rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months
Stung knight go on their first date as throuple which is book store, dinner and then to the club for a night of dancing. The three of them are still getting used to actually being in a relationship with each other. Doing their best to show that they love the other two more than they could ever imagine. Shenanigans insues
Blake: *Almost struggling to carry her Books* You Getting Anything guys?
Yang: Just some Baking recipes, and a new Sci-Fi novel.
Jaune: *looking at something* I- I'm good.
Blake: *Shifting uncomfortably* Whatcha Looking At?
Jaune: Just- It's nothing. Some Graphic novels, which are just glorified comic books. I don't need it.
Yang: *Grabbing some of Blake's books* ... Nah. We're getting them.
Jaune: Well, you're hands are already full and I don't want to-
Blake: Jaune, just get them if you want them. I appreciate you trying to be mindful, but we're here to have fun. We don't mind.
Jaune: ... *picking up the books* Thanks guys!
Blake: *Licking lips* FishFishFishFishFishFish!
Yang: Damn! This place smells like a real smoke house! God, I could live in that hickory and cherry! *Sniff* Oooh Is that Applewood?
Jaune: Yeah, This place is a "gourmet" barbecue and grill place! It's family owned and works with local farmers and butchers to ensure the highest quality meat - and they're the biggest buyers of my family's ciders, wines, and juices.
Yang: What are you, some kind of fruit Baron?
Jaune: We've got a lot of land - most money goes to the people that work it. My mom's a very hands-on boss, especially when it comes to protecting the workers.
Blake: Less talk more filling our mouths with Smoked Salmon~
Jaune: They also have Fish and Chips, fish tacos, tuna melts- just about everything.
Yang: We don't know a lot about your family come to think of it. All we know is that your dad gave you bad dating advice, and that you've got seven sisters.
Blake: And that they used to put him in dresses.
Yang: And that they-
Jaune: Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah, Uh, My mom and dad were both Hunters! My mom used the sword as a backup with a poleaxe - a halberd as a primary weapon ...
Blake: *Bouncing to music*
Jaune: *Dancing like an Idiot*
Yang: *too enamoured by them to dance along with them*
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #114
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lucretiaadventurezone · 10 months
TAZ Balance Dashboard Simulator
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💪 bagnus-murnsides
↻ lactosewarrior5000 Follow
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💪 bagnus-murnsides
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happy rise and grind reclaimers wednesday monday
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✨ you-know-from-tv Follow
its literally friday ?
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
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👖 lactosewarrior5000 Follow
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#the additions are KILLING ME #laugh rule #tumblr days of the week #scheduled
(2,358 notes)
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📔 sheesh-creesh
#bureau business #inoculated #txt
(0 notes)
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🔎 ango-mcdango
↻ you-know-from-tv Follow
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
give me that username lup. stop impersonating me
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🌱 merlehighchurch Follow
(893 notes)
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🍵 potion-master-69
so im not trying to start anything, but it has to be said. garfield has been collecting blood from various people and using it for nefarious purposes, as well as just kind of being a dick.
receipts under the readmore vv
Keep Reading
#callout #gore tw #lilian don’t look
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🔎 ango-mcdango
↻ lesbian-orc-lover Follow
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👁️ hungry-hungry-hunger-deactivated20170817 Follow
Life is meaningless and nothing matters. Everything sucks and we should all just give in. Submit to the Hunger.
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
this is exactly what ligma was saying a few years ago
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👁️ hungry-hungry-hunger-deactivated20170817 Follow
What is Ligma? Some minor god you think will save you when your plane is consumed?
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
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✨ you-know-from-tv Follow
ohmygod you killed him
(53,007 notes)
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🍑 juicy-wizard-official
↻ 7-bird-watcher Follow
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🚀 cap-n-port Follow
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A picture of the moon I took with my new camera! If you look really closely, you can see the B.O.B. on the left side.
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
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🚀 cap-n-port Follow
You can't do that here
(68,913 notes)
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
↻ merlehighchurch Follow
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🌱 merlehighchurch Follow
hey guys! it's me, merle hightower highchurch. just wanted to come on here and say that i'm a total loser and lup is the coolest bitch alive
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🌱 merlehighchurch1
#this is elder abuse
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💀 reaper-kravitz-official
#my coworkers are driving me CRAZY rn #what do you mean it was 'just a little bit' of necromancy #WE ARE LITERALLY REAPERS LIKE HELLO #and now rq will be pissed at me. great #vent #do not rb
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🕸️ krav-dementia-raven-way
i fucked up i fucked up i fucked up i fu
#ohhhhh my god accidentally posted on the wrong blog #i didn't realize until BOTH of my coworkers had seen it fuck me #i am dating one of their brothers as well so #dreading our next work meeting and my date plans tonight
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🌈 lucretiaadventurezone
i need to pick up taako by the scruff of his neck and shake him around
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seismologically-silly · 2 months
Puzzlemaster Week 1 Recap
we've got lore
Last week started with @puzz1e-master sending a very cryptic message to @potato-lord-but-not. As a result, I, @cr0w-z, @ichorandseafoam, @pandaragons, @willwoodwithadditionalgrapejuice, @get-your-fuckin-star-bitch, and @fruit-c4ke were dubbed "The Involvements" by Puzzlemaster as we became the most involved in helping Potato Lord solve the puzzles. Obviously we are not the only ones, but we are by far the most annoying about it (i say "annoying" affectionately. who knows what Puzzlemaster thinks of us).
