#their relationship is rocky at first
gazspookiebear · 5 months
Thinking about waiting for Ghost to be ready for a relationship (kind of continued from this post
(Kinda angsty, self doubt/depreciating thoughts)
When you ask 'What are we?', he panics. He doesn't know. He isn't ready to be a boyfriend, to meet your parents, to open up about his life-
His internal monolog is interrupted by your hand on top of his own. He hadn't realized how anxious he must have appeared- sweaty, hands trembling, shallow breaths, the works. He felt like he was being strangled, and all of this was over a simple question. Why did he ever think he could do this?
You tell him it's okay. You tell him you don't need an answer now if he's not ready. You say that you're fine with the way things are, and if he isn't ready to move forward yet, you'll wait for him.
You tell him you'll always love him regardless.
The world might as well have stopped spinning, because you love him?
He wants to tell you he loves you too, but he's scared. He's still waiting for you to leave. For him to lose feelings. For this to all have been a huge waste of time, or for you to realize you deserve better as soon as he confesses how he really feels.
For a split second, he thinks about leaving. About ghosting you. Maybe even breaking up with you- but that would require him to admit there was something there in the first place. It felt like you had snaked your way around his heart and were squeezing with all your might.
God, he couldn't imagine himself without you. He felt like a fool, naive and childish all over again. Why were you so patient with him? Couldn't you see there was something rotting inside of him?
Once again, he's dragged out of his mind by your presence. You look worried. He can't fathom why you would be worried about him. Nonetheless, he squeezes your hand in return. A simple gesture, but it means the world to you. You know he's trying. You know he's fighting with himself and losing half the battles.
You're determined to win the war.
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hesbianyaoi · 6 months
atsushi's entire gag of going "i'm a tiger, not a cat" is fun to me outside of the obvious reason of "tigers are just big cats" because i enjoy seeing people interpret it in various ways in fics and other works. i think my favorite is the idea that he doesn't like being called a cat because it feels dehumanizing to be treated like an animal rather than a person; it feels real enough to fit his character. realistically though i know it's probably because atsushi is a teenager and just being a cat sounds lame as fuck to him
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mfw orym, guy with a missing dad who fucking despises him to the point he refuses to remember his first name and notably cares deeply or is overprotective for the vast swath of his surviving all-female family members starts talking about how "important the relationships between fathers and sons" are
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moonliteve · 6 months
Headcanons for the early days of the deadly alliance
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a second deadly alliance hc post has hit the hourglass......highly suggest u read my previous post about their past before reading this one!
shang tsung was surprised to see that damashi had found someone else to be apart of their scheme to take over the realms
he was a bit upset at first
does that mean i have to share the fruits of my labor? he thought to himself
quan chi, who was still kind of dazed by the whole stunt damashi pulled back in the mines, doesn't say much
he nods, quietly mumbles formalities and fumbles with his hands quite a lot
damashi tells shang they must work together in order to rule
shang was a bit baffled at the notion at first- the man before him who barely spoke and was covered in dirt and grime was supposed to help them somehow?
to which damashi gets a bit angry with shang, he explains the innate magic he possesses and his potential
"you would dare question me, shang tsung?"
immediately shuts down any protesting from him. damashi is his benefactor after all. surely he knows what's best for them
so fine. he'll try and work with the newcomer
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the first few months did not go well AT ALL LMAO quan chi wasn't very talkative and he always practiced magic by himself
shang was always the one trying to initiate conversations and secretly observed the other sorcerer practicing
little did he know quan chi did the same
he's. still a bit nervous about approaching shang directly. since he was the later one to join and train under damashi's guidance he felt like his magic was subpar of shang's
he did appreciate the space shang gave him tho. he just needed some time by himself since now that he was out of the mines he was able to do whatever he wanted
day and night he would bury himself in books about all sorts of things, but he took a liking to architecture, biology and different kinds of magic- especially forbidden magic but he wasn't sure if he should be dabbling in that until damashi learnt about his interest in darker magic, that's when he started fully enabling him to practice netherrealm magic
it wasn't until sometime after that did quan chi ask shang for help for the first time
shang was more than happy to help to quan chi's surprise, he didn't think the other sorcerer would be as open as he would be atm
"it would benefit us to have a good relationship, quan chi. after all, any alliance that aids us with our plans is one worth having, is it not?"
