.
“I—“ She started, wanting to explain everything better.
Rowan cupped her face with his hands, his fingers tangling in her hair. “I love you too.”  He said before bringing his face down and kissing Aelin.
Her arms circled his waist, and she pressed her body against his. It had been too long since she kissed him, and Aelin sighed as Rowan’s warm mouth moved on hers. She tilted her face up, standing on her tiptoes. She opened her mouth, hands tightening around him as he deepened the kiss.
They stayed like that for minutes until both drew back, breathing deeply. Aelin opened her eyes to see Rowan grinning like the devil at her, and she smiled back at him.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @loveofbooksandwine @jesstargaryenqueen @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass
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bookdancerfics · 4 years
untamed hearts, a 911 fic
Summary: Chimney’s problem with animals has never been a secret, so it’s no surprise when Buck gets between Chimney and the panther snarling in the corner. Then it gets the great idea of lunging, and suddenly Chimney isn’t worried about himself--he’s worried about Buck.
Relationships: Evan “Buck” Buckley & Howie “Chimney” Han
Warnings: animal attack, allusion to harm to animals (the animal is ok at the end)
also available on ao3 and ff.net, both under Bookdancer. the ao3 link is in the content source of this post.
Series: checking vital signs, part one, part two, part three (this fic), part four (yet to be posted) / six parts
Series Summary: 5 times Buck prioritizes his family’s wellbeing over his own, and the 1 time they help him prioritize himself.
It’s a weird call to begin with—the 911 dispatcher reports that the caller complained of chest pains, probably from a heart attack, but he also mentioned someone named Viola. The caller, a Mr. Ted Jackson, apparently passed out before the dispatcher could find out exactly who Viola was. The call takes them to the outskirts of LA, and they arrive at a decently sized house in the middle of an even larger storm.
The neighborhood is one of those ones where all the houses look alike, so the one thing that really distinguishes the caller is the large Jeep Wrangler parked out front. The rain is coming down hard now, and Chimney really only sees the Wrangler when he’s jogging past it, med kit in hand and Buck at his side. Hen, Eddie, and Bobby bring up the rear with the stretcher, which they’ll leave on the ground floor till they find Ted Jackson. Since they don’t know where exactly in the house he is, Hen and Eddie will take the second floor, Chimney and Buck the first, and Bobby the basement.
They separate as soon as they enter the house, all three groups peeling off from each other. Chimney and Buck make their way through the entryway, then take a left into the dining room, and are just about to enter the living room when the lights flicker and then go out. Chimney pauses and Buck bumps into his back.
He’d had his eyes on the light switch, so Chimney reaches for it, flicks it back and forth, and then shrugs at Buck’s outline when the room stays dark. He keys at his radio, twisting to talk into it.
“The storm took out the lights,” Chimney says. “Any chance someone’s near the circuit breakers?”
“Negative,” Bobby says after a moment. “But I’ll take a look down here. How’s your own search going?”
“Well,” Buck answers. “It’s going.” He’s gone from being a dark shape against other dark shapes to having actual features, and Chimney waits as he reaches for the flashlight attached to his hip.
The light illuminates the room, and Chimney just gets a glimpse of something big, black, and furry before Buck is in front of him.
“Buck,” he says, and he’ll forever deny that his voice cracks. “Please tell me that’s not what I think it is.”
“Uh,” Buck says, and his voice is so low that Chimney has to strain to hear him. “I don’t think you’ll like the answer. Just back away, slowly.”
Chimney does as Buck says, stepping back and suddenly wishing they’d had a reason to be wearing full turnout gear, even in the middle of the summer.
“Bobby,” Chimney says lowly, talking to the radio again. “Bobby you need to get everyone else out of here. And call animal control.”
“What?” Bobby asks. “Why animal control?”
Chimney peeks around Buck when they finally reach the doorway, then swallows harshly. The thing is definitely closer than it had been. Something on the far side of the room glints in Buck’s flashlight beam. Chimney can’t help but peer closer at it, wondering—and it is.
“Buck that’s our guy,” he says, the glasses he spotted still shining in the corner, but it’s not until the thing swings its head to stare at Chimney that he realizes he spoke at the regular, urgent volume he normally does when faced with a patient he hasn’t reached yet.
Buck freezes.
“Why do you need animal control?” Bobby asks again, and his voice somehow rings out even louder than Chimney’s.
Chimney would give anything to not know what it feels like to have a fully grown panther stare him down with its ears flat back, but here he is. Something curdles in his gut, and the very very very very small part of him not focused on the freaking panther—why does this guy have a panther in his living room?—recognizes it as terror. His legs won’t move anymore, no matter how much he tells them to.
The panther’s muscles ripple under its fur coat, and its tail lashes once.
It’s the only warning they get before it lunges.
Chimney crashes to the ground, Buck on top of him, and all the air whooshes from his lungs. He tries heaving in a breath but that just makes it worse, and he can do nothing but watch as Buck rolls in the opposite direction, taking the panther with him.
“Chimney?” Bobby asks, for the third time now, his voice urgent, and Chimney can hear footsteps clattering on the stairs. He’s not sure if they’re coming down or up; it may not really matter. “Buck? What’s happening?”
“Shit,” Chimney wheezes. Somehow he manages to climb to his feet, his grip tight on the doorway and his chest still heaving. His mind is racing. They don’t have a sedative strong enough to take out a cat as big as this one, let alone animal tranquilizers, but he can’t just leave Buck to the mercy of a freaking panther of all things. He can’t leave his future brother-in-law in this situation. And hell, who is he kidding. He can’t leave his brother.
Chimney turns and bolts out of the living room right as Bobby reaches it, and he yells what he hopes Bobby will make out as “Distract it!” as he runs for the house’s entryway.
One of the things about emergency stretchers, Chimney has learned through his years on the job, is that they can be heavy. The other thing is that they’re portable, easily moved.
It turns out they also make excellent ramming devices.
By the time animal control arrives, Chimney is already patching Buck up outside. Eddie and Hen are in the ambulance taking Ted Jackson to the hospital, Bobby is watching Buck with crossed arms and a frown, and the panther is safely locked inside the house, relatively unharmed. Chimney doesn’t even think he knocked her out, just deterred her enough to back off and let them retrieve Buck and the panther’s owner.
Buck himself is… mostly fine. Chimney frowns at the thought even as he finishes wrapping a bandage around yet another gash. The panther swiped at Buck, but she really only hit his forearms and biceps, Buck having managed to hold her at arms’ length the entire time.
“Those long arms finally good for something, huh, Buckaroo?” Chimney murmurs.
Buck gives him a weak smile. “This and basketball, I guess.”
“Yeah?” Chimney asks, even though he already knew that. “You and Albert should play sometime.”
“Mm, yeah, we have,” Buck says.
“Mm,” Chimney copies. “That’s good.”
“Yeah,” Buck says.
Finally they both stand, Buck’s wounds wrapped and set till they can get him to the hospital for care there. Bobby nods at them both, still frowning, but Buck avoids his gaze and Bobby turns toward the firetruck’s driver’s seat.
“Hey, Buck,” Chimney says, clapping a hand on Buck’s shoulder.
Buck glances at him. “Yeah?”
Chimney pauses, his grip tightening briefly as he sees the worried look on his friend’s face. There’s a lot of things he could say—“don’t ever do that again,” “you’re lucky you’re off blood thinners,” “Maddie’s going to kill me,” “Maddie’s going to kill you,” “boy I don’t envy that talk you’re gonna have with Bobby.” But there’s really only one that needs saying now. One he needs Buck to hear.
Buck’s face clears immediately, relief shining in his eyes and his shoulders relaxing even as he smiles. “I’m glad I was there.”
Chimney nods. He’s not sure if he entirely reciprocates the sentiment, not when it meant Buck putting himself in danger again, not when it meant Buck getting hurt again, but he is grateful Buck thought quickly. He’s even more thankful Buck lasted long enough for Chimney to respond in kind.
“C’mon,” he says finally. “Let’s go get you taken care of so you can get back out there.”
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rcbirth · 4 years
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howdy pals! my name is del ( she/they ), and i am jazzed to be here! i’ve been peaking at this rp since it showed up in the tags, so to say i’m excited about bringin my kiddo fish in is an understatement. a lil about me before i get into some basics and links for more info about fish... i’m twenty-three from the cst timezone. i work full-time, but my hours are funky, so you may see me at random hours of the day. big music fan, lover of public health things, over-using kermit the frog memes, & thriller shows and books ( anyone else almost lose it during the season finale of the undoing ??? )! warning: i rant a lot.... and am.... so long winded.... pls forgive me.
now for the fun part.... bby fish! i’m just going to give you basics to reference here, because the link ‘extended info’ has much more extensive head canons, wanted plots, stats, and his full bio.
born into a really well off & successful family ( dad = doctor & professor at UC’s med school, mom = big wig in dem establishment & advisor to ... oop! state senator obama ), fish had just about everything that he could ever need growing up. fish was super eager to please his parents and really ??? everyone. 
his grandma was and still is his favorite person to have ever walked this earth. probably has a tattoo for that woman but like ... she’s a peach 1/2 so rightfully so. 
two things about his grandma.... first! her maiden name was fischel, and when fish was growing up, she’d always call him her little fish. it just stuck, and that was that! he would forever be known fischel for business™ and fish for the pals. second! she was his biggest advocate and always believed in him. ( food tw ): she helped encourage his love and interest in cooking, food, food soc, etc. they were big julia child fans. a lot of grandma/fish time was literally just them goofing around in the kitchen and trying to recreate things they saw her make. also.... chicago just has a phenomenal food scene in general, and those two really soaked it in, trying out the various signature dishes of the various neighborhoods, and learning about the history behind them. ( tw end )
he loves anthony bourdain & samin nosrat. big fan.
( divorce tw ) parents got divorced and didn’t really say much other than that he would stay with his father in chicago and visit his mom on alternating holidays and summers. there wasn’t like The Discussion ( tw end )
while he was doing a lil medical internship and staying out with his mom ( cancer, death of a loved one tw ) he got the news that his grandmother’s cancer had gotten to the point where she had been put on life support. his father made the decision that it was in her best interest and fish’s to end her support. fish found out after she had already passed. he tried to claim that it was in his best interest since fish had always been too emotional and the family’s so there wouldn’t be this massive fight.... ( tw end ) cue beginning of resentment of the fam & realization that he’s got no one in his corner except himself
our table <3333 ( food tw ) okay so taking inspiration from his time touring chicago neighborhoods with his grandma & idolizing bourdain and nosrat, fish created what began as an after school club with some of his pals. the idea was to learn about food accessibility, urban farming, food sociology, & cooking from peers, but fish had Big Big plans & wanted it to turn into a bit of a safe haven for kids & young adults on the southside. ( tw end ) utilizing both support from partnerships with other chicago based non profits, school, and locals in the food scene, he helped start the building process for an actual brick and mortar place for our table. 
this got some buzz, and when a journalist came to interview fish and the other co founders they even received national attention... leading to what would be a ted talk appearance in the future, but back to entering strathmore...
fish hopes to utilize both sociology and public policy degrees to help him become a policy advocate and researcher. he hates how slow moving and formal things always were with his mom’s work. his goal is to utilize research about community based efforts and organizations ( like our table ) and science, to create substantial and sustainable policy for politicians that aren’t scared of being seen as “””too radical””.
his invitation into the society came months later after his ted talk reached over 500 million views. although, he’ll tell you it's because word got around to the members who heard about how good of a chef he is .... he loves it. he literally longs ... yearns some might say .... for community and is very committed and protective over his circlet. 
grief, guilt tw: poppy’s disappearance has him borderline unhinged a bit. she was one of the people he considered himself closer too, and it’s just an unearthing of some of the feelings he had right after his grandmother’s death of anger, confusion, guilt etc. he won’t openly express that or talk about it, but it definetely manifests itself physically. tw end
inspiration-wise, he is a mix of laurel castillo from how to get away with murder, pope heyward from outer banks, grizz from the society, dani clayton from bly manor, emily prentiss from criminal minds, and a bit of payton hobart from the politican. 
music inspiration: willow tree by tash sultana & jerome farah, ain’t it fun by paramore, barefoot in the park by james blake, bad bad news by leon bridges
his personality is that he’s a sociable guy for the most part, but he’s definetely an introvert really enjoying his time for himself. he’s very methodical despite how emotional he is and can be. very creative, protective, blunt .... this can run him into issues even if he just means it as a joke.... many times its not though, he’s pretty critical of others and esp himself, but also v loyal and thoughtful when it comes down to the pals.... will be dropping off some homemade soup and crackers if he knows you’re fighting a lil cold.
BIG THINGS: a lot of his character is based around the subtle, warm intimacy of small dinners with loved ones??? this is what he longs for more than anything and always has??? it’s not super overstated or in your face, but you know its there because you can feel it. in the past you saw him being more passive, kinda allowing himself to float in the background, but now he really is his own advocate and creates community wherever he can. he’s v intentional in his relationships and conversations, not wanting to have just surface level connections or chats. he is v much a Scorpio™.
see more. pinterest. plots. template credit.
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
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Hello lovely humans!
I’ve recently hit the 500 follower milestone and want to celebrate with another challenge! This time, dark fics are welcome! 
I have a lot of prompts here and what doesn’t get used will probably be put aside for a future challenge. I like to make sure there is a wide array of prompts to be chosen from and tend to go overboard. Whoops. 
The Rules: 
1. Use the hashtag #JBBNN500 
2. Dark fics are welcome - Just be sure to utilize trigger warnings and indicate that it is a dark fic. 
3. Even if you aren’t writing a dark fic, use trigger warnings if the content warrants it. If you write something that has heavier themes, like those that delve into mental health topics, be sure to label it appropriately. 
4. Selecting Prompts: Just let me know which one you want to do! 2 people per prompt! Tell me which subheading and the number of the prompt so I can mark it down! If it’s a lyric prompt, please give me the song and the number! 
5. You don’t have to be following to participate! 
6. Deadline: January 11, 2021
Yes, I’m giving about 3 months for this. January 11 also happens to be my birthday, so I figured that would be a good date to choose. 
The subheadings are: dialogue prompts, sentence prompts, quotes from popular media, and song lyrics!
Find the prompts under the cut! 
Dialogue Prompts
“Life is made up of maybes and regrets. I don’t want this to be one of them.”
“You can’t do this. It’s my choice to make, and mine alone. If you don’t agree with it, the door is there. Feel free to use it.”
“I used to be afraid of the dark, you know. Until I learned that the real monsters thrive in the light.” 
“So, what you’re saying is if I gave you a nickel, you’d do it.”
“No, I don’t know how the cheese got there, and honestly, I don’t think I want to know.” 
“You’re sounding more like a cult leader every time you open your mouth. Don’t think I’ll be accepting any Flavor Aid from you anytime soon.” 
“How did you...you know what, I’m going to forget I saw a thing, and go read a book. Or bathe in Holy Water. Or both. Both is good.” 
“If you say one more word I swear--” “One more word” “I hate you” 
“You can’t come in here singing my favorite song and expect forgiveness, that’s not how this works!”
“No. You mean nothing to me. You never did. You never will.” 
