#then i got to my messages and apparently she is there but somewhere else waiting on me
skxrbrand · 7 months
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alotofpockets · 2 months
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Meeting again | Part 1 - Part 2 | Leah Williamson x Reader
Where you take your son to Leah's book signing and you reconnect with your high school friend/crush.
Thank you @totaly-obsessed for letting me bounch ideas off of you for this one!
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.7k
When you check your phone after waking up, you see a text from Leah. Her name amongst your notifications instantly brings a smile to your face.
Leah: Hey, good morning! Can I pick you up at 11 for that coffee?
You text her back instantly, no longer being scared of messaging her, after you’ve spent the evening together last night. After doing some stuff around the house, you get ready, and wait for Leah to pick you up.
At the coffee shop Leah went to order for the both of you, while you found a spot to sit. You were admiring your surroundings, when Leah headed your way with two cups in hand. “No coffee for you?” Her placing a mug with hot chocolate down in front of her peaks your interest. “Oh, yeah, I don’t drink coffee.” She says with a shy smile. “Why didn’t you say so when I asked you out for coffee? We could’ve gone somewhere else!” Leah shakes her head instantly, “Don’t worry about it, I was happy with the invite to see you sooner, and this place has the best hot chocolate in town.”
You fall into conversation with Leah just as easily as you had done yesterday. With years to catch up on, there were enough topics to keep you talking. Though, even if you had fully caught up with Leah, you think you’d still find topics of conversation to get to stay talking to her.
The first time you got quiet for a moment was when Leah said, “I’ve been trying to piece together how we stopped being friends all those years ago.” Your eyes fall to your lap, it had been your fault that the two of you stopped being friends. You wish things would have been different, but then again, you would not have Liam. Liam meant the world to you. “I remember us being really close, and then some rumours spread.” Your eyes meet her nervously. You noticed a slightly hopeful look behind her eyes, as if she was never fully able to understand what happened back when you were kids. So, you took a deep breath and started talking.
“Okay, the rumour, the one where it spread around the school that I liked you, was never actually a rumour.” Leah’s blue eyes pierced into yours. “Oh?” A part of Leah felt relieved that those almost moments between the two of you growing up weren’t just in her head. “Yeah, basically I confided in Maria, one of my best friends, about my feelings for you, because they were confusing me. You know as a teenager finding out that the feelings you’re meant to be having for a boy, you are feeling for a girl.” Leah nodded in understanding. “Well, she was apparently very homophobic, and decided to tell the whole school. I stopped being friends with her instantly, and you know the rest. I got together with Ryan to get people off my back, and put distance between the two of us. I think I even convinced myself for a moment that I could be straight, but yeah that’s not me.” 
You let your eyes meet Leah’s again, there was no anger or hurt behind her eyes, just softness and understanding. “I am truly sorry about how everything played out, and if I hurt you in any way, that was never my intention.” Leah reaches for your hand on the table and gives it a soft squeeze, “You have nothing to apologise for. What Maria did is truly terrible, and I wish I could’ve been there for you at that time. All of that is in the past now though, and we cannot change it.” Her hand stays on yours. “You’re right, we can only focus on the future.” The blonde smiles and nods. “Well, that was a lot deeper than coffee would have gone, but I’m glad we were able to talk about this.” You both laugh. “I should really head back though, I have to pick up Liam from school in a bit.” 
Leah drives you back to your place, and the two of you share a hug when you arrive. “Thank you for today. We should do this again sometime.” Leah says, and you agree instantly, “Yeah, I’ll text you later?” And you did. After Liam went to bed that night, you were texting back and forth with Leah all night, until you fell asleep with the conversation still open. 
The next time you saw Leah, you and Liam watched her play on Sunday. You were rather far from the railings, but Leah found you amongst the crowd and set the both of you a wave when the match was over. 
Since Liam missed Leah for dinner the first time when he had invited her without your knowing, and it got you to reconnect with Leah, you decided to invite her over for dinner that night with the both of you. You decided to make pizza together, since you found out that alike your son, Leah’s favourite food was pizza. Leah was amazing with Liam, you admired the two of them as they were busy chatting, while decorating their pizza’s. 
While you sat down for dinner, you talked about your plans for the week like you always did with Liam, but now including Leah. You had always found it important to know what was ahead, especially since Liam was at his dad’s for half of the week. You had given Leah the honours of talking about her week first as the guest, she told you about her work schedule, and some other things she had planned for the week. Then Liam wanted you to go next, so you shared your work schedule, and your plan to spend your days off with. Liam wanted to finish off the round, he told you about his plans with Ryan, and what he knew about school. “Oh, and mom, what are you doing for the class tomorrow?” Your brows furrowed in surprise, “What do you mean, bud?” 
“It’s your turn to do the class trip tomorrow, do you not have anything planned?” Liam asks in a worried tone. “Buddy, I’m so sorry, but I don’t know anything about it being my turn.” He stood up from the table and you were instantly worried, luckily he came right back with his backpack. “Here, Miss Owens sent this out.” He hands you a letter, informing the parents of the switch in schedules, and it did indeed show you for tomorrow. “Buddy, if this is still in your backpack, I have not seen it yet.” Realisation hits him, “Oh mom, I totally forgot to give it to you. What are we going to do?” Leah, who had been quiet during the interaction spoke up, “I think I might have an idea. I know it’s not my place, but I think I can help, may I?” She looked at you for permission. “Yes, please, I do not have the right connections to take a class out for the day this last minute.” 
Leah got up, “Alright, I am going to make some calls and I will make sure you will have a great day tomorrow, I promise.” She told Liam. She headed into the other room, and started planning away. About thirty minutes later she got back into the kitchen, “Alright, everything is set for tomorrow. I will keep it a surprise though, are you both okay with me coming to class tomorrow?” Liam instantly said yes without giving it a second thought, his friends would finally believe him when he said that he knew Leah Williamson. You nod as well, “Thank you so much Lee.” Leah’s heart started beating faster at the nickname she hadn’t heard from you in such a long time. She smiled and sat back down for dessert. 
The next morning Leah was at your door bright and early. You were busy packing Liam’s lunch when she knocked on the door. “Liam, can you get the door bud?” He came walking into the kitchen pulling Leah behind him, “Mom, Leah still won’t tell me what we’re going to do.” You smiled at the scene in front of you, a frowny kid, and a smirking Leah. “Don’t look at me, Leah went out of her way to arrange this for you, so let’s allow her the one rule she set in place for this.” He let go of her arm. “Fine.” He turned to Leah, “I am grateful that you did whatever it is that you did for me, I just would really like to know what it is.” She put her hand on his shoulder, “I know kiddo, just a little longer, I promise it will be worth the wait.”
You and Leah wait outside of the classroom, while the teacher starts out the day. “Thank you again for doing this, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” Leah shrugs, “You would’ve figured it out, you’re a great mom. I am glad I could help though, I hope the kids like it.” Leah zipped down her jacket to reveal her Arsenal jersey. “By the looks of that, I think the kids are going to love what you have in store.” Leah is about to say something back, but Miss Owens tells you the class is ready for you. 
The two of you step in, and you see the jaws of many kids in Liam’s class drop. “Hi kids, as many of you know, I am Liam’s mom. Today, I have brought someone special with me. I would like you all to meet Leah Williamson.” You introduced her to the crowd, “Hi, I’m Leah, and Liam told me you were looking forward to doing something fun with the whole class. What would you say if the Arsenal players bus was waiting just outside of the school?” The class erupted with excitement. “Would you all like to go and see?” Miss Owens calms down the class again before heading out, “Jackets please, and wait in a line outside of the classroom.”
Leah takes the lead and takes the kids to the players bus. At first they admire it from the outside, where the whole class takes a picture with Leah. Then Leah invites them to sit inside, once all the children are settled, Leah gets on the microphone and starts talking to the kids, and interacting with them. “So, who wants to go to The Emirates Stadium with me?” You couldn’t believe that Leah pulled all of this off in thirty minutes. She sat and talked with the kids, while you talked with Miss Owens. 
After a short tour, Leah guided the kids to the family and friends area of the stadium. “What do you all think of one more surprise?” The class starts cheering again, and right on queue, a group of Arsenal girls walk out. Katie McCabe, Lotte Wubben-Moy, Beth Mead, Vivianne Miedema, and Kim Little, greet the kids with waves. They all have a little meet and greet with the kids, before it is time for them to head back to school. Leah thanked the teacher, and waved bye to the teacher and the kids. Since it was already the end of the school day, and she wanted to show Liam some more behind the scenes things, she asked the teacher if it would be alright if she took the kids back on her own, with a promise of getting her some signed copies of her books for her own kids she agreed.
Liam was living his best life hanging out with his favourite players, like they were friends he had known all his life. Lotte walked up to you as you were watching him talk with the girls. “So, you and Leah go way back I hear?” You smile at her, “Yeah we do.” You and Lotte talk for a bit before she gets pulled aside. “It was nice meeting you y/n, I’ve heard a lot about you the past couple of years.” Lotte’s eyes widened when she realised what she had just said, Leah had just walked up to you, and her cheeks turned red instantly. “Sorry.” Lotte said before quickly walking back to the rest of the girls, and whispering something into Katie’s ear. The latter turns to you, “Mind if we show Liam around some more?” You shake your head and return your attention back to Leah.
“So, you’ve been talking about me for years, have you?” You didn’t think it was possible, but her cheeks turned even redder. While Leah was nervous, she felt like it was now or never. “I mean can you blame me? You are pretty hard to forget.” You’re the one with blushing cheeks now. Leah’s words hang in the air, and you feel a warmth spread in your chest. The way she spoke those words, makes you feel like maybe, she has felt the same way all along. 
“The feeling is mutual,” You reply after taking a moment. A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips. “I mean how could I forget the girl that was always able to bring a smile to my face, even on my worst days? I think I already proved that though, by coming to most of your matches.” You both laugh at the last comment. “I’ve missed this.” Leah reaches for your hand out of instinct, “You laugh, your smile, and just having you around.” 
Your heart is beating a million miles an hour, by the way she was looking at you right now. In that moment, when her ocean blue eyes stare lovingly into yours, you realise that perhaps the rumours, the misunderstandings, and the years apart were merely obstacles on the path to this moment right here. “I’ve missed you too, Lee. Remember when the other day we said that we can only focus on the future?” Leah nods, and rubs her thumb gently over the back of your hand. “I hope you’re a part of that future.” You nervously look up at her again. 
