#then im gonna do rituals and a tarot reading
vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪 𝔰𝔭 (𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔫𝔢𝔯) 𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔲𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔬𝔫𝔢
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
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pile 1, crochet plant:
your dream sp: do yall like fixing people,,,,, hmmmmm bc im getting a vibe of i can fix them but you actually do. delusional ass. you want someone who has escaped some sort of bad experiences, or has a bad boy / girl appearance. you want someone who is a born leader, fiery energy, good with money and is ambitious to achieve their own goals. oh you want someone with duality. someone with a peaceful, gentle side to them that they don’t show often, perhaps mysterious or emotionally intuitive. 
your fated sp: someone who has experienced enough to become mature and warm and caring. i don’t think it’s a bad boy / girl. someone who has expertise in their field, master of 1 skill kind of vibe. someone who enjoys learning and travelling, broadening their horizons. idealistic, likes bright colours? that’s a specific message. always looking for chances for entrepreneurship, money making, learning new hobbies and skills, hopping around from one to the next. a fresh breath of air, embodies the sun. 
pile 2, crochet jellyfish: 
your dream sp: are yall stuck on your ex or someone toxic??? you want someone who can fight for you, will burn the world down to save you trope. someone who saves you from the bad things that happen to you. you want someone who can help you clear your mind and take a break, a healing person. someone who ISN’T STUCK ON THE PAST AND DOESN’T WALLOW IN SELF PITY. or maybe you are missing your ex who knows 
your fated sp: they may come in later in your life than you think. you are fated to meet someone who is powerful in their field, respects authority, perhaps religious and traditional. someone who has achieved happiness in all aspects of their life and is willing to share that with you. someone who completes you. kind and family-oriented, emotional, sensitive, and compassionate. balanced masculine and feminine energy. 
pile 3, crochet pasta: 
your dream sp: i think you watch too much tiktok or smut. yall are all FINDING THE SAME TYPE OF GUY. i think you like toxic people who will fight for you. literally physically fight someone off for you. someone who is good in bed and creative. passionate, motivated to work hard, probably athletic especially running. someone who can dominate you, but still be patient and compassionate with you. tamed wild beast typa feeling. 
your fated sp: and guess what you will get someone who will fight for you, but instead of literally fighting they will defend you and this relationship to the very end. someone who likes fairness and justice, could work in the law field. someone who will make sure that they give as much as they take. down to earth, nature-loving, practical and resourceful. willing to hand make things for you. likes to save money perhaps. 
ok i got lazy so i posted this like weeks after i said i was gonna sorries
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading or spell service by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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cardicoven · 8 months
hi!! could you share any of your experiences interacting with persephone? or how has it felt to communicate with her? or even just fun anecdotes. ive given her an offering and im so happy to worship her... but god theres so little info or people talking about her!!!
Hey! So thanks for the lovely question, its great to hear that your reaching out to Persephone and are looking into worshipping her. I've been working with Persephone for around 3 years, giving weekly (often daily) offering and have maintained an altar space for her throughout that time. I say this not to boast or seem all knowing on the topic but to give some small context on my practice with her. Like many others my practice and worship of Persephone varies with the seasons, I feel her most strongly in Spring and Summer. During this time when light her candle I feel her presence, almost in that way when a Parent/Mentor/Guardian looks in your direction and you feel their eyes on you. When I leave offering during these months, I often experience feedback sometimes emotional, rarely I'll hear an affirmation, 'Thank you' or 'how thoughtful' kinda thing. When I call for her assistance in ritual I feel her behind me, sometimes guiding my hand, or I'll smell/taste something she advises for the ritual, only for the feeling to pass when I lay my hands on the herb/oil/item suggested. When it comes to divination she a dedicated card in my Tarot the 10 of Pentacles (which in my deck is the Pomegranate 10 of Crops, I use the Bottanical Deck link) and in my experience she's always happy to make it appear when she has something to say during Divination. In Autumn and Winter my experiences with her is very different, she feels distant, less patient, she's in the Underworld and has stuff to do. I don't feel her when I light my candles or leave small offerings. Only when I Invoke her and ask for her help in ritual do I feel her presence, its powerful, not stern per se but business esc, she's there to help and her time is not to be wasted. During this time I only invoke her when I really need her, most often in death work, or partially important banishings/protections and I always have a sizable offering at this time. That's not to say Persephone is not comforting or compassionate towards me in the colder months, her attention is elsewhere, and her responsibilities are with the dead.
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That's all little heavy so here's a fun Anecdote. A few Years ago, myself and some witchy friends had a Party, there was plenty of drinking and debauchery (we were celebrating a friends bad break up). During a lull in the evening we pulled some cards and did some Tarot, nothing serious just good fun freaking out a few non-witchy friends, nevertheless Persephone had a word or two to share on the breakup, and while I don't remember much of it, it consisted of pointing out the Guys flaws and highlighting my friends strengths. After we put the cards away my friend asked how she should thank Persephone for her insight, I said leave her a wee offering, pour a shot out for her outside. My friend did so and said the following 'Thank for your wisdom Lady Pomegranate', before going back inside and passing out. I guess it's the thought that's counts.
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Just gonna finish this off with a small list of recommended Reading since Anon is just starting out, and hopefully it might be useful. I'll link to Goodreads, but you should be able to find copies of these online somewhere if you try to. o Persephone's Pathway by Jennifer Heather: link : a wonderful exploration of Persephone from a modern pagan perspective but not without flaw. (my review) o Greek Religion by Walter Burkert: link : Currently making my way through this, it's academic and a heavy read but so far enlightening. o Old Stones, New Temples by Drew Campbell: link : an older book about Hellenic reconstructionism, reading it atm, so far its heavy but good. o Underworld Gods in Ancient Greek Religion by Ellie Mackin Roberts: link : On my reading list, 'This volume presents a case for how and why people in archaic and classical Greece worshipped Underworld gods.' o Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship by LABRYS: link : I haven't got around to this yet but it's comes highly recommended. Hope this helps, and thanks again for the ask.
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ashascoven · 4 months
☽ ✯ venture x witch! reader pt. 3! ✯ ☾
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✯ welcome back everyone, to part three!!! (here is part one, and part two!)
✯ sorry for this taking so long, my mind has been brainrotting with valorant and roblox i cant lie...
✯ i was also a bit stuck on how i wanted to go about this... but every like has just been more motivation to keep trying to continue this, so thank you <3
✯ hope there's people out there enjoying this, happy reading!!!
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! venturexreader ☆
reader is a female who practices witchcraft! i wrote her that way because i also am a witch irl! :,)
VERY lengthy build-up fanfic (LOTS of reading.. i type a lot i think?)
venture is referred to as sloan <3
lifeweaver is besties with the reader, referred to as niran!
everything related to witchcraft here may be exaggerated / inaccurate for fanfic purposes.. but i tried writing it all into an experience > just reading!!
eventual ritual smut....
feel free to hmu, hope u enjoy :D
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“IM HOOOMMEEEE, MII AMOOORR~!!!! ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃”
You gritted you teeth at the rock muncher that just busted through the front door, their hand happily waving in the air at you.
You shook your head and took a visible breath, cracking your knuckles.
“please, excuse me niran.”
“mhm! take all of the time you nee-”
“mercy? haha, i’m sure angela would react the same if it were her and her morning tea being stolen~ (^◡^)” Niran chuckled, taking a sip of his.
He watched as you had Sloan on the floor in a chokehold, their bag and drill frantically thrown to the side of the doorway.
Their hands were desperately trying to pull yours off of their neck, but you didn't budge. 
You looked down at them with murder in your eyes, fully prepared to make them beg for their life.
“tell me where the rest of my jars are.”
“y/n.. please, have mercy-..” 
They were starting to turn red, eyes squinting in extreme discomfort as they practically wiggled under your freakishly strong grasp on them.
Were they into this or not? They couldn't tell, but they definitely weren't being let off easily.
“you tell me what you took my waters for, where they are, and what made you not consider just ASKING me.. and MAYBE i wont boil you into a cauldron stew."
“mi a-amor-”
“i c-can explain if yo-”
“w-wait that'd actually be-”
“be WHAT?”
You suddenly loosened your grip on their neck, moving your hands up to holding their face and staring at them with a frown.
“listen, i know it prooobaablyy looked bad, b-but i promise i didn't mean any..”
You slowly leaned down towards their ear and pushed aside their headset, making them trail off from their words. 
“no, you listen to me.”
You spoke in a low tone, earning a nervous gulp in response. 
The excavator’s entire body shivered at the way your voice rang through their skull, cooing to them like a gentle warning that they were dead meat the split second Niran left.
“i was in the middle of doing a tarot reading for niran before you came home, and i need to go finish that up for him.”
“when im done, you better have prayed to every god you know.. because when i get to you, sloan cameron..”
You leaned closer, lowering into a whisper.
“you're gonna be begging for forgiveness.”
With that, you got up and made your way back to the kitchen, dusting the dirt from Sloan's clothes off of your own.
They, on the other hand, stayed on the floor for a minute with wide eyes, breath hitched in their throat, trying to process how they wanted to feel about what you just did.
Yeah, they did essentially steal from you with no explanation, and you seemed reasonably mad at them for it, but why was their face burning?
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“niran, i am so sorry about that.. interruption.” You rubbed your forehead, taking a seat across from him again.
“no worries! you can always take the time you need, i’m never in a hurry anyway.”
“thank you.. gosh, you're always so kind and patient with everything, i dunno how you do it.”
It was your turn to lean on the table with your face in hand, glancing over at the phased out sloan still sitting by the door.
“hah, if i’m being honest, i’m not sure either.”
He shrugged his shoulders, reaching down to pet the raccoon and possum that were now rubbing against his leg.
“i just approach everything with a- uh.. pardon me, but are they supposed to be doing.. that?”
Niran tilted his head, pointing at Sloan. They seemed to be standing near an altar of yours, one of your salt lamps about to.. enter their mouth.
They quickly set it down in embarrassment like a child getting caught doing something they're not supposed to. How they got up so quickly and found the covered lamp on one of your altars was unknown to you.
“sorry..! forgot again- and heey niran! sorry for not saying it earlier.. (⇀‸↼‶)”
They rubbed the back of their neck in shame, looking at the floor.
Whenever they felt bad about something, their go-to was munching at.. questionable things. A lot of times, they won't even realize they're doing it, and that's how lots of your things go missing.
“hello!- (٥⁀▽⁀ )/”
“..ahem! anywho.”
“niran, do you feel like my reading resonated with you?”
“hmm.” He took the last sip of his tea before setting it down.
“i do feel as if.. it resonates, but not for me.”
“oh?” You raised a brow.
“rather.. y/n, don't you think it all sounded very familiar?”
“eh? really? how.. so?”
He gestured towards your lover, who was nervously fidgeting at the door, seemingly waiting for you. 
It looked like it took every bone in their body to not pick your lamp back up again and start biting.
“wh.. what do you mean? i don't think my partners.. stupid, they're very smart for the work they do…?” 
You hadn’t picked up on it somehow, your mind defaulting to showing off your lover to others.. even though you had just.. threatened said lover.
“no, my friend, what was your answer to my question earlier?”
“about how i was doing?.. uhh..?? i don- oh… oh.”
You turned in your seat and looked back at Sloan, who had caved and started biting at the lamp.
You could see them stop to ‘shush’ the bugs in their respective jars on your altar, not wanting them to tattle for what they were witnessing.
If anything, thank goddesses it was the lamp being eaten and not.. the bugs themselves.
“damn, i must've really made em’ scared huh.”
You both kept watching, but they didn't notice their audience yet, too nervously deep into their comforting eating session.
“it's normal, but i'm not sure about the salt-eating thing though..”
“yeah.. i’ve got to sign them up for that strange addiction tv show sometime.”
“agreed. ( ❛ᴗ❛ )”
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“but anyway, ya know.. you're entirely right, it makes a lot of sense.” You ran a hand through your hair with a sigh.
“well, don't forget to give yourself most of the credit, y/n.. you were the one who read the cards after all! i’m impressed!”
“ahh, thank you, but? doesn't that mean i basically.. did that reading on myself? what about you?”
“don't worry about me, I'm quite content with what we've learned today~”
“hmmmmm… you.. sure?” 
“mhm! if you truly are worried about the results of this reading, then can i ask you to do some other things for me instead?”
“oh? of course! what is it?”
“for starters, i think you should.. remember to be more patient with yourself.. and them.” He nudged his head towards Sloan’s direction.
“i fully believe that you two thrive together as a couple, so conflicts, like mentioned in your reading, shouldn't push you two apart.”
“i.. see.” You turned around to look at them again, your eyes squinting at the way your lamp was now half-way gone and probably in their stomach.
“yup! there truly is no rush to every little thing in life.. it's best enjoyed when you bask into each ray of light for how bright they really are, not for how bask-worthy you were expecting, right?”
“pshh, it's like i’m the one being soul read now,” you jokingly rolled your eyes, “but gosh, you're so right.”
“hmph, do i really just.. expect too much of them? like in your honest opinion, am i too.. harsh..?”
“from what i’ve seen, no. your current frustration is valid, given how this has never happened before. it seems right to be confused.. to want answers.. but, would you say you trust them?”
“huh? oh of course i do, why wouldn't i?”
“i think you should keep at that. have they ever wronged you?”
“outside of.. being the reason i could never keep ingredients for spells in the house.. no?”
“then, you should help their flowers flourish, even if you're not sure what seeds they've planted yet.”
“ah.. i definitely get what you're saying.”
“to be more patient and open-minded of them right now, and get back at them with a really well-thought out ritual later! maybe ill even get my witchy ancestors onto them? (っ˘ω˘ς )” You grinned, jokingly plotting your partner’s karma.
“..sure. (¯▿¯)”
“thank you a lot niran.. if you weren't here, i probably would've strangled them to death already.”
“SHUT IT, LAMP EATER! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)”
“ahem, seriously, thank you a ton. your words will definitely be kept in mind when i.. deal with that knucklehead.”
Cartoon-like sparkles and hearts practically radiated off of you as you innocently thanked Niran.
You smiled happily, knowing good and well what you were planning for your lover when he left.
“of course, y/n! anytime you need something, i’m a phone call away! i trust that you'll take care of your partner just fine~ (ง ื▿ ื)ว”
Getting up and clasping his hands together, he took his cup to the sink. He tried to wash it, but you shoo’ed him away with a ‘nono, i got it, you're good!’
“thank you.. with that being said.. i’m afraid it's actually time for me to go. i have my own flower awaiting me at home, but it was a lovely morning spent with you! (⌒ω⌒)”
He made his way to the door, patting Sloan’s head before putting his sandals back on.
“likewise! thank you for this, really.” 
You followed him, casually whacking your partner in the head and earning a ‘hey! >:(‘ out of them.
“of course! send me those love spell recipes for my bap when you get a chance, yah? (¬‿¬ )”
“only if you tell me how they work out for you two! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ”
You waved as he headed out with his umbrella, shooting you a thumbs-up before leaving.
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“w-whew! it's a niiiccee raiinyy day, isn't it??!? i h-hope you two had a nice morni-”
“i- u-uh-.. hiiii..yaaa? :,D”
“sloan cameron.”
“..im so fucked.”
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“soo,” you had to remind yourself to be easy on Sloan with a heavy sigh, “..did youu.. take my jars of moon water to work?”
“and.. did you bring them back?”
“i m-mean, i did! i brought them back but-”
“..but what?”
You caught yourself and sighed.
“sorry.. it's just? i’ve been stressed out almost all morning about this.. i’ve been curing those for like, three years now, every full moon, non-stop.”
You paced around in front of them, twiddling your hands in your own frantics of their responses.
“you-.. three years??!?”
“yes??? i've told you this over and over.. why do you think i’m so worked up over this?” You stood in front of them with crossed arms, eyeing them over.
“oh my god- i-?!?” They wrapped their arms around you.
“i'm s-so sorry for using some of it for your food this morning mi amor..! believe me, i w-wouldn't have even touched them if i had remembered! ugh, stupid sloan.. stupid me! the one time i try to change things up and it jus-”
They pulled away to cover their face in guilt, on the verge of crying and pleading to make it up to you, but you stopped them in their thoughts, it being your turn to hug them.
“it's okay, baby. just.. don't sweat it, it's the thought that counts.” You ignored your eye twitching, your arms around them unconsciously getting a bit tighter.
They felt themselves melt into the tight hold of your arms, their nerves starting to wash away in relief that you weren't angry at them. 
Their emotions almost hit them all at once like a bulldozer.
“i shouldn't have touched your things in the first place… i-i just thought you'd trust me and I could do something to make you happ-"
“sloan, it's okay, ya know? whatever it is you did with those jars, just…” you suppressed your eye twitches, trying so hard to not think about the dedication you put into some water, “i-its no biggie, you're good, i still love you.”
“man, i love you too.. i reeaallyy don't deserve you, mi vida..” They let themselves lean even more into your hold, the both of you hugging each other for a quiet minute.
The tension slowly going away between you two was nice, and you once again wished you could hold Sloan like this forever.
“oh! right!!! i still should uh-! s-show you what i used them for, since they're not actually gone or anything!” They suddenly pulled away, shuffling in their giant pockets.
“i dunno if i did it right.. or if it's silly? b-but i figured uh.. try my hands at charging some freshly mined crystals for you this time! (つ≧▽≦)つ” 
They guided you to the kitchen, pulling out the jars from their pockets and placing them on the dining table.
“o-oh?!? woah! they're..??!? still covered and everything, hello!??” You covered your mouth in surprise, not actually expecting to see the jars again.
“y-yeah! i didn't even know you kept them for so long but i.. i knew it was important that the sunlight didn't touch them, so i thought it'd be.. nice if i gave you these beauties with all of the energy from the water poured into them already! that's.. how that works right..?”
“awwwhh, slooann..!!” You gushed, the smile on your face already hurting your cheeks.
“l-listen! it's probably better when you do it, since you have those magical witchy hands n’ stuff.. but i wanted to show you how cool i think you are by taking after what you do!! if it's.. weird or anything though, then uh.. ill jus- mph!”
You cut them off with your lips against theirs, holding their face and letting the wave of relieved honor take over your body.
The fluttering in your chest was from realizing how much thought they were putting into these little gifts for you, and it helped wipe away any lingering frustrations you previously had with them.
You tried not to dwell on your own rightful confused anger with feeling bad, clinging to the advice Niran gave you.
It was better to just focus on what things really were right now, and this? This wasn't a case purely of stealing or foolishness, it was just Sloan trying to do something meaningful for you.
It was already sweet that they brought back raw crystals for you from work all the time simply because they knew you liked them, not to mention how expensive and hard they are to acquire normally.. 
But, to actually try and charge and cleanse them for you too? 
Trying to replicate what they've watched you do with gemstones and water before?
They might as well have proposed on the spot.
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You pulled away, wrapping your arms around their neck and kissing all over their face.
“i take back everything i said, muah, i’m sorry for being mad at you, muah, i love you so much, mwuah muah, thank you, mwuah~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ”
“so worth it~.. ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃” was all they managed to get out, their eyes practically swirling at all of your kisses.
With one last ‘mwuah!’, you ruffled their hair and went to checking the jars that made it back home.
“oh my goshh, you found citrine??”
“ooh, there's some amethyst here too!”
“wahh, selenite?!!? gosh, you're spoiling me, sloan! ~(˘▽˘)~”
You excitedly inspected the glasses, raising them above your head to look inside of the dark jars without removing their coverings.
Sloan stood there proudly, their hands on their hips and a cheesy grin on their face. They were so relieved that you weren't mad at them.
“i’m glad you like them!! :D, there's some more in my bag for you, ya know, the usual~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧”
“aawwhh, thank you baby! i’m so so so sorry i was even mad at you at all (*_ _)人” 
You buried your face into their chest, wrapping your arms around them again.
“nono, IM sorry i made you worry like that,” they kissed your forehead, “i really should've just asked you first and.. maaayybee do this without.. OH! THAT REMINDS ME, BABY LOOK!!”
They reached in their pocket with one hand, the other still holding you back by the waist, and pulled out one last jar.
“you totally aren't gonna be ready for THIS one!!”
Something about this made you feel uneasy in the moment, but you swallowed Niran’s words once more, trusting in your partner.
They whipped out the glass of what was supposed to have the blue crystal in it, expecting it to be a glorious reveal… but, it was just strangely darker than the rest of the covered jars.
“huh, guess it's just.. a bit more shyer than the other rocks?” They tilted their head, letting go of you to gently knock at the jar. You watched with another jar in hand, ready to compare the two.
“heeelloooo? any celestine hoomee? hmph, i can definitely feel it in there though..” They held it to the ceiling and practically pressed their eyeball against the glass.
“it's like it's not in there.. but, it feels like it is?!” They swished around the jar, deciding to place it on the table with another ‘hmm..’
“maybe it's the cloth? let's just.. go ahead and pull that off then!”
“wait- sloan no it’ll toucH THE SUNLIGH-”
You tried to stop them, but their hands were already quick to remove the clothed lid and reveal the stone.
“wait shit no i’m so sorry i didn't me-”
“wooaahh..” You gasped and picked up the jar, mesmerized by the piece of celestine. 
It glimmered in such a way that you've never seen before, making you immediately forget about the actual water around it touching sunlight.
“it's.. it's beautiful, sloan..” You held it up to eye level, your eyes sparkling at the glittery gemstone before you.
“h-how’d you even.. find something like this? it's.. like it's glowing~..” It had you hypnotized, struggling to take your eyes off of it.
“i.. uhh.. surprise..??” They were also lost in the stone, the way it shimmered all sorts of colors and lights in the water seemed like magic. It wasn't this glamorous when they had found it.
“here sloan, look at it! did you.. really find this.. for me?”
You quickly shoved the jar into their hands, puppy eyeing at them for bringing you something so beautiful.
“o-of course, mi amor! it's my proudest find for you so far, so it's-” They froze, both of your eyes widening at the stone.
It felt like it all happened in slow motion, the way you both stopped to stare at what was happening in the glass.
The piece of celestine was… dissolving.
“wh- huh?? wait noo- this- this isn't good- w-why is it.. melting??!?”
The split second they had started holding it, the crystal dissipated. 
In a natural panic, they quickly placed it back on the counter, the water in the jar now being misty and clouded.
“hmm.. celestine isn't meant to rest in water but… it hasn't been that long since you put it in there, right?”
“l-like, only an hour or two, yeah?! b-but.. something feels weird..!” They started holding their own face in a panic, panting.
“it shouldn't have dissolved that quickly the- wait, are you okay?!? should I call someone??!”
“y/n.. i-i. i don't know! something'sdefinitelywrongandmystomachfeels-”
They suddenly covered their mouth, slowly looking at you with wide eyes.
“..’feels’? feels WHAT??, baby?!!? what's wrong??”
You joined in on their panic, bringing them close.
They tried holding a finger up, only to push you away and dash to a trash can, scurrying back to you with it in hand..
Then, they hovered over it.
“bleurg- ☁️💨”
“h-holy shit, sloan?? eurgh, sloan?!?!?”
As soon as they tried vomiting, the whole kitchen was smoked out in an instant, leaving you coughing and desperately swatting at the heavy air.
After about 10 seconds, the smoke started going away, revealing to you a trash can with.. no Sloan to be found.
“wh.. what..? even happened..?? where's-” You stopped yourself, something telling you to check the trash can.
Peering inside, you saw them.
Sloan was inside of the trash can, hand-sized, looking up at you. (・u・)
“o-oh.. my god.”
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✯ if you've made it this far, tysm for reading again!
✯ im planning on proofreading and rewriting the other parts (again, and if im motivated enough), but how would yall feel about me posting little drabbles here and there?
✯ feel free to hit my line abt it, or anything in general, i dont bite ! >:)
✯ the link for part 4 will go here soon, and here are the borders used!
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✯ enjoy your day/night! stay hydrated, love venture.. LOVE THE SILLY!! <3
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chiquititaosita · 2 years
Hi there I loved your headcanons for Sanji with a Latina s/o, and was wondering if you could possibly do some headcanons of Zoro with a Latina brujita s/o, please? Thank you for your time! As a fellow latino, seeing your writing makes me so happy we have wonderful representation from creators like you.
OMG OMFG OMFG YESS I LOVE THESEEEE!! THIS IS WHAT IM HERE FOR! you don’t understand how much this made my night! I got you! :)
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I might make this a series though since I’m a bruja y curandera myself :) when I make a link I’ll make more for the rest of the trio :>
Zoro with a Bruja for an s/o
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• Let’s be honest zoro does not even believe in brujería 💀
• Well not at first
• “PFTAHAJHAAJA! Let me guess you’re gonna do hocus pocus type shit!? KYAHAHAHA!!”
•. Yes he can be superstitious no joke but he’s more of a see it to believe it kinda guy.
• You help with chopper and sanji for natural remedies if they can’t seem to put things together.
• Like one time nami was angry because she couldn’t even get to seduce a guy for money get that bag sis 💸
• you did a ven a mi dinero trabajo (trabajo another word for spell or working) let’s just say. She got that bag within 15-20 minutes :>
• but there was this one time he pissed you off and you were done. Literally he made fun of one your ancestors ofrendas. (Trust me id be pissed too, especially if they’re sensitive) I mean SO DONE! you had to ask chopper to get some of zoros hair.
• “What are they gonna do?! If you’re real spirit! Show me a sign!” he said jokingly as he was drinkng your ancestors alcohol..
• he literally saw a book yEET across the room.
• than he saw a shadow figure walk close to him. Lights flickered, and then sanji started screaming “MY BISCUITS!!”
• “okay okay!! I’m sorry.” he mumbled.
• when you gave him a tarot reading that’s how you knew he had feelings for you.
• he didn’t even know until sanji, nami and robin had to explain it to him
• “oh… is there something you’ve been wanting to tell me…??”
• “yeah this.” he just straight up kissed you
• since than he always went to you for your advice. Since you give him readings all the time
•one time Zoro accidentally drank Florida water (it’s a cologne thats very powerful in brujería)
• if you’re a Santa Muerte Devotee now he’ll give her a glass of alcohol just for you to be safe.
• he always watches you from behind when you do a cleanse or a ritual for the crew. You’re just his sweet wittle bwuja 🥹💗
•he does buy you a pendant of your santo and takes it to the medicine man to get it blessed personally. because he knows you’d appreciate it if he took the time to do something for you
•as you do so much for him.
• “I found you a rock I thought you could use it.”
•” oi, gremlin. can you do that thingy with the smoke and that plant? I hate to say this but my vibes are off.”
• “can you ask your cards if im gonna beat that curlys ass soon?!”
•”what does my dream mean of seeing you naked?”
• “I keep seeing numbers like 111 or 222, and repeating numbers WHAT?! DO THEY MEAN!”
• “I can take the jar back.”
•” NO… I like it…”
•San judas takes his onigiri because you pray for him a lot to be safe AND TO NOT GET LOST 😭
• when you visit every medicine man in every island you go to. He goes with you and you always ask them to check if everyone will be safe. You’re making sure everyone’s safe that’s adorable :)
• yes he’ll do spicy magic with you
• overall he finds you to be very powerful, and hot at the same time. His love for you will only grow stronger
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allblackeverything888 · 2 months
dear diary,
today i got paid a little bit for a one-time creative collab, so i walked a few blocks to the AMC Dine-In theater to catch a midday showing of Longlegs. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but i just…kinda loved it! i don’t think i’ve stepped in a theater at all this year, so it felt good to lounge and dump butter on my bag of popcorn &revel in the fact that i had an entire little theater to myself. just me and creepy ass serial killer version of Nic Cage!
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i just loved the visuals, i loved instantly recognizing lucifer’s sigil as soon as Maika Monroe’s char opens up Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell (which i need to add to my reading list). in other news, i’m still eating up all of Mami Onami’s promo for her occult classes. she got me with Gurdjieff, &now she’s promoting her &her husband’s sex magick course. im not a courses girl—im always of the mind that if i take in enough ~free~ knowledge from a variety of preferred sources, i’m perfectly equipped to enlighten myself to the secret knowledge of the universe, as it were. that said, MO gives A LOT of great, clearcut, free knowledge &i love how straightforward, no bullshit she is. i like her ENERGY yes yes yes. something abt her is inspiring
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my kindle is so occulted i can sometimes see it smoldering w an ominous black smoke. yesterday i downloaded n started reading 2 new (to me) books: The Art and Practice of the Occult by Ophiel (who is quickly becoming my favorite ‘lowbrow’ occult writer, because he’s so unpretentious and bad at writing it makes everything…excellent and silly and i like taking that approach to learning magick. i wanna have fun!) and Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette, who is a v clear and precise writer. He’s like, a great blend of super knowledgeable while also being extremely accessible and to the point. That’s really the main thing i need from my introduction to magick rn. like, crowley direct from the source is 2 much rn, i need to learn more, and gradually make my way toward the deeper knowledge. so yeah, Ophiel is VERY “everyman” coded as it were, and Lon Milo DuQuette is a well known and well respected author of many occult texts and he’s been really great for learning the basics so far.
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i’ve decided that tonight im going to begin practicing the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, as taught in one of Ophiel’s books on manifestation. i’m gonna have to do it in the bathroom stall at the shelter before bed at night, but a grubby grey stall with a curtain instead of a door seems like as good a place as any to start actually practicing magick. i mean, if magick doesn’t work in the toilet stall of the homeless shelter u live in, i don’t want it. that’s frankly how i feel abt it.
anyway, i’ve gotta go. maybe tomorrow i’ll talk abt the goals for this publik diary space, but i don’t have time rn. until then! 😘
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giverofempathy · 4 years
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themusicalvoid · 4 years
Tiktok witches do be freakin out about the ~negative chaotic energies~ of the upcoming full moon and how you should not by any means do magic that night but like.. yall?? Ever heard of chaos magic? Shakin things up and letting them fall where they may??? My bitch ass is LOVING this rn, why would i not fuck with these weird energies
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Im Chang Kyun (MONSTA X) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Im Chang Kyun
Stage Name: I.M
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Im Chang Kyun
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Position - XI Justice
Changkyun is the dom in a relationship, no doubts about that. However he’s not the manipulative or possessive kind of a dom. He’s fair and square, he takes his partner’s opinions and values very seriously and respects them. He’s got a strong sense of justice and will always be honest and open about his feelings.
Libido - I The Magician
Changkyun’s libido is under his full control. He can either chain his desire up for weeks, months or years when he pleases and finds fit. Or he will unchain the beast and let it savour his lover in the most blissful way. Changkyun is likely very knowledgeable when it comes to various positions, techniques and toys, he’s pursuing the mastery of it and he will be the happiest man ever when his lover is as open minded as he is and will participate in experimenting in the bedroom. Make sure to always have a safe word, though, once the beast is unleashed, it will only stop on clear command.
Turn On - 7 of Swords
While Changkyun is the good and just dom in a relationship, he might be tempted to fall in love with a total player. Maybe he thinks he can change them? Maybe he gets extra thrill from having to be on guard and check on them to prevent them from cheating on him? Maybe he’s just vain and the fact his lover is attractive to others pleases him? Maybe he’s a freak? Who knows? However, Changkyun is likely to find himself a wild and tempting lover with proper experience and good count of cuts on their bed headboard.
Kink - Knight of Cups
As silly as it might sound, Changkyun finds it kinky and really arousing to go through the old fashioned courting rituals. Bouquet of flowers, holding doors and chairs for his lover, even handwritten letters and poetry, romantic strolls in the park and candles and slow dancing. Imagine every romantic movie or book you ever watched or read and all those little rituals performed there and Changkyun is up for doing it step by step to perfection.
Dirtiest Secret* - 3 of Cups
It’s not gonna be a surprise that the dirty secret Changkyun holds is experiencing a threesome. I mean, with his not completely devoted and faithful lover, he’s got very good chances he’s gonna have it often and in a variety of combinations.
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Thank you for reading!
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Hi Scarlet! I just discovered your blog and it’s amazing! I’m extremely new to spirit work but I’m eager to learn. So I was wondering if you could post some methods for protection and communication related to the spirit work. Sorry if you’ve already done it. I just couldn’t find it.
A small P.S: please explain as if you are writing to a total idiot
Thank you in advance!
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First off, Thank you very much. Even though im a new blog i am honored that you came to me with questions.
Gonna be real with you. Spirit work can be, will be and is dangerous. Point. Blank. Period. Now some may argue that it isn't, BUT it is. At least the potential for danger is extremely high for the unknowing beginner.
Since you are extremely new and im guessing have no experience yet, lets not jump into the deep- end of spirit communicating just yet. And here's why;
Unless you can tell me that you've done the research i cant give much info on how to communicate or ward as it took me years to get where I am as i started with energy work before spirit work, and im still continuously learning. I feel a good question a beginner should ask themselves is, "Why do I want to work with spirits? What is it that I want to get out of these experiences?"
In any regards i can only tell you to start looking towards Barns and Noble or a reputable spiritual shop to find books on this topic rather than to come to tumblr for sources. Though 2 books I can recommend than i thought was informative that i used and reworked to my own practice is;
Summoning spirits: The Art of Magical Evocation by Konstantinos
Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes
And as far as warding goes there's multiple different ways.
Smoke Cleansing your room
Crystal water spray cleansing
Sigil warding (Making art symbols to combat negative energy/entities)
Bell cleansing
Bone shaking
The Lesser Banishing ritual
So I guess my advice would be read up on whatever you feel attracted to before ever trying to make contact. Contact should be last, as it would be more appropriate to gain knowledge on how to talk to said creatures and act around them. Next would be finding ways to communicate. This doesn't mean making contact, just means looking into what way of communication feels comfortable for you and the entity. Tarot? Oracle Cards? Pendulum? etc etc . . anyways, you need to practice and hone your skill in divination before trying to clearly make full contact with a new unknown being. Always good to start off with talking to Angels sense they don't quite judge when someone is starting out and need protection when they practice. Not to say there aren't other beings who would be good for beginners but I feel Angels tend to be the most common and safe choice to start with. Them and elemental beings.
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imeverywoman420 · 3 years
I have pulled off many an occult ritual ive made blood pacts that have protected me from dire situations one time i meditated for an hour intentionally trying to manifest a mint juul pod and i went outside and it was right there a juul with a full mint pod. But i have no idea how to get a boyfriend. Or make love rituals work. And i can do a tarot spread about someone elses love life and get the most straightforward inspired readings. If i do my own i either get obviously negative cards (6 of swords three of swords 5 of cups) or bullshit cards (the hermit the magician 4 of pentacles shit like that). Sometimes i even get false positives like pulling the lovers. And these mistakes NEVER happen when im reading other peoples cards. Its like my own energy???
Believe me i tried those unlock your feminine energy programs and shit. They dont work. Tried being a HiGh vALuE fEmALe. That just turns romantic interactions into business transactions. All i want is a straightforward answer to when im gonna finally get a bf…… like thats it. I dont wanna see the hermit i dont wanna see the high priestess in reverse or the two of swords.
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my garden blooms in negative degrees
a poem inspired by my first tarot reading; i did this during my first ritual for samhain, it was very last minute and off the cuff but i enjoyed myself a lot, and felt compelled to summarise what the cards told me in my reading, and during the ritual, through a poem rather than writing and dissecting everything too much afterwards. enjoy!
this is the spread i used!
               The idea that I am not enough
               Negativity, fear, and regret
Don’t let your learning turn to ignorance or arrogance
                           Those who have wronged you will feel it
Follow the previous;
     Find closure, focus on yourself and move on
Your body is the garden where your mind will flourish
                                                                          Take the utmost care
Let the rose and its thorns push through the earth; let them wonder at the fullness of the petals; the sting of the thorns. 
Take a breath;
You are doing enough
Your knowledge blooms
Love will come when you, and it, are ready. Tend to the roses first. 
    is well. feel the Earth. feel grounded. feel gratitude. 
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vantaesfairie · 1 year
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 : 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔡𝔬 𝔭𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔨 𝔬𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔞𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪
atlty’s tarot readings: art commissions, paid readings, spell ritual comms open!
choose a pile below:
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pile 1, green eyed cat:
when you leave the room, people think that you’re just really tired and stressed. it’s like you carry a black cloud with you. you look tired and you feel tired emotionally. people can see that you’ve been fighting. with yourself / with others, depends on your personal situation. they can see that you’re a passionate and high energy individual usually but am using that energy in different negative ways. the vibe im picking up on is aries energy and rainy days. it seems like you’ve been stabbed in the back and just drained of positive energy. keep in mind this is just how they see you when you leave. they feel empathy for you and wish you the best though, your ambitions will stay true to you and things will be alright soon. 
message for you: it’s all gonna be ok one day stop overthinking it and stay calm
pile 2, white cat:
when you leave the room, people think that you’re an intellectually strong person. you’ve got fresh ideas and strategies in your mind, you’re a smart person. you seem kind of quiet to others, the vibe i’m getting is white roses and air signs. emotionally healing, comforting, hopeful. they feel like you’re going through something though, and you’d rather just stay in and be with yourself and your own energy. people think you’re an introverted mini extrovert. they feel subconsciously that you seem to be burdened with something, stressed, and just want to take a mental break. you do have a certain aura about you that makes you look beautiful, but in a luna lovegood way if you know what i mean? also, you seem like a great debater when situations arise.  
message for you: take a break and please sleep and rest more 
pile 3, black cat: 
when you leave the room, people think that you give off heavy family energy in a good way pile 3. people see you as someone who is very caring, kind, and emotional. heavy ‘mommy’ energy too 👀👀. some may like your curves / chest especially, you look physically warm if you know what i’m saying. they think that you relate well with nature and have a grounded vibe with you. empathetic, and a sensitive person. they sense that you are a poetic and romantic person in love. for me i’m getting the vibes of like pisces sign and baby’s breath bouquets. someone who likes to take care of people but regrettably neglects themselves sometimes (eg. self care, mental health care). someone who always gives gives gives but doesn’t give back to themselves. 
message for you: do that self care buy that skincare product and start doing art
i hope you enjoyed this pac! please consider purchasing a paid reading by sliding into my dms. reblog and share if possible! i’d love to know if this resonates to you. thank you so much! 
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spirits-child · 4 years
Learn to cast a circle
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Hey fellow witches! This is a fast summary of how to cast a circle, it’s really important to know and if you thinking to work with spirits (as myself) THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT! So let’s start!
What is a circle? Why is important to cast it?
You could say a circle is a energetic barrier you construct around yourself before doing any ritual, meditating, reading tarot, etc. Now, why do we cast it? I cast it because it makes me feel protected from non-expected spirits!
Easy ways of casting (with materials you find at home!)
I’m a teen, I have 0 money and I need to cast circles... many ways of doing this i have seen include things i do not have or I can’t do because of living with my family and having 0 privacy, so here is the “broken” way I cast my circles in a silent way with materials I have at home.
Option “the classic”
This one is basically the one you’ll find in the 99% of them! I consider it’s necessary to know and check on it till you have memorized how to do it. 
♥︎ First consider how many space you’ll be using, the circle needs to be around you and every “materials” you’ll be using.
♥︎ Check having all your supplies, is annoying to realize you forgot one. If you gonna lit candles or incense do it before casting the circle! 
My list of supplies: 
my cellphone as a candle (to represent the element of fire) and compass, I’m a green witch so I have multiple plants (to represent the element of earth), a glass of water (to obviously represent the element of water) and a fan (to represent the element of air).
♥︎ Cleanse the space physically & energetically, doing your craft in a messy space is kinda annoying. 
♥︎Now time to cast your circle! Visualize energy and then trace your circle with it (I do it 3 times for protection, focus and power ) clockwise. Next you should call the four elements.
  - Face North and say: I invite the element of Earth to protect and empower this sacred circle. “
 - Then face East and say “I invite the element of Air to protect and empower this sacred circle.”
- Face South and say: I invite the element of Fire to protect and empower this sacred circle. “
- Face West and say: I invite the element of Water to protect and empower this sacred circle”.
♥︎ Take some time to imagine the circle constructing around yourself, do whatever you do for focusing (I chant or pray to Aphrodite/Artemis for a succesful craft). If you are working with Deities/Spirits say (I’m going to do the example with Artemis but you can change it to who you need): I invite Artemis, goddess of the hunt, to join me in this sacred circle. 
Do your ritual, spell, etc. Now we have to close it!
♥︎Say thanks to the elements and deities/spirits you worked with. Please always say goodbye!
♥︎Now you close the circle by trace it in the opposite way you did before. Pam pam finished!
Remember they are way more ways of casting circles! Find whatever makes you comfortable, there’s not wrong or right in witchcraft. 
✨Hope this helped you this is my first post so im kinda excited! Blessed be and have a great day/night ✨
My account if you maybe want more(?
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clannfearrunt · 3 years
Maybe a weird question but like. If you migrate splat bio stuff to your kirby au, I'm assuming you'll be keeping the incidence of magic on Splat Bio Earth to a minimum but like. What are the odds that would give some accuracy to stuff like tarot readings?
Or what are the odds that it would fit in with whatever is going on with that fax machine for splatfests?
^ that part is an ask im putting this here just in case bc i dont see a clear break on my end
Mind you this is coming from a person that super does not put any stock into divination in real life and doesnt like the idea of the future being predetermined and etc etc. I’m also not gonna say anything for Specifically One Practice because who the fuck am I and also I will never understand tarot specifically
Whether or not it works, various forms of divination definitely exist anywhere sapient people do. People just like this shit. I think SOME forms will actually have factual merit, but I think it’s limited.
Anything claiming to read the future does not work. The future has not happened yet. You can’t find something that doesn’t exist. People still believe and try these anyway, because people like having a sense of guidance and clarity about the uncertain future. Reading the past is... Kinda iffier. If an event was sufficiently magical it can sometimes leave some residual information for some time afterwards which can be used to interpret what happened but you’re unlikely to be able to do that with cards and stuff. You’re actually more likely to find a ghost who may or may not have enough presence of mind to tell you stuff rather than just... ambient data still floating around. And real ghosts are reasonably rare.
I’m pretty iffy on how common it would be to be able to read minds. Consensual “telepathy” and one-way projection can definitely be achieved, but I’m not sure about being able to forcibly take a peek. I bring this up bc I considered the possibility of mages discreetly using mind-reading spells as a form of hot reading but I super. Don’t want that to be a common/easily achievable thing can you imagine the nightmare. Anyways either way I don’t think anyone on splat Earth can do this
Magic CAN be used to locate physical things. All objects have some magic, even if it’s super minimal (like most things on Earth that predates the human apocalypse), and working divination rituals use this magic signature to attempt to locate the desired target. The chance for success depends on how strong of a magic signature the target has and how far away it is. This form of divination probably would not have worked on Earth in the Anthropocene, but it could definitely work in the Mollusk Era. It’s not an easy thing to pull off for a search radius too much bigger than a couple of rooms though. People who can pull off wider searches make fucking BANK anywhere in the galaxy. That being said there are plenty of divination traditions that try to do this and don’t actually work on a factual level but people still believe in anyway, because once again People Like This Shit. On Splat Earth, I think you’d be most likely to succeed in locating living things, while finding objects that predate the Anthropocene extinction (human artifacts, fossils, rocks etc) would be very difficult.
As for the fax machine i completely forgot that thing existed. That might work good though, good eye! I think I forgot about the fax machine because I didn’t know what to do with it, but now I have a Direction to start throwing spaghetti at. Thank you!
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liljaehyun · 4 years
Three Cards | Felix Lee
Synopsis: You’re a tarot reader and every month you have the same lonely visitor.
Genre: ANGST, IdolAU
Word count: 910 (a short lil one cos i havent written anything in AGES)
6:56 PM
“Hey stranger.” you smiled warmly at the boy standing in front of you. It’s been like this every month for the past 3 months or so, Felix Lee coming to get his cards read - again. 
Following a tragic breakup between him and a past lover he had been coming to your little safe haven; it was situated just on top of a small coffee shop - the smells of coffee and desserts wafting through your open windows every so often. He looked just as good as he did last month; light blonde hair in his eyes and freckles dusting over his cheeks.
Felix looked like he was going through a hard time, he always did. He looked tired. Every ‘hello’ was greeted with a tired smile and sad eyes; yet he lied. He always lied - but he knew you knew.
“Hey.” He looked at me with stars in his eyes. Beautiful tired stars, galaxies and moons. You could have sworn you saw shooting stars in them. Getting lost you shook it off and began to perform your ritual. It wasn't uncommon to prepare and situate the atmosphere before the client came - but you always waited for his arrival so you could ask which incense he wanted burned this time.
Laying out the card decks in front of you, you let his hands guide themselves over them carefully. This was Felix’s favourite part of the reading - picking the deck and analysing the artwork carefully, trying his best to understand the meaning of every card before you said anything. His hands guided him to the Fountain Tarot deck and you smiled knowing how much he adored this one. In truth you never had to ask him to pick, it was always this one. 
Every single time. 
“You know already but I’m still in a lot of pain. Not because of her anymore - but life. I feel like I have the weight of the whole world on my shoulders sometimes, and frankly I don’t know how to shake this feeling. I’m scared-” he paused looking down at his hands. His breath hitched in his throat and he shook his head. 
He looked up slowly, never making eye contact with you. Just keeping his eyes on your hands holding the deck of cards. He just wanted guidance on where to go from here and you understood that. You sent a gentle smile his way and put your cards down momentarily so you could hold his hands.
“Felix Lee, you have survived your entire life up until this point. You’ve survived heartbreak, trauma, and you live in a world where one can only imagine.” You squeezed his hands softly as your smile faltered. “Let’s breathe together okay?”
No words were exchanged after that, just the quiet cracking of the incense burning and the sound of cars driving past. This went on for a moment before you picked your cards up again.
You shuffled carefully and waited for his ‘stop’ and fluke cards falling. Felix never paid for more than three cards, so you pulled the three and laid them out on the table. Not shocked at what you saw. 
Strength reversed.
Eight of pentacles.
Five of pentacles.
“Externally you show great strength and you’re proud of the work you do. You strive to be on the path to greatness although your mind tumbles frequently into depressed states. This can be attributed to a relationship, friendships, or feeling outcast from the people you surround yourself with.” 
Felix loved how deep you delved into his mind. It was exciting and beautiful and he loved how deeply focused you were especially on something so miniscule like his life. Getting his cards read scared him at first, until he met you. Your aura was soft, warm, and even though he’d never admit it, this was his favourite part of the month.
“You are consistently on a journey of self discovery although your mind blocks so much of your potential. This month holds such an openness for spiritual strength and vitality.” 
Smiling now, you looked up at him and you were met with a kind smile back. You and Felix sat there for the next hour talking about his cards. Questions were thrown your way and you had an answer to every single one leaving him just as impressed as every other time - almost as if he came here with the expectation of you getting something wrong. 
This pattern continued for the next few months that went by - however every month that passed was another stepping stone for Felix. His visits becoming shorter, and his smiles growing wider - you almost resented the universe for allowing him to be this happy, but you didn’t. You enjoyed watching him joke around and laugh more and more - But you were falling so hard for him every passing visit it was becoming increasingly hard not to be biased when reading his cards. 
6:59 PM
No sign of Felix this month.
Or any other month.
You expected this sooner or later - but it didn’t mean it hurt any less. You had been following his adventures on instagram; his bright smile lighting up your timeline and the stars in his eyes glowing and glistening more than ever before. He didn’t need your advice, he was better now - and although the pain was excruciating, you were happy. You were genuinely happy for Lee Felix - and that's more than you could have ever asked for.
OKAY I’m gonna start by saying I havent written any fanfics in years but I’ve been on a binge reading @staywritten‘s stories. (They are absolutely correct by the way, there definitely isn’t enough Felix angst so I had to join the club.)
Please please check out  A Simpler Time by @staywritten as this is so heavily inspired by this. Thank you all (if you even read this ???) Please leave feedback im so nervous posting this wow wtf.
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brujoenlafrontera · 5 years
hi!!! I’m a puertorriqueño/nicaragüense enby looking into resources for learning bruja stuff, any good place you know to start?
I’ve gotten a couple of asks about this lately, and i’m so happy to know there are more latinos finding their way to the practice, tumblr’s brujeria tag often gives the impression that theres so little of us out there reclaiming our practices but getting asks like these brings me a lot of faith that thats not true :) first and foremost:
it really is. baby brujos like us know that better than anyone- getting started, is often the hardest part of doing anything, and its no different with brujeria. it can feel so overwhelming and feeling lost is natural. from my experience, although i am still a newbie ive been able to find a lot of information out there, here are the best places to find info, sorted by priority:
FAMILY! a little self explanatory, but brujeria at its best is truly is an inherited, familial practice. If you can, before delving into internet resources, definitely connect w your family if you’re able to and ask them for guidance and about their experiences!
Your family is always the best resource over anything you can find online; theres so much misinformation out there or information not relevant to your region and if someone in your family already has established practices, always trust them first
 Do some thinking back to all your cultural traditions, quirks, stories, and superstitions that you’ve  learned from your family across time and never thought too much about- and rediscover them under a new light
KEEP IN MIND: brujeria is NOT a singular , concrete practice w concrete rules in itself, the term blankets a lot of traditions across latam, the caribbean, mexico, but imo its always best to stick with brujeria related to your heritage and where your connection is.
this can be hard for people (like me!) with huge family taboos toward brujeria that make it unsafe to ask around about, and/or limitations in family connections (also like me unfortunately). I personally can really only get the tidbits and stories that my family accidentally slips out when I occasionally see them. i try to write them down as much as possible, but the info i can get is limited... and thats where the following comes in.
ONLINE COMMUNITIES. i.e, youtube, tumblr, instagram brujx communities. notice I haven’t said “internet” in general- the reason why i trust community based social media more than random individual websites you find on google is because, in the case of brujeria and honestly any non-european craft, you’re often gonna find a LOT of white people writing blogs, books, etc about their “spiritual experiences” in latam countries and wrongly/incorrectly taking ATR or indigenous traditions (like with smudging). I know, with social media, although those same white people are also on insta and tumblr, it’s a LOT easier to see the face behind the accounts and differentiate who to trust, who’s legit and has real experience to share, rather than a nameless, faceless, website that is actually some colonizer sharing colonized ideas who thinks theyre on a spiritual journey taking traditions all willy nilly. And the fact that in social media, its much easier to find a lot of good brujas at once bc they tend to follow each other lmao.what ive personally done to find information tho is essentially SCOUR tumblrs, insta accs, and watching tons of youtube videos for posts, accounts, videos, etc, and narrowing down good info from there through , namely:
again, brujería is different depending on where your family is from in latam, and if you have an established connection to indigenous and/or black roots, so it’s useful to use keywords relating to that when searching (like if ur black, you can look into ATRs(african traditional religions) which tend to mix deeply with brujeria, if ur indigenous, finding other people from your tribe is great, and if youre not pursuing your already learned traditions you can think about connecting to them more deeply(altho indigenous traditions are their own thing, sometimes they do mix with brujeria too), and apart from familial roots, if ur catholic/christian and/or want to explore it, saint work/catholic brujeria might be a good fit for you!)  
tumblr: there are a couple of fantastic brujxs on this site with great blogs and resources who have sadly left the site, but i still go through their posts heavily for spells, rituals, scraps of info! etting started w brujería is hard bc there’s really not that much info out there right now, but i compile as many good brujeria posts i find on my acc.
@brujeria-n-bongs great for catholic brujeria, now at @Upliftherbs on instagram
@brujeria-lost @barberwitch @reina-morada @highbrujita
@naomi121406 is by far the most active and informative tumblr resource ive found, shes an afro-indigenous diaguita curandera from argentina so shes also really helpful if ATRs are in your path!
Im not black myself and dont follow ATRs so i don’t really know many good blogs for afrolatine brujxs out there but if anyone would like to tag some in the replies thatd be awesome!
instagram: Ive found that instagram #brujeria tags has a pretty healthy active stream of posts. You’re gonna have to sift through a lot of them to get to the good stuff though- imo a lot of hispanics use the brujería tag not to mean “latine brujería” but just the spanish word for witchcraft, so a lot of white hispanics will put wicca/neo witchcraft in the tag. imo that’s really not something i’m personally interested in bc it’s not true to brujeria’s traditional nature, is very white/eruropean , and that wicca shit basically just got here. its a relatively a recent thing😭 so i try to stick to bruja accounts that aren’t influenced by that.
youtube: The youtube brujería tag is hit or miss? and again, contains a lot of wicca. But there are some good practitioners on there like The Mexican Witch! You just gonna look around, and dont be afraid to click on videos by really really small youtubers; they often are the ones with the most informative and legit things to say!
Everyone’s path as a bruja/o/x (sjdf trying to be inclusive w gendered language is difficult) is different but here are some topics i think are great to look into as a beginner!
ancestors: start at the bottom and figure out who they are, where theyre from, and set up an altar. it’ll help you a lot with figuring out your identity and path as a bruja later on.
setting up a grimoire
divination: tarot is actually what got me into brujeria at first! tarot isnt strictly traditional and is european in itself but its a wonderful tool for connecting to dieties, saints, etc as well as super fun and helps a lot with introspection
ritual abrecaminos, aka road opening spells!
amarres (love spells... proceed with caution)
limpias, mal de ojo
saint work: even if you’re not catholic (im ex catholic), a growing number of us (especially lgbt latines like @/upliftherbs on instagram) are starting to take back and decolonize our view of saints like La Virgen Maria and removing her from the rigid european/colonized interpretation thats been forced into us
candle spells in general (i fucking love candles tbh, cheap, easy, fun, and WORKS)
spiritual colognes, how to cleanse
finally, here are some helpful posts yall should definitely read and think about moving forward!
about using tumblr as a resource
about looking into brujeria as a part-white part latine
bruja psa + about reclaiming lost indiginety
honestly naomi’s entire brujeria tag is great and super informative for beginners and basically holds answers for almost anything at this point
hope this post helps yall out!
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EDIT: oh lord now that this is posted the outline format i tried to use is all kinds of fucked up please dont mind the odd numbering lmfao tumbr hates organized formats
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