#the whole trope just makes me so uncomfortable
freekicks · 2 days
I suppose I’m not sure what you want me to do here. I could explain what a kink is or do some psychosexual analysis on why some men are into “daddies,” but I think all that would accomplish is bringing us both five minutes closer to our last breaths on earth. If it’s not something you’re into, and it’s between two consenting adults, then I don’t see why it’s our business. I’m also unsure how, as someone who is reading erotic stories in their spare time, “daddies” is the subject that compelled you to write a letter to your local advice columnist. I have read things in the realm of smut that would make the common “daddy fetish” story look like “Goodnight Moon.” Come back to me when you reach the cold, hard bottom of the slash fic iceberg. You also seem to be conflating real-world relationships with erotica. These are not the same. Sure, there can be overlap, but to go from “this fictional character crossed a line in a fictional story” to “and that’s why I’m uncomfortable with people who remind me of that character” suggests, to me, that you took a wrong turn or two navigating this ethical corn maze. It’s not even a script limited to gays. I mean, mainstream pop culture is littered with what I would consider “daddy trope” dynamics. There’s a whole genre of beauties falling for beasts. There’s a popular children’s movie about it with a singing teapot and a fruity candelabra. What is a beast, if not a daddy by another name? You be the judge. I’m certainly in no place to dictate what makes you uncomfortable. I can see how you might look at, say, a large age gap between two adults in a sexual dynamic and think, “weird!” I’ve had thoughts like that as well. But I think discomfort in and of itself is not always a surefire sign that something immoral is afoot. Discomfort can be caused by any number of factors—personal experiences, biases, preferences, and so on. [...] Sadly, it’s all too common to see people exploit power dynamics—experience, money, fame, access, etc.—for personal gain. But this isn’t exclusive to age. All three times that I’ve been violated by men, the men have been around my age. Abuse can happen in any dynamic, and while I, too, find comfort in the notion that abuse can be easily sniffed out ahead of time, that there will reliably be telltale red flags, that’s just not how things typically work. I’m also reluctant to abide by the increasingly popular belief that “power dynamics” are inherently manipulative. The reality is, there are power dynamics in every relationship. If you are involved with another person, then you have entered an uneven playing field or two. No two people will be exactly the same age, same economic class, same appearance (I hope????), and so on, and so forth. This is not violence. This is dating. These are things that have to be worked through and navigated with mutual respect. There is risk involved, yes, but risk cannot be entirely avoided in life. I hope I’m not coming across as harsh, Confused! I think, or at least hope, that you’re coming from a place of genuine concern for others and, to be sure, I’d never want to outright dismiss anyone on a subject as serious and prevalent as abuse. But on the other hand, I find myself a member of a community presently under attack by accusations of “grooming” and predation. It’s made me particularly sensitive to insinuations from any political stripe that the gays are sex monsters trolling for their next victim, or that we’re all just victims in waiting, idling around until one of those nasty older gays creeps up and takes advantage of our vulnerabilities. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing here, but again, what two consenting adults (ADULTS) do is not my business. I can make my own judgments, but I don’t have to give my rubber stamp of approval on it. I don’t have to formally condone or condemn it. If harm hasn’t been explicitly stated, then I won’t read harm into it just because I’m uncomfortable. I am not entitled to a perpetual state of comfort.
-Advice Columnist Hola Papi (aka John Paul Brammer) responding to a letter writer who was uncomfortable about the prevalence of daddy kink in gay erotic fiction.
just thought this might be relevant to a certain fandom right now...
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chaifootsteps · 3 days
there's been another edit war going on with the TV Tropes recap for Full Moon's YMMV recap page
an entry for Unintentionally Unsympathetic that talks about the reaction to Stolas. people kept trying to remove it and then even those who didn't totally agree added it back because it's about a fan reaction & it used direct evidence from the show as support
it's back for good now because it was approved on another thread, but what gets me is that fans keep trying to reframe what people's problem is with the murder family scene in the first place
they talk about it as though the scene has to prove either Stolas called already knowing it was a bad time or have been watching Blitzo functionally the entire time
but while that would be bad, there's already enough in the scene itself to condemn Stolas. the point is that Stolas had every reason to believe Blitzo was not in a position to talk and was very likely in danger, but he not only pressed ahead he proposed a deal that Blitzo should have had more time to think over but was instead put in a position where agreeing immediately just to get Stolas' off the phone was his best bet
at no point does Stolas ask why Blitzo is whispering, about the gunshots, if he should call back or arrange to come to the office when Blitzo keeps telling him he's trying to focus on (in his own words) not 'getting fucked'. he doesn't even care to ask if Blitzo is OK
if it were anyone with a shred of empathy or common sense they'd realize that someone immediately saying 'fine! whatever!' to a proposition like that is a big red flag that they're not giving enthusiastic, informed consent - Blitzo didn't have time to think it through and his 'whatever!' especially gives the impression he would have agreed to anything to keep the book
saying it's on Blitzo to hang up on Stolas (even though he could have called back and the ringtone would've endangered his life even more a second time) ignores the power imbalance - Blitzo talks to and about Stolas in Loo loo land like he expects the owl to drag him off to some dark corner of the park for a quickie whether Blitzo likes it or not. he obviously doesn't trust him enough to know Stolas wouldn't have gotten angry & tanked his business if he'd just hung up, especially as soon as Stolas mentioned the grimoire. (even as late as full moon with so called better kinder Stolas, Blitzo still doesn't trust Stolas not to ruin his business and offers to do 'anything' - doesn't exactly suggest he trusts him even in s2, does it?)
it's just victim blaming - what's stopping Stolas being the one to arrange a better time to talk or just dropping by the office?
Murder Family Stolas gives the impression of someone who does not care whether or not Blitzo is in danger or is able to give informed & enthusiastic consent, so long as he agrees to what Stolas is proposing. and even if Blitzo had been able to think it through, Stolas is essentially demanding Blitzo pimp himself out to him to keep the lights on. there's no way to spin that to make what Stolas does OK - if they'd been having a casual fling outside of work without the book being the direct transactional element (ie Blitzo slept with him a second time because he wanted to not because he was forced to) there'd still be the uncomfortable question of the grimoire looming over them but the whole messy relationship would be a lot easier to fix and Stolas would look way less like a monster
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Saving the full post in case it's lost to us.
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sharkneto · 2 years
I absolutely agree with you on the whole “haha look Five goes to school but he’s 58!1!1!” Possibility happening in s4. I genuinely hope they won’t do it. Aidan will probably look way over the age of going to school when they film s4 so.. I think they won’t go with that ((hopefully)
Like I said, I don't think they'll go this route, if partially because Aidan is a real adult now so the joke doesn't work as well. But there is that sliver of a chance they do and it fucking haunts me.
#the whole trope just makes me so uncomfortable#again - sorry to those of you who do like it#no shade and you do you#but its like. every angle is Bad to me#hes almost 60 and genuinely being forced to hang out with actual children???#it's fucking weird#and is so incredibly rude and disrespectful to five because he gets treated as a child when - again - hes a /58 year old man/#play with that angle a different way - i think there /should/ be some disconnect with how he has to interact with the world#because the world does see a 13yo kid#but you can do that without forcing him into a situation where he has to daily be treated like that and also act like he is a child#have him get kicked out of bars and well-meaning adults ask him where his parents are#sorry this has turned into a rant for my least favorite trope#it just makes me so wildly uncomfortable and requires five to do things i dont think hed do unless under Great Duress#and usually requires the siblings to ignore his agency and age to at least some degree to make it work#anyway - sorry again if this is your jam#i try to stay positive on this blog and let people do what they want because its not my business and i just dont go where i dont like#but apparently this is my One Big Thing#and this is my blog and i can say what i want here#dont let one dude on the internet (me) spoil your bliss if you do like five in high school fics (or anything else i complain about)#ill try to shut up about it now and do my previous tactic of just not engaging with it#ask response
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femme-malewife · 1 year
Not to be mean but can people not send me asks, asking if they can "liph//yo beam" me?
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usuallydyinginside · 20 days
TLDR: Francesca Bridgerton is Autistic. Fight me.
Okay so I did not go into Season 3 of Bridgerton expecting to have any feelings about Francesca Bridgerton. We have seen her only in glimpses in the show and I have not read the books, so I knew basically nothing about her before binging the first four episodes.
But guys. GUYS. I will die for this autistic queen.
Okay, so starting with first impressions. We know that on her big day, Francesca went out of her way to avoid her nosy, loud family by having a very early, quiet breakfast by herself and then calming down via playing the piano (clearly a special interest of hers).
In her first balls, we see Francesca light up any time she talks about music (clearly her current or forever special interest) but as soon as men try to take it to a flirting place she IMMEDIATELY shuts down. It's clear that even as she states very matter-of-factly that she plans to marry this season, she also is baffled and uncomfortable any time someone tries to actually, ya know, court her.
At one of her first shindigs, she got attention and then went up to her brother and (while making almost no eye contact) told him (rather than asked him) that she needed a sec.
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She then sat by herself in the side of the ballroom.
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Later on, she left a ball in search of quiet and solitude to fix her sensory overload, so she went outside this time. (A thing that we know from pervious seasons is a HUGE no-no, particularly unchaperoned. But she was very respectfully near the door so maybe that's fine?) The point is that she cares very much about staying respectable so she can get this marriage thing over with and get people to stop perceiving her, yet she risks some scandal by going outside just so she can be somewhere quiet alone.
Enter: this absolute (also autistic) Prince Charming.
He says hello (so she knows he's not like trying to sneak up on her in the dark like a creep) and then just stands there. 10/10, no notes, best way to flirt I have ever seen in my life.
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Seriously just look at this. I'm in love. Never before has there been a greater sign of love at first sight than in this "standing politely five feet apart in total silence in the middle of a ball and enjoying each other's company."
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I need to go watch these first four episodes about a hundred more times, but I THINK this might be the first sincere smile we see from Francesca??!? I at least got the impression immediately that this is the first time she's felt genuinely comfortable and happy while not entirely alone this season.
Like, these nerds did not even exchange names. They barely exchanged a word. Yet you can see them falling head over heels in love right there in that moment. I don't even LIKE love at first sight tropes and they have my whole heart. They are the only exception.
Then, of course, you have this second absolutely iconic Scene of Silence where the entire Bridgerton family stares in neurotypical confusion a these two amazing weirdos. The way these two do not know each other but they DO know each other. The way they are both so happy and so comfortable but also still playing the whole society game the way they were told they had to?? I just don't have words right now.
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Look how happy this tiny, silent moment is making her. How she understands immediately what he's doing and is absolutely delighted to participate too even knowing her entire family is hardcore judging them from not that far away.
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And then you get this smug little look from him and it's like you can see his autistic ass thinking, "Yes. I calculated correctly. This was the correct romance option. Gold star to me." (Okay, maybe that's just how my brain works but shhhhh)
Which, of course, brings us to this absolutely hilariously awkward ND attempt at flirting. We start off with some fairly normal "whoops, I'm flustered cause you make me nervous" sort of moments, but notice how little eye contact she makes. How she only looks in his eyes very briefly and it seems like she almost has to remind herself to do so when she's doing the "polite" answers (OR later when she's genuinely interested in a topic).
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So as soon as Francesca is like "oh shit, I ruined it. I forgot how to neurotypical. It's over" then she loses patience with the practiced social niceties.
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I spent like 30 minutes trying to find a GIF and I should already be asleep so I'm not going to go learn how to make one BUT I needed to look up exactly what happens next cause it's basically the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
WHICH IS that in response to the second awkward silence after Francesca shares all of this, John's response is, "That is helpful. If you'll excuse me."
Like it would be awkward anyway but now Francesca thinks she misread a social cue so she's feeling sad, and meanwhile this absolute king is over here on a romantic mission no one asked him to do because he is that set on showing her he's listening and cares.
The man shows up at the ball and as soon as he had a paper we were all screaming "he wrote her a song!!!"
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Again, notice the eye contact (or lack thereof). I think with period dramas and women, it's easy to just go "oh she's just shy" or "she's just being demure like she's supposed to" but like NO. This girl does not want to meet anyone's eyes.
Until she does. Because in moments where she's talking about music or enjoying quiet, it's worth it to purposefully meet his eyes and see how he's feeling too. To make sure he can see she's happy.
ANYWAY, it was so much better than him writing a song for her.
Because he didn't just give her any ol' music. He sought out the music they'd specifically heard in the street, and he took her exact specifications on what was "wrong" with the music, and he FIXED IT. He then put the whole thing on sheet music and handed her a copy with no further explanation than this.
Our autistic lass was so excited she basically sprinted out of that ball so she could find a piano. (Which, the fact that she does this rather than try to stay and flirt/dance with the man who just gave her this incredible gift ALSO says a lot, just saying. Daphne could never.)
So our girl finds a piano and GUYS. LOOK AT HOW HAPPY SHE IS.
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I'm pretty sure this woman would accept a proposal right this second. Maybe make one herself. She is so head over heels in love with this man that it's absurd. We have watched her mask in these first four episodes, but the last two where she's interacting with John are the first times she seems genuinely happy and like the real her is shining through.
Like, does she enjoy her family? Sure. But it's obvious (and she even tells us) that she finds them overwhelming and generally to be A Lot. But these scenes? This gesture?
You can just get how seen she feels. How weird and wild and amazing it is to her that this man can see who she actually is and wants to join her there instead of making her play some part of the perfect Bridgerton who likes to be the center of attention.
(And even here - the EYE CONTACT. She glances at people when she's talking to them, but the way she looks at the sheet music is so much more intense and intimate and personal than anytime she's looking at the average person in the show. She still even in places she's most comfortable, such as sitting at the piano, makes very little eye contact and only at very specific moments.)
Anyway I'm going to sleep now but I'm sure I'll add more thoughts as they come to me. Feel free to add your own case for why Francesca is autistic and/or otherwise neurodivergent. I want to hear allllllll the thoughts.
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feirceangel · 2 months
Okay so you’ve written protective/possessive Feyd—what about protective Paul seeing his wife badly hurt or narrowly escaping an attack? I live for the “who did this to you” trope, got me weak at the knees 🥹
I sorta missed the whole wife part, whoops! But I hope you still like it!!
Imagine | Beloved (Paul Atreides)
Word Count: 1,820
Warnings: reader is harassed, I invented an OC to be the antagonist, protective! Paul, hurt/comfort
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The halls of Castle Caladan are cold tonight.
Goosebumps are already forming on your arms as you walk through the dark.
Perhaps going for a late night stroll wasn't the best idea, but you just couldn't sleep tonight.
So you stroll instead, peering out of the windows to observe the rain clouds forming.
Castle Caladan has been your home for ages, even though you are not an Atreides. You've lived alongside House Caladan, having come from one of the lesser houses in an attempt to give you a better standing in society.
You're not angry about it.
In fact, you're grateful to live on this oceanic planet. And, you're happy to be alongside your best friend, Paul Atreides.
There weren't any others your age in Castle Caladan, so naturally you sought each other out early on.
Being friends came easily.
Paul has always been sweet, adventurous, friendly - and you are much the same.
Of course, you both had different teachings and priorities, but you always found each other whenever possible.
There was no greater joy than racing through the castle and playing near the waves alongside the boy with dark hair.
And now you're both older.
Life has intruded upon those times of peaceful play and brought forth more schoolings and politics that the young aren't susceptible to.
Although he has a higher standing in society, Paul always manages to remember you, make time for you. He vowed to never abandon you.
And you believe him.
But the subtle glares that Lady Jessica sends your way are not easy to ignore, nor are the signs that others in the castle are uncomfortable with the situation.
You try not to dwell on those things. Because the only thing that matters is being there for Paul. He deserves to have a friend that isn't a mentor or a parental figure.
As you walk though the sleeping palace, your find your mind troubled. Maybe that's why you can't sleep tonight.
Footsteps silent on the stone floor, you arrive before Paul's chambers. You hadn't realized you were walking here. Unconsciously, you sought him out in your time of uncertainty.
