#then i had a weird heavy metal boot thing for like 6 months and it was so loud it felt like i was a droid
thepresentmic · 2 years
still into you
ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ ᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
summary: It's been 6 months since things with katsuki exploded, now he's back and you're not over him - and maybe he's not over you
contents: drabble, to be expanded (possibly), light angst, post-break up, band!au, bakugo is bad at feelings, reader isn't over him, both are stubborn, everyone else is sick of their shit, reader and shinso are like siblings, background shinkami, hopeful ending
a/n: based in the same universe/timeline as my original band!au pov and inspired by this tiktok. i know barely anything about musical instruments so if i've gotten anything wrong, pretend i didn't
it's not like this was your first time on stage. hell, you'd been front and centre at dozens of other shows before and never batted an eyelid. but it was still weird being up there without them.
without kiri bouncing about behind you with that dopey smile, or denki constantly strumming the same chord procession of his 'pre-show warm up, without-
you shake your head and hop up on the nearest equipment case, one combat booted foot rested on the edge, the other leg dangling as you tap out a rhythm against the metal with one of shinso's stolen drumsticks.
"would you loosen up, it's gonna be fine." shoto grinned and shouldered your arm, leaning back against your leg. "easy for you to say, dumbass, you've never played a show this big before." you sunk your fingers into the back of his hair and shoved his head, making him lurch forward.
shinso snatched his drumsticks from your fingers as he passed by, "you're the one that organised this show, remember?" he smirked, dropping down onto his stool and pushing his headband up and flexing his fingers in a half assed impression of you.
'"fuck him, i'll show that-" what was the phrase they used?"
Sho laughed, 'emotionally stunted asshole'.
you flipped them both off and hopped down, heading for the mic set up behind the tattered navy curtain as shouto and tetsutetsu and took their places. "i was drunk."
you heard a muffled announcement on the other side of the curtain, band name, basic intro, the usual stuff. "by the way, i invited denki and the others."
you shot him a dark glare over your shoulder. "you did what-"
"he loves me and he misses you."
you grunted, "i hate you." he just grinned, "no you don't."
the room when dark and the curtain began to fall.
"fuck it. let's do this."
it's not like he would show up anyway. it wasn't like he still cared.
fuck, you had missed this. missed the thrum of the chords under your fingers and the heavy vibrations that rocked through the floor and up your body.
it wasn't the same, but it was a start. and it had felt good. music had always been your escape and it finally felt like a piece of you was coming back. denki had pushed his way into the 4th row, and you silently cursed shinso for being right. seeing your best friend had brought a bittersweet smile to your face.
and he was alone. of course he was. fine. good. you didn't need him anyway. not anymore.
you were over it.
your buzz lasted right up to the final song, it was new and it was honest and you were glad that bastard didn't show.
it's not a walk in the park to love each other
you closed your eyes and pulled the mic off the stand, bringing it closer, waiting for the bass to drop.
why didn't he show? how could he care so little?
but when our fingers interlock, can't deny can't deny you're worth it
you open your eyes, and immediately they find a blaze of crimson right there, next to denki. everything else became a dulled sound, your eyes dropping down, confidence wavering.
right in those few seconds, it's 6 months ago and your heart is collapsing.
fuck, you weren't over it.
'cause after all this time, i'm still into you
"focus on the guitar." sho's quiet voice speaks in your ear. you turn just a little in surprise and grin as he suddenly starts to strum a loud, intense electric guitar solo over your chorus.
i should be over all the butterflies, but i'm into you. and baby even on our worst nights, i'm into you 
when you look back at the crowd that's going wild, all you can see is katsuki. he's looking at the two of you with fire in his eyes. it's a look that lets you know that maybe your story doesn't end here
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“I’ll have you know I’m breaking in a new leg!”
-Ezra Bridger, from the floor, having just fallen over.
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purityoflust · 3 years
The Smile [Jeff The Killer X Victim!Reader] [PART 2]
Jeff the killer X Victim!
WARNING: Yandere. That's it. Yandere.
I finally decided how I would write part 2 to The Smile, which is my first and most popular post on my account so far. Anyone new who has come to read this, check out my other posts as well if you'd like. I'll post more like this. I also have a Quotev account with more fanfictions.
9/12/20, 3/4 days after the top part: God, AFTER SO LONG, I FINALLY DID IT! Took me days! I'm so sorry if this is a bit lazy, it is a tiny bit rushed by the end but how would you guys feel about a detailed part 3? I'll probably go as far as a part 3 or part 4 for the final part.
The vibrations in your brain felt warm and numbing - almost like when you have a horrible migraine and you can finally feel it subsiding with your eyes closed and your fingers gently holding down onto your eyelids as if you're holding your eyes into place to prevent them from bursting out of your skull. Upon waking up you can feel cold air settling into your skin. You haven't been awake 3 minutes and you already know what you're resting on; an extremely uncomfortable metal table. You've only seen them in movies but this was real.
The sound of a singsong voice just slightly echoing through what seemed like a moderately empty room. You groaned softly as you turned your head to your right, very slowly opening your eyes. Your vision blurred in and out, which, you wanted to rub to clear it out but as you went to lift your wrists, you felt pressure around them.
Something was holding your arms down. This catches your attention, blinking multiple times while turning your head back up straight and attempting to sit up. You were hardly successful with that, struggling while grunting under your breath to pull your hands from under what seemed to be a thick rope. As you pulled harder, you sucked in your stomach out of habit before immediately coming to a halt and choking up in pain.
This whole time you were ignoring the voice that was singing eerily nearby, "You and me, always forever~"
The voice was of a male. Scratchy, shaky. Familiar.
You could feel a string of your heart pop out of place as your breath stopped. That's when you knew something was wrong, but it just doesn't add up. You gulp while your eyeballs vigorously glance around to see where the source was coming from, only to see a figure in a corner. It was doubled over and it was sitting down on a simple wooden chair. Doubling over a...table? An average male figure, nothing unique. Although, the clothing style was unusual. At least what was on the clothes. He wore a fluffy white hoodie and what seemed to be black pants and black-and-white converse. The problem wasn't the outfit, no. His hoodie was spotted and had patterns upon patterns of darkened and more fresh-looking blood splatter. He had long black hair down to his shoulders. And luckily, his back was facing you.
You were dumbfounded. How did you get here, why are you restrained, and why is there a blood covered man near you? Is that even blood? Maybe it's paint or a design? Some people do wear clothes that have different kinds of blood splatter designs on them. Hm. Or he's an actual murderer about to gut you like a fish.
You wanted to speak. You wanted to speak so badly but you just couldn't. As you parted your lips, your throat went dry while your gaze stayed locked onto the bloody male that sat before you. The singing made you shiver as you tried so hard to remember where you could have heard or seen him. Why can't you remember?
The male then turned around to look at you. His singing had come to a gentle halt. Your mouth closed as he did so, your throat going completely dry and your whole body feeling like an ice cube. You were greeted with cold blue eyes. They looked hungry and bloodthirsty, yet they held a warm affection as they looked into your traumatized eyes. It was almost comforting until you saw the rest of his face. His skin was snow white and his lips looked dry. That's when more attention is drawn to his lower jaw. He's smiling. Too big for a normal person.
That's when you realize. He has a large smile carved into his cheeks going from ear to ear while his own lips were curled within a smile as well. And that's when it hits you.
And it hits you hard.
The memories of hours prior start brutally crashing into you, flooding back into your numb brain. All of the realization replaced itself with agonizing anxiety, your heart starting to race at speeds that felt impossible. You could pass out, but something inside you kept you awake. Something about him and about this whole situation was making you dizzy. The male slowly stands and turns his body all the way to face you. He seemed deranged, yet, he had a very relaxed stance and body language.
Uncomfortable silence loomed in the air.
He kept staring at you before slowly taking steps forward. You watch him carefully as your head feels like it's spinning, which you could notice your vision blurring a little bit here and there. The silence is suddenly disturbed with the male speaking up again, choking up in giggles. "Oh my sweet Y/N, you're awake~" He cooed, now standing over you. He leaned himself down and reached his hand to your cheek, gently brushing your skin with his surprisingly soft thumb. He leaned his face closer to yours. The smell of booze, blood, & smoke overwhelmed your nostrils. Yet it didn't seem to bother you that much.
His touch almost kind of made you feel...at ease. Your heart slowed itself and your breathing went back to pace. You felt fine, somewhat, but something in your stomach was still sore. The more you stare at him, the more memories come flooding back. The more memories flooding back, the easier you fit the puzzles together.
"M-my...stomach..--" You stutter out painfully.
In response to this, the male turned his head over to your abdomen and gently rested his other hand onto your bandaged stomach, applying very gentle pressure on it as to not hurt you. It was still slightly painful, causing you to groan under your breath.
"Oh, this...I'm sorry, my sweet butterfly. I had to make sure you wouldn't get away, and you didn't! Don't worry, Jack patched you up, so you'll be just fine!"
You remember now. You remember it all. The chase, your friend, the salty kiss before what you thought was your demise.
You naturally wondered as well; who's Jack?
"Wh-.." You weakly force air out of your throat again to speak, "why am I..tied-?"
"Oh, so you wouldn't be able to get away. I knew you would run away, or struggles, so I had to make sure you wouldn't do that!"
He was right. You would run away and struggle to get out of whatever the hell kind of place you're in. Well, knowing what he looks like. He DID stab you, after all. Who knows what this sicko wants.
He lifts his hand from your stomach and turns back to you, gently placing both of his hands at each side of your face. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. So sweet and so innocent. I couldn't keep letting the others eat you up like candy. You're mine and only mine. I need to protect you."
"Wh-who- are you?" You weren't really all too scared for some strange reason now. You were pretty calm. Probably from all of the energy this is draining.
"His name is Jeff." A deep and gruff voice cuts in.
The both of you turn your heads to the door of the room where a tall figure in all black stood. He was about 6"4 wearing heavy boots, black jeans, and a black hoodie. His hair was a dark brown though while he wore a mask. The mask was a dark blue with black goo oozing from the eyesockets. He was pretty intimidating even just by standing idly like a character waiting to be loaded in.
"And I'm Jack." He continued, "I'm the one who took care of your wound."
Jack stepped closer, soon standing at the other side of the table. He stood at the left as Jeff stood at the right.
"He wouldn't stop insisting I help."
You just blink, unknowing of what to respond with. He pursed his lips under his dark mask, in his own thought for a moment while staring down at you. You seemed calm enough, and your still pretty fresh injury was gonna hold you back anyway.
"[P]-[Pronoun]'s gonna-!" He attempts to blurt out, only to be stopped by you.
"I won't."
You were untied at your wrists and ankles, allowing yourself to pull your legs up and rest your feet at the top of the table, propping your knees up. It made your stomach feel weird, but it felt kind of nose and felt like it was easing the pain. You wrapped your arms around your knees, looking around the room more. "What is this place?" You ask.
"It's a medical room."
"Huh.." You shrug it off. Your anxiety levels had died down and the more you actually think about it, this isn't the worst thing that's happened. Your life has been pretty fucked up and you have damaged relationships everywhere. Honestly, being around new people and being far away from others sounds not too bad right now. Not like anyone would care anyway.
The next few hours, you're introduced to everyone else at the Mansion. They've been so...unique and honestly, you're surprised some people and beings like them even exist. They were all equally surprised with how little fear you showed.
You actually got along with most of them.
The others have taken a liking to you and hope you hang around longer. Alone in the living room, you, Jeff, Jack, and others sit at the couches and chairs in the living room, chatting away and getting to know them as they get to know you.
You feel Jeff wrap his arms around you and place a gentle kiss on your forehead, making your heart skip a beat.
You found out Jeff has been stalking you for months at a time. Watching your every move, eliminating anyone in the way. Huh, no wonder so many people in your life kept disappearing. You...couldn't bring yourself to be upset or scared, let alone even sad. You felt kind of at ease.
And far from uncomfortable. Someone loved you. Maybe more than they should, but they love you.
You didn't even feel upset at the fact Jeff had murdered that friend earlier. I mean, you just met the guy, so he wasn't even a 'friend'? So you paid no mind to it.
If anything, you really liked the thrill of someone being obsessed with you. A serial killer being so infatuated with you. He could be so protective of you and get rid of anyone you asked him to! There's is an advantage here. You knew he could snap and probably kill you intentionally or unintentionally, but you didn't mind. You really had no one else, technically speaking. No one that really cared. Not as much as he did.
Maybe he isn't so bad.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
The Conference (Part 9)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Word Count: 3.7k Rating: T+ Warning: Some cursing Summary: It’s the evening after the keynote and they go out for a civil dinner date.
A/N: shout out to ruby @starrystarrytrouble for reminding me people actually like reading this mess 💕
After we finished up the panel I stuck around the conference hall to network whilst Ethan had ditched the crowd at the first opportunity he got, heading back to our hotel room and venturing away from the pecking vultures. To be honest, I didn’t really blame him. Everyone wanted a piece of the poor, well-endowed man. 
A couple hours later, I shuffled back into our apartment. My aching feet somehow prevailed without causing me to collapse on the odd geometric carpet floor, or ditching my heels along the way and walking barefoot like some uncultured frosh stumbling home at 3AM. Once through the heavy metal plated door, I headed straight to my room, not throwing a single pleasantry towards Ethan in the seating area. From what I could tell he was typing furiously on his laptop after nursing a scotch - the empty crystal tumbler on the table was a dead giveaway. 
The anxiety and delirium inducing stress of the day lifted the second my kinda-sweaty body collapsed onto the private armchair in my room, clutching its aqua-colored arms and sinking into the velvet cushion. Staring out at the familiar skyline my mind started to replay the happenings of the day; every little thing that happened - from the confidence I felt during our speech, to the way that asshole called me out, and how Ethan stood up for me every step of the way. How proud he was even if he relayed the sentiment in such small words. 
We survived today. We haven’t strangled each other nor suffered any little deaths. All that’s left for this trip is the tour we have tomorrow morning, and then we’ll be on our way back to Edenbrook. Back to the way things were… 
Somehow my tired and self destructive brain decided it wanted to revel in the memories of the last few days. Thinking about all the non-work things that happened this trip. Thinking of all the words shared, and the blast from the past. And the revelation that little adventure birthed. 
Fuck me...
Things are weird. Like, so weird. I don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m even thinking this… but I miss him. Today showed me how great we are together! Professionally and as friends. We’re the dynamic duo: Ramsey and his Rookie. His. I - 
I need to stop thinking that. 
I belong to myself. I do what I want when I want and with whom I want. 
And so does he. And that’s why I walked away. I’m- 
I’m still getting over him. 
While simultaneously trying to get under him… 
Thoughts wandered back to Ryan and how long it took me to get over the detrimental ‘what if’s of him. If I held on tighter and longer and didn’t get in the way of myself back then - if one thing was different - everything could be different. 
A small, revelatory gasp escaped me. 
I didn’t want things to be different. 
After eight fucking years I finally understood. 
If I didn’t love and lose Ryan I never would have found my way to Boston. To Ethan. And here - knowing what I do and having all the experiences of the last few months - I couldn’t continue a life without knowing Ethan Ramsey. 
I’m going to do whatever I can to repair our friendship. 
I changed my clothes into something not requiring heels - black skinny jeans, a blouse and my trusty Chelsea boots - and my hair pulled back into a bun. Simple, sleek, and completely me. No pomp and circumstance, or hiding behind anything. Just me, making an effort.  
With all the determination I could muster I sauntered into the living room where I assumed Ethan would still be. 
I was right; he hadn’t changed positions at all. Sitting there on the couch, his feet up on the gaudy footstool with his laptop perched on his lap, tortoise-patterned glasses framing his face, and furiously typing on the keyboard. 
“So...” I trailed awkwardly to break the tension surrounding him, leaning against the wall with my hands stuffed in my armpits. “What do you want to do for dinner?” 
“Oh,” He planted his feet on the floor and turned to face me fully, moving his laptop off of him and folding his arms in his lap. “Uh, well-”
Quickly I added, “If you’d rather eat alone it’s fine by me. I was thinking of grabbing pizza at John’s.” 
Ethan nodded in response, saying, “Sounds good.”
“Cool,” I nodded back. “You ready or…?”
“Let me grab my things,” he stood, collected his things and headed to his room.
Less than two minutes later we headed out of the apartment together, walking side by side. Though this time wasn’t like earlier. There wasn’t the blind determination and need to impress like this morning. Right now we were two people who used to know one another going out to dinner in a spectacular converted synagogue.  
For anyone who doesn’t know John’s, it’s a local family-style pizza joint. There’s three restaurants around the city and the Times Square location is by far the best. Every time I have a hot minute to spare I try to go - the stained glass and craftsmanship of the building is everything! But you don’t want to hear about that… and neither did Ethan when I tried to fill the silence during our walk with all the reasons to love this place. For some reason he preferred to barge and weave in silence. 
Lucky enough he was more chatty once we were seated. 
Our table was in the mezzanine with not much of a view besides the stone staircase in the corner and the large dome towering above. The dim lighting complimented the deep wooden table and beige upholstered seating. 
We ordered. And without the menu to keep our attention, I tried my hand at conversation once more.  
“Be honest, how did we do?”
Looking me in the eyes, ones that mirrored mine, showed such confidence and pride as he said his next words;
“You handled it well, Becca.” There was a tug at the corners of his mouth that pulled at my own. I was about to get a rare Ramsey smile - one I’ve been devoid of for far too long. 
“Dare I even say, like a natural.” 
I got to revel in the small compliment for a few moments as the server brought over our food - garlic knots, small veggie pizza, and a chef’s side salad. 
“I didn’t stutter too much or come off too young?” I couldn’t help but ask when it was just us two again. His opinion matters more than anyone else’s when it comes to my career. 
“You did.” 
“But you -” 
He cut me off, a slight shake of his big head, “You are young and this was your first keynote.” he clarified. And once more he said pridefully, “You did well.” 
After what felt like ages we shared a private smile. How he was able to bring me back into myself with a few words and stop fussing over imposter syndrome is a wonder.  
“Now eat some pizza and be happy.” 
My smile grew to a goofy one by the way he was looking at me, bemused. I refrained from sticking my tongue out and dug into a little slice of heaven. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
We dug in. Letting the flavors dance over my taste buds and make me only as happy as a New York slice could make me. No amount of fantastic sex could compare to pizza. Everything kind of disappeared - time stopped while the first bites settled in my tummy. Even Ethan looked to be enjoying it even though it’s not fancy smancy and artery clogging. 
Eventually I broke our companioned silence;
“How was lunch with Chief Fredericks?” I asked as I reached for a scrumptious ball of garlicy dough. 
The response left his lips so swiftly he didn’t even bother to look up from his plate; 
I scoffed at the non-answer answer. 
My little grumble pulled him out of his bubble and he looked over at me - those damn baby blues challenging my thoughtfully indecent outburst. I just gave him a look right back. 
Ethan rolled his eyes and reached for another slice. Cutting it up with a fork and knife like an absolute weirdo.  
“He heard about the state budget cuts. Wanted to know what I think and if I’d be open to consult every so often.” 
“And?” I probed. 
“And what? You know how I feel about the future of Edenbrook.” 
“Yes. But if it goes under, what do you think you’ll do? I mean, everyone’s going to be throwing themselves at you.” 
I shoved some greenery in my gob to keep from adding the jarring truth. 
Everyone throws themselves at you. 
But who he gives his attention to is another story.  
Ethan shrugged ever so nonchalantly, “I haven’t thought about it.” 
The cavalier way he was speaking of his life after Edenbrook had thrown me off. Ethan was never this laid-back. It just wasn’t in his nature. There’s always something for this man to stress over. And Edenbrook’s closing should be his anxiety numero uno. 
But here he was, ever so calm. 
“Are you in denial?” I said through a bite, fully anticipating another non-answer.  
The way he said it took me aback. It was inherently honest and soft. All of his jagged features were rounded and there was a dulled little twinkle in his eye. 
Yeah, something’s going on here he’s not telling me.  
“Ethan -” 
And of course he deflects by turning the conversation on me; “What are you going to do?” 
Keeping from rolling my eyes at his obvious deflection from roaming into his feelings deeper, I replied, “Transfer my residency.” 
“I…” - dammit - “don’t know.”
I haven’t really dwelled on what happens when the hospital closes. Obviously I need to finish residency if I want to be an actual practicing doctor. But the matching process can go screw itself. I don’t never ever want to do that again - all I cared about was matching with the best. And I did. So who’s the second best now? 
Is it wherever he goes?  
There’s just so much to think about, and I’d really rather not. Not until the last few nails are lined up against the coffin. 
“See,” he said with a hint of a lopsided grin, “Neither of us are ready to leave Edenbrook behind.” 
He was right. Of course he’s right. You didn’t need to be a diagnostician or even a doctor to see that we’re holding out hope of a buyout. 
I’ve just gotten to Edenbrook - only a few months into my dream career with my dream boss - and now, what? It’s all over before it even really began? No. I can’t accept that. 
