#then again all of class 79 is kind of the Joke of the Nice AU
funishment-time · 9 months
i don't know anything about Rantaro yet as i haven't played v3 but it's hilarious to me in the Summer Camp universe that people still don't really know what his Deal is (he's still "Ultimate ???")
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Connections Review Part 1
Happy 2021 everyone! Well…the year’s off to a terrible start due to how bad last year was but I hope that most of 2021 will be good and not be 2020 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. But enough of that, another arc ended, another review due. Now I am quite conscious of length here and I’ll try to make these reviews a bit easier to read, it will still be split into 3 parts as there I can cover the main themes which are; Time Travel, Harems and Maverick ‘Motherfucker Hellspawn’ Storm. My initial plan was to have a quick lightening recap of everything that doesn’t fit into these categories and then review the Time Travelling and Harems but Storm became so big he needed his own part. Oh, and it should go without saying, but I will not cover the Mistletoe Asks. They are not relevant to the arc and are basically shipping fluff. No in-depth analysis required there. And with that said and done, let’s get right into it.
Its Recap time
So, as I mentioned before we get into the 3 big themes of this arc, I’ll cover really quick, and I promise it will be really quick here, anything that doesn’t fit into those categories. So firstly, we see that Kazuichi went around the Void Warehouse and helped fix their lights. Now that all of Class 77-B are aware of Void’s existence, they can help out with any problems they might have in their living quarters, which leads to a funny scene of Kazuichi getting attacked by a crow. This could be random but given what has happened with another seemly random event (more on that later) and the fact that Monocrow exists, this could be sinister foreshadowing for things yet to come. We also see Kazuichi getting ideas to build a robot with Chihiro as that’s his way of romance. Given Chihiro’s crossdressing tendencies, I wonder when the truth comes out and how confused our shark boy would be. But yeah, Kazuichi out all of the new Class 77-B members seems to have the most focus in this arc, not that I’m complaining as he was the most ‘pointless’ survivor from DR2 so him getting actual character development and focus I’m more then welcome for! There’s also Yoruko rekindling her relationship with her mentor Minako. This went better than expected then again it happened years ago, both Yoruko and Minako had time to reflect on it and both wanted to make up, but thought the other wouldn’t accept it. We also see some parallels here with Hiroko from UDG as Kizuna is revealed to be the result of a teenage pregnancy. As I mentioned in an ask, not to bog you down with personal details but teenage pregnancy is a serious problem where I live and too many people I know fucked as teens, didn’t use protection, and boom! Babies! Good thing I have a passion for Danganronpa so I DON’T get wrapped up in that kind of stuff eh? So, I completely understand Minako’s rational here, and Kizuna’s more troublesome behaviour as one of my RL friends was also the result of a teen pregnancy, and this led to her having…issues. And yeah, Kizuna shamelessly flirts with the Anons and talks about Josuke, no not THAT Josuke, simping hard for her. Naturally we have bigger problems to content with but once the weather calms down, we need to sort out Kizuna, especially now that Yoruko and Minako have made up. And that’s the two things that happened which weren’t relevant to the main themes. Now they are out of the way, time to move onto Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff. Hey, Emma made a Doctor Who joke already, so it’s okay!
Back to the Visions
Despite Time Travel being one of the main themes of this blog, not a lot of research has gone into it at the moment, so in this wind down time, it’s the perfect time for Umeko to do some experiments into time travel. Last Arc dropped the reveal that Mikako has being getting dreams of the future, and as Koroko and Umeko pull up at the Kisurugi household, we see that Mikako just had a dream of the Tragedy, which understandably horrified her. Because of this Umeko and Koroko were forced to tell Mikako, Yamato and his father the truth about the future. They omitted Kasugano and him changing the timelines as its not needed but well…when one dreams of an apocalyptic future you know is coming, there’s no sense in lying about it. Umeko then explains about the time travel and basically that since the brain surgery, Mikako’s brain has become a tachyon receiver that can pick up tachyon from different timelines, not just the one you are on. But it goes beyond being able to see the future via her dreams as if Mikako focuses, and someone touches Mikako during this time, they are hit with a vision of the future that involves them. The first vision was with Koroko and she caught a glimpse into a future much more distant then the 2017 that Hajime, Yoruko, Sora and the other 2 time travellers came from, as it seems to be from the Year 2020-2022 so pretty close to our time then. Here Koroko and Kanata, who not only went through a growth spurt like Hiyoko (Poor Hibiki, she is forever going to be the short one) and has married Nagito, are giving vaccinations to a young girl named Sayuri Hinata. Sayuri herself is very familiar to some people as during the last Arc when Akane was trying to comfort Nikei, one Anon asked about a timeline where she and Ayame had a child. This was a reference to Nextgenronpa which is a Nextgen AU on Instagram created by Mikwithnoando, if you happen to have an Instagram account, I highly recommend reading it, it’s really good! The character in question is called Sayuri Otonokoji the Ultimate Sculptor and in Nextgenronpa she’s the child of Hibiki and Iroha. Koroko looking through her medical records noticed her mother’s name is Hibiki Hinata so Hibiki obviously changed her last name, makes sense as she wants to probably be as far away from Otonokoji as possible now but no mention of the father and yes Sayuri looks a lot like Iroha. This has a few possibilities.