Resting your palm on the door, you close your eyes and sigh. You wouldn't disturb him at this hour- you know how bad it would look.
Before you can continue on your way, a voice calls out from the shadows.
"What are you doing here at this hour?"
It's a male's voice, one that you wish was unfamiliar.
"I didn't realize I couldn't roam as I please, Aric," you reply comply to the guard who walks closer.
His grin is wolffish, "I didn't realize you were stupid enough to come to him after dark."
"I was not going to disturb him."
"Oh no, I imagine he'd be excited to see you at this late hour."
"I don't like what you're insinuating," you start to walk away, hearing him continue after you.
He is right beside you, “I meant no insult, I assure you.”
“Your assurances are as empty as your head,” you retort, not even giving him a glance.
You’ve never liked Aric, so you see no reason to be civil with him. He’s always been an ass to you, finding any reason to make your life a bit more miserable.
“That was uncalled for,” he growls, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking away.
You fix him with an unimpressed stare.
“What do you want, Aric? It seems like you’re always following me,” you say calmly as he releases you.
He regains his composure, “I want you.”
You blink at him.
“I’m serious, I want you to stop fawning over Paul and turn to me instead,” his whisper is harsh and grating to your ears. “Be my wife. You’re of age now and I know you have no other offers.”
You can’t help but scoff. Stepping back from him, you cross your arms, “I do not fawn over Paul, and I am certainly not fond of you. I will do is both a favour and pretend you never asked.”
Rage lights up his features, his hand forming a fist at his side.
“I could give you everything you could ask for.”
“And you would take everything from me in the meantime. I know you, Aric. You are not kind,” you hiss, stepping back while he steps forward.
“Kindness gets you nowhere in this life.”
You shake your head, “Your actions in this life determine the outcome. And so far your actions are untoward. Cornering me at this time of night?”
“Paul will never marry you, you know,” he changes tactics.
You roll your eyes, “Admit defeat, Aric. I will never be yours.”
Suddenly, he is right in your face, sneering down at you, “I can take what I want. Like you said, it’s late, no one is here.”
“I will not let you.”
He laughs, grabbing your arm in a bruising grip once again. He wrenches you forward but you twist out of his grip and shove him into the wall.
He groans and recovers quickly, shoving you violently. You hit a corner and collapse on the ground, your arm dripping crimson.
Infuriated, you stand and glare at the smug bastard.
“Leave now,” you command him, using the Voice. You’re not a master at it, by any means, but you’re trained enough to get this brute to back down.
He leaves without a word, and you realize that you should have done that right away.
You grasp your arm and walk back to your chambers. Luckily, the wound isn’t deep and you’re finally able to sleep.
The next day commences as normal.
That is, until Paul appears next to you as you walk down the beach.
“I was looking for you,” he grins as he approaches.
His smile could brighten the darkest corner of space. His eyes are piercing and perceptive, you fear you could drown in their depths.
You smile back at him, “You found me.”
“I haven’t seen you in a few days, has everything been alright?”
That’s Paul, always so considerate of you and your wellbeing. The reminder of his care brings a softer smile to your face.
“I’m fine, just been tired lately.”
“Sleep’s been evading me,” you chuckle, bending to pick up a stone near your feet. “I’ll catch it eventually.”
A sudden tension fills the air, bringing you upright immediately. You look at Paul and see his gaze fixed on your bandaged arm.
“What happened?” He asks, concern dripping from his words like rain.
You move your arm from his direct view, “Nothing, it was an accident.”
His eyes flicker up to yours.
“You’re lying.”
You curse his Bene Gesserit training which makes it so easy for him to read you.
“I told you it’s nothing.”
“If it was nothing, you would’ve already launched into how it happened,” he points out. “Like that time you scraped your knee when you tripped down the stairs.”
You groan at the reminder, “You said you wouldn’t bring that up again!”
“Tell me what happened,” he reaches out to gently take your arm in his hands.
He examines the clean bandage before beginning to unwrap it. You shake your head but his eyes are pleading.
You sigh, unable to resist. He doesn’t even need to use the Voice on you, he controls you with his words, his eyes, his hands. You would give him everything if he simply asked for it.
He’d do the same for you.
“It was Aric,” you say, as Paul stares at the small cut on your bruised arm. “He got angry that I would never marry him in a million years.”
Paul’s expression goes dark, any mirth he might have had leaving him in an instant.
“Aric asked you to wed him?”
You nod.
“Then he did this?”
“Pushed me into the wall,” you confess. “I had ti use the Voice to get him to leave.”
You watch as Paul tenderly presses his lips to your arm, the contact warm and sweet.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”
“You can’t be with me all the time, silly.”
He shakes his dark hair, “I promise, he won’t do this to you ever again.”
Paul turns in a flurry, stalking back towards the castle. You race after him, suddenly unsure.
You knew you shouldn’t have told him what happened. This isn’t the Paul you know, this is someone else.
“Paul!” You shout as you run after him.
He’s too fast, storming to where Aric stands in the hall. Before Aric even notices his presence, Paul has punched him clear across the face.
Stunned, Aric stumbles back with a curse.
Paul doesn’t give him time to recover, kneeing him in the stomach so that he bends over in pain. You watch as Paul kicks him down to the ground, standing over him with a furious expression.
“I heard what you did last night, Aric.”
Aric groans in response.
Paul continues, “I know you tried to harm my beloved, tried to belittle her. Did you think you wouldn’t be punished?”
“Paul, I think he’s learnt his lesson,” you try to calm him.
“No, no he hasn’t.”
Paul watches as Aric rises to his feet, mouth bloodied.
“I should’ve known that whore would snitch.”
You wince, not at the intended insult, but at the fury blazing in Paul’s eyes. This isn’t going to end well.
“Stop talking,” Paul uses the Voice, before punching him once again.
“Get on your knees.”
You watch as Aric drops to the floor.
“Beg for her forgiveness and I’ll let you walk away,” Paul says casually. “If you don’t, I think you know what’ll happen.”
Watching with a flicker of amusement, you incline your head, “Go on.”
Aric grits his teeth, “I’m sorry.”
“That wasn’t good enough,” Paul seethes, “Do it better!”
Aric slams his head on the floor, “Please, please, don’t let him kill me. I won’t ever speak to you again!”
“I know you won’t,” you nod at Paul. “I think all is well now.”
“Get up Aric,” Paul commands. “I don’t want to see your face again, you hear me?”
Aric nods and retreats with a burning face.
You turn to Paul, crossing your arms, “Beloved, huh?”
He rubs the back of his neck, averting his gaze, “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Paul, hearing you call me that fills my heart to the brim. Your my beloved as well, you know.”
Paul bridges the space between you, clasping the back of your head and pressing his forehead against yours.
“I don’t think I could ever be without you. Even the thought of someone trying to take you from me, turn you against me…”
“Don’t worry, Paul,” you ghost your lips across his. “That will never happen, not as long as I have breath in my lungs.”
He wraps his arms around you, “I’ll cherish you always, protect you always.”
“I know.”
[A/n - It’s my first time writing Paul so I hope I did ok!]
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earthtooz · 1 year
in which: blade finds out you're injured and can't contain his anger.
warnings: gn!reader x protective!blade, fluff, mentions of blood and injuries, 'who did this to you?' trope with blade LOL, slight manhandling, did i mention that he's protective?
a/n: blade debut, omg? this sucks btw but this was inspired by this comic that i saw the other day :> it just reminded me that the 'who did this to you' trope existed and i went YES and took my own spin onto it so, i hope you enjoy!
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the smell of antiseptic wafts heavily through the air, bandages sit tightly rolled beside you, and you hiss at the sting of the antibacterial ointment slathered over the open wound on your arm. 
it hurts. 
blinking the tears away and gritting your teeth to bear with the pain, you reach for the unused roll, clumsily unravelling them with shaking hands and a blurring vision.
“oi.” a raspy voice from behind catches you off guard and you turn around from where you’ve seated yourself in the corner of the medical wing, having helped yourself to a supply of ointment and bandages. 
a familiar swordsman and fellow coworker towers above you, glowering at you through the streaks of his bangs. maybe if you weren’t on the verge of fainting, you’d have the energy to fear him.
“oh, it’s just you,” you mutter, “can i help you?”
his eyes glance you up and down, as if scanning you for any indication of misadventure. feeling uneasy under the intensity of his gaze, you return to trying to rip the bandages with bare hands since you had not brought scissors or even a blade with you in your haste. 
feeling the blood from your wound drip down your arm and onto the floor beneath you, you cringe, hurrying up so you don’t make a mess. this whole patching-yourself-up-thing should have been easy, but without something sharp and half your strength evaporated after a gruesome mission, it was much harder than usual. 
the growing frustration you were feeling was not offering much aid either, and with blade practically towering over you, you try not to let your fluctuating anger overwhelm you. 
aeons, it was as if you were sent on this mission with elio praying for your downfall. you’re lucky that you managed to get out with only a scratch on your arm and a missing weapon. it’s going to be hard finding a replacement for it, but when you just looked death in the face, you can’t say you have much to complain about that a weapon was the only thing you lost. 
suddenly, two hands sneak underneath your arms to lift you up, breaking your train of thought with a tight, unforgiving grip as you’re effortlessly placed onto a hospital bed right beside you. meeting the ruby eyes of the swordsman, your breath lodges uncomfortably in your throat, and you have to rip your gaze away from him; the intensity would paralyse you otherwise. 
“where are you hurt?” he asks, sounding more like a demand than a question. 
“i can do it myself,” you grumble. blade takes the bandage out of your hands, holding back your wrist that instinctively reached out to grab it back. the glare he shoots you from the corner of his eye placates any complaint you have.
“show me.”
reluctantly, you present your injured arm. he mutters a very quick and quiet ‘stay here’ before stalking off. a faucet is turned on, water begins running from a nearby sink, and blade returns with a wet cloth. 
grabbing your wounded arm, he cleans around the area, rubbing the blood that has trickled down your arm as well. he’s scarily gentle with you, attentive to your every wince and hiss, halting momentarily every time you let a noise slip. 
he makes quick work of patching you up, flawless and effortless in his technique. makes sense, you suppose, since he is covered in these. 
you wonder how many times he’s had to do this on himself. a small part of your heart aches thinking about it.
“thank you,” you whisper when he’s done, gratitude silently swirling inside you. grabbing the bandages and cloth, you slide off onto your feet. “i’ll put these away.” 
stepping in front of you, his body intercepts your path and you’re pressed against the bed, frozen under him. there’s an indescribable look of fury in his eyes, his red eyes seeming even angrier than usual. 
“what happened?” he asks.
you have hold yourself up, suddenly weak in the knees. “just a typical mission, it’s nothing you should worry about.”
the fellow stellaron hunter does not look satisfied with your response. “what do you mean ‘nothing you should worry about’? who did this to you?” he asks, punctuating each word with a dark expression. 
“blade- please, can we not talk about this right now?” you mutter, “i’m tired and i just want to sleep.”
he narrows his eyes. “who. hurt. you?”
“why? what can you do about it now?”
“kill them.”
you scoff. “yeah, right.”
blade wedges a leg between yours, hindering your escape even further by leaning himself closer to you. “i’m serious.”
“so am i. if you’re thinking about hunting them down, then please, don’t bother. let it go.” you mutter.
“but you got hurt.” 
“i get hurt all the time.”
his brows scrunch together, a small indication of the dangerous protectiveness growing within him. you interrupt his train of thoughts, placing a brave hand on his chest; right over his heart. ‘i’m fine. you don’t need to worry about me.”
“i’m not worried,” he grumbles lowly. 
“oh. i see.”
he grabs your hand and takes it away from his chest, holding you gently. “i’m angry that you got hurt.”
you’re speechless, blinking at the swordsman who raises your hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it. it feels like a promise- not that you know what said promise is, but with that look in his eyes, you know it’s not a peaceful one. 
“so why don’t you tell me the truth? who did this to you?”
the answer slips past your lips before you can help it and when the words are spilled, a creeping guilt invades you. whatever he’s planning, you know that bloodshed will follow.
“see, that wasn’t so hard.”
in a blink of an eye, blade is gone, taking the intense pressure with him. he left so quickly that you wonder if he was ever here to begin with. the lingering brush of his lips is the only indication that he was not a figment of your half-aware conscious.  
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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ellecdc · 3 months
I have been summoned by the Poly!Wolfstar notification!!!!
I’m always a goner for brother’s best friend trope and this time it’s best friends so literally double the fun ☺️ This is just so soft and adorable pls you’re spoiling us, queen!
Part 2 where they tell Jamie and he actually already knew? Cause the joke is always James can be oblivious most of the time, but they don’t know it doesn’t apply to his sister so he already knew, most likely even before she knew herself cause he’s a sweet brother like that.
*sigh* I want a big brother
Love you queen! 💕
hahaha awe you're so right babes. it's really funny because I have this request and then the exact opposite version of this request - so it will be fun to write the other one too! it'll take me a lot longer though, angst always does.
part one here - but can be read as a stand alone
poly!wolfstar x potter!reader - you & the boys tell James
“You’re going to wear a hole in the rug there, dolly.” Sirius drawled in faux nonchalance as the two of you waited in the boys’ dorm room for Remus to return with James.
You were going to do it. Today. You were going to tell your brother you were dating his two best friends.
No big deal, right?
Except it was a big deal and you were absolutely losing your bloody mind.
And then your boyfriend had the audacity to be sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, casually telling you to relax like he wasn’t also shaking in his boots Doc Marten’s. 
Remus had volunteered to be the one to retrieve James for the lot of you. Mostly because you would have likely broken down in a mental state if it had been you, and Sirius likely would have blurted it out on his way up the stairs.
The door clicked and you could hear the quiet mumbling of your boyfriend and the much louder mumbling of your brother as the two entered the room. Based on the smiles on their faces, particularly James’ who eyes crinkled in delight, they were talking about something funny.
“Oh! Hey bug.” James called to you, seeming surprised you were here but not perturbed. “Hey Pads; Moony said you guys wanted to talk?”
Remus stayed standing near the door and you paused in your nervous pacing whilst Sirius scooted to the end of his bed, elbows on his knees and feet resting on his school trunk.
James didn’t look at all disturbed or uncomfortable. In fact, he looked completely at ease, here in the room with three of his favourite people in the whole world. Remus, the person who he goes to when he needs to feel grounded. Sirius, his best friend and partner in crime. And you, his twin sister and other half.
What were you doing here?
Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t tell him. This could ruin him; this had the potential to ruin three of James’ most precious relationships. How could you have been so selfish? He didn’t need to know, the least the three of you could do is keep this to yourself. Abort, abort, abort.
“So?” James asked, looking around at everyone with a raised eyebrow. “Are you finally going to tell me the three of you are dating?”
You were sure your heart stopped. Remus blew out an exasperated laugh and Sirius choked on air. 
“You knew!?” Sirius screeched.
James smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“How?” You whispered.
James’ face softened significantly when he took in your face that was drained of all colour. “Well, Pads here is about as subtle as an erumpent. Moony has been mooning over you since like third year. And I’d have to be blind – do not joke about my eyesight – not to notice the way you look at them.” He offered simply.
“So, you’ve known all this time and just let us tiptoe around?” Sirius asked, sounding a little miffed – at his friend for allowing him to make a fool of himself, or at his apparent lack of discrepancy, you weren’t sure.
“I figured you guys would tell me when you were ready.” James said simply again.
“Are you mad?” Remus asked quietly, pointedly looking at you ask he asked. He knew this was your biggest fear, the potential fallout. You weren’t sure what you’d do if James refused to accept your relationship with Remus and Sirius. You couldn’t bear the thought of breaking up their friend group; three people would lose if that was the case, but it would only hurt you if you were the one to step away. 
“No.” James said as he moved his head back and forth slightly. “I guess I was hurt you didn't tell me, but I could also understand why you didn’t. But no, I’m not mad.”
You blew out a breath at that, but it came out incredibly shaky. Unfortunately for you, no one in the room missed it.
