#then finding out that he was one of the actors in a musical my friends watched without me
wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
I know it’s been said so many times before by people more experienced and insightful than me, but I don’t think it’s inherently taking jobs last minute that was the issue, because that’s the nature of jobs in their respective industries and they both understood that. Like, it sucks to have your partner leave for months at a time but you can’t begrudge them that especially when they’re still establishing themselves.
But it’s what happened at home that I would bet was ultimately their undoing. Because it’s one thing to take a job last minute and be like “sorry babe I’m going to miss x” but then still show up in other ways (communicative eg on the phone, showing up at home when you’re there, supporting your partner’s dreams and ambitions, etc.). But it’s another to a) keep chasing your own ambitions (fair, needed, healthy) but b) resent your partner for chasing theirs or belittle the things they find important.
I doubt Taylor expected Joe to follow her around everywhere and it wasn’t (just) the physical absence that hurt. It was the emotional absence that stung and made things untenable. (Based off songs like YLM and even Hits Different and just, you know, ~vibes~.) It’s the whole making time to make things work thing — it just seems like one person was making all the time and the other wasn’t in recent years. There could be a million reasons why and we may find out in TTPD.
Seeing how supportive Taylor is in general, I have no doubt she empathized with his need to work and encouraged him to do so. I just feel like what we’re seeing and going to learn about is that when the roles were reversed, that same support wasn’t extended (or not as unconditionally) and that was what started to make her feel smaller and smaller. And I have a feeling that same lack of support may have extended to personal plans as well.
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crishayle · 8 months
Neptune in the houses
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Disclaimer. The natal chart is a system of aspects. Some qualities of a planet may not manifest due to other planets and their aspects. Please carefully study the rest of your placements.
Neptune in the 1st house:
1.He is a very empathetic and kind person. They are very polite and will endure to the last so as not to pour out their emotions on others
2.Many of them have synesthesia. They are able to taste color or know the color of music. They have a very good imagination
3.Often such people may have bags under their eyes since childhood or tired eyes. They have an unearthly appearance, for example, large or blue eyes. My personal observation, but these people are sooooo deep asleep, it's hard to wake them up, or their dreams are very colorful
4.With tense aspects, as well as a weak Moon, Neptune in the 1st house may indicate addiction to alcohol, smoking and drugs
5.Also, with tense aspects, Neptune in the 1st house may indicate infantile. Such a person can be naive, or dependent on someone else's opinion
Neptune in the 2nd house:
1.I often meet this placement in the natal charts of people who earn money from their hobby or are engaged in freelancing. Or they could change jobs often, because they have been looking for their vocation for a long time.In any case, their wealth is unstable
2.One of the indicators of monetary luck (but look at Jupiter in the natal chart). I have already said that their finances are fickle, but these people can also win the lottery, or find money on the street. They can also unexpectedly be offered a job with a good salary. But this is all with the good aspects of Neptune!!!!
3.With the negative aspects of Neptune in the natal chart, it is difficult for them to save money. Such people may be greedy for beautiful packaging, spontaneous purchases and may be excessively gambling. They may also often forget their wallet, credit card, or get into problems with the bank (an outstanding loan, for example)
4.No kidding, this is a good placement for designers and marketers. They literally know how to reunite beauty and sales.
5.The very type of people who really disconnects from the outside world when performing some task. They don't like multitasking or fast work.
Neptune in the 3rd house:
1.I would not say that this is an indicator of a creative nature. I often see this even in the natal charts of engineers, IT specialists and architects. It seems to me that such people are more used to working with visual information, because the 3rd house displays a person's thinking and mind in the natal chart. For example, it is easier for them to write or depict something than to convey it in words. It may also be easier for them to remember images, faces, or associations than numbers or audio information.
2.One of the indicators of an introvert (but you need to look at the rest of the placements of the natal chart). Such people periodically need to be alone with themselves to recharge their social battery.
3.Not always, but this is one of the signs of topographic cretinism. It may be difficult for such a person to navigate using maps and a navigator
4.Very pleasant and friendly in communication. They try to create an atmosphere of comfort and trust even with a stranger. Very polite in communication with the service staff (but can be very shy of them)
5.With the negative aspects of Neptune, this can be an indicator of a problem with attention and memory. It is difficult for such a person to study at school, listen to lectures at the university and take exams. They can also read a book or watch a movie, remember the frames and actors from there, but not remember the plot at all
Neptune in the 4th house:
1.One of the indicators of an alcoholic parent (but you need to look at the rest of the provisions of the natal chart), Every friend of mine with Neptune in the 4th house talked about problems with his mother or father because of alcohol
2.Most likely, one of the relatives has a mental disorder
3.This is a man who lived in a family where he lacked something. Perhaps attention, love or support. Even if the child received this, he could think that their family was different from the rest. You know, when outwardly it seems that everything is fine, but in fact it is not. As if it's an illusion or a picture.
4.Such a person does not want to grow up. Not to be confused with infantile, it's just that such a person takes great care of his inner child and any reminders of childhood. They may have a lot of saved toys, photos, etc.
5.Such people love a quiet pastime.For example, yoga, reading, listening to music, drawing, decorating the house, etc.
Neptune in the 5th house:
1.There are 2 situations here (to find out, you need to look at other placements of the natal chart):a person could try alcohol, cigarettes, etc. at a very early age, or such a person can ABSOLUTELY avoid them.Such people can really lose their minds because of alcohol. It's as if a dark personality wakes up in them, which they are afraid of in ordinary life.
2.They lie well. Even though I have the Moon in Scorpio, sometimes even I don't understand if they are lying or telling the truth. Sometimes they can make a joke and I'll take it for the truth. They control their emotions well. One of the indicators of acting talent.
3.With negative aspects, it may indicate manipulativeness.
4.They are so interesting to tell stories with all the emotions and details, you want to listen and listen to them! Perhaps good pedagogical abilities.
5.I often notice that such people prefer fantasy films or romantic ones. They can express their love through music or gifts made with their own hands
Neptune in the 6th house:
1.Problems with time management. Such a person confuses deadlines, forgets about his tasks or does not have time to complete them. It is better for such a person to work with someone in tandem who will be able to monitor the progress of the work
2.I often find this placement in the natal charts of allergy sufferers. Also, such people may have sensitive skin or sensitivity to the sun (they immediately tan).Perhaps they often get sick, or are vulnerable to the weather
3.Such people are philanthropists. They will definitely share their food with you, help you or listen to you. "It's better to give than to receive"
4.Most often, such people work in the service sector, or in a profession where they feel they are helping people
5.Their energy and motivation are fickle. One day they can do tasks for the whole week, another day they won't be able to get out of bed.
Neptune in the 7th house:
1.Such people tend to idealize their partner, or fall in love with people below their level(but you need to look at Venus, the Moon and the Sun in the natal chart)
2.The 7th house in the natal chart also displays enemies. In the lives of such people, there were often those who took advantage of their kindness and care.Most often, such people are not vindictive
3.It is a very difficult situation when Neptune has many bad aspects in the natal chart. In this case, a person becomes distrustful and angry at people. It was as if he realized that kindness is not appreciated and it is better to be selfish
4.Such people make decisions based on what their heart tells them, not their mind (but you need to look at the other placement of the natal chart)
5.Such people strive for a complete fusion of souls in a relationship. They are looking for their soulmate. They will be interested in your hobby, your work, your relatives, etc., if you are in a relationship with them
Neptune in the 8th house:
1.One of the indicators of addiction. Such a person can get hooked on alcohol, cigarettes, pills or drugs due to stress. I also have Neptune in the 8th house, and to be honest, I've been drinking sedatives for 2 years because of the huge stress. Also, my friends with this placement sleep for almost a whole day due to stress. You know that the 8th house is the house of death in tropical astrology. With Neptune in the 8th house, a person tries to find a place where he can get lost. After all, sleep is a little death, and alcohol is a loss of reason and thoughts
2.One of the indicators of fear of water or inability to swim. Also, such people may be allergic to some cosmetics or chemicals.
3.Interest in mysticism and religion since childhood. Perhaps such a person had an imaginary friend or encountered paranormal things in childhood.
4.In sex, a person puts emotions above physical contact. Passion, love are very important to them, they need kisses and foreplay
5.Good intuition, but it is difficult for a person to translate it into clear information. As if the subconscious mind of a person understands, but the consciousness does not
Neptune in the 9th house:
1.Such a person can often dream of countries or places where he has never been. It's like he's traveling in a dream
2.With the negative aspects of Neptune, a person may not recognize his homeland. I often find this placement among people who moved to another country because of the poor quality of life in their homeland, or they had to due to external circumstances
3.For such people, changes in life can bring peace of mind. I noticed that such people, after experiencing stress, like to start life with a clean slate. AND SUDDENLY FOR EVERYONE
4.He is a philosopher by nature. Such people have a very interesting type of thinking. They are interesting interlocutors, after talking with them, it seems that something has changed dramatically in your thoughts
5.It is most difficult for them to recognize the injustice of the world. They are sooooo kind, but sometimes they can't just take bad events or bad people in their opinion
Neptune in the 10th house:
1.Such people tend to underestimate their capabilities. For example, to work at an unloved job, secretly dreaming of a completely different one. They will prefer stability instead of their favorite profession
2.One of the indicators of work abroad or in a foreign language. Such people are good at freelancing and psychology. They know how to follow a work ethic and be a friendly and pleasant employee
3.They have too quick a mind, so there are problems with time management or workflow organization. They also tend to work in a creative mess (but they can, because they are good)
4.Neptune in the 10th house can also indicate envious or toxic colleagues. Many of my acquaintances with this placement have faced slander about them at work
5.With negative aspects, this placement may indicate conflict and an inflated ego. A person does not recognize authorities, it is difficult for him to accept someone else's opinion
Neptune in the 11th house:
1.A VERY GOOD FRIEND!!!! A sense of comfort, tranquility and fun next to such a person is provided to you.
2.The social media page of such a person is either completely empty and closed, or filled with unusual photos or memes. Also, such people use fake accounts more often than others
3.He is good at coming up with ideas, plans and works well with information, but it is difficult for him to translate his ideas into reality
4.With bad aspects, this placement may indicate an inability to read people. They can be friends and trust hypocritical and deceitful people. They may not see the bad in people at all
5.They are sooooo cute! Such people need to choose friends more carefully than others because they tend to change their habits, manner of communication, hobbies because of friends. It was from people with Neptune in the 11th house that I heard that they gave up bad habits and found a job after they stopped communicating with bad people
Neptune in the 12th house:
1.One of the indicators of an introvert. Such a person feels very comfortable alone. He can live alone quite calmly and rarely leave the house
2.Such people are sooooo difficult to wake up. Sometimes it feels like they've come out of a coma, not woken up. Their brains need a lot of time to recover
3.Very strong intuition. Also, such people put the heart above the mind.
4.Such a person does not like to talk about his feelings. He keeps all his worries to himself and is used to solving problems alone. He is more used to walking on the street or thinking about his problems before going to bed than telling someone about it.
5.He is a very emotionally impressionable person. He will not laugh if someone falls, at the sight of blood in person he may shudder. He can literally feel someone else's pain in his body.
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smolpieceoftoast · 2 years
Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way 🖤
You don't know how much I needed this right now 😭 I just had the weirdest day/ night of my life holy shit. Thank you so much <333
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writersblog20 · 1 year
Pedro Pascal x (curly hair) reader
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Credits to the gif maker!
Summary: After a very shitty day, your neigbour, Pedro helps you to relax in every way possible
Warnings: Smoking weed, drinking alcohol, age-gap, sexual tension, reader gets picked up, smut, p in v, no condom (please do use a condom), mention of panic and anxiety (just one sentence or so)  oral Female receiving, squirting, daddy kink, dirty talk, pet names, Pedro being called: Papi, creampie, blowjob, soft sex, soft Pedro, overstimulation, aftercare and fluff
Words: 4K
You angrily placed your bag on your table when you arrived home. You were beyond pissed. You were finally done with some part of the exams for now but god did your professor test your patience today. This was your final exam and you’ve been preparing very good for it but you had to give a presentation with two of your teachers and your professor tried everything he could think off to dismantle your arguments and it worked. He got right underneath your skin, pissing you off to no end. There was no winning here for you. You did well though, very well even but you and that professor always buttheads together. So you came home, pissed out of your mind and couldn’t wait to smoke a joint and drink some wine or well, anything will do if it has alcohol in it. You quickly put your oversized hoodie on before going outside.
You let out a deep, frustrated sigh, got your joint and sat down on your porch as you put some music on. You lit the candles that were on the table of the porch. It started to get dark outside and you were more than ready to forget about this day as if it never even happened.
You inhaled the smoke and let it rest in your lungs. You started to feel the tension loosen up a bit until you heard the door open from your neighbour, the one and only Pedro Pascal. The daddy of the internet, the famous actor and your neighbor. You had a crush from the moment he moved in the house next to you. Yeah it wasn’t helping your daddy issues in any way here. You panicked a little because you didn’t want him to know that you smoked weed. He walked up to your porch with a bright smile that already made you forget about your day as you smiled back. You could say by now that you and Pedro were good friends.
“Hey neighbour!” he said with a smirk. You smiled but felt your heartrate pick up. He held up a tray of corona’s and a bottle of tequila. “Want to have a beer with me? Heard you had a bad day.” He told you, awaiting your answer. “Sure why not.” You smiled. “How do you know I have a bad day?” you asked him once you realized what he said. “Your mom texted me, asking if I could check up on you. Besides, it gave me a reason to see you again.” He told you with a teasing smirk which made you feel flustered. Pedro’s charm always worked on you and made your crush grow stronger.
He sat next to you. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell her that you smoke weed.” He told you casually and your face fell from being caught but you also felt the tension leave your body “As long as you share this one with me.” he told you with the same smirk and held up his own joint. You chuckled slightly and relaxed back into your chair. “Deal.” You giggled as Pedro handed you a shot of tequila and clinked it together “Salud” Pedro said, making you repeat him. You took the shot and groaned slightly when you finished it. Pedro opened the corona bottle and handed it to you and lit the joint after.
“So… Want to talk about it?” he asked you a bit more serious now as he handed you the joint. You took a big hit and held it in your lungs for a bit. “It was my teacher. He tried to fuck me over in every way he could find.” You told him and Pedro frowned, not liking what he heard. You told him about your day and let out a deep sigh when you were done. “He sounds like a first class dick.” Pedro told you, making you nod and stare in front of you while taking another hit before passing it to Pedro.
You were finally high and relaxed, not really wanting to talk about your day anymore. You started to get more comfortable in the chair. You looked at Pedro who already looked at you with his big brown eyes. You couldn’t look away as a rush of excitement went into your tummy. You see, you weren’t used to this weed and some have a… well an effect on you. You were horny let’s just keep it on that and the hot man sitting next to you, who you had a big crush on wasn’t helping this case at all. But you weren’t even sure if he ever thought of you in that way because of the age gap.
You looked in front of you again, feeling the heat creeping up. Some curls fell in front of your face, placing them back behind your ears only for them to jump back in place so you just blew them out of your face, not noticing how mesmerized Pedro looked at you right now. You heard the familiar tune of The Weeknd with Lost in the fire and got did the air around you two tighter.
Pedro got the shot glasses and poured another shot of tequila in it, giving it to you, looking directly into your eyes. You saw something in his eyes that you haven’t seen before, it was a lustful look yet adoringly. For some reason you started to feel very confident and gave him your best flirt look. A soft smirk with siren eyes as you leaned towards him a bit. “Salud.” You told him seductively. Pedro swallowed and looked away from you, shifting in his seat a bit, making you grin. “Salud.” He cleared his voice before he spoke and looked at you again as you took the shot. His eyes scanning every feature on your face, the way your curls were bouncing a bit while his heartrate started to pick up and his pants got a bit too tight for his liking.
You heard the familiar tune of the neighbourhood with daddy issues and all of your confidence flew out of the window while you felt your whole face heat up and a bit of embarrassment flowing through your body. You felt too embarrassed to put on a different song at this point. You tried to take a sneaky look at Pedro but was met with his brown eyes. He had a smirk, feeling that your confidence passed on to Pedro. His eyes were darker and filled with lust. You quickly looked away. You were wondering if this was the effect of the weed or if he was always just like that.
Flashes of that TikTok edit came to your mind with all of the sinful thoughts you had right now. You couldn’t shake the images out of your head. You would never tell him that you watched endlessly TikTok edits of your hot older neighbor that was at least 24 years older than you. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours sweetheart?” he asked you. You realized that you were deep, very deep in thought.
You played with the label that was placed on the corona bottle. You shook your head slightly. “Nothing important.” Pedro took a sip of his bottle, keeping eye contact with you and you felt the heat moving somewhere else as you squirmed just a bit in your chair. The silent that Pedro put in the conversation was unbearable as the air thickened around the two of you. “That’s good weed.” You commented with a slight chuckle. Pedro chuckled  “Yeah definitely” he looked at you and you couldn’t get enough of his eyes as you felt butterflies. “Oh I love this song! Dance with me!” Pedro’s excitement made you chuckle as he was already standing and held his hand out for you.
You giggled and took his large hand in yours and stood up. Pedro’s smile was contagious while his arm was around your waist and the other holding your hand. You felt like you were going to black out at this point. Your heart beating against your chest and it felt like your skin was on fire where he touched you. You grew very shy and couldn’t even look at him focusing on your shoes. “Hey, look at me, I’m right here.” He told you and placed a finger underneath your chin, looking up at him. His kind brown eyes connected with yours and you felt yourself go into a trance, all mushy. He smiled adoringly at you. “There you are.” He told you softly with a smile. “use your hips more baby.” he commented “I know you got it in you.” he told you with a slight wink.
You were officially a puddle in his hands right now. Did he know about your crush? Does he like you? He must if he says these things. And the pet name? Are you kidding me?!! You were completely lost in your head but yet still very much in the moment.
You knew how to use your hips but you didn’t feel that confident yet. “I’m afraid I need more tequila for that.” You giggled slightly, embarrassed while you looked at his chest, not able to make eye contact. Pedro let go off you with one hand, the other still tightly around your waist while he grabbed the bottle. He took a sip straight from the bottle while looking at you with a grin and passed it to you after he was done. You took some good gulps, hoping that it would work soon. Pedro probably mistaken your nervousness for uncomfortable and he let go immediately off you, never wanting to make you uncomfortable. You frowned a bit and looked at him confused. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I thought…” He told you and shook his head not wanting to finish his sentence and was ready to take his stuff and leave but you stopped him by grabbing his arm and letting your other hand rest on his chest.
Pedro looked at your hand that was on his chest and back to you. “I didn’t feel uncomfortable… I felt nervous…..” you told him shyly. It was silent and you looked up at him, a bit of fear visible in your eyes and Pedro’s eyes soften at you, turning his body completely towards you. His fingers softly going over your cheek before placing a curl behind your ear (or tried at least). “Nervous for what?” Pedro almost whispered as the air started to tighten around you again while his hand covered yours on his chest, taking your hand in his. You tried to look down but his finger was underneath your chin again, pulling you up. “I…. I ehhh think you now why.” Pedro’s eyes held more lust again. “I want you to tell me.” his voice still holding that gentleness.