The first theory is that Sayuri is Hibiki and Hajime’s child, but both are very busy. Hibiki would have very likely restarted her musical career around this time and we don’t know what Hajime would be doing but he would be very busy as well, and thus not a lot of time to raise Sayuri. Now Iroha would have a very sedimentary lifestyle and given she is looking after Jataro at the moment, this would probably make Iroha one of the more experienced caretakers/mothers of the cast, so maybe Sayuri was often babysat by Iroha, and if Sayuri was spending a lot of time with Iroha at a young age, she would start to view Iroha as a second mother and start copying her behaviour and mannerisms. But that doesn’t evade the fact that Sayuri PHYSICALLY looks like Iroha as well. The second theory is something happens to Hibiki or Hajime and they are unable to reproduce but want kids. With Kyoji, making kids would not be an issue, but a surrogate mother would be required and maybe Iroha volunteered to be a surrogate. However, the big issue there is that Iroha is much younger than the Goodbye Despair cast, and as Mikan later points out legally, you need to be 21 to be eligible. Sayuri looking to be 8-10 years old means Hibiki and Hajime must have banged around now-2014 and Iroha won’t turn 21 until 2017 and Sayuri looks way older than 3-5 years old. But there is one more theory and the one I believe in. Just because Mikako can see the future, doesn’t mean it’s the timeline we are currently on, and you guys remember that awful, awful period during Oncoming Storm when Iroha was crushing on Hajime and wanted to join the Cuddle Puddle despite there being a significant age gap between him and Iroha? In our timeline, Yoruko was able to slap some sense into Hajime, he was able to see he was developing a Saviour’s complex and was able to grow and develop, and it also system shocked Iroha as well as she learnt that she needed to grow up as well. But what if that didn’t happen? I think that timeline is from one when the sense slapping didn’t happen and Iroha did wind up being part of the Cuddle Puddle, and Sayuri was the result of science from Kyoji and Iroha and Hibiki wanting kids. In addition to this we also see Kotoko in her teen years and she looks brilliant all grown up and the way she talked about ‘our mothers’ and Sayuri referring to Kotoko as a big sister, makes one believe that Mikan is successful in adopting Kotoko. Overall, while Sayuri is going to be a headache to decode, that future was nice and sweet, even if it gave Mikako mild seizures.
After Mikako recovered, Yamato wanted to see the future as well, and thus we get the second vision which is from the OG Timeline in 2014, as it shows some Class 79 tomfoolery with Haruhiko ‘testing’ Yamato’s jetpack and crashing into a tree, and Teruya being concerned for his bro. I know its 2014 because Class 79 was formed then and they didn’t bond for long before Utsuro showed up with an army of Monokumas and was like ‘Knock knock, it’s the upupupu train’ and we get the Proto Killing Game. At least Yamato gets to see his future friends for the first time. And Mikako doesn’t get that much of a headache this time so it seems that the further in time she looks, the bigger the side effects. The first vision was a decade into the future so the side effects were quite big but the second one was only a couple of years so the effects were reduced.  It remains uncertain if Mikako has to trust the person in question for the vision link to be done because as much of a force of good this seer ability is, it can also be used for evil. Overall, lots of discoveries on Mikako’s abilities and some hope that not every future out there is filled with despair and there exists a timeline where the Quantum Crew do win. Now it’s a case of seeing if that’s the timeline they are on or not.
That summarizes part 1 with the recapping of minor details and the time travelling science! It’s a longer part then I wanted but with the recap at the beginning it cannot be helped. When we come back, I’ll talk about the Harems and the events surrounding them and hopefully that would be the new length I wish to aim for because this is more of my old length. Stay tuned people! - Review Anon
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warmau · 5 years
Professor!AU Johnny
shout out to the person who asked me to continue this on kofi!  tw: mentions of heartbreak, general angst but it’s still a warmau au so you know it’ll end up ok 
“just forget me like im trying to forget you!” 
the first thing people realize about their new professor is that he’s tall 
and that for such a handsome, young looking guy
he dresses like a grandpa
we’re talking knitted sweater vests and corduroy pants
wood brimmed glasses and shiny oxfords
but none of that matters, because by the end of the first class most people know that it’s going to be a fun semester 
because professor suh ,,,,,,,,,,,, is a goofball
prof. suh teaches introduction to film studies, it’s a core class that all film majors have to take
and if anyone is passionate about films ,,,, well you haven’t met johnny
he especially likes to rave about likes of brian de palma, john carpenter and william friedkin
the 70s horror wave is kinda his jam,,,,,,
also love documentaries and if you were to pluck his headphones (never in his life will he spend money on airpods) off his head you’d probably hear a fleetwood mac album resounding through them
even though,,,,,,this guy is barely even thirty,,,,,,
but anyway back to the fact: 
johnny is the funniest and cornball-est professor there is
in the sweetest kind of way
he’ll go out of his way to organize movie viewings on the quad
ask students to come up to the front of the class and act out a favorite scene of their’s
even bring in his black lab puppy to class and be like 
“if you handed in your essay on time - you can give jordan a pet”
totally got called in with the dean to discuss smuggling animals onto campus and johnny was just like hey,,,,,it worked. no one submitted their essay in late
you can tell he really loves teaching and he really loves film, he just gets so animated when he talks
pointing at his slideshows, rocking excitedly back and forth on his heels when a student gives a deep and insightful comment on a directors work
the absolute look of pride on his face when students present their final projects 
and he can tell they enjoyed their time working on it
got featured in the university newspaper because he wore one of those newsboy caps
and the caption was: film department fashionista professor ~
johnny got a good laugh out of it
but drama professor ten INSISTED the newspaper do a cover on him too 
because johnny? fashion? no,,,,,,,if you wanted fashion, looks, serves then you had to come to him
ten’s assistant professor hendery: all you do is wear black
ten: shuttup i have a masters degree
johnny is friends with all the other professors, no matter the department or the area of interest
he’s on great terms with the engineering departments heartthrob taeyong, the studious physics department head kun, and even the coach for the uni football team jaehyun
he’s basically irresistible - he’s a positivity magnet 
and everyone wants to befriend him
or date him
(several times he’s had to politely refuse advances from students and faculty alike - though the one time a love letter found its way onto his desk he really just,,,,couldn’t find it in his heart to throw it out)
basically the entire campus has a crush, platonic or not 
and everyone just cannot fathom how professor suh is single
“he is suuuuuuch a catch”
you overhear, while pouring yourself some coffee and trying to remember if you sent out the right links for the homework yesterday
“i know, i heard he’s finally interested in dating again.”
