#finally Damian meets Dani
The Phantom Mansion has run out of sugar and so Jazz, being who she is, walks to her neighbor’s home to ask for a cup of sugar for her planned baking project. Alfred is such a nice man and even offers her some future recipes over tea.
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flamingpudding · 11 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 17 - "I never said it would be easy."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: I saw a post with a comment that Dan chronological wise is ten years old according to a wiki, I haven't seen it myself but I decided to run with it for this anyway.
It was supposed to be a normal morning but that got quickly interrupted by a long drawn out shout of 'Bruce' and a white and black blur suddenly flying though their ceiling right at Bruce. Two out of four present bat-kids instantly sprang up from their chairs into defense positions and with drawn weapons. The other two only arched an eyebrow before turning their attention back to their breakfast with a suppressed laugh, they had seen that black and white blur often enough during their times as Robin.
Damian glared at his older brothers as he stood with drawn throwing knives while Tim after a second of realization sighed, righten his chair from the ground and sat only slightly embarrassed at how Dick and Jason laughed.
Hovering above their breakfast table with his hands on Bruce's shoulder was now Phantom also known as Danny Nightingale, looking completely frazzled. The source of the yell as well as white and black blur from seconds ago.
"Bruce! I need your help! Please! I can't ask Jazz because she is busy and I sure as hell won't ask Trenchcoat. I don't think Supes can handle them and you're like the only one else I could think of to ask! Bruce, please!"
None of the bat kids really knew how long exactly Bruce had known Phantom. The man had only recently admitted to personally knowing the Ghost Hero when Nightwing had caught Phantom collapsing onto Batman and de-transforming and Batman handling it like that hadn't been the first time. They only knew that he had been an unofficial member of Justice League Dark and was the one that helped Jason with his Pit Madness as well as came to visit every now and then as Danny. What they had learned additionally from Alfred was that Phantom was the adopted son of Alfred's old friend and that when Bruce had been younger, he often came to visit or to hang out with them to escape his own family drama.
The bat-kids had figured out that way that Bruce and Danny were probably something akin to childhood friends that both also worked in the hero buisness.
Either way no one was in danger and so they watched on with curiosity as to what Phantom wanted. So far the Ghost Hero was still rambling on and on about something he couldn't entrust to anyone other than Bruce, while their father was leisurely taking a sip from his coffee completely pokerfaced like he was used to the other man rambling at him like that.
"Danny." Bruce finally cut in as the other was about to restart his entire plea for help. "World ending or personal."
The white haired man blinked as he finally floated to the side and let his reformed feet touch the ground. "Both? Sort of?"
Bruce grunted, the universal sigh for the other man to elaborate and the children payed attention interested on what was going on.
"I have a diplomatic meeting with the Tempest Dimension. One of their Demon Lords discovered that interdimensional travel is actually possible by having created a portal when he tried to teleport somewhere in their Dimension. I can't take Dani and Dan with me for this, the last time I allowed them to accompany me they nearly caused a dimensional war. Clockwork doesn't want to watch them, Jazz is to busy trying her newest psychological tortur- I mean therapy on Joker and I can't make the fruitloop watch them since both Dan and Dani swore they would wreck havoc if I leave them with him during football season."
Bruce arched an eyebrow and Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yea I know, but last time Trenchcoat watched them he nearly sold his soul again to never ever babysit them again. And Clark is too nice to watch them, they will use it against him."
Bruce hummed. "How old are they now?"
"Five and ten body wise since the assimilation process with their bodies finished a couple years ago. They should start normal aging soon."
The bat-kids exchanged confused, disturbed and partially horrified looks at what the two men were talking about. There were so many questions they had. They were wondering if they could make Bruce talk about his childhood and get some information about Phantom that way. Tim had attempted researching him once and barely found anything besides some disturbing information about a haunted tourist town called Amity Park that was Phantom's territory.
"Bruce! Please! They have a dragon with a human body in that dimension! I just know that Dan or Dani will attempt to fight him!" Suddenly an idea popped in Dicks head and exchanged a glance with his siblings, checking if they had similar thoughts.
"We could watch them!" Dick then piped up, this was their chance to find out more about Phantom and his relationship with their dad.
Wide green eyes blinked at Dick and for a moment he felt like he had made a grave mistake, especially as he noticed Jason was sneaking away now like he decided he did not want to be part of any of this. Which is fair but come on, this was their chance.
"Are you sure?" Phantom questioned him carefully, side eyeing Bruce who was still calmly sipping his coffee and gave phantom a slight nod.
"You said five and ten, right? How bad can it be watching kids their age! They can even hang out with me and Dami!"
"Do not involve me-" Damian's complaint was shushed by Tim stuffing a pancake in the others mouth, earning him a death glare from their youngest but it was good to know that at least one of them was on his side with this plan.
This time Danny exchanged a full on look with their father, it appeared like they were silently talking. Something Dick doesn't really remember Bruce doing with anyone in the way he saw it right now.
"Well if you say so…" Phantom slowly agreed before reaching with his hand into a green portal pulling out a heavy looking bag. "This is the medicine box. If either of them look the slightest bit melty use the syringes in here. That's ecto-dejecto and basically ghost medicine for them. Though for emergencies there is a portal amulet that leads right to Frostbite."
The bat-kids looked stunned at what Danny was holding up before putting it back into the medical box and pulling out a silver green thermos front he bag. "If Dan misbehaves in any way or form use this to put him in time out. Just point the open Thermos in his direction and press the button down here. Pressing the button again will release him, but if he misbehaves to the point of having to use the thermos you can leave him in there until I pick them up again."
They knew that Phantom wasn't completely human but was that normal parenting? Hadn't they seen him use that thermos on enemies of the JLD before? And he was using it to discipline his kids?
"They know better than to overshadow anyone to get their will but in case one of them does, these bracelets should keep you safe from it. Otherwise call Bruce, he is one of the four and a half adults they listen to too."
"Is all of that really necessary? I am just babysitting them right?" Dick asked, still a bit stunned as Phantom handed him the bag.
"Yes. I never said it would be easy." The man only answered before opening another portal and sticking his head through for a brief moment.
A little girl of five hopped out of it a second later looking like a perfect copy of Danny Nightingale's human form, though what was more shocking was the hulk of a man with flaming hair coming through the portal growling and snarling at them as the grown man stood behind the girl with crossed arms. From the corner of his eyes Dick saw Phantom pinching the bridge of his nose. Before he floated over to the tall man and quite frankly pinched and pulled on that man's ear.
"Dan. Human-form now."
The man continued to growl and snarl for a moment with blazing red eyes before two white circles formed around his middle. A transformation they had seen a couple of times before from Phantom after Bruce had admitted to knowing him personally and introduced him as Danny.
Instead of the hulking beast of a man there was now a ten years old boy that looked surprisingly similar to Damian just lighter skinned and blue eyed. The boy still growled at them with his arms crossed while the little girl giggled. Damian was looking at the two with narrowed eyes before he turned his stare on Bruce.
"This is Dani and Dan." Danny introduced the two kids and Dick heard Tim mutter something about unoriginality when it came to naming. But before anyone else could comment on anything or even greet the kids an eyeball appeared out of thin air. The ghost hero and his kids looked at it for a moment before the man sighed dismissing it with a wave of his hand.
"I have to go now! Dani, Dan behave and play nice. If anything goes wrong Bruce has my emergency summoning pendant!" A second later Phantom disappeared through the portal the kids had come in, the little girl, Dani, gleefully shouting a quick "Bye mom!" Before the portal closed.
There was a moment of silence before Damian decided to break it. "Father, I believe there is something you have failed to inform us about."
"And that would be?"
"The existence of blood related siblings you have sired with Phantom."
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starry-bi-sky · 9 months
more clone^2
snippet 21: Danny is Bruce Wayne's Clone and--
Star, with the rest of the A-List girls: alright ladies! it's time for our quarterly 'cutest boys' list! Now I'll get straight to the point, in our number one spot is--
All girls, in unison: Danny Fenton
Star, writing it down on a whiteboard: and for our number two spot--
---------- Snippet 22: clone meet clone
Ellie, dramatically: Danny!
Danny, equally dramatic: Ellie!
Ellie, pushing past him and looking around: where is he! i wanna see the little guy!
Damian, with a sword, brandishing it dangerously: *in arabic* don't come any closer, stay back!
Danny, wrapping an arm around Ellie's waist and pulling her back: woah, woah - he's still adjusting to everything
Danny, turning towards Damian with his google translate open: [please don't stab her. this is Ellie my clone.]
Damian, lowering his sword in disbelief: 'there's MORE of you?
-------------- Snippet 23: Ellie has the same epiphany as Danny
Ellie:...hey Danny
Danny, pouring over his arabic book: hm
Ellie: since I'm your clone, and you're a clone of Bruce Wayne, and Damian is a clone of Damian Wayne, does that technically mean I'm his mom - uh. dad-mom?
Ellie:...its a fair question
Danny: .....*deep sigh* you're his cousin until further notice.
------------ Snippet 24: wait for me ii (hadestown, live vers.)
(i'm not sure of the context, but i've been thinking of Danny saying this to Damian during a serious moment for days. the snippet title is the song that the dialogue below is from)
Danny, fixing up Damian's wraith suit: the meanest dog you'll ever meet
Danny, zipping up damian's jacket: it ain't the hound dog in the street. he bares some teeth and tears some skin, but brother,
Danny, adjusting Damian's gloves, pausing to look him in the eye: that's the worst of him.
Danny, he holds a finger up to Damian's eyes and points it at him: the dog you really got to dread, is the one that howls inside your head
Danny, grabbing damian's mask and smoothing it over his eyes: it's him whose howling drives men mad, and a mind to its undoing
------------ Snippet 25: Danny is Bruce Wayne's clone-- (Battinson Vers*)
Ember, in the middle of a fight with Phantom + Wraith:
Ember, knocks off Phantom's mask for the first time: lets see what ugly mug you're really hiding under there, Phantom--
Phantom: *the wettest, most pathetic looking pretty boy on the planet*
Phantom, dryly: what, did your mic die out or something? all that caterwauling finally make you lose your voice
Wraith, unsheathing his sword: *vibrating with baby brother rage bc he knows EXACTLy why Ember is silent*
----------- Snippet 26: Damian is finally starting to play nice :)
Dany: hey... guys.... whatcha doing
Damian, hanging out with Sam: Me and Manson are plotting ways to crush the Mayor's plan to cut budget funding for the city parks and cut down the native trees
Danny: oh, i see.... is this safe?