You looked up, goosebumps covering your body. You made eye contact with Pedro and felt a rush of confidence going over you and you quickly placed your lips again his. Pedro knew it was going to happen but was still a bit shocked. You sighed in the kiss and held his shirt in your fist. Pedro sighed in the kiss as well. His arms around your waist, pulling you against his body while his other hand found your cheek, cupping it while he deepened the kiss. His hand that was resting on your hip dug into your skin causing you to moan in the kiss.
Pedro walked backwards, his hand searching for the doorknob without breaking the kiss as you both stumbled inside your home. The kiss turned into a lot of lust while your hands went over his body as well. His hand found your ass and he tightly grabbed it and you jumped into his arms as a reaction. “Bedroom?” he broke from the kiss, his lips plump just like yours from the heated kiss. You pointed to the door while you started to attack his neck and your hands going through his soft hair.
He opened the door, letting out a shaky breath as you sucked a spot in his neck. He carefully laid you down on the bed, hanging above you. You were both out of breath while you held intense eye contact. You wanted to grab his face so you could kiss him again, it was addictive but Pedro pulled back, making you frown. “Are you sure?” he asked you, looking intently into your eyes. “Yes” was all you could say as you lips crashed against yours again.
Your hands were in his hair and your body started to move on its own, pushing your hips up so you could grind against him. You were completely intoxicated by the man above you. He attached his mouth to your neck while his hand went over the curves from your body. God this man did things to you that he had no idea of. Finally Pedro let his body go closer to you and you grinded against his still growing bulge in his pants. You whimpered slightly, you were so needy for this man and he knew it.
His hands going slowly over your clit over your pants, making you whimper. “Daddy please.” You murmured, whines evident in your voice as you begged him. He stopped sucking the sweet spot in your neck and you felt shame and panic growing in your stomach. “what did you call me Chiquita?” his eyes looked amused by your sentence. Shame and panic left your body but shyness got in their space. “Come on, repeat it baby. What did you call me?” he had a smirk on his face as you whispered out “Daddy.” Pedro’s eyes went darker again while he leaned towards your ear, his breath on your cheek. “That’s right. I’m your daddy.” You turned your head a bit so you could kiss him again.
His hand going where you needed him the most but still over your pants. “Please daddy please!” you pleaded. Pedro had a smug smile on his face, fully enjoying this. His hands roamed over your body again before his hand finally disappeared into your jeans. Your hips grinding against his hands. Pedro felt how wet you were and groaned into your ears and he could feel the reaction his moans had on you while you clenched on his finger. He smiled and softly bit your ear lobe while you whimpered. His hand coming from your jeans and showed you how wet you were. You felt the heat creeping up your cheeks. “Is this all for me Chiquita?” He whispered in your ear. Your brain was so mushy that all you could do was nod.
He smiled and kissed you passionately before Pedro took your jeans off gently. His lips on your leg slowly going up while his hand caressed your leg. When his mouth got attached to your thigh, he made eye contact with you, his hot breath against your thigh while he torturously slow went up to your core which was covered by your panty. His thumb over your panty, circling your clit. You moaned out and arched your back. You wanted him, needed him. “Tell me what you want baby girl.” He whispered his voice still laced with comfort and softness. You whimpered out almost beggingly “I want you, papi.” The moment called him: “papi” his grin grew like you’ve never seen before and he took off your panty.
He placed a delicate kiss on your clit while looking at you with mischief. You let your head fall on your pillow, moaning out. You were sure that you were dripping at this point. You felt his tongue over your whole pussy, giving it a good lick before sucking on your clit. Your hand went through his hair, holding it carefully while he held your other hand, letting it rest on your stomach while he intertwined his fingers with yours. He looked up at you with his big brown cow eyes while he ate you out was enough to make you cum.
Pedro noticed that you were close and slowly put his finger in your entrance and curled it, playing with your g-spot. You gasped out and squeezed his hand tightly, your other hand clutching on his hair, making it messy. “Daddy, I’m close, please don’t stop.” You begged him. Pedro let go of your hand and held your hips a bit up in a tight lock, making it unable for you to move while his eyes watched your expressions close and intensely. Before you knew it a rush of ecstasy washed over you as Pedro kept going, almost overstimulating you.
His grip loosened and Pedro hang above you again with an adoring look as you tried to catch your breath, looking mesmerized at Pedro, his hair all messy from your hand in it. You pulled him for a kiss. His hands roaming over your body again. You pushed Pedro softly on his back and sat on his lap, kissing him again. Pedro gently cupping your cheeks. Some of your curls fell onto his forehead and he pulled it back. You started to grind on his dick through his pants. Your orgasm left a wet spot on his pants while you kept grinding. Pedro held your hips tightly and let his head fall on your pillow, letting out a groan. “There you go mamacita. Keep doing that.” You felt your stomach flutter from the nickname. “I had some other things in mind.” You told him and got off from his lap.
Pedro looked at you while you undid his pants. “Let me take care of you now daddy.” You told him, knowing it got to him. He groaned when you pulled his cock out and didn’t waist a second before going down, slobbering all over. God this man was build differently and it made your mouth water and your pussy clench by the idea of him in you. It definitely was a sloppy blowjob and from the sounds Pedro made, he enjoyed it very much so. He cursed underneath his breath with gasps. His hand found your hair and held your curls in his hand, holding it away from your face. You made eye contact with Pedro and he let out a moan and let his head fall on the pillow from the amount of pleasure that you were giving him.
“Fuck…., Baby if you keep doing that I’m going to cum.” He told you and got you off from him, carefully laying you on your back again and Pedro above you. He kissed you passionately like he had never done before, taking your breath away as you both moaned in the kiss. “I need you Papi, please, please.” Your eyes begged him and Pedro had to control himself so he wouldn’t cum by just your begging already. “God you are something else baby girl.” You crashed your lips against his again.
You took his sweater off and he took your oversized hoodie off as well, softly undoing your bra and the moment you were completely naked in front of him, he looked mesmerized at you with a smile before laying above you again and pulling you back in a passionate kiss. Your hand slowly going over his chest, belly and towards his cock. You held his cock in your hands and Pedro gasped slightly when you guided it to your entrance. Pedro stopped kissing you while you guided him into your entrance. His thumb softly rubbing your cheek for comfort. You put the tip in and you were dripping on the sheets when you pushed him in slowly before Pedro took over.
You whimpered, your eyes tightly shut from the pain and pleasure. He was stretching you out but he did it slowly while he groaned out as well. When he was fully in he waited so you could get used to his size. “Look at me mama.” He told you and you opened your eyes carefully. You saw Pedro looking at you with all the love radiating from his eyes. “You’re going to be okay. If it hurts, you tell me okay?” you nodded and Pedro kissed your forehead, making you feel all fuzzy and clingy. “Please daddy, I want to feel you. I want you close.” You begged and Pedro slowly started to move while he kept looking at you to see if you were okay.
His cock was coated by your juices, making him moan out. You put your arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer to your body. You craved the skin to skin contact. He sat up with you still hanging on him as a koala. He sat up straight, his cock deep buried inside of you. “Ride me baby, show daddy what you can do.” He told you, your arms still wrapped around his shoulders while you started to grind on his dick. His hands on your hips, pushing you deeper on his cock. You started to grind faster, feeling the euphoric feeling coming closer. “Papi…” you whispered out, followed by moans as you clenched on his dick. Pedro placed his arms tightly around you, pushing your chest against his in a hug. You started to shake on his cock, Pedro moaning out as a reaction while you clenched on his cock. “There you go princesa” Pedro grumbled out.
He laid down on his back, you still on top of him. You kept riding him while he took in every part of your body. “My god, your angelic.” He told you and pulled you down as he cupped your cheeks and kissed you deeply before putting his arms around you again and started to pound you out. You gasped at the sudden speed and the way it hit your g-spot perfect. Pedro cursed underneath his breath when he felt your juices flowing out of you. You were squirting before you could even realize that it happened. Pedro moaned and tried to catch his breath, feeling you shake above him.
You collapsed on his chest and kissed him while you were still out of breath. His hair sticking to his forehead from sweat and you brushed them gently out of the way while
Pedro’s eyes followed you, completely intoxicated by you. His hands caressing your waist and curves. Pedro moved his hand to the back of your neck and pushed you down so he could kiss you. You heard Pedro moan in this kiss which caused you to clench around his dick again. Pedro grumbled and pushed you softly over so he could fuck you on your back.
His eyes were a bit darker, connected with yours as he pushed his cock back into you, causing you to gasp. Pedro held your legs as he pounded into you. Pedro was close to while you chased your own orgasm again. “Come in me, please come in me, daddy” Pedro grumbled out and laid on top of you, holding you close. The way he moaned in your ear, pounded you out and held you so gentle at the same time made you cum in no time again. “That’s it baby, come on papi’s dick. Clench on my cock Chiquita” You felt his own cum shooting deep inside of you. Pedro cursed in between grumbles, getting down from his own high. His head buried between your neck and shoulder until he calmed down and let it rest on your shoulder while you went with your hands through his hair, trying to catch your own breath.
Pedro rolled on his back, pulling you with him so he could hug you. You went with your fingertips over his chest, Pedro kissing your head and massaging your scalp. “So I was right? You really do have a crush on me.” Pedro said chuckling as you pushed him away as a joke and rolled your eyes but your smile said enough. Pedro pulled you back into his chest while laughing. “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry. If it helps, I have a crush too….” Pedro whispered the last part in your ear, making you look at him. You both just watched each other for moment until you both chuckled. “Can you please stay tonight? I don’t want to be alone right now.” you told him and Pedro smiled lovingly at you. “I’ll stay as long as you want and need me to, princesa” you smiled from all the butterflies in your stomach.
Pedro held you tighter and you let him, craving his comfort. “Let’s stay here for a bit longer.” He told you, making you look up and kiss him gently. After a gentle and loving make-out session, both clinging to each other as you closed your eyes, happy that the shitty day didn’t end shitty
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dejwrld · 6 months
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summary — the story of how international rockstar & the international pop star met at gojo satoru's party
warning readers discretion is advised ⸻accumulated word count of 4.9k, female reader, rockstar!choso, popstar!reader, famous jjk au, told in third pov (choso pov), mentions of gojo being an actor, alcohol consumption, profanity, mentions of yuji, kechizu, & eso, kechizu and eso are described as humans, mentions of choso winning a grammy, mentions of grandpa itadori owning a onigiri shop, setting: tokyo, japan, thigh fucking, do not do the do in your grandpa’s onigiri shop, minors do not interact!
sticky note from deja — somebody asked how choso and reader would have met. so i am here to write that! i accidentally deleted the ask lmfao. so here is something quick, that turned into something long. this fic is a standalone from my previous choso fic, it takes place before that fic though | divider credit @/v6que
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Choso wasn’t the biggest fan of parties when he had just gotten off tour three days ago and wanted to spend his one-month hiatus disconnecting from practically everything and everyone. He knew as soon as the month ended, it would be crunch time to prepare for his next album—plus being a judge on this music competition show. He wanted to prepare himself mentally and spend time with his brothers. But here he was wall hugging with a drink at one of Gojo Satoru’s parties. The insane thing about this party is that it was at Satoru’s place; he oddly trusted every celebrity that littered his place to be comfortable with it. Choso’s anxiety would go through the roof at the thought of someone possibly spilling wine on his couch, but this was Gojo Satoru. If he needed an interior designer to redecorate his place in four days—he’d do it. 
“You’ll never guess who just messaged me saying they’re coming through because they’re in Japan for two weeks.” Satoru’s voice shrieked over the music. He waved his phone in Choso’s face so aggressively that Choso couldn’t see what he was showing him. 
“The Y/N L/N.” He said. “The three-time Grammy award-winning one!”
“I’m a Grammy winner.” Choso joked, sipping from his cup, and Satoru’s crystal blue eyes stared at the raven-haired male as if he’d grown an extra arm. 
“But you aren’t a three-time Grammy award winner, and I know you, Choso. We all know each other.” He corrects as he eyes his best friend, Geto Suguru, playing pool with movie director Nanami Kento. “So, if you see her. Don’t be weird. You tend to be weird around beautiful women.” 
Choso’s lips parted to argue, but Gojo just shook his head, not wanting to hear whatever excuse would come out of the rockstar’s mouth before eventually going to tend to his other guests. Choso took that mental note to avoid the woman altogether. He had heard about her. If you didn’t, you had to live under the ground because everyone knew her. Even here in Japan, she had a solid fanbase. She was Pop’s current it girl, and Choso highly doubted she was going anywhere at the time, especially considering that her latest single was Number 1. 
As Choso stepped outside on the balcony of Satoru’s luxury penthouse, the sound of the music blasting was left behind as he glanced out at the skyline of downtown Tokyo. His mind attempted to find peace until a voice interrupted his thoughts. 
“Crap, someone found my hiding place.”  
When Choso glanced over, he saw her. The one that Gojo was raving about her arrival. He straightened himself up, immediately remembering Satoru’s words. He was in front of a rising music legend at the moment. The talk of Japan since the news dropped that she was coming here. 
“You do know the party host is currently anticipating your arrival?” He closed the gap between them as she stepped closer so she could hear him a bit better.
“I mean, yeah. But I just wanted to enjoy the alone time before I’m bombarded with the sea of taking selfies with so many people,” She responds with a chuckle. “I stole this bottle of champagne from his bar, though. I hope he doesn't mind.” She sips from the bottle before placing it down.
“You’re hiding from the party, huh? Didn’t think a rockstar wouldn’t be the life of a party right before him.” 
Choso’s cheeks heated at her words. One.) Her eyes scanned him as if she was checking him out. Two.) He realized that she may have known who he was. 
“I get one month off after a worldwide tour. I kinda didn’t want to use this night partying with people who only hit me up when they want me on the guest lists of their party,” He responds. 
“So, what would you do?” The popstar asks. 
“Probably hang out with my brothers. It’s been months since I saw them in person.” Choso comments with a sigh. “We have so much catching up to do,” 
“Then let’s go,” She responds as she turns around to grab her miniature purse that Choso was sure could only fit about three things at most. 
“Huh?” He questions. “Did you not hear me say that the party's host is waiting for you,” He repeats.
“I did, and I want to go with you to hang with your brothers,” She sighs. “I’ve been going to parties since I arrived here in Japan. Missing one won’t hurt,” She pushes the oversized shades on her face with a smile, and Choso felt his cock & heart flutter. “I haven’t been able to enjoy Japan, so why not enjoy it with a rockstar instead.” 
Choso chuckles before he nods in agreement. “Well, how do you feel about motorcycles?” He asks. He rocks back and forth on his heels before giving the woman a grin as she is thinking.
“My manager would oppose me getting on one, but my manager isn’t here.” She points out. “So, what the hell.” She throws her hands up. “But we also have another problem.” She peeks over the balcony, and despite being many floors up from the ground, she can still see the flashing of paparazzi cameras. 
“Oh, I came in through the backway. I’ve been to Satoru’s penthouse parties many times and learned the many exits and entrances. Don’t worry; your fans won’t get any photos of you leaving a party with some sleazy rock slash alternative musician.” He grins at her and decides to enter the place, fully not expecting her to follow behind him. 
Choso can only imagine the photos if they were caught together. They probably would think he was corrupting her, or she was in her bad girl phase. Either way, he didn’t mind. But he hated people in his business, and being seen with her meant people would be in his business. It’s a reason why he’s paying off restitution to a paparazzi guy. The guy was in his business, and Choso may have broken his camera. 
“Wait up! I’m coming!” Her voice screams over the music as she catches up to Choso to grab upon the black leather jacket he wore. 
Just like that, the international rock and pop stars quickly left Gojo Satoru’s party. Choso had taken the elevator to the second floor, Y/N not far behind him as she was more aware of her surroundings than he was. Then, they used the emergency fire exit to exit the building. There, Choso’s BMW R18 motorcycle was where he left it. He picked up the spare helmet and gave it to Y/N.
“Just hold on to me. I promise I won’t hurt the world’s favorite pop princess.” He pulled the helmet over his face as she giggled at his comment.
“I hope not because my fans would want your head on a pike.” She smirked as she got on the motorcycle right after him. Instantly, Y/N’s arms are snaking around his waist. 
“Well, good thing I also have insane fans.” Choso backfires before turning on the motorcycle, the engine roaring out Y/N’s snarky comment in response. 
Choso knew that his brothers probably were at Yuji’s grandfather's onigiri shop because on Fridays, it’s busier than usual, and the old man was too stubborn to hire anybody else when he had (and Choso quote) ‘strong grandsons to help an old man out.’ Choso did not pay for the ten-year-old shop renovations for him having to come back from tour to throw on an apron and go home smelling like seawood and rice. But it was pretty late; the shop was probably closed, and his siblings were circled around a table eating what hadn’t been sold. Yuji would blabber on about his senior year and exams. Because of his dance classes, Eso would most definitely have his leg prompted up on a chair with bags of ice on it. In contrast, Kechizu head would be into his Steam deck console to even care about Yuji swiping fish cakes off his plate. He knew his brothers like he knew the lyrics he wrote; they were imprinted in his brain because they were all he had if fame, money, and luxury were taken away.  
When he parked the motorcycle, he helped Y/N off it and removed the helmet. “I hope you like Onigiri.” He says. 
“Well, I only tried it once from a convenience store.” Her fingers combed through her braids that traveled down her back before smoothing out the black jumpsuit she wore. 
“I promise these are better.” He held the door open for her, and as he had expected, the place was closing. Chairs were placed on most tables except for the one his brothers occupied. 
All of them had different dads; it was a frequent talking point in Choso's interviews with magazines, radio stations, and so on. Yes, the world knew their mother, who wasn’t the best mom—slept around. It wasn’t a secret; maybe it did help some bloggers throw jabs at him. However, Choso wasn’t ashamed of where he came from and how he was raised. Regardless if all his brothers looked differently, they were still his brothers. So what if Yuji resembled his father with his pastel pink-shaded hair and bright eyes? Or Eso, who was the tallest despite being the middle child and he had a passion for ballet dancing. Then Kechizu, who people assume was the youngest, was as quiet as can be—very observant but knew every fuckin’ fact about some retro video game. They all acted so differently—looked so differently, but they were still so close as if they were raised in the same household. 
“Holy shit!” Yuji exclaimed as his eyes beamed at the door when he saw Choso and Y/N walk in. “Holy shit!” He repeated. 
“Language,” Choso exclaimed as he stepped forward to ruffle Kechizu’s green-colored hair. The second youngest child swatted his brother’s hand as he tried to continue to play Fortnite. “Do we have room to add another to the table?” 
“Of course, the Y/N L/N is in my presence. Todo is going to freak out when I tell him.” Yuji squeals as he moves his chair over for Choso to add a chair in between him and Yuji for the pop star. 
Y/N gives them a smile that Choso has seen her give to many people—interviewers, musicians, her fans. She took the seat in between Yuji and himself, and Choso couldn’t help but to slap the back of his younger brother's head as the pastel pink-haired teenager leaned back to take a peek at Y/N’s while she sat down.
“So are you two like-”
“It’s none of your business,” Choso interjected as he glared at Yuji because he just had to be the curious cat within the brothers.