The first message was fairly easy, spelling out YOU ARE CLOSE in letters capitalized in the first message. The second riddle took us much longer-- we had to figure out what different colored words meant in a question. The question is still unanswered, but all the colors were accounted for: green = involvements, yellow = Potato Lord, pink = nothing important, black = mystery, red = Puzzlemaster, and purple = power. The question asked was, "The Watchers only Watch, why do the Victims have to Speak?" Helping us solve the colors, Puzzlemaster sent a few of us asks with clues spelling THE ROYALS HAVE ALL THE POWER.
As we were solving the colors, Potato Lord got a new ask, with text originally in Morse code in uppercase:
Aaaaannddddd…go! ALRIGHT, SO I WAS THINKING, Mhm? THE PUZZLEMASTER, WHAT DO ...... YOU THINK HIS DEAL? I'm not sure really. Maybe he just likes doing this? Messing about? I mean… THINK HE IS WEB? Could be. Not really sure though. A little early to speculate really. IS ONLY THE BEGINNING? Seems so. I mean, it's always a larger picture than we think- Oh. You're almost past the halfway. LIKE CAUGHT IN WEB ...... SO SMALL, COMPARING BIG Suppose so. Yeah. What does it make us? WE LIKE TO WONDER What do you think it means? To be a victim? GIVEN SPECIAL LITTLE THING Such as? A VOICE Oh yeah, you must envy tha- Oh. Times up. They can't hear you now. I know, I know. We'll just have to wait until it rewinds.
No idea who sent this. The colors cycle evenly through the lines, except "he" is red and "victim" is orange referring to what we took a week to decode them being. it is the first thing we've seen bolded, and we haven't seen pronouns italicized before. I'll come back to the struck out "They" in a few paragraphs. That's also so far the only thing struck out.
After the colors were decoded, Potato Lord was sent a new puzzle that decoded to YOU'RE PART OF. A few of the Involvements got sent asks as well, with messages so far decoded to YOU THINK TO STOP THEIR PLAN? SOMETHING BIGGER THAN [YOU] WILL STOP THE END THEY CRAVE. Possibly. We're still likely missing some pieces. And it's been confirmed there are two messages to put together. Again, what's with the They?
A few other players have joined the board that aren't the Puzzlemaster, Potato Lord, or the Involvements. One is @the-1t, but they've been quiet for a few days, so I'm not sure how big a player they are. There's @the-r4t-man, who has been teaching Puzzlemaster how to be human by giving them rats and flirting. And there's also been the They, who do not seem to like Puzzlemaster becoming human (again?), and apparently hold power over the Puzzlemaster.
Also, something is happening on 5 August at 12:16 PM. Not sure what time zone.
The whole story so far is spread out over about a half dozen blogs and mainly in replies, so I hope this provides a good first week recap of the main bits. If anyone thinks I've missed something important, add it for the archive!
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suhjihanma · 11 months
☩ ℑ𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔅𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔰 ☩
☩Kink (10) : Age-gap. ☩Pairing: Toji Fushiguro / Female Reader ☩Word Count: 1,951 ☩Content Warning: Barely legal, massive age-gap (reader recently turned 18. Toji hinted towards late 30s-early 40s), turning of legal age, dirty talk, mentions of suggestive sexting, hooking up, building experience inside the bedroom, hints of a no-string relationship, mentions of teachings, Toji simply wants to 'corrupt' your purity even more. ☩Author's Note: This kink can skirt around the contents that may be disturbing. You have been warned. Minors, kink shamers, and ageless blogs do not interact. I was originally supposed to post this yesterday, but my period cramps had me in a choke hold. If you're curious enough to read, then likes and reblogs are much appreciated. Also, I will post an updated master list post tomorrow since tumblr decided to hide my posts regarding kinktober on my blog. Funny since they're others roaming around this site with nudes.
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The feeling of the premature cool breeze grazed gently across the tall yet beautifully builded back of a man who was quite certain that he was under prepared. As to why he was waiting in the breeze questioning his life choices, Toji Fushiguro couldn’t pass on an opportunity that was going to be placed in front of him sooner than not.
Sunset was pulling its curtain across the city skyline as he waited patiently in the cold, with the slight occurrence of becoming one second of timidness. The street lights continuously flicker along with the crowd passing along the grit filled sidewalks. Toji’s head, that was occupied with the numerous profiles of women with ‘copy-catted’ personalities, now gain attention to the passing masses. People that had plans to attend, memories to create, and all other things that Toji could mention off the head. It wasn’t as if he was a people-watcher, but he wanted something to get his mind off from things. 
It was one of those things where he continuously questions his moral rights and wrongs. He could be better than any man yet, he steers across things that have no genuine value. As the activity of people watching began to bore the mind of an anxious wait, Toji quickly fumbled across the screen of his phone, tapping and swiping through every profile that garnered the attention of the personal male gaze. Endless body dresses that hugged tightly across well graved curves, smiles that brighten the room of a nightclub, and to even the pestering pets that seemed to be across every photo, Toji’s endless swipes of a potential could gain him more satisfaction than seeing it in person. 
