#then he wouldn't have to sit through the proceeding freak out
bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
Bruce decides it's finally time to reveal his identity to Clark but he does not want to make this into a whole Thing™. He does not want this to be a big emotional moment, he just wants it to be done--he would tell Clark over text if he could but he knows Clark would never let him live it down. So one day when they're completely alone in the watchtower discussing a mission, Bruce just reaches up and takes off the cowl while Clark is talking, and Clark freaks out bc literally what the fuck?
Bruce realizes he may have underestimated the reaction he would get and maybe there should have been some build up, bc now Clark is freaking out twice over. One, because his best friend just revealed his identity which is a Big Deal™, and two, bc it's Bruce fucking Wayne. If Bruce had said something first, Clark would've at least been prepared for some shocking information, but no, and now Bruce has to awkwardly sit there while Clark goes through the seven stages of grief.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 4 months
Before proceeding: Luke's a tad wild one might say. Crazy, possibly. Spooky, mayhaps.
Bestfriend!Luke coming over to your cabin to walk you to dinner. You know this and you know all about his crush. You know all about his fantasies, and his tendency of thievery. You may or may not have left your underwear purposely hanging on the rim of the hamper. You may or may not have moved the hamper closer to the spot that Luke usually sat at while he waited for you to get ready.
When Luke actually made it over you were still in the bathroom so he sat down in his usual seat. Luke continued his conversation with you through the door. His eyes caught on the hamper, more specifically the clothing on the rim. A very small voice in the back of his head said take them. Luke wanted to say he was better than that as a person. However, then he'd be a liar as well as a thief. When you left the bathroom you smiled at the now missing underwear. You didn't tell Luke you knew.
Until a few days later when you realized you rather liked that pair. How would you bring that up to Luke. He'd be so embarrassed you know about his feelings towards you, and the underwear thing too. But alas that was one of your favorite pairs so you bring it up when you're left alone with him.
Luke's laying on his back. You hoped he wouldn't run away with leaves and sticks still stuck to his shirt. You were sat next to Luke, leaning back on your palms as you both sunbathe.
"Oh hey you know that underwear you took?" You ask before looking over at the tree off to the side. You heard Luke quickly sitting up. He started talking but his voice cracked immediately. He cleared his throat and started again.
"um sorry what?" You know Luke's under the impression you had no idea. All things considered you were the mastermind behind it all. You certainly hoped he still had them and hadn't thrown them in a wood chipper while you weren't looking. You weren't going to entertain his I have no idea what you're talking about shtick.
"yeah well I want it back because those are one of my favorites but I'll give you a different pair. Tradesies." You keep your attitude nonchalant so you don't freak him out. Or freak him out less. His open and closes his mouth trying to find his words. When Luke finally finds it all he can force out is a tiny sorry that makes him sound like a kicked puppy.
"Luke, it's fine. I don't mind at all. In all honesty I left them there on purpose." This seems to confuse him even more and all of a sudden he's opening and closing his mouth again. You roll your eyes and move back to watching the trees sway in the wind. You felt him pulling your hand away from the ground. You shifted your weight to your other hand and watched him brush the pebbles off your palm. Luke reached into his pocket and pushed the folded material into your hand. He kept it covered with in case of onlookers but no one was around.
You wrapped your next pair in wrapping paper with a pretty bow on the top and a small note. Scribbled on it was a simple enjoy, love. and your signature at the bottom. You left your early birthday present on his bed just before curfew. The next morning Luke seemed quite cheery and you noticed his hand had a tendency to move back to his pocket. You shared a knowing look as he continued his conversation.
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mamisfavmosher · 4 days
Hi can you write poly judgement day x alt s/o where they got to a haunted house together and they have fun until she gets hit on by scare actors and they get possessive and she has to tell them she’s only there’s please and ps love your poly fics sm 💕
y'all this is so overdue, i'm so sorry
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four haunts // poly!judgment day x fem!alt!reader
warnings: language, kinda gory scene?, haunted house with scare actors
Also, JD McDonagh is not in this... NOT PROOFREAD
Readers POV
Not too long ago, Dominik had discovered some type of year long haunted house and wanted to go, so on our day off we decided to head over and see how it went. When we pulled up to the attraction, it wasn't too busy, maybe two or three other cars beside ours. We all piled out of Rhea's truck and began walking toward the entrance, excited to see if it would actually be scary or not. "This better be good, Dom," Rhea sighed out with a small chuckle, throwing her keys in her bag before hooking an arm around Dom's neck. "Since you made me drive 40 minutes to get here." "It's gonna be great, don't worry, Mami." Dom responded back before looking at the worn down attraction with apprehension. "...I think." I let out a laugh and started running toward the entrance of the house, excited to see what was inside. "C'mon, guys!" I called back to them before stepping into the house. "Babygirl, slow down!" I heard Damian yell out to me, but I was already inside the house, walking down a hallway.
I smiled as I felt my fear and adrenaline begin to pump through my veins. The house seemed to be pretty spooky so far with fake blood splattered on the walls, creaky floorboards, flickering lights, and gross odors wafting through the air. My four partners filed in through the door before catching up with me.
"Let's start with this room." Finn said before grabbing my hand and leading me into the first room on our left. It seemed to be decorated as some type of surgical room. As soon as we were all in the room, the door shut behind us. "Uh... what's going on?" I asked the rest of them quietly, waiting for some type of jump scare.
"No idea, but this place is wack-" Dom cut himself off by his own scream as someone in a creepy surgeon costume jumped out at him. The rest of us jumped a bit as well before cackling a bit at Dom's scream. "Nice one, Dom Dom." Damian chuckled out and ruffled Dom's hair a bit. All of a sudden, the creepy surgeon started coming towards me, reaching out a hand like he was going to touch me. I didn't freak out, though. It was one of the rules posted out front that the actors wouldn't touch you. Till he did. Then I started freaking out a bit.
"Hey, cut it out! I thought they weren't allowed to touch us!" I said with annoyance while slapping his hand off of me.
"Get the hell away from her!" Rhea moved to stand next to me, putting her arm out in front of me as a form of protection against the scare actor. He silently put his hands up in surrender before creeping back into the closet he popped out of. The door to the room opened back up and we quickly filed out to visit a different room. "If any of those creeps try something again, we're leaving." Rhea said in a strict tone, leaving no room for arguments.
The next room we entered was a dining room, a gross, rotting feast displayed on top of the table. Finn let out a quiet gagging noise before we proceeded further into the room.
"Take a seat!" Yelled out a scare actor who was dressed as a half-dead butler. We all hesitated for a moment before begrudgingly sitting down at the disgusting table. A crazed looking chef walked through the entrance to the room straight over to me. As soon as I looked up at him, I could tell it was the same scare actor that played the creepy surgeon. He beelined over to me and immediately put his hands on my chair to try and scoot me in further before he brought his hands up to rest on my shoulders.
"Man, you're not gonna keep doing this!" Damian said angrily as he stood up from the chair beside me. The scare actor quickly backed off a bit, but took a step closer to me and dropped a napkin in front of me before walking back out the door.
I cautiously picked up the napkin to inspect it, immediately spotting a phone number written on it in fake blood. I threw it off into the center of the table in disgust and Dom picked it up to look at it, Rhea and Finn peering over his shoulders.
"Oh hell no!" Rhea said in a furious tone, standing up from her chair and beginning to march out of the room.
"Rhea, wait!" I called out, running after her, but Damian pulled me back and ran after Rhea himself, no doubt having the same intentions as her.
Rhea and Damian stormed after the scare actor as he rushed down the hall. They both yelled a few threats out to him before Finn, Dom, and I caught up to them, pulling them back towards us.
"Let's get out of here before these two rip that dude to shreds." Finn said while grabbing both Rhea and Damian by their elbows and dragging them towards the front door. We quickly made it outside of the haunted house and we forced the two furious, raging members of the Judgment Day back into Rhea's truck.
"Guys, just calm down... it's fine. Really." I said in a soft voice in hopes of them calming down just a bit. They were fired up and angry.
"Baby, if you think for a second that we're not gonna put up a fight when some creep tries to give you his number, then I'm sorry, honey, but you're dead wrong." Damian muttered under breath, practically fuming in the passenger seat.
"I'm not saying I don't appreciate you defending me, but maybe you guys shouldn't go around threatening people's lives?" I questioned with a small smile, reaching my hands out to gently rest on their shoulders.
"Sweetheart, it's kinda our job. We gotta make sure you're safe and protected at all times." Rhea countered back with a smirk. I let out a sigh and playfully shook my head at their mutterings.
"Whatever. I love you guys. Thanks for keeping me safe and protected." I laughed a bit and relaxed into the back seats of the truck while Rhea drove us home, Dom and Finn on either side of me keeping a protective hand on me the whole way.
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synthe4u · 2 months
Part two to this | Part three here
Requested by @hani-amerta
Now you've been seeing him wherever you go. His bloodied mask haunting your dreams.
You had to take an early retirement because of your 'hallucinations'. But even still, no matter what, he follows you.
He would sometimes be behind your shopping cart when you go to grab something. Only turning back to the cart when you're ready to put the item in.
Sometimes you can see his face on other people. You once scared a man after staring at him too long. The stranger had come up to ask if you were okay, but you could only do nothing as you muttered Ghost's name. It really freaked the man out.
Your psychologist said it was a normal reaction after the loss of a comrade, but they've put you on medication. You don't bother to check what kind of medication because you decided it would be best to be crazy and see him instead of being lonely and cold.
He was your friend and hope. He helped you stay in lane and not quit after the third mission you had together. You've been through thick and thin. So it doesn't matter if he's just a hallucination or an actual ghost. You only care that he's with you.
You told your psychologist once, which they proceeded to give you heavier medication. You still didn't take them. After that, you've started to lie.
Lying to both your psychologist and others, but most importantly, you've started lying to yourself.
You started staying indoors more. Making two cups of tea instead of one. Setting two plates out, but only cleaning one. Ghost usually cleans his own dishes.
When your old captain came to visit, it was only then that you realized the stack of moldy plates are a problem. The cups left sitting on the table, taking up to much space is a problem.
"The medicine given to you is supposed to help."
The captain was silent for a moment before continuing, "Have you been taking them?"
You didn't answer him, nor did you divert your eyes away from the couch. Ghost was right there. How could your captain not see him?
Maybe you really were going crazy. Maybe you should start to take your medicine.
But you didn't want to be alone.
Your captain left, once again reminding you to take your medicine.
You didn't feel like swallowing pills any time soon so you decided to just make some tea. Tea was his favorite. Now it was yours.
You couldn't leave him alone. He needed you. You needed Ghost. You wouldn't take your medicine, but you wouldn't go crazy. Though, you were already crazy and couldn't go crazy any more.
Closing your eyes to take a rest, you awoke to find yourself in a hospital.
(Also not edited or proofread)
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addisonstars · 7 months
think i like you best when you're just with me and no one else
written for day 20 of november for @wolfstarmicrofic with the prompt "nuts"
447 words!
Remus needed to refill his anti anxiety meds. When he wasn't on them, he got more…anxious (if you want to call it that) and his impulse control was much less than what it should be. It was day six without them, and Remus was feeling, had felt, the effects. 
He wasn't a huge tattoo junkie like Sirius was. Remus had a few, a couple scattered here and there, little meaningful things to him that he thought would be nice. Much unlike Sirius, who when bored would doodle on himself, bring out the gun and ink, then proceed to permanently ink himself with whatever it was. It looked good on him- it fit him. 
But Remus, without his medication to keep him in line, did something he wouldn't normally do without giving it a lot of thought. And Remus gave this exactly no thought. 
He was so scared that Sirius was going to look at him like he was nuts, like he was some stupid idiot that was too attached and too obsessed with him. He was scared that maybe, maybe he shouldn’t have done this, that he should not have gone and gotten Sirius’s full name tattooed across his collarbone. It probably wasn't the best idea to have Sirius Orion Black-Lupin sitting right on top of the bone in small, delicate, black ink. Right?
