#the whiskey the liar the thief
its 3am. I have to wake up in two hours for work. I spent the last four hours impulse writing a fanfic. So now I'm making it everyone's problem. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51227695 I do not know how to describe it other then Sirius is a big fancy noble and gives it all up for Remus, a random hot guy he met three days prior (which is very sirius if im honest)
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ibreathebooks-42 · 1 year
Someone has to have done a Leverage version of The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief right?
I've had "the hitter, the hacker, the thief" stuck in my head to the tune, and it works too well- I need the other words to get rid of the ear worm XD
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not-that-debonair · 2 years
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writteninflares · 9 months
The wip I'm working on right now is affectionately called whiskey wip because it's loosely based off a song called the whiskey, the liar, the thief by patent pending.
Now consider the basics of the song: a thief and a liar meeting in a pub, and turning it into a fantasy story with a pickpocket former pirate who happens to have royal blood and a noble lady investigating strange disappearances and so masquerading as a boy for information meet in a tavern and help each other with a whole bunch of problems. And that's the whiskey wip
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lovestrucklyuniverse · 5 months
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Hiccup/Anna - Sailing Through the Seven Seas Moodboard
Probably my favorite Hiccanna story ever, and the best way to describe it is that it’s the anti-The Chief and His Princess. One has a pure long distance friends to lovers dynamic that goes through so many kinds of trials before they eventually tie the knot towards the end. Meanwhile this one is the complete opposite, with a ton of lying and deception on Anna’s end.
This story is purely based on the song: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief by Patent Pending. Hiccup is the son of the most famous pirate of his time, Stoick Haddock, and knows how to trick anyone to get what he wants. While Anna is a princess that hates being one and sneaks out of the castle all the time as her alternate persona: The Vixen.
Their paths cross at Oaken’s Tavern when Hiccup is supposed to be passing through Arendelle before making his way towards DunBroch, but happens to meet Anna instead. (Who only came to get drunk to unwind from the news of three suitors of different kingdoms coming to compete for her hand.) They end up hitting it off, having a one night stand, but even after Anna leaves the morning after, the two just can’t seem to stay away from one another. Even if it puts Anna’s disguise at risk.
Anna and Hiccup are very different from their canon selves in pretty much every sense of the word. While I do love their canon counterparts, I also think it’s interesting to try different things with these characters, especially if one version of the character (like pirate Hiccup) may not fit with another version of their love interest (mermaid Anna). It keeps things interesting, I like to think.
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benjaminalphabet · 5 months
something sparkling and iridescent used to master my body and soul;
and i was a beautiful monster, all my glittering worst intentions brought everyone to their knees.
i am worship-worthy when my words mean nothing,
emotionless and empathetic, my sweet little serpent could make everything mine.
manipulative, maladaptive, malicious;
a liar always out for blood.
i was powerful when i slept in other’s clothes, and bedsheets, and dreamscapes.
i used to be in control.
faith and devotion are ugly things;
they come out of the woodwork like spiders, wrap themselves around your throat, and suddenly your poisoned words don’t drip like honey anymore.
always smooth, like whiskey, with a bitter aftertaste that demands attention.
i’m an artisanal, crafted, acquired taste.
my devourer deflated, served over ice, and now she is something weaker.
now it is me who sips this molotov cocktail,
and the honest version of me was never prepared for this.
i am a lovely politician. in my words are palaces, utopias, promises that could never come true.
i can never follow through.
the angels punish me mercilessly,
karmic justice, the scales tipped away from me, and balance is returned to the cosmos
when i lose everything.
love and loneliness sneak in during the dead of night, and notice how you do not crave these touches the way you crave others;
even if they are gentle, though they rarely are.
i have never been gentle with anyone,
i’m a real tough cowboy clairvoyant, a known cowboy killer;
but still, i always feel let down when these men show up drunkenly to my door holding pistols and bouquets in both hands.
they treat me like something threatening, the death before rebirth,
they pray to me like they really believe i can save them, as if i ever could even if i wanted to.
i let them worship at my feet and i promise them a better life just to keep them talking.
they’ve all heard i’m a fake, a con artistic magic saboteur, but they’re still always angry when my gorgeous prophecies never come true.
i let them crucify me, i accept the consequences of my actions,
and i wonder if the revenge is thick and warm filling up the cores of them; like how for a moment they were in mine.
eventually i must admit to this bad behavior without the warm comforting blanket of demonic possession to hold on tight to.
old habits die in the fetal position with their aching heads clutched between their hands.
i spend most nights on my knees at the end of my bed, whispering in tongues,
from a distance i make a sweet picture of prayer, but these incantations i mutter are something much more sinister.
i beg for forgiveness, i beg god to be real,
i apologize and repent,
i ask for a thief’s admittance into heaven.