The eyes cater to the imagination, after all.
Besides the careless decisions of choosing which profile to like or dislike on, Toji had already picked out someone to meet up in person. It was not wrong, per se, to just slowly kill time by waiting for someone. Someone that piqued his interest while being on the so-called “god-forsaken” dating app. A person who actually had some personality of sorts, and didn’t follow any ridiculous social trends that were making its way across users in the social media age. 
That person was you.
It all started with a conversation about the concepts of luck. Some are born with it, others have to try their damndest to reach the pinnacles of it. A snarky comment was made on one of your dating prompts that was listed on your profile. You answered a question about “What was your luckiest night?” and you stated you won three gambling scratch-offs in one week (but you didn’t mention how all three scratch-offs were given to you on your birthday). Now, Toji and you were providing counterproductive arguments on skills, talents, and other unnecessary topics that grew away from the main topic at hand. As the topic became more intense, so did Toji’s findings of word choice.
Toji flipped over to the ‘messages’ section of the app and saw the conversations that he had with you, prompting the whole meetup. Prude, yet exhilarating as Toji was a man of pure excitement. The rush of overtly sexual heeds grew to be more enticing with every message being sent. 
“ If you want to test your luck, try it with me.” “Really? So corny, yet, I like it.” “You’re gonna like more when I’m pinning you down in that mattress.” “Oh my god.” “With clothes off that is” “So, are we just gonna be fucking on screen or meet in person?” “Coffee shop nearby the pier tonight.” “I’ll be there...”
Toji felt himself getting uncomfortable underneath his beltline. The stiffness slightly grew by each sigh, reminding himself of his behavior in public. Toji could feel like many women might find this off-putting. This could be the start of something. Anything. As a man pushing towards the doors of middle-age, chasing women who didn’t satisfy his needs became tiresome. What happened to a woman who wasn’t scared to become enticed by different things, to be put in her place, anything to be dominated by a man’s hands? Toji’s mind raced with every description as he looked up to the sky, clouds murked in gray while a faint, yet , gentle voice eloped his hearing. The faint question of a hello soon to get his attention as he looked over, eyes slowly widening with delight with a small smile on his face, wordlessly greeting the person standing in front. 
“Hello. Are you, Toji?” 
The woman that was standing in front of him made Toji want to ditch the formal etiquettes of greetings and engage in being the feral man that he is. The dark-colored dress didn’t do justice to man's imagination as he wondered what could be underneath that curvaceous frame. The ampleness of the breast weighed at the top, and the hair that was well kept even with the cool breeze that was circling around. A striking woman at that, Toji was lost for words until you greeted yourself again, this time with more of light humor.
“Yes.” He gulped. 
You couldn’t help but to smile at his sheepish nature. 
The continuous awe became more prevalent until you decided to cut the awkward-like air.
“My body can't be that amazing, can't it?” You suggestively curt your words with a smirk before sitting down on the bench Toji once previously sat on. Toji’s trance was soon broken as the humorous banter created an alleviating conversation. A scoff was made as Toji sat down next beside you. The infectious smile crept into a suggestive smirk of his own. 
“Body nice enough to make a man silent, that’s for sure.” Toji stated. The side of her hips was touching the fabric of his pants, along with the sweetly made body perfume that dances across his nostrils, the man’s gaze soon to be all over your body. Not that staring wasn’t any bad, but being beside you, the impure thoughts that Toji could dream of with any woman proved to be more strong.
 The phone that was placed snug in his pockets soon was taken out of his hands. As he glanced over your profile briefly, he looked over at the pictures before taking another well-studied glance at you. As he quietly studied the profile that was in his hands, a profile that reflected well on personality and mannerism, Toji decided it was best to engage with the bantering atmosphere. 
“Can’t believe that you’re young and have a body like this,” Toji compliments, noticing the age listed on your profile.
“Well…” Stammering your words, finding to complete your sentence grew to be hard as you looked down at the concrete before a sense of heat formed across your cheeks. Toji studied you with confusion before you blurted out something of personal social regret. 
“I just turned eighteen two weeks ago.” The redness grew to be more irritating as you looked at him with an awkward glance of regret. Embarrassing at best, you wished you could force your body to crawl into the fetal position, sulking at your social skills. The dooming head of shame became more strong as Toji stiffened his laughter. 
“Forget you heard that.” You quietly grumbled, your head now downcasted to the dark concrete floor that made itself a platform of your designer heels. You wanted to curse yourself for saying such idiotic things in front of a man, yet for some reason, the air that surrounds you two grew to be quite forgiving. 
“Really? Barely legal.” Toji jokes before stiffening out another laugh. The continuous bantering that came from the older man grew to be tiring as you looked away towards him with a displeased expression. Toji looked over towards you and his face softened once the realization of the jokes became tasteless for the evening mood. “Forgive the jokes.” He apologized, placing his phone away in his pocket again before he rose from slumping on the bench. A posture that many men do not present when facing potential in a relationship. 
“You are forgiven, old man.” You joked, a genuine smile forms across the corners of your mouth. 