“Awe bug. I’m sorry.” James said as he stood and offered his open arms to you. You took him up on his offer and accepted his hug, leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Jamie.”
“Don’t be, yeah? I’m happy for you, really.” He assured, rubbing roughly on your back. 
“Yeah?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him. You couldn’t see any contradictions on his face, only love.
“’Course. You’re the best, and I want the best for you.” He shook your shoulders a little, smiling like ‘did you seriously think otherwise?’
“Are they good to you?” He whispered, and though you knew your werewolf boyfriend and your canine animagus boyfriend could both likely hear the conversation, they allowed this moment to be yours and James’ alone.
“So good, Jamie. Promise.” You said, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
“You’ll tell me if they’re not?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but James wouldn’t let you pull away as you wont to do. “I wouldn’t involve you in it, James. They were your friends first; I’m not going to come between you.”
James’ brows furrowed a little as he seemed to ponder your words. “Perhaps...but you were my sister first. If anything, they’d be coming between us.”
You opted to smile at your brother and pinch his side like you knew he hated. “Never. That’s impossible.”
At that he finally let you go, returning your smile ten-fold. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say! So? Are we good?” He asked, turning to the rest of the room.
Remus had a proud and slightly emotional smile on his face while Sirius just stared between the two of you, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“I’m sorry. What just happened?” He finally spat.
Remus groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sirius, please. This went about as well as we could have hoped.”
James’ head popped up at that. “Oh! Sorry, did I make that too easy on you all?”
Sirius let out a scoff that sounded like “uhm, duh?”
“I could make it harder on you?” James offered.
“Please do.” Sirius said eagerly, causing you and Remus to groan in sync. 
James offered a quick ‘okay’ and cleared his throat, allowing silence to settle throughout the room as he picked up a stray book off his school trunk. 
Suddenly, he threw the book onto the ground, creating a booming thump. “MY SISTER!? ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU’RE DATING MY SISTER!?”
“JAMES PLEASE, JUST HEAR US OUT!” Sirius shouted back just as passionately. 
James scoffed in derision. “HEAR YOU OUT? HEAR YOU OUT. I THINK I’VE HEARD ENOUGH!”
“IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!” Sirius called back, dropping to his knees on the floor in front of James. 
You shared a look with Remus as the theatrics continued, knowing this could go on for hours.
“Should we leave them to their drama?” Remus asked you.
“Please.” You nearly begged, taking his hand and exiting the dorm, catching one last sentence before the door clicked shut behind you.
“I DON’T CA- wait are you really? That's so cute!”
805 notes · View notes
cherry-leclerc · 7 months
forever be ☆ cl16
genre: porn with slight plot, humor, blind date trope, longing, age gap (6 years)
word count: 10.8k
Foolishly, you find yourself being dragged into an unwanted blind date. Again. Lucky for you, so is a special someone.
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+... m!receiving, penetrative sex, appearance of tit foreplay and slight fingering, a bit of biting and crying (??)
inspired by this and this !
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Blind dates were never something you ever thought you would consider. They never made much sense. Why would you put yourself in an uncomfortable position, and then what? You don’t like them and it doesn’t work out?
“Whole lot of bullshit if you ask me.” Kika swears as she tosses her brown locks over her shoulder. You’ve known each other for a few years, but quickly became as close as sisters during all the late night shoots you would have together. 
“You can’t be single forever,” she says as you roll your eyes. Ever since you broke up with your last boyfriend, she’s been playing matchmaker. It hasn’t quite worked out. 
He’s too vain.
Rude to waiters, no thank you.
He brought his mom to the date!
There was always something wrong and she knew it was only a matter of time before you completely blocked her advice. That is until her boyfriend, Pierre, told her he knew just the right person for you.
“Yikes, don’t put out any bad juju.” Theatrically, you make a cross with your two index fingers. She lets out a light giggle as she throws a pillow in your direction. You yelp as it hits your head.
“Just one more, okay? If it doesn’t work out then we can be done with all of this and have it your way.” 
“Threatening me, now?” You wiggle your eyebrows. “One more.”
The following week Kika confirms your date over brunch. He’s nice. Very handsome.
Sipping on your iced tea you nod. “I mean as long as he doesn’t ask me if I can help him win an ex-girlfriend back…” 
“It happened one time.”
Later that night for some reason you grow nervous as you get closer to your date. Palms get slightly sweaty and you hurriedly wipe away on your dress. “What the…” You’ve never been nervous before a blind date, why would you? Deep down you knew things like this never worked out, but why now?
“Here is fine!” Handing over some cash to the cab driver, you climb out as you make your way over to the dimly lit restaurant. Okay. A tad bit too romantic. Taking in a deep breath, you walk in. 
You’re quickly reminded why you hate stuff like this. You have no clue as to how your date looks and you’re left glancing around like a lost puppy. Kika had mentioned that he would be wearing something that would make it obvious. Scanning the room you search and everything looks quite normal. 
Except for the man who sits with black sunglasses.
“Charles?” He nods as he stands up to greet you with a kiss on the cheek. Startled, you pull back a bit.
“Shit, sorry. Habits.” A nervous laugh is released as you smile and he pulls out your chair to sit. 
“It’s okay, I’m not too used to all this European mannerism…” The shy smile that is sprawled on your lips has him almost blushing. You were beautiful. When Pierre had first mentioned his and Kika’s plan, he almost wanted to boot the idea right away. Nothing good ever came out of all this.
She’s super sweet! I’ve met her a couple of times and she’s really down to earth. 
But she’s a model? Tell me what model has ever been like that.
Kika slightly punches Charles’ shoulder as he winces. Sorry, he mutters.
Just trust us.
“Oh. You’re not from here?” You shake your head as your eyes scan the menu sitting right in front of you. You had barely met the guy, but his burning gaze was too much.
“No, but I moved here a year ago for work…Still catches me off guard at times.” He makes a mental note of the way you bit your cheek before you look up at him. He gulps.
“I’m sure you’ll get used to it soon enough.” 
It surprises you how much he actually listens. It also surprises you even more that you actually enjoy hearing him talk. 
“Sorry if Pierre and Kika dragged you into all of this. I just…” He clears his throat before playing with the napkin on his lap. “I had a tough break up a few months ago and he’s been trying to get me to meet new people.”
Not what a girl wants to hear on a first date, but you would be a complete hypocrite if you judged him for it. “Don’t worry, they didn’t. I also went through a break up a few months back.”
He almost wants to laugh. Nice try. Who in their right mind would break up with someone as pretty as you? Long lashes fan your face as you take a bite of your raspberry pastry. The way your plump lips pressed together as you enjoy its taste. 
“I guess we’ll understand each other more than I anticipated.”
“How was it?” You pull the phone far away from your face as you put it on speaker. Walking towards the refrigerator you take out a plate of fruit. You hum.
“It was alright.” The Portuguese model gasps as she switches to FaceTime. Picking up, you lean against the counter. 
“You like him!” Choking on a blueberry you take a step back as if her words stung. Do not! But there’s no use. “Yes, you do! After every other date you would already have a reason ready as to why you couldn’t see them anymore, but look! Oh my God. You do have a heart!”
Frowning, you munch on a strawberry. “I’ve always had a heart.”
Kika lets out a slight pout as she nods apologetically. “I was kidding, of course you do. It’s just that this is the first guy you might actually like after that jerk you luckily now call your ex-boyfriend.” You snort. Kika giggles at the sound before she lays her phone against a pillow. “I just want you to finally meet someone who would actually fit your standards. It’s what you deserve.”
“Well, let’s just not get too ahead of ourselves.”
“10 minute break, darling.”
Smiling sweetly, you make your way over to your trailer before you flop down onto the couch. You lay there silently for a few minutes before you actually grab your phone.
Hey. It’s Charles.
Your heart flips as you think of a response. 
Good enough. Three dots pop up before they disappear.
I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner later? 9pm if that fits with your schedule.
You smile as you tuck your hair behind your ear. See you then.
As soon as he sees you skipping down the stairs to him, he immediately feels better about feeling more excited to see you. The way you smile ear to ear when he hands you a colorful bouquet of flowers makes him thankful for listening to Kika’s advice. She likes carnations! Not roses.
“They’re so pretty! Thank you, Charles.” Even with heels you have to tippy toe to press a warm kiss against his stubble. Stepping back you look up with sparkling eyes. “Getting better with this whole ‘mwah’ thing, right?” He chuckles as he opens the passenger door for you.
As he sits in front of you ordering for both of you, you take the time to notice everything about him. His lashes, his freckles, his pink lips, his dimples, his eyes. You pray that you don’t come off as a creep, but Charles was perfect. 
The waiter leaves and he turns to you with a grin. “How was work?” You’re a bit taken back by his question. It’s the most decent one out there, but not even your ex-boyfriend cared enough to ask.
You clear your throat. “Very well. Thank you for asking.” 
He nods before saying, “I never asked how old you were…I mean you moved here all alone, I would imagine you’re at least 22?” A slight panicked look crosses his features. You giggle.
“Something like that. I’m 20.” He lets out a breath of relief before taking a sip of red wine. “What about you?”
“I recently turned 26.” 
Older. Wiser. You could work with it. 
You’re both sharing a plate of tiramisu when he asks, “Would you like to go to one of my races?”
“Oh. Where?” You wish you could jump at the opportunity. I mean, if he’s asking if it's because he wanted you there, how could you say no? But you were flooded with upcoming photoshoots.
Now you were very interested. Green eyes stare back at you as he waits for a response, but then he shakes his head in a shy manner. “You’re probably busy. It’s okay-”
“I could make it work.” Pearly whites shine back at him. “I’ll make it work. I promise.”
You and Charles spend the few days together before he flies off to Texas. You learn very quickly that he is terrified of snakes.
You had both gone hiking and you were too busy admiring his glistening abs to notice the snake slithering right in front of you both. That is, until Charles shrieked and jumped onto your back. Unfortunately, you weren’t as strong as him.
He quickly rises up and he lifts you up from the floor and starts brushing the dirt off you. He immediately stops when he touches your ass. 
“It’s just a little snake, Charles,” you groan as he nods to himself. Of course, he squeaks, but he still hides behind your delicate figure. You want to hurl over laughing but you would hate to make him feel as if you’re teasing his phobia. “It’s probably harmless…” 
Just then you turn to the snake and see it making its way to you quickly. You squeal as you jump onto his back. “Go, go, go!” Gripping onto your legs, he starts running down the hill. Once you reach the bottom - which wasn’t that difficult since you had barely started your hike - he sets you down as he huffs. You giggle.
“Oh my God! That was so much fun!”
“No!” He slightly glares as you shut up. “Not fun at all.”
You bite your lip as you try your best to refrain from laughing. “Of course. Not fun at all.”
After Charles’ worst nightmare, you both decide to go back to his flat to cook some dinner after he bragged how he was a top chef.
“I don’t know,” you murmur, “Smells burned.”
Walking over to you he takes a look. “It’s fine! It’s a part of the process, amour.” A skeptical look stares back at him as he shoots a thumbs up and you listen regardless.
Taking a seat on his dining room table, you say a quick thank you when he hands you a plate. It looks pretty delicious, you’ll admit it, but you still had your suspicions. Taking a bite you quickly feel yourself wanting to spit it out, but you urge yourself to swallow. “Wow…Um…Really good.”
Taking a quick bite his jaw goes slack. He immediately spits it back out on a napkin. “Fuck! Oh God.” His face scrunched up as he looks to where you sit pretty, looking back at him with a little smirk. He wants nothing more than to kiss it away. “How could you even…”
“It wasn’t that bad!”
“I could handle your critics y’know-”
“It was awful.”
“What the fuck,” he wails as he shuts his eyes and throws his head back. The sight itself has you almost drooling. Part of you wishes to climb onto his lap and kiss his thick neck. This is probably the face he makes when he gets his cock sucked, you think to yourself, but quickly scold yourself. Instead you place a soft hand over his.
“Sorry. How about we order take out?”
Sitting on his cloud couch you both enjoy warm Chinese food as you watch TV. “I could go to your race,” you speak up, chop sticks twirling. He lights up.
“Are you serious?” He sets his food aside as you nod. 
“It wasn’t easy, but yes. I’ll be able to go.”
He cups your face as he smiles. “You’re going to love it, oh, it’s one of the fun ones.”
Charles + Cowboys? Oh, you bet it will be.
As he walks you to your front door he brings up the idea over how you can travel with him through private jet. Have to treat you right since you fixed your schedule to come with me. Reluctantly, you agree.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow then?”
“I’ll be ready.”
He nods as he stares at your rosy lips. Would they feel as soft as they look? Would you taste as sweet as they seem?
“I’ll see-”
His large hands grab your waist as he leans down to kiss you. You're stunned for a single moment, but when you feel his warm tongue, you immediately let go. He kisses you so desperately, it has your knees buckling. Thank God he’s holding you up with his tight grip.
Pulling away, you place your hands over his chest, chest rising up and down. You press a soft kiss against his cheek as you step out of his magnetic field.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Charles.”
The game started out innocent, cheerful even, but now? 
This was war.
“You’re such a cheater! A bad one, too.” He furrows his brows as he frowns at you. Rolling your eyes, you lean against the small table that separates you both. He can’t help but stare at your chest, lingerie poking through. He has to stop himself from groaning at the sight. “Where are they, Charles?” He shakes his head.
“Je jure! Je jure! I swear I don’t have anything!”
Clicking your tongue you lean back against your seat as you let out a menacing smile. “Okay.” An uneasy feeling bubbles inside as he eyes you, slightly dubious. Alright then, he responds. The game of Uno continues as he grows more and more excited to win. Just one more card-
“Oh. Were you looking for these?” Flashing a stack of cards towards him, his eyes grow wide. “Charles, Charles, Charles…” You wink at him, teasingly. “I’m always watching.” The rest happens in a blur and next thing he knows, you're celebrating. Standing up on the table, you sway your hips as you shimmy. He can’t help but smile, even if he lost. “Eat it and burn.” Just then the private jet enters a small wave of turbulence that causes you to fly straight into his lap. You both groan.
Blushing, you rub his head before rubbing yours, but he isn’t worried about that. He’s just trying to get over the fact that your ass presses right against him. You had to get off of him now. But the way you move against him to face him has him fluttering eyes closed. “Fuck, are you okay?” Your voice is filled with concern. Broccoli. Asparagus. Cabbage. Broccoli. Asparagus. Cabba-
“Oh God! I broke you!” Your warm hands against his face have him opening his eyes. 
“No! You didn’t. It’s just that…I’m trying to get my mind off of…” You’re nodding, urging him to continue as you comb your fingers through his hair. It feels so nice.
“Off of what?”
He lets out a shaky breath as his hands slide down to your waist. A warm sensation enters your lower belly with his touch. “You.” 
“Me? Wha- oh.” You feel him now. How hard he is under you. The way his grip turns more firm as he tries his best to keep his eyes open. “Oh Go- I’m gonna get up now-”
“Wait.” His warm hands push you deeper against him. “Just a minute. Please.”
Nodding, you stay quiet, him having his eyes closed as he falls into a pattern of inhaling and exhaling as if it was the most difficult thing to do. For him, it sure did seem like it. And he just looked so handsome. Eyes closed, head thrown back, pink lips turning slightly red from the occasional times he would bite down. So, it made perfect sense the moment you leaned up to kiss his throat. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me.”
“What happened next?” Kika squeals as she claps her hands in delight. You had arrived a few hours ago and somehow already made your way to your best friend.
“This is a bit too much even for me, but what happened next?” 
And Pierre.
There was a bit of hesitation in your voice when you say, “Nothing.” The couple share a small glance before humming suspiciously. All of a sudden, your skin grows warm. “I’m being serious, nothing did! The flight attendant interrupted, letting us know we were about to land. If anything, we got scolded.” 
“Ha! He got - what do you call it again - blue balled!”
“Qu'est-ce que j'ai dis!”
Raising a single hand, you brush him off, as if his words didn’t matter. “It’s fine. But please…Can we just never mention this like, ever.” They both shake your hand before shooting a thumbs up. “Great.”