“But if it did, it would work and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“You are simultaneously the smartest and least intelligent person I have ever meant. Truly, an amazing accomplishment.” @bonkywobble​
“Next thing you’re going to say is that ghosts are real...please tell me that’s a joke” 
“All I’m saying is, I could do that blindfolded.” 
“But why was there pizza on the ceiling?” 
“If you write me a four thousand word essay on why you think that’s a good idea, then sure.” 
“I didn’t think you were serious. Do you know how illegal this is?!” 
Sentence Prompts
Feel free to change the pronouns used to suit your needs, even if they aren’t bracketed! You can also change the tense if you need to! 
The January rain fell, feeling like razors against [your/her/their] skin as [you/she/they] stared out over the horizon.
This was it, the moment where life as [you/she/they] knew it ended.
 [His/her/their] gaze fell on [her/you], like a lion circling its prey. 
You never thought that it would come to this, come to being the one to end it all. 
You took a moment to calculate [his/her/their] next move, figuring out the perfect counter. 
Hanging by your ankles from a tree was most definitely not how you planned on spending your Saturday. 
Glancing around the room at the decor, one thing was obvious: it was [his/her/their] doing. 
Hurt was the only thing you felt, the only thing you could cling to in this abyss.
Lies, it had all been lies and they were crumbling around you. 
The screech of tires on the pavement sent a shiver down your spine.
He/She used to love this time of year, the beauty of it all. 
It was like climbing Everest: ambitious, dangerous, and maybe a little insane. 
Forgiveness was not something you were willing to offer so freely, not this time. 
Chaos may as well have been the code name of this mission. @nekoannie-chan​
Silence was your new best friend, one that never seemed to leave you alone.
That smile, that smile was something you could get used to waking up to every day. 
Your face twisted in disgust as you realized what you had fallen into.
You were beginning to wish you had taken [him/her/them] up on that trip to Madrid. 
Quotes from Popular Media:
With these prompts specifically, you can use the full thing, paraphrase, etc, since some of them are quite long, or just write something based off an idea it sparks. 
“There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain't that a bitch.” -Epsilon, Season 13, Red vs Blue 
“We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.” - Daniel, P.S I Love You 
“After centuries of men looking at my tits instead of my eyes and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, I now have the divine right to stare at a man's backside with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to!” - Denise, P.S. I Love You
“Life isn't just death. Don't ignore the living.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl
“Life's full of barbaric customs. But I hope they all end with a kiss like that.” - Vada Sultenfuss, My Girl 
"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant ... but scary." - Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
"I’ll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I’m not there." - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
“Sweetie, this is one of those times when I know what's right and everybody else is confused.” - Angela Montenegro, Bones, Season 3 
“Oh, God. I'm in the middle of something, aren't I? Oh, look! Dead guy!” - Cam Saroyan, Bones, Season 5
“Don’t make it sound trivial when you know it isn’t. You keep talking about how we just need a little more time, but you’re not the one having to struggle.” -Nora, RWBY, Volume 7
“It's called survival. But I forgot, you two at best are functional morons.” - Crowley, Supernatural, Season 5, Episode 10
“I once had to judge a tighty-whitey contest for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle anything.” - Elle Woods, Legally Blonde 
“How were we supposed to know? It's not like we run background checks on all her boyfriends.” - Kathryn Kennish, Switched at Birth
“Don’t try to get on my good side. I no longer have a good one” - Ouiser, Steel Magnolias 
“I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.” - Shelby, Steel Magnolias 
“You have the handwriting of a serial killer” - Clairee, Steel Magnolias 
“I didn’t know if you would hire someone who might be married to someone who may or may not be a criminal” - Annelle, Steel Magnolias 
Lyric Prompts
What Do You Think Of - Lauren Alaina ft. Lukas Graham
What do you think of when you think of me?
When you look back on us what do you see? Is it the good times, is it the bad times, is it somewhere in between? 
I can’t even drive down 8th Avenue because the whole damn town reminds me of you
Hurts to Know - 1551
But you stayed when I made another promise to keep
And you waited and waited for the life you saw in your dreams 
You walk in and begin to try to heal me again, but each night is a fight that’s getting harder to win.
Sick - 1551
Everyone I meet feels like another target
I’m feeling sick, I’m feeling twisted, I wasn’t home before this feeling existed 
I never knew that wrong could feel so right
seven - Taylor Swift
Sweet tea in the summer, cross your heart won’t tell no other, and though I can’t recall your face, I still got love for you
Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long
I think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why 
We’ll hide in the closet, and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on 
the last great american dynasty - Taylor Swift
How did a middle class divorcee do it? 
The wedding was charming, if a little gauche 
And they said “There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows if she never showed up what could have been.” 
epiphany - Taylor Swift 
With you I serve, with you I fall down 
Something med school did not cover
And some things you just can’t speak about 
Chapters - Brett Young
Chapter one, I was raised on the Dodgers 
There’s no perfect life, you can’t hold back time
Everybody expecting perfection 
Things change in the blink of an eyelid, guess my body knew way more than I did
The Daughters - Little Big Town
Girl, know your place, be willing and able 
Girl, watch your mouth and watch your weight
Pose like a trophy on a shelf, and dream for everyone but not yourself
I wash the dishes, feed the kids, and clean up all this mess, do my best, forgive myself, and look good in this dress
It Won’t Always Be Like This - Carly Pearce 
I remember how I couldn’t wait to get out of my hometown, now I’m looking for every excuse to go back on the weekend
I remember hearing the door slam, twenty-two, didn't have a clue who I was, who I could trust, and who were my real friends
The heart won’t ache forever, no matter how hard it gets, it won’t always be like this
Next Girl - Carly Pearce 
You overlook a lot when he looks like that
He’ll charm your mama with that smile, hide the red flags for a while 
He’ll make you think it’s love, but I promise you it’s not 
Bar Back - Lauren Alaina 
You can have that coffee shop we went on our first date
I’ll give you back that sweatshirt, that one you know I love
I’m taking back that little hole in the wall, the red door sign saying “come on in y’all”
If I Was a Beer - Lauren Alaina
Honey you’re in luck, ‘cause I’m a fine, fine, wine. I’m a slow sweet pour, I can be a little bitter, but I ain’t a hard hitter, like a 30 from the grocery store
Waiting for Superman - Daughtry
She says “he’s still coming, just a little bit late” 
She’s talking to angels, counting the stars, making a wish on a passing car
If life was a movie, then it wouldn’t end like this 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
When you hurt under the surface, like troubled water running could, well time can heal but this won’t
Before you go, was there something I could have said to make your heart beat better?
Our every moment, I start to replay, but all I can think about is seeing that look on your face  @arrowsandmixtapes​ 
Hard to Forget - Sam Hunt
It's kinda funny how I can't seem to get away from you, it's almost like you don't want me to
You’ve got a cold heart and the cold hard truth
Told me to leave all your things out on the porch on the swing
Oh you’re breaking my heart, baby you’re playing hard to forget 
This is It - Scotty McCreery
You can open your eyes
Can’t you see forever 
On top of the world here together
If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it 
Wish You’d Miss Me - Chase Wright
I was good for you, you were bad for me 
I was solid ground, you were broken wings 
I gave you love you gave me pain
You gave me hell, I gave you grace 
I knew all along that you were gonna leave 
What a Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
I’m not trying to be your part time lover, sign me up for that full time @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​
This Feeling - Chainsmokers ft. Kelsea Ballerini 
I lay out all my reasons you say that I need help
They tell me think with my head, not that thing in my chest
They got their hands at my neck this time 
I tell you all my secrets and you tell all your friends 
Hold onto your opinions and stand by what you say 
What Are You Gonna Tell Her - Mickey Guyton 
She thinks life is fair 
But what are you gonna tell her when she’s wrong?
What are you gonna tell her when she figures out that all this time you built her up just so the world could let her down? 
Do you tell her not to fight? 
Can you look her in the face and promise her that things will change? 
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bonsaisheep · 4 years
My experience starting ADHD meds (for the first time) as an adult:
So I started ADHD meds recently. I contacted my doctor in early December, and spent the next month or so trying to figure out the right medication and dosage via basically weekly doctor’s appointments (online). Since there was a lot I found out after starting the meds that are apparently common experiences, I figure it might help to talk about my experience with all of this.
So I am medicated for my ADHD for the first time in my life at 27. There were two attempts when I was a kid, but neither of them worked out. The first when I was in fourth grade (I was diagnosed somewhere between first and third grade, I can’t quite remember), it was decided the side effects were not worth it, and a second attempt in middle school, but I refused to take it since I bought into a lot of the BS around brain meds. Its only in the last few years as I have learned more about ADHD have I learned exactly how it is effecting me. I managed to do well enough in high school to get into a good college (after doing really poorly in jr high). Managed to get an engineering degree (in 4 years with research, I was hella burnt out by the end of that) and managed to get (and hold) a job as an engineer shortly after college. Basically, since I could at lest fake functional and manage well enough (mostly because I was taught a ton of coping mechanisms by my parents as a kid), I just, never realized how much it effects me. I have been living an interesting and fulfilling life (as long as you ignore my mail bathtub).
After learning more and realizing that it was my ADHD was the source of a lot of the frustrations and struggles (I am basically a human checklist of the symptoms), I started to consider medication. The biggest reason for me is that I wanted to be able to focus on my own hobbies. I am incapable of hyper-fixating on anything that involves sitting down (or like, in general I am really bad at sitting down). I put off doing anything about if for years because well... executive dysfunction is a thing. It is really because of my roomate I finally went through with getting on mediation. This summer I moved in with a couple of close friends, one of which is also a cis women with ADHD who was diagnosed in elementary school. After not being interested in medication herself for most of her life, she recently decided to pursue it after some long conversations with another of our roomate’s girlfriend (I am one of 7 people in my friend group with diagnosed ADHD). Basically it was an accountability thing. We both held each other accountable for contacting our doctors.
Ok so after that very long introduction, what exactly are my experiences then? One of the things that surprised me was that I didn’t really run into too many barriers regarding getting on meds. In my case, I just talked to my general practitioner and she was like cool, lets start with XYZ. She actually didn’t want my original diagnosis since it was so old that she felt like any proposed plan would be out of date. (This is compared to my roommate who had to get a copy of her original diagnosis and even then her doctor was mostly comfortable prescribing meds because she is in talk therapy). (Though she has also pointed out I have been seeing my doctor for a bit now and therefor have a repor with her compared to her own doctor who was basically randomly assigned to her by her insurance and she met for the first time (online) when she contacted him to discuss meds)
I was originally prescribed Wellbutrin, a common off lable option for ADHD (it is a non stimulant, and by extension less bad side effects). My doctor wanted to go with it due to my really bad anxiety since it could potentially help with both. Unfortunately it made my anxiety way worse and I had a panic attack for the first time in years so we quickly stopped it and switched to other options. The next thing we tried (which is what I am now on) was extended release adderall. This is the most common stimulant prescribed to adults with ADHD. From what my doctor was saying, it is preferred for adults since it lasts all day (and with pretty even effects), it helps cover both work and the evening since most adults have additional responsibilities in the evening. In my case, due to how I responded to the Wellbutrin she also wanted to make sure I was on something that would not spike my dopamine. When messing with the dosage, I found that the amount that seems to help is also the amount that make my insomnia worse, so I am take a slightly lower dosage of the extended release, and make up the small difference using the short release.
Regarding side effects, the two noticeable ones that did not go away after a week (I initially had problems with a high heart rate, but that went away after a few days) are thirst and hunger suppressant. There is not much I can do about constantly being thirsty other then drink a ton of water. I was able to talk to a friend about the hunger thing, so I was able to implement quite a few tips and tricks that help me eat something during the day.
The two odd side effects I was not expecting is that caffeine actually effects me now and I also have way less of a sweet tooth. My doctor warned me about the caffeine thing, and my coffee drinking has really gone down. I went from at least two cups a day to a mug of half caff in the morning (I can’t cut it out entirely due to withdraw symptoms (so you know addition)). Regarding the sweets, I don’t know if I crave sugur less, or if it is improved impulse control. A good portion of my impulse control issue revolve around food so I am unsure.
Also I am running into a thing a friend was telling me about. The meds help you focus end of statement. This means you can end up focusing on things you don’t want to be focusing on.
As for the positives, well, I guess I was expecting more. I knew that meds weren’t some magic bullet and I was still going to need to use all of my coping mechanisms, but I guess I thought that the focus issues, would, just go away. But this is not how meds work. The way my roommate’s girlfriend describes it is that it gives you 15% more spoons, and that makes a ton of difference (for some people, this can be the difference between stuff like being able to hold a job). It is also really hard to tell if your meds are working. I texted a friend asking about how to tell, and he basically told me that it was the million dollar question (meaning there is no clean answer). Honestly, I still don’t know for sure if they are working or if I am just saying that. Part of it is that i literally can’t remember what I act like or feel when I am not on meds (and if I take a break for a day, vice versa). I am currently going with the assumption they are though.
For me, what I have been finding is that while I still get distracted from tasks I don’t like, I return to them faster. So rather then getting bored, getting on my phone and like, fucking around for a long time. I might just briefly check social media and then return to my task (meaning I get more done faster). I have also found it is making the executive dysfunction way easier for me. It is still difficult to start tasks, but, it takes distinctly less energy to do so meaning I generally start tasks sooner, or in some cases, do them at all to begin with. It helps curb some of my impulse control issues, mostly around stuff like food and impulse purchases of going out for lunch or coffee. It might be helping with the emotional dysregulation, but I have a hard time gauging that one. It’s just making things a bit easier, and well, that goes a long way.
More importantly, I am achieving my original goal. I am more able to focus on my hobbies and interest. I am starting to return to robotics, and it is already going better then when I tried it out as a teenager. I don’t know how well this will work out in the long run, but I am cautiously optimistic.
TLDR: I am not quite sure how to summarize, but if you know people on ADHD meds and are considering them (or are otherwise not on them and want to know more), it is probably worthwhile to have a conversation about them.
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canumoveurseatup-no · 5 years
dark room
summary: grow through what you go through.
(please read warnings and author’s note before continuing to read)
wc: 10.5k
pairings: dad!sam x black!reader
warnings: this gets real okay... it contains drug use, alcohol abuse, mental illness, parental abuse, mentions of suicide- it’s dark, it’s raw, it’s real so please read with caution. reader has fluid sexuality, light smut
a/n: my 20th birthday passed months ago (this was supposed to be out on my birthday, back in august) and i know that doesn’t seem like a big deal to other people but it’s a big deal to me, especially coming from someone who has tried to end their lives multiple times, someone who had battled mental illness for years, someone who used substances to numb any sort of pain. It’s been a long time coming. And I’m still fighting every single day but I am here so this is mainly for me but also for anyone who is struggling with anything in their lives. Keep. Pushing.
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You wanted to feel like you were dancing on the ceiling. You wanted to do your own little lonely dance like no one was watching. The room was hot, the smell stale, hair sticking to your forehead, nothing was real. You were a mere atom prancing across a screen of color. You didn’t notice the phones out recording you while you experienced one of the best trips of your life. They weren’t making fun of you, they were cheering you on but their cheers fell on deaf ears as it felt like you had cotton stuffed in your own.
