#look I’ve said this before but I’ve seen this scenario play out so often with my own friends in our normal lives
wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
I know it’s been said so many times before by people more experienced and insightful than me, but I don’t think it’s inherently taking jobs last minute that was the issue, because that’s the nature of jobs in their respective industries and they both understood that. Like, it sucks to have your partner leave for months at a time but you can’t begrudge them that especially when they’re still establishing themselves.
But it’s what happened at home that I would bet was ultimately their undoing. Because it’s one thing to take a job last minute and be like “sorry babe I’m going to miss x” but then still show up in other ways (communicative eg on the phone, showing up at home when you’re there, supporting your partner’s dreams and ambitions, etc.). But it’s another to a) keep chasing your own ambitions (fair, needed, healthy) but b) resent your partner for chasing theirs or belittle the things they find important.
I doubt Taylor expected Joe to follow her around everywhere and it wasn’t (just) the physical absence that hurt. It was the emotional absence that stung and made things untenable. (Based off songs like YLM and even Hits Different and just, you know, ~vibes~.) It’s the whole making time to make things work thing — it just seems like one person was making all the time and the other wasn’t in recent years. There could be a million reasons why and we may find out in TTPD.
Seeing how supportive Taylor is in general, I have no doubt she empathized with his need to work and encouraged him to do so. I just feel like what we’re seeing and going to learn about is that when the roles were reversed, that same support wasn’t extended (or not as unconditionally) and that was what started to make her feel smaller and smaller. And I have a feeling that same lack of support may have extended to personal plans as well.
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graceofagodswrath · 7 months
Humans are Feral: Part 3
This is actually a continuation of the first part, but in a different scenario. I wanted to write a story with the idea of a human pack-bonding to an alien and going feral after seeing the alien hurt. It would a be a moment where aliens realize that while humans are dangerous, this kind of loyalty they can have for anyone or thing is a rarity and should be respected.
I also wanted to play around with the ideas of aliens reacting to human courtship. I’ve seen lots of headcannons and ideas as to how aliens may react to our openness when it comes to romantic relationships. Aka alien/monster fuckers. I hate you all because I am one of you.
So I decided to mix both and go with the scenario: what if a human’s alien S/O was threatened and hurt? I love the cliche of people going rabid after a loved one is hurt, it’s so nice to see humans actually caring for each other in this day and age.
WARNINGS - Implications of sexual trafficking, death, and violence.
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Inter-species relationships were not an uncommon thing. However, they were met with equal skepticism and hate as they were welcome.
When humans joined the mix of races in the outer systems, it threw off those with prejudices against such relationships. While the young race was not without it it’s own trivial prejudices, the openness at which they had to forming lifepairs with non-human beings was unexpected. As humans branched out and their strange reputation became more than simple youngling stories, another reputation began to rise. That was of humans as life-mates.
While many still spurned others for finding partners outside their races, among the community it was seen as a huge honor to have a human as a life-mate. They were deemed high-maintenance and challenging to match, yet their loyalty held no bounds.
It wasn’t long before this became a small joke among the humans. They knew their species, and the idea the outer races had of them as lovers was too good not to joke about.
While they could not quell the rising rumors and fantastical stories surrounding their species, as much as it annoyed some, others took it in stride.
Quil’ian was a xicali of the dexi-10 planetary system, from the jungle planet Huvarrh. Stunningly large beasts, xicalis resembled bipedal humanoids with two pairs of arms and four fingered hands. Smooth, iridescent skin emblazoned with unique patterns covered their bodies. In dark spaces they often glowed with their own soft bioluminescence. Two large eyes of various dappled shades sat on either side of their flat noses. Scientists theorized that humans and xicalis must have had a similar evolutionary path from an ancestor of ape-like characteristics. But where humans remained in the ground, xicalis remained in the trees, their strong arms capable of immense strength for swinging from branch to branch.
Quil’ian was such a xicali. His skin shimmered a cerulean blue so deep it rivaled the gemstones of Farcauv. His eyes were pools of amber, one his partner said reminded them of a sweet syrup called honey from their home.
Quil’ian’s life partner was a human named Amira. She was a well-respected starship engineer from the eastern reaches of the Terran homeworld. Black hair, sun-darkened skin and eyes the color of rich garden soil. She had a laugh like the singing bird calls of his homeworld, and soft words of whispered sweetness that made his legs weak. She was the light of Quil’ian’s life.
When they were about in public and chose to display their affections, it more than often drew side glances. Scathing looks. Jealousy. Yearning. Disgust. They paid no mind.
They found work together, traveling to distant worlds and exploring the nether reaches of the universe. Amira would be hired on as an engineer for a ship, while Quil’ian would work as a docker, using his natural xicali strength to move shipments and ship parts. They made quite the pair for any employer.
It was on such a job, on the freelancer starship Queen Diogovay, they found themselves in a dangerous situation. Alien Marauders had attacked, demanding all shipment and valuable items. And the captain was going to let them have it. They weren't going to risk violence and an injured crew. Until the marauders realized there were humans aboard.
Ever since humans had entered the galactum, the trafficking industry boomed. The want for humans for servitude, experimentation, and especially sexual uses made humans beyond valuable. One pretty Terran could make over several billion kronor.
Upon the Queen Diogovay there were five human crew members, including Amira. And the marauders wanted every one of them. When the pirates first grabbed hold of the ship, three of the humans disappeared while Amira and Sam stayed with the crew to try to keep the trespassers at bay.
This proved to be of no use, as the bastards pushed their way past the barriers and blood was spilled without hesitation. Quil’ian made a split second decision and grabbed both Amira and Sam, throwing the pilot over his shoulders and his mate safely in his secondary arms. Then they were booking it down the hallway.
Quil’ian had it in his head to reach one of the evac pods before the pirates caught up to them. The Captain had been against using them to try to keep the ship and goods from the marauders, but they were most likely dead now, the orders void. And Quil’ian had decided from the start his mate was his first priority.
He was several turns from the pods when a kalik hound rounded the corner and slammed into them full force. A creature commonly used for violence, it opened its massive jaws and jumped at the xicali. Pain tore its way up Quil’ian’s leg, and he couldn’t think past the feeling of the hound’s fangs tearing his calf apart and Amira screeching like a jakvy bird. Then the feeling of the hound’s fangs disappeared as soon as they sunk in.
Quil’ian opened his eyes to see Amira atop the hound, arms wrapped around its throat as she attempted to choke it into submission. Sam had a metal pipe in their hands and was slamming into the hound’s face. The two were snarling and screaming right back at the alien dog, enough fury in their eyes to rival the violent creature. And Quil’ian watched as his mate tipped her head back and sunk her own teeth into the soft flesh of the beast’s neck.
It screamed, and Sam shoved the metal pipe down its throat, flesh tearing as the pole exited through the underside of its jugular. It fell to the ground thrashing, but the two humans doubled down in their efforts until the beast stilled. Quil’ian had never witnessed a hound fall so easily, the beasts known for their dexterity.
Then Amira was by his side, her mouth covered in the hound’s orange blood. Her hands made quick work of the sweatshirt she was wearing, tearing it into a single strip to wrap around the massacre that was the xicali’s leg. Her hands were gentle, a drastic change from the viciousness he just witnessed. The xicali stared at her for a moment, then concluded he would have been just as violent had the beast wrapped its jaws around her. If anything, a shiver went up his spine, one that was not unpleasant, at the realization that his human mate was willing to go to such drastic measures to protect him.
When the binding was done, Amira and Sam did their best to haul Quil’ian to his feet, the xicali towering above them. They made their way to the evac pods, spurred on by the distant yells and screeches from the marauders. It was both surprising and not when they got there and found the three other humans preparing the pods. One of them, Kaeveon, immediately went to their aid, muttering about the captain being a “fucking fool” and how they should have jumped as soon as the pirates boarded.
But all went calm as they entered the pod. The pirates were apparently too busy searching the entire Queen Diogovay for the missing humans to consider that they were already gone. In moments they were out in deep space, heading to the nearest station they could take refuge at. Amira was tucked into Quil’ian’s side for the whole duration, the couple refusing to let the other go. They treated the xicali’s injury with the med kit in the pod. It was enough the keep the woman from fussing over him too much, though her mate admitted to himself that he was rather basking in her concerned care.
Perhaps, after this incident, Quil’ian would try to convince her to settle somewhere. Maybe back on his home planet, in a small home in the trees, with a view she would love.
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I’m sorry this took forever to put out. Not my best work since I started it months ago and lost the motivation until now. My mental health hasn’t been the best these pst few months, but we’re on the up, and writing this has definitely put some inspiration back on the table. Hope y’all enjoy this smaller snippet. And I really like the possibilities with Quil’ian and Amira, so maybe I’ll have some more stories starring them.
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ahlyasimps · 2 years
Green Carnations [S.S]
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x GN Reader
Summary: You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with Poppy and Sebastian starts to feel jealous.
A/N: Sebastian is 100% a carnation guy and you CANNOT convince me otherwise. Totally the type to get you a bouquet of multi-coloured carnations and act like he didn’t spend an hour trying to get them to be just the right colours. He’s a loser (affectionate). Y’all only ever make out in this fic and the reference to the 'super top secret, Ms. Scribner does not approve' rendezvous was just because Sebastian likes dragging you to explore the restricted section with him. We’re keeping it family friendly today
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You and Sebastian sat in the dimly lit undercroft, surrounded by the ancient stone walls and flickering torches. You were both dressed warmly, wrapped in thick cloaks to ward off the chill that permeated the air. While you normally enjoyed the colder temperatures of the Undercroft it was unusually cold today.
Sebastian leaned back against a pillar, his arm around you shoulders as you chatted quietly. The two of you had been dating for several months now, and spending time together in this secluded spot felt both romantic and exciting. It had fond memories for you both. It was where Sebastian taught you Confringo (a spell you used far too often you think), and it was even where he confessed his feelings for you.
As you talked, Sebastian absentmindedly played with a strand of your hair, a soft smile on his lips. You leaned into him, feeling safe and comfortable in his embrace.
For a while, you both simply sat in companionable silence, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful stillness of the undercroft. Eventually, Sebastian spoke up.
"I'm really glad Ominis isn't here," he said softly. "He'd surely complain about the noise we make."
You turned to look up at him in confusion, "What do you mean?," you said. But before you could continue your sentence your lips were stolen by his.
Sebastian had leaned in to kiss you, and you eagerly returned the gesture. You spent the rest of the evening lost in each other's company before calling it a night, Sebastian's hand around your waist as he walked you to your common room.
The next morning you decided to do a bit of research in the library. Poppy had owled you asking for help finding Snidgets to protect them from poachers. According to her, your best bet of finding these endangered creatures was by meeting with centaurs so she asked you to accompany her. You were pulled out of your reading when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Looking behind you, you spotted Sebastian standing behind your chair. You looked up, smiling warmly when you saw him. "Hey, Sebastian," they said. "What's up?"
He gave you a mischievous smile "I found something that I think you'll want to see. How about I take you there tonight, pumpkin?"
You groaned at the nickname before pouting apologetically "Sorry Sebby, I've got something planned tonight. Meeting Poppy later."
He furrowed his eyebrows at that. "This is the 4th time this week you've been blowing me off to hang out with Poppy. I'm starting to feel a bit neglected" He pouted at that but if you had looked closely, you would have seen his fists clench.
You smirked at that and reached up to take his hand. "Don't be silly," you said. "We can have our 'super top secret, Ms. Scribner does not approve' rendezvous another time."
"I'll hold you to hit then," Sebastian replied but his voice sounded a little strained. Like he was upset. You couldn't quite tell though since the both of you were talking quietly.
"I've got potions now, I'll see you later," And with a quick kiss on your cheek, Sebastian left.
Night fell and so you bundled yourself up in a warm cloak, grabbed your gloves and snuck out of your dorm to go meet Poppy in the forest.
The encounter went better than you expected to be honest. Not getting turned into a pin cushion on sight was already an improvement from the countless scenarios you had envisioned. As you made your way back to Hogwarts alone (Poppy spotted a Mooncalf and ran off), you spotted a figure in the distance.
At first you were weary but as you got closer for a better view you realized it was Sebastian.
"Sebastian!" You whisper-yelled, happy to see your boyfriend. "What are you doing here?"
You quickly realized he looked pissed off.
"Just what were you doing with Poppy?” He asked, his tone dark. "I saw you sneaking out and followed you but you come back with your hair tousled, clothing askew and you even snuck off in the middle of the night to go see her!" His voice was getting louder now.
"If you don't want to be together anymore, just say so instead of constantly blowing me off and acting so secretive!" The more emotional he got, the more tears formed in his eyes.
"You... you thought I was cheating on you?!" You felt your heart break at the betrayal in his eyes.
"Well what do you want me to think? All the time it's 'Poppy this,' or 'Poppy that,' and whenever I ask what the two of you do, you never give me a straight answer!"
"Rowena, no Sebastian! I love you, I'm so hopelessly in love with you that I would literally take a crucio for you! It's just... Poppy swore me to secrecy but I'll tell you. Just, don't breathe a word of this or she'll send a hippogriff after me."
And so you explained everything, from the dragon fighting ring to the Snidget rescue mission and by the end of it, Sebastian looked even more pissed off but for a different reason.
"A dragon fighting ring? Poachers? Do you know how dangerous that is?! What if you've been seriously injured?!" He grabbed you into a tight, bone crushing hug before running one of his hands through your hair.
"Thank you for telling me but please, let me join you both next time. I know you can take care of yourself but at least let me come so I can have peace of mind."
"I can owl Poppy about it, say I think you'll make a good addition to the team so it doesn't sound like you're joining because I told you everything."
He laughed into your hair, "Sounds good." “I’m sorry Sebastian, I never want you to feel this way.” You cupped his face with your hands “You’re it for me.” He learned into your hand and smiled, a large genuine smile before bringing his face closer to yours.
"Oh wait!" You exclaimed before he could continue, wriggling yourself out of his embrace. "We still have time now, what did you want to show me?"
Even in the dark you could see Sebastian's blush, "Ah.. well... just come with me." He stuttered out (very unlike him) and dragged you by the hand back into the Forbidden Forest.
He took you to a clearing and there, bathed in the moonlight was a field of light green carnations. You walked forward and looked at them in wonder. "Oh, Sebastian! They're beautiful!" You turned around to look at him, a bright smile on your face.
He smiled bashfully, "I found them while I was exploring, they were starting to wilt so I've been taking care of them. Then I came up with the great idea of trying to dye them different colours. So far I've only been able to make them turn green."
You chuckled "Rowena, you're SUCH a Slytherin, everything is green with you lot."
"Hey!" He exclaimed, pretending to be offended and ran towards you catching you in his arms before you both went tumbling down in a rain of petals. Giggling you reach your hands up to grab him by the back of the head, bringing his lips near yours. "Thank you Sebastian, truly," and your lips then slotted together like they were a perfect fit.
"You know, maybe another reason why you could only manage to dye the carnations green is because you were green with envy," You laughed at that, loudly while Sebastian levelled you with a glare that would've buried 6 feet under. "It was a genuine concern," he said pouting.
"I know, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way." You giggled before continuing "I'm afraid you're stuck with me bird boy."
"My last name is Sallow... not Swallow."
"Eh, I quite like your new nickname."
And as you both lay there, under the stars in a sea of green carnations, you felt that nothing could ever make you happier than this moment with him.
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baby--b4t · 4 months
hey man it’s fishies again !! been having a hard time feeling small recently so i’ve been thinking about this little scenario for comfort :3
despite being a caretaker for many children, it’s been a WHILEEE since she had to take care of someone younger than the age of five. so she’s a little clueless(idk if that’s the right word) when it comes to taking care of her regressor who’s usually around 0-2 when they’re small :)
theres no specified character so im assuming youre talking about arlecchino? im not all caught up with genshin stuff but ill try my best >:D she would seem so lost at first and just pat them on the head
“just uhh… do whatever babies do, i guess?”
(fic under cut <3)
Arlecchino was a force not to be messed with. It made sense who so many would fear her very presence. She was a Fatui Harbinger, for gods sake. Who wasnt scared of the person so many children called ‘Father’?
Somehow, Arlecchino was faced with a regressor that regressed past her usually seen age range. She was no stranger to age regression, finding it a nice way for the orphans to let go of their inner child, but she wasnt very used to specifically babyspace.
“Hello, little one.” Arlecchino crouched down in front of where you sat. You had been sitting in the corner for the past half hour, crying and pushing away most who approached you. She gently reached out and used her thumb to delicately wipe away some tears. “You seem quite small, no? Hm.. Lets get away from this noisy environment.”
With that, Arlecchino hoisted you into her arms. It was no surprise that someone like her could carry you so effortlessly. She glared at those who dared to judge you as she brought you towards a small room she made into a quiet room. Since she knew others regressed as well, the ‘Quiet Room’ was for littles and those who were overwhelmed. It was a place to calm down and feel safe.
“Here we are.” Arlecchino said softly, setting you down on a nearby play-mat. She studied you for a moment before crouching down in front of you again. “Can you… Speak?” She asked. Her tone wasnt judging or harsh, but rather soft and curious. She was met with some whining from you as you had tried to cling onto her again. “Ah, youre the clingy type, I see.” She chuckled, sitting down and shifting you onto her lap. Her hand idly brushed through your hair.
“Hm.. What do little ones like you need? Its not like you come with instructions.” Arlecchino thought aloud. She looked around the quiet room for something that may help with your upset mood. A green pacifier caught her attention. She knew all of their pacifiers and teethers were cleaned regularly, so nobody would spread germs. She picked it up and held it towards you, trying to catch your attention.
“How about this? The other little ones seem to like chewing on everything, even each other.” Arlecchino chuckled slightly. She watched as you moved to take the pacifier into your mouth, adjusting to it before squeaking excitedly. The excitement in your body language told Arlecchino all she needed to know. She gently brought a sea themed blanket close to you, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“That little pacifier can be yours for the day. Maybe you would like to take a nap with it. How does that sound?” Arlecchino knew from past experiences that meltdowns and tantrums often took a lot of energy out of her littles. Almost all of them needed a nap after one or at least some time to lay down and regain their energy. There was a small protest, but the swaying motion she started with you started to convince your brain otherwise.
A small yawn escaped you, nearly making you drop the pacifier from your mouth. Arlecchino laughed softly as she saw the momentary panic on your face as you thought you were going to drop it. She stood up carefully, keeping you firmly in her arms.
“Why dont we just lay down then, hm? Just to relax for a while.” Arlecchino walked to a rocking chair over in the corner. She was sued to the routine of rocking one of the younger littles in her lap after a tantrum or meltdown, so it was no surprise how easy it was for her to sit with you in her arms in the chair. The gentle rocking motion, her hand rubbing circles into your back, and the soft rumble of her chest when she spoke were all aiding the weights pulling on your eyelids. They felt so heavy and droopy, causing you to rub them a bit.
