#as much as it does one’s work job chores etc.
under--pluto · 1 year
alas, with my newfound 'not actually rostered to work today' freedom I will do all the laundry in an attempt to make my boyfriend want to propose 🙏🏻
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Wrio, Neuvilette, Gallagher, and Jing Yuan helping reader who is dealing with severe burnout. seriously. I'm trying to study for my certifications and I'm dead. I'm so burnt out I just wanna cry. It doesn't help that the learning resource is so poorly done that I can't understand it. It's not like I have an option though. I have to do this so I can get a job with a livable wage and become independent. No other path was viable for me. please save me with the sexy men.
He's pretty quick to figure out his s/o is burnt out with how irritable they seem especially with how busy they've been lately. He doesn't blame them when they get frustrated over the smallest of things but he does stop them in their tracks so they don't take it out on others too. He sits with them over a cup of their favorite tea and listens to their worries over their work and etc.
Asks how he can help so he can help them get back to a more healthy stressed self. He's busy himself but he's willing to add some of their burdens to his list so they can focus on themselves for a while.
He let's them know he cares about them and that they can come to him for any help they need.
When he notices his s/o in such distress he pulls them aside to ask them what's wrong.
He's not entirely sure what to do to help his s/o so he asks them what he can do to help them. It can be anything from something as small as cooking dinner or taking over some of their chores for a while. If their work is a bit frustrating for them at the moment he encourages them to take a break to refresh their mind before getting back to work.
He helps them come up with a schedule of work and breaks to help elevate some of the burden from their shoulders if they feel overwhelmed by how much work and little time they have.
He doesn't poor them an alcoholic drink to take their mind off of things but does pour them some juice and asks them to talk about it to him. They can shout and scream or just cry, he's there to listen to their worries and stresses.
He makes sure to let them know that they have every right to be frustrated with how things are and pours them some more juice. He doesn't out right do anything for his s/o but they notice things seem a bit easier for them for a while with chores being done before they can think to get to them.
He does encourage his s/o to rest for a while before taking on any more tasks.
Jing Yuan
As a general in charge of thousands with tons of responsibilities he's no stranger to burn out but he knows how to prevent his own. So when his s/o comes to him burnt out he knows some things he can do to help them out.
He takes some of their chores and either does them himself or has someone else do it for them so they have one less thing to worry about. If they feel like abandoning their work he doesn't encourage them to drop what ever they're doing but he does suggest taking a nice lunch break to clear their mind for a while.
After eating he brings them to his favorite napping spot for a while and just lays with them letting them know he appreciates their hard work.
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totokoismyfav · 5 months
hi i have a request for headcanons :] how would the sextuplets react to an s/o who is objectively a functional member of society (job and/or school, booming social life, well liked, etc) but for some reason simps really hard for them. it can by goofy or not, depends on what you think!
osomatsu san/reader | reader who is a functional member of society who is head over heels for the brothers
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A functional member of society in love with a NEET? Oh, what a thought! All of them equally are just as infatuated with you, maybe even more so as you are just shining with confidence and wit. So imagine their surprise when you finally ask them to be your boyfriend! They all react differently so let’s see up close and personal.
Osomatsu: - How are you with him, seriously? Everyone wants to know. - A shitty NEET with such bad habits like gambling and drinking and you looked in his direction? He’s just as shocked as everyone else to be honest. - Although, he’s not complaining one bit.  - Proudly parades you around in front of his brothers, like damn he might as well have won the lottery. - Oh, they are so jealous by the way. - At first, he doesn’t really change besides that but a little bit into your relationship, he starts making small changes and working up to the big ones.  - At first, it’s picking up after himself and doing more chores around the house, then it’s actually looking for jobs and talking about moving out one day. - Soon enough, he ends up doing just that and moves in with you, even holding a job and stops complaining about it all the time. - He’s trying, for you, and that is a lot coming from him. 
Karamatsu:  - Oh, be prepared anon.  - This man will make it known that he is just as much in love with you back.  - Things like surprise flowers and gifts show up at your work’s front desk, only the best for his Karamatrsu darling! - “Oh my darling flower, it makes my heart palpitate just to know how much you adore me!”  - Of course, you are eating up every cheesy line and equally spoiling him despite his surprise when you do so, despite still living with his mother he’s not used to being spoiled like this. - Like you swear you saw tears when you gave him a gift on your first date, and it was something so simple too. A guitar pick with yours and his initials on it. He swears to use it all the time, and he does, especially when he serenades to you. He even started to freak out when the image on it started to fade.  - At first, he refuses to let you pay for things even though you have a job and he doesn’t. After a few high-priced dates, he finally lets you help with the costs and even slightly enjoys being spoiled by you. - To still help out and spoil you, he even starts working at a nearby clothing store. - Your love is so annoying to everyone around you but the both of you don’t care, not one bit. 
Choromatsu: - To his non-existent calculations, you two should NOT be a thing, but he doesn’t care at this point. - He’s also kinda jealous of you? Like you’re everything he wants to be but he quickly gets over that once you ask him out.  - At the beginning of your relationship, he is constantly stuttering and sweating from his nerves but he’s over the moon about finally dating you, he always has his signature smile on his face.  - When you start holding hands, you can physically feel his whole body shake just from your palm against his.  - Of course, you are no better as you are in LOVE with this man. - You’re both a couple who are head over heels for one another and very much show it instead of saying it. - It took you guys weeks just to say ‘I love you’ which ended in you running away with your hands covering your face and Choromastu shouting to the night sky of how he was in love.  - He also starts to become a functional member of society (with your help and motivation). - Soon enough, he’s living with you and has a job of his own, and surprisingly to him he couldn’t be happier getting out of the NEET lifestyle he was in for so long. 
Ichimatsu:  - He can barely believe it himself, how could someone like you be in love with him? - You were a knockout, a functional member of society and he was just a shitty NEET, a nobody who no one wants. You must be fucking around with him.   - And he really thinks that at first, it takes a bit of persuasion for him to believe you are actually infatuated with him.  - On your first date, he would sit tables away from you as you drank a milkshake. His face turned bright red as he tried to sip from four tables away with a long straw. - You would simply smile at him, telling him it’s ok to get closer and that you were truly interested in dating him. - Soon enough, you two were doing regular couple stuff like holding hands and regularly going on dates.  - As you both get further into the relationship you notice he starts to really change things, Ichimatsu even gets a job at a local cat cafe. - Soon enough, he’s living with you and holding down a job he actually enjoys (although interacting with people still irks him).  - Although, when you first asked him to spend the night at your house, he spontaneously combusted right on the bench. 
Jyushimatsu:  - Oh ho ho! This man is ecstatic! - His brothers swear that he’s been faster with his batting swing when you both start dating. - It’s like he has a new form of motivation when practicing baseball, running faster, swinging harder and throwing farther all at the same time. - He also seems happier than usual (somehow) , his smile widening whenever he sees you and your wonderful face.  - Will point you out to his brothers whenever he sees you, like he’s bragging or something. “Ha ha look, it’s my partner! Do you see them, huh? Huh?”  - He also starts working as well, hoping to start working as a baseball player in the future. - With your help, he eventually works up to that point and starts playing in local leagues!