The group continued to eat, with small conversations about things from the tour to Y/N’s music. Even though she had just met his brothers, she fit in perfectly with them. Granted, he didn’t like that she did about five math problems for Itadaori. The way she made the room feel much brighter made Choso’s cheeks heat as he observed the room. Now she was talking about dance with Eso, completely lost in the topic as they gushed about the first dance classes they took. 
“I was eight when I took my first dance class. It was ballet; I practically had two left feet.” She chuckles after taking a bite of the onigiri. “You have wonderful legs, Eso, so I know you’re a killer dancer.” She compliments him. 
Her glossed lips formed a straight line as she thought about something, “You know, I have a show at this festival before I go home. If you don’t have any plans, I’m down a dancer for my team. I know it’s short notice, but some pretty important people will be in the crowd…” Her voice trails off as a smile appears on Eso’s face. “Only if you’re down. Don’t feel pressured because it’s me.”
“I would be honored. Send me where you guys rehearse, and I’ll be there.” Eso smiles at her as they exchange phone numbers and socials.
“Well, since you’re giving out opportunities. Can you set me up to meet a couple of people?” Yuji opened the notes app on his phone with his list. “Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Holland, maybe Megan thee Stallion too.”
“You have a rockstar older brother. Why can’t you ask him?” Y/N questioned as her eyes playfully glared at Yuji. 
“He said, and I quote…I refuse for you to embarrass me.” Yuji mocked Choso’s tone and was met with a chopstick thrown at him. 
Just as Choso was about to interject, Wasuke Itadori came from behind, questioning who would close up. Silence overcame the group, and Yuji even slumped lower in his seat to prevent himself from being chosen. He had closed the shop for three days straight because his brothers were ever so busy with their lives. 
“Choso, since you have a guest…you guys will close up.” Wasuke tugged on his jacket just as Yuji and the others collected their things to leave. “Before you lie and say you have some band thing, I know you’re off tour and on vacation.” 
“Shit,” Choso uttered as he stood to collect the shop’s keys from the older guy. “We’ll clean up and lock up the shop. Don’t need to worry.” 
“Good, and don’t keep your lady friend out so late. That’s not very gentlemanly. But what can I say? Chivalry is dead when it comes to your bunch.” He gives Y/N a wink as he leads the others out of the shop, leaving the two musicians all alone.
“You have a unique family.” Y/N stands.
“You don’t have to stay to help me close up? Like he said, I don’t want to keep you out so late.” Choso tears his leather jacket off and tosses it on one of the chairs. 
He sported a black t-shirt that reasonably fitted him. His biceps bulged just a bit with each flex of him picking up dishes to clean them in the kitchen. Even Y/N couldn’t help but stare as he moved around the eating area. 
“I don’t mind helping, plus you’re kinda my ride back to where I’m staying.” She collected the other dishes and followed Choso into the kitchen.
“Well, let’s hurry because I don’t want to have you out too late. You probably have something to do in the morning.”
“Just rehearsal that starts at noon.” 
“I remember those days. Gosh, so glad the tour is over with.” He emptied the plates and put the dishes in the sink. 
“How was the tour for you? From the looks of social media, it seemed like it wasn’t a dull moment,” She points out as she rolls her sleeves up. She took the place next to Choso with a cloth to dry the dishes that Choso was washing.
“Fun. Sometimes, I love being on the road, but I like being around my family more. I get homesick like shit when I’m touring. But when I go out and perform—do what I love to do, and it reminds me why I do it.” Choso explains while passing a dish to Y/N to dry. “It feels like just yesterday I was singing in bars in Roppongi district.”
When he turned his head, he was met with her gaze. His whole body betrayed him because he immediately felt the heat in his cheeks. When Choso blushed, it was as noticeable as can be. His cheeks turned an embarrassing shade of red that took minutes to go away. 
“I’m sure your brothers are very proud of you.” She smiles and places another plate to the side. 
“What about you? It’s your first time performing here?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I’m nervous. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.” 
He hummed at her words before the two returned to washing the dishes. Their arms briefly bump into each other, and they find themselves uttering apologies for something so subtle. 
“So, I’m curious to ask. Since other than the news of you performing at this music festival this week. Are you still dating that guy? That actor…” His voice trails off, wondering if that was an intrusive question. 
“Why’d you ask? For yourself or your little actor friend Satoru?” Her elbow nudges against his side after she puts another dried plate to the side.
Choso was quiet for a second. When he talked to Gojo earlier, the actor didn’t seem interested in the popstar—but it was Gojo. He had his way of trying to get with someone that left many (including Gojo) confused. Choso wouldn’t deny that Y/N was attractive, but he knew she had heard it from many guys. Perhaps she didn’t want someone to view her in a lens that she’s used to the whole world viewing her as. The sultry, sexy popstar whose Playboy photoshoot went viral on every social media platform down to fuckin’ Reddit. 
“Who knows with Satoru? His publicist ensures his love life is on lock. But for me, I don’t know either.” He foolishly admits. He grabbed a hand towel, dried his hands with it, and turned to face the hideous cat clock that was ticking with each second.
“You don’t know?” She asked; she stepped in front of him, blocking his view of the clock—but of course, Choso didn’t mind. 
Choso sighs and tosses the cloth to the side, “If I admit it, I’ll feel like I’m viewing you in the same lens that every other guy views you as. The sexy pop star who caused a guy to faint when he met you,” Choso chuckles. “Just forget I asked..” 
“Hm, you view me as something other than a sexy pop star.” She stepped forward, and Choso could get a whiff of warm vanilla-scented perfume. Her eyes glanced up at him through her lashes, and again, she saw the faint red color stain Choso’s cheeks.
“From this conversation and you ditching a party despite being the main reason everyone came, I can tell that you want to be viewed through a lens other than the sexy popstar,” Choso admits. “And I think that’s why you decided to come with me. You knew I would be able to view you in said lens without trying.” 
He couldn’t read her expression, but he could tell just by her taking a step forward, suffocating his personal space, that he was correct. He bites at his lower lip before speaking again, stepping forward also. “If I’m right, selfishly enough—I’ll make you mine right now.”  
“Quite bold of you to say Mr. Rockstar because if I remember correctly, in your GQ interview, you don’t do relationships because you hate people being in your business. The world’s most popular rockstar slash alternative musician and the pop’s current it girl being together…everyone will be in our business.” 
“Fair point, but I guess that’s a risk I’ll take and many NDAs to give out.” 
Choso was always a man to make the first move, but here, the popstar was leaping forward to kiss him. Gosh, he let her. If he could, he’ll let her use him as she pleases. His hand guided her to the top of the counter as he kissed her deeply. Her fingers combed through his dark locks of hair, tugging gently for a response just to slip her tongue into his mouth. She tasted so good. It's like the best bottle of champagne that someone can offer. A moan vibrates from the back of Choso’s throat as the two make out. Tongues taste each other like the last meal you two can have. 
When they broke apart, Choso cupped Y/N’s face. His thumb drags alongside the soft flesh of her cheeks. “I don’t think we should take this any further in his fuckin’ onigiri shop—but fuck.” He sighs. “I don’t think I can make it to my place.” His eyes averted behind Y/N at the employee bathroom. 
It was hardly used, considering that Wasuke practically ran the shop himself. Usually, it is only used when one of the brothers stops by. 
“You can’t be that horny not to wait.” Y/N laughs before she feels Choso collect her hand and press it against his crotch. Her eyes enlarged at what she was feeling.
“Look what you’ve done to me; I can’t wait.” His head fell upon her shoulders, and his words were a stubborn whine. 
Y/N pushes him back from in between the space of her thighs, and she hops off the counter and walking towards the bathroom. Like a dog receiving a treat, Choso follows behind Y/N in the bathroom. When the two were in the enclosed space, he turned her around so that she was facing the sink. His hands unzipped the front of her jumpsuit while his lips ghosted over her brown skin. He was nipping at spots on her neck like a hormonal college student. 
“If I knew that I was going to be receiving dick from the Choso Kamo, I would have worn something much easier to work around.” She helps him pull the upper part of the jumpsuit down. 
Her breast broke out the tight spandex material as soon as it came down, and Choso felt him grow even harder—aching, entirely for her. His hands snaked around the front of her waist to feel inside her nude, seamless panties. 
If Choso concentrated hard enough, he could feel his precum stain his bottoms at the feel of how wet she was. His index and middle fingers that strummed countless guitars and rubbed slow circles on her clit. With the mirror that was above the sink, he was able to see her come undone. It was similar to pulling at a loose piece of thread on a piece of clothing and watching it unravel with each pull. Y/N melted in front of him. Her plump lips gasped apart to let out a sweet tune: her moans. With each motion of his million-dollar fingers, she moans louder—this time gasping out his name like a lyric in one of the love songs she’s written. 
Before Choso wanted to quicken his teasing, he unbuckled his belt quickly. The sound was like music to Y/N’s ears because she attempted to step out of her jumpsuit, but Choso stopped her with a brief slap on her ass. It took her by shock, but she felt herself grow wet at the feeling of the sting going away. 
“Who said you were getting my dick tonight?” He asks as he pushes the jumpsuit down. 
“I’m the world’s biggest pop star now, I think I deserve it.” Y/N points out as Choso nips at the tip of her ear. 
“And I’m the world’s biggest rockstar, with the current #1 album on the charts. So I think I outrank you at the moment.” He smirks as he’s pulling his boxers down just a bit for his cock to spring out beautifully. 
“My tour grossed the highest,” She proudly bragged.
“In your dreams, pop star.” Choso's fingers hook the band of her panties, sliding them down—his hand palms at the fatness of her ass. 
Choso could give her what she wanted. Stuff her full with his cock, but she’s been given what she wanted ever since she established herself as this star. 
“So, you’re just going to edge the world's most popular pop star on like this?” She questions; a teasing tone drops from her tongue, and her eyes stare at him through the mirror.
“Something like that,” Choso brought his hand up to his mouth, gawking up a fair amount of spit to coat his cock in, and his lips curved into a devious smirk seeing Y/N eagerly wiggle herself further on him. His hardened cock poked her, but the musician had other plans. 
Instead of helping slide into Y/N’s cunt, his cock wedged in between her thighs—right above the little bit of space of her panties being pulled down. Which was as lewd as can be simply by if Choso would come, his cum not only splattered upon her thighs but decorated her panties also. With the first rock of his hips, while his cock was between her thighs, the tip of it brushed against Y/N’s folds causing her to moan. The traction causes an incoherent hiss to pass by Choso’s lips as he’s rocking his cock in between her thighs. 
“Fuck.” He uttered, realizing that if just thigh fucking Y/N was causing his brain to feel fuzzy like it did when he smoked weed for the first time—how the hell was he going to feel when he finally got the opportunity to be inside her. His fingers dug into the flesh of her waist as he’s thrusting his cock inward and outward of her thighs. Each movement caused her breasts to jiggle salaciously, and that seemed to add to the list of little things that turned him in while being crammed in this bathroom with her. 
“This isn’t fair,” Y/N shutters over the lewd sound of Choso’s cock thrusting between her thighs.
Even though she would complain about how he was only getting off at this. That her clit was throbbing and aching for attention as Choso’s cock was between her thighs. He didn’t even acknowledge her response but instead used his feet to kick at her own to bring her thighs together just a bit more. Even brought his cock up a little bit more—finally giving the woman what she wanted. His cock was just inches away from rubbing against her folds that were decorated with her slit—occasionally, the tip of his fat cock bribes against them before he guided it back to its rightful place. 
“Fuck,” Choso uttered, bringing her closer, her back now placed upon his broad chest as his hips bulldozed his cock forward. 
He was trying too hard to imagine that this is what her pussy would feel like. That the fiery pit that grew at an increasing rate in his ball sack was a feeling you’ll get immediately when you indulge in her cunt. A couple more pumps of his cock in between her thighs, Choso’s cum squirts out the tip of his cock. To add to the mess he made in between her thighs, he’s pumping his cock some more sloppily. His thick ropes of cum decorated her thighs and her underwear, and Choso finally went limp as his face was red like a tomato, and his cock was a sticky mess. He just thigh fucked the world’s most famous pop star at the moment in the bathroom of his brother’s grandfather's Onigiri shop. 
He reaches behind him at the paper towel dispenser to help clean her up. Silence overcame the two before Choso tossed the dirty paper towels in the trash. His face was heated from the interactions, and that tint of red still decorated his face shamelessly. His hair fell in his face, and some strands stuck to his forehead due to the sweat on it. He pulled his boxers and pants back up, buckling them immediately.
As the two shameless musicians were awkwardly cleaning themselves up, Choso, being the gentlemen, used a wet paper towel to wipe off Y/N’s thighs, and his phone that was shoved in his back pocket rang. He ignored it as he figured it’d be Yuji urging him to grab something he forgot in the shop. Or Gojo asking him where he ran off to. But instead, his manager was spam-calling him each time he didn’t answer the phone.
“You should answer that; it could be an emergency.” Y/N points out while fixing her clothes. She knew that as soon as she stepped foot in the apartment she was renting out, she would take the longest shower. Even so, she adored the scent of Choso imprinting her skin.                                       
“You really can’t transition off a tour without a scandal. What the hell happened to you were going to spend time with your brothers and lay low.” His manager’s voice yells through the phone, causing him to pull the device away from his ear.
“I don’t know what the hell you're talking about.”
“Answer me this, Choso. Are you with Y/N L/N right now?”
Choso’s eyes look at Y/N, who is applying a coat of clear lip gloss. Her body is leaning slightly to be closer to the mirror above the sink.
“Maybe…” Choso’s voice trails off, expecting the worst.
“Well, the world knows you’re with her right now. I sent your bodyguard and a private car to come pick you guys up immediately. They’re probably already surrounding that freakin’ onigiri shop.” 
Choso didn’t let his manager talk his head off any second longer as he ended the call to force a smile on his face that Y/N knew something was wrong. She’s seen the fake smiles from many people that she has lost count. Something happened.
“Well, my little popstar. I think our careers are about to take a turn.” 
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willowpains · 1 year
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pairing: drew starkey x fem. reader!
summary: cast member reader goes out with the obx cast to a bar
warnings: mentions of alcohol, drinking, being tipsy
disclaimer: inspired by don’t stop the music by rihanna, the song always makes me daydream!
it was friday night, and after wrapping up filming for the day in Charleston, mostly everyone in the cast had decided that going out for drinks in town sounded like a solid plan, so after everyone gathered their things they split into cars to drive downtown into a bar JD had heard good things about.
you were in Austin’s car, and while he was driving, drew was sitting in the seat next to him, and left to chat and be the life of the drive where madelyn, madison and yourself in the back of the car.
you guys couldn’t stop laughing, making jokes and singing to the songs on the radio like you were all doing karaoke, and the boys in front of you just keep laughing and singing with you three.
every now and then drew would look back and lock eyes with you, sending you a playful wink or replying to a joke you made. this was something normal in your friendship, so it wasn’t something weird for your friends, even though they saw that the way you two acted was as if you two were more than friends.
but that was not the case, you two had instantly kicked it off, even though you had different personalities, that didn’t seem like a problem for you to become close and have a fun time whenever you were together.
at first, you were intimidated by drew. getting to be the new cast member in a show were everyone else already knew each other was hard, and then, when you realized that the person you needed to have more chemistry for the sake of your character was tall, handsome and with a sarcastic personality, it was safe to say you were scared.
but you quickly realized that everyone was really nice and welcoming, as well as getting to know drew and finding out that he was the sweetest man you had probably encountered. he always made sure you felt comfortable with him in every scene, cause even though his character was pretty violent, he always wanted to make sure you knew that it was all an act, and I mean, you two were great actors, and made a great match in the show.
so your friendship in real life was not something that came as a surprise to anybody, you had most of your scenes with him the first few days, so rehearsing and going through lines together was an everyday thing. and thats how you became an iconic duo, as the fans would call you two.
arriving at the bar, everyone gathered around at a table and ordered drinks, starting to chat and laugh at the jokes and funny stories from set everyone was sharing.
“y/n, we should do tequila shots!” madelyn suddenly gasped grabbing your arm, as she was seated next to you.
“that’s the best thing I’ve heard all night!” you answered looking at her “who’s down for some tequila shots?” you shouted so everyone could hear, and immediately approving noises were heard.
“we’re starting out strong huh?” drew asked, as he was seated next to you, sipping on his bear.
“we’re not wasting any time which is different” you smiled to him as you saw the waiter approach with many shot glasses and a bottle of tequila.
“then I guess we should get to it”
Drew got up and started pouring the alcohol on every glass, handing one to everyone as we all cheered.
“to great friendships and an awesome filming season!” chase shouted as we all cheered and clashed our shots together.
before i could take my shot, drew took my arm and tangled it with his so we could drink our shots together.
“we need to do it this way” he said as he finished crossing both our arms while we stood face to face holding our shot glasses.
“says who?” I asked laughing enjoying the dynamic way too much, as well as liking to have him that close to me.
“everyone knows it, this is the right way to do shots!” he shouted as he raised his hand a little ready to drink.
“let’s do it then”
I smiled before we both downed our shots at the same time.
after a few more rounds of shots, french fries and sloppy drinking from the bottle, people around started dancing and letting loose, which made us want to join the fun.
plus, the alcohol in our system definitely made us more confident than usual.
madelyn and chase were the first ones on the dance floor, while the rest of us stayed drinking and eating at the table, watching them like they were part of a rom com.
after a few songs had passed, drew stood up next to me and offered me his hand.
“let’s dance” he said as he gave me a smile.
he knew I couldn’t say no. not when he looked at me like that.
I quickly took his hand as he guided us to the dance floor, where everyone was singing and jumping up and down, moving to the rhythm of the songs.
i was glad the lights were dim, because the blush on my cheeks was something that I couldn’t hide, not when the alcohol made me react to him like it always happened.
Do you know what you started? I just came here to party, but now we're rockin' on the dance floor, actin' naughty
around us, everyone was dancing, and staying apart was difficult, so we found ourselves dancing very close to each other. not that we would’ve liked it any other way.
“I didn’t know you liked dancing” i shouted a little, getting close to him so he could hear me over the music, which was a lot louder in the dance floor.
he smiled while letting out a laugh.
“I’m not the biggest fan, but I know you do love doing it” he answered leaning down as he took my hand and gave me a little spin making me giggle.
lord did he make me feel some type if way.
“so if I told you I love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean at midnight, would you come with me?” I asked getting closer to him, looking into his eyes.
he smirked while he let out a small laugh, leaning down on my ear.
“I would go anywhere with you, even if you didn’t ask me to”
Your hands around my waist just let the music play, we’re hand in hand, chest to chest, and now we're face to face
his hands held me by the waist, while we swayed slowly side to side, trying not to stay still in between the sea of bodies jumping up and down to the music around us.
my hands went from resting on his chest, to around his neck, letting them hang on his back, making us closer than ever.
i could feel his gaze on my lips, as I couldn’t tear my eyes from his, being fully captivated by the blue color, that seemed darker under the lights in the bar.
“I really wanna kiss you right now” drew said as one of his hands went from my waist to my cheek, brushing some of the hair out of my face.