You continue catching up about other business. Pierre’s trouble with his car, Kika’s studies, your upcoming photoshoot with Dior. Everyone is so deep into the conversation that they don’t notice when Charles enters the rooms. He comes to a halt, a clear indication that he was surprised by their visit. “What are you guys doing here?”
Kika smiles. “Oh, you know. Catching up.” He nods, eyes shifting to his best friend. His brows furrowed with concern. 
“Is he okay?” 
But he really wasn’t. Pierre’s lips were tugging a teasing smile, face turning light red from how hard he was trying to suppress his words. If they were in a cartoon, fumes would be rushing out of his ears. The Portugues giggled nervously. “Of course he is!” She stands up in a hurry before grabbing his hand, already dragging him towards the exit. “We should get going though! See you guys later for dinner!”
As soon as they leave, he kisses your forehead. “Hey.”
“Hey. How was your meeting?”
He sighs as he takes a seat next to you. “Same old, same old. I don’t really want to talk about it, if that’s okay.” No problem, you respond with a sympathetic smile. “I think I’m going to shower before we leave.”
Sitting on the bed, you weigh your options. Risky, you hum as you bite down on your lip. Really risky. Without sparing a second thought, you jump up as you swing your dress off, leaving you just in your panties and bra. Walking to the bathroom, you can’t help but sneak a peek in the nearby mirror. Trying your best to raise up some confidence, you apply some lipstick, tussle your hair a bit, pinch your cheeks for that natural blush. Giddy with excitement, you find yourself falling into little twirls.
“Hey, what do you think about– fuck.”
“Ah!” Dropping to the ground, you crawl like a little crab, rushing to hide behind the bed. “Close your eyes! This is–close your eyes!”
“Okay! They’re closed, they’re closed, don’t worry.” His voice is strained, you could tell. Your confidence is long gone as you climb underneath the covers. Part if you wants to rush out the door and never look back. That seemed like a pretty good idea. “Are you–can I…”
“Yes.” Opening his eyes, he finds you wrapped up with the white duvet, only your eyes peeking out. While he’s trying his best to get your body off of his head, your eyes wander his wet frame, towel wrapped around his waist. “Umm…I-I am so sorry you saw any of that…I…” 
Making his way closer, your heart thumps against your chest as a warning. Nope. Nope. Nope. “I should apologize, too. I’m sorry for barging in on you, I should’ve made sure.” 
“Apology accepted! Long forgotten!” Twisting the bed sheets, you wince. “Would you mind handing me my dress?” 
“Your um- your dress. Yes.” He picks up your piece of clothing that lies at the foot of the bed as he hands it to you, leaving enough space for you not to get too uncomfortable. Also, enough for him to remind himself to not do something he might regret. “Thank you,” you softly say. Heat rises up to your cheeks. “Could you please…” You spin a small finger as he chokes. Right, he yelps. He can hear the commotion you cause in an attempt to slip on your dress as fast as possibly. Tumbling, you stand up to grab your heels. “I’ll wait outside for you to change. I’m ready whenever you are.”
Skipping out, he doesn’t even have a chance to respond before the door slams shut. 
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me. How am I supposed to see him now and not bring this up?” 
Grabbing Pierre’s collar, you tug him closer, eyes burning with a subtle threat. “Listen here, old man. You won’t say a word if you know what is good for you.” Blue eyes go wide as he peeps over to Kika who only shrugs. 
“Not a word,” he confirms as you let go.
Dinner was…tense. But that was only between you and the Monegasque. 
“Steak,” you both say as the waiter nods. “You know what…I think I’ll just do a salad.” Charles clicks his tongue.
“You want the steak, so you should get it. I’ll get the salad.” 
“No, well, now I want the salad. Not the steak.”
“You were just drooling over the steak, just get it.”
You glare as you close your menu. “I want the salad.”
“Excuse them,” Kika apologizes as Pierre sits there in amusement, soaking in the show that sits right in front of them. 
“No problem,” the waiter beams. “Couple’s bicker all the time.”
“They’re not-”
“You get the steak. I’ll get the salad.”
“No, you get the steak and I’ll get th-”
“You do know we’re a restaurant and we’re not limited to one piece of meat, right? How about I put you both down for the steak?” Opening your mouth, the waiter smiles before hurrying off. “Be back in a jiffy!”
“I have a feeling she might spit in your food.” 
“Shut up, Pierre,” Kika hisses. “Though you should start agreeing on what dessert you guys might want if it takes you this long.”
After dinner you were ready to go back and knock out. Just forget about your humiliating day. And that would have been the case if it weren’t for a little someone who wanted to go-
“Golfing! We should go golfing!” The Frenchman grins. “It’ll be fun!”
“Honey, I don’t think they want to. How about we raincheck?” Kika pats his shoulder as she gives him a small peck. He groans.
“Another day, mate. I’m sure this pretty girl wants to get some sleep,” Charles laughs as he signals to where you yawn. This wakes you up though as you scowl.
“I don’t, actually. I wanna go.” Raising his brow he asks, Are you sure? If you’re tired that’s fine, we can go back. “You can go back to the hotel if you want, but I’m staying.” Grabbing Kika’s hand, you both strut away, already heading towards the black SUV. 
“What’s wrong with her?” he mutters as he runs his hands through his hair.
“I don’t know, man, what is wrong?”
Confusion crosses the green eyed boy's eyes as he tilts his head a bit. “You know something I don’t?”
“I mean I wouldn’t say it like that, but-”
“Hello? Are you guys coming or what?” The Portuguese yodels as she pokes her head out the window. Her eyes are sending a warning to her boyfriend. Patting Charles' shoulder, he runs towards the car. 
“Come one, C. It’ll be fun.”
It was not fun.
“Let me show you,” he offers when you swing the club for the 5th time, chipping grass and dirt along the way. You growl a low, It’s fine. I got it. He squeaks when you swing too far back and hit his shin. 
“Are you okay?” you whisper as he whines. I’m okay. Can I just show you? “Yes, please.” Standing behind you, he grabs your arms as he gives you advice and demonstrates with you. For a moment you stop listening but the playful grins that your friends wear is enough for you to pull away from his touch, so suddenly, he jumps back a bit. “I think I got it now. Thank you.”
“Very well then.” Making his way over to Kika and Pierre, they all stand with observing eyes. Standing still. Just waiting. Any minute now-
“Would you mind going further into the golf course to see where my ball lands?” You’re not quite sure why or who you’re asking, but as soon as Pierre agrees and starts to make his way over you shout out a quick, “Not you! Uhhh…Charles, could you do it pretty please?” His heart squeezes with your puppy eyes. Y-y-yeah, he mumbles as he jogs deeper into the open area, shooting you a thumbs up as you let out a breath of relief. 
“He won’t bite, you know that, right?” Kika giggles when you poke your tongue out. Turning your attention, you push your hips slightly back, knees slightly bent, too. Practicing a few swings, you narrow your eyes towards the flag that points out the cup. Licking your lips, you swing as you hear a quick click with the sudden contact. You can’t tell if it was good, but it looked good enough to you. “Did you guys see that?” Jumping up and down you run towards your best friend as you hug her as if you just won a Nobel Prize. 
“That was so good!” 
“I was just one with the ball–I felt it in my bones-”
The engine of the golf cart has you both spinning around to where you see Pierre driving to the middle of the field. You squint your eyes. “What is that?” Kika murmurs, grabbing your hands as she leans forwards as if that could help her see clearer. 
“Not sure. Is it a hill? It wasn’t there befo…” The figure suddenly angles themselves to their elbows. “Holy shit! It’s Charles!” Squealing, you rush to the second golf cart, immediately pressing on the gas as if your life depended on it. You’re forgetting me! Sharply pressing the brakes, Kika rushes in as she taps your thighs, signaling you to go. As soon as you make it there, you could tell; it’s bad. Blood oozes out of his nose as he swats his friends hand away when he presses tissues against his face. “Oh my God.” Kneeling down beside him, you cradle his face, gingerly.
“I’m okay,” he groans as he brushes his fingers against your hip. “It’s no big deal.”
Your eyes look almost as if you’ve gone crazy, when you shriek, “No big deal? This is–” Blood drips onto your hand as you grow a bit faint. “...not okay.”
“Maybe not now, but I will be-”
“Woah there,” Kika shrieks as your body goes limp. “She’s gone.”
“Cool! I’ve never heard of a dead body on a golf course before!”
“She’s not dead, dickhead, she only fainted.” Kika rolls her eyes as she brushes your hair out of your face. You’re sprawled out on the grass, as if it was your wake. “Charles, quick. Try and wake her up.”
The Monegasque winces, rubbing his nose as he crawls his way over to you. “I…Umm…” Give her a big ‘ol kiss, Pierre hollers as Kika smacks his chest. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” He taps your cheek before rubbing a small circle. “This is getting scary - and dark. Can you hear meeee?” Groaning, you begin to rub your head and eyes as he comes to vision.
He smiles. “Hey, there.” Small smile starts to make its way to your face before you deflate with fear. Looking down at you is Charles, but with dark red blood dripping all over you. Letting out a loud scream as you aim a quick punch. “Fuck me, not again!”
“Okay, good, alright. Right there.” Kika and Pierre huff as they drop you and Charles against the cool bed. It had taken lots of explaining to the country club that they weren’t in fact not trying to get away with murder, but much rather, just trying to bed good friends and drop you back at your shared hotel room. It was much harder dealing with the two of you who were completely out of it. 
“Kikaaaa,” you whine as you cling onto her arm. “This is sooo nice of youuu. I really appreciated it, I doooo.” You pat her cheek before dragging your hand all over her face as you giggle. She swats you away. Anytime honey, she responds. Charles groans.
“Piereeeee. This is sooo-”
“Yes! Nice of me? No problem, it’s been a long day and it is time for me and my beautiful lady to get some rest!” Tugging Kika away, they shout a quick goodbye before they exit. Tossing over to face you, he rubs your stomach. 
“How are you feeling?”
You shut your eyes. “Like hell.” He laughs as he sighs when he feels your hands slide on top of his. “What about you?”
“Like hell.” And you might be a tad bit delirious but the laugh that bubbles out of you is enough for him to forget his ringing nose. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
Your laugh dies down as you roll over to him. “Even after I almost killed you twice today?” Small fingers softly tap against the dry blood on his nose. 
“Even after that, yes.”
The next few days leading up to the Austin GP you were able to manage pushing off any rigidness that you had placed between you and Charles. Kind of.
Psst. Where are you? Peeking your head behind a stack of soft tires, you shoot your hand out to haul Kika towards you. She yelps at the sudden surprise. What the fu- “I can’t do this anymore.” She quirks a brow.
“Now you’re just making this complicated on yourself because you want to.”
“What? No! He’s making it hard on me.”
Crossing her arms she asks, “And how is he making it hard on you, if you don’t mind me asking.” You want to stomp your feet in frustration but you stop yourself when a few engineers pass by, sharing a small greeting to you both. 
“He’s…too much. Have you seen him, come on, with that obnoxious cowboy hat? Or his cute little mustache?” Kika giggles at the reminder and shakes her head no.
“I have a handsome boyfriend,” she defends. You chuckle.
“Right. But…” Your mind stays put at the image of Charles and all the possibilities that lie within. It was all becoming too much, really. You clap your hands. “It’s okay! I can get over it.”
“You looked so good,” you moan around his cock. It’s a bit muffled but clear enough to have him groaning and rutting his hips harder. Choking, you squeeze your eyes shut as you grip onto his knees. 
He had thought about this- dreamt about this and every time he thought he would know how to handle it and act cool. But there was no way of acting put together when you’re kneeling in prayer. “Fuck.” With a dirty smile, you grin around his cock before pulling your lips back, twirling your tongue around his pink tip and sliding your warm mouth back down. Letting out a few shaky breaths he says, “Y-y-you need to p-pull away now if you don’t w-want me t-to-''
But you’re deepthroating him so good and swallowing, causing your throat to close around him and that has his voice hitching, cutting off as he lets out one last moan before finishing in your mouth. White cum leaks the corner of your lips before you pick it up with your finger and lick it once you pull away. You giggle.
Climbing onto his lap, you sweetly kiss his face as he smiles. Kissing his red nose, you ask, “Did you like it?” The way you sound, confident, but a bit unsure, is enough for him to kiss your plump lips as if this were the most important kiss of his life. Which to him, it was. 
“You’re amazing.” Blushing, you dig your face into his neck as you both sit there for a while longer. The room is quiet and calm as he falls into his own thoughts. Drawing shapes against your thigh, he clears his throat. “Why were you distancing yourself before?” He bites back a smile when he feels you lick his neck.
“I wasn’t pulling away…” His eyes twinkle in response. You sigh. “I was…embarrassed.” His face grows soft as he asks, Why? Looking down to where his fingers trace your lap, you start. “The first day at the hotel - when we got here - I came up with a dumb idea.” The way he’s looking at you has you nervously chuckling. “I was going to surprise you in the shower. That’s why I had stripped down and then you walked out and… I wanted to die.”
He’s laughing now as you smack his chest defensively. “I missed out on that? Noooo!” He wails as he throws his head back. The view takes you back to the first time he cooked for you and did the exact same thing. 
You can now confirm: he does close and throw his head back when he’s getting his cock sucked.
“You didn’t miss out on much,” you reassure him, biting down on your thumb, nervously, before letting go. He’s listening now, green eyes dedicated to you. “I’ve never…”
“Had sex?” His voice is pitched with shock as you shake your head.
“Dear God, no. That ship has sadly sailed, but…Never had sex with someone older than me.”
“I’m not that old,” he jokes. You narrow your eyes with humor.
“You’re not,” you agree, “But I’ve only been with guys my age. They never had much to offer, though.”
He hates the idea of you ever being with someone who wasn’t him, but he knows there is not much he can do. 
But prove he’s much better. 
He pecks your lips. “I’ve heard that can happen sometimes.” His voice is light, slightly stingy, and that makes you smile. “Been there too - if you can believe it. But we can take it slow. We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready.”
And you might be eager and desperate for him, but you know it would be better to hold off and get more comfortable with the idea.
“Thank you.”
“How does this make any sense?”
Your eyes flick back and forth - from Xavi to Charles, from Charles to Xavi. Part of you was almost afraid to intervene into the heated conversation. 
“Yeah, we’ll bring that up to the FIA.” A heavy sigh is released as Xavi rubs his temples, eyes momentarily shut. “Let’s just stick to the bright side- we did our best.”
The Monegasque rolls his eyes, hands flinging up in response. “And yet it never seems like enough.” 
“Look the issue is always something we can fix-“
“That’s the same story I’ve been told time and time again! If it were fixed then we wouldn’t be dropping from P3 straight into a DQ.” The engineer huffs, eyes empty and tired - and while you completely understand where Charles was coming from, you felt bad.
“Charles, I think…” His cold gaze catches you off guard for a moment but quickly softens up with the sound of your voice. “...I mean I understand why you’re frustrated, but I’m sure he is too. Maybe you both should just take some time to cool down and when you’re ready, then you can sit back down to come up with a proper solution.” 
For a scary second he doesn’t say anything as you hear a low, grazie tesoro, from Xavi. You’re on edge but when he nods with a small smile, you let out a breath of relief that you didn’t know you were holding in. 
“Do you want to stay?” Hmm, you chirp, eyes attentive. Turning on his car, he begins to back out of the parking lot. “Here in Texas. For a while longer before we fly to Mexico. Kika and Pierre are going to and I thought you might want to as well-”
“You’re not needed in Mexico already?” He shakes his head. “In that case; yes.”
Pierre had planned a whole year's trip for one single day. And every single activity was a near death experience.
“Horseback riding.”
Sharing an excited squeal, you and Kika hop up and down as Charles finishes up a quick call. The morning had started early, per Pierre’ request, but no one had really complained up until that point.
“Danny Ric recommended this farm just an hour away, but you’re with an F1 driver, we’ll make it there in 10 minutes max.” 