Sam: probably
Danny: hm.
------------- Snippet 27: digging up cold case
Danny: ....if Damian is out with Sam tonight with their plot against the mayor....
Danny, turning towards his desk: then that means I can work some more on Mrs. Witherbury's murder case that she asked me to solve without Dames guilt-tripping me into bed :)
Danny, settling down at his desk with a thermos full of coffee: i'm glad sam and damian are finally getting along
--------- Snippet 28: sparring
Damian, frowning: your reflexes are incredible but your combat is downright awful, brother. it's truly a miracle i didn't skewer you upon our first meeting
Danny, got his ass kicked by his 7yo brother: *groaning in pain* not everyone has super secret assassin training, Damian. And I don't really have time to actually practice anything.
Damian: Mrs. Fenton knows martial arts and her form is proficient enough, I'm sure she would be delighted to teach you if you asked. I will join since I need to keep my skills sharp and my training was unfinished when I arrived here.
-------- Snippet 29: daytime surprise
Phantom, fighting Skulker in broad daylight: *under his breath* at least Lancer's english test will get canceled for this...
Phantom, dodging a blast from Skulker: *in ASL, furious* don't you have anything better to do, you fuck!?
Skulker: foolish ghost child, speak! I know you're capable of it - speak before you lose the ability to
Phantom: *flips him off instead*
Wraith, sending back a ecto-blast with his sword: please pay attention, phantom
Phantom, doubletaking: *in a hissed whisper* what are you doing here!? it's a school day, you should be at school!
Wraith: Tt. If the boot fits.
------------ Snippet 30: guilt
Danny with his head on his desk, his elbows propped up as he massages his hands: hn
Damian, lurking to the side with a guilty look on his face:
Damian: can i....
Danny, silently holding his hand out to Damian: hrm
Damian, immediately taking it and doing the massages + finger exercises: ...im sorry
Danny: hm... I forgive you
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Blurred Lines
Danny had two names on his wrist: William Joseph Batson and Klarion Bleak. Jazz had one name: Richard John Grayson. Dani had two: Damian al Ghul Wayne and Jonathan Samuel Kent. To bad their soulmates didn't have their names. Just a thick smudge where it should be.
When the Fenton's were witch hunters, they got cursed. This curse made it difficult for their soulmate(s) to believe they are soulmates. It also impressed instinctual knowledge upon the Fenton's of who their soulmate was as soon as they saw them. It wasn't impossible to convince their soulmate(s), but it did require knowing all the loopholes in the curse. Unfortunately, the three youngest Fenton's weren't told about the curse.
Jazz had known as soon as his name was released to the public, that Bruce Wayne's first ward was her soulmate. And when she saw him later, she was even more certain.
She realized fairly early that there was going to be some pushback because of his social status. There were often articles about people falsely claiming to be his soulmate. She knew that people at school thought she was lying about being his soulmate too.
Then, she finally got the chance to meet him. Had everything prepared. Birth certificates, dated pictures of her soulmark, everything she could think of to prove that she was who she said she was. In the end it didn't matter. He didn't believe her. When she pushed, he showed her that he didn't have a name on his wrist. Just a weird smudge. He told her that there was probably a different person with the same name who had her name on their wrist. She had no choice but to accept what he said, even though she knew he was wrong.
Dani had a nagging feeling that she'd met her soulmates when she ran into Superboy and Robin for the first time. She wasn't going to confront them about it because it would be rude to ask them about their secret identities, but she'd suspected. Her suspicion was basically confirmed when Superboy told her his name.
What happened next hurt. She'd asked him if he'd realized they were soulmates the whole time, and he'd said he only had one whom he'd already met. When she asked if it was Damian, he freaked out. Then, Robin showed up equally freaked out, but hiding it better. Things escalated from there. To the point that she's now actively avoiding the two.
Danny was last to meet his soulmates out of the three. He'd been chasing after Amorpho when he bowled over Billy Batson and promised to buy him food after he caught Amorpho. Billy had been suspicious, but agreed. After they exchanged names, Danny immediately asked if Billy knew his soulmates. When Billy said no and then took off, Danny felt like he'd been rejected.
Then, he'd run into Klarion while he'd been enjoying creating some chaos in Amity (particularly annoying the mayor). Danny knew that Klarion was one of his soulmates. Even when Klarion was reluctant to accept it. He decided they needed to talk to his parents about whatever was going on.
That's when Jack and Maddie realized they'd never explained that their family was cursed.
(Klarion was furious. How dare someone attempt to keep his soulmate from him!)
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space-dreams-world · 10 months
DPXDC soulmate prompt au:
Everyone has a soulmate. Even if the way you meet your soulmate is different, you can still feel a click in place. Even with different species, romantically or platonically, and multiple soulmates. ( like one person has by sight, and their soulmate is by touch. Basically, you can have soulmates with the same markings or two different types and still work)
So, Danny, after becoming Phantom and dealing with the ghosts, finally finds a way to shut down the Portal around his last year of high school, and multiple people aren't happy about that, i.e. his parents, the ghosts, Sam, the GIW, and even Vlad as he was banking on the fentons for his shit to work, and he had plans surrounding Danny's family.
He gets run out of town by Amity and his parents after they uncover his secret. Danny then spends the next few years in space, discovering aliens.
(During his disappearance, the GIW are disbanded, Vlad doesn't have access to the zone anymore and asking for him to search in space is a permadeath sentence for him, his parents regret their Gung ho attitude and miss him. In a twist of faith, an accident kills them off, and they are working through their regrets in the zone, waiting to see Danny so they can pass)
Now, as I mentioned at the top, this is a soulmate au, so in Death, Danny is able to get a feel for soulmate, like if his soulmate had a marking for him to recognize even if his soulmate identifier is lock on sight. (He essentially has an advantage of figuring out his significant other as he has his soulmate symbol on him.)
So, whose Danny significant other? Look no further than Gotham depressed himbo dad, Bruce Wayne, whose soulmate identifier is a tattoo of Danny's mark.
This could be pretty early on in his hero career or after Duke is a part of the Bats, but basically, Bruce goes on a space mission with the league and in one of their stints to get info, Danny immediately recognizes Batman's mark which was his soulmate clue. So, Danny, who hasn't spoken human or been on earth in years, has zero in on him,but they don't get to talk before Bruce heads back to earth, but Bruce knows there is something off about the possible alien man.
On Bruce's side, he hasn't seen anyone that has made it work, except if if you want to make it a polycule with Superman. (Dick has his redhead squad or the titans, Jason ends up with Roy or someone else, Tim has Bernard and Kon, and Damian is starting to platonically be friends with Jon. Cass has found her soulmate in Stephanie.
(The Joker is a weird case where he has a soulmate that isn't born yet or died already, or he has no one and that why he is crazy and scars the Bat symbol on him as he sees his enemy with no soulmate either.)
Anyway, something big happens on earth, like an invasion, and the Bat is almost killed before a bright light descends upon the sky and removes the threat. Batman, once recovering his sight, sees the same masked alien man from before. Once they regroup, the masked man removes his helmet, and Bruce finally gets his soulmate connection. Danny has aged significantly since his first departure of earth and attempting to relearn earth's customs and figure out what happened with his family and friends.
( Jazz is soulmates with Talia and is in a secret relationship with her after Damian is made.
Sam is soulmates with Paulina but despises this, which causes her some mental instability, and refuses to acknowledge their bond, somehow still banking on Danny being her knight, and rebrands herself as Pamela Isley or Poison Ivy and finds love in Harley.
Tucker actually renames himself after Amity as Silas Stone and has a child. He works with Alien Tech to see if he can find his best friend again.
Dani is only made after Danny's return to earth but loves her indefinitely as he feels that the Portal had robbed him of a good life with offspring.
And Dan is working on his aggression in the zone.)
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thekitsunesiren · 1 year
hello mind if I drop off a prompt?
Damian let's his family know he is going to hang out with a friend.
a bat bugs Damian to find him hanging out with one Danni Fenton.
adult Danny/Sam/Tucker parenting a 12 year old Danni.
The trio earn Auntie/Uncle/Uncle privileges from Damian.
Oh, this will be fun!
Okay, first things first would be the absolute disbelief from the batfam from Damian's announcement. Because Damian. Damian "Demon Brat" Wayne, had a friend. A friend that they didn't have the knowledge of knowing until just then.
With Damian springing it on them, they didn't have the time to ask any important questions, let alone do a background check on the kid and their family.
From what Damian told them, the kid they were meeting was named Danielle, but she preferred to be called Ellie. She and her parents had moved to Gotham not too long ago. He met her on a pure coincidence. And of course, with how paranoid the Batfam was, that didn't settle well for them. The parents could've sent their child to get close to the Wayne family for the money. Or kidnap Damian!
Tim walked up to Damian and ruffled his hair while teasing the younger Wayne about how he finally made a friend that wasn't an animal. With a scoff and a swat as a way to get rid of the opposing limb, Damian turned and left the manor while slamming the door behind him.
As soon as it closed, Tim raced back to where he left his computer. There was no way he wasn't going to let his little brother go anywhere unknown without at least two trackers on him. And with how the others quickly scrambled behind him to get a look on his computer, the others had the same thought.
Damian, however, was excited to visit Dani and her family.
The two had met when he was leaving school and waiting for Alfred to pick him up. And she wasn't that far from him, standing near the road waiting for someone to pick her up as well. At first glance, she looks like she could be someone adopted by father. Black hair tied to a ponytail and shockingly bright blue eyes. Immediately, he saw her as someone that his father would try to adopt just off of appearance alone. With her seeming to be around his age, he could claim that he could have a sibling to interact with more.
Of course, it wasn't long before the stranger took notice of his staring and turned to look him dead on. Her eyes meeting his in a serious stare down where neither of them moved.