Leah gave your hand a soft squeeze, “I hope so too.” Her smile grows bigger as she continues, “I’ve thought about what could have been with us so many times, but right now, all I want is to be here with you, and see where time leads us.” Your smile grows just as big as hers is, Leah had felt the same way about you all of this time. “Would it be inappropriate to kiss you at your place of work?” Leah pulled you closer by the hand she was holding, and moved her other hand to your cheek, gently moving her finger over the soft skin there. “I am not working currently, so I think that should be alright.” She leans in the rest of the way, and after all these years of will they won’t they, and what could’ve been, you finally felt her soft lips on yours. 
A loud “Ahem” pulls you away from the blonde. You turn around and find Liam, Katie, and Lotte looking back at the two of you. Before you can say anything Liam turns to Katie and Lotte with a proud smile on his face, “I told you they would get together sometime soon!” Katie high fived him while you laughed, of course Liam had talked about your love life with the two people that were probably sharing Leah’s right back. Leah put her arm around your shoulder, and walked towards the group. “Who’s ready for some dinner?” Liam hugs you from your other side. “Mom, this has been the best day ever, can we please make it even better with McDonald’s for dinner?” You look around the group of girls left over to see if they’d be down too, when you get three nods, you look back to Liam. “Let’s do it.”
As you walk out of the stadium with Liam’s hand in your left, and Leah’s hand in your right, you couldn’t be more happy. 
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oops-all-concrete · 5 months
I'm back with more BG3 COMPANION REACTIONS!
This time; Companions see Tav (yours/you) getting flirted with and being too shy/stunned to turn the person down and step in for them. As usual, the romance is only as implied as you would like! These can be read as platonic (but I'm happy to write romance specific posts if you lovelies would like)
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Lae'zel -
The concept of flirting tires her. Why make eyes and small touches and idle chatter that eludes to a 'something else' if you can just get to the 'something else- immediately? Assuming both parties are interested of course. Unlike now, where Tav is failing miserably at saying no- because they weren't asked "May I taste your flesh and you taste mine in return?" With a roll of the eyes and a calculated stalk, Lae'zel makes her way over to Tav and takes them by the wrist, dragging them away. If she's stopped, she glares and speaks sharp: "Keep your filth to yourself. If they wanted what your company could achieve, they'd roll around in the mud with an actual pig."
Shadowheart -
Wyll -
She watches from afar with some amusement for a time. But- watching them stay seated several times when the "newfound company" kept getting up and seeming eager to leave- she was happy to put her wine down for such an occasion. "Pardon me, but myself and that one have somewhere to be tonight." She says, hooking her arm in Tavs. If pressed, she'll elaborate. "Well, we travel with a Githyanki warrior, the Blade Of Frontiers, a chosen of Mystra, and a cleric of Shar who's had to put down her wine to come over here and apparently repeat herself." She smiles innocently, though her voice is piercing enough to send the stranger walking backwards with their hands up.
He waits with stepping in, giving Tav the agency to say yes or no on their own accord, but as the stranger starts getting a little too familiar, he can't sit still. "Excuse me, I'm afraid my friend here isn't available this evening" He says, friendly but firm. Of course he's challenged- too nice about it- so he stops being nice. "I should have been more clear-" he starts, placing a hand on their shoulder- watching them become more afraid with the distinct crackle and glow of eldritch energy. "You're either leaving alone- or with me. In a bag." He says again, voice darker than usual. The stranger gets the message and Wyll watches them like a hawk out of the building. "Apologies Tav, I shouldn't have been so harsh. I just have a special distaste for people like that."
Karlach -
This woman jumps in the second Tav shakes their head. "Woah, woah, woah!?" She yells from the distance she is, a lot of the tavern pausing their conversations and looking her way. "Yeah, that's enough of that. If they wanted you as bad as you think, they'd have left with you already, yeah? Hands and unfortunate looking face to yourself" She says, cheeky smile on her face, but her hands itching to swing. Of course the person is embarrassed, especially when some giggles start coming in from the crowd, possibly Tav too, but Karlach knows they're safe with the entire tavern as witness. "Let's get outta here, Tav. There's more drinks and less weirdos down the street" She smiles smugly.
Gale -
He's quite socially eloquent when he wants to be, but knows how to be tactically rude as well. The minute Tav starts shuffling subtly closer to him to get away from this other person, he's inserting himself in the conversation. "Oh, you've got art at your home? I've been meaning to talk to another art fanatic, I've quite a few pieces I'd love to discuss back in my tower in waterdeep filled with wonderful architecture, sculpture, Baroque- Oh! Are you familiar with Oskar Fevras? I commissioned him personally a while ago-" he knows he's hard to talk over, and he takes full advantage. The minute the person tries to talk to Tav- Gale immediately gives them an out. "Oh! I just remembered- Tav my good friend! I believe I've left a ring in the bathroom on the sink while washing my hands" Gale talks fast, allowing Tav all the time needed to leave.
Astarion -
Oh this man is an actor. A few times he catches eyes with Tav- notably uncomfortable, and he rolls his red eyes. He disappears for a moment, but before Tav can think, he's throwing himself between Tav and the stranger. "Darling- This is where you've been??" He says, and you can hear the offence in his voice. Several heads turn. Bar staff is concerned. Oh boy. "I thought you said you'd quit drinking?? And here you are while I'm at home waiting! Look how late it is!" It's like, 4PM, and it makes the stranger frown, but Astarion is yelling again before he can be stopped. "And who are you?? Stealing my lover away like a bandit!" He throws his arms around and sounds on the verge of (fake) tears. Of course the stranger is out of there asap, Astarion taking their seat and drink, making himself at home. He smirks at them like a little shit
Halsin -
As polite and friendly as Halsin is, he can look rather intimidating when he wants. He's huge and he knows it, and while he doesn't like doing it, he will use it to his advantage. The minute he picks up on Tavs discomfort, he's a shadow over the pair. The stranger just has a look up at the druid and that has all the effect needed. "Apologies, I'm afraid you're in my seat. My friend was waiting for me" He smiles, arms crossed in front of him, a mountainous man. If they don't move immediately, he leans down to the strangers height, because of course he's much taller. "Don't worry about paying for your drink, I'd much rather pay for that myself than a bloody floor." He says, voice even and friendly, but a vein bulging out of his forehead.
Hope you've you've enjoyed! Who are you looking to for help in this situation? (I take requests, feel free to ask!♡)
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Lucifer (fox) x reader - worth more
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Sitting down at your desk, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and sighed heavily as you set it down on your desk.
“Still nothing?” Dan asked.
“Nope, I mean usually he would’ve messaged me by now at least…” you mumbled.
Dan gave you a sympathetic smile.
“Just give him so more time, you know what he’s like. I’m sure he’s just busy with work.” Chloe smiled.
You nodded your head, knowing that was usually the case your boyfriend usually just got so caught up in work he’d forget to reply.
“You’re still wasting your time with that low life?” Lucifer asked.
You glared at him a little bit.
“He’s my boyfriend lucifer, don’t be such an ass.”
“Well clearly he’s got you wrapped around his finger because you can’t see that he’s cheating on you.”
“Lucifer!” Chloe hissed.
“He’s not.” You snapped.
Getting up, you walked away with some files, going to find somewhere else to work.
You decided to sit in the lab while you waited for Ella to get back so you could go to lunch with her, and lucifer would most likely stay near Chloe
You managed to work in peace for a little while until your phone began to ring, and you answered it, putting it on speaker.
“Hey, is everything alright?” You asked.
“Hey, yeah it’s fine. Look I’m going to have to cancel our date night. I have to work late.”
“Oh, again? We’ve not had a date night for weeks, and it was really hard to get reservations to this place.”
“Yeah, well work is work so.”
You glanced up as the door was opened and chose to ignore lucifer as he entered.
“No I know that, I just don’t want you to overwork yourself. You’re always working late.”
“Yeah I know.”
Lucifer padded over and looked over your shoulder.
“Oh is that the douche you call your boyfriend?”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“It’s my colleague, apparently he doesn’t know when to mind his own business.”
You heard your boyfriend scoff on the other end of the line.
“Seriously? I told you I don’t want you working with that prick.”
“I’m sorry, you know I don’t get a choice in this.” You sighed.
“Yeah. Right. Bet that’s what you say when he’s at your apartment right? You got no choice.”
“Come on, don’t be like that. You know I wouldn’t cheat on you.”
“Fuck off.”
Your boyfriend hung up and you sighed, locking your phone and you ran a hand down your face, taking a small breath.
“Seriously, what do you see in that idiot? Clearly he’s beneath you, I don’t even see why you waste your time with somebody like him, for someone so smart you sure can be stupid.”
You spun around to lucifer and you punched him, shaking your hand as you hissed in pain.
He looked at you in pure shock.
“What the hell is your problem lucifer!?”
“You hit me!”
“I mean with my boyfriend asshole! Why the fuck do you keep trying to break us up?!”
Lucifer scoffed.
“Trust me if you stopped being so blind you would end this relationship rather quickly.”
“Just because you go sleeping around with everything with a pulse doesn’t mean he does!”
“Well, I have two eyes and a memory that say differently.”
You clenched your jaw.
“You know what, stay away from me. Your job is to work with Chloe, not me.”
“Oh come on, don’t be like that!”
You grabbed your things, making your way to the door and lucifer trailed after you.
“(Y/N), come on!”
“Leave me alone! I don’t want to look at you anymore!”
You dropped everything on the desk, and you grabbed your car keys, deciding it would be a nice way to get away from him.
Lucifer went to follow you, but Chloe grabbed his arm and shoved him into one of the interrogation rooms.
“What the hell did you do?!” She hissed.
“I don’t know! (Y/N) punched me in the face and just stormed away!”
You spent a few hours driving around, just trying to get out of your head, and you decided to go home to grab your shopping list.
Jogging up into the apartment you let yourself in and walked towards the kitchen.
Grabbing the paper on the fridge, you looked over the list, taking the pen from your pocket to add a few more things.
That’s when you heard the sound of something being knocked over.
Furrowing your brows, you set the pen and paper down, hand reaching towards your gun as you started to go around the apartment, checking everywhere somebody could hide.
The only place you hadn’t checked was the bathroom, so you walked over and reached out for the handle.
You could heard somebody inside, and you threw the door open, gun raised and ready.
The two people inside stopped and you blinked a few times.
“(Y/N) I.. I thought..”
You calmly put your gun away, and stepped aside, gesturing for them to get out of the bathroom and they did, both scrambling for their clothes.
“Get out.”
“You can’t kick me out of my own apartment!”
“My apartment James, and I said get the fuck out! Both of you before I find something to arrest you both for!”
The woman looked at your boyfriend, and then looked at you.
“Asshole! You said you were single!”
