#then they glimpse Danny
The Phantom Mansion has run out of sugar and so Jazz, being who she is, walks to her neighbor’s home to ask for a cup of sugar for her planned baking project. Alfred is such a nice man and even offers her some future recipes over tea.
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stars-obsession-pit · 1 month
Danny Phantom was not used to fighting magic users. Ghosts, yes. But humans with powers? No.
So when a cult managed to successfully summon and bind him, he lacked the knowledge of how to stop them.
And they tore him apart.
His core was broken into pieces, each one then implanted into one of the most loyal cult members (or potentially sold off to another person to use…) to grant them a portion of Phantom’s many powers.
However, the cult didn’t entirely know what they were doing either. You see, it turns out that shattering Danny’s core in that manner didn’t truly end him. His soul still persisted, still refused to die even as it was trapped amongst the disparate shards. Though each individual piece lacked the strength of mind or power to affect their hosts, they would gradually forge themselves together anew should they ever be gathered back together.
And after Red Hood killed several of the cult’s members, that process began. Their shards, now freed, transferred to the vigilante, instinctively latching onto his proto-core. Though still not yet whole enough to form a truly conscious fragment of Danny, they are enough to start to nudge Hood in the right direction (bolstered in effectiveness by Jason’s connection to death)
Jason can feel it deep within his soul. There’s something more to this cult’s powers than just normal magic, and he has a growing need to find out what that is. To stop them. To burn them all down and dig their secrets from the ashes.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 272
You know what could be fun for Ghosts Are Dragons? How to Train Your Dragon Crossover. 
Like, both seafarers and vikings were incredibly superstitious people, even if we don’t see that a lot in the movie series. 
And Danny well, he might’ve managed to convince Clockwork that you know what? They do deserve a vacation, fuck the Observants, let’s find a world where we don’t have to worry about the GIW and just vibe! 
Now Clockwork, as anyone with eyes can tell, has a soft spot for the little ghost, there are even bets on when he’ll finally bite the bullet and properly adopt the little hatchling. In fact it’s so obvious that several others, Pandora and Frostbite included, borderline kick him out, telling him to yes, do go on a vacation, remember what happened when we all told Pariah to have a vacation and he didn’t? Exactly! 
So there they go, a pair, er a trio, um, alright Clockwork currently has six hatchlings with him. Alright. Okay so he’s never had a vacation before (nevermind with his future vision mostly turned off) and is maybe a hint wrong-footed but that’s fine. It can’t be that hard, and really, he easily dwarfs even the biggest dragons in this world, so what’s going to mess with him, hm? 
Perhaps he should remember how idiotic humans are at times. 
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nobigsecrets · 2 years
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How it started: 2x15 or Steve, freshly heartbroken and pining from afar
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How it went: 9x12 or Steve, wholly and without question part of the family
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
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they saw one of their potential futures and they aren't impressed
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dyinggirldied · 2 years
DP X DC: Transmigration & Dimension travel & Reverse transmigration?
This is inspired by a dream (and prob after long reading of trashy transmigration manhwa).
So Tucker (bec i headcanon him as a fan of trashy books) somehow managed to convince Danny to read a book with cliche title "Rise of the Bat Prince"
It was a story about the main character Jason, a street rat who was adopted by the great King Bruce, whose royal image was a fearsome black bat. This book journey Jason's adventure as he rose to become one of the greatest princes, among his rivalry with Bruce's other adopted sons and daughters: the eldest and charisma Dick, the intelligent Tim, the only blood son Damian, the brave Duke, the dangerous mute Cass, the loud Steph.
Not only that, Jason had to fight with other nobles and royals' classism, those who often laughed and discriminate and framed him as a "brute"
The story concluded with a happy ending with Jason eventually succeed Bruce as King.
It would have been no problem had Danny not wake up as a servant tending to said Jason. Never mind that the story never had a servant character as Jason.
Now, Danny still have powers and he wanted to find Clockwork to take him back. But he saw pitiful Jason (who was just newly arrive at the castle) and decided uugghh alright i will help him. Just this once. But its not once time. It was multiple times. Danny did not know it but he eventually helped solved the family drama and misunderstandings/miscommunication (thank you Jazz).
He ended up changing the story into a found family one, and obliviously didn't realize the King's children were fighting for his attention, but Jason always won anyway 🤣
But with the story ended happily, Danny eventually returned home (only a few minutes had passed in his world, i don't know how he got back but *wave hands* magic).
Strangely enough, the book had disappeared and when he apologised to Tucker for losing it, Tucker looked at him like he was crazy and ask "Dude, what book? I don't think I've ever heard of it?"
Danny asked and searched but no results found. He thought it was a dimensional thingy that had got lost until he came across an article that showed the Wayne family, everyone in the pic looked exactly the same as those in the storybook.
The exception was that Jason looked buff, with green eyes and streak of white hair instead.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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JH address the fanfic community.