Remus wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to tell Sirius this either. They were married, had been married for two years now and he didn’t know how to tell his husband that he got his name tattooed on him. Sirius had Remus’s initials, but this was a bit more than that, Remus thought. Luckily for him, he didn't have to figure that out. He was undressing to get in the shower when Sirius walked into the bathroom with a smile.
“Can I join-” His eyes dropped to the new words on his chest, cutting off his sentence, and stayed there until he realized that staring at Remus was probably freaking him out. 
“I can explain, Sirius, I can,” he rambles off, carding his fingers through his hair. “I just, something compelled me and I…” He stopped talking when Sirius walked in the bathroom and brushed his hands over the name. 
Sirius did not look at him like he was nuts. He didn't even look at him like he was one bit crazy. In fact, Siri looked at him like he wanted to devour him right then there, sparing no inch of any surface in the bathroom. 
“I love you.” Sirius says simply, kissing the new tattoo then kissing his Moony. 
Remus visibly relaxes and kisses Sirius back, “I love you too Pads.” 
tell me why it took nothing for me to write the almost 500 words of this and then i proceeded to sit here for 10 minutes trying to come up with a title (and still couldnt come up with one so i stole one from one of my fav songs) ?!?!
title from k. by cigarettes after sex <3
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knickynoo · 10 months
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s02ep02 “Put On Your Thinking Caps, Kids! It's Time For Mr. Wisdom!” Review and Commentary
Previous episodes linked here.
In this episode: Old college rivals, volcanoes, and game-show host Marty
Doc's transmission to us in this episode begins at the "Hill Valley Space Center and Air Sickness Clinic," where he's about to take a trip into outer space. The local cable company has recruited him to overhaul their communication satellite. Fancy job!
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Doc is especially excited because the cable company has promised him free cable plus premium channels. He goes on to tell us that it isn't his first experience with broadcasting and leads us into the cartoon with, "It all started when Marty was studying for his astronomy class."
Let's see what wacky chain of events happened all because of Marty trying to study, shall we?
We open the cartoon with Marty riding his hoverboard to Doc's house. As usual, he isn't paying any attention to where he's going—on account of he's trying to study while he rides. He glances up just in time to realize that he's about to crash straight into Doc's garage door, which elicits this expression...
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After flying into the garage, Doc shows him his new invention: M.A.R.I.E (Memory Archive Recall Indexer and Enhancer). It's a machine that helps the user to recall any memory.
Doc demonstrates, putting on a helmet and proceeding to look like he's being electrocuted. There's lots of zapping and flashing and thrashing, which happens so quickly that you can't really fully appreciate all the faces Doc makes unless you continuously go back through the scene and pause it. Which is what I did. Here are some highlights.
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Marty needs help studying for his science test. Doc won't give him any answers, but he does tell Marty he's free to use the library in the house. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that Marty will end up using this new machine to enhance his memory. Hmm...
We go check in on Verne then, who is tuning in for his favorite show, Mr. Wisdom. Jules, who is also in the room, voices his disapproval of both Verne sitting so close to the TV and Mr. Wisdom, who he says is a "phony." Verne doesn't care, though, and becomes overjoyed when he learns that Mr. Wisdom is traveling around on his bus and will be visiting Hill Valley the following day. Marty says he wants to go too since he'd rather ask Mr. Wisdom his science questions instead of actually looking through books for the answers.
Doc enters the room and freaks out at seeing Mr. Wisdom on the screen, but we don't get a reason as to why.
The next day, Marty and Verne venture over to Lone Pine Mall to meet Mr. Wisdom. Marty is less than impressed when Mr. Wisdom appears on stage for all of 10 seconds before directing the audience full of children to the gift shop and then literally vanishing in a flash of smoke and light??
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We soon learn that Mr. Wisdom isn't the fun, goofy show host that he appears to be. Back on his bus, he's calculating how much money he's gotten out of "those little twerps." A small child finds his way onto the bus to ask for an autograph, and Mr. Wisdom opens A TRAP DOOR that the kid falls into. He is not a nice guy. This is him, btw. (in his Mr. Wisdom form, at least. It's revealed that this is a mask he puts on)
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Yeah, that looks like a guy who would use trapdoors to make children disappear.
Verne talks Marty into going onto the bus to meet Mr. Wisdom, where the man soon learns who Verne's father is. "Emmett Lathrop Brown?!" he exclaims, to which Marty reacts with amusement at learning Doc's middle name. (do you really expect me to believe that Marty wouldn't have known this already??)
Anyway, if there are two good things the animated series gave us, it's Doc and Marty's middle names. This also makes me think of that strange little "theory" that's been floating around since forever that claims Doc's first and middle names read backward is "time portal." Ttemme Porhtal. I mean. Lathrop could for sure be read as "portal" but it's a stretch with Emmett. Though, "time" spelled backward can be read as "emit."
I digress...
Mr. Wisdom says that Emmett is his dearest old friend and suggests he go home with the boys to surprise him. Let's see how that goes.
After being left alone in the garage, Mr. Wisdom does some snooping around and takes a look at some of Doc's inventions. He's particularly intrigued when he finds the DeLorean, saying, "Could it be? His old college dream? Oh, not a flux capacitor!" And I take issue with this line because didn't Doc only come up with the flux capacitor that night he hit his head? This cartoon just does whatever it wants, though, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Doc isn't happy in the slightest to find his old college acquaintance in his house and runs him right out. When Marty and Verne question what the problem is, Doc tells them the story involves a long flashback, which we then go into. It all starts at the college Doc attended.
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What a great name for a college.
Doc and Mr. Wisdom, whose real name is Walter, were roommates and frat brothers apparently. Here they are in happier times:
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They're preparing for a science convention, and it becomes clear right away that Walter is jealous of Doc's inventions and his intelligence. When the day of the award ceremony comes, Walter wins after having stolen Doc's invention—the perpetual motion hula hoop. From there, Walter went on to sign a deal with a toy company, became wealthy, and was given his own science show. Doc finishes telling his tale with tears in his eyes (he's cutting onions while he tells it, lol).
Later that night, Walter Wisdom sneaks into Doc's lab to steal some of his inventions. Doc, Jules, and Verne wake up just in time to see the DeLorean speed off, and they manage to get a look at the date and location on the time circuits by using a specialized camera. His destination is ancient Egypt. Doc gathers the boys (including Marty, who had still been at the house trying to study) and they take off after Walter. Their excursion to Egypt lasts all of 30 seconds, though, as Walter changes course and programs the car to go to Krakatoa in 1883. Doc shoots out a rope and plunger-type device from the train that connects to the DeLorean, so they get pulled right along to the next time period. Once there, Walter flies the car over a volcano and cuts the rope, sending the train hurtling toward doom.
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The train is immediately swallowed by lava. Goodbye Doc, Marty, Jules, and Verne. It's been real.
Meanwhile, back in the present day, Clara has woken up and is wondering where everyone is. She catches a broadcast that Mr. Wisdom is doing where he's advertising his new invention: a DeLorean time machine. Thankfully, his evil plans are crushed before anything can come of his little late-night commercial when Doc and the gang walk onto his stage. Yes, they're alive! And they look like this!
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Doc just happened to have several of his "full-body oven mitts" on board the train, which protected them all from the lava. (I would very much like to know why Doc didn't just invent. Like. Regular looking suits that protect against fire. In what world is this a practical design? But it is very funny.)
Things continue to get even wackier when—after Walter and Doc argue for a bit over who's the "real" inventor—Marty proposes they settle it via an impromptu game show. ???? I guess to prove to the audience watching at home that Walter is a liar and thief?
So. Yeah, they throw together a whole elaborate game show with lights and flashing signs and such. They bring out each of the inventions Walter has stolen and challenge him to explain them, and when he can't, the points go to Doc. Marty's the host. It's all extremely silly.
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I do like that Doc and his sons have matching pajamas. (But I must point out that only Doc was wearing them when they embarked on their journey in the train a few scenes prior. Jules had on a beige colored night-shirt, and Verne was wearing red pjs. So...this seems like an error. Which is par for the course for this show; there are SO many mistakes that I catch.)
The game show shenanigans come to an end when Walter attempts to use M.A.R.I.E. and fails to use the correct settings, causing him to have his memory wiped. Doc and the boys head home, and all is well.
We end the episode with Doc in outer space, where he's busy fixing the satellite. There isn't much interesting there, though. And that's it! Not a fan of this episode, to be honest. It was VERY disjointed, and all the action was rushed. It felt more like this should have been a two-parter, and they just squeezed everything into a single episode where the end chase scene and weird game show was made to fit into like...3 minutes total toward the end. We don't even get to see the volcano stuff. We just see the car fly into it, then it's a swift cut to the Mr. Wisdom TV segment, where Doc and the boys appear a few seconds later wearing the oven mitts. This might have had the potential to be an interesting episode if it had been split in two, and we got to see more chaos unfold.
After the last episode where Doc was put into that tiny jar, I just don't think anything else this show does will satisfy me.
Join me next time to meet Biff's son, Jennifer's grandparents, and. I dunno. The Futurepedia summary for it is long and convoluted, and I don't want to read it, lol.
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novankenn · 10 months
Freakshow (5)
/==- Chapters -==/
It took Cinder a good twenty minutes before she felt string enough to stand unassisted. During that time, she was basically ignored by Junior's men, who went about whatever tasks they had been assigned. It irked her that they were so nonchalant about her situation, and she made mental notes to show them all why they should fear her, but first... that bitch.
Pushing off the pallet of kegs, she staggered slightly as she made her way towards the door between the loading dock and the corridors that circled the main public areas of the club. Having to every so often brace herself against the wall as waves of weakness still flowed over her, she made slow progress towards Junior's special rooms.
She knew everything about Junior's operation, well aside from the bomb-shell that Roman had dropped on her almost an hour ago. So she was fairly certain where that little slut had gone. Considering, Junior "asked" for her. Cinder smirked as the sight of a pair of Junior's thugs standing beside a door confirmed what she thought.
Pushing herself off the wall, she straightened her posture and moved forward, putting on an air of importance. The thugs heard and saw her approach. They knew of her, and to be honest after she had "educated" them, they had a healthy fear of her. So they didn't do much of anything when she moved before them and reached for the door handle.
The scent of urine, and sweat, assaulted her sensitive nostrils as she opened the door and walked in. Just past the threshold, she stopped. For the most part, the scene in the room was what she would have thought it would be. A man strapped to a chair in the centre of the rather bare room. Plastic drop cloths covering the floor under him. Junior standing off to one side, his arms crossed over his chest, while Joan stood leaning forward from her waist. Her black painted nails tracing a line along the man's cheek.
Joan(Jaune): Mr Junior wants answers, Reggie, so why don't you just tell him what he wants to know?
Junior looks up from the scene before him and glared at Cinder, who ignored him as she watched the young woman work the man, apparently named Reggie, over.
Reggie: ...
Joan(Jaune): Reggie... come on now. You don't have to be going through this, just tell Junior what he wants to know... (her light tone growing dark and menacing) and I'll stop playing with you.
Reggie: Fuck you, freak! (He snapped right before spitting in Joan's face.)
Cinder's suppressed laugh died instantly at the man's screams as a snarling Joan dug her black painted nails into the flesh of his cheek. A faint golden glow flowed around Joan's hand. The man's whole body convulsed and writhed as Joan maliciously dug her nails into his cheek, drawing blood.
Cinder was not a stranger to torture. She had seen it used, and used it herself when needed. It wasn't a very effective way to get good information, but as a punishment... it was extremely effective.
Junior: Joan!
Cinder blinked as Joan instantly released her hold on Reggie, and then proceeded to sit in the stricken man's lap, like she was some little child and he was a parent. Mucus, and phlegm, dripped from Reggie's nose and mouth as his head lolled forward.
Joan(Jaune): That wasn't very nice, Reggie. In fact, that was down right rude, and I think maybe I should tell Jaune what you did.
Reggie: ...
Joan(Jaune): Should I? Because that will really piss him off, and you wouldn't like what Jaune would do to you.