I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, or the adrenaline of him telling me that, but i was scared that he could hear or feel how fast my heart was beating, almost wanting to get out and answer for myself.
“and what’s stopping you?” it almost felt like a whisper, but his smile gave away that he had listened to me.
so he closed the distance between us.
his lips were soft and hungry at the same time, like he had been waiting to do that for a long time. and i wouldn’t be surprised, because this was something i had found myself daydreaming of a few times.
one of his hands still held me by the waist, as the other one was between my cheek and my neck, keeping our faces together, and i didn’t want us to pull apart.
how long can someone survive without breathing? I’d be willing to find out.
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode? what goes on between us no one has to know, this is a private show
after breaking the kiss, i rested my head in his chest, attempting to hide my smile while trying to catch my breath.
“oh don’t go shy on me now doll” he said as he slowly lifted my face with one of his hands, softly stroking my cheek.
his eyes softened as his smile took over most of his face, and he laughed a little when he saw my flustered state.
“will it make you feel better if I told you that i had been wanting to do that for a long time?” he said as he looked me in the eyes.
drew just couldn’t let me compose myself.
“now you’re just bluffing” i said as i hit him in the chest in a playful way.
he laughed with me in between his arms, as i placed my hands in his chest, looking up to him with a smile on my face.
“did you really never noticed how down bad i was for you?” he asked as his arms kept holding me close to him.
I smiled as I confidently stood on the tips of my toes and kissed him again, this one being a bit shorter that the other one.
he smiled looking to the side trying to hide his now rising blush.
“I guess i thought something a couple of times, but i didn’t wanted to disappoint myself, it could’ve all been in my head” I said honestly.
drew turned to look at me, and we stayed like that for a bit, staring at each other, being close, and soaking in what had just happened between us.
“well, for the record, this is real” he said motioning to us “and it was never in your head”
drew leaned down and pecked my lips.
“let’s get out of here” he took my hand in between his as we started walking towards the exit.
“what about the rest?” I asked trying to find them in the now crowded bar, while we headed to the door.
“they’ll figure it out” he laughed as we were now on the parking lot.
“and where are we going?” my eyes locked with his, that shined under the moonlight.
drew smiled while he held me between his arms.
“I’m taking you for a swim at midnight, just like you wanted”.
*I loved this one<3
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mrghostrat · 5 months
Not sure if someone asked this but what are your favorite fics? You’re probably my favorite fanfic author at the moment and I need some recommendations!
fuck yes rec time!! it's been a while since i recced my favourites. i'll try to avoid reccing the same classic fandom fics that everyone else does, so hopefully you'll find something new!
but as always, we start with First Class (Hons) by heloluv because i can't believe this fic doesn't have 100k+
The Rose Thief and the Priest by ImprobableDreams900 human au, horticulturalist!crowley wooing priest!aziraphale to try and get a rose cutting from the church garden
because thinking makes it so by NaroMoreau, summerofspock human au, "straight" and divorced aziraphale is a new employee in crowley's office where crowley is an IT guy. they start as friends with benefits
Soho by Lurlur human au, aziraphale runs a bookshop and crowley is a rockstar that wanders on in
Never Have I Ever (Been Myself) by FeralTuxedo human au, aziraphale is a famous actor who stars in a music video for crowley and anathema's rock band
The Bizarre Demons of AZ Fell & Co Antique Booksellers by WorseOmens good omens x buzzfeed unsolved crossover that makes me laugh every time
Raspberry Ripple by FeralTuxedo human au, crowley watches aziraphale eat ice cream on a bench every day at lunch, and devises a plan to go sit with him one day. another laugh out loud
First Thing In The Morning by FeralTuxedo human au, aziraphale is a famous author who bumps into childhood friend/crush crowley at a book signing.
(sobs omg im sorry for so much feraltuxedo i can't get enough of their fics)
Celestial Bodies by Justkeeptrekkin canon compliant, getting together, beautiful beautiful prose of nonhuman intimacy
To reveal my heart in ink by chaoticlivi canon compliant, aziraphale starts handwriting crowley letters just because he misses the format. it becomes easier to spill certain feelings on the page and their letters get very saucy n intimate.
Talk about the weather by nightbloomingcereus human au, aziraphale is a weather man meteorologist and crowley is a storm chaser.
If A Man... by Tartan_Temptation human au, crowley has some Alone Time on his balcony in the middle of the night, but someone sees him. so what if i read this every night for a week straight????? don't look at me.
it's probably not worth reccing since it's been removed from ao3 and only accessible after a five round brawl with the waybackmachine in an arby's parking lot, but i have to mention litany in which certain things are crossed out by Ayes/sayesayes changed my brain chemistry and GOD i wish it was still up...........
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Modern AU Buggy X Reader
Buggy x GnReader
Just fluffy Headcanon!
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• Buggy is the leader of a budget theater group that he spends nights writing or getting his people to practice for local shows- during the day however he has his own Boat Charter company and a second business of a delivery company.
• Has Rhinophyma and Roseaca which is why his nose is so large and red. Hates it and has been to so many dermatologist to get it fixed- but due to blood flow and other things will have it for life.
• Has a deep anger towards his half brother Shanks- He feels like their mentor Gol D Roger's who owned a large shipping company when he died it should have been Shanks who owned the shop to keep the legacy alive. Buggy would have been willing to follow Shanks if he did this since he knew he cohldnt- But Shanks ended up just leaving town and Buggy trying to keep it together before it finally went belly up.
• Secretly wanted to be an actor but never got the chops for it due to his nose-
• When you first meet Buggy its at one of the plays, it's a fun improve night. While not many people are there you go with some friends since you found the tickets online.
• You're one of the few people that actually play along with the act and seem to be enjoying themselves. Instead of half drunk college students that got the tickets off groupon-
• He has you come down to the stage and does a whole improve act with you, Being such a good sport you end up helping him get the crowd more engaged.
• Buggy invites you to do shows with him which you agree to. Hum giving you his number in exchange
• Showing up every Thursday to the improv nights and you start becoming friends with his theater group. Noticing how Buggy seemed much happier as you got along with everyone-
• After a few months he works up the courage to ask you out on a date, which you gladly accept.
• At first he tries to take you to the most expensive places but when you express he doesn't have to spend money to show he lives you- He gets more creative and thoughtful.
• Walks through the beach, coffee dates, going to musicals together.
• His favorite are movie nights, He will show off his limited cooking skills aka Hot Dogs and a assortment of junk food while the two of you watch mostly terrible F Tier movies together.
- "Which one did you find?" You call out from the kitchen getting some soda for yourself and Buggy.
"It's called Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter {OP note: This is a real movie- absolutely awful}" Buggy yelled out, laughing at just the name as you jump onto the big couch and hand him his drink as he eats some chips.
"That sounds absolutely awful" You say, looking at the cheap movie cover and reading the back with a snort. Buggy nods, patting himself on the back for finding such garbage.
"It truly is, I've outdone myself" He says proudly before the two of you start the terrible adventure. Having to pause the movie at times for laughing so damn hard-
"This is so bad!" You say as you laugh and roll on the floor- Buggy no better. However he wiped the tears from his eyes as he caught his breath.
"While we can laugh at least he made a movie-" He pointed out with a shrug, you sitting next to him and raising a eyebrow at the oddly kind words from Buggy.
"What do you mean?"
"I always wanted to make a movie- But I doubt anyone would watch them.. they barely watch my shows" He muttered, his insecurities getting to him as he subconsciously touched his nose. You reaching over and grabbing his hand quickly, kissing his lips to snap him from his terrible thoughts.
"What are you talking about?! I think your shows are great and I know you'd do a fantastic job making a movie!" You proclaimed loudly with a smile, your Boyfriend turning and staring hard at you.
He stares at you- like youd said the craziest thing ever. You feeling a creep of worry going up your back at how he was looking at you
"What is your ring size?" He finally ask and gestures to your ring finger making you blush deeply red.
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pia-nor481 · 7 months
Sick Day
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Daniel Ricciardo x reader smut 18+
Season two spoilers for doctor who. This may or may not be based off of how I spent my time while unwell
1.8k words
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“I’m back” Daniel yelled through the house as he closed the door. He was so excited to be back with his girlfriend, he was gone for three weeks now and just really needed to see her. he rushed through the hallway and his excitement dialled down as he noticed the silence. Normally she would have some form of music playing rather loud, wanting to drown out the silence of being alone in their shared home.
The sneezing caught him off guard and so he picked up his pace and saw her sat on the sofa; drowning in blankets with her eyes focused on the television. The volume was no higher than ten so he could only hear the mumbling of the actors voices. “What happened to you? baby, you must be so unwell to be watching tv without me.” He walked closer and saw her drained eyes and slightly reddened nose. “Danny, I’m so happy your back, I missed you so much.” Her voice came out strained and nasally. “Oh look at you, you’re so sick. What happened?” He said reaching out to her as she spoke again. “I didn’t wear a jumper when I went out. But I had a scarf on, I promise.” Daniel shook his head at the statement and walked towards the kitchen, turning the kettle on a reaching for the tea. He then poured an unnecessary amount of honey in the mug and placed it on the table.
Daniel finally pulled his hat off of his head and placed it on hers, knowing she was still feeling the chill. He moved the covers slightly to slip under them, and to touch her, knowing it would comfort her. “No, don’t. I’ll get you sick.” She was so happy he was back in a formula one car, she was so stressed for him upon hearing that he had broken his hand during the free practice at zanvoort, then the engine issues at Austin and now, he needed to keep well to ensure he would have a seat next year. “No you won’t.” He almost whispered out leaning closer to her, pulling her body towards him, resting her head against his chest, wrapping his hands over her waist. “Oh right, you’ve got your vitamins.” He laughed out lightly upon hearing her reply.
“So what are we watching?” He said, diverting his eyes towards the screen. “Doctor who.” She whispered, trying not to hurt her voice further, just as the TARDIS came on screen. A smile creeped a way on to his face, he had no idea what was going on as Cathrin Tate appeared on the screen. “So what’s happening?” She leaned further into him and pulled the blankets higher for extra warmth. “Well, the Doctor is really upset about Rose, who’s in an alternate universe with her mum, Jackie, and her alternate universe dad, who saved her life twice, I think. And some how Donna played by Cathrin Tate, has ended up in the TARDIS while getting married.” She explained like it was super simple and he was already aware. Daniel smiled, knowing this was something she enjoyed and so wanted to hear more. “Babe, Who’s Rose?”
“She was in season one with the Ninth Doctor, then he saved her life and became the Tenth doctor. In season two she employed her boyfriend Ricky or Micky, something like that, to help her and The doctor. So they went to a school when the teachers were evolved bat-vampires who were brainwashing and killing students. They also meet the girl that the Doctor originally traveled with and Rose got pretty jealous. But I would be too, David Tennant is pretty hot.” She laughed out lightly, shifting in Daniel’s lap. “Hey, I’m right here…At least he got dark hair, I’ll take that.” A grin covered her face, ear to ear.
“Anyway, they all then go the alternate universe because something happened with the TARDIS, and lots of people have been disappearing and alternate universe Micky or Ricky and his friends are trying to find out what had been happening . They then find out that the people are being turned into cybermen and then alternate Ricky or Micky dies saving everyone, Alternate Jackie also dies at some point, then Rose’s boyfriend Micky or Ricky stays to replace him and be good or something. So her and the doctor travel back to normal earth.” She said, having to pause every now and then to catch her breath. As much as Daniel felt sorry for her he didn’t want her to stop. “So Micky or Ricky and Rose are still dating, even though they are in a different universes?” He said, passing her the tea to sip on, hoping it would ease her throat.
“I can’t really remember but she kissed him before she left so probably. Anyway, some other stuff happens and they end in a Torchwood building because of some random ghosts appearing all over London. Then the find out it’s actually the cybermen slipping through the void and into their universe. And obviously they are trying to kill everyone because reasons, then a metal circle thing opens revealing the last four daleks, they are robots that started a war against the time lords, including the Doctor. At this point I started to hate Mickey or Ricky, because he touched the metal and released a lot of imprisoned daleks who want to kill everyone as they think they’re superior. So the Daleks and Cybermen try and kill each other.” She paused for a quick cough and another sip of tea. “Here, Love” Daniel said, handing her a throat sweet. “Continue.”
“So the Doctor sends everyone back to the alternate universe as they would be sucked into the void because of the travelling, apart form Jackie obviously, but Rose stayed. They have these massive magnets… Don’t laugh at that, I can’t believe you are laughing at the word massive. To continue, the lever moves so rose let’s go of the magnet to fix it and almost falls into the void but Pete, her alternate universe dad, jumps through the universe and saves her, taking her back with him. Then the void closes and she starts crying hysterically because she can’t ever see the doctor again.” She could feel Daniel nod, he truly loved to hear her talk, he wanted to make her feel listened to. “But she’s dating Micky or Ricky, right?” She shifted slightly before speaking again. “Yes, it’s bad right? But they get led to some beach where a hologram of the Doctor appears and she all crying again. Then she’s says ‘I love you’ and he just stares at her for a second, her family are all there by the way, and the Doctor says ‘Rose Tyler, I’ and the hologram fades.”
Daniel gasps, “Right in front of Ricky-Micky. What a hoe.” She laughs a bit louder than expected. “I know, it’s unbelievable.” Daniel always loved gossip, no matter where it was from. “You are such an nerd baby… Oh don’t make that face, I still love you.” He dropped his head into her neck as she spoke, “I still don’t feel any better.” He let her comment sit in the air for a minute, not sure if his idea was a good one, he needed to debate it before making a decision. “I know what will make you feel better.” She looked up at him, still unable to see his face, “What?”
“An orgasm.” He mumbled against her neck with a smile. “Is that so? She replied, trying to move to face him, but his hands were firm, ensuring she wasn’t moving anywhere by keeping them on her hips. “Yeah, I heard it’s really good.” His hand slipped up her top and began to slide down her abdomen and into her underwear. She let a high sigh, just at the feeling of him touching her skin, he’d been away for far too long. “That’s it, Love, relax for me.” As soon as his fingers made contact with her clit she miss out, loud. Daniel began to run slow and teasing circles into her skin, not wanting to build her up too quick. She could feel his touch all over her body, and it just felt so good to be back in his arms, the smallest touch was euphoric. She hummed when he applied more pressure, and he pulled her flush against his chest again, needing to have full control of her body. She pushed her hip against Daniel’s hand as she began to kiss and suck on her neck. He knew this was a massive turn on for her, and so, it would heighten her pleasure. “Uh, Daniel, please” she moaned out, almost over the edge. “Go on babe, you can cum for me.” He climax was so overwhelming that her whole body was shaking, she shook her head side to side involuntarily, and pushed her hands deep into the cushions of the sofa, it felt so phenomenal that she had no control.
“Good girl.” He whisper in her ear, making her whine and squirm in his lap again. They sat there for a while, enjoying each others company. Daniel moved to kiss her lips softly, kissing always felt more intimate than sex, it was one way of showing her that he truly and deeply loved her. She shifted slightly, laying on her side, so her ear was pressed up against his chest, hearing his heart beating. It was relaxing, peaceful even. Daniel rubbed his hands up and down the side of her torso and down her thigh, making sure she felt loved during haze of her climax. “I love you.” She whispered, knowing that he would want to hear it back. It wasn’t as if he was insecure, he just like to hear how much she loved him, it made him feel appreciated.
“Come on, let me up.” He lightly smacked her thigh to move her. He felt a chill run through his body after leaving the warmth of the blankets, and her body. “Hot lemonade and paracetamol, that’s what you need.” He said, noticing her yawning. So he reached in the cupboard for another mug. “Or do you want some nightnurse? it will make you sleep better babe.” He looked back to the sofa, seeing his girlfriend smile sent a feeling of joy through his body. “Hot lemonade and nightnurse it is.”
Daniel picked her up from the sofa and brought her to the bedroom, she was exhausted, anyone could tell that. Once he got her placed on the soft mattress, he tucked her body tightly with the quilt, ensuring she stayed warm. “Danny, you’re so sweet.” He smiled, before reaching for a t-shirt to sleep in. “It’s because I love you.” He turned around to see her fast asleep, all cozied up on his side of the bed and he chuckled. She was perfect, no matter what. “Good night love.” He said as soft a possible as he got under the covers with her, pulling her body against his.
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lurkingshan · 2 months
10 Things I Love About Only Boo!
*kicks down the door* I'm a few weeks late but I have arrived and I am here to yell about this fucking adorable show. Have you heard that it's the cutest shit you've ever seen in a fresh new package of all your favorite silly old romance tropes? Besties, this is truly the Sunday Serotonin we need. Here are the top 10 things I love about it:
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The main romance is between a confident sunshine protagonist and a kind older boy working through his grief and an artistic block. Mok (Moo) and Kang are such nice boys, two cinnamon rolls too sweet and pure for this world, and I loved them instantly. They have a nice crackly chemistry between them and really solid communication right from the start.
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The setting is rural and refreshing. Moo moves to Nakhom Pathom to attend school for a semester because his mom wants him to focus on his studies before she will allow him to pursue a career as an idol. Little did she know she was delivering him to a cute boy who would become the new distraction.
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The crushing and flirting starts immediately, and it's mutual. They just like each other, man. Kang is (slightly) older and trying to be responsible about keeping Moo focused on his studies so he's putting up some token resistance, but it's very very token. They both find excuses to keep seeing each other after they meet.
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There's a side couple with a long-term pining friends to lovers arc. The way I squealed when they revealed that photo wall. I support you, Payos, you will get your boo. These two also have a lovely, easy chemistry and seem so comfortable around each other. Their characterization also gets a fun twist in the beginning of the story.
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The writing is strong and assured. This was written by the same screenwriting team as Cooking Crush, aka the best written original Thai bl of last season. These folks know their way around a smart romcom. They know how to deploy classic tropes so they feel fresh, build authentic character arcs, and make all the beats of the story feel confident. We are in good hands and don't need to worry about any out of left field conflicts or weird plot turns with this one.
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A fresh new cast brings a ton of energy. I really love all four of the main actors for this show. They're young and bright and breathing some new life into an old formula. And both pairs have solid chemistry and seem comfortable in their scenes together.
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Some of our old favorites are here too. They've made the smart decision to bolster the young main cast by surrounding them with more experienced seniors like our lady Milk, here playing Kang's friend and neighbor who is all up in his crush on Moo. Louis and Book are also going to show up at some point.
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The show incorporates music and dancing in such a charming way. Moo is one of those kids who just has to dance, and the show mines a lot of comedy around his efforts to stifle the impulse as his mom ordered. I don't think he'll hold out for long, though, because Payos and Tae are on him to train with them. And of course the music supervisor is having a great time working in some classic GMMTV music gags (yes, Love Score and Too Cute To Handle both make memorable appearances).
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It's a high school story brimming with youthful energy without being mired in immaturity. The tone of this show reminds me of My School President in the best way, in that it has all the sweetness and innocence of a high school romance without making the characters so immature and bad at communication that it's annoying to watch. As expected from the CC writers, these characters may be inexperienced but they are going to talk to each other and honesty will prevail every time.