When Damian made the move to speak, a car pulled up in front of the girl. The passenger side window rolling down and someone talking to the girl. She responded in turn before opening the passenger side door and getting in. Damian could only stand and watch as the car soon pulled away from the school and drive away into the distance. Not long afterwards, Alfred arrived to pick him up and he rode in silence on the way home while contemplating the other student that he met.
Okay! Here's how I feel like it would go down with their so called meeting out of the way.
Damian would see Dani and would immediately assume that she would be some sort of clone of either his father or one of the other bats. Was she sent to his school to watch and observe him? Did she know who his alter ego was?
After that, he would be watching her every move during class, surprising himself to find out that she was even in a few of his classes. Suspicious.
Does he approach her? No, because that would put too much on him and probably give her the opening she was expecting. He was ten steps ahead of her in every way!
Day after day, he watches and takes note of everything that she does, trying to notice any oddities in her behavior. Or any sign that she was spying on him.
While she didn't seem to be spying on him directly, Damian did notice her personality of being strong willed, stubborn and having a love for puns. Hm, a clone of the Robins maybe instead of Batman?
Dani, on the other hand, is wondering why the young Wayne seemed to be following her from a distance ever since they've seen each other that day on the end of school. From what Danny told her, it was the older Wayne's that she was supposed to avoid in case she was forcefully kidnapped, though it seemed that the younger Wayne was just as bad as the older ones.
How did Dani end up going to Damian's school, you ask? Well, it was simple:
Not long after Danny defeated Pariah Dark and took up the mantel as the next King of the Infinite Realms, Dani had returned from her travels around the world and decided to spend a bit of time with Danny as things calmed down. Maybe even get to know the others a bit better, seeing as she was never properly introduced to them.
She found out that he was dating both Sam and Tucker. Had been for a while now. Huh, go figure. And during that time of dating, she had arrived to catch up and spend a bit more time of all of them. Maybe even try to find a good reason to stay in Amity for a bit longer (even though she really loved to travel).
But not too long after that, a reveal gone wrong left Dani standing in a room with a frantic Sam packing up everything she owned while Jazz treated a barely conscious Danny's wound on his side. A gunshot wound that was from his parents no doubt.
One rushed explanation from Jazz about how the reveal went wrong, and how they had to leave Amity Park. Now.
With a quick meet up with Tucker, the five of them were huddled in a car and pedaling out of Amity as fast as they could. Dani staying in the back seat with Jazz to watch over Danny and make sure that he didn't pass out again on their way to-wherever it was they were going. Her core wouldn't allow it.
The clone didn't know how far they've been driving and for how long, but she knew that they were out of Amity and that was all that mattered. But the question bouncing around her head was: what happens now?
And the answer was to drive all the way called Gotham city and lay low for a while. Thankfully, a lot of the buildings were no questions asked. So when they find a place that could fit all of them (small and cramped as it was) while planning on what to do now. Of course Sam, Tucker, and Jazz all pretty much up and left without much except for some spare clothes and their ghost hunting gear (and a credit card Sam managed to snag from her mom's purse. Her own card didn't have as much on it.). But Danny was out of there and they were safe from both the Fentons and the GIW. For now.
Now, several weeks have passed. Jazz had managed to find a job to help with the money, while Sam and Tucker were both on the way as well. Which left Dani pretty much alone in the apartment with a slowly healing Danny. And while he was healing, he was kept on house arrest, much to his ire. Though he did help out with the cooking and other house chores while the others were out doing their own thing. And if the two of them occasionally floating outside their apartment during the night, who would tell on them?
When about two months passed, the older teens realized that Gotham would be their permanent home until further notice, so it would only be right that they allow Dani some time to get out as well.
So, they enroll her to school! Gotham U no less (Thank you, Tucker). Sure it was a bit stuffy for their tastes (mostly Sam's), but they were sure that Dani would fit in fine! What's the worst that could happen?
Unfortunately, Dani was a clone of Danny, so she was off to a bit of a rough start. And she hadn't really interacted with someone of her (supposed) age before, so it was all plenty new for her. So she really didn't know where to start.
It wasn't until she went to class that she met a kid in the back row facing the window, who looked like he didn't want to be in this class either. And during attendance she learned that his name was Damian Wayne. Odd, wasn't that the name of that rich family that Sam talked (more like complained) about? Oh well, coincidence maybe.
Throughout the entire day, Dani would notice that if they had the same class, he would be looking in her direction for moments at a time.
It was about the last class of the day when Dani pieced together as to why he could be doing that.
He was shy!
Well, Dani would make sure that wouldn't last long. And maybe he would approach her soon.
So every day, Dani would work on getting to know him better. Even when he would brush her off and try to make her go away. She was as stubborn as Danny for a reason!
When the two finally became friends and Dani told that her new friend invited her to her house and also offered her parents, she forgot on whether or not that was truly the rich Wayne she was supposed to stay away from.
Dani had spoken about her friend plenty of times, and all of her parents seemed to like him.
Danny laughed every time Dani spoke about doing something or possibly pranking Damian, thinking that she was doing good with socialization and that the kid had to enjoy their friendship to some degree.
Sam was a bit more cautious of the friend, asking more of his likes and dislikes. Was he really bullying Dani? Did he say anything mean to her? Did she have to go to the school and fight a kid? All and all, Dani slowly convinced her that Damian was a good kid and she let it be. Telling Sam that Damian was a vegan may or may not have helped.
Tucker was a bit more lenient than the other two. The kid was nice to her? Didn't bully her? He was smart and knew his way around tech? Good
But as they stood in front of Wayne Mansion dressed in their more casual clothes, they all thought that they should've asked more questions about Dani's friend.
(All in all: neither of them have truly interacted with someone their age, your honor.)
Confrontations, miscommunication, and possibly a lot of bonding could come from both sides, and I would love to see it!
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
*hands you a mushroom from the circle sadness uses to adopt children*
Okay, so by this point everyone knows that one idea where Jason takes Damian from the league.
Everyone (should) also know about that idea where Danny adopts and runs away with Danielle.
Lastly, y’all are really attached to both Jason owning a bookstore and Danny running a café.
Do you see where this is going?
Anyways, Danny runs off with his adopted child, Jason runs off with his adopted child, and they both have illegal funding from their children’s rich parents. So, they both decide to open the previously mentioned shops, which so happen to be next to each other.
It starts with the kids, who have windows facing each other and no friends, and when (finally) Jason and Danny meet, it’s… well, not love at first sight, but they may or may not be getting romance tips from their children. So, while Dani and Dami (hehe) bond over being pan and ace respectively, their parents are going on dates.
They both individually agree to keep their superhero loves seperate, until, one day, someone gets attacked (you choose who), and Dani/Dami have to run to the others shop for help, when their superhero personas make a comeback in full force.
Two single teenage dads falling in love. Incredible.
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wandixx · 7 months
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies part 5
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 1 685
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Steph finally gets to meet Duke's kid. And she comes bearing gifts!
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Duke was really glad that Bruce was busy whole previous evening and couldn’t give him The TalkTM Vigilante edition. Maybe he shouldn’t because B being busy spoke trouble but he couldn’t feel too sad about it. He didn’t want to have The TalkTM though.
For now, Dani was running next to him, with a serious look on her face that was kinda uncanny. She wasn’t supposed to not be happy and some weird instincts were screaming at him to fix it and fix it now. But he didn’t know how!
Though some of his jokes caused a little smile, so it was good.
It turned potentially less good when she stopped without warning, lowering herself to the fighting stance (finally proper, which made him so immensely proud by the way). He stopped too, wishing they wouldn’t have to fight but he knew better than to latch on this hope.
“What’s up, Hoopoe?” he whispered.
“Someone is coming. Light, use grapple” Most likely one of the Bats then, they were due to a visit anyway. However better to not lower his guard in case he was mistaken or it was a prank/test. His expectations were proven right though, when purple blur flipped over the edge of the roof. He relaxed and put hand on Dani’s shoulder so she wouldn’t tackle Steph before they could explain anything. She seemed on edge like that whole day.
“Hey Spoiler” he greeted to further show that the blonde was a friend.
“Sup Signal! Heard I can finally meet your little friend!”
Dani straightened herself and tried to float a few inches up to seem higher probably.
“I’m considerably higher than most kids my age” she deadpanned. She really wasn’t though. He was still trying to learn whether her size was caused more by genetics or malnourishment. Her only family member Duke knew of was also small, so maybe it was a family thing though.
Steph shrugged, waving her palm a few inches below her shoulder, approximately where Damian reached, quite few inches over Dani’s head.
“Robin is the family’s smol violent bean and you’re shorter than him. You’re small bean, deal with this”
Little girl pouted, crossing her arms. Steph cooed.
“Oh, you even get angry like he does!”
Young meta looked like she was asking ‘Should I use violence?’ and inch towards the answer ‘Yes’. Duke decided he should step in before she acted on these thoughts. Teasing was the opposite of what girl needed at the moment. Some good fight might not be bad but maybe not with Steph.
“Cut it Spoiler”
She rolled her eyes so dramatically he could tell she did so despite her mask. He still thought it was impressive “Don’t be boring dude”
Dani growled in a way that couldn’t be fully human, just like she did when they talked about her training for the first time. Duke squeezed her arm. Girl glanced at him before sagging so much he was scared she would fall for a hot second. He exchanged concerned looks with Steph over her lowered head. It was not normal nor was it good.
“Alright, you’re not smol,” Steph agreed lightly “Officially at least. What’s in my head stays there. Does it work for you?”
Duke almost hit her in the arm. Not strongly, in a friendly manner but still. He didn’t only because it seemed to somehow work. He let his hands drop.
“Your mind is sacred,” Dani started seriously “what leaves your mouth is not. Can’t diss you on your thoughts but I’ll on your words” she shared like it was some important truth of life. Or folklore proverb though Duke wasn’t sure about the latter. Afterall he was Gothamite born and breed, he knew countryside from movies “And actions. Actions are kinda important,” meta girl added in lighter tone after moment of thinking.
“Yeah, actions are the best” Steph agreed easily “Hey, can I get it on a T-shirt? I’ll love and cherish it”
“First you laugh at my height and then you want my intellectual property for free? For shame, Spoiler, for shame?”