Arlecchino felt as your little face nuzzled into her shoulder. She let you get as comfortable as you needed, not interrupting your movements. It only took minutes for her to feel your breathing soften and your body relax. You were fast asleep, taking a nap your body and mind desperately needed. She let out a breath she didnt know she was holding, letting her own body relax a little bit. She knew she would be here for a while but that didnt matter. What mattered was that one of her youngest littles was feeling better than they did before she found them.
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pixiemage · 2 years
I'm kinda with you on the joke-too-far thing BUT... Jimmy is a grown man who apparently *instructs* his friends to pick on him, according to his intro to that one stream vod. It's his bit, and he leans into it -- and he's more than capable of saying "Okay guys, let's move on." And while Grian and Joel and the rest do a good job of playing assholes, if you watch their vods or bts stuff at all you can see that they're really not. Grian in particular is VERY self-doubting and constantly looks for reassurances that he's not wasting everyone's time. So I wouldn't worry too much -- Jimmy likes playing the beleaguered victim and whatever happens is a bit that has been approved beforehand (especially on empires, where the cc's have repeatedly said that they discuss all story stuff before it actually happens.)
No of course not, I know Jimmy’s completely on board with it all! That was one of the tags from the original post that I didn’t include when I reblogged it. ^^
The main point is that - yes, Jimmy being the butt of the joke is a funny bit. It’s his Brand at this point. I mean Grian showed up in his town with the express purpose of tormenting him, and it was one of the funniest moments I’ve seen in the crossover thus far. But the Toy Sheriff thing has been going on so long and been taken so far that it’s not as enjoyable for folks watching anymore. (And truly there are some of us who would love to see him come out on top more often lol. I think going lighter/more sporadic with jokes like that makes them funnier when they do show up too.)
On top of that I really love the build style he’s been using this season, and I want to see what else he can create (because his skills have improved over the years; I mean I was watching Evo recently and…oof lol, you can feel the difference). But so much focus has been on the Toy Story joke for months and months, to the point where it’s the main argument some of his chat members have between eachother when Jimmy’s streaming. It was funny for a while but it’s been overdone to the point where it’s not really that enjoyable anymore 😅
Laugh at Jimmy, sure! Like you said, it’s his Thing and he leans into it. But maybe let’s change up the punchline!
EDIT: (because I had a belated thought about this) How about comparing this to the Bdubs Is Short bit? It’s hysterical, has been for years! But the main reason it is still funny is because it’s not overdone. It crops up here and there or is moved past after only a few seconds, depending on who brings it up. But we also get to see Bdubs get praised on the flipside, succeeding and being noticed for it, earning genuine praise for his building or comedy or - whatever. They treat his sleeping/clock bit in a positive light even though it’s also used for comedy sometimes. It’s about balance, I think, and that’s…yeah. That’s what makes a quality comedic bit.
(And I think that’s why the Horn Club bit in Double Life worked, because it was both a win AND lose scenario for Jimmy when it came down to it.)
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Hihi! I was wondering if you could do a matchup for a male character for ROTTMNT if they are open and or possible👀i have never done this before so please forgive me if I left out anything important- if your requests are closed then feel free to ignore and or delete!
I am 5'5", trans!masculine (i also identify as nonbinary and a demiboy) and i use he/they pronouns (dysphoria sucks..) I am pansexual but sometimes i have a preference towards men. My personality type is INFP and I dislike any form of social interactions, avoiding them the best i can. I can sit down and work on something for hours at a time and forget to do things such as eating or brushing my teeth before i go to bed but i also have trouble sitting down and working on other things such as homework. I would say physical affection is definitely confusing with me, one minute i could be wanting affection and to be held or to hold someone but the next minute i don't want to be touched at all. I am have pretty bad sensory issues😶 My love languages are Physical Affection, Words of Affirmation, and Acts of Service. I love drawing and listening to music along with making music myself (via singing, playing piano, playing guitar, etc.) I act differently around certain people, if it's a close friend i will most likely show my true emotions. If it's just a friend i might mask my emotions slightly. If it's not a friend, i don't show any emotions that relate to how i actually feel. I have really dark humor and an example was how i was watching an anime episode and one of the characters was referring to a dead character and said "Look, it's a dead person." And i started crying of laughter. As for anything that can relate to ✨insecurities✨i hate how i look, my hair is fine but i have been told i have a very round and baby-looking face, which i hate. I also hate how small my hands are, i am constantly reminded that they are small and it makes me very insecure to the point where i often walk with my hands in my pockets. I wear glasses since i am V E R Y farsighted and since i am a nerd for my own favorite topics i am often told i look like the nerd emoji (this one:🤓). I am just very insecure but will most likely bottle up my emotions and not let anyone know until someone says something even slightly kind about how i look.
I hope that this wasn't too much or too little or if your matchups are closed! I have never requested a matchup before hahah- i hope you have a very lovely rest of your day/night wherever you are! <3
Hi there! Sorry for taking so long to reply :(
I ship you with…
Casey Jones Jr!
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(Obs: I have yet to watch the rise movie (I want to finish the series first, anyways I like to torture myself) BUT! I’ve read enough about him and seen some clips which I think I can grasp a bit of his personality, also idk what truly happens at the end of the movie but I’m guessing the turtles defeated the kraang and Casey now lives with them lol - if not, that’s what happens on this scenario!!!! anyways !!! I hope this makes up for it and isn’t too ooc!!!)
Casey has a really hard time fitting in, since being raised on a apocalyptic scenario, understanding new social cues on a “regular” / normal time line is really difficult, he finds he can be himself around you quite easily, and he tries his best to show you can also count on him whenever you want
He will remind you to take breaks when you hyper focus on whichever task you have in hand, he might even join in sometimes or ask if he can watch you work! (He finds your concentration face really cute) but yeah breaks are a must, he doesn’t want to see you overwork yourself
Also talking about our face: doesn’t matter how much you trash talk about it, he doesn’t agree with it, and he won’t stand it, at first he might be a bit taken back to make comments about it, but during the kraang invasion, those little sweet moments of admiring someone’s facetasse absolutely out of the picture, you just didn’t had the privilege or time for these kind of things, Casey has learned that you features brang peace to him, he caught himself thinking about each and every curve of your face, so no, he doesn’t agree with it. but you bet he will snort/laugh when you tell him about the 🤓 emoji analogy, it’s his favorite emoji now, loves it dearly
If the guys (turtle) ever tease about your body being “tiny” compared to theirs, Casey will step up to defend you, he’s not really the one for confrontation regarding the turtles; but he def has a soft spot for you, if you are ever having a difficult day with dysphoria, Casey will def try his best to help you in any way he can, you have become incredibly important to him and even if he gets shy, he will show it, Casey has lost too much way too soon, if there’s something he treasures it, he will go far and beyond to keep it in his reach
This was very brief, but once again I don’t want to go too overboard so it doesn’t come as ooc 🥲 but I hope you liked it!
Matchups are closed!
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celestialking · 2 years
Simply curious
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◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI◇ You will be blocked ◇
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Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: afab, double pen, humiliation, squirting, light degrading, dumbification, size (belly bulge), overstim, implied dacryphilia, mentions of worship/devotion, a smidge of possesive behavior, 
You should do harddom!Dream XD x sub!fem!reader x softdom!Geroge HD, they want to know what it feels like so they ask their contact (?) but XD degrades her and HD praises her, XD going hard and HD being gentle.
DreamXD and GeorgeHD sharing reader maybe double penetration for afab
A/n: i combined these, hope you don’t mind :)
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You always had bitten off more than you could chew which led to some rather dangerous scenarios. It always worked out in the end however, so you never complained. This time was different though. This time you had played yourself right into the hands of two equally possessive gods. For the most part they wanted your company and undying attention. That would be easy, right? 
You had just been tending the crops in your greenhouse when you felt the presence of one of them. 
"Hello pet," It was HD; the god lazily draped himself against your back, leaning over you. 
He had become more and more clingy recently with no apparent reason why. You hummed in response, feeling as his hands lingered on your waist. 
"I was thinking of something else we could do today," HD said softly, his fingertips trailed your sides drawing an involuntary shiver from you. 
"Like what?" You set down your watering can. 
"Something new, something I've seen mortals indulge in," his lips brushed your neck. 
You sucked in a sharp breath. "Show me," 
He whisked you away to your bedroom, laying you down among the sheets. 
"You consent of course, yes?" HD asked above you. This confirmed your suspicions of what he wanted. You nodded shyly looking away. "Ah, pet. I'd like to hear that beautiful voice of yours," he cooed, tilting your face back to him. 
"Yes," you whispered. 
"Perfect," his fingers gripped your pants tugging them down. "So perfect," he hummed, admiring you. When the clothing covering your lower half had been discarded; HD grasped your thighs pushing them open. 
"You um- do you need any pointers," you asked before his head dipped down. 
"My sweet pet, I know everything, I just simply want to experience it," 
The god wasn't lying when he said he knew. His tongue flicked over your clit as he began to eat you out with expertise. In that moment HD didn't seem to care that he had let go of your thighs, which immediately clamped around his head, for he only cared about the cries and sinful noises you let out. Each one filled him with a burning desire to continue until your voice died out. It should have been expected that you'd have an otherworldly orgasm with a god between your legs; what you weren't expecting was for him to continue after it. 
You tried to ground yourself, burying your hands into his hair, tugging lightly. It seemed your activities attracted another individual who was curious what the other had gotten tangled up with. 
"GeorgeHD," an unimpressed voice echoed in your room. You could feel HD smirk against you. 
"Hello XD," HD murmured, pulling away. 
His chin and lips were covered in your slick. You felt hot under the other God's stare. 
"I thought we agreed to ask together," he snapped his fingers and the image of your bedroom melted away. You now recognized your surroundings to be XD's realm. 
"I couldn't help it XD they're addicting," 
This was the God's bedroom, soft sheets beneath your fingertips. You wouldn't mind being in the bed of a god more often. HD was pulled off the bed by a slightly irritated XD who took his spot. His eyes were bright green, something that would send shivers down your spine if they peered at you from the darkness. They held you in a trance. 
"You'll be good for me won't you dove," XD grinned as he slowly tugged the rest of your clothes off. You nodded your head still in disbelief that this was happening. You were sure he could feel you trembling in excitement. 
"Now XD," HD cooed. "She isn't just your little disciple," his hand turned your head gently to glance at him. "We share her, don't we pet?" You nodded once more, making him grin. 
XD huffed softly. "You weren't wanting to share earlier," he muttered. 
"I was just enjoying a treat," Both god's stared at each other. A warning more than anything, but they quickly put that aside when they remembered what they were doing. 
"It's only fair that i get the first turn," 
HD slyly grinned at the other's statement. The god was planning something, you just knew it. 
"Focus on me little dove," XD whispered, fingers pressed into you stretching you for something much larger. His fingers were thick already filling you more than your own ever could. Your hips pushed down as you whined making him chuckle.
"Greedy little thing aren't you," XD spoke, pulling his fingers out. "Don't worry angel, I have something much better for you," XD sat up making you come with him. 
You weren't sure when either of their clothes disappeared but that didnt matter now. He positioned your hips above his cock, the tip pressing against your hole. Slowly you sunk down on him, XD chuckling as you realized he was bigger than you thought. You were fucked dumb by the time you were seated prettily in his lap. 
"What a pretty little dove, so warm around me," XD seemed to shiver a bit. HD watched patiently. XD was rearranging your insides and he wasn't even moving. His cock sat perfectly filling you. 
XD gripped your hips tightly. You may have been riding him but he was completely in control. His hands dragged you up and down on his cock harshly. You grasped onto his forearms crying out. It was the only noise you could make. Your mind was too fuzzy and thick with pleasure to focus on anything other than the way he drives his cock into you. His perfect angel sitting right where you belong. 
HD tried to ignore the burning need to pull you away from him. He tried not to let his possessive streak take over him, a trait they were both known for, but it was difficult. 
"I want a turn," HD snapped. Before the blonde god could argue he offered a counter deal. "She could take both of us, couldn't you pet?" XD didn't like sharing but he couldn't deny the pure excitement that shot through you had him curious enough to try. "Would you want that? Both of your gods filling you?" HD questioned. 
"What a filthy little angel we have. One cock was not enough for you?" XD teased as HD moved closer. He adjusted you to lay chest to chest with him. 
"Now now XD play nice," HD cooed, the tip of his cock pressing at your already full hole. "They're being so good for us, it's only fair they get a reward," 
HD was gentle as he pushed in. If you thought you felt stuffed with XD now you were surely stuffed. Your thighs trembled uncontrollably as he bottomed out. Both of them fit snugly in you. Your arms shook, holding your body from fully collapsing on XD's chest. 
"Look at that dove," he chuckled. "We barely fit," slowly he thrusted making the slight bulge you could see move. "We won't break you though, at least- not too much," then they both were moving. 
The two different paces had your head spinning. XD was pounding into you roughly as HD thrusted sweetly into you. Both of their thrusts sending jolts of hot pleasure running through your body. It was barely any time before you squirted on their cocks. It was almost too much for any regular mortal to handle. Your head leaned back against HD. Both of them could see the tears of overwhelming pleasure and overstimulation stream down your cheeks. 
"Have you gone dumb on our cocks?" HD grinned, pushing two of his fingers in your mouth, the others resting on your jaw. Your voice was almost gone from the amount of crying out and noises of pleasure that ripped through you. 
"That's okay, let your gods do the thinking for you. So pretty, so pliant. Letting us do as we please, what a good angel. We'll take good care of you as we feed our curiosities," 
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
a/n: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to write for Aro, he’s one of my favourite characters, more so because of Michael Sheen’s performance. I put a slight reference to something in this, you might catch it if you know other projects Michael Sheen has been in, but you might not, and that’s alright. Hope you enjoy <3
another a/n: I did put one or two feminine terms in this work, such as ‘mia regina’ which is ‘my queen’ in Italian, so do skip over it or replace it with something else if you’d like. I love writing this type of material in the middle of my classes, it adds so much adrenaline to not get caught.
Aro Volturi With A Human Mate
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Instead of being angry and frustrated like Caius, Aro was more excited.
Like as if he was getting ready for a big party.
A human for a mate was inevitable for some vampires, of course, but Aro didn’t expect to be included in the some.
He was excited since it was rare for such high profile vampires to socialize with humans.
Aro often gushed to his brothers, excited to meet you, but also for them to meet you.
He wanted to host a ball for your welcome.
But Marcus noted that it would probably be slightly frightening for you to be in a room full of vampires.
Most of the vampires would look at you as if you were some sort of a snack.
Because it Marcus’ comment, Aro assumed it would be a greater choice to send an invitation to a tour of the castle.
Free of cost, of course.
When you had received the invitation, you were beyond excited.
An invitation to a tour of an ancient castle with endless legends, for free?
The tour was the next day, so of course you were slightly nervous.
When the tour commenced, a very pretty woman named Heidi lead the tour group.
She began to speak of secrets of the castle, as well as secret corridors and legends.
Some things a normal tour guide would most likely have no idea about.
Heidi then looked in your direction, and smiled brightly at you.
“It’s very lovely here. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Just when she had finished her sentence, she opened the doors where there were three men sitting in thrones, and what seemed to be 4 guards.
The man who sat in the middle, greeted everyone and began speaking greatly of the castle.
He had only stopped when he motioned for your tour guide, Heidi, to come forward.
She did as told, and held her hand out towards him.
You would have thought it was to greet him, but it seemed like he was concentrated, or zoned out.
“Magnifico! I will get Demetri to escort them.” (Translation: “Magnificent! I will get Demetri to escort them.”
A man who you assumed was Demetri, walked in your direction.
“Come with me, all will be alright, rest assured. However, do not look behind you.”
You went with him, doing as he said, but immediately turned around when the rest of the tour began screaming.
“What the hell was that?!”
Demetri just grabbed your wrist and brought you upstairs.
“Just stay in here, I’ve been instructed to keep you under my eye. Aro will explain everything to you.”
“The man who sat in the middle throne.”
You nodded, and decided to sit on one of the window seats.
You wanted to ask Demetri as many questions as you wanted to, but you didn’t want to bother him, or disrupt him from his job.
When the door had opened and Demetri bid his farewells, you had turned around and saw Aro.
“You must be Y/n, correct?”
“Yeah, and you’re Aro?”
“I am, I assume you have a good amount of questions?”
You nodded, and Aro moved swiftly but smoothly towards the opposite side of the window seat.
“May I?”
“Of course.”
He sat opposite to you, and smiled slightly at you.
“There’s no need to be afraid of me, or the others. You’re the most safe you could ever be in the castle. I promise you, I will keep you safe.”
“May I ask why the rest of the tourists were screaming when I left?”
“I sense that that question should be answered later, appropriately.”
You were slightly frightened as to what the final answer would be, it could be anything.
Perhaps there was a reenactment of the past after you had been escorted, one of the tourists got pushed and the rest screamed since one of them fell, or the worst:
They were murdered.
“I feel like I already know what happened.”
“I sense that you do know, too. I will tell you everything in a moment. But for now, would you care to lend me your hand?”
You trusted Aro, though you were positive your ancestors were screaming from above or below not to trust him.
You held your hand out in front of him, and before he held your hand in his own, he asked for permission or something else.
“I want you to think of the happiest memory you have stored in your mind, I will describe it to you. I will not see anything else besides the things you want to show me, unless I have your permission.”
You thought of a memory, and then placed your hand in Aro’s palm.
He covered the back of your hand with the palm of his other hand, then he began telling you small details of your chosen memories you had even forgotten about.
When he was finished, he brought his head up from looking down, and smiled at your face of bewilderment.
“That is so cool! Is that like your superhero power?”
Aro smiled widely at your interest in his gift, and began explaining what his was.
“I have a gift, it’s called tactile telepathy. I can read everyone’s thoughts and memories with a single touch. The others in this coven have multiple different gifts, they help keep us safe.”
“So you’re all like superheroes?”
“Vampires, darling.”
After that, Aro enjoyed seeing your memories whenever you two were apart for some sort of time.
Especially say you were having a difficult time attempting to explain something to him, he would hold your hand and immediately understand what you were trying to say.
“I understand you, cara mia. I always will.”
And he was right, he understands you in every way possible.
Aro memorized your body language on how you react to different things, as well as your facial expressions.
When you’re uncomfortable with something, he will do absolutely everything in his power to make you comfortable.
Aro will burn down the entire world for you.
When it’s time for you to go to sleep, you best believe that Aro set up the most lavish and comfortable room for you.
The best and most comfortable bed, of course.
You lay down on his chest, and he brushes the hair out of your face, admiring your tired eyes looking back at him.
“Would you like for me to read to you, dearest?”
You nodded your head, and Aro would get up from wherever he was seated, swiftly retrieve a book, lay back down next to you, and begin reading.
He loved having you hold his hand while he read, it lets him see what you’re imagining the scene that he’s reading to you.
And when you fell asleep while he was reading, he would be so very content.