Todomatsu:  - Oh he’s the most smug out of all of them. - Of course, he has no idea why you looked in his direction but he’s so glad you did.  - When you told him you were in love with him, he dropped his coffee you two had gotten minutes prior. Of course, he spilled it all over you and profusely apologized about it while helping to clean you up. - Luckily, it was iced so it didn’t burn or anything so you simply just smiled and told him he was fine and it was ok.  - Totally rubs it in his brother's faces, just like Oso and Jyushi but he’s more of a bitch about it.  - “Oh would you look at that, I have a partner now who’s actually interested in me. Score one for the youngest!” - He actually got a scoreboard for it too, the bastard. - He eventually goes back to Sutabaa, working the same position he did before. - He’s officially out of NEET status when he moves in with you and he’s so happy about it as he went up a level as a human once more!
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
Excuse me could we get some farmtale sans headcanon please just a crumb
You don't need to ask twice lol
He's deceptively strong, even by Sans standards. He's on par with Skull for raw strength. This guy carries massive heavy things pretty much for a living; he loads bales bigger than you. He could carry you around on one arm, and he might genuinely tuck you under one arm if he needs to carry you while he's busy
However he is also extremely Somft. He simply wants to sit on the couch and wear chunky knit sweaters and drink soup all day.
His greatest talent is coming up with places to nap that are out of sight of Papyrus. You'll be regularly tripping over him
He's wonderful to nap with! He smells like straw and sweet veg, his strong arms are perfect for cuddles. He is unreasonably comfy.
He flirts by giving you things from the farm. He'll show up to your door without warning, carrying cartons of fresh eggs, boxes full of veg, butters and jams and chutneys... one time, even a whole wheel of cheese.
(Probably saves you hundreds on groceries.)
Papyrus frequently asks you to go check on Sans while he's working, maybe to bring him food or a drink, 'see if he's doing it right', etc. Papyrus knows Sans is absolutely fine and knows how to do those jobs. But he also knows that Sans makes an art out of half-assing certain chores and making them take forever... if you're there, Sans wants to show off, and he ends up working twice as fast.
Sans has a way with animals. His vibes are just so easygoing that even the most high-strung creatures like him. Anytime he falls asleep, he ends up with chickens sitting with/on him until he wakes up.
For a guy who works with plants, he's pretty terrible at remembering the names of them. He knows the important ones, and that's about it. Don't expect him to remember more than he absolutely has to.
He's an excellent seamster! If anything you like rips, let him know. He can make it look good as new.
His love language is acts of service. He does the absolute bare minimum for people he doesn't like, and equally, he does So Much for people he loves (like you). He'll tow you for miles if you break down, he'll pick you up from anywhere at any time without complaint, he'll lend you incredibly important items of his as if it's no big deal. If you leave him alone in your home for too long he'll find something to repair or tweak... clothes, furniture, holes in the walls/creaky windows, etc. You'll come downstairs in the morning to find out he's fixed your heating.
His ideal date is driving out to a quiet field at night, then sitting under a blanket together and watching the stars. He may not know his plants... but he knows his stars, that's for sure.
Too bad he'll be too busy looking at you.
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astroismypassion · 1 year
What does it mean when we repetitively attract into our life a certain Moon sign? 🌙 🌗🌘
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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The lovely and kind @bthechangeuwant2cintheworld asked me about if I could do a post on when we attract certain moon signs and what does it mean? Let's dive deep into the topic.
So what does it mean FOR YOU when you attract the following Moon sign in your life?
You are likely not courageous enough, need to learn how to be more bold, stand out from the crowd. You might also be a bit too selfish or self-focused. You need to work out more and steam off your feelings through work outs, physical activity and chores or cleaning, being more active and present in your home. Also, you might likely not do enough. You might be just working on one single particular thing, such as just your studies, your job, but completely neglect other fields, aspects of your life. Could have a hard time juggling many things at once or struggle with multitasking.
You might be too passive, lazy or indulgent in your habits or even on a daily basis or in your own home. You might be a bit too love obsessed, wanting a partnership at any cost or even pressuring someone to like you back or enter a partnership with you. You might idealize the idea of a partner, being a part of the team. You might need to transform your values or understand what those are. You likely lack self-love and need more self-care too. You are either too materialistic or not enough. Also, maybe dress up more often.
You are likely not social enough, you spend too much time on your own alone or you are too much in your head, but not grounded enough. Could have difficulties with control, like trying to control your surroundings, immediate family members, close friends, even people you talk to online/social media/instant messaging. You might be too anxious or nervous when talking. You might either need to take a social media break or talk to people online more.
Check in with how you treat your mother. Do more chores in your home, help out with laundry, doing dishes, organize your home more, clean it more often. Learn how to cook, bake more. You are likely bottling up your emotions or suppressing your innermost feelings, even needs. Learn what your needs are, especially what you require from your loved ones, family members, your partner. Vent, cry out your tears, embrace the flow of the good and the bad sides of emotion. Try to provide for your family more.
You might too dramatic or not dramatic enough and too nonchalant. You might need to share more of your emotions. You might be self-centered emotionally, so selfish with your feelings. But at the same time, you might make too rash decisions or jump to conclusions in the early stages of dating. You need to become more jovial, happy and bright. You need to focus more on hanging with your close friends since you are likely neglecting them a bit or spending too much time on your own. You need to figure out more on what your hobbies are and if you can pick a new one as well. You might need to welcome more romance in your life, maybe by accepting an invitation to go out on a date, listening to romantic songs, watching romantic movies.
You might need to take better care of your personal hygene, live more in the present moment and establish better daily routine and habits. You need to be more present and focused during conversation. You need to go out more and do your own grocery shopping, run errands and focus more on paying your phone, electricity bill etc. You need to declutter your home and organize your space. Try to find time for little self-care rituals in the day.
If you end up attracting a Libra Moon again and again you are likely taking care of too many other people and not enough taking care of yourself. You need to learn how to share but with boundaries. You learn how to balance giving and taking. You need to learn how to accept help and how to delegate tasks off your shoulder more. You also need to socialize more, meaning that learn how to be okay with chit chat and even more superficial conversations, they still teach you how to connect and relate to those around you more.
Scorpio Moon is tricky, because it's one of those either or type of Moons, it can go either way. So you might have an escapistic issue, I'm not saying downright addictive behaviours, but you might overuse something. Such as you feel a bit too lonely and use food as a buffer or coffee, alcohol, sweets, sugar etc. You might not have only one cup of coffee, but 2, 3 too many per day. I'm not saying this is your case in particular, I'm trying to illustrate the case. You might also be too materialistic or not enough. Like too power hungry, money driven or not enough. You could have certain subconscious thoughts, triggers that you don't want to address. You might jump to final conclusions too quickly, without knowing the full story or context or information. You might need to let go of certain old habits, coping mechanisms that don't serve you anymore or sometimes this means even people, old friends or partners. You might not live fully authentic in your present life. You might also be scared of being truly raw, vulnerable and you could have a fear of being exposed, exposed as in having any trait that you don't like to admit you have or don't want many other people to know. Or you can also act a bit too fanatic in your behaviour, again it can go either or, you might perhaps need your jealousy, envy, possessivness in check.