Reggie: (Whimpering) Please... please... please...
Joan(Jaune): Please what, Reggie?
Junior: I want names, Reggie. Give me the names and it will all stop.
Reggie: I... please...
Junior: (Looks at Cinder, and then back to Reggie) Names Reggie. Who have you told about Mount Glenn?
Cinder stiffened. Mount Glenn was the staging point. A significant portion of her plan hinged on it being ignored and unnoticed. If others knew, then someone might try and go out there and could discover. Cinder snarled, the air about her starting to heat up as she activated her semblance. She would burn the names out of this piece of shit.
Reggie: Morris...
Junior: Morris?
Reggie: Water street.
Junior: Anyone else?
Reggie just limply shook his head.
Junior: What does Morris know?
Reggie: Nothing... just... a big score... out there.
Junior: I see. Joan.
Joan(Jaune): Yes?
Junior: Jaune. Make it painless.
Joan(Jaune): But I wanted to...
Junior: Joan. Do what I tell you.
Joan(Jaune): (Pouting) Okay.
Joan hopped off Reggie's lap, and still pouting closed her eyes. For the second time that day, Cinder watched as, in a burst of light, an individual completely changed genders. Where Joan once stood now was Jaune.
Junior: You know. Get it done.
Cinder watched as Jaune just stepped forward towards Reggie's restrained form. Placing his black nail polished adorned fingers across Reggie's face. There was a bust of light, and Reggie's body convulsed for a second before going completely limp. Blood running from his ears, eyes, and nose.
When Jaune looked up from his handiwork, his eyes narrowed as they settled on Cinder's shocked form. Growling slightly, he took a step forward, and started to reach for her with his hand.
Junior: Jaune!
Jaune stopped, and turned his attention to Junior.
Junior: You and Joan go rest up. I'll deal with her.
Jaune(Joan): But she grabbed Joan.
Junior: Jaune who is keeping you and Joan safe? Who is the person that has taken you in, and made sure no one found about that incident?
Jaune(Joan): You are.
Junior: So that means you listen when I tell the pair of you something. Go get some rest, I'll deal with her.
Jaune(Joan): She needs to apologize.
Junior: She will, after I talk with her.
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Do you think Jaskier is afraid of spiders? Like sure, he travels, it's a time when people can't be picky, he made friends with a bunch of rats. But still. You can't tell me that if a spindly spider fell on him and he felt it crawling over him that he wouldn't have a...reaction (freak the fuck out)?
To preface this and why I'm asking: last night I took a shower only to be unable to do my shower things (the usual: scrubbing, singing, pretending I'm in a dramatic rain scene post-battle reminiscing on the carnage that had unfolded, and how I was forced to strike down the villain who was once my brother in arms who I loved dearly to save what remained of my group. The usual.) because I looked up to find A FUCKING DADDY LONG LEGS -
in my shower. Crawling across the shower curtain. Just meer inches from me because this tub can at best fit a child for bathtime. So it can maybe give a 5"1 23-year-old girl maybe 3 feet (at best) room away from any given spider that intrudes to sit in a corner. But this bitch was on the curtain IN THE CENTER. After moments of furiously batting water from the shower head in the direction of the spider, I realized it was on the other side. I have two shower curtains. The plastic inside-curtain contains the water, and a cloth one for decorative show because the plastic one can get gross. So this spindly bitch was between those curtains. Unable to get me. Until it started climbing up. I attempted to smash it through the curtain but clearly, that was useless. It just dropped and proceeded to disappear. It didn't appear in the tub so it must have gone over the other side.
I am nearsighted. My eyesight has gotten progressively worse my whole life, has stopped in the prime of life but will resume deteriorating in the next few years. I can do practically nothing without my glasses unless my face is up close. My depth perception is way off and people have few discernible features if they're more the five feet away. Any farther and people have no faces whatsoever. I'm nearsighted, capiche?
What I'm trying to say is I can not see where this fucker dropped. If I can't see a human face six feet in front of me I sure as hell can't see a spider against a dark tile floor. Even if I were to gather the courage to reach over the toilet to grab my glasses, the bathroom is filled with steam and so are they. I'm not finding this fucker unless he crawls back up to contrast the white walls of the tub or the curtain again. He doesn't. So after I've hurriedly scrubbed my hair and body so I can vacate this damned tub, I realized it could have crawled into the towels I have laid out. So I furiously shake both of them until I'm certain that even if this menace was on them, he ain't anymore.
So there's the story of how a daddy long legs made me cower in the tub and then disappeared in my 9x5 bathroom.
So yeah. I'm a wimp. But at least, between me and my brother, I'm the one who could actually kill the bugs and get rid of them. I need to see them to be able to get rid of them though.
I had a thought in those moments of terror last night. What if Jaskier, more or less, got trapped by a spider. Like maybe at an inn, where he's taking his bath, the tub is situated in the corner, and he sees a spider marching across the rim near him. He pushes himself closer to the center and off the rim of the tub. Where the tub is situated, Jaskier is effectively trapped between a wall, a dresser stand, and the spider, blocking his way to freedom.
Maybe he's at Kaer Morhen, down in the hot springs, and the spider is pacing the steps out (don't say there are no steps, fanon made this hot spring up so I can design it how I like) of the water. The only way out of the water without scaling a rock wall that Jaskier can't touch the top of, let alone crawl over without help.
Geralt comes in, and Jaskier, in Jaskier fashioned, believes his beloved Witcher will be his knight, or rather Witcher, in blackened armor and remove this menace so he can safely exit the water.
Yeah, Geralt is not going to do that. Jaskier can just step over the arachnid or smash it.
"GERALT! It is the size of your hand! Have you seen your hand? It's huge!"
Geralt still isn't going to give in.
If they're at an inn: I don't know how Jaskier gets out besides he finally splashes enough water that the spider goes over the edge and he makes a run for it. What if it fell the other way, into the water. The screams unintentionally attract a job for Geralt as the town worries a monster is terrorizing or has killed someone.
If they're at Kaer Morhen: I have more fun.
Geralt sees Jaskier, free from the hot springs and coming in for supper. At first, he supposes the bard either manned up and handled the spider or adrenaline finally kicked in for Jaskier to heave himself over the wall of the hot spring pool.
As it turns out, it was Jaskier's original request that saved him. However, rather than Geralt starring as the Witcher in blackened armor, Eskel played the role instead. He had come in not long after Geralt initially abandoned Jaskier to the spider's mercy and had removed it to put outside the keep.
Geralt is not jealous. Why would he be? If anything, he should be relieved attention is off him as he watches Jaskier praise Eskel for his "heroics" excessively to embarrassing for anyone who is not Jaskier proportions. Jaskier even offers to write a ballad about it, of course talking up the spider into much bigger and ganglier proportions than what the species is capable of. Geralt is not jealous, why would he be as his bard dotes on Eskel and pointedly ignores his presence.
Lambert manages to wiggle in some teasing. Joking around that Jaskier should be careful the spider doesn't come knocking at his window.
Lambert finds freezing his ass off while standing out on a ledge worth it as he uses a trophy Kikimora leg that used to be for lessons to tap at Jaskier's window. Very worth it as he relishes the piercing scream that echos through the keep and possibly down the mountain.
Geralt finds lending the prop to Lambert under Vesemir's nose very worth it too as Jaskier hides under the covers of Geralt's bed. Muttering about spiders and revenge while safe from such when pressed against Geralt's side. Or, you know, maybe Jaskier's not really bothered by spiders. But it'd be more fun if he is.
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forbidden-creepypasta · 5 months
The Red Star
As most nostalgic, pre-Playstation oldfag gamers know, Chrono Trigger was one of the best RPG's of its time, and continues to maintain a huge fan base to this day.
Among the most hardcore Chrono Trigger fans, many movements to produce 3D renditions of the old Super Nintendo game in a "nextgen" feel have been attempted, but SquareSoft has shut every operation down with threats of licensing rights lawsuits and prosecution. For this reason, many talented game developers took to modding their own versions of the game to play with close friends or by themselves, because releasing these fan-mods on the internet would result in a huge risk.
One such game freak who lived in Silicon Valley the year that the primary CT remake was released decided that he was fed up with SquareSoft's attempt at butchering a classic story line that was already strong enough as it stood without introducing an entirely new continent with a complicated back story (Chrono Break). His online handle is known as "Anderson," but no other information about his whereabouts have surfaced since he released a small, two gigabyte mod based on the original SNES game entitled "Red Star."
The file mirror where the mod could be located has been lost since 2005, and only five people have reported their experiences with the game on the private forum tracker where the game was first uploaded.The forum posts are less than three sentences long and consist of nonsensical, cryptic statements, such as "This can't be the way it ends" and "won't stop falling, won't stop falling, redstarwontstopfallingpleasestopfallingpleasestop," and "You can't save Crono. Don't try. Forget about this game...."
I am one of those five, and the last remaining player who is willing to tell my story. The others have cut themselves off from technology completely. They don't even have computers or consoles anymore. Mostly, they stick to the outdoors or confine themselves to an almost Amish existence.Two of them are dead. I found the game by rifling through one of the deceased player's garbage bin outside their apartment until I could recover her hard drive.
Before playing the game, I had a lot of questions, but was only able to physically locate one other person who'd downloaded the modded file. I swore that I wouldn't reveal his identity, but he lives in the Rocky Mountains, in complete isolation. He doesn't own a phone, and when I knocked on his door to request his findings to compare to my own, he brandished a twelve gauge shotgun and told me never to bring up "that thing under the earth" again. I could only assume that he was referring to Lavos, but the fear in his eyes suggested that he thought the game was real. That's the only way I can explain it.
Being an almost religious Chrono Trigger fan, I took a week of vacation at work before I finally switched out my hard drive for the one I found in the trash outside the dead girl's place. After firing up my computer, I found the file in the recycle bin, but it had not been permanently deleted. The icon was a red knife, similar to the sprite of the knife that the "prophet" Magus used to attempt to destroy Lavos after the Mammon Machine disaster in the Ocean Palace. I restored it and double clicked my mouse.
The program immediately full-screened itself, and when I attempted to alt+enter and shrink the playing window, the game didn't respond. It was like its own hacked instance of a ZSNES emulator, except the graphics and textures were nextgen quality. The title screen still consisted of the game's name, but instead of a swinging pendulum back and forth to symbolize the theme of time travel in the game, it just sits, completely motionless.
When I pressed start and proceeded to start a new game, I didn't get the chance to name Crono or choose "Active" or "Wait" for my battle status.
I expected Crono to wake up in a nextgen 3D rendition of his upstairs bedroom with the sound of chirping birds and his mother pestering him to wake up and get to the Millenial Fair.
Instead, the opening shot is a pan over of West Cape, where the player can choose to fight or recruit Magus as a party member in the original game. In Red Star, Magus isn't there, and Crono should be dead at that stage in the game.... but he's not. Chrono is standing over what appears to be a group of graves, which would be identical to each other except for certain key items that adorn the tombstones.
Crono himself is wielding his sword and staring at the ground with his eyes closed. He is clearly weeping, and at this point in the game, I decided that I was a little upset with the game designer for providing no explanation whatsoever of what was going on. I felt like a troll had doctored a fucked up scene in the game to insult CT fans everywhere. However, that's when I noticed the symbols carved on the tombstones.
From left to right, each of them had some sort of illustration etched in the stone. The first was a sparkling pendant, which most unanimously agree is Marle's, from when she first bumps in to Crono at the fair and triggers the disastrous time travel sequence that kicks off the original game's plot line. The other easily distinguishable graves are Frog's, where a drawing of the Masamune is clearly visible in the stone with the Hero's Medal draped around the blade. On the tombstone to the right of Frog's, a pair of thick horn-rimmed glasses with the left lense busted out rest on its top surface.
The other graves have been rubbed off or filed away with the intense winds of the 12,000 BC time period. I knew they were Crono's teammates, but I didn't understand why they were dead at the very beginning of the game. In the nextgen graphic system, I suddenly felt a very real connection with Crono, as he was no longer a small 16-bit sprite on the screen, but a 3D rendered model who appeared to be in a great amount of pain.