You curled up next to him, sound asleep on his chest.
Aro adored seeing what you were dreaming.
He loved how humans brains worked while they were sleeping, keeping your mind entertained with multiple little scenarios.
When you woke up, however, Aro would prefer to have you describe your dreams, if you remembered them.
He loved to learn more about humans, especially in the modern age.
And you loved to learn more about vampires, especially in the ancient times.
Aro would often tell you stories of each coven he encountered, his old family and friends, and his past human life.
As much as he wants you to be changed into a vampire like the rest, he can’t help but smile whenever you got slightly nervous around him, stuttering over your words, and hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
He pays attention to little details about you.
Especially your eyes.
Even the shade of your eyes stops him from changing you. Your eyes wouldn’t be as unique anymore, they’d be the same red as everyone else’s.
“You have the most magnificent shade of colour in your eyes, mia regina. I simply cannot get enough of them.”
Being absolute best friends with Demetri.
But wherever Demetri was, Felix wasn’t too far behind.
You three are like a troublemaker trio, always causing trouble and pulling pranks on different members of the guard.
Never Jane or Alec, though. Unless it was a scheduled board game night or something along the lines.
Which Alec loved to take away different players senses, allowing him to cheat in the games you’d play.
He doesn’t do it all the time, though.
Marcus was a lot more welcoming towards you, perhaps more than anyone else.
Whenever Aro couldn’t, he’d show you different areas of the castle you hadn’t seen yet, and would give you wonderful pieces of advice along the way.
“Remember to stay true to yourself, never let anyone think for you.”
Aro will spoil you insanely.
If you mention a specific piece of clothing even once, you better expect that when you wake up the next morning, Aro has an elegantly wrapped package placed at the foot of your bed with a note written in fine handwriting.
“Mia amato, I have seen you speak of this article of fabric, and I have gone out of my way to make sure you have every little thing you admire. I need you to be the happiest you can possibly be. Please accept my gift, and meet me by the gardens by noon. I’ll see you then. Cordialmente, Aro.”
You two have annual walks throughout the garden, usually during golden hour. The sun still above, but setting at the same time, making it seem like Aro was made of a trillion Tiffany Yellow Diamonds.
He loved finding a flower that suited your mood for the day, and putting it behind your ear.
“My beautiful.”
You two often walked either arm in arm, or hand in hand, but sometimes you would hold him closer with your arm wrapped around his waist, your head leaning on his side or shoulder.
Often times, when the moon is visible, you would slow dance together, looking at each other with smiles on your faces, just appreciating each other’s presence.
Usually, Aro would come back into the castle around 2 in the morning, carrying your sleeping self up to your shared room, after you had fallen asleep on his shoulder while sitting in the garden.
The rest of the kings and guards would be predominantly more happy than from before you had arrived.
You had given Aro something to look forward to after trials and mountains of work, something he didn’t have for hundreds of years.
Though, Caius was still slightly jealous of you.
You had practically stolen one, if the not the most, needed member of the vampire world. Aro was nearly as focused on you than he was on trials and legislature.
He’d warm up to you eventually.
At least, you hoped.
Speaking of trials, you wanted to sit in and watch the trials, to see what it was about, and how it worked.
You knew the most of it, of course, Aro had already told you. But you wanted to see it live.
Aro was quick to say no, he didn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, killed.
He understood what would happen to him if his mate was killed, Marcus was the example. He couldn’t even bear the thought of you not being by his side.
Though, you owning the key to his heart, convinced him to let you watch, letting both Jane and Alec stay on either side of you, protecting you if anything were to go wrong.
You would usually sit on Aro’s lap, and then the throne when he had to see what was truly going on by using his gift.
Jane usually stood on the left of the throne, and Alec on the right.
Mainly since Caius sat on the throne in the left, and Jane loved to torture the criminals.
He loved the front seat view.
Constant look backs of reassurance to make sure that you’re alright.
Nearly always having your hand in his.
Forehead kisses.
Constantly bringing the back of your hand up to his lips.
Getting the absolute best care in the world, health wise especially.
When Aro proposed, it was in the bedroom the both of you share, and he was reading some poetry to you.
All was going swell, and then he got to one page.
“I can write no stately poem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.
For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land.
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.”
At the end, you were leaned up closer to him, looking at him in awe.
He closed the book, and placed it aside gracefully, before leaning slightly closer to you. Placing his hands overs yours.
“Do you remember who wrote that, cara mia?”
“I do. That’s Oscar Wilde, right?”
“That’s right. There’s so much I want to say to you, especially in this particular moment, but I don’t think there’s enough words to express my love and affection towards you. I’ve known you for a little while, and I can feel the bond between us, and I know you can feel it, too. The universe has guided us together, and I am so very thankful for every second we have spent together, and I’m even more thankful for the rest of eternity we have. However, I am the most thankful of the fact that I have the most gorgeous human as a mate. I love you so much, anima mia. Will you do me the best thing that could ever happen to me in my thousands of years, and marry me?”
You said yes, obviously, who wouldn’t?
You leaned over to press your lips against his, as he held one side of your face with one hand, and the other hand slid a ring on your ring finger.
While Aro wanted an extremely lavish wedding, with all the diamonds in the world, you wanted something more of a homely essence.
So you compromised, and had a bit of both.
Aro invited nearly every vampire to the wedding, wanting to show you off in every way he could.
The Denali’s, Cullens, Irish coven, everyone was invited.
Except for the Romanian coven, Vladimir and Stefan. Not trusting them to be in your presence.
The wedding was held in the garden, the arch where Aro stood had your favourite flowers intertwining around it, with diamonds pressed in the centre of each individual flower.
Demetri walked you down the isle, smiling proudly when he handed you over to Aro.
Proud that his leader had finally found true love, and that one of his best friends is finally where they need to be.
After the official wedding ceremony, the rest of the night and day were spent smiling and showing off each other to the guests.
When the night ended, it was finally time for you to be changed to a vampire.
Aro sat by the bed were sitting on, making sure that you were absolutely ready to be converted to a vampire for the rest of eternity.
“Are you ready, my darling?”
You nodded your head, and Aro took one final look into your coloured eyes, attempting to remember every small detail of them.
Aro then moved your hair away from your neck, before placing his lips over where he would finally bite down and turn you immortal.
“Just say when, and I’ll see you after.”
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reid-fiction · 4 years
A Progression of Touch
In which Spencer doesn’t like to touch people until you come along and then he can’t help himself
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A/N: Look at me, dropping stories like flies. Also, I’ve been staring at this gif for far too long...
He doesn’t like to touch other people.
He knows it, you know it, the whole F.B.I. knows it. He told you as much the first time he met you by the way he awkwardly refused to shake your hand. Though he compensated with a friendly smile and a wave, you knew you were in for a ride with Dr. Spencer Reid. 
It wasn’t that he thought you were diseased. He just knew too much about germs and the human body to risk it, especially around cold and flu season which was exactly when he met you. It was bad enough that Garcia had dragged him to the Christmas party to begin with - there were so many people in close quarters, who knew what viruses were floating around - but he wasn’t a big fan of mingling and small talk either. And that was exactly what Penelope was forcing him into when he got his first glimpse of you. 
As soon as you had five minutes with Spencer under your belt, you knew you wanted a lot more time with him. He was unlike any person you had ever met and he fascinated you, especially his aversion to touch. 
A few months later, when Spencer finally bit the bullet and asked you on a date (after much prompting and borderline bribery from Garcia and multiple other team members she had coerced into helping her), he knew that his no touching rule was not going to fly for very long. He didn’t know much about relationships, but he did know that physical touch was a pretty important factor to most women. Though you never pushed him, he could tell that you were holding back for his benefit. He could see it in your eyes every time he dropped you off after a date. In most scenarios, a kiss goodnight would be expected - you wanted it, he could sense it - but it felt like you were the wrong side of a magnet that he just couldn’t get himself close to.
This was a problem, because he was falling for you and he was going to have to do something about it. 
Spencer knew that going the 0-100 method wasn’t going to work for him. He couldn’t just jump from not touching you at all to getting hot and heavy in the backseat of a car. But, gradual steps may work. If he eased himself in to getting acquainted with touching you, he could both push himself out of his comfort zone and give you a bit of the physical contact that you were clearly craving. 
It started with a hug. 
One night, after walking you to your front door, you could tell that Spencer was concentrating on something and it wasn’t your current conversation. You were rambling on about some TV program you had seen the other night, and you knew he wasn’t listening to a word you were saying. 
“Hey, you okay?”
He glanced up at you, frowning, as if he had just remembered you were standing there.
“Yeah, fine. Why?”
“I dunno,” you shrugged, wrapping your arms around yourself after catching a gust of chilly air. “You just seem...far away. Distracted.”
He paused, pursing his lips at your accusation, and you suddenly felt extremely vulnerable under his gaze.
“Is something wrong? Did I...did I do something? I mean, are you -”
The suddenness of his reply caused you to jump, and he let out a nervous chuckle before running a hand through his hair. 
“No, it’s not you at all. I’m sorry, you’re right. I am distracted.”
“Well...about what? Maybe I can help.”
He paused again, and then smiled. “Yeah, maybe you can. Would you be able to just...stand still for a second?”
The strange nature of his request caused you to frown a bit, but you simply nodded and watched him with curiosity. A few seconds later, he slowly started to to move a few steps closer and raise his arms slightly. You had absolutely no idea what he was doing, but you didn’t move a muscle. His arms eventually found their way to rest lightly on the sides of you waist and then started to wrap around your torso. 
Your stomach instantly flipped. This was the first time Spencer had ever touched you beyond the occasional brush of your shoulders when you moved past him, or a playful kick to his leg when he beat you at chess. It had been two months of weekly dates, dinners, museum trips and evenings of sitting and talking until you were both too tired to form coherent sentences but, as much as you loved those times with him, you’d by lying if you said you never wished that he would throw caution to the wind once in a while and toss an arm around you or caress the side of your face with his fingers. 
Now, just the feeling of his hands on your back was like opening up a can of worms that had been wriggling in desperation for weeks, and you certainly hoped that this wasn’t a one time thing, because there was no way you’d ever be able to put those worms back in the can after this. 
He took another step toward you and circled his arms tighter around your back. You knew he had asked you not to move, but you couldn’t hold back any longer. You slowly raised your own arms until they were resting on his shoulders and then, when he didn’t protest, you wrapped them around his neck and leaned in until your head was nestled just below his collarbone. He tensed up only a moment before you felt him lean his head in the crook of your neck. 
You weren’t sure how long you stood there, holding each other. It could have been a few minutes, it could have been a few hours. You didn’t care, all that you knew was that you never wanted him to let go. 
After the hug, his next target were your hands. 
Although Spencer was keenly aware of just how many germs the human hand picked up throughout the day, he was determined to overcome his aversion. You were clean and had good hygiene habits, he knew that. He had been hugging you every time he saw you since that first night, how much more difficult could holding your hand be?
It was during a movie he wasn’t really paying attention to that he finally made his move. Lately, his go-to move during movies was to carefully put his arm around you and rest his hand on your shoulder. He was completely comfortable with that movement now and really thought nothing of it anymore. He could tell that you enjoyed it as well, so he was more than happy to oblige you and suggest a movie night as often as possible. 
Tonight, however, he had different ideas. He purposely kept his arm at his side for the first half of the film, and he knew that you noticed. Truthfully, you had come to expect the motion now and were slightly disappointed when it didn’t happen as soon as the opening credits started to roll, but it wasn’t long until you figured out why.
You thought it was an accident at first. You had both of your hands resting in your lap and had your eyes focused on the movie when you felt it. The lightest, softest brush of skin against your own. Your hand twitched involuntarily and you silently cursed yourself for probably scaring him away. But, a minute or so later, it happened again. Still soft, still tentative, but it lingered. 
You stealthily flicked your gaze down to your lap and saw Spencer’s hand hovering just slightly over your own. You weren’t entirely sure what he was aiming for, but you kept your hand deathly still while you waited. His hand finally came to rest on your thigh and the side of his palm rested lightly against your own. You watched as his pinkie brushed up over the back of your hand, then another finger, and another, and another, until his whole hand was on top of yours. You opened the spaces between your fingers in hopes that he would lace his own through, and you weren’t disappointed. His fingers slid between yours like butter and you felt him squeeze your palm and slowly caress the back of your hand with his thumb. 
It was your idea to shuffle closer to him, lift his arm with your hands still intertwined, and loop it over your shoulder. He glanced over to you, smiled, and squeezed your hand again.
You wished you had picked a longer movie. Truthfully, so did he. 
The idea of kissing you was terrifying. 
Spencer had kissed and been kissed before, but it wasn’t a common occurrence and it hadn’t ever been with someone he truly cared about. It was one thing for two body parts to come together in what science called a kiss, it was a whole other thing for that kiss to mean something. The last thing Spencer wanted was for him to screw up a potentially important moment in your relationship because he was hesitant or overly paranoid. 
He also had no idea how to know when the “right” moment was, if there was such a thing. Hugging was easy now, holding your hand was routine - he could do those at really any time, in any location, in any circumstance, and it wouldn’t be considered awkward or weird - but kissing was different. It was intimate, it was private, and it required more thought. 
It had taken him weeks, but he finally had a plan in mind. It was elaborate and detailed - as most of Spencer’s ideas were - and he knew exactly what he was going to say and do leading up to the moment.
However, what he wasn’t betting on was the sudden, overwhelming, spontaneous desire that came over him one evening while you were sitting in his apartment. You hadn’t been doing anything out of the ordinary; you had gone out to dinner, walked back to his place, and had plans to spend the rest of the night talking, maybe doing a puzzle or playing a game, and then you would go home like you always did. 
But it was something about the way you laughed after he told you a funny story that happened at work that day. It was the way your eyes locked on his every time he spoke, and the way you looked so intensely interested in every single thing he was saying, even if you didn’t understand all of it. It was the way you leaned into him when he pointed out something in a book he was holding, and the way he could smell your shampoo - vanilla with a hint of lavender - when you got close to him. It was the way your hand rested lovingly on his back while he read a passage to you and the way you absentmindedly twirled your hair as you listened. 
He needed to kiss you, and he needed to do it immediately. 
He didn’t care that it didn’t fit into his plan, he didn’t care that it wasn’t exactly what he pictured, and he didn’t care that he hadn’t prepared himself for it. The only thing he could think of was the shape of your lips and his intense need to know what they felt like on his own. 
So, he went for it.
It wasn’t slow, it wasn’t subtle, and it was probably the messiest thing he had ever done. He put the book down on the table, looked over at you, grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you to him. You were initially frozen in shock - the last thing you had expected that night was for Spencer to kiss you, let alone like this - but you could feel the intensity and desperation as his lips moved over yours, and that was enough to thaw your surprise and trigger your response instinct. You put one hand behind his head and pulled him impossibly closer to you, scooting to the very edge of your seat. 
His hands dropped from your face and landed on the tops of your thighs before he slid them up to your waist and you could feel him start to tug you closer. There was nowhere for you to go other than practically on top of him, and you knew there was no way he wanted you to do that. 
Was there?
As much as it pained you to do so, you momentarily broke the kiss to catch your breath. 
Spencer chuckled, still gripping your waist. 
“Sorry,” he said, “I guess I just...couldn’t wait anymore.”
“Oh, don’t apologize!” you said, a little too enthusiastically. “It was great, and I wouldn’t have stopped you, it’s just...”
Spencer studied you, and brought one hand up to the side of your face again.
“Just, what?”
“It’s nothing, I guess I just wondered - I mean, I wasn’t sure how far you wanted to...you know...go. I don’t want you to feel like you need to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
Spencer smiled, and you felt him tug you closer again. You gave him a questioning look, and he nodded.
“C’mere,” he said. “It’s okay.”
You tentatively stood and took a step closer to him before he gently guided you down until you were straddling his lap. You exhaled a breath of nerves as you seated yourself and brought your hands up to rest on his shoulders.
“You don’t need to worry,” he said. “I’m not going to push things any further tonight. But, right now, I would really like to keep kissing you. It’ll help me get comfortable with it. Repetition of an action you’re uncomfortable with is proven to retrain your mind in how you view the action.”
You grinned. “Is that the only reason you’d like to keep kissing me? To prove a scientific fact?”
“It’s more like a psychological fact. You see, in moments of intense satisfaction or pleasure, the brain releases something called dopamine which causes -”
You didn’t give him a chance to finish before you leaned in and kissed him again. 
The psychological facts could wait.
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Hello! can you do a scenario with fem!reader and father's best friend!namjoon? I totally understand if this is a concept you're uncomfortable with. All the armys are going crazy with the dilf!bts concept so I need to have this 😭
Tbh that's a hard concept (like absolutely don't do this irl y'all plss it's not okay if it's not fiction– go in the notes to read my PSA pls) so I had to write a bit of plot at the beginning just because I wanted to make it as less weird as possible lol
Namjoon wasn't the type of family friend you got to see a lot growing up. He was, however, the type of friend you got to hear about a lot. Your dad had spent his high school years being in a band that never really had its break, and Namjoon had apparently been the youngest member and your father's favourite. He kept talking about how he "raised" him, meaning he helped him get his first kiss and taught him about girls. Then your dad got your mum pregnant right after graduating, and they both decided to move to the US to find a job and start their family. Your family. And so your dad lost touch with his best friend.
He talked about him quite often, and you knew he had even visited once when you were still too young to have a memory of it. You had only ever seen a couple of pictures of them together; Namjoon looked like a very cringy 13-year-old with a terrible haircut. Not that your dad as a teenager looked any better. But that's beside the point. It doesn't matter what he looked like back then, today you probably wouldn't be able to even recognize him even if he passed you on the street.
"Did I tell you? My best friend moved here from Korea! The band kids are back together!"
Namjoon came back into your father's life at around the same time as you left it– moved away for college. And you kept getting all these updates on how great it was that they found each other again, how many things they did together and in general how happy your dad was. When you visited home for Christmas, Namjoon was away so you didn't run into him. And almost a year after he had moved there, you would finally meet him during the summer. Your father invited him for dinner one hot evening in July.
You opened the door to find him standing outside, your mother just a step behind to greet him. “Joonie! So glad you could make it. Come on in, come on in... Ah! As you know, this is our daughter.”
The man was tall and handsome, nothing like the pictures you had seen. And familiar. His eyes met yours and he smiled, making your blood run cold— you had seen that man before. Not even a week ago, staring at you at the bar while sipping his whiskey until you decided he was too hot and couldn’t be older than 30, so you walked up to him and gave him a napkin with your number and a lipstick stain of a kiss on it. He never called.
“Wow,” Namjoon said without his tone matching his words. “She has grown up so much.” And he looked you up and down again, checking you out kind of like he had done that night. Your entire face was burning, turning on your heels to get away. What the fuck kind of luck was that? He was your dad's friend? You hoped– you begged that he didn't recognize you. He wasn't saying anything, though his eyes kept on stealing looks, and so you thought you might have had a close escape. Until you run into each other in the kitchen. Alone. "Come here, young lady," he said in a deep voice that sent shivers down your spine. You already felt like you were in trouble. "Does your father know you go around giving your number to men almost twice your age?"