You are too uptight, need to let loose. Attend a party or two with your group of trusted friends, go to that club and dance, even if you don't completely like the idea of it initially. Also, you might be too hedonistic in one department of your life. Either you indulge in too many desserts after a meal, eat too much in one setting. Stop saying yes to everything and everyone just so you please others and that they stay happy. You need to get more organized, buy a planner, plan your days more and prioritize, you might be all over the place. Again, certain eating habits might represent a bit of a problem for you. Try expanding your mindset about food, by trying out alternative regimes, introducing more whole foods, leafy greens and such. Don't be a picky eater, give certain foreign foods/those you are not used to at least a one time try.
Now, this is one of those major, life changing, big life decision ones. If you attract Capricorn Moon in your life again and again, you need to make a turning point in your life. You need to make a big life change. Likely, your job, career is not where it should be at this point. Or it's not fulfilling you and a change is to be made. Either going back to school, finding another job, career field etc. You need to revisit this part of your life: your career, long-term goals, aspirations, social status, reputation and your relationship with parents. The last one might be big as well, ask yourself if this is the best way to treat your parents? Likely, you could do a bit better. Also, you are likely spending too much time at home or isolating yourself.
You are afraid to embrace your own unique self and being original, mostly out of fear of not being accepted or judged. You might also need to dream more, set your dreams big and start going after them. You might also replicate other people's ideas, try coming up with original thought and your own creative ideas more, even if they are weird, unique, eccentric or odd at a first glance or even if you feel uncomfortable expressing them. Go out more and socialize more.
You are too giving, humanitarian, charitable, selfless or not enough. You might take care or help out every close friend, acquintances or stranger, but NOT your own family members, loved ones or your partner. So try to put that in check. You might be undereating or eat foods that don't nourish your body. Again, substance overuse can be present in subtle ways, such as drinking too much coffee in the day.
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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vanderlesbian · 1 year
husband price + ghost hcs
literally just got into cod and i immediately fell so hard for price and ghost erm.......so enjoy some hcs! if they're slightly ooc i apologize...i'm still really new to their characters
gn reader! no warnings <3
**i use [spouse] so you can insert your preferred term :) husband/wife/spouse/etc
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captain john price
- being married to a captain means a lot of nights where price doesn't come home until well after midnight from the amount of work that gets thrown onto him. you try your best to stay up those nights, waiting for his return so you can make him something quick to eat before cleaning him up for bed. though, a lot of the times you get too tired, and price will walk in to see you passed out on the couch. you always wake up in your bed with your husband's arms around your waist and his face buried in your neck.
- because price is always away from home for long periods of time, when he comes back expect to not lift a finger to do anything. he'll feel bad for having you manage the home alone for such long periods of time, so when he is at home he'll do everything for you. cook, clean, run errands—everything. though, sometimes you insist that you help him, saying that it's no fair that he comes home from work just to work some more at home. you find it more enjoyable when the two of you do chores together, anyways.
- he was so outwardly confident with proposing to you, but i know for a fact that he was like a shaking chihuahua on the inside. i definitely think you would date him for quite a long time before finally deciding to get married, so when price takes you to a spot you guys haven't visited since the beginning of your relationship to propose to you, your heart melts realizing that he remembered something from so long ago.
- your wedding was small and simple, with only close friends and family attending. price had more guests with all of the people he knows from work, but you've grown to like them all as much as he does. you have plenty of photos of the 141 boys drunk during the reception, and maybe a few pictures of a drunk, dancing price that he only lets you see out of embarrassment.
- speaking of the 141 boys, they'll often be at your place to watch football or to simply just hang out. you don't mind it in the slightest; they're all very kind to you. gaz is very formal with you because you're his captain's spouse, and you've told him multiple times that it's okay for him to use your first name rather than mr/mrs. price. the others are very casual with you, but know not to cross any boundaries with price watching. of course, i don't think they would do that to begin with, but regardless price is very protective of you.
- you will definitely nag him about his smoking habits. even if you find it attractive, you know it's not good for him. price and laswell will bond over the fact that their spouses hate it.
- price will ignore others to give you his undivided attention. soap would be blowing up his phone with text messages, hearing it buzz in the back pocket of his pants as he has you against the kitchen counter with his hands on your hips and his lips on yours. "john, it sounds important-" "it can wait." he'll mutter in that attractively low voice of his as he swiftly pulls the phone from his pocket and tosses it elsewhere before immediately pulling you back into another kiss.
- breakfast would be your time to catch up with one another. the most peaceful time of day, the both of you are always up early and sitting at the dining table with a hot cup of tea. he loves asking you about any new happenings that he missed while he was gone, and will watch with a soft smile as you enthusiastically tell him about it. you then do the same with him as he tells you about work, and you can always see his body relaxing as he speaks to you. after breakfast, he likes to invite you on his morning walks where you'll continue your conversations.
- i do think price would want kids; maybe one or two. while his job takes him away from home a lot, he'll always make time for his family, even if that means taking time off. he makes sure not to miss any important dates, and if it can't be helped, he'll make sure to spend time with you guys afterwards. seeing the way price smiles and laughs with your kids is something that you will cherish forever.
simon "ghost" riley
- ghost didn't see himself getting married until he met you. even then he was very hesitant for a long time, but as the two of you deepened your relationship, he realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
- ghost would need a lot of reassurance not only as a boyfriend, but also as a husband. he does not know how to be a husband in the slightest. he thinks he has to know how to do everything automatically, so you often have to reassure him that you're just as new to this as he is.
- being married to you, ghost trusts you more than anyone on the planet. you're the only one who can lift that mask from his face with your own hands, and he lets you trace your fingers along his scars. it took a long time to get to this point; you didn't judge ghost for not being very touchy while you were dating because you were aware of his circumstances. he also showed his love in other ways, mostly with gifts and acts of service. though, after getting married, ghost made it a point to be more physically affectionate with you. now, he loves resting his head in the crook of your neck and holding you tight and close, especially after a long day or mission.
- he isn't into making things very public, so his proposal was very private and probably took place at home, but made sure to make things as romantic as they can be in simon riley's world. your wedding would also be very small and probably in the backyard, but it would still be cute and magical. you've never seen ghost so full of life until your wedding day.
- he doesn't like to burden you with his work. before he leaves for a mission, he'll make sure everything at home is ready for you. fridge is stocked, clothes are washed, the toilet you've been bothering him about is fixed—he doesn't want you to worry about anything while he's gone. even when he's away from home, he'll text you a simple "you alright?" to check in on you.
- after you got together with ghost, you became his mask maker. when his mask gets torn or stained, you either fix it for him or make him a new one. at this point, you could paint a perfect skull with your eyes closed. when soap teases ghost about the mask, he'll tell him that you made it, which then makes soap feel guilty LOL. "why do you keep that mask on anyway? you scared?" "[spouse] made it."
- oh he is so cold and scary on the battlefield, but the moment he has time to himself and turns on his phone to see a message from you saying "i miss you :(" his entire world explodes. nobody could tell, but he wants nothing more but to be with you when he's away. in all those times he's spacing out while with the other 141 members, he's most likely thinking about you.
- i don't think ghost would want kids, but if you express that you do, he'll reconsider. he would just be scared that he wouldn't make a good dad, but if you do have kids, it's quickly shown otherwise. he definitely treats kids like tiny adults, but he's never harsh with them. imagine his large, scary figure sitting himself in a kindergarten sized chair after your kid pleaded for him to come in for career day.
- what ghost will want though is a dog. if you decide not to have kids, a dog will be your baby. a big ol german shepherd or a rottweiler, you guys will spoil that dog like it's royalty. you think it's cute to watch ghost kneel down to pet the dog, and sometimes you'll find them together taking a nap. you like to tease that he loves the dog more than you.