After witnessing Crono's fit of depression and his moment of reflection at the graves, I gained control of his player model. I immediately opened the menu to see if he retained any of his abilities from the first game, and to scope out my inventory, status, and items.
The major difference I found from the start of a normal game is that Crono is completely maxed out, almost as if he had every item and possible stat point from a previous run through, but he has no equipment except a sword with a glitched out title for its name (it's undiscernable, but it looks like "Egg Reaver."
However, having not chosen New Game +, I was surprised to see that all of his techniques were learned, with one addition to the list past Luminaire. The spell was called "Double Jeopardy."
When I lead Crono out to the world map, I discovered that the futuristic ruin of 2300 A.D. had arrived thousands of years earlier in the timeline. Instead of domes, there were only wiped out huts and burned out continents as a result of the Day of Lavos, which I could only assume occurred in 12,000 B.C. instead of 2300 A.D.
I spent a good three hours walking around random places, looking for an actual blip on the map that would lead me to something new, but with every empty hut I walked in to, Crono seemed to glance at me through the screen for a second, as if irritated. His face seemed to say "Why are you wasting my time?" Every hut held nothing but an empty fireplace. There were no save points or chests or vendors. I didn't understand what I had to do, and there was a stabbing in my head that got worse the more I explored the wasteland of snow and destruction. Instead of taking twenty seconds to travel from one place to another like in the SNES game, the 3D rendered 12,000 BC was harsh and I often found myself getting lost because there was only an occasional tree in the harsh snowy landscape. It was like trying to navigate through the Icicle fields in FFVII, except without red flags to mark your position.
Eventually, I found a skygate in the middle of nothing but burned out plains and snow that continually fell, and melted because the ground was scorching hot. I assumed that Lavos must be directly underneath the Earth, having already risen up to destroy humanity. I expected to see a Death Peak or a Black Omen ---- SOMETHING that would signify Lavos's reign over the world, but the peculiar skygate on the burning pitch was the only thing of note I'd discovered in my ordeal of playing through Red Star, almost five hours ago.
Confused by this and exhausted with walking around an empty scorched continent after almost four hours, I took a break and walked downstairs, leaving Crono in the middle of the skygate. I didn't press the A button yet, but instead of waving his arms at me to hurry up, he just stared at me blankly, looking defeated. I decided I desperately needed a glass of water and some Advil. I would need to be ready to confront whatever was on the other end of that teleporter ---- which I assumed would be a modded, hacked out version of Lavos that was insanely hard and had to be solo'd by Crono himself.
I was wrong.
When I returned to my computer, Crono's demeanor had changed for the better. I can't say that I was eager to return to playing when he was basically mourning and moping around in the blizzard like an emo kid, but my discovery of the skygate changed his expression somewhat. I started to think that maybe I was one of the first players to find this small area in the huge, mile long expanse of nothingness. Crono started waving his arms at me like in the SNES version, but instead of looking like a puppet sprite, he looked ready to kick some ass. This was the Crono I remembered ---- even though it seemed as though his entire party had perished, he was still ready to face Lavos by himself, just as he sacrificed himself the first time in the original game.
I pressed the button and used the skygate. I couldn't have been prepared for what I would see. Neither could my spiky, red haired, katana wielding friend.
The game wasn't a game anymore. The growing headache that I had experienced since I had gained control of Crono a few hours before instantly culminated in to an explosion of hallucinations and a feeling of "swirling" in my brain.
I didn't feel as if I were possessing the player model, but I was having an out of body experience. I could see myself playing, far away in my darkened room, my eyes glued to the screen for a moment I'd been anticipating for a decade.
Closer to home, though, I was more aware of the game environment. I felt as though I was standing right next to Crono, but I could control him at the same time. I didn't feel my fingers on a keyboard or control pad. I simply thought of what putting the commands in to the menu would feel like when I played the game, and Crono obeyed. I felt myself being dragged along as he moved up a wet corridor that resembled the tunnel to the second form of Lavos in the original copy. I was a passive observer who decided the hero's actions, but whatever I chose, I felt privy to the mercy of my own commands.
I knew that when we faced Lavos, I would be terrified, and I also knew that the tunnel wasn't very long. We were almost there. The ground was burning in to my feet, if I even had any feet in this place.
I expected to see a powerful being, unlike anything I'd ever witnessed before, but there was nothing in the chamber except for an egg.
The Time Egg --- or Chrono Trigger.
Confused by this, I moved Crono closer to it, but I couldn't figure out why the egg would exist here when it shattered to bring back the deceased Crono on Death Peak in the SNES port.
I tried "pressing" every button, skirting the corners of the chamber --- everything. I wasn't in combat. There was nothing to do here.
That's when I started checking menus in my head. My inventory was empty except the Egg Reaver sword, but one thing had changed between the West Cape loadout and the one I had now.
Double Jeopardy was now yellow on the tech list instead of white. I could use it.
And I did.
Crono fell instantly to his knees. I couldn't move him. In the same moment, the egg exploded, and in a burst of hot light, the only thing I could focus on was the figure of beautiful, blue-haired girl. I recognized her as Schala after some time, as her graceful figure was much different than the small Nintendo mode, but the blue hair was a real giveaway.
She ripped the sword from Crono's paralyzed grip and ran him straight through the heart with it. He fell in a lifeless clump, the life from his sharp green eyes draining in to a nullified, blank stare, all in the course of a few seconds.
She turned her sharp gaze to me, and I'll never forget what she said next.
There's a second Red Star. A second Lavos.
I could think of nothing to say. I was only puzzled by her actions, and simulataneously distraught that the coolest character out of every role playing game ever made had just been murdered in front of my own eyes.
"Why did you kill him? He's the only hope you had against another Red Star." I sounded like a fool, and I felt like a helpless, gaseous spirit in her presence, but I tried to reason with her.
He was destroyed by the first Time Devourer. The Chrono Trigger brought him back to save us, but he had to meet his fate. No one before you came this far.
"I killed Crono." I said in shocked disbelief.
Yes, but you've also ended the ice age and saved us from the second reign of Lavos. Time has been restored, and it will progress as it should have before the second red star began to fall.
I stared at her, and although I was a fan of her resistance to Lavos in the first game, she'd just destroyed the best piece of my nostalgic, RPG childhood. I hated her. In the next moment, I could feel my feet on the ground, and I was suddenly aware of my eyes, my hands, my physical body.
I was in the game, and that's where I wanted to be. I had one last question for her.
I picked up Crono's sword, and it felt light and powerful in my grasp. I felt an electric surge of energy in my arm that seemd to beg for me to start moving, to start harnessing that power as a weapon.
I stepped forward, and I could still see the command menu in my head. I lined up my arrow on my favorite tech of all, and one that I believed would be fitting for Crono's killer. I selected "Confuse."
"Why are you still here, Schala?" I asked.
I don't know. The fabric of time and fate has been protected for eternity, but the Kingdom of Zeal has passed, and I have no further place in the world. Neither do you. We are stuck here. It seems that Anderson did not provide scripts for an instance in which the game was actually completed.
"You know, Schala, for a Chrono Trigger sequel, there's not a lot of combat in this game." I said.
Lavos has been vanquished. There is no further need for violence in our world
I gripped the sword a little tighter. It sizzled in my grip, aching for my target.
"I beg to differ." I said with a smile.
Credit to: Violent Harvest
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sharksa-shivers · 9 months
TW: Blood, stabwound, anxiety, panic attack feels
(So idk full context really, i just have this idea where Sharky and Kristy are stuck in a dark area, probably underground, and Sharky's dealing with a really bad chest wound (probably got stabbed somehow) and all ya need is they're stuck, Kristy's freaking out and Sharky's in pain but trying his best.)
(We see them both walking, Kristy helping to keep Sharky up but Sharky's getting tired from blood loss and eventually has to drop down and rest. We see Kristy help him slouch down against the wall, both of them stopping to finally examine the wound.)
Kristy:(she sees the blood seeping out from Sharky's fingers, looks up at him and sees him nod, her then proceeding to carefully move his hand and look at the wound, a bit freaked out, anxiety rising)………That looks so so deep, holy shitttttt…
Sharky:(staying as calm as he can, having learned that from Max, in pain but seems he's got somewhat used to the pain by this point, covering the wound back with his hand and applying pressure, tired sounding)Yeahhhhh, it feels like it… Surprised it doesn't hurt more honestly, i thought for sure it went through my lung at first so uhhhh…Good it didn't hit that huh?! Haha!!
Kristy:(we see her kinda spacing out, that static anxiety building up as she looks at the blood on his hand, dripping down his clothes and body and then looking down at her own hand now to see blood on it…And Kristy kinda snaps a bit internally, standing up and walking away a bit for a moment, sliding her fingers in her hair and grasping at the top of her head)………….
Sharky:(he doesn't really see Kristy's emotions or anything, he just sees her get up and move away, still trying to keep the mood light, joking a bit)Hey, where ya goin? Kinda would be nice to maybe have a bit of first aid here heh…….
Kristy:(his voice snaps her out of her stupor somewhat, panic in her tone)…..Huh? Sharky:(playing still, not registering that there's an issue, joking)Nah nah, i get it…I'm a big guy, i can probably bleed out a bit longer without any major issues hehe, i get it, it's cool…
Kristy:(autism igniting with the panic, thinking Sharky's serious, she snaps at him, scared and worried sick)DON'T SAY THAT!!!! I'D NEVER NEGLECT YOU LIKE THAT!!!! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!?! I-
Sharky:(immediately backing up at her reaction, instantly realizes she's upset, quickly, worried for her also)Kris!! I was joking!!! Please, i know you wouldn't!!!!
Kristy:(upset, tears starting up)Why would you say that then?!?! You really think i'd let you just bleed out??
Sharky:(worried, his eyes and voice filled with concern)No! Of course not!! I just……..Look, bad joke, bad taste, not the right time, i'm sorry…I thought i was lightening the mood…
Kristy:(approaches Sharky, kneeling down next to him again, worried)…..I'm sorry too, i just……..I'm scared as fuck for you and i don't know what to really do!! That's so so much blood!!!
Sharky:(trying to calm her down somewhat, sitting up a small bit, adjusting himself)If it makes anything better, i think it's stopped…Somewhat…I've been holding as much pressure as i've been able to on it and i've been trying to stay calm, Max does know what he's talking about sometimes…
Kristy:(she sits a moment, calming down some)……I hope so, i- (lights up after a moment, quickly getting her phone out)Wait, Max!!! He'd be able to handle this better then me!!! Pleaseeeee let me have a crumb of service!!! --------------- Sharky, dude, you should know better then to stay stuff like that whenever Kristy gets in that kinda mindset, seriously lmao...Save the jokes for whenever you're hurt around Max instead, smh...
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ncteaxhoe · 3 years
study session—
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when a study session with the class nerd and also your boyfriend, turns into a different kind of session.
pairing: jung jaehyun x female reader
genres and tropes: college au, established relationship, smut, pwp, literally just filth
warnings: 18+, profanities, oral sex, fingering, unprotected sex, riding, choking, spanking, dom! jaehyun, daddy kink, slight rimming
word count: 2.2k
a/n: some jaehyun filth because it just happened that way lmao. feedback is appreciated <3
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You absolutely hated studying for tests. Your relationship with studying hung on loose threads. It was a struggle, but somehow you managed to score to get you through the semester. And ofcourse, your boyfriend's constant nagging. Dating the class nerd had its cons and you had to come to accept them. Even though you loved Jaehyun, he could be very anal about studies and you were literally the opposite.
Guess that's why they say "opposites attract".
Jaehyun and you had never really talked before you both were assigned a project together in the first semester of college. You just knew him as the quiet shy kid in your class, who earned high grades. Let's just say during the project, you had discovered that this class nerd was a freak in the sheets.
It wasn't long before you actually fell for the man and started dating him. Even though his personality was a total three-sixty degree turn on yours, you got along well. You slowly discovered that he was a rather loving person. And he was so sweet and considerate, that he always offered helping you with your studies.