“he wasn’t before?”
one of the teachers shrugs
“he just keep rejecting everyone - but there was a rumor of him going around with someone last week-”
you don’t really care for the rest of the conversation
because you know it’s blatantly untrue
you were the person who had been with johnny last week
all you’d done is meet up to discuss a possible group project between your students
nothing more, nothing less
you’d only recently gotten a job at the university teaching in the history department
and johnny had been kind to you since day one
talking to you on campus when you’d bumped into each other, giving you a little rundown of where to find what and who professors could go to in case of emergencies
he’d been bright and welcoming and just like anyone else
you liked him, not in a romantic way or anything - you just could tell he was a good person right off the bat 
after a couple of days you’d run into him after a mandatory meeting for professors 
and you had brought up the fact that you were going to be doing a class on the 70s and johnny had excitedly offered that your class join his for a viewing of the ‘79 film version of ‘mad max’
you’d talked about it over coffee at the campus cafeteria, and to your surprise it had gotten blown out of the water
several people, including students, had asked you about it 
‘are you into him?’
‘you know faculty aren’t allowed to date right?’
‘didn’t you just get here - you should probably slow down...’
more than anything, you were surprised at how everyone thought they had the right to pry into his business
and it had made you wonder 
maybe johnny is too nice for his own good
but either way - you didn’t want to get stuck in any of this drama
keeping this job was your priority, falling in love? you hadn’t thought about it since college
the work day dwindles down, you teach your last class and barely have a chance to let them know about their projects as they all rush out of the door when the period ends
you take a little time putting your things together when you hear the door open
thinking it’s a student, you get ready to see if they have any questions
but instead you see johnny in the doorway
a beige cardigan thrown over his button up shirt and dad fitting jeans
“ah! looks like my students were right - this is your classroom.”
you give a little smile, but ask why he’s ultimately here
johnny doesn’t answer for a second, he looks like he’s collecting himself 
“i just wanted to make sure you’re ok, there have been some rumors floating around and -”
you’re reminded of the dozen or so comments you’ve gotten and the whispering of the other professors and ta’s in the lounge this morning
“oh, i’m ok. i keep telling everyone they’ve taken it the wrong way.”
johnny’s smile softens
“im sorry to cause you so much trouble when this is your first semester teaching here.”
you put a hand up and shake your head, not noticing the way johnny ‘s eyes dull just a bit 
“don’t worry. everyone will know it was simply school stuff when we have the shared class.”
he agrees with a small nod and you think that’s the end of it
when suddenly he walks over and helps collect some of the heavy books on your desk
“let me carry these.”
“oh you don-”
his smile curls up at the corners, the gentle plead leaves you incapable of saying no
and so you watch him gather up the books in his arms and you walk out behind him
yeah, i think he is too kind for his own good.
you and johnny plan to merge your classes on thursday
instead of meeting up, you simply email each other about the arrangements
and everyone seems to forget about the momentary rumor that you and him are anything more than co-workers
but still, even through emails, johnny is charming and sweet
you start to question it too
hovering over his profile picture on the email, the empty ring finger and the way you hear stories everyday about confessions turned down by the film professor
thursday finally rolls around and all the students are beyond happy to be watching a movie rather than doing classwork
johnny cracks jokes about the film while you set up the projector, you get a little jealous seeing how engaging your students are with him
when sometimes you can’t even get them to say a word
he’s a great person and a great teacher, it’s like he was made for this profession 
you muse, before catching yourself mid thought, embarrassed to be thinking about johnny when you’re in the middle of a class
when everything is good to go, johnny gives you a thumbs up and all the student inch forward in their seats as the opening scene plays
you and johnny move toward the back of the room
where he leans up against the wall and you switch the lights off before catching his side profile in the corner of your eye
he’s handsome, it’s undeniable 
but looks are only surface deep, so you wonder if someone so beautiful could also be so kind and caring
johnny turns and you want to pretend you weren’t looking, but it’s too late
the sides of his lips curl up into a smile and he tilts his head, black hair parted perfectly around the frame of his handsome face
“have you seen this movie before?”
he asks in a low voice
“ah, well if you look at the setting the director makes sure to-”
the buzzing of his phone stops him and he excuses him from the room
you think it must be a call from a friend, maybe an appointment reminder 
but when johnny doesn’t come back for almost an hour - you start to worry
half of the class is trying to pretend they’re not on their phones while the other half is engrossed in the film
so you make a quick decision to leave the room for a second and find where he’s gone off too
“no, i don’t want to see you again.”
the voice makes you stop in your tracks
that,,,,,,,,sounds like johnny,,,,,,but,,,,,,,harsher?