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justaz · 3 months
need post magic reveal/ban repeal where magic is free and everyone grows in their knowledge of just what magic is and how it works etc, etc. merlin (isn't one for bragging about his powers) doesn't really mention much about his magic so people just assume he has enough to get by with like chores but not enough to catch the ire of uther EXCEPT for gauis, lancelot, and arthur bc gaius and lancelot have known about him for years and know what he's capable of and arthur sat merlin down and demanded all the stories so arthur knows he'd be a formidable opponent but he doesn't really get it yk? so he's like "yeah merlin has magic and he's capable of defending himself and camelot so he's probably on the more powerful end of the spectrum like every other sorcerer who is powerful"
and then i need merlin to be Different. like noticeably different. like idk a sorcerer is like trying out to be court sorcerer (bc merlin doesn't want another job dammit arthur give it morgana or someone-) and they perform this elaborate spell that captivates merlin and he starts asking all these questions and the sorcerer is like "yeah it's super difficult, it took me months to get it right and it takes years for some others-" and they cut themselves off bc merlin was just like "i wanna try" and does it perfectly first try. the sorcerer is seething.
camelot is hit with a heatwave and everyone is suffering and arthur is just like "morgana can you make it rain or something? it's too hot to breathe." and morgana is just like "no you idiot i can't just bend nature to my will. it doesn't like that." and merlin finally arrives with waterskins full of nice, cold, refreshing drink that the knights are frothing at the mouth to get. arthur complains again and morgana huffs and merlin is like "has he been like that this whole time?" and morgana nods with a groan and merlin laughs before going "i can try something" and leaves before anyone can say anything and arthur looks at morgana and is like "i thought you said nature doesn't like to be controlled?" and she's like "it doesn't" and then they all chase after merlin but he's chilling in the courtyard with his eyes closed, not even chanting, and then the sky starts to darken as black clouds roll in, the temperature plummets and then...snow begins to fall. in july. they all end up having a snowball fight.
a power hungry sorcerer comes along and is like "emrys....he's perfect....just what i need...teehee" and casts some spell over merlin and begins to siphon his magic and his power and merlin feels waves of his magic flood through the connection and into the sorcerer and like he's a mix of panic and concern bc yeah this mf is taking his magic but they're taking his magic. merlin tries to bargain or talk them down while the knights and arthur try to attack but the sorcerer keeps pushing them back and ignores merlin and is like "i want power, i want your power" blah blah blah monologue time and they swing another wave of magic out at the knights and knock many out while killing some and merlin is just like "ok no that's all folks thanks" and starts to push his own magic through the connection. the sorcerer has this wild gleam in their eyes and they feel more and more power fill them and it's like a high until it gets too much and they frantically try to sever the connection and their telling merlin to stop but merlin is just like "i thought you wanted my power? i'm giving it to you" and continues to flood the sorcerer with his magic until gold begins to trace their skin and they idk explode or smth and then all the magic flies back into merlin and he flexes his hands. unnamed knights 3, 6, 22, 53, and 55 still died so it's a tragedy.
a bunch of sorcerers are entertaining at a feast (kind of like the trickler) and they cast illusions all around the room that look real enough (unless you look too closely or touch it bc they are somewhat see through and your hand would pass right through them) and it's a fun and joyous night. later that week, the knights bring it up during their break while training and merlin is like "sure, what illusion should i cast?" and after some back and forth, he settles on the illusion of a dragon. it's around the size and age of aithusa bc that's all he has to go off of and it's gold since he took inspiration from the pendragon crest all around the area. it jumps around and flaps it's wings to get some air and it's all fine and dandy until elyan goes to poke his hand through it's ribs but meets physical scales and he jumps up into percival's arms. merlin looks closer and is like "oh. its real. whoops." and leon is like "whoops?? you make a real life dragon and all you have to say is whoops?" and merlin shrugs and is like "it was an accident" and leon about keels over from a heart attack "an accident? how do you accidentally-" the dragon is considered a gift from magic to camelot and helps further heal the wounds of uther's purge.
idk just like merlin being casually the most powerful sorcerer to walk the earth and unnerving people just by how little he seems to care about his shows of power but they're all like "well he's just doing all these small things that don't harm anyone and he doesn't even seem to realize just how powerful he is so what can ya do?" and they leave it be and make peace with merlin being Like That. and then camelot/arthur is attacked or smth idk and then everyone gets to see exactly how powerful and dangerous merlin is
#merlin is taking a leisurely stroll toward the villain of the week but every step sends cracks through the earth#and every whisper from his lips is like thunder rolling across the land#power is actually crackling off his body like golden streaks of lightning and his eyes are filled with gold. not just his iris#he absorbs every spell that is cast his way. he stops every weapon that arcs towards him. and he kills every person that dared hurt arthur#arthur got hurt btw. badly. thats why merlin is raging.#god. the idea of “Emrys - Magic Incarnate. The Most Powerful Sorcerer To Walk The Earth.” isn't represented in canon or many fanfics#like we like to but barriers keeping him as just another sorcerer but he's not. he IS magic. he's different even in the magical community.#which btw treasure trove for angst - merlin is just different no matter who he's around. he's completely alone bc#no one in the world could possibly understand him. not even arthur bc while they are intertwined by destiny#arthur was born to be king and that's something other heirs can understand. but no sorcerer can understand merlin.#anywho would love to see more of this if anyone has any fic recs that would be sublime my lovelies#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#morgana pendragon#morgana le fay#knights of the round table#bamf!merlin#fanfiction#fanfic#fic ideas#prompts#like merlin is the embodiment of all magic. the source of all magic in the realm and ur gonna look me in the eye and tell me#“oh he gets tired when he casts five (5) spells”#look at me. listen to me. he is so mf powerful. i have sm beef with the show for not showing that.#which like yeah budget and 2012 cgi but GOD i wouldve loved to see it
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yestrday · 7 months
do any of the hybrids have jobs or tasks that keeps them occupied throughout the day? I know aether is sort of a butler for the mc, and zhong li is the secretary of mc's father. but what about hybrids like ayato and thoma, who have experience in elite society, do they just sit around at home or do they actually do business-like work 😭 or hybrids like ajax or itto, it sounds like they mightve been strays and just lived in the wild, so do they do anything now besides fight and play w other hybrids (like be in charge of gathering food, meet up with former gang members, etc)?
while the hybrid had their own unofficial tasks, everyone was organized into groups the moment zhongli entered the scene.
aether is his own catgeory. he likes to call himself a butler, but it's really just him being your housepet. he takes care of you— wake you up, remind you of meetings, gossip to you about the going-ons in the manor, and basically just trail after you wherever you go. he helps out the manor's staff when he's not doing anything.
the executive team is actually a one-man team of zhongli, as he is on orders from your father to raise you into a fine heir. he's tasked with communication between you and your father, and also manages the house staff and hiring. he's expected to report to your father about the happenings in your house and keep your 'pets' in line. xiao is often considered an unofficial member of the team since zhongli often orders him around to send messages on his behalf (most of the hybrids don't use gadgets) as well as stalk... err, keep an eye on them.