i do everything the devil is not supposed to do.
i try to be good.
addiction is broken in the dead of winter,
the desolate times, some time during the forty waking nights in a waterless desert -
addiction can only be truly broken when you need your vices the most.
the nights i am touched the most ferociously, i wake up in tears, i face the morning with shame.
when i am alone i am despondent, and depressed, and there is hardly anything that can save me.
i have these pearls in my mouth, and they taste sweet to everyone but me.
my words are sickly, syrupy, and sticky but they are empty, devoid of sustenance or nutrition.
my lovers leave begging for more, and i pile their malnourished open mouths in a moat outside my door and hope they just die quiety.
i don’t want to listen anymore.
most of them they die without legacy,
i forget them easily and they cease to have ever existed once i take the baptism seriously;
cleansed from them in the salt bath,
and all their love for me was fake and all for nothing in the end.
i am selfish, i am lonely,
i want to be left alone, i want anyone to see me.
something sparkling and iridescent used to master my body and soul;
and i was a beautiful monster, all my glittering worst intentions brought everyone to their knees.
something uglier rules me now,
good intentions, white knuckles,
a reach for intimacy in the middle of nowhere.
i am so disassociated i swear i have been speaking a language long dead.
i am not fully of this world, nor am i fully in it.
my faith is mercurial at its best, fickle at its weakest.
my own devotion is cracked like marble that has been shattered and put back together by well meaning restorative hands.
they do their best, but i am no pride of Michelangelo.
i am not Aphrodite
or one of her loving devotees.
i am somewhere outside of that,
like offerings left on alters - i am the rose petals left in her wake.
i am the flames from pink candles, longing to set the whole world ablaze.
i am a goddess’s aftermath, discarded scraps, the wax hardening after the ritual ends, going cold.
i am going cold.
i am not Aphrodite, i am the irrational price she pays.
i have been reformed too many times,
rewritten, reeled in, reinvented,
and still misinterpreted.
i have no confessions, i have no guilt,
i have always loved that fatal, iridescent, irredeemable monster more than i loved the pure white parts of me.
i am virginal in so many secret ways.
i have always known that only one of them can survive, but i have never known which one will prove to be stronger.
4.21.24 || self fulfilling prophecy
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cassiesart · 1 year
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100 song challenge- The Whiskey, the Liar, the Thief - Patent Pending 
fantasy??? tavern!!! tavern?!/1/!?!/ elfs? ta vern!  t a ve nr
Since I forgot to draw them with drinks or food they haven’t ordered yet, they might be playing to see who pays. you always want to know who’s paying before you order.
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Finished the One Piece Live Action and overall I'd give it an 8/10. Most of the actors are great at portraying their roles, and despite a few small (and two not so small) criticisms I had with the show, overall it still felt like One Piece, albeit a different version of it.
I sincerely hope they do a season two, despite my criticisms. I think they could easily do the Alabasta arc, even in just eight episodes, though I'd hope for more.
Logue Town
Reverse Mountain / Crocus / Laboon
Whiskey Peak
& 5. Skip Little Garden and go straight to Drum Island
6. , 7., & 8. Alabasta
Would be so awesome if they did that.
Spoilers below where I go in-depth about my criticisms, mainly for my own benefit.
Starting with the biggest criticism I had, I think it was genuinely a mistake for them to cut the Don Krieg fight because of how it really makes both Sanji deciding to join the crew, and Nami's iconic "Luffy, help me" scene kind of fall flat.
It messes up Sanji joining the crew because, without it there's really no reason for Sanji to even consider joining his crew. At that point, Luffy was just this random wannabe pirate captain who had been forced into becoming a dishwasher for the Baratie, and whose crew consisted of a half-dead swordsman, a liar, and a thief who betrayed them. Not to mention, said-wannabe pirate captain just had his ass handed to him and was looking to presumably get his ass handed to him again by the same guy while presumably going after a woman who stated clearly that she wanted nothing to do with them anymore. What about that screams: "Ah yes, I should quit my sure thing of a life and job to go hangout with these all-powerful, super intelligent, upstanding people!"
It also just sort of lessens the Nami moment later on because at that point she has no reason to even hope Luffy can beat Arlong, and literally every reason to believe he can't given that she'd literally just seen him lose to Arlong at the Baratie. Instead of it being an inspiration of hope at her lowest point, it became this pathetic last-ditch effort to beg for help from someone who she has every reason to believe can't help her.
This isn't to say that scene wasn't done well, for what it's worth. I thought Nami did a good job of recreating the scene pretty well honestly. It was just the setup to that moment that I had an issue with.