Steph looked thoughtful, theatrically over exaggerating her body language. 
“Valid” she nodded.
Duke decided he would just watch whatever was going to happen and did damage control if needed. He didn’t feel up to anything else anyway.
“Heard your cape went in an adventure,” the purple vigilante admitted after moment of silence. Dani shrugged rubbing her arms awkwardly. Duke knew she normally would fix said cape. It was her way of fidgeting.
“Yup, it’s good way to put it,” girl nodded. “Somebody needed it more, I hope it enjoys its travel. I should get a replacement soon”
“Well, I can’t let fellow caped crusader, who understands necessity of hood, run capeless”
Younger girl waved her hands in a flurry motion of dismissal.
“Don’t-” she stopped when her eyes locked on orange bundle Steph took from somewhere under her cloak. Opportunity to pull tricks like that had made Duke consider adding some sort of cape to his Signal suit back when he had been working on it back in a day but dismissed it. He still wasn’t looking forward to learning curve of fighting with such additional liability. He couldn’t turn it intangible when it was in a way like certain white haired cheater did.
Speaking of Dani, girl stared at Steph’s gift like she couldn’t quite believe it was real. She held her hands close to her chest but her fingers flexed in grabby motion. Her eyes were hidden behind black lenses of her mask but everything else about her face further proved how awestruck she was. Even her muted aura brightened a bit in a way that he learned to recognize as excitement.
It was still kind of weird, by the way. Normal auras haven’t changed, it was kinda their thing.
Steph wiggled her gift a bit. Dani finally took it but had yet to put it on.
“It’s for me?” she whispered so utterly shocked and small that Duke mentally did a double take.
“Yeah, like I said, can’t let you run around without it”
Dani’s hand was gnawing at the edge of the material as if it was some sort of squashmellow.
“Try it on,” Steph encouraged gently.
“We need to check if Spoiler haven’t messed up something”
Dani snorted, which was all Duke tried to achieve.
She put it on and after a moment of shuffling she once again became orange cloak with feet. She grinned widely looking far more relaxed and settled than she did moments before. She moved around a bit like she was in model show or at least what ten years old thought it could look like.
“You like it?”
“Yup, it’s amazing, thank you Spoiler… Though it’s heavier than I expected”
“Well, I don’t know what your first one was made out of but this is material I use, I found it the best balance between durability, weight and comfiness. Still, it’s quite dense and a bit heavy. Also, I added pockets because you can never have too many of them. Plus there are few glitter bombs inside. You know, ‘welcome to the team’ gifts,” Steph explained eagerly and judging by Dani’s smile, she loved her gifts. Duke would be a little worried on a Gotham crime’s behalf if it wasn’t well, crime and if he wasn’t all there to watch chaos these two would unfold from sidelines with bat-popcorn in hand (though it wasn’t really a thing yet, he would have to mention it to Tim or Jason). For now though, they really should continue on the patrol.
“Now that introductions are over, let’s get going. Crime never sleeps or something,” It was really weird to be the organized one. Before Dani showed up, on a day shift he was a sailor, a captain and a ship (or maybe Gotham was a ship-), We Are Robins days were chaos in purest form and shape and when he was called out for a night he usually was too tired to behave and was just additional mess to organize (on purpose, let him have his goddamn sleep, he wasn’t Tim).
“Okay,” Dani agreed cheerfully “There is a robbery at the greek diner we visited last Thursday. ‘s been going for five minutes or so,” she added unbothered.
Spoiler jumped through the open window of the diner with a graceful roll, glitter bombs at hand. Hoopoe and Signal came inside right after her.
“Spoiler alert!” purple girl yelled, throwing two bombs at robbers heads and kicking third one in the ribs.
Dani decided  that she liked Spoiler right then and there as she threw her own brand new, orange(!) glitter bombs at remaining criminal.
Three of them were running through the city mostly uninterrupted after diner mishap. Steph tried to engage Dani in quip battle but younger girl for once wasn’t jumping on occasion. She kept close to Duke and his only reaction was smug smile in Spoiler’s direction. That’s what she got for trying to steal his sidekick.
“Oh!” Dani exclaimed delighted, stopping abruptly, a smile that spoke trouble gracing her face.
“No, we’re not busting Joker’s scheme by jumping into the meeting to beat them all up without proper back up, again, Hoopoe. They had guns, Hoopoe.”
“Wha- Wasn’t last time enough? Anyway, I heard there is fan meeting with Martian Manhunter in Los Angeles tomorrow,” Great, so no giving him heart attack right now. Thank God for that.
“Shame he won’t make it, huh?” Steph mussed “He is in Illinois right now, isn’t he? It would take him two days driving to even get there”
Dani’s expression looked thoughtful “It’s quite far”
“Yeah, around… 2,500 miles from here”
“What got you thinking kid?” she inquired, ruffling her hair.
“Not a kid and I thought- there is kidnapping at three!” Dani darted in that direction before finishing sentence. Duke jumped right after her slightly scared. She was not ready to handle stuff like that without back up and she would try if he let her run of like that.
Steph: I'm meeting my almost niece tomorrow what should I- *gives a gremlin child an ultimate weapon of chaos*
Sometime before this part:
Steph: So, how is your kid?
Duke: She is not my kid!
Duke: By the way, wanna see video I saved of her doing proper side kick for the first time?
Danielle "looks like 10 years old is 10 months max" Phantom: I am in fact much higher than most kids my age
Duke "whoever is feeding this tiny child does bad job at it" Thomas & Stephanie "it's just a lil baby" Brown: Yeah... sure...
Next part
"Tag list" (i haven't expected to ever make it)
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tomboy014 · 2 years
The Prince's
So, I hadn’t originally planned on doing anything for Dani, but this post from @aziraphale-is-a-cats-a-cat got me thinking about things, and I ended up writing this.
So, while the men of the Justice League are trying to figure out who Dani is a clone of, Wonder Woman takes one look at the black haired, blue eyed, mischievous girl and can’t help but see herself in her and claim, “Mine.”
The rest of the League try, but there’s no arguing with Diana now that she’s set her mind on something, but Bruce and Clark have kids and know it’s not as easy as it looks to take care of them.  She’s only ever been the “fun aunt;” she’s never had to get into the dirty, exhausting parts of parenthood before.  It escalates to a full-blown argument, but if Dani has any say in it, she’d rather chill at Wonder Woman’s place for a while.  It sounds better than staying in some gross cave or ice castle, and space isn’t her thing (the same way it’s Danny’s), so she’d rather not stay in the Watchtower.
Arguments about clones and custody continue over the next few weeks, not helped by the fact that Dani is still pretty unconcerned about the whole situation.  Or, she was unconcerned until Vlad showed up.  He’d decided enough was enough and it was long past time he collect his property.
It only takes a single scream.
Diana bursts into the room, fist connecting with Vlad’s jaw, and he’s knocked across the room.
“Don’t.  Touch.  My child.”
She proceeds to hand his ass to him on a bronze platter before he flees into the night, bruised and bloody.
Now it’s Dani’s turn to latch onto Diana’s leg, shouting “Mine!”  This is her new, kick-ass mommy and no one else can have her.  Dibs!  No take backs!  Well, it’s settled, now.  Diana is officially Dani’s mom, and no member of the JLA can stop it.  She scoops Dani up in her arms, and before she’s even out the door, she’s already telling the other Amazon’s the good news and making plans to take Dani to Themyscira to meet her γιαγιά Hippolyta. 
The two work on figuring out family life, and all’s good for a while.  Dani’s got a (relatively) stable home life and is quickly adapting to life as “Danielle Prince.”  She likes that the name sounds similar to Diana’s, like it was on purposeful choice rather than a cheap knockoff of her original’s name, and she’s getting a lot more comfortable with it.  Bruce, thoroughly defeated and resigned to put away the adoption papers, helps her enroll is a good school and finds tutors to catch her up on the years of schooling she didn’t live through.  (This includes Jason Todd, who has volunteered himself as an excuse to hang out with Wonder Woman more.)  Louis helps her get legal paperwork and documents for Dani (something she helped do for Kon).  She makes friends with Damian and Jon.  And she’s just as skilled as Danny with language, so she’s picking up Greek rapidly.
Since Diana’s adopted her and she’s gained an army of superpowered babysitters, Dani is finally starting to feel comfortable enough to share some information with the League.  It’s not much, but she lets them know Plasmius is the one who cloned her, and her last name used to be Fenton.
Oh, no.  Between those colors and facial features, Clark has a pretty good guess at which Fenton family she came from.  Still, the family is enormous, so he doesn’t know which Fenton exactly was cloned, but the family reunion is this year, and wouldn’t hurt to give Dani a bigger support system.  Would she and Diana like to come?
Vlad, meanwhile, has recovered and is pissed.  After shadowing Wonder Woman from a healthy distance, he finds out she’s supermodel Diana Prince.  Plasmius may not have been a match for Wonder Woman, but billionaire Vlad Masters is more than capable of taking some supermodel down a peg or two.
So, he approaches Diana at work, telling her he knows who she is and that he wants his “daughter” back.  His “minion” might not have been a match for her, but if she refuses to comply, he’ll ruin her career.
And she laughs.  Laughs right in his face.  Loudly.  Because she knows he’s bluffing.  A billionaire and supermodel isn’t anything new as far as the media is concerned; it’s a cliché.  But a deadbeat billionaire dad threatening to steal back an illegitimate child from an abandoned single mother?  After years of not paying any child support?  The media would eat something like that right up.  Something that could drop stock prices and ruin political careers.  That’s something anyone would be desperate to keep hushed up and out of the media spotlight, and she’ll drag him kicking and screaming into said spotlight if he comes anywhere near her daughter.  Or maybe the media would prefer to know the real story about his illegal cloning?  After all, that went over so well for Lex Luthor. 
Vlad leaves, and Diana makes a few calls.  First, she makes sure Clark heard everything in that conversation and sets him on the warpath against DalvCo if need be.  She gets Bruce up to speed, and if there’s one thing he’s in the best position to do, it’s to hit Vlad where it really hurts: his wallet.  Vlad was already a pretty scummy businessman.  Wayne Enterprises didn’t need much of an excuse to cancel or back out of business deals with him.