the education team consists of zhongli (again!), neuvillette, ayato, albedo (haitham?). they're a team under zhongli's management who are tasked to educate you on subjects and topics that are in line with your father's vision for you. ayato was picked specifically to educate you on social manners and etiquette, though he does a scary job at education.
the manor management team works closely with the manor staff in... well, managing the manor! xingqiu has stationed himself as a part-time librarian with the amount of time he spends in there. tighnari takes care of the garden while zhongli's had kaveh draw up plans whenever renovation or a new place had to be built. freminet is not really part of this, but everyone tends to come to him whenever they need a mechanic. the house staff love baizhu for his gentle demeanor and medicine.
the security team is your group of glorified stalkers, who consist of those who are most adept to combat. xiao, cyno, and sometimes aether stalk you from the shadows wherever you go. gorou is more concerned about making the manor more secure and wriothesley stays with him (he just likes staying at the manor). razor means well. childe likes to consider himself part of the security team, but the actual people don't really consider him as such. heizou's not really part of them, but they often call for him whenever they need to sleuth things out.
the information team is organized a little later, should you officially assume the title of heir and start your education on how to run the corporation. those within here are your pawns to use. aether, lyney, and kaeya are good at words and can make anyone reveal information with their irresistible charm. heizou, of course, for the sleuthing. you can send diluc on solo missions, who can use his formidable combat to infiltrate and beat the shit out of any fancy pants you need dirt on.
they don't really do much, these guys. itto is, well, itto, and he means well but there's not much he can really do, so sometimes he'll help the others out with the occassional odd job to gain some pocket money. bennet means well too, so zhongli has decided to take pity on him and let him help out with the house staff. venti doesn't do chores, sorry, and kazuha likes to help out with security every now and then but that's it. don't even bother asking scara. chongyun also means well but he's kind of like a bug repellent but instead of bugs it's evil spirits. thoma is just ayato's butler. mika does a lot, actually, so you have to remind him to take a rest whenever he gets exhausted from rushing to and fro the manor.
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qstea · 2 years
How would Killer (or hollow) Error, ink and Fallacy work with a s/o that’s extremely lazy yet extremely hard working at the same time? (Like they’ll have a years worth of paper work and they’ll finish that shit in three days)
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They’re used to seeing you laid back and tired all the time, not wanting to go reach your hand out to get the remote on the table a foot away, not wanting to get up from bed in the morning and asks for five more minutes and then takes two hours instead, that kind of stuff. Error had changed a bit of their schedule and living style to doing a lot more of the chores around your house in their free time, clean out your mailbox, and remind you of important things like what time your meeting at work is, or if you don’t have a job, the date of a very important test or quiz, etc.
And then they figure out you have a FUCK TON of paper work and they get ready to help you finish it ( aka do most of the work for you )
But as soon as they get into your room..
Error sees a mountain of paper work cast off to the side, and they walk over to see if any have been done.
Flipping through the pages, they see that… every. single. last. piece. is. DONE. FINISHED.
Absolutely fucking flabbergasted. For once in your life, you do some seriously hard and challenging work.
They wonder if you’re just using them as an excuse to slack off all the time, just to amaze them with how hard you can work at the most RANDOM, FUCKING. TIMES.
Watch out. They have their eye on you.
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✦ - INK
Ink usually just lets you be lazy all the time, but occasionally forces you to get up and help him work on stuff like art pieces, scrapbook making, or just to go on a walk through some of his favorite AUs.
He’s pretty fine with a lazy S/O and works perfectly fine with one. Though, sometimes he forces you to get up and do stuff whenever he’s feeling especially energetic and hyper.
He does force you to get up from bed early and sometimes to go on trips with him or just for the hell of it cause he be like that sometimes.
Ink comes into your room with a scrapbook, ready to ask you to help him cut some pictures and glue stuff on with him..
And he sees how much stuff you got done in just a day!
Super proud of you, will definitely bring it up later in a jokingly way.
“You need help with cleaning up your room, [READER]? You could get so much done in a day! Remember how you finished all that work last week? I’m sure you can do it yourself!”
Note: make sure Ink doesn’t catch you doing anything productive.
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✦ - FALLACY (Fatal Error)
Fallacy is fine with you being lazy, I mean, it’s not their concern and they aren’t bothered by it, so long as you don’t interrupt their work.
All they need is you to be at their side when they need it, and to just love you, how active you are isn’t really something they care for.
But it’s sometimes a thing they are confused about.
Sometimes you just completely switch up and work incredibly hard on something and get it done the same day you started, and then other days you can’t even force yourself to get up to get something to eat
Won’t ever speak or talk about it, but it’s just something they’re intrigued in. How exactly do you just.. be two completely separate things at the most random times?
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noirvette · 1 year
kyle and kenny! + sick reader!!
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wow two posts in a day.. this is what happens when you pick up no shifts at your job
anyhow next post after this will be the band smau intros methinks... (requests'll get finished and posted throughout the day tomorrow)
cws: none !
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Notices you aren't in class and shoots a quick text asking where you are, when you respond that you're sick, he's on a scavenger mode for you w/ class homework and notes.
Any class you both have he's got those notes for you and any class you DONT have, he's finding someone to give him notes.
"You don't have this class, Kyle?" "Yeah it's for (Y/N), they're sick Wendy."
Making sure you don't fall behind, it's been just one day but he can't let the idea of you trying to catch up in classes be a thing.
NOW...say what you want...but Kyle can cook..idc..he's got that soup maker in him locked down. (malewife Kyle...)
ANYHOW, he's making butternut squash soup (if you're allergic he's making the good ole standard chicken noodle, he probably's making multiple soups tbh) for you and he's making side dishes. He's literally going all out.
Def learned cooking tips and tricks from his mom
Side dishes are just crackers or almonds LMAO, he's good at cooking but when you're sick your energy tends to be lower so he doesn't want to overwhelm you with too much food, just stuff to power you through <3
Eating and drinking is important when sick and he wants you feeling better asap.
Aside from the food, he's got himself that he's bringing. Like he'll come over with his school work, your school work, whatever else, because he's gonna spend the night with you.
Don't try complaining about him getting sick, he's made up his mind that he's helping you out, won't care if he gets sick at all.
"Kyle..you'll get sick too if you stay with me, go home, I'll be fine." "Nope, I don't care if I get sick, taking care of you is what I have got to do."
Goes over the class work and notes for you if you're feeling up to it, if not, he'll wait until you are, or writes out how to work on the problems so you can learn on your own time if he isn't actually there to help.
Now.. cuddling with you is a weird thing. He'll definitely cuddle, but he's got such a physical germ issue and if you're sneezing a whole bunch, runny nose, anything.. snot related sick, he's helping you while keeping a little distance.
If you're on the drier side of sickness like a dry cough, stuffy nose, fever, things like that, he'll be fine keeping you close distance/cuddling/etc.
No kisses from Kyle though when you're sick :( (boooooo)
Makes up for it with letting you have comfy clothes of his.
Also does chores for you around the house. If you have laundry you needed to do, dishes, house cleaning, etc. he's handling it, you just sleep and rest.
Kyle standing in your room with a feather duster to remove dust because it's an irritant (malewife kyle pt 2)
He does manage to get sick though :(, now it's your turn!!
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Didn't know you were sick at first because Kenny was skipping class. Found out because he received a text from Stan like "yo are you and (y/n) both sick?"
Cue him skipping school to take care of you instead, he's got a mission to do and that's operation make (y/n) feel better.