Well, today was just another day of Jaehyun and you trying to study for your upcoming quarterly tests. But you were clearly distracted. Your eyes were barely on the books in front of you, instead you watched your boyfriend scribble down in his notebook. His eyebrows furrowed and lower lip pulled in between his teeth in concentration.
Damn, did he look hot while studying.
It wasn't long before Jaehyun looked up at you with an eyebrow raised. Oh, you knew that look very well, anytime soon he was gonna start nagging. But before he could even say a word, you started whining. Jaehyun's eyes followed your actions as you put your notebook away and closed the flap of your laptop, proceeding to get out of the rolly chair.
He was sitting on his bed with a small bed-table. "Jae, I'm bored," you whined as you laid down on the bed, and he just sighed at your antics. He perfectly knew when you didn’t want to study and would do anything to procrastinate.
"No, we only have a week for this."
"A whole week! It's not even that much content." You gave him a pout, knowing he couldn't resist your cuteness so much. In turn, he reached and pinched your cheeks.
"Baby, I will get mad now," he said in a sing song tone.
"Ooo, is daddy gonna spank me?" You turned over on your stomach, propping your head up on your hands, your legs swinging behind you. You smirked at him, feeling mischievous.
"I-" Jaehyun's jaw dropped at your words. You knew what it did to him when you indulged in his daddy kink.
"Why is daddy too busy to punish his baby?" You feigned a sad pout and snaked one of your hand on Jaehyun's thigh. Your boyfriend closed his eyes, as your hand went higher and higher. Just as you were about to go to his crotch, he held your wrist. You looked up at him so see his gaze darken by the second.
"I'm warning you baby," he said in a strained voice, clearly holding himself back. You eyed his grey sweatpants, already showing his erection. He was already riled up and you wouldn't want to leave your boyfriend hanging like this. You arched your back, making your ass more curvy in those tight shorts.
You put a finger inside your mouth, sucking on it, knowing how much weak Jaehyun was for that. You let go of your finger with a pop. "Then spank me daddy." You winked.
"What am I gonna do with you, my dirty baby?" he grunted as he let go of your wrist and put the bed-table down. You giggled in triumph as Jaehyun removed his tshirt and quickly rolled you over, getting on top of you. You smirked at him as he held himself up on his arms, putting your arms around his neck.
"You played a very dangerous game baby," Jaehyun's expressions mirrored yours. "Now you take what I give, understood?" Before you could even reply to him, he crashes his mouth on yours, tongue first. He knew you liked it sloppy. Jaehyun's lips always felt so soft against yours, you loved the feeling. His tongue licked inside your mouth and tangled with yours, proceeding to suck on it.
Jaehyun's one hand groped and kneaded your breasts on top of your tshirt, making you moan in surprise in his mouth when he pinched a hardened nipple. Breaking the kiss for air, he started kissing your and moved to your neck while his hands slid under the hem of of your tshirt and skimmed on your sides. You let out a sigh when he kissed that sweet spot, slightly sucking on it and moving his tongue on it. "Jae," you couldn't help but moan. These times when he started off too soft than usual, you knew he was gonna fuck your brains out after this, and your panties just got even more wet at the thought of him roughly fucking you. "Want my cock huh? Want me to fuck you dumb?" he said as if he read your thoughts.
"Yes yes please daddy. Want your cock sooo bad." You spread your legs, accomodating him inbetween. You moaned when he grinded his hips into yours, you could feel his hardening length pressing against your core through the thin layers. And oh this man was definitely freeballing inside his sweats because you could feel a little too much of him. You quickly slid a hand inside his waistband and as soon your hand met his bare cock, your suspicions were confirmed. Jaehyun groaned against your collabone when you squeezed him, "You're so impatient baby." Gathering the pre-cum on his tip, you started spreading it, giving you enough slick for jerking him to get dick fully hard.
"Fuck," he breathed out and started thrusting his hips into your fist, but he definitely did not want to cum like that. So he pulled away from you effectively making your hand come out of his pants. "Gonna fuck you now baby, you've made me impatient now."
"Then fuck me daddy, fuck me hard." You spread your legs fully, emphasizing your words by your actions, and smiled at Jaehyun. Fuck, if only he could have this picture forever embedded in his mind. He hooked his fingers on your shorts and pulled them down, leaving your panties on. He smirked as he noticed the wet patch, fingers quickly coming to rub your clothed pussy. "So fucking wet already baby," he chuckled. You bucked your hips onto his hands as he pressed on your clit. But then he stopped. You let out a yelp of surprise as he suddenly flipped your postions, making you straddle him.
You wasted no time in pulling down his pants just enough so his thick cock could spring free, almost salivating at how huge and fat it was, now at its full hardness. Jaehyun was hung as fuck, totally huge and fat, and even though he stretched you out a lot everytime, you were definitely not complaining. Because damn he reached places no other man ever could, and this man definitely knew how to use his cock to its full extent.
"Are you gonna keep staring at my dick or what?" Jaehyun made your cheeks feel hot despite all the heat running through your body at that moment.
"Oh shut up," you grumbled, but that was such a wrong move, because his right hand harshly came in contact with your ass immediately.
"Is that how you're gonna talk to daddy?" Another hit, making you whimper, but drip just even more. "Just ride me like the stupid slut you are," he chuckled darkly and hit you one more time, just hard enough how you liked it.
"Y-yes daddy." You pushed your panties to the side and held up Jaehyun's cock at the base, lining it up with your entrance. You both let out moans when you slowly sat down on his cock. His fat cock stretched you so much. You could feel all the veins and ridges on his cock.
"Fuck baby, how are you so fucking tight? I should fuck you more." You just whimpered and moaned at his words, your walls clenching around his dick. You started rolling your hips, getting into a rhythm and then slowly started fucking yourself on his cock, bouncing up and down. Jaehyun licked his lips as he watched you with hooded eyes, your head thrown back in pleasure, as you took leverage on his thighs. Jaehyun's hand slid your tshirt up and pulled your bra down just enough so that your boobs would spill out.
"You look so dirty and beautiful like this baby, bouncing on my cock like a whore." He rolled your nipples in his fingers, making you moan even more.
"I, I love your cock daddy, it feels so good," you said in between moans.
Jaehyun started meeting your hips upwards, making your pace falter. You leaned in on him, now splaying your hands on his toned abdomen, as he thrusted into you. "Fuck, get on your hands and knees baby."
Jaehyun spread your ass cheeks, as you got into position, arching your back. Before you knew he had plunged two fingers into you, immediately curling them and finding your sweet spot. You soon felt his tongue on your other hole, sucking on it and pushing his tongue in just a little. Your puckered hole clenched around nothing as the little muscle teased your hole. Your buried your face in yours hands as Jaehyun's other hand started to rub cirlces on your clit. All the stimulations made the knot in your stomach so much more tighter.
And before you knew you were moaning out loudly as your high came crashing down on you, sending waves of pleasure throughout your whole body. "Daddy!"
Before you could even recover from your orgasm, you felt Jaehyun's dick enter your pussy again. Your boyfriend gripped your hips as he started pounding into you, his pace steady right now. The sound of skin slapping along with Jaehyun's moans and your whimpers filled the room.
"You feel so fucking good baby," he moaned, bending down and peppering kisses on your back. His hand found its way to your throat, while the other snaked across your waist, and he pulled you up, and started fucking into you. His fingers tightened their hold, pressing onto just the side, making you feel lightheaded.
"Do you like how daddy's fucking you baby?" his deep voice rasped into your ear. You could barely reply and Jaehyun chuckled at that, loving to see you a blabbering mess. "I've fucked you so dumb baby." He let go of you, placing you down gently again, in contrast to what his dick was doing to you. Jaehyun grabbed your hips again, and started thrusting into you hard at a fast pace, his grip on your hips bruising. You came again so easily, clenching tightly around his cock, your vision going white for a second.
"Daddy, so good," you mumbled, feeling your knees about to give up. Jaehyun did not stop fucking you as your legs straightened out, he just pulled your hips up enough so he could thrust into you easily.
"Shit, gonna cum baby, where do you want it?" he panted out. Your ears perked up at his words. You loved nothing more than sucking off Jaehyun’s thick cock as he orgasmed.
"Mouth daddy, please."
You quickly went on your knees on the floor as Jaehyun stood in front of you, his red and leaking cock coated in your juices standing proud on his abdomen. Jaehyun tangled his fingers in your hair as you took him in your mouth. You sucked on the head, rolling your tongue around it, pushing it a little into his slit, earning a moan from him. His grip on your hair tightened as you bobbed your head up and down. Jaehyun pushed on your head now, making you choke and gag around his cock as he pushed it in, tears and spit rolling down as a result. You relaxed your throat and tried to control your breathing as he pushed in completely.
He stayed there for a few moments before starting to thrust. His pubes tickled your face as he kept your head in place. You swallowed around him, making it his last straw.
"Fuck fuck baby, fuck," he let out a guttural moan as his cock sputtered hot cum down your throat. He let go of you as he was cumming, making some of it stay on your tongue.
Jaehyun looked at you as you let go of his cock and showed him his cum on your tongue, proceeding to swallow it.
"Such a good slut for me." He leaned down and kissed you, tasting himself on your tongue.
After you both cleaned up in the bathroom and you came back to the bed, you threw yourself on it, totally exhausted from your previous endeavours. But Jaehyun was quick to pull you up again by the arms and you whined in protest.
"Who said taking my cum down your throat would be a free pass to not study after?" You hit him on the chest, embarrassed a little at his brazen choice of words, even though you indeed did have his dick in your mouth moments ago.
"Fuck you."
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rendevousz · 3 years
not a secret anymore
natasha romanoff x fem!teen!reader
summary: nat reveals a secret to the public when your class takes a learning journey to the tower.
requested: yes
warnings: might come off as half assed writing because this probably is one of my worst works i'm so sorry 😭😭
word count: 1681
notes: i'm so sorry i haven't been writing much, i've recently just gotten extremely busy so i had no time to sit down and write (this one was literally written between all the short breaks i had 😫) and i have a few requests piling up so i hope you guys can understand if they come later <3
"hi, y/n!" ally, an agent, greeted you as you, along with your classmates, walked through the east wing hallway of the tower. your classmates—except for peter, ned and mj— turned to look at you with confused looks.
your class was having a learning journey at the avengers tower and you had contemplated on calling in sick to avoid people who worked in the tower acknowledging you around your classmates.
you were actually an avenger—yeah, crazy—, having been rescued during one of the many avengers' hostage rescue missions few years ago. you were able to single-handedly take down a few of your captors, hence why the team took interest in you then.
now, though you had been trained enough, they decided to keep you a secret in order to protect you. lord knows how many people would try hurt you if they ever found out the avengers had a new, teenage recruit. peter was technically still safe as his alter-ego is masked so you had no choice but to only go on missions that weren't in the public eye.
you also lived in the tower so the agents and staff were undoubtedly familiar with you, some even friends with you, just like ally, who had just passed by with a wave of her hand at you before turning the corner.
"did that lady just acknowledge you?" an annoying voice spoke from beside you in a mocking tone. you gulped, not wanting to respond to flash's irrelevant question.
"hey, loser, i'm talking to you," he nudged your arm with his elbow and you held the urge to grab it and flip his whole body upside down. it's not like you couldn't—you had the skills, obviously— but it's the fact that you didn't want to get in trouble for that.
you ended up keeping quiet, like you always did whenever the boy taunted you. peter taught you to do just that. if it were up to you, flash's stupid face wouldn't even dare to show itself in front of you anymore.
speaking of peter, he was nowhere to be seen by now. you internally rolled your eyes. it had only been two minutes and they were already gone. peter was probably showing them around the place. you had no idea how your teacher didn't notice the three of them missing from your group. you were so going to kill them for ditching you and leaving you alone when they knew they were your only friends. they were also the reason why flash still had his head to this day because they'd stop you from doing anything rash. now you weren't sure if flash would be safe from your fury.