“I’m driving,” the green eyed boy interrupts as he snatches the keys away from his best friend. “There’s no way we’ll be safe if you drive.” Sheepishly, Kika agrees. Pierre’ mouth hangs agape. Quickly, he takes the keys back.
“My agenda; I drive.”
“I can lose him! Just give me a minute!”
The drive had started out calm. Music was playing from your and Kika’ mixed playlist as you both chatted in the backseat. Charles was screeching every single second due to Pierre’s driving skills. It was great. 
“Amore, they have a horse that looks like an Oreo,” Pierres announces as Kika claps with delight. “Rented that one out just for you.” It was a sweet gesture, something that even had you swooning, and all would have been fine if you weren’t running a bit late. “As long as we’re there at 2pm.”
Biting down on your lip, Charles turns back to look at you. Raising up your phone you show him. 
You were still 45 minutes away. There was no way. You’re about to bring it up until Charles silently hushes you. “What’s so important about a cookie looking horse?” he asks, slowly. Kika beams.
“I had one like that growing up. His name was Spot. Technically, it belonged to my grandparents but deep down we all knew it was mine. P, has been on a mission to find a clone of some sort. Kinda sweet.”
Pierre’s winks through the rear view mirror as he switches lanes. A tiny car honks as you flinch. Close one, he mutters. “And dare I say I found Spot’s twin. Reincarnation! Mon amour, you’re going to love him when we get there…”
Eyes as wide as saucers, he steps on the gas so suddenly, it has you flying against the seat. You let out a scream - you think.  “Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas dit l'heure?” Charles winces.
“You should have been checking the time yourself! You’re the one driving!”
“But you’re supposed to be my GPS!”
“Non, je ne suis pas!” 
The Frechman presses harder on the gas. You yelp. “Kiks, you’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had, don’t you dare forget it.” 
“No, you are one of the best friends I’ve ever ha- Ah!” The Portuguese clings onto the window in an attempt to keep straight when her boyfriend switches lanes harshly. “Pierre, it’s fine! I don’t want to see my dead horse’ twin that bad.” Swiftly, he turns around as he shakes his head. Charles curses as he reaches out to keep the wheel straight.
“Listen to me Kika; you are meeting that horse.”
“Oh. I don’t feel so good.” Feeling queasy, with all the commotion and awful driving skills, you let out a whimper as you hold your head. A worried Charles turns around to caress your knee. It’s okay, baby. Do you need anything?
“Pierre, seriously, stop the bloody car.” His tone is threatening, but this doesn’t seem to stop Pierre. 
“I’m sorry - I am - but we are making it there because we are making it there.” Kika is past asking and has skipped to praying in her native language, eyes squeezed shut. 
“It’s fine. I’ll be fi-”
You’re cut off by police sirens, red and blue light dancing through the windows. Your eyes grow wide as you and Charles shared a panicked look. “Fuck,” Pierre murmurs. “Alright, everyone hold on. I’m gonna step on the gas.”
“You have got to be kidding me,” Charles spits out before flinging back against his seat, forced to pull away from you. You’re a mess. Pierre, Pierre, it’s not worth it to die young, you wail.
“We’re making it to that stupid horse!”
Weaving through lanes, all of you slide side to side in your seats. Pull over, a stern voice blares outside of the police car. Your stomach strings into nervous loops. 
“Pierre, pull over,” Kika finally tries as the situation grows more serious.
“I can lose him! Just give me a minute!”
Speeding is nothing new to the two Formula 1 drivers, but to you and your friend it was. “I’m too young!” Kika and you screech when Pierre does a sharp turn towards the exit. A breath of relief escapes Charles' lips when he notices the cop car had lost sight of them. 
Smoothly, Pierre pulls into a dusty parking lot. He grins. 
“Sweetheart, did a horse already kick you?”
Icing his newly gifted black eye, Pierre mumbles a low; “Something like that.” 
Icing his newly gifted fist, Charles sarcastically replies; “Something like that.”
The little old lady smiles warmly before leading the group towards the barn. “We have many beauties for you to choose from. All friendly!”
Almost instantly, Kika spots the horse the group almost lost their lives over. “He’s beautiful!” Running over, she pets him as he licks her hand. Pierre discreetly snaps a few pictures. 
“That was really sweet,” you admire. Charles scoffs. Almost dying seems sweet to you? Giggling, you playfully smack his toned chest. “Well, no. But just how hard he tried to get her here…” Kika waves at you both as she climbs onto the tall horse. 
“Yeah,” he mumbles. Leading you further into the cabin, you both pet the row of horses. Behind you, Pierre yells out, Buttercup is a fan favorite! 
And so, you were introduced to Buttercup. Charles' heart did a double take when a bright smile formed itself onto your lips. You were an Angel on Earth.
After going over the basics, you’re able to take Buttercup on a quick gallop around the open field. Attentive, Charles follows by foot. “Are you sure you don’t want to get on a horsy?” 
“Once, when I was a little kid, I fell off one. I was lucky that it was just a pony, but I’ve been traumatized since.”
“Oh.” You try keeping a straight face but can’t help but start laughing. He frowns. “Sorry! I’m just imagining that.” Wheezing harder, you clutch your heart dramatically. He wishes to remember the sound of your laugh. 
“Sweetheart! Just letting you know that no candy should be near the horses! Wouldn’t want them acting up.”
Shooting a quick thumbs up, you nod. Peacefully, you continue laughing and learning more about Charles and you love it.
Strolling over, Pierre pats Charles shoulder as they whisper to each other for a while. Trotting away just a bit, you decide to give them a bit of privacy. A few seconds later, they share a bro hug. 
“Just don’t do anything stupid again,” you hear Charles warn as Pierre bobs his head. Got it.
“They have a cute little shop here so I went to go buy a few snacks, you guys want some?”
Opening a chocolate bar, he extends his arm out as a truce, brown chocolate glistening under the sun. Your stomach drops. 
“Pierre, you fucking di-” Buttercup rapidly spots the candy bar and begins to gallop towards the Monegasque and Frenchman with full speed. Get out of the way, you shriek out as they both make a run for the exit. 
“This place is lovely!” Kika hollers as she inches closer to the commotion. Lost, her gaze flickers to where Pierre and Charles jump over the fence, landing on mud, and you and Buttercup chasing after them. “Oh God, Pierre.”
“That’s the thing! You don’t think!”
The fight between Charles and Pierre has been going on for what seems like hours and you were starting to get tired of it. 
He gently pushes your hands aside before glaring back at Pierre. “What would you have done if something had happened to her, huh? Oh, you would be a dead man-”
“I think he gets it now!” Tugging on his arm, you pull him towards you. “I’m fine. It was fun.” He looks at you skeptical as you let out a light laugh. “Okay, too soon. But seriously, let’s just forget about it! Nothing happened and we still have a full day ahead of us. Let’s not let it go to waste.”
“Dirt bike riding!”
“Are you sure?” Leaning against Charles, you massage your temples at the possibility. Given, it sounds like fun, but you really weren’t looking for a broken bone. 
“Be careful,” you say as you tap against Charles' helmet. Only a tiny part of you wanted to join, but decided not to last minute. Kika agreed to stay with you, but deep down you knew she was just as scared. 
Smacking your ass, you jump as he lets out a muffled laugh underneath the black helmet. “Wouldn’t want to die without fucking you.”
Blushing, you push him away. “Go already.” A loud laugh follows as he drifts away. The sight of him wearing all black has your head spinning. Sitting down on a small table, under the shade, you take a sip of Kika’s Coca-Cola. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome?”
Everything carries on smoothly. A few close calls, but safe nonetheless. “I didn’t know they were so good at this,” you ponder, gaze keeping up with the 26 year old. 
“Me either. Honestly - definitely - surprised.” A pink tint fans itself on her cheeks as Pierre bikes by. “I love it.”
“Get a room.” But you aren’t complaining either. This is definitely a sweet sight. Wanna try? Charles calls out. “No, thank you.”
Biking closer, he opens up his visor, green eyes shining through. “I’ll keep you safe,” he tries. You shake your head. “As if you’re my most prized possession. Newsflash: you are.” 
He’s subtle with it, but it’s enough for you to feel as if you’re floating. You just had to be. “Very sweet, but I’m okay.” Leaning close, you kiss his helmet before slamming it shut. 
“Suit yourself, chérie.” You feel as if you’re stumbling over yourself as you watch him glide away. You have to remind yourself that people are around and that there is no room for shenanigans. Dirt crunches underneath your feet as you twirl to face the Portuguese.
“I think I’m in love.” Fanning your face, you let out a breath. She chokes. 
“In lo- excuse me, what?” Shrugging your shoulders, you spin the yellow straw that dips inside your drink. 
“I said I think. Quit acting as if I just said my first words.” Grabbing you by your shoulders, she starts to shake you back and forth. Might as well be! There’s no way ‘you think’! When it comes to you, you always know. Her point has you thinking about your confession. Because she’s right.
You are in love.
What’s there not to love? He’s kind, caring, intelligent, funny, clumsy in a cute manner, he looks out for you (especially when Pierre is near the premises). If anything, it would be impossible not you. Looking up, you see him on the side of the dusty hill, chatting with what looks like to be fans. And he’s just so sweet with them, it only makes you more sure of your sudden knowledge. 
“He can’t know. Not yet.” 
The bike's loud engine is what snaps you out of your thoughts. Pierre waves as he follows after Charles. “That was awesome! Amour, did you see me-”  Amidst of his words, he didn’t pay much attention when he accidentally stepped on the pedal a tad bit too hard, causing him to glide closer to Charles’ motorbike. A loud clash follows as they skid on the dirt, dust causing them to be untraceable for a moment, only bickering coming through.
Hurriedly, you both run over as you wave your hand and cough. Slowly, the dirt settles down, allowing you to see Charles and Pierre on top of one another. They both groan in pain. Charles pushes the Frenchman off him.
“I should’ve known something had to happen.”
A few more ideas were thrown out by the blue eyed man but every single one got shut down. “Let’s just get something to eat,” Kika growls. Clicking your fingers, you point at her, agreeing.
And so you and your friends find yourselves in a small restaurant that looks straight out of a Western movie. “Pretty nice, I must admit,” you congratulate. Smirking, Pierre slaps the back of Charles’ head. See? A snarl is enough for him to make a run for it. Giggling, you tippy toe to kiss his cheek. “Does your boo boo still hurt, my poor baby?” Brushing your fingers against his thigh, he flinches.
“Yes, actually, it does. I hate bruises.” Snorting, you throw your head back. He drags you closer to his chest, making you trip over your cowboy boots that he just bought for you. “A kiss might make me forget about the pain though, little lady.” He pretends to tip an imaginary hat.
“Little lady?”
“Bonita? Linda?” Curiously, you quirk a brow. “Carlos…” he explains as you respond with an, Ohhh. Tapping his chest, you slide your fingers through his hair. 
“A kiss you say?”
He smiles. “Or something else, really.” Heat pools in between your legs as you try your best to suppress your moans. But the way he’s looking down at you has you almost running away. You kiss his cheek, lips lingering for a single moment. The hand that presses against his chest is able to identify the way his heart speeds up. 
“I was thinking more here,” he points to his lips, “But that was just as good.” Walking away, you start making your way to where Pierre and Kika sat.
“You never said where.” His eyes follow you, flickering down to your ass, Levi denim short pressed up against you. It should be illegal to look this good. 
“Ahem.” Pulling his attention away, he looks into Kika’s eyes, who scowls back up at him. Shyly, he takes a seat. 
Dinner flew by. Laughter and stories being heard by any bypasser, but it really didn’t matter to any of you. 
“I think his visor broke!” Pierre wheezes as he clings onto the table. Charles shoots a cold glare.
“You broke it with your foot when you kicked me.” This only seems to make his friend laugh harder. The corner of Charles’ mouth slightly lifts up. You continue talking about your day when an older man makes his way to your booth.
“You guys interested in dancing?”
“Hey, man, that’s my girlfriend,” Pierre responds as he looks up at the man. Who does he think he is? he mouths to the rest of you.
“Oh, I don’t mean it like that. Line dancing. Anyone who wants to join is welcome to.” Extending his hands towards Pierre, he introduces himself. “Ben. I’m the owner of the restaurant.” Pierre lets out a nervous laugh.
“Oh. My bad.” Turning to Kika he says, “You want to?” She doesn’t even bother looking at him as she smiles at the older man.
“Yes, of course! She pinches your hips, you yelp in surprise. “You in?” Tight lipped, you smile and nod. You both look over to the F1 drivers. Charles shakes his head.
“Count me out.” 
Pierre nods. “Yeah, me too.”
Sticking her tongue out, Kika grabs your hand. “Okay, losers.” Walking to the crowded dance floor, she jumps up and down. Her excitement eases you as you smile ear to ear. “You know how to line dance?” You nod.
“My grandpa taught me when I was 5.” Cackling, she high fives you as the music starts. You furrow your brows. “Country Girl?” Kika lets out a satisfied sigh..
“Ahhh. Luke Bryan at his finest.” Copying others steps, you both giggle as you stumble a bit at the beginning. Peeking over at the boys, she frowns. “They’re not even looking.” You wave her off.
“It doesn’t matter.” But you can tell she’s itching for a reaction from Pierre. “You flirt,” you tease as you slap her hip. She rolls her eyes, playfully. Pulling her closer, you swing your hands over her shoulders. She tilts her head in confusion. “God gave us hips and an ass for a reason.” Wickedly, she smiles as she lets loose.
Following the beat, you sway your hips before letting go of one another and spinning like the most seductive ballerinas that ever existed. Running a hand through your hair, you begin to drop to the floor, wide eyes staring up at your best friends who just laughs. Gliding back up, your hands dance across her legs. 
“Alright, quit it before I cheat on my boyfriend!” You let out a laugh. “And before Charles kills me.”
“And why would he do that?”
She shrugs her shoulders, tossing her locks over her shoulder. “He looks like wants to kill me and fuck you.” Shocked at her words, you turn to the table and sure enough, Charles’ bruning gaze is directed only towards you. As if no one else existed. Meanwhile, Pierre's mouth is hung wide open. You clear your throat.
“Look at Pierre,” you mumble, trying to get the image of Charles out of your mind. She blushes, sending a kiss over to her boyfriend who smiles suggestively. You shudder. “Gross.” She smacks your cheek softly.
The song ends and you almost wish you could stay dancing forever so there would be no room to see Charles after that. Standing up, he pulls your chair out as you quietly thank him. “Shy now?” His voice is strained, as if he’s trying his best to simply just talk to you, but also filled with tease. You hum.
“Nope.” Your breath hitches when his hand slides onto your thighs. He clicks his tongue. 
“I think you might be.” His hand slides swiftly in between your legs. “Just a tiny bit.”
“I-I’m not-”
“Hey,” a voice kills the moment. Charles' attention flickers to the man that stands in front of you. You smile. “Oh, I saw you dancing…”
“And?” Charles cuts him off, but the guy only ignores him.
“Jaden.” He extends his hand out for you to shake. Hesitantly, you do. “I was wondering if I could get your number?” 
Stuttering you say, “U-um. I-I…” Looking over at Kika, you beg for help as she raises her brows. No thank you, she mouths. Pierre watched it all unfold as if this were a movie. Awkwardly, you clear your throat. “I’m seeing someone actually, sorry.”
The blond clicks his tongue, running his hand through his jaw. “That’s the thing. He doesn’t have to know. He won’t mind.” Charles can’t help but scoff and stand up to his full height. 
“Oh, I think he’ll mind.” It’s almost as if Jaden knew this would tick Charles off as he casually smirked. 
“It’s you,” he says, eyes full of judgment. “I had someone else in mind.”
“Yeah, I don’t care what that might be, but you should leave.” Jaden’s eyes meet yours as he takes a seat on the now open chair.
“Merde,” Pierre whispers.
“What do you say we get out of here? I know a hotel nearby.” 