He was so close, eyes travelling lazily down your form with a smirk on his lips. "No," you choked. "I– I don't– You were staring at me, that's why I thought..."
"I was staring at you because I was trying to figure out if you were my best friend's daughter."
Hearing him say the words made your cheeks burn. Defeat. He had a logical excuse and all you had was that he was a little too much your type. And he sounded like he was scolding you, reminding you of your place. You lowered your head, really wanting to get out. "Please don't tell him."
Don't tell him I hit on you. Don't tell him I wanted to fuck you.
Namjoon didn't reply right away, but late that night you got a text from an unknown number. "I won't tell him anything."
He won't tell him anything. Perhaps that could be applied to what had already happened, or what would happen in the future.
You didn't text frequently, but you did nonetheless. And even though you were sure both of you would say they were simple, innocent texts, how innocent could they really be when the man already knew how you felt about him? Maybe you were crazy, but you thought he might like you too. Maybe he liked the fact that you liked him. It wasn't evident in anything he did or say, just the vibes you got from him those days he visited your house, or the way he looked at you when you were left alone for a second. The summer passed by so fast when every other day you met your father's best friend in one way or another.
When it was time for you to move back to the city where you attended college, Namjoon just so happened to be going there for some work too. And your parents were grateful that you had someone to travel with. The car ride was long and mostly silent. You had never been left alone for so long and suddenly you realised how hard it was to keep a conversation going without talking about how horny he made you feel just by being in the same, tight space with you. But the farther away you got from home, the less you cared about keeping your good reputation up.
"Where will you sleep tonight?" you asked him after he helped drop off all your stuff at your apartment late that night and was already at the door, ready to leave.
"I'll find a hotel," he told you, hand still on the door handle.
"You can stay here if you want to."
"Don't–" His plea was soft-spoken, in contrast to the intense way his eyes were piercing yours.
"Don't what?" you acted dumb. "All I'm saying is I'm sure dad would rather you stay instead of paying for a room. You're like family, anyway."
You noticed how he took in a deep breath, grip around the knob getting harder. "Don't bring him into this."
Saying that you two shouldn't mention your father was like admitting what was going on right now was beyond innocent. And even though your stomach clenched at his harsh tone, you bowed your head and whispered. "I'm sorry."
"This is so wrong," you heard him call loudly all of a sudden, making you look back at him. He was chewing on his lip desperately. "I was there when your dad got your mom pregnant. Do you know what I said? Fuck, man, how are you gonna get out of this bullshit? I shouldn’t be…"
You blinked at him, waiting to hear the end of the sentence. "Shouldn't be what?" You weren't gonna let him slip away that easily. You would push him until he had to say what he wanted to say. It was your only chance, anyway.
Namjoon sighed. He pushed the door closed and walked up to you steadily all while he was staring straight into your eyes. "Why did you give me your number that night?"
Your breathing was already getting heavier. You wouldn't back away. What was the point? He knew already. "Because you were hot. And I wanted you to fuck me."
He chewed his lip for a few seconds, watching your face as he contemplated his next words. "Why do you want me to stay over tonight?"
You gulped. He was so close, closer than ever. "Because you're hot," you whispered. Glance down on his lips. "And I want you to fuck me."
He closed his eyes momentarily before he was exhaling loudly. "Fucking– hell!"
And he instantly moved forward, one hand grabbing the back of your head as he brought your face to crush on his, mouths smashing against each other after all the times you had dreamed about it. It was so much better than you could have imagined, lips full and soft parting yours for his tongue to slip in between, making you moan. And you were trying to get closer and closer, almost tripping as you walked blindly further into the apartment. His jacket was discarded on the floor before your shirt joined it, and Namjoon was growling before attacking your neck with his teeth.
"Daddy..." The word truly slipped out of you, and he was pausing for a moment, pulling away to look at you.
"Really? You're really gonna call me daddy?" Your eyes were wide and cheeks burning, squirming away from him before he grabbed your wrist to keep you close. "Shit," he grunted, not sounding mad at all. "Alright, baby. Show daddy where your room is, need to get you in bed right away."
And you mewled at his words. You were there in no time, pulling the rest of your clothes off as Namjoon undressed too. Big and thick, he was even hotter like that, making you press your legs together as you took the sight in. And when he removed his boxers too, you got to found out his dick matched the rest of his body perfectly, long and thick and so hot it made your mouth water.
"Daddy," you whined as he started crawling over you. "You're so big. You're gonna tear me apart."
His large hand grabbed your jaw. "That's what you get for playing with big boys." And he kissed you ruthlessly again. His other hand travelling down your form until he found your pussy, fingers playing with your folds and humming in satisfaction. "So wet. Is that all for me, baby?"
"Yes, daddy," you moaned, hips trying to grind on his hand for some more friction. "I've been wet for you since I first saw you."
"Fuck. I know, baby," he breathed into your ear, two fingers slipping slowly inside you and stretching you out. "I could tell. You weren't hiding it very well, baby. How much you wanted me to ruin you. Which is why daddy's been hard for you all this time, too." Your breath was hitching as he was moving his hands slowly, not even trying to fuck you like that, just trying to get you ready for his cock. And he stopped. "Are you gonna let daddy fuck you raw, baby?"
You almost screamed. "Fuck, yes, daddy, please! Fuck me open with your cock."
Namjoon was growling as he retrieved his fingers from inside you. "What a dirty mouth! Who taught you to speak like that, you dirty, little whore? I thought you were a good girl."
Your nails were scratching his back as you whined and squirmed underneath him. "Oh, daddy, please! I need you! I'll be good for you."
And you felt the tip of his dick press against your entrance as he shushed you. "Alright then. Be a good girl for daddy and take this big cock like the good, little slut you are." And he shoved himself in you.
"O–oh my god!" you yelped. Namjoon didn't go easy on you, didn't go slow or gentle, he started pounding you fast and hard right away, truly fucking you open like you had asked him to. You were squirming underneath him but his body was so big and strong, it was caging you completely. And just to shut you up he kissed you again, tongue so deep in your mouth he was choking you. Namjoon was fucking you so hard he brought tears to your eyes, and you felt euphoric being used by him like that.
"My dirty, little cunt," he rasped after he freed your mouth. "Like taking my cock like that?" You were nodding, mewling, unable to speak. "What a good girl. Letting daddy fuck her as hard as he wants." He leaned back, grabbing your arms until he had your wrists pinned above your head and the new position gave him the ability to piston his hips against yours even faster, diving even deeper.
"Fuck, daddy, I'm gonna cum," you cried, legs shaking as they fought against his abusing thrusts between them.
"So easy," Namjoon panted with a smirk. "So easy to please you. Gonna cum cuz you've never had dick like daddy's before, huh? No one's ever fucked you this good? Those little boys your age, I bet they don't know shit about pleasing a nasty girl like you." He spat on his free hand and brought it right down on your clit, pressing on it hard. And you were moaning even louder. "There you go, baby. You can cum on daddy's dick now."
"Namjoon–" you yelped, and you felt your orgasm pop, gushing all your juices over him as he kept fucking you through it. He slowed down a bit, coming down to kiss you sloppily as you continued to whine with each thrust against your sensitive, tight walls.
"That's my good girl," he whispered, kissing you almost lovingly. "Don't worry, baby. We're not nearly done yet." And his thrusts slowly got deeper and deeper. "You really shouldn't have let me fuck you, baby. Cuz now I don't ever plan on stopping."
Masterlist | Part 2
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hpalways · 3 years
genshin boys confessing to you
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters included: Childe, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya
Warning: Nothing ( Except for the fact this is the first time I’ve written something like this LOL. I apologize if this is not how you write scenarios/hcs cus uhhh idk)
He wasn’t sure how to go about it. Maybe it was the way he had held himself back from you for so long -- hiding his true self like the two faced bastard he truly was. 
For the entirety of his life, he spent on the idea of chaos. Now that love had been introduced to him, it was like another new field of adventure for him to overcome. 
The last thing he expected in his lifetime was to experience romance. Albeit, you were there, wrapping him around your finger, alluring him in wholly. He had enough of his feelings eating him away, and knew that he had to confess tonight. 
You were brought to the Liyue Harbor at night. The golden lights illuminating the city was beautiful and it mesmerized you instantly. But to him? You were the more beautiful than the stupid structures that made him feel homesick. To him, you were home. 
You asked him what was wrong, but he merely shook his head, a small smile adorn on his lips to cover the fact that he was getting unnerved. 
“Come, dear Comrade. Let’s go closer to the sea.” He wanted to get you somewhere more private, away from the crowds filled of unwanted attention. His hand wrapped around your wrist and his heart instantly raced. 
You leaned your arms at the edge of the dock and turned to look at him. He was giving you another smile, but this time, his dark blue eyes were crinkled. It was one of those sheepish smiles he’d give out; the kind that was genuine and pure -- the kind he’d only wear around you. 
“Can I tell you something?” He would not wait for a response before he’d blurt it out. “I like you, [Y/N].”
Throwing your arms around him, you told him that the feeling was mutual. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about the mere mortal -- you. Unsure and confused as to why you had been on his mind so often lately, he decided to invite you out to tea one night. Perhaps he could ask you about it -- after all, if he couldn’t figure it out, he might as well seek out the source of his turmoil.
Sipping the tea in silence, he tasted the sweet golden liquid in delight. The warmth it gave to his body reminded him of you. Hearing gentle words or feeling the touch of your hand would usually make him feel warm inside. 
He set the teacup down and fixed his gloves, thinking deeply that his brows furrowed. Leaning on the back of his chair, he suddenly made eye contact with you. 
You sent him a grin and took another sip of the tea. He blinked in awe and tried to regain his composure. Somehow, he would always find himself letting his guard down around you... but then this would happen! 
Perhaps he was overthinking. Everyone else always said that he did, despite him not seeing it. 
Finally choosing to tell you what was on his mind, he unbottled his feelings... in a rather abstract way. “You remind me of this tea. Just as it is when I drink its delightful honied taste, you impact me exactly as that. I feel warm around you and all my worries ease away the second you smile. Do you why know I feel this way, [Y/N]?”
You raised your brows in shock. Then you joked around, saying that it sounded as if he liked you. 
Much to your further surprise, he pondered and did not laugh along. His gloved hand stroking the bottom of his chin, he stared at the wooden oak of the table in deep contempt. “I think... that might be it. I think I like you.”
He was in love with you, but he did not know how to voice it. Seen as stoic and quiet, he preferred to push his feelings down whenever he saw you at the tavern. 
He knew your favorite drink and would always have it prepared in case you chose to visit. And whenever he told you that it was in stock, he could see and relinquish the excitement you show. 
That night, as he handed you the alcoholic drink, your fingers brushed at the exchange and his cheeks warmed at the contact. He wished you would just leave so he could pay attention to his work, but instead, you asked him to join you. 
After much pleading from you and having the case of being weak against puppy faces, he relented and joined you at the table, after asking the other worker to cover him. 
He got the usual: grape juice. You teased him for his choice and he only rolled his eyes, yet the smile made its way on his face anyway. He was taken aback when you decided to drink grape juice along with him. You were going to stay sober for him? 
This gave him another push. He wanted so badly to just let his feelings out. 
You told him that grape juice was delicious and a surge of confidence tipped him over the edge. “There’s something you need to hear.” You looked at him with those eyes of yours, oblivious to his oncoming declaration. It nearly made him cower back again, but the love he had for you was stronger. “I have feelings for you.”
Blinking for a few seconds, you then smiled, almost in relief. “Took you long enough, doofus. Because I like you too. Why else would I visit the tavern so often?”
He was beginning to grow annoyed. Left and right, he had been dropping hints for the feelings he held for you, but being the dense person you were, you barely bat an eye at them. 
His fingers would twirl in your hair and he would whisper compliments into your ear. Expecting you to grow nervous around him, he was only met by disappointment when you rolled your eyes and called him a tease. 
That was true. He flirted often and pretty obviously. But these feelings were genuine for you! He loved your smile, your laugh, your demeanor, your everything. 
It scared him. Perhaps you didn’t like him that way. Perhaps he flirted with you too much it held no effect on you. 
There was one thing he could not do: Outright say that he liked you. The best he could do was to continue these shenanigans. 
Tilting his head dangerously close to your face, his heart dropped when your face contained no reaction to the proximity. Day after day, it was getting increasingly difficult. 
Finally deciding to give it one more go, his hint was a way more obvious one. It was blunt and it expressed exactly what was felt internally at that moment. “Can I kiss you?” 
You instantly backed away from him, your face falling in... betrayal. Hurt was clear in your eyes as tears prickled the corners of them. He didn’t know what to do. Rushing to you, he asked what was wrong, before embracing you, pulling you into his warm chest. 
You told him how unfair it was. You were tired of how he kept playing with your feelings -- tired because the teasing tugged your heart strings every time, for you wished they were true. You wished it was true he wished to kiss you, or thought that you were beautiful, or... that he liked you.
His jaw dropped and he knew he messed up. Stroking your hair, he understood that he had to come clean. Because you liked him! And he, you. 
“None of them are lies. You are beautiful... and I’m in love with you. Look me in the eyes [Y/N]. Does this look like the eyes of someone who’s lying?”
He asked if he could kiss you, truly, and with a meek nod on your end, he pressed his lips on yours. 
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
The Day Out
GN!MC Summary: MC and Solomon spend the day out enjoying the wonders of the Devildom. The problem with this? They never told the seven Lords of Hell that they’d be gone for the day.  TW: Torture (Not to the MC or the bros tho), Injuries, Murder (Again, just an unimportant Background Character) When the Wise King Solomon asks you out of nowhere if you would like to spend a day exploring the Devildom with him, some hesitancy is to be expected. We’re talking about an ancient wizard who is notoriously sketchy in every way and who seems to always have some kind of personal agenda that he uses for everything.  But the fact in the matter was that you had just survived and grueling two weeks of exams at RAD, and the stress of always being passed around between the demon brothers to partake in their various schemes and problems was really starting to wear on you.  So a day out, relaxing, and finally getting to explore Devildom in its entirety, regardless of the company, actually sounded pretty good.  Solomon had asked you to meet him outside of the House of Lamentation just before dawn. He stood there now, looking as collected and secretive as ever, with a satchel strapped over his shoulder.  “Ready to go and enjoy the company of another human?”  “More than ever! What’s with the bag?”  The wizard shrugged held out his arm to you. “I thought I might collect a few potion ingredients if I happen to spot any. The Devildom is home to a number of special rarities after all, and it would be horrible not to take advantage of my time down here to collect some of them.” That was fair. You took Solomon’s arm and allowed him to pull you close to his side before the two of you took off onto a trail in the woods. 