You fell in a chair, seeing various pills splayed out on the table. So many to choose from, they were so pretty but then the sight of little white lines caught your attention, you weighed your options. You had enough nose candy before you even got here. You pre-gamed so hard you came to the party two hours late from falling out.
You wanted to touch the ends of the universe so you snatched another tab off the table and pressed it on your tongue like a fruit roll up with tongue tattoos on it. The dancing bodies in front of you distorted as you grabbed a heavy liquor bottle and stumbled from standing up too fast... or maybe it was the drugs? You felt your face smile and your body go numb as you fell back on a bunch of clouds.
You found a guy eyeing you from the other side of the room or at least it seemed like it, his face was an absolute blur. But soon he was right in front of you and you could see specs of yellow in his brown irises. They were almost like sunflowers.
“Wanna have a good time?,” he opens the palm of his hands and you see a pretty blue pill.
“What’s it do?,” you don’t notice the slurring, you don’t notice the left side of your body going numb... you stopped breathing for a minute and as fearsome as it sounds... you welcomed it. It’s all you’ve been craving since you were nine years old... to just. stop. breathing. But your chest opened up again, hugging the air tight in its lungs to keep your body alive.
“However you’re feeling now? Multiply that times ten... it makes you feel like your third eye is opening. You can taste colors, see tastes... it’s unreal,”
“How much for it?,” the words flew past your lips faster than your mind could understand.
“It’s on me,”
You don’t remember how you made it home, maybe you walked again- maybe you made the right choice and called an Uber.
You only remember mumbling a “bye, daddy” to the guy who gave you the blue pill, sending you off with more for the future. You felt like God was holding you in his hands and blessing you with the best life right now.
You weren’t aware of your little brother’s door being cracked open and him waiting up for you as you tried to quietly get to the bathroom.
“Oops,” you laughed to yourself. It was a sight your little brother saw often- you didn’t know that, your dad didn’t know that. Keith never knew how to tell anyone he was worried for his sister. He was 12- he didn’t know what was wrong with you. But he didn’t hesitate to scream when he found you in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet with throw up all over yourself.
“Y/N!!,” he tried to shake you awake but your eyes were dull and half lidded, “Y/N stop! Wake up, wake up, wake up!!,” he even slapped you. Nothing worked.
“Dad!! Daaaaddd!,” Keith ran down the hallway to your dad’s room. Sam woke in a frenzy and looked at Keith with worry
“Something’s wrong with Y/N! She won’t wake up!,” the 12 year old sobbed and Sam booked it out of his room to find your body limp on the toilet. Underwear mid thigh, as if you passed out while trying to pull them down to pee. Throw up all in your lap, body dripping with cold sweat.
“Keith, Call 911!”
He always watched you now... he always had appointments set up at the doctors to test your urine but it didn’t stop you from using. There were always ways around passing drug tests. Often times you’d ask a friend to pee in a cup then pour it in a ziploc baggie and hide it in your sports bra to keep it warmed up. You knew how to beat the system.
Pour a little in the toilet so it makes it look like you peed, they always check afterwards. Then pour it in the cup to the line they mark. You ‘pass’ each time.
“You’re coming on the trip,”
“I’ve earned your trust,” your mouth felt dry, the edible you took before 6th period still hasn’t worn off yet and you were trying to keep calm- there’s no way he was going to ruin your high.
“You’ve earned yourself suicide watch and consistent drug tests. My trust for you disappeared when I found you damn near dead and had to watch them hook you up to machines and put you on temporary dialysis amongst other things to save your life,”
He was still bitter. It happened a month ago. He should be over it, you were.
“Fuck you, Dad,” you stormed off to your room and slammed the door
“Don’t you talk to me like that in my house!,” he yelled from the other side of your door. He should have taken it off the hinges like he planned.
You didn’t want to go on some stupid resort. Something about channeling your inner peace and looking at the bigger picture. Everyone was going, even his old team members, a family you didn’t feel a part of, he thought it’d be a good idea to surround yourself with good company.
You scream out and begin throwing clothes into a bag knowing he wasn’t letting up.
You see the glimmer of a small plastic baggy under your mattress and pull it out, seeing an array of candy. Maybe you could survive this trip?
You stuff the baggy in a pair of socks and smile, hoping to get a sense of familiarity.
You were gonna survive this trip.
You shouldn’t have worn shorts today. That stupid health class intern saw the marks on your thigh and told the school nurse and now your found yourself in the car with your dad yelling at you.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you not realize you have a main artery in your thigh! Had you gone deep enough you would have been gone, Y/N! What the fuck is wrong with you,”
You figured if a parent found their 11 year old was cutting themselves they’d do something other than yell... they’d do something other than tell the entire family and have them call at you just to yell at you as well.
“Nothing in life is that bad for you to do that to yourself!!,”
“That’s stupid, Y/N! Who in their right mind would do that to themselves?!,”
You heard it all. You cried when you got home, and hugged your little brother, not knowing if you’d ever get the chance to again because you were on the verge of ending it all. 11 years old... wanting to end it... you weren’t sure what was wrong with you. You just woke up every day hating yourself, woke up everyday wondering what life would be like for your family had you not been born.
Your older sister didn’t know how to help.. and your little brother was sure he was going to lose his sister.
You believed you were a by-product of a bad relationship. So your self-hatred started young. Watching your parents argue everyday- watching your mom cry because your dad kicked all of you out on Christmas Eve and you had to stay with your grandparents... watching the ugly divorce and how he became an alcoholic and she became emotionally unavailable.. even having to talk to the cops because your dad left bruises on your legs, from beating you because you were calling out for him due to being afraid to sleep in your own room when you usually sleep in his...
But he had a lady friend over that night....
The meds the psychiatrist put you on gave you chest pains... you went from using a pair scissors to hurt yourself to watching YouTube videos on how to get a blade out of a shaving razor. You skipped meals just to be a little skinnier like everyone else in your family.
You wrote notes.. you wore black sweatshirts, even in the prime of summer, to cover your arms when you ran out of space on your thighs and ankles and hips. You were a mess and no one came close to understanding. You don’t know how or why you turned out this way.
You felt like your mom hated you, you felt like your dad wasn’t your dad, like he was just there... you were stuck in a place where you felt like you didn’t belong and it made your heart skip beats. It had you crying almost every night.
And everyday you struggled. Waiting for the day that you snap and off yourself.
“Y/N! Y/N!,” you felt your sister, Savannah, nudge you in your rib cage, “Uncle Buck was talking to you, snap out of it,”
You felt everyone hug you and it felt unfamiliar. You felt out of place. All these bright green trees looked fake- the air was too clean- the water in the cups too pure.
You craved to be surrounded by drugged, dancing bodies, feeling the beat of the music vibrating every single nerve in your body. You wanted to feel like you were on the edge of death just to feel alive. You wanted to be surrounded by guys and girls who gave you the slightest bit of attention and took you home. You wanted to feel loved even if it were for a few hours out of the night.
You didn’t want to be here- you wanted to feel the burn of alcohol run down your throat. You wanted to see auras around everyone as you blinked. You wanted to hide in the bathroom and stumble against the walls, laughing as you struggled to get your pants down to pee. You wanted to numb every single thought, you wanted to get so blacked out you couldn’t remember anything that ha-
“Y/N, lets go unpack,” Natasha’s hand grasped around yours and you let her drag you to one of the resort rooms. Your bag tight around your shoulder, you looked around the room and hated to be in it. It was too bright, too colorful... you wanted to be in a dark room under a guy as he choked you out and you felt him deep in your stomach. You wanted to be in a dark room, feeling a someone’s lips on you, replicating what you expect love to be like.
Everything was too fucking bright... too bright compared to the dark rooms you’d be in at night, intoxicated, crying, while getting your brains fucked out because you just wanted to feel affection... even if it was fake.
“How have you been feeling?” She sits on the bed as you stand at the door, frowning at everything in the room, “You can be honest with me- I won’t tell Sam. I know it’s hard not having anyone to talk to-,”
“Is there a town close by?,” you snap your eyes towards her. It might be a dumb question but you zoned out the whole three hour ride here.
“Ugh yeah, about 20 minutes out, why?”
“C-can you get me? S-something? I- I need to... I just need to ebb the feelings away,”
“I want to help you, b-but I can’t do that for you,” she knew what you meant but no way in hell would she advocate for you continuing to tear yourself down.
“So why lie and say I can be honest if you can’t give me the one thing I need?!,” you felt the walls closing in. You focused too much on one thing and you found yourself stumbling.
“Y/N, it’s okay, I’m here, calm down, calm down,”
“Get out!!,” you felt your hands shaking, you had no control over anything, “I want to be alone! Get the fuck out!,”
“I can’t leave you alone like this!,”
You take your bag and storm off to the bathroom to lock the door. You wasted no time in digging in the bag for the sock with the little baggy of pills, popping three in your mouth and swallowing them dry. You don’t remember what kind of drug it was... you were just hoping it made you feel good.
You were on autopilot. You forgot how to walk but your muscle memory helped propel you to the dining hall and there they had a sermon about trusting life’s forces and welcoming traumas to push through triggering times. You felt like it was a bunch of bull crap but you were interested because you were high off your ass.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,”
Your dad eyed you closely but worried less when he actually saw you head to the bathroom.
You paced the bathroom until a girl walked in and eyed you closely.
“Your family drag you here too?,” she eyed you up and down. She knew your behavior all too well. You were on the verge of a withdrawal break down.
“You from around here?,” you wanted to get out of here. You wanted to have fun, you wanted to get hammered.
“Yeah why?,”
“Know any parties? Like- with tons of alcohol a-and stuff? I can’t sit around here and listen to this circle of life bullshit! I. Need. Sweat and hookups and to not remember anything,” you rambled and rambled until the girl calmed you down.
“Dude, chill out,” she placed her hands on your shoulder and shook you to calm you down, “Meet me by the ugly ass evergreen tree by the entrance- midnight. I’m about to lose my cool in this place too,”
She could really be a murderer, you don’t know this girl, nor a name, nothing. But it was worth a try. Not like you’d end up being best friends.
It was easy. Savannah was out cold after the dinner- she loved to eat but, it never stuck. You wish you were like that but no... it stuck everywhere, it always did.
Your dad did his last check on you at 10 so it was easy to leave. The girl waited for you in her little Prius and you went about your way.
“I’m Eve by the way,”
You didn’t want to converse. You wanted chemicals coursing through your veins to shut off every single thought, every voice, every vision in your head.
“So what’s your story? You know this resort- It’s supposed to be some pseudoscience rehab,”
“Listen, Eve,” you sighed, “I’m not one for talking, now, get some alcohol in me and then you can get in my head, hell maybe even my pants, but until then, I don’t like to talk,”
“My parents found me with a needle in my arm,” she admitted, you cursed under your breath and realized she was gonna ramble anyway. But maybe this was good for her, someone her age, someone she could relate to, “It was laced but... God it was something great and I... I never wanted it to end,” she talked as if it was a dream.
“They told me I flatlined a couple times- I couldn’t tell though but... maybe I did because I felt like I was in heaven,”
She kept talking about her experiences until you pulled up to a house with a bunch of cars out front, you didn’t even wait for her to fully stop the car before jumping out and running inside.
You saw a bunch of tangled, kissing bodies, slumped, passed out bodies, people candy flipping, people snorting lines. You weren’t sure which poison to pick.
You walked up to a girl passing small baggies around, “What’s this?,”
“Its a new street drug called angel wings, wanna try it?,”
“Will it make me feel better than lsd?,”
“Way better, dude,”
“How much can 50 bucks buy?,”
“2 baggies. Five pills come in each,”
You slapped the fifty in her hands and snatched two from her, damn near ripping one of the baggies open, to pop a single periwinkle pill in your mouth and snatching someone’s cup to swallow it down. You spotted Eve looking around for you and rushed over to her, grabbing her hand.
“Wanna dance?,”
“Did you take something already?,”
“Yeah man, you wanted to talk? I’m drugged up enough to talk,”
Not much talking happened. You felt yourself crying until she held your face to wipe the tears away and you found yourself in her lap, kissing her with all your might.
“Y/N you don’t want to slow down? We don’t have to do this,”
You took almost a whole baggy of angel wings and felt like you were flying, every single touch she placed on your body made the hairs on your skin stand up.
“Wanna forget, everything,” you slurred, “y-you don’t have to because... someone else will but... I trust you- to take care of me,”
Eve felt her heart swell at your words. She squeezed your thighs in her hands. Your skin was soft just like her ex’s. The one Eve lost due to her addiction driving her away. You gave her a sense of familiarity, so she kissed you back with just as much urgency. Eve had her own drug of choice running through her own bloodstream and every time you touched her had her body vibrating with tingles. She flipped you over and removed any piece of clothing that got in her way.
“Love me...,” you pleaded, your eyes found hers in the dark room. The dark room you’ve been craving just so no one could see you, they can feel you and maybe see your silhouette but the can’t see... you. You felt tears come to your eyes and you were thankful she couldn’t really see them.
“Even though it’s fake.. just... just love me how you would love someone else,”
Teeth clashed, toes curled, muscles tensed, backs arched, it was invigorating. It might have been the drugs, it might have been the fact that Eve seemed to know you like her favorite song. The both of your fingers were soaked and sticky. Skin bruised with love bites and dented with nail impressions. Throats raw from moaning and begging.
You were close and once you hit the big O, you understood the meaning behind the drug name. You heard the beating of wings and saw the bright light. You were an angel ascending and the gates of heaven opened for you just as you let out that final scream of Eve’s name. Eve... first of God’s creation.
You felt her lips on your cheek as she came with you, she held you tight and you stared up at the ceiling, letting your body tremors calm as your mind shut down with the rest of you.
Eve sobered up but you made sure to drink half a bottle of cheap scotch before heading back to face the wrath of your dad.
You saw the big ugly evergreen and grumbled to yourself. Eve held your hand the whole drive and you cringed at any contact. You felt bad that you felt repulsed by her touch but you were too sober for any interaction of the sort.
She parked the car and kissed your cheek, you let her, before getting out and mumbling a thank you and goodbye and heading back in the direction of your room. You slightly stumbled and didn’t notice everyone waiting for you outside. You sniffled and felt your nose hurt, you don’t even remember snorting anything. Don’t remember what pill you popped, what drug you sniffed or what drink you took to the head and that’s how you liked it.
“Where the hell have you been?,”
Your dad’s voice was muffled and all you could do was flutter your eyes at him.
“You’re drugged up right now aren’t you?!”
You simply walked around him in what felt like slow motion, you ignored everyone eyeing you like a helpless puppy and went in the resort room to go to the bathroom.
“Don’t walk away from me, Y/N! What is it going to take for you to get better?! To stop this shit?! You’re killing yourself and don’t even realize it!,”
“Oh I realize it,” you crawl in the bathtub and just sit there. You don’t turn on any water, you just sit there
“I just don’t care enough”
You woke up to a splitting headache, still lying in the tub. You groan as you pick yourself up and head out to the room to see Savannah sitting at the foot of the bed, waiting for you to sober up.
“Why can’t you be normal?,” her eyes were red like she’d been crying, Keith was out cold, he fell asleep waiting for you to wake up, “You’re putting dad through so much. You’re traumatizing Keith. Get a fucking grip and sober up!,” she gritted through her teeth.