“Says the person who had ‘shitty’ sexual encounters.” Toji quotes you before smirking.
Seeing the eyebrows raised from the man next to you, you tutted quietly before tucking a strand of hair behind your ears. Toji’s expressions grew to be priceless as the gentle banterings ascended to deeper, yet sensual, conversing. 
Two eyes crossing one another, body warmth shared with being close under the chilled night sky. The scene had become more intense with the hints of hooking up. No strings attached. It wasn’t as you wanted casualness, you simply wanted someone experienced. Gone were the days of ‘shitty sexual encounters’ of sneaking off into your room or car, going down on some pubescent, raging teenager who couldn’t hold an orgasm for one minute (you gave those guys the catchphrase ‘one-minute-men’). Now, you stood against someone that had more experience than any other man you have been with. 
And, Toji was the perfect example of a well-experienced man.
Speaking of experiences, your mind randomly crossed over a conversation that you had with him in regard. Hearing his endless teasing and boasting about how women fawn over a man that has such ‘heavenly’ fingers is anything but ridiculous. Staring aimlessly at his sculpted thighs that hugged his black jeans ever so snuggly, your mind instantly plays the messages that were received and back.
“You might gain more experience with me, baby.” “Really now? How?” “Got to break that body somehow.” “Uh-huh.” “I can show you how to squirt. Suck a nice cock while getting played with a toy.” “There’s Pornhub for that, love.” “Yes, but how about it in real life?”
The mindless conversation of battling horniness soon waned as you now saw Toji looking over at you, his hands sneaking over to the waist that rested on the back of his arms. A gentle smile greets itself again before he whispers something in your ear. 
Toji simply wants to break you.
“Still want me to erase those ‘shitty encounters’ that you had? Fuck you so deep that you have a craving for older dick?”
The gruff voice that became smothered with honey and sin made you want to form a puddle between your legs. The bassness made every strand of your hair stand at the back of your neck as you looked at him with doe-like eyes, pondering about what move he will make next. With such grit, the filterless choice of words became more enticing that came from Toji’s smooth lips.
 The light in his eyes flickered as he looked over at you with eyes slightly narrowed. Eyes that showed his nature of being a fiend for everything that has such a semi-pure physique facing in front. Disgusting, many might seem to find, yet for Toji, it was something he couldn’t escape from, especially a woman like yourself, showing off every hint of piqued curiosity and pureness.
Hearing that sentence filled with gruffness in his tone of voice, you gulped quietly before answering his question, narrow eyes not leaving the blessed assets of your beauty. 
“And what if I don’t hold those strong cravings?” You lightly tease. 
Adding fuel to the fire only amplified Toji’s yearning for you as he got closer to your face before placing a chasteful kiss on your redden cheeks that now became heated with lust. 
“Then, I’ll just keep fucking you until you have them. Every day, every night.”
And with that, the two of you left your seats from the bench to grab the last batch of strong, roasted coffee within thirty minutes of closing time.
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pikuniku53353358 · 7 days
My au for "Rain world" - "Sinful world"
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ATTENTION, FURTHER INFORMATION WILL TOUCH A LITTLE ON MY PERSONALITY AND INFORMATION ON MY AU on rain world "sinful world"! PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY TO THE END, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME! AND I'M ALSO OPENING AN ASK BLOG ON MY AU, SO IF YOU WANT TO ASK MY CHARACTERS ANY QUESTIONS, THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST SOME INFORMATION ON Sinful world ANYWAY! (and this post was written with the help of a translator, so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes^^") So, if someone doesn't know, then I'm Piku_nik, but you can just call me Piku. I am 13 years old, I draw on my phone with my finger in ibis paint. I'm looking for different fandoms, such as: rain world, hollow knight, ori and the blind forest, just shapes and beats, gravity falls, fundamental paper education, etc.I will mainly draw art for the rain world game.My favorite ships for this game:
Spear master/Hunter
I also have my own au related to rain world, and now I will tell you a lot of it. However, I will not mention one part of the information, since my Persians themselves will be able to answer it in the form of an aska (so do not hesitate to write me messages with your questions about my au :)), and I will not be able to mention other information since I am currently writing fan fiction on a Russian platform called "Ficbook.net " by This week, and it's not finished yet. Some of my readers are following me on tumblr, which means I won't be able to drop plot spoilers here. Don't worry, you'll find out in time, but it will take some time :)
AU setting: all SW actions take place in a kind of simulation. The world is quite realistic and is located in three-dimensional space, however, by its very nature it obeys game laws and logic, which means that the creatures there have an indicator of karma, hunger, cycle duration report, etc., in general, everything that is in the base game.
Characters: Inv (Enot)
Cold-blooded Wind (Golden Eye)
Fragile Compassion
Big Heart
Feeling of Fault
(the list of characters will be updated over time, but at the moment there are as many characters in the fanfiction as written above)
The plot in brief:The developers have already created many different mini-worlds called "campaigns" and placed slugs with different histories, chaoacters and goals for life there. But that wasn't enough for the gods. They became bored with ordinary worlds that follow some kind of rules. Therefore, they hastily created the "Enota campaign" and created almost simultaneously one of their most important and dominant persons in SW — Enota and Fear (he was not called that before, so I will call Whity in this period of time, BUT this is not the canonical name of this character, but only a temporary code name)). They were both immediately told that they existed in a fictional world and that they were created only so that both poor slugs would suffer. And Enota was also given out how pathetic and insignificant he was, and then they threw both slugs into their world. An important clarification: Whity and Enot had not seen each other before, the developers created them separately from all the others so that they would not see each other inadvertently.