But Diana is still shaken up by the event, even if she’s not going to let it show.  Right now, she wants to send Dani away to Themyscira behind a wall of Amazons where she knows no one will be able to touch her, but Bruce and Louis talk her down.  Dani’s finally settling into a normal-ish life, and uprooting her now will not help her, and if push comes to shove, trying to whisk her away will not look good to the courts.  Louis knows a great lawyer, and Bruce is willing to foot the bill.
For Vlad, that did not go as expected at all.  He hadn’t expected her to know Danielle was a clone, and he doesn’t want Danielle to be public knowledge.  However, he has no intention of getting lawyers involved; she’d be expecting that.  No, he has something far more insidious planned.  It’s been decades since he’s attended one, but the Fenton Family Reunion should be coming up soon, and as far at that family is concerned, once a Fenton, always a Fenton.  She’s prepared to fight lawyers?  Well, Let’s see how she fares against an army of angry grandparents and disapproving aunts demanding that his poor child be returned to him once he sets the family on the warpath.
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Pride Celebrations Part Two!!!🎉🌈💖
Welcome to part two: the electric boogaloo! This time we bring you prompts! We have two rounds of prompts lined up, along with this wonderful bingo sheet. Big thanks to all of our wonderful community members who pitched in to help with these prompts!!!
DP and Dc characters first meet at pride where Batman was giving out hugs.
First hero ever phantom is known to go to pride events, and that so happens to be where he meets Batman for the first time.
Dani isn’t really a girl, but they aren’t really a boy. They just, are.
Bart forgets to tell the rest of young justice that he is gay, which may have become a problem when he was caught kissing Phantom on their date
Twitter is convinced Batman is dating Clark Kent, and Bruce Wayne is dating Superman.
Ace(possibly aro) Damian trying his damndest to date and it never going well cause he doesn't know wtf is up with his own head. Him either entering a qpr with someone/s or finding someone else who is ace.
Dani ends up in Bludhaven during June. Dick spots a small, lonely girl staring around in wonder. Things happen, particularly Dad!Dick activates.
Dan and Jason meeting at an Ace support group
Danny meets Battinson at pride, but both as heroes.
Bruce's kids finding him, in a bad disguise, at Pride with a new partner they've never met.
Lawyer!Jazz meets Selina while working for a non-profit firm, and they hit it off.
Wes and Bernard meet at a conspiracy convention.
Halfa Jason au where his ghost form manifests surprisingly feminine.
Dani meets a hot girl at the skatepark. 
It’s Amity’s first pride parade! It goes surprisingly well, but the justice league is called.
Amity's first Pride since the portal, and the ghosts all want to attend
The batkids only learn that Alfred is actually trans when Danny joins the household and Alfred's like “me too.”
Julia Pennyworth brings home her new girlfriend, Jazz Fenton.
Poindexter attends Pride and is finally able to feel accepted.
Katherine Kane and Sam Manson first met at a gala when it was interrupted by a rogue attack and they were the only two that did anything about it.
Tucker is the only one that can solve the Riddler’s questions. His reward is a dinner date.
Tucker goes to Gotham with one mission: get the gay Robin’s autograph. This proves harder than originally thought.
While working with Leslie Thompkins, Jazz meets Harper Row—part time doctor's assistant and part time vigilant.
Dash ends up going to Gotham U. Finally away from his dad's expectations, he lets himself explore the part of himself he had to keep buried. Dick runs into him at a gay bar and decides this obviously out of his depth guy needs support. Eventual Core Strength but only after Dick tries to help set Dash up with a date and realizes he's jealous.
A series of shenanigans where the batfam thinks that Jason is lying about having a boyfriend. Danny is a cryptid who keeps getting pulled away by either ghost king duties or general shenanigans.
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lapetitechatonne · 1 year
Slept on Ships P1: Space Princess
Slept on Ships: Space Princess; Silent Jasmines hello!! so after taking a look at the very long Batpham shipping chart and seeing so many slept on ship dynamics, i decided to start a series all about highlighting romantic and platonic dynamics that---in my professional opinion---deserve more love. i'll be starting with the first dp/dc ship i created: Space Princess.
Space Princess: Dani Phantom/Mar'i Grayson
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Relevant Background
so, in general, if you're not knee deep in the DC Fandom, you might now know who Mar'i Grayson, aka Nightstar, is. Mar'i Grayson is the daughter of Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing, and Koriand'r, aka Starfire, from Earth-22. she appears in the Kingdom Come series, where she has her own issue and everything! she's shown as protective of her family, like her father, and just as strong-willed as her mother.
if you'd like more info on Mar'i here's a like to the wiki article: Mar'i Grayson (Earth-22)
fun fact: in Kingdom Come, Dick and Kori are actually divorced, while in most fanfic, people portray them as together. Mar'i is also part of the Teen Titans on her earth, along with Lian Harper and Irey West.
in this post i'll be reference a few head canons such as; Dani being considered a Princess in a Ghost King Danny au and Dani possibly having an ice core (we don't know what core she has in canon.)
Why is the dynamic interesting?
they are prime Sun and Moon couple energy
Mar'i who lives her life in the sun as a public figure, her powers fuled by the sun and just as bright as her, while Dani hides in the shadows of society, lurking. giving Dani and ice core adds an extra layer of opposites.
they are equal parts soft sapphic girls, and battle hardened heroes. they're both incredibly capable political figures (in a Ghost King Danny Au) who always have to put up a front, they have to be the perfect leaders their kingdoms need them to be. they would understand each other in ways that other people couldn't
i also imagine them bonding over being the child of very famous/rich parents.
they also have colorful girlfriend and grunge girlfriend vibes.
Dani deserves to run Tameran like a fortune five hundred company while Mar'i is off being a superhero. the dynamic works strangely well for them.
Dick and Kori would love Dani, and if Mar'i doesn't marry her they're adopting her
Mar'i can be scary when she wants to, just like her mom. Dani thinks it's very hot.
Mar'i inherits her mother's height, which makes her both taller and stronger than Dani, and Dani would love it.
i like to imagine Dani having purple eyes or powers later down the road (since Vlad's are pink and Danny's are green/blue) which would make them almost opposites. it could be a fun story device to use.
A lot of people compare Mar'i to her mother, but realistically, i think she would be a lot like her dad's family, specifically Tim. it would be fun to explore the dynamics between Mar'i and Tim as niece and uncle, and they dynamic between Mar'i and Damian as sort of siblings (yes, i am a 'Dick Grayson is Damian Wayne's dad' fan). it could be prime real estate for a little bit of Danny/Damian or Dan/Tim or Jazz/Cass on the side.
Mar'i inherited her mom/dad's anger, and he Uncle Tim's ability to compartmentalize her feelings until she breaks. enough said.
through Mar'i, and by extension the batfam, Dani learns what real love looks like. she finally understands how abusive Vlad was to her. this could be in the context of a Vlad trying to redem himself, or a Vlad trying to manipulate Dani back into his life, but now she knows better.
with how much Mar'i hung around Raven as a kid, it would be interesting if Mar'i knew that Dani was not normal before everyone else. maybe Mar'i even knows a little bit of magic.
Some Prompt Ideas
a photographer and model au
Dani joins the Teen Titans and meets Nightstar
Vlad and Bruce are business rivals, but neither Dani or Mar'i particularly care and get together anyways.
Mar'i sees a clip of Dani in her ghost form with her green powers and thinks she's Tameranian. Mar'i channels her inner Uncle Tim and goes all detective to find Dani.
Dani is a mechanic and Mar'i is a student who refuses to get her very old car replaced.
Mar'i gets lost in the Zone after the destruction of her universe. She had no idea what to do or where to go. Dani finds her, and together they traverse worlds they were never meant to see.
Fic Recs
(i will admit the second one is self-promotion but i'm working with a small pool of fics lol)
Our Love Will Last Us by foldingfacets (READ THE TAGS)
Dani fell in love with the hot girl who watched her smash her skateboard into a dude without care. Little did she know the girl saw her first and fell in love faster. Maybe, just maybe, Dani doesn't have to be alone anymore. Maybe Mar'i would stay.
Can I have this Dance? by petitechatonne
When Dani goes to a gala with Sam, originally intent on keeping her friend company, she meets someone who sweeps her off her feet. Literally.
Pintrest Boards
this paring has the ability to be cute and horrifyingly angsty at the same time, with a good helping of family chaos on the side!!! i will admit i'm quite bias about this one as the first ship i really made, but i also think they have the potential to have interesting and complex stories. there aren't enough sapphic pairings in the dp/dc fandom and yes, i am trying to single-handedly change that. join the revolution today!!!
-- find the wonder in creating. love, Kate💗
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zahri-melitor · 10 months
New(ish) Comics (this is the best week of the month, no lie)
Batman – Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1: this is fun. I like the way Bruce and Damian are written together. I am annoyed Babs is out as Batgirl. I'm amused that Tim is very specifically excluded from the story that involves real Santa given he'd not be wondering 'ooh oooh is Santa real' like Dick is here.
Someone had better give Darkseid some coal, is all I can say.
Batman #139: …so we really are running Batman and Batman & Robin with contradictory plots right now. Cmon. There was even a way to finagle this so that Damian could be living with Bruce and have Zdarsky’s plot still work! Grump.
“I’m coming for you, Joker. I’m coming for all three of you. For the last time.” (actually there’s a printing error in this line and the letterer has ‘For the the last time’) I disbelieve this Zdarsky, sorry, though if you could figure out a way to get Joker out of the Bat books for a few years I think everyone would enjoy that.
Now that aside, I do want to note that apparently my decision to (re)read all of Henri Ducard’s appearances seems to have been prescient, given Zdarsky has just referred to ‘manhunting’, ‘training when I was young’ and ‘Paris’ all together. That’s Ducard. That trio is 100% Ducard. Sounds like I need to finish Henri Ducard’s post-2016 appearances, which I was delaying. So Batman: The Detective and Batman: The Knight are jumping up my reading list. (And a quick look at ‘Lucie Chesson’ says she’s from Batman: The Knight, so yep, gotta read)
Joker + dolls always makes me think of NML Endgame, personally.