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We are only three episodes in and the romance is already well underway. This is the kind of show where we will see the main pair flirt and date and face obstacles together. The swoony moments started immediately and Moo is already throwing around the faen title. We know from the synopsis that the core conflict will come when Moo is forced to choose between his relationship with Kang and his dream of being an idol, and I expect he will be finding a way around that choice. I'll be strapped in for the ride because I already believe in these two.
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m00nsbaby · 10 months
Jealous of your celebrity crush.
Moon system x reader. - Headcanons.
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It was an amazing date.
You couldn't remember when was the last time you went to the theater, and even though Steven and you had never had money problems, you still saw buying tickets for the front row as a luxury.
That night, you laughed, cried, and even hummed softly to each other. After all, it was your favorite musical.
Oh, and Steven's hand never let go of yours.
"Shall we go to the back?" "Here? Love, we can't…" "Steven!" You blushed, giving his shoulder a light tap. "Not for that, to get an autograph."
Steven was well aware that you both chose that particular show mainly because your favorite Broadway actor was in the cast.
"Run, or we won't catch him."
Your boyfriend truly was your best accomplice in everything. You couldn't think of a time he had said no to your whims, and he was the one who stood up to lead you out of the venue.
As you got closer, he felt something odd in his stomach.
A different sensation.
You felt his hand tighten around yours, and you could only assume he was making sure not to lose you in the crowd that was starting to exit as well.
"I'm nervous," you whispered. "Me too." And you didn't question how odd his response was.
There was a small group of people at the back of the theater, all with the same intention as you – to get an autograph and a photo with the stars of the show. A metal barrier separated them from the actors.
You took a spot toward the back, holding onto the barrier, and Steven positioned himself behind you.
"Should I take the photo, love?" That strange feeling invaded him again when you declined.
And again when a round of gentle applause and cheers echoed through the air. It all felt quite intimate in a way, and that didn't sit well with him.
You gasped loudly when you saw him coming out. That was another point on the list of things Steven wasn't enjoying about this situation.
It didn't seem strange to you when he draped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
"What should I say to him?" You asked eagerly as you watched him move through the crowd, talking, signing autographs, and thanking other fans.
Luckily, you had positioned yourselves towards the end, which gave you time to think about what to say.
"That he did a great job?" Steven pressed his lips together at his own words. It was as if he was suddenly regretting this whole idea, no matter how hard he tried to find his usual kind words, nothing came out.
Finally, it was your turn.
"Did you enjoy the show, guys?" He was so dreamy. A sigh escaped you at how kind he remained, even though he must have been tired. He took his time with each person, getting to know them and chatting.
Steven wasn't impressed by him at all.
In fact, thinking about it, neither his performance nor his singing were as good as he had initially thought.
Rather mediocre, actually.
"Your work is… incredible, really." Your eyes shone as you watched him sign your program.
Your dramatic boyfriend could only think that was the way you looked at him. And that you should only look at him that way.
Only at him.
Steven dissociated from much of your conversation, especially the part where you handed your phone to the other guy for a selfie with you. He snapped back to reality when he asked about Steven.
"He's my boyfriend; I forced him to come." You joked. Why did you two suddenly seemed like lifelong friends?
Besides, it was a lie; he was the one who had initiated the idea.
"I-I wasn't forced at all; I love being involved." He replied honestly. It churned his stomach that the other guy looked at him with admiration. Why did he have to be such a good person?
You said your goodbyes with a hug that left a slight scent of his cologne on you. If it was possible, it made Steven even more nauseous.
"Isn't he charming?" "Sure."
You pursed your lips at Steven's sudden coldness as he walked beside you in the well-lit city, not letting go of your hand.
"Didn't you like him?" "Of course, I liked him, love. Why wouldn't I?"
His rapid speech gave him away, and you remained silent as you tried to figure out what had upset him.
You decided to test your theory.
"Don't you think his eyes were beautiful?" Another squeeze of your hand, and you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing. "They were just regular eyes."
Bingo. Steven was jealous.
At the entrance to your house, you turned on your heels, taking advantage of the stairs to give you a few extra inches in height so you could look him in the face.
"You know you don't have to be jealous of anyone, right?" His cheeks turned red as you placed your hands on them, giving them a gentle squeeze.
Steven, obediently, held onto your waist.
"You're the love of my life, Steven Grant." Your words were the culmination of a wonderful date, of the happiness he brought you every day.
And yes, a jealous Steven was amusing, but it broke your heart to think that insecurity might be getting the best of him.
His eyes sparkled like the stars.
"You are mine, right, love?" He sounded like a little kid begging for confirmation.
He knew exactly how to play his cards, what puppy-dog face to make based on the situation, and the tone of voice that made butterflies flutter in your stomach.
And a special warmth in your body.
You played along.
"Only yours, sweetheart." You whispered before kissing his lips.
Steven was content with how his little jealousy issue had been resolved, but he was sure of one thing after this.
You wouldn't be watching anything starring that idiot again.
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Marc was proud of his accomplishment.
Fighting for tickets on a website was more challenging than you could have ever imagined, not to mention the secret maneuvering behind your back. It had probably been his most difficult mission, surpassing all the tasks Khonshu could assign him.
But he would be the first to say it had been worth it. Even more so after having the opportunity to see you cry tears of happiness in his arms on your birthday.
"Will you come with me?" "Of course, dear." That was the biggest surprise, actually. Marc despised crowded places with all his heart, but he was excited to accompany you on such an important moment for you.
When the day of the concert arrived, Marc almost fainted.
He was left speechless by your style, a bit more… dark? You had definitely gotten into character for the concert, and that only encouraged him further.
For a short time.
He regretted it as soon as he saw the line to enter, but that was another matter.
You arrived at the venue early, mentally prepared to stand and wait for a good couple of hours.
And you had to say that after that experience, you were truly ready to marry Marc because you had an amazing time in your little corner between the metal fences. You talked about everything, because despite spending as much time together as possible, once you started talking, no one could silence you.
It was worth it; you almost fainted when you entered and realized you had reached the front row.
Marc, on the other hand, was starting to feel nervous due to the number of people arriving, but he immediately went into his boyfriend role. He let you hold onto the metal railing, and he positioned himself behind you, enclosing you between the fence and his body.
He would rather die than let you get crushed.
When the concert started, Marc was already feeling overstimulated, but he was willing to let you enjoy this. After all, according to the band's official page, it would only be about an hour after the opening acts.
He was satisfied to hear you scream, jump, sing, and smile like he had never seen you do before.
The problem began around 15 minutes into the concert when the lead vocalist fixed his attention on you.
Like clockwork, Marc remembered all those times you had talked about your teenage crush.
A burning sensation rose to his throat, and he furrowed his brow when he saw the singer wink at you while singing.
"Marc! Marc! Marc!" Your shouts pulled him from his thoughts, and you looked at him over your shoulder. "It's my song!" You had been saying that for the last 10 minutes, but it made him laugh. He kissed your lips, and you returned it briefly.
Marc mentally prayed that the idiot had seen that. Who, by the way, seemed unable to take his eyes off you.
The noise was enough to cover the groan that escaped your throat when Marc's hands tightened on your hips, pressing you closer to his body if that was even possible.
You blushed, though it was impossible to tell whether it was that or just the heat from jumping around for so long.
The straw that broke the camel's back was when the other guy leaned over the edge of the stage to your level and grabbed your phone from your hands.
You were going crazy. Screaming, with tears of sheer excitement in your eyes.
Marc rolled his eyes. Cheap tricks, he thought.
His only consolation was knowing he had made you scream louder before.
The phone returned to your hands after the guy recorded himself singing a few lines and interacting with the crowd.
This was definitely the best day of your life, or you were dreaming.
When the last song came on, his instinct was stronger than him. He ended up turning you around, and you didn't complain.
This was his special moment.
You could swear he kissed you the entire time the song played, until you relaxed in his arms, and the music seemed like a background melody accompanying you.
You would have never imagined that Marc was marking his territory.
He showered you with kisses until the lights came on, making you aware that you were still in public. You separated almost instantly, your cheeks red.
"Marc! You made me miss the last song!" You didn't seem upset as he leaned his forehead against yours.
You had enough time for yourselves while people began to leave.
"You don't seem too upset." Your hips hurt from the way he had been holding you for the past several minutes.
"Thank you," you whispered before kissing him one last time. "It's the best gift I've ever received."
Marc didn't have time to tell you how much he loved you; his gaze focused on the two large guys wearing backstage passes on their chests that were scanning the crowd.
You never knew why Marc pulled you out of there in a hurry, but you had no more doubts or questions when he distracted you with bribes, he bought you the T-shirt you liked the most, and a poster at which he would later throw darts.
Straight at the lead singer's face.
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At this precise point in his life, Jake considered himself probably the most unfortunate man who had ever existed.
Because, of course, the first time he ignored his desires to throw the guy into the nearest sewer and let him be forgotten over time.
Even more when he complimented your nails.
"Of course, they're nice," he thought to himself. "Even more so when they're wrapped around my…"
He couldn't continue mentally killing him; he had to smile and say "I'm the boyfriend" when you two bumped into your favorite actor on the streets of New York.
It made his stomach turn to notice how you fidgeted with your hands, trying to appear calm.
In fact, he couldn't decide whether he liked that more than if you had just voiced your desire to scream.
Both options made him want to put on Khonshu's suit.
The upside was that, for security reasons, you couldn't take a photo with him, so he could live without having to see you smile even more next to him forever.
Without being dramatic, he would erase his memory if he could just to forget that all this happened.
But you could say it was a fairly harmless encounter as far as possible. Well, for Jake, who never expressed how this was eating him up inside. You, on the other hand, had to wake up the next day with marks on your body caused by him.
His hands on your neck and waist, bites on your shoulders.
Although, you weren't complaining. It was a nice reminder that even though there were many attractive men out there (with acting skills like gods), none of them would ever drive you as crazy as Jake Lockley.
The problem came when you ran into him for the second time.
Jake didn't consider himself particularly insecure.
You yourself had to deal with a thousand girls who thought he was flirting with them because of that permanent smile on his face.
Or that habit you hated so much of winking at them to get a free dessert or to get you two seated faster at the restaurant.
But sometimes, Jake's ego wavered.
That small part of him that still felt like a tool for Marc and Steven, forgetting that he was a person in his own right.
You kept him aware of his independence, and when he doubted that… everything was a disaster for him.
So, you can imagine how he crumbled when the other guy recognized you.
"Of course, I remember you!" He was so loud that Jake swore he had a headache just from listening to him talk.
You almost fainted right there.
He grabbed your hands again to see your nails, excited about the new design, while Jake was thinking about how easy it would be to cut off his hands in that position.
You didn't need to say anything for him to understand your protest; both of you looked at each other in reproach.
"It's the same perfume, right?" The aforementioned guy took you out of the momentary staring contest with Jake, whom you could feel breathing down your neck despite being about two steps away from you.
You nodded silently.
"I knew it. I can still smell you on me."
After that, Jake swore he was seeing everything in shades of red, and a shiver ran down your spine because you could feel his gaze fixed on you.
"Well, we're already running late." Jake's accent interrupted your conversation, and his hand settled on the small of your back. You bit your lower lip because at this point, you didn't know if he was scaring you or if you wanted to push this limit further.
"Oh, but this time we can take the picture that you wanted so much…" "Really late." Jake interrupted him immediately, that smile that made you tremble from head to toe. In fact, he didn't even let him respond, or finish that sentence in which he seemed about to tell you he was glad to see you.
"Come on, mi vida." A bad omen.
His hand slid slowly down your back until it reached your hand, gripping your wrist with his usual firmness, but you noticed an extra touch of strength.
It's needless to emphasize how he devoured your mouth as soon as you entered the building.
It was going to be a long night.
And mentally, you thanked the city's cold weather; you could wear scarves without anyone wondering what your possessive boyfriend had done to you the previous night.
You would consider making him jealous more often.
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yeah, i wasn't really a fan of this lol, anyways, here's a little extra of which guys i thought about while writing this in order of appearance!!
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sagesolsticewrites · 4 months
Take A Break
Rosie runs into a childhood friend at the flak house.
Requested by anon, based on the prompts “I kissed you because I wanted to. Dumbass.” and “You’ve got stars in your eyes.”
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
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As you stood on the front steps of Coombe House, you found yourself nervous for the first time since you’d started there.
Lieutenant Robert Rosenthal was the name at the top of the list of the latest group of soldiers assigned to the house, and since you’d been given it, you couldn’t stop thinking about a childhood friend of yours from Brooklyn with the same name.
Don’t be ridiculous, you scold yourself, reminding the sentimental part of you that the odds of it actually being Robbie were astronomical and you shouldn’t get your hopes up.
Pasting on your best smile as the car filled with boisterous soldiers pulls up, you shove those thoughts away.
“Hello gentlemen!” you call, “I’m Y/N. Welcome to Coombe House.”
You lead them around the house, reciting your spiel about the various activities and amenities, and then passing them off to Michael.
A gentleman who had been hanging towards the back of the group during the tour stepped up, calling your name as the rest of the group was led to their rooms.
“Robert Rosenthal,” he said, introducing himself, “I was just wondering--”
“Robbie?” you gasp.
The brightness in them had dimmed the slightest bit, but you'd recognize those kind blue eyes anywhere.
His brow furrows, no doubt baffled at hearing his childhood nickname all the way over in England.
“I’m sorry, how did you— Wait,” he scans your face, recognizing… something, “Y/N… L/N?”
At your answering nod, you’re tackled in a hug, his joyous, disbelieving laugh filling your ears.
“What are you—? How—?”
“I wanted to help out, and I guess the Army figured this is where my skills would be best put to use,” you explain with a laugh, “When I saw your name on the list I wasn’t sure if it was really you, but…”
“Gosh, Y/N, I haven’t seen you in…”
“Nearly 10 years? I know, I tried to keep in touch after we moved…”
You catch up with your friend, responsibilities forgotten — “So… Rosie, huh?” “Hey, you’d be surprised how little control you have over nicknames in the Army!” — until the clock begins to chime and you realize you’ve spent nearly half an hour just standing here talking.
As Robert begins to excuse himself, not wanting to take up any more of your time, you recall the incident that led to this conversation.
“Er, you said you had a question?”
He hums in confusion before remembering “Oh! Yeah, I was just wondering how long I have to be here…?”
“Unfortunately that’s not really up to me,” you reply with an apologetic shrug, “It’s the decision of your CO to send you boys out here, but you’re welcome to chat to Dr. Huston about it.”
“Though while you’re here,” you say as he’s about to walk away, “I’d recommend taking advantage of the baths and hot water. Absolutely life-changing.” You add with a teasing grin.
He lets out a laugh, though not nearly as genuine as you’d hoped. With that, Rosie thanks you and departs with a two-fingered salute
Robert spends the first couple days at the house keeping his distance from his crewmates, his eyes continually on the sky rather than taking part in the sports and activities available to the soldiers. He doesn’t seem like the boy you remember, but… well, there is a war going on. It’s changed everyone it touches.
One night you find yourself wandering the halls, unable to sleep, when you hear music coming from one of the sitting rooms.
“Hello?” You call softly, following the sounds of Duke Ellington to find Robert standing next to the record player, staring out the window at the darkened English countryside, soft curls tinted slightly blue in the moonlight.
He starts, then relaxes once he sees you.
“Hey,” he says, turning down the volume, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you-”
“I was up already,” you assure him, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“I guess I’m having a hard time with,” he gestures to the lavish country house with a shrug, “all this? I mean… all the croquet, badminton, riding with hounds— what even is that, by the way?”
Your lips twitch up into a smile as you move to stand beside him, “Foxhunting.”
“Foxhunting,” he sighs, shaking his head, “That’s exactly what I don’t need right now.”
He turns his gaze to the star-filled night sky, “What I need is to be back in that seat getting this job done.”
He continues, talking to himself almost as much as you, “Sittin’ here doing nothing, when people are bein’ persecuted and— I can’t— I had gotten into a rhythm, you know? Three days, three missions, easy. And now being yanked out of that, it’s like…”
He searches for an analogy, and you can’t help but smile at the one he lands on, recalling his fascination with music back when you were children.
“You don’t yank Gene Krupa out in the middle of a drum solo, and then expect him to pick right back up where he left off two weeks later, you know?”
You nod, understanding where he’s coming from. You recognized that while some jumped at the chance for a distraction, it was a more difficult adjustment for some soldiers to be thrust into this environment after so long in battle.
“Well, Gene Krupa’s not just responsible for his own rhythm, is he?” You say softly, following his analogy, “He’s responsible for the rhythm of the whole band. And if he’s off, then…”
Rosie nods, letting out a soft laugh, “Okay, I see where you’re going with that.”
“Seriously, Robbie,” you say, taking a chance and resting your hand on top of his on the windowsill, his gaze meeting yours at your touch, “If you don’t let yourself take a break, even just for a little while… it’s not gonna be good.”
He’s silent, and for a moment you worry you’ve overstepped.
Until he mumbles, in a voice so soft you’re not even sure you were meant to hear it, “You’ve got stars in your eyes.”
Maybe it’s the soft sounds of Duke Ellington still playing. Maybe it’s the moonlight, the calm silence filling the house.
Maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you like you’re the first good thing he’s seen in a long time.
You’re not quite sure what, but something possesses you to surge up onto your toes and press your lips to his.
His hand moves to your waist, pulling you closer, before he abruptly pulls away.
“I, ah…” He says, seemingly trying to gather his thoughts, “You didn’t just do that because you felt… sorry for me or somethin’, did you?”
Relief floods through you— he’s concerned with why you kissed him, not the mere fact that you did.
You cup his cheek, and Rosie’s eyes close, leaning into your touch as you say softly, “I kissed you because I wanted to.”
Then, after a moment’s consideration, you add with a smile, “Dumbass.”
His eyes shoot open as he barks out a laugh.
“Oh, that’s how it is, huh?”
Your giggles are swiftly silenced by his lips landing on yours once more, the tension finally leaving his shoulders for the first time in weeks.
The two of you end up on the couch, talking late into the night about what brought you to England, Rosie mostly telling you in hushed tones about the friends he’d made in the 100th— men that were no longer here, but lived on in his memory, and now yours. You fall asleep leaning against each other, still holding hands.
You shift, eyes fluttering open as the gray dawn light filters into the room. It takes you a moment to get your bearings, but you grin seeing Rosie asleep next to you, looking the most relaxed you’ve seen him since he arrived. With a single kiss to his forehead, you slip away to the women’s wing of the house until it’s an appropriate hour for you to stumble upon him in the sitting room.
Armed with a thick blanket and a coffee service, you creep in to see Rosie still sound asleep. Smiling, you gently lay the blanket over him, trying not to wake him. Unfortunately, he stirs the moment the blanket touches him.
He looks around, attempting to orient himself, and relaxes when he sees you.
“Good morning,” you grin, taking in his sleep-mussed curls shining golden in the morning light, “Coffee?”
“Please,” he replies in a voice rough with sleep, mustache twitching up into a smile as he sits up.
“Just don’t tell anyone, alright?” You say coyly as you prepare a cup, “I can’t be bringing all you boys breakfast in bed, now can I?”
“Well, I must be special,” he grins, taking the cup gratefully and adding with a wink, “I’ll take it to the grave.”