Since he was skipping class he has no idea what happened in your classes or his own, so hopefully you don't have a lot of new material to work on when you both come back.
Kenny can most definitely cook too, he just acts like he can't. (canon bc of that home ec episode, he was definitely good at home ec that teacher was just a hater) but he isn't bringing you food, but he's cooking in your kitchen instead.
Makes you chicken noodle soup because it's easy and he's a lil basic. Gives you the dark blue gatorade to go with it though because that gatorade is the best one.
Also is another one that doesn't care if he gets sick (doesn't care because he can just.. die and then wake up the next day not sick)
He's kissing you because he's never been one to be afraid of germs or sickness. Doesn't want to hear complaints.
"Kenny I am SICK, you can't kiss me." "Oh word? I can't? Still going too though." and he swoops in for a kiss.
Tries taking your mind off being sick by distracting you. It sucks to be sick and just laying there so he wants to make sure you have at least some fun.
Like I imagine he's turned on those random youtube karaoke vids to try and sing along to them with your back turned but he's either singing the wrong song or the video has a minute left and he just started singing the song.
"ITS ALL ABOUT YOU GIRL ON A 16TH BIRTHDAY" "The song is earfquake by tyler what are you doing??" "What."
Would also do a few house chores like your dishes, but isn't going to go into a whole bunch of effort. He'd rather spend his time directly with you.
Lets you snuggle into his bright ass orange parka and he's holding you against his chest as you snooze. Places kisses at the top of your head as you sleep, also rubs circles into your waist/hips as you sleep. He's so content with you in his arms.
Decides to do a movie marathon with you since being sick is simply the best time to do a movie marathon.
I could imagine you guys watching the barbie movies tbh.
Cue Kenny dancing the same as those dancing dogs from barbie and the diamond castle
Let's you pick the movie though, Kenny is just there for the ride and to be with you while you're sick.
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artful-aries · 1 year
Genshin Men: How They Show Affection (Cyno, Thoma, Kaeya)
Mobile sucks so bad for trying to find gifs for some characters I said fuck it and used still images instead. Anyway, enjoy!
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​​His affection primarily comes in the form of spending time with you. As the General Mahamatra, he doesn’t have a lot of spare time. It’s significant that what little free time he does have, he spends it with you without a second thought.
​​He doesn’t like going out too much; his job keeps him constantly moving, and being the General Mahamatra he always has a target on his back. Cyno likes to finally slow down when he’s with you. This isn’t to say he wouldn’t take you to get a nice dinner or anything, but he is at his happiest when it’s just you and him.
​​He will teach you how to play Genius Invocation TCG, but he will always go easy on you when you play, admiring how your face lights up when you win. He also wants an excuse to show off the card art he commissioned from Albedo
​​On the rare occasion that he has more downtime than usual and he’s feeling particularly affectionate, his favorite thing to do is just lie down and hold you for hours on end
​​This seems like a blessing; his warm, strong arms wrapped around you, the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat in your ear, his lips occasionally ghosting over your exposed skin….that is, until he breaks out his jokes
​​For Cyno, this is the perfect opportunity to try out some new material, and you’re his unwilling audience
​​Cyno: I have a joke that I would like to tell you, (Y/n). Waking up this morning was an eye-opening experience.
​​Y/N: …
​​Cyno: No? How about this one: Never discuss infinity with a mathematician, they can go on about it forever.
​​You have to kiss him as a distraction if you want him to stop, otherwise he will literally go on all day with his jokes
​​After the first couple of times, Cyno learned that telling jokes to you won him kisses. He totally doesn’t use this fact to his advantage
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​​This man is the walking definition of acts of service
​​Need help reaching something? Thoma is doing it before you even ask. Hungry? He’ll have a five course meal prepared for you with all of your favorite things. Tired from work? Don’t worry, he’ll have all your chores taken care of so that you can relax
​​He likes giving physical affection too, but in public it’ll just be a gentle squeeze of your hand or a kiss on the cheek. In private, he’s a bit more touchy; holding you by your waist, peppering kisses anywhere that you will allow, etc
​​Thoma’s work with the Yashiro Comission always comes first, but he’s very good about balancing his work and your relationship. He never makes you feel like a second choice
​​He’ll love being able to take you to his favorite spots in Inazuma (that is, if he can go a minute without someone asking him for a favor). He shows you all of the well known sights as well as the unknown ones as well. When he shows you special places that only he knows about is how you know that this man is so in love with you
Thoma will definitely take you to feed the stray animals of Inazuma City weekly. You really get to see his nurturing side come out then with the animals. It almost hurts to watch him, he’s just so sweet.
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​​Despite his flirtatious behavior, Kaeya is a little reserved in his affections with you. A lot of it stems from his own personal trust issues
​​Even so, in public he WILL have an arm around your shoulder or waist, and straight up pout if you won’t let him
​​In private he’s more carefree with his physical affection, but you can tell that some of it is just surface level actions, a force of habit as he is a natural flirt
​​It’s not until you manage to melt the icy wall around his heart that you see the real depth of his affection; his eyes linger on you, smoldering. He gives gentle caresses to your hair, and holds you against his chest as though he were scared of you disappearing if he let go
​​Despite is initial reserved nature, Kaeya always gives you words of affirmation, although they often come in the form of incessant teasing
​​Dates with him are actually pretty common. Being the Calvary Captain without calvary, his schedule is pretty flexible. This isn’t to say he doesn’t work hard, but his hard work is always done behind the scenes. He doesn’t want to give you a reason to worry about him anymore than he already does
​​His favorite thing to do with you is to go to the Angel’s Share and gossip. Yes, gossip, and you two are like old ladies together in the thrill of unravelling the drama around Mondstat, and there is a lot of it to go around.
​​You two never bring about any harm with this, but it’s fun for him to teach you ways on how to read people and collect information, and he gets to have both work and pleasure rolled into one as he listens into conversations for any intel he may need
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my-my-my · 1 year
modern Aizen??!! What type of dad would he be? Or husband? What type of life would he have?(job,money,hobbies,etc.)
I love modern Aizen concepts. I've thought so much about this - I have way too many ideas. I'll break this up into chunks for easier reading.
TW: none!
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... as a husband:
A very career-oriented, driven man = very busy. There will be some days where you won't physically see him (because your work schedules don't align), but he will call you each day when you have free time.
He's very attentive. He can tell when you're upset, hurt or angry about something, and he'll listen.
He doesn't like nagging and passive aggressiveness. If you're upset with him, be direct! He trusts you and expects you to trust him as well.
He loves cooking with you, especially if you're curious about new recipes, or try something in a restaurant and want to recreate it at home with him.
He doesn't like leaving household chores with you - he tries to meal plan and prep with you. He's the one that offers to hire a cleaner so there's less stress for you.
When he has time off, he will spend it with you. He will plan elaborate, details days off, vacations, anniversaries, etc. - it's his way of "making up" to his intense schedule.
... as a father:
Extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY patient. He may not be all that understanding with his child, but he tries.
I think Aizen "handles" older children better than new borns and infants.
New borns and infants give Aizen a small seed of fear - this tiny, precious child is someone who inherently has to rely on Aizen. I think in this sense, Aizen's philosophy of "the weak need the strong" changes - of course his baby needs him!