Birds of Prey #3: Damn this continues to just be a solid read. Thompson keeps hitting yet another 'look I can be trusted' target every issue.
I could do with at least 30% less Harley commentary in this book, but I do acknowledge that at least half the team are unlikely to talk much in a combat situation. Future!Maps is cute and as I slowly approach Maps content I’m excited to meet her more. Also… SIN MY SWEETHEART. I have been waiting for this hug for SIXTEEN YEARS. (Literally. I was in DC fandom in 2007 when they were torn apart). Also loooooooooool Ollie got curbstomped by Diana, sucks to be you Ollie.
Blue Beetle #3: Oh I couldn’t help myself (in terms of how many panels I already posted), but Blue Beetle is doing such interesting things right now. Victoria’s finally being acknowledged on page as being super sus and villainous (rather than just slinking around being sus and concerning me deeply). I’m getting more and more worried about the identity of the Red Beetle. We got Traci back! Which from what I hear means that Trujillo is glossing over some of Traci’s recent characterisation, but we’ll see how this tracks (and in any case, re-establishing Jaime’s connections to the magic/dark side of DC via Traci is helpful if we’re about to do a Dan Garrett story).
Free my girl Dani Garrett if we’re doing a Dan Garrett storyline, she’s an autistic mildly amoral archaeologist and I desperately, DESPERATELY want to see her arguing with Victoria Kord over who ‘owns’ the scarab while Jaime’s standing in the middle going ‘excuse me nobody owns Khaji Da, it’s its own being! And my friend!’
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #3: hello Jimmy Olsen! Hello Turtle Jimmy lore! (I love how silly this book is. I do enjoy JLI stuff that doesn’t take itself seriously) I’m getting attached to a few of the new villains, particularly Linka Grodd.
Shazam! #5: MARY SIGHTING. Darla remains tiny and adorable and I love her too. This comic remains committed to ridiculous fun villains (and Waid and Mora have apparently been off raiding the ‘underused weird Silver Age villains’ list). Mr Dinosaur is an amazing addition to the canon. (And yes. Billy rebuilt the moon. Oh Shazam!) Also I see we are still back firmly in the ‘jealous Freddie’ plot that’s been hanging around for a while.
Warlord #25: this week we check back in with Tara, Mariah and Machiste. Grell’s done some fabulous art for the splash page that I really really like.
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Travis is fighting *checks notes* snow giants as he's still too ashamed to come hang out with his friends and partner after the whole 'I killed Joshua' incident a few issues back. He's also cutting all sort of things with his Damascus Steel sword which I have to remind everyone and note is highly suspicious damascus steel, because it's made from a RIFLE and there is no way the type of steel used was able to be worked as damascene, given it likely was alloyed wrong.
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I love Ashir here (the guy actually wearing clothes) as firstly, look! A rare appearance of someone with most of their skin covered! Secondly, Travis' burn of "I didn't know you had character".
Anyway, Travis is moping a bit here about being a lone warrior. You could go and hang out with your friends any time you want, Travis. You're the one who left, not them.
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tea-and-vodka · 2 years
Okay I know I'm still being metaphorically crushed by my last post but I need to get these thoughts out there- I already halted posting a different DP x DC post because that last one startled me bUT LISTEN-
Okay so it's one of those parallel timeline things, and the Danny Phantom timeline/s is parallel to the Batman one/s attached to this idea. Everyone's got their alternate version in the different universe:
Danny: Damian
Jazz: Babs
Jack Fenton: Bruce
Madeline Fenton: Harley Quinn (stay with me here-)
Dani: Jason (I'm sorry but also I like this concept)
Sam: Cass
Tucker: Duke
And finally, my personal favorite that ties the story together: Vlad is the alternate Joker.
Because listen! Didn't Harley, Bruce, and Joker go to college together? Just like Maddie, Jack, and Vlad! And also, two of them ended up in a relationship (though Bruce isn't ever really pining for either of them). Also I think it's very funny.
(I don't have any good ideas for who else would be who I'm sorry)
There's some sort of inciting incident that causes the barriers between the two worlds to become blurred, and everyone starts meeting with Danny and someone else from his world of your choosing accidentally crashing into the DC side of things.
Eventually, the Joker and Danny end up somehow crossing paths, and there's a bleed-through across timelines from Vlad into Joker, causing him to suddenly get a rush of [keep protect mine son protect take mine want take keep mINE-] that's directed at Danny, causing a whole new slew of problems.
Also I just really like the idea of Bruce meeting his other-timeline, himbo self in the form of Danny being in danger (again), and hearing from the other side of a very sturdy wall (concrete, Superman-proof, take your pick), "NO WALL CAN STOP JACK FENTON-" and him crashing through it Cool Aid Man style. (Yes that's someone else's idea, I can't remember who they are but I would credit them if I could because I think about that part of their post almost every day and it takes up space rent-free in my brain)
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dp-marvel94 · 1 year
(Not) Alone - Chapter 6
Summary: Consumed with worry and scared after watching Dani almost die, Danny begs her to come home with him and meet Jazz. He wants to see her safe and happy and taken care of more than anything. An important reveal also weighs heavy on him – Dani isn’t the only living clone… and the other is him. He needs to tell her the truth; maybe that will convince her to agree to the idea of telling his parents. And she'll stay in Amity Park with him, where he'll never have to worry if she's safe ever again.
Meanwhile, Dani has mixed feelings. Still reeling from the loss of her clone siblings, Danny’s unexpected worry and care make her uncomfortable. And her own guilt… she hurt him and helped get him kidnapped twice. How can he care about a mistake like her? But having clean clothes and a bed is wonderful. And things aren’t as simple as she thinks.
Will Dani accept the help she needs and let herself be loved? Or will she push Danny and Jazz away and run again?
Word Count: 3,706
First-> Previous -> Next
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Morning dawned, golden light wafting through the blinds. Slowly, Dani drifted to wakefulness. Warm covers, soft mattress, fluffy pillow… The girl rolled over, letting out a pleasantly sleepy groan. She blinked once, twice. Eyes finally opening to… 
An unfamiliar beige wall, a framed picture of a lake and trees
“Wha…” Dani’s brow furrowed.
Oh, Right. She was in the Fentons’ guestroom. She’d come back here with Danny after Vlad’s. 
Danny… Dami. The impossible reality hit her.
Damian, one of her clone brothers….. he was still alive. He was stable, a half ghost like her. She spent the entire day with him, at the mall, in public. She’d never even dreamed of that happening. An awed smile dawned on her face. They’d talked, eaten together, shopped. It had been incredible! Wonderful! Amazing! She’d been gifted with this impossible miracle.
But…. the familiarity with Jazz, Dami’s comment about the Phantom plushie (He ‘didn’t authorize’ it.... He was so different.) Jazz had gone to the mall with them too and she was pretty cool. (But her other brothers weren’t…. They still weren’t here…)
She pushed the sad thought away. No. It was okay. Great even! She had her brother and that was more than enough (even if he was different). Still, the question…. What would come next? (She’d almost died. She’d yelled at Dami. He’d asked her about meeting ‘their Mom and Dad.’)
But despite her dawning worries, Dani felt pretty good. She was stable, she was safe, she had her brother, and… she’d figure the rest out.
At breakfast, Jazz asked. “Do you want to stay a few days? Mom and Dad won’t be back from Aunt Alicia’s for another week.” 
“It’s summer break. We don’t have school to worry about.” Dami added. “We can go out and do whatever you want.” Both teen’s eyes were soft, with more than a hint of pleading. 
Dani frowned, hesitating. She had a suspicion what this was, a ploy to convince her to remain long enough to meet the Drs Fenton. And maybe even to stay more permanently. (Because they felt responsible for her; they had to take care of the poor, pathetic clone girl). 
The girl pushed the dark, ugly thought away with a scowl. No, that wasn’t true. The two older teens…. Dami at least… didn’t think that. (But… did Danny?)
Dani forced a smile, shrugging. “Sure. It could be fun.”
 A few more days couldn’t hurt, right? There were so many more things to see and do here. It would be loads of fun! Plus a few more days of delicious, free food (that she wouldn’t have to steal). And that super comfy bed to sleep in (instead of the ground.) And she’d have more time to bond with Dami (Danny, a small part of her reminded). And maybe with Jazz too? It would be so great!
(She wouldn’t have to be alone anymore.)
“Awesome!” Her brother smiled. “What do you want to do today?”
Dani’s brow furrowed, considering for a long moment. “I wanna ride a rollercoaster?” The girl finally asked.
Dami and Jazz look at each other. The boy gave the red-head a grin. “That sounds awesome. Jazz?”
The older teen smiled. “Oh. I think we can make that happen.”
Much like the previous day, Dani helped the older two teens with the dishes. Again, they piled into the red-head’s car and drove off. 
Arriving, Jazz parked and the three got out of the vehicle, walking towards the gates. 
“Three tickets please.” The red-head asked. 
They rode Dani’s coaster first.
“We have to ride the Ferris Wheel!” Jazz practically dragged the two half ghosts to the ride. The wheel turned, the three arriving to the top. “You can see everything from up here! Isn’t it beautiful?” 
The two half ghosts traded unimpressed looks. “We can both fly higher than this.” Dami muttered.
“You have to try fried oreos.” Dami implored, handing the younger girl the paper carton.
Dani took a bit through the crispy fried batter, teeth sinking into the center. The warm, sweet middle melted on her tongue. Her eyes popped wide. “Tis iss a’esoome.” She gushed through her full mouth. 
(She wished Muscles was here to try this too.)
“Bum-per-cars! Bum-per-cars! Bum-per-cars!” Dani cheered, running to the gate.
She laughed maniacally and slammed into the older teen.
Jazz’s eyes widened, face indignant as she backed up.
Dani cackled, spotting her brother. Another target! 
His eyes wide, he sped away…
“Take that, you little twirp!” Jazz slammed right into her.
The next few days were full of adventure.
Dami and Jazz took her to the Zoo….
“That tickles!” The girl giggled, holding a branch up to the giraffe. The long tongue brushed her fingers and she loved it! (Would Daniel have liked this too?)….