“I didn’t ask to be this way. I didn’t ask to be born, Savannah. I’m sorry I’m not perfect and pretty and popular like you or a kid genius like Keith. I’m sorry I’m a junkie with no future. You were there when I was in therapy. You were there when they diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder a-and bipolar disorder and an addictive personality... you were there... I didn’t ask to be this way. Want me to be normal? Well rewire everything in my fucking head to do it,”
She wiped her face and shook her head, “Listen, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you,”
“Well don’t. If I’m not worried you shouldn’t be,” you undress and wrap yourself in a towel for a shower, “I’m too far gone for worrying,”
The next day there were multiple families at one of the sermon meeting thingies and it just so happened to be set up like a fucking AA meeting.
“I’m not doing this bullshit,” It was your turn to speak and you scoff, getting ready to get up and leave until Sav stopped you. You heard everyone else’s story and it didn’t inspire you to get better, it didn't move you. You didn’t give a shit about any of this.
“Do this for me... for Keith,”
You saw Keith practically pleading you and you sat back down to introduce yourself.
“I’m Y/N,”
“Welcome, Y/N,” everyone said around the room.
“I’m only here because I was forced to,” You laugh to yourself, “I don’t believe I can get better, I mean I haven’t been anyway. I’ve been faking my drug tests to pass, I’m still using, still drinking,”
You could feel Sam burning holes in the side of your head at your admission.
“Last night I snuck out and got so high I felt like I was flying,” you sighed happily, “I don’t remember when I started using but I uh- it might have been when I was trading my anxiety meds for stronger pills like ecstasy then I jumped to lsd just to run away from my fucked up reality,”
You catch Tony’s eyes, then Steve then Nat and Wanda and Bucky and so on and they all looked at you with fucking pity, it made you sick.
“I don’t believe in this shit okay? I don’t believe in praying away all these fucking chemical imbalances in my head!,” you felt your stomach churn and you felt your eyes sting, “I think I’m okay! I’m fine!,” you yelled, you were angry now, you hated being forced to talk about it.
“I’m doing a lot better with drugs and alcohol than I am without,” you were really trying to convince yourself, you weren’t fooling anyone, “When I’m high I experience the highest of highs! I- I can stay up for days and not need a wink of sleep,” You animated your gestures and looked around in hopes someone would understand.
“I can finally eat without throwing it back up because then I don’t hate myself so fucking much!,” You pound your thighs and felt the shakes come back, “I can finally eat- I can finally give myself the basic things a human needs without hating myself for it” you felt tears pool in your eyes and you hated yourself for crying but you blamed it on the 24 hours of sobriety.
“When I’m high, I don’t feel the extreme lows of my disorders. I finally break out of my shell and meet new people. I talk! I- I meet guys and they show me affection even if it’s for an hour or two and I finally feel loved in my life!,”
You felt Savannah rest her hand on your arm until you jerk away.
“When I’m high- I’m waaaay up and and... and I’m happy! I don’t feel depressed I don’t feel anxious. Being high or drunk shuts up that stupid voice in my head and no one gets it! I am better inebriated! Why can’t you see that!!,” you look to Sam for an answer and all you can see is tears in his eyes.
“And if I die? Hell! It’d be best for everyone! You wouldn’t have to worry anymore! You w-wouldn’t have to waste money on doctors visits just for me to pour someone else’s piss in a fucking cup! No suicide watch! No more not trusting me. No more me faking to be happy.. if this kills me?? Everyone would get what they wanted,”
“What do you think everyone wants, Y/N?,” the woman running the session finally speaks up. Everyone around the room seemed worried for you. You truly didn’t understand why.
You look to Savannah and shake your head.
“Peace,” you shrug and angrily wipe your eyes,
“A normal life”
Once you got back to the room you scream, you screamed so loud and cried and pulled at your roots, you saw yourself in the mirror and threw it off the wall just so you wouldn’t have to look at yourself
“Be normal!,” you screamed at yourself. You felt like a noose was around your neck and the ground beneath you opened up leaving you hanging, feet kicking, desperate for air.
“Why can’t I b-be norm-mal?,” you choked on your words and clawed at your throat. Everything was upside down and spinning.
You didn’t hear the door open, you didn’t know anyone was in the room until your dad picked you up and dragged you outside.
The cool air rushed its way into your nasal passages and your chest opened up with a gasp. You couldn’t see your dad because of the tears, you could barely hear him.
“N-norm-mal... I wanna be normal,” You kept repeating over and over until your body gave out succumbed to your meltdown. Sam hugged your body and rocked you back and forth, despite people watching from their own rooms or passing by.
“We’re gonna get you help,”
“I don’t want he-help. I want it to end! I want black out from all the shit I take a-and not wake up!,”
Sam didn’t know what to do. He knows the trauma he caused you was a part of the reason you’re in this spot and mindset.
“I ruin everything I touch... I... I just..,” out of all the things you could have become- you had to become an addict. At first you didn’t want to acknowledge it because you were functioning just fine, that is until you couldn’t wake up and go about your day without it, you couldn’t do basic daily tasks without popping a perc here and there, until you couldn’t go to sleep without taking something, “I want it to stop but then- then again I don’t b-because I love it- it’s disgusting,”
“It’s going to be okay,”
“But it’s not. Nothing is okay a-and you need to get comfortable with the idea of this killing me because- because it’s going to happen,”
“I don’t think drinking is going to help, Sam”
Tony took the cup from Sam and he lost it, “I’m gonna lose my daughter and it’s all my fault,”
Tony didn’t know how to talk about this kind of thing- what can be said?
“It’s no one’s fault, Sam. Life doesn’t always hand us the best cards,”
Sam sniffled and shook his head, lost, frustrated, angry, upset, “What can I do? I’m losing hope,”
“I don’t think you’re going to like my answer but it seems to be her best option,”
Sam looked hopeful- anything will do as long as it gave you a chance to get clean and stay alive
“What is it?,”
“Inpatient rehab?!,”
He dropped the bombshell when you all got back home. Dropped it right in front of everyone- maybe he expected you to welcome the idea with open arms but you know what goes on behind those closed doors.
“You’re fucking kidding!,” you had dark circles under your eyes and your lips were dry- your dad had literally kept you on lock down the remainder of the trip, you didn’t even have in person contact with Eve but you did however end up with her number to hit her up whenever.
“You admitted you had a problem, honey. This could be good for you,” Bucky spoke up and you scoffed loudly.
“I’m not going!,” You tugged on the sleeves of your maroon sweater and paced the room, “They’re just going to lock me in a room to the point where I have cold sweats and screaming for more morphine to make the pain, itches and delusions stop!,”
Nat tried to take your hand in hers but you slapped her hand away.
“Y/N!,” Keith stomped his foot and you stared at his small stature. Tears glistening in his eyes, bottom lip quivering, “You need help!! Stop it!,”
You scowled and turned away from your baby brother. Your body trembled as you tried to keep the sobs in.
“When do I go?,”
You weren’t prepared for the answer, but you should have expected it yet your stomach still dropped.
“They’ll be here to pick you up in an hour,”
“Nothing is real,” you mumbled to yourself as you stare at yourself in the mirror. Your face was dull, eyes boring and empty, hair thinning, appetite decreasing. You’d think being here for 60 days so far would do you some good but no...
You barely slept. The first 30 days you cried and screamed to be saved but now you barely even speak. You sat back on your bed just to turn to the wall.
“Wilson- you have visitors,” the nurse came into your room and saw you sitting facing the wall. You were now eligible to have visitors and spend time with family and friends.
“Don’t want visitors,” you cleared your throat and stared at the pale yellow paint on the wall, judging the job of the painters for leaving so many air bubbles in the paint.
“This could do you some good,” your nurse shuts the door behind her and sits with you on your bed, “Your family loves and misses you. Seeing them could motivate you to finish this strong,”
That made you laugh, genuinely. Your body shook with an animated belly laugh.
“They fucking locked me away in here,” you frowned, feeling sick to your stomach, “They let those people drag me away and lock me in here. Fuck their love, it’s not real!,”
She sighed and nodded knowing nothing she said would change how you feel. She’s seen it plenty of times before. She’s seen people recover completely yet still resent their families and loved ones for sending them here.
“I’m always able to contact them if you ever change your mind,”
“Fat chance,”
The nurse walked to the family area to see the hopeful faces of your family and loved ones. They hadn’t seen you in 60 something days.
“I’m sorry but Y/N isn’t feeling well enough to have visitors,” the nurse plays with her watch band and hates to see the way everyone’s faces drops.
“I want to see my sister!,” Keith tugged on Sam.
“What do you mean she’s not feeling well? She should be feeling at least a little fine in this stage right?,”
She sighs and shakes her head, “The stages in recovery are subjective. Chemical dependency is a hard thing to battle- some days she’s fine and some days like today she’s angry at everything and everyone. As much as I would like for her to see everyone, we can not force her,”
Steve stands up and sets a hand on Sam’s shoulder, “On a day, that she’s feeling better, will you call us?,”
“Of course,”
“I know she’s still angry,” Sam sent Savannah and Keith to their rooms while he stayed up with everyone else, “She’s my daughter, I know how she is. She holds grudges a-and she’s still upset,”
“Maybe, but she’ll see this was something she needed,” Bruce tried to make things better but nothing would be better until you were.
“How did things get this bad?,” he slammed his glass on the table and startled everyone.
“I know it’s hard right now but just- just calm down, Sam,” Bucky worried about his friend. He could only imagine how much he was losing his mind and hope on the inside.
“Calm down?,” Sam asked incredulously, “Calm the fuck down?! How can I calm down when I don’t even know if I’m going to see my daughter again, man?,” the legs of the chair screeched against the floor as he stood up in a rush.
Wanda rested a hand on his arm to try and soothe him but he wasn’t having it, “We get it, Sam. We know you’re hurting-,”
“But you don’t!,” he shouted, “You weren’t there when I got a phone call at work from her school nurse saying she had cuts all on the inside of her thigh! You didn’t see it! It looked like fucking grid paper and crosshatching! You weren’t there when I had to sit there in therapy and listen to the way she talks about herself and her life and me- my daughter hates herself and genuinely thinks I hate her and she believes everything that goes wrong is her fault- you didn’t hear the way she talked about herself!,”
For longest time Sam kept quiet about all of this, just wanting to push through it until it got better but it was time he faced the music.
“You weren’t there when she screamed at me, telling me she wished she was never born and I just stood there calling her ungrateful, selfish and dramatic! I didn’t listen to her, I only paid attention to Savannah and Keith and left her feeling unloved. You weren’t there when I caught her sneaking out and she was drunk, you weren’t there when I ignored everything the psychiatrist said about her having an addictive personality and excused all the signs she started to display until I fucking found her blacked out with throw up all over her!,”
He realized he couldn’t just pin it all on you. You were suffering and he hated himself for not realizing it until he was.
No one knew what to say- they were only outsiders, sure they were family but they didn’t get an inside scoop until a few months ago when they got a phone call from Sam saying you were in the hospital. They still didn’t know how to handle it. They could fight bad guys and fucking aliens all day but addiction of a loved one? That was new and left them stumped.
“But damn you were there when she talked about being okay with it if this just killed her. No one wants to hear a loved one say that- especially their child!,” he ran a hand over his face to get rid of the tears, he felt like he didn’t have a right to cry, “I did a lot of wrong as her father and I didn’t even think how my shitty actions contributed to where she is now. Now my daughter could be dying while trying to recover,”
Tony stood up and pulled Sam in a hug, grateful that Sam was seeing everything from a different perspective than his own. He was grateful that Sam was a father trying to right his wrongs and do better.
“It’s not too late,”
Your nurse came a few times a week letting you know that you had visitors but you turned them away each time.
The cold sweats happened less, you ate more, your skin started to warm up again and you could finally sleep throughout the night but you still wouldn’t see them. It’d probably bring back a ton of memories that would trigger you to relapse.
You earned yourself time out of the facility but only with supervision. Your nurse, Brielle, accompanied you to trips to the park and lunches.
You looked in the direction of the voice and saw Savannah smiling at seeing you but fear just filled you.
She looked different, she cut her hair and dyed it, her make up was softer and her style was more... indie?
“I’ve missed you so much,” she moved in for a hug but you moved away only to see her smile drop, “Y/N, don’t do that. I’m your sister,”
“I’m recovering from substance abuse not amnesia,” You scowled. You turned to Brielle and asked her to go.
“Why can’t you just be normal?,”
Savannah’s voice echoed in your head and you felt a band around your head tightening yet again, it was your body’s reaction to let you know that you need to get out of the situation or else you’d fall subject to a mental break.
“Brielle, we gotta go,” You scooted out of the booth, past Savannah and tugged Brielle out of the restaurant- forgetting that you were even ordering.
“Y/N please! Talk to me! Talk to Keith, Dad! We miss you,”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!!,” you covered your ears and dropped down against the car, feeling dizzy, feeling every swirl around you as you tried to grasp onto reality.
“Grow through what you go through, grow through what you go through, grow through what you go through,”
You repeated the mantra over and over again. It’s a mantra designed specifically for you. Every patient gets their own mantra for when they feel like they’re losing. Yours is to help you remind yourself that nothing is ever easy but that doesn’t mean give up... life and it’s struggles will always be there but that doesn’t mean stunt your growth and efforts. Grow through what you go through.
“That’s right, you’re doing great,” Brielle whispered, she looked at Savannah over her shoulder and shook her head, “I know it’s hard not seeing her but it’s in Y/N’s best interest that she be willing to see you or anyone else on her own terms,”
Savannah hated to see you crouched on the ground, shaking and mumbling to yourself. She mumbled a sorry before rushing over to her car and crying to herself as she drove home and bursting through the doors, clearly upset to everyone else.
“Dad what’s wrong with, Vanna?,”
Sam looked up to see Savannah cursing to herself, and crying. She wasn’t upset with anyone but herself.
“She looked so scared of me!,”
Sam’s stomach dropped, he didn’t even have to ask who ‘she’ was.
“You saw her?,” Sam didn’t trust his voice and there was a reason for it.
“She was out with her nurse. She looks so much better a-and she looks healthy, she’s eating again. She doesn’t look she’s dying!,”
Savannah was rambling and frustrated that she triggered you like that, “I saw her, I spoke to her but I scared her so bad she fell to the ground and covered her ears so she wouldn’t hear me talking, I- what if she relapses and it’s all my fault?,”
Sam pulled his sobbing daughter into his arms and calmed her down as best as he could, “She’s your sister, anyone in that situation would have done what you did, you miss her and that’s valid,”
It mad him feel good that you seemed to be getting better, that you looked healthy and lively. He just hoped you would be willing to see everyone soon.
“You have visitors today but I can send them aw-,”
“I’ll be out in a minute,” it’s been another 30 days and you figured it’s time to face the music, face everyone and maybe get the supposed closure everyone was saying you needed,
You missed her initial shock from your response but she nodded and waited for you anyway. You slipped on your cardigan and slippers, then let Brielle lead you to the visiting area.
Everyone expected to be turned away again but when they saw a second body behind Brielle, they all stood up ready to greet you but she held her hands up in caution
“It’s best to not overwhelm her and to let her initiate any contact,”
Sam just wanted to hug his daughter and let her know how sorry he was but he knew she was right. 