There was a beat of silence as we both reached for the salad tongs, our hands brushing on accident. Both our eyes shot to bear witness to the contact, pulling us out of whatever ran wild through our thoughts and into this new, secluded moment. Everything around us dulled in the distance; the sounds swirling in the air muted and like a faint breeze. The warm lighting dimmed further, yet there was a spotlight on the salad bowl. The greens and reds and purples of the ruffage illuminated like it was the only thing that mattered. Like right now the earth was spinning just for this moment of closeness. 
Surprisingly, neither of us made a motion to move. His large hand overlapping my dainty fingers, the metal underneath the pads of my fingers warming up instantly. Electricity still coursed through me like the very first time. Except now it carried the memories of all the other times and places he set me aflame. 
I had to be the one to pull back. 
Almost, like it needed time to comprehend why the moment was intentionally ruined, the atmosphere around us began to revert back slightly. I could hear the idle chatter of those around us now. I could see the full picture of Ethan sitting across from me and all the individuals pattering around behind him. What couldn’t pretend to go back and hung off kilter was the beating in my chest - I could feel the electricity coursing through my veins and putting my heart through the ringer. 
Ethan made up for it by serving me. 
Does he know he still has such an effect on me?  
Quick! I needed to divert my thoughts off of the creeping flush and want from taking hold. So I went back to talking about work, our safe topic. 
“If you could work anywhere else in the world where would it be?” I asked.  
Ethan took a moment to think as he served himself some salad. He looked like he was actually thinking of an answer, maybe, for the first time he’s digested the hospital’s fate. 
“I think the next logical step would be the Mayo Clinic. They’re the best diagnostics in the world.” His eyes diverted back down to his plate and, after a beat, he added, “I also wouldn’t mind spending more time on missions with The WHO.”
My eyes searched his as they looked anywhere but where I was seated across from him, trying to find any sort of fault in his features. Something, anything, that I could hold onto. Nothing. Just stupid sincerity. The first fucking time in weeks he actually lets us talk about his time in the Amazon I can’t be mad at him.  
“You really enjoyed your time there, huh?” 
“It…” he hesitated, choosing his words carefully. 
We’ve wandered into emotional territory and we both needed to tread carefully. I need to remember that he was never mine, as much as I felt like his from our first kiss. Need to recall that back then everything was drawn out in plain sight. Our end was always just that - an end. I Need to forgive. And try to remember that at one point he did try to fight for me, in his round-a-bout noncommittal way, and I was the one to end things officially. 
We both need to forgive. Especially if these are the last few months we have working together. 
“Was important work and I got to make a difference in the lives of thousands of indigenous people.” Ethan took another small pause for breath. When he continued, his deep baritone voice was lower, “Even if my intentions for going were skewed, it was an opportunity of a lifetime.” 
The simplest thing to do would be to nod, or eat - distract myself - or even change the subject. To try not to dwell on the implications of the statement. But I couldn’t. My body tensed and the warmth from moments before fled completely. 
We were silent. The brutal truth of why he left stinging just as much as it did the day I found out. 
Minutes, many many minutes passed with me finding solace in sweet savory carbs and Ethan pushing things around on his plate. 
Eager to change the subject there was one other topic of the day I was endlessly curious to know more about; 
“So, what’s the deal with Dr. Schwab?” 
“Don’t.” He dismissed, his authoritative voice seeping through just a tad. Though I’d like to think he’s smart enough not to use it with me outside of Edenbrook.  
“If you don’t tell me I’ll be forced to fabricate my own. I’m feeling a one-night stand gone wrong.” 
He looked back down at his food. 
“Oh my god, I’m right.” The smile that erupted literally took over my entire face. I could not hide it even if I tried.  
“Rebecca,” he tried to scold. 
“Now you have to tell me.” 
Just like earlier he turned the conversation back on me; “What’s with the frat boy?” 
“Ryan was never in a fraternity,” I responded, not hiding the grin that formed by putting Ethan in his place. “He’s a jock though.” 
He expelled a dry laugh, “I don’t think that’s any better.” He took a bite of his salad. Something radiated off of Ethan I couldn’t quite place. 
“We were close in high school,” I added for reasons I’m not quite sure why. Like that explained who Ryan was and why he came back into my life now, of all times.  
Ethan made a condescending, “mhm”. 
I rolled my eyes; “We had a thing for a while, okay.” I conceded. “We grew apart senior year, and then I went off to college. Last night was the first time we’ve spoken in, like, eight years.” 
Ethan made absolutely no reactions to the statement. Not even a stupid wiggle of his dumb perfect eyebrow. 
Is he even paying attention? 
“Now tell me about Schwab - sorry, Hilary,” I coaxed.  
Ethan’s hand flew to the bridge of his nose and up to carefully rub his eyes. 
This has gotta be good. 
I waited patiently and eagerly for this story. She couldn’t have been Ethan’s type and yet… What happened!? 
Eyes still shut tight, he grumbled, “What’s there to tell?” 
“Obviously something happened,” I couldn’t help but mock, “You slept together!” 
“Yes, and it’s something I do not like to dwell on.” 
“Sorry, buddy, but it looks like she does.” 
He groaned. Then shifted in his chair. Ethan took a long drag of his drink. And just when I figured he was going to wait this out until one of us changed the subject, he spoke; 
“A moment of weakness a few years back. And she was…” 
Ah! It’s actually happening! Ethan’s telling a salacious story! 
Shifting in my seat and placing my head in my hands to give him my full attention; My brows and smile grew as I finished the sentence for him, “Eager?” 
He scowled. 
“Jesus Christ, Ethan, just tell me what happened!” 
“I will not go into details.” 
“Fine.” I made a motion with my hand for him to continue without the juicy details. 
“Harper and I had just ended things for good not long before…” 
We ended up going back and forth for a while - Ethan not wanting to give anything up and me pulling as much as I could out of him. Long story short, Ethan was in a weird mental state after breaking up with Harper for the hundredth and final time in their six year relationship. He took up a conference opportunity to get away for two nights. Knowing how much he loves people, Ethan spent most of his time drowning his senses at the hotel bar. And low and behold, enter Hillary. 
From the sounds of it she was agreeable and very very forward. And Ethan was so lost in liquor that her voice didn’t irritate him as much as it did the next morning, and every single time they were in close proximity thereafter. Hillary had been going through a separation with her husband and needed a distraction just as bad. Really, who could blame her? Toting Ethan around would be the best revenge. 
The first night of his stay was fine - apparently the sex was satisfactory and she didn’t do anything remarkably memorable. Or so he says. I still think she looks like a squawker. He didn’t linger around long after before retreating to his hotel room. Then the next afternoon he was bored and weak and agreed to lunch. And lunch turned into drinks which turned into round two. In his room. And she didn’t leave. She wasn’t leaving. So Ethan bought an earlier plane ticket, and shook her awake before checking out. 
And every conference since she seems to want to entertain a rematch. 
“Oh my god, you’re horrible!” I exclaimed ever delightfully. This was hilarious! 
“I shouldn’t really be surprised. You flew to another continent after we slept together.” Shaking my head, a stupid little smirk on my lips I asked, “Have you ever had a one night stand before?” 
“Wha - of course I have!” 
“One’s that didn’t end up with you getting on a plane?” 
He leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. “If you must know, I’ve had my fair share in undergrad.” 
Now it was my turn to send a condescending “mhm” his way. 
We spoke longer and polished off our plates - not a single crumb remained. This was nice. Really nice getting to be close to him again and just being friends. Telling stories and exchanging playful jabs here and there. It’s how I fell for the idiot in the first place. 
Baby steps.     
Two hours after we arrived the server came over with the bill. 
She was friendly and lovely the whole meal. The best part about her style of service is that she let us just exist and didn’t check up all that often. When she did I could tell she overheard someone of the crap Ethan and I were spewing. She had one of those knowing smiles, like she was in on our jokes the entire time. 
“Can I just say, you guys are adorable,” she relayed with the brightest of smiles after setting the padfolio on the table, her hands clapping together excitedly. She looked like a child who had just met Santa Claus for the first time. 
L O L she thinks we’re together.  
At that I actually laughed out loud before informing, “We’re colleagues. In town for a conference.” 
The horror on the girl's face said it all. 
“Oh! My mistake, sorry. I can split the bill for you.” She reached for the pad where it sat in front of Ethan. 
He grabbed the black leather at the same time I spoke;  
"Nope, dinner’s on him.” I cupped a hand over my mouth and pointed a not-at-all discreet thumb towards him, “He'll get reimbursed," I laughed more to myself than anything. 
She smiles, a little relieved by my warmth, then turns to look at Ethan - silently asking permission or if it’s okay that he pays. Generally looking for some sort of direction from the old man.    
He shoots the server a look. Then forks over his credit card. 
As she saunters off, I smile at him sweetly, “Thank you.” 
Of course he rolls his eyes. But that rise in the corners of his mouth says so much more. 
A/N: sorry it’s shit. thank you for sticking with this series 💕 we’ve just got one chapter left! 
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hobiiwan · 5 years
the mandalorian with a pregnant s/o
⇒ pairing: the mandalorian x reader
⇒ summary: pretty self-explanatory
⇒ warnings: brief mentions of some nsfw spicy times
⇒ notes: based on this anon (thank you!) thought the gif would be fitting. this could potentially be extended into dad!Mando (although that’s already kind of shown in the show👀so let me know if yall are down for some MandoBaby bc i definitely am) also i kinda went overboard, but who am i if not extra
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you’re not quite sure how it happened
i mean, okay,,,,
you knOw
but you can’t seem to fathom how one day you were just you and now you’re you’re carrying a little person inside you
it comes as a surprise
even though the signs were all there
the other day, you’d snapped at mando for the tiniest thing
twenty minutes later you were practically on him
not to mention the morning sickness
thaT should’ve been your biggest red flag
yet you simply chalked it up to the fault of questionable cantina food
however, now with the pregnancy test in your hands with the double red lines mockinG you straight to your face
there’s no denying it
you’re pregnant
you hate that your first thought instantly jumps to doubt
how are you going to raise this baby?? your life was not one for a child
you would never want your child to grow up in a constant state of danger
and what would mando think??? what if he doesn’t want to keep the baby; what would you do then?
you haven’t even seen his face, how are you going to raise a child together
will the child be raised a mandalorian????
so many questions
but under it all, you were happy
you’ve always wanted a family of your own
not that baby yoda doesn’t count as your child bc it totaLLY DOES
although this isn’t exactly how you expected it to happen
you’re determined to let your baby grow up surrounded by love
you just hope mando is too
when you tell him, it’s not a big occasion
it’s another day, he’s checking the ship’s controls and you’re curled up on the seat next to him
he instantly knows something’s up
because for once, you’re quiet
you gnaw on your lip as your knee bounces up and down
the anxiety is radiating off of you and it’s starting to get to him
never one to beat around the bush, he asks, turning to your huddled form, straight to the point
“what’s wrong?”
taking a deep breath you force the words out your mouth
“i’m pregnant, mando.”
your throat burns as your eyes well with tears
he goes absolutely silent
even the usual rhythm of his breathing through his moderator goes cold
his helmet is turned towards you, but you feel as though he’s looking anywhere but at you
the second the first teardrop spills down your cheek, that’s when he finally moves
whatever was on hand is dropped as he goes to take your hands in his
“i—” he starts, continues with a waver, “do you want this?”
his voice is gentle, more so than you’ve ever heard it before
mando’s thoughts are soaring
he can’t believe this is real; you’re real
he takes a moment to thank the maker for gifting him with you, and now your baby
he swears all the planets align when you nod
you’re smiling now and even with the tear tracks drying on your cheeks, mando thinks he’s never seen anything more ethereal
his hands tighten around yours as he pulls you close to him
“but what about—how can we raise a child like this?”
at this moment, he sounds so vulnerable; so open with his fears that you can’t help but love him a little more
you press your forehead against mando’s helmet
closing your eyes, you know he does too
“we’ll find a way.”
it’s in the way that he allows you to place your hands just where his helmet meets his shoulders, fingers brushing against the sliver of exposed skin
the way his own hands are heavy against the small of your back, keeps you grounded in this moment of euphoria
he doesn’t have to say it; neither do you
the words hang in the air, unspoken yet heard
you know your baby will be loved
mando ups his protectiveness to the goDS
not one haiR on your pretty little head will be harmed on his watch
he won’t let anyone get close to you, and his awareness has been tuned to a whole new level
it’s to be expected; you know he’s just doing this because he cares
but,,, manz forgotten you can take care of yourself just fine
the first few weeks, he’s a little paranoid, to say the least
but once he sees you slam a slimeball who got a little too handsy into a wall, he relaxes a bit more
still, don’t expect to do anything on your own bc for the next 9+ months, mando’s signed up to be your new butler
most days, he’ll have everything you want on hand; whenever you have cravings, back pain, swollen ankles
he’s got u
on the days you have terrible all-day morning sickness, he’s right there holding your hair up and rubbing your back soothingly
when you slump against the toilet, you swat him away because you don’t want anyone to see you right now
he doesn’t give a flying damn
cuddles are a biG thing (which surprises both of you since you’re both quite reserved people)
most nights you’ll fall asleep to his hand tracing over your growing bump and not gonna lie,,,, it’s kinda great
unTIL your bump really starts to grow and you can no longer reach down to pull on your own boots or sleep on your back
that’s when it really hits you
by the time you get to your third trimester, you’re ready for this baby to be out of you
you can’t say you particularly enjoy feeling bloated 24/7 and not being able to frequent your beloved grimy cantinas
but you’re also really excited to meet your lil baby!
you wonder how he or she will look; like you or their father?
what will their name be? 
you probably should have planned these things out by now
but since when were you and mando known for planning?
eventually mando sets up a little nursery on the ship; baby yoda’s going to have a sibling very soon
you have yet to discuss the whole helmet issue with mando
hell, you don’t even know his real name
what you do know is that you want your child to know the face of their father
but you also know how important it is for him that his face is kept hidden
mando knows the conversation is bound to happen one way or another, yet he’s still a deer in the headlights when you bring it up
he sighs heavily, and tells you he’ll think about it (despite that usually being a half-assed answer from anyone else, you know his to be genuine)
you don’t bring it up for a while afterwards; you don’t want to push him
until one day,,,,,
you’re chilling with the Child (not your own) (yet), who’s happily cooing in your arms, when the father of your actual child comes stomping in
you blank, eyebrows furrowing in confusion; the Child mimics your expression with full emphasis on the eyes
“come again?”
he sighs, (a common occurrence nowadays)
reader, you’re exasperatinG (but in a good way)
“my name,” he tries again, “it’s dyn. dyn jarren.”
your eyes widen comically as it dawns on you; that is noT what you were expecting today
he would’ve chuckled at your expression but this was noT the time
“dyn,” you breathe out as a smile grows on your face
you like it, it’s suits him perfectly
that’s when he decides he likes his own name, if it means he can hear you say it again
you lean up to press your lips against where his own would be under the helmet
“thank you,” you murmur with a softness he still hasn’t gotten used to
suddenly mando feels ready to reveal his whOLE life story to you
this is a hugE step obviously, and you can’t help but still call him mando from time to time
force of habit :’))
but when you feel that first wave of sharp pain piercing your lower back, his name is the first thing that escapes your lips
after the first ‘oh shit’ ofc
he’s by your side within a span of ten seconds
you still manage to tease him about the cacophony of clanging metal as he runs through the ship
but then the next wave of contractions hit and you’re 200% sure you blackout (mando tells you later that you didn’t)
because the next thing you know, (6 hours later, mando says) there are about 4 medical droids around you
they’re telling you to push
you didn’t think you had it in you
mando didn’t think he had it either, as you crushed every single bone in his hand
you’re also mildly cursing him
that’s a lie, obviously
there’s a pause as you gasp for breath
you’re knackereD
suddenly there’s a little cry
the droids clean your baby up and they hand him to mando
it’s a,,,,,,, drumroll please
girl !!!!
his heart stops when the baby, your baby, meets his eyes, or rather, his helmet
at that moment, mando knows he’d do absolutely anything for this little person
he’d take his helmet off a thousand times if it meant he’d get to love her properly, the way a real father should
that’s exactly what he decides to do
within the next few days, you’re back home
one morning, you wake up, suspiciously well rested
that’s weirD,,,,
you realise your daughter never cried last night
you bolt upright as quickly as you can in your state, alarmed
motherhood is wiLD
you stumble outside, eyes darting for your baby when they land on something that makes your heart stop
there he is, dyn jarren, the mandalorian, holding your baby girl in his arms, bathed in all the glory of the binary sunrise
but that’s not what gets you
his back is turned to you, and you can see the back of his head, tufts of unruly dark brown curling around warm, bronzed skin
there are tears welling in your eyes as he turns to face you
your gaze meets his own, not the reflection you’re so used to
but his eyes, rounded and dark; the ones you see on your daughter
as soon as your face breaks into a grin, he knows he’s made the right decision
your breath hitches as his lips curl into a smile; it’s a little uncertain, a little nervous
but it’s one you know you’ll never get tired of in this lifetime
he’s taken it off.
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heysoup · 4 years
Fluffy February Day 2 - Movie Night
Reminder to follow @fluffyfebruary ​ to see the prompt list and that I’ll be using the tags #fluffyfebruary and #fluffyfeb for these.
Continuing the fics with day two! I’m super proud of this one; It’s dripping with fluff and teenage angst. Warning for potential secondhand embarrassment - they’re both idiots in love and have no idea how to show it.
Chapter 2: Films and Fears
Pairing: Butch/Male Lone Wanderer
Summary: Dealing with life in the vault can be tough, especially for an outcast like Jamie. When he befriends Butch through his G.O.A.T. assignment, however, the two make their own safe place. Butch decides to surprise him there one day with the promise of treasure, and it leads to something more than they both expect.
Ao3 Link
Jamie tosses and turns in his rat’s nest of a bed. It’s midnight – he’s too hot, the vault’s ventilation system’s groaning is echoing around him like a damn chorus, and his sheets keep scratching uncomfortably against his clammy skin. He brings his wrist close to his face to mindlessly check his Pip-Boy for the millionth time that night, his arm feeling as heavy as lead, and he squints at the fluorescent light of the screen as he taps it awake.
Though Butch showed him a few times before, it still takes him a moment to remember the right sequence of buttons to push to unlock developer’s mode and navigate to the messaging tab the other boy set up for them. It’s only been about a month since Butch found an old Pip-Boy manual in Stanley’s locker and got this trick to work, but already there’s a considerable backlog of messages between the two.
Jamie scrolls through them with the dial on his Pip-Boy, worrying the skin of his lower lip with his teeth as he reads through some of the older messages. It’s become a new habit for him on these particularly rough sleepless nights. When he’s too exhausted to write in his journal, draw, or jump around his room in an attempt to tire himself out; he talks to Butch.
If someone had told him a year ago that Butch DeLoria, his childhood bully and teenage rival, would be one of his only sources of solace these days he would have called them insane. Turns out, giving the vault’s two delinquents deadbeat jobs with no supervision and shoving them in the same closet of a studio space could make them form a pretty strange alliance. The enemy of my enemy and all of that, right?
It also doesn’t help that Amata is forever busy with her new duties as overseer’s assistant – or whatever her job title is actually called. Jamie misses her like he’s lost a part of himself, and even though he knows she’s not locked away with her father by choice he can’t help the nagging part of his brain that is convinced she abandoned him.
Butch is dealing with the same thing, though with less consequence. His fellow Tunnel Snakes are relatively busy with their new jobs – Wally as a security guard and Paul as an engineer – but they still make some time to see each other. Butch is just one of those people who needs constant attention, which is where Jamie supposes he comes in handy. He tries not to think too hard about it.
He’s is snickering to himself while he reads some messages sent a few weeks back during one of their spats, most of which were petty insults and some pretty creative curses, when a new message blips through and pulls his screen to attention.
913473: nosebleed u up?
Perfect timing, Jamie thinks, sitting up in his bed to type. The 6-digit code is what Butch called his Pip-ID – apparently every Pip-Boy comes with one coded in by default. It was weird at first, trying to memorize the numbers and calm his own paranoia at the thought of someone hacking into their conversations, but Butch said that their numbers were for their Pip-Boys alone, so Jamie trusted him. The horrible, agitated crawling under his skin that was keeping him up all night begins to fade as he replies.
604272: didja even have to ask? 913473: just say yes or no damn 604272: k. no 913473: oh fuck off
Jamie can’t help the soft laugh that escapes him, and he grins like a complete idiot down at the screen.
913473: if ur done being an ass i have somethin for us to do 913473: if u aint busy of course 913473: meet at the place? 604272: sure. be there in 10
He switches his Pip-Boy screen off and hops out of bed, stretching languorously before grabbing his jumpsuit from where he left it earlier that day in a heap on the floor. He tugs it on leg by leg and zips it up before checking himself in the mirror.
His hair is a mop of curls on his head and he does his best to smooth it down, knowing Butch will scold him for not using the correct conditioner to tame his flyaways like he showed him. The bags under his eyes are a bit darker than usual, but there’s nothing to be done about that. He shrugs to himself and turns to the door. No point in being too self-conscious about his appearance this late at night – isn’t like this is a date or anything, he tells himself.
He doesn’t bother being quiet as he leaves his room, knowing his dad would still be working at the clinic or at the very least passed out there on one of the cots. He doesn’t come home much these days.
Jamie shoves his boots on, not even bothering with socks, and peers out of the thick window into the hallway. It seems empty, so he hits the button and creeps out through the door.
The neon blue emergency lights that run along the edges of the ceiling and floor greet him when he steps out of his apartment. He shoves his hands in his pockets, a nervous habit, and peers around the corner before continuing his path. The door closes not-so-softly behind him and he walks down the hall past the restrooms that separate his and Butch’s apartments. He stops momentarily outside the door to the DeLoria’s apartment, noticing it’s dark and quiet inside.
Butch must already be down there, Jamie thinks, picking up his pace as much as he could without making too much noise. Despite the constant creaking and rumbling of the vault’s ventilation and reactor systems the halls at night could carry quite an echo, and his boots aren’t the quietest things to sneak around in.
Patrols were lax recently but knowing his luck he’d get caught breaking curfew and would have to clean the bathrooms again. He briefly regrets not wearing socks because he refuses to take his boots off and walk barefoot on the cold steel floor, even if it is quieter.
Further down the hallway and a bit past the occupied wing of apartments, Jamie stops at the top of a short set of stairs that lead down to a small corridor with one door. A large INACCESSIBLE sign glows ominously above it, and in the corner of the hallway facing the stairwell is a single security camera. It rotates at a snail’s pace, its gears clicking audibly with every circuit it makes of the dead-end hallway.
Jamie ducks down near the wall at the top of the stairs, watching the camera as he has so many times before to study its crawling path. When Butch had discovered this place, they figured out a way to tilt the camera up ever so slightly with the handle of a broom from their shop – creating about thirty seconds of a blind spot to get them from the stairs and through the door without getting caught if they hugged the left wall.
Peering down the hallways around him one more time to make sure no patrols were coming; Jamie types a quick message into his Pip-Boy.
604272: here
He waits a few moments until he hears a couple sharp raps on the metal door down the way, telling him that Butch is there whenever he’s ready. Jamie waits a few more moments and listens to the camera click back into its blind spot before he hops down the stairs, staying low and to the left as he stalks toward the door. He hits it lightly with his palm when he gets there, and it slides open. He has just enough time to duck inside, slamming his fist on the button to shut it just as he hears the security camera restart its rotation.
“You’re still gonna act like it's some big heist no matter how many times we come down here, huh?” Jamie turns around in the darkness and is met with Butch’s grin, a bottle of beer already in one of his fists. His Pip-Boy light is on, basking them in a dim green glow.
“Keeps it interesting,” he replies, punching Butch playfully on the arm. On this side of the door is a long flight of stairs and they continue further down into the pitch darkness, hands pressing along the walls for purchase with nothing but about three feet of lighting in front of them.
The emergency lights are shut off down here, along with the security cameras – probably to save power, so Jamie turns his Pip-Boy light on as well. It’s a bit brighter, but not by much. They’ve been down here enough times by now that their bodies remember how many steps there are, but Jamie always has a nagging fear in the back of his mind that one day the staircase will just keep going forever. He shakes that thought from his head, listening to the sound of their boots stomping down the steps and focusing his gaze on Butch’s free hand as it slides against the railing.
For the past month or so this has been their escape. Butch somehow figured out how to break into the door they just passed through, and they discovered a whole wing of abandoned apartments under the ones they were currently living in. So far all they had done was clear out one room that had a ratty old couch, some blankets, a broken Nuka Cola mini-fridge, and a few wooden storage crates in it. Jamie had also rigged up a small emergency generator and they were able to find some lamps to make it a little less depressing.
Most importantly, they had booze smuggled from Butch’s mom’s liquor stash, a few cartons of cigarettes they’d traded with Stevie for some chems Jamie snuck from his dad’s clinic, their collection of comic books, and Jamie’s old BB gun for when they got bored. It’s far from perfect, but it’s space, and when you’re destined to roam the same hallways with the same people for the rest of your miserable existence – that amounts to a lot.
“So, what are we actually doing?” Jamie asks as they turn into the apartment they’d claimed as their base. Butch has the generator running and the room smells thickly of his peach pomade and cigarette smoke – he must have been down here for a few hours already.
“I,” Butch begins, stopping to pull the cork out of his new bottle of beer with his teeth before spitting it on the floor and taking a swig, “am gonna show you some treasure.” He finishes with a flourish, a self-satisfied smirk on his face, and plops down onto the couch next to his discarded Tunnel Snake jacket.
Jamie snorts and pulls up a crate, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch and propping his feet up. He clicks his tongue in mock annoyance when Butch’s boots crowd his own on the small surface and, in a fruitless endeavor, they battle for leg space before giving in to sharing. It’s obvious the other boy is already a bit tipsy.
“Treasure, huh? That’s cool, I guess,” Jamie snickers, snatching the bottle of beer from Butch and downing some before he could protest. It burns in his throat and brings a comforting warmth to his chest. He continues nursing the drink and settles further back into the worn corduroy couch, his posture absolutely terrible. Butch reaches for another bottle.
“Yup.” The bottle pops open and another cork joins the pile growing on the floor. Another drink and an obnoxious burp, then Butch sits forward - feet falling to the floor, his hands on his knees, and an excited light in his eyes. His leg is bouncing incessantly.
“Listen, I was going through some rooms down here and I found an old projector – like the one Brotch has?” He glances at Jamie, blue eyes a soft, dreamy color in the low light, and Jamie can’t help but gulp at the intensity he sees there. When Butch has a plan he’s excited about, he turns into a different person – like all the stress of conforming to the monotony of vault life has washed away and he’s finally allowed to be the mischievous and passionate person hiding underneath it all. Or… something like that. Jamie’s waxing poetic again, something he can’t help but do when around Butch.
“That’s pretty cool,” is all Jamie can bring himself to breathe out as he sips on his beer. He picks at the loose threads on the arm of the couch as he tries not to think about the fact that Butch had his lips on this same bottle just a few seconds ago.
Butch deflates a bit. “Pretty cool?” he mocks, leaning closer. Okay, maybe he’s more drunk than Jamie had first thought, if the redness of his cheeks were any indication.
“Nosebleed, I found full on ho-lo-disks,” Butch emphasizes, blowing a few messy curls away from his forehead. Jamie just shrugs.
“Okay?” he begins, not seeing the big deal. They already have these things in the classroom. “What’re we gonna do, watch some lectures? Don’t tell me DeLoria wants to brush up on his studying,” he taunts.
Butch just sneers at him in response, standing up and only swaying a bit – much to Jamie’s surprise. “You have no imagination, dweeb. Stay here!” And with that, he storms out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind him.
Jamie can see the green light of his Pip-Boy flash on through the window as he walks further away into the dark.
It’s a few minutes before he comes back, and Jamie can hear the ruckus he’s causing before he sees him. He’s startled out of his comfortable position on the couch and perks up. The door slides open and Butch pushes the projector into their base on its rolling cart. One of the wheels must be rusted because its screeching like a damn rat, scraping against the metal flooring as he drags it to the center of the room. He grabs an old cardboard box from the lower shelf of the cart and slides it on the floor over to Jamie with his foot before going back to set the projector up with their tangled mess of extension cords.
Jamie picks it up and grimaces at the box – it’s a little rank and it feels crusty in some spots. “This thing is probably covered in like a hundred different types of mold,” he complains.
“Didn’t give it to ya so you could judge the box!” Butch snaps, banging the top of the projector impatiently when the power flickers. “Open the damn thing.”
Jamie places the box on the couch beside him and sits up, peeling it open to peer inside. His jaw drops in amazement at the sight – more holodisks than he’s ever seen in his life, all with unique and eye-catching, full-color illustrations on the covers. He stares at Butch in disbelief and catches the other boy staring at him, an unabashed, beaming smile on his face when he sees Jamie’s reaction. When their eyes meet, Butch clears his throat and snaps his attention back to the projector, fiddling with some dials that don’t seem to change anything.
“Cool, right?” He says, his ears turning red as he dismisses his earlier excitement with a sheepish shrug.
“It’s fucking great!” Jamie laughs and begins to rummage through the box. There are real films in here, like he’s only read about in pre-war history classes or his cheesy novels. Aside from a whole slew of superhero films starring characters like The Silver Shroud and even some of Grognak the Barbarian, there are titles that look like they’re about pre-war animals in different parts of the world, some with soldiers in power armor, some ancient recordings of sports, and what looks like a few western and sci-fi films
Butch walks back over and sits beside him, throwing his arm over the back of the couch and leaning in to look at the titles. Jamie’s breath hitches at his closeness and he can feel his cheeks heating up. He tries not to show it, leaning in ever so slightly to let their shoulders brush.
“You can pick first, my treat,” Butch says while gesturing to the patchwork sheet he’d hung up on the opposite wall of the small apartment – Butch must have stitched it together himself out of whatever excess fabric he found. It’s hanging a little crooked and the projector’s STAND BY image is a bit fuzzy, but a bubble of excitement forms in Jamie’s chest regardless. He doesn’t want to read too far into things, but Butch had found this and made it a surprise specifically for them to share. That made him feel a certain kind of way.
He blinks those embarrassing thoughts away and nods, his face warm. Looking over their choices carefully, he finally decides and picks the western – he always did have a fondness for the freedom that seemed to come with being a cowboy – and walks to the projector to pop it in and press play.
He half expects Butch to make fun of his choice, but the other boy is oddly quiet, carefully inspecting his fingernails as Jamie switches off the lamps and kicks off his boots before returning to sit cross-legged on the couch. Butch still hasn’t scooted further away or removed his arm from the back of the couch, so their knees bump and he can feel the warmth of Butch’s arm behind his neck and it sends prickles through his skin.
Only as the movie begins do they realize they don’t have any speakers hooked up – so it’s completely silent in the room other than the whirring of the film in the projector.
“I didn’t even think of that,” Butch sighs and shakes his head in disappointment. Jamie just laughs.
“It’s still cool,” he assures him. “They used to have silent movies all the time apparently – especially back in cowboy days. It’s authentic,” he purses his lips at the end, trying to do his best impression of Mr. Brotch. It seems to work because Butch cracks a grin at him and snorts.
“Sure, it’ll work for now, but I saw some terminals in another apartment down here. We can check for some speakers there later,” Butch says and then his playful grin becomes roguish. “Push comes to shove, we can just swipe one from upstairs. Who’d notice a missing speaker?”
Jamie just scoffs and elbows him, turning his attention back to the film as the title screen fades in and he reads, ‘High Lonesome.’ He didn’t bother to read what the film was about, but it opens with a group of people in a wagon on a vast desert plain with plateaus towering in the distance.
There isn’t too much to see at first, but one thing that sticks with him is the impossible vastness of the sky as the camera zooms out to show a wider view of the prairie they’re riding along. He’s seen pictures of the sky, sure, but something about watching the tiny silhouettes of people move around under it was chilling – it was huge and incredibly empty. He didn’t know if what he was feeling was amazement or terror.
Despite the film being in black and white, the shimmer of the sun on the horses’ flanks as they gallop is bright enough to seem real and Jamie is completely entranced as he watches. And, luckily enough, there seem to be subtitles, so they’ll still be able to understand what’s going on.
Jamie’s trance is momentarily broken when Butch leans down and grabs something from under the couch. He returns with a box of fancy lads which he presses into Jamie’s hands. Jamie mumbles his thanks, his eyes never leaving the picture as he tears into a package and shoves a whole powdery cake into his mouth.
Butch just laughs at him and pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. He lights one just as the young cowboy on screen does – much to Jamie’s delight – and they chuckle at the absurdity of it all.
They pass the snacks, beer, and smokes back and forth between each other as they watch their movies. When the western is over, Butch picks a film called ‘Teenage Caveman,’ saying that it has to be good because the cover has tits and a giant lizard monster on it. It ends up being the worst piece of garbage they’ve ever seen – and that’s saying a lot considering they’ve only seen one other film in their whole lives.
“That dude didn’t even look like a teenager! He had to be like thirty,” Jamie says, tossing the film into a box they decide to label ‘shit.’ According to Butch, they were like pioneers and had to record their findings, so not only were they watching the films, but they were sorting them from best to worst. As Butch had put it in his best overseer impression, they were doing future vault residents a great service and fulfilling their civic duty… by saving others from watching total pieces of trash.
“There wasn’t even a single boob,” Butch mopes, snubbing out the last of his cigarette in the cracked coffee mug functioning as their makeshift ashtray. “Talk about false advertising. The giant lizards were kinda cool, though.” Jamie smacks him upside the head.
“You wouldn’t know what a boob looked like if it smacked you in the face.”
“You take that back!” Butch laughs and tosses their snacks on the floor, lunging for Jamie who’s cackling just as hard. They’re fucking hammered at this point and they roll off the couch into a heap on the floor, knocking a crate over as they grapple at each other. They wrestle like this sometimes – it’s a great outlet for Jamie’s aggressive energy and, when they’re less drunk, Butch actually teaches him how to kick ass. Now, they’re just breathless laughs and fumbling hands as they scramble for purchase on the floor and try their damnedest to pin the other down.
Butch may be stronger on a normal day, but at the moment he’s piss-drunk compared to Jamie who still has a bit of his wits about him. He flips the taller boy over so quickly it’s almost comical and pins him, pressing his knees against his thighs and holding his wrists at his sides to stop him from getting up. He laughs triumphantly.
“What’s wrong, Butchie? You’ve never lost a fight so fast!” He grins down at the boy smugly but stops short when he sees the look on Butch’s face. It’s endearing how red his cheeks are, his hair a mess and his blue eyes wide. Butch just fixes him with those piercing baby blues.
“Don’t get cocky, Nosebleed. I let ya do it,” he says in a soft voice, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Jamie’s mouth goes dry, his eyes fixed on Butch’s unbelievably pink lips. He hates himself for how much he wants to kiss him then and without thinking he begins to lean forward. He catches himself, though, and his thoughts have him jumping off of Butch and falling back against the couch like he’s been shocked, his chest heaving. He feels dizzy and he can still smell the earthy spice of the other boy’s aftershave enveloping him like a thick haze he can’t shake.
Butch laughs and pulls himself up into a sitting position, shooting Jamie a dazzling grin from his seat on the floor. “What’s wrong, Jamie?” Butch teases, his voice only a bit slurred and a shit-eating grin creeping its way onto his face. Hearing his name come from Butch is rare and it knocks the breath out of him. All he can do is stare.
Butch clambers ungracefully back up to the couch with him, leaning awfully close and whispering, “cat got your tongue?” His breath is warm on Jamie’s face and it smells like a mixture of smoke and alcohol, something he never thought would smell so intoxicating, but of course it does – it’s Butch.
Jamie’s heart is in his fucking throat and he can’t breathe. Butch is pressed against his side and his back is against the arm of the couch. There’s nowhere for him to escape to – not that he necessarily wants to, but he was never very good with facing his feelings. Either Butch is actively trying to flirt with him or he’s fucking around, and Jamie can’t decide which one is worse.
“You’re drunk, you idiot,” Jamie laughs weakly and goes to push Butch away by the chest but stops when he feels his heart pounding under his t-shirt. The other boy’s breath hitches and his body stiffens at Jamie’s touch, his lips parting as if he were trying to think of what to say.
“So are you,” Butch finally settles with, reaching up to wrap his fingers around Jamie’s wrist. His touch almost feels like it burns. They sit like that for a moment, staring at each other, eyes like fire.
The generator chooses that moment to shut off, leaving them in pitch darkness. Out of instinct, Jamie curls his fingers into Butch’s shirt, his ears ringing at the sudden silence in the room and his breathing becoming labored. Darkness feels suffocating to him sometimes, and this is one of those moments. It lays over them like a thick blanket, and the only thing that pulls him out of his internal panic is Butch’s free hand cupping the back of his head, fingers twining through the thick, curly hair at the nape of his neck.
He doesn’t even have time to think about what Butch might be doing before he feels the press of the other boy’s lips warm against his own. Though they’re unbelievably soft, the kiss is rushed and clumsy – desperate almost – and Jamie grunts when their teeth knock together. He wastes no time returning the kiss, though, his eyes fluttering shut as he focuses on the feel of Butch’s lips against his own and the rough burn of his stubble as it brushes against his chin.
It must have just been a power surge, because suddenly the generator kicks back on and the projector screen lights up the room. Their eyes fly open and they wrench apart, still holding onto each other as if for dear life. Whatever safety they felt shrouded in the darkness is ripped away and they’re left feeling vulnerable and exposed. Jamie’s breath comes out in stutters and he dares to glance up at the other boy.
Butch’s eyes are filled with a fiery heat he can’t even describe and something akin to tenderness – which is hard for him to pinpoint since he’s never been looked at like that before. He sucks in a sharp breath. For some reason, even though he’s been dreaming of this moment for months, he just feels terrified and embarrassed – like he fucked up somehow. The panic must be written clearly on his face because Butch pulls away like he’s been slapped and falls back to the other end of the couch.
“Sh-shit, I,” Butch stutters, his hand clutching his chest where Jamie’s was a moment before, “fuck, Jamie, I didn’t mean to.” His voice cracks, sounding almost pleading. Jamie doesn’t know what to say, his mouth flapping uselessly, and it’s too much for him to handle. He doesn’t understand what his problem is. Everything in his heart is telling him to leap forward and continue kissing Butch, but he’s just too fucking scared.
“It’s fine!” He practically snaps, standing up suddenly. He’s shaking and feels clammy and he’s sure he’s as pale as a ghost – is it even possible for something good to give you a panic attack?
He glances around for his boots for a moment, but it’s still too much and he can see Butch starting to reach for him with concern in his eyes. “I have to go,” he blurts out, and he turns tail and runs.
The last thing he hears before he leaves is Butch yelling his name, but he jogs up the steps in the darkness, tripping over his own feet and bruising his knees. He knows he’s acting like a child, but he can’t bring himself to care. He is absolutely not ready to face what’s happening and he needs to be alone in his room now.
When he reaches the door, he doesn’t even stop to think about the security camera on the other side, he just slams his fist on the button and rushes out and thankfully luck is on his side this time because he can hear the camera click into the end of its circuit.
He slows down when he reaches the halls, his bare feet making a lot less noise than his boots, but fuck the floor is cold and he regrets not stopping to find his shoes. Soon he reaches his apartment, and he rushes inside, thankful to see that it’s still empty. He locks himself in his own bedroom, suddenly feeling like everything is too much, and he rips his jumpsuit off, flopping onto his bed in just his tank top and boxers and pulling the covers over his head.
He wants to scream, maybe tear his hair out a little or punch the wall. He cannot believe how badly he fucked that up. He doesn’t even know what this means for their friendship – if he had tried to make a move on Butch and the other boy ran away, he would be devastated! Would Butch even want to talk to him anymore? He worries over these thoughts for a few hours until his brain feels like jelly. The last thing he’s aware of before falling asleep is how his lips taste ever-so-slightly like the sweet mint chap stick Butch always carries around.
He wakes up later to the sound of incessant beeping coming from his wrist. He groans, rubbing his hands over his eyes and down his face. He feels like complete shit – hungover, most likely, and his head is swimming.
He looks at his Pip-Boy to check the time and realizes he’s overslept. It’s two in the afternoon and he’s late for his work assignment at the studio but if he’s being honest the thought of having to drag himself out of bed and sit in a room with Butch all day doesn’t seem as great as it used to. He can’t help it when he opens the messaging app, biting his lip as he prepares to read whatever might be there.
913473: it was a prank haha i rly got u good
That one was sent almost immediately after he’d left last night, according to the timestamp. Something about it makes his gut twist, gives him a bit of nausea. He’s not sure if he believes Butch or not. Once again, he’s not sure which is harder to deal with. Dated about an hour later there are a few more.
913473: jamie im sorry pls answer me 913473: don’t ignore me man if ur mad just come beat me up 913473: are u sleeping? damn out of all the times 913473: its k. i kno u need it. gnight
Jamie doesn’t realize he’s chewing his lip to shreds until he tastes blood, and he curses, wiping it away on the hem of his tank top. His eyes are glued to the screen, his heart thundering in his ears. Dated even later are a handful of other messages and he can tell by their contents that Butch must have kept drinking in his absence. The thought of that tugs at his heart a little – maybe he isn’t the only one who’s terrified of his own feelings and kind of a fuckup.
913473: i know ur asleeeep 913473: gdamn typing onthis shit. fcking sucks 913473: m drunk but idc. i kissed u jamie n itfucking rocked 913473: wasnt a prank. im srry. dont hate me 913473: u can hit me all u want. ill evenlet u win the fight. 913473: jsut dont hate me
Jamie groans and grabs his pillow, shoving his face into it a few times and letting out as loud of a yell as he dares. It’s not enough, but it will have to do. Breathless and flushed, he’s about to lay back down when a new message comes through and his heart leaps so high into his throat that he nearly chokes. He peeks at it over the pillow.
913473: yo you’re late dude. like super late! 913473: i figured id let u sleep off the hangover a bit but damn 913473: i aint gonna cover ur ass if the overseer comes knocking. i have enough of a headache. 913473: so get down here!!! 913473: speakin of headache i was drunk as shit last night. dont remember a thing past that crappy monster movie. so ignore whatever embarrassing crap i sent you, k? 913473: and dont tell anyone im a talkative drunk or ill pummel you, nosebleed.
Jamie looks at the messages in disbelief and flops back onto his bed, his thoughts racing. He can’t tell if Butch is lying or not – he knows even if Butch doesn’t remember there was still something different about what happened last night but fuck if he’s going to bring it up now.
He’s relieved, but also disappointed, maybe a little angry – either at himself or at Butch, he can’t tell. He’s shaking, wracked with nerves at the sudden sense that everything might change soon. He can’t handle change – can’t handle much, if he’s honest with himself, but change is the hardest of all. He curls his fingers into his hair, tugging ever so slightly and trying to resist the urge to pull it out in chunks. He’s losing himself in his worries again when another message notification shakes him out of it.
“Fuck!” he shouts, wishing he could rip his Pip-Boy off his arm and throw it away.
913473: NOSEBLEED GET THE FUCK TO WORK NOW 913473: its boring alone
Jamie feels like he’s actually going to tear his hair out, but he can’t help himself from laughing. He gives in and types out a quick response.
604272: for the love of GOD 604272: STFU 604272: im on my way now 604272: and i didn’t read ur stupid messages don’t worry. too many for me to care
He bites his lip again, his heart twisting uncomfortably in his chest as he writes out one more message.
604272: i don’t even remember much of the shitty movie lol, u know im a blackout drunk
There are a few minutes without a reply and Jamie starts to think maybe he’s fucked it up again, then more messages come through.
913473: u stupid fuckin idiot 913473: what would i do without u 913473: to pick on i mean
Jamie lets out a trembling sigh and gets out of bed, shaking himself free of his worries and tugging on his jumpsuit again. His hands are quivering, probably will be all day with the way his nerves are, but he can handle it.
It’s only as he’s going to leave does he realize he doesn’t have his shoes.
913473: i have your boots btw dumbass
Jamie is terrified of change. He’s terrified of his own emotions, especially when he can’t control them. He wishes things were simpler and he wishes he could have been born into a more agreeable body in a more agreeable time, but as he walks, shoeless, out of the apartment and to the studio space he shares with Butch, he feels a bit comforted in the fact that Butch might feel exactly the same way. Even if shit is messy and he fucks it up, Butch keeps coming back - and that’s good enough for him.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Twenty-Two
Table of Content or Chapter Twenty-One
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Words: 3K
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif
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"...It's, um..." I shimmy on a plum purple long sleeved mini-dress, and head to put my heels on as Tansy rambles, glancing around the apartment that only contains one bed and no refrigerator.
"Shitty." I blatantly finish for her and she glares at me.
"I was going to say, 'humble'." She states. "It's not as bad as what you guys lived in when you first started dating."
"He'd rather have a brand new corvette instead of a decent apartment so this is what we got because his buddy Robbin is nice enough to let us move in."
"There's not a couch. Or another bed. Where are you guys gonna sleep?" She asks, like np a concerned mother.
"He told us he'll crash on the floor and let us have the bed and he wouldn't let me or Nikki argue with him about it." I explain to her, deciding to keep unpacking while I wait for Nikki, cutting open another box of our things. "Where's Sparkles?" I ask her, getting joy from the unamused look on her face at the mispronunciation of his name.
"New Jersey. He had to go to a shoot." She tells me.
"Ah." I nod, setting my picture frames on the table.
"Speaking of shoots, I got a call last night and got some really great news." She starts, piquing my interest, and I look at her. "You are currently looking at 'Playmate of the Month: Miss December 1984'."
"Tansy, are you serious?!" I nearly drop my picture frame.
"I have my photos taken for it in the end of August." She adds, excitedly.
"Oh, my goodness, Tans." I pull her to me, hugging her tightly. "That's amazing."
"I'm kinda nervous about it." She tells me when I pull away and I furrow my brows. "Do you know how big a centerfold is? People are gonna be able to see every little detail, Viv."
"That's the point of a centerfold poster, Tansy. It's big enough to see clearly from anywhere in the room."
"I know but I'm not like a lot of the other women, ya know? I don't have perfect..." She motions her hands in the general direction of her breasts and between her legs.
"I've seen you naked up close and personal plenty of times. You are absolutely stunning. And if you're uncomfortable being naked you can tell them, 'no'."
"And be complicated and hard to work with, are you kidding me?!" She squeaks and I breathe out.
"You gotta speak up for yourself." I politely break it to her.
"Well, ya know, it's not that big of a deal, Viv." She brushes it off in a soft tone and I give her a pointed look.
"Tansy, you're more modest than I am." I state, crossing my arms.
"Well, modeling is different." She tries to convince me and I just shake my head a little.
"Okay. But just know your hands aren't tied, here. You've got to put your foot down if you're too uncomfortable with something."
"I am." She assures me. "But as of now, I'm not uncomfortable. Just nervous. And I'll be fine."
"Whatever you say." I reply, rolling my eyes as the lock in the door flips and the door opens to reveal Nikki and Robbin.
My dearly beloved is waving a pair of unfamiliar car-keys with a look on his face that mimics the satisfied look he gets when he cums.
"Hey, Tans, what're you doing here?" Nikki enthusiastically brightens up even more at the sight of her and she steps to him and is engulfed in a hug.
"I'm helping you guys move in." She replies as if it's obvious.
Robbin stays quiet until he's clearing his throat like an eager puppy, his eyes fixated on the blonde he towers an entire foot and three inches over.
"Oh, yeah. Tansy." He explains, motioning to her. "And Robbin." He tells her and hold back a chuckle at the way Robbin clumsily behaves towards her.
He goes to say, "hey", but the words are caught in his throat and he's just got this dopey smile on. His eyes might as well turn in to cartoon hearts because his expression is a dead give away that he's either about to cream his pants, about to fall in love with her, or about to fall to his knees and worship the ground she walks on.
Tansy had that affect on people.
I've always thought of her as a hybrid of Sharon Tate and Marilyn Monroe.
Beautiful, smart, funny, charmingly clumsy at times, while still managing to get exactly what she wanted, but also, an incredibly troubled individual.
She was riddled with daddy issues, beginning to develop drastic mommy issues, and was truthfully tired. But she wouldn't let anyone know she was tired.
No, out and about she was always glamorous, even if it took a few hours to get her to look it. By 1986, there was a system that had been perfected for her by her mother and management team, written down and given to Doc for when Tansy came on tour with us or visited L.A.:
1. Shower with expensive body washes to get rid of the smell of death lingering on her, and thick conditioner to get tangles out of rat-nested blonde hair
2. Apply heavy duty makeup over track marks and under eye circles, adding lots of warm toned foundation and rouge to make her skin appear healthy and glowing.
3. Comb leave in conditioner and de-tangler through her hair to ensure all naps are out of it, then style it however way is needed.
4. Pick out an outfit that covers most of her tracks, or pair a revealing outfit with big, sparkly earrings to draw attention away from them.
5. If she's wearing a skirt or shorts, she needs to wear thigh-high boots to really cover the marks on her feet and legs.
6. Finish off with expensive perfume for good measure.
Nikki thought it was weird how she could go from being in the closet with him, freebasing and shooting up, to looking completely healthy and sober in a matter of hours.
Tansy couldn't fool Nikki, not even a little bit, because they were living the same exact lie.
She once told me Nikki was the only one who'd really seen her, and she'd really seen him.
I didn't want to know what exactly it was that they saw in each other. I knew it would have broken my heart more than it already was at that time.
"It's nice to meet you." She tells Robbin, trying not to smile at the fact that he's got her hand in a strong grip and hasn't let up for twenty seconds.
"You too." He finally pulls himself out of hypnosis and lets go of her hand.
"Right, well, me and Viv got a double date with Vince and Beth, so..." Nikki cuts through the silence that falls over everyone.
"You're leaving us?" Robbin whispers to Nikki as Tansy tells me about something I can't quite hear her say because I'm not paying attention.
Nikki gives a shit-eating grin and nudges him.
"Yeah, man, use your time wisely." He replies in the same hushed tone.
"I'll kill you both." I threaten quietly, giving them a death look as Tansy finishes what she was saying.
"Viv, c'mon." Nikki insists, grasping my hand.
I grab my purse, reassuring Tansy I'll see her later if she's not here when we get home.
"We'll be back in a couple hours." He says as we step out.
"What the hell was that?" I ask him, hitting him a little and he rolls his eyes.
"It was a joke, Viv. Just chill out." He puts his arm around me. I cut my eyes but make myself relax nonetheless.
Just as we get downstairs, he's stopping me and putting his hands over my eyes.
"Nikki, I know what your corvette looks like. Black is a pretty common color scheme for you." I giggle, my fingers holding over his as he chuckles behind me and leads me out to the parking lot.
"I know, but..." He elongates the "But" for emphasis and stops us. "...do you know what your corvette looks like?"
He uncovers my eyes and I'm met with the sight of a brand new Black corvette, and a light-blue metallic corvette.
"The dude at the dealership digs our music so I got a 'buy one get one $5,000 off'." He explains and I don't know whether to hit him for spending money we really couldn't afford to spend, or say "screw dinner", take him upstairs, kick Tansy and Robbin out, and give him the best sex of his life for buying me a car.
Either way, I'm rendered speechless.
"Well?" He asks me, his hands rubbing up and down the sleeves of my arms, anxiously awaiting my answer.
I turn to face him, my hand pushing his bangs, that nearly cover his eyes, up so I can see them clearly.
I love you, I think in my mind, but my mouth speaks:
"You didn't have to do this for me." I tell him as guilt settles in my gut, knowing he blew a majority of the money he got from tour, and he takes my face between his hands, smushing it a little, before replying:
“Happy anniversary.”
I smile, and he leans down and presses his lips to mine for a second.
“Alright, I’m starving.” He says when he pulls away, putting his hand on my back to guide me to the passenger side of the car.
He opens my door for me and I’m tempted to ask who he is and what he’s done with Nikki Sixx, but decide to enjoy the out of character swoon-fishing.
It’s more Vince’s style.
We get to the out of budget restaurant that Vince has a table reserved at, and by the time we get inside, we see the blonde singer on his second glass of wine and Beth wasn’t anywhere to be found.
“Don’t you look nice?” He asks me with a smirk as we get closer.
“You do, too.” I offer back.
“Got you a water and you a wine.” He tells us.
“Where’s MacBitch?” Nikki asks as we sit across the table from him and he rolls his eyes.
“She’s getting something out of the car.” He replies. “Happy Anniversary.” He adds.
“Thanks, dude.” Nikki smiles and the waiter sits the glass of white wine in front of him and a glass of water in front of me.
“Thank you.” I tell the waiter and he steps away for a moment.
“Yeah, I’m glad you guys are still goin’ strong.” Vince continues. “I hope you can last longer than me and Beth.”
“Why do you say that?” I ask, taking my glass to take a sip of water.
“Oh, I’m telling her I want a divorce, tonight.” He casually explains and I nearly spit my water out.
“Woah.” Nikki laughs, obviously amused by this while I am horrified.
“Y-you want a divorce—how?! You haven’t even been married more than two years?” I whisper yell.
“The two year itch, Viv.” He defends himself.
“It’s seven. It’s the seven year itch, Vince, and after everything of your’s she’s put up with, you repay her with a divorce she doesn’t even see coming?”
“Hey, I thought long and hard about this and it’s what’s best for the both of us. I’m just bored and unhappy and she’s unhappy so it just makes sense.”
“Vince, this is our anniversary dinner.” I motion to Nikki. “If you announce your divorce to your wife at our anniversary dinner, so help me, God, I will kick your as—”
“Hey, baby.” Vince greets Beth as she steps to the table and she smiles.
“Sorry it took me so long, I couldn’t get my ring from between the seat and the console.” Beth explains in reference to her shining wedding ring. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost it.”
Nikki looks at me and I look at him and we both look at Vince, who’s got a smug expression on.
By the time we order our food—Salmon for me, steak for Nikki—Nikki’s telling Vince about possible concept art for the cover of the new album.
“I’m thinkin’ ‘Entertainment Death’.” Nikki explains. “Ya know, kinda have a play on light and dark elements.”
“Right, right, because entertainment is fun and lively and death isn’t.” Vince pretends to have any idea what’s going on in Nikki’s mind.
The gears are always turning.
“Exactly, man. Good shit and bad shit.” Nikki replies. “I’m already on some new songs, though, so if you have any suggestions let me know and we’ll work something up.”
“Cool, man.” Vince nods.
We get our food and eat, hearing Beth go on and on about the new apartment they just got and how she can’t wait to have kids.
My heart breaks for her. I wish I could tell her what Vince does when she’s not around, but my loyalties are with Vince, Mick, Tommy, Nikki and Tansy, and even when they’re wrong, I won’t tell anybody.
I’ll just tell them they’re wrong in private.
Just as Vince wipes his mouth with his napkin, Beth emphasizes the need for a nursery as soon as possible—which causes my own anxiety because I have yet to tell Nikki I’m nine weeks pregnant—and Vince just nods and waits for her to hush so he can talk.
I nearly fall out of my seat when Vince and Beth simultaneously reveal:
“I’m pregnant.”
“I want a divorce.”
The look of absolute horror on the both of their faces is astonishing.
“I want another glass of wine.” Nikki blatantly spews out, feeling as burdened as I do at the fact that we have to witness this.
“A divorce?!” Beth exclaims. “I tell you I’m carrying your child and you tell me you want a fucking divorce?!”
“We’re gonna head out.” Nikki tells me and I couldn’t agree more.
Just as we’re standing, though, Beth darts her venom fueled eyes my way.
“This is your fault!” She accuses and I raise my brows in confusion.
“What?” I ask.
“Will you stop being so loud?” Vince asks her, seeing people staring at us.
“You and Tansy have never liked me and have always tried to turn him against me.” She throws at me.
“I’ve never once have mentioned a divorce to him, Beth.” I argue and she rolls her jaw.
“I’ve heard everything you’ve said about me, Vivian, don’t act innocent in this.” She hisses.
“Hey! Back the fuck off.” Nikki snaps at her as I put my purse back down.
“I sure as hell hope you’ve heard everything I’ve said about you because I said it to your face, and only to your face.” I shoot back. “However, If you need a refresher on why I don’t like you: you’re uppity, bitchy, accusatory, conclusion-jumping, money-wallowing, selfish, and the only thing you’re full of, more than diet supplements, is shit. I don’t have to talk to Vince into getting tired of you and leaving because you’re perfectly capable of running him off all by yourself!”
I don’t waste another minute of my time and grab my purse just as the manager is stepping towards us to ask us to leave, before stomping out.
Nikki pays our part of the bill and meets me at the car.
“You made her cry.” He tells me, grabbing the keys and I keep my arms crossed.
“I’ll care in a couple of hours when God convicts me and forces me to call and apologize. But as of now I could give a fuck.”
“I like you like this.” He admits, grinning as we get in to the car. “You’re more...” he tries to find the words to say.
“Rabid bitch?” I ask and he thinks about it and nods.
“Yeah, kinda. It’s hot when I’m not on the receiving end.” He shrugs and I roll my eyes. “Which I like Dirty Stripper Viv, too. Hey, since it’s our anniversary, can she make an appearance?”
“She made an appearance earlier today.” I remind him, remembering how I reacted waking up to him eating me for breakfast.
“And? I like her, she’s double-jointed and lets me put it anywhere.” He winks and I rub my lips together.
“I’m really not in the mood tonight, Nikki.” I say in an over exaggerated tone and he looks at me like I’m serious.
“But, it’s our anniversary!” He’s practically pleading and I smile a little and unbuckle, leaning closer to him.
The tip of my nose brushes against his jaw as my lips ghost across his skin, my hand resting high on his thigh, causing his hands to grip the wheel until his knuckles are white.
But it’s a tease, and I’m going back to my seat within a moment, buckling back up and he glares at me.
“Just wait ‘till we get home.” He tells me and I giggle, taking a deep breath.
Once we get back to the apartment complex, he parks the car and the both of us get out.
Just as I shut the door, he’s throwing me over his shoulder, and I laugh the entire walk up the stairs to our door.
He unlocks the door and sets me down, shutting the door behind him before pushing me against it, locking his lips with mine.
His tongue collides with mine and I let out a low moan at the feeling of his hands grabbing aggressively at my hips, about to pull the fabric of my dress over my head.
“Ahh!” A sex fueled squeal flutters through the air, but it’s not coming from me.
We pull away from each other in confusion, getting quiet.
“Was that...?”
“Oh, fuck me!” Tansy cries out and I furrow my brows, now hearing skin slapping together.
“I thought she said Sparkie wasn’t here?” I ask him in a whisper and he looks at me like he hates to break something to me.
“Babe, I don’t think that’s Sparkie.” He tells me and I remember Robbin.
“Oh, hell, Tansy. No, no, no.” I say to myself, rubbing my forehead.
“At least someone’s gettin’ laid.” Nikki mumbles, quickly realizing he probably won’t be tonight after this.
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The Rehabilitation of Ava Bekker (6/12)
The bread Robin made yesterday looks beautiful when she pulls it out of the fridge to make breakfast. It’s a warm orange-red, laced with dark green herbs, sliced thick and hearty with soft crust. Ava moves alongside her. She hasn’t had breakfast before, but she thinks she’s smart enough to figure out the basics. There are four eggs in the fridge, the exact number Robin said to set aside when they collected them yesterday, and she pulls out each one to set beside the stovetop, already heating the underside of a skillet.
“How do you like your eggs?” Ava asks.
Ava dives back into the fridge for milk, and hunts down a bowl to crack the eggs and dash milk into before whisking them to uniform pale yellow like the nurse station’s countertops. They sizzle in the pan, cook quickly while she fumbles for a spatula. She’s made scrambled eggs a lot of times, but not recently. Connor liked them over easy. But this is Robin, she reminds herself, and keeps stirring as Robin toasts the bread and cuts up a few strawberries fresh from the patch outside. Everything is fragrant and Ava’s mouth waters, even though she’s never really been one for breakfast, perhaps as a result of how hard she pushed herself yesterday. It’s easy to want, and she’s allowed to have it as she serves eggs onto two plates populated by fruit and bread and love.
“I’ll try and finish the trees today,” Ava says, bringing her own plate to the small table, the strawberries running a path of juice toward her toast like it’s a race. “Then I’ll get to harvesting the peach trees, I know you said you wanted to make jam.”
“I’d rather you milk Nina first,” Robin says. “She’s fussy if you wait all day, and I want her to get used to you while I check the roost.”
Nina is the name of one of three cows currently under the care of Robin’s farm. Nina’s mother, Angie, spends most days lying in the shade and drinking water, while Nina’s calf Isaac is always happy to bounce around the pasture. In a couple more months, he’ll be off to another farm as a bull for breeding, and Robin had said that she worries how Nina will react, same as she worries that it’ll be painful the day Angie passes or needs to be put down. Put down like a racing dog on its last leg, like Connor on the OR floor. She doesn’t want to hear the sound. She doesn’t want to think about him. But her memory abuses its power to surround her in it. Ava just barely resists the urge to clap her hands over her ears and scream until it goes away.
“No problem.”
The toast is sweet and savory, warm and hearty in her mouth like more of a meal than just a piece of bread baked the night before. Paired with the eggs, it fills her up more than she’s used to this early in the morning. In a good way, though. By the time she clears her plate, strawberries included, she’s pleasantly full and ready to milk Nina. Robin gave her a basic demonstration yesterday, so she has an idea, but she’s never done this on her own before. It should be fine. She’s pretty sure it should be fine.
“Oh, and you ought to drive into town today,” Robin adds. “Get yourself a big water bottle to carry with you while you work. Passing out from dehydration or heat stroke isn’t all that fun.”
“Yeah, I’ll do that after I take care of Nina.”
Robin gives her a thumbs up and takes both their plates to the sink, leaving Ava to pull on her boots and get the clean buckets off the drying rack. Full, they’re about ten pounds each. That’ll mean Ava builds up some muscle while she’s here, which isn’t the worst thing that could possibly happen to her. She’d look good with muscle, she thinks. Be strong enough to protect herself.
She carries the buckets off to the pasture, where true to form, the cows are up and alive. Nina swishes her tail lazily against flies like buzzards, protecting both herself and Isaac. Angie is just fine on her own in the shade. Her eyes are soft and warm, welcoming, and Ava’s drawn to the idea of sitting under the tree with her and stroking her rough fur while the world carries on past them. But she’s here for Nina.
“Hey,” she says softly on her approach, the two buckets dangling beside her legs. “Morning, Nina.”
Nina eyes her warily. She shifts on her hooves. Yet, when Ava kneels in the damp grass, wetness seeping through to her knees, she stays still. Ava lays a flat palm against her flank. She can feel each breath. Nina is here, and unafraid, and doesn’t finch or move when Ava positions the first bucket and starts milking her. The sensation of milking a cow is… strange, she’ll be honest. It’s warm and squishy and the sound of the milk on the metal pail is weird. But she’s doing something with herself, and Nina trusts her to do this without believing Ava will hurt her. Ava doesn’t want to hurt people. She doesn’t try to hurt people. She just wants to be loved, and Nina loves her in less than a day. At least, she has to, if she’s so calm at being milked.
“Good girl,” she praises as the first pail fills, and she moves onto the second. Isaac doesn’t live off it anymore, but Robin’s been strict about milking her every morning and most nights in order to keep her producing. Fresh farm milk is better, she had told Ava. Ava hasn’t sampled Nina’s milk and isn’t sure she’d like to, although come to think of it, this must be the milk she put in their eggs this morning. “Good girl.”
The second pail fills just as quickly, and they’re painfully heavy as Ava carries them back to the house to be properly bottled and chilled. She’s sweating more carrying them than she did actually milking Nina, and feels like she needs a shower already. She won’t take one. There’s too much else to be done, not including needing to drive into town and buy herself a water bottle so she doesn’t get dehydrated or something. It’s an obvious purchase she should have thought of before she even got here.
It’s another simple, easy task she can accomplish without too much thought. Drive into town. Buy a water bottle. Come back. And then she’ll likely be back to planting trees, filling in the beginnings of an orchard. An orchard would be nice to have around. She sees the appeal. They can sell it along with the eggs and corn that Robin already makes a decent living off of in the city once a week. There’s town, where basics can be acquired, and the city, where business happens and there’s enough people and cameras that Ava’s nervous about going to help Robin with the stand. It may be a duty of hers, she realizes. She won’t know until the weekend comes. 
But town, town she can handle, and she brings Connor’s photo with her as well as her wallet. She doesn’t know why, but it feels like abandonment to just leave her last memory of him at home. Crackling radio, shitty AC, they keep her company on the forty-five minute drive to the store, even though she speeds for most of the time. It makes her feel alive.
Everyone in town knows each other, she realizes almost immediately. The grocer and the customers chat, call each other by name with ease. People greet each other on the street. The bike by the liquor store doesn’t have a lock on it. They’re trusting and close, so everything about her will scream outsider, that she knows the second she gets out of her truck into the hot, dry air.
She leaves Connor’s photo tucked into the center console as she walks into the general store. It’s pathetically small, with little variety, compared to the splendor she had gotten used to in Chicago. Her choices for water bottles are disposable, thermos-like, or patterned with childish characters. Connor would laugh at the third option with her. She grabs a thick metal one and goes up to the front. Ten dollars, not too bad. But as she stands in line, listening to inane banter, her eyes land on what’s behind the counter. Cigarettes, in their neat rows and bright packages. She used to smoke in med school, but gave up the habit when she graduated because the cravings made her hands shake, and a surgeon needs steady hands.
Ava isn’t a surgeon anymore. She tilts her head up bravely and finds the package of her old go-to. They’re cheaper than in Chicago, and she appreciates that. And lighters are only a dollar, so she mentally adds that to the tab.
Does Robin smoke, she wonders? She doesn’t have a smoker’s voice, and Ava didn’t see her light up at all. Possibly because she’s never felt stress like Ava has. Lucky her. But now Ava has something familiar to bring with her, something to take the sting out of the bite, and she couldn’t be more relieved.
She sets her water bottle and a black lighter on the counter. “Marlboro Red, please,” she asks, and pulls bills out of her wallet.
@sapphiccsharks @bipeteypie @bookreader525 @lovxies
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jedimanda · 6 years
May I present, DOCTOR STRANGE! Yes, I’m Mr. Cumberbatch can’t you tell?! Well I will tell you that I’m not Stephanie Strange. Who isn’t a character in the Marvel Universe but yet I get called that for some weird reason? Hmmm.. I wonder why.🤷‍♀️  #womenincosplayprobs. BUT, I digress. Let’s chat about how I made my favorite cosplay, yes I said it, MY FAVORITE COSPLAY I EVER MADE. That’s a tall order since most people would believe that my Star Wars cosplays are my favorite. Queen Amidala is right behind Strange in the “favorite costume line up of mine”. It’s all about the connection to the character. I love Doctor Strange. He is my favorite comic book character. I will say I came into this Strange dimension later than most. I’ve read some Avengers and Defenders comics before and I’ve always been intrigued by the character but never really dove into his storyline. It wasn’t until the movie in 2015 that I just fell in love with the character. I really loved that movie. So, I immediately dove into all the comics I could get. From the old 70s comics to the newest ones, I became enthralled. To show my appreciation for my new found comic love, I had to make his outfit.
I knew this build wouldn’t be a super long build (like 9 months for Amidala), but I knew I would be figuring things out along the way. The cloak was the first piece I wanted to tackle. I fabric swatched at Joann’s Fabric and on the first go, I found the exact fabric for the cloak. It was a special order upholstery fabric. More like fabric for a beautiful red couch. I needed that heavy drape looks but still have a little free flow to it. Next, I found a sensible red velvet and boom. The outer fabric has been sourced. Then, I headed over to Spoonflower.com to find the lining. Easy! Click here for the link to Spoonflower! The design was created by Shawna Lay. Thanks, Shawna!
Yippee! Fabric found. The next items I found were all the trims, cording, interfacing, and thread that I would need for the details on the cloak. I did use some pretty special interfacing for a lot of stiff parts of this whole cosplay such as the collar and shoulder padding on the vest. This stuff is pretty awesome, it’s called Super Structure Foam from the company Sew Much Cosplay. Click here to grab some and check them out.
With all the fabrics and notions for the cloak, it’s time to build. First, the draping. I did drape the cloak, so no pattern exists from me. If you are interested in finding a pattern for the cloak. Use the McCall’s 7676 Doctor Strange pattern. You can easily chop it up and use it. In my case, draping was the easiest.
Once the cloak was draped and I had the shape I wanted, I moved to the details that needed to be handsewn or machine sewed on. The collar has couching details on the back, check it out. This took some time.
From here on out it was a lot of topstitching trim and sewing on big pieces made like the shoulder pieces. Take a look.
I got creative with the trims and textures I had. Luckily Joann’s had a lot of great choices so I didn’t have to dye anything. Let’s move to the magic checkboard velvet pattern I created by accident. The cloak has these distinct velvet checkboard pieces on it. It really boggled my mind on how to get that exact design on the velvet. I thought that I would have to use chemicals to achieve that “burnout” look, so I purchased some. I really couldn’t get it to work well and I just hated dealing with it. I was using wax based chalk to draw out the designs on the velvet to establish an area for the chemicals. At one point, I made a mistake and to remove wax chalk mistake, you hit it with an iron and the chalk marks are removed. So I did that, and surprisingly a residue was left behind on the velvet causing the velvet to have a darker tone where the chalk was. GENIUS! So I grabbed my chalk and rulers then went to town.
It was pretty easy, draw out the design you want, hit it with the iron. Don’t forget to place a press cloth in between just to be safe. Turned out great!
The next couple of images are showing where I placed the checkerboard velvet pieces.
Here are some close ups of the shoulder piece creation.
With almost all my costumes, custom embroidery is added. This time, the custom parts were added to the borders of the cloak. I was able to find a blurry image of the piece online and then I cleaned it up in Adobe Illustrator, transferred it to my Embroidery design software, made it into an embroidery file, then moved it to my embroidery machine. Off it goes!
Now! It’s time to add the lining and call it done!
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Very proud of this build so far! The cloak was a task. Let’s take a break.
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I wanted to take a tiny break from sewing and work on some of the prop pieces for Doctor Strange. I was very lucky to have a great buddy from Twitter 3D print me the Eye of Agamotto (that works!), a sling ring, and the 2 triangle clasps on the cloak. SO MANY THANKS TO @JediJeremy. Seriously dude, thank you. Once I got the pieces, I painted them with gold leaf paint and then weathered with acrylic paint.
After the gold prop pieces were done, I moved to make the vest and tunic. Originally I thought I was going to completely draft these pieces with my own measurements, but I was just getting tired and I knew I could chop up the McCalls 7676 pattern to fit me just fine I made some mockups and did a lot of alterations, but it worked and fit great. If you want to use this pattern for your own Doctor Strange, go for it! Just be aware of the alterations you will have to do especially if you are trying to fit it around curves. I ended up raising the waistline up like 4-6 inches, thus also raising the hems too. Plus taking it in a lot on the sides and shoulder line.
As I stated above, I used simple linens and cotton for the fabrics. Just having the tunic and vest color is a tad different than the other. I completed the tunic using the McCalls pattern and added my own details like the striped pattern around the neckline. Those are just top stitched ribbons layered on each other. I ultimately ended up removing the zipper and just having it open. Worked better for the neckline. 
Now the vest. The details I added into my vest are some of my favorite parts of the entire outfit. The best part of that is that it was pretty simple just time-consuming. Following the pattern from McCalls and then altering to my size, I then chose an X shaped embroidery stitch on my Bernina sewing machine. With about 4 different blue colored thread, I stitched vertical line after vertical line alternating the different blue colors. Take a look.
Neat! The last thing I added to the vest was to the shoulders. I wanted a sharp shoulder with a bit of padding but not a lot. So I grabbed the super structure foam that I spoke about above, cut a should pad shape and ironed it on. Then ran some more vertical stitches through to give it a quilted look. Loved it! To finish out the vest, I added random ribbons and selvage edges of fabrics to the armhole edges. Turned out great!
OK! Almost done. The waist cincher corset was simple.
I just used McCall’s 7555 Yaya Han underbust corset. I altered it to what I needed but it worked just fine. Used some heavy black cotton fabric.
Now what’s left are the belts, cuffs, boots, and wig. I purchased two “belt” trims from Joann’s and did little to no major alts to them. The main belts were made from black yarn woven into a 5 strand braid, the other belt I purchased was some black vinyl trim woven into a 4 strand braid. BOOM! I added brown vinyl bias to the black vinyl belt on the edges then hand sewed on snaps. Next, the woven belt was a bit different. View the photos below to get a good grasp of the pattern of that particular belt. Once I figured out the shape, I created the silver ring from EVA foam coated with plasti-dip and silver paint with black weathering spots too.
The details I added next are near and dear to me. With every costume I create, I give the opportunity for anyone to become a part of my costumes via donations through the site, Ko-Fi. Any donation made to my cosplays fund, I will add your name into my outfit somewhere/somehow. For this outfit, my donators got their initials etched into the metal details on my belt. Take a look!
To finish up the belts, I took some black leather strands and wrapped the silver ring. Then I took more of the leather strands and wove it into the knitted black belt. See below
  Ok, belts are done! Move to the cuffs, these were easy in my opinion. First thing is to pattern your forearms, yes both because most people have two different sized forearms, then cut out 4 pieces of fabric with your pattern. 4 pieces because you will need to layer to make the cuffs more durable. Joann’s gets another win here because the trim pieces I found where from here too. Thanks Joann. Also, don’t forget to grab two separating zippers for your cuffs. Take a look at how I created them below, don’t be afraid to get a little haphazard with your placement.
After the cuffs where done, I then hit it with an airbrush to weather it. Anytime I can airbrush things, I’m all about it.
ARE WE DONE YET?! Nope! Hang tight, boots and wig left. My boots were super easy, basically, I purchased some cute knee high lace up boots from Amazon, then stitched on blue linen scraps. Yup, done. lol. I also airbrushed them too. Can’t stop, won’t stop. AIRBRUSH!
LAST THING! HERE WE GO. Wig time. I had the wonderful opportunity to win a seasonal sponsorship from Arda Wigs for my Doctor Strange cosplay. The sponsorship would cover my wig costs. THANKS, ARDA! So the wig and wig parts I chose are the Virginia Classic Lace Front in Dark Brown and Silver weft to tie in the sides of the wig. I actually made a Youtube tutorial video on the creation of the wig so take a peek below!
The last thing I want to add is my super awesome spell prop made by my buddy, Bubblesgal0re. If you are interested in grabbing one for yourself, shoot her an email!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me through email or any of my social media. I’m always ready to answer questions you have about your or my builds. Thank you so much for reading another long How-To blog post. I do appreciate it. My next posts will be all about my Luke Skywalker and Qi’ra build. MTFBWY ❤ Amanda
Doctor Strange photos from Alexandra Lee Studios
  Let’s get Strange. May I present, DOCTOR STRANGE! Yes, I'm Mr. Cumberbatch can't you tell?! Well I will tell you that I'm not Stephanie Strange.
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eris0330 · 7 years
Whalien 52 - Part 10
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☽M. List☾ ; 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 [END]
☽Pairing☾ ; Jungkook | Reader
☽Genre☾ ; Angst | Fluff
☽Word Count☾ ; 3.4k
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“Are you okay?”
Hani leaned over the counter, meting your gaunt face while counting the cash. A chocolate scent that matched the strands falling in slow motion upon the woodened counter, while tilting her head to align with yours. You have been closed in yourself the past week, trying not to reach out for your phone, whenever Jungkook called. You were mad at him. No, you ARE mad at him. He’s been trying to reach you since the encounter of his actions towards Jooheyon, but you didn’t let him. In fact, it hurt seeing his name dance cross the LED screen but shortly after, Nayeon would be texting about your whereabouts. Unfortunately, and luckily, they haven’t been able to meet despite the departure with Jungkook.
“Yeah I’m fine, why?”
“Come on Y/N… I’m your friend, even a stranger would have noticed your darkened expression” There was a slight doubt in her sentence, while you couldn’t quite respond to it. Her awkward poster waiting for an answer like a tiger on the hunt, you tried to compel whatever excuse laid in mind. Until, the entrance of the shop was opened by the acknowledged bell of a welcome.
“We’re closed, sorry.” Stating the obvious, you didn’t spare a look for whoever decided to bump in. As well, cursing over not locking the door as you should have done a decade before.
“Y/N, I think it’s for you” Hani’s voice was excited, yet contemplating on who was standing in the doorway. An aura of confidence and a nice smell of manhood swelled under your nose, making your hands shake. Your eyes slowly falling upon the tall figure, your excitement fell on the bottom of the pit.
“…Hey Jooheyon” A familiar smile awakened, walking further with his heavy black boots and skinny jeans. Asking Hani to take care of the money to be locked up in the safe, you walked away from the counter, demolishing the view of a ‘cashier and customer’ status.
“What are you doing here so late?” You couldn’t hide the disappointment for him, as you knew, Jooheyon has spent days trying to reach you whenever there wasn’t anyone besides him in class. Were you expecting someone else?
“You haven’t been coming to class lately, I got worried.” There wasn’t any change in his aura of confidence, as he shot another one of his deathly smiles. You couldn’t help, but mirror him.
“I’m sorry for troubling you, but I have decided to work here until everything gets settled.”
“I see that. Why don’t we talk about it over a late-night meal? You have probably been working all day, and you looked like someone who could eat something” Shooting a glance towards the back door, you knew Hani was eavesdropping as usual. Her hand gesturing you to take the invite, because without a doubt, all she wanted, was for you to get out of this shop and meet cute guys.
“Sure, why not.”
“You have been awfully quiet” Seated outside the food truck on an old green coloured bench, watching the couples walk by, trying to snug their hands together inside one’s pocket. You had barely touched the ramen that Jooheyon bought, excusing that it was still hot. But the steam rising from the plastic bowl, were slowly dying out into the night sky.
“I’m just a bit tired” You weren’t lying, but trying to keep your heavy eyelids open was already a struggle, even on top of trying to seem like a person without a heartache.
“Is it about Jungkook? When was the last time you two had contact?”
“Eight days, probably Nine by now” Twirling the soggy noodle with your metal chopsticks, you heard a significant sigh on the side.
“Let me guess. The silent treatment?” Jooheyon left out the obvious, trying to poke at your conscious about how horrible of an act it is.
“Maybe, I can’t get myself to reply any of his texts… It’s already bad enough that we got so involved in each other’s lives, and now I had a bitch flip because of him. It’s not right, for me… and him.” Finally deciding that the grumbling monster in your stomach needed to silence itself, you slurped the now very gross soggy noodles and the aftermath of it dissolving like nothing on your tongue.
“He still texts you?”
“Even calls”
“Do you know what that means Y/N?” At least the food was filling your stomach, but something about Jooheyon’s sudden smirk and aura of solving a mystery, bugged you slightly.
“No, clearly I don’t. Enlighten me?” You answered in a haste, slurping another gulp of noodles.
“He likes you”
“If you didn’t know by now Jooheyon, that Jungkook is a famous singer in a boy group which has millions of people drooling to just touch him once. There is no way, that out of everyone in the world, he chooses me. I’m not a main character in a fanfiction, thank you very much.” You snickered into the air with gritted teeth making him giggle of your remark of denial, trying to ease the moments.
“Come on, as if it isn’t obvious. Why aren’t you thrilled? I thought you liked him?” Jooheyon continued with the bickering of love, making an imaginary black pulse hover on your temple.
“I like him as A FRIEND” Even writing the word ‘friend’ into the air, didn’t make him stop comparing your feelings towards another man.
“Oh really? So, the pink tinted cheeks of yours, is just a weird habit every time I mention his name?” Shocked and noticing his low eyebrow wiggle in suggestion, you couldn’t help but smack his thigh of punishment. How dared he, read you like a children’s book.
“Okay, so what? Isn’t it normal to have a crush on someone that inspires them?” Jooheyon chewed on the remaining of his sandwich, before hitting right on the spot into the trashcan. The same sort of growl of confidence brawled in his throat, while shooting you a warm smile.
“You see, that’s true. Everyone adores their bias in a group, but here’s something sweetie. You aren’t just a fan to him, you’re his friend. A friend, that left him hanging with multiple voice messages and unanswered texts. Here’s reality, and it’s going to hit you, whether you like it or not. For months, you have been having this close intimate relationship-“
“Intimate???” Flushed over his words as if you have had phone sex with a guy, you tried to hide away the thought of that, it could have happened.
“Close friendship. Not actual sex related stuff, you pervert.” He continued, making you feel embarrassed and rather, exposed. Jooheyon only knew your background through what you have told him, but maybe he was smart enough to figure out everything.
“I get the idea, that you two switched phones by accident. But, here’s the deal. Jungkook is rich, he could get a new phone and basically get this number blocked or track it down, right? Well, looks like he didn’t and wants to continue talking to you.” Jooheyeon continued, as you slurped the last cold beef soup before tossing it into the same trash can, trying to ease the victory of downing at least a meal for the day.
“Why would he?” Seated back against the bench, with all ears open to what Jooheyon said.
“I’m coming to that. As any other person, they wouldn’t even bother trying to get it back. Who in their right mind, would trust a stranger with their phone, even a fan? No one. One thing is for sure, Jungkook has a huge interest for YOU. Why would he bother leaving messages and voice mails, knowing thousands of other chicks is ready for him? Because you, were the one that stole his heart.”
“Hold up. Stop the melodrama. I get it, okay?” You held a hand high to stop his preaching about stealing a guy’s heart, without even intending to. It all seemed unrealistic, but idealistic at the same time, as if the world was stuck between a fantasy and devouring dreams.
“No, you don’t Y/N. Do you see what you stopped, when the connection between you and Jungkook ended? You don’t come to college, the place you have always wanted to go. You can’t even get yourself to say how horrible it is, to let this guy wait for you, because of a single act. Jungkook isn’t like your mother, he isn’t just going to vanish because of your feelings. He WILL continue to wait for you, because love have no limited time when it’s first discovered.” His powerful words shot through your heart like an arrow, feeling every bit of sting and reality hitting as it promised. The tears formed in the corner of your eyes, drying away with a harsh movement. There was no doubt in Jooheyon’s eyes, that whatever words he sprouts in clarification, hurt your soul for each second.
“How do you know about my mother…?” The scene of your mother’s last words, with a single touch of goodbye and betrayal puts on repeat. Your lower lip quivering of shock, at the news of someone else, knowing your dark secret.
“I have lived here since I was a baby. It was just a couple of blocks away from where you lived with your family, and my parents told me the news about a young teen living by herself. Sending supplies to the house and even my father helped with your bills. You probably don’t remember me, since I went abroad for a few years after. But they kept updating me about your wellbeing. You stopped receiving help, because you told them you were okay now and moved out.” Remembering the shy boy behind a man’s back, there was no doubt, it was Jooheyon. Did they really do all of this, for you?
“You stopped getting help, because you feel like you don’t deserve it. But I think, someone is out there, trying his best to do what he can. Even, if it means to step over boundaries.” Putting his slender hand on yours, feeling every fibre of warmth cover the reptile skin of ice. His dark hollow eyes of comfort dragged you into despair of realisation, of what an absolute selfish idiot you were.
“I’m so sorry Jooheyon…” Tears of sorrow and warmth streamed down your face, offering your deepest feelings hidden behind the walls, that only one could break.
“I’m not the one, you should say sorry to.” Gesturing to the beautiful view of stars, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion before a gentle clap covered your shoulder.
“Listen to the voice mails, and give him a chance to talk. He won’t give up, trust me on that.” Taking a deep breath and a light thumb brushing away the tears. A warming smile as usual, before patting your lightly on the head like a child.
“I’ll be right over here, when you’re done. You’re not alone” Whispering of comfort leaving you behind on a bench like a lonely cat, you scanned his silhouette disappear between the dark shadows. Heart pounding like a horse on drugs, waiting for the right moment to scan the unanswered message of desperation. Jooheyon was right, that not only did Jungkook do something wrong, but he surely never gave up whatever drove your spirit. Not just one, but more than five messages was left in your voice mail, from the only man that made your heart skip a beat by just reading his name.
“You have six unchecked voice mails…. The first voice mail came on the 17th of July at 23:45….”
“Come o-“ Turning it off with the speed of light, you couldn’t get yourself to hear his deep voice as you remembered. Watching his videos on Twitter and Youtube, there was something about hearing his voice, only talking to you. Taking in a deep breath and exhaling while the foggy air released as a lit cigarette. This could take hours, but you didn’t have that much time. Gathering your confidence, you tried yet again, listening to every single message holding your own demons at bay.
“Come on Y/N… are you really giving me the silent treatment….?” How disappointing of the first message, which made you chuckle of how you were so afraid of just listening to messages like this. You didn’t understand why it was so important for Jooheyon to make you listen, when none so far, had given an impact. Deciding to delete it and continue to reach the rest of the messages, that was queuing up.
“Are you really that mad at me…? I wasn’t trying to make you upset. Call me back when you can…” There was a shaken voice and background noise of people talking. Even the echoing of his vocals made him seem confused and scared. It pulled your heart, to the point of not wanting to hear the rest of them.
“I can’t sleep. It’s been kind of boring, and manager keeps talking about this collaboration. He told me I seemed cold towards Nayeon… did you text her? I just need an update on what to do… There are still a few concerts to be held and I think my muscles are going to burst haha… you’re probably sleeping… Goodnight Y/N.” Was there more to your heartache, knowing you left him off to a night of no sleep. He probably would sleep, or so you convinced yourself while deleting this voice mail. Noticing your fingers shake in the process, not knowing what was happening inside your head.
“Still ignoring me…? It’s okay, I understand… but you should know I’m not the kind to give up that easily… When will I hear your voice again…?” Was that a tear? It was probably already there, listening to his shaken question, ravishing the world that you lived in, that you thought was reality.
“Lonely lonely lonely whale, like this, try calling once again~~ what do you think? Maybe my voice got a bit rusty after all these concerts… It’s been amazing like always, but it’s not the same when I’m alone in the hotel room. When will you call me back? Tonight? Tomorrow? Never…? I miss you Y/N… I’m going insane without you...” You smiled trying to ease the pain of sympathy that your feelings were the same as his, you missed him. Listening to every piece of Jungkook’s own confidence ravelling down, noticing how maybe his words were nothing but actual confessions of his feelings poured out in sorrow.
“Jungkook LOG 24th of July 2017. Do you like this idea?” This was something new, as if you were going through old videos of Bangtan bombs and even though you couldn’t see him, it was like he was right in front of you. His voice continued to speak in a calm tone and his witty character blooming through the speaker, letting you lean back against the bench rest.
“Normally I talk into a camera, as a note for myself… but I feel the need to let you hear it, properly. Maybe it’s too late, you might never call me back and we will depart soon…. It makes me want to cry, but I’m not that touchy haha. I just want to thank you, for keeping me in company, even though I was needy. I didn’t mean to make you upset, about Jooheyon. I just didn’t like the idea… that you would maybe like him more than me… I don’t like one-sided love, it’s horrible.”
“Don’t talk nonsense you fool…” You muttered biting on your lower lip as if it was bruising slightly of the pain, that couldn’t compare to your heart’s aching for Jungkook.
“Besides my members, they are like brothers. A family. But you? Something else. I think I should curse or thank Jimin for this… but I really like you Y/N. Not as a friend… more than that. It’s probably the worst way to get to know, but I can’t keep it a secret forever, when I know you’re only a call away… sort of…” His lips quiver of the sentence that released his feelings towards you, hit like a brick wall when crying. You couldn’t answer, knowing that he couldn’t hear, but the silence in the speaker was a faint sniff. Was he crying? You could hear his breathing settling to control and all you wanted, was to hug him and tell him you were right there.
“Silly, right? I thought it was in books that things like these happened, but I guess I’m wrong. I never told you about what happened that night? To put it simple, I will tell you when I see you…. GAAH I feel so stupid right now… I just want to see you… right now… Call me… please? I begging you..” Listening to the last records of his vocals confession, you thrilled to feel your heart become lighter. Your cheeks flushed and out of control, knowing that the guy your heart pounded for, was feeling the same. Was it insane? Probably, but at this point, you couldn’t care. It was like a dream, that your body flew in the clouds of baby blue and sunshine rising from the east. Drying away your tears, to tap along the LED screen to find his specific name. The sound of beeps holding on to every chord, that held your hopes high, to only wait in agony.
“Y/N…?” Your smiled brightened of the recognisable voice.
“Hey Jungkook…”
“You called me back… thank god…” A sigh of relief was muffling through the speaker, finding your own sticky hands trying to push out the right words.
“Look I’m-“ Jungkook was fast enough to catch of the creeping silence, not wanting your voice to disappear into the emptiness of his loneliness.
“No, Jungkook. I heard your voice mail, all of them actually.” You chuckled, but it was a mechanism to hold back your nervous giddy sentence. Trying to keep calm wasn’t easy, when there was need of gathering your courage.
“What did you think…?” You could tell by the noise of his own lips trembling and nibbling on the swollen bottom lip, in attempt to calm himself. Picking at the hem of your shirt, trying to sound right about situation, you needed to take in a deep breath, without screaming the answer.
“I missed you, a lot… To be honest… I was shocked, that an idol could feel the same about me, as I did with them…”
“So you like me too?!” Giggling of his fast remarks, clarified the butterflies flying around in the bottom of your stomach, only to realise that whatever Jungkook said or did, it would make your heart skip a beat and even to the point, it might stop it from beating.
“I do…”
“Jesus Christ, do you know how anxious I have been?? Realising I left my last voice mail…. I really believed I scared you away being a creep..” Jungkook could finally feel the burden on his shoulders release against the cold sheet in the hotel room, watching the sun set from his window.
“It was cute. I was more surprised that you started crying” You snickered, letting the deep air of ecstasy fill your lungs.
“I did not!”
“Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night” You missed hearing his exhausting laughter and reassurance that he’s close to you, or as close as he can be.
“Sooo, you want to see me again?” Jungkook questioned with a sight of hope, still remembering your angry texts of goodbye. Biting on your lip in the process of trying to seem witty as always, you couldn’t help but sound a little more excited than intended.
“Of course”
“Not right now, because I got to go! We’re planning for another concert and then we’re moving to our next location… I wish I could talk more with you-…” He trailed off taking in a deep breath, before you nodded along his sweet voice.
“-Can I call you later..?”
“Always.” You answered with a smile, crinkling your eyes in the joy of feeling your heart pound harder. If just, you could hear his. Saying goodbye was hard, but it’s easier, when you know than you will be talking soon again. With loud and clear steps to find Jooheyon leaning up against the cherry blossom tree, he only shot his significant warm smile, knowing what just happened.
“Thanks, Jooheyon” You whispered, walking alongside down the street to nearing your apartment. Patting your head like usual, finding you cuter and even closer after noticing, how familiar your size difference was.
“Any time Y/N.”
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Every you Every Me (2/15)
Pairing : Tony!Father x Reader!Daughter x Steve x Avengers
Warnings: nightmares, swearing, blood(? Summary: You are Tony’s daughter, everything was normal until you recall your past in your nightmares.
A/N : Hey I kind of lost the name of the person that wanted to be tagged on this one, so please send it again... 😅
Word Count: 3201
Chapter 1  Chapter 2.1 (Pre.)  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9 Chapter 10  Chapter 11 Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14
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You were looking at the woods in front of you, the snow flew with the wind, gently as soft when it touched your skin. For some reason you felt kind of uneasy, it wasn’t the weather, you liked it to be this way, snow falling from the sky, chill, all looking white, you really liked the sight infront of you, but there was one thing uncomfortable and you didn't know what it was. 
"Are you okay? Did you saw something?" T'challa asked you after he followed your eyes into the woods.
"Yeah, I'm fine I just don't feel comfortable here" you told him, turning your head to see him.
"It may be for the story Cap told us there" T'challa said like it was nothing.
And it really was nothing, you weren’t afraid of ghosts it was just the place, it was very mysterious, in all the time you had spent there, you hadn’t heard or see any kind of animals, no birds flying or singing, nothing running in the snow, it was really silent and that was something strange for you.
"It can be, but doesn’t it feel strange to you? there are not animals in here" you said once more looking at every pine tree. 
“Well, it’s winter, most of them may be sleeping, and it’s Finland, the place it’s freezing to death” T’Challa said, he placed a hand in your shoulder.
“And I wonder why Steve wanted us to land here, I mean, everything looks similar, there’s no sight of the factory” you told him
"Maybe their radars told them we were near, and by the way, you can turn on your comm's now" T'challa told you before looking up at the white sky.
"I'll never understand how you see every move I make" you told him with a chuckle, then you did what he told you.
"It's not that hard, we are friends after all" T'challa told you, and even if you couldn't see his face, you knew he was smiling, and you answered in the same way.
"Y/N! Did you really turned off your comm's?!, you all are acting like kids today!" you heard Steve's scolding in your ear.
"There's no need to scream Steve, I can hear you even if I don't want it" you told him with a chuckle.
"Anyway, how's everyone? report" Steve asked a little more relaxed.
"Well, I'm fine just with a headache I guess" you said.
"Everything's fine with me" T'challa answered.
"I'm fine, but Clint it's throwing up" Sam said.
T'challa and you turned around just to see a disgusting scene, and both of you turned your backs to Clint once again.
"Clint!, fuck turn your head to the other side! look at my boots now!" Sam said annoyed.
"No need to tell us all Sam, and by the way, We are fine here" Wanda said.
"Well we are okay here too, so we gotta find the sensors, Sam stay there until Clint's fine, report any kind of strange activity" Steve said.
"Sure Cap" Sam answered.
"And don't turn off your comms!" Steve said as a final order.
"Jeez, just relax, you’re really bossy. Anyway, what if T'challa and me look around for the factory?" you asked Sam  
"Y/N you heard Steve, and we have to go, together. " Sam said with a final tone.
"Yeah but, Clint it's throwing up all the past and this month, and T'challa and me can just look around" you said, still  not wanting to see Clint's scene.
"It could save us more time, maybe we can find some sensors, we are near the factory anyway" T'challa said.
"Y/N, all together, it's final" You heard Steve's voice and you knew he was annoyed.
"I really hate this things, you know?" you said to no one in particular.
"We can go, don't worry, I'm fine" you heard Clint's voice.
Finally both of you could turn around, Clint was paler than the snow and he didn't look any well.
"You sure you're okay?" you asked very concerned.
"Yeah, don't worry it was just...the landing" he told you trying to sound fine.
"Fine. We'll, lead the way Falcon" you said to Sam.
"I guess Redwing is going to do that work" Sam said with a smirk.
"Why didn't we do that in first place?!" Clint said, he sounded betrayed.
"Don't fight Clint, now, let's see what's ahead us" Sam said when Redwing flew into the woods.
Everything on the footage of Redwing seemed normal, snow and snow, trees and trees until it began to glitch, both, Redwing and the footage, first anyone said nothing, but then the screen went black for seconds.
"Okay, that was a big fail" Clint said when Redwing fell on the snow.
"This is no good" Sam said trying to make Redwing fly.
"Please, be more specific about that" You said, your eyes looking at Redwing on the video.
"Well, Redwing isn't answering to any command, nor even to turn off." Sam said.
"So... what now?" T'challa asked.
"I'll see the last position of Redwing, maybe it reached an sensor... okay this is so fucked up..." Sam said scanning into Redwing's data.
"I'm getting tired of that quote" you said really tired.
"What's wrong now?" Clint said tired of the situation too.
"The last position of Redwing, it's behind us" Sam said more confused.
"This is so damn stressful!" You said kicking some snow.
"In what kind of place are we?! for God sake!" Clint shouted in the air.
"Okay, let's ask the others their position, maybe they don't have this problems" T'challa said.
"Still, I don't get it, this place is nuts" Sam said, once more he was confused.
"I'll bring Redwing, just give me a second" you said to Sam, all you wanted was to go home.
"Fine, do that Magneto, T'Challa, ask Tony where are they, Clint talk with Natasha, I'll see if Red Wing reply the commands" Sam said before turning his attention back to Red Wing's data.
You tried to concentrate in your powers to locate Redwing but you couldn't find him with other voices talking in the comm's, so again you turned the damn thing off. You closed your eyes searching for it, but you didn't felt you powers coming to life, once again, you tried to bring some metal to your fingers, but nothing, then you tried to fly, and again nothing, you made a final try with Sam's wings, but nothing again.
"Sam" you asked a little scared.
"What?" Sam asked you, he was still focused on the virtual data.
"Sam, are my eyes white?" you asked turning towards Sam.
"Hmm? Why you-" he asked you in a normal tone, until he saw your eyes.
"Sam, are they white?!" you asked again, you begin to get scared with his lack of words.
"No" he said walking towards you.
"What?!" you said totally scared now.
"Okay Y/N, relax, once more, try to fly" he placed both of this hands on your shoulders.
"It's not working! Sam what the fuck it's happening!?" you shouted.
"What's happening?!" Clint and T'challa arrived next to you.
"My powers, they don't work" you said, your breathing started to be faster.
"Hey, hey, Y/N look at me, everything is fine, maybe it's because you are tired of this place, common, breathe with me" Sam told you, but you couldn't listen to him.
You heard Clint asking Wanda if she was in the same situation as you, but you didn't heard the answer.
"Turn her comm's on" T'challa said to Sam.
"You’re damn stubborn as your father" Sam told you after turning on your comm's
"Wanda's power doesn't work too, I’m afraid neither mine’s, Thor can you fly?" you heard Vision.
"What’s happening?!, nothing in here works?!" Natasha asked.
“I still can fly but not too high” Thor informed us all. 
“What are we going-” Sam began to talk before he paused, his looked at the radar on his arm when it started to make noises. 
“What is that?” Clint asked, now we were focused on Sam’s arm. 
“Shit!, everyone hold-” Sam shouted before some kind of force make everyone fly. 
The force that caused it was really strong it made everyone fly in different directions in the sky. You heard everyone screaming through the comms. For you luck, Tony made you a kind of wristband that records when you are in danger to activate your own Iron man suit. You were falling into the woods once again when this wristband started to protect your body from any kind of danger, still, you hitted many pine trees and then the snow. You were in process to stand up when the suit registered the same strange waves as Sam's radar and once again you flew through the skies, but this time you didn't fell, and it was weird you wasn't using the suit to fly nor your powers, you looked at the sky searching for your teammates, you saw Wanda really far away from you, you were going to fly towards her when this force acted now in a invested way, it dragged your body to the ground violently, leaving you unconscious for minutes.
"Sam? Wanda?  Bucky? Vision? Clint? Y/N ? are you okay?" You heard as an echo.
"Sam, Wanda, Bucky, Vision, Clint, Y/N Report" You heard once more, this time you were returning to life.
"Sam, Wanda, Bucky, Vision, Clint, Y/N Report" You heard Steve's voice, he sounded worried and hurt, still you hadn't manage to talk, you need it a little time.
"I found Wanda!" you heard Tony's voice, he was relieved.
"Fine, where are the others?" You heard Bruce, he sounded hurt too.
"I'm still searching for Vision" Thor said.
"Can we go home? I feel like after training with Nat " you finally spoked.
"Thanks God! Where are you Y/N?!" You heard Tony's worried-dad voice.
"How I'm supposed to know that?, everything looks exactly the same everywhere, and I think the radar is broken" you said while standing up, and fuck, you felt really bad.
"Can you fly?, maybe I can see you in the sky" you heard Thor.
"I'll be fine, I’ll look for Sam and Clint" you said by looking around.
"Fine, just, take care" you heard Steve's voice.
You began to walk in the woods but the suit was damn heavy, so you made it return to their initial state. You walked and walked looking and calling everywhere for Clint and Sam, but you just couldn't find them nor the others.
You felt better when you heard that they had already found Vision and that Wanda was better, apparently all Cap's team were together, Tony with T'Challa and Wanda, but he was looking for Bucky, meanwhile you were all by yourself in the cold woods.
"Y/N report" Steve said.
"I'm still looking for them" you said taking a big breath.
"But, are you okay?" he asked you, still worried by the situation.
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it, how's everyone there?" you asked, you haven't heard Natasha in a while.
"We're fine, we hit a lot of pine trees, but Thor catched us before hitting the ground" Steve said with a chuckle.
"At least you're all together" you said.
"You'll find them" Steve told you, and in that moment all you wanted was to be with him, you have never felt so lost, even when you knew they were close from you, but you couldn't find the way back to them.
You were going to reply when you heard music in the distance, you knew that song, many people do know it, you thought it was Tony at first, but how could he be? his Iron Man suit is not a giant speaker, but how there was music into the woods? Was someone out there beside you all?
"Steve can you hear this?" you asked him
"What?" he asked confused.
"Life on Mars, David Bowie, please tell me is Tony" you said under your breathe while crossing the trees.
"I don't hear any music Y/N, and is not me for sure dear" you heard Tony's voice in the other side.
After that you couldn't listen the other in the comms, you guess it was just because they stopped talking. You kept walking in the snow and you tried to be silent, and then you heard it, branches breaking, birds flying, someone was running.
You focused all you had so you closed your eyes to focus, you were trying to guess where the noises were coming from, and so you didn't saw when everything changed,  all the trees changed, you weren't in the snow anymore, you were standing in dead leaves, when you detected the sound you opened your eyes again and you were more than confused.
"The hell is happening" you said under your breath, you were petrified in the place looking at the sight infront of you.
And then you saw a child running in front of you, crying.
"Hey!" you shouted behind the kid, but she didn't listened, she kept running, so you ran behind her.
"Hey! Child! stop!" you shouted but this kid was kind of deaf, still you kept running behind her
"Hey! I'm not going to hurt you" you shouted once more but you stopped when she didn't listened to you.
The music eventually faded just to be replaced by more noises, people running towards you, gunshots, you turned around and you saw many man dressed all in black with guns in their hands.
"Fuck" you said before running for the girl once again.
You reached the girl and when you tried to take her, your hand just passed through her like a ghost. You stopped running and you saw how she kept on running for her dear life, you couldn't comprehend anything, you were frozen in place, until you heard a gunshot and then you felt pain in your left leg, you screamed, you placed a hand where the bullet went through and you heard the little girl scream, you looked at her and you saw her body on the floor, but she got up, looking at her bleeding leg, in the exact place as yours, in that moment you didn't feel pain anymore, you looked at your hand and you didn't found blood.
"What is this?" you asked yourself standing up and looking at the little girl and she saw you.
You saw the fear in her eyes, she was pleading with they, and someone made you turned around, a man with a black mask, you freaked out and the first instinct was to protect yourself and the kid, in that moment you felt your powers coming to life, so you started to fight. You felt he was wearing something with metal and you used it against him, you were angry, even pissed, you wanted to end everything now, the man in front of you was choking under your power, until you felt something sting your neck, you blinked and you saw that the one you were choking was T'Challa, you gasped and he fell to the snow and then everything turned black.
"Ich frage dich nicht und hör auf zu weinen!" the tall man with brown hair screamed at you. (I'm not asking you, and stop crying)
You were in a big room covered with mirrors, there were few lights blinking and the other completely dead. The floor and some mirrors were covered in blood like your hands and feet. You body ached, badly, your felt your body burning inside, you have cuts everywhere, you could hardly breathe and you were more than tired.
You we're crying hard, your throat hurt and you knew your nose was red. You fell into the floor when the same man hit you with great force in your face. You stopped crying but you felt the blood running down your nose and mouth, you tried to clean it with your hand but it didn't stop.
"Letztes Mal! Mach es jetzt oder es wird schlimmsten sein!" the man didn't help you to get up, he was just screaming at you. (do it now or it will be worst)
You stumbled on the floor, but you quickly recovered, your tears were running down your face just like the blood, but you tried to stop crying.
"jetzt!" the man shouted once more, this time even louder and you closed your eyes.
"Ich will nicht, Sir." you hardly said. (I don't want to, Sir).
And again the hitted you, this time in your stomach, making you spit blood. You fell into the floor once more and he grabbed your hair when you didn't get up in less than a minute. You screamed and again you were crying.
"Schaue ihn an!" he told you, forcing your face to at the other kid. (Look at him)
"töte ihn!, oder vergiss deine Mutter" he shouted once more and he threw you into the floor again. (Kill him, or forget your mother)
You closed your eyes and held your breath. You felt the power running in your veins, the force under your feet, even in the wind and you heard the screams of the other kid, you didn't knew what was you doing, it you could sense the pain in the little kid.
"Schaue ihn an!" the man forced you eyes to open. (Look at him)
And you screamed when you saw the kid getting murdered by you, covered in blood, full of daggers made by you, blood coming out of his body, the electricity on his eyes, dying in matter of seconds, but they were looking at you.
“Y/N! Stop screaming it’s me!” you heard as an echo in your nightmare.
“Y/N! It’s just a dream! Wake up! your safe!” you heard once more, a voice calling you.
“Y/N!” You finally opened you eyes.
You screamed, you cried you gasped for air, you felt your lungs burning, and the power running in your veins trying to escape.
"Bruce! the medicine now!" Tony screamed trying to hold you by your shoulders.
But all you could see was the face of the kid, you were shaking, You were awake but you still saw the nightmare. Then a sting in your left leg, and you stopped everything. You heard multiple things falling into the floor and again you gasp for air.
"You okay Y/N, you okay" Tony said sitting next to you.
You looked around, you was on the Quinjet with Tony, Bruce, Wanda, T'Challa and Vision.
"What happened?" you heard Tony asked.
"I don't know I saw someone into the woods" you saw, but your eyes weren't focusing in Tony.
"Y/N, what did you saw?" Tony asked again
"I'm not sure" you replied to Tony.
"Y/N, stop hiding things from me" Tony said with hurt in his voice.
"So you stop too. This things are not only nightmares, and you know that" you told Tony, your eyes finally focusing on him.
Tony lookead at you and then at the ground, he covered his face with his hands.
"Tell me the truth Tony" you said once more and Tony looked at you with tears on his eyes.
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fanficintraining · 7 years
Justice in debts, part I
Word count: 7k+ overall (Woops!)
Part I: 1,8K
Warnings: nothing bad, really. Language, tiny amount of angst, fluff if you squint your eyes, sadness, insecurity (Reader)
Pairing: CasxFemaleReader; Sam and Dean/ Reader friendship
Summary: It’s just another regular day at Readers job when she gets caught in the middle of the hunt that the brothers are working. Sam and Dean along with Castiel underrated monsters they were hunting and things start to go sideways for them. Reader, who hates changing anything in her life, hardly finds comfort in new surroundings. As time passes by, she gets used to it though, and can’t imagine another way of life. And for a good, unspoken reason everybody knows about by the time she fully realizes it.
Can you please write something short where reader is placed in hunter’s life against her will? Maybe she does something awesome and boys eventually want her as sidekick hunter? Pairing is whatever to me, but it would be nice to include some cute romantic Castiel- reader with Cass supressing his emotions. Also, I think Cass giving in to his vessels lusts and needs is hot! Maybe some chatty bonding scenes with Dean or Sam! Thank you! xx
Since you writing XY/Castiel anyway could you please do insecure main character and complicated angst with death invovled?
Well anon and anon I’ll try do it to the best of my abilities. Since I got few similar requests I’ll make it over 1k. Probably 5k words give or take, so everybody’s satisfied and happy. I’ll see how it goes along the way.
Ps: even before I read about Castiel giving in to his carnality, I knew I want to write it in, cause it’s not completely out of character and it’s less obvious than Dean having sex. Again. Oh, and I have no idea if you, second anon, meant death or Death so I’ll improvise!
One more thing: some scenes will be sad and angsty. I was deep down in the dumps lately and I’ve been writing on my “better” days but still, you get the vibe.
I’ll make it 5-6 part.
Your first instinct, of course, was to hide. But where the hell do you hide when your one availible way of escape is out? The only door currently in your reach-  blocked. You could swear you left it wide open. Not to mention this door has no lock and yet, somehow it is slammed tight. One thought was bouncing up and down in your head as you hopped under the counter: Why the hell weird shit has to go down on MY shift, god damn it!
This thought however, was quickly gone.
Since a grown man was thrown at the wall opposite to you next to your hiding place, your brain decided to go blank. You felt sudden rush of energy going through you, which obviously was your body reacting to stress. You probably read about it somewhere. Fight or run for your life moment, or something. Shivers running down your spine and muscles tightening in a single spazm- really uncomfortable feeling you hoped never to experience again after you finally got out of school.
You dared to look to your right where the man landed. He  was trying to get up from the floor, slowly rising himself up with a grimace of pain showing up on his face. You noticed a pink patch of skin on his chin. It already started to show some swelling. He had a split lip and when he finally stood up, grunting, he was limping. He barely shot a glance towards you. Going straight back into the fight that was going on in the middle of a hotel restaurant, he kicked a chair leg your way, not looking at you again. You heard a loud thump and a shriek followed, and then you heard low, gravely voice shouting
“Sammy, blade! Get the blade, NOW!”
You looked down at the chair leg and reached for it but you were cut off when something hit the counter cracking it in half at the impact, sending rain of glass and plastic all over your head. You gasped and fell flat on your face, the hit on the counter so strong it knocked air out of your lungs. Someone scratched over the remains of the counter, probably trying to stand up, but failed to do so. There was a short, metalic cling and a slow, heavy sound of something sliding down. You started crawling in the direction of it in hopes of finding something to defend yourself with. Just in case.
The view in front of your eyes was unpleasant.
Most of furniture flipped upside down or in pieces. Blood here and there, shattered glass on the floor. Bullet holes in the walls. Bodies laying around, customers, coworkers, and these… Things.
And right next to you, man lying on his back, trying to hold on to one of the tables, heaving like he just crossed a finish line of a marathon run. His right hand blindly searched for something in urgent, hectic moves. You recognized this man. Hard to forget a guy appearing out of nowhere in mere split seconds right in front of your very eyes. His face was covered with blood slowly dripping from his most likely broken nose. Huge cut on his forehead looked equally bad. When his eyes didn’t roll back into his skull in confusion, they were fixed on something in front of him. It was hard for you to see what it was because of all the dust in the air and flickering lights, but as it was getting closer, the guy’s moves got more lost and panicky.
Your heart almost flat out stopped upon hearing high pitched screeching directly above your head. You jumped for the closest object you considered useful when the light uncoverd it for you by sending bright shining reflection to your eyes. You grabbed it with your hand and went back ready to defend yourself, when you understood that this monstrosity was charging right at the man, not you. It was an impulse you could not control. You threw yourself in front of the man and you could swear you saw his eyes glow bright blue light, but you couldn’t be sure, because suddenly you felt sharp pain and everything went dark for you. Last thing you registered before passing out was this sound, like a kite fluttering in the wind.
You go back to consciousness with a whopping headache, and from the moment you can feel something again, first thing that hits hard apart from your bursting head is nausea, weir knot unwinding in your stomach. Almost immediately you break out in a cold sweat and try to hold yourself back from vomiting. You can hear two sets of footsteps approaching, and a heavy breathing right next to you
“Cas, you alright?” asked the same voice who so kindly offered you a chair leg as means of defence before “Yes, Dean. I am, as you say… Peachy” answered a deep, hoarse voice, with a slight note of mockery in it. It was followed by short silence "What the hell happened up there?” asked the chair man “I was fighting 5 of them, Dean. Don’t blame me for something I had close to no control over” the second man answered with clear reproach in his voice “Who is this?” asked a third voice “and what is THAT?”
“It is a human being” he answered shortly “Female, to be precise. I do not know her name. But we will know soon, as she is awake”
Your body flinched involuntarily before you could even try to stop it. There was a tense silence between three men when you reluctantly opened your eyes. Man closest to you was the unlucky one who hit your counter. Oddly enough, there was nothing left from injuries visible what you assumed was moments ago. Only staines of blood on his clothes proved the existance of wounds he received before. You blinked a few times to make sure it’s not your eyes cheating you because of shock, but nothing changed. The other two men were standing next to each other. Both tall, dirty, a little bloody and totally ragged. You sat up but didn’t say a word. Taller guy looked at you with a shadow of sympathy behind his eyes. The other one, covered in mud and blood from shoulders to boots, scanned you top to bottom. His gaze distrustful and tense, same as his whole body language.
“Who are you?” he asked “Dean, give her a break” said the tall one “sorry for him, he’s a little off now because the job was a fail” chair guy scoffed, shook his head and started walking impatiently around “Hi” tall one got closer to you “My name is Sam. This hot headed jerk is my brother, Dean”
“Bitch” he mumbled under his breath in response “Shut up, Dean” he cut his brother out with a little smirk shadowing his lips “And what’s your name?”
You looked over at every one of them, trying to figure out what’s happening, but after that you took a deep breath and responded
"My name is Y/N” your voice was weirdly steady and calm, although your mouth was dry as Sahara desert itself -
“Good, great. Okay, Y/N. Do you know what happened?”
You shook your head and stretched your hands open when you realized you still keep this cold, shiny spike squeezed in your bloody hand.
You could hear light footsteps coming from the corridor so you ditched reading for a moment to listen. The footsteps stopped behind your door. You whispered come in and faced the door only to be greeted by fluttering sound of Castiel appearing in the room. It’s been over three months since your workplace incident.
Although you still had a hard time adjusting to your newly acqired knowledge, your learning process started the hard way, so there was that safety bubble of yours gone forever. Just like that, monsters were real. You tried to deal with it like any other person who didn’t escape right away would do. You dived into it head to heel, and also started drinking a lot more.
The brothers, even Dean who was really pesimistic about it at first- insisted you can’t go back just yet. You didn’t understand why. In the line of ‘work’ they all shared, from your point of view you were useless at best. Yeah, of course. Reading books was one thing. But out there? In the heat of the moment? Not that you were even half fast or strong as them. God, you don’t even remember when was the last time you had to run back home.
If that was animal kingdom, you’d be a really mocked and unpopular snail. Not fast, not strong, tiniest amount of movement coordination. Not to mention guns. Big no no. Still couldn’t convince yourself to try it again after first time. It did break first ice with Dean, though. You made him chuckle and he treated you better since then. Other than that you were a decent cook and you were okay with patching them up after intense hunt. If Cas wasn’t around, that is. But let’s be honest, he wasn’t visiting often so you were occupied most of your time.
“Hello, Y/N.”
“Hi, Castiel”  you were in a bad mood. Galloping insomnia and digging through so many books made you cranky; Cas squinted his eyes and tilted his head.
“Am I interrupting you? I see you are alone, but if my companionship is unwelcome, I will be gone, and back in a better time” he said
“It’s okay, just tell me what you want” you looked at his face “I haven’t been sleeping well, that’s all. Whatever. I’ll do what needs to be done” you shrugged carelessly and your eyes went back down to books you were reading. Cas stood still and silent “I ain’t got all day so spill it.”
“Is it because of the events in your restaurant? The day you were brought here?”
“What? Fucked up sleeping schedule?”
“Yes. Amongst many others.”
"What do you think, huh? Spoiler: it’s not my hobby. Although I’ll consider writing it down in my resume” you said half jokingly; he gave you his distinctive, long intense look before answering
“I did not come here for your help, Y/N.”
“So why did you come here then?” you frowned “you barely come, at least in the last three months. Since I’m here. Not so hard to connect the dots here”
He was silent again so you raised your head to see if he’s even still here and you jumped a little, because suddenly he’s inches away from you and he offers his hand to help you stand up. You grunt but accept his help. You can see his jaw clenching as he looks at your confused face.
"Hey, I’m sorry if I’m being bitchy today but…” and that’s all you were able to say before he put his palm on your face and when he barely even touched your skin, the world turned black for you.
That’s it for today folks! That was part I!
Let me know what you think!
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jerseyisforlovers · 7 years
Holiday House Tour 2017
I don’t know why I’m always compelled to start these holiday house tour posts by type-shouting “SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” but there I’ve already gone and done it. ‘Tis the season. Moving on. Here’s how we decked our proverbial halls for Christmas this year. As you may have heard in last week’s podcast, we’re continuing last year’s mission to simplify our holiday decorations. We still want our home to feel festive, but in a way that doesn’t feel too crowded and overwhelming (or take too crazy long to set up and take down). So the living room is pretty much just all about the tree and the mantle.
sofa / side tables / chairs / round marble table / blinds / ottoman / similar lamps & TV table
The tree is an artificial one that we’ve had for over five years.  It has some of the most realistic looking branches we’ve laid eyes on when it comes to fake trees, but at this point most of its original light strands are burnt out (we had a good run!) and last year we gave up trying to fix them (Sherry spent 30 minutes hunting down the wrong bulb only to replace it and watch the entire strand blow out again ten minutes later). So at this point it’s mostly lit with these strands from Target.
It took a few tests to find lights that matched the warm-ish color temperature of the original bulbs (all the LED versions were too blue looking) so we’ve hoarded a few extra boxes for down the road. The ornaments are all a mish-mash of sentimental and homemade items we’ve collected over the years and I think this year was the most fun the kids have had helping us decorate it. Maybe because they’re finally both old enough that Sherry and I are shouting “BE CAREFUL!” and “DON’T TOUCH THAT ONE, IT CAN BREAK!” less and less throughout the process.
Christmas tree / similar rug / similar tree skirts / similar stocking / garland / similar mirror 
Our typically colorful fireplace (which you can see in last year’s holiday house tour) is more subdued this year, thanks to Sherry’s greenery kick and this faux magnolia garland she bought a few months ago. She noticed it looked a little dark up there at first, so she added some ceramic white houses we’ve had for a few years (these are similar – ours are actually ornaments with the hangers cut off) and some battery operated fairy lights to bring some lightness to the mantle.
faux magnolia garland / similar stockings / battery powered lights / similar ceramic houses / similar mirror
We did pepper in some nods to the season on the living room bookcases too, but they’re easy to miss at first glance. I actually didn’t notice the mouse until I uploaded this photo (which I took!). Let’s play a little game of Where’s Waldo (Waldo the mouse, not that guy in the striped shirt).
Those small figurines are hand-me-downs from Sherry’s mom and it takes everything in Sherry’s power to not keep them out all year (miniatures are her true weakness in life). The holiday “terrarium” is a DIY project from a few years ago and we picked up the pink wooden trees at the gift shop of our local botanical garden last year during an office Christmas party (not our office – that would just be weird – it was for the ad agency where I consult).
pink trees / gold frame / holiday shadow box / our book ;)
The kitchen is also showing some holiday restraint this year. We’re using the area under the floating shelves to house the wooden house advent calendar Sherry picked up from the Magnolia collection at Target. I’ll be honest that we were a little perplexed as to how to actually use it as an advent calendar. Do you pull the “block of the day” out front as you count down? Move a little bow from house to house as you go? We decided just to turn them all around to hide the numbers and flip them to reveal each one as we go.
advent calendar / paper flowers / green candle / gold frame / shelf brackets
Hilariously enough, the description on the Target website doesn’t even seem to acknowledge that it’s an advent calendar – and weirdly suggests gluing them into their storage box (???). Guess there are lots of ways to use this thing.
Sherry did pepper some ornaments and greenery elsewhere in the kitchen, though. And yes, we’ve officially jumped on the letterboard bandwagon thanks to our friend Mandi at Vintage Revivals who surprised us with this one. You can get them on Amazon or on her site (where there’s a buy-2-get-1-free deal with the code FREEGIFT). We’ve been planning to take it the beach house, but decided we’d have some fun with it here first. Home Alone anyone?
letterboard / similar cutting board / blinds / page-a-day calendar
The K.I.S.S. greenery theme continues in the foyer (that stands for “keep it simple stupid” and not the face painted heavy metal band who famously flaunt their tongues). It doesn’t take much to get that wintery feeling in here, since the white-on-white stuff with all those layered textures already feels pretty cozy, so Sherry just added an evergreen branch and a white feather tree. I’m happy to report that this vignette can last us well through winter, so don’t be surprised if you still see it hanging around in March.
similar baskets / similar acrylic table / similar white feather tree / large glass vase / similar mirror
We also referenced Sherry’s hoard of bottle brush trees in last week’s podcast and this year she decided to cluster them in the office since they’re so colorful. It works well because that room is pretty busy (both visually and literally) so they fit right in.
similar bottle brush trees // round mirror / parsons desk / bookcase 
Nothing really happens upstairs except for a few mini trees. My personal favorite is the one that sits in the bonus room, because it glows from down the hall and we can see it from outside in the driveway too. This is a photo from last year (forgive me) but it looks pretty much exactly the same this year. We boxed everything up together when we packed it away last year (the tree, its ornaments, and even the extension cord) so setting it up was easy and fast.
similar rug / vintage rocker / similar tree / sofa / globe
This is another photo from last year (gasp!) but again, it’s nearly identical this season. It’s our daughter’s artificial tree that we added several years ago when she was old enough to handle the “responsibility” of her own little tree (aka: don’t pull ornaments off and put them in your mouth or attempt to hang them on the dog). The tree came with its own little plastic pot at the base, but Sherry likes to slide it into one of her woven baskets (that she painted) which looks extra cheerful.
similar lidded basket / similar tree / quote art / door color: BM Cinco De Mayo
What’s new this year is our son’s tree, since he can finally be trusted with one of his own. He picked out this green tinsel tree himself ($8? sold!) because, well, he’s three and it was just about the coolest thing he’d ever seen. Scratch that – it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen once we added a string of colored LED lights to it. Each year we let the kids pick out some new soft ornaments for the shared tree in the bonus room, but we let him sneak his favorite one (this knitted wreath, which he lovingly calls his “Christmas Donut”) onto his tree, along with some shatterproof balls.
dragon & gorilla baskets / similar woven baskets / similar rug / tree / lights / bookcase
I’ll admit it makes me feel a little Scrooge-y to keep talking about pulling back on our holiday decor, but as Sherry said in the podcast: we’re really just trying to focus on the decorations that make us all the happiest, and cut out the parts that seem more labor than love. Everyone loved putting up ornaments this year, so we focused on the trees. Sherry’s favorite pun of her entire life is “boots with the fir” – so those fir-stuffed boots landed on the porch with glee. And she loves going wreath making with the girls, so she made this hilariously giant one this year (which you probably saw on Instagram).
similar wreath / red boots / welcome mat / fake trees in those black pots (yes they’re fake!) / door color: BM Blue Lake
And, well, I love my shed. So while Sherry was off wrestling half of planet earth’s magnolia leaves onto a single wreath, I picked up a few strands of colorful LEDs and some roof clips to bring some cheer to my little home away from home. I’m not brave enough to attempt this on our real roof, but I thought this would be a fun way to dress up the backyard without being 30′ from the ground.
Plus, the kids are super into rainbow lights this year, so it felt like the perfect place to deviate from the all-white lights that live in the front yard. Methinks it might need some more though. Maybe next year!
Actually, the main thing on our list for next year is an artificial tree for the beach house. We don’t think we’re going to be there enough this season to really make it worth it, but you can bet your britches I’m gonna be hunting down a discounted artificial tree on the 26th to have there next year! Maybe even an extra tall one since we have 9′ ceilings downstairs in there.
And for good measure, let’s wrap this post up with a little “Get The Look” mood board that Sherry put together. It’s not a comprehensive list since so many of our decorations are a few years old, but we did our best to find comparable items and to link to the exact things we have & love whenever we could (like the magnolia garland, a few of our ornaments, our new advent calendar, and yes, that’s our exact tree in the middle).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Happy holidays everyone!
Psst- Want more holiday posts and ideas? Here are a bunch of holiday & entertaining posts from years past.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday House Tour 2017 appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2Aw8hqr via IFTTT
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gitsygiddy · 7 years
Holiday House Tour 2017
I don’t know why I’m always compelled to start these holiday house tour posts by type-shouting “SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” but there I’ve already gone and done it. ‘Tis the season. Moving on. Here’s how we decked our proverbial halls for Christmas this year. As you may have heard in last week’s podcast, we’re continuing last year’s mission to simplify our holiday decorations. We still want our home to feel festive, but in a way that doesn’t feel too crowded and overwhelming (or take too crazy long to set up and take down). So the living room is pretty much just all about the tree and the mantle.
sofa / side tables / chairs / round marble table / blinds / ottoman / similar lamps & TV table
The tree is an artificial one that we’ve had for over five years.  It has some of the most realistic looking branches we’ve laid eyes on when it comes to fake trees, but at this point most of its original light strands are burnt out (we had a good run!) and last year we gave up trying to fix them (Sherry spent 30 minutes hunting down the wrong bulb only to replace it and watch the entire strand blow out again ten minutes later). So at this point it’s mostly lit with these strands from Target.
It took a few tests to find lights that matched the warm-ish color temperature of the original bulbs (all the LED versions were too blue looking) so we’ve hoarded a few extra boxes for down the road. The ornaments are all a mish-mash of sentimental and homemade items we’ve collected over the years and I think this year was the most fun the kids have had helping us decorate it. Maybe because they’re finally both old enough that Sherry and I are shouting “BE CAREFUL!” and “DON’T TOUCH THAT ONE, IT CAN BREAK!” less and less throughout the process.
Christmas tree / similar rug / similar tree skirts / similar stocking / garland / similar mirror 
Our typically colorful fireplace (which you can see in last year’s holiday house tour) is more subdued this year, thanks to Sherry’s greenery kick and this faux magnolia garland she bought a few months ago. She noticed it looked a little dark up there at first, so she added some ceramic white houses we’ve had for a few years (these are similar – ours are actually ornaments with the hangers cut off) and some battery operated fairy lights to bring some lightness to the mantle.
faux magnolia garland / similar stockings / battery powered lights / similar ceramic houses / similar mirror
We did pepper in some nods to the season on the living room bookcases too, but they’re easy to miss at first glance. I actually didn’t notice the mouse until I uploaded this photo (which I took!). Let’s play a little game of Where’s Waldo (Waldo the mouse, not that guy in the striped shirt).
Those small figurines are hand-me-downs from Sherry’s mom and it takes everything in Sherry’s power to not keep them out all year (miniatures are her true weakness in life). The holiday “terrarium” is a DIY project from a few years ago and we picked up the pink wooden trees at the gift shop of our local botanical garden last year during an office Christmas party (not our office – that would just be weird – it was for the ad agency where I consult).
pink trees / gold frame / holiday shadow box / our book ;)
The kitchen is also showing some holiday restraint this year. We’re using the area under the floating shelves to house the wooden house advent calendar Sherry picked up from the Magnolia collection at Target. I’ll be honest that we were a little perplexed as to how to actually use it as an advent calendar. Do you pull the “block of the day” out front as you count down? Move a little bow from house to house as you go? We decided just to turn them all around to hide the numbers and flip them to reveal each one as we go.
advent calendar / paper flowers / green candle / gold frame / shelf brackets
Hilariously enough, the description on the Target website doesn’t even seem to acknowledge that it’s an advent calendar – and weirdly suggests gluing them into their storage box (???). Guess there are lots of ways to use this thing.
Sherry did pepper some ornaments and greenery elsewhere in the kitchen, though. And yes, we’ve officially jumped on the letterboard bandwagon thanks to our friend Mandi at Vintage Revivals who surprised us with this one. You can get them on Amazon or on her site (where there’s a buy-2-get-1-free deal with the code FREEGIFT). We’ve been planning to take it the beach house, but decided we’d have some fun with it here first. Home Alone anyone?
letterboard / similar cutting board / blinds / page-a-day calendar
The K.I.S.S. greenery theme continues in the foyer (that stands for “keep it simple stupid” and not the face painted heavy metal band who famously flaunt their tongues). It doesn’t take much to get that wintery feeling in here, since the white-on-white stuff with all those layered textures already feels pretty cozy, so Sherry just added an evergreen branch and a white feather tree. I’m happy to report that this vignette can last us well through winter, so don’t be surprised if you still see it hanging around in March.
similar baskets / similar acrylic table / similar white feather tree / large glass vase / similar mirror
We also referenced Sherry’s hoard of bottle brush trees in last week’s podcast and this year she decided to cluster them in the office since they’re so colorful. It works well because that room is pretty busy (both visually and literally) so they fit right in.
similar bottle brush trees // round mirror / parsons desk / bookcase 
Nothing really happens upstairs except for a few mini trees. My personal favorite is the one that sits in the bonus room, because it glows from down the hall and we can see it from outside in the driveway too. This is a photo from last year (forgive me) but it looks pretty much exactly the same this year. We boxed everything up together when we packed it away last year (the tree, its ornaments, and even the extension cord) so setting it up was easy and fast.
similar rug / vintage rocker / similar tree / sofa / globe
This is another photo from last year (gasp!) but again, it’s nearly identical this season. It’s our daughter’s artificial tree that we added several years ago when she was old enough to handle the “responsibility” of her own little tree (aka: don’t pull ornaments off and put them in your mouth or attempt to hang them on the dog). The tree came with its own little plastic pot at the base, but Sherry likes to slide it into one of her woven baskets (that she painted) which looks extra cheerful.
similar lidded basket / similar tree / quote art / door color: BM Cinco De Mayo
What’s new this year is our son’s tree, since he can finally be trusted with one of his own. He picked out this green tinsel tree himself ($8? sold!) because, well, he’s three and it was just about the coolest thing he’d ever seen. Scratch that – it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen once we added a string of colored LED lights to it. Each year we let the kids pick out some new soft ornaments for the shared tree in the bonus room, but we let him sneak his favorite one (this knitted wreath, which he lovingly calls his “Christmas Donut”) onto his tree, along with some shatterproof balls.
dragon & gorilla baskets / similar woven baskets / similar rug / tree / lights / bookcase
I’ll admit it makes me feel a little Scrooge-y to keep talking about pulling back on our holiday decor, but as Sherry said in the podcast: we’re really just trying to focus on the decorations that make us all the happiest, and cut out the parts that seem more labor than love. Everyone loved putting up ornaments this year, so we focused on the trees. Sherry’s favorite pun of her entire life is “boots with the fir” – so those fir-stuffed boots landed on the porch with glee. And she loves going wreath making with the girls, so she made this hilariously giant one this year (which you probably saw on Instagram).
similar wreath / red boots / welcome mat / fake trees in those black pots (yes they’re fake!) / door color: BM Blue Lake
And, well, I love my shed. So while Sherry was off wrestling half of planet earth’s magnolia leaves onto a single wreath, I picked up a few strands of colorful LEDs and some roof clips to bring some cheer to my little home away from home. I’m not brave enough to attempt this on our real roof, but I thought this would be a fun way to dress up the backyard without being 30′ from the ground.
Plus, the kids are super into rainbow lights this year, so it felt like the perfect place to deviate from the all-white lights that live in the front yard. Methinks it might need some more though. Maybe next year!
Actually, the main thing on our list for next year is an artificial tree for the beach house. We don’t think we’re going to be there enough this season to really make it worth it, but you can bet your britches I’m gonna be hunting down a discounted artificial tree on the 26th to have there next year! Maybe even an extra tall one since we have 9′ ceilings downstairs in there.
And for good measure, let’s wrap this post up with a little “Get The Look” mood board that Sherry put together. It’s not a comprehensive list since so many of our decorations are a few years old, but we did our best to find comparable items and to link to the exact things we have & love whenever we could (like the magnolia garland, a few of our ornaments, our new advent calendar, and yes, that’s our exact tree in the middle).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Happy holidays everyone!
Psst- Want more holiday posts and ideas? Here are a bunch of holiday & entertaining posts from years past.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday House Tour 2017 appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2Aw8hqr via IFTTT
0 notes
jgomez10x · 7 years
Holiday House Tour 2017
I don’t know why I’m always compelled to start these holiday house tour posts by type-shouting “SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” but there I’ve already gone and done it. ‘Tis the season. Moving on. Here’s how we decked our proverbial halls for Christmas this year. As you may have heard in last week’s podcast, we’re continuing last year’s mission to simplify our holiday decorations. We still want our home to feel festive, but in a way that doesn’t feel too crowded and overwhelming (or take too crazy long to set up and take down). So the living room is pretty much just all about the tree and the mantle.
sofa / side tables / chairs / round marble table / blinds / ottoman / similar lamps & TV table
The tree is an artificial one that we’ve had for over five years.  It has some of the most realistic looking branches we’ve laid eyes on when it comes to fake trees, but at this point most of its original light strands are burnt out (we had a good run!) and last year we gave up trying to fix them (Sherry spent 30 minutes hunting down the wrong bulb only to replace it and watch the entire strand blow out again ten minutes later). So at this point it’s mostly lit with these strands from Target.
It took a few tests to find lights that matched the warm-ish color temperature of the original bulbs (all the LED versions were too blue looking) so we’ve hoarded a few extra boxes for down the road. The ornaments are all a mish-mash of sentimental and homemade items we’ve collected over the years and I think this year was the most fun the kids have had helping us decorate it. Maybe because they’re finally both old enough that Sherry and I are shouting “BE CAREFUL!” and “DON’T TOUCH THAT ONE, IT CAN BREAK!” less and less throughout the process.
Christmas tree / similar rug / similar tree skirts / similar stocking / garland / similar mirror 
Our typically colorful fireplace (which you can see in last year’s holiday house tour) is more subdued this year, thanks to Sherry’s greenery kick and this faux magnolia garland she bought a few months ago. She noticed it looked a little dark up there at first, so she added some ceramic white houses we’ve had for a few years (these are similar – ours are actually ornaments with the hangers cut off) and some battery operated fairy lights to bring some lightness to the mantle.
faux magnolia garland / similar stockings / battery powered lights / similar ceramic houses / similar mirror
We did pepper in some nods to the season on the living room bookcases too, but they’re easy to miss at first glance. I actually didn’t notice the mouse until I uploaded this photo (which I took!). Let’s play a little game of Where’s Waldo (Waldo the mouse, not that guy in the striped shirt).
Those small figurines are hand-me-downs from Sherry’s mom and it takes everything in Sherry’s power to not keep them out all year (miniatures are her true weakness in life). The holiday “terrarium” is a DIY project from a few years ago and we picked up the pink wooden trees at the gift shop of our local botanical garden last year during an office Christmas party (not our office – that would just be weird – it was for the ad agency where I consult).
pink trees / gold frame / holiday shadow box / our book ;)
The kitchen is also showing some holiday restraint this year. We’re using the area under the floating shelves to house the wooden house advent calendar Sherry picked up from the Magnolia collection at Target. I’ll be honest that we were a little perplexed as to how to actually use it as an advent calendar. Do you pull the “block of the day” out front as you count down? Move a little bow from house to house as you go? We decided just to turn them all around to hide the numbers and flip them to reveal each one as we go.
advent calendar / paper flowers / green candle / gold frame / shelf brackets
Hilariously enough, the description on the Target website doesn’t even seem to acknowledge that it’s an advent calendar – and weirdly suggests gluing them into their storage box (???). Guess there are lots of ways to use this thing.
Sherry did pepper some ornaments and greenery elsewhere in the kitchen, though. And yes, we’ve officially jumped on the letterboard bandwagon thanks to our friend Mandi at Vintage Revivals who surprised us with this one. You can get them on Amazon or on her site (where there’s a buy-2-get-1-free deal with the code FREEGIFT). We’ve been planning to take it the beach house, but decided we’d have some fun with it here first. Home Alone anyone?
letterboard / similar cutting board / blinds / page-a-day calendar
The K.I.S.S. greenery theme continues in the foyer (that stands for “keep it simple stupid” and not the face painted heavy metal band who famously flaunt their tongues). It doesn’t take much to get that wintery feeling in here, since the white-on-white stuff with all those layered textures already feels pretty cozy, so Sherry just added an evergreen branch and a white feather tree. I’m happy to report that this vignette can last us well through winter, so don’t be surprised if you still see it hanging around in March.
similar baskets / similar acrylic table / similar white feather tree / large glass vase / similar mirror
We also referenced Sherry’s hoard of bottle brush trees in last week’s podcast and this year she decided to cluster them in the office since they’re so colorful. It works well because that room is pretty busy (both visually and literally) so they fit right in.
similar bottle brush trees // round mirror / parsons desk / bookcase 
Nothing really happens upstairs except for a few mini trees. My personal favorite is the one that sits in the bonus room, because it glows from down the hall and we can see it from outside in the driveway too. This is a photo from last year (forgive me) but it looks pretty much exactly the same this year. We boxed everything up together when we packed it away last year (the tree, its ornaments, and even the extension cord) so setting it up was easy and fast.
similar rug / vintage rocker / similar tree / sofa / globe
This is another photo from last year (gasp!) but again, it’s nearly identical this season. It’s our daughter’s artificial tree that we added several years ago when she was old enough to handle the “responsibility” of her own little tree (aka: don’t pull ornaments off and put them in your mouth or attempt to hang them on the dog). The tree came with its own little plastic pot at the base, but Sherry likes to slide it into one of her woven baskets (that she painted) which looks extra cheerful.
similar lidded basket / similar tree / quote art / door color: BM Cinco De Mayo
What’s new this year is our son’s tree, since he can finally be trusted with one of his own. He picked out this green tinsel tree himself ($8? sold!) because, well, he’s three and it was just about the coolest thing he’d ever seen. Scratch that – it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen once we added a string of colored LED lights to it. Each year we let the kids pick out some new soft ornaments for the shared tree in the bonus room, but we let him sneak his favorite one (this knitted wreath, which he lovingly calls his “Christmas Donut”) onto his tree, along with some shatterproof balls.
dragon & gorilla baskets / similar woven baskets / similar rug / tree / lights / bookcase
I’ll admit it makes me feel a little Scrooge-y to keep talking about pulling back on our holiday decor, but as Sherry said in the podcast: we’re really just trying to focus on the decorations that make us all the happiest, and cut out the parts that seem more labor than love. Everyone loved putting up ornaments this year, so we focused on the trees. Sherry’s favorite pun of her entire life is “boots with the fir” – so those fir-stuffed boots landed on the porch with glee. And she loves going wreath making with the girls, so she made this hilariously giant one this year (which you probably saw on Instagram).
similar wreath / red boots / welcome mat / fake trees in those black pots (yes they’re fake!) / door color: BM Blue Lake
And, well, I love my shed. So while Sherry was off wrestling half of planet earth’s magnolia leaves onto a single wreath, I picked up a few strands of colorful LEDs and some roof clips to bring some cheer to my little home away from home. I’m not brave enough to attempt this on our real roof, but I thought this would be a fun way to dress up the backyard without being 30′ from the ground.
Plus, the kids are super into rainbow lights this year, so it felt like the perfect place to deviate from the all-white lights that live in the front yard. Methinks it might need some more though. Maybe next year!
Actually, the main thing on our list for next year is an artificial tree for the beach house. We don’t think we’re going to be there enough this season to really make it worth it, but you can bet your britches I’m gonna be hunting down a discounted artificial tree on the 26th to have there next year! Maybe even an extra tall one since we have 9′ ceilings downstairs in there.
And for good measure, let’s wrap this post up with a little “Get The Look” mood board that Sherry put together. It’s not a comprehensive list since so many of our decorations are a few years old, but we did our best to find comparable items and to link to the exact things we have & love whenever we could (like the magnolia garland, a few of our ornaments, our new advent calendar, and yes, that’s our exact tree in the middle).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Happy holidays everyone!
Psst- Want more holiday posts and ideas? Here are a bunch of holiday & entertaining posts from years past.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday House Tour 2017 appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2Aw8hqr via IFTTT
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jennarocca · 7 years
Holiday House Tour 2017
I don’t know why I’m always compelled to start these holiday house tour posts by type-shouting “SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” but there I’ve already gone and done it. ‘Tis the season. Moving on. Here’s how we decked our proverbial halls for Christmas this year. As you may have heard in last week’s podcast, we’re continuing last year’s mission to simplify our holiday decorations. We still want our home to feel festive, but in a way that doesn’t feel too crowded and overwhelming (or take too crazy long to set up and take down). So the living room is pretty much just all about the tree and the mantle.
sofa / side tables / chairs / round marble table / blinds / ottoman / similar lamps & TV table
The tree is an artificial one that we’ve had for over five years.  It has some of the most realistic looking branches we’ve laid eyes on when it comes to fake trees, but at this point most of its original light strands are burnt out (we had a good run!) and last year we gave up trying to fix them (Sherry spent 30 minutes hunting down the wrong bulb only to replace it and watch the entire strand blow out again ten minutes later). So at this point it’s mostly lit with these strands from Target.
It took a few tests to find lights that matched the warm-ish color temperature of the original bulbs (all the LED versions were too blue looking) so we’ve hoarded a few extra boxes for down the road. The ornaments are all a mish-mash of sentimental and homemade items we’ve collected over the years and I think this year was the most fun the kids have had helping us decorate it. Maybe because they’re finally both old enough that Sherry and I are shouting “BE CAREFUL!” and “DON’T TOUCH THAT ONE, IT CAN BREAK!” less and less throughout the process.
Christmas tree / similar rug / similar tree skirts / similar stocking / garland / similar mirror 
Our typically colorful fireplace (which you can see in last year’s holiday house tour) is more subdued this year, thanks to Sherry’s greenery kick and this faux magnolia garland she bought a few months ago. She noticed it looked a little dark up there at first, so she added some ceramic white houses we’ve had for a few years (these are similar – ours are actually ornaments with the hangers cut off) and some battery operated fairy lights to bring some lightness to the mantle.
faux magnolia garland / similar stockings / battery powered lights / similar ceramic houses / similar mirror
We did pepper in some nods to the season on the living room bookcases too, but they’re easy to miss at first glance. I actually didn’t notice the mouse until I uploaded this photo (which I took!). Let’s play a little game of Where’s Waldo (Waldo the mouse, not that guy in the striped shirt).
Those small figurines are hand-me-downs from Sherry’s mom and it takes everything in Sherry’s power to not keep them out all year (miniatures are her true weakness in life). The holiday “terrarium” is a DIY project from a few years ago and we picked up the pink wooden trees at the gift shop of our local botanical garden last year during an office Christmas party (not our office – that would just be weird – it was for the ad agency where I consult).
pink trees / gold frame / holiday shadow box / our book ;)
The kitchen is also showing some holiday restraint this year. We’re using the area under the floating shelves to house the wooden house advent calendar Sherry picked up from the Magnolia collection at Target. I’ll be honest that we were a little perplexed as to how to actually use it as an advent calendar. Do you pull the “block of the day” out front as you count down? Move a little bow from house to house as you go? We decided just to turn them all around to hide the numbers and flip them to reveal each one as we go.
advent calendar / paper flowers / green candle / gold frame / shelf brackets
Hilariously enough, the description on the Target website doesn’t even seem to acknowledge that it’s an advent calendar – and weirdly suggests gluing them into their storage box (???). Guess there are lots of ways to use this thing.
Sherry did pepper some ornaments and greenery elsewhere in the kitchen, though. And yes, we’ve officially jumped on the letterboard bandwagon thanks to our friend Mandi at Vintage Revivals who surprised us with this one. You can get them on Amazon or on her site (where there’s a buy-2-get-1-free deal with the code FREEGIFT). We’ve been planning to take it the beach house, but decided we’d have some fun with it here first. Home Alone anyone?
letterboard / similar cutting board / blinds / page-a-day calendar
The K.I.S.S. greenery theme continues in the foyer (that stands for “keep it simple stupid” and not the face painted heavy metal band who famously flaunt their tongues). It doesn’t take much to get that wintery feeling in here, since the white-on-white stuff with all those layered textures already feels pretty cozy, so Sherry just added an evergreen branch and a white feather tree. I’m happy to report that this vignette can last us well through winter, so don’t be surprised if you still see it hanging around in March.
similar baskets / similar acrylic table / similar white feather tree / large glass vase / similar mirror
We also referenced Sherry’s hoard of bottle brush trees in last week’s podcast and this year she decided to cluster them in the office since they’re so colorful. It works well because that room is pretty busy (both visually and literally) so they fit right in.
similar bottle brush trees // round mirror / parsons desk / bookcase 
Nothing really happens upstairs except for a few mini trees. My personal favorite is the one that sits in the bonus room, because it glows from down the hall and we can see it from outside in the driveway too. This is a photo from last year (forgive me) but it looks pretty much exactly the same this year. We boxed everything up together when we packed it away last year (the tree, its ornaments, and even the extension cord) so setting it up was easy and fast.
similar rug / vintage rocker / similar tree / sofa / globe
This is another photo from last year (gasp!) but again, it’s nearly identical this season. It’s our daughter’s artificial tree that we added several years ago when she was old enough to handle the “responsibility” of her own little tree (aka: don’t pull ornaments off and put them in your mouth or attempt to hang them on the dog). The tree came with its own little plastic pot at the base, but Sherry likes to slide it into one of her woven baskets (that she painted) which looks extra cheerful.
similar lidded basket / similar tree / quote art / door color: BM Cinco De Mayo
What’s new this year is our son’s tree, since he can finally be trusted with one of his own. He picked out this green tinsel tree himself ($8? sold!) because, well, he’s three and it was just about the coolest thing he’d ever seen. Scratch that – it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen once we added a string of colored LED lights to it. Each year we let the kids pick out some new soft ornaments for the shared tree in the bonus room, but we let him sneak his favorite one (this knitted wreath, which he lovingly calls his “Christmas Donut”) onto his tree, along with some shatterproof balls.
dragon & gorilla baskets / similar woven baskets / similar rug / tree / lights / bookcase
I’ll admit it makes me feel a little Scrooge-y to keep talking about pulling back on our holiday decor, but as Sherry said in the podcast: we’re really just trying to focus on the decorations that make us all the happiest, and cut out the parts that seem more labor than love. Everyone loved putting up ornaments this year, so we focused on the trees. Sherry’s favorite pun of her entire life is “boots with the fir” – so those fir-stuffed boots landed on the porch with glee. And she loves going wreath making with the girls, so she made this hilariously giant one this year (which you probably saw on Instagram).
similar wreath / red boots / welcome mat / fake trees in those black pots (yes they’re fake!) / door color: BM Blue Lake
And, well, I love my shed. So while Sherry was off wrestling half of planet earth’s magnolia leaves onto a single wreath, I picked up a few strands of colorful LEDs and some roof clips to bring some cheer to my little home away from home. I’m not brave enough to attempt this on our real roof, but I thought this would be a fun way to dress up the backyard without being 30′ from the ground.
Plus, the kids are super into rainbow lights this year, so it felt like the perfect place to deviate from the all-white lights that live in the front yard. Methinks it might need some more though. Maybe next year!
Actually, the main thing on our list for next year is an artificial tree for the beach house. We don’t think we’re going to be there enough this season to really make it worth it, but you can bet your britches I’m gonna be hunting down a discounted artificial tree on the 26th to have there next year! Maybe even an extra tall one since we have 9′ ceilings downstairs in there.
And for good measure, let’s wrap this post up with a little “Get The Look” mood board that Sherry put together. It’s not a comprehensive list since so many of our decorations are a few years old, but we did our best to find comparable items and to link to the exact things we have & love whenever we could (like the magnolia garland, a few of our ornaments, our new advent calendar, and yes, that’s our exact tree in the middle).
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Happy holidays everyone!
Psst- Want more holiday posts and ideas? Here are a bunch of holiday & entertaining posts from years past.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday House Tour 2017 appeared first on Young House Love.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8265713 http://ift.tt/2Aw8hqr via IFTTT
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