She smacked him, and pulled her shirt over her head, shooting you an apologetic look.
“I’m so sorry!”
With that she ran out, and you looked at your partner.
“Get the fuck out James! This is my apartment in my name!”
“You’re the one who started this!”
“I just caught you in the bathroom cheating on me!”
“So what?! You’re clearly doing that lucifer dude!”
You rolled your eyes, gesturing to the front door.
“I’m done. This is done. We’re through James, get out.”
“Or what?”
“I’ll charge you with trespassing.” You shrugged.
He sneered a little bit.
Storming forward he backed you into a wall, and your hand went for your gun out of reflex.
James grabbed your hand, gripping it so tightly you were sure he was going to break it.
“Nobody will ever love you anyways…” he snarled.
James threw you to the ground, and you hit your head off the corner of the wall.
With that he left, and you sat there, heart in your through, trembling out of pure fear because never had James raised a hand to you before.
You stayed sat in shock for minutes before you reached into your pocket, calling for your best friend.
She was over so fast you were sure that Ella had managed to break more than one traffic law.
She knelt in front of you, touching your forehead where it was bleeding slightly.
“Chloe and Dan have put a bolo out on James, they said you can come in when you’re ready to say what happened.” She said softly.
You slowly nodded your head, and she helped you up, taking you to your room where she cleaned your wound and stitched it up for you.
“I.. I don’t know… he’s never…”
“I know…”
Ella sat on the bed with you, holding you in her arms as tears burned your eyes.
“Why would he do this…?” You sniffled.
“Because he’s a horrible man and when I get my hands on him I swear I’ll.. I’ll… ugh!”
“Ella don’t, please. I don’t know what he’ll do to you…”
Ella looked at you, and she rested her head on yours.
“They’ll find him…”
You just nodded your head.
“How about some ice cream, and some really crazy action films? You love action films?”
“No.. no I uh.. I just.. I’m going to get changed…”
“Alright, I’ll wait in the living room.”
Ella gave you a little squeeze, and she left the room, closing the door behind her.
You changed into a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, hanging around your room for a few minutes before you made your way out.
Ella was already sat on your couch with a tub of ice cream and two spoons, and she grinned a little.
“Come on, I know you love ice cream.”
You smiled weakly, making your way over and you sat down next to her.
“Here, eat ice cream.”
She handed you a spoon and held the tub out for you.
Ella stayed for a little while until she was called away for a crime scene, and you went to get changed.
“Ah! No!”
“Ella if there’s a crime scene I need to be there.”
“Nope! Absolutely not! You’re going to stay right here and I’ll be right back over.”
Ella hugged you, and she rushed away, and you carried on eating ice cream.
You finished the tub and you went to the kitchen to get another, only to hear your front door open and you went to reach for a knife.
“Well, if I knew you were going to stab me I would have definitely thought twice about coming here.”
You sighed, setting the knife back down.
“This is breaking and entering.”
“Only if I broke the lock, it so happens Miss Lopaz gave me her key.”
“Well.. go away…”
Grabbing your tub of ice cream, you went to walk past him but he grabbed your elbow.
Because of earlier events you immediately recoiled from his touch, shuffling away from him, keeping your face turned away.
Lucifer frowned a little bit.
“(Y/N)?” He asked.
You ignored him, making your way back to the couch, sitting down and you set your ice cream on the table.
Lucifer walked over, keeping his distance from you as he crouched down at the other side of the table.
You glanced at him, and you saw he was looking disheveled, his hair wasn’t as neat as it usually was, and there was spots of blood on his shirt.
“Oh, it’s not my blood if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“What happened?”
“Well, it would appear your ex took a rather… let’s say nasty fall down the stairs of the precinct.”
You slowly nodded your head, and he slowly held out his hand, gesturing to where you were sat.
“May I?”
You nodded.
Lucifer got up, making his way back around the table to sit in front of you, and he reached up.
You flinched a little, and he hesitated.
“You know I would never hurt you..” lucifer whispered.
He moved his hand upwards, trailing his fingers along your cheek, moving some of the hair from your head.
He ran his fingers over the bandaid that covered the cut on your head, and he could see the slight blood that had came through it.
“I should have done more than throw him down those stairs…” he growled.
You locked eyes with him, and he smiled softly at you.
“You deserve so much more..” he said softly.
You shrugged a little bit.
“Hey, come on. Don’t do that to yourself, you know you deserve more, everybody knows that you deserve so much more… the whole world..”
“Don’t lie..”
Lucifer chuckled a little bit.
“I would never lie to you, you know that. Everything I’ve said is the truth.”
You sniffled a little bit.
“I.. I just don’t get it.. I don’t understand why he’d do it…”
“Because he was a prick, and he never deserved somebody with such a kind soul as yours (Y/N), and believe me there will be a special spot in hell reserved just for him after what he did to you.”
Lucifer wiped away a few of your tears that had falling from your eyes.
“Come now, don’t waste your tears for somebody so unworthy.”
Lucifer shuffled forward so he was sat on the edge of the table, and you held your arms out to him.
He moved over, sitting on the couch with you, letting you rest your head on his chest, and he placed his hand on your head, wrapping his other arm around you.
“You should never have to cry…” he whispered.
Lucifer held you as you quietly sobbed, sometimes his hand absentmindedly going to covered the wound on your head as if he could just take it away.
He couldn’t.
He knew that.
But he could sit here with you, hold you when you needed it the most, make sure that you weren’t alone right now and just remind you that you were worth so much more
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
To What We Were Before, And All The Things After | JJK | Ch. 2
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Title: Unknown Numbers and Sharp Tongues
Pairing: Prince!College Student!JK x Fine Arts Major!(F)!Reader
Series Rating//Genre: (M) | College AU, Mild Royalty AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff, S2F2L, Indiffernce to lovers, sloooowwww ass burn
Summary: You get a text from an unknown number and it flips your day upside down.
Warnings: PG13, mild swearing, arguments
Word Count: 3065
Release Date: February 2, 2023, 1:40PM
A/N 1: She’s shorter but just as important
Series: Chapter One
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It’s 12:07pm the Wednesday after the assembly. You're sitting on your bed sketching when a text vibration sounds from somewhere within the blankets crumpled beneath you. 
A pencil lead stained hand carefully snakes its way through the sheets to find your phone, and after locating it by your feet, you see a message from an unknown number waiting to be read.
Unknown Sender [12:07pm]: Hey, is this YN?
You raise a brow at the semi-suspicious text.
Normally when this happens, you just delete the message. You have everyone you're willing to speak with in your contacts already, so you know that it’s most likely spam. But the difference with this one?
They know your name. 
That being said, your guy friends back home have been known to, on occasion, pull shit because they know you can’t do anything about it. 
Though, that has never once stopped you from waiting to see them again in person and retaliating. Patience is a virtue and all that, but you think they’d of learned by now…
So you fire back, just in case.
You [12:08pm]: Hobi I s2g if this is you again I’m sending Nayeon that picture of you from 9th grade with shutter shades on and your ass stuck in a tuba 
Unknown Sender [12:08pm]: Oh wow, uhm…no, its not Unknown Sender [12:09pm]: But remind me never to get on your bad side.  Unknown Sender [12:10pm]: It’s Jungkook actually... I may have grabbed your number from Yuri’s phone. I hope it’s okay I messaged you 
As in The Prince of the Western Shores, Jungkook?
This certainly isn’t how you thought your afternoon was going to go. 
You figured you'd never hear from him again after Monday’s assembly, like everyone else he’d greeted—Yuri aside apparently. Yet here you were, on your bed, in your university dorm room, having a midday text conversation with Prince Jeon Jungkook of all people.
You laugh to yourself and quickly change his name in your contacts, keeping it subtle. You don’t want someone to see his name pop on your screen and then suddenly have a legion of people harassing you about how you got the prince's number, and if they could get it from you. 
You [12:11pm]: yeah, it’s fine
And why wouldn't it be? You don’t dislike him, though he seemed to have thought so. Sure, you don’t particularly like the guy yet, but you're confident he feels the same about you—if he even thinks of you, that is.  
He probably just wants recommendations for things to do this weekend or to know where the cleanest washrooms on campus are. God forbid his royal bottom touch a less than sanitary toilet seat.
PJK [12:13pm]: Im afraid she had to explain to me who ‘blueballzbitch’ was when I accidentally saw your text to her the other day. Apparently my reaction after reading it was very funny
You [12:13pm]: I cant believe she still hasnt changed my name in her phone! That bitch!! she promised :( You [12:14pm]: Thats only my name because i told her she couldnt bring guys back to our dorm after 1 AM anymore! 
PJK [12:14pm]: can I ask why?
You [12:15pm]: there may have been an incident of a very drunk half naked man climbing into my bed at 4 am instead of hers….  You [12:15pm]: And needless to say, not the nicest way to wake up
PJK [12:16pm]: no I would think not. Though that explains her reaction a bit better
You didn’t even want to know. 
She did kick that guy out the second she heard your scream though, drunk as she was. But it didn’t stop her from moping for a week at your new rule.
Tough, you’d had a test the next day, so your decision was final. 
Your academics wouldn’t pay the price for someone else’s actions. On that you were and always have been, firm. You’ve even lost a few friends because of it.
But now your starting to wonder why he wanted to message you in the first place.
You [12:17pm]: i dont mean to be rude, but why did you save my number? To be honest i didnt think I’d hear from you again after monday
PJK [12:18pm]: well if we’re being honest…
There are a million different ways he could follow that sentence, and your mind is simultaneously running through all of them.
It takes him a few minutes, and a couple disappearance and reappearances of the texting in progress bubble, before a reply comes. Your pencil may or may not be a bit chewed on the end as a result.
PJK [12:21pm]: I was hoping that we could be friends, or acquaintances at least. I dont mean to come on too strong, its just that…. well you’re the only one whos really treated me like a regular guy, and i’d like to have at least one person to speak to who wont ‘glaze over the truth with pretty white lies’ just because of who I am. Its a surprisingly hard attribute to come by in people when you have words like “prince” and “your highness” attached to your name PJK [12:22pm]: Everyone either wants something from me or something I can do for them, and when we met? I could see you just…didn’t. It’s like you didnt even care I was there and that was incredibly refreshing for me PJK [12:23pm]: so um, yeah… that’s why
You were expecting anything else. Like literally anything else. He could’ve messaged you saying he wanted to give up being prince to join a traveling circus and was wondering if you knew the quickest train route into town and you would’ve been less surprised than you are right now.
But…Friends? He just wanted to be friends?
You guess you played your part a little too well on Monday. A part you didn't even realize you were performing. 