You’re glad to see him relax a tiny bit more over the group’s last few days at the house, and the two of you are able to find plenty of stolen moments together once everyone’s gone to bed.
When it’s time for them to return to base, he leaves you with a promise to write and a kiss. He captures your lips tenderly on the front steps, disregarding the whoops and cheers from his crew mates waiting in the Jeep, and you can’t help smiling despite yourself as they drive away, keeping your eyes on him for as long as you can.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
It continues, also with Robin. She leaves Steve on that floor, pathetically cycling through this random metalheads video game music repertoire, sending a silent apology for her fallen friend to the lady in the apartment below them, sure she got to hear Steve practicing his songs every now and then which was a blessing, but she also now had to deal with his pathetic puppy crush as well.
Sorry two (definitely not house-trained) poodle owning lady, Robin sent her condolences for her hearing. But only a little condolence, one of those dogs had left a steamer in the elevator and it was a tall-ass apartment block. Karma really, sweet sweet karma.
It continued because Robin had a mild gift for hunting people down on the internet, it was a skill she’d developed and honed purely to hunt down the assholes who occasionally popped up on Steve’s insta with threatening messages and dumb as shit behaviours that a best friend refused to abide by. Steve had never allowed her to do anything with the knowledge, but one day, one day, the dogs of war would be released, and she would rain fury down upon them for making him make the sad puppy eyes.
He was just a dude, sure he grew up with wealthy parents, sure he had connections since birth to help him get to where he wanted to be, but… that didn’t make him any less of a soft-ass with a genuine love of sports, and sweaters, and listening to audio books in reading nooks with mugs of coffee like some kind of pinterest mood board model.
That didn’t make him any less of an actual mother hen to several child actors and young musicians ensuring they got fair treatment, ensuring they were never taken advantage of by the industry or the people around them.
It continued because within an hour of sleuthing, Robin poked her head back around from Steve’s guest room (read: Robin’s second home), and proudly announced “Found him!” As loud as she could to get over the cover of the final boss battle from Banjo and Kazooie that Steve absolutely did not recognise but was clearly vibing to.
“Found who?”
“Your mystery hater! He’s a—”
“Robin!! You can’t dox people!!”
“I’m not doxing him, I’m telling you exactly where he is so you can go confront him.”
“That is exactly what doxing is. How did you even find him?!”
“Dumbass posted a pic of a newspaper article that his friend wrote, which, uhm, that’s pretty cool I guess, but it had her name on it! All I had to do was search LinkedIn for her and boom, I gottem.”
“…Okay so he’s basically asking to be found is what you’re saying right now.”
“EXACTLY, can we go? Can we? I wanna see him squirm like a little bitch baby when you turn up to confront him.”
“All you’ll see is my pathetic attempts to flirt with him because I don’t know how I’d be anything but pathetic around him I mean have you seen his hands? Do you remember the Hemsworth incident? Do you remember the Hemsworth incident, Robin?” The incident in question involving a low doorway and a concussion that left him delirious in the fantastic arms of the God of Thunder.
“Do I remember you acting like a drunk school girl with her first crush around a guy with biceps bigger than your head? Yes. Yes I do. It was hilarious and you gained a handsome Aussie as a life-long friend out of that pathetic display—"
“I was concussed.”
“Drunk school girl. That doesn’t mean you can’t manage to charm a little bitch from Indiana, we’re from Indiana, we have common ground, you can bond with him!”
“Oh, because being born within the same state makes for such a conversation starter… should we really go?” Would that be stupid? Would that be crossing a line? Would that be absolutely batshit insane?
“For true love—" and champagne in First-Class "I think we should.”
Part 3
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
I’d like to request vox (I sense you like him a normal amount) x gn!reader headcanons where the reader is an overlord and is in charge of theatrical productions such as musicals, in which vox sees as ‘out of date’ and therefore detests the reader, but the reader is oblivious to this and is always seen trying to befriend him? I could see this as some good slow burn :)))
thanks a ton! 🎀
I DEFINATELY like him a normal amount :)
Anywho- Have to write for this guy more often and the second I saw this request, I knew I was gonna have so much fun writing this! Vox slow burn is literally my kingdom come-
Vox x gn!thespianOverlord!reader
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Cheery and old-timey, that’s how Vox viewed you. 
Truly, he only interacted with you because the musicals you produced for his films sold very well. But the world was begging and in need of more realistic movies and shows. Musicals just weren’t as interesting to him. So he always saw you as a luddite. Maybe not to the extent he saw Alastor that way. But your mannerisms and theatrics reminded him so much of his rival, so despite you having done nothing but benefitting favors for him, he kinda hated you on the lowkey. But who didn’t he hate at this point?
He at first found you extremely obnoxious. The way that, at times, people flocked to your theater productions instead of his movie premieres… 
Despite this, despite hating you so, you were always so kind to him. It baffled him truly, that you never caught the hint. 
The amount of time he’d rejected your invitation for coffee at your opera house should have already given the hint but you always figured he was busy (he was one of the most powerful overlords after all).
Every time a meeting was held, you spoke to him before and after the meeting. Always in such a friendly manner that made Vox smile awkwardly at you. He couldn’t outright tell you to stop talking to him, that would give off the wrong impression about him. So he would try his best to socialize with you without making you think you two were friends.
At times, you’d send him friendly gifts after collaborations. 
You’ve given him blue roses after writing a particularly famous movie musical that earned both you and him a huge amount of money. 
(He’d never admit it, but they made him feel special. He put them in a vase and kept them alive as long as possible.)
You definitely text him as if you two were friends. Which he always responds to very dryly, but you figure (again) that he’s probably too busy to put much thought to the text. Either way, you’re happy to hear back from him. 
He does ghost you on occasions, which you don’t take personally (much to his dismay).
You find yourself always speaking fondly of him and his image. Admiring him to some degree. The way he acts in front of everyone, you ought to ask him to try acting for a production! His skills impress you a lot. And you’ve told him before. Which, for a moment (and only for a moment), made Vox think you weren’t that bad.
Oh, what he hated the most… it had to be seeing your play advertisements plastered all over the city.
Hell, you would also go up to him and ask him if he could advertise your shows. 
You’d pay, so he couldn’t say no…
But the medium you expressed yourself with, oh how much he detested it!
Sometimes, out of courtesy (despite how much he detested you), he’d always accept the invitation to come to your Opera productions. Velvette liked to see the outfits the actors wore (and criticize them), and she always ended up dragging him along anyway. So he always ended up going when invited. 
This particular time, you were putting on a production of Phantom of the Opera. The actress who was supposed to play Christine/The Phantom got severely ill, and the understudy was killed in the recent extermination. So it was up to you to take matters into your own hands and save your production.
The second he saw you in that scene, his eyes shot open wide. He’d never seen you act before. Hell, you looked so good on that stage, that even Velvette’s heavy criticisms of the play’s costume wardrobe didn’t move him. 
And your voice! God… He’d wish someone that pretty/handsome would sing to him like that. Maybe it was the character you played and how they depicted them.
Matter of fact, he was paying attention to the plot this time. Unlike the other occasions. 
The fact that you were willing to jump in and play the part perfectly as if you’d been rehearsing it every day surprised him. You’d be perfect in one of his movies, he just KNEW IT!
After the production, you approached him. Speaking to him and thanking him for coming to see as you always did. 
The way he smiled at you was no longer full of false politeness. He now spoke much more freely with you. And it made you feel like you were finally important enough for him to have time for you! It was such a great feeling!
He didn’t want to admit how his perception of you had changed but let’s just say he began to plan more musicals. 
Velvette knew what was going on the second he stayed to talk to you a bit longer than usual. She made fun of him for DAYS.
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He would begin to respond to your DMs with less dryness.
And he would accept your offers to drink coffee at the opera house (he’d deny them sometimes to not raise any suspicion on your side or from his fellow Vees). 
He would publicly deny any ties with you and would try his best to balance it out by telling Valentino just how “annoying” you were. 
Vox being the obsessive little man-child he is, would survey you. Or rather, jump in excitement the second you appear in the sight of one of his cameras. 
He’d set up a camera in your opera house just to see you directing rehearsals and even to see you practice.
He refuses to admit his feelings, but his fellow Vees are finding it hard to pretend they don’t know. Vox is… very obvious…
He begins sending you roses (yellow so he doesn’t make anyone think that he’s THAT obsessed with you).
He might start spiraling a bit when he sees any man approach you. But oh no, he had to keep himself together. You two were nothing, he didn’t like you! He only stayed close to you for convenience! …right?
Until he received another bouquet of blue roses signed off as “-Your Thespian Angel of Music”. 
Oh, he went nuts! He had to find the footage of you signing it off. And just as he suspected, you were bashfully smiling as you wrote the note.
He couldn’t! He simply couldn’t let this change his mind! But he didn’t have much time to think about the move you’d made, because you’d invited him for coffee soon after. 
Oh, he couldn’t keep himself together that time. Your smile, the warmth of your fireplace… it was all too much for him.
So it slipped out his mouth, he invited you to come over to his place and watch a movie. 
You gladly accepted and after agreeing to a date for this to happen, you two were set!
Of course, he planned for you two to watch a musical together. 
When you arrived at the V-tower, he was anxious to make sure that you were greeted properly. So he himself walked you to his area. 
Sideye from Velvette because she just knew that Vox inviting you was him admitting to them that he was definitely into you.
During the movie, he admits that he thinks you’re pretty cool and you take it as a huge compliment!
When you go home after the little date-not-date, he can’t get you off his mind! The way your eyes shone in the TV’s light, the way you paid careful attention to every scene. Oh, he was so stupidly in love with you.
So what did he do next? He spent his free minutes texting you. Sending you Envees (the hell version of TikTok) he thought you’d like and you sent him some back. 
He’d start advertising your stuff for free now! 
If it wasn’t already obvious to the Vees, now they knew he was head over heels for you.
Eventually, he got Velvette into thinking you weren’t that bad… Maybe she could put some more style into your shows.
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After a few months of you talking to Vox and Velvette casually texting you, she was fed up with Vox’s obsessive giggling when he saw you in the cameras, so she told you. 
Yup. Velvette told you he liked you.
You were elated, to say the least. To be seen in a favorable light by such a powerful overlord was one thing. But to be the object of his adoration… Oh, you were more than happy.
So you set up another coffee date with Vox at your opera house.
To his surprise, you kissed him at the doorstep of your opera house.
It almost fried his circuit. The lights in your building flashed a bit and you could have sworn he was glitching in the middle of that kiss.
After which, your relationship was VERY MUCH PUBLIC.
Vox posted about your musicals almost every day.
He’s definitely the type to go to your practices and post you with a caption like “My Angel of Music”, “My Romeo/Juliet”, or “My Christine Canigula/Jeremy Here”. Something in reference to the lead or most adored role of the production you’re currently directing.
He’s corny as fuck in private-
He’d definately cuddle to watch whatever new musical you two just co-produced. 
He funds your shows and is kind of embarrassed to admit it, but he’d blow marvelous amounts of money on you if he could (he has to be smart about how he spends his money and the fact that he can’t just spoil you as much as he wants, destroys him).
He also hates to be caught accidentally humming along to your musicals. He claims to not care about those things at all (he knows the entirety of your repertoire by heart).
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cowgirlcherrie · 11 months
CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST .ᐟ chapter three: LEMONHEAD ゚+..。*゚+skater! ellie x fem! reader
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a/n: hello my loves new chapter of CMIYGL which is one of my favorite chapters, is one setting focused and just good vibes that slightly become sour at the end. But sit back (it's a lengthy one) so enjoy babis
warnings/content: MDNI Partying, alcohol, drunkness, bruises (just skating injuries), kissing, smoking, lots of swearing, sexual jokes, petnames (babe, mama, etc), arguing, throwing drinks on people,
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���˖°.⤹masterlist. prev. next chapter
“Yo! Get the fuck off the front lawn!”
Ellie shouted at the group of stragglers surrounding the front yard of her shared house. It was typical for this to happen at the E.J.D residence. The trio couldn’t afford to get slammed with another fine knowing well enough that the last one was certainly not paid and their rather annoying neighbors would be vast to dial 9-11 like their lives depended on it. 
Now, this was not Project X.
but it was damn near close. The whiskey tasted better when it was sour. Tequila is better with lime. A beer? Just never mind leave it in the fridge. Jesse wouldn’t say he was a party animal, and neither would Ellie or Dina. Jesse was purely just a former child actor reject that grew to drown himself in partying and near-death experiences. Using his deep-webbed emotions to compensate for the fact that he never got to have a childhood of his own. Until the liquor ran dry and nothing suddenly mattered. He could crack his skateboard on his skull now and parties were an escape. 
There were no parties like a E.J.D party. 
The bass of the music was so loud, it could be heard through the cracks of the window and wood, seeping out the loosened edges – bouncing against the concrete. Ellie thought Jesse’s interpretation of a party to be very different from her own. She wanted a few friends meanwhile he invited half of LA and that half certainly brought a plus one; so really it was a majority.
You coincidentally, got separated from Cat, naturally inviting her on a whim for comfort. Her hand had gotten too loose giving some drunk girl the perfect opportunity to swipe her body in between the two of you, losing her face and her touch in the crowd. Your leather jacket was vacant from your shoulders, gracefully taken by Dina who briefly managed to whisk you off into the kitchen. You learned the rather strikingly beautiful girl to be one of the owners of the house. Flashing you a sweet smile and an arm squeeze. But like a puff of air, she vanished and was nothing but a memory. 
Now you were stuck in the kitchen. Bodies squeezing you in like a cage, loose alcohol tempting you and tormenting you for just…one..sip. To feel the carcass of the un-chilled liquid down your throat as it swirled and tingled at your chest. Burning heart aflame and the devil on your shoulder wrapped your hand around the red cup pouring vodka to the brim. 
You were on the hunt to find Ellie, likewise, the dark-haired roommate of your own.
Cat, on the other hand, took advantage of her solo moment. It was a great opportunity for her to briefly make conversation with Ellie and disappear into the neon lights like it never happened. Of course, this business pertained to you – no other reason for her to have a chat and more so one to keep it brief. She wants Ellie to do whatever it takes to make sure you weren’t a sobbing mess by the end of the night. Especially considering how deep Ellie would get into alcohol on a night like this. It was better she gave the warning now before she got devious.
Her stiletto-shaped nails, dug into Jesse’s shoulder as the man rocked his body slightly to the beat of the music. Vibrant Solo cup in his hand spilling onto the slippery wood,  Any stranger would have thought the conversation was serious between the two. Perhaps flirting, estranged lovers who had a history in the making. Cat played her game well.
“Oh! Jesse, It’s so good to see you! The party is phenomenal, how’s your mom?” Cat’s voice ran sweet like a tasty red velvet cupcake with too much additive sugar frosting. She was boasting to him. Flashing her perfectly braces-made pearly whites, pushing her boobs closely together in the black lacy corset top she was wearing — she could get the world.
“Awh– shit, Cat Pham. . . at my party? Girllll I haven’t seen your ass since senior year, braces are off too” Jesse slurred his words, similar to a town drunk at a liquor store. Hand reaching out to Cat’s lips to which she smacked them away hiking a smack to the side of his head.  His eyes were droopily low, almost like a sad puppy –  and he was smiling; Lost out of his mind. 
He was correct, after senior year happened, Ellie and Cat broke up – lovers departed and the friend group spread across California like they were fleeing the country. Cat knew he was the perfect one to ask.
“Mommy is great! You know she asked about you…she wanted more of your mom’s special recipes” Jesse smiled, if he was being honest he couldn’t feel his face but aside from the scrambled soup that was his brain he could tell he reached his high. Words piling out of his mouth almost like throw-up. 
“That’s great, Jesse. Where’s Ellie I need to speak to her?” Cat was quick to shut the boy up, leaning her body closer to his shoulder. Jesse backed away cheeks flushed. 
“Uhhhh” Jesse laughed “I think she’s outside I don’t really know” Jesse slurred again, pulling the cup up to his lips with a goofy smile on his face. Slurping the liquor like it was juice.
Clearly drunk Jesse didn’t know the answer. Making Cat sigh and roll her head with a soft POP of the air socket between her neck bones. 
“So did Rico’s Zumiez get any new hires?” Cat instead was bypassing the chit chat going straight for the kill. Attacking fill-in questions head first. 
“Uhhhh yeah like 3 I think. . . butttt Rico is sick Cat (burps) excuse me, his lungs are all fucked up from smoking, doctors keep having to pump his lungs free of liquid. We are closing soon, relocating somewhere else” 
Cat’s heart dropped at this information. That shop was dear to local skaters, even herself. Rico helped Cat start her business. The Italian man helping her build a tattoo portfolio is so great —  it would be hard for the businesses to say no. Rightfully so she got hired as an apprentice at Sooleyinks on Main Street. But she couldn’t do it all without him.
“I’m sorry . . .”
The climate was getting somber,
“No…No, Imma miss him for real, the new hires have been a pain in my ass won’t miss ‘em tho” Cat’s ears picked up at Jesse saying new hires. Watching as he eyed his drink, snatching it to ask another question. No minuscule distractions – she wanted to get head-on.
“Any of ‘em girls?” Cat whispered, almost holding the cup as leverage over the boy.
“Yeahhhhh. . . like one, why– trouble in paradise?” Jesse laughed pushing his hand’s palm flat against the wall. 
“No-god no everything is fine,” Cat reassures, swishing Jesse’s cup in her hand “Is she gay?”
“Pft, Alana? Helllll~ noo that girl is as straight as a fuckin’ pencil – at least so I think” Jesse paused quirking an eyebrow at Cat who only nodded her head with her lips slightly parted. 
“Let’s quit the chit-chat, I know Ellie likes y/n who is my roommate…” Cat blurted out making Jesse’s eyes widen his eyes:  pretend-shock – confusion filled his face. Responses delayed 
“SHE’S YOUR ROOMMATE?” The black-haired boy shouted, pretending to sound shocked, almost as if he didn’t know this knowledge prior “Oh~ . . . she’s your roommate~” he corrected bringing a hand up to his mouth. 
“You knew that didn’t you?” Cat pushed tilting her head at the boy in front of her.
“Definitely no—” Cat pinched Jesse in the stomach
“Okay! Yes I knew, I mean check her comments you were like the top comment on her 3 recent that’s why I liked them”
Cat cursed under her breath. Crossing her fingers and hoping that magically you didn’t see the comments on her pictures from high school that Ellie had left. She’d make sure to archive them when she had stable service. 
“Does she kn. . .” Jesse abruptly stopped speaking mid-sentence seeing the way that Cat was shaking her head in disappointment. Jesse quickly understood, even though he was drunk his brain tinted with nothing but incoherent la la la’s he was able to muster up the understanding that Ellie was cowardly hiding her way from even letting the words slip between her lips. 
“That’s why I am looking for Ellie” Cat confessed, waving her hands in the air as she spoke, slaming her matte cherry coated lips at Jesse who seemed rather distracted. His eyes focused past Cat’s head.
“Why…are you doing that?” Cat winced, turning around to follow his field of vision.
“Oh shit!” Jesse mumbled 
“Oh yeah…shit” Cat responded meekly, picking up the solo cup to her lips downing the rest of Jesse’s liquid. 