Aizen will always, and I mean always, read them bedtime stories. He loves to encourage his child to read more. One of their first gifts from him (once they're old enough/develop memories) is a little bookshelf.
Library days are important! He's one of those parents who will sign up for parent-baby classes at the local library.
Aizen is definitely the "I'm not angry, just disappointed" parent. He won't shout at his child ever, but they develop an inherent respect for him.
I don't think Aizen would like the concept of private schools (inherently classist/elitist), so he's very much fine with his child going to a public school.
Summer vacations are also for travel! He would encourage his child to see the world - he doesn't want them to be ignorant of the world around them.
... his job:
I've talked about this before, but I can see Aizen in some type of medical or education-role (or both!). I often picture him as some kind of psychotherapist (requires a medical degree) at a world-renowned hospital/institute who's also an associate professor at the major university. He would be one of those people who would have the HBSc + MSc + MD + PhD lol
He would also be a graduate-level supervisor for students. But he's very selective on who he takes under his wing (i.e. Ichigo...). He would encourage his students to think critically about what he's teaching them, but also be supportive in their endeavours.
I think Aizen develops his supervisor persona because it was, unfortunately, something he didn't get to experience as a graduate student. His supervisors were very hands-off and while Aizen was an extremely competent student and fellow, I can see him wanting a mentor during that period of his life.
Aizen only sees a few patients a year, on a consultancy-basis, if he's more research-focused. But some years he does go back into the clinical practice route.
Aizen has definitely had a TEDTalk or two.
Aizen is always competing with Urahara for grants and funding lol it pisses him off.
If Aizen is on a thesis committee with Urahara, it frustrates him, but he tries to be nice and polite - often times he's ignoring Urahara in these meetings and at the time of a student's defence.
Aizen would be a notoriously difficult Comprehensive Examiner for PhD students. Again, going back to thinking critically - he expects students in his division/unit/stream to not regurgitate what they've learned, but demonstrate areas of improvement, new techniques, etc.
Aizen teaches one undergrad-level course in psychology, another one in sociology and then one last one in philosophy (at the 300 level). Many undergrad students flock to his office hours.
Overall - financially - Aizen is definitely not hurting for cash.
... his hobbies:
Reading: whether that be manuscripts, chapter proofs, fiction and non-fiction alike. I think Aizen is inherently a student for life type-of-person. He wants to know more, he has such a thirst for knowledge.
Coffee/tea-hopping: he's not one for gimmicky cafes, but Aizen's curious to try new spots for their coffee and tea selections. Even when he travels abroad, he will try local cafes and buy some beans and blends for home (if he likes it).
I think Aizen would still hold on to calligraphy - it's such a rare talent these days I find. It's an expensive hobby for sure - but one he plans and budgets for. Very, very rarely does he sell some of his prints - it's a way for him to decompress.
I think Aizen would be hesitant to introduce his child to calligraphy - he doesn't want them using his expensive inks and pens lol. I think he'd get them a "child" version of them, but he wouldn't pressure them to continue with calligraphy if it doesn't interest them.
In a similar vein, I can see Aizen enjoying playing the piano in his (very limited) spare time (he's trying to master Rachmaninoff and that unbelievably finger span). I don't see him playing the piano necessarily for the music - but rather, I think it's a test of almost all of his senses. It requires his focus, his ability to read music - translate that ability into finger movements, and be able to interpret the composers own feelings into the piece of music. I don't think he'd be able to tell you who his favourite composers were, but he would be able to tell you pieces that gave him a "challenge" (that he conquered). He would enrol his child in piano lessons.
I can see Aizen being into hiking, and maybe mountaineering. I think it gives him a sort of thrill to climb mountains (always reaching to the top).
Weirdly enough, I think he'd be into foraging as well? Foraging for edible mushrooms specifically (I guess there's something to be said with curiosity and mad scientist types).
Aizen avoids social media. He knows of it, he probably has a twitter account for his academic stuff, but that's about it. I also don't see him as a podcast listener - but he has been invited on to podcasts as a guest!
Overall, I think Aizen would have a life similar to a well-known, top-earning clinical researcher! Someone who's constantly learning, but also wants to share that knowledge to a few select students. This leads him to having a very limited home life, but he makes it up with his attentiveness and understanding. I think Aizen would be a devoted partner to a person who is as equally curious as him - someone he can also learn from.
Thanks anon for this ask! I hope this is what you had in mind.
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AITA for planning to move out of my fiancee's place?
This one might be long so... sorry. Tried to sum it up the best I can. Hi, it's the anon moving in with the vegans. So my fiancee (20) and I (21) moved in with a pair of vegans, one of which has since moved out so now we only live with Sam (26).
Sam is polyamorous, and I thought I was too (although I now think I might be just aroace), and since moving in my partner has discovered that, unlike they previously thought when I was interested in someone a couple years prior, that they are also polyamorous, and have started dating Sam. I was totally okay with this, because I'm very poly-positive and wanted my fiancee to have a chance to discover themself and experience new things.
However, since moving in, they spend 90% of nights sleeping with Sam in their bed, and the other 10% in mine. I've been feeling really lonely about that, and expressed that, and they've responded that they've just been having a really hard time lately with their mental health, and that it's not personal. I'm trying to be supportive and understanding and patient, but I feel very isolated in this house.
Everyone in the house has chronic pain, although my fiance and I have more flare-ups than Sam does. But while there's a lot of leniency when they don't do chores, I'm still supposed to get all of my work done AND theirs, without my pain levels taken into account. This has led to me losing hours of sleep due to being expected to finish chores after getting home at 1am from my shift.
There's also the money problem: I am currently working two jobs to pay rent, and Sam makes triple what I do in salary. My fiancee only works one shift a week by choice, to pay for therapy, and thus doesn't pay rent. We are splitting rent equitably, so I'm not paying nearly as much as Sam, but still if I had the chance to cut back on hours at work to actually take care of myself (emotionally, pain-wise, actually having time to do my physio, etc) I would take it in a heartbeat. But I'm not dating Sam so I feel like there are a lot of double standards here.
I like Sam. They GM for our TTRPG home game and I have a great time. I sincerely don't want to lose those good times. But my mental health is at an all time low and I feel like a third wheel to my fiancee. I've known them for 6 years, we've known Sam for almost 1. I've started a tally of how often my fiancee sleeps in my bed vs in Sam's, and in the past 18 days, they've slept in my bed once. (I started the tally because I convinced myself I was making things up). That all said. I like Sam. But now I'm starting to have feelings of resentment due to... all of this whole situation.
This has led to me reminding my fiancee daily how much I miss them and how lonely I am, talking about moving out (they confirmed they would still live with Sam if I moved out), and being more vocal about my mental health struggles. I've started talking to my friends about it, so quite a few of them are in on the situation, and most people are advising me that I need to communicate more or that we just shouldn't get married.
I love them a lot and do still want to get married, but I also want to break up just because it's hurting to stay in this situation.
That got a lot away from me sorry, I'm probably missing some details, but I really want to know, am I the AH here? Should I be more sympathetic to my fiancee? Am I being unfair to Sam?
What are these acronyms?
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
Okay, I remember you asked for ideas about a pregnant Mordecai x reader, so I have one! Y/n mostly does the chores arond the house, cooking, cleaning, etc. even whe her belly is swollen and Mordecai, being a loving man who cares for his wife, asks her to rest while he finishes the housework for her, she agrees, and in the meantime he wants to surprise her with her favorite dish when she wakes up hungry. I hope it's not too much, by the way. I love your work! (sorry my english is not perfect)
A/n: Thank you for the resend 🥰, also do not apologize because it was perfect and thank you! It makes me happy knowing you guy's like my work!