“i don’t think you understand what you did to me. do you think i can forgive you? do you really think -”
he’s talking faster, but the pitch is higher 
“stop, i don’t want to hear it. you chose him, you chose him when you slept with him in our bed!”
you freeze, feeling your blood go cold
this isn’t a conversation i should be hearing ,,,,, 
you swallow and want to start backing away, but for some reason your feet are planted
refusing to let you leave
“no, no - just forget me like im trying to forget you!”
at just the right moment, your senses kick in and you manage to turn yourself around and back toward the classroom door
when you step inside, you get spared some glances but the action scene on the screen awards you a clean entrance
you go back to your spot, arms crossed over your chest
was he talking to his ex? it sounded like it,,,,,,but his voice,,,,,
he sounded so broken
johnny doesn’t come back for another couple of minutes
when he does, he enters the room and gives a little smile to students who giggle his way
he sees you and the smile widens  
but you can’t smile back
his voice, the pain you felt in every syllable - they make this happy johnny in front of you feel fake
thankfully the ending credits save you from having to make awkward conversation
you and johnny move toward the front of the room and as you shut down the projector you hear him talking with the students
the same pep, cheer, and happiness that’s always there 
seems duller
or maybe it’s only you who hears the small change 
the rest of the students are reacting and chatting with him as they normally would
and when johnny turns and asks if you want to say anything
you let your students know about their projects, a wave of groans passing through the sea of bodies
you and johnny let the class out a little early, you sort of panic because you think being alone with him will somehow be weird
so you make up an excuse about having coffee with professor ten
you dash through the door, leaving a confused johnny behind and make way for cover in your office
im an adult, why am i acting like some kid who just almost got caught with a secret?!
you reprimand yourself, but still you don’t feel like it would have been a great idea to stay around and chat
like what would you say to him? especially after hearing him ,,,,,, like that
you take cover in your office, closing the door and setting yourself behind your desk
you distract yourself grading some in-class work when your phone lights up with a notification
you think it’s a faculty email so you open it up without another thought
when you see johnny’s names
‘thanks for letting me show the movie to your class! i hope everything is ok, you seemed a little distressed. did professor ten do something to you - let me know~’
the signature on the email is the same one all teachers use in their school emails
you want to answer because you feel bad knowing he’s worried
but at the same time you feel awkward now
am i the only one who knows about his ex? no one has ever brought it up before.......
you pick up your phone and hit reply, but instead of typing anything you just stare at it
whatever, it’s not my business. let’s just forget what i heard and move on.
you lock the screen and go back to grading
the time passes and a couple of days later you find yourself so busy with your classes projects that nothing else manages to cross your mind
you’re rushing down campus with a couple of large display boards when you almost crash head first into someone
“oh sorry - i can’t see over these-”
“here, let me help.”
johnny’s voice reaches you first and then you feel the boards being lifted from your hands
with his tall stature, they look smaller than before
he pouts when you make eye contact and goes
“you never answered my email! are you ok?”
it takes you a second to remember what he’s talking about, but when you do you just make up another excuse
“oh i sent it, maybe it didn’t go through?”
“maybe, you know all the students use up the school wifi.”
you laugh with him and for that split moment it feels like everything is normal
you’re just two coworkers, two friends
but then
“no, no - just forget me like im trying to forget you!”
the words close in on and you abruptly feel the calmness of your situation turn into dread
“i can carry those-”
you start, trying to get away from johnny again, but he simply refuses to let them go
“what room are you in, let me help you.”
you want to insist that you can do it yourself, but panicking you just blurt the number out
you both start your way toward the building and johnny makes casual conversation
but the words you’d overheard nearly overshadow everything he says
why do i care so much? why is it bothering me?
you groan and johnny suddenly asks what’s wrong
you can’t take the feeling and you grab the board back
“sorry - just forgot i need um markers, i have to go!”
your excuse is utter bullshit, you’re sure johnny doesn’t believe you 
but you don’t like the sinking feeling you get around him and so you disappear again and johnny almost calls out 
but even if he did, you wouldn’t hear him over the pained memory of that phone call
at some point you start avoiding him
or at least avoid any contact with him
you don’t want to seem rude, so you just go out of your way to be in any place that he’s not
so he can’t ask you about it and so you don’t have to be faced with knowing that the happy character he plays
isn’t all that happy
you think that’s what bothers you most - the fact that everyone else sees him as this 
positive light, cutely dressed in sweaters over button downs and oxfords
adjusting the glasses on his nose as he flips through a script submitted in one of his classes
but now you just see the pain - the cracking voice - just the visualization of johnny walking into a room
and being faced with something so heartbreakingly cruel that to this day he’s shunned away affection
no wonder he rejects just about anyone - maybe he just can’t trust someone like that again?