"you probably work here as a cleaner on the weekends or something, huh? that's the only way people here would know you," flash jeered. you let out a breath, trying to control your anger towards the boy.
you rolled your eyes, opting to deliberately ignore his insults and walk away instead, hoping you'll bump into those three idiots of friends of yours.
"did you just ignore me?" flash asked incredulously, as if it was a crime to ignore his annoying ass. he pulled you back by your back collar, effectively halting you in your spot.
by instinct, you grabbed his hand that was on your collar, twisting it and turning his whole body around, pinning him against the wall with his twisted arm pressed against his back. it happened in just two seconds which totally caught flash off guard, the boy groaning in pain as he begged you to let him free.
you could hear a series of gasps from all around you and you internally groaned. this is why you always ignored flash's taunting. you didn't want to attract attention to yourself and have people wonder how you could defend yourself so well. but flash just had to provoke you. especially here, out of all places.
"what's going on here?" you heard a familiar voice ask and you sighed.
"oh my gosh! it's the black widow!"
"miss romanoff!"
"oh my gosh, i'm gonna need to get a picture for my mum later, she's gonna freak out!"
you stepped away from flash, releasing him as he dramatically kept rubbing at his arm. as if you even put that much pressure. flash smirked, seeing this as a chance to complain about you to an official avenger.
"this girl right here," flash points an accusing finger at you with a glare, like he wasn't just practically begging for his life twenty seconds ago. "attacked me."
you rolled your eyes, unamused. "i hardly attacked him." you told nat. the woman turned to you, an eyebrow raised as she gave you a knowing look. "this...?" she trailed off and you nodded, knowing what she was insinuating. you'd told her about flash one too many times for her not to immediately figure out who he is from a crowd of students.
"flash thompson. heard a lot about you," she turned to the boy. flash's face lit up, thinking he must've made a name for himself or something that even the black widow knew him. little did he know he did, but not for good reasons.
"i would prefer if you stop messing with y/n/n." nat gave him a sharp look and that grin was immediately wiped off his face. "i– y/n/n?" he stuttered, confused that the natasha romanoff is calling you by a nickname.
"you do know she can kick your ass if she wanted to, right? she's been silent all this while because she didn't want to hurt you but you just never seem to learn, huh?" nat took slow, calculated steps towards him until she was towering over him.
"she doesn't need anyone to protect her because she's fully capable of that but i'm just here to warn you, kid, that she, is not to be meddled with. i'm saying this for your own good, flash thompson. she's capable of much worse than whatever she just did to you. so if i hear you messing around with her or any of her friends," she pauses before continuing with a whisper. "i'll close one eye on whatever she wants to do with you."
you wished you could've taken a picture of the dead scared look on flash's face; it was priceless. you turned to nat once she stepped away from him and she put an arm around your shoulder, leading you both away from the watching crowd.
"i–i'm sorry, miss romanoff," you could hear one of your teachers say and nat stopped, effectively stopping you too as she had you in her hold. "but miss y/l/n is on a learning journey with us and she'll miss the tour of the tower if she leaves with you. we'll be discussing a lot regarding this trip in class and she won't understand what we talk about if she misses this tour. i hope you understand." he spoke nervously.
"with all due respect, y/n's seen the whole tower already," she smiles at him but you could tell it was fake. "even the avengers' residential floors which are closed to the public and most employees of the tower."
your teacher looked at her wide-eyed, mouth open but nothing coming out. nat smiles a fake one once again. "now if you'll excuse us, the both of us have avenger duties to attend to."
gasps could be heard all around you and in the midst of it all, your best friends came back and you made eye contact with them, all of them having the same shocked look on their face.
"avenger duties?! nat, what are you doing?!" you whisper-yelled at the woman who seemed to be enjoying the reactions of your classmates and teachers.
"y/n!" peter ran over to you, your other friends following suit. "oh, um hi miss romanoff," he greets shyly. "thanks a lot, guys, look what happened." you spoke sarcastically, rolling your eyes at them. nat proceeded to drag you away from your friends and the last thing you saw was them mouthing apologies and you half-heartedly mouthing to them back that it was fine.
"relax, y/n/n, the public were about to find out soon anyways." nat said nonchalantly. "what?!" you exclaimed once you two were in a different hallway.
"yeah, you're gonna have press this weekend for this. we're gonna officially announce you to the world as an avenger." she once again says nonchalantly, as if this wasn't the first time you were hearing this. "wait, wait, wait, seriously?" you asked in disbelief. no one had told you anything.
"yeah, i—ohh yeah, you don't know yet," nat remembers and you give her an unimpressed look. she wasn't usually this dumb; she only showed this side of her to you. "sorry, i uh, yeah.. i was supposed to come get you for this. meeting with fury and the rest, yknow?" she tells you and you nodded slowly, taking in the information.
"but tell me it didn't feel good that you got to do that to flash," the woman states excitedly and you playfully rolled your eyes at her. "you got to do something. i'm practically an empty threat to him," you stated matter-of-factly.
"not after this weekend you're not. he'll be afraid of you after. that's what you get for being a smelly bully." you couldn't help the little smile on your face. she really sounded like a child right now and it was adorable.
"alright, natty, whatever you say. let's go before fury releases his fury." you look at her hopefully, waiting for her to laugh at your joke which she responded with an unimpressed look. that of course didn't work as you two burst out laughing looking at each other's faces.
you walked alongside her, the woman resting an arm around your shoulder. you smiled up at her as she talked about her day.
god, you couldn't wait to be able to finally walk out in public with these people you considered family.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky @marauvdersfate
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prettyboybyers · 2 years
I re wrote it besties
"Should i stay or should i go now" i hum while listening to music in my new room. I got up and started to tidy up my desk while dancing. I see my notebook flipped open to my latest drawing. It's my best friend. It has many details, his freckles that splattered beautifully across his pale face, his chocolate brown eyes that I could look into for hours on end, his soft smile that I would do anything to see again and his dark hair that I wish I could run my fingers through. I smile and run my fingers over the drawing delicately. My fingers make their way up to the corner of the picture where his name was written in my best handwriting. Mike. His name always made me smile. I missed him so much ever since we moved to California. It's not like he doesn't call, he does! He just doesn't call me, he calls my sister. Trust me, I feel guilty about liking my sister's boyfriend. I understand why he chose her though. She has beautiful wavy brown hair and the prettiest brown eyes that I have ever seen  (besides mikes of course). She was also sweet and gentle. But I'm just me. Boring old Will Byers. The one who'd do your homework if you asked. The one who is too much of a pussy to stick up for himself. I take my hand away from the drawing and sit back on my bed. Smalltown boy plays quietly in my headphones. I'm listening to the mixtape Jonathan made for me. Suddenly I hear a soft knock at my window. "What the heck was that?" I said, eyeing my window in fear. And then another knock and I got up and cautiously started walking to my window. "Come on el, open up! It's Mike!" I opened my curtains very fast, startling Mike in the process. "What the fuck!" He says, startled. "Michael what are you doing here?!"  Was he crazy? What was he doing in California? "I'll explain, but can I come in first? It's freezing. I opened the window and stepped aside so he could climb in not so stealthy. He looked me up and down then his face suddenly got red and he looked away. "What?" "Y-your shirt i-" shit. I forgot what I was wearing. Lets just say i changed my style a bit since i moved away. I was wearing blue jeans and a crop top. "Oh- i can change if you want me to-" i said turning around towards my closet  (😏) he suddenly grabs my wrist. "No. It looks good on you…" what. Did I hear him right? Nah, he definitely thinks I'm a freak. "Wh-what?" "Y-your shirt. It looks cool...Bitchin." god he's so cute. I take a second before I grab his hand. "Mike, please tell me what happened." I said calmly in a pleading voice. He starts shaking a bit and I look up into his eyes. To my surprise, his eyes swelled up with tears. I couldn't stand to see him like this, looking so broken and sad."...Mikey what happened? You can tell me anything." I tightened my grip on his hand and stepped closer to him. "Anything?" "Anything." He looked down at his feet. "I-" I grab his other hand and squeeze them both comfortingly. He flashes me a broken smile that I swear tore my heart apart.
"My parents...they have been fighting a lot and i-" he looks me in the eyes. "-i think its because of me." By then, we were sitting on my bed and he was resting his head on my shoulder. "Why would it be because of you, Mikey?" Mike blushed at the old nickname and I started stroking his hair softly. "My dad...he has been assuming...things about me. H-He has had these suspicions for a while now I guess but he has started calling me names and-" he has started crying by now. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, soaking my shirt with his tears. "What does he assume…?" Anger strikes through my body at that moment. How could Ted be such an asshole!? Assuming things about his own son and proceeding to call him names while he's at it. Fury bubbled in my blood but I tried to tame it so Mike wouldn't think the anger I was feeling was directed at him. " He thinks…. I'm queer." He whispers the last part, ashamed. Surprise strikes me as I heard him let out a raspy laugh. "And the worst thing is… he's right! I sat there in shock. Mikes queer? But he's dating my sister?." And now everybody's gonna hate me, and els gonna tell everyone and I'm gonna be the laughing stalk of both towns. And I'll probably end up dead on the side of the street." He freezes, realizing the information he just let spill. "No. No. Now you're gonna hate me...no. no. I can't lose you, not again." He pulls his knees up to his chest and hides his face, he's crying. I quickly hugged him. "No Mikey, I'd never hate you." He looks up at me. In that moment I swear that I'd do anything to see his beautiful smile again and hear his angelic laugh that I could listen to on repeat and I'd never get tired of it. "Even if I told you that I'm in love with you…?" I blinked. He loves ME? At that moment I grabbed his face and slammed my lips into his. I had never kissed anyone before so I let Mike take the lead. He puts a hand on my waist, pulling me deeper into the kiss. I was in pure bliss. His nose was pressed into my cheek, which was pink from how much I was blushing from this situation. The kiss tasted like a mix of salty tears and just pure Mike. With his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck, it felt like we were the only ones in the world. Just me and Mike. It has always been just me and Mike.
The end.
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darkestgrays · 3 years
@definedareasofuncertainty : "Hi, to add to my growing list of requests... DRABBLE WITH KLAUS IN HIS WOLF FORM FOLLOWING CAROLINE AROUND LIKE A PUPPY, PRETTY PLEASE?" This one's for you Luiza! Also, I'm writing this in the same universe as this drabble (and posting it as the 2nd chapter of it on ao3). Enjoy!
Seeing as she wasn't a wolf, there was a lot of mate-related stuff Caroline didn't know despite having one herself.
Something she did know, however, was how clingy they were. Klaus, her somewhat lovable wolf lover, was quite practically her stalker because of his inability to not be around her (cue eye roll from Caroline), and well, she'd gotten used to it — it's not like it was a chore to be around him and she couldn't lie and say him wanting to spend so much time around her wasn't an ego booster.
Something she did not expect, however, was for Klaus to be just as clingy in wolf form.
Caroline knew of the pull to turn and be with the moon that wolves felt during the full moon, and just because Klaus was a hybrid and didn't have to turn didn't mean he wouldn't feel the pull of the moon too. She encouraged him to turn and promised to wait up for him with a change of clothes and warmth (the cuddles he so often stole from her), but she came to learn early on that she didn't have to wait up for him.
"Seriously?!" Caroline exclaimed, hearing the pawing at the front door.
She stood up from the couch with a sigh and made her way to the door. She opened the oak door and it revealed a big white wolf, with a bird in its teeth, looking up at her with literal puppy eyes.
Even if this had been her first time seeing him, there wouldn't have been a shred of doubt in her mind of this being Klaus. He was giving her the same exact puppy eyes he gave her normally when he wanted something.
He dropped the bird onto the porch and looked up at her expectantly. A part of being a wolf was making sure your mate was fed so, he always ended up dropping dead animals on the porch for her to drink from, and while flattered, she'd preferred not resorting to the bunny diet, thank you very much (it's the thought that counts, she supposes).
She rolled her eyes, crouched down, and stroked his soft fur. "Thank you, Klaus."