Was it really so difficult for people to treat him normally that the only person who had done so in three days, was you? And it was so noticeable that he sought you out because of it? His professors, at least, would have treated him like any other student…right?
You sit up, sketch long discarded on your bedside table. 
What would Yuri think about this? What would Nel think? Jungkook isn't just some guy from your Advanced Colour Theory class, he's the prince of your kingdom. 
You know your boyfriend wouldn't care if Jungkook kissed your hand in a passing greeting, that’s the standard greeting for every woman. 
But friends? 
Regular contact? 
Potentially being seen in public with him? 
Even a high ranking societal man would feel threatened, let alone Nel; the highschool boy you fell in love with from your tiny hometown.
Biting your lip, you think. 
You’re not an idiot. You know if people see you—a girl—hanging out with Jungkook—the prince, but more importantly, a boy—publicly, they will start talking. You know how the media make grand stories from two anonymously sourced, out of context quotes and a grainy picture from 100 feet away. 
What you don’t know is if you would or even could handle the public speculation that came with that. 
You don't want the media to come between you and your education. You don’t want to be at the center of attention. You worked way too hard to get where you are to have it washed away with a shitty ‘Prince Jungkook's college fling’ article that holds headlines for less than a week before the news cycle changes. 
Your credibility would be gone in an instant. And you’d only ever be remembered as ‘that girl the prince probably slept with in college.’
You should say no.
You’re going to say no.
Are you even allowed to say no?
Your phone pings again.
PJK [12:24pm]: i really just want my university experience to be as normal as possible before having to trade it all in for a crown and kingdom. It’s my last shot to experience life as a person before becoming a symbol and im hoping youll be kind enough to help me with that  PJK [12:24pm]: but i understand if you dont want to. Like i said in my speech, im not unaware of the repercussions of my celebrity, and its effects on others, both positive and negative. So please by all means, whatever answer you give, i’ll understand
Now you’ll feel like an ass if you say no, and you know that wasn’t his intention with the message, but you can't help it. He just wants to be as ordinary as he can be for a while. That isn’t a lot to ask—of anybody. 
After re-reading his messages about a dozen more times, you find your entire view of Jungkook shifting in an instant. 
Maybe he was the spoiled, rich, and plate delivered opportunities prince you expected him to be, but funnily enough, somewhere along the way it was you who forgot that he was an regular person. Just like you had told Yuri such a short time ago, and just like you now had to remind yourself. 
Jungkook’s really not much different than someone without all the special features his title brings him.
And with that in mind, you know your reply.
You [12:30pm]: can i think about it?
And not seconds later.
PJK [12:30pm]: absolutely.
A breath you didn’t know you were holding releases.
PJK [12:31pm]: that’s already further than i thought i’d get—if we’re still being honest. 
You [12:33pm]: im always honest, you dont have to worry about that. And same goes for you, dont worry about being truthful with me. Lies only create problems, and i dont have the time for them
PJK [12:35]: glad to hear it. I look forward to your answer, whenever and whatever you decide
Gently tossing your phone back onto your bed, you leave the conversation at that. You know you wouldn’t be able to make your mind up without going through all possible outcomes in your head first. And Yuri is usually a good enough listener to pipe in with decent advice now and then. 
So, for now, you pick up your pencil and sketch pad, and wait for Yuri to return from her afternoon class. 
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A few hours later, and a decent way through your third life study, Yuri bursts through the front entryway. Your bedroom door’s open, and you’ve got a clear view of her shucking off her shoes and outer layers after casting her books onto the dining room table. 
So much for your focus. 
But you're glad she’s back, your conversation with Jungkook from earlier is still wracking your brain.
“YN, Sweets! You are NEVER going to believe the day I’ve had!” Yuri makes her way over to your bed, inhaling deeply enough you know a monologue is about to follow.
“Me too! But you first,” you slip in before the floodgates burst, knowing all her focus will be solely centered on you the second you mention Jungkook reaching out. 
“Jungkook invited me to lunch!” 
Or maybe not.
“Well sort of, that’s why I’m late getting back. He asked if there was a more secluded place to eat on campus,” she says the word like it’s a secret. Like she thinks he asked for seclusion to have it be a more intimate setting with her, versus a more private space for him. 
“So I showed him that little cafe behind the greenhouse that no one ever goes to cuz it’s too far away from central campus—you know the one that might as well just be a part of the greenhouse cuz of how close it is?” 
You nod. You were very familiar with that cafe, frequently going there to paint the flowers in the windows, and also, to think. But she doesn’t know that. It was sort of a safe haven for you, because like she said, it wasn’t a very popular place on campus, so it was quiet. 
You didn’t know Yuri even knew about it. 
Now sitting criss-crossed on the end of your bed, she continues, “Yeah, so I brought him there and we both got coffee, then I got a croissant and he got a sandwich. But YN, get this: we take. our coffee. the. same. way. Try and tell me we’re not made for one another now! Same major, same coffee, next thing you know we’ll be finding out we’d picked out the same baby names.” 
She stops to take a breath and you take your cue. “Woah there, Yurls, slow down a bit on that last one,” she makes a face at you. You ignore it. “But I think it’s great you're making a new friend that you have common interests with and are excited about,” you say, putting extra emphasis on ‘friend,’ thinking back to your conversation with Jungkook about people only ever wanting things he could give them. Surely you could subtly help your friend this way. “Just try to remember you have to be friends first before anything else happens.”
She doesn’t miss a beat. “Friends? YN please! We’re practically already dating, that’s three times in as many days he’s asked to hang out,” she closes her eyes, hugging herself. “I can almost hear the wedding bells.”
You look at her plainly and try your best not to sigh. 
She must know that this is just Jungkook taking her up on her offer, right? The one she made after seeing him off to the cafe by the biz-admin building the other day?
Before they parted ways, Yuri’d mentioned to him that if he wanted more inside knowledge or help getting around the campus he could ask her. And it made sense, having all their classes in the same area, when he said, ‘I’ll take you up on that.’
You know, because not unlike this conversation, she’d rushed home right after to tell you. 
Jungkook’s just trying to get his bearings in what is clearly still a very new experience for him and Yuri’s reading into it all wrong. 
You look at your friend who’s staring dreamily at nothing, more than likely caught up in whatever wedding scenarios of herself and Jungkook her brain is creating. 
Waving a fruitless hand in front of her face before snapping your fingers, you break her trance. “Helloooo? Earth to Yuri, come back down here please so I can talk some sense into youuuuu.” 
“I’m here,” she says, smacking your hand away playfully, gaze snapping to your less than amused one. Her smile falters at the sight. “What’s that look for?”
“Oh nothing, just that you sound like a delusional teenager instead of a functional adult at university pursuing a degree. You just met the guy three days ago and you’re already picturing your wedding together? Because you hung out over coffee twice and showed him where his classes are? He’s still a stranger, Yuri. Can’t you hear yourself?”
Her expression quickly changes to one of offense, and maybe even hurt. 
Perhaps you’d been a little too honest, but it’s not like this was new for you two. Sometimes she needed a swift blow to knock her down and she knows this, she knows you’d never intend to hurt her feelings. You always wanted what was best for her, and you know she feels the exact same way for you. 
So you’re shocked when she says, “You know you don’t have to be such a bitch about it if you’re going to be jealous,” crossing her arms defensively.
Jealous? You are anything but jealous, and you wonder why that’s where her mind jumps to first, brows scrunching in confusion.
“I’m not jealous. Have you forgotten about Nel? Boyfriend of five years, highschool sweetheart, ringing a bell?”
“Nel’s not a prince YN,” she counters in a tone so even, it’s unsettling. “And it wouldn’t be so unheard of for a woman in a relationship to be jealous of her friend who’s in one with a prince she wants for herself.” 
Oh, so that’s where she wants to go with this. She thinks that Jungkook will somehow make you forget about the five wonderful years with Nel. Like half a decade measures up to nothing if it means getting someone with a better name and a bigger paycheck. 
If she wants to get bitchy about it, so will you. 
“Yeah, well it’s a good thing you’re not dating one then, isn’t it? Don’t get so defensive when all I’m doing is trying to help you see that.”
Yuri stands dramatically from the bed, clearly pissed, and storms out of your room, grabbing her things from the dining room table.
“I’m going to my macroeconomics class. By the time I get back, either have your door closed, or don’t be here.”
She leaves as rushed as she came, and you try not to flinch at the front door slamming shut, but do anyway. 
You shove your work off to the side, bringing your knees up to rest your elbows on while the palms of your hands cover your eyes, giving yourself a moment to breathe and process. 
This isn’t the first time this has happened and it certainly won't be the last. It was a downside between your personalities. You were the anchor who kept her from soaring too high in the clouds, just like she was the helium that kept you from drowning. 
But sometimes she wanted to see the stars, and sometimes you were scared of the surface. 
Releasing a deep breath, you decide to head out, having finished school for the day anyway. You only had morning classes on Wednesdays—an intentional scheduling on your behalf to have somewhat of a break midweek. You work hard but also know that burnout can kill.
Switching out your pencils for watercolour paint trays, and your sketchpad for your watercolour paper, you decide that the greenhouse sounded great right about now, especially now that you knew Yuri wouldn’t be there. 
There isn’t a better place for you to go and blow off some steam. 
Tossing your brushes, materials, travel water and wallet in a tote, you slide on your shoes and leave the dorm. The door closes much quieter this time. 
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Chapter Three: Greenhouse Muses and Surprise Guests
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A/N 2: I’m pretty sure this is the shortest chapter in the series (so far) but as you’ve read it’s an important step so I hope that’s okay!
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dragonagitator · 7 months
How to help Karlach in your post-game fix-it fics:
Assuming you didn't skip a lot of content, we end the game at character level 12 with enough XP to be this >< close to level 13. Level 13 Clerics gain access to the 7th-level spell Regenerate, which can regrow missing body parts.
So Karlach really only needs to chill out in Avernus for like a week while we take Shadowheart out adventuring to get enough XP to level up. Then we can use Helsik's ritual to portal into Avernus and grow Karlach a new heart.
The D&D module Descent Into Avernus has a bunch of useful info on the setting if you want to write about the process of tracking down Karlach once you arrive in Avernus. Since she lived there for 10 years, if this plan is hatched before she's forced to return then she should be able to recommend a meeting spot or somewhere you can leave her a message that you've arrived. Regardless, the Infernal Rapture restaurant in the Wandering Emporium is apparently the only place in Avernus you can get a meal that doesn't taste like ash, and thus that seems like a good spot to plan to meet or wait for someone to eventually pass through.