“excuse me, can you tell me where the film department is?”
you startle, looking up to see an unfamiliar face
the individual smiles, apologizing politely for scaring you before explaining that they need to see one of the film professors
you have a couple of minutes to spare and even though you don’t want to go to that building 
because of the off chance of bumping into professor suh
you still feel like you can’t just give this person vague directions
so you take the chance and tell them you’ll walk them over
they don’t say much, so you assume they’re either a transfer student or maybe a visiting professor
you swipe your id card to get through the entrance of the building and hold the door open for them to step through behind you
they’re rather plain, you’re not struck by anything about them - just that they’re neat and very mannered
so you don’t expect that once you get off the elevator and lead them into the professor’s lounge 
that their demeanor to change as drastically as it does
because the moment they set eyes on johnny
who you didn’t even notice in the corner 
they lose their posed attitude and run at him with open arms
your confusion is apparent, is this his relative? they don’t look at all like him-
but then it dawns on you
because johnny’s eyes turn cold and his lips thin out into a straight line
“what are you doing here?”
he asks and the tone of voice sets a tension in the room that’s nearly suffocating
“john - don’t be like this! you were so mean on the phone and i thought in person you’d be -”
“you need to leave.”
he’s merciless, motioning to the door with his head 
and catching a glimpse of you, frozen in the corner with shock
the pit of your stomach churns
is that,,,,,,,,,,are they,,,,,,,,,,,,,,his ex?
“oh c’mon, you won’t even talk to me now? after everything we’ve been through? johnny love you know-”
even though his anger is nearly blazing off of him like an open flame
johnny touches them gently - his hands barely grazing their upper-arm as he starts to walk them over to the door
you want to escape, that or just plain disappear 
but you can’t move a muscle 
johnny is nearly two feet away when his ex jerks themselves away
“john - listen to me! you can’t just leave me like this! look - look at this - it’s the ring you got me, we’re still engaged! you can’t just -”
johnny seems to snap, the kindness and the happiness he exudes almost daily is no where to be found
he turns, broad shouldered and standing tall 
if you had never known any other side of him you would have found yourself frightened 
“that ring means one thing, it means you’re a cheater. im sick and fucking tired of you thinking i will ever take you back - get out of my life for good.”
the cursing sounds unnatural in your ears, everything about this johnny is off
he’s harsh and sharp and his energy is just pitch black
but at the same time you can’t blame him
this person has some kind of chip on their shoulder about hurting him and thinking they’ll get off scottfree
it even stirs up an anger in you as well
johnny turns and with one glance you can tell that the rough, pissed off expression on his face is going to turn into devastation 
you don’t want him to breakdown in front of this person so you decide to do something you know you’ll probably come to regret
you intervene, stepping in front of johnny and giving him the fakest smile you can
“oh professor suh did you remember we have papers to grade together, come with me!”
you reach out and touch his wrist, his skin is hot and you tug him out of the room
his ex makes a move toward the door, but you nudge johnny forward and then take the chance to slam the door shut in their face
the sound echoing through the halls and earning you questionable looks on all sides
but you don’t care 
you know johnny needs to go somewhere and be alone and you find that place in the fire escape staircase
dingy and old, but free of students and pesky exes
when you find yourself in the small, dark area you realize you should excuse yourself
and let him maul over the many emotions he must be feeling right now
but when you turn to go, you hear his deep voice softly ask you to stay
he sits down on the steps, large hands cradling his head 
“why can’t they leave me alone?”
“im sorry, i don’t know why.”
you say the only thing you can say even though it makes you feel terrible 
johnny shakes his head, his dark hair falling over his eyes and making it hard to read the expression on his face
although it’s not hard to assume that it’s pained
“you know, i was going to marry that person. i was going to walk down the aisle with someone who - who -”
johnny loses his words 
“who would betray you?”
you finish and he looks up, his eyes ringed red and bristling with haziness 
he chokes back a sound
“someone who doesn’t really love me.”
he shrinks, large shoulders closing in on themselves
you want to comfort him, but you’re not sure 
after all it isn’t as if you and him are particularly close
so you give a small bow as you mutter that you’ll leave him be for now, that he needs his space and you don’t want to invade it
but before you can turn around, johnny rises up off the steps and stops you
for a moment he’s just got a hand on your wrist, holding you in place - maybe he just needs someone to hear him out 
maybe he wants to thank you for getting rid of the person who hurt him so bad
but something twists in the pit of your stomach as he tugs you toward him
and you feel weightless, falling into his arms easily and fitting into the plane of his chest perfectly
“im sorry”
he apologizes, deep voice cracking
“im sorry - i just want to hold -”
you give a weak nod, knowing you should be the bigger person and step away from this 
he’s vulnerable, you’re the only one around, there isn’t any other reason for his actions
but a little voice in your head prods it says
maybe johnny actually trusts you! maybe you’ve made him feel like being open with someone is possible again!
but you refuse to fall into that trap 
johnny is handsome, kind, and didn’t deserve to be cheated on and scarred
and so it’s impossible that he’d ever find healing in you 
“can you close your eyes for a second?”
you freeze at the request - wanting to ask why, but somehow all you end up doing is letting your lashes flutter closed
“im sorry, im so sorr-”
johnny doesn’t even finish his sentence, he presses his lips to yours and you let out a sound of confusion
that he interprets as protest so he pulls away just as fast as he started and tries to stumble over another apology
when you just reach out with your hands and pull him back into you
i don’t care if im just a coping mechanism for him right now, just feeling his lips on mine for that moment - it’s obvious he’s missed affection. he needs this. im just being a good person.