“Hey there, Deliah.” The ghost boy smiled at the purple-back gorilla. He sighed wistfully, watching the creature scratch her backside. “Did I tell you about the time she beat up Skulker?” A scowl. “No, I don’t mean Ghost X, Jazz.”.....
It started to drizzle as they moved to the chimpanzee enclosure. Still, Jazz grinned. “Oh, this is great! Maybe we’ll get to see the chimps rain dancing.”
Dani furrowed her brow. “Dancing… chimps? Really?”
“No! I’m serious!” Jazz insisted. “Chimpanzees have been observed to rhythmically sway in the rain, as if dancing. It’s a behavior not clearly linked to gathering food, finding a mate, or maintaining status in their trope. And it’s not just dancing! In 2015, researchers found four populations of wild chimps in West Africa where individuals habitually hit and throw rocks against trees or toss them into hollow tree cavities. This led to stone accumulation in the sites, reminiscent of human cairns.”
Dami side-eyed her. “What’s a cairn?”
“It’s a man-made pile of stones, created for some kind of purpose, often a ritual one like a burial mound.”
“So…  the chimps were making piles of rocks?” The youngest frowned skeptically. “So what?”
“There’s strong similarities to human ritual practices: the association of a particular location with a collection of artifacts over time, and ritualized behavior patterns. It could even be considered ‘quasi religious’ though I think that’s over-reaching. But still it’s so exciting! This could have implications for our understanding of the origin of human ritual sites!”
Dami and Dani traded looks. “Still not that exciting.” The boy crossed his arms.
“Well.” Jazz lifted her chin haughtily, turning. “You two just have no spirit of discovery.” She stomped away, intent on watching the chimpanzees dance in the rain.....
The three visited the Amity Park History Museum. Dami and his friends took her to the Nasty Burger. Jazz took her to the library. 
All the while, it did feel like she was being wooed. They were trying to butter her up, to show her how good things were here.  They were trying to show how much fun they would have together…
“Snowball fight!” In the Fenton’s back yard, Dami threw a ball of snow at the younger half ghost.
“No fair! I don’t have ice powers!” The girl argued, ducking behind the tool shed.
“Not yet!” Another snow ball… then his hand rested on his chin thoughtfully. “We should probably have Frostbite check on your core to make sure though.”
“Check this!” 
Making do, Dani threw a ball of dirt at him. 
The soil impacted with a thwump, Dami’s mouth falling open in mock offense. Within minutes, they were covered in mud and chunks of melting ice. Both laughing, they panted in the grass, staring up at the clouds. (Vlad’s garden, laying on the grass with Muscles, Bones, Tiny beside her. Her heart ached….)
Dami showed her his model rockets and they played with her plastic dinosaurs together. Jazz brought out her old Barbie dolls and they played marine biologist, therapist and patient, and a fancy tea party planning to assassinate the PTA chairwoman. 
Her older brother took her flying. He showed off his powers, taught her new ones. “Hold your hands like this…. Now pull from your core.”
“Like this?” Ectoenergy danced on her fingers.
“Exactly. Now… make it solid, like a wall. Nothing’s getting past you.”
Dani’s brow furrowed, picturing a shield in front of her. Earlier, he’d shown her his shield; she’d felt its shimmering solidity. The sensation…. It buzzed under her fingers. Steady, stable, familiar.
The green barrier popped into existence. “I did it!” 
“Good job!” The boy’s hand enthusiastically swung forward to high five her... “Umph.” Only to impact the shield. “Yep. It’s solid.” Dami grinned sheepishly.
This was everything she could have here by her brother’s side. Everything she could learn from him.
“Take that, tin can!” Dami lobbed a bolt of ice at Skulker. 
The metallic ghost dodged. “As if I’d fall for that again, welp.” A missile shot from his back, diving for the pavement.
“Ghost boy!” An excited teen girl yelled below.
“What are you doing?” Said ghost boy shouted. “Run!”
Eyes suddenly wide and alarmed, the teen obeyed. “Ah! My ankle.” She tripped over some debris.
“Shit.” Dami muttered. In a blink, he dove, reaching her just in time. His hand gripped her shoulder, turning them both intangible just as the missile exploded. 
“You saved me, Phantom!”
The ghost boy grabbed the teen under the arms, zooming away from Skulker. “For the last time, stay away from ghost fights!”
He dropped her off behind a car, returning to the fight.
Another ectoblast shot at the metal ghost. “Dani! Now.” The boy shouted.
“Don’t try to distract me with-”
The girl shot a blast from behind, distracting Skulker long enough for her brother to get him in the thermos.
Dami let her help out in ghost fights. He took her stargazing above the clouds.
“You see that really bright star there?”
“Yeah?” Dani’s finger pointed.
“That’s Polaris, the North Star. And if you look to the left a bit… yeah, there.…that’s the tail of Ursa Minor….”
Her brother taught her constellations and told her stories. He laughed, sharing snacks with her. Just them and the stars.
And Dani loved it. She loved learning, exploring, just spending time with her brother (and even Jazz). Maybe she didn’t mind so much, being wooed. The longer she stayed, the more comfortable she felt. 
And yet….
The bed was comfortable but it still felt strange, waking up in the same room everyday. Walking passed the door to the Master Bedroom. The closed lab. The family pictures in the Living Room. This wasn’t just Jazz and Danny’s home but… Jack and Maddie Fenton’s too.
Dani pretended she didn’t hear the conversation behind closed doors.
“Mom and Dad are going to be back on Monday.” Jazz’s hushed voice
“I know.” Dami, quiet, more than a hint of dread. “We need to talk to her, don’t we?”
“You need to talk to her.” Pointedly.
“Me!?” His voice cracked. “But you’re better at that stuff Jazz. You-” 
“It needs to be you. She trusts you more than me.” The crossed arms were audible. “And meeting Mom and Dad isn’t the only thing you two need to talk about.”
“What?” Almost sheepish.
“I’m not deaf, Danny. I heard what she said to you before you told her about the fusion. She’s putting on a brave face but-”
Dani walked away before she could hear more.
Those pictures… Jack and Maddie Fenton, tender eyes on each other in their colorful jumpsuits. Jazz and Danny as little kids, grinning at the camera in their dress and tiny suit. And the four together, the parents - faces bright with laughter- wrapped arms around their children, each's cheeks red with embarrassment and yet still…. Both smiled, not-so-secretly pleased.
Family Photos. These were family photos. (Photos Dani didn’t belong in. Couldn’t belong in). The thought of meeting the Fenton parents sent a knot of dread through her. But still… 
Dani had Dami and Jazz and they were both so good to her. They paid attention to her, spend time with her. She wasn’t alone. She was safe here, safe from Vlad. (Guilt snapped… No, none of what had happened, what he had convinced her to do, was her fault.) And she was happy. 
Everything was great….
“That is it.” Jazz crossed her arms. “We are going shopping today and we’re getting you your own clothes and shoes.”
“I have my own shoes.” Dani complained. The trusty tennis shoes she’d been wearing when she arrived in Amity Park, swiped from a thrift store after her first pair literally fell apart.
“They literally have a hole in the toe.” Dami crossed his arms too.
The clone girl scowled. “The hand-me-downs are fine!” She pouted, eyes staring down at said hand-me-downs, all the way to Jazz’s car…. “I don’t need new clothes.” During the car ride… “I’m fine. You don’t have to buy me stuff.” Into the mall… “I don’t want stupid new shoes.”  Down the long hall and into the shoe store. “You’re just gonna be wasting your money.”
The protests were ignored, the red-head single-mindedly leading her by the hand to a bench. Dani gritted her teeth. So she was being ignored, huh? She weakly pulled at the hand holding her, with half a mind to intangibly slip away. But… no. She wouldn’t do that. (Dami’s panicked face when he thought she’d run away again flashed in her mind.) No. She wouldn’t do that to him.
“Sit.” Jazz instructed, pointing down.
One last try… Dani fixed wide pleading eyes on her brother, looking for an ally. Someone to put a stop to this and insist they go out for ice cream instead.
No such luck. The boy pointed to the seat too, face just as serious as the older teens. 
“Traitor.” The clone girl muttered, sitting with a huff.
Fine. She’d just do what the other two want then. It was fine. (That everything being great didn’t last that long, huh?)
Jazz used the metal shoe-size measuring thing to figure out Dani’s size. Then, the older two teens offered various shoes to try on, much to Dani’s complaints. Sparkly Mary Janes? Really?
Dani hated (or at least pretended to hate) every option and yet, Jazz would not take no for an answer. “I refuse to let my little sister leave here without at least one new pair of shoes.”
The younger girl wrinkled her nose. Her? Jazz’s little sister? No way…. Part of her recoiled at the thought. Just like she thought before, letting Jazz and Dami buy her fun stuff was one thing but this was too much, too serious. They were trying to take care of her again. (Like she deserved that. This week… even… even getting to have fun and not be alone was too much, too good for a mistake like-)
No. Was this really such a bad thing, being taken care of, being helped? (Being loved?)
In the end, she didn’t say anything more.
Danielle accepted the shoes with minimal argument. And she barely complained when Jazz dragged her clothes shopping. It was… actually kinda fun, like playing dress up. But only kinda.
After picking out some basics - jeans, t-shirts, a new hoodie, underwear, socks, and something Jazz called a ‘training bra’- Jazz had offered a dress. It was pink and sleeveless, cinching at the waist and falling to her knees.
Dani frowned into the mirror, head turning side to side as she studied herself. The girl swiveled at the waist, watching the skirt flare. Gently, she took her hair down out of its ponytail. It fell to her shoulders, and she gave a full twirl this time (like she’d seen Barbie do in the movie). 
“Dani! Let us see!” Jazz cheered from outside the stall.
Swallowing nervously, the girl opened the door. “Ta-Da?” She spread her hands.
“You look so pretty.” The red-head clapped. “Danny, look!”
The boy looked up from his phone; he’d quickly gotten bored while Jazz picked out clothes for her to try out. And yet he still smiled, eyes lighting up as he saw her. “Looks great, sis.”
Dani swiveled nervously. “You think so?”
Both teens nodded, the affirmatives easing some of the tension in her chest. 
“Do you like it, Dani?” Jazz asked, tone earnest.