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chaosinstigator · 1 year
ngl… my excitement for this weekend literally vanished last night
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fauvester · 21 hours
ok do i need to bring out the slides to discuss nicktoonsunite/10 years postcanon dark danny is phantomverse luo binghe? maybe i need slides
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amandabe11man · 2 months
if 28 Years Later is gonna be a thing I just have to ask, why are they jumping THAT far ahead after 28 Weeks? back then, the obvious alleged third installment would be 28 MONTHS Later so like bro slow the fuck down, nobody wants to see people in the future having possibly adapted to the infection? that's not scary at all
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jmkho · 1 year
Fuck sake. I just remembered how fucking WRECKED we're all gonna be when ACTUAL pics will be released
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dragonmasterhiccup · 2 months
She didn’t know how to respond, I mean how are you supposed to respond to that? When it was her dad who killed his? “I get it, but, yeah, you probably just need to give it more time, it’ll go away eventually.” Well she hoped it would go away, for him at least. She didn’t want to tell him that all those nightmares and flashbacks never went away for her. She still got them.
She finished tracing in the dirt, turning her head over to look at him, a small smile on her face. “Yeah, no problem.”
She shrugged. “ I’m okay,” she replied. And for the most part, she was. Sure, she still got nightmares, and she still panicked at random, and she still felt incredibly lonely ninety percent of the time, but she was okay.
And besides, right now, Hiccup needed his time to let it out, he had been dealing with everyone’s problems but his own.
(Oh for sure, I could totally see the survivors guilt as well. Also quick question, how long exactly has it been in the rp? I know you said the past year, but I was thinking it was more around the 6-7 month timeframe? Sorry! I’m just confused 🥲)
He let out a sigh of relief. That was great news.
"Good, that's good. I've been in many battles, I even almost died more than a few times, but this...it's different. I hadn't...lost someone like that before. I think that's why I'm having so much trouble with it. It's one thing when it's my life on the line, but when it's someone else, and they lose theirs saving mine..." He trailed off, unsure of how to finish that sentence.
"I've been knocked off Toothless, falling through the air into a fiery explosion. I've almost drowned, trapped in the bottom of the ocean, been kidnapped and had my life threatened, dangled off cliffs, fallen from cliffs, chained up...I've seen my fair share of near death experiences. In all of those instances, I was the only one at risk. My friends, my dad, were all okay. It was almost easier to pretend it didn't happen, because we were all alive."
"There were times when my friends were at risk as well, and I was able to put all of my energy towards saving them, especially Astrid. But I didn't have that chance to help my dad. It happened too fast..."
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“ we all have secrets, don’t we? ”  
"Wake up, asshole. We got business."
It was hard to tell exactly where Danny was at the moment. It looked dark, definitely damp with an acrid smell akin to rotting meat. The floor was soaked through and had a certain grime to it that suggested a lack of care, and age. The room was about the size of the basement, albeit colored in monotonous greys and greens rather than the horrific reds of rust and blood survivors and killers alike were accustomed to. A metal rung ladder a few feet behind Danny suggested he was underground, somewhere.
But that wasn't important. What's important was in front of him. The etches into the stone. The altar. Runes glowed soft orange in the dimly lit area, only prevented from complete darkness by torches set into each side of the room. Tacky, but they weren't his first choice either. The runes seemed to hum with his presence, brightening until they seemed to "activate" and call to attention. Danny rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward, maskless considering he knew with confidence that nobody else could be here. Just him. And It.
His hand was placed down on the altar and he leaned forward, forearms exposed and revealing intricate tattoos in odd shapes up his arm. It wasn't a full sleeve, but enough to take note of. It seems that he had the thing's attention, humming like florescent lights. Danny hated that noise and wanted to make this quick.
"I need a map to find Tarhos Kovács and his domain... For some reason it's evading me. Nothing complicated, straightforward pathing. What's your price?" He knew deep down inside that he couldn't locate the Knight because the Entity knew he was more than willing to spill blood for it. Couldn't make anything easy for him. Danny had made countless deals before with the Entity, all for usually the same price. Sacrifices. Devotion. Dedication to slaughter. And a part of him didn't even mind the work, as long as it wasn't tedious.
The runes hummed louder before dulling, and to counter it his tattoos began to glow orange in turn. He glanced down, moving his arm around to focus on a specific portion of his tattoos. A small square, encased in the Entity's claws. Blank until a number was burned into it, making him flinch. 10. Flat. Probably in a row, considering how easy it sounded. He nodded and rolled down his sleeves, stepping back from the altar as the runes hummed back to life. The killer began to head to the ladder, gripping the rungs and ascending upwards. Easy work. He could get that done in a day.
Whispers began to sound behind him but Danny knew better to look back, leaving the Entity to its own murmurs.
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sakuraswordly · 4 months
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Gilgamesh: Oh, you drew a new picture?
Peter: This is original from Maru and Moro again? Why do I feel like it's not?
Punch: Because this report didn't direct to Maru and Moro but from my story and from Mokona.
Gilgamesh: About Syaoran, Peter and Danny, who choice to save one precious to save many lives.
Punch: Include Sonic.....even Sonic....
Note(Source): Syaoran and Peter are different from Punch and Sonic. Syaoran and Peter share the same existence and the same hearts, but you still can tell the difference between them. But Punch and Sonic are the same as I wrote in Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained 1(Tsofph Concept ).