Frowning at his words you say, “What’s wrong with you?” You’re caught by surprise when Charles reaches down to drag him by the collar. 
“Jaden, is it? I think it’s best if you leave. She’s not interested.”
“Dude, don’t take it personal. Just a quick taste and she’s all yo-” He doesn’t have a chance to finish his sentence when the Monegasque sends a hard punch. He groans, crashing on top of the table. 
“Don’t you dare talk about her at all,” he sourly threatens. Turning back to where you stand with Kika and Pierre, he’s about to check up on you, but that’s before he’s yanked back and hit straight in the ribs. Huffing, Jaden stands over him as he grins.
“Too hard on you?”
Standing up, Charles rolls up his sleeves. “Nope.” Which is how he landed himself in a fiery fight with some wannabe GoldenDoodle. 
“Pierre! Do something!” 
“Y-you’re right!” Jumping in, he tries to pry Charles off as they tumble around. Get off me, Charles mutters. The Frenchman immediately lets go. “H-he said to get off hi-”
“Yeah, I heard.” Desperately, you try yelling for the Monegasque, but it’s almost as if he can’t hear you. Ben, the owner, runs over.
“Darling, if they don’t stop I’m going to have to call the cops.”
“No!” But the moment you see dark blood flowing out of Charles’ lip, you panic. “Fine! Yes! Call them, but hurry, please!”
After what seems like an eternity, when really it was only 5 minutes, the cops show up. “Let go and put your hands where I can see them!” This seems to get their attention as they harshly let go of one another. You let out a breath of relief, Kika hugging your arm. Cuffing them up, they start pulling them towards the exit, boos filling up the small restaurant. Running after them, you tap on the cops shoulder.
“Let him go, please! He was only defending me!” You’re close to crying and this makes Charles feel guilty. It’s okay. I’ll be fine! Just meet me at the police station. Getting closer, Pierre tries to drag you away as you cry. The policeman stops for a moment. 
“You…”  Pierre looked around confused before pointing at himself. Me? Calling for backup, a new officer comes and cuffs the Frenchman. 
“Woah, woah, hey there. What’s this for?” Kika asks, jogging in order to keep up. “Why is he being arrested?”
The grouchy man scowls. “Speeding on a freeway. Sound familiar?”
“It’s alright, Kika! Just meet us in the police station!”
“He was driving fast to fulfill my wish, he was only being sweet! And I know he was acting irresponsible, but I swear he won’t do it again.”
Nodding, you push her aside. “And Charles was just protecting me from that dick! Please, he won’t do i-it a-a-again…”
The little old lady behind the desk with a bored expression hums. It’s quiet for a few minutes before she stamps the two papers right in front of her. You both sigh. “Alright. I’ll let them go. But only because I like you both.”
Running up to the guys, you throw yourself on the Monegasque as he lets out a groan in pain. Cradling his face, you press kiss after kiss. “I'm” - kiss - “so” - kiss - “glad” - kiss - “you’re” - kiss - “out.” Smiling, he tucks a stand of hair behind your ear. 
“This is the land of the free, right?” Your glare up at him, biting back a smile. Not funny at all, you pout. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Walking up to you both, holding hands, Pierre smiles. “Want me to drive us back to the hotel?”
Flinging onto the bed, you let out a few kick-spasms. “Remind me to never agree to anything Pierre says. Ever.”
Lying down next to you, he closes his eyes. “I know I give him so much crap for it, but he means no harm.” Rolling over to your side, you furrow your brows. “Never again,” he confirms. Sitting up right, you wait for him to do the same. Leaning against the headboard, he smiles softly.
“Thank you,” you begin, “For standing up for me.”
“I would do it over and over again with no hesitation.” Letting out a shaky breath, he scoots you to straddle his lap. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
And maybe it is the heat of the moment, but soon you find yourself leaning down to kiss up. His lips are warm, the way you remember them. Your lips are home, the way he remembers them. Sliding his shirt off, you halt when you see the bruises that cover him. You let out a slight wince. “You know what? Another day when you feel better-” He pushes your hips against his as your eyes roll back with anticipation.
“I feel better already.” And then he’s kissing you again, mind trying to keep up with the way your soft hands slide up and down his chest. Long fingers pinch your shirt, tugging it off. His eyes train themselves on your tits. “You’re a fucking dream.”
Unclasping your bra, his mouth immediately wraps around your left nipple. Whining, you brush your hands against his curls. The way his tongue swirls around your sensitive bud has you pushing his face deeper to your chest. He doesn’t seem to mind, free hand going in to squeeze your other boob.
Grabbing his face, you force him to face you, both your chests heaving up and down. 
“Fuck me. Please.”
Groaning, he throws his head back. Not wasting anymore time, he switches positions, sprawling you against the white bed sheets. He takes his time taking your shorts and panties off before slipping off his jeans and boxers.
The sight of his dick has you nervous for a split second, but that's cut short when you feel his fingers sliding against your walls. You squirm. “That’s it, amour. Let loose.” His large frame towers over you as he spreads your legs out even more. Almost like an instinct, your legs wrap around his waist. He kisses your forehead. “You need to let me know if you’re uncomfortable.”
“Pinky promise, just…please.”
That's all it takes. Thrusting into you, you both let out dirty, sinful moans. It takes all of him to not snap his hips, just the thought alone being too much. 
“You’re so fucking worth it. Worth it all.” Clinging onto his arm, your mind is hazy with the sudden stretch. He’s big and you feel him already brushing against your g-spot. You wonder if you’ll be able to take him.
“Ch-Charles, please move,” you beg, pupils dilated. He starts off slow and you’re almost embarrassed with the way it has you reaching out for him. Begging for more. “F-feel s-s-so good inside of me.”
The way you clench around his cock has him choking on his saliva. “Yeah? Well you feel so good wrapped around me. Warm and-” The sound of his voice has your walls closing around him, even tighter. “...unreal. You can’t be real.”
He lost with the way you squirm underneath him, twisting, almost pulling away, but he keeps a firm grip. “Ch- oh God.” His speed picks up as he fucks your harder. Past boyfriends only put their needs first, but you can tell he was trying to get you to finish first. The realization made your head spin. A tight feeling enters your bottom belly.
Boys? Waste of time. 
Men? He was everything.
Rubbing your clit, he admires you. Close? You open your eyes, soft pants being released, the sound of the headboard rutting against the white wall. “I-I don’t know…” He pinches his brows. You let out a shaky breath. “How should an orgasm feel?”
His eyes widen, hips continue their abuse. “You’ve never had an orgasm?” Bashfully, you let go of his burning gaze, watery eyes focused on his pulsing muscles. 
“Boys…” Letting out a cry, your bite down on his bicep with the sudden brush against your g-spot. He hisses. Your mouth is open with an O as you drool all over him. You whine when he places his hand over your lower belly. You should feel some pressure here.
His voice is deep, raw and so mature. He sounds as fucked out as you feel. “Do you feel something like that, chérie?” Furiously, you nod. “Words. Use your words.”
“I-I-I do.” Those two words have him almost seeing the future. They are slow and weak, but also sure and his. In this exact moment, he swore he would have you repeating those same words, only in a different location. Teary eyes look up at him. “I feel you everywhere.” 
With that you let out a scratched moan as you cum around his cock. The way you arch and squeeze around him is what makes him finish right after. Catching your breath, you look up at him with a twinkle in your eyes. He kisses your bruised out lips.
“You’re fucking perfect.”
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tojivu · 1 year
one bed + morning after ⋆ genshin men
an. clearijg up drafts (that i like), expect more soon
cw. genshin men & one bed trope, includes zhongli diluc childe thoma. f!reader implied. sfw.
playing. nothing revealed / everything denied by the 1975
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DILUC’s face is almost as red as his hair. he hoped to get this trip over and done with; considering how the friend group had just dragged him on this adventure when he had better things to do. however, he found the silver lining he didn’t expect; you.
he had always found you attractive, sometimes stealing glances at you when you’re talking to his friends or secretly hoping you would ask him to hang out (without your annoying friends tagging along, as they had always done)—so when he finds out he’s stuck with you for the night, he has mixed feelings. he sticks himself to the wall, feeling too awkward to even sit down, and you’re combing your hair in the mirror.
“i’m gonna go to bed soon. you gonna stand there all night, luc?”
god, the way you said his name. “no, i’ll be on the couch.”
“don’t be silly.” you put the comb down and turn off the bathroom lights, then getting on the bed to make yourself comfortable. you pat the empty space next to you to signal that it’s okay, that he could sleep next to you if he wanted. “don’t be scared. it’s not that big of a deal.”
of course it wasn’t, to you.
diluc reluctantly gets on the bed, and he’s as stiff as a wood plank. you turn and look at him, on your side, and he fights his urge to look back at you; he knows he’ll just make a fool of himself. “goodnight, luc.”
you expected diluc to be sleeping, facing the ceiling—as if he didn’t move from the night before. but your eyes flutter open and you see diluc facing you, his face only inches away; sleeping peacefully. the sunlight is seeping in through the curtain gaps, and the air is cold.
diluc wakes and he doesn’t jump in surprise, instead he opens his eyes and stares lazily at you—as if you were a sight he saw every morning; natural, like you were meant to be there with him. his morning voice is rough as he speaks, “good morning, y/n.”
your heart is merciless that morning, diluc swore he could hear your heartbeat pounding.
CHILDE doesn’t realise how troublesome it is to have such a tiny bed to two people. he had always slept alone, in a queen, his sleeping positions almost always bizarre as he had space to spare. your friend group didn’t think to consider whether making him sleep in a small hotel room with only one bed would trouble him— but as soon as he was told that he was sharing a room with you, his face lit up. childe didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, though, but it would be a lie if he said he didn’t want to be stuck with you for a whole 8 hours.
“did you hear?” he leans against the counter at the reception desk, on one arm, looking at you with a smirk on his face. you’re guessing what it could be—what prank he’d be pulling on you this time.
“we’re sharing a room?” you guess, voice monotone and bored; it was 12 in the morning and all you wanted to do was sleep—entertaining childe’s nonsense was not going to be a part of your nightly routine. you expect a big “no!” from him, but he keeps quiet instead.
after a few seconds of awkward silence, he reaches for the keycard in your hand and grabs hold of it. “i guess i’ll unpack first, then.”
there wasn’t any point in fighting the receptionist for your own room, since she told you they were packed for the week and reservations had already been made.
you’re on the far end of the bed while childe is comfortable. the pillows smell like his shampoo. you can’t sleep, and he notices that. childe snickers at how you’re trying so hard not to fall off the bed.
“c’mere.” he offers, “there’s space.”
“there isn’t.”
“trust me, i don’t like this either.” what a liar, he thought to himself.
you reluctantly shift closer to him, yet thankful he offered—you were close to moving anyway. “this is so stupid.”
when you wake, you find yourself facing the wall—childe’s arms are wrapped around your waist, his chest pressing against your back. he’s still asleep, his light snores being the only thing you can hear. you tell yourself this is not what you wished to wake up to, but the blush creeping up on your face says everything.
ZHONGLI finds it completely normal. he cannot take a hint. it was just a business trip, and he didn’t want you (his secretary) to sleep uncomfortably. you had much to do the morning after and a sore back would do you no good—he was just being a responsible boss. just that, nothing else. he doesn’t notice the blush on your cheeks when he tells you to get in bed with him, and when he tells you goodnight when his face is only inches away from yours. it seems like you don’t notice how he gets a little nervous when you move closer—or accidentally brush your hands against his under the sheets, either.
zhongli takes off his slippers, then throwing the towel on his neck onto the chair next to the nightstand. you’re already in bed, laying down like a mummy—afraid to make a bad impression.
“busy day tomorrow.” he says. “goodnight, y/n.”
you muster the courage to say it back, but the heartbeat pulsing in your ears make it hard. “goodnight.”
“why are you laying down like that?” he suddenly says, just moments after you close your eyes. you jolt awake, surprised he would ask.
“i don’t want to make you uncomfortable, mr. zhongli–“
“don’t be ridiculous. come.” this is not normal. superiors are not supposed to be in the same bed as their secretaries. you’re not supposed to be in the same bed as your superior. nevertheless, he’s your boss. if he wants you to come closer, who are you to disobey?
you move closer to him, letting out a sigh of relief because theres much more space on his side of the bed. you hope it won’t be awkward at tomorrow morning’s meeting, and you hope no one catches you leaving his hotel room as soon as the sun rises.
your eyes open and the sun is rising. the sky is a pink-orange colour—the air is warm, but not too warm. you turn your gaze to your side and see zhongli, sleeping peacefully, and it hits you that you’ve never seen your boss like this. you’d just assumed that he never slept; such a workaholic he is. with his position, who has time to get shuteye?
you don’t realise he’s awake until he says something. you’ve been staring at him for a few minutes now.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer, miss y/n.”
you’re too tired to feel embarrassed, but the red on your cheeks show it anyway. “good morning, mr zhongli.”
“first time i’ve slept so soundly,” he smiles, “we should do this more often.”
zhongli was always blunt and straightforward, though it never bothered you. in fact, you admired that about him—something about the morning air and your boss waking up next to you stirs something in your chest.
THOMA was the shy classmate you always wanted to befriend. he was often seen reading books in the corner of the classroom, his head down and his eyes scanning pages. you were the popular kid, always being approached by those who are interested in you—but thoma was the only one who could catch your attention. you end up making friends with him, and spontaneously invite him on a trip outside the city. a small hostel was all you two could find, and even then, the prices were… outrageous.
“i could pay for two rooms, if you’re not comfortable.” you offered him, but knowing thoma, he’d probably decline and say—
“no, that’s a lot of money.” he shakes his head, “we came all this way. we still need money to head home.” of course, thoma was too sweet to make you do such a thing for him.
when you enter the room, you’re surprised to see only one bed. you’d just sleep on the floor, you thought—you dragged thoma out here, it would only be polite to do such a thing for him.
“so you wanna face the wall or..”
“oh, you’re not sleeping on the floor, are you?” he questions, and you think he must be going crazy. what kind of guy asks a question like that? “we walked a lot today.”
your confidence is nowhere to be found now—with thoma, it’s hard for you to find the right words to say because you’re always so nervous; it’s a curse, especially during times like these. you decide to just suck it up for the night. thoma was a deep sleeper; and you knew this because of the train ride here—he was snoring so loud the whole cabin could hear him, and your pokes and shoves did nothing to wake him. it wouldn’t be much of an issue to sleep next to him, you hope.
it’s surprisingly easy to fall asleep next to thoma, his body warms the bed up and you find yourself inching closer to him as the hours pass—it’s comfortable, regrettably, but you can’t help yourself. it’s 4 in the morning when your head is buried into thoma’s shoulder, warmth encapsulating you; and the air is quiet until he speaks.
“it’s so cold tonight,” he’s complaining, though his tone sounds awfully happy, and you feel him hold your hand under the covers. “this hostel is so shitty.”
“isn’t it?” you’re smiling so hard you swear your cheeks are going to fall off. thank the stars it’s pitch dark in the room.
you wake hours later, thoma’s arm under your neck and holding you close. it’s no longer cold, you realise. you hear snoring in your right ear, and you’re once again thankful he can’t see your expression—a bright red.
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lynnielovestlou · 4 months
bodyguard! abby anderson x princess! reader (500 followers special)
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꩜ synopsis: based on the book "twisted games" by ana huang. you are next in line for the throne, and abby is your bodyguard. only one problem: you can't be with her. you have to marry someone of royal blood, and abby is not. but that won't stop you from being with her. she knows she can't have you, but she's taking you anyways.