Beyond that, I had an issue with Sanji overall, but this is again connected to the fact that they cut the Don Krieg fight. Honestly, while I thought the Syrup Village was easily more enjoyable in live action than it was in the anime, I really wish they'd cut that arc down to just one episode and given Baratie the time it deserved to be what it needed to be. I know they had a lot to cram into just 8 episodes, but I really don't think they did the best of jobs deciding what was worth keeping and what was worth tossing.
Of course, I have to assume this was mainly due to budget and effects, hence why they also decided to cut out easily the best character in Arlong Park (probably hard to depict an 6-armed octopusman), Hatchan, who I would argue is far more important as a comedic relief character than one might expect, but I digress. His role in Arlong Park really helps relieve some of the tension, reminding everyone that this is supposed to be a goofy pirate show and not always some ultra serious, depressing drama series.
Other than all that, the show was great I thought. You really have to open your mind a bit and not be such a stickler to the source material, as I often find myself being. I really hope they do a season two though. I can see it being somewhat feasible for them to do an Alabasta Saga next. 1 ep for Logue Town, 1 for Reverse Mountain/Crocus, 1 for Whiskey Peak, skip Little Garden since ultimately it's not super important and just have Nami get sick some other way, 2 eps for Drum Island, and then I think Alabasta itself probably deserves 3 episodes so we can maybe see at least a couple of the fights.
I'd love to see Zoro solo the Millions, and especially his fight against Mr. 1 since I think that's a pivotal power-scaling moment for him when he cuts steel for the first time. Of course, you can't have Alabasta without Bon Clay, so seeing him and Sanji fight would be good. And then obviously, Luffy vs. Crocodile. I'm not sure where Nami, Usopp and Chopper would fit in, since I'm trying to think of how you'd keep this budget-friendly, and having them all fight their actual opponents I think would just be too much (especially Usopp & Chopper vs. Ms. Merry Christmas & Mr. 4).
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adozentothedawn · 6 months
Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear
Tagged by @starlightcleric, thank you! Now to be honest, this was a bit hard, because usually I make playlists for my characters with like two songs and forget about it. xD But! I did sit down and collected a few more. I didn't quite know which of my Rogue Trader characters to go for, but eventually settled on Anon, because I have more of an idea about her clothing style. Maybe I'll do Carolus later.
Five Songs:
Under the Radar - Abney Park (Cause she's a pirate)
The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief - Patent Pending (The Jae ship song)
RISE - The Glitch, The World Alive, Mako (Mostly just here for the drama)
Wildfire - Against The Current (Now we're coming for the empire)
Nothing but Mine - Parellite, Anya Gold (The Marazhai ship song)
Three Outfits
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Gonna throw a tag to @stylishanachronism, @adraveins, and @orime-stories if anyone is interested.^^
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eae-angels-things · 1 year
Roadrat Prompt thing? (HELP)
I want to write this story based on the song The Whiskey, the Liar, the Thief by Patent Pending. But I want some critiques for it. (I used Chat GPT to help with the summary.)
Mako's grown up with all the fancy privileges – his old man's a rich landowner. But things get flipped on their head when his folks decide to set him up with some random girl. And get this: they caught him fooling around with another guy. Now he's caught between keeping his parents happy and staying true to himself.
To clear his head and sort his feelings, Mako starts sneaking out at night to this dive bar. It's where the folks who don't fit in show up. That's where he runs into Jamison, street smart as they come, surviving by his wits. Jamison's street smarts have turned him into a pickpocket, swiping to get by.
At the bar, they have a random hook-up that's supposed to be a one-time thing. They both agree, just a bit of fun and nothing more. But wouldn't you know it, they keep bumping into each other at that same place, night after night. A casual encounter starts feeling like something deeper.
Trouble is, their feelings grow just when things get complicated. Mako's family is still pushing that arranged marriage, and it's hanging over whatever's happening between him and Jamison. As they sort out their emotions, they're juggling what their family wants with what they want.
While they're figuring out what's happening between them, they're also trying to figure out where their loyalties lie. Loyal to their families, loyal to themselves, and loyal to a connection that doesn't fit the usual mold. They're on a journey to make a future that's true to their hearts.
That bar, it's not just a place anymore. It's where they uncover the layers of love, explore their own identities, and gather the courage to stand up against a world that doesn't really get their relationship.
What yall think? Please give some insight ;-; Thank you
(also in this Au they are around the same age im thinking like early-mid 20s)
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aurhia · 2 years
Heads Up 7 Up
I think the idea here is to post seven sentences of something you wrote today, or to write 7 sentences on your wip if you haven’t yet today.
tagged by @late-to-the-fandom​. Tagging it forward is tough b/c I am not sure who exactly is active with their writing. Haven’t seen a lot posted. So instead of tagging anyone specific, I’m going to leave it open and if you want to play writing or creative games, make sure to tag me in your post and I’ll include you directly in the future.