You hated the way you felt their eyes burning into you, you couldn't bear to look at them, not yet, so your eyes focused on getting your foot directly in the center of each tile on floor. Brielle sat you down across from them and told you she’d be right outside if you needed anything.
Then there you all were. Face to face.
“It’s been so long,” Keith whimpered, “I missed you so much,”
You played with a stray string in your cardigan and sighed.
“It’s been a long four months, sweetie. I missed you so much,” Sam just wanted you to look at him. Your hair was getting thick again, you skin shone under the sun, your lips were moisturized with color instead of grey and chapped. He could see you were doing better
“Four months, 17 days, 3 hours, 44 minutes and” You cut your attention to the clock on the wall, “12 seconds,” your voice was hoarse and you cursed yourself for it, “That's how long it’s really been,” you wrapped your arms around yourself as a comforting gesture.
“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to push you to that point, baby. I should have been better,”
“Life is too short to feel sorry for ourselves,” you looked up at the ceiling light and shrugged, “This place is all about being philosophical. Don’t be sorry, be better. That’s all they fucking say,” you grit through your teeth.
“Like oh, don't feel sorry for yourself- no one forced you to drink so much, no one told you to roll up that dollar bill, no one held a gun to your head and told you to take those pretty pills with cool names that look like candy,” you smiled and laughed at yourself, the nervous tick you’ve developed to keep from crying.
“No one told you to be ungrateful and hate the gift of life that was given to you, so don't feel sorry for yourself, be better,” you used a mocking voice and rolled your eyes, “There’s no need to blame yourself, the common variable is me, I have to be accountable for my actions,” 
Everyone was worried about how scripted this sounded but they dubbed it down to you being a little upset about being forced here, still.
“I still should have been a better, dad,”
“We aaalll make mistakes, Sammy,” he didn’t miss that you didn’t call him dad. Everyone caught it, “But not every dad kicks their family out on Christmas eve with nowhere to go in the freezing cold,”
His heart stopped, he’s never forgiven himself for that drunken mistake. The marriage problems between him and your mom drove him to develop a drinking problem and due to his little problem, it caused him to mess up a lot of things up. 
“Why was it me? Like why did Savannah and Keith get to move past all of this and I’m the one stuck? I’m the one suffering even while recovering?”
No one could answer that.
“Why did I have to be the one to talk to the cops because you sent me back to mom with bruises on my legs, huh? I didn’t want to- I didn’t want them to go after you because you were still my dad- I still loved you after yelling at me at dinner, I still loved you after sending me back to mom early when you couldn’t stand to be around me- I still loved you when you moved away and missed big chunks in my life but you kept Sav and Keith. What did I do? Tell me, please, maybe I can fix it, maybe I can be better. I just want my dad to love me,”
“I do love you Y/N! And I’ll never forgive myself for-,
“Don't be sorry! Be better!,” you shouted over him. Angry with yourself that you began crying.
No one knew what to say. Everyone else was here for support but this was clearly a father and daughter situation.
“Did you ever love me?,”
A question a child should never have to ask their parent.
“When I got the call that your mother was in labor with you on my birthday the world stopped,” Sam sat with his elbows on his knees, looking dead at you but you still wouldn’t look at him, “You were the best gift I could have ever asked for.. ever. After we had you, I can’t tell you what went wrong because I don’t know,”
“It’s my fault,” You sobbed, “Say it! It’s my fault. Had I not been born, everyone’s life would be better!,”
You finally looked at him and everyone could see the fire in your eyes, wild and couldn’t be tamed, your trauma being the fuel.
“It’s not your fault at all. I have failed you as a father and I... I let it go on for far too long without acknowledging it and apologizing for it before it got too late,”
“If I could go back in time to make things better I would. I never wanted you to feel unloved or that life would be better without you,”
He hated to be sitting across from you, your mind dead set on him hating you. He just screwed up a lot in his life.
“I let you down so much. I love you more than you could ever know. I just fucked up a lot as your dad,”
“Y/N, sweetie, I know this is hard,” Tony chimed, “But this could be a new beginning for you both. You’re recovering and he’s trying to right his wrongs before it’s too late. It’s not going to be easy and I know everything hurts and it’s going to take time but you know what they say.. grow through what you go through,”
You didn’t have time to ask how he knew your mantra, but it made sense eventually.
“I forgave you a long time ago, dad,” you pulled your cardigan sleeves down, and used them to wipe your eyes, “I didn’t think it’d matter if I became Falcon’s candy flipping daughter or not, I just wanted to make everything stop. I- I just wanted to be numb so I didn’t feel bad about any and everything,”
Sam didn’t take into account how much you were actually battling in day to day life. He didn’t believe anything the psychiatrist was saying when you were 10, if only he did, all of this could have been avoided.
“I’m still fighting my want to just relapse in anyway I can but... I can’t bring myself to do it because I know if I do, that might be it and I don’t want it to be that way dad,” 
He reached out to grab your hands and could have sobbed when you didn’t move away
“It doesn't have to be,“
180 days is a long time, it might not seem like it, but it is a long ass time for someone to go without something that they believe made them better. Someone who took multiple substances at a time just to shut down their mind so they don’t remember things, so they don’t feel things.
“You gonna be ok watching Keith? We need Sav on this,”
“I got him, dad. Just be safe,”
Sam hated to admit it but he was still worried to leave you alone. He made Tony put away all of his alcohol and set up a security code so no one could get in it.
“I won’t have anyone over, I don’t know the code to the cellar. I’m not going to put Keith through that again, dad. Have a bit more trust in me,”
He watched the way your eyes twinkled and nodded before kissing your cheek and heading out with the team.
“Can we play mancala? No one else likes to play it with me,“
“Sure thing, bud. Let’s go,”
You two played mancala for multiple rounds, just for him to beat you almost every time. You two watched Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader for hours while eating shitty kraft mac and cheese before getting him ready for bed.
“Can you stay with me? So I know you’re safe,” 
“Did dad put you up to that?,“
“I just miss my big sister, Y/N,” He sat up and played with his blanket, “I almost saw you dead... you wouldn’t talk to us for forever, I just missed my big sister,” you didn’t mean to make him cry.
“Hey, hey, I’m right here buddy, I’ll stay, okay?,”
You crawled under his blanket and held him tight and he held you even tighter, not wanting you to leave. 
You don’t know what triggered the nightmare but you woke up in your own room, right on the floor, sweaty and panting. You never sleep walk. You felt something stick to your sweaty palm and look down to see a small plastic baggie with those pretty blue pills from the night you blacked out. 
You threw it across the room and curled up against the side of your bed whimpering your mantra to yourself.
“Would you like me to call for help?,” Friday spoke overhead.
“I'm okay,” you clenched your eyes shut and did what you could to muster up the strength to just get up and flush them. It should have been a relief to do it but you felt a pang in your chest. You should have been proud of yourself for having the strength to not break sobriety. 
“I thought you said you were gonna be okay?,” Keith’s voice scared the hell out of you, “If you were going to be okay then you wouldn’t look so upset as you flushed them,“
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Keith. Go back to bed,“
“I’m telling dad,”
“Tell him what?,” you snapped your neck to him, eyes narrowing, “What? that I’m still fucking struggling? Yeah, I’ll tell him myself, bud,”
“He’s gonna send you back,” Keith didn’t mean to scare you, he was just worried and his words weren’t coming out right.
“I’d rather shit in my hands and clap,” you threw the baggie away and walked past him to sit on your bed to just try and calm down.
“Do I need to call him,”
“Then what needs to happen?,”
“I need you to just be quiet!,” you hated raising your voice at him, but the rambling and patronizing was not helping.
“I’m calling dad,”
It was past midnight when they were all headed back and Sam got the phone call from Keith.
“Hey, son,”
“Y/N was walking while she was asleep and then woke up with a bag of pills in her hands,”
“What? she didn’t take any did she?,” Sam’s tone had everyone turning to him with expressions of worry.
“No but she looked sad when she flushed them,”
Sam sighed happily when he heard you’d flushed them. But for you to seem sad while doing so?  that couldn’t be a good thing.
“She’s mad that I called you but you need to know, she locked herself in her room after yelling at me. I can hear her crying and talking to herself. I didn’t mean to make her mad, dad,”
Sam sighed and sat back down beside Savannah who was waiting for her dad to hang up so she could know what was happening.
“She’s going to be okay, bud. You have to understand that what she went through was not easy. She might be out of hat place but she’s fighting everyday  to continue to get better and get her mind far away from that stuff as best as she can. We have to be patient, okay?,”
You had been pacing in your room. You knew all of this would put you so many steps back with your dad and his trust. You flinched at the sound of knocking at your door and his voice.
“Sweetie, open up,” 
You didn’t want to face him right now. You didn’t want to talk about it, nothing. You didn’t need anyone scolding you as you were already scolding yourself. You hadn’t stopped beating yourself up about it.
Sam didn’t want to freak out when you didn’t reply. He didn’t want to admit that he thought the worst, “Honey, please,”
“Dad, I am fine. Get some rest,” another step back. You were doing good not shutting anyone out but the moment something goes down, you forget all your effort.
“Y/N, I am not here to be mad at you. I am here to make sure you’re okay and to let you know I am here. You just gotta let me in,”
You cursed to yourself before walking over to the door to unlock it and let him in. He didn’t hesitate to pull you into a tight hug. 
“I didn’t take anything,”
“I know... even if you did- I wouldn’t be mad at you, disappointed yes, but mad? No. Relapse sometimes comes with recovery,”
You don’t know that Sam had been attending seminars for parents that have kids battling different things such as addiction. Multiple lessons were learned as well as communication pointers. 
“I didn’t mean to do that while Keith was here. I understand if you don’t trust me anymore,”
“I still trust you, Y/N. You don’t need to be beating yourself up right now. You did the right thing in flushing whatever you had, even if it did make you a little sad and made you feel like you needed it in that moment. Be proud of yourself. You took a big step forward by doing that, be proud,”
“How can I be proud when I hate myself for flushing them?,” you had to be honest. You wouldn’t be feeling this if you weren’t presented with them. It made you feel weak. You should be able to look at these things and be able to say no with no guilt.
“Because you flushed them regardless. This takes time, Y/N. I’m being patient with you now, so you have to learn to be patient with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day,”
“Yeah well the people who built it up weren’t highed up on something now were they?,” 
“Don’t be self-deprecating. You’re still going strong. Be proud even if you feel like there isn’t a reason to be,”
You knew he was right. Whether you were sad about flushing them, you still got the guts to do it and that’s commendable, you should be proud. You were kicking your ass when you should be happy and feel relief. You shouldn’t be feeling this weight, you shouldn’t be feeling guilty.
You’re growing through what you go through and that deserves a pat on the back.
You don’t know how you got here. You went back to school and shit came crumbling down. You were going strong but the weight of responsibility and insecurity became too much. Walking down the fucking halls everyday, comparing yourself to every girl that looked like barbie then going to the bathroom to stare at your reflection and pick yourself apart until the voices became too loud for you to handle so you went to the school plug and slapped money in his hand
“Anything will do,”
After school he came back and handed you a black plastic bag with cheap alcohol in it. You hid in an empty class room and barely drank a quarter of the bottle before you felt sick, like your body was rejecting what you were trying to force down into it. 
Your fingers moved faster than your mind, grabbing for your phone and dialing away.
You sniffled and held the bottle close to your chest, “Uncle Tony? I- I...,” you hiccuped and hugged the bottle close to your chest, “Uncle Tony, I messed up,”
He was there for you in no time. He knew you wouldn’t want to talk about it but he knew your dad would have to find out about this. 
“I don’t wanna go back. I’m done growing through what I grow through, its a crock of shit,”  you stared out the window, eyes heavy.
“I know the fight becomes annoying,” Tony sighed, “But from the looks of it, your body has already made a decision for you,” 
He was right, a few sips and your body was angry with you. You should be thankful because it didn’t always work like that with other people who were fighting this like you. Others bodies often welcomed such a thing back easily, the bodies of some couldn’t even continue the fight without it before giving out.
“Plus you let someone know, as soon as it happened. Everyone can see your efforts. You may be tired of growing through it but it’s become natural for you and you don’t even realize it, though I can’t blame you. I was the same way,”
He sprinkled that last bit in there like it was a dash of parsley to complete a dish and it had your neck snapping to look at him. “Excuse me?,”
He chuckled and raised his eyebrows all while mumbling “well,” he pulled to a stop light and looked over at you, “I wasn’t always the polished hero I am now,”
He patted your leg in a hopeful manner, “In my days of college, getting drugs was as easy as buying cola from the corner store. Trying to run a company that my dad didn’t really want me to have in the first place to staying up all day everyday to make it through college was bound to get me in some trouble,” the light turned green and he lightly put his foot on the gas to continue the peaceful rid home, “I’d snort some coke to keep me away and focus long enough to study, I thought it was normal because the other students were doing it, until it wasn’t about trying to focus on school anymore. It was about  how high I could get and how good I could feel to the point I couldn’t walk out my dorm in the morning for class without rubbing a little on my gums or cutting up a quick line,”
“How’d you kick it?,” You never would have thought he batted such a thing, he changed for the better and picked himself up.
“The nose bleeds. The doctor told me if I didn’t stop I wouldn’t see the day I graduated. Told me I’d never see the day where I became the man I deserved as a role model as a kid. I wanted to be better than him. In a moment of weakness, my recovery was fueled by spite,” 
“I guess everyone’s come-to-Jesus meeting is a bit different,” you give a small smile and shrug, “Mine was when Keith practically slapped some sense into me. He’s a kid, who wants their little sibling walking around knowing their older sibling is a fucking fiend?,” you give a harsh scoff and roll your eyes as you feel tears coming, “He didn’t deserve to see me like that, that night- in and out of consciousness, watching them pump me full of coal and other shit to keep me alive, that screwed up his head and he’s barely hit puberty yet,”
Tony could almost hear the tears in your voice, you had your head turned to look out the window, he didn’t need to see your face to know.
“He’s your ticket out of the dark room,”
Your dad didn’t put you back in the rehabilitation center because you owned up to knowing you messed up, because you called someone for help, knowing the slight possibility that you might have gotten a few people upset.
It was all trial and error, a constant fight, day and night even in your moments of shut eye. 
It was a learning experience for Sam, it taught him how to be a better dad, taught him that although he can’t go back and change things, he still has now to break habits and form healthy ones and make them the foundation of a healthy relationship between father and child.
He was in your corner and that helped keep your head above water.
Addiction and mental illness were never cut and dry. There’d always be doubts and close calls of near relapse but it was a fight you’d be willing to put up with 24/7. 
You never wanted to be back in that dark room of addiction. Driving yourself insane trying to find the next fix so you feel “normal”- but there was nothing normal about forcing yourself to be numb, there was nothing normal about denying you need help. Nothing normal whatsoever about forcing chemicals that could kill you into your body just to be happy. 
This, this right here was normal. Feeling pain, fighting, crying, trials, everything that you’re feeling now. Feeling is normal, even if it hurts sometimes.