“This is bad”
The two were staring at you in the kitchen who had been touched by the graceful spirit of your crush who was nagging at your heartstrings. Pulling each muscle making it tense and release. Thumping matches the pace of the music — slightly louder. The auburn beauty gave a rather silly drunk smile at you as her arms hooked around your body like a mother cradling her newborn. You could smell her cologne, a clean scent barely almost there, musky with the faint smell of trees and a strong eucalyptus. Lips casting wet-sloppy drunk kisses to the side of your head as you leaned into her touch. 
“Pretty girl! You made it!” Ellie shouted in your ear giving another kiss emphasizing the mwah sound as her lips touched your head. Maybe it was the liquor in her system making her act the way she was, but she was certain, sober she would not be able to even glance at you.
Confidently, at-least.
“What…you thought I was gonna be a no-show!” You laughed, bringing the cup in your hands up to your glossed lips, lip liner shining astonishingly under the forever-changing LED’s. Ellie shook her head, watching as your lipstick stained the white lining of the cup, licking her lips in thirst. Sudden dryness filled her tongue — liquids disappearing as she wanted nothing more than a taste. She was thirsty — really, really, thirsty. 
“Whatcha drinkin’ ?” Ellie pushed, her eyes slowly staring into yours, her lips running against her bottom lip repeatedly. You could see her pupils dilated. Black circle getting wider…and wider against her green. Ellie gently brought her hand up to your cup, fingers wrapped around your own as she pulled it away from your lips. 
“Vodka, a splash of cranberry juice before some bitch snatched the bottle” You joked, sticking a tongue out: pretending to be annoyed at your luck and circumstances. 
“May I?”
Ellie pointed at your cup, her ringed fingers brushing against your bare ones, as she softly ran her thumb over your fingers. 
“Mhm,” you mumbled shaking your head ‘yes’ making Ellie push the cup away from its positioning at your lips. Twirling the cup around until it was on the side of your lipstick stain. Her lips rested in your lip imprint as she brought the liquid to her pouty-full lips wincing at the bitterness and pain after a single taste.
“This was nasty…yeah no we are getting you something better”
Ellie delicately intertwined her left hand with your own. Locking it with a tight squeeze of your left hand as well and pulling you behind her to walk. Her grip was different from Cat’s, it expressed protection and urgency. You knew she wasn’t going to let you go or let a drunk body come between you. Ellie reeled you into her back, using her free hand to reach behind her and caress the fabric of your skirt and pull you closer until your chest was at her back. 
She helped to slow your heart down. The faces of the dancing strangers faded away as all you could focus was on her. How she looked under the current purple and blue transitioning LED’s. Loose strands of hair flopped into her face. A fitted hat was on her head, vintage flat-brimmed, and turned to face the back of her head so the brim was away from her face; similar to the frat boy style. Her outfit was loose, baggy like you expected it. The 90s-fitted low-rise jeans paired with a GOLF WANG graphic t-shirt. 
You thought it was bold of her to wear white at a party where people suddenly had butter flingers, liquids quick to spill to the floor and even cling to fabric, alcohol staining as it settled. But shocking enough there was not a single stain on her shirt. It was clean — slightly wrinkled you could tell she didn’t iron but perfect enough. 
Eventually, your walking came to a standstill. In front of the alcohol table as Ellie gave a tap at your waist before letting both of her hands leave your being. Her hands spiraled around the scarlet solo cup. 
“You trust me?” Ellie quickly asked. Quirking an eyebrow as her eyes sparked. Almost diamond pure as her fingers were hovering over a big Casamigos Blanco tequila bottle. Her rings fiddling against the glass of the exposed bottle waiting for a response from you.
“Depends…” you shoot back, tilting your head as your eyes glanced over the Casa bottle. Knowing well the alcohol was considerable for the strangest of strange blackouts and would have one questioning how they even made It home come sunrise.
High risk, potentially blacking out; high reward, a good fucking time.
“You tryna get me drunk?”
“I think you are confusing drunk with loose. Miss Svedka drinker. You’ll be fine. I don’t think I pour that heavy…personally” Ellie shrugged, flipping the cap off the bottle almost like a mixologist. Pour a good amount of tequila into your cup “More fruity or more sour?” 
“Fruity…what kind of question is that?” You jabbed playfully, letting out a soft laugh escape your chest — natural and free as Ellie did the same.
“You didn’t drink beer, right? liquor before beer you’re in the clear. . .” Ellie ran the saying through to you waiting for you to finish the saying. Her mouth agape waiting for the words to pool out of your lips. Cementing her feet on the hardwood floors. She planned on going off to grab her personal favorite fruit juice from the fridge. Her delicacy to you. 
“Beer before liquor never been sicker!” You complete the phrase — Ellie nodding her head watching as you pretended to take your cup and imitate throwing up into it. “I don’t drink beer”
“Good, don’t” Ellie laughed, “I’m gonna be right back hold this for a sec” Ellie pushed the red cup into your hands. Not even giving you a full minute for you to register what she had said. 
You weren’t sure why Ellie personally treating you with a drink of your own brought chattering butterflies into your stomach. She was providing such care and rather you drink something better than something cheap off the table. Ellie never failed to be gentle with you — it was even more so now that there was alcohol involved in your exchange. It felt more intimate, more personal like a ball of energy building up between the two of you yearning for something to happen.
You couldn’t linger in your own thoughts for a second as Ellie returned with an Ocean Spray branded Cran-Mango juice. Ellie took the juice pouring another half of the cup with the juice. Briefly took the cup to her lips tasting where the Casamigos and Cran-Mango blended, the substance pooling in her mouth sending a gentle yet bitter taste against the buds of her tongue. Ellie took the initiative to pour more. Taking yet again another sip to taste test it.
“Okay…better” Ellie nodded wiping the dripping liquid from her lips with the tip of her ringed finger. “Here let me know”
Ellie handed the cup back to you, swinging the fruit juice in her hand in nervousness watching as you brought the drink up to your lips. The fruit carving the liquor far, not only blending nicely but you barely tasted it, and that was your kind of drink.
“Mhm,” you groaned out in satisfaction as Ellie’s lips curled into a smile. 
“Mmm, what. . .?” Ellie pestered, smiling at you sheepishly. Almost cockily with much pride.
“This is good”
“WOO told you, babe!” Ellie laughed, almost jumping in excitement. All your head could think about was her calling you babe. The way the words rang off her tongue, silky like satin blankets almost as if it was natural. Your cheeks warmed up from not only the chilled liquid in your cup but the feelings that were stirring in your stomach. 
“Let’s join the party now shall we, I hope you can dance” Ellie playfully nudged your shoulder as her body suavely swiveled around you taking hold of your hand, almost as if the two were made for each other. Her elbows were visible from her short-sleeve; bruised up, hues of purple and blue decorating her body like a roughened kiss.
“Bold of you to assume I can’t” you shot back, shouting over the music as Ellie head you to the basement where the main party was at. No Idea by Don Toliver blasting through the large speakers as the crowd bounced to the bass of the music, Ellie even finding herself rocking her body to the music as she dragged you to an open gap in the crowd. The two of your bodies against each other as she grabbed at your waist.
Occasionally taking a sip of the contents from your cup — not even bothering to get her own. The two of you enter a stage of blissfully drunk. A sip and the tug of your waist, slight pressure applied through her fingertips as the peak of the song arose. Ellie dragged her dreamy haze away from you as she heard her name being shouted repeatedly.
Her vision redirected to a group of skaters she skated frequently. 2 guys, drowning in their clothes, backpacks on their backs, and decks in their hands. Sneakers beat up as if they were ran over many many times. The guys waved the girl over pointing at a skateboard with the I.C logo on the back of the board. Your eyes, were almost like a worried deer looking up at Ellie whose body was frozen. Looking past you instead of at you. 
“I don’t think I ever told you, congratulations” You whisper, low enough for her to hear your voice as she leaned down for your lips to almost meet her ear. 
“Thank you” Ellie laughed, amidst her buzz giving a small kiss on your cheek. Her own was beet red, seeping through her freckles from the heat and the alcohol she was inhaling by the minute. Times like this Ellie was grateful for the lights being low to where no one could truly see how badly she was blushing under your touch. “Look I have to talk to some friends. . . if you want to come you can, but like -no pressure-like I get it if you don’t want to I’—”
“Ellie” you interrupted her
“You’re rambling” you blurt out making Ellie scrunch up her nose in frustration. 
“N-no no, it’s okay…it’s kinda cute actually” you confess dropping your head slightly, feeling waves of embarrassment washing over you. Not being able to contain the emotions you were feeling. 
“So you’ll come?” Ellie held her arm out giving a flesh display of her tattoo in all its glory, the ink fresh and completed. You gladly took her arm into your own, flicking your hand up to gesture to her to lead the way and she did. Almost like a knight in shining armor, she guided you to the corner. Away from all of the people, the outskirts of the main crown that was less busy.
Daping up the skaters with a hug as they cracked their own jokes pretending to wack Ellie with the board. You took it these were her friends. That wasn’t of course Dina whom you learned with time, or her other roommate that apparently was Jesse. Their gaze shifted to you almost startled; gleaming with interest and attraction, but their smile was inviting. The men had buzzcut designs dyed into them. One with flames the other with completely red with a black spider in the center on the back, glimmering under the lights. 
“— Ellie you’re rude as fuck, whose this?” One of them suggested pointing at you as you clung to her arm. Ellie’s arm tensing at the mention of yourself “Uh—this is. . .”
“Y/n! Hi, nice to meet you all” Maybe it was the liquid talking, you suddenly had the courage to get everything off of your chest. Bubbly personality peaking right through. Your hand, naturally covered in bangles and small rings out for them to take. The smile on your glossed lips was charming, giving an invitation for anyone to be sweet to you. A Cotton candy smile. 
“Oh she formal” one of them whispered
“Keep her”
“I’m Oliver but you can call me OB, to your left is P.J and we hug over here mama” One of the guys opened his arms out gesturing for you to bring it in for a hug to which Ellie was quick to swipe her hand in front of you to halt you from walking.
“Yeah, she’s not hugging you” Ellie spoke up, pushing you into her side with her hands. 
Oliver put his hands down, rolling his eyes at Ellie’s sudden rough attitude. “So you skate or… what’s your deal?” P.J. this time spoke up taking a sip from his near-empty tallboy of twisted tea.
“Uhh…” you paused nervously laughing. “I’m from New York, just moved here for college. Learning how to skate thanks to Miss Hollywood over here” You joked tugging Ellie backward at her cap. 
“Ohh we got an east coast baddie in the house~” Oliver taunted making P.J give him a side eye.
“Dude you’re annoying —“
“No you—”
“Bitch I will—”
“Are you twins?” You question bluntly. The two stopped their bickering to look at you.
“What gave it away the hair? No, we just shaved our hair and got matching moles on our asses” Oliver said with a serious tone, his voice vacant from any emotion. Their eyes stared deep into your soul as he watched the way your smile faded.
“Oh. . .”
“Just playing with you mama, yeah we’re twins I’m the oldest by the way don’t listen to anything this knucklehead says” O.B confesses,
His statement made the group burst out laughing. Including yourself who rolled your eyes at their childish behavior. In times like this you thought about how people’s friends were often a reflection of themselves. Thinking back to why Ellie had a childish rebellious nature of her own. 
You figured O.B. and P.J. definitely played a part into her mannerisms.
“Oh Ellie I like them, she’s cool” 
“So. . .” P.J. cleared his throat and reached the board, setting the slender wood onto the hardwood floor of the basement.
“Wanna show us a trick?” P.J suggested, taking another swig at his almost empty can
Resting his foot against the edge of the deck, kicking it in your direction. 
Your head tilted to Ellie who was by your side, the redhead gave you a smile and a nod of encouragement. “Go ahead” Ellie whispered, carefully keeping her voice low to give you free reign to make moves. 
“Actually, we’ll teach you something — probably better than what your girl is showing you anyways” P.J. spoke up again watching the brief and small exchange you and Ellie shared.
“Oliver stabilize, let’s do a tic-tac, simple won’t make you crack your skull open. I imagine you are drunk?” P.J. questioned, quirking an eyebrow up at you. To which you nodded at him and he nodded back, the silent exchange brief but P.J.’s delivery was understanding.
Oliver was crouched down almost at eye level with the board, his hands at the edges of the wood, fingers gripping onto the grip tape. His fingertips were covered in bandaids, small scares going up his arm — clearly from one-too-many falls.
“Ellie you’re spotting, waist duty…puh-lease~” P.J. sang as he whistled standing in front of you in the corner. 
The music by now in the back had shifted from Don Toliver to Drake’s Nonstop. The crowd getting low to the music meanwhile yourself, Ellie and the skater group stood in the corner nook with the couches, often where couples would move away to break from the chaos of the main party.
It was spacious — a lot of room for you to do a trick and not have to worry about bumping your head, or hitting a coffee table for that matter.
“You skate goofy-footed?” Oliver asked, debating if he had to flip the direction of the boards nose. Seeing the way your face scrunched in confusion, O.B bit at his lips realizing he was asking the wrong person “Ellie?”
“No, she rides regular” 
“Ok so take one step on the board, both feet try to relax, do not put your feet together, you see where these screws are” P.J pointed to the screws at the bottom of the board the 3 at the left side and the three at the right.
“Place your left foot here,” his fingers pointing to the corresponding left screws “right foot over there” repeating the action. 
“You want your feet to be at your riding — standard position”
You took a step onto the board, as Ellie held onto your hips to prevent you from sliding. Your hands ghosting over hers, with a slight grip as you felt an odd shift at your balance with the sudden wheel’s beneath you. Ellie on the other hand was whispering a soft “I got you” repeatedly, her breath fanning against the back of your neck, just enough to give a shiver up your spine. 
Getting your feet comfortable, P.J and O.B cheered you on, like-wise other skaters who were sitting around clapping their hand against the back of the board, to cheer you on. You smiled sheepishly looking back down to Oliver at the floor who lifted a thumbs up at you.
“Okay great, you’re doing perfect! So now you are gonna push your weight slightly over the board bend your knees a little,” Ellie moved a hand down to slap at your knee making your body jump at the feeling of her sudden chilled touch. Implying to bend your knees to which you did.
P.J continued speaking, almost in full lecture mode, “because your hips are gonna rock, twisting at the nose of your board”
“Give it a try”
“You got it,” Ellie encouraged giving a slight grab at your waist, her fingers slightly bunching at the fabric. You slowly started moving your hips, Oliver letting go so you can try the trick. You were breezing through, feet moving at a great speed, hips at the right position — or maybe it was because of Ellie’s hands guiding you, but you were tic-tacing across the basement tile of the corner making the skaters in the corner cheer you on. 
“OKAY MISS EAST COAST” O.B shouted! As you stood up fully to clap, Ellie pausing you to lift you off the board spinning you around. Pulling your body into a hug as your feet met the ground. 
“Okay Lil’ Tony Hawk don’t get ahead of yourself now” P.B shouted playfully. 
“You should skate with us sometime, considering how good you learn and pick up these skills, we could use your energy at the park” O.B suggested giving you a gentle smile, meanwhile P.J nodded picking his board up from the floor. 
“I mean, if I’m not working the days you go I’ll totally check in” You smile giving the duo a fist bump. You looked beautiful under the light, the long saturated lights dawning upon you with delight as your makeup, soft and dewy glistened in the light.
You turned around to be face-to-face with Ellie, who cutely scrunched up her face at you, opening her arms slightly. Naturally you leaned your body in to give her another hug to which Ellie took it. Sudden adrenaline pumping through her veins, she was almost nervous that you could hear the faint beating of her heart. Not like she was complaining though. 
“Look at you my little rookie!” Ellie whispered lowly into your ear. 
“Making me look good n’ shit, you swear you never done this before?”
“God you are amazing, I could just kiss you right now!” Ellie blurted out, with a slight rasp in her voice. It was too late for Ellie to take her words back, it felt almost natural as if this was everyday for her. With you she felt at home, and at ease. 
“You can, but I actually have to pee” you whispered back with a laugh, your head falling to hit her shoulder. Laughter raking through your body; almost shaking. 
“upstairs second floor and  first door on your right” 
“Thank you!” You smile briefly as you turn on your heels to walk away, “Bye guys you were fun, I’ll be back…hopefully” You yelled over the music as the skaters waved to you. O.B and P.J with the dorkies smiles on their faces as they watched you go.
“Good job mama! Hope to see you hitting the parks soon!”
You ran off to the stairs, your body disappear merging into the bodies of people. Ellie on the other hand let out a prolonged sigh looking at the boys in front of her, to which P.J and O.B were already giving her a knowing look.
“On your simp shit, she bad tho snatch her before your competitions grabby hands will” O.B. suggested pretending to be a crab claw with his hands and clawing his hands at Ellie’s shirt. Then making graphic imagery with his hands. P.J. laughed at his brother’s actions, Ellie only rolling her eyes at the twins. 
“Fuck you!”
“If you fumble we’ll never forgive you” 
The bathroom was your escape for the moment. Brought you back to reality and grounded you from everything that seemed unreal, you were definitely sobering up from all that you drank. As your cup was discarded and tossed in the trash before your meeting of O.B and P.J.
Flushing the toilet quickly you made your way back to the counter to wash your hands. Tilting your head every now and then at the feeling of the pressure condensing in your head. Almost feeling airheaded and lightheaded. The post-drinking headache coming along swiping through you like the Grim Reaper.
Taking a generous amount of soap only to realize the pump was damn near stuck and the bottle was almost out, sucking your teeth in agitation, having no choice but to unscrew the lid and tap the bottle against your palm to get the soap out. 
Amidst the base of the music peeking through the vents and gaps in the bathroom, two voices were loud against the door. Sounded like an old couple in an argument. One voice is a lot softer the other one raspier and aggressive almost attacking the softer voice. Making your nose scrunch trying to screw your head away from being nosy. After carefully putting the top on off the bottle – and a terrible job of minding your own business you flicked the faucet up, warm-hot water gushing into the sink, as you washed your hands humming the tune of the song. Snapping a piece of paper towel off the roll and wiping your head dry, hitting the faucet with your napkin before throwing it in the trash.
You took a sharp inhale, taking in the fumes from the air-freshener of the wall, your hands entangled in each other as you looked at your appearance in the mirror.
Make up still intact? Check.
No broken nails? Check.
Outfit still fine? Triple check.
Drunk? Oh more than a fucking check. 
You jolted, being brought out of your own thoughts as you heard the sound of a loud shove against the door, arguing you heard prior getting louder and louder. Tip toeing your way to the door, pressing your ear against the thick wood trying to hear the voices amidst the music.
“I told you to fucking tell her and you didn’t”
“Don’t piss me off I’m doing it!”
“Well you got 5 fucking minutes! Anderson walked through the door, if that gives you any motivation”
Who the fuck was Anderson? You pushed your head away from the door thinking about who the two voices could have been talking about. Now that you were listening – to which you definitely shouldn’t have, inquiry filled you. The voices were more feminine, one a little groggier than the other. 
“Like hell, I’m letting Abby touch her! Are you joking? We can’t do this right now and you said you would help me yet your fucking yelling at me!”