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Enot did not know how to survive in his world, which is why he spent a lot of effort to survive his first cycle. All this was observed by Whity, which in fact is essentially the soul of Enot, which is imprisoned in his consciousness, into which Enot himself can penetrate only when he is asleep. And so, in a dream, the slugs met and became friends. The developers also informed him about their nature when creating Whity, and also said that if Enot commits at least one sin, it will affect his soul, that is, on Whity itself. He will be in terrible pain and constantly writhing in pain. And knowing all this information from the developers, Whity asked his friend not to commit any sins. The soul was terribly paranoid and did not allow Enot to enter normally and step in. He even forbade slug to pick up a spear in principle, and as a result, to fight in order to banal self-defense.
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Enot did not know how to survive in his world, which is why he spent a lot of effort to survive his first cycle. All this was observed by Whity, which in fact is essentially the soul of Enot, which is imprisoned in his consciousness, into which Enot himself can penetrate only when he is asleep. And so, in a dream, the slugs met and became friends. The developers also informed him about their nature when creating Whity, and also said that if Enot commits at least one sin, it will affect his soul, that is, on Whity itself. He will be in terrible pain and constantly writhing in pain. And knowing all this information from the developers, Whity asked his friend not to commit any sins. The soul was terribly paranoid and did not allow Enot to enter normally and step in.
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No matter how hard Enot tried to rid his friend of these sins, there were more and more of them, and at the same time the pain from these sins only became stronger and more unbearable. At this point, a Feeling of Fault appears in the plot. This character is metaphorical, we can say that he does not exist in reality, he is needed so that one can understand the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters, in our case, Enot. That is, it means that only Enot can see Feeling of Fault and talk to him. Because of the fractures in the relationship with Whity, Feeling of Fault began to tell Enot that he was still a loser and a weakling, which only added more oil to the fire and made the whole situation only worse. At some point, a real scandal broke out between Enot and Whity during which they stopped being friends. After that, after a while, Whity was completely consumed by sins, and Enot's Feeling of Fault became especially strong during this period of time. Enot's consciousness, in order to protect him, sharpened Feeling of Fault and began to gradually erase all painful memories associated with Whity. At some point, he completely forgot about his former friend and can be said to have started life with a clean slate. And it would seem that this is a good thing, now Enot has become completely free from the prohibitions of his former friend, and even now no Feeling of Fault will bother him, but... The thirst for blood still remained in him. At first, Enot tried to suppress her and he killed especially only scavengers, because they had caused him too much pain in the past, but over time, Enot's moral compass completely erased and he began killing everyone indiscriminately in rather cruel ways, eager to hear the screams of his victims and taste their torn flesh and meat. Enot-maniac was very strong because he faced enemies every cycle and learned to defeat them. He became so strong that the scavengers, realizing that they could not resist this psychopath in any way, began to hide in secret bunkers underground without proper food, heat and much more. Enot-maniac destroyed the lives of many creatures, and those who miraculously survived were left with many mental injuries. The most revealing of them will be my scavenger character named Cold-blooded Wind. As a child, an Enot-maniac tore off his eye, but he was able to escape, however, this incident affected not only physically, but also mentally (you can learn the details of the Wind's background from ask. Believe me, everything is much worse there than you think. This is the third most tragic character in SW)
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He even forbade slug to pick up a spear in principle, and as a result, to fight in order to banal self-defense. It seemed to Enot-maniac that he had reached the top and found his happiness and the meaning of life, but... That's not so. He actually needed companionship and good friends all this time. He began to wish for it as soon as the developers abandoned him to his fate. Throughout his life, Enot has never been able to feel real affection and support from others, and as a result, the murders of Enot-maniac began to get boring. What's the point of killing everyone and everything like that? He had tried all possible methods of murder on his victims anyway, everyone had long ago realized that Enota was a maniac worth being afraid of... A small piece of forgotten memories was able to remind Enot-maniac of the void sea, which Whity once told him about and he headed to it in order to finally find his long-awaited peace. But plunging into it, Enot found himself in a dating simulator. He spent a lot of time in it, and during this time, Enot, communicating with other slugs and not killing anyone, realized that he was wrong. That killing is not an option and that he wants to find friends! That's just how to do it if you can't get out of dating sim? But who said that it is ABSOLUTELY impossible to get out of dms? Remembering what kind of drug addiction an Enot egg could create in a dating simulator, he threw it at one of the buttons in this space and it was swallowed up by a singularity. Then the walls cracked and behind them was the code of all slug campaigns, as well as the code of the dms itself, which was also swallowed up by this black hole. After that, this hole in space and time turned into a portal and sucked Enot into it.He found himself back in his campaign, but now some of the chips from dms are now working in his world (that is, the egg can now create fierce nonsense and drug addiction here if desired), as well as slugs from its campaigns appeared in different parts of his world. The Raccoon has a new chance to start this life from scratch, make friends and find his happiness by ascending into the void sea. First of all, he changed his name to Eve, since the name Raccoon was now associated with his dark past. After meeting the Monk, he realized that there were probably a lot of such popadans in his world, so Inv decides to create his own gang called the "VC Gang" (VC - Void Cats). At the moment, this gang consists of Monk, Survivor, Hunter, Gourmet, their tamed red lizard and Inv himself, who is the leader here.On the way of our friends, there will be many obstacles that will mainly occur due to Fear (as Inv called Whity when they met again), which, due to sins, received quite a lot of power and authority. In order to put obstacles to slugs, he sends a black parasite blob into the real world, which infects a creature nearby that is afraid of Inv, which means that he cannot infect the same Inv friends, because slugcat is obviously not afraid of them. However, other obstacles will be encountered due to Inv's dark past, which he tries to hide from everyone. Scavengers still remember the time when the Enot Maniac raged in their world, and this will have its consequences...