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"What are you doing?"
Holding one of Mordecai's shirts to your chest, you let out a nervous as you slowly turned to face your husband. "Doing laundry?"
An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he took a step towards you. He wanted to snatch the shirt away from you but he was scared he'd hurt you so instead he wrapped his arm around your waist to guide you to the couch. "How many times....you're pregnant. You shouldn't be doing anything but resting."
"I'm bored." You protested huffing sinking into the couch with a pout.
Bending down, Moredcai placed his hand on your belly then gave the top of your head a kiss. "I am your husband, it is my job to take care of you."
"I'm not made out of glass you know, I can do house work, I can cook."
Straightening his form, Mordecai adjusted his glasses then turned away from you. "I know you can, but I am not going to let you....now rest"
Groaning, you slumped further into the chair as you pouted. "Fine."
Nodding his head, he turned away as he went to finish the things you started. "Just because I work, does not mean I will let you do the house work when you're pregnant with my child. You should be relaxing, you need to relax." He stated glancing over his shoulder.
Giving him light grin, you rubbed your belly slowly nodded your head. "Fine! Fine."
"Good....now let me cook us something to eat." Mordecai stated as he stepped into the kitchen, he was planing on cooking your favorite meal. You worked so much and now he was going to pamper you.
He hated that he had to wake you, Mordecai knew that sleep was important to one's pregnancy but he also knew that you had to eat. Brushing your cheek, he watched as you stir until you finally opened your eyes, a small little yawn escaping you.
"How long was I asleep?" You asked sitting up.
"Not long, here you need to eat."
Blinking, you nearly squealed seeing that he had cooked your favorite foods. "You didn't have to do this."
Shaking his head, Mordecai sat down next to you as he gave you a light smile. "I wanted too, now eat your food." He muttered closing his eyes slumping into the seat.
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plural-affirmations · 9 months
Here's to systems who overwork themselves!
It can be hard to take a step back when you're so used to being in the driver's seat, so to speak. Today, we acknowledge the struggles the average system goes through, and how hard they work to be functional.
Shoutout to:
People who try to front longer than they know they should
Plurals who have to front longer than they're supposed to
Systems who struggle with switching, even if they try
Those who ended up splitting off a part for chores, school, a job, etc.
The ones who feel like they're barely making it right now
People who have to face ableism daily
And anyone else who's just having a hard time at the moment with the current state of things
I say this a lot, but... I love you. Truly. I don't know you, and you don't know me, but I know what it's like to be constantly at odds with the world, and... I see you. I see your efforts. You're doing much better than it seems, I promise.
It's not going to be like this forever; the sun will shine, the birds will sing, and you will be loved even if you don't know it. I'm one of the ones who will, if no one else does.
Stay safe, ok?
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
we were flyin'
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short and sweet! doing laundry with rooster in your new home is silly and lovely | fluff, 0.9k
"Are you going to help, or what?"
You blink and realize that Bradley is staring down at you, holding out a sweatshirt for you to take. This is new for both of you -- it's the first time you're doing laundry in your new place, your first real home together.
"I am helping," you say, snatching the piece of clothing from him and folding it. You add it to the correct pile on the floor around you. His shirts, your shirts, his shirts that you also wear, his pants, your pants, socks, etc. It's so domestic your teeth ache.
He smirks. "I think you were staring at my ass when I bent over. Again." You fight a grin because obviously he's right. From this angle he looks impossibly tall and broad, handsome even in his rattiest sweats and a tattered t-shirt, hair a mess from a day of chores. He's beautiful and bright and yours.
"So what if I was?" you say, leaning back on your hands. His smirk turns to a toothy grin and he puts his hands on his hips and twists.
"Well, sweetheart," he says, "I don't blame you. It's a nice ass."
You laugh. "Don't get cocky, Lieutenant." Bradley groans.
"We talked about this," he says. "You gotta stop calling me that." The tips of his ears are slowly turning red.
"Remind me why?" you tease, batting your eyelashes at him. He groans again.
"Because," he drags out, taking a step towards you. "It's too...hot coming from you." He drops to his knees and you gasp quietly, which brings back his stupidly handsome smirk. "And it makes me want to do this."
With a speed you imagine comes with flying million dollar jets as his day job, Bradley is in your lap, knees bracketing your hips. You lean back instinctively, hands clutching his unfairly large biceps. One of his palms cups the back of your head and the other your jaw. He's heavy, sure, but you can tell he's keeping most of his weight off of you.
"Oh," you say, a bit stupidly. Even still, after knowing and loving him as long as you have, you're flustered."Point taken."
"Hold on," Bradley says, voice a little rougher than before. His face is so close you can see his pupils dilate. "Not done yet." He drags his lips across the soft skin of your cheek. Your fingers dig into the material of his t-shirt. Your heart hammers in your chest.
"Tease," you mutter. He hears you and chuckles lightly before bringing his lips to yours. Despite his teasing, the kiss is soft, gentle. His lips are a little dry and he licks lazily into your mouth just once before pulling away. He swipes his thumb over your lower lip and then flops off of your lap onto the floor next to you.
"Watch the piles!" you tell him, not really meaning it. He manages to swing a leg over yours and pull you into his side in one motion. Your head pillows on his shoulder and you rest your hand on his chest and synch your breaths.
"Can you believe it?" Bradley says softly. You hum, not sure what he means. In so many parts of his life, Bradley is a leader. He's confident, steadfast, prepared. He knows what he needs to do and he does it. People look to him for instruction but also for a joke, a kind word, a smile. He's magnetic in every room he's in. You adore all of these things about him, of course, but you also love the moments like this. When he's feeling softer, when he's with you, when he lets himself be more open. You love seeing this side of him and it feels like magic that you're the one who brings it out of him. "That this is our house. Our house."
You shift a little so that you can see his face. He's looking at the ceiling, eyes wide. There are still boxes in pretty much every room and you don't have a real coffee table yet. You keep rearranging the furniture in the bedroom and yesterday Bradley confessed that he still needs the GPS to get home from work. It's the beginning of something wonderful, something you never thought you'd have: a life with someone who loves you.
"Yeah, baby," you tell him, heart swelling. "It sure is." His mouth curls into a sheepish smile and he meets your gaze.
"Are you happy?" he asks. "Cause, I gotta tell you, I'm really fucking happy." You trace his chin with your thumb, unable to fight your own grin.
"I'm really fucking happy, too," you whisper. It's the truth. Sprawled out on the floor of your messy home, surrounded by laundry, encased in the arms of your beloved? There is nowhere happier.
Bradley kisses your forehead. "Good," he says, squeezing you just a little. "That's all I want."
"I love you," you tell him. Before he can reply, you keep talking. "But we really need to finish the laundry, Rooster," you say, patting his chest gently. "Unless you want to sleep on a bare mattress tonight."
He sighs, a great big breath that makes you rise and fall. "Yeah, yeah," he groans. "Just a few more minutes." You feel his lips on your hairline, his own admission of love a whisper into your skin, his heartbeat steady beneath your palm and honestly, a few more minutes doesn't sound too bad at all.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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