“I’ve had it with you! You didn’t grow at all you immature little—”
You brought a hand up to your mouth in confusion as the water hit the door. Fortunate that you were on the other side, you looked down at your sneakers to see a sudden pool of water seeping onto the bathroom floor tile, traveling underneath the door. But that definitely wasn’t vodka, or urine either the mystery liquid slightly tinted brown. You heard a slight growl from the other side. It didn’t sound too good, at all. 
“You tell her, or I will you got 24 hours or this deal is done!”
With that, your hand reached for the doorknob unlocking the door to reveal two familiar faces near and dear to you. 
Ellie and Cat.
Like two deers stuck in headlights, the two stopped speaking to each other, to now face you in shock. Cat quickly tucked her solo cup behind her and threw it somewhere in the hallway. 
This time you took back your mental note about Ellie’s shirt considering the white fabric blend now was drenched in a brown toffee splotch at the center. 
“Y/n! I’ve been looking for you the whol—”
“Do you know each other or. . .” 
You looked at Cat, not missing a beat as you turned to look at Ellie. Ellie turned her head to look at Cat with pleading eyes. Smoothly going unnoticed by you as the two spoke up over each other. 
The two said at the same time, making you tilt your head to the left in confusion. They were rushing to say no simultaneously almost as if they couldn’t control the urge to say it, caught in a lie your head shouted.
Caught. In. A. Lie
Cat was looking at you with a wide smile. Masking the scowl she had when you opened there, almost as if there was nothing wrong.
“Explain your shirt then?” you nudged pointing at Ellie’s shirt. You were getting suspicious, head on the fox, whose slyness rather slipped – they got careless and now they were paying the price.
“Some couple apparently was walking by if you heard arguing apparently Ellie, right your name is Ellie?” Ellie nodded as Cat continued “tried to break it up so they would leave and the girlfriend threw the drink accidentally hitting Ellie in the process. I was looking for the bathroom and that’s how I saw her. Small conversation” Cat smiled 
Her lie was clean, 100% believable considering her hands were free of any cup and she played it off as she didn’t know Ellie. Ellie’s eyes ran in disbelief staring at the girl as Cat gave a glance back almost screaming You Owe me!  
You also weren’t oblivious or ignorant for that matter deciding to leave it alone. 
“Uh huh…” you nodded as you prepared to step out only for Ellie to push you in, followed by herself, Wind catching your throat.
“Thanks for uh the help Cat, we need like a minute -thank you” Ellie’s back was turned towards you as she closed the door in Cat’s face, hitting the lock and letting out a breath before turning to face you with a smile. Her smile dropped upon seeing the look on your face. Almost as if you were lost in your head–stricken daze as your mind was talking but your mouth was not.
“You alright? You don’t look so well”
Ellie’s eyes squinted at how unsettled you looked. Almost as if you were about to vomit. Looking a little green. You weren’t sure why, but the butterflies you got when you saw Ellie transitioned to anxiety. Like something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Your stomach curls in knots attacking each other like a parasite almost as if you ate something bad. 
Something was wrong.
“Yeah. . .” You whispered breathily lying through your teeth. A hand shifting over to your stomach as a way to ease the sudden pain.
“Here sit”
Ellie tapped the open space of the counter of the sink you walked to the main sink. 
“You mind if I, uh…” Ellie pointed at her shirt, to which you shook your head. For a second giving the girl privacy, looking away from her undressing in front of you.
Ellie slid the shirt off of her body leaving her in a bright blue sports bra. Her body, rather fit was slightly bruised in some areas. Like her hips, or her back. They looked painful making you wince in pain. Ellie’s gaze followed your own as her hands touched against the messy hues of purple.
“Skate fails.” 
“You don’t take care of yourself?” you whisper bringing a hand out to touch the bruise making Ellie suck her teeth and hiss at you.
“As best as I could.”
Ellie prolonged a look at you. Grabbing onto your fingers to stop you from touching. 
Her mind was screaming kiss! Kiss! Kiss! With her face leaning to your own. She could smell the sweetness of your perfume. Like the perfect bite almost harmonic to her. Wedding bells singing.
Almost as if someone snapped their fingers in front of her face she jolted away.
“I’ll heal up jus’fine the ointment is working . . .I guess”
“You don’t give yourself any love,” You started, making Ellie’s heart grow softer. Growing paints made her eyebrows knit together in sadness.
“What makes you think that” Ellie kept her voice low, somewhere between a whisper and a mumble. Bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of her neck
You moved your body closer to the counter, leaning closer to where she stood, taking her arm into your own hands, and tugging her forward like a ragdoll. Ellie stood before you, hawk-eyed as you brought your glossed lips down to her arm applying a kiss to the disappearing bruise on her bicep. Triggering a response in her – Ellie abruptly jumped, chapped lips separated. This time you lifted up her wrist, kissing the edge of her knuckles.
“That’s how I know” 
Where her green met your very own, sparkles in her eyes, as her loving gaze couldn’t diverge. It reminded you of when she poured you the drink. An intimate moment but this time the two of you were alone and there was no one to stop you. 
“I don’t deserve you,” Ellie whispered softly, bringing a hand up to move your hair out of your face. The look on her face was almost guilty as if she now entered the emotional stage of her drunkness
“How do you know what I deserve,” you whisper holding onto her arm and giving her room to speak her mind. 
“You don’t know who I am” 
“I can learn, I-I Ellie, You can’t see what I see” you reasoned. It was almost as if Ellie was backtracking. Self-sabotaging for all of the soft moments you made. Wanting nothing more than to close herself off and be alone. She knew the minute she lied to you, and you still trusted her that she was no good. Ellie felt greedy sinfully taking a bite of something so precious and delicate that she was going to destroy it with her greed and recklessness. 
Maybe that was the part about liking someone and desiring them. For some time she thought she could never feel an emotion other than lust until she met you. You changed her greed, her desire, her energy vampire nature to be loved. She wanted to do right by you. And even so, she still failed, Cat was right, she didn’t change.
“You wouldn’t like what you see”
“But your different no? If we’re talking about pasts we all got one. It’s how we move forward that matters” you continue, almost lecturing the girl in front of you.
Ellie nodded
The moment was tender. Silence fills the bathroom, the bass from the music filling the void where their voices would have filled.
“Your lips look a little dry” you confessed, making Ellie furrow her eyebrows, her eyes flickering to your own seeing the way the gloss shined underneath the bathroom overhead light. It was a total off- comment almost throwing off the vibe of the moment the two of you were sharing.
“Wait lean in a bit more hold on,” Ellie complied – leaning further in her lips a perfect inch away from yours. 
Ellie felt her breathing speed up, eyeing your lips, trying to correct herself by looking elsewhere. 
“Don’t look at me like that” Ellie whispered, her voice low as she leaned in even closer turning the inch to a centimeter. Her lips almost grazed yours as she spoke.
“Like what?” you whispered tilting your head as you looked up at her through your mascara-coated lashes, orbs flashing innocence, and fake confusion.
It took no time for the two of your lips to meet, your glossed lips giving hers some moisture. It was soft, almost feeling as if you were falling through a series of clouds. Ellie gripped at your face, as you felt her cold rings against your face, hands moving up and down as they stroked your smooth skin. It was abruptly getting hotter than here. By now your hands reached up to the back of Ellie’s hat tossing it to the floor, as the kiss got deeper and deeper. Your body hit the back of the counter’s mirror as Ellie continued to take her time kissing you. Stepping in between your thighs, using her free hand to wrap your legs around her waist as she continued. Caging her in feeding into the temptation.
You let out a low whine only for Ellie to detach her head away from your lips, tightly gripping your jaw and your neck tightly as her lips were kissing the flesh of your skin. Wet messy kisses as her tongue was in swirls, peppering marks on your neck. Almost going in as if she was taking a lick at ice cream, trying to get to the center and devour the cone. 
Occasional moans left your lips as you continued to get drunker off the taste of alcohol on her tongue. Your heavy breathing was intense as she pulled apart from you, fixing your dress strap for you as she gave a swift kiss to your shoulder and collarbone.
“I want to give you more than a sloppy party kiss. . .”
“Ayo! open the door I gotta pee!”
Ellie rolled her eyes at the voice, belonging to a man as she peeled her body away from yours. Putting the shirt in the hamper closest to the tub she dug through the bathroom closest to find one of the secret safety shirts Jesse stored in the cabinet. Sliding the fabric over her head as she turned to face you adjusting the shirt. 
You snickered, laughing at how ridiculous the slogan on the shirt was: “WHO ATE ALL THE PUSSY?” It read, as ridiculous as it sounded it was very suitable for her. 
“Nice shirt,” Ellie looked down at the words before looking back at you,
“Nice face”
You shook your head at her response hopping off the counter to refreshen yourself, you digging into your purse as she was doing her own thing. Digging through your purse you brought out a small bottle of Fenty-lip gloss, cherry tinted, applying the rich and sticky gloss onto your lips rubbing in security. Ellie on the other hand, finished her preparations, throwing her hat into the closet, now eyeing your tube of lip gloss.
“You want some?” Your voice ran sweet as you pushed her more in front of you. Ellie puckered her lips meanwhile you were pumping the gloss three times before applying the tingling lip gloss onto her own. Ellie hummed at the sudden cherry flavor.
Ellie’s scrunched up – almost as if she smelled something bad.
“Ouchh, what the hell is it supposed to do that” Ellie cried, almost throwing a tantrum like a child. Rubbing her lips together.
“Yes Ellie, it’s a lip plumper”
“I swear my lips are gonna fall off”
“You’re so dramatic”
“Argg — take it off!”
Once you left the bathroom you ended up separated from Ellie. Jesse interrupted saying they were having a problem…yet again with too many people on the front lawn. Jesse shouted sorry at you repeatedly as he dragged her away from you. Ellie looked back at you twice, while you did only once. 
You thought now would be a good time for some fresh air taking in the sudden humidity that was so so much hotter in comparison to where you stood comfortably at the counter. You whisked your way to the patio. Finding yourself sitting at the steps. The cool air nipping at your kneck as you bask in your own warmth rubbing your arms upwards and down again – repeating this motion until you were satisfied.
Tonight felt like a fever dream to you. Kissing your growing crush, a great night out where you not only made friends but weren’t uncomfortable during the night. It seemed almost too good to be true. Until the thoughts of Cat and Ellie standing outside of the bathroom door set you off. You felt that nervousness bubble up in your stomach again as you dipped your head down to rest against the wood of the railing. 
Behind you, the patio door slammed open…before being closed again. The back area was vacant of bodies until the new one arrived. The smell of pine filled your nostrils, clean and fresh as the body sat next to you bringing a blunt to their lips –  scratched at their hair. A jacket, on their arms flashes of red and white making you fully glance at them this time. 
It was a blonde with a pretty smile and beat-up Converse like many of the other skaters there. Which led you to believe that she was probably one of them, probably a friend of Ellie’s as well. Oh, how you were wrong.
“Too loud?” Her voice was smooth and low, muscular build figure -- prominent she had to be about 6’0. She seemed like an enigma not even real, almost an angel coming to your aid when you needed help and that you did.
“Nah. . . just needed to clear my head, for a second” You whispered as you kept your eyes closed against the wood. The sudden smell of weed fills the aroma between the two of you.
“All fair, what’s on your mind? I’m a stranger but I can give you advice” The blonde spoke up again letting out a brief puff of air and blowing the smoke away from you. She dug into her jacket pocket pulling out a penny, the blunt resting between her lips.
“Penny for your thoughts” She suggested.
You took the coin into your hands.
“You ever feel like someone is lying to you [all the time,] like I have suspicions that my roommate and this current girl I’m seeing are up to something. . . like I wouldn’t say it's imperatively negative but like it feels like there's a secret and everyone knows but me.” You confessed, words spilling out of your mouth like you were in a therapy session. The girl took another swig of the blunt before speaking.
“If you feel like it is, then find out the truth. You seem like a smart girl, don’t be afraid to ask”
“I’m not afraid its jus—”
“You’re afraid.”
“And that’s okay,” the blonde continued as she now directed her full attention to you. The scar on her face was prominent against her cheeks, ocean eyes slightly large and almost silver under the moonlight.
“I think you’re afraid your suspicions are gonna be right. But even if they were, look at the facts and the integrity. Were they not telling you x,y,z to hurt you – antagonize you? Or protect you?”
“I’m not a kid, I don’t need protecting” you scowled, turning your once open body away back into the staircase, adjusting your body away from the blonde’s. 
“Didn’t say you were, but everyone needs protecting…including myself”
“Let me tell you a story,” The blonde shook the blunts ash out as she started to speak. “When I was in high school I was infatuated with my current girlfriend, before we started dating. I wanted her so badly. My friends knew I had a crush and even someone I considered my best friend at the time. So naturally I planned moves, and they swept her right away from me — kissed her. . . probably fucked her. I was so mad. I mean I still get riled up thinking about it – but that’s beside the point. Eventually, the truth came to light that my so-called best friend wasn’t as good as people said she was. Now eventually my girlfriend and I worked past it, but I always thank myself for checking the light-eyed bitches location and finding out everything I needed to go”
“See I trusted my gut and I think you should too”
You took in her words, mouth wide as she told the story “I’m sorry that’s fucked up!”
“What’s even more fucked is me being here right now because I shouldn’t even be in attendance”
“They here or something?” you pry  – hoping to not have crossed paths with this person.
“Oh they are here alright, just be —”
“Yo!” A soft voice shouts from the patio door a black girl whose hair was put up into a cute puff, stuck her head out looking at the blonde. You thought she was gorgeous, even down to her voice she was pretty. Her aurora was nice, fitting for the blonde next to you
“Let’s bounce, Jesse’s cutting people out”
“Yup! Alright, that’s our cue,” The blonde put out her marijuana stick, dabbing it into the wood of the stairs as she stood up fully with a stretch. “Listen, as I said – if you suspect something ask questions. Stop settling that’s how you fuck yourself over”
“What’s your name?” you shouted, watching as the girl was walking away from you with the girl who stuck her head out, who you presumed to be her girlfriend that she described in the story.
“And good luck! Something tells me you’ll need it”
Leaving you with the sparkling penny under the moonlight.
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@spacewlf @ellsss @elliestrwbrry @emluvselandabs @mossc0vered @destielcore @starologist @beforeimdeceased @rarestdoll @luvrgalore @sawaagyapong @zahraaziza @machetegirl109 @sadeyedsugar @pookiesmookie69 @elliesbabygirl @theganymedes @carmellie @ximtiredx @cherriesxinthespring @phantombriide @bunkisses4u @spaceshipellie @spacewlf @elliewilliamsmissingfingers @inf3ct3dd @rolly-pollie @skylerwhitwyo @eitaababe @qtefolleunpez
© cowgirlcherrie 2023
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allwaswell16 · 4 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics where the characters miss an opportunity to be together but reconnect at a later time as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🩵 Next to your Heartbeat (where I should be) by jaded25
(M, 130k, cheating) All it takes for them to fall in love is one night. All they have to do is wait one year to see each other again.
🩵 I'll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt
(E, 122k, friends to lovers) Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not
🩵 Home To You by Crowsonthewire / @crows-onthewire
(E, 54k, friends to lovers) At fifteen, Harry wrote his first song for an oblivious seventeen year old Louis Tomlinson. Ten years later he’s a singer/songwriter who cant find any words for his second album and Louis is a closeted actor tired of LA.
🩵 Late Night Talking by @kingsofeverything
(E, 53k, famous/famous) Promo season gets underway with a stop at Late Night Talking, the late night show hosted by Harry Styles, and Harry Styles just happens to be the man who blew a chance to date Louis a decade ago.
🩵 It Had To Be You by @kingsofeverything
(M, 45k, When Harry Met Sally au) Ten years after their post-college road trip, Louis and Harry meet once again, but this time they become friends. Eventually, things get complicated.
🩵 Runner on Third by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(M, 39k, friends to lovers) the AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
🩵 Heart Beat by @allwaswell16
(E, 33k, kid fic) When Harry returns to start a music academy in his hometown, he finds himself face to face with his high school crush—and his charming daughter who wants to learn to play the drums.
🩵 With the Rising Sun by Tomlinsontoes
(M, 33k, sister's best friend) Louis had been living in NYC for two years now while studying at NYU, and was probably the least social 21-year-old ever. Somehow he got roped into his sister's brilliant idea of getting her college best friend to help him branch out and meet people. 
🩵 It's Been So Long by elsi_bee / @elsi-bee
(T, 31k, crush) Harry Styles' first crush was one of his sister's best friends, a certain someone named Louis Tomlinson. And Louis? He just vaguely remembers Gemma's younger brother from back in the day. A lot can change in ten years.
🩵 The Melody You Never Heard by bananasandboots
(E, 30k, camping) the one where Harry gets roped into a four-day camping trip with the boy who kissed him and never called back.
🩵 once bitten and twice shy by @pinkcords
(M, 19k, Christmas) in a rush of bravery only senior year can bring, Harry confesses his feelings in a letter to his neighbor and best friend, Louis, only for the entire school to hear it and laugh him out of their small town in Wisconsin. Ten years later, Harry's a successful lawyer at Columbia Records, coming home for Christmas for the first time since he departed for college. 
🩵 What do you mean he's coming? by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics
(G, 15k, wedding) Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. 
🩵 through the jungle through the dark by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(E, 15k, ex-friends) Louis and Harry were best friends, until they weren’t. Five years after they last spoke they’re forced to drive cross-country to visit an injured friend. If they can’t get over the past, it will be a very long week together.
🩵 You Turned Up (Like a Friend of Mine) by @lululawrence
(NR, 10k, parallel universes) the one where Harry disappears on graduation day only to show up on Louis' door looking exactly the same ten years later. 
🩵 Read My Lips by superglass / @gaymoustache
(NR, 6k, friends to lovers) Old Uni friends Harry and Louis reconcile for the holidays after Louis’ early success as an indie singer. NYE 1999/Y2K scare au.
🩵 We're Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood
(T, 5k, social media) the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
🩵 Any Man of Mine by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(T, 5k, childhood friends) Harry goes to visit his old friend Louis at his ranch in Texas after they reconnect during the pandemic. He learns a thing or two about cowboy hat etiquette.
🩵 Seems You Cannot Be Replaced by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(M, 5k, swimming) Harry and the popular boy in school, Louis Tomlinson, share a tension-filled night together when they're young. Fifteen years later they see each other again.
🩵 Time will tell, I suppose, or at least, these pages will. by Spiralblissx
(G, 5k, pen pals) Harry goes to a public diary reading thing at his local coffee shop and gets more than he bargained for
🩵 On a Day Like This You Know It's Meant to Be by @allwaswell16
(T, 2k, fate) Harry is certain he'll never see him again, even if they did make a pact to reunite should the Chicago Cubs win the World Series.
- Rare Pairs -
🩵 It’s About A Boy by @missrefridgefreetorator / mynameispiaivy 
(G, 4k, Louis/Luke Malak) when a mysterious boy turns your birthday celebration into a night you will never forget, or when it's like, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas unless someone asks for your number and you just don't want the night to end.
🩵 Costumes Must Be Sexy, Slutty and/or Stupid by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 4k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) It's a bit of a blast from the past to get an invite to Nick Grimshaw's fancy dress housewarming.
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