no matter how you reason in your mind, your thoughts melt away when johnny’s hands wrap around your waist and his large body nearly envelops you whole
one hand finds the hem of your shirt - but hesitates and stays on your hip as you tilt your head and johnny groans when your teeth pull at his lip
he’s burning up, his skin gets hotter and hotter as the kiss gets deeper and deeper
and you feel your back against the wall - johnny placing his hands on the surface beside your head as he keeps himself from doing anything you might not want him to
but you’re at a point where you’re willing to take his own hand in yours and move it back onto your body
because johnny suh deserves to be loved and he deserves to have someone that’ll give themselves to him and only him 
and in this moment it’s you - and you want him to know that
“did you hear about the physics quiz for professor qian?”
two voices from below shatter the bubble around you and johnny
disconnecting from each other - you take in a breath and react faster than he can
you open the door to the stairs, scurrying out 
just in time for it to shut behind you as two students round the top stair and find professor suh alone 
staring at the door
they giggle, greeting him and he just nods, speechless and touching the curve of his lips 
“what the hell did i just do?”
you say to yourself, trying to fix your hair as you pass through the campus and back to the parking lot
you thankfully don’t have any classes to teach today so you just book it home and ignore the notifications that litter the screen of your phone
you feel like you’re in high school again - being a giant child about this sticky situation
but you just don’t know what to do now
why did you let yourselves get carried away like that? you work together for gods sake you’re going to have to see each other TOMORROW
you groan into your pillow 
you try to carefully deleting notifications from your work email that have johnny’s name in them
and only feeling worse when they pop up again
you accidentally press on one and it opens
it’s the same profile photo on the email icon, smiling, happy johnny
the same .edu email
everything is the same but the message
‘please don’t hate me’
you take in a breath, tap reply 
‘i don’t, but - what did that all mean?’
‘this isn’t something we should talk about over......’
‘yeah, let’s do it in person.’
 you gather up a bit of your courage and tell yourself it’s ok. mistakes happen, the air will clear up when you face each other
your students don’t notice that you’re jittery 
when you drop the pen you’re holding, they just keep typing away on their laptops
and for the first time as a professor, you’re happy to have no one paying attention to you
when the bell rings and you start walking toward the campus cafe where you’ll be meeting johnny
you feel a mixture of butterflies and sickening poison invade the inside of your stomach
he’s already there, sipping a coffee, wearing a ridiculously long sleeved cardigan and rounded glasses
a student greets him and he gives her the smile you’re so used to seeing
that the image of him curled up with tears on the brink of his eyes just doesn’t seem real anymore
but you saw it. you know you did.
you approach slowly and johnny seems to hesitate between getting up and staying in his seat
“do you want me to get you a coffee?”
he propositions, but you shake your head
“johnny - i mean, professor suh - i hope you know you don’t owe me anything.”
he had been drumming his fingers on his thigh, but he stops
“you don’t owe me any explanations about ,,,,,,,,,,,, that person or about the situation or about,,,,,,,,,,,, why what happened - happened. i just want us to be good colleagues,,,”
your voice trails off when the smile on his face isn’t showing up
it’s just a blank - long stare
“professor suh,,,,,,?”
“did you think i did what i did just because i feel lonely?”
you sit back and look around
“you’ve got it wrong.”
he slips out of the chair and you think he’s about to just leave - but he’s thinking what you’re thinking
which is that you can’t talk about making out with each other when there are about one hundred students within earshot range
so you end up again in the stairwell, not the same one - but it’s the only private place on campus
and the second you’re alone, johnny chucks the cup over his shoulder and wraps his arms around you
your body is pressed, perfectly again, into the shape of his chest
“you’re not a rebound, or a coping mechanism, or any of those things.”
he mumbles, deep voice against the skin of your ear
“you’re the first person ive had an interest in in a long time - i just chose the wrong time to act on it.”
you think you’re making the words up in your head, but they’re really coming out of johnny’s mouth
“i know you said you want to be good colleagues, and i want that too. but outside of work i want-”
 you shift a little, arms coming up to embrace him back
really you’re not even thinking about it - your body just feels safe and comfortable
and it speaks for you as he pulls back 
to look at you with those almost amber like eyes
“i want something more - if you’re ok with it?”
you nod, lips parting a little as he leans in to kiss you again
there isn’t the same desperate, driven by pain feeling as there was yesterday
but it’s still loving and passionate
“but prof - johnny,,,”
you start against the skin of his cheek
and he slows down a little to hear you out
“if i see your ex on campus again, i wont be nice about it now.”
he chuckles
“don’t worry, you have my permission to do your worst.”
you both laugh over it - before kissing again and again and again
until his phone goes off and he picks it up and the head of the film department is frantically asking if he meant to be late to his class or if he got into another accident on his bike
“you bike to work?”
“yes - and ill be picking you up on my bike on our first date.”
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whoreforacotar · 5 years
Batboys Hockey AU
Jason: #19
-probably a forward
-could be a defenseman
-the captain that everyone wishes they had
-dude loves to fight people tho
-especially when people chirp at him about you
-you both met after a game actually
-he was super nice to you, as nice as he could be with a bloody lip and black eye with a bad attitude towards the other team
-plays for the Gotham Knights
-jersey colors are black and silver
-always makes jokes about why they aren't called the Bats
-logical mascot right???
-he never got your number which really fucked him up
-because like, he's always so confident and shit, why didn't he ask for your number when he had the chance
-realized that he was too comfortable around you and totally forgot about asking you out because he was so fucking relaxed
-next game tho
-some guy from the Metropolis Otters decided to talk about you and jason fucking lost it
-this boi barely knew you but he knew he liked you so fuck that guy amiright?