Unfortunately, seven sentences of what I wrote doesn’t really work out of context because it was a song, so I’m putting the whole song here. One of my D&D characters is an Aarakocra bard and I’m that crazy bard player who actually writes the music their character writes. So this one is about a party member’s alias that he travels under. I intended to poke some fun at him after he dared me during a disagreement, but then apparently it got popular and they’re singing it across the whole continent. It’s part of my character’s set list now. But on the spot during the game I only wrote the first half because I didn’t have time, so I needed to finish it. Still probably gonna add another pair of verses. So here is 
Fuck Chuck the Chucklefuck  by Sid Greenfeather
Lock up your brandy, your whiskey and wine Closet your ladies both plain and divine No one is safe from his endless design Check his pockets, now whose gold will you find?
Cheer up, buddy, With your terrible luck Give us a chuckle, you miserable fuck Laugh while you cheat, Where's that extra card tucked? Fuck you now Chuck, You're a true Chucklefuck
CHORUS: OH Fuck Chuck, the Chucklefuck, Chuck fuck, the fucklechuck Fuck Chuck, the Chucklefuck [shouted] Hey folks, next round's on Chuck!
[spoken] Sorry buddy, you dared me to write this
Now I promise, every word of it's true If your coin purse is light by a plat'num 'r two Look around the pub for, yep, you know who He's a laugh, he's a smile, but his heart's always true
Sure he's a braggart and we all give him grief, When he opens his mouth, we all pray he'll be brief He's a rascal, a liar and an incorrigible thief But he's good in a fight, and he's armed to the teeth
CHORUS (singalong): OH Fuck Chuck, the Chucklefuck, Chuck fuck, the fucklechuck Fuck Chuck, the Chucklefuck Next round's on Chuck OH Fuck Chuck, the Chucklefuck, Chuck fuck, the fucklechuck Fuck Chuck, the Chucklefuck [shouted] Hey folks, next round's on Chuck!
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designedparadigm · 3 months
She bats her eyes and lies about her ring He used the coin he stole to buy the drinks Never thought they'd find love drowning sorrows at the pub, The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief!
this song makes for a good plot & i want to do it please hit a brother up ty
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writteninflares · 8 months
Meet the Wips: Whiskey
Inspired by the song The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief by Patent Pending, hence its current working title of whiskey wip
This story is set in a fantastical kingdom's capital city, which sits by the ocean. There is a royal family that currently consists of just the king and the queen dowager. The noble system consists of dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts, and barons. There are old nobles and new nobles, with the old nobility ranging from count upwards. These are the ones with magical bloodlines. The new nobles don't contain magic unless through marriage. Outside of the nobility, there are different classes of commoner, from middle class merchants to the poorest of slum families. As a port town, there is also a revolving population of sailors from the most reputable naval ships to the most ne'er-do-well pirate ships. Under the surface of the kingdom there is a darkness, in which children have been going missing from the slums for a long time.
The story follows Everett Marsh, 20 years old, who grew up in the kingdom as a pick pocket before joining a pirate ship at age 12 to get away from his abusive father. Six years later, he returns only to find his father had since died, leaving him as an orphan. He finds his way to a tavern on the harbor, where he sets up residence for the two years prior to the start of the story. He returns to being a street thief, though not for want of money, largely doing it to protect the young street thieves that he sees a lot of himself in.
Fiametta Castellane is an 18 year old daughter of a duke who was tasked with investigating the disappearance of the slum children. She goes undercover into the commoner taverns, making her way to the one that Everett lives in. After almost getting kidnapped and being rescued by Everett, the two band together to find out just what is going on with their kingdom.
Along the way, a few secrets come to light, tensions run high, emotions run higher, and a final battle between family decides the fate of an entire kingdom. A cast of at least 17 different characters, three of which start the story dead, make this story one of my largest endeavors. The whole story starts long before the birth of our hero, only coming to light as time goes on. Read eventually to find out 😅
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shadowpeachyuri · 1 year
The Whiskey, the Liar, the Thief by Patent Pending I put on my DBK playlist bc it lowkey reminds me of him
i have not had any songs remind me enough of dbk to make a full on playlist yet but this is a fun song i like it
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howabhwmwn · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite people (positivity is cool)✨🎶
Yoooo songs!!!!! Thanks for making me shove music down everyones throat!!! Squuuee
Ill just put the ones i listened to a lot this past week!
1 Forever Young - Alphaville
2 Black Limousine - Dragonette
3 Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
4 The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief - Patent Pending
5 Youre All Scotch, No Soda - Sarah and the Safe Word
Bonus 6 Exposure - fin
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cameronhvrley · 3 years
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 Patent Pending | The Whiskey, the Liar, the Thief 
send me your favourite song and i’ll make a gif/edit of my favourite line and add it to my spotify playlist!
spotify playlist
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