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That's all for now. I remind you that you can safely ask me additional questions about my au. My characters will answer them in the ask blog. I hope at least someone has read up to this point and is interested in my QwQ fanfiction, and I'll also give you a link to my fanfiction just in case, maybe someone won't be too lazy to read it with the help of a translator: https://ficbook.net/readfic/13570641
Additional content by my au:
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Designs by Cold-Blooded Wind and his friends - Fragile Compassion and Big Heart.
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mcyt-builds-contest · 6 months
To everyone on the blog and the marvelous OP, I give you: a flash fic.
Dream stared in confusion at the floating screen in front of him. Sir had left a half hour ago and Warden had just left him a few minutes ago. It had been a relatively simple session that a potion fixed.
But right now all his attention was focused on the glowing partially see-through screen in front of him. It seemed to be a blog about builds? He could scroll up and down it but he couldn't send in an ask. The button was grayed out as well as the back button. The button only worked when he was backing out of a post. The more concerning part was the description of the Vault.
Lore implied a story. Lore implied arcs and characters. A beginning, middle and end. Pandora's arc.
Dream desperately wished he could do more than scroll and back out of posts. He wanted to know how the arc ended. How long he would be stuck here with Sir beating rules into him and attempting to mold him into a quiet submissive non-human.
Even now alone in the cell and in his own head he wouldn't dare to call Sir anything but his title. The punishment for disobedience wasn't worth it. If he knew how long this arc would last he could hold out til then. He wouldn't have to keep giving up piecemeal bits of his soul to protect himself.
He would follow Sir's rules but with a goal in sight then he wouldn't be giving in. He'd simply be biding him time til he could escape.
But if the story ended there. If the story ended with him being stuck in here forever then it was only a matter of time til Sir broke him and he would do anything to please his new Master.
The Vault seemed to be winning at the moment, but everytime he refreshed the page Pearl's landscape crept closer. Pearl had seemed nice the one time he had met her so long ago at a championship. The terraformed area was amazing in the pics people posted despite the weird blocky nature of the pictures.
But still he hoped the Vault won. Not only because he was in it at the moment but if the blogs owner was telling the truth perhaps the Vault would soon be filled. They had to be powerful to send the screen through the blocking properties of obsidian and crying obsidian.
With more prisoners then Warden would have less time to concentrate on him. Warden wanted to keep Sir's visits a secret so a dozen new prisoners would throw that plan out the window.
He ignored the thought that Sir wouldn't care. Sir would gladly let him scream and use him as an example to obey the Rules.
Crawling in order to not pull at his slashed up ankles and partially cut achilles tendon he went over to his chest he pulled out two of his least moldy potatoes and settled in to watch the chaos of the poll. He didn't even notice when he fell asleep. The blog waited for any additional imput before winking out of existence. It would return once Dream was alone again.
Guys it's me i'm the powerful being
It's been so long since I started cultivating these watcher powers, i'm glad it's finnaly working!!!
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nicoforlifetrue · 5 months
master post
hello and welcome to my blog im
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and i do the writeing well my wife does all the art
commissions open
want something written but cant be bothered to do it yourself? want something drawn but cant be fucking bothered? well I'm officially taking commissions from now on, any fandom, any au, anything at all, send me the money and what you want out of, wait a month (or more depending on how many words you want) and tada your very own fic, click the ko-fi now!
the big list of aus ive done
rotten reflections (rottmnt)
how not to reincarnate (lmk)
plotswap au (ava)
stuborn runs through our lungs (submas)
watcher phil au (mcyt gen)
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mikey-stardust-way · 4 months
☆~Hallo! Welcome~☆
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I'm Michael! You can call me Mikey though! I'm 20!!
This blog will be full of all sorts of silly things, and oddities I enjoy! And I hope you all can enjoy it to!
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!~Things I like~!
I tend to post a lot about stuff I find interesting!
I'm a gamer, movie watcher, show enjoyed and movie watcher! I read to! And enjoy Britcoms!! ( =^ω^)
Some of my favorite games are: Bioshock, Valiant Hearts, Minecraft, RDR2, Jazzpunk, Alan Wake, Wolf Among Us, and a few more!!