꩜ cw: forbidden love trope , reader and abby sneak around , eventual smut (fingering, strap use, multiple orgasms, pet names, spanking, dirty talk, etc) , reader has a brother , afab! reader , fem! reader , bodyguard! abby , semi-public ,
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it all started when your brother abdicated. he quite possibly ruined your life the day he fell in love with a flight attendant and decided he didn't want to be king anymore. but you couldn't blame him. he chose love over the throne.
in reality, you could've done the same. not a single part of your body wanted to be queen. too much responsibility and stress, and not enough time to prepare. but everything you do reflects your country, and it would look bad to back out when your brother had done the same.
your grandfather was king, but as he grew older he had to teach your brother, next in line for the throne, how to rule an entire country. he had been preparing to do so for years, but when he met mckenna, he decided he didn't want to. so now, you were next to be queen. and you only had four months to prepare.
you had a dance to attend tonight, because the board decide it would be best for you to marry before coronation. so there you were, sitting on an uncomfortable throne in a room full of men that wish to be your suitor.
"are you paying attention?" a voice to your right says.
another thing. abby fucking anderson. your buff, exponentially attractive bodyguard. you two had a fling before there was this whole drama with your brother, but it soon fizzled out at the reality of the situation. you wanted her, and she wanted you. but the only problem: you can't be with her. she's not of noble blood, so by law, you can't be together.
"i dont need to be. i don't want to marry anyone here." which is almost a lie. you don't want to marry any man here.
abby sighs through her nostrils, her broad shoulders twitching, "c'mon, princess. there's got to be at least one person here that you think is good enough to be your husband."
there wasn't. even abby knew that.
"no thank you." you say with a huff, standing up and straightening out your dress just as another suitor had approached you.
you walk away without another word, abby short on your tail, "where are you going?"
"bathroom." you answer shortly, "i'm fed up with everything and this dress is making it extremely hard not to pee myself."
you excuse yourself for the second time, walking through the marble corridors of the castle while the faint sound of chatter is left in the ballroom. the only sound heard now is the clacking of your heels on the slick floors, the shoes rubbing your feet in the most uncomfortable places.
once in the bathroom you reach behind your back, fumbling with the strings of your corset.
"need some help?" abby questions. you hadn't realized that she followed you.
"i know you're my bodyguard, ms. anderson, but you don't need to follow me in the bathroom."
she chuckles lowly, "we've fucked three times and you still refuse to call me abby, huh?"
a familiar heat rushes to your cheeks.
and somewhere else.
she doesn't wait for an answer before positioning herself behind you, untying the strings for you and giving you immediate relief on your ribs.
"you know how much i hate that i have to watch you dance with other men? how much i hate that their hands are all over you...?"
you swallow, hard, "how much?"
"so much," she begins, "that i want to bend you over that sink and spank your ass raw."
your breath catches in your throat, and you stare at her in the mirror, mouth agape. your heart is hammering against your chest, like it's trying to head-butt itself out.
"take off your dress and spread your legs." she whispers in your ear, to which you comply. you'd be an idiot not to.
once you were stripped of your clothing, the cold air hits your skin and makes you shiver. but the cold doesn't last long before abby is taking you into a sloppy kiss.
"here's what's gonna happen." she says, hands snaking around your body and settling on the plush of your ass, "i don't like seeing you dance with men. so you're going to sit here and let me fuck you like a good girl, alright?"
her fingers slide through your slit. your breath catches for a second time and your body arches towards hers.
you shudder at every word, rutting yourself against her in an attempt to feel friction. she's quick to grab your hips and stop them, pulling a whine from deep within your chest.
"how many men did you dance with?" she demands, her hot breathe hovering on your lips.
"o-only six."
"seven." she corrects you, pinching and pulling on your clit, making you squirm.
"p-please, abby..."
"please what? use your words, princess." she says softly, contradicting her harsh actions.
"please... fuck me already." you plead, bottom lip quivering. your thigh muscles are shaking, and you glance at the pile of discarded clothes on the floor opposite of the counter you're pressed against. your clothes, to be exact. abby is still dressed, but you can see her bulge through her pants. the pants that squeeze her thighs and highlight every muscle. she truly is glorious.
"you wore your strap to the ball?"
she nods her head, taking her hand off your mound and using it to unzip her trousers. you whine at the lack of warmth, the cold air of the bathroom returning to your skin and giving you goosebumps.
"dont worry, sweet girl. once i'm done with you, you'll be sweating." you smirk at this, lifting yourself onto the cold tile counter. you hiss as the temperature hits your bare ass, but abby shuts you up with another kiss, "now stay still. i need to stretch you out before giving you what you really need." she says.
"but i've taken your strap before. it's not that hard."
she laughs at this, "i know you have. but this one's not the same."
your eyebrows raise, but before you can ask what she means her pants and boxers pool around her ankles. this certainly wasn't what you were expecting.
it's much longer and much girthier than than the one she's used on you before. it's even a different color. this one a hot pink, sparkly shade that's enough to force a laugh out of you.
abby giggles in unison, "you like it?" you nod, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her towards you. she's quick to shut that down, "nuh-uh. i told you i've gotta stretch you out first. spread those pretty legs f'me."
you comply easily, spreading them further. she whistles when she sees your twitching, glistening cunt, just weeping and begging for abby to take care of it.
"shit, honey... you think this country knows how wet their queen is right now?"
"but, im not the queen yet— oh!" youre interrupted when abby's middle and ring fingers slide easily into your cunt, your warm walls welcoming her familiar skin. you look down and watch your pussy swallow her up greedily, clenching around her like you're scared she's going to pull away.
"there she is. there's my girl." abby coos, kissing your knee before increasing the speed in which her fingers pump in and out of you.
all that's heard is the sloshing of her fingers in your pussy. the heel of her palm slams against your clit, deliciously stimulating it as your legs begin to shake. abby knows what she's doing, and she loves it.
"gonna look so damn pretty with a crown on your head." she huffs as that familiar coil bubbles up in the depths of your stomach, "s' pretty baby."
a string of moans cascade from your mouth as she pulls her fingers out, letting you have your orgasm on your own. usually she's fuck you through it, but she's not done with you yet.
she grabs the base of the strap, teasing your puffy and swollen folds with it but not putting it in. you whine in protest, but she tuts you in response.
when she finally does push in, however, a strained gasp falls out of your mouth from the stretch of the strap, your hands finding abby's shoulders and squeezing them, "abby— abs— i can't-"
"shh... yes you can. you can take it." she says, letting you adjust before slowly pumping in and out of you, "you can handle being queen but you can't handle this cock?"
"not-" grunt, "queen," grunt, "yet."
she pounds harder and harder, hips slamming against you. your legs are already weak, and you can tell you're going to be bruised tomorrow.
"abby," you say in between breaths, attempting to maintain your composure, "they're going to be wondering where i am."
her hips stutter, but they don't stop. the base of the strap was hitting her clit just right. she was just as close as you are, "shh... almost done. cum with me, baby. c'mon, you can do it."
with only a few more pounds you're both spiraling. you both hope to god nobody is outside the bathroom door, otherwise they would be sure to hear your heavy breathing and tight moans.
once you come down from your high, abby is already tucking her strap back into her tight slacks, the material hugging her thighs beautifully. she helps you dress yourself again in your pretty gown (after she had cleaned you up, of course).
"sorry we have to sneak around, princess. i promise one day we won't have to." she says, pecking a sweet kiss to your temple. without another word, she walks out before you, making sure it doesn't look too suspicious that you were in there together.
you're left with your reality again. you have to go back out there and dance with men that you don't love. a so simple, yet so not, marriage of convenience, when the person that your heart really belongs too has to watch from the sidelines.
but abby was right.
she couldn't have you, but she was taking you anyways.
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taeyeonschild · 11 months
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《sleeping apart, after a fight || maknae line ver.》
pairing: maknae line (separate) x gn!reader
genre: i dunno, you tell me. (fluff? angst?? SMUT??!?? no it’s not smut dw😌)
contains: exactly as it says in the title
warnings: !!!uncomfortable couch!!!
A/N: idk what i’m doing, any more than you do. why did i choose to write this? i have no clue 🤷‍♀️
on a completely unrelated note: here’s a song i’m obsessed with right now
hyung line | maknae line
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He watches as you grab your pillow and blanket from the bed, then angrily stomp into the living room.
When he hears the door slam, he sinks to the ground in a sigh.
He sits there, in silence for a few minutes, just to calm himself down, before anxiously tiptoeing into the living room, and approaching you.
“How about, I take the couch, and you go take the bed? I know your mad at me, and I feel bad, but I’d feel way worse if you wake up tomorrow with a sore back from this couch.”
You silently agree, while getting up from the couch to hand him the pillow and blanket.
“We’ll talk tomorrow morning?”
You reply with only a nod, too tired and overwhelmed to do much else.
The bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch, it’s a good thing you have a boyfriend who cares enough to make that trade for you.
An hour later, Jisung is still lying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. It's not comfortable at all, and he can feel every spring poking into his back. He rolls around, doing anything he can to try to get comfortable, but it is no use.
He groans quietly to himself, and he eventually picks himself up off of the couch and walks to the bedroom.
A strong arm wraps around your waist. Still angry, but you don’t fight it.
“The couch is uncomfortable. I’d rather be here with you. I love you”
In the morning the fight is forgotten, and all is well in quokkaville.
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He can’t sleep without you.
He’ll lay alone in the guest bedroom for an hour or two, scared to anger you more.
At 3am he finally sneaks into the bed beside you.
(If you’re asleep, he will quietly climb under the covers, and wrap you in his arms, very careful not to wake you up.)
If you are awake he just sits there, looking at you.
His hand gently rubs up an down your shoulder.
You are stubborn, and refuse to face him.
“Y/n i’m sorry… okay?”
“I forgot our date I know, I’ve just been so caught up with work… and I know that’s not an excuse, it’s my fault for forgetting. but I promise it won’t happen again, my love. I’m so sorry”
He practically begs you to forgive him
“Please darling… forgive me. I love you, and I can’t stand you being angry at me. I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll take you out tomorrow, and the day after, and every day after that. I’ll never forget a date again. I’ll even take friday off of work, and we can spend the whole day together!”
He rambles on and on, just trying to convince you to look at him.
But he stop’s suddenly when he sees your shoulder shake slightly, and he hears a sniffle.
“Oh god, oh no. Are you crying? Y/n I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to!”
He holds your waist tightly and kisses your neck, doing anything he can to comfort you.
“i just feel like, i’m not a priority anymore. we haven’t gone out in a month.” you speak through sniffles, and choked sobs.
“No no no! Y/n you are always my number one! I’ve just been really busy with this new comeback, i haven’t had much time to think about really anything else. But i’m sorry, truly. I never want you to feel unloved. You are, and will always be, the most important thing to me, my love.”
He hugs you, and rocks you slowly off to sleep. All is well, all is forgiven, all there is, is love, between you.
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“I’m done!! I’m sleeping in the guest room. We’ll finish this tomorrow!” you finally snap, then storm out of the living room.
Stubborn x equally as stubborn, is your relationship trope. You both know that this fight won’t end, until one of you puts your pride aside, to start the apologies.
Tonight, you refuse to be that person.
The guest bedroom is cold and lonely, you spend the whole night wondering how Seungmin is doing… He’s probably having a fantastic time in the big bed all to himself…
Your prediction couldn’t be any less correct.
Seungmin is eating himself up inside with guilt, he can’t sleep any more than you can.
Part of him is glad that you aren’t in the same room, since he always wants to appear strong infront of you. He would never want you to find him weak and crying like he is now..
The night is long, and uncomfortable, and cold, and neither of you can sleep.
After an hour or so, of suffering, Seungmin gives into the pain, and knocks on the guest bedroom door.
Angrily, you ignore him, but he enters anyways.
You look like a mess, your hair is a rats nest from hoe much you’ve tossed and turned, your face is all red and puffy from crying.
Without speaking, he crawls into the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around your torso.
He gives you no space to refuse, but it’s not like you’d want to anyways…
“Let’s just stop fighting. I love you. Goodnight y/nnie”
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“I’m sleeping on the couch tonight”
His disappointed, quiet tone, hurts you even more that it would’ve if he had yelled it.
Before you have any time to rebut, he leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
“Jeongin!!” he ignores your call.
He sets up the couch to the best of his ability, but it is anything but comfortable.
He lays in silence staring at the ceiling for what feels like an eternity, till he hears your footsteps echo down the hall.
Your sniffles break him, but he wants to remain strong. He knows that looking at you will break him, so he pretends to be asleep.
You kneel beside him, on the floor, and gently stroke his arm.
He doesn’t reply initially, keeping his eyes closed to stay in character. But hearing your sniffles breaks him.
“Please come to bed. We don’t have to talk, we can stay on opposite sides of the bed. I just need you with me.” you beg.
Hearing this hurts him. He tries his hardest to avoid eye contact, knowing that he will instantly forgive you, if he even so much as looks at your face.
“Okay, i’ll come. I just need some time. We’ll talk tomorrow, alright?”
He then gets off of the couch, slowly walking to the bedroom. He climbs into his side of the bed, and you follow after.
You lay, facing away from eachother. Both wide awake, and unable to sleep.
There’s no way to prevent the tears that fall from your eyes, and you begin to choke back sobs. You try your best to stay quiet, to allow Jeongin peace and quiet. But of course, he can hear you.
As much as he wants to pretend he’s asleep, he feels bad seeing you like this. It’s clear that the guilt is eating you up inside, and it’s making him feel even worse.
Carefully, he wraps his arm around your waist, and you can feel his breath on your neck.
“Sshhh, lovely.. It’s okay. I am mad, but we’ll figure it out tomorrow. I still love you. Now go to sleep”
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kadwrites · 11 months
entanglement | T.S
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summary ; your fate is now sealed
warnings ; arranged marriage trope, slow burn? , typos (english isn't my first language) , tommy being the babygirl that he is.
a/n ; i have beef with this secretary idk why. thank you guys for the support! id love to know what you guys think of this part<333
you look out the window as he drives, trying to ignore the awkwardness between you two. your heart is almost beating out of your chest.
he glances at you as he drives, "who were the friends ya had over?"
you turn to look at him "huh?", it seems like no matter how often you talk to him, his voice still makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up
"the friends, the company ya had over this mornin' , who were they?" he repeats, a little slower this time
"oh my friends madeline and fiona, why?"
"do they know about this?" he glances at you again
"of course they do" you look at him even when he looks away, your mind starts to wander "are you... ashamed ?" you try not to sound too offended.
his brows pinch together in confusion, and you see it from his side profile "what?"
"of this, of me." you're still staring at him "is that why you don't want people to know about this? 'cause you're ashamed?"
"why would i be ashamed ?"
"i don't know, tommy. why would you?" your attitude seeped into your words , unfortunately.
"i'm not" he adds with a small chuckle
"is it cause my dad is a farmer?"
he turns to look at you for a second, with an almost amused expression "i don't care that your dad is a farmer."
"then why are you so secretive about it?" you ask again, casually. you needed to know why
"i just didn't think ya would want anyone to know, i'm giving ya chance to reconsider this before anything official 'appens."
you raise a brow at him "so this isn't official then?"
"i meant an engagement party, a public announcement. an entanglement that everyone will know about that ya wouldn't be able to escape."
"ya still think i'm being forced into this..." your voice is soft ,its almost a whisper as you connected the dots, your eyes roaming his face.
he doesn't respond back, he just takes a breath and keeps on driving.
"my father gave me a way out of this," you speak again, "i've had multiple chances to end this... entanglement or whatever the fuck ya want to call it. but i didnt take them."
"why not?" he asks almost immediately after, his eyes on you again
"because i didnt want to."
his eyes go back to the road , the rest of the drive is silent and you don't mind it. frankly you didn't know what other uncomfortable conversations you'd have if either one of you spoke again.
you don't wait for him to open the passenger door, you do it yourself. you two walk in and you groan internally, resisting the overwhelming desire to roll your eyes at the sight of the blonde secretary. her eyes lit up when she spots him and you could see her practically deflate as she saw you walk in with him.
"good mornin' , mr shleby." her voice is sweet, overly sweet you think you might gag at the sound of it.
he doesn't acknowledge her as he walks towards his office but only stops to turn, waiting for you to catch up. you walk and you both enter the office through the glass door, he leans down to whisper in your ear , not too close but close enough to make the air around you feel non-existent as you hold your breath.