You’d never stop growing through what you go through, but the fight.. that effort you put in.. it’ll always be worth it.
this took so long to write because I was never satisfied with it. I kept editing and erasing and adding more. And here is the finished product. It doesn’t have to resonate with you but here it is. Thank you for the love and support you guys always gift me.
tags: @vozit @blackreaders-assemble @retroxvailles @champangebucky @sambucky8 @princess-toshii @sebbyslut @titty-teetee @ilovefanfic86 @valkyriesnymph @dumbchick @mbaku-babygirl​ @veryhellshdia @persephones24 @here-for-your-bullshit @mokacoconut @spideys-wife @xye-weirdo @chonisberonica @disaster-rose @micki-smiles @valentinevirgo @yournonlocalpoc​ @warmchick​ @hisxblackxqueen​
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ @sasuhinabigflash2020​​ || Day Four: On A Hill ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, blood, death, gun ] [ Verse: Stockades and Stagecoaches ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Kicking spurs into his mount’s side, Sasuke leans up over the horse’s neck, releasing his reins to better keep hold of his rifle. Hooves thunder against the ground, dry and dusty in the dog days of Summer. Ahead of him, his target is just as desperate to build speed, glancing back over his shoulder to his pursuer.
Just a little closer…
Then with a bang and a whiz, a bullet flies by, followed quickly by more as the fiend draws a pistol, firing nearly blind behind himself in a last ditch effort to ward off his foe.
But Sasuke’s been in far too many fire fights to flinch. Instead, he finally launches a bullet of his own with a cracking report.
It flies true, burying into the man’s back with a cry of agony. For a moment he sits stiff in his saddle before falling to the earth. His own horse keeps running, and Sasuke makes no attempt to stop it. Instead, he brings his to a stop with a hold of the reins and a soft, “whoa”.
Blood pooling in the dirt, the rogue beneath him draws a few more rattling breaths before going still.
Seems he won’t be getting a confession, but in truth he doesn’t need one. All he knows is that this one’s face was on a wanted poster...and when Sasuke decides to take down a bounty, nothing stands in his way.
Dead or alive.
Dismounting, he goes through the man’s pockets, taking anything of note that the dead no longer need. A few dollars, a pocket watch, and a half-empty package of cigarettes. He doesn’t smoke, but he might be able to trade them to someone who does.
Making sure the target’s deceased, Sasuke then hauls him up behind his saddle, tying him down to take in to the sheriff’s office. For good measure, he folds the copy of the poster he took and stuffs it in the man’s pocket to make the last step all the easier.
He then climbs up into his seat, surprised to find the other horse come to a stop not too far off. With a flick of his lasso, he manages to catch it, leading it back toward town. Given his owner no longer has need of it...might as well sell it. He trusts his own mount too much to consider trading, and he doesn’t carry enough to need a pack animal.
The less he can get by on, the easier it is to keep moving.
The ride to town takes him until sunset, curious citizens gawking at the scene. Bounty hunters aren’t exactly rare, but a successful haul - let alone a dead one - still draws gazes.
Clearly about ready to call it a day, the sheriff lounges in a rocking chair along the front of the jail, sitting up as Sasuke approaches. “And what have we here?”
Rather than answer, the Uchiha grabs the body and tosses it on the veranda, whipping out the parchment and presenting it without a word.
“Hm…” With a boot, the sheriff turns the body face-up, comparing the face to the sketch. “Seems right to me. Give me a moment and I’ll fetch your reward, mister…?”
“Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha.”
“Mister Uchiha.” Giving a nod and stepping over the corpse, the other man disappears for a few minutes before returning with a small wad of bills. “Two hundred and fifty dollars, as advertised. And our little town thanks you for your service. One less varmint runnin’ amok.”
Hand at its brim, Sasuke tips his hat respectfully before remounting. With that money, he can easily afford a room, a bath, and to restock on supplies before heading to the next town to see what work they’d have. But first...a little rest and relaxation for a job well done.
His horse plods easily through town, watching as it begins to button up for the evening. Wives scold late-returning husbands, children are ushered in before it gets dark...and patrons flock to the tavern for its late night lights and spirits.
Tempting, but he’ll want a clear head to travel come morning.
His plan, however, soon runs into a snag. Seems the inn is full.
“There’s a boarding house at the west end a’town,” the innkeep offers. “A bit more spendy, but it should do well for ya. Run by a real nice gal. Sits up on a hill, y’can’t miss it.”
Glancing in the offered direction, Sasuke spies what looks to be the building’s silhouette as the sun sets behind it. Giving his thanks, Sasuke follows the scant directions, finding himself at the base of a three story building. Curious eyes rove over it before lowering to the door. Horse tethered in what is clearly the property’s stable, he walks up and knocks.
It takes a few minutes, but eventually the door opens. And standing within it is a woman of shorter stature and fuller features. But what catches his eyes first are her own: a pale color, almost like subdued lilac.
She in turn looks surprised to see him. And given that he sees no evidence of other guests, Sasuke can guess why. “...evening, sir!” she then greets, flashing a demure smile. “Can I help you…?”
“I was told lodging was offered here?” he asks, glancing up behind her.
“Yes, this’s a boarding house. Are you in need of a room?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Thinking to remove his hat, Sasuke then offers, “Wouldn’t turn down a bath and a meal, either.”
That gets her to softly laugh. “Of course. No offense, but...you look like you brought half the road with you.”
“Oh, er…” Stepping back, he dusts at his garments. “Had a long ride.”
“Most who come through do. If you’d like, I can launder those for you.”
He pauses. “...I’d appreciate that, ma’am.”
“Oh, please - miss Hyūga suits me just fine.” She then opens the door wider, and Sasuke steps in, spurs clinking quietly. “I’ll get that bath started for you. Just leave your things outside the door and I’ll tend to them.”
“Sure it’s not a bother?”
“Not at all. I’m...sure you’ve noticed you’re the only patron at the moment,” she notes with a weary sigh. “So I’ve all the time in the world. If anything, a bit more to do would be nice.”
Still feeling a bit awkward at all the offered hospitality, Sasuke just nods, letting her show him to a room and then the bathroom. She heats the water on the stove, filling the tub and leaving soaps for his use.
Taking in his saddlebags, Sasuke unpacks one of few spare outfits he has, stripping down and leaving what’s soiled outside the door before slipping into the water.
Admittedly...he can’t remember the last time he had a proper bath. Mostly just rinsing off in obliging rivers or rain barrels. So this? This is a treat. And he’s going to be damn sure to enjoy it while he can.
Only once clean and the water cold does he emerge, toweling off and dressing. Upon cracking open the door, he does indeed find what he left behind gone.
Feeling a bit standoffish, he eventually makes his way back downstairs, following the scent of food. And there he finds Hinata setting the dining room table before glancing up to him.
“My, looks like you’ve shed ten pounds from lost dirt alone,” she notes, smiling again as he flashes pink across the tops of his ears and the bridge of his nose. “Forgive me, it’s...been a while since I’ve had a guest. Seems my manners need some dusting off, too.”
“No harm, ma-...er, miss Hyūga.”
“Well, best have your supper before it gets cold.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes, before you arrived. No need to fuss over me, sir. Though that reminds me...I’ve yet to ask your name.”
“Sasuke Uchiha,” he replies upon taking a seat.
“Well, will you be with us long, mister Uchiha?”
“Just until morning.”
For a moment, disappointment flickers over her face, but is soon replaced by another smile. “Well, I’d best make the most of it, then! If you need anything else, just holler. I’ll be finishing up some chores. If you turn in early, I’ll offer a goodnight now.”
Sasuke just nods, watching her leave before taking a bite.
He’ll admit, it’s damn good.
Once his plate is cleared, he peeks into the kitchen, finding it empty and leaving his cutlery by the sink. Part of him wants to inquire after his clothes, but...well, she’s already doing him a favor. No need to appear pushy. Instead, he follows the lamplight up to his room and tucks into bed for the night.
To his honest surprise, rest comes quickly, and he sleeps well past sunup. He must’ve been more tired than he’d thought. Sitting up, he pauses at the sight of folded clothes atop the chest of drawers nearby.
Seems they’re all taken care of.
Redressing, he makes to pack them only to pause. She even mended a tear in his sleeve from a knife fight he won a few nights back.
Fingering the stitches, he mulls that over before putting everything back in its proper place and hauling the saddlebags down to the main floor.
“Miss Hyūga?” he calls, tone a bit muted in the otherwise-empty building. Sounds come from the kitchen, but he doesn’t want to intrude.
“Breakfast is almost ready!” she replies, offering no further explanation. So, in the meantime, he takes out his bags and greets his mount. Seems they’re just as well-rested, bright-eyed and nickering softly.
“Not much longer and we’ll be back on the road,” he assures them softly.
Back inside, he steps in just as his hostess goes bustling past. “One last meal before you head on your way,” she explains with a smile.
“What’ll I owe you?”
“A dollar typically gets you a day.”
“But you’ve -?”
His counter is waved aside, taking her own seat to dine with him. “As I said, the busywork is a blessing itself. It’s been quiet. The mine that saw so many men come through is all but dried up, so...most of my business is past. A little longer, then I’ll likely move back to the city. It was a fun little venture, but all good things come to an end, I’m afraid.”
Having no retort, Sasuke stands for a moment before joining her. They pass with small talk, the Hyūga woman telling of the town, and Sasuke of his choice in work.
“What an adventure it must be,” she offers wistfully, cradling her mug of tea as the meal comes to a close.
“It’s rarely boring,” he agrees dryly. “But not very steady, or comfortable.”
“I can imagine. But comfortable is often just that: boring,” she replies with a soft smile.
“A happy medium isn’t easy to find.”
“Well...maybe you will someday. At least you’ll have some freedom and excitement. I’ll be heading back to my father’s. Comfortable, but...well, it’s not exactly glamorous under his thumb.”
“He’s made his fortune in the oil fields,” she replies with a sigh. “So in reality, there’s little need for me to be here, but...I wanted to try and make my own way. But, as usual...I’ll end up right back where I started.”
Sasuke hesitates. “...I see.”
“But it’s nothing to cry over. I’ll make due. But I’ll miss it here. Meeting so many new people, hearing other stories…”
“Are you...running dry on funds?”
“Yes and no. I could keep pouring money into it, but...there’s just no point, now. Not with no one to pander to.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be. It was fun while it lasted. I’ll survive. I’m just thankful I got the opportunity.”
With that, the conversation mostly dries up, and Sasuke finds he has no real reason to linger. The sooner he leaves, the sooner he’ll reach the next town, and his next bounty.
...but part of him is sad to go.
Hinata tidies up after them, walking out to the porch as he mounts up.
“Thank you very much for your hospitality, miss Hyūga,” he offers genuinely.
“Thank you for the business. But more so the company,” she replies, smiling.
“So...where’s home, if not here?”
“My father has a home in the capital. I’ll return there in a few weeks, likely to just get married off. But...I suppose that’s not a bad thing.”
For some reason, his chest tightens...but he offers no retort.
“If you ever find yourself in the big city, maybe we’ll cross paths again,” she then adds, regaining his gaze.
“...maybe. Probably plenty of crime in the city.”
“Where men go, evil follows.”
HIs lips twitch before giving a polite dip of his head. “Miss Hyūga.”
“Safe travels,” she replies, waving as he makes for the town center. Time to stock up, and hit the trail.
...who knows. Maybe sooner or later it’ll lead to the big city.
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     Oookay it’s late so I’ma be brief xD      Wild west AU cuz...reasons. While not really a fan of the genre overall, I do live really rural, so...it’s kinda ingrained into me lol. I’ve written one other piece in it but that was for another ship in another event I hosted last year. I’m no expert by any means xD      I doubt I’ll do more but I guess it depends on where the prompt list takes me, and I guess what you guys think? Buuut for now I’m gonna go sleep - thanks for reading!
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Arthur Fleck fanfiction reflections part 4 &5
Part 4 "Oh,Kitten. I don`t know what to say" Arthur got a big smile on his face as he roles off of me and takes me in his arms. "I got lost in you. It was like everything else in the world disappeared. I never felt so close to anyone. This is what true happiness must feel like". My head is lying upon his chest, which is lifting up and down from still trying to catch his breath. I can`t belive what he just said. He felt true happiness. And I am the reason? I feel my eyes watering and take a deep breath of his skin. "I know. I felt the same with you. " I whisper in his ear "I felt compleate with you inside of me. Like you should have been there all the time." I lean in to kiss him. I can feel the taste of his lips with my whole body. My fingertips are caressing his cheekbones while I can feel his hot breath in my mouth. With his breath I breathe in his whole being. His whole beauty. I imagin his breath is making its way down my throath. I`m sucking all the sorrow and loneliness out of him. Make it my own. Become one with this sad eyed man which is my only desire in this life. "Keep on breathing into me" I moan between the kisses "Breathe life into me". He holds me so close to his chest its almost hurting. He might seem fragile but his arms still can be strong. "I feel like I cannot get you close enough" his arms tighten up. "Kitten, what if its never close enough?" I feel like I´m a little short of breath but at the same time I dont want him to loosen up his embrace. I kiss the red stained corner of his mouth. Softly. "I know what you mean, Arthur. But we can be this close now whenever we want." "We can?" "Sure" "You mean you really want me?" "I do, Arthur. I want everything of you. For the rest of my life. I will never taste or smell or touch anything else again. Or love" He loosens up his tight embrace to get down to kiss my chest now "Or love" he repeats. So many little kisses covering my skin. leaving stains of his face paint all over my chest. Little, red proofs that he  touched me. Kissed me. His lips are wandering down my belly as I hold his head between my hands, my fingers get lost in his soft curls. I push his head closer against my trembling body. His nose is touching my navel. It tickles. I have to laugh. He looks up to me "Do you like it?" "Oh yeah. I like it a lot, Artie" For a second I thought he will make his way down on me but suddenly he is making his shy face. "Finally" he says "Finally someone sees me"
"You know what?" I play with his hair "Today we`re going to make a picnic in the park. " "I never had a picnic before." "So today its gonna be your first" He gets up, looking very excited "I feel like thereare going to be a lot of first times for me from now on, Kitten".  He gets to the bathroom dancing to music only he can hear in his head. But I can tell its one of his favorite songs.