Some of my favorite films are! The Adventures of TinTin, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, The Lost Boys, Fantastic Mr Fox, Arsenic and Old Lace, and more!
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!!~♡About Me♡~!!
As stated I'm Michael! Or Mikey, either or!
I'm a transmasc fella! Just here for vibes and a good time! I'll somtimes daydream about being a soldier or cowboy to make myself feel better about life...
I'm into grunge/alt things! And the early 2000s sort of 90s baggy look and find the look of games and other things from that era fun! It's really cool to me!
My spelling can be a bit off at times, and for that I apologize in advance!
While I'm trans yeah, I go by He/Him! Also, I'm an Ace of hearts! Romantic, but more in fantasy, I'm...pretty single(^_^;)
I like war history! And all sorts really I find it neat!
Hobbyist of many! And barely a master of one!
I have a lot of fish facts and love to share!!
!~♤°•Side Blog•°♤~!
DMs and Ask are open, tag games are welcome!! Altho I get distracted easily, head my warning...
Here's some stamps and such I like!!
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi!!! I love your blog so much, especially your weekly summaries-- they are just so helpful! I was wondering if you know of any Bls with the military/policemen/fire fighters? I know military service is mandatory in thailand and south korea so I was wondering if there were any Bls that have one the main characters in the military (or police, firefighters etc.) Thanks so so much!
Hi!!! Thank you!
Sure thing. There are a few, not many. Countries with conscription policies (e.g. Korea & Thailand) usually have a defacto ban on realistic/non-positive representation of military service in their media. In other words, BL by its nature (gay in military) stays away from this setting.
BLs in uniform (featuring military/policemen/fire fighter romances)
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A Tale of Thousand Stars Thai 2021 YouTube (ranger) - With great casting and cinematography this drama nods at BL tropes but manages to elevate them (and itself) with a strong mature story concept about a spoiled rich kid who gets a heart transplant and becomes a teacher it order to pay out survivor’s guilt. On the way he falls in love with a local park ranger and contends with his own classism and escapist tendencies. Everyone seemed to perfectly suit their roles and GMMTV made the most out of its stable. Combined with excellent production (and post production) values, 1000 Stars is without question GMMTV’s most mature, charming, and smart BL series. I think it should go down as one of the top BLs of all time. I feel safe recommending this one to friends and non BL watchers. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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HIStory 3: Trapped Taiwan 2019 Viki (cop) - Basically the definition of enemies to lovers from Lin Pei Yu. This is a cop + the mafia man he is chasing but WAIT, they fall in love. Added bonus side couple: assassin and nerd cop ALSO falling in love. It’s great. All the leads are stellar. Its high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but… amorphous ending. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Your Name Engraved Herein Taiwan 2020 Netflix? (army, recent history) - This movie is fantastic but it is also seriously depressing, it’s a self acceptance journey, but if you wanna wallow in high quality acting and serious gay drama, this’ll do it. MIXED REC, NOT FOR SPECIFICALLY BL FANS
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S.C.I. AKA SCI Mysteries China/Hong Kong 2018 YouTube? (censored bromance, cops) - This is a police procedural with a censored main couple of police investigators who live together basically as husbands, it’s just not talked about. This is one of the first BLs I ever saw (I found their relationship very confusing). RECOMMENDED
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Guardian China 2018 grey (censored bromance, cop) - Episodic urban fantasy meets police procedural, one of the most epic long term pinings in the history of long term pinings. RECOMMENDED
Light Taiwan 2021 Gaga (cop) - Ironically titled movie about a street hustler (incest, rape, abuse survivor - all depicted on screen) who falls in (and in love with) an undercover cop. TRIGGERS
Shorts & Sides
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A First Love Story Korea 2021 YouTube & Gaga (military service) - Strongberry are true masters of their craft and yet A First Love Story is still one of the best things they have ever produced. It’s the only microfilm ever to make one of my year end top ten list. It’s two episodes of about 8 minutes each that manage to perfectly portray the sweetest friends-to-lovers confession ever. It’s joyful, and gentle with its characters, and a little hot. How on earth do they manage to leave us yearning for more yet completely satisfied at the same time? It’s like the perfect amuse-bouche, that one finger food at that one cocktail party that you will never forget. You are a ridiculous human if you haven’t spent 16 minutes with these two boys. Go watch it now. Or go watch it again. It’s time VERY well spent. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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Just Friends? Korea 2009 Gaga (military service) - Boyfriends, one of whom is on military leave, trying to decide on coming out and the future. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
(also one of Korea's first BLs, they would NOT stick to this style, it's way more Taiwan feeling.)
The Immeasurable Taiwan 2021 Gaga (cop) - Police officer falls in love with a student who turns out to be an anti-establishment activist. MIXED REC
DanYok side couple in Not Me (cop)
I've left out bodyguards and historicals (or both).
I've left out the super dark, unhappy, violent, rapey, and pinks, because... I don't like 'em, and you asked me... so...
Now you know why the BL adaptation I want more than ANYTHING is Decedents of the Sun, soldier+healer but GAY? Come on, it writes itself!
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itstheheebiejeebies · 4 months
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@hboww2rewatch of Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and Masters of the Air in chronological order is here! Feel free to join in live blogging, making things for prompts, and chatting with your fellow fans. If you haven't watched it yet don't be turned off by the event's name, first time watchers are absolutely welcome! I hope you join in and I hope you have fun!
Prompts for Week 6: Mon June 3- Sun June 9
Our plan is to watch three episodes a week - Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6:30pm PDT (find what time that is for you here). If you can’t watch at those times, no worries! Watch whenever you can during those days or the week.
Please tag posts with #hboww2rewatch
View the rewatch schedule here, prompts here, and where to watch here.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 6 months
Hey question and ask
For the questions Do you think the jabberwalker regrants or respawns? also do you think Jaune ate the meat of the jabberwalker?
For the ask how would the group react to finding out what he was eating before the paper pleasers.
Yes I think the Jabberwalker respawns, no I don't think you can eat it's meat. Probably tastes terrible, like ash and sulfur. I think Jaune tried to eat it at some point.
Weiss: what did you eat while you were down there?
Jaune: So many things. I usually made them into some kind of soup.
Blake: What made up the soup?
Jaune: Cheeseberries, any small game or fish i came across, mushrooms. Cactus sometimes.
Yang: What was the grossest thing you ate?
Jaune: Those Mud cookies. They are not good.
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rwby-confess · 2 months
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Confession #158
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operationterminus · 1 year
Okay, so this blog will mostly be helping to promote my book even though I am struggling to write it at the moment so I'll be introducing all the characters and you know stuff
Characters: main
Demoshrine - the Outcast
Hyde - The Explosion Master.
Elias - The Loner
Valentine - The warlord
Wren - The Tamer
Brick - The Blacksmith
Watson - The Bounty Hunter
Maxson - The Torn Spirit
Quinn - The Lost Soul
Louie/Zombie kit -The Golden One
Shrine - Self hate
The Mother - The copier
Pig Mouth - The butcher
Obane - Leader of the Ares Clan
Maro, and Luka -Leaders of the Zeus and Poseidon clans
Zero - last daughter of the cannibals.
Additional Characters
Els - Leader of the Hades clan, future wife of Demoshrine
Elliott - the clasher
Gane - little bitch
Cassie - third in command of the Hades clan
Broks - Fiance of Els
Salem - The child
The Other lost:
Epona - The Steel Handed
Ev- Watcher of the Rain
Vega - The puppet Master
Mavrick - The son
I'm still figuring out more characters so if this like updates randomly and there's more characters, just know that I came up with more!!!
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mildlylesbian · 1 year
Intro Post
Current Theme: Minecraft/Pink & Purple Main Fandoms: Hermitcraft, Traffic Series, RTGame DNI: Terfs, pro-lifers, transphobes, homophobes, trolls Do Interact: MCYT fandom, hermitshippers, writers, oc makers, friends Please tag me in posts you think I'll like and feel free to ramble in my ask box!
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Basic Info
+ a bit of history ig
Hello! I'm Nesquik, but I also go by Nes, Azelea, Az, Mon, and Anura. I'm fine with any nicknames, am genderqueer, and go by She/They/He pronouns. I cannot guarantee my blog to be PG 13, so minors interact at your own risk!
I've been writing original works since I was 11 and started writing fanfic in November of 2022. A master post of all my finished, ongoing, and planned fics/original pieces can be found here!
Aside from writing I also play and DM Dungeons & Dragons, love board games, hanging out with friends, cooking, listening to music, and creating shitposts that no one but me finds funny.
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My Tags
#nes talks - Any original post by me
#nes rambles - lil silly goofy rambles about headcannons and youtubers and things I love
#nes rants - Posts featuring me yelling into the void about stuff that makes me mad for petty reasons
#nes vents - Posts featuring me yelling into the void about stressful stuff
#favs - My favourite posts
#moots hijinks - Posts about/responding to mutuals
#my writing - Writing by me
#asks! - Any ask answered by me
#ask game! - Game posts where you send me an ask and I answer it
#tag game! - game posts I was tagged in
#picrew chain - picrew chains I started or took part in
#anurapoda - posts from my writing account @anurapoda
#bread poll saga - every post that is related to that one bread poll I made that got like 20k votes
#ken bear - Moots hijinks but specifically for @fizzello because they're special
#bread duo - Moots hijinks but for @x-ca1iber because apparently we're a package deal
#reblogs - a post I've reblogged and have added to either via the post or tags
#of songbirds and watchers - My Jimmy and Grain centric Hermitcraft AU
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boynamedroxy · 1 month
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Not Happy But Understand I Have To Go Along With My Masters Decisions He Makes For Me As Its Progress In My Development For Transition.
I Read Yesterday On My Masters Blog On Tumblr @ slapper-sw-h-13 That He Likes The Idea Of Me Wearing Diapers Beyond My End Of Year Punishment And Well Into 2025 And Possible Beyond That. As I've Told Master A Few Times Now I Find It Highly Embarrassing When Out In Public With Such Low Cut Mini Dresses And The Looks And Smiles I Recieve from curious watchers. Like I Said I Respect Masters Decisions Now, But Me Sucking On A Dummy Or Pacifier, Master Please, Reconsider That One Please.
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