Removing the infernal engine first to make room for the regenerated heart might be tricky, so take Dammon with you. Since it's been functioning as an artificial heart and Faerun hasn't yet developed the artificial life support technologies used during heart transplants, Karlach will almost certainly briefly die at least once during the process, so also load up on Revivify scrolls.
You may need to cast Revivify more than once if she technically dies multiple times during the process because death and resurrection in D&D aren't just biological processes; they're also recalling the soul to the body. BG3 was very generous with the time limit (IIRC it just has to be done before the next long rest), but standard D&D rules are that it must be cast within a minute of death. To be on the safe side, I'd recommend spamming Revivify once per minute until the "surgery" is complete.
Getting back out of Avernus could also be tricky, so you likely need to leave someone behind in Baldur's Gate to periodically perform the ritual to reopen the portal for your return.
(My "Modern Girl in Faerun" self-insert WIP was originally going to be just a retelling of the events of the game, but I've already got enough post-game plotlines for a sequel and I'm nowhere close to finish writing the first story yet lol. Like yes Gale I will return to Waterdeep with you, but we gotta do a thing for Karlach first. And then even once we're back from Avernus, wedding planning in Waterdeep might hit a few hiccups with the events of Dragon Heist and Dungeon of the Mad Mage unfolding in the background. Damnit, Volo, we're on our way to a cake tasting appointment, we don't have time for this shit, go recruit someone else.)
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ethereallocs · 14 days
We’re Just Friends Chp.3-Modern Au! Rhaenyra x Dornish Male Reader
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Pairing: Rhaenyra Targaryen x Dornish Fem!Male Reader (House of Blackmont) Cragen Stark x Fem!Male Reader
Content/Warning: !!🔞PLUS!! Angst, Denial, Some Sexual Content, Tension,p in a penetration ,breeding kink, unprotected sex, Smut, oral both males receiving, toxic love, LOTS of Jealousy, and a bit of a love square. (No not a triangle lmfao) guy on guy action this chapter.
Author’s Notes:The reader and Rhaenyra are going to be quite back and forth but trust that the reader isn’t necessarily waiting for her. They know where things stand with her or at least that’s what they tell themselves so in this series you will see them dating or fucking other people. *shrugs*
Chapter Three
Last night was a bit of a blur. Not to mention this hangover was tearing you up. You had a brain splitting headache and you couldn’t even sit up without feeling like you wanted to hurl. Waking up you heard giggling in the living room and you knew exactly who it was…Lydia and Rhaenyra…how could she..? After what happened last night you thought..she’d realize the two of you were meant for each other…but old habits die hard you guessed. You sighed and dragged yourself into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. Nyra gave you a knowing look and Lydia sneered at you. You rolled your eyes at the both of them and went back into your room. Plopping back into the bed you just wished you could disappear and be any where else away from here.
Your phone pinged and you saw it was your Nyra
“Look last night was a mistake…I’m sorry. It won’t happen again and I know you hate me especially after what Lydia said to you but I promise she’s gonna be better.”
You don’t even bother to respond you left her on read and let out a loud “Wowwwww!!!!” Laughing obnoxiously did she really think that was going to make you forgive her after she used you and made you feel stupid again? Just when you were about to throw your phone somewhere you got another message
Unknown number
“Hey it’s Cragen…from the club last night. Sorry I didn’t get to text you I had gotten into the find that ended everyone’s night.”
“Oh so you and some other jackass ruined the party..lol I’m just kidding, hey.”
“My apologies I had a bit too much to drink…so do you have anything planned for today? I wanted to actually hang out somewhere..maybe get to know you better.”
“No I was actually going to sleep off this headache but I’m down. Where we meeting up at?”
“I know this great spot that has brunch. I’ll send you the location.”
Okay bet I’ll meet you there.
Without another thought you hopped into the shower with the biggest smile on your face. You were excited to make a new friend…maybe more even though this thing with Rhaenyra had your brain and heart at a war with each other. It wasn’t fair and you decided that there was to be no more slip up and now it was time to find out who you were without here. After you finished your shower you did some light eye make up and let your hair dry in its natural wavy state. Now it was time to find something to wear. Looking around in your closet you found a cute baby blue crop top and a denim miniskirt with white platform boots. “Cute.” You said to yourself looking at yourself one more time before grabbing your bag and keys to head out.
Walking past Rhaenyra opened her mouth but decided not to speak you stopped noticing looking back at her almost daring her to say something. Lydia still oblivious as fuck she smiled you and you sneered. “Save that fake shit for someone who gives a fuck…you don’t like me and I don’t like you. But, I promise you have nothing to worry about. Your girlfriend and I are no longer friends apparently a disrespectful cunt is more important than me.” You gave a halfhearted smile and rolled your eyes leaving the both of them speechless and looking at each other for answers. If this was how you were to be treated you were going to make the rest of this semester extremely hard for the both of them.
You hopped into your car and pulled off. You saw the place Cragen was talking about and already knew where you were going. You and Rhaenyra use to go here all the time. It took no time for you to get there and to your surprise he was already standing there waiting for you. After parking and getting out you smiled shyly and he opened his arms for a hug which you gave him without hesitation. His arms wrapped around you and fuck was he strong the way he squeezed you…felt perfect like you belonged there while you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Hey. You look amazing as usual.” His voice deep as he inhaled your scent. You blushed and smiled “You look good too.” Once the two of you pulled away he led you to a booth and you already knew what you wanted. The waitress greeting you and giving him a menu already having brought you a mimosa knowingly.“You come here a lot, yeah?” He looked at you while he still needed to look through the menu. You smiled thinking about the many memories here with Nyra. “Yeah, this Nyra and I’s…well it was our favorite spot.” Your voice was once bubbly and excited became low with sadness. “Did…something happen between you two?”
You sighed softly. “Yeah let’s just say her girlfriend doesn’t like me and I don’t really like her either she’s always been rude to me only tolerating me when Rhaenyra was around and well a few days ago she just went off on me. Saying I was too close…and Rhaenyra defended me broke up with her…but somehow they are back together.” Cragen winced and sighed softly grabbing onto you hand from across the table. “I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N. You don’t deserve that, but if you need a new friend to pass the time with you’ve got me.” You smiled feeling the warmth of his hand, while you looked into his eyes. “I’d like that…” The two of you smiled at each other and the brunch continued with moments of silence and then an uproar of conversation. He was actually very funny and had a personality he wasn’t your basic college jock and you were grateful to have crossed paths with him.
After a while of mimosas and food you both were stuffed and feeling a bit of a buzz. You both didn’t want to leave each other’s presence so soon so you asked him to follow you home. “Want to hang at my place with me. We can watch movies?” He gave that handsome smile and agreed. “Sure, sounds like a good time.” You giggled and once he paid the tab y’all were getting into your cars so that he could follow. Now that you were back at your shared apartment. You and Cragen came inside to still see Rhaenyra and Lydia still there cuddling seeming as though they were in the middle of something. Cragen waved awkwardly, Rhaenyra spoke but she was so obviously pissed, Lydia was none the wiser and you stayed quiet walking past them into your room. “What are whore wasn’t he just with your brother?” Rhaenyra shot a look at her “What fucking business is it of yours? Come on we’re going to your place tonight.” Lydia shrunk from her attitude and was confused they were only just laughing moments ago what was her problem. “o..okay..” she whispered grabbing her things while Rhaenyra packed a quick bag before leaving.
Now the two of you were alone in the house and you went into the bathroom to change into some shorts versus the skirt. Cragen was sitting rigidly on the edge of your bed when you came back in and you smiled. “You can get comfortable, Craggy. Let’s find something to watch.” You turned on your tv and laid down pulling him up with you by the arm. “Can I lay on you?” He looked down at you and chuckled. “Sure go for it.” You laid your head on his chest and laid your thigh high sock covered leg over his waist. His rough hands grabbed underneath your knee and the other your lower back pulling you in closer. You blushed and turned twilight on and he laughed. “I love this movie but it sucks.” He laughed. “I know right terrible but a guilty pleasure of mine.” You smiled at him as things began to die down and you watched the movie.
His fingers mindlessly trailed over your exposed skin causing goosebumps to form on your skin. You sighed softly and cooed every now and then which he took notice of rather quickly. “Craggy, you ever been with a guy before?” He looked away from the screen and down at you again. “I have…” You nodded and he sat up a bit. “I know I said I was your friend…and I am truly…but I’m attracted to you, Y/N. Ever since we met last night you’ve been on my mind and I don’t want to overstep my boundaries…but being this close to you…has me hard as fuck.” Your cheeks ran red and could see the lust in his eyes. You couldn’t deny that you were attracted to him too and even felt safe with him. “You’re not overstepping…I want you too..” that’s all he needed to hear before his lips crashed into your plush ones. His hand squeezing your thigh before easing up to squeeze your round ass cheek. Your lips worked together and your tongues found each others rather quickly he groaned into the kiss and you whimpered softly as he pulled you on top of him both hands full of your ass squeezing and kneading it like dough. “Fuck, it’s so soft.” He growled biting into your neck while he thrusted up into you pressing his hard cock against you. He was gentle but rough at the same time. Something you’d never experienced before from anyone. You were all too eager to get his pants off and he didn’t stop you as you fumbled with his jeans pulling them off once you figured out the button.
You saw his cock freed from his boxers and you were shocked at how big he was…scared even. He saw the look on your face and chuckled pulling you back in. “I’m sure you can take it, baby…don’t worry I won’t ruin you yet.” You shuddered in his hold and your own erection began to press into your shorts. He took no time to rip a hole into those thin shorts that hugged every part of you just right. Your cock fell from them and he smiled grabbing on to it causing you to hiss as he squeezed your already pulsating length while his pressed against your ass cheek. He decided to flip you around now his cock was in your face and yours in his. He was too focused on your ass though. Kneading and smacking it watching it bounce with each smack. Your whimpers and moans were driving him crazy and so you grabbed onto his cock striking it slowly before licking the tip and popping it into your mouth. He exhaled softly and trembled feeling your warm and wet mouth sucking him so well. “That’s a good boy…” you trembled at those words and he spread your ass apart lapping at the entrance. You tasted so good he groaned into you biting each cheek before go back to eating and sucking on your tight hole. “oh gods…” you whimpered softly before his hand pushed your head back down. Your eyes rolled back as you continued to suck him sloppily getting him nice and wet and he began fucking your face mercilessly. “So…fucking good…” he moaned helplessly. You were taking in by his voice, his smell, his taste and the way he held you in his hands.
“You got any lube?” He asked and you nodded getting up to get it for him. He stood up and placed you against the wall he was so much more taller than you as he hovered next to you spreading your apart letting some lube drip onto your asshole and he smiled letting one of his thick fingers rub the substance into it before plunging it inside you. You gasped and moaned lowly the arch in your back deepening. “That’s it…” he praised you slowly pumping his finger into you while his face was close to your ear. “When I’m finished with you just know this is mine now.” You nodded quickly your sweet moans filling the room and soon they grew louder once he added another finger. You were so warm and tight he couldn’t wait to bury his cock into you. Your knees buckled together and he pulled his fingers from you drenching his cock in lube lining his cock up to your entrance. Holding your cheeks apart and prodding at your hole until it gave slowly pushing his cockhead in first. You hissed feeling your hole being stretched wider than normal but he was still so gentle and slow. He hummed at how tight you squeezed him and he wasn’t even already in yet.
“That’s a good baby…take it.” Fuck why did he have to talk like that. After he sat still for a while he began to thrust slowly until he was completely inside you. Picking up the pace he wrapped his arm around your throat and pulled your back against his chest pounding into you incessantly. You were losing your train of thought he was fucking into you so roughly hitting your sweet spot with every thrust of his hips and you could no longer hold yourself together. “Y/N you feel so good. You gonna let me breed this slutty hole of yours?” Your eyes rolled. “Yes….please daddy…cum in my slutty hole.” He groaned and continued to slam his cock into you his pelvis smacking into your ass echoed off the walls and he wrapped a hand around to grab onto your length. “We’re cumming together…” he spoke quickly and breathlessly as he stroked and pumped your cock as if you weren’t already overstimulated enough. “Oh my…fuckkkk…Cragen I’m gonna cum…” he chuckled so devilishly hearing those words. “Come on my sweet boy make a mess for Daddy.” Your eyes rolled and you lost it exploding all over your bedroom wall and soon his thrusts slowed down and he was filling you with his seed. Afterwards he carried you to bed and spooned with you. But that didn’t last long before he was fucking into you from the side. Let’s just say the two of you were rather busy for the rest of the night…
to be continued…
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dnofsunshine · 6 months
Digimon Secret Santa Exchange 2023: Don't blame me (you started it)
Kuga Yuuya never texted her first. Until he did.
Written for @hallowed-nebulae for the @digisecretsanta 2023 exchange! :3
a/n: i'm your secret santa and (like i said on ao3 lol) i'm not entirely familiar with the digimon world series, or i wasn't until recently, so i hope i did your two favorites, Rina & Yuuya, justice!! i've enjoyed the gameplay so far of Re:digitize Decode and i enjoyed writing these two. i hope you have a safe and merry Christmas, and happy holidays!! <333 :D
Oh, and here's my Digimon discord server if you wanna yell abt digimon with us!
Read on AO3! || Read below the cut:
Kuga Yuuya did not texted her first.
It wasn’t something subjective—it was a simple, known fact! She wasn’t sure Yuuya texted anyone first. Often, when Rina texted him, Yuuya left her (very cruelly) on read. Sometimes he left her on delivered. Which was like, extremely rude, thank you very much.
(Granted, none of those messages were because of actual emergencies, but still. Her memes were nonetheless very important and warranted a response. But Yuuya had ignored her. Because of course he did. The jerk.)
So, naturally, when Rina’s phone vibrated and pinged, and Yuuya’s contact lit up her screen, Rina gaped. She blinked, surprised, and it took several moments to register that oh yeah, she should read the message.
Hey, Yuuya had written plainly. Jeesh, and he called everyone else boring.
Yeah, the world had totally ended. Sometime in the last few minutes, the world had ended and Rina had died and gone to an afterlife where apparently Kuga Yuuya texted her first.
She debated on calling him to see what was up, but that ran the risk of scaring him off because he didn’t even text, let alone call; so Rina leaned back in her chair and did what she did best.
Rina: hey!!!! ┌( ^◡^ )┘whatcha up to???
Yuuya: Studying. You use a lot of exclamation points, Rina-san.
Rina: and u text like the heir of the gigo company lol
Yuuya: Is… that a good or a bad thing?
Rina blinked again, her lips curving into a frown. She narrowed her eyes at her screen suspiciously, and who could blame her? Since when did Yuuya care about her opinion of him?
Rina: not bad!!! was just kiddin lol (≧_≦)
Yuuya: Okay.
She sent him another text that mostly consisted of emotes and exclamation points (perhaps proving his point), and this time, it took a while for Yuuya to respond. At least a good ten minutes.
Yuuya: What about you? What’re you up to?
Okay. Wow. She peeked out her bedroom window—yep, still snowing. Which meant it was still mid-December and she was still in Japan. Maybe. Probably. If she wasn’t… did it snow in the afterlife? To what afterlife had she been sent, for Yuuya to not only respond but ask about her in return? Smug, snooty Yuuya? What the hell was even happening? She couldn’t even begin to know the answer to that. 
Instead, she answered Yuuya.
Rina: just chillin!!! not really doing much haha it’s boring w/o V.V. here tbh
Yuuya: I see.
Another pause followed. Rina stood from her chair and made her way to her bed to sprawl out, phone in hand, as she awaited the continuation of their conversation. She got bored waiting on minute three and decided she couldn’t handle the suspense anymore.
Rina: so whats up???
Yuuya: I’m studying.
Rina: well duh u said that already i meant why did u text me
Yuuya: You text me all the time.
Rina: yeah! but u like never answer soooooo
Yuuya: Sorry.
Oh good god, okay. Yuuya, apologizing? Prideful, arrogant Yuuya? Maybe she’d gone to some alternate dimension—somewhere that wasn’t the digital world—where everything was the same except for one fifteen-year-old Kuga Yuuya.
She frowned again, this time in contemplation. As she pondered how to respond, she kicked her feet idly against her bed, tapping the back of her phone case if only to keep her fingers moving.
She wondered absentmindedly if his dad scolded him or something. From what she knew, Kuga Kenzou was more insufferable than Yuuya—which, of course, made sense considering he was Yuuya’s father—so it wasn’t much of a stretch to say he wasn’t all that great of a parent.
Her chest ached inexplicably at the thought and her frown deepened.
Rina: is ur dad being a bitch
Yuuya: Huh?
Rina: ya know ur dad is he being a bitch lol
Yuuya: I don’t see what he has to do with the conversation.
Then, after about a minute:
Yuuya: Father is always being a bitch.
Rina: lol!! i believe it honestly
And because Rina was a gremlin with no sense of self-control: 
Rina: his ass must really hurt from the stick shoved in it
Yuuya: Lol.
Rina blinked once more in surprise and then grinned at her screen because this was another new thing—Yuuya laughing at a joke? A joke she made? She didn’t even know Yuuya could laugh, much less over text. She didn’t know he even had a sense of humor.
They spent the next hour or so texting, with Rina sending memes (the normal amount) and emotes (also the normal amount) and Yuuya telling her that it was, in fact, not the normal amount. Eventually, the time between Yuuya’s responses grew longer and longer, and Rina assumed that he’d averted his full attention back to studying.
Rina: ur a fun texter lol
Rina: not as fun as me obviously but still fun just sayin
She sent it without really expecting a response right away, but she was surprised yet again when the reply came in only a few minutes.
Yuuya: Wow. One person approves of my texting habits.
Rina laughed out loud. This was a fun side of Yuuya to see.
(And no, it wasn’t because she felt a little warm inside that he seemed to trust her enough to make jokes with her.)
(She didn’t feel warm inside at all.)
(Yuuya was simply growing on her.)
(Like a fungus.)
Yuuya: Is this supposed to be an honor or a shame, since the person is Rina-san?
Her laugh quickly turned into a scandalized gasp as she stared down at her phone in offense. No, she changed her mind. Yuuya wasn’t growing on her.
“Rude,” she said aloud as if he could hear her, without any hint of fondness in her voice. None at all. "Yer such a punk."
Oh, who was she kidding—she sent him memes, shitposts, and festive, holiday-themed selfies every day after that for the rest of the month. If he was pissed about it, well, he texted her first.
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maria021015 · 1 month
Part 29 of convincing you to read my Stiles x oc fanfic using dialogue from ‘Rising Tides’.
Stiles: I don’t know what I did, but I know I did something. I’m telling you, Scott. She’s mad at me. I haven’t seen her since we got back to town.
Scott: Didn’t you say her brother grounded her?
Stiles: Yeah, but it’s been two weeks and she hasn’t tried to sneak out once.
Scott: Maybe she’s just following the rules.
Stiles: (insistently showing phone) But her replies to my messages have been really weird. Look!
Scott: (hesitantly) This just looks like a normal conversation…She’s still responding to you, right?
Stiles: (sighs philosophically) Scotty boy, there’s something you gotta learn, and it’s that not all girls are like Allison. She might completely cut you off when she’s mad at you, which makes it easy for you to tell, but most of them don’t do that. Most of them - like Zaida - will tell you it’s fine when really nothing is fine, and everything is about to explode in your face! Look, there’s no pop-culture references, or little rants about movie plot holes, and it’s all grammatically correct.
Scott: (confused) Why does the grammar have anything to do with it?
Stiles: (irritably) Because, Scott, usually when she messages she gets all excited about what she has to say so she ends up making a bunch of spelling and grammatical errors. Sometimes her sentences don’t even make any sense. But these all make perfect sense. Ergo, she’s absolutely furious and plotting all the ways she’s going to completely eviscerate me when she gets un-grounded.
Scott: Has anyone ever told you that you’re unnecessarily dramatic?
Stiles: Yeah, all the time, but what does that have to do with anything?
Scott: *internally face palms*
Stiles: I texted Lydia to ask her if she knew if Zaida was okay, and she said nothing was wrong! Can you believe that?
Scott: Believe what? Doesn’t that mean that she’s fine and you’re overthinking it? (Backtracking in realisation) Wait a minute, you got Lydia’s number, and instead of gushing about that for hours you’ve been decoding Zaida’s messages like some kind of Shakespearean book?
Stiles: Okay first off, that means that Zaida’s not just upset in general, she’s just mad at me specifically, which is infinitely worse. Secondly, Shakespeare wrote plays, not books. And thirdly, YES, keep up!
Scott: Right…And are you sure you still like Lydia?
Stiles: (ranting spiritedly) Yeah, duh. What does my hopeless crush have to do with anything? I’m not talking about Lydia right now, I’m talking about Zaida, and the fact that she’s going to use her powers to cook me from the inside out like a Stiles-sized microwave dinner!
Stiles: *blinks* Oh, shit.
Scott: ‘Use her powers’? What powers? I thought she still wasn’t presenting?
Stiles: Yeah…about that…So, we kind of discovered that the reason why she didn’t turn into a werewolf when Peter bit her was because she was already something else. You know how I told you I couldn’t hang out because I was sick with the flu? Well actually, I took her to her beach house in Monterey and we found her family’s Bestiary in a secret room hidden behind a bookshelf, which told us that she comes from a long line of Nymphs.
Scott: (outraged) You guys did what? You’ve both been working on this for how long? Who else knows?
Stiles: Just us two and Lydia. Oh, and Derek kind of knows a little, I guess. Which means Isaac probably knows a bit too. (Cringes) But Allison definitely doesn’t know anything.
Scott: So Allison and I are the only two people who had no idea about any of this?
Stiles: Look, she just wanted to figure it all out before she told you guys. Or, at least, before she told you. She doesn’t want to tell Allison anything because she’s convinced she’ll get another crossbow bolt to somewhere a bit more important this time - like her face - and I’m not yet entirely sure that she’s wrong.
Stiles: Apparently, this is just the beginning of her power. Deaton thinks it can extend to being able to manipulate emotions too and project feelings onto other people.
Scott: Deaton knows too?!
Stiles: *blinks* Oh. Yeah, I forgot to mention him.
Stiles: Sorry, buddy. But hey, in our defence, you neglected to tell us that you were conspiring with Gerard and double-crossing him by slipping wolfsbane into his pills. So, I guess we’re even now.
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turesti · 2 years
Doing Something Unholy
Nessian assassin AU. Unedited rough draft & preview. Wrote this super quickly on my phone, but just wanted to at least get a preview of it out before I try writing more
It’s been 457 days since they last saw her. The last time there was a confirmed sighting left 49 dead, 123 injured, and the person that they were detailed to protect spewing blood all over the carpet. The amount of money spent by whoever bought such a massacre made bile rise up Cassian’s throat. Even worse was remembering how easily she had slipped out of his fingers.
Lady Death
The Hellcat
For a while he and the team believed that they were separate people, apparently she answered to both names easily. He had punched a wall so hard it left a dent coming back from that disaster of a peace summit that almost started a second war between the two polarized countries,. He was so close. And yet she would always be just out of his reach.
Three Years Ago
The base of nightclub’s song reverberated in his ears even as he breathed in the cold air as he stood outside the building. His head was already somewhere else when Cassian first entered the club, now it was still nowhere to be found but with a migraine too. The deep breaths had lingered in the chill in front of him. Of all the times he had actually stuck to his resolution to quit smoking. He was supposed to be clearing his head tonight, blowing off steam from another failure. His failure. None of his friends would ever say that to him, but it was the truth. It was his lead. He lost the targets. They got away.
The anger had him clenching his jaw so hard, it worsened the already skull splitting ache in his temples. He needed a better distraction. He needed to be alone from the people he loved, but honestly couldn’t help him in this moment at all. Cassian did enjoy going out dancing with friends, his family, but tonight wasn’t working. It had been the five year anniversary of when Feyre’s sister had went off the radar, Cassian knew that they had a fraught relationship to begin with, but Feyre and Elain had taken it hard when the eldest Archeron just slipped out when night and never came back home. Apparently it’s what she was good at, disappearing without leaving a trace. Rhys did everything money could buy to find her, even though he cared more about a snail than the sister who caused Feyre’s sadness, he would find her for Feyre. Nothing ever came up. Not even Azriel could find a hint of a trail that could lead up to her. She was just gone. A ghost was all that was left of Nesta Archeron.
Tensions were fraught tonight. The main two reasons being the reminder of a missing sister and a failed operation. It seemed like going out and carrying on how they usually did was the bandaid that was supposed to ease everyone. Cassian just didn’t have it in him to pretend to be jovial. He was frustrated and angry at himself, faking a smile in strobe lights was the last thing he wanted to do. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick message to Az asking to rely the message not to wait up for him, he knew out of everyone Az would understand that he needed to find peace of mind on his own tonight, without being talked out of it. Pocketing his phone back into his jeans and hands inside the worn leather jacket that kept even the dampest colds out, he made his way down the street.
The dive bar where he was currently occupying a bar stool was not the most welcoming place to be. It was also not a huge deterrent either. A perfect in between nice enough and seedy to be comfortable in. The seats didn’t have some unknown sticky residue, but it wasn’t nearly nice enough for it to be a date night spot. There was a decent enough amount of people here. He felt like goldy locks, a bar that was just right. He was nursing a simple liquor drink, he doubt this place would even honor the request a mixed cocktail no matter how much you wanted a margarita, when he saw a flash of brilliant and cold blue.
If part of him was being honest, a large he wanted to ignore, Cassian in part couldn’t stop thinking about this morning because of how beautiful those cold eyes were. It coated his stomach in an oily feeling, but it was bare truth. The girl’s eyes were stunning. She had taken off the outer mask she normally wore, leaving a solid black half mask that covered just over her nose and conceal the rest of her face. The black mask just enhanced the brilliance of her eyes, making it difficult to look away. It was also one of the only identifiers he had of the assassin that was part the group that royally kicked their asses. He had seen her in various scuffles before, but never fully close enough for him. He wanted to take her down. Lady Death. The Hellcat. Two hours before the first bomb went off at the museum, Az was able to finally prove that Lady Death and The Hellcat were one and the same. An assassin and a thief. Whatever paid the exuberant bills he supposed. She wore a uniform at every sighting, kept virtually every noticeable feature of hers hidden, even layered masks for fucks sake. Her new nickname should have something involving ghost in it, since there was nothing tangible about her. No DNA traces, no finer details to describe her; all they had to reference her was her build, her signature masks, the hood that covered her hair, and her damn eyes. Those eyes were looking at him from across the other side of the bar now.
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polzkadotz · 2 years
wip wednesday — fem andreil Pining™ for keira (kevin) day au
do I have many, many wips at the moment? yes. But I literally spent a whole day thinking about boobs (a great day) and I wrote, on a whim, 4.6k of smut. The following day, I found plot for the smut, so now I have 5 wips instead of 4, yay? lmao
PS: I have not decided on a name for fem andreil, hence the brackets. I'm just waiting for some childhood crush to blindside me like Keira (Knightley) did. It will happen at some point, I'm sure.
[Andrew] couldn't say that she expected to see [Neil] in lacy fucking orange lingerie lounging on her bed when she opened the door to their room, but that was what she got on the following day. 
Apparently, [Neil] had clearly decided that an open sudden attack (possibly? heart attack???) was the best offence move when dealing with your own lusting for Keira Day. 
Who was right behind [Andrew]. And who looked mildly baffled when [Andrew] froze at the open door.
[Neil] only smirked at her while [Andrew] closed the door again and put a hand up to stop Keira when she opened her mouth. 
“Scram,” [Andrew] told her. 
“Go away, find somewhere else to be, get lost, skedaddle, get out of my presence,” [Andrew] fired rapidly, and Keira still only blinked back, baffled. “Scram.”
“Why?!” Keira demanded, slightly whiny. [Andrew] wanted to pinch her to make her move quicker, that knee-jerk reaction to be fucking mean, as mean as Keira was every fucking day she didn't make a move of them and only watched, hungry eyes glued on [Andrew] and [Neil] like the pervert she was, but she controlled herself. 
She was about to twist in and poke pretty deeply at one of Keira's hidden desires. Physical punishment wouldn't be necessary. 
[Andrew] stepped aside. “Go in and see what she looks like. Then tell me if you're gonna stay.”
[Andrew] saw the moment Keira understood she was being sexiled, caught the brief challenge that flashed in her eyes and was half-convinced Keira would actually do it, would open the door and join them (Finally, [Andrew] could hear [Neil] say in the back of her mind), but then.
Keira's slack hands turned into fists.
Her jaw tightened, sharper than knives, all that violent potential turned inwards. A flash of pain in her eyes that spoke of how an ocean of blood was currently inundating Keira, suffocating her. 
“Send me a message when…” she trailed off, avoiding [Andrew]'s gaze. 
I'm planning on posting it in time for kinktober because there will be Kink (so much kink aaaa), and currently I'm predicting it will be around 20k, but You Know Me, it will probably be 30k lmao
(reblogs fuel me to write faster btw ❤️)
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Chapter 3- Part 3
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So back to the outside we go! Before embarking on some level grinding for Streak, I remember seeing another cop up on Opal Bridge, north of here, who I didn’t talk to. Well, time to remedy that!
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I wonder- does that way also lead into Obsidia Park or…some other Obsidia thing? Or is it somewhere else? I guess we won’t know until later.
But for now, we’ve got other priorities. Namely, getting Streak to Riptide and Breeze’s levels to some extent! I decided to move the Quick Claw to Ritpide- not only because Riptide’s lower Speed means he can really benefit from Quick Claw, but it allows Streak’s Pickup Ability to actually…you know, do stuff.
Anyways, let’s get fighting.
One partial grinding montage later…
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Something different from the Normal-types I’ve been encountering in the grass next to Grand Hall! And a Poison-type at that, now I can be the one inflicting Poison on my enemies! Assuming I can catch it, at least.
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Aaaand success! The snake is ours! It wasn’t easy at all- it tanked Streak’s attacks and Poisoned him, but Breeze was able to come in and lower the Ekans’s HP enough to catch.
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Her name is Glare, and I’m gonna train her up alongside Streak.
And speaking of Streak- literally just when I brought up letting Pickup work, right after this fight, it procs and gives us an Oran Berry!
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I didn’t manually put it in the Bag by the way- apparently, items found with Pickup get placed into the Bag automatically. I also got a text box message after the battle that told me Streak had found an Oran Berry, which is how I knew Pickup activated at all. Both of these are very nice QOL changes made with regards to Pickup, small changes, but good!
But enough praise, back to training.
More grinding later…
Anyways, now the team looks like this:
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And with this, I think we’re good to head back into Lower Peridot Ward. Streak and Glare can get more experience from any new Trainers we run into.
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Back here again, and…look up there. Do my eyes deceive me?
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My eyes are right! The cops are gone, and 4th Street is open! We can see the rest of the ward now! What about 3rd Street- that one’s gotta be open too, right? Let’s go check. Just go down the path here, and- 
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Hey, that’s the lady who was vibing before! What, now she wants to have a fight??
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Cute Cleffa, but…”Doxy”? What the heck is a doxy? Sounds like a slur from the 1950s. Alright, hold on, lemme look this up-
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…Ah. I see. Yeah, that’s to be expected in a place like Reborn City, I suppose. Let’s just focus on the battle again.
Cleffa here tried to Encore Streak- and it did, but it Encore’d him into using Sand Attack, meaning the Cleffa’s having trouble landing any hits. Fine by me, that’ll just make things easier once the Encore ends-
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Aaaand she’s got a Panpour, yeah, okay-
The Panpour isn’t exactly more dangerous, it just keeps using Scratch, but with Streak’s attack reduced from Cleffa’s Charm earlier, it’s a bit slow-going.
And then Lindsey withdraws again, back into Cleffa!! Which keeps Charming Streak’s attack down!! But it’s FINE because Streak wins anyways!!
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For the Panpour, I’m gonna give Streak a break, let’s give Glare a try…actually, I could have just used Glare for Cleffa too, Cleffa’s a Fairy-type- oh well, too late.
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Intimidate’ll make sure Scratch doesn’t do much, so let’s just Wrap and Poison Sting in the hopes of poisoning, to deal damage bit by bit…
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And the Poison procs!! Oh, it’s so nice to be the one doing the poisoning this time.
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Ma’am, I was just walking here, you did not have to throw down like that. Listen, we respect sex workers in this house, but that doesn’t mean I wanna get ambushed into combat when I’m just trying to do some exploring in an area I thought was free of Trainers!
At any rate, back to the entrance to 3rd Street-
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And indeed, it’s open now! So let’s take a look at what’s in this newly opened area.
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And the first thing is a…sprite of some kind…? I don’t think that’s a human NPC, probably, but still…what is that?
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Oh, it’s a Teddiursa! Is this an event like what happened with Zigzagoon? I’m always willing to accept new creatures into the party!
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Uh- it…ran off? Okay, uh- bye, I guess? We’ll probably see it again, but still, weird…
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Also, more street signs, just to confirm that we are, in fact, in a whole new area with new stuff to see.
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palialaina · 10 months
You know, I thought being vaguely stressed over dating Jel was difficult.
Clearly, I need to restructure my ideas of difficult.
I almost think my less than stellar acquisition of an injury is what caused this, but jeez.
So, Hassian is definitely not good at communication. He's awkward, he's brusque, and he's a loner. I get it, I really do. But the amount of mixed messages that boy can give, I swear.
Ironically, it started with a sandwich. Which, well, I'm not going to turn down food, but he was very proud of it. Then he came by again with hide and meat for my stew, and also to tell me I wasn't supposed to be using my arm yet (As I've told every single person a garden waits on no one, and also? It was fine. Reth may or may not have smuggled me something. >.> He said Tish was too worried about me so I was just going to have to deal, and he had some for Lark too. Wonder if Lark ever got it?), and something seemed to be up, but I couldn't really get away until it was dark.
Honestly, I like his grove, and I like Bahari, so walking there wasn't too much of a hardship, but he got so offended by it!
Naturally, I went to Sifuu first. Because he's her kid, surely she had some idea of what was going on? She did not, but she pointed me at Chayne, and I won't lie, I didn't think Hassian was close to CHayne, but apparently he is! So weird.
Anyways, Chayne said he asked about courtship rituals, and seemed very determined, so he sent him to the library to read a few books. And then he told me the titles, so I asked Caleri to pull them so I could read them.
This ridiculous idiot, I swear. He was so worried that he'd ruined his chances with me by his earlier surly attitude, that he wanted something super formal, but he forgot to tell me.
Jel, in comparison, was a lot less stressful. I'd never even heard of a Night Lily before! Finding one took Dad's help! (I need to make dad a pie in thanks... I really owe him for telling me what I was looking for, and where it bloomed.)
But I think we're on the same page now. He's just... he wants it to be proper, and you know, I thought he was Earth-type personality like Zeki, but no, he's a water type like me, Jel, and Jina. He's much too... sweet if dumb to be anything else.
I told Jel, who just laughed at me, so now I'm pouting at home because it's not funny.
...okay, no, it's a little funny. Hassian is such a cat, I swear. Hopefully he won't try to ply me with too many gifts.
Although speaking of gifts, not only do I need to make pie for Dad, I should work more on the blanket I'm making for Jel. Auntie Del gave me a quilting pattern thing, and it's probably going to be terrible for my first try, but like...
Maybe he'll like it anyways?
If not, I can probably just hang it up somewhere. Use it as a doorway divider or something...
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lildoodlecat · 16 days
some complaining under the cut letsgo
so etc etc in japan doing a trip through my uni anyway this girl in our group who also has adhd is somewhere else on the spectrum that just clashes with me so bad,,
She's really loud and gets pissy easy if YOU get distracted or don't go fast enough where she wants to go and like tbh with the instance I'm thinking abt i wasn't without fault bc I did stay behind longer than I should've and (apparently) make her + the group wait for me and pay for me (not that I knew this or that anyone listened to me when I said I wasn't ready to move on) but she got soooo fucking mad at me and raised her voice (not quite yelling but. Angry) and acted like I'd killed her dog
She also didn't accept a single one of my apologies even when I acknowledged that I shouldn't have kept them waiting and only got defensive when I asked her to message me next time if I'm accidentally behind like 'you wouldnt have even seen it' and 'YOU need to be respectful of other ppls time' like!!!!! You're right if it's a group activity I shouldn't wander off forever but brooooo why are you being an asshole abt it. You didn't even try to text or call me first and no one else seemed mad when we caught up literally just her
She gets pissy with everyone else too like it's not!!! The end of the world!!!!! if someone has to catch up to us later!!!!!!!!!
She's even AWARE that she's like this but won't give anyone any grace. What just bc she doesn't take meds at all anymore me and like two other ppl who are only off ours bc of narcotic laws here should be fine????? And even for ppl who aren't working with that specific handicap I stg can she at least pretend to be patient,,,
I've reached the point where if we're splitting up and she's going somewhere specific I'm going anywhere else bc I cannot deal with being around her for long
She seems to think it's her responsibility to make sure everyone is on time and on her track and it's. Really not.
She thinks her being mean and shuffling everyone along is fun and quirky also but mmmmmmm no it's really not
Anyway. Having a banger time otherwise but imm unfriending her on LINE after this sjxkdk god i hope I don't have to run into her again
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Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool?
What did your mother study at university?
Mother didn’t attend uni.
When was the last time your living situation changed in any way?
Just a couple of months ago I moved back to live with Pater in south east England since my uni course finished.
What was the last thing you took a video of?
The last thing I personally video recorded was the struggle I faced trying to get Eras Tour tickets!
Has anyone ever tried to convert you to their religion?
Sure just the usual preachers on the street.
Are there any ways in which your childhood was highly atypical?
My madre went to work and pater stayed at home. It was atypical growing up but now I understand it’s not uncommon anymore.
What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore?
Nothing springs to mind. Maybe if friendships or relationships don't work out: I am more of the opinion that it happened for a reason and you can't control what other people do only your reaction.
Do you prefer to be around introverted or extroverted people?
Both extremes have their disadvantages but I’m leaning towards extroverts more so.
Have you ever stayed in a hostel?
Not yet.
Have you ever been somewhere where you didn’t fluently speak the local language?
What’s an interesting fact about the last person you hugged?
They’re a quadruplet.
Have you ever dated someone from a very different socioeconomic background?
Do you own a disco ball?
Were you born before or after the collapse of the Soviet Union?
What is your least favourite kind of weather?
Windy. It’s so annoying and uncomfortable to walk through and no sleep will be had on a windy night.
What was the last housework you did?
Hoovered my room.
What was the amount of the last cheque you wrote?
I have not written a cheque ever.
Do you have any home exercise equipment?
Not yet. Really want a walking pad.
What mountain range is closest to your house?
We don’t really have mountains here, they’re more hills.
Have you ever had famous neighbours?
I used to live in London and Will Poulter apparently lived in the neighbouring town but it is a stretch of the term 'neighbour'
Describe the ‘look’ you did the last time you wore makeup?
Face tilted to the light and mirror so I can see what needs taking care of.
If you got pregnant the 1st time you had sex, how old would the kid be now?
7 years old.
Have you ever polished and waxed your car?
As a kid, did you have any friends with parents who yelled a lot?
Hmm not really. Omg maybe it was my parents that yelled more than anyone else's ahhh.
If so, did you avoid going to their house because of it?
Are you competitive?
Yes I can be
Is something bothering you right now?
Yes! I started a new job at a supermarket and I don't have my uniform yet so I am just wearing my formal work clothes and it is so uncomfortable and I look so out of place.
What was your last received text message about?
My friend confirming she has downloaded the files in the google drive I shared with her.
Have you ever lived in a small community where everyone knew each other?
No but I can imagine the pros and cons and drama.
What are some of your least favorite foods?
Do you give your pets gifts and treats for their birthday/adoption day?
If I had a pet (and the money) I so would.
Has anyone ever set you up on a blind date? If so, how did it go?
Are you a procrastinator?
What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Go give dad taxation" - said to my brother and taxation is chocolate haha.
What is on your mind?
Do you have all day ?
I've started working at a supermarket and as mentioned above, I am waiting for my uniform, learning the ropes in a new environment and working in a new team where they all know each other is just a lot.
I actually want to work in law and the supermarket job is an in-between until I find something (it is brutal out on the job market). After every shift I immediately apply to more jobs, not because the supermarket is a horrible place, quite the opposite, the people are lovely and the role is fine. It's just not where I want to be.
I have been volunteering at a local charity and have been recommended to apply for a paid position helping people with their debts on behalf of a bank. So I am hoping to hear back about that next week and if I get it, I will be working there part-time.
So I will have gone from no jobs to two! I am planning for the future already and might leave the supermarket job within my probation time since I need time to apply for law roles.
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annarooma · 10 months
You know how you always feel like you've forgotten something when you leave for vacation or whatever?
Well I figured out yesterday because I was on the last pill for one of the meds I take, and because I was so sure that I had packed enough, I hadn't looked for it earlier. But I looked everywhere. In the backpack I travelled with, in my toiletry bag, even in my computer bag and nintendo bag.
It was nowhere.
And at home, it's a prescription med, so obviously I expected it to be the same here in Greece, so I was just going to resign myself to be in pain in a few days and until we go back home.
But then I got to searching because maybe Greece was different? And according to the many different sites I visited, apparently you don't have to get a prescription to get them. But to make sure, I was going to message some people who I know live or have lived in Greece, but by that time it was also like 2am, so I decided to wait until morning and ask my aunt instead.
My aunt said that she'd look for it at the pharmacy, because she was going into town either way, but apparently they aren't the most common meds here so they had to be ordered to the pharmacy from somewhere else.
But after that as well, my own family was going to go eat some souvlaki at a mall relatively close-by, and there is a pharmacy there as well, so we went there and actually got the meds there! \o/
Happy ending, now I actually do have my medicine, and I didn't really have to jump through any loops!
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