The younger clone turned to the mirror, staring at herself again. With her face clean of dirt, her hair brushed and clean, wearing this dress… she almost didn’t recognize herself in the mirror. She looked like a different person. And…. something in her relaxed, the corners of her lips turning up. She thought she liked the person she saw.
Dani turned back. “I think I do.” She finally smiled.
“We’ll buy it too then.” The oldest teen said. “Do you want to try out anything else? Or go anywhere else?”
The youngest girl’s brow furrowed, considering. “Can we go to that dark store with the loud music? The one with the skeleton in a suit in the window?” (Bones… her heart whispered sadly, imagining her clone brother in his favorite bedsheet.)
Both older siblings laughed, Dami rolling his eyes. “Yes, we can go to HotTopic. Sam’s going to love that when I tell her.”
“What? Why?” Dani’s brow furrowed.
“It’s her favorite.” The boy wiggled his fingers. “Since it’s so dark and moody.” At the continued confusion. “She’s goth.”
The girl nodded, still not quite understanding. What was a goth?
Still, she quickly took off the dress and put back on the hand-me-downs. The three gathered all the clothes and bought them at the register.
Walking through the doors of HotTopic- It was even better on the inside! Dani didn’t even know what half the things were but they were cool. There were dresses with spiderwebs and bats and galaxies. T-shirts with all things spooky and weird- including ghosts to her and Dami’s excitement and Jazz’s groan. And so much jewelry in different shapes and colors. Danny and her looked through the clearance rack and found matching black shirts with giant red spiders. 
“It’s Spiderman!” Dani cheered. (She knew who Spiderman was, at least!)
“We should get them.” The boy suggested, pulling out a third. “There’s another one. This’ll fit Jazz, right?” 
He shoved it at the red-head who eyed it suspiciously. She took the garment and held it in front of herself. “Yes. It would?” She frowned. “I don’t even like Spiderman though.”
“How do you not like Spiderman?!” Dami argued, offended. “Even Dani likes Spiderman.”
“Yeah!” The younger girl agreed. “Hey, wait…” That felt a bit like she’d been insulted.
“Okay. I’m ambivalent to Spiderman.” Jazz huffed.
“I don’t know what you being able to write with either hand has to do with this.” Dami countered smartly. “But I can’t tolerate this wishy-washy attitude towards the best superhero ever.”
“Good grief.” The older girl snatched up all three shirts. “I’m just going to buy them so you shut up.”
The boy followed, a victorious gleam in his eyes.
Dani hurried after, poking him in the arm. “Spiderman is really cool, but…” She remembered their first mall visit, the Amity Park store with all its Danny Phantom merch. Her brother holding the plushie… his tiny likeness, nose wrinkled suspiciously. Her voice lowered conspiratorially. “Danny Phantom’s definitely the best superhero ever.”
He stopped, looking down at her. His eyes crinkled, an authentic affection. “Have I told you you’re my favorite sister today?”
The younger girl smiled up at him, her heart warming. She took his hand and very softly…. “You’re my favorite brother…” A hesitation, which name to use? Part of her heart said Damian, as she’d said this whole week. But…. “Danny.” She finally said. Danny Phantom, the ghost boy she’d fought Skulker with, who just taught her how to make shields.
She still didn’t understand at all but he was both. Damian and Danny. And Danny wasn’t so bad.…
Her brother’s eyes rounded and softened. He squeezed her hand back, not commenting on the name. But still there was something… a gentle gratitude on his face. 
Then giving Danielle another smile, Danny looked forward…. “Hey Jazz, can we get ice cream?”
Back in the food court, the three finished the trip with ice cream.
Like earlier, doubts and questions, guilt and shame, still lingered in Dani’s core. So many thoughts and worries (things she probably needed to talk to Danny about)…. 
But finally giving into the older two teens' desire to buy her her own clothes and letting herself enjoy the experience. Finally calling her brother by his other (first? real?) name, Danny.... 
It was like, some of the weight was lifted from her shoulders, a new peace countering the pain in her heart.
Maybe, Danny had noticed that new lightness in her too. “Enjoying your ice cream?” He asked, a freer, more easy jovialness in his voice. (Like just seeing her happier made him happier)
The girl nodded enthusiastically. “Cotton Candy is the best!”
The boy laughed, eyes sparkling teasingly. “You haven’t even tried mint chip yet.” 
The two bantered for a bit about ice cream flavors, Dani squealing indignantly as Danny ruffled her hair with sticky fingers. He grinned smugly… then let out his own offended squawk at the youngers’ sticky fingered assault.
Luckily, Jazz intervened before any ice cream could be spilled. “Stop! You’ll get drips all over your clothes.”
The boy sobered slightly. Then, popping the end of the cone in his mouth… “Hey, do you want to go to the park with me tonight?” He asked Dani. 
“Sure.” The clone girl nodded. Then… “Why tonight?”
The boy shrugged. “There’s something extra fun about hanging out there after dark. Not having to share it with anyone.” He smiled down at her, excitement shining in his eyes. But then… “There’s just… something special when the park’s dark and quiet. The wind’s blowing through the trees, the fireflies are out. And the stars…” A quiet reverence, a strange wistfulness lingered in the words. And when he met her eyes… “I really want you to see it.” 
Dani couldn’t say no. Despite the odd seriousness and intensity… (There was more to this than just sitting on the swings and riding down the slide in the dark, wasn’t there?). The girl couldn’t help but smile, her heart filled with warmth. “I’d love to.” 
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Whoopsie Danny made a Halfa
Normally, I delete the prompt list after figuring out what to do with them, but I feel like you guys should see this one. halfa dick, danny x sam x tucker, good parents maddie and jack, danny x dick, injury, blind date, psychiatrist jazz, cryptic clockwork. And this isn't even my craziest or most difficult list I've gotten from the prompt wheel. I did drop "no romance" and "danny x damian" because I feel like that's going beyond my abilities to bs a prompt into existence. Also, it would be weird for damian and dick to date/have dated the same person.
Enjoy the prompt!
Danny, Sam, and Tucker have moved out of Amity Park to Metropolis or Gotham. Jazz moved to Bludhaven.
On a video call with Jazz, Dani, Danny's parents, Danny notices a green sticky note appear behind his parents. Jack reads the note that basically says that Danny should look out for injured birds.
While visiting Jazz in Bludhaven, Danny finds a very injured Nightwing and tries to help him. He gets him to Jazz's apartment because it's close, and they get to work. What they're doing isn't helping. So, Danny reflexively taps into the little amount of ecto that is slowly making Nightwing liminal and accidently pores in too much ecto right as his heart stops.
Then, Nightwing's alive. Sorta. Not quite. Danny might have turned him into a halfa. Just a little bit. Ok, it was probably completely his fault. Danny gets sucked into teaching the new halfa about how his new powers work.
Meanwhile, Sam and Tucker are trying to convince him to meet this cute guy they want to add into their polycule. Come on, Jazz has already met and done the entire Older Sister routine!
Danny finally caves and goes on a blind date with the guy. They hit it off. Now, Dick just has to figure out how to get his partners to realize that he's Nightwing without everything getting weird. Oh, and avoid the awkwardness that comes with them trying to tell him about Danny being a halfa.
It's really too bad that Jazz decided to team up with Dani for a little light hazing. Nothing says "welcome to the family" more than preventing the new guy from being able to share secrets with his significant others.
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batfambitches · 8 months
Jason Todd; Robin Red Hood:
Tumblr media
Age: 22 (generally, flexible)
Alias: Red Hood
Jason has ADHD
Jason Todd had a less than ideal childhood, a father locked in jail and a drug addict mother who seemed to love him back lacked the ability to care for either of them. He was just a child when he got caught up in the craziness that was Bruce's world, unknown to him? After her encounter with him Talia orchestrated it so that he would come across Bruce, what she didn't plan for was him stealing the tires off the batmobile. She was both pleasantly impressed and amused by the antics. He did manage to catch Bruce's attention and eventually he became the new Robin, which was what eventually lead to his death.
When he was resurrected about 6 months after his death it wasn't complete, his body was alive and his mind had the vague memories of his life but he was a remnant of his former self; his soul had failed to come back with him. Talia was the one who scooped him up from where he was and tossed his body into the pit in hopes of fixing him, and it worked. His soul was able to reunite with his body, though there was a latent rage that some got from use of The Pits and he had to work to overcome that.
Well with Talia working on his Pit Rage he met Damian a few times and Aidan once (@aidanwaynealghul), though most of his time with Talia is a hazy so he figured he was just remembering wrong with the vague memory of Damian being lighter with blue eyes. Then he met Danielle Master Phantom and things started to come to light, it wasn't until she mentioned Amity on accident that he finally started putting the pieces together. She had gone off to apparently go to some coronation before he "came to drag her back to Amity", and that was after she destroyed his TV on impulse when Vald Masters came on the screen. That was all he needed to ask Barbara to look into her for him.
What she found was a a lot of jumbled disconnected information, but when Jason saw the image of Aidan with what seemed to be a couple of friends his memories became just a bit clearer. He was labeled as "Daniel 'Danny' James Fenton", but he looked so much like Damian even Barb saw it when she was showing him what she found.
When Dani came back Barbara got to meet her, and they got out of her who exactly she was and why she looked like a copy of Aidan. He'd half died in an accident similar to one Vlad Masters had and it made him obsessed with making him his son, which led to a cloning attempt that ended with Dani as the only stable clone. He told her she had 3 months to talk to Danny before he went to Bruce and Damian.
Before that could come about though Danny ended up telling his parents about his condition and they reacted as well as most would expect them to. When they began 'trying to free their son of the ghost possessing him' Dani felt it, as the only family he actually knew or cared about that was dead or half dead? The realm considered her his heir, and when he was being hurt by The Fentons she could feel both that and The Infinite Realm trying to call her back.
Jason in his panic brought her to the cave, at the explanation given Damian was both angry and ready to run off to find Danny. It was only Bruce telling him they needed a plan or Aidan could be in even more danger that stopped him, Jason was more worried about making sure that Dani was alright and threatening the other's for the sly comments they made about him being like Bruce for taking her in. "Not my fault she pulled a Tim and refused to leave" being said more than once in the days following.
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