"i'm still not fucking 'er , by the way."
it wasn't just the hairs on the back of your neck that stood, your whole body was now covered in goosebumps. you hold back the shudder that almost escaped you. he wasn't even that close but the sound of his voice, so near. the proximity, he's standing so close to you. you can almost physically feel the secretary staring, as if she wanted you to drop dead on the spot.
you let out a small chuckle, you hope that it masked the reaction that his words caused "you're not?" you don't move though, you're too scared. maybe you didn't want to ruin the moment
"i'm not."
you nod as you lean back and look at him, your nod is slow "i believe you" you say softly before taking a seat on that same chair
he takes his coat off and hangs it, then walks and heads for his chair "your only condition to our marriage is for your parents to be financially supported, correct?"
you nod again "correct."
he rereads a paper that he grabbed , before handing it to you "you wanted it in writing."
you hesitate before grabbing the paper yourself, your eyes skim through the black ink. you lick your lips as you see the word 'marriage' and see both of your names and then see his signature on the bottom. and an empty spot for your signature, he hands you a pen
"ya still 'ave one more chance."
your eyes snap up at him, before you grab the pen, you put the paper back on the desk and then sign it.
"and now i don't"
you two don't take your eyes off eachother, as you both acknowledged what just happened, that your fate was now sealed
"an engagement party is in order now, aye?"
you huff a small laugh "yeah, and it'll be fucking grand."
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 ,
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reidsdaisies · 7 months
hihihi !! i saw that you wanted requests and i will happily oblige 😭 i was wondering if you could do a like grumpy spencer reid x sunshine/bombshell reader !! i love the whole opposites attract trope. maybe its where like hes having a bad day and just kinda wants to go home but reader turns that frown upside down and flirts w him n stuff !!
༉‧´ˎ˗ pairing; grumpy!spencer reid x sunshine/bombshell!reader
༉‧´ˎ˗ warnings; maeve doesn’t exist bc this is like right around the beginning of season 8 I’d say, slightly handsy reader ig?, use of pet names ‘baby’, ‘sweetie’, ‘hon’, mention of the one ‘sugar pie’, also I don’t think spencer would growl but i thought it was kinda funny and random. also he’d probably not not want to do a guest lecture but just imagine he’d had a rough week or something and that’s why he’s reluctant to go.
༉‧´ˎ˗ wc; 0.6k
༉‧´ˎ˗ a/n; i also love opposites attract but im not the best at writing it, so this one is like subtle ig and so reader is more of a flirt than a bombshell. but if you or anyone else has a diff request for bombshell!reader pleasepleaseplease send it in bc I’d love to try again and make her an actual bombshell lolz
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The day was already off to a bad start. You could tell from Spencer’s body language and whole demeanor that he just wasn’t having it.
Today, Spencer is supposed to be giving a guest lecture to Alex Blake’s class. So, here you stand outside the classroom, 10 minutes before he’s supposed to go in and prepare, pulling at his arm uselessly.
He’s planted himself to a bench in the empty hallway, head in his hands, hiding his face from you.
“C’mon, Spence, it’s just 30 minutes, a 1 and done thing.” You squat down in front of him at eye level, though it’s slightly uncomfortable even in your most casual heels. You’re currently trying to convince him that it really isn’t that bad, and that he’ll feel more relaxed once he’s gotten into the flow of things.
“It’s not like you’ve never done this before,” sighing, you give up trying to make him look at you and instead sit down besides him, your hand reaching over to rest on his left shoulder. “Didn’t you do something similar with Rossi a couple years ago? And you’re good friends with Blake, so this should be a piece of cake.”
“You say that, but you’ve never even had to think about doing something like this. It’s nerve wracking.” He mumbles into his hands, shaking his head.
When he finally pulls his head away, he’s pouting, giving you an annoyed stare. He shrugs your hand off him, hunching in on himself.
“Sweetie,” you start, taking a deep breath and choosing your next words, “remember the first time this happened? One second you were all frustrated— I mean like at one point I think you even growled at me— then the next you were fine. What did the trick that time?”
He scoffs at the mention of him growling, but he does stop to think about it. You can see him mentally searching for that last time, replaying the events of that afternoon.
He licks his lips in contemplation, opening his mouth before closing it. Taking another glance in your direction, he gives you a quick once over. “I-.. well, you..? I guess.”
“Well, what did I do, hon?”
“Uhm, I don’t know..” Of course you already know he remembers, there’s very few, if any, things he doesn’t, he’s just having a hard time saying it outright.
“C’mon baby, I know you know.”
Even after multiple months of dating you, he’s still getting used to all the nicknames you call him. You’ve called him things such as ‘baby’, and ‘sugar pie’, more times than you’ve called him by his actual name. He knows this for a fact. He counted.
Biting the inside of his cheek, he glances down with a soft smile on his face. “Stuff like that, like calling me ‘baby’ and whatnot. Flirting with me.”
“Aw, look at you smiling,” you tease, gently prodding his shoulder, “I knew deep down, as much as you try to deny, you actually enjoy my flirtatiousness.”
“Hush,” he rolls his eyes playfully, looking up at the ceiling.
“Well then, ‘baby’, what’s it gonna take this time, hm? Maybe a bit more of my flirtatious charm could ease those nerves.”
You wink at him jokingly, eliciting a chuckle from the man beside you.
After a few seconds, you push him to stand, about ready to shove him towards the door as well. “But in all seriousness, you better get your ass in there or I will tell Blake and all your other colleagues about the growling.”
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silasours · 2 months
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#pairing : alastor x gn reader. #cw : may include adult content. enemies to lovers trope. #summary : you were a detective when you were a human! but uh oh, you died.. and you meet the target that you were on to before your death? #note : I feel bad for not posting for so long, here's a little sneak peek at what I'm working on! i received this prompt from an anon in my inbox and do i love it very much. i have so many ideas for this fic, it'll be my first ever long fic on this blog! i'll reply to the ask once I'm done with the fic :3
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“my, isn’t it my favorite detective!” you hear a static, loud voice speak from behind you. you quirk a brow, slowly turning your head to see a demon that somehow resembles a deer. a red deer, that is. he wears this wide smile that stretches from ear to ear, his whole attire so formal it makes you question if you’re underdressed. he holds a cane in his hands; it looks like a speaker that he got custom-made. confusion bubbles inside of you, and multiple questions float across your mind. who is this man, that so happens to know what you work as when you were still alive?
and, out of all demons, why are you his favorite?
“I’m sorry, but have we met?” you turn your body to face him fully, your eyes scanning from head to toe wondering if it’s just a fuzzy memory of yours. the demon steps closer to you, a sense of uneasiness instantly rushes through your veins. you shudder suddenly..
“aha, of course we have! you were even so interested in me back when we were alive!” his words only made your confusion grow. you, being interested in someone? in what way? your work has never allowed you any extra space to catch feelings for anyone around you, so surely it’s not a crush unless you’ve misunderstood. It’s like he read your thoughts, he quickly adds in with a light chuckle.
“constantly trying to gather information about me, pinpointing my location, guessing my next move. fun times! I truly enjoyed watching you do so.” something clicked in your head. so this demon was presumably a target of yours before he died, but how could you know exactly which? you had so many targets, so many psychopaths you had to track down and lock them up for good. though, something about his deer features brings a blurry memory of a specific target that you currently can’t quite put a name to his face.
everyone in the hotel watches your interaction with the red demon quietly. the air is tense, nobody dared to breathe any harder than they are now. charlie is the most anxious one out of everyone in the room; angel is starting to doubt whether he should’ve brought you back to the hotel. but, surely, the manager is smarter than to kill off someone interested in staying, no?
“care to remind me which one are you?” your hands instinctively hide themselves in your pockets as a habit. your tone isn’t as friendly as it was when you spoke to the others, and the demon is loving the reaction he’s getting from you.
“gladly, my dear friend! i’d say my case was the one you spent the most time on,” you suddenly feel a strong tug on your hand before realizing that you’re shaking hands with the demon. his smile widens as you grow more uncomfortable. “the name’s alastor! pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure! I was there to witness your lovely slash boring death,”
you pull your hand back from his grasp, face scrunching at the mention of your death. he witnessed your death? what is he hinting? Is he trying to tell you that it was he who took the life of yours?
“I watched as you were murdered by one petty man i convinced, it was one of the most boring deaths i’ve ever seen! but dear, was i disappointed that you’ll never be able to put a close to my case when i thought you’d do better at fighting back.” you freeze suddenly, blood running cold from your face as he carries on.
“I was the last target you had before dying, it was a joy toying with you like a little mouse.”
so that’s what all the familiarity you felt was. his demeanor and personality, all that was jotted down in the notebook you had for research. he matches everything you wrote; you remember word by word from the number of times you’ve reread it, the times at night when you’re desperate to finally put the case to a stop. you feel anger and disgust pound in your chest, feet stepping back a couple of times.
he’s the reason why you died. you stare at his mocking smile, his expression that clearly shows his enjoyment while watching your reaction. a growl bubbles from your chest, and you see the spider demon hesitantly approach you. he stays beside you, rubbing his arm nervously while trying to think of a reason to pull you away from this scene.
“I died because of you,” you breathe out, body shaking not from fear but anger and realization. you suddenly leap forward when angel is about to reach out for your arm, your fingers curl tightly around the collar of alastor’s shirt. his smile only widens at your actions, a light hum that slides out so smoothly and audibly. “and it was purely for fun?” it’s even possible to notice every small feature you have on your face from how close you’ve pulled his face to yours. you earn a mere shrug from the demon.
“woah! babes, hey, calm down would’ja? let’s head somewhere else.” you feel a tug at your arm, but you don’t budge. you want to hurt this demon, to beat him until he’s curled up into a ball on the ground, but you can’t. there’s something holding you back, something telling you to not go any further than what you’re currently doing. he reeks of danger and mystery, hell knows what would he do to you if you were to cross his line. with another growl, you harshly push him away and he stumbles back a few steps with a small ‘oh!’.
angel sees this and takes the chance to quickly drag you away from the scene, and you let him. Everyone in the hall watches angel drag you all the way to the kitchen until alastor is out of your sight. his clawed fingers release your arm, a concerned gaze fixated on your slumping figure as you let out a deep sigh while pressing your face onto the surface of your palms.
now, you’ll really have to think it through whether you want to stay in this hotel. having so many things to take in so suddenly messes up your thoughts, something you’re unfamiliar with considering how you’re always sharp and organized.
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
hopefully requests are open rn, but just in case...
Can I request the Ninjas with a shy reader? Like someone who gets flustered really easily, doesn't know how to properly ask for affection, can't order for themselves at a restaurant, ect.
I think this is a really cute trope and I love seeing it in writing!
Oh I totally agree!! As a shy person myself I never get tired of seeing this trope hehe <3
Ninjago - Ninjas With a Shy s/o
I don't think you'll have to worry about asking for affection with him
If anything, you'll have to worry about asking for some space
Jay's super affectionate when it comes to romance, and he gets so lost in his loverboy haze that he won't see your "stop" signs unless you express them explicitly
But he does love seeing you all flustered
For him it's a sign that his love is getting to you (in a good way!)
He gets the biggest grin when he can make you blush, and he practically melts when you avert your gaze bashfully
"Aww, look at you being all shy. You're adorable."
Probably pinches your cheek too, that corny dude (we still love him though <3)
Jay can also be pretty anxious when it comes to social situations, but that goes out the window when it comes to you
Definitely will do the "excuse me they asked for no pickles!! >:(" thing, just for you <33
And he does NOT tolerate other people making you shy
As soon as he notices you're blushing or looking away because of someone else, he's at your side in an instant helping you escape the situation
totally not because he's jealous
He thinks it's cute that you're shy :)
He loves the way your cheeks turn pink when he complements you, or the way you fiddle nervously when you don't know what to say
You're so adorable to him
Whenever he manages to fluster you a bit, he gets a little grin and does an internal happy dance
But if he flusters you too much he feels bad
He doesn't want to actually breach any boundaries with you
But he's usually careful about that, keeping the affection pretty light so you don't get embarrassed (but he still gives you enough that you know he loves you <3)
Unfortunately that means that you're going to have to work up some real courage if you want something more
I feel like he's got this duality when it comes to social situations...
On the one hand, he has no trouble standing up for the ones he loves (you) when they need it
He'll totally step up for you when the time comes
But at the same time he's a little shy himself, and he's not going to do anything too drastic
Like if someone is making you uncomfortable, he'll just tug your sleeve and give you the "let's get out of here" look
He also thinks it's super cute that you're shy
But I feel like he'd also encourage you to stand up for yourself more often
He LOVES making you flustered though
It's just so easy
One wink and you're red as a firetruck... but he likes to get more creative than that
Compliments and pda galore man,,, someone stop this fiend
He does it because yes, it does make you all shy and that's adorable, but also because he wants you to build a tolerance to it (if that makes sense)
He wants you to become at least a little less shy, only for your own benefit
He's happy to stand up for you, or ask you what you need instead of you having to bring it up yourself, but what he'd really love is for you to have some initiative
The first time you compliment him back, or order your own food, he is OVER THE MOON
You thought he was affectionate before? Be prepared for a whole new level of love when he gets all proud like that
He still thinks it's cute when you get shy though, so he's not going to change you completely
Mans just wants you to have a bit more confidence!
Because you're amazing and you deserve that much at least 😤
He's chill with you being shy
Yes, he thinks it's cute, but he also recognizes it as a potential problem in your relationship
Not in a "something we might break up over" way though!! I must emphasize this!!
More in a "something I need to be conscious about" way
Like, he knows that you struggle sometimes, so he'll try to compensate :)
He'll ask you if you want affection, or just give it to you when he thinks you need it
He's already walking in front of you when you approach the fast food counter, ready to order for you
And in social situations he offers his hand for you to hold, not only for anxiety but so that you don't get separated
He doesn't mind doing any of this one bit btw :)
If anything, he sees it as a way to prove his love for you
But he's also not going to make a big deal about it or hold it over your head or anything
He does all of it as if it's the most casual thing in the world, and the longer you're together, that only becomes more true
Ofc he'd love to see you gain some confidence, but he's also totally fine being your social shield and advocate :)
Definitely teases you about how shy you are (specifically about how you get so cute when you're shy)
Never mind that he is also pretty shy
Literally all you have to do when he's teasing you is say "you're one to talk" and he's just like:
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But on a different note, he does like making you blush :)
He thinks it's cute when you get a little shy, but like Kai he also wants to see you gain a little confidence
His method is different though... prepare for a shower of affection and hype work
Always spends at least two minutes gushing about how gorgeous you are before going out
Dw, he waits for you to stop blushing before you actually go in public
But he makes you agree with him
"You're gorgeous!! Look in the mirror! No, seriously, look. Look how stunning you are!"
And you'll just get a shy grin, giving a little nod
Insecurity? not on his watch
And when you need to confront someone he'll do it, but he makes you come along
He'll hold your hand if you like though :)
no im not just saying this because im shy and i want her to love me
She loves being able to stand up for you, being your big strong gf <3
She practically jumps at the opportunity to protect you in social situations
Not to the point that she's overprotective, but you'll definitely feel her eyes on you when you get separated
And she also tries to stay in tune with your implied feelings, since you struggle to express them explicitly
She'll test the waters with remarks like "anything... frustrating happen today?" when she thinks you're mad, or "man, I don't know about you, but I could really use some cuddles..." when she thinks you need affection
She tries to open up opportunities like that for you; whether you take them or not is up to you
But she might get pushy if she's convinced about something, asking more direct questions like "okay, be serious with me: what's wrong?"
She'll make you look at her when you reply
She'll always understand your feelings, but what she doesn't understand is you hiding them from her
You'll have to learn to be a lot more candid and upfront (at least with her) when you date her
She's fine when you're shy in public, and even when you're shy in private to an extent, but what she won't tolerate is you closing yourself off from her
She just wants to know how you're feeling so she knows how to help :(
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Thank you so much for this request, I had a lot of fun with this one hehe! And thanks for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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