"Hey Artie, I will be back in like half an hour.  I jus wann go buy some food" "Okay, just take the money  in the pocket of my pants". He says while taking off the rest of his make up in the bathroom. I reach for his pants, search for the money and find some more meds in his pockets. Temazepam, Perphenazine,... He comes out of the bathroom before I can read what the other ones are. His face free from make up. "Did you find the money?" "Yeah I did" the almost empty bottle of meds still in my hands. "And my meds" he looks ashamed. "Oh, well, I`m sorry about that... I just..." "You must think I`m ..." a cough is crawling up his throath. His hands covering his mouth. "Hahahahahahahah" loud, almost agressive laughter is coming out of his mouth. "You hahahhaah must think I`m a crazy.... hahahahhahaha" "Nooooo " I run the few stept up to him "Arthur, no. I dont think you`re crazy. Look, if you need the medication to feel better, just take them okay? I will not judge you or anything" "No, Kitten hahahahah I`m metally.... hahahahahaahahha....ill....." Tears are running down his face, pain in his eyes. I wipe his tears away and give him a hug.  He is shaking so hard my whole body is shaking with him. "You haha you deserve better... Kitten, you deserve....so much...." I take his hands which try to cover his mouth from shaking and kiss his lips. He is slowly calming down "You might have some problems, Arthur. Thats okay. We can figure them out together. I will not leave you ever again. Do you hear me?" He whipes a tear from his eyes "Okay. Yes... I...I do belive you" "C`mon get yourself ready. We go buy the stuff for the picnic together" There it is. He`s smiling again, getting in his clothes. A white shirt under his brown jacket and blue pants. I button up his shirt as he looks at me like he still can belive I`m really here. "Kitten... does you memory come back in any way?" "Nahh... nothing." I smile "Anyway... dont worry about that. I don`t.  I feel like this had to happen, otherwise we wouldnt have met." "Yeah... I`m still worried, you know?" "Dont be, Artie" I get my own cothes. All black. We`re heading out the door, he lights a cigarette and we go buy some fruits and sweets before we arrive at the park. Its not a perfect summer day but its still warm enough to enjoy the weather. The park doesnt give you the same feeling as the streets do. Its not as dirty as the rest of Gotham. "How do you know the way to the park?" he asks "I thought you dont know this city" He`s got a good point there "Oh my god. I just knew. That means I must have been here before, right?" "I guess so, Kitten" We`re holding hands as we walk through the gates. "Close your eyes, Arthur" He chuckles "Why?" "Just do it" "Okay" I pick some flowes and put them into his hair. He opes his eyes "Kit.....what did you just do?" His fingers go through his hair, he is laughing from happiness as he realizes I put flowers in his hair. His puppy eyes as green as the nature around us. I have to laugh,too. He takes a flower out of his curl and puts it on my head "They look much more beautiful on you". "No they don`t" He kisses me on the forehead, humming a melody I`ve never heard before. "C´mon" I say "See this big, old tree right over there? This looks like the perfect spot to relax. Its far from the crowds" He sqeezes my hand,still humming songs, looking so happy as we walk over to place the blanket we brought with us. He lays down on his back, looking up to the sky as I unpack the food. "So....what are your fave fruits? I also got some cake and cookies and..." He looks at all the stuff beside him "Um... I dont even know... I`m never rally hungry". "Well, Artie, today you are" I smile "You gotta eat something. I can`t watch you starving yourself any longer". I know that all the meds he takes must stop his appetite but I still hope he is trying some of the food I picked for him. "Thats sweet" he says "But I´ll only eat something when you`re going to feed it to me" he smirks. "I see.... so... lets start with this" I take grape between my fingers and put it on his lips. He is eating it like he never tasted one before "It tastes good. Got more?" I feed him berries and chocoloate cookies he really seems to enjoy. He takes a rasberry by himself and puts it between his lips " Want one?" he smirks. I steal the berry from his mouth and taste his sweet lips. We kiss. He takes some bites from the cake. I´m glad he is finally eating something. "Strawberry?" I pick the one with the richest color. "Oh Kitten. I`m not used to a meal anymore. I guess I`m already full". He is rubbing his belly. I put the strawberry in my own mouth. "But it was very thoughtful of you, thank you" I put the rest of the food back in the bag and lie down beside him. Breathing in the fresh air, watching the clouds passing us by.
And as I look over on him I just know life will never be the same.
To be continued
Part 5
The next few days went by like a dream. All was well. The world I have known wasnt important anymore, who I was before him wasnt important anymore. All I know now is that Arthur an I love each other. He didnt had one single of his hurtful laughter going on, it feels like he can relax by my side. At night we slip under the blankets together, so close to each other that sometimes I´m not sure where my body ends and his body begins. His insomnia keeps getting better. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and takes his meds. But he always gets back to bed and falls asleep again with a smile on his face and his head on my chest, so I can feel his hot breath against my skin. So I know he`s there. Right beside me. We haven`t slept together since he lost his virginity but I know he wants it. He just needs some time to belive that I´m real, since he was hallucinating a lot in the past. Today he is still asleep as I wake up. I carefully slip out of bed so he won`t wake and grab a diary I bought myself yesterday. I already filled it with some thoughts I had while watching him sleep. Mostly desires and sexual fantasies. I was hiding it under the sheets because I had the feeling he would be overwhelmed by reading it. Or even think he isnt enough. Oh he is enough. Arthur is all I want. All I need to feel satisfied. The connection we had was so much more than sex. Sometimes it feels like we are one spirit. I like to think that I am a thought in his mind. His daydream. His fantasy. He told me about the daydreams with a woman he had before and I felt like he really loved her, even though in reality she was some kind of a stranger to him. His feeling for her still feeled real. And I really hope I`m a fantasy in his head,too. He definitaly is mine. Thats why I started creating this diary, so I can express all of my desires for him. I take a look beside me. He is stretching, about to wake up. I kiss his cheek "Good morning, my love". He is touching his forehead. I once again notice the frakles on the back of his hands.I am obsessed wit details. Especially when it comes to him. I wanna find every detail he has to offer. Body and soul. The more I see of him, the more beautiful he becomes. "Morning, Kitten" he says in a tired tone. "I had the most amazing dream". "You did?" "Yeah" "Tell me about it" He smirks His smirk always makes me all fuzzy inside. "Arthur" I playfully slap his arm "Tell me" He stands up and gets a shirt. He was sleepingin his underwear, I can see his cute, little buttcheesks peeking out. "Nahh.. I...I cant tell you that" he turns his face away from me but I can tell he is blushing. "Arthur, you`re blushing" I cant help but smile from cheek to cheek. He gets into his shirt and walks up to me. Sits down at the bed. "Thats because I dreamed that you handcuffed me and I was begging you to get on top of me, touching me. And I was like.... going crazy because I couldnt touch you but it felt so good and..." I`m watching his lips, saying these words and can`t belive what I just heard. He just described one of the fantasies I wrote in my diary. Did he read it when I was asleep? Did he find it? "Arthur?" "Huh?" "Did you... did you just read my diary?" "What diary?" I can tell by his face that he dont know about my book. "The book I filled with some of my fantasies about you" "You got a book with fantasies about me?" I guess I am the one blushing now. "I do... I mean I just bought it yesterday but... yeah." "Can I...can I read it?" his eyes lighten up. "Sure" I grab the diary and hand it to him with excitement as he starts reading the first page. He looks very serious and concetrated. But his eyes  are filled with joy. He reads all the filled pages. All the words I wrote about him. He reads it without saying a word. Then he puts the diary aside. "Kitten, you really wanna do all this stuff to me, huh?" I can feel myself getting nerveaus. "Oh god yeah, I really want to, Arthur" He leans towards me. I can feel his curls on my cheeks as he whispers in my ear "Do it then!"
My heart is racing as I heard his sweet voice saying this. "But where do we get the handcuffs from?" I chuckle Arthur leaves the room and comes back with.... a pair of... "Where did you get those from?" my eyes must be as big as his now. "Did you try it...." Arthur played with the cuffs  "No, no, no its not like that... I... " He hands me the handcuffs  "I stole them from Arkham hospital a year ago... don`t ask" . I`m nodding. I didnt knew he was in a mental hospital before. For a moment I realize there mustbe many things I dont know about him yet. I missed 35 years of his lfe, which makes me sad. I wish we could have met sooner. I stand up and let the handcuffs swing in front of his face "So... Mr. Fleck...you are arrested for being extremly attractive" we both have to laugh for a moment but it feels kinda serious as he gets in bed and spreads his arms, so I can tie him up.  I fix his hands and watch him getting excited. "Get out off your underwear" I take his underwear off and threw it  over my shoulders. He is lying on the bed. Trying to get into a nice position for me to top him. "What are you gonna do with me now?" he is almost whispering, his voice soft like a breath. "Let me show you" "Oh yeah, Kitten. Show me" "I`m gonna love every inch of your body. There wouldnt be a spot I´m leaving out. I want it all. And you can`t do nothing about it" Arthur is shaking a little, but just a little. Enough for me to notice it though. Cuz it feels like a soft vibration against my lips, which are discovering his tiney ankles. So thin and fragile. Like a porcelain doll. I put my hands around them to feel how tiney they are. I kiss his little toe, making my way up to his legs. I kiss every inch, every frackle, every spot and taste the different parts of his now trembling body. Soft moaning from his mouth. "I`m all yours, Kitten. i´m all yours. " I kiss the insides of his thighs. He is breathing heavier now. "Turn around" "What?" "Turn around Arthur. I want to see your butt" He turns around, his hands tied behind his back. My hands caress his cute, peachy butt. Grabbing his cheeks as he moans. I cover his butcheeks with kisses, let my hand wonder between his legs. Forward. He`s getting hard now. " "I see you enjoy it, Arthur?" He pushes his face against the pillow as my fingers play with his most sensitive parts. "I do...oh my god, Kitten. Please don`t stop! Keep on touching me like that!" I`m grabbing him and turn him around so he is on his back again. Kissing him where he is getting harder any second. My hands are all over his chest, his arms. My lips wondering all over his body. "This feels so good. I cannot take it anymore" "You have to" I press my lips against his neck and start to suck it. I can smell his hair. My left hand is in his curls, my right hand is reaching for his cock. I`m biting his neck. His breath is getting more and moreintense, his eyes are closed. Those eyelashes. I cannot take my eyes off of his eyelashes. Details. More details. I take a close look on his face while ´there is nothing but excitement. His face expression turns me on in a way I cant even describe it.  I try to contain the taste of his neck as I suck his skin till it turns blue. "You like that?" "Don`t stop. I am begging you.. " I let my tongue slide over the scar upon his lip. Its my fave part of his body. All his details deserve so much love. I can feel his lip twitching while my tongue is playing with it. I can feel my body screaming out for him to  fill me up. I change my position, he is opening his eyes, looking right into mine. "Fuck me, Kitten! Oh I need you hands to love me. I need your lips to kiss me like that. I want you so bad. Don`t you ever stop loving me like that" I get on top of him and take him all in. All the way inside. "I wish I could touch you" he moans. Waves of excitement all through his body I take the key and uncuff his hands while he is still inside of me. As soon as he is free his hands are pressing me against him, so hard I can barely move anymore. But it feels just right. He is pushing himself inside of me, his tongue in my mouth. The taste of cigarettes and passion. He is kissing my earlobes now, sucking them. I never felt more happiness in my lfe. Feeling his gentle movements inside of me. I swear I can hear him humming a song between his whispered moaning. "You feel me?" he says "Yeah" "You`re really here with me arent you, Kitten?" "I am" "Thisis not a dream. we`re one" "We are, Arthur." And as I know he feels the same. That we are one soul. One body. I explode with excitement. Just like him.
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so this is where it begins
So, Hi I'm Dino (obviously not my real name but I wish it were haha). There is a trigger warning to self-harm, mention of suicide and depression.
I'm 20 and attending university a few of my friends have done some blogs, so I decided this is where I'm going to start.
As a reader, I thought you'd better known I have dyslexia. Hence, it is a big step to write a blog as, usually, I'm not too fond of it (the dreaded writing spelling and grammar NOOO), But here we go.
In my lifetime, I've been through a lot of crap to get to be who I am today( I will probably talk about some of this in other blogs.) Of course, the aftermath of having a lot of crap happen to you is a lot of issues in the future and a lot of trauma.
There is a daily struggle with mental health. Everything is a battle most days I have to drag myself out of bed which is so very hard to do many little tasks that are easier for other like showering I find is a massive task (thanks depression love you too). Most nights I'm up to the early hours of the morning fighting the demons in my head screaming at me to give in and will not shut up until I give in to the blade and feel the sweet relief of pain as I cut myself. The blood flows out of wherever I've cut it from, Even after this it's not the end of the battle, I get a big hit off of the guilt about doing it, so I don't sleep whatsoever so am tired all the time. In the daytime dark thoughts still spinning around my head, monsters breathing down my neck. Throughout the day, they are lingering over me, waiting for me to mess up somehow and then reminding me of this mistake all day.
The night time is when they are the loudest when everyone I could turn to is asleep. Still, I don't want to bother my friends with my shitty problems 'they don't care. "They don't like you' the demons whisper in my ear when I pick up the phone to text someone, To scream out and get help for my head trying to kill me, haunting me dark thoughts taking over my mind full of darkness and nightmares no light left I'm alone with my thoughts so, I give in and let the demons take over like a bring me the horizon quote 'it comes in waves, I close my eyes Hold my breath and let it bury me I'm not okay, and it's not all right '. I'd say night time is like a tight rope your battling to staying it while monsters are trying to push you off watch you fall to your death some people make it, but some fall off. I always cant get the thought of they (The demons) have been there when no one else was. They have never left me like everyone does.....
Its been about eight years since I started cutting I've been self-harming for a while I can't remember exactly when I began, it began as hitting myself hard. , it only developed into cutting in year seven. I was bullied a lot, so this triggered me to start cutting myself. I felt worthless and like I deserved it everyone hated me so I may as well hate myself too. It began to get worse when my best friend I'd known since I was in primary school killed herself. The guilt consumed me whole, and I became a shadow of who I used to be I was no longer that sweet innocent child who had no care in the world. I was a self-destructive monster who wanted nothing less than to hurt me and wanted nothing more than have me dead. (I'm not going into the suicidal thoughts in this one yet maybe in a future blog.) Yet no one knew. I wouldn't show any emotions expect happy I was 'hyper ', but it was all an act to stop the evil thoughts consuming me and not to let anyone worry about me I didn't deserve that. I'd tell myself daily that I deserve the pain that I cause myself.
I tried to get help for the bullying at school, but my school made it worse so from then forward I shut down completely refused to talk to anyone about my depression. I didn't have a pleasant childhood my parents were abusive (again not going into that in this one). I didn't have many friends, so I never felt good about myself. This was all a massive kick at my self-esteem. It was only until year 11 when my games teacher noticed me as always wearing long sleeves in the blistering heat when we were playing rounders.
It was a childcare lesson she took me aside and took me to the school nurse then I'll never forget how my heart dropped when she said "roll your sleeves up" I first refused. She suggested that she'd go outside the room and to show the school nurse to make sure they wasn't infected or anything so I agreed to this. After this miss brown was the most supportive and she'd been. School became a bit easier from then. We started talking more and more each lesson I enjoyed her company.
One of my bullies who I am very close to now, and we talk a lot came up to me and apologized for what she has said to me in the past. I forgave her, and we sat and chatted about things I let her open up, and she had been through a lot of shit as well, and I felt terrible and told her she could talk to me. After this we became friends, and we talk now and then.
At this point, I was still self-harming and being bullied even cyberbullied to the point the police was involved. Another traumatizing event happened during this time I put my trust into the wrong person and regretted it. I still regret it today and hate myself. But we will cover that in another blog.
I did my GCSEs did pretty well, and life was okay even though I was still at home my self-harming was still a thing, That summer my sister found out about it she asked I told her not to tell mum. Guess what she did TOLD MY FUCKING Mum. My mum was in a lousy mood came to me shouted at me to take my jumper off, so I did she saw the cuts and had a go at me took my phone off me and grounded me and more which I'm not going to go into yet. It was horrible of course I cut again and again and felt suicidal she made me feel so worthless and alone.