-you knew exactly what had happened considering the guy pointed towards you and then spoke and then Jason hauled off and punched him
-you couldn't lie to yourself and say you didn't think it was an amazing gesture
-Jason was sent to the sin bin and next thing you know, he fucking winked at you
-helmet off and looking all hot and shit
-long story short, that's how you guys got started
-he asked you out after that game and you guys hit it off while on an ice skating date
-gives you his extra jersey which is fucking huge on you btw
-"do I have to stay out of the box? I like sitting next to you tho."
-boi gets you seats every game he has
Dick: #43
-definitely the center
-one of the highest scoring players in the minors
-somehow has never gotten extremely hurt
-still has all of his teeth
-perfect hair you know what I'm saying
-never had a broken nose
-never fights
-boy is too likeable-
-Alternate captain to Jason
-owns it like hell tho
-loves to chat it up with the refs
-mainly because he has to get them to like him so they wont hate on Jason so much
-you ended up going to one of the games with Tim because he was like your best friend and shit
-flirted with you shamelessly
-you made the first move tho
-he was gonna wait until he saw you again
-you asked for his number and he couldn't believe it
-girls never usually went up to him and asked him that kind of stuff
-you did
-and he of course gave it to you
Tim: #79
-definitely a goalie
-no doubt
-boy can move so easily in skates
-you would never expect it from him
-plays on a lower class team 
-plays on said team because none of his brothers are on it
-actually loves the idea of being goalie
-met you during morning skate 
-you were the coach's daughter
-nice job tim, nice job
-boi nearly fell flat on his face
-saw you step onto the ice with a stick while carrying the puck and next thing you knew
-this fucking kid was basically drooling under his mask
-the coach introduced you two because tim needed some help on his reflexes
-you were shooting and he was trying to pay attention to the puck instead of you
-it wasn't working
-he slipped and fell right on his bum
-then he ended up getting hurt and you helped him stretch his muscles afterward
-you guys became great friends
-later on in the year that you were friends
-he kissed you before one of his big games
Damian: #14
-definitely on defense
-boi can score from center line
-slapshot is a nightmare to be in front of tho
-plays on the team that Jason and Dick used to play on, the Gotham Knights
-gets into a fight if he needs to
-but whenever someone even mentions your name on the ice
-dude better watch out
-Damian actually met you when him and Jon got in a "fight"
-you were Jon's cousin from out of town
-you wanted to support your cousin
-until you saw how hot his new friend was
-"Holy shitballs"
-your uncle Clark nearly fainted from the profanities that came out of your mouth when the fight started
-damian saw you tho
-you had glass seats right next to the penalty box
-he waved and sent a wink with a small smirk
-hair a mess. black eye coming in, and a dazzling smile to sweep you off your feet
-you waved hesitantly, but you waved
-Jon wasn't happy
-mainly because from then on you rooted for Gotham
-boi was a grump for the next four weeks
-Damian was through the fucking roof
-you guys ended up going out after a few games
-damian def lets you wear his jersey
-boi loves you with all your heart
-always waves to you after a fight on the ice
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loucifieri · 6 years
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ndrv3 HPA AU (Class ‘79) notes~
I’ve only ever been posting snippets of the their silly school life (without following a chronological timeline of events) so here’s some context of how I characterized the ndrv3 kids (essentially the same personalities but with some tweaks) and maybe some info on the relationships in my comics. Implied and outright spoilers, apparently. The rest under the cut.
NDRV3 Character design masterlist here Class 79A Character descriptions here Further characterizations here Family headcanons here Cover Art here Dorm designs here
Comic snippets so far: (most of these were from before I finalized their characterizations) Moms called out by trash child Kaito and Kokichi have “The Talk” How Kaede became the Class Rep A Lesson in Romantics Real Talk Sports Day
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/Draft/ Final characterizations here
Kaede Akamatsu: The ‘protagonist spotlight’ mostly falls on her. Personality-wise, she’ll still be the ever cheerful, charming and kind Kaede (with a toned down self-righteousness) but with a dash of her pre-game personality which is being mistrustful and to an extent, condescending. 
Angie Yonaga: Angie is still Angie, but with added eccentricities. Since she her character design kind of implies she’s from an island in the West (okay, Hawaii) which is part of America, she’s going to be referencing memes and western culture.
Kirumi Tojo: Her maid shtick is a conscious effort for her. She has selfish whims and insecurities deep down that calm, collected and altruistic persona that she tries to project. (in-game Tojo was just too one dimensional, ugh)
Tenko Chabashira: She mostly maintains her enthusiastic, down to earth, protective (of the girls) nature but she won’t be too vocal about her aversion towards the MENaces (it was so overdone in the game to the point of being annoying) and with a short temper. Will probably have a sad or comical (still can’t decide which lol) backstory about why she dislikes DEGENERATE MALES.
Himiko Yumeno: Mostly the same with her in-game personality but isn’t dismissive of human interaction. Apart from her “I’m a mage, not a magician” gag, she’s suspected to be always on drugs by most. Secretly stays up late a lot to watch k-drama.