He nodded, exuding his usual proudness and without a warning, slipped inside. Caroline wasn't the least bit surprised, she just hoped he didn't get fur everywhere.
She closed the door and when she turned around, found Klaus just sitting there, waiting for her, panting with his tongue out.
She sighed, it seemed like her plans for that night were gone. "Okay come on."
She walked away, Klaus padding across the floors close behind her. She sat down and Klaus easily jumped next to her on the couch.
"You better not get any fur on the couch," she warned, pointing her index finger at him. He just blinked at her, and then after a beat, proceeded to jump on her and lick her face — apparently even wolf Klaus liked it when she was demanding.
"Klaus," she laughed pushing him off of her. "Stop slobbering all over me. If you want to kiss me, you're going to have to wait until you can't get your fur in my mouth."
Once he'd stopped licking her face (and she was so sure wolf Klaus was aware it annoyed her, she was sure) he settled down with his head on her lap.
She leaned down on the couch because Klaus was freaking heavy and she knew he wasn't going to be moving anytime soon (keeping her in place with only him for company, real possessive of him) and threaded her fingers through his fur.
There was something about stroking his soft fur as he kept his weight on her protectively, she quickly felt herself drifting off to sleep.
"If you get all smirk-y about this in the morning I'm keeping you outside next month," she warned sleepily, hearing him growl quietly at that. "Mhm, you heard me, keep that in mind for tomorrow."
Caroline was pretty sure that if she opened her eyes, Klaus would be doing his own wolf version of a frown but he still snuggled closer to her. She was asleep in no time.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 4
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Previous chapter links:
Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
The cab ride towards the White Wolf was much faster and louder than you anticipated. The cab driver's blaring music from the radio was so loud it felt like you were inside a rave. You and Bucky had to yell over the music for you to talk about what has been happening in your lives for the past few months. You couldn't summarize everything in a five-minute cab ride. So far, these were just some milestones you both gathered (well, more of his): while Bucky was in different parts of the world (Greece, Macau, Amsterdam, Monaco, Aruba) managing interrelation business and hosting nightly parties and whatnots, you were just in New York tending to drunkards (and that includes Peter sometimes) and taking photos of whatever products that come your way.
At that moment, you saw your life pass by in black and white, while Bucky's in color -- just a parade of rainbows trailing behind him wherever he goes.
Yet he still found the things you did interesting.
You wondered what the word interesting meant to him. Of course, you didn't bother asking him that. Perhaps he just felt sorry and wanted to make you feel good.
The moment you got out of the cab, you guys took a deep breath, thankful that that awful ride was over. The music floated away as the cab sped up in the streets.
"What a dick." Bucky commented, watching the cab race through the streets. Any more speed, the cab would've flown in the air.
"I know." You snorted. "God, that was an awful ride. I felt like I was at a frat party."
"Funny. You don't look like someone who would go to one." He joked.
"I went once." You defended. "With Parker."
Bucky raised his eyebrows at you and stared.  Blue eyes piercing right through you in disbelief. "Okay." You sighed. "I picked his drunk ass up at that party. But I really have been to a party with Parker." You left out that detail of you and Peter making out at that party. That was just between you and Peter and you wouldn't want to include his stepbrother in it. Or perhaps Bucky knew about it. You did just found out they talk to each other almost every night. But as you told Bucky about that party, you received no reaction whatsoever which meant he knew nothing. You felt good about that.
You and Bucky stood in front of the White Wolf, trying to shake out the ringing in your ears. Stupid cab ride. Why you couldn't just walk here was because of Bucky. Apparently, he was still a bit hungover. You wondered what would take him to get fully sober.
You stared at the wolf headstone once more, admiring it for the second time today.
"I commissioned an artist for that." Bucky spoke, poking his finger on his right ear. "Just found him on the subway one day. He was selling some sculptures he's made. Asked him if he could make me one and ta-da!"
"It is beautiful."
"I have others he has made inside." With this, Bucky started to walk towards the inside of his hotel.
The uniformed man greeted you on the steps. You sent him a knowing smile once his eyes landed on yours. He smiled back as you introduced yourselves to each other.
"Is she still in my room?" Bucky asked the uniformed man who you now know goes by the name Leonard.
"Yes, sir." He replied. "She said she'd -- "
"I know what she said." Bucky groaned, remembering what you'd told him earlier. "I'll call you from up there if anything goes wrong, okay Leonard?"
"Yes, sir. I'll be on alert."
You watched the exchange in utter fascination. It was like watching something straight out of an action movie: "I'll be on high alert" "I'll tell you when the coast is clear" "Roger that" "I'll call you when something goes wrong"
The only thing was, this wasn't some action movie though Bucky did have a plan. You just never knew about it until you got in the elevators.
"Here's the plan." He started. "We go in holding hands, I'll introduce you as my girlfriend. Maybe fiancé! When she sees you, tell her you're my fiancé and when she tells you that she slept with me, I'm going to deny and you're going to believe me because as my fiancé, you deeply love me and believe everything I say."
"Ew, it's like I'm a sub."
"Wow, you're a dom?"
"I can be." You winked at him.
"Huh, I honestly thought you're a virgin. You know, that type of 'never been kissed, never been loved' type."
In your head, you started singing the rest of the song. "I'm an angel in the streets and devil in the sheets, Bucky." You joked which he took seriously seeing it on the look on his face. "Anyway, your plan?"
"Right! She'd yell and go nuts until she gives up and then leaves the hotel -- "
"Then we get married and let Peter pay for our honeymoon!" You finished for him with a sarcastic smile on your face.
He smirked. "I like the way you think, Aria. But I don't think Peter's gonna want that."
"What do you mean?"
"W-well, he's not gonna afford it is what I meant."
"You're probably right." You gave him a low chuckle. "You're rich. Pay for our honeymoon." You joked.
"As soon as we get this bitch out of here, yes I will, doll." He scrunched his nose up and winked at you right before the elevator doors opened. Swiftly, Bucky grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. "Let's do this."
Hand in hand, you stepped out of the elevator. What stood in front of you was the same woman from earlier this morning. Body still clinging to Bucky's shirt. Faint red lipstick still smeared on some parts outside her lips. Blonde hair still disheveled. If you didn't know any better she was just here in the penthouse, waiting, not moving even a single inch.
You put your hand on Bucky's arm, hiding a faint expression of how big it felt against your skin. "Honey, who is this?"
"I-I don't know!"
The unnamed woman managed to step forward, looking Bucky in the eyes. "What do you mean you don't know? We slept last night!" Then, she looked at you. "Who the hell are you?"
"His fiancé." There was a sly smug tone in your voice. Even on your face.
"Fiancé? He didn't tell me anything about a fucking fiancé!"
"What the hell are you saying?" Bucky yelled. His grip tightened on your hand. "I've never even met you! How did you get in here?"
"We spent the night together, what the hell, Bucky!" She bellowed like a monster, then her voice softened. "I-I told you I love you."
"You're crazy."
"Call security." You said. "Now, Bucky!"
While Bucky grabbed for his phone, the woman pleaded, still trying to convince you that she slept with your fake fiancé. "If he says he doesn't know you," you responded, "then I believe him." Bucky slipped away from you, probably calling Leonard from downstairs. He gave you a knowing look, as if ushering you to unleash some kind of hell on his one-night stand. "You need to go, lady, if you don't want to be banned in every hotel here in New York. Yes, my fiancé can do that. So better get your ass out of here or -- "
"Okay, okay!" She held up her hands, giving up. "I'm out of here! Jesus fucking Christ -- " She mumbled more under her breath as she took of Bucky's clothes, revealing a white tank top underneath. She picked up her heels that were scattered on the living room: one shoe on the couch, the other near a foot of a small table. Picked up some pair of jeans on the carpet before stepping inside the elevator.
"I wish you luck in your fucking marriage." She said, tone filled with rage. Then, she proceeded to flip Bucky one last time before she disappeared behind the elevator doors, eyes boring into Bucky's.
"Okay, she's going down. Tell her to never come here again. Thanks, Lenny." Bucky dropped the phone call and gave you a smile. "And thank you for your performance."
You bowed, like how actors bow after a play ends, and flashed him a smile. "Why, thank you."
"Thanks to you I'm never gonna see that woman again in my life."
You turned your back on him, seeing the place for the first time without a tainted image of the woman. A line of little sculptures near every wall (perhaps the ones he commissioned from that subway artist). Family photos, albums and trophies took up a whole cabinet. You shifted your gaze towards the living room where a nice brown couch sits on top of a beige rug, which faced a huge flat screen television. Two pairs of love seats sat across from each other. A glass table set in the middle. On the back wall was a photograph of Bucky which took the whole space. He wore a neat, well-pressed grey suit, sitting on what seemed like a throne inside a home office, one leg stretched outwards and one leg just resting normally on the floor. He had this head tilt on one side, right hand under his chin, blue eyes looking directly at the camera. On its floor were stacks of magazines, and papers.
Even you couldn't deny how good Bucky looked in the photo but the photograph itself? You knew you could do better than that.
You turned around and found Bucky nowhere. "Bucky?"
He then emerged from what seemed like a kitchen because he was carrying loads of food and trod towards where you were and placed everything on the coffee table. "Yeah?"
"If I wasn't here, what would've you done?"
He shrugged, and opened a yogurt. "Probably stay in your apartment forever."
"Wow," you sat on the couch, watching him devour the food on the table, "seems like you've planned everything out."
"Seems like it, yeah."
"Do you always do this, Bucky?"
"What do you mean?"
"Have sex with girls, then make up a lie to get them out of your life."
"Oh, that was the first time." He replied. "Those three words really freaked me out. I've never heard that come from someone besides my family. Never even told anyone I've loved them, again, except my family."
You nodded in response and looked around the penthouse some more, admiring some paintings, big and small, on the walls. Perhaps some were real, perhaps some were just school ofs. On your right, was a draped curtain covering a whole glass wall that overlooked New York city. Bucky clicked some button somewhere which let the curtains open, letting some of the New York sun inside. From here, one could see the whole view of New York. All its pleasure, glory, grime, and lowliness.
Oh, the things you would give to live in a place like this. If you wanted to take in the beauty of New York, you had to climb up on the fire exit towards the rooftop. And the view from up there wasn't as pretty as this one. All the pretty spots were behind million dollar skyscrapers.
You looked at Bucky once more who leaned against the love seat, then closed his eyes. That same fuzzy image, which you thought you had buried at the back of my mind, resurfaced.
He shot straight up. "Yeah?"
"Have we... met each other before?"
A frown formed on his face, his blue eyes meeting yours, his gaze intense; as if he was trying to put a finger on something, on you. But then he gave up, telling you perhaps you'd just seen him somewhere here in New York the last time he was here, bumped into him. Something like that.
You agreed. Maybe that was it.
Again, you pushed that image at the back of your mind, hoping it would never come up while Bucky was still here.
You were about to ask Bucky how long he was planning to stay in New York before partying in every country outside America when your phone rang.
It was Steve. You picked it up immediately. "Hey, Steve. Is everything okay?"
Bucky shot his head towards you, perhaps wondering who this Steve was.
"Hey." He replied. His voice was groggy, like he just woke up. "There's been some misunderstanding with the shipments. They thought I said drop them in the morning. Long story short, the shipments are just outside the pub's door."
"What? They can't do that!"
"They have a lot of deliveries today so they had to. I told them to wait for you but those are impatient bastards. New shipment boys."
You cursed then stood up. "I'm actually not in the apartment right now. I'm somewhere else. Not important. I'm on my way."
"Get there fast, Aria."
"I will, don't worry. Bye, Steve."
Once you got off the phone, you told Bucky the whole situation.
"Let's go then!" He said with much enthusiasm. "Those drinks are no good sitting out there. How else am I going to make you the best drink you'll ever have, darling?"
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sharpwin101 · 3 years
N.B. Hey guys, I'm re-uploading this narrative due to previous grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. mistakes. I'm completely bad at proofreading lol, and didn't take the time to read over, but after receiving some very impactful feedbacks on twitter, it gave me the motivation I needed to somewhat correct these mistakes🤞hopefully enough, finishing this fanfic, which I must say I'm quite excited for you guys to read.