Starting college for the first time was stressful and made my anxiety so bad. The first year of college was when I began therapy Tamsin was my therapist. She was lovely, helped me a lot. My self-harming didn't stop but reduced a bit whereas before the sweet relief of the blade and saw how much id bleed was most nights. It was like it was part of my routine. Go to school/college get home to wait till everyone is asleep then cut my night away.
Then lie in bed and stare at the ceiling thinking of how worthless I was and how I want to be dead how I wish I could cut deeper and made it worse for myself. This reduced a bit it wasn't every night, but most nights it was rough and never thought it would consume my life as much as it did never thought id still be here struggling with it.
I've cut myself a few times where I think I probably should have gone to the hospital, but I didn't. One of these times was in my next college it was rough as my original college had told me I wasn't good enough, And that I Wouldn't make it, so I moved to a new college. One of the first weeks there I remember cutting very deep and panicking it was a hot day I was at work and had got home and felt stressed over things and cut my arm badly. I wrapped a sock on it was all I had and texted my girlfriend she told me to find my mate I walked into town found my mate we went to the shop got some supplies sat on a bench and patched it up. I knew a paramedic, so I texted them asking them what I should do they told me to put alcohol on it, Once I got in I put some rum into a small glass went upstairs and told my dad I was going for a bath I ran the water got a wet flannel and bit it. At the same time, I cleaned it I screamed into the flannel in pain I put the water on so my parents couldn't hear me I led on the floor after this and cried to myself silently until I was done then I came out so my dad wouldn't think anything of it went back into my room and cried myself to sleep.
The second year of college wasn't too bad. I had a shit therapist who would tell me things that triggered my eating disorder and would make me feel suicidal. I remember going into her appointments feeling okay and come out feeling suicidal. I had good best mates in my life it was okay (I was still cutting through) thankfully. I am always thankful to this day my friends stopped me from going to this therapist as she made things worse I stopped seeing her for a few months if I didn't stop seeing her id be 6 feet under the ground with nothing to me but a skull.
I wasn't in therapy for a few months as I needed a break from it all until my cutting and suicidal feelings got worse, so I decided to get back into therapy with the help of my friend I had this lovely therapist called Sharon she stuck by me and suggested I go to the doctors, so I did. I was put in meds and probably diagnosed with my issues. However, id had them since I was at least eight or nine at least had some of them like anxiety. Things calmed down meds helped me but also affected me badly I got all of the side effects,( so that wasn't fun.) Still, things went pretty smoothly until university applications I was accepted into a good uni on a conditional offer. This all went wrong this was in 3rd year by the way my college fucked up and put me into The inappropriate exams I couldn't do the GCSE due to my mental health my therapist suggested I do not take it I was suicidal and cutting.
So I didn't get into the university I tried to get into another one they rejected me as I was about to give up hope my friend introduced me to clearing, and that's how I got into the university I'm in now.
Self-harm and suicidal thoughts still attack me, and I still struggle with simple things like just staying alive and not cutting. Each year I wonder am I going to make it to the next year or will I kill myself before the year ends its an achievement getting through the year and surviving it.
I have excellent people in my life now. I feel happy with where I am for the first time in my whole life. I've never felt pleased with the way things are going things usually fuck up. I'm pretty sure life will throw another obstacle my way eventually, but I'm sure one day it will get better. Self-harm will be in the past one day, not right now I'm not ready to stop altogether I can't physically do that (sorry). One day my mental illnesses will be manageable without the pain that comes with them now. Years down the line, I can say I WAS a self-harmer instead of I AM a self-harmer. That will be a while I still need to heal my emotional scars and finally be free from the monster that is depression. Depression is a war you either win or you die trying it's the worst beast of them all the strongest beast, but even the biggest worst beast can be beaten. I believe in all of you out there struggling with your depression. Suicidal thoughts depression can be beaten, look at those who have got through it google it many celebrities have depression and won the war in their head. People like Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato, Ellen DeGeneres and many more.
Depression is the silent killer it waits till your alone( i mean not alone physically; you could be in a room full of people and still feel alone. )
Then it strikes with false things about no one caring about you. But you are so much stronger than you think if you need support, there are people out there who care about you. You may feel alone but don't tell me in the world of billions, and billions of people, not one cares because that's not true I care.
It's okay not to be okay. I look back and see things do get better from the point I am now to the point I was six years ago things have changed, things may not work out to start with, but it will be okay. Still, they will work out one day this darkness your in will be light you won't have to struggle with the beats in your head the silent monsters that grip you with their claws and consume you alive.
So there you go that some of my battle with self-harm I will go into things a bit more in future. I hope you liked it is not the happiest (sorrrryyyyyyyyyyy ). Still, I hope I can inspire you and give you hope that it does get better and things will work out.
You probably have been told this thousand of but here is the Samaritans number they good and living is good once you get past the darkness of depression. You will get through this your strong enough!
Stay strong fighter!
Dino xx
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johannesviii · 5 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 2006
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17 to 18 years old. First to second university year, studying History. Another slightly chaotic year, to be honest.
It’s yet another great year for hits, even if 2005 and 2007 are both even better.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
At this point it was beginning to be clear that my mother wanted me out of the appartment as quickly as possible so staying at home was becoming more and more unpleasant. I basically spent most of my day outside or at the library when I wasn’t in class, then ate dinner and slept at home. I had a few friends at university but was very unpopular (by the start of the second year, my nickname was “the hobo”, mostly because I was always wearing the same old black coat and bad jeans, but also because I liked to fish for coins under vending machines cause I had next to no money). I also had a brief but extremely bad relationship that year, which ended with me punching the dude back after he punched me between two classes near the end of the year.
While making these lists I found a tape labelled “spring 2006″ and nothing else. I think it’s one of the last tapes I ever made.
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After listening to it, it contained:
Mr Brightside (The Killers) (who’s surprised?)
Crazy, by Seal, but sung by a woman. No idea who that is. (Edit: Alanis Morissette! thank you purplecyborgnewt)
Alice & June (Indochine)
You And Me (Lifehouse)
A couple of seconds of Precious, Depeche Mode
Oui (Zazie)
Precious (Depeche Mode) again. A radio host states it’s the n°15 favorite song on Europe 2 that week, whichever week that was.
City of Blinding Lights (U2)
Nolwenn Ohwo (Nolwenn Leroy)
Fragment of Song to Say Goodbye (Placebo), then the entire song.
The ending of Talk (Coldplay), followed by another fragment of Talk
Juste Après (Fredericks, Goldman & Jones)
Talk (Coldplay), this time in its entirety (I can still smell the frustration more than 13 years away)
Broken (Seether)
Enjoy the Silence 2004 (Depeche Mode)
Fragment of Missing (Evanescence), followed by nearly the entire song
Jeune et Con (Saez)
A bit of a radio show I found funny
An obscure remix of Sans Contrefaçon (Mylène Farmer).
So yeah, I stopped making tapes around that time. I also only bought two cd singles that year.
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Just like the previous year, some of my favorite albums from that year have exactly zero singles elligible for this list. They are Alice & June by Indochine, and Meds by Placebo. The worst part? One of the best songs on Indochine’s album is a goddamn duet with Brian Molko from Placebo. It’s called Pink Water and it’s great. Please listen to it if you don’t know it yet. What can I say, I’m a weak and simple person, I hear a duet between two singers I adore, and I die instantly.
Anyway. Meds is kind of underrated as far as Placebo’s discography goes and I’m especially fond of Infrared, which was one of the songs of the year for me. Indochine’s Alice & June, meanwhile, is a concept double album about two girls making a suicide pact. It’s a bit of a mess and it’s not as tight as Paradize was but it’s still really, really good for the most part. The first eponymous single should have been elligible. But it isn’t. I’m sad.
On to the honorable mentions!
So Sick (Ne-Yo) - Usually this kind of music just sounds bland to me, but that one was really pleasant.
Miracle (Cascada) - Not as good as Everytime we touch. Still a lot of fun.
Smack That (Akon) - This shouldn’t be this catchy.
Pump It (Black Eyed Peas) - Same here.
Living On Video (Pakito) - I only just now realised this was a cover. What the hell.
SOS (Rihanna) - Not her best song. Still good.
L’Amour N’est Rien (Mylène Farmer) - Really funny lyrics, meh song.
World Hold On (Bob Sinclar) - Stay tuned for more.
Hips Don’t Lie (Shakira) - Song of the summer, whether you liked it or not. Fortunately, I liked it a lot.
Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol) - Very pleasant.
SexyBack (Justin Timberlake) - That beat is just incredible.
Call Me When You’re Sober (Evanescence) - I remember Rock Mag finishing their KarmaCode (Lacuna Coil) review with “We hope Evanescence’s next album will be fantastic, because this is their most serious rival yet.” And nope, Evanescence’s album wasn’t nearly as good as KarmaCode. But this song still made the year-end list, while nothing from Lacuna Coil ever crossed over. Our Truth SHOULD have been a huge hit. It had a ton of crossover appeal. One of the biggest musical tragedies of the year right there. Oh well, the Evanescence single is still good though.
Say It Right (Nelly Furtado & Timbaland) - The last cut from the list, and when you’ll see what replaced it, you are going to hate me.
And now, the top ten.
10 - Everytime We Touch (Cascada)
US: #31 / FR: #5
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This kicked Nelly Furtado off the list.
I am not sorry, just so you know.
9 - Ridin’ (Chamillionaire)
US: #8 / FR: Not on the list
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This is a song about respecting the law and driving at a reasonable speed and cops being mad because they can’t do anything against you. He’s a gangster, just... not doing anything illegal at the moment. I absolutely adore that concept. This is the best.
8 - Crazy (Gnarls Barkley)
US: #7 / FR: #29
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I’ve never met someone who disliked this song, and for that reason I have nothing to say about it. It’s just one of these tunes, like Hey Ya, which are too perfect to argue or say anything constructive about them.
7 - Temperature (Sean Paul)
US: #2 / FR: #48
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Half of this top ten 10 is made of absolute bangers with untouchable beats and you know what, I really miss that time, mostly because the current charts are morose and depressed (for good reasons, but still). This is no Get Busy, but come on, who can say we need less Sean Paul in our lives? Not me that’s for sure.
By the way, one of the very first videos I saw on (the very new at the time) youtube was a misheard lyrics version of this song. I think you all know which one it is, the original has been deleted but it was reuploaded several times since then.
6 - Rock This Party (Bob Sinclar & Cutee B)
US: Not on the list / FR: #19
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You really can’t go wrong with this “Everybody dance now” sample, and this is one seriously kickass song, and yet another banger on a list already full of them. Also, this was possibly the best music video of the entire year, featuring three kids trying to imitate music videos from just about every popular genre. Check it out if you’ve never seen it, it will make your day.
5 - Marly-Gomont (Kamini)
US: Not on the list / FR: #1
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Possibly the most unexpected hit song of the decade in my country. Basically, this guy made a rap song about the tiny rural village he was living in, and a funny music video shot on a 100€ budget to show to his friends and family. And it was well written. And it was hilarious, while still being insightful. And it became a viral sensation. And it charted! And suddenly it became the biggest hit of the year.
If you’ve never heard it, here it is. There was no translation available for it on lyricstranslate, so I made an account just to translate it myself. You’re welcome. Please give it a try. It’s great. It was a hit for a good reason, and I promise you the music video is funny even if you don’t speak the language.
4 - Slipping Away/Crier la Vie (Mylène Farmer & Moby)
US: Not on the list / FR: #15
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So, uh, earlier in this post I said “What can I say, I’m a weak and simple person, I hear a duet between two singers I adore, and I die instantly.”
This is a duet between Mylène Farmer and Moby, based on a song from Hotel, which, if you recall, I listened to on a loop the previous year.
My poor heart didn’t need this. What did I do to deserve this. What a blessing.
3 - Over My Head (Cablecar) (The Fray)
US: #13 / FR: Not on the list
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This was my #1 at some point. Then I realised the version I kept listening to was a punk rock version by A Day To Remember from Punk Goes Pop, and that I had nearly forgotten what the original sounded like. So I listened to it, and it’s still very, very nice, but it’s not quite the same.
I still bought the album, though.
2 - Nolwenn Ohwo (Nolwenn Leroy)
US: Not on the list / FR: #43
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I had completely (and I do mean completely) forgotten about this song until I started to check the French year-end top 100 to make this list. Erased from my mind entirely by some sort of MiB neuralyser. And I was like “hang on, wasn’t this a good song? This rings a bell. I used to love it, didn’t I?” (and sure enough, it’s on that 2006 tape I found). So I wrote it down for the honorable mentions, just in case.
Before making the definitive list, I put the song on, and I felt like the critic in Ratatouille having a flashback.
Holy. Shit.
I remembered ALL the lyrics. While listening to it, in under three minutes I successively put it in the 6th spot, then the 4th, and when it ended, it was #2 on the list. I downloaded it and put it back on my mp3 player and on my playlists. I’ve listened to it about 30 times in the past week. It’s so great. How did I ever forget this song existed. I feel so alive.
I never cared about this singer, but this is written by Laurent Voulzy, who’s music I actually love, and he’s firing on all cylinders here. Just listen to it. Please.
It could have easily topped the list if it wasn’t for the most useful and helpful song in the entire year.
1 - Pas le Temps (Faf Larage)
US: Not on the list / FR: #2
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I never watched a single episode of Prison Break. This was the French version of the opening song. I don’t even know what happens in the series. I don’t really care.
I. Adore. This song. It’s yet another #1 that helped me a lot.
The beat is untouchable and this rap is actual poetry. Not even remotely kidding. Here’s a part of one of the verses.
Aussi loin que la lumière semble s'éteindre (As far as the light seems to flicker) Seule une étincelle au fond de moi peut l'atteindre (Only the spark hidden inside of me can reach it) (...) Les dés sont jetés, rien n'est joué (the dice is tossed, the game is set) Même le sort retient son souffle piégé dans ce sablier (even fate holds its breath, trapped in this hourglass) J'ai décidé de ne pas être prisonnier (I decided I wouldn’t be a prisoner) J'n'ai que ma vie à offrir si jamais j'échouais (I only have my life to offer if I ever fail) Pas le choix faut y'aller (No choice, let’s go)
The line “pas le choix, faut y aller” (no choice, let’s go) keeps being repeated in the entire song and it’s so, SO motivational. As I said before, 2006 was not as bad as 2003 but it was still a difficult year - at the end of it, I was an adult with no money, very little hope for the future, no diploma yet apart from the highschool one, still trying to NOT become a ball of anger because of a couple of assholes in class, all of this with dysphoria and a mother who wanted to kick me out as soon as possible. And I wanted to win, and punch the world, and say here I come, I’m alive, I survived, better watch out.
Si je dois exceller, tout donner, prendre c'que j'peux (If I need to be the best, give everything, take whatever I can) Si le monde m'appartient restez pas au milieu (If the world is mine, don’t stay in my way) Et si le sort est contre moi c'est tant pis (And if fate is against me, too bad) On fait des plans pour s'en sortir, écoute (We’re making plans to survive, listen) Pas le choix faut y'aller (No choice, let’s go)
This song defined the entire year for me. This was my fight song. Everytime I wanted to give up, it was there to give me a very simple reminder.
No choice. Let’s go.
Next up: here it is, at last, the absolute best hit song of the decade
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