he was glad that shang seemed to like him
he thought for the longest time just from first impressions that shang still disliked him, but they seem to be getting along well now
and this made quan chi willing to open up more to shang as well
happy days :)
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the three of them were stationed at an abandoned outpost in a remote area, damashi would be the one helping them gather whatever they needed since he could shapeshift and he didn't want any of them to be under the rada
it wasn't anything fancy but they had what they needed
shang had a shitty little basement where he did his experiments, also where he kept syzoth in
quan chi didn't get to see the basement until shang decided to give him a tour. he had always wondered where shang was most of the time when it was mostly damashi who went outside
sure quan chi was shocked at first seeing all of shang's creations. but he wasn't one to judge
he knew shang came from awful conditions as well, they've both been mistreated by everyone around them so why couldn't they do the same?
plus the experiments intrigued him immensely
it was after shang showed him his basement did quan chi elaborately plan on building him a proper vivisection chamber
he wanted to show his gratitude somehow. along with damashi shang has also helped him a lot with practicing his magic
around the same time they had gotten insider info from damashi that the heir to the throne has tarkat
and with how skilled shang was at persuasion and sweet talking, they easily landed a place in outworld's court in no time with the promise of a suppressor/cure for the disease
they transferred their workspace to the laboratory that was provided to him, which was WAYY nicer than what they had before, just the look of it gave others a good impression of shang: a diligent scientist who was neat and efficient
with quan chi's architectural knowledge they built the vivisection chamber underneath the laboratory. shang planned out the whole facility and what he wanted to include while quan chi mainly did the construction since he was familiar with this kind of work, shang even created new specimens for a few extra hands
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feyd-meowtha · 29 days
Our House Vol 3!
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“Your moustache is really tickly,” Gale said, dragging his nose across it and scrunching up his face like a kid in a Disney cartoon. “What, you don’t like it?” He said with a laugh, sticking his lower lip out in a pout and vaguely hoping that Gale would suck on it. “Cus I coulda sworn you liked it.” “Makes you look older than you are, like an 80s porn star,” laughed Gale, taking a couple hairs between his teeth and pulling for a second before releasing them, “like you're dressing up as someone’s dad.” “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Bucky replied, being very mature about the fact that Gale sorta almost just called him daddy. He almost didn’t mention the faded white line that hid underneath the hair like a dirty little secret. It wasn’t that he was ashamed exactly, Bucky Egan wasn’t ashamed of anything. Or at least that was what Gale believed which meant it was as good as true.  “I actually grew it to hide a scar.”
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macchitea · 1 year
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doodling some old ocs
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sammygender · 11 days
omg remember when dean killed amy😭he does so much awful shit to sam and otherwise that i literally cant keep track of it
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maxiwaxipads · 4 months
Romarriche - “Your company is one of a kind… I would never lie to you. I would never say a half-truth or be quiet.” “What is it in your mind, Merold?” “Hearing your voice, complaint or not—it is music to me either way.” Merold - “If there is one constant in this world… Let it be you.” “You’re the cruelest and the kindest thing that happened to me.” “…If only you continued to look at me like that.” Romarriche - “…Merold?” Merold - “But~ It’s only a minor case of bad-mood-itis.” “So Romarriche, spoil me with a spar, will you?” Romarriche - “Merold.” Romarriche - “Look at me.” Merold - “…” Romarriche - “Is something… Wrong?” Merold - “Instead of a spar…” “I might want to lie down on your lap after all.”
#fragaria memories#merold#romarriche#i wont lie i only had the first line and wanted to write something with it#i was reading this novel and i wanted to write something romantic </3#im gonna babble here on my own so you're always free to skip the tags...#if i remember correctly romarriche and merold were made knights around the same time and I work on that context#i like to think their relationship was rocky at first at romarriche's side who didn't want to befriend merold#compared to merold who thought he finally had a friend his age that was also a knight of fragaria#it was romarriche who looked at merold with a perceived perfection and was compared to him#“...I'll get better and strong. I'll impress everyone so I don't have to hear it--his name repeating over and over again.”#merold who says “if only you continued to look at me like that...” refers back to the past when romarriche didn't think of him favorably#but i like the double meaning to it “please look me as you did before and look at me as you do now”#“cruelest” and “kindest” i was a reading a novel that also used those words so I kinda grabbed from that </3#its really a cute novel though#me reading fragaria memories theories to see if it can at least make sense#i like this but i dont like this at the same time wwww#what does it say about its characters? as a writer i want to care about that because no dialogue should be said without reason#i think this dialogue is perfection but what am i writing this for? who does it refer it? what does it refer to?#but at the end of the day i simply want to indulge myself#something that could sound good and personal and something that could make people who read this smile and myself smile#Merold - “Will you make the promise to never change?”#Romarriche - “Change... But change in what way?”#Merold - “...”#Merold - “Because I'm a knight who fears a lot of things...”#Merold - “And I care about the Romarriche I have now.”#it was never supposed to be detailed but look at me now... </3
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carefulfears · 1 year
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things to say when trusting the last spy who walked up to your desk saved your life
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callistocomet · 2 years
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rockybloo · 1 year
Something could be said about the way people will see feminine male characters and refuse to accept the fact they can be interested in women romantically
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
What's your headcanons about Bular and Strickler Relationship and do you think we Should see More of Bular?