Maki Harukawa: Still anti-social and uptight but it won’t be because of her talent (which is outright revealed to be Ultimate Assassin)… she just hates talking to people her age (lol). Also, her backstory won’t be the same in-game coz that seemed intentionally sad in context, but it’s strangely out of place in a peaceful AU like this. She’s still from an orphanage and serves as an elder sister figure. She was physically conditioned and trained to be an assassin but it turns out it was just a complicated plot to make her a Motion Capture stunt girl for an Assassin’s Creed game. So yeah, she hasn’t really killed anyone in real life but she physically (and mentally??) can, if desired.
Tsumugi Shirogane: She won’t think she’s a plain jane nor will she make an effort to remain a ‘wallflower.’ She’s into a lot of fandoms, naturally. She also stans Junko Enoshima (who isn’t a Despair junkie btw) and makes vague references about “being in a reality show,” (wink, wink)
Miu Iruma: Same ol’ Miu, but will try to make an effort to be likeable. Also has standards, so no she is not going to do lewd things with Teru Teru-sempai.
Shuichi Saihara: Since no one has to die for his character development, it’s going to take awhile for him to remove his hat. At first, he’s still meek and unconfident but not codependent on Kaede. Also adding a dash of his pre-game personality, him being an avid fanboy of all things detective (stans Kyoko Kirigiri, has a sizable collection of Nancy Drew Books and Detective Conan manga etc). Struggles with depression at times.
Kokichi Ouma: Compulsive lying is dumbed down and has his limits with his intentional assholery. His genuinely caring personality will also peek through a lot and he won’t vehemently deny it that much.
Rantaro Amami: Carefree, easygoing and fabulously gay big brother figure of the class. Makes vlogs in the style of Bear Grylls’ Man VS Wild. He also references the Danganronpa franchise plots (except V3) in his stories of his adventures.
Kaito Momota: Still quite sexist but it’s more because of upbringing rather than intentional. He doesn’t just suddenly develop an incurable, deadly disease but he has Tuberculosis (hence, coughs a lot). And, he’s very competitive (his pre-game personality repackaged).
Ryoma Hoshi: Mostly detached and stoic but not depressive and unfeeling. I’m tweaking his backstory a bit coz an ex-con that has served prison time going back to high school is a bit weird (and I don’t want the “HPA pulling shady shenanigans” shtick). His family has been murdered and all he has left is the family cat (that he gets to keep in the dorms) and he’s been pursuing leads about the mafia responsible for it. He’s basically a Sasuke Uchiha here. Anyway, he’s wise but vindictive. Fortunately, he doesn’t want to serve justice with his own hands.
Korekiyo Shinguji: Doesn’t have a sister complex and definitely not a compulsive serial killer here. He’s already got an interesting, creepy persona. Miyadera is alive, but still sickly and would visit him often to bring him home-cooked meals. Unsurprisingly has a fascination for see-saws.
Gonta Gokuhara: still the best boy best boy best boy raised in the mountains He won’t be too gullible here and would even join in roasting Kokichi.
Keebo Idabashi: He’s the Ultimate Robotics Engineer since he’s not a robot. Spent most of his life sheltered (even from the internet) so he’s shy and quite socially inept. Always gets very defensive of his talent.
And now, for the platonic and romantic ships~ I actually multiship but in this AU I’m going to stick to one ship for a particular person since I’m personally not keen on polyamory. (please don’t burn me on a stake)
Kaede||Shuichi: Saimatsu BROTP; in fact, they refer to each other by first name. I didn’t want this to be an “OTP” here since Saimatsu was mostly set up and situational in-game because of Shuichi’s codependency and Kaede’s desire to break him out of his shell, though undeniably they do have a really good chemistry together. Really, I love Saimatsu just-- let them explore their options. (I’m also just bitter I couldn’t flirt more using Kaede after Chapter 1 ;w;)
Kaede|Kirumi: I’m not inconspicuous about it actually lol idk I just see a good chemistry between them. Also, think of the mom jokes since they’re both the class moms. And while my comics tend to jump back and forth chronologically, if I was going to write a fic– their relationship is a slow burn with lots of pining
Shuichi|Kokichi: Their love hotel scene oh my god Kokichi really has it bad and that little liar is a good match for Sai, he facilitated his growth in a (twisted) way but this is an AU so yeah. Beforehand, Kokichi has a slight interest in Rantaro.
Maki|Kaito: This is a canon-ish ship that had a weird development too, but again, they have a nice chemistry too. I wanna explore that normal, potential development between them (also, I’m not sayin they’re both necessarily straight coz this is a straight ship lol).
Himiko|Tenko: There’s just… a lot of potential cuteness in them, even though they were kind of dysfunctional in canon. The fact that they’re polar opposites when it comes to physical activities gives me enough cannon fodder for their tandem. And Himiko being involved with Tenko can really help her a lot (like when the latter’s death in-game impacted her so much).
Kaito||Kokichi: Sort of a Oumota reference lol Chapter 5 gave me an inkling of their dynamics together and it was nice to see that Kaito gave Kokichi a leap of faith despite all his atrocities. So, I think they’d be good friends in the AU, just laced with a lot of badmouthing and insulting each other.
Rantaro||Tsumugi: Mastermind and Survivor solidarity~ They’re good friends in middle school before entering HPA.
Miu||Keebo: They’re both socially inept techie nerds sitting at the back of the class so finding friendship with each other isn’t far from happening. I lowkey shipped them in the game but I haven’t decided in this AU yet~
That’s all for now I guess :D I can try to make an actual comic with plot about them someday… but I can’t promise, even to myself. huhu
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