*** Later that morning  Mammon frowned as he approached his human’s room. You hadn’t been at breakfast, and he hadn’t heard from you all morning. This was weird. More than weird, it was worrying. It seemed like ever since you had arrived in the Devildom, the second born had a hard time getting you to leave his side, and sure it was annoying at first, but he had come to appreciate the warm presence that you exuded and found himself feeling strangely cold without you there.  He knocked on the door. “MC! Ya gonna missed breakfast! Wake up, ya lazy bones. Just because it’s the weekend, doesn't mean ya get to hold up in ya room all day like Levi!” He smirked at his own insult and waited for your inevitable retort.  Instead, he was met with silence.  Mammon’s frown made a quick reappearance. “Oi! Don’t go ignoring the Great Mammon! Beel’s gonna eat you’re share and I don’t wanna hear ya complainin’ that you’re hungry all day. Now wake up!”  Again, silence.  He growled quietly to himself in frustration as a knot of concern began to tighten in his stomach. “MC, open the door and get over here or I’m comin’ myself! This ain’t funny, human!” When he was once again met with no response, the demon cursed under his breath and went to open the door; to his surprise, it was unlocked. He threw the door open and glared inside the room. “That’s it human! Up and at it! I’ll drag ya down to the dining room mysel-” He cut himself off as he noticed the room was empty. “MC?” Mammon looked around, noting your unmade bed and window being propped slightly open. He chuckled worriedly and began to look around a little more frantically. “Ha. Ha. Very funny. What? Ya plannin’ to jump and scare me? Ain’t gonna work, so ya might as well come out now. Seriously, MC. This ain’t funny.” The knot pulled tighter as he realized he was talking to himself. He began to search every nook and cranny of the room, hoping to Diavolo that maybe you were just really dedicated to this prank and was still hiding, but paled as he realized you were nowhere to be found. “Shit!” He cursed aloud and sprinted to the dining room where the rest of the brothers still sat.  “MC is missing!”  *** You gasped and ran ahead of Solomon as the two of you walked through the forest. You crouched down and looked at a patch of glowing blue mushrooms, eyes wide with awe. “It’s so beautiful,” you gasped and glanced over your shoulder. “I can’t believe I’ve been in the Devildom for nearly a year and never came out here.”  Solomon chuckled at your child-like wonder. “The forest can be quite dangerous to those who don’t know what to look out for. For example, those beautiful glowing mushrooms?” he gestured to the fungus in front you, “Those are called the Ardentes Mushrooms. They explode on contact and create a poisonus gas.”  You’re eyes widened as you quickly scrambled back from it. “What?! Why didn’t you tell me that before I got close?”  The wizard shrugged and put a hand on your waist to pull you close to his side, as he handed you a cloth. “Like you said, you’ve been here for nearly a year and haven’t seen much because those demons have gotten quite protective of you. I thought you might enjoy observing and learning about the wilds of the Devildom. Put the cloth over your mouth and nose, and watch.”  You did as instructed. Solomon smirked before putting a cloth mask over his own face. With one hand holding you close to him, a safe distance from the mushrooms, Solomon picked up a long stick and gently poked one of the fungus.  With a small poof it quickly became engulfed in azure flames aned small glowing flecks danced and sparkled in the air around you. You held back a gasp from behind the cloth as you watched in amazement, and Solomon simply stood there holding and watching you.  *** The Seven Avatars of Sin stood in the lounge anxiously. They had searched the entire House of Lamentation inch by inch and there was no sign of the human that had been entrusted under their protection.  Lucifer sighed and leaned against the table. “If they’re not in the manor, we have to consider other possibilities. Has anyone had any luck reaching them?” He looked over at Levi, “Could you potentially trace their D.D.D. if we aren’t able to reach them?”  Levi solemnly shook his head and placed the mentioned device on the table. “Found it in their room,” he ran a hand over his face in frustration. “They know better than to go out without their phone! This isn’t like them!”  “Maybe they didn’t go willingly.” All attention snapped over to Satan, who was looking at the D.D.D thoughtfully with a hand on his chin.  Mammon paled as his hands gripped tightly onto the chair in front of him. “Y-Ya mean ya think someone took them?”  The aura in the room darkened as Satan nodded. “Levi’s right. They know better than to leave without one of us and even if they had to, they would at the very least take their D.D.D. They may be reckless sometimes, but they’ve been more careful about their safety ever since-” he paused and glanced at Belphegore before clearing his throat. “But that’s besides the point. Their window was unlocked and open as well. A demon could’ve very easily gotten in through there and took them while we were all asleep.”  Asmo let out a dramatic gasp and threw himself onto Beelzebub’s arm. “Oh the poor dear! They must’ve been so frightened being taken advantage of like that!” Beel looked down at Asmodeus both disturbed by his brother’s antics, but also distraught by his words.  Belphie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “But there wasn’t any signs of foul play in the room. No signs of struggle.”  Satan hummed in thought. “MC is a human with no particular means of defense. They’re weak enough awake,” a spark of wrath flared behind Satan’s eyes as he clenched his jaw. “I imagine that asleep, they wouldn’t even have the chance to become fully conscious before a demon, even a lesser demon, could knock them out.”  Lucifer growled lowly. “We’ll find whoever did this, get MC back, and make the perpetrators responsible for this regret their very existence.”  In that moment, the brothers had never appeared more frightening or demonic, as the room filled with eyes glowing with the promise of death, snarls of anger at the knowledge that someone dared to touch what belonged to them. In that moment, they truly were the Lords of the Devildom. Satan grinned a wide, murderous grin, “It seems, for once, we agree, Big Brother.”  *** You peacefully continued to gather the flowers and mushrooms that Solomon had pointed out to you and verified were “safe for human contact” as the mid day sun beamed lazily through the tree branches of the forest.  You quietly hummed to yourself and glanced occasionally over at Solomon who was collecting some of the more dangerous samples to observe later on.  You smiled at the wizard. It wasn’t often you got to see him so relaxed. It seemed like every time you saw him, he was prepared for at least ten different scenarios and was weaving the strings of manipulation before his victim could even blink.  But out here, where there were no prying eyes and no other tasks to follow, Solomon looked open and the most human that you’ve ever seen him.  “You really like it out here, huh?”  He glanced back at you with a raised eyebrow, and made quick work of putting his current sample into a storage bottle. “And how did you come to that conclusion?”  You rolled your eyes and went back to picking mushrooms as you spoke. “I just mean that you seem so calm and...loose out here. Like you’ve finally dropped that act that you always put on and are finally allowed to be yourself.”  Solomon was silent as he looked at you with a strange glint in his eyes. As after a moment or two, he smirked and chuckled softly as he looked away. “For a human with no magical talents, I have to applaud your skills of observation. I think I can understand how it was you, and only you, that was able to see through the brothers as you have.”  You shrugged and attempted to hide the blush dusting over your cheeks. “It’s nothing. I just want to-”  You cut yourself off as a low growl fills the air not far from you. You slowly look up to see what appears to be a mix of a bear, a rat, and a skeleton, standing only a few meters from you. It’s beady red eyes were glaring directly at you. Your breath caught in your throat as you froze, “S-Solomon?”  “MC, listen very carefully. What’s in front of you is an Iacis Rat. They are extremely hostile, and considering their hibernation period has just ended, I imagine they are very hungry. I need you to back up very slowly and carefully. Avert your eyes, and hunch low to seem unthreatening. Keep it in your peripheral vision,” his voice was low and calm but firm with a sense of urgency. You took a shaky breath and slowly began to do as Solomon instructed. You got five steps in before you heard something snap beneath your foot.  The giant rat let out a horrendous roar that you could feel vibrate in your bones as it suddenly swiped at you. Your cry of pain pierced the air as it sliced open your arm and threw you back several feet. Another snap; only this time it was the fragile bones in your other arm breaking, not a stick.  You could hear Solomon shouting a series of spells, before he quickly scooped you up and began to run. You whimpered as he picked you up and jostled your arm. “We’ll get that taken care of in a minute MC, for now, we need to run.” You glance over his shoulder and see the rat surrounded by a series of warding walls and swatting at a few crackling balls of arcane energy that prodded at it and flew around its head.  The two of you managed to get away. You found yourself sitting on near a cliff, panting heavily as you looked out on a view of all the Devildom, with the sun just beginning to set. It would’ve been beautiful if you weren’t bleeding and in pain.  Solomon crouched beside you and inspected the gash on your arm and your broken bones the moment he had deemed that you were both safe once more. After a few silent moments of observation, he had set up a small fire and began to brew some kind of potion. You watched closely as he worked, and within an few, agony filled minutes the wizard was holding out a small cup to you.  “I am so sorry you got injured. In all honesty, I had forgotten about the Icais Rats post-hibernation season, and foolishly believed that we would be safe today,” He sighed and shook his head. “Regardless, this potion should heal all the injuries on your person. Though I should warn you, this will hurt...quite a lot actually. You can hold my hand during the process if you’d like.”  You took a shaky breath and took his hand into yours. The wizard smiled softly at you and pressed a kiss to your fingers before handing you the potion. “Whenever you’re ready.”  You eyed the red liquid in the cup before bringing it to your lips. Before you could change your mind you quickly downed the potion and squeezed tightly onto Solomon’s hand.  You tensed waiting for the pain to kick in... but nothing happened.  You frowned and looked over at Solomon. “I don’t feel any worse than I did before. Are you sure this thing-”  You were cut off as a fiery hot pain suddenly shot down both your arms and your head began to throb. Your loud piercing scream could be heard all throughout the forest as the pain began to overwhelm you.  Solomon pulled you into his lap, and held you tightly with one hand as the other ran his fingers through your hair. “I know,” he whispered softly through your screams. “It’ll be over soon. Just a couple minutes. You can do this MC. It’ll be alright.”  You sobbed as waves of pain hit you over and over again, until a sudden cool, sweet, numbness began to trickle over you. A gasp escaped from you as you stilled in Solomon’s arms.  The wizard chuckled, “Growing back your bones isn’t very fun. I’m sorry you had to go through that. You should be feeling better now.”  You looked down at your arms, and sure enough, the gash on your arm was gone with no sign of it having ever existed and the bones in your other arm had mended. You sniffed and wiped away the tears that had begun to appear in your eyes and looked over to Solomon. “Can you take me back to the House now? I think I’d like to take a nap.”  He smiled sadly at you. “Of course.”  *** A loud agonized scream rang off the walls of the House of Lamentation, causing Belphegore and Satan to grin. Their victim hung by their hands, chained to a wall while they slowly carved into its flesh.  “You know neither of us are exactly known for a patience...” Belphie drawled as he slowly brought a claw down across the lower demon’s chest. “So this is your last chance; Tell us where MC is.” The demon sobbed openly as it shook it’s head. “I’m telling you! I don’t know where they are! I swear! Please, let me go! Please, I don’t know anything!”  Satan tsked as he polished a knife and approached the demon. “Really? Because I know for a fact that you have been following them around and watching them at RAD lately,” he points the knife against the demon’s throat. “You wanted them, didn’t you? You were figuring out their routine so that you could take them for yourself. Admit it!”  The poor demon sobbed even louder as it’s body trembled. “No! I admit, I-I was following them around! But not because I wanted to- to- kidnap them or anything! I swear! I-” the demon’s face turned red, “I find them attractive and I-I was trying to work up the nerve to talk to them! That’s all!” It made eye contact with Satan, it’s expression pained and desperate. “Surely you guys understand that! I-I mean all of you brothers like them, right? That’s why you’re always following them-”  The demon didn’t get a chance to finish before Belphegore growled and snapped the demon’s neck. Satan rose an eyebrow at his younger brother, causing Belphie to shrug in response. “He didn’t have anything we needed, and was just babbling. It was annoying.”  Satan rolled his eyes and looked back at Lucifer, who stood in the back of the room, going over stacks of papers, maps, and occasionally checking his D.D.D. “Another dead end.”  The eldest brother scowled and crossed something out on a piece of paper. “Right. That’s it for possibilities at RAD then. We should start with the list of possible suspects from The Fall and the people Mammon’s indebted to then. They’ll be harder to get a hold of, but some of them would definitely have a strong motive.” Just as he finished, the House doors swung open and Mammon and Levi came marching in with the angels in tow. “We got them,” Mammon stated the obvious as he unnecessarily pushed the two in front of him. “They’d just gotten back from RAD. We haven’t told them anything yet.”  Simeon gasped at the sight of the tortured demon still hanging dead on the wall in front of them, and quickly drew Luke against him, hiding the younger angel from the sight. He glared over at Lucifer. “What is the meaning of all of this?”  Lucifer ignored the question and frowned when he noticed there was only two out of the three exchange students. “Where’s Solomon?”  “Chihuahua says that he’s been gone all day gathering ingredients for some potion. Based off of the stuff missing from his room, and the feed from the security cameras, it checks out,” Levi explained.  “Luke is not a chihuahua!” Simeon loudly defended, surprising all the demons in the room, as the little angel hugged himself closer to Simeon. The elder celestial scowled at everyone. “Now will someone please explain to us exactly what is going on and why you all are acting like a bunch of mindless, feral, demons, when we all know you are more intelligent and civilized than that!” Lucifer gave him a flat look as he crossed his arms over his chest. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut of by a hiss of pain as a sharp, agonizing, burn suddenly swiped over his upper right arm. Not too long after, an even stronger twinge filled his entire left arm. A quick look around the room told him that his brothers were feeling the same thing; meaning this could only be one thing: MC was hurt.  Mammon snarled as he grabbed the front of Simeon’s robes. “Look, we ain’t got time to mess around. MC’s been taken, and is currently being hurt. That’s all ya need to know. What we need to know is if you got any ideas in that feathery, “holier-than-thou”, brain of yours who might’a took them or where they are! If ya can’t help us, than ya useless, and you can just get the hell outta our way while we actually do something about it!”  Simeon’s eyes widened as he felt Luke stiffen against him. The elder angel glanced over Mammon to Lucifer, “MC is missing? For how long?”  The second-born growled and harshly shoved the angel away from him. “Did ya not hear anything I just said?! We ain’t got time for stupid questions! Now do ya know where they are or not?!” The angel opened his mouth to speak, when Lucifer’s ring tone suddenly cut him off. The demon quickly snatched it up and put the call on speaker. “Asmo, report. Any sign?”  “Beel and I didn’t have any luck downtown, so we were headed back to House. We were passing the woods, when Beel... Beel thinks he’s picked up the scent of MC’s blood. We’re following it now.” Simeon shivered as he felt the demonic power in the room quadruple in strength and could practically feel it’s energy crackling in the air around them. Mammon’s face paled, as the second-born cursed and rushed towards the door. Satan, Leviathan, and Belphegore weren’t far behind him; all four brothers were already shifted into their demon forms. Lucifer’s expression became absolutely murderous as he swung his cloak over his shoulders and moved past the angels to follow his brothers. “Keep track of the scent, and describe to me where you are. We’re all coming to-”  Suddenly, all the brothers cried out in shock and pain, some of the younger ones even stumbling from it, as their bodies felt as though they had been filled with white-hot needles. Even more painful, however, was the distant, familiar, scream that could be heard on the other side of the phone call.  “Th-that’s MC,” Beel grunted out through the pain. As suddenly as it came, the pain vanished as was replaced with a chilling, numbness that filled the demon’s with dread as the screams also ended.  Levi froze and looked around at his brothers. “D-Does that mean...Are they?”  Satan swallowed thickly and shook his head, but there was a hint of uncertainty and fear in his eyes. “No. If they were dead, we’d feel the pacts break. We’d know. R-Right, Lucifer?”  The first born merely scowled and charged forward, leading the group towards the woods. “Let’s go find Beel and Asmo. We’re getting our human back now.”  *** Solomon kept an arm wrapped around you as the two of you slowly made yourr way back down the trail to get home. He watched you carefully, keeping an eye out for any unexpected side-effects of the potion. “You’re sure you’re alright then?”  You smiled weakly at him and nodded. “Yeah. Only side effect I’ve noticed is it’s made me quite tired. Other than that, I’m all better now, thanks to you.” You looked out at the trail ahead of you, “I’m sorry our day had to end on such a bad note.”  The wizard waved a hand in dismissal. “Non-sense. It wasn’t something neither of us could control. Though perhaps I should’ve been more cautious before taking you out here,” he chuckled in thought. “Imagine what the brothers would say if I returned you beaten and broken from a giant rat attack.”  You laughed and shook your head. “I doubt Lucifer would let me leave the House again! If I got hurt, it would be damaging to the program after all.”  Solomon frowned at your words. “Do you truly think that is the only reason why he, or any of the others for that matter, would care if you get injured?”  You shrugged and notably avoided the wizard’s gaze. “What other reason would they have for caring for me? Their the Demon Lords of the Devildom. I’m just MC. A defenseless human with no magical powers and nothing that makes them special.” Solomon stopped walking and grabbed you by the shoulders. He looked down at you with his stern silver eyes as though he was attempting to see straight into your soul. “You are MC. A descendent of the Angel Lilith, Master of all seven of the Avatars of Sin, and one of the kindest most observant individuals I have ever had the great fortune of knowing. You are not just some defenseless human, MC. You are special; and I know the brothers see that too.”  You’re heart fluttered in your chest at his words, as a light warmth filled your chest. You opened your mouth to respond, when suddenly the calm forest air was filled with the sound of the Icais Rat’s roar and several battle cries. The two of you frowned and glanced at each other before cautiously making your way towards the commotion.  There, in the middle of the same field you had been attacked in earlier, was all seven of the demon brothers, decked out in their demon forms, as they viciously brutalized the wild beast, that looked as though it had been killed within the first hit.  Your eyes widened at the sight as you took several panicked steps closer to them. “Woah! Guys! Stop! What are you doing?!”   You flinched back as you were suddenly being looked at by seven sets of manic eyes gleaming with danger. Solomon came up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder, he began to quietly whisper the beginning of a protection incantation. You gulped and held up your hands defensively. “Easy boys. It’s just me. It’s MC.”  Asmodeus was the first one to fall out of whatever daze the brothers all seemed to be under. His demon form instantly dropped as tears lined his eyes. “MC!!!” He sprinted over to you and was about to pounce, but found himself smacking into an invisible wall as Solomon threw his hand up. The demon rubbed his nose and gaped over at the wizard in shock and betrayal. “Solomon?! You’re the one that took MC?!” The vicious hue that surrounded the brothers while they were attacking quickly returned as they set their sights on the wizard. Lucifer growled, his eyes remaining fixed on the hand that the wizard kept on your shoulder. “I knew we couldn’t trust him. Solomon, we demand that you let MC go, now.”  Your eyes widened as the demons began to surround you in a notably offensive position. You could feel Solomon’s hand tighten on your shoulder as he glared at them. “Not until you all calm down enough, that I feel that I can lower these protective walls without MC being maimed to death.”  Levi squawked in offense. “Us hurt them?! You’re the one that kidnapped and tortured them!!!”  “Wait what?!” You and Solomon exclaimed in sync.  You shoved Solomon’s hand off your shoulder and stood between the wizard and the demons. “Alright, everyone calm down for a minute. I think there’s been a big misunderstanding. Why do you think that Solomon kidnapped and tortured me? That’s insane!”  Satan eyed you analytically. “He’s probably given them a potion to manipulate their memories to make them think they’ve come willingly and have them be more submissive,” a few growls filled the air from the statement.  Mammon moved as close to you as he could with the invisible wall still up, and looked at you desperately. “MC, you’ve been drugged. But we’re gonna get ya home! Solomon broke in through your window this mornin’ and took ya from us. We know that he’s hurt ya, but we’re not gonna let him hurt ya any more,” his eyes hardened as they shifted to Solomon. “That’s a promise.”  Solomon sighed and shook his head. “I didn’t do any of that! Earlier this week, I invited MC to accompany me today as I gathered ingredients to give them a chance to see more of the Devildom. They agreed and came with me this morning.”  You nodded and held up a bag of mushrooms as proof. “Exactly. We’ve just been out here exploring the woods all day. That’s all.”  Belphegore raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Then how come you didn’t tell us, or leave a note? Why was your window open and your phone left behind?”  You’re eyes widened as you felt your stomach drop in realization. “Oh, boys, I am so sorry. I completely forgot! We left so early that I was a bit out of it, and I must have forgotten to make a note. I figured there wouldn’t be any reception in the woods, and I had Solomon there with me for protection, so I didn’t take my phone. I promise this really is just a misunderstanding.”  Belphie’s eyes narrowed, clearly still not fully buying the story. “And the window?”  You chuckled and scratched the back of your neck. “It was hot last night. I opened it too cool off. I must have forgotten to close it too,” you could feel guilt course through your heart as the brothers all glanced at each other with caution and uncertainty. “I’m really sorry guys. I promise I’m okay. Really!”  Beel growled lowly as he moved closer to you. “Then what about the blood that we found in the woods? What about the pain we felt you go through? I know that was real! You were hurt MC! Solomon hurt you!” his voice dropped dangerously low on the last line as his eyes began to glow once more and he punched the invisible wall; trying to break it down by sheer force to get to you.  You flinched back, as you realized just how bad this must have seemed to all of them. “We weren’t careful, and we were surprised by that Iacis Rat that you found. It scratched my arm and threw me causing me to break my other arm. Once we got away, Solomon gave me a healing potion, that unfortunately has a pretty painful process,” you looked at Beel sympathetically. “I’m alright, see?” you moved your arms around, and took off your coat to show the undamaged skin on your arms. “No injuries. Just a plain, old, healthy, MC.” You sighed and looked over at the others. “I am so so sorry for worrying you all. I swear I didn’t mean to. If I get Solomon to lower the wall so that I can hug you, do you promise not to attack him?”  There was a notable hesitance in their response as they eyed the two of you and seemed to exchange a silent conversation between one another, before one by one, they all dropped their demon forms.  Taking that as confirmation, Solomon dropped the warding walls, and within moments you were engulfed by the arms of six of the brothers.  “Stupid human” Mammon grumbled and he held you tightly to his chest, “What were ya thinkin’?”  “Don’t ever pull that normie crap again, okay?” Levi nuzzled his face into your hair, blushing deeply. “I-I missed a raid because of you!”  “You’re not allowed to do stuff like that. You had Beel all upset. You know I don’t like it when Beel’s upset.” Belphie muttered, causing Beel to wrap his arms around the group of you tighter.  “You really had us all worried MC,” the gentle giant whispered. “We...We thought you had gotten killed or something. Thought that we lost you.”  “Urgh! All this stress has been terrible for my skin!” Asmodeus complained as he pulled away from the group hug. “You owe me a full spa day, darling. I don’t wait want to hear any arguing about it either, because it’s happening. It’s the least you can do after everything you put us through.”  Satan pulled away in front of you and frowned as he flicked your nose, like an owner would to a misbehaving dog. “Your actions today were reckless. You know the dangers of the Devildom. You should’ve told us where you were going and took your D.D.D with you. Do I need to remind you of just how wrong today could’ve gone even with Solomon by your side?”  Lucifer, standing away from you looked down at you with a carefully drafted gaze of indifference. “We’ll need to make sure that what happened today does not happen again, and ensure that you don’t ‘forget’ basic Devildom safety once more. There will be consequences that we will discuss once we get home. Am I clear?”  Strong waves of guilt, shame, and regret washed over you as each of the brothers spoke. You shivered at Lucifer’s words, and his tone which promised that these consequences would not be pleasant, and nodded in response.  “Good. Let’s get you back home then, shall we?”  As you were to be lead back down the forest path in Levi, Mammon, and Beel’s arms, you glanced over your shoulder and waved at a notably concerned Solomon. “Bye Solomon! Thanks for taking me out today. Next time, we’ll both make the proper preparations and have an even better day, yeah?”  Solomon smiled softly at you and nodded. “That’d be lovely MC. It was great being able to spend the day with just the two of us.” The moment you weren’t looking, the brothers all snapped their glares back at Solomon, causing the wizard to flinch back. The message was clear: he would not be taking you for a day out ever again.  ***This was meant to be just a funny little drabble, but I accidentally went a teeny bit serious with it...woops. Oh well, hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! Love, B 🐝***
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Stolen Moments
Scenario Prompt Request: March 23, M; Anakin kisses you on the cheek/head/hands/lips whenever they walk by because they are in love with you. - changed a bit. Requested by: @destynelseclipsa
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Gen!Neutral Reader
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000
Triggers: None Words: 1.2k
Note: This is obviously in a pre-vader, somewhat au world.
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Anakin tried, he did. Well, that's a lie. He tried to try. The rules of the Jedi included that he could not be in a relationship. So when he met you, and his feeling for you formed, he began to hate the Jedi council's rules more and more.
He could hide his feeling around the other Jedi, disguise it, hide it from the likes of Obi-Wan. But he did not hide it from you. You knew it was against the rules. You were not a Jedi, but an ally of the council so you were often helping them. Hence why you met Anakin.
You told him he should ignore his feelings, you did not want him to lose all he had fought for to become a Jedi. Even though you had feelings for him as well.
Anakin knew you two could not be in a true relationship, but this would not stop him from being with you in whatever ways he could. And he knew he had to sneaky about it as well.
- - - - -
The first time it happened, it caught you so off guard you tried to convince yourself you imagined it.
You were walking down the hall of the Jedi temple, you saw Anakin and Obi Wan walking towards you. You knew they were on their way to leave for a scouting mission.
You smiled as Obi Wan approached "Y/n." He greeted.
"Obi Wan. Good luck on your mission."
"Thank you." He said with a smile as he walked past you, nodding at you in goodbye.
Anakin slowed in pace for a moment as he walked past you "Good luck to you too Anakin, don't do anything stupid."
He grinned at you "Well, you know me."
You smiled in response, but froze in the spot when Anakin's hand smoothly slid into yours as he leaned down slightly in a bow, before bringing your hand up to his mouth, pressing a kiss on your knuckles before he dropped your hand and continued to walk past you.
You watched him leave for a moment, stunned at the action, before looking around to see if any other Jedi had seen. You felt a heavy sense of relief when you saw no one. Looking back just as he disappeared around a corner, you felt a smile tug at your lips.
- - - - -
It appeared to be somewhat of a game for Anakin now. Anytime you were alone, or anytime he walked past you, he began to grow more confident, getting closer to you and pressing a kiss to your hand before leaving.
You would chastise him every time, but he simply smiled and paired it with a joke or passing comment. He knew you like it. It was exciting, even though it was such a simple action.
But Anakin had decided to make a small change in his quick and hidden affections.
He watched you from across the large room as you spoke with one of the Jedi council members, sharing information of a possible enemy uprising. And as soon as you finished the conversation, leaving the council member and heading his way, he straightened up and waited for you to pass.
As you got closer, you smiled at him in greeting "Hello Anakin."
"Hello Y/n" he said as he moved to walk alongside you.
"Is there something you need?" You asked as you rounded the corner and began heading down a hall.
Anakin saw that no one was around and smiled to himself "Me and Obi Wan are leaving."
"Yes, I know. To check out the possible uprising right?"
"Yes." He nodded as he turned, gently grabbing your arm to stop you "And I wanted to say goodbye."
You smiled at him "Are you worried about something?" You asked with a hint of worry in your own voice.
"No" he smiled, reassuringly "I just wanted to say goodbye properly, before Obi Wan comes to get me.
Opening your mouth to question him further, you remained silent when he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek. When he pulled away, smiling, you felt heat rising up your neck before looking around the check for others.
"Anakin." You said with a hint of annoyance before smacking his arm.
He laughed at your reaction "What?"
"You know what." You began, but stopped when you saw Obi Wan come around the corner.
"Come Anakin, we must leave now." He called out.
Anakin began to walk away before turning back to you "We'll finish this when I get back." he smirked.
- - - - -
"Anakin, you must stop playing this game with me before you get caught." You said suddenly, as you pulled away from after he had pressed a kiss to your temple as you stared out the window.
"I don't think of it as a game anymore." He responded as he leaned against the wall "I simply wish to take the moments I can to show you how I feel."
You sighed as you faced him "And how do you feel Anakin?"
He remained silent for a moment as he gazed at you, before walking over to you, and stopping right in front of you "I feel as though you might be worth quitting being a Jedi."
Your eyes widened slightly "No Anakin, you can't. Not for me."
Anakin raised his hand up, gentle cupping the side of your face "I want to be with you, more than anything. I can't stop thinking about it, I can't stop thinking about you and the next time I might be able to be with you, to kiss your hand, or your cheek, or..." he trailed off.
Your heart pounded in you chest as you stared into each others eyes "Anakin-" you paused, unsure of what to say "I want to be with you too. But you can't quit. I wont let you. I wont be with you if you do."
"Then will you be with me if I don't?"
You let out a small breath "Would it be worth it? Secretly stealing these small moments when we are alone?"
"Yes." he replied immedietely. "Being with you in anyway would be better than not being with you at all. And besides, the moments don't always have to be small." He smiled.
You let out a soft chuckle as you shook your head "Always joking."
Anakin brought his other hand up to your face as well "You are not a joke. None of it is. I'm more serious than I've ever been" His eyes flicked down to your lips before he slowly inched forward. You held your breath and began to close your eyes as his lips pressed against yours.
The kiss began soft and gentle, before Anakins hands moved from your face and down to your waist where he pulled you closer, making the kiss deeper and more passionate before pulling away a moment later. Your eyes fluttered open as you drew in a breath.
You smiled at each other as Anakin still held you close to him "No matter what we must be careful Anakin."
"We will be. I promise." He replied softly "Now lets take this moment while we have it" he smiled before leaning down and kissing you again, just as passionately as before.
xx End x
I know it's quite the abrupt ending and pretty short, but I struggled with this one a bit.
If you want to be added to a taglist, let me know!
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delu-jean · 3 years
𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞? (𝐏𝐭 𝟐)
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(Akaashi x fem!/reader) -> Angst/Fluff? -> 3.2k 
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Synopsis: Akaashi is strolling through Tokyo, and on that day, meets a boy who looks all too familiar. One whose eyes remind him of you. 
Part One: Is He Mine? 
Part Three: Is Her Mine? (Part. 3) 
Notes: Part two as promised! Maybe I’ll make a part three (haha >:)). Be sure to comment if you would liked to be tagged for the next part, and reblogs are always appreciated. 
-> Also, for those tagged in this post, I’ll tag you in the next as well ^^ 
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“Y/n...please tell me.” 
“T-tell you what?” you asked nervously, as he felt just the same. Inhaling his breath, hoping he could keep calm. 
“Is...is he mine?” 
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“Is he who’s?” 
“Mine Y/n...is he mine?” 
You stared at the gentleman. Though his question was reasonable (?), that was the first thing he was going to ask you?...after all of those years?...years of torment, resentment, and whatever else. Maybe you were overreacting, but yet again, you were a woman who stood by her morals. And that being the case, your instincts had said your reaction was as reasonable as his question. 
Some part of you wanted to snap. To holler at Akaashi for asking such a ridiculous question, yet the other part...was scared. You felt anxious when thinking of a proper answer. Was Ryu his?.... If taken out of context, he could’ve been asking if Ryu belonged to him, and of course he didn’t. Ryu wasn’t an object that could be owned by merely anyone. He was his own person, and that being the case, wasn’t something that could’ve been held down. Yet even though you could’ve interpreted it that way, you knew what Akaashi really meant. Yet you didn’t exactly have an answer. 
Akaashi seemed suspicious. He could tell you were hiding something, and even though very obvious, he didn’t want to assume. Hoping that you would confirm things so that you both could talk it out. Yet here you were, not giving him a response. He was confused to say the least, shouldn’t the answer have been easy? Ryu looked exactly like him, and plus, him not having a father was another takeaway. Using those facts should’ve given him enough confirmation. 
But then again, maybe the answer wasn’t as easy as it should’ve been. What if Ryu wasn’t his?...what if Akaashi had made an assumption out of impulse, because of a lingering feeling he had. One of which you sparked for him to feel. 
Maybe he was being delusional, and instead, was trying to make an excuse. An excuse to spend another minute, even a second with you there. Ryu was important to him as well. His or not, he respected that you had started a family, and was glad Ryu was a part of it. He adored Ryu, but he also admired you. Speaking of Ryu, the boy then clung onto you. He seemed confused about the interaction, and tried asking for clarification. 
“His? *GASP* Am I Akaashi’s brother!? Momma, you never told me!” he smiled happily, ecstatic at the news. 
“Eh-no dear, he’s not your brother,” you chuckled, for him to ask: 
“Then what did he mean? What did you mean, Akaashi?” you then stared at Akaashi. You knew he was smart enough to play things through, and even so, you still panicked the slightest bit. 
“I was wondering if you would be mine for the night, along with your mother. We could go grab dinner, or ice cream even,” you looked at him in shock as his eyes seemed determined. Needing an answer, and willing to get it in whatever scenario possible. 
“But what about Kuroo?” 
“Oh my, I forgot about that,” you then glanced at your watch. 
“Kuroo?...but how-oh….” Akaashi then thought about how you and Kuroo were very close friends. So close that sometimes, he would even find you hanging out with Kuroo, over himself. Though it wasn’t because you liked him (in that way), rather, you were both very good friends. Akaashi let it be since you both had mutual trust, and Kuroo was someone he was also friends with. Besides, Akaashi also respected your personal life with others, and so did you for him. 
They still talked till this day, and not once had Kuroo mentioned you having a child. But to be fair, Kuroo never mentioned you. That being because both you and Akaashi had broken up, and it would’ve been an uncomfortable topic. Still, Akaashi found it strange. If Kuroo knew, wouldn’t Bokuto have as well?...meaning that Akaashi would’ve known by now? His thoughts continued to trail as you looked at him in disbelief. 
You did have plans with Kuroo, but then, you also had a couple hours until he’d come around. Even so, you didn’t want to spend that time with Akaashi. He was one of the last people you needed to talk to. The grudge which still stood in your heart, clenched with each second he stood there. The anger which he had gifted you, was something that was eager to return. As you had thought this, you then stared at your son. He seemed thrilled to be with such a man, as he gripped onto Akaashi’s hand in excitement, saying: 
“Yay! We get to eat together!” 
“We’re going to have so much fun!” 
“Let’s try some bubble waffles!” 
You then remembered that even if you had felt that, your son instead felt joy being with Akaashi. And that being the case, you didn’t have the right to take that happiness away. After all, Ryu was not yours either. He wasn’t someone you could drag away from events, just because you had conflicts with a person. Though there were times where doing so was appropriate, was now really such an event?...not even you could answer that. But even though you couldn’t, his smile which brightened the mood, had answered for you. 
“Okay buddy, slow down. Fine, we can go with brother...Akaashi. We’ll meet Kuroo sometime later, just let me text him.” 
“Okay mom! Akaashi, Up!” you then eyed the boy, for him to insist regardless. 
“Please mom! He’s so tall, and I can see everything-” 
“Ryu no-”
“Sure, what not?” Akaashi then grabbed the boy, placed him on his shoulders, and secured his legs with his hands. You then sighed. If Akaashi had agreed, what could you do? You then texted Kuroo, grabbing your bag firmly as Akaashi spoke: 
“I know a place where we could grab ramen. If not, we could instead-”
“No, ramen is fine,” you said in a stoic tone. 
“Okay...then let’s get going.” 
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The walk to the outdoor stand was awkward. Well...for you and Akaashi at least. The last time you two spoke, was the day he broke things off. He never reached out to you during that time, and now...here you both were. Expected to have a lengthy conversation, and to enjoy yourselves. Key word, “expected.” Though it would’ve been nice if you both could have talked care free, it wasn’t going to happen. That event occurred when both parties have mutually moved on. From Akaashi’s perspective, he still had lingering thoughts, yet kept them to the side. Going on with his life as he expected you did yours. Though he thought you had moved on, you had thought differently for different reasons. 
Even though you both had your differences, Ryu was there. Entertaining the both of you separately. He complimented you one second, and played with Akaashi the next. You had never seen Akaashi so enthusiastic with a child before. Though he wasn’t going all crazy, and acting like a kid himself, he was being a lot more open. Talking back and forth with Ryu, giving nice remarks, and also rewarding him...with that beautiful smile he bestowed. 
Even so, you tried to ignore it. Remembering that this entire ordeal was for Ryu, and not for your observations. 
“We’re here. What do you want Ryu?” 
“Hm, could I get the one with Tonkatsu? I’ve been craving it all day!” 
“Haha, sure buddy. And...you, Y/n?” 
“I’m not hungry, you guys go ahead,” Akaashi then sighed, obviously not believing you. 
“We’ll get two Tonkatsu ramens, along with Fukuoka ramen.” 
“Sure, that’ll be $18.35 please.” 
“Um...I can pay for both Ryu and I,” you said, as you tried scrambling for your wallet. Akaashi then tapped the machine, placing his hand on your own (the hand in your purse). 
“It’s fine. Afterall, I already paid,” you shook your head, but let it go as Ryu pointed to a table. 
“Come on! Let’s sit!” 
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“What is Ryu?”
“How do you know mommy? Mommy would never talk to a stranger, so that means you both know each other.” 
“Oh...well, um,” Ryu was truly a bright child. One who caught on a little too quickly. He really did remind you of his father. Quick witted, yet wise with his tongue. Being certain to use specific words or sentences, to ensure/secure his curiosities. 
“Well...mommy and Akaashi were very good friends,” you replied. 
“Ahhh. So if that’s the case, why have I never met him before?” 
“Well you see-” 
“It’s because I live further away from you guys,” Akaashi answered. 
“But so does Kuroo,” Akaashi then pondered, and placed his hands together. 
“Hm, I guess you’re right. Well, maybe your mother has an answer,” the two black haired boys, then stared at you. Both were awaiting for an answer, and yet both had different intentions. One wondering out of pure curiosity, while the other...was waiting for an explanation. One which could clear up any, if not every misconception. 
“Well sweetie, sometimes good friends have to part ways. Everyone has their reasons, but most of the time…” you then looked at Akaashi. 
“It’s because it’s for the better,” his gaze was locked onto yours. The stare was unreadable. It didn’t feel tense, yet it was. Was it cold, hurtful?...you wouldn’t have known. But what you did know was that Akaashi was good, too good at hiding his thoughts. So good that when together, he would let things slip without reaction. Sometimes that was a great thing...and others...not so much. 
“Why would it be a good thing? You both were best friends!” you then placed a hand on his head, patting it gently. 
“Well...friends have to grow up. That doesn’t mean you can’t see them again, but, what it does mean is that you’ll have some time...alone. And that time...is used for you to grow.” 
“Ahh, I see mom! Is that why we don’t see Kuroo often?”
“Haha, no sweetie. That’s actually because we live further away. If Kuroo lived in our city-” 
“He would be living with us, right?” 
“Hm...I guess so,” Akaashi then looked in the other direction. There was no tint of emotion, just...silence. 
“Akaashiiii, the ramen is here!” 
“Oh, is it Ryu?” 
“Yeah, it is!” your bowls were then slid over. Ryu stared at Akaashi’s hands, and at first, Akaashi wasn’t sure as to why. Ryu didn’t touch his food, and at first, he was worried that the boy didn’t like it, but then noticed he was holding a pair of scissors. Pointing them towards the gentleman. Though confused, he then caught onto Ryu’s gesture. 
“Dear I can-” before you could finish your sentence, Akaashi started to cut his noodles. Making them bit size for the boy. It seemed like second hand nature, yet something new to him. Though, you would’ve felt more comfortable doing it yourself, you weren’t complaining as the job was now done. 
“Thanks Akaashi!” 
“No problem Ryu. Now, let’s eat.” 
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You all then finished your ramen. Though you had said you weren’t hungry, you couldn’t help but eat it. After all of those years, Tonkatsu ramen was still your favourite, and Akaashi still knew. He was glad that he remembered the littlest of details. Ones which may have been overlooked. Ones he made sure to be attentive to. Not only that, but he was glad Ryu had enjoyed the meal as well. He truly was your son as he had the same tastes as you. Akaashi found it quite cute, and found it even more adorable as he ran out of the restaurant, shouting: 
“Mom, Akaashi! I want to play at the park!” 
“Hm...it’s a little late buddy,” Akaashi said, for you to respond: 
“It should be fine. We’ll be over here watching Ryu. No funny business young man!” 
“Okay mommy!” the young boy then climbed the slide, as Akaashi sat on the bench. Patting on it, indicating that you sat beside him. And so...you did. Your legs together, hands as well, as your head looked down. He then sighed, asking: 
“Do you feel uncomfortable? I can move if-” 
“No...it’s fine. We’ll be leaving soon, so no need to worry.” 
“Is Kuroo picking you up?” you then nod as he did the same. 
“I see...so...how have you been?” 
“Oh...um...I’ve been okay. I’ve done better, but...yeah.” 
“Hm, I see,” you really didn’t want to be in this situation. Maybe for him, it seemed civil, but to you...it was awkward. Neither of you knew what to say, and neither did you try to hide it (successfully at least). Akaashi then twitteled with his thumbs. A rare sight you would see every once in a while. Akaashi was a well spoken person, and usually had something to say in a well mannered way. But when he didn’t, or didn’t know what to say, he would play with his thumbs. Hoping that something would spring to mind. 
“You must be having fun.” 
“Fun doing what?” he looked at you. 
“Playing with your thumbs,” you smirked, for him to put his hands away. 
“Not really.” 
“Hm...so...what have you been up to?” you asked, curious and yet not wanting to know. 
“Nothing much...just work and well, Bokuto and I still hang out from time to time.” 
“Ahh, really? I’m glad. You both were the bestest of friends.” 
“And still are,” he smiled, while watching Ryu climb the monkey bars. 
“Hm, you have a girlfriend yet?” he then paused for a moment, for him to answer:
“No...not yet. I haven’t found anyone interesting.” 
“Ah, that’s unfortunate.” 
Was it really?...you wouldn’t know how to think after today. If you hadn’t met Akaashi here...you would’ve thought otherwise. Glad that he hadn't found someone else, for his actions sickened you. Such a gentleman, yet someone so cruel. You would feel awful if he had grasped someone, just as tightly as he did to you. Sprinkling you with such intoxicating, yet graceful pleas, and yet he left you there to rot in such doing. Such a passionate man, yet that same person could find passion in such coldness. 
For the past years, you had found him to be utterly despicable. After that one event...you couldn’t help but think that. But even so, after seeing him with Ryu today...you couldn’t help but melt. The two were so sweet together, and even though you hated to admit, had a spectacular relationship within just hours. They really acted as the best of friends, and Akaashi seemed to enjoy it. Not only that...but his smile...it was one which was truly admirable. 
You then stared at Akaashi, while he watched Ryu. He really hadn’t changed. He was calm, quiet, and reserved. His posture was on parr with the rest of his body. His hair was styled more neatly, and actually, it had grown a bit, along with his height. His figure, a lot larger than what it was in university, and his cologne smelled of lavender, along with a hint of pepper. It was a strange combination, but it worked. He really had grown up to be even more attractive. And that being the case, it surprised you that he didn’t have a partner. Said attractiveness, along with the kindness of his nature...had drawn you in, and yet dragged you out. Leaving you in a confused, and undecided state of mind. 
He then took note of your stare, and grinned. Secretly glad that your attention had averted towards him, yet, he was trying to be subtle. You truly looked astonishing tonight. Even after a couple of years, you still looked the same. That same highschooler who he had fallen in love with, the one who had constantly supported both him, and Fukurodani. The only person who truly understood such a stoic man. That same girl he would forever hold a place in his heart for. Although, now you weren’t just a sweet girl, but now, a beautiful lady instead. 
Deep down, he would’ve wished for a space to open. Allowing such a lady to make way into his heart. Hoping said lady, would do the same. And maybe, just maybe...a prince could join you both as well. Making his thoughts come true in the utmost blessed way. 
He made sure you didn’t catch onto his stare, the one which he had latched onto you. His attempts were taken very seriously, as he didn’t want to make things too obvious. Unfortunately, you did catch him in the act, and turned away, embarrassed. 
“Hm,” he smirked, as you fished for your phone. 
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Kuroo ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
-> ‘Are you still coming?’ 
-> ‘Of course. Sorry, traffic delays. I should be there in ten.’ 
-> ‘Okay...see you soon’ 
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You were about to turn of your phone, to then see Kuroo text:
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-> ‘Also...don’t worry too much. You can do this Y/n, good luck, and I’ll be there soon.’ 
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You then smiled, and Akaashi took note, thinking: 
‘She’s probably talking to her…ah...’ he sighed at the thought, to then ask: 
“Are you talking to your husband?...you seem happy,” he smiled. Even though smiling was a happy gesture, he couldn’t help but make it the opposite. Making his grin, feel ever so agonizing. 
“Ah...well...that was Kuroo,” Akaashi then batted a brow, surprised to say the least. He’d only seen that look on you when you were vulnerable. Whether you were scared, or secretly happy. Regardless, that was only around him...not even Kuroo had seen such a stare. But now that he saw you in such a state, it made him question if you, and Kuroo were in a relationship. That being the reason why he never brought it up, and vice versa. 
“Oh...I see. So that means,” Akaashi then started to think. Yes, the younger child looked like him, but then, there was also resemblance between both Ryu, and Kuroo. They both had black hair, Ryu had a peckish, yet sweet smile (like Kuroo...minus the sweet-), and the bits of information fit logically. If you and Kuroo had Ryu, it would’ve made sense. 
Both childhood friends who had grown together, to then realize what they wanted after he...had left you. Starting a family, and being with each other?.... Ryu looked like he could’ve been Kuroo's, or anyone for that matter. But even if Akaashi would have liked to think that way, the connection was too uncanny to deny.
Even so, Akaashi was still suspicious. Wondering as to why Ryu would be so reluctant towards his father. Why he would call “Kuroo,” well…”Kuroo,” and just as to why you both lived so far away. Maybe you both had a situation?...but then again, wasn’t Kuroo on his way to pick you up? Akaashi was confused, and felt like he was over-thinking things. Maybe Ryu wasn’t his...and Akaashi was instead looking for something...that wasn’t there...nor his to compensate. 
“That means what?...” he then locked his eyes, with yours. Though he was someone who was hard to read, you could tell how desperate he was. His stare, piercing right at you, hoping he could get an answer. 
“Y/n...could you please tell me...if he’s...mine?” you then saw the sorrowful expression, which struck him. The guilt which seeped in, had dug even further. Not sure how to tell him, nor how to phrase things. Your hands clenched, inhaling slowed, as your body trembled. He seemed just as scared for your response, to then hear: 
“He’s mine, Akaashi...Ryu is mine,” Kuroo said, for silence to then fill. 
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For Those Who Wanted To Be Tagged/Reblogged/Wanted A Part Two! ^^ :
@bokutojuicyass; @realbugmom; @exactlygreatlove; @instantdinosaurhottub; @suchagoodgirlxoxo; @nomadicadventures; @greenhoodie-mark; @n5koma; @animclarinerd; @personalficarchive; @sabrinakishi; @amecchii; @daffodilpetals; @lerougestvelvet; @notamazinglizzy; @akaashimarryme5; @m00ndust2​
->Sorry to those who tags aren’t working qwq 
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 1)
Ben Drowned
You had promised, sworn on your very life, that you wouldn’t laugh. It was an oath. One to be taken very seriously.
“Using your hand to muffle the sound still counts as laughing.”
Part of you felt really bad but that made you snicker even harder. Your best friend, at the very least, did appear extremely shaken about the entire thing. She sat on the edge of the couch with her arms crossed. Dark bags had formed beneath her eyes and her attention seemed unable to stray from the Nintendo 64 that sat between you.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “But you have to understand how this sounds. You’re telling me that you’re being haunted by a literal video game.”
She pulled her legs to her chest. The amount of weight that she had lost recently couldn’t possibly be healthy. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Have you considered talking to a psychiatrist?” you offered. “Or perhaps selling this game?”
“He would kill me.”
You picked up the Nintendo 64 and stared at the main menu of the game. It looked pretty normal to you. You fiddled around with the settings to turn the music down. “I really think that talking to somebody about this would help.”
“That’s what you don’t understand,” she said. “I want to stop playing. I want to speak to people but all that he wants is for me to continue trying to beat the game. There’s no way to win! The entire thing is rigged!”
“Have you looked up a guide?”
She groaned. “Nobody’s going to listen to me.”
An awkward silence fell over the room and you shifted around in your seat before offering some coffee. She accepted but the kettle had barely been boiling for a few seconds when her phone chimed happily.
“Oh look, he wants to play now,” she muttered. She thrust the device to you. “Take a look for yourself.”
The notification had come through an app called CleverBot. It was a very simple ‘hi’ message that didn’t really seem all too haunting. You opened it up and clicked around the app for a little. “Looks like just a chatroom,” you said. “Why’d you download this?”
“I didn’t. I just woke up the one day and it was on my phone.”
You closed the app and returned to the home screen. It immediately reopened and the same message popped up again. An identical thing happened the second time. And then again.
“This looks like a virus,” you said. “It’s probably best to uninstall.”
Clicking on the button made the icon disappear for a short while but it was quick to reappear. This time, when the chatroom opened itself, the message had changed to simply say ‘rude’.
You pursed your lips. That was suspicious enough for you to understand her potential worries. “I don’t think that it’s haunted but you should probably take it to a professional to have it wiped or something. And maybe consider less porn in the future?”
Your joke fell flat but it died when the chatbot began typing. Not too long after, another message had come through.
‘I don’t hang out in such places.’
“Can…” you trailed off. “No, there’s no way that they’ve hacked the microphone, right?”
‘Don’t need to hack in to hear what you’re saying.’
The colour drained from your face and you quickly glanced towards your friend. She didn’t seem panicked, even when you showed her the message. If anything, her expression was resigned as though this was a regular occurrence.
You didn’t get too much time to respond when a horrible static sound came through her phone. The screen began flashing and blurry images raced across it. A distorted version of the Majora’s Mask theme song started playing. It felt like your ears were bleeding. Scared, you threw the phone to the floor and, with a shattering crack, everything stopped.
For a while, you stared at it but then she said, “He’s going to be pissed with that.”
There was a chime from somewhere on your right. Your own phone’s screen lit up. Nervously, you reached over to check on it.
A single notification stood there, from an app called CleverBot.
‘You Shouldn’t Have Done That.”
Bloody Painter
The park was busy this time of day and filled with an awaiting audience – whether they were interested in watching the performance or not. Many seemed to appreciate it though, taking the flyers handed out by your group.
It was nearing midday when you ran out of pamphlets. You stretched and pushed your hair away from your face, relishing in the feeling of sun against skin.
Your gaze drifted across the park’s patrons before settling on one that you had been watching since the beginning of your performance. He didn’t look up much. A sketchpad sat on his lap and tousled brown hair hung over his face. You hadn’t caught his attention once but he had certainly kept yours.
“Can you hand me another lot of flyers?” you asked one of the other girls with her.
She handed them over and you put on your best grin before making your way to the tree he was sitting under.
He looked up when your shadow fell over his sketchbook. His work was considerably abstract and nothing that you could identify with ease. There weren’t too many colors though.
“Hello!” you greeted cheerily. “I don’t mean to bother but what did you think of the show?”
He blinked up at you. “I didn’t see it.”
The man was a master of deadpan but you didn’t allow your smile to drop. You lowered the flyer and sighed, “That’s a shame. It’s so rare that we have attractive people at our shows… you should consider coming to our actual performances sometime. Everybody loves musicals.”
He didn’t even react to the compliment. No smirk or even a blush. It was as though you hadn’t spoken one word.
“I’ve seen your face before,” he said. “You do this kind of thing quite often. Don’t you get tired of people staring at you?”
You chuckled. “I wouldn’t be in this line of business if I was too self-conscious. When they stare for too long, I like to imagine that it’s because I’m the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen.” Running your fingers through your hair, you offered him your most dazzling smile. “And if you remember me, that’s a certain compliment.”
“You can take it whatever way you want but it doesn’t mean anything.”
It was tempting to give up. Flirting with cute boys was only entertaining when they responded with… something. This boy just stared.
“So you’re an artist, right? You’d have a good point of view on whether or not I’m actually pretty.”
“My opinions on people are rarely accurate.”
His response made you uncomfortable, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on why. Something of a warning twisted in your stomach. A light had lit behind his eyes but it didn’t seem like something you wanted to tie yourself to.
It appeared it was time to give up your pursuit. “Well, I really should get going. Perhaps I’ll see you at the next performance.”
His eyes drifted to the pamphlet that you held. “Were you planning on giving me that?”
“Offering it but you don’t have to –“
“I’ll take it,” he said, putting down his pencil and holding out his hand. “Your show wasn’t too entertaining but I enjoyed watching the performance you just put on. Rather like a peacock strutting its feathers.”
So he wasn’t oblivious then… just teasing. You had no idea if it showed his genuine interest or if he was merely taunting now.
With a slight scowl, you passed it over. He tucked it into his sketchbook and then closed it, standing up. He was scrawnier than you had anticipated but he still had a considerable height – holding at least a few inches over you.
“Thank you,” you said.
He left without another word. You rolled your eyes and made a point to ignore any thoughts about him for the rest of the day. Perhaps you shouldn’t have given him your information… after all, that flyer had your full name and everything.
And you knew absolutely nothing about him.
Candy Pop
Hospitals were the worst places in the world.
They smelled too clean and looked too false. You generally avoided them as much as possible unless it was absolutely necessary. When a close family member found themselves locked within the walls, unfortunately, it wasn’t possible to stay away.
You wrinkled your nose as you walked into the room. The sterilized smell burnt you.
Most of it was what you had expected but the young, child-like scream made you jump and nearly drop every gift you were holding.
Your aunt jumped up from her chair beside the hospital bed. “What’s wrong?!” she asked, fussing over your cousin.
She was barely over eleven and had badly injured her leg during a biking competition. Your mom had told you that everybody in the family was going to visit her, encouraging you to go together in order to drop off some gifts.
“I’m sorry,” the little girl said quickly. “I don’t like balloons and I thought… it doesn’t matter. Sorry.”
You moved them behind you a little, trying to block her line of sight. “No, no, I should have asked first. You could have been allergic to latex or something and then I’d be feeling really bad about it.”
“She’s been particularly on edge thanks to these awful nightmares,” your aunt explained.
“Nightmares?” you asked.
The little girl seemed pale at its mention, pulling her blanket up to her nose and watching everybody wearily. “They’re just bad dreams,” she said. “You said that they couldn’t hurt me.”
Her mother hurriedly rubbed her shoulder and offered a warm smile. “They definitely can’t,” she reassured.
“Are they about the fall?” you asked.
You settled down in one of the chairs as your own mother began speaking to her sister. They were able to discuss everything from the colour of grass to what they thought would be the best country to live in. You weren’t particularly interested in what they were saying and, after a while of trying to chirp in, you just let the lack of sleep catch up to you.
Your dreams came to you quickly, faster than usual and sharp in an uncomfortable sort of way.
You found yourself standing in a large field. The sky was grey and the grass tall enough to reach your knees. Everything felt bright. It hurt your eyes to stare at anything for too long.
Normally, dreams didn’t feel as such, but you were certain that this was one. There was no purpose to where you were. No inclination to walk in a specific direction or try to understand what was happening.
Just confusion.
You took a step forward and a soft wind wrapped around you. It brushed through the grass, dancing around the trees. Something was watching.
You turned and two, glowing lights floated above the ground.
Slowly, mist gathered around the two spots. As you stepped back, it began to solidify – quickly forming a more recognisable shape. The figure tilted its head to the side and a slight jingling sound filled the air. It stepped forward then and the glow faded from its eyes, revealing just what stood before you.
He was a jester, though certainly more modern than the old king’s versions. Blue hair hung around his shoulders and his entire outfit jingled with hundreds of bells. A smile graced his face and he stepped forward.
You moved away.
His smile disappeared and his eyes narrowed. The mist appeared again and he vanished into it.
You looked around frantically. He was gone. The wind picked up unexpectedly, howling in your ears. You raised your hands to shield your face and something grabbed your wrist. Before you could turn to see, you hurdled away from the meadow and awoke spluttering for air.
“Are you alright?” your aunt asked.
In the corner of your eye, you swore you saw a blue jester but, when you turned to look, he was gone. “Yeah,” you said, rubbing your chest. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Your made eye contact with your cousin and swallowed thickly. The look on her face said it all.
Every night, without fail, you saw her sitting there when you arrived home from work.
She always wore the same thing and, initially, you had thought that she would play on her phone for hours at a time. It didn’t appear that she had a phone, however, as you came to realise. Whatever she was holding was circular and fit perfectly within the palm of her hand.
You mentioned it to the building manager the second time she was there until like two in the morning. He had said that they thought she was homeless but, as far as they could tell, she wasn’t dangerous. You reassured him that your worries weren’t about her presence due to any perceived problem but he had just nodded.
She never moved while she was waiting. Not even to adjust her weight or brush the hair from her face.
A few of your neighbours used the very eloquent reasoning that she was merely crazy.
Occasionally, you heard children from the area parroting their parents. Rumours abound that she was a ghost who would attack anybody if they spoke to her. You scoffed each time it was said but many believed the stories.
You were arriving home late one night when you spotted her sitting in the usual spot. It was strange for you to feel anything beyond exhaustion on the nights when hospital jobs ran too long but this time, a strange anticipation settled itself in your stomach.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Are you okay?”
Her hair was dirty and her coat looked as though it hadn’t been washed for years. Now that you were close, you could make out what appeared to be dried blood on her shirt.
“Go away,” she said, shaking her head from side to side.
“I have medical experience,” you responded. “And I know some good places to stay in the area. I can –“
“Good for you,” she sneered. “Leave me alone. You’re going to make me miss it.”
The object she was holding was an old pocket watch. It looked like something you would find in an antique store and pay insane amounts of money for. Though, it didn’t appear to be working. The clock hands sat at a set time and didn’t move in the slightest.
“I want to help you if that’s okay,” you said.
She forced out a laugh that sounded as though it physically pained her. “You want to help me?!” she cackled, throwing her hair over her shoulder. “Isn’t that sweet.”
You stumbled away from her and clasped a hand over your mouth. Her face…
Her mouth was torn to pieces, jagged cuts that ripped through the skin there and had been crudely stitched back together. But that wasn’t the worst. No, the worst part of it was her left eye that had a pocket watch shoved into the socket and forcefully stitched there. The injury flared red with infection and pain.
“What’s wrong little doctor?!” she cawed. “No longer feeling like saving the poor girl you found on the side of the road?”
You steeled your resolve and straightened. “I’m still willing to offer help if you need it,” you said in your strongest voice. “That injury is severe and needs attending to if you want to save the eye.”
The eye was definitely gone and she knew it as well, scoffing at your offer. “No chance of that. Why do you people like pretending that you care?”
“I do care.”
She responded with a mocking expression and stood unexpectedly. “Sure you do.” She tapped the front of the pocket watch with her nail. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to get to work. I nearly missed it thanks to your nagging. I’ll see you tomorrow, doctor.”
And she marched off into the night.
Dark Link
The vase that you were holding was beautifully polished and almost brand new. As you lifted it, something rattled around within.
“Why are you selling this for such a low price?” you asked.
The woman was middle-aged with a falsely high voice and bright, darting eyes. “It was a gift,” she said. “But I decided against keeping it. I wasn’t sure how low the price should be but it’s not like I’m losing any money.”
You decided against buying it, thanking her and walking away quickly. While you were looking through a few pieces of jewelry, your arm was grabbed and a small object pushed into your chest.
“Here you go!” you friend chimed. “Consider it to be a late birthday present!”
You took the game cartridge and examined it closely. “Zelda, again?” you asked. “I’ve already tell you that –“
“Yes, yes, I know that they’re not your thing but if you haven’t tried all the games then how are you meant to know there isn’t just one that you like?”
Sighing, you took the game and dropped it into your purse. It was dirty and definitely well used. A bit of black paint flaked off on your fingers.
Another game for you to keep in your cupboard and not look at again until months later when you were asked about your opinion on it. It wasn’t your fault that you didn’t have the console you needed and the simple answer of ‘just buy one for cheap’ wasn’t always available.
But in the coming weeks, you quickly realised that this wasn’t just another game.
At first, the things that went wrong were too minor to even pay attention to. Electronics started breaking frequently until the point where you had replaced your stereo twice in a week and no longer had a television. After that, you started feeling sickly and uncomfortable whenever you were in the house. A feeling of imposing nature settled upon your shoulders.
You spent more time away from home, staying away for as long as you could. When you tried to dogsit for your brother, the pup wouldn’t even enter the house.
It was late at night when you woke up in a cold sweat. Nausea coiled in your stomach and your heart was beating at the speed of light.
At first, you had no idea what had woken you.
And then you heard the rattling.
It was coming from the next room over. As though somebody had taken hold of your desk and was shaking it as roughly as they could.
You scrambled for your phone but it wasn’t there. It was sitting in your office.
You took a deep breath and slowly stepped from your bed. Your head felt fuzzy, as though you weren’t able to wake up properly. Every step was slow and lethargic.
Stumbling toward the door, you gingerly grabbed the handle. As you opened it, your mind caught up with your body and you remembered that you shouldn’t just burst in on a potential invader.
But it was too late.
The person, for it had to be a person, stood in the middle of the room. Its body was so dark that it blended in with the shadows surrounding it. Two bright red eyes shone, illuminating enough that it showed some of the creatures ashen features. It had sharp features that were definitely human. Though as you stared at it, you knew that it was anything but.
It smiled and began turning into small squares, pixelating into the air and disappearing into something behind it.
You flicked on the light as fast as you could but it was gone. Sitting in the middle of the desk, the black cartridge seemed to emit its own darkness.
Dr. Smiley
The building was beyond restoration, crumbling and derelict. You were sure that it hadn’t been occupied for at least a decade. Perhaps even longer.
For months now, you had been going through the motions to have everything approved and organised. You had gotten clearance, hired the workers, discussed things with any neighbours, and even paid extra for the best machinery to get everything done quicker.
And now they were refusing to do anything.
“I’m sorry, and I will compensate for the time wasted, but my men are saying no,” the on-site manager said. “I know you’re not from these parts but we’ve always known there’s something wrong with this building. Rumours and superstitions abound and I wouldn’t blame my men for not wanting to anger a ghost.”
“They’ll be pissing off something far worse than a ‘ghost’ if they continue refusing to even go in there,” you snapped.
He glanced towards his workers and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Once he left, you turned your attention to the house. Why anybody would have wanted a house in this location was beyond you but now that you had inherited it, you could see potential.
Although the entire place was probably crawling with all manners of disgusting flora.
Perhaps you could use that to get the health counsel to do the job for you.
They will still talking and you could see the weariness on their faces. Sighing, you stalked your way to the front door and pushed it open with one hand. It creaked with the effort.
You stood with your hands out towards the men. “I’m going to walk this entire house!” you called. “And if your ghost doesn’t accost me while I’m there, then I’m going to be expecting you to all get on with it, alright?”
Nothing immediately jumped at you when you entered. The door struggled to open and it swung shut on its own accord. If that was the haunting that they were talking about…
A roach skittered along the floor in front of you, darting under a derelict sofa stained with an unknown substance. Several of the windows had been broken so it wasn’t surprising to find that graffiti and markers had been used to etch various names into the walls.
You walked through a destroyed kitchen, passed a bedroom with a smashed crib, and even kicked open a door that led to a filthy storage room.
No ghost jumped out at you.
Problems started presenting themselves when you walked down one of the hallways and pushed open a bedroom door. The entire room felt set apart from the rest of the place with almost-new curtains that had been drawn shut. Blankets covered the bed, dirty but still there. You immediately thought somebody may be squatting there but your concerns changed when you noticed the wall.
Black mold. It crawled its way up the side, covering most of what had once been white wallpaper. You brought one hand up to shield your mouth and stepped out, slamming the door closed.
If there was an infestation then you had to get the health department immediately. This was –
Your thoughts were interrupted by something grabbing you. Panic filled your mind as a sharp weapon was pressed against your throat.
“Well now, I just know that you don’t have an appointment,” a voice said close to your ear. “I don’t like trespassers.”
Thinking on instinct, you threw your head backwards as hard as you could. There was a satisfying impact followed by a loud yelp of pain. The weapon around your throat moved away so you kicked the guy in the shin and bolted for it.
The house felt bigger while you were running but nobody came after you. You didn’t hear any footsteps or other sounds of a chase.
Bursting through the front door, you winced at the bright light. The house hadn’t seemed nearly that dark until compared to the outside.
You collided with one of the workers in your rush and nearly knocked everybody to the ground.
“What’s happened?”
“It was that ghost, I’m telling you.”
“We warned her, boss.”
You cleared your throat and straightened up, making eye contact with each man individually. “There is no ghost,” you said. “Only a squatter who I shall deal with using police force if needed. However, I do believe any construction will have to wait because I saw an excessive spread of black mold within the house.”
They all spoke amongst themselves, discussing options. You glanced back to the house and allowed your attention to find its way to the bedroom window. Though fleeting, a masked face peered out at you from within.
Eyeless Jack
In many ways, what happened that night was your boss’ fault.
Having just finished working a double shift that ended at almost 1 in the morning, you were exhausted upon returning home. You walked past the neighbouring apartment with only one thought on your mind – sleep.
It was then that you heard a thump coming from within the house, followed shortly by a muffled scream.
Tired, you had to pause to register what was happening and, by the time your brain caught up, your heart was in full-on panic mode. You slowly reached into your pocket and dialed the emergency number as slowly as you dared, whispering into the phone and being reassured that a police presence would be arriving shortly.
Your neighbour was a young man though, just out of rehab and beginning to make his way through life. The longer you stood and waited for the police, the guiltier you felt.
So you reached into the pot plant and pulled out his spare key. After a short while of building yourself up, you unlocked the door and crept inside.
It was dark with the outside world shrouded via heavy curtains. You could barely make your way through the unfamiliar apartment and you didn’t dare turn on the light. Damn, you were extremely tired.
Part of your brain suggested that you had imagined the whole thing. It was a byproduct of a sleep-addled mind or something. That would be embarrassing to explain to the police and to your neighbour. Would you get charged for breaking and entering or could you blame it on your tiredness?
Your doubts didn’t get much further than that because somebody grabbed you from within the room.
A horrible iron-filled scent attacked your senses as you took in the bedroom. It looked like your neighbour was tied to the bed though he wasn’t moving. Somebody stood behind you, their breathing heavy and their grip strong.
They pushed your wrist closer to your back, preventing you from wriggling free of their grip. A blade, small and yet sharp, pressed against the side of your throat.
“Trying to play the hero, are we?” snarled a voice. “Have you called the cops?”
The blade pressed against your skin and you quickly spat out a yes.
“Probably right before you came in, if not earlier… I’d have enough time to kill you but then you’d be an absolute waste. Nowhere to stash a body around here and they’d comb the entire area if you were missing…”
“I didn’t mean –“
You were shoved forward before you had a chance to react. In the dark, you couldn’t make anything out and you hit the wall unexpectedly. Now, far enough away, you turned and tried to make out the face of your assailant. He melded in with the shadows and you ran your fingers along the wall until you found a light switch.
The lights flickered on and you gasped.
He wore a dark blue mask, a black ooze dripping from the eye sockets and onto his hoodie. There was no reaction to the lights. Not even a blink.
“Don’t you want to beg for your life?” he asked. “The other one pleaded nearly constantly until I shut him up.”
“You killed him…”
“He isn’t dead, just unconscious,” the man scoffed. “I try to avoid killing them, if I’m able to.”
“The police will be here soon,” you warned.
“Oh I know. That’s the only reason that I’m leaving this very minute.” He made his way over to the window, never turning to stop facing you. The bedroom window slipped open without a sound and he began climbing out. “I’d keep my doors locked if I was you. Plenty of unsavory characters live in these parts.”
And just like that, he was gone.
Glitchy Red
Your younger cousin squealed excitedly, holding the game to her chest in joy. “I love it so much!” she said. “I can’t believe I used to think Pokémon was for babies. At first when the music randomly cut out, I did think it was super weird but I’ve gotten used to it now.”
“I don’t think it’s meant to do that,” you chuckled. “But cheap versions, you know?”
It was good to see that your last-minute gift hadn’t gone to waste. You had been worried that the present’s fun would be lost on your video game-hating cousin but she had actually decided to give the game a shot. Now you had somebody in the family to speak to which was extraordinarily exciting.
“What are you meant to say to Red when he asks you whether or not he’s a joke?” she aske unexpectedly. “I know that if you say no, he goes away, and I’ve been too scared to try the other option.”
You frowned. “I don’t actually remember that part of the game.”
“Really? But it happens so often.”
When she realised that you really hadn’t encountered anything like that in the game before, she told you to wait a minute and came back with her game.
“There was one around here,” she said, loading in. “Just give me a second and I’ll find it.”
You stayed much later than you had originally intended to that night. The two of you played through a lot of the game, waiting for the moment when Red would break the fourth wall and demand to know about your opinions on him.
It never came.
The game ran incredibly smoothly. It was quite odd. There weren’t any hiccups along the way nor horror-style glitches. The music didn’t even cut off which was apparently rare accourding to your cousin.
After a while, she sighed and handed it to you. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why it’s not breaking. I’ll go make us some food.”
You continued playing while she was gone, enjoying the memories that came with the game. It was as fun as you remembered until about five minutes after she left. The music just shut off unexpectedly and, no matter what you did, it refused to come back at all. Any other sound effects worked fine though.
“So you’re just programed to break when only one person’s in the room?” you joked.
Perhaps that was a bad choice.
Unexpectedly, a loud static erupted from the console, so ear-aching that it felt like your ears began to bleed. The game took on a horrible red tint and Red appeared on the screen, a dialogue box appearing beneath his blackened form.
Horrified, you immediately shut down the game and threw the cartridge as far away from you as possible. You raced at full speed into the kitchen, nearly knocking several things over along the way.
“You have got to throw that game,” you wheezed.
“What? Why?” she asked.
“There is something really fucked up with that game…” you said. “That thing with Red is absolutely not meant to happen. It felt like he was staring into my soul. You have to throw it out the moment you can. I will buy you another one but do not keep that.”
“Oh, alright,” she said, seemingly confused but nowhere as shaken as you were.
A faint static came from the living room, sending shivers down your spine.
Hobo Heart
Tears flowed down your face despite your best attempts to remain composed. “I’ve known for a while now,” you managed to say.
Your ex-boyfriend seemed shocked, though not entirely upset about your admission. “How long –“
“Since last week,” you said. “Though I’ve heard it’s been going on for considerably longer.”
He shifted his weight and took a deep breath. You recognised this behavior from the past, already hearing the words you knew were coming. The apologies and the false regret, the promises about not doing it again, and then the eventual guilt-tripping. If you heard the latter, you weren’t sure your resolve would hold.
“Goodbye,” you said firmly.
You ignored the calls, making your way home at a steady place. A few people offered you concerned looks so you rubbed away the tears and took a few deep breaths.
Several months of your life had been completely wasted. You had put so much time and energy into a person who didn’t care one ounce about you.
Just great.
You turned onto your street and made your way to the house across from your own. The woman who lived there was always busy and she only came home to feed her dog before disappearing again. Thankfully, she trusted you to spend time with Bruno.
Bruno came racing over to the gate and jumped up for head scratches. He was a beautiful Afghan Hound with a dark coat and bright eyes.
“At least I know that you’ll always be by my side,” you said, running his fingers through the dog’s fur.
A tear slipped out and you quickly rubbed it away. You dug around in your bag and took out a couple treats, offering him.
A second bark brought your attention to the street.
Standing there, a small white dog with a scruffy coat stared up at you. It looked friendly enough and, after cautiously checking it out, you crouched down and gave it a treat.
“Hello,” you cooed. You gave the pup a few scratches and smiled. “How are you doing, hm? No collar? But you must have an owner because your coat is all groomed and soft. Did you get out or slip your leash?”
You looked around the streets to see if anybody. Nobody jumped out so you gave the dog another treat and brought it into the garden with Bruno to protect it from cars.
The two barked and played with little issue and you messages friends and family about the events of the day.
It was about half an hour later when the air was starting to get chilly. You stood and the small scruffy dog began barking excitedly. Its tail whipped through the air and it jumped up against the fence. A man wearing a white hoodie was standing down the street. You glanced at the dog, scooped it up and made your way to where he was.
“Excuse me,” you said. “I think that I found your dog.”
He turned to look at you and you startled slightly at his rather unusual face paint. A white skull was painted onto his face, similar to something you would see at a college convention.
He glanced down at the happy dog and sighed. “So that’s where he got to.”
“I’m sorry if you were looking for him. I took him off the street to protect him from any cars or anything.”
“It’s fine. He always shows up eventually,” the guy said. “You can just put him down. He’ll follow me.”
“Are you sure?”
Then he turned and started walking away. You hurriedly put the dog down and it immediately bounded after him, falling into step directly beside him. They disappeared around a corner and you returned to your own house.
The day had gotten much warmer suddenly.
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ttuesday · 3 years
HCs of the fellers trying to flirt with you
You sat at the bar in the saloon, alone. You weren't planning on staying long but after dropping a particularly troubling bounty off at the local sheriff's office, you decided that you needed a drink. That's when he walked in. He was with a rough looking group of men but the second he entered the saloon, the only thing he could pay attention to was you.
it takes Arthur about an hour to work up the courage to approach you. When he finally makes his move, he goes to stand next to you at the bar and casually orders a drink.
While the bartender rushes off to get him a beer, neither one of you speak. Just before Arthur goes to sit with his group again, he mumbles "Excuse me but um... you got some real pretty eyes".
Arthur doesn’t hang around to see your reaction. Before you can even say thank you, he's already walking away. We all know Arthur doesn't have the highest self esteem so he’s already certain you'll reject him.
You have to show him you're interested, otherwise he presumes there's no chance. The next time he comes up to the bar to order a drink, you say "You never let me thank you, how's about I pay for your beer?". There's no way Arthur let’s you pay for his drink but that does show him that you're interested. As you both start talking, you can't help but notice his small smile and his cheeks turn a rosy red.
Let’s be real, Charles doesn't know how to flirt. He's seen Dutch chat up Molly and Mary-Beth at camp and he has unfortunately witnessed Micah try to charm the majority of people but he just doesn’t think he can do that.
Charles comes up to the bar and orders himself a drink, making sure to keep a respectful distance from you. He wasn't going to say anything to you but he couldn't help himself when he saw the beautiful hunting knife you had holstered in your gun belt
“That’s a nice knife, is that a custom handle?” he asks, timidly gesturing to it. You answer him and it leads to a full blown conversation about different weapons you both own (how romantic). Charles talks about his bow and how he prefers to make his own arrows
Before the night is out, Charles offers to make you some arrows and asks if you'd like to go hunting with him sometime so ye can exchange some tips and tricks with each other
Dutch has rehearsed this a million times, saying the best pick up lines to himself in the mirror and trying to figure out the formula to get anyone into bed. He immediately turns on his charm as he approaches you.
Dutch gazes at you for a few seconds, his eyes wandering up and down your frame. He clears his throat before saying "My apologies, I don't mean to stare. It's just, I've never met someone quite as beautiful as you". This man will absolutely smother you in compliments and of course, he'll get poetic. "The brightness of your smile makes the most dazzling star look dull" he recites as if he’s in a Shakespeare play.
He tries to impress you with his money, obviously. Dutch doesn’t even ask you if you want a drink, he just buys you one. And when he's paying for it, he opens his wallet just wide enough for you to see all the fifty dollar bills he has stuffed in there. On the slim chance his charm doesn’t get you into bed, he’s hoping his money will.
Dutch vaguely describes what he does for a living, emphasizing the fact that he's in charge to try and impress you yet again. And since Dutch is just so generous, he offers to pay for a room at the hotel down the street too *wink wink*
Micah will completely abandon whoever he came into the saloon with and walk straight up to you. He doesn't waste anytime, coming up next to you with a cheesy smile plastered across his face. "How's about you pay for the drinks and I'll pay for the room" he smirks.
You could go off with him immediately or if you tell him to stick his shitty pick up line where the sun don't shine then he backs off... but not for too long. Micah comes back about 10 minutes later, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Easy tiger, only came to get another beer" he lies, not even half done his first drink.
He stays around the bar and tries to make small talk with you. It doesn't work at first but eventually you both actually start talking. It doesn't last long though. It all happened very fast but some drunk bumped into the both of you and then Micah shoved him into another group which led to the whole saloon erupting into chaos.
Two men grab Micah and throw him out of the saloon, one of them yelling at him that he's barred. You could stay inside, finally free of Micah bothering you or you could follow him out and see where the night takes ye.
You wouldn't think John is good at flirting... and you're right but John thinks he knows what to do. He waits for the perfect moment before going up to you, which is basically when you finish your drink or pull out a cigarette.
Then he quickly hurries over to you and offers to buy you a drink or light your cigarette. John presumed flirting would be easy after that but he doesn’t know what to say. He opens his mouth to say something but words fail him.
For a few seconds he just stands there, trying to think of anything impressive to say to you but then he starts to get paranoid that he's taking too long and that he looks weird. So he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind "So... you come here often?".
Poor John's mind is absolutely racing as he tries to figure out if that sounded stupid. He’s already picturing about twenty different scenarios of you rejecting him but to his surprise, you smile and answer his question. It settles him a little, knowing that he didn’t immediately fuck it up and he asks if he could sit with you for a while.
This man is the definition of smooth. He’s nervous approaching you but he tries not to show it. He acts confident and hopes for the best.
Javier doesn’t go straight into flirting, first he starts a normal conversation with you but throws in a few compliments. His one goal is to make you blush as much as possible so he can tell you how cute you look.
He casually asks if you’ve eaten yet and that the food at the saloon is terrible. Luckily for you, Javier tells you that he knows the perfect place to eat and that it has the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.
Javier leads you out of the saloon and to the general store, telling you to wait outside. He comes out with a satchel full of all kinds of food and brings you away from the busy street and sits under a nearby tree for a picnic. When you question him about this apparently amazing view, he looks at you and nods “Yeah, it’s the most beautiful view a man could ask for”. 
Bill doesn't exactly know how to approach you, so he spends the majority of the night admiring you from a far and thinking of how he can make a good first impression. Eventually, the fellers he came in with get sick of him talking about you and tell him the 'perfect' pick up line.
It's super obvious that he’s trying his best to act casual as he approaches you. Bill gestures to the tacky menu beside you "Y-you using that?". You pass it over to him and Bill says what he believes to be possibly the best pick up line known to man.
"Huh, I wonder what's on the menu... you and me? Wait, no, shit... shit I said that wrong, I meant to say me n' u... heh, get it? It’s like menu". Of course he had to fuck it up somehow. On the inside he's cursing himself but he's trying to put on a brave face.
He only relaxes when he sees a small smile on your face. “That was a uh... pretty terrible pick up line” he admits. You agree with him and Bill starts laughing “If you think that was one bad, you should’ve heard the other ones”. You spend the rest of the night laughing with Bill as he recites some more god awful pick up lines.
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