I don't get it?  As tears stream down her cheeks,
Her thoughts raced as she remained in front of her bathroom mirror long enough to get agitated by her own self-pity. 
She understood that harboring such feelings would not only be self-destructive, but would keep her trapped, she was mentally stronger, and refuses to let it sabotage the barrier she has construct throughout the years.
She knew conquering and embracing Max’s indecisiveness, was just a question of time. That continues to fail him terribly, repeatedly, to define them, what they meant to each other, wondering how much longer, if not impossible, it will be for him to embrace and overcome his own fetters to unleash what he truly feels. 
Will he ever? she’s impel to believed, naively unaware of her imperceptiveness to his true desire, behind his barriers, causing her to suspect mistakenly,
Questing “does he feels the same” 
She paces back and forth, flipping her heels off with a small grimace, scattering them on the floor.
Fervently turning to her living room, with an instant wipe of her tears, in the direction of the liquor cupboard, pulling the first wine bottle her hand came across, desperate for a wine opener, she run-walk towards the kitchen, leaving nearly all of the drawers open while probing through.
She spotted the opener. Yes, yes! Clutches it obstinately, relieved. 
As she holds the bottle inverted between her knees, she struggled to open it a bit, her mind still being indistinct after their encounter, temporarily forgotten how to open the wine bottle.
(The wine cork flew free)
She hastily turns it to her head, gulping it down as if she didn't have time to consume it a bit slower, inadvertently spilling it on her. 
Returning to the bathroom in search of her robe, while undressing herself and gulping more wine down her throat.
Being the clean freak she is, immediately after, she brought her clothing towards the laundry room, as she senses the impending intoxication looming over her.
(Crash)The wine bottle slipped from her deft grip and shattered on the floor. 
she slowly slumped to the floor, leaning against the laundry door for support grappling to sit up. While her clothes slowly unfold from her arms, As she casts a longing glare into space.
She ruminate aloud, frustratedly. 
What is wrong with me? Staring up towards the roof, as though she was seeking answers to all of life's unanswered questions from a greater Entity.
Why I’m I so unlucky?
I fought on, knowing that I wasn't even sure whether I'd be ready too, if you chose me then or now, she added, laughing.
All the walls I've worked so hard to build, comes crumbling down whenever I see, I can’t comprehend it. 
As she gently holds the nape of her neck, breathing deeply, with her left hand  supporting her head, while facing down. I don't want to lose control; I can't lose control.
You say these significant things,
you look at me in the way you do, and then you do nothing?  How can I fight for that?
You asked me why I did what I did, despite the fact that you already knew the answer. I asked you to define us; 
what exactly, this, we are?  as she motioned for answers
I've given you so much, and I tried so hard not to but it's as if all my rationale goes out the window when you're in danger. (laughing sarcastically at her self). 
For God sake, you yelled at me.......... whenever I try to help.
I have these fantasies about you before getting out of bed, I've tried to ignore it; believe me, I have (laughing) 
now I'm just here talking to myself.
As her gaze wandered around the room, she became irritated by the smashed wine bottle. 
(KNOCKING) She tilted her head, confusedly glancing towards the front door, wondering if it was the alcohol or someone was actually at the door.
Struggling to get up from the floor, as she continues to listen attentively to hear whether the knocking was coming from her front door. She slightly slipped when grabbing for her phone on the kitchen counter, to check the time.
Tightening her robe as she wiped her face, pondering, a few names flashed through her mind, But why would they not call? silently muttering to herself. Her phone started to ring as soon as the knocking ceased. Resuming her attention to her phone, which lids up, displaying "Dr. Max Goodwin” with a slight discontent look, she responded, still gazing at the door, nervously biting down on her index finger.
What, what do you want? She answered. 
"I'm at your door; will you let me in?". Quickly swallowing her saliva, her heart races, instantly lowering her phone to her side, with a million thoughts rushes through her head as she looked at the messed she had created, quickly ending his call. She began picking up her clothes from the floor and rushed to the washroom, staring at her flushed face, unbothered at this point and didn't care whether he noticed she was crying.
She trudged towards the front door, spotting her bed slippers and pulls them on.  Briefly pausing before opening the door.
There he was, standing in front of her. Casually dressed, in blue jeans, a grey    t-shirt, and his black jacket, which she had seen him in before.
Trying not to look into his eyes, but he has already peered right into hers. Struck by how small and delicate she looks outside the walls of the hospital, becoming completely lost in her eyes, unable to speak. 'Um, I... What are you doing here? she asked, before he could finish his sentence.
Were you crying? With a slight head tilt, she rolled her eyes irritably as she turns her back on him, leaving the door ajar. What are you doing here, Max?, her voice raised rather than normal. The frustration in her voice perplexed him. I wanted to ‘Um, before noticing the shattered wine bottle on her floor. 
As she reaches to get the mob and dustpan from the storage area adjacent to her kitchen. He watches her as she teeters, shutting the drawers that she left open earlier.
As she approaches the spilt wine on the floor, she kept her eyes lowered trying not to look him into his. He detects her shakiness as she extends the broom over the shattered wine bottle. No! he said, with no intent, to say it so loudly. Reaching his hands towards the broom.
Let me help, she still persisted. He gently withdrew the broom from her grasp when she walked away towards another section of her apartment, as his eyes followed her.
He disposed the shattered glass in the trash can, placing the mob and dustpan into the already opened storeroom.
In search of her, he returned to the living room area. noticing she had her back to him, curled up on her couch in a sitting position, fully wrapped in a blanket that matches the color of his shirt.
He stood behind her for minute before approaching.
Placing his hand on her shoulder as he walks to the side of the couch. She shivers at his touch just enough for it to go unnoticed while still looking down.
Seating next to her, he tries to get her attention. Helen, she did not respond. I'm sorry.... As he questioned. Are you okay? Placing her right palm on her forehead, displaying a tiny discomfort. She muttered, I have a minor headache. ‘Um, do you have any pain relievers? Instantly patted his forehead after, quickly realizing she wouldn't be able to take it seeing that she was drinking. Hastily corrects himself, do you want me to make you some tea? she fixes her gaze on him.
Please let me make you tea, while he makes his usual puppy eyes at her.
She gave her approval with a nod. Where are your…...? Instructing him with a finger while drawing the blanket back up to her shoulders. He stood up lively, walking towards her kitchen, absolutely taken aback by how tidy and organized her apartment looked.
Already knowing what kind of tea because they both enjoy it the same, reaching into the pantry for the box of tea bags on the lower shelf, pulling a cup from the washer and placing it on the hot water kettle. He spoons in 1/2 teaspoon of sugar exactly how she likes it. While leaning his back on the counter.
As he waited for the water to heat up, he indulged in his thoughts, gazing around her kitchen.
The whistling from the kettle stopped, with relieved he turned around, adding the hot water to the tea bag and returning to her,
With a wide smile on his face, he hands her the cup, she noticed he didn't have his wedding ban, she looked into his eyes as her hands extends to take the cup. He noticed that she noticed, with a little distance between them, he sat beside her in silence. 
on her third sip of tea, he glances at her and proceeded to apologize.
I should never have let you walk out that door, ‘I, I.... I have tried to hide this.  It's been hard,
It almost drove me completely insane. As she looked at him, intently listening 
I've tried to hold back, since the day we met.......................... It's been eating me alive knowing I felt this way while being married and had already started a family,
but I can't deny that I haven't felt this, not any more, he remarked, shaking his head.
For the longest time, I felt guilty, knowing I had felt this way about you,
if I let you slip out of my life, without trying, to fighting for us, I will not survive it, 
I see you, Helen. it’s just that sometimes it takes me a minute, to remember what matters more than anything, you.
He drew closer to her, as she sets the tea cup on the center table. Helen, 
I’m ready to fight. Fight for you, for Us. 
Every time you've been near me, I've wanted to do stuff to you, imagining what it would be like. 
You are undeniably BEAUTIFUL and sexy, and I need to have you, in all the ways I have been dreaming of.
She swallows her nonexistent saliva as he got closer. With her mouth partially open, uncontrollably batting her eyes at him. She searches his eyes, while he searches hers for permission, to touch her, intimately. Placing his left hand on the right side of the back of her neck sliding his fingers upward, gently holding on to her hair, a rush of adrenaline prickled her stomach, as he watched the whooshing of her breathing, thinking how soft on silky the growths of her hair felt.
She needed him to touched her, she needed to grip him closer, but her body was weak, weak to his touch. As they stared intensely at each other, their faces being only a few inches apart, tightening his grip on her hair, causing her to slightly tilted her head back, finally freeing of her temporary paralysis, she grabs hold to his muscular arm with her left hand, while clutching his side with her other hand.
He knew he was in charge, and she wanted him, his lips being a inch closer to hers, her eyelids, fill down slowly closing.
Their lips touch, as their bodies tingles, her chest rises, left her feeling like she had no air. The instant chemistry they felt, was uncontrollable. His thinking slowed when his lips met hers. Time becoming unknown, as if he were in a dream, how warm and crazily soft her lips were.
As they draw each other deeper and further into each other's sanctum, thrusting herself up with a knee for support. 
Has he pauses, looking intently into her eyes, slowly begin rolling her robe over her shoulder.
In complete awe of how clear and smooth her skin appears, while stirring her down. He notices she was wearing a black lace bra that matches her thong, which complemented her skin tone well, lost in her eyes, before entirely removing her robe. As she gets back up on both knees, yanking his jacket off, while he impatiently helped her to removed his shirt.
Unbuckling his belt, she unzip his jeans. Holding her by the lower portion of her cheeks, he punches his tongue into her mouth. Resting his back on the couch, hoisted her up on top of him.
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feeling her body, with both his hands on her waist, recognizing how small it was in comparison to her hips, being considerably wider. She bends her knees and places her hands on the couch over his shoulder. As his tongue trails down her neck, while unclipping her bra, struggling a little.
Carefully pulling it off, her hands fill to her side, looking down at him, when he stroked her breast with his hands, causing her head to fall back uncontrollably, as a rush of adrenaline went to her vulva, gasping harder as he places his mouth over her tit, slowly sliding his hand into her thong concomitantly.
He gave her a look, realizing she was already lubricated, as she gasped for breath somewhat dropping her upper body backwards as his hand quickly supported her back, her mouth flew wide open, when he slid his index and middle finger in an upward motion on her clit.
She moaned loudly as he stroked it faster, her body slipping in and out of his grip, being a fraction of a second from an orgasm, he halted.
He hoisted her up positioning her back laying on the couch, with one of his hands intertwined with hers above her head. He opens her legs slightly with his bent knee, while she bends her knees up to give him access. Passionately kissing her while caressing her clit with his right fingers. Her heart races. As he drags his tongue in between her breasts, he releases her hands as he went down further, trailing his tongue towards her navel, causing her tummy to jerked.
He elevates his head up as he pulls himself down more to her vulva, while holding on to her hips. He tasted her, swiftly clinging to the cushion behind her, unable to keep her legs steady as he licks her clit. (she rapidly gasp for air).  
She weakly tries to pull him up, with her orgasm being at it’s peek, moving back towards her lips, as they exchanged sensual glances. Using his hands as a support to keep himself upright while holding on to his already-erected dick. He puts the blanket under her back to elevate her slightly.
Penetrating her. Max, she screamed, quivering and gasping for breath, as she looks deeply into his eyes, attempting to caress the side of his face, (while she bit her bottom lip, as he went in deeper, she clutches onto him.
His sweat drips on her skin, as he moans, they couldn’t get enough of each other.
As he penetrates deeper, harder and faster inside her, he tightens his grasp around her waist. As they drew closer, their moans became more even louder.
Fuck! he shouted as he ejaculated his semen into her, simultaneously in the instant of her orgasm relief. They both felt to the ground. Looking at each other, completely in awe. 
He extends his hand to the side of her face, pulling her in, to cuddled her.
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