We definitely should have gotten more screentime with Bular! 13 episodes was barely enough to flesh him out beyond angry Gumm-Gumm who wants to free his father.
As for Strickler and Bular's relationship, in Canon that is, Bular holds Strickler in particular contempt purely because he knows Strickler is useful, cunning and gets the job done. In a way that Bular clearly is unable to do. He hates the fact Strickler tries to vie with HIM for his father's approval, despite being nothing but a impure. At the same time, Bular grudgingly respects the fact out of all changelings Strickler is the one who continues to have the guts to speak against him and even insult him, he's not as much as a coward as other changelings.
Strickler just hates Bular. He keeps it in check, but inwardly he fumes at being treated as expendable. When if it wasn't for him, the bridge would still be not even half complete. He feels the injustice his kind face keenly, and longs for Bular to be put in his place. (or preferably die, so changelings can do what they want).
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moltengoldveins · 6 months
. old bones .
(Went for a dig and found another old notes app poem. It’s about dysphoria, so heads up.💜)
There is a little girl I’ve hid beneath my bed in boxes, dressed in big clothes.
She’s tucked away within the stacks of old unfolded letters, pressed and tied closed. 
(And there are things I wish someone had known to tell her.) 
She shrieks and rattles the bed frame most nights, she’s a loud one. 
She knows she wasn’t right when she walked the world, she was a proud one. 
(She knows she was not made a cavern-dweller.) 
She did not like her name then, when called aloud. It hurt her senses,
To feel the world bear down and roar like thunderclouds. She was defenseless. 
She did not like the way her body felt lit from without, under the sunlight. 
Within she begged for something else, a name for times of drought, a tougher birthright. 
(It felt absurd to live set up beside the walking dead.) 
But I could live life alive like she was not allowed, her plan backfired.
She gets quiet quickly now, the raving stops and starts. She’s growing tired. 
(‘Take over, just for a little while’ is what she always said) 
I stole this from her, the body lit without, the sunlit road. 
I put her beneath my bed, I stuffed her skin, my fingers borrowed. 
(She was the first one here. She has always owned this head) 
I crawl down there to meet her there some nights when she is quiet, I tell her stories. 
Of college classes, Waffle House, our latest book, those little glories. 
She likes them. She’s not sure how she feels about the way we dress, 
But that sick uneasy swoop that came with skirts is there with her. It’s laid to rest. 
(There are so many things I’ll have to build and learn and witness in her stead.) 
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bicolor-art · 1 year
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cringetober day 11's prompt was yandere, but I didn't want to draw that so i did a lil tsundere comic instead. have a look into these goobers' past!
(sorry for long post ;A; )
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zofi-persson-quotes · 10 months
Kirby: The salary of a clown is around 51,000 dollars.
Kirby, gesturing to Sec and Ghost fighting: And yet these idiots do it daily, and for free!
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loving-jack-kelly · 2 years
also. friends neighbors countrymen. spot and race should always manage to utterly confuse anyone who sees them interact because of the ease and speed that they go between interactions that make them seem like best friends, interactions that make them seem madly and deeply in love, and interactions that make them seem like enemies. like. 3:42 pm Race is giving Spot a noogie and making fun of his shoes. 3:43 Spot is kissing Race's nose and calling him sweetheart. 3:44 Race is composing an itemized list of every time Spot has wronged him. 3:45 spot is sending the list back edited for spelling and grammar. all of this is flirting to them. everyone around them can't tell if they're actually fighting or not.
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