Sonic: Since I was born....as my blood or my kind..... it had been nothing but a curse before that golden king and I got a curse of death. If I ever started to forget, something would remind me of what I was, and bring me crashing back down to the mission that god Tsubasa gave to us.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Punch: Syaoran.....you did know, right? Sonic's not a living being unlike any others. He's very dangerous.....just like that doctor told you long ago. Sonic's just a container. Sonic awoke for the first time, he had lived as a doll until he began to create his personality by himself and desired to live. No more than emptiness, the nothingness. Just like me and Mr Gilgamesh used to be. We.....three of us were different in the past. You could say we're very much like Enkidu in the past. We're extremely dangerous to both light and darkness.
Syaoran: What are you trying to say?
Punch: Sonic at first didn't have our memories....our dreams and even his own heart. Sonic knew from his heart that he never belonged to this world even us. If you want Sonic, Sonic need to be initialized again.
Syaoran: What.....?
Punch: If you want Sonic to live a life like a normal being, he has no choice but to initiate again. If Sonic does that, Sonic won't be himself anymore.
Syaoran: Because of this mission.....your mission...make Sonic's case to exist.....so Sonic be able to move even his feelings because......
Punch: Both me and Mr Gilgamesh exist.....
Syaoran: ...................!!
Punch: Sonic can't be his own without us. If something not human, animals, aliens or lives that allow to exist including an android and robot, then it would be considered sentient "alive" just like a normal being. If we are the same as those, it would be wrong to call Love. Even knowing that.... do you still love my brother, Sonic? Despite already hearing from me when I betrayed your friends and your trust....I did tell you to kill Sonic too.
Syaoran: I can't.
Punch: So you won't give all your love for him?
Syaoran: You three are wrong.....that's right.....it's natural to protect the ones you love because you love your one precious that's a part of your life. Even though I've accepted my feelings and I won't lie about my feelings even though King Gilgamesh and Sonic are the same but my feelings won't change....I love Sonic so much that's why I can't accept him to be initialized. He doesn't need to be perfect to be alive in this world. Me too, I'm also not perfect but that's doesn't mean some creatures that not allowed to exist to not be able to call life anymore, that's false!
Punch: Even me, Sonic and Mr Gilgamesh didn't have a right to call being alive?
Syaoran: Yes!
Punch: Even though our hearts and souls are the only cases to exist?
Syaoran: That's not true! Even though you don't exist but I, Peter-san and Danny have all of your beats inside of us! If Sonic looks happy, I am happy. If Sonic looks sad, then I'm sad. Even if his expression isn't real because he didn't understand, I don't care. Even if he is just a program-like robot, I don't care. I didn't fall in love with him because I wanted to give him my love, unlike couples, friends and family…but I won't stop loving him because we couldn't go all the way. I want to make love to him because I love him. I want Sonic to feel that he's alive!
Punch: You gave the same answer, the same meaning as both Peter and Danny.....Before we were just friends, after we're more than friends.....
Peter: If one day is abrupt, maybe I will prepare for you to hate me. For you want to protect someone who is most precious to you. To not regret the path you chose to take. That's how I told Syaoran a very long time ago.....I'm glad he made the same choice as me.
Syaoran: Why are you so nice to me? Why do you choose to protect me beside me, King Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Because of your decision, I am alive today. Because choose me against the world, you choose me. You made the same decision just like many lives in the fake world and my people of Uruk.
Syaoran: ................................!!
*End of Flashback*
Punch: Sonic begins to learn more about love than he initially learned from Amy and then doesn't understand. And the person who made Sonic understand love and begin to feel love for someone like a living creature or human being from the beginning when he didn't have any is Syaoran.
Gilgamesh: Both you and Enkidu made the same choice to protect me.
Peter: That's right.
Gilgamesh: Remember what I said, right? If I died like Enkidu, I can go back to Punch Whalen's body. If Punch is killed, he/she will come to stay in my body. We are the only proof that god of the nothingness still exists.
Peter: But Sonic isn't.....
Gilgamesh: As long as neither I nor Punch vanishes, Sonic can live freely by his own free will in this world. And can have all Syaoran's love for him.
Peter: If I become greedy......do you think is the right thing to feel want to protect everyone by our own selfishness.....because of love....because of caring.....we chose to not kill one precious to save many lives. We choice to save one precious to save many lives.
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Hint The love That Peter feels(Including Syaoran and Danny too) for Punch and Gilgamesh is the same love as Mikiya Kokutou for Shiki Ryougi. And this is why Peter never left Punch and Gilgamesh alone, he stayed right by her so "she "Punch" wouldn’t feel alone.
Tsofph spoiler below
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Peter: It's not fair, I don't care what anybody says! I won't let you die or vanish in front of me again! You can't fight this! We'll fight until the end together. Isn't that what you said to me before?!
Gilgamesh: Even if it should mean....that I'll be the end of everything else too?! What do you expect me to do?! There is no other way!
Peter: But there still was, right?
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frozenpinetree · 7 months
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a glimpse into danny's home life